59 Hamburg Turnpike Pompton Lakes, NJ 07442 973-835-0541 www.pomptonreformed.org October, 2014 Undiscovered Gems Dear PRC Family, For the past four years I've had this shoebox that I kept shifting around. Underneath the bed, down to a basement table, into the trunk of the car, over to my study, onto a shelf in the church library, back home againNo need to open it; I knew what it contained--maps and news clippings, a couple paperback books, photographs...I thought. Then, several days before writing this article, I open it, to find several small journals I had purchased and misplaced, unopened music CDs, an envelope with cash, new guitar strings, several magic tricks I was learning, missing photographs and letters. In other words, a small treasure chest of delight! Here's how I tie that discovery to our faith journey: Sitting around you any Sunday are all sorts of undiscovered human gems--with gifts and abilities and stories that have not fully been tapped. What if you were to muster the courage some Sunday to say, "You know, I've seen you over the years. We have exchanged greetings. But I know so little about you. I'd value the chance to know you better." The door to a new level of friendship is opened. As you read this, there are undiscovered gems in our midst, with gifts to serve in the office of deacon or elder. You've been reading of the nomination process in recent weeks. Look around, and give your written nominations to congregational representative Drew Altorfer. Your voice and your vote are vital. Other undiscovered gems are key insights and guidance from God's Word. Sometimes you light upon a Bible passage you have heard or read before, and passed over. Now, it's just the right word at the right time. This Book holds hope and wisdom as nothing else. Just like that shoebox, however, it needs to be opened before you discover what awaits youeven if you thought you already knew! October is a full month in the life of PRC! Here is word of our first-in-many-years- men's potluck supper. Thursday, October 23 from 6:30 - 7:45 or so. Pizza and casseroles, salad and chicken wings, veggie platters and chips, beverages and good conversations. It promises to be one memorable evening. PRC women held a potluck weeks back, and it was a grand event. Who knows--our church kitchen dishwasher is operative again--we may even use the good china! If you are a male, come enjoy. No age limit, and guests are welcome! Enjoy this issue. Serving Christ with you continues to be a gift, Pastor Tom Bartha

59 Hamburg Turnpike Pompton Lakes, NJ 07442 973-835-0541 ...pomptonreformed.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/October2014Ne… · 59 Hamburg Turnpike Pompton Lakes, NJ 07442 973-835-0541

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59 Hamburg Turnpike Pompton Lakes, NJ 07442

973-835-0541 www.pomptonreformed.org

October, 2014

Undiscovered Gems Dear PRC Family, For the past four years I've had this shoebox that I kept shifting around. Underneath the bed, down to a basement table, into the trunk of the car, over to my study, onto a shelf in the church library, back home again… No need to open it; I knew what it contained--maps and news clippings, a couple paperback books, photographs...I thought. Then, several days before writing this article, I open it, to find several small journals I had purchased and misplaced, unopened music CDs, an envelope with cash, new guitar strings, several magic tricks I was learning, missing photographs and letters. In other words, a small treasure chest of delight! Here's how I tie that discovery to our faith journey: Sitting around you any Sunday are all sorts of undiscovered human gems--with gifts and abilities and stories that have not fully been tapped. What if you were to muster the courage some Sunday to say, "You know, I've seen you over the years. We have exchanged greetings. But I know so little about you. I'd value the chance to know you better." The door to a new level of friendship is opened. As you read this, there are undiscovered gems in our midst, with gifts to serve in the office of deacon or elder. You've been reading of the nomination process in recent weeks. Look around, and give your written nominations to congregational representative Drew Altorfer. Your voice and your vote are vital. Other undiscovered gems are key insights and guidance from God's Word. Sometimes you light upon a Bible passage you have heard or read before, and passed over. Now, it's just the right word at the right time. This Book holds hope and wisdom as nothing else. Just like that shoebox, however, it needs to be opened before you discover what awaits you…even if you thought you already knew! October is a full month in the life of PRC! Here is word of our first-in-many-years- men's potluck supper. Thursday, October 23 from 6:30 - 7:45 or so. Pizza and casseroles, salad and chicken wings, veggie platters and chips, beverages and good conversations. It promises to be one memorable evening. PRC women held a potluck weeks back, and it was a grand event. Who knows--our church kitchen dishwasher is operative again--we may even use the good china! If you are a male, come enjoy. No age limit, and guests are welcome! Enjoy this issue. Serving Christ with you continues to be a gift, Pastor Tom Bartha

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Pompton Reformed Church Family,

While we have been away from the camp in Uruguay, our missions director and his wife, Terry and

Carrol Thompson, went to take our place. They bravely ventured through a winter teen camp when

the river flooded and the septic tanks were under water so the bathrooms couldn't be used. They

rented some port-o-potties and worked through other details so the teens could still enjoy a week of

spiritual renewal.

Although we are not in Uruguay, we couldn't stay away from working at a camp for the summer. Solid

Rock Day Camp in north Jersey is where Bruno and I met and started working in ministry together.

They have invested a lot into training us over the last 13 years and we enjoy investing back into the

counselors and children that attend this camp. Bruno worked with outdoor education and water

education programs and we both have been counselors. Our kids have thoroughly enjoyed being in

camp for 7 weeks!

We managed to visit our sending church and 3 other supporting churches along with many individual

supporters. We hope to visit the rest of our current supporters in the next few months as we also try

to schedule new churches. If anyone has a church connection you think might be interested in

hearing about our ministry, please let us know. We have found a much higher chance of getting

involved with a church if there is a personal connection than just calling churches from the phone


Audrey's brother, Nathan, was married to Katie on August 9th. Our whole family was part of the

wedding party. Audrey was a bridesmaid, Callie was the flower girl and both Bruno and Miguel were

groomsmen! It was truly a blessing to be able to be in the States for the celebration and with the

whole family.

Our family went on vacation with Audrey's family to the Outer Banks in North Carolina. It was a

wonderful refreshing week with lots of family time!

We have now booked meetings with almost all of our current supporting churches! Lord willing we will

see you all soon! While here in the States we will also seek to raise our support, which is currently at

76% of the minimum support level required by the mission.

Bruno and Amy Couto

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Wilson Family Update – Special Edition

For the mountains may depart and the hills be removed, but my steadfast love shall not depart from you, and my covenant of peace shall not be removed, says the LORD, who has compassion on you. Isa 54:10

Greetings Friends and Family- This is one of many of God’s promises that He has reminded us of through our times of quiet, prayer, and through many of you. We are certainly encouraged and thank you all for standing with us and supporting us in so many ways as we follow God’s call here in Cambodia.

Zachary- He has started off his senior year well. We are so proud of him and cannot believe how quickly the time has passed; it seems like just yesterday that he was headed off for 3rd grade! I (Mark) am especially thankful that he agreed to help me start to exercise again; it is so good to have someone to help encourage and challenge me (and go to the movies with me. Please continue to pray for his focus and perseverance in school, and also for his time while we (Deb & Mark) are away (see below).

Health- In a world where so many do not have access to adequate healthcare we are so very thankful for the provisions that God has made for us over the last year, including the trip that we (Mark & Deb) will be taking early tomorrow morning (Sat). We are headed to a facility where Mark will meet with a specialist who has experience with Mark’s condition. There will be three days of testing during which they will administer a number of nerve blocks injecting various anaesthetics to the targeted nerve bundle. If any of these blocks successfully diminish or eliminate Mark’s pain, they will proceed with surgery on Friday 19 September, a procedure which will more permanently diminish or eliminate Mark’s pain by surgically “stripping” away portions of the nerve. While there have been so many obstacles this past month, there have been more than an equal number of blessings and doors that have been thrown open including some during the writing of this letter! Please pray for safety in travel, wisdom for the doctor, healing and opportunities to share God’s everlasting and enormous love. Pray too that pilots’ strike (recent and threatened) will not keep us from our destination, and that Mark does not drive Deb crazy before all this is over (this experience has brought a whole new meaning to the phrase “testy” – smile).

Cambodian Political Situation- Thankfully the political situation remains peaceful. Please pray for continued peace, wisdom and unity among Cambodia’s leadership for the good of the whole country. Please join with us as we …

• Pray for God’s comfort and provision for all those needing His care. • Thank God for provision and pray for His wisdom for our family and the medical staff this

coming week. We also pray for healing so that Mark might be able to return fully to family and ministry.

• Ask for God’s protection for Zachary while we are away, and for continued focus and perseverance at school.

• Ask for God’s grace as one of our local partners, the Phnom Penh Bible School, gears up for the beginning of the new school year October 1.

• Pray for God’s provision and protection as one of our local partners, FH/Cambodia, begins work in a new area of the country.

Thank you for sharing your love, prayers and support!

-Mark, Deb & Zach

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The Colors of October By Elaine Peacock

Clear blue cloudless skies, orange pumpkins, leaves of gold, red, brown, yellow and rust, acorns, beautiful mums of many hues these are the colors of October. October is a special month in the northeast we are so lucky to have all these beautiful colors to enjoy for a few weeks each year. Starting way up in the northern woods of Maine the colors slowly creep down the mountain sides, along river banks and finally along the coastlines through the rest of the New England States until it reaches New Jersey and her neighbors Pennsylvania and New York. The beautiful rides along New Jersey’s highways and byways that were all green just a few weeks back seem to have been transformed overnight into a rainbow of colors. Yes October is truly one of the most beautiful months of the year and it beckons us to put on our favorite sweater and take a long walk through the fallen leaves and breathe in that crisp fall air. So get out and enjoy the slower pace of this special time of year and enjoy GOD’s beauty that only happens once a year in October.

Round Table of Thanks (from September Consistory)

--All the volunteers for our church table at Pompton Day. Special thanks to

Jessica Dunitz for designing the informational PRC handout.

--All the volunteers for our recent Family Promise hosting week: meals,

oversight, prayer, preparation, companionship, overnight shift...

--All who assisted in helping our first movie night be a meaningful outreach

event. Truly, "God is Not Dead!"

Editors Note- this was inadvertently missed last month. Thank you so very much for the scholarship award. Your gift has been such an answer to prayer. It helps me worry less about how I will be able to continue with school while now working only part-time. God is so very good and has already been providing in ways I could never have imagined. Your gift is one of those ways he is providing. So thank you for being an answer to prayer. Thank you for all the support you are giving me- financial, spiritual, emotional-that all means so much more to me than I could ever express in words. So, thank you- for it all. Love and blessings, Debbie Pierce

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Greetings from the 2015 International Mission Trip Committee. Mission trip planning is well underway. As many of you know, the original plan was to travel to Ghana to work with special needs children. Unfortunately, we were forced to change our plans no thanks to the Ebola virus. Although we have been forced to change locations, our hope is that our group will eventually make it to Ghana. The desire to serve in that part of the world is so great. Perhaps the lord will lead us there in 2016. We are pleased to report that a new destination has been selected. A group of 11 will travel to San Jose, Costa Rica from 7/9/15-7/18/15 to provide much needed assistance to refugees from Nicaragua. During that week our group will be serving a Nicaraguan refugee community that has sprung up on the outskirts of San Jose. The people in this community live in meager shacks, some without running water or electricity. Our group will serve alongside a local church and ministry in building a new house for a single person or family. They will experience the powerful local ministry that is being done and grow closer to Jesus as they serve. It is a tremendous ministry to the Nicaraguan people who have sought refuge in San Jose and have very little in terms of personal possessions. Our committee is working hard in raising funds to help offset the expenses of such a trip. As we write this, our pasta dinner fundraiser is under way. We hope and pray all the hard work pays off and we have a wonderful night of good food, good company and great fundraising. Our next big event will be the beefsteak dinner, being held at the Wanaque First Aid Building, on November 8th. Tickets cost $50 per ticket and include a dinner, a comedy show by Uncle Floyd as well as music by Supersonic DJ’s. The event will be a BYOB. Along with this event, we are selling raffles tickets for $10. First prize is a $1,000 visa gift card, second prize is a $500 gift card and third prize is a $250 gift card. Should you be interested in purchasing a beefsteak or raffle ticket, please call the PRC office at 973-835-0541. Thank you to everyone who has supported this mission thus far as we search for something extraordinary while sharing hope and love through our Jesus Christ. Participants for the mission trip are: Michael Warner, Mark Warner, Katelyn Dunitz, Jessica Dunitz, Shana VanSchaack, Elena VanSchaack, Bethany DeBlock, Michael DeBlock, Diane Goodell, Allie Evangelista and Spencer Tennesen.    Please pray for the Lord’s guidance for each of these fine men and women.

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Mission Trip Fundraiser- Beefsteak with Entertainment! November 8, 2014 from 6-10PM at the Wanaque First Aid Squad Join us for an evening of comedy, music and wonderful food- Catered by Nightingales and featuring unlimited beefsteak, French fries, dessert and soda. Bring your own bottle if you so choose. Tickets are on sale for $50/person. Entertainment by Uncle Floyd and music by PRC’s own Tom Iraggi. Autumnfest- Just 18 days to go!

• October 18, 2014 from 10AM-4PM • The following are Chairpeople, contact them if you would like to help… *Luncheon- Jackie Bush and Marcia Coningswood *Holiday Shop- Ruth Thomas *Decorations- Linda Panno and Lynn Scarmazzo *Children’s Games- Fran Bierwas and Diane Goodell *Children’s Arts and Crafts- Mary Bartha *Face Painting- *Bakery- Lorna Carroll and Nancy Shimmel *Baskets- Mary Bartha, Barbara Buckman, Sue Kuebler and Barbara Pierce *Coffee and…- Roben Roon *Publicity- Elaine Peacock and Jo-Ann Sisco *Farmstand- Gail Freeland *Signage- *Post Office- Marge Hubert and Betty Sisco *Vendors and Crafter- Jo-Ann Sisco and Marcia Coningswood *Treasurer- Erika Hertz

• Still needed- donations of Holiday items that are clean and in good working order from all holidays throughout the year. Also needed….

*Coke, Diet Coke, Sprite, and Diet Sprite *Bottled Water *Souvenirs from your vacation spot- wrapped in brown paper with the location on it and if for a child, noted if for a boy or girl and the age appropriate. *Homemade baked goods for the bakery table- pies and breads are very popular. These will be stored in room 103(left side) starting 9/16. • People are needed to * take lunch orders from vendors/crafters and deliver their lunches *Lunch relief *Set up and clean up

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Knitters meet every Tuesday at 1:30PM Chancel Choir meets every Thursday

At 7:30 PM Bell Choir meets every Tuesday

At 7:30 PM Food Pantry is open

Monday Mornings, Tuesday afternoons And Thursday evenings. Volunteers

Needed and welcome!

Editor’s Note: I would love to add some additional “news” to the newsletter. My first thought is a Get to Know You Better addition. If you would like to be featured, please email me or drop a note in the office mailbox for the newsletter. We can see your face in the new directory, but it would be nice to know something more about you! I will start! My name is Karen Huysers and I have been a member of this church my entire life. My Mom brought me to PRC but the community of PRC kept me here despite living for 25 years in Clifton. I would make the trip up to Pompton each Sunday, pick up my Mom and come to church. My husband and I now live in Pompton Lakes. I have two grown sons and recently became a Grandmother for the first time. I work as a school secretary in a Clifton elementary school and that is how I find myself as editor of the church newsletter. I felt a nudge to become more involved in church life and this is an area I have experience in and enjoy. I also enjoy cross stitch, computers, kitties (I have 2!) and my new granddaughter. I do a little gardening but have a greener thumb for houseplants. I am kind of shy, so if you don’t know me, please search me out. And, now please join me in getting to know you a little better too.

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               The  September  Health  ministry  page  references  the  need  for  “sabbath”  in  our  lives.  Another  component  in  healing  our  harried  lives  is  the  “fun  factor.”      At  times,  creating  fun  and  good  times  may  seem  to  take  too  much  effort.    Following  are  excerpts  from  a  newsletter  called  Being  Well  Within  written  by  Loren  M.  Gelberg-­‐Goff.  (See  end  of  article  for  more  information  on  the  author.)    4  Simple  Steps  for  Curing  Fun  Avoidance  “Almost  nobody  gets  enough  fun,  relaxation  and  uplifting  activity  these  days,  given  our  busy  schedules  and  extra-­‐demanding  stressful  lives.  It  actually  takes  a  physiological  toll  that’s  so  subtle  we  may  not  be  aware  it’s  happening.  When  we  let  our  “logical  mind”  override  the  message  from  our  physical  and  spiritual  selves,  we  risk  losing  our  much  needed  refreshment  and  renewal.  Here’s  a  little  test  to  find  out  if  you  have  a  tendency  to  avoid  fun.    Just  ask  yourself  the  following  questions.  � As  you  read  this,  are  you  thinking  of  the  different  ways  that  you  could  have  fun?  � Or  are  you  thinking  that  you  don’t  have  time,  or  that  I  just  don’t  understand  how  serious  yourproblems  are?  � Do  you  feel  bothered  or  even  annoyed  by  those  suggestions?  If  you  answered  “No”  to  the  first  question,  and/or  “yes”  to  any  of  the  others,  then  you  may  be  a  “fun-­‐avoider”  –  and  if  so,  the  following  is  my  4-­‐step  process  for  curing  yourself  of  the  tendency.  -­‐-­‐Sit  with  your  honest  feelings  of  resistance  to  fun  for  a  moment.  Allow  your  feelings  to  become  separate  from  your  thoughts  and  judgments.  Just  breathe,  don’t  act.  -­‐-­‐Be  aware  of  any  struggle.  Do  you  WANT  to  choose  to  laugh?  Are  you  aware  of  what  has  interfered  withthis  choice  up  until  now?  -­‐-­‐Are  you  willing  and  ready  to  let  go  of  the  old  beliefs?  Are  you  ready  to  embrace  new  beliefs  that  make  room  for  joy  and  lightheartedness  that  automatically  comes  with  thinking  about  them?  -­‐-­‐Think  of  some  opportunities  to  have  fun  that  you  have  in  the  immediate  future.  Then  for  the  next  3  minutes  picture  yourself,  in  as  much  detail  as  possible,  doing  those  things.  Let  the  anticipation  of  simple  pleasures  resonate  and  grow  within  you  –  on  a  molecular  level,  the  cells  of  your  body  are  literally  vibrating  with  happiness.  The  key  is  to  engage  your  physical  self  in  making  the  decision,  because  even  if  your  brain  wants  to  talk  you  out  of  doing  some  fun  activity,  your  body  may  actually  be  better  able  to  accurately  assess  whether  you  want  or  need  it.  As  the  author  points  out,  this  is  not  designed  to  gloss  over  or  deny  your  problems.  It  is  meant  to  take  a  much  needed  break  from  them,  so  that  you  may  be  able  to  face  them  with  a  new  perspective.  The  fun-­‐factor,  together  with  maintaining  the  rest  resulting  from  the  “sabbath”  practice  can  contribute  to  an  expanded  feeling  of  refreshment  and  abundance.  Loren  M.  Gelberg-­‐Goff,  LCS),  C*t  is  a  gifted  speaker,  author  and  psychotherapist.  She  is  best  known  for  creating  powerful,  programs  for  care-­‐givers.  For  more  information  you  may  visit  her  website,  www.beingwellwithin.com        

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   Dear Friends, Several months ago, Consistory and the Worship Committee tasked a small group of volunteers to research the possibility of a video projection system for use in our sanctuary in order to introduce occasional contemporary or blended components to our main worship service as one small step in an overall effort to attract younger people to our worship services. Additionally such a system would equip us to offer a second, contemporary service at some point. After much research and visits to PRC from three respected vendors who provided detailed estimates, the group put forth a specific recommendation and presented their findings to the Worship and Operations Committees as well as Consistory and at an open congregational forum. An idea put forth at this forum and endorsed by Consistory was to experiment for several months with how the screen and projection might be used. At this point, we desire greater feedback. Please take a moment to complete this brief questionnaire and place them in the receptacles as you leave worship or in the church office anytime. Email responses, if preferred, can go either to [email protected] or [email protected] . Also, please keep in mind that although somewhat representative, what has been demonstrated is a bit of a patchwork effort using personal laptop computers and a projector approx. half the power, brightness and clarity of the one recommended, as well as a donated, temporary screen. The recommended screen would be fully retractable and would not cover any of the “Flight To Egypt” window except when in use. The projector would be mounted discretely from the ceiling and unseen by most in the sanctuary. My overall impression has been: _____ Positive _____ Negative _____ Neutral Comments:_____________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ How would you like to see such a system used at PRC? How can what you have seen so far be improved? What other uses, if any, do you envision for such a system? _______________________________ Print Name(s)

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The deadline for the Nov. newsletter is Oct. 28. Email me at [email protected] or leave in the office mailbox.

Isaiah 40:31 But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.