ATTEND THE CHRISTII'TAS ASSEIVTBLY ÉR E g f{ o C I TY COLLEGE PUBLIS}I ED BY'THE AS6OCTAfE.D. STUDENTS ATTEND THE PtAY FRESNO, CATIFORNIA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER II, I958 NO. l0 vol. xl Nom¡naf ¡ons ,Assembly To Be Held Tomorrow And Soturday BY KAREN MCDOUGALD Noon ln Auditorium rhe house ltghts 'lim! l^.:It]: I I ' fire nominations assembly for the s spot ltghts up the Btase! sturness I I fCC *iil be tomorrow noon in the auditorir permeates the arr! tT.1 yi:l-ll l- --Ñominations of studenft -liJvingfiled sav splash, the Jade r"t"".1.dtlp-l ltio" wiitr Mrs. Lena u. ruuei in Ètre ad tav splaBr' tÀe Jaoe "u'"'.:."ï'-l ltion with Mrs. Lena M. Fuller in the ad erlea part, and lt's on wrth Èe I lttã"e p¡ó¡t¡ tttJnominations of c¿ndic I lÍåî1,)îï1,..,,"îî lÇC -t, participate I I secretary, treasurer i''ll,*e":ã:,o"å'äii, Tä^-"Tl l:î::":.*.;;'""d1' HîåJ: Så:lln An¡ rangueibs ot army brase wtth their I l;;;ì;" of etec'ons. - I nf I _ subordlnates, the ennumerablel darnty hue<r Lrñ^iâ' wôñ "l l.-I"^'":".1""-:1i-.11"-l'1"i*.-11'lOf An tetshss; and I uzu scholqrsnrp lthe. officee of DreslaleDt ot Asso' I Th closety hetd I Honsler cr¡d \V lciated Wor¡en Students "oU *to;1t""" the¡e are the I *Ãõlook on. l:r:::u uen stude¡ts will erso u"l'när .Teehouse ot The Àugust Moon," lnetd' limertca ar -¡L-^^;-.ñr-,L,yâÈñDorrr¡r¡ lq. ? ?? ?t,-,J - --I^ i Cantltttstes who have Dot ftl€dlnnr¡ga hn¡r athreeactpravbvl"hhÏ:i"å,,lTwo Fresno CC Sfudents l"::1,:,,'ll':iJ}"î.'Jî*i"h"0'å11'Hî"#,i The audleuee, Inter r,å:lli lReceive $25 Scñol orships li.i:if,::r:'å#.h1åi,t;f-lf"#,tT oua E¡(xr-- l' rurYr t v heert rendlns radness. riã:rnror"sl J'oe Muser, s p¿rt owner ln thelsnd fender repalr. The other scbol'l students who ere n<imlnated lorlshte's 60 Jur aycs fitted wtth a,nilclpatlon lor lFresno Auto Parts CoEp¿Dv, has I arshtn wlDDer, Prlce lg lrom fles'lan offlce who have not ftlød a I wlDnors I rhô nÊrt ¡cene to cnroll, lpresented Fretlerlck St¿lford eDd I no and lb malo'1n* tn auüo me- I petlttou of electto¡ must do so by I feculty ol the next ¡cene to cnroll, lnresented FÌrederlck St¿ltord aDo I no and ,tt mêJorlng tn auüo me- | petttlou of electto¡ must do so bf I feculty ol ea Tbcrc deftnttely wll be a.n¡ltlwt[tan P¡tce, F¡esno Ctty Collegelchantct.:- I ls eu Mon. PetltloDs mÊy be oD-lcn'ard wlll t Thcrc deflnll€ly wrt De e {u¡rl w¡¡¡¡44 r¡¡ls¡ ¡ rçÞav v'r¿ vv"voY l chanl.t. " house saturday ¡lght, the dlrectorlstudeats, each wlth a 26r dollarl-;:;-:. house Saturday ¡lght, the dlrectorlstudeats, each wlth t 26 douêr the techntcalltamea ltom Mrs. tr'uller ln thc ed-lnese .9-ly comnented. bur tlero';;"-;in;1..nãi""'iln. unoo recctvtns thel :":":t T,Ï'::t:lf^Ï",:::"1t:jl;;;'; "rfr;:-'---- l;;;'1"ii: rcw ücker¡ on ¡alc rn tbc booth rn lchecke rhe studenrs- rndtcated ,li l":u tiut:ot:l ¿i"r'ioo- ¿"¿o- 'ill-Ti"ri liii;" ror the omo" or lmajor ln thc See¡ a¡ound canpu!, dtstln- | tlon of the cour¡e. ltlenta wbo have been øarolled lo I Uo¿y vlce prustdent s etudent muet I Dro8ren, art n¡lsboil by tbclr lonf whtte hatr'l St¿fford, ¡ frcshm¡¡ etudentlshop ôourses for.at least o¡e ¡elbe et le¡Bt a second renoster otu-lcoura8e atud and Deerde, the worrled loohr_-oglfroT-Madere, ls malort¡t ltr body[-o1"r wtt! e grade evcregie ot[Ceut a¡al Eust hrye ¡¡. gver ett-[Juntor cqlte, tùehfõcci...¡¡iIthenevcrcn6l¡!íl[Borbetterandwlthout8t8idhgïg¡¿de.polnt.¿v¡e¡e8eol2.5irnile|Qonrldcrat ffi;iî: ,,:å ,iï "Ï?î ',*H;lPr"r"gisf ration lÍïlî1,"iil"i:::ï:"''';i"";iff1ffi: pot¡t "'e"es; or ''6 ot -'*l["',11*Tfi ahorta' how wur "" Tå'r"":Ëlstill Conf inues h:':"T"Ï:::","'":.i":'åiîn'ou -*'1""î",1îî".f#":î fi":iiJ tri.:l:¡i!'ltö what sball I carrY mY ln, who wlll ptck "p ü9- Jcen at | "Preregtstratlon ts odyeuctng at I ttr ¡to¿euts âre graduated r-. lã""ã" -rlht rt"r"g" of 2.0 et .l¿- lgg ,tn s1n : co¡ue ftcltt? These a¡c the ¡ta¡s. 1" gr""t"i rate than has been "t-lu.J"."-ï;;:grrî-Á.¡oJ *¿1i".À. io th" ""r" ot ftrst eemesterll?-ln e.bus: Thc collesp stude¡te who:: g1e:l;".d; in the pagt,,, observ"dlil; xrrt- g¿ï"-"i ;;;;dr;iy.lild;"; a B¡ade averese ø z.ol:d:l"l:u:" wtll becomc sl¿nted, '1" T]i tld I e*o"s" c. Holsteln, the deaú or aa'| Thts choìarshtp ts deslgnerl to | ¿t mtdterm Èqutre( I o"J"Ittil- BidS FOf FOfmal I lpa¡tictpsuns ta the touruamentl T] Are Now Offered I l'*ïo"åu."'iî1ï"".*""iu"füiÏo"iil ,ïï'l'-* .,Toyland,, hae been selecteil as I lafter I PM. I Audttortuu the tùene ot täe tssoclated Men'l I fne conteBt wlll coDslst of Tl 8:30 Pll - Sturlest¡ s¡al the A8socletcd'Wom' orlgl¡al oratorT speech by' eecþl Dec. f3 en Students dance tn thc atudent u¡¡6¡qo¡ v¡orv¡J rlvYv- '¿ ---<- I - --' partlclpeot, not to e¡ceed atr ntn'l ? PM-CSTÀ Chrt¡tu¡e Pgrty" utes. Pregent menbo¡s of the club I Soclel llall. center soclel hall Dec. 19. I I utes. Pregent menbe¡s ol the club I Soclal H ..The theme wae ptcked to eldl lare not ellgtble lor the ewardsl 8:30 PM - the LloD's club tn thetr toy tlrlve whtch wllt be tlven to tbe ftrst | 8 PM-Ha¡tnell ve. IrCQ, Yosc at Chùstn.es," sta,ted Jeen Holnes'l lfour flnallste. I mlte Ju¡ ÀWS presldent. "Each studeDt "lt musi be empbaslze'l that I Dcc' fs botty caril holder who wlshes to even the most lnerperlenced speak'| 12 PM - CCf., À'l'113' erg have a fttre oplþrtr¡stty tn thß | 12 PM - Phl Thet¡ KeIrDo' ment- Rnônßor. obtaln a btd lor tbe dauce le esked I I erg have a ftne opÞortugtty tn thß | 12 PM to donate a small used toy." Ex'| lconte¡t,,, etated welnschenk. I - I'd;11i. change of toys for blds -31 !:l I Those who have entered arcl D-c..-17 center. -- I larumfierd, Marv castagns, Rich-I uÃr¡E Jack Rilev's band wlll LT:"T^" I t "ra Luttc, Marttn abram, Errc | ^ *)o*"' ¡nade ln the foyer of tbe studeDt Grover sptva, Glary s""kå",i"l"åil t "^Y-;.:T- "35-""-*: Brumfield, l¡arv ca'te-;;,-ii"h-l :-t1::tmaI Pertv' coeil tùe muslc from e "" to .Tfllto]: I liå""î"o, Joe Sanders, ao¿ io..l t TY,,- Jack Whttllng was selectetl as l l ::::'"--' I I'udttoaur senerar charrman ø" tiì-ãr".*l 1""."j:^-^ ¿¡aaÞa¡c +hâñ ørô o,.,-.-l fl ¿'l¡- - The oth L^^,- ñ,ôl I rr more soeakers rhan are u:::;l Auttrtort ä*ü l the Rqm, num.be-r-rive, I Xlt:l o"Jä'"" orauong; I FCC gøne crt Mclcne I .'::l I PM - . rey, and I FeC Éistorr crs one of I u * [ "iu r¡*t First College Play Slated For Friday show! of studeDt body prealdent wlll be may be nomlnstedlego, oflers cagh ewerd¡ of ll00 fro¡t of thc atudcnt conter. wtu to lnto the trade upon conDlèlthe scholarghlps are gfven to stu'lsdd;Di-uiãi p"""racnt or studentl .ronn H. Becrer, ma¡¡Epr of tbe See¡ a¡ound canpu!, dtstln-ltlon of the cour¡e' rill become Durttsùed, and the l;ilf"" end records. -------- I rCc wlnnere lost toèr wero tr¡t t¡u UEUUUÞ ---lmlBslontnorecorcs. lUe glven .to techntcal.lndustrlall I --- -'--- 'È-+ wut I r ^¡..^-¿¡^- -..r¡^,Ôd -'H¡ ar¿ -oe-r - . lB' Bretuey ¡ ffil liîå,i':"""",',';'.'îi'J"i"" åi,î å:il T ourncrment li:-l.iF-:..:": i¡" *t*"o '"* I lr'"'ät """"=u ö! a¡çÞuu v¡w w¡-l;:' - ^ (ìr _ ^ J l?"î,ot Rubeld ¿Dd tr'elt avcocÈ' I -'----'| = ,Tg.yj:l"lflff*.f.1i--?,:.r1-1s,"-r,-." c.,,"s"v-* I r::r.-"r'Tl:lî':i:î::'; f'E :Iil:::::"i:;lïï:,;il,:*il'ã*ir-i'lt:thl,1,*':,lj#î*ïl:iff::1j":sti'å'"f:ïjtr"glFc"9fi::d:i113::r3?:l ;'f"H:":":","f o! the cast' | "iii '".:i:,:""i:"" enpornt-ent ['.i :il"':'ñ, î.:iJ-iiq,'ï'Li liï"Jffii""iif,ï;"i"fiäï I stockto¡ | ¡no Ctty '*iï,iJï"'ii;" of tle auai.l,.;"å,",*."ä",""iä rHffiiÏJäli;'i'ï"ïä.ffiöË!ffi:l*: I cncewhorlllw¿tchthcmtrrcleotlto tue counselor'g doore, ehow an'lttortum, put.oD Dy.the_cholr e¡-d[lfe¡ I .vrre^.-l Bill Ratltlqtz, refreshmcnts. [ ' its møry rgn moscots. td€t€rEun€ r€ rvrÃu!ËrÞ'


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Page 1: 58_F_10_Dec11










Nom¡naf ¡ons ,AssemblyTo Be Held Tomorrow

And SoturdayBY KAREN MCDOUGALD Noon ln Auditorium

rhe house ltghts 'lim! l^.:It]: I I ' fire nominations assembly for the s

spot ltghts up the Btase! sturness I I fCC *iil be tomorrow noon in the auditorirpermeates the arr! tT.1 yi:l-ll l- --Ñominations of studenft


sav splash, the Jade r"t"".1.dtlp-l ltio" wiitr Mrs. Lena u. ruuei in Ètre adtav splaBr' tÀe Jaoe "u'"'.:."ï'-l ltion with Mrs. Lena M. Fuller in the aderlea part, and lt's on wrth Èe I lttã"e p¡ó¡t¡ tttJnominations of c¿ndic

I lÍåî1,)îï1,..,,"îî lÇC -t, participate

I I secretary, treasurer

i''ll,*e":ã:,o"å'äii, Tä^-"Tl l:î::":.*.;;'""d1' HîåJ: Så:lln An¡rangueibs ot army brase wtth their I l;;;ì;" of etec'ons. -

I nf I _subordlnates, the ennumerableldarnty hue<r Lrñ^iâ' wôñ "l l.-I"^'":".1""-:1i-.11"-l'1"i*.-11'lOf Antetshss; and I uzu scholqrsnrp lthe. officee of DreslaleDt ot Asso' I Thclosety hetd I Honsler cr¡d \V lciated Wor¡en Students

"oU *to;1t"""

the¡e are the I *Ãõlook on. l:r:::u uen stude¡ts will erso u"l'när.Teehouse ot The Àugust Moon," lnetd' limertca ar-¡L-^^;-.ñr-,L,yâÈñDorrr¡r¡ lq. ? ?? ?t,-,J - --I^ i Cantltttstes who have Dot ftl€dlnnr¡ga hn¡rathreeactpravbvl"hhÏ:i"å,,lTwo Fresno CC Sfudents l"::1,:,,'ll':iJ}"î.'Jî*i"h"0'å11'Hî"#,iThe audleuee, Interr,å:lli lReceive $25 Scñol orships li.i:if,::r:'å#.h1åi,t;f-lf"#,tToua E¡(xr-- l' rurYr t v

heert rendlns radness. riã:rnror"sl J'oe Muser, s p¿rt owner ln thelsnd fender repalr. The other scbol'l students who ere n<imlnated lorlshte's 60 Jur

aycs fitted wtth a,nilclpatlon lor lFresno Auto Parts CoEp¿Dv, has I arshtn wlDDer, Prlce lg lrom fles'lan offlce who have not ftlød a I wlDnors I

rhô nÊrt ¡cene to cnroll, lpresented Fretlerlck St¿lford eDd I no and lb malo'1n* tn auüo me- I petlttou of electto¡ must do so by I feculty ol e¡the next ¡cene to cnroll, lnresented FÌrederlck St¿ltord aDo I no and ,tt mêJorlng tn auüo me- | petttlou of electto¡ must do so bf I feculty ol ea

Tbcrc deftnttely wll be a.n¡ltlwt[tan P¡tce, F¡esno Ctty Collegelchantct.:- I ls eu Mon. PetltloDs mÊy be oD-lcn'ard wlll tThcrc deflnll€ly wrt De e {u¡rl w¡¡¡¡44 r¡¡ls¡ ¡ rçÞav v'r¿ vv"voY l chanl.t. "

house saturday ¡lght, the dlrectorlstudeats, each wlth a 26r dollarl-;:;-:.house Saturday ¡lght, the dlrectorlstudeats, each wlth t 26 douêr the techntcalltamea ltom Mrs. tr'uller ln thc ed-lnese .9-ly

comnented. bur tlero';;"-;in;1..nãi""'iln. unoo recctvtns thel :":":t T,Ï'::t:lf^Ï",:::"1t:jl;;;'; "rfr;:-'---- l;;;'1"ii:rcw ücker¡ on ¡alc rn tbc booth rn lchecke rhe studenrs- rndtcated ,li l":u tiut:ot:l ¿i"r'ioo- ¿"¿o- 'ill-Ti"ri liii;" ror the omo" or lmajor

ln thc

See¡ a¡ound canpu!, dtstln- | tlon of the cour¡e. ltlenta wbo have been øarolled lo

I Uo¿y vlce prustdent s etudent muet I Dro8ren, art

n¡lsboil by tbclr lonf whtte hatr'l St¿fford, ¡ frcshm¡¡ etudentlshop ôourses for.at least o¡e ¡elbe et le¡Bt a second renoster otu-lcoura8e atud

and Deerde, the worrled loohr_-oglfroT-Madere, ls malort¡t ltr body[-o1"r wtt! e grade evcregie ot[Ceut a¡al Eust hrye ¡¡. gver ett-[Juntor cqlte,


ffi;iî: ,,:å ,iï "Ï?î ',*H;lPr"r"gisf ration lÍïlî1,"iil"i:::ï:"''';i"";iff1ffi:

pot¡t "'e"es;

or ''6

ot -'*l["',11*Tfiahorta' how wur "" Tå'r"":Ëlstill Conf inues h:':"T"Ï:::","'":.i":'åiîn'ou

-*'1""î",1îî".f#":î fi":iiJ tri.:l:¡i!'ltöwhat sball I carrY mYln, who wlll ptck "p ü9- Jcen at | "Preregtstratlon ts odyeuctng at I ttr ¡to¿euts âre graduated r-. lã""ã"

-rlht rt"r"g" of 2.0 et .l¿- lgg ,tn s1n :

co¡ue ftcltt? These a¡c the ¡ta¡s. 1" gr""t"i rate than has been "t-lu.J"."-ï;;:grrî-Á.¡oJ *¿1i".À. io th" ""r" ot ftrst eemesterll?-ln e.bus:Thc collesp stude¡te who:: g1e:l;".d; in the pagt,,, observ"dlil; xrrt- g¿ï"-"i ;;;;dr;iy.lild;"; a B¡ade averese ø z.ol:d:l"l:u:"wtll becomc sl¿nted,

'1" T]i tld I e*o"s" c. Holsteln, the deaú or aa'| Thts choìarshtp ts deslgnerl to | ¿t mtdterm t¡ Èqutre( I


BidS FOf FOfmal I lpa¡tictpsuns ta the touruamentl T]

Are Now Offered I l'*ïo"åu."'iî1ï"".*""iu"füiÏo"iil ,ïï'l'-*.,Toyland,, hae been selecteil as I lafter I PM. I Audttortuu

the tùene ot täe tssoclated Men'l I fne conteBt wlll coDslst of Tl 8:30 Pll -Sturlest¡ s¡al the A8socletcd'Wom' orlgl¡al oratorT speech by' eecþl Dec. f3en Students dance tn thc atudent

u¡¡6¡qo¡ v¡orv¡J rlvYv- '¿ ---<- I - --'

partlclpeot, not to e¡ceed atr ntn'l ? PM-CSTÀ Chrt¡tu¡e Pgrty"utes. Pregent menbo¡s of the club I Soclel llall.center soclel hall Dec. 19. I I utes. Pregent menbe¡s ol the club I Soclal H

..The theme wae ptcked to eldl lare not ellgtble lor the ewardsl 8:30 PM -the LloD's club tn thetr toy tlrlve whtch wllt be tlven to tbe ftrst | 8 PM-Ha¡tnell ve. IrCQ, Yoscat Chùstn.es," sta,ted Jeen Holnes'l lfour flnallste. I mlte Ju¡ÀWS presldent. "Each studeDt "lt musi be empbaslze'l that I Dcc' fsbotty caril holder who wlshes to even the most lnerperlenced speak'| 12 PM - CCf., À'l'113'

erg have a fttre oplþrtr¡stty tn thß | 12 PM - Phl Thet¡ KeIrDo'

ment- Rnônßor.

obtaln a btd lor tbe dauce le esked I I erg have a ftne opÞortugtty tn thß | 12 PMto donate a small used toy." Ex'| lconte¡t,,, etated welnschenk. I -

I'd;11i.change of toys for blds -31 !:l I Those who have entered arcl D-c..-17

center. -- I larumfierd, Marv castagns, Rich-I uÃr¡EJack Rilev's band wlll

LT:"T^" I t "ra Luttc, Marttn abram, Errc | ^ *)o*"'

¡nade ln the foyer of tbe studeDtGrover sptva, Glary s""kå",i"l"åil t "^Y-;.:T- "35-""-*:Brumfield, l¡arv ca'te-;;,-ii"h-l :-t1::tmaI Pertv' coeil

tùe muslc from e "" to .Tfllto]: I liå""î"o, Joe Sanders, ao¿ io..l t TY,,-Jack Whttllng was selectetl as l l ::::'"--' I I'udttoaursenerar charrman ø" tiì-ãr".*l 1""."j:^-^ ¿¡aaÞa¡c +hâñ ørô o,.,-.-l fl ¿'l¡- -The oth L^^,- ñ,ôl I rr more soeakers rhan are u:::;l Auttrtortä*ü l the Rqm, num.be-r-rive, I Xlt:l o"Jä'""orauong; I FCC gøne crt Mclcne I .'::l I PM - .

rey, and I FeC Éistorr crs one of I u * [ "iu r¡*t

First College Play

Slated For Friday

show! of studeDt body prealdent wlll be

may be nomlnstedlego, oflers cagh ewerd¡ of ll00

fro¡t of thc atudcnt conter. wtu to lnto the trade upon conDlèlthe scholarghlps are gfven to stu'lsdd;Di-uiãi p"""racnt or studentl .ronn H. Becrer, ma¡¡Epr of tbeSee¡ a¡ound canpu!, dtstln-ltlon of the cour¡e'

rill become Durttsùed, and the l;ilf"" end records. -------- I rCc wlnnere lost toèr wero tr¡tt¡u UEUUUÞ ---lmlBslontnorecorcs. lUe glven .to techntcal.lndustrlall I --- -'---

'È-+ wut I r ^¡..^-¿¡^- -..r¡^,Ôd -'H¡ ar¿ -oe-r -

. lB' Bretuey ¡ffil liîå,i':"""",',';'.'îi'J"i"" åi,î å:il T ourncrment li:-l.iF-:..:": i¡" *t*"o '"*

I lr'"'ät """"=u ö! a¡çÞuu v¡w w¡-l;:'

- ^ (ìr _ ^ J l?"î,ot Rubeld ¿Dd tr'elt avcocÈ'I -'----'| =

,Tg.yj:l"lflff*.f.1i--?,:.r1-1s,"-r,-." c.,,"s"v-*I r::r.-"r'Tl:lî':i:î::';f'E :Iil:::::"i:;lïï:,;il,:*il'ã*ir-i'lt:thl,1,*':,lj#î*ïl:iff::1j":sti'å'"f:ïjtr"glFc"9fi::d:i113::r3?:l

;'f"H:":":","f o! the cast'

| "iii '".:i:,:""i:"" enpornt-ent ['.i :il"':'ñ, î.:iJ-iiq,'ï'Li liï"Jffii""iif,ï;"i"fiäï I stockto¡

| ¡no Ctty'*iï,iJï"'ii;" of tle auai.l,.;"å,",*."ä",""iä rHffiiÏJäli;'i'ï"ïä.ffiöË!ffi:l*: I

cncewhorlllw¿tchthcmtrrcleotlto tue counselor'g doore, ehow an'lttortum, put.oD Dy.the_cholr e¡-d[lfe¡ I


Bill Ratltlqtz, refreshmcnts. [ ' its møry rgn moscots. td€t€rEun€ r€ rvrÃu!ËrÞ'

Page 2: 58_F_10_Dec11

States. In Venezuela we havet¿xes but theY are not as high'"

Salazar likes the PeoPle in theU. S. "The girls here are YerY

nice."Both men are from the same

town, Cumana, a seaþort towniil Yénezuela.'salazar and Del'gado are attending FCC on stu-

dent visas. Sa.lazar ls majoring inpetroleum engineering s,nd DeI-gado is maiorint ,ln mèchanicalengineering.

Both students aSree that the, technical facilities available tocollege students are one of thebest.

Education Prog,ram DividedDetgado said .:the eleEentaxy

,iling the rrüe ;ä,;ffi;î^;__ .____ . _

tion is somethlng. all . students

zuelan history, geography, andmatheEatics.

The second cycle is dtvided in-to two program: science andhumanities. The curriculum fora science major includes trigo-nometry, algehra, analyticalgeometry, biology,'gealogy, phys-

ics, engineering drawlng andcbemistry.

The humanities maJor has totake Latin, philosophy, history,and ppqthpr foreign languâge.

Delgado said, "If you. fail lnany qge of these couises you fáilin everything. You have to passevery course you take to grad-uate,"

Saturday Classes Schedule' "You even go to school on Sat-urdays," said Salazar. "On Sat-urdays you take extra courses,something like electives."

Delgado plans to get his bache-lor of arts and master degreesat t¡e Universlty of Californiaor Caiifornia Institute ot tecn.noloBy.

Salazar plans to get his bache-lor of arts at the University ofCÐllfornia aDd returà to Yenezuela and work a few years. 'He'will réturn to obt¿in his masterdegree aftèr a Þerlod of enploy-ment.

FCC LoungeOver OneYear Old

Soon after school resumed attr'resno City College in the fallsemester of 1957, a neï' facllitywas offered to the studeDt.

Rooms 230 and 203 ln the stu-dent center were openod as astudent lounge and an adjoinin8lkitchen. These rooms were fu¡nished with funds FCC hadearned by hosting the state stu-dent government conference inthe spring of 1955.

The student councll frori'thespring of 1957, under the guid-ance of Joseph King, its advlser,chose the rattán furniture, thebamboo blinds, and the colorscheme for the room. They alsoordered the washable cotton slip-covers for the furnÍture.

'When the rooms 'were flnallyready for use the doors wereopened. After only a few weeksof use the lounge 'was postedwith sig¡rs advising "no eating,drinking, or card playlng."

Its use is lot limitetl, howeve¡,to daytime dreaming and vlsit-ing. Authorized student gxoupsmay request the use of the loirngeantl the kitchen for áight meet-ings and pa¡ties.

Muzak, the system which pipesin muSic to the lounge. as wellas the coffeeshop, plays soft mu-sic throughout the day to add to.the stuclent's enjoyme4t.

FCC Split Upln Five Campuses

There are nore. than Just threecampuses belonging to FlesnoCity College. Besides the, Q St.,University Ave., and.Ediqon çam-puses, the fourth FCC campus ls

. the Continuation High and thefifth campus is ths trïespo Cqun-ty Hospital.

Continuation High School hasbeen used by f'CC for, the lastfour years. The campus ls com-posed ot tÌ/o quonseL huts andnight classes . in plumbing, sheetmetal. The classes are held fournights a week, Mo¡lday throughThursday.

During the daytime, there areabout 400 day studenta attendingContinuation High. These arestudents who have quit highschool in order to obtain a Joband must also strive for a highschool diplomar

The fifth .campus, -and prob-ably the least known at FCC, isthe ¡Ïesno County Hospltal: Part

' of thi vast field of nursing ls lnthe Valley Children's .:Hospital

aûd the' Nutrltlonal llobe.

Publishect weekly by the Journallsm Etudents of thä Fresno City

College, 1101 Unlierslty, tr'resno, Callfornla. Composed by the

Central Californla Typographlc Servlce. Unslgned editorials Ère the

expressfon of the edltor.

CsÍeteríc- ls ,For EatingNof For Sfu dy Use

Fresno Cit¡r s

for its students rduring the day. ecafeteria holds top hgnors.

ttSo ?"

thi to cut meatstudy-take to the library. Mi.grate !

Go Go tb the library where the silence.is inducive to study.-- -.

Whi"tt bringi us to another point. The cafeteria is a

Christmas ls Losing

VENEZUELANS COMMENT-O¡ìcm.do Sqlczo qnd ElecrzqrDelgodo, two foreign students fróm Vénezuelo,'tell of their' life in the United Stcrtes.

F oreign Sfu dents GiveOpinions On LiÍe ln US

Two foreign stu{ents haye expressed their views oflife in,the United Státes. The students are Orl4ndo.Salazarand Eleazar Delgado, students from Venezuela, South Amer-ic¿. r

Delgado"s main'dislilte is íthe hìgh taxes in dhe United

Flavor W¡fh Commeicialism ;Täå:'":,"'J:ä1' J;i::i*". Christmas, a time of rejoicing and gift-giving, i¡ fa¡ and high schools" or venezuela

too commercialized in this complex ,g"ìt-iï¿ätôñic ¡om¡ ' *'" verv different (rom the

and jet-propelled.automobiles. ' unitetl states' The educational

Befòre Christm¿s Day hds eien 'aIscene we find the streets all dècorated with 'tments. Store fronts downtown' are fu[' <if'gfor that one laqt persoÌ on your list.

ir. This is jus-t r .t G .ås shopper of- Ltbfafy )erul¡e5,

;'JilH,itl; Many And VariedJackson CartY

)oclness fowa.ro of Ftesno citynent.,iling the trüe :::i,:T-t::T":t"",

Irenê Brietigam_"-- __-_-._,___ should know.Christmas spirit.

ahirrß coürDr

_ ,8f¡¡l¡ta',




Books iri the réserve foorn maybe checked out, said CartY, fornse ln that sectlotr betweeñ thehours of 8 .A.M and 4 PM.

Âfter 4 PM students maY check.out tlÌese books tor overDightuse. They must be returned bY 9

'AM the following morning. If thebooks are not returned bY thattlme, the student will' be finéd,'25 cents for the first hour' andfive cents for each hour there-'after.

The reserve room has recordson beginning Spanlsh andFrench,explalned Carty. These recordsare provlded to enable the stu'dents to hear the correct pro:nunclation of these lan8uages.

Recordings for nusic apprecla-tlon students are available. Theserecords are to be used only in thereserve room. Both, the booksand recorcls, may be checked outfor a two-hour perlod.


Strsdel Here For Six Yeotrs.Mrs.,Nina Stratlel, who lg m¡n-

ageÐ of ,the ,tr*resno City College

cafeterla, has beeq'at'tr'CC since


She has been in the restaurantbuslrtess'for a total of 36 years,

four of'which were spent st theMohave. Granmar School cafeteria; 13 years ât va¡lous res-taurants and now six years atF'CC,

Mrs. Stradel's staff lncludes 16

u¡omen and ,10 bus boys. "Thebus boys are all tr'CC students,and ao ls my night cashler,"stated Mrs, Stradel. "I certalnlywill be heppy when the entlrestudeit body gets on one caÞ-pus," she atlded.

ÂmoDt the many dutles of acafeteria manager, Mrs. Stradelsupervises the buylng of thefood end the plannlng of good'wholesome menus. Mrs. Stradeland her staff'put ln extra hoursof work by assisting wlth re-freshments for the dances a¡d

other eYeDts that the studentssponsor.

Thè cafeteria staff also.servedthe football team oD Saturdaysbefore thelr gàm.es. th'ey, in attcli-tion, serve bênqupts for outsldegroups. Each year. the FtC cafe-teria staff pnepares meäls for the'West Coast relays athletep.

"I like to work around people,"safd Mrs. Stradel, "and I have anexcellent crew to wo¡k wtth thisyear."

Mrs. Stradel said that her fav-orite hobby is gardening. Durlngthe summer Mrs, Stradel and herhusband. take thelr traller andto salmon flshlng. They havevlsfted. the scenlc parts of theNorthwest.

the cafetcria ls oÞen from11:15 Á.M .to 1:15 PM Mondaythrough tr'ri<lay aDd from 5:30 to7 PM Montlay through Thursday.The coffee shop hours are from?:30 .A.M to 3:45 PM Mondayttrrough.tr'rttlay and fro¡o 7:30 to8:45 PM Montlay through Thurg-dav.


Page 3: 58_F_10_Dec11

Thursdoy, December l l, 1958 IANPAGE Puge Tlrrcc

Club News

Club ReportTo Be GivenAt Meeting

Ilarold Ylck, treasurer of AlphaGamma Sigpa, wlll present a bud-get report at the Dec. 1? meeting ofthe honorary soclety.

A-Iso scheduled on the AGS agen-da will be a presentation of ldeasby members of the club for pro-jecte for the coming semester.

Pictures will be taken of themembers of the club at noon ina>721-

Phi Theta KappaA committee has been selected

to form a nominations assemblatefor the purpose of selecting candi-dates for office for the comingsemesler.

Glynda Vorneveld, Mabelle Belland John $ed-Horse will, be assist-ed by Mrs. Dorothy Bliss, Mrs.Louise Hazelton, and Dr. PaulPastor, sponsors of the club.

The nert meetiDg of Phi ThetaKappa wil.l be Monáay in L-103.

Veterans ClubThe lnstallation of a memorial

tlag pole ou the tr'resno City Col-lege campus has been agreed upon

.by.members of the Veterans Clubas the project for the year.

Appointed by Carmen Eanni,p4esident of the tFoup, to. investi-gate the most efficient means of

..acquirint funds fqr the proJectwere the following members: Mil-ton McCoy, Ronald Dunn, Craig'Whltney, Richa¡tl Bratcher, andRichard Muth. r

The Veterans club meets twice amonth in M-200 at noon,

spahlsh clubThere wlll be' an impôrtan[ medt-

iqg of the Spanish club to be Pre'sented Monday tn Âd-201: .

Âny student who is inte¡ested inany'óhâse of the life of thi Sþan-ish 4,merican people, eithèr tàecultural'or the languags, are eli-gible to jôtn the club advised D.Lée Ross, Spanish instructor.

The purpose of the meeting willbe to disèuss and amend the newconstitutlôn and devise a time'ìvhich will be satisfacto'ry for clubmeetings.

Rambler ReceivèsYearbook Award

The Columbia Scholastic PressAssociation awarded a first placecertificate to .the 1958 Rambler,the tr'resno City College yearbook,

The award was given to the 24thantrual yearbook crltique and con-test conducted at the ColumblaUnlversity in New York City.

Franz ^A,.

Welnschenk was the ad-vlsor o( the 1958 Rambler, ancl Bil-Ite Jèan Trout was the edltor.

Post Office DeporlmentRequests Eorly Moiling

the United States Post. OfficeDepartment has requested that allparcels and letters be, writtenlegibly; lnclude a return âddresson each piece of mail; 4nd. put thecorr€ct amount of postage on allcards and letters.

VISITORS DUSCUSS :- Lqst Thursdcy membe¡s of the Stockton Junior College studentcouncil visited the Fresno City College student council. During lhe luncheon the groupdiscussed ideas on'.how to improve relqtionships between the two schools. Seoted orèMory Mattis, Donnø Schmidt, Sonde Reed, Mcny Ann Estrado, Uoye Fronsen, Miss HelenDqnner, deqn of worren, qt'Stockton, Dr. Allen W. Wc¡ldo, decnr of men qt SJC, WorrenGruenig, Roy Wilson, Joe Sccrrovino, Richcnd Pcryne, Mervin Deutscher, crnd Lynn Lee fromSiockton.

Inter-Club Counc¡l Receives Pr ivilege Card Funds;W¡ll Offer Three Scholarships For FCC Students

By RUSS FOOTEThe Inter-Club Council has se-

cur€d sufficient funds, through therecent sale of student body Þrivilege cards to Flesno Clty Collegestudents, to award three scholar-ships of $25 to returning tr'CC stu-dents fÖr the-1959 spring semester.

Thé appllcatlons may be ob-tained ln Ad-218 Dec. 15. to Dec. 19.All applfóations must be submittedno later than 3 PM, Dec. 19.

Richard Dillon, the student bodyvfce presldent, etated that eU ap-plicants should list thelr qualiflca-tions anal ,why they 'wôukl' tlke toreceive the scholarshlp.

.A,pplicantS will be consldered onacademlc achievement. leader'ship

as demonstrated by initiative, or-ganizational ability, and exertinginfluence on others, outstandingparticipation in student and com-munity activities, sense of houor,citizenship appreciation, and fi-nancial need.

A commlttee composed of Dillon,Geraldine -A.lexander, Linda Has-tings, and. Karen McDougald willinterview the applicants end selectfive to be presented to the mem-bers of the ICO. The members willthen make the flnal selectlon of tåethree students,to recelve the schol-arships.

The ICC wtli hold a meeting to-day at 12 PM in SC-211.

Christmqs Disploy Showln Librory By Art Closs

The industrlal arts for element-ary schools class, a nety courseoffered this fall at Fresno CityCollet€, has a- Chrlstmas displayin the FCC Library showcase.

Rlchard M. Dekoning, the.indUs-trial arts lnstructor, said, .,.The

display represents proJects thatcan be. made in thls class-

. 1'This course is degtgned .s.a aDaid for students vho plan te beelementary school teachers. TheseproJects are also desit¡ted to be ofa practicel nature-to help furtherstudy in other:subjects." i

A-nyone irterested iu further ln-formatior about this course shouldsee Dekoning in A-2.

Coffmon fs HonororyMember Of Orgonizotion

Charles Coffnan, art automotivemechanic 'instrüctor, was electedrecently as an honorary memberof the Fresno Chapter of Indepen-dent Automotive Specialists.

The annou4cement of member-ship r¡¡as made by Duane Änderson.the presldent of the Iocal chapter.

Air Force Recruils

Sfude nts W¡llBe Inlerviewed

Sergeant Roy Counts of the .â,lrtr'orce recruiting office wlll be oucampus Dec. 16 anat 12.

His express purpose-wlll be tointeryiew both men and womenwho are interested ln a commls.sion ln the Ài¡ tr'orce. Thls lnter-view will be a preliminary teàt todÍsclose whether tbè person ls ofofficer material, which wouldschoòl in San A¡tonio. Teras]qualify him for officers candldate

Sergeant Counts said, "thg€nainqualifications for becoming & mem-ber of the Women's Army AlrForce are a minimum of two yearsin college, a g:ood moral back-ground, and the applicant tq bebetween the ates of 1'9 anat 26."

He contlnuect to say, "womsncannot be married on enterlng theservice, .but'rrfiU not bò dropped.from the service if they marrywhile in."

There are many advantages inentering the Air J'orce, Countssaid. There is a good chance totravel.within the United States, tobecome eligible for overseas duty

Serteant Counts wtll be ln thestudent foyer and will lnterviewstudents from 10 AM to 2 PM.

Sophomore Closs NeedsNew Club Supporters

Five students attended the soph-omore.qlags meetint last week, an-nounced D. Iree Ross, class spon-sor. ,

Thls is the second time the.classhas trled to form and tn¡lce Dore'lthas been unsuccgssful sald Roõs.

"It must be tùat the sophomore,sare apatbetic," opiuloned Ross, "Itwould be a good thiug it we couldqeÊ them togetler. early ln the

Exchonge Notesyear'. Wé coultl '-gbt'a löt morelone ;hat way " r" "

Interested sophonisies should beaware that they have'a Feb. 2?,1959. deadlin.e to sign up for theirindiyiclual degrees in the' admis-sions office,

, reminded George C.

Holstein, the dean of adùlsslonsand recorcls. Holsteih is takingcare of the requirements of eachstudent must have to ðomÉlete hisgraduatiói credits.

A¡oiher meeting of thq sopho-mores rùlll be an¡ouncêd in timefor stirdents to plan to be þresent.

Glendale Student Parking 0btained At CosU

Fresno State Helps Tuberrulosis AssociationA large parking lot for student

parking has been obtained aDd de-veloped at the cost of $161,000, re-ports the El Vaquero.

Fresno State College

The Collegian stated that tr'SCfraternities and soro¡itjes recentlyhelped the tr'resno County Tubercu-losis Association process severalthousand Christmas Seal Sale let-ters to be sent to Fresno Countyresidents.

San Josc State CollegeThe Spartan Daily snnounced

that SJSC is ths only state collegewith a chapel od state gioúnd.

San Luis Obispo Junior CollegeThe Junior College Log reports

that advanced auto shop studentsare repairing student cars free ofcharge in the auto shop to gainexperience with cars,

We Are Reody! -

Are You?

CrÍrislino¡ Gifls s

for SmokersShop Now At


' lBelween Fulton I Väq Ne<slDownlown Fresrio

Open Doily-8'AIYI to 9 Pl/t' ' (Until Christnos)Sundoys lO Â',ll to 5 Prvl

Page 4: 58_F_10_Dec11

Pogc Four

GEORGE SARANTOS_FCCgucnd goes up for o iumPshot in q recent Rsm baskeþball gcrne.


Once upon I tlne, on the edge ola, ß¡€at forest ln a land lar eway,dwelted & Eean old wltcb namedHazel aDd her equally ncstY nlece,Ltttle ltch. Goah'arootle, waltHarel a ttrean one. She was verYstubborn. and ehe lost her temperquLte eaelty. She thought DothlDgot cheattng, ond when tbln'8is dtdn'tgo her way she sure could rettleoff gonc colorful edJectlves.

Anyway, under tåe me¿dow lafrott ol her house, ¡tsldcd hcronly closc nelghbors (for, after all,rho w¡nt¡ to llve next to wltctres).G¡rslevYers ltved ln burrowsunder the meadow ¡nd, llkegophcra, tbeY enter€d snd ilepslt'ed lrom thelr burowg tbrouthItttte holeg ou top of the E¡oua<['

Nor, It s€cD¡ that tbßlo va5aothtug old wltch Hstol wouldrathcr do th?^q to huntln8 theccllttle creature¡, desDlte the f¿ctshe was'verY much ¡frald of then.(Someümec I thttrk EY Eotbcr wrsprobably scared bY dnc beforo Iwac born). It EeeEed thot 8&rslaY'ver huntlng Juat n¿turalty aDpealetl

to otubborn, dtshonest lmpatlentttDe-Dcople tlke otd wltch Hazel.

Becouse the was e, latY cowerd,Ila^¡el huDted the tÊr¡lavvers wfthlon8 lron clubs beceuse tnyonefool enougb to huut garslawereuncrmed. ls Just aßktlB for lt, o¡'lshe msde youu8 ltch coEo sloDÊi

end carry the clubs for her.

The ga¡ltawcr¡ tlliln't b¡ve ach¡ucc. Everytlme onc of tùe furrtllttle thlngs atuck lts hc¿d out ofIts bole to teke ln thc mo¡ul¡gp¡per, ItoF, otd Ha¡cl clobbercd' lt'

Thc 'ger¡l¡wer Populstlon all'

hlnlshed 8.t a faDstastlc rete, andthla wag certalnlY detrineDtal toaometàlng. The garelavvcr¡ dld thconly thlnB theY could, theY wrotc¡ letter to the congresena'n forth¿t dlstrtct. QutcklY actlon was

t¿ken. A coDstttutloDal ¡me¡d'inent wss Pagsed, and, for Protec'tlon of tarslavYera, e rlgld set o!law¡ was est¡bllehed for hunüngthe¡o,

Garslavvers hevo sfnce been

berded together and Dut oD' or

retber under. rese¡Trtlon¡ aone'times referrcd to as SFeou¡ or felr'ways. ¿¡d those otubbora, dlo'

hone¡t, lmPatlent tYPc People who

are drawn to gsrslavver huatlng'now must refl¡e thelr hutrtltrg totùese Srass covered r€servatlons'õle only rvay they can bumP offthe Sarslawers now ls bY hltttnghard ltttle bêtls lnto the garsl¿v'

ver¡ burrows wlth lron clubs. To'day ¿lt across the natlon Just thlsls golng on u[der the name of Eolf

. So, no matter how bad Your score

is, never shove the ball into the

hole or You'll lose Your arm uP

to the elbow. In fact-good heav'

ens! One ol the little nonsters ls

crar¡ling ¡P the slde of mY desk

now! Get out, You fools before lt'stoo late!

Ram Cagers To StartHome Season Friday

Coach Joe KelleY's ltesuo CltYCollege basketball squad, sportlnga four and one record, x¡lll lnitlateits home seaaon tomorrow at 8 PMin the ' Yosemite Junlor HighSchool Siymnaslum against Sa¡Bernardino Junior College. Thebusy R¡im cagers wlll meet Hart-nell College SaturdaY, and Bake¡s'fieltl College Dec. 1? to'round outa full week of play.

Fresuo won the consolatlon chám'plonshlp of the Bakersfieltl CollegeInvitational Tourname¡t,this pastweeketrd by downlng Lqs angeleg

Harbor Junlor College 74 to 66, antlModesto Junfor College 58 to 43

dfter losing thelr oieulng roundgame to San Jose Junlor College64 to 5?.

The Rams, stlll lacking Dotentrebounding, took a seven PoiDthalf time lead agalnst San Joseitr last Friday's tournement oDen'

er ln Bakersfietd, oulY to succumbto I fourth quarter Sa¡ Jose rálly.Chuck Lowe led the trtC offensewith 20 polnts, but tbe loss ofFrank Johnson and DarDelI MlkeloD Þersonal fouls latc ln the tameBreatly hamperêd the Rams.

Johnron Score¡ 2fFrestro butlt uP I lsrge lead ear'

ly tn tùe game agalnst L. Â. Har'bor to wln golng as'ay. Johnsonscored 21 Polnts for FCC end thetrlo from WashiDtton Hlgh School* Mlkel Chet BlshoP sDd Iree

Stark - Detted 36 between tåem.Thc wln ln this ga^ne Put Fres¡otn the consolatloD rouDd flDôl.Bekcrrf lcld Tourñlrlrcnt Scorlng:

F¡r¡no CC.t7Pl¡ycr ¡\O Í:T PF TPSterk..--..............---.0 2 0 2

Johnson..................2 6 6 0

Mlket...-............-...-2 5 6 IBigboD--.-.---....-.-.-...1 1 4 1

Lowe -.......-.......-.-.7 6 1 20

Cowt¡8c.,...-,.--.-l 0 3 ,Àllen...-.................0 0 0 0

sarantoo -*-j j j :Tea^m Totalg: --..1? 23 10 67

srn JoÒe JC 64

Playcr IT f.T PF TPMcDonnoll--.....-....6 1 6 13

Scarfoss.-...-..--....-.7'3417Slmmous-..-.-.-..'....1 2 1 4

McKi¡ncY....-..-......4 4 3 10

Wlson-.........--.......-? 0 3 2

Rocha:.....-....-.....-.-..0 0 0 0

Fresno CC 74

Stark ----.---......-.....----.4Johuson -.-...-..-..-.....?Mtkel -...,..--..-......5Bishop --..-.----..-.....4

þwe -.--..-.-..--.-.5Cowlngs .-.-:-.....-.---.2Allen .-..-..--.--..---.0,Sara¡tos .---...-........0

Roberts .......-..-.......0

Si€gel ...-.......-......--0Scott -.-........-.........-..0

Ttea mTot¿ls: -.--27

Llster ....--..---.......--..1

Yashura ...r-..-.........1Ortlz -..-...---...-...--....5

Team Totals i ----26

L. A. Harbor 66

PlayerThoEas ...-...-...-.---72

Fresenlus .-.--..--...-.3

Gatlln ..-.-...--....-....-.3Nelson -..:....--....-.-...2Rankin .....-.-...........1Wilson ..-..-........-.-...0

Garlbay ........-..--....0Reuter ...-.............--4Falcon .-.....--..-.......1Smlth -............-.-...-.-0



Te¿m Totels:Modc¡to JC ¡lil

Playcr F'O FTBeDDcr .......-.-.......-.-8 0Laï'renco -...-...-....-2 1

WubÞen -.....-....--....3 0

HoaglaDal -....-..-.....3 1

Greaves .-.....-..---....1 0

McÀdem¡ ....-........:1 0

Larson .................-.-3 2

['ruch ............-.........0 IMoore .....:-.-.-..-......3 0

Ftckre...........--j j





















P¡' TP225



tr'or those poor unfortunates ìrhollve ln places where wlnter meanslots of strow and lots more shovel'tng, thte tfme of year tsù't antlcl'patetl wlth much gusto. However,for those of us who reslde here lnFresno where the only enow flakescome ln soap Powder bores, thewinter months &re gre¡Uy wel'co¡oed.

Thls ls tùe season of yeer fo¡going to the DountelnB wlth ourtoboggêtrs, lce skates, sDal sklg a,Dal

enjoylng neture's whlte Chrletmâ-qes. Ânrt to keeD t¡ splrlt wlththe falrly receDt trend in Calt-for¡l¿, tr'reeno Clty College ls lnthe process of formlag a oki c\¡0.

D¡canbcr ll,1958

ÄGTION-such as this is in store for membe¡s of the FCESki Club this winter.







27 64





















8F TP*0l52607t202380 .14620

C¡ty'College Sk¡ Club GainsRap¡d Student lnterest

Sterk....--.-....-......--1 I 1 3Johnson-....-..-.--....-t 0 1 8

Mlkel .....-.....-..--.....{ 4 1 72

Blshop........-..........-5 I I 13

Lowe..---......-...--....4 0 1 E

Covlng¡ --.--.-.-....--..-0 l, '0 1

Allen ......--..............1 0 1. 2

Sarantos-.......--......3 1 0 7

Scott..-....-..--..........0 0 0 0

Stegel..-.-...-...-.-......-2 0 0 1

Frcrno CC 58



Under tàe dlrectlon of MlssDoris Deakln8, the dean of woD€n,and Ted Mcoaleb, lnterest l¡ thectub ls boomlng. The club ls hold-lng lts meetlDg tn M-200, everT fl-dey at [ooD.

Buss Helm, wbo'g beea spread-ln8 publfclty for tùe club, has en'phasized tlat belng able to skt lsdeflnltely Dot nece8s¿ry to be amember.

SoEe edveDt¿ges of ekll¡g w-lt¡a club lnclude tùe oblllty to purchase equlpEent cheaper, a¡tl theposelblUty ol E¡oup lusurtnco.

IIow do I Jol¡? Just ¡hov uI, 8ttohor¡ow'e EeettnS, aJ¡d we'll oeoyou artuuû thc clopes thts wl¡tor.

Ram WrestlerstA.LOSe LrPener

The Free¡o Clty College wrc¡t'Ita¡ ¡$r¡d wis defoatot 25-10, by¿ fegt-movlng El Cabl¡o JunlorCollçge club, ln ¿ serleg of matcbeeheld ln the Fresno Clty Coilegegymnaslun last Saturday.

Thls week tbe Ram wrestlerswfll ta¡gle wlth tbe Collete ol. TheSequolas squod, The natches wllltahe pl¿ce tn the F'CC gymnoslumat 3 PM todey.

L¡¡t Wcekt Rc¡ult¡123 pounds, Joe Pulldo, FCC on¡l

Clyde Ca¡uso tled,2-2.130 Dou¡ds, Eddle Davles, I'CC

pinned Cltfl Gulliory, õ-0.

13? pounds, Dean McOauley,FCC, lost to f,'otter Johns, 5-0.

157 pouDds, Jerry KlrkhorÇ FCClost to Bob Guy, 3{.

16? pounds, Blll Moore, FCC lostto Steve Buckalew, 3-0.

17? Dounds, Don Tlt'enhof, FCCtled Jay Krech, 2'2.

191 Dounds, Ron 'Wsthem, FCC,ñst to Woyne .A.tklns, 5-0.

Heavyweight W¡yne Cook, FCC,lost to L¿urle Bclger, 3.0.

F resno Downs'Gqdes 7 3-69

The F:e¡no Ctty Cof¡eep È¡tkct-ball team put on a firrlous tourt¡qu¿rter rally to' Bqueete ouç .?3-69 vtctory over Bekersfleld Cof.lege oD the lattey'¡ houc cou¡tDec. 2.

Hampered 'by a helgùt deflclÇtàe Rams tralled throu8Dout EoBtof the geùe. Fra¡k Jo,hnson tocsodtD 24 potnts for Fl€ano, ¡,Dd Dár*nell Mikel netteil 1?.

Frc¡no CC 73Player FG mSt¿rk -----.--.-..-.--.....3 6

Johnson ...-.......-..--.-g tMlkel -.-.-...---..-----6 õ

Blshog ......-..-.....-..-.5 0

r-owe .-...-.....----.-.-..2 oCowlDtc --..-....--.-.--0 0S¿ra¡tos .-...-......----1 2

Scott ..-................-....1 0

Âilen ......-....--1 jTearo lotola: ----27 19

B¡kcr¡flcld JC 60

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FRESNO CITY COLLEGE1958-59 Wresfling- Schedule

D¡y D¡tc OPPoacnt Plece Tlmc

Occ. - e-Sst. El Ca'mtuo ..-.-.- "-""'-"'IIer€ 8100 P'lú'

Dec. ll-Thu¡¡. Colfege of the ..'..".-"'He¡'e 3:00 P'M'

Dec. 16-Tues. Portervltle :..-. .."...'-".IIer' 3:00 P'M'

Dec. l8-Thuls. Mode¡to

Jan. 8-Thur¡. ' San Jose StÊtG ---..---' 4:00 P'M'

i"i. fe-f"r. Unlversttv of Caltf' 4:00 P'M'

Jan. l?-S¿t. San Frstrclsco Stete Tentetlve

Jan. 21-Sat. Cal. Poly InvltattoJr TournaDeDt-"'T¡erc 10:00 À'M'

i"". ZS-W"6. Portervllle ----.----------------There 4:00 P'M'

¡i'eb. 6-Thurs. Collete of the Sequolas -.:------...--------.-There 4:00 P'M'

Feb. l3-Thurs. Xodc¡to .------.-..-.'..-"-"'Jlere 3:00 P'M'

Feb. 18-Wed. San Jose State .-.---.-----.------.--------.-'.-.-There 4:00 P'M'

Feb. 2?-Frl. Ce¡tral Callf. Champlons -...-....-..-'------Here 2:00 P.M.

Mar. l{-Sst. St¿tc ChamDlonsNote: All horoe Eatches wltl be held l¡ the Weldon Àve. tTm

Extensive PE ProgromNow Offered ot FCC

Tbe Dhyslcal educatlon Plotnsrnat F*resno Clty College ls one ofthe most dlverslfteil 4EoDg theJuÀIor eolleges ln Callfor¡ia.

Nearly three dozen sePa.rate P.E'classes are belng offered at Í'CC atthe pregent tlme. These classescover 17 major and mlnor sPortsand sports technlques.

'P.8. classes are malntained lnfootball, basketball, baseball, track'tennis, golf,'swlmming, ba.dmlnton'wrestling, combatlves, dancln g,

botly butldlng, cross coùntry,welght liftin8, sports offlclatinS,handball, aDd Siroup games'

FCC ts malntalning YarsltYtesms ln eight sports.

fi matrxruttt A,F coNo¡rroÀto

NOW SHOWIN('l¡l!¡4of 104^l,l trrsR