5011 White Oak Avenue, Encino, CA 91316 (818) 342 - 4686 www.ourladyofgrace.org

5011 White Oak Avenue, Encino, CA 91316 (818) 342-4686 www ... · 14/06/2020  · 5011 White Oak Avenue, Encino, CA 91316 (818) 342-4686 ♦

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5011 White Oak Avenue, Encino, CA 91316 (818) 342-4686 ♦ www.ourladyofgrace.org

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Mass Schedule

Sunday: 8:00, 10:00, 12:00 pm (Spanish)

Saturday: 8:00 am and 4:00 pm (Vigil Mass)

Weekdays: (Mon - Fri) 8:00 am

Eucharistic Adoration & Devotions

Every Friday: Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament

after 8:00 am Mass,

Sacrament of Penance

Friday: 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm

Saturday: 9:00 am to 10:00 am

Contact the Parish Center to arrange for:

Baptism ♦ Marriages ♦ Visits to the Sick ♦ Religious Ed. ♦

New Parishioner Registrations

Parish Office Hours

Monday - Friday: 9:00 am to 6:00 pm

(Closed for lunch: 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm)

Saturdays & Sundays: Closed

Fr. Marinello Saguin, Administrator

[email protected]

Fr. Thomas Feltz, Priest in Residence

Glen Heffernan, Deacon

[email protected]

Karim Cama, Business Manager

[email protected]

Claudia De Luca, Receptionist

[email protected]

Leslie Reyes, Parish Secretary / Bulletin Editor

[email protected]

Jeannie Rogers, Liturgy/Music

[email protected]

Jill Moore, RCIA/Evangelization

[email protected]

Anisha Virgen, Adult Faith Formation

[email protected]

Jesse Rodriguez, Religious Education [email protected]


Thomas Ambriz, School Principal

(818) 344-4126

[email protected]

PARISH STAFF Veronica Pomposa Pablo Godinez Claire Mansour Soledad Vargas Mercedes Echegoyen Jeff Kinzli Aidan Bradley Dawn Hopkins Imelda Clark Phillip Ribas Maria Robles Dolores Casper Jose & Helen (YB)

Allison Arahkn Franklin Moya Mariano Velazquez Susan Morales Paula Aguilar Chuck Denet Ed Ricard Gary Thomas Patricia Branagan Phyllis Richardson Harolyn Ma soff Pat Borland Rita Gen le

Julie Sianzon Yolanda Aburto Nelson Aburto Karo Dylanian Juan Legaspi Shereen Peer Michael Peer Grace Cihanowiz Krizia Flores William Roberts Renee Harbour Ma. Josefa Lopez Betzi Mar nez

Angela Rostani Jose Luis Reyes Jr. Stephanie Rivas Angela Berry Ruth Sorney Debbie Lane Kathy Morelli Tony Mammo Tonya Fuentes Fuentes Family



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Dear Faith Family of Our Lady of Grace, Praised be Jesus Christ...now and forever! Following Trinity Sunday, we now celebrate the solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ, also known as Corpus Christi, which is Latin for “Body of Christ.” What the church intends to celebrate is not the corpse of Jesus in the cross, his body during his earthly life, or even what St. Paul refers the church to as the body of Christ. Instead, what we celebrate as we heard in the gospel reading, the real presence of Jesus- His body, blood, soul, and divinity- in the Eucharistic species. The Body and Blood of Christ we celebrate is the consecrated bread and wine that has become Christ himself. Our eyes of faith pierced the material of bread and wine and we know that it becomes Jesus for us. The Eucharist is more than just to look at; it’s a Eucharistic process, a self-giving of Jesus himself so that he is bread broken and wine poured out in service and in love. It is not enough merely to admire the Eucharist, which there is a time and place for Eucharistic adoration. Just like what we will be doing every Friday from here on. The Blessed Sacrament will be exposed from 8am until 6pm so that people can love, thank, adore, and be close to Jesus and be in his presence. Another aspect of celebrating this solemnity, we must become a living presence of Christ in the midst of the world today, so that we are bread broken and wine poured out for the needs of our brothers and sisters. The Eucharist demands that, as followers of Christ, we too allow ourselves to be broken for others and to be poured out so that we can continue crying out the passion, death, and resurrection of Jesus (paschal mystery) with our lives! June is the month of the scared heart and this coming Friday, June 19th is the solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. In 1672 a young girl from France, now known as Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque, was visited by Our Lord in such a special and profound way that would transform the world. This visitation was the spark for the devotion of The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. It was during the many visitations that Christ explained the devotion to the Sacred Heart and how He wanted people to practice it. In order to better realize the infinite love of the Son of God, as manifested in the incarnation, in His Passion and in the adorable Sacrament of the Altar, we needed a visible representation of this love. He then attached many graces and blessings to the veneration of His adorable Sacred Heart. Our Lord commanded that all who wish to take up the devotion to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus go to Confession and receive Holy Communion often, especially on the First Friday of each Month. Friday is significant because it recalls Good Friday when Christ took on the passion and laid down His life for the many. If unable to make it on Friday, He called us to make a point of receiving the Holy Eucharist on Sunday, or any other day, with the intention of making reparation and render atonement and to rejoice in the Heart of our Savior. He also asked that we keep the devotion by venerating an image of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus and making prayers and sacrifices offered out of love for Him and for the conversion of sinners. Our blessed Lord then gave to St. Margaret Mary Alocoque promises for those who take up this sacred and special devotion. In the up-coming weeks I will continue writing on the Sacred Heart in the month of June so we can grow in our appreciation of ‘tis wonder devotion. We are blessed to have a beautiful marble statue of the Sacred Heart that is unfortunately hidden by the choir rail and stand. I encourage you when you stop by in the church to say a prayer in that beautiful area of our church. In the upcoming weeks we will also be beginning to celebrate Masses inside the church on Sundays, followed by vigil mass and Sunday masses and culminating with resuming daily Mass too. Last Sunday was such a great success and many people were able to celebrate Mass “under the tent” and we heard so many positive feedback that we decided to do it one more Sunday. Next Sunday we will be inside the church so please register online. I also am asking people to please help us with our wish list to provide cleaning and sanitizing supplies that we are in need up. We do not know how long this will last so we would like to have enough products for the foreseeable future. Another area of concern is our volunteers we will need multiple groups of volunteers to please sign up so that we can sanitize pews and handles after each Mass. This cannot be done without many hands and willing hearts to stay behind after Mass we must reflect on this as an act of kindness and concern for the well-being and safety of our own families and other parishioners who will sit in the pews after us. If we do not have enough volunteers, we will be forced to reevaluate our reopening and how we can continue serving our community of faith and keep it safe. Thank you in advance for your cooperation, generosity, and support as we proclaim the reign of God and celebrate his Eucharistic presence here at OLG. Have a great week! Stay safe!

In the Merciful Heart of Jesus,

-Fr. Marinello Saguin


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Querida familia de Fe:

¡Alabado sea Jesucristo ... ahora y para siempre!

Después del Domingo de la Trinidad, ahora celebramos la solemnidad del Cuerpo Santísimo y la Sangre de Cristo, también conocido en latín como Corpus Christi, que en español significa "Cuerpo de Cristo". Lo que la iglesia intenta celebrar no es el cadáver de Jesús en la cruz, su cuerpo durante su vida terrenal, o incluso a lo que San Pablo se refiere a la iglesia como el Cuerpo de Cristo. En cambio, celebramos lo que escuchamos en la lectura del Evangelio, la presencia real de Jesús, su cuerpo, sangre, alma y divinidad, en la especie eucarística. El Cuerpo y la Sangre de Cristo que celebramos es el pan y el vino consagrados que se ha convertido en Cristo mismo. Nuestros ojos de fe perforaron el mate-rial del pan y el vino y sabemos que se convierte en Jesús para nosotros.

La Eucaristía es más que solo mirar; es un proceso eucarístico, una entrega de sí mismo de Jesús para que él sea pan partido y vino derramado en el servicio y en el amor. No es suficiente simplemente admirar la Eucaristía, que hay un mo-mento y un lugar para la adoración eucarística. Al igual que lo que haremos todos los viernes a partir de ahora. El Santísi-mo Sacramento estará expuesto desde las 8 am hasta las 6 pm para que las personas puedan amar, agradecer, adorar y estar cerca de Jesús y estar en su presencia. Otro aspecto de celebrar esta solemnidad, debemos convertirnos en una presencia viva de Cristo en medio del mundo hoy, para que seamos pan partido y vino derramado para las necesidades de nuestros hermanos y hermanas. ¡La Eucaristía exige que, como seguidores de Cristo, nosotros también nos permita-mos ser quebrantados por los demás y ser derramados para que podamos continuar clamando la pasión, muerte y resu-rrección de Jesús (misterio pascual) con nuestras vidas!

Junio es el mes del Sagrado Corazón y este próximo viernes 19 de junio es la solemnidad del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús. En 1672, una joven de Francia, ahora conocida como Santa Margarita María Alacoque, fue visitada por Nuestro Señor de una manera tan especial y profunda que transformaría el mundo. Esta visitación fue la chispa para la devoción del Sagra-do Corazón de Jesús. Fue durante las muchas visitas que Cristo explicó la devoción al Sagrado Corazón y cómo quería que la gente lo practicara. Para realizar mejor el amor infinito del Hijo de Dios, como se manifiesta en la encarnación, en Su Pasión y en el adorable Sacramento del Altar, necesitábamos una representación visible de este amor. Luego atribuyó muchas gracias y bendiciones a la veneración de su adorable Sagrado Corazón. Nuestro Señor ordenó que todos los que desean asumir la devoción al Sagrado Corazón de Jesús vayan a la Confesión y reciban la Sagrada Comunión a menudo, especialmente el primer viernes de cada mes. El viernes es significativo porque recuerda el Viernes Santo cuando Cristo asumió la pasión y dio su vida por muchos. Si no pudo asistir el viernes, nos llamó para que recibiéramos la Sagrada Eu-caristía el domingo o cualquier otro día, con la intención de reparar y hacer expiación y regocijarnos en el Corazón de nuestro Salvador. También pidió que mantengamos la devoción venerando una imagen del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús y haciendo oraciones y sacrificios ofrecidos por amor a Él y por la conversión de los pecadores. Nuestro bendito Señor le dio a Santa Margarita María Alacoque promesas para aquellos que toman esta devoción sagrada y especial. En las próxi-mas semanas continuaré escribiendo sobre el Sagrado Corazón en el mes de junio para que podamos crecer en nuestra apreciación de esta maravillosa devoción. Tenemos la bendición de tener una hermosa estatua de mármol del Sagrado Corazón que desafortunadamente está oculta por la barandilla del coro y el stand. Te animo cuando pasas por la iglesia a rezar en esa hermosa zona de nuestra iglesia.

En las próximas semanas también comenzaremos a celebrar misas dentro de la iglesia los domingos, seguidas de misa de vigilia (Sábado) y misas dominicales y culminando con la reanudación de la misa diaria también. El domingo pasado fue un gran éxito y muchas personas pudieron celebrar la misa "debajo de la carpa" y escuchamos tantos comentarios positivos que decidimos hacerlo un domingo más. El próximo domingo estaremos dentro de la iglesia, así que regístrese en línea. También le pido a las personas que nos ayuden con nuestra lista de deseos para proporcionar suministros de limpieza y desinfección que necesitamos. No sabemos cuánto durará esto, por lo que nos gustaría tener suficientes pro-ductos para el futuro previsible. Otra área de preocupación son nuestros voluntarios. Necesitaremos múltiples grupos de voluntarios para inscribirse y poder desinfectar bancos y manijas después de cada Misa. Esto no se puede hacer sin mu-chas manos y corazones dispuestos a quedarse después de la Misa, debemos reflexionar sobre esto como un acto de amabilidad y preocupación por el bienestar y la seguridad de nuestras propias familias y otros feligreses que se sentarán en los bancos después de nosotros. Si no tenemos suficientes voluntarios, nos veremos obligados a reevaluar nuestra reapertura y cómo podemos continuar sirviendo a nuestra comunidad de fe y mantenerla a salvo. Gracias de antemano por su cooperación, generosidad y apoyo mientras proclamamos el reino de Dios y celebramos su presencia eucarística aquí en nuestra iglesia. ¡Que tengan una buena semana! ¡Manténganse a salvo!

En su corazón misericordioso,

Padre Marinello Saguin


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The practice of requesting a Mass to be offered for loved ones, living or deceased, is a beautiful and wonderful part of our Catholic tradition. Masses are offered for many

reasons: for the souls in purgatory, in remembrance of someone who is deceased, or in honor of a birthday or anniversary.

If you would like to have a Mass said for someone, please call our parish office at (818) 342-4686 to or request it on our website.

June 2020 Mass Intentions


6-Jun Ngozi Nwodo (D)

6-Jun Lori & Jim Hugo (L)

7-Jun Steven Sanwo (L)

11-Jun Otto Romero, Sr (D)

13-Jun Lorraine & Chester Jur (D)

13-Jun Hannah Abe (L)

13-Jun orge Ochoa (D)

13-Jun Otto Romero, Sr. (D)

13-Jun Lola Hardy (L)

13-Jun Melinda Lowenstein (L)

13-Jun Lynn & Duffy Walton (L)

13-Jun Celine & Nirusha Ernest (L)

13-Jun J eff Michaels (L)

13-Jun Marcella Duran de Lombeida (L)

13-Jun Rosa Inez de Gualle (L)

17-Jun Lucian Ernest (D)

21-Jun Lucian Ernest (D)

21-Jun Nell & John Wooden (D)

25-Jun Melissa Mongueis (L)

25-Jun In thanksgiving for medical response

to Navajo nation during Covid.

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Each year since 1947, our OLG community salutes our graduating class of 8th graders who demonstrate all that we are at OLG. Their witness to faith, their dedication to academic excellence, their leadership, express all that makes OLG a leader in excellence. Each graduating class is our OLG community's crown jewel. Our alumni, as we know will be the case with the class of 2020, go on in their lives to make a difference in the Church, in the sciences, in business, in education, and in law.



There are many in our community who have been severely impacted with reduced hours at work or even lay-offs as a result of the COVID-19 virus and the nationwide response. Our development office is spearheading a special campaign called Lions Emergency Community FUND to help OLG families whose lives have been turned upside down literally overnight. This cam-paign will seek to provide immediate and temporary tuition relief and funds for basic needs like groceries and rent. So many in our community are blessed, and I would ask those who can to please give generously to this fund. If you would like to make an immediate gift, checks may be made payable to Our Lady of Grace School with a note in the memo line that reads, “Lions Emergency Community Fund,” or you can donate online atwww.ourladyofgrace.co

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Register Online www.ourladyofgrace.org/calendar

click on link to register Select the Mass you and your family are planning to attend. Enter the number that will be attending Fill out the information and click register Please make sure you have a printed or digital copy of your reservation when arriv-

ing to mass. Line up at the South Patio Doors Entrance into the church will only be through the south door accessible from the pa-

tio. Arrive 20 minutes before the start of mass to line up in the designated area and

please remain 6ft from other families in line. Have your confirmation in hand or pulled up on your phone to help make entering

faster Masks must be worn by those 2 and up Every attendee must wear a face mask while in church. However, authorities state

that children under the age of 2 should not wear a mask. Exit your pew when directed At the conclusion of Mass please remain in your pew. An appointed usher will let

you know when it is time to exit and which doors you should move towards.

Online Masses will continue on our Website and Facebook pages

Thanks so much!

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Bulle n # 513885 Our Lady of Grace Church

Leslie Reyes (818) 429-8681

[email protected] How many copies to print = 300