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[Client Name] Master Specifcation 090.265.65029[Project Name] Date 19Jl200!Contract [""#""""""] Pa$e 2 o% 22


500 &' S()S*+*,-N *(/N "C(*,-N3

Record of Revisions

Rev. No. Date Description

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500 &' S()S*+*,-N *(/N "C(*,-N3

Table of Conens


1.0 SC-P......................................................................................................!

2.0 C-DS +ND S*+ND+/DS...........................................................................!

4.0 N/+ DS,N C/,*/,+.......................................................................5

!.0 500 ' S()S*+*,-N 7(,PMN* DSC/,P*,-N..........................................8

5.0 C,',S*/(C*(/+ /7(,/MN*S.........................................................15

6.0 500 ' */+NSM,SS,-N ,NS +ND S*/+,N )(SS....................................1:

:.0 C*/,C+ M+*/,+............................................................................1:

8.0 N,N/,N D+*+ /7(,/MN*S........................................................19

9.0 ;+C*-/ <,*NSS *S*,N....................................................................22

10.0 +**+C=MN*S........................................................................................22

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500 &' S()S*+*,-N *(/N "C(*,-N3


*.* This specification+ together with and attached specifications and drawings+ covers the technical

re,uirements for the - #/ 0ubstation.

*.1 2ll - #/ e,uipment+ protective relaying and metering shall have a minimum of 3 years of field



1.* 2ll codes and standards referenced in this specification shall be those in effect at the time of PurchaseOrder award. Permission for deviation from this specification and referenced codes and standards must

 be obtained in writing from $uyer.

2. 2merican National 0tandards nstitute+ nc. 52N06

$. nstitute of lectrical and lectronic ngineers 56

". National lectrical )anufacturers 2ssociation 5N)26

D. 2merican 0ociety of Testing )aterials 520T)6

. 2merican "oncrete nstitute 52"6

7. 2merican 0ociety of "ivil ngineers 520"6

8. 2merican 9elding 0ociety 52906

:. National lectrical "ode 5N"6

. 7ederal Occupational 0afety and :ealth 2ct 5O0:26

;. 2merican nstitute of 0teel "onstruction 520"6

<. National lectrical 0afety "ode 5N0"6

%. =nderwriters %aboratories+ nc. 5=%6

). =niform $uilding "ode 50$"6

1.1 t shall be the 0eller and!or )anufacturer's responsibility to be+ or to become+ #nowledgeable of the

re,uirements of these "odes and 0tandards. 2ny changes or alterations to the e,uipment to ma#e it

meet 0tandards and "odes re,uirements shall be at the e4pense of the 0eller.

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500 &' S()S*+*,-N *(/N "C(*,-N3

1.3 9henever e,uipment+ proposed by the 0eller+ cannot fully meet the re,uirements of this specification+

such e4ceptions must be clearly stated by the 0eller. No e4ceptions shall be allowed+ unless approved

 by the $uyer in writing.

1.> The 2merican National 0tandards nstitute 52N06 device function numbers shall be used to denote all

 protective devices+ circuit brea#ers+ brea#er's au4iliary contacts+ etc.+ on all applicable drawings.

1.- lectrical e,uipment+ ? volt and below shall bear the approval label of =nderwriters %aboratories

5=%6+ where applicable.


%"! Sie Daa

2. The plant site is in a location where heavy wind is a common condition. The site seismic and

wind loads shall be as indicated in Paragraph 3.-.

$. 0ite levation 3@- ft

". 0ite 2mbient Temp Range minus 1A 7 to **-B 7

%"$ Vola&e' Fre()enc*' +IL

2. Nominal /oltage - #/

$. )a4imum /oltage -- #/

". 7re,uency ? :C

D. $asic mpulse %evel 5$%6 *@ #/

%"% Desi&n C)rren Rain&s

2. - #/ )ain 0train $us 1 2

$. - #/ $rea#er "ontinuous Rating 3 2

". - #/ %ine Disconnect "ontinuous Rating 3 2

D. - #/ fmr Disconnect "ontinuous Rating 1 2

. )a4 3EPhase and *EPhase 0hortE"ircuit "urrent 50ym rms6 > #2

7. )omentary 0hortE"ircuit "urrent 52sym rms6 ?> #2

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500 &' S()S*+*,-N *(/N "C(*,-N3

%", Clearances

2. )in PhaseEtoEphase "learance between rigid %ive Parts 5metal to metal6 1 ft

$. )in PhaseEtoE8round "learance 5N)2 08E?6 *>> in

". /ertical "learance of unguarded live parts 5 N0" Table *1*E*6 13 ftE F in

D. )inimum "learance between %ive Part and 7ence 3 ft

. /ertical $rea# Disconnect switch & $rea#er centerline spacing 1- ft

7. )inimum /ertical "learance above swyd and power plant roadways >- ft

8. )ain 0train $us and Transformer 0train bus centerline spacing 3 ft

:. %ow $us height 3 ft

. :igh $us height -- ft

;. $P2 Transmission %ine "onductor ta#e off height F- ft

%"- Loadin&

2. 9ind %oads

4treme wind load at 33 ft above ground level @ mph

ce %oading 5N0" heavy wind and ice load6 *!1G of ice with > psf of wind at B 7

*. 9ind loads for all structures shall be computed using 20" FEA-. 2 step function of 

 pressure with height under 4posure " shall be used. The building classification shall be"ategory + with an importance factor of *.*-.

1. The design wind pressures shall be determined by applying the velocity pressures to theappropriate 20" FEA- coefficients for building main windEforce resisting systems+ other 

 buildings+ component and cladding+ and other vendor variable design coefficients andfactors.

$. 0eismic %oads

0eismic loads for all structures shall be computed using ?A3E*AAF. 0eismic loading shall

 be used in the design of structures only when they are greater than the computed wind loads.

The =niform $uilding "ode 5 =$"6 *AAF edition shall also apply using 0eismic Cone 1$+

importance factor H*.+ soil profile type 0d.

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500 &' S()S*+*,-N *(/N "C(*,-N3

". 0now %oads

0now loads shall be based on 2"0 FEA- ground snow load of 3 psf shall be considered

%". Ri&id +)s Desi&n Per IEEE .#- /01ere a22licable3

2. )a4imum deflection of the bus with dead load and ice load shall be limited to .-I of the

distance between ad(acent supports+ but not to e4ceed half the outer diameter of the tubular bus.

$. 7or dead load in combination with wind and ice loads+ the ma4imum allowable stress shall be

limited to the elastic limit stress of the rigid bus. 7or dead load in combination with wind+ iceand short circuit forces+ the ma4imum allowable stress shall be limited to the minimum yield

stress of the rigid bus.

%"4 Gro)ndin& S*se5

The substation grounding system shall be designed to protect personnel and e,uipment during faults.

The design calculations and soil resistivity test data shall be furnished for approval. The ground grid

shall be designed in accordance with @ based on following minimum re,uirements

2. )a4imum clearing time .- sec.

$. )a4imum ground fault grid current > #2

". 0oil Resistivity 5to be confirmed6 * ohmEm

D. )esh spacing Per E@ "alculation

. 8rid "onductor 3- #cmil stranded bare copper

7. 8rid siCe 3 feet past swyd fence

8. 8rid $urial depth *@ in

%"6 Li&1nin& Proecion

Overhead shield wires and lightning masts installed on the line and 4fmr ta#eEoff towers shall be provided for protection from direct lightning stri#es. 7reestanding lightning masts 5if re,uired6 shall

also be supplied+ as re,uired+ to protect the substation from direct stro#es. The shield system shall be

tied into the substation ground grid.

%"7 Na5e2laes

2ll electrical e,uipment shall have nameplates as follows

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500 &' S()S*+*,-N *(/N "C(*,-N3

-. 2N0 2ccuracy class .3 9KJ+ JJ

?. /oltage ratio 5secondary and tertiary6 1@F+-**-!?A**-!?A

$. /T certified factory test reports shall be supplied.

". Trench 07? gas insulated /TLs+ type 0/0+ shall be supplied.

D. The bushing shall be 2N0 F %ight 8ray and shall have a minimum >?1.@ inch creepage

distance. The bushing shall be composite.

. 2 stainless steel N)2 > cabinet 53G 9 4 3G : 4 @GD6 with pullout fuse bloc# and fuses for 

all phases shall be located below the center $Ephase "/T. 0lugs 5not fuses6 shall be provided inthe neutral circuit in the (unction bo4.

,", --# ;V Reven)e eerin& a&neo O2ic C)rren Transd)cer /OCT3

2. The - #/ revenue metering magneto optic current transducer 5 )O"T6 shall be a single phase

)O"T 1 2 sensing unit+ rated *@ #/ $% supplied by 2$$.

$. 2$$ shall supply the signal processing electronic module along with the re,uired fiber opticcable

". 2$$ shall supply certified factory test reports and field commissioning reports for the installedsystem

D. The bushing shall be 2N0 F %ight 8ray and shall have a minimum of >33 inch creepage. The bushing shall be composite.

,"- Ca2aciive Vola&e Transfor5er /CVT3

2. The -#/ "/TLs shall be supplied with the following ratings

*. )a4imum rated voltage 5% to %6 --#/

1. $% *@#/

3. 7re,uency ?:J

>. 2N0 2ccuracy class .39KJ

-. /oltage ratio 5secondary and tertiary6 1@F+-**-!?A**-!?A

$. "/T certified factory test report shall be supplied.

". Trench is the approved manufacturer for "/TLs.

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500 &' S()S*+*,-N *(/N "C(*,-N3

D. The bushing shall be 2N0 F %ight 8ray and shall have a minimum 3? inch creepage

distance. The bushing may be porcelain or composite.

. 2 stainless steel+ N)2 >+ cabinet 53Mw 4 3Mh 4 @Md6 containing fuses for all phases on pullE

out fuse bloc#s shall be located below the center phase "/T.

,". Li&1nin& Arresors

2. Three 536 station class metal o4ide varistor 5)O/6 lightning arresters with a conventional

voltage rating of >1 #/ and a ma4imum continuous phase to ground 5)"O/6 rating of 33- #/

shall be installed at the outgoing transmission line.

$. "ertified factory test reports shall be supplied.

". The bushing shall be 2N0 F %ight 8ray and shall have a minimum >?3 inch creepage

distance. The bushing may be porcelain or composite.

D. 8+ 2$$ or Ohio $rass are the approved manufacturers for the lightning arresters.

,"4 S2ace <eaers

2. 2ll outdoor relay panels+ brea#er control panels+ outdoor (unction bo4es and disconnect switch

control bo4es shall be furnished with space heaters.

$. The space heaters shall be thermostatically controlled and shall be rated single phase 1> /ac

for operation at *1 /ac.

". 0pace heaters shall be furnished with personnel protection screen.

,"6 Ri&id +)s and +)s Fiin&s /01ere re()ired3

2. Rigid bus shall be seamless+ 0chedule > tube made of ??3ET? aluminum alloy fabricated per 20T) $E1>*.

$. 2ll connections+ fittings+ and termination pads shall be welded to the bus. $olted typeconnectors for connecting and splicing the aluminum bus shall not be used. The rigid bus splice

shall be made by use of internal tube type bus couplers. "ertified welders shall perform all buswelding.

". 2 damping conductor shall be furnished in all horiContal bus.

D. 2ll bus support fittings shall be 2lcoa or approved e,ual fittings. 8alvaniCed mounting

hardware shall be used to fasten the bus support fittings to the insulator.

. 2ll aluminum connections shall use 3*? stainless steel bolts+ flat washers and loc# washers.

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7. 2ll aluminum (umper terminals shall use 2lcoa full circumference compression type or 

approved e,ual. These (umpers shall be connected to the aluminum pads welded to the bus.

$olted type connectors shall not be used.

8. The bus shall have *!>G drain holes in all bus!fittings that could possibly trap water. nd bells

shall be installed on all rigid bus.

:. 4pansion (oints shall be supplied for installation in the rigid bus as re,uired.

. "orona free hardware shall be used at all connections.

,"7 Saion Pos Ins)laors

2. 0tation post insulators shall be high strength porcelain units rated *@ #/ $% withstand+ F*

#/ low fre,uency wet withstand for * sec+ and shall have a minimum 3? inch creepage


$. nsulator fittings and clamps shall be hot dip galvaniCed malleable iron or bronCe. 2luminum

fittings and clamps are not acceptable.

". The porcelain shall be 2N0 F %ight 8ray.

D. N8< %O"< and %2PP are the approved manufacturers for the station post insulators.

,"!# Conrol' eerin& and Rela*in&

2. The protective relaying and metering for the - #/ 0ubstation shall be designed and furnishedin accordance with the attached - #/ Relaying & )etering One %ine Diagram. 2ll wiring

from the - #/ 0ubstation high voltage e,uipment shall terminate on the Relaying & )etering


$. 2$$ type 7TE* switches shall be provided for

*. The protective relays without built in test switches!test plugs. ach utiliCed input and trip

output on microprocessor based relays shall be run through a test switch.

1. %oc#out relays

3. On the "T and "/T leads where they enter the relay panel lineup from the switchyard.

>. On "T or "/T leads to isolate a group of function for a line or brea#er position li#e

metering and relays when connected on the same circuit.

". 2ll control selector switches and loc#out relays shall be as manufactured by lectroswitch.

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D. 2n Ema4 R29E* type trip coil monitor shall be provided for all loc#out relays to provide

indication of loc#out coil trouble.

. 2ll circuit brea#ers+ that are not used for generator synchroniCing+ shall be electrically

controlled from the control panels located in the substation relay building. 8enerator brea#ers

shall have controls to trip the brea#er in the substation relay building. 8enerator brea#ers willonly be closed remotely. The close!open position of each brea#er and each disconnect switch

shall be indicated on the control panels using 8 type TE*?+ or e,ual+ indication lights. Two

 brea#er close indicating lights shall be provided. ach of the brea#er red indicating lights shall

monitor a brea#er trip coil. The brea#er open indicating light shall be green.

7. Two independent *1- /dc circuits shall be utiliCed for the control of each circuit brea#er One

for the close circuit and the primary relay trip output connected to trip coil * and the other for the bac#up relay trip output connected to trip coil 1. ach of these dc circuits shall be fed from

a separate dc panel

8. ach protective relay circuit shall be provided with a loss of D" relay with alarm output wired

to the RT=.

:. Protective relay alarms+ loc#out relay au4iliary contacts+ circuit brea#er au4iliary contacts and

trouble alarms+ $attery charger common alarms+ :/2" alarms and smo#e detector alarms shall

wired to the 0ubstation RT= and D7R panels.

,"!! Conrol Panel Deails

2. "ontrol and Relay Panel $asic "onstruction

*. ach - #/ control and relay panel shall be an enclosure with open top and open bac#.

1. 2 mimic of the substation arrangement shall be displayed along the center of the relay

 panels or on a separate freestanding mimic panel.

3. The electrical control and relay panel shall completely factory assembled+ wired and


>. ach control and relay panel shall be 3G9 4 3GD 4 AG:+ with top cable entry.

-. Panels shall be constructed from ** gauge sheet steel+ hot rolled+ pic#led and oiled sheets

e,ual to 2N0 "**.

?. Panel shall be ade,uately reinforced to prevent relay activation due to physical shoc#.

F. Panels shall be provided with necessary framing and stiffeners to form a rigid selfEsupporting type of structure.

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@. 7lat surfaces on the plane of any panel shall not deviate more than *!@ inch from the true


A. nside panel surfaces shall be painted white. Outside panel shall be painted 2N0 ?* light


*. 2 minimum siCe *!> inch 4 * inch copper ground bus shall be provided throughout the

entire length of the panel to bond together all the metallic enclosures of the devices. t

shall be e,uipped with a solderless connector for 1! 298 copper cable at each end for connection to the substation grounding system.

**. 2ll devices that are surface mounted within the panel enclosure shall be located so thatad(ustments and maintenance can be readily performed.

*1. Devices mounted on the relay panels shall be located at least *1 inches from the floor.

*3. nter panel wiring shall be run in > inch panduit through panel side opening+ as re,uired.

$. Panel 9iring

*. "ontrol panel wiring shall be accomplished in a neat and orderly manner. 9here

 practicable+ wiring trough or gutter with readily removable covers shall be used+ and any

two or more wires run together shall be clamped or tied in straight lay bundle at

appro4imately *- inch intervals. Ties or clamps shall be nonmetallic. 9iring shall bearranged so as to be readily accessible for inspection and maintenance+ and in no case

shall wiring arrangement impede access to panel mounted devices.

1. "ontrol panel wiring shall be ? /+ "lass $+ stranded copper with 00 moisture

resistance insulation+ =% approved. 9ire siCe shall be a minimum of *> 298 for lowvoltage control circuits+ *1 for low voltage power circuits+ and * 298 for current

transformer secondary circuits.

3. :inge wire shall be fine stranded+ fle4ible type+ secured on each side of the hinge and

formed with sufficient slac# to minimiCe strand fatigue and brea#ing.

>. Terminal bloc#s shall be industrial duty+ barriered+ rated ?/+ 32+ 8 type $ or 

e,ual+ capable of accepting a minimum of two * 298 field wires. They shall be

furnished with white mar#ing strips and+ where permitted by the safety codes and

standards+ shall be without covers. Not less than 1 percent spare terminals shall befurnished.

-. 2ll current transformer leads shall be brought to shorting type terminal bloc#s installed at

an accessible location using * 298 conductor. There shall be no sliding lin# terminal

 bloc#s in the current and potential transformer circuits.

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500 &' S()S*+*,-N *(/N "C(*,-N3

?. ach terminal bloc#+ terminal+ conductor+ relay+ brea#er+ fuse bloc#+ and other au4iliary

device shall be permanently labeled to coincide with the identification indicated on the

drawings. 2ll terminals provided for termination of e4ternal circuits shall be identified by

inscribing circuit designations acceptable to the $uyer on the terminal bloc# mar#ingstrips with indelible blac# in#. 2ll wiring terminations shall be identified by printing on

flameEresistant heat shrin# conductor identification sleeves. 2 conductor identification

sleeve shall be provided on each end of each internal conductor. ach sleeve shall be

mar#ed with the opposite end destination identification. 9ire identification shallcorrespond to the detailed connection 5wiring6 diagram.

F. 2ll conductors shall be terminated with ringEtype preinsulated indentEcompression lugs.The terminal lugs shall be constructed of copper and shall be tinEplated. No splice shall

 be permitted in any wire or cable+ and no more than two wires per terminal shall be used.

@. Terminal bloc#s for current and potential transformer circuits and for *1 /ac and *1-

/dc power supply circuits shall be separate from each other and from terminal bloc#s for 

control wiring.

". Panel Nameplates

*. Nameplates shall permanently identify each device in the panel. This nameplate shall be

located ad(acent to the terminals of the device in a clearly visible location.

1. Nameplates shall be provided on both sides of the panel for each device on the e4terior face of the panel.

3. ach panel shall have a nameplate describing its function as shown in the data sheets

and!or nameplate schedule or device list.

>. Nameplates shall be laminated plastic. "haracters shall be blac# on white bac#ground.2dhesive fastening of nameplates on the front panel is not acceptable.

,"!$ S)bsaion RTU and DFR

2. 2ll switchyard alarms and meter serial lin#s shall be wired to a substation RT=+ type 8 :arris


$. 2 switchyard D7R+ type :athaway D) shall be installed.

". The substation RT=+ D7R and all relays and meters e,uipped with cloc# input shall be

connected to a 8P0 cloc#+ type 2rbiter 1@>".

,"!% S)bsaion Inerface Panel

2. 2ll switchyard digital alarms and brea#er status signals and analog signals that interface to the

 power plant shall be wired to a 0ubstation nterface Panel.

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$. The 0ubstation nterface Panel shall contain ? / terminal bloc#s+ 8 type $ or e,ual+ and >

inch Panduit wireways.

,"!, !$-VDC S0ic1boards=Panels

2. Two independent battery systems shall be utiliCed+ both located in the - #/ 0ubstation

"ontrol $uilding.

$. ach switchyard battery system will be made up of one battery+ 1E*I chargers+ and

distribution panel to interconnect the batteries and the chargers.

". One 5*6 dc distribution panel shall be interconnected to each switchyard battery main

distribution panel. The switchyard battery shall be connected to the dc distribution panel via a

main circuit brea#er. This brea#er shall withstand the battery short circuit current and coEordinate with the branch brea#ers in the panel.

D. 2ll dc brea#ers shall be 1Epole. ach dc panels shall include minimum of 51>6 1Epole brea#ers.2ll circuit brea#ers shall have provision of padloc#ing in off position+ Type 0,uare D or 

approved e,ual.

. The dc redundant circuits shall be fed from the two dc distribution panels+ as re,uired.

,"!- !$-VDC +aer* and C1ar&ers

Refer to the battery and charger specification .

,"!. AC S*se5

2. Two 516 3Ephase+ deltaEwye+ >@E1@!*1 volt solidly grounded station service transformer shall

 be furnished to supply all ac loads in the switchyard.

$. Two 516 1@!*1 /olt distribution panels shall be furnished to supply power to various services

and au4iliaries. The panels shall be manufactured by 0,uare D or approved e,ual. 2ll brea#ersin the panels shall be pad loc#able in GO77G position for *!> G shan#.

". %oss of 1@!*1 / shall be alarmed at the RT= Data Display Panel.


-.* The 0eller shall provide all the switchyard e,uipment structures. 2s a minimum+ applicable $uilding

"odes and 2merican nstitute of 0teel "onstruction 520"6 re,uirements shall be utiliCed in the

structural design.

-.1 2ll steel structures+ erection bolts and connection hardware shall be hot dipped galvaniCed per 20T)2*13. 2ll holes shall be preEpunched and galvaniCed+ not field drilled.

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-.3 0tructural steel shapes for structures shall be 20T) 23?+ 20T) 2AA1 or 20T) 2-F1 8rade -. 0teel

 plates for structures shall be 20T) 23?+ 20T) 2-F1 8rade - or 20T) 2-F1 8rade ?-. 0tructural

tubing members+ if used+ shall be 20T) 2- 8rade $ with a minimum yield stress of >?+ psi.

-.> 2ll bolts and washers and nuts shall be as follows

2. :igh 0trength $olts 20T) 231-

$. =nfinished $olts 20T) 23F

". 9ashers 20T) 7>3?

D. Nuts 20T) 2-?3 8rade D:

. 2nchor $olts 20T) 23F or 23?

-.- The 0eller shall submit all structural drawings and chec#ed engineering calculations+ stamped and

signed by a professional engineer+ to the $uyer for review. %oads+ loading combinations and the codes

used in design shall be clearly stated.

-.? 2 seven 5F'6 foot high chain lin# fence with three 536 strands of barbed wire above the chain lin# fenceshall be provided to enclose the switchyard. The fence shall have four 1Efoot double door gate and

one man gate.

-.F GDanger :igh /oltageG signs shall be furnished on the fences at a spacing of no greater than - feet.

-.@ The fence fabric shall be designed for No. A gauge galvaniCed in accordance with 20T) 2EF*+"lass 1.

-.A "oncrete design shall be in accordance with 2merican "oncrete nstitute 52"6 3*@ and concrete

construction in accordance with 2" 3* re,uirements.

2. "oncrete 1@ days compressive strength fLcH> psi.

$. RebarE20T) 2 ?*- 8rade ?.

". 9elded wire 7abricE20T) 2*@-.

-.* The 8eotechnical recommendations shall be used in the design of all foundations.

-.** The switchyard area+ including 3 feet beyond the switchyard fence+ shall be covered with > inches of 

crushed roc#.


?.* 2ll - #/ transmission lines and strain buses shall be bundled to minimiCe corona.

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?.1 ach transmission line shall be shielded with 3!@ inch :0 shield wire. This shield wire shall be

terminated to the ground grids on both ends.

?.3 2ll transmission line and strain bus bundled conductors shall have spacers installed.

?.> 2ll strain clamps and suspension clamps shall have high strength cast aluminum alloy bodies and

#eepers. 2ll suspension assembly fittings shall be malleable iron. $olts+ =Ebolts+ nuts and loc# washers

shall be hot dip galvaniCed steel.

?.- 0train insulators shall be porcelain and shall have 3 units per string. N8< %oc#e and %app are the

approved manufacturers for the strain insulators.

?.? 2ll transmission poles shall be grounded by the 0eller using a bare copper ground wire and ground rod.

"onductor siCe shall be the same siCe as the main ground grid.


4"! Cable Race0a*

2. Raceway system design shall consist of cable trench+ conduit+ fle4ible conduit+ wireways+

cabinets and bo4es and all materials re,uired to properly install the complete system. 2ll bul# 

electrical material shall be =.%. labeled where applicable.

$. The concrete cable trench shall have an open bottom and removable covers. Road crossingswithin the switchyard shall be designed with :01 covers above grade.

". The switchyard underground cables shall be installed in P/" conduits from the cable trench to

the end e,uipment.

D. P/" conduit+ schedule @+ shall be used below ground including the A elbows. =nderground

P/" conduit to the concrete trench can be directly buried within the switchyard fences withoutencasing in concrete duct ban#s.

. =.%. approved fle4ible li,uid tight conduit shall be used+ where re,uired.

7. 2ll above ground conduit shall be R08.

8. "able trays shall be per N)2 /E*+ aluminum ladder type tray with A inch rung spacing and ?

inch side rails. "overs shall be installed on the outdoor portions of the tray. "able tray fill shallnot e4ceed - I.

4"$ Cables

2. The siCing of cables shall be determined based on N" re,uirements with considerations for voltage drop and ma4imum load currents.

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$. The ?/ power and control cable shall be N" type T" and shall have stranded copper 

conductors+ ::9 insulation and a P/" (ac#et and shall have a - mil copper tape overall

shield. The shield shall be grounded on both ends. 0eparate cables shall be used for primary and

 bac# up protection.

". 2ll current transformer secondary leads cable siCe shall be minimum of * 298. )inimum of *1 298 siCe shall be used for controls and "/T wiring. The power cables shall be siCed

according to N".

D. 2ll ? / cables shall be suitable for direct burial and be sunlight resistant both of which shall

 be indicated on the (ac#et.

4"% Gro)ndin& Desi&n

2. 8round grid shall be of grounding rods+ underground bare grounding cable and ground

resistance test copper bus bar. 2ll substation e,uipment+ structures and metallic conduits shall

 be connected to the ground grid. This ground grid will be interconnected with the power plant

ground grid.

$. 8rounding connections below grade shall be made using e4othermic connections.

". 0eller shall provide a grounded operator platform to be installed at each disconnect switch

operating handle+ and each circuit brea#er control cabinet. ach platform shall have two ground

connections to it.

D. 0ubstation fence shall be grounded at every other post. The fence gates shall be grounded with

approved fle4ible connectors.

. 8round rods shall be installed at each set of surge arresters.

7. 2ll e,uipment and cable tray in the 0ubstation "ontrol $uilding shall be connected to a copper 

ground bus located in the building.

8. 2 bare ground conductor shall be installed in each concrete trench and in each cable tray.

"onductor siCe shall be the same siCe as the main ground grid.

4", Li&1in& Desi&n

2. 2ll outdoor lighting shall be :igh Pressure 0odium 5:P06 and maintained a minimum of 1 footE

candles at ground level ne4t to all brea#ers+ disconnect switch and other outdoor (unction bo4es.:igher lighting levels shall be utiliCed for the disconnect switch blades and local brea#er 

open!close indication.

$. The switchyard lighting shall be controlled by a photocell and a lighting contactor.

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@.* 2ll engineering data provided shall be for the e,uipment as specified and ordered.

@.1 "ertified copies of all factory test reports shall be provided.

@.3 2ll vendor drawings for the - #/ e,uipment and the relay and meter panels shall be submitted for 


6", Dra0in& Re()ire5ens

2ll engineering data provided shall be for the e,uipment as specified and ordered. ngineering data +

as listed below+ shall be supplied in the ,uantities shown in the 0DR form.

2. Outline Drawings 5DEsiCe6+ completely dimensioned showing locations of the following

*. 2rrangement of e,uipment.

1. Plan+ elevation and details of substation e,uipment+ structures+ trenches+ etc.

3. "ontrol building plan and elevation

>. 0ubstation steel fabrication and erection drawings

-. 7ence and gates detailed design and erection drawings

?. 2nchor bolt plans and details.

F. "onduit and cable trench plans and details.

@. 0ubstation grounding plans+ details and bill of material.

A. %ightning shielding.

*. 0ubstation lighting plans+ details and bill of material.

**. Transmission line plans and profile drawings

*1. Transmission line structures design drawings including shop detail drawings and erection


*3. 7oundation plans and details

$. OneE%ine Diagrams+ ThreeE%ine Diagrams and *1- /dc OneE%ines.

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". lementary Diagrams

*. lementary 5schematic6 wiring diagrams shall be furnished for each *1- /dc different

control scheme.

1. ach elementary diagram shall show all related control devices and device contacts+ each

of which shall be labeled with its proper 2N0 device function number.

3. ach elementary diagram shall show all devices and wire numbers+ and terminal bloc# 

terminal numbers.

D. "losing and Tripping %ogic Diagrams

2 closing and tripping logic diagram shall be produced for each brea#er and each relay scheme.

. Device Development Diagrams

7. 2" and D" panelboards schedules

8. "alculations

*. Transmission line design calculations

1. $us deflection calculations

3. %ightning arrester calculations

>. 0tation post cantilever calculations

-. 0tructural calculations

?. 8rounding calculations per @

F. )O"T revenue metering accuracy verification by 2$$

@. 0tation service transformers siCing

A. %ighting calculations

:. Detailed "onnection 59iring6 Diagrams on DEsiCe drawings showing

*. 2ppro4imate physical location of all items.

1. 2ll point to point wiring.

3. 2ll interconnecting wiring.

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>. dentification of all terminals+ terminal bloc#s and wires.

-. "lear identification+ by some distinguishing method+ of all wiring which is to be installed

 by $uyer. This shall include+ but not be limited to+ leads from e4ternal current

transformers+ au4iliary contacts to remote devices+ incoming dc control power+ and

separate incoming ac power. This shall also include spare au4iliary contacts and relaycontacts that shall be wired to terminal bloc#s for future use.

?. "able!conduit schedule including cable routing.

. 0pare Parts %ists

*. "omplete priced spare parts list+ including parts location diagrams or drawings+ that

0eller recommends for first year's operation.

1. Priced spare parts list that 0eller recommends shall be on hand during plant startup.

;. )aterial %ist

*. 2 material list shall be furnished listing the ,uantity+ type+ rating+ 0eller's 5and

)anufacturer's if different6 catalog number of all e,uipment in each unit

1. "atalog cut sheets for all materials.

<. nstallation+ Operation and )aintenance nstructions

nstallation+ operation and maintenance instructions and calibration procedures shall cover allthe e,uipment furnished including metering+ relaying+ control+ regulating and au4iliary devices.

%. "omplete set of asEbuilt mar#ups at time of energiCation.

). Nameplate diagrams.

 N. RT= and D7R engineering drawings shall be supplied including the RT= )odbus data list with

address structure list for D"0 interface.


$uyer shall have the right to witness factory tests and inspect all circuit brea#ers+ relay and control panels+

substation building and RT=. $uyer shall be notified at least - wor#ing days in advance of any factory teststo allow his representative to be present. These items shall not ship to the (obsite without $uyers approval.


2ttachment * Data 0heet

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