5 stories that you must read from outlandish

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It's a powerpoint presentation that gives a glimpse of stories written by me and a brief introduction about my blog. You'll enjoy seeing this slideshow since it stimulate your curiosity and interest to read further and lands you up on my blog.

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OutLandiSH Highlights

The blog started in year 2011 with creative personal notes.

The blog now has transformed from amateur to professional blogging.

The blog offers you infotainment in the form of short stories, poems, one-liners, valuable tips about content marketing and much more.

If you look back we have a golden history of stories. Story-telling is an art that seemed to make anyone

lose a track of time. In a digital era, short stories can make you quickly entertained while never losing its grip over you when sometimes you need a fresh air to breathe. Short stories do the same magic what

we’re talking about here. The slideshow give a glimpse of 5 stories that you must read from

OutLandiSH blog

Because everyone has a story to tell!

Because our own life seems to be turning into a story that has drama, thriller, action, suspense, tragedy and more and you want everyone listen to your story.

Because the story makes us to forget the rough patches of our own life

Because the story can represent you!

If you appreciate creativity, you’ll enjoy reading this blog.

No one can understand a writer better than his/her own readers and other writers.

The stories will leave you transfixed as at the end of the each story a tragedy strikes.

I’m excited to read!

Are you?

Promises are meant to be broken!

#1st Story

The excerpt

“I was the witness of that heart-wrenching drama. I

silently sneaked out of that place where the scene took

place as I myself was in a terrible condition. My heart

ached for that girl but I gathered courage and I tried

to forget whole episode of that night while I lay on my


The story revolves around a heart-broken girl who at the end of the story

accepts the harsh conditions of life and try to move on with life revealing

the other side of her.

Hugs and kisses

#2nd Story

The excerpt

Aah! I hated myself and trying to shake my head as if I wanted my thoughts to throw out of my head.

"He has gone for good", "No, he loved you dearly"

one part of my mind said, "you have to move


The story starts with a sad chapter and ends with hope. A story about hope that you must read when everything seems to be going wrong in your life, take a deep

breath and be hopeful!

Take me to the home tonight!

#3rd Story

“I gave a birth to a lovely baby girl. That was the happiest and proudest moment in our life.

Day 17th, Sep 2013

4 years of marriage my baby was grown to 3 and half -year-old girl wise enough to understand whether I was in pain or not. I could not gather the courage to see my reflection in the mirror nor I had the energy to get up and do anything by my own.”

The excerpt

The story goes around a girl who later becomes a wife of someone, then a mother

and she thinks her life is perfect only to occur tragedy in her life pushing her family

at the edge. The story will bring tears in your eyes.

Password protected

#4th Story

The excerpt

“ After one hour or so, the police entered in the scene and questioned many people including the guy. The guy was genuine and he did his

best to admit the girl as well as get himself treated. He explained

everything to the police. Even some witnesses gave their details of

the incident.

Police went to see the girl in the ICU cabin.

She was kept on ventilator and a team of doctors were monitoring

her condition. Mr. Rao, a senior inspector questioned some more

people so that he could make a detailed report of the incident. “

Technology certainly has made our lives better and easier. But have you ever given thought to

what extent technology is healthier for us? Password protected describes that how

technology can put us at a danger. Don’t believe? Read story and understand what it says!

A game of seduction

#5th Story

The excerpt

“ It was just a matter of a few minutes and they both shed their inhibitions. They quickly melt in each other’s arms. They both had a fiery passion in them and made love. He showered her with

countless kisses on her lips, cheeks, neck and then everywhere.

Once they were satisfied with exploring each others, they quickly

dressed and he left the room. “

A game of seduction puts your relations in question whether they

will remain loyal or will change when given an opportunity.

I hope you have enjoyed this slideshow and would take time to visit the blog to explore more than what is there in the



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