5 Part FB Ad Template - Lead Guru · 2018. 7. 23. · The 3 ads you'll see below were all created by us and they all ... outperform images that we create. Facebook is interruption

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Page 1: 5 Part FB Ad Template - Lead Guru · 2018. 7. 23. · The 3 ads you'll see below were all created by us and they all ... outperform images that we create. Facebook is interruption



Page 2: 5 Part FB Ad Template - Lead Guru · 2018. 7. 23. · The 3 ads you'll see below were all created by us and they all ... outperform images that we create. Facebook is interruption



Page 3: 5 Part FB Ad Template - Lead Guru · 2018. 7. 23. · The 3 ads you'll see below were all created by us and they all ... outperform images that we create. Facebook is interruption

Lead Guru is a London-based digital marketing agency that helps businesses increase revenue through online lead and sale generation.

The primary marketing platforms we use are Facebook and Google. And where possible, we like to go beyond single ad campaigns and build comprehensive lead generation systems that consistently generate fantastic results.

So you're in very good hands with this Facebook ad template.

The 3 ads you'll see below were all created by us and they all performed very well in live Facebook ad campaigns.


Page 4: 5 Part FB Ad Template - Lead Guru · 2018. 7. 23. · The 3 ads you'll see below were all created by us and they all ... outperform images that we create. Facebook is interruption

We've discovered a lot spending hundreds of thousands of pounds on live campaigns...

And we know that when you offer something your prospects want, write engaging copy, use relevant and appealing images AND target the right people, you will win with Facebook advertising.

So we thought it would be really helpful for us to put together this Facebook ad template.

We've used 3 different ads from the 3 most common types of businesses:      1) Local / Service      2) Ecommerce / Product      3) Digital / Info Product

No matter what industry you're in, you'll be able to model from at least 1 and maybe even all 3 of these example ads. 


Page 5: 5 Part FB Ad Template - Lead Guru · 2018. 7. 23. · The 3 ads you'll see below were all created by us and they all ... outperform images that we create. Facebook is interruption

A standard Facebook ad is split into 5 parts and for each ad below we've explained what we included and why.

As we've used ads that we've created for our clients, we've blurred out the information that could identify them.

We've seen the incredible effect a successful Facebook advertising campaign can have on a business and we want to wish you the very best of luck with yours.

Without further ado... here's our 5 Part Facebook Ad Template:

Page 6: 5 Part FB Ad Template - Lead Guru · 2018. 7. 23. · The 3 ads you'll see below were all created by us and they all ... outperform images that we create. Facebook is interruption


Page 7: 5 Part FB Ad Template - Lead Guru · 2018. 7. 23. · The 3 ads you'll see below were all created by us and they all ... outperform images that we create. Facebook is interruption

The ad shown below was part of a campaign we created for an interior design company. This company acquires new clients by offering free interior design consultations.

During these free consultations, they will visit their prospects' property to discuss their requirements and offer advice. This is a great offer to advertise on Facebook.

Because it's a social network, Facebook is unlike most advertising platforms. People don't want to be advertised to, so it's important to offer value upfront and for many service businesses, a free consultation is a great way to do so.

This company was confident in their ability to convert prospects that signed up for a free consultation into clients.

Therefore the objective of this ad was to generate as many leads (people signing up for free consultations) as possible.


Page 8: 5 Part FB Ad Template - Lead Guru · 2018. 7. 23. · The 3 ads you'll see below were all created by us and they all ... outperform images that we create. Facebook is interruption
Page 9: 5 Part FB Ad Template - Lead Guru · 2018. 7. 23. · The 3 ads you'll see below were all created by us and they all ... outperform images that we create. Facebook is interruption


Call out your target market. Here we've used a couple of very short questions to let people who are moving house or redecorating know that this ad is for them. 

You can also do this by being location specific. Local businesses such as restaurants and hair salons can include the name of their city in their ads - '50% off men's haircuts in West London'

Once we've got our target market's attention, we then tell them why they should click on this ad. We've listed two benefits of the service being offered - 'a beautiful interior' and 'manage the project for you'.

Keep it brief. There are exceptions to this and if you're promoting a piece of content, you'll need longer copy. But for a simple offer like this, brief is best.

Page 10: 5 Part FB Ad Template - Lead Guru · 2018. 7. 23. · The 3 ads you'll see below were all created by us and they all ... outperform images that we create. Facebook is interruption


If you have product or portfolio images, then simply use one of your best as we have done here. If you don't, there's a couple of options:

1) If you have a physical location then use a photo of it or of something inside it. Spend some time on this and make sure it looks great or hire a professional. Remember, this photo needs to be appealing enough to get people through the door. It also needs to be relevant to your offer.

2) Facebook have teamed up with Shutterstock to provide advertisers with free stock photos to use in their ads. You won't hear this advice elsewhere, but we recommend using these stock photos if you don't have something physical to display. They often outperform images that we create.

Facebook is interruption advertising so images need to be eye catching, relevant and preferably colourful.  

Page 11: 5 Part FB Ad Template - Lead Guru · 2018. 7. 23. · The 3 ads you'll see below were all created by us and they all ... outperform images that we create. Facebook is interruption


Keep it simple and to the point. With local and service businesses you shouldn't try to be cute or clever.

People scroll through their Facebook news feed quickly, so tell them exactly what your ad is about and what you're offering, as we've done here.

It's also best to offer something that people will struggle to say no to. That probably means you can't get away with 'visit us' or 'use our services'.

Offer the best discount or special deal that you can. As a local or service business, it's the easiest way to acquire new customers and if they have a great experience they'll come back. You don't need to give them a discount the 2nd time!

Just like this interior design company, lots of service businesses will have success advertising a simple free consultation on Facebook.

Page 12: 5 Part FB Ad Template - Lead Guru · 2018. 7. 23. · The 3 ads you'll see below were all created by us and they all ... outperform images that we create. Facebook is interruption


Reiterate and elaborate. You don't have long to get your message across, so don't have any reservations about reiterating it.

The news feed link description is also the least noticeable element of a Facebook ad. If someone's reading it, they're probably interested. This means you can add more detail about your local business or the service that you provide.

It's important that people care about the extra detail you provide. In the ad above we have told the audience that they'll be meeting an award winning interior designer.

We also turned this section into a question. Using a question like this can get your prospects saying yes, which make them more likely to click on the ad.

Page 13: 5 Part FB Ad Template - Lead Guru · 2018. 7. 23. · The 3 ads you'll see below were all created by us and they all ... outperform images that we create. Facebook is interruption


If possible, it's best to include one. Our testing has shown us that if you want prospects to take a specific action (such as signing up for a free consultation) including a call to action produces better results.

This is quite a straightforward part of any Facebook ad. Simply use the call to action that is most relevant to the action you want people to take.

Here, we want prospects to sign up for the free interior design consultation, so we used the sign up call to action. There are a number of different options, so you should easily be able to find one that fits your offer.

Page 14: 5 Part FB Ad Template - Lead Guru · 2018. 7. 23. · The 3 ads you'll see below were all created by us and they all ... outperform images that we create. Facebook is interruption


Page 15: 5 Part FB Ad Template - Lead Guru · 2018. 7. 23. · The 3 ads you'll see below were all created by us and they all ... outperform images that we create. Facebook is interruption

We created the ad below for a company that produces and sells luxurychocolates. We ran this campaign before Christmas and were lookingto increase sales of their award winning chocolate Christmas cake.

As mentioned previously, Facebook is a social network. People want tosee value upfront from advertisers otherwise they won't react verywell.

The easiest way for an ecommerce company to provide value upfrontis by offering a discount, in this case we used a 10% discount. 

Everyone likes a discount and they work particularly well on Facebook.We always heavily encourage our ecommerce clients to offer adiscount in their Facebook advertising. 

It's also important to know that this ad was used in a retargetingcampaign and was only shown to warm audiences. If you're unfamiliarwith retargeting then you can find out more here: How to RetargetWebsite Visitors on Facebook


Page 16: 5 Part FB Ad Template - Lead Guru · 2018. 7. 23. · The 3 ads you'll see below were all created by us and they all ... outperform images that we create. Facebook is interruption
Page 17: 5 Part FB Ad Template - Lead Guru · 2018. 7. 23. · The 3 ads you'll see below were all created by us and they all ... outperform images that we create. Facebook is interruption


As this ad was only shown to warm audiences, we got straight to point with the opening line and let people know about the discount offered.

We've also found that it's best to give a discount code in the Facebook ad, instead of telling people there is a discount and offering it on your website. That way your prospects on Facebook will feel they have been given something valuable and are more likely to purchase.

The product we're advertising here is very sensory, so we've used a lot of descriptive and emotive words to sell it in the 2nd sentence.

We've also reminded people that these products are only made from the highest quality ingredients and that they meet a number of dietary requirements, which will also help increase sales.

Page 18: 5 Part FB Ad Template - Lead Guru · 2018. 7. 23. · The 3 ads you'll see below were all created by us and they all ... outperform images that we create. Facebook is interruption


Choosing ad images for physical products is not rocket science. Just pick the best ones you already have. And if you don't have quality photos, it's probably worth hiring a professional photographer.

Split test a few different images. We're often surprised which performs best and it's very easy to set up a test in Facebook.


A lot of people go wrong here and just use the name of the product. There's nothing wrong with including the product's name, but you should mention the discount in the title of the ad as well. If you don't, your customers could easily scroll past your ad and never notice that you're offering a discount.

If you can, include a little something to encourage people to click. Here we've mentioned that this particular product is award winning.

Page 19: 5 Part FB Ad Template - Lead Guru · 2018. 7. 23. · The 3 ads you'll see below were all created by us and they all ... outperform images that we create. Facebook is interruption


In this section we continue on from the copy in the main part of the ad. These are luxury products and it's important to reiterate that they are only made from the highest quality ingredients.

It's often a great idea to tell people what to do next in this section. Don't be shy here, you want people to take a specific action, so let them know what it is.


Just like the previous example, it's best to include one where possible.

Here we've used shop now as that's the most appropriate.

Page 20: 5 Part FB Ad Template - Lead Guru · 2018. 7. 23. · The 3 ads you'll see below were all created by us and they all ... outperform images that we create. Facebook is interruption


Page 21: 5 Part FB Ad Template - Lead Guru · 2018. 7. 23. · The 3 ads you'll see below were all created by us and they all ... outperform images that we create. Facebook is interruption

The easiest way for us to show you an example of a Facebook ad promoting a digital or info product is to use one of our own.

We produce and distribute a lot of free content that teaches entrepreneurs and small business owners about Facebook advertising.

And we do so because we want to help people create profitable Facebook advertising campaigns AND it's a great opportunity for us to sell our online training resources.

The objective of this ad was to convince people to watch a free recorded webinar - 5 Steps To Creating A Profitable Facebook Advertising Campaign.

At the end of the webinar, we tell people about some of our online training programs and how they can buy them.

As this ad is promoting content, we used much longer copy. It's split over 2 pages here, so that you can see the copy clearly.


Page 22: 5 Part FB Ad Template - Lead Guru · 2018. 7. 23. · The 3 ads you'll see below were all created by us and they all ... outperform images that we create. Facebook is interruption
Page 23: 5 Part FB Ad Template - Lead Guru · 2018. 7. 23. · The 3 ads you'll see below were all created by us and they all ... outperform images that we create. Facebook is interruption
Page 24: 5 Part FB Ad Template - Lead Guru · 2018. 7. 23. · The 3 ads you'll see below were all created by us and they all ... outperform images that we create. Facebook is interruption


Start with an attention grabber. Here we've capitalised the words: FREE WEBINAR and followed it by the title. This lets people know exactly what the ad is about.

Capitalisation is great for stopping people as they scroll through their news feed, but be careful not to overdo it, otherwise your ad will look like spam.

When you're promoting content or info products, it's important to establish your credibility. Here we let people know that we're a Facebook advertising agency and that we've created and managed successful campaigns for our clients.

This ad is asking people to watch a 90 minute webinar, which even though it's free, is quite a big ask. Therefore we need to give them a really good reason (or a bunch of them) to take the time to watch it.

We do that by letting people know what's included in the webinar and explaining the 5 steps.

Page 25: 5 Part FB Ad Template - Lead Guru · 2018. 7. 23. · The 3 ads you'll see below were all created by us and they all ... outperform images that we create. Facebook is interruption

And we also link every step (feature) to a reason why that step will help them achieve what they want to achieve (benefit). This is key to creating high converting ads, landing pages and anything with copy.

For example, in point number 4 - How to use the Facebook pixel and create very powerful retargeting campaigns (feature) that generate the best ROI (benefit).

When we launched this campaign, we tested a number of images and this was the winner. It's colourful which helps stop people mid scroll, it's obviously relevant and it includes a lot of hands. It might sound a bit strange but hands and eye contact are two things that have been shown to really grab people's attention. 

With ad images it's often good to be different for the sake of being different. Novelty is interesting, and the point of your ad image is to interest people long enough for them to take a proper look. 


Page 26: 5 Part FB Ad Template - Lead Guru · 2018. 7. 23. · The 3 ads you'll see below were all created by us and they all ... outperform images that we create. Facebook is interruption


Use a pattern interrupt. By putting free webinar in brackets at the beginning, we are once again stopping people mid scroll and letting them know exactly what this ad is about.

We've had mixed results using brackets in ad headlines so this is something we tested when we launched this campaign. The bracketed version of the ad performed best here, but this is something you should test if you use it. 

After that, we've included the title of the webinar. We can do that in this case, because we've given this webinar a great name that has a benefit built into it (A Profitable Facebook Advertising Campaign). If your product's name doesn't include a benefit, you should either change it, or find a way to also include a benefit in your headline.

Page 27: 5 Part FB Ad Template - Lead Guru · 2018. 7. 23. · The 3 ads you'll see below were all created by us and they all ... outperform images that we create. Facebook is interruption


We've followed the same formula with this ad as we have in the previous two examples. We have reiterated and elaborated.

We've reiterated that clicking on this ad will help them generate leads and sales for their business, and we've elaborated by telling them that they'll learn cutting edge Facebook advertising techniques.

And just as before, we've told people what they should do, which is click on the ad and watch the webinar.

We nearly always recommend including a call to action in Facebook ads, but this is one of those rare cases where we decided not to. 


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And that's simply because the length of the headline means that on mobile devices, the end of the headline is cut off and replaced with ...

In this case, because we were advertising a free webinar about Facebook advertising, it's much more important to include the full headline (which ends with 'Facebook Campaign') than it is to have a call to action.

Make sure you preview all your ads on mobile devices before going live as Facebook has become very mobile focused recently. We often see 80%+ of the traffic generated coming through mobile devices.

Page 29: 5 Part FB Ad Template - Lead Guru · 2018. 7. 23. · The 3 ads you'll see below were all created by us and they all ... outperform images that we create. Facebook is interruption

The SOC Method is a new and highly sophisticated approach to online lead generation for service based companies.

Particularly companies that offer services which cost £1,000 or more.

It's a way to eliminate 90% of the marketing to-do list and develop one lead generation system that consistently generates results.

It's based on identifying the hyper-responsive prospects in your target market and showing up at the right time and the right place, with the right message.

Click here to find out more about the SOC Method.


Page 30: 5 Part FB Ad Template - Lead Guru · 2018. 7. 23. · The 3 ads you'll see below were all created by us and they all ... outperform images that we create. Facebook is interruption

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