HEALUS HEALTH Chemical Cleanse Don’t just heal the symptom, heal the system.

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Chemical CleanseDon’t just heal the symptom,

heal the system.

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Table of Contents

3 Directions

9 Physiological Effects

of Heavy Metals

22 General Guidelines

26 Detox Symptoms

29 Conclusion

Chemical Cleanse

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Welcome to the start of your Chemical Cleanse! This is Phase 5 in our 8-step healing system. Healus Health’s 8-phase process is designed to address the underlying causes of all disease.

In the first 3 phases, we focused on gut health with our Digestive, Candida, and Parasite Cleanse. The 4th phase focused on detoxing the Liver and Gallbladder. All the previous phases were designed to prepare your body for Phase 5. Detoxing from heavy metals and chemicals is not something that we take lightly. It’s important that you systematically detox the rest of your body before this phase to ensure the best results. Our Chemical Cleanse is one of the most important things you can do for long-term health and vitality.

Congratulations on taking this step on your path towards greater health!

We encourage you to take a “before” photo for your own record because sometimes a photo says more than the scale! At the end of your cleanse, take an “after” photo and see for yourself! Tips: Try to use the same mirror, similar clothing and consistent lighting for best and most realistic photo results.

Feel free to share your photo with us by tagging us on Instagram @HealusHealth.

Why CleanseUnless you live in a bubble, you cannot escape the chemicals that are present in the air we breathe, the water we drink, the food we eat, and the products we use. Babies are born with chemicals passed down from their parents. These toxins accumulate and make the liver work extra hard, causing immune dysfunction in the end. Whatever the liver cannot hold anymore gets deposited into the tissues, causing the organs to run more sluggishly and creating oxidative stress (or free radicals).

Heavy metals are carcinogens, which cause damage to our DNA and brain function. They also cause cells to divide faster than their normal

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rate, thus causing all kinds of cancer, as well as neurological disorders, etc.

At this point, there is no avoiding chemicals and heavy metals. While you can cut back on your exposure, you can’t avoid them completely. Heavy metals are everywhere.


A heavy metal detox is not something that you want to rush. While this cleanse gives you a one month supply, it can take up to 6 months to really lower your heavy metal load. We recommend continuing with this cleanse for at least an additional 3 months for the most benefit.


Ultimate Antioxidant: 2 in the morning.Chemical Cleanse: 4 pills in the evening before bed.Perfect Protein: 2 scoops per smoothie. Aim for 1 smoothie a day.Gut Restore: 1 scoop per smoothie.

Ultimate Antioxidant

Our Ultimate Antioxidant is a bioavailable form of oral Glutathione, the strongest antioxidant in the body. Glutathione helps support your immune system and your body’s ability to detox. During this cleanse, it is important to have extra Glutathione to support your liver. Glutathione will help you feel better during this cleanse, so be sure to take it every day.

Chemical Cleanse

A chelation agent is a substance that helps capture metals and chemicals in the body. Our formula contains the chelating agent EDTA, which is capable of capturing a wide variety of chemicals in your tissues

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and your blood. Because chelation can be a bit of a rough detox by itself, we’ve added in additional antioxidants to support your liver and immune system during this process.

Suggested Supplements

Essential Enzymes: Essential Enzymes assist your body in properly digesting and assimilating the food you eat. Our innovative Essential Enzyme formula ensures that your body has the extra enzymes it needs to properly break down food with ease. Find at HealusHealth.com.

Complete Biotic: Complete Biotic supplies your body with essential Short Chain Fatty Acids to support digestive and immune health. Short Chain Fatty Acids are responsible for regulating bacteria in the gut (good and bad), aid in digestion, communicate with your immune system, maintain gut lining integrity, and prevent inflammation. Find at HealusHealth.com.

Concentrace Trace Mineral Drops: Hopefully, this product is a staple in your pantry at this point. But if not, that is your reminder that it is so important to mineralize your water. We highly recommend adding this to your water daily, to ensure that your cells are properly hydrated and receiving the minerals that they need to function. Find at Amazon.com.

Electrolyte Packets (add to water): It is always helpful to have extra electrolytes around while you are detoxing. They can help remineralize the body, boost energy, and take away any detox symptoms that you might experience. Keep some Trace Minerals Electrolyte Power Pack or Oxylent packs on hand. Find at Amazon.com.

Activated Charcoal: This supplement makes the liver’s job a lot easier by capturing toxins in the body. You can also take 2-3 capsules whenever you are feeling any detox symptoms such as headache, fatigue, or bloating. Find at Amazon.com.

Perfect Protein Smoothie

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Our detox smoothie should be staple in your diet at this point, and we are going to continue to use it in the Chemical Cleanse. In addition to the nutrients that the smoothie supplies, it also can help your body detox from chemicals more easily. Keep in mind, when your liver is excreting these chemicals it can only pass through the urine, stool, or sweat. As it is passing toxins through the stool, it needs enough fiber to bind it, otherwise these metals can be reabsorbed in the colon wall. This is why we emphasize that you keep up with the smoothies throughout this entire detoxification process to ensure that you receive the best results.


Our plant-based protein is 100% organic, with no additives or emulsifiers. It consists of protein-rich hemp, coconut milk, yacon root, inulin, Madagascar vanilla, cocoa, and whole leaf stevia. Each ingredient is specifically designed to fill particular nutrient gaps. The hemp provides protein, fiber, and healthy fat. The coconut milk provides additional healthy fats, supports immune health, nourishes the brain, and regulates cholesterol. Yacon root is rich in Potassium and Calcium, and contains prebiotics to support gut health. Inulin is an excellent source of soluble fiber, and aids in weight loss by decreasing the hunger hormone, Leptin. Cocoa is anti-inflammatory, anti-allergen, and anti-carcinogenic, as well as rich in antioxidants. Madagascar Vanilla is the purest form of vanilla on the planet, and is also rich in antioxidants and minerals.

Gut Restore

Our Gut Restore formula is a combination of Stabilized Rice Bran, L-Glutamine Powder, GanedenBC30® Probiotic, and specific Digestive Enzymes for absorption. Rice Bran is a combination of soluble and insoluble fiber, rich in B vitamins. L-Glutamine is an amino acid that helps support muscle tissue, curbs sugar cravings, and, in the right amount, helps heal the intestinal lining and reduce digestive inflammation. We made sure that you get 2.5 grams of L-Glutamine in each scoop, so you can benefit from all its gut-healing properties.

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GanedenBC30® is a special strain of probiotic that is extremely stable in all temperatures, and strongly supports gut and immune health. Digestive enzymes are included for increased nutrient absorption, and also serve to reduce any inflammation in the body.

We believe in clean, pure ingredients that actually work! This is why we made sure that, with every scoop, you are getting enough of every ingredient to reap the benefits that our products have to offer. There is a day’s-worth of nutrition in every smoothie!

Perfect Protein Smoothie Recipe

2 scoops of Perfect Protein, 1 scoop of Gut Restore, frozen or fresh fruit, 1 tbsp. of coconut oil, water, almond or coconut milk. You can also add in stevia to taste, chia seeds, raw cacao nibs, leafy greens, or our Alkalizing Greens. Play with the consistency and taste until you find a combination that you like. Feel free to come up with your own recipe, too!

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Physiological Effects of Heavy Metals

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hypothesized that this will become increasingly worse with every generation.

Heavy metals and chemicals can go anywhere in the body and often affect the nervous system and the brain. Since the nervous system is connected to every organ, there are a wide variety of symptoms associated with heavy metal toxicity.


General Physiological Effects: Abundant in today’s environment, and toxic in excessive quantities, aluminum is mostly absorbed through the skin, lungs, and intestinal tract. Aluminum toxicity seems to affect the bones (causing brittleness or osteoporosis), kidneys, stomach, and brain. Research suggests that it may also contribute to Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, dementia, and other neurological disorders.


General Physiological Effects: Extremely poisonous, as well as colorless and odorless, arsenic can enter the body through the mouth, lungs, and skin. Arsenic toxicity seems to predominantly affect the skin, lungs, and gastrointestinal system, and may cause nervous disorders, deteriorated motor coordination, respiratory diseases, and kidney damage, as well as cancers of the skin, liver, bladder and lungs.


General Physiological Effects: Exposure to cadmium can occur through inhalation or ingestion in places or situations where cadmium products are used, manufactured, or ingested. Cigarette smoke is the biggest source of cadmium toxicity, which seems to primarily affect the lungs, kidneys, bones, and immune system. It may lead to lung cancer, prostate cancer and heart disease. It can also cause yellow teeth and anemia. Cadmium may also contribute to autoimmune thyroid disease.

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General Physiological Effects: Lead is a naturally-occurring neurotoxin. Although many lead-containing products (such as gasoline and house paints) were banned in the 1970’s, contamination still occurs today, mostly by drinking lead-contaminated water, breathing lead-polluted air, and living in or near older painted buildings and certain toxic industrial areas. Lead toxicity primarily targets the nervous system, kidneys, bones, heart and blood, and poses greatest risk to infants, young children and pregnant women. It can affect fetal development, delay growth, and may also cause attention deficit disorder, learning disabilities, behavioral defects, and other developmental problems.


General Physiological Effects: Both poisonous and dangerous, mercury is found throughout our environments in many forms, and in many household items. Mercury often permeates the ground we walk on. It is also found in some childhood vaccines, as it is used as a preservative. Mercury used in dental fillings is a primary source of toxic exposure, and, in vapor form, accounts for the majority of all dental exposures, via inhalation. Mercury toxicity can affect the central nervous system, kidneys and liver. Research suggests that this heavy metal may also contribute to autism and multiple sclerosis.

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Psychiatric Disturbances

Symptoms Contributing MetalsIrritability, aggressive behavior, temper tantrums

Lead, Mercury

Social deficits, social withdrawal Mercury

Repetitive stereotyped behaviors, odd-typical behaviors


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Depression, mood swings, flat affect, impaired facial recognition

Arsenic, Copper, Lead, Mercury

Schizoid tendencies, hallucinations delirium


Suicidal behavior Mercury, Copper

Sleep difficulties/disturbances Lead, Mercury Thallium

Chronic fatigue (CFS), weakness, malaise

Aluminum, Arsenic, Cadmium, Copper, Lead

Anorexia, loss of appetite/weight, eating disorder symptoms

Arsenic, Lead, Mercury

Anxiety, nervous tendencies Thallium

Attention problems (ADHD), lack of eye contact, impaired visual fixation

Lead, Mercury

Speech and Language Deficits

Symptoms Contributing MetalsSpeech disorders Aluminum, Mercury

Loss of speech, developmental language deficits


Speech comprehension deficits Mercury

Dysarthria, articulation problems, slurred or unintelligible speech


Mental retardation, borderline intelligence

Arsenic, Lead, Mercury

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Uneven or low IQ performance Copper, Lead

Poor concentration, attention deficit (ADHD), response inhibition

Aluminum, Lead

Poor memory (short-term verbal and auditory)

Aluminum, Lead

Dementia (including pre-senile and senile)


Stupor Aluminum, Lead

Impaired reaction time, lower performance on timed tests


Sensory Abnormalities

Symptoms Contributing MetalsAbnormal sensation in mouth, extremities


Hearing loss or difficulty Arsenic, Lead, Mercury

Abnormal/diminished touch sensations, aversion to touch


Blurred vision, sensitivity to light Arsenic, Mercury

Gastrointestinal Tract

Symptoms Contributing Metals

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Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite

Arsenic, Copper, Mercury, Thallium

Abdominal pain, stomach cramps, burning of the throat and mouth

Arsenic, Copper, Lead, Mercury, Thallium

Esophagitis, gastroenteritis, colitis Arsenic, Mercury, Thallium

Cancers (colon, pancreatic, stomach, rectal)


Electro Cardiac Disorders

Symptoms Contributing MetalsPeripheral vascular disease, cardiovascular disease, vascular collapse

Arsenic, Lead

Renal and Hepatic Impairment

Symptoms Contributing MetalsArsenic, Copper, Thallium Arsenic, Copper, Thallium

Cirrhosis of the liver, hepatitis Copper

Kidney disease, kidney failure Arsenic, Lead, Mercury

Renal Toxicity, Tubular proteinases Arsenic, Copper, Lead

Kidney damage, histological alterations

Arsenic, Lead

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Cardiovascular System

Symptoms Contributing MetalsBlood vessel damage Arsenic

Anemia, decreased red blood cell count

Arsenic, Copper, Lead

Hypertension, increased heart rate (tachycardia)

Arsenic, Copper Lead, Thallium

Respiratory System

Symptoms Contributing MetalsPulmonary fibrosis Aluminum, Arsenic, Mercury

Pneumonia, laryngitis, pharyngitis, bronchitis

Aluminum, Arsenic, Mercury

Restrictive airways, disorders asthmatic conditions, pneumoconiosis

Aluminum, Arsenic

Respiratory tract cancers Arsenic

Motor Disorders

Symptoms Contributing Metals

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Choreiform movements, myoclonic jerks, unusual postures

Copper, Mercury

Difficulty walking, swallowing, talking

Copper, Mercury

Flapping, circling, rocking, toe-walking


Problems with intentional movements or limitation


Abnormal posture, lack of coordination, loss of balance, problems sitting, lying, crawling, walking


Decreased locomotor activity Aluminum, Arsenic

Convulsions, seizure Aluminum, Arsenic, Copper, Lead, Mercury, Thallium

Brain and Central Nervous System

Symptoms Contributing MetalsNeurofibrillary tangles Aluminum

Neuritis, retro bulbar neuritis, neuropathy

Aluminum, Arsenic, Thallium

Encephalopathy Aluminum, Arsenic, Thallium

Alterations in nerve conduction, velocity


Alterations in the spinal cord Thallium

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Accumulates in CNS structures Aluminum, Mercury

Abnormal EEG’s Arsenic, Lead

Autonomic disturbances Copper Lead, Mercury, Thallium

Peripheral Nervous System

Symptoms Contributing MetalsPeripheral neuropathy Arsenic, Mercury

Alterations in peripheral nerves Arsenic

Loss of feeling/numbness in extremities, Parasthesia

Arsenic, Mercury, Thallium

Immune System

Symptoms Contributing MetalsImmunosuppression Lead

Decreased white blood cell count Arsenic, Thallium

Reproductive System

Symptoms Contributing MetalsGenital abnormalities Aluminum, Thallium

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Disturbances in menstrual cycle, menstrual pains

Copper, Mercury

Birth defects, premature births, spontaneous abortion

Arsenic, Lead, Mercury

Reproductive dysfunction Aluminum, Arsenic, Cadmium, Lead

Other Physical Disturbances

Symptoms Contributing MetalsRash, contact dermatitis, eczema, itch/irritated skin

Aluminum, Arsenic, Copper, Mercury

Muscle pain, headache, acrodynia, colic

Arsenic, Copper, Lead, Thallium

Heavy Metals and ChildrenAs mentioned previously, the majority of infants are born with heavy metal toxicity before they have even been exposed to the environment. With this increasing number, we are seeing a rising detrimental effect on how children today develop. According to various studies, over 20% of the children in the U.S. have had their health or learning ability significantly affected by toxic metals, such as mercury (as well as lead, tin, and cadmium). There are also various behavioral effects involved. Many epidemiologists believe that the evidence demonstrates that about 50% of the children in our country have had their learning ability or mental state completely affected by prenatal or postnatal exposure to toxic substances, which include both heavy metals and toxic chemicals. It has been proven that neurotoxic

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metals have been the cause of the following characteristics in children: birth defects, developmental delays, learning disabilities, depression, and other varied behavior abnormalities. In addition, there is a synergistic effect of these neurotoxic metals and possibly even the chemicals that lead to these neurological areas of damage. When comparing a group of mentally retarded children to controls, it was found that the group of retarded individuals had much higher levels of toxic metals in their bodies. Similar findings have been found in other groups like autistic, dyslexic, and ADD children.

Heavy Metals and CancerWe all have cancer cells in our body. However, whether those cancer cells turn on and multiply or not, is dependent on the internal state of your body. Heavy metals can be one of the contributing factors that encourage cancer cell growth. The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has classified mercury as “possibly carcinogenic to humans”. There are over 600 scientific papers that cite heavy metals as causing or promoting cancer growth. One reason for this is that heavy metals are an immunosuppressant and create oxidative stress in the body. Oxidative stress causes damage to healthy cells.

Heavy metals also disrupt the process of Apoptosis, which is a programmed cell death mechanism meant to turn on when a cell becomes unhealthy. Without this function properly working, unhealthy cancerous cells are given the opportunity to thrive. Mercury, in particular, binds with hemoglobin, which is responsible for oxygen transport to the cells. Our healthy cells love oxygen, and oxygen kills cancer cells. However, with mercury blocking the transportation of oxygen, cancer cells are given the opportunity to thrive while healthy cells die. Furthermore, internationally recognized medical researcher Yoshiaki Omura, MD discovered that all cancer cells have mercury in them.

Heavy Metals and Heart DiseaseToday, there are countless scholarly articles and scientific papers linking

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heavy metals to cardiovascular disease. Yet, the majority of the public has never heard of this connection, nor understands it, partly because everyone is still under the assumption that the main cause for heart disease is due to cholesterol. That is also why statins are one of the most widely prescribed classes of drugs, even though recent studies have shown that statins have little to no effect on preventing heart disease. Plaque aggregation is the main cause of cardiovascular problems. How does plaque form? Contrary to popular belief, plaque is formed by nanobacterium, which are chemically sponsored forms of bacteria. Heavy metals sponsor high levels of this bacteria, which cause calcification within the arteries. Successful treatment of heavy metals has resulted in reduced levels of calcification and plaque aggregation.

Heavy Metals and Thyroid DisordersThe thyroid gland is involved with a multitude of metabolic reactions. Likewise, heavy metals disrupt a wide variety of metabolic processes. One way that heavy metals do this is by hindering the thyroid’s ability to perform its functions. Almost all hormones have binding sites where helpful metabolic cofactors attach to and assist the hormone in carrying out its function. The thyroid has 4 binding sites that are meant for iodine to attach. However, mercury has a strong affinity for these binding sites and will attach itself to the thyroid, blocking iodine, and disrupting the hormonal activity of the thyroid. In addition, lead, aluminum, and mercury can all trigger antibodies that produce an autoimmune reaction in the thyroid, causing Hashimoto’s disease.

Heavy Metals and CandidaCandida is an overgrowth of yeast and fungus. We know that sugar is the main food source for Candida. The more sugar, the more yeast. However, most people don’t realize that Candida also serves to protect us from heavy metals in the body. The yeast and fungi help to encapsulate the metals and keep them from wreaking havoc on the body. Therefore, if you have high levels of heavy metal toxicity, then you most likely have high levels of Candida, as well. While, on one hand, Candida is protecting you, it is also hurting you. Heavy metals, if

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left unchecked, will cause serious damage to your system very quickly. Where as Candida, if left unchecked, will cause serious damage to your system more slowly. In other words, one poison is protecting you from another poison, but neither one is good. This is why you can’t just treat heavy metals without treating Candida, and vice versa.

Heavy Metals and Weight GainIf you have had a hard time losing weight, heavy metal toxicity may be the reason. Fat cells serve a very important role in the body, which is to protect you from toxins. It does this by encapsulating the toxin and storing it. The fat cells will also retain fluid to dilute the toxins, which causes bloating. Because your body is trying to protect you, it will not utilize these fat stores as fuel. Even if you are eating and exercising right, but you have heavy metal toxicity, you might not lose a pound. The more toxins built up, the more fat storage you have. The key to breaking this vicious cycle is to begin to detox these heavy metals from your system, and thereby uncoupling the fat to be used as fuel.

Heavy Metals and Mood DisordersHeavy metals have a profound effect on our mood and behavior by altering the neurons and neural pathways in our brain. We see this in children exposed to heavy metals with autism and ADHD, however, adults are also at risk. Depression, anxiety, bi-polar disorder, poor memory, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, addictions, and even schizophrenia are linked to heavy metal toxicity.

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General Guidelines

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Heavy Metal SourcesEnvironmental: Toxic elements are released into the environment through mining, industrial fabrication, and burning of fossil fuels. Platinum accumulates in soils near busy highways; copper and tungsten are found near mining areas and heavy industry; uranium is used in the nuclear industry and occurs naturally in some groundwater. Keep in mind that when these metals get into the soil and water systems, they are also deposited into the food that is grown there. Therefore, even your good organic veggies can have levels of metals, depending on where they are grown.

Air: We all know that pollution contains chemicals, but even cigarette smoke causes excess levels of cadmium in the air. Perfumes, artificial air fresheners, and hair spray all contribute to toxins in the air you breathe.

Food: Not only is our food grown with metals found in the soil, but the use of pesticides only increases their toxic level. The way we package our food can also increase our toxic load. Canned foods contain tin and aluminum. Many types of cookware leach out aluminum and copper. Non-stick pans containing teflon take toxic exposure to a whole new level. Our oceans are also polluted, causing otherwise healthy fish, such as tuna and swordfish, to be loaded with mercury. Even if you have the healthiest diet, you can’t avoid ingesting some chemicals with every bite.

Water: There are over 300 toxic compounds found in the average water supply, including lead and chlorine. There is no filter designed to remove all the chemicals found in water. In fact, most filters only do a fraction. Keep in mind that you also absorb about 2 cups of water every time you shower.

Skin Care Products: Each day, the average adult uses nine personal care products that contain 126 different chemical ingredients. In a recent study, an astounding one-third of common skin care products contain at least one ingredient that is classified as a carcinogen. See our guide on cosmetic ingredients from which to steer clear.

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Antiperspirant: Commercial antiperspirants contain excess aluminum and toxic perfumes. Whatever you apply to your armpits goes right into your lymph nodes and blood stream.

Dental: Many toothpastes are found to contain toxic ingredients such as triclosan, fluoride, sodium lauryl sulfate, and artificial sweeteners.

Amalgams: Dental fillings contain excess mercury, and are the most common cause of mercury toxicity.

Paint: Heavy metals are found in all forms of paint, including face paint. They are often used as the coloring agent.

Over the Counter and Prescription Drugs: Many over the counter medications contain additives that may surprise you, such as mercury, arsenic, and lead, not to mention artificial dyes, caffeine, and aspartame. You will want to be sure to read the inactive ingredients on the label, along with the active ingredient section, to be sure you are aware of exactly what you are consuming.

Vaccines: Thimerosal contains close to 50 percent ethyl mercury by weight. Children are particularly sensitive to mercury, as their nervous systems are still rapidly developing.

Unfortunately, even if you avoided all the above circumstances (which would be nearly impossible) you may still have been born with high loads of heavy metals. A recent study by the Environmental Working Group (EWG) involved sampling the blood from umbilical cords all around the country, revealing 287 toxic chemical substances. These chemicals consisted of industrial compound pollutants, pesticides, and several heavy metals. This study indicates that parents with heavy metals are passing on these toxins to their babies at birth. It is hypothesized that this will become increasingly worse with every generation.

Dietary Guidelines

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While the Chemical Cleanse is not focused on following a specific diet, we recommend that you continue eating the basic Healus diet that you’ve been following from previous cleanses. In general we recommend avoiding inflammatory foods like gluten, dairy, soy, and anything processed.

For chemicals we also want to limit sushi and avoid fish such as tuna or swordfish which contain high amounts of mercury. The smoothies will keep you loaded up on fiber and nutrients making it easier to detox. Be sure to get in some extra electrolytes as well!

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Detox Symptoms

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Understand that, as these toxins are being chelated from your system, you may feel some discomfort. The following are some possible side effects that you may experience, and how to treat them:

Fatigue/Lethargy: This is a very common side effect. To help alleviate this, make sure you are taking the Ultimate Chelator at night before you go to bed, instead of during the day. If fatigue persists, you can take a smaller dose of this supplement, or even cut back to taking it every other day. Make sure you are drinking enough water, and add in a packet of electrolytes, once a day, to replenish your minerals.

Night Sweating: If you are chelating a lot of chemicals, this may cause night sweating. You may also notice an orange/red stain on your sheets from sweating. As toxins are released through your skin, this rusty color may appear through oxygenation.

Dizziness/Light Headed: This can be due to mineral loss, which is very common during heavy metals. Make sure to add electrolytes to your water before and after exercise. If dizziness persists, cut back on your dose of Ultimate Chelator to every other night.

Dry Skin: Again, this is due to mineral loss during the chelation period. If your skin becomes dry, cut back on Ultimate Chelator, but continue to take your Ultimate Antioxidant pills every day.

Anger/emotional: Feeling extra emotional or angry is very common while detoxing from heavy metals. Use this time to let out any pent-up emotions, but also feel free to slow down the cleanse if your emotions become too intense.

Headache: Another common detox symptom. A combination of electrolytes and Activated Charcoal will quickly alleviate a detox headache.

Metal Taste in mouth: This is a sign the toxins are coming out.Flu-like Symptoms: Experiencing flu-like symptoms can occur when you are detoxing too many chemicals at once. Cut back on the Ultimate Chelator until your symptoms subside. Take 1-3 tablets of activated

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charcoal to help absorb some of the toxins.

PreventingHeavyMetalToxicityOnce you’ve gone through this cleanse, you will obviously want to do everything you can to prevent reintroducing heavy metals into your system again. Remember that we recommend repeating this cleanse for at least 3 months to properly eliminate heavy metals from your system. Now, while it is practically impossible to avoid all contact with heavy metals in today’s world, you can cut back on your exposure by following a few guidelines.

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o Drink water filtered with a high-quality water purification system, because drinking water is often contaminated with heavy metals.

o Avoid unnecessary vaccines, such as the flu vaccine. Most vaccines contain harmful synthetic chemicals, and many of them contain heavy metals.

o Eat food that is free of industrial pollutants such as pesticides, because many of these synthetic pollutants contain heavy metals. Stick with organic, as much as possible.

o Avoid using products that are made with aluminum, such as aluminum pans and foil.

o Limit your intake of seafood that contains high amounts of Mercury such as Tuna, Swordfish, Tilefish, and Shellfish.

o Consider having your dental amalgams (silver dental fillings) removed by a Biological Dentist.

o Switch your deodorant to a natural brand that is free of aluminum. o When exposed to chemicals such as paint or sprays, be sure to use

protective gear such as gloves, and work in a ventilated area. o If you smoke, this is the time to quit. High amounts of chemicals and

Cadmium will affect you and your loved ones. o Most cosmetics contain harmful synthetic ingredients, and a good

portion of them contain heavy metals as well. Visit EWG.org for a comprehensive list of safe cosmetics and ingredients to avoid.

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Congratulations!You’ve finished Phase 5! Cheers to a healthier and happier you!

If you completed your first month of the Chemical Cleanse we encourage you to keep going for at least an additional 2 months. Remember that detoxing from Chemicals and Heavy Metals can take awhile to get rid of. If you are really looking to make significant changes to your health, keep going!

If you want to know more about our additional cleanses, please visit our website www.HealusHealth.com.

For further assistance, we offer virtual health coaching. For more information on setting up a health coaching session, email [email protected].

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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