Volume 44 Number 4 December 2013 Page 1 4D Seismic at Alpine Field, Alaska and Time-lapse 3D/4D Observations at Simpson Lagoon, Milne Point, Alaska Leo T. Brown ConocoPhillips Alaska, Inc., Anchorage, AK [email protected] Alpine The Alpine field on the Alaskan North Slope has been produced with a WAG (water alternating miscible gas) EOR process since startup in 2000 and is about halfway to its expected ultimate recovery. The first 3D seismic data set over the field was acquired in 1996. A new 3-D seismic dataset was acquired in 2010 for improved reservoir characterization and to monitor reservoir changes due to production. To help justify the 2010 survey, a time-lapse feasibility study was carried out that predicted the magnitude of the 4D signal from the Alpine reservoir. Well-based (1-D) scenario modeling and ‘Sim2Seis’ reservoir simulator-based (3D) modeling were carried out for changes in elastic parameters and in upscaled seismic response. The core rock physics model had two main components: Gassmann fluid substitution for saturation changes and a pressure model calibrated to ultrasonic measurements on core. The seismic synthetic modeling utilized wavelet bandwidth and S/N levels from experience with land acquisition at nearby fields. 4D signal modeling showed the expected MWAG signature to be present but subtle with respect to the expected 4D NRMS (noise) levels of 20-30%. (continued) AGS Luncheon Date & Time: Dec. 12 th , 11:30 am – 1:00 pm Program: 4D Seismic at Alpine Field, Alaska and Time-lapse 3D/4D Observations at Simpson Lagoon, Milne Point Alaska Speaker: Leo Brown, ConocoPhillips Alaska, Inc. and Daniel Yancey, BP Exploration, Ltd. Place: BP Energy Center Reservations: Make your reservation before noon Tuesday, Dec 10 th , 2013 Cost: Seminar only, no meal: Free Reserve a box lunch: $15 Lunch with no reservation: On an “as-available” basis only Daniel Yancey BP Exploration, Ltd., Anchorage, AK [email protected]

4D Seismic at Alpine Field, Alaska and Time-lapse 3D/4D ... 2013 Newsletter.pdf · Volume 44 Number 4 December 2013 Page 1 4D Seismic at Alpine Field, Alaska and Time-lapse 3D/4D

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Volume 44 Number 4 December 2013 Page 1

4D Seismic at Alpine Field, Alaska and Time-lapse 3D/4D Observations at

Simpson Lagoon, Milne Point, Alaska

Leo T. Brown

ConocoPhillips Alaska, Inc., Anchorage, AK [email protected]


The Alpine field on the Alaskan North Slope has been produced with a WAG (water alternating miscible gas) EOR process since startup in 2000 and is about halfway to its expected ultimate recovery. The first 3D seismic data set over the field was acquired in 1996. A new 3-D seismic dataset was acquired in 2010 for improved reservoir characterization and to monitor reservoir changes due to production. To help justify the 2010 survey, a time-lapse feasibility study was carried out that predicted the magnitude of the 4D signal from the Alpine reservoir.

Well-based (1-D) scenario modeling and ‘Sim2Seis’ reservoir simulator-based (3D) modeling were carried out for changes in elastic parameters and in upscaled seismic response. The core rock physics model had two main components: Gassmann fluid substitution for saturation changes and a pressure model calibrated to ultrasonic measurements on core. The seismic synthetic modeling utilized wavelet bandwidth and S/N levels from experience with land acquisition at nearby fields. 4D signal modeling showed the expected MWAG signature to be present but subtle with respect to the expected 4D NRMS (noise) levels of 20-30%. (continued)

AGS Luncheon Date & Time: Dec. 12th, 11:30 am – 1:00 pm

Program: 4D Seismic at Alpine Field, Alaska and Time-lapse 3D/4D Observations at Simpson Lagoon, Milne Point Alaska

Speaker: Leo Brown, ConocoPhillips Alaska, Inc. and Daniel Yancey, BP Exploration, Ltd.

Place: BP Energy Center

Reservations: Make your reservation before noon Tuesday, Dec 10th, 2013

Cost: Seminar only, no meal: Free Reserve a box lunch: $15 Lunch with no reservation: On an “as-available” basis only

Daniel Yancey

BP Exploration, Ltd., Anchorage, AK [email protected]

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Volume 44 Number 4 December 2013 Page 2

About the Speakers:

Leo Brown is a staff geophysicist at ConocoPhillips Alaska currently working Western North Slope Development. He has held exploration and rock physicist positions in Norway and Houston with ConocoPhillips and worked as an engi-neering geophysicist for Geovision Geophysical Services Company. He holds a BS in Geology from Brigham Young University, MS in Geotechnical Engineering from University of Texas at Austin, and MS in Geophysics from Colorado School of Mines

Daniel Yancey began his career with BP Alaska in 2005 after earning a B.S. and M.S. in geophysics from Virginia Tech. He has done geophysical work for most reservoirs operated by BP on the North Slope. Additionally, he has worked the sub-salt Paleogene section in the Gulf of Mexico Exploration Team for BP in Houston, Texas. He is cur-rently one of the geophysicists working on the Milne Point field.

The 2010 monitor survey was acquired for the best 3D image at the expense of 4D repeatability. Acquisition differences were partially overcome by dedicated 4D parallel processing of base and monitor surveys, but the resulting 4D NRMS levels are high ~40%. Despite the non-ideal nature of the 4D experiment, the 4D differ-ence data shows a clear signal (rock softening) aligned with current injectors. The 4D observations suggest a much larger response than that can be observed solely from a combination of pressure and fluid response on the rock.

The 4D seismic signal is consistent with the opening of fractures in the reservoir zone due to high water pres-sure injection. A fractured rock physics model has been incorporated in the Sim2Seis workflow. Incorporating fractures in the seismic modeling has allowed matching of the synthetic with 4D seismic field data. Ongoing efforts are focused on calibration and understanding of the fracture phenomena.

An understanding of the 4D signal is necessary to correctly interpret the changes in fluid saturation and opti-mize recovery, to assign a more accurate monetary value to 4D seismic, and to best plan the timing of repeat survey acquisition. The inclusion of fracturing in the 4D seismic modeling workflow is new and can also help explain why 4D velocity decreases around injector wells are often observed to be larger than expected.

Milne Point

The Milne Point field is 100% owned and operated by BP Alaska. During mapping of the Kuparuk section in the early 2000s, amplitude blooms located around injectors were noticed on an OBC survey that was shot in 2001 that were not present on a previous dataset shot before field start-up. From this, many new drilling loca-tions were identified and the data have been used in a qualitative sense to aid in identifying new drilling loca-tions.

BP recently acquired another OBC survey in the summer of 2012 over the same area. This talk will focus on the uses and qualitative observations of the 2001 data and the current plans around a 4D processing project utilizing the 2001 and 2012 datasets.

From the President’s Desk:

Last month I had the opportunity to discuss the role of the Alaska Geological Society in regards to community involve-ment. Aaron Rowbotham, a geological science major at the University of Alaska Anchorage, was working on a profile paper of the AGS for an English class and had asked for an interview. This sent me scrambling to the AGS website to brush up on our charter and by-laws to see exactly what statements we’ve made regarding community involvement.

The documents each have articles stating our purpose, parts of which seem to be specifically directed at professional geologists. However, both documents do have essentially the same simple statement, to promote an interest and under-standing of Alaska geology and related earth sciences. With no specific group identified I took this to mean the promo-tion could take place in the general community. Although I had little doubt I was glad to see our legal documents didn’t make us out to be a clubby, insular group of stuffy professionals.

In practice our community involvement is mainly through educational funding and support of educational activities. Mr. Rowbotham’s paper aptly reflected this and many other aspects of the AGS. In concluding his paper he asked a ques-tion, “Now why is this group important at all?” His answer is that geology is all around us, especially in a state like Alas-ka, and everyone would be wise to know more about it. I’m sure there are ways for the society to expand our footprint in the community but it is also something we can do as individuals. Look for opportunities to point out the geology in your home, your back yard and your community to the people you know outside the AGS.

~ Matt

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Volume 44 Number 4 December 2013 Page 3


2013-2014 Season Luncheon Program. Updates on the web at: http://www.alaskageology.org

Thursday, August 22, 2013 James McCalpin, Geo-Haz; The Mountains Are Falling Apart; A Spectrum of Mass Failures; Rockslides, Sackungs and Unfolding

Thursday, September 19, 2013 Sue Karl, USGS; Quaternary Volcanoes in Southeast Alaska

Thursday, October 17, 2013 Erin E. Donaghy, Northen Arizona Univ.; South-Central Alaska: Modification of a Forearc Basin by Spreadng Ridge Subduction

Thursday, November 21, 2013 John Decker, Niko Resources; Seabed mapping and the search for oil and gas seeps offshore

Thursday, December 12, 2013 Leo Brown, COP & Daniel Yancey, BP, “4D Seismic at Alpine Field & Time-lapse 3D/4D observations at Simpson Lagoon, Milne Pt.”

Thursday, January 16, 2014 Richard O. Lease, USGS; Title to be announced

Thursday, February 20, 2014 David Houseknecht, USGS, “Alaska’s North Slope and the Chukchi Shelf”

Thursday, March 20, 2014 Greg Wilson, ConocoPhillips Alaska, “Devil’s Paw Prospect, Chukchi Sea, Alaska”

Monday, April 14, 2014 John Kaldi, University of Adelaide, “Carbon Capture and Storage”, Main Conference Rooms A, B, C at BP Exploration Alaska

Thursday, April 17, 2014 Gerry Van Kooten, Calvin College, “Exploration of Alaska’s Interior Basins and the Impact of Recent Drilling”

Thursday, May 15, 2014 Keynote Speaker at the AGS Technical Conference, University of Alaska. Anchorage

If you would like to volunteer a talk or would like to suggest a speaker, please contact Monte Mabry at 230-4488.

My Pet Rock Trystan Herriott Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys

Oblique aerial view southwestward of Middle–Late Jurassic Chinitna and Naknek Formations northeast of Oil Bay, Iniskin Peninsu-la, lower Cook Inlet. This vista exemplifies the typical weathering profiles of mappable units in the area. Recent DGGS-led geologic studies on the Iniskin Peninsula will serve as a basis to better understand basin evolution and hydrocarbon potential of Mesozoic strata in the Cook Inlet forearc region. Jns is approximately 285 meters thick for sense of scale. Chinitna Formation: Jcp—Paveloff Siltstone Member. Naknek Formation: Jnss—lower sandstone member; Jns—Snug Harbor Siltstone Member; Jnp—Pomeroy Ar-kose Member.

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Volume 44 Number 4 December 2013 Page 4

AGS Logo T-Shirts ($25 ea.) (Black shown – also available in Gray and Dark Blue)

Limited sizes available so gets yours early !!!

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Volume 44 Number 4 December 2013 Page 5


LOWER COOK INLET, SOUTH-CENTRAL ALASKA by Robert B. Blodgett and Andrew W. Tainter (Blodgett & Associates LLC -

Geological & Paleontological Consulting, Anchorage, Alaska)

The Jurassic of Cook Inlet and the Alaska Peninsula has long been recognized as representing the most complete suc-cession of Jurassic stratigraphy of anywhere within North America (Arkell, 1956; Poulton et al., 1992). Its fossil record is outstanding, with numerous publications on both ammonites and bivalves, and now even dinosaurs (Druckenmiller et al., 2011 and Fowell et al., 2011) and marine reptiles (Blodgett et al., 1995; Weems and Blodgett, 1996). However, the fossil record for other major biotic groups of this region remains undocumented, with the exception of some initial efforts to record that of the brachiopods (Lazar et al., 2009; Schemm-Gregory and Blodgett, 2012).

Middle Jurassic strata of the Iniskin Peninsula and analogous rocks to the north at Tuxedni Bay (both on the west side of Cook Inlet) have been studied earlier by numerous workers (Stanton and Martin, 1905; Martin and Katz, 1912; Martin, 1926; Moffit, 1927; Kellum, 1945; Kirschner and Minard, 1948; Hartsock, 1954; Detterman, 1963; Detterman and Hartsock, 1966).The Middle Jurassic of the Cook Inlet has been relatively well documented in terms of its ammonite fau-na in a number of papers including the pioneering effort of Eichwald (1871 – first paleontological documentation of Ju-rassic fauna from Alaska (or the West Coast of North America)), as well as that of Imlay (1953, 1961, 1962a, 1962b, 1964, 1965, 1975, 1980, 1982, 1984), Imlay and Detterman (1973), and Poulton et al. (1992). Middle Jurassic bivalves from the Cook Inlet region are extremely abundant on the Iniskin Peninsula and at Tuxedni Bay, but their detailed taxo-nomic study has only been undertaken by Eichwald (1871). These described species are mostly large inoceramid bi-valves (Eichwald, 1871; Blodgett, 2012), all of which are now referred to the genus Retroceramus. Eichwald’s described inoceramid specimens were collected in and around Tuxedni Bay on the west side of Cook Inlet. They are especially common at the aptly named Fossil Point along its south shore, where they are the most easily recognizable fossils found in exposures there (Fig. 8). Publications referring to their presence in various exposures around Tuxedni Bay include Stanton and Martin (1905), Martin (1926), Detterman (1963), and Detterman and Hartsock (1966). Ralph W. Imlay (1908-1989), regarded as the foremost expert on Alaska’s Jurassic fossils, recognized only two of Eichwald’s species are be-ing taxonomicially valid, with the remaining two being regarded as merely synonyms or variants.

Recently we have been able to document the presence of significant megafossils in cores from two wells (IBA #1 and Beal #1 – see Fig. 1 for their location.) drilled on the Iniskin Peninsula. Their presence was noted as part of an on-going study of megafossils found in cores and certain microfaunal groups (such as Foraminifera and Radiolaria) found in both Mesozoic-age cores and cuttings from the North Slope and southern Alaska.

The Iniskin Peninsula has long been an early target for oil exploration in Alaska, being the first place where drilling (1898) – an utter disaster with the drilling rig and associated overboard due to a big storm in the Gulf of Alaska) was ev-er attempted in the state (Blodgett, 2007 – see Fig. 2). The first initial attempt in 1898 By the Alaska Petroleum Compa-ny ended in an utter disaster with the drilling rig and associated cargo being thrown overboard in the Gulf of Alaska due to a big storm. Six cable-tool rig drilled wells were attempted shortly thereafter on the Iniskin Peninsula during the first decade of the Twentieth Century – four by Alaska Petroleum Company (see Fig. 3A for photo of their first well) and two by the Alaska Oil Company. Subsequently, three rotary drilled wells were attempted: IBA #1 (1938-1939), Beal #1 (1954-1955), and Zappa #1 (1959-1961). A detailed account of much of this history can be found in the excellent book by Ro-derick (1997) on Alaska oil exploration and associated politics. Two of the latter wells (IBA #1 and Beal #1 – see Figs. 3B-C for photos of the IBA #1) were drilled by the rather colorful wildcatter Russell E. Havenstrite (1896-1958) (see Fig. 4 for his obituary. Financial assistance for Havenstrite’s Alaska oil exploration operations were provided by his close as-sociation and friendship with many Hollywood luminaries such as Mae West, Walt and Roy Disney, and Boris Karloff (Fig. 5). His friendship with Walt Disney resulted in the term “Mickey Mouse Well” being the humorous nickname applied to the IBA #1 well back in the late 1930’s. Many of these Hollywood luminaries would visit Alaska to check out how drill-ing operations were proceeding (see Fig. 6).

Surprisingly a number of megafossils (many of which are age and environment diagnostic) were recovered from cores of both the IBA #1 and Beal #1 wells. Many of these species are also found just to the north at surface exposures along the south side of Tuxedni Bay. These include the bivalve Retroceramus (Figs. 7-9). These inoceramids are of great interest to us as a working plans are being made to visit the Tuxedni Bay (Fossil Point area) in 2014 to relocate the critical meas-ured sections of Stanton and Martin (1905) in order to solve the question of intraspecific variability within Retroceramus species, and to try to rectify just how many of Eichwald’s establish species of inoceramids are valid taxonomic concepts. Beleminites also are present in the Beal #1 well (Fig. 10).

It is noteworthy that among the microfauna that Foraminifera are very infrequently found in microfossils slides from the Middle Jurassic strata of the Iniskin Peninsula wells. In contrast, Radiolaria are much more abundant and appear to be very useful for biostratigraphic zonation here. This is a puzzling situation to say the least, as in Middle Jurassic strata on the North Slope (seemingly representing similar water depths), their relative abundances are reversed.

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Figure 1. Index map of the Iniskin Peninsula showing the location of the IBA #1and Beal #1 wells (modified from Roderick, 1997).

Figure 2. Portion of article from the Alaska Prospector newspaper, Valdez, Alaska, April 30, 1903, p. 1 presenting an account of the earliest attempt at oil exploration on the Iniskin Peninsula.

Figure 3. A. Alaska Petroleum Company oil derrick, Oil Bay, 1904. B. IBA #1 well flowing API 47 gravity oil. C. IBA #1 well site.




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Figure 10. Belemnite guard from a depth of 2114 feet in the Beal #1 well. Markings on ruler are in centimeters.

Figure 4. Obituary of Russell E. Havenstrite from the Anchorage Daily Times, March 18, 1958)

Figure 5. Famous Hollywood investors (Mae West, Walt and Roy Disney, and Boris Karloff) in Russell Havenstrite’s oil exploration efforts on the Iniskin Peninsula . Other Hollywood luminaries financing the Alaska oil ventures of Havenstrite included Darryl Zanuck, Cecille B. de Mille, Oliver Hardy, Stan Laurel, and Bing Crosby.

Figure 6. Article from Anchorage Daily Times, March 19, 1957 concerning the visit by Boris Karloff to visit the site of

the Beal #1 well.

Figure 8. Retroceramus ambiguus Eichwald. A. As illustrated in Eichwald (1871) based on specimens from Tuxedni Bay. B. Speci-mens of the same spe-cies collected by MMS [BOEM] geologists at Fossil Point in Tuxedni Bay.

Figure 9. A. Retroceramus shell fragment (light-colored band) showing prismatic shell struc-ture from core interval 6727-6739 feet in the Beal #1 well. B, An indeterminate species of Retroceramus from core interval 3742-3758 feet in the Beal #1 well. Scale markings in centimeters.

Figure 7. Retroceramus ambiguous Eichwald from a depth of 1201 feet in the Beal #1 well. Markings on ruler are in centimeters.




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Arkell, W.J., 1956, Jurassic Geology of the World: Oliver & Boyd, Edinburgh, 806 p.

Blodgett, R.B., 2007, From the President’s Desk – Stormy weather foils first attempt to drill an Alaskan oil well in 1898: Alaska Geology (Newsletter of the Alaska Geological Society, Inc.), v. 37, no. 8, p. 13.

Blodgett, R.B., 2012, The bivalve genus Retroceramus Koshelkina, 1959: Alaska Geology (Newsletter of the Alaska Geological Society, Inc.), v. 42, no. 8, p. 5-8.

Blodgett, R. B., Weems, R. E., and Wilson, F. H., 1995, Upper Jurassic reptiles from the Naknek Formation, Alaska Peninsula; A glimpse into Alas-ka's own "Jurassic Park": Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, v. 27, no. 5, p. 6.

Detterman, R.L., 1963, Revised stratigraphic nomenclature and age of the Tuxedni Group in the Cook Inlet region, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 475-C, p. C30-C34.

Detterman, R.L., and Hartsock, J.K., 1966, Geology of the Iniskin-Tuxedni region, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 512, 78 p., 6 sheets, scale 1:63,360.

Druckenmiller, Patrick, May, Kevin, Blodgett, R.B., McCarthy, Paul, and Fowell, Sarah, 2011, A step back in time: Oldest record of Alaskan dino-saurs from the Upper Jurassic Naknek Formation, Peninsular terrane: 2011 Western Region Meeting SPE Pacific Section, AAPG 6-14 May 2011, Program with Abstracts, p. 51.

Eichwald, E., 1871, Geognostisch-Palaeontologische Bemerkungen über die Halbinsel Mangischlak und die Aleutischen Inseln: Buchdr. der Kaiserli-chen Akademie der Wissenschaften, St. Petersburg, 200 p., 20 pls.

Fowell, S.J., Druckenmiller, Patrick, McCarthy, P.J., Blodgett, R.B., and May, Kevin, 2011, Paleoecology of Alaska’s Jurassic Park: Geological Society America Abstracts with Programs, v. 43, no. 5, p. 264.

Hartsock, J.K., 1954, Geologic map and structure sections of the Iniskin Peninsula and adjacent area of Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 54-118, 1 p., 3 sheets.

Imlay, R.W., 1953, Callovian (Jurassic) ammonites from the United States and Alaska; Part 2, Alaska Peninsula and Cook Inlet regions: U.S. Geologi-cal Survey Professional Paper 249-B, p. 41-108, 2 sheets.

Imlay, R. W., 1961, New genera and subgenera of Jurassic (Bajocian) ammonites from Alaska: Journal of Paleontology, v. 35, no. 3, p. 467-474.

Imlay, R.W., 1962a, Late Bajocian ammonites from the Cook Inlet region, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 418-A, p. A1-A15.

Imlay, R.W., 1962b, Jurassic (Bathonian or early Callovian) ammonites from Alaska and Montana: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 374-C, p. C1-C32.

Imlay, R.W., 1964, Middle Bajocian ammonites from the Cook Inlet region, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 418-B, p. B1-B61.

Imlay, R.W., 1965, Jurassic marine faunal differentiation in North America: Journal of Paleontology, v. 39, no. 5, p. 1023-1038.

Imlay, R.W., 1975, Stratigraphic distribution and zonation of Jurassic (Callovian) ammonites in southern Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 836, 28 p.

Imlay, R.W., 1980, Middle Jurassic (Bathonian) ammonites from southern Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1091, 42 p.

Imlay, R.W., 1982, Late Bajocian ammonites from southern Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1189, 19 p.

Imlay, R.W., 1984, Early and middle Bajocian (Middle Jurassic) ammonites from southern Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1322, 38 p.

Imlay, R.W., and Detterman, R.L., 1973, Jurassic paleobiogeography of Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 801, 34 p.

Kellum, L.B., 1945, Jurassic stratigraphy of Alaska and petroleum exploration in northwest America: Transactions of the New York Academy of Sci-ences, ser. 2, v. 7, no. 8, p. 201-209.

Kirschner, C.E., and Minard, D.L., 1948, Geology of the Iniskin Peninsula, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Oil and Gas Investigations Map OM-95, 1 sheet, scale 1:48,000.

Lazar, Iuliana, Sandy, M.R., and Blodgett, R.B., 2009, Early Jurassic (Pliensbachian) bivalve and brachiopod fauna from the Peninsular terrane, southern Talkeetna Mountains, Alaska - paleobiogeographic signatures and tectonic significance: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 41, no. 5, p. 27-28.

Poulton, T.P., Detterman, R.L., Hall, R.L., Jones, D.L., Peterson, J.A., Smith, P., Taylor, D.G., Tipper, H.W., and Westermann, G.E.G., 1992, Western Canada and United States, p. 29-92, in Westermann, G.E.G., ed., The Jurassic of the Circum-Pacific: Cambridge University Press, 676 p.

Roderick, Jack, 1997, Crude Dreams − A Personal History of Oil & Politics in Alaska: Epicenter Press, Kenmore, Washington, 446 p.

Schemm-Gregory, Mena, and Blodgett, R.B., 2012, The first occurrence of the Jurassic brachiopod genus Sphenorhynchia in Alaska: Alaska Geolo-gy (Newsletter of the Alaska Geological Society, Inc.), v. 43, no. 2, p. 6-7.

Stanton, T.W., and Martin, G.C., 1905, Mesozoic section on Cook Inlet and Alaska Peninsula: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 16, p. 391-410.

Weems, R. E., and Blodgett, R. B., 1996, The pliosaurid Megalneusaurus: A newly recognized occurrence in the Upper Jurassic Naknek Formation of the Alaska Peninsula, p. 169-176, in Moore, T. E., and Dumoulin, J. A., (eds.), Geologic Studies in Alaska by the U.S. Geological Survey, 1994: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 2152.

Membership Note

Membership renewal is Nov. 1 ; Annual dues for membership in AGS are:

Full members: $25 Students: $5

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Volume 44 Number 4 December 2013 Page 9

AGS Technical Conference Cook Inlet - Gateway to Alaska

Thursday, May 15, 2014 at University of Alaska, Anchorage Conference Field Trip on Friday, May 16, 2014

If you would like to help organize the conference contact Chad Hults: [email protected]

Calendar of Events


Date  Time  Organiza on  Event  Loca on 

12/11/13  11:30 – 1:00pm 

AMA/SME  Lunch me seminar. Speaker ‐ Kurt Parkan, Donlin Gold. 

Sourdough Mining Company Anchorage 

12/12/13  11:30 – 1:00pm 

Alaska  Geological  Society 

Leo Brown and Daniel Yancey ConocoPhillips Alaska and BP Explora on Alaska “4‐d seismic at Alpine Field, Alaska” &  “3d/4d observa ons at Simpson Lagoon, Milne Point, Alaska”. Joint mee ng with Geophysical Society of Alaska ‐ 

BP Energy Center, Anchorage 

1/8/14  11:30 – 1:00pm 

AMA/SME  Lunch me seminar. Speaker – Cecil Ulrich, URS Cor‐pora on 

Sourdough Mining Company Anchorage 

1/15/14  12:00pm – 1:00pm 

Alaska Arc User Group (GIS) 

AAUG monthly mee ng,  BP Energy Center, Anchorage 

1/16/14  11:30 – 1:00pm 

Alaska Geologi‐cal Society 

Richard Lease, USGS Topic TBA  BP Energy Center, Anchorage 

1/20/14 – 1/24/14 

   Alaska Marine Science 

Alaska Marine Science Symposium h p://www.alaskamarinescience.org/ 

Hotel Captain Cook, Anchorage 

1/21/14  11:30am – 1:00pm 

ASCE  Monthly mee ng  Moose Lodge, Anchor‐age 

2/3/14 – 2/7/14 

   Alaska Forum  Alaska Forum on the Environment www.akforum 

Dena'ina Civic & Con‐ven on Center 

2/12/14  11:30am – 1:00pm 

Society of Pe‐troleum Engi‐neers 

Arc c Petroleum Resources: Basis for Petroleum Ac vi es. Anatoly Zolotukhin, Professor at the Gub‐kin Russian State University of Oil and Gas 

BP Building, Anchor‐age 

2/20/14  11:30 – 1:00pm 

Alaska Geologi‐cal Society 

David Houseknecht ‐USGS, Geologist ‐  “Alaska’s North Slope and the Chukchi Shelf” 

BP Energy Center, Anchorage 

3/20/14  11:30 – 1:00pm 

Alaska  Geological  Society 

Greg Wilson, ConocoPhillips Alaska  “Devil’s Paw Prospect, Chukchi Sea Alaska” Joint mee ng with Geophysical Society of Alaska ‐ 

BP Energy Center, Anchorage 

4/7/14 – 4/13/14 

   Alaska Miners Associa on 

24th Fairbanks Biennial Conference  Carlson Center, Fair‐banks 

4/14/14  11:30 – 1:00pm 

Alaska  Geological  Society 

John Kaldi University of Adelaide; Dis nguished Lec‐turer “Carbon Capture and Storage” (Joint mee ng with Society of Petroleum Engineers Alaska Sec on) 

Main Conference rooms A,B,C at BP Explora on Alaska 

4/17/14  11:30 – 1:00pm 

Alaska  Geological  Society 

Gerry Van Kooten Professor of Geology‐Calvin Col‐lege, Consul ng Geologist  “Explora on of Alaska’s interior basins and the impact of recent drilling” 

BP Energy Center, Anchorage 

5/15/14  9:00am – 5:00pm 

Alaska Geologi‐cal Society 

AGS Technical Conference – Cook Inlet Gateway to Alaska 

UAA Conoco‐Phillips Building, Anchorage 

5/16/14  9:00am – 5:00pm 

Alaska Geologi‐cal Society 

Conference Field Trip    

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Volume 44 Number 4 December 2013 Page 10

Enhanced Alaska Digital Well Log Data Since 1989

OCS, 95 out of 100 Alaska OCS wells. Mud logs for some. North Aleutian Basin wells, onshore and offshore. North Slope, 556 wildcats and key field wells. Kuparuk River Field, first 567 wells drilled (pre-1985). Southern Alaska, 1063 wells including all wildcats and many field wells. Directional surveys for most.

All digital log files Are depth shifted to match resistivity curves. Have core data rendered as a depth-shifted well log curve. Have SP both in original form and as a straightened curve. Have standardized mnemonics. Have Volume of Shale curves, derived from gamma ray for North Slope, derived from SP for Cook Inlet. Allow you to specify your own choice of mnemonics before delivery. Are updated periodically with new wildcat wells. Are delivered in LAS 2.0 format.

Contact Dan Shier: 303-278-1261 [email protected] www.rockypine.com

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Volume 44 Number 4 December 2013 Page 11


3601 C Street, Suite 822

Anchorage, AK 99503

The Alaska Geological Society, Inc. P.O. Box 101288 

Anchorage AK   99510 On the web at:    h p://www.alaskageology.org 

The Alaska Geological Society is an organiza on which seeks to promote inter‐est in and understanding of Geology and the related Earth Sciences, and to provide a common organiza on for those individuals interested in geology and the related Earth Sciences. 

This newsle er is the monthly (September‐May) publica on of the Alaska Geological Society, Inc. Number of newsle ers/month: ~300 

EDITOR Ken Helmold 

Alaska Geological Society, Inc. P. O. Box 101288 

Anchorage, AK 99510 e‐mail: ken.helmold at alaska.gov 

(907) 269‐8673 (office) 


AGS annual memberships expire November 1. The annual membership fee is $20/year. You may download a membership applica on from the AGS website and return it at a luncheon mee ng, or mail it to the address above. 

Contact membership coordinator Ken Helmold with changes or updates  (e‐mail: ken.helmold at alaska.gov; phone: 907‐269‐8673) 

All AGS publica ons are now available for on‐line purchase on our website. Check to see the complete catalogue: 

h p://www.alaskageology.org/publica ons 


Adver sements may be purchased at the following rates: 1/10 Page‐‐$190/9mo, $75/1mo; size=1.8 x 3.5 inch 

1/4 Page‐‐$375/9mo, $95/1mo; size=4.5 x 3.5 or 2.2 x 7.5 inch 1/3 Page‐ $470/9mo, $105/1mo; size=7.0 x 3.5 or 3.0 x 7.5 inch 1/2 Page‐‐$655/9mo, $125/1mo; size=9.0 x 3.5 or 4.5 x 7.5 inch 

Full Page‐‐$1000/9mo, $165/1mo; size=7.5 x 9.0 inch 1mo rate=(9mo rate/9)+$50 (rounded up). 

Contact Keith Torrance (614) 264‐4506 for adver sing informa on. 

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Volume 44 Number 4 December 2013 Page 12

Alaska Geological Society, Inc. P. O. Box 101288 Anchorage, AK 99510

2012 ‐ 2013 Alaska Geological Society Board 

Commi ees and Delegates 

Phone e-mail Workplace President Matt Frankforter 777-8376 mfrankforter at hilcorp.com Hilcorp Alaska, LLC Past-President Art Banet banetak at gci.net BLM emeritus President-Elect Keith Torrance 677-9451 ktorrance at apcservicesllc.com APC Services LLC Vice-President Monte Mabry 564-4028 monte.mabry at bp.com BP Treasurer Al Hunter 947-9010 paleoman at mac.com Secretary Eric Cannon 344-6001 eccannon at gmail.com Golder Associate Inc. Director 12-2014 Chad Hults 786-7417 chults at usgs.gov USGS Director 12-2014 Trystan Herriott 451-5011 trystan.herriott at alaska.gov DGGS Director 12-2014 Kirk Sherwood 334-5337 kirk.sherwood at boem.gov BOEM Director 13-2015 Richard Lease 786-7169 rlease at usgs.gov USGS Director 13-2015 Tom Morahan 230-1672 tmorahan at petroak.com PRA Director 13-2015 Jim Brown 276-2675 jbrown at alaskapacific.edu Alaska Pacific University

AAPG Delegate Marwan Wartes 451-5056 marwan.wartes at alaska.gov DGGS Advertising Keith Torrance 677-9451 ktorrance at apcservicesllc.com APC Services LLC Com. Ed./Science Fair Jana DaSilva Lage 677-7883 jldasilva5 at hotmail.com AeroMetric Field Trips Chad Hults 786-7417 chults at usgs.gov USGS Bylaws Sue Karl 786-7428 skarl at usgs.gov USGS Memberships Ken Helmold 269-8673 ken.helmold at alaska.gov AK DOG Newsletter Editor Ken Helmold 269-8673 ken.helmold at alaska.gov AK DOG Publications Peter Johnson 334-5329 peter.johnson at boem.gov BOEM Scholarship Sue Karl 786-7428 skarl at usgs.gov USGS Website Jan Hazen jan at homestead-graphics.com Consultant Fundraising Sunny Foster 269-8707 sunny.remmy at alaska.gov DNR / DOG

Phone e-mail Workplace