SULIT 12/2 PAPER 2 1 hour and 30 minutes SECTION A (30 marks) Question 1 The pictures below show how Encik Rusli saved a girl’s life. You would like to write a story about it. When writing your story: You may use all the notes Elaborate on the given notes to make it more interesting Add any other relevant information Make sure it is not less than 120 words 1

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Page 1: 46963126 Mid Year English Test Form 2

SULIT 12/2

PAPER 2 1 hour and 30 minutes


(30 marks)

Question 1

The pictures below show how Encik Rusli saved a girl’s life. You would like to write a story about it.

When writing your story:

You may use all the notes Elaborate on the given notes to make it more interesting Add any other relevant information Make sure it is not less than 120 words


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SULIT 12/2


(10 marks)

Question 2

Read the passage and complete the following task.

Kangaroos live in groups called ‘mobs’, which usually consist of one adult male and two or three females and their young. If a baby kangaroo is lost in the crowd, the mother kangaroo cannot call it by name because she has no voice and can only make a variety of grunts, coughs and sucking sounds. However, even if she could call her baby name, it would not help much because all kangaroo babies, male or female, have the same name. They are called joeys.

So what happens when a dangerous dingo, a native Australian dog, approaches and a joey needs to find its mother quickly? Well, it does not bother. It just jumps into the nearest pouch. Even if it is the wrong one, the mother will not reject it unless her pouch is already full.

Write a summary on kangaroos and their young.

Your summary must:

Not be more than 60 words, including the 10 words given below Be in continuous writing (not note form) Be written in one paragraph

Use your own words as far as possible without changing its original meaning.

Begin your summary as follows:

Kangaroos live in groups of one adult male, two or...


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(10 marks)

Question 3

The following are the novels studied in the literature component in English Language.

1. Potato People - Angela Wright2. Robinson Crusoe - Daniel Defoe3. The Phantom of the Opera - Gaston Leroux4. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde - Robert Louis Stevenson5. The Prisoner of Zenda - Anthony Hope Hawkins

Choose one of the novels above, then write about one character that you would like to meet.

Give reasons why you choose him/her.

Support your answer with evidence from the novel.

Your reasons should be:

Not less than 50 words In continuous writing (not in note form)



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Encik Rusli lived in a house near a river. He would usually go to the river bank every evening and sit on the bench there to read the newspapers

One evening while he was reading his newspapers, he saw one children playing hide-and-seek near the river.

As he went back to reading his newspapers, he suddenly hears a shout, “Help, help”. He looked around and saw that a blind-folded girl had fallen into the river. She was not able to swim and was struggling to stay afloat.

Without wasting any time, Encik Rusli dived into the river. He managed to pull the frightened girl out of the water. The girl, Susan, was grateful to Encik Rusli for saving her life. The rest of the children also thanked him. Encik Rusli warned them not to play hide-and-seek near the river again.


Kangaroo live in groups of one adult male, two or three females and their young. Kangaroos have no voices, so a mother kangaroo calls its young by a variety of grunts, coughs and sucking sounds. The young kangaroo is called a joey. When a dangerous dingo approaches, the joey will jump into the nearest kangaroo pouch.


The character I would like to meet is Robinson Crusoe himself. I want to meet him because of his amazing qualities. When Crusoe was stranded on the island, he did not panic. Instead, he remained calm and was very methodical. He swam back to the ship to get supplies. Then, he worked on setting up a place to live in. Since he was pretty intelligent, he was able to figure out how to make things like furniture and jars on his own.

In the book, Crusoe proves to be a courageous man. He was alone but he was able to successfully rescue Friday. He then took the trouble to teach Friday how to communicate and about God. His kindness was repaid as Friday turned out to be a good companion. I have never met anypne with so many wonderful qualities, which is why I would like to meet Crusoe.