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  • 7/28/2019 45741


    Doug Brutlag 2011

    Genomics Bioinformatics & Medicinehttp://biochem158.stanford.edu/

    Biochem 158/258 and HumBio 158G

    Doug BrutlagProfessor Emeritus

    Biochemistry and Medicine (by courtesy)[email protected]

    mailto:http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/http://biochem158.stanford.edu/mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]://biochem158.stanford.edu/mailto:http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/
  • 7/28/2019 45741


    Doug Brutlag 2011

    Greg Gibson & Spencer V. Muse

    A Primer of Genome Science


  • 7/28/2019 45741


    Doug Brutlag 2011

    Greg Gibson

    It Takes a Genome

  • 7/28/2019 45741


    Doug Brutlag 2011

    Course Syllabushttp://biochem158.stanford.edu/

    Sept 27 Introduction to Genes, Diseases and Preventive Medicine

    Sept 29 Diseases and Disease DatabasesOct 4 Sequencing the Human Genome

    Oct 6 Finishing the Human Genome

    Oct 11 Next Generation Sequencing Methods

    Oct 13 Bioinformatics and Functional Genomics

    Oct 18 Sequence Variations in the Human Genome

    Oct 20 Structural Variations: Insertions, deletions, transpositions, & copy numbervariations.

    Oct 25 Discovering Variations Associated with Disease

    Oct 27 Discovering Causal Mutations for Disease

    Nov 1 Personal Genomics

    Nov 3 Stem CellsNov 8 Stem Cell Therapies

    Nov 10 Gene Expression and Cancer Diagnostics

    Nov 15 Epigenetics

    Nov 17 Drug Development

    Nov 29 Pharmacogenomics

    Dec 1 Ethical Issues and Genetic Discrimination

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    Doug Brutlag 2011

    Course Requirementshttp://biochem158.stanford.edu/

    Four research assignments Disease case presentation Bioinformatics analysis of gene function

    Description of a genome-wide association study

    Final project (paper or presentation) on

    The molecular basis of a disease

    A novel diagnosis or treatment of a disease

    A technological advance in genomics & disease

    An ethical, legal or social issue in genomics or medicine

    Participation in Class Discussion

  • 7/28/2019 45741


    Doug Brutlag 2011

    Research Projects and Grading Policyhttp://biochem158.stanford.edu/

    Assignment % of Grade Date Due

    Inherited Disease Case Presentation 20% Oct. 11

    Functional Analysis of a Human Gene 20% Oct. 25

    Review of Genome-Wide Association Studies 20% Nov. 8

    Final Project on Genomics and Medicine 40% Dec. 9

    Second chance on homework!

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    7/19Doug Brutlag 2011

    Cognate Courses

    Undergraduate Courses

    Biochem 118 Genomics and Medicine Sophomore Seminar

    Bio 109A and 109B (HumBio 158A and B) The HumanGenome and Disease

    HumBio 157 The Biology of Stem Cells

    HumBio 159 Genes and Environment in Disease Causation

    Graduate Level Courses

    Genetics 210 Genomics and Personalized Medicine

    Genetics 211 Genomics

    CS 262 Computational Genomics

    CS 273A A Computational Tour of the Human Genome

    Biochem 218/BMI 231 Computational Molecular Biology

    BMI 214/CS 274 Representations and Algorithms for

    Computational Molecular Biology

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    8/19Doug Brutlag 2011

    BioMedical SeminarsBiomedical Seminars Calendar

    Frontiers in Biology Seminar Series

    Atul Butte, StanfordExploring Systems and Personalized Medicine ThroughTranslational Bioinformatics

    Sep 28 4:00 PM Clark Center Auditorium

    Nick Schork, ScrippsFunctional Genomic Variants and Human Diversity

    Oct 26 4:00 PM Clark Center Auditorium

    Marisa Bartolomei, U of Pennsylvania

    Epigenetic regulation of genomic imprintingNov 16 28 4:00 PM Clark Center Auditorium

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    9/19Doug Brutlag 2011

    Leveraging Genomic Information

    Novel DiagnosticsMicrochips & Microarrays - DNA

    Gene Expression - RNA

    Proteomics - Protein

    Understanding Metabolism

    Understanding DiseaseInherited Diseases - OMIMInfectious Diseases

    Pathogenic BacteriaViruses

    Novel TherapeuticsDrug Target DiscoveryRational Drug DesignMolecular DockingGene TherapyStem Cell Therapy

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    10/19Doug Brutlag 2011

    Impact of Genomics on MedicineI. Diagnostics

    Genomics: Identifying all known human genes Functional Genomics: Functional analysis of genes In what tissues are they important?

    When in development are the genes used?

    How are they regulated?

    Novel diagnostics Linking genes to diseases and to traits

    Predisposition to diseases

    Expression of genes and disease

    Personal Genomics Understanding the link between genomics and


    Increased vigilance and taking action to prevent disease

    Improving health care

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    11/19Doug Brutlag 2011

    Impact of Genomics on MedicineII. Therapeutics

    Novel Drug Development

    Identifying novel drug targets

    Validating drug targets

    Predicting toxicity and adverse reactions

    Improving clinical trials and testing

    Gene therapy Replacing the gene rather than the gene product

    Stem cells therapies Replacing the entire cell type or tissue to cure a disease

    Pharmacogenomics Personalized medicine

    Adjusting drug, amounts and delivery to suit patients

    Maximize efficacy and minimize side effects

    Identify genetics of adverse reactions Identify patients who respond optimally

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    12/19Doug Brutlag 2011

    Impact of Genomics on MedicineIII. Ethical, Legal and Social Issues

    Personal Privacy Insurability



    Genetic selection versus eugenics Cosmetic genetics

    Patentability of genes, proteins and other naturalproducts

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    13/19Doug Brutlag 2011

    Impact of Genomics on MedicineIV. Strategic

    Genomics can discover disease associated genes Genomics can discover disease causing genes.

    Genomics provides understanding of disease

    Genomics and bioinformatics provides basis for

    novel drug development Genomics provides basis for novel genetic and stem

    cell therapies

    Genomics provides the basis for preventive


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    14/19Doug Brutlag 2011

    Preventive Medicine

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    15/19Doug Brutlag 2011

    Founder of Preventive Medicine:Louis Pasteur

    When thinking about diseases, I never thinkabout how to cure them, but instead I think abouthow to prevent them.

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    16/19Doug Brutlag 2011

    Preventive Medicine

    The goal is to prevent disease from occurring.

    First one must identify the cause of the disease.

    Treat the cause of the disease rather than the symptoms

    Example 1: Peptic Ulcers

    Example 2: Pyrogens

    Genomics identifies genetic causes of inherited disease.

    When Paul Wise (a Stanford pediatrician) heard that wemay soon sequence every childs genome at birth, he


    all medicine may soon become pediatrics!

    Overlooked accidents, infectious disease, auto immune

    disease and aging: environmental or acquired diseases

    Genetic penetrance and environment

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    17/19Doug Brutlag 2011

    Health Care Policy

    Current health care treats disease rather thanmaintaining health (Illness care?)

    Future health care prevent disease

    Reduce need for expensive interventions

    Need policies that incentivize patients and doctors toprevent disease.

    Need social pressures to control behavior andincrease vigilance.

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    18/19Doug Brutlag 2011

    Huntington Disease Film

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    19/19D B tl 2011

    The Inheritance

    You are 18 years old.

    Your father abandoned you and your mother when you only 2years old.

    Your father died this year and left you an inheritance.

    He died from an autosomal dominant disease known as


    s Chorea or Huntington

    s Disease. You have a 50% chance of inheriting this invariably fatal

    neurodegenerative disease.

    But there is a genetic test for this disease that can tell you notonly if you have the disease, and if you do, when you will die

    from it. Would you take the genetic test or not?

