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  • 8/16/2019 450792816



    11.1 Introduction

    There are a number of phrases and idioms that are only used when telephoning. Let's first take a

    look at an example dialogue:

    11.2 Sample

    Operator: Hello, Ra and !rothers, How "an # help you$

    %raneet: This is %raneet &upta. an # ha(e extension )*+$

    Operator: ertainly, hold on a minute, #'ll put you through...

    -shish: Ra alhotra/s offi"e, -shish speaking.

    %raneet: This is %raneet &upta "alling, is Ra alhotra in$

    -shish: #'m afraid he's out at the moment. an # take a message$

    %raneet: 0es, ould you ask him to "all me as soon as possible. # need to talk to

    him about the new proe"t, it's urgent.

    -shish: ould you repeat the number please$

    %raneet:  0es, that's two six se(en oh fi(e double one, and this is %raneet &upta.

    -shish: Thank you r. &upta, #'ll make sure r. alhotra gets this as soon as

     possible .

    %raneet: Thanks, bye.

    -shish: !ye.

    11.3 Key Vocabulary / Phrases

    Look at the "hart below for key language and phrases used in telephone 1nglish:

    Introducing yourself 

     This is Kavita.

    Kavita speaking.

    Asking who is on the


    Excuse me, who is this?

    Can I ask who is calling,


    Asking for Someone

    Can I have extension 31?!extensions are internal num"ers at a


    Could I speak to...? !Can I % more

    in&ormal ' May I % more &ormal$

    Is (a) in? !in&ormal idiom meaning* Is

    (a) in the o+ce?

    Connecting Someone

    Ill put #ou through

    !put through- % phrasal

    ver" meaning connect$

    Can #ou hold the line? Can

    #ou hold on a moment?

  • 8/16/2019 450792816


    How to reply when someone is

    not available

    Im a&raid ... is not availa"le at the


     The line is "us#... !when the extension

    reuested is "eing used$

    /r 0upta isnt in...

    /r 0upta is out at the moment...

    Taking a Message

    Could !Can, /a#$ I take a


    Could !Can, /a#$ I tell him

    who is calling?ould #ou like to leave a


    11.4 Practise

    Work in pairs. Build conersations around the situations !ien belo". #hen practise "ith

    your partner.

    11.4.1 $e%uestin! #rael &n'ormation

    Student ()

    hoose a "ity in your "ountry. 0ou are going to tra(el to this "ity for a business meeting o(er the

    next weekend. Telephone a tra(el agen"y and reser(e the following:

    • (ound%trip 2ight

    • otel room &or two nights

    • (estaurant recommendation

    • 4rices and departure times

    Student B)

    0ou work in a tra(el agen"y. Listen to student - and offer him2her the following solutions:

    • (ound%trip 2ight* 5ir 6 (s. 17,789'% Econom# Class, (s.:,;

  • 8/16/2019 450792816


    Student ()

    0ou need to pur"hase six new "omputers for your offi"e. all 3-'s omputer 4orld and ask for

    the following information:

    • Current special o=ers on computers

    • Computer con>guration !(5/, ard rive, C4@$

    • 0uarantee ' arrantee period

    • 4ossi"ilit# o& discount &or an order o& six computers

    Student B)

    0ou work in at 3-'s omputer 4orld answer student -'s 5uestions using the following


    •  Two special o=ers* /ultimedia /onster % with latest 4entium C4@, 8A (5/,79 0B ard rive, /onitor included (s.7,899'% and D+ce Taskmaster %cheaper C4@, A7 (5/, 19 0B ard rive, /onitor not included (s.A1,99'%

    • 1 ear guarantee on all computers

    • iscount o& 8F &or orders o& more than >ve computers

    11.4.3 Sellin! *our Product

    Student ()

    0ou are a salesperson for Red #n". 0ou are "alling up a "lient who you think might be interested

    in buying your new line of offi"e supplies. 6is"uss the following information with your "lient:

    • Gew line o& o+ce supplies including* cop#%paper, pens, stationar#, mouse%pads and white "oards

    •  ou know the customer hasnt ordered an# new products during this past #ear

    • Hpecial discount o& 18F &or orders placed "e&ore next /onda#

    • 5n# order placed "e&ore /onda# will not onl# receive the discount, "ut alsohave its compan# logo printed on the products at no extra charge

    Student B)

  • 8/16/2019 450792816


    0ou work in an offi"e and re"ei(e a telephone "all from your lo"al offi"e supplier. -s a matter

    fa"t, you need some new offi"e supplies so you are definitely interested in what the salesperson

    has to offer. Talk about the following:

    • Gew pens, stationar# and white "oards

    • Hpecial o=ers, i& an#

    •  ou would like to place an order &or 99 packages o& cop# paper immediatel#