40k: The Warhammer 40,000 game produced by Games Workshop ltd. Ballsy: To do something stupidly brave in the hope of a large reward. Beardy: An army/unit that is on the borderline between being fair and being overpowered. See Cheesy. Boyz: basic troops usually used when in large numbers 20~50 Chaos: the religious worship of Daemons and the Warp. Cheesy: An army/unit that is immensely overpowered and goes against the golden rule of being fun. A cheesy army is built for no other purpose than to win. Dakka: To attack with a noisy weapon or to shoot. Often heard in chants of Dakka dakka dakka to imply lots of shooting. Danger close: to fire an explosive weapon close to your owntroops in the hopes of hitting enemy, inplys risk of hitting own men Danger strike: to Deep strike (teleport) close to enemy units to be able to shoot them better Dark Eldar: Evil/twisted space elves obsessed with torture and piracy. Eldar: Elves in space. Fire Magnet: a unit designed to attract shooting away from other units, can be unintentional or unwanted. Flashlights: derogatory term for Lasguns (laser guns) highlighting there comparative weakness. Fluff : the story background. To be fluffy is to fit in with the background of the army.

40k Dictionary

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Page 1: 40k Dictionary

40k: The Warhammer 40,000 game produced by Games Workshop ltd.

Ballsy: To do something stupidly brave in the hope of a large reward.

Beardy: An army/unit that is on the borderline between being fair and being overpowered. See Cheesy.

Boyz: basic troops usually used when in large numbers 20~50

Chaos: the religious worship of Daemons and the Warp.

Cheesy: An army/unit that is immensely overpowered and goes against the golden rule of being fun. A cheesy army is built for no other purpose than to win.

Dakka: To attack with a noisy weapon or to shoot. Often heard in chants of Dakka dakka dakka to imply lots of shooting.

Danger close: to fire an explosive weapon close to your owntroops in the hopes of hitting enemy, inplys risk of hitting own men

Danger strike: to Deep strike (teleport) close to enemy units to be able to shoot them better

Dark Eldar: Evil/twisted space elves obsessed with torture and piracy.

Eldar: Elves in space. Fire Magnet: a unit designed to attract shooting away from other units, can be unintentional or unwanted.

Flashlights: derogatory term for Lasguns (laser guns) highlighting there comparative weakness.

Fluff : the story background. To be fluffy is to fit in with the background of the army.

Gribbly: a model/paintjob/rule that is both revolting and awesome

Gubbins: 1)The random bits of models that war gamers collect from leftovers from building models.

2) Group term for a series of upgrades on a leader or unit

Imperium of man: Religious human fanatics obsessed with ruling the universe

LOS = Line of Sight

Tau – Communists in space, focused on working for the greater good of their race.

Necrons –Robot skeletons in space. Often shortened to Crons

Orks – Orcs in space also known as greenskins

Page 2: 40k Dictionary

Real space: The physical world that all living things inhabit also called the Materium

Sisters of battle: Violent nuns in space. Bolter-Bitches is also used when a derogatory term is needed.

Techpriests –a mechanic.

The emperor: The god of the Imperium of man, Only kept alive via a massive life support machine

Tyranids – Extra galactic aliens that’s sole purpose is to consume all biological matter. Similar to xenomorphs in appearance – Often shortened to as Nids.

.Warrgh: to charge head on into an enemy.

Warp –. A plane of existence where beings such as dark gods, daemons, and hosts of other evils live also used to travel faster than light . Also known as the Immaterium, the Veil or simply Hell.