www.cpaa.asn.au Concrete Pipe Association of Australasia

400 – Aust Standard 1597–1974

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www.cpaa.asn.auConcrete Pipe Associationof Australasia


departments were officially represented on the committee entrusted with the preparation of this standard:

Associated Chambers of Manufactures of Australia Australian and New Zealand Railways Conferences Australian Department of Works Department of Public Works, N.S.W. Engineering and Water Supply Department, S.A. National Association of Australian State Road Authorities Road Contractors Association Snowy Mountains Authority The Institution of Engineers Australia University of N.S.W. (School of Highway Engineering)

This standard, prepared by Committee WS/12, Precast Concrete Box Culverts, was approved on behalf of the Council of the Standards Asso­ciation of Australia on 2 October 1973.

In order to keep abreast of progress in Industry, Australian standards are regularly reviewed. Suggestions for improvements to published standards, addressed to the Headquarters of the Association, are welcomed.

The specification is intended to include the technical provisions necessary for the supply of the materials referred to but does not purport to comprise all the necessary provisions of a contract.




(Not exceeding , 1200 mm width and 900 mm depth)

AS 1597, Part 1-1974

First published (as AS AI36) ......................... 1963 Revised and issued as AS 1597, Part 1 1974


ISBN 0 7262 0199 5

AS 1597, Part 1-1974 2


This standard was prepared by the Association's Committee on Precast Concrete Box Culverts as a revision of AS A136-1963, which it accordingly supersedes. In accordance with the decision of the Australian Government to change to the metric system, all dimensions and values in this standard are in international system (SI) units.

The format of the standard has been changed following a decision to prepare requirements for large size culverts; thus the complete standard will be in two Parts-Part I, Small Culverts, and Part 2, Large Culverts. Part 2 will also incorporate requirements for a performance specification and a prescription specification.

The revised standard provides for three types of culvert and a comprehensive, but not unduly large, range of standard sizes up to and including 1200 mm width and 900 mm depth. Only one value of proof test load is given, irrespective of the span of the culverts, tbis load being based on the loading conditions normally experienced in service.

The term 'culvert' is commonly used to refer both to a complete conduit made up of a number of units placed end-to-end and to a single unit that may be an integral hollow section or a combination of a U-shape section and a slab. For the purpose of this standard, the term 'culvert' is used to refer to a single unit, whether integral or made up of two sections. The term 'conduit' is then used to designate the assembly of a number of 'culverts'.

Some purchasers require evidence from manufacturers that their product complies witb the provisions of this standard. The 'AS' certifica­tion trademark of tbe Standards Association (see Clause 2.10, Marking) on a precast concrete culvert is an independent assurance of such com­pliance. A Itelltion is drawn to the fact that the Standards Association intends to extend the 'AS' certification mark scheme to embrace this standard; meanwhile the scheme will continue to apply to culverts com­plying with AS Al 36 until 30 June 1974.

This standard makes reference to the following Australian standards: AS 1000 Tbe International System of Units (SI) and Its

AS 1302 AS 1303 AS 1304 AS 1315 AS 1465"

Application Steel Reinforcing Bars for Concrete Hard-drawn Steel Reinforcing Wire for Concrete Hard-drawn Steel Wire Reinforcing Fabric for Concrete Portland Cement Dense Nature Aggregates

·In course of preparation.

3 AS 1597, Part 1-1974



1.1 Scope 1.2 Application

1.3 Types of Culvert ........................................................................... ... ... . 1.4 Information to be supplied by tbe Purchaser 1.5 Information to be supplied by the Manufacturer


2.1 Materials 2.2 Reinforcement 2.3 Internal Dimensions 2.4 Joints 2.5 Standard Length 2.6 Tolerances 2.7 Cover 2.8 2.9 2.10

Provision for Workmanship Marking

Lifting ......... .. and Finish


3.1 Inspection 3.2 Load Test Requirements . 3.3 Water Absorption 3.4 Retests 3.5 Acceptance 3.6 Testing Facilities 3.7 Cost of Testing and Retesting .... 3.8 Manufacturer's Certificate


A Recommended Internal Dimensions of Culverts B Method for the Load Testing of Culverts . C Metbod of Testing for Water Absorption of Culverts D Internal Dimensions of Imperial Size Culverts Converted

to Millimetres


4 4 4

5 5

6 6 6 6 7 7


7 8


9 9 9

10 10 10 II 11

12 14 18


AS 1597, Part 1-1974 4


Australian Standard Specification for




1.1 SCOPE. This specification applies to precast reinforced concrete rectangular culverts for conveying water not under pressure, and for carrying highway vehicle axle loadings permitted by Australian Road Authorities.

1.2 APPLICATION. This specification is intended for culverts of nominal widtb and depth not exceeding 1200 and 900 mm respectively, and installed with the top under a height of fill not exceeding 1600 mm inclusive of pavement, if any.

1.3 TYPES OF CULVERT. The types of culvert covered by this specification are as follows:

Type of Culvert Description Illustration

'U' Shape A U~shaped section forming the invert l J and the two walls. and a separate lid slab or deck (see Note)

Inverted 'U' An inverted V-section Of crown forming r 1 Shape the deck and the two walls, and a separate base slab Of invert (See Note).

One-piece An integral hollow rectangle fanning ( ) the deck, the two walls and the invert

NOTE: 'U' shape and inverted 'U' shape are sometimes supplied without the lid sl,ab or base slab, respectively. This is a matter for agreement between the purchaser and the manufacturer.

5 AS 1597, Part 1-1974

1.4 INFORMATION TO BE SUPPLIED BY THE PURCHASER. The purchaser shall supply the following information, as appropriate, to the manufacturer:

(i) The type of culvert required (see Clause l.3). (ii) The required internal dimensions of the culvert.

(iii) The length of the culvert if other .than 1·22 m is desired (see also Clause 2.5).

(iv) Whether the ultimate load test is required (see Clause 3.2.2) and, if the test is required, the number of culverts to be so tested.

(v) Whetber the water absorption test is required (see Clause 3.3). and, if tbe test is required, tbe number of test pieces reqUired and tbe number of culverts from wbich tbe test pieces are to be obtained.

(vi) Wbether a certificate in accordance witb Clause 3.8 is acceptable.

(vii) Wbetber means of att~cbing lifting gear are to be provided (see Clause 2.8) .

(viii) The required minimum clear cover of concrete over reinforce­ment if 13 mm is not acceptable (see ClaUse 2.7).

(ix) Tbe type of end joint, if a plain butt joint is not acceptable (see Clause 2.4).

(x) Any otber special requirements.

1.S INFORMATION TO BE SUPPLIED BY THE MANUFAC­TURER. Where so requested by the purchaser, the manufacturer shall supply the following information:

(i) Drawing(s) showing all dimensions of the culverts and the proposed thickness of the concrete.

(ii) Tbe mass of individual culverts or sectioils.

AS 1597, Part 1-1974 6


2.1 MATERIALS. The materials used in the manufacture of the culverts shall comply with the following specifications or requirements, as appropriate:

(a) Cement. Cement shall comply with AS 1315, Portland Cement. Other types of cement may be used by agreement between the purchaser and the manufacturer.

(b) Steel reinforcement. Steel reinforcement shall comply with the following specifications, as appropriate:

(i) Rolled steel bars and hard-drawn steel wire­AS 1302 Steel Reinforcing Bars for Concrete AS 1303 Hard-drawn Steel Reinforcing Wire for Concrete.

(ii) Steel fabric-AS 1304 Hard-drawn Steel Wire Reinforcing Fabric for

Concrete. (c) Aggregates. Aggregates shall comply with AS 1465 *, Dense

Nature Aggregates. (d) Water. Water shall be free from harmful amounts of matter

injurious to concrete and its reinforcement.

2.2 REINFORCEMENT. The reinforcement shall be new and at the time of placing shall be free from loose rust, loose or injurious amounts of mill scale, oil, grease or any other coating liable to impair bonding with concrete. It shall be assembled into units that can be readily placed and held in the proper position within the casting moulds during the manufacture of the culverts.

2.3 INTERNAL DIMENSIONS. Recommended nominal internal dimensions for culverts up to 1200 mm wide and 900 mm deep are given in Appendix A.

2.4 JOINTS. All faces of culvert sections which adjoin when a culvert is assembled or when culverts are laid to form a conduit shall be of such form and finish that the interior surface of the culvert or of the conduit is continuous and uniform.

Joints between culvert sections shall be such as will facilitate the assembly of the culvert and ensure the accurate and permanent location of the culvert sections.

Unless another type of joint is specified by the purchaser (see Clause 1.4), the joint between adjacent culverts may be a plain bntt joint.

*In course of preparation.

7 AS 15", Part 1-1974

2.5 STANDARD LENGTH. Unless otherwise agreed between the purchaser and the manufacturer, the nominal length of culverts shall be 1· 22 m, and for new moulds shall be 1· 2 m.

2.6 TOLERANCES. 2.6.1 Internal Dimensions. The actual internal dimensions of a

culvert shall not differ from the dimensions 'designated by the manu­facturer by more than 5 mm.

2.6.2 Thickness. The actual thickness of a culvert shall not differ from the thickness designated by the manufacturer by more than plus 5 mm or minus 3 nun.

2.6.3 Length. The actual length of a culvert shall not differ from the length designated by the manufacturer by more than 6 mm.

2.6.4 Ends. (a) Squareness. The end faces shall not depart from planes at

right angles to the sides and base by more than 3 mm or 1/ 200 of the height or width, whichever is the greater.

(b) Straightness. The end faces shall not depart at any point from a straightedge held against them by !,,-ore than 3 mm.

2.6.5 Section. (a) Squareness. The external cross-section anywhere in the length

of the culvert shall at no point depart from a true rectangle by more than 3 mm or 1/ 200 of the height or width, as appropriate, whichever is the greater.

(b) Straightness. When the surfaces of a culvert are tested by means of a straight edge, the deviation from straightness at any point shall not exceed 6 mm.

2.7 COVER. Unless a greater minimum cover is specified by the purchaser, the clear distance at any point between the reinforcement and the nearest plane surface of the culvert shall be not less than 13 mm. The cover measured diagonally to any external square corner shall be not less than 25 mm.

NOTES: 1. Where aggressive conditions or severe exposure is ex'pected, additional

cover or other treatment may be necessary. 2. The thickness of cover can be determined by means of a covermeter

checked for adjustment before each deteITI1ination, or by cutting chases in the concrete. A suitable size of chase is 25 mm wide X 100 mm long x depth equal to the specified thickness of cover.

2.8 PROVISION FOR LIFTING. If required by the customer, each culvert and/or each culvert section shall be provided with an acceptable means for the attachment of lifting gear.

AS 1597, Part 1-1974 8

2.9 WORKMANSHIP AND FINISH. The concrete shall be dense and hard and substantially free from chipped edges, laitance and surface roughness. Culverts shall be free from fractures and cracks wider than 0·15 mm and residual test cracks wider than 0·08 mm, and from other defects arising from faulty materials or faulty methods of manu­facture. They shall not be coated with cement wash or any other pre­paration not specified by the purchaser.

Dents not exceeding 3 mm deep and bulges not exceeding 3 mm high shall be permitted provided they do not extend over the surface for a distance greater than twice the thickness of concrete where they occur.

2.10 MARKING. The following marking shall be clearly stencilled on the interior of each culvert near the top:

(i) The date of manufacture. (ii) The manufacturer's name or registered mark.

NOTE: The Standards Association of Australia is the owner of the registered certification trademark shown below. This mark can be used only by manufacturers licensed under the Certification Mark Scheme operated by the SAA and only when enclosed in the words 'Approved to Australian Standard 1597'.

The presence of this mark on or in relation to a product is an assurance that the goods have been produced to comply with the requirements of the Australian standard under a system of supervision, control and testing operated during manufacture and including periodical inspection at the manufacturer's works in accordance with the Certification Mark Scheme of the SAA.

Further particulars of the terms of licence may be obtained from the Director, Standards Association of Australia, Standards House, 80 Arthur Street, North Sydny, N.S.W. 2060.

9 AS 1597, Part 1-1974


3.1 INSPECTION. All materials, processes of manufacture, and finished culverts shall be liable to inspection and approval by the purchaser.


3.2.1 Proof Load Test. From each twenty culverts, which shall be called a batch and suitably identified as such, of each size ordered, the purchaser may select one culvert for proof load testing by the method given in Appendix B. Where the order for any size of culvert is for less than twenty, one culvert may be selected from the orde, for proof load testing.

When so tested, every culvert not more than 1·22 m long shall sustain a load of 90 kN without developing a test crack greater than that defined in Note 1 below, and on removal of the load, no crack caused by the load shall be greater than that defined in Note 2 below as a residual test crack. . ,

Where the selected culvert IS more than 1· 22 m long, the force to be sustained shall be agreed upon between the purchaser and the manufacturer, but shall be not less than 90 kN.

NOTES: 1. A test crack is defined as one into which the point of a test-crack

measuring gauge conforming to the details given in Fig. B2 (a) may be inserted to a depth of 2 mm over a length of at least 300 mm at intervals not exceeding 50 mm.

2. A residual test crack is defined as one into which the point of a residual test-crack measuring gauge conforming to the details given in Fig. B2 (b) may be inserted to a depth of 2 mm over a length of at least 300 mm at intervals not exceeding 50 mm.

3.2.2 Ultimate Load Test. When so specified in accordance with Clause 1.4 (iv), the purchaser may select the required number of culverts for ultimate load testing by the method given in Appendix B.

When so tested, every culvert not more than 1· 22 m long shall sustain a load of 135 kN.

Where the selected culvert is more than 1· 22 m' long, the load to be sustained shall be agreed upon between the purchaser and the manufacturer, but shall be not less than 135 kN.

3.3 WATER ABSORPTION. When so specified by the purchaser in accordance with Clause 1.4 (v), the water absorption of the concrete in culverts shall be determined by the method given in Appendix C, using test pieces cut or cored from culverts that have been subjected to and have complied with the proof load test.

AS 1597, Part 1-1974 10

The number of culverts (rom which test pieces are to be cut or cored shall be not more than one in three culverts passing the proof load test, or as otherwise specified by the purchaser. The number of test pieces taken from each culvert sball be one or as otherwise specified by the purchaser in accordance with Clause 1.4 (v) . Tbe dimensions of the test piece shall be as given in Appendix C.

When so tested, n·ot more than 20 per cent of the test pieces sball show an absorption exceeding 8 per cent.

3.4 RETESTS. 3.4.1 Load Test. Should any culvert fail to meet the load test

requirements, the purchaser shall select two further culverts from the batch represented by the culvert that failed. These culverts shall be subjected to the proof load test or the ultimate load test, or both tests Csee Clause 3.2), as speci>'ied by the purchaser.

If both of the culverts meet the load test requirementCs), the batch shall be deemed to comply with the test requirementCs).

If one of the retest culverts fails, the purchaser may reject the batch or may request that every culvert in the batch be subjected to the proof load test.

3.4.2 Water Absorption. If more than 20 per cent of the absorption test pieces fail to meet the 8 per cent absorption test requirement, then for each test piece that fails a furtber test piece shall be cut or cored from the same culvert from which the piece that failed was obtained. This test piece shall be tested by the method given in Appendix C and the test result obtained shall be substituted for the original result.

If not less than 80 per cent of the test pieces then meet the 8 per cent absorption requirement and all test pieces have an absorption less than 10 per cent, every culvert represented by the test pieces shall be deemed to comply with the test requirement.

3.5 ACCEPTANCE. All the culverts represented by those culverts which have been tested and found to comply with the requirements specified herein shall be accepted subject to final inspection in accordance with Clause 3.1.

Culverts which have been subjected to the ultimate load test may be accepted for use by the purchaser provided they comply in all respects with this specification. Culverts which have been subjected to the water absorption test may be rejected or accepted after repair, at the discretion of the purchaser.

3.6 TESTING FACILmES. Unless otherwise agreed hetween the purchaser and the manufacturer, the manufacturer shall supply all facilities for measuring, inspecting, and testing the culverts in accordance with this specification.



11 AS 1597, Part 1-1974

3.7 COST OF TESTING AND RETESTING. The cost of testing carried out in accordance with this specification shall be the responsibility of the manufacturer or the purchaser as follows:

Ca) Proof load test and retests. The cost of testing and the cost of culverts tested sball be borne by the manufacturer.

C b) Ultimate load test and retests. The cost of testing and the cost of culverts tested shall be borne by the purcba,ser if tbe culverts meet the test requirements, and by the manufacturer if they do not.

Cc) Water absorption test and retest. The cost of culverts tested sball be borne by the purchaser if the culverts meet the test requirements and by the manufacturer if they do not. The cost of obtaining test pieces from culverts and tbe cost of testing shall be borne by the manufacturer.

3.8 MANUFACTURER'S CERTIFICATE. As an alternative to requiring tests to be carried out on culverts supplied to his order, the purchaser may accept a certificate giving the results of tests carried out on culverts of the same design, size and manufacture as those supplied to the order. I

AS 1597, Part 1-1974 12



(For Information Only)

The recommended nominal internal dimensions for culverts up to 1200 mm wide and up to 900 mm deep are listed in Table AI.


(See Fig. AI)

Width (A) Depth (B) Width (A) Depth (B) DUD mm mm mm

300 150 900 300 375 225 900 450 450 150 900 600 450 225 900 750 450 300 1200 300 600 225 1200 450 600 300 1200 600 600 450 1200 900 750 300 750 450 750 600

NOTE: Existing designated dimensions as listed in Appendix D will be acceptable until metric moulds are phased into production.



k I

13 AS 1597, Part 1-1974

Alternative width 'A'



Depth '8'

"----. Tapered leg alternative

Width 'A'




~ \ I I I I I \ \ \ I I


AS 1597, Part 1-1974 14



Bl APPARATUS. The following apparatus is required: (a) Testing machine. A macbine capable of applying to a culvert

the forces specified in Clause 3.2 without undue deformation or yielding of the machine. A suitable testing machine is illustrated in Fig. B1. The machine shall be mounted over a sand-bed complying with the requirements of paragraph (e) below.

(b) Load-measuring device. The testing machine shall be fitted with a load-measuring device capable of indicating the applied load to within ± 2 per cent of the correct load within the range of use. The device shall have been calibrated within 1 year by an independent authority acceptable to the purchaser, and the calibration certificate shall be made available for inspection by the purchaser on request.

(c) Bearillg block. A hardwood bearing block 500 mm long, 150 mm wide and 100 mm deep.

(d) Rubber pad. A rubber pad 500 mm long, 150 mm wide and 10-20 mm tbick, of Shore durometer hardness 45-55.

(e) Sand-bed. A sand-bed of sufficient area to accommodate the culvert (see Fig. BI). The top and bottom surfaces of the sand-bed shall be level and the sand shall be not less than 75 mm deep.

(!) Crack measuring gauges. Leaf gauges of the dimensions shown in Fig. B2(a) and (b).

B2 LOCATING CULVERT IN TESTING MACHINE. The test culvert shall be positioned on the sand-bed with the component sections properly assembled as in service, or provided with equivalent restraints as shown in Fig. B3, if necessary.

A bed of mortar not more than 5 mm thick or a bituminous felt membrane may be used to protect the bearing surfaces of the culvert during the application of the test load.

The orientation and position of the culvert under the loading beam of the testing machine shall be appropriate to the loading conditions specified in Paragraph B3.

B3 APPLICATION OF TEST LOAD. The test load shall be applied vertically to the deck of the culvert through a wooden bearing block and rubber pad, with the loading beam and bearing block parallel with a vertical plane through the longitudinal axis of the culvert as shown in Fig. B1. The position of the load on the culvert deck shall be as nominated by the purchaser.

15 AS 1597, Part 1-1974

For proof load testing the load shall be increased uniformly so that the specified value is reached in 5 minutes. While subjected to the proof load the culvert shall be examined for cracks which, if present, shall be checked by means of the test crack-measuring gauge. The load shall then be released and tbe culvert again examined to check whether all test cracks have closed.

The ultimate test load shall be applied at the same uniform rate as the proof load until the culvert sustains the specified ultimate load.

Loading jock

Rubber pad 13mm thick


Sand-bed 75mm (min) th ic k

Loading beam

Timber bear ing block 500 xlSOxlOQmm positioned w it h 500rrim d imension parallel to the length of t he culvert

NOTE: Loads may be applied to any specified position on the deck of the culvert.


AS 1597, Part 1-1974 16

(in 4 ~oper~

lOB ~ Th icLk-n-"-'-:J---r------ R Imm

(0) Test-~rock meos.u ring gouge Q-ISmm (b) Res idual test-crack measuring gouge Q-Oamm


Test i lOOd

~Re ,oring block Rubber pod

- '" • ,- - - ~ - • # • ,_ . , " ~._ :..:t. t •• • .) '. •

>=c...:..:~",::"":-,-,~4.c..=':""'::""':'':'''':''':::'''':;''';:'',,,;, "

Bedding Ties -

I <l

of unit

Bedding of r,ubber, sand mortar, felt,erc:-<-"- ,,'

(a) CHANNEL SUPPORTS TO BE USED WHERE PRECAST BASE UNAVAILABLE (Channel supports may be tied together as shown.)


17 AS 1597, Part 1-1974

Test I IOOd


13 ~Bearing block , Rubber pod

, - I I , '- , - ,-I -,

- .. • , - , , , ' " 6

.,'/ ,

I I:


:./ " <l J_ ' "

of unit <i " - d-

· J , , , , ,

· 'p '0 ," , . V Bedding of sand, rubber, II. :

') mortar, felt, etc · .

o , ~!' - -,

~-. : ~ ' , ; 4 . I, , 4 : - "~-J "': f".~.>~ • i • , , ,

" ~ . :4 ,~ ..... -, l!1: " " -

110"/lo'$'1NIMI 0, 1/1'71"'1/<111'11


Fig, 83, (continued)

AS 1597, Part 1-1974 18



Cl APPARATUS. The following apparatus is required: (a) Air-drying oven. (b) A balance sensitive to 0·5 g when loaded to 1 kg.

C2 PREPARAnON OF TEST PIECES. From the culverts selected for testing in accordance witb Clause 3.3, tbe required number of test pieces shall be cut or cored. Tbe tbickness of the pieces shall be the full thickness of the culvert (wall or slab) from which they are cut. The area of each uncut face shall be 1·0 X 10<-1·5 X 10< mm2 and the cut or cored edges of each piece may be ground smooth. The pieces shall be free from cracks when tested.

C3 TEST PROCEDURE. Each test piece shall be dried at a tempera­ture not less than 102°e or greater than I lOoe, for a period of 4 days. The drying of each piece shall tben be continued until two successive weighings, at intervals of not less tban 2 hours and not more than 24 hours, show an increment of loss not greater than O· I per cent of the original mass of the piece.

The final mass M 1 shall be recorded. Each dried piece shall be placed in a suitable receptacle and

covered with distilled or rain water. The water shall then be raised to boiling point and boiled for 5 hours. At tbe end of this period tbe pieces shall be cooled in water to a final temperature of 15-20oe.

Wben cool, each piece shall be allowed to drain for not more than I minute. Any superficial water shall then be removed by means of absorbent paper or cloth, and the mass of the piece (mass M 2) immediately determined.

C4 CALCULA nON AND REPORT. The absorption of eacb test piece shall be reported separately and shall be calculated from tbe following formula:

M.-Ml Percentage absorption = . Ml X 100

Wben steel reinforcement is present in the test piece, the mass of the steel M , shall be determined and then-

Percentage absorption = M2 - Ml X 100. MI-Ms

19 AS 1597, Part 1-1974



Width Depth

in mm in mm

12 304·8 6 152·4 15 381.0 9 228·6 18 457·2 6 152·4 18 457·2 9 228·6 18 457·2 12 304·8 24 609.6 9 228.6 24 6096 12 304·8 24 609·6 18 457·2 30 762·0 12 304·8 30 762·0 18 , 457·2 30 762·0 24 609.6 36 914·4 12 304·8 36 914.4 18 457·2 36 914.4 24 609·6 36 914.4 30 762.0 48 1219·2 12 304·8 48 1219.2 18 457·2 48 1219·2 24 609.6 48 1219.2 36 914.4

NOTES: 1. For culverts larger than above, increments in width and depth were 12 in

(304.8 mm) and 6 in (152.4 mm) respectively. 2. The standard length was 4 ft (1 ·22 m).


A list of A ustralian Standards may be purchased or inspected at any office of the Association.


Those interested in the work of the Association are invited to call at the Head Office or any Branch Office, or to write for literature.

NEW SOUTH WALES : Head Office : Standards House, 80 Arthur Street , Nortb Sydney.

A. L. Stewart, Director. Mail: P.O. Box 458, North Sydney 2060. Telegrams: Austaodard, North Sydney.

Newcastle Branch Office: Howard Smith Chambers, Watt Street, Newcastle 2300. (W. 1. Hutchinson, Branch Manager).

VICIORIA: Clunics Ross House. 191 Royal Parade, Parkville 3652. (C. R. lohnson, Manager).

QUEENSLAND: 447 Upper Edwaro Street, Brisbane 4000. (Miss M. A . Brabazoo, Branch Manager).

SOUTH AUSTRALIA: 11 Bagot Street, North Adelaide 5006. (C. D. Littleworth, M.B.E., Branch Manaeer). ,

WESTERN AUSTRALIA: Science House, 10 Hooper Street. West Perth 6005. (Miss A. G . Caldwell, Branch Manager).

TASMANIA: 4th Floor. 18 Elizabeth Street, Hobart 7000. (R. J. Lcwer, Branch Manager).

{ Sydney 929-6022 Melbourne 347-7911 Brisbane 21-8605

Telephone Nos. Adelaide 67-1757 Perth 21-7763 Hobart 34-6811 Newcastle 2-2477

NOTE; The following and all other overseas standards are obtainable at or may be ordered through all offices of the Association

British Standards lnstitution-General Standards Aircraft Standards

U.K. Ministry of Defence­D.T.D . Specifications.

Standards Association of New Zealand­General Standards.

South African Bureau of Standards­General Standards.

Indian Standards Jnstitution­General Standards.

Pakistan Standards Institution­General Standards

Canadian Standards Association­General Standards .

American National Standards Institute--­General Standards.

International Organisation for Standardization­ISO Recommendations.

International Electrochemical Commission­IEC Publications.

Printed in Australia by Mockridge. Bulmer Pty. Limited, WilIou&hby, N.S.W




Tho Standards Association of Australia was founded in 1922 as the Australian Co=onwealth Engineering Standards Association, and was incorporated by Royal Charter in 1950.

The principal function of the Association is to prepare and publish Australian Standards and to promote their adoption. Standards arc in the form of specifications for materials and products, codes of sound or safc practice, methods of testing, nomenclature, etc. They are prepared by representative co=ittees which co·ordinate manufac­turing capacity and production efficiency wifh the users' reasonable needs. They seek to achieve fitness for purpose, simplified production and distribution, replacement inter­changeability, and adequate variety of choice without wasteful diversity.

Australian Standards are prepared only after a full enquiry has shown that the project is endorsed as a desirable one and worth the effort involved. The work is based on voluntary agreement, and recognition of the co=unity of interest of producer and consumer.

The Association's work is conducted solely in the national interest and without profit, the only expenses being salaries, printing and office administration. It is financed from grants received from the Government, subscriptions from members, and sales of its publications. Government and private enterprise both benefit from the Association's activities, to the financing of which both should contribute equitably.

Membership of the Association is open to individuals, associations, industrial and commercial companies, and public and local authorities. Enquiries concerning member­ship are always welcomed.