Transfer Functions

4 Transfer Function

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  • Transfer Functions

  • Unit 1: Process Control LoopProcess control loopProcessSensorTransmitterControllerTransducerControl valve Abdul Aziz Ishak, Universiti Teknologi MARA Malaysia (2009)

  • Unit 1: Process Control LoopProcessSensorTransmitterControllerTransducerControl valvePressureFlowLevelTemperaturepHdP cellCapacitanceRadar, SonicMagneticResistanceIR/Laser4-20 mA1-5 VdcField/profibusPIDFuzzy logic4-20 mA3-15 psigLinearEqual percentageProcess control loop Abdul Aziz Ishak, Universiti Teknologi MARA Malaysia (2009)*SP = set point*PV = process value

  • Unit 1: Process Control LoopCONTROLLERCONTROLVALVEPROCESSPVSPSimulation modeProcess control loop: The Block Diagram Abdul Aziz Ishak, Universiti Teknologi MARA Malaysia (2009)TRANSMITTER

  • Convenient representation of a linear, dynamic model. A transfer function (TF) relates one input and one output:The following terminology is used:xinputforcing functioncauseyoutputresponseeffectChapter 4Transfer FunctionsThe TF model enables us to determine the output response to any change in an input.

  • Definition of the transfer function:Let G(s) denote the transfer function between an input, x, and an output, y. Then, by definitionwhere:Chapter 4

  • Figure 2.3 Stirred-tank heating process with constant holdup, V.Chapter 4Example: Stirred Tank Heating SystemTransfer Functions for a Process

  • Equation (1) is the energy balance of the stirred-tank heating system, assuming constant liquid holdup and flow rates:Suppose the process is at steady state:Subtract (2) from (1): Chapter 4(1)

  • But,where the deviation variables areTake L of (4):Chapter 4At the initial steady state, T(0) = 0.

  • Rearrange (5) to solve for Chapter 4where

  • K (gain) it describes how far the output will travel with the change of the input.

    (time constant) describes how fast the output moves in response to a change in the input.*The time constant must be positive and it must have units of time

    *If a process has a large K, then a small change in the input will cause the output to move a large amount. If a process has a small K, the same input change will move the output a small amount

  • Chapter 4Order of transfer function General first order transfer functionGeneral second order transfer function First-order-plus-dead-time (FOPDT)

  • Response with time delay

    to=Time delay/dead time

  • All first order systems forced by a step function will have a response of this same shape. Step response for first order system

  • To calculate the gain and time constant from the graph

    Gain, Time constant, value of t which the response is 63.2% complete

  • Transfer Functions for a TransmitterKT = transmitter gain

    = transmitter time constant

  • For proportional control, the controller output is proportional to the error signal,where:Proportional Control

    is controller output when the error is zero

    -The proportionality is given by the controller gain, Kc-The controller gain determines how much the output from the controller changes for a given change in error

    Transfer Functions for a ControllerTransfer function

  • *Integral ControlFor integral control action, the controller output depends on the integral of the error signal over time,where , an adjustable parameter referred to as the integral time or reset time, has units of time.Integral control action is normally used in conjunction with proportional control as the proportional-integral (PI) controller :

  • The corresponding transfer function for the PI controller in is given byThe PI controller has two parameters, Kc andTransfer function

  • Derivative ControlThe function of derivative control gives the controller the capability to anticipate where the process is heading by calculating the derivative errorThus, for ideal derivative action,where , the derivative time, has units of time.

  • Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) ControlNow we consider the combination of the proportional, integral, and derivative control modes as a PID controller.Form of PID ControlThe form of the PID control algorithm is given byThe corresponding transfer function is:Transfer function
