TIlE DAILY SUN GAINESVILLE FLORIDA FEBRUARY 4 190ft w 4 l r S y ffilUf LETTER Air tarts Namrtise ajravnt- saMa Furs t At aaspn af Yetfc aw 1 Mti airs faaciaaflaa appear HUM 4wiaw MWM tart few weeks nMwtetvr wfcea aH the between sea jj pijra4 at aw lour frtcea arly prise- MMfcfc wMek teak ftwSi teavter fabric et wtater hi akjr aa beside atoa- cata a4 furs tfce who Is eats aew procure the stoat coat BMaTs boa etc fcaVamlaw aa te lUke It a good IBMM far elder weather atlll to ar Tier awct wtater The taxary a beaatlfal set of furs Is JialilflMy ratlfjrla Tfcey lend an iJlHraf ajrtiafsa that aotiila caa equal a to piecesbat scarf Si BMaT caa he aecttKd aiest reason f The tee far trlamlmcs are si popular ea eraaJaf wraps or i ui caatatae with these are af tare eheleeat af lace which Mate a last r taut atetpty adorable i aHTetcca af faaalaai aava hears la the aafartiM af tars aM lace whose ilmy- ftiajiulags net a fabulous RIB fer m ar Hhe wtaatta value iacrease ta ea ef the ahopa this week ftfc la aetad for Ita exeaMte Hagerie were several tfcat skewed la a4 af BMaaHlMMi slay lace hecqaeta lay ate hi lid iiuadhufal tasl slat K weld to kind to fla treat real aw ORKATIOV rx- Caraua ralencleaun IB clear rut pat urea la feaad a underwear which can 1 picked HP for a very lacoastderable A pretty petticoat was llaUbed- wMfc rows of iBsertloa alternating with tacks aad the abaeoce of a law edging at the hraa meaat good wear for con taut taaaderlBg could not hanu It- T be described with all daint- tataff were some stockings whoso dv- altfalag skewed a great amouut As wart stocking are worn at aU seasons of the year to corrt with gowns one was jufe- verflowtas with terry variety of pro dactloa astute of One silk luxet with real tar batterMlea stock kifH am sot so popular nn lust season but tLe real thing in n line mesh with bawd emhrokliry The loud coloring ef a season ages hire relegated tac aacfcfrouBd of the out of ilatwt are replaced by exquisite pale tlnta t- jaatck pale shaded gown Clockwork 4Btecklacs lend u Klonderuum to the GOT HIS HAIR SACK i ll ffiarln Frederick Manacll M ryland block Jute UeaUna bought a l of Now ro Hrrplclile April G and t title It for entire U Miu s The liilr fot lick la Ma fical tore tilt M and Ir 10 ha hail hair all ovi r hi brad On July J ho vrH n l diy mv sal to ax thick xriirt K n v o cold wish N wbron II rplcldc work ea an old principle ami with n n vr da coTftr dstr y th ant y r Btovo the cT ot IIcrplr strv5 th term tha raun s iindnf fillmic ha r and finally baldness that with t cause rftcrt r Stops falling hilr at nnrw rand n new growth ulnrtii Sold by Kallru- 4rucclit Send We In tamps fur iarn te Hcrplclde Co Dctrwlt Mich J g BaaUenl A Ct Special Area IlI1 II 8ihp w t New i Me lId 1l7 f et wa- il If Ihi T1 I1hl UI u I 4 i hi set f I J I I IIIIeII The Sa J of- t been to and RaW t UrpldoJco J bean 1 I t oral fl mot mal eJ TIM F xj 1 bihr Iii hp Wind w Mar hare p a ham i aasMhht w raw tails are- s e aria tipwt 1eps furs 1 ewer J i a uIsg J a three t- cc t11w11t the J w llr a s- y aura L al r ew es ewdlBM o- fit Ts rJ 1Wus yljhh Me f Y r ak o YtllvfladIty about tee- M war at Asia tar at4iY- I I 1 s et- u e 4- rh h V r TesT Lnt83a1E- wAITM ware Aural slurp Openwork t Wa 1Perferlly WA Cur 1rewLro M days onus r G wore the l Atw y > > < <> < <> + + > ° > + + + + A Lot of Ladies HandUoHM Storm TIM torn coat become a nc ltjr to woman The Krvlce by there U double that of any other Kar mint In your wardrobes They are Indl p iuAbl for rainy weather and the proper weight for early print wear and we offer this week are not only scrviceabU but tylUh handsome coats uitablo for wear In any weather Only those who have worn the overall coat can appreciate Ita utility and value Wa do not knew of reliable well cut well made shower proof coats ever hav- ing been aohl for than 112 haw been fortunate enough to secure TOO coata aa Illustrated above at a remarkably low price the Manufacturer wanted the mosey he offered them at about half the usual price we took then yours la the advantage The coat Is made ef fine quality shower proof material In oxford tan and olive double breamed front with stitched aide plait with cloth covered but tons the back Is brought snug to the figure at waist line by stitched lax and aide plait tit collar trimmed with tour rows of silk soutarhe braid full nleeves plaited at wrist with braid trimmed turn back cuff belt all around two imp pock- ets full skirt leasts M to C5 li Special 749 When ordering state bust measurement- and skirt length We will promptly and cheerfully refund your money upon return of the coat If not In every way natUfartory to you This Is our rule with all giKxls purchased from us Send for our Jimtnry Bpwlnl Muslin tmlerwwir cutilnini It ill free rrqirtt If yon an not on our mall Injr list write tin totlny Our Hprlng and Rummer Cntnloguo will lx iti l early In Mnrrh nn l you nhouM not tall to have a copy Adclrens Room 301 R H Ot CO MOAlWATlefaU wreKEW YOU niiklt nail tin IssiMiit of rtiunit- A iiini unlcal wjiy III s- IfcliliK fi ry MliMLiim is In- lh linviiiu lUlc llnvul r l as ilnv Nearly vi ry Kirl M sin1 rich r IIH M fad In ilns tint sin In urn girl nlili mlty fwt li v her liKllvliiuallly In liislrry ami from a sliiti rH staiulKitiit h I M a giva- varlily lu fruni aimtlur hut a hurt vilvcty liaiitvn It Itv ahvivs aupcuriiti In tin ui4 t original and ilaiutlrsl stixks and Iollars HIT stocks an nf the tin IliiltmliliTitl ami tin inur1- ilii nnalf i ui ntv intuit of soft rlilf and int s allius- I ini of tin prrtllrst tliliiKs t vir en ntiil to ailnrn thi tuik of fair a of fliKToii ui xiiliiii tnf frta In ift foil with a turn over of Alln blur tliibraltUfitl in a inliilatur- itltlfii of I xin if iiiiU of plaltiil uii w n caitclit at in li rvaU vllli tint luv handx All tin iu v u loots tln to IN iiiil high unit fn tiutl In tin bark wllh Ixivvs lilili take n vny ilic hurt apnaraiui ainl tin llm at the f tin nitk They hid tlio- fastonlim thtt ils tin uuatuis4 of many cttwus tOur traders may have advice on pur rltanlni nnd any question fnnhlon or aiiMWtred rharK by lUn l vurnux fanhtoti by ll n I veraux I O lox 2ilf Mullen 8 iiir Yew York Mlainy for ll ly J Man Past Sixty in Danger Mori than half mankind ore ixty ax mifTtr kiiinry and bladder dinniii ril u wally inlarii niitit f this pro trhtx gland This i both piinfiil and dnnnron and Kidney tire llrllll In iMkrll Ml till llrrt vifill Ol it cdrrtCt irregularities has erred many rid men of liii du ease Mr Kudnuy Emmett Rock Port Mo writf 1 tftered with enlarged pro trnte gland arid kidney trouble fo year and Hftrr tnkinR two bottles Fuleys Kidney Cure I ft l better that I haTe for JU although I am J W McCollum A Co na- n 149a- u y Special Costs has are I Sill I I MACY lit Ilk urr 11111 I tubs hIll vn I tar ext fill arson craw pet I II I falinl I Mara tin I fun back I with the expert I Indo of r sa and of ear now 91 ytars old tl1- tedd SN- tSAT aarir i l- t1 I t- t every performed these teas rice spat one very tart i dnrahlr p are pots Ii hot rnni11 tin lint n tv I tit are clan p cone rutng fnhrira addr silt t years from Foley ding u ¬ > ¬ < < > > > < > < > > > > + + + + News Editor Removed Atlanta Ga Ftb 3 Colonel John Temple Graves has removed from the position of edltorlachlef of tbe Atlanta taws by a petition of Charles Daniel ranted temporarily by Judge Pendleto The petition of Mr Dan- iel was la the form of an amendment to the cross bill to Mr Graves orig- inal Injunction and In the order signed by Judge Pendleton Mr Graves was commanded to appear before the curt Februay 12 to show cause why he shall aot be attached for contempt of court This startling development In the Atlanta News embrogllo followed the suppression by Injunction of an editorial written Thursday afternoon- by Joha Temple Graves then editor of the sews The editorial did not nnoar Itch Ringworm E T Lucas Wing Ky writes April 25 1902 Fur 10 to 12 years I hid been afflicted with a malady known at The itching most unbearable I had tried for- e rs to find relief having tried rimrdira I could hear of beide a number of doctors I with to state that one single application of BIlliard Snow Liniment cured tnf completely- and permanently Since then I have u d the liniment on two separate oc- casions for ring worm and it cured completely 25c 50e and 11 Sold by W M Johnson Will Oppose New Trial Sew York Fob Preparations are being made by the illtitricl attorneys office to oppose the motion of Albert- T Patrick for a new trial Assistant District Attorney Uarvin had a con- ference with Dr Otto H Schultz to go over the affidavits of physicians who wear that the evidence does not show that William Marsh Rice was and that the embalming fluid could have reached the lungs In Rices body The district attorneys offlce- Is also looking Into the history of Alex D Stanbury who makes the princi- pal affidavits concerning statements made by Charles F Jones of Texas Pirating Fotaya Hnn and Tor Foley Co Chicago originated Honey and Tar aa a throat and lung remedy and on account of the grist merit and popularity of Foley Honey and Tar many imitations are ITred for the genuine worthies im- itations have similar sounding names Beware of them The genuine Foleys Honey and Tar U in a yellow pack- age A k for it and any ubiti title It i the b t remedy for coughs and colds J W McCollum Co Legal End of Great Swindle New York Feb 3 At n meeting ol- UH creditors of William F Miller ol the Franklin Syndicate n final dlvl dend oflt on a dollar has been de- clarcd With the setting out of the checks and the final order of thr courts dlsmhrlnp the truste In bankruptcy ihir will be n legal end of tine of the greatest swindles of the last century A Card this is a card to certify that all druggists are authorized to refund your money if Foleys Honey and Tar fails to cure your cough or cold It stops the cough heals the lungs and prevents serious results from a cold Cures la grippe cough aid prevents pneumonia and consumption Con- tains no opiates The genuine i in a yellow package Refute J W McCollum A Co Boston Has or JrHlevtas- Hostnn F b tandtetiins lIar was bright In Huston and in all parts o Now KnKland Reports riceivctl lion Indicate that it was a beautiful winter day ant for the nbkenre of snow Ir nearly nil ctloni pt In northerr- Malm and New llatiiji tilrc with the tciuoratun nelow Frightfully Burned Ulia W Moort1 si miulniiirt of Ford City hi hand friclitfullj burnt in an electrical furnace II applied Bueklen Arnica Salve with the iiinml result a qtiiik and per- fect cure irt alLit henler on burns wound arts ee erna pile We at all drug titore Queen Will Attend Funeral Ixndon Feb Quo n Mexnndn- nx i h i in left Uiuiton fo Cop nnaj n wh n her majesry wli attnJ till futi ral of her father th late King Christian of Denmark Are You Restless it Night lad harrntkfd by a had ioiiKl l t Ilallnrd ilorehouud Syrup it will secure you sound slurp and effect x prompt and radical core sold by W M Johnson been the itch chloro- formed 1 hte refuse substitute I I Pa hid was all A 2 etc fro iiag aril for aril hit I n f ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ > > + MARDI GRAS New Orleans La Mobile Ala and Pensacola FIs For the above occasions the Atlantic Line will sell tickets from all points in the State of Florida to Orleans La Mobile and Fla at on fare plus entyfire cents for the round trip Tickets on sale February Mat to 26th inelutire Limit of ticket wilt b March 3rd but if a longer time i desired and the or iginal purchasers will deposit the tick etc with th authorizrd agent not later than March 3rd they can have these tickets extended to midnight of March 17th oa payment of fifty cents mopovers allowed For full information see Atlantic Coast Line asf ats or write Frank C Koylston District Pawvnger Agent Jacksonville Fa Health Means the ability to do a good work without undue fatuue amid to Und lift worth living You cannot hare indigu tion or conrtipiliun with ou its upsetting the liver and po- lluting the blood Such a condition may best and quickest relieved by the be t liver regulator that ever known Mrs M W Smith writes April 302 I life and find it the bt rmdipine fur constipation and reKulsting the liver I ever 60 cents Sold by W M Johnson City Directory For Sale We have a number of copies o Directory for sale at The San office It U a handy reference book for business and professions urea Riving the aaraes of residents with street aid aanber Price IX FtJsfiary 5 Tilt YUHIIC English Artiste ALYCE KEE In Her New York Succiss Supported by Harry Tlaymonl Wm II Albert P Robinson Nat J Fields James Yonng Natalie Perry Helen T Clarke Madge Adam Hele na Flake and others SlKCIAL VAUDEVILIK INCIIiKNTAL TOIIAY ACT Popular Prices 25s Vte and 7V Seats on sale at V W Avers LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT- NOTICE OF INTENTION TO AP PLY FOR LETTERS PATENT Nolico is hereby given tint the tin dprlgned will apply to the Honurabl N B Brnward turertiiir of the State t t the 27th day of February A 1 1906 or a noon n for Letters Patent incorporating The G W lly1i under the follow IIIR proponed charter the ol which in no r nn tile in the of the Secretary of at Tnllahniiee V HvtiK Seal J HiiiNKii J F HoisKii- PKOPOSED CIIARTKR OF TilE J U HVhK COMPANY The mieriiii l hereby h i them elre touether fr the purpo of tKcotniiiK inrnriiorated and forming a corporation under and by virtue f the LP the State with and under the fillowmi pnpued charter nam shall I The i V Hyde Compiny anti it principal 4 hall IK in lou Ciain vtllp county of Alaehna and State of Flor idn with iranche nt other place a may be nece ary or defirable- U The general nature nf the hugi to be engaged in and trHnsacted by the company shall be to buy sell at goods hew Alt Pena cola tit the word tIb lIt used Burt OPER H SE- r Not Like Other Girls HE- r tl at IIrida on th r j ittl lit IIr Ihi of th of p ouch 1 mil Coast Lib- eral days herb n has City DpwSRDS MAN FEA- TURES Florida ort inah Ides Fate Grail Quip mil dR rove not ors 1 ¬ > > linery clothiuR Rent furnuhing good and other ncneral and sell personal prop- erty of all kinds and uch real Pilate a may be nece ary in conducting the business of the company or to protect it from sons to ub for receive and hold tor iovest- ravnt orotherwiie sell or di of took securities or of other corporations arid while the owner or Her of such or obligations to exercise all the rights and powers of thereof and exercise any voting powers thereof and generally to do all other things that nrcewary for the purpo of conducting the business of the com- pany Ill The amount of the capital stock of said corporation shall be Twenty Dollars divided into Two Hundred and 230 nf the par value of One Hundred tlOOOO Dollar a h 2ft1 per cent of the said capital stock hall be and paid for in cash and property or Bonds before the said corporation hall transact any and the balance of the said capital Mock or such portions thereof as may b de- termined by thi Board of Directors shall be in cash gomi or lnhir or services at a jut valuation to Hard by the Hoard of Directors at a tn called for tt at purpose- IV The term fur which said corpor- ation shall exit shall t e ninetynine W years V The business of till corpor- ation hall be conducted by the follow- ing oftkeM A Prenident Vicepres ident Secretary and Treasurer and any two of the said otiices may be by one and the tame person and a board of not le than three H nor more than five 3 Director The hall be elected by the at each annual meeting all other officers of thi company stall b elected annually by the Directors The annual meeting of company shall be held on the second Ttie day in Jan- uary of each year but the late of the annual meeting may Iwt chanced by the Until the officers elected- at the first election shall b qualified- the business of this be conducted by the following officers George W Hyde President Joseph Horner YcePiridenr and General Manager James F Horner Secre- tary and Treasurer and George W Hyde Horner and James F Horner Directors VI The highest amount of indebt- ed nes or liability to which com- pany can subject itself shall be the smnnnr thousand Dollars VII The names and of lh ub crihing incorporators of the aid corporation together with the amount of lock ubcril ed ly each are as follow Uitne our Inn this JiVh day of January A l i W Hyde Ukitietrille Florida Fifty 5J Snares Jo Hornet Gainesville Florida Twentyfive W Shares- J F llorner Jackfonvillt Kloridt 75 Shares STATE FIOIIIH- AAlnchua County I certify that before me the undersigned authority personally ap- peared 0 W to mp known a the individual described in and who executed the loivi oiiiK charter and acknowledged be executed the same fur the me and piirpo there- in Witness my hand and nfticial seal at Gainesville Florida thi day of January A 1 WOO Seal EVAN HAIIB rotary Public State of Florida at Large My Commission expire Felftuary 11 1DW STATE or Duval County I that before me the undersigned authority to me known to be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing charter and acknowledged that he ex- ecuted the same fur the u es mind pur therein txpntscd- Witne my hand and otlicial at Duval Florida 20th day of January 1006 Seal Tirnv Notary Public State of Florida at My Commission expires October 12th 100S- STATK 01 Fioictt i County uf Orange I hereby certify that before me tle authority personally ap peared to me well kmwri to be the individual described m and who executed the foregoing charter arid acknowledged treat he ex rented the nie for tie and pur po e therein expre4 ed Wit my hand and ollicinl seal at Orlando Orange Fioruln JOth day of January A l 10 f- lS i DOIIV M Notary Public State of Florida t Large My imniiiiui Eipirti July 16 10117 Painter Decorator and Paper Hanger Eat Main St S tineville Fla All kinds of outside and inside work promptly and neatly executed PAPER HANGING and SIGN WRIT- ING a Specialty re l anr han disc to I h ownership ma girt CI O to- te Fill I subscribed business tin held Joseph Tl f O 00 residences I nt I 1 r thoU d I 1 Whip < COllnt A W I WHlI D SflARFLTOL hey i pur- chase shares obliga- tions stuck r shares I said Di- rectors stock- holders thus this 2i I Aid seventy fivc t i j expressed F t ap- peared pass seal this l i s a uses mess IIi Is ral see a 204 > ¬ > < > ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > < > ¬ > + +

4 S TIlE IlI1 II Rent - University of Floridaufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/02/82/98/01385/00253.pdf · TIlE DAILY SUN GAINESVILLE FLORIDA FEBRUARY 4 190ft w 4 r l S y ffilUf LETTER

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Page 1: 4 S TIlE IlI1 II Rent - University of Floridaufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/02/82/98/01385/00253.pdf · TIlE DAILY SUN GAINESVILLE FLORIDA FEBRUARY 4 190ft w 4 r l S y ffilUf LETTER


w 4

lr Sy


Air tarts Namrtise ajravnt-

saMa Furs

t At aaspn af Yetfc aw1 Mti airs faaciaaflaa appear

HUM 4wiaw MWM tart few weeksnMwtetvr wfcea aH the between sea

jj pijra4 at awlour frtcea arly prise-

MMfcfc wMek teak ftwSiteavter fabric et wtater

hi akjr aa beside atoa-

cata a4 furstfce who Is

eats aew procure the stoatcoat BMaTs boa etc

fcaVamlaw aa te lUke It a goodIBMM far elder weather atlll toar Tier awct wtater The taxary

a beaatlfal set of furs Is

JialilflMy ratlfjrla Tfcey lend aniJlHraf ajrtiafsa that aotiila caa equal

a to piecesbat scarfSi BMaT caa he aecttKd aiest reason

f The tee far trlamlmcs are sipopular ea eraaJaf wraps or

i ui caatatae with these areaf tare eheleeat af lace which

Mate a last r taut atetpty adorablei aHTetcca af faaalaai aava hears la the

aafartiM af tars aM lace whose ilmy-ftiajiulags net a fabulous RIB ferm ar Hhe wtaatta value iacrease

ta ea ef the ahopa this weekftfc la aetad for Ita exeaMte Hagerie

were several tfcat skewed la

a4 af BMaaHlMMi slay lace hecqaeta

lay ate hi lid iiuadhufal taslslat K weld to kind to fla

treat real aw


Caraua ralencleaun IB clear rut paturea la feaad a underwear which can1 picked HP for a very lacoastderable

A pretty petticoat was llaUbed-wMfc rows of iBsertloa alternating withtacks aad the abaeoce of a law edgingat the hraa meaat good wear for contaut taaaderlBg could not hanu It-

T be described with all daint-tataff were some stockings whoso dv-

altfalag skewed a great amouutAs wart stocking are worn

at aU seasons of the year to corrtwith gowns one was jufe-

verflowtas with terry variety of prodactloa astute of One silk luxet withreal tar batterMlea stockkifH am sot so popular nn lust seasonbut tLe real thing in n line mesh withbawd emhrokliry The loud coloringef a season ages hire relegatedtac aacfcfrouBd of the out of ilatwtare replaced by exquisite pale tlnta t-

jaatck pale shaded gown Clockwork4Btecklacs lend u Klonderuum to the


i ll ffiarln

Frederick Manacll M ryland blockJute UeaUna bought a l of Now

ro Hrrplclile April G and ttitle It for entire U Miu s The liilr fotlick la Ma fical tore tilt M and Ir10 ha hail hair all ovi r hi bradOn July J ho vrH n l diy mv salto ax thick xriirt K n v o

cold wish N wbron II rplcldc workea an old principle ami with n n vr d acoTftr dstr y th ant y rBtovo the cT ot IIcrplr strv5 thterm tha raun s iindnf fillmic ha rand finally baldness that with tcause rftcrt rStops falling hilr at nnrw rand n newgrowth ulnrtii Sold by Kallru-4rucclit Send We In tamps fur iarnte Hcrplclde Co Dctrwlt Mich

J g BaaUenl A Ct Special Area

IlI1 II8ihp


t New



lId 1l7f

et wa-il If Ihi

T1 I1hl UIu


4i hi set










been toand

RaWt UrpldoJco

J bean1 I

toral fl

mot mal




xj 1 bihr Iii hp Wind w


harep a

hami aasMhht


tails are-

s e ariatipwt

1eps furs



J ia


J a three





J w llr a s-y auraL


ew es ewdlBM o-fit Ts

rJ 1Wusyljhh Me

f Y r ak o YtllvfladIty about tee-M war at Asia tar at4iY-









V r TesT Lnt83a1E-wAITM


Aural slurp


t Wa 1Perferlly WACur 1rewLro M



G wore the


Atw y




<> <

< >










A Lot of LadiesHandUoHM Storm

TIM torn coat become a n c ltjrto woman The Krvlceby there U double that of any other Karmint In your wardrobes They are Indlp iuAbl for rainy weather and theproper weight for early print wear and

we offer this week are not onlyscrviceabU but tylUh handsome coatsuitablo for wear In any weather Onlythose who have worn the overall coatcan appreciate Ita utility and value

Wa do not knew of reliable well cutwell made shower proof coats ever hav-ing been aohl for than 112 hawbeen fortunate enough to secure TOO coataaa Illustrated above at a remarkably lowprice the Manufacturer wanted themosey he offered them at about half theusual price we took then yours la theadvantage

The coat Is made ef fine quality showerproof material In oxford tan and olivedouble breamed front with stitched aideplait with cloth covered buttons the back Is brought snug to thefigure at waist line by stitched lax andaide plait tit collar trimmed with tourrows of silk soutarhe braid full nleevesplaited at wrist with braid trimmed turnback cuff belt all around two imp pock-ets full skirt leasts M to C5 li

Special 749When ordering state bust measurement-

and skirt lengthWe will promptly and cheerfully refund

your money upon return of the coat Ifnot In every way natUfartory to youThis Is our rule with all giKxls purchasedfrom us

Send for our Jimtnry Bpwlnl Muslintmlerwwir cutilnini It ill free

rrqirtt If yon an not on our mallInjr list write tin totlny Our Hprlng andRummer Cntnloguo will lx iti l early InMnrrh nn l you nhouM not tall to have acopy Adclrens Room 301


niiklt nail tin IssiMiit of rtiunit-A iiini unlcal wjiy III s-

IfcliliK fi ry MliMLiim is In-

lh linviiiu lUlc llnvul r l as ilnv

Nearly vi ry Kirl M sin1 rich rIIH M fad In ilns tint sin In

urn girl nlili mlty fwt li vher liKllvliiuallly In liislrry ami froma sliiti rH staiulKitiit h I M a giva-

varlily lu fruni aimtlur huta hurt vilvcty

liaiitvn It Itv ahvivs aupcuriiti In tinui4 t original and ilaiutlrsl stixksand Iollars HIT stocks an nf the tin

IliiltmliliTitl ami tin inur1-ilii nnalf i ui ntv intuit of soft rlilf

and int s allius-I ini of tin prrtllrst tliliiKs t vir en

ntiil to ailnrn thi tuik of faira of fliKToii ui xiiliiii tnf

frta In ift foil with a turn over ofAlln blur tliibraltUfitl in a inliilatur-itltlfii of I xin if iiiiU ofplaltiil uii w n caitclit at inli rvaU vllli tint luv handx All tiniu v u loots tln to IN iiiilhigh unit fn tiutl In tin barkwllh Ixivvs lilili take n vny ilichurt apnaraiui ainl tin llm atthe f tin nitk They hid tlio-

fastonlim thtt ils tin uuatuis4 ofmany cttwus

tOur traders may have advice on purrltanlni nnd any questionfnnhlon or aiiMWtredrharK by lUn l vurnux fanhtoti

by ll n I verauxI O lox 2ilf Mullen 8 iiir YewYork Mlainy for ll ly J

Man Past Sixty in DangerMori than half mankind ore

ixty ax mifTtrkiiinry and bladder dinniii ril uwally inlarii niitit f this protrhtx gland This i both piinfiil anddnnnron and Kidney tirellrllll In iMkrll Ml till llrrt vifill Ol

it cdrrtCt irregularitieshas erred many rid men of liii duease Mr Kudnuy Emmett Rock PortMo writf 1 tftered with enlargedpro trnte gland arid kidney trouble fo

year and Hftrr tnkinR two bottlesFuleys Kidney Cure I ft l better thatI haTe for JU although I am

J W McCollum A





u y









urr 11111I


hIll vnI




arsoncraw pet


I falinlI








I Indo


r sa and


ear now91 ytars old





i l-




every performed







dnrahlrp are



hotrnni11 tin

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cone rutngfnhrira

addr siltt

years from










> >












News Editor RemovedAtlanta Ga Ftb 3 Colonel John

Temple Graves has removed fromthe position of edltorlachlef of tbeAtlanta taws by a petition of CharlesDaniel ranted temporarily by JudgePendleto The petition of Mr Dan-

iel was la the form of an amendmentto the cross bill to Mr Graves orig-

inal Injunction and In the order signedby Judge Pendleton Mr Graves wascommanded to appear before the curtFebruay 12 to show cause why heshall aot be attached for contempt ofcourt This startling development Inthe Atlanta News embrogllo followedthe suppression by Injunction of aneditorial written Thursday afternoon-by Joha Temple Graves then editorof the sews The editorial did notnnoar

Itch RingwormE T Lucas Wing Ky writes

April 25 1902 Fur 10 to 12 years I

hid been afflicted with a maladyknown at The itchingmost unbearable I had tried for-

e rs to find relief having triedrimrdira I could hear of beide anumber of doctors I with to statethat one single application of BIlliardSnow Liniment cured tnf completely-and permanently Since then I haveu d the liniment on two separate oc-

casions for ring worm and it curedcompletely 25c 50e and 11 Sold by

W M Johnson

Will Oppose New TrialSew York Fob Preparations are

being made by the illtitricl attorneysoffice to oppose the motion of Albert-T Patrick for a new trial AssistantDistrict Attorney Uarvin had a con-

ference with Dr Otto H Schultz to goover the affidavits of physicians whowear that the evidence does not showthat William Marsh Rice was

and that the embalming fluidcould have reached the lungs In Ricesbody The district attorneys offlce-

Is also looking Into the history of AlexD Stanbury who makes the princi-

pal affidavits concerning statementsmade by Charles F Jones of Texas

Pirating Fotaya Hnn and TorFoley Co Chicago originated

Honey and Tar aa a throat and lungremedy and on account of the gristmerit and popularity of Foley Honeyand Tar many imitations are ITredfor the genuine worthies im-

itations have similar sounding namesBeware of them The genuine FoleysHoney and Tar U in a yellow pack-age A k for it and any ubitititle It i the b t remedy for coughsand colds J W McCollum Co

Legal End of Great SwindleNew York Feb 3 At n meeting ol-

UH creditors of William F Miller olthe Franklin Syndicate n final dlvldend oflt on a dollar has been de-

clarcd With the setting out of thechecks and the final order of thrcourts dlsmhrlnp the truste In

bankruptcy ihir will be n legal endof tine of the greatest swindles of thelast century

A Cardthis is a card to certify that all

druggists are authorized to refundyour money if Foleys Honey and Tarfails to cure your cough or cold Itstops the cough heals the lungs andprevents serious results from a coldCures la grippe cough aid preventspneumonia and consumption Con-

tains no opiates The genuine i in ayellow package RefuteJ W McCollum A Co

Boston Has or JrHlevtas-Hostnn F b tandtetiins lIar was

bright In Huston and in all parts oNow KnKland Reports riceivctl lionIndicate that it was a beautiful winterday ant for the nbkenre of snow Irnearly nil ctloni pt In northerr-Malm and New llatiiji tilrc with thetciuoratun nelow

Frightfully BurnedUlia W Moort1 si miulniiirt of Ford

City hi hand friclitfulljburnt in an electrical furnace IIapplied Bueklen Arnica Salve withthe iiinml result a qtiiik and per-

fect cure irt alLit henler onburns wound arts ee erna

pile We at all drug titore

Queen Will Attend FuneralIxndon Feb Quo n Mexnndn-

nx i h i in left Uiuiton foCop nnaj n wh n her majesry wliattnJ till futi ral of her father thlate King Christian of Denmark

Are You Restless it Night

lad harrntkfd by a had ioiiKl l t

Ilallnrd ilorehouud Syrup it willsecure you sound slurp and effect x

prompt and radical core sold by WM Johnson


the itch


1 hte





Pa hid






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New Orleans La Mobile Ala andPensacola FIs

For the above occasions the AtlanticLine will sell tickets from all

points in the State of Florida toOrleans La Mobile and

Fla at on fare plus entyfirecents for the round trip Tickets on

sale February Mat to 26th inelutireLimit of ticket wilt b March 3rd butif a longer time i desired and the original purchasers will deposit the ticketc with th authorizrd agent not laterthan March 3rd they can have thesetickets extended to midnight of March

17th oa payment of fifty centsmopovers allowed

For full information see AtlanticCoast Line asf ats or write Frank C

Koylston District Pawvnger Agent

Jacksonville Fa

HealthMeans the ability to do a good

work without undue fatuue amid toUnd lift worth living You cannothare indigu tion or conrtipiliun withou its upsetting the liver and po-

lluting the blood Such a conditionmay best and quickest relieved by

the be t liver regulator thatever known Mrs M

W Smith writes April 302 I lifeand find it the bt rmdipine

fur constipation and reKulsting theliver I ever 60 cents Sold byW M Johnson

City Directory For SaleWe have a number of copies o

Directory for sale at TheSan office It U a handy referencebook for business and professionsurea Riving the aaraes of residentswith street aid aanber Price IX

FtJsfiary 5

Tilt YUHIIC English Artiste

ALYCE KEEIn Her New York Succiss

Supported by Harry Tlaymonl WmII Albert P Robinson Nat JFields James Yonng Natalie PerryHelen T Clarke Madge Adam Helena Flake and others


Popular Prices 25s Vte and 7VSeats on sale at V W Avers



Nolico is hereby given tint the tindprlgned will apply to the HonurablN B Brnward turertiiir of the Statet t

the 27th day of February A 1 1906or a noon n forLetters Patent incorporating The GW lly1i under the followIIIR proponed charter the olwhich in no r nn tile in the of theSecretary of at Tnllahniiee

V HvtiK SealJ HiiiNKiiJ F HoisKii-


U HVhK COMPANYThe mieriiii l hereby h i

them elre touether fr the purpo oftKcotniiiK inrnriiorated and forming acorporation under and by virtue f theLP the State with andunder the fillowmi pnpued charter

namshall I The i V Hyde Compinyanti it principal

4hall IK in lou Ciain vtllpcounty of Alaehna and State of Floridn with iranche nt other placea may be nece ary or defirable-

U The general nature nf the hugito be engaged in and trHnsactedby the company shall be to buy

sell at goods

hewAlt Pena



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linery clothiuR Rent furnuhinggood and other ncneral

and sell personal prop-

erty of all kinds and uch real Pilatea may be nece ary in conducting thebusiness of the company or to protectit from sons to ub for

receive and hold tor iovest-ravnt orotherwiie sell or di oftook securities or

of other corporations arid whilethe owner or Her of such orobligations to exercise all the rightsand powers of thereof andexercise any voting powers thereofand generally to do all other thingsthat nrcewary for the purpoof conducting the business of the com-pany

Ill The amount of the capital stockof said corporation shall be Twenty

Dollarsdivided into Two Hundred and

230 nf the par value ofOne Hundred tlOOOO Dollar a h

2ft1 per cent of thesaid capital stock hall beand paid for in cash and property orBonds before the said corporationhall transact any and thebalance of the said capital Mock orsuch portions thereof as may b de-

termined by thi Board of Directorsshall be in cash gomi or

lnhir or services at a jutvaluation to Hard by the Hoard ofDirectors at a tn called for tt atpurpose-

IV The term fur which said corpor-ation shall exit shall t e ninetynineW years

V The business of till corpor-ation hall be conducted by the follow-ing oftkeM A Prenident Vicepresident Secretary and Treasurer andany two of the said otiices may beby one and the tame person and aboard of not le than three H normore than five 3 Director The

hall be elected by theat each annual meeting all

other officers of thi company stall belected annually by the Directors Theannual meeting of company shallbe held on the second Ttie day in Jan-uary of each year but the late of theannual meeting may Iwt chanced bythe Until the officers elected-at the first election shall b qualified-the business of this beconducted by the following officersGeorge W Hyde President JosephHorner YcePiridenr and GeneralManager James F Horner Secre-tary and Treasurer and George WHyde Horner and James FHorner Directors

VI The highest amount of indebt-ed nes or liability to which com-pany can subject itself shall be thesmnnnr thousand

DollarsVII The names and of

lh ub crihing incorporators of theaid corporation together with the

amount of lock ubcril ed ly eachare as follow Uitne our Innthis JiVh day of January A l

i W Hyde Ukitietrille FloridaFifty 5J Snares

Jo Hornet Gainesville FloridaTwentyfive W Shares-

J F llorner Jackfonvillt Kloridt75 Shares


I certify that before me theundersigned authority personally ap-peared 0 W to mp knowna the individual described in and whoexecuted the loivi oiiiK charter andacknowledged be executed thesame fur the me and piirpo there-in

Witness my hand and nfticial seal atGainesville Florida thi day ofJanuary A 1 WOO

Seal EVAN HAIIBrotary Public State of Florida at

Large My Commission expireFelftuary 11 1DW

STATE orDuval County

I that before me theundersigned authority

to meknown to be the individual describedin and who executed the foregoingcharter and acknowledged that he ex-ecuted the same fur the u es mind pur

therein txpntscd-Witne my hand and otlicial at

Duval Florida20th day of January 1006

Seal TirnvNotary Public State of Florida at

My Commission expiresOctober 12th 100S-

STATK 01 Fioictt i

County uf OrangeI hereby certify that before me tle

authority personally appeared to me wellkmwri to be the individual describedm and who executed the foregoingcharter arid acknowledged treat he exrented the nie for tie and purpo e therein expre4 ed

Wit my hand and ollicinl seal atOrlando Orange FiorulnJOth day of January A l 10 f-

lS i DOIIV MNotary Public State of Florida tLarge My imniiiiui EipirtiJuly 16 10117

PainterDecorator andPaper Hanger

Eat Main St S tineville Fla

All kinds of outside and inside workpromptly and neatly executed



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