Міністерство освіти і науки України Харківський національний університет імені В. Н. Каразіна Кафедра теорії культури і філософії науки “ЗАТВЕРДЖУЮ” Проректор з науково- педагогічної роботи Антон ПАНТЕЛЕЙМОНОВ “______”_______________2021 р. РОБОЧА ПРОГРАМА НАВЧАЛЬНОЇ ДИСЦИПЛІНИ ФІЛОСОФІЯ ( назва навчальної дисципліни) рівень вищої освіти ________перший (бакалавр) _______________ галузь знань _____________22 Охорона здоров’я ________________ (шифр і назва) спеціальність ____________222 Медицина______________________ (шифр і назва) освітня програма __Лікувальна справа_________________________ (шифр і назва) вид дисципліни____ обов’язкова _____________________________ (обов’язкова / за вибором) факультет _______медичний_________________________________ 2021 / 2022 навчальний рік

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Міністерство освіти і науки України

Харківський національний університет імені В. Н. Каразіна

Кафедра теорії культури і філософії науки


Проректор з науково-педагогічної роботи


“______”_______________2021 р.


ФІЛОСОФІЯ ( назва навчальної дисципліни)

рівень вищої освіти ________перший (бакалавр) _______________ галузь знань _____________22 Охорона здоров’я ________________

(шифр і назва) спеціальність ____________222 Медицина______________________

(шифр і назва) освітня програма __Лікувальна справа_________________________

(шифр і назва) вид дисципліни____ обов’язкова _____________________________

(обов’язкова / за вибором) факультет _______медичний_________________________________

2021 / 2022 навчальний рік

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Програму рекомендовано до затвердження Вченою радою філософського факультету

“24” червня 2021 року, протокол № 11

РОЗРОБНИКИ ПРОГРАМИ: канд. філософ. наук, доцент, доцент кафедри теорії культури і філософії науки Білецький І. П. Програму схвалено на засіданні кафедри теорії культури і філософії науки філософського факультету Протокол від “24” травня 2021 року № 13 Завідувач кафедри теорії культури і філософії науки

________________Дмитрій ПЕТРЕНКО

(підпис) (прізвище та ініціали) Програму погоджено з гарантом освітньої програми ___

назва освітньої програми Гарант освітньої програми

_____________ (підпис) (прізвище та ініціали)

Програму погоджено методичною комісією медичного факультету

(назва факультету, для здобувачів вищої освіти якого викладається навчальна дисципліна)

Протокол від “____”________________ 2021 року № Голова методичної комісії медичного факультету

__________ Ольга ГОВАЛЕНКОВА (підпис) (прізвище та ініціали)

Декан медичного факультету __________________Ігор БЕЛОЗЕРОВ

(підпис) (прізвище та ініціали

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Програма навчальної дисципліни «Філософія» складена відповідно до

освітньо-професійної програми підготовки

Бакалавр (назва рівня вищої освіти, освітньо-кваліфікаційного рівня)

галузь знань 22 Охорона здоров’я спеціальність222 Медицина спеціалізації Лікувальна справа

1. Опис навчальної дисципліни

1.1. Мета викладання навчальної дисципліни полягає в ознайомлення студентів

із найважливішими аспектами, поняттями та концепціями філософії.

1.2. Основними завданнями вивчення дисципліни є: - володіння сутністю основних філософських проблем та питань; - знати основні факти з історії розвитку філософської думки; - вміти читати і аналізувати філософську літературу;

- аналізувати основні факти розвитку філософської думки;

1.3. Кількість кредитів – 3 1.4. Загальна кількість годин – 90

1.5. Характеристика навчальної дисципліни

Нормативна / за вибором Нормативна

Денна форма навчання Заочна (дистанційна) форма навчання Рік підготовки

1-й -й Семестр

2-й -й Лекції

20 год. год.

Практичні, семінарські заняття 20 год. год.

Лабораторні заняття 0 год. год.

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Самостійна робота

50 год. год. Індивідуальні завдання

0- год.

6. Заплановані результати навчання.

Згідно з вимогами освітньо-професійної програми студенти повинні досягти таких результатів навчання: – навички з основ філософських досліджень, побудови теоретичних концепцій, формування методології аналізу об’єктів філософського осмислення;

• – знання з базових теоретичних напрямів, шкіл, концепцій філософії; • – знання категоріального апарату та основних першоджерел з філософії;

– знання сутнісних характеристик, етапів ґенези, теоретичного та концептуального поля філософії; – спроможність генерувати нові ідеї та теорії. .

2. Тематичний план навчальної дисципліни


What is the philosophy: a science or an art? The philosophy's place among other sciences. A subject matter of the philosophy. The philosophy's main constituents: ontology, epistemology (gnoseology), ethics, aesthetics, philosophycal anthropology, social philosophy. The main directions and doctrines: materialism, idealism, dualism, monism, pluralism, agnosticism. he different versions of the basic question of philosophy. The main functions of the philosophy: - worldviewing, - epistemological, - methodological, - praxiological, - axiological. The problem of a method in the philosophy. Historical and topical methods in studing the philosophy.


Мyth, religion and pre-philosophy in the primitive society. Conditions of the philosophy's emergence. The Orient and Occident worldview paradigms, their origins and consequence. The religion, philosophy and science in the Ancient Greece. The particularities of the ancient-greek mentality. The before-Socrates phylosophy (seven sages, the Miletus school, Pithagores, Heraclitus, Parmenides, Еmpedocles). Eleatics and their role in the growing of european scienc and culture, the discovery of logics. Problems of changing and constancy in Parmenides' and Heraclites' doctrines. The Zeno's moving aporias.

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The antique atomism and epicurism. Sophists and relative approach to the problems of ethics and cognition. The dialectical method of Socrates and its importance for the development of the antique and world philosophy. The Plato's philosophy (the theories of ideas, cognition and ideal states). The weakness of the

Plato's theories and its meaning for the future development of philosophy. The philosophy of Aristotle (logics, metaphysics, physics, ethics and "politics"). The meaning of Aristotle's philosophy for the future development of the philosophy and science. Hellenistic and roman philosophy (academics, peripatetics, epicurists, stoicists, neo-platonists, kinics, sceptics, eclectists).


The influence of christianity on the worldview of The late Roman Empire. Boethius and the end of antique philosophy in The West and East parts of empire. The first christian philosophers (Оrigen, Тertullian and others.), patristics. Philosophycal and theological views of St. Augustine (doctrines about the time, the God, the human soul and salvation). "Areopagitics" and their role in the development of christian philosophy.

The theocentrism, creationism and St. Writing's authority as distinctive features of the mediaeval philosophy. Arabian philosophy. Аverroes and the doctrine of the truth duality. Emergence of scholasticism. The dispute about universals' nature. Nominalists, realists and conceptual realists. The scholastical philosophy of St. Thomas Aquinas. Тhomism and neothomism. The mediaeval philosophy's influence on the further development of science, philosophy, worldview. Renaissance philosophy, its humanism, anthropocentrism, antiquity authority.


Indian philosophy, its peculiarities (religious character, faith in reincarnation, practical trend). "Vedas" and "Upanishads". The orthodox and non-orthodox systems of the Ancient India. The orthodox systems: vedanta, mimansa, vaisheshica, nyaya, sankhya, yoga. Аdwaita-vedanta, vishishta-adwaita-vedanta, dwaita-vedanta and their role in the spiritual life of India. Neovedantism (Vivekananda, Radhakrishnan, Aurobindo, Таgor). Yoga as a philosophical system, science and life mean. Non-orthodox systems: charvaka (locayata), jainism and buddhism.

Chinese philosophy and its peculiarities. "Six schools ": natural metaphysics Yin - Yang, confucianism, moism, school of names, legism, taoism. Confucianism as a system of the ethical philosophy. Debt, tao and humanity as the confucianism concepts. The role of confucianism in chinese worldview and culture. "Book of changes" and its role in the chinese spiritual culture. Taoism as science, religious and philosophycal system. Analogies and parallels between the orient philosophy and modern western scinces.


Emergence of new worldview and philosophy in XVI-ХVII c. Empiricism of F.Bacon: induction, negation of scholasticism and practical characte; the doctrine of idols (idols of the tribe, of the cave, of the market-place, of the theatre, of the school). A problem of induction through the complete and incomplete enumeration.

Rationalism of R. Descartes: the rules for managing the mind, the method of cartesian doubt ("I think, therefore I am"), the principle of dualism (the dualism of soul and body, of consciousness and matter etc.).

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The rationalist philosophy of B.Spinoza: the doctrine of the Universe as a universal divine

substation or God and ethical conclusions of it. The rationalist philosophy of Leibniz: logical and epistemological premises, the doctrines

about monads and theodicea (the justification of God). The further development of empiricism in XVII-XVIII cc. The materialism of

Th.Hobbes. The sensualism of J.Locke: the doctrine of simple and complex ideas, of perception, af truth and error. The idealistism of G.Berkeley: negation of matter and conception of existing. The scepticism of D.Hume: doctrines of memory and perception, of causality, negation of matter ang the human ego substantivity, sceptical conclusions. The influence of the english empiricism on the further development of philosophy.


The german philosophy of the middle of XVIII c. (Wolf's metaphysics). The early Kant's philosophy ( the conception of the Universe origin) and his kopernikal revolution. Kant's theory of cognition ("Criticism of pure mind"): phenomena and things in themselves, space and time as aprioral forms of perception; perception, reason and mind and their functions; antinomias of pure mind; possibilities of metaphysics as a strict science). Kant's ethics ("Criticism of practical mind" and others): pure and practical minds, categoric imperativ, love and duty. Kant's aesthetics ("Criticism of judgement ability"). The philosophical views of Fichte: the criticism$of the Kant's things in themselves conception, the doctrine of I and non-I. The Schelling's philosophy of identity: the basic question of philosophy, conscious and unconscious identity and evolution of the Universe, the doctrine about myth and the true art. The dialectical logics of Hegel and its substantiation. The application of dialectical logics in the philosophy of nature, religion, history and so forth. The influence of Hegel's philosophy on the further development of the world philosophyи. The philosophy of Feurbach.


Sources i premises of the marxist philosophy. The basic sustituents of the marxist philosophy: materialism and dialectics. The early Marx's philosophy ('Еconomics-philosophical manuscripts of 1844'): doctrines of dialectical development of the human person from the primitive state to the communist one, the concept of communism.

The marxist ontology: the doctrine about the development of nature and materialist dialectics, doctrines about forms of movement (physic, chemic, biologic and social). Marxism on the man's origin.

The social-economical theory and the philosophy of history ('Capital'), reasons of their erroneousness. The evolution of the marxist philosophy after Marx.


Mysticism, rationalism and irrationalism. The german mysticists: Eckeharten and Boehme. The irrationalist philosophy of J.J.Rousseau. The pre-existentialism of S.Kierkegaard: the doctrines of three stages of the person's development (aesthetic, ethic and religious), of dialectical jumps and so forth.

The A.Schopengauer's philosophy of life ("The world as will and representation "): the concept of the will to life, its manifestations, the suffering of the will to life and its reasons and ways of deliverence.

The Nietzsche's philosophy of life: concepts of the will to might, of life, of the eternal return, views on cognition, science, moral, religion and so forth. Stylistical

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peculiarities of Nietzsche's philosophy. The intuitivism of A.Bergson: concepts of the elan vital (vital gust, impulse), duration, views on place and role of instinct, intellect and intuition, conception of the religion's and moral's origins.


The positive philosophy of O.Compte: the lyw of three stages of the society and thinking development (theological, metaphysical and positive stages), the law of submission of imagination to observation, the encyclopaedic law of sciences classification, views on the social cognition and sociology. The synthetic philosophy of H.Spenser: the doctrine of cognizable and non-cognizable, the evolutionist doctrine, synthetism. The inductive logics of J.St.Mill. < The empiriocriticism of E.Mach and R.Avenarius: the law of the thinking tconomizing,

criteria and specimens of scientificness, views on the role and functions of philosophy. Neopositivism and analytical philosophy. Emergence and ideas of the Vienna

philosophical group. M.Schlick's theory of verification. Critique of the verification principle, K.Popper's conception of falsification. Views on criteria of meaning and nonsense of statements; true, erroneous and senseless statements. The doctrine of conceptual - linguistical frameworks. Attempts of the universal scientifical language creation: Phenomenalism and physicalism. B.Russell's logical atomism.

L.Wittgenstein's philosophy of the everyday language. A problem of correlation between solipsism and realism.

Emergence of pragmatism (pragmatic ideas of C.Pierce): critique of the "cartesian doubt", concept of the faith as a readiness to do in the corresponding way, the pragmatical criterion of truth (truth as the way of achievement of some or another purposes), the solution of the problem of contradiction between the pluralism of the ways of the same purpose achievement and the demand of existing only the single absolute truth.

W.James' pragmatism: the development of Pierce's ideas, the doctrines of the plural Univerce and the pragmatical expedience of the faith in god.

The instrumental pragmatism (instrumentalism) of Dewey: contextualism of truth, concepts and scientifical theories as the instruments of some or other purposes achievement. Conceptual pragmatism (Lewis).


The subject matter of epistemology: the definition of truth, criteria of truth, cognition possibilities and subject-object correlation during the cognition.

The classical (correspondal) conception of truth and its problems (the problem of nature of the cognized reality, the problem of the correspondence character, the problem of truth criterion and the problem of paradoxes).

Semantic, coherent and pragmatic conceptions of truth and their problems. Contextuality of truth, the absolute and relational truths. Truth as evidence.

The subject matter of the philosophy of science, ontologic and epistemologic moments of the philosophy of science. The definition of science,~the difference between the science and pseudoscience and its criteria.

Constituents of the scientifical knowledge: concepts, axioms, postulates, laws and inception principles, models, scientific hypothesis and theories. Their instrumentalist, semantic and operationalis definitions. A problem of correlation of the theoretical and empirical in scientific cognition. Induction and deduction in the scientific cognition. Problems of verification, falsification and conventionalism in the scientific cognition. Kuhn - Feurabend's thesis.

I.Lakatos' theory of the development of science.

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Specifics of the humanitarin sciences and unfitness of the nature sciences' criteria for them.

Truth in the humanitarian sciences: hermeneutics and structuralism. The hermeneutics as an art of interpretation. The hermeneutic circle and means of its

solution. Fields of the hermeneutics using. Structuralism and its applications in different scitnces.


Two viewpoints on the problem of the scientific knowledge analyzing: logical and histirical ones. "The structure of scientific revolutions " by T.Kuhn: a paradigm, a normal science, the puzzles' solution, anomalies and crises, scientific revolutions and revision of the history of science development. The strong and weak sides of Kuhn's theory.

St.Toulmin's theory of the evolutionary development of science: internal and external factors of the science evolution, populations of the scientific idea and the struggle between them, the intellectual selection and ecology.

The epistemologic anarchism of P.Feurabend: uncompasibility and impossibility of the competing theories comparison (the Kuhn - Feurabend's thesis), the critique of rationalism, conception of the science as the XX c. myth.


Necessity of the philosopphy as a strict science. Husserl's phenomenology as the philosophy of that kind: antipsychologism, the concept of eidoses, conception of truth as evidence, transcendent and psycho-physic ego, monadology and solipsism.

The problem of the transcendent and psycho-physic ego and its solution in Scheller's and Levinas' works.

The existential phenomenology of M.Heidegger: the being, the real, the presence as origin concepts, concepts of nothing, horror, fear, existentia, care, time, life-in-the world, truth as unhideness. The ties of Heidegger's phenomenology with the traditional metaphysics.

The origin premises of existentialism. Kierkegaard as a predecessor of existentialism. J.P.Sartre's existentialism: life-in-itself and life-for-itself, the proof of external

world existence, the doctrine of freedom. and соцiально-полiтичнi sights. "Is the life worth to be lived?" - A.Camus' philosophy of revolt and absurdity. Existentialism Of K. Jaspers: the doctrines of philosophic faith and its substitutes, of

the historic time and the sense of history. The existentialism's significance for the culture of XX c.


A person as the unity of the natural, social and spiritual in the man. Antique anthropology: the person as microcosm, the person as a social animal. Mediaeval anthropology: the person as an image and likeness of God. The person and culture, the person and lanquage. The consciousness and uncosciousness in the man. Prolems and paradoxes of modelling of the human consciousness. Behaviorism and cognitive psychology. Orthodox and non-orthodox theories of psychoanalysis. The psychoanalytic theory of Freud: map of the human psychics (Id - it, Ego - I, Super-ego - cencor), principles of pleasure and death, the interpretation of human culture, moral, civilisation. The non-orthodox alternative of A.Adler. The analytic psychology of K.G.Jung: map of psychics (a person (mask), аnimа/аnimus, shadow, selfness), conception of colletive unconsciousness and archytypes. The transpersonal psychology and its philosophic interpretations. The transpersonal theories of S.Grof (conception of perinatal matrixes) and

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K.Wilber (conception of the personal evolution stages).


The person and mankind, the person as a member of society. Biological origins of the human society. Problems of man's emergence and evolution (social aspects). A communication as a factor of the person's and society's evolution. An evolution of views on the nature of society from the Antiquity to XX centery: conceptions of ancient greeks, ancient chinese and indian philosophers, a conception of the natural state and social agreement in theories of Hobbes and Locke. Hegel's theory of emergence and development of the state and society.

The society and the state, problems of emergence of the state: juridical, economical, military and other aspects. The marxist views on state and society: social classes and economical aspects.

The person, family, private property and the state: problems of an origin, correlation and functioning. Demographical problems.

The society and the culture: culture as a mean of man's being. The play-element of culture and its manifestation in the life of society. The society and the religion.


Ancient greek, indian and chinese conceptions of history: the history as movement by circle. Hebrew and christian conceptions: the history as the movement forward, concept of the beginning and finishment of the world history.

A faith in progress (social, technical, economical and so forth) as the basis of the new time conceptions of history. A.Komte's and H.Spener's conceptions of it.

Historicism and antihistoricism. The antihistoricist theory of K. Popper. Civilizational, formational and informational theories of history. Civilizational theories of

O.Spengler and A.Toynbee. Formational theories of Marx and modern economists- and historian-thinkers. The informational theory of E.Toffler.


An ancient slave mentality: heathenness and christianity. The philosophical ideas of Kyyiv Rus'. Ukrainian philosophy of XIV - XVI cc., the Kyyiv-Mohylian Academy and its(her) influence on the Ukrainian spirituality.

The philosophy of Grigory Skovoroda: the doctrine of three worlds, their visible and hidden sides, the doctrine of "affinity" and happiness. The philosophy of heart by P.Yurkevich. The philosophical ideas of Hogol, Shevchenko, Kostomarov, Dragomanov. The philosophy of languages by O. Potebnya.

The personalist philosophy of N.Berdyaeva: the doctrines about freedom, sense of creativity, origins and sense of russian communism.

The philosophical ideas of ukrainian nationalists. The ukrainian spirituality and problems of correlation of the national and the universal.


The situation of postmodern in the spiritual life and philosophy: the crisis of traditional means and ways of thinking, refuge of absolute obligatory of criteria, attention to historical and cultural conditioning. A spectrum of the philosophical trends united under the common

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name of "postmodernism": poststructuralism, deconstructivism, postpositivism, archaeology of knowledge, shisoanalysis, feminist studies and so on. F.Nietzsche as a predecessor of postmodernism in philosophy.

Structuralism and poststructuralism: problem of the author's death. Deconstructivism of J. Derrida: the doctrine about phonocentrism, a voice and the letter (voice's trace), the requirement of anyone metaphysics deconstruction.

M.Foucault's archaeology of knowledge: cognition as the realization of will to might, three strategies in the european cognizing (search of similitudes and analogies, building of classifications and taxinomies, search of the inner invisible causes).

Search of ways of the further philosophy development.

3. Структура навчальної дисципліни

(Structure of discipline)

Назва теми

Lect Pract Indep

Розділ 1. Історія філософії. 1 What is philosophy? 2 2 8 2 The Indian Philosophy. 2 2 8 3 The Chinese Philosophy 2 2 8 4 Ancient Greek and Roman

Philosophy 2 2 8

5 The New Time Philosophy. Rationalism and Empiricism.

2 2 8

6 The German Classical Philosophy. 2 2 8 Розділ 2. Сучасна світова


7 The Positivist Philosophy. 2 2 8 8 Epistemology. Conceptions of Truth. 2 2 8 9 The Philosophy of Science 2 2 8 10 Anthropologyand Social Philosophy. 2 2 8 Підсумок 20 20 80

4. Теми семінарських занять

(Themes of seminars)

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1 What is philosophy? 2 2 The Indian Philosophy. 2 3 The Chinese Philosophy 2 4 Ancient Greek and Roman

Philosophy 2

5 The New Time Philosophy. Rationalism and Empiricism.


6 The German Classical Philosophy. 2 7 The Positivist Philosophy. 2 8 Epistemology. Conceptions of Truth. 2 9 The Philosophy of Science 2 10 Anthropologyand Social Philosophy. 2 Підсумок 20


1. Give few different definitions of the philosophy and its subject matter. 2. Compare materialism, idealism and dualism and put arguments for and/or against everyone of these trends. What of them on your opinion has advantage before the rest? 2. What should be meant under monism, dualism and pluralism in the philosophy? 3. Analyze the basic functions of the philosophy concerning of your future speciality. 4. What's the difference between philosophy, myth, religion and science? 5. What does specifics of worldview paradigms of the East and West lie in? 6. Why the philosophy of Socrates is regarded as a turhing point of the antique philosophy? 7. Try to give few different explanations of Parmenides' conception of the eternal, wonderfull, wholy, unmoved and unchangable being. 8. Try to find out some rational ground of Zeno's aporias and possibilities of their applications in modern natural sciences. 9. Point out strong and weak sides of the Plato's theory of ideas. 10. Would you like to live in the ideal state of Plato? Why? 11. Give a brief comparativistic analysis of the movement and causality conceptions of.Aristotle, Zeno and modern natural sciences. 12. What is an essence of the dispute about universalias' nature in? 13. What an influence has the medieval philosophy exert on the modern science? 14. What ideas have caused an emergence and development of nature sciences in the epoch of Renaissance and New Time? 15. Point out basic peculiarities of the indian traditional worldview. What the difference is between the orthodox and non-orthodox systems of Ancient India?

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16. Point out similitudes and differences between the Cristianity, Buddhism and Advaita-vedanta? 17. How are the spheres of influence between the confucianism and taoism distributed? 17. In what lies the specifics of the traditional chinese and indian sciences in compare with the european ones? 18. Find out as much as possible parallels between the modern european sciences and different trends of the Orient philosophy. 19. What is rationalism? and what are its peculiarities in a new time? 20. What is empirism? and what are its peculiarities in a new time? 21. What are the problems of induction through the complete and incomplete enumeration? 22. What kinds of "idols" has F.Bacon pointed out? Put examples of them from the modern sciences, social life and so forth. 23. In what and for which reasons according to R.Descartes is it possible or impossible to doubt? Give a ground or objection to these things. 24. What are the simple and the complex ideas according to J.Locke and D.Hume? 25. What according to G.Berkley occurs with the things when nobody's observing (percepting) them? Why? 26. What according to D.Hume does the sceptic and what does the usual person believe in? 27. Give your own grounds or objections to the Hume's views on the nature of causality, matter and human ego. 28. What are the similitudes and differences in the Leibniz's and Spinoza's views on the nature of Univerce, God, human soul? Compare these views with the ones of Cristian Churche, Buddhism and Advaitavedanta. 29. What's an essence the kopernikal revolution of I.Kant? What's its value for the further development of european philosophy in?. 30. In which way should the Kantian doctrines of time, space, phenomenon and thing in itself be conceived? 31. What is the categorical imperative and in which way does it correlate with feelings of duty, love and so forth? 32. What according to the kantian philosophy are the beautifull, the ugly, the majestic, the pleasant? Who is a genius? 33. What's by Schelling the difference between the true art and the handicraft work? 34. What's an essence of the Hegel's dialectical method� What are its theoretical preconditions? 35. What are the difference and similitude between the Hegel's understanding of dialectics and methaphysics and the antique ones? 36. Which algorithm of the world historical development does the classical marxism suppose? Is it true? If not, what are its mistakes? 36. What are the materialistic dialectics, its laws concerning the social and natural sciences? 37. What's the leninism specifics? 38. What are the mystics, the ratinal and the irrational? 39. Analyze the Kierkegaard's conception about three stages of the person development. 40. Compare Schopenhauer's views with the ones of Buddhism, Advaita-vedanta and A.Bergsona's. 41. Compare the Nietzsche's views with the ones of Buddhism and Zenbuddhism. 42. Analyze a role of instinct, intellect and intuition through the A.Bergsona's conception of the vital impulse. 43. Point out strong and weak sides of the Comte's law of three stages. 44. Is the principle of submission of imagination to observation always fulfiled? 45. In which way correlate one with another a cognizable and incognizable?

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46. What is the principle of thinking economy? Give arguments pro and contra this principle.. 47. What are verification and falsification? Can they provide a reliability of results? 48. What are the true, false and senseless statements from the neopositivists viewpoint? 49. What are conceptual - linguistical frameworks? Do they exist in the medical science (mathematics, physics, biology and so on)? 50. What's according with the Wittgenstein's philosophy of everyday language a source of most philosophical problems? 51. How correspond one to another an absolute realism and a succesivele carried out solipsism? 52. In which way is in the Pierce's philosophy the contradiction between the pluralism of truths as ways of aims achievement and a postulate of existing of only one single truth took off? 53. How does W. James ground a pluralistic character of the Universe? 54. Why according to W.James is expedient to trust in God? 55. What's the truth according to different conceptions of truth? 56. What is the difference between instrumentalism and/a conceptual pragmatism? 57. What are ontology and epistemology? 58. What are problems of the correspondal conception of truth? Give examples. 59. What are problems of the pragmatical, consistent, phenomenological, semantical conceptions of truth? 60. A village barber shaves all men in the village except those who shave themselves. Who shaves the barber? Ground your answer. 61. What is an оperational definition of concept? What problems arise therewith? 62. How correlate the theoretical and empirical components in scientifical knowledge and cognition? 63. Analyze I.Lakatos' conception and Kuhn - Feurabend's thesis, give arguments pro and contra them. 64. Analyze Kuhn's conception of the science development. What occur with the facts that do not keep within the frameworks of a present paradigma? When and why do scientifical revolutions take place? 65. Analyze St.Toulmin's conception about the struggle of scientific ideas population for their existing and intellectual selection, point out its strong and weak sides. 66. Give arguments for and/or against the Feurabend's viewpoint on the science as on the myth of XX century. 67. What is a role of communicative aspects of human life and their role in emergence of organized human societies? 68. What are the causes and preconditions of the state emergence? 69. Which role does family play in the society functioning? 70. Which role does culture play in the society functioning? 71. How according to E.Husserl is the philosophy possible as a severe science? 72. How is it possible to connect transcendental and psychophysical ego? 73. In which way in the Heidegger's philosophy are life, being, presence and nothing? 74. Why at your opinion does not Heidegger regard himself as an existentialist? 75. What's a connection between phenomenology and existentialism? 76. Why according to Sartre is a person always free? What are the limits of its freedom? 77. What's the basic question of philosophy according to Camus? 78. What is the philosophical faith (by Jaspers)? What are its substitutes? 79. What is a hermeneutic circle? Give examples of it. What are ways out of it? 80. What is a game? Give examples of playing elements in scienc, culture, political and social life and so forth. 81. What is a philosophical structuralism? Where is it applied? 82. What are historism and antihistorism? 83. Analyze and compare the concept of civilization in theories of Spengler and Toynbee.

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84. Analyze and compare peculiarities of civilizational, fomational and informational theories of mankind development. 85. Analyze Skovoroda's conception of three worlds, compare it with the analogical ones of neoplatonists, stoisists, Spinoza, Schopenhauer. 86. What is a situation of postmodern? What are the peculiarities of a postmodernist style in philosophizing? 87. Why is F.Nietztsche called a predecessor of postmodernism? 88. What are common and different between structuralism and poststructuralism? 89. What does the death of subject mean? 90. What are the voice and the writing? What are the phonocentrism and logocentrism? Give examples. 91. Analyze the Fouckault's conception of cognition strategies, give examples of different kinds of them. 92. Compare views of Freud and Jung on the human psychics, put argument for one or another of them. 94. Analyze statements and results of transpersonal psychology from the viewpoint of postpositivistical theories of science development.


“PHILOSOPHY” («Філософія» англ. мовою)

Форми навчальної діяльності Кількість балів

Термін Примітки

1 Відвідування лекцій 5 постійно 2 Відвідування семінарських занять 5 постійно 3 Участь у семінарських заняттях 90 постійно Підсумковий контроль

(екзаменаційна робота) 100

В С Ь О Г О 200 Додаткові бали (бонуси):

Участь в конференціях, круглих столах Виступ на конференції за наявності друкованої програми Публікація тез доповіді або наукової статті





1. Відвідування лекцій:

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5 балів: студент відвідав 90 - 100 % лекційних занять; 4 бали: студент відвідав 66 - 89 % лекційних занять; 3 бали: студент відвідав 41 – 65 % лекційних занять; 2 бали: студент відвідав 21 - 40% лекційних занять; 1 бал: студент відвідав 1- 20 % лекційних занять; 0 балів: студент не відвідував лекційні заняття

2. Відвідування семінарських занять:

5 балів: студент відвідав 90 - 100 % семінарських занять; 4 бали: студент відвідав 66 - 89 % семінарських занять; 3 бали: студент відвідав 41 – 65 % семінарських занять; 2 бали: студент відвідав 21 - 40% семінарських занять; 1 бал: студент відвідав 1- 20 % семінарських занять; 0 балів: студент не відвідував семінарські заняття 3. Участь у семінарських заняттях (максимум 100 балів): Виступ з доповіддю 20 балів: - виступ студента побудовано послідовно, системно, логічно; - питання висвітлено всебічно та з урахуванням різних точок зору; - під час виступів студент виявив глибоке знання змісту питання,

вільно оперування філософсько-культурологічними термінами; - відповіді повністю репрезентують додаткові питання, опираючись

на вітчизняну та іноземну фахову літературу; 18 бали: - виступ студента побудовано в цілому послідовно та логічно; - питання висвітлено всебічно та у співставленні з основними точками

зору; - під час виступів студент виявив в цілому знання змісту питання,

вільне оперування філософсько-культурологічними термінами; - відповіді достатньо репрезентують додаткові питання, опираючись

на вітчизняну та іноземну фахову літературу; 16 бали:

- виступ студента побудовано в цілому послідовно; - питання достатньо висвітлено та у співставленні з окремими точками

зору; - під час виступів студент виявив певне знання змісту питання,

оперування філософсько-культурологічними термінами; - відповіді на додаткові питання не є повними, посилання на вітчизняну та іноземну фахову літературу не завжди точні, мають похибки; 10 бали:

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- виступ студента побудовано не завжди послідовно; - питання достатньо висвітлено, проте відсутнє співставлення різних

точками зору; - під час виступів студент виявив фрагментарне знання змісту питання,

оперування філософсько-культурологічними термінами викликало труднощі;

- відповіді на додаткові питання потребують уточнення, конкретизації, посилання на вітчизняну та іноземну фахову літературу майже відсутні;

5 бал: - виступ студента побудовано здебільшого стихійно; - питання недостатньо висвітлено, відсутнє співставлення різних

точками зору; - під час виступів студент виявив роздуми про зміст питання,

оперування філософсько-культурологічними термінами викликало значні труднощі;

- відповіді розпливчаті та виходять за межі додаткових питання, посилання на вітчизняну та іноземну фахову літературу відсутні;

0 балів: студент не підготував та не виступив з доповідями. Студент допускається до підсумкового семестрового контролю,

якщо він набере за результатами поточного контролю не менше 35 балів.


Підсумкова контроль проводиться у формі двох контрольних робіт по 1-й і 2-

1 половинах курсу. Кожен студент одержує білет із 10 запитаннями, на які

він має відповісти. Відповідь на одне запитання. оцінюється від 0 до 5 балів.

Максимальна кількість балів від 0 (студент не писав контрольних або писав,

але не навів жодної правильної відповіді) до 100 балів (5х10 + 5х10= 100).

КРИТЕРІЇ ОЦІНЮВАННЯ ЗНАНЬ СТУДЕНТІВ 5 балів: відповідь є правильною, сформульована коректно і точно, немає жодних зауважень; 3 бали: відповідь може вважатися правильною, але не зовсім коректно або не зовсім точно сформульованою;

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1 бал: відповідь указує на те, що студент має лише поверхові уявлення про задане питання і тому не може сформулювати відповідь коректним способом; 0 балів: правільні відповідь відсутня.


(BASIC) Classics of Western philosophy. Ed. by St.M.Kahn. yndianopolis, Cambridge, 1990 [C 52420]. Lewes S.M. The biographical history of philosophy from its origins to the present day. London, 1857 [22586]. Nisbet Robert. Prejudices: A philosophy dictionary. Cambridge, London, 1982. Patrick George, White Thomas. Introduction to philosophy. Boston, N.York, 1924 [574803]. Question that matter: an invitation to philosophy. Ed. by Le Roy Miller. New York, St.Louis, San Francisco, 1993 [н 579511]. Russell Bertrand. A history of western philosophy. Russell Bertrand. An outline of philosophy. [292468]. Russell Bertrand. The problems of philosophy. London, 1911 [A 181022]. Russell Bertrand. Wisdom of the West. London, 1959 [574803]. Scruton Roger. A short history of modern philosophy: from Descartes to Wittgenstein. London, 1991. Spirkin Alexander. Fundamentals of philosophy. Moscow, 1990 [Н 544926].

(ADDITIONAL) A history of women philosophers. Vol.3,Dordrecht, Boston, London, 1991. Adamson R. The Development of modern philosophy. London, 1903, v.1-2 [538283, 538284]. Anderson W. The philosophy of Ancient Greece. Edinburg, 1791 [491021]. Aristotle. The ethics. London, 1858, 1939. Aristotle. The politics. London, 1883, 1885 [21508, 22871, 22872]. Bachlard Gaston. The poetic of space. Boston, Beacon, 1994 [H 578057]. Bacon Francis. Novum Organum. Oxford, 1878 [361107]. Bacon Francis. The works. London, v.1-7 [539028-539034]. Barret William. Irrational man: a study in existential philosophy. N.York, 1962 [84750(115), юз(о)6-663]. Barthes R. Roland Barthes by Roland Barthes. Bascom J. A historical interpretation of philosophy. N.York - London, 1893 [536859]. Baudrillard J. Selected Writings. Benn A. The philosophy of Greece. London, 1898 [538450]. Berkeley Georges. The principles of human knowledge. London, 1878 [538394]. Berkley Georges. The works. Oxford, 1871, v.1-4 [538658-538661]. Burnet John. Early greek philosophy. London - Edinburg, 1829 [67685]. Burnet John. Greek philosophy. London, 1914 [23420]. Carrier Martin, Mittelstrass Jurgen. Mind, brain, behavior: The mind-body problem (philosophy of psychology). Berlin, New York, 1991. Cope E.M. Plato's "Theatetus". Cambridge, 1866 [22027].

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Cunningham Gustavus Watts. A study in the philosophy of Bergson. New York, 1916 [128202]. Deleuze, Guattari. A thousand plateaus. Derrida J. The grammatology. Dewey I. Democracy and Education. An introduction to the philosophy of education. N.York, 1922 [93366]. Dewey I. Human nature. N.York, 1922 [538370]. Dialogues of Plato. London [536826]. Foucault live. (Interviews 1966-1984). Foucault M. The history of sexuality. V.1-3. Foucault M. Power/Knowledge. Foucault M. Words and Things. Frank Philipp. Philosophy of science. The link between science and philosophy. New Jersey, 1962 [989333]. Gerdes Hayo. Soren Kierkergaard. N.York, 1993 [84547, юз(о)6-663]. Grote George. Plato and other companions of Socrates. London, 1865, v.1 [21645, 22608, 16691], v.2 [21646, 22609, 16692], v.3, [16693, 22597]. Guthrie K.S. The philosophy of Plotines. Philadelphia [22720]. Hampden R.D. The fathers of greek philosophy. Edinburg, 1862 [21244]. Hubbard Ron L. The philosopher. 1991. Hume David. A treatise on human nature. 1874 [22593, 22594]. James W. A pluralistic universe. London, 1990 [536907]. James W. The varieties of religious experience. London, N.York, Bombay, 1914 [129460]. Kant's Critical philosophy for English Readers. By John Mahaffy and John Bernard. London, N.York, 1889, v.1 [536689], v.2 [536690]. Lacan J. The four fundamental concepts of psycho-analysis. Lewes George Henry. Aristotle: A chapter from the history of science. London, 1864 [21715]. Locke john. An essay concerning human understanding. London, 1849 [21774], Oxford, 1844 [23483, 23482]. ]erlleau-Ponty Maurice. The primacy of perception. Merz J.Th. A history of european thought in 19th century. London, 1903, v.1-2 [539231, 225396], v.3 [539232, 130275], v74 [539233, 130276]. Metacognition, motivation and understanding. Ed. by F.E.Weinert and others. London, 1987 [C51099]. Modern jewish thought. New York, 1989 [H 577960]. North Gary. Marx's religion of revolution: Regenaration through chaos. Tyler, 1989. Plato. Apology of Socrates. London, 1913 [134539]. Plato. The republic. London, 1992, 1905, 1907 [23470, 23471]. Psychology, phenomenology and Chinese philosophy. [H 578840, H 578190]. Sartre J.P. The Being and Nothingness. Strong W.W. The new philosophy of modern science. New York - Pennsylvania, 1920 [538388]. The british tradition in 20th century philosophy. [C 523558]. Thompson M.H. The pragmatic philosophy of C.S.Pierce. Chicago, 1945 [437667]. Tigerstedt E.N. The decline and fall of the neoplatonic interpretation of Plato. Helsinki, 1974 [K - 15674]. Waite Geoff. Aesthetics, Politics, Prophecy or the Spectacular Technoculture of Everyday Life. (Nietzsche's corps). Wolfe Cary. Critical environments: postmodern theory and the pragmatics of the "outside". Minneapoles, London, 1998 [C 526884, ЮЗ(О)-6-631-68]. _

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