i Y 1 >> r pr- K r > V t 4 c > 1 0 l Yi V fti Lo- c > f l ir i < 1 t v I < 4 IF an > d > 7- < yst TWO S OCALA EVENING STAR FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 25 193 of tr i I EVENING STAR C L BITTINGER CO C L Bittinger and R R Carroll Proprietors and Publishers- C L BITTINGER i 2 Editor and General Manager R CARROLL City Editor and Business Manager ISRAEL AND THE TORAH The following beautiful address was delivered by Master Raphael Risen on the anniversary of his thirteenth birthday at a public confirmation on the 5th of September at the home of his parents Mr and Mrs Risen No 1722 Northwest avenue Baltimore- Md at which Important family event Mrs Ed Carmichael of Ocala was the guest of honor It was a brilliant gatherlner My Dear Parents and Friends This- Is the most important day of my life For today I am admitted into the Brotherhood of Israel Today I be ¬ come a fullfledged Jew and there ¬ fore I take upon myself the duties and responsibilities that rest upon ev ¬ ery member of the House of Israel No longer may I be a thoughtless child that knows not and cares not for any- thing ¬ better than the pleasure and the satisfaction of the moment From to ¬ day on 1 must always be conscious of the grand privilege that I possess In being a Jew and I must try to prove myself deserving of this great blessing and of the many other blessings that have been showered upon me from the first moment of my life What a glorious thing it is to belong- to that people that has given the world such great and valuable gifts How proud should he be that bears the name Jew For what other race or nation is there than can say as Israel canI have been a blessing to man ¬ kind What other people have given the world that which alone can make the world happy the belief In the one only God the ten commandments the law of morality of justice of good ¬ ness and of love This thought my friends the thought of the greatness of my people fills my heart with pride and gratitude I am happy to belong to that undying race that has been the teachers of man ¬ kind I am proud to be a member pf that people which In spite qf cruel op ¬ pression and relentless hatred has shown to the world an example of de- votion ¬ to God and of love to man I am thankful to bear the name of the nation that has preferred to suffer contempt malice and martyrdom rather than give up its beautiful Ideals and which under all circumstances- has been distinguished for morality sobriety for Its beautiful home life its sublime spirit of love and charity its I l patriotism Its faith May I prove myself worthy of the I privilege of belonging to the Jewish I people May my life be distinguished- by the same zeal for our religion by p the same love for the beautiful ideals- of our Torah by the same spirit of goodness and benevolence that our people has possessed throughout its long history And may God continue- to bless me as he has done hitherto with health and t that I ma be able to carry out by resolutions to do my duty as a man as an American- and as a Jew And you my dear parents what can I say to you to show my deep feeling of gratitude for all you have done for me How can I ever hope to thank you enough dearly beloved father for the constant care and af- fection ¬ you have showered upon me all these years And you dear mother- can I ever make any return for all the love and tenderness which you have shown me How shall I show my ap ¬ preciation and my love for you both You have been my true friends from my childhood days You have been my advisors and Instructors You have tried to grant me every wish to satisfy my every desire You have worked and labored and hoped and prayed that I might grow up strong any happy Many an anxious day many a sleepless night have you spent watching over me tenderly when I lay tossing on a bed of sickness You have rejoiced at my success you have grieved at my disappointments And every moment of my life you are plan ¬ ning how to add to my happiness- how to Improve my health to make- of me a good and useful man a worthy son of Israel For all this love for all this tender scare my dear parents I cannot nope to thank you enough I can only try Ito deserve you love and your kindness- by trying to live as you Would wish me to live by endeavoring to become- a good man a true Jew May Qod reward you by blessing you and your dear ones with long life health suc- cess ¬ and happiness And all these friends our country Israel and all mankind may the Lord bless with peace prosperity and everlasting Joy Amen SUMTER COUNTY TIMES SOLD Mr J C B Koonce has sold the plant subscription list and good will of the Sumter County Times publish- ed ¬ at Sumterville to Mr S N Gra ham who will conduct the paper in future Mr Koonces health was such that he could not Continue the busi- ness The Times Is one of the best weeklies In the state and is a valuable piece of property We y sh Mr Gra- ham ¬ abundant success with it George Angell the venerable editor of Dumb Animals Boston is not pleased with either Taft or Bryan for presi- dent He does not like Taft because he proposes to carry out Roosevelts pol- icies ¬ and that means Wara thought- he cannot endure Mr Angell is for Oliver Wendell Holmes as his presi ¬ dential choice The pinder crop Is fine this year and many of the farmers out Berlin way are buying up hogs to fatten on this food Among those who will go large- ly ¬ into the business are Mabe Phillips William DeHon John Freyermouth Mr Taylor and others Mr DeHon has gone to Gulf Hammock to get the stock For prompt relief in cases of weak t back backache inflammation of the bladder urinary disorders kidney troubles and rheumatic pains there Is nothing as good as DeWltts Kidney and Bladder Pills The effect of these pills Is shown In a very little while you will feel better the next morning as they act promptly They antiseptic Be sure you get De Witts We sell and recommend them Sold by AptlMonopolyDr- ugstoret t L i l ra dshA < 3 4 A SOCIAL IN TAMPA Henry Blount was the guest of hon ¬ or yesterday evening at the home of his parents Mr and Mrs B W Blount on Plant avenue He is one of the brightest members of the Jun- ior ¬ Baraca class of the First Baptist church and his guests last night were his classmates and also the members- of the Junior Philathea class There were about twentyfive young people present and guessing contests merry conversation and social intercourse made the time pass delightfully Tampa Tribune Cards are out announcing the mar- riage ¬ of Miss Eudora Lee Campbell of Atlanta to Mr Walter Lee Haynie of the same city The wedding will take place Thursday afternoon October 1st at the home of the brides mother No 232 Capital avenue This hymeneal event has more than passing interest to a great many Ocala people because the fair bride was born and practically reared in this city Her father was the late Charles Campbell who for many years was superintendent of the Ocala Water Company and a brother of the present manager Mr J A Campbell- The bride is a bright intelligent young lady possessed of many admirable traits of character The groomtobe- is a promising young business man of Atlanta REUNION RATES Round trip rates to the Tampa Con ¬ federate reunion from Ocala will be 245 DEBS RED SPECIAL Socialist Candidate Now Making a Railroad Tour of the Country Sacramento Cal Sept 24Eugene- V Debs Socialist candidate for Presi ¬ dent who is touring the country in his red special train will at least beat the record for trips fo this kind Mc Kinley once sped through the states- in a special train and so did Roose ¬ velt but neither covered as much ter- ritory ¬ as Debs will have done when his campaign ends Mr Debs travels in a special of two cars and engine one being a combina ¬ tion day coach and baggage car and the other a sleeper and dining car combined It is called The Red Spe ¬ cial and it will travel 30000 miles before completing the trip It will make 500 stops which are scheduled- and many others which conditions will arrange The train left Chicago Aug 31 for the West On Saturday Sept5 it had arrived at Denver SaJida and Leadville Monday it was down in Salt Lake City and Ogden Utah The next day it arrived at Las Vegas Nev and San Bernardino Cal On Wednes- day ¬ Thursday and Friday it traveled up the California coast stopping at the principal towns The train reach- ed ¬ this city Saturday Sept 12 From here It departed for the Northwest and then a return to the northern tier of states just eastward Carries Passengers- The Red Special carries hundreds- of passengers every day Any person- is permitted to get on the train at any stop and ride as far as he likes at the rate of 2 cents a mile Meals on the train cost 50 cents each There are DAVID S WOODROW REAL ESTATE AND INVESTMENT- SRooms 27 and 28s Holder Block OCALA FLORIDA- The man who waits for a proven producing proposition before invest ¬ ing will always pay every cent the stock is worth Its the man who takes- a chance on the ground floor that real ¬ ly gets the cream Always investigate- and act with due caution but you will lose out entirely and every time if you wait for a cinch Equal parts of nerve and common sense will be found a very palatable dose and a combina ¬ tion hard to beat- If you want to buy a home in Ocala- I can offer you one of the very few places on the market on Oklawaha avenue Frontage is 96 feet and the lot runs back 480 feet House is one story containing five rooms kitchen and bathroom city water gas electric I light and modern plumbing stable and servants house in yard Price 2300 half cash and balance spread- over three years- If you want to build a store build ¬ ing to rent I have a lot on Fort King avenue between the Pittman building- and the new building just erected by Guerrant Carmichael Frontage is 43 feet by 110 feet deep The building- now on it is old but rents for enough- to pay interest on the investment I Price is 850- OAKRIDGE lots on the Shady Grove hard road and within the city limits- can be bought for 75 to 90 100 feet front by 125 feet deep 1070 cash and 1 per week Free deed in case of death No taxes to pay until 1909 Map and prices on application WOODMAR This property is on the most beautiful lake in Florida on a bluff which rises from 25 feet to 75 feet above the level of the lake The- A C L railroad runs between the edge- of the lake and the bluff Four years ago when I platted this property and offered to sell lots I was laughed at by many and the word fool more than once dropped in connection with this property Try and buy back for me the lots I have already sold and come and see me I have raised the prices once and will raise again until another Mr Flagler sees the beauties- of the place and then he can have it if he will pay the price The streets- are rll planted to shade trees and wat- er ¬ works installedgood water too Buy a lot now You can buy on terms but you cant buy them at a discount Map and prices on application 1 J a Enamel Ware Sale Monday and Tuesday September 28 and 29 I We are putting our entire line of ENAMEL WARE- on sale at greatly reduced prices Look at the win ¬ dow and consider the quality i The prices are the lowest ye- tTheVaricty t Store into sleeping berths for these passen- gers j but a firstclass day coach is provided- At every stop workers get on to ride- to the next and thus get into touch with the train they sent out Every afternoon passengers have been car ¬ ried from small stations to the city where an evening meeting is to be held Debs and all the special train party and all their fellow workers who board the train for short trips have their meals together- At I practically every stop there has been a crowd on hand to welcome the Socialist candidate There has been- no lack of enthusiasm at most of the meetings School books and school supplies at the Globe I CASTOR IAf- or Infants and Children The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the- Signature ox aC9b I DATE OF SCHOOL OPENING- The Ocala High School will open- on Monday September 2Sth All pupils who are entitled to examinations will please come prepared to take them on Monday There will be a meeting of the school faculty on Saturday after ¬ noon at 330 oclock at the school building It is desired that every teacher attend if possible- J H Workman Principal IT CANT BE BEAT The best of all teachers is experi ¬ ence C M Harden of Silver City North Carolina says I find Electric Bitters does all thats claimed for it For Stomach Liver and Kidney trou ¬ bles it cant be beat I have tried it I and find it a most excellent medicine- Mr Harden is right its the best of all medicines also for weakness lame back and all run down conditions Best too for chills and malaria Sold under guarantee at all drugstores 50c HOUSEHOLD UUUUS fOR SALE- An entire outfit of household goods- for saleall together or by the piece Apply at 112 North Second street SICK HEADACHE- This disease is caused by a derange ¬ ment of the stomach Take a dose of Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tablets to correct this disorder and the sick headache will disappear For sale by all druggists FOR SALEThree secondhand- iron enameled bath tubs 5 5A and 6 feet respectively also one enameled- foot bath All highly finished and decorated outside Apply to Postoffice Box 20- Healthy kidneys filter the impuri ¬ ties from the blood and unless they do this good health is impossible Foleys Kidney Cure makes sound kidneys and will positively cure all forms of kidney and bladder disease- It strengthens the whole system Sold by all dealers When you want stationery go to a stationery store The Ocala News Company has the best and most up todate line in Ocala One of the worst features of kidney trouble is that it is an insidious dis- ease ¬ and before the victim realizes his danger he may have a fatal malady Take Foleys Kidney Cure at the first sign of trouble as it corrects irregu Iririlies and prevents Brights disease and diabetes Fold by all dealers CALVARY Rev M H Outland and wife spent last Friday with Mr and Mrs Willard Mr and Mrs A S J Wallace spent Sunday with relatives at Martel Mrs J W Morrison spent Saturday with her sister Mrs Dora Hall near EellevSew Mrs M E Wallace was a visitor to Ocala Tuesday- Mr A S J Wallace attended the W O W meeting at Martel Tuesday night Harvesting corn seems to be the bus- iness ¬ of the farmers of this place HOPPITY HOP Are you just barely getting around- by the aid of crutches or a cane Unless you have lost a limb or have- a deformity your trouble is rheu ¬ matism lumbago sprain stiff joints- or anything of like nature use Bal lards Snow Liniment and in no time you can throw away your crutches and be as well as anyone Price 25c 50c and 1 Sold by AntiMonopoly Drugstore School books and school supplies at the Globe EXPECTS BRYANS ELECTION- John W Gates is Inclined to Bat Against Taft and Hughes New York World- At intermittent periods when the reporters were able to arouse him from the dejection caused by missing- the doubleheader baseball game be ¬ tween the Giants and the Pittsburgs- on Friday John W Gates who ar ¬ rived yesterday on the belated Cunard liner Mauretania gave his views on state and national politics Hughes he prophesied will be de ¬ feated by fully 150000 while Tafts chances of winning the Presidential- race are in no sense bright Republicans who are New Yorkers whom I have talked with are not go ¬ ing to vote for Hughes you can gam ¬ ble on on that and from what I have learned since I have been on the Mauretania its a safe bet that there isnt a Republican on the vessel who will vote for his reelection Question of Personal Liberty- Its not a question of Hughess fight against the race track Its a question of personal liberty Why if this thing goes on a man who bets- a lady a box of gloves will have to go to jail Personally I dont care whether horse racing is held in this country or not It is the principle of the thing that is objectionable- The financier declared that many prominent Republicans he had come in contact with abroad showed a de ¬ cided apathy toward President Roose ¬ velts candidate Mr Taft chiefly be ¬ cause the latters election would es ¬ tablish a dangerous precedent where- by ¬ the nations Chief Executive would- pick his successor As far as he had been able to learn Mr Gates said that prominent Republican financiers- had no fear of the financial outcome- in the event of Mr Bryans election One prominent banker from Ohio he said had told him positively that- if he registered this fall he would surely vote for Bryan This same banker had always been a stanch Re ¬ publican Mr Gates declared that among the American tourists at least 85 per cent were Republicans and of this number fully 35 per cent will cast their votes for Bryan or else not vote at all- DRUNKENNESS DOES NOT EXCUSE THE DEED Plant City Courier The town marshal of Wildwood was shot to death on Monday in a most brutal and cowardly manner by one of his fellow citizens who it appears happened to be drunk at the time This murderer when he is placed on trial for his awful crime will no doubt offer as an extenuating circumstance- the fact that being drunk he was not in full possession of his reasoning faculties and therefore should not be held to a strict account for his acts during the period of his inebriacy- We of course do not know what the particular court which tries this man will hold but we do know that in many courts drunkenness has been made an excuse for almost every form of crime in the catalogue of crime Any court that is influenced by such- an excuse is a disgrace to the com ¬ I monwealth in which it sits and makes itself a stench in the nostrils of all justiceloving people and any jury that would allow such a circumstance to weigh with them in arriving at a ver- dict ¬ are themselves a menace to the peace and dignity of the community- in which they live In heavens name why should drunk ¬ enness which should itself be a statu ¬ tory crime be considered an excuse for the violation of any of our laws- Is the marshal of Wildwood any the less dead because his assailant hap ¬ pened to be drunk Will the widow and fatherless children derive any comfort from the fact that the brain that controlled the hand that held the gun that sent the deadly bullet through the marshals heart was fired and demonized by alcohol Has the law of the land been any the less brok- en ¬ because the perpetrator happened at the time to be under the influence I drink In ninetynine cases out of School Books and School Supplies at Reduced Prices FREEFREEO- n next Monday and Tuesday we will give away to every pur ¬ chaser of a dollar a handsome 18x20 inch picture of Our Next President William Jennings Bryan The Globe School Books and School Supplies at Reduced Prices L ec o t I J 4 RHEINAUERSClo- thing t T Department Stetson Hats- Banister 4 Stetson Hats r Shoes Crossett Shoes- The Standard ill Hats and Shoes Just received all the latest styles and I shapes Reduced prices on Clothing Negligee Shirts and Underwear Rheinauer Co New Millinery Goods- I now have on display my line ot new styles in hats and other mil ¬ linery creations and would be pleased to have the ladies of Ocala and Marion county to call and ins- pect my stock The date ot my Fall Opening will be announced late- rIMrs Minnie A Bostick I Ocala House Millinery Parlors I a hundred the man who takes the life of his fellowman otherwise than in selfdefense is not properly at him- self ¬ is temporarily crazed by some cause or other It may In from drink- it may be from anger jealousy or some actual or imaginary wrong But whatever may have fired his brain to the murder point when he takes the life of his fellowman he is a murderer- in tin eyes of the law and in the sight of God and of all the causes which may produce the murderlust- the least excusable in our opinion is that of drunkenness Murder is mur ¬ der whether the perpetrator he a white man or a black man humble or prominent drunk or sober and the laws demands should in every in ¬ stance be met BEST THE WORLD AFFORDS- It gives me unbounded pleasure to recommend Bucklens Arnica Salve says J W Jenkins of Chapel Hill N I C I am convinced its the best salve the world affords It cured a felon on my thumb and it never fails to heal every sore burn or wound to which it is applied 25c at all drugstores SHADY It has been many years since there was so much sickness in our neighbor ¬ hood as recently- The farmers are having poor hay weather which makes them rather blue Mr Calvin Johns died at the home of his brother Mr George Johns Sept 14th Mr Johns had been partially paralyzed for several years but seem ¬ ed to be in as good health as usual until the morning of his death We are glad to report Mrs Carl Buhl improving after a very serious illness She is with her daughter Mrs W A Baxley in Ocala where- Dr A L Izlar is treating her Our school is progressing nicely with Miss Blanche Proctor of Pedro- as teacher- Mr Robert Douglas went to Pedro Monday where he entered school with Prof Green as teacher- Mr and Mrs Eugene Phillips of Tampa are rejoicing over the arrival- of a fine baby girl Mrs Phillips is I remembered as Miss Ruble Phillips who made her home with her sister here a few years ago Mrs John Smith is critically ill we are sorry to learn Dr AV V New som of Ocala is attending her Mrs J P Phillips and children of Ocala were visitors here last week guests of Mrs Arthur Douglas- Mr John Goins was a business vis- itor ¬ In Ocala Saturday- Rev Barnett and son of Green Springs were callers here Monday Cured Hay Fever and Summer Cold- A J Nusbaum Batesville Indiana writes Last year I suffered for three months with a summer cold so distressing that it interfered with my business I had many of the symp ¬ toms of hay fever and a doctors pre ¬ scription did not reach my case and I took several medicines which seemed- to only aggravate my case Fortu ¬ nately I insisted upon having Foleys Honey and Tar in the yellow package and it quickly cured me My wife has since used Foleys Honey and Tar with the same success Sold by all dealers FREE Next Monday and Tuesday to each customer purchasing for cash a dol ¬ lars worth of merchandise we will give one of those handsome 18x20 I inch pictures of our next president- Hon William Jennings Bryan as shown in the windows of the store THE GLOBE HAVE YOU A BABY Then watch it closely And above all things dont let it suffer for any length of time with wormsthat is fatal If its complexion gets yellow and pasty if itJs listless cross or peevish gets thin suffers with flatu ¬ I lence give it Whites Cream Vermi ¬ fuge The only cure that never fails I and has no bad effects Sold by AntiMonopoly Drugstore r < < aet3M6Iy u W C BLANCHARD CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER Plans furnished on application- PO Box 46 Ocala Fla ICEB- est Quality Prompt Service Lowest Price Buy from the BLUE WAGONS OCAlA ICE AND PACKING CO MEFFERT TAYLOR Phone 34 OCALA PRESSING CLUB- J J FORT Proprietor Rates reasonableAll goods Pressed and Cleaned on Short No ¬ tice and Delivered Promptly Alb transient work not called for in 30 days wil be sold for charg- esDRLAIPIC A few dopes of this remedy will in ¬ variably cure an ordinary attack of diarrhea It can always be depended upon even in the more severe attacks of cramp colic and cholera inorbus It is equally successful for summer diarrhoea and cholera infantnm in children and is the means of saYing the lives of many children each year When reduced with water and sweetened it is pledfant to take Every man of a family should keep this remedy in his home Bny it now PRICE 23c LARGE SIZE C- OcFOLEYS HONEY AND T AR The original LAXATIVE cough remedy Tor coughs colas throat and lung troubles No opiates Nonalcoholic- Good for everybody Sold everywhere Tho genuine FOLEYS HONEY and TAR is ia Yellow package Refusesubstitutat- Prepared only by Foloy A Company Chicago FOR SALE BY ALL DEALERS- r Y

4 IF TWO S K I EVENING STAR Enamel Ware Sale Jufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/08/00957/0299.pdf · fore I take upon myself the duties and responsibilities that rest upon ev¬

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Page 1: 4 IF TWO S K I EVENING STAR Enamel Ware Sale Jufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/08/00957/0299.pdf · fore I take upon myself the duties and responsibilities that rest upon ev¬

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r> V

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tr i


C L Bittinger and R R CarrollProprietors and Publishers-


i2 Editor and General Manager

R CARROLLCity Editor and Business Manager


The following beautiful address wasdelivered by Master Raphael Risenon the anniversary of his thirteenthbirthday at a public confirmation onthe 5th of September at the home ofhis parents Mr and Mrs Risen No1722 Northwest avenue Baltimore-Md at which Important family eventMrs Ed Carmichael of Ocala was theguest of honor It was a brilliantgatherlner

My Dear Parents and Friends This-Is the most important day of my lifeFor today I am admitted into theBrotherhood of Israel Today I be ¬

come a fullfledged Jew and there ¬

fore I take upon myself the dutiesand responsibilities that rest upon ev¬

ery member of the House of Israel Nolonger may I be a thoughtless childthat knows not and cares not for any-thing


better than the pleasure and thesatisfaction of the moment From to ¬

day on 1 must always be conscious ofthe grand privilege that I possess Inbeing a Jew and I must try to provemyself deserving of this great blessingand of the many other blessings thathave been showered upon me fromthe first moment of my life

What a glorious thing it is to belong-to that people that has given theworld such great and valuable gifts

How proud should he be that bearsthe name Jew For what other race ornation is there than can say as IsraelcanI have been a blessing to man ¬

kind What other people have giventhe world that which alone can makethe world happy the belief In the oneonly God the ten commandments thelaw of morality of justice of good ¬

ness and of loveThis thought my friends the thought

of the greatness of my people fills myheart with pride and gratitude I amhappy to belong to that undying racethat has been the teachers of man ¬

kind I am proud to be a member pfthat people which In spite qf cruel op ¬

pression and relentless hatred hasshown to the world an example of de-


to God and of love to man Iam thankful to bear the name of thenation that has preferred to suffercontempt malice and martyrdomrather than give up its beautiful Idealsand which under all circumstances-has been distinguished for moralitysobriety for Its beautiful home life itssublime spirit of love and charity its Ilpatriotism Its faith

May I prove myself worthy of the I

privilege of belonging to the JewishI

people May my life be distinguished-by the same zeal for our religion by

p the same love for the beautiful ideals-of our Torah by the same spirit ofgoodness and benevolence that ourpeople has possessed throughout itslong history And may God continue-to bless me as he has done hithertowith health and t that I mabe able to carry out by resolutions todo my duty as a man as an American-and as a Jew

And you my dear parents whatcan I say to you to show my deepfeeling of gratitude for all you havedone for me How can I ever hope tothank you enough dearly belovedfather for the constant care and af-fection


you have showered upon me allthese years And you dear mother-can I ever make any return for all thelove and tenderness which you haveshown me How shall I show my ap ¬

preciation and my love for you bothYou have been my true friends frommy childhood days You have beenmy advisors and Instructors Youhave tried to grant me every wish tosatisfy my every desire You haveworked and labored and hoped andprayed that I might grow up strongany happy Many an anxious daymany a sleepless night have you spentwatching over me tenderly when I laytossing on a bed of sickness Youhave rejoiced at my success you havegrieved at my disappointments Andevery moment of my life you are plan ¬

ning how to add to my happiness-how to Improve my health to make-of me a good and useful man aworthy son of Israel

For all this love for all this tenderscare my dear parents I cannot nopeto thank you enough I can only try

Ito deserve you love and your kindness-by trying to live as you Would wishme to live by endeavoring to become-a good man a true Jew May Qodreward you by blessing you and yourdear ones with long life health suc-cess


and happiness And all thesefriends our country Israel and allmankind may the Lord bless withpeace prosperity and everlasting JoyAmen


Mr J C B Koonce has sold theplant subscription list and good willof the Sumter County Times publish-ed


at Sumterville to Mr S N Graham who will conduct the paper infuture Mr Koonces health was suchthat he could not Continue the busi-ness The Times Is one of the bestweeklies In the state and is a valuablepiece of property We ysh Mr Gra-ham


abundant success with it

George Angell the venerable editor ofDumb Animals Boston is not pleasedwith either Taft or Bryan for presi-dent He does not like Taft because heproposes to carry out Roosevelts pol-icies


and that means Wara thought-he cannot endure Mr Angell is forOliver Wendell Holmes as his presi ¬

dential choice

The pinder crop Is fine this year andmany of the farmers out Berlin wayare buying up hogs to fatten on thisfood Among those who will go large-ly


into the business are Mabe PhillipsWilliam DeHon John FreyermouthMr Taylor and others Mr DeHonhas gone to Gulf Hammock to get thestock

For prompt relief in cases of weakt back backache inflammation of the

bladder urinary disorders kidneytroubles and rheumatic pains thereIs nothing as good as DeWltts Kidneyand Bladder Pills The effect of thesepills Is shown In a very little while

you will feel better the nextmorning as they act promptly Theyantiseptic Be sure you get De

Witts We sell and recommend themSold by AptlMonopolyDr-



L i l radshA < 3 4


Henry Blount was the guest of hon ¬

or yesterday evening at the home ofhis parents Mr and Mrs B WBlount on Plant avenue He is oneof the brightest members of the Jun-ior


Baraca class of the First Baptistchurch and his guests last night werehis classmates and also the members-of the Junior Philathea class Therewere about twentyfive young peoplepresent and guessing contests merryconversation and social intercoursemade the time pass delightfullyTampa Tribune

Cards are out announcing the mar-riage


of Miss Eudora Lee Campbell ofAtlanta to Mr Walter Lee Haynie ofthe same city The wedding will takeplace Thursday afternoon October 1stat the home of the brides mother No232 Capital avenue This hymenealevent has more than passing interest toa great many Ocala people because thefair bride was born and practicallyreared in this city Her father was thelate Charles Campbell who for manyyears was superintendent of the OcalaWater Company and a brother of thepresent manager Mr J A Campbell-The bride is a bright intelligent younglady possessed of many admirabletraits of character The groomtobe-is a promising young business man ofAtlanta


Round trip rates to the Tampa Con ¬

federate reunion from Ocala will be245


Socialist Candidate Now Making aRailroad Tour of the Country

Sacramento Cal Sept 24Eugene-V Debs Socialist candidate for Presi ¬

dent who is touring the country in hisred special train will at least beat

the record for trips fo this kind McKinley once sped through the states-in a special train and so did Roose ¬

velt but neither covered as much ter-ritory


as Debs will have done whenhis campaign ends

Mr Debs travels in a special of twocars and engine one being a combina ¬

tion day coach and baggage car andthe other a sleeper and dining carcombined It is called The Red Spe ¬

cial and it will travel 30000 milesbefore completing the trip It willmake 500 stops which are scheduled-and many others which conditions willarrange

The train left Chicago Aug 31 forthe West On Saturday Sept5 ithad arrived at Denver SaJida andLeadville Monday it was down inSalt Lake City and Ogden Utah Thenext day it arrived at Las Vegas Nevand San Bernardino Cal On Wednes-day


Thursday and Friday it traveledup the California coast stopping atthe principal towns The train reach-ed


this city Saturday Sept 12

From here It departed for theNorthwest and then a return to thenorthern tier of states just eastward

Carries Passengers-The Red Special carries hundreds-

of passengers every day Any person-is permitted to get on the train at anystop and ride as far as he likes at therate of 2 cents a mile Meals on thetrain cost 50 cents each There are




SRooms 27 and 28s Holder Block


The man who waits for a provenproducing proposition before invest ¬

ing will always pay every cent thestock is worth Its the man who takes-a chance on the ground floor that real ¬

ly gets the cream Always investigate-and act with due caution but you willlose out entirely and every time if youwait for a cinch Equal parts ofnerve and common sense will be founda very palatable dose and a combina ¬

tion hard to beat-

If you want to buy a home in Ocala-I can offer you one of the very fewplaces on the market on Oklawahaavenue

Frontage is 96 feet and the lot runsback 480 feet House is one storycontaining five rooms kitchen andbathroom city water gas electric


light and modern plumbing stableand servants house in yard Price2300 half cash and balance spread-

over three years-

If you want to build a store build ¬

ing to rent I have a lot on Fort Kingavenue between the Pittman building-and the new building just erected by

Guerrant Carmichael Frontage is43 feet by 110 feet deep The building-now on it is old but rents for enough-to pay interest on the investment

IPrice is 850-

OAKRIDGE lots on the Shady Grovehard road and within the city limits-can be bought for 75 to 90 100 feetfront by 125 feet deep 1070 cash and

1 per week Free deed in case ofdeath No taxes to pay until 1909 Mapand prices on application

WOODMAR This property is on themost beautiful lake in Florida on abluff which rises from 25 feet to 75feet above the level of the lake The-

A C L railroad runs between the edge-

of the lake and the bluff Four yearsago when I platted this property andoffered to sell lots I was laughed atby many and the word fool morethan once dropped in connection withthis property Try and buy back forme the lots I have already sold andcome and see me I have raised theprices once and will raise again untilanother Mr Flagler sees the beauties-of the place and then he can have itif he will pay the price The streets-are rll planted to shade trees and wat-er


works installedgood water tooBuy a lot now You can buy on termsbut you cant buy them at a discountMap and prices on application

1 J a

Enamel Ware Sale

Monday and TuesdaySeptember 28 and 29


We are putting ourentire line of


on sale at greatlyreduced prices

Look at the win ¬

dow and considerthe quality


The prices are thelowest ye-


Storeinto sleeping berths for these passen-gers


but a firstclass day coach isprovided-

At every stop workers get on to ride-to the next and thus get into touchwith the train they sent out Everyafternoon passengers have been car ¬

ried from small stations to the citywhere an evening meeting is to beheld Debs and all the special trainparty and all their fellow workers whoboard the train for short trips havetheir meals together-


practically every stop there hasbeen a crowd on hand to welcome theSocialist candidate There has been-no lack of enthusiasm at most of themeetings

School books and school supplies atthe Globe


CASTOR IAf-or Infants and Children

The Kind You Have Always Bought

Bears the-

Signature ox aC9bI


The Ocala High School will open-on Monday September 2Sth All pupilswho are entitled to examinations willplease come prepared to take them onMonday There will be a meeting ofthe school faculty on Saturday after¬

noon at 330 oclock at the schoolbuilding It is desired that everyteacher attend if possible-

J H Workman Principal

IT CANT BE BEATThe best of all teachers is experi ¬

ence C M Harden of Silver CityNorth Carolina says I find ElectricBitters does all thats claimed for itFor Stomach Liver and Kidney trou ¬

bles it cant be beat I have tried itI

and find it a most excellent medicine-Mr Harden is right its the best ofall medicines also for weakness lameback and all run down conditionsBest too for chills and malaria Soldunder guarantee at all drugstores 50c


An entire outfit of household goods-for saleall together or by the pieceApply at 112 North Second street

SICK HEADACHE-This disease is caused by a derange ¬

ment of the stomach Take a dose ofChamberlains Stomach and LiverTablets to correct this disorder andthe sick headache will disappear Forsale by all druggists

FOR SALEThree secondhand-iron enameled bath tubs 5 5A and 6

feet respectively also one enameled-foot bath All highly finished anddecorated outside Apply to PostofficeBox 20-

Healthy kidneys filter the impuri ¬

ties from the blood and unless theydo this good health is impossibleFoleys Kidney Cure makes soundkidneys and will positively cure allforms of kidney and bladder disease-It strengthens the whole system Soldby all dealers

When you want stationery go to astationery store The Ocala NewsCompany has the best and most uptodate line in Ocala

One of the worst features of kidneytrouble is that it is an insidious dis-ease


and before the victim realizes hisdanger he may have a fatal maladyTake Foleys Kidney Cure at the firstsign of trouble as it corrects irreguIririlies and prevents Brights diseaseand diabetes Fold by all dealers


Rev M H Outland and wife spentlast Friday with Mr and Mrs Willard

Mr and Mrs A S J Wallace spentSunday with relatives at Martel

Mrs J W Morrison spent Saturdaywith her sister Mrs Dora Hall nearEellevSew

Mrs M E Wallace was a visitor toOcala Tuesday-

Mr A S J Wallace attended the WO W meeting at Martel Tuesday night

Harvesting corn seems to be the bus-iness


of the farmers of this place


Are you just barely getting around-by the aid of crutches or a caneUnless you have lost a limb or have-a deformity your trouble is rheu ¬

matism lumbago sprain stiff joints-or anything of like nature use Ballards Snow Liniment and in no timeyou can throw away your crutchesand be as well as anyone Price 25c50c and 1 Sold by AntiMonopolyDrugstore

School books and school supplies atthe Globe


John W Gates is Inclined to BatAgainst Taft and Hughes

New York World-

At intermittent periods when thereporters were able to arouse himfrom the dejection caused by missing-the doubleheader baseball game be¬

tween the Giants and the Pittsburgs-on Friday John W Gates who ar ¬

rived yesterday on the belated Cunardliner Mauretania gave his views onstate and national politics

Hughes he prophesied will be de¬

feated by fully 150000 while Taftschances of winning the Presidential-race are in no sense bright

Republicans who are New Yorkerswhom I have talked with are not go ¬

ing to vote for Hughes you can gam ¬

ble on on that and from what I havelearned since I have been on theMauretania its a safe bet that thereisnt a Republican on the vessel whowill vote for his reelection

Question of Personal Liberty-

Its not a question of Hughessfight against the race track Its aquestion of personal liberty Why ifthis thing goes on a man who bets-a lady a box of gloves will have togo to jail Personally I dont carewhether horse racing is held in thiscountry or not It is the principle ofthe thing that is objectionable-

The financier declared that manyprominent Republicans he had comein contact with abroad showed a de ¬

cided apathy toward President Roose ¬

velts candidate Mr Taft chiefly be ¬

cause the latters election would es ¬

tablish a dangerous precedent where-by


the nations Chief Executive would-pick his successor As far as he hadbeen able to learn Mr Gates saidthat prominent Republican financiers-had no fear of the financial outcome-in the event of Mr Bryans election

One prominent banker from Ohiohe said had told him positively that-if he registered this fall he wouldsurely vote for Bryan This samebanker had always been a stanch Re ¬

publican Mr Gates declared thatamong the American tourists at least85 per cent were Republicans andof this number fully 35 per cent willcast their votes for Bryan or else notvote at all-


Plant City Courier

The town marshal of Wildwood wasshot to death on Monday in a mostbrutal and cowardly manner by oneof his fellow citizens who it appearshappened to be drunk at the timeThis murderer when he is placed ontrial for his awful crime will no doubtoffer as an extenuating circumstance-the fact that being drunk he was notin full possession of his reasoningfaculties and therefore should not beheld to a strict account for his actsduring the period of his inebriacy-

We of course do not know whatthe particular court which tries thisman will hold but we do know thatin many courts drunkenness has beenmade an excuse for almost every formof crime in the catalogue of crimeAny court that is influenced by such-an excuse is a disgrace to the com ¬

I monwealth in which it sits and makesitself a stench in the nostrils of alljusticeloving people and any jury thatwould allow such a circumstance toweigh with them in arriving at a ver-dict


are themselves a menace to thepeace and dignity of the community-in which they live

In heavens name why should drunk ¬

enness which should itself be a statu ¬

tory crime be considered an excusefor the violation of any of our laws-Is the marshal of Wildwood any theless dead because his assailant hap ¬

pened to be drunk Will the widowand fatherless children derive anycomfort from the fact that the brainthat controlled the hand that held thegun that sent the deadly bulletthrough the marshals heart was firedand demonized by alcohol Has thelaw of the land been any the less brok-en


because the perpetrator happenedat the time to be under the influence

I drink In ninetynine cases out of

School Books and School Supplies at Reduced Prices


n next Monday andTuesday we will giveaway to every pur¬

chaser of a dollar ahandsome 18x20 inchpicture of Our NextPresident WilliamJennings Bryan

The GlobeSchool Books and School Supplies at Reduced Prices



tI J






Stetson Hats-


4 Stetson Hats r

Shoes Crossett Shoes-

The Standard ill Hats and Shoes

Just received all the latest styles andI shapes

Reduced prices onClothing Negligee Shirts and Underwear

Rheinauer Co

New Millinery Goods-I now have on display my line otnew styles in hats and other mil¬

linery creations and would bepleased to have the ladies of Ocalaand Marion county to call and ins-pect my stock The date ot myFall Opening will be announcedlate-

rIMrs Minnie A BostickI Ocala House Millinery ParlorsI

a hundred the man who takes the lifeof his fellowman otherwise than inselfdefense is not properly at him-self


is temporarily crazed by somecause or other It may In from drink-it may be from anger jealousy orsome actual or imaginary wrong Butwhatever may have fired his brain tothe murder point when he takes thelife of his fellowman he is a murderer-in tin eyes of the law and in thesight of God and of all the causeswhich may produce the murderlust-the least excusable in our opinion isthat of drunkenness Murder is mur ¬

der whether the perpetrator he awhite man or a black man humble orprominent drunk or sober and thelaws demands should in every in ¬

stance be met


It gives me unbounded pleasure torecommend Bucklens Arnica Salvesays J W Jenkins of Chapel Hill N I

C I am convinced its the best salvethe world affords It cured a felon onmy thumb and it never fails to healevery sore burn or wound to which itis applied 25c at all drugstores


It has been many years since therewas so much sickness in our neighbor¬

hood as recently-The farmers are having poor hay

weather which makes them rather blueMr Calvin Johns died at the home

of his brother Mr George Johns Sept14th Mr Johns had been partiallyparalyzed for several years but seem ¬

ed to be in as good health as usualuntil the morning of his death

We are glad to report Mrs CarlBuhl improving after a very seriousillness She is with her daughterMrs W A Baxley in Ocala where-Dr A L Izlar is treating her

Our school is progressing nicelywith Miss Blanche Proctor of Pedro-as teacher-

Mr Robert Douglas went to PedroMonday where he entered school withProf Green as teacher-

Mr and Mrs Eugene Phillips ofTampa are rejoicing over the arrival-of a fine baby girl Mrs Phillips is


remembered as Miss Ruble Phillipswho made her home with her sisterhere a few years ago

Mrs John Smith is critically ill weare sorry to learn Dr AV V Newsom of Ocala is attending her

Mrs J P Phillips and children ofOcala were visitors here last weekguests of Mrs Arthur Douglas-

Mr John Goins was a business vis-


In Ocala Saturday-Rev Barnett and son of Green

Springs were callers here Monday

Cured Hay Fever and Summer Cold-

A J Nusbaum Batesville Indianawrites Last year I suffered forthree months with a summer cold sodistressing that it interfered with mybusiness I had many of the symp ¬

toms of hay fever and a doctors pre ¬

scription did not reach my case and Itook several medicines which seemed-to only aggravate my case Fortu ¬

nately I insisted upon having FoleysHoney and Tar in the yellow packageand it quickly cured me My wife hassince used Foleys Honey and Tar withthe same success Sold by all dealers

FREENext Monday and Tuesday to each

customer purchasing for cash a dol ¬

lars worth of merchandise we willgive one of those handsome 18x20 I

inch pictures of our next president-Hon William Jennings Bryan asshown in the windows of the store



Then watch it closely And aboveall things dont let it suffer for anylength of time with wormsthat isfatal If its complexion gets yellowand pasty if itJs listless cross orpeevish gets thin suffers with flatu ¬

I lence give it Whites Cream Vermi¬

fuge The only cure that never failsIand has no bad effects Sold byAntiMonopoly Drugstore

r < < aet3M6Iy




Plans furnishedon application-

PO Box 46 Ocala Fla


est QualityPrompt Service

Lowest PriceBuy from the



Phone 34


J J FORT Proprietor

Rates reasonableAll goodsPressed and Cleaned on Short No ¬

tice and Delivered Promptly Albtransient work not called for in 30days wil be sold for charg-


A few dopes of this remedy will in¬

variably cure an ordinary attack ofdiarrhea

It can always be depended uponeven in the more severe attacks ofcramp colic and cholera inorbus

It is equally successful for summerdiarrhoea and cholera infantnm inchildren and is the means of saYingthe lives of many children each year

When reduced with water andsweetened it is pledfant to take

Every man of a family should keepthis remedy in his home Bny it nowPRICE 23c LARGE SIZE C-



The originalLAXATIVE cough remedyTor coughs colas throat and lungtroubles No opiates Nonalcoholic-Good for everybody Sold everywhere

Tho genuineFOLEYS HONEY and TAR is iaYellowpackage Refusesubstitutat-

Prepared only byFoloy A Company Chicago


r Y