113 1 Introduction International Atomic Time (TAI), deter- mined by the BIPM (Bureau International des Poids et Mesures), is calculated based on data from more than 200 atomic clocks maintained by over 50 organizations worldwide[1]. The International Time Link was established to collect data from these international atomic clocks. Prior to the introduction of the GPS, LORAN-C was used in the International Time Link[2]. The precision of time transfer with LORAN-C was in the order of a few hundred ns, and regions in which comparison could be performed were limited. The use of GPS has improved time transfer precision markedly and has made it possible to establish a global time transfer network, a feat that would have been impossible using the LORAN-C network. The time transfer precision of the GPS is 2 ns/day on average, with frequency stability of approximately 3 ×10 -14 . Additionally, the accu- racy of TAI is currently maintained by length- ening averaging times for calculation. The stability of TAI is improved by a factor of ten roughly every seven years, in accordance with progress in atomic clock technology. If we continue to apply existing methods, it is prob- able that the stability of TAI will be limited over the course of the next several years not by the stability of atomic clocks but rather by limitations in link precision. To improve the precision of time transfer, various systems are currently under develop- ment and study throughout the world. For example, a two-way satellite time and fre- quency transfer system using communication satellites makes it possible to perform highly precise time transfer easily, with some major countries in the Asian area already adopting this two-way system[3]. GPS is also leading to improvements in time transfer precision, through a number of applied techniques: development of multi-channel receivers, development of a time transfer receivers capa- ble of receiving signals from two kinds of satellites (GPS and GLONASS), practical use of geodetic receivers for time transfer applica- tions, and more. 2 GPS time transfer 2.1 GPS GPS is the worldwide positioning satellite GOTOH Tadahiro et al. 4-2 GPS Common View GOTOH Tadahiro, KANEKO Akihiro, SHIBUYA Yasuhisa, and IMAE Michito GPS common-view method was developed in the 1980s and it had been a world leading time transfer technology in the recent two decades. According to this method, daily aver- aged time comparison precisions obtained from the C/A code single channel receivers could reach 10 -14 approximately. However, to meet the advancement of atomic clocks, we attempt to develop new methods for highly precise time comparison technology. This paper describes a fundamental theory of the GPS common-view method, data analysis and error sources as well as to express the improvements of the time transfer precision using multi- channel receivers, the improvements of satellite orbit, of the ionosphere model, and carrier phase observations. Especially, we show the evaluation results of multi-channel receivers and the ionosphere model improvements of recently observed data. Keywords GPS, International atomic time, Time transfer

4-2 GPS Common View - NICT · 2013. 11. 21. · model errors will be described in Section 3.2. 2.3 International Time Link Ordinary GPS time transfer receivers work for a single channel

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Page 1: 4-2 GPS Common View - NICT · 2013. 11. 21. · model errors will be described in Section 3.2. 2.3 International Time Link Ordinary GPS time transfer receivers work for a single channel


1 Introduction

International Atomic Time (TAI), deter-mined by the BIPM (Bureau International desPoids et Mesures), is calculated based on datafrom more than 200 atomic clocks maintainedby over 50 organizations worldwide[1]. TheInternational Time Link was established tocollect data from these international atomicclocks. Prior to the introduction of the GPS,LORAN-C was used in the International TimeLink[2]. The precision of time transfer withLORAN-C was in the order of a few hundredns, and regions in which comparison could beperformed were limited. The use of GPS hasimproved time transfer precision markedly andhas made it possible to establish a global timetransfer network, a feat that would have beenimpossible using the LORAN-C network.

The time transfer precision of the GPS is 2ns/day on average, with frequency stability ofapproximately 3×10-14. Additionally, the accu-racy of TAI is currently maintained by length-ening averaging times for calculation. Thestability of TAI is improved by a factor of tenroughly every seven years, in accordance withprogress in atomic clock technology. If we

continue to apply existing methods, it is prob-able that the stability of TAI will be limitedover the course of the next several years notby the stability of atomic clocks but rather bylimitations in link precision.

To improve the precision of time transfer,various systems are currently under develop-ment and study throughout the world. Forexample, a two-way satellite time and fre-quency transfer system using communicationsatellites makes it possible to perform highlyprecise time transfer easily, with some majorcountries in the Asian area already adoptingthis two-way system[3]. GPS is also leading toimprovements in time transfer precision,through a number of applied techniques:development of multi-channel receivers,development of a time transfer receivers capa-ble of receiving signals from two kinds ofsatellites (GPS and GLONASS), practical useof geodetic receivers for time transfer applica-tions, and more.

2 GPS time transfer

2.1 GPSGPS is the worldwide positioning satellite

GOTOH Tadahiro et al.

4-2 GPS Common View

GOTOH Tadahiro, KANEKO Akihiro, SHIBUYA Yasuhisa, and IMAE Michito

GPS common-view method was developed in the 1980s and it had been a world leadingtime transfer technology in the recent two decades. According to this method, daily aver-aged time comparison precisions obtained from the C/A code single channel receiverscould reach 10-14 approximately. However, to meet the advancement of atomic clocks, weattempt to develop new methods for highly precise time comparison technology. This paperdescribes a fundamental theory of the GPS common-view method, data analysis and errorsources as well as to express the improvements of the time transfer precision using multi-channel receivers, the improvements of satellite orbit, of the ionosphere model, and carrierphase observations. Especially, we show the evaluation results of multi-channel receiversand the ionosphere model improvements of recently observed data.

Keywords GPS, International atomic time, Time transfer

Page 2: 4-2 GPS Common View - NICT · 2013. 11. 21. · model errors will be described in Section 3.2. 2.3 International Time Link Ordinary GPS time transfer receivers work for a single channel


system originally developed by the U.S.Department of Defense as the NAVSTAR/GPS (Navigation System with Time andRanging/Global Positioning System)[4]. GPShas been developed to enable real-time posi-tioning anywhere on earth (except for thepolar regions) through simultaneous receptionof signals from four or more satellites.

Each GPS satellite carries an onboardcesium or rubidium atomic clock[5], whichserves as the source of all frequencies andtime for the given satellite. Specifically, theGPS satellite uses this atomic clock to create areference frequency of 10.23 MHz and alsogenerates two carrier frequencies by multiply-ing this value by 154 (1,575.42 MHz) and by120 (1,227.60 MHz), respectively. These car-rier frequencies are referred to as L1 and L2,respectively. The satellite transmits radio-wave signals with pseudo random noise(PRN) code serving as a ranging signal; thesatellite also issues navigation signals contain-ing orbital information and the like super-posed on these two carrier frequencies. Thetwo waves are used as carrier frequencies inorder to correct for ionospheric delay, whichwill be described in detail in Section 3.2.3.

The ranging signal superposed on the car-rier frequencies includes a C/A (clear andacquisition) code with a chip rate of 1.023Mbps and a P (precise) code of 10.23Mbps;the C/A code is superposed only on L1, and theP code is superposed on both L1 and L2. Sincethe P code is superposed on both of the twowaves, this code is referred to alternately as P1

and P2, according to the carrier frequency.The sequence for the C/A code is open to thepublic, allowing access to ordinary users. TheP code was originally designed for militarypurposes, but recently nearly all geodeticreceivers can decode the P code.

The observational precision of each signaldepends on the performance of the receivers.Generally, the C/A code provides a precisionof about 3 m (10ns), the P code is accuratewithin approximately 30cm (1ns), and the L1

carrier phase features accuracy of 2mm (7ps),assuming that a given index of precision is

equivalent to one-hundredth of the wavelengthcorresponding to the code or carrier frequency.

2.2 GPS common-viewThe GPS common-view method[6] is a

system proposed by D. W. Allan of the formerNBS (National Bureau of Standards; presentlythe National Institute of Standards and Tech-nology, or NIST) in the early 1980s. The prin-ciple of the GPS common-view method isshown in Fig.1.

Stations i and j, which are to perform timetransfer, receive a time signal (tk) from a GPSsatellite k simultaneously. Let the receptiontimes of the stations be ti and tj; the time dif-ferences between the station i and the satellitek and between the station j and the satellite k(after correction for propagation delay) arethus expressed as follows, respectively.

By calculating the difference between for-mulas (1) and (2), time transfer can be per-formed using the GPS signal as an intermedi-ary.

As described above, the GPS common-view method cancels out satellite clock errorand performs highly precise time transfer byensuring that the stations that are to performtime transfer receive the signal from a singlesatellite simultaneously.

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GPS common-viewFig.1



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One advantage the time transfer purposehas over the navigation purpose is that onlyone GPS satellite is needed in order to obtainthe offset of two clocks, because we are infixed locations and know their position. TheNBS initially proposed the common-viewmethod and designed a receiver for time trans-fer using this method. Such a receiver isreferred to today as an NBS-type receiver; anumber of companies offer such receiverscommercially. This NBS receiver is the mostcommonly used receiver in the InternationalTime Link, enabling simultaneous receipt of asignal from a single satellite.

Formula (1) is a simplified expression ofthe principle of the common-view method. Ifeffects of the propagation delay and the likeare taken into consideration, an observedquantityδti

k at a certain time t can be expressedby formula (4).

Here,ρik represents the geometrical dis-

tance between the satellite and the receiver; Iik

represents ionospheric delay; Tik represents

tropospheric delay; dmik represents multi-pass

error; dti, dtk represents clock errors of thereceiver and the satellite; di, d k representsinternal delays of the receiver and the satelliteequipment; ei

k represents errors in the modeland in observation; and c represents the veloc-ity of light.

The precision of the GPS common-viewmethod depends on errors in the correctionmodel, in addition to the observational preci-sion of the receiver. The effects of thesemodel errors will be described in Section 3.2.

2.3 International Time LinkOrdinary GPS time transfer receivers work

for a single channel and are capable of receiv-ing only the C/A code. For this reason, inorder to construct the International Time Linkbased on the GPS common-view method, eachstation is required to receive the signal from

the satellite following a predetermined sched-ule. Accordingly, for the International TimeLink the BIPM establishes a GPS common-view schedule for single-channel receivers,and distributes this to participating networkorganizations via email. With this schedule,signal receipt is allocated to 89 satellitesthroughout a sidereal day (23 hours and 56minutes), which is partitioned in 16-minuteincrements based on an original period deter-mined by the BIPM. Due to the structure ofthis allocation, observation is not performed inthe last 12 minutes of the sidereal day. Inaddition, the schedule is updated once everysix months.

In order to allow efficient processing ofdata from the various organizations, a uniquedata format must be determined. The GPScommon-view data format is the CGGTTS(Common GPS/GLONASS Time TransferStandard) data format, and is defined in sepa-rate references [7][8]. In CGGTTS for dataexchange, data is made by averaging processin 13 minutes in order to reduce file volumes.With this averaging method, data is dividedinto 15-second interval and a quadratic curveis applied to each. The 52 estimated values ofthis curve (corresponding to an observationtime of 13 minutes) are then subjected to thefollowing correction.(1) Correction of geometric delay between asatellite and an antenna using the navigationmessage(2) Correction of ionospheric delay using thenavigation message(3) Modeled tropospheric delay(4) Sagnac and periodic relativistic corrections(5) Correction of L1-L2 bias using the naviga-tion message(6) Correction of antenna delay and cabledelay of the reference signal

After correction, least-square linear fit isperformed, and the datum corresponding tothe midpoint of observation time is adopted asan estimate for the overall observation.Details of each correction term will bedescribed in Section 3.2. A general explana-tion of the correction for the theory of relativi-

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ty is given in reference [9] and details of theeffect of the theory of relativity on GPS isgiven in reference [10].

The CGGTTS file is in ASCII file format,consisting of a header and a data record. Theheader contains the name of the receiver, posi-tion of the antenna, cable delay, the name ofthe reference signal, etc. Each single columnof the data record corresponds to a single esti-mated datum. The contents of the data recordare shown in Table 1.

Each participating station of the timetransfer network collects and prepares five-day data for the latest period ending on a datewith a final MJD digit of 4 or 9; this data isincorporated in the CGGTTS file and sent tothe BIPM by email or via FTP. BIPM then

establishes a link for TAI calculation using thedata arriving from the various stations.

3 Research and development toimprove time transfer precision

The GPS common-view method using theC/A code of a single channel has begun toreveal its limitations in terms of precisionwithin today's International Time Link net-work. Standardizing organizations throughoutthe world are thus carrying out research anddevelopment to develop more precise methodsof time transfer.

3.1 Use of multi-channel receiverCommon time transfer receivers are single

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Contents of data record in CGGTTS format [20]Table 1

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channel receivers. By replacing thesereceivers with multi-channel receivers, thenumber of satellites that can receive datasimultaneously can be increased. Theoretical-ly, if the number of satellites capable ofreceiving is n times that of the single channelreceiver, the time transfer precision will beimproved by a factor of n1/2.

Fig.2 shows the results of time transferbetween CRL and Physikalisch-TechnischeBundesanstalt (PTB) using single channelreceivers and multi-channel receivers, respec-tively. The diagram at left shows the timetransfer results over time, and the diagram atright shows Allan deviation. For the singlechannel receiver, data from a time transferreceiver used in the International Time Linkwas used; for the multi-channel receiver, dataconsisted of the output of a geodetic receiver(ASHTECH Z-XII3T) modified to CGGTTSformat. The comparison period was threemonths, from October 1 to December 31,2002. The CRL used UTC(CRL) as the refer-ence signal for both the time transfer receiverand ASHTECH, whereas the PTB usedUTC(PTB) for the time transfer receiver anduses a hydrogen maser signal for ASHTECH.As a result, the time-series data for the singlechannel and for the multi-channel exhibit dif-ferent tendencies.

In terms of time-series data, no significantdifference is seen between the single channelreceiver and the multi-channel receiver, but interms of stability, the multi-channel receiverclearly performs better with an averaging timeof 10,000 second or less. Since there were anaverage of 13 common-view satellites per daywith the time transfer receiver and an averageof 97 such satellites per day for ASHTECH, itwas expected that the precision of the latterwould be 2.7 times better than that of the for-mer. Actual data shows that, with an averag-ing time of 16 minutes, the time transferreceiver attained a stability of 4.5×10-12 andASHTECH attained a stability of 1.8×10-12,2.5 times that of the time transfer receiver, avalue consistent with the theoretical prediction.

Further, with reference to the stability dia-gram, this improved stability should continueuntil the stability of the clock comes out, butthe diagram for this experiment shows that thelonger the averaging time, the smaller the dif-ference in stability becomes. This is consid-ered to result from the lack of improvement inthe stability of the multi-channel receiver―improvement that would otherwise correspondto 1/τ―due to the effect of frequency adjust-ment, as shown in the vicinity of MJD52565.

GOTOH Tadahiro et al.

Comparison of time difference and stability between a single-channel receiver and a multi-channel receiver


Left: time difference over time; right: Allan deviation

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3.2 Improvement to the model ofpropagation delay

The GPS receiver corrects propagationdelay in real time for the observed quantityexpressed by formula (4), as described in Sec-tion 2.3, and outputs the results in CGGTTSformat. Therefore, the model used for calcula-tion of the propagation delay carries out calcu-lation using the navigation message acquiredin real time. The delays to be corrected in for-mula (4) using the navigation message includesatellite orbital error, ionospheric delay, andsatellite clock error. However, since satelliteclock error will be cancelled out when thecommon-view method is executed, only twoerror values will actually affect time transferprecision: orbital error and ionospheric delay.

3.2.1 Orbital correction using preciseorbit

An orbital element acquired from the navi-gation message is called a broadcast orbit[11],and is distributed in modified Keplerian for-mat on the WGS-84 coordinate system. Accu-racy is about 2 to 5m. Meanwhile, the inter-national GPS service (IGS)[12] presents pre-cise satellite orbits on the Internet. The orbitsare obtained by combining orbital data deter-mined by seven analysis centers participatingin the IGS, based on information obtainedfrom some 400 observation sites throughoutthe world. Each such precise orbit includes apredicted orbit, a rapid orbit, and a final orbit.The final orbit features an accuracy of 5cm orless. However, it takes about two weeks forthis final orbit to be publicized.

The relationship between orbital error andtime transfer accuracy depends on the lengthof the baseline between stations to be com-pared. In the case of a short baseline, whenviewed from the stations to be compared, theline of sight to the satellite is virtually thesame for both stations, and accordingly orbitalerror exerts little influence. However, with alonger baseline, the line of sight to the satelliteis different for the two stations, and conse-quently the influence of orbital error becomesnon-negligible. According to separate reports

[6], the influence of orbital error on time trans-fer precision is √2 times larger than the orbitalerror at maximum.

3.2.2 Correction by Global IonosphereMap

When a radio wave passes through the ion-osphere, it is subject to the ionosphere'srefractive index; this affects the wave's propa-gation velocity, resulting in delay. It is knownthat ionospheric delay is proportional to totalelectron content (TEC) in the propagation pathand is inversely proportional to the square offrequency. If the value of TEC at a certainaltitude is known, a zenith delay can be calcu-lated from the position of the satellite and theposition of the receiver. An ionospheric delaycan be calculated by the product of the zenithdelay and elevation-dependent mapping func-tion.

The ionospheric correction parameter thatis sent from the satellite in the navigation mes-sage is not a TEC value; rather, it is a valueobtained through slight modification of theresults of the ionospheric delay correctionmodel[13] devised by J. A. Klobuchar. This isreferred to as a GPS ionospheric model, and isused to determine the delay in the verticaldirection relative to a certain position fromfour amplitude components and four periodiccomponents; this method is said to be capableof correcting about 50% of ionospheric delay.

On the other hand, the Center for OrbitalDetermination in Europe (CODE), one of theIGS analysis centers, uses IGS observationdata to generate an estimated map of the glob-al ionosphere (GIM). The data after estima-tion is published on the Internet in IONEX[14]file format. The IONEX file contains TECvalues at an altitude of 400 km, with a mesh of2.5 degrees in latitude and 5 degrees in longi-tude and a time resolution of 2 hours. In termsof GIM accuracy, it has been reported thatTEC quantities obtained by highly preciseVLBI measurement (at 2 GHz and 8 GHz)agree with each other with an accuracy ofapproximately 0.7 TECU (1016 electrons/m2,corresponding to RMS of the error) and the

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TEC quantity in observation can be estimatedwith an error of 10% or less[15].

In GPS time transfer using the C/A code, itis assumed that ionospheric delay has a greatereffect than orbital error. BIPM thus conductscorrection using GIM for all observation sta-tions, whereas correction using the preciseorbit is applied only in the comparison of sta-tions having a long baseline, spanning morethan one continent[16].

3.2.3 Ionospheric delay correction byobserved values

When a dual-frequency receiver is used,ionospheric delay can be cancelled outthrough the use of the frequency dispersioncharacteristic of ionospheric delay. Based onformula (4), the difference in the observedquantities for stations i and j when satellite k isused as an intermediary can be expressed byformulas (5) and (6).

Here, P1 denotes a pseudo range on L1, andP2 denotes a pseudo range on L2. An observedquantity in which the ionospheric delay quan-tities are cancelled out can be created by

deriving formula (7) from the linear combina-tion of formulas (5) and (6)[17].

If f1 = 150 and f2 = 120 are inserted into thecoefficients of formula (7), P1 and P2 becomemultiplied by factors of approximately 2.8 and1.8, respectively, and e1 and e2 are enlarged bycorresponding amounts; therefore, P3 featuresan error value roughly 3 times larger thanthose of P1 and P2, assuming e1~_ e2. TheBIPM is considering the application of P3 tothe International Time Link, initiating tenta-tive use in April 2002.

Fig.3 shows the results of time transferresidual over time and Allan deviation forthree kinds of corrections: correction using thenavigation message, correction using the pre-cise orbit and GIM, and correction using theprecise orbit and P3. The receivers employedare the ASHTECH Z-XII3T models used atboth the CRL and the PTB. The comparisonperiod is approximately four months, fromNovember 19, 2002 to March 21, 2003. Thefigure shows residuals after least-square linerfit was applied to the time transfer results ofthe CRL and the PTB. Note that, to make thefigure more legible, an offset of +50 ns isapplied to the navigation-message correction,

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Comparison of residual and stability among correction methodsFig.3Left: residual over time; right: Allan deviation

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and an offset of-50 ns is applied to the pre-cise-orbit and P3 corrections.

P3, which uses observed values, is expect-ed to yield better results than GIM, which usesestimates drawn from the model. However,no clear difference between GIM and P3

results was observed in the data from the CRLand the PTB. In terms of stability with anaveraging time of 1,000 seconds, P3 is worsethan GIM. This is considered to result fromthe amplification of error by the linear combi-nation of formula (7). It is assumed that thelack of a distinct difference between P3 andGIM results (even over the long term) isattributable both to better GIM accuracy andto less variation in ionospheric delay resultingfrom the placement of the two stations in themiddle latitudes. Since there are no participat-ing TAI P3 link stations in zones where theionosphere is relatively active, such as nearthe equator, it would be impossible to clarifythe effectiveness of P3. We assume that thenumber of participating TAI P3 link stationswill increase in the future, at which point dif-ferences between the use of P3 and GIM willbe able to be demonstrated.

3.3 Time transfer using carrier phaseobservations

As mentioned previously, when time trans-fer is performed using a carrier phase insteadof a pseudo-range transmitted from the GPS,observational accuracy of 10 ps or less may beobtained. Rewriting formula (4) as a formulain which the carrier phase is set as theobserved quantity, formula (8) is derived.

Here,Δtik is the carrier phase observed

quantity; a largeΔis used to distinguish thisfrom the code observed quantityδti

k. Othersymbols designate the following: δi,δk repre-sents equipment delays of the receiver and the

satellite;φi(t0),φk(t0) represents the initialphases of the receiver and the satellite; Ni

k isthe carrier phase ambiguity; andεi

k representserrors of the model and of observation. Whenthe carrier phase is used, ionospheric delaybecomes phase delay, and thus the sign of I isreversed. Moreover, observational error isimproved by a factor of about 1,000 relative tothat of the C/A code. Since time transferusing the carrier phase can be handled in thesame way as the code (except for the term ofcarrier phase ambiguity), time transfer underthis method can be treated as a highly preciseobserved code quantity.

Since Nik expresses an integer in units of

wavelength, if terms other than the carrierphase ambiguity in formula (8) can be deter-mined within the accuracy of the carrier wave-length, the carrier phase ambiguity can bedetermined definitively. However, because itis impossible to determine the equipmentdelays, clock errors, and initial phases of thesatellite and the receiver, the carrier phaseambiguity cannot be determined as long as thevariation between the respective time differ-ences is expressed by formula (8). On theother hand, the common-view method caneliminate equipment delay, clock error, andthe initial phase of the satellite, but cannoteliminate these terms for the receiver; there-fore, the carrier phase ambiguity similarlycannot be determined in this case.

The geodetic analysis determines the carri-er phase ambiguity using an observed quantityreferred to as a "double difference," calculatedby linear combination (Δt ij

kl) of the tworeceivers and two satellites. Performing thetime transfer also requires that the carrierphase ambiguity be determined using the dou-ble difference, followed by determination ofthe carrier phase ambiguity for a single differ-ence (common-view method)[18]. Thus, interms of carrier phase analysis, while frequen-cy transfer using the carrier phase is currentlywidespread, only a few reports are available ontime transfer using the carrier phase. This maybe because time transfer requires more geodet-ic analysis than required for time transfer.

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The CRL has formulated a plan to performGPS carrier phase time transfer using theCONCERTO orbit-analyzing software[19].The present version of CONCERTO can han-dle only satellite laser ranging data. However,Otsubo et al. are developing a new version ofCONCERTO that can enable analysis of GPSdata. More specifically, the new version isintended to determine orbits of low-orbit satel-lites using GPS. In addition, we intend toincrease the capabilities of the program fur-ther, ultimately to enable the performance ofcommon view analysis.

4 Concluding remarks

We have examined the fundamental theoryof the GPS common-view method and ways toimprove the precision of this method, usingdata from the CRL and from the PTB. It hasbeen shown that in terms of hardware, preci-sion could be improved by switching from asingle-channel receiver to multi-channelreceiver. As seen in the results of time trans-fer between the CRL and the PTB, in the caseof the common-view method between conti-nents, the number of satellites that the singlechannel receiver can "see" simultaneously isonly about 10 satellites per day, whereas thenumber of visible satellites for a multi-channelreceiver is nearly 100 per day. Consequently,precision may be improved by a factor ofapproximately 3. The results obtained usingthe IGS's orbital elements and CODE's GIMalso pointed to an improvement in precisionby a factor of approximately 3, as an averageof all times at which time transfer was per-formed. On the other hand, results did notindicate the effectiveness of correction basedon dual-frequency ionospheric observation.However, for stations near the equator, it ishighly possible that correction by GIM con-

ducted every two hours will fail to eliminatethe effects of short-term fluctuations of theionosphere; we thus conclude that correctionbased on observation is effective in correctionof stations near the equator separated by longbaselines.

The adoption of the multi-channel receiv-er, ionospheric correction using the dual-fre-quency receiver, the adoption of the IGS pre-cise orbit, and similar measures enable theGPS common-view method to achieve narrowcompliance with the required TAI accuracy.However, in time transfer using the C/A code,it is difficult to improve precision further, andit is therefore desirable to establish, as soon aspossible, a time transfer method that employsthe carrier phase. On the other hand, sincetime transfer using the C/A code can stillsecure sufficient precision in the case of timetransfer over short or medium-sized baselinesbetween stations (such as within Japan), andsince the system may be constructed usingonly a GPS receiver and an antenna, the GPScommon-view method will remain an effec-tive method for remote time transfer withinsuch ranges.


We would like to thank Dr. ToshimichiOtsubo of the CRL's Space CyberneticsGroup, Wireless Communications Division,who provided useful comments in the prepara-tion of this paper. We are also thankful to Dr.Toshihiro Kubooka and Ms. Takako Genba,for their support in the creation of tools foranalysis, and to Dr. Ryuichi Ichikawa of theRadio Astronomy Applications Group,Applied Research and Standards Division,who gave us advice on general matters regard-ing GPS.

GOTOH Tadahiro et al.

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GOTOH Tadahiro

Reseacher, Time and Frequency Mea-surement Group, Applied Research andStandards Division

GPS Time Transfar

KANEKO Akihiro

Reseacher, Time Stamp PlatformGroup, Applied Research and Stan-dards Division

Standard Time and Frequency

Page 11: 4-2 GPS Common View - NICT · 2013. 11. 21. · model errors will be described in Section 3.2. 2.3 International Time Link Ordinary GPS time transfer receivers work for a single channel

123GOTOH Tadahiro et al.

SHIBUYA Yasuhisa

Japan Standard Time Group, AppliedResearch and Standards Division

IMAE Michito

Leader, Time and Frequency Measure-ments Group, Applied Research andStandards Division

Frequency Standards

Page 12: 4-2 GPS Common View - NICT · 2013. 11. 21. · model errors will be described in Section 3.2. 2.3 International Time Link Ordinary GPS time transfer receivers work for a single channel