From: Greg Hands M.P. [email protected] Subject: News Bulletin from Greg Hands M.P. #429 Date: 23 March 2015 11:31 To: [email protected] In this edition: Greg Hands M.P.’s Diary Website of the Week: Fulham Boys School Greg Hands MP welcomes Budget as another step on the road to recovery in Chelsea and Fulham Photo news: Secretary of State for Education visits Fulham Boys School Greg Hands MP: Conservatives' long-term economic plan bringing more jobs to Chelsea and Fulham Photo news: Campaigning in Ealing London's infrastructure and transport boosted by 2015 Budget Photo news: Campaigning in South Thanet Greg Hands welcomes BT's moves to speed up Chelsea and Fulham's Broadband Space for up to 1,000 new homes on redundant government land in Chelsea and Fulham Eight basement developments stopped in K&C in just one day Good Neighbours seek to become heart of Fulham community Week in Westminster - 20th March How to contact Greg Hands MP Issue 429 -Monday 23rd March 2015 Since the last edition, Greg: Welcomed the 2015 Budget and its positive impact on Chelsea & Fulham. For more information, see below. Met British Telecom (BT) in the House of Commons to discuss their roll out of superfast fibre broadband across Fulham and Chelsea, taking up issues for individual residents and businesses. For more, see below. Met representatives of Gatwick Airport, to learn more about their proposals to build a second runway at Gatwick, and how transport connections to the airport can be improved further for residents of Chelsea and Fulham. Attended and addressed a meeting of ward chairmen in Chelsea & Fulham Conservatives to prepare for the forthcoming General Election. Led a Conservative Party Action Day in Thanet South, Kent, in support of Conservative candidate Craig Mackinlay. Craig is attempting to hold the seat against UKIP’s Nigel Farage. Carried out his weekly surgery at Fulham Library. Greg’s surgeries are weekly, and held either at Fulham Library or at Peter Jones, Sloane Square. To make an appointment, email [email protected] or telephone (020) 7219 5446. Carried out his duties as the Government’s and the Conservative Party’s Deputy Chief Whip. Website of the Week: www.fulhamboysschool.org The website of the new Fulham Boys School, a new secondary free school in Fulham. Greg is one of its patrons, and last week took Education Secretary Nicky Morgan on a tour of the new school. For photo, see below. Greg Hands MP welcomes Budget as another step on the road to recovery in Chelsea and Fulham Local MP Greg Hands has welcomed this week’s Budget as another step on the road to recovery in Chelsea and Fulham. The Conservatives have a plan that is working, and a Budget that works for local people. This Government’s sixth Budget shows: A growing economy - with Britain growing faster than any other major advanced economy. Record numbers of jobs – with 1.9 million more people now have the security of work. Rising living standards – with families on average £900 better off in 2015 than in 2010. The deficit down by more than a half as a share of the economy. Our national debt starting to fall as a share of the economy. The Budget sets out the choice between the chaos of Labour, or the Conservative’s long term economic plan that is working. It shows how a future Conservative Government would secure a better future for local people, their families, and Britain. Britain now faces a critical choice. Does it return to the chaos of the past? Or does it keep on working through the long-term economic plan that is delivering for the British people? With this Budget, the Conservatives have choose the future: We choose stability - committing to run a budget surplus and keep our debt share falling We choose jobs - backing business and skills that will create full employment, and supporting pubs and brewers by cutting tax on beer and cider We choose responsibility - helping savers with a new Personal Savings Allowance and abolishing savings tax altogether for 17 million people to create tax-free banking We choose aspiration - with a new Help to Buy ISA for first- time buyers - so if you save up to £12,000 towards a deposit, the government will contribute up to £3,000 And we choose families - cutting income taxes for 27 million hardworking people, and cancelling Labour's planned rise in fuel duty Greg Hands commented: "We have been working through our long term economic plan, and the local economy has been steadily improving, with new business setting up, growing, and employing more staff. “This Budget is another step on the road from austerity to prosperity – it includes support for savers, lower taxes for people in work, and a clear plan to build a secure future for Britain. “Five years ago, under the last Labour Government, Britain was spending and borrowing too much, too many people were out of work, and our economy was on its knees. That’s why there is a critical choice facing us this year: return to the chaos of the past or stick with a plan that is working and choose a more prosperous future. We must choose the future.” Photo news: Secretary of State for Education visits Fulham Boys School Greg Hands MP with Education Secretary, Nicky Morgan, visiting Fulham Boys School last week. Greg Hands MP: Conservatives’ long-term economic plan bringing more jobs to Chelsea and Fulham New figures show 959 fewer people in Chelsea and Fulham claiming Jobseeker’s Allowance compared to 2010 - a 47 per cent drop. This means that more people are in work, with the self-respect and security of a good job and a regular pay packet. Over half a million people are getting off benefits and into work across London, with 533,000 more people in work since the last election. Overall there are now a record 30.9 million people in work, with 1.9 million more people in work since the last election. This has been driven by businesses creating jobs, with 2.3 million new jobs in the private sector. These new jobs are not insecure or poorly paid. Three quarters of new jobs since the last election are full-time, and as the new figures also confirm that pay is now rising above inflation - with total pay up 1.6 per cent on the year, well ahead of inflation, which was 0.6 per cent over the period. Jobs are being created in Chelsea and Fulham by businesses like Chelsea Apps Factory – which started from scratch in 2010 and currently employs 70 people across its Fulham and Edinburgh offices. They have ambitions to double in size over the next 18 months. Greg Hands MP said: “It’s excellent news that 959 fewer people are relying on Jobseeker’s Allowance in Chelsea and Fulham. Coming alongside the news that wages are rising faster than prices, it’s clear that the Conservatives’ long term economic plan is working for families in our area, helping them to be more financially secure. “This is happening because, working through our plan, we’ve been backing businesses with better infrastructure and lower jobs taxes to create more real jobs, and fixing welfare so that work always pays. These aren’t insecure or poorly paid jobs. In fact three quarters have been full-time and wages are rising. Locally we’ve seen this working with new jobs at businesses like Chelsea Apps Factory, which I visited recently. “Voters face a clear choice on 7 May. Either we stick with the Conservatives’ plan which is delivering jobs, so more people have the self-respect and peace of mind that comes with a regular pay packet; or we put all that at risk with an Ed Miliband government propped up by the SNP, bringing economic chaos with the same old policies for more spending, more borrowing and higher taxes that got us into a mess before.” Photo news: Campaigning in Ealing Greg Hands MP campaigning in Ealing last week with local MP, Angie Bray. London’s infrastructure and transport boosted by 2015 Budget MP for Chelsea and Fulham, Greg Hands, has welcomed specific measures set out in this week’s Budget that will improve London’s transport and infrastructure. Alongside the Budget announcement, the Chancellor has unveiled plans for improving London’s roads by launching the Highways England Delivery Plan. The Delivery Plan sets out further detail on the roads investment programme from 2015-2021, setting out milestones for projects across London. It confirms that the significant improvements to the M25 at junction 30 for the ports of Tilbury and London Gateway will be open for traffic by June 2017. It also sets out next steps on the new schemes announced in December 2014, including upgrading the M25 to a five lane smart motorway between the M40 and Chertsey, and improving access from the M25 to the A12 and A3, where construction will have started by 2020. The Budget also set out plans for Government to provide an additional £25 million towards purchase grants for ultra-low emission taxis in London, to help meet London’s commitment to make every new black cab zero emission capable from 2018. Investing in regeneration also formed part of the Chancellor’s Budget announcement. The Government will provide £97 million funding and ring-fence the 50% share of local business rate growth to support the borough and GLA plans for Brent Cross regeneration and the Barking Riverside Overground extension; and it will fund a London Land Commission with £1 million, tasked with producing the most comprehensive database of public sector land in the country, and mapping of brownfield land in London. There will be more funding for flood defences. As a result of decisions made in the Autumn Statement, an additional £7.9 million will be made available over the six years of the flood and coastal erosion programme, enabling 15 schemes to be delivered at least a year sooner than originally planned and a further six new schemes to be included. Greg Hands MP for Chelsea and Fulham said “As well as the Budget headline news that Britain is growing faster than any other major advanced economy with record numbers of jobs and 1.9 million more people now in work, there are also some really important announcements on transport infrastructure. “As Britain is now on the road to economic recovery, it is important we have the road and rail infrastructure to help people get around London more efficiently. Investing in infrastructure is essential to attract business and good jobs across the whole of London, and to help people travel to those new jobs. “Although the infrastructure projects are outside Chelsea and Fulham, my residents will benefit as they travel around London. I also particularly welcome the move towards zero emissions taxis which will improve the air quality in my constituency and the whole of London.” Photo news: Campaigning in South Thanet Greg Hands MP with Secretary of State, Eric Pickles and local candidate Craig Mackinlay campaigning in the Thanet South constituency this week. Greg Hands welcomes BT’s moves to speed up Chelsea and Fulham’s Broadband This week Greg Hands met with BT to see what can be done to speed up the internet provision to Chelsea and Fulham, and improve the roll- out of superfast fibre broadband, internet provision of at least 100 Megabits per second. On Tuesday (17th March), Greg met with senior managers at BT, to discuss BT’s ongoing rollout of superfast fibre broadband in Chelsea and Fulham. BT discussed the number of domestic and commercial properties in London which currently have access to superfast broadband from them and their competitors. They explained that more than 90% of households in Hammersmith & Fulham have access to fibre broadband, and more than 80% of Kensington and Chelsea have access. During the meeting Greg invited his constituents to send their views to him via Twitter, and he raised one constituent’s particular concerns about BT’s coverage in the vicinity of Munster Road. Later in the week, the Chancellor’s Budget included announcements on the Government’s digital infrastructure strategy. The Budget set out plans to use up to £600 million to clear new spectrum bands for further auction to improve mobile networks, provide funding for free Wi-Fi in our public libraries and the Conservatives are committing to the ambition of bringing ultrafast broadband of at least 100 Megabits per second to nearly all homes in the country. The Budget also continues to support small businesses with the Broadband Connection Voucher scheme. The scheme is open to all SMEs, charities, social enterprises and sole traders and provides up to £3,000 to support broadband connection. The scheme in London, which has issued 4,769 vouchers, is being extended for 12 months to March 2016. More widely, under this Government, more than two million premises, including many in rural areas, have gained access to superfast broadband as a result of the £1.7 billion superfast rollout programme. In 2010, superfast broadband was available to 45 per cent of premises in the UK. Today, this figure stands at around 80 per cent. Rollout has now reached more than two million homes and businesses, and 95 per cent of the UK will be connected by 2017. Following the meeting with BT and the Budget announcement Greg said: “Our investment in science and innovation is ensuring we can become the most prosperous major economy in the coming generation. Fast, reliable broadband is essential for homes to benefit from online services, and for UK businesses to compete globally. I am therefore pleased that the Government is investing £1.7 billion in extending superfast broadband provision. “The meeting with BT was useful and reassured me that Chelsea and Fulham will not be left out, as we work towards our target of extending superfast broadband to cover 95 per cent of the UK by 2017. “While remaining hopeful about the provision of fibre broadband, Ms Fyfe admitted that London provides a particular problem in terms of other underground obstructions, narrow pavements, road congestion, and associated costs, and expected that a limited number of consumers would be frustrated by the lack of access to superfast broadband.” Responding to the announcement in the Budget John Allan, National Chairman of the Federation of Small Businesses said “The extension of the superfast connection vouchers will help small businesses in more urban areas”. Space for up to 1,000 new homes on redundant government land in Chelsea and Fulham Greg Hands MP has welcomed new figures showing that Conservative efforts to get surplus and redundant public sector land brought back into use could help to deliver over 1,100 homes in Chelsea and Fulham and surrounding areas. Thanks to Government efforts, a total of 899 redundant and surplus brownfield sites that were owned by the Government or a public sector organisation have now been sold off across England, more than the original target. Across the country enough surplus public sector land that was lying unused and idle has now been sold off to allow the building of over 100,000 new, good quality homes. These are brownfield sites that were often derelict and run-down, meaning that redeveloping these sites will improve the local area and create new jobs and opportunities in the construction industry. This is just the beginning: the Conservatives have plans, if re-elected, to release enough surplus and redundant land over the next five years to build a further 150,000 new homes. The Government now want councils to follow its example and start releasing their surplus land to get more homes built. This is part of the Conservatives’ long-term economic plan that is getting Britain building again, with more homes now being built than at any time since 2007. Greg Hands commented on the figures, saying: “The Conservatives believe that everyone who works hard should be able to have a home of their own. But when we came to office in 2010, for many people that was nothing more than a pipe dream. “That’s why, as part of our long-term economic plan, we have worked to get Britain building again. This has included selling off surplus and redundant public sector land. As a result, across the two boroughs that make up my constituency, there is now the opportunity to build 1,027 new homes on brownfield sites here in Hammersmith and Fulham, and space for a further 76 new homes on redundant land in the Kensington and Chelsea area. “Every new home that is delivered in Chelsea and Fulham means one more family able to find a good quality, affordable place to live where they can plan for their future with greater security and peace of mind. “I urge both local councils to work with local communities to develop these brownfield sites in a way that is appropriate, with good quality designs and development that is sensitive to the local area.” Eight basement developments stopped in K&C in just one day Planning enforcement officers ordered work on eight basement developments to stop in one single day (Tuesday 17 March) as developers were failing to stick to agreed Construction Traffic Management Plans (CTMP). The crackdown followed close work between planners and residents who were concerned about the disruption caused by vehicles coming and going from sites in Tor Gardens, Hornton Street and Sheffield Terrace in W8 and Clareville Grove in SW7. It is the first time eight notices have been served in one day for failure to follow a CTMP. After enough evidence was gathered the notices to stop work were served by the borough’s planning enforcement team. This means work has to cease until the CTMP is properly observed. Cllr Timothy Coleridge, Cabinet Member for Planning Policy, said: “There is no excuse for any developer not to follow the construction traffic management plan they signed up to when applying for planning permission. Their failure to stick to the agreement causes real disruption to residents and will simply not be tolerated. It is important to remember that without these traffic conditions planning permission would not be granted in the first place. “I hope that most developers are getting the message that we will listen to our residents and work with them to gather evidence when agreements are not being followed. We will then not hesitate to order work to stop.” Good Neighbours seek to become heart of Fulham community The new director of a charity which provides companionship and practical help for the elderly and vulnerable is hoping they can help more people than ever this year. Six months into her role leading the Fulham Good Neighbours, Steffani McDonagh (pictured right) is seeking ways to increase the charity’s client base from its current tally of 465. Formed in 1966, the Rosaline Road charity aims to be at the heart of the Fulham community, with its staff, largely dedicated and willing volunteers, performing a variety of helpful tasks. “We deal predominantly with the elderly but do look after vulnerable adults too, doing things like gardening, shopping, running errands, escorting them to appointments, decorating. It just would be whatever a good neighbour would do for you,” said Steffani, who was born in Zimbabwe and came to Fulham after living in Ireland for 12 years. The charity covers most of Fulham, up to Fulham Broadway, and the peripheral areas and although Steffani has ambition to expand beyond that, the FGN are somewhat limited by the reach of their volunteers. Steffani, who worked for a charity in Richmond before joining the FGN, said: “People can be quite isolated, even living in sheltered accommodation and so we pride ourselves that the volunteers who do the tasks do more than just those tasks. They will chat with them and just pull them out of that isolation and give them a taste of what is going on, they’re a friendly face and a friendly voice. They might encourage them to come out into the garden and get involved in whatever way they can, so they are getting active too.” As well as providing individual help, the FGN also host social events, with a club event every Wednesday afternoon, with crosswords, cakes and tea and on the first Tuesday of each month, a lunch club at the Hollywood Arms pub in Chelsea. The charity, which has just three paid staff and around 60 volunteers, runs mainly off donations or fund-raising activities. Last December, H&F Council agreed £45,000pa funding for the FGN, through a third sector investment fund, which will help support their expanded client base. Anyone who has a neighbour, or relative, they think would benefit from the help of the Fulham Good Neighbours should call 020 7385 8850, or email [email protected] . The group is also keen to recruit new volunteers. Anyone interested should get in touch using the contact details above. Week in Westminster – 20 th March 15 -20 March 2015: This week in Westminster Employment Though there is still more to do, it is great news that the latest set of employment figures show there are now 1.9 million more people in work than at the last election and that wages are rising significantly above inflation. Overall, the number of people in jobs increased by more than 600,000 over the last year to a record 30.9 million. This means that the unemployment rate has now fallen to 5.7 per cent, the lowest since May to July 2008. The full press release on this can be found here . National Minimum Wage Supporting those on lower wages is vital and I am pleased the Government has announced the adult rate minimum wage will increase by 20 pence to £6.70 per hour in October 2015, helping 1.4 million of the lowest paid workers and meaning more economic security for families across the country. This increase, will be the largest increase in the minimum wage since 2008. In addition, I welcome the Government’s commitment to apprentices with the excellent news that the minimum wage rate for apprentices will increase by 57 pence to £3.30 an hour from October. Further details on this can be found here . Annuity freedoms The Chancellor has announced plans to give pensioners more control over their savings, meaning more freedom to the 5 million pensioners who have annuity. This change will allow existing annuity holders to sell the income they receive from their annuity without unwinding the original annuity contract. Pensioners will then have the freedom to use that capital as they want. They can either take it as a lump sum, or place it into drawdown to use the proceeds more gradually. More details on this announcement can be found here . Business rates I know that business rates are a considerable cost to many firms in my constituency so welcome the wide-ranging review of national business rates announced this week. The review will examine the structure of the current system and look at how businesses use property, what the UK can learn from other countries about local business taxes, and how the system can be modernised so it better reflects changes in the value of property. The Government wants to ensure the business rates system is fair, efficient and effective and I believe this review will help to achieve these aims. More details can be found here . 5 ways to contact Greg Hands M.P.: By Phone: 020 7219 5448 By email: [email protected] By post: Greg Hands M.P. House of Commons London SW1A 0AA In person: Click here for details of how to book an appointment at Greg Hands M.P.’s weekly surgery www.greghands.com More news from Greg Hands M.P., coming soonPlease forward this email on to anyone you think may be interested. If you have had this email forwarded to you and would like to be added to the mailing list, please send an email to: [email protected] with “JOIN” in the subject heading. To unsubscribe from this list, please return an e-mail to [email protected] with "UNSUBSCRIBE" in the subject heading. Greg Hands M.P. – a strong voice for Chelsea & Fulham Published & Promoted by Jonathan Fraser-Howells on behalf of Greg Hands M.P., both of 1a Chelsea Manor Street, London SW3 5RP


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CoDeSys – IEC 61131-3 market standard . . . . . . 3What is CoDeSys? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4IEC 61131-3 Programming System CoDeSys . . . . 5CoDeSys SP – the SoftPLC Runtime System . . . . 8Open Communication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10Field Bus Integration and Configuration . . . . . . 11CoDeSys Automation Platform . . . . . . . . . . . . 12Integrated IEC 61131-3 Visualization . . . . . . . . 14CoDeSys SoftMotion: Control and Motion become one . . . . . . . . . . . 16CoDeSys Safety – Integrated Safety Controller . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17CoDeSys Automation Alliance – Hands-on Benefit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18CoDeSys – in thousands of applications around the world (Reference List) . . . . . . . . . . 19

All rights reserved by the individual copyright holders. Technical specifi-

cations are subject to change. Reproduction of this brochure requires

the express prior authorization of 3S-Smart Software Solutions.

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Professional application development in the field of indus-trial automation has a name: CoDeSys (Controller De-velopment System).

Well over 250 renowned device manufacturers fromdifferent industrial sectors program their automationdevices with CoDeSys. Consequently, thousands of endusers such as machine or plant builders around theworld employ CoDeSys for their daily work for all sortsof different automation tasks. Today, CoDeSys is theleading IEC 61131-3 development tool on the marketand has established itself as the standard in controllerand PLC programming.

The company behind CoDeSys is 3S-Smart SoftwareSolutions, an independent software firm headquarteredin the Bavarian town of Kempten. 3S-Smart SoftwareSolutions was founded in 1994 by Dieter Hess andManfred Werner and today employs over 60 specialistswho develop and market the automation suite aroundthe product CoDeSys.

The company building of

3S-Smart Software Solutions in Kempten.

CoDeSys: The standard incontroller and PLC programming

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Development Layer

The development layer contains the PLC programmingsystem CoDeSys with the complete online and offlinefunctionality, the compilers as well as additional compo-nents for configuration, visualization etc. Optional com-ponents for motion control for example round off thefunctional scope.

Customized extensions based on the CoDeSys Automa-tion Platform open the system for non-programmablefield bus devices.

Communication Layer

Communication between the development and the de-vice layer is based on the CoDeSys Gateway Serverwhich is equipped with an OPC Server.

Device Layer

Before a device can be operated with the IEC 61131-3development tool CoDeSys, its counterpart on the de-vice layer, the runtime system CoDeSys SP, has to be im-plemented. Here the functionality can also be extendedwith optional CoDeSys components such as the CoDeSysTarget or Web visualization.

What is CoDeSys?

The CoDeSys Automation Suite is a comprehensive software tool for industrial automation tech-nology. All common automation tasks solved by means of software can be realized with theCoDeSys Suite based on the wide-spread controller and PLC programming system of the samename. The architecture of CoDeSys can be divided into three basic layers:

Development Layer

CoDeSysSoftMotion Modules

IEC 61131-3Editors/Compilers/


Hardware- and Field Bus-Configuration



(Page 6)

(Page 16)

(Page 11)

(Page 14)

Source Code Management

ENI Server

(Page 7)

CoDeSys Automation Platform (Page 12)

CoDeSys Safety

(Page 17)

Communication Layer

CoDeSys Gateway Server (Page 7)

CoDeSysOPC Server


Device LayerCoDeSys SP Runtime System CoDeSys SP Safety

Runtime System(Page 9)

IEC 61131-3Application

Driver TargetVisualization

Web ServerSafety

Application(Page 15) (Page 15)

(Seite 10) (Seite 10)

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The controller programming system CoDeSys is theheart of the Automation Suite and contains the completefunctionality of a modern development tool.

IEC 61131-3 Editors

CoDeSys offers all editors defined in the IEC standard forapplication development: Structured Text (ST), Sequen-tial Function Chart (SFC), Continuous Function Chart(CFC), Function Block Diagram (FBD), Ladder Diagram(LD) and Instruction List (IL).

All editors were especially designed to ensure optimalhandling. Ideas and suggestions from experienced usersare incorporated into the development process.

Some examples:When working in FBD, LD or IL you can freely switchbetween these editors. This is possible both in the off-line and online mode.

Language elements can either be entered directly ordragged into the editor from a tool box. Additionally,CoDeSys offers an intelligent input assistance and anextended IntelliSense functionality.

Standard language constructs (i.e. IF statements,FOR loops, variable classes etc.) can be folded andunfolded in the text editors.

Language constructs are automatically created (e.g. IF � END_IF).

The SFC editor can either be used as defined in thestandard or in a simplified version.

A comfortable time monitoring for steps as well asan online diagnosis functionality is also available in theSFC editor.

Steps and transitions in the SFC editor and all ele-ments in the CFC editor can be encapsulated inmacros.

Above that, CoDeSys implements numerous furtherfunctions which support the application developer inhis work.

IEC 61131-3 Programming System CoDeSys

CoDeSys V3 – modern features such

as object oriented programming support

the user when developing his application.

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Editors for Project Configuration

With the help of special editors a project can be config-ured in the project tree in CoDeSys.

Controllers of different type and make can be included inthe project. Each controller can either be programmedseparately or configured in a controller network withits communication interfaces. The complete project con-sists of different application programs for different de-vices and can be loaded and operated with a single com-mand. Each controller in turn contains one or severalapplications which means that if desired several userscan work on one controller simultaneously. The task con-figurator lets the user divide his application into differ-ent time layers which are then synchronized with the I/Olayer. The I/O devices are also configured in the projecttree. (see page 11).

POUs created in the project can either be directly as-signed to a certain device or made available to all de-vices in the project. The user can also save predefinedPOUs in libraries and then include such libraries in aproject. Libraries added are automatically managed inCoDeSys, if desired even in different versions.


Compilers integrated in CoDeSys turn the controller ap-plication into fast machine code and optimize the per-formance of the controller programmed. All commonlyused 16- and 32-bit processors are covered. The userprofits because he can work with all sorts of differentCoDeSys devices without having to change the way he programs his application. Already when entering hisapplication code the user receives feedback from thecompiler such as syntax errors or warnings and canthen react immediately before his code is compiled.

The compilers support digital (Boolean) and analogue da-ta types such as Integer types, bit variables, time anddate types (TIME, DATE etc.), floating point types,Strings and UNIONs. In addition to the IEC languagescope the CoDeSys compilers also offer extensions suchas bit access, array access to Strings and typed point-ers which allow for system focused programming.

Object Oriented Programming

CoDeSys offers object oriented programming for con-troller applications with the advantages and constructsknown from modern high level languages such as JAVAor C++: classes, interfaces, methods, inheritance, poly-morphism/dynamic binding. The IEC function blocks areseamlessly extended and the extensions made availableto all engineering aspects such as Visualization or field busconfiguration in CoDeSys. Object oriented programmingoffers great advantages to the user for example whenwanting to reuse existing parts of the application or whenworking on one application with several developers.

It is left up to the user to work with the object orientedconstructs which are optional or to continue program-ming in the “classic” way.

Online, Debugging andCommissioning Features

The machine code generated from the application is down-loaded onto the target device with a single mouse click.Once CoDeSys is online, it offers many important functionsfor fast and efficient debugging, testing and commissioning.

The values of declared variables for example are displayedin the program code. These values can be changed orforced without any difficulty. By setting breakpoints andthen stepping through the code line by line errors caneasily be detected. Breakpoints in CoDeSys can be as-signed certain conditions to achieve even more precisionin the debugging process. In single cycle operation theuser can follow the execution of his application througha complete cycle.

If the application is modified only the actual modificationsare compiled and then loaded and activated withouthaving to stop the controller or running the risk of losingvariable values. Changes to several POUs, variables ordata types are also possible. This functionality is calledOnline Change. Shorter development cycles and a fasterproduction process lead to reduced costs and increasedcompetitiveness.

The Sampling Trace is a very useful tool when wantingto record data or trigger on events for testing or com-missioning purposes. This “digital storage oscilloscope”which is completely integrated in CoDeSys can of coursealso be used to visualize application data.

With the provided SoftPLC demo or the integratedsimulation client the user can simulate his applicationprogram without actually connecting a controller orleaving the familiar user interface. The simulation client

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simply needs to be activated and the simulation mode isabsolutely identical to online operation with a connectedtarget.


The Docking Views Technology lets the user adaptCoDeSys to his personal needs. Additionally the user canedit the menu structure, the key assignments and thetoolbar as desired.

CoDeSys ENI Server

The CoDeSys Engineering Server – in short ENI – is asupplementary CoDeSys tool under Win32 which can be used for the centralized version control of CoDeSysprojects in an open XML format.

Filing of project information per objectSave to connected version control systemCurrently supported version control tools: MSVisualSourceSafe, SubVersion, Windows File System(further on request)Multi user operation in one CoDeSys projectSeamless integration into the development process

CoDeSys Gateway Server

As a stand alone application the CoDeSys GatewayServer operates as a communication server betweenthe programming system CoDeSys and the devices pro-grammed with CoDeSys. It allows for remote access tothe connected controllers. As the Gateway is accessedvia TCP/IP, controllers which communicate with theGateway via CAN or other field busses can also beremotely accessed. The CoDeSys Gateway Server is anintegral part of the CoDeSys package, no additional soft-ware is required. Controller manufacturers can addtheir own communication drivers with proprietaryprotocols to the drivers already available (serial, CANand Ethernet).

CoDeSys V3 – all IEC 61131-3 editors at a glance.

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Suitable for rugged environments: CoDeSys is used to automate hydraulic mining

excavators and other mobile applications.


to: Te





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In order to make a device programmable with CoDeSys,the corresponding software, the CoDeSys SP runtimesystem, must be implemented on the device. This runtimesystem turns any embedded or PC based device into anIEC 61131-3 controller programmable with CoDeSys.The implementation is done by the manufacturer of theautomation device who is assisted by our project engi-neers. The end user is not involved in this process.CoDeSys SP is scalable and modular and can thus beadapted to any desired platforms and requirements.

It fulfils the following main tasks: Loading and execution of the IEC 61131-3applicationsDebug monitor for IEC applicationsOperation I/O systemsCommunication with the programming systemRouting messages in the controller network

Through configuration and with customized modulesCoDeSys SP can be adapted to specific hardware plat-forms for example for I/O interfaces, operating systemand hardware specific properties such as Watchdog,Run/Stop switches etc.

Complete CoDeSys SP adaptations are already availablefor VxWorks, Windows CE and Linux. Further operatingsystems such as RT-OS32 (RTTarget/RTKernel), QNX,Nucleus, pSOS, OS9 etc. have already been realized orwill be realized upon request.

Processor families (and derivatives) supported byCoDeSys SP:

Infineon SAB80C167 familyInfineon TriCoreIntel 80186/80x86/Pentium xFreescale ColdFirePowerPCRenesas SH 2/3/4ARM based CPUsMIPSAnalog Devices BlackFinNios II

CoDeSys SP RTE: The “ready-to-use”SoftPLC under Windows XP

When working with a PC with Windows XP operatingsystem an adaptation of the runtime system is not ne-cessary as the complete process of system integrationhas already been done in the SoftPLC CoDeSys SP RTE.The installation of CoDeSys SP RTE turns any type of in-dustrial PC into a powerful PLC scalable via the PC’s per-formance.

Technical data:

A real time kernel guarantees deterministic behaviourwith jitter values in the µs region without additionalhardware components or operating system exten-sions

Interface to I/Os: Discrete I/O cards or standardfield bus cards

Configuration of most field buses directly in CoDeSys;no external tool required

Supported field bus cards: Hilscher (CIF), SiemensProfibus, Beckhoff Profibus, Applicom, HMSProfibus, Automata CAN/SERCOS, PEAK CAN,Phoenix Interbus. Further upon request.

Open API driver interfaces with Software DeveloperKit (SDK) for customized I/O cards

SoftPLC continues operation upon blue screen

Configurable start up behaviour

Remanent data (hard disk, flash card, battery backedSRAM card) supported

CoDeSys SP – theSoftPLC Runtime System

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CoDeSys is equipped with a series of open communica-tion interfaces and can therefore be employed for allsorts of different industrial applications.

CoDeSys PLCHandler

The PLCHandler is a platform independent softwarelibrary for the communication between CoDeSys con-trollers and all kinds of external software clients (e.g.visualizations). It offers easy to use communication andcommand services for accessing the controller:

Establishment and termination of connectionReading of all variables available on the controllerCyclical reading of variable valuesSynchronous reading and writing of variable values

CoDeSys OPC Server

The CoDeSys OPC-Server is an independent serverbased on the PLC handler. It is thus identical for all de-vices programmable with CoDeSys regardless of theused CPU platform, operating system or controller com-munication protocol.

Out of Process Server: Can be executed on any PC inthe network Complete implementation of the OPC specification V 2.0 (OPC Foundation): MultiClient functionalityMulti PLC: Can access several controllers simul-taneously Integrated diagnostics functionalityAvailable for WinXP and WinCE


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Integrated Configuration Tool

In order for CoDeSys to be able to access the I/Os ofthe controller from the controller application these I/Oshave to be made known to the system.

CoDeSys offers a complete concept for the config-uration of all properties:

XML device description consisting of: - Device type, manufacturer, order number etc.- Device parameters- I/O channels- Interfaces to other devicesGeneration of the device hierarchy in the project treeConfiguration of the parametersConnection of I/O channels to IEC variablesDownload of the configuration as part of the IECapplication in the standardized format Defined driver framework for editing the configurationeither in IEC 61131-3 or COnline functions- Parameter values- I/O channel values- Diagnostic information- Scanning of available devices

Specific extensions through:Import filters for alternative device description formatsDevice specific configuration dialogues

3S-Smart Software Solutions offers ready extensionsfor standard field bus systems. These consist of importfilters, configurator dialogues and drivers or protocolstacks. Among them:

ProfibusCANopenEtherCATSERCOS IIIProfiNETModbusEthernet IPFurther field buses in preparation

CoDeSys in Assembly Automation: I/O channels and drives for

motion control are configured directly in CoDeSys – the SoftPLC

CoDeSys SP RTE controls the machine.

Field Bus Integrationand Configuration

EtherCAT Master and Configurator integrated in the

PLC programming system.

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The CoDeSys Automation Platform is a developmentplatform for the extension of the CoDeSys programmingsystem. At the same time it is a complete applicationframework for the creation of development environ-ments for industrial controller networks. The CoDeSysAutomation Platform is based on the Microsoft .NETtechnology.

Main Application Areas

The user can add customized plug-ins to CoDeSys(from CoDeSys 3.0) and thereby integrate a new pro-gramming language or a new field bus. A projectwizard can also be implemented.Existing plug-in components can be replaced by cus-tomized implementations. This allows for the adapta-tion to customized standards as regards communi-cation, operation or look and feel for example. The user can create his own development environ-ment which makes use of the CoDeSys AutomationPlatform functionality. As device manufacturer he canthus offer his customers a thin development tool forspecialized tasks.

Functional Scope

Project data base for filing customized objectsCompilers with code generators for the compilationof application partsAccess to symbol tables and cross referencesOnline access to CoDeSys SP runtime systems Administration of different plug-in components indifferent versionsNumerous services: Printing, find/replace, sourcecode management, integration of a help system, useradministration, translation of projects into otherlanguages, option management, XML import and -export, license check, forward and backward compat-ible serialization, window and menu handling


Due to the open plug-in architecture of the CoDeSysAutomation Platform the user can extend the function-ality of both the platform and the programming systemCoDeSys V3 by adding his own components such as:

Menu commands or toolbar entries“Docking views” (e.g. project navigators)Object types for the project database Import filters for device descriptionsConfigurator pages for devicesImport filters for external projectsProject assistants in dialogues for the creation of new projectsHelp pages in the online documentation

A comprehensive documentation and competent deve-lopment support round off the CoDeSys AutomationPlatform package.

CoDeSys Automation Platform

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Not only the main controllers but also the intelligent drives in the offset printing

machines from WIFAG are programmed with CoDeSys.


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CoDeSys also offers a completely integrated operatingand monitoring solution. The standard interfaces for abasic connection to external visualization tools for exam-ple via OPC (see page10) are also supported by CoDeSys.

Visualization directly in the PLC Programming System

No additional tool is needed to visualize the data of acontroller programmed with CoDeSys. The program-ming system contains an integrated visualization editor.

Properties:All important visualization elements available Visualization elements based on IEC 61131-3 appli-cations Creation of visualization masks with integrated visual-ization editor Reusability of complete visualization masks as com-plex visualization elements Instantiation of complex visualization elementsthrough interface for parameter transferElements parameterized in property windowsImage pool for the storage of the bitmaps needed forthe created masks

The many advantages of the integration:The visualization integrated in CoDeSys can directlyaccess the variables of the controller. External vari-able or symbol lists are not required.

Communication is automatically configured. An errorprone OPC configuration is unnecessary.

One application engineer can develop both the con-troller and the visualization modules in parallel

The integration extends the functionality: Array ac-cess from the visualization or the recording of realtime data for example would not be possible if thevisualization was separated from the developmentsurface.

The pool of visualization elements can be extend-ed with the editors of the programming tool:With basic IEC 61131-3 language constructs, the listof available elements as well as the underlying func-tionality can easily be extended. The user can createnew visualization elements with the required function-ality without having to switch to another interface.The tool can be extended with the tool itself!

Integrated IEC 61131-3 Visualization

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Available Clients

The drawing commands for the visualization are gener-ated on the controller. The visualization can then be dis-played locally or on different clients:

Client in the programming system CoDeSys.For example for tests, service or diagnostic purposes.

CoDeSys Web VisualizationThe client is a Java applet which communicates withthe web server integrated in the runtime system anddisplays the visualization in any given web browser.

CoDeSys Target VisualizationA driver for a built-in or attached display turns thecontroller itself into a client. This portable solutionthus combines controller and visualization on embed-ded platforms.

Windows Visualization CoDeSys HMIWith a thin Win32 client the visualization masks canbe displayed on a standard PC.

CoDeSys Data Server

CoDeSys offers a further visualization solution if morethan one controller or a controller not programmablewith CoDeSys is to be visualized or if the controller inquestion is not powerful enough for the generation ofdrawing commands: The CoDeSys Data Server can op-erate a separate runtime system for the creation of therequired drawing commands on the client. The DataServer is part of this runtime system and transports andcopies data points from other controllers onto its owncontroller. The combination between CoDeSys Target Vi-sualization and CoDeSys Data Server offers the follow-ing advantages:

Visualization of several controllersVisualization of controllers which are not programma-ble with CoDeSys Very good performance and low resource require-ments Project information not required on the visualizationclientPortability of the client functionality to other platforms

One tool many applications: The CoDeSys Visualization for machine operation,

remote maintenance, diagnostics and commissioning.

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CoDeSys SoftMotion:Control and Motion become one

Motion functionality integrated in the CoDeSys program-ming and runtime system – that is CoDeSys SoftMotion.Anything from a simple movement to a complex CNCapplication can be programmed and controlled with thismotion software.

Classic motion solutions usually implement motion taskswith monolithic, hardware-dependent control systems.CoDeSys SoftMotion offers a different approach: A toolkit integrated in the PLC programming system suppliesthe desired motion functionality. This tool kit makes useof the functions of the IEC 61131-3 programming lan-guages. The axes are made available to the user in formof an abstract data structure which is bus- and manu-facturer-independent. The actual connection to the fieldbus takes place via a driver interface. The drives areconfigured in the CoDeSys device configuration in theproject tree.

3S-Smart Software Solutions offers tool kits for thefollowing motion control models:

Single- or multi-axis movements with PLCopen motionPOUsElectronic CAMElectronic gearing2 1⁄2 D CNC control

CoDeSys SoftMotion

CoDeSys SoftMotion contains

A POU library with all motion control function blocksdefined by the IEC 61131-3 user organisation PLCopen.

A CNC POU library with all the necessary elements todevelop a motion control system from an interpolatorto a POU for path preparation. The design of thislibrary permits the unproblematic combination of allPOUs and the division of the application into differenttasks.

Drivers for common drive interfaces such as CAN,EtherCAT, Sercos, analogue or stepper motor drive

Adaptations for the most common drive systems,e.g. from Bosch Rexroth, Lenze, Danaher, KEB,Schneider Electric and others

Graphical editors for planning and editing motions: - Graphical DIN 66025 editor (G-Code)- CAM editor

Complex visualization elements for all library functionsfor the fast generation of operating and test masks

CoDeSys SoftMotion is portable to different CoDeSysplatforms with 32 bit CPUs and floating point support. Incombination with CoDeSys SP RTE (see page 9) CoDeSysSoftMotion can be operated on any standard PC.

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Integrated Safety Controller

CoDeSys Safety is a software extension for CoDeSyswhich will make it much easier for manufacturers of au-tomation devices to develop SIL 3 safety controllers andhave them certified. CoDeSys Safety is currently beingtested by TÜV (German technical supervisory agency)and BGIA (German Institute for Occupational Safety andHealth) and is to be released by the end of 2008.

The system contains:

Safe runtime system for dual-channel hardwareProgramming system extension for editing safety-oriented applications Safe CompilerConfiguration of safe I/O modules and stacks in theruntime system (currently for PROFIsafe, further inpreparation)Runtime system extension for integration of safetycontroller and standard runtime system CoDeSys SP PLCopen Safety librariesIntegration manual for manufacturers of safe auto-mation devicesTest and certification conceptUser manual

CoDeSys Safety can be adapted to:

Different CPU platformsSpecific hardware platformsDifferent I/O systems

CoDeSys Safety

Control and visualization on an industrial PC with

TwinCAT based on CoDeSys technology.


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Hands-on Benefit

The CoDeSys AutomationAlliance is an association ofmanufacturers who togetheroffer the full range of au-tomation components – fromcompact PLCs to industrial

PCs, from I/O clamps to drives. The main advantage:All devices of the Alliance members can be programmedwith one single tool, CoDeSys. Additionally all devices cancommunicate with one another via standardized meth-ods and exchange data on application level – a function-ality which was formerly only possible among the de-vices of full-range suppliers. The CoDeSys AutomationAlliance concept guarantees manufacturer-spanning in-teroperability.

And that is exactly what many users had hoped the in-troduction of the IEC 61131-3 standard would bringabout: One single tool, easy to operate, with which allkinds of different devices from different manufacturers

CoDeSysAutomation Alliance

can be programmed. The different Alliance devices canbe operated in one single controller project which is yetanother functionality which was until now only availablefor devices of one and the same manufacturer. Just likeselecting a printer under Windows the devices availablecan be selected from an installed list and added to theCoDeSys project tree.

Meanwhile the CoDeSys Automation Alliance consists of over 100 members. The pool of hardware devicesprogrammable with CoDeSys is constantly growing.

More than just programmabilityThe CoDeSys Automation Platform offers even more:Now parameterizable and configurable devices can alsobe operated with CoDeSys. Especially manufacturersand users of complex machines and plants profit fromthis new aspect of the Alliance concept: Whether pro-grammable, configurable or parameterizable devicesare required, the devices best suited for the applicationin question can be selected from a vast device pool with-out having to change the software tool.

Mobile machines, plant engineering, production machines, special purpose machines,

building automation etc.: The devices from the CoDeSys Automation Alliance pool

can be found in all industrial sectors.


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No other controller-independent programming system is so widely used: Several hundred intel-ligent devices from over 250 manufacturers are programmable with CoDeSys. Thousands ofend users around the world from the most different fields of industry work with CoDeSys everyday. An excerpt of our reference list sorted by typical application areas:

CoDeSys – in thousands ofapplications around the world(Reference List)

Embedded Systems:

Companies who use CoDeSysfor their applications in the mostdifferent industrial sectors

Machine Building:ASYS Automatisie-rungssysteme GmbHBosch Tevopharm B.V.Carl BAASEL Laser-technik GmbH&Co.KGE.G.O. Elektro-gerätebau GmbHFaude Automati-sierungstechnik GmbHFERAG AGHeidelberger Druckmaschinen AG

Homag Holzbear-beitungssysteme AGMAN RolandDruckmaschinen AGRobert Bosch GmbHTrumpf Laser GmbH & Co. KGTrützschlerGmbH&Co.KGWABCOGmbH&Co.OHG

Alstom TransportAtlas Copco Airpower n.v.Bosch Rexroth AG -Mobile HydraulicsCC-Systems ABCLAASIndustrietechnik GmbHEPEC Oyifm electronic gmbhINTER CONTROLGmbH&Co.KG

IR-ABG AllgemeineBaumaschinenGesellschaft mbHJungheinrich AGLiebherr-WerkBiberach GmbHPearson Engineering Ltd.Sensor-TechnikWiedemann GmbHTerex GmbHTTControl S.r.l.

Brodersen Automation GmbHcpa Computer ProcessAutomation GmbHCybectec Inc

Danieli Automation S.p.A.Helmut Mauell GmbHswb Bremerhaven GmbH

Power and Plant Engineering:

Hardware manufacturers who offer de-vices programmable with CoDeSys

Control Engineering::ABB AGandron GmbHAUTOMATAGmbH&Co.KGBachmann electronic GmbHBERGHOF Automati-sierungstechnik GmbHBeckhoff IndustrieElektronik GmbH

Bosch Rexroth AGECKELMANN AGELAU Elektronik Au-tomations AGMICRO INNOVATION AGMitsubishi ElectricEUROPE B.V.Moeller GmbHWAGO KontakttechnikGmbH&Co.KG

Automation components, such as programmabledrives, displays and I/O devices:

AMK Arnold MüllerGmbH&Co.KGFesto AG&Co.KGifm electronic gmbhKEB Karl E. Brinkmann GmbHLenord,Bauer&Co.GmbHLenze AGOWEN Co.Parker Hannifin GmbH

Schneider ElectricMotion DeutschlandGmbH&Co.KGSchneider ToshibaInverter EuropeSEW EURODRIVEGmbH&Co.KGSÜTRON Electric GmbHHans TurckGmbH&Co.KGWieland Electric GmbHWAGO KontrakttechnikGmbH&Co.KG

Beck IPC GmbHContec Steuerung-stechnik & AutomationGmbHesd electronic systemdesign gmbH

Fastwel Inc.frenzel+berg electronicGmbH&Co.KGHilscher Swiss GmbHKontron AGMikrap AG

CoDeSys can be found in many more industrial applications and sectors: ship building, printingindustry, wood processing machines, assembly automation, packaging industry, building automa-tion, machine tools etc.

Mobile Applications::

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3S-Smart Software Solutions GmbH·Memminger Str. 151 ·DE -87439 Kempten ·Tel. +49/8 31-54031-0 ·www.3s-software.com

We software Automation.



