3rd Term General English Exam - Amazon S3 · Jack and Rose starred in the film ‘Titanic’. (verb) 25. genre My favorite genre of music is jazz. (noun) 26. duration The duration

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Page 1: 3rd Term General English Exam - Amazon S3 · Jack and Rose starred in the film ‘Titanic’. (verb) 25. genre My favorite genre of music is jazz. (noun) 26. duration The duration





Page 2: 3rd Term General English Exam - Amazon S3 · Jack and Rose starred in the film ‘Titanic’. (verb) 25. genre My favorite genre of music is jazz. (noun) 26. duration The duration

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A. Vocabulary

Unit 7: Mysteries

1. Dragon 2. Wizard 3. Planet 4. Astronaut

5. Spaceship 6. Giant 7. Situation 8. Sustain

9. Captain 10. Bound 11. Suitable 12. Weird

13. Sergeant 14. Comment 15. Frantically 16. Admit

17. Sternly 18. Plead 19. Stare 20. Land

21. Crew 22. Demand 23. Director 24. Starring

25. Genre 26. Duration 27. Rating 28. Review

29. Werewolf 30. Terrorize 31. Entire 32. Plot twist

33. Fantasy 34. Alien 35. Mystery 36. Paranormal

37. Fortune-teller 38. Ghost 39. Palm-reader 40. Vampire

41. Witch 42. Castle 43. Cave 44. Haunted

45. Creepy 46. Graveyard 47. Dungeon

Unit 8: Say‘No’to drugs

1. Dazed 2. Gamble 3. Overdose 4. Remorseful

5. Slash 6. Wound 7. Commonplace 8. Tackle

9. Series 10. Incident 11. Involve 12. Pilot

13. Extended 14. Scheme 15. District 16. Youngster

17. Banned 18. Unconscious 19. Counselling 20. Educationalist

21. Peer pressure 22. Rehabilitation 23. Proactive 24. Overcome

25. Additive 26. Ruin 27. Expel 28. Belongings

29. Psychiatric 30. Treatment 31. Religion 32. Definitely

33. Side effect 34. Fatigue 35. Contract 36. Tuberculosis

37. Recovery 38. Assembly 39. Inspirational 40. Struggle

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Miss Debrah / Miss Vong / Mr. Chou

13th June, 2016

General English 100 Min


Page 3: 3rd Term General English Exam - Amazon S3 · Jack and Rose starred in the film ‘Titanic’. (verb) 25. genre My favorite genre of music is jazz. (noun) 26. duration The duration

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B. Useful Expressions – Unit 7: Mysteries

1. used to do something + be bound to do something

Dad used to say that this day was bound to come.

2. be suitable for someone or something

Finally, after 20 years in space, we have found a planet suitable for the human race.

3. be used to something or doing something

I am used to being on this ship now.

4. according to someone or something

According to the computer, this planet is actually Earth.

5. stare at someone or something

The captain stared at the planet growing larger in the window.

6. the smell of something

The wind blew freely on their faces and the smell of spring was in the air.

7. learn about something or doing something

Hogwarts used to be a safe place for young wizards and witches to learn about magic.

8. some + (don’t) verb + what/when/where/how/who/which + to do something

The cake was burnt because she did not know when to take it out of the oven.

9. someone + (not) be + adjective + what/when/where/how/who/which + to do something

You won’t be sure what to believe or who to trust

10. suggest that someone should do something

One of the dragons suggested that they should go to see the emperor and ask him for rain.

11. lie to somebody

The emperor used to be kind, but now he has lied to us.

12. stop doing something / stop to do something

Many people stop believing in the supernatural.

13. be related to someone or something

He used to believe all mysterious things which were related to the paranormal.

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14. worry about someone or something

They never needed to worry about what to eat.

15. It has something to do with someone or something.

Does it have anything to do with the paranormal?

C. Useful Expressions – Unit 8: Say‘No’to drugs

1. be charged with doing something

A 13-year-old girl was charged with selling drugs.

2. It is + adjective + of somebody + to do something

It is very silly of Janice to experiment with drugs.

3. somebody is the person + who + do something

Ben is the person who gives the speech.

4. A find B + adjective

A passer-by found three secondary school students unconscious in a park after taking drugs.

5. A catch B doing something

A teacher caught four female students taking ketamine after school.

6. involve in something or doing something

The four students who are involved in the ketamine incident are starting counselling sessions

next month.

7. prevent somebody or something from something or doing something

Preventing students from using drugs is the key.

8. be addicted to something

Once the student becomes addicted to drugs, we will help him or her to overcome the problem.

9. expel from somewhere (usually passive)

I was expelled from school in Secondary 4 and became a drug addict.

10. A throw B out of somewhere

I became a drug dealer and my parents threw me out of the house.

11. manage to do something

I managed to kick my addiction.

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12. thanks to somebody/something

Thanks to the support of my wife and religion, I can turn over a new leaf.

13. between A and B

Ben lost lots of money between 1984 and 2001.

14. steal from somebody

Ben stole from his parents, who told him to leave the house.

15. develop into something

If such feelings become worse, they can develop into depression.

16. look forward to something or doing something

I am looking forward to the visit as I can meet the students at the centre to get to know them.

17. be associated with something or doing something

Many health risks are associated with taking drugs.

18. from A to B

The afternoon class runs from 2.30 p.m. to 5 p.m.

D. Word Formation

Unit 7: Mysteries

No. Verb Noun Adjective Adverb

1. dragon

2. wizard

3. planet

4. astronaut

5. spaceship

6. giant giant

7. situation situational

8. sustain sustainable

9. captain

10. bound

11. suit suitability suitable suitably

12. weirdness weird weirdly

13. sergeant

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14. comment comment

15. frantic frantically

16. admit admittance admitted admittedly

17. sternness stern sternly

18. plead pleading pleadingly

19. stare stare

20. land

21. crew crew

22. demand demand demanding

23. direct director

24. star starring

25. genre

26. duration

27. rate rating

28. review review

29. werewolf

30. terrorize terrorism

31. entire entirely

32. plot twist

33. fantasize fantasy

34. alien alien

35. mystery mysterious mysteriously

36. paranormal

37. fortune-teller

38. ghost ghostly

39. palm-reader

40. vampire

41. witch

42. castle

43. cave

44. haunt haunted

45. creepy

46. graveyard

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47. dungeon

1. dragon

The warrior was turned into a dragon by the witch. (noun)

2. wizard

Morris, who is a wizard, is known for his belief in witchcraft and magic. (noun)

3. planet

Is it too late to repair the damage we have done to our planet? (noun)

4. astronaut

I wish I could travel through space like an astronaut. (noun)

5. spaceship

The astronauts observed the surface of Mars from their spaceship. (noun)

6. giant

Dad terrified us with stories of a big, bad giant who ate little children. (noun)

The lenses for giant telescopes are very expensive. (adjective)

7. situation

When facing with critical situation, Lambert decided to ask his teacher for advice. (noun)

Using situational teaching method is one to the most important ways to improve students’ oral

communication ability. (adjective)

8. sustain

During the famine, they did not have sufficient food to sustain life. (verb)

Are poverty and starvation sustainable? (adjective)

9. captain

The captain was the last person to leave the ship. (noun)

10. bound

We’d better cancel the match because it is bound to rain soon. (adjective)

11. suitable

The movie is not suitable for children under 13 to see. (adjective)

The hat is so big that it does not suit him. (verb)

Matthew’s suitability to the job is open to question, so don’t tell him the result later. (noun)

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We were suitably impressed when Sidney told us that he would win the match. (adverb)

12. weird

The man in a weird shaped hat came into the room and everyone stared at him. (adjective)

The weirdness of the city by night held her attention. (noun)

She dressed weirdly. (adverb)

13. sergeant

They reduced him in rank from a sergeant to a corporal. (noun)

14. comment

My boss refused to comment on his resignation. (verb)

He made negative comments to the show. (noun)

15. frantically

Mary dashed into her room and began to pack frantically. (adverb)

Roy’s parents were frantic when he did not return home on time. (adjective)

16. admit

The little boy denied breaking the vase at first but he later admitted to it. (verb)

We are not able to gain admittance to the flat. (noun)

He is an admitted liar. (adjective)

Admittedly, I have never actually been there. (adverb)

17. sternly

Jack was frightened when he saw that his mum’s eyes were fixed sternly on him. (adverb)

The teacher came close to the student and looked into his stern eyes after his argument with a

classmate. (adjective)

The boys were awed into silence by the sternness of the teacher’s voice. (noun)

18. plead

The guards pleaded that they were only obeying orders. (verb)

When she looked at him pleadingly, John agreed to let her get off early. (adverb)

With such a pleading look, the boy succeeded in making his mother buy him a pair of new sneakers.


19. stare

Don’t stare at people like that as it is very impolite. (verb)

She was so angry that she gave Marco a long stare, but Marco ignored her. (noun)

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20. land

He was unable to land the aircraft because of the storm. (verb)

21. crew

Although it had been stormy all night, the crew did not expect serious problems. (noun)

Normally the boat is crewed by five people. (verb)

22. demand

All these questions demand careful and detailed study. (verb)

Teaching is a demanding profession. (adjective)

There's an increasing demand for cheap housing. (noun)

23. director

The director told the actress to have a rest. (noun)

The movie which he directed last year was nominated the best film of the year. (verb)

24. starring

The film starring James Dean died in a car accident. (noun)

Jack and Rose starred in the film ‘Titanic’. (verb)

25. genre

My favorite genre of music is jazz. (noun)

26. duration

The duration of the English examination will be two and a half hours. (noun)

27. rating

The rating of the movie is so bad that they have decided not to see it. (noun)

How do you rate him as a footballer? (verb)

28. review

I only go to see movies that are reviewed favorably. (verb)

Frank writes book reviews for a local magazine. (noun)

29. werewolf

You probably know what it takes to kill a werewolf - a silver bullet. (noun)

30. terrorize

Street gangs have terrorized the neighborhood for a long period of time. (verb)

Governments have to cooperate if they are to fight international terrorism. (noun)

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31. entire

Billy spent the entire afternoon playing computer games. (adjective)

They discovered the secret of Judy entirely by accident. (adverb)

32. plot twist

The writer presents four ways to write plot twists and turns into our stories. (noun phrase)

33. fantasy

His favorite fantasy was to travel around the world with his beloved one. (noun)

He is fantasizing about having an ideal wife. (verb)

34. alien

We're talking about crazy ideas for how to find aliens. (noun)

Much of the public believes that UFOs are alien spacecraft. (adjective)

35. mystery

The mystery was solved when the police discovered the murder weapon. (noun)

These mysterious creatures live at the bottom of the ocean. (adjective)

My car mysteriously vanished last night. (adverb)

36. paranormal

There are tons of paranormal videos all over the Internet. (adjective)

37. fortune-teller

A man who went to a fortune-teller for help claimed that he was scammed for more than $700000.


38. ghost

Do you believe in ghosts? (noun)

He saw a ghostly figure in the kitchen. (adjective)

39. palm-reader

You can read your own life if you are a professional palm-reader. (noun)

40. vampire

I dreamt about a young girl and a vampire having an intense discussion while standing in a forest.


42. castle

There are so many breathtaking castles around the world and it's hard to make a list of the top 10.

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43. cave

More than 60 years ago, a French geologist spent two months of his life living underground in a cave.


44. haunted

Calvin read a frightening story which took place in a haunted house. (adjective)

He feared that the soul of his deceased wife would haunt him. (verb)

45. creepy

I hate that when Frank gives me a creepy smile. (adjective)

46. graveyard

I went to see my grandfather's graveyard last Sunday. (noun)

47. dungeon

The prisoners wanted to find a way out from the dungeon. (noun)

Unit 8: Unit 8: Say‘No’to drugs

No. Verb Noun Adjective Adverb

1. daze dazed

2. gamble gamble

3. overdose overdose

4. remorse remorseful remorsefully

5. slash slash

6. wound wound

7. commonplace commonplace

8. tackle

9. series

10. incident

11. involve involvement

12. pilot

13. extend extended

14. scheme scheme

15. district

16. youngster

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17. ban ban banned

18. unconsciousness unconscious unconsciously

19. counsell counselling

20. educate educationalist educated

21. peer pressure

22. rehabilitate rehabilitation rehabilitative

23. proactive proactively

24. overcome

25. addict addictive addictively

26. ruin ruin ruined

27. expel

28. belong belongings

29. psychiatrist psychiatric

30. treat treatment

31. religion religious religiously

32. define definite definitely

33. side effect

34. fatigue fatigued

35. contract

36. tuberculosis

37. recover recovery

38. assemble assembly

39. inspire inspiration inspirational

40. struggle struggle

1. dazed

After the accident, he was dazed. (adjective)

He was in a daze all the way to New York. (noun)

2. gamble

He gambled away all his savings. (verb)

It is a gamble for him to set up this business. (noun)

3. overdose

Her daughter died of taking a drug overdose. (noun)

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He was sent to hospital because he overdosed on drugs. (verb)

4. remorseful

He was remorseful for what he did. (adjective)

“I’m sorry,” she said remorsefully. (adverb)

She has no remorse about what she has said. (noun)

5. slash

The hunter slashed at the bear with a knife yesterday. (verb)

The knife made a slash across his leg. (noun)

6. wound

He has a wound in his chest. (noun)

The shot wounded her left arm last week. (verb)

7. commonplace

Computers are now commonplace in primary classrooms. (adjective)

Mobile phones have become a commonplace in recent years. (noun)

8. tackle

He wanted to tackle the difficult problem by himself. (verb)

9. series

There has been a series of attacks in the area. (noun)

10. incident

Police are investigating the incident. (noun)

11. involve

My job involves a lot of travelling. (verb)

He denied any involvement in the murder. (noun)

12. pilot

We will try a pilot scheme next month. (adjective)

13. extended

They have already extended the deadline by one week. (verb)

There will be some extended activities held at the end of this month. (adjective)

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14. scheme

There is a new scheme in our town for recycling plastic bottles. (noun)

They schemed out a new method of the building of the bridge last week. (verb)

15. district

They divide the city into sections. Each district has its own streets or blocks. (noun)

16. youngster

He talked to the youngster about the dangers of drugs. (noun)

17. banned

This film is only suitable for adults as it is a banned film. (adjective)

There is a ban on developing land around the area. (noun)

Canada will ban smoking in all offices later this year. (verb)

18. unconscious

By the time the ambulance men arrived, he was unconscious. (adjective)

The man fell into a state of unconsciousness and was sent to hospital. (noun)

She unconsciously moved back a pace or two. (adverb)

19. counselling

She will need medical help and counselling to overcome the tragedy. (noun)

Yesterday, the lawyer counselled him not to say anything in the court. (verb)

20. educationalist

British educationalists are discussing about the best way of teaching English reading. (noun)

The government are trying to educate the public about the consequences of drug abuse. (verb)

Among the three women, she is probably the most educated. (adjective)

21. peer pressure

I will resist peer pressure to try drugs and alcohol. (noun phrase)

22. rehabilitation

Jenny is famous for his work in the field of drug rehabilitation. (noun)

The doctor used exercise programmes to rehabilitate the patients. (verb)

Rehabilitative therapy for those drug addicts is effective. (adjective)

23. proactive

I want our organization to be proactive. (adjective)

The police will be working proactively to help reduce the problem. (adverb)

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24. overcome

He has overcome his pain for a whole year. (verb)

25. addictive

That man is a gambling addict and he has lost over HK$2,000,000. (noun)

Tobacco is very addictive. (adjective)

He addictively played computer games without any rest. (adverb)

26. ruin

This famous church is a ruin now. (noun)

The hurricane ruined many houses. (verb)

In this forest, there are a lot of ruined huts. (adjective)

27. expel

He was expelled from school for hitting his classmate. (verb)

28. belongings

I took a few personal belongings with me. (noun)

This necklace belongs to my mother. (verb)

29. psychiatric

The number of beds in the psychiatric hospitals has decreased recently. (adjective)

The woman is studying to become a psychiatrist. (noun)

30. treatment

She is receiving treatment for a lung infection. (noun)

The doctor is unable to treat this disease. (verb)

31. religion

I am studying in a religiously based school. (adverb)

Buddhism is the religion founded by Buddha in North India. (noun)

He is a very religious man. (adjective)

32. definitely

We need a definite answer by tomorrow. (adjective)

She definitely decided that she wanted to continue working with that man. (adverb)

I want to define how to feel about him. (verb)

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33. side effect

Headaches are one side effect of this drug. (noun phrase)

34. fatigue

She is suffering from serious fatigue. (noun)

35. contract

He contracted a cold while living abroad last year. (verb)

36. tuberculosis

It can help prevent other illness such cancer and tuberculosis. (noun)

37. recovery

He made a good recovery from a head injury. (noun)

It takes a long time to recover from surgery. (verb)

38. assembly

The principal will speak to all the students at Monday's assembly. (noun)

There wasn’t even a convenient place for students to assemble between classes. (verb)

39. inspirational

The story was inspirational to me. (adjective)

His spirit will carry on, and it will inspire all of us to achieve more in the future. (verb)

His passion for his work is an inspiration to all of us. (noun)

40. struggle

It was a real struggle to stay awake during the film. (noun)

The baby struggled in its mother's arms just now. (verb)

E. Sentence Analysis

Unit 7: Mysteries

1. Dad used to say that this day was bound to come.

Subject(s): Dad / this day

Verb(s): used to say / was

Object(s): that this day was bound to come

Subject complement(s): bound

Infinitive(s): to come

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2. Finally, after 20 years in space, we have found a planet suitable for the human race.

Subject(s): we

Verb(s): have found

Object(s): a planet

Object complement(s): suitable

Prepositional phrase(s): after 20 years / in space / for the human race

Adverb(s): finally

3. I am used to being on this ship now.

Subject(s): I

Verb(s): am

Subject complement(s): used

Prepositional phrase(s): to being / on this ship

Adverb(s): now

4. According to the computer, this planet is actually Earth.

Subject(s): this planet

Verb(s): is

Subject complement(s): Earth

Prepositional phrase(s): according to the computer

Adverb(s): actually

5. The captain stared at the planet growing larger in the window.

Subject(s): the captain

Verb(s): stared

Prepositional phrase(s): at the planet / in the window

Participle phrase(s): growing larger

6. The wind blew freely on their faces and the smell of spring was in the air.

Subject(s): the wind / the smell

Verb(s): blew / was

Subject complement(s): in the air

Prepositional phrase(s): on their faces / of spring / in the air

Adverb(s): freely

Conjunction(s): and

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7. Hogwarts used to be a safe place for young wizards and witches to learn about magic.

Subject(s): Hogwarts

Verb(s): used to be

Subject complement(s): a safe place

Prepositional phrase(s): for young wizards and witches / about magic

Infinitive phrase(s): to learn

8. The cake was burnt because she did not know when to take it out of the oven.

Subject(s): the cake / she

Verb(s): was / did not know

Subject complement(s): burnt

Conjunction(s): because

Object(s): it

Infinitive phrase(s): to take it out of the oven

Adverb(s): when

9. You won’t be sure what to believe or who to trust.

Subject(s): You

Verb(s): won’t be

Subject complement(s): sure

Adverb(s): what / who

Infinitive(s): to believe / to trust

10. One of the dragons suggested that they should go to see the and ask him for rain.

Subject(s): one of the dragons / they

Verb(s): suggested / should go

Object(s): that they should go to see the and ask him for rain

Infinitive phrase(s): to see the and ask him

Prepositional phrase(s): for rain

11. The emperor used to be kind, but now he has lied to us.

Subject(s): the emperor / he

Verb(s): used to be / has lied

Subject complement(s): kind

Conjunction(s): but

Prepositional phrase(s): to us

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Adverb(s): now

12. Many people stop believing in the supernatural.

Subject(s): many people

Verb(s): stop

Object(s): believing

Participle(s): believing

Prepositional phrase(s): in the supernatural

13. He used to believe all mysterious things which were related to the paranormal.

Subject(s): he

Verb(s): used to believe

Object(s): all mysterious things

Relative pronoun(s): which

Relative clause(s): which were related to the paranormal

Prepositional phrase(s): to the paranormal

14. They never needed to worry about what to eat.

Subject(s): they

Verb(s): needed

Object(s): to worry

Infinitive (s): to worry

Prepositional phrase(s): about what to eat

Adverb(s): never

15. Does it have anything to do with the paranormal?

Subject(s): it

Verb(s): does / have

Object(s): anything

Infinitive(s): to do

Prepositional phrase(s): with the paranormal

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Unit 8: Say‘No’to drugs

1. A 13-year-old girl was charged with selling drugs.

Subject(s): A 13-year-old girl

Verb(s): was charged [intransitive]

Prepositional phrase(s): with selling drugs

2. It is very silly of Janice to experiment with drugs.

Subject(s): to experiment with drugs

Verb(s): is [linking]

Adverb(s): very

Subject complement(s): silly

Prepositional phrase(s): of Janice / with drugs

Infinitive phrase(s): to experiment

Introductory word(s): it

3. Ben is the person who gives the speech.

Subject(s): Ben

Verb(s): is [linking] / gives [transitive]

Object(s): the speech

Subject complement(s): the person

Relative clause(s): who gives the speech

Relative pronoun(s): who

4. A passer-by found three secondary school students unconscious in a park after taking drugs.

Subject(s): A passer-by

Verb(s): found [transitive]

Object(s): three secondary school students

Object complement(s): unconscious

Prepositional phrase(s): in a park / after taking drugs

5. A teacher caught four female students taking ketamine after school.

Subject(s): A teacher

Verb(s): caught [transitive]

Object(s): four female students

Object complement(s): taking ketamine

Participle phrase(s): taking ketamine

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Prepositional phrase(s): after school

6. The four students who involved in the ketamine incident are starting counselling sessions next


Subject(s): The four students

Verb(s): are involved / are starting [transitive]

Object(s): counselling sessions

Adverb(s): next month

Prepositional phrase(s): in the ketamine incident

Participle phrase(s): involved in the ketamine

Relative clause(s): who are involved

Relative pronoun(s): who

7. Preventing students from using drugs is the key.

Subject(s): Preventing students from using drugs

Verb(s): is

Subject complement(s): the key

Participle phrase(s): Preventing students

Prepositional phrase(s): from using drugs

8. Once the student becomes addicted to drugs, we will help him or her to overcome the problem.

Subject(s): the student / we

Verb(s): becomes [linking] / will help

Object(s): him or her

Conjunction(s): once / or

Subject complement(s): addicted

Prepositional phrase(s): to drugs

Infinitive phrase(s): to overcome the problem

9. I was expelled from school in Secondary 4 and became a drug addict.

Subject(s): I

Verb(s): was expelled [intransitive] / became [linking]

Conjunction(s): and

Subject complement(s): a drug addict

Prepositional phrase(s): from school / in Secondary 4

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10. I became a drug dealer and my parents threw me out of the house.

Subject(s): I / my parents

Verb(s): became [linking] / threw [transitive]

Object(s): me

Conjunction(s): and

Subject complement(s): a drug dealer

Prepositional phrase(s): out of the house

11. I managed to kick my addiction.

Subject(s): I

Verb(s): managed [transitive]

Object(s): to kick my addiction

Infinitive phrase(s): to kick my addiction

12. Thanks to the support of my wife and religion, I can turn over a new leaf.

Subject(s): I

Verb(s): can turn [intransitive]

Conjunction(s): and

Prepositional phrase(s): thanks to the support / of my wife and religion / over a new leaf

13. Ben lost lots of money between 1984 and 2001.

Subject(s): Ben

Verb(s): lost [transitive]

Object(s): lots of money

Conjunction(s): and

Prepositional phrase(s): between 1984 and 2001

14. Ben stole from his parents, who told him to leave the house.

Subject(s): Ben

Verb(s): stole [intransitive] / told [transitive]

Object(s): him [indirect]

Relative clause(s) : who told him to leave the house

Relative pronoun(s): who

Prepositional phrase(s): from his parents

Infinitive phrase(s): to leave the house

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15. If such feelings become worse, they can develop into depression.

Subject(s): such feelings / they

Verb(s): become [linking] / can develop [intransitive]

Conjunction(s): if

Subject complement(s): worse

Prepositional phrase(s): into depression

16. I am looking forward to the visit as I can meet the students at the centre to get to know them.

Subject(s): I / I

Verb(s): am looking [intransitive] / can meet [transitive]

Object(s): the students

Adverb(s): forward

Conjunction(s): as

Prepositional phrase(s): to the visit / at the centre

Infinitive phrase(s): to get to know them

17. Many health risks associated with taking drugs.

Subject(s): many health risks

Verb(s): are [linking]

Subject complement(s): associated

Prepositional phrase(s): with taking drug

18. The afternoon class runs from 2.30 p.m. to 5 p.m.

Subject(s): The afternoon class

Verb(s): runs [intransitive]

Prepositional phrase(s): from 2.30 p.m. / to 5 p.m

F. Phrasal Verbs

A. Match the phrasal verb with the correct definition.

Phrasal Verbs Answers Definitions

1. go ahead D A. to suddenly become very angry

2. pack together B B. to put many things into a small space

3. chop up C C. to cut something into small pieces

4. blow up A D. to start to do something

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5. come round K E. to think about something happened in the past

6. camp out I F. to cause something to exist or happen

7. stock up with L G. to go by ship

8. spray on P H. to calm down or relax

9. reach down J I. to sleep in a tent or a sleeping bag

10. fool around N J. to take something that is in a high place

11. tell off M K. to visit someone at their house

12. chill out H L. to collect a large amount of something to sell

13. sail away G M. to criticize someone for his or her bad behavior

14. look back E N. to behave in a silly way

15. agree with O O. to think in the same way as someone else

P. to send out (liquid) onto somebody or something in tiny


B. Fill in the correct phrasal verbs to complete the following sentences. Change the form of the verbs

if necessary.

1. When I look back, I’m filled with sadness.

2. In order to decorate your t-shirt, I think you can spray your name on it.

3. I don’t agree with her opinion about the setting of the drama.

4. Can you reach that apple down on the tree?

5. You've got to chop up the pork into several pieces before you stew it.

6. We have permission to go ahead with drafting this proposal.

7. Pack these books together and put them on top of the bookshelf.

8. After doing my housework, I am used to chilling out in my bedrooms.

9. How would you like to sail away in the Philippines?

10. Please come round my home again when you have free time.

11. My dad blew up at me when he saw my bad behaviour.

12. It was getting dark. We had to camp out in the forest.

13. When the sales are over, the store will stock up with new goods for the next season to sell.

14. If you go to college, you must work hard, not fool around.

15. He never listened to us when we told him off.

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G. Proverbs

I. Match the definitions with the proverbs. Write the letters in the spaces provided.

Proverbs Answers Definitions

1. Believe nothing of what you hear and

only half of what you see. G

A. It is a bad idea to change how you do something

when you are in the middle of doing it.

2. Curiosity killed the cat. K

B. People who try to be good at lots of different

things are often unable to do any of them really


3. Don’t change horses in mid-stream. A C. Love is the reason why people do most things,

and ultimately, is the most important thing.

4. Every man for himself. I D. Do what you wish to do and do it in your own


5. Jack of all trades and master of none. B E. Something unusual is unlikely to happen more

than once in similar circumstances.

6. Hunger is the best sauce. M F. Things often seem to be at their worst just

before they get better.

7. Lightning never strikes the same

place twice. E

G. Do not accept the truth of what you are told

from any source without questioning it.

8. Love makes the world go round. C H. What one person finds beautiful or desirable

may not appeal to another person.

9. Nothing is certain but death and

taxes. L

I. In times of crisis, it is the responsibility of each

individual to protect himself or herself.

10. Paddle your own canoe. D

J. If a person does not object to what someone

says or does, he or she can be assumed to

agree with it.

11. Silence means consent. J K. It is risky to be too curious about some things.

12. The darkest hour is just before the

dawn. F

L. The things that we can be sure of and are

unavoidable are death and the duty to pay


M. All food tastes good to someone who is very


II. Fill in the correct proverbs to complete the sentences.

1. The teacher never does what he is expected to do. He is well known for padding his own canoe.

2. They don’t change horses in mid-stream on big projects to avoid delays.

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3. I wanted to ask the leader of the gang how he knew so much about police movements, but I reminded

myself that curiosity killed the cat. I don’t want to get into trouble for being nosy.

4. I am scared to drive ever since that truck hit my car. However, I comfort myself that lightning never strikes

the same place twice.

5. Desmond was so hungry that he did not mind whether the food was delicious and ate whatever left in the

fridge. Hunger is the best sauce!

6. Wilson seldom concentrates on just one thing at a time, and I bet he will end up being a Jack of all trades

and master of none.

7. The last part of the climb was the hardest and we thought we would never get to the top. Fortunately, the

darkest hour is just before the dawn. We finally made it to the top.

8. We thought we could win the game easily, but nothing is certain but death and taxes as they say, and we

lost the game.

9. The court will allow reasonable time for objection to be heard; otherwise, silence means consent.

10. When the media reports contact with aliens, it is sensible to believe nothing of what you hear and only half

of what you see.

H. Idioms:

I. Match the definitions with the idioms. Write the letters in the spaces provided.

Idioms Answers Definitions

1. keep someone at arm’s length F A. deceive

2. treat someone with kid gloves M B. speak candidly

3. blow the whistle on (someone or

something) J C. become absorbed in something

4. inside out H D. adopt a firm stance

5. put one’s finger on (something) K E. it is someone’s responsibility

6. not mince words B F. keep at a distance

7. wash one’s hand of (someone or

something) L G. in confidence; not authorized for publication

8. pull the wool over someone’s

eyes A H. completely

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9. off the record G I. stay quiet

10. put one’s foot down D J. expose someone’s (usually illegal or illicit)


11. keep mum I K. determine or diagnose the cause

12. the ball is in someone’s court E L. renounce responsibility for

M. deal with gently

II. Fill in the correct idioms to complete the sentences.

1. That student is quite impossible to teach. I can’t handle it anymore. I want to wash my hands of him


2. I know you have had a bad report, but I promise to keep mum about it. However, if you don’t make any

improvements next term, I won’t let you go.

3. When my boss thinks someone is slacking, he does not mince his words. He gives them a severe


4. My mother is amazing. She always seems to know exactly what is going on, and you can never pull the

wool over her eyes.

5. Off the record, I have been chosen for the badminton team, but it hasn’t been announced yet. Therefore,

please don’t tell anyone.

6. I think you have put your finger on why Jimmy is always late. He never wears his watch.

7. When Johnny’s father was discovered to be defrauding its investors, one of its own employees blew

the whistle on the company.

8. She is still in shock because of her accident, so you must treat her with kid gloves.

9. You can press my father so far, but eventually he puts his foot down and tells you to shut up.

10. I have done all I can. Now the ball is in your court.

11. The salesman in this shop is very persistent, so it is difficult to keep him at arm’s length. He will not let

go of any chances of persuading us to buy his products.

12. I thought I knew The Shoppes at the Venetian inside out, but I could not find the shop I was looking for.

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Form Two Exam Syllabus

General English:

1. Vocabulary (Units 7 & 8)

2. Useful Expressions (Units 7 & 8)

3. Word Formation (Units 7 & 8)

4. Sentence Analysis (Units 7 & 8)

5. Phrasal Verbs

6. Proverbs & Idioms

7. Previous knowledge and unseen


1. Useful Expressions (Units 7 & 8)

2. Essay writing (Five-paragraph writing)

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