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3rd Periodical Test English Aec

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Adventist Education CenterSY 2013-2014English3rd Periodical TestJanuary 19, 2014 Kindergarten - II

Test 1. Read with the teacher the selection below. Number the part of the house accordingly.

1. Kitchen2. Living room3. Roof4. Door

Test 2. Fill in the blank spaces with A or An

5. ______________ 6. ______________

Test 3. Complete each sentence with is or are.

7. The ant is working hard.

8. The birds building a nest.

Test 4. Circle the correct name word.

bat bats

cat cats

pig pigs

Test 5. Change each name word into a replacement We or They. Write your answer on the blank.

12. My friends and I are playing in the park. aare playing in the park.

13. The children are studying. aare studying.

14. My classmates and I will go on a field trip. a will go on a field trip.

Test 7. Complete each sentence. Box the word that tells the correct direction to the classroom.

22. The clinic is(below, between)the classroom and the bathroom.23. The classroom is(above, below)the canteen.24. The library is (between, beside)the stairs.25. The canteen is (below, beside)the classroom.

Test 8. Circle the correct words to complete the sentence.

26. (That is, This is) a pencil.

27. (That is, This is) a tiger.

28. (These are, Those are) my friends.

29. (These are, Those are) my relatives.

Test 9. Where is the monkey? Draw a line for your answer.



in front of



Test 10. Complete each sentence. Copy the action word and add -ing


30. Daniel is _________________ in the den.


31. Abraham was _________________ the Lord.


32. Jonah is _________________.


33. Noah is _____________________ a big boat.


34. Queen Esther is _________________ to the king.

reading35. King Jehoshaphat is __________________ the bible.