www.3ieimpact.org Philip Davies 3ie’s Contribution to Evidence-Based Policy and Practice Philip Davies International Initiative for Impact Evaluation [3ie] Global evidence-based projects in health and welfare: Opportunities for engagement Oxford, 3 rd November 2014

3ie’s Contribution to Evidence-Based Policy and Practice · 3ie’s Contribution to Evidence-Based Policy and Practice Philip Davies International Initiative for Impact Evaluation

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www.3ieimpact.orgPhilip Davies

3ie’s Contribution to Evidence-Based

Policy and Practice

Philip Davies

International Initiative for Impact Evaluation [3ie]

Global evidence-based projects in health and welfare:

Opportunities for engagement

Oxford, 3rd November 2014

www.3ieimpact.orgPhilip Davies

3ie’s Vision and Strategy

Our vision

Improving lives through impact evaluation

Our mission

Increase development effectiveness through better use of

evidence in developing countries

Our strategy

We aim to:

•Generate new evidence of what works

• Synthesise and disseminate this evidence

•Build a culture of evidence-based policy-making

•Develop capacity to produce and use impact evaluations

www.3ieimpact.orgPhilip Davies

• Impact evaluations against a strong counterfactual

•Systematic reviews of existing evidence

•Theory of change analysis

•Mixed methods of investigation and analysis

•Policy Influence Plans and Policy Briefs - getting evidence

into policy and practice

3ie’s Approach to Evidence-Based Impact Evaluation

www.3ieimpact.orgPhilip Davies

Identifying What, and Where, More Evidence is

Needed in International Development

• Donor’s needs and priorities

3ie’s Thematic Windows

3ie’s Systematic Reviews

• Governments’ and NGOs’ needs and priorities

3ie’s Policy Window

• Country researchers’ interests and priorities

3ie’s Open Window

3ie’s Development Priorities Window

• Gap Maps

www.3ieimpact.orgPhilip Davies

3ie’s Thematic Windows

• Demand driven – for IEs and SRs

• Funded by donors with non-core funds

• To increase the evidence in a specific area

• To date:

Social Protection thematic window (funded by DFID),

HIV/AIDs window (funded by Gates Foundation)

Voluntary Male Medical Circumcision window (Gates),

Humanitarian window (DFID and USAID) and the

Climate change window (funding still to be secured).

www.3ieimpact.orgPhilip Davies

3ie’s Policy Window

• Aimed at policy makers in governments and NGOs

• To evaluate policies and interventions that are innovative

• Have high potential for scale up

• Or large scale interventions that need to show evidence of


• Examples:

Removal of user fees for universal health coverage in Africa

Reducing maternal and neo-natal mortality in Kerala

Evaluation of Grade R education in South Africa

www.3ieimpact.orgPhilip Davies

3ie’s Open Window

•Unrestricted grant modality

•Funding high-quality, policy-relevant impact evaluation


•All sectors and regions in any L&MIC

•Unrestricted by funding size request, time period,

project funding or by subject area

www.3ieimpact.orgPhilip Davies

Development Priorities Window

•Focus the collection of new evidence in otherwise

neglected but developmentally important directions

•Geographic focus - specific areas or regions

• Income class focus – a stronger focus on only low income

or low middle income countries

• Sector focus - lower priority to sectors such as health that

have funding from other sources

•Combinations of the above (e.g. Climate Change in


www.3ieimpact.orgPhilip Davies

3ie’s Systematic Reviews Grants

• Donor demand plus 3ie core funding

• Examine the existing evidence on a particular

intervention or programme in low and middle income


• Drawing also on evidence from developed countries

when pertinent

• Average cost: US$80K (range US$60K-US$120K)

• Education, Agriculture, Health and Nutrition, Energy,

Labour Market, Crime, WASH, Disability, Gender.

Governance, Communications, Disaster, CCTs, Street

Children, Externalities, Urban Renewal.

www.3ieimpact.orgPhilip Davies

Interventions / Outcomes Awareness, Knowledge Attitudes and Beliefs Risk Behaviour / Skills HIV Transmission

Take-up, Retention, Adherence Morbidity Mortality

Quality of Life, Well-being

Household Well-being

Labour Participation, Productivity Empowerment Stigma

Access, Service Quality

Behaviour Change Interventions

Peer Education Prevention for heterosexual men Condom use for HIV positive women Challenges in HIV prevention research Prevention in occupational settings Reducing stigma

Prevention for heterosexual men Peer interventions Peer education

Peer interventions

Behaviour change interventions for women

Prevention in Latin America

Couples-focused interventions Behaviour interventions for prevention

Prevention in heterosexual men Prevention in occupational settings

Behaviour interventions for prevention School based interventions for youth

Influence of social agents

Peer interventions

Prevention in Latin America

Prevention in occupational settings

School based interventions for youth

Condom Promotion, Distribution

Prevention for youth in Africa

Information, Education and Communication

Educating traditional healers

Parent-child communication in Africa

Educating traditional healers Prevention for youth in Africa Increasing youth's use of health

services Peer interventions for HIV positive women Educating traditional healers

Peer-based interventions for HIV positive women

Peer interventions for HIV positive women

School-based sexual health in Africa Prevention in African youth

Peer interventions for HIV positive women

Reducing stigma

Life skills education for youth Parent-child communication in Africa Girls' education ICT for youth

Peer-led sexual health education for youth Prevention for youth in Africa

Peer interventions for HIV positive women

ICT for youth Prevention in African youth

Life skills education for youth

Parent-child communication in Africa Peer-led sexual health education for


Girls' education

Peer interventions for HIV positive


ICT for youth

Mass Communication

Mass communication programmes

Increasing youth's use of health


Mass media for young people

Community Mobilisation Behaviour interventions for prevention Reducing stigma

HIV Testing and Counselling

Counselling for testing of pregnant women Family planning Home-based VCT

Family planning

Routine vs. voluntary testing VCT Routine vs. voluntary testing

Integrating PMTCT with other health services

Counselling for testing of pregnant women

Family planning

Counselling for testing of pregnant women

Routine vs. voluntary testing

Prevention of Mother to

Child Transmission

Counselling for testing of pregnant women Integrating PMTCT with other health


Counselling for testing of pregnant women

Biomedical Interventions

Population based STI control

Challenges in HIV prevention research

Male Circumcision Male circumcision for prevention of

homosexual acquisition

Antiretroviral Therapy

Impact of treatment on risk behaviour Children's adherence to ART

Non-clinical outcomes of ART

Nurses for ART management

Nurses for ART management

Treatment and Care

Family support

Palliative care

Patient adherence Palliative care Psychosocial well-being of HIV affected children

Task shifting in Africa

Family-centred treatment for HIV positive children Palliative care

Task shifting in Africa

Self-management interventions



Family-centred treatment for HIV

positive children

Health Systems

Integrated HIV and TB Service delivery

Integrating PMTCT with other health services

Task shifting in Africa Task shifting in Africa

Increasing youth's use of health


Integrated HIV and TB Service delivery Integrated HIV and TB

Service delivery

Key populations


Harm reduction for involuntary detainees


Harm reduction for involuntary detainees

Prevention interventions for female sex workers

Male circumcision for prevention of homosexual acquisition

Harm reduction for involuntary detainees Prevention interventions for female sex


Behaviour interventions for sex workers Behaviour interventions for prevention

Harm reduction for involuntary detainees

Behaviour interventions for sex workers

Interventions to Reduce HIV/AIDS Stigma

Reducing stigma Reducing stigma Reducing stigma

Reducing stigma

Structural Interventions

Economic Interventions

Economic interventions for prevention Challenges in HIV prevention research Economic interventions for


Economic interventions for prevention

www.3ieimpact.orgPhilip Davies

HIV Gap Map Framework - Populated

www.3ieimpact.orgPhilip Davies

www.3ieimpact.orgPhilip Davies

Thank you

Philip Davies

Email: [email protected]

+44 (0)207 958 8350

Visit www.3ieimpact.org