Wednesday, December 7, 2011 www.360view.us Page 9 360 View Crossword Solution on Page 11 Top 7 Diabetes Resources Of the 26 million Americans with dia- betes, more than half are currently not meeting medical targets established by the American Diabetes Association. An- other 79 million Americans are at risk for developing diabetes. Odds are, diabetes impacts your life or someone close to you. The good news: with the rightknowledge and support, people with diabetes can feel good and live strong, healthy lives. David Edelman, founder and president of DiabetesDaily.com – an online commu- nity for people with diabetes – receives queries daily from people with diabetes and their family members searching for the best resources to help them make de- cisions. “We get this same short, frustrated email nearly every day: I was just diagnosed with diabetes. What should I do?” said Edelman. “Every time we respond, I think to myself this question is so big it deserves a better answer.” In honor of Ameri- can Diabetes Month, Edelman has identi- fied the top seven most useful resourc- es to arm people with diabetes – and those who support them – with the knowledge they need. 1. Personal Support Network: It is criti- cal to build a strong network of fam- ily, friends, and other people living with diabetes. Diabetes is an emotional marathon and the support and understanding from those that care help you move forward with your head up. Whether you communicate through email or meet in person, stay connected with your network, share your struggles and triumphs. Know someone with diabetes? Be an es- sential support tool for him or her. 2. The Diabetes Online Community: People with diabetes have built an inter- national support network through blogs, online support communities like Diabe- tesDaily.com, diabetes social networking sites like TuDiabetes, and through tradi- tional social media channels like Face- book and Twitter. These online resources offer the chance to connect emotionally and seek advice and information from others living with diabetes- from the newly diagnosed to those who have been managing the disease for decades. There are multiple ways to connect, from skimming message boards to leaving comments for or emailing bloggers to joining a community. You can even start your own blog. Whether you or someone you love has diabetes, these online tools grant instant access to thousands of life- times worth of wisdom. 3. Formal Diabetes Education: A dia- betes educator can help you understand why blood sugars change and what you can do to manage those changes. Patients with Medicare can access 10 free hours of diabetes education per year (the aver- age patients uses less than three). Most private plans cover education as well. Your doctor or local diabetes association can help connect you with a good educa- tor. However, the unfortunate reality is there is just one diabetes educator for ev- ery 2,630 people with diabetes. To main- tain and enhance education between vis- its with your educator, consider attending local support groups or workshops (often hosted by hospitals or health networks). For diabetes patients and family and friends trying to better understand its impact, books can help you better under- stand diabetes, like “50 Diabetes Myths That Can Ruin Your Life and the 50 Dia- betes Truths That Can Save It” by Riva Greenberg. Or consider an online edu- cation course like “Workshop for Better Blood Sugars” from Diabetes Daily Uni- versity (http://university.diabetesdaily. com), which allows you to learn at your own pace and connect with others in a virtual classroom. Make sure that edu- cational courses are taught by a creden- tialed and nationally recognized physi- cian or educator. 4. Meal Planning Tools: Want the “Ap- proved Foods List” for people with dia- betes? You are out of luck: it does not ex- ist! People with diabetes must watch how many total carbohydrates they eat, not ban specific foods. Even high carb items can be enjoyed in smaller quantities. But to get the maximum health and en- joyment out of your diet, it helps to dis- cover new lower carbohydrate meals or variations on your favorites. The Ameri- can Diabetes Association has excellent recipes on its website, and Diabetes- Daily.com has an entire section of origi- nal recipes from culinary guru Elizabeth Edelman. You can track the carbohydrates in your food using tools like CalorieKing, which provides software with a detailed food database as well as the popular Calorie Fat & Carbohydrate Counter book to ac- curately track carbs and calories. 5. The Meter: Blood glucose meters are the key to discov- ering how to live a healthy life with dia- betes. Want to know if your breakfast is okay to eat? Check your blood sugars, eat breakfast, and check it again two hours later. If you are back about where you started, then this meal works for you. If not, then consult with your doctor or educator about ad- justing medication or the content of that meal. Most people find that little tweaks have a big impact on their health and how they feel. Having a better understanding of how certain foods or activities impact your blood sugar makes it simpler to ad- just when you choose to vary your rou- tine. And this is all information you can get right from your meter. For friends and family members, learn how to interpret blood sugar readings and the impact certain foods have on your friend or family member so you can bet- ter support individual choices – like hav- ing ice cream for dessert. Often, concern can come across as judgment when well- wishers are uninformed. 6. Exercise Specialists/Instructors: A good fitness instructor can provide in- formation and exercises not only to help control weight, but also that specifically benefits diabetes management. For ex- ample, Diabetes Daily co-founder and certified yoga instructor Elizabeth Edel- man recommends certain yoga poses to stimulate the pancreas, liver and kidneys. Try taking a class or enlisting a buddy for group support. 7. Yourself: Edelman believes the key to successful diabetes management is tak- ing ownership of diabetes. You spend less than one percent of your year at the doctor’s office. The rest of the time you are on your own. So take the time to examine choices, actions and emotions objectively, without assigning guilt or blame. Understand what is working for you and what is not. And if you do not understand something, do not leave your doctor’s office until you do. It is your life, and it is worth fighting for. About Diabetes Daily Founded by David and Elizabeth Edel- man, Diabetes Daily is a leading online support network that helps people af- fected by diabetes live a better life. The online support network features one of the largest diabetes forums, as well as original recipes, meal plans, cookbooks, blogs, educational resources, online blood glucose tracking, health challenges and diabetes related news. Diabetes Dai- ly’s mission is to connect people with di- abetes, facilitate education and promote advocacy. Since its inception in 2005, the support network has grown to include 60,000 members and 3 million annual visitors. In 2011, the network launched Diabetes Daily University (DDU) to provide tools, information, courses and personal coaching from global leaders in diabetes education. Consumers can join the network by visiting www.Diabetes- Daily.com or register for Diabetes Daily University at http://university.diabetes- daily.com. On November 21, 2011, the Ha- nover County School Board, parents, and school district staff members gathered at Hanover High School to honor 302 se- niors from all four Hanover high schools who have been named 2011-2012 Hanover Scholars. In the tradition of the program, each of the Hanover Scholars honored a Hanover educator who significantly influenced his or her academic success. A total of 171 teachers and counselors from grades K-12 were recog- nized as Honored Educators. Hanover Scholars are recog- nized under the following crite- ria: · The student is enrolled in and attending HCPS prior to the end of the junior year and meets one or both of the following: · Has earned a cumula- tive GPA at the end of the ju- nior year (including summer school grades) of 4.0 or better; AND is enrolled for the current school year (senior year) and/or has taken a total of at least four weighted credit courses from among those included in IB, AP, Advanced, and/or Dual Enroll- ment course options. OR · Is identified as an IB Di- ploma Candidate with at least 75 hours completed for Creativity, Action, and Service (CAS) at the end of their junior year (in- cluding summer) The annual event was initiated by the Hanover County School Board in 1994-95 to recognize excellence in academic achieve- ment. To see complete listing, go to: http://hanover.k12.va.us/news1/ scholars.htm Hanover Honors Scholars and Educators

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Wednesday, December 7, 2011 www.360view.us Page 9

360 View Crossword

Solution on Page 11

Top 7 Diabetes Resources

Of the 26 million Americans with dia-betes, more than half are currently not meeting medical targets established by the American Diabetes Association. An-other 79 million Americans are at risk for developing diabetes. Odds are, diabetes impacts your life or someone close to you. The good news: with the rightknowledge and support, people with diabetes can feel good and live strong, healthy lives. David Edelman, founder and president of DiabetesDaily.com – an online commu-nity for people with diabetes – receives queries daily from people with diabetes and their family members searching for the best resources to help them make de-cisions. “We get this same short, frustrated email nearly every day: I was just diagnosed with diabetes. What should I do?” said Edelman. “Every time we respond, I think to myself this question is so big it deserves a better answer.” In honor of Ameri-can Diabetes Month, Edelman has identi-fied the top seven most useful resourc-es to arm people with diabetes – and those who support them – with the knowledge they need. 1. Personal Support Network: It is criti-cal to build a strong network of fam-ily, friends, and other people living with diabetes. Diabetes is an emotional marathon and the support and understanding from those that care help you move forward with your head up. Whether you communicate through email or meet in person, stay connected with your network, share your struggles and triumphs. Know someone with diabetes? Be an es-sential support tool for him or her. 2. The Diabetes Online Community: People with diabetes have built an inter-national support network through blogs, online support communities like Diabe-tesDaily.com, diabetes social networking sites like TuDiabetes, and through tradi-tional social media channels like Face-book and Twitter. These online resources offer the chance to connect emotionally and seek advice and information from others living with diabetes- from the newly diagnosed to those who have been managing the disease for decades. There are multiple ways to connect, from skimming message boards to leaving comments for or emailing bloggers to joining a community. You can even start your own blog. Whether you or someone you love has diabetes, these online tools grant instant access to thousands of life-times worth of wisdom. 3. Formal Diabetes Education: A dia-betes educator can help you understand why blood sugars change and what you can do to manage those changes. Patients with Medicare can access 10 free hours of diabetes education per year (the aver-age patients uses less than three). Most private plans cover education as well. Your doctor or local diabetes association can help connect you with a good educa-tor. However, the unfortunate reality is there is just one diabetes educator for ev-ery 2,630 people with diabetes. To main-tain and enhance education between vis-its with your educator, consider attending local support groups or workshops (often hosted by hospitals or health networks). For diabetes patients and family and friends trying to better understand its impact, books can help you better under-stand diabetes, like “50 Diabetes Myths That Can Ruin Your Life and the 50 Dia-betes Truths That Can Save It” by Riva Greenberg. Or consider an online edu-cation course like “Workshop for Better Blood Sugars” from Diabetes Daily Uni-versity (http://university.diabetesdaily.com), which allows you to learn at your own pace and connect with others in a virtual classroom. Make sure that edu-cational courses are taught by a creden-tialed and nationally recognized physi-cian or educator.

4. Meal Planning Tools: Want the “Ap-proved Foods List” for people with dia-betes? You are out of luck: it does not ex-ist! People with diabetes must watch how many total carbohydrates they eat, not ban specific foods. Even high carb items can be enjoyed in smaller quantities. But to get the maximum health and en-joyment out of your diet, it helps to dis-cover new lower carbohydrate meals or variations on your favorites. The Ameri-can Diabetes Association has excellent recipes on its website, and Diabetes-Daily.com has an entire section of origi-nal recipes from culinary guru Elizabeth Edelman. You can track the carbohydrates in your food using tools like CalorieKing, which provides software with a detailed food database as well as the popular Calorie Fat & Carbohydrate Counter book to ac-curately track carbs and calories. 5. The Meter: Blood glucose meters are

the key to discov-ering how to live a healthy life with dia-betes. Want to know if your breakfast is okay to eat? Check your blood sugars, eat breakfast, and check it again two hours later. If you are back about where you started, then this meal works for you. If not, then consult with your doctor or educator about ad-

justing medication or the content of that meal. Most people find that little tweaks have a big impact on their health and how they feel. Having a better understanding of how certain foods or activities impact your blood sugar makes it simpler to ad-just when you choose to vary your rou-tine. And this is all information you can get right from your meter. For friends and family members, learn how to interpret blood sugar readings and the impact certain foods have on your friend or family member so you can bet-ter support individual choices – like hav-ing ice cream for dessert. Often, concern can come across as judgment when well-wishers are uninformed. 6. Exercise Specialists/Instructors: A good fitness instructor can provide in-formation and exercises not only to help control weight, but also that specifically benefits diabetes management. For ex-ample, Diabetes Daily co-founder and certified yoga instructor Elizabeth Edel-man recommends certain yoga poses to stimulate the pancreas, liver and kidneys. Try taking a class or enlisting a buddy for group support. 7. Yourself: Edelman believes the key to successful diabetes management is tak-ing ownership of diabetes. You spend less than one percent of your year at the doctor’s office. The rest of the time you are on your own. So take the time to examine choices, actions and emotions objectively, without assigning guilt or blame. Understand what is working for you and what is not. And if you do not understand something, do not leave your doctor’s office until you do. It is your life, and it is worth fighting for. About Diabetes DailyFounded by David and Elizabeth Edel-man, Diabetes Daily is a leading online support network that helps people af-fected by diabetes live a better life. The online support network features one of the largest diabetes forums, as well as original recipes, meal plans, cookbooks, blogs, educational resources, online blood glucose tracking, health challenges and diabetes related news. Diabetes Dai-ly’s mission is to connect people with di-abetes, facilitate education and promote advocacy. Since its inception in 2005, the support network has grown to include 60,000 members and 3 million annual visitors. In 2011, the network launched Diabetes Daily University (DDU) to provide tools, information, courses and personal coaching from global leaders in diabetes education. Consumers can join the network by visiting www.Diabetes-Daily.com or register for Diabetes Daily University at http://university.diabetes-daily.com.

On November 21, 2011, the Ha-nover County School Board, parents, and school district staff members gathered at Hanover High School to honor 302 se-niors from all four Hanover high schools who have been named 2011-2012 Hanover Scholars. In the tradition of the program, each of the Hanover Scholars honored a Hanover educator who significantly influenced his or her academic success. A total of 171 teachers and counselors from grades K-12 were recog-nized as Honored Educators.

Hanover Scholars are recog-nized under the following crite-ria:

· The student is enrolled in and attending HCPS prior to the end of the junior year and meets one or both of the following:

· Has earned a cumula-tive GPA at the end of the ju-nior year (including summer school grades) of 4.0 or better; AND is enrolled for the current school year (senior year) and/or

has taken a total of at least four weighted credit courses from among those included in IB, AP, Advanced, and/or Dual Enroll-ment course options.


· Is identified as an IB Di-ploma Candidate with at least 75 hours completed for Creativity, Action, and Service (CAS) at the end of their junior year (in-cluding summer)

The annual event was initiated by the Hanover County School Board in 1994-95 to recognize excellence in academic achieve-ment.

To see complete listing, go to:http://hanover.k12.va.us/news1/scholars.htm

Hanover Honors Scholars and Educators

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Page 10 www.360view.us Wednesday, December 7, 2011

FAMILY LIFE BAPTIST CHURCH has re-located to, 7283 Richmond-Tappahannock Hwy, Aylett, VA, (the old Holladay House Furniture Bldg.) on Sundays @ 10:30 a.m. We want to invite you to our exciting wor-ship experience. Children will enjoy Kid-zLife worship and KidZoo. COME JOIN US! For more information, contact: Gus Agostino (804) 769-2534 www.visitfami-lylife.com~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Hope Alive Family Church invites the LA-DIES to a Wednesday morning fellowship with discussion, sharing and encourage-ment: “How To Find God’s Master Plan For Your Life.” Times are Wednesdays from 10 - 11:30AM. Hope Alive Family Church is located at 7753 Richmond Tap-pahanock Hwy. in Aylett for more informa-tion contact the church @ 804-769-7299 or by e-mail: [email protected] Also check us out on Facebook. Regular service times are 10:30 Sunday mornings with Back to Basics bible study at 9:30. hopeALIVE Kids have Breakfast and a movie at 9:30 and Superkid Acad-emy beginning at 10:30. hopeALIVE kids presents the uncompromised, life-changing Word of God to children in fun and age ap-propriate ways. Hope to see you there!Hope Alive Family Church is located at 7753 Richmond Tappahannock Hwy. in Aylett. For more information contact the church @ 804-769-8872 or by e-mail: [email protected] Also check us out on Facebook. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~CORINTH CHRISTIAN CHURCH, 9153

Dabney’s Mill Rd., Manquin, VA 23106Minister: Sonny Claiborne, (804) 746-2762 Monday - Choir Practice, 6:30 pmWednesday- Bible Study, 7:30-8:30 pmSunday School - 10 am, Sunday Corpo-rate Prayer - 10:15 am, Sunday Worship Service - 11 am, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Sharon Baptist Church invites you to join us for worship. We are located at 901 Sha-ron Road across from King William High School. Sunday mornings start with cof-fee & doughnuts at 9 am in the Fellowship Hall, followed by Sunday School for all ages at 9:15 am. Our Morning Worship Service starts at 10:30 am. Nursery pro-vided. We have a Sunday Evening Bible Study & Children’s Activities at 6 pm. Ad-ditional Bible Studies at 10 am on Tuesdays and at 7 pm on Wednesdays. Youth (7th – 12th graders) meet at 7 pm on Wednes-days. Church office hours are 9 am to 3 pm Monday – Thursday. Call the church at 769-2320 for more information.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Indian View Baptist Church invites every-one to their Sunday services - each Sunday at 11:00 AM. Join us this Sunday and ev-ery Sunday. 13349 King William Road, King William, VA 23086, (804) 350-1555.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~“St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Millers Tav-ern holds services at 8:00 and 10:00 a.m. each Sunday. Nursery and Sunday School are available during the 10:00 service, which is accompanied by the choir and or-gan and followed by a coffee hour. All are

welcome. Corinth Christian Church, located at 9153 Dabney’s Mill Road, Man-quin, VA 23106 (about 8 miles off Rt. 360), would like to invite you to its Sun-day School at 10 am, Cor-porate Prayer at 10:15 am,

Worship Service at 11 am, Choir Practice on Monday nights at 6:30 pm and Bible Study on Wednesday nights at 7:30 pm. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~A new ministry has opened its doors at the old Dyson Store in Dowsell. ROCsolid Outreach Center has opened a THRIFT STORE. This ministry helps many in need. Donations are welcome. Pastors Lonnie and Dana Brawley invite to browse the selection of clothes, shoes, house wares, electronics and furniture. Open Monday-Saturday 10 am - 6 PM. Call 804 317 7415 if you need donations picked up.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~CALLING ALL YOUTH! Coming to Ay-lett is Hope Alive’s Pit Stop Youth Group. We welcome all youth 13-17, grades 6-12 to join us for a fun-filled pursuit of the things of God. Regular Wednesday Pit Stop services are at 7pm in the church fel-lowship room. Join the Facebook page at Pit Stop Youth or contact via e-mail [email protected] please join us from 10:00 to 11:30 am Wednesday mornings for ongoing fel-lowship with discussion, sharing and en-couragement: “How To Find God’s Master Plan For Your Life.” REGULAR SERVICE times and hope-

ALIVEKids Superkid Academy are Sun-day mornings at 10:30am. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ST. PAUL’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH, Ha-nover Courthouse. We are a friendly, fam-ily-oriented Episcopal church a few miles from King William County, at the intersec-tion of Rts. 301 and 54 (537-5516). The doors are open to our King William neigh-bors, and we’d love to have you visit and worship with us. Our Sunday schedule is: 8 AM, Holy Communion; 9:15, Christian education for adults and children; 10:30, Holy Communion. Refreshments and fel-lowship follow both services. On the sec-ond Sunday each month we have a Second Sunday Luncheon, free and open to all, where we sit down and catch up with one another. We have a special ministry to chil-dren, love to have babies in church, and welcome all persons of any sort to our wor-ship services and parish life.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Epworth United Methodist Church, locat-ed at the corner of Route 30 and Epworth Road in King William County, invites you to worship with them. Church service be-gins at 9:00 am followed by a time of re-freshments and Sunday School classes for all ages begins at 10:30 am. There are reg-ular bible study groups and youth groups available. For further information please contact Pastor Bill Walker at 769-1949 or visit our web site at www.EpworthUM-CAylett.org.

These Churches Welcome You to Their Places of Worship

Programs at the Upper King William Branch Library

Make-n-Take No-Sew Holiday Ornaments at the Upper King William Branch LibrarySaturday December 3 from Noon to 2:00 p.m.Ages 12 and up. Create an ornament for any occasion using only fabric squares, straight pins, and a Styrofoam ball. Craft supplies provided by the Wanna-Bee Quilters.For more information, please call (804) 769-3731 or visit the library at 694-J Sharon Road.

Mother Goose Storytime at the Upper King William Branch LibraryWednesday December 7 at 11:15 a.m.Ages 6-24 months w/adultFor more information, please call (804) 769-3731 or visit the library at 694-J Sharon Road.

Preschool Storytime at the Upper King William Branch LibraryWednesday December 7 at 10:30 a.m.Ages 3-5 years oldFor more information, please call (804) 769-3731 or visit the library at 694-J Sharon Road.

Programs at the King & Queen Branch Library

No programs this month at the library.

Programs at the Mechanicsville Branch Library

Holiday Make-n-Take (with stories) at the Mechanicsville Branch LibrarySaturday December 3 at 11:00 a.m.Ages 3-12. Listen to stories and make holiday crafts at this fun holiday program.Refresh-ments provided by the Friends of the Me-chanicsville Library.For more information call (804) 746-9615 or visit the library at 7461 Sherwood Crossing Place. Family Movie Night at the Mechanicsville Branch Library

Tuesday December 20 at 6:30 p.m.See a great holiday family movie at the library on the big screen. Refreshments provided by the Friends of the Mechanics-ville Library.For more information call (804) 746-9615 or visit the library at 7461 Sherwood Crossing Place.

Mother Goose Storytime at the Mechanic-sville Branch Library

Tuesday December 6 at 10:00 a.m.Ages 6 - 24 months w/adultFor more information call (804) 746-9615 or visit the library at 7461 Sher-wood Crossing Place.

Toddler Storytime at the Mechanicsville Branch LibraryWednesday December 7 at 10:00 a.m.Thursday December 1 and 8 at 10:00 a.m.Age: 2 years old w/adultFor more information call (804) 746-9615

or visit the library at 7461 Sherwood Crossing Place.

Preschool Storytime at the Mechanicsville Branch LibraryTuesday December 6 at 10:45 a.m.Wednesday December 7 at 10:45 a.m.Thursday December 1 and 8 at 10:45 a.m.Ages 3-5 years oldFor more information call (804) 746-9615 or visit the library at 7461 Sherwood Crossing Place.

Family Storytime at the Mechanicsville Branch LibraryTuesday December 6 at 11:15 a.m.Tuesday December 6 at 6:45 p.m.Wednesday December 7 at 11:15 a.m.Thursday December 1 and 8 at 11:15 a.m.All agesFor more information call (804) 746-9615 or visit the library at 7461 Sherwood Crossing Place.

Submitted by:Carolyn GarnerLibrarian(804) 746-3176

December Programs at Your Local Library

Page 3: 360 view/ 12-7-11

Wednesday, December 7, 2011 www.360view.us Page 11

Business and Service Directory



Fitness Cars for SaleVeterinarian/Animal Hospital

Tree Service



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Magic Trash Service, Inc. Provides

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Service includes 96 gallon can w/wheels.

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Trash RemovalHardwood Floors

Puzzle Solutions

Triple D Tack & Feed Farmers Market on Second Saturday of month!!!

Nutrena Dealer Tack & Supplements Poultry & Pet food Home decor & gifts

McCall's Candles

Please Come & Join Us For Our Annual Christmas Open House

November 25, 26 & December 10, 2011

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Attention Businesses!Don’t forget to call and get your Christnas ad in

for the next issue for only $50.00!!!

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Breath of Fresh Air CPR & Healthcare Training

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Page 4: 360 view/ 12-7-11

Christmas trees in every size, shape and color are available this year!!! Even ones that are upside down!!! And all of them are on display at the 360 Hardware in Manquin. At the Open House this past weekend, there were plenty of good folks, good eats and lots of presents got purchased. A good day for all!.

Page 12 www.360view.us Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Join Arts Alive for a bus trip to the Richmond Ballet’s The Nutcrack-er. The Richmond Ballet’s version of the Nutcracker was called one of the nation’s “most perfect pro-ductions” by the New York Times in 2010. The chartered bus for this exciting opportunity will leave from the Robinson/Olsson audi-torium in West Point, VA at 5 PM on Saturday, December 17, 2011 and return by 11 PM, stopping at exit 214 (Rt. 155) in New Kent at 5:30 PM to pick up riders. Your $60 ticket will include the follow-ing: orchestra ticket to The Nut-cracker ($80 value), chartered bus ride, information session by the Richmond Ballet production staff and selected dancers, backstage tour, and refreshments on the bus. Tickets for this trip are limited, so please contact Arts Alive today! Tickets may be purchased by calling 804-843-3475 or email Beth Dandridge, Coordinator, at [email protected]. More informa-tion about this and other Arts Alive events can be found at www.art-saliveinc.org. Information about the Nutcracker is available at www.richmondballet.com.

Arts Alive sponsors bus trip to Richmond Ballet’s The Nutcracker

Grandparents’ Luncheon Was A Great Success

On November 17, 2011, it was “Standing Room Only” in the cafeteria of Acquinton Elementary School. Grandparents had been invited to have Thanksgiving lunch of turkey and all the trimmings with their grandchil-dren.From the outstanding turn out, it is obvious that living in a small rural community with extended family nearby come with its’ advantages. Over 650 delicious meals were served.

Story: Linda Hannon, Media Specialist, Photo: Vicky Moren

Christmas Open House at 360 Harware Rings in Christmas Spirit by A. Kay Oxendine

Please make note!As of December 31, 2011 - the Offices of 360 View will be re-located from 694 Sharon Road, Unit G to Walkerton. We will still provide a great newspaper for you, and will continue to bring you the latest good news in your communities. This is a very exciting move for us and one that we feel will totally help us with our growth and expansion in the future.

You can reach us at the following numbers:


Our mailing address is still PO Box 824, Aylett, VA 23009 and you can al-ways reach us at www.360view.us