31 Ways to Flavor a Composition

31 Ways to Flavor a Composition. Consider the audience

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Choose a narrow topic.

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Page 1: 31 Ways to Flavor a Composition. Consider the audience

31 Ways to Flavor a


Page 2: 31 Ways to Flavor a Composition. Consider the audience

Consider theaudience.

Page 3: 31 Ways to Flavor a Composition. Consider the audience

Choose a narrow topic.

Page 4: 31 Ways to Flavor a Composition. Consider the audience

Research and gather


Page 5: 31 Ways to Flavor a Composition. Consider the audience

Grab the readers’ attention with the

opening sentence.

Page 6: 31 Ways to Flavor a Composition. Consider the audience

Organize ideas.

Page 7: 31 Ways to Flavor a Composition. Consider the audience

Develop good topic sentences.

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Include concrete details.

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Use strong action verbs.

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Be specific.

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Include a variety of supporting details.

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Use rhetorical devices.

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Avoid using the impersonal “you.”

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Avoid clichés.

Page 15: 31 Ways to Flavor a Composition. Consider the audience

Use transitions and other coherence devices.

Page 16: 31 Ways to Flavor a Composition. Consider the audience

Vary sentence structure.

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Maintain unity.

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Page 19: 31 Ways to Flavor a Composition. Consider the audience

Avoid redundancies.

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Do not introduce new ideas in

the conclusion.

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Use only relevant details.

Page 22: 31 Ways to Flavor a Composition. Consider the audience

Include dialogue

in narrative writing.

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Use sensory details

and figurative language

to describe.

Page 24: 31 Ways to Flavor a Composition. Consider the audience

For persuasion establish a clear position.

Page 25: 31 Ways to Flavor a Composition. Consider the audience

Revise rough drafts.

Page 26: 31 Ways to Flavor a Composition. Consider the audience

Be consistentin verb tense.

Page 27: 31 Ways to Flavor a Composition. Consider the audience

Avoid sentence fragments and run-on sentences.

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Make sure subjects and verbs agree.

Page 29: 31 Ways to Flavor a Composition. Consider the audience

Use pronouns that agree with their


Page 30: 31 Ways to Flavor a Composition. Consider the audience

Use correct punctuation.

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Check for spelling errors.

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Create an appropriate


Page 33: 31 Ways to Flavor a Composition. Consider the audience

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31 Ways to Flavor a Composition