The Israeli raid of the Gaza Freedom Flotilla, Monday 31 May 2010 A review of media sources Richard Lightbown 31 August 2010


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The Israeli raid of the Gaza Freedom Flotilla,

Monday 31 May 2010

A review of media sources

Richard Lightbown

31 August 2010




ABBREVIATIONS USED IN THE TEXT ............................................................ 3 SUMMARY ..................................................................................................... 4 PROLOGUE ................................................................................................... 5 1.0 INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................... 6 2.0 BACKGROUND ........................................................................................ 6 3.0 IHH ........................................................................................................ 9 4.0 LEGALITY OF THE BLOCKADE AND ISRAELI ACTIONS ON 31 MAY .........13 4.1 The San Remo Manual ........................................................................... 13 4.2 The Fourth Geneva Convention ............................................................. 14 4.3 Effects of the closure on the civilian population of Gaza ....................... 15 4.4 Piracy .................................................................................................... 16 4.5 The right of self-defence ....................................................................... 16 4.6 The U.S. Arms Export Control Act (AECA) ............................................. 17

5.0 THE FLOTILLA RAID ..............................................................................17 5.1 Accounts by flotilla personnel: M.V. Mavi Marmara ............................... 18 5.2 Accounts by flotilla personnel: MV Sfendoni ......................................... 32 5.3 Accounts by flotilla personnel: MV Challenger I .................................... 34 5.4 Accounts by flotilla personnel: MV Gazze I ........................................... 35 5.5 Accounts by flotilla personnel: MV Defne Y ........................................... 35 5.6 Accounts by flotilla personnel: MV Eleftheri Mesogeio ......................... 36 5.7 Israeli accounts of the raid ................................................................... 36

6.0 THE AFTERMATH OF THE RAID ..............................................................46 6.1 Casualties ............................................................................................. 46 6.2 Care of the injured and detainees on board the captured ship .............. 49

7.0 TREATMENT OF THE DETAINEES ............................................................53 7.1 Treatment of journalists ....................................................................... 60 7.2 Activists’ property ................................................................................. 61

8.0 THE SEIZURE OF THE RACHEL CORRIE ..................................................63 9.0 THE SHIPS AND CARGO .........................................................................64 10.0 CENSORSHIP AND DISINFORMATION .................................................66 11.0 REACTIONS IN THE KNESSET ..............................................................69 12.0 INVESTIGATIONS INTO THE RAID .......................................................70 12.1 The Israeli commission of inquiry (the Turkel Commission) ............... 71 12.2 UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) Resolution 2 June 2010 ............... 72 12.3 IDF team of experts under Maj-Gen (Res.) Eiland ............................... 73 12.4 The investigation by Israel’s State Comptroller .................................. 74 12.5 The UN Panel of Inquiry ...................................................................... 74 12.6 The UN Human Rights Committee ....................................................... 75 12.7 Legal proceedings ............................................................................... 75 12.8 U.S. Freedom of Information request .................................................. 76

13.0 COMMENTARY .....................................................................................76 14.0 CONCLUSION .......................................................................................88 15.0 EPILOGUE ............................................................................................89 APPENDIX 1 Humanitarian relief items in the flotilla ..................................90 APPENDIX 2 Israel’s notification of the blockade .......................................91 APPENDIX 3 Position paper on the easing of the closure of the Gaza Strip .92

APPENDIX 4: Due to Gisha's Petition: Israel Reveals Documents related to the

Gaza Closure Policy .....................................................................................93 REFERENCES ...............................................................................................95




AI Amnesty International

ICRC International Committee of the Red Cross

IDF Israel Defence Forces

IHH Turkish-based Humanitarian Aid Foundation (Insani Yardim Vakfi)

ITIC Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center

MEP Member of the European Parliament

MK Member of the Knesset (the parliament in Israel)

MP Member of Parliament

MV Motor Vessel

NGO Non-Governmental Organization

NIS New Israeli Shekel

PR Public relations

UN United Nations

UNRWA United Nations Relief and Works Agency

UNSCO United Nations Special Co-ordinator for the Middle East Peace Process




An international flotilla comprising the cruise ship Mavi Marmara, three cargo ships and two smaller passenger craft sailing to Gaza with humanitarian aid was attacked in international waters by a large Israeli naval force on 31 May 2010. Nine passengers were killed and many injured by live fire. The main partner in the coalition has been alleged to have had terrorist links. These

allegations are considered in the light of information on the main accuser. The legality of the raid is considered according the San Remo Manual and the Fourth Geneva Convention. The report concludes that the International Committee of the Red Cross declaration of a „dire situation‟ in the Gaza Strip renders the raid unlawful. A small number of passengers on the Mavi Marmara planned active and lawful resistance, contrary to the philosophy of the Free Gaza Movement and the ship‟s captain. The first assault, beginning around 04:00 with firing from zodiac inflatable craft was repelled. A second assault by helicopter began with live fire causing lethal casualties. Commandos rappelling onto the deck were then attacked and injured; three were detained but well treated. Accounts from both side of the confrontation are considered separately. Casualties were sustained on both sides. The report considers some of the contentious issues, including when the attack started and whether the defenders used firearms. The other vessels were seized and there was brutal and disproportionate force against a non-violent response on three of them. During Israeli control there was considerable maltreatment of detainees, particularly on the Mavi Marmara. Some of the injured were flown by helicopter to Israeli hospitals, but many activists reported ill-treatment, abuse and humiliation, including cruel and sadistic acts against injured persons. All cameras, recording equipment, phones, computers and personal possessions were seized. Most possessions and all of the cash were not returned. Seized credit cards have been fraudulently used. Despite Israeli attempts to seize all photographic evidence a small amount was smuggled out. The ships were taken to Ashdod where many detainees were beaten, while access to consular services and lawyers was obstructed or denied. Crew members and journalists were generally well treated but there was a total blackout on news services. All detainees were deported following Turkish diplomatic activity aided by American influence. On 5 June the cargo ship Rachel Corrie was seized in international waters without violence and taken to Ashdod where all on board were quickly deported. Most of the cargo will probably reach Gaza, aided by the UN. Activist‟s belongings and some aid has gone to landfill while cement and steel is reported to remain on the ships now at Haifa. The three Turkish ships have been released but there has been no announcement on the five ships currently held by Israel owned by the Free Gaza Movement and its partner organizations. Israeli disinformation and suppression of evidence is considered. Knesset Member Hanin Zoabi‟s treatment in the Israel parliament is described. Israel defied a UN Security Council call for an international inquiry and appointed its own committee of inquiry which has been condemned for lacking transparency and credibility. The subsequent decision to cooperate with the UN Panel of Inquiry is considered in the Commentary. The UN Human Rights Council has appointed a fact finding mission. Information released with regard to the IDF‟s own inquiry is discussed. Many activists have started legal action.

The sequence of events is described in the Commentary, which also considers the definition of terrorism in the context of the raid, and matters of responsibility. The report reasons that the raid was premeditated state terrorism.




We have had governments, we have had the United Nations, we have even had

President Obama call for the lifting of the blockade on Gaza and the allowance of

the delivery of humanitarian aid and reconstruction materials to […] the

Palestinians of Gaza and yet not a single government has taken action. And so it

is up to us as civil society, as the real international community […] to take

action and to expose Israel‘s policies to the world and to also try to break the

blockade on our own.

Adam Shapiro, Board Member of the Free Gaza Movement1

This is a clear case of self-defence. Israel cannot allow the free flow of

weapons, rockets and missiles to the terrorist base of Hamas in Gaza. It‘s

already fired thousands of rockets on Israeli cities [and] it seeks to smuggle in

thousands more. And this is why Israel must inspect goods that come into

Gaza. It‘s also a clear cut [case] of self-defence because as our soldiers were

inspecting these ships they were attacked, they were almost lynched. They

were attacked with clubs, with knives, perhaps with live gunfire, and they had

to defend themselves [because] they were going to be killed. Israel would not

allow its soldiers to be lynched; neither would any other self-respecting country.

Israel‟s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu2




The following is a review of all media sources located by an internet search of

newspapers, journals, websites and videos into the events of 31 May 2010 when elite

members of the Israeli Defence Force (IDF) attacked six civilian ships intending to

breach the Israeli blockade of the Gaza Strip. Information has also been used from the

book „Midnight on the Mavi Marmara‟ (Bayoumi, 2010). Data containing Israeli and

activists‟ testimonies and other information relating to legality, timeline, the physical

confrontation at sea, the detention of activists, and some related events in the

aftermath have been assessed and edited into an account intended as a basis for

understanding this tragic and controversial incident.


The Gaza Strip has been under siege since 2006 from the neighbouring countries of

Israel and Egypt which have tightly restricted the movement of people and goods in

and out of the Palestinian Territory. No air traffic is allowed to fly to the Strip and its

coastline with the Mediterranean Sea is also blockaded by the Israel Navy which

prevents all shipping from going to or from Gaza. The siege has received widespread

condemnation from the international community and on 8 January 2009 the UN

Security Council passed Resolution 1860 calling for a ceasefire of the hostilities then

occurring, and the unimpeded provision through Gaza of food, fuel and medical

treatment. Neither Israel nor Egypt has complied with the resolution and the siege has

continued unabated. In August 2008 two boats belonging to the Free Gaza Movement

sailed with 44 peace activists from Cyprus and were allowed to pass with little

interference to become the first international vessels in 42 years to visit Gaza. Four

successful voyages followed, but three subsequent attempts were prevented from

reaching Gaza by violent and illegal intervention from the Israel Navy.3 In May 2010

the Free Gaza Movement joined with five other organizations

IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation,

The European Campaign to End the Siege on Gaza (ECESG),

The International Committee to End the Siege on Gaza,

The Greek Ship to Gaza Campaign,

The Swedish Ship to Gaza4

to send a flotilla of eight boats carrying 10,000 tonnes of supplies and almost 700

passengers to assist and support the people of Gaza. The government of Israel said

that the mission was provocative and declared that it would be stopped before it could

reach the territory. The flotilla organizers responded that they were not going to be

deterred and the boats set sail. For Robert Fisk the attempt to take food and

medicines to Gaza struck a parallel with American and British airlifted aid to the

starving people of Berlin blockaded by Soviet forces 62 years earlier.5

Eight vessels were originally planned to be in the flotilla which intended to form up

near Cyprus. Two of them, Challenger I and Challenger II, had been travelling from

Agios Nikolaos in Crete and were both forced into port in Cyprus on 29 May with

broken steering systems. The bilge pump on Challenger II also stopped working with a

fault that was considered to be „very suspicious‟ and the vessel started to take in

water. In this condition it had gone through a sizeable storm and had limped into port.

Both vessels had been forced to radio distress signals. Israeli sources later boasted of

having committed the sabotage.6 Following the breakdown the MV Challenger II was



unable to continue7 8 while the Cambodian registered MV Rachel Corrie, which was

travelling from Dundalk in Ireland, was also a victim of sabotage and fell behind

schedule. (An Israeli source said disabling the Mavi Marmara had been considered but

had been discounted because it might have caused the ship to sink, or require days to

tow it to shore.9)

It was decided to leave the Rachel Corrie to follow, so that on 31 May the flotilla

heading for Gaza consisted of the 4,140-ton Comoros-flagged cruise ship, MV Mavi

Marmara and Turkish-flagged cargo vessel MV Gazze I, the Greek-flagged MV Eleftheri

Mesogeio, the Togolese MV Sfendoni, the American-flagged Challenger I and the

Kiribatian MV Defne Y.10 The cargo on the seven ships amounted to more than 10,000

tons (a comprehensive description of the cargo is given in Appendix 1). The

participants included members of parliament, academics, journalists, religious leaders

including the 89-year-old archbishop of Helarion Capycci along with the one-year-old

son of the chief engineer of the Mavi Marmara. Forty-two nationalities were

represented. In an interview on Press TV the night before the raid president of the

Humanitarian Aid Foundation (IHH) Bülent Yıldırım said that there were no

circumstances under which the ships would turn back and stated that if Israel attacked

they would defend themselves.11

Huwaida Arraf, the Chair of the Free Gaza Movement, told journalists that the flotilla

had hired independent security to verify that the boats were weapons free.12 The

inspection was in accordance with all applicable rules for passengers and cargo and

everything was filmed.13 Passengers also had to sign a four-page document pledging

that they would not engage in violence and possessed no weapons, and all baggage

was subjected to x-ray inspection for weapons prior to boarding. (Kevin Neish had his

pocket knife confiscated by the organizers who threw it in the sea.14 David

Schermerhorn was also relieved of his sheath knife. He said the security was just as

careful as that at a U.S. airport.15) The security was not so strict for passengers on

other vessels, and Jan Línek said he was not searched before joining the Sfendoni,16

although all cargo had been inspected before it was loaded.17

The biggest proportion of the passengers had been volunteers from Turkey recruited

by the Turkish charity IHH. The charity had posted an online advertisement for

volunteers for the flotilla which it said intended to show that Israel‟s

„embargo/blockade can be legally broken‟.18 Between 5,000 and 6,000 people had

applied but radical extremists had not been accepted. However there were radical

elements on board. A group of militants was filmed by Al Jazeera chanting an Intifada

battle cry ‘Remember Khaibar, Khaibar, oh Jews! Muhammad's army is returning‟;

recalling a victorious battle fought by the Prophet‟s army against the Jews.19 Several of

those killed had expressed the wish to become martyrs.20 21 Richard Spencer explained

Such descriptions would be regarded by many Muslims as evidence that they

put religious duty before their lives, rather than an admission that they were

heading to battle.22

Henri Barkey, an analyst for the Carnegie Foundation, was perhaps unfair when he

inferred there was something untoward when some IHH members had prepared a last

will and testament before joining the boat.23 Avoiding intestacy is a responsible act for

any household head, particularly one considering travel to a conflict zone. For similar

reasons all volunteers joining the flotilla had been required to supply details of their

next of kin.24



The decision to order the chief of staff of the Israel Defence Forces (IDF) to carry out

the raid was taken by the Defence Minister Ehud Barak after briefly conferring with

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu who was visiting Canada at the time. Initial claims

that the inner cabinet and the deputy Prime Minister Moshe Yaalon were not informed25 26 appear to be unfounded.27 However it is certain that other people were also well

aware of the IDF‟s intentions. Israel is connected to NATO‟s electronic system and

cooperates fully with NATO in a wide range of sectors including counter-terrorism,

intelligence information and joint military manoeuvres. It is probable that NATO, and

especially the United States, was kept informed of what the naval operation planned to

do, including the option to open fire against the ships.28

At sea Huwaida Arraf had told the Israeli naval force by radio that

the flotilla was carrying unarmed civilians,

the cargo had been checked at the point of departure,

the flotilla would be willing to submit to additional checks by a neutral body

such as the United Nations (UN) or the International Committee of the Red

Cross (ICRC). 29

Israel never asked to check the ships.

After the flotilla had set sail Israel announced that it had extended the military

exclusion zone from 20 to 68 miles, although this unilateral declaration had no

international recognition. Moreover the exclusion seemed to refer solely to the flotilla

since Bülent Yıldırım was able to report that other commercial ships were within the

zone at that time.30 The German international law expert Professor Norman Paech who

was on the Mavi Marmara said that such moves are only justified if states feel

threatened and said that the flotilla did not pose any threat to Israel as it was only

carrying humanitarian aid.31 At 00.30 on 31 May Israeli forces contacted the Mavi

Marmara telling the ship that it was entering a closed zone. The captain asked for the

coordinates of the zone but he was given no information in reply.32

At approximately 04.00 on 31 May Israeli commandos began „Operation Sea Breeze‟ to

take control of the flotilla. As news reports broke that morning with accounts of at

least 15 dead, worldwide condemnation of Israel followed from the United Nations,

governments and citizens.33 In Tel Aviv a large crowd gathered outside the Turkish

embassy that evening, waving Israeli flags while chanting and jeering. Passing cars

blew their horns in support.34 Having originally declared that it would prosecute the

Freedom Flotilla members who „attacked‟ its soldiers35 Israel‟s Interior Ministry later

announced that it would deport all foreigners aboard the flotilla. It reportedly said that

702 were deported of whom a total of 527 people were flown to Turkey and Greece36

and 124 were released into Jordan.37

During the raid the IDF is reported by activists to have extensively used high-powered

paint ball guns, stun grenades, smoke bombs, tear gas, tasers, rubber bullets, dogs,

semi-automatic pistols and automatic carbines with live ammunition, as well as

clubbing and kicking their victims. In a Jerusalem Post article of 1 June entitled „Next

time we‘ll use more force‟ a „top Navy commander‟ was quoted as saying

We boarded the ship and were attacked as if it was a war. That will mean

that we will have to come prepared in the future as if it was a war.38



On 5 June the Rachel Corrie was boarded and seized by Israeli commandos without

any violence and the ship was forced to change course for Ashdod.

On 13 June Deputy Foreign Minister Daniel Ayalon told CNN that Israel should not and

would not apologize for the raid.39 On the same day Deputy Prime Minister Dan

Meridor was more conciliatory but unrepentant when speaking to the Turkish

newspaper Haberturk

What happened is a tragedy. I am very sad, I regret it. No one wanted it or

expected it. These events should never have happened. But if some terrorists

got on the ship and attacked our soldiers, I think that they, not us, must


U.S. Navy vet Joe Meadors was on the Sfendoni and is also a survivor of the 1967

Israeli attack on the USS Liberty. He was not impressed by the explanations.

To me it‘s like a Chinese fire drill. They‘re purported to be the best in the

world but when you go up against them they‘re just a bunch of rag-tag people

who think they can do no wrong. Every time they speak they say they don‘t

break any laws they always abide by international laws, but they break them

with impunity and the U.S. government is not going to hold them accountable.

Nobody is.41

For Dr Fintan Lane the incident was not a success for the activists but a tragedy. But

he added it was a „game-changer‟.42 Just how much the situation had changed was

explained by Jessica Montell in an interview with Human Rights Watch. The Executive

Director of the Israeli human rights group B‟Tselem told how it had been impossible to

get any conversation in Israel about the Gaza closure. It was a very marginal issue

that the press and the Knesset would not talk about. „It was really mission

impossible‟. The flotilla had been a PR nightmare for Israel.

I mean by forcibly boarding this boat and killing Turkish activists put the Gaza

siege really front and centre on the agenda. Almost immediately you had 180° shift in the pubic conversation in Israel with mainstream commentators as

well as member of the Knesset as well as members of the government saying

this really is not in our interest.43

For the veterans of the flotilla the job remained unfinished. Shane Dillon epitomised

the feelings of a great many of them ten days after the attack. Asked by a journalist if

he would do it again he unhesitatingly replied „Yes……and again, and again‟.44

3.0 IHH

(A German organization with the same initials but a different name, Internationale

Humanitaere Hilfsorganisation – International Humanitarian Aid Organization, was

proscribed in Germany on 12 July because alleged links to Hamas. This organization

has no links with the Turkish charity of the same initials.45 A CIA report of 1996 on

terror links between the German organization is often wrongly cited as evidence

against its Turkish namesake organization.46)



IHH are the initials of Insani Yardim Vakfi (the Foundation for Human Rights and

Freedoms and Humanitarian Relief). The charity was founded in 1995 in response to

the Bosnian genocide and the war in Chechnya. IHH‟s purpose is to help people

distressed and victimized by war, disaster and famine by delivering humanitarian aid

and by working to prevent violations against basic rights and liberties. IHH provides

assistance regardless of religion, language, race and sect, primarily in the form of

social, educational, cultural and sanitary aid. The organization is a member of

The Union of NGOs of the Islamic World

Humanitarian Forum

Organization of Islamic Conference Humanitarian Forum

Consultative membership to the U.N. Economic and Social Council

Turkey Voluntary Agencies Foundation (TGTV)

Council of International Relief Organizations Aiding Iraq

The organization has won three awards from the Turkish General Directorate of

Foundations for best projects (for an orphanage in Pakistan, a women‟s education

institute in Somalia and a mobile hospital in Iraq), the 2005 award for efficient use of

resources, and the 2007 Turkish Parliamentary Award of Honour.47

IHH works in more than 80 countries in Europe, Asia, Africa, South America and the

Caribbean.48 Income for the year ended 31 December 2008 was US$24.4 million49

(about two-thirds of the income of the UK charity Muslim Aid50). The charity has been

very active in Gaza where IHH representative Mehmet Kaya said it is

renovating the port,

funding a school,

planning to build a hospital,

building a $250,000 apartment block in Izbet Abed Rabbo for families still

homeless as a result of Israel‟s attacks in December 2008/January 2009,

supporting 9,000 families with money and food parcels,

organizing computer and sewing courses for women.

IHH can work more effectively than UN aid agencies in Gaza because it is prepared to

face the realities on the ground. Unlike UN organizations it can buy goods brought in

through the tunnels under the Egyptian border and it is prepared to work with the

government of Hamas.51 Despite this impressive record of achievement in adversity

the charity does not always get a good press in western countries. British journalist

Richard Spencer described it as a „radical Islamist group masquerading as a

humanitarian agency‟ on 31 May.52 (Mr Spencer gave no details to explain this


Facing the reality of the need to work with the government of Gaza in order to carry

out urgent humanitarian work in the Gaza Strip has brought criticism of IHH from

Israel. Foreign Ministry spokesman Yigal Palmor is quoted as saying

The IHH is[ ...] known as a group implicated in terrorist operations. Their close

ties with Hamas are an avowed policy of this group.53

This vague accusation avoids facing the reality that the principle works of IHH in Gaza

address a humanitarian disaster well attested to by respected international NGOs and

bodies. This disaster is largely the product of Israeli aggression and the illegal siege

imposed by Israel, aided and abetted by Egypt and the United States. That IHH is



doing work that few other organizations are sharing is not an indication of IHH

extremism but an indictment of the international community for its failure to face up to

the hardship in Gaza and work effectively to alleviate the suffering of the population


The Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center (ITIC) has been described as an

Israeli think-tank, but is renowned for its close ties to Israel‟s Defence Ministry and

routinely acts as a mouthpiece for the latter organization. On 6 July ITIC produced a

publication which declared as its heading

Most of the injured in the confrontation on board the Mavi Marmara have

been positively identified as activists of IHH and Turkish organizations

collaborating with it, most probably Islamist by nature. The findings are

consistent with our inquiry into the identity of the nine people killed on board

the Mavi Marmara.

The principle allegations of this report are that the dead and wounded from the illegal

raid were mostly Turkish, Islamic, active in IHH, and in a number of cases were first

aid medics. The report also complains that about 10 per cent of all Turkish passengers

were media people.54 There is no reference in the report to the undeclared assault by

Israeli forces after morning prayers which sparked this confrontation, and no

explanation as to how so many passengers were killed or wounded (23 of them

seriously). Of particular concern is the apparent inference that there is something

nefarious about being Islamic, and something subversive about being Turkish, a first

aid medic, a journalist or an activist with IHH. The Israeli commandos were attacked

because they had initiated an illegal and violent assault, not because of some

inherently barbaric disposition on the part of Turkish Islamic activists and journalists.

The ITIC report contains a curious footnote at the bottom of page 3. Referring to

Indonesian cameraman Okvianto Emil Baharuddin who suffered a gunshot wound to

his hand, the footnote ends

There were also reports about two other Indonesians injured in the

confrontation […] It is unclear why the Indonesian activist (or activists) were

injured. To the best of our knowledge, the Indonesian delegation consisted of

humanitarian aid activists who did not take part in the violence initiated by


One of the other Indonesians referred to was cameraman Sura Fachrizaz, who was

shot in the chest, possibly with a 9mm bullet.55 Why the IDF should have shot any of

them is a question that Israel should be addressing very seriously.

Another ITIC report released on 26 August quotes a report in the Turkish newspaper

Hürriyet which detailed the involvement of Erdinç Tekir in an attack on the Russian

ferry Avrasya in the BlackSea in 1996. The armed raid had been for the purpose of

releasing Chechen prisoners held in Russia and had ended without harm to any of the

captives, although Russian passengers on the ferry had been extremely scared during

the hijack.56 Mr Tekir had been sentenced to eight years in prison for his part in the

raid, but had been released after three and a half years. On the Gaza Freedom Flotilla

Mr Tekir had been an IHH operative and first aid worker, and had been wounded

during the course of the raid (although no details were found). ITIC acknowledged

that there was nothing to link IHH with the raid on the Avrasya.57



Reuven Erlich, the head of ITIC, has also said of IHH that „in the past [it] has provided

at least logistical support to Islamic jihad organizations‟ including funds and arms.58

This claim is probably based on statements made by Jean-Louis Bruguière, the former

head of the French judiciary‟s counterterrorism unit. On 2 June M Bruguière told the

Associated Press that IHH had contact with Al-Qaeda during the 1990s, and had been

involved in helping to organize the plot to blow up an airliner at Los Angeles

International Airport in December 1999. The former judge said that several members

of the bomber‟s network worked for IHH as cover, and that it was too systematic and

too widespread for the NGO not to know their true intentions. Referring to the

organization‟s activities in the late 1990s M Bruguière said

It was clearly proven that some of the NGO's work was not charity; it was to

provide a facade for moving funds, weapons and mujahedeen to and from

Bosnia and Afghanistan.

Omer Faruk Korkmaz, a member of the IHH board of directors, strongly denied any

connection between IHH and any illegal organization.

During his telephone interview with the Associated Press, M Bruguière, who is currently

coordinator for the European Union terrorism finance tracking programme, did not

indicate that IHH had any current links with terror.59 Also on 2 June Philip Crowley,

Assistant Secretary at the U.S. Bureau of Public Affairs said IHH had not been

designated as a Foreign Terrorist Organization by the United States, and that the U.S.

could not validate any connections to Al-Qaeda.60 (On 26 July Roger Cohen wrote in

the New York Times that a State Department official had denied to him that the U.S.

planned to designate IHH a terrorist organization.61)

[Despite notable successes against terrorism such as his successful hunt for Carlos the

Jackal, Judge Bruguière remains a controversial figure in France. Le Figaro recalled

how he was regarded by some as a „voyou judiciaire‘ (judicial lout). In a judicial

inquiry into the 1994 assassination of President Juvénal Habyarimana of Rwanda, the

judge had accused the president‟s successor, Paul Kagamé, of ordering the killing to

deliberately provoke the Tutsi genocide and so gain worldwide sympathy for his coup

d‟état. François Schlosser described this as the same line of argument adopted by the

Hutu perpetrators who, at the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, had denied

the existence of the genocide and presented themselves as the victims of external

aggression. M Schlosser accused the judge of overlooking recriminating evidence

against French military complicity in the genocide, relying heavily for his findings on

evidence already discounted as false by a French parliamentary commission of inquiry

in 1998, and linking hypothesis with fact. (Le Figaro also accused the judge of denying

the existence of Rwandan army missiles described in detail in the same commission‟s

report.62) In so doing M Schlosser said that M Bruguière had exonerated the real

perpetrators of the massacres while easing the conscience of French officialdom which

had for many years supported the ethnic and racist policies of the Habyarimana


Similar controversy is attached to M Bruguière‟s investigations into the bombing on 17

September 1989 of an aircraft belonging to UTA which exploded in mid-flight over the

Sahara Desert. The bomb technology was similar to that used by a Palestinian

terrorist organization and early clues indicated involvement from Syria and Iran. But

with escalation of the Gulf crisis in 1990 and the inclusion of Syria and Iran in the anti-

Iraq coalition it was decided by the U.S., and subsequently by M Bruguière, to drop

this line of enquiry and to concentrate on the Libyan connection, based on extremely



flimsy evidence provided by the FBI. Despite the doubts of police Commissioner

Claude Calisti (then considered one of the best explosive experts in the world) who

could find no trace of explosive on the piece of timer retrieved by the FBI, both the

bureau and M Bruguière continued to insist that this provided incontrovertible proof of

a Libyan link to the bombing.64]

The allegations against IHH activities in the 1990s are serious, but they have never

been proven in a court of law. M Bruguière continues to harbour doubts about the

charity,65 but his eccentric history of investigation and selective use of facts coupled

with a failure to produce any reliable evidence to substantiate his assertions leave

them unproven and unreliable. At present they provide inadequate reason to besmirch

radical aid workers intent on fulfilling a humanitarian mission whose need is well

attested to by the United Nations and the International Committee of the Red Cross

amongst many other august institutions. Those who consider radical Islam to be

fanatically racist would do well to consider the words of IHH president Bülent Yıldırım.

When asked about allegations that the flotilla had an Islamist nature Mr Yildirim had


Had it been Muslims killing Jews, I would again go with a flotilla. We are against

all cruelty.66


4.1 The San Remo Manual

The Free Gaza flotilla was trying to deliver a cargo of certified humanitarian aid to

Gaza in keeping with UN Security Council Resolution 1860. On 31 May it was attacked

by forces of the state of Israel 73 miles from the coast of Gaza in international

waters.67 Israel claimed the operation was legal, quoting the San Remo Manual on

International Law Applicable to Armed Conflict at Sea, of which Article 146 allows the

interception of shipping on the high seas if a blockade has been legally applied.68 (The

UN Special Rapporteur on Palestinian human rights, Professor Richard Falk has

explained that the San Remo Manual is not a legal document but a kind of „soft law‘

that could become customary international law over time.69) The Israeli interpretation

is questionable on several points

i. Anthony D‟Amato, professor of international law at the Northwestern University

School of Law, believes that since the Manual only applies to „belligerent states‟

and „neutral states‟ (as indicated in Section IV) it does not apply in the case of

Gaza which is occupied Palestinian territory and is not recognised by the United

Nations as a state. The Geneva Conventions apply.70 Prof Falk has declared the

same opinion.71

[In putting the legal basis for Israel‟s blockade Prof Ruth Lapidoth explained on

18 July that Israel‟s Supreme Court had passed various judgements which

demonstrated that in its opinion the Israeli conflict with Gaza is an international

conflict. However Prof Lapidoth did not demonstrate any international

recognition of this opinion, and it would appear from her commentary that Gaza

is not a full self-governing state.72 In which case Profs D‟Amato and Falk‟s

statements would appear to remain valid.]

ii. Articles 36-42 emphasise the obligation of any maritime attack to be solely at

military targets for the purpose of gaining a military advantage. Precautions



must be taken to ensure that civilians are not harmed. Merchant vessels are

declared to be civilian objects.

iii. Article 47 exempts vessels from attack if they are

engaged in humanitarian missions, including vessels carrying supplies

indispensable for the survival of the civilian population.73

iv. Dr Douglas Guilfoyle, who is a legal specialist on shipping interdiction and the

Law of the Sea, has questioned whether the blockade had been legally notified,

and indicated that it appears to be officially unrecognised by other maritime


v. The declaration of a blockade must specify the duration. It is not clear whether

„until further notice‟ is sufficiently specific.

(Israel‟s declaration of the blockade can be read in Appendix 2 below.)

vi. Article 102 prohibits a blockade if

(a) it has the sole purpose of starving the civilian population or denying it other

objects essential for its survival; or

(b) the damage to the civilian population is, or may be expected to be,

excessive in relation to the concrete and direct military advantage anticipated

from the blockade.

vii. Article 103. If the civilian population of the blockaded territory is inadequately

provided with food and other objects essential for its survival, the blockading

party must provide for free passage of such foodstuffs and other essential

supplies, subject to:

(a) the right to prescribe the technical arrangements, including search, under

which such passage is permitted; and

(b) the condition that the distribution of such supplies shall be made under the

local supervision of a Protecting Power or a humanitarian organization which

offers guarantees of impartiality, such as the International Committee of the

Red Cross.75

viii. Article 119 declares that a neutral merchant vessel may be diverted „with its

consent‟ while Article 124 says that neutral States are encouraged to enforce

certification procedures to avoid the necessity for visit and search.

[This presumably describes the measures of certification undertaken by the

flotilla. Note the wording here is ‟visit and search‟ and not „attack and forcefully


[Adalah reported that during a court hearing at Ashkelon Magistrate‟s Court on 3 June

The state prosecution was unable to respond to the question of what the legal

authority of the Israeli military was to attack the boat in international waters.76]

4.2 The Fourth Geneva Convention

Above all Israel is a party to the Fourth Geneva Convention of which Part 1 Article 55

and Article 56 apply to it since it maintains „effective control‟ of the Gaza Strip through



the control of the borders, air space and sea lanes. These articles describe the duties

of the Occupying Power of ensuring the food and medical supplies of the population if

the resources of the occupied territory are inadequate, along with maintaining the

medical and hospital establishments and services, public health and hygiene in the

occupied territories.77

4.3 Effects of the closure on the civilian population of Gaza

A number of Israeli and pro-Israeli sources have claimed or implied that there is not a

humanitarian problem in Gaza. The Israel Foreign Ministry‟ expert on maritime and

humanitarian law, Sarah Weiss Maudi said that Israel supplies vital humanitarian goods

on a daily basis.78 While this assertion is generally correct (Israel does, at its sole

discretion, entirely close the border on occasions so the assertion „on a daily basis‟ is

not strictly fair) Ms Maudi avoids any assessment of the reasonable requirements of

the population in comparison with the quantities officially permitted to enter by Israel.

The Head of operations for the Middle East ICRC said on 14 June

…people are surviving thanks to the external assistance coming/comes in, but

it is a trickle compared to what is needed in Gaza.79

In a document by Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center on the confrontation

on the Mavi Marmara on 7 June, an unnamed journalist is reported to have stated

...he had visited the Gaza Strip as part of a humanitarian delegation and his

impression was that there was no distress or lack [of commodities] in the

Gaza Strip. He added that "everything is propaganda"80

The real propaganda was exposed unequivocally a week later.

On 14 June the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) published a news

release which unreservedly called for Israel to lift the closure of Gaza. It said

As the ICRC has stressed repeatedly, the dire situation in Gaza cannot be

resolved by providing humanitarian aid. The closure imposed on the Gaza Strip

is about to enter its fourth year, choking off any real possibility of economic

development. Gazans continue to suffer from unemployment, poverty and

warfare, while the quality of Gaza's health care system has reached an all-time


The whole of Gaza's civilian population is being punished for acts for which they

bear no responsibility. The closure therefore constitutes a collective punishment

imposed in clear violation of Israel's obligations under international

humanitarian law. (Emphasis added.)

The news release called on the international community to ensure that the closure was

lifted, stated that under international humanitarian law Israel must ensure the basic

needs of Gazans are met, and said that all States have an obligation to facilitate rapid

and unimpeded passage of all relief consignments, equipment and personnel.

The ICRC also called on those detaining Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit to grant him the

regular contact with his family to which he is entitled to and ensure that he is well

treated and provided with humane and dignified living conditions.



Some of the conditions of life under the closure were detailed

80 types of goods are currently allowed into Gaza (twice as many as in the

previous year) compared with 4,000 items that could be brought in before the


50 square kilometres amounting to nearly one third of Gaza‟s farmland was

unusable because of the buffer zone imposed by Israel.

As a result of the fishing limit of 3 nautical miles imposed by Israel nearly 90%

if Gaza‟s fishermen are considered either poor or very poor.

The power supply is disrupted for seven hours a day on average which has a

devastating effect on the primary health-care system.

The situation in the hospitals is set to worsen as fuel reserves for hospital

generators run out. Excessive delays and restrictions in transferring medical

equipment and supplies (some of which are the result of non-cooperation

between the Palestinian authorities in Ramallah and Gaza) are threatening the

lives and health of patients. The ICRC‟s health coordinator for Gaza said „The

state of the health-care system in Gaza has never been worse‟.

The inability to obtain enough suitable materials to carry out sanitation projects

has resulted in the vast discharge of raw sewage into the Wadi Gaza

jeopardizing the health of communities living on its banks, and the over-

exploitation and pollution of Gaza‟s aquifer. Most of the drinking water in Gaza

is unfit for consumption.

U.S. $4.5 billion pledged by donor countries for the reconstruction of Gaza

cannot be put to use because of the closure.81

This was the first time that the ICRC has explicitly stated that the blockade constitutes

a violation of international humanitarian law.82

In the light of this publication from the ICRC there can no longer be any doubt of the

illegality of the Gaza closure or about Israel‟s blockade to enforce it, of which the raid

on the Freedom Flotilla was a part. The violent actions of the Israel Navy on 31 May

and the ensuing detention of the passengers on board were totally unlawful under

international humanitarian law.

4.4 Piracy

Many people have described the actions of the Israel Navy as piracy. According to


Illegal attack by warships or state agents of civilian ships cannot be regarded

as piracy as piracy [sic] is an act for private gain.83

There are at least three independent reports that credit cards taken by Israeli

commandos from passengers on the high seas have since been used for private gain

(see Section 7.2 below) In addition considerable sums of money were forcible taken

from passengers on the flotilla, with none of it returned. This appears to raise the

question of whether piracy also occurred during the illegal assault on the flotilla.

4.5 The right of self-defence

According to Lawyers for Palestinian Human Rights



Since the initial boarding of the ship was likely illegal, the civilian passengers

did had [sic] the right to act in self-defence against the invading soldiers.

However, lawful self-defence on the part of the civilians was limited to

reasonable force in the circumstances.[…] However, given that the Israeli

commanders [sic] were displaying firearms and the response appears to have

been through the use of ‗sharp objects‘ including ‗sticks‘ and in some cases,

‗bladed weapons‘, it is arguable that the response by the civilians was indeed

proportional to the threat they faced, especially if evidence emerges that

Israeli commandos had used their weapons on any civilians prior to their

actions against the commandos.84

4.6 The U.S. Arms Export Control Act (AECA)

The use of weapons supplied by the United States is governed by the AECA which

prohibits the use beyond security within the recipient‟s own borders or direct self-

defence.85 As such an illegal lethal assault on civilian shipping in international waters

using weaponry made and supplied by the U.S. (such as Apache and Blackhawk

helicopters and M4 carbines) contravenes U.S. domestic law.


The flotilla sailed in formation after dark led by the Mavi Marmara, with Eleftheri

Mesogeio abeam and Sfendoni astern followed by Gazze I, Defne Y and Challenger I at

the rear. The speed was dictated by the Eleftheri Mesogeio which could only reach 7.5

knots.86 At the time of the attack Challenger I had come ahead and was off the port

beam of the Mavi Marmara before taking off in a vain attempt to transmit information.

The raid began with almost simultaneous attacks on the Mavi Marmara, Sfendoni and

Eleftheri Mesogeio.87 88

The unit selected for the raid was the Shayetet 13 commando, considered one of the

top units in the Israeli army. (This secretive special force unit has been linked to many

undercover operations. In 1988 it allegedly sank a ship belonging to the Palestine

Liberation Organization in Limassol harbour.89) Vice-Admiral Eliezer Marom (Mr Marom

is also referred to as Maj-Gen) was on a Shaldag-class fast vessel alongside the Mavi

Marmara. Detailed planning by the IDF had allowed for the use of force if the ships

refused to turn around and ultimately for the use of live fire if there was danger to the

soldiers.90 Although many sources had assumed that Mossad would have had at least

one agent on the ship, members of Israel‟s investigative Eiland Committee have

complained about poor intelligence, including the failure to secure an informant on


Taking control of such a large civilian vessel presented many problems and there have

been criticisms of the planning for the raid. The commando has trained extensively for

taking control of hijacked vessels but apparently had not adjusted its tactics for ships

that were under legitimate civilian control.92 Israeli intelligence had not anticipated that

resistance would continue despite the IDF‟s shoot-to-kill approach.93 Commandos

boarding at the stern first needed to overcome activists who were intent on repelling

them and then climb two flights of stairs and pass the length of the ship through

hundreds of passengers to get to the bridge. In the event they were denied access by

this route until after the bridge had been seized by commandos landing on the upper

deck. This meant that the soldiers landing on the upper deck were initially

unsupported94 and only gained control after widespread use of live fire. In the wake of



the public relations disaster brought about by such an excessive use of force some

former police inspectors-general have claimed that the raid could have been carried

out more effectively by Yamam, the police‟s elite counter terror unit.95

It is perhaps fortunate that some of the more fanciful proposals were not employed.

Former Mossad agent Victor Ostrovsky told an interviewer that commandos could have

easily sneaked up on the ships in „wet submarines‟ and disabled the propellers. He

said „eventually they‘d run out of food and water and they could be towed to shore‟.96

The lessons of the Exodus when Britain attracted worldwide opprobrium for mistreating

and denying entry to a shipload of Jewish immigrants trying to get to Palestine appear

to have escaped Mr Ostrovsky.

Sources are agreed that physical force was used by both the attackers and defenders

on the Mavi Marmara which resulted in casualties on both sides. The accounts from

both sides are almost unanimous that the resistance on the other five vessels, and

subsequently on the Rachel Corrie, was entirely non-violent. The only dissenting

version is on the IDF videos released in connection with the Eiland report on 12 July

which allege a violent resistance on these other ships but provides no evidence in

support. The use of violence has been consistently denied by all the passengers and

crew that were on these vessels.97 There would appear to be no reason to grant

credibility to Gen Eiland‟s uncorroborated assertions.

Israel‟s Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman said that activists on these five vessels

escaped without a scratch98 while Benjamin Netanyahu said on 5 June that

…in five of the six vessels in the previous flotilla [the boarding] procedure

ended without casualties.99

There is widespread testimony to refute these statements from Israel‟s leaders.

5.1 Accounts by flotilla personnel: M.V. Mavi Marmara

Passengers on the ship spoke of a relaxed spirit of camaraderie before the attack.

Maryam Luqman Talib described how

We had people that we could not communicate with, but our hearts could

communicate. And we had people from different colours, religions, languages

and races. Everyone knew that whatever we were going to get through, we

would get through together. There was so much unity, so much love. There was

just peace.100

Action against the flotilla began with interference on the ship‟s satellite

communications starting at around 21:30 on 30 May. Israeli warships were first

spotted by the flotilla at about 23:00 on 30 May. They demanded that the cruise ship

change course and head for Ashdod but Captain Mahmut Tural responded „Negative.

Our destination is Gaza‟101 and explained that Israeli forces had no right to issue such

an instruction. (At the time the ship was in international waters, not in the waters that

Israel had defined as a restricted-entry zone, and not on course for Gaza.) To avoid confrontation the ship altered course around 23.30 from 222° to 185° heading for a

point west of El Arish.102 The flotilla organizers wished to enter the closed military zone

during the daytime when they would have a better opportunity to plan and negotiate

their situation.103 IHH staff had formed a good relationship with Captain Tural and



members of the organization had been just as concerned as the crew to avoid any

provocative actions on board the ship. At that stage the radar showed that the

warships were about 3-4 miles away. The captain said the Israelis did not tell him to

stop and that between 02:00 and 04:00 hours the ship did not receive any calls or

warnings. The frigates approached from the starboard bow and closed in, attempting

to force the flotilla to return to Israeli waters.104

IHH has described the hostile fleet as comprising four warships, two submarines, 30

zodiac light inflatable craft and three helicopters.105 Hanin Zoabi recalled

I thought to myself that this is not the kind of forces that‘s to stop us. We are

600 passengers. Maybe less than a quarter of these forces, maybe less than

tenth of these forces, can just prevent us very, very easily. And I was—I

actually—maybe for the first time, I think, in my life, I was very afraid. And I

thought to myself, this will not—the end of this will be a tragic [inaudible]

end. It will not end without dead bodies.106

Former U.S. Marine Ken O‟Keefe said that the IHH leadership had a pre-arranged plan

to defend the ship107 when it became apparent that Israeli forces were preparing to


[There would seem to be two separate agendas. A non-violent response (but allowing

for the use of fire hoses) had been agreed amongst the coalition of organizations108

(and referred to below by Captain Tural). Independent of this there was a planned

defence by a group of militants with the foreknowledge of IHH leaders.]

The IDF spokesperson blog reported on 7 June that crew members of the Mavi

Marmara had found militants using a disc cutter to cut railings on the ship on the

evening of 30 May for use as clubs.109 110 Jamal Elshayyal confirmed that activists had

done this when they saw the Israeli forces approaching.111 Steel rods were also

removed from the ship‟s lifeboats,112 along with chains from the access points.113

Captain Tural sent ship‟s officers to investigate this activity. They retrieved some of

the cut rods which he ordered to be dropped into the sea and confiscated the grinding

gear which was put in the radio room on the bridge. He said that it had been

discussed many times that there should be no violence.

Nobody will fight, nobody will kick them. I said many times, because I know

the end.114

Although not seen in the footage released by Cultures of Resistance a disc cutter can

be heard during prayers on deck shortly before the Israeli attack began. This suggests

there may have been another disc cutter not confiscated by the captain.

Dr Hasan Nowrah said that many activists had trained in Crete for one and a half

weeks in non-violent resistance and boat handling. All persons and baggage then

boarding the Mavi Marmara at Antalya had then been given a rigorous search.115

Israeli claims that a hard core of 40 volunteers joined the ship at Istanbul without

security clearance would appear to be valid. Photos showing the MP Abdul-Khaliq Bin

Shihon holding his cultural Yemeni knife (probably taken on board at Istanbul)

appeared widely in the Israeli media, courtesy of the IDF. In the videos released on

12 July he is filmed displaying the knife and putting it back in its sheath. The knife



would not have been permitted to board at Antalya although it was not used in the

fighting. It was again featured amongst the array of kitchen knives that was displayed

by Israeli sources after the raid, all of which appeared to be clean and unused.

Although catapults and the angle grinders came on board there is no evidence that any

specialized weaponry did. The use of makeshift weapons such as chairs116 suggests

that a serious battle was never envisaged and certainly not seriously prepared for.

Prof Richard Falk has observed that the claim that peace activists broke their own

pledge to one another not to resist in the event of an Israeli attack is of no legal

relevance to the right of self-defence.117]

An Israeli allegation that the president of IHH, Fahmi Bülent Yildirim, gave orders to

beat back the soldiers and throw them into the sea118 is refuted by Ken O‟Keefe who

said they were instructed to arrest the soldiers.119 There is also photographic evidence

backed by the testimonies of Murat Akinan and Dr Uysal (below) to show that captive

soldiers were honourably treated on the orders of Mr Yildirim (in contrast to the

treatment widely meted out by the IDF, described below).

[Israeli sources cite a video apparently filmed on the ship before departure from

Istanbul. In this Mr Yildirim is quoted in translation as saying

If you send the commandos we will throw you down from here and you will

be humiliated in front of the whole world.120

In the 12 July videos the translation is changed to a more hostile version which

suggests the precise meaning of Mr Yildirim‟s rhetoric is open to interpretation. Yet

during the battle when he probably knew that passengers had already been shot dead

and there were mounting casualties around him he gave orders to treat the injured

commandos under his charge with honour and respect. These orders were then

diligently followed by Mr Akinan.]

About 90 activists slept and patrolled on the upper deck in readiness to defend the

ship.121 When the attack began they manned positions along the rails ready to throw

back sound bombs and tear gas canisters.122 Many can be seen in photographs

carrying steel bars. Israeli claims that the upper deck was sealed off to non-militants

does not accord with testimonies of non-violent activists and journalists who witnessed

some of the shooting there. Jamal Elshayyal had been allowed complete freedom of

movement and had filmed „every single centimetre of the ship‘ in Istanbul, Antalya and

less than 24 hours before it was attacked. He said that most passengers had been

asked to remain below by the organisers and only journalists and leading activists had

remained above deck.123

The large majority of the passengers were not involved in the fighting. Kevin Neish


They were humanitarian aid workers is what they were. A lot of them were

pot-bellied fellows, balding, glasses, looked a lot like me. They weren‘t


He had seen the militants preparing for battle with gas masks, catapults (slingshots),

pieces of wood and metal pipes. At this point he had found it all silly because he did

not believe the Israel Navy would attack a large ship full of civilians on the high seas.



He was disabused when stun grenades went off on the deck about 4.5 metres from

where he was sitting.125

The Israeli operation began by cutting all satellite communications to the flotilla around

04:00126 and the Mavi Marmara was attacked without warning from zodiacs at around

04:30127 shortly after completion of Fajr Salah, the morning prayer.128 The unprovoked

attack began with fire from high-powered paint ball guns followed by stun grenades,

tear gas, and fire from rubber-coated steel bullets.129 130 The summary report by IHH

also refers to the use of machine guns at this stage131 although there is no testimony

to corroborate this and this weaponry cannot be seen or heard in any of the video

material available.

[Stun grenades or percussion grenades are designed to create panic and can cause

permanent hearing damage. (The commandos had foam ear plugs in their ears). They

were employed within the first minute of the attack (see below). Their use of a

civilian passenger ship carrying many old people was extremely reckless.]

The paintball weapons employed are military variants specifically adapted for use in

close quarter assaults by special forces. The pellets contain not only „paint‟ but are

usually filled with compressed gases and other chemical irritants to debilitate human

targets at a localised level.132 (Captain Tural and others have said the pellets are glass

marbles.133) They are intended to sting sharply and shock the recipient, not to cause

long term harm, and so give assailants the initiative, in this case to then gain control

of the ship.134 The weapons should correctly be considered less-lethal rather than non-

lethal: at least one fatality resulting from this type of weapon is on record. Victoria

Snelgrove died in Boston U.S.A. on 21 October 2004 after a „303 blunt trauma/pepper

spray projectile‘ fired by police hit her in the eye and fragmented as it entered her

brain.135 At least three injuries appear to have resulted from paint ball canisters

during the flotilla raid. The Turkish forensic team examining the dead activists found

one wound containing pellets similar to a shotgun cartridge.136 Also on the Mavi

Marmara Fatih Kavakdan required a bandaged dressing on his chest after being injured

by a paintball.137 One passenger on Challenger I was also hit on the nose by an

unknown projectile (see section 5.1.4. below.]

Commandos carried information on every boat with names and photos of the leaders

and dignitaries on board (who presumably were not to be harmed in order to avoid

negative PR).138 The intelligence was of a high quality but not entirely accurate. (For

example it included information on Challenger II which had not joined the flotilla

following sabotage but did include photos of three parliamentarians who had only

boarded the ship 24 hours before.) Israeli intelligence had very quickly obtained

photos and film footage from the meetings on board ship at Istanbul. With access to

this level of intelligence it is reasonable to assume that the Israeli high command was

aware that there were no firearms on board.139

Shane Dillon was on the Challenger I which was sailing less than a cable length (200

yards) on the port side of the Mavi Marmara when the attack started.140 He said the

fire fighting defences on the Mavi Marmara were activated, „as was normal during a

pirate attack‟, and that rubbish bins had been thrown from the deck at the zodiacs.141

IDF-supplied film footage confirms Mr Dillon‟s account.142 Abbas Al Lawati reported that

some of the commandos were thrown into the sea by the pressure hoses which also

briefly pushed away the zodiacs,143 but this is uncorroborated by either video or verbal

testimony. Kevin Neish confirmed that the fire hoses worked and forced the zodiacs to

back off.144 Andre Abu-Khalil saw about „twenty Turkish resistance guys throwing



tomatoes, anything‘145 at the attackers and threatening soldiers with catapults, water

pipes and sticks.146 Bottles were also thrown at the attackers.147 Militants wearing gas

masks picked up the smoke bombs and tear gas canisters and threw them over the

side, into the sea or into the zodiacs.148 Attempts were made to board the ship from

the zodiacs using grappling hooks, but defenders prevented this. A lot of bullets were

fired: Fatima Mohammad said at some stage before the commandos boarded the use

of rubber-coated bullets changed to live fire.149 Jamal Elshayyal said the live fire

started after about five minutes.150 Ewa Jasiewicz on Challenger I was able to hear the

screams as shooting started from the helicopter.151

Many testified that the Israelis fired before the commandos rappelled onto the deck:

Captain Tural said the soldiers launched gas grenades and opened fire before

boarding the ship. He told IHH

We had losses because of the live fire opened [sic] from a helicopter on

our passenger ship, decks of which was packed with unarmed


He had watched it from the bridge and saw the soldiers open fire without any

warning. He said the passengers only attacked after they had been fired


Arab-Israeli Member of the Knesset Hanin Zoabi said commandos fired from the

zodiacs before the helicopters were over the ship.154 155

News producer Jamal Elshayyal saw live fire from the helicopter before the first

commandos boarded.156 He said one of those killed was clearly shot from

above. Soldiers pointed their guns down through some sort of hatch in the

helicopter and fired live ammunition indiscriminately. Most of the fire from the

sea was initially tear gas and sound grenades but it became live fire moments

after shooting occurred from the helicopter.157 According to Mr Elshayyal

„As far as I am concerned, it‘s a lie to say they only started shooting on


Prof Mattias Gardell said that four helicopters launched the second assault

which began with firing from the air.159

Ken O‟Keefe saw snipers firing from nearby helicopters and not just from the

helicopter from which the commandos descended.160

Ismail Patel said that firing of live ammunition began as soon as the first

helicopter appeared above the ship without any warning being given.161

According to Fatima Mohammadi

…there was live ammunition being shot onto deck at the volunteers

even prior to commando soldiers being dropped onto the ship. The

insinuation, the suggestion in the media that the commandos came on

board and at that point they responded to force with force is absolutely

untrue; absolutely untrue. We are, we had one to two casualties

before the commandos came on deck…162

Othman Battiri said firing with live ammunition started when the helicopter was

unable to download soldiers.163

Kuwaiti MP Waleed Al-Tabtabaei said the killing of two unarmed Turkish men

provoked the attack on the first soldiers rappelling on board.

According to Kuwaiti lawyer Mubarak Al-Mutawa



Israeli commandos started shooting from the air without warning.

They killed a number of volunteers even before landing aboard the


Journalist Muna Shester described

...a helicopter deployed men in black, armed from head to toe, who

asked no questions and killed two Turkish men immediately.165

Alex Harrison and Huwaida Arraf were on the upper deck of the Challenger I

o Ms Harrison saw commandos first trying to board the Mavi Marmara

from the zodiacs but they were repelled with fire hoses. A helicopter

then arrived and sound bombs and bullets were fired from it at the ship

before the first commandos descended onto the deck. She is unsure

whether live or rubber-coated bullets were used.

o Ms Arraf confirmed that shooting began before soldiers boarded the boat

but is also unsure what type of ammunition was used.166 Fiachra Ó‟Luain who was on the bow of the Challenger I said

…there was live gunfire straight away from below and from the

helicopters. One of the men was shot in the head. Another man was

shot with a bullet right between his eyes at point blank range.167

[It is doubtful if Mr Ó‟Luain actually witnessed this at night 180 metres away

from and 13 metres below the upper deck where it happened.]

(Dror Feiler has said there is unreleased film from the Eleftheri Mesogeio, which was

abeam of the Mavi Marmara when the attack started, in which shots and stun grenades

can clearly be heard before any soldier is on the cruise ship.168

Not all agree: Al Jazeera reporter Mohamed Vall said the first soldiers to land were

captured and when the second helicopter arrived the Israelis killed as many as they

could to take control of the ship.169 This is at variance with the other statements

particularly Ken O‟Keefe‟s first hand statement that two activists were already dead

when he helped to disarm the first two commandos that boarded the Mavi Marmara.170

(He later added that by the time he got to the cabin area where the three commandos

were taken this had risen to four dead and many injured.171) Certainly the first

casualties occurred during the early phases of the attack since Jerry Campbell and

Maryam Luqman Talib interrupted their morning prayers to help nurse four gunshot

victims.172 173

[It is possible that Mr Vall was unsighted when the first live fire occurred, since the

rest of his testimony corresponds with that of the other witnesses.]

In response to the Israelis‟ lethal fire a mêlée of perhaps 30 to 40 militants attacked

and seized the first commandos rappelling onto the upper deck from a helicopter.174

The militants were particularly keen to stop the commandos from disabling the ship‟s

transmission antennae situated on that deck.175 Ken O‟Keefe helped to disarm two

commandos who had been rolled off the upper deck and dropped onto the fourth deck.

One was deprived of an assault rifle that was thrown overboard and the other of a

pistol. Mr O‟Keefe removed the live 9mm lead bullets which he gave to another

activist and intended to keep the pistol as evidence.176 He said one commando was

trying to reach his weapon. „I had no doubt that if he got to it before I did I‘d be



dead‟.177 178 179 IHH president Bülent Yildirim confirmed that activists used non-lethal

force to grab weapons from the commandos and corroborated that the weapons were

thrown into the sea.180 (On the Israeli video footage objects which could be weapons

can be seen being thrown overboard.181) Calling it „civil resistance´ Mr Yildirim told

Hürriyet Daily News

…it would have been self-defence even if we had used those weapons. Still,

we threw the weapons into the sea.182

One of the IDF pistols was left on the floor in the lounge where many of the wounded

were taken and where it was disregarded. Soldiers later found it there and put it in

one of the bags and then staged a discovery which they filmed.183 (This may have

been a pistol, emptied of bullets, that Ken O‟Keefe had hidden, hoping to be able to

submit it later as evidence in a criminal trial for murder against the Israeli

authorities.184 It is unclear why this staged film has not been released.)

Cevdet Kiliçlar was photographing the helicopters when he was shot in centre of the

forehead. Nicola Enchmarch was standing next to him on the fourth deck and

confirmed that he was photographing at the time. She knelt down next to him, put her

hand under his head, then held his hand while he died. Ms Enchmarch said that the

draught from the helicopter was whipping things about on the deck and it was difficult

to see where the gunfire came from.185 Mr Kiliçlar‟s body was taken to the press room

which explains the erroneous account that he was summarily executed there at point

blank range.186

Al Jazeera cameraman Andre Abu-Khalil was at the stern of the fourth deck where he

saw militants with catapults, water pipes and sticks, banging pipes on the side of the

ship to warn the Israelis in the zodiacs not to approach. This standoff lasted about ten

minutes until the Israelis used live fire shooting one man directly in the head (which

may have been Mr Kiliçlar) and another in the neck.187 [This was not a life threatening

situation for the soldiers, at this stage they were merely denied access. Othman Battiri

(see above) has said that live fire began from the helicopters after the commandos

were unable to download soldiers, presumably by people milling on the upper deck (no

video footage has been released of this time frame). Denied the ability to board the

ship it is possible that a senior officer in one of the command boats nearby gave the

order to use live fire from the helicopter and the zodiacs for the sole purpose of gaining


Some of the non-violent activists have supported the defence on the Mavi Marmara

against disproportionate and lethal violence initiated by the IDF. Swedish historian

Matthias Gardell said

It is not as if Israel is a police officer who no human being has the legitimate

right to defend him or herself against. If you are attacked by commando troops

you of course must have the right to defend yourself [...] Many people on this

ship thought they were going to kill everyone. They were very frightened [...]

It's strange if people think one should not defend oneself. Should you just sit

there and say: 'Kill me'? 188

German Parliamentarian Annette Groth told the Free Gaza Team

The Israeli claim that its commandos acted in self-defence was ridiculous. It

was like war. They had guns, taser weapons, some type of teargas and other



weaponry, compared to two-and-a-half wooden sticks we had between us. To

talk of self-defence is ridiculous.189

Captain Tural observed

Just like anyone is subjected to live fire would, the passengers on the ship tried

to defend themselves.190

Paul Larudee practised non-violence but wrote

A number of passengers aboard the Mavi Marmara […] responded with their

hands, feet, and whatever objects were at hand. I admire them for doing so;

they knew that Israel has a reputation for disproportionate response.191

Kevin Neish told an interviewer

I saw dead bodies, I saw captured Israeli soldiers and I saw men fighting

machine guns with three foot lengths of chain.192

[The Israelis] were outraged that these Arabs and Turks had dared to fight back

with nuts and bolts and fire hoses, sticks, pipes and chains and held the mighty

Israeli army at bay for half an hour on that ship and forced them to kill. They

were outraged that they were not in control.

(One of the Turks had told him that it was worth it, that they had won because the

world would see what was really happening.193)

Dr Mahmut Coskun was less sympathetic and later rebuked one of the militants for

boasting of having beaten an Israeli, telling him

Just because you wanted to flex your muscles and drag three soldiers down,

nine people ended up dead.194

Israeli claims that the commandos were fired on are rejected.

Captain Tural said the weapons seized by the passengers were thrown into the

sea. They were never used against the soldiers.195

Ken O‟Keefe flatly denied that anyone from the ship fired any Israeli weapon.196

Mubarak Al-Mutawa told a reporter

I assure you that no one from the aid volunteers had any firearms. We

had no other weapons, except kitchenware, and the volunteers did not

start any resistance.197

Jamal Elshayyal had filmed the entire ship three times before the attack and

was convinced there were no firearms on board.198

Al Jazeera crew member Othman Battiri testified

There was not [sic] firing by the activists on the soldiers. As media we

stand witnesses on that.199



Andre Abu-Khalil who was on the fourth deck as an Al Jazeera cameraman said

the militants did not have guns, only catapults, water pipes and sticks.200

Jamal Dajani has pointed out that the helicopter‟s infrared cameras would have

easily recorded the flashes caused by gun discharges, but such evidence has

never been released.201

(No details of the commandos‟ injuries have been released. If commandos have

suffered gunshot wounds this could have been from Israeli friendly fire.) One soldier is

reported to have been almost thrown into the sea, but this was prevented by other

activists.202 IDF video footage does show at least one soldier (Kevin Ovenden reported

two) being pushed over the side of the upper deck and dropped to the deck below

(which is the third deck and the drop is about 3.5 metres at that point).203

Three commandos captured by the militants had feared for their lives.204 Ahmet

Sarikurt said the soldiers had bruises and one had a swollen face. Another seemed to

have had a nervous breakdown.205 Abbas Al Lawati said one soldier had the fear of

death in his eyes,206 while Kevin Neish saw one carried in with „eyes as big as saucers,

yabbering and yelling‟. His guns had already been taken off him and Turkish aid

workers took off all his equipment: backpack, ammunition belt, knife and helmet. A

big Turk tried to hit the commando but he was pushed off by the aid workers who

shouted and pinned him against the wall while their colleagues rushed the soldier past

and onto the medical aid area.207 Murat Akinan said that he had been directly ordered

by IHH president Bülent Yildirim to take responsibility for the wellbeing of the

commando. The two other soldiers were subsequently brought in and Mr Akinan had

ensured that they were not harmed despite the reactions of some of the people around

them. He said these reactions were understandable when people had seen friends

killed and injured, but he had told them that their religious beliefs required that the

soldiers should be treated and taken back.208 During his interrogation at Ashdod

officials admitted that he had acted „with goodwill‟ towards the captive in his care.209

Paveen Yaqub had seen one of the soldiers being bandaged, and seeing he was „very

panicked‟ she reassured him that he would not be attacked.210 The second captive

soldier was traumatised. To Laura Stewart it showed that „if you take the gun from an

Israeli soldier, he is just a coward hiding behind the gun‟.211 Photographs show medical

aid was administered by Dr Hasan Huseyn Uysal.212 Dr Uysal explained in a telephone


…the Israeli soldiers were brought to me to check their medical situation and

treat them properly. I had our dead bodies and injured people lying in front of

me and I was treating the soldiers that actually killed and wounded them.

None of our friends in the centre approached to harm or hurt them. 213 214

Dr Uysal said the commandos „were very startled and very scared‟. One had suffered a

cut which reached his stomach membrane but not the organ itself. Dr Uysal had been

unable to stitch it because he had no stitching material with him. After medical

attention the soldiers were taken below to the women‟s deck (the first deck) where

they were out of sight and protected.215 They were freed when the Mavi Marmara

surrendered,216 at which point their colleagues are reported to have opened fire on

their escort wounding a doctor in the arm.217 One of the captives said that the guard

was hit by a projectile from a stun gun.218 (Israeli sources say the three captives were

taken to the bow of the ship and that their colleagues used non-lethal fire which

caused the captors to run back into the ship.219 Since there is no evidence of ill intent

towards the captives it is reasonable to assume they were taken forward to be




A second wave of 15-20 commandos arrived in a Black Hawk helicopter, firing as they

descended.220 221 222 223 Fatima Mohammadi who was still on the upper deck said a

cameraman about two metres from her was shot twice in the arm.224 He was wailing in

pain and lost a profuse amount of blood so she applied a tourniquet. Below on the

fourth deck „soldiers were just showering [bullets]. They were just shooting in every

direction‟.225 Iara Lee said

We expected them to shoot people in the legs, to shoot in the air, just to

scare people, but they were direct. Some of them shot in the passengers'

heads. Many people were murdered – it was unimaginable.226

When someone in the press room asked Hanin Zoabi what was going on she replied

„War is going on.‘227 Most of the deaths and injuries occurred before the boarding and

during the 30 minutes it took for the soldiers to go from the upper deck to the lower

deck. At that time they were firing on the lower decks from above228 as the Israelis

shot at everyone that was outside on the deck.229 One man was shot in the leg one

metre in front of Kevin Ovenden him and another immediately to the right of him was

shot in the abdomen. The shooting had come from above and there was no way that

the perpetrator could have felt threatened by their presence.230

In the main stairwell a stream of bodies came in. Kevin Neish saw blood dripping

down the stairs. „It was not a cliché‟ he later recalled. Two of the bodies had twin

bullet holes in the sides of their heads which Mr Neish immediately thought was an

execution. In a radio interview he said

And there was blood, blood all down the stairs, blood everywhere, I got blood

on my pants and boots and [trailed off] It was terrible.231

The floor was covered with dark red footprints. Three corpses were placed in front of

the cafeteria window, their blood drenched clothes were removed and the bodies were

draped in clean Palestinian and Turkish flags.232

Soldiers beat people with batons. Moroccan MP Abdelqader Amara said soldiers hit

victims with their rifle butts before shooting them dead.233 Rifat Audeh was thrown on

the deck by four commandos, blindfolded and had his hands tied behind his back while

a soldier‟s knee was digging in his ribs. A commando searched his pockets and

demanded to know where his phone was.234 On the bridge deck, Fahmi Bülent Yildirim

took off his shirt which was waved outside as a white flag of surrender, but according

to Nurfitri Moeslim Taher the shooting did not abate.235 (Idris Simsek said the person

waving the white flag was shot,236 but this is unconfirmed.) Jamal Elshayyal and Sarah

Colborne confirm that shooting continued after the white flag was raised (Mr Elshayyal

said with live ammunition).237 238

The bridge was taken when ten commandos rushed in with guns at the ready. All the

crew were made to lie down and handcuffed, but the captain refused to lie down and

was told to sit in a chair and not to move. He was not handcuffed at that stage.239 All

documents including the ship‟s certificates were seized.240 [According to an activist

named Sabrina241 and Abdul-Khaliq Bin Shihon242 commandos took control of the boat

by threatening to kill the captain‟s infant son. This appears to be incorrect: there was

only one infant boy on the ship along with his mother, Nilufer Cetin the wife of the

chief engineer. Mrs Cetin was released promptly from detention and was one of the

first activists to arrive in Istanbul on 1 June.243 She did not complain of maltreatment



and she did not refer to any threat to her son. Captain Tural also did not mention this


Resistance from the ship ceased immediately after the captain announced over the

tannoy that the invaders had taken over the bridge. The activists had been fighting to

get the aid to Gaza. After the bridge was taken they knew this was no longer possible

so they put down their weapons and walked quietly to the lounges. There was no

further sense in anyone getting hurt.244

During the raid the control board of the ship was damaged and the crew prolonged the

repairs in the hope that as they were in international waters help might come.

Passengers on the lower deck had told the bridge by radio that they needed immediate

emergency medical aid. The captain had asked several times for medical assistance

for these passengers from the unit commander and had eventually been told that no

medical aid would be provided unless the engines were restarted and the ship set sail on a bearing of 130° for Ashdod. Captain Tural said that the ship‟s doctors had not

been allowed to use emergency aid facilities on the ship to treat the injured.245 Fatima

Mohammad said that continuous appeals over the public address system for a cease

fire in Hebrew, Arabic, Turkish and English had gone unheeded for one and a half


Victims reported atrocities and widespread shooting by the soldiers. Many were shot

at close range.

Mehmet Yildirim reported that a friend with a bullet wound to his hand was

lying on the deck. Soldiers went over to him and fired two bullets in his back,

turned him over and put two more rounds in his chest. The victim moaned in

pain for two hours.247

Soldiers realised that Muharren Güneş was not wounded and had shot him at

close range in the left cheek. He has lost six teeth on that side and the bullet

had exited his neck.

Mustapha Batuman had been shot from a range of about one metre.

Sadreddin Furkan who was in the control centre on the bridge said the soldiers

were shooting in all directions. He felt a deep pain in his leg which began

bleeding. He had been shot behind, three times in the leg and once in the


Osman Çalık was shot in the knee and was lying on the deck where the soldier

was about to shoot him a second time. At this moment Hanin Zoabi shouted to

the soldier in Hebrew and he did not shoot.

Ali Buhamd saw a soldier shoot a wounded Turk in the head.249

(The preliminary Turkish autopsy reported five of the deceased were shot in the head

at close range. 250)

Journalists had given the soldiers a clear explanation of how to get into the press

office, but they had deliberately broken down one of the locked doors instead. Inside

the office they had aimed the laser sights on their guns at the journalists‟ eyes for

about 45 minutes in order to intimidate them.251 The journalists had been ordered out

one at a time, with their hands up. When it was his turn Marco Lucas had looked into

the eyes of one of his captors which had caused the soldier to become nervous, and his

hand to tremble, apparently afraid of defenceless unarmed people who they held at




In the lounge a soldier gestured with his gun for everyone to lower their heads. Most

did and the rest were threatened with a laser beam pointed in the centre of the

forehead. A large Bahraini man sat on a sofa comfortably facing the nervous young

soldier who gestured for him to lie down. The man did not move. The soldier

continued gesturing, thumped on the window and then pointed the laser beam at the

man. A few moments later the man got up and moved across to the other side of the

sofa with his back to the soldier. The soldier abandoned his demands.253

Laura Stuart was tending some of the seriously wounded when soldiers arrived and

told her that she had to leave her charges and go with them immediately or she would

be shot. She was then searched and handcuffed.254

After the soldiers took control of the ship Dr Uysal was treated like all the other

passengers. He was handcuffed tightly and made to kneel for three hours. Because

his shoulder hurt he shouted to the soldiers who ignored him at first. They later

released his hands but not those of the captives with him. He was not allowed to go to

the toilet. 255

5.1.1 Cultures of Resistance film of the attack on the Mavi Marmara256

The most important evidence of the attack on the Mavi Marmara currently available in

the public domain is the film smuggled out by Iara Lee‟s team. This amounts to just

over one hour of raw footage taken on the ship immediately prior to and during the

Israeli assault. The film contains no commentary or analysis and is simply the record

by one camera crew of some of the events seen from the second, third and fourth

(bridge) decks. The following points are particularly pertinent

Film time:

10:31 Jamal Elshayyal reported

At which point we could see that we were flanked on either side of the

ships by Israeli naval vessels in the distance. A short while after that

we also saw some sort of aircraft, it‘s not clear what type of aircraft,

whether it was a helicopter or a drone on [sic] the distance. This has

led the organizers to issue life jackets to all the passengers on board;

it also led them to redirect or re-route the vessels. They say they

don‘t want any form of confrontation with the Israeli army, especially

not by night. So they have re-directed the route of these vessels

hoping that they would avoid such a confrontation. We await

daybreak Monday to see what would [sic] happen. ‗Til then the mood

on board is quite tense. There are organizers scattered across all the

decks on every floor monitoring every minute as it goes by.

16:33 An unseen conversation

- They get chucked off. They get thrown off.

- What [indecipherable] be like landing with helicopters?

- There‘s people everywhere. These guys, these guys [indecipherable]

they‘re not like us, come from the easy life [indecipherable]

they‘re ready for these things.

- So they‘re ready to fight, huh?

- Whatever, whatever happens.



20:16 Iara Lee looking into the sky observed „they have drones‟.

22:51 As men join in the morning prayer on the third deck the sound of an

angle grinder can be heard in the background.

23:40 Unknown man talking to Lubna Masarwa

They are going [sic] towards us. One is behind the Defne Y and there

are three coming this way and one further away. OK. […] They are

not pressing us they are just coming closer and closer. No, no

contact, no verbal contact. On radar, we see them on the radar, but

we see also the lights now. Three from that side, ya, from the western

side, one a bit further and one behind us. But they are closing.

24:30 A fire hose is seen laid out on the third deck.

32:03 During morning prayers some film crew suddenly get up and start

preparing their equipment. The rest of the faithful continue with their


32:52 A zodiac appears on the film heading north off the port side.

33:16 Prayer finishes and the faithful scramble. Two men solemnly hug.

35:55 The first zodiac comes alongside the stern on the starboard side.

Lights from the ship are directed on it.

36:02 The first sound of firing from paintball guns on the zodiac, the firing

continues rapidly from then on.

36:13 The first stun grenade goes off accompanied by a low scream.

Five stun grenades are used in the first minute of the attack.

37:05 The first zodiac moves away, but commandos on board continue firing

paintball guns.

37:22 A projectile from the ship, probably from a catapult, hits the front of

the zodiac.

39:40 A laser light is seen on the bridge deck, presumably from a rifle

sight in the helicopter that can be heard but not seen.

40:05 Cevdet Kiliçlar comes onto the fourth deck. He is only carrying a


40:28 A Black Hawk helicopter appears overhead. (Note: This is the second

helicopter to land commandos)

40:29 A shot is heard, followed by a much heavier sound, perhaps a stun

grenade four seconds later, and another lighter shot five seconds after

the second.



41:29 The first rope is dropped, followed by a second rope three seconds


41:38 The first commando descends, followed rapidly by five more in the

space of 18 seconds. The commandos come down on two ropes (unlike

the first helicopter where one rope was tied up and made unusable).

42:05 Catapults fire at the helicopter from the bridge deck.

42:30 The helicopter leaves.

43:30 A casualty is carried past. The injured man is inert and may be dead.

There then follows a period of confusion when shots are heard, casualties are carried

past and there is an indecipherable message on the ship‟s tannoy.

44:20 Kevin Neish discovered a waterproofed booklet amongst the kit of one

of the injured commandos taken into captivity. The six page booklet

in Hebrew and English has photographs of all the ships in the flotilla

(including the Challenger II which had been left behind because of

sabotage). Specific passengers on each ship are named, often with

accompanying photographs. Those discernable in the film are Dror

Feiler, Henning Mankell and two others on the Eleftheri Mesogeio; Raed

Salah, Archbishop of Jerusalem in exile Hilarion Capuddi , Paul Larudee

(who was actually on the Sfendoni) and Greta Berlin (who was not on

the flotilla) on the Mavi Marmara; Annette Groth, Inge Höger and four

others who had originally been on the Challengers I and II.

Various activists are seen with metal rods, wooden staves, catapults and gas masks.

No activist is seen anywhere in the film carrying a firearm. One man opens a package

with a pocket knife. There are blood smears on the wall of the stairwell where

militants wait apprehensively with their makeshift weapons while shots are heard

outside the door.

53:27 Heart compressions are given to a casualty who is lying on the floor

among life jackets and medical gear, while people step over him.

54:06 The first aid has failed and the dead body is removed.

54:13 Medical staff tend to cameraman Sura Fachrizaz, who is lying on the

floor of a corridor. He had been shot in the chest below the right

shoulder (he survived). He is conscious but appears not to be in

serious pain, although concerned. The medics have no knife and cut

away his clothing with a small sharp object. They appear to have no

other equipment to use.

56:00 The dead body of Cevdet Kiliçlar is brought down onto the third deck on

a stretcher.

58:32 There is an announcement over the tannoy from the captain asking all

the brothers to go back to the cabins, to stop the resistance because

live ammunition is being used, to take their seats and to be very calm.



In the final scenes of the film the ship‟s alarm bells are ringing and people are making

their way slowly to their seats. There is no panic. (There was no sign of panic

anywhere in the film.) In the computer lounge people are sitting, lying, smoking,

drinking, talking (one person even smiles). A female voice calls over the tannoy

announcing that all the passengers are sitting down and appealing to the Israeli forces

for no violence against civilians.

5.2 Accounts by flotilla personnel: MV Sfendoni

The ship was sailing about 300-400 metres astern of the Mavi Marmara and was

attacked simultaneously with the cruise ship by paintballs fired from zodiacs on either

side.257 The captain stopped the ship and disabled the engines258 and about 15 to 20

masked commandos had boarded.259 Yousser Benderbal said there were absolutely no

weapons on board. Passengers had sat down very close to one another outside the

bridge and engine room and had tried to establish dialogue. In response he had seen

a Frenchman punched on the jaw, another passenger was hit on the head, another in

the eye and a fourth was slightly injured in the body and the arm. The captain had a

torn ear and injuries to his neck and one leg.260

Bilal Abdulazziz described the violence as „unbelievable‟, with soldiers using

stun guns and batons against activists who were merely locking arms. He had

been tasered to the head, legs and back and he had seen older people


Dimitris Gielalis saw commandos using plastic bullets and tasers and had

beaten people.262 He said a cameraman was hit in the eye with a rifle butt,263

(although it may have been Mr Alharati he saw, attacked see below).

Al Mahdi Alharati was hit with rubber bullets in the leg, beaten in the groin and

over the head, hit with the back of a gun in the eye and hit with the butt of a

machine gun on the back of the head.264

(As well as the injuries he suffered Mr Alharati has a heart condition and

diabetes, and was taken to hospital in Ankara upon his arrival in Turkey. He

was able to return to his home in Ireland on 8 June.265)

Gene St Onge was thrown to the deck a couple of times. He then tried

repeatedly to protect Mr Alharati who was writhing in pain on the deck while

still being continuously kicked. Mr. St Onge who was kicked and hit with a „rifle

or something‘ suffering a gash on his head. He was then restrained with

handcuffs. He said their captain, who was pulled and hit, sustained a punctured

ear drum along with neck and back injuries.266

Ulf Carmesund saw the captain hit on the head with a rifle butt. Apart from this

assault Mr Carmesund did not think the soldiers used excessive force. 267

Ed Peck said that as a result of the non-violent resistance outside the

wheelhouse some people had been roughly treated by the commandos. Some

had needed crutches, bandages and arm slings, while the captain had needed a

neck brace.

Dr Hasan Nowarah was below deck with Edward Peck, where a young Israeli

had hit the 81-year-old former U.S. Ambassador on the back of the head

knocking him to the floor. In response Dr Nowarah had hit the soldier across

the chest with his flat palm, and because the boat was rocking with the fracas

above deck the soldier had fallen down. Two others then knocked Dr Nowarah

to the floor with their M16 rifles where they had kicked him and hit him on the

legs with the rifles. He had almost fainted with the pain and gave up. Four

muzzled dogs then came in. Dr Nowarah thought the struggle on the upper

decks had lasted about three-quarters of an hour.268



Cameraman Jan Línek had not been touched. He thought the struggle on board

lasted about five minutes. Once they had control of the ship he considered the

Israelis behaved well.269

Joe Meadors said the action was „fairly swift‟. He added that the soldiers were

fairly polite,

…it was always please and thank you, but those words take on a

different meaning when they are said at the point of a gun.270

Television journalist Manolo Luppichini saw two people hurt by tasers. The

soldiers seized two cameras, microphones, a stand and equipment belonging to

him along with his wallet, passport, bag and all his personal effects.271

Yousser Benderbal said they had been kept in the sun until 1 or 2 pm.272

[Tasers give out pulses of electricity at up to 50,000 volts that can penetrate thick

clothing. They cause muscle spasms and inflict a lot of pain often causing the victim to

fall over, and have been associated with heart irregularities, miscarriage and eye

damage.273 Although considered a „non-lethal weapon‟, tasers have been associated

with sudden deaths and other fatalities in North America. Between September 1999

and late 2005 167 cases of death following police taser strikes were recorded in the

U.S. and Canada. In 27 cases medical examiners said tasers were a cause, a

contributing factor or could not be ruled out.274]

Sixty-four-year-old Dr Paul Larudee pursued a determined non-violent resistance

throughout his detention, despite having to endure considerable physical violence in


I felt that I needed to do non-violent resistance. That consisted of not following

orders, not walking to the places that they wanted me to walk, they were forced

into carrying me for example. But they thought they could get me to do what

they wanted me to do by applying pain and they beat me, essentially, six times

in two and a half days275

On the Sfendoni he helped in the attempt to block the wheelhouse, getting tasered

twice in the left arm in response, and suffering pain and hearing loss after two stun

grenades exploded two feet from his right ear, possibly puncturing his eardrum. He

was also struck on the left leg with a baton. He was then restrained with a plastic tie,

but refused to be subdued.276 If they told him to stand he would sit, if they told him to

sit he would stand. The soldiers tied his feet and hands with plastic cuffs and put him

in a chair on the deck.277 Every passing soldier hit him.278 At this point he had blood

coming from his nose and from his wrists where the tie had cut in.279 After other

detainees complained that he was losing circulation the soldiers cut his hand tie and he

calmed down. But when an Israeli mechanic had managed to start one of the engines

Dr Larudee had jumped overboard from the upper deck as an act of defiance.280 The

Sfendoni then stopped and a naval vessel arrived after ten minutes. Dr Larudee

refused the life preserver thrown to him and then instead of taking a grappling hook

that was proffered he tied it to the rope ladder. The commandos next tried to catch

him with a pole and hook but he swam away and continued to avoid the vessel‟s

manoeuvring. Eventually a zodiac was lowered which despite engine trouble managed

to get alongside him.281 A soldier then punched him twice, grabbed his hair and pushed

him under water, pulled him out and punched him again, and then pushed him back

under the water.282 He was finally dragged onto the zodiac where he was punched

again and his head was slammed onto the deck inflicting a black eye, after which his



wrists and ankles were tied. From there he was hauled onto the larger vessel by the

ties and his arms, so that the ties cut into his wrists and his arm sockets were

strained. He was then blindfolded and tied to a pole in an uncomfortable position

where the wind on his wet clothes caused him to shake uncontrollably. The soldiers

gave him dry clothes and eventually, after he promised not to cause further problems

they took him below and gave him a sandwich. But they would not allow him to use

the toilet despite repeated requests, and only relented when he threatened to foul the


Passengers had been told to take only their passports and medicines when leaving the

ship at Ashdod. All personal belongings were left on board and despite assurances

that the property would be forwarded none of it has been returned.

5.3 Accounts by flotilla personnel: MV Challenger I

The Challenger I had taken off from the flotilla at 22 knots in an attempt to break free

and transmit information on the raid but had been unable to do this because the radio

was jammed. It had been forced to slow down by loss of oil pressure to the engines.

Israeli corvettes followed and approached using a spotlight and illumination flares.284

One of the warships approached as though it was going to ram, reminding Alex

Harrison of the ramming of the MV Dignity in December 2008. (A resume of that

attack is given in section 6 of the commentary below.) She said rubber bullets were

fired before they were boarded, and many passengers were hit.285

On 3 June Shane Dillon gave testimony to Ireland‟s Foreign Affairs Committee. He

testified that there was no resistance on the boat and unlike the Mavi Marmara they

did not turn their hoses on the commandos. The commandos had used stun guns, hit

people with their rifle butts, pushed people onto the deck and stood on them, used

high-powered paintball guns and smashed windows. (Israel‟s Ambassador to Ireland,

Dr Zion Evrony, declined to go before the committee to answer questions. Sein Féin

President Gerry Adams called for Dr Evrony to be expelled from Ireland in

response.)286 At a press conference Mr Dillon had said that after boarding the

Challenger I the soldiers had initially focussed their attention on the journalists in order

to seize any evidence.287

Fintan Lane had tried to reason with the soldiers but had a gun pointed in his

face by a screaming commando causing him to genuinely fear for his life. He had seen Fiachra Ó Luain dragged around the deck.288

Photographer Kate Geraghty described the attack as „pretty full on‟.289 She was

trying to take photographs when she was tasered on the upper arm during the

boarding,290 which caused her to be thrown a metre and a half and collapse

vomiting on the deck.291 She yelled that she and Paul McGeough (also on the

Challenger I at the time) were from the Sydney Morning Herald and was

answered by a commando speaking English with an Australian accent saying

„We know you‘re from the Herald‟.

Shane Dillon was tasered in the left arm, but said he was treated better than

most activists because he was a member of the crew. Calling the commandos

„terrorists‟ not „soldiers‟ he said

They beat some of the girls and pushed them around the deck. They

weren't friendly with them at all.292



Huwaida Arraf told CNN that her head had been banged on the deck after which

she was handcuffed and hooded.293 (Shane Dillon said that as Chair of the Free

Gaza Movement, Ms Arraf seemed to have been picked out for special

attention.294) On BBC Newsnight she said the soldiers had beaten many people

on the ship and one volunteer ended up with a bloody face.295 The door to the

main body of the boat was locked and activists were attempting to block the

way. The soldiers beat people out of the way and kicked in the glass door.296

Theresa McDermott saw a Belgian woman named Margarita (apparently,

Griet Deknopper297) hit in the face by a projectile which burst her nose causing

heavy bleeding. She also saw Huwaida and a Dutch woman, who tried to block

the stairs, thrown to the ground, their hands cuffed with plastic ties that cut

into their wrists and their faces pushed on to the deck that was full of broken

glass. When Theresa shouted and tried to get to the two women a soldier put

his pistol to her head and said he would shoot her if she did not do as she was

told. 298

Alex Harrison said two women who were hooded also had their eyes taped.299

Ewa Jasiewicz was told by a soldier „fuck you; fucking bitch, I‘ll kill you‟.300

One Dutch academic refused to hand over her passport despite attempts by

four commandos to intimidate her.301

Paul McGeough spoke of

…men with zip ties on their wrists, on their knees for hours, denied

permission to go to the toilet, forced to soil their pants, women

pleading to be able to give drinks to men…302

An 80-year-old man was not allowed to go to the toilet and was forced to

urinate in his clothes.303

All the passengers were eventually put in the lounge where their handcuffs were

removed. At this point when everything was calm and the activists were allowed to

drink water an IDF soldier started filming. When the vessel arrived at Ashdod the

soldiers wanted the activists to be escorted gently off but they refused to go because

they had been taken to Israel against their will. They were threatened with tasers to

make them disembark, but in the end they had been carried off.304

5.4 Accounts by flotilla personnel: MV Gazze I

The ship was surrounded by zodiacs and helicopters around 06:00 and the Israeli

forces ordered everyone to move to a visible place or they would open fire. The

captain ordered everyone to comply after which fully armed troops came aboard. The

detainees were kept on the hatches and then transferred to the galley where they were

searched and taken for individual questioning. They remained in the galley until


5.5 Accounts by flotilla personnel: MV Defne Y

The attack occurred at 06:10 when helicopters landed soldiers on the ship. Everyone

was ordered to remain on the hatches for an hour before being transferred to the

galley. The 20 persons were kept in this 15 square metre unventilated area until

arrival at Ashdod.306



IHH reported that Israeli operatives swore in Turkish and English over the maritime

radio to the crew of the Defne Y on the evening of 30 May. The abuse continued until

about 04:00 on 31 May.307 Similar abuse was heard over the radio on the Gazze I.308

5.6 Accounts by flotilla personnel: MV Eleftheri Mesogeio

The ship was carrying 1,400 tons of prefabricated houses, two water treatment plants,

hundreds of electric wheelchairs and medicines. There were 29 people on board

including a parliamentarian, chaplain, professor, doctor, musician, writer and three

journalists who had stuck large signs saying „PRESS‟ to their jackets. The head of

mission on board was Vangelis Pissias.309

Italian journalist Marcello Faraggi saw the attack start on the flotilla at 04:30. He

described it as „like something in a movie but it was real. Real as in war.‟ Repeated

attempts by the Greek captains in the flotilla to contact the Greek Foreign Ministry

were not answered.310 Soldiers boarded their ship at about 06:30. Captain Mihalis

Grigoropoulos said commandos came on board from helicopters and zodiacs firing tear

gas and live ammunition.311 Activists who refused to surrender were hit, targeted by

the rifle laser sights and handcuffed with plastic straps. Sr. Faraggi had been filming

but the soldiers stopped him and took the camera along with the cassettes, telling him

that he could have it back later. (One cassette was later returned to him at Ashdod.) 312 Mario Damolin, who was filming, was hit in the chest and the camera was torn from

his hand.313

People trying to form a human shield were attacked with rubber bullets and tasers.314

63-year-old Vangelis Pissias had hung onto the wheel where he was beaten and kicked

causing him a lot of pain afterwards. Dror Feiler suffered a bleeding ear.315 Henning

Mankell saw the Israeli forces attack sleeping civilians.316

After the arrests the captives were mistreated, not allowed to use the toilet and

videoed by their captors contrary to international conventions.317 Medicines were taken

away from doctors on board.318 Swedish parliamentarian Mehmet Kaplan‟s protests for

his right to immunity were ignored. Dror Feiler is a former IDF paratrooper who

refused to serve in the occupied territories. To the annoyance of the soldiers he

quickly translated everything they said in Hebrew.319 He said he had tried to talk with

the Israeli soldiers but was beaten up.320 Some passengers refused to hand over their

passports for which they were beaten. Capt Grigoropoulos said they were given no

food or water, whereas Mario Damolin said they were offered food and water but

rejected it, apart from one Greek who accepted a sandwich and scornfully threw into

the sea.321

The soldiers then checked the boat and one soon returned saying they had found

weapons, producing a fruit knife from the galley and Henning Mankell‟s disposable

razor which caused the passengers to laugh loudly.322

While disembarking 65-year-old Michalis Tiktopoulos was shot by a taser because he

did not move fast enough323 while another passenger was shot with a rubber bullet for

the same reason.324

5.7 Israeli accounts of the raid

5.7.1 On the day of the raid the IDF released its own video of infrared footage taken

during the attack. Significantly the footage does not show the sequence before the



first commandos rappelled onto the deck from a helicopter (when activists say that live

fire from the helicopters killed at least one victim and injured others). The film stops

just as one of the commandos on deck is about to start shooting live ammunition from

a pistol. No excuses have been provided for these apparently deliberate omissions. In

many versions the film from the naval boats begins with a sequence taken on board

the Mavi Marmara before it was boarded and it has been edited by the IDF to highlight

features it wishes to emphasise. The film shows two fire hoses giving the soldiers in

the zodiac a drenching, and effectively preventing them from installing their ladder.

The highlighting emphasises

(video time)

0:05 „box of plates thrown at soldiers‟

0:10 „stun grenade thrown at soldiers‟

0:13 „activist waving metal bars later used for hitting soldiers‟

0:15 „metal chain‟ [this was used by an activist trying to deflect

or control the grappling hook commandos were attempting to use

to scale onto the ship].

[It is important to note that the no stun grenades were ever found on activists or

amongst their belongings. Abbas Al Lawati described how tear gas canisters and stun

grenades were picked up by activists wearing gas masks and thrown back at the

soldiers.325 The film does not highlight Israeli guns which were later used to shoot


The video continues with infrared footage taken from a naval boat starting from when

the first commando starts to rappel down a rope onto the deck. At this point there are

a large number of militants on the upper deck who first of all tie up one of the ropes to

make it unusable, and then attack the soldiers as they land individually on the upper

deck by punching, pushing and beating them with metal bars and staves, while one

commando is also thrown over the parapet onto the next deck below (about 5m drop).

[Kevin Ovenden said two commandos were thrown off the upper deck.326]

Also of note in the video are the following

(video time)

0:27 Object being thrown overboard on the starboard side, unclear

but possibly a pistol.

0:33 A second object, possibly a pistol, is also thrown overboard on

the starboard side.

0:44 A further object is thrown over the port side.

1:00: Object, possibly a pistol thrown overboard on the port side.

1:05: A commando fires a paintball gun at an assailant.

1:10: Two commandos are stood side by side, one with a pistol and

the other with a paintball gun. Both weapons are held in a firing


1:12: As the commandos are about to fire into the crowd this footage

stops and cuts to show a pocket saw apparently found on the

ship. This has a folding single blade about 5 cm long with a

single saw-toothed edge. It is new and has not been used.

There is also a small bottle which has just been taken out of its

wrapping (also shown) apparently containing some

mace-like self-defence spray.

In the background behind this primitive weaponry the door to

the ship‟s bridge is open through which can be seen an Israeli



commando holding what is probably a submachine

gun while outside the door another commando handles a

semi-automatic carbine.327

5.7.2 A second infrared video filmed from a helicopter is very difficult to distinguish

amongst the mêlée occurring on the upper deck. Israel has never chosen to provide a

zoomed in version of this footage which would give a clearer view of what is actually

happening on the deck. The following can be discerned

(video time)

0:30 object thrown overboard on starboard side.

0:47 Object described as „Stun grenade thrown at soldiers‟ is actually

thrown into the sea on the port side.

0:55 Object described as „Firebomb thrown at soldiers‟. It is not

possible to see by whom or at what this is thrown but the way

the crowd disperses suggests that it has been thrown by a

commando.328 329

5.7.3 Ron Ben Yishai was told by commandos that they were to verbally convince

activists to give up and only use paintballs as the next resort. This suggestion does

not accord with the events that actually transpired and in consequence it is

unreasonable to accept Mr Ben Yishai‟s uncorroborated account that the commandos

were fired on by an activist with a rifle. His account that one commando was thrown

onto a lower deck (Mr Ben Yishai suggests a fall of 30 feet, but examination of the

photos suggests 12 feet, or about three-and-a-half metres is more likely) is verified by

IDF video footage. His report that after this, permission was sought and granted to

use live fire needs further consideration.330 (The commencement of live fire is

described in section 2xiv of the Commentary below and further considered in the

section 18.)

5.7.4 A BBC report of 3 June records Israeli soldiers describing the early events on the

Mavi Marmara as a „lynch‟. One anonymous soldier said

At this point, I didn't even have a weapon in my hands. Any soldier coming

down the ropes did not have a gun in his hands. We were empty-handed; our

guns were on our backs.

It's important to clarify that the weapons were riot dispersal means, we had

paintball guns.

They just came prepared for battle. We came prepared to straighten things

out, talk to them, convince them to unboard [sic] the ship.331

[Whatever their orders it is clear that at no stage did the commandos make any

attempt to convince anyone to do anything by verbal persuasion. The raid began with

an undeclared assault on the Mavi Marmara using paintball guns and stun grenades.

Within a very few minutes live ammunition was employed and the first victim had been

shot in the head. On the next three vessels attacked the boarding parties were

uncompromising and violent, and attempts at reason by passengers provoked brutal

responses. Only on the last two ships where the occupants were ordered out onto the

deck was violence eschewed by the boarding parties. The civilised concept of

persuasion parroted by Mr Ben Yishai and by the BBC was in reality nothing more than

a figment.]



5.7.5 Amos Harel wrote up an IDF version of the boarding in Haaretz on 4 June. The

account is based on testimony from unnamed naval commandos employed in the raid,

along with the Lt. Colonel said to be in charge of the Shayetet 13 naval commando unit

involved, and Navy commander Vice Admiral Eliezer Marom who was also present at

the time of the attack. (The unnamed Officer-in-Charge of the commando unit went

on board the Mavi Marmara after the attack.) In this version the attack began at

04:30 when four commandos rappelled on deck where they were attacked by militants

with bars, axes and knives. One militant who was holding a gun to the head of a

commando was shot by the fourth commando to land on the deck. Three commandos

had lost consciousness and were dragged into the passenger halls below deck where

they were held for several minutes, but they escaped upon regaining consciousness.

An unnamed navy officer said of the militants

They were terrorists - hired killers who came to murder soldiers, not to assist

the residents of the Gaza Strip.

The commandos reported that they had been fired upon and that „at least two‟ had

suffered gunshot wounds.332 (It is incredible that four days after the event the senior

naval commanders responsible apparently did not know how many of their soldiers had

sustained gunshot wounds.) The Israeli Consul General in the U.S. repeated the story

the same day and specified that two commandos were shot.333 Nine millimetre bullet

casings were later found on the deck but the commandos deny using this ammunition

and imply that it was used against them.

Wounded activists are reported to have been airlifted to Israel for treatment, thereby

saving the lives of some of the seriously injured. (This was verified by several Turkish

casualties, although other casualties are reported to have bled to death unattended –

see section 6.2)

A „senior officer‟ is reported as saying

Under the circumstances, and I do not like the result, I think we did the best

we could. We took care of five ships without injuries. On the sixth ship, we

faced a harsh attack and killed nine saboteurs. No real peace activist was

injured. No soldier was killed, even though it came pretty close. In the end the

ships are docked at Ashdod. It was very complicated and the result is near

perfect. 334

[There are important discrepancies between these accounts and other data which need

to be carefully considered.

i. Statements by IDF personnel that the injured commandos lost consciousness

and were dragged away are refuted by good quality photographs of the three

men conscious in captivity. Two of them appear to be walking wounded.

ii. In the footage by Cultures of Resistance five commandos are seen to use two

ropes to descend onto the ship in the space of 18 seconds. Only one rope was

usable from the first helicopter, so the fourth commando could be expected to

have arrived on the deck maybe 30 seconds after the leader. According to the

Harel account, in that half minute three commandos had been knocked

unconscious and a pistol taken from one of them before they were spirited away

out of sight, one passenger has then held the pistol to the head of an extra

commando who has previously not been mentioned, and the passenger has

then been shot. Or alternatively the passengers drag three soldiers away after



the fourth (or maybe the fifth) commando had just shot one of their brethren.

This absurd story given to Mr Harel does not work and is an obvious concoction.

iii. The unnamed naval officer quoted in Amos Harel‟s account has alleged that

there were terrorist mercenaries amongst the passengers of the Mavi Marmara.

No Israeli source has ever produced any evidence to back up the claim of

mercenaries, and it has been reasoned here in section 13 below that

international law does not support the widely touted Israeli claims of terrorism.

The argument used by Ken O‟Keefe is worth considering here as a reasoned

denial of the Israeli factoid.

If I wanted to, if I was a ‗terrorist‘, I would have surely turned that gun

on the commando I just disarmed. But I did not, nor did any of my

brothers on that ship. The terrorists on that night wore Israeli

commando uniforms, complete with Balaclavas, assault rifles and

pistols. They executed people in international waters, that is the truth no matter how much propaganda spin is applied.335

iv. The claim by a „senior officer‟ that five ships were taken without injuries and

that „no real peace activist‟ was injured directly contradicts the many reports of

injuries caused by unprovoked Israeli violence. (These reports which were

dealt with in some detail in sections 5.1.2. to 5.1.6 above include the testimony

of a former U.S. Ambassador.) It also infers that all of the many casualties on

the Mavi Marmara were not real peace activists, while Mr Kiliçlar, who was

taking a photograph at the time he was shot dead, was in some way involved in

an act of sabotage.

v. The claim that commandos did not use 9mm ammunition is not credible


The Turkish council of forensic medicine reported that all but one of

the 30 bullets retrieved from the bodies of the victims were 9mm


Ken O‟Keefe has also stated (see section above) that he removed 9mm

bullets from a pistol taken from one of the commandos.

In the infrared footage taken from an IDF boat a commando can be seen

about to fire a pistol. According to Wikipedia all IDF standard issue

pistols use 9mm cartridges.337

The BBC Defence Correspondent Mark Urban appeared on Newsnight on

1 June where he explained to the presenter Kirsty Wark that a

commando caught on CCTV footage at the stern of the Mavi Marmara

appears to be carrying a suppressed version of the Uzi submachine gun.

This weapon also fires only 9mm cartridges.338

The Israeli authorities have in their possession nearly all of the activists‟ photographs

and film footage from cameras and mobile phones, along with their own detailed and

sophisticated photographic material. Despite this wealth of material covering virtually

all events that happened during the seizure of the ships, these same authorities have

chosen to botch together a fantasy story totally lacking in credibility. The suspicion

that this is a cover-up cannot be avoided.]

5.7.6 On 4 June the Jerusalem Post carried an exclusive report of Staff-Sergeant S.

who was in the second group to rappel onto the Mavi Marmara where he was

immediately attacked by a „mob of mercenaries‟. At the same time S had seen his

three commanders lying on the ground and assessed that one had a gunshot wound to



the stomach, another had a gunshot wound to the knee, and the third was unconscious

with his skull fracture by „a devastating blow with a metal bar‟. S. had taken charge,

pushed the injured men against a wall and organised the commando into two

perimeter lines where they had opened fire. It was at this point that the nine fatal

injuries occurred, six of whom were killed by S.

The IDF, the report continued, had been attacked by a well-trained group of

mercenaries, most of whom carried no ID but who each had thousands of dollars in

their pockets. They all wore gas masks and ceramic bullet proof vests and were

equipped with Motorola communications devices.339

Much of the story regarding Staff-Sergeant S was repeated in the TIMESONLINE the

following day.

This preposterous story does not withstand scrutiny. It is particularly helpful to note:

Photographic evidence shows that the three injured commandos were taken

below decks and were not lying on the upper deck when the second commando

group boarded.

The same evidence shows that none of the commandos in custody was


The Staff-Sergeant‟s lightening diagnosis is also at odds with the photographs

and with the report given to the Lede by Dr Uysal who attended the wounded

soldiers. There is no sign or suggestion to support the claim of gunshot wounds

or a fractured skull caused by a metal bar.

The first fatalities had occurred before the second commando group appeared on

the scene and Ken O‟Keefe has recorded that there were two dead before the first

two commandos were disarmed (which was before S and his group had arrived).

If this group had indeed killed nine people then the death toll rises to at least

eleven and gives credence to reports that dead bodies were thrown over the side

of the ship.

There is no photographic evidence to suggest that anyone wore a ceramic bullet

proof vest, although most passengers were wearing life jackets by this time.

It is unclear how the Staff-Sergeant was able to discern so much information

about his assailants. Even if he was able to deduce this later there is no reason

to accept the assertion here that any of the defenders were mercenaries or that

they were not carrying identities. The factoid about mercenaries gains no

credibility from mere repetition or from the total absence of any evidence to

support the assertion.

5.7.7 Haaretz journalist Noam Sheizaf explained that since the Gilad Shalit kidnapping

there is a standing order in Israel not to allow any IDF soldier to be captured alive,

even if it means risking his life. This might explain the embarrassment of the IDF over

the capture of three of its soldiers and the variety of stories spun around the episode.

Mr Sheizaf quoted an unofficial account in which two of the injured commandos

escaped by jumping overboard.340 This was eventually verified by video footage

released by the Israel Foreign Ministry on 12 July.

5.7.8 A report by the Israeli NGO Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center (ITIC)

described a hard core of IHH operatives who boarded the ship at Istanbul without

security checks. It said the group wore ceramic vests and gas masks and armed

themselves with a large quantity of weapons prepared from equipment found on board

(including kitchen knives, fire axes and various items used as clubs) in preparation for



a violent confrontation with Israeli forces. [The only items that might be classed as

bona fide weapons mentioned in this report are one switch-blade knife and a number

of catapults.] The report alleged political motives for the support of the convoy by the

government of Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan. It further alleged that exceptionally

large sums of money had been carried by many of the operatives which in all

probability was intended to be transferred to Hamas.341 [There is no attempt to justify

the assumption that the presence of large sums of money inevitably means the holder

is intent on supporting the terrorism inferred here, and no „probability‟ that the

statement is true. Instead the assertions seem designed for the sole purpose of

defaming the owners of the money. For example Dr Hasan Nowarah‟s statement that

he was carrying a large sum of money destined for the Gaza medical service (see

section 7.2 below) has not been invalidated. Other volunteers also said they were

carrying money for charitable purposes in Gaza. Nevertheless all the money was

stolen by the Israeli authorities or individual soldiers and has never been accounted


5.7.9 The Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs released a video on 16 June featuring film

footage taken from the security cameras on the Mavi Marmara together with footage

seized from activists along with some of the ubiquitous selected infrared footage taken

by the IDF. Important features shown are

(video time)

0:57 Group of activists all wearing life jackets, one of whom is using a disc

cutter to cut sections of steel rod from the ships railings.

1:12 Bundles of wooden staves are uncovered on the open area at the stern

of the second deck.

1:58 Gas masks are distributed.

2:35 Militants gather on the open area at the stern of the second deck.

2:45 A fire hose is unrolled and turned on, and is spraying over the stern of

the second deck.

This is followed by short sequences of a zodiac with commandos, probably off the port

side of the ship, and of commandos fast roping from a helicopter, although it is unclear

which helicopter. The commentary at this stage is saying

After all the navy‘s attempts to persuade the flotilla to change course were

rejected naval troops acted to take control of the six vessels attempting to

break the naval blockade. Five of [sic] Troops encountered extreme violence

from a well-organized and armed group of radical activists.

The video ends with footage of the fight on the top deck where the first commandos to

land being attacked with metal bars. One commando is seen trying to flee through a

door on the deck but before he can get to safety he is hit and stabbed. The

commando appears to be stabbed only once but the footage of this event is shown four

times in succession.342

[It is worth considering the hyperbole here. The term „extreme violence‟ is used to

describe a legitimate defence (in which nine of the assailants are injured, some

seriously) against an illegal assault by members of one of the world‟s elite special

forces. What words does this leave to describe the killing of nine civilians (including

two fatal injuries before the ragged defence had even begun to fight back) along with

the injuries, mostly gunshot wounds, to a further fifty or so civilians? Why is the poor

quality footage of a stabbing repeated three times other than to mislead by presenting

the assault as a frenzied attack?]



5.7.10 Another report by ITIC published on 20 June343 denounced most of those killed

in the raid as „thugs‟ and claimed that the „violent confrontation [was] initiated by the

IHH‟. Once again there is no attempt to justify the allegation that members of the

flotilla initiated the violence, which is contrary to the available evidence. The report

also carries an assumption that the IDF acted legally and properly throughout, contrary

to verifiable evidence. Additional videos released with the Eiland report

On 12 July two videos were released describing the raid as understood by the Eiland

Team of Experts. (The Eiland report is not in the public domain.) The videos contain

infrared film taken by the IDF, including a small amount of previously unreleased

footage, but principally use diagrams and narration. Dramatic music and sound effects

intrude throughout. The narration is in Hebrew with English subtitles so that the

videos appear to have been prepared principally for a domestic audience.

The first video describes with diagrams the formation of the flotilla and uses maps to

illustrate Israeli forces exiting Haifa and Ashdod to confront it. It declares that the

commandos were instructed to use weapons in a gradual fashion, using first non-lethal

weapons only and were only to use live weapons in life threatening situations. The

video shows footage of the radio contact from the naval vessels to the flotilla but does

not play any recordings of replies, apart from excerpts of irreverent messages alleged

to be from the flotilla radios which have been consistently disputed and never proven.

(These messages are considered further in section 10 below.)

The narration says that the raid took place at night because there were several ships

with a large number of passengers. Electronic signal jamming took place before the

attacks began at 04:28. Militants can be seen on the decks of the Mavi Marmara some

wearing gas masks and spraying fire hoses at the zodiacs below them. It is alleged

that disc cutters are used to cut the IDF scaling ladders, but it is not possible to

discern this and it contradicts testimony from Fatima Mohammadi that the scaling

hooks and ropes were simply thrown back over the side.344 The narrative says that

bottles and rocks are being thrown at the zodiacs which withdrew slightly but remained

close to attract attention away from the Black Hawk helicopter which arrived at 04:30.

This dropped stun grenades, forcing activists to evacuate the upper deck. However the

account then contradicts itself by saying that the first rope then dropped by the

helicopter was tied to the deck of the ship by „people fooling around with the rope‟.

This rope was cast off from the helicopter and a second dropped down on which the

commandos descended. Each of these soldiers is attacked by activists with knives,

iron bars and axes, and the second one to descend is shot in the stomach. During the

battle five soldiers suffer stab wounds while three are thrown off the upper deck and

taken below. A second helicopter then arrives at 04:35 and repels attacks from the

militants with gunfire aimed at the attacker‟s feet. Meanwhile the zodiacs try again to

come alongside and are repelled.

[Other accounts describe the first helicopter as being smaller than the second, which

suggests that the first was an Apache and not a Black Hawk as described here.345 The

second helicopter was a Black Hawk and can be seen quite clearly in the footage

released by Cultures of Resistance.

The use of axes is often cited by Israeli sources, including Mr Netanyahu, but the use

of axes cannot be seen on any footage that is available and there is no information on

any injuries which may have been caused by an axe.]



The second video shows a fast rope descent by commandos. The subtitles then

narrate that the commandos took control of the upper deck and then moved onto the

fourth deck where they repelled activist‟s attacks by firing at the attacker‟s feet. It

declares that the soldiers were shot at several times as they attempted to go down to

the lower deck.

Simultaneously the Sfendoni and Challenger I are boarded where the soldiers meet

with violent resistance which is suppressed by crowd control techniques. (There is no

video footage shown of any of the events on these two ships.)

The subtitles relate that at 04:46 a third helicopter arrived at the Mavi Marmara.

There then follows five seconds of previously unreleased infrared footage in which

more commandos rappel down onto the upper deck on which no activist can now be

seen. Nevertheless the subtitle states that as soldiers descend from the helicopter

they „are attacked and they return fire‟. At 05:04 soldiers rush the bridge where they

take control and force the captain to instruct all activists to enter their cabins. The

captain added that he was no longer in command of the ship. In response most of the

activists assembled on the sides of the ship went back inside the ship. The zodiacs

then approached the ship for the third time. Those activists who remained on the

sides of the ship continued to resist by throwing iron pipes at the soldiers. Under

reduced live fire the activists withdrew and soldiers climbed up from the boats. The

three captive soldiers were brought out onto the bow of the boat by activists where

they were spotted by their colleagues who unleashed non-lethal fire which caused the

captors to withdraw. Two of the soldiers took the opportunity to escape by jumping off

the ship into the water and swimming to a nearby zodiac, leaving the other wounded

soldier in the bow where he was rescued by colleagues. While captive the soldiers had

witnessed disputes between passengers trying to protect them and others who wished

to further harm them.

By 05:17 the battle was over. A medical team on the upper deck attended to the

injured while other teams of soldiers controlled various parts of the ship. Post

operation analysis indicate that there were a number of shooting incidents by militants

against the soldiers including the shooting in the stomach of the second soldier to land

on deck which is described by the video as probably the first shot fired on the ship.

Soldiers in the zodiacs also identified activists shooting at them from the ship while

inside the ship an IDF pistol was found which contained no bullets.

Of the remaining three ships the Defne Y was seized by a fast rope unit landing on the

deck and the Gazze I and the Eleftheri Mesogeio were taken over by boarding parties

from the sea. There is no suggestion of violent resistance, and no footage is shown of

these operations.

After the battle on the Mavi Marmara was over the injured were taken onto the upper

deck where they were treated and from where they were evacuated. Two wounded

soldiers were evacuated by sea, while seven soldiers and 31 civilians were evacuated

by air. Three of the soldiers were seriously injured. All the evacuations were

completed by 12.30 pm. Nine activists were killed and 55 were injured, fourteen of

them seriously. In addition to those evacuated 24 passengers were sent for medical

treatment from Ashdod. Fourteen field surgeries were performed at sea. The dead

bodies were taken to Israel on a missile boat.



Eight of the deceased were members of IHH or associated organizations. Half of those

killed had informed their relatives that they wished to die as martyrs. The video

declared that there were no human rights activists amongst those killed (although it

admitted that the affiliation of Furkan Dogan was not known).

IHH members were prepared in advance for a violent confrontation with IDF forces and

the video shows a variety of weaponry including iron pipes, chains, catapults and

marbles, disc cutters, bottles of tear gas, Molotov cocktails, and commando and other

knives. [The same photograph has been used for both the Molotov cocktail and the

tear gas. It is unclear exactly what the bottle is as the description on it is in Turkish.]

In addition it is alleged that non-IDF ammunition was found on board the ship,

although no photographs are shown and no details are given.346 Commentary on the Eiland videos

1) The assertion here of violent resistance to the Israeli forces on the Sfendoni and

Challenger I contradicts previous accounts from Israeli sources. In a statement on

5 June Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that on only one ship was there

what he called „extremist Islamic activists, supporters of terrorism, waiting for our

troops…‘;347 Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman said that of the six ships in the

flotilla the people prepared an ambush on one;348 spokesman for the Prime

Minister‟s Office Mark Regev told Channel 4 News on 1 June that five interceptions

had been carried out without violence;349 while in Amos Harel‟s account (above) „a

senior officer‟ said the IDF forces took five ships without injuries but faced a harsh

attack on the sixth ship. The Eiland video claim is contradicted by all the testimony

from passengers and crew who were on board the vessels. At the time of the

attack Kate Geraghty was photographing on the Challenger I while cameraman Jan

Línek and TV journalist Manolo Luppichini were on the Sfendoni. All of their film

passed to IDF control and the commandos were probably taking their own

recordings at the time. Despite all this evidence the Foreign Ministry can provide

no photographs or footage to support their claims of violent resistance on the two

boats. These serious allegations are therefore dismissed here as not credible.

2) The claim, stated twice, that soldiers fired at the feet of activists is disproved by

the photograph of the dead body of Cevdet Kiliçlar who it can be seen has been

shot in the centre of the forehead. Provisional Turkish autopsy reports (described

below in section 6.1.) found that five of the dead were shot in the head, some

more than once, while all of them had been shot at least once in the upper part of

the body. The claims on the IDF video are not credible. Since Israeli personnel

would have moved the dead bodies and been aware of the head injuries the claims

must be considered as deliberately false and intended to mislead.

3) The claims that activists fired live ammunition at the IDF forces are not

substantiated. Amongst six categorical denials listed above in section 5.1 the

statement of television journalist Jamal Elshayyal that he filmed the whole ship

three times over and found no armaments is particularly compelling. Without

firearms of their own the militants had access only to those taken from IDF

personnel and reports that most of these were thrown away appear to be

supported by IDF videos showing a number of objects being thrown overboard. At

44 seconds into the IDF infrared video three soldiers are known to be on deck and

three objects have been thrown overboard. At this stage the second man has

probably been knocked to the deck, and if the objects that went overboard were

pistols there has been no chance to shoot anyone. Meanwhile the ship‟s defenders



have other armed assailants to deal with, one of whom seems to be set to fire into

the crowd at the point at which the film is cut at 1:07 seconds. Jamal Dajani‟s

assertion that the helicopters‟ infrared cameras would have easily filmed any gun

discharges is also pertinent. Once again the failure of the IDF to provide crucial

supporting evidence from all the material available to it undermines its claims,

which are not accepted here.

4) The claims that irreverent messages were made over the maritime radio by

persons on the flotilla were first made by the IDF on 4 June (but were first

published in an Israeli newspaper on 1 June350). Not only has the Free Gaza

Movement made a credible denunciation of these allegations (described in section

10 below) but it has pointed out that the all radio broadcasts from the flotilla were

recorded on the radio of the Challenger I and this material was seized by Israel. In

consequence the movement has challenged the IDF to produce this evidence that

will confirm of expose their claims. Significantly the IDF has failed to do so, and

yet five weeks later has the impudence to repeat this same claim which it has not

dared to substantiate.

5) It is unclear why the presence of a large number of passengers should justify the

raid being undertaken at night. It is much more likely that it was timed to take

place after dark so as to reduce the opportunities of press and photographers to

record the event. Similarly the electronic signal jamming serves no obvious

purpose other than to hide the illegal activities taking place on the high seas.

6) It had taken over seven hours to evacuate the 31 wounded civilians (after seven

soldiers were airlifted out), which suggests a lack of urgency on the part of the IDF.

7) The assertion that none of those killed were human rights activists is malicious and

untrue. The video admits that at least eight were associated with IHH which is a

human rights charity of honour and repute. An ITIC release of 20 June said that

Ali Haydar Bengi was chairman of an Islamic charitable society which collected

equipment and food for IHH before setting sail.

Ibrahim Bilgen had joined the flotilla as an IHH volunteer.

Cengiz Songür was an activist in an Islamic association which provides aid to

Muslims worldwide

Çetin Topçuoglu was a member of a humanitarian aid organization affiliated to


Cengiz Akyüz, Fahri Yaldiz, Necdet Yildirim and Cevdet Kiliçlar were all

operatives of IHH.351

It is illogical and contradictory to assert that the deceased were associated (and in

many cases worked for) the charity, but were somehow not connected with its raison

d‘être. To demean the reputation of the ninth victim, 19-year-old high school student

Furkan Doğan in this way (especially when the video admits it knows little about him)

is a base and despicable accusation.


6.1 Casualties

Nine men are known to have been killed, eight of whom were Turkish citizens.



Cengiz Akyüz

Four gunshot wounds: back of the head, right side of face, the back and the left


Mr Akyüz was married and a 41-year-old father of three, and an employee of


Ali Haydar Bengi

Six gunshot wounds: left chest, belly, right arm, right leg and twice in the left


Married, 39-year-old father of four who ran a telephone repair shop in

Diyarbakir, south-east Turkey. Mr Bengi was local chairman of an Islamic

charitable society. His wife and friends told of how he wanted to become a

martyr. His wife said he constantly prayed for this.

İbrahim Bilgen

Four gunshot wounds: the right temple, right chest, right hip and back.

Married, 61-year-old father of six, who worked as an electrical engineer. His

brother-in-law said he was an exemplary man and a philanthropist who desired

death as a martyr. As a member of the strongly Islamic Felicity Party he had

stood as a candidate for the Turkish parliament and as mayor of Siirt but was

not successful in either bid.352 A relative said that he had wanted to die as a


Furkan Doğan

Five gunshot wounds: the nose, back of the head, left leg, left ankle and once

in the back, all from less than 45 cm range.

An American citizen, Mr Doğan was a 19-year-old high school student studying

social sciences who hoped to become a doctor.353

In a poor quality video purporting to show the killing of Furkan Doğan it is

possible to discern a commando kicking something on the ground before

bringing up his automatic rifle and apparently firing it several times towards the

ground. The original clip was aired on the Turkish TV network Cihan.354 There

has been much debate on the internet about the veracity of this video. This

debate should not be allowed to obscure the essential facts: Mr Doğan was

unlawfully killed by five bullets fired into him at very close range. Regardless of

the authenticity of the video one can reasonably assume that his death was just

as ruthless and obscene as the events portrayed here, whether falsely or


Speaking in Turkey on the lack of attention his son‟s death had provoked in

America, his father said that having lived in America „I know what people do

there when a cat gets stuck in a tree‟.355

Cevdet Kiliçlar

Killed by a single distant shot to the middle of the forehead.

Mr Kiliçlar was a married 38-year-old father of two who worked as a reporter

and website manager for IHH.



Cengiz Songür

Single gunshot wound in the front of the neck.

Married and father of seven. A 47-year-old textile salesman who was active

with an Islamic association providing aid to Muslims worldwide.

Çetin Topçuoğlu

Three gunshot wounds: the back of the head, the hip and the belly.

Married and father of one, 54-year-old Mr Topçuoğlu was trainer for the Turkish

Taekwondo team and a member of the humanitarian aid organization AYDER,

which is affiliated to IHH.

Fahri Yaldız

Four gunshot wounds: left chest, left leg and twice in the right leg.

Married and father of four, 43-year-old fire-fighter and IHH operative.

Announced before his departure that he was going to be a Shaheed.

Necdet Yildirim

Two gunshot wounds: right shoulder and left back.

Married and father of one, 32-year-old employee of IHH.

(Sources:356 357 358 )

Five of the deceased are reported to have expressed a wish to become Shaheed or

martyrs. This needs to be understood in context. Shaheed is a Muslim who has been

killed during Jihad or has been killed by any person unjustly. Such a person will

deserve a great reward in the Hereafter.359 Jihad has both violent and non-violent

meanings. The former Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia, Bin Baaz, said of it

There are different kinds of Jihad - with one's self, wealth, supplication,

teaching, giving guidance, or helping others in good in any form. The highest

form of Jihad, however, is with one's life.360

The Grand Mufti did not say giving one‘s life although this could well mean risking

one‘s life while fighting injustice, oppression or tyranny, as the people on the flotilla

were doing.361

İdris Şimşek,362 Shaza Barakat,363 Yücel Köse (who was on the Gazze I)364 and Bülent

Yildirim365 said that bodies were thrown into the sea. This would appear to be incorrect

since everyone had been accounted for by 13 July. At that date (six weeks after the

raid) five very seriously injured passengers remained in hospital and two were not

expected to live.366

Six people had previously been unaccounted for,367 fuelling speculation that their

bodies had been thrown overboard or that they may have been Israeli spies.368

There has been no definitive casualty list but the following appear to roughly




The Eiland report of 12 July stated that 55 activists were injured, fourteen of

them seriously.369

Ynet reported on 1 June that there were 37 activists in Israeli hospitals,370

although this was never officially confirmed

An IHH press release dated 3 June reported that 19 people were „treated‟ in

Ankara, five persons had been in hospital in Israel and 31 had been discharged

from hospital in Istanbul.371

Indonesian journalist Surya Fachrizal was reported to be in hospital in Jordan

on 9 June recovering from a bullet wound to the chest.372

Dr Fintan Lane saw an activist with a severe dog bite at Ashdod.373 It is not

known if this was treated.

(Several people sustained beatings and other injuries on the Sfendoni, Challenger I

and Eleftheri Mesogeio and it is not clear if these casualties are included in the above


Nine soldiers were injured, three of them seriously374 (three soldiers were reported still

in hospital on 4 June.375) One of the soldiers was reported to have suffered a serious

head wound after having been dropped between decks.376 No official report has been

published detailing the injuries sustained by soldiers.

6.2 Care of the injured and detainees on board the captured ship

The doctors worked desperately to help the critically injured amid terrible scenes of

blood and chaos. The ship had been totally unprepared for the carnage and medical

staff had been forced to use equipment intended for Gaza. The most critically injured

had been laid out on the third deck where people had to step over them to get to other

casualties. An old man who had been shot in the head lay on the floor dying, while

someone held his hand.377 Dr Arief Rachman tried to treat a man who had been shot

between the eyes at close range while the bullet caused a large hole at the back of his

head through which parts of his brain had exited.378 Passengers used several towels to

soak up the blood from his injuries.379

As no medical equipment was available to treat the wounded requests for medical

assistance were made over the ship‟s public address system and by a hand written

sign in Hebrew which Hanin Zoabi, carrying a white handkerchief, took to the window.

There was no response from the soldiers. A British woman wrapped herself in a British

flag carried the same sign to different soldiers at a different window and was met with

a similar response.380 Sarah Colborne later told a press conference that requests to IDF

personnel for medical assistance were ignored and that medical personnel

accompanying the wounded were handcuffed and separated from their charges.381 An

activist who asked that medical staff could stay with the wounded was told to shut her

mouth.382 Three of the critically wounded died within three hours, having been refused

medical help from the IDF.383 Hanin Zoabi said two of them bled to death.384 The first

broadcast for urgent medical help was made over the ship‟s public address system at

about 5.15 am. The first critically injured were not allowed out until 7 am.385

Meanwhile helicopters brought in troop reinforcements and dogs.386

Ahmed Luqman was just trying to get into his cabin when he was shot in the knee and

the upper leg, severing the femoral artery. He said he was left on the ground to „just

friggin‘ bleed‘. He was refused medical attention and made to walk unassisted up the

stairs, during which he passed out three or four times. After he was injured soldiers



kicked him and picked him up and dropped him.387 His condition was so bad as a result

of the high blood loss that he was one of the last activists to be deported.388 (There

was so much blood on the stairs that soldiers slipped on it on at least two


There were 39 injured in one lounge with doctors operating on some without

anaesthetic while some casualties screamed in pain. Soldiers gave Osama Qashoo five

minutes to evacuate the lounge. He had tried to reason with them and managed to

get the time extended to ten minutes. The soldiers had said they would not enter the

room because they knew there were guns there but they would send in three dogs that

were trained to bite. Most of the patients were moved out one at a time but fifteen

remained who were carried out on sleeping bags and blankets when a request for a

stretcher was refused. Doctor Mevlüt Yurtseven vehemently protested about the

removal of a patient he was working on but the patient had been dropped screaming

into a blanket and taken to the helicopter. The doctor was given a thorough body

search, handcuffed and put with the rest of the detainees.390 The soldiers were very

rough when moving the wounded. They were not interested in the injuries but merely

looked at the faces and checked people against their papers to decide who should be

evacuated.391 Perween Yaqub had been helping in the medical room and had wanted to

go with one of the seriously injured but the soldiers had stopped her. She had pleaded

with the officer but he had pointed his gun at her and told her to go back.392

After the evacuation Mr Qashoo had been used as a human shield to open doors to

back rooms and to open bags.393

Matthias Gardel was horrified by the experience of seeing a badly wounded man in his

late 50s forced to remain on the open deck.

Suddenly, his right eye exploded in a gush of blood - and a blob of something

fell out of it.394

Some of the seriously wounded activists were taken out by helicopter, but many were

mistreated before arriving at hospital. Amongst those airlifted were

Ismail Yeşildal who was wounded near his spinal cord, in the shoulder and in his


Revaha Gümrükçü who was shot in the leg.

Kenan Akçil was shot in the knee. Turkish doctors were prevented from

attending to him and he had been left lying handcuffed on the deck for two hours

before the helicopter arrived.

Adem Bakici had knee injuries.395

Muharren Güneş who was shot in the mouth (the bullet exited his neck). He was

dragged on the deck and left there naked for a few hours under a helicopter

hovering over the deck which produced excessive noise along with constant spray

and the strong downdraft which left him wet and cold. The soldiers shouted

curses in English and Arabic. He was cuffed very tightly so that his hands turned

purple and swollen, causing him pain for days afterwards. He was kicked all

over. A medical officer anaesthetised him and he woke up in hospital in Tel


Mehmet Ali Zeybek was hit nine times by rubber-coated bullets, his blood stained

clothes were removed and he was left shackled and naked on the hot deck for an

hour before being air lifted to Haifa.397



Mustafa Batirhan who was shot three times in the stomach also had to lie on the

deck for 3-4 hours. He said the water and draft from the helicopter were

„inhumane‟. Soldiers trod on his back.398

Mehmet Ali Zeybek lost a lot of blood from the wounds caused by nine rubber-

coated bullets. He also told of being stripped naked and laid shackled on the

deck where he suffered the helicopter spray and his torn clothes were thrown at

him. His request for a cup of water was ignored.

Prof Mattias Gardel said some of the injured were hooded.399 Israeli photographs show

that even stretcher cases were transported with their hands tied.400

After the injured were evacuated the rest of the men had to go to the door one by one

with their hands on their heads where they were strip searched down to their

underwear in front of the women. All were handcuffed, some in front and some

behind. They were pushed and shoved by male and female soldiers shouting „yalla‟

and ordered onto the top deck. 401 The 89-year-old Archbishop of Jerusalem in exile,

Hilarion Capuddi was handcuffed and one of the soldiers attempted to throw him to the

ground.402 (The archbishop is lame in one leg.403) Nearby Muslims especially the

devout ones, tried to defend him because he is a holy man of God.404 On the deck they

were made to kneel in rows facing the wall. They were forced to remain in this

position for at least six hours during which time some people passed out and others fell

on their sides.405 Women and the few Europeans were allowed to sit on the benches.406

One young Muslim from London, who Marco Lucas described as a „jolly-natured kid‟

confronted some of the soldiers. With a broad smile (despite the massacre) he had

asked them

„We do not hate you why are you doing this? Explain to me. Tell me your

history; tell me your version of history. Why are you doing this? We do not

hate you but you are making the world hate you.‟

None of them answered him. They were all ashamed in front of this small young


While repairs were underway to the ship‟s engines Captain Tural had been permitted to

go down to the lower deck to see the injured. On his way there soldiers ordered him

to take off his uniform top to do a search. They then attacked him and handcuffed him

and he was put with the other passengers who were suffering the cold spray stirred up

by the helicopters. He was kept there for hours and was only released when one of

the engines was started at about 9am, when he was taken back to the bridge. He was

handcuffed again after the ship docked at Ashdod.408

There were around 280 people on deck409 and everyone remained handcuffed at least

until Ashdod was reached nine hours later.410 Sarah Colborne said it was terrifying „if

you talked they pointed a gun at you‘.411 Many were forced to stay handcuffed for five

hours in the sun. One Malaysian passenger whose hands were tied so tight that they

had become brightly coloured asked politely for the bands to be loosened. In response

to his third request a soldier tightened them even more causing the victim to scream

with pain.412 The cuffs on Kevin Neish were so tight that they cut his wrists, his hands

swelled up and turned purple, and he suffered prolonged nerve damage.413 Soldiers

only loosened the ties on another passenger after Sümeyye Ertekin had insisted. By

then the victim‟s hands had turned black414



Being forced to sit or kneel in the same position for hours eventually hurt and people

would move, causing the soldiers to yell and scream at them. Eventually two large

young men had taken enough of the humiliation and abuse and they stood up. The

soldiers rushed through the crowd with their guns up. At this point Kevin Neish also

stood up. The two young men were beaten with batons, but they had made their point

and they eased themselves down, at which point Kevin Neish dropped down quickly.415

Osama Qashoo lost the feeling in four fingers which a doctor said would take six

months to heal. His handcuffs had been applied to be intentionally painful and they

had been left on for sixteen hours. He had been made to kneel with two metal bars

under his knees and left near the door where every passing soldier would kick or spit

at him, pour water on him or step on his toes. A plastic bag had been put on his head

after he had started screaming.416

Exceptionally, Laura Stuart had her handcuffs removed and she was allowed to move

around the deck to attend to three casualties who were not considered to need an

airlift. At her request the handcuffs on her wounded charges were changed from

behind to the front, but they were not allowed to go to the toilet.417 Another request to

get a severely shocked casualty to hospital was ignored. An Israeli doctor had looked

at the injured man who had two drips installed. The doctor had insisted on taking

them out to put in one of his own which did not work, so he had taken his drip out and

declared that the patient did not need one.418 Bülent Yıldırım said Israeli doctors had

treated one casualty‟s injured leg without sedating him. He also declared that all the

injured could have been taken to hospital by helicopter, but the IDF had not wanted to

do so.419

Jamal Elshayyal was given no food and only three sips of water in a period of more

than 24 hours. He asked to use the toilet and was told to urinate in his clothes. Many

people were forced to soil their clothing in this way.420 421 Recai Kaya was hit with a

rifle butt after he tried to help an older man who could not pull his trousers up after

using the toilet because his hands were tied. The older man had been very

embarrassed.422 Heavily-armed soldiers, some with blood on their boots, stood guard

with dogs, sometimes exchanging jokes and lewd suggestions about female

detainees.423 Two women had to use the toilet while still in handcuffs.424 425 Some

women had to insist that they used the toilet unaccompanied.426 The Israelis told the

detainees to be quiet but at one point a Turkish imam stood up and started singing the

call to prayer. An officer strode through the squatting people, pointed a pistol at the

imam‟s head and yelled „shut up‟ in English. The imam looked at him and kept singing.

Fearful that the officer would shoot, Kevin Neish stood up and the officer turned and

pointed the pistol at him. The imam finished his song and they both sat down.427

Afterwards an officer spoke to the followers of the imam who were allowed to wash

their hands and conduct their prayers.428

Around 1 pm everyone was moved from the hot sun back into the lounge where the

windows were shut and the air conditioning was turned off.429 Opened blood-stained

passenger‟s bags made a small mountain on the floor amongst scattered children‟s

letters written to other children in Gaza.430 Cameras, laptops and other electronic

equipment were strewn on the floor, most of it broken.431 Elderly men who were

dressed for the early morning were unable to take their coats off because of the

handcuffs.432 With eight people squeezed onto four person sofas, they were all hot,

sweaty, smelly and hungry. Soldiers tried to stop people praying but this was ignored

and eventually tolerated. MK Hanin Zoabi defied the soldiers and freely marched

through the ship reminding passengers of their rights and telling them to act in a



unified manner.433 Several of the other passengers also expressed their defiance by

mocking the soldiers and shouting back at them.434

Even at Ashdod some people were kept on board in handcuffs until at least 6 am on 1

June.435 Jamal Elshayyal said his hands were not untied until after the medical at



Captain Tural was part of the first group taken off the Mavi Marmara at Ashdod. After

processing he was taken for interrogation. He was held in a transfer vehicle for 4-5

hours and then taken to an isolated cell where, apart from interrogations, he was held

incommunicado until taken to the airport. He was not allowed to know where he was.

There were several interrogations and his examiners were trying to find someone to

blame for the brutal raid that had been broadcast throughout the world. All the

interrogations were in Turkish except the last one which was in English. The Israelis

were very interested in names, particularly of those involved in the organization of the

flotilla. Captain Tural referred them to the charity‟s website. The same questions were

constantly repeated. His interrogators were also interested in preparations for the

resistance against the raid and they repeatedly asked who cut the bars and who the

leaders were. He replied that it was individual efforts, that he had sent an officer to

check out the trouble, that IHH staff had collected the bars and thrown them in the sea

and then brought the cutting gear to the bridge. The interrogations were secretly

filmed and the video later released to the media was taken during the later sessions

after he had been asked the same questions many times. The footage had been cut

and edited and gave a misleading impression of what had been said.437

At Ashdod Ministry of Interior officials took over. The officials who came on the ship

were very professional, spoke perfect English and were very polite.438 Once on the

quay the detainees were jeered and photographed by a large crowd of off-duty military

personnel.439 All the time they were filmed, especially when they were given food. All

the time they were humiliated, shouted at and whistled at.440 Any objections were

laughed at.441 Israeli doctors examined but never really treated them, dismissing

bruising on victims as mosquito bites.442 Everyone was accused with illegally entering

Israel, which most repudiated. Henning Mankell replied „That's absurd, you brought

me here‟. Dr Hasan Nowrah was hit on the back of the neck by someone behind him

for protesting the accusation.443 All were fingerprinted and photographed. Henning

Mankell said they were split up and not allowed to talk. He saw detainees periodically

knocked to the ground, tied up and handcuffed;444 and another man was beaten and

dragged off for refusing to be fingerprinted.445 Dr Finton Lane would not give up his

passport, telling the officials that he had been brought to a country he did not want to

go to. In response two men twisted his arm painfully behind his back for prolonged

periods and his passport was taken.446 The officials were confused by Farooq Burney

who is a Pakistan-born Canadian. Part of his interrogation concerned his intentions:

Q. What were you doing going to Gaza?

A. We were on a humanitarian mission.

Q. Do you believe in the state of Israel?

[No response]

Q. Well we‘re a humanitarian country can‘t you see that?

A. Yes I guess so.447



One Spanish journalist was asked who had paid for him to go on the flotilla. Having

used up all his savings to pay for the voyage he had laughed at his interrogator.448

All information was passed on to operatives of Shin Bet, the Israel Security Service,

who submitted selected persons to intense interrogation.449 IHH administrators

underwent repeated interrogations which lasted several hours.450

After processing their hands were tied again. Farooq Burney‟s hands were tied very

tight and he asked a guard to loosen them as his hands were turning purple. The

guard refused, and then said „Enjoy yourself‟.451

Passengers on the Sfendoni had been told only to take passports and medicines when

they left the vessel. Bilal Abdulazziz had not removed the money belt he was wearing

(containing £3,500 for poor people in Gaza). In the detention centre he had been told

to lift up his clothes. When officials saw his money belt they ran away, thinking he

was a suicide bomber.452

Algerian MP Izzeddine Zahrour said the authorities

…deprived us of food, water and sleep, and we weren‘t allowed to use the toilet.

It was an ugly kidnapping, and subsequently bad treatment in Israeli jail. They

handcuffed us, pushed us around and humiliated us.453

Yousser Benderbal said he had only been given bottled water at Ashdod in front of the

cameras. When he later asked for food he was told there was none and he was not

given food or water until the morning. There were frequent searches and he was held


Nur Choodhury said people were kicked, slapped, pinched and elbowed.455 Laura

Stuart said many things were done to make the detainees as uncomfortable as

possible. After spending hours in the hot sun on the ship they were put in closed

prison vans with the air conditioning set very high to make it uncomfortably cold. The

vans were driven madly at speed with frequent heavy braking.456 Mario Damolin was

put in a van that was hot and stuffy, but reported that one policeman was courteous

and distributed water.457

Lawyers from Adameer, the Palestinian prisoner‟s support association, came in the

afternoon of 1 June, having been previously denied entry by official obstruction. On 31

May they were told Ashdod port was a closed military zone. The following day they

were told was for diplomats only, but were eventually allowed in at 1 pm, but then had

to wait for a further two hours.458

Detainees were required to sign Hebrew-only statements (which most did not

understand) saying they regretted attacking the state of Israel. People who refused

were beaten and threatened with prosecution. Some of those beaten were given

injections to calm them down if they began to shake, after which they were often

beaten again. Greek activists were eventually placed in cells without windows where

the light was constantly on and where they were given limited amounts of water but

no food. Israeli officials laughed at them when they asked to see Greek diplomatic

staff, and responded more aggressively. The only detainees they saw being visited by

embassy officials were American citizens,459 although Scott Hamman saw two

Americans beaten by Israeli officials when they refused to sign the deportation



documents without having access to a lawyer.460 Australian journalists also reported

being denied consular access and legal representation.461

While in Be‟er Sheva prison some detainees were told they were in Tel Aviv.462 One

prison official told detainees they were guest not prisoners, to which Dr Evangelos

Pissias shouted „I am a political prisoner‟.463

British consular staff were kept waiting for hours before they were allowed to see

detainees.464 Alex Harrison saw this both as an insult from Israel to Britain in denying

British citizens their right, and as a sign that the British government did not have the

strength to stand up to Israel.465 (Several detainees have expressed dissatisfaction

about the inadequate attention provided by British diplomats compared with other

diplomatic corps. Most never saw a British consular official. The British official who

met Osama Qashoo only asked his name and contact number in the U.K. 466 467 468 469

470 Peter Venner did not see a representative until Istanbul where a British diplomat

offered him a loan of £100.471) The first time Kevin Ovenden had anything resembling

a meal was on the afternoon of the second day, which was timed to coincide with the

visit of British consular officials. Mr Ovenden said that the officials had to speak to him

through the prison door. On one occasion a junior prison guard who was stood in the

way refused to move and brought two more guards. When the official remonstrated

the junior guard said „Go to your international tribunals, go to your law, we don‘t

care‘.472 Jamal Elshayyal was not allowed to make a phone call and did not see a

lawyer or anyone from the British consulate during his detention of more than 24

hours. He was put in a cell roughly 3.6 m by 2.7 m with three others. They were

given one meal of frozen bread with some potatoes, but there was not enough food to

go round.473

British citizen Paveen Yaqub said she was kicked and mocked in Hebrew by two Israeli

policemen who also searched her, which she declined to talk about to reporters. She

had refused to sign the document in Hebrew and had gone on hunger strike for the last

few hours, saying that she had not slept for days and was exhausted.474

Canadian Rifat Audeh said

They confiscated everything and then they took us to jail after that. They cut

us off from the outside world. We couldn't call a lawyer, our families, we

couldn't call anybody. Nobody knew whether we were dead or alive until we

were finally released.475

Israeli officials knew where Canadian citizens were located but did not tell Canadian

embassy staff who had to check all cells. While searching for Kevin Neish they

discovered the two other Canadian nationals who they had been told had been

deported that morning.476 This was Farooq Burney‟s only contact with them.477

After it was discovered that Lubna Masarwa is an Arab-Israeli citizen she was held in

isolation and subjected to strip searches four times a day. She was brought to court in

a small metal box inside a police car in which she was held for eight hours with her

hands and legs shackled. Detainees were charged with various activities from

attacking soldiers to carrying weapons, but following international pressure the Israeli

authorities decided to rapidly deport all foreign prisoners. All Arab Israelis were taken

back before the court which placed them under house arrest and forbade them to leave

the country for 45 days.478



(Israeli lawyers had challenged the legality of the capture in the Israel Supreme Court

which had raised the possibility that the court would order the IDF to release the

detainees and the ships, and allow them to proceed. The IDF rapidly deported the

detainees to forestall this.479)

Attempts at divide and rule were rejected by prisoners who maintained solidarity and

resisted. Fintan Lane was selected for a committee set up by the prisoners as

representatives.480 The loss of authority made the officials more aggressive and they

started to scream at prisoners.481

Libyan-born Irishman Al Mahdi al Harati was first able to contact his family on 3 June

from the Ataturk Hospital in Ankara. He had been beaten in the head and the groin

while in Israeli custody and was being treated in intensive care.482 On the plane home

he suffered a diabetes related seizure.483 The Irish Ambassador to Israel said on 2

June that four of the five Irish prisoners held in Be‟er Sheva prison had been „roughed

up‟ in one form or another.484

Some Westerners noticed a clear distinction in the treatment of „white‟ and „brown‟

prisoners. Randi Kjos detected a clear prejudice against Arabs and said that

Palestinians who asked for anything were hit, pushed around and treated with

contempt. Turkish women were not allowed to use the phone because they were

required to speak in English so that the guards could understand.485 In contrast most

Western women were not handcuffed.486

Paul Larudee continued his passive resistance after disembarking. Referring to Dr

Larudee the Israel Consul General in the U.S., Akiva Tor, told abc7

Once he was in custody, I am certain he was not abused by Israeli forces.487

Although this hints at an acknowledgement that there had been abuse the reassurance

was worthless and the maltreatment continued in response to Dr Larudee‟s constant

refusal to cooperate. This involved him lying down and refusing to move, refusing to

answer questions, forcing his captors to allow him to use the toilet (or accept the

consequences), doggedly demanding replacement trousers for his own pair which were

torn at the crotch, demanding a better cell, and demands to exercise his rights for an

embassy visit, lawyer and telephone. He also persistently demanded writing materials.

His captors responded violently by frequently and painfully stressing joints, routinely

hitting him and, when enraged by his persistent refusal to acknowledge their authority

and bow to their control, gangs of officials would beat him. During one beating at

Ashdod Dr Evangelos Pissias had gone to his aid and was in turn badly beaten,

suffering a broken leg and at least one broken rib.

Despite the abuse and pain Dr Larudee did not submit and when leaving prison did so

without a shirt, in defiance of Israeli officials, so that his bruises were visible. At the

Immigration Detention Centre lawyer Gaby Lasky met him and he was able to sign

papers for her to file charges against Israeli government agencies. His final beating

occurred at the airport after he refused to sign a form and threatened to remove his

clothes so that the Turkish plane would not accept him. Ken O‟Keefe and some of the

Turkish contingent had tried to defend him and they were also attacked and some

were injured.488 Speaking to reporters afterwards Dr Larudee said

I was treated pretty rough. Basically any part of my body that could be hit was

hit; any joint of my body that could be twisted was twisted.489



Huwaida Arraf was pulled by her hair, hands and feet and beaten (including being

punched in the face and the jaw) to get her into a police van. Somewhere outside of

the port of Ashdod the van stopped and she was thrown out. She thinks she then

passed out but remembers a medic taking her to an ambulance and then onto hospital

from where she was discharged a few hours later.490 On her eventual release she was

elbowed in the face by a police officer on her way out of prison.491

Kevin Neish spent three days in Israeli custody and did not sleep for a total of four

days during which time he lost 15 pounds. At one point he broke down and wept.

When one of the Turks asked what was wrong he replied „sixteen people died‟. The

Turk responded

No, they died for a wonderful cause. They‘re happy. You just go out and tell

your story. 492

Çigdem Topçuoglu‟s husband Çetin was killed in front of her eyes on the Mavi

Marmara.493 Before leaving the ship, the crew had been able to clean up his body in

preparation for the funeral and Çigdem had said her goodbyes with the body properly

wrapped. While in Be‟er Sheva prison under interrogation she was shown a

photograph of the dead body which had left in the sun to bloat so that she could only

recognize his mouth. Mrs Topçuoglu collapsed and was comforted by other women. 494 495

Jerry Luqman commented

Their treatment of us was just completely unacceptable. I've never met anyone

whose heart has become so hard and so black in my life.496

Shane Dillon had been in the first group of detainees released. Needing to return to

Ireland Mr Dillon was faced with the dilemma of having to sign the deportation papers

to facilitate his release.

They asked me to sign and I signed numerous things, I signed Shane the Pain

and Mickey Mouse. They didn't really understand. They gave it to me in Hebrew

and I said, 'Well, I don't understand that' and they gave it to me in English

and I said 'Ní thuigim é sin‘.497

He said in the detention area at Ben-Gurion airport the officials had been „generally

unkind and unpleasant‟. The lights had been on and loud music was played to prevent

him from sleeping, and he had been denied access to the toilet.498

The New York Times suggested that the release of all the remaining activists followed

an offer of help by U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to Ahmet Davutoglu. The

Turkish foreign minister had demanded the immediate and unconditional release of all

the activists, and Israel had announced this several hours later. Turkey had rejected

Israel‟s offer to transport the detainees, and had instead sent six aircraft of its own.

Mr Davutoglu is reported to have said to Ehud Barak „You have just killed our people,

how can I trust you?‟499 The Turks had refused to leave unless all the detainees were

released. Lacking faith in their own consular services Jamal Elshayyal (British),500

Farooq Burney and Kevin Neish (Canadian)501 have all questioned whether they would

have been released so early without the solidarity shown by the Turks. In contrast the

Jordanian ambassador came personally to the prison and made sure all the Jordanians



were released along with all those whose countries did not have diplomatic

representation in Israel (Algeria, Indonesia, Malaysia and Pakistan). (On their return

home the three Canadians had sent a joint letter to Prime Minister Harper asking why

the Canadian Government had allowed them to be mistreated. They never received a


Fiachra Ó‟Luain had tried to fight his deportation through the Israeli legal system.

(The Israel High Court of Justice only agreed to hear challenges to the deportation

orders two hours before the planned departure of the planes. Detainees were told that

they could appeal in absentia.503) In custody he had feared for his life and at one

stage had asked to see a Rabbi. He was told he would only see a Rabbi when they

killed him. On the way to the airport he was taken off the bus while still handcuffed

and kicked and punched on the ground by between 15 and 20 Israelis. They put his

arm in stress positions and tried to break his finger. On arrival in Turkey he was given

treatment in hospital although his injuries were not thought to be serious.504 505

On the day of her deportation Theresa McDermott was crammed into a tiny cell in

high-security vehicle with two other women. They were kept in this for five hours,

including three-and –a-half hours waiting at the airport. One of the women in the cell

was pregnant. When they entered the airport they were jostled and jeered by soldiers,

while at least three men were beaten up. Unless the wounded could not physically

walk they were not helped to the planes, even if they had drip or drainage bags.506

Blood stained and often in the same clothes since before the raid, many had been

wounded in the feet and had to hop to the plane. Anyone trying to help was shouted

at, pulled away and beaten.507 Some people were assaulted by hard slaps to the back

of the head as they went up a staircase. 508

Maryam Luqman Talib was one of thirteen women forced to wait in a van for perhaps

eleven hours at the airport. After being let out they were taken upstairs where they

asked for consular access which was ignored. They were surrounded by many soldiers

and police and were pushed. An aggressive fully armed soldier hit one of the women

three times and pulled her hair.509

The clearance process at the airport was slow and many detainees were subjected to

very slow strip searches by smirking airport staff. To get onto the plane everyone had

to walk through a wall of soldiers and there was a fleet of army and police vehicles

with flashing lights parked near the plane.510 Those processed first had to wait on the

planes for nearly 12 hours. The Turkish government had insisted that the planes

would not leave until all detainees and the bodies of the dead were loaded, correctly

anticipating that IHH president Bülent Yildirm, journalist Adem Özköse and two others

were kept under interrogation by Israeli authorities who simultaneously insisted that

no one had been left behind. Fifteen detainees still being processed staged a protest

when they realised that Mr Yildirim was still in custody and were attacked by security.

(Mohammed Bounoua said it was the third time he had been beaten in less than three

days.) The stand-off was only resolved when the Israeli authorities processed the

passports of the four remaining detainees and the planes eventually left after a final

check of names by the Turkish officials on board.511 512 The aircraft crews treated them

well; Marco Lucas ate three meals in one sitting, feeling good to be free of anxiety and

having people smiling at him. On arrival everyone was taken to hospital for a medical


Many detainees were deprived of all their possessions. Gene St. Onge was released

with only the clothes he was wearing, his passport and his wallet.514 Even this was



more than Ken O‟Keefe who arrived at Istanbul airport on 4 June with only the blood

stained clothes he was wearing. There was a large lump on his forehead and dried

blood all over his face as well as on his clothes. (He had refused Israeli demands to

clean himself up after the assault.) On 2 June he had been transferred to Ben Gurion

airport but had refused deportation and had demanded to be sent to the occupied

Palestinian territories. The Israeli authorities refused to do this and a scuffle broke

out in which Mr O‟Keefe was badly beaten by officials and police, suffering a large gash

on the head and some bruised ribs. He had been put into a head lock until he nearly

passed out. As a result of the head lock he suffered a sore throat and was not able to

eat for a few days. He refused to accept medical attention, and was refused access to

phone calls or a lawyer. (Israeli authorities said the beating and the missed flight were

the result of „technical reasons‟.515)

On 3 June he was beaten again in his prison cell. He again refused treatment for his

injuries. On 4 June on the advice of his solicitor he agreed to leave Israel. Because

his face was bloody and he was dishevelled Israeli officials wanted to clean him up, but

he refused. The officials threatened to keep him in custody until he cooperated but

eventually allowed him to fly to Istanbul on 4 June.516 Of the time in detention he said

We were all treated like dogs from the first moment: denied access to water,

denied access to food, denied access to make a phone call to tell our family,

denied access to a lawyer, pushed, kicked punched, and otherwise abused in

any which way you can think of, lied to incessantly, and you know this was the

kind of treatment we got from beginning to end.517

Four Arab Israelis were released on 3 June by Ashkelon Magistrates Court

Mr Muhammed Zeidan, Chairman of the High Follow-up Committee for Arab

Citizens of Israel.

Sheikh Raed Salah, Head of the Islamic Movement in Israel.

Sheikh Hamad Abu Daabe, Head of the Islamic Movement in Israel (southern


Ms Lubna Masarwa of the Free Gaza Movement and Al Quds University.

Their release was on condition

i. That they remain under house arrest until 8 June 2010.

ii. That they do not leave the country for 45 days.

iii. That a bond for NIS 150,000 be posted by a third party.

Their legal team argued that they should all be released unconditionally since their

detention was illegal. The defence lawyers stated their intention to consider an appeal.

The state prosecution emphasized in court that its request for a remand was in

accordance with the state‟s policy of investigating and detaining citizens of Israel who

participated in the Gaza Freedom Flotilla. The defence team argued that they were

being detained because they are Palestinian Arab citizens of Israel.518

Sheikh Salah is reputed to have been the target of Shin Bet assassination attempts

and early reports in the aftermath of the attack suggested that he had been killed or

seriously injured because he had opened fire on the commandos. His wife was later

called to a hospital to identify a man undergoing surgery, who later turned out to be



someone else.519 The sheikh later confirmed that Israeli naval commandos had

intended to kill him but had killed someone closely resembling him in error.520

Many of those hospitalised reported maltreatment from the soldiers.

Mehmet Yildirim was shot in the leg, which he said was kicked several times.

Revaha Gümrükçü said he had been fairly treated by Israeli hospital staff but

was not well treated by troops on the helicopter. Later there was psychological

pressure and he was told he would be imprisoned for ten years.

Adem Bakici who was shot in the knee said that it was pushed to right and left

causing him great pain. In hospital he was handcuffed to the bed and the chair.

Soldiers guarded him 24 hours a day and he was not allowed to use the toilet

with the door closed.521

Mustafa Batirhan was in Haifa hospital where the staff were kind but he neither

slept nor ate for the five days. For the last two days he was confined in a

stifling room where the lights were constantly on. The soldiers spoke

constantly but only in Hebrew and ignored his request not to smoke which he

feared would trigger his migraine. Access to consular staff was denied. He was

originally told he would be released at six, but at six they said he would be

released an hour later and this continued every hour until his final release at

five in the morning. Two drivers came to take him to the airport and they

amused themselves by driving aimlessly and erratically around the streets so

that he was thrown around the car.522

There is no comprehensive record of the total injuries sustained by detainees while in

custody in Israel.

7.1 Treatment of journalists

At least 60 journalists were on the flotilla, including film crews from Al Jazeera, Press

TV, TeleSur and Russia Today. The BBC, CNN and the mainstream European media

had no coverage and had been forced to syndicate the story. (The BBC had received

2,500 phone calls in two hours from people demanding coverage.) Prior to the raid

only one major British media outlet (the Guardian) had run any coverage of the

flotilla.523 There was no censorship by flotilla organizers, journalists were allowed to

film everything and were given complete freedom on what they outsourced via the

internet and satellite facilities. 524

Treatment of the press varied. Cevdet Kiliçlar was amongst those killed, Indonesian

cameraman Sura Fachrizaz was shot in the chest, while Issam Za‟atar was hit with a

stun gun while filming and suffered a broken arm. Despite his injury he had to endure

a long and exhausting interrogation.525 Cameraman Valentiv Vassilev‟s medication for

high blood pressure was taken from him.526 Paul McGeough described the treatment of

reporters as one of „absolute disrespect‟, 527 At Ashdod one photographer who criticised

the soldiers was taken to one side and beaten. All journalists‟ personal belongings

were seized and despite promises from officials none were returned.528

Czech cameraman Jan Línek said he was not harmed during the attack on the Sfendoni

and that reporters were dealt with kid gloves. At first he had refused to sign papers at

Ashdod but had done so after a policeman told him he would then be released and be

able to speak with his embassy. After he signed the policeman had laughed and said

there would be neither phone call nor visit. He was detained for a further 20 hours.529



Abbas Al Lawati had his hand ties removed because he was a journalist, and officials

were polite despite telling lies. He had refused to sign a green form saying he had

entered Israel illegally and a white form agreeing to leave. But he had been allowed to

make a phone call and was given a sandwich. He was searched down to his underwear

at least three times.530 Turkish journalist Mediha Olgun was given a full search which

discovered the photographs she had concealed in the heels of her shoes. Fellow Turk

Ayse Sarioglu was interrogated and humiliated by a policeman (although a female

officer was very polite). The policeman spat on her, insulted her and even pulled her

tongue. She also was very closely searched including between her toes, in her hair,

behind the gums and under the tongue. On the first day she was permitted to talk to

her family on the phone for only one minute. On the second day she was contacted by

embassy officials, and was deported the next day.531

Broadcast media journalists on the Mavi Marmara were identifiable by their press vests

so they were grouped, searched, handcuffed and left in the sun for five hours, but they

were treated reasonably at Ela detention centre in Be‟er Sheva where they were given

food.532 Marcello Faraggi was forced to undress at the same time as four or five others,

which he found humiliating. He was squeezed into a truck with other prisoners in

which they had to wait for more than an hour in the sun without air conditioning. In

prison at Be‟er Sheva he was given a few raw vegetables, some drinking water, soap

and shampoo. He saw a representative from the embassy on 1 June.533 Abbas Al

Lawati was able to choose his cell and cellmates at the centre and was given a tray

with towel, change of underwear, socks, tooth brush, tooth paste, cup and plastic

spoon. He was also able to take a cold shower and was seen by a doctor and a social

worker.534 Mario Damolin said there were surveillance cameras in the showers and

toilets. At breakfast there was not enough food to go around and they had to use the

sink to get water.535

After prison Jan Línek was put in a van with an extremely small cell which was left

parked in the sun with the air conditioning off for 45 minutes. At the airport he was

locked into a cell with about seven other people. The light was on all the time and

they were woken up every hour. An Irishman was beaten in the cell in front of him,

and then told to take different trousers to make the beating less visible. The official

said they were all terrorists and crooks and called Línek a „fucking Russian‟. He was

visited by an embassy official at about 1 am, and told he would be flying within 45


7.2 Activists’ property

Apart from photographic equipment many activists also reported the theft of money,

credit cards, electronic goods, and clothes.537 538 Ann Wright reported that commandos

with weapons demanded cash from passengers stating they were „to take the money

for safekeeping‟. Many passengers had been fundraising in their home areas to have

funds to deliver to non-governmental organizations. Other passengers were taking

money to families in Gaza from family members living outside of Gaza.539

Some electronic equipment had been returned all smashed up but most of it was not

returned at all.540 Press TV reported that cash, jewellery and equipment taken on the

flotilla could have a total value of $3,5million,541 although Greta Berlin would only

estimate „over a million dollars of computer, cameras and phones‟ on 13 July, adding

that Israel still has the Free Gaza Movement‟s boat which they hijacked in July 2009.542

As of 9 June only two or three laptops and a similar number of phones had been



recovered. The missing items included 600 mobile phones, 400 video cameras, 350

laptops and large amounts of cash raised for charities in Gaza.

There are no reports of any detainees being allowed to keep money or of any money

being subsequently returned. The amount of cash stolen could amount to over

$1million (this author‟s estimate). Some activists have reported that their stolen

credit cards have since been used. 543 Hanin Zoabi said that looting had started on the

Mavi Marmara even before the ship had arrived at Ashdod. The Knesset member said

that while at sea someone had approached her holding $2,000 and 2,000 Euros and

had asked where her money was.544

All equipment seized on the Challenger I was numbered and their owners were assured

it would be returned to them at Ashdod. Then they were promised the return would be

on their release from Ela prison 48 hours later, later they were told it had been packed

into a container and sent to Ben Gurion airport for the flight to Turkey. Of the

possessions belonging to the 17 activists on the ship, only one computer case

containing a few cables and accessories eventually arrived at Istanbul.545

At least 24 passports have been stolen. [The IHH lists 19 passports in their summary

report on the raid546, and five others have been reported from other sources. The

nationalities are Oman, 1; France, 2; Greece, 9; Sweden, 2; UK, 3; Pakistan, 2; New

Zealand, 1; Palestine, 1; Turkey, 1; Ireland, 2.] This is of particular concern since

Mossad, the Israeli Institute for Intelligence and Special Operations, is generally

believed to have fraudulently used European and Australian passports during the

murder of Mahmoud al-Mabhouh in Dubai in January 2010.

At the airport Jamal Elshayyal was given a piece of paper instead of his passport

by an official who said „this is your new passport‟. When he remonstrated the

official replied „sue me‘. The Israeli government stole his lap top, two cameras,

three phones, $1,500 and all his other possessions.547

Ken O‟Keefe left Israel dressed only in a T-shirt and blood-stained trousers. He

said all his other possessions had been stolen, including his Palestinian and Irish

passports.548 He commented

Israel has my laptop, my personal information, my Irish and Palestinian

passports and my DNA in the form of my blood on cloths and my

toothbrush, etc., they have what is required to link me to future acts of

terrorism and they are fully capable of attempting to frame me for crimes that I

will never commit. They can also do this to others; that we should all be well

aware of.549

Fiachra Ó'Luain was also deprived of his passport and has asked the Irish Minister

for Foreign Affairs to take action.550

Manolo Luppichini received a form in Be‟er Sheva prison saying that his passport

had been impounded. Neither his identification papers nor any of his personal

effects stolen on the boat were returned. On 2 June while he was in prison at

Be‟er Sheva NIS 10 was withdrawn from a vending machine on his credit card.

After he returned to Italy the card was again used in Israel for a purchase of NIS

240. (An IDF spokesman said all the magnetic media was taken for „security

reasons‟ – this was not explained – and that they were considering whether to

return the items. There was a suggestion that the police might conduct an

inquiry into the illegal use of the card.)551



Henry Ascher‟s Swedish passport was taken in prison, but before he left Tel Aviv

he was forced to sign a paper saying that his passport had disappeared.552

Bilal Abdul Aziz said that he had lost more than £3,500, his driving licence, a

permit to work as a teacher in Saudi Arabia, a lap top and many items of


Dr Hasan Nowarah had been carrying nearly £35,000 in cash for the Gaza

medical service which has not been returned. (Dr Nowarah had previously visited

Gaza in March 2009 with a convoy of ten vehicles sent by Justice for Palestine

which carried 35 tons of medical aid, costing nearly £80,000. He was also

involved in the provision of 45 tons of medical aid valued at £750,000 which was

on the Rachel Corrie.)554

Ann Wright knew of four people who had a total of $68,000 in cash taken by


David Schermerhorn cited a Lebanese man who was carrying 10,000 Euros as

gifts for people in Gaza.556

Kevin Neish had $4,000 stolen.557

Kathy Sheetz provided Press TV with her bank statements showing that her bank

card which was taken by commandos during the attack on the Mavi Marmara had

since been used in Tel Aviv. It appeared that attempts to use the card without a

PIN were unsuccessful, but it had worked in a vending machine where it had been

repeatedly used for the purchase of beer.558 Six days later on 18 June in the

Guardian online she alleged that more than $1,000 had been charged to her

account from transactions in Israel.

Ebrahim Musajii said his card which had been taken by the soldiers had been

used in Israel and twice on a Dutch website. His bank had agreed to treat the

transactions as fraudulent. His mobile phone had also been used for two short

calls in Israel. A spokeswoman from the Israeli embassy advised him to register

a formal complaint.

David Schermerhorn‟s iPhone has been used since it was seized.559

A soldier clearly liked Sümeyye Ertekin‟s phone and put it in his pocket. He said,

with a smile, that it would be returned. The phone was never given back.560

At the airport Marcello Faraggi had to sign a form acknowledging that he had

entered Israel illegally in order to get his passport back. He was given back his

bags but the camera bag only contained old clothes and rubbish. He had lost

more than 20,000 Euros worth of equipment.561

Henning Mankell had lost his camera, phone, and socks.562

Israeli authorities said that the lost property had either been returned to IHH or had

been mixed up with aid waiting to go to Gaza. They denied any knowledge of any

missing cash whatsoever.563 These authorities later claimed that the IDF not receive

complaints of stolen computers. The Free Gaza Movement rejected this statement as

„patently untrue‟ pointing out that passengers had filed complaints with their consular

representatives and embassies about possessions taken from them, had filed affidavits

and reported the matter to the media. Their lawyers at Adalah had been in

correspondence with the Israeli military about the missing personal property and

therefore it was a deliberate lie to say that they had not received any complaints.564


The cargo vessel MV Rachel Corrie was originally intended to be part of the flotilla but

had fallen behind schedule so the rest of the ships had started without it. The ship had

been targeted by Mossad special operations and passengers and crew were



photographed during the ship‟s preparations. (Photographs shown to passengers

during interrogation had been taking during this period in Ireland. The spokesman on

foreign affairs for the Irish Labour party, Michael D Higgins, said that this could be a

potential diplomatic incident.565) Dr Hasan Nowrah of the Justice for Palestine Centre in

Glasgow also revealed the propeller and exhaust had been sabotaged on the ship

causing £37,000 worth of damage, and causing delays which made it impossible for

the ship to make the rendezvous with the rest of the flotilla.566

Despite the attacks of 31 May the Rachel Corrie continued to sail towards Gaza intent

on delivering its 5,000 ton cargo of cement plus medical and educational supplies. On

3 June, captain and part-owner Derek Graham said everyone was very upset by what

had happened but they were more determined to carry on. Israeli authorities

demanded that security checks on the cargo should take place in the port of Ashdod,

while allowing this inspection to be under the supervision of officials from the UN and

the Irish Aid Division of Ireland‟s Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The entire cargo would

then have been transhipped to Gaza accompanied by two persons from the ship. The

offer was rejected after careful consideration by all on board the ship. A counter offer

for the ship to be inspected in international waters by the IDF under UN supervision

before proceeding to Gaza under UN escort was similarly refused.567 Captain Graham

said he was concerned that not all the cargo would be delivered from Ashdod.568

In the early hours of 5 June the ship was surrounded by two warships, two gunboats

and six zodiacs and then boarded by 30 to 35 fully armed commandos 30 km off the

coast of Gaza.569 There was no resistance from the eleven passengers and eight crew

members on board and the capture took place without violence. Captain Graham had

heard that the captain of the Mavi Marmara had been shot dead when commandos had

stormed his ship (Captain Tural was not injured during the assault on his ship) and

that he had feared for his life when he was ordered to remain alone in the wheelhouse.

Captain Graham was not harmed. Film-maker Fiona Thompson had her camera and

computer equipment taken but she managed to conceal the footage and smuggle it out

despite repeated searches during her two-day stay in detention. Passenger and Nobel

Peace laureate Mairead Maguire said she felt they had let the people of Palestine down,


We lifted their hopes that the world cared and sadly we let them down but we

say to the people of Gaza, we will be back. We will treble our efforts because

we will not rest until the siege is ended.570

The vessel was accompanied to Ashdod and passengers and crew were soon flown out

of the country because they had waived their rights of appeal.571


Goods from the flotilla were offloaded at Ashdod where Major David Elmaliach declared

that no guns, rockets or explosives were found on any of the ships.572 Selected items

were then trucked to Gaza with much publicity. On 2 June officials at Gaza refused to

accept goods as long as the activists who brought them were detained, while insisting

that Israel transfer all the goods and not just selected items. About 30 truckloads of

goods were refused for this reason. Minister of Social Affairs Ahmed Al Kurd said

We will refuse the aid as long as the victims of Israel‘s attack remain in prison.

Without exception we demand their release.



He added that some of the rejected goods were broken or had parts missing such as a

set of electric wheelchairs which had no batteries.573 An Israeli spokesman denied that

Israel had confiscated any goods, saying that it had not finished unloading the


Farooq Burney had been transporting 65 brand new computers for students in Gaza,

where this equipment is in short supply. They were still in their original packaging and

he had personally inspected them when they were stowed inside a locked room on the

bottom deck on the Mavi Marmara where he had photographed them. His camera was

subsequently seized and the film was lost.575 A first lieutenant in the IDF was arrested

on 16 August for stealing computers from the ship and four other soldiers were

arrested in connection with the theft. A Ynet report said that the stolen computers

were brand new and not meant for sale in Israel.576 Mr Burney is convinced these are

some of his computers. A high-ranking officer described the episode as „embarrassing

and shameful‘.577 No comment was passed on the other electronic equipment valued in

excess of $1 million which had been illegally seized by the IDF.

IRIN reported that after intense diplomatic negotiation the impasse was resolved on 17

June when the UN agreed to oversee the delivery of the aid in conjunction with other

international relief organizations. IHH accepted this arrangement and submitted a

beneficiary list to UNSCO (UN Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process).

IHH was concerned that material it had shipped for specific purposes, such as heavy

generators to operate public water wells, should not be allotted to UN projects.578

Al Manar reported on 12 June that Israel had buried part of the humanitarian aid

cargo, notably tinned food and crockery along with activist‟s personal belongings in the

landfill site at Doudaim in the Negev desert. The newspaper quoted a report that a

further lorry had come in under police escort and its full load had been deposited at

the site.579

The ships remained a matter of contention. In its formal presidential statement on 1

June the UN Security Council had „request[ed] the immediate release of the ships...‟.580

Israel at first ignored this request and the ships were later towed to Haifa where a

standoff developed. The Turkish government continued to demand that Israel supplied

tugs to tow the ships to Turkey while Israel refused to release them without a written

pledge from the Turkish government that they would not be used for similar activities

again. The Turks rejected this, insisted that the flotilla was a non-governmental

initiative.581 Meanwhile the mayor of Haifa suggested that the defence ministry

confiscate the Mavi Marmara and give it to the city to turn into a floating hotel as „an

international symbol of reconciliation and hope‟.582 Finally, in what was seen as an

attempt at reconciliation, the Israeli authorities decided on 22 July that the ships could

leave without further conditions. 583 Three tugs from Turkey arrived in Haifa on 5

August to collect the Turkish ships and it was anticipated that the journey to

İskenderun would take two days.584 The fate of the other four ships along with the

other vessel belonging to the Free Gaza Movement, the Spirit of Humanity, is unclear.

The matter of a formal apology, demanded by Turkey and rejected out of hand by

Israel, remained an issue.

Also in contention were cargos of cement and steel which were reported to be still on

board at Haifa.585 Israel has been denying cement and steel to Gaza on the excuse that

it will be used for terrorist purposes. In justifying this refusal Sarah Weiss Maudi from

the Israel Foreign Ministry said



Concrete could be used to cast rockets [sic] or it can be used to build

reinforced bunkers…586

Finally on 24 July Melodika reported that UNSCO had promised to deliver the full

humanitarian aid cargo, including the backpacks, sports equipment and building

materials that were still impounded.587

On arrival at İskenderun the Mavi Marmara, Defne Y and Gazze I were placed out of

bounds in the harbour. They were then subjected to careful examination by bomb

experts and teams from Turkey‟s Atomic Energy Agency who took radiation

measurements. The engines were found to be in working order.588 Inspections by the

18-person forensic team were completed by 12 August, by which time nearly 250

bullet holes had been found which the Israeli authorities had filled with putty and

painted over. Ankara‟s police crime investigation team had also been involved in the



Israeli forces took or destroyed all cameras, recording equipment, phones and notes

from everyone on the flotilla soon after coming on board. Daniel Pollack, the Co-

Director of the Zionist Organization of America asserted that it was done to ensure the

integrity of the film.

It is very clear why the videos were taken because before [sic] the evidence

that shows the actual sequence of events can be doctored or destroyed, that‘s

why the Israelis did it.590

[Mr Pollack did not go on to explain why the Israeli authorities have still not released

more than a fraction of the confiscated film.]

Any cameras that did arrive at Turkey were either smashed or at the very least

stripped of their memory cards.591 Jamal Elshayyal said that journalists were searched

several times, and anyone caught trying to conceal anything was strip searched to

ensure that no one on the flotilla could get away with any evidence of the atrocity that

Israel had committed.592 Daniel Machover, a specialist in international criminal law


The quality of evidence was degraded massively the moment Israel took all the

evidence into its own hands.593

All the abducted journalists were locked up for 72 hours and most emerged empty

handed. For the crucial first three days of the story the Israelis had sole access to the

media, a point that was usually not explained to the public, particularly in the

American media. Global networks relied heavily on two one-minute sequences (from a

great many hours of footage) which had been shot, edited and circulated by the Israeli

military. Cent Uygarm commented

That leads me to believe that only two minutes of it were positive for them and

the rest of it shows a disaster on board that does not help the Israeli Defence

Forces at all.



For Jamal Dajani of Link TV the reaction of people cheering and celebrating on the

streets of Tel Aviv showed that the spin was successful inside Israel, but he believed it

failed externally.594

Iara Lee said the Israelis had thought they had it all taken care of by jamming the

satellite system and attacking during the hours of darkness. They thought they would

be the only ones holding the information. But journalists had concealed the existence

of a backup system which had managed to transmit live some of the events and others

had managed to smuggle out photographs and videos. (Ms Lee‟s team had smuggled

out a crucial one hour‟s video footage.595 Kevin Neish had managed to conceal the

memory card from his camera in various places on his body during his internment

having thrown his expensive camera away to help conceal the film. On arrival in

Istanbul he had handed the memory card over to IHH and copies of his photos of the

three commandos under arrest by flotilla activists were published by a Turkish

newspaper on 7 June.596)

Gagging was also used against IHH whose online website was hit by a denial-of-service

(DoS) attack shortly before the raid started. The site was still off four days later. In

the interim the charity switched to its Facebook page.597

Security services enforced strict censorship at Ela Prison598 and Ben-Gurion airport,

preventing reporters from interviewing any of the activists. A blackout was imposed

on the names and nationalities of everyone on board and the locations of the wounded

were not revealed. Some details did leak out but journalists were prevented from

talking to hospitalized activists in Israel by soldiers stationed in the corridors of the

hospitals. Israeli journalists from Haaretz complained of extreme difficulty in accessing

military leaders when seeking interviews or comments.599 Selected video footage

stolen from journalists by the IDF was posted without permission on You Tube entitled

„video taken on the Gaza flotilla‟.600

Jeff Halper explained the Israeli media strategy.

The actual action was a [P.R.] disaster. The violence: that was a disaster for

Israel. But I think Israel is trying to recoup that to some degree by turning the

whole thing on its head, where they (the people on the boat) were the violent

people, they were the terrorists. They were not just peace activists and they

ambushed our soldiers.601

An extreme example of this strategy was provided by Raphael Schutz, Israel‟s

ambassador to Spain who said in a newspaper interview on 4 June that Spaniards

should care more about the 23 people killed on the Spanish roads that weekend than

the nine people killed by Israeli soldiers. In the same interview he compared activists

on the flotilla to the terrorists who killed 191 people in a bomb on a Madrid train in

2004. An embassy spokesman later said the comments had been taken out of


Israeli sources have also publicised details of „weapons caches‟ found on the Mavi

Marmara. Photographs from the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs show a selection of

sundry ship‟s equipment entitled „Weapons recovered on the Mavi Marmara‟. The

photographs show

about 16 kitchen knives,

three pocket knives,



a hanjar (see paragraph below)

fifteen pickaxe handles,

about twenty lengths of metal bar,

two ring spanners,

one pipe wrench,

four small hammers,

two sledge hammers,

four fire axes,

one paint roller handle,

ten disc-cutter discs,

two round files in handles,

a short length of cord and

two kaffiyehs.603

It is not possible to discern blood traces or any other indication that these items have

been violently used. Ordinary tools and furniture of this sort was used against Israeli

forces equipped with paintball guns, submachine guns and semi-automatic pistols.

One large-bladed ceremonial knife, called a hanjar, featuring prominently in all the

photos belonged to the Yemeni Member of Parliament Abdul-Khaliq Bin Shihon*. This

is a part of Yemeni culture, something that Yemeni men traditionally wear and has

nothing to do with violence.604 (It was nonetheless contrary to regulations to take the

knife onboard the ship. At the request of one of the organizers he had removed the

knife and put it in his luggage where the soldiers must have found it. 605)

[* Muhammed Nasar Hazme according to Kate Geraghty]

A photograph of by Mr Bin Shihon brandishing the hanjar also appeared in conjunction

with several articles in Haaretz during the week following the raid. The photograph,

which had in fact been taken before the ship departed from Istanbul, had been

supplied by the IDF and the original caption said that the picture had been taken after

the commando raid. After Max Blumenthal had queried the story with the IDF

spokesperson the caption had been changed by Haaretz to remove the false claim that

is had been taken after the raid. This correction had apparently following a tip from

the IDF.606

The IDF issued a recording on 4 June purporting to include anti-Semitic and racist

comments from persons on the Mavi Marmara broadcast over a marine radio channel.

(A longer version of the audio clip released on an IDF website on 31 May did not

contain any racist comments.607) The report was published in several Israeli and

international publications including Haaretz, Yedioth Ahronot and The Washington Post,

and aired at prime time in Israel that day (Friday). It has since been exposed as a

propaganda fraud by Ma‘an News and others.608 609 Huwaida Arraf, as Chair of the Free

Gaza Movement, can be heard in the broadcast answering the radio. For the whole

voyage Ms Arraf was on the Challenger I, not the Mavi Marmara. Confronted with this

the IDF admitted that it had tampered with the footage but still claimed the racist

comments had been made. (Neither Haaretz, nor Yedioth Ahronot have corrected their

stories, although the New York Times has covered the whole episode in detail.610) Ms

Arraf insisted that the radios had only been used by her and the ships‟ captains and

the other comments never took place over the radio. The voices making the racist

comments had male American accents whereas the captains were one British, one

Algerian, two Turks and two Greeks. As the broadcast had been recorded on

Challenger I„s radio which the soldiers had seized Ms Arraf challenged the IDF to

release this documentation if they have nothing to hide. So far they have failed to

provide this conclusive evidence,611 although the audio featured again in the videos

released with the Eiland Report on 12 July, again without any corroboration (discussed



in section above). On 9 August the video clip which the IDF admitted to have

doctored still appeared on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs without any


Max Blumenthal and Lia Tarachansky also forced the IDF to alter the title of a press

release which had falsely accused some members of the convoy of being Al Qaeda

mercenaries. The Israeli newspaper Yedioth, which had carried the story, did not

correct the falsehood. 612

An IDF press release issued on 6 June alleged that five passengers from the Mavi

Marmara were known to be involved in terrorist activity. No supporting evidence was

provided.613 When Max Blumenthal rang up the IDF spokespersons‟ office to ask for

further information he was told there was „very little intelligence‟ available on the case

and they were unable to give him any more information. This did not stop Haaretz

from running a story on 7 June based on the claims that the IDF had admitted it was

unable to substantiate.614 One of those mentioned was American lawyer Fatima

Mohammadi who said she was angry that they would attempt to discredit humanitarian

aid workers in such a fear-based manner.615 Another was Ken O‟Keefe who had

attempted to enter Gaza in 2004 to discuss a plan to take 10,000 international

observers to the Palestinian Territories. He was arrested and deported by Israeli

authorities. He told the Irish Times the statement was „slanderous‟ and that he was

considering suing the authorities, adding

…if they are really serious, am I on a hit list now? Will a Mossad hit squad

come and get me? They did that recently in Dubai and look what they did with

the flotilla last week.616

Another polemic developed around a request to the Free Gaza Movement from Noam

Shalit to deliver a letter and package (some accounts say letters and packages) for his

son who is an Israeli prisoner of war held incommunicado in Gaza. Nick Kaufmann, the

lawyer representing Mr Shalit said the family offered their full support to the flotilla if

they would urge Hamas to allow letters and food packages to be delivered to Gilad.

The organizers say they received this request late on 26 May shortly before they were

set to depart from Greece. The Irish senator Mark Daly agreed to carry any letter for

the soldier and to attempt to deliver it or, if the request was denied, to deliver it to

appropriate officials in the Hamas government. The lawyers for the family never got

back to them.617 The following day the story was widely reported by Israeli press and

radio. Haaretz reported that the Hamas government had declared it would block the

flotilla if the organizers agreed to the request.618 The story in Ynet said that the Free

Gaza Movement‟s legal counsel had rejected the offer.619 The story was also carried in

Artuz Sheva, Jerusalem Post and was aired on Army Radio. On 29 May Danny Ayalon,

the deputy prime minister of Israel, also made a statement about the matter.620


MK Hanin Zoabi who was on the Mavi Marmara told Haaretz in an interview before she

joined the flotilla that she did not fear the reaction on her return.

No, the truth is that I'm not afraid because what will happen to me when I

come back is part and parcel of what happened to me before I left. The

incitement, the mantra which states that Arab MKs are extremists who do not



represent their constituency. People say to us, ‗You are Israel-haters. You want

to destroy the state of Israel. You, you...‘ Whoever demands equality in the

Jewish state - and that apparently has become such a revolutionary, far-reaching

demand - ultimately ends up paying the price.621

During a debate in the Knesset on 2 June Ms Zoabi described the Israeli attack as a

„pirate military operation‟. She demanded an explanation for the order to confiscate

reporter‟s cameras and the reason why the government had banned the media from

publishing photos of the people killed on board. After another member of the Knesset

tried to physically attack her she was provided with bodyguards. A scuffle had broken

out on the podium causing other legislators to intervene on her behalf.622 Amidst

unruly scenes MK Miri Regev shouted at Ms Zoabi in Arabic „Go to Gaza, traitor‟. Aryeh

Eldad gave a short lecture on the life of the Irish propagandist Lord Haw Haw, who was

hanged by the British after WWII and given a dishonourable burial.623 Amongst many

insulting and disrespectful remarks from several members MK Moshe Mutz Matalon


Unfortunately, the [commando] fighters [who raided the flotilla] acted with too

much restraint. They left only nine floating voters.624

By mid-June more than 500 people had signed a Facebook page calling for Ms Zoabi‟s

execution. She now has two fulltime bodyguards but has no regrets and said if she

were to be invited she would do it again.625 „I don't care about the death threats to me

that much, my assistant deals with those‟ said Ms Zoabi,626

Minister of Interior Eli Yishai who had asked Defence Minister Ehud Barak to award

Citations of Valour to all the commandos involved in the incident627 also petitioned the

attorney general to revoke Ms Zoabi‟s citizenship saying „This is a premeditated act of

treason‟. On 7 June the Knesset again demonstrated disapproval of her actions when

the House Committee, by seven votes to one, recommended revoking three of Ms

Zoabi‟s privileges (exit the country, carry a diplomatic passport, and have the Knesset

cover litigation fees if she is put on trial).628 Feelings ran high when the move to

withdraw the privileges was confirmed by a Knesset vote of 34-16 on 13 July. MK

Anastassia Michaeli tried to hand Ms Zoabi a fake Iranian passport and echoed Ms

Zoabi‟s prescient comments to Haaretz six weeks previously by declaring

In every civilized country, a member of parliament who crosses the red line and

identifies with the enemy and arming the enemy with weapons of mass

destruction aimed at destroying his country's national foundations will not find in

his pocket a diplomatic passport of the country he aims to destroy.

Ms Zoabi remained unbowed and told her detractors

You are punishing me out of vengeance. When you threaten the Arab MKs and

the Arabs' protectors, you threaten democracy and co-existence between Jews

and Arabs.629


On 1 June the UN Security Council issued a presidential statement in which



The Security Council takes note of the statement of the UN secretary-general

on the need to have a full investigation into the matter and it calls for a prompt,

impartial, credible and transparent investigation conforming to international


In Israel this call was echoed on 6 June by ten senior Israel Navy reserve officers who

publicly called for an international inquiry. The group of patrol boat commanders up to

the rank of lieutenant commander called for the establishment of an external inquiry

committee. The letter said that other means could have been used to stop the Mavi

Marmara and called the incident a military and diplomatic failure. The signatories


Above all, we object to the fact that responsibility for the disaster was

immediately shifted to the organizers of the flotilla. We view that as disrespect

for the value of responsibility, that must be placed primarily on those who

commanded and approved the operation.631

12.1 The Israeli commission of inquiry (the Turkel Commission)

Israel rejected calls for an international inquiry and insisted that it would appoint its

own committee to undertake the task. In response to pressure from the U.S.

administration a retired Israel Supreme Court judge, Yaakov Turkel was appointed to

head the inquiry.632 The other members appointed to the Commission were Maj-Gen

(ret.) Amos Horev and Shabbtai Rosen, professor of international law at Bar Ilan

University. David Trimble, former First Minister of Northern Ireland, and Ken Watkin,

former head of Canada‟s military judiciary were appointed as international

observers.633 Lord Trimble is also a co-founder of the newly-launched Israel advocacy

group, Friends of Israel.634

Paul Wood explained

An experienced politician like Benjamin Netanyahu knows that getting the

outcome you want from a public inquiry is all about the right terms of reference

and who you appoint to sit on the inquiry. So, the commission‘s remit does not

include looking at the process of government decision making which led to

the Israeli commando raid. It will instead focus on questions of international

law. And the two foreign observers who have been appointed are seen as

friends of Israel.635

There was strong criticism both inside and outside Israel about the inquiry. Haaretz

said the committee‟s authority was too limited and called the investigation a public

relations tool.636 Amnesty International said that it ‗looks to be neither independent nor

sufficiently transparent‘.637 Turkey‟s Foreign Minister said he had no trust at all that

Israel would conduct an impartial investigation while the Palestinian President

Mahmoud Abbas said the terms of the inquiry did not comply with the call from the UN

Security Council.638 The Free Gaza Movement said that Israel could not be trusted to

investigate its own actions.639

On 15 June Israeli civil rights group Gush Shalom petitioned the High Court of Justice

to void the decision to establish a public committee and instead create a national

committee to investigate the raid. The petitioners said that the public committee did

not have the authority to properly investigate the events leading to the raid. At Judge



Turkel‟s request the court delayed the petition while he sought to expand the authority

of his commission.640 It was later reported that the judge had threatened to resign

unless the government agreed to his request to extend the scope of the inquiry.641 On

4 July the government agreed to grant authority to subpoena witnesses or evidence

and to allow testimony under oath, but IDF soldiers were excluded from subpoena on

the grounds of maintaining the independence of the Eiland Commission (see below).642

On 15 July it was announced that the Turkel committee was to be expanded to include

Reuven Merhay, a former diplomat who had served as director-general of the Foreign

Ministry, and Miguel Deutsch, a professor of law. It was also announced that Prime

Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Defence Minister Ehud Barak and IDF Chief of Staff Gabi

Ashkenazi will appear before the committee on 9, 10 and 11 of August. Their

testimonies would be made public.643

[Defence Minister Ehud Barak had been due to attend the Eurosatory arms fair in Paris

to promote Israeli merchandise. On 13 June his office announced that he would stay

home while Israel formed the committee to investigate the raid on the flotilla.

Informed sources have admitted that had Mr Barak travelled he was likely to have

been the subject of an arrest warrant from human rights groups acting under the

principle of universal jurisdiction.644 IHH president Bülent Yildirim claimed this was as a

result of a lawsuit filed by „our coalition‟.645 ]

12.2 UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) Resolution 2 June 2010

In a resolution adopted by 32 votes (including two permanent Security Council

members) to 3 (one permanent Security Council member) with 9 abstentions (two

permanent Security Council members) the UNHRC

Condemned the „outrageous attack by the Israeli forces‟;

Deeply deplored the loss of life;

Called upon Israel to fully cooperate with the ICRC to provide information on the

detained and injured persons;

Demanded the release of all detainees and to safely facilitate their return home.

Called upon Israel to lift the siege of Gaza;

Called upon Israel to ensure unimpeded provision of humanitarian assistance;

Welcomed the condemnation of the UN Secretary-General and the UN

Commissioner for Human Rights along with calls for full accountability and

credible independent inquiries;

Decides to dispatch an independent international fact finding mission to

investigate violations of international law, including international humanitarian

and human rights law, resulting from the Israeli attacks on the flotilla of ships

carrying humanitarian assistance;

(Emphasis added)

Authorized the President of the Council to appoint members to its fact-finding

mission who are to report their findings at the next session of the UNHRC;

Decided to remain seized of the matter.646

The panel to investigate the raid was announced on 23 July as

Judge Karl T Hudson-Phillips, QC, who had served on the International

Criminal Court and been Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs of

Trinidad and Tobago;



Sir Desmond de Silva, QC (United Kingdom), who had served as Chief

Prosecutor of the UN backed Special Court for Sierra Leone in 2005, and

whose extensive experience including working on matters of human

rights, war crimes and terrorism;

Mary Shanthi Dairiam (Malaysia) who had been serving on the Gender

Equality Task Force of the United Nations Development Programme and

is a specialist on women‟s rights.647

The President of the UNHRC, Ambassador Sihasak Phuangketkeow said the three

members of the mission had been selected for their independence, impartiality and

integrity. He added

This is not about finger pointing, it is about establishing the facts of what took

place because the incident was a humanitarian tragedy and it is in the interests

of everyone especially the families of those who lost their lives to establish the


The panel is expected to report back to the next session of the Council which opens for

three weeks on 12 September.

An Israeli foreign ministry official derided the decision as

…part of the Rights Council‘s obsession against Israel. […] The Israeli probe,

[the Turkel Commission] conducted with transparency, makes the

organization‘s probe completely unnecessary.649

Haaretz reported on 25 July that Israel did not intend to cooperate with the

investigation but that it would cooperate with the committee acting on behalf of the UN

Secretary General.650

Despite American and Israeli pressure to rescind the fact-finding mission it has

determinedly continued with its work. Flotilla survivors in Canada have been

contacted651 and members were in Turkey on 23 August visiting injured from the

flotilla who were still in the Atatürk Hospital in Ankara. Will in Turkey they were also

due to meet with government ministers and to visit the three aid ships which had been

transferred to İskenderun.652

12.3 IDF team of experts under Maj-Gen (Res.) Eiland

On 7 June the IDF Chief of Staff, Lt. Gen. Gabi Ashkenazi appointed a team of experts

to examine the military operation and to establish lessons to be learned from the raid.

The team of eight officers headed by Maj. Gen. (Res.) Giora Eiland, examined a range

of related topics included intelligence, command duties, personnel, media, technology,

medical and legal counsel and international law. The report was presented to Lt. Gen.

Ashkenazi and the Minister of Defence on 12 July 2010. A statement was released to

the press the same day, but the full report was not made public.

The team found that intelligence coordination was insufficient and that the level of

violent resistance was underestimated. It reported that there are no known methods

to stop a ship in a non-hostile manner but that no alternative courses of action had

been properly considered. The delay of releasing material to the press was noted but

commendations were given to the spokesperson, the preparations, the medical

evacuation, and especially the commandos who it said „operated properly with



professionalism, bravery and resourcefulness‟. It determined that the use of live fire

was justified.653

12.4 The investigation by Israel’s State Comptroller

Israel‟s State Comptroller, Micha Lindenstrauss, announced on 15 June that he would

investigate the legality of the government‟s decision-making for the raid, as well as

intelligence, public relations and media issues relating to the incident. Mr

Lindenstrauss pointed out that his inquiry would not address the tactical or operational

aspects of the raid which are being investigated internally by the Eiland team of

experts; neither would it investigate legal aspects to be covered by Justice Turkel‟s


12.5 The UN Panel of Inquiry

Following two months of intensive consultation UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon

announced the establishment of a Panel of Inquiry on the flotilla incident on 2 August.

On the same day the Israeli inner cabinet agreed to co-operate with the Panel. Mr Ban

expressed the hope that the investigation would meet the UN Security Council‟s call for

a prompt, impartial, credible and transparent investigation. Reservations were

expressed about the terms of reference which were more directed towards how similar

events can be avoided in the future rather than an analysis of the events surrounding

the raid.655

The Panel comprised

Sir Geoffrey Palmer, former New Zealand prime minister 1989--1990 and an

expert on constitutional and public law.

Álvaro Uribe, outgoing Colombian president

one representative each from Turkey and Israel

The inquiry was commissioned to begin on 10 August and submit a preliminary

progress report in mid-September. It was to sit entirely in New York and not visit the

Middle East at all.656

C.L. Cook writing in the Pacific Free Press said that Mr Uribe „Knows murder and

mayhem when he sees it‟, pointing out that the former president had become Israel‟s

primary weapons and security customer.657 Kenneth Roth, the Executive Director of

Human Rights Watch had written to President Obama on 26 June 2009 expressing

…serious concerns about the Uribe administration's record on and commitment

to human rights, democracy, and the rule of law.658

The inquiry will not have the authority to subpoena witnesses, especially members of

the IDF, but will receive reports handed in by investigative panels in Turkey and Israel.

It will be the first time that Israel has agreed to take part in a UN inquiry into actions

involving the IDF. The decision to accept the proposal followed pressure from the U.S.

administration which suggested that Israel‟s compliance could thwart anti-Israel

resolutions in the UN General Assembly and it was suggested might even bring about

the cancellation of the Human Rights Council Fact Finding Mission.659

Prime Minister Netanyahu said in a statement



Israel has nothing to hide. The opposite is true. It is in the national interest of

the state of Israel to ensure that the factual truth of the overall flotilla events

comes to light throughout the world and this is exactly the principle that we

are advancing. 660

The opposition leader Tzipi Livni attacked the decision on 3 August saying it would

expose the IDF to international scrutiny. She complained that because of the Israeli

government‟s „stuttering‘ there were five investigative committees probing one small

military operation.661

12.6 The UN Human Rights Committee

The Human Rights Committee of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner

for Human Rights held it 99th session in Geneva in July. In its concluding observations

on 30 July the committee expressed its concern about the absence of independence of

the Israeli commission of inquiry and the prohibition to question the officials of the

armed forces involved in the incident. It declared

The State party should lift its military blockade of the Gaza Strip, insofar

as it adversely affects the civilian population. The State party should

invite an independent, international fact-finding mission to establish the

circumstances of the boarding of the flotilla, including its compatibility

with the Covenant.662

(Emboldenment in the original)

The Covenant referred to here is the International Covenant on Civil and Political

Rights which Israel ratified on 3 October 1991.663 Although the committee‟s

recommendations are non-binding they add to the pressure on Israel to explain what

happened during the attack on the flotilla.

12.7 Legal proceedings

i. German members of parliament Annette Groth and Inge Höger, who were on

the Mavi Marmara, filed a war crimes complaint against Israel on 11 June. The

complaints were for

…numerous potential offences, including war crimes against individuals

and command responsibility […] as well as false imprisonment.

International criminal law expert Florian Jessberger explained

There is cause to believe that false imprisonment was perpetrated as

understood by German law. German criminal law would have jurisdiction

irrespective of the fact that the act was perpetrated on the high seas.

German public prosecutors were investigating whether there was enough

evidence to warrant pursuing the case further.664

ii. Israeli-Swedish peace activist and artist Dror Feiler said on 12 June he would

file suit against Israel for assault and false imprisonment.665

iii. Eight French nationals announced on 12 June that they will start legal

proceedings in the French courts for abduction, illegal confinement, violence



with arms, hijacking and theft and in the International Court of Justice (ICJ) for

war crimes. The submission before of the ICJ was serving notice to the

prosecutor who would decide whether to proceed with the case or not. The

plaintiffs‟ lawyer emphasised that the Israel government‟s decision to lead its

own inquiry lacks credibility.666

iv. On 15 June the Free Gaza Movement announced that it is working with lawyers

in a number of countries including Turkey, the UK, the Netherlands, Israel and

the United States in order to pursue legal action against Israel.667 Prof Richard

Falk said a civil suit could be initiated in the United States under the Tort Claims

Act which allows victims to sue for damages.668

v. In the UK the Palestine Legal Aid Fund offered on 15 June to represent

passengers wishing to assert their rights through legal action against Israel.

The fund already has a team of six internationally renowned lawyers which

intend to launch a court case in Britain on behalf of activists illegally abducted

and imprisoned.669

vi. IHH is seeking to file lawsuits against Israel in international courts and

convened a conference to discuss procedures for this to which lawyers from 25

other countries attended. Lawyers from Israel declined to attend because IHH

is defined as a terrorist organization in their country, meaning that legal

proceedings could be taken against Israeli participants.670

12.8 U.S. Freedom of Information request

The Center for Constitutional Rights filed eight Freedom of Information Act requests

on 30 June. The requests sought to know

what, if any, communications were made between the U.S. government and

Israel prior to and after the attack;

what, if any, information the U.S. shared before or after with Israel about

any of the U.S. citizens abroad;

what was done to secure the release of detained citizens;

what is being done to return property seized from U.S. citizens and other

passengers and to ensure that such property, which includes evidence for

any investigations into the attack, is not tampered with or destroyed.

A request was also made regarding communications with other countries

and with organizations such as NATO in relation to the attack on the flotilla.

A request was made for information about U.S. policy towards Israel‟s

blockade of Gaza.671


1. The activists were restricted in their movements and ability to talk both on the

ships and at Ashdod, and there is no record that they were allowed to freely

associate at Be‟er Sheva, although some exchange of information did occur. On

their release they were not allowed to congregate at Tel Aviv, and battered and

exhausted they very quickly went home. As a result their testimonies were

given in many different locations and to different media outlets. Despite this

the testaments are consistent, with little variation, and they agree in detail with

the very few photographs or records that evaded Israeli capture. There has



been no attempt by those involved to deny the defence of the Mavi Marmara,

and the difference with Israeli accounts is one of interpretation.

By contrast the Israeli authorities now have possession and control of most of

the photographic and recorded evidence. They have interrogated all the

activists and had access to all Israeli personnel involved in the raid and all the

ships on which the violence occurred. Despite the wealth of evidence available

to them Israeli accounts have contained serious inconsistencies and deficiencies

while only a small, selected amount of corroborating evidence has been

released. (Many of these inconsistencies are assessed in section 5.7 above.)

Many serious allegations concerning the activists and their intentions have been

made on the basis of inadequate and flawed evidence, and even on the basis of

no evidence whatsoever. As a result it is difficult to avoid the suspicion of a

cover-up. The resistance to any form of international inquiry, coupled with the

restricted terms of reference given to the Turkel committee only strengthens

these concerns.

2. Working within these limitations the following sequence of events has been

deduced from the material presented above.

i. The flotilla set sail carrying humanitarian aid and activists who were intent on

distributing the aid and financial assistance to worthy causes in the Gaza

Strip. It was an international and multi-faith mission solely intent on

humanitarian relief.

ii. Despite an agreement to pursue non-violent resistance there was an

organized group on the Mavi Marmara that was determined to defend the

ship against any violent attack, which it regarded as illegal under international

law, for the sole purpose of ensuring that all of the humanitarian aid reached

legitimate recipients in Gaza. This group was prepared to use non-lethal force

to achieve this aim and had brought on board catapults (slingshots) and

probably metal cutting equipment with a view to fulfil this purpose. This

group was known about and encouraged by upper echelons within IHH.

iii. There were persons on board who were prepared to suffer injury and even

death to achieve delivery of the humanitarian cargo direct to Gaza if

confronted by military force.

iv. Israeli intelligence was probably aware that there were some elements on

board willing to defend the ship by forceful means, but may have

underestimated the determination of these people when confronted with

heavily armed commandos.

v. A rudimentary defence plan for the ship was enacted on the evening of 30

May after Israeli ships were located on the ship‟s radar. This consisted of

deploying militants on the upper deck and along the sides of the open decks.

These militants were armed with wooden staves, metal bars and chains cut

from the ship‟s railings, catapults and in some cases knives. Nuts, bolts,

bottles and even tomatoes have been reported to have been thrown at the

attackers, and these items were probably all made ready. The ship‟s fire

hoses were also laid out ready for use. There is no credible evidence to

support allegations that firearms or any other specialist weapons beyond

catapults and a small quantity of anti-assailant spray (plus an ornamental



hanjar, which had been put away) were on the ship before the Israeli

commandos boarded.

vi. Both sides have complained about the misuse of the marine band radio

channel on the night 30/31 May. Since the Israeli authorities are in

possession of taped records of all of the messages relayed the onus is on

those authorities to furnish the evidence relating to this matter. The failure to

do so is regarded here as significant.

vii. The Israel Navy attempted, with a large degree of success, to block all

communications from the flotilla to outside destinations from about 04:00 on

the morning of 31 May. This hostile act appears to have been done for the

sole purpose of preventing the dissemination of reports, including those from

independent media sources, on the raid that was to follow.

viii. The attack occurred during total darkness outside of territorial waters and

outside of the illegally declared closed military zone that Israel had applied

after the flotilla had set sail. The period of darkness was probably used to

make photography more difficult, to disguise the attacker‟s actions, and to

spread fear among the passengers and defenders on the ships. No valid

humanitarian motive for the timing has been suggested. The location was

probably dictated by this being the last opportunity for a night raid before the

flotilla arrived close to the coast of Gaza.

ix. The flotilla had changed course to head for El-Arish (in Egypt) rather than

Gaza in order to try to avoid a night-time confrontation, hoping for the

opportunity to negotiate their intentions and actions during daylight.

x. No warning or announcement was given before the attack began.

xi. It is not known whether any action to disable the Mavi Marmara was

attempted and failed. Although this is unlikely it cannot totally be ruled out.

xii. The three passenger ships were targeted first and the attack began when

members of one of Israel‟s elite forces came alongside and boarded the

Sfendoni from zodiac light inflatable craft. Passengers and crew on the vessel

were attacked with non-lethal arms. Despite the employment of only non-

violent resistance by the defenders the amount of force used was excessive

and several civilians were injured onboard.

xiii. The attack on the Mavi Marmara was concurrent with that on the Sfendoni

(Challenger I had initially tried to make a run). It began with commandos

attempting to board the open area at the stern of the second deck (the lowest

open area on the ship) from zodiacs coming along both sides. Although the

first offensive action may have been the hurling of objects, such as nuts, bolts

or tomatoes, from the ship, it is probable that the commandos initiated the

action that they were certainly intent on. Paintball guns, stun grenades, tear

gas and rubber-coated bullets were all used as soon as the zodiacs were

within range of their target. The attack was beaten off principally by the use

of fire hoses while objects were also thrown into the small boats and the

defenders prevented the scaling ladders from being used. The zodiacs

withdrew a few lengths so as to be out of range, but maintained their




xiv. Four helicopters are believed to have been airborne above the convoy. Lethal

fire was initiated from more than one of these before any further attempt was

made to board the ship. Two persons are reported to have been killed or

fatally injured by this fire. Live fire was initiated from the Zodiacs moments

later. At this stage no commando had even attempted to descend from a

helicopter. The use of live fire would have been ordered by a senior officer

presumably with at least the knowledge of the Navy Commander Maj Gen

Marom. This was not self-defence: no member of the Israeli forces was under

attack at that stage (the zodiacs had pulled away, no soldier had exited a

helicopter and there was no firing from the ship).

xv. Two ropes were dropped from a helicopter onto the upper (fifth) deck. One of

the ropes was pulled aside and tied to the deck as the first commando

descended, after which it was no longer used, thus slowing down the

boarding. The commandos were attacked by a mêlée as they landed on deck.

Passengers punched, pushed and hit the soldiers with iron bars and staves

(and in one case a chair was also wielded). Soldiers appear to have been hit

while lying on the deck. Soldiers trying to run for shelter were hit and in at

least one case stabbed. At least two soldiers were rolled over the deck

parapet and dropped five metres on to the third deck. (There is no fourth

deck at this point.) One was hit on the hand to make him let go of the


xvi. Guns taken off the soldiers were thrown over the side. There is no evidence

that any defender ever fired any gun during the attack and the allegation,

widely touted by Israeli sources is not accepted here. One pistol was kept by

Ken O‟Keefe and intended to be used later as evidence. (This is probably the

only weapon taken by the defenders that was not thrown into the sea.)

xvii. Meanwhile the zodiacs near the stern made a second attempt to board and

were again repelled.

xviii. Nine soldiers were injured in the fighting. Three of the injured soldiers were

taken into custody and well-treated on direct orders from the IHH president to

one of his senior aides. The captives had all their equipment removed, and

were led (and in one case carried) to the area where very basic medical

treatment was given and the terrified soldiers were protected and reassured.

Afterwards they were taken down to the first deck which was considered the

safest place for them. After the ship surrendered they were taken for release

onto the bow area of the third deck. When their colleagues fired on their

captors these passengers quickly fled. Two of the former captives jumped

overboard (a drop of eight metres) and swam to a nearby zodiac, while the

third was collected by colleagues.

xix. The last frame of the infrared footage released by the IDF shows two

commandos facing the defenders, one with paintball gun at the ready and the

other with a pistol similarly held. The pistol is probably a Glock semi-

automatic weapon with a 17 round magazine. It is assumed that this is

critical point where the soldiers took control by firing indiscriminately into the

crowd with the end result that at least nine were killed and around 55 were

injured, many seriously.



xx. The claim purportedly originated from the Eiland Report that soldiers twice

fired at the legs of their assailants is not accepted here. The Turkish autopsy

report and witness statements suggest that targeted killings occurred and

that some of this was frenzied. Many of those killed had been shot in the

head, often repeatedly. Many of the wounded survivors were shot in the

upper body and even in the head. Eiland‟s assertion, which the IDF claims is

the result of investigation and deliberation by nine senior IDF officers, is

refuted by solid evidence. A further uncorroborated assertion from the same

source that soldiers were fired at several times from within the ship is

rejected here as untrue for similar reasons.

xxi. As the casualties began to rise swiftly the IHH president ordered a surrender,

but appeals for a ceasefire were ignored. After the bridge was captured an

announcement was broadcast calling on the activists to stop fighting.

Recognising that their bid to get to Gaza had failed the defenders quietly

dropped their rudimentary weapons and walked inside.

xxii. While the IDF injured appear to have been quickly taken to hospital some of

the civilian wounded died before they were allowed any medical treatment,

possibly as a result of this denial of basic human rights.

xxiii. Treatment of detainees on the Mavi Marmara was often inhumane and at

times was even cruel and sadistic. Much of the behaviour of the soldiers was

barbaric and showed contempt for their responsibility under international law.

The airlift of thirty-nine seriously injured passengers took more than seven

hours to complete.

xxiv. The Challenger I which broke free from the flotilla attack was pursued and

boarded shortly after. Following the boarding some non-violent activists were

brutally attacked.

xxv. The Eleftheri Mesogeio was attacked by tear gas and live fire at around 06:30.

Commandos fast roped onto the deck and boarded from zodiacs. There was

considerable violence by the Israelis during the takeover and some

passengers were badly beaten.

xxvi. The two cargo ships Gazze I and Defne Y were seized later in the morning by

commandos, apparently without violence.

3. The question of legality of the siege is fundamental to the legality of Israel‟s

attack on the flotilla. The press release on 14 June from the ICRC detailing the

humanitarian crisis in Gaza invalidated the last pretence of any justification for

the blockade under the San Remo Manual, which has been Israel‟s defence for

its actions. Articles 10 and 103 make it clear that a blockade must not be

implemented if the damage to the civilian population is excessive. Although the

raid on the flotilla took place before the release of the ICRC statement, relief

agencies and NGOs have long reported dire conditions in Gaza. For example in

January 2009, in response to a statement denying the humanitarian crisis by

the then Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni, UNRWA spokesman Christopher

Gunness said her statement was „utter nonsense‟ citing

a million people without electricity;



three-quarters of a million people without running water;

middle income families burning their furniture to heat food;

hospitals running their services 24/7 on generators.

Although Mr Gunness was describing the situation during Israel‟s Operation Cast

Lead assault, the stringent closure conditions imposed on Gaza have

determined that no serious reconstruction has occurred and there has been no

significant improvement in living conditions for the vast majority of Gazans

since Mr Gunness so forcefully rebuked Ms Livni. In reality the humanitarian

crisis had been in existence for a long time before the flotilla raid and Israeli

politicians are well aware of this.

4. Regardless of legality of the raid, the level of violence used by the IDF was

excessive and cannot in any way be considered proportional. Initial fire from

the helicopter was indiscriminate. Furkan Doğan was shot five times at a range

of 45cm. Five of the deceased were shot in the head, in one case at a distance

of between two and fourteen centimetres.672 Five were apparently shot while

moving away. Having taken control of the upper deck the commandos then

shot live fire onto the lower decks at people who posed no threat to them at all.

There was no attempt at this stage to use the paintball guns as an alternative.

There are also testimonies of persons already injured being shot on the ground.

5. Senior politicians have publicly expressed approval for the way the raid was

conducted. For example on 2 June Israeli Defence Minister Ehud Barak

visited some of the commandos in question and told them: „I came in the

name of the Israeli Government to say “thank you‟”.673 There is reason to

suppose therefore that the abuse was deliberate and planned, and formed

part of a political policy that was premeditated.

6. In this context the attacks on previous vessels seeking to break the blockade

can be seen to be part of a pattern.

i. The MV Dignity belonging to the Free Gaza Movement was attacked by the

Israel Navy on 30 December 2008 while sailing from Larnaca to Gaza. The

attack came without any provocation or warning, in international waters and

in darkness during the early hours of the morning. The vessel was rammed

at speed three times by a gunboat approximately 50 miles from land in

winds of force 4 to 5 and a 3 metre sea. The Dignity‟s Mayday call was

unanswered by the two Israeli gunboats in the near vicinity which accused

the boat‟s occupants over the maritime radio of being subversive and

involved with terrorists. The gunboats then threatened to shoot if the

stricken boat did not turn back. Miraculously there was no loss of life on

that occasion and the boat was able to reach the port of Sour unaided.674

ii. In February 2009 the cargo ship Tali was attacked by the Israel Navy and

taken to the port of Ashdod. Al Jazeera reported that the ship was fired on

by the Israel Navy and about 20 passengers were kicked and beaten.

Israeli sources said a small quantity of the reputed 50 tonnes of food and

medical supplies on board would be delivered to Gaza.675

iii. The Israel Navy threatened to open fire on the Spirit of Humanity on 30

June 2009 which was hijacked 12 hours later to Ashdod where the abducted

passengers and crew were incarcerated. Of the cargo destined for Gaza,



only the medical supplies are known to have been delivered, while the other

goods including food, toys and construction materials are presumed to have

been destroyed. The boat has never been returned neither has any

compensation been paid.676

7. Although non-lethal force was used to defend the Mavi Marmara the often

repeated accusations that this was a lynching do not stand scrutiny. (Mr

Netanyahu‟s fantastic claim, quoted at the beginning of this report, that the

commandos were attacked and almost lynched while „inspecting‟ the ships does

not deserve consideration. Only a charlatan or a fool would dare to suggest

that this bloody raid was in any way an inspection.) It must first be

remembered that disarming or disabling a well-trained and well-armed

commando suspected of having just killed an unarmed colleague (and maybe

long-term friend) was a desperate action for the irregular band of untrained

and ill-equipped civilians. It was highly dangerous with scant margin for error.

Had the commando not been immobilised the consequences would most likely

have been deadly, as indeed they were shortly after.

Despite the inevitable anger and the adrenaline surge no attempt was made

to shoot any Israeli soldier. They were disarmed and their weapons thrown

away or in one case immobilised. Captured soldiers were not killed but treated

with chivalry. Once control of the ship had been lost the resistance immediately

stopped and there were no suicide attempts to kill or maim any Israeli. At all

times the amount of force used by the defenders of the ship was proportional

and carried out with the sole purpose of protecting the humanitarian aims of

the mission. This is not the behaviour of a lynch mob with a blood lust

8. Many commentators have described the flotilla as an unnecessary provocation.

An Israeli government video says the flotilla organizers were told they would be

allowed to dock in Ashdod and unload the supplies they had on board for

transfer to Gaza. (The Israeli Government Spokesman Mark Regev qualified

this to „every single humanitarian item‟.) The video tells us that the decision to

seize the ships was taken

…only after the flotilla organizers made it clear that they had no

intention of cooperating in any way…677

In fact the flotilla organizers did not reject all possibilities of cooperation. It has

been reported that by consensus the crew and passengers of the Rachel Corrie

had offered to undergo an inspection by the IDF, supervised by the UN, in

international waters before proceeding under UN escort to Gaza. We know also

that this offer was rejected by the Israeli government. Huwaida Arraf had

made a similar offer on behalf of the flotilla while it was still heading towards

Gaza, and this offer was ignored. The New York Times on 4 June reported that

„a senior military official‟ said that Israel had not considered searching the cargo

before unloading it in Gaza.678 Captain Graham gave the reason for rejecting

the Israeli offer to go to Ashdod as concern that some of the cargo would not be

delivered, presumably because he knew that much of the cargos from the Spirit

of Humanity and the Tali never arrived in Gaza. It is now known that despite

worldwide attention, at least one lorry load of flotilla aid has gone to landfill in

the Negev, while the cement and steel lay slowly deteriorating in Haifa harbour

for weeks. All computers on board were trashed or stolen, despite some of

them being bound for schools in Gaza where there is a desperate need. (Mr



Regev‟s distinction here becomes important, especially when Israel is sole

arbiter of the definition of the term „humanitarian‟ and is in sole charge of its

application.) Israel‟s lack of good faith coupled with caprice and deceit

vindicated the flotilla organisers‟ attempts to retain full responsibility for their

cargo free of Israeli control and meddling. Expecting illegal intervention to

frustrate their humanitarian aims the organizers had to decide on their

alternatives. The Bulgarian journalist Svetoslav Ivanovo witnessed these


I cannot say this was organized provocation, but the conditions for all

this to occur were right there – it was like – let's try to pass the

blockade, and if we don't succeed, let's at least make headlines. But

no one expected the toll that ended up being paid by the Turkish


Acknowledging the provocation Iara Lee said

It was, in the sense that civil rights protesters in the American south

who sat at segregated lunch counters represented a provocation to

segregationists, or in the sense that all non-violent protests against

the illegitimate acts of a government are by definition provocations.

Under an illegal siege, the delivery of aid to civilians is a prohibited

act; the intent of our humanitarian convoy was to violate this unjust


For Tauqir Sharif, getting to Gaza was the sole point of the trip.

It wasn't about shaming the Israeli Government – they do that for


9. Other commentators have stated that allowing the flotilla to pass would open up

a new weapons corridor to Hamas. This consideration cannot be separated

from the widespread suffering in Gaza and it is callous and inhumane to

consider the security threat in isolation. Working for social justice, dignity and

freedom for the Gazan people is not only a just cause in itself, it is also a means

to militate against the sense of frustration and resentment which currently fuels

the violence against southern Israel. The flotilla organisers have repeatedly

stated that all the cargo had been inspected (and Israeli authorities have never

disputed this claim). If in future all vessels heading for Gaza port were required

to obtain similar verification and to submit to a neutral inspection prior to

entering Gazan water there can be no justification for claims that such traffic

will in any way affect Israel‟s security. The use of security considerations to

justify actions which needlessly and drastically impinge on the living conditions

of one and half million people is not only morally invalid but contrary to the

principles of international humanitarian law.

10. It is appropriate here to consider the term „terrorism‟ which has been used by

certain Israelis against members of the flotilla. The FBI definition for the word


Terrorism is the unlawful use of force or violence against persons or

property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population,



or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social


Because of the illegal nature of the raid and the blockade the activists, who

were attempting by legal means to reach Gaza, cannot correctly be called

terrorists, whereas the state of Israel, which was unlawfully exercising force or

violence against part of the civilian population, (the activists) in furtherance of

political objectives, should correctly be described as having conducted state


From the pattern of Israeli attacks at sea which have been occurring for at least

eighteen months, (and for much longer against Gazan fishermen) it can be seen

that there is a deliberate policy of terror employing reckless violence and

intimidation as a tool to enforce the illegal use of power and control.

11. This terror has been explained away by programmes of lies and deception. It is

impossible to accept for example that Prime Minister Netanyahu and Foreign

Minister Lieberman could both be ignorant of the truth when they each stated

publicly that activists on five of the ships in the flotilla were unharmed. It is not

possible to believe that Mr Netanyahu and his Defence Minister Ehud Barak did

not know that the commander of the Israel Navy personally oversaw the

deployment of a naval fleet in a meticulously planned terrorist operation in

international waters which killed, injured, assaulted, robbed, abducted,

detained, maltreated, psychologically abused, humiliated, insulted and vilified

hundreds of unarmed civilians of many nations for daring to commit themselves

to the principle of universal human rights, even in Gaza under Israeli


12. As detailed in section 5 above witnesses have testified to IDF troops violently

attacking the flotilla‟s smaller passenger craft on 31 May.

On MV Eleftheri Mesogeio

People were attacked by rubber-coated bullets and tasers and one was

beaten up; they were handcuffed and mistreated.

On MV Challenger I

One woman had her head banged on the deck and trod on,

another had her nose split by a projectile,

other passengers were tasered, dragged around the deck and hit

with rifle butts.

On MV Sfendoni

One man who has a heart condition was shot with a rubber-coated

bullet, beaten in the groin and the head and kicked on the deck,

another was thrown to the deck twice and then kicked or hit on the


an activist was tasered in the head, legs and back,

the captain suffered a punctured ear drum along with neck and back


A medical doctor almost fainted from pain after he was knocked to

the floor where he was kicked and hit with rifle butts,

Paul Larudee who had escaped by jumping in the sea had been

punched repeatedly and pushed under water and maltreated


(One of the witnesses here is a former U.S. Ambassador.)



Yet on 1 June in answer to a question from Jon Snow on Channel 4 News Mark

Regev, spokesman for the prime minister of Israel could shamelessly reply

There were six interceptions yesterday, six interceptions. All done by

the Israeli Navy, all, five of them were done peaceably without violence

without harm to soul to people.[sic]683

13. Mr Regev‟s brazen misrepresentation of the truth is matched by Ron Ben

Yishai‟s account that commandos were told to verbally convince activists to give

up, and the 3 June BBC account of soldiers intending to talk to activists and

convince them to unboard [sic] the ship. These stories are contrary to the

testimony of Dror Feiler that he had tried to talk with soldiers on the Eleftheri

Mesogeio but had been beaten up, reports that four activists who had sought

dialogue outside the wheelhouse of the Sfendoni were summarily beaten and

that of Dr Fintan Lane who had a gun pointed in his face by a screaming

commando when he tried to reason with soldiers on the Challenger I.

14. It is a sad reflection of BBC journalism that its news service published this story

without any reference to conflicting accounts from the activists who had by that

time already been released. Fortunately other news channels have higher

standards of journalistic integrity. Because of coverage like that of Al Jazeera

and Press TV the world was able to see the initial phases of the attack and to

learn promptly that people on the flotilla were being killed. Only through the

courageous initiative of the Cultures of Resistance team was uncensored and

unedited video footage released which showed some of the carnage resulting

from an attack by elite combat troops on civilians. At least two individuals also

managed to get images out and disseminate their material. The importance of

having this testimony in the public domain where it defies the tyranny of

Israel‟s attempt to suppress the truth cannot be exaggerated. Human rights

are promoted by journalists who keep faith with the principles of their calling

and justice was well served by those who showed courage and conviction on the

Mavi Marmara. That no mainstream European or American media organization

had chosen to cover the story from the flotilla is an indictment of their priorities

and principles.

15. Some citizens of major western nations were no better served by their

diplomats. While American diplomacy was unfazed by the murder of one of its

citizens by a close ally, Canadian and British diplomats meekly submitted to

Israel‟s total contempt for diplomatic convention. Small nations such as

Serbian and Jordan accorded proper concern for the rights of their citizens, yet

it took the intervention of Turkish officials to ensure that British and Canadian

citizens were not overlooked in Israeli jails. In the case of Jamal Elshayyal,

British citizenship becomes of questionable value when a British subject

engaged in a legal activity can be attacked, abducted, imprisoned, denied

consular access and robbed of his possessions including his passport (by a state

which only this year has been found guilty by a British inquiry of the illegal use

of British passports for the purpose of carrying out a murder) without the

government bothering to even make a formal diplomatic complaint.

16. Tribute should be paid to the human rights activists in Israel who have been

part of the struggle with their support of the convoy. Adalah has worked hard



with very limited resources and against official obstruction to provide legal aid

to convoy participants. Gush Shalom has successfully challenged in court the

limitations of the Turkel Commission. Their contribution to the struggle for

universal human rights is noble and courageous, and of the greatest


17. The raid was a blatant violation of international mores which could only have

happened because Mr Netanyahu and Mr Barak ordered it. That it was not an

accident or a rogue operation is attested to by the fact that the Navy

Commander was nearby in a small boat overseeing the raid. The violence,

abuse and general criminality of the operation must have been planned and

sanctioned at the highest level, presumably as a warning to discourage any

similar action in the future. Despite the Officer-in-Charge of the commando

unit going on board the ship while at sea the wayward behaviour of the

commandos continued as detainees and even the wounded were mistreated

abused and humiliated apparently with this officer‟s approval, and by

implication with the approval of the Commander of the Navy. Demonstrably,

Israel‟s Navy is in the charge of a man who tolerates widespread barbarity in

his command.

18. The most important part of the raid that did not go according to plan resulted

from a resolute determination on the part of people who believe in

humanitarian justice. There was a hard core of militant activists on the ship

who were prepared to fight and even to die in an attempt to get aid to the

population of Gaza under siege. The size of the Mavi Marmara made it easier

to defend and the zodiac attack was quickly repelled. At the same time the

upper deck did not present a large area for landing which effectively reduced

the speed at which commandos could be placed on deck, while the deck itself

was occupied by a hostile crowd. While the directive from Bülent Yildirim was to

arrest the intruders (of necessity by force), the soldiers and their superior

officers probably did believe the intention was a lynching. The Israeli policy on

siege breaking since the attack on the MV Dignity has been one of zero

tolerance. Ships have been diverted by threat of force or the actual use of

excessive force, with reckless disregard for the risk of casualties. A lack of

interest from international mainstream media and a tolerance by international

politicians for Israel‟s internal policy of impunity has allowed Israeli leaders to

continue these criminal policies. So when it was faced with a standoff, the

military machine simply moved up a gear. The persuasive techniques of

paintball guns, stun grenades, tear gas and rubber bullets had failed to

convince. In response people on deck were shot dead to amplify the message.

Once that line had been crossed the violence showed limited restraint and a

turkey shoot began. People were shot repeatedly at close range, mostly shot in

the upper body without any attempt to merely disable, and wounded victims

were shot again on the ground. Once the resistance was overcome the lethal

violence stopped, to be replaced by wholesale callous and barbaric treatment of

what were now the detainees. People were humiliated, maltreated and abused,

largely regardless of age, gender or rank while the process of official and

unofficial brigandry and pilfering began.

The resistance had been stout and initially successful. Even after taking

casualties it had at first held out. The first commandos to land were disabled

after their descent had been slowed when one of the two descent ropes was

rendered inoperable. It is appropriate to speculate what would have happened



if both ropes had been disabled and the landing operation had faltered,

particularly if one or more commandos were by then in captivity. Within the

framework of a policy of zero tolerance, a climate of impunity and a stated

policy to do whatever was necessary stop the flotilla what would the next step

have been? General Marom we know had at his disposal machine guns,

warships and at least one submarine. Standing orders dictate that soldiers

should not remain captive and allowed to be held hostage, even if their lives are

forfeited. It is not unfair to ask if there was a scenario in which Gen Marom,

with the full backing of his political masters, would have ordered the sinking of

the ship. A tally of nine dead and fifty-five wounded was probably not the

highest price that Israeli leaders were prepared to exact in order to enforce

their policies and convey their threats against humanitarian meddling.

19. The other important failure for the IDF was the inability to completely shut

down the broadcasts by journalists on the flotilla and to take control of all

camera and video footage. The commitment and resourcefulness of journalists

and photographers ensured that the start of the raid was broadcast live to the

world. This in turn meant that sympathetic mainstream news outlets were no

longer able to ignore the story. The same commitment to truth and journalistic

integrity also resulted in material being smuggled out of detention, despite the

continual body searches intended to forestall this. As a result some of the

blatant falsehoods in the Israeli version of events were exposed, and the world

was able to see that members of an elite commando had been captured by

civilians and treated with due respect, that people had been shot in the head,

that IDF claims to passively convince activists were a figment and that the

boarding of the Mavi Marmara was neither a civilized policing exercise by the

assailants nor an unprovoked lynching by the defenders.

20. The fact that Israel did try to gain control of all footage and other evidence of

the event makes it responsible for producing evidence to explain some of the

contested parts of the story. Regrettably so far this responsibility has been

completely shirked on some very important issues. Evidence that is

immediately required in the public domain includes:

The audio tape from the marine radio of Challenger I to settle the

dispute over the racist radio broadcasts.

The remainder of the infrared footage filmed from the water toward the

starboard side of the Mavi Marmara both before and after the sequence

so far released. This should confirm or disprove the testimony

concerning live fire from the helicopter before commandos descended.

It is also likely to show the shootings of some of the passengers on the

upper deck.

Infrared footage taken from the helicopter at the same time, which

should help to confirm or disprove Israeli claims that firearms were used

by militant defenders.

Any other infrared footage of the event which has so far not been


The full footage, filmed in secret, of the long interrogations of the ship‟s

captain and chief engineer.

All footage taken on board the ships after the Israelis had taken control,

which might show how at least some of the detainees were treated.

All spent cartridges and cases found on the Mavi Marmara should be

made available for independent forensic analysis.



Details to all injuries sustained by IDF personnel during the raid.

Full details of all weapons used by the IDF in the raid.

A full inventory of all property taken from passengers and crew.

A full cargo manifest for the flotilla from the ports of Ashdod and Haifa

with full details on transfer and disposal.

Footage taken from camera crews on the other passenger boats in order

to assess the allegations of the Eiland report that violent resistance was

employed on all of these boats.

21. Mr Netanyahu ordered an inadequate committee of inquiry, labelled a „farce‟ by

one Israeli newspaper,684 to exonerate the plotters and the perpetrators of the

raid of any blame. Dissent both within and without Israel eventually forced the

government to upgrade the committee to give it more scope and credibility. At

the same time the government has agreed to cooperate with the UN Panel set

up by the Secretary General to investigate the raid with a view to avoiding

similar events in the future. This first-ever agreement by the state of Israel to

cooperate in an external inquiry into its actions is to be welcomed, particularly

since Turkey will also have a significant input. But there remains much to give

cause for concern. The U.S. administration is backing the UN Panel, whose

independent members consist of constitutional lawyer who headed a whaling

commission, and a former Colombian president notorious for alleged links with

organised crime and widespread human rights abuse. What the Americans are

backing this panel against is the UN Human Rights Council Fact-Finding Mission

headed by a barrister who has served as a judge at the International Criminal

court and which also includes the former Chief Prosecutor at the Special court

for Sierra Leone. Far from merely wishing to avoid similar events in the future,

the fact finding mission is charged with investigating violations of international

law, including that relating to humanitarian and human rights law, resulting

from the raid. This is a task for which the two members mentioned here are

eminently equipped to undertake. Just how far this will lead the mission to

investigate the closure of Gaza will remain to be seen, providing the mission

survives that is. The U.S. administration is clearly out to get the fact-finding

mission which threatens to be even more of a problem to Israel than its

predecessor, the Fact-Finding Mission on the Gaza Conflict (otherwise known as

the Goldstone Commission). Whether the current mission (whose formation

was backed by Russian and China but opposed by the U.S.) can survive the

political onslaught may ultimately decide whether any genuine steps are taken

within the UN to seek justice against the perpetrators of the flotilla raid.

22. The violent enforcement of the blockade, which was intended to stifle any

challenge to its existence, has only served to motivate the survivors of this

flotilla and their supporters to increase efforts to pressurise Israel. By raising

awareness and appealing to world opinion they seek to persuade Israel to

abandon its policy of punishing the people of Gaza, and allow them to normalize

their relations with the rest of the world.


The raid against the Gaza Freedom Flotilla on 31 May 2010 represented an act of state

terrorism which intentionally employed widespread violence as a policy to intimidate

and prevent any challenge to Israel‟s illegal and inhumane policies against the people

of the Gaza Strip. Despite the violence and abuse the activists‟ resolve to continue the



struggle to break the blockade has increased in response to Israel‟s state terror. Faced

with the cowardice and inaction of political leaders, the real international community

committed to justice and universal human rights is uniting in determination to continue

this struggle towards a successful conclusion.


At the start of 2010, UNRWA had approximately 300,000 people on their list of

families living in abject poverty and the year before it was only 100,000, which

indicates that people's coping mechanisms are coming to an end. For two or

three years people have been getting by -- borrowing or selling the odd asset --

but I think there's an indication that people are fundamentally running out of

coping mechanisms.

Mark Buttle, Oxfam water engineer in Gaza, July 2010685

… no matter how vile and wrong the Israeli agents and government are, they are

still my brothers and sisters and for now I only have pity for them. Because they

are relinquishing the most precious thing a human being has, their humanity.

Ken O‟Keefe686



APPENDIX 1 Humanitarian relief items in the flotilla

Source: Insani Yardim Vakfi, undated; PALESTINE OUR ROUTE HUMANITARIAN AID



(Accessed 14 July 2010)



Textiles and domestic Clothes, towels, bedding, shoes, fabric, carpets,

kitchenware, quilts blankets, couches and beds.

Medical supplies Medical equipment including ultrasound scan devices, X-ray

devices, electric patient beds, dentistry units, dental

equipment, Doppler echocardiography devices, 500

wheelchairs, electrical wheelchairs, electric mobility scooters,

stretchers, deambulateurs, autoclaves, mammography

machine, microscopes, blood circulatory machine,

haemodialysis machines, radiology monitors, crutches, ENT

units, cat scan machine, operating tables, gynaecological

couches. Plus sundry medical supplies and medicines.



750 tons of iron, 100 pre-cast homes, tiles, timber

fibreboard, plumbing supplies, electrical equipment, plastic

window frames, glass, steel cables, measuring tools, hand

carts, nails, mountings, bathroom fittings, paint, power

distribution units, ladders, insulation materials, 3,500 tons of

cement, 50 tons of ceramic tile adhesive, 16 children‟s

playground units, two truckloads of wood.

Tools and machinery Two electrical power generators, electrical goods (hand

tools, machines, ovens), power units (1 unit of 35 kW, 5

units of 85 kW, 1 unit of 100 kW, 2 units of 145 kW, 6 units

of 150 kW, 3 units of 165 kW plus 80 units of 1-2-5kW.)

Utility Two desalination units

Educational 20 tons of paper



APPENDIX 2 Israel’s notification of the blockade

Source: State of Israel Ministry of Transport and Road Safety, 6 January 2009;

NO.1/2009 Blockade of Gaza Strip.

http://tinyurl.com/239d3vr (Accessed 12 August 2010)

NO. 1/2009 Blockade of Gaza Strip

Tuesday, 06 January 2009 00:00

1. Subject: Blockade of Gaza Strip

2. Source : Israeli Navy

All mariners are advised that as of 03 January 2009, 1700 UTC, Gaza maritime area is

closed to all maritime trafic [sic] and is under blockade imposed by Israeli Navy until

further notice.

Maritime Gaza area is enclosed by the following coordinates:

31 35.71 N 34 29.46 E

31 46.80 N 34 10.01 E

31 19.39 N 34 13.11 E

31 33.73 N 33 56.68 E



APPENDIX 3 Position paper on the easing of the closure of the Gaza Strip

Palestinian Centre for Human Rights

5 July 2010


(Accessed 9 July 2010)

The economic impact of the closure is manifest; it has paralyzed entire economic

sectors, resulting in the emergence of a man-made, and completely preventable,

humanitarian crisis. Some indicators of the economic effects of the closure are as


55% of the workforce are unemployed.

65% of the population live below the poverty line and 80% are aid-dependent,

45% decrease in household income per annum.

The Palestinian GDP has fallen 8% below 1999 level, despite a 25% increase

in population during that period.

86,000 homes need to be constructed to meet the need of the Gaza

population, due to both destruction caused by military offensive and

population growth.

3,750 industrial establishments are closed, 90% of the total number.

The Gaza Strip is currently facing an electricity deficit of 43%, and 30% of

Gaza is without power at any given time.

The amount of raw materials permitted is dramatically insufficient:

approximately 60 tons of cement are allowed in on a monthly basis

compared to the 900,000 tons needed.

Markets in the Gaza Strip do not demand the types of goods which Israel

has now promised to allow in, as what is needed are above all raw

materials, fuel and construction materials.

Before the closure, 70 trucks with exported goods used to leave Gaza

daily. Since June 2007 only 259 trucks in total have left Gaza with export




APPENDIX 4: Due to Gisha's Petition: Israel Reveals Documents related to the

Gaza Closure Policy


(Accessed 9 November 2010)

Thursday, October 21, 2010: After one and a half years in which Israel at first denied

their existence and then claimed that revealing them would harm "state security", the

State of Israel released three documents that outline its policy for permitting transfer

of goods into the Gaza Strip prior to the May 31 flotilla incident. The documents were

released due to a Freedom of Information Act petition submitted by Gisha - Legal

Center for Freedom of Movement in the Tel Aviv District Court, in which Gisha

demanded transparency regarding the Gaza closure policy. Israel still refuses to

release the current documents governing the closure policy as amended after the

flotilla incident.

"Policy of Deliberate Reduction"

The documents reveal that the state approved "a policy of deliberate reduction" for

basic goods in the Gaza Strip (section h.4, page 5*). Thus, for example, Israel

restricted the supply of fuel needed for the power plant, disrupting the supply of

electricity and water. The state set a "lower warning line" (section g.2, page 5) to

give advance warning of expected shortages in a particular item, but at the same time

approved ignoring that warning, if the good in question was subject to a policy of

"deliberate reduction". Moreover, the state set an "upper red line" above which even

basic humanitarian items could be blocked, even if they were in demand (section g.1,

page 5). The state claimed in a cover letter to Gisha that in practice, it had not

authorized reduction of "basic goods" below the "lower warning line", but it did not

define what these "basic goods" were (page 2).

"Luxuries" denied for Gaza Strip residents

In violation of international law, which allows Israel to restrict the passage of goods

only for concrete security reasons, the decision whether to permit or prohibit an item

was also based on "the good's public perception" and "whether it is viewed as a luxury"

(section c.b, page 16). In other words, items characterized as "luxury" items would be

banned – even if they posed no security threat, and even if they were needed. Thus,

items such as chocolate and paper were not on the "permitted" list. In addition,

officials were to consider "sensitivity to the needs of the international community".

Ban on Reconstructing Gaza

Although government officials have claimed that they will permit the rehabilitation of

Gaza, the documents reveal that Israel treated rehabilitation and development of the

Gaza Strip as a negative factor in determining whether to allow an item to enter;

goods "of a rehabilitative character" required special permission (section g, page

16). Thus, international organizations and Western governments did not receive

permits to transfer building materials into Gaza for schools and homes.

Secret List of Goods

The procedures determine that the list of permitted goods "will not be released to

those not specified!!" (Emphasis in original) (Section j, page 17), ignoring the fact

that without transparency, merchants in Gaza could not know what they were

permitted to purchase. The list itemized permitted goods only. Items not on the list –

cumin, for example – would require a special procedure for approval, irrespective of



any security consideration, at the end of which it would be decided whether to let it in

or not.

Calculation of product inventory

The documents contain a series of formulas created by the Defence Ministry to

compute product inventory (pages 8-10). The calculations are presumed to allow

COGAT to measure what is called the "length of breath" (section i, page 8). The

formula states that if you divide the inventory in the Strip by the daily consumption

needs of residents, you will get the number of days it will take for residents of Gaza to

run out of that basic product, or in other words, until their "length of breath" will run


According to Gisha Director Sari Bashi: "Instead of considering security concerns,

on the one hand, and the rights and needs of civilians living in Gaza, on the

other, Israel banned glucose for biscuits and the fuel needed for regular

supply of electricity – paralyzing normal life in Gaza and impairing the moral

character of the State of Israel. I am sorry to say that major elements of this

policy are still in place".

*Pagination is counted in the order the documents were received by the Ministry of





2.0 BACKGROUND 1 RTAmerica, 1 June 2010; Adam Shapiro: Expose Israel‗s policy to the world;


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bmDjAu0DSiM (Accessed 9 June 2010)

2 Undated YouTube video entitled Statement from PM Netanyahu Regarding

Gaza Flotilla Clash; Accessed by hyperlink from Robert Mackey and Sebnem

Arsu, 9 June 2010; Turkish Doctor Describes Treating Israeli Commandos

during Raid; The Lede.

http://tinyurl.com/33cymaf (Accessed 10 June 2010)

3 Free Gaza Team, 5 January 2009; A Simple Idea.

http://www.freegaza.org/en/boat-trips (Accessed 25 May 2010)

4 Prof Norman Paech, 31 May 2010; The raid on the Free Gaza Flotilla on 31 May

2010 opinion on international law; unpublished.

5 Robert Fisk, 21 June 2010; Fighting talk – The new propaganda; The


http://tinyurl.com/23j4vts (Accessed 22 July 2010)

6 pekoe67, 19 June 2010; Mavi Marmara Survivor: Kevin Neish 1/5


(Accessed 6 August 2010)

7 Jonathan Lis, 1 June 2010; Mossad Chief: Israel gradually becoming burden

on U.S.; Haaretz.com.

http://tinyurl.com/2vy847d (Accessed 1 June 2010)

8 ThisBoyTV, 3 June 2010; Flotilla Passengers Respond to Israeli Deadly Assault

#3 - June 3, 2010.


(Accessed 7 July 2010)

9 Sabina Tavernise and Ethnan Bronner, 4 June 2010; Days of Planning Led to

Flotilla‘s Hour of Chaos; New York Times.

http://tinyurl.com/38w79v8 (Accessed 7 July 2010)




(Accessed 14 July 2010)

11 otraverdad, 30 May 2010; ALERT:Israeli warships head towards Freedom



(Accessed 6 August 2010)



12 Mel Frykberg, 4 June 2010; Israel censors news on deadly Flotilla raid;

Electronic Intifada.

http://electronicintifada.net/v2/article11317.shtml (Accessed 6 June 2010)

13 Free Gaza Team, 3 June 2010; Testimonies from Passengers begin to come

in; The Free Gaza Movement.

http://tinyurl.com/32chlbw (Accessed 6 July 2010)

14 Dave Lindorff, 16 June 2010; What Kevin Neish Saw; Counterpunch.


(Accessed 17 June 2010)

15 Alex Huppenthal, 27 June 2010;Gaza Flotilla – David Schermerhorn – KUUR-

FM Aspen.

http://vimeo.com/12936292 (Accessed 5 July 2010)

16 Workers Solidarity Movement, 2 June 2010; Czech camera man describes

beating of Irish activist in Israeli prison.


(Accessed 7 July 2010)

17 xyproductions11, 3 June 2010; 1967 USS Liberty survivor was onboard flotilla



(Accessed 1 August 2010)

18 Roger Cohen, 26 July 2010; The Forgotten American; The New York Times.


(Accessed 27 July 2010)

19 Spiegal staff, 7 June 2010; Eyewitness Accounts of Gaza Convoy Raid;



(Accessed 13 June 2010)

20 REUTERS, 3 June 2010; Turk charity names dead, missing from ship raid;

arab news.com.

http://arabnews.com/world/article60825.ece (Accessed 13 June 2010)

21 Al-Jazeera: Cross-Cultural Understanding, 3 June 2010; 3 Aid Flotilla Activists

Missing, Says Turkish Charity Head Bulent Yildirim.

http://tinyurl.com/2vpna9u (Accessed 5 July 2010)

22 Richard Spencer, 2 June 2010: Gaza flotilla attack: Turkish activists killed in

raid ‗wanted to be martyrs‘; Telegraph.co.uk

http://tinyurl.com/33t6lag (Accessed 9 July 2010)

23 Ibid.

24 Mankell, H. (2010). Flotilla Raid Diary: „A Man is Shot. I am Seeing it Happen.‟

In Bayoumi, B. (ed) Midnight on the Mavi Marmara. OR Books, New York, p.20.



25 Shlomo Avineri, 16 June 2010; A disgraceful responsibility; Haaretz.com.

http://tinyurl.com/3yc2ahl (Accessed 16 June 2010)

26 DEBKAfile, 9 June 2010; US twists Israel‘s arm to placate Erdogan, destabilize


http://www.debka.com/article/8843/ (Accessed 16 June 2010) 27 Amos Harel, 5 August 2010; Member of IDF panel probing Gaza flotilla raid:

army to blame, not government; Haaretz.com.

http://tinyurl.com/28j3a6q (Accessed 5 August 2010)

28 Manlio Dinucci, 4 June 2010; NATO could not have been unaware;


http://www.voltairenet.org/article165684.html (Accessed 3 August 2010)

29 ThisBoyTV, 3 June 2010; Flotilla Passengers Respond to Israeli Deadly Assault

#2 - June 3, 2010.


(Accessed 7 July 2010)

30 otraverdad, 30 May 2010; op. cit.

31 Abbas Al Lawati, 30 May 2010; Israeli warships head towards Freedom Flotilla;

Gulf News (accessed on Gaza Freedom March website).

http://tinyurl.com/397jf3x (Accessed 6 August 2010)

32 rabbletv, 9 July 2010; Gaza Freedom Flotilla: Farooq Burney‘s eyewitness

report (1/3).


(Accessed 6 August 2010)

33 CBS/AP, 31 May 2010; Governments, Protesters Condemn Israeli Raid.


(Accessed 31 May 2010)

34 Ghazni571, Full video – Israel celebrates murdering on Turkish aid ship to Gaza.


(Accessed 16 August 2010)

35 Free Gaza Movement, 31 May 2010.

http://www.freegaza.org/ (Accessed 31 May 2010)

36 Robert Booth, 3 June 2010; Gaza flotilla attack: British activists arrive in

Turkey; guardian.co.uk.

http://tinyurl.com/2dbkntm (Accessed 5 June 2010)

37 Matthew Weaver, 2 June 2010; Gaza flotilla activists deported to Jordan claim

Israeli mistreatment; guardian.co.uk.

http://tinyurl.com/3ytu44r (Accessed 5 June 2010)


Yaakov Katz, AP and JPost.com staff, 1 June 2010; „Next time we‘ll use more

force‘; JPost.com.



http://www.jpost.com/Israel/Article.aspx?id=177134 (Accessed 1 June 2010)

39 ynetnews, 13 June 2010; Ayalon: No chance we‘ll apologize for flotilla raid.


(Accessed 13 June 2010)

40 AFP, 13 June 2010; Gaza inquiry will have international input: Israel.

http://tinyurl.com/2vmy72y (Accessed 13 June 2010)

41 xyproductions11, 3 June 2010; op. cit.

42 http://www.youtube.com/user/gazafriends (Accessed 18 June 2010)

43 Interview with Jessica Montell, 11 August 2010; Israel Alienates Critics; Human

Rights Watch podcast.

http://tinyurl.com/2vd68ff (Accessed 13 August 2010)

44 gazafriends, 3 June 2010; 1- S.Dillon Mate on Challenger1 reporting attack on

Freedom Flotilla.


(Accessed 18 June 2010)

3.0 IHH

45 DPA, 12 July 2010; Germany outlaws charity over alleged Hamas links;


http://tinyurl.com/34u7pkp (Accessed 22 July 2010)

46 Yassin Musharbash, 9 June 2010; A Closer Look at Israel‘s Terror



47 IHH, undated; Rewards.

http://www.ihh.org.tr/oduller/en/ (Accessed 11 July 2010)

48 Insani Yardim Vakfi, undated;

http://www.ihh.org.tr/hakkimizda/en (Accessed 6 July 2010)

49 IHH, Gelir-Gider. undated

http://www.ihh.org.tr/gelir-gider/ (Accessed 1 July 2010)

50 Charity Commission, undated, 295224 MUSLIM AID.

http://tinyurl.com/3xjsgma (Accessed 11 July 2010)

51 Diaa Hadid, 3 June 2010; Turkish group behind flotilla is Gaza‘s new hero;

The Associated Press.

http://tinyurl.com/3728bu5 (Accessed 11 July 2010)

52 Richard Spencer, 31 May 2010; Gaza flotilla: the Free Gaza movement and

the IHH; Telegraph.co.uk

http://tinyurl.com/2fct9f6 (Accessed 10 July 2010)



53 Diaa Hadid, 3 June 2010; op. cit.

54 Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center, 6 July 2010.

http://tinyurl.com/2w9nyhe (Accessed 10 July 2010)

55 IFEX, 9 June 2010; Journalists on raided flotilla speak out; one journalist

killed in attack.

http://www.ifex.org/israel/2010/06/09/speak_out/ (Accessed 5 July 2010)

56 Stephen Kinzer, 20 Jaunary 1996; Pro-Chechen Ferry Hihackers Surrender to

Turks; The New York Times.

http://tinyurl.com/27tjp4x (Accessed 29 August 2010)

57 Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center, 26 August 2010; Erdinç Tekir,

IHH operative wounded aboard the Mavi Marmara, participated in the 1996

terrorist attack on the Russian ferry Avrasya to bargain for the release

Chechens from Russian prisons. Information indicates a past connection

between IHH, and global jihad and Islamist terrorist networks, including

Chechen Islamist separatists.

http://tinyurl.com/2ujkply (Accessed 29 August 2010)

58 Diaa Hadid, 3 June 2010; op. cit

59 Turkish charity behind Gaza flotilla had terror ties; Winnipeg Free Press.

http://tinyurl.com/352ds78 (Accessed 11 July 2010)

60 U.S. Department of State, 2 June 2010; Philip Crowley Daily Press Briefing


(Accessed 10 July 2010)

61 Roger Cohen, 26 July 2010; The Forgotten American; The New York Times.


(Accessed 27 July 2010)

62 Patrick de Saint-Exupéry, 22 November 2006; Un magistrate provocateur /

Une enquête complexe qui se heurte à des obstacles politiques; Le Figaro.

63 François Schlosser, 1 February 2007; Rwanda: Les oeillères du juge

Bruguière ; le nouvel Observateur.

http://tinyurl.com/3857ac5 (Accessed 21 July 2010)

64 Extract from Manipulations Africaines by Pierre Péan, published in Le Monde

diplomatique, March 2001.


(Accessed 21 July 2010)

65 Yossi Melman, 17 July 2010; French judge: I knew Turkish group behind

flotilla had terror ties in 1996; Haaretz.com.

http://tinyurl.com/3xdbv62 (Accessed 21 July 2010)



66 Today‟s Zaman, 4 June 2010; İHH chief tells of violence, chaos on international

aid ship.

http://tinyurl.com/2dyk8m8 (Accessed 5 August 2010)


4.1 The San Remo Manual 67 Insani Yardim Vakfi, undated; PALESTINE OUR ROUTE HUMANITARIAN AID



(Accessed 14 July 2010)

68 Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 26 May 2010; MFA legal expert Sarah Weiss

Maudi on the legal aspects of Gaza aid.

http://tinyurl.com/2b6k25a (Accessed 4 June 2010)

69 Elias Harb, 19 July 2010; Richard Falk: The Shock Resulting from Flotilla Attack

has Reinforced the Campaign to de-Legitimize Israel; Intifada.

http://tinyurl.com/2ejucn6 (Accessed 2 August 2010)

70 Colum Lynch, 1 June 2010; Israel‘s flotilla raid revives questions of

international law; washingtonpost.com.

http://tinyurl.com/23xyf8r (Accessed 10 July 2010)

71 Elias Harb, 19 July 2010; op. cit.

72 Ruth Lapidoth, 18 July 2010; The Legal Basis of Israel‘s Naval Blockade of

Gaza; Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, Vol. 10, No. 4

http://tinyurl.com/3yoxhve (Accessed 12 August 2010)

73 Elias Harb, 19 July 2010; op. cit.

74 Focus, 3 June 2010; Is Israel‘s blockade legal? ALJAZEERA.NET.


(Accessed 4 June 2010)

75 ICRC; San Remo Manual on International Law Applicable to Armed Conflicts at

Sea, 12 June 1994; International Humanitarian Law - Treaties & Documents.

http://tinyurl.com/3y6jba6 (Accessed 4 June 2010)

76 Adalah Press Release, 3 June 2010.


(Accessed 16 June 2010)

4.2 The Fourth Geneva Convention

77 Yousef Munayyer, 8 June 2010; Gaza Blockade Legal? Hardly; Palestine

Center Brief No. 204 (8 June 2010).

http://tinyurl.com/37uewpj (Accessed 12 June 2010)



4.3 Effects of the closure on the civilian population of Gaza

78 Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 26 May 2010; MFA legal expert Sarah Weiss

Maudi on the legal aspects of Gaza aid. op. cit.

79 Béatrice Mégevand-Roggo, 14 June 2010; AN END TO THE GAZA CLOSURE;



(Accessed 14 June 2010)

80 Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center, 7 June 2010; IHH Preparations

for a Violent Confrontation with IDF Soldiers Aboard the Turkish Ship Mavi

Marmara, Appendix.

http://tinyurl.com/3xd4s8a (Accessed 12 June 2010)

81 ICRC Geneva/Jerusalem, 14 June 2010; Gaza closure: not another year!;

News release 10/103.


(Accessed 15 June 2010) 82 Free Gaza team, 15 June 2010; ICRC: Israel‘s Blockade Breaks the Law Free

Gaza: Send More Ships; Press release from the Free Gaza Movement.

4.4 Piracy

83 Diakonia, undated; Easy Guide to International Humanitarian Law in the

Occupied Palestinian Territory (oPt).

http://www.diakonia.se/sa/node.asp?node=3500 (Accessed 13 June 2010)

4.5 The right of self-defence

84 Lawyers for Palestinian Human Rights: The Attack on the Gaza Freedom

Flotilla and International Law.

http://tinyurl.com/3yqrf3n (Accessed 6 June 2010)

4.6 The U.S. Arms Export Control Act (AECA)

85 Phyllis Bennis, 7 June 2010; Israel‘s Flotilla Massacre: Made in the USA;


http://www.commondreams.org/view/2010/06/07-0 (Accessed 15 June 2010)


86 Mario Damolin, 7 June 2010; Eyewitness report from the Gaza fleet;

Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (translated by Google)

http://tinyurl.com/33uazr7 (Accessed 5 July 2010)

87 Workers Solidarity Movement, 2 June 2010; Czech camera man describes

beating of Irish activist in Israeli prison.


(Accessed 7 July 2010)



88 Marcello Faraggi, 9 June 2010; As Turkish photographer is buried, other

journalists aboard flotilla speak out; IFEX.


(Accessed 13 July 2010)

89 Alan Cowell, 16 February 1988; Blast Disables P.L.O.‘s ‗Exodus‘ Ferry in Port;

New York Times.

http://tinyurl.com/372svvw (Accessed 21 August 2010)

90 Max Blumenthal, 3 June 2010; The Flotilla raid Was Not ―Bungled.‖ The IDF

Detailed Its Violent Strategy In Advance.

http://tinyurl.com/29tny2k (Accessed 29 August 2010)

91 Amos Harel, 5 August 2010; Member of IDF panel probing Gaza flotilla raid:

Army to blame, not government; Haaretz.com.

http://tinyurl.com/28j3a6q (Accessed 5 August 2010)

92 Jeff Stein, 1 June 2010; Former Mossad agent ridicules Gaza ship raid;


http://tinyurl.com/2end2ao )Accessed 28 July 2010)

93 Joseph Fitsanakis, 7 June 2010; Israel‘s flotilla raid involved espionage,

sabotage; Daily News Corner.

http://tinyurl.com/26n38ua (Accessed 28 July 2010)

94 Amos Harel, 13 July 2010; IDF probe of Gaza flotilla carefully avoided placing

real blame. Haaretz.com.

http://tinyurl.com/2aj8ym4 (Accessed 3 August 2010)

95 Yaakov Katz, 4 June 2010; Duped; JPOST.com.


(Accessed 29 July 2010)

96 Jeff Stein, 1 June 2010; op .cit.

97 Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 12 July 2010; Maj-Gen (res) Eiland presents

conclusions of examination team.

http://tinyurl.com/29t8l94 (Accessed 23 July 2010)

98 CNN Wire Staff, 1 June 2010; Eyewitnesses recount Israel flotilla raid.


(Accessed 1 June 2010)

99 RTÉ News, 5 June 2010; Activists taken to airport in Tel Aviv.

http://www.rte.ie/news/2010/0605/mideast.html (Accessed 12 June 2010)

5.1 Accounts by flotilla personnel: M.V. Mavi Marmara

100 Insani Yardim Vakfi, undated; ―I am just waiting for an announcement to go

back to Gaza again‖.

http://tinyurl.com/2wh6287 (Accessed 30 July 2010)



101 Spiegal staff, 7 June 2010; Eyewitness Accounts of Gaza Convoy Raid;



(Accessed 13 June 2010)

102 Insani Yardim Vakfi, undated; PALESTINE OUR ROUTE HUMANITARIAN AID



(Accessed 14 July 2010)

103 rabbletv, 9 July 2010; Gaza Freedom Flotilla: Farooq Burney‘s eyewitness

report (1/3).


(Accessed 6 August 2010)

104 Insani Yardim Vakfi, undated; Captain of The Mavi Marmara Recounts Attack On



(Accessed 30 July 2010)

105 Insani Yardim Vakfi, undated; PALESTINE OUR ROUTE HUMANITARIAN AID


106 Amy Goodman, 9 June 2010; Palestinian Member of Israeli Knesset Receives

Death Threats After Surviving Israeli Raid on Gaza Flotilla; Democracy Now.

http://tinyurl.com/2wa9t2g (Accessed 15 June 2010)

107 Alexander Christie-Miller, 8 June 2010; Israel accuses former US Marine on

aid mission of terrorist links; TIMESONLINE.

http://tinyurl.com/38vkjop (Accessed 10 June 2010) 108 ThisBoyTV, 3 June 2010; Flotilla Passengers Respond to Israeli Deadly Assault

#2 - June 3, 2010.


(Accessed 7 July 2010)

109 IDF spokesperson blog, 7 June 2010; IDF Appoints Internal Team of Experts

to Examine Flotilla Operation.

http://idfspokesperson.com/ (Accessed 12 June 2010)

110 IsraelMFA, 10 June 2010; Gokkiran Gokhan Chief Officer ―Mavi Marmara‖.


(Accessed 24 June 2010)

111 ALJAZEERA.NET, 3 June 2010; Turkey holds activists‘ funerals.


Accessed 4 August 2010)

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for a Violent Confrontation with IDF Soldiers Aboard the Turkish Ship Mavi

Marmara, Appendix.

http://tinyurl.com/3xd4s8a (Accessed 12 June 2010)



113 Dave Lindorff, 16 June 2010; What Kevin Neish Saw; Counterpunch.


(Accessed 17 June 2010)

114 IsraelMFA, 11 June 2010; IHH Premeditated Violence – Testimony of Marmara

Captain 1Jun10.


(Accessed 24 June 2010)

115 TrishMaryHill, 10 June 2010; Dr Hasan Nowrah Flotilla Massacre Survivor 1/3.


(Accessed 9 July 2010)

116 IDF, 31 May 2010; Close-Up Footage of Mavi Marmara Passengers Attacking

IDF Soldiers.

http://tinyurl.com/38lkh5o (Accessed 3 June 2010)

117 Elias Harb, 19 July 2010; Richard Falk: The Shock Resulting from Flotilla Attack

has Reinforced the Campaign to de-Legitimize Israel; Intifada.

http://tinyurl.com/2ejucn6 (Accessed 2 August 2010)

118 Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center, 7 June 2010; op. cit.

119 Alexander Christie-Miller, 8 June 2010; op. cit.

120 The Gaza flotilla: Videos, 18 June 2010; EVIDENCE: IHH leader urges men to

throw Israelis overboard; Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs


(Accessed 24 June 2010)

121 TrishMaryHill, 10 June 2010; Dr Hasan Nowrah Flotilla Massacre Survivor 1/3.

op. cit.

122 Paul McGeough, 5 June 2010; ―There was a lot of blood in the stairwells and

then the sound of ammunition hitting metal changed attain…‖; smh.com.au

http://tinyurl.com/3xfrrgx (Accessed 6 July 2010)

123 adycousins, 9 June 2010; Gaza Flotilla Testimony of Jamal Elshayyal.


(Accessed 1 July 2010)

124 Dirk Meissner, 8 June 2010; Canadian activist says he hid photos of flotilla

raid during Israeli detention; The Canadian Press.


(Accessed 12 June 2010)

125 Meagan Perry, 3 Jun3 2010; #108 – Mavi Marmara attack: Exclusive first

interview with Gaza Flotilla activist Kevin Neish; rabble.ca

http://tinyurl.com/25mjvkl (Accessed 6 August 2010)



126 Iara Lee, in Free Gaza Team, 7 June 2010; In their own words: Survivor

testimonies from Flotilla 31 May 2010.

http://tinyurl.com/27tt8dc (Accessed 20 June 2010)

127 Insani Yardim Vakfi, undated; PALESTINE OUR ROUTE HUMANITARIAN AID


128 PRESSTV, 8 June 2010; Gaza flotilla survivors recount ordeals during Israel‘s



(Accessed 6 July 2010)

129 Amy Goodman, 9 June 2010; op. cit.

130 Jamal Elshayyal, 6 June 2010; op. cit.

131 Insani Yardim Vakfi, undated; PALESTINE OUR ROUTE HUMANITARIAN AID


132 Infowars Ireland, 12 Jun 2010; Italian flotilla journalist: My credit card was

used after IDF confiscated it.

http://tinyurl.com/24hh8d5 (Accessed 12 June 2010)

133 Insani Yardim Vakfi, undated; Captain of The Mavi Marmara Recounts Attack On

Flotilla. op. cit.

134 counterfeet, 1 June 2010; Israel Vs Turkey – Hanin Zoabi UNCENSORED זועבי. חנין


(Accessed 27 July 2010)

135 Christopher Stone, Brian Buchner and Scott Dash, undated; Policy Brief 24

200; RAPPAPORT Institute for Greater Boston.

http://tinyurl.com/2bx34s2 (Accessed 25 July 2010)

136 Robert Booth, 4 June 2010; Gaza flotilla activists were shot in head at close

range; guardian.co.uk.

http://tinyurl.com/37ekzs8 (Accessed 5 June 2010)

137 BritishNeoCon, 16 August 2010; 2.2 – Panorama –nWhat happened on the

Flotilla to Gaza.


(Accessed 18 August 2010)

138 CentresOfResistance, 11 June 2010; Israeli Attack on the Mavi Marmara//Raw


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vwsMJmvS0AY (Accessed 1 July 2010)

139 Alex Huppenthal, 27 June 2010; Gaza Flotilla – David Schermerhorn – KUUR-

FM Aspen.

http://vimeo.com/12936292 (Accessed 5 July 2010)



140 gazafriends, 3 June 2010; 1- S.Dillon Mate on Challenger1 reporting attack on

Freedom Flotilla.


(Accessed 18 June 2010) 141 Steven Carroll, 2 June 2010; Irish man denies Gaza activists armed


http://tinyurl.com/34dr5sz (Accessed 8 June 2010)

142 Dan Nolan, 3 June 2010; Both sides of flotilla story; ALJAZEERA.NET.

http://tinyurl.com/32htq6f (Accessed 6 June 2010) 143 Abbas Al Lawati, 4 June 2010; From tear gas to bullets: Gunshots shattered

call to prayer; gulfnews.com

http://tinyurl.com/26xlyaq (Accessed 7 July 2010)

144 Meagan Perry, 3 Jun3 2010; #108 – Mavi Marmara attack: Exclusive first

interview with Gaza Flotilla activist Kevin Neish; op. cit.

145 AlJazeeraEnglish, 3 June 2010; Passengers recount mid-sea horror;

http://tinyurl.com/29cvxs4 (Accessed 5 July 2010)

146 Ian Black, Ewen MacAskill and Robert Booth, 4 June 2010; Gaza flotilla

attack: Turks killed by Israeli soldiers given heroes‘ funeral; guardian.co.uk.

http://tinyurl.com/362adpt (Accessed 5 June 2010)

147 Ertekin, S. (2010). First They Appeared as Shadows. In Bayoumi, B. (ed)

Midnight on the Mavi Marmara. OR Books, New York, p.54.

148 Abbas Al Lawati, 4 June 2010; op. cit.

149 kokosbrot; Lawyer Fatima Mohammad – Aboard the Mavi Marmara – Witness

to State Terror.


(Accessed 20 June 2010) 150 Jamal Elshayyal, in Free Gaza Team, 7 June 2010; op. cit. 151 Catrina Stewart, 6 June 2010; The hijacking of the truth: Film evidence

‗destroyed‘; The Independent.

http://tinyurl.com/2vb9uzv (Accessed 30 August 2010)

152 Insani Yardim Vakfi, undated; Captain of The Mavi Marmara Recounts Attack On

Flotilla. op. cit.

153 Al Jazeera, 7 June 2010; Mavi Marmara Ship Captain Speaks – June 07, 2010



(Accessed 26 August 2010)

154 doves5000, 2 June 2010; EYE WITNESS EVIDENCE OF ISRAEL‘S GAZA




http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0LGC1y1xdUo (Accessed 9 June 2010)

155 Amy Goodman, 9 June 2010; op. cit.

156 Jamal Elshayyal, 6 June 2010; op .cit.

157 Jamal Elshayyal, in Free Gaza Team, 7 June 2010; op. cit.

158 Catrina Stewart, 6 June 2010; op. cit.

159 Free Gaza Team, 3 June 2010; Testimonies from Passengers begin to come

in; The Free Gaza Movement.

http://tinyurl.com/32chlbw (Accessed 6 July 2010)

160 Ken O‟Keefe, 18 July 2010; pers. comm.

161 Robert Booth and Harriet Sherwood, 4 June 2010; Gaza flotilla attack:

Autopsies reveal intensity of Israeli military force; guardian.co.uk.

http://tinyurl.com/33z4u4q (Accessed 4 August 2010)

162 kokosbrot; Lawyer Fatima Mohammad – Aboard the Mavi Marmara – Witness

to State Terror.


(Accessed 20 June 2010)

163 AlJazeeraEnglish, 3 June 2010; op. cit.

164 Abdullah Al-Qattan, 3 June 2010; ‗Gaza heroes‘ welcomed home; Kuwait



(Accessed 8 June 2010)

165 Abdullah Al-Qattan, 3 June 2010; op. cit.

166 Mya Guarnieri, 14 June 2010; Challenger I passengers: Commandos shot

first; Ma‟an News Agency.


(Accessed 16 June 2010)

167 Fiachra O‟Luain, in Free Gaza Team, 7 June 2010; op. cit.

168 Dror Feiler, 25 August 2010; pers.comm.

169 AlJazeeraEnglish, 3 June 2010; op. cit.

170 Ken O‟Keefe, 7 June 2010; On Cowardice and Violence; counterpunch.

http://www.counterpunch.org/okeefe06072010.html (Accessed 8 June 2010)

171 PRESSTV, 8 June 2010; Gaza flotilla survivors recount ordeals during Israel‘s



(Accessed 6 July 2010)



172 Paul McGeough, 5 June 2010; op. cit.

173 Insani Yardim Vakfi, undated; ―I am just waiting for an announcement to go

back to Gaza again‖. op. cit.

174 IDF, 31 May 2010; Demonstrators Use Violence Against Israeli Navy Soldiers

Attempting to Board the Ship (With Sound).


(Accessed 3 June 2010)

175 IHH, 16 June 2010; Dehşet Anlari-1.

http://video.yahoo.com/watch/7660500/20359126 (Accessed 22 June 2010)

176 PressTVGlobalNews, 3 June 2010; Captured Press TV journalist onboard

Flotilla describes ordeal (Part 1).


(Accessed 24 June 2010) 177 Alexander Christie-Miller, 8 June 2010; op. cit.

178 Ken O‟Keefe, 7 June 2010; op. cit.

179 Jamal Elshayyal, 6 June 2010; op .cit.

180 Haaretz Service and the Associated Press, 3 June 2010; Gaza flotilla organizer

admits activists seized weapons from Israeli soldiers; Haartez.com.

http://tinyurl.com/26uy9zw (Accessed 16 June 2010)

181 IDF, 31 May 2010; Close-Up Footage of Mavi Marmara Passengers Attacking

IDF Soldiers.

http://tinyurl.com/38lkh5o (Accessed 3 June 2010)

182 Hürriyet Daily News, 3 June 2010; Activists‘ eyewitness accounts detail

Israeli raid on Gaza aid ship.

http://tinyurl.com/37brlzb (Accessed 5 July 2010)

183 adycousins, 9 June 2010; Gaza Flotilla Testimony of Osama Qashoo.


(Accessed 1 July 2010) 184 O‟Keefe, K. (2010). Defenders of the Mavi Marmara. In Bayoumi, B. (ed)

Midnight on the Mavi Marmara. OR Books, New York, p.37.

185 TVNZ, 11 June 2010; From Kiwi suburbia to Gaza activist.

http://tinyurl.com/2vcvh9s (Accessed 5 July 2010)

186 heraldscotland, 6 June 2010; Fear, pain and propaganda an activist‘s story.

http://tinyurl.com/354xcrh (Accessed 10 June 2010)

187 Yara Bayoumy, 3 June 2010; Israeli marines were held during ship raid-

witness; Reuters.




(Accessed 28 August 2010)

188 The Swedish Wire, 3 June 2010; Swedes accuse Israel of ‗premeditated


http://tinyurl.com/3ys69ul (Accessed 8 June 2010)

189 Annette Groth, in Free Gaza Team, 7 June 2010; op. cit.

190 Insani Yardim Vakfi, undated; Captain of The Mavi Marmara Recounts Attack On

Flotilla. op. sit.

191 Larudee, P. (2010). The Price of Defying Israel. In Bayoumi, B. (ed) Midnight

on the Mavi Marmara. OR Books, New York, p.47

192 Meagan Perry, 3 Jun3 2010; #108 – Mavi Marmara attack: Exclusive first

interview with Gaza Flotilla activist Kevin Neish; op. cit.

193 Meagan Perry, 3 Jun3 2010; #109 – Pt 2. of rabble.ca‘s exclusive interview

with Gaza flotilla activist Kevin Neish: detention and release; rabble.ca

http://tinyurl.com/3am4u2j (Accessed 6 August 2010)

194 Sabina Tavernise and Ethnan Bronner, 4 June 2010; Days of Planning Led to

Flotilla‘s Hour of Chaos; New York Times.

http://tinyurl.com/38w79v8 (Accessed 7 July 2010)

195 Insani Yardim Vakfi, undated; Captain of The Mavi Marmara Recounts Attack On

Flotilla. op. cit.

196 AlJazeeraEnglish, 6 June 2010; Al Jazeera talks to US activist named by Israel

as a ‗terrorist‘.


(Accessed 7 June 2010)

197 Abdullah Al-Qattan, 3 June 2010; op. cit.

198 adycousins, 9 June 2010; Gaza Flotilla Testimony of Jamal Elshayyal. op. cit.

199 AlJazeeraEnglish, 3 June 2010; op. cit.

200 Ibid.

201 AlJazeeraEnglish, 18 June 2010; The Listening Post - The Gaza flotilla video



(Accessed 1 July 2010)

202 Robert Mackey and Sebem Arsu, 9 June 2010; Turkish Doctor Describes

Treating Israeli Commandos During Raid; The Lede.

http://tinyurl.com/33cymaf (Accessed 10 June 2010)



203 IDF, 31 May 2010; Close-Up Footage of Mavi Marmara Passengers Attacking

IDF Soldiers. op. cit.

204 Ken O‟Keefe, 7 June 2010; op. cit.

205 Jeffrey Fleishman, 4 June 2010; Turkey holds funerals for Gaza flotilla activists;

Los Angeles Times.

http://tinyurl.com/2dhx3j2 (Accessed 7 July 2010)

206 Abbas Al Lawati, 4 June 2010; op. cit.

207 pekoe67, 19 June 2010; Mavi Marmara Survivor: Kevin Neish 1/5


(Accessed 6 August 2010)

208 Transcript from BBC Panorama „Death in the Med‟, broadcast 16 August 2010.

209 pekoe67, 19 June 2010; Mavi Marmara Survivor: Kevin Neish Part 2/5.


(Accessed 6 August 2010).

210 Z. Tuba Kor, 13 June 2010; ―Gaza ships just completely blew Israel‘s cover.

World Bulletin.


(Accessed 5 July 2010)

211 Insani Yardim Vakfi, 21 June 2010; The Ship That Carried People Standing Up

Against Injustice.

http://tinyurl.com/35o8x7j (Accessed 22 June 2010)

212 INTERNETHABER, undated; İsrail'den kaçırılan fotoğraflar!

http://tinyurl.com/3y4stq7 (Accessed 11 June 2010)

213 Dan Nolan, 3 June 2010; op. cit.

214 Robert Mackey and Sebem Arsu, 9 June 2010; op. cit. 215 pekoe67, 19 June 2010; op. cit.

216 Abdullah Al-Qattan, 3 June 2010; op. cit.

217 Insani Yardim Vakfi, undated; PALESTINE OUR ROUTE HUMANITARIAN AID


218 Transcript from BBC Panorama „Death in the Med‟, broadcast 16 August 2010.

219 Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 12 July 2010; Maj-Gen (res.) Eiland presents

conclusions of examination team.

http://tinyurl.com/29t8l94 (Accessed 24 July 2010)

220 Mohammed El Betagny quoted in Dan Nolan, 3 June 2010; op. cit.



221 Andre Abu-Khalil, in NEWS MIDDLE EAST, 3 June; Passengers recount mid-

sea horror. ALJAZEERA.NET.

http://tinyurl.com/2v6sq23 (Accessed 6 June 2010)

222 Mohaned Vall, in NEWS MIDDLE EAST, 3 June; op. cit.

223 kokosbrot; Lawyer Fatima Mohammad – Aboard the Mavi Marmara – Witness

to State Terror.


(Accessed 20 June 2010)

224 Robert Mackay, 8 June 2010; Two Activists Describe Raid and Deny Israeli

Claim They Are ‗Terrorist Operatives‘; The Lede.

http://thelede.blogs.nytimes.com/ (Accessed 10 June 2010) 225 kokosbrot; op. cit.

226 Iara Lee, in Free Gaza Team, 7 June 2010; op. cit.

227 Abbas Al Lawati, 4 June 2010; op. cit.

228 Insani Yardim Vakfi, undated; Captain of The Mavi Marmara Recounts Attack On

Flotilla. op. cit.

229 Meagan Perry, 3 Jun3 2010; #108 – Mavi Marmara attack: Exclusive first

interview with Gaza Flotilla activist Kevin Neish; op. cit.

230 caltechharvard, 21 June 2010; Mavi Marmara Report: Ovenden, Doares and

the Vile Zionists.


(Accessed 18 July 2010)

231 pekoe67, 19 June 2010; op. cit.

232 Abbas Al Lawati, 5 June 2010; Abbas on Freedom Flotilla attack : ‗I filmed the

injured in horror‘; gulfnews.com

http://tinyurl.com/34gh4cw (Accessed 7 July 2010)

233 Abdullah Al-Qattan, 3 June 2010; op. cit.

234 Rifat Audeh, 30 June 2010; From the USS Liberty to the Mavi Marmara; The

Palestine Chronicle Newsletter.

235 Dzikrullah W Pramudya and Santi Soekanto, undated; ‗Doctor, I can feel his

brain on my hand; The Brunei Times.

http://tinyurl.com/38f8nds (Accessed 12 June 2010)

236 Press TV, 5 June 2010; op. cit.

237 Jamal Elshayyal, 6 June 2010; op. cit.



238 ISLAMICONTENT, 3 June 2010; British survivor tells of Israeli assault on Gaza

aid flotilla.


(Accessed 6 June 2010)

239 Insani Yardim Vakfi, undated; Captain of The Mavi Marmara Recounts Attack On

Flotilla. op. cit.

240 Insani Yardim Vakfi, undated; PALESTINE OUR ROUTE HUMANITARIAN AID


241 Today‟s Zaman, 5 July 2010; Expelled non-Turkish activists tell of brutal

Israeli treatment.

http://tinyurl.com/2wxd4js (Accessed 5 July 2010)

242 Majid al-Kibsi, 7 June 2010; Yemeni lawmakers accused of illegal immigration

to Israel; Yemen Observer.


(Accessed 7 July 2010)

243 Elena Becatoros and Suzan Fraser, 2 June 2010; ‗Troops boarded and ship

turned into a lake of blood‘; independent.ie

http://tinyurl.com/38chatj (Accessed 5 July 2010)

244 rabbletv, 9 July 2010; Gaza Freedom Flotilla: Kevin Neish‘s eyewitness report &

Canada Boat to Gaza 4/4

http://tinyurl.com/23v64gc (Accessed 6 August 2010)

245 Insani Yardim Vakfi, undated; Captain of The Mavi Marmara Recounts Attack On

Flotilla. op. cit.

246 kokosbrot; op. cit.

247 IHH, 16 June 2010; Dehşet Anlari-1. op. cit.

248 paskemaman, 5 June; Gaza Flotilla Activists Were Shot in Head At Close



(Accessed 23 June 2010)

249 Sunday‟s Zaman, 5 June 2010; Israeli attack written into history with chilling

survivor accounts.

http://tinyurl.com/33z3jmu (Accessed 5 July 2010)

250 Robert Booth and Harriet Sherwood, 4 June 2010; Gaza flotilla attack:

Autopsies reveal intensity of Israeli military force; guardian.co.uk.

http://tinyurl.com/33z4u4q (Accessed 4 August 2010)

251 Yücel Velioglu, 9 June 2010; As Turkish photographer is buried, other

journalists aboard flotilla speak out; Reporters Without Borders.


(Accessed 13 June 2010)



252 Marco Lucas, 8 June 2010; op. cit.

253 Abbas Al Lawati, 5 June 2010; op. cit.

254 Insani Yardim Vakfi, 21 June 2010; The Ship That Carried People Standing Up

Against Injustice. op. cit.

255 Robert Mackey and Sebem Arsu, 9 June 2010; op. cit.

5.1.1 Cultures of Resistance film of the attack on the Mavi Marmara

256 Cultures of Resistance, 11 June 2010; Israeli Attack on the Mavi

Marmara//Raw Footage.


(Accessed 27 July 2010)

5.2 Accounts by flotilla personnel: MV Sfendoni

257 Workers Solidarity Movement, 2 June 2010; Czech camera man describes

beating of Irish activist in Israeli prison.


(Accessed 7 July 2010)

258 TrishMaryHill, 10 June 2010; Dr Hasan Nowrah Flotilla Massacre Survivor 1/3.


(Accessed 9 July 2010)

259 Mikael Stengård and Josefine Hökerberg, 2 June 2010; Teologen Ulf

Carmesund tillbaka från Israel; Aftonbladet. [Read with Google translate]

http://www.aftonbladet.se/nyheter/article7231718.ab (Accessed 7 July 2010)

260 RT, 6 June 2010; ―We were unarmed and didn‘t provoke anybody‖ – aid

flotilla member.


(Accessed 5 July 2010)

261 adycousins, 9 June 2010; Gaza Flotilla Testimony of Bilal Abdulazziz.


(Accessed 1 July 2010)

262 Robert Booth, Kate Connolly, Tom Philips and Helena Smith, 2 June 2010;

Gaza flotilla raid ‗We heard gunfire – then our ship turned into lake of

blood‘; guardian.co.uk.

http://tinyurl.com/23ke395 (Accessed 5 June 2010)

263 Elena Becatoros and Suzan Fraser, 2 June 2010; ‗Troops boarded and ship

turned into a lake of blood‘; independent.ie

http://tinyurl.com/27twnod (Accessed 5 July 2010)

264 Genevieve Carbery, 9 June 2010; Irish citizen ‗beaten‘ by Israeli forces; The

Irish Times.



http://tinyurl.com/34cy8nf (Accessed 12 June 2010)

265 Genevieve Carbery, 9 June 2010; op. cit.

266 Gene St. Onge, in Free Gaza Team, 7 June 2010; op. cit.

267 Mikael Stengård and Josefine Hökerberg, 2 June 2010; op. cit.

268 TrishMaryHill, 10 June 2010; Dr Hasan Nowrah Flotilla Massacre Survivor 1/3.

op. cit.

269 Workers Solidarity Movement, 2 June 2010; Czech camera man describes

beating of Irish activist in Israeli prison.


(Accessed 7 July 2010)

270 Democracy NOW!, 4 June 2010; Liberty Veteran Seized by IDF on Gaza Aid

Flotilla – June 4, 2010


(Accessed 1 August 2010)

271 Dimi Reider, 11 June 2010; Italian flotilla journalist: My credit card was used

after IDF confiscated it; Haaretz.com.

http://tinyurl.com/3xoj4g2 (Accessed 12 June 2010) 272 RT, 6 June 2010; ―We were unarmed and didn‘t provoke anybody‖ – aid

flotilla member. op. cit.

273 Julie Robotham, 3 June 2010; Victims, get more than a stunning;


http://tinyurl.com/34mtftx (Accessed 16 August 2010)

274 Rober Anglen, 6 January 2006; 167 cases of death following stun-gun use;


275 Lisa Amin Gulezian, 5 June 2010; Gaza activist returns home, claims he was

beaten; abc7.


(Accessed 6 July 2010)

276 Paul Larudee, 19 June 2010; Account of my Capture and Imprisonment as

part of the Freedom Flotilla; Hurriyya.

http://hurriyya.blogspot.com/ (Accessed 7 July 2010)

277 Justin Berton, 4 June 2010; Flotilla detainee‘s harrowing experience; SFGate.

http://tinyurl.com/34ffkbu (Accessed 6 July 2010)

278 TrishMaryHill, 10 June 2010; Dr Hasan Nowrah Flotilla Massacre Survivor 1/3.


(Accessed 9 July 2010)

279 TrishMaryHill, 10 June 2010; Dr Hasan Nowrah Flotilla Massacre Survivor 2/3.




(Accessed 9 July 2010)

280 TrishMaryHill, 10 June 2010; Dr Hasan Nowrah Flotilla Massacre Survivor 1/3.

op. cit.

281 Paul Larudee, 19 June 2010; op. cit.

282 TrishMaryHill, 10 June 2010; Dr Hasan Nowrah Flotilla Massacre Survivor 1/3.

op. cit.

283 Paul Larudee, 19 June 2010; op. cit.

5.3 Accounts by flotilla personnel: MV Challenger I

284 gazafriends, 3 June 2010; 1- S. Dillon Mate on Challenger1 reporting attack

on Freedom Flotilla.


(Accessed 18 June 2010)

285 adycousins, 10 June 2010; Gaza Flotilla Testimony of Alex Harrison.

http://tinyurl.com/2v7qezx (Accessed 30 June 2010)

286 RTÉ News, 3 June 2010; Irish activist recounts Gaza flotilla raid.

http://www.rte.ie/news/2010/0603/mideast.html (Accessed 8 June 2010)

287 Steven Carroll, 2 June 2010; Irish man denies Gaza activists armed


http://tinyurl.com/34dr5sz (Accessed 8 June 2010)

288 Fintan Lane, in Free Gaza Team, 7 June 2010; op. cit.

289 Kate Geraghty, in Free Gaza Team, 7 June 2010; op. cit.

290 Abdullah Al-Qattan, 3 June 2010; ‗Gaza heroes‘ welcomed home; Kuwait



(Accessed 8 June 2010)

291 heraldscotland, 6 June 2010; op. cit. 292 RTÉ News, 2 June 2010; Israel accuses critics of ‗hypocrisy‘

http://www.rte.ie/news/2010/0602/mideast.html (Accessed 9 July 2010)

293 CNN Wire Staff, 1 June 2010; Eyewitnesses recount Israel flotilla raid.


(Accessed 1 June 2010)

294 gazafriends, 3 June 2010; 1- S.Dillon Mate on Challenger1 reporting attack on

Freedom Flotilla. op. cit.



295 axis4 peace2, 2 June 2010; Flotilla Survivor says Israeli marines boarded

unarmed American ship throwing grenades.


(Accessed 6 June 2010)

296 Mya Guarnieri, 14 June 2010; Challenger I passengers: Commandos shot

first; Ma‟an News Agency.


(Accessed 16 June 2010)

297 Anonymous, February 2011; Report on the Israeli Attack on the Humanitarian

Aid Convoy to Gaza on 31 May 2010; Turkish National Commission of

Inquiry, note 124.

298 heraldscotland, 6 June 2010; Fear, pain and propaganda an activist‘s story.

http://tinyurl.com/354xcrh (Accessed 10 June 2010)

299 Alex Harrison, in Free Gaza Team, 7 June 2010; In their own words: Survivor

testimonies from Flotilla 31 May 2010.

http://tinyurl.com/27tt8dc (Accessed 20 June 2010)

300 Emine Saner, 5 June 2010; Gaza Flotilla: protesters‘ story; guardian.co.uk.

http://tinyurl.com/25hwsxg (Accessed 5 June 2010)

301 Paul McGeough, 5 June 2010; Aussie accent is a surreal sound amid chaos of


http://tinyurl.com/2arlx4o (Accessed 6 July 2010)

302 Amy Goodman, 8 June 2010; Democracy Now.

http://tinyurl.com/272wtec (Accessed 15 June 2010)

303 adycousins, 10 June 2010; Gaza Flotilla Testimony of Alex Harrison.

op. cit.

304 indymedia Ireland; Part 1 : Huwaida Arraf interviewed 7-06-2010.

http://tinyurl.com/2u4m7t4 (Accessed 23 June 2010)

5.4 Accounts by flotilla personnel: MV Gazze I

305 Insani Yardim Vakfi, undated; PALESTINE OUR ROUTE HUMANITARIAN AID



(Accessed 14 July 2010)

5.5 Accounts by flotilla personnel: MV Defne Y

306 Insani Yardim Vakfi, undated; PALESTINE OUR ROUTE HUMANITARIAN AID



(Accessed 14 July 2010)



307 Insani Yardim Vakfi, undated; PALESTINE OUR ROUTE HUMANITARIAN AID



(Accessed 14 July 2010)

308 Ibid. p28.

5.6 Accounts by flotilla personnel: MV Eleftheri Mesogeio

309 Mario Damolin, 7 June 2010; Eyewitness report from the Gaza fleet;

Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (translated by Google)

http://tinyurl.com/33uazr7 (Accessed 5 July 2010)

310 CyprusMail, 2 June 2010; Greeks return home after Israeli detention.

http://tinyurl.com/36havyu (Accessed 8 June 2010)

311 Robert Booth, Kate Connolly, Tom Philips and Helena Smith, 2 June 2010;

Gaza flotilla raid ‗We heard gunfire – then our ship turned into lake of

blood‘; guardian.co.uk.

http://tinyurl.com/23ke395 (Accessed 5 June 2010)

312 Marcello Faraggi, 9 June 2010; As Turkish photographer is buried, other

journalists aboard flotilla speak out; IFEX.


(Accessed 13 July 2010)

313 Mario Damolin, 7 June 2010; op. cit.

314 Mikhalis Grigoropoulos in NEWS MIDDLE EAST, 3 June; Passengers recount

mid-sea horror. ALJAZEERA.NET.

http://tinyurl.com/2v6sq23 (Accessed 6 June 2010)

315 Mario Damolin, 7 June 2010; op. cit.

316 Helsinki Times, 3 June 2010; Stubb: Israeli attack shocking.

http://tinyurl.com/39qzmlv (Accessed 8 June 2010)

317 Mikhalis Grigoropoulos in NEWS MIDDLE EAST, 3 June; Passengers recount

mid-sea horror. ALJAZEERA.NET.

http://tinyurl.com/2v6sq23 (Accessed 6 June 2010)

318 CyprusMail, 2 June 2010; Greeks return home after Israeli detention.

http://tinyurl.com/2bfcggg (Accessed 9 June 2010)

319 Mario Damolin, 7 June 2010; op. cit.

320 Dror Feilor, in Free Gaza Team, 7 June 2010; op. cit. 321 Mario Damolin, 7 June 2010; op. cit.

322 Kate Connolly, 3 June 2010; Henning Mankell on Gaza flotilla attack: ‗I think

they went out to murder‘. guardian.co.uk.



http://tinyurl.com/36tt62d (Accessed 5 June 2010)

323 O Dromos, 1 June 2010; Exclusive interview of Aristides Papadokostopoulos –

who was on board the ―Free Mediterranean‖ and held until today as a hostage

of the Israeli army – to Greek newspaper ‗Dromos‘ / ‗Road‘.

http://tinyurl.com/29war99 (Accessed 7 July 2010)

324 Helsinki Times, 3 June 2010; op. cit.

5.7 Israeli accounts of the raid

325 Abbas Al Lawati, 4 June 2010; From tear gas to bullets: Gunshots shattered

call to prayer; gulfnews.com

http://tinyurl.com/26xlyaq (Accessed 7 July 2010)

326 Ovenden, K. (2010). An Act of State Terrorism. In Bayoumi, B. (ed) Midnight

on the Mavi Marmara. OR Books, New York, p.60.

327 idfnadesk, 31 May 2010; Close-Up Footage of Mavi Marmara Passengers

Attacking IDF Soldiers (With Sound)


(Accessed 31 July 2010)

328 idfnadesk, 31 May 2010; Demonstrators Use Violence Against Israeli Navy

Soldiers Attempting to Board Ship (With Sound)


(Accessed 26 July 2010)

329 RussiaToday, 31 May 2010; IDF video of Gaza Freedom Flotilla attack.


(Accessed 27 July 2010)

330 Ron Ben Yishai, 31 May 2010; A brutal ambush at sea; ynetnews.com.


(Accessed 20 June 2010)

331 BBC, 3 June 2010; Israeli soldiers describe raid on Gaza aid convoy.


(Accessed 17 June 2010) 332 Amos Harel, 4 June; Israel Navy: 3 commandos nearly taken hostage in Gaza

flotilla raid; Haaretz.com.

http://tinyurl.com/2v7zqnd (Accessed 13 June 2010)

333 Lisa Amin Gulezian, 4 June 2010; 2 local activists return from Gaza Strip;abc7.


(Accessed 17 July 2010)

334 Amos Harel, 4 June; Israel Navy: 3 commandos nearly taken hostage in Gaza

flotilla raid; Haaretz.com.

http://tinyurl.com/2v7zqnd (Accessed 13 June 2010)



335 Elias Harb, 19 July 2010; Exclusive Intifada Interview with Ken O‘Keefe: ―Israel

Executed People in International Waters‖; Intifada.

http://tinyurl.com/2dlhdpf (Accessed 2 August 2010)

336 Robert Booth, 3 June 2010; Gaza flotilla attack: British activists arrive in

Turkey; guardian.co.uk.

http://tinyurl.com/2dbkntm (Accessed 5 June 2010) 337 Wikipedia, undated; Military equipment of Israel/Small Arms. op. cit.

338 newsreeldemocracy, 10 June 2010; Israeli weapons against aid flotilla Marmara.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=senmnCM-ZV8 (Accessed 31 July 2010)

339 Yaakov Katz, 4 June 2010; ‗We had no choice‟; JPost.com.

http://www.jpost.com/Israel/Article.aspx?id=177445 (Accessed 11 June 2010)

340 Noam Sheizaf, 6 June 2010; Flotilla/ New Mavi Marmara pictures raise more

questions regarding IDF attack; Promised Land.


(Accessed 10 June 2010)

341 Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center, 7 June 2010; IHH Preparations

for a Violent Confrontation with IDF Soldiers Aboard the Turkish Ship Mavi

Marmara, Appendix.

http://tinyurl.com/3xd4s8a (Accessed 12 June 2010)

342 IsraelMFA, 16 June 2010; IHH Members Planning Attack on Israeli Boarding

Party 30-31 May 10.


(Accessed 30 July 2010)

343 Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center, 20 June 2010; Almost all of

the casualties on board the Mavi Marmara were fully identified as members of

Turkish Islamist organizations, most of them of a radical and anti-Western

nature. About half of those killed had declared their wish to die as martyrs


http://tinyurl.com/3a4z8g7 (Accessed 22 June 2010)

344 kokosbrot; Lawyer Fatima Mohammad – Aboard the Mavi Marmara – Witness

to State Terror.


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345 For example Mohaned Vall, in NEWS MIDDLE EAST, 3 June; Passengers recount

mid-sea horror. ALJAZEERA.NET.

http://tinyurl.com/2v6sq23 (Accessed 6 June 2010)

346 Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 12 July 2010; Maj-Gen (res.) Eiland presents

conclusions of examination team.

http://tinyurl.com/29t8l94 (Accessed 24 July 2010)

347 RTÉ News, 5 June 2010; Activists taken to airport in Tel Aviv.



http://www.rte.ie/news/2010/0605/mideast.html (Accessed 12 June 2010)

348 CNN Wire Staff, 1 June 2010; Eyewitnesses recount Israel flotilla raid.


(Accessed 1 June 2010)

349 scarlett83, 3 June 2010; Israel Spokesman‘s hard times with English Reporter

after Israeli Attack Peace Flotilla.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Q167f6wHoo (Accessed 24 June 2010)

350 Joshua Rayner, 1 June 2010; ים בלב השייטת כוחות עם !וואלה כתב - מיוחד

http://news.walla.co.il/?w=/2689/1681175 (Accessed 30 August 2010)

351 Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center, 20 June 2010; Almost all of the

casualties on board the Mavi Marmara were fully identified as members of

Turkish Islamist organizations, most of them of a radical and anti-Western

nature. About half of those killed had declared their wish to die as martyrs


http://tinyurl.com/3a4z8g7 (Accessed 4 August 2010)


6.1 Casualties

352 Wikipedia, undated; İbrahim Bilgen.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/İbrahim_Bilgen (Accessed 4 August 2010)

353 Lawrence of Cyberia, 3 June 2010; Putting Names To Faces.

http://lawrenceofcyberia.blogs.com/ (Accessed 4 August 2010)

354 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RlElXOJV4CA (Accessed 10 June 2010)

355 Roger Cohen, 26 July 2010; The Forgotten American; The New York Times.


(Accessed 27 July 2010)

356 The Straits Times, 2 June 2010; Dead activists‘ ‗martyr‘ hopes.

http://tinyurl.com/366pmxc (Accessed 4 August 2010)

357 Robert Booth and Harriet Sherwood, 4 June 2010; Gaza flotilla attack:

Autopsies reveal intensity of Israeli military force; guardian.co.uk.

http://tinyurl.com/33z4u4q (Accessed 4 August 2010)

358 Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center, 20 June 2010; Almost all of the

casualties on board the Mavi Marmara were fully identified as members of

Turkish Islamist organizations, most of them of a radical and anti-Western

nature. About half of those killed had declared their wish to die as martyrs


http://tinyurl.com/3a4z8g7 (Accessed 4 August 2010)

359 Mufti Taqi Usmani, undated; TheMeaning of Shaheed; Albalagh.

http://www.albalagh.net/qa/shaheed.shtml (Accessed 4 August 2010)



360 Fatwalislam.com, 4 August 2010; The Greatest Jihad.


(Accessed 4 August 2010)

361 Shaukat Qureshi, 9 August 2010; pers. comm.

362 Press TV, 5 June 2010; ‗Israelis threw 4 injured into the sea‘.


(Accessed 30 June 2010)

363 H. Sabbagh, 4 June 2010; Archbishop Capucci: Israeli Aggression Uncovered

Israel‘s Racism and Fascism; SANA.

http://www.sana.sy/eng/21/2010/06/04/291235.htm (Accessed 7 June 2010)

364 Today‟s Zaman, 3 June 2010; Israel killed more than 9, threw wounded into

sea, witnesses say.

http://tinyurl.com/2ae2k62 (Accessed 4 August 2010)

365 Department of Monitoring, 5 June 2010; IHH head says Zionists brazenly lie.

He confirms Jews threw corpses into sea; Kavkaz Center.


(Accessed 7 July 2010)

366 Elias Harb, 13 July 2010; Exclusive Intifada Interview with Greta Berlin – Free

Gaza Movement; Intifada.

http://tinyurl.com/39x26nv (Accessed 2 August 2010)

367 Robert Booth, 4 June 2010; Gaza flotilla activists were shot in head at close

range; guardian.co.uk.

http://tinyurl.com/37ekzs8 (Accessed 5 June 2010)

368 Dave Lindorff, 16 June 2010; What Kevin Neish Saw; Counterpunch.


(Accessed 17 June 2010)

369 Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 12 July 2010; Maj-Gen (res.) Eiland presents

conclusions of examination team.

http://tinyurl.com/29t8l94 (Accessed 24 July 2010)

370 Ynet reporters, 1 June 2010; Hundreds detained at Ashdod port;



(Accessed 8 June 2010)

371 IHH, 3 June 2010; press release in Turkish translated into English by Google



(Accessed 16 June 2010)

372 Reporters Sans Frontiers, 9 June 2010; Israël : des journalistes à bord de la

flotille humanitaire témoignent; Comprendre le Monde.



http://tinyurl.com/355r989 (Accessed 16 June 2010)

373 gazafriends, 17 June 2010; Dr Fintan Lane describes raid on Challenger I part


http://www.youtube.com/user/gazafriends (Accessed 18 June 2010)

374 Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 12 July 2010; op. cit.

375 Free Gaza Team, 4 June 2010; 54 Flotilla passengers admitted to Israeli


http://tinyurl.com/34wos34 (Accessed 20 June 2010)

376 Ron Ben Yishai, 31 May 2010; A brutal ambush at sea; ynetnews.com.


(Accessed 20 June 2010)

6.2 Care of the injured and detainees on board the captured ship

377 Masarwa, L. (2010). From ‟48 to Gaza. In Bayoumi, B. (ed) Midnight on the

Mavi Marmara. OR Books, New York, p.42.

378 Dzikrullah W Pramudya and Santi Soekanto, undated; ‗Doctor, I can feel his

brain on my hand; op.cit.

379 kokosbrot; Lawyer Fatima Mohammad – Aboard the Mavi Marmara – Witness

to State Terror.


(Accessed 20 June 2010)

380 Abbas Al Lawati, 5 June 2010; Abbas on Freedom Flotilla attack : ‗I filmed the

injured in horror‘; gulfnews.com

http://tinyurl.com/34gh4cw (Accessed 7 July 2010)

381 ISLAMICONTENT, 3 June 2010; British survivor tells of Israeli assault on Gaza

aid flotilla.


(Accessed 6 June 2010) 382 Lubna Masarwa, 7 June 2010; Time to break the siege on Gaza: A survivor‘s

account of Mavi Marmara; International Solidarity Movement.

http://tinyurl.com/32ffksf (Accessed 7 June 2010)

383 Jamal Elshayyal, 6 June 2010; Kidnapped by Israel, forsaken by Britain; THE


http://tinyurl.com/34do7hw (Accessed 11 June 2010)

384 Amy Goodman, 9 June 2010; Palestinian Member of Israeli Knesset Receives

Death Threats After Surviving Israeli Raid on Gaza Flotilla; Democracy Now.

http://tinyurl.com/2wa9t2g (Accessed 15 June 2010)



385 Matthew Cookson, 5 June 2010; Eyewitness from Gaza Flotilla relives horror of

Israeli attack; SocialistWorkeronline.

http://www.socialistworker.co.uk/art.php?id=21434 (Accessed 7 July 2010)

386 Prof Norman Paech, undated; The raid on the Free Gaza Flotilla on 31 May 2010

Opinion on international law. Unpublished.

387 ABC News, 7 June 2010; Shot Australian recalls flotilla ordeal.


(Accessed 23 June 2010)

388 Norman Hermant, 7 June 2010; Shot Australian says Israelis left him to

bleed; ABC News.


(Accessed 23 June 2010)


Wight Gazette.

http://tinyurl.com/28nhhwf (Accessed 7 July 2010)

390 Insani Yardim Vakfi, undated; PALESTINE OUR ROUTE HUMANITARIAN AID



(Accessed 14 July 2010)

391 PressTV transcript, 19 June 2010; ‗Israelis used human shield on Flotilla‘.


(Accessed 6 July 2010)

392 Z. Tuba Kor, 13 June 2010; ―Gaza ships just completely blew Israel‘s cover.

World Bulletin.


(Accessed 5 July 2010)

393 adycousins, 9 June 2010; Gaza Flotilla Testimony of Osama Qashoo.


(Accessed 1 July 2010)

394 Matthias Gardel, in Free Gaza Team, 7 June 2010; In their own words:

Survivor testimonies from Flotilla 31 May 2010.

http://tinyurl.com/27tt8dc (Accessed 20 June 2010)

395 IHH, 16 June 2010; Dehşet Anlari-1.

http://video.yahoo.com/watch/7660500/20359126 (Accessed 22 June 2010)

396 IHH, 16 June 2010; Dehşet Anlari – 2.

http://video.yahoo.com/watch/7660606 (Accessed 22 June 2010) 397 Ibid.

398 Ibid.



399 Free Gaza Team, 3 June 2010; Testimonies from Passengers begin to come

in; The Free Gaza Movement.

http://tinyurl.com/32chlbw (Accessed 6 July 2010)

400 Insani Yardim Vakfi, undated; PALESTINE OUR ROUTE HUMANITARIAN AID


401 Abbas Al Lawati, 5 June 2010; op. cit.

402 H. Sabbagh, 4 June 2010; Archbishop Capucci: Israeli Aggression Uncovered

Israel‘s Racism and Fascism; SANA.

http://www.sana.sy/eng/21/2010/06/04/291235.htm (Accessed 7 June 2010)

403 Ovenden, K. (2010). An Act of State Terrorism. In Bayoumi, B. (ed) Midnight

on the Mavi Marmara. OR Books, New York, p.60.

404 Marco Lucas, 8 June 2010; ―Israel has made us feel apartheid Palestinians

living for years‖; L'informatiu / Rebellion.

http://tinyurl.com/3xl9k89 (Accessed 26 August 2010)

405 rabbletv, 9 July 2010; Gaza Freedom Flotilla: Farooq Burney‘s eyewitness

report (2/3).


(Accessed 6 August 2010)

406 Prof Norman Paech, undated; op. cit.

407 Marco Lucas, 8 June 2010; op. cit.

408 Insani Yardim Vakfi, undated; Captain of The Mavi Marmara Recounts Attack On



(Accessed 30 July 2010)

409 Meagan Perry, 3 Jun3 2010; #108 – Mavi Marmara attack: Exclusive first

interview with Gaza Flotilla activist Kevin Neish; rabble.ca

http://tinyurl.com/25mjvkl (Accessed 6 August 2010)

410 Insani Yardim Vakfi, undated; PALESTINE OUR ROUTE HUMANITARIAN AID


411 Sarah Colborne, in Free Gaza Team, 7 June 2010; op. cit.

412 Jamal Elshayyal, 6 June 2010; op. cit.

413 Dave Lindorff, 16 June 2010; What Kevin Neish Saw; Counterpunch.


(Accessed 17 June 2010)

414 Ertekin, S. (2010). First they Appeared as Shadows. In Bayoumi, B. (ed)

Midnight on the Mavi Marmara. OR Books, New York, p.56.



415 Meagan Perry, 3 Jun3 2010; #108 – Mavi Marmara attack: Exclusive first

interview with Gaza Flotilla activist Kevin Neish; op/ cit.

416 adycousins, 9 June 2010; Gaza Flotilla Testimony of Osama Qashoo. op. cit.

417 Insani Yardim Vakfi, 21 June 2010; The Ship That Carried People Standing Up

Against Injustice.

http://tinyurl.com/35o8x7j (Accessed 22 June 2010)

418 adycousins, 9 June 2010; Gaza Flotilla Testimony of Laura Stewart.


(Accessed 1 July 2010)

419 Today‟s Zaman, 4 June 2010; İHH chief tells of violence, chaos on international

aid ship.

http://tinyurl.com/2dyk8m8 (Accessed 5 August 2010)

420 Dave Lindorff, 16 June 2010; op. cit. 421 Jamal Elshayyal, 6 June 2010; op. cit.

422 Today‟s Zaman, 3 June 2010; Israel killed more than 9, threw wounded into

sea, witnesses say.

http://tinyurl.com/2ae2k62 (Accessed 4 August 2010)

423 Lubna Masarwa, 7 June 2010; op. cit.

424 Ibid.

425 Abdullah Al-Qattan, 3 June 2010; ‗Gaza heroes‘ welcomed home; Kuwait



(Accessed 8 June 2010)

426 Z. Tuba Kor, 13 June 2010; op. cit.

427 Dave Lindorff, 16 June 2010; op. cit.

428 Meagan Perry, 3 Jun3 2010; #108 – Mavi Marmara attack: Exclusive first

interview with Gaza Flotilla activist Kevin Neish; op. cit.

429 Insani Yardim Vakfi, undated; PALESTINE OUR ROUTE HUMANITARIAN AID


430 Masarwa, L. (2010). op. cit., p.43.

431 Ertekin, S. (2010). op. cit., p.56.

432 Z. Tuba Kor, 13 June 2010; op. cit.

433 Abbas Al Lawati, 5 June 2010; op. cit.



434 Insani Yardim Vakfi, undated; ―I am just waiting for an announcement to go

back to Gaza again‖.

http://tinyurl.com/2wh6287 (Accessed 30 July 2010)

435 Kevin Neish, 30 June 2010; pers. comm.

436 adycousins, 9 June 2010; Gaza Flotilla Testimony of Jamal Elshayyal.


(Accessed 1 July 2010)

7.0 TREATMENT OF THE DETAINEES 437 Insani Yardim Vakfi, undated; Captain of The Mavi Marmara Recounts Attack On



(Accessed 30 July 2010)

438 rabbletv, 9 July 2010; Gaza Freedom Flotilla: Farooq Burney‘s eyewitness

report (2/3).


(Accessed 6 August 2010)

439 gazafriends, 17 June 2010; Dr Fintan Lane describes raid on Challenger I part


http://www.youtube.com/user/gazafriends (Accessed 18 June 2010)

440 adycousins, 9 June 2010; Gaza Flotilla Testimony of Bilal Abdulazziz.


(Accessed 1 July 2010)

441 Mario Damolin, 7 June 2010; Eyewitness report from the Gaza fleet;

Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (translated by Google)

http://tinyurl.com/33uazr7 (Accessed 5 July 2010)

442 heraldscotland, 6 June 2010; Fear, pain and propaganda an activist‘s story.

http://tinyurl.com/354xcrh (Accessed 10 June 2010)

443 TrishMaryHill, 10 June 2010; Dr Hasan Nowrah Flotilla Massacre Survivor 1/3.


(Accessed 9 July 2010)

444 Henning Mankell, 5 June 2010; Flotilla raid diary: ‗A man is shot. I am seeing it

happen‘; guardian.co.uk.

http://tinyurl.com/2985clv (Accessed 5 June 2010)

445 Kate Connolly, 3 June 2010; Henning Mankell on Gaza flotilla attack: ‗I think

they went out to murder‘. guardian.co.uk.

http://tinyurl.com/36tt62d (Accessed 5 June 2010)

446 Fintan Lane, in Free Gaza Team, 7 June 2010; In their own words: Survivor

testimonies from Flotilla 31 May 2010.

http://tinyurl.com/27tt8dc (Accessed 20 June 2010)



447 rabbletv, 9 July 2010; Gaza Freedom Flotilla: Farooq Burney‘s eyewitness

report (2/3).

op. cit.

448 Marco Lucas, 8 June 2010; ―Israel has made us feel apartheid Palestinians

living for years‖; L'informatiu / Rebellion.

http://tinyurl.com/3xl9k89 (Accessed 26 August 2010)

449 Insani Yardim Vakfi, undated; PALESTINE OUR ROUTE HUMANITARIAN AID



(Accessed 14 July 2010)

450 Ibid. p36.

451 rabbletv, 9 July 2010; Gaza Freedom Flotilla: Farooq Burney‘s eyewitness

report (2/3).

op. cit.

452 adycousins, 9 June 2010; Gaza Flotilla Testimony of Bilal Abdulazziz; op. cit.

453 Matthew Weaver, 2 June 2010; Gaza flotilla activists deported to Jordan claim

Israeli mistreatment; guardian.co.uk.

http://tinyurl.com/33bcwz9 (Accessed 5 June 2010)

454 RT, 6 June 2010; ―We were unarmed and didn‘t provoke anybody‖ – aid flotilla



(Accessed 5 July 2010)

455 Insani Yardim Vakfi, undated; PALESTINE OUR ROUTE HUMANITARIAN AID


456 Insani Yardim Vakfi, 21 June 2010; The Ship That Carried People Standing Up

Against Injustice.

http://tinyurl.com/35o8x7j (Accessed 22 June 2010)

457 Mario Damolin, 7 June 2010; op. cit.

458 ThisBoyTV, 3 June 2010; Flotilla Passengers Respond to Israeli Deadly Assault

#1 - June 3, 2010.

http://tinyurl.com/2vw23qz (Accessed 7 July 2010)

459 CyprusMail, 2 June 2010; Greeks return home after Israeli detention.

http://tinyurl.com/2bfcggg (Accessed 9 June 2010)

460 News 13, 5 June 2010; South Portland filmmaker home after Israeli raids.

http://tinyurl.com/3xclgug (Accessed 20 June 2010)

461 Mel Frykberg, 4 June 2010; Israel censors news on deadly Flotilla raid;

Electronic Intifada.



http://electronicintifada.net/v2/article11317.shtml (Accessed 6 June 2010) 462 Greta Berlin, 4 June 2010; Press Release; Ireland Palestine Solidarity


http://tinyurl.com/3a48dws (Accessed 5 July 2010)

463 Mario Damolin, 7 June 2010; op. cit.

464 heraldscotland, 6 June 2010; op. cit.

465 Elham Asaad Buaras, 25 June 2010; Israel commandos used ‗shoot to

kill‘ policy in high seas; The Muslim News.


(Accessed 5 July 2010)

466 adycousins, 9 June 2010; Gaza Flotila testimony of Ibrahim Musaji.


(Accessed 1 July 2010)

467 adycousins, 9 June 2010; Gaza Flotilla Testimony of Bilal Abdulazziz. op. cit.

468 adycousins, 9 June 2010; Gaza Flotilla Testimony of Osama Qashoo.


(Accessed 1 July 2010)

469 adycousins, 10 June 2010; Gaza Flotilla Testimony of Alex Harrison.

http://tinyurl.com/2v7qezx (Accessed 30 June 2010)

470 adycousins, 9 June 2010; Gaza Flotilla Testimony of Jamal Elshayyal.


(Accessed 1 July 2010)


Wight Gazette.

http://tinyurl.com/28nhhwf (Accessed 7 July 2010)

472 Ovenden, K. (2010). An Act of State Terrorism. In Bayoumi, B. (ed) Midnight

on the Mavi Marmara. OR Books, New York, p.63-4.

473 Jamal Elshayyal, 6 June 2010; op. cit.

474 Justin Vela, 3 June 2010; Gaza flotilla attack: British activists tell of abuse by

Israelis; Telegraph.co.uk.

http://tinyurl.com/2fh8nxn (Accessed 9 June 2010)

475 The Canadian Press, 2 June 2010; Canadian detained on Gaza aid flotilla says

he was beaten.

http://tinyurl.com/2djvrtv (Accessed 8 June 2010)

476 Dave Lindorff; 16 June 2010; What Kevin Neish Saw; Counterpunch.


(Accessed 17 June 2010)



477 rabbletv, 9 July 2010; Gaza Freedom Flotilla: Farooq Burney‘s eyewitness

report (2/3).

op cit.

478 Lubna Masarwa, 7 June 2010; Time to break the siege on Gaza: A survivor‘s

account of Mavi Marmara; International Solidarity Movement.

http://tinyurl.com/32ffksf (Accessed 7 June 2010)

479 Dave Lindorff, 16 June 2010; op. cit.

480 gazafriends, 17 June 2010; Dr Fintan Lane describes raid on Challenger I part

3. op.cit.

481 Mario Damolin, 7 June 2010; op. cit.

482 RTÉ News, 3 June 2010; Irish activist recounts Gaza flotilla raid.

http://www.rte.ie/news/2010/0603/mideast.html (Accessed 8 June 2010)

483 Greta Berlin, 4 June 2010; op. cit.

484 Kev – IPSC, 2 June 2010; Gaza Flotilla: Press Conference with Shane Dillon

today at 2pm, Central Hotel, Dublin; indymedia Ireland.

http://www.indymedia.ie/article/96833 (Accessed 23 June 2010)

485 Paul McGeough, 5 June 2010; ―There was a lot of blood in the stairwells and

then the sound of ammunition hitting metal changed attain…‖; smh.com.au.

http://tinyurl.com/3xfrrgx (Accessed 6 July 2010)

486 Meagan Perry, 3 Jun3 2010; #109 – Pt 2. of rabble.ca‘s exclusive interview

with Gaza flotilla activist Kevin Neish: detention and release; rabble.ca

http://tinyurl.com/3am4u2j (Accessed 6 August 2010)

487 Lisa Amin Gulezian, 5 June 2010; Gaza activist returns home, claims he was

beaten; abc7.


(Accessed 6 July 2010)

488 Paul Larudee, 19 June 2010; Account of my Capture and Imprisonment as part

of the Freedom Flotilla; Hurriyya.

http://hurriyya.blogspot.com/ (Accessed 7 July 2010)

489 KTVU.COM, 3 June 2010; East Bay Activist Released By Israeli Authorities.

http://www.ktvu.com/news/23776714/detail.html (Accessed 9 June 2010)

490 Huwaida Arraf, in Free Gaza Team, 7 June 2010; op. cit.

491 RTAmerica, 1 June 2010; Adam Shapiro: Expose Israel‗s policy to the world;


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bmDjAu0DSiM (Accessed 9 June 2010)

492 Dave Lindorff 16 June 2010; op. cit.



493 Dzikrullah W Pramudya and Santi Soekanto, undated; ‗Doctor, I can feel his

brain on my hand; The Brunei Times.

http://tinyurl.com/38f8nds (Accessed 12 June 2010)

494 heraldscotland, 6 June 2010; op .cit.

495 adycousins, 10 June 2010; Gaza Flotilla Testimony of Alex Harrison. op. cit.

496 Norman Hermant, 7 June 2010; op. cit.

497 RTÉ News, 2 June 2010; Israel accuses critics of ‗hypocrisy‘

http://www.rte.ie/news/2010/0602/mideast.html (Accessed 9 July 2010)

498 gazafriends, 3 June 2010; 1- S.Dillon Mate on Challenger1 reporting attack on

Freedom Flotilla.


(Accessed 18 June 2010)

499 Sabina Tavernise and Ethnan Bronner, 4 June 2010; Days of Planning Led to

Flotilla‘s Hour of Chaos; New York Times.

http://tinyurl.com/38w79v8 (Accessed 7 July 2010)

500 Jamal Elshayyal, 6 June 2010; op. cit.

501 rabbletv, 9 July 2010; Gaza Freedom Flotilla: Farooq Burney‘s eyewitness

report (3/3).


(Accessed 6 August 2010)

502 rabbletv, 9 July 2010; Gaza Freedom Flotilla: Farooq Burney‘s eyewitness

report (2/3).

op. cit.

503 The SKYREPORT, 3 June 2010; Fairfax journalists among deportees from


http://tinyurl.com/372czqu (Accessed 9 June 2010)

504 Fiachra Ó Luain, in Free Gaza Team, 7 June 2010; In their own words: Survivor

testimonies from Flotilla 31 May 2010.

http://tinyurl.com/27tt8dc (Accessed 20 June 2010)

505 Shane Hickey and Anita Guidera, 4 June 2010; ‗I tried to reason with them, but

they attacked us‘;

Independent.ie.ccessed 29 August 2010)

506 heraldscotland, 6 June 2010; op .cit.

507 adycousins, 10 June 2010; Gaza Flotilla Testimony of Alex Harrison. op. cit.

508 Fintan Lane, in Free Gaza Team, 7 June 2010; op. cit



509 Insani Yardim Vakfi, undated; ―I am just waiting for an announcement to go

back to Gaza again‖.

http://tinyurl.com/2wh6287 (Accessed 30 July 2010) 510 Meagan Perry, 3 Jun3 2010; #109 – Pt 2. of rabble.ca‘s exclusive interview

with Gaza flotilla activist Kevin Neish: detention and release; rabble.ca

511 Insani Yardim Vakfi, undated; PALESTINE OUR ROUTE HUMANITARIAN AID


512 Paul McGeough, 5 June 2010; ―There was a lot of blood in the stairwells and

then the sound of ammunition hitting metal changed attain…‖; smh.com.au

http://tinyurl.com/3xfrrgx (Accessed 6 July 2010)

513 Marco Lucas, 8 June 2010; op. cit.

514 Justin Berton, 4 June 2010; Flotilla detainee‘s harrowing experience; SFGate.

http://tinyurl.com/34ffkbu (Accessed 6 July 2010)

515 Greta Berlin, 4 June 2010; op. cit.

516 Fadwa Dajani, 7 June 2010; PRESS RELEASE: Ken O‘Keefe Aboard the Mavi

Marmara, Personal Statement & Photos; AlohaPalestine.

http://tinyurl.com/33sc9du (Accessed 6 July 2010)

517 nwoagenda, 11 June 2010; Gaza Flotilla Survivor Recollects Deadly Raid By

Israeli Military.


(Accessed 1 July 2010)

518 Adalah Press Release, 3 June 2010.


(Accessed 16 June 2010) 519 Jonathan Cook; 28 July 2010; Shin Bet Exposed; Counterpunch.


(Accessed 22 August 2010)

520 Attention101, 4 June 2010; Flotilla Attack: Israelis Threw Dead Bodies



(Accessed 26 August 2010)

521 IHH, 16 June 2010; Dehşet Anlari-1.

http://video.yahoo.com/watch/7660500/20359126 (Accessed 22 June 2010)

522 IHH, 16 June 2010; Dehşet Anlari – 2.

http://video.yahoo.com/watch/7660606 (Accessed 22 June 2010)

7.1 Treatment of journalists



523 91177info, 26 May 2010; Judgement Days - MEDIA BLACKOUT (Look see the

info and the test I have done)


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524 Marco Lucas, 8 June 2010; ―Israel has made us feel apartheid Palestinians

living for years‖; L'informatiu / Rebellion.

http://tinyurl.com/3xl9k89 (Accessed 26 August 2010)

525 IFEX, 9 June 2010; Journalists on raided flotilla speak out; one journalist

killed in attack.

http://www.ifex.org/israel/2010/06/09/speak_out/ (Accessed 5 July 2010)

526 novinite.com, 3 June 2010; Bulgarian Gaza Reporter: Turkish Ship Was

Provocation for Israel.

http://www.novinite.com/view_news.php?id=116792 (Accessed 5 July 2010)

527 IFEX, 9 June 2010; op. cit.

528 REPORTERS WITHOUT BORDERS, 7 June 2010; Interview with flotilla


http://tinyurl.com/35wjhou (Accessed 9 June 2010)

529 Workers Solidarity Movement, 2 June 2010; Czech camera man describes

beating of Irish activist in Israeli prison. http://www.wsm.ie/c/beating-irish-


(Accessed 7 July 2010)

530 Abbas Al Lawati, 6 June 2010; Eyewitness account: Freedom Flotilla attacked

(part 3);gulfnews.com.

http://tinyurl.com/38vhx54 (Accessed 7 July 2010)

531 Yücel Velioglu, 9 June 2010; As Turkish photographer is buried, other

journalists aboard flotilla speak out; Reporters Without Borders.


(Accessed 13 June 2010)

532 REPORTERS WITHOUT BORDERS, 7 June 2010; Interview with flotilla


http://tinyurl.com/35wjhou (Accessed 9 June 2010)

533 Marcello Faraggi, 9 June 2010; As Turkish photographer is buried, other

journalists aboard flotilla speak out; op. cit.

534 Abbas Al Lawati, 6 June 2010; op. cit.

535 Mario Damolin, 7 June 2010; Eyewitness report from the Gaza fleet;

Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (translated by Google)

http://tinyurl.com/33uazr7 (Accessed 5 July 2010)

536 Workers Solidarity Movement, 2 June 2010; op. cit.



7.2 Activists’ property

537 Kate Connolly, 3 June 2010; Henning Mankell on Gaza flotilla attack: ‗I think

they went out to murder‘. guardian.co.uk.

http://tinyurl.com/36tt62d (Accessed 5 June 2010)

538 Robert Booth, 3 June 2010; Gaza flotilla attack: British activists arrive in

Turkey; guardian.co.uk.

http://tinyurl.com/2dbkntm (Accessed 5 June 2010)

539 Ann Wright, 22 August 2010; Israeli Government Refuses to Secure Criminal

Evidence. The Free Gaza Movement.

http://tinyurl.com/34vzjm5 (Accessed 27 August 2010)

540 Stanley Heller, 17 June 2010; Grand Theft Flotilla. OpEdNews.com.

http://tinyurl.com/38jfk4t (Accessed 17 June 2010)

541 Press TV 12 June 2010; Israelis looting activist‘s bank card.

http://www.presstv.ir/detail.aspx?id=130052 (Accessed 13 June 2010)

542 Elias Harb, 13 July 2010; Exclusive Intifada Interview with Greta Berlin – Free

Gaza Movement; Intifada.

http://tinyurl.com/39x26nv (Accessed 2 August 2010)

543 encryptereality0, 11 June 2010; $3.5mn stolen from Gaza flotilla survivors by

Israeli pirates.


(Accessed 1 July 2010)

544 Sharon Roffe-Ofir, 19 August 2010; MK Zoabi: IDF killers have no problem

stealing; ynetnews.com.


(Accessed 22 August 2010)

545 Paul McGeough, 5 June 2010; Aussie accent is a surreal sound amid chaos of

raid; smh.com.au

http://tinyurl.com/2arlx4o (Accessed 6 July 2010)

546 Insani Yardim Vakfi, undated; PALESTINE OUR ROUTE HUMANITARIAN AID



(Accessed 14 July 2010)

547 Jamal Elshayyal, 6 June 2010; Kidnapped by Israel, forsaken by Britain; THE


http://tinyurl.com/34do7hw (Accessed 11 June 2010

548 EXOMATRIXTV, 6 June 2010; ISRAHELL survivor & hero Kenneth Nichols

O‘Keefe dismantling commandos reports what happened!


(Accessed 7 June 2010)



549 Elias Harb, 19 July 2010; Exclusive Intifada Interview with Ken O‘Keefe: ―Israel

Executed People in International Waters‖; Initifada.

http://tinyurl.com/2dlhdpf (Accessed 2 August 2010)

550 RTÉ News, 10 June 2010 ; Irish activist wants Israel to return passport.

http://www.rte.ie/news/2010/0610/mideast.html (Accessed 12 June 2010)

551 Dimi Reider, 11 June 2010; Italian flotilla journalist: My credit card was used

after IDF confiscated it; Haaretz.com.

http://tinyurl.com/3xoj4g2 (Accessed 12 June 2010)

552 Christina Edblom, 3 June 2010; Dror Feiler: Jag var rädd att bli lämnad kvar

ensam. Aftonbladet

http://www.aftonbladet.se/nyheter/article7239881.ab (Accessed 7 July 2010)

553 encryptereality0, 11 June 2010; op. cit. 554 TrishMaryHill, 10 June 2010; Dr Hasan Nowrah Flotilla Massacre Survivor 1/3.


(Accessed 9 July 2010)

555 Ann Wright, 22 August 2010; op.cit.

556 Alex Huppenthal, 27 June 2010;Gaza Flotilla – David Schermerhorn – KUUR-

FM Aspen.

http://vimeo.com/12936292 (Accessed 5 July 2010)

557 Meagan Perry, 3 Jun3 2010; #108 – Mavi Marmara attack: Exclusive first

interview with Gaza Flotilla activist Kevin Neish; rabble.ca

http://tinyurl.com/25mjvkl (Accessed 6 August 2010)

558 Press TV 12 June 2010; Israelis looting activist‘s bank card.

http://www.presstv.ir/detail.aspx?id=130052 (Accessed 13 June 2010) 559 Haroon Siddique, 18 June 2010; Gaza convoy activists claim Israeli soldiers

using debit cards stolen in raid; guardian.co.uk.

http://tinyurl.com/3xwcud8 (Accessed 20 June 2010)

560 Ertekin, S. (2010). First They Appeared as Shadows. In Bayoumi, B. (ed)

Midnight on the Mavi Marmara. OR Books, New York, p.57.

561 Marcello Faraggi, 9 June 2010; As Turkish photographer is buried, other

journalists aboard flotilla speak out; IFEX.


(Accessed 13 July 2010)

562 Kate Connolly, 3 June 2010; op. cit.

563 encryptereality0, 11 June 2010; op. cit. 564 Greta Berlin, 21 August 2010; First Murder, then Theft and Lies from the

―World‘s Most Moral Army‖. Freegaza press release.





565 Mark Hilliard, 13 June 2010; Mossad photographed Rachel Corrie before it left

Dundalk TribuneNews.

http://tinyurl.com/3xctl9q (Accessed 6 July 2010)

566 TrishMaryHill, 10 June 2010; Dr Hasan Nowrah Flotilla Massacre Survivor 1/3.


(Accessed 9 July 2010)

567 Barak Ravid and Haaretz Service, 4 June 2010; Passengers of ‗Rachel Corrie‘

reject Israel – Ireland deal; Haaretz.com.

http://tinyurl.com/28srht9 (Accessed 4 June 2010)

568 RTÉ News, 3 June 2010; Irish activist recounts Gaza flotilla raid.

http://www.rte.ie/news/2010/0603/mideast.html (Accessed 12 June 2010)

569 91177info, 15 June 2010; Smuggled Rachel Corrie Hijacking Footage.


(Accessed 1 July 2010)

570 Caroline O‟Doherty, 8 June 2010; Captain ‗feared for life‘ when Israelis

boarded; The Irish Examiner.

http://tinyurl.com/243mo29 (Accessed 12 June 2010)

571 RTÉ News, 5 June 2010; Activists taken to airport in Tel Aviv.

http://www.rte.ie/news/2010/0605/mideast.html (Accessed 12 June 2010)

9.0 THE SHIPS AND CARGO 572 Ron Friedman, 1 June 2010; 'Equipment not in shortage in Gaza'


(Accessed 27 August 2010)

573 Ma‟an News Agency, 6 June 2010; Hamas refuses boat aid while activists



(Accessed 7 June 2010)

574 DPA, 3 June 2010; Hamas blocking entry of flotilla aid into Gaza;


http://tinyurl.com/2c7t3w3 (Accessed 7 June 2010)

575 Farooq Burney, 23 August 2010; pers.comm.

576 Hanan Greenberg, 19 August 2010; Army shocked by ‗flotilla looters‘;



(Accessed 22 August 2010)



577 Haaretz Service, 18 August 2010; IDF soldiers suspected of theft from Gaza

flotilla ship; haaretz.com.

http://tinyurl.com/2uhyzao (Accessed 2 August 2010)

578 IRIN, 17 June 2010; Flotilla aid to enter Gaza under UN supervision

579 Al Mansar, 13 June 2010; Israël enterre les aides alimentaires destinées à



(Accessed 13 June 2010)

580 Guardian.co.uk, 1 June 2010; Flotilla attack: full UN statement.

http://tinyurl.com/33p6qru (Accessed 17 June 2010)

581 Jack Khoury, Natasha Mozgovaya, Barak Ravid and Zvi Bar‟el, 22 July 2010;

Israel launches campaign to halt Lebanon flotilla bound for Gaza;


http://tinyurl.com/39ljwdh (Accessed 22 July 2010)

582 Didi Remez, 9 July 2010; Haifa Mayor wants to turn Mavi Marmara into ―floating

hotel‖ so it can become a ―symbol of reconciliation and hope‖; Coteret.

(Translation of an original in Hebrew by Amir Buhbut).

http://tinyurl.com/2udb387 (Accessed 7 August 2010)

583 Reuters, 23 July 2010; Israel to return impounded Gaza aid ships to Turkey.


(Accessed 23 July 2010)

584 Today‟s Zaman, 5 August 2010; Aid ships expected to set sail for Turkey today.

http://tinyurl.com/36hop4r (Accessed 5 August 2010)

585 Ian Deitch, 6 July 2010; Israel keeping flotilla ships until inquiry ends; AP.

http://tinyurl.com/33f7yqr (Accessed 7 July 2010)

586 Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 26 May 2010; MFA legal expert Sarah Weiss

Maudi on the legal aspects of Gaza aid. op. cit.




(Accessed 25 July 2010)

588 İlyas Edip Terbiyeli, 10 August 2010; Limandaki Mavi Marmara ve Diğer İki

Gemide İnceleme Başladı; İskenderun; (translated via Google Translate).

http://tinyurl.com/2udvnxj (Accessed 29 August 2010)

589 İlyas Edip Terbiyeli, 12 August 2010; Mavi Marmara Gemisinde İncelemeler

Tamamlandı!; İskenderun; (translated via Google Translate).

http://tinyurl.com/3yxftes (Accessed 29 August 2010)




590 RTAmerica, 3 June 2010; Flotilla debate ratchets up: Norman Finkelstein and

Danny Pollack.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=10XphhuNupw (Accessed 3 August 2010)

591 Robert Mackay, 8 June 2010; Two Activists Describe Radi and Deny Israeli

Claim They Are ‗Terrorist Operatives‘; The Lede.

http://thelede.blogs.nytimes.com/ (Accessed 10 June 2010)

592 AlJazeeraEnglish, 18 June 2010; The Listening Post - The Gaza flotilla video



(Accessed 1 July 2010)

593 Counterfire, 3 June 2010; Freedom Flotilla attack – Daniel Machover of

Lawyers for Palestinian Human Rights.


(Accessed 6 June 2010)

594 AlJazeeraEnglish, 18 June 2010; op. cit.

595 91177info, 10 June 2010; New Video Smuggled Out of Israeli Gaza Flotilla



(Accessed 1 July 2010)

596 Ian Shelton, 7 June 2010; B.C. activist took photos of deadly Gaza flotilla

clash; Vancouver Sun.

http://tinyurl.com/2w2yqkf (Accessed 12 June 2010)

597 Today‟s Zaman, 3 June 2010; IHH website downed before Israel attack on aid


http://tinyurl.com/28qnftb (Accessed 29 July 2010)

598 Ynet reporters, 1 June 2010; Hundreds detained at Ashdod port;



(Accessed 8 June 2010)

599 Mel Frykberg, 4 June 2010; Israel censors news on deadly Flotilla raid;

Electronic Intifada.

http://electronicintifada.net/v2/article11317.shtml (Accessed 6 June 2010)

600 REPORTERS WITHOUT BORDERS, 7 June 2010; Interview with flotilla


http://tinyurl.com/35wjhou (Accessed 9 June 2010)

601 RTÉ News, 5 June 2010; Prime Time.


(Accessed 9 June 2010) 602 Giles Tremlett, 4 June 2010; Gaza flotilla attack: Israeli ambassador to Madrid

tries to play down deaths; guardian.co.uk.



http://tinyurl.com/2vcz52z (Accessed 4 August 2010)

603 Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 21 June 2010; IDF forces met with pre-

planned violence when attempting to board flotilla.

http://tinyurl.com/36v4lad (Accessed 24 June 2010) 604 Mohamed Vall; in NEWS MIDDLE EAST, 3 June; Passengers recount mid-

sea horror. ALJAZEERA.NET.

http://tinyurl.com/2v6sq23 (Accessed 6 June 2010)

605 Masarwa, L. (2010). From ‟48 to Gaza. In Bayoumi, B. (ed) Midnight on the

Mavi Marmara. OR Books, New York, p.41.

606 Blumenthal, M. (2010). The Israeli Media‟s Flotilla Fail. In Bayoumi, B. (ed)

Midnight on the Mavi Marmara. OR Books, New York, p.189.

607 Ibid. p.187.

608 Mya Guarnieri, 5 June 2010; Israel under fire for doctoring flotilla recordings;

Ma‟an News Agency.


(Accessed 5 June 2010)

609 Max Blumenthal, 5 June 2010; IDF Admits It Doctored Flotilla audio Clip.

Washington Post‘s Kessler Must Retract.

http://tinyurl.com/2d58jun (Accessed 6 June 2010)

610 Blumenthal, M. (2010). op. cit., p.188.

611 indymedia Ireland; Part 2 Huwaida Arraf interviewed 7-06-2010.

(Accessed 23 June 2010)

612 Max Blumenthal, 3 June 2010; Under Scrutiny, IDF Retracts Claims About

Flotilla‘s Al Qaeda Links.

http://tinyurl.com/39tzw7m (Accessed 6 June 2010)

613 Israel Defence Force Spokesperson, 6 June 2010; Specific Flotilla Passengers

Linked to Al-Qaeda, Hamas and Other Terror Organizations, 6 June 2010.

http://tinyurl.com/25437ql (Accessed 8 June 2010)

614 Blumenthal, M. (2010). op. cit., p.188.

615 Robert Mackay, 8 June 2010; op. cit.

616 Mary Fitzgerald, 8 June 2010; Activist considers legal action against Israel;


http://tinyurl.com/2c6gytw (Accessed 10 June 2010)

617 Freedom Flotilla, 28 May 2010; Israel‘s Disinformation campaign Against the

Gaza Freedom Flotilla; press release.

http://palsolidarity.org/2010/05/12531/ (Accessed 26 August 2010)



618 Nir Hasson, 27 May 2010; Gaza aid convoy refuses to deliver package to Gilad

Shalit; Haaretz.com.

http://tinyurl.com/32vgoln (Accessed 26 August 2010)

619 Ahiya Raved, 27 May 2010; Shalit family‘s offer to back Gaza flotilla declined;



(Accessed 26 August 2010)

620 Marco Lucas, 8 June 2010; ―Israel has made us feel apartheid Palestinians

living for years‖; L'informatiu / Rebellion.

http://tinyurl.com/3xl9k89 (Accessed 26 August 2010)


621 Tania Kepler, 7 June 2010; Israeli Knesset Committee Recommends Revoking

privileges of MK Zoabi After Her Participation in Freedom Flotilla; Alternative

Information Center.

http://tinyurl.com/2vecj6e (Accessed 7 June 2010)

622 Mel Frykberg, 4 June 2010; Israel censors news on deadly Flotilla raid;

Electronic Intifada.

http://electronicintifada.net/v2/article11317.shtml (Accessed 6 June 2010)

623 Dmitry Reider, 1 September 2010; Likud, Israeli Arabs ,and the one-state

solution; Foreign Policy.

http://tinyurl.com/34lgcxm (Accessed 6 September 2010)

624 Israeli Occupation Archive, 2 June 2010; Palestinian Arab MK Hanin Zoabi

Viciously Attacked in Israel‘s Parliament.

http://tinyurl.com/2dch7hu (Accessed 7 June 2010)

625 Amy Goodman, 9 June 2010; Palestinian Member of Israeli Knesset Receives

Death Threats After Surviving Israeli Raid on Gaza Flotilla; Democracy Now.

http://tinyurl.com/2wa9t2g (Accessed 15 June 2010)

626 Dmitry Reider, 1 September 2010; op. cit.

627 Hana Levi Julian, 6 June 2010; Medal for Israeli Commando for Valor on Mavi

Marmara? IsraelNationalNews.com.


(Accessed 10 June 2010)

628 Tania Kepler, 7 June 2010; op. cit.

629 Jonathan Lis, 13 July 2010; Knesset revokes Arab MK Zoabi‘s privileges over

Gaza flotilla; Haaretz.com.

http://tinyurl.com/2f56yhk (Accessed 13 July 2010)


630 Guardian.co.uk, 1 June 2010; Flotilla attack: full UN statement.



http://tinyurl.com/33p6qru (Accessed 3 June 2010) 631 Anshel Pfeffer, 7 June 2010; Naval reserve patrol boat brass demand external


http://tinyurl.com/3xouclg (Accessed 1 August 2010)

12.1 The Israeli commission of inquiry

632 Barak Ravid, 13 June 2010); Abbas to Obama: I'm against lifting the Gaza

naval blockade; Haaretz.com.

http://tinyurl.com/2ea7x3x (Accessed 15 June 2010)

633 Amnesty International, 15 June 2010; Israel Gaza commission criticised over

transparency and accountability; AI Index: PRE01/195/2010.

http://tinyurl.com/2vfryou (Accessed 17 June 2010)

634 Richard Silverstein, undated; Tikun Olan.

http://tinyurl.com/2e2ar76 (Accessed 15 June 2010)

635 Paul Wood, 14 June; Israel sets up inquiry into deadly Gaza flotilla raid; BBC



(Accessed 17 June 2010)

636 Haaretz editorial, 15 June 2010; Neither commission nor inquiry.

http://tinyurl.com/32acsm7 (Accessed 15 June 2010)

637 Amnesty International, 15 June 2010; op. cit.

638 BBC News, 14 June 2010; Israel sets up inquiry into deadly Gaza flotilla raid.


(Accessed 17 June 2010) 639 Free Gaza team, 15 June 2010; ICRC: Israel‘s Blockade Breaks the Law Free

Gaza: Send More Ships; Press release from the Free Gaza Movement.

640 Haaretz.com, 15 June 2010; State Comptroller to probe Israel's raid on Gaza


http://tinyurl.com/32qg7dv (Accessed 15 June 2010)

641 Barak Ravid, 29 June 2010; Netanyahu likely to widen remit of Baza flotilla

probe after judge threatens to quit; Haaretz.com.

http://tinyurl.com/2vtf9h3 (Accessed 3 August 2010)

642 Barak Ravid, 4 July 2010; Government expands authority of Gaza flotilla

probe commission; Haaretz.com.

http://tinyurl.com/376urej (Accessed 3 August 2010)

643 Attila Somfalvi, 15 July 2010; Turkel committee demands documents;



(Accessed 16 July 2010)



644 The Associated Press, 13 June 2010; Israel's Barak calls off Paris visit amid


http://tinyurl.com/3ycmjpz (Accessed 13 June 2010)

645 Insani Yardim Vakfi, undated; Yildirim: We are not looking for a reconciliation

with Israel.

http://tinyurl.com/25ddggy (Accessed 6 July 2010)

12.2 UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) Resolution 2 June 2010 646 Human Rights Council, June 2010; Advance unedited version

A/HRC/RES/14/1. 647 Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, 23 July 2010; United

Nations Human Rights Panel to investigate Israeli raid on Gaza flotilla


http://tinyurl.com/2ue4b8d (Accessed 23 July 2010)

648 MaximsNewsNetwork, 28 July 2010; GAZA FLOTILLA INVESTIGATION:U.N.



(Accessed 18 August 2010)

649 Reuters and Haaretz Service, 23 July 2010; UN rights body names team to

probe Gaza flotilla raid; Haaretz.com.

http://tinyurl.com/2cgpasl (Accessed 23 July 2010)

650 Jack Khoury, Barak Ravid and Shlomo Shamir, 25 July 2010; Israel: We won‘t

assist ‗obsessive‘ UN Gaza flotilla probe; Haaretz. com.

http://tinyurl.com/37cxeug (Accessed 25 July 2010)

651 Kevin Neish, 3 August 2010; pers.comm.

652 Hürriyet Daily News, 23 August 2010; Int‘l Gaza flotilla committee holds talks in


http://tinyurl.com/2fnysgh (Accessed 23 August 2010)

12.3 IDF team of experts under Maj-Gen (Res.) Eiland

653 Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 12 July 2010; Maj-Gen (res.) Eiland presents

conclusions of examination team.

http://tinyurl.com/29t8l94 (Accessed 24 July 2010)

12.4 The investigation by Israel’s State Comptroller

654 Haaretz.com, 15 June 2010; State Comptroller to probe Israel's raid on Gaza


http://tinyurl.com/32qg7dv (Accessed 15 June 2010)

12.5 The UN Panel of Inquiry



655 TVNZ, 3 August 2010; Palmer: NZ chosen by UN because ―detached‖.

http://tinyurl.com/35kv4ml (Accessed 5 August 2010)

656 Gordon Campbell, 3 August 2010; On the Gaza inquiry, and new twists in the

Carter affair; GORDON CAMPBELL.scoop.co.nz.

http://tinyurl.com/2uhbl5k (Accessed 5 August 2010)

657 C.L. Cook, 3 August 2010; Ban Names Principles for Lethal Israeli Commando

Flotilla Raid Review Panel; Pacific Free Press.

http://tinyurl.com/24625g7 (Accessed 5 August 2010)

658 Kenneth Roth, 26 June 2010; Colombia: Obama Should Press Uribe on Rights;

Human Rights Watch.

http://tinyurl.com/mjc5ko (Accessed 5 August 2010)

659 Barak Ravid and Natasha Mozgovaya, 2 August 2010; ‗Israel‘s part in UN

flotilla probe elimainates need for other inquiries‘; Haaretz.com.

http://tinyurl.com/39maych (Accessed 5 August 2010)

660 Harriet Sherwood, 2 August 2010; Gaza flotilla raid: Israel to co-operate with

UN inquiry; guardian.co.uk.

http://tinyurl.com/2c6otlc (Accessed 2 August 2010)

661 Barak Ravid, 3 August 2010; Opposition fury after Netanyahu accepts UN

Gaza flotilla probe; Haaretz.com.

http://tinyurl.com/254wmav (Accessed 13 August 2010)

12.6 The UN Human Rights Committee

662 Human Rights Committee, 29 July 2010; Consideration of reports submitted by

States parties under article 40 of the Covenant.


(Accessed 30 July 2010)

663 United Nations Treaty Collection, undated.

http://tinyurl.com/322pmkw (Accessed 2 August 2010)

12.7 Legal proceedings

664 John Goetz, 11 June 2010; German Activists File War Crimes Complaints;



(Accessed 13 June 2010)

665 Ma‟an News Agency, 17 June 2010; UK charity to sue Israel over flotilla raid.


(Accessed 17 June 2010)

666 Gérard Bon, Lucien Libert and Reuters TV, 12 June 2010; Flotille de la Liberté:

Dépot des plaintes devant la justice française et la CPI ; CAPJPO-




http://www.europalestine.com/spip.php?article5177 (Accessed 13 June 2010)

667 Free Gaza team, 15 June 2010; ICRC: Israel‘s Blockade Breaks the Law Free

Gaza: Send More Ships; Press release from the Free Gaza Movement.

668 Elias Harb, 19 July 2010; Richard Falk: The Shock Resulting from Flotilla Attack

has Reinforced the Campaign to de-Legitimize Israel; Intifada.

http://tinyurl.com/2ejucn6 (Accessed 2 August 2010)

669 Ma‟an News, 17 June 2010; UK charity to sue Israel over flotilla raid.


(Accessed 17 June 2010) 670 Jack Khoury, Natasha Mozgovaya, Barak Ravid and Zvi Bar‟el, 22 July 2010;

Israel launches campaign to halt Lebanon flotilla bound for Gaza;


http://tinyurl.com/39ljwdh (Accessed 22 July 2010)

12.8 U.S. Freedom of Information request

671 Center for Constitutional Rights, 1 July 2010; Rights Group Files FOIA Requests

Regarding Israel Attack on Flotilla Delivering Aid to Gaza.

http://tinyurl.com/2c887dx (Accessed 22 July 2010)


672 Ivan Watson and Talia Kayali, 4 June 2010; Autopsies reveal 9 men on Gaza aid

boat shot, 5 in head; CNN.


(Accessed 30 August 2010)

673 Times Online, 2 June 2010; Israel deports activists as pressure mounts for

Gaza probe.

http://tinyurl.com/35sxj5m (Accessed 7 July 2010)

674 David Halpin, 23 April 2009; Piracy off the Promised Land: The Ramming of

the Dignity with Clear Lethal Intent.

http://tinyurl.com/34senwq (Accessed 25 May 2010)

675 cbcnews, 5 February 2009; Israel seizes Lebanese ship heading for Gaza.


(Accessed 1 June 2010)

676 Free Gaza Team, 5 January 2009; A Simple Idea.

http://www.freegaza.org/en/boat-trips (Accessed 25 May 2010)

677 IsraelMFA, 15 June 2010; Overview of Israel Navy Interception of the Gaza


http://tinyurl.com/2vj4bq5 (Accessed 24 June 2010)

678 Sabina Tavernise and Ethnan Bronner, 4 June 2010; Days of Planning Led to

Flotilla‘s Hour of Chaos; New York Times.



http://tinyurl.com/38w79v8 (Accessed 7 July 2010)

679 novinite.com, 3 June 2010; Bulgarian Gaza Reporter: Turkish Ship Was

Provocation for Israel.

http://www.novinite.com/view_news.php?id=116792 (Accessed 5 July 2010)

680 Iara Lee, 5 June 2010; What happened to us is happening in Gaza; San

Francisco Chronicle.

http://tinyurl.com/36jjr4k (Accessed 13 July 2010)

681 Daniel Binns, 9 June 2010; CHINGFORD: Flotilla survivor returns home. #east

London and West Essex Guardian.

http://tinyurl.com/3adrh5n (Accessed 6 July 2010)

682 Cited in http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/Terrorism/terrordef.html

(Accessed 23 June 2010)

683 scarlett83, 3 June 2010; Israel Spokesman‘s hard times with English Reporter

after Israeli Attack Peace Flotilla.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Q167f6wHoo (Accessed 24 June 2010)

684 Haaretz editorial, 13 June 2010; The public has a right to know; Haaretz.com.

http://tinyurl.com/34l24hh (Accessed 17 June 2010)

15.0 EPILOGUE 685 Sarah Irving, 7 July 2010; Water in Gaza:‖ it‘s not a simple problem‖;

Electronic Intifada.

http://electronicintifada.net/v2/article11373.shtml (Accessed 12 July 2010)

686 O‟Keefe, K. (2010). Defenders of the Mavi Marmara. In Bayoumi, B. (ed)

Midnight on the Mavi Marmara. OR Books, New York, p.37.