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Chapter 30

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In the religion game it is all about who is God's favorite race or people that have the inside favor from the top guy. Of course each religion assures their followers that their prophet, priest, imam, pastor, or holy man has the inside scoop on the real truth and of course favored God status which of course does a wonderful job of fomenting wars, hatred, or just plain ole we are better than you beliefs.The Golden Rule on the other hand makes no such promises or distinctionsbecause the only thing the Golden Rule will ever give anyone back to them is simply being treated like one treats others. In some circles this is called unconditional love which is what everyone purports how their God operates. The only difference being it then becomes impossible to get favored people status by being in a group but instead anyone can enjoy the favor of their fellow man by simply being and doing for others the very things that everyone wants from others. Beyond that is nothing but just plain ole religion that gives out the badges of God loves you more as the sales/snow job to join the real saved ones while everyone else can just go to hell.