3 Positivity Practices Guaranteed to Change your Life

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3 Positivity Practices Guaranteed to Change your Life

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Let’s start with your biggest life challenge:

Negativity is all around us.

In fact, research shows that, of the average 50,000 thoughts that enter our minds each day, 80% of our

thoughts are negative. That’s 40,000 negative thoughts affecting every aspect of our lives with life-draining

consequences: discouragement, depression, irritation, lack of motivation, fractured relationships, debt,

unhappiness at our jobs and an overall feeling that life is a letdown. And, since most of our thoughts are

subconscious, our brains are literally swimming in cesspools of negativity. That seems overwhelming.

But, you CAN turn the tide.

Imagine if you could interrupt negative thought patterns and create 80% positive thoughts centered around

the things you really want to get out of life. How different would your life be? Actually, that’s too vague. How

improved would your life be? How much better would you feel?

By taking a risk and joining the Positivist Community, you have already made a powerful first step! It shows that

you want a better life for yourself. At the very least, it shows that you are courageous enough to explore the

possibility of a better life. Just for taking 1 step and joining this journey, we are going to give you an incredible

and life-changing starting place!

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3 Positivity Practices Guaranteed to

Change your Life

How do we break the overwhelming negative thought patterns in our minds? First, let’s admit that we can’t just

“will” our thoughts to be more positive. Most of them are sub-conscious anyway. In fact, the more you try to

“think” or “will” your way around your negative thoughts the more powerful they will become. Your mind has to

be changed on a deeper level. Research shows that focusing on 3 key areas throughout your day can break the

cycle of negativity, create new thought patterns, and change how you are experiencing your life.

1 Create a Better Day!

Doctors tell us that the first thing our bodies need every morning is a 12 ounce glass of water. It ‘wakes

up’ our internal organs after hours of rest. In the same way, our minds need a healthy dose of positivity

to begin each and every day. Whether you wake up foggy-headed or wide-eyed and bushy-tailed, in

those first waking moments your mind is like a blank canvas. This presents a powerful opportunity you

can use to set the stage for your best possible day.

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Here’s how:

Create a simple (emphasis on the word simple) daily action plan of what you will do the first 5 minutes

of every single morning. The key is to plan it the night before. For example:

• What passage will you read from a positive or inspirational book?

• What motivational message will you listen to?

• What music will you play?

• What will you say to yourself?

• What prayer or meditation will you say and do?

We know that just the simple act of making this decision before you go to sleep will reduce worry and

anxiety for the next day. And, as you start your day, it will also trigger the neuro-chemicals in your brain

connected to happiness and fulfillment.

If you want to get the most out of this Positivity Practice, include things that motivate you and represent

positivity to you. I like scented candles, a steaming hot cup of coffee, lavender essential oil, or a short

walk outside (with a hot cup of coffee, of course!). A short walk is a luxury, but when I can it’s my

favorite way to start the day. Seeing the beautiful church in my town square gives me a sense of awe,

wonder and heartfelt appreciation. Do similar things that uniquely motivate and inspire you.

It starts with how you start. Create a Better Day!




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2 Put Positive Words to Work!

Words, spoken and unspoken, are incredibly powerful, and you can leverage that power by using words in a

highly intentional way. Positive Word Rituals translate our thoughts into words so they can become actions in

every part of our life - breaking patterns of negative thoughts, negative speech and negative results.

As part of you day, 3 times a day, read personal statements that express your intentional life. This is your

way of drawing a line in the sand about who you are and who you are becoming. What do you long

for? What do you want out of your life? What kind of relationships and connections do you need? What

are the areas of strength and talent you can actively recognize in yourself? Make this personal to you

and write it on a 3x5 index card, a message app on your smart-phone, or hanging on the refrigerator.

Look at the words intently and read these statements with TOTAL focus 3 separate times every single

day. Stay in the moment thinking and seeing powerful, life-giving words as they enter your mind –

creating new thought pathways. Then, as you get more bold, gradually introduce open-ended questions

as part of your Daily Positive Word Ritual. These questions aren’t meant to have answers. You are

actively preparing your mind for new possibilities, discoveries, and opportunities.

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As an example, here is how I Put Positive Words to Work in my own life:

• I have unique talents that I can tap into and use today. (What will today’s open doors be?)

• I will create incredible connections and relationships today with people that will help guide me to accomplish my dreams. (Who can I help toward their dreams?)

• My life is filled with positivity, good things and inspiration. (How many of them can I notice today?)

• My marriage is becoming deeper and filled with more love every single day. (Where will I discover even more space for love in my heart?)

• Creativity flows through me as a benefit to others and to help me create the kind of life I long for. (What new inspirations will I find today?)

• Every decision I face today will be made with clarity and confidence. (What exciting and undiscovered challenges are in front of me?)

To really make this stick, also read your Positive Word Ritual aloud once a day. Now you are thinking,

seeing, AND hearing powerful, intentional words – creating new and deeper impressions in your

thought processes.

Congratulations! You are now actually CHANGING your mind.




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3 Cultivate Deep Gratitude

In positive psychology research, gratitude is consistently associated with greater happiness. It helps

people feel more positive emotions, enjoy meaningful experiences, improve their health, sleep better,

deal with difficulties and build strong relationships. In fact, one research project out of the Universities

of Miami and California showed that, after 10 weeks, people who focused on gratitude were more

optimistic, felt better, and had fewer visits to a physician than people who focused on their complaints.

Again, after ONLY 10 weeks!

Even more, researchers have also zeroed in on proven practices that help us reap the social,

psychological, and health benefits that come from being deeply thankful. One proven way to access the

power of gratitude is to Keep a Gratitude Journal.

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How do you do this? It’s very easy:

First, find a quiet place during your day to reflect on the things for which you are truly thankful. Just

focusing on one thing a day will absolutely increase your levels of positivity. But, you can’t just “think” it.

To get the results you want you have to WRITE it. Buy a journal or create a notebook on your computer

and make it a habit to record and reflect once a day. By writing down specific points of gratitude you

are re-introducing them into your thoughts through your visual experience. As you write, you are

committing to each point of gratitude and forcing that thought pattern to travel through your mind in

new ways.

To take it to the next level, also read your Gratitude Journal entries out loud to yourself once or twice during

each week. Now, you are introducing your intentional thankfulness into your thought patterns through

both a visual and audible experience. As you make a daily practice of active gratitude – engaging you mind,

emotions, and senses – you are physically altering the neuro-pathways in your mind.

This is such a powerful practice. Honestly, for many people I know, cultivating deep gratitude is the one

factor that has tipped the scales toward a more positive, meaningful, and effective life experience. But,

the best proof is in your own life.

I can’t wait for you to discover the power of gratitude for yourself!




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With these 3 Positivity Practices you are equipped with a life-changing place to start your positivity journey:

1 Create a Better Day with a daily action plan. Write this the night before

and take the first 5 minutes of every day to execute it.

2 Put Positive Words to Work — write down your personal vision and

read it to yourself 3 times a day.

3 Cultivate Deep Gratitude — start a Gratitude Journal and write down at

least 1 thing you are grateful for every single day.

As you are making these simple practices a part of your everyday life, your mind will actually start to SUPPORT

you instead of instead of working against you! I’m excited for you to experience this awesome, rapid, and lasting


Again, thank you for joining YourPositivityCoach.com and becoming part of the Positivist Community. These 3

simple practices are based on scientific research and will really change your life as you put them in motion. In

fact, the more I research positivity and the more I live it in my own life, the more captivated I am by its power to

completely transform our lives!

Start today, or even RIGHT NOW!

Start with these 3 simple practices and Unleash the Power of Positivity in YOUR LIFE!