s Lighting This photo is a good one because there are different areas of lighting. It was snowing when the picture was taken and the clouds in background make the orange light from the street lights, a bit hazy and misty. One of lights behind the a tree give a nice effect on the rest of the picture. D.O.F (Depth of field) In this photo, there is no real amount of depth of field, because there is no main focus in the picture. The photo is showing the whole of the terrain and the clear blue sky. Everything needs to stay in focus or the picture because there is no specific object in the picture that could be focused on, the whole mountain takes up the photo, so blurring some of the mountain wouldnʼt look very good. It is better to appreciate the whole of the photo.

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This photo is a good one because there are different areas of lighting. It was snowing when the picture was taken and the clouds in background make the orange light from the street lights, a bit hazy and misty.One of lights behind the a tree give a nice effect on the rest of the picture.

D.O.F (Depth of field)

In this photo, there is no real amount of depth of field, because there is no main focus in the picture. The photo is showing the whole of the terrain and the clear blue sky. Everything needs to stay in focus or the picture because there is no specific object in the picture that could be focused on, the whole mountain takes up the photo, so blurring some of the mountain wouldnʼt look very good. It is better to appreciate the whole of the photo.



This picture gives good perspective of how big the mountain is because you can see the smaller mountains that are lower but still far away. Another way to see just how tall the mountain is, is the cloud that is in front of the mountain.