Photo Captions Mr. Lawrence Ho, Co-Chairman and CEO of Melco Crown Entertainment Limited visited incredible international cast of performers with Mr. Franco Dragone, Founder of Franco Dragone Entertainment Group in the Lint rehearsal studio at Belgium Franco Dragone Franco Dragone International cast of acrobats rehearse on the Chandelier

3 - Photo Captions€¦ · Photo Captions The 270-degree theater-in-the-round has a central stage with a diameter of approximately 656 feet, surrounded by sloped seating on three

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Page 1: 3 - Photo Captions€¦ · Photo Captions The 270-degree theater-in-the-round has a central stage with a diameter of approximately 656 feet, surrounded by sloped seating on three

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Mr. Lawrence Ho, Co-Chairman and CEO of Melco Crown Entertainment Limited visited incredible

international cast of performers with Mr. Franco Dragone, Founder of Franco Dragone Entertainment Group in

the Lint rehearsal studio at Belgium 新濠博亞娛樂有限公司聯席主席及行政總裁何猷龍先生到訪比利時林特排練工作坊,與 Franco Dragone 娛樂集團創辦人 Franco Dragone先生及技藝超凡的國際匯演演員合照

International cast of acrobats rehearse on

the Chandelier 國際級雜技演員在吊架上排練

Page 2: 3 - Photo Captions€¦ · Photo Captions The 270-degree theater-in-the-round has a central stage with a diameter of approximately 656 feet, surrounded by sloped seating on three

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A working story board of ‘The House of Dancing Water’ – A spectacular epic love story that transcends time

and space. 「水舞間」的製作故事圖稿─ 一個震撼人心、超越時間及空間的史詩式愛情故事

Exciting Moto-cycle stunts in a scene from ‘The House of Dancing Water’ 「水舞間」驚心動魄的電單車特技表演

Page 3: 3 - Photo Captions€¦ · Photo Captions The 270-degree theater-in-the-round has a central stage with a diameter of approximately 656 feet, surrounded by sloped seating on three

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Dancing Water Theater大型劇院是由貝氏建築事務所特別為全球最大型的長駐水上滙演「水舞間」設計而成。Dancing Water Theater位於澳門嶄新熱門必遊的綜合娛樂度假勝地─新濠天地。

‘The House of Dancing Water” will be housed in a purpose built Dancing Water Theater designed by Pei

Partnership. It contains one of the most impressive commercial pools in the world, holding approximately 3.7

million gallons, more than five Olympic-sized swimming pools, and will be one of the largest water-based

theaters in the world. 「水舞間」將於「Dancing Water Theater」大型劇院公演。劇院由貝氏建築事務所特別建造,内設全球最壯觀宏偉的商用泳池,容量達约 370 萬加侖,多於五個奧林匹克標準泳池的容量,氣勢磅礡,將會是史上最大型以水為題的劇院之一。

Page 4: 3 - Photo Captions€¦ · Photo Captions The 270-degree theater-in-the-round has a central stage with a diameter of approximately 656 feet, surrounded by sloped seating on three

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The 270-degree theater-in-the-round has a central stage with a diameter of approximately 656 feet,

surrounded by sloped seating on three sides for as many as 2,000 theatre patrons. 劇院設計擁有 270度環迴效果,中央舞台直徑長約 656呎。坐位環繞著三面舞台,場館可容納約 2,000名觀眾。