3 Dreamland Margate SC Dreamland Business Plan

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Page 1: 3 Dreamland Margate SC Dreamland Business Plan

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Source: The Dreamland Trust

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Source: Chris Parker Photography.

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Life stage Description% of

populationPre-/no family aged under 45 who are not parents 28%Family any age with at least one child aged under 16 still at home 27%Third age aged 45-64 with no children aged under 16 25%Retired aged over 65 with no children aged under 16 20%

Source: UK National Statistics

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2001 2003 2006 (est) 2009 (proj) 2011 (proj)% change 2001-06

% change 2006-11

AB 11,400,000 12,100,000 12,700,000 13,100,000 13,500,000 12 6C1 13,000,000 13,800,000 14,400,000 14,900,000 15,100,000 10 5C2 10,300,000 10,100,000 10,300,000 10,400,000 10,400,000 0.1 0.5D 8,300,000 8,000,000 8,000,000 7,900,000 7,900,000 -4 -0.6E 4,900,000 4,400,000 4,000,000 4,500,000 4,500,000 -11 4Total 48,000,000 48,000,000 49,000,000 51,000,000 51,000,000 3.7 3.2

Source: UK National Statistics

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2009 (proj)


AB 24% 25% 26% 26% 26%C1 27% 29% 29% 29% 30%C2 21% 21% 21% 20% 20%D 17% 17% 16% 15% 15%E 10% 9% 8% 9% 9%

Source: UK National Statistics

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�� �����3��� �� �����# ����(!�������������� �������44��Trips Spend

Urban 884,000 £32,354,000Rural 134,000 £3,293,000Coastal 1,220,000 £18,495,000Total 2,238,000 £54,142,000

Source: The Economic Impact of Tourism in Thanet 2003


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Holiday 90%Business 0%VFR 6%Study 0%Other 4%

Source: Margate Destination Benchmarking Visitor Survey 2004

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Catering £5.69Shopping £3.77Attractions £1.22Travel £2.78Average Total £13.47

Page 48: 3 Dreamland Margate SC Dreamland Business Plan

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Source: Margate Destination Benchmarking Visitor Survey 2004

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AB 11%C1 30%C2 41%DE 18%

Source: Margate Destination Benchmarking Visitor Survey 2004

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Origin %

Kent 39Greater London 26Essex 5Middlesex 3Surrey 3Hertfordshire 2Scotland 2Other 20

Source: Margate Destination Benchmarking Visitor Survey 2004

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Page 49: 3 Dreamland Margate SC Dreamland Business Plan

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; �����$� ������44*�Region Trips (millions) % of Trips

South West 20.46 20%South East 17.86 18%North West 13.04 13%East of England 10.57 10%Yorkshire 10.35 10%London 10.14 10%West Midlands 8.4 8%East Midlands 7.37 7%North East 3.64 4%Total 101.83 100%

Source: Visit Britain, United Kingdom Tourism Survey 2007

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Page 50: 3 Dreamland Margate SC Dreamland Business Plan

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2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007Holiday Visits (000) 998 903 1,083 1,156 1,062 1,220

Nights (000) 6,567 5,898 6,099 6,387 7,185 7,435 Spend (£m) £287 £270 £274 £331 £337 £337

Business Visits (000) 962 898 994 1,098 1,107 1,104 Nights (000) 4,054 3,561 4,278 5,070 5,020 5,143 Spend (£m) £424 £366 £472 £455 £544 £544

VFR Visits (000) 1,244 1,334 1,404 1,454 1,604 1,704 Nights (000) 10,610 11,805 12,373 14,210 14,913 14,392 Spend (£m) £340 £375 £389 £388 £436 £458

Study Visits (000) 192 176 160 145 160 143 Nights (000) 5,518 4,799 5,131 4,408 5,321 3,035 Spend (£m) £250 £209 £218 £196 £236 £179

Other Visits (000) 300 279 305 291 385 297 Nights (000) 2,083 2,307 3,396 2,611 3,535 2,382 Spend (£m) £100 £75 £113 £100 £127 £83Total Visits (000s) 3,696 3,590 3,946 4,144 4,317 4,468 Total Nights (000s) 28,831 28,371 31,277 32,686 35,974 32,387 Total Spend (£m) £1,400 £1,295 £1,467 £1,470 £1,679 £1,578

Source: International Passenger Survey

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Page 51: 3 Dreamland Margate SC Dreamland Business Plan

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�� �����)��: �����- �: ���������������� ���������= �����44�/��44)�2003 2006

Trips (millions) 4.1 4Nights (millions) 12 11.9Spend (£m) £503 £525

Source: Economic Impact of Tourism in Kent 2006

�?�� ������� � ���� ��� � ��� ������� ,��� 9�������� ����� /��� ,��� �� ?������� #*�K$� ,����/��� ���

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�� �����*��7�� ������#��!�� ���������� �� ����= ������44)�Purpose % of Visits

Holiday 52Business 28VFR 16Study 0Other 4Total 100

Source: Economic Impact of Tourism in Kent 2006

;�����������?����������� �����,���*(K��,��?����������� �������8������ ���������).�

�� �����1��# ����(!�7�� ������#��!�� ���������: ���������= ������44)�Purpose % of Spend

Holiday 53Business 18VFR 24Study 0Other 5Total 100

Source: Economic Impact of Tourism in Kent 2006

&� �+�������>���A�?�/�9��A��?����?����������� �������?����������?��/������/?��?��?��� ��������������� ���� �� �9��A��?������� ���� �: �9��A�/��� ������>������?����?�����������������.�

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Nights Spend

000 % m % £m %

Kent 870 2.6 5.5 2.2 218 1.4

Oxfordshire 630 1.9 4.0 1.6 243 1.5

Surrey 620 1.9 4.8 1.9 214 1.4

Berkshire 600 1.8 3.7 1.5 223 1.4

East Sussex 600 1.8 4.7 1.9 242 1.5

Hampshire 550 1.7 4.2 1.7 174 1.1

West Sussex 500 1.5 3.2 1.3 137 0.9

Buckinghamshire 310 1.0 2.0 0.8 111 0.7

Isle of Wight 50 0.1 0.3 0.1 16 0.1

South East Total 4,470 13.6 32.4 12.9 1,578 10.0

Staying Visits

Source: International Passengers Survey

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�44)�2003 2006

Trips (millions) 777,000 780,000Nights (millions) 5.2 5.3Spend (£m) £232 £240

Source: Economic Impact of Tourism in Kent 2006

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�� ��������7�� ������#��!�� �; '������ �� ����= ������44)�Purpose % of Visits

Holiday 33Business 21VFR 34Study 5Other 7Total 100

Source: Economic Impact of Tourism in Kent 2006

Page 53: 3 Dreamland Margate SC Dreamland Business Plan

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�� ��������# ����(!�7�� ������#��!�� �; '�����: ���������= ������44)�Purpose % of Spend

Holiday 23Business 20VFR 29Study 18Other 10Total 100

Source: Economic Impact of Tourism in Kent 2006

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Page 54: 3 Dreamland Margate SC Dreamland Business Plan

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�� ��������: �����- �: ���������������#��!�� �: ���������� �������44)�2003 2006

Trips 411,000 412,000Nights (millions) 1.16 1.14Spend (£m) £54 £59

Source: The Economic Impact of Tourism in Thanet 2006

����� � ���������������������/�����?����������������������,��8������ ��.�

�� �����"��,���&��� �������������2� ������������� �������44)�Type Value (£m) %

Accommodation £20.1 34%Retail £8.3 14%Catering £13.1 22%Attractions £6.7 11%Travel £11.1 19%Total £59.3 100%

Source: The Economic Impact of Tourism in Thanet 2006

�?�����)������������������� ���� �������,�����.�+�����(A��������%�K��,��?������������?�����

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�� �����%��7�� ��������������#��!�� �: ���������� ��������44��

PurposeTrips (in

Thousands) % of visits

Holiday 283 69%Business 38 9%VFR 83 20%Other 7 2%

Total 411 100% Source: The Economic Impact of Tourism in Thanet 2003

�?�� ��������� �,� �?���� 9�������� ��������� ��� �� F*"� � ������.� � ������� ���� ��� 9��������

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�� �����)��# �������#��!�� ���������: ������(!�7�� ������� ��������44��Purpose Spend % of spend

Holiday £39,506,000 72%Business £7,059,000 13%VFR £6,721,000 12%Other £1,552,000 3%Total £54,838,000 100%

Source: The Economic Impact of Tourism in Thanet 2003

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�� �����*��: �����- �: �������; '�����#��!�� �: ���������� �������44)�2003 2006

Trips 86,000 86,500Nights (millions) 0.7 0.715Spend (£m) £29 £30

Source: The Economic Impact of Tourism in Thanet 2006

:?������� ���� ����� � �������� ���� ����� ,��� ��� �� )�K� �,� ���� �8������ ��� ��� �9�������


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� ��������44)�Type Value (£m) %

Accommodation £8.3 28%Retail £9.2 31%Catering £5.5 18%Attractions £4.7 16%Travel £2.4 8%Total £30.1 100%

Source: The Economic Impact of Tourism in Thanet 2006

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PurposeTrips (in

Thousands) % of visits

Holiday 39 45%Business 8 9%VFR 17 20%Other 4 5%

Study 18 21%Total 86 100%

Source: The Economic Impact of Tourism in Thanet 2003

Page 56: 3 Dreamland Margate SC Dreamland Business Plan

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Attraction VisitorsAdult Day Pass

(High Season Adult 2009)Blackpool Pleasure Beach 6,000,000 £30 (incl. £5 entrance fee)Brighton Pier 4,500,000 Free entryAlton Towers 2,000,000 £29Chessington World of Adventures 1,500,000 £23Thorpe Park 1,500,000 £35Legoland 1,500,000 £35Adventure Island, Southend 1,500,000 £22 (Free entry)Flamingoland 1,400,000 £23Pleasure Beach, Great Yarmouth 1,400,000 £18 (Free entry)Drayton Manor 1,200,000 £23Wicksteed Park 643,000 £10Paultons Park 550,000 £17.50Woodlands Leisure Park 400,000 £10Lightwater Valley 330,000 £18Pleasurewood Hills, Lowestoft 210,000 £16Blackgang Chine, IoW 193,000 £10 Source: VisitBritain Attractions Monitor

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Chessington World of Adventures 2,270,000 11,700,000 16,700,000 Alton Towers 290,000 2,420,000 12,400,000 Adventure Island, Southend 420,000 2,010,000 10,500,000 Paultons Park 88,000 2,730,000 8,250,000 Blackpool Pleasure Beach 430,000 3,370,000 7,740,000 Dreamland, Margate 280,000 770,000 2,270,000 Great Yarmouth Pleasure Beach 140,000 604,000 930,000

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Source: Locum Consulting

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Source: Locum Consulting

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Source: Locum Consulting

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Attraction EntryBlackpool Pleasure Beach 6,000,000 FBrighton Pier 4,500,000 FWillen Lake and Park 1,000,000 FHarbour Park Family Entertainment 415,000 FMannings Amusement Park 250,000 FSkegness Water Leisure Park 210,000 FNew Palace Family Amusement Centre 150,000 F

Source: VisitBritain Attractions Monitor

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Attraction Visits EntryPortsmouth Historic Dockyard 513,000 £16.00Ironbridge Gorge Museum 494,000 £13.75Beamish 310,000 £15.00North Yorkshire Moors Railway 305,000 £13.75Severn Valley Railway 252,000 £11.50West Somerset Railway 250,000 £5.00Black Country Living Museum 237,000 £9.95Swanage Railway 197,000 £16.00Cutty Sark 160,000 £5.00Romney, Hythe & Dymchurch Railway 160,000 £10.50Anderton Boat Lift 155,000 £6.50Weald and Downlands Living Museum 136,000 £7.70Mid-Hants Railway 130,000 £10.00North Norfolk Railway 126,000 £9.00The Tank Museum 124,000 £8.50Gloucestershire & Warwickshire Railway 110,000 £9.50Midland Railway Centre 110,000 £9.95Moors Valley Railway 110,000 £2.40Canterbury Tales 96,000 £6.95Hartlepool Historic Quay 51,000 £6.50Chiltern Open Air Museum 50,000 £7.50Hollycombe Steam Collection 32,700 £8.50

Source: VisitBritain Attractions Monitor

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Name Type Area 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006Entrance Charge

Canterbury Cathedral Place of Worship CANTERBURY 1,110,529 1,060,166 1,091,684 1,054,886 1,047,380 £6.00Hop Farm Country Park Country Park TONBRIDGE AND MALLING 422,000 452,000 482,000 503,000 500,000 £7.50Leeds Castle Historic Property MAIDSTONE 427,316 433,707 422,801 407,076 413,655 £13.00Dover Castle Historic Property DOVER 289,043 273,028 274,388 290,732 301,450 £9.50Hever Castle & Gardens Historic Property SEVENOAKS 247,025 269,806 256,236 251,138 232,851 £9.80Bewl Water Country Park TUNBRIDGE WELLS 120,000 200,000 190,000 200,000 200,000 £5.00Bedgebury National Pinetum Country Park TUNBRIDGE WELLS 60,000 60,000 50,000 180,000 £2.50Port Lympne Wild Animal Park Wildlife SHEPWAY 306,792 317,904 173,620 £13.95Romney, Hythe & Dymchurch Railway Railway SHEPWAY 164,553 166,000 168,000 160,000 160,000 £11.20Chartwell Historic Property SEVENOAKS 178,675 199,000 185,000 186,699 156,560 £10.00

Source: Visitor Attractions Trends England, 2006

�� ����%%��� � ��������������������= ������44��<��44)�Name Type Area 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006Apple Craft Centre Work Place SWALE 70,000 70,000 75,000 80,000 80,000Maidstone Museum & Bentlif Art Gallery Museum/ Gallery MAIDSTONE 35,065 44,097 49,854 80,000Guildhall & Museum Museum/ Gallery DOVER 61,279 66,366 56,711 64,515Tunbridge Wells Museum Museum/ Gallery TUNBRIDGE WELLS 51,162 55,467 56,661 51,073Lashenden Air Warfare Museum Museum/ Gallery ASHFORD 5,927 6,810Dartford Borough Museum Museum/ Gallery DARTFORD 8,036 7,861 7,682 5,842 6,571Maidstone Carriage Museum Museum/ Gallery MAIDSTONE 4,767 5,232 5,433Eden Valley Museum Museum/ Gallery SEVENOAKS 2,241 4,400 3,865Downderry Nursery Garden HADLOW 2,500 3,000 2,700 3,000 3,300Ashford Borough Museum Museum/ Gallery ASHFORD 3,412 3,255 2,790 2,482 2,983

Source: Visitor Attractions Trends England, 2006

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Name LocationQuex Museum & House and Gardens Birchington Patterson Heritage Birchington-on-SeaCrampton Tower Museum BroadstairsBroadstairs Leisure BroadstairsCrafts USL BroadstairsLittle Art Gallery BroadstairsWaterloo Museum BroadstairsDrapers Mill MargateEast Northdown Farm and Gardens MargateHartsdown Leisure Centre MargateMargate Lifeboat House MargateOld Town Gallery MargateSalmestone Grange MargateThe Shell Grotto MargateThe Tudor House and Museum MargateLiving Museum Walpole Bay Hotel MargateMinster Abbey Minster-in-ThanetMonkton Nature Reserve MonktonThe Spitfire and Hurricane Memorial RamsgateRAF Manston History Museum RamsgateRamsgate Sports Centre RamsgateSandwich & Pegwell Bay Nature Reserve RamsgateThe Grange RamsgateWestcliff Leisure Park RamsgatePlay Bay RamsgateSarre Windmill Sarre Source: Kent County Council

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# Theatre Location Capacity (seats)1 The Marlowe Theatre** Canterbury 10002 Assembley Hall Theatre Tunbridge Wells 10003 Theatre Royal Margate 3504 Gulbenkian Theatre Canterbury University 3405 Granville Theatre* Ramsgate 2806 Trinity Theatre Tunbridge Wells 2807 Whitstable Playhouse Whitstable 1868 Herne Bay Little Theatre Herne Bay 729 Roundhouse Theatre Dover 60

* includes cinema 200 capacity

* £25m reinvestment opening 2011, 1200 seats Source: Visit Kent

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Date Performance Type Price (Adult)December The Fratellis Music (Rock) £20January Aladdin Theatre (regional) £12February Rendzez Vous Club Dance £5

Simple Simon & his Cat Kids Entertainment £54 Poofs & Piano Music/Comedy £15Mr Wonderful Dancing Ballroom Dancing £8A Night of Uk Wrestling Wrestling £10Colin Fry British MediumShip Psychic Demonstration £17.50Andy Abraham Music (X Factor) £20

March Billy Ocean Music (Soul) £22.50The American Dream Theatre (regional) £6Jekyll & Hyde Theatre (regional) £8The All Stars Concert Band £11Lemar Music (Soul) £25Bjorn Again Tribute Band £17.50

April Disco Inferno Night Club £8.50The Enemy Music (Rock) £18Planet Thanet Beer Festival Festival -Essence of Ireland Dance £17Sooty in Space Kids Entertainment £12It's Show time Local variety show £9.50

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�� ����)4�����������������2���(������������������= ����Name District Location Max. Seated Capacity Max Exhibition Area (m2) Bedrooms Parking Leisure FacilitiesAshford International Hotel & Conference Centre Ashford Ashford 400 396 179 400 YesWye Campus (Imperial College) Ashford Wye 285 216 26 500 YesEastwell Manor Ashford Ashford 180 130 62 200 YesLondon Beach Hotel & Golf Club (Best Western) Ashford Tenterden 150 - 26 100 YesHoliday Inn Ashford Central Ashford Ashford 120 120 103 120 NoBoys Hall Ashford Ashford 50 - 8 50 YesUniversity of Kent Canterbury

CityCanterbury 1,700 1,200 3,500 1,200 Yes

Westgate Hall Canterbury City

Canterbury 400 - - - -Canterbury Christchurch University Canterbury

CityCanterbury 330 - 300 - Yes

Canterbury Cathedral Lodge Canterbury City

Canterbury 250 - 35 - NoAbbots Barton Hotel (Best Western) Canterbury

CityCanterbury 180 - 52 90 No

Abode Hotel Canterbury City

Canterbury 150 121 72 18 YesChaucer Hotel Canterbury

CityCanterbury 100 123 42 42 No

St Martins Priory Canterbury City

Canterbury 50 56 - 35 NoExpress by Holiday Inn Canterbury Canterbury

CityCanterbury 36 - 89 120 No

Falstaff Hotel Canterbury City

Canterbury 16 - 47 10 NoDover Cruise Terminals Dover Dover 500 1,300 - 1,120 NoRamada Dover Hotel Dover Dover 350 400 68 120 NoThe Bell Hotel Dover Sandwich 150 113 34 6 NoPines Calyx Dover Dover 100 - - - NoMercure Hythe Imperial Hotel & Spa Shepway Hythe 220 220 100 200 YesPort Lympne Mansion Shepway Port Lympne 150 360 - 600 YesExpress by Holiday Inn Folkestone Shepway Folkestone 40 39 100 100 NoWinter Gardens* Thanet Margate 1,533 1,062 - - -Margate Media Centre Thanet Margate 100 - - - -Broadstairs Pavillion Thanet Broadstairs - - - - -Canterbury Christchurch University - Broadstairs Campus Thanet Broadstairs 90 - - - -Courtstairs Manor Thanet Ramsgate 80 - - - -Total 7,440 4,843 5,031 Source: Kent Conference Bureau, (East Kent)

* Winter Gardens is not listed by the Kent Conference Bureau

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Per YearNo. of Visits per year

No. of Visits


Visits from Home0 -15 mins 124,000 30% 2.5 93,000 25%15 - 30 mins 145,000 20% 1.5 43,500 12%30 - 60 mins 533,000 10% 1.2 63,960 17%60 - 90 mins 1,444,000 5% 1.1 79,420 21%Over 90 minutes (15% of Day Visits total) 41,982 11%

Students (Further education) 5,000 5% 1 250 0.1%Secondary school (11-18) 4,000 10% 1 400 0.1%Primary school (5-11) 2,900 20% 1 580 0.2%

Total Home Market 2,257,900 323,092 86%

Leisure Staying VisitorsThanet Domestic Holidaying 284,280 35% 1.5 149,247 40%Thanet Domestic VFR 82,400 35% 1.25 36,050 10%Overseas Holiday, Study, VFR 74,390 30% 1.25 27,896 7%Kent Domestic Holidaying (less Thanet) 1,795,720 6% 1 107,743 29%Kent Domestic VFR (less Thanet) 717,600 6% 1 43,056 11%Kent Overseas (less Thanet) 411,775 3% 1 12,353 3%

Total Tourist Market 3,366,165 376,346 100%

699,438 186%

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Year Versus Year 3

Pessimistic (-30%)

Prediction Optimistic (+30%)

Pessimistic (-30%)

Prediction Optimistic (+30%)

1 120 294,000 420,000 546,000 588,000 840,000 1,092,0002 105 257,250 367,500 477,750 514,500 735,000 955,5003 100 245,000 350,000 455,000 490,000 700,000 910,0004 102 249,900 357,000 464,100 499,800 714,000 928,2005 104 254,800 364,000 473,200 509,600 728,000 946,4006 106 259,700 371,000 482,300 519,400 742,000 964,6007 108 264,600 378,000 491,400 529,200 756,000 982,8008 110 269,500 385,000 500,500 539,000 770,000 1,001,0009 112 274,400 392,000 509,600 548,800 784,000 1,019,200

10 114 279,300 399,000 518,700 558,600 798,000 1,037,400

Paying Visitors Total Visits

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Year Pessimistic (-30%)

Prediction Optimistic (+30%)

Pessimistic (-30%)

Prediction Optimistic (+30%)

1 2,352 3,360 4,368 4,704 6,720 8,7363 1,960 2,800 3,640 3,920 5,600 7,280

Ticket Purchases Visits

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Prediction Optimistic (+30%)

Pessimistic (-30%)

Prediction Optimistic (+30%)

1 1,411 2,016 2,621 2,117 3,024 3,9313 1,176 1,680 2,184 1,764 2,520 3,276

Ticket Purchases Visits

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Prediction Optimistic (+30%)

Pessimistic (-30%)

Prediction Optimistic (+30%)

1 1,882 2,688 3,494 3,763 5,376 6,9893 1,568 2,240 2,912 3,136 4,480 5,824

DESIGN HOUR1 1,129 1,613 2,097 1,693 2,419 3,1453 941 1,344 1,747 1,411 2,016 2,621

Ticket Purchases Visits

Page 88: 3 Dreamland Margate SC Dreamland Business Plan

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DaysPeak6 summer weeks 42Weekends Jun, Jul, Sep 20Total: 62

ShoulderEaster 14May Half Term 7Jun, Jul, Sep weekdays 60Oct Half Term 7Total: 88

Off PeakMay Weekdays 20Oct Weekdays 15Total: 35

Winter Festival Weekends December 12Weekdays December 25Total: 37

ClosedNov, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr 118Apr weekdays (exc Easter) 15Oct weekdays (exc Half Term) 10Total: 143

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Day AnalysisDays per Annum

Hours Per Day

Hours Per Annum Opening Times

Peak Days 62 11 682 10.00 - 21.00

Shoulder Days 88 10 880 10.00 - 20.00

Off Peak Days 35 8 280 10.00 - 18.00

Winter Festival Weekends 12 12 144 10.00 - 22.00

Winter Festival Weekdays 25 5 125 17.00 -22.00

Totals 222 2,111

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Price % Purchasing Av per person (exc VAT at

17.5%)£4.00 35% £1.19£8.00 25% £1.70

£12.00 15% £1.53£16.00 20% £2.72£30.00 5% £1.28

100% £8.43

Visits 350,000Revenue: £2,948,936

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Visits Average Spend per person (exc


Total Spend

Paying Visitors 350,000 £5.00 £1,750,000Non Paying Visitors 350,000 £2.50 £875,000Total gross: 700,000 £3.75 £2,625,000Net profit: 12.5%Total net profit: £328,125

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Salary Duties1 General Manager £50,000 Management. Financial control.

2 Curator £25,000 Archive development. Preparing Stage 2 exhibition

3 Education Officer (P/T) £10,000 Schools programme.

4 Administration Assistant £18,000 Office administration & reception.

5 Operations Manager £28,000 Park operations and events. Recruiting staff.

6 Assistant Operations Manager £22,000 Park operations and events.

7 Rides Supervisor £18,000 Supervision of the rides.

8 Rides Supervisor £18,000 Supervision of the rides.

9 Marketing & Events Manager £40,000 Developing & delivering marketing plan. Planning events.10 Marketing & PR Assistant £20,000 Delivery of aspects of marketing activity.

11 Admissions Supervisor £20,000 Supervision of ticketing.

12 Group Bookings £18,000 Taking bookings for groups.

13 Maintenance Manager £35,000 Maintaining the rides and the site.

14 Rides Maintenance Engineer £23,000 Maintaining the rides and the site.

15 Rides Maintenance Engineer £23,000 Maintaining the rides and the site.

16 Rides Maintenance Assistant £18,000 Help with maintaining the rides.

17 Site Maintenance Assistant £17,000 Help with maintaining the site.

18 Accounts £30,000 Bookeeping and accounts.

19 Bookkeeping assistant (P/T) £10,000 Bookeeping and accounts.

20 Fund Raising Officer £25,000 Fund raising for developments.

Total Full Year Posts £468,000Salary on costs (20%) £93,600Total £561,600


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Ride Peak Day Shoulder Off Peak Winter Fest TotalCableway 2 1.5 1 1.5Whip 2 1.5 1Water Chute 3 2.5 2Scenic Railway 6 4 2River 3 2.5 2Meteorite 2 1.5 1Dark Ride 2 1.5 1 1.5Caterpillar 2 1.5 1Swing 2 1.5 1Mouse 3 2.5 2Scooters 2 1.5 1

Wanted RidesGallopers 2 1.5 1 1.5Junior Train 1 1 1 1DL Train 3 2.5 2 2.5Toyset 2 1.5 1 1.5Helter Skelter 1 1 1Ghost Train 2 1.5 1Juvenile 1 1 1Junior Whip 2 1.5 1Ride Attendants Per Hour 43 34 24 10Contingency (15%) 6 5 4 1Total Ride Attendants 49 39 28 11

Hours per annum: 682 880 280 269 2,111Hourly rate: £6.25 £6.25 £6.25 £6.25Annual cost: £210,781 £211,888 £48,300 £18,368 £489,336

Employment costs (12%): £58,720Total: £548,056

Staff Requirement

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Peak DayShoulder

DayOff Peak

DayWinter Fest Total

Ticketing 6 4 2 3Cleaning (Grounds, WCs and General) 5 3 2 2Gardening 2 2 1 1Security and first aid 3 2 2 2Total Other Variable Staff 16 11 7 8Hours per annum: 682 880 280 269 2,111Hourly rate: £6.25 £6.25 £6.25 £6.25 £6.25Annual cost: £68,200 £60,500 £12,250 £13,450 £154,400Employment Costs (12%): £18,528Total: £172,928

Staff Requirement


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Administration of members scheme & newsletter £8,000Advertisements in tourist guides and maps £3,000Brochure Production and Distribution £40,000Educational materials £10,000Memberships £1,500Poster advertising in Kent area and London Underground £20,000Press advertising £10,000Press campaigns and visits £5,000Regional TV advertising £50,000Events, festivals and entertainment £15,000Sundry £1,500Visitor Survey £6,000Web advertising £10,000Web site management £15,000Winter Festival activity £100,000Winter Festival promotion £30,000Total: £325,000

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Audit £8,000 Audit of annual accounts

Bank and Credit Card Charges £40,000 Credit card charges, cash collection, bank charges. C 1.5% of turnover

Board Expenses £3,000Buildings and Grounds Maintenance £30,000 Materials and special labour

Cleaning Materials £5,000Curatorial £10,000 Assembing and storing archive material

Horticulture £25,000Insurance £200,000IT £8,000 Tills and accounting system (on lease)

Legal £5,000Licences £5,000Maintenance & Ride Renewal £225,000 Assumes 20 restored/historic rides. Parts for such rides will be

expensive and difficult to source. Need to allow for annual external Office Equipment £3,000Office Sundries £5,000Out of hours security £60,000 3 posts at £18,000 per annum

Printing, stationery and postage £12,000 Including tickets

Recruitment Costs £5,000 Mainly to cover seasonal staff and casuals

Refuse Collection £7,000Signage £5,000Telecommunications £10,000Uniforms £6,000Utilities £300,000Wireless Radios £3,000Sundry £20,000Total Overheads £1,000,000

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Net RevenueRide Tickets £2,948,936Secondary Spend £328,125Total: £3,277,061

ExpensesPermanent Staff £561,600Ride Attendants £550,310Other Variable Staff £172,928Total Staff: £1,284,838Overheads: £1,000,000Marketing and Events: £325,000Total expenditure: £2,609,838Surplus/deficit £667,223

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Year Versus Year 3 in real terms

Av per person (exc VAT at


Ticket Purchases


1 90 £7.58 420,000 £3,184,8512 95 £8.00 367,500 £2,941,5643 100 £8.43 350,000 £2,948,9364 102 £8.59 357,000 £3,068,0735 104 £8.77 364,000 £3,190,7966 106 £8.94 371,000 £3,317,2017 108 £9.12 378,000 £3,447,3858 110 £9.30 385,000 £3,581,4509 113 £9.49 392,000 £3,719,499

10 115 £9.68 399,000 £3,861,637

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Year Av spend versus Year 3 in real terms

Av per person (exc

VAT at 17.5%)

Visits Gross Revenue

Net Profit (12.5%)

1 98 £3.64 840,000 3,056,130 £382,0162 99 £3.71 735,000 2,728,688 £341,0863 100 £3.75 700,000 2,625,000 £328,1254 101 £3.79 714,000 2,704,275 £338,0345 102 £3.86 728,000 2,812,722 £351,5906 103 £3.98 742,000 2,953,680 £369,2107 104 £4.14 756,000 3,131,604 £391,4508 105 £4.35 770,000 3,352,298 £419,0379 106 £4.62 784,000 3,623,232 £452,904

10 107 £4.95 798,000 3,953,963 £494,245

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Year Versus Year 3 in real terms

Total Operating

Expenditure1 104 £2,680,3282 102 £2,628,7833 100 £2,577,2384 102 £2,628,7835 104 £2,681,3586 106 £2,734,9867 108 £2,789,6858 110 £2,845,4799 113 £2,902,389

10 115 £2,960,436

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Year Ticket Revenue

Secondary Spend Net Revenue

Expenditure Surplus/ Deficit

1 £3,184,851 £382,016 £2,714,232 £852,6362 £2,941,564 £341,086 £2,662,035 £620,6153 £2,948,936 £328,125 £2,609,838 £667,2234 £3,068,073 £338,034 £2,662,035 £744,0735 £3,190,796 £351,590 £2,715,276 £827,1116 £3,317,201 £369,210 £2,769,581 £916,8307 £3,447,385 £391,450 £2,824,973 £1,013,8638 £3,581,450 £419,037 £2,881,472 £1,119,0159 £3,719,499 £452,904 £2,939,102 £1,233,301

10 £3,861,637 £494,245 £2,997,884 £1,357,999

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Fixed Variable TotalPermanent staff 80% 20% 100%Variable staff 35% 65% 100%Overheads 80% 20% 100%

Permanent staff £449,280 £112,320 £561,600Variable staff £253,133 £470,105 £723,238Overheads & Marketing £1,060,000 £265,000 £1,325,000Total: £1,762,413 £847,425 £2,609,838% of total: 68% 32% 100%

Net revenue per visit £4.68

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Visits vs forecast

Visits Net Rev Fixed Costs Variable Costs

Surplus/ Deficit

125% 875,000 £4,096,326 £1,762,413 £1,059,281 £1,274,632120% 840,000 £3,932,473 £1,762,413 £1,016,910 £1,153,150115% 805,000 £3,768,620 £1,762,413 £974,538 £1,031,669110% 770,000 £3,604,767 £1,762,413 £932,167 £910,187105% 735,000 £3,440,914 £1,762,413 £889,796 £788,705100% 700,000 £3,277,061 £1,762,413 £847,425 £667,22395% 665,000 £3,113,208 £1,762,413 £805,054 £545,74190% 630,000 £2,949,355 £1,762,413 £762,682 £424,25985% 595,000 £2,785,502 £1,762,413 £720,311 £302,77880% 560,000 £2,621,649 £1,762,413 £677,940 £181,29675% 525,000 £2,457,796 £1,762,413 £635,569 £59,81470% 490,000 £2,293,943 £1,762,413 £593,197 -£61,66865% 455,000 £2,130,090 £1,762,413 £550,826 -£183,15060% 420,000 £1,966,237 £1,762,413 £508,455 -£304,63155% 385,000 £1,802,384 £1,762,413 £466,084 -£426,11350% 350,000 £1,638,531 £1,762,413 £423,712 -£547,595

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Item TotalsIn Kind £7,800 £7,800

CapitalConstruction - Cinema (inc contingencies) £1,421,686Construction - Amusement Park (inc contingencies) £6,242,365Cinema Organ - Survey and Works £55,000Demolitions and Asbestos removal £1,270,000Fees - Cinema £257,000Fees - Amusement Park £1,093,500Soft Landscaping £1,220,859Total: £11,560,410 £11,560,410

Project Management Project Manager (p/t) £65,416Client Manager (f/t) £55,000Admin (p/t) £14,520Recruitment £4,250Travel £2,500OJEU and Tender Costs £25,000Total: £166,686 £166,686

Public EngagementEvents, Webiste and Education £29,000Additional BP and Audience Development £15,000Archive Project £48,000Youth street culture project £63,600Total: £155,600 £155,600

AccessInterpretation - Design and Installations £430,000Conservation Managment Plan £8,000Total: £438,000 £438,000

Evaluation £35,000 £35,000

Capacity BuildingTrustees Expenses and Training £6,380Volunteer Expenses and Training £9,000Total: £15,380 £15,380

OtherFund Raising £6,000Legal £42,500Accreditation (Green Tourism) £2,500Total: £51,000 £51,000

TOTAL COST: £12,429,876

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Score Rating Significance7,8 Exceptional National or International5,6 Considerable Regional3,4 Some Local1,2 Negative or Negligible Negative or limited heritage value Source: Dreamland, Margate Conservation Statement, March 2009

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Value Type Scenic Railway Cinema Building Rustic Walls & Zoo Cages Amusement ParkEvidential 8 4 6 3Historic 6 4 4 2Aesthetic 3 6 5 2Communal 7 6 4 5 Source: Dreamland, Margate Conservation Statement, March 2009

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�� ����3���$�(����C��� ���!������ �!����Score Rating Description

7,8 Highly fragile Highly fragile and very vulnerable to change and neglect. Only capable of accepting minimal interventions carried out with great care if these avoid compromising significance. A conservation approach is needed.

5,6 Fragile Vulnerable to change and neglect. Capable of accepting some changes if these avoid compromising significance. A conservation approach needed.

3,4 Moderately robust

Capable of accepting a number of changes without compromising significance. Significance must inform proposals.

1,2 Extremely robust Very major or major interventions possible without compromise to significance.

Source: Dreamland, Margate Conservation Statement, March 2009

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Area Significance RobustnessTrellis Structure, Trackway and drive 7 5Station (no longer extant) of Scenic 7 5Trains (no longer extant) of Scenic 7 5Motor Room (no longer extant) of Scenic 4 5Rustic Walls and Cages 4 6Rides in Store on site 7 6 Source: Dreamland, Margate Conservation Statement, March 2009

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Area Significance Robustnes

ExteriorsMarine Terrace Main Elevations of cinema & Sunshine Café and 7 7Hall by The Sea Road E&N elevations 5 5East Elevation 3 5South Elevation 3 3West Elevation 3 3Views of Cinema from Beach & Marine Terr. 6 5Ballroom Remains (Squash Club) 2 2Beanfeast Hall Site (Amusement Arcade) 2 2

InteriorsMain Auditorium 5 5Entrance Hall 4 4Circular stairwell 5 6Stalls Foyer 5 5Director’s Room 4 5Circle Foyer 5 5Former Sunshine Café, 1st Floor 6 4Former Public Bar and Saloon Bar, Street level 2 4Lower Café, lower ground floor 4 4Stage 4 3Proscenium 5 6Organ console, pipes etc., lower ground, ground and roof level 6 7Entrance Arcade, Hall By The Sea Road, lower ground 4 4Ballroom Remains (Squash Club) 2 2Beanfeast Hall Site (Amusement Arcade) 2 2 Source: Dreamland, Margate Conservation Statement, March 2009

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Source: The Dreamland Trust

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Roland Jeffery Projects Advisor Prince’s Regeneration TrustNick Laister Trustee and amusement park expert The Dreamland TrustSarah Vickery Trustee The Dreamland TrustRichard Gray Chair of Casework The Cinema Theatre AssociationDoug Brown Strategic Sites Planning Manager Thanet District CouncilMick Tomlinson Counsellor & Dreamland Enthusiast Thanet District Council Victoria Pommery Project Director Turner ContemporaryAndy Brown Planning & Development Director (South East) English HeritageNick Dermott Heritage Advisor Thanet District CouncilKeith Mackenney Regeneration and Projects Manager Kent County CouncilTheresa Johnson Public Realm Manager Kent County CouncilMike Marsh Cultural Services Manager Thanet District CouncilAllert Riepma Senior Development Manager SEEDAStella Bellem Head of Culture and Creative Economy SEEDANeil Sparkes Musician and Local enthusiast -

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Dreamland Margate Project

Memorandum of Understanding


This document sets out the agreed principles to be documented as a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the parties for the Dreamland Project. These are: the Margate Town Centre Regeneration Company (MTCRC) as landowner; Thanet District Council (TDC) as local planning authority; Margate Renewal Partnership (MRP) bringing together stakeholders in the site; and the Dreamland Trust (DT) as proposed freeholders of part of the site.

Signatories o Margate Town Centre Regeneration Company – two Directors o Dreamland Trust – Secretary on behalf Trustees o Margate Renewal Partnership o Thanet District Council

The Site

The site extends to approximately 6.3 hectares (15.56 acres). It is located in the centre of Margate with a frontage on to Marine Terrace. The site comprises three listed structures being the Grade II Scenic Railway and Cages and the Grade II* cinema building. A new road is to be provided along the southern site boundary to enable the diversion of traffic from Marine Terrace. Contributions towards the cost of the new road will be agreed between the parties by separate negotiations. The area of land to be retained by MTCRC will be known as the “enabling site”. The area of land to be transferred to DT will be known as the “leisure site”. This is shown on the attached plan at Appendix 1.

The Project

The aim of the project is to develop an amusement park of “thrilling historic rides” and restore the cinema building to comprise a 1,000 seat music and entertainment venue. In order to procure the necessary funding package applications are to be submitted to all appropriate funding bodies, the main organisations being the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) and CABE (Sea Change). Match funding will be provided by MTCRC, either through the s106 obligations or by separate legal agreement, and MRP partners. The estimated total cost of the project is in excess of current funding availability. This means that the project will be phased. The first phase will comprise the restoration of the Scenic Railway to operational status; provide approximately 2/3rds of the amusement park; the restoration of the exterior of the cinema building; and the restoration of the lower ground floor amusement park entrance; demolition of the existing ballroom and amusement arcade buildings adjoining the cinema building and construction of new single-storey extension to the rear of the cinema building. Until Phase 2 commences a maintenance plan for the cinema building will need to be put in place to ensure that it does not deteriorate further.

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The second phase will comprise the restoration of the interior of those parts of the cinema building that were not restored in Phase One and the completion of the extension to the cinema building on the upper floors. It will also include the completion of the amusement park. This stage will be funded through further grant applications, cross-subsidy from the surplus generated by the amusement park and any further s106 payments if due under the agreed formula.

Over-arching assumptions o Under the Thanet Local Plan 2006 – Policy T8 the majority of the site (ie over 50%)

must be used for an amusement park. The remainder of the site may be suitable for a mixed use scheme but only of such a scale as is needed to support the delivery of a comprehensive amusement park and the retention of an operating Scenic Railway.

o The proposed construction of the amusement park, restoration of the Scenic Railway and restoration of the cinema building will enable the landowners to fulfil the LPA Dreamland Planning Brief (2008) for the site. Any amusement element on the enabling site would be in addition to the Brief.

o DT agrees not to hamper or object to the proposals for the enabling site, save that they shall be able to object to any aspect which has a material effect on their proposals and intended operations.

o MTCRC agrees not to hamper or object to the proposals for the leisure site, save that they shall be able to object to any aspect which has a material effect on their proposals and intended operations.

o All agree in principle that a s106 Agreement or legal agreement (whichever is most appropriate) is entered into between MTCRC and TDC in respect of the site to secure payments derived from the consents for the enabling development. Agreement would be between MTCRC and TDC, with an obligation on TDC to ensure that the funding goes into the ‘leisure’ site, specifically to include amusement park, Scenic and Cinema restoration.

o A planning application for the development of the leisure part of the site will be submitted by 1 December 2009. This will be the joint responsibility of DT and MTCRC and MRP.

MTCRC’s Contributions

MTCRC will: o Transfer the freehold of the leisure site, with Vacant Possession, to DT for £1 (one

pound Sterling) upon the project securing the minimum funding needed to proceed with Phase 1. This is estimated to be £12 m (twelve million pounds Sterling, to include the contribution from MTCRC).

o Provide rights of access where necessary for DT (and any subsequent owners) over the enabling site for emergency access, utilities etc

o Contribute a minimum of £4m (four million pounds Sterling) under the s106 agreement or legal agreement. The s106 is to include an agreement to monitor the viability of each phase of the enabling development as it is implemented to assess whether any further contributions towards the leisure site (over and above the £4m) are viable taking into account the developer’s profit, such contribution not to exceed the total cost of implementation of the amusement park, Scenic Railway restoration and Cinema restoration.

o Submit a planning application for the enabling part of the site. o Contribute towards professional fees for the preparation of drawings etc to secure

Listed Building Consent and planning consent for the leisure site; for independent legal advice for DT and subsidiaries on their obligations under the s106 agreement;

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the MoU and the transfer of the leisure site; project fees for the development of a full business plan and grant applications to secure grant funding. This contribution will be required to make up any short-fall in funding for the development stages, not secured through grant applications. The contribution sum is to be agreed.

o Assist with the submission of the planning and listed building applications, where appropriate as part of the Dreamland Project Team

o Transfer the heritage rides to DT for £1 (one pound Sterling).

Dreamland Trust Contributions

DT will use reasonable endeavours to: o Deliver viable proposals for an amusement park and new uses for the cinema

building o Form an appropriate vehicle for the fulfilment of their role o Apply for or support all public sector grant applications, where appropriate and

maximise the grant available for their proposals including support for the provision of heritage interpretation and volunteering and training/educational opportunities as agreed under the HLF (and any other) applications

o Fulfil the LPA Dreamland Planning Brief (2008) for the site in respect of the amusement park

o Provide rights of access where necessary for MTCRC (and any subsequent owners) over the leisure site for emergency access, utilities etc

o Form a member of the Dreamland Project group and assist and advise where appropriate

TDC Undertakings

TDC will use its best endeavours to: o Assist with securing match funding for Phase 1 costs including applying for the Sea

Change grant. o Act as the accountable body for public sector grants where appropriate o To encourage public sector bodies to see the site as strategically significant to the

town, sub-region and region o To give useful pre-application advice on potential planning applications for the site o To procure the delivery of the link road connections

MRP Undertaking

MRP will use best endeavours to: o Deliver agreed grants through the MRP structure o Secure grants to provide contributions towards professional fees for Phase 1 costs

and legal advice to DT.

Partnership Working

All three parties will agree to: o An open-book approach to the exchange of design, planning, financial and technical

information in relation to the amusement site. o Partnership working in a spirit of mutual respect

Exit Strategies 1) If any party to this agreement is declared bankrupt, then the MoU becomes nul-and-

void. A new MoU would need to be agreed if appropriate. Alternatively MTCRC would retain the freehold of the leisure site.

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2) If inadequate grant funding is secured ie any of the major grants from CABE, HLF or HCA then the MoU is again declared nul-and-void and the fall back position is as per point 1.

3) If inadequate s106 contributions are received and/or the HCA is unable to enter into a loan agreement to cashflow the s106 contributions then the MoU is again declared nul-and-void and the fall back position is as per point 1.

4) If planning permission for the enabling site is refused then the MoU is again declared nul-and-void and the fall back position is as per point 1.

5) Following the grant of satisfactory planning permission DT agrees to enter into a restrictive covenant for 20 years restricting the use of the leisure site to leisure purposes only. During the period of the restrictive covenant, if an alternative planning Use Class is implemented on the leisure site DT agrees to pay MTCRC 30% of the increase in value of the land based on a base value of the original purchase price (index linked) and the Market Value of the site for the alternative use (at the date of the Purchasers notice of the proposed implementation), less the cost obtaining the planning permission, any s106 costs or planning payments and any non financial payment obligations including the provision of public open space and affordable housing. MTCRC retains the right to block or object to any planning application that adversely impacts on the enabling site. For the avoidance of doubt DT will notify MTCRC of their intention to implement a planning permission for an alternative use. Both parties will instruct a valuation of the site and agree a valuation of the alternative land use value within 2 months of DT’s notice. If agreement cannot be reached, both parties will jointly instruct an independent expert and will be bound by the experts conclusion. Any payment due will be paid by DT (or successor in title) to MTCRC (or their successor in title) prior to the implementation of the planning permission for the alternative use.

Any outstanding costs unpaid at the time of the dissolution of the MoU will be paid equally between MRP and MTCRC.

Acknowledgment as to Legal Effect

The parties acknowledge that the terms of this Memorandum are morally binding but are not legally binding so that no action can lie thereon. The parties are looking to progress the project in partnership and anticipate that legally binding agreements may be entered into the future but cannot be entered into at this stage.

Page 168: 3 Dreamland Margate SC Dreamland Business Plan

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Page 169: 3 Dreamland Margate SC Dreamland Business Plan

ID Task Name Duration Start Finish Predecessors

1 Design Work to Stage C for Funding 45 days Fri 16/01/09 Thu 19/03/09

25 Design Work to Stage D for Listed Building Planning Application 157 days Mon 27/04/09 Tue 01/12/09

26 Procurement of Consultants 137 days Mon 27/04/09 Tue 03/11/09

27 Prepare specification 15 days Mon 27/04/09 Fri 15/05/09 24

28 OJEU Notice 37 days Mon 18/05/09 Tue 07/07/09 27

29 Expressions of Interest Received & Issue Pre-Qualification Questionnaires (PQQ's) 0 days Tue 07/07/09 Tue 07/07/09 28

30 Review PQQ's 10 days Wed 08/07/09 Tue 21/07/09 29

31 Prepare Tender Documents 30 days Mon 18/05/09 Fri 26/06/09 27

32 Issue Tender Documents & Tender Period 40 days Wed 22/07/09 Tue 15/09/09 30,31

33 Receipt of Tenders 0 days Tue 15/09/09 Tue 15/09/09 32

34 Evaluate Tenders Against Award Criteria 15 days Wed 16/09/09 Tue 06/10/09 33

35 Award Contract following 10 day Standstill Period 0 days Tue 20/10/09 Tue 20/10/09 34FS+10 days

36 Submit OJEU Award Notice (within 48 days) 0 days Tue 03/11/09 Tue 03/11/09 35FS+10 days

37 Design Works 30 days Wed 21/10/09 Tue 01/12/09

38 Architectural Design & Specifications 30 days Wed 21/10/09 Tue 01/12/09 5,35

39 Structural Design & Specifications 20 days Wed 28/10/09 Tue 24/11/09 38FF-5 days

40 M&E Engineering Design & Specifications 20 days Wed 28/10/09 Tue 24/11/09 38FF-5 days

41 Cost Plan 5 days Wed 11/11/09 Tue 17/11/09 38FF-10 days

42 Applications & Submissions 347 days Mon 02/02/09 Tue 15/06/10

43 Sea Change Grant 78 days Mon 16/02/09 Wed 03/06/09

44 Seeda Nomination for Sea Change Grant 0 days Wed 18/03/09 Wed 18/03/09 24

45 Preparation of Grant Application 35 days Mon 16/02/09 Fri 03/04/09

55 Grant Application Submission 0 days Thu 30/04/09 Thu 30/04/09 54

56 Decision Anticipated 0 days Wed 03/06/09 Wed 03/06/09 55FS+25 days

57 Heritage Lottery Funding 347 days Mon 02/02/09 Tue 15/06/10

58 Preparation of Application 40 days Mon 02/02/09 Fri 27/03/09

59 Conservation Statement 15 days Mon 02/02/09 Fri 20/02/09

60 Participation Strategy 10 days Mon 23/02/09 Fri 06/03/09

61 Heritage Statement - Scope & Significance 15 days Mon 23/02/09 Fri 13/03/09

62 Social Impact Statement 10 days Mon 02/03/09 Fri 13/03/09 3

63 Audience Statement 10 days Mon 02/03/09 Fri 13/03/09 3

64 Risk Register 10 days Mon 02/03/09 Fri 13/03/09 3

65 Match Funding Strategy 15 days Mon 23/02/09 Fri 13/03/09

66 Collate & Publishing of Document 10 days Mon 16/03/09 Fri 27/03/09 59,60,61,62,63,64,65

67 1st Round Application 0 days Fri 27/03/09 Fri 27/03/09 66

68 1st Round Decision 0 days Tue 21/07/09 Tue 21/07/09 67FS+60 days

69 2nd Round Application 0 days Tue 23/02/10 Tue 23/02/10 68,38,39,40,41,74




































N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015






Project Summary

External Tasks

External Milestone


Dreamland, Margate Leisure Complex & Heritage Amusement Park - Phased

Revison 0

Page 1

Project: 005 Heritage Prog 1Date: 22 April 2009Revision: 0

Page 170: 3 Dreamland Margate SC Dreamland Business Plan

ID Task Name Duration Start Finish Predecessors

70 HLF Final Decision 0 days Tue 18/05/10 Tue 18/05/10 69FS+60 days

71 HLF Contract & Written Permission to Commence 0 days Tue 15/06/10 Tue 15/06/10 96,70FS+20 days

72 Planning Application 50 days Tue 01/12/09 Tue 23/02/10

73 Submit Detailed Listed Building Planning Application 0 days Tue 01/12/09 Tue 01/12/09 38,39,40,41

74 Planning Consent Decision 0 days Tue 23/02/10 Tue 23/02/10 73FS+50 days

75 Site Works 1407 days Mon 15/06/09 Tue 27/01/15

76 Phase 1 - TENDER 262 days Mon 15/06/09 Tue 29/06/10

77 Asbestos Removal 137 days Mon 15/06/09 Tue 05/01/10

78 Prepare specification 15 days Mon 15/06/09 Fri 03/07/09 56

79 OJEU Notice 37 days Mon 06/07/09 Tue 25/08/09 78

80 Expressions of Interest Received & Issue Pre-Qualification Questionnaires (PQQ's) 0 days Tue 25/08/09 Tue 25/08/09 79

81 Review PQQ's 10 days Wed 26/08/09 Tue 08/09/09 80

82 Prepare Tender Documents 30 days Mon 06/07/09 Fri 14/08/09 78

83 Issue Tender Documents & Tender Period 40 days Wed 09/09/09 Tue 03/11/09 82,81

84 Receipt of Tenders 0 days Tue 03/11/09 Tue 03/11/09 83

85 Evaluate Tenders Against Award Criteria 15 days Wed 04/11/09 Tue 24/11/09 84

86 Award Contract following 10 day Standstill Period 0 days Tue 08/12/09 Tue 08/12/09 85FS+10 days

87 Submit OJEU Award Notice (within 48 days) 0 days Tue 05/01/10 Tue 05/01/10 86FS+10 days

88 Main Works 167 days Mon 26/10/09 Tue 29/06/10

89 Prepare specification 15 days Mon 26/10/09 Fri 13/11/09

90 OJEU Notice 37 days Mon 16/11/09 Tue 19/01/10 89

91 Expressions of Interest Received & Issue Pre-Qualification Questionnaires (PQQ's) 0 days Tue 19/01/10 Tue 19/01/10 90

92 Review PQQ's 10 days Wed 20/01/10 Tue 02/02/10 91

93 Prepare Tender Documents 30 days Mon 16/11/09 Fri 08/01/10 89

94 Issue Tender Documents & Tender Period 40 days Wed 24/02/10 Tue 20/04/10 74,93

95 Receipt of Tenders 0 days Tue 20/04/10 Tue 20/04/10 94

96 Evaluate Tenders Against Award Criteria 15 days Wed 21/04/10 Tue 11/05/10 95

97 Award Contract following 10 day Standstill Period 0 days Tue 15/06/10 Tue 15/06/10 96FS+10 days,71

98 Submit OJEU Award Notice (within 48 days) 0 days Tue 29/06/10 Tue 29/06/10 97FS+10 days

99 Phase 1 - CONSTRUCTION 325 days Wed 06/01/10 Tue 19/04/11

100 Asbestos Removal 60 days Wed 06/01/10 Tue 30/03/10 87

101 Main Works 200 days Wed 30/06/10 Tue 19/04/11 98

102 Handover to Operator 0 days Tue 19/04/11 Tue 19/04/11 101

103 Phase 2 - TENDER 517 days Mon 07/01/13 Tue 27/01/15

104 Tender - Construction Packages 117 days Mon 07/01/13 Tue 18/06/13

105 Prepare specification 15 days Mon 07/01/13 Fri 25/01/13

106 OJEU Notice 37 days Mon 28/01/13 Tue 19/03/13 105

107 Expressions of Interest Received & Issue Pre-Qualification Questionnaires (PQQ's) 0 days Tue 19/03/13 Tue 19/03/13 106,38,39,40,41

70 18/05

71 15/06































102 19/04





107 19/03

N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015






Project Summary

External Tasks

External Milestone


Dreamland, Margate Leisure Complex & Heritage Amusement Park - Phased

Revison 0

Page 2

Project: 005 Heritage Prog 1Date: 22 April 2009Revision: 0

Page 171: 3 Dreamland Margate SC Dreamland Business Plan

ID Task Name Duration Start Finish Predecessors

108 Review PQQ's 10 days Wed 20/03/13 Tue 02/04/13 107

109 Prepare Tender Documents 30 days Mon 28/01/13 Fri 08/03/13 105

110 Issue Tender Documents & Tender Period 40 days Wed 20/03/13 Tue 14/05/13 109,107

111 Receipt of Tenders 0 days Tue 14/05/13 Tue 14/05/13 110

112 Evaluate Tenders Against Award Criteria 15 days Wed 15/05/13 Tue 04/06/13 111

113 Award Contract following 10 day Standstill Period 0 days Tue 18/06/13 Tue 18/06/13 112FS+10 days,100

114 Submit OJEU Award Notice (within 48 days) 0 days Tue 18/06/13 Tue 18/06/13 112FS+10 days

115 Construction 400 days Wed 19/06/13 Tue 27/01/15

116 Construction of Park 120 days Wed 19/06/13 Tue 03/12/13 113

117 Construction of Cinema Building 400 days Wed 19/06/13 Tue 27/01/15 113

118 Handover Park to Operator 0 days Tue 03/12/13 Tue 03/12/13 116

119 Handover Cinema Complex to Operator 0 days Tue 27/01/15 Tue 27/01/15 117




111 14/05


113 18/06

114 18/06




118 03/12

119 27/01

N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015






Project Summary

External Tasks

External Milestone


Dreamland, Margate Leisure Complex & Heritage Amusement Park - Phased

Revison 0

Page 3

Project: 005 Heritage Prog 1Date: 22 April 2009Revision: 0