FOR SALE Cows OWE OOOD TAMILY COW Inquire ur MUCK .SI. i 1KI..I I .0. UHJC IK . Kast (JUOKUt- . 44tl|l TEN rKESH MII.CU COWS And 2 BOOI I work hnncs . li.'.iiuii aWf price. *. A. W. IIAI'KI' , Ovtr Hill Faun , llui :u. Stony llrcok. 42t4p JERSEY COW 4 years old . lillUNO KOSCL'KIKWKV.. laurel , !.. I. 4H4P ONE TRESH COW One horse. I'lUCD H. DOWNS , Sound Avenue, Hiverheail , 40lt'c PIQS AND COWS l'lsa ready to go. 2 fresh cows , soocl Medium iirii'Ml farm horse. l\ .1. COIIWJN, Kiverliead . SStfc JERSEY CATTLE Rome Just freshen«il. For price call at farm. J. V. WILSON' , Jamesport, I.. I. 2Stfc COWS Holstelns , Guernseys. Jerseys, Canadian Ayreshlrvs ; 101) head new milch cows and sprliiKers always on hand. WK pro- ducers. We deliver to HNdceport and New Louden boats. Phone or write your wants. TUB LYMAN KAIUI , OKOtHiK W. TRISCHMAX , Xlgr., itlddlelleld. Conn. 36tl2|i Pigs SO SPRING PIOS And 2 boars. For prices call at farm. J. V. WILSON , Jainesport. 43tie DUROC PIOS Price at farm. No Sunday business. KVERETT W. DOWNS . S2 Sound Avenue, Riverhead, N. Y. 42l'Jp Horses TWO OOOD HORSES Scund and , gentle and very active; 1 a eood saddle horse. MKltTON II , 10I>- WARDS , -Springs , L. I. 44tfc Poultry COMMEBCIAI. POtTLTRY FARM: Modern. Mammoth Incubator, capacity 7. '0 ft etrss: brooder house, capacity 4000 chicks; G laying houses, each looxll-t ' t. 1\ O. 110X 75 , ManorviNe. L. I. 42tfe WHITE WYANDOTTE CHICKS 25 cts. each, 100 or over 22 cts. each. LAKESIDE FARM , V. H. KIRKUP . Prop., Mattituck, L. I. Tel . Mattituck 49E»3. 27tfc CUSTOM HATCHINO Done at BriRhtwaters Poultry Fnrm. Tel. Bay Shore 47.1-M. 3.1tfc HATCHINO EOOS WHITE WYANDOTTE EOOS For hatching good winter layers. It.50 per 15; $7 per 100 . HOWARD T. MESCHUTT. Hampton Bays, N. Y. ?.2tfc Seeds and Plants TOMATO PLANTS Stone and Matchless, in 100 lots at fi. ' .d per 100. CHARLES . R. FUANKHN11ACH & SONS. Southampton , N. Y. 44t' .!r STERLING} SEED Plant nnd Poultry Farm will carry a tull line of. Burpee' s seeds, Fordhook bush htnas, grass ,, clover and al falfa seed, seed oats, onion sets , peas and beans of all kinds , strawberry plants, cabbage , lettuce and pansy plants, spray- ing materials, spray pumps, etc. Write for catalog; ready some time in Fob. RALPH W. STERLING, tcl. 55 Peconic, Cutchocno. L.- '• 23tfc Boats MOTORBOAT Round bottom, 20 feet long, 5% feet wide, 8 h. p. 2-cylinder engine, new paint. Price J450. Arrange to be seen with K. B. TUTHILL, Jainesport , L. I. 37tfc 35-TT. CABIN CRUISER 8-ft. beam, A-l condition; 12-16 h. p. 4-cyllnder, 4-cycl e Kearmith motor, in- stalled 1 year ago. Price reasonable. For further information GEORGE GAS- SERT, West Main St., Riverhead . 41tlc SHARPIES 12-ft., 14-ft .. 10-ft.. built by order. W. H. TCJRBUSH E. Main St., Rive rhead. 40tSp SLOOP YACHT 31x9V,, fast and able, first class condi- tion. $700 . JOHN TRACKS, South Janiesport . Tel. 405 Jainesport. 43t2|i SEVERAL MARINE ENGINES 2 h. p. to 12 h. p., also reverse fcears , magnetos, etc. Priced to suit. .1. II, CARTBR & SON, South Jainesport 43t:ti CATBOAT 2 yrs. old , 20 ft. long and. 10 ft. wide , with 22 in. decks; equipped with S ll. p. 2-cyllnder Gaffga engine , cabins, (both summer and winter) hatches , etc . Com- plete equipment for c.icalloplng or an ideal pleasure boat. Apply to GEO ltd I' ' . K. BROWN , South Jamesport, L. I. Tel. 237F13. 44tlp 20-PT. CATBOAT WITH CABIN CV. h. p. l-cylinder Grey engine. Good shape nnd can travel heavy sea. Apply 11. NELSON MOORE, Cutchogue. L. 1. 42t3c ~ MOTORBOAT Bargain if sold at once. 20 ft., raised deck cruiser, sleep 4 , basin, toilet , sink. 12 li. p. Lathrcp motor , n«,v Cape Cod typo; can he seen ul Shlnnecock gates. A-i condition, w.vr/r tiit DOWNS , c;ata Tender, Hampton ll.iys. 41tfc POWERBOAT 2n-ft. S-ln.xS-ft . -1-in., with 1G h. p. 4- cyole heavy duty motor. Suitable for commercial fislUng or party work. For further particulars address WILLIAM F. LEWIS, Center Brook , Conn. Box 02. 39tfc Autos LATE '2!i DURANT 7, 000 miles , new, A-l condition, plenty of extras , quick sale, ?60i) , will, take Fc-rd as part payment . Tel . 217-M , ICii-s t Quogue. 43t2p 1922 ACE MOTORCYCLE Fullv piiuinped , excellent condition. Demonstration any time. JOHN P. ItlBSDORl'H, Riverhead . Tel. 141-Tt. . - ¦ 43t2p BTJICK 6 TOURING CAR Good condition, good running cn T .er. nond tires. WALLACE S. DOWN'S, River- bead , L. I. 41tfc CADILLAC TOURING In good 001111111011. 0 Noiwc.lk cord tires. Any di'inunxtrutlon. Price JlTiO. or will trade fur Dcdge or ullier small coupe. JIAROLD STECK , East Quogue, L. I. 43t2p USED CARS A number of good used Dodge , Hudson, Cadillac , Huirk , lieu and Kor. l pleasure and commercial ours . Also Dodge , Nash , Ken and Ford trucks. Special terms. VAIL !>F J*INKS. Uuogiie. 42tfe USED CARS Do.l , -e Brothers i :c:i •euiiiw . recimdi- lionoil , in excellent shape; 101 y ]>odge Brothers sutuirhari. l:U S and 1H20 sedans, i:t i :t am] i:«2o roadsters . Ford sedans and touring cars . Sa.von touring. $100. 7-pass. <\>lo touring oar. "rime payments nrrimged . JAMES A . CONltOY , INC.. I' atciiiiguo . I.. 1. Tel . JOG. 43tfc DODGE TOURING CAR In good condition; been run IS ,000 miles, J20U . Also 1 12 h. p. 2-eyllnder Lathrop marine engine in good running order. A bargain to a ipilek buyer. MERTON 11 . EDWARDS . .Springs , L. I. 4Ufc USED CARS ' l'H T Hudson 7-pass., touring- $350 1923 Essex couch , disc wheels ..;. 7f»0 1923 l-^sex coach , wood wheels .... 700 1922 Nash touring f,f,0 1932 Ford sedan 275 1920 Maxwell touring 2u0 1920 Chevrolet touring 125 1922 iieu touring, 7-pa.ss SOO 1922 Columbia touring 300 19211 Oakland touring r.O 1921 Tralllc truck 7G0 'J' rades & Terms Considered. ROBERT F. WELLS. IXC Tel. r.0. Stony Brook . L. I. 44tlc - ^—_ j FRANKLIN SEDAN Type S, good running order and good rubber. $l«li . Address C11AKLES P. DALY , 13) Crescent Road . Balbyon. Phone 17C . 44tfc PORD ROADSTER Good rubber, good motor. Price $100. ] ¦ :. D. GOLDSMITH, Southold . 44tfc _ TWO FORD RUNABOUTS 1 Fcrd touring. I. M. YOUXO & CO.. IXC, Riverhead. -14t3«L- ONE PORD TRUCK Suitable for grocery or meat delivery. 1 kitchen stove in good condition , like new, butcher ' s ice box. KAS.MIR W1LK. Cutchogue , L. 1. 44t2p FORD SEDAN J,ate 1921 . starter, lights, extra shoe and rims, tires like new . $250 or best offer. WALL Y LEE. Trrtnt Pond House, Xoyao Road, Sag Harbor, L. I. 44tlp USED CARS ON EASY TERMS 1923 Ford sedan $450. 1923 Ford sedan 475. 1922 Ford sedan 400. 1922 Ford sedan 425. 1921 Ford sedan 350. 1920 Ford sedan 250. 1923 Ford coupe 450. 1922 Ford coupe 375. 1921 Ford coupe ;. 350. 1921 Fcrd coupe 300. 1920 Ford coupe 225 . 1923 Ford touring 300. 1922 Ford touring 260. 1921 Ford touring 200 . 1920 Ford touring 100 . " 1919 Ford touring 75. 191S Ford touring 50 . 1923 Ford runabout 325 . 1922 Ford runabout 260. 1919 Ford runabou t 125 Two 1920 Ford pneumatic tire speed trucks. 1-ton 250. Maxwell touring good condition... 25. Saxon touring, good condition .... 25. Case touring, goc-d condition 25 . Overland touring, good condition .. 25 . Briscoe touring, good condition ... 25. Studebaker 6, good condition .... 50. Dodge 1919. good condition 200. Chevrolet 1919, good condition ... 75. Reo truck( good condition 100 . Also new chevrolets. Maxwells, Reos and Westcotts. PECONIC GARAGE, Pe- conic , L. I., 1 block from Railroad sta- tion. Telephone Southold 52FG. lctfc GREATEST TIRE BARGAINS On Long Island. A large assortment of good tires slightly used. Tires all makes and sizes from $3 and up. ' High grade guaranteed tires carried in stock. Kelly Springfield tires carried in stock. GEORGE BARB, Greenport, L. I. Phorte 144. 17tfo AUTOMOBILE FOR SALE—Maxwell touring, 1917, good mechanically and otherwise. Self start- er etc. $100. JOHN JOXES , Phone 116 Bridgehampton. L. I. 31tfc TIRES AT MAIL ORDER PRICES 30x3% 30x3% Goodyear , Firestone & Miller fabrics, $S.50 . Gcodyear , Firestone & . Miller <K.rds , $10.50. PATHFINDER, $7. All guaranteed first grade fresh stock, PE- CONIC GARAGE. Peconic, I,. I. Tele- phone Southold 52F6 . 16tfc * USED CARS Ford roadster 1923 , .... $250 Ford touring 125 Ford roadster , winter top 75 Ford sedan 275 Chevrolet sedan , now paint 425 RIVERHEAD .MOTOR SALES Riverhead, X. Y. 4 2tfc ONE OAKLAND ROADSTER With winter top. just overhauled , newly painted and good rubber; good condition. Price $300. BOX 223 . Southold. SOtfc Real Estate and Buildings FARM IN NEW KINGSTON lf, 0 acres, in the heart of cauliflower in- dustry -of the Catskills , '/, mile from creamery & postulllce: good buildings & gooil water. JAMES RlHJKHTSOX , New Kingston . X. Y. 44tlp S ACBIiS AT WAMPMISSIC STATION $000 cash. Write .1 . BRACEWELL, 185 Buller St.. Brooklyn. 44tlp 14 LOTS IN PATCHOGUE On road, tn Port Jefferson . X. BF.S- .TAKDIN , 1511 First Ave., New York City. ¦ 43t4p 14-ROOM HOUSE—A BARGAIN Garage on lot 140x145 , West Side Ave., Fast Quogue. More land adjoining place if desired; 2 baths , kitchen toilet. 11 bedrooms, living-, room, dining room, kitchen , screened porch. Price including furniture, $S , 0o0 , for quick sale. E. M. ELLIS, Fast Quogue. Tel . East Quogue 15-R. 42tlp 15-EOOM HOUSE I'urnished or unfurnished; garage , barn 55x35 , extension 20x20 ; also a carpenter shop 9x12. It will be good place for a hoarding house. MRS. H. W. GORDON , Southold , L. I . 42tlp S-SOOM BUNGALOW FOR RENT Furnished , with modern improvements and garage. BRIGHTWATERS POUL- TRY FARM. lei. Bay Shore 473-M . 33tfc HOUSE ~ Garage with 7 acres of land , on main road , east of North Fork Country golf grounds, suitable for duck farm. Price $4 ,000. V. ADAMS , Turn Tike Duck Farm. New Road. Riverhead. - 42t4c MISCELLANEOUS OAK EXTENSION TABLE 3 leaves, square ends; good as new. Price $s . R. M. BAYLES, Middle Island . 43t4p COOKING RANGE In good condition, good baker . Will sell cheap. MRS . GEORGK F. STACKl'OI.K . Riverhead. 43tfe FARM MACHINERY Mollne 5-lt. binder, good ns new; Champion traction potato digger, slight- ly used; 1 Empire grain drill, good con- dition; 1 12 h. p., 1 11 . c. portable gas engine. The above will be suld at sacri- fice prices; your inspection solicited. WILLIAM F. FUIIST & SOX, East Marion. 43t2c TWO IRON EDGE SPRAYERS Perfect order. Will sell 1. One gang plow also. C. J. HAXXABUnY, R. F. n ' ., Mattituck. 43t2p DOUBLE OTEN BOYNTON RANGE With water back , perfect condition , tine baker, c/o K, County Review. 42tf SCALECIDE . The dorman t spray that controls the scale; does not Injure the tree. Very easy to apply. Write for pamphlet giv- ing full spraying Information. RALPH W. STERLING, tcl . Peconic 56 , Cut- chogue, L. I. 23tfc 4 H. P. STATIONARY ENGINE Gas or gasoline; good running order. Bargain $75. KXCELSIOR GARAGE. Babylon, L. I. 42t4p PEDIGREED POLICE DOGS Imported stock , male and female, G months old. Fomalc, $50. O. F. GAR1C11 , East Moriches. L. I. Tel . 192-M . 42t4p ONE 5-FOOT DEERINO MOWER One -set 14-foot cauliflower shelvings , 4 cellar ' sash with frames; all in good order, li B. PRIXCE, Greenport, L. 1. 42t3p FOB SALE—Blasting powder , dyna- mite caps and fuse. E. S. MILLER, TVading- River, L. I. No business done on Sunday. 9tfc PRESSURE TANKS—nave a large stock , t hydro-Dneumatlc pressure tanks, elzes 120 to 1, 000 gal. Immediate de- livery. Full discount to dealers. DUF- FIELD CONSTRUCTION' CO., Ronkon- koms , Ii 1. Tel. 62-R. . 35tfc ONE HARDER SILO 30-ft.xl2-ft . 1n line condition. IT. F. HEXDRICKSOX, Bridgehampton, L. I. 34tfc A 3 H. P. GAFTGA ENGINE Complete with carburetor, shaft, pro- peller. Used about 20 hours. BOX SS7. Southampton, X. Y. 42t3c ONE SMALL SAFE Good condition; 1 Burroughs adding machine, 1 No. 3 Underwood Standard typewriter. Apply WILLIAM H. CHAP- MAX & SOX, East 'Moriches , X. Y. 44tlc DONKEY, CART AND HARNESS Kind with children, can cultivate. J. H. SEXIOR , ' Center Moriches. Tel. 154 . 44t2p SHEEP ~ Flock of S. MARY J. CITATTLE, Hamp- ton Bays , X. Y. 44t2p ONE 3-PUMP SPRAYER Iron-Age. almost new. J. EDWARD GARVEY. Mattituck , X. Y. 44tfc AN ACRE OF STANDING RYE And a Ford runabout. ASA D. FORD- HAM , East Main St.. Riverhead. 44t2c TWO LARGE SIZE BEDS 2 hair mattresses. 2 Pox springs, dining room table, rocking chair , 1 chiffonier, large mirror. Appl y B. SKIDMARK , c/o Mrs. F. Anton, East Moriches , L. 1. 44t4p LOCUST POSTS ' G ft. long. 6 in. diameter. 40c each. FRED MBIS . Middle Island. X. Y . 44tlp NEWTOWN INCUBATORS Order that new incubator or extra sec- tion before July 1st and save lOtf of tho cost. Easv terms arranged If desired. JUSTA POULTRY FARM . L. I. Dealers . plnjhe G29 , Southampton, X. Y. 44t2c USED INCUBATURS 4800 Wishbone, 6000 Candee; also Candee sections. Prices right and equipment ns good as new. JUSTA POULTRY FARM, Southampton. X. Y. 44t2<- ONE LARGE WHEEL CHAIR Also pair crutches. Apply MRS. E. G. DOWNS. Maple Ave.. Riverhead. 4 4t2c DOUBLE ACTION DI8C HARROW For Fordson. Must be In good condition. Cal l or write EDWARD GOOZDA, Bait- ing Hollow, X. Y. 4 4tlp BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Electrical contracting, established 20 years, doing large business in past , growing community on Long Island. Address BOX 209 , Review Ofllce . 44trc SEVERAL BICYCLES Some are new ; also good stock of tires. No business on Sunday. BOX 43 , Aque- bogue, N. Y. <<» c BUT Gil ASS NOW For any door window or windshield cf any "nodel Ford sedan, coupe, touring or roapEter . Alway on hand at . PECONIC GARAGE, Peconic. L. I. . 'Telephone Southold 52F6. lOtfc 523,50 TOR A SPRING SUIT Made to order by "Golden Rule" Nasli. Latest styles and 100 samples of goods to choose from. T measure you. Send postal and I'll call. HAROLD ABRA- HALL, East Moriches. 38tfc MCCORMICK TEAM MOWER South Bend steel beam plow, team wagon, 1-thorge surrey, 2 ino-ohick lamp brooders, Excelsior fanning mil!' .. Wax and green pod hush beans for seed. 4 0 cents per quart. W. D. HERZOG & SOX , Center Moriches. X. Y. SCtfc PIPELESS FURNACES 16-Inch , $75; 18-inch , $85; 20-lnch. $99: 22-ineh. $111; delivered to ¦ your home. HARRY O. PUFF, Springfield Gardens. L. I. ' 35tfp GO-LIGHT CAPACITY DELCO PLANT Used only a short time; In perfect con- dition: bargain at half regular price. JOSEPH PETIT, Canal Road, Port Jef- ferson Station. 41t4p FURNITURE And ncusen ol a goods or any description bought , eold and exchanged. I have a ready market for stamps, coins, curios- ities, old manuscripts, old paintings, bocks and personal property of any kind: false teeth , old jewelry, old pewter, old uniforms, - etc. Appraisals for Insurance and execu- tors. Storage for furniture , etc; 10, 000 ft. Auctkms every, 2 weeks. WILSON 3. GILLAM Auctioneer, Sayvllle, L. I. Phone Conn. 30152c LAWN MOWERS Sales and service. Plorse. hand and power mowers. New and used machines. Coldwell . Ideal , Motc-Mowc-r and 4-Acre. CHARLES E. FRANKEXBACH & SONS. Southampton, N. Y. 40tfc HELP WANTED COUPLE—OR MAN For general cleaning. SUFFOLK COUXTY TUBERCULOSIS HOSPITAL. Holtsvllle , L, I. 43t2c SALESLADY Kindly appl y in morning. FRIEDMAN BROS., Flanders Road , Riverhead . 43t2e LAUNDRESS Good wages to the righ t party . LONG ISLAND HOUSE, Riverhead. 42t3c SETTLED WOMAN, WHITE For general housework , good plain cook, family of 2, good wages. B, -c/o Review. 3Stfc J Review Classified 50c fo^f four 1 Ads Department | subsequent ime . t y 1 Minimum Price One Insertion , 50 Cents CASH IN (1 Each Additional Insertion 35 Cents ADVANCE Owing to tho great expense involved in postage * stationery and the I I billing of small charges , customers are required to pay cash with the order for insertion of classified advertisements. Petty charges of all I I kinds have therefore been discontinued for the reasons stated above. 11 . Si. iimn Tii—i MhUlle-nKCil lircfi-rriMl , tn tako' carp of l>:it|iiiii f hrjifh . tSIlKAT I'Ki 'OMO HAY liorsid, South .JnntrsiMirl , U 1. lltUp ¦ WORXlNa noUSEKEEPEB Willi soiiie kncwlortizo nt* prjictiral nurs- tiiK. Simple eoulihiir . no wu iliitiK * 2 In , family, no heavy work; nood pay, per- , manent. U 1*. HOOI..K, QuoRtje . 4U2p POSITION As MrtioKTaplior by yoinnr lady wltli soni o knowkMl^'o of l.nokkeepinK. Address XYZ , c/o County Iteview. 4Ulp OPPORTUNITY Or A LIPETIME An tiKsresslvo tni.slnei*s man nf good rn- mito is offered ;i connection with prom- inent Dreuktyn concern controlling Lun« Islniul distribution of oil burner for licntlnw homo*. Line also Includes burner}* for hot water heaters, parlor stoves, oookstoves, etc , Humor ts noiseless, smokeless nnd pro- duces absolutely no soot. Flame is blue, denoting complete and perfect combus- tion. For this I'L-nson it operates far more cheaply than coal , claimed for other oil burners but seldom ' proven. Oil burner experience not essential. Any capable business man seek Ins- 'broader opportunities can make u splendid .suc- cess with this product . Hank and busi- ness retVretioos required. Call mnrninir between ll nnd 12 o' clock only. AWHITI'JCT'S OFFICIO, Mb Floor , 159 Uenisen St., Brooklyn, N\ Y. 4Ulc ~ WANTED ~" I.IVE IKOHORN BROILERS Also l!v.' fowl If voting and heavy .UTSTA. POULTRY l'VVHM, Southampton. N. Y. 4414c A LAWN KOVIB One that Is drawn by horse or a pascllno one. TI1I0 PIIKIN FARM, Kastport, L. I. 43t2c SECOND RAND CASE REQISTER Address to "Cash Register, c/o County Review, Hlvcrliead . 39tfc UPHOLSTERT WORK In all branches. Chairs caned, mattresses made over. Estimates and samples cheerfully sub- mitted. RBMLEIN'S UPHOLSTERY, Hill Street. Southampton. Tel. 167-M., Flanders. Tel. Riverhead 65-F-4. 37tfc LOCUST POSTS Or locust trees. K. .1. LA MAY, Ilnnt- Insrloii, U I . Tel . 7JS Huntlnston . 40tCc ~~ WANTED A stenographic or bookkeeping posi- tion-by a fj>"a^uate. of Southold Hig h School and Southold Business Acad- emy. Typewriting and bookkeeping preferred. Notify ALTHA N. SMITH , Soulhold. N. Y., Box No. 3 73. POSITION Hy niiddlo-nL-od woman at housework. MRS . ISI.ASIK, Union Ave., Riverhead. 44tlc TO LET ~~ TWO-STORY HOUSE FOB SENT Oood order , ;) larse rooms, for the sum- mer, unfurnished: larue lawn, plenty shade, quiet neigh bo rhood, low rent , particulars, picture, etc. R. M. BAYLES, Middle Island, N. y. 43t4p UPSTAIRS APARTMENT TO KENT Kleetric lights , water and other improve- ments. Inquire of MRS. JOHN ¦ WA:R- RKX FAXXING, Roanoke Ave., River- hea d. 44tlp LOST AND FOUND A SILK SCARP LOST P.laek , <t blue striped, between Riverhead and il' alverton on June 5. - Finder please return |to 'Hj St. HULSI3, Ctilverton. - 44tlp ^2S The C APITOL^THE ATRE 5S1S- ' Matinees , 2:30~-Evenings 7:30 »&9:30^^^P Seats Reserved in Advance ' DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME | T'-n"^ ^ " » -f , MONDAY-TUESDAY, JUNE 23-24 THURSDAY, JUNE 26 "A Woman of Paris " "Modern Matrimony " CHARLES CHAPLIN'S Greatest Masterpiece " -wit h- wit h EDNA PURVIANCE OWEN MOORE - ALICE . LAKE A bewitchinp; romantic tale of a gay-mad woman who deserted every- A wonderful comedy-drama of . the trouble of a pair of newlyweds. thing, even her soul , for the luxurious gay life of Paris . There are While the situations are unquestionably funny, the action is quick and marvelous touches of humor, pathos and subtle allusions which have snappy. Thus when his last lie has failed and the last piece of fur- set the Chaplin Comedy pietur-s apart from all other kinds of pictures niture has been moved , the wistful is quite as pronounced as the the world over. ludicrous. Fox News Comedy Special Scenic Reel Special Pathe Comedy MATINEE MONDAY AT 2:30 ' ' ' - '" ' ¦ ' FRIDAY, JUNE 27 WEDNESDAY, JUNE 25 "The Common Law " 5 - ACTS OF EXCELLENT FIRST-r wnh ,i,« 8r .. t e.t f »„ C\ ASS VAUDFVII IF •) COR IN o^£*l r FITH - CONWAY TEARLE - ELLIOTT DEXTER K,Lif\tDO V tWJUML , V 1L.LIL V BRYANT WASHBURN - DORIS MAY - HARRY MYERS ¦¦ ¦ «• - ' ¦ an d HOBART BOSWORTH , . ' In addition a special photoplay . , . I FW TODY i n ' beautiful melodrama of every-day life. Is the love-thief Society ' s tern 1. •• m ° St di } n B e r oU8 criminal) He steals into the lives of sisters and ** | 0|* /|llPllTIP W ' Ve °—brenk in B hearts and ruining reputations. By JAMES OLIVER CURWOOD Fox News Comedy Special A blazing bi g timber drama , replete with action, thrills and adventure ~ ~ written by the famous and popular author , James Oliver Curwood , who SATURDAY, JUNE 29 introduces the most daring hair-raising, breath-taking situations that were ever flashed on the silvery screen! ^TPI_ WY I J? Pathe News Comedy *" e W aniCrS MATINEE AT 2:30 —with— One Show in Evening at 8:00 P. M. "GERTIE" ASTOR and HUNTLEY GORDON Admission:—Matinee 28c and 33c; Evening 55c. A DRAMA OF HEARTS AND THROBS!! A drama that mirrors SPECIAL-RETURN ENGAGEMENT ^^^^' ^^Jl^t^^^^l^^^ Of America ' s Greatest Juvenile Entertainers of actual situations as every man and woman has felt them finding a MCALLISTER SISTERS S^BtT ,B "W7 ,~ c d , -, And Other Broadway Favo.ites ^athe lNeWS Comedy Special WEDNESDAY—MATINEE AND EVENING—JUNE 25th MATINEE 2:30 STTKFXirQ BUBBISK FOBBIDBBIT Notice Is hereby clven that all por- fconn aro forMdden dumpinjr rubbish on the town ' s properly, commonly cHlled the sand lot anil loam pit. south of the railroad track In the eastern part oC the 'vlllace. |Dated May 20 , 1924. CHARL15S O. DOWNS , Town Superintendent of Highways, A bequest of $50 is nindc by the will of Stephen Cvija , late of Greenport , to World War memorial committee of that village. The Eastern Lorg Isl- and Hospital , of Greenport, also re- ceives a bequest of $150.. Mr. Cvij a, who was a nat i ve of and owned valu- able property in Austria , was pro- prietor of the well known Vienna Res- taurant in Greenport for many years. The residue of the estate is given to Theresa M. Cvija , widow, .who is named executrix. The petition places the value of the estate at upwards of $15 , 000. The paragraph of the will be- queathing the $50 to the War Memor- ial Committee, reads as follows: "As the citizens of iGreenport , Suffolk Count y, (New York , are raising funds for the erection of a suitable memor- ial to perpetuate the memory of those of its men who joined with the U. S. Forces in the recent World War , I be- ing desirous of giving further the as- sistance of this worthy enterprise, do hereby bequeath and direct my execu- tri x to pay the committee for the War Memorial " the sum of . $50 as my share." The will provides that in the even t the memorial was erected that the $50 should be paid to the commit- tee for the maintenance and care of same. The will of Emma L. Huntting, late of Southold , makes the follow- ing bequests : Isabel P. Terry, Car- rie M. Lowerre, Sarah Wheeler , and Lucy Conklin , sisters , testatrix ' s un- divided interest in parcel of land on the westerly side of Oak Lawn ave- nue , Southold ; Mildred G. Dauch , of Hempstead , $250 , " as a tiny remem- brance of her love, devotion and care for Uncle Johnny and Aunt Emmy; " residue to H. Howard Huntting. . brother, who was vice-president and treasurer of the Southold Savings Bank for many years. The petition does not state the value of the estate. 'MATTERS OP INTEREST IN SURROGATE'S COURT WHAT HAVE YOU TO SELL? A second, hand car, furniture, boat, raachinV ery, etc. An Ad. in these columns will bring you customers. THE COUNTY REVIEW DO YOU WANT TO RENT a liouse or bungalow an Ad. in these columns will find a client. IF YOU WANT A JOB—Try in Ad. in these columns. BUICK 6 CLOSED CAR Excellent condition, good cord tires , special summer upholstery, 1924 license, . Price $475 J. F. FANNING New Suffolk Pltnn* PafA*,:*. 11-F-9 EAST MORICHES BEACH Restaurant . Cottage , Hotel and Bathing Station for rent for sum- mer, at a reasonable rental. It ia a good , well-established business "where money can be made. I JACOB MILLER East Moriches iFifteen members of the American ' Legion in Suffolk County were in- itiated in tho La Societe Des 40 Hommcs Et 8 Chevaux , at the armory in Flushing last Saturday afternoon. This is what is known as the "Box Car 'Degree" or the "Legion ' s Play- ground" and only ex-service men who 'have been active in promoting the in- terests of the Legion arc eligible to ¦ join. The "Wrecking Crew" from Queens , Kings and Richmond Counties worked the degree. The . Suffolk County men who joined the society were: Almon G. Rasquin , commander of Riverhead Post; Albert S. Dayton , of Patehogue, who is dis- 'trict deputy of the Legion for the ( whole of Long Island; Walter Percival , Harry Collins , and Bernard Gutmann , Babylon; Charles Baum , Bay Shore; Percy E. Ricketts , East . Hampton; Raymond C. Payne , Quogue; John A. Montgomery, of Sag Harbor , chairman of ' the Suffolk County Legion organization; Gedrge Mohimann and Leon J. Tyler , of Setauket; Fred B. Abbott , Chester Brownie and Cliarles Helwig. A Suffolk County branch was formed 'on Saturday which will be known as Foiture No. 1713, Suffolk County. The following are the temporary of- ficers : Harry Collins , chef de Gare ; John A. Montgomery, conductor; Albert S. Dayton , correspondent. , "LEGION'S PLAYGROUND" ORGANIZED IN SUFFOLK The Masonic Club , of Sag Harbor , will hold their annual Fair and Carni- val at Sag Harbor , opening on July 5 , and continuing for one week, ending on Jul y 12. There will be dancing, and the other usual features, provid- ing fun for everybody. The affair will be held on the grounds of the Masonic Temple. A beautiful three piece livingvroom suite will be given away to some lucky person during the Carnival. Josiah Smith Chapter , D. A. R., is to present a silk platform American flag and stanchion to the new $450, - 000 high school in Patehogue, which will be opened in September. South Side Lodge, 'F. and A . M., is to donate a Bible to the new school. MASONIC CLUB TO HOLD ANNUAL CARNIVAL On Friday, June 13 , the local High •School defeated Eastport High 5-0 'in a very interesting game. The High School took the lead in the third i inning by scoring one run and agai n scored in the 6th , . when Mcher hit a i beautiful homer in center field which 'landed near the back entrance of the ' school. Eastport defeated the High School 12-7 in . the first game of the year , so the boys tri ed their hard est to beat them here. Callahan pitched for Southampton , allowing only five hits. The score follows: Southampton H. S. AB R H PO A E Reinert , 2b 4 1 1 3 4 0 Veeck , 3b 4 1 1 5 0 1 Callahan , p 4 0 2 2 2 1 Maher, ss ........ 3 1 112 0 Micari , lb 4 0 0 6 0 1 i . Seamon , If 4 0 0 1 0 0 Eisner , c 3 0 0 6 2 1 Warren, cf .. 3 1 0 0 0 0 Fanning, rf 2 0 1 00 0 ' Foster , rf 1 1 0 01 0 .. ' .. - . - 32 5 6 24 11 4 Eastport H. S. AB R H PO A E Michne , 2b 4 0 1 2 1 1 'Harchick, If . 4 0 12 0 0 IMeuller , ss . 4 0 1 2 4 1 Michne , p 4 0 1 1 1 0 W. Turtle, 3b .... 3 0 0 2 3 0 •B. Michne , c .... 5 0 15 0 0 r¦ ' ¦ - ¦ - ¦ - t ... ¦¦ ¦ I Hedger, cf 3 0 0 2 0 2; Collins , lb 3 0 0 11 0 0; V. Tuttle , rf 3 0 0 0 0 0> 33 o ' 5 27 S 4 123456789 13. II. S. 0 0 10 0 13 0 x—5 , Eastport 00000000 0—0 The next game will be played on ' the local diamond , the visiting team . ' being Sag Harbor. This is the last, igamo of the season. , Tho Town Baseball team defeated- ISouthold last Saturday, 4-2. The next ,ganie will be with East Hampton on Saturday, June 28, in Southampton. S. II . S. DEFEATS EASTPORT un friuay evening ot last weelc the U. S. Coast Guard Cutter Seneca steamed into tho harbor at Montauk Point to take her part in "The River Road , " , the Ernest Shipman picture , - that is now being made on Long Is- land. The night scenes photographed last , Friday and several nights fol- lowing will portray several of the most thrilling rescues ever seen on the screen , and will for the firs t time in the history of the motion picture , show the actual methods of the U. S. Coast Guard in succoring stranded ships. It is expected that the scenes in the vicinity of East Hampton will be completed earl y next week. The next. : sequence , according to Director Ken- neth O'Hara ' s tenta tive schedule , will* be photographed at Babylon , where - the company will probably remain another week . ( Within the nex t few days those winners of Long Island Beauty (Con- tests who have not yet had ' their chance in "The River Road" will be called to location. Every contest winner will be seen in the picture and it is expected that special parts will , be assigned to some of them. Twol of the winners from the western end! of Long Island proved to be such ex- cellent photogra phic subjects that Mr. O'Hara assigned parts to them. ' _, The full cast is still on location with the company and will return to- Babylon. These include iMahlon Hamilton , May Allison , i Fay Marbe, Flora Finch , Lawford Davidson; Richard Hall , William G. Colviti , Wil< liam Cal h oun , George Williams , Mary/ Foy and Dorothy Walters. ¦ ' ¦ ' U. S. COAST GUA RD CUTTER USED IN "THE RIVER ROAD" Scientists of the United States agri- cultural 'department are Introdiclng plants on l.aysaii Island of the Ha- waiian game preserve In an effort \o restore vegetative conditions COOK pletely destroyed by rubblta. ¦ ' : Jimson Weed Anesthetic. In prehistoric times , Zunls and other tribes \ " of . North American Indian! used a substance obtained from the Unison weed as an anesthetic during -urgical operations. ¦ ' ¦ ' :* ¦' Railroads In Africa. With nearly four times the area nf the United States. Africa has only one- eighth of Its railroad mileage, wblla Asia, almost sis times as large, has but one-fourth. Rabbits Destroy -Vegetation. Fine brown fur of the fur seal Is under a top skin that Is st. 'lT" , coarse and gray In color und which Is taken off when preparing the skins for the market. i Seal's . Second Skin Finest.

^2S The C APITOL^THE ATRE Boats 5S1S-nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn84035791/1924-06-20/ed-1/seq-8.pdfA. W. IIAI'KI', Ovtr Hill Faun, llui :u . Stony ... $700. JOHN TRACKS, South

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Page 1: ^2S The C APITOL^THE ATRE Boats 5S1S-nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn84035791/1924-06-20/ed-1/seq-8.pdfA. W. IIAI'KI', Ovtr Hill Faun, llui :u . Stony ... $700. JOHN TRACKS, South


OWE OOOD TAMILY COWInquire ur MUCK .SI.i 1KI..I I .0. UHJC I K .Kast (JU OKUt- . 4 4 t l | l

TEN rKESH MII.CU COWSAnd 2 BOOI I work hnncs. li.'. i iui iaWfprice.*. A. W. IIAI 'KI', Ovtr Hill Faun,llui :u. Stony llrcok. 42t4p

JERSEY COW4 years old . lillUNO KOSCL'KIKWKV..laurel , !.. I. 4 H 4 P

ONE TRESH COWOne horse. I'lUCD H. DOWNS, SoundAvenue, Hiverheail , 40lt 'c

PIQS AND COWSl'lsa ready to go. 2 fresh cows, sooclMedium iirii'Ml farm horse. l\ .1.COIIWJN, Kiverliead . SStfc

JERSEY CATTLERome Just freshen«il. For price call atfarm. J. V. WILSON', Jamesport, I.. I.


COWSHolstelns, Guernseys. Jerseys, CanadianAyreshlrvs ; 101) head new milch cowsand sprliiKers always on hand. W K pro-ducers. We deliver to HNdceport andNew Louden boats. Phone or write yourwants. TUB LYMAN KAIUI , OKOtHiKW. TRISCHMAX, Xlgr., itlddlelleld.Conn. 36tl2|i


And 2 boars. For prices call at farm.J. V. WILSON , Jainesport. 43t ie

DUROC PIOSPrice at farm. No Sunday business.KVERETT W. DOWNS. S2 SoundAvenue, Riverhead, N. Y. 42l'Jp


Scund and , gentle and very active; 1 aeood saddle horse. MKltTON II , 10I>-WARDS, -Springs, L. I. 44t fc


Modern. Mammoth Incubator, capacity7.'0ft etrss: brooder house, capacity 4000chicks; G laying houses, each loox l l - t't.1\ O. 110X 75 , ManorviNe. L. I. 42tfe

WHITE WYANDOTTE CHICKS25 cts. each, 100 or over 22 cts. each.LAKESIDE FARM , V. H. K I R K U P .Prop., Mattituck, L. I. Tel. Mattituck49E»3. 27tfc

CUSTOM HATCHINODone at BriRhtwaters Poultry Fnrm.Tel. Bay Shore 47.1-M. 3.1tfc


For hatching good winter layers. It.50per 15; $7 per 100 . HOWARD T.MESCHUTT. Hampton Bays, N. Y. ?.2tfc

Seeds and PlantsTOMATO PLANTS

Stone and Matchless, in 100 lots at f i . '.dper 100. CHARLES. R. FUANKHN11ACH& SONS. Southampton , N. Y. 44t '.!r

STERLING} SEEDPlant nnd Poultry Farm will carry atull line of. Burpee's seeds, Fordhookbush htnas, grass, , clover and alfalfaseed, seed oats, onion sets, peas andbeans of all kinds, strawberry plants,cabbage, lettuce and pansy plants, spray-ing materials, spray pumps, etc. Writefor catalog; ready some time in Fob.RALPH W. STERLING, tcl. 55 Peconic,Cutchocno. L.- '• 23tfc


Round bottom, 20 feet long, 5% feetwide, 8 h. p. 2-cylinder engine, newpaint. Price J450. Arrange to be seenwith K. B. TUTHILL, Jainesport, L. I.


35-TT. CABIN CRUISER8-ft. beam, A-l condition; 12-16 h. p.4-cyllnder, 4-cycl e Kearmith motor, in-stalled 1 year ago. Price reasonable.For further information GEORGE GAS-SERT, West Main St., Riverhead . 41t lc

SHARPIES12-ft., 14-ft .. 10-ft.. built by order. W.H. TCJRBUSH E. Main St., Rive rhead.


SLOOP YACHT31x9V,, fast and able, first class condi-tion. $700 . JOHN TRACKS, SouthJaniesport. Tel. 405 Jainesport. 43t2|i

SEVERAL MARINE ENGINES2 h. p. to 12 h. p., also reverse fcears,magnetos, etc. Priced to suit. .1. I I ,CARTBR & SON, South Jainesport


CATBOAT2 yrs. old, 20 ft. long and. 10 ft. wide,with 22 in. decks; equipped with S ll. p.2-cyllnder Gaffga engine, cabins, (bothsummer and winter) hatches, etc . Com-plete equipment for c.icalloplng or anideal pleasure boat. Apply to GEO ltd I''.K. BROWN , South Jamesport, L. I. Tel.237F13. 44t lp

20-PT. CATBOAT WITH CABINCV. h. p. l-cylinder Grey engine. Goodshape nnd can travel heavy sea. Apply11. NELSON MOORE, Cutchogue. L. 1.


MOTORBOATBargain if sold at once. 20 ft., raiseddeck cruiser, sleep 4, basin, toilet , sink.12 li. p. Lathrcp motor, n«,v Cape Codtypo; can he seen ul Shlnnecock gates.A-i condition, w.vr/r tiit DOWNS, c;ataTender, Hampton ll.iys. 41tfc

POWERBOAT2n-ft. S-ln.xS-ft . -1-in., with 1G h. p. 4-cyole heavy duty motor. Suitable forcommercial fislUng or party work. Forfurther particulars address WILLIAMF. LEWIS, Center Brook , Conn. Box 02.



7,000 miles, new, A-l condition, plentyof extras, quick sale, ?60i) , will , takeFc-rd as part payment . Tel . 217-M , ICii-s tQuogue. 43t2p

1922 ACE MOTORCYCLEFullv piiuinped , excellent condition.Demonstration any time. JOHN P.ItlBSDORl'H, Riverhead. Tel. 141-Tt..- ¦ 43t2p

• BTJICK 6 TOURING CARGood condition, good running cnT.er. nondtires. WALLACE S. DOWN'S, River-bead, L. I. 41tfc

CADILLAC TOURINGIn good 001111111011. 0 Noiwc. lk cord tires.Any di 'inunxtrutlon. Price J lT iO. or wil ltrade fur Dcdge or ullier small coupe.J I A R O L D STECK , East Quogue, L. I.


USED CARSA number of good used Dodge, Hudson,Cadil lac , Huirk , lieu and Kor. l pleasureand commercial ours. Also Dodge, Nash,Ken and Ford trucks. Special terms.V A I L !>F J*INKS . Uuogiie. 42tfe

USED CARSDo.l ,-e Brothers i :c:i •euiiiw . recimdi-lionoil , in exce l lent shape; 101 y ]>odgeBrothers sutuirhari . l:U S and 1H20 sedans,i:t i :t am] i:«2o roadsters. Ford sedansand touring cars . Sa.von touring. $100.7-pass. <\>lo touring oar. "rime paymentsnrrimged. J A M E S A . CONltOY , INC..I'atciiiiguo . I.. 1. Tel . JOG. 43tfc

DODGE TOURING CARIn good condition; been run IS ,000 miles,J20U . Also 1 12 h. p. 2-eyllnder Lathropmarine engine in good running order.A bargain to a ipilek buyer. MERTON11 . EDWARDS . .Springs, L. I. 4Ufc

USED CARS 'l 'H T Hudson 7-pass., touring- $3501923 Essex couch , disc wheels . . ; . 7f»01923 l-^sex coach , wood wheels . . . . 7001922 Nash touring f,f,01932 Ford sedan 2751920 Maxwell touring 2u01920 Chevrolet touring 1251922 iieu touring, 7-pa.ss SOO1922 Columbia touring 30019211 Oakland touring r.O1921 Tralllc truck 7G0

'J'rades & Terms Considered.ROBERT F. WELLS. IXC

Tel. r.0. Stony Brook . L. I.44tlc


Type S, good running order and goodrubber. $l«l i . Address C11AKLES P.D A L Y , 13) Crescent Road. Balbyon.Phone 17C . 44tfc

PORD ROADSTERGood rubber, good motor. Price $100.]¦:. D. GOLDSMITH, Southold. 44tfc_

TWO FORD RUNABOUTS1 Fcrd touring. I. M. YOUXO & CO..IXC, Riverhead. -14t3«L-

ONE PORD TRUCKSuitable for grocery or meat delivery. 1kitchen stove in good condition, likenew, butcher's ice box. KAS.MIR W1LK.Cutchogue, L. 1. 44t2p

FORD SEDANJ,ate 1921 . starter, lights, extra shoe andrims, tires like new . $250 or best offer.WALL Y LEE. Trrtnt Pond House, XoyaoRoad, Sag Harbor, L. I. 44tlp

USED CARS ON EASY TERMS1923 Ford sedan $450.1923 Ford sedan 475.1922 Ford sedan 400.1922 Ford sedan 425.1921 Ford sedan 350.1920 Ford sedan 250.1923 Ford coupe 450.1922 Ford coupe 375.1921 Ford coupe ;. 350.1921 Fcrd coupe 300.1920 Ford coupe 225.1923 Ford touring 300.1922 Ford touring 260.1921 Ford touring 200 .1920 Ford touring 100 ."1919 Ford touring 75.191S Ford touring 50.1923 Ford runabout 325 .1922 Ford runabout 260.1919 Ford runabout 125Two 1920 Ford pneumatic tire

speed trucks. 1-ton 250.Maxwell touring good condition... 25.Saxon touring, good condition . . . . 25.Case touring, goc-d condition 25 .Overland touring, good condition . . 25 .Briscoe touring, good condition . . . 25.Studebaker 6, good condition . . . . 50.Dodge 1919. good condition 200.Chevrolet 1919, good condition . . . 75.Reo truck( good condition 100.Also new chevrolets. Maxwells, Reos andWestcotts. PECONIC GARAGE, Pe-conic, L. I., 1 block from Railroad sta-tion. Telephone Southold 52FG. lctfc

GREATEST TIRE BARGAINSOn Long Island. A large assortment ofgood tires slightly used. Tires all makesand sizes from $3 and up.' High gradeguaranteed tires carried in stock.Kelly Springfield tires carried in stock.GEORGE BARB, Greenport, L. I. Phorte144. 17tfo

AUTOMOBILEFOR SALE—Maxwell touring, 1917, goodmechanically and otherwise. Self start-er etc. $100. JOHN JOXES, Phone 116Bridgehampton. L. I. 31tfc

TIRES AT MAIL ORDER PRICES30x3% 30x3%Goodyear, Firestone & Miller fabrics,$S.50 . Gcodyear, Firestone & . Miller<K.rds, $10.50. PATHFINDER, $7. Allguaranteed first grade fresh stock, PE-CONIC GARAGE. Peconic, I,. I. Tele-phone Southold 52F6 . 16tfc*

USED CARSFord roadster 1923 , . . . . $ 2 5 0Ford touring 125Ford roadster, winter top 75Ford sedan 275Chevrolet sedan , now paint 425


4 2tfc

ONE OAKLAND ROADSTERWith winter top. just overhauled, newlypainted and good rubber; good condition.Price $300. BOX 223 . Southold. SOtfc

Real Estate and BuildingsFARM IN NEW KINGSTON

lf, 0 acres, in the heart of cauliflower in-dustry -of the Catskills , '/, mile fromcreamery & postulllce: good buildings &gooil water. JAME S RlHJKHTSOX , NewKingston . X. Y. 44tlp

S ACBIiS AT WAMPMISSIC STATION$000 cash. Write .1 . BRACEWELL, 185Buller St.. Brooklyn. 44tlp

14 LOTS IN PATCHOGUEOn road, tn Port Jefferson . X. BF.S-.TAKDIN , 1511 First Ave., New YorkCity. ¦ 43t4p

14-ROOM HOUSE—A BARGAINGarage on lot 140x145 , West Side Ave.,Fast Quogue. More land adjoining placeif desired; 2 baths , kitchen toilet . 11bedrooms, living-, room, dining room,kitchen , screened porch. Price includingfurniture, $S ,0o0 , for quick sale. E. M.ELLIS, Fast Quogue. Tel. East Quogue15-R. 42tlp

15-EOOM HOUSEI'urnished or unfurnished; garage, barn55x35 , extension 20x20 ; also a carpentershop 9x12. I t will be good place for ahoarding house. MRS. H. W. GORDON ,Southold , L. I . 42t lp

S-SOOM BUNGALOW FOR RENTFurnished, with modern improvementsand garage. BRIGHTWATERS POUL-TRY FARM. lei. Bay Shore 473-M . 33tfc


Garage with 7 acres of land, on mainroad , east of North Fork Country golfgrounds, suitable for duck farm. Price$4 ,000. V. ADAMS , Turn Tike DuckFarm. New Road. Riverhead. - 42t4c


3 leaves, square ends; good as new.Price $s . R. M. BAYLES, Middle Island .


COOKING RANGEIn good condition, good baker. Will sellcheap. MRS . GEORGK F. STACKl'OI.K .Riverhead. 43tfe

FARM MACHINERYMollne 5-lt. binder, good ns new;Champion traction potato digger, slight-ly used; 1 Empire grain drill, good con-dit ion; 1 12 h. p., 1 11 . c. portable gasengine. The above will be suld at sacri-fice prices; your inspection solicited.WILLIAM F. FUIIST & SOX, EastMarion. 43t2c

TWO IRON EDGE SPRAYERSPerfect order. Will sell 1. One gangplow also. C. J. HAXXABUnY, R. F. n'.,Mattituck. 43t2p

DOUBLE OTEN BOYNTON RANGEWith water back, perfect condition, tinebaker, c/o K, County Review. 42tf

SCALECIDE .The dormant spray that controls thescale; does not Injure the tree. Veryeasy to apply. Write for pamphlet giv-ing full spraying Information. RALPHW. STERLING, tcl . Peconic 56 , Cut-chogue, L. I. 23tfc

4 H. P. STATIONARY ENGINEGas or gasoline; good running order.Bargain $75. KXCELSIOR GARAGE.Babylon, L. I. 42t4p

PEDIGREED POLICE DOGSImported stock , male and female, Gmonths old. Fomalc, $50. O. F. GAR1C11 ,East Moriches. L. I. Tel. 192-M . 42t4p

ONE 5-FOOT DEERINO MOWEROne -set 14-foot cauliflower shelvings, 4cellar' sash with frames; all in goodorder, li B. PRIXCE, Greenport, L. 1.


FOB SALE—Blasting powder, dyna-mite caps and fuse. E. S. MILLER,TVading- River, L. I. No business doneon Sunday. 9tfc

PRESSURE TANKS—nave a large stock, t hydro-Dneumatlc pressure tanks,elzes 120 to 1,000 gal. Immediate de-livery. Full discount to dealers. DUF-FIELD CONSTRUCTION' CO., Ronkon-koms, Ii 1. Tel. 62-R. . 35tfc

ONE HARDER SILO30-ft.xl2-ft . 1n line condition. IT. F.HEXDRICKSOX, Bridgehampton, L. I.


A 3 H. P. GAFTGA ENGINEComplete with carburetor, shaft, pro-peller. Used about 20 hours. BOX SS7.Southampton, X. Y. 42t3c

ONE SMALL SAFEGood condition; 1 Burroughs addingmachine, 1 No. 3 Underwood Standardtypewriter. Apply WILLIAM H. CHAP-MAX & SOX, East 'Moriches, X. Y. 44t lc

DONKEY, CART AND HARNESSKind with children, can cultivate. J.H. SEXIOR , 'Center Moriches. Tel. 154 .



Flock of S. MARY J. CITATTLE, Hamp-ton Bays, X. Y. 44t2p

ONE 3-PUMP SPRAYERIron-Age. almost new. J. EDWARDGARVEY. Mattituck, X. Y. 44tfc

AN ACRE OF STANDING RYEAnd a Ford runabout. ASA D. FORD-HAM , East Main St.. Riverhead. 44t2c

TWO LARGE SIZE BEDS2 hair mattresses. 2 Pox springs, diningroom table, rocking chair, 1 chiffonier,large mirror. Apply B. SKIDMARK ,c/o Mrs. F. Anton, East Moriches , L. 1.


LOCUST POSTS 'G ft. long. 6 in. diameter. 40c each. FREDMBIS . Middle Island. X. Y. 44tlp

NEWTOWN INCUBATORSOrder that new incubator or extra sec-tion before July 1st and save lOtf of thocost. Easv terms arranged If desired.JUSTA POULTRY FARM . L. I. Dealers.plnjhe G29 , Southampton, X. Y. 44t2c

USED INCUBATURS4800 Wishbone, 6000 Candee; also Candeesections. Prices right and equipmentns good as new. JUSTA POULTRYFARM, Southampton. X. Y. 44t2<-

ONE LARGE WHEEL CHAIRAlso pair crutches. Apply MRS. E. G.DOWNS. Maple Ave.. Riverhead. 4 4t2c

DOUBLE ACTION DI8C HARROWFor Fordson. Must be In good condition.Cal l or write EDWARD GOOZDA, Bait-ing Hollow, X. Y. 4 4t lp

BUSINESS OPPORTUNITYElectrical contracting, established 20years, doing large business in past ,growing community on Long Island.Address BOX 209, Review Ofllce . 44trc

SEVERAL BICYCLESSome are new ; also good stock of tires.No business on Sunday. BOX 43 , Aque-bogue, N. Y. << » c

BUT Gil ASS NOWFor any door window or windshield cfany "nodel Ford sedan, coupe, touring orroapEter. Alway on hand at . PECONICGARAGE, Peconic. L. I. .'TelephoneSouthold 52F6. lOtfc

523,50 TOR A SPRING SUITMade to order by "Golden Rule" Nasli.Latest styles and 100 samples of goodsto choose from. T measure you. Sendpostal and I'll call. HAROLD ABRA-HALL, East Moriches. 38tfc

MCCORMICK TEAM MOWERSouth Bend steel beam plow, teamwagon, 1-thorge surrey, 2 ino-ohick lampbrooders, Excelsior fanning mil!'.. Waxand green pod hush beans for seed. 4 0cents per quart. W. D. HERZOG & SOX,Center Moriches. X. Y. SCtfc

PIPELESS FURNACES16-Inch, $75; 18-inch , $85; 20-lnch. $99:22-ineh. $111; delivered to ¦ your home.HARRY O. PUFF, Springfield Gardens.L. I. •' 35tfp

GO-LIGHT CAPACITY DELCO PLANTUsed only a short time; In perfect con-dition: bargain at half regular price.JOSEPH PETIT, Canal Road, Port Jef-ferson Station. 41t4p

FURNITUREAnd ncusenola goods or any descriptionbought , eold and exchanged. I have aready market for stamps, coins, curios-ities, old manuscripts, old paintings,bocks and personal property of any kind:false teeth , old jewelry, old pewter, olduniforms, - etc.

Appraisals for Insurance and execu-tors.

Storage for furniture, etc; 10,000 ft.Auctkms every, 2 weeks.

WILSON 3. GILLAMAuctioneer,

Sayvllle, L. I. Phone Conn.30152c

LAWN MOWERSSales and service. Plorse. hand andpower mowers. New and used machines.Coldwell . Ideal , Motc-Mowc-r and 4-Acre.CHARLES E. FRANKEXBACH & SONS.Southampton, N. Y. 40tfc


For general cleaning. SUFFOLKCOUXTY TUBERCULOSIS HOSPITAL.Holtsvllle, L, I. 43t2c

SALESLADYKindly apply in morning. FRIEDMANBROS., Flanders Road, Riverhead . 43t2e

LAUNDRESSGood wages to the righ t party . LONGISLAND HOUSE, Riverhead. 42t3c

SETTLED WOMAN, WHITEFor general housework , good plain cook,family of 2, good wages. B, -c/o Review.


J Review Classified 50c fo^f four 1Ads Department | subsequent ime. t y


Minimum Price One Insertion, 50 Cents CASH IN (1Each Additional Insertion 35 Cents ADVANCEOwing to tho great expense involved in postage * stationery and the I Ibilling of small charges, customers are required to pay cash with theorder for insertion of classified advertisements. Petty charges of all I Ikinds have therefore been discontinued for the reasons stated above. 1 1 .

Si. iimn Tii—i

MhUlle-nKCil lircfi-rriMl , tn tako' carp ofl>:i t | i i i i i f hrj ifh . tSI lKAT I'Ki 'OMO H A Yl iors id, South .Jnntrs iMirl , U 1. l l t U p

¦WORXlNa noUSEKEEPEBWilli soiiie kncwlortizo nt* prj ictiral nurs-tiiK. Simple eoulihiir. no wu iliitiK * 2 In

, family, no heavy work; nood pay, per-, manent. U 1*. HOOI..K, QuoRtje . 4U2p

POSITIONAs MrtioKTaplior by yoinnr lady wltlisoni o knowkMl^'o of l.nokkeepinK. AddressXYZ , c/o County Iteview. 4Ulp


An tiKsresslvo tni.slnei*s man nf good rn-mito is offered ;i connection with prom-inent Dreuktyn concern controlling Lun«Islniul distribution of oil burner forlicntlnw homo*. Line also Includesburner}* for hot water heaters, parlorstoves, oookstoves, etc ,Humor ts noiseless, smokeless nnd pro-duces absolutely no soot. Flame is blue,denoting complete and perfect combus-tion. For this I'L-nson it operates farmore cheaply than coal, claimed for otheroil burners but seldom 'proven.Oil burner experience not essential. Anycapable business man seek Ins- 'broaderopportunities can make u splendid .suc-cess with this product . Hank and busi-ness retVretioos required.Call mnrninir between ll nnd 12 o'clockonly. AWHITI'JCT'S OFFICIO, Mb Floor,159 Uenisen St., Brooklyn, N\ Y. 4Ulc~


I.IVE IKOHORN BROILERSAlso l!v.' fowl If voting and heavy.UTSTA. POULTRY l'VVHM, Southampton.N. Y. 4414c

A LAWN KOVIBOne that Is drawn by horse or a pascllnoone. TI1I0 PIIKIN FARM, Kastport, L.I. 43t2c

SECOND RAND CASE REQISTERAddress to "Cash Register, c/o CountyReview, Hlvcrliead. 39tfc

UPHOLSTERT WORK In all branches.Chairs caned, mattresses made over.Estimates and samples cheerfully sub-mitted. RBMLEIN'S UPHOLSTERY,Hill Street. Southampton. Tel. 167-M.,Flanders. Tel. Riverhead 65-F-4. 37tfc

LOCUST POSTSOr locust trees. K. .1. LA MAY, Ilnnt-Insrloii, U I. Tel. 7JS Huntlnston. 40tCc~~

WANTEDA stenographic or bookkeeping posi-tion-by a fj>"a^uate. of Southold HighSchool and Southold Business Acad-emy. Typewriting and bookkeepingpreferred. Notify ALTHA N. SMITH,Soulhold. N. Y., Box No. 3 73.

POSITIONHy niiddlo-nL-od woman at housework.MRS . ISI .ASIK, Union Ave., Riverhead.



Oood order, ;) larse rooms, for the sum-mer, unfurnished: larue lawn, plentyshade, quiet neighborhood, low rent,particulars, picture, etc. R. M. BAYLES,Middle Island, N. y. 43t4p

UPSTAIRS APARTMENT TO KENTKleetric lights, water and other improve-ments. Inquire of MRS. JOHN ¦ WA:R-RKX FAXXING, Roanoke Ave., River-head. 44tlp


P.laek ,<t blue striped, between Riverheadand il'alverton on June 5. - Finder pleasereturn |to 'Hj St. HULSI3, Ctilverton.

- 44tlp


Matinees, 2:30~-Evenings 7:30 »&9:30^^ P Seats Reserved in Advance


"» -f ,


"A Woman of Paris" "Modern Matrimony"CHARLES CHAPLIN'S Greatest Masterpiece " -with-

• with EDNA PURVIANCE OWEN MOORE - ALICE. LAKEA bewitchinp; romantic tale of a gay-mad woman who deserted every- A wonderful comedy-drama of .the trouble of a pair of newlyweds.thing, even her soul , for the luxurious gay life of Paris. There are While the situations are unquestionably funny, the action is quick andmarvelous touches of humor, pathos and subtle allusions which have snappy. Thus when his last lie has failed and the last piece of fur-set the Chaplin Comedy pietur-s apart from all other kinds of pictures niture has been moved, the wistful is quite as pronounced as thethe world over. ludicrous.

Fox News Comedy Special Scenic Reel Special Pathe ComedyMATINEE MONDAY AT 2:30 '' ' -

' " ' • ¦ ' FRIDAY, JUNE 27WEDNESDAY, JUNE 25 "The Common Law"

5-ACTS OF EXCELLENT FIRST-r wnh ,i,« 8r..te.t „f »„


In addition a special photoplay . , .I FW TODY in

' beautiful melodrama of every-day life. Is the love-thief Society'st e r n 1. ••

m°St di}nBeroU8 criminal) He steals into the lives of sisters and** |0|*/|llPllTIP

W'Ve°—brenk inB hearts and ruining reputations.

By JAMES OLIVER CURWOOD Fox News Comedy Special

A blazing big timber drama, replete with action, thrills and adventure ~ ~

written by the famous and popular author, James Oliver Curwood, who SATURDAY, JUNE 29introduces the most daring hair-raising, breath-taking situations thatwere ever flashed on the silvery screen! ^TPI_ WY I J?

Pathe News Comedy *"e W aniCrSMATINEE AT 2:30 —with—

One Show in Evening at 8:00 P. M. "GERTIE" ASTOR and HUNTLEY GORDONAdmission:—Matinee 28c and 33c; Evening 55c. „ A DRAMA OF HEARTS AND THROBS!! A drama that mirrors

SPECIAL-RETURN ENGAGEMENT ^^^^' Jl^t^^^^l^^^Of America's Greatest Juvenile Entertainers of actual situations as every man and woman has felt them finding a


,B"W7 ,~

c d , - ,And Other Broadway Favo.ites • ^athe lNeWS Comedy Special


STTKFXirQ BUBBISK FOBBIDBBITNotice Is hereby clven that all por-

fconn aro forMdden dumpinjr rubbish onthe town's properly, commonly cHlledthe sand lot anil loam pit. south of therailroad track In the eastern part oC the

'vlllace.|Dated May 20 , 1924.

CHARL15S O. DOWNS,Town Superintendent of Highways,

A bequest of $50 is nindc by the willof Stephen Cvija , late of Greenport ,to World War memorial committee ofthat village. The Eastern Lorg Isl-and Hospital , of Greenport, also re-ceives a bequest of $150.. Mr. Cvija,who was a nat i ve of and owned valu-able property in Austria , was pro-prietor of the well known Vienna Res-taurant in Greenport for many years.The residue of the estate is given toTheresa M. Cvija , widow, .who isnamed executrix. The petition placesthe value of the estate at upwards of$15,000.

The paragraph of the will be-queathing the $50 to the War Memor-ial Committee, reads as follows: "Asthe citizens of iGreenport , SuffolkCounty, (New York, are raising fundsfor the erection of a suitable memor-ial to perpetuate the memory of thoseof its men who joined with the U. S.Forces in the recent World War, I be-ing desirous of giving further the as-sistance of this worthy enterprise, dohereby bequeath and direct my execu-tri x to pay the committee for the WarMemorial " the sum of . $50 as myshare." The will provides that in theevent the memorial was erected thatthe $50 should be paid to the commit-tee for the maintenance and care ofsame.

The will of Emma L. Huntting,late of Southold, makes the follow-ing bequests: Isabel P. Terry, Car-rie M. Lowerre, Sarah Wheeler , andLucy Conklin, sisters, testatrix's un-divided interest in parcel of land onthe westerly side of Oak Lawn ave-nue, Southold ; Mildred G. Dauch, ofHempstead , $250, "as a tiny remem-brance of her love, devotion and carefor Uncle Johnny and Aunt Emmy;"residue to H. Howard Huntting..brother, who was vice-president andtreasurer of the Southold SavingsBank for many years. The petitiondoes not state the value of the estate.


WHATHAVE YOU TO SELL? A second,hand car, furniture, boat, raachinVery, etc. An Ad. in these columnswill bring you customers.


DOYOU WANT TO RENT a liouse orbungalow an Ad. in these columnswill find a client.


in these columns.

BUICK 6 CLOSED CARExcellent condition, good cord tires,special summer upholstery, 1924license, .

Price $475J. F. FANNING

New SuffolkPltnn* PafA*,:*. 11-F-9


Restaurant. Cottage, Hotel andBathing Station for rent for sum-mer, at a reasonable rental. It iaa good , well-established business"where money can be made.


East Moriches

iFifteen members of the American' Legion in Suffolk County were in-

itiated in tho La Societe Des 40Hommcs Et 8 Chevaux, at the armoryin Flushing last Saturday afternoon.This is what is known as the "BoxCar 'Degree" or the "Legion's Play-ground" and only ex-service men who

'have been active in promoting the in-terests of the Legion arc eligible to¦join. The "Wrecking Crew" fromQueens, Kings and Richmond Countiesworked the degree.

The .Suffolk County men who joinedthe society were: Almon G. Rasquin,commander of Riverhead Post; AlbertS. Dayton, of Patehogue, who is dis-

'trict deputy of the Legion for the(whole of Long Island; WalterPercival , Harry Collins , and BernardGutmann , Babylon; Charles Baum ,Bay Shore; Percy E. Ricketts , East.Hampton; Raymond C. Payne,Quogue; John A. Montgomery, of SagHarbor, chairman of ' the SuffolkCounty Legion organization; GedrgeMohimann and Leon J. Tyler , ofSetauket; Fred B. Abbott, ChesterBrownie and Cliarles Helwig.

A Suffolk County branch was formed'on Saturday which will be knownas Foiture No. 1713, Suffolk County.The following are the temporary of-ficers : Harry Collins, chef de Gare ;John A. Montgomery, conductor;Albert S. Dayton, correspondent. ,


The Masonic Club, of Sag Harbor,will hold their annual Fair and Carni-val at Sag Harbor, opening on July 5,and continuing for one week, endingon July 12. There will be dancing,and the other usual features, provid-ing fun for everybody. The affairwill be held on the grounds of theMasonic Temple. A beautiful threepiece livingvroom suite will be givenaway to some lucky person duringthe Carnival.

Josiah Smith Chapter, D. A. R., isto present a silk platform Americanflag and stanchion to the new $450,-000 high school in Patehogue, whichwill be opened in September. SouthSide Lodge, 'F. and A. M., is to donatea Bible to the new school.


On Friday, June 13, the local High•School defeated Eastport High 5-0'in a very interesting game. The High• School took the lead in the thirdi inning by scoring one run and againscored in the 6th , .when Mcher hit a

i beautiful homer in center field which'landed near the back entrance of the'school. Eastport defeated the HighSchool 12-7 in .the first game of theyear, so the boys tri ed their hard estto beat them here. Callahan pitchedfor Southampton, allowing only fivehits. The score follows:

Southampton H. S.AB R H PO A E

Reinert, 2b 4 1 1 3 4 0Veeck, 3b 4 1 1 5 0 1Callahan, p 4 0 2 2 2 1Maher, ss ........ 3 1 1 1 2 0Micari , lb 4 0 0 6 0 1

i.Seamon, If 4 0 0 1 0 0Eisner, c 3 0 0 6 2 1Warren, cf .. 3 1 0 0 0 0Fanning, rf 2 0 1 0 0 0

' Foster, rf 1 1 0 0 1 0

. .'

. .- .- 32 5 6 24 11 4Eastport H. S.

AB R H PO A EMichne, 2b 4 0 1 2 1 1

'Harchick, If . 4 0 1 2 0 0IMeuller, ss . 4 0 1 2 4 1Michne, p 4 0 1 1 1 0W. Turtle, 3b .... 3 0 0 2 3 0•B. Michne, c .... 5 0 1 5 0 0

r™ ¦ ' ¦-¦ - ¦ - t ... — ¦ ¦ ¦

I Hedger, cf 3 0 0 2 0 2;Collins, lb 3 0 0 11 0 0;V. Tuttle , rf 3 0 0 0 0 0>

33 o ' 5 27 S 41 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

13. II. S. 0 0 10 0 13 0 x—5 ,Eastport 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0—0

The next game will be played on 'the local diamond , the visiting team .'being Sag Harbor. This is the last,igamo of the season., Tho Town Baseball team defeated-

ISouthold last Saturday, 4-2. The next,ganie will be with East Hampton onSaturday, June 28, in Southampton.


un fr iuay evening ot last weelc theU. S. Coast Guard Cutter Senecasteamed into tho harbor at MontaukPoint to take her part in "The RiverRoad ,", the Ernest Shipman picture,-that is now being made on Long Is-land. The night scenes photographedlast , Friday and several nights fol-lowing will portray several of themost thrilling rescues ever seen onthe screen, and will for the firsttime in the history of the motionpicture, show the actual methods ofthe U. S. Coast Guard in succoringstranded ships.

It is expected that the scenes inthe vicinity of East Hampton will becompleted earl y next week. The next.:sequence, according to Director Ken-neth O'Hara 's tenta tive schedule, will*be photographed at Babylon , where -the company will probably remainanother week. (

Within the nex t few days thosewinners of Long Island Beauty (Con-tests who have not yet had ' theirchance in "The River Road" will becalled to location. Every contestwinner will be seen in the picture andit is expected that special parts will,be assigned to some of them. Twolof the winners from the western end!of Long Island proved to be such ex-cellent photogra phic subjects that Mr.O'Hara assigned parts to them. '_,

The full cast is still on locationwith the company and will return to-Babylon. These include iMahlonHamilton , May Allison, i Fay Marbe,Flora Finch , Lawford Davidson;Richard Hall , William G. Colviti, Wil<liam Calhoun , George Williams, Mary/Foy and Dorothy Walters. ¦' ¦'


Scientists of the United States agri-cultural 'department are Introdiclngplants on l.aysaii Island of the Ha-waiian game preserve In an effort \orestore vegetative conditions COOKpletely destroyed by rubblta. ¦ ':

Jimson Weed Anesthetic.In prehistoric times, Zunls and other

tribes \ " of . North American Indian!used a substance obtained from theUnison weed as an anesthetic during-urgical operations. ¦' ¦• ' :*¦'

Railroads In Africa.With nearly four times the area nf

the United States. Africa has only one-eighth of Its railroad mileage, wbllaAsia, almost • sis times as large, hasbut one-fourth.

Rabbits Destroy -Vegetation.

Fine brown fur of the fur seal Isunder a top skin that Is st.'lT", coarseand gray In color und which Is takenoff when preparing the skins for themarket. i

Seal's. Second Skin Finest.