MASSES / MISAS Saturdays / Sábados 8AM & 5:15PM Sundays / Domingos: 7AM, 9AM, 11AM, & 6PM 1PM & 7:30PM (Spanish/Español) Weekdays / Días de la Semana 8AM (English/Ingles) Holy Days / Días Santos 8AM, 11:30AM (School), 6:30PM, 8PM (Spanish/Español) The mission of Saint Lucy Parish is to lead people to a transformative relationship with Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church. We live our faith by welcoming and serving. 2ND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME JANUARY 14TH, 2018 2º DOMINGO DEL TIEMPO ORDINARIO 14 DE ENERO, 2018 2350 Winchester Blvd. Campbell, CA 95008 (408) 378-2464 fax (408) 378-5548 Email: [email protected] Facebook: SaintLucyParish Twitter @StLucyCampbell RECONCILIATION CONFESIONES Friday / Viernes (Bilingual/Bilingüe): 7PM to 9PM Saturday / Sábado: 3:30PM to 5PM www.stlucy-campbell.org SVDP/Outreach Services Servicos Sociales (408) 378-8086 La misión de la Parroquia de Santa Lucía es guiar a la comunidad a una relación transformadora con Jesucristo y la Iglesia Católica. Vivimos nuestra fe en el servicio y al dar la bienvenida. St. Lucy Parish School (408) 871-8023 www.stlucyschool.org ADORATION ADORACIÓN Thursday / Jueves 9AM to 6PM After four Advent weeks of purple and two Christmas weeks of white we once more enter into the “green season” of Ordinary Time for the next for six Sundays. There is a lot to do and we are always attentive to the life of the Church around us as we are called to serve God and one another. We notice, and I admit I often fail to appreciate, the environ- ment of the church during the different seasons. We have many (not enough but many) members of our community who give of their time and talents to help beautify the church building each and every week, and this does include Ordinary Time. This is not one of my “gifts” so I am very thankful to Joyce Billings and her team who make the worship space wel- coming and holy. It is also a blessing to have an active Altar Society who care for the church and the sacred linens and vessels for the celebration of the Mass. Once again, this ministry which began even before we were a parish, works qui- etly behind the scenes in serving our Lord in humble gratitude. The wom- en and men who make up our St. Lucy Altar Society (and we need more) are wonderful examples of giving back in thanksgiving for the blessings received in the sacrifice of the Mass. (Continued on page 5...) Después de cuatro semanas de Adviento, en morado, y dos semanas de Navidad, en blanco, una vez más entra- mos en la "estación verde" del Tiempo Ordinario para los próximas seis domingos. Hay mucho que hacer y siem- pre estamos atentos a la vida de la Iglesia que nos ro- dea, ya que estamos llamados a servir a Dios y a los demás. Notamos, y admito que a menudo no aprecio, el ambiente de la iglesia durante las diferentes estaciones. Tenemos muchos (no suficientes pero muchos) miembros de nuestra comunidad que dan su tiempo y talento para ayudar a embellecer la iglesia cada semana. Este no es uno de mis "dones", así que estoy muy agradecido con Joyce Billings y su equipo que hacen que el espacio de adoración sea acogedor y santo. También es una bendición contar con la Sociedad del Altar que cuida la iglesia y los sagrados lienzos y vasijas para la celebración de la Misa. Una vez más, este ministerio, que comenzó incluso antes de que fuéramos una parroquia, trabaja silenciosamente detrás de la escena sirviendo a nuestro Señor con humilde gratitud. Las mujeres y los hombres que con- forman nuestra Sociedad del Altar de Santa Lucía (y necesitamos más) son maravillosos ejemplos del agradecimiento recibido por las bendicio- nes del sacrificio de la Misa. (Continúa en la página 5...)

2ND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME JANUARY 14TH, …...2º DOMINGO DEL TIEMPO ORDINARIO 14 DE ENERO, 2018 2350 Winchester Blvd. Campbell, CA 95008 (408) 378-2464 fax (408) 378-5548

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Page 1: 2ND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME JANUARY 14TH, …...2º DOMINGO DEL TIEMPO ORDINARIO 14 DE ENERO, 2018 2350 Winchester Blvd. Campbell, CA 95008 (408) 378-2464 fax (408) 378-5548

MASSES / MISAS Saturdays / Sábados

8AM & 5:15PM

Sundays / Domingos: 7AM, 9AM, 11AM, & 6PM

1PM & 7:30PM (Spanish/Español)

Weekdays / Días de la Semana 8AM (English/Ingles)

Holy Days / Días Santos 8AM, 11:30AM (School), 6:30PM,

8PM (Spanish/Español)

The mission of Saint Lucy Parish is to lead people to a transformative relationship with

Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church. We live our faith by welcoming and serving.


2350 Winchester Blvd. Campbell, CA 95008

(408) 378-2464 fax (408) 378-5548

Email: [email protected]

Facebook: SaintLucyParish

Twitter @StLucyCampbell


(Bilingual/Bilingüe): 7PM to 9PM

Saturday / Sábado: 3:30PM to 5PM


SVDP/Outreach Services Servicos Sociales

(408) 378-8086

La misión de la Parroquia de Santa Lucía es guiar a la comunidad a una relación transformadora con

Jesucristo y la Iglesia Católica. Vivimos nuestra fe en el servicio

y al dar la bienvenida.

St. Lucy Parish School (408) 871-8023



Thursday / Jueves 9AM to 6PM

After four Advent weeks of purple and two Christmas weeks of white we once more enter into the “green season” of Ordinary Time for the next for six Sundays. There is a lot to do and we are always attentive to the life of the Church around us as we are called to serve God and one another.

We notice, and I admit I often fail to appreciate, the environ-ment of the church during the different seasons. We have many (not enough but many) members of our community who give of their time and talents to help beautify the church building each and every week, and this does include Ordinary Time. This is not one of my “gifts” so I am very thankful to Joyce Billings and her team who make the worship space wel-coming and holy.

It is also a blessing to have an active Altar Society who care for the church and the sacred linens and vessels for the celebration of the Mass. Once again, this ministry which began even before we were a parish, works qui-etly behind the scenes in serving our Lord in humble gratitude. The wom-en and men who make up our St. Lucy Altar Society (and we need more) are wonderful examples of giving back in thanksgiving for the blessings received in the sacrifice of the Mass. (Continued on page 5...)

Después de cuatro semanas de Adviento, en morado, y dos semanas de Navidad, en blanco, una vez más entra-mos en la "estación verde" del Tiempo Ordinario para los próximas seis domingos. Hay mucho que hacer y siem-pre estamos atentos a la vida de la Iglesia que nos ro-

dea, ya que estamos llamados a servir a Dios y a los demás.

Notamos, y admito que a menudo no aprecio, el ambiente de la iglesia durante las diferentes estaciones. Tenemos muchos (no suficientes pero muchos) miembros de nuestra comunidad que dan su tiempo y talento para ayudar a embellecer la iglesia cada semana. Este no es uno de mis "dones", así que estoy muy agradecido con Joyce Billings y su equipo que hacen que el espacio de adoración sea acogedor y santo.

También es una bendición contar con la Sociedad del Altar que cuida la iglesia y los sagrados lienzos y vasijas para la celebración de la Misa. Una vez más, este ministerio, que comenzó incluso antes de que fuéramos una parroquia, trabaja silenciosamente detrás de la escena sirviendo a nuestro Señor con humilde gratitud. Las mujeres y los hombres que con-forman nuestra Sociedad del Altar de Santa Lucía (y necesitamos más) son maravillosos ejemplos del agradecimiento recibido por las bendicio-nes del sacrificio de la Misa. (Continúa en la página 5...)

Page 2: 2ND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME JANUARY 14TH, …...2º DOMINGO DEL TIEMPO ORDINARIO 14 DE ENERO, 2018 2350 Winchester Blvd. Campbell, CA 95008 (408) 378-2464 fax (408) 378-5548

Parish Office Hours Horario de Oficina Parroquial Monday - Thursday / Lunes a Jueves

9AM - 6PM Friday / Viernes 9AM - 5PM

Sunday / Domingo 10AM - 1PM

SVDP/Outreach Services Oficina de Servicos Sociales

(408) 378-8086 Office Open: 10AM -11:45AM Mon - Fri

Horario de Oficina: 10 AM-11:45AM Lunes a Viernes



We welcome visitors and newcomers to St. Lucy Par-ish. We encourage new parishioners to register as par-ish members and become active in our parish commu-nity. Registration forms are available outside the Church, at our Parish Office and on our Web Site.

Bienvenidos Le damos la bienvenida a los visitantes y recién llega-dos a la Parroquia de Santa Lucía. Invitamos a los nue-vos feligreses a registrarse como miembros de la parro-quia y participar activamente en nuestra comunidad parroquial. Los formularios de inscripción están disponi-

bles afuera de la Iglesia, en la oficina parroquial y en nuestro sitio Web.

Rev. Mark Arnzen Pastor/Párroco

(408) 378-2464 x 106, [email protected]

Rev. Steve Kim Parochial Vicar/Vicario Parroquial

(408) 378-2464, x 105, [email protected],

Antonio Ojeda Pastoral Associate, Spanish / Asociado Pastoral, Español

(408) 378-2464 x 107, [email protected]

Andrew Brown Pastoral Associate, English /

Asociado Pastoral, Ingles (408) 378-2464 x 101, [email protected]

Irma Alarcón de Rangel Director of Children’s Faith Formation /

Directora de Formación de Fe para Niños (408) 378-2464 x 102, [email protected]

Patty Osorio Coordinator of Youth Ministry & Evangelization /

Coordinadora del Ministro de la Juventud y Evangelización

(408) 378-2464 x 103, [email protected]

Sue Grover Principal of the School /Directora de la Escuela

(408) 871-8023, [email protected]

Raymond Langford Parish Administrator / Administrador de la Parroquia

(408) 378-2464 x 110, [email protected]

Sandy Hart Accounting / Contabilidad

(408) 378-2464 x 110, [email protected]

Maricela Gallarate Office Manager / Gerente de Oficina

(408) 378-2464 x 118, [email protected]

Ericka Tibke Communications Coordinator /

Coordinadora de Comunicaciones (408) 378-2464 x 115, [email protected]

Administrative Assistants / Secretarias Ingi Ibarra

(408) 378-2464 x 114, [email protected] Yvonne Franco

(408) 378-2464 x 114, [email protected] Erika Alcaraz

(408) 378-2464 x 104, [email protected] 2

St. Lucy Parish Office will be CLOSED Monday, January 15th

In observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day

La Oficina de Santa Lucia estará CERRADA

el Lunes, 15 de Enero Para el Día de Martin Luther King Jr.

Page 3: 2ND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME JANUARY 14TH, …...2º DOMINGO DEL TIEMPO ORDINARIO 14 DE ENERO, 2018 2350 Winchester Blvd. Campbell, CA 95008 (408) 378-2464 fax (408) 378-5548

Make your giving easier with WeShare secure elec-tronic giving. Sign-up online at https://stlucy-campbell.churchgiving.com or by calling 1-800-950-9952.

Haga su donación más fácilmente con WeShare (entrega electrónica segura). Regístrese en línea con https://stlucy-campbell.churchgiving.com o llamando al 1-800-950-9952

Collection / Colecta

SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM: First and third Saturday of each month at 9:15 am. Visit stlucy-campbell.org for registration infor-mation at least 2 months in advance. SACRAMENT OF MATRIMONY: The couple must contact the Parish Office at least 6 months in advance to begin Mar-riage Preparation. RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS (RCIA): For adults inquiring about or preparing to become member of the Catholic Church, contact our Parish Office at 378-2464.

SACRAMENTO DE BAUTISMO: Primer y tercer sábado de cada mes a las 10:15 am. Visite la oficina con 2 meses de antic-ipación para obtener los formularios de inscripción. SACRAMENTO DE MATRIMONIO: La pareja debe co-municarse con la Oficina Parroquial con 6 meses de antici-pación para comenzar Preparación para el Matrimonio. RITO DE INICIACION CRISTIANA DE ADULTOS (RICA): Pa-ra adultos que desean ser miembros de la Iglesia Católica o recibir sacramentos, comunicarse con la Oficina de la Par-roquia al 378-2464.


Please Pray for the Sick: Oremos por los Enfermos:

Mass Intentions/Intenciones de la Misa January 15 - January 21

15 de Enero - 21 de Enero Monday/Lunes 8AM

Eunice Donnelly +

Tuesday/Martes 8AM Cornelia Jacinto +


8AM Ruth Bertrand +

Thursday/Jueves 8AM Hoang Ngoc Tzo

Friday/Viernes 8AM Special Intention for Olivia Gray

Saturday/Sábado 8AM 5:15PM

Sam Jack Aiello +

Sunday/Domingo 7AM 9AM 11AM 1PM 6PM 7:30PM

People of the Parish People of the Parish Alfredo Alvear + Maria del Pilar Baez + Maria Martines + Santiago Vargas + Elena Vargas + People of the Parish Silvano Macias +

Third Sunday in Ordinary Time

Tercer Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario

1st Reading/1ª lectura: Jonah/Jonás 3:1-5, 10

Responsorial Psalm/Salmo: Psalm/Salmo 25:4-9

2nd Reading/2ª lectura: 1 Corinthians/1 Corintios 7:29-31

Gospel/Evangelio: Mark/Marcos 1:14-20



Monday/Lunes: 1 Sm 15:16-23; Ps 50:8-9, 16bc-17, 21, 23; Mk/Mc 2:18-22

Tuesday/Martes: 1 Sm 16:1-13; Ps 89:20-22, 27-28; Mk/Mc 2:23-28

Wednesday/Miércoles: 1 Sm 17:32-33, 37, 40-51; Ps 144:1b, 2, 9-10; Mk/Mc 3:1-6

Thursday/Jueves: 1 Sm 18:6-9; 19:1-7; Ps 56:2-3, 9-13; Mk/Mc 3:7-12

Friday/Viernes: 1 Sm 24:3-21; Ps 57:2-4, 6, 11; Mk/Mc 3:13-19

Saturday/Sábado: 2 Sm 1:1-4, 11-12, 19, 23-27; Ps 80:2-3, 5-7; Mk 3:20-21


5:15 PM 7:00 AM 9:00 AM 11:00 AM 1:00 PM 6:00 PM 7:30 PM

Saturday/Sábado Sunday/Domingo Sunday/Domingo Sunday/Domingo Sunday/Domingo Sunday/Domingo Sunday/Domingo

Fr. Steve Kim Fr. Mark Arnzen Fr. Willie Manrique Fr. Mark Arnzen Fr. Steve Kim Fr. Mark Arnzen Fr. Steve Kim

Please Pray for the Deceased: Oremos por los Fieles Difuntos:

Trinidad Valle

The offertory collection for December 31st: $17,967 and December 7th: $16,886. Religious Education: $1,105. La colecta del ofertorio del 24 de Diciembre: $17,967 y el 25 de Diciembre: $16,886. Educación Religiosa: $1,105.

There is no Second Collection scheduled for next weekend. No habrá segunda colecta el próximo domingo.

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Schedule of Events / Calendario de Eventos

This schedule is subject to change. For the most current schedule please visit www.stlucy-campbell.org

Este calendario está sujeto a cambios. Para encontrar la versión actualizada de este calendario, visite www.stlucy-campbell.org

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Lunes Martes Miércoles Jueves Viernes Sábado Domingo

1/15/2018 1/16/2018 1/17/2018 1/18/2018 1/19/2018 1/20/2018 1/21/2018

Saturday, January 27, 2017, 8am - 3pm

Saturday, January 27, 2017, 9:30am

Sunday, January 28, 2017

Apostle’s Retreat

Walk for Life Bus Trip

School Open House & Hospitality Sunday



Grupo de Oración Choir Practice 7PM Church

Women's Bible Study


St. Lucy Cursillo 4th Day Group

8:30AM PAC-A Adoration

9AM Church 6th Grade Basketball

Tournament 3PM Gym & Annex

6th Grade Basketball Tournament

8:30AM Gym & Annex

Cub Scout Pack 330 Derby

8AM Gym & Annex

EDGE 7PM Lally

Scripture Studies 10AM PAC-B

Discipulos, Grupo Matinal

9:30AM PAC-B

6th Grade Basketball Tournament

3PM Gym & Annex

Girl Scout Troop 62089 Meeting


Worldwide Marriage Encounter

9AM PAC-A Preschool (English)


Scripture Studies 7PM PAC-B

Children's Faith Formation (Spanish) 4PM PAC & Lally

Prayer Shawl Minis-try Meeting

11AM PAC-B Camp Thrive

4PM PAC Wedding Rehearsal

5:30PM Church Baptisms (English) 9:15AM Church

Children's Faith Formation (English) 10AM PAC & Lally

Despertar Juvenil Core Team

7PM Conference Room

RCIC (English) 6PM Lally

School 8th Grade Friendship Quilting 12:30PM Annex

Middle School Sacramental

Preparation - Year 1 5:30PM Lally &


Bilingual Confessions 7PM Church

Baptisms (Spanish) 10:15AM Church

Teach Seniors Technology

10AM Conference Room


Cub Scout Pack 330 Webellos II Den

Meeting 6:30PM Annex

Children's Faith Formation (English) 4PM PAC & Lally

Benediction 5:45PM Church

Grupo de Oración 7PM Church

Vietnamese Sunday School

1PM Lally

Catechist Meeting (English) 11:30AM

Conference Room

11AM Choir

Practice 7PM Church

1PM Mass Lector Practice

5PM Church YLI Monthly Meeting


Ministerio de Consolación

"Caminando con Jesus"


Wedding Celebration

2PM Church

Children's Faith Formation (Spanish)

11:30AM PAC & Lally

High School Sacramental

Preparation - Year 1 7PM PAC

Novena with Rosary 6PM Church

Middle School First Communion Visit

6PM Church Despertar Juvenil

7:30PM Lally

Cub Scout Pack 330 Derby Preparation

3:30PM Gym & Annex

"With One Voice" Choir Practice 4PM Church

Coro de Niños "Amigos de Jesus y

Maria" Guitar Practice

6PM Lally

Catechist Meeting (Spanish) 6PM Faith

Formation Office

Safe Park Dinner 7:30PM PAC-A

Bilingual Confessions

3:30PM Church LifeTeen


"The Chosen Teens of God" Choir

Practive 6PM Faith

Formation Office

Middle School Sacramental

Preparation - Year 2 7PM Lally &


5:15 PM Choir Prac-

tice 4:30PM Church



Legion de Maria 7PM PAC-B

Cub Scout Pack 330

Planning Meeting 7PM Annex

7:30PM Spanish Lector Practice

7:30PM Church

Grupo de Oración -

Intersección 7PM PAC-C

"Pescador de

Hombres" Choir Practice

7:30PM Church

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(Notas del Párroco, de la pagina 1)

Si está interesado en unirse a alguno de estos ministerios, comuníquese con la oficina parroquial y lo dirigi-remos a las personas adecuadas.

Por último, pero no menos importante, fíjese en nuestros termómetros de progreso para la campaña de capi-tal, "Renovado en la Luz". Gracias por tu generosidad. Su regalo es una verdadera bendición para la comu-nidad. Si no ha decidido comprometerse a partir de hoy ... por favor, únase a nosotros.

Que Dios los bendiga, El Padre Mark

(Pastor’s Notes Continued form page 1)

If you are interested in joining either of these ministries, please contact the parish office and we will direct you to the right people.

You may also notice that Fr. Kevin has joined us for several Masses this weekend. He is sharing his gift of spiritual joy as he invited all members of the parish to his presentation of being a “Spiritual Seeker” (see flyer below for more details) which begins at the end of the month on January 28th.

Last but not least, please look at our progress thermometers for the Capital Campaign, “Renewed in the Light”. Thank you for your generosity. Your gift is a true blessing to the community. If you haven’t chosen to pledge as of today…please come and join us.

God bless, Fr. Mark

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Formación de Fe para Adultos Próximas Bodas Comunitarias 9 de Junio 2018 Si eres una pareja que han decidido regularizar su estado matrimonial o gustas explorar más acerca del beneficio de recibir el sacramento del matrimonio habla con el Sr. Antonio Ojeda. Aquí se enlistan los siguientes requisitos para ser presentados antes del matrimonio. • Certificado Bautismal: – Original y reciente y valido por lo menos 6 meses antes del

matrimonio, la pareja presentará el certificado de bautizo, y/o primera comunión y confirmación. Si uno de los novios no es católico, tendrá que presentar una carta de afiliación a la religión que pertenece.

• Testimonio Personal: – Los novios llenarán esta forma; • Testimonio del testigo: – Generalmente esta forma es llenada por un

familiar o conocido del novio y de la novia Forma de dispensación: – En caso de que uno de los novios no sea católico, él o ella promete que los hijos serán bautizados y criados como católicos.

• Licencia de Matrimonio:– Deben obtener su Licencia Matrimonial (sino se han casado por el civil); por lo menos un mes antes de la fecha de la boda y deben presentarla el día del ensayo. Si la pareja quiere validar su matrimonio, entonces debe mostrar el certificado de matrimonio.

RICA Rito de Iniciación Cristiana para Adultos, Parroquia de Santa Lucia.

¿Eres un adulto que le hace falta los Sacramentos de Iniciación (Bautismo, Comunión y/o Confirmación)?

Bienvenido, aprovecha esta oportunidad. Inscripciones continuamente abiertas: Lunes: 7:30 pm a 9:30 pm. Salón PAC

Para más información; comuníquese con: Antonio Ojeda, (408)378-2464 Ext. 107, [email protected]

Tenemos cuidado de niños/as.

Pastoral Associate, Spanish / Asociado Pastoral, Español

All are invited to board a bus with the St. Lucy Parish Pro-Life Ministry to participate in the 2018 West Coast Walk for Life in San Francisco on Saturday, January 27th. Walk with thousands in a peaceful demonstration standing for Pro-Life. We ask for a small donation to cover transportation costs: $15 per adult, $5.00 for youth under 21 and $25.00 for families. Lunch will not be provided. Bus will depart from St. Lucy Parish at 9:30am sharp and return at 6pm. Pre-registration for bus is required. Registration forms can be found at all Church entrances, St. Lucy Parish website, and in the Parish Office. Please bring exact cash or check paya-ble to “St Lucy Parish” if you will be registering in the Parish Office. Participants under age 18 will need a par-ent release form. For more information, please contact Chris Tabone, [email protected], 408-313-3106.

Todos están invitados a abordar un autobús para participar en la Caminata por la Vida de la Costa Oeste 2018 en San Francisco el sábado 27 de enero. La donación para cubrir los costos de transporte: $15 por adulto, $5 para jóvenes menores de 21 años y $25 por familias. No se proporcionará el almuerzo. El autobús sale a las 9:30 am y regresará a las 6pm. Se requiere preinscripción para el autobús. Inscríbase en la Ofici-na Parroquial. Por favor traiga el efectivo exacto. Los participantes menores de 18 años necesitarán un for-mulario permiso de los padres.

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Faith Formation for Adults Faith Formation is not something that ends in 6th grade. In fact, it is life-long. Here at St Lucy we offer so many opportunities for you. Here are some on-Going Catholic Adult Formation opportunities:

• RCIA: Preparation for Adults looking to join the Catholic Church through full Initia-tion and receiving Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation.

• Marriage Preparation for Engaged Couples/civilly Married: Marriage prepara-tion for newly engaged couples and those looking to "convalidate" their civil mar-riages are welcome to attend our quarterly marriage preparation sessions and re-treat.

• "Catholic Netflix"- www.formed.org: St Lucy has a FREE parish subscrip-tion for ALL PARISHIONERS who want to grow their faith through an online media platform. Our parish subscription code is 9FH34Z. We encourage you to register. The Formed.org app is now available on Android and Apple devices.

• Parent Faith Formation: Bi-monthly meetings for parents of children paired with our Faith Formation pro-gram. This year we are studying Bishop Barron's Catholicism Series.

• Baptism Preparation for Infants: Every month we offer a Thursday evening class retreat for parents and Godparents of infant children looking to receive the Sacrament of Baptism.

• Bible Studies: Throughout the year we offer series of Bible Studies on various topics on Monday eve-nings or Thursday mornings.

• Returning Catholics: a New series for Catholics coming back to Church after being away for while, no matter the reason begins on February 15th at St. Thomas of Canterbury in Campbell.

Events: Apostles Retreat: "How do I talk to others about my faith? How can I witness to them my love for Jesus and His Church?" Saturday, January 27, 2018 from 8am - 3pm. This event is FREE and childcare is available.

Seekers Seminar: "Who is Jesus? What makes him different than other religious leaders?" This seminar is for those seeking to learn more of the basic truths of Jesus in an open environment. Saturday, April 21 from 9am - 12noon in the Par-ish Activity Center.

"Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage" Friday April 13, 7pm - 10pm and Saturday, April 14th, 9am - 12pm join hundreds of other married, dating, and engaged couples for a special presen-tation from Comedian and Pastor Mark Gungor! Tickets now on sale.

Andrew Brown Pastoral Associate, English /

Asociado Pastoral, Ingles

On Saturday, January 27th we have two ways for you

to witness your faith:

- Attend the Walk for Life West Coast in San Francisco and walk with thousands in a peaceful demonstration standing for Pro Life. Sign-up for a bus in the parish office.

- Attend our parish Apostles Retreat from 9am - 3pm. We have Fr. John Hurley as a guest presenter. The theme is "How to tell others about your belief by using the Bi-ble".

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Children’s Faith Formation / Formación de Fe para Niños

Camp Thrive

Camp Thrive is a summer camp pro-gram collaborating with St. Lucy’s Church in Campbell, California. Our mission is to help children become well rounded individuals and understand the value of spiritual reflection, leader-ship, and communication.

Register Now for the Winter Session at www.campthrive.org:

Thursdays, Jan 18th - April 26th 4:00pm - 5:30pm

THE BAPTISM OF OUR LORD Last Monday, January 8th, the Church celebrated the Solem-nity of the Baptism of Our Lord. This brought to an end the season of Christmas. The Church recalls Our Lord's second manifesta-tion or epiphany which occurred on the occa-sion of His baptism in the Jordan. Jesus de-scended into the River to sanctify its waters and to give them the power to beget sons of God. The event takes on the importance of a second creation in which the entire Trinity intervenes. Many of the incidents which accompanied Christ's baptism are symbolical of what hap-pened at our Baptism. At Christ's baptism the Holy Spirit descended upon Him; at our Bap-tism the Trinity took its abode in our soul. At His baptism Christ was proclaimed the "Belo-ved Son" of the Father; at our Baptism we become the adopted sons of God. At Christ's baptism the heav-ens were opened; at our Baptism heaven was opened to us.

EL BAUTISMO DE NUESTRO SEÑOR El pasado lunes 8 de enero, la Iglesia celebró la Solemnidad del

Bautismo de Nuestro Señor. Esto puso fin a la temporada de Navidad. La Iglesia recuerda la segunda manifestación o epifanía de Nuestro Señor que ocurrió con motivo de su bautismo en el Jordán. Jesús descendió al río para san-tificar sus aguas y darles el poder de engen-drar hijos de Dios. El acontecimiento adquiere la importancia de una segunda creación en la que interviene toda la Trinidad. Muchos de los incidentes que acompa-ñaron al bautismo de Cristo son simbólicos de lo que sucedió en nuestro Bautismo. En el bautismo de Cristo, el Espíritu Santo des-cendió sobre él; en nuestro Bautismo la Trini-dad tomó su morada en nuestra alma. En Su bautismo, Cristo fue proclamado el "Hijo Amado" del Padre; en nuestro Bautismo nos convertimos en los hijos adoptivos de Dios. En

el bautismo de Cristo los cielos fueron abiertos; en nuestro Bau-tismo el cielo se nos abrió.

Camp Thrive es un programa de campamento que colabora con la Pa-rroquia de Santa Lucia en Campbell,

California. Nuestra misión es ayudar a los niños a ser individuos completos y comprender el valor de la reflexión es-piritual, el liderazgo y la comunicación.

Regístrese ahora para la Sesión de

Invierno en www.campthrive.org: Jueves, 18 de enero - 26 de abril

4:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. $ 40 toda la sesión

Page 9: 2ND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME JANUARY 14TH, …...2º DOMINGO DEL TIEMPO ORDINARIO 14 DE ENERO, 2018 2350 Winchester Blvd. Campbell, CA 95008 (408) 378-2464 fax (408) 378-5548

ADORATION: Every Thursday: 9AM - 6PM,

Benediction 5:45 Prayer For Vocations:

3:15 - 4:15 PM

ADORACIÓN: Todos los jueves 9AM a 6PM,

Bendición: 5:45 Adoración por las Vocaciones:

3:15 a 4:15 PM

St. Lucy’s Prayer Chain: A dedicated group of people who pray daily for the needs of our parishion-ers. If someone is sick or out of work or in need of some sort of healing, contact us at [email protected], or telephone Rose @ 408/378-1276.

Prayer Shawl Ministry: If you are ill or otherwise in need of comfort, we would love to offer you a shawl/lap throw we have crocheted/knitted in pray-er. [email protected]

Cadena de Oración de Santa Lucía: Un grupo de personas dedicadas que resan diariamente por los feligreses. Si alguien está enfermo o necesita un tipo de curación, póngase en contacto con nosotros a [email protected], o por teléfono Rose al 408-378-1276 (Español al 408-378-2464).

Ministerio de Mantón de Oración: Si está enfermo o necesita consuelo, nos encantaría ofrecerle un man-tón para sus oraciones. Envié correo a [email protected]


SVDP/Outreach Corner

SVDP/Outreach Volunteer Opportunities: From 10 am and 11:45 am. We especially need bilingual volunteers (English & Spanish). Stop by the Outreach Office or call and leave your contact information at 408-378-8086.

Oficina de Servicios Sociales

Oportunidades para voluntariado: De 10 am y las 11:45 am Especialmente necesitamos voluntarios bilingües (inglés y español). Pase por la Oficina de Servicios Sociales o llame y deje su información al 408-378-8086.



Youth ministry is looking for young adults to as-sist with their annual Confirmation Retreat. The re-treat will be held from Friday, Feb. 2nd through Sun-day, Feb. 4th . We are looking for people who would be comfortable leading small groups of 7-8 teens. If you are interested or able to help please email Jona-than Bedard at ([email protected]).

Volunteer Opportunities / Oportunidades para Voluntarios

Homeless Hats Ministry

We will be providing training and refresher courses for the newly formed Homeless Hats Ministry. The ses-sions will take place on the first Sunday of the month from 2pm to 4pm in the Parish Activity Center. Paul & Gail Pelley will show you how to prepare warm hats for our homeless friends in the community.

Homeless Hats Ministry

Proporcionaremos cursos de capacitación y actualiza-ción para el Ministerio de sombreros para personas sin hogar. Las sesiones se llevarán a cabo el primer domingo del cada mes de 2pm a 4pm en el Centro de actividades de la parroquia. Paul & Gail Pelley le mostrará cómo preparar gorros para nuestros amigos sin hogar en la comunidad.


El Grupo de Oración de Santa Lucia mensaje de vida les hace una invitación al concierto de alabanza y adoración el día 3 de febrero de 4:00 pm a 10:00pm. Los invitamos a un gran concierto carismático, gratis.

The St Lucy Scripture Study Group will be ex-ploring Luke's Acts of the Apostles in a 10 week pro-gram on Monday evenings starting January 8 at 7 pm in the PAC. The same program will be offered on Tuesday mornings at 10 am also in the PAC starting January 9. The course will examine the struggles of early believers to establish communities of faith. All are welcome. A donation of $20 to cover the cost of the texts and video is requested. Contact Jim Miller at 408-377-5070 for more information.


El ministerio juvenil busca jóvenes adultos para ayu-dar con su retiro anual de confirmación. El retiro se llevará a cabo desde el viernes 2 de febrero hasta el domingo 4 de febrero. Estamos buscando personas que se sientan cómodas dirigiendo pequeños grupos de 7-8 adolescentes. Si está interesado o puede ayu-dar, envíe un correo electrónico a Jonathan Bedard a ([email protected]).

Page 10: 2ND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME JANUARY 14TH, …...2º DOMINGO DEL TIEMPO ORDINARIO 14 DE ENERO, 2018 2350 Winchester Blvd. Campbell, CA 95008 (408) 378-2464 fax (408) 378-5548

Outside the Parish

Catholic Charities of California is excited to be hosting walking pilgrimages in Spain along the Camino de Santiago and Italy along the Via Francingena in 2018! These pilgrimages will change your life and support the work of Catholic Charities of California! Please join us for an informational meeting on January 20th at St. Joseph of Cupertino Parish at 10 a.m. To RSVP for the meeting or for more infor-mation, contact [email protected] or call (916) 758-5946.

Hello Fr. Mark & Staff,

Congratulations! One of your parishioners has opened a new or contributed to an existing Donor Advised Fund with the Catholic Community Foundation! They named your parish as the recipient of a one-time, unre-stricted $500 donation as part of our DAF Match opportunity.

How to Claim Your Gift: In order for the Foundation to send you this gift, you must advertise this opportunity to your entire parish at least once. This can be done via e-communications, bulletin announcement, etc. Please send a copy of this advertisement in your bulletin/newsletter to Marie Galetto via post, fax (408.995.5865) or email ([email protected]). Once we have seen your ad, you will receive your $500 check the following quar-ter. Visithttp://cfoscc.org/daf-match/info-pastors/ to download handouts and advertisements.

FAQs: • You can earn $500 for EACH parishioner who opens a new DAF with the Foundation! If 5 of your parish-

ioners open a Donor Advised Fund, that’s $2,500 for your parish. If 10 parishioners open a Donor Ad-vised Fund, that’s $5,000 for your parish!

• The Award Letter which will accompany the $500 check will tell you which parishioner you should thank for the gift.

• The Donor Advised Fund Match opportunity lasts until the end of 2018 or until all matching funds are granted.

• For more details, rules, and restrictions, visit http://cfoscc.org/daf-match/

If you have any questions or need assistance, please feel free to contact me.

Marie Galetto, Marketing and Grants Program Manager

Wedding Anniversary Celebration Come and Celebrate With Us!

Bishop Patrick J. McGrath would like to invite all couples celebrating their 1st through 5th, 25th, 40th and 50th (or more) Wedding Anniversaries this year to participate in our Annual Wedding Anniversary Mass at the Cathedral Basilica of Saint Joseph in downtown San Jose. The couples will be invited to renew their wed-ding vows and will receive a blessing from Bishop Patrick McGrath who will preside over the celebration. Each couple will also receive a certificate signed by the Bishop.

February 3, 2018 at 2pm St. Joseph Cathedral, 80 South Market St. San Jose, CA

A short reception will follow after

The St. Christopher Ladies’ Guild will host its 48th annual Antique Show January 26 – 28, 2018. The Ladies’ Guild invites you to once again become a “World Traveler” as you explore antiques, beautiful garden selections and handcrafted gifts, delicious food, cocktails and entertainment.

Admission to the Antique Show is $6 per person. Additional information on the show can be found at: www.stchrisladiesguild.org/antique-show or follow on Instagram and Facebook @stchrisantiqueshow.

On behalf of the St. Christopher Ladies Guild, thank you in advance for your support!!

Contact: [email protected]

The next Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat, on February 16-18, 2018 at tranquil Our Lady of Santa Clara Le-gionary Retreat Center, 22840 Mercedes Road, Cupertino, CA 95014, offers support to anyone impact-ed by pregnancy loss, abortion and/or miscarriage. If the quality of your life is affected or you have never completely recovered from pregnancy loss, come experience support, compassion, and healing. Retreats are completely confidential. Apply by visiting www.realoptions.net/hope or call 408-837-0990.

Page 11: 2ND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME JANUARY 14TH, …...2º DOMINGO DEL TIEMPO ORDINARIO 14 DE ENERO, 2018 2350 Winchester Blvd. Campbell, CA 95008 (408) 378-2464 fax (408) 378-5548


Page 12: 2ND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME JANUARY 14TH, …...2º DOMINGO DEL TIEMPO ORDINARIO 14 DE ENERO, 2018 2350 Winchester Blvd. Campbell, CA 95008 (408) 378-2464 fax (408) 378-5548

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