2nd MPAH Forum 13-16 October, Eastern Cape Oct 15 th 2014 Biodiversity Conservation vs. Extreme Poverty: Building answers from the heart Matutuíne

2nd MPAH Forum - Biodiversity Advisorbiodiversityadvisor.sanbi.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/22-Zac... · • Djabula is one well-known case study in the District for lifting the

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2nd MPAH Forum 13-16 October, Eastern Cape

Oct 15th 2014

Biodiversity Conservation vs.

Extreme Poverty:

Building answers from the

heart Matutuíne

MPAH a Trans-National Conservation Area

Moçambique IDH 2013 0,327 (185/186) Low Human Development

South Africa IDH 2013 0,629 (121/186)

Medium Human Development Swaziland IDH 2013 0,536 (141/186)



Biodiversity Conservation vs Extreme Poverty:

building answers from the heart of Matutuíne

Highest level of opportunities and things to desire for local communities

The level where some of the communities actually are

our methodology, the living together approach The geographical location of our projects’s

center in Matutuíne and main feature of their beneficiaries

Interrupting cicles of poverty as a fundamental pre-requisite to Environmental Conservation

Distrito de Matutuíne

The Context of Local Communities in Matutuíne

• Population of 39 000 distributed for 5 000 km2

• 1 doctor in Bela-Vista assigned to the District • 1 highschool (until 10th grade) • Nearly 60% of the population has to walk over 1 hour and a half to reach a road were transport is available • Normal dietary regime means 1 hot meal per day and the rest being composed by beverages, and snacks mainly composed by local fruits and raw vegetables



Matutuíne District

«For someone starving,

God is bread with a little bit of butter.»

Who is VIDA and what is VIDA doing?

VIDA is a portuguese NGO funded in 1992 at Moçambique

• It started from a visit of a few months by a group of young volunteers, right after peace agreement signature, to help in Casa do Gaiato (Boane located orphanage) and other less knowned Catholic missions near Maputo

Voluntariado = Voluntary work Internacional = International para o = for the

Desenvolvimento = Development Africano = African

• «We need each other like we need air to breathe» This need is the origine of our work = methodology: approaching the most vulnerable person/community/livelihood as close as possible to their own perspective

• ‘Their own perspective’: pack of [ challenges + resources ] Solutions are tested together, changing operations (for the same variables) or adding local available inputs

Who is VIDA and what is VIDA doing? ANO PROJECTO PAÍS

31 2013-2015 Conhecer, produzir e nutrir – Capacitação das Associações para o Reforço da Segurança Alimentar no Distrito de Matutuíne


30 2011-2012 Conhecimento e inovação - Associações em acção no Distrito de Matutuíne Moçambique

29 2010-2011 Associações rurais para o desenvolvimento participativo Moçambique

28 2006-2009 Capacitação das Comunidades rurais para o desenvolvimento participativo de Matutuíne


27 2006-2007 Desenvolvimento do Comércio rural comunitário para a conservação da biodiversidade no distrito de Matutuíne


26 2005-2006 Utomi la lintwa – Nova VIDA Moçambique

25 2004-2005 Desenvolvimento do sector agro-pecuário a nível do sector familiar, Matutuíne Moçambique

24 2004-2006 Escola Viva em Ncassani - Educação Básica no meio rural do Sul do Moçambique Moçambique

23 2003-2004 Desenvolvimento do sector agro-pecuário a nível do sector familiar, Matutuíne Moçambique

22 2002-2004 Centro de Formação e Comércio Rural de Djabula Moçambique

21 2002 Viva a Escola em Chicavane Moçambique

20 1999-2000 Projecto de emergência cheias – Presidência Republica Moçambique

19 1999-2001 Fazenda VIDA-Bela, Matutuine Moçambique

18 1998-2000 Centro Social da Missão de Nossa Senhora de Fátima Moçambique

17 1997-1999 Viva o Ensino em Gaza Moçambique

16 1997-1999 Centro recursos educativos Boane Moçambique

15 1994-1996 Projecto Viva a Paz Moçambique

14 1994-1997 Projecto Viva a Escola Moçambique

13 1993 Apoio ao Programa de Repatriamento

de Refugiados Moçambicanos


12 1993-1999 Creche de Massaca Dois Moçambique

11 1993-1995 Centro Social da Massaca Moçambique

10 1993 Educação Pré-Escolar Moçambique

9 1993 Promoção da mulher (Acção de sensibilização) Moçambique

8 1992 Alfabetização Moçambique

7 1992 Levantamento populacional da aldeia de Massaca Um Moçambique

6 1992-1994 Apoio ao Ensino Primário no Distrito de Boane Moçambique

5 1992 Formação em corte e costura Moçambique

4 1992-1993 Apoio à integração de idosos na comunidade Moçambique

3 1992-1993 Construção de um posto de enfermagem Moçambique

2 1992-1995 Instalação da merenda escolar Moçambique

1 1992 Construção de vivendas uni familiares Moçambique












How did VIDA ended up in Matutuíne ? How did VIDA ended up in Matutuíne ?




• Was built to house lifelong learning and training to the surrounding communities of Djabula, Cassane and Manheane • But also built under the vision of a Center for all the Decentralized communities of the District • Financial sustainability was to be attained through the commercial management of a cattle herd of 50 animals and agriculture production

From CDCD to Djabula-Cassane-Manheane communities

From 2002 to 2010 projects targeted exclusively beneficiaries from Djabula,

Cassane and Manheane:

60 rehabilitated houses 8 wells opened 1 primary school built 65 short courses on strategic skills and useful

technical upgrade to farming, herd management and honey harvest

From CDCD to Djabula-Cassane-Manheane communities:

The creation of a rural handcraft brand

• The brand is owned and 100% managed by the Pfukani Djabula association • 80% of their 24 member are women • 1 small sized basket sells for the same price as a sac of charcoal • Parallel activities were: delimitating charcoal already slashed areas (to raise awareness) and the development of a communitary management system for the areas to be slashed (p. ex. exclude sandal trees from charcoal production)

Promoting savings and investment through families’s cattle ownership

• Since 2005 7 cows per year are delivered to Djabula community at simbolic price of 1800 Mt (60 USD) • Djabula is one well-known case study in the District for lifting the livelihoods and food security status through cattle ownership

From CDCD to Djabula-Cassane-Manheane communities

From Djabula to communities all over Matutuíne District

• 15 Rural Associations from 15 communities representative of 4 from 5 of the District’s PAs • Capacitated in relevant (selected by beneficiaries in preparatory Forum) technical areas and institutional capacity for colective processes of work, decision-making and management • And creating through the project favorable place for communities to actually be neighbours, within the space of Short-Courses/Forums/Visits outside the Matutuíne District 2011-2012 12 short courses, 4 Forums, 3 visits to similar Rural Organizations outside Matutuíne

From 15 Rural Associations to District’s first Rural Union

• The space for networking ignited in the group the desire to move forward, to a new upgraded collective organization • And also generated momentum for Action in the District itself:

Agricultural Services became a partner in action, bringing other Associations and bringing also FDC Fundação para o Desenvolvimento da Comunidade and the District Associations they were supporting (VIDA, FDC, SDAE and 35 = all District’s Rural Associations )

UAAMAT board official legitimation (Empossamento)

31st July 2014

• District LAs • District Agricultural Services • Provinvcial Agricultural Services • District Representatives Health, Education and Civil Infraestructure • Delegations from UNAC - Peasants National Union and from Boane Peasants Union • RADER Associations and Cooperatives Network for Moçambique Rural Development - moderator • 108 participants

UAAMAT: visibility and traccion to sustainability

Magazine Independente (weekly Maputo based newspaper) 5th August 2014

UNAC Peasants National Union official visit to UAAMAT

22nd August 2014

UAAMAT: VIDA support

Untill April 2015

• Grant awarded by Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian and Portuguese Cooperation to support UAAMAT

• Lowering opperational costs, develop communications network within the Union and setting an accounting and financial control system

From April 2015 onward

• Building the head-quarters for UAAMAT in Bela-Vista Area allowance in Bela-Vista √ Building construction permit √ Constructor’s budget √

CDCD: Future

Djabula Professional School (7th grade – 10thgrade)

• Permit from ETP department in Ministry of Education Affairs to start Jan 2015

• Now in process: paperwork for the curricula, school administration and teachers assignment

First professional high-school at Matutuíne district Students are able to proceed their studies in a rural and isolated área Through developing technical skills, students are able to get into the job

market Environment and sustainability are transversal to all courses and


Actions sustainability

• From a 22 years funds proccurement (1-2 year funding) and at the same time long term compromises with communities, concepts like success and sustainability sound from another dimension


Pfukani Djabula Association

Family cattle herd ownership



CDCD commercial farming


(1) Space - 1: 1 000 000 → 1 : 1

(2) Time - Approach Success in contributions to communities development as an hipotetical line to inifinitelly aproximate


People are stonger, more informed, counscious of their own value in the development process

Personal insights for the future of EC in Matutuíne:

54 dias

90 dias 93 dias

Great achievements Great imbalance

Contactos: VIDA

Voluntariado Internacional para o Desenvolvimento Africano ONGD de Utilidade Pública MNE nº 8296/98

Rua Consiglieri Pedroso, nº 364, 3º andar, flat 9 Maputo|Moçambique

Telf./Fax: +258 21 310 141| E-mail: [email protected] www.vida.org.pt