8/17/2019 29858560-Latin-English Dictionary.pdf http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/29858560-latin-english-dictionarypdf 1/1138 LATIN-ENGLISH DICTIONARY based on W. Whitaker’s word list InRebus.com A a INTERJ  Ah!; (distress/regret/pity, appeal/entreaty, surprise/joy, objection/contempt); a PREP ABL  by (agent), from (departure, cause, remote origin/time); after (reference); a PREP ACC  ante, abb. a.; [in calendar expression a. d. ante diem before the day"; A., abb. N  Aulus (#oman praenomen); (abb. A./Au.); [Absol$o, Anti%uo free, reject"; a., abb. N  year; abb. ann./a.; [regna$it a(nnis). &' he reigned for years"; ab PREP ABL  by (agent), from (departure, cause, remote origin/time); after (reference); abac!"us, abac!"a, abac!"um ADJ  stolen/rustled (of cattle); abac!o#, abac!o#"s N $%#&'  cattle thief, rustler; one *ho dri$es off; abac!us, abac!a, abac!um ADJ  dri$en a*ay/off/bac+; forced to resign (office); restrained by;  passed (night); abac!us, abac!us N $(!)'  cattle thie$ing, stealing of cattle, rustling; abacu*us, abacu*" N $+n&'  tessera/small cube of colored glass for ornamental pa$ements/*all mosaics; abacus, abac" N $+n&'  small table for cruets, credence, shelf/niche near altar for ucharist;  buffet; abacus, abac" N $+n&'  -countingboard; sideboard; slab table; panel; s%uare stone on top of column; abaes!uo, abaes!ua#e, abaes!ua", abaes!ua!us $s!' INTRANS  *a$e do*n; hang do*n richly (poet.); aba/men!um, aba/men!" N $+n&' N  means for obtaining abortion; aba*"ena!"o, aba*"ena!"on"s N $%#&' 0  transfer of property (legal), sale; cession; alienation; aba*"ena!us, aba*"ena!a, aba*"ena!um ADJ  unfriendly, estranged; dead/mortified (medical, of tissues); aba*"eno, aba*"ena#e, aba*"ena", aba*"ena!us $s!' TRANS  ma+e alien; separate, abstract; alienate, estrange, ma+e disaffected; aba*"eno, aba*"ena#e, aba*"ena", aba*"ena!us $s!' TRANS  -transfer (sale/contract); remo$e, ta+e a*ay, dispose of; numb/deaden; abambu*o, abambu*a#e, abambu*a", abambu*a!us $s!' INTRANS  go a*ay; abam"!a, abam"!ae N $s!' 0  greatgreatgreat aunt; (sister of aba$us/gtgtgrandfather); female ancestor; aban!e AD  in front (of); before;

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  • 8/17/2019 29858560-Latin-English Dictionary.pdf


    LATIN-ENGLISH DICTIONARYbased on W. Whitaker’s word list 



    a INTERJ ♦ Ah!; (distress/regret/pity, appeal/entreaty, surprise/joy, objection/contempt);

    a PREP ABL ♦ by (agent), from (departure, cause, remote origin/time); after (reference);a PREP ACC ♦ ante, abb. a.; [in calendar expression a. d. ante diem before the day";

    A., abb. N ♦ Aulus (#oman praenomen); (abb. A./Au.); [Absol$o, Anti%uo free, reject";

    a., abb. N ♦ year; abb. ann./a.; [regna$it a(nnis). &' he reigned for years";

    ab PREP ABL ♦ by (agent), from (departure, cause, remote origin/time); after (reference);

    abac!"us, abac!"a, abac!"um ADJ ♦ stolen/rustled (of cattle);

    abac!o#, abac!o#"s N $%#&' ♦ cattle thief, rustler; one *ho dri$es off;

    abac!us, abac!a, abac!um ADJ ♦ dri$en a*ay/off/bac+; forced to resign (office); restrained by;

     passed (night);

    abac!us, abac!us N $(!)' ♦ cattle thie$ing, stealing of cattle, rustling;

    abacu*us, abacu*" N $+n&' ♦ tessera/small cube of colored glass for ornamental pa$ements/*all

    mosaics;abacus, abac" N $+n&' ♦ small table for cruets, credence, shelf/niche near altar for ucharist;


    abacus, abac" N $+n&' ♦ -countingboard; sideboard; slab table; panel; s%uare stone on top of


    abaes!uo, abaes!ua#e, abaes!ua", abaes!ua!us $s!' INTRANS ♦ *a$e do*n; hang do*n

    richly (poet.);

    aba/men!um, aba/men!" N $+n&' N ♦ means for obtaining abortion;

    aba*"ena!"o, aba*"ena!"on"s N $%#&' 0 ♦ transfer of property (legal), sale; cession; alienation;

    aba*"ena!us, aba*"ena!a, aba*"ena!um ADJ ♦ unfriendly, estranged; dead/mortified (medical, of


    aba*"eno, aba*"ena#e, aba*"ena", aba*"ena!us $s!' TRANS ♦ ma+e alien; separate, abstract;alienate, estrange, ma+e disaffected;

    aba*"eno, aba*"ena#e, aba*"ena", aba*"ena!us $s!' TRANS ♦ -transfer (sale/contract);

    remo$e, ta+e a*ay, dispose of; numb/deaden;

    abambu*o, abambu*a#e, abambu*a", abambu*a!us $s!' INTRANS ♦ go a*ay;

    abam"!a, abam"!ae N $s!' 0 ♦ greatgreatgreat aunt; (sister of aba$us/gtgtgrandfather); female


    aban!e AD ♦ in front (of); before;


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    aban!e PREP ABL ♦ from before/in front of;

    aba#ceo, aba#ce#e, -, - $+n&' TRANS ♦ +eep a*ay;

    abascan!us, abascan!a, abascan!um ADJ ♦ unen$ied;

    aba"a, aba"ae N $s!' 0 ♦ ancestress; greatgreat grandmother;

    abauncu*us, abauncu*" N $+n&' ♦ greatgreatgreatgreat uncle; remote ancestor;

    abaus, aba" N $+n&' ♦ ancestor, forefather; greatgreat grandfather, grandfather0sgrandfather;

    aba1, abac"s N $%#&' ♦ countingboard; sideboard; slab table; panel; s%uare stone on top of


    Abba, un&ec*"ne&  N ♦ 1ather; (Aramaic); bishop of 2yriac/3optic church; (false read


    abbas, abba!"s N $%#&' ♦ abbot; head of an ecclesiastical community; father; any respected

    mon+ (early);

    abba!"a, abba!"ae N $s!' 0 ♦ abbey, monastery;

    abba!"a*"s, abba!"a*"s, abba!"a*e ADJ ♦ of/pertaining to an abbot/abbey; abbey deri$ed;

    abba!"ssa, abba!"ssae N $s!' 0 ♦ abbess;

    abba!"2o, abba!"2a#e, -, - $s!' INTRANS ♦ be abbot;abb"bo, abb"be#e, abb"b", - $%#&' ♦ drin+ (in addition), ta+e in by drin+ing; drin+ in, absorb,

    listen eagerly to;

    abb"!o, abb"!e#e, -, - $%#&' INTRANS ♦ approach, come/dra* near;

    abb#e"a!"o, abb#e"a!"on"s N $%#&' 0 ♦ abbre$iation; diminution; epitome (2outer); shortening;

    abb#e"a!o#, abb#e"a!o#"s N $%#&' ♦ summari4er; one *ho ma+es abstracts/epitomes from papal bulls;

    abb#e"a!us, abb#e"a!a, abb#e"a!um ADJ ♦ abridged, shortened, cut off; straitened, contracted,

    narro*ed; abbre$iated;

    abb#e"o, abb#e"a#e, abb#e"a", abb#e"a!us $s!' TRANS ♦ shorten, cut off; abbre$iate,abstract; epitomi4e (2outer); brea+ off; *ea+en;

    abb#ocamen!um, abb#ocamen!" N $+n&' N ♦ abbrochment, forestalling mar+et/fair (buying

     before fair then retailing 56);

    ab&"ca!"o, ab&"ca!"on"s N $%#&' 0 ♦ renunciation; diso*ning/disinheriting (son);

    resignation/abdication (office);

    ab&"ca!"e AD ♦ negati$ely;

    ab&"ca!"us, ab&"ca!"a, ab&"ca!"um ADJ ♦ negati$e;

    ab&"ca!#"1, ab&"ca!#"c"s N $%#&' 0 ♦ renouncer (female); she *ho renounces/disclaims


    ab&"ca!us, ab&"ca!" N $+n&' ♦ diso*ned/disinherited son;

    ab&"co, ab&"ca#e, ab&"ca", ab&"ca!us $s!' TRANS ♦ resign, abdicate; abolish; disinherit;

    renounce, reject, expel, disappro$e of;

    ab&"co, ab&"ce#e, ab&"1", ab&"c!us $%#&' TRANS ♦ be against, reject; *ithhold (someone0sright); forbid by unfa$orable omen;

    ab&"!e AD ♦ secretly;

    ab&"!"us, ab&"!"a, ab&"!"um ADJ ♦ remo$ed, separated (from);

    ab&"!um, ab&"!" N $+n&' N ♦ hidden/secret/out of the *ay place, lair, (in) secret;

    ab&"!us, ab&"!a, ab&"!um ADJ ♦ hidden, secret, out of the *ay, remote, secluded;

    obscure/abstruse (meaning);

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    ab&o, ab&e#e, ab&"&", ab&"!us $%#&' TRANS ♦ remo$e, put a*ay, set aside; depart, go a*ay;

    hide, +eep secret, conceal;

    ab&omen, ab&om"n"s N $%#&' N ♦ abdomen, paunch, lo*er part of the belly; gluttony; asindicati$e of obesity;

    ab&om"na*"s, ab&om"na*"s, ab&om"na*e ADJ ♦ abdominal;

    ab&uco, ab&uce#e, ab&u1", ab&uc!us $%#&' TRANS ♦ lead a*ay, carry off; detach, attracta*ay, entice, seduce, charm; *ithdra*;

    ab&uc!"o, ab&uc!"on"s N $%#&' 0 ♦ abduction, forcible carrying off; robbing; retirement (7ulg.


    abece&a#"a, abece&a#"ae N $s!' 0 ♦ elementary introduction; the A83 of the matter;

    abece&a#"um, abece&a#"" N $+n&' N ♦ alphabet;

    abece&a#"us, abece&a#"a, abece&a#"um ADJ ♦ alphabetical; belonging to the alphabet;

    abece&a#"us, abece&a#"" N $+n&' ♦ one *ho learns the A830s;

    abece!uo#"um, abece!uo#"" N $+n&' N ♦ act of tracing 9ree+ and :ebre* alphabets on church

    floor *hile consecrating;

    abe**ana, abe**anae N $s!' 0 ♦ filbert, ha4el nut;

    abe**anus, abe**ana, abe**anum ADJ ♦ filbert/ha4el (*/nut); of Abella (to*n in 3ampania notedfor fruit/filberts);

    abeo, ab"#e, ab""$""', ab"!us INTRANS ♦ depart, go a*ay; go off, go forth; pass a*ay, die,disappear; be changed;

    abe3u"!o, abe3u"!a#e, abe3u"!a", abe3u"!a!us $s!' INTRANS ♦ ride a*ay;

    abe#ceo, abe#ce#e, -, - $+n&' TRANS ♦ +eep a*ay; forbid;

    abe##a!"o, abe##a!"on"s N $%#&' 0 ♦ di$ersion, relief;

    abe##o, abe##a#e, abe##a", abe##a!us $s!' INTRANS ♦ stray, *ander, de$iate; go/be/do

    *rong; be unfaithful; escape; disagree (*ith);

    ab4e#o, ab4e##e, -, - TRANS ♦ bear, ta+e a*ay, remo$e, obtain, carry off/a*ay, steal; (error foraufero);

    ab4*uo, ab4*ue#e, ab4*u1", - $%#&' INTRANS ♦ flo*/stream/issue (from); flo* a*ay; be

    abundant, abound (in */A8');

    ab4u/"o, ab4u/e#e, ab4u/", - $%#&' ♦ flee (from), shun; run/fly a*ay, escape; disappear/$anish


    ab)"beo, ab)"be#e, -, - $+n&' TRANS ♦ hold at a distance;

    ab)"nc AD ♦ since, ago, in past; from this time, henceforth; from this place, hence;

    ab)o##eo, ab)o##e#e, ab)o##u", - $+n&' ♦ abhor, shrin+ bac+; be a$erse to, shudder at; differ

    from; be inconsistent;

    ab)o##esco, ab)o##esce#e, ab)o##u", - $%#&' ♦ dread, become terrified; bristle up; begin tosha+e/tremble/shudder/shi$er;

    ab)o##"&e AD♦ roughly, improperly; in an unfit manner;

    ab)o##"&us, ab)o##"&a, ab)o##"&um ADJ ♦ rough, unsightly;

    ab"c"o, ab"ce#e, ab5ec", ab5ec!us $%#&' TRANS ♦ thro*/cast a*ay/do*n/aside; abandon;

    slight; humble; debase; sell too cheaply;

    ab"co, ab"ce#e, -, - $%#&' TRANS ♦ humble; cast aside/a*ay/off, reject;

    ab"e/neus, ab"e/nea, ab"e/neum ADJ ♦ made of fir, deal;

    ab"e/n"us, ab"e/n"a, ab"e/n"um ADJ ♦ made of fir, deal;

    ab"e/nus, ab"e/na, ab"e/num ADJ ♦ made of fir, deal; *ooden;

    ab"es, ab"e!"s N $%#&' 0 ♦ fir tree/*ood; *hite/sil$er fir, spruce; thing of fir, ship, spear; sea *eed;

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    ab"e!a#"us, ab"e!a#"a, ab"e!a#"um ADJ ♦ of/pertaining to/concerned *ith timber or fir/deal;

    ab"e!a#"us, ab"e!a#"" N $+n&' ♦ timber merchant; carpenter, joiner;

    ab"/a, ab"/ae N $s!' 0 ♦ plant *hich has the po*er of producing abortion;

    ab"/ea!o#, ab"/ea!o#"s N $%#&' ♦ cattle stealer/thief, rustler;

    ab"/ea!us, ab"/ea!us N $(!)' ♦ cattle stealing, rustling;

    ab"/eus, ab"/e" N $+n&' ♦ cattle stealer/thief, rustler;ab"/o, ab"/e#e, abe/", abac!us $%#&' TRANS ♦ dri$e/send a*ay/off; expel, repel; steal, plunder

    (cattle), rustle; seduce;

    ab"/o, ab"/e#e, abe/", abac!us $%#&' TRANS ♦ -remo$e/cure (disease); dri$e a*ay (an e$il);force birth; procure abortion;

    ab"/o, ab"/e#e, ab"/", abac!us $%#&' TRANS ♦ dri$e/send a*ay/off; expel, repel; steal, plunder

    (cattle), rustle; seduce;

    ab"/o, ab"/e#e, ab"/", abac!us $%#&' TRANS ♦ -remo$e/cure (disease); dri$e a*ay (an e$il);force birth; procure abortion;

    ab"n&e AD ♦ from that source, thence;

    ab"n"cem AD♦ mutually; (usually as t*o *ords); from one another;

    ab"!"o, ab"!"on"s N $%#&' 0 ♦ departure; going a*ay, departing;ab"!o, ab"!a#e, ab"!a", ab"!a!us $s!' INTRANS ♦ go a*ay, depart;

    ab"!us, ab"!us N $(!)' ♦ departure, remo$al; going a*ay; *ay out, exit, outlet, passage out,egress;

    ab5ec!e, ab5ec!"us, ab5ec!"ss"me AD ♦ in spiritless manner; in humble circumstances, lo*ly;

    negligently; co*ardly;

    ab5ec!"o, ab5ec!"on"s N $%#&' 0 ♦ dejection; a casting do*n/out; outcast;

    ab5ec!o, ab5ec!a#e, ab5ec!a", ab5ec!a!us $s!' TRANS ♦ thro*/cast a*ay/do*n/aside;

    abandon; slight; humble; debase; sell too cheaply;

    ab5ec!us, ab5ec!a -um, ab5ec!"o# -o# -us, ab5ec!"ss"mus -a -um ADJ ♦ do*ncast, dejected;humble, lo*, common, mean; subser$ient; base, sordid, $ile;

    ab5"c"o, ab5"ce#e, ab5ec", ab5ec!us $%#&' TRANS ♦ thro*/cast a*ay/do*n/aside; abandon;

    slight; humble; debase; sell too cheaply;

    ab5u&"ca!"us, ab5u&"ca!"a, ab5u&"ca!"um ADJ ♦ negati$e;

    ab5u&"co, ab5u&"ca#e, ab5u&"ca", ab5u&"ca!us $s!' TRANS ♦ depri$e by judicial $erdict;

    gi$e judgment against; reject; deny an oath;

    ab5u/o, ab5u/a#e, ab5u/a", ab5u/a!us $s!' TRANS ♦ separate (from), remo$e; loose from

    the yo+e;

    ab5un/o, ab5un/e#e, ab5un1", ab5unc!us $%#&' TRANS ♦ unyo+e, remo$e, separate;

    unharness; remo$e part, split; cut off from, detach;

    ab5u#a!"o, ab5u#a!"on"s N $%#&' 0 ♦ abjuration, process *here heretics/apostates/schismatics

    renounce their errors;

    ab5u#a!"o, ab5u#a!"on"s N $%#&' 0 ♦ -fors*earing, denial under oath; perjury;

    ab5u#/o, ab5u#/a#e, ab5u#/a", ab5u#/a!us $s!' TRANS ♦ ta+e a*ay in settlement of a

    %uarrel; deny/refuse reproachfully ('2);

    ab5u#o, ab5u#a#e, ab5u#a", ab5u#a!us $s!' TRANS ♦ repudiate (obligation or duty); deny onoath (falsely); abjure; perjure;

    ab*ac!a!"o, ab*ac!a!"on"s N $%#&' 0 ♦ act/process of *eaning a child;

    ab*ac!o, ab*ac!a#e, ab*ac!a", ab*ac!a!us $s!' INTRANS ♦ *ean;

    ab*acuo, ab*acua#e, ab*acua", ab*acua!us $s!' ♦ loosen/*eed the soil at the roots (of trees);

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    ab*acuo, ab*acua#e, ab*acua", ab*acua!us $s!' TRANS ♦ loosen/*eed the soil at the roots

    (of trees);

    ab*a3uea!"o, ab*a3uea!"on"s N $%#&' 0 ♦ act/process of loosening/*eeding soil at base/roots of atree;

    ab*a3ueo, ab*a3uea#e, ab*a3uea", ab*a3uea!us $s!' TRANS ♦ loosen/*eed the soil at the

    roots (of trees);ab*a!"o, ab*a!"on"s N $%#&' 0 ♦ remo$al, ta+ing a*ay;

    ab*a!"us, ab*a!"a, ab*a!"um ADJ ♦ ablati$e (gram.);

    ab*a!"us, ab*a!"" N $+n&' ♦ ablati$e case (*ith or *ithout casus) (gram.);

    ab*a!o#, ab*a!o#"s N $%#&' ♦ one *ho ta+es a*ay/remo$es;

    ab*e/a!"o, ab*e/a!"on"s N $%#&' 0 ♦ dispatch, sending a*ay/off; dispatch on a duty;

    ab*e/o, ab*e/a#e, ab*e/a", ab*e/a!us $s!' TRANS ♦ send a*ay/off (on a mission); banish,

    get rid of; remo$e/delete a *ord;

    ab*e6s"a, ab*e6s"ae N $s!' 0 ♦ blindness;

    ab*"/u#"o, ab*"/u#"#e, ab*"/u#"", ab*"/u#"!us $(!)' TRANS ♦ eat up (dainties); consume in

    dainty li$ing; *aste, s%uander; *aste in feasting;

    ab*"/u##"o, ab*"/u##"#e, ab*"/u##"", ab*"/u##"!us $(!)' TRANS ♦ eat up (dainties); consumein dainty li$ing; *aste, s%uander; *aste in feasting;

    ab*oco, ab*oca#e, ab*oca", ab*oca!us $s!' TRANS ♦ place a contract for (*or+), hire;let/lease/rent (house);

    ab*u&o, ab*u&e#e, -, - $%#&' INTRANS ♦ differ from; fall short of; play out of tune;

    ab*uo, ab*ue#e, ab*u", ab*u!us $%#&' TRANS ♦ *ash a*ay/off/out, blot out, purify, *ash,cleanse; dispel (infection); %uench;

    ab*u!"o, ab*u!"on"s N $%#&' 0 ♦ *ashing, ablution; pouring on (mixture of *ater and *ine) in the


    ab*u"o, ab*u"on"s N $%#&' 0 ♦ erosion;

    ab*u"um, ab*u"" N $+n&' N ♦ flooding of ri$ers, inundation;

    abma!e#!e#a, abma!e#!e#ae N $s!' 0 ♦ greatgreatgreat aunt (mother0s side);

    abna!o, abna!a#e, abna!a", abna!a!us $s!' INTRANS ♦ s*im a*ay from; s*im off;

    abne/a!"o, abne/a!"on"s N $%#&' 0 ♦ denial;

    abne/a!"us, abne/a!"a, abne/a!"um ADJ ♦ negati$e;

    abne/a!o#, abne/a!o#"s N $%#&' ♦ denier, one *ho denies;

    abne/o, abne/a#e, abne/a", abne/a!us $s!' TRANS ♦ deny; decline (to), refuse, reject;

    refuse to gi$e, *ithhold (*hat is due);

    abne6os, abne6o!"s N $%#&' ♦ greatgreat grandson; indefinitely distant descendent;

    abne6!"s, abne6!"s N $%#&' 0 ♦ greatgreat granddaughter; indefinitely distant female descendent;

    abnoc!o, abnoc!a#e, abnoc!a", abnoc!a!us $s!' INTRANS ♦ spend the night out, stay a*ay

    all night; spend the night a*ay from #ome;

    abno&o, abno&a#e, abno&a", abno&a!us $s!' TRANS ♦ cut off +nots; clear trees of +nots;

    abno#ma*"s, abno#ma*"s, abno#ma*e ADJ ♦ abnormal;

    abno#m"s, abno#m"s, abno#me ADJ ♦ of/belonging to no school (of philosophy); de$iating from

    the rule; irregular;

    abnueo, abnue#e, -, - $+n&'♦ refuse, decline; deny (guilt); refuse by a sign, sha+e head; reject;

    rule out;

    abnu"!"o, abnu"!"on"s N $%#&' 0 ♦ negation;

    abnume#o, abnume#a#e, abnume#a", abnume#a!us $s!' TRANS ♦ count up, rec+on up;

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    abnuo, abnue#e, abnu", abnu"!us $%#&' ♦ refuse, decline; deny (guilt); refuse by a sign, sha+e

    head; reject; rule out;

    abnu!"um, abnu!"" N $+n&' N ♦ refusal, denying;

    abnu!"us, abnu!"a, abnu!"um ADJ ♦ negati$e;

    abnu!o, abnu!a#e, abnu!a", abnu!a!us $s!' INTRANS ♦ deny/refuse/forbid (*/sha+e of

    head) repeatedly; forbid;abo*e4ac"o, abo*e4ace#e, abo*e4ec", abo*e4ac!us $%#&' TRANS ♦ destroy;

    abo*e4"o, abo*e4e#", abo*e4ac!us sum SEIDEP♦ be destroyed; (abolefacio

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    abo#!o, abo#!a#e, abo#!a", abo#!a!us $s!' INTRANS ♦ cast its young (beast) (gi$e birth


    abo#!um, abo#!" N $+n&' N ♦ miscarriage; premature/untimely birth; abortion; dead fetus; gettingabortion;

    abo#!us, abo#!us N $(!)' ♦ miscarriage; premature/untimely birth; abortion; dead fetus;

    getting abortion;ab6a!#uus, ab6a!#u" N $+n&' ♦ greatgreatgreat uncle (father0s side);

    ab#a, ab#ae N $s!' 0 ♦ maid;

    ab#a&o, ab#a&e#e, ab#as", ab#asus $%#&' TRANS ♦ scratch/scrape/rub/*ipe (off), sha$e;erase; *ash/erode a*ay; =+noc+ off=, rob;

    ab#e*"c!us, ab#e*"c!a, ab#e*"c!um ADJ ♦ deserted, abandoned;

    ab#enunc"a!"o, ab#enunc"a!"on"s N $%#&' 0 ♦ repudiation, renunciation, renouncing;

    ab#enun!"o, ab#enun!"a#e, ab#enun!"a", ab#enun!"a!us $s!' TRANS ♦ renounce, repudiate(strongly);

    ab#"6"o, ab#"6e#e, ab#"6u", ab#e6!us $%#&' TRANS ♦ drag/snatch/carry/remo$e a*ay by force;

    *ash/blo* a*ay (storm); abduct, +idnap;

    ab#o&"ae!us, ab#o&"ae!" N $+n&' ♦ li$ing delicately, epithet of the painter

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    absc"s"o, absc"s"on"s N $%#&' 0 ♦ loss of $oice; aposiopesis (rhetoric, brea+ing off emotionally),


    absc"ss"o, absc"ss"on"s N $%#&' 0 ♦ loss of $oice; aposiopesis (rhetoric, brea+ing off emotionally),interruption;

    absc"sus, absc"sa -um, absc"s"o# -o# -us, absc"s"ss"mus -a -um ADJ ♦ steep, sheer, precipitous;

    abrupt, curt, brus%ue; restricted; cut off, se$ered;abscon&eo, abscon&e#e, abscon&u", abscon&"!us $+n&' ♦ hide, conceal, secrete, =shelter=; lea$e

     behind; bury, engulf, s*allo* up; +eep;

    abscon&"!e AD ♦ abstrusely; profoundly; secretly;

    abscon&"!um, abscon&"!" N $+n&' N ♦ hidden/secret/concealed place/thing; secret;

    abscon&"!us, abscon&"!a, abscon&"!um ADJ ♦ hidden, secret, concealed; co$ert, disguised;

    abstruse, recondite;

    abscon&o, abscon&e#e, abscon&", abscon&"!us $%#&' ♦ hide, conceal, secrete, =shelter=; lea$e behind; bury, engulf, s*allo* up; +eep;

    abscon&o, abscon&e#e, abscon&"&", abscon&"!us $%#&' ♦ hide, conceal, secrete, =shelter=; lea$e

     behind; bury, engulf, s*allo* up; +eep;

    absconse AD♦ secretly;abscons"o, abscons"on"s N $%#&' 0 ♦ shelter;

    absconsus, absconsa, absconsum ADJ ♦ hidden, secret, concealed, un+no*n;

    abse/men, abse/m"n"s N $%#&' N ♦ piece/slice/hun+ of meat, collop; morsel, portion, lump,

    mouthful, gobbet;

    absens, $/en.', absen!"s ADJ ♦ absent, missing, a*ay, gone; physically else*here (things), nonexistent;

    absen!)"um, absen!)"" N $+n&' N ♦ *orm*ood; absinthe, infusion/tincture of *orm*ood (often

    mixed *ith honey);

    absen!"a, absen!"ae N $s!' 0 ♦ absence; absence form #ome/duty; nonappearance in court; lac+;

    absen!"o, absen!"on"s N $%#&' 0 ♦ holding bac+, restraining;

    absen!"us, absen!"a, absen!"um ADJ ♦ long absent;

    absen!o, absen!a#e, absen!a", absen!a!us $s!' TRANS ♦ send a*ay, cause one to be absent; be absent;

    abs"&a, abs"&ae N $s!' 0 ♦ arc, arc described by a planet; segment of a circle; +ind of round


    abs"&a, abs"&ae N $s!' 0 ♦ -apse, apsis; (arched/domed part of building, at end of choir/na$e of


    abs"&a!us, abs"&a!a, abs"&a!um ADJ ♦ arched; $aulted; ha$ing arch/arches;

    abs"&"a*e, abs"&"a*"s N $%#&' N ♦ smaller apse (flan+ing larger one); (arched/domed part ofchurch);

    abs"&"o*a, abs"&"o*ae N $s!' 0 ♦ smaller apse (flan+ing larger one); (arched/domed part of


    abs"*"o, abs"*"#e, -, - $(!)' INTRANS ♦ rush/fly a*ay (from); burst/fly apart;

    abs"m"*"s, abs"m"*"s, abs"m"*e ADJ ♦ unli+e, dissimilar;

    abs"n!)"!es, abs"n!)"!ae N ♦ *ine fla$ored *ith *orm*ood; absinthe;

    abs"n!)"um, abs"n!)"$"' N $+n&' N ♦ *orm*ood, absinthe, infusion/tincture of *orm*ood (often

    mixed *ith honey);

    abs"n!)"um, abs"n!)"" N $+n&' N ♦ *orm*ood, absinthe, infusion/tincture of *orm*ood (often

    mixed *ith honey);

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    abs"n!)"us, abs"n!)"a, abs"n!)"um ADJ ♦ containing *orm*ood (e.g., *ine); (often mixed *ith

    honey to mas+ taste);

    abs"n!)"us, abs"n!)"" N $+n&' ♦ *orm*ood, absinthe, infusion/tincture of *orm*ood (oftenmixed *ith honey);

    abs"s, abs"&"s N $%#&' 0 ♦ arc described by a planet; arc, segment of a circle; +ind of round

    $essel/bo*l;abs"s!o, abs"s!e#e, abs"s!"!", - $%#&' INTRANS ♦ *ithdra* from; desist, cease; lea$e off;

    depart, go a*ay from; stand bac+;

    abs"s!us, abs"s!a, abs"s!um ADJ ♦ distant, lying a*ay;

    abs"! INTERJ ♦ =god forbid=, =let it be far from the hearts of the faithful=;

    absoce#, absoce#" N $+n&' ♦ greatgreat grandfather of the husband or *ife (inla*);

    abso*u!e, abso*u!"us, abso*u!"ss"me AD ♦ completely, absolutely; perfectly; *ithout

    %ualification, simply, unreser$edly;

    abso*u!"o, abso*u!"on"s N $%#&' 0 ♦ finishing, completion; ac%uittal, release (obligat.); perfection;


    abso*u!"smus, abso*u!"sm" N $+n&' ♦ absolutism;

    abso*u!o#"um, abso*u!o#"" N $+n&' N ♦ means of deli$erance from;abso*u!o#"us, abso*u!o#"a, abso*u!o#"um ADJ ♦ fa$oring/securing ac%uittal; pertaining to

    ac%uittal/release; effecting a cure;

    abso*u!us, abso*u!a -um, abso*u!"o# -o# -us, abso*u!"ss"mus -a -um ADJ ♦ fluent; fully

    de$eloped, complete, finished; perfect, pure; unconditional;

    abso*u!us, abso*u!a, abso*u!um ADJ ♦ absolute;

    abso*o, abso*e#e, abso*", abso*u!us $%#&' TRANS ♦ free (bonds), release; ac%uit; $ote

    for/secure ac%uittal; pay off; sum up;

    absone AD ♦ harshly, discordantly;

    abson"a, abson"ae N $s!' 0 ♦ harshness; discordance;

    absono, absona#e, absona", absona!us $s!' INTRANS ♦ ha$e harsh/discordant/unpleasant


    absonus, absona, absonum ADJ ♦ harsh/discordant/inharmonious; jarring; inconsistent;unsuitable, in bad taste;

    abso#beo, abso#be#e, abso#bu", abso#6!us $+n&' TRANS ♦ de$our; s*allo* up; engulf,

    submerge; engross; absorb, suc+ in; import; dry up;

    abso#beo, abso#be#e, abso#6s", abso#6!us $+n&' TRANS ♦ de$our; o$er*helm; s*allo*

    up/engulf, submerge; absorb, suc+ in; import; dry up;

    abso#6!"o, abso#6!"on"s N $%#&' 0 ♦ drin+, be$erage; s*allo*ing ('atham);

    abso#!"o, abso#!"on"s N $%#&' 0 ♦ $ictory, o$er*helming;

    abso#!us, abso#!a, abso#!um ADJ ♦ o$er*helmed, s*allo*ed up/engulfed/submerged/absorbed;

    ( absorptus); engulfing;

    abs3ue PREP ABL ♦ *ithout, apart from, a*ay from; but for; except for; *ere it not for; (early);

    abs!an!"a, abs!an!"ae N $s!' 0 ♦ distance;

    abs!em"a, abs!em"ae N $s!' 0 ♦ distance;

    abs!em"us, abs!em"a, abs!em"um ADJ ♦ abstemious, abstaining from drin+; sober, temperate;moderate; fasting; sa$ing;

    abs!e#/eo, abs!e#/e#e, abs!e#s", abs!e#sus $+n&' TRANS ♦ *ipe off/clean/a*ay, clean a*ay,

    cleanse, strip off; banish, expel, dispel;

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    abs!e#/o, abs!e#/e#e, abs!e#s", abs!e#sus $%#&' TRANS ♦ *ipe off/clean/a*ay, clean a*ay,

    cleanse, strip off; banish, expel, dispel;

    abs!e##eo, abs!e##e#e, abs!e##u", abs!e##"!us $+n&' TRANS ♦ frighten off/a*ay; dri$e a*ay;deter, discourage; +eep a*ay/*ithhold from, den;

    abs!"na1, $/en.', abs!"nac"s ADJ ♦ abstemious, staying a*ay from li%uor; temperate/sparing in

    drin+/food;abs!"nens, abs!"nen!"s $/en.', abs!"nen!"o# -o# -us, abs!"nen!"ss"mus -a -um ADJ ♦ abstinent,

    temperate; sho*ing restraint, self restrained; not co$etous; chaste;

    abs!"nen!e# AD ♦ abstinently, *ith self restraint (esp. financial dealings); scrupulously;

    abs!"nen!"a, abs!"nen!"ae N $s!' 0 ♦ abstinence; fasting; moderation, self control, restraint;

    integrity; parsimony;

    abs!"neo, abs!"ne#e, abs!"nu", abs!en!us $+n&' ♦ *ithhold, +eep a*ay/clear; abstain, fast;

    refrain (from); a$oid; +eep hands of;

    abs!o, abs!a#e, abs!e!", abs!a!us $s!'♦ stand at a distance, stand off; +eep at a distance;

    abs!#ac!"o, abs!#ac!"on"s N $%#&' 0 ♦ separation;

    abs!#ac!us, abs!#ac!a, abs!#ac!um ADJ ♦ abstract (as opposed to concrete);

    abs!#a)o, abs!#a)e#e, abs!#a1", abs!#ac!us $%#&' TRANS ♦ drag a*ay from, remo$e forcibly,abort; carry off to execution; split;

    abs!#u&o, abs!#u&e#e, abs!#us", abs!#usus $%#&' TRANS ♦ thrust a*ay, conceal, hide;suppress/pre$ent (emotion) becoming apparent;

    abs!#use AD♦ secretly; remotely; abstrusely;

    abs!#us"o, abs!#us"on"s N $%#&' 0 ♦ remo$ing, concealing;

    abs!#usus, abs!#usa -um, abs!#us"o# -o# -us, abs!#us"ss"mus -a -um ADJ ♦ secret, reser$ed;

    concealed, hidden; remote, secluded; abstruse, recondite;

    abs!u*o, abs!u*e#e, -, - $%#&' TRANS ♦ to ta+e a*ay, *ithdra*;

    absum, abesse, ab4u", ab4u!u#us ♦ be a*ay/absent/distant/missing; be free/remo$ed from; belac+ing; be distinct;

    absum, abesse, a4u", a4u!u#us ♦ be a*ay/absent/distant/missing; be free/remo$ed from; be

    lac+ing; be distinct;

    absume&o, absume&"n"s N $%#&' 0 ♦ act of s%uandering/*asting/using up; consuming/de$ouring


    absumo, absume#e, absum6s", absum6!us $%#&' TRANS ♦ spend, *aste, s%uander, use up;ta+e up (time); consume; exhaust, *ear out;

    absum6!"o, absum6!"on"s N $%#&' 0 ♦ act of spending/using up; consumption; a consuming;

    absu#&e AD ♦ as to be out of tune, discordantly; preposterously, absurdly, inappropriately;

    absu#&"!as, absu#&"!a!"s N $%#&' 0 ♦ absurdity, incongruity, nonsense;

    absu#&us, absu#&a, absu#&um ADJ ♦ out of tune, discordant; absurd, nonsensical, out of place;

    a*+*ard, uncouth;

    absus, abs" N $+n&' ♦ *ad (of *ool);

    abs7n!)"um, abs7n!)"" N $+n&' N ♦ *orm*ood; absinthe, infusion/tincture of *orm*ood (often

    mixed *ith honey);

    abun&ans, abun&an!"s $/en.', abun&an!"o# -o# -us, abun&an!"ss"mus -a -um ADJ ♦ abundant;o$erflo*ing; abounding, copious, in large measure; o$erdone; rich;

    abun&an!e#, abun&an!"us, abun&an!"ss"me AD ♦ abundantly; profusely, copiously; on a

    la$ish scale;

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    abun&an!"a, abun&an!"ae N $s!' 0 ♦ abundance, plenty; riches; fullness; o$erflo*, excess;

    discharge (of blood);

    abun&a!"o, abun&a!"on"s N $%#&' 0 ♦ o$erflo*ing; abundance; o$erflo*;

    abun&e AD ♦ abundantly; in profusion/abundance; more than enough; amply, exceedingly, $ery;

    abun&o, abun&a#e, abun&a", abun&a!us $s!' ♦ abound (in), ha$e in large measure; o$erdo,

    exceed; o$erflo*; be rich/numerous;abun&us, abun&a, abun&um ADJ ♦ ha$ing plenty of *ater; copious ('2, 'ate 'atin);

    abus"o, abus"on"s N $%#&' 0 ♦ use of *rong synonym; catachresis, loose/improper use of a


    abus"e AD ♦ loosely, catachresisly, by loose/improper use of language/term/metaphor;

    abus"us, abus"a, abus"um ADJ ♦ misapplied;

    abuso#, abuso#"s N $%#&' ♦ he *ho misuses;

    abus3ue AD ♦ all the *ay from; from/since the time of;

    abus3ue PREP ABL ♦ all the *ay from; from/since the time of;

    abusus, abusus N $(!)' ♦ abusing, misuse, *asting; using up;

    abu!o#, abu!", abusus sum $%#&' DEP♦ *aste, s%uander; abuse; misuse; use up; spend; exhaust;

    misapply (*ord); curse;abe#!o, abe#!e#e, abe#!", abe#sus $%#&' ♦ turn a*ay from/aside, di$ert, rout; disturb;

    *ithdra*; steal, misappropriate;

    ab7ssus, ab7ss" N $+n&' 0 ♦ deep, sea; abyss; hell, infernal pit; bo*els of the earth; primal chaos;

    ac CONJ ♦ and, and also, and besides;

    acac"a, acac"ae N $s!' 0 ♦ acacia, gum arabic tree; gum of this or related trees. gum arabic;

    Aca&em"a, Aca&em"ae N $s!' 0 ♦ academy, uni$ersity; gymnasium *here e mastiche gum/mastich

    from pinethistle/helxine";

    acan!)"**"s, acan!)"**"&"s N $%#&' 0 ♦ *ild asparagus;

    acan!)"nus, acan!)"na, acan!)"num ADJ ♦ of/resembling bear0sfoot/hellbore plant; (gum)

    arabic; of/made of cotton;

    acan!)"on, acan!)"" N N ♦ species of cotton plant or thistle; cotton thistle;

    acan!)"s, acan!)"&"s N $%#&' 0 ♦ small songbird (thistle/gold finch '2); groundsel (plant2enecio $ulgaris);

    acan!)"us, acan!)"a, acan!)"um ADJ ♦ made from some species of cotton plant;

    acan!)os, acan!)" N ♦ bear0sfoot, (blac+) hellbore (plant); gum arabic tree/*ood;

    acan!)us, acan!)" N $+n&' ♦ bear0sfoot, (blac+) hellbore (plant); gum arabic tree/*ood;

    acan!)7**"s, acan!)7**"&"s N $%#&' 0 ♦ small songbird;

    acanus, acan" N $+n&' ♦ pine thistle;

    aca6nos, aca6nos, aca6non ADJ ♦ obtained *ithout smo+e (honey); burning *ithout smo+e

    (*ood); smo+eless;

    aca6nus, aca6na, aca6num ADJ ♦ obtained *ithout smo+e (honey); burning *ithout smo+e

    (*ood); smo+eless;

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    aca#na, aca#nae N $s!' 0 ♦ edible sea fish;

    aca#ne, aca#nes N 0 ♦ edible sea fish;

    aca#us, aca#" N $+n&' ♦ mite;

    aca!a*ec!"cus, aca!a*ec!"ca, aca!a*ec!"cum ADJ ♦ $erse in *hich no syllable is *anting in the last

    foot (opp. catalecticus);

    aca!a*ec!us, aca!a*ec!a, aca!a*ec!um ADJ ♦ $erse in *hich no syllable is *anting in the last foot(opp. catalectus);

    aca!a*e6s"a, aca!a*e6s"ae N $s!' 0 ♦ scepticism;

    aca!)o*"ce AD ♦ noncatholicly, in noncatholic manner;

    aca!)o*"cus, aca!)o*"ca, aca!)o*"cum ADJ ♦ noncatholic;

    aca!"on, aca!"" N N ♦ +ind of light 9ree+ sailing boat; large sail;

    aca!"um, aca!"" N $+n&' N ♦ +ind of light 9ree+ sailing boat; large sail;

    aca!us, aca!" N $+n&' 0 ♦ light $essel/boat;

    acaunuma#/a, acaunuma#/ae N $s!' 0 ♦ red marl (clayey limestone); (fertili4er used by 3elts

    in 9aul/8ritain);

    acaus!os, acaus!os, acaus!on ADJ ♦ incombustible;

    acaus!us, acaus!a, acaus!um ADJ ♦ incombustible;accano, accane#e, -, - $%#&' ♦ sing to/*ith;

    accan!o, accan!e#e, -, - $%#&' ♦ sing to (person); sing at (place);

    accan!us, accan!us N $(!)' ♦ accent, intonation, accentuation, intensity, tone; signal, blast;

    acca6"!o, acca6"!a#e, acca6"!a", acca6"!a!us $s!' INTRANS ♦ admit subser$ience;

    ac+no*ledge feudal liability;

    acce&en!e# AD ♦ nearly;

    acce&en!"a, acce&en!"ae N $s!' 0 ♦ additional %uality;

    acce&o, acce&e#e, access", accessus $%#&' ♦ come near, approach; agree *ith; be added to

    (*/ad or in A33); constitute;

    acce*e#a!"o, acce*e#a!"on"s N $%#&' 0 ♦ speeding up, %uic+ening, acceleration, hastening;

    acce*e#a!#um, acce*e#a!#" N $+n&' N ♦ accelerator;

    acce*e#o, acce*e#a#e, acce*e#a", acce*e#a!us $s!' ♦ speed up, %uic+en, hurry; ma+e haste, act%uic+ly, hasten; accelerate;

    accen&"um, accen&"" N $+n&' N ♦ +indling, setting on fire;

    accen&o, accen&e#e, accen&", accensus $%#&' TRANS ♦ +indle, set on fire, light; illuminate;inflame, stir up, arouse; ma+e bright;

    accen&o, accen&on"s N $%#&' ♦ inciter, instigator;

    accenseo, accense#e, accensu", accensus $+n&' TRANS ♦ attach as an attendant to; add to;

    accens"b"*"s, accens"b"*"s, accens"b"*e ADJ ♦ burnable, that may be burned; burning;

    accensus, accensa, accensum ADJ ♦ rec+oned among; attached, attending;

    accensus, accens" N $+n&' ♦ attendant/orderly; supernumerary soldier (usu. pl.) [> $elatus


    accensus, accensus N $(!)' ♦ lighting; +indling, setting on fire;

    accen!"uncu*a, accen!"uncu*ae N $s!' 0 ♦ accent, intonation;

    accen!o, accen!e#e, -, - $%#&' ♦ sing to (person); sing at (place);

    accen!o#, accen!o#"s N $%#&' ♦ one *ho sings *ith another;

    accen!us, accen!us N $(!)' ♦ accent, intonation, accentuation, intensity, tone; signal, blast;

    acceo, acce#e, -, - $+n&' TRANS ♦ send for, summon (forth), fetch; in$ite; (*/mortum) commit


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    acce6!a, acce6!ae N $s!' 0 ♦ allotment, portion of land assigned to one person;

    acce6!ab"*"s, acce6!ab"*"s, acce6!ab"*e ADJ ♦ acceptable;

    acce6!a#"us, acce6!a#"a, acce6!a#"um ADJ ♦ allotmentholding;

    acce6!a!o#, acce6!a!o#"s N $%#&' ♦ one *ho accepts/appro$es; a$enue/access/passage for

    admittance of the people;

    acce6!a!us, acce6!a!a -um, acce6!a!"o# -o# -us, acce6!a!"ss"mus -a -um ADJ ♦ acceptable,*elcome, pleasing;

    acce6!"*a!"o, acce6!"*a!"on"s N $%#&' 0 ♦ formal release from an obligation;

    acce6!"o, acce6!"on"s N $%#&' 0 ♦ ta+ing (o$er), accepting, recei$ing; meaning; sense;

    acce6!o, acce6!a#e, acce6!a", acce6!a!us $s!' TRANS ♦ recei$e regularly, ta+e

    (payment/food); be gi$en (name); submit to; grasp idea;

    acce6!o#, acce6!o#"s N $%#&' ♦ recei$er; collector; belie$er, one *ho accepts as true; type of


    acce6!o#"us, acce6!o#"a, acce6!o#"um ADJ ♦ designed/fit/suitable for recei$ing;

    acce6!#"1, acce6!#"c"s N $%#&' 0 ♦ recei$er (female); she *ho recei$es; belie$er, she *ho accepts

    as true;

    acce6!um, acce6!" N $+n&' N ♦ receipts ($s. expenditures); fa$ors; receipt side of account; *rittenreceipt;

    acce6!us, acce6!a -um, acce6!"o# -o# -us, acce6!"ss"mus -a -um ADJ ♦ *elcome, pleasing; popular *ith, *ell li+ed; dear; recei$ed/credited (money);

    acce#s"o, acce#s"#e, -, - $(!)' TRANS ♦ send for, summon; indict/accuse; fetch, import; in$ite;

    in$o+e; bring on oneself 

    acce#s"!"o, acce#s"!"on"s N $%#&' 0 ♦ summons, sending for; [dies > day of death";

    acce#s"!o#, acce#s"!o#"s N $%#&' ♦ one *ho comes to summon/call/fetch another; accuser;

    acce#s"!us, acce#s"!a, acce#s"!um ADJ ♦ brought from else*here, foreign; extraneous; self

    inflicted (death); sent for;

    acce#s"!us, acce#s"!us N $(!)' ♦ summons, sending for;

    acce#so, acce#se#e, acce#s", - $%#&' TRANS ♦ send for, summon; indict/accuse; fetch, import;

    in$ite; in$o+e; bring on oneself 

    acce#so, acce#se#e, acce#s"", acce#s"!us $%#&' TRANS ♦ send for, summon; indict/accuse;

    fetch, import; in$ite; in$o+e; bring on oneself 

    accessa, accessae N $s!' 0 ♦ approach, arri$al; entry, admittance, audience; hostileapproach/attac+; onset;

    access"b"*"s, access"b"*"s, access"b"*e ADJ ♦ accessible;

    access"b"*"!as, access"b"*"!a!"s N $%#&' 0 ♦ accessibility;

    access"o, access"on"s N $%#&' 0 ♦ approach; increase, bonus; accessory; attac+, onset (fe$er, rage);fit;

    access"!o, access"!a#e, access"!a", access"!a!us $s!' INTRANS ♦ approach repeatedly; +eep on


    accesso#"e AD ♦ assessorily, in assessory/supplementary/adjunct manner;

    accesso#"us, accesso#"a, accesso#"um ADJ ♦ assessory, adjunct;

    accessus, accessus N $(!)' ♦ approach, arri$al; entry, admittance, audience; hostileapproach/attac+; onset;

    acc"&ens, acc"&en!"s N $%#&' N ♦ accidental happening, chance e$ent, contingency; accident,


    acc"&en!a*"s, acc"&en!a*"s, acc"&en!a*e ADJ ♦ accidental;

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    acc"&en!"a, acc"&en!"ae N $s!' 0 ♦ chance, casual e$ent, that *hich happens;

    acc"&o, acc"&e#e, acc"&", - $%#&' ♦ fall upon/do*n/to/at or near, descend, alight; happen, occur;

    happen to (6A?);

    acc"&o, acc"&e#e, acc"&", acc"sus $%#&' TRANS ♦ cut, cut into/do*n/up, hac+, he*, fell;

    o$erthro*, destroy; cut short; *ea+en;

    acc"&!, acc"&e#e, acc"&"!, acc"sus es! $%#&' IPERS ♦ happens, turns out, befalls; fall upon;come to pass, occur;

    acc"eo, acc"e#e, acc"", acc"!us $+n&' TRANS ♦ send for, summon (forth), fetch; in$ite;

    (*/mortum) commit suicide;

    acc"nc!us, acc"nc!a, acc"nc!um ADJ ♦ *ell girded; ready, prepared; strict (opp. negligens);

    acc"n/o, acc"n/e#e, acc"n1", acc"nc!us $%#&' TRANS ♦ gird on or about, surround; e%uip,

     pro$ide (*ith); get ready, prepare (for);

    acc"no, acc"ne#e, -, - $%#&' ♦ sing to/*ith;

    acc"o, acc"#e, acc"", acc"!us $(!)' TRANS ♦ send for, summon (forth), fetch; in$ite;

    (*/mortum) commit suicide;

    acc"6"o, acc"6e#e, acce6", acce6!us $%#&' TRANS ♦ ta+e, grasp, recei$e, accept, underta+e;

    admit, let in, hear, learn; obey;acc"6"!e#, acc"6"!#"s N $%#&' C ♦ ha*+ (any of se$eral species); flying gurnard (fish);

    acc"6"!#"na, acc"6"!#"nae N $s!' 0 ♦ act of a ha*+; rapacity;

    acc"6"!#o, acc"6"!#a#e, acc"6"!#a", acc"6"!#a!us $s!' TRANS ♦ tear, rend (li+e a ha*+);

    acc"!"o, acc"!"on"s N $%#&' 0 ♦ calling, summoning;

    acc"!us, acc"!a, acc"!um ADJ ♦ imported, brought from abroad;

    acc"!us, acc"!us N $(!)' ♦ summons, call;

    acc*ama!"o, acc*ama!"on"s N $%#&' 0 ♦ acclamation, shout (of comment/appro$al/disappro$al);

    crying against; bra*ling;

    acc*amo, acc*ama#e, acc*ama", acc*ama!us $s!' ♦ shout (at), cry out against, protest; shoutappro$al, applaud;

    acc*a#o, acc*a#a#e, acc*a#a", acc*a#a!us $s!' TRANS ♦ ma+e clear, re$eal, ma+e manifest;

    acc*"n"s, acc*"n"s, acc*"ne ADJ ♦ leaning/resting (on/against); sloping, inclined; disposed/inclined(to);

    acc*"no, acc*"na#e, acc*"na", acc*"na!us $s!' TRANS ♦ lay do*n, rest (on) (*/6A?), lean

    against/to*ards, incline (to);

    acc*"e, acc*""s N $%#&' N ♦ up*ard slope;

    acc*""s, acc*""s, acc*"e ADJ ♦ rising, sloping/inclining up*ard, ascending, up hill; steep;

    acc*""!as, acc*""!a!"s N $%#&' 0 ♦ slope, ascent, up*ard inclination, steepness;

    acc*""us, acc*""a, acc*""um ADJ ♦ *elldisposed;

    acc*"us, acc*"a, acc*"um ADJ ♦ rising, sloping/inclining up*ard, ascending, up hill; steep;

    acc*u&o, acc*u&e#e, acc*us", acc*usus $%#&' TRANS ♦ close up, shut the door;

    acco/nosco, acco/nosce#e, -, - $%#&' TRANS ♦ recogni4e ($isually or by some other means);

    acco*a, acco*ae N $s!' C ♦ neighbor; one *ho li$es nearby/beside; inhabitant;

    acco*ens, acco*en!"s N $%#&' ♦ neighbors, people of the neighborhood;

    acco*o, acco*e#e, acco*u", accu*!us $%#&' TRANS ♦ d*ell/li$e near; be a neighbor to;

    accommo&a!e, accommo&a!"us, accommo&a!"ss"me AD ♦ fittingly, in a suitable manner;

    accommo&a!"o, accommo&a!"on"s N $%#&' 0 ♦ adjustment, *illingness to oblige, complaisance;

    fitting, adapting, adaptation;

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    accommo&a!us, accommo&a!a -um, accommo&a!"o# -o# -us, accommo&a!"ss"mus -a -um ADJ

    ♦ fit/suitable/appropriate; suiting the interest (of); fa$orably disposed (to);

    accommo&o, accommo&a#e, accommo&a", accommo&a!us $s!' TRANS ♦ adapt, adjust to,fit, suit; apply to, fasten on; apply/de$ote oneself to;

    accommo&us, accommo&a, accommo&um ADJ ♦ fitting, con$enient, suitable to, adapted to;

    accomo&a!e, accomo&a!"us, accomo&a!"ss"me AD ♦ fittingly, in a suitable manner;accomo&a!"o, accomo&a!"on"s N $%#&' 0 ♦ adjustment, *illingness to oblige, complaisance;

    fitting, adapting, adaptation;

    accomo&a!us, accomo&a!a -um, accomo&a!"o# -o# -us, accomo&a!"ss"mus -a -um ADJ ♦

    fit/suitable/appropriate; suiting the interests (of); fa$orably disposed (to);

    accomo&o, accomo&a#e, accomo&a", accomo&a!us $s!' TRANS ♦ adapt, adjust to, fit, suit;

    apply to, fasten on; apply/de$ote oneself to;

    accomo&us, accomo&a, accomo&um ADJ ♦ fitting, con$enient, suitable to, adapted to;

    accon/e#o, accon/e#a#e, accon/e#a", accon/e#a!us $s!' TRANS ♦ bear, bring forth;

    acco#&eon, acco#&e" N N ♦ accordion;

    acco#&o, acco#&a#e, acco#&a", acco#&a!us $s!' ♦ agree *ith; harmoni4e;

    acco#&um, acco#&" N $+n&' N ♦ accord (musical);acco#6o#o, acco#6o#a#e, acco#6o#a", acco#6o#a!us $s!' TRANS ♦ incorporate, fit/join to;

    acc#e&o, acc#e&e#e, acc#e&"&", acc#e&"!us $%#&' DAT ♦ gi$e credence to, belie$e; put faith in,trust;

    acc#esco, acc#esce#e, acc#e", acc#e!us $%#&' INTRANS ♦ increase/s*ell, gro*

    larger/up/progressi$ely; be added/annexed to; arise;

    acc#e!"o, acc#e!"on"s N $%#&' 0 ♦ increase, an increasing, increment;

    acc#e!us, acc#e!a, acc#e!um ADJ ♦ o$ergro*n *ith; encased in;

    accub"!a*"a, accub"!a*"ae N $s!' 0 ♦ co$ering spread o$er dining table couches;

    accub"!a!"o, accub"!a!"on"s N $%#&' 0 ♦ reclining (at meals), lying (at table);

    accub"!"o, accub"!"on"s N $%#&' 0 ♦ reclining (at meals), lying (at table); couch ('2);

    accub"!o#"us, accub"!o#"a, accub"!o#"um ADJ ♦ pertaining to reclining (at table);

    accub"!um, accub"!" N $+n&' N ♦ couch for large number of guests to recline at meals (triclinium/@seats);

    accub"!us, accub"!us N $(!)' ♦ reclining (at meals), lying (at table); couch/seat; place for a

    couch ('2);

    accubo AD ♦ in a prone/recumbent position;

    accubo, accuba#e, accubu", accub"!us $s!' ♦ lie near or by; recline at table;

    accu&o, accu&e#e, -, - $%#&' TRANS ♦ coin in addition; stri+e/stamp/mint (coin) ('2); ma+e

    more money, add *ealth;

    accumbo, accumbe#e, accumbu", accumb"!us $%#&' ♦ ta+e a place/recline at the table; lie on

    (bed), lie at/prone, lie beside;

    accumu*a!e, accumu*a!"us, accumu*a!"ss"me AD ♦ copiously, abundantly; superabuntly;

    accumu*a!"o, accumu*a!"on"s N $%#&' 0 ♦ accumulation, heaping/piling up (earth);

    accumu*a!o#, accumu*a!o#"s N $%#&' ♦ heaper up; one *ho accumulates/amasses;

    accumu*a!#um, accumu*a!#" N $+n&' N ♦ accumulator;

    accumu*o, accumu*a#e, accumu*a", accumu*a!us $s!' TRANS ♦ accumulate, heap/pile

    up/soil; add by exaggeration; add, increase, enhance;

    accu#a!e, accu#a!"us, accu#a!"ss"me AD ♦ carefully, accurately, precisely, exactly; nicely;

     painsta+ingly, meticulous;

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    accu#a!"o, accu#a!"on"s N $%#&' 0 ♦ accuracy, preciseness, care; carefulness, painsta+ingness;

    treatment (medical);

    accu#a!us, accu#a!a -um, accu#a!"o# -o# -us, accu#a!"ss"mus -a -um ADJ ♦ accurate, exact, *ithcare, meticulous; carefully performed/prepared; finished;

    accu#o, accu#a#e, accu#a", accu#a!us $s!' TRANS ♦ ta+e care of, attend to (duties/guests),

    gi$e attention to; perform *ith care;accu##o, accu##e#e, accucu##", accu#sus $%#&' ♦ run/hasten to (help); come/rush up (inanim

    subj.); charge, rush to attac+;

    accu##o, accu##e#e, accu##", accu#sus $%#&' ♦ run/hasten to (help); come/rush up (inanimsubj.); charge, rush to attac+;

    accu#sus, accu#sus N $(!)' ♦ rushing up (to see or gi$e help); attac+; onset;

    accusab"*"s, accusab"*"s, accusab"*e ADJ ♦ blamable, reprehensible;

    accusa!"o, accusa!"on"s N $%#&' 0 ♦ accusation, inditement; act/occasion of accusation; rebu+e,reproof;

    accusa!"us, accusa!"a, accusa!"um ADJ ♦ accusati$e/objecti$e (applied to case);

    accusa!"us, accusa!"" N $+n&' ♦ accusati$e/objecti$e case;

    accusa!o#, accusa!o#"s N $%#&' ♦ accuser, prosecutor at trial; plaintiff; informer;accusa!o#"e AD ♦ accusingly; in the manner of a prosecutor/accuser;

    accusa!o#"us, accusa!o#"a, accusa!o#"um ADJ ♦ of/belonging to a public/professional prosecutor; accusatory, denunciatory;

    accusa!#"1, accusa!#"c"s N $%#&' 0 ♦ prosecutor at trial (female), accuser, plaintiff;

    accus"!o, accus"!a#e, accus"!a", accus"!a!us $s!' TRANS ♦ accuse repeatedly; go onaccusing;

    accuso, accusa#e, accusa", accusa!us $s!' ♦ accuse, blame, find fault, impugn; reprimand;

    charge (*/crime/offense);

    accusso, accussa#e, accussa", accussa!us $s!' ♦ accuse, blame, find fault, impugn; reprimand;charge (*/crime/offense);

    ace&"a, ace&"ae N $s!' 0 ♦ *eariness (of body or soul);

    ace&"o#, ace&"a#", ace&"a!us sum $s!' DEP ♦ be morose/pee$ish; be *eary (2outer);

    ace&"osus, ace&"osa, ace&"osum ADJ ♦ *earied; listless;

    acen!e!us, acen!e!a, acen!e!um ADJ ♦ fla*less; *ithout points or spots; (used in connection

    *ith crystals/gems '2);

    aceo, ace#e, -, - $+n&' INTRANS ♦ be sour;

    ace6)a*os, ace6)a*os, ace6)a*on ADJ ♦ lac+ing the first syllable;

    ace6)a*us, ace6)a*a, ace6)a*um ADJ ♦ lac+ing the first syllable; beginning */short syllable;

    lac+ing head/leader;

    ace#, ace#"s N $%#&' N ♦ maple tree; *ood of the maple tree; maple;

    ace#, ac#"s -e, ac#"o# -o# -us, ace##"mus -a -um ADJ ♦ sharp, bitter, pointed, piercing, shrill;

    sagacious, +een; se$ere, $igorous;

    ace#a!us, ace#a!a, ace#a!um ADJ ♦ mixed *ith chaff/hus+s (of clay for bric+laying); *ithout

    horns ('2);

    ace#be, ace#b"us, ace#b"ss"me AD♦ stridently, *ith harsh sound; cruelly, harshly; *ith pain/se$erity; premature;

    ace#b"!as, ace#b"!a!"s N $%#&' 0 ♦ harshness, se$erity; bitterness, sourness, ill feeling; anguish,


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    ace#b"!u&o, ace#b"!u&"n"s N $%#&' 0 ♦ harshness, se$erity; bitterness, sourness, ill feeling;

    anguish, hardship;

    ace#bo, ace#ba#e, ace#ba", ace#ba!us $s!' TRANS ♦ embitter; aggra$ate; ma+edisagreeable; ma+e *orse;

    ace#bum, ace#b" N $+n&' N ♦ calamity, misfortune;

    ace#bus, ace#ba -um, ace#b"o# -o# -us, ace#b"ss"mus -a -um ADJ ♦ harsh, strident, bitter, sour;unripe, green, unfinished; grie$ous; gloomy;

    ace#neus, ace#nea, ace#neum ADJ ♦ maple, of maple (*ood); belonging to the maple tree;

    ace#n"a, ace#n"ae N $s!' 0 ♦ fish (unidentified);

    ace#nus, ace#na, ace#num ADJ ♦ maple, of maple (*ood); belonging to the maple tree;

    ace#osus, ace#osa, ace#osum ADJ ♦ ha$ing hus+s included (of flour/bread);

    ace##a, ace##ae N $s!' 0 ♦ box or cas+et for incense;

    ace#secomes, ace#secomae N ♦ longhaired/unshorn youth; one e$er youthful; youngfa$orite/=fairhaired boy=;

    ace#!as, ace#!a!"s N $%#&' 0 ♦ sharpness, +eenness; $ehemence, force; se$erity;

    ace#us, ace#a, ace#um ADJ ♦ *ithout *ax; [mel > honey flo*ing spontaneously from the

    comb";ace#a*"s, ace#a*"s N $%#&' ♦ conclusion by accumulation; a piling up (of facts);

    ace#a*"s, ace#a*"s, ace#a*e ADJ ♦ characteri4ed by piling up; by accumulation;

    ace#a!"m AD♦ in heaps/piles; in large %uantities/scale; briefly; summarily, *ithout order;

    ace#a!"o, ace#a!"on"s N $%#&' 0 ♦ heaping/piling together; accumulation; amassing;

    ace#o, ace#a#e, ace#a", ace#a!us $s!' TRANS ♦ heap/pile up; ma+e into heaps/piles;massed/categori4ed together; co$er *ith;

    ace#us, ace#" N $+n&' ♦ mass/heap/pile/stac+; treasure, stoc+; large %uantity; cluster; funeral


    acescen!"a, acescen!"ae N $s!' 0 ♦ acidity, sourness;

    acesco, acesce#e, acu", - $%#&' INTRANS ♦ turn/become sour;

    aces"s, aces"s N $%#&' 0 ♦ form of malachite; sort of borax used in medicine;

    ace!abu*um, ace!abu*" N $+n&' N ♦ small cup (esp. for $inegar); (/B pint); cupshaped part(plant); hip joint;

    ace!a#"um, ace!a#"" N $+n&' N ♦ salad (seasoned);

    ace!a#um, ace!a#" N $+n&' N ♦ salad prepared *ith $inegar; something that is prepared *ith$inegar;

    ace!asco, ace!asca#e, ace!asca", ace!asca!us $s!' TRANS ♦ become sour/$inegary;

    ace!osus, ace!osa, ace!osum ADJ ♦ $inegar;

    ace!um, ace!" N $+n&' N ♦ $inegar, sour *ine; tang of $inegar; sourness of disposition; sharpnessof *it;

    ac)aemen"s, ac)aemen"&"s N $%#&' 0 ♦ plant alleged to ha$e magical properties;

    ac)an!um, ac)an!" N $+n&' N ♦ +ind of fran+incense;

    ac)anum, ac)an" N $+n&' N ♦ mute, stupid; disease of animals;

    ac)a#"s, ac)a#"s, ac)a#e ADJ ♦ unpleasant, disagreeable; ungrateful;

    ac)a#"s!os, ac)a#"s!os, ac)a#"s!on ADJ ♦ unpleasant, disagreeable; ungrateful;

    ac)a#"s!um, ac)a#"s!" N $+n&' N ♦ eye sal$e;

    ac)a#"!e# AD♦ unpleasantly, disagreeably;

    ac)a#na, ac)a#nae N $s!' 0 ♦ edible sea fish;

    ac)a#ne, ac)a#nes N 0 ♦ edible sea fish;

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    aco*"!us, aco*"!" N $+n&' ♦ acolyte; cleric in minor orders;


    aco*u!)us, aco*u!)" N $+n&' ♦ acolyte; cleric in minor orders;(ostiarius/exorcista/subdiaconus/diaconus);

    aco*7!)us, aco*7!)" N $+n&' ♦ acolyte; cleric in minor orders;

    (ostiarius/exorcista/subdiaconus/diaconus);aco*7!us, aco*7!" N $+n&' ♦ acolyte; cleric in minor orders;


    acona, aconae N $s!' 0 ♦ pointed stones (pl.);

    acon"!" AD ♦ *ithout labor, effortlessly; *ithout dust (literally);

    acon"!on, acon"!" N N ♦ *olfbane, aconite (gnus Aconitum) (poisonous plant); aconite as a poison;

    acon"!um, acon"!" N $+n&' N ♦ *olfbane, aconite (gnus Aconitum) (poisonous plant); aconite as a


    acon!"as, acon!"ae N ♦ meteor resembling a dart in flight; %uic+darting sna+e ('2);

    acon!"2o, acon!"2a#e, acon!"2a", acon!"2a!us $s!' ♦ shoot a dart; spout/gush forth (blood);

    aco6os, aco6" N 0 ♦ stone used to treat fatigue;

    aco6um, aco6" N $+n&' N ♦ sal$e used to treat fatigue or pain;aco#, aco#"s N $%#&' ♦ bitter or tart fla$or; sourness; tart/sour substance;

    aco#"on, aco#"" N N ♦ s*eet/yello* flag/iris or its root; butchers0s broom/reed/rush or its root;

    aco#na, aco#nae N $s!' 0 ♦ +ind of thistle;

    aco#on, aco#" N N ♦ s*eet/yello* flag/iris or its root; butchers0s broom/reed/rush or its root;

    aco#os, aco#" N 0 ♦ s*eet/yello* flag/iris or its root; butchers0s broom/reed/rush or its root;

    aco#um, aco#" N $+n&' N ♦ s*eet/yello* flag/iris or its root; butchers0s broom/reed/rush or its


    aco#us, aco#" N $+n&' 0 ♦ s*eet/yello* flag/iris or its root; butchers0s broom/reed/rush or its root;

    acosmos, acosmos, acosmon ADJ ♦ unadorned, careless;

    ac3u"esco, ac3u"esce#e, ac3u"e", ac3u"e!us $%#&' INTRANS ♦ lie *ith (*/cum), rest/relax;

    repose (death); ac%uiesce/assent/submit; subside;

    ac3u"esco, ac3u"esce#e, ac3u"e", ac3u"e!us $%#&' INTRANS ♦ lie *ith (*/cum), rest/relax;repose (death); ac%uiesce/assent/submit; subside;

    ac3u"#o, ac3u"#e#e, ac3u"s"", ac3u"s"!us $%#&' TRANS ♦ ac%uire (goods/money/adherents),

    obtain, gain, get; add to stoc+; accrue;

    ac3u"s"!"o, ac3u"s"!"on"s N $%#&' 0 ♦ ac%uisition; additional source of supply;

    ac3u"s"!#"1, ac3u"s"!#"c"s N $%#&' 0 ♦ ac%uirer (female);

    ac3u"s"!us, ac3u"s"!a, ac3u"s"!um ADJ ♦ strained, recherche;

    ac#a, ac#ae N $s!' 0 ♦ promontory/headland;

    ac#a!o6)o#um, ac#a!o6)o#" N $+n&' N ♦ $essel for scented/unmixed *ine;

    ac#e&o, ac#e&"n"s N $%#&' 0 ♦ sharp/pungent taste;

    ac#e&u*a, ac#e&u*ae N $s!' 0 ♦ un+no*n bird/beast/animal; (thrush or o*l '2);

    ac#"cu*us, ac#"cu*a, ac#"cu*um ADJ ♦ shre*d, acute; irritable, sharp, testy;

    ac#"&"um, ac#"&"" N $+n&' N ♦ scammony (3on$ol$ulus 2cammonia); purgati$e resin from its

    tuber root;

    ac#"4o*"um, ac#"4o*"" N $+n&' N ♦ un+no*n tree of ill omen;

    ac#"mon"a, ac#"mon"ae N $s!' 0 ♦ acrimony; bris+ness; caustic/corrosi$e/pungent %uality;

    indigestion; $igor;

    ac#"!as, ac#"!a!"s N $%#&' 0 ♦ sharpness, +eenness; $ehemence, force; se$erity;

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    ac#"!e#, ac#"us, ace##"me AD♦ sharply, $igilantly, fiercely; se$erely, steadfastly; +eenly,


    ac#"!u&o, ac#"!u&"n"s N $%#&' 0 ♦ pungency, bitterness; +eenness, energy, $igor; harshness,cruelty, fierceness;

    ac#o, ac#on"s N $%#&' ♦ extremity; member of the body; stem of a plant;

    ac#oama, ac#oama!"s N $%#&' N ♦ entertainment at table/reading/music, act; reader, actor, singer,clo*n;

    ac#oama!a#"us, ac#oama!a#"a, ac#oama!a#"um ADJ ♦ of/belonging/pertaining to a

    musical/reading entertainment;

    ac#oama!"cus, ac#oama!"ca, ac#oama!"cum ADJ ♦ of/belonging/pertaining to a musical/reading


    ac#oas"s, ac#oas"s N $%#&' 0 ♦ public lecture;

    ac#oa!"cus, ac#oa!"ca, ac#oa!"cum ADJ ♦ of/for lectures only; esoteric;

    ac#oba!es, ac#oba!ae N ♦ acrobat;

    ac#oba!"cus, ac#oba!"ca, ac#oba!"cum ADJ ♦ acrobatic;

    ac#oc)o#&on, ac#oc)o#&on"s N $%#&' 0 ♦ type of *art;

    ac#oc)o#&on, ac#oc)o#&onos8"s N 0 ♦ type of *art;ac#oco*e4"um, ac#oco*e4"" N $+n&' N ♦ upper part of the foot of a s*ine;

    ac#oco#"um, ac#oco#"" N $+n&' N ♦ +ind of onion;

    ac#o*"!)os, ac#o*"!)os, ac#o*"!)on ADJ ♦ ha$ing extremities of marble (statues the rest in *ood


    ac#o*"!)us, ac#o*"!)a, ac#o*"!)um ADJ ♦ ha$ing extremities of marble (statues the rest in *ood'2);

    ac#on, ac#on"s N $%#&' ♦ extremity; member of the body; stem of a plant;

    ac#o6o&"um, ac#o6o&"" N $+n&' N ♦ base/pedestal of a statue;

    ac#o#, ac#o#"s N $%#&' ♦ pungency, bitterness; +eenness, energy, $igor; harshness, cruelty,fierceness;

    ac#o!e#"um, ac#o!e#"" N $+n&' N ♦ projection; ornament at angle of a pediment; projection acting

    as brea+*ater;

    ac#o27mus, ac#o27ma, ac#o27mum ADJ ♦ slightly lea$ened;

    ac#u4o*"us, ac#u4o*"a, ac#u4o*"um ADJ ♦ ha$ing pric+ly lea$es; made of holly/holly*ood;

    ac#um, ac#" N $+n&' N ♦ promontory/headland (pl.);

    acs" CONJ ♦ as if; (ac si);

    Ac!., abb. N N ♦ Acts (abbre$iation); [Acta Apostolorum Acts, boo+ of the 8ible";

    ac!a, ac!ae N $s!' 0 ♦ seashore (as resort); beach; holiday (pl.), life of ease; party at seaside;

    ac!aea, ac!aeae N $s!' 0 ♦ baneberry (Actaea spicata) (poisonous) (also called :erb 3hristopher);

    ac!a#"us, ac!a#"" N $+n&' ♦ shorthand *riter, cler+, account/boo++eeper, secretary;

    ac!e, ac!es N 0 ♦ d*arfelder (2ambucus ebulus);

    ac!"no6)o#os, ac!"no6)o#" N ♦ raybearing +ind of shellfish;

    ac!"nosus, ac!"nosa, ac!"nosum ADJ ♦ glorious; (full of rays);

    ac!"o, ac!"on"s N $%#&' 0 ♦ act, action, acti$ity, deed; incident;, plot (play); legal process, suit; plea;

    ac!"ona#"us, ac!"ona#"" N $+n&' ♦ shareholder;

    ac!"!o, ac!"!a#e, ac!"!a", ac!"!a!us $s!' TRANS ♦ act/plead fre%uently/repeatedly; ta+e parts

    in play as actor, be actor in;

    ac!"uncu*a, ac!"uncu*ae N $s!' 0 ♦ short judicial harangue; unimportant speech;

    ac!"e AD ♦ acti$ely; (gram. li+e acti$e $erb);

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    ac!""!as, ac!""!a!"s N $%#&' 0 ♦ acti$ity, mo$ement, action;

    ac!"us, ac!"a, ac!"um ADJ ♦ acti$e; practical; acti$e (gram. mood);

    ac!o#, ac!o#"s N $%#&' ♦ actor, performer, doer; ad$ocate; plaintiff; agent; player;

    ac!o#, ac!o#"s N $%#&' ♦ -dro$er, herdsman; *ielder; [actor habenae slinger";

    ac!o#"us, ac!o#"a, ac!o#"um ADJ ♦ acti$e; practical; acti$e (mood) (gram.);

    ac!#"1, ac!#"c"s N $%#&' 0 ♦ ste*ardess; agent (female); plaintiff (female) ('2);ac!u AD♦ actually;

    ac!ua*"s, ac!ua*"s, ac!ua*e ADJ ♦ acti$e, practical; actual;

    ac!ua*"!as, ac!ua*"!a!"s N $%#&' 0 ♦ actuality; reality (cc); existence;

    ac!ua*"!e# AD ♦ acti$ely;

    ac!ua#"a, ac!ua#"ae N $s!' 0 ♦ fast passenger $essel *ith sails and oars;

    ac!ua#"o*a, ac!ua#"o*ae N $s!' 0 ♦ small fast $essel (*ith sails and oars); ro* boat; barge;

    ac!ua#"o*um, ac!ua#"o*" N $+n&' N ♦ small fast $essel (impelled by oars); ro* boat; barge;

    ac!ua#"um, ac!ua#"" N $+n&' N ♦ hunting; [> limes D foot *ide road bet*een fields; > canes


    ac!ua#"us, ac!ua#"$"' N $+n&' ♦ shorthand *riter, cler+, account/boo++eeper, secretary;

    ac!ua#"us, ac!ua#"a, ac!ua#"um ADJ ♦ s*ift, nimble, light; of/ser$ing to mar+ a cattle path/road bet*een fields;

    ac!um AD ♦ sharply, pointedly; acutely;

    ac!um, ac!" N $+n&' N ♦ act, deed, transaction; acts (pl.), exploits; chronicles, (official) record;

    ac!uo, ac!ua#e, ac!ua", ac!ua!us $s!' TRANS ♦ implement; actuate;

    ac!uose AD ♦ acti$ely, busily, energetically; passionately, eagerly;

    ac!uos"!as, ac!uos"!a!"s N $%#&' 0 ♦ acti$ity, mo$ement, action;

    ac!uosus, ac!uosa, ac!uosum ADJ ♦ acti$e, busy, energetic, full of life; acting *ith extra$agant


    ac!us, ac!us N $(!)' ♦ act, performance (of play), deli$ery; action, deed; series/se%uence; progress;

    ac!us, ac!us N $(!)' ♦ -right of *ay/road for cattle; path, carttrac+; land measure (DE ft.);

    ac!u!um AD ♦ immediately, instantly; forth*ith, *ithout delay;

    acua#"us, acua#"$"' N $+n&' ♦ ma+er/seller of needles/pins;

    acueo, acue#e, acuu", acu"!us $+n&'♦ accentuate;

    acu"!as, acu"!a!"s N $%#&' 0 ♦ insight; sharpness, perception;

    acu*a, acu*ae N $s!' 0 ♦ small amount of *ater; small stream; little needle ('2);

    acu*ea!us, acu*ea!a, acu*ea!um ADJ ♦ pric+ly; stinging/sharp/barbed; subtle; inflicted by/ha$ing


    acu*eo*us, acu*eo*" N $+n&' ♦ little needle/pin;

    acu*eus, acu*e" N $+n&' ♦ sting, spine, thorn, pric+le, point, spi+e; barb; pang, pric+; sarcasm;

    acu*os, acu*" N 0 ♦ acorn/fruit of the ilex (holm oa+ or e$ergreen oa+) (poss. holly);

    acumen, acum"n"s N $%#&' N ♦ sharpened point, spur; sting; pea+, promontory;sharpness/cunning/acumen; fraud;

    acum"na#"us, acum"na#"a, acum"na#"um ADJ ♦ good for sharpening; [mola > stone for

    sharpening *eapons";

    acum"na!us, acum"na!a, acum"na!um ADJ ♦ sharp, pointed, tapering;

    acum"no, acum"na#e, acum"na", acum"na!us $s!' TRANS ♦ sharpen, ma+e pointed, cut to a


    acuna, acunae N $s!' 0 ♦ measure/piece of land (DE feet s%uare), s%uare actus;

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    acuo, acue#e, acu", acu!us $%#&' TRANS ♦ *het, sharpen, cut to a point; spur on, pro$o+e,

    incite; come to a head (

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    a&a/"um, a&a/"" N $+n&' N ♦ pro$erb; adage;

    a&a/n"!"o, a&a/n"!"on"s N $%#&' 0 ♦ +no*ledge;

    a&a*/"&us, a&a*/"&a, a&a*/"&um ADJ ♦ chilly, $ery cold (climate);

    a&a**"/o, a&a**"/a#e, a&a**"/a", a&a**"/a!us $s!' TRANS ♦ bind/fasten to, attach;

    A&am, A&ae N ♦ Adam; (:ebre*); (C5G 2 Adam, not Ada, other*ise 63' Ad...);

    A&am, un&ec*"ne&  N ♦ Adam; (from the :ebre*); [C5G 2 Adam, not Ada (other*ise 63' Ad...)";

    a&aman!eus, a&aman!ea, a&aman!eum ADJ ♦ steel; of adamant, adamantine;

    a&aman!"nus, a&aman!"na, a&aman!"num ADJ ♦ incorruptible, impregnable; inflexible; hard asadamant/diamond/steel;

    a&aman!"s, a&aman!"&os8"s N 0 ♦ plant (unidentified);

    a&amas, a&aman!"s N ♦ steel, hardest iron (early); anything hard, adamant; *hite sapphire;


    a&ama!o#, a&ama!o#"s N $%#&' ♦ lo$er;

    a&ambu*o, a&ambu*a#e, a&ambu*a", a&ambu*a!us $s!' INTRANS ♦ *al+ beside/near;

    a&amo, a&ama#e, a&ama", a&ama!us $s!' TRANS ♦ fall in lo$e/lust *ith; lo$e

     passionately/adulterously; admire greatly; co$et;a&am6*"o, a&am6*"a#e, a&am6*"a", a&am6*"a!us $s!' TRANS ♦ enlarge, increase, *iden;


    A&amus, A&am" N $+n&' ♦ Adam, first man;

    a&amuss"m AD♦ exactly/precisely; accurately, *ith precision; according to a ruler/le$el ('2);

    a&a6a!"o, a&a6a!"on"s N $%#&' 0 ♦ adaption; adjustment;

    a&a6e#"o, a&a6e#e#e, a&a6e#u", a&a6e#!us $%#&' TRANS ♦ thro* open, open *ide; unroll

    (scroll), open (boo+); unco$er, re$eal; open up;

    a&a6e#"o, a&a6e#"#e, a&a6e#"", a&a6e#"!us $(!)' TRANS ♦ thro* open, open *ide; unroll

    (scroll), open (boo+); unco$er, re$eal; open up;

    a&a6e#!"*"s, a&a6e#!"*"s, a&a6e#!"*e ADJ ♦ that may/can be opened;

    a&a6e#!"o, a&a6e#!"on"s N $%#&' 0 ♦ unco$ering, re$ealing, disclosure; opening (of eyes/mouth)


    a&a6e#!"us, a&a6e#!"a, a&a6e#!"um ADJ ♦ opening;

    a&a6!e#!us, a&a6!e#!a, a&a6!e#!um ADJ ♦ open (doors, flo*ers), expanded; not sealed off

    (honey cells);

    a&a6!o, a&a6!a#e, a&a6!a", a&a6!a!us $s!' TRANS ♦ adjust, modify; fit (to) (*/6A?);

    a&a3uo, a&a3ua#e, a&a3ua", a&a3ua!us $s!' ♦ *ater, supply *ith *ater, bring *ater to;

    obtain *ater; gi$e to drin+;

    a&a3uo#, a&a3ua#", a&a3ua!us sum $s!' DEP ♦ bring/procure *ater (for one0s self); fetch*ater;

    a&a#, un&ec*"ne&  N N ♦ Adar, He*ish month; (t*elfth in ecclesiastic year);

    a&a#ca, a&a#cae N $s!' 0 ♦ salty deposit/effolescence on reeds; froth on sedge forming spongygro*th;

    a&a#ce, a&a#ces N 0 ♦ salty deposit/effolescence on reeds; froth on sedge forming spongy gro*th;

    a&a#esco, a&a#esce#e, a&a#ecu", - $%#&' TRANS ♦ become dry; dry up;

    a&a#"a#"us, a&a#"a#"a, a&a#"a#"um ADJ ♦ ser$ing at the alter;

    a&a#o, a&a#a#e, a&a#a", a&a#a!us $s!' TRANS ♦ plo* carefully;

    a&auc!o, a&auc!a#e, a&auc!a", a&auc!a!us $s!' TRANS ♦ increase, add to the resources of;

    a&auc!o#, a&auc!o#"s N $%#&' ♦ augmenter;

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    a&c*u&o, a&c*u&e#e, a&c*us", a&c*usus $%#&' TRANS ♦ close up, shut the door;

    a&co/nosco, a&co/nosce#e, -, - $%#&' TRANS ♦ recogni4e ($isually or by some other means);

    a&co*a, a&co*ae N $s!' C ♦ neighbor; one *ho li$es nearby/beside; inhabitant;

    a&co*ens, a&co*en!"s N $%#&' ♦ neighbors, people of the neighborhood;

    a&co*o, a&co*e#e, a&co*u", a&cu*!us $%#&' TRANS ♦ d*ell/li$e near; be a neighbor to;

    a&commo&a!e, a&commo&a!"us, a&commo&a!"ss"me AD ♦ fittingly, in a suitable manner;a&commo&a!"o, a&commo&a!"on"s N $%#&' 0 ♦ adjustment, *illingness to oblige, complaisance;

    fitting, adapting, adaptation;

    a&commo&a!us, a&commo&a!a -um, a&commo&a!"o# -o# -us, a&commo&a!"ss"mus -a -um ADJ

    ♦ fit/suitable/appropriate; suiting the interests (of); fa$orably disposed (to);

    a&commo&o, a&commo&a#e, a&commo&a", a&commo&a!us $s!' TRANS ♦ adapt, adjust to,

    fit, suit; apply to, fasten on; apply/de$ote oneself to;

    a&commo&us, a&commo&a, a&commo&um ADJ ♦ fitting, con$enient, suitable to, adapted to;

    a&c#e&o, a&c#e&e#e, a&c#e&"&", a&c#e&"!us $%#&' DAT ♦ gi$e credence to, belie$e; put faith in,


    a&c#esco, a&c#esce#e, a&c#e", a&c#e!us $%#&' INTRANS ♦ increase/s*ell, gro*

    larger/up/progressi$ely; be added/annexed to; arise;a&c#e!"o, a&c#e!"on"s N $%#&' 0 ♦ increase, an increasing, increment;

    a&c#e!us, a&c#e!a, a&c#e!um ADJ ♦ o$ergro*n *ith; encased in;

    a&cub"!"o, a&cub"!"on"s N $%#&' 0 ♦ reclining (at meals), lying;

    a&cub"!o#"us, a&cub"!o#"a, a&cub"!o#"um ADJ ♦ pertaining to reclining (at table);

    a&cub"!us, a&cub"!us N $(!)' ♦ reclining (at meals), lying;

    a&cubo AD ♦ in a prone/recumbent position;

    a&cu&o, a&cu&e#e, -, - $%#&' TRANS ♦ coin in addition; stri+e/stamp/mint (coin) ('2); ma+e

    more money, add *ealth;

    a&cumbo, a&cumbe#e, a&cumbu", a&cumb"!us $%#&' ♦ ta+e a place/recline at the table; lie on(bed), lie at/prone, lie beside;

    a&cumu*a!e, a&cumu*a!"us, a&cumu*a!"ss"me AD ♦ copiously, abundantly; superabundantly;

    a&cumu*a!"o, a&cumu*a!"on"s N $%#&' 0 ♦ accumulation, heaping/piling up;

    a&cumu*a!o#, a&cumu*a!o#"s N $%#&' ♦ heaper up; one *ho accumulates/amasses;

    a&cumu*o, a&cumu*a#e, a&cumu*a", a&cumu*a!us $s!' TRANS ♦ accumulate, heap/pile

    up/soil; add by exaggeration; add, increase, enhance;

    a&cu#a!e, a&cu#a!"us, a&cu#a!"ss"me AD ♦ carefully, accurately, precisely, exactly; nicely;

     painsta+ingly, meticulous;

    a&cu#a!"o, a&cu#a!"on"s N $%#&' 0 ♦ accuracy, preciseness, care; carefulness, painsta+ingness;

    treatment (medical);

    a&cu#a!us, a&cu#a!a -um, a&cu#a!"o# -o# -us, a&cu#a!"ss"mus -a -um ADJ ♦ accurate, exact,

    *ith care, meticulous; carefully performed/prepared; finished;

    a&cu#o, a&cu#a#e, a&cu#a", a&cu#a!us $s!' TRANS ♦ ta+e care of, attend to (duties/guests),gi$e attention to; perform *ith care;

    a&cu##o, a&cu##e#e, a&cucu##", a&cu#sus $%#&' ♦ run/hasten to (help); come/rush up (inanim

    subj.); charge, rush to attac+;

    a&cu##o, a&cu##e#e, a&cu##", a&cu#sus $%#&' ♦ run/hasten to (help); come/rush up (inanim

    subj.); charge, rush to attac+;

    a&cu#sus, a&cu#sus N $(!)' ♦ rushing up (to see or gi$e help); attac+; onset;

    a&&a1, a&&ac"s N $%#&' ♦ addax; (African antelope *ith t*isted horns);

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    a&&ece!, a&&ece#e, -, - $+n&' IPERS ♦ it is fitting/proper, it behoo$es;

    a&&ec"mo, a&&ec"ma#e, a&&ec"ma", a&&ec"ma!us $s!' ♦ ta+e the tenth part/a tenth; tithe;

    a&&en&us, a&&en&a, a&&en&um ADJ ♦ to be added/joined;

    a&&enseo, a&&ense#e, -, - $+n&' TRANS ♦ ma+e more dense, close up (the ran+s);

    a&&enso, a&&ensa#e, -, - $s!' TRANS ♦ thic+en, ma+e more dense;

    a&&"co, a&&"ce#e, a&&"1", a&&"c!us $%#&' TRANS ♦ be propitious; adjudge, sentence, doom;confiscate; a*ard, assign; ensla$e;

    a&&"c!a, a&&"c!ae N $s!' 0 ♦ person (female) ensla$ed for debt or theft;

    a&&"c!"o, a&&"c!"on"s N $%#&' 0 ♦ adjudication (disputed property), assignment (of debtor tocustody/creditor);

    a&&"c!us, a&&"c!a -um, a&&"c!"o# -o# -us, a&&"c!"ss"mus -a -um ADJ ♦ de$oted/addicted (to);

    (debt) sla$e (of); bound (to do something); bent upon;

    a&&"c!us, a&&"c!" N $+n&' ♦ person ensla$ed for debt or theft;

    a&&"sco, a&&"sce#e, a&&"&"c", - $%#&' TRANS ♦ learn in addition/further/besides; learn;

    a&&"!amen!um, a&&"!amen!" N $+n&' N ♦ addition; additional factor/amount/element; something


    a&&"!"c"us, a&&"!"c"a, a&&"!"c"um ADJ ♦ additional, extra;a&&"!"o, a&&"!"on"s N $%#&' 0 ♦ act of adding, addition;

    a&&"!"!"us, a&&"!"!"a, a&&"!"!"um ADJ ♦ additional, extra;

    a&&"!"us, a&&"!"a, a&&"!"um ADJ ♦ added, annexed;

    a&&""no, a&&""na#e, a&&""na", a&&""na!us $s!' TRANS ♦ prognosticate, di$ine;

    a&&o, a&&e#e, a&&"&", a&&"!us $%#&' TRANS ♦ add, insert, bring/attach to, say in addition;increase; impart; associate;

    a&&oceo, a&&oce#e, a&&ocu", - $+n&' TRANS ♦ teach ne*/additional accomplishments;

    a&&o#m"o, a&&o#m"#e, a&&o#m"", a&&o#m"!us $(!)' INTRANS ♦ fall asleep, go to sleep;

     begin to sleep;

    a&&o#m"sco, a&&o#m"sce#e, -, - $%#&' INTRANS ♦ fall asleep;

    a&&ub"!o, a&&ub"!a#e, a&&ub"!a", a&&ub"!a!us $s!' ♦ doubt, be doubtful/uncertain; hesitate

    (to), hesitate o$er a situation;

    a&&uco, a&&uce#e, a&&u1", a&&uc!us $%#&' TRANS ♦ lead up/to/a*ay; bring up/to; persuade,

    induce; lead, bring; contract, tighten;

    a&&uc!e, a&&uc!"us, a&&uc!"ss"me AD ♦ strictly, tightly; *ith close control;

    a&&uc!o#, a&&uc!o#"s N $%#&' ♦ procurer;

    a&&uc!us, a&&uc!a -um, a&&uc!"o# -o# -us, a&&uc!"ss"mus -a -um ADJ ♦ contracted, dra*n

    together; fro*ning, gra$e; compressed, terse; strict, se$ere;

    a&e&o, a&e&e#e, a&e&", a&esus $%#&' TRANS ♦ eat up, eat into/a*ay at, nibble, s%uander;*ear do*n, exhaust; erode;

    a&e&o, a&esse, -, - TRANS ♦ eat up, eat into/a*ay at, nibble, s%uander; *ear do*n, exhaust;


    a&e*6)"s, a&e*6)"&"s N $%#&' 0 ♦ +ind of date (hanging t*o together li+e brothers Adelphi?he

    8rothers, play)

    a&em6!"o, a&em6!"on"s N $%#&' 0 ♦ ta+ing a*ay, remo$al, depri$ation; re$ocation (of legacy);*ithholding (right);

    a&em6!o#, a&em6!o#"s N $%#&' ♦ one *ho ta+es a*ay;

    a&eo AD♦ to such a degree/pass/point; precisely, exactly; thus far; indeed, truly, e$en;

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    a&eo, a&"#e, a&""$""', a&"!us ♦ approach; attac+; $isit, address; underta+e; ta+e possession


    a&e6s, a&"6"s N $%#&' C ♦ fat, lard, grease; fatty tissue; bombast; corpulence, obesity (pl.);sap*ood;

    a&e6!"o, a&e6!"on"s N $%#&' 0 ♦ act of obtaining, attainment, achie$ement;

    a&e6!us, a&e6!us N $(!)' ♦ attainment, an obtaining;a&e3u"!o, a&e3u"!a#e, a&e3u"!a", a&e3u"!a!us $s!' INTRANS ♦ ride up to/to*ards/near,

    gallop up;

    a&e#a!o#, a&e#a!o#"s N $%#&' ♦ *orshiper, one *ho adores;

    a&e##o, a&e##a#e, a&e##a", a&e##a!us $s!' INTRANS ♦ stray to*ards/near; *ander to/by;

    a&esco, a&esca#e, -, - $s!' TRANS ♦ feed; fatten;

    a&es&um  9 PRES ACTIE IP + S ♦ come hither; (ades dum);

    a&essu#"o, a&essu#"#e, a&essu#"", a&essu#"!us $(!)' INTRANS ♦ be $ery hungry/star$ing;

    a&esu#"o, a&esu#"#e, a&esu#"", a&esu#"!us $(!)' INTRANS ♦ be $ery hungry/star$ing;

    a&esus, a&esa, a&esum ADJ ♦ eaten, gna*ed; *orn a*ay by *ater, eroded; [adesi lapides


    a&4abe#, a&4ab#a, a&4ab#um ADJ ♦ made/prepared ingeniously/s+illfully/*ith art; ingenious,s+illed in art;

    a&4ab"*"s, a&4ab"*"s, a&4ab"*e ADJ ♦ easy of access/to tal+ to, affable, friendly, courteous;sympathetic (*ords);

    a&4ab"*"!as, a&4ab"*"!a!"s N $%#&' 0 ♦ affability, friendliness, courtesy;

    a&4ab"*"!e#, a&4ab"*"!"us, a&4ab"*"!"ss"me AD♦ con$ersationally, in informal/friendly discourse;

    a&4ab#e AD ♦ s+illfully, ingeniously, artistically;

    a&4ab#"ca!us, a&4ab#"ca!a, a&4ab#"ca!um ADJ ♦ fitted/added to by art;

    a&4amen, a&4am"n"s N $%#&' N ♦ greeting, salutation, address;

    a&4an"a, a&4an"ae N $s!' 0 ♦ trifling tal+ (pl.), chatter; idle jests;

    a&4a!"m AD ♦ sufficiently, amply, *ith complete satisfaction;

    a&4a!us, a&4a!us N $(!)' ♦ address, speech, con$erse *ith; pronouncement, utterance (of);

    a&4ec!a!"o, a&4ec!a!"on"s N $%#&' 0 ♦ see+ing/stri$ing for, aspiration to; affectation, straining for;claiming;

    a&4ec!a!o AD♦ studiously, 4ealously;

    a&4ec!a!o#, a&4ec!a!o#"s N $%#&' ♦ aspirant, 4ealous see+er (of), one *ho stri$es toobtain/produce;

    a&4ec!a!us, a&4ec!a!a, a&4ec!a!um ADJ ♦ studied, artificial, affected;

    a&4ec!e AD ♦ deeply, *ith (strong) affection;

    a&4ec!"o, a&4ec!"on"s N $%#&' 0 ♦ mental condition, mood, feeling, disposition; affection, lo$e; purpose;

    a&4ec!"ose AD ♦ affectionately;

    a&4ec!"ose, a&4ec!"os"us, a&4ec!"os"ss"me AD ♦ feelingly; *ith (+indly) feeling;

    a&4ec!"osus, a&4ec!"osa -um, a&4ec!"os"o# -o# -us, a&4ec!"os"ss"mus -a -um ADJ ♦ full of (+indly)


    a&4ec!"osus, a&4ec!"osa, a&4ec!"osum ADJ ♦ full of affection/attachment;

    a&4ec!o, a&4ec!a#e, a&4ec!a", a&4ec!a!us $s!' TRANS ♦ aim at, desire, aspire, try, lay claim

    to; try to control; feign, pretend;

    a&4ec!o#, a&4ec!a#", a&4ec!a!us sum $s!' DEP ♦ aim at, desire, aspire, try, lay claim to; try to

    control; feign, pretend;

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    a&4ec!#"1, a&4ec!#"c"s N $%#&' 0 ♦ aspirant (female); she *ho see+s/stri$es for (thing);

    a&4ec!ua*"s, a&4ec!ua*"s, a&4ec!ua*e ADJ ♦ depending on a temporary condition;

    a&4ec!uose AD ♦ affectionately, +indly;

    a&4ec!uose, a&4ec!uos"us, a&4ec!uos"ss"me AD ♦ feelingly; *ith (+indly) feeling;

    a&4ec!uosus, a&4ec!uosa -um, a&4ec!uos"o# -o# -us, a&4ec!uos"ss"mus -a -um ADJ ♦ full of

    (+indly) feeling;a&4ec!uosus, a&4ec!uosa, a&4ec!uosum ADJ ♦ affectionate, +ind, full of inclination/affection/lo$e;

    a&4ec!us, a&4ec!a, a&4ec!um ADJ ♦ endo*ed *ith, possessed of; minded; affected; impaired,

    *ea+ened; emotional;

    a&4ec!us, a&4ec!us N $(!)' ♦ affection, passion, lo$e; friendly feeling (3as); good*ill; lo$ed

    ones (pl.);

    a&4ec!us, a&4ec!us N $(!)' ♦ -disposition; condition, state (of body/mind); feeling, mood,


    a&4e#o, a&4e##e, a&!u*", a&*a!us TRANS ♦ bring to, carry, con$ey; report, bring *ord, allege,

    announce; produce, cause;

    a&4"c"o, a&4"ce#e, a&4ec", a&4ec!us $%#&' TRANS ♦ affect, ma+e impression; mo$e, influence;

    cause (hurt/death), afflict, *ea+en;a&4"c!"c"us, a&4"c!"c"a, a&4"c!"c"um ADJ ♦ attached (to);

    a&4"/o, a&4"/e#e, a&4"1", a&4"1us $%#&' TRANS ♦ fasten/fix/pin/attach to (*/6A?), annex;impress upon; pierce; chain, confine;

    a&4"/u#o, a&4"/u#a#e, a&4"/u#a", a&4"/u#a!us $s!' TRANS ♦ form (*ord) by analogy;

    a&4"n/o, a&4"n/e#e, a&4"n1", a&4"c!us $%#&' TRANS ♦ add to, attach; aggra$ate; embellish,counterfeit, forge; claim *rongly;

    a&4"n"s, a&4"n"s N $%#&' C ♦ relation (by marriage); neighbor; accomplice;

    a&4"n"s, a&4"n"s, a&4"ne ADJ ♦ neighboring, adjacent, next, bordering; related (marriage), a+in,


    a&4"n"!as, a&4"n"!a!"s N $%#&' 0 ♦ relation(ship) by marriage; relationship (man*ife), bond/union;


    a&4"#man!e# AD ♦ certainly, assuredly, *ith assurance;

    a&4"#ma!e AD♦ *ith definite affirmation/solemn assertion, positi$ely, certainly, assuredly;

    a&4"#ma!"o, a&4"#ma!"on"s N $%#&' 0 ♦ affirmation, strengthening of belief; assertion,

    dogmatic/positi$e statement;

    a&4"#ma!"us, a&4"#ma!"a, a&4"#ma!"um ADJ ♦ affirming, affirmati$e;

    a&4"#ma!o#, a&4"#ma!o#"s N $%#&' ♦ one *ho ma+es a definite assertion/affirmation;

    a&4"#mo, a&4"#ma#e, a&4"#ma", a&4"#ma!us $s!' ♦ affirm/assert (dogmatically/positi$ely);

    confirm, ratify, restore; emphasi4e;

    a&4"1"o, a&4"1"on"s N $%#&' 0 ♦ joining/fastening to; an addition to;

    a&4"1um, a&4"1" N $+n&' N ♦ fixtures (pl.) pertaining thereto;, permanent


    a&4"1us, a&4"1a, a&4"1um ADJ ♦ fastened/joined to (person/thing); impressed on, fixed to; situated

    close to;

    a&4*a/#ans, $/en.', a&4*a/#an!"s ADJ ♦ flaming/bla4ing up; turbulent, un%uiet;

    a&4*a!o#, a&4*a!o#"s N $%#&' ♦ one *ho blo*s on/breathes into;

    a&4*a!us, a&4*a!us N $(!)' ♦ breath, snorting; bree4e, *ind, draught, (hot) blast; stench;


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    a&4*ec!o, a&4*ec!a#e, a&4*ec!a", a&4*ec!a!us $s!' TRANS ♦ affect, mo$e, influence (to a

    course of action);

    a&4*eo, a&4*e#e, a&4*e", a&4*e!us $+n&' INTRANS ♦ *eep/cry at; *eep as an accompaniment;

    a&4*"c!a!"o, a&4*"c!a!"on"s N $%#&' 0 ♦ grie$ous suffering, torment, affliction;

    a&4*"c!a!o#, a&4*"c!a!o#"s N $%#&' ♦ one *ho causes pain/suffering/torment/torture; tormenter;

    a&4*"c!"o, a&4*"c!"on"s N $%#&' 0 ♦ pain, suffering, torment;a&4*"c!o, a&4*"c!a#e, a&4*"c!a", a&4*"c!a!us $s!' TRANS ♦ shatter, damage, stri+e repeatedly,

     buffet, *rec+; oppress, afflict; $ex;

    a&4*"c!o#, a&4*"c!o#"s N $%#&' ♦ one *ho stri+es against/do*n/o$erthro*s;

    a&4*"c!#"1, $/en.', a&4*"c!#"c"s ADJ ♦ that stri+es against/do*n/o$erthro*s or collides *ith;

    a&4*"c!#"1, a&4*"c!#"c"s N $%#&' 0 ♦ one (female) *ho stri+es against/do*n/o$erthro*s;

    a&4*"c!us, a&4*"c!a, a&4*"c!um ADJ ♦ in a state of ruin (persons/countries/affairs), shattered;

    a&4*"c!us, a&4*"c!us N $(!)' ♦ collision, blo*; a stri+ing against/dashing together;

    a&4*"/o, a&4*"/e#e, a&4*"1", a&4*"c!us $%#&' TRANS ♦ o$erthro*/thro* do*n; afflict, damage,

    crush, brea+, ruin; humble, *ea+en, $ex;

    a&4*o, a&4*a#e, a&4*a", a&4*a!us $s!'♦ blo*/breathe (on/to*ards); inspire, infuse; *aft; gra4e;

     breathe poison on;a&4*uens, a&4*uen!"s $/en.', a&4*uen!"o# -o# -us, a&4*uen!"ss"mus -a -um ADJ ♦flo*ing/o$erflo*ing/abounding *ith; abundant, plentiful, sumptuous, copious;

    a&4*uen!e, a&4*uen!"us, a&4*uen!"ss"me AD♦ richly, copiously, abundantly, extra$agantly,


    a&4*uen!e#, a&4*uen!"us, a&4*uen!"ss"me AD ♦ abundantly, copiously; luxuriously,extra$agantly;

    a&4*uen!"a, a&4*uen!"ae N $s!' 0 ♦ flo* (of a li%uid); abundance, profusion, extra$agance,

    opulence, riotousness;

    a&4*uo, a&4*ue#e, a&4*u1", a&4*u1us $%#&' INTRANS ♦ flo* on/to/to*ards/by; glide/drift%uietly; floc+ together, throng; abound;

    a&4o&"o, a&4o&e#e, -, - $%#&' TRANS ♦ add by digging;

    a&4o#, a&4a#", a&4a!us sum $s!' DEP ♦ spea+ to, address; be spo+ed to/addressed (

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    a&4un&o, a&4un&e#e, a&4u&", a&4usus $%#&' TRANS ♦ pour on/upon/into, heap up; shed/spill

    (blood); *ash;

    a&4un&o#, a&4un&", a&4usus sum $%#&' DEP♦ prostrate oneself; cause to be spread on/o$er;flo* alongside/past (streams);

    a&4uo, a&4ue#e, a&4u1", - $%#&' INTRANS ♦ flo*/stream/issue (from), flo* a*ay; abound in

    (*/A8'), be abundant, abound;a&/au&eo, a&/au&e#e, -, - $+n&' INTRANS ♦ delight in; be delighted *ith;

    a&/emo, a&/eme#e, -, - $%#&' INTRANS ♦ groan in conjunction/sympathy (*ith);

    a&/ene#o, a&/ene#a#e, a&/ene#a", a&/ene#a!us $s!' TRANS ♦ beget in addition;

    a&/en"cu*o#, a&/en"cu*a#", a&/en"cu*a!us sum $s!' DEP ♦ +neel before, bend the +nee


    a&/e#, a&/e#"s N $%#&' ♦ rampart (or material for); cause*ay, pier; heap/pile/mound; dam/di+e;

    mud *all;

    a&/e#a!"m AD♦ in heaps/piles;

    a&/e#a!"o, a&/e#a!"on"s N $%#&' 0 ♦ heaped/piled up material;

    a&/e#o, a&/e#a#e, a&/e#a", a&/e#a!us $s!' TRANS ♦ heap/fill up, bring, carry; increase,

    add fuel; push/cro*d/press together;a&/e#o, a&/e#e#e, a&/ess", a&/es!us $%#&' TRANS ♦ heap/co$er up o$er, pile/build up, erect;

    accumulate; intensify, exaggerate;

    a&/es!"m AD♦ in heaps, abundantly;

    a&/es!"o, a&/es!"on"s N $%#&' 0 ♦ heap, heaping up; mass (of mud), heap (of sand);

    a&/es!um, a&/es!" N $+n&' N ♦ mound, di+e, ele$ation formed li+e a di+e/mound;

    a&/es!us, a&/es!" N $+n&' ♦ mound, di+e, ele$ation formed li+e a di+e/mound;

    a&/es!us, a&/es!us N $(!)' ♦ piling up; act of bringing; earthen ban+, terrace; sprin+ling earth

    o$er body;

    a&/*ome#o, a&/*ome#a#e, a&/*ome#a", a&/*ome#a!us $s!' TRANS ♦ gather into a body,mass together, join forces; pile up in masses; agglomerate;

    a&/*u!"no, a&/*u!"na#e, a&/*u!"na", a&/*u!"na!us $s!' TRANS ♦ glue/stic+/adhere/fasten

    to/together; fit/grip on closely; bring in contact;

    a&/nasco#, a&/nasc", a&/na!us sum $%#&' DEP ♦ be born in addition/after father0s *ill made;

    de$elop; gro* later/on, arise;

    a&/na!a, a&/na!ae N $s!' 0 ♦ female blood relation on father0s side;

    a&/na!"c"us, a&/na!"c"a, a&/na!"c"um ADJ ♦ pertaining to agnati (born after *ill); [> jus right

    of agnati to inherit";

    a&/na!"o, a&/na!"on"s N $%#&' 0 ♦ birth after father0s *ill; blood relationship through father/male


    a&/na!um, a&/na!" N $+n&' N ♦ offshoot, sideshoot;

    a&/na!us, a&/na!a, a&/na!um ADJ ♦ related, cognate;

    a&/na!us, a&/na!" N $+n&' ♦ male blood relation (father0s side); one born after father made his*ill;

    a&/n"!"o, a&/n"!"on"s N $%#&' 0 ♦ recognition, +no*ledge; perception of nature/identity; a$o*al,


    a&/n"!o#, a&/n"!o#"s N $%#&' ♦ one *ho ac+no*ledges or $ouches for (seal);

    a&/n"!us, a&/n"!us N $(!)' ♦ =recognition= (drama);

    a&/nomen, a&/nom"n"s N $%#&' N ♦ nic+name, an additional name denoting an


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    a&/nomen!um, a&/nomen!" N $+n&' N ♦ nic+name, an additional name denoting an


    a&/nosco, a&/nosce#e, a&/no", a&/n"!us $%#&' ♦ recogni4e, reali4e, discern; ac+no*ledge,claim, admit to/responsibility;

    a&/#a!u*o#, a&/#a!u*a#", a&/#a!u*a!us sum $s!' DEP ♦ gi$e than+s (to)(H1I);

    a&/#aesco, a&/#aesce#e, -, - $%#&' INTRANS ♦ become hea$y; become se$ere/dangerous(illness), gro* *orse; be aggra$ated;

    a&/#ao, a&/#aa#e, a&/#aa", a&/#aa!us $s!' TRANS ♦ aggra$ate, exaggerate; *eigh

    do*n, oppress; ma+e hea$ier; embarrass further;

    a&/#e&"o, a&/#e&e#e, a//#ess", a&/#essus $%#&' INTRANS ♦ approach, ad$ance; attac+,

    assail; underta+e, sei4e (opportunity), attempt;

    a&/#e&"o#, a&/#e&", a&/#essus sum $%#&' DEP ♦ approach, ad$ance; attac+, assail; underta+e,

    sei4e (opportunity), attempt;

    a&/#e/o, a&/#e/a#e, a&/#e/a", a&/#e/a!us $s!' TRANS ♦ collect, include, group, implicate;

    (cause to) floc+/join together, attach;

    a&/#ess"o, a&/#ess"on"s N $%#&' 0 ♦ attac+; action of setting about/underta+ing (tas+);

    a&/#esso#, a&/#esso#"s N $%#&' ♦ attac+er, assailant;a&/#essu#a, a&/#essu#ae N $s!' 0 ♦ attac+, assault;

    a&/#essus, a&/#essus N $(!)' ♦ attac+, assault;

    a&/ube#no, a&/ube#na#e, a&/ube#na", a&/ube#na!us $s!' ♦ steer (one0s course);

    a&)ae#eo, a&)ae#e#e, a&)aes", a&)aesus $+n&' INTRANS ♦ adhere, stic+, cling/clea$e to;

    hang on; be attached/concerned/in$ol$ed;

    a&)ae#esco, a&)ae#esce#e, a&)aes", - $%#&' INTRANS ♦ cling to, adhere, stic+ (in trouble);

     become lodged in (*eapons); run aground;

    a&)aese AD ♦ stammeringly; in a tonguedtied manner;

    a&)aes"o, a&)aes"on"s N $%#&' 0 ♦ adhesion; lin+age;

    a&)aes"ona, a&)aes"onae N $s!' 0 ♦ adhesion; lin+age;

    a&)aes"us, a&)aes"a, a&)aes"um ADJ ♦ adhesi$e;

    a&)aesus, a&)aesus N $(!)' ♦ adhesion; act/fact of adhering/combining;

    a&)a*o, a&)a*a#e, a&)a*a", a&)a*a!us $s!' TRANS ♦ breathe upon;

    a&)amo, a&)ama#e, a&)ama", a&)ama!us $s!' TRANS ♦ catch, secure;

    a&)e#eo, a&)e#e#e, a&)es", a&)esus $+n&' INTRANS ♦ adhere, stic+, cling/clea$e to; hang on; be attached/concerned/in$ol$ed;

    a&)e#esco, a&)e#esce#e, a&)es", a&)esus $%#&' INTRANS ♦ adhere tightly, stic+ fast;

    a&)"beo, a&)"be#e, a&)"bu", a&)"b"!us $+n&' TRANS ♦ summon, in$ite, bring in; consult; put,

    add; use, employ, apply; hold out to;

    a&)"b"!"o, a&)"b"!"on"s N $%#&' 0 ♦ application, employing; admission (e.g., to a ban%uet);

    a&)"nn"o, a&)"nn"#e, a&)"nn"", a&)"nn"!us $(!)'♦ *hinny to/at; express delight; stri$e