20 20 -20 20 -20 COUNTRY / HS CODE - COMMODITY US $ Rs. (Amount in Thousand) MARCH JULY - MARCH 20 20 (A) Total Export Receipts (Schedule Banks) EXPORT OF GOODS BY COUNTRY / COMMODITY AND SERVICES BY COUNTRY / TYPE 207,152,429 2,071,986 18,303,570 2,083,728 17,394,878 27 State Bank of Pakistan 14 14 13 12 13 13 14 Afghanistan 97,985 760,339 81,823 793,713 9,796,305 350 3 51 77 230 Live Horses, Asses, Mules and Hinnies 101 0 - 0 0 0 21 16 Live Bovine Animals 102 0 - 9,287 93 0 93 0 Live Chickens, Ducks, Geese, Turkeys, and Quinoa 105 0 - 0 0 0 .. 0 Live Animals NES 106 0 - 81,162 812 0 892 26 Meat of Bovine Animals, Fresh or Chilled 201 0 - 1,504 15 0 15 0 Meat of Swine, Fresh, Chilled or Frozen 203 0 - 0 0 210 0 210 Edible Offal of Bovine Animals; Swine, Sheep, 206 0 - 3,599 36 0 286 0 Meat and Edible Offal of Poultry, Fresh, Chilled or 207 0 - 10,292 103 0 339 35 Fish, Fresh or Chilled (Not Fish Fillets & other Fish 302 0 - 531,762 5,319 2,585 34,962 11,753 Milk and Cream, Not Concentrated or Sweetened 401 0 - 60,424 604 466 6,227 6,722 Milk and Cream, Concentrated or Sweetened 402 0 - 5,826 58 0 2,127 0 Butter milk, Yogurt, Kephir etc, Flavored Not 403 0 - 25,050 251 0 251 0 Birds' Eggs in Shell, Fresh, Preserved or Cooked 407 0 - 0 0 0 41 28 Natural Honey 409 0 - 23,095 231 0 231 0 Other Live Plants and their Roots NES, Cuttings and 602 0 - 0 0 0 37 0 Potatoes, Fresh or Chilled 701 0 - 324,068 3,241 0 3,241 0 Other Vegetables NES Fresh or Chilled 709 0 - 487,835 4,879 0 4,879 0 Vegetables Frozen 710 0 - 0 0 0 60 0 Vegetables, Dried, Whole, Cut etc. not further 712 0 - 0 0 0 0 21 Leguminous Vegetables, Dried Shelled 713 0 - 56,579 566 0 566 0 Other Nuts NES Fresh or Dried Whether Shelled or 802 0 - 0 0 0 33 3 Dates, Figs, Pineapples, Avocados etc, Fr or Dried 804 0 - 123,956 1,240 0 1,240 0 Citrus Fruit, Fresh or Dried 805 0 - 116,857 1,169 0 1,169 18 Apples, Pears and Quinces, Fresh 808 0 - 132,350 1,324 0 1,324 20 Fruit NES Fresh 810 0 - 0 0 0 1,286 0 Fruit Dried NES Mixtures of Nuts or Dried Fruit 813 0 - 54,988 550 635 12,444 6,468 Tea Whether or not Flavored 902 0 - 0 0 0 80 0 Pepper, Genus Piper; Genus Capsicum or Pimento 904 0 - 7,105 71 17 471 346 Ginger, Saffron, Turmeric, Thyme, Bay Leaves, 910 0 - 0 0 0 0 121 Wheat and Meslin 1001 - 2,699 27 178 754 938 Rice 1006 - 0 0 450 2,400 3,301 Buckwheat, Millet and Canary Seed; other Cereals 1008 - 358,081 3,582 0 3,582 0 Wheat or Meslin Flour 1101 - 0 0 0 0 31 Cereal Groats, Meal and Pellets 1103 - 0 0 0 22 0 Flour, Meal and Flakes of Potatoes 1105 - 28,397 284 162 1,643 755 Starches; Inulin 1108 - 2,200 22 0 22 0 Other Oil Seeds and Oleaginous Fruits NES 1207 - 0 0 324 300 1,273 Seeds, Fruit and Spores, for Sowing 1209 - 0 0 0 366 303 Plants etc. for Pharmacy, Perfume, Insecticides etc. 1211 - 0 0 955 260 2,279 Locust Beans, Seaweeds and other Algae, Sugar Beet 1212 - 36,821 368 0 368 0 Cereal Straw and Husks 1213 - 2,862 29 0 29 0 Vegetable Plaiting Materials Like Bamboos, Reeds 1401 - 0 0 0 99 0 Wool Grease Fatty Substances Derived there from 1505 - 3,439 34 0 34 0 Soybean Oil and Its Fractions 1507 - 0 0 129 0 1,493 Olive Oil and Its Fractions Not Chem. Modified 1509 - 556,456 5,566 9,366 73,285 102,826 Animal or Vegetable Fats and Oils 1516 - 0 0 38 15 285 Prepared or Preserved Meat, Meat Offal and Blood 1602 - 1,076,836 10,771 13,337 106,438 51,993 Cane or Beet Sugar and Sucrose in Solid Form 1701 - 2,429 24 0 210 787 Other Sugar NES 1702 - 0 0 15 0 15 Molasses Extracted from Sugar 1703 - 125,498 1,255 1,663 14,181 11,416 Sugar Confectionery including White Chocolate not 1704 - 4,489 45 0 375 60 Chocolate and other Food Products Containing 1806 - 0 0 600 2,558 18,549 Malt Extracts; Food Prep. of Flour etc. Under 50% 1901 -

27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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Page 1: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

20 20 -20 20 -20 COUNTRY / HS CODE - COMMODITY

US $Rs.

(Amount in Thousand)MARCH JULY - MARCH

20 20

(A) Total Export Receipts (Schedule Banks)


207,152,429 2,071,986 18,303,570 2,083,728 17,394,878

27 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

Afghanistan 97,985 760,33981,823 793,7139,796,305350 3 51 77 230Live Horses, Asses, Mules and Hinnies 1010 -

0 0 0 21 16Live Bovine Animals 1020 -9,287 93 0 93 0Live Chickens, Ducks, Geese, Turkeys, and Quinoa 1050 -

0 0 0 .. 0Live Animals NES 1060 -81,162 812 0 892 26Meat of Bovine Animals, Fresh or Chilled 2010 -

1,504 15 0 15 0Meat of Swine, Fresh, Chilled or Frozen 2030 -0 0 210 0 210Edible Offal of Bovine Animals; Swine, Sheep, 2060 -

3,599 36 0 286 0Meat and Edible Offal of Poultry, Fresh, Chilled or 2070 -10,292 103 0 339 35Fish, Fresh or Chilled (Not Fish Fillets & other Fish 3020 -

531,762 5,319 2,585 34,962 11,753Milk and Cream, Not Concentrated or Sweetened 4010 -60,424 604 466 6,227 6,722Milk and Cream, Concentrated or Sweetened 4020 -

5,826 58 0 2,127 0Butter milk, Yogurt, Kephir etc, Flavored Not 4030 -25,050 251 0 251 0Birds' Eggs in Shell, Fresh, Preserved or Cooked 4070 -

0 0 0 41 28Natural Honey 4090 -23,095 231 0 231 0Other Live Plants and their Roots NES, Cuttings and 6020 -

0 0 0 37 0Potatoes, Fresh or Chilled 7010 -324,068 3,241 0 3,241 0Other Vegetables NES Fresh or Chilled 7090 -487,835 4,879 0 4,879 0Vegetables Frozen 7100 -

0 0 0 60 0Vegetables, Dried, Whole, Cut etc. not further 7120 -0 0 0 0 21Leguminous Vegetables, Dried Shelled 7130 -

56,579 566 0 566 0Other Nuts NES Fresh or Dried Whether Shelled or 8020 -0 0 0 33 3Dates, Figs, Pineapples, Avocados etc, Fr or Dried 8040 -

123,956 1,240 0 1,240 0Citrus Fruit, Fresh or Dried 8050 -116,857 1,169 0 1,169 18Apples, Pears and Quinces, Fresh 8080 -132,350 1,324 0 1,324 20Fruit NES Fresh 8100 -

0 0 0 1,286 0Fruit Dried NES Mixtures of Nuts or Dried Fruit 8130 -54,988 550 635 12,444 6,468Tea Whether or not Flavored 9020 -

0 0 0 80 0Pepper, Genus Piper; Genus Capsicum or Pimento 9040 -7,105 71 17 471 346Ginger, Saffron, Turmeric, Thyme, Bay Leaves, 9100 -

0 0 0 0 121Wheat and Meslin 1001-2,699 27 178 754 938Rice 1006-

0 0 450 2,400 3,301Buckwheat, Millet and Canary Seed; other Cereals 1008-358,081 3,582 0 3,582 0Wheat or Meslin Flour 1101-

0 0 0 0 31Cereal Groats, Meal and Pellets 1103-0 0 0 22 0Flour, Meal and Flakes of Potatoes 1105-

28,397 284 162 1,643 755Starches; Inulin 1108-2,200 22 0 22 0Other Oil Seeds and Oleaginous Fruits NES 1207-

0 0 324 300 1,273Seeds, Fruit and Spores, for Sowing 1209-0 0 0 366 303Plants etc. for Pharmacy, Perfume, Insecticides etc. 1211-0 0 955 260 2,279Locust Beans, Seaweeds and other Algae, Sugar Beet 1212-

36,821 368 0 368 0Cereal Straw and Husks 1213-2,862 29 0 29 0Vegetable Plaiting Materials Like Bamboos, Reeds 1401-

0 0 0 99 0Wool Grease Fatty Substances Derived there from 1505-3,439 34 0 34 0Soybean Oil and Its Fractions 1507-

0 0 129 0 1,493Olive Oil and Its Fractions Not Chem. Modified 1509-556,456 5,566 9,366 73,285 102,826Animal or Vegetable Fats and Oils 1516-

0 0 38 15 285Prepared or Preserved Meat, Meat Offal and Blood 1602-1,076,836 10,771 13,337 106,438 51,993Cane or Beet Sugar and Sucrose in Solid Form 1701-

2,429 24 0 210 787Other Sugar NES 1702-0 0 15 0 15Molasses Extracted from Sugar 1703-

125,498 1,255 1,663 14,181 11,416Sugar Confectionery including White Chocolate not 1704-4,489 45 0 375 60Chocolate and other Food Products Containing 1806-

0 0 600 2,558 18,549Malt Extracts; Food Prep. of Flour etc. Under 50% 1901-

Page 2: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

20 20 -20 20 -20 COUNTRY / HS CODE - COMMODITY

US $Rs.

(Amount in Thousand)MARCH JULY - MARCH

20 20


Export of Goods and Services March 2014 28

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

10,356 104 99 1,520 2,483Pasta and Couscous, Prepared or Not 1902-818 8 0 53 78Foods Prep. by Swelling Cereal; Cereal NES, Grain 1904-

223,491 2,235 967 15,135 9,952Bread, Pastry, Cakes etc 1905-0 0 0 40 45Vegetable, Fruit, Nuts Etc, Prep Or Pres By Vinegar 2001-

14,997 150 61 451 109Jams, Fruit Jellies, Marmalades etc. Cooked 2007-34,542 346 177 4,597 2,166Fruit, Nuts etc. Prepared or Preserved NES 2008-

7,735 77 402 1,278 4,194Fruit Juices including Grape Must and Vegtable 2009-1,458 15 8 119 204Sauces and Preparations thereof 2103-

0 0 281 572 713Soups, Broths and Preparations thereof 2104-0 0 0 100 160Ice Cream and other Edible Ice 2105-

80,487 805 397 3,609 2,618Food Preparations NES 2106-1,610 16 1,154 2,687 15,814Waters, Natural etc. Not Sweetened, Ice and Snow 2201-

0 0 0 632 2,001Waters, Sweetened etc and other Nonalcoholic 2202-0 0 346 130 422Ethyl Alcohol, Strength: more than 80% Alcohol 2207-0 0 0 0 134Vegetable Material, Waste etc For Feeding Animals 2308-

1,325 13 0 13 0Preparations Used In Animal Feeding 2309-0 0 0 0 2Tobacco and Tobacco Refuse 2401-

7,760 78 0 78 26Salt, Pure Sodium Chloride, Sea Water 2501-17,496 175 0 175 0Clays NES 2508-

120 1 0 1 0Marble, Travertine etc. and Alabaster, Crude etc. 2515-0 0 0 4 14Gypsum; Anhydrite; Plasters etc. 2520-

1,594,493 15,948 21,967 163,540 214,103Portland Cement, Aluminous Cement and Slag 2523-410 4 0 4 3Natural Steatite Roughly Trimmed etc. 2526-

0 0 0 0 59Feldspar; Lucite; Nepheline and Syenite 2529-111,695 1,117 52 10,420 4,711Oil from Petrol and Bituminous Mineral etc. 2710-

0 0 0 232 0Carbon NES 2803-446 4 13 4 42Hydrogen Chloride; Chlorosulphuric Acid 2806-

0 0 0 56 0Sulfuric Acid; Oleum 2807-0 0 0 28 0Nitric Acid, Sulphonitric Acids 2808-

115 1 0 1 0Inorganic Acids and Inorganic Oxygen Compounds 2811-2,503 25 24 281 494Sodium Hydroxide and Potassium Hydroxide etc. 2815-

0 0 0 32 0Iron Oxides and Hydroxides 2821-0 0 0 0 36Chlorides, Bromides and Iodides etc. 2827-

1,334 13 29 248 245Hypochlorites etc, Chlorites and Hypobromites 2828-0 0 0 .. ..Chlorates etc. Bromates etc and Iodates etc. 2829-

850 9 23 369 463Carbonates; Peroxocarbonates etc. 2836-0 0 20 0 20Hydrogen Peroxide 2847-0 0 0 0 3Acyclic Alcohols and Halogenated Derivatives 2905-

27,616 276 252 1,903 1,830Polycarboxylic Acids and Anhydrides etc. 2917-0 0 0 0 442Carboxylic Acid, Added Oxygen & Anhy Etc, Hal 2918-0 0 0 13 0Quaternary Ammonium Salts etc. 2923-0 0 0 59 80Heterocyclic Compounds with Nitrogen 2933-0 0 4 0 4Heterocyclic Compounds NES 2934-0 0 0 6 25Antibiotics 2941-0 0 0 161 182Glands and other Organs for Organo-Therapeutic 3001-0 0 0 89 78Human Blood or Animal Blood Prepared for 3002-

63,912 639 640 5,602 8,851Medicaments Mixtures for Therapeutic Use 3003-116,947 1,170 391 5,227 4,691Medicaments NES 3004-

4,516 45 0 156 47Wading, Gauze, Bandages etc. 3005-48,396 484 890 9,769 10,094Pharmaceutical Goods 3006-

0 0 0 10 0Animal and Vegetable Fertilizer Not Chem. Treated 3101-0 0 30 0 30Fertilizer of Nitrogen, Phosphorus or Potassium 3105-0 0 0 0 ..Tanning Extracts of Vegetable Origin 3201-

600 6 0 254 11Synthetic Organic Coloring Matter 3204-0 0 200 670 833Other Color Matters 3206-

116,542 1,166 1,317 13,927 13,004Paints and Varnishes of Synthetic Polymers 3208-

Page 3: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

20 20 -20 20 -20 COUNTRY / HS CODE - COMMODITY

US $Rs.

(Amount in Thousand)MARCH JULY - MARCH

20 20


29 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

35,614 356 0 1,251 814Paints and Varnish of Synthetic Polymers Dissolved 3209-5,099 51 45 249 549Paints and Varnishes NES 3210-

0 0 0 50 0Prepared Driers 3211-0 0 120 12 1,113Pigments Dispersed in Non-aqueous Liquid 3212-0 0 20 200 198Glaziers Putty, Resin Cements, Caulking Comps etc 3214-0 0 0 92 0Ink, Printing, Writing, Drawing etc. 3215-0 0 0 54 677Odoriferous Mixtures as Raw Materials for Industry 3302-

60,233 602 409 901 495Beauty and Make-Up Preparations 3304-0 0 0 74 0Preparations for Use on Hair 3305-0 0 0 0 25Preparations for Oral or Dental Hygiene 3306-0 0 0 48 0Personal Toilet etc Prep NES 3307-

129,952 1,300 1,610 14,719 11,573Soap, Organic Surf-Act Products used for Soap 3401-162,014 1,621 20 4,954 120Organic Surf-Act Agents and Products other than 3402-

1,996 20 0 20 0Lubricating Preparations, Antirust and Treating 3403-0 0 0 0 300Artificial and Prepared Waxes 3404-

6,493 65 29 261 381Polishes and Creams for Leather, Wood etc. 3405-0 0 0 0 ..Casein, Caseinates and other Casein Derivatives 3501-0 0 0 103 231Prepared Glues and Adhesives NES 3506-0 0 0 0 37Enzymes; Prepared Enzymes NES 3507-0 0 0 11 0Propellant Powders 3601-

16,001 160 260 3,349 5,032Matches and Except Pyrotechnic Articles 3605-0 0 0 .. 0Photo Plates and Film Flat, Sensitized, Unexposed 3701-0 0 0 0 24Photographic Plates and Film etc. 3704-0 0 0 0 37Artificial Graphite, Colloidal Graphite and 3801-0 0 0 0 214Residual Lyes From Wood Pulp Manufactured 3804-0 0 0 0 35Finishing Agents etc. for Textiles, Paper etc NES 3809-0 0 0 170 15Prepared binders for foundry moulds or cores 3824-0 0 312 540 2,606Polymers of Ethylene, in Primary Forms 3901-

39,260 393 220 3,447 3,071Polymers of Propylene or other Olefins, Primary 3902-11,457 115 0 178 148Polymers of Styrene in Primary Forms 3903-

0 0 0 11 0Polymers of Vinyl Chloride etc. in Primary Forms 3904-0 0 0 0 20Polymers of Vinyl Acetate and other Vinyl 3905-

1,868 19 52 4,757 4,333Polyesters, Epoxides and Polyesters, Primary Forms 3907-0 0 0 127 0Amino-Resins, Phenolic and Polyurethane, Primary 3909-0 0 0 0 15Cellulose and Chemical Derivatives NES Primary 3912-0 0 0 .. 0Ion-Exchangers Based on Plastics in Primary Forms 3914-0 0 242 1,462 1,879Monofilament of Cross-Sectional Dimension 3916-

59,972 600 1,327 6,682 15,409Tubes, Pipes and Hoses and their Fittings, of Plastics 3917-23,795 238 261 2,415 2,254Floor Cover: Rolls and Tiles, Wall Cover, Plastics 3918-

0 0 70 707 1,653Self-Adhesive Plates, Sheets, Film etc. of Plastics 3919-0 0 0 17 44Plates, Sheets, Film etc. 3920-0 0 0 93 214Plates, Sheets, Film, Foil and Strip NES Plastics 3921-0 0 15 128 132Baths, Washbasins, Lavatory Seats etc. of Plastics 3922-

48,482 485 272 7,553 14,241Containers: Boxes, Bags, Closures etc, Plastic 3923-78,430 784 341 2,433 2,744Tableware and other Household Articles etc, Plastics 3924-

7,052 71 84 617 556Builders' Ware of Plastics, NES 3925-0 0 22 580 4,309Articles of Plastics Including Polymers and Resins 3926-0 0 0 81 178Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 4001-0 0 0 0 66Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 4002-0 0 0 2 0Waste of Rubber and Powder Obtain thereof 4004-0 0 0 0 93Compounded Rubber and Unvulcanised, Primary 4005-

13,341 133 163 1,581 2,016New Pneumatic Tires of Rubber 4011-4,999 50 126 450 688Inner Rubber Tubes for Tires 4013-

0 0 0 0 165Hygienic of Pharmaceutical Articles of Rubber 4014-0 0 0 0 14Articles of Apparel and Clothing Acc. of Rubber 4015-0 0 0 97 206Articles NES of Unhard Vulcanized Rubber 4016-

Page 4: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

20 20 -20 20 -20 COUNTRY / HS CODE - COMMODITY

US $Rs.

(Amount in Thousand)MARCH JULY - MARCH

20 20


Export of Goods and Services March 2014 30

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 0 43Sheep or Lamb Skin Leather, No Wool NES 4105-0 0 0 0 16Goat or Kidskin Leather, No Hair NES 4106-0 0 87 35 491Leather further prepared after tanning (other animal) 4113-0 0 0 26 26Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-0 0 0 0 2Articles of Leather NES 4205-0 0 55 0 295Fuel Wood, In Logs etc. Wood in Chips etc. 4401-0 0 0 130 0Wood in Rough, Stripped or Not of Sapwood etc. 4403-

14,036 140 339 1,517 3,275Wood Sawn or Chip Length, Sliced etc. 4407-6,154 62 0 263 0Particle Board and Similar Board of Wood etc. 4410-

43,433 434 255 7,002 5,411Fiberboard of Wood or Other Ligneous Materials 4411-33,059 331 1,209 15,883 13,455Plywood, Veneered Panels and Laminated Wood 4412-

465 5 0 5 0Packing Cases etc. of Wood; Pallets etc. 4415-600 6 0 6 0Casks, Barrels, Vats etc. and Parts thereof 4416-

30,838 308 0 308 57Builders' Joinery and Carpentry of Wood 4418-793,844 7,940 470 35,843 3,292Paper Uncoated For Writing etc, Rolls; Handmade 4802-

3,138 31 0 132 109Kraft Paper and Paperboard Uncoated NES 4804-0 0 25 0 518Paper and Paperboard, Corrugated, Creped Crinkled 4808-0 0 0 25 88Paper and Paperboard, Coated With Kaolin etc 4810-

20,822 208 55 1,740 743Paper, Paperboard, Wading etc. Coated etc NES 4811-17,045 170 89 1,135 1,044Toilet Paper, Paper Tissues, Towels, Napkins etc. 4818-14,110 141 183 1,079 1,678Cartons, Boxes, Cases, Bags and other Packing 4819-

0 0 0 0 9Printed Books, Brochures and Similar Printed Matter 4901-3,809 38 0 38 0Maps and Hydrographic or Similar Charts of all 4905-

0 0 35 39 35Printed Matter including Pictures and Photographs 4911-2,991 30 0 520 382Silkworm Cocoons Suitable for Reeling 5001-5,269 53 0 66 0Cotton Waste Including Yarn Waste etc. 5202-

0 0 0 0 8Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton more than 85% 5205-0 0 9 5 124Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt < 5208-0 0 0 150 27Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-

7,998 80 0 96 99Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt < 5210-0 0 0 260 0Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt > 5211-0 0 0 53 164Woven Cotton Fabrics NES 5212-0 0 0 12 0Jute and other Textile Bast Fibers NES 5303-0 0 0 3 17Woven Fabrics of Jute or Other Textile Bast Fibres 5310-0 0 0 0 58Woven Fabric of Synthetic Filament Yarn 5407-0 0 0 100 0Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5513-0 0 0 52 58Metallised Yarn and Textile Yarn 5605-

378 4 0 197 203Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Knotted 5701-4,488 45 55 230 1,054Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Woven 5702-

0 0 0 90 187Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Tufted 5703-9,589 96 197 847 801Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Felt 5704-

0 0 13 0 15Woven Terry Fabrics and Tufted Textile Fabric NES 5802-0 0 0 85 0Labels, Badges and Similar Type of Textiles 5807-0 0 123 75 134Gum Covered Fabric; Tracing Cloth; Paint Canvas 5901-0 0 0 0 120Tire Cord Fabric of High Tenacity Yarn of Nylon 5902-0 0 0 76 0Textile Fabrics, Theatrical Scenery, Back-Cloths 5907-0 0 0 0 1,375Ladies Overcoats, Car-Coats, Caps, Cloaks and 6102-0 0 0 0 ..Gents Suits, Ensembles, Jackets etc. Kn/Cr 6103-0 0 0 0 108Ladies Suits, Ensembles etc. Kn/Cr 6104-0 0 0 3 1,504Gents Shirts, Knitted or Crocheted 6105-0 0 0 0 1Gents Blouses and Shirts Kn/Cr 6106-0 0 0 0 64Gents Underpants, Briefs, Nightshirts etc. Kn/Cr 6107-0 0 0 18 0T-Shirts, Singlets and other Vests Kn/Cr 6109-0 0 0 5 103Garments, Made-ups Kn/Cr etc. of Rubber or Plastic 6113-

145 1 0 8 5Garments NES Knitted or Crocheted 6114-0 0 0 809 525Panty hose, Socks and other Hosiery Kn/Cr 6115-

Page 5: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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US $Rs.

(Amount in Thousand)MARCH JULY - MARCH

20 20


31 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 14 0Made-up Clothing Accessories NES Kn/Cr 6117-0 0 0 31 0Men's or Boys' Overcoats, Cloaks etc. Not Knitted 6201-0 0 0 8 0Women's or Girls' Overcoats etc, Not Knitted or 6202-

3,274 33 142 227 145Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-0 0 73 0 189Women's or Girls' Suits, Ensembles etc. Not Kn/Cr. 6204-0 0 0 0 422Ties, Bow Ties and Cravats, Not Knitted or 6215-0 0 0 11 0Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Not Knitted or Crocheted 6216-0 0 0 534 0Blankets and Traveling Rugs 6301-

354 4 30 306 145Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-30,677 307 0 1,872 1,955Sacks and Bags of Textile Material for Packing 6305-

2,446 24 150 83 150Tarpaulins, Sails, Awnings and Tents etc. 6306-7,698 77 0 77 1Made-Up Articles of Textile Materials NES 6307-

80 1 0 1 0Worn Clothing and other Worn Textile Articles 6309-0 0 0 41 0Used or New Rags, Scrap Twine etc of Text Material 6310-

64,386 644 58 1,274 368Footwear, Outer Sole Rubber, Plastic or Leather 6403-0 0 28 297 39Footwear, Outer Sole Rubber, Plastic or Textile 6404-

11,497 115 0 115 22Footwear NES 6405-9,998 100 0 100 0Setts, Curbstone and Flagstones, of Natural Stone 6801-

77,882 779 0 779 0Worked Monumental or Building Stone and Articles 6802-0 0 0 0 34Mineral Wools, Expanded Mineral Material and 6806-0 0 0 3 0Panel, Boards, Tiles & Similar Articles of Vegetable 6808-

4,319 43 58 536 482Articles of Plaster or Items Based on Plaster 6809-0 0 161 16 936Articles of Cement, Concrete or Artificial Stone 6810-0 0 3 0 329Articles of Asbestos-Cement, Cellulose 6811-0 0 4 70 261Articles of Stone or Other Mineral Substance NES 6815-

495 5 0 5 0Roofing Tiles, Chimney-Pots, Cowls, Chimney 6905-0 0 0 125 309Glazed Ceramic Flags and Paving, Hearth Tiles etc. 6908-

2,200 22 28 373 403Ceramic Sinks, Washbasins, Water Closet Bowls etc. 6910-23,011 230 0 1,590 1,573Float Glass and Surface Ground or Polished Sheets 7005-

0 0 0 1 0Glass Containers for Packing etc and Glass Closures 7010-0 0 0 15 28Glassware for Table, Kitchen, Toilet etc. NES 7013-0 0 0 36 0Glass Fibers and Articles Thereof (Yarn Etc.) 7019-

27,832 278 0 278 0Base Metal or Silver, Clad with Gold 7109-0 0 0 0 8Articles of Jewelry and Parts thereof or Precious 7113-0 0 0 0 10Articles of Natural or Cultured Pearls, Precious 7116-0 0 0 0 42Ferrous Waste and Scrap 7204-0 0 0 14 32Pig Iron, Spiegel, Iron or Steel Granules and Powder 7205-0 0 0 0 43Iron and Non-alloy Steel in Ingots etc. NES 7206-

4,989 50 0 50 0Flat-Roll Products Iron or Non-Alloy Steel 7208-0 0 0 0 5Flat-Roll Iron and Non-Alloy Steel Non Clad 7209-

22,582 226 162 5,198 3,059Flat-Roll Iron and Non-Alloy >600mm, Clad, Plated 7210-0 0 0 0 2,930Flat-Roll Iron and Non-Alloy Steel <600mm, Clad, 7212-0 0 0 114 76Bars & Rods, Iron and Non-Alloy Steel, irregular 7213-

41,644 417 0 4,350 1,633Angles, Shapes and Sections of Iron and Non-Alloy 7216-3,435 34 0 283 162Wire of Iron and Non-Alloy Steel 7217-

0 0 110 1,444 1,595Other Bars and Rods of Stainless Steel etc. 7222-0 0 0 50 0Other Bars and Rods of Alloy Steel 7228-0 0 0 0 510Sheet Piling of Iron or Steel, Welded Angles etc. 7301-0 0 0 12 5,208Tubes, Pipes and Hollow Profiles of Cast Iron 7303-

4,299 43 0 163 186Tubes, Pipes and Hollow Profiles Seamless of Iron 7304-0 0 0 206 1,304Tubes and Pipes NES, Diameter more than 406.4mm 7305-

242,285 2,423 3,978 26,722 47,268Tubes, Pipes and Hollow Profiles NES of Iron and 7306-0 0 0 20 637Tube or Pipe Fittings of Iron or Steel Like 7307-

161,041 1,611 2,059 20,291 30,793Structures NES and Parts Thereof of Iron or Steel 7308-0 0 0 35 0Tanks etc Less than 300 Liter Capacity of Iron or 7310-0 0 0 0 39Containers for Compressed or Liquefied Gas 7311-

Page 6: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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Export of Goods and Services March 2014 32

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

4,966 50 24 1,105 264Stranded Wire, Rope etc, Not Electrically Insulated 7312-0 0 0 43 1Chain and Parts of Iron or Steel 7315-0 0 13 0 13Screws, Bolts, Nuts, Washers etc. Iron or Steel 7318-0 0 0 60 94Radiators for Central Heating Not Electrically 7322-0 0 0 360 682Table, Kitchen or Household Articles & Parts of Iron 7323-0 0 0 102 124Refined Copper and Copper Alloys, Unwrought 7403-0 0 0 4 0Copper Powders and Flakes 7406-0 0 0 0 37Copper Tube or Pipe Fittings 7412-

1,525 15 0 15 0Nails, Tacks etc. of Copper 7415-27,867 279 0 363 0Household Articles and Parts 7418-

0 0 40 0 176Aluminum Waste and Scrap 7602-0 0 0 0 148Aluminum Bars, Rods and Profiles 7604-0 0 0 0 70Aluminum Structures NES 7610-0 0 0 65 94Stranded Wire, Cables, Cables, Plaited Bands and the 7614-

17,896 179 429 4,407 4,235Table, Kitchen or other Household Articles and Parts 7615-1,816 18 75 362 472Articles o Aluminum NES 7616-

0 0 0 0 50Knives and Blades for Machines and Appliances 8208-2,035 20 0 20 0Razors and Razor Blades 8212-

0 0 0 0 17Articles of Cutlery NES and Manicure Sets etc. 8214-0 0 0 0 9Stoppers, Caps and Lids, Seals etc. 8309-

1,811 18 0 127 27Wire, Rods etc. ror Soldering etc. 8311-669 7 0 13 0Auxiliary Plant Used With Boilers; Condensers and 8404-

0 0 0 0 25Spark-Ignition Reciprocating or Rotary Internal 8407-0 0 0 52 10Parts For Combustion Engines etc. 8409-

9,327 93 0 487 393Pumps for Liquids; Liquid Elevators; Parts Thereof 8413-24,465 245 773 1,559 2,992Air or Vacuum Pump, Compressors and Fans 8414-

0 0 0 112 407Air Conditioning Machines and Parts 8415-0 0 0 29 3,000Industrial or Lab Furnaces, Ovens and Parts 8417-

79,725 797 300 2,741 3,020Refrigerators, Freezers, Heat Pumps NES and Parts 8418-0 0 15 0 99Machinery etc for Temperature Change 8419-0 0 0 13 0Centrifuges, Including Dryers, Filter etc. 8421-0 0 0 4 1,146Machines, Dishwashing Machines for Cleaning etc. 8422-0 0 0 0 5Weighing Machinery and Weights of all Kinds 8423-0 0 0 0 50Presses, Crushers and Similar Machinery 8435-

1,890 19 0 175 0Agriculture and Poultry etc Equipment Including 8436-0 0 220 57 722Machinery NES used for Food and Drink and Parts 8438-

1,000 10 0 10 0Machines for Making Pulp and Paper and Parts 8441-0 0 0 0 10Machines For Preparing Textile Fibers and Yarn 8445-

54,988 550 130 1,103 313Auxiliary Machinery for use With Textile Machines 8448-4,432 44 30 843 819Washing Machines and Parts 8450-

0 0 43 0 454Machinery not for Laundry for Cleaning, Drying etc 8451-0 0 0 34 0Machines and Apparatus for Soldering, Brazing or 8468-0 0 0 1 0Automatic Data Process Machines and Units thereof 8471-0 0 0 13 0Parts for Typewriters and other Office Machines 8473-0 0 0 150 0Machinery for Sorting Screening etc. 8474-0 0 0 0 220Machinery for Working Rubber or Plastic etc. NES 8477-0 0 0 0 11Machines and Mechanical Appliances NES 8479-0 0 21 0 21Molding Boxes for Metal Foundry, Mold Bases etc. 8480-0 0 0 11 0Machinery Parts Not Electrical Connectors etc. NES 8485-

4,161 42 0 360 804Electric Motors and Generators 8501-0 0 0 .. 74Electrical Generating Sets and Rotary Converters 8502-

21,303 213 16 604 2,140Electrical Transformers, Static Converters and 8504-16,605 166 200 1,647 1,031Primary Cells and Batteries Parts thereof 8506-

100,419 1,004 1,075 13,796 13,982Electrical Storage Batteries, Including Separators 8507-0 0 0 0 200Electromechanical Domestic Appliances and Parts 8509-0 0 0 14 0Portable Electrical Lamps Function By Own Energy 8513-

Page 7: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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33 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 196 79 497Electrical Water Heater and Soil Heaters, 8516-0 0 0 23 0Prepared Unrecorded Media for Sound etc. 8523-

895 9 0 31 0Electrical Sound or Visual Signaling Apparatus and 8531-0 0 0 0 1,309Electrical Apparatus for Switching etc Over 1000V 8535-0 0 0 239 0Boards, Panels etc With Electrical Switch Apparatus 8537-0 0 0 17 234Parts for Electrical Apparatus etc of Switching, 8538-0 0 0 31 26Electronic Integrated Circuits and Micro assemblies 8542-0 0 119 570 566Insulated Wire, Cable etc. Optical Sheath Fibres 8544-0 0 0 0 20Electrical Insulators of Any Material 8546-0 0 0 129 0Railway or Tramway Freight Cars, Not 8606-

16,084 161 0 730 0Parts of Railway or Tramway Locomotives 8607-63,938 640 337 1,343 2,510Tractors Other Than Work Trucks used for Short 8701-

0 0 0 0 53Motor Vehicle for Transport of Ten or more Persons 8702-2,848 28 0 67 79Motor Cars and Vehicles for Transporting Persons 8703-

0 0 0 53 0Motor Vehicles for Transport of Goods 8704-0 0 0 0 212Parts and Accessories for Motor Vehicles 8708-0 0 0 8 26Works Trucks Self-Propelled Not for Lifting 8709-0 0 226 2,100 2,165Motorcycles and Cycles With Auxiliary Motor 8711-0 0 0 39 48Parts and Accessories of Cycles and Invalid 8714-0 0 0 4 4Trailers and Semi-Trailers etc and Parts 8716-0 0 0 0 14Floating Structures NES Rafts, Tanks, Buoys etc. 8907-0 0 0 0 83Optical Fibers and Bundles etc. 9001-0 0 0 1 0Balances of a Sensitivity more than 5 Cg 9016-0 0 0 30 288Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-0 0 0 0 30Orthopedic Appliances Artificial Body and Parts 9021-0 0 0 0 ..Instruments and Apparatus for Physical and Chem. 9027-0 0 0 0 55Oscilloscopes, Spectrum Analyzers etc and Parts 9030-0 0 0 0 26Clock Movements, Complete and Assembled 9109-0 0 0 61 0Bombs, Grenades, Cartridges and Parts 9306-

106,276 1,063 67 1,560 1,842Furniture NES and Parts Thereof 9403-0 0 0 6 27Mattress Supports, Articles of Bedding etc 9404-

2,168 22 0 145 0Lamps and Lighting Fittings and Parts etc NES 9405-0 0 48 466 320Prefabricated Buildings 9406-

7,291 73 0 73 20Toys NES, Reduced Size, Puzzles of all Kinds 9503-0 0 10 .. 58Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-0 0 0 128 0Vegetable Molded Resin etc Carving Material NES 9602-0 0 7 182 110Brooms, Brushes, Mops and Feather Dusters etc. 9603-

5,751 58 34 314 302Pens, Ball Points, Soft Tip and Mechanical Pencils 9608-0 0 0 0 1Slates and Boards With Writing or Drawing Surfaces 9610-0 0 0 0 83Paintings, Drawing etc By Hand 9701-

597 6 0 6 0Original Engravings, Prints and Lithographs 9702-0 0 126 0 126Postage or Revenue Stamps etc. 9704-0 0 68 240 288Cardiology / Cardiac Surgery Disposables 9938-0 0 0 0 6Special Transaction NES 9992-

Albania 23 1,932150 1,7242,3070 0 0 .. 0Live Horses, Asses, Mules and Hinnies 1010 -0 0 0 401 287Guts, Bladders, Stomachs of Animals (Not Fish) 5040 -0 0 13 0 13Citrus Fruit, Fresh or Dried 8050 -0 0 55 307 452Rice 1006-0 0 0 0 27Cereal Groats, Meal and Pellets 1103-0 0 0 0 3Salt, Pure Sodium Chloride, Sea Water 2501-0 0 30 0 64Matches and Except Pyrotechnic Articles 3605-0 0 11 547 108Polymers of Styrene in Primary Forms 3903-

145 1 0 1 0Leather of Animals NES, No Hair NES 4107-0 0 0 1 0Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-

Page 8: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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US $Rs.

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Export of Goods and Services March 2014 34

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 0 8Woven Fabrics of Silk or Silk Waste 5007-0 0 0 168 126Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt < 5208-0 0 0 181 37Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-0 0 0 0 24Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt < 5210-0 0 0 56 0Woven Cotton Fabrics NES 5212-0 0 0 0 6Synthetic Staple Fibers, Not Carded, Combed etc. 5503-0 0 0 0 64Woven Fabric, Synthetic < 85% of Fibre Mix 5514-0 0 0 8 0Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Knotted 5701-0 0 0 0 50Woven Pile and Chenille Fabrics NES 5801-

181 2 0 2 0Ladies Suits, Ensembles etc. Kn/Cr 6104-0 0 0 40 0Track Suits, Ski Suits and Swimwear Kn/Cr 6112-0 0 0 0 9Garments, Made-ups Kn/Cr etc. of Rubber or Plastic 6113-0 0 0 3 0Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Knitted or Crocheted 6116-0 0 0 38 0Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-

1,981 20 24 96 89Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-0 0 0 5 3Made-Up Articles of Textile Materials NES 6307-0 0 0 0 15Used or New Rags, Scrap Twine etc of Text Material 6310-0 0 0 16 0Articles of Stone or Other Mineral Substance NES 6815-0 0 0 0 2Precious and Semi Precious Stones NES 7103-0 0 0 0 250Ferrous Waste and Scrap 7204-0 0 0 14 24Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-0 0 16 48 61Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-

Algeria 2,463 23,2242,907 25,692246,2580 0 0 0 4Meat of Bovine Animals, Fresh or Chilled 2010 -0 0 0 25 0Fish, Live 3010 -0 0 0 0 22Fish Frozen (Not Fish Fillets & other Fish Meat) 3030 -0 0 0 39 0Natural Honey 4090 -0 0 0 0 39Cut Flowers and Flower Buds for Bouquet or for 6030 -

1,725 17 0 17 0Vegetables, Dried, Whole, Cut etc. not further 7120 -0 0 0 0 13Other Nuts NES Fresh or Dried Whether Shelled or 8020 -0 0 0 0 2Wheat and Meslin 1001-0 0 19 1,279 768Rice 1006-0 0 0 0 44Seeds, Fruit and Spores, for Sowing 1209-0 0 0 25 64Plants etc. for Pharmacy, Perfume, Insecticides etc. 1211-0 0 0 3 0Lac; Natural Gums, Resins, Gum-Resins and 1301-

12,344 123 49 888 449Vegetable Products NES 1404-0 0 0 0 53Prepared or Preserved Fish, Caviar and Caviar 1604-0 0 0 190 0Sugar Confectionery including White Chocolate not 1704-

7,707 77 0 77 0Bread, Pastry, Cakes etc 1905-0 0 0 389 0Vegetables Prepared or Preserved NES not Frozen 2005-0 0 0 0 62Fruit Juices including Grape Must and Vegtable 2009-0 0 0 0 38Food Preparations NES 2106-0 0 0 0 13Marble, Travertine etc. and Alabaster, Crude etc. 2515-

2,596 26 4 238 116Essential Oils, Resinoids and Terpene 3301-0 0 61 91 61Beauty and Make-Up Preparations 3304-0 0 0 53 242Matches and Except Pyrotechnic Articles 3605-0 0 0 18 0Artificial Graphite, Colloidal Graphite and 3801-0 0 0 42 36Prepared binders for foundry moulds or cores 3824-0 0 0 25 93Waste, Parings and Scrap, of Plastics 3915-0 0 0 21 0Waste of Rubber and Powder Obtain thereof 4004-0 0 0 0 2Leather further prepared after tanning (other animal) 4113-0 0 205 203 436Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-0 0 0 0 48Toilet or Facial Tissues Stock, Towel or Napkin 4803-0 0 0 24 0Toilet Paper, Paper Tissues, Towels, Napkins etc. 4818-0 0 0 0 18Bobbins, Spools etc. of Paper Pulp, Paper and 4822-

Page 9: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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US $Rs.

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35 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 106 689Woven Fabrics of Silk or Silk Waste 5007-0 0 190 300 510Cotton Waste Including Yarn Waste etc. 5202-0 0 0 117 96Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton more than 85% 5205-

10,119 101 308 720 914Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt < 5208-18,246 183 0 3,157 2,432Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-69,562 696 103 3,510 2,685Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt < 5210-27,690 277 19 1,117 223Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt > 5211-

0 0 0 56 48Woven Cotton Fabrics NES 5212-0 0 0 91 0Woven Fabric of Synthetic Filament Yarn 5407-0 0 0 0 143Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5512-

9,021 90 107 1,653 791Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5513-0 0 0 0 119Woven Fabric, Synthetic < 85% of Fibre Mix 5514-0 0 95 356 624Woven Fabrics of Artificial Staple Fibers 5516-0 0 0 860 603Woven Terry Fabrics and Tufted Textile Fabric NES 5802-0 0 0 0 78Narrow Woven Fabrics Except Labels 5806-0 0 0 43 0Labels, Badges and Similar Type of Textiles 5807-0 0 0 0 496Embroidery in the Piece, In Strips or in Motifs 5810-0 0 0 0 3,149Gum Covered Fabric; Tracing Cloth; Paint Canvas 5901-0 0 0 0 41Warp Knit fabrics Not of Rubber and Pile Fabrics 6005-

7,670 77 0 342 0Ladies Overcoats, Car-Coats, Caps, Cloaks and 6102-0 0 217 171 664Gents Suits, Ensembles, Jackets etc. Kn/Cr 6103-0 0 0 0 313Ladies Suits, Ensembles etc. Kn/Cr 6104-0 0 0 204 42Gents Shirts, Knitted or Crocheted 6105-0 0 0 0 62Gents Underpants, Briefs, Nightshirts etc. Kn/Cr 6107-0 0 0 0 17Sweaters, Pullovers, Vests etc. Kn/Cr 6110-

52,819 528 0 1,102 0Garments, Made-ups Kn/Cr etc. of Rubber or Plastic 6113-0 0 0 0 450Garments NES Knitted or Crocheted 6114-

764 8 0 13 0Panty hose, Socks and other Hosiery Kn/Cr 6115-0 0 0 24 0Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Knitted or Crocheted 6116-0 0 0 0 2Men's or Boys' Overcoats, Cloaks etc. Not Knitted 6201-

12,044 120 13 367 116Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-0 0 0 0 1,205Women's or Girls' Suits, Ensembles etc. Not Kn/Cr. 6204-0 0 0 48 18Men's or Boys' Undershirts etc Not Kn/Cr 6207-0 0 0 0 111Track Suits, Ski-Suits and Swimwear, Not Knitted 6211-0 0 0 0 46Blankets and Traveling Rugs 6301-

13,950 140 84 2,220 1,314Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-0 0 49 101 85Tarpaulins, Sails, Awnings and Tents etc. 6306-0 0 0 38 5Made-Up Articles of Textile Materials NES 6307-0 0 0 155 0Used or New Rags, Scrap Twine etc of Text Material 6310-0 0 0 20 0Umbrellas, Sun Umbrellas and Other Umbrellas 6601-0 0 0 0 25Stoves, Ranges, Grates, Cookers and Parts 7321-0 0 0 0 53Machines, Dishwashing Machines for Cleaning etc. 8422-0 0 0 306 606Agriculture Machinery for Soil, Lawn Preparations 8432-0 0 0 19 0Machines and Mechanical Appliances NES 8479-0 0 1,261 1,301 3,110Tractors Other Than Work Trucks used for Short 8701-0 0 44 0 123Parts and Accessories for Motor Vehicles 8708-0 0 13 762 570Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-0 0 19 252 408Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-0 0 47 46 82Buttons, Press Studs, Button Mold and Blanks etc. 9606-

American Samoa 365 61542 29936,5370 0 0 2 0Rice 1006-0 0 0 0 161Flour and Meals of Oil Seeds or Oleaginous Fruits 1208-0 0 0 4 0Salt, Pure Sodium Chloride, Sea Water 2501-0 0 0 0 5Chromium Ores and Concentrates 2610-0 0 0 0 1Leather further prepared after tanning (other animal) 4113-

Page 10: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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Export of Goods and Services March 2014 36

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 2 0Articles of Leather NES 4205-33,673 337 0 337 0Cotton, Not Carded Or Combed 5201-

0 0 0 16 0Cotton Sewing Thread, Retail Packed or Not 5204-0 0 0 118 52Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton more than 85% 5205-0 0 0 35 0Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-0 0 25 0 25Woven Terry Fabrics and Tufted Textile Fabric NES 5802-0 0 0 0 5Track Suits, Ski Suits and Swimwear Kn/Cr 6112-

2,863 29 18 70 18Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-0 0 0 0 8Articles of Stone or Other Mineral Substance NES 6815-0 0 0 12 0Compression-Ignition Internal Combustion Piston 8408-0 0 0 10 0Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-0 0 0 8 25Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-

Andorra 25 353102 1,9182,4520 0 0 13 259Rice 1006-0 0 0 0 119Fruit Juices including Grape Must and Vegtable 2009-0 0 0 0 23Tubes, Pipes and Hoses of Unhard Vulcanized 4009-0 0 31 0 219Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-0 0 0 6 21Articles of Leather NES 4205-0 0 0 93 196Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt < 5208-

2,452 25 0 25 0Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-0 0 71 35 71Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt < 5210-0 0 0 19 579Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5513-0 0 0 0 14Gents Shirts, Knitted or Crocheted 6105-0 0 0 0 1Track Suits, Ski Suits and Swimwear Kn/Cr 6112-0 0 0 14 0Garments, Made-ups Kn/Cr etc. of Rubber or Plastic 6113-0 0 0 0 3Babies' Garments and Accessories Not Kn/Cr 6209-0 0 0 100 27Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-0 0 0 0 16Made-Up Articles of Textile Materials NES 6307-0 0 0 0 204Refined Copper and Copper Alloys, Unwrought 7403-0 0 0 24 0Knives and Blades for Machines and Appliances 8208-0 0 0 .. 37Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-0 0 0 24 64Mattress Supports, Articles of Bedding etc 9404-0 0 0 .. 65Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-

Angola 1,739 21,7072,292 17,357173,8150 0 0 29 0Live Horses, Asses, Mules and Hinnies 1010 -0 0 1 0 1Edible Offal of Bovine Animals; Swine, Sheep, 2060 -0 0 0 0 118Fish Fillets and other Fish Meat, Fresh, Chilled or 3040 -0 0 0 0 32Milk and Cream, Not Concentrated or Sweetened 4010 -0 0 0 0 263Potatoes, Fresh or Chilled 7010 -0 0 0 0 64Onions, Shallots, Garlic, Leeks etc, Fresh or Chilled 7030 -0 0 0 0 134Other Vegetables NES Fresh or Chilled 7090 -0 0 0 22 22Citrus Fruit, Fresh or Dried 8050 -

61,022 610 651 5,948 4,001Rice 1006-0 0 0 4 8Seeds, Fruit and Spores, for Sowing 1209-

2,744 27 0 27 0Other Fixed Vegetable Fats and Oils NES, Not 1515-0 0 75 0 380Prepared or Preserved Fish, Caviar and Caviar 1604-0 0 113 78 113Cane or Beet Sugar and Sucrose in Solid Form 1701-

8,573 86 37 1,988 1,072Sugar Confectionery including White Chocolate not 1704-0 0 0 19 70Chocolate and other Food Products Containing 1806-0 0 0 0 84Pasta and Couscous, Prepared or Not 1902-

4,775 48 0 121 45Bread, Pastry, Cakes etc 1905-5,612 56 59 356 239Vegetables Prepared or Preserved NES not Frozen 2005-

46,782 468 1,109 10,644 7,838Fruit Juices including Grape Must and Vegtable 2009-0 0 0 0 10Ice Cream and other Edible Ice 2105-0 0 0 0 15Food Preparations NES 2106-

Page 11: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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37 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 195 0Waters, Sweetened etc and other Nonalcoholic 2202-0 0 0 0 73Portland Cement, Aluminous Cement and Slag 2523-0 0 36 0 184Medicaments Mixtures for Therapeutic Use 3003-0 0 0 9 6Odoriferous Mixtures as Raw Materials for Industry 3302-0 0 16 0 16Beauty and Make-Up Preparations 3304-0 0 0 136 0Soap, Organic Surf-Act Products used for Soap 3401-0 0 0 0 55Insecticides, Rodenticides and Fungicides etc. Retail 3808-0 0 0 38 0Polymers of Styrene in Primary Forms 3903-0 0 0 322 8Polyesters, Epoxides and Polyesters, Primary Forms 3907-0 0 0 0 21Waste of Rubber and Powder Obtain thereof 4004-0 0 0 0 68Articles of Apparel and Clothing Acc. of Rubber 4015-0 0 0 0 31Leather further prepared after tanning (sheep, lamb) 4112-0 0 0 9 0Leather further prepared after tanning (other animal) 4113-0 0 0 2 0Saddlery, Harness, Traces and Leads etc. 4201-

407 4 0 46 13Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-0 0 0 0 24Articles of Leather NES 4205-0 0 0 3 0Tools, Tool Bodies, Tool Handles of Wood 4417-

7,901 79 0 79 0Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt < 5208-14,057 141 0 141 0Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-

0 0 0 39 0Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt < 5210-0 0 0 44 0Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt > 5211-0 0 0 0 101Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5513-0 0 0 0 55Textile Fabrics Coated, Covered or Lamented with 5903-

401 4 0 4 0Gents Suits, Ensembles, Jackets etc. Kn/Cr 6103-0 0 0 0 69Garments, Made-ups Kn/Cr etc. of Rubber or Plastic 6113-0 0 0 2 0Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Knitted or Crocheted 6116-0 0 0 0 99Men's or Boys' Overcoats, Cloaks etc. Not Knitted 6201-0 0 0 96 17Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-0 0 0 0 1Made-Up Clothing Accessories NES 6217-

8,012 80 163 234 813Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-0 0 12 71 755Tarpaulins, Sails, Awnings and Tents etc. 6306-0 0 0 48 0Made-Up Articles of Textile Materials NES 6307-

8,001 80 21 383 231Worn Clothing and other Worn Textile Articles 6309-0 0 0 0 30Ceramics Tableware, Kitchenware etc. 6912-0 0 0 330 119Razors and Razor Blades 8212-0 0 0 66 0Tableware etc. of Base Metal and Parts of Base 8215-

2,419 24 0 24 0Other Lifting, Handling, Loading and Unloading 8428-0 0 0 57 0Agriculture Machinery for Soil, Lawn Preparations 8432-0 0 0 0 20Machinery NES used for Food and Drink and Parts 8438-0 0 0 7 0Electromechanical Domestic Appliances and Parts 8509-0 0 0 0 18Tractors Other Than Work Trucks used for Short 8701-0 0 0 44 26Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-

3,108 31 0 31 0Furniture NES and Parts Thereof 9403-0 0 0 11 0Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-

Antigua & Barbuda 0 17784 39600 0 0 0 19Fish Frozen (Not Fish Fillets & other Fish Meat) 3030 -0 0 0 13 0Sugar Confectionery including White Chocolate not 1704-0 0 0 14 0Human Blood or Animal Blood Prepared for 3002-0 0 0 3 4Medicaments NES 3004-0 0 0 0 7Wading, Gauze, Bandages etc. 3005-0 0 0 0 110Leather further prepared after tanning (other animal) 4113-0 0 0 7 33Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-0 0 0 36 0Articles of Leather Used in Machinery and 4204-0 0 10 0 10Tools, Tool Bodies, Tool Handles of Wood 4417-0 0 0 60 59Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton more than 85% 5205-

Page 12: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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US $Rs.

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Export of Goods and Services March 2014 38

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 19 0Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-0 0 0 0 58Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt < 5210-0 0 0 0 5Gents Shirts, Knitted or Crocheted 6105-0 0 74 0 75Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-0 0 0 0 7Worn Clothing and other Worn Textile Articles 6309-0 0 0 0 9Bricks, Blocks, Tiles and Ceramic Goods of 6901-0 0 0 22 0Razors and Razor Blades 8212-0 0 0 2 0Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-0 0 0 .. 0Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-

Argentina 3,571 39,8545,651 35,183357,0650 0 0 21 23Rice 1006-0 0 41 0 96Seeds, Fruit and Spores, for Sowing 1209-0 0 0 115 178Vegetable Saps and Extracts: Pectates, Agar-Agar 1302-

2,635 26 11 282 191Salt, Pure Sodium Chloride, Sea Water 2501-0 0 2 0 2Human Blood or Animal Blood Prepared for 3002-0 0 0 11 0Synthetic Organic Coloring Matter 3204-0 0 0 1 0Beauty and Make-Up Preparations 3304-

14,198 142 0 291 0Polyesters, Epoxides and Polyesters, Primary Forms 3907-0 0 0 24 211Waste of Rubber and Powder Obtain thereof 4004-

423 4 0 4 14Tubes, Pipes and Hoses of Unhard Vulcanized 4009-0 0 44 0 44Retread or Used Pneumatic Tires of Rubber 4012-

1,455 15 0 64 60Articles of Apparel and Clothing Acc. of Rubber 4015-0 0 0 26 0Articles NES of Unhard Vulcanized Rubber 4016-

1,686 17 0 17 0Leather further prepared after tanning (sheep, lamb) 4112-0 0 20 264 147Leather further prepared after tanning (other animal) 4113-0 0 12 3 12Saddlery, Harness, Traces and Leads etc. 4201-

429 4 5 160 365Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-0 0 0 33 149Articles of Leather Used in Machinery and 4204-0 0 0 95 0Articles of Leather NES 4205-0 0 0 0 7Wood Marquetry & inlaid Wood Jewel Case etc. 4420-0 0 81 0 106Woven Fabrics of Silk or Silk Waste 5007-

1,416 14 0 29 195Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton more than 85% 5205-0 0 0 15 178Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton less than 85% 5206-

8,925 89 401 2,988 3,680Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt < 5208-0 0 70 855 369Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-

107,672 1,077 465 5,878 3,118Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt < 5210-0 0 60 64 69Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt > 5211-0 0 0 797 643Woven Cotton Fabrics NES 5212-

114,985 1,150 2,923 14,716 15,783Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5513-0 0 0 0 62Woven Fabric, Synthetic < 85% of Fibre Mix 5514-0 0 0 0 162Nonwovens Impregnated, Coated, Covered or 5603-0 0 0 0 13Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Knotted 5701-0 0 0 264 28Woven Terry Fabrics and Tufted Textile Fabric NES 5802-0 0 0 1 0Labels, Badges and Similar Type of Textiles 5807-

500 5 0 5 0Embroidery in the Piece, In Strips or in Motifs 5810-0 0 3 0 3Gents Overcoats, Car-Coats, Caps, Cloaks and 6101-0 0 32 49 32Gents Suits, Ensembles, Jackets etc. Kn/Cr 6103-

2,730 27 12 91 12Ladies Suits, Ensembles etc. Kn/Cr 6104-0 0 7 15 34Gents Shirts, Knitted or Crocheted 6105-0 0 0 0 22Gents Blouses and Shirts Kn/Cr 6106-

547 5 0 5 0Gents Underpants, Briefs, Nightshirts etc. Kn/Cr 6107-8,502 85 0 250 33T-Shirts, Singlets and other Vests Kn/Cr 6109-

0 0 28 0 28Sweaters, Pullovers, Vests etc. Kn/Cr 6110-0 0 0 0 102Track Suits, Ski Suits and Swimwear Kn/Cr 6112-

3,882 39 0 612 59Garments, Made-ups Kn/Cr etc. of Rubber or Plastic 6113-

Page 13: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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39 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 4 0Garments NES Knitted or Crocheted 6114-2 .. .. 4 107Panty hose, Socks and other Hosiery Kn/Cr 6115-

125 1 6 63 48Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Knitted or Crocheted 6116-0 0 0 16 0Men's or Boys' Overcoats, Cloaks etc. Not Knitted 6201-

270 3 5 105 137Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-1,314 13 17 38 35Women's or Girls' Suits, Ensembles etc. Not Kn/Cr. 6204-

0 0 0 0 158Men's or Boys' Undershirts etc Not Kn/Cr 6207-0 0 0 0 3Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Not Knitted or Crocheted 6216-0 0 89 393 166Made-Up Clothing Accessories NES 6217-

42,154 422 545 5,304 3,168Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-6,651 67 100 301 118Tarpaulins, Sails, Awnings and Tents etc. 6306-

0 0 0 136 0Made-Up Articles of Textile Materials NES 6307-0 0 0 0 10Waterproof Footwear, Rubber or Plastics, Bond Sole 6401-0 0 0 0 27Footwear, Outer Sole Rubber, Plastic or Leather 6403-0 0 0 5 0Articles of Stone or Other Mineral Substance NES 6815-0 0 0 0 1Hand tools and Tools Used in Agriculture etc. 8201-0 0 0 19 0Files, Rasps, Pliers, Metal cutting Shears etc. 8203-0 0 0 0 1Scissors, Tailors' Shears and Similar Shears and 8213-0 0 0 17 122Articles of Cutlery NES and Manicure Sets etc. 8214-0 0 0 84 97Machinery etc for Temperature Change 8419-0 0 0 68 0Machinery NES used for Food and Drink and Parts 8438-0 0 0 1 9Tools for Working in the Hand, Pneumatic etc. 8467-0 0 1 20 1Electrical Apparatus for Switching etc. Not Over 8536-0 0 0 8 0Tractors Other Than Work Trucks used for Short 8701-0 0 0 0 5Parts and Accessories for Motor Vehicles 8708-0 0 0 4 0Parts and Accessories of Cycles and Invalid 8714-

3,647 36 58 957 910Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-7,069 71 217 550 417Mattress Supports, Articles of Bedding etc 9404-

0 0 0 16 0Toys NES, Reduced Size, Puzzles of all Kinds 9503-25,852 259 395 3,686 3,413Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-

0 0 0 9 0Special Transaction NES 9992-Armenia 128 434529 1,16112,792

0 0 40 0 40Meat of Bovine Animals, Fresh or Chilled 2010 -1,900 19 28 211 364Rice 1006-

0 0 0 0 23Seeds, Fruit and Spores, for Sowing 1209-10,892 109 460 109 660Leather further prepared after tanning (other animal) 4113-

0 0 0 104 0Garments, Made-ups Kn/Cr etc. of Rubber or Plastic 6113-0 0 0 2 1Articles of Cutlery NES and Manicure Sets etc. 8214-0 0 0 4 8Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-0 0 0 5 66Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-

Aruba 0 400 4700 0 0 0 2Braids, Ornamental Trim in Pieces Not Knitted, or 5808-0 0 0 0 33Gents Shirts, Knitted or Crocheted 6105-0 0 0 33 0Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-0 0 0 7 11Curtains and Interior Blinds, Curtain or Bed 6303-0 0 0 0 1Collectors Item of Botanic and Historical Interest 9705-

Australia 14,257 134,23715,936 127,3501,425,3640 0 0 0 95Live Horses, Asses, Mules and Hinnies 1010 -0 0 10 0 12Meat of Sheep or Goats, Fresh, Chilled or Frozen 2040 -0 0 0 0 68Molluscs & Aquatic Invertebrates NES Live etc. 3070 -

297 3 13 32 13Natural Honey 4090 -0 0 0 12 0Cut Flowers and Flower Buds for Bouquet or for 6030 -0 0 0 43 0Onions, Shallots, Garlic, Leeks etc, Fresh or Chilled 7030 -0 0 0 0 14Leguminous Vegetables, Shelled or not, Fresh or 7080 -

Page 14: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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Export of Goods and Services March 2014 40

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 39 0Other Vegetables NES Fresh or Chilled 7090 -2,343 23 0 65 50Vegetables Frozen 7100 -

0 0 0 15 12Other Nuts NES Fresh or Dried Whether Shelled or 8020 -6,249 63 62 680 422Dates, Figs, Pineapples, Avocados etc, Fr or Dried 8040 -

0 0 0 7 0Citrus Fruit, Fresh or Dried 8050 -0 0 0 36 0Apricots, Cherries, Peaches, Plums and Sloes, Fresh 8090 -0 0 0 3 0Fruit NES Fresh 8100 -0 0 0 26 59Fruit Dried NES Mixtures of Nuts or Dried Fruit 8130 -0 0 0 100 70Tea Whether or not Flavored 9020 -

15,290 153 36 846 192Ginger, Saffron, Turmeric, Thyme, Bay Leaves, 9100 -0 0 0 41 6Wheat and Meslin 1001-

76,794 768 1,217 14,793 10,508Rice 1006-0 0 10 31 72Wheat or Meslin Flour 1101-

14,605 146 153 2,599 2,305Cereal Flours, Except of Wheat or of Meslin 1102-0 0 44 116 171Cereal Groats, Meal and Pellets 1103-

346 3 0 3 0Flour, Meal and Flakes of Potatoes 1105-5,624 56 0 113 0Other Oil Seeds and Oleaginous Fruits NES 1207-

0 0 0 14 0Seeds, Fruit and Spores, for Sowing 1209-0 0 0 3 1Plants etc. for Pharmacy, Perfume, Insecticides etc. 1211-0 0 0 45 63Lac; Natural Gums, Resins, Gum-Resins and 1301-

5,805 58 0 552 1,193Vegetable Saps and Extracts: Pectates, Agar-Agar 1302-41 .. 0 8 0Vegetable Materials used in Brooms Like Piassava 1403-

0 0 0 7 0Prepared or Preserved Meat, Meat Offal and Blood 1602-0 0 0 17 0Prepared or Preserved Fish, Caviar and Caviar 1604-0 0 0 0 3Cane or Beet Sugar and Sucrose in Solid Form 1701-

2,518 25 40 963 709Other Sugar NES 1702-3,595 36 108 828 1,045Sugar Confectionery including White Chocolate not 1704-4,582 46 0 290 186Malt Extracts; Food Prep. of Flour etc. Under 50% 1901-

0 0 25 309 180Pasta and Couscous, Prepared or Not 1902-2,874 29 0 149 0Foods Prep. by Swelling Cereal; Cereal NES, Grain 1904-7,431 74 55 883 584Bread, Pastry, Cakes etc 1905-

0 0 63 469 889Vegetable, Fruit, Nuts Etc, Prep Or Pres By Vinegar 2001-0 0 0 1 18Tomatoes Prepared or Preserved NES 2002-0 0 0 21 0Mushrooms and Truffles Prepared or Preserved NES 2003-0 0 0 38 15Vegetables Prepared or Preserved NES Frozen 2004-0 0 0 0 31Vegetables Prepared or Preserved NES not Frozen 2005-0 0 0 11 80Jams, Fruit Jellies, Marmalades etc. Cooked 2007-0 0 0 54 0Fruit, Nuts etc. Prepared or Preserved NES 2008-

1,106 11 16 155 158Fruit Juices including Grape Must and Vegtable 2009-0 0 0 29 35Sauces and Preparations thereof 2103-

500 5 0 138 56Food Preparations NES 2106-0 0 0 36 11Waters, Sweetened etc and other Nonalcoholic 2202-0 0 0 218 0Tobacco and Tobacco Refuse 2401-0 0 0 1 0Tobacco and Tobacco Substitutes Manufactured 2403-

5,856 59 66 719 757Salt, Pure Sodium Chloride, Sea Water 2501-0 0 0 30 2Marble, Travertine etc. and Alabaster, Crude etc. 2515-0 0 0 0 13Chlorates etc. Bromates etc and Iodates etc. 2829-0 0 0 0 1Saturated Acyclic Monocarboxylic Acid etc. 2915-

1,860 19 25 46 25Medicaments NES 3004-0 0 0 5 0Wading, Gauze, Bandages etc. 3005-0 0 0 0 58Pharmaceutical Goods 3006-

1,352 14 0 94 0Other Color Matters 3206-0 0 5 1 28Prepared Driers 3211-0 0 0 10 20Odoriferous Mixtures as Raw Materials for Industry 3302-0 0 0 46 6Beauty and Make-Up Preparations 3304-

288 3 4 30 9Lubricating Preparations, Antirust and Treating 3403-

Page 15: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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41 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 4 0Polishes and Creams for Leather, Wood etc. 3405-9,407 94 0 539 260Artificial Graphite, Colloidal Graphite and 3801-

0 0 0 0 17Insecticides, Rodenticides and Fungicides etc. Retail 3808-0 0 0 13 0Polymers of Ethylene, in Primary Forms 3901-

554 6 0 7 0Polyesters, Epoxides and Polyesters, Primary Forms 3907-0 0 0 12 0Silicones in Primary Forms 3910-0 0 0 0 36Waste, Parings and Scrap, of Plastics 3915-0 0 0 0 3Tubes, Pipes and Hoses and their Fittings, of Plastics 3917-0 0 0 0 7Plates, Sheets, Film etc. 3920-0 0 6 3 9Containers: Boxes, Bags, Closures etc, Plastic 3923-0 0 0 15 27Tableware and other Household Articles etc, Plastics 3924-

73 1 6 10 47Articles of Plastics Including Polymers and Resins 3926-1,146 11 47 703 834Waste of Rubber and Powder Obtain thereof 4004-

311 3 0 29 9Tubes, Pipes and Hoses of Unhard Vulcanized 4009-0 0 0 0 46New Pneumatic Tires of Rubber 4011-0 0 0 0 16Inner Rubber Tubes for Tires 4013-

371 4 8 411 284Articles of Apparel and Clothing Acc. of Rubber 4015-0 0 0 0 14Bovine or Equine Leather, No Hair NES 4104-

252 3 0 3 38Goat or Kidskin Leather, No Hair NES 4106-544 5 0 43 6Leather of Animals NES, No Hair NES 4107-

0 0 0 6 0Leather further prepared after tanning (sheep, lamb) 4112-5,568 56 46 609 307Leather further prepared after tanning (other animal) 4113-2,151 22 26 85 108Saddlery, Harness, Traces and Leads etc. 4201-

0 0 0 20 67Travel Goods, Handbags, Wallets, Jewelry Cases etc. 4202-89,902 899 595 6,035 5,393Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-

780 8 97 241 439Articles of Leather Used in Machinery and 4204-928 9 85 456 621Articles of Leather NES 4205-

0 0 3 0 3Wood Charcoal, Whether or Not Agglomerated 4402-0 0 0 0 1Tools, Tool Bodies, Tool Handles of Wood 4417-0 0 0 0 5Plaits etc and Products of Plaiting Materials 4601-0 0 0 67 0Kraft Paper and Paperboard Uncoated NES 4804-0 0 0 25 0Paper and Paperboard Uncoated NES, Rolls or 4805-0 0 0 41 0Paper, Paperboard, Wading etc. Coated etc NES 4811-0 0 0 12 0Toilet Paper, Paper Tissues, Towels, Napkins etc. 4818-0 0 0 27 0Cartons, Boxes, Cases, Bags and other Packing 4819-0 0 0 1 4Paper and Paperboard Labels of all Kinds 4821-0 0 0 .. 35Bobbins, Spools etc. of Paper Pulp, Paper and 4822-0 0 0 0 2Other Paper and Paperboard and Articles NES 4823-0 0 2 23 15Printed Books, Brochures and Similar Printed Matter 4901-0 0 0 0 16Silk Yarn, Not Spun From Waste Not Retail 5004-

1,379 14 8 81 52Woven Fabrics of Silk or Silk Waste 5007-0 0 0 3 0Yarn of Combed Wool, Not for Retail Sale 5107-0 0 0 0 ..Yarn of Coarse Animal Hair or Horsehair 5110-

13,245 132 0 132 667Cotton, Not Carded Or Combed 5201-0 0 0 0 57Cotton Waste Including Yarn Waste etc. 5202-

944 9 0 29 19Cotton, Carded or Combed 5203-1,932 19 30 254 126Cotton Sewing Thread, Retail Packed or Not 5204-

0 0 38 365 778Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton more than 85% 5205-44,122 441 549 7,780 4,663Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt < 5208-

7,085 71 240 491 1,211Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-6,107 61 53 950 524Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt < 5210-

0 0 0 0 195Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt > 5211-1,301 13 21 487 1,078Woven Cotton Fabrics NES 5212-

0 0 0 0 6Flax, Raw or Processed but Not Spun, Flax Tow and 5301-0 0 0 0 78True Hemp, not Spun, Tow and Waste of Hemp 5302-0 0 0 0 6Jute and other Textile Bast Fibers NES 5303-

Page 16: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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Export of Goods and Services March 2014 42

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 0 32Yarn of Jute or other Textile Bast Fibers NES 5307-0 0 0 3 0Woven Fabrics of Flax 5309-0 0 0 13 38Woven Fabrics of Jute or Other Textile Bast Fibres 5310-0 0 0 0 59Woven Fabric of Synthetic Filament Yarn 5407-

7,902 79 54 773 628Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5513-0 0 0 53 0Woven Fabric, Synthetic < 85% of Fibre Mix 5514-0 0 0 2 0Woven Fabrics of Artificial Staple Fibers 5516-

53 1 0 2 0Textile Wadding and Articles; Text Fiber Not Over 5 5601-0 0 0 5 0Nonwovens Impregnated, Coated, Covered or 5603-

13,254 133 115 1,867 1,350Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Knotted 5701-0 0 10 14 31Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Woven 5702-0 0 3 0 3Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Tufted 5703-

6,459 65 54 895 596Woven Terry Fabrics and Tufted Textile Fabric NES 5802-0 0 27 0 27Narrow Woven Fabrics Except Labels 5806-

856 9 8 80 68Labels, Badges and Similar Type of Textiles 5807-0 0 0 10 23Braids, Ornamental Trim in Pieces Not Knitted, or 5808-0 0 0 0 4Quilt Textile Products 5811-0 0 0 50 411Gum Covered Fabric; Tracing Cloth; Paint Canvas 5901-0 0 0 3 0Textile Fabrics Coated, Covered or Lamented with 5903-0 0 0 16 41Textile Fabrics, Theatrical Scenery, Back-Cloths 5907-

10,804 108 46 587 184Textile Products and Articles for Technical uses 5911-0 0 0 0 61Knitted or Crocheted Fabrics of Rubber of Width 6002-0 0 0 0 4Kn/CR Fabrics Not of Rubber/Pile Width <30 cm 6003-0 0 0 17 0Warp Knit fabrics Not of Rubber and Pile Fabrics 6005-0 0 0 25 206Other knitted or crocheted fabrics 6006-

1,874 19 0 161 63Gents Overcoats, Car-Coats, Caps, Cloaks and 6101-3,221 32 0 94 131Ladies Overcoats, Car-Coats, Caps, Cloaks and 6102-1,153 12 142 897 1,036Gents Suits, Ensembles, Jackets etc. Kn/Cr 6103-3,139 31 51 202 119Ladies Suits, Ensembles etc. Kn/Cr 6104-

12,317 123 256 1,149 2,378Gents Shirts, Knitted or Crocheted 6105-2,008 20 6 40 173Gents Blouses and Shirts Kn/Cr 6106-4,815 48 0 421 38Gents Underpants, Briefs, Nightshirts etc. Kn/Cr 6107-4,705 47 0 108 12Ladies Slips, Petticoats, Briefs, Paints etc. Kn/Cr 6108-1,238 12 1 241 375T-Shirts, Singlets and other Vests Kn/Cr 6109-

180 2 61 211 113Sweaters, Pullovers, Vests etc. Kn/Cr 6110-1,954 20 0 45 0Babies' Garments and Accessories Kn/Cr 6111-4,026 40 35 215 326Track Suits, Ski Suits and Swimwear Kn/Cr 6112-

19,082 191 239 2,186 2,206Garments, Made-ups Kn/Cr etc. of Rubber or Plastic 6113-5,792 58 166 575 457Garments NES Knitted or Crocheted 6114-

15,286 153 106 1,080 1,348Panty hose, Socks and other Hosiery Kn/Cr 6115-3,239 32 94 669 1,512Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Knitted or Crocheted 6116-

0 0 .. 5 17Made-up Clothing Accessories NES Kn/Cr 6117-8,688 87 1 335 176Men's or Boys' Overcoats, Cloaks etc. Not Knitted 6201-

77 1 0 1 40Women's or Girls' Overcoats etc, Not Knitted or 6202-76,641 767 1,798 5,270 7,083Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-

6,053 61 5 527 586Women's or Girls' Suits, Ensembles etc. Not Kn/Cr. 6204-1,003 10 25 46 235Men's or Boys' Shirts, Not Kn/Cr 6205-

10,971 110 0 243 59Men's or Boys' Undershirts etc Not Kn/Cr 6207-0 0 0 20 85Women's or Girls' Slips etc Not Kn/Cr 6208-0 0 .. 4 5Babies' Garments and Accessories Not Kn/Cr 6209-0 0 0 12 0Garments, of Felt etc, or Fabric Impregnated etc 6210-

5,786 58 58 577 301Track Suits, Ski-Suits and Swimwear, Not Knitted 6211-0 0 0 0 13Brassieres, Girdles, Garters and Braces etc. 6212-0 0 0 3 23Handkerchiefs 6213-

1,042 10 57 295 265Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Not Knitted or Crocheted 6216-5,016 50 33 1,267 572Made-Up Clothing Accessories NES 6217-

Page 17: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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43 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

9,758 98 31 665 133Blankets and Traveling Rugs 6301-487,406 4,875 6,197 37,829 41,789Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-

3,585 36 31 265 583Curtains and Interior Blinds, Curtain or Bed 6303-0 0 18 422 149Furnishing Articles of Textile Materials NES 6304-

5,152 52 44 433 436Sacks and Bags of Textile Material for Packing 6305-10,323 103 62 727 437Tarpaulins, Sails, Awnings and Tents etc. 6306-37,014 370 412 4,057 3,305Made-Up Articles of Textile Materials NES 6307-

0 0 0 0 1Needlecraft Sets of Woven Fabrics and Yarn, Retail 6308-0 0 1 64 16Worn Clothing and other Worn Textile Articles 6309-0 0 49 0 99Used or New Rags, Scrap Twine etc of Text Material 6310-

1,719 17 0 22 227Footwear, Outer Sole and Upper Rubber or Plastic 6402-15,954 160 24 1,551 1,796Footwear, Outer Sole Rubber, Plastic or Leather 6403-

253 3 3 47 40Footwear, Outer Sole Rubber, Plastic or Textile 6404-0 0 0 66 69Footwear NES 6405-0 0 0 25 0Parts of Footwear: Insoles, Gaiters etc. Parts 6406-0 0 0 2 0Felt Hats and Other Felt Headgear 6503-0 0 0 14 10Worked Monumental or Building Stone and Articles 6802-0 0 0 3 0Articles of Plaster or Items Based on Plaster 6809-

1,215 12 4 33 28Articles of Stone or Other Mineral Substance NES 6815-0 0 0 3 0Refractory Bricks, Blocks, Tiles and Similar Ceramic 6902-0 0 0 2 0Glazed Ceramic Flags and Paving, Hearth Tiles etc. 6908-0 0 0 1 0Ceramic Sinks, Washbasins, Water Closet Bowls etc. 6910-0 0 0 0 25Tableware, Kitchenware and other Articles of Toilet 6911-0 0 33 4 33Ceramics Tableware, Kitchenware etc. 6912-0 0 0 0 1Glassware for Table, Kitchen, Toilet etc. NES 7013-0 0 4 18 13Precious and Semi Precious Stones NES 7103-0 0 0 1 0Articles of Jewelry and Parts thereof or Precious 7113-0 0 0 1 0Articles of Goldsmiths' or Silversmiths' Wares and 7114-0 0 0 2 0Imitation Jewelry 7117-0 0 0 5 2Pig Iron, Spiegel, Iron or Steel Granules and Powder 7205-

6,955 70 0 120 0Tubes, Pipes and Hollow Profiles NES of Iron and 7306-0 0 0 0 1Structures NES and Parts Thereof of Iron or Steel 7308-0 0 0 0 3Chain and Parts of Iron or Steel 7315-0 0 3 13 3Table, Kitchen or Household Articles & Parts of Iron 7323-0 0 0 0 15Articles of Iron or Steel, NES 7326-

18,698 187 0 239 100Copper Waste and Scrap 7404-898 9 92 343 309Table, Kitchen or other Household Articles and Parts 7615-

0 0 0 26 14Beryllium, Chromium, Germanium, Vanadium, 8112-0 0 0 3 0Hand tools and Tools Used in Agriculture etc. 8201-0 0 0 2 38Files, Rasps, Pliers, Metal cutting Shears etc. 8203-

603 6 0 6 11Hand tools NES Like Blow, Torches, Anvils etc. 8205-159 2 4 5 7Knives and Blades for Machines and Appliances 8208-171 2 0 2 0Hand Operated Mechanical Appliances 8210-

3,530 35 0 41 7Knives With Blades and Blades for Knives NES 8211-0 0 0 0 9Razors and Razor Blades 8212-

1,270 13 0 36 9Scissors, Tailors' Shears and Similar Shears and 8213-1,624 16 44 794 897Articles of Cutlery NES and Manicure Sets etc. 8214-

0 0 0 17 9Tableware etc. of Base Metal and Parts of Base 8215-0 0 0 0 6Auxiliary Plant Used With Boilers; Condensers and 8404-0 0 0 0 27Parts For Combustion Engines etc. 8409-

6,714 67 0 67 0Pumps for Liquids; Liquid Elevators; Parts Thereof 8413-0 0 0 7 0Machinery etc for Temperature Change 8419-0 0 0 2 0Machines, Dishwashing Machines for Cleaning etc. 8422-0 0 0 0 3Other Lifting, Handling, Loading and Unloading 8428-0 0 0 0 71Machinery NES used for Food and Drink and Parts 8438-0 0 0 0 93Auxiliary Machinery for use With Textile Machines 8448-

Page 18: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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Export of Goods and Services March 2014 44

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 2 0Machinery not for Laundry for Cleaning, Drying etc 8451-4,495 45 4 192 108Tools for Working in the Hand, Pneumatic etc. 8467-

0 0 0 0 27Machines and Apparatus for Soldering, Brazing or 8468-0 0 0 135 0Automatic Data Process Machines and Units thereof 8471-0 0 0 6 0Machinery for Sorting Screening etc. 8474-0 0 0 7 0Machines and Mechanical Appliances NES 8479-

166 2 0 2 0Transmission Shafts, Bearings, Gears etc. and Parts 8483-0 0 0 0 1Electric Motors and Generators 8501-0 0 0 3 0Electrical Water Heater and Soil Heaters, 8516-0 0 21 203 138Electrical Capacitors, Fixed, Variable or Adjustable 8532-0 0 0 0 9Electrical Apparatus for Switching etc Over 1000V 8535-0 0 0 6 0Electrical Filament or Discharge Lamps and Parts 8539-

372 4 0 11 0Tractors Other Than Work Trucks used for Short 8701-0 0 115 0 115Bodies for Specific Motor Vehicles 8707-0 0 0 0 ..Parts and Accessories for Motor Vehicles 8708-0 0 0 0 1Optical Telescopes and Mounting for 9005-

54,795 548 373 4,750 4,888Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-0 0 3 0 25Mechano-Therapy, Massage etc Apparatus 9019-0 0 5 13 5X-Ray etc Apparatus, Tubes, Panels, Screen and 9022-0 0 0 0 5Instrument, Apparatus and Models for 9023-0 0 0 0 40Keyboard Pipe Organs Harmoniums & other 9203-

148 1 0 14 15Wind Musical Instruments NES 9205-0 0 0 0 4Musical Boxes, Fairground Organs etc. 9208-0 0 1 10 40Parts etc. of Musical Instruments, Metronomes 9209-0 0 0 4 0Swords, Cutlasses, Bayonets and Similar Arms & 9307-0 0 0 30 32Furniture NES and Parts Thereof 9403-

38,277 383 293 3,879 1,604Mattress Supports, Articles of Bedding etc 9404-209 2 0 2 1Lamps and Lighting Fittings and Parts etc NES 9405-

0 0 0 1 0Festive, Carnival or other Entertainment Articles 9505-127,807 1,278 802 9,759 7,522Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-

0 0 0 0 3Brooms, Brushes, Mops and Feather Dusters etc. 9603-0 0 0 46 0Buttons, Press Studs, Button Mold and Blanks etc. 9606-0 0 0 0 ..Pens, Ball Points, Soft Tip and Mechanical Pencils 9608-0 0 0 17 0Paintings, Drawing etc By Hand 9701-0 0 0 2 18Collectors Item of Botanic and Historical Interest 9705-0 0 .. 19 32Special Transaction NES 9992-

Austria 3,051 33,3341,621 22,800305,0150 0 0 5 33Guts, Bladders, Stomachs of Animals (Not Fish) 5040 -0 0 0 0 7Other Vegetables NES Fresh or Chilled 7090 -0 0 2 7 23Vegetables Frozen 7100 -0 0 0 14 0Vegetables, Temporarily Preserved, not now Edible 7110 -0 0 0 0 15Vegetables, Dried, Whole, Cut etc. not further 7120 -0 0 0 89 82Dates, Figs, Pineapples, Avocados etc, Fr or Dried 8040 -

3,493 35 0 113 66Rice 1006-0 0 0 39 0Cane or Beet Sugar and Sucrose in Solid Form 1701-

435 4 0 4 0Other Sugar NES 1702-0 0 0 0 5Sugar Confectionery including White Chocolate not 1704-0 0 0 30 0Bread, Pastry, Cakes etc 1905-0 0 0 11 0Fruit Juices including Grape Must and Vegtable 2009-

1,487 15 0 15 0Food Preparations NES 2106-223 2 19 110 71Salt, Pure Sodium Chloride, Sea Water 2501-

55,047 551 0 3,722 2,920Natural Steatite Roughly Trimmed etc. 2526-0 0 0 3,016 0Oil from Petrol and Bituminous Mineral etc. 2710-0 0 0 0 2Medicaments Mixtures for Therapeutic Use 3003-0 0 0 784 0Medicaments NES 3004-

Page 19: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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45 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 0 17Artists’ Colors etc in Tablets, Tubes, Jars etc. 3213-0 0 0 0 263Photo Plates and Film Flat, Sensitized, Unexposed 3701-0 0 0 285 0Insecticides, Rodenticides and Fungicides etc. Retail 3808-0 0 0 0 4Polyesters, Epoxides and Polyesters, Primary Forms 3907-0 0 0 2 0Amino-Resins, Phenolic and Polyurethane, Primary 3909-0 0 0 17 0Builders' Ware of Plastics, NES 3925-0 0 0 0 ..Inner Rubber Tubes for Tires 4013-0 0 0 269 0Hygienic of Pharmaceutical Articles of Rubber 4014-

3,179 32 44 156 50Articles of Apparel and Clothing Acc. of Rubber 4015-0 0 0 143 0Raw Hides and Skins NES 4103-0 0 0 0 22Bovine or Equine Leather, No Hair NES 4104-0 0 0 0 10Goat or Kidskin Leather, No Hair NES 4106-0 0 0 17 0Leather of Animals NES, No Hair NES 4107-0 0 0 0 11Leather further prepared after tanning (sheep, lamb) 4112-

21,906 219 119 3,387 3,897Leather further prepared after tanning (other animal) 4113-0 0 0 4 58Saddlery, Harness, Traces and Leads etc. 4201-

19,140 191 123 1,675 1,215Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-595 6 0 6 4Articles of Leather Used in Machinery and 4204-

75 1 0 42 76Articles of Leather NES 4205-0 0 0 3 0Waste and Scrap of Paper or Paperboard 4707-

466 5 0 5 0Bobbins, Spools etc. of Paper Pulp, Paper and 4822-0 0 0 0 10Woven Fabrics of Silk or Silk Waste 5007-0 0 0 70 0Cotton Waste Including Yarn Waste etc. 5202-0 0 0 62 0Cotton, Carded or Combed 5203-0 0 46 0 46Cotton Sewing Thread, Retail Packed or Not 5204-

33,828 338 151 1,585 688Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton more than 85% 5205-0 0 0 67 0Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Retail Packed 5207-

1,994 20 57 99 220Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt < 5208-0 0 0 203 247Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-

5,868 59 0 608 433Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt < 5210-0 0 0 192 54Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt > 5211-0 0 0 12 0Woven Cotton Fabrics NES 5212-0 0 0 8 1Woven Fabric of Synthetic Filament Yarn 5407-0 0 0 0 43Yarn (Not Sew Thread), Art Staple Fib, Not Retail 5510-0 0 24 425 38Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5513-

14,360 144 84 1,366 958Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Knotted 5701-0 0 0 42 0Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Woven 5702-0 0 0 58 24Woven Terry Fabrics and Tufted Textile Fabric NES 5802-

318 3 1 35 35Labels, Badges and Similar Type of Textiles 5807-0 0 0 0 1Embroidery in the Piece, In Strips or in Motifs 5810-0 0 0 37 142Gents Suits, Ensembles, Jackets etc. Kn/Cr 6103-

687 7 0 310 129Ladies Suits, Ensembles etc. Kn/Cr 6104-0 0 0 64 143Gents Shirts, Knitted or Crocheted 6105-0 0 7 0 7Gents Underpants, Briefs, Nightshirts etc. Kn/Cr 6107-

919 9 0 9 155T-Shirts, Singlets and other Vests Kn/Cr 6109-0 0 0 1 0Sweaters, Pullovers, Vests etc. Kn/Cr 6110-0 0 0 0 32Babies' Garments and Accessories Kn/Cr 6111-

6,224 62 0 297 181Track Suits, Ski Suits and Swimwear Kn/Cr 6112-12,485 125 30 559 417Garments, Made-ups Kn/Cr etc. of Rubber or Plastic 6113-

0 0 0 0 4Garments NES Knitted or Crocheted 6114-8,803 88 0 88 32Panty hose, Socks and other Hosiery Kn/Cr 6115-3,604 36 68 303 260Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Knitted or Crocheted 6116-

0 0 0 18 22Men's or Boys' Overcoats, Cloaks etc. Not Knitted 6201-9,721 97 140 2,346 1,375Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-2,038 20 8 51 96Women's or Girls' Suits, Ensembles etc. Not Kn/Cr. 6204-

0 0 0 93 0Women's or Girls' Blouses, Shirts etc. Not Knitted 6206-

Page 20: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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Export of Goods and Services March 2014 46

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

6,343 63 0 1,011 94Men's or Boys' Undershirts etc Not Kn/Cr 6207-6,158 62 0 495 347Women's or Girls' Slips etc Not Kn/Cr 6208-

0 0 0 42 0Babies' Garments and Accessories Not Kn/Cr 6209-0 0 0 0 12Garments, of Felt etc, or Fabric Impregnated etc 6210-0 0 2 0 3Track Suits, Ski-Suits and Swimwear, Not Knitted 6211-0 0 39 14 223Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Not Knitted or Crocheted 6216-

4,052 41 0 41 205Made-Up Clothing Accessories NES 6217-0 0 0 0 11Blankets and Traveling Rugs 6301-

43,301 433 383 3,884 4,073Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-124 1 51 45 223Curtains and Interior Blinds, Curtain or Bed 6303-

0 0 6 49 33Sacks and Bags of Textile Material for Packing 6305-0 0 11 0 11Tarpaulins, Sails, Awnings and Tents etc. 6306-

16,704 167 51 1,089 744Made-Up Articles of Textile Materials NES 6307-0 0 0 75 57Footwear, Outer Sole Rubber, Plastic or Leather 6403-0 0 0 9 0Footwear, Outer Sole Rubber, Plastic or Textile 6404-0 0 0 27 0Footwear NES 6405-0 0 0 485 454Parts of Footwear: Insoles, Gaiters etc. Parts 6406-0 0 0 0 1Worked Monumental or Building Stone and Articles 6802-0 0 0 56 8Articles of Stone or Other Mineral Substance NES 6815-0 0 0 14 0Refractory Bricks, Blocks, Tiles and Similar Ceramic 6902-0 0 0 63 0Roofing Tiles, Chimney-Pots, Cowls, Chimney 6905-0 0 5 20 40Precious and Semi Precious Stones NES 7103-0 0 0 4 4Articles of Natural or Cultured Pearls, Precious 7116-0 0 0 2 0Imitation Jewelry 7117-0 0 0 3 0Flat-Roll Iron and Non-Alloy >600mm, Clad, Plated 7210-0 0 0 1,409 0Tubes, Pipes and Hollow Profiles NES of Iron and 7306-0 0 0 4 0Hand tools and Tools Used in Agriculture etc. 8201-0 0 1 0 1Files, Rasps, Pliers, Metal cutting Shears etc. 8203-

128 1 0 1 0Knives With Blades and Blades for Knives NES 8211-439 4 25 5 50Articles of Cutlery NES and Manicure Sets etc. 8214-

0 0 15 0 15Machinery etc for Temperature Change 8419-0 0 0 0 30Auxiliary Machinery for use With Textile Machines 8448-0 0 1 3 21Tools for Working in the Hand, Pneumatic etc. 8467-0 0 2 2 3Transmission Shafts, Bearings, Gears etc. and Parts 8483-0 0 0 0 24Tractors Other Than Work Trucks used for Short 8701-0 0 0 8 9Parts and Accessories for Motor Vehicles 8708-0 0 0 2 0Bicycles and other Cycle Not Motorized 8712-

3,384 34 6 346 385Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-0 0 0 0 ..X-Ray etc Apparatus, Tubes, Panels, Screen and 9022-0 0 0 2 0Parts and Accessories of Arms 9305-0 0 0 5 0Seats and Parts Except Barber, Dental etc. 9401-

1,191 12 1 210 108Mattress Supports, Articles of Bedding etc 9404-0 0 0 14 25Dolls, Representing only Human Beings and Parts 9502-

16,297 163 97 914 934Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-0 0 0 0 5Collectors Item of Botanic and Historical Interest 9705-0 0 0 3 0Special Transaction NES 9992-

Azerbaijan 2,351 19,962305 5,667235,0000 0 0 11 0Meat and Edible Offal of Poultry, Fresh, Chilled or 2070 -0 0 0 689 271Potatoes, Fresh or Chilled 7010 -

1,616 16 0 16 0Vegetables Frozen 7100 -0 0 0 48 0Other Nuts NES Fresh or Dried Whether Shelled or 8020 -0 0 0 36 0Bananas, including Plantains, Fresh or Dried 8030 -0 0 0 409 24Dates, Figs, Pineapples, Avocados etc, Fr or Dried 8040 -0 0 69 154 290Citrus Fruit, Fresh or Dried 8050 -0 0 0 0 11Fruit NES Fresh 8100 -

Page 21: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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47 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

204,909 2,050 168 16,174 1,530Rice 1006-0 0 0 132 0Buckwheat, Millet and Canary Seed; other Cereals 1008-

8,242 82 0 155 29Other Oil Seeds and Oleaginous Fruits NES 1207-0 0 0 0 69Seeds, Fruit and Spores, for Sowing 1209-0 0 0 8 0Plants etc. for Pharmacy, Perfume, Insecticides etc. 1211-0 0 0 32 0Antibiotics 2941-

1,201 12 0 154 204Medicaments Mixtures for Therapeutic Use 3003-3,994 40 0 348 246Medicaments NES 3004-5,790 58 28 58 28Pharmaceutical Goods 3006-2,299 23 0 46 0Matches and Except Pyrotechnic Articles 3605-

0 0 0 0 50Articles of Plastics Including Polymers and Resins 3926-0 0 0 12 5Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-0 0 0 75 132Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt < 5208-0 0 0 94 0Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-0 0 0 0 1,690Woven Fabrics of Jute or Other Textile Bast Fibres 5310-0 0 0 72 0Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5512-0 0 0 172 0Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5513-

4,830 48 0 756 0Woven Fabric, Synthetic < 85% of Fibre Mix 5514-0 0 22 0 22Textile Wadding and Articles; Text Fiber Not Over 5 5601-0 0 0 40 102Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Knotted 5701-0 0 0 0 3Labels, Badges and Similar Type of Textiles 5807-0 0 0 38 79Gum Covered Fabric; Tracing Cloth; Paint Canvas 5901-0 0 0 13 0Sweaters, Pullovers, Vests etc. Kn/Cr 6110-0 0 10 0 10Garments, Made-ups Kn/Cr etc. of Rubber or Plastic 6113-

254 3 0 3 0Men's or Boys' Overcoats, Cloaks etc. Not Knitted 6201-0 0 0 0 ..Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-0 0 0 20 0Women's or Girls' Suits, Ensembles etc. Not Kn/Cr. 6204-0 0 0 104 41Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-0 0 0 0 742Curtains and Interior Blinds, Curtain or Bed 6303-0 0 0 64 36Made-Up Articles of Textile Materials NES 6307-0 0 0 0 4Articles of Stone or Other Mineral Substance NES 6815-

1,865 19 0 19 0Articles of Cutlery NES and Manicure Sets etc. 8214-0 0 0 5 39Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-0 0 8 7 8Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-

Bahamas 5 11975 5185470 0 0 0 6Citrus Fruit, Fresh or Dried 8050 -0 0 0 0 15Pepper, Genus Piper; Genus Capsicum or Pimento 9040 -0 0 75 54 147Rice 1006-0 0 0 5 0Vegetable Materials used in Brooms Like Piassava 1403-0 0 0 0 36Fruit Juices including Grape Must and Vegtable 2009-0 0 0 6 0Organic Surf-Act Agents and Products other than 3402-0 0 0 10 0Articles NES of Unhard Vulcanized Rubber 4016-0 0 0 .. 0Leather further prepared after tanning (other animal) 4113-0 0 0 11 0Toilet Paper, Paper Tissues, Towels, Napkins etc. 4818-0 0 0 0 91Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton more than 85% 5205-0 0 0 0 193Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-0 0 0 0 6Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt < 5210-0 0 0 0 6Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Knotted 5701-0 0 0 5 0Gents Suits, Ensembles, Jackets etc. Kn/Cr 6103-0 0 0 6 0Garments NES Knitted or Crocheted 6114-0 0 0 6 0Women's or Girls' Overcoats etc, Not Knitted or 6202-0 0 0 0 5Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-0 0 0 0 3Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-0 0 0 0 10Curtains and Interior Blinds, Curtain or Bed 6303-0 0 0 9 0Footwear NES 6405-

Page 22: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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Export of Goods and Services March 2014 48

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

493 5 0 5 0Tableware, Kitchenware and other Articles of Toilet 6911-0 0 0 0 1Radar Apparatus, Radio Navigational Aid and 8526-

54 1 0 1 0Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-Bahrain 7,880 87,3316,325 61,270787,835

0 0 0 0 28Live Horses, Asses, Mules and Hinnies 1010 -0 0 0 39 0Live Bovine Animals 1020 -0 0 20 0 68Live Chickens, Ducks, Geese, Turkeys, and Quinoa 1050 -

2,906 29 69 87 115Live Animals NES 1060 -5,087 51 1,196 1,860 12,670Meat of Bovine Animals, Fresh or Chilled 2010 -

109,641 1,097 418 13,962 2,194Meat of Bovine Animals, Frozen 2020 -32,552 326 457 9,798 3,133Meat of Sheep or Goats, Fresh, Chilled or Frozen 2040 -

0 0 0 26 64Other Meat & Edible Offal ; Fresh, Chilled or Frozen 2080 -365 4 49 32 450Fish Frozen (Not Fish Fillets & other Fish Meat) 3030 -

0 0 0 159 173Fish Fillets and other Fish Meat, Fresh, Chilled or 3040 -0 0 0 0 49Fish Dried, Salted or in Brine; Smoked etc; Ed 3050 -

14,156 142 50 545 2,464Crustaceans; Live, Fresh etc, and Cooked etc. 3060 -100 1 2 1 4Natural Honey 4090 -

0 0 0 10 0Human Hair, Unworked and Waste of Human Hair 5010 -0 0 0 20 0Coral, Shell of Molluscs etc. unworked or Simply 5080 -0 0 0 0 10Other Live Plants and their Roots NES, Cuttings and 6020 -

6,074 61 0 214 24Potatoes, Fresh or Chilled 7010 -0 0 0 3 5Tomatoes, Fresh or Chilled 7020 -

94 1 17 88 181Onions, Shallots, Garlic, Leeks etc, Fresh or Chilled 7030 -0 0 0 4 0Cabbages, Cauliflower, Kohlrabi, Kale etc. Fresh or 7040 -0 0 0 0 ..Carrots, Turnips & other Edible Roots, Fresh or 7060 -0 0 1 53 768Leguminous Vegetables, Shelled or not, Fresh or 7080 -

14,444 144 166 1,109 288Other Vegetables NES Fresh or Chilled 7090 -9 .. 1 19 6Vegetables Frozen 7100 -

492 5 0 213 65Vegetables, Dried, Whole, Cut etc. not further 7120 -0 0 12 47 33Other Nuts NES Fresh or Dried Whether Shelled or 8020 -

3,339 33 11 647 336Dates, Figs, Pineapples, Avocados etc, Fr or Dried 8040 -5,365 54 91 268 392Citrus Fruit, Fresh or Dried 8050 -

0 0 0 10 9Apples, Pears and Quinces, Fresh 8080 -3,072 31 0 226 0Fruit NES Fresh 8100 -1,405 14 2 55 95Fruit Dried NES Mixtures of Nuts or Dried Fruit 8130 -

0 0 0 2 0Tea Whether or not Flavored 9020 -1,037 10 0 83 170Pepper, Genus Piper; Genus Capsicum or Pimento 9040 -

0 0 0 0 23Seeds of Anise, Badian, Fennel, Coriander, Cumin 9090 -100 1 32 209 128Ginger, Saffron, Turmeric, Thyme, Bay Leaves, 9100 -

324,172 3,242 1,546 20,121 17,025Rice 1006-4,368 44 58 708 234Starches; Inulin 1108-

0 0 0 0 18Other Oil Seeds and Oleaginous Fruits NES 1207-0 0 0 6 0Seeds, Fruit and Spores, for Sowing 1209-0 0 30 0 30Plants etc. for Pharmacy, Perfume, Insecticides etc. 1211-0 0 47 242 287Cereal Straw and Husks 1213-0 0 10 110 81Vegetable Products NES 1404-0 0 0 45 0Prepared or Preserved Fish, Caviar and Caviar 1604-0 0 130 100 170Cane or Beet Sugar and Sucrose in Solid Form 1701-0 0 103 0 103Other Sugar NES 1702-

712 7 20 139 104Sugar Confectionery including White Chocolate not 1704-465 5 0 88 65Pasta and Couscous, Prepared or Not 1902-

0 0 0 81 114Bread, Pastry, Cakes etc 1905-0 0 26 34 84Vegetable, Fruit, Nuts Etc, Prep Or Pres By Vinegar 2001-

3,973 40 0 307 0Vegetables Prepared or Preserved NES Frozen 2004-0 0 10 455 15Vegetables Prepared or Preserved NES not Frozen 2005-

Page 23: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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49 State Bank of Pakistan

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0 0 0 2 0Fruit, Nuts etc. Prepared or Preserved NES 2008-0 0 0 9 0Fruit Juices including Grape Must and Vegtable 2009-0 0 0 0 15Sauces and Preparations thereof 2103-0 0 0 87 11Food Preparations NES 2106-

764 8 0 8 0Waters, Sweetened etc and other Nonalcoholic 2202-0 0 0 42 3,390Ethyl Alcohol, Strength: more than 80% Alcohol 2207-0 0 0 1 25Bran, Sharps and other Residue 2302-

1,136 11 0 16 0Preparations Used In Animal Feeding 2309-1,485 15 0 15 0Cigars, Cigarettes Etc. of Tobacco or Substitutes 2402-

0 0 0 0 ..Tobacco and Tobacco Substitutes Manufactured 2403-0 0 0 0 52Natural Sands Of All Kinds, Except Metal-Bearing 2505-

9,478 95 81 358 162Clays NES 2508-0 0 16 137 52Marble, Travertine etc. and Alabaster, Crude etc. 2515-

398 4 0 4 6Portland Cement, Aluminous Cement and Slag 2523-0 0 0 22 0Oil from Petrol and Bituminous Mineral etc. 2710-0 0 0 146 29Hydrogen Chloride; Chlorosulphuric Acid 2806-0 0 0 23 0Nitric Acid, Sulphonitric Acids 2808-

87 1 0 11 32Hydrogen Peroxide 2847-0 0 0 0 ..Cyclic Alcohols and Halogenated & Sulphonated 2906-

597 6 0 6 0Amine-Function Compounds 2921-0 0 0 28 14Medicaments NES 3004-0 0 0 4 1Pharmaceutical Goods 3006-0 0 0 0 ..Coloring Matter of Vegetable or Animal Origin 3203-

1,754 18 0 212 36Synthetic Organic Coloring Matter 3204-18,934 189 0 720 248Ink, Printing, Writing, Drawing etc. 3215-

0 0 0 19 17Beauty and Make-Up Preparations 3304-0 0 0 .. 0Soap, Organic Surf-Act Products used for Soap 3401-0 0 0 0 16Organic Surf-Act Agents and Products other than 3402-

475 5 0 25 0Prepared Glues and Adhesives NES 3506-0 0 0 0 21Enzymes; Prepared Enzymes NES 3507-0 0 4 106 4Artificial Graphite, Colloidal Graphite and 3801-0 0 0 23 0Activated Carbon etc. Animal Black 3802-

4,143 41 23 109 133Finishing Agents etc. for Textiles, Paper etc NES 3809-0 0 0 0 7Organic Composite Solvents and Thinners NES 3814-0 0 0 0 6Prepared binders for foundry moulds or cores 3824-0 0 0 1,186 1,146Polymers of Styrene in Primary Forms 3903-0 0 0 5 0Tubes, Pipes and Hoses and their Fittings, of Plastics 3917-0 0 0 104 439Plates, Sheets, Film etc. 3920-0 0 0 6 0Plates, Sheets, Film, Foil and Strip NES Plastics 3921-0 0 2 10 6Containers: Boxes, Bags, Closures etc, Plastic 3923-0 0 0 1 13Articles of Plastics Including Polymers and Resins 3926-0 0 20 77 44Waste of Rubber and Powder Obtain thereof 4004-0 0 0 20 0Tubes, Pipes and Hoses of Unhard Vulcanized 4009-0 0 0 0 26Raw Hides and Skins of Bovine or Equine Animals 4101-0 0 0 3 29Leather further prepared after tanning (other animal) 4113-0 0 0 3 6Saddlery, Harness, Traces and Leads etc. 4201-0 0 0 0 8Travel Goods, Handbags, Wallets, Jewelry Cases etc. 4202-0 0 56 317 397Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-0 0 0 11 10Articles of Leather Used in Machinery and 4204-0 0 0 11 0Articles of Leather NES 4205-0 0 0 5 0Wood Marquetry & inlaid Wood Jewel Case etc. 4420-0 0 0 0 2Waste and Scrap of Paper or Paperboard 4707-0 0 0 3 0Registers, Notebooks, Order Book, Receipt Book 4820-

7,509 75 14 294 105Paper and Paperboard Labels of all Kinds 4821-0 0 3 30 18Bobbins, Spools etc. of Paper Pulp, Paper and 4822-0 0 58 53 84Printed Books, Brochures and Similar Printed Matter 4901-

Page 24: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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Export of Goods and Services March 2014 50

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 0 2Newspapers, Journals and Periodicals 4902-604 6 0 6 0Maps and Hydrographic or Similar Charts of all 4905-

0 0 0 1 0Printed Matter including Pictures and Photographs 4911-0 0 0 75 21Woven Fabrics of Silk or Silk Waste 5007-0 0 0 12 42Cotton Waste Including Yarn Waste etc. 5202-0 0 0 4 0Cotton Sewing Thread, Retail Packed or Not 5204-

1,022 10 76 13,542 3,999Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton more than 85% 5205-0 0 0 72 466Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton less than 85% 5206-

112,457 1,125 0 5,601 1,143Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt < 5208-59,129 591 6 5,145 487Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-

0 0 0 236 260Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt < 5210-0 0 0 10 0Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt > 5211-

4,724 47 0 187 144Woven Cotton Fabrics NES 5212-0 0 0 0 51Yarn of Vegetable Textile Fibers NES, Paper Yarn 5308-0 0 0 15 111Sewing Thread of Manmade Filaments 5401-0 0 1 148 2Synthetic Filament Yarn Not Sewing Thread, Not 5402-0 0 0 0 ..Artificial Filament Yarn Not Sewing Thread, Not 5403-

272 3 0 3 5Woven Fabric of Synthetic Filament Yarn 5407-0 0 3 6 8Synthetic Staple Fibers, Not Carded, Combed etc. 5503-0 0 0 0 77Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5512-0 0 0 31 40Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5513-0 0 5 0 5Rubber Thread and Cord, Text Covered, Textile 5604-

2,271 23 20 94 143Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Knotted 5701-0 0 0 0 31Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Woven 5702-0 0 0 5 0Woven Terry Fabrics and Tufted Textile Fabric NES 5802-0 0 0 32 38Labels, Badges and Similar Type of Textiles 5807-0 0 0 2 14Gum Covered Fabric; Tracing Cloth; Paint Canvas 5901-0 0 0 5 5Textile Fabrics, Theatrical Scenery, Back-Cloths 5907-

701 7 0 73 0Textile Products and Articles for Technical uses 5911-0 0 2 319 37Knitted or Crocheted Fabrics of Rubber of Width 6002-0 0 0 0 7Warp Knit fabrics Not of Rubber and Pile Fabrics 6005-0 0 0 36 4Other knitted or crocheted fabrics 6006-

7,493 75 795 1,658 1,053Ladies Overcoats, Car-Coats, Caps, Cloaks and 6102-0 0 4 0 139Gents Suits, Ensembles, Jackets etc. Kn/Cr 6103-0 0 52 150 59Gents Shirts, Knitted or Crocheted 6105-0 0 0 .. 0Sweaters, Pullovers, Vests etc. Kn/Cr 6110-0 0 2 0 15Track Suits, Ski Suits and Swimwear Kn/Cr 6112-

620 6 3 68 34Garments, Made-ups Kn/Cr etc. of Rubber or Plastic 6113-1,500 15 8 48 25Garments NES Knitted or Crocheted 6114-

0 0 18 7 23Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Knitted or Crocheted 6116-0 0 0 0 2Made-up Clothing Accessories NES Kn/Cr 6117-0 0 0 0 32Men's or Boys' Overcoats, Cloaks etc. Not Knitted 6201-

684 7 .. 169 170Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-0 0 0 57 23Women's or Girls' Suits, Ensembles etc. Not Kn/Cr. 6204-0 0 0 56 0Men's or Boys' Shirts, Not Kn/Cr 6205-0 0 6 0 6Men's or Boys' Undershirts etc Not Kn/Cr 6207-0 0 0 66 0Women's or Girls' Slips etc Not Kn/Cr 6208-0 0 0 5 0Babies' Garments and Accessories Not Kn/Cr 6209-0 0 0 18 19Garments, of Felt etc, or Fabric Impregnated etc 6210-0 0 1 0 1Track Suits, Ski-Suits and Swimwear, Not Knitted 6211-0 0 0 26 36Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Not Knitted or Crocheted 6216-0 0 0 2 3Made-Up Clothing Accessories NES 6217-

596 6 14 25 27Blankets and Traveling Rugs 6301-591 6 125 1,229 801Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-

0 0 0 .. 10Curtains and Interior Blinds, Curtain or Bed 6303-0 0 0 0 53Sacks and Bags of Textile Material for Packing 6305-

Page 25: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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51 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

2,064 21 16 225 94Tarpaulins, Sails, Awnings and Tents etc. 6306-2,214 22 0 34 96Made-Up Articles of Textile Materials NES 6307-

0 0 4 0 4Worn Clothing and other Worn Textile Articles 6309-0 0 3 116 100Used or New Rags, Scrap Twine etc of Text Material 6310-0 0 59 53 138Footwear, Outer Sole Rubber, Plastic or Leather 6403-0 0 0 20 0Worked Monumental or Building Stone and Articles 6802-0 0 0 7 9Articles of Stone or Other Mineral Substance NES 6815-

955 10 0 10 33Ceramic Sinks, Washbasins, Water Closet Bowls etc. 6910-0 0 1 0 1Tableware, Kitchenware and other Articles of Toilet 6911-0 0 0 0 9Glass Containers for Packing etc and Glass Closures 7010-0 0 0 0 1Precious and Semi Precious Stones NES 7103-0 0 0 0 6Imitation Jewelry 7117-0 0 1 2 1Wire of Iron and Non-Alloy Steel 7217-0 0 116 296 415Tubes, Pipes and Hollow Profiles NES of Iron and 7306-0 0 0 0 93Tube or Pipe Fittings of Iron or Steel Like 7307-

130 1 0 1 0Tanks etc Over 300 Liter Capacity of Iron or Steel 7309-0 0 8 0 8Containers for Compressed or Liquefied Gas 7311-0 0 0 18 0Stoves, Ranges, Grates, Cookers and Parts 7321-0 0 0 0 40Radiators for Central Heating Not Electrically 7322-0 0 0 2 0Sanitary Ware and Parts of Iron or Steel 7324-0 0 0 2 0Articles of Iron or Steel, NES 7326-

701 7 0 7 17Copper Tube or Pipe Fittings 7412-0 0 4 0 4Nails, Tacks etc. of Copper 7415-

1,018 10 10 133 71Household Articles and Parts 7418-0 0 0 0 2Articles of Copper NES 7419-0 0 0 23 24Table, Kitchen or other Household Articles and Parts 7615-0 0 0 0 1Files, Rasps, Pliers, Metal cutting Shears etc. 8203-0 0 3 0 3Tools Like Handsaws, Blow, torches etc in Sets for 8206-0 0 0 3 0Knives With Blades and Blades for Knives NES 8211-0 0 0 1 2Articles of Cutlery NES and Manicure Sets etc. 8214-0 0 0 33 0Padlocks, Locks and Keys and Parts 8301-0 0 0 25 0Hardware, Fixtures, Castors etc. and Part 8302-0 0 0 14 0Compression-Ignition Internal Combustion Piston 8408-0 0 0 3 2Pumps for Liquids; Liquid Elevators; Parts Thereof 8413-

498 5 10 23 22Air or Vacuum Pump, Compressors and Fans 8414-0 0 0 4 0Air Conditioning Machines and Parts 8415-0 0 0 7 0Industrial or Lab Furnaces, Ovens and Parts 8417-0 0 0 60 0Refrigerators, Freezers, Heat Pumps NES and Parts 8418-0 0 0 2 0Centrifuges, Including Dryers, Filter etc. 8421-0 0 0 1 0Agriculture and Poultry etc Equipment Including 8436-

100 1 0 1 0Machines for Making Pulp and Paper and Parts 8441-0 0 0 3 0Machines For Preparing Textile Fibers and Yarn 8445-

63 1 0 75 41Auxiliary Machinery for use With Textile Machines 8448-0 0 0 .. 0Sewing Machines other than Book Sewing Machine 8452-0 0 0 17 24Lathes for Removing Metal 8458-0 0 0 0 46Parts for Machine Like Ultrasonic, Stones Machines 8466-0 0 0 0 8Tools for Working in the Hand, Pneumatic etc. 8467-0 0 0 0 7Machines and Apparatus for Soldering, Brazing or 8468-0 0 14 0 14Machinery for Sorting Screening etc. 8474-0 0 0 3 0Electrical Transformers, Static Converters and 8504-0 0 0 25 0Prepared Unrecorded Media for Sound etc. 8523-0 0 0 0 5Radar Apparatus, Radio Navigational Aid and 8526-0 0 0 3 0Electrical Apparatus for Switching etc. Not Over 8536-0 0 0 0 6Boards, Panels etc With Electrical Switch Apparatus 8537-0 0 0 1 0Electrical Filament or Discharge Lamps and Parts 8539-0 0 0 8 4Parts and Accessories for Motor Vehicles 8708-

Page 26: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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Export of Goods and Services March 2014 52

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 2 0Photocopy Apparatus and Thermo copy Apparatus & 9009-42 .. 10 86 115Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-

0 0 0 3 0Instrument, Apparatus and Models for 9023-0 0 0 1 0Parts etc. of Musical Instruments, Metronomes 9209-0 0 0 0 1,115Bombs, Grenades, Cartridges and Parts 9306-0 0 5 58 26Furniture NES and Parts Thereof 9403-

3,586 36 70 93 70Mattress Supports, Articles of Bedding etc 9404-3,112 31 0 56 28Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-

0 0 3 8 8Slide Fasteners and Parts Thereof 9607-0 0 0 2 0Paintings, Drawing etc By Hand 9701-0 0 0 17 3Collectors Item of Botanic and Historical Interest 9705-

Bangladesh 55,707 553,57761,837 513,5825,569,4280 0 0 85 7Live Horses, Asses, Mules and Hinnies 1010 -0 0 0 0 52Live Bovine Animals 1020 -0 0 0 2 0Live Animals NES 1060 -0 0 0 66 0Meat of Sheep or Goats, Fresh, Chilled or Frozen 2040 -

4,461 45 157 496 703Fish Frozen (Not Fish Fillets & other Fish Meat) 3030 -0 0 0 94 58Fish Fillets and other Fish Meat, Fresh, Chilled or 3040 -

714 7 16 147 116Fish Dried, Salted or in Brine; Smoked etc; Ed 3050 -0 0 0 0 15Bones & Horn - Cores, Unworked, Defatted, Simply 5060 -

489 5 0 26 0Bulbs, Tubers, Tuberous Roots, Corms, Chicory 6010 -0 0 0 10 8Other Live Plants and their Roots NES, Cuttings and 6020 -0 0 1 0 3Foliage, Branches and other Parts of Plants for 6040 -0 0 0 240 0Onions, Shallots, Garlic, Leeks etc, Fresh or Chilled 7030 -0 0 0 1,639 0Vegetables, Dried, Whole, Cut etc. not further 7120 -0 0 0 0 1Leguminous Vegetables, Dried Shelled 7130 -0 0 0 0 8Coconuts, Brazil Nuts & Cashew Nuts, Fresh or Dry 8010 -0 0 0 9 0Other Nuts NES Fresh or Dried Whether Shelled or 8020 -

2,799 28 107 297 317Dates, Figs, Pineapples, Avocados etc, Fr or Dried 8040 -30,415 304 120 538 183Citrus Fruit, Fresh or Dried 8050 -

0 0 0 0 43Grapes, Fresh or Dried 8060 -0 0 0 0 65Apples, Pears and Quinces, Fresh 8080 -0 0 0 42 0Apricots, Cherries, Peaches, Plums and Sloes, Fresh 8090 -0 0 0 0 4Fruit NES Fresh 8100 -

1,380 14 38 80 363Fruit Dried NES Mixtures of Nuts or Dried Fruit 8130 -0 0 0 69 0Pepper, Genus Piper; Genus Capsicum or Pimento 9040 -0 0 0 50 0Nutmeg, Mace and Cardamoms 9080 -0 0 21 645 297Seeds of Anise, Badian, Fennel, Coriander, Cumin 9090 -0 0 0 97 81Ginger, Saffron, Turmeric, Thyme, Bay Leaves, 9100 -0 0 0 16 45Maize (Corn) 1005-

49,775 498 161 9,944 1,173Rice 1006-0 0 0 134 0Wheat or Meslin Flour 1101-0 0 0 0 3Flour, Meal and Flakes of Potatoes 1105-0 0 0 1,000 1,404Starches; Inulin 1108-

2,909 29 7 319 186Plants etc. for Pharmacy, Perfume, Insecticides etc. 1211-0 0 67 66 210Lac; Natural Gums, Resins, Gum-Resins and 1301-

858 9 20 69 114Vegetable Products NES 1404-0 0 12 186 123Prepared or Preserved Fish, Caviar and Caviar 1604-

8,312 83 0 83 0Crustaceans Molluscs etc Prepared or Preserved 1605-0 0 0 0 6Other Sugar NES 1702-

2,015 20 20 65 71Sugar Confectionery including White Chocolate not 1704-0 0 0 0 8Malt Extracts; Food Prep. of Flour etc. Under 50% 1901-0 0 0 22 0Bread, Pastry, Cakes etc 1905-0 0 29 42 54Vegetable, Fruit, Nuts Etc, Prep Or Pres By Vinegar 2001-0 0 0 71 71Fruit, Nuts etc. Prepared or Preserved NES 2008-

Page 27: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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53 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

3,372 34 0 143 109Fruit Juices including Grape Must and Vegtable 2009-0 0 0 104 120Soups, Broths and Preparations thereof 2104-0 0 0 10 4Food Preparations NES 2106-0 0 0 60 74Bran, Sharps and other Residue 2302-

1,200 12 0 179 132Preparations Used In Animal Feeding 2309-0 0 14 56 52Tobacco and Tobacco Refuse 2401-0 0 0 0 3Cigars, Cigarettes Etc. of Tobacco or Substitutes 2402-0 0 10 60 72Salt, Pure Sodium Chloride, Sea Water 2501-0 0 0 3 0Natural Graphite 2504-0 0 0 20 14Quartz (Other Than Natural Sands); Quartzite 2506-

2,302 23 4 31 8Clays NES 2508-0 0 6 15 34Natural Barium Sulfate; Nat Barium Carbonate NES 2511-0 0 7 224 170Marble, Travertine etc. and Alabaster, Crude etc. 2515-

853 9 0 9 0Granite, Porphyry, Basalt etc., Crude or Cut etc. 2516-3,099 31 36 230 417Pebbles, Gravel etc. Macadam of Slag, Dross etc. 2517-

0 0 0 21 0Gypsum; Anhydrite; Plasters etc. 2520-31,056 311 0 968 0Portland Cement, Aluminous Cement and Slag 2523-

85 1 17 17 77Natural Steatite Roughly Trimmed etc. 2526-0 0 2 0 2Feldspar; Lucite; Nepheline and Syenite 2529-0 0 69 46 139Mineral Tars, Including Reconstituted Tars 2706-0 0 0 62 0Oils etc from High Temperature Coal Tar 2707-0 0 0 27 0Oil from Petrol and Bituminous Mineral etc. 2710-0 0 70 177 210Petroleum Jelly; Mineral Waxes and Similar 2712-

8,350 84 0 267 0Carbon NES 2803-0 0 0 18 0Hydrogen Chloride; Chlorosulphuric Acid 2806-0 0 0 0 1Hypochlorites etc, Chlorites and Hypobromites 2828-0 0 0 0 13Sulfides and Polysulfides 2830-

3,089 31 0 58 107Carbonates; Peroxocarbonates etc. 2836-0 0 5 11 16Silicates; Commercial Alkali Metal Silicates 2839-0 0 0 10 0Hydrogen Peroxide 2847-0 0 0 8 8Hydrocarbon Derivatives, Sulphonated and Nitrated 2904-0 0 0 13 0Saturated Acyclic Monocarboxylic Acid etc. 2915-0 0 0 56 139Medicaments Mixtures for Therapeutic Use 3003-

1,002 10 15 337 187Medicaments NES 3004-390 4 0 12 3Wading, Gauze, Bandages etc. 3005-

0 0 0 0 13Pharmaceutical Goods 3006-0 0 0 4 0Tanning Extracts of Vegetable Origin 3201-

950 10 0 31 30Synthetic Organic tanning Substances 3202-0 0 5 0 51Coloring Matter of Vegetable or Animal Origin 3203-

14,073 141 254 1,557 1,984Synthetic Organic Coloring Matter 3204-0 0 0 13 0Paints and Varnishes of Synthetic Polymers 3208-0 0 0 0 116Paints and Varnishes NES 3210-

41,985 420 0 420 4Prepared Driers 3211-0 0 13 0 13Pigments Dispersed in Non-aqueous Liquid 3212-0 0 0 2 0Glaziers Putty, Resin Cements, Caulking Comps etc 3214-

4,143 41 33 418 258Ink, Printing, Writing, Drawing etc. 3215-0 0 0 11 26Essential Oils, Resinoids and Terpene 3301-0 0 0 0 16Odoriferous Mixtures as Raw Materials for Industry 3302-0 0 0 32 0Perfumes and Toilet Waters 3303-

1,050 11 11 29 14Beauty and Make-Up Preparations 3304-0 0 0 11 7Preparations for Use on Hair 3305-0 0 0 0 4Preparations for Oral or Dental Hygiene 3306-0 0 4 19 25Soap, Organic Surf-Act Products used for Soap 3401-

3,971 40 48 422 251Organic Surf-Act Agents and Products other than 3402-0 0 0 0 460Artificial and Prepared Waxes 3404-

520 5 0 18 89Polishes and Creams for Leather, Wood etc. 3405-

Page 28: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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Export of Goods and Services March 2014 54

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 50 0 170Dextrin and Glues Based on Starches etc. 3505-0 0 0 84 158Enzymes; Prepared Enzymes NES 3507-0 0 0 0 68Matches and Except Pyrotechnic Articles 3605-0 0 0 0 7Photo Plates and Film Flat, Sensitized, Unexposed 3701-0 0 0 20 0Photographic Chemicals, Unmixed Products Retail 3707-

7,064 71 36 562 167Artificial Graphite, Colloidal Graphite and 3801-0 0 47 110 397Activated Carbon etc. Animal Black 3802-0 0 0 5 0Rosin and Resin Acids etc. Rosin Spirit etc. 3806-0 0 0 98 64Insecticides, Rodenticides and Fungicides etc. Retail 3808-

13,561 136 208 1,561 1,147Finishing Agents etc. for Textiles, Paper etc NES 3809-0 0 0 0 3Pickling Preparations for Metals 3810-0 0 0 0 16Antiknock Preparations and other Additives 3811-0 0 0 37 37Organic Composite Solvents and Thinners NES 3814-0 0 0 11 0Chemical Elements Doped for Used in Electronics 3818-

2,399 24 6 610 940Prepared binders for foundry moulds or cores 3824-0 0 0 53 36Polymers of Ethylene, in Primary Forms 3901-0 0 159 310 1,948Polymers of Styrene in Primary Forms 3903-0 0 0 0 439Polymers of Vinyl Chloride etc. in Primary Forms 3904-0 0 48 0 88Polymers of Vinyl Acetate and other Vinyl 3905-

24,677 247 300 2,614 2,531Acrylic Polymers in Primary Forms 3906-40,027 400 1,517 10,139 14,630Polyesters, Epoxides and Polyesters, Primary Forms 3907-

0 0 0 0 54Polyamides in Primary Forms 3908-0 0 0 77 0Amino-Resins, Phenolic and Polyurethane, Primary 3909-0 0 28 726 82Silicones in Primary Forms 3910-0 0 0 6 0Self-Adhesive Plates, Sheets, Film etc. of Plastics 3919-0 0 0 282 48Plates, Sheets, Film etc. 3920-0 0 0 17 11Containers: Boxes, Bags, Closures etc, Plastic 3923-0 0 0 0 205Tableware and other Household Articles etc, Plastics 3924-0 0 0 6 0Builders' Ware of Plastics, NES 3925-0 0 0 14 19Articles of Plastics Including Polymers and Resins 3926-0 0 0 9 0Compounded Rubber and Unvulcanised, Primary 4005-0 0 0 0 5Tubes, Pipes and Hoses of Unhard Vulcanized 4009-0 0 0 34 8Conveyor or Transmission Belts of Vulcanized 4010-0 0 19 51 49New Pneumatic Tires of Rubber 4011-

2,299 23 0 61 10Inner Rubber Tubes for Tires 4013-0 0 0 0 3Articles of Apparel and Clothing Acc. of Rubber 4015-0 0 0 40 40Articles NES of Unhard Vulcanized Rubber 4016-0 0 62 0 107Raw Hides and Skins of Bovine or Equine Animals 4101-0 0 0 0 38Raw Hides and Skins NES 4103-0 0 0 57 16Bovine or Equine Leather, No Hair NES 4104-0 0 0 0 241Sheep or Lamb Skin Leather, No Wool NES 4105-0 0 0 5 1Goat or Kidskin Leather, No Hair NES 4106-

53,758 538 609 7,427 7,335Leather of Animals NES, No Hair NES 4107-0 0 0 0 56Leather further prepared after tanning (sheep, lamb) 4112-

12,582 126 229 888 2,014Leather further prepared after tanning (other animal) 4113-0 0 0 0 15Chamois 4114-

4,548 45 0 64 0Saddlery, Harness, Traces and Leads etc. 4201-0 0 0 1 1Travel Goods, Handbags, Wallets, Jewelry Cases etc. 4202-

8,576 86 194 1,014 1,306Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-0 0 0 0 11Articles of Leather Used in Machinery and 4204-0 0 0 34 79Articles of Leather NES 4205-0 0 0 4 4Wood in Rough, Stripped or Not of Sapwood etc. 4403-0 0 0 14 0Veneer Sheets etc. Not Over 6 Mm Thick 4408-0 0 0 0 5Wooden Frames Paintings and Photographs etc. 4414-0 0 0 12 0Tools, Tool Bodies, Tool Handles of Wood 4417-0 0 0 0 205Wood Marquetry & inlaid Wood Jewel Case etc. 4420-

Page 29: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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55 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

2,012 20 0 78 10Articles of Wood NES 4421-0 0 0 1 0Paper Uncoated For Writing etc, Rolls; Handmade 4802-

3,779 38 18 165 214Paper, Paperboard, Wading etc. Coated etc NES 4811-2,073 21 0 21 0Filter Blocks, Slabs and Plates, of Paper Pulp 4812-

0 0 0 0 1Cartons, Boxes, Cases, Bags and other Packing 4819-0 0 0 0 6Registers, Notebooks, Order Book, Receipt Book 4820-

5,642 56 42 294 116Paper and Paperboard Labels of all Kinds 4821-0 0 0 6 25Bobbins, Spools etc. of Paper Pulp, Paper and 4822-0 0 0 4 0Other Paper and Paperboard and Articles NES 4823-

370 4 1 16 32Printed Books, Brochures and Similar Printed Matter 4901-0 0 0 3 0Maps and Hydrographic or Similar Charts of all 4905-0 0 0 3 0Transfers (Decalcomanias) 4908-0 0 0 0 27Printed Matter including Pictures and Photographs 4911-0 0 0 645 161Silkworm Cocoons Suitable for Reeling 5001-

325 3 10 124 1,139Woven Fabrics of Silk or Silk Waste 5007-0 0 0 1,165 0Waste of Wool, Fine or Coarse Animal Hair 5103-0 0 0 119 0Yarn of Carded Wool, Not for Retail Sale 5106-0 0 0 58 0Woven Fabrics of Carded Wool or Fine Animal Hair 5111-

352,314 3,524 5,561 35,869 30,847Cotton, Not Carded Or Combed 5201-0 0 0 158 651Cotton Waste Including Yarn Waste etc. 5202-

38,207 382 906 892 2,720Cotton, Carded or Combed 5203-29,273 293 488 4,658 6,467Cotton Sewing Thread, Retail Packed or Not 5204-

752,412 7,526 6,983 79,584 78,540Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton more than 85% 5205-15,062 151 223 3,304 2,030Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton less than 85% 5206-

0 0 123 1,105 1,881Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Retail Packed 5207-362,786 3,629 2,912 28,041 21,838Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt < 5208-

2,545,774 25,463 26,733 251,484 217,454Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-82,468 825 581 8,267 5,319Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt < 5210-

391,234 3,913 3,242 36,734 32,481Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt > 5211-248,269 2,483 4,023 16,050 29,756Woven Cotton Fabrics NES 5212-

5,533 55 0 183 76Synthetic Filament Yarn Not Sewing Thread, Not 5402-605 6 174 662 327Woven Fabric of Synthetic Filament Yarn 5407-

0 0 0 1 118Woven Fabrics of Artificial Filament Yarn 5408-0 0 0 .. 58Synthetic Filament Tow 5501-0 0 0 30 0Synthetic Staple Fibers, Not Carded, Combed etc. 5503-0 0 0 0 123Sewing Thread, Manmade Staple Fibre 5508-

3,165 32 0 428 853Yarn Not for Sewing Thread, Synthetic Staple 5509-0 0 0 76 35Yarn (Not Sew Thread), Art Staple Fib, Not Retail 5510-0 0 77 0 82Yarn (No SewingThread), Manmade Staple Fiber, 5511-0 0 0 505 333Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5512-

25,720 257 17 2,750 1,976Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5513-0 0 0 787 1,773Woven Fabric, Synthetic < 85% of Fibre Mix 5514-0 0 3 54 3Woven Fabrics of Artificial Staple Fibers 5516-0 0 0 63 0Rubber Thread and Cord, Text Covered, Textile 5604-0 0 2 46 15Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Knotted 5701-0 0 0 80 36Other Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings 5705-0 0 0 0 408Woven Pile and Chenille Fabrics NES 5801-0 0 88 559 967Woven Terry Fabrics and Tufted Textile Fabric NES 5802-0 0 0 879 776Narrow Woven Fabrics Except Labels 5806-

310 3 7 51 19Labels, Badges and Similar Type of Textiles 5807-0 0 0 15 0Braids, Ornamental Trim in Pieces Not Knitted, or 5808-0 0 254 23 254Gum Covered Fabric; Tracing Cloth; Paint Canvas 5901-

1,500 15 7 161 650Textile Fabrics Coated, Covered or Lamented with 5903-850 9 18 34 18Textile Products and Articles for Technical uses 5911-

0 0 329 1,139 1,629Pile Fabrics and Terry Fabrics Knitted or Crocheted 6001-0 0 0 0 11Kn/CR Fabrics Not of Rubber/Pile Width <30 cm 6003-

Page 30: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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Export of Goods and Services March 2014 56

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 35 38Warp Knit fabrics Not of Rubber and Pile Fabrics 6005-30,759 308 412 3,295 1,292Other knitted or crocheted fabrics 6006-

0 0 0 0 38Gents Overcoats, Car-Coats, Caps, Cloaks and 6101-0 0 0 0 4Ladies Overcoats, Car-Coats, Caps, Cloaks and 6102-0 0 0 18 196Gents Suits, Ensembles, Jackets etc. Kn/Cr 6103-0 0 0 0 11Ladies Suits, Ensembles etc. Kn/Cr 6104-0 0 0 99 248Gents Shirts, Knitted or Crocheted 6105-0 0 0 0 3Gents Blouses and Shirts Kn/Cr 6106-0 0 0 54 9Ladies Slips, Petticoats, Briefs, Paints etc. Kn/Cr 6108-0 0 0 1 0Babies' Garments and Accessories Kn/Cr 6111-0 0 0 12 0Track Suits, Ski Suits and Swimwear Kn/Cr 6112-0 0 79 23 235Garments, Made-ups Kn/Cr etc. of Rubber or Plastic 6113-0 0 0 3 0Garments NES Knitted or Crocheted 6114-0 0 0 62 9Panty hose, Socks and other Hosiery Kn/Cr 6115-

5,685 57 235 797 1,058Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Knitted or Crocheted 6116-0 0 0 5 3Made-up Clothing Accessories NES Kn/Cr 6117-0 0 0 165 109Men's or Boys' Overcoats, Cloaks etc. Not Knitted 6201-

11,597 116 0 1,769 939Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-3,148 31 16 52 234Women's or Girls' Suits, Ensembles etc. Not Kn/Cr. 6204-

0 0 0 57 2Men's or Boys' Shirts, Not Kn/Cr 6205-5,865 59 0 62 0Women's or Girls' Blouses, Shirts etc. Not Knitted 6206-

0 0 0 18 0Women's or Girls' Slips etc Not Kn/Cr 6208-0 0 0 0 14Babies' Garments and Accessories Not Kn/Cr 6209-0 0 0 106 4Garments, of Felt etc, or Fabric Impregnated etc 6210-0 0 0 50 241Track Suits, Ski-Suits and Swimwear, Not Knitted 6211-0 0 0 0 18Brassieres, Girdles, Garters and Braces etc. 6212-0 0 16 62 68Shawls, Scarves, Mufflers, Mantillas, Veils etc. 6214-0 0 0 2 267Made-Up Clothing Accessories NES 6217-0 0 0 37 0Blankets and Traveling Rugs 6301-

8,878 89 268 596 1,461Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-0 0 0 0 43Curtains and Interior Blinds, Curtain or Bed 6303-0 0 47 70 47Sacks and Bags of Textile Material for Packing 6305-

2,559 26 0 26 0Tarpaulins, Sails, Awnings and Tents etc. 6306-0 0 13 112 143Made-Up Articles of Textile Materials NES 6307-0 0 0 0 52Worn Clothing and other Worn Textile Articles 6309-0 0 0 0 9Footwear, Outer Sole and Upper Rubber or Plastic 6402-0 0 0 89 18Footwear, Outer Sole Rubber, Plastic or Leather 6403-0 0 0 0 31Footwear NES 6405-0 0 0 0 48Parts of Footwear: Insoles, Gaiters etc. Parts 6406-0 0 0 .. 0Head-bands, Linings, Covers, Hat Frames etc. 6507-

594 6 6 54 6Worked Monumental or Building Stone and Articles 6802-1,700 17 0 23 0Millstones etc. For Grinding etc of Various Materials 6804-

0 0 0 3 0Articles of Plaster or Items Based on Plaster 6809-0 0 0 18 0Fabricated Asbestos Fibers, Items of Mixtures etc 6812-0 0 0 10 9Friction Material and Articles thereof of Mineral 6813-0 0 5 14 14Articles of Stone or Other Mineral Substance NES 6815-0 0 0 41 0Float Glass and Surface Ground or Polished Sheets 7005-0 0 0 0 16Glass Containers for Packing etc and Glass Closures 7010-

1,478 15 9 83 91Glassware for Table, Kitchen, Toilet etc. NES 7013-0 0 0 4 0Glass Bead etc. and Articles NES 7018-0 0 0 1 0Other Articles of Precious Metal or of Metal Clad 7115-0 0 0 0 8Railway / Tramway Track Construction Material of 7302-0 0 0 13 0Tubes, Pipes and Hollow Profiles NES of Iron and 7306-0 0 0 9 0Tube or Pipe Fittings of Iron or Steel Like 7307-0 0 0 0 4Radiators for Central Heating Not Electrically 7322-0 0 1 0 1Table, Kitchen or Household Articles & Parts of Iron 7323-

Page 31: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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57 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 8 0Copper Waste and Scrap 7404-0 0 0 0 62Nickel Tubes, Pipes and Tube or Pipe Fittings 7507-0 0 0 .. 0Articles of Nickel NES 7508-0 0 0 0 1Aluminum Plates, Sheets and Strip Over 2mm 7606-0 0 0 0 6Aluminum Structures NES 7610-0 0 0 4 21Interchange Tools for Hand or Machine Tools 8207-0 0 0 10 0Hand Operated Mechanical Appliances 8210-

28,926 289 216 1,872 1,465Razors and Razor Blades 8212-0 0 0 2 6Scissors, Tailors' Shears and Similar Shears and 8213-0 0 2 0 2Articles of Cutlery NES and Manicure Sets etc. 8214-0 0 0 0 19Tableware etc. of Base Metal and Parts of Base 8215-

746 7 0 7 0Office and Desk Equipments and Parts 8304-0 0 0 88 76Steam etc Generating Boilers NES 8402-

995 10 0 10 0Producer Gas or Water Gas Generators 8405-0 0 0 0 10Compression-Ignition Internal Combustion Piston 8408-

3,936 39 55 120 161Parts For Combustion Engines etc. 8409-0 0 0 0 1Pumps for Liquids; Liquid Elevators; Parts Thereof 8413-

162,261 1,623 1,183 7,274 7,443Air or Vacuum Pump, Compressors and Fans 8414-0 0 0 12 0Air Conditioning Machines and Parts 8415-0 0 0 0 4Furnace Burners, Mechanical Stokers etc and Parts 8416-0 0 139 339 231Refrigerators, Freezers, Heat Pumps NES and Parts 8418-0 0 7 195 112Machinery etc for Temperature Change 8419-

2,200 22 16 116 216Calendaring or other Rolling Machines Not for Glass 8420-0 0 0 0 94Centrifuges, Including Dryers, Filter etc. 8421-

2,200 22 0 254 302Machines, Dishwashing Machines for Cleaning etc. 8422-0 0 0 43 74Other Lifting, Handling, Loading and Unloading 8428-0 0 0 0 25Harvesting or Threshing machinery 8433-0 0 41 2 280Machinery NES used for Food and Drink and Parts 8438-0 0 0 57 0Machinery for Making Pulp and Making Paper or 8439-0 0 6 0 6Bookbinding Machinery Including Book-Sewing 8440-0 0 423 0 423Machines for Making Pulp and Paper and Parts 8441-0 0 0 0 24Machinery etc NES for Typeset, Making Printing 8442-0 0 4 6 119Printing Machinery, Machines including Ink-Jet 8443-

5,007 50 0 2,414 130Machines For Preparing Textile Fibers and Yarn 8445-0 0 0 12 340Weaving Machines Like Looms 8446-0 0 0 314 16Machines, Knitting and Stitch-Bonding Machines etc 8447-

11,702 117 13 709 800Auxiliary Machinery for use With Textile Machines 8448-0 0 1 0 1Washing Machines and Parts 8450-

396 4 85 232 638Machinery not for Laundry for Cleaning, Drying etc 8451-0 0 21 0 21Sewing Machines other than Book Sewing Machine 8452-0 0 59 321 295Lathes for Removing Metal 8458-0 0 0 0 45Machine Tools for Drilling, Boring, Milling etc. 8459-0 0 12 0 12Machine Tools for Honing or Finishing Metal etc. 8460-0 0 0 0 2Machine Tools for Forging, Bending, Stamping etc. 8462-0 0 0 80 0Machines and Apparatus for Soldering, Brazing or 8468-0 0 0 0 13Automatic Data Process Machines and Units thereof 8471-0 0 13 30 34Machinery for Working Rubber or Plastic etc. NES 8477-0 0 0 0 418Machinery for Tobacco Preparation NES and Parts 8478-0 0 0 16 84Machines and Mechanical Appliances NES 8479-0 0 2 53 30Taps, Cocks, Valves and Similar Appliances for 8481-0 0 0 0 7Machinery Parts Not Electrical Connectors etc. NES 8485-0 0 37 0 48Electric Motors and Generators 8501-0 0 111 0 180Electrical Generating Sets and Rotary Converters 8502-0 0 0 0 5Parts of Electrical Motors, Generators and Sets 8503-0 0 0 0 3Electrical Transformers, Static Converters and 8504-0 0 0 92 0Electrical Storage Batteries, Including Separators 8507-

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Export of Goods and Services March 2014 58

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 0 13Portable Electrical Lamps Function By Own Energy 8513-0 0 1 0 1Industrial or Laboratory Electric Furnaces etc and 8514-0 0 0 40 4Electrical Water Heater and Soil Heaters, 8516-0 0 0 54 0Electric Apparatus for Line Telephony, Telephone 8517-

2,499 25 0 25 0Microphones, Loudspeakers, Sound Amplifier etc. 8518-0 0 0 0 9TV Receivers 8528-0 0 17 29 23Electrical Capacitors, Fixed, Variable or Adjustable 8532-0 0 0 0 5Electrical Apparatus for Switching etc. Not Over 8536-

3,505 35 64 208 78Tractors Other Than Work Trucks used for Short 8701-0 0 0 415 0Motor Vehicle for Transport of Ten or more Persons 8702-0 0 0 0 44Motor Cars and Vehicles for Transporting Persons 8703-0 0 0 171 0Motor Vehicles for Transport of Goods 8704-0 0 0 0 2Special Purpose Motor Vehicles NES 8705-0 0 0 0 668Chassis Fitted with Engine for Vehicles 8706-

503 5 20 204 171Parts and Accessories for Motor Vehicles 8708-195 2 311 771 1,656Motorcycles and Cycles With Auxiliary Motor 8711-119 1 0 13 100Parts and Accessories of Cycles and Invalid 8714-

1,558 16 74 731 413Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-0 0 0 0 4Orthopedic Appliances Artificial Body and Parts 9021-0 0 0 3 0Machines etc for Testing Mechanical Properties of 9024-0 0 0 5 0Clock Movements, Complete and Assembled 9109-0 0 0 450 0Revolvers and Pistols Designed to Fire Live Ammo 9302-0 0 0 0 3Seats and Parts Except Barber, Dental etc. 9401-0 0 11 5 25Furniture NES and Parts Thereof 9403-0 0 0 3 0Festive, Carnival or other Entertainment Articles 9505-

5,624 56 49 430 425Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-0 0 0 0 1Worked Ivory, Bone etc and Articles Thereof 9601-0 0 0 36 33Buttons, Press Studs, Button Mold and Blanks etc. 9606-0 0 0 32 53Pens, Ball Points, Soft Tip and Mechanical Pencils 9608-0 0 1 0 1Pencils, Crayons, Leads and Chalks etc. 9609-0 0 0 0 172Cigarette Lighters and other Lighters and Parts NES 9613-0 0 0 0 2Ship Spares, Stores and Equipment for use in Ships 9922-

Barbados 72 1,409643 2,5507,2340 0 0 0 12Meat of Bovine Animals, Fresh or Chilled 2010 -0 0 0 0 ..Dates, Figs, Pineapples, Avocados etc, Fr or Dried 8040 -0 0 0 0 21Rice 1006-0 0 10 0 10Sugar Confectionery including White Chocolate not 1704-0 0 3 16 7Medicaments NES 3004-0 0 0 266 0Leather further prepared after tanning (other animal) 4113-0 0 0 1 0Saddlery, Harness, Traces and Leads etc. 4201-

145 1 9 6 62Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-0 0 0 0 ..Articles of Leather NES 4205-0 0 0 1 0Printed Books, Brochures and Similar Printed Matter 4901-0 0 0 0 102Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton more than 85% 5205-0 0 77 88 247Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt < 5208-0 0 162 0 649Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-0 0 41 0 41Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt < 5210-0 0 0 0 71Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt > 5211-0 0 0 0 540Woven Cotton Fabrics NES 5212-0 0 0 0 42Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5513-0 0 0 0 26Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Knotted 5701-0 0 0 3 0Woven Terry Fabrics and Tufted Textile Fabric NES 5802-0 0 0 133 0Gents Suits, Ensembles, Jackets etc. Kn/Cr 6103-0 0 3 0 3Ladies Suits, Ensembles etc. Kn/Cr 6104-0 0 0 57 26Gents Shirts, Knitted or Crocheted 6105-

Page 33: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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59 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 0 1Track Suits, Ski Suits and Swimwear Kn/Cr 6112-0 0 0 42 0Panty hose, Socks and other Hosiery Kn/Cr 6115-0 0 26 89 267Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-0 0 0 206 0Men's or Boys' Shirts, Not Kn/Cr 6205-0 0 99 0 99Men's or Boys' Undershirts etc Not Kn/Cr 6207-0 0 0 0 22Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Not Knitted or Crocheted 6216-0 0 49 354 49Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-0 0 0 17 0Curtains and Interior Blinds, Curtain or Bed 6303-0 0 0 0 22Made-Up Articles of Textile Materials NES 6307-0 0 15 0 15Worn Clothing and other Worn Textile Articles 6309-0 0 0 0 10Used or New Rags, Scrap Twine etc of Text Material 6310-

3,954 40 69 40 106Footwear, Outer Sole Rubber, Plastic or Leather 6403-0 0 0 30 0Razors and Razor Blades 8212-

2,602 26 81 49 81Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-533 5 0 11 22Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-

Belarus 337 1,37873 1,11333,6978,747 87 39 590 740Rice 1006-

0 0 0 31 0Salt, Pure Sodium Chloride, Sea Water 2501-0 0 0 4 0Leather of Animals NES, No Hair NES 4107-0 0 0 1 0Leather further prepared after tanning (other animal) 4113-0 0 0 0 14Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-0 0 0 0 10Fuel Wood, In Logs etc. Wood in Chips etc. 4401-0 0 0 84 0Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-0 0 0 0 115Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5512-0 0 0 7 0Gents Suits, Ensembles, Jackets etc. Kn/Cr 6103-0 0 0 0 ..Garments, Made-ups Kn/Cr etc. of Rubber or Plastic 6113-

2,494 25 0 26 0Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Knitted or Crocheted 6116-11,759 118 0 124 0Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-

0 0 0 31 0Women's or Girls' Suits, Ensembles etc. Not Kn/Cr. 6204-6,737 67 34 87 44Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-

0 0 0 8 0Made-Up Articles of Textile Materials NES 6307-0 0 0 20 31Articles of Cutlery NES and Manicure Sets etc. 8214-

3,960 40 0 40 12Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-0 0 0 0 6Furniture NES and Parts Thereof 9403-0 0 0 325 140Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-

Belgium 43,892 338,65638,814 316,4434,388,2520 0 0 242 86Guts, Bladders, Stomachs of Animals (Not Fish) 5040 -0 0 0 0 20Leguminous Vegetables, Shelled or not, Fresh or 7080 -0 0 0 6 0Other Vegetables NES Fresh or Chilled 7090 -0 0 0 3 0Vegetables Frozen 7100 -

3,460 35 0 106 0Vegetables, Dried, Whole, Cut etc. not further 7120 -0 0 25 610 858Dates, Figs, Pineapples, Avocados etc, Fr or Dried 8040 -0 0 0 17 0Fruit NES Fresh 8100 -

5,160 52 0 52 0Ginger, Saffron, Turmeric, Thyme, Bay Leaves, 9100 -0 0 0 0 150Wheat and Meslin 1001-0 0 0 0 125Maize (Corn) 1005-

460,998 4,611 762 26,910 2,561Rice 1006-0 0 0 0 12Wheat or Meslin Flour 1101-

948 9 0 30 0Cereal Groats, Meal and Pellets 1103-0 0 0 0 5Plants etc. for Pharmacy, Perfume, Insecticides etc. 1211-

9,798 98 122 838 1,138Vegetable Saps and Extracts: Pectates, Agar-Agar 1302-0 0 0 4 0Vegetable Products NES 1404-0 0 0 31 35Prepared or Preserved Fish, Caviar and Caviar 1604-0 0 0 117 0Crustaceans Molluscs etc Prepared or Preserved 1605-

12,458 125 0 125 954Cane or Beet Sugar and Sucrose in Solid Form 1701-

Page 34: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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Export of Goods and Services March 2014 60

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 0 2Other Sugar NES 1702-0 0 720 0 720Molasses Extracted from Sugar 1703-

9,546 95 35 664 220Sugar Confectionery including White Chocolate not 1704-1,500 15 0 106 0Malt Extracts; Food Prep. of Flour etc. Under 50% 1901-

0 0 0 18 0Bread, Pastry, Cakes etc 1905-0 0 0 9 0Vegetables Prepared or Preserved NES Frozen 2004-0 0 0 26 0Fruit, Nuts etc. Prepared or Preserved NES 2008-0 0 20 41 182Fruit Juices including Grape Must and Vegtable 2009-

124,516 1,245 17 1,519 150Ethyl Alcohol, Strength: more than 80% Alcohol 2207-36,942 370 17 1,202 1,660Tobacco and Tobacco Refuse 2401-

1,274 13 14 78 43Salt, Pure Sodium Chloride, Sea Water 2501-0 0 0 2 0Marble, Travertine etc. and Alabaster, Crude etc. 2515-0 0 0 0 35Gypsum; Anhydrite; Plasters etc. 2520-0 0 162 699 274Natural Steatite Roughly Trimmed etc. 2526-0 0 53 0 53Hydrogen Peroxide 2847-0 0 0 0 5Pharmaceutical Goods 3006-

3,632 36 0 36 0Prepared Driers 3211-0 0 0 0 39Essential Oils, Resinoids and Terpene 3301-0 0 0 30 0Odoriferous Mixtures as Raw Materials for Industry 3302-0 0 56 161 109Lubricating Preparations, Antirust and Treating 3403-0 0 8 28 17Artificial and Prepared Waxes 3404-0 0 0 9 0Polishes and Creams for Leather, Wood etc. 3405-0 0 0 0 22Matches and Except Pyrotechnic Articles 3605-

1,110 11 0 205 252Artificial Graphite, Colloidal Graphite and 3801-0 0 0 45 0Polymers of Ethylene, in Primary Forms 3901-0 0 0 0 87Polymers of Styrene in Primary Forms 3903-

197 2 0 2 0Acrylic Polymers in Primary Forms 3906-3,341 33 0 33 0Polyesters, Epoxides and Polyesters, Primary Forms 3907-

0 0 2 0 2Amino-Resins, Phenolic and Polyurethane, Primary 3909-6,103 61 0 295 3,652Waste, Parings and Scrap, of Plastics 3915-

0 0 0 6 4Tubes, Pipes and Hoses and their Fittings, of Plastics 3917-0 0 0 0 8Plates, Sheets, Film etc. 3920-0 0 0 7 0Containers: Boxes, Bags, Closures etc, Plastic 3923-

892 9 0 18 1Articles of Plastics Including Polymers and Resins 3926-31,781 318 207 1,684 1,420Waste of Rubber and Powder Obtain thereof 4004-

1,983 20 98 123 200Tubes, Pipes and Hoses of Unhard Vulcanized 4009-1,008 10 0 160 26Articles of Apparel and Clothing Acc. of Rubber 4015-

265 3 0 42 10Articles NES of Unhard Vulcanized Rubber 4016-0 0 0 0 19Raw Skins of Sheep or Lambs NES 4102-0 0 0 0 56Raw Hides and Skins NES 4103-0 0 0 20 25Bovine or Equine Leather, No Hair NES 4104-0 0 0 0 6Sheep or Lamb Skin Leather, No Wool NES 4105-

1,000 10 0 10 4Goat or Kidskin Leather, No Hair NES 4106-0 0 0 34 118Leather of Animals NES, No Hair NES 4107-0 0 0 13 7Leather further prepared after tanning (sheep, lamb) 4112-

56,281 563 726 3,588 2,240Leather further prepared after tanning (other animal) 4113-0 0 0 1 5Composition Leather with a Basis of Leather or 4115-

11,479 115 0 179 124Saddlery, Harness, Traces and Leads etc. 4201-0 0 0 25 4Travel Goods, Handbags, Wallets, Jewelry Cases etc. 4202-

83,357 834 297 7,909 7,149Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-862 9 50 651 911Articles of Leather Used in Machinery and 4204-945 9 1 97 122Articles of Leather NES 4205-

0 0 0 0 6Wood Sawn or Chip Length, Sliced etc. 4407-0 0 7 0 7Tableware and Kitchenware of Wood 4419-0 0 0 0 12Toilet Paper, Paper Tissues, Towels, Napkins etc. 4818-0 0 0 0 13Cartons, Boxes, Cases, Bags and other Packing 4819-

Page 35: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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61 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 236 0Paper and Paperboard Labels of all Kinds 4821-0 0 0 0 31Other Paper and Paperboard and Articles NES 4823-

1,247 12 0 12 0Printed or Illustrated Postcards, Greeting Cards etc. 4909-0 0 0 0 199Woven Fabrics of Silk or Silk Waste 5007-0 0 0 51 0Wool, Not Carded or Combed 5101-0 0 0 0 69Fine or Coarse Animal Hair, Not Carded or Combed 5102-

17,029 170 0 170 159Waste of Wool, Fine or Coarse Animal Hair 5103-7,795 78 0 620 34Wool and Fine or Coarse Animal Hair, Carded or 5105-

0 0 0 9 0Woven Fabrics of Carded Wool or Fine Animal Hair 5111-0 0 0 167 80Cotton, Not Carded Or Combed 5201-

2,824 28 769 2,402 3,575Cotton Waste Including Yarn Waste etc. 5202-7,016 70 0 189 316Cotton, Carded or Combed 5203-8,736 87 0 938 1,625Cotton Sewing Thread, Retail Packed or Not 5204-

89,484 895 1,264 6,441 8,793Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton more than 85% 5205-16,324 163 51 387 226Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton less than 85% 5206-

0 0 73 0 286Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Retail Packed 5207-211,201 2,112 1,770 18,899 13,719Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt < 5208-169,754 1,698 999 11,209 6,762Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-209,435 2,095 1,634 18,459 14,484Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt < 5210-

0 0 0 222 496Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt > 5211-7,375 74 108 1,673 4,550Woven Cotton Fabrics NES 5212-

28,218 282 32 1,502 777Woven Fabric of Synthetic Filament Yarn 5407-0 0 0 0 7Synthetic Filament Tow 5501-0 0 0 0 112Yarn Not for Sewing Thread, Synthetic Staple 5509-0 0 0 95 91Yarn (Not Sew Thread), Art Staple Fib, Not Retail 5510-

4,638 46 0 192 49Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5512-45,135 451 138 2,080 2,650Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5513-

1,196 12 0 206 267Woven Fabric, Synthetic < 85% of Fibre Mix 5514-0 0 0 144 3Woven Fabrics of Artificial Staple Fibers 5516-

4,144 41 5 422 648Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Knotted 5701-0 0 0 0 69Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Woven 5702-

5,261 53 644 1,858 2,236Woven Terry Fabrics and Tufted Textile Fabric NES 5802-0 0 0 0 34Gauze other than Narrow Fabrics Not Over 30 cm 5803-

10,997 110 0 1,691 612Narrow Woven Fabrics Except Labels 5806-944 9 41 120 198Labels, Badges and Similar Type of Textiles 5807-

0 0 0 1 2Embroidery in the Piece, In Strips or in Motifs 5810-0 0 0 8 0Quilt Textile Products 5811-

173 2 0 59 22Gum Covered Fabric; Tracing Cloth; Paint Canvas 5901-0 0 0 0 49Tire Cord Fabric of High Tenacity Yarn of Nylon 5902-

8,746 87 0 220 12Textile Fabrics Coated, Covered or Lamented with 5903-0 0 0 0 118Textile Fabrics, Theatrical Scenery, Back-Cloths 5907-0 0 0 55 0Pile Fabrics and Terry Fabrics Knitted or Crocheted 6001-0 0 0 5 0Knitted or Crocheted Fabrics of Rubber of Width 6002-0 0 0 20 84Kn/CR Fabrics Not of Rubber/Pile Width <30 cm 6003-0 0 0 0 948Warp Knit fabrics Not of Rubber and Pile Fabrics 6005-0 0 0 84 342Other knitted or crocheted fabrics 6006-

8,867 89 0 603 171Gents Overcoats, Car-Coats, Caps, Cloaks and 6101-0 0 25 228 569Ladies Overcoats, Car-Coats, Caps, Cloaks and 6102-

46,817 468 534 6,062 5,380Gents Suits, Ensembles, Jackets etc. Kn/Cr 6103-14,697 147 89 3,081 1,956Ladies Suits, Ensembles etc. Kn/Cr 6104-

146,169 1,462 951 11,526 9,437Gents Shirts, Knitted or Crocheted 6105-0 0 12 785 607Gents Blouses and Shirts Kn/Cr 6106-

7,341 73 118 1,410 725Gents Underpants, Briefs, Nightshirts etc. Kn/Cr 6107-734 7 56 318 109Ladies Slips, Petticoats, Briefs, Paints etc. Kn/Cr 6108-

16,527 165 4 1,689 734T-Shirts, Singlets and other Vests Kn/Cr 6109-7,542 75 104 1,489 2,744Sweaters, Pullovers, Vests etc. Kn/Cr 6110-

Page 36: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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Export of Goods and Services March 2014 62

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

3,527 35 39 876 276Babies' Garments and Accessories Kn/Cr 6111-1,263 13 31 165 674Track Suits, Ski Suits and Swimwear Kn/Cr 6112-

16,584 166 357 2,644 1,932Garments, Made-ups Kn/Cr etc. of Rubber or Plastic 6113-9,428 94 215 599 461Garments NES Knitted or Crocheted 6114-

251,031 2,511 1,712 17,021 14,334Panty hose, Socks and other Hosiery Kn/Cr 6115-15,404 154 10 967 829Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Knitted or Crocheted 6116-

120 1 50 452 644Men's or Boys' Overcoats, Cloaks etc. Not Knitted 6201-20,318 203 0 375 91Women's or Girls' Overcoats etc, Not Knitted or 6202-

635,481 6,356 9,049 40,456 51,366Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-55,471 555 590 9,351 13,721Women's or Girls' Suits, Ensembles etc. Not Kn/Cr. 6204-

614 6 6 204 212Men's or Boys' Shirts, Not Kn/Cr 6205-2,415 24 0 103 29Women's or Girls' Blouses, Shirts etc. Not Knitted 6206-

14,225 142 79 1,837 1,441Men's or Boys' Undershirts etc Not Kn/Cr 6207-20,805 208 0 253 222Women's or Girls' Slips etc Not Kn/Cr 6208-

917 9 0 175 34Babies' Garments and Accessories Not Kn/Cr 6209-619 6 0 344 53Garments, of Felt etc, or Fabric Impregnated etc 6210-

0 0 162 1,175 1,397Track Suits, Ski-Suits and Swimwear, Not Knitted 6211-0 0 0 65 0Handkerchiefs 6213-

7,634 76 0 713 414Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Not Knitted or Crocheted 6216-6,542 65 0 645 401Made-Up Clothing Accessories NES 6217-6,805 68 0 756 147Blankets and Traveling Rugs 6301-

990,502 9,907 8,139 88,597 86,455Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-17,281 173 355 341 826Curtains and Interior Blinds, Curtain or Bed 6303-12,636 126 9 637 289Furnishing Articles of Textile Materials NES 6304-

588 6 0 189 69Sacks and Bags of Textile Material for Packing 6305-892 9 1,825 78 4,355Tarpaulins, Sails, Awnings and Tents etc. 6306-

38,835 388 207 4,162 1,785Made-Up Articles of Textile Materials NES 6307-0 0 0 41 1Used or New Rags, Scrap Twine etc of Text Material 6310-0 0 0 12 0Waterproof Footwear, Rubber or Plastics, Bond Sole 6401-0 0 0 0 5Footwear, Outer Sole and Upper Rubber or Plastic 6402-

48,028 480 427 2,031 1,108Footwear, Outer Sole Rubber, Plastic or Leather 6403-0 0 4 55 4Footwear, Outer Sole Rubber, Plastic or Textile 6404-

534 5 0 62 25Footwear NES 6405-0 0 0 0 1Parts of Footwear: Insoles, Gaiters etc. Parts 6406-

10,858 109 0 109 0Abrasive Powder etc. on a Base of Textile Material 6805-0 0 0 61 94Articles of Stone or Other Mineral Substance NES 6815-0 0 0 0 9Ceramics Tableware, Kitchenware etc. 6912-

2,499 25 .. 26 3Precious and Semi Precious Stones NES 7103-10,302 103 0 678 20Waste and Scrap of Precious Metal or of Metal Clad 7112-

0 0 0 144 10Ferrous Waste and Scrap 7204-0 0 0 0 113Flat-Roll Iron and Non-Alloy >600mm, Clad, Plated 7210-0 0 0 0 55Flat-Roll Iron and Non-Alloy Steel <600mm, Clad, 7212-0 0 40 0 40Tubes, Pipes and Hollow Profiles NES of Iron and 7306-0 0 0 7 0Tube or Pipe Fittings of Iron or Steel Like 7307-0 0 0 0 8Table, Kitchen or Household Articles & Parts of Iron 7323-0 0 0 .. 0Articles of Iron or Steel, NES 7326-0 0 0 846 0Refined Copper and Copper Alloys, Unwrought 7403-

9,521 95 701 865 7,664Copper Waste and Scrap 7404-0 0 0 0 13Aluminum Bars, Rods and Profiles 7604-0 0 0 2 5Files, Rasps, Pliers, Metal cutting Shears etc. 8203-0 0 0 1 0Interchange Tools for Hand or Machine Tools 8207-0 0 0 0 56Knives and Blades for Machines and Appliances 8208-0 0 19 0 19Scissors, Tailors' Shears and Similar Shears and 8213-

3,881 39 3 276 117Articles of Cutlery NES and Manicure Sets etc. 8214-0 0 0 0 1Clasps, Frames, Buckles, Hooks etc. Beads and 8308-0 0 0 12 0Parts For Combustion Engines etc. 8409-

Page 37: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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US $Rs.

(Amount in Thousand)MARCH JULY - MARCH

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63 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 56 3Machinery etc for Temperature Change 8419-0 0 0 0 53Other Moving, Grading, leveling, Scraping & 8430-0 0 0 3 0Parts for Pulley Tackle, Hoists etc and Leveling 8431-0 0 0 62 0Machinery for Cleaning, Sorting or Grading Seed 8437-0 0 0 0 1Machinery NES used for Food and Drink and Parts 8438-0 0 0 0 5Weaving Machines Like Looms 8446-

1,030 10 0 10 20Auxiliary Machinery for use With Textile Machines 8448-0 0 0 0 1Sewing Machines other than Book Sewing Machine 8452-0 0 0 0 1Converters, Ladles, Ingot Molds and Casting 8454-

70 1 1 48 256Tools for Working in the Hand, Pneumatic etc. 8467-0 0 0 15 0Automatic Data Process Machines and Units thereof 8471-0 0 251 0 506Parts for Typewriters and other Office Machines 8473-0 0 0 1 0Machines and Mechanical Appliances NES 8479-

994 10 0 40 0Electrical Parts of Machinery NES 8548-5,844 58 68 346 235Parts and Accessories for Motor Vehicles 8708-

0 0 0 0 51Parts and Accessories of Cycles and Invalid 8714-14,951 150 520 2,700 2,772Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-

0 0 33 0 33X-Ray etc Apparatus, Tubes, Panels, Screen and 9022-0 0 0 0 49Other Clocks NES 9105-0 0 0 6 0Watch Straps, Watch Bands and Watch Bracelets and 9113-

212 2 0 7 0Percussion Musical Instruments Drums etc. 9206-0 0 5 1 6Parts etc. of Musical Instruments, Metronomes 9209-0 0 0 1 0Bombs, Grenades, Cartridges and Parts 9306-0 0 0 16 0Seats and Parts Except Barber, Dental etc. 9401-0 0 0 0 1Medical, Surgical, Dental or Veterinary Furniture 9402-0 0 0 390 16Furniture NES and Parts Thereof 9403-

37,336 373 256 1,708 1,070Mattress Supports, Articles of Bedding etc 9404-0 0 9 0 17Lamps and Lighting Fittings and Parts etc NES 9405-0 0 0 3 ..Dolls, Representing only Human Beings and Parts 9502-

135,058 1,351 820 7,902 6,300Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-0 0 0 0 2Worked Ivory, Bone etc and Articles Thereof 9601-0 0 0 0 56Slide Fasteners and Parts Thereof 9607-0 0 0 .. 0Collectors Item of Botanic and Historical Interest 9705-0 0 0 29 33Special Transaction NES 9992-

Belize 66 659534 1,4016,5740 0 0 0 11Dates, Figs, Pineapples, Avocados etc, Fr or Dried 8040 -0 0 0 18 17Medicaments NES 3004-0 0 0 16 0Waste, Parings and Scrap, of Plastics 3915-0 0 130 0 150Plates, Sheets, Film etc. 3920-0 0 0 1 60Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-0 0 0 307 259Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt < 5208-0 0 0 59 0Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt > 5211-0 0 0 0 30Woven Fabric of Synthetic Filament Yarn 5407-0 0 0 12 10Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Knotted 5701-0 0 0 0 8Gents Shirts, Knitted or Crocheted 6105-0 0 404 0 427Gents Underpants, Briefs, Nightshirts etc. Kn/Cr 6107-0 0 0 0 18T-Shirts, Singlets and other Vests Kn/Cr 6109-0 0 0 2 0Sweaters, Pullovers, Vests etc. Kn/Cr 6110-

248 2 0 2 0Panty hose, Socks and other Hosiery Kn/Cr 6115-0 0 0 5 0Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Knitted or Crocheted 6116-0 0 0 0 120Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-

3,734 37 0 130 122Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-2,591 26 0 26 0Furnishing Articles of Textile Materials NES 6304-

0 0 0 1 0Made-Up Articles of Textile Materials NES 6307-0 0 0 0 151Copper Waste and Scrap 7404-

Page 38: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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US $Rs.

(Amount in Thousand)MARCH JULY - MARCH

20 20


Export of Goods and Services March 2014 64

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 76 0Razors and Razor Blades 8212-0 0 0 3 5Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-0 0 0 0 14Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-

Benin ( Dahomey ) 3,516 43,7662,003 11,980351,4980 0 28 0 123Meat of Sheep or Goats, Fresh, Chilled or Frozen 2040 -0 0 0 59 0Fish Fillets and other Fish Meat, Fresh, Chilled or 3040 -0 0 0 9 0Guts, Bladders, Stomachs of Animals (Not Fish) 5040 -0 0 0 7 0Vegetables, Dried, Whole, Cut etc. not further 7120 -0 0 0 .. 0Other Nuts NES Fresh or Dried Whether Shelled or 8020 -

241,400 2,415 1,211 39,409 8,914Rice 1006-0 0 0 0 49Vegetable Saps and Extracts: Pectates, Agar-Agar 1302-0 0 0 239 30Cane or Beet Sugar and Sucrose in Solid Form 1701-

3,490 35 0 97 0Sugar Confectionery including White Chocolate not 1704-0 0 0 51 0Pasta and Couscous, Prepared or Not 1902-0 0 0 20 0Marble, Travertine etc. and Alabaster, Crude etc. 2515-0 0 0 80 0Medicaments NES 3004-0 0 0 4 0Pharmaceutical Goods 3006-0 0 0 0 18Matches and Except Pyrotechnic Articles 3605-0 0 0 84 0Activated Carbon etc. Animal Black 3802-

2,501 25 0 25 0Tableware and other Household Articles etc, Plastics 3924-0 0 0 11 0Articles of Apparel and Clothing Acc. of Rubber 4015-

1,584 16 0 16 0Leather of Animals NES, No Hair NES 4107-0 0 0 0 12Leather further prepared after tanning (other animal) 4113-0 0 0 5 0Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-0 0 0 0 63Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt < 5208-

6,599 66 0 66 50Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-0 0 0 0 108Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt < 5210-0 0 0 0 101Woven Cotton Fabrics NES 5212-

80,584 806 470 3,155 640Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5512-1,742 17 0 87 403Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5513-

0 0 274 0 274Twine, Cordage, Rope and Cables 5607-0 0 20 0 20Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Knotted 5701-0 0 0 9 0Labels, Badges and Similar Type of Textiles 5807-

13,493 135 0 135 0Gents Shirts, Knitted or Crocheted 6105-0 0 0 89 268Garments NES Knitted or Crocheted 6114-0 0 0 21 0Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-0 0 0 0 125Men's or Boys' Undershirts etc Not Kn/Cr 6207-0 0 0 75 662Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-0 0 0 0 10Footwear, Outer Sole Rubber, Plastic or Leather 6403-0 0 0 0 102Table, Kitchen or other Household Articles and Parts 7615-0 0 0 0 2Machinery etc for Temperature Change 8419-

105 1 0 1 0Vessels and Floating Structures for Scrapping 8908-0 0 0 3 6Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-0 0 0 10 0Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-

Bermuda 0 50197 508110 0 0 28 0Onions, Shallots, Garlic, Leeks etc, Fresh or Chilled 7030 -0 0 0 7 0Other Vegetables NES Fresh or Chilled 7090 -0 0 0 51 15Rice 1006-0 0 0 0 20Sausages and Similar Products of Meat and Blood 1601-0 0 0 0 63Sugar Confectionery including White Chocolate not 1704-0 0 0 40 0Bread, Pastry, Cakes etc 1905-0 0 0 8 0Compounded Rubber and Unvulcanised, Primary 4005-0 0 0 14 0Leather of Animals NES, No Hair NES 4107-0 0 0 0 1Articles of Leather Used in Machinery and 4204-

11 .. 0 .. 0Paper and Paperboard Labels of all Kinds 4821-

Page 39: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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US $Rs.

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65 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 47 0Cotton, Carded or Combed 5203-0 0 0 0 69Cotton Sewing Thread, Retail Packed or Not 5204-0 0 64 0 64Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton more than 85% 5205-0 0 0 0 137Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt < 5208-0 0 0 242 2Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-0 0 0 0 17Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt < 5210-0 0 0 6 0Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Knotted 5701-0 0 25 0 25Sweaters, Pullovers, Vests etc. Kn/Cr 6110-0 0 0 0 14Track Suits, Ski Suits and Swimwear Kn/Cr 6112-0 0 0 3 0Garments, Made-ups Kn/Cr etc. of Rubber or Plastic 6113-0 0 0 3 0Garments NES Knitted or Crocheted 6114-0 0 0 0 1Panty hose, Socks and other Hosiery Kn/Cr 6115-0 0 8 13 22Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-0 0 0 28 53Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-0 0 0 0 4Auxiliary Machinery for use With Textile Machines 8448-0 0 0 11 0Tractors Other Than Work Trucks used for Short 8701-0 0 0 1 0Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-

Bhutan 0 24447 15200 0 47 1 47Fish Frozen (Not Fish Fillets & other Fish Meat) 3030 -0 0 0 0 37Rice 1006-0 0 0 2 0Lubricating Preparations, Antirust and Treating 3403-0 0 0 4 32Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt < 5208-0 0 0 91 0Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-0 0 0 0 21Woven Cotton Fabrics NES 5212-0 0 0 45 0Woven Terry Fabrics and Tufted Textile Fabric NES 5802-0 0 0 11 0Gents Suits, Ensembles, Jackets etc. Kn/Cr 6103-0 0 0 89 0Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-0 0 0 0 2Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-0 0 0 0 13Mattress Supports, Articles of Bedding etc 9404-0 0 0 1 0Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-

Bolivia 123 1,433173 1,93912,2972,399 24 0 46 130Rice 1006-

0 0 0 2 73Leather further prepared after tanning (other animal) 4113-0 0 1 37 1Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-0 0 0 0 ..Articles of Leather NES 4205-0 0 0 .. 10Paper and Paperboard Uncoated NES, Rolls or 4805-0 0 0 0 2Cotton Sewing Thread, Retail Packed or Not 5204-0 0 65 0 65Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton more than 85% 5205-0 0 0 0 76Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt < 5208-

1,500 15 0 102 43Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-0 0 0 2 0Woven Cotton Fabrics NES 5212-0 0 0 0 410Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5513-0 0 0 63 0Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Knotted 5701-0 0 0 0 69Woven Terry Fabrics and Tufted Textile Fabric NES 5802-0 0 0 0 25Other knitted or crocheted fabrics 6006-0 0 0 0 5Gents Overcoats, Car-Coats, Caps, Cloaks and 6101-0 0 0 0 20Ladies Overcoats, Car-Coats, Caps, Cloaks and 6102-0 0 0 24 0Gents Suits, Ensembles, Jackets etc. Kn/Cr 6103-

281 3 0 14 0Ladies Suits, Ensembles etc. Kn/Cr 6104-252 3 0 3 60Sweaters, Pullovers, Vests etc. Kn/Cr 6110-

0 0 0 84 50Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-0 0 14 0 14Women's or Girls' Suits, Ensembles etc. Not Kn/Cr. 6204-0 0 0 8 0Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Not Knitted or Crocheted 6216-0 0 0 63 145Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-0 0 0 186 0Tarpaulins, Sails, Awnings and Tents etc. 6306-

Page 40: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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US $Rs.

(Amount in Thousand)MARCH JULY - MARCH

20 20


Export of Goods and Services March 2014 66

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 1 0Footwear, Outer Sole Rubber, Plastic or Leather 6403-0 0 0 0 111Articles of Iron or Steel, NES 7326-0 0 0 8 0Hand tools and Tools Used in Agriculture etc. 8201-0 0 0 6 0Hand tools NES Like Blow, Torches, Anvils etc. 8205-0 0 0 28 0Articles of Cutlery NES and Manicure Sets etc. 8214-0 0 0 19 0Machines, Dishwashing Machines for Cleaning etc. 8422-0 0 0 2 0Pulley Tackle and Hoists other than Skip Hoist, 8425-0 0 0 59 192Machinery NES used for Food and Drink and Parts 8438-

7,729 77 79 518 407Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-0 0 0 4 1Orthopedic Appliances Artificial Body and Parts 9021-0 0 0 1 0Swords, Cutlasses, Bayonets and Similar Arms & 9307-

135 1 14 155 30Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-Bosnia Herzegovina 14 61721 3381,427

459 5 5 28 28Rice 1006-0 0 0 10 0Other Oil Seeds and Oleaginous Fruits NES 1207-0 0 0 0 4Salt, Pure Sodium Chloride, Sea Water 2501-0 0 0 31 0Wading, Gauze, Bandages etc. 3005-0 0 0 2 0Articles of Apparel and Clothing Acc. of Rubber 4015-

718 7 0 17 0Leather further prepared after tanning (other animal) 4113-180 2 0 5 2Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-

0 0 0 6 0Articles of Leather Used in Machinery and 4204-0 0 0 8 5Woven Fabrics of Silk or Silk Waste 5007-0 0 0 50 133Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt < 5208-0 0 0 10 0Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Knotted 5701-0 0 1 3 3Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Knitted or Crocheted 6116-0 0 0 .. 108Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-0 0 0 2 0Women's or Girls' Suits, Ensembles etc. Not Kn/Cr. 6204-.. .. 0 24 26Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-0 0 0 53 0Made-Up Articles of Textile Materials NES 6307-0 0 0 10 0Articles of Stone or Other Mineral Substance NES 6815-0 0 15 27 24Articles of Cutlery NES and Manicure Sets etc. 8214-

70 1 0 21 6Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-0 0 0 297 0Bombs, Grenades, Cartridges and Parts 9306-0 0 0 12 0Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-

Botswana 628 5,622365 4,91862,8040 0 0 1 0Leguminous Vegetables, Shelled or not, Fresh or 7080 -0 0 12 0 12Other Vegetables NES Fresh or Chilled 7090 -0 0 0 164 6Rice 1006-0 0 0 0 20Vegetable Products NES 1404-0 0 0 81 0Other Sugar NES 1702-0 0 0 23 0Sugar Confectionery including White Chocolate not 1704-0 0 0 0 15Vegetable, Fruit, Nuts Etc, Prep Or Pres By Vinegar 2001-0 0 0 48 0Vegetables Prepared or Preserved NES not Frozen 2005-0 0 0 32 15Fruit Juices including Grape Must and Vegtable 2009-0 0 0 0 44Salt, Pure Sodium Chloride, Sea Water 2501-0 0 0 2 0Marble, Travertine etc. and Alabaster, Crude etc. 2515-

269 3 0 9 0Odoriferous Mixtures as Raw Materials for Industry 3302-0 0 0 17 52New Pneumatic Tires of Rubber 4011-0 0 0 8 0Articles of Apparel and Clothing Acc. of Rubber 4015-0 0 0 0 10Articles NES of Unhard Vulcanized Rubber 4016-0 0 0 110 2Leather further prepared after tanning (other animal) 4113-0 0 0 2 0Saddlery, Harness, Traces and Leads etc. 4201-

2,799 28 0 241 27Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-248 2 0 2 0Articles of Leather Used in Machinery and 4204-

0 0 0 2 1Articles of Leather NES 4205-

Page 41: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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US $Rs.

(Amount in Thousand)MARCH JULY - MARCH

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67 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 149 0Cotton Sewing Thread, Retail Packed or Not 5204-0 0 5 1 17Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt < 5208-

8,418 84 0 84 5Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-0 0 0 0 ..Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt < 5210-0 0 0 57 128Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5513-

4,713 47 0 47 0Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Knotted 5701-0 0 0 240 7Woven Terry Fabrics and Tufted Textile Fabric NES 5802-0 0 0 37 8Labels, Badges and Similar Type of Textiles 5807-

1,405 14 0 14 0Gents Suits, Ensembles, Jackets etc. Kn/Cr 6103-503 5 0 23 137Ladies Suits, Ensembles etc. Kn/Cr 6104-

0 0 15 102 269Gents Shirts, Knitted or Crocheted 6105-0 0 0 2 0Gents Blouses and Shirts Kn/Cr 6106-0 0 .. 22 21T-Shirts, Singlets and other Vests Kn/Cr 6109-

59 1 2 1 45Sweaters, Pullovers, Vests etc. Kn/Cr 6110-0 0 0 0 23Babies' Garments and Accessories Kn/Cr 6111-0 0 0 0 19Track Suits, Ski Suits and Swimwear Kn/Cr 6112-0 0 0 42 28Garments, Made-ups Kn/Cr etc. of Rubber or Plastic 6113-0 0 0 22 399Panty hose, Socks and other Hosiery Kn/Cr 6115-0 0 .. 21 5Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Knitted or Crocheted 6116-0 0 33 84 33Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-0 0 0 0 65Women's or Girls' Suits, Ensembles etc. Not Kn/Cr. 6204-0 0 0 4 10Men's or Boys' Shirts, Not Kn/Cr 6205-0 0 0 72 14Track Suits, Ski-Suits and Swimwear, Not Knitted 6211-0 0 0 0 1Shawls, Scarves, Mufflers, Mantillas, Veils etc. 6214-

10,331 103 175 325 1,575Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-0 0 0 71 5Curtains and Interior Blinds, Curtain or Bed 6303-0 0 .. 0 ..Furnishing Articles of Textile Materials NES 6304-0 0 0 0 34Sacks and Bags of Textile Material for Packing 6305-0 0 0 317 53Made-Up Articles of Textile Materials NES 6307-0 0 0 0 17Worn Clothing and other Worn Textile Articles 6309-0 0 0 9 0Footwear, Outer Sole Rubber, Plastic or Textile 6404-0 0 0 2 0Articles of Jewelry and Parts thereof or Precious 7113-0 0 0 12 0Ferrous Waste and Scrap 7204-0 0 0 .. 0Copper Wire 7408-0 0 0 0 4Knives and Blades for Machines and Appliances 8208-

51 1 0 8 0Articles of Cutlery NES and Manicure Sets etc. 8214-1,662 17 0 152 0Machinery etc for Temperature Change 8419-1,157 12 0 52 183Agriculture Machinery for Soil, Lawn Preparations 8432-

0 0 0 0 60Agriculture and Poultry etc Equipment Including 8436-0 0 0 0 29Machines For Preparing Textile Fibers and Yarn 8445-0 0 0 17 6Auxiliary Machinery for use With Textile Machines 8448-0 0 0 11 18Machinery not for Laundry for Cleaning, Drying etc 8451-0 0 0 0 7Machine Tools for Working Wood, Cork, Bone etc. 8465-0 0 0 44 0Tools for Working in the Hand, Pneumatic etc. 8467-0 0 0 0 28Electrical Apparatus for Switching etc. Not Over 8536-

15,637 156 89 2,107 994Tractors Other Than Work Trucks used for Short 8701-0 0 0 140 0Parts and Accessories for Motor Vehicles 8708-0 0 0 0 73Tanks and other Armored Fight Vehicle and Parts 8710-0 0 0 0 103Parts and Accessories of Cycles and Invalid 8714-0 0 0 1 0Optical Telescopes and Mounting for 9005-

14,552 146 33 540 86Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-0 0 0 0 5X-Ray etc Apparatus, Tubes, Panels, Screen and 9022-0 0 0 3 0Wind Musical Instruments NES 9205-0 0 0 18 93Mattress Supports, Articles of Bedding etc 9404-

998 10 0 27 86Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-0 0 0 1 0Merry-Go-Rounds, Other Fairground Amusement 9508-

Page 42: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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US $Rs.

(Amount in Thousand)MARCH JULY - MARCH

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Export of Goods and Services March 2014 68

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 0 19Special Transaction NES 9992-Brazil 8,190 65,2336,330 50,009818,857

0 0 0 33 0Ambergris, Castoreum, Civet and Musk 5100 -0 0 0 0 5Leguminous Vegetables, Shelled or not, Fresh or 7080 -0 0 0 41 63Rice 1006-0 0 0 0 520Vegetable Saps and Extracts: Pectates, Agar-Agar 1302-

181 2 0 11 0Salt, Pure Sodium Chloride, Sea Water 2501-1,234 12 0 12 0Phosphinates, Phosphinates, Phosphates and 2835-

0 0 0 10 0Antibiotics 2941-0 0 0 0 2Wading, Gauze, Bandages etc. 3005-0 0 0 0 28Pharmaceutical Goods 3006-

704 7 0 7 0Animal and Vegetable Fertilizer Not Chem. Treated 3101-0 0 0 6 0Synthetic Organic tanning Substances 3202-0 0 14 122 65Synthetic Organic Coloring Matter 3204-0 0 0 147 0Ink, Printing, Writing, Drawing etc. 3215-0 0 0 0 21Beauty and Make-Up Preparations 3304-

5,184 52 47 378 77Artificial Graphite, Colloidal Graphite and 3801-0 0 0 46 65Insecticides, Rodenticides and Fungicides etc. Retail 3808-0 0 0 0 11Finishing Agents etc. for Textiles, Paper etc NES 3809-0 0 0 3 0Prepared Rubber Accelerators etc. 3812-0 0 0 0 136Polymers of Ethylene, in Primary Forms 3901-0 0 0 0 15Polymers of Propylene or other Olefins, Primary 3902-

2,134 21 0 1,837 176Polyesters, Epoxides and Polyesters, Primary Forms 3907-0 0 0 16 0Waste, Parings and Scrap, of Plastics 3915-0 0 0 0 5Containers: Boxes, Bags, Closures etc, Plastic 3923-

29,008 290 76 1,116 423Waste of Rubber and Powder Obtain thereof 4004-0 0 0 29 32Articles of Apparel and Clothing Acc. of Rubber 4015-0 0 0 0 8Leather further prepared after tanning (sheep, lamb) 4112-

4,182 42 11 252 17Leather further prepared after tanning (other animal) 4113-0 0 0 98 37Saddlery, Harness, Traces and Leads etc. 4201-0 0 0 0 6Travel Goods, Handbags, Wallets, Jewelry Cases etc. 4202-

10,622 106 249 1,492 1,495Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-2,108 21 24 177 36Articles of Leather Used in Machinery and 4204-

0 0 363 7 518Articles of Leather NES 4205-0 0 0 388 18Woven Fabrics of Silk or Silk Waste 5007-0 0 0 65 232Cotton Waste Including Yarn Waste etc. 5202-0 0 0 560 61Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton more than 85% 5205-0 0 0 114 0Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton less than 85% 5206-0 0 0 0 64Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Retail Packed 5207-

14,006 140 404 1,425 5,575Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt < 5208-158,400 1,584 755 12,340 2,809Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-

3,393 34 73 629 1,558Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt < 5210-0 0 0 0 13Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt > 5211-

27,627 276 159 2,159 1,507Woven Cotton Fabrics NES 5212-5,700 57 0 208 175Synthetic Filament Yarn Not Sewing Thread, Not 5402-

0 0 0 10 10Woven Fabric of Synthetic Filament Yarn 5407-0 0 0 860 467Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5513-

3,828 38 90 440 388Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Knotted 5701-0 0 0 8 0Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Woven 5702-0 0 0 0 50Other Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings 5705-0 0 0 0 1Woven Pile and Chenille Fabrics NES 5801-0 0 0 22 89Woven Terry Fabrics and Tufted Textile Fabric NES 5802-0 0 2 5 2Labels, Badges and Similar Type of Textiles 5807-

8,688 87 0 238 0Embroidery in the Piece, In Strips or in Motifs 5810-0 0 0 49 340Gum Covered Fabric; Tracing Cloth; Paint Canvas 5901-

Page 43: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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US $Rs.

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69 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 0 44Textile Fabrics, Theatrical Scenery, Back-Cloths 5907-1,988 20 133 382 198Gents Suits, Ensembles, Jackets etc. Kn/Cr 6103-

769 8 67 210 118Ladies Suits, Ensembles etc. Kn/Cr 6104-31,312 313 184 1,254 888Gents Shirts, Knitted or Crocheted 6105-

7,694 77 55 146 218Gents Blouses and Shirts Kn/Cr 6106-0 0 2 9 33Gents Underpants, Briefs, Nightshirts etc. Kn/Cr 6107-

527 5 85 241 201T-Shirts, Singlets and other Vests Kn/Cr 6109-30,317 303 0 390 0Sweaters, Pullovers, Vests etc. Kn/Cr 6110-

1,121 11 0 65 194Track Suits, Ski Suits and Swimwear Kn/Cr 6112-64 1 75 361 1,129Garments, Made-ups Kn/Cr etc. of Rubber or Plastic 6113-

0 0 4 .. 26Garments NES Knitted or Crocheted 6114-20,788 208 63 1,427 678Panty hose, Socks and other Hosiery Kn/Cr 6115-23,927 239 53 1,931 1,400Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Knitted or Crocheted 6116-

0 0 0 0 85Made-up Clothing Accessories NES Kn/Cr 6117-3,399 34 0 34 0Women's or Girls' Overcoats etc, Not Knitted or 6202-

16,338 163 340 1,637 1,589Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-4,226 42 16 701 489Women's or Girls' Suits, Ensembles etc. Not Kn/Cr. 6204-

0 0 0 9 0Men's or Boys' Shirts, Not Kn/Cr 6205-0 0 0 226 0Women's or Girls' Slips etc Not Kn/Cr 6208-

2,922 29 0 29 0Babies' Garments and Accessories Not Kn/Cr 6209-27,045 271 0 555 37Track Suits, Ski-Suits and Swimwear, Not Knitted 6211-

0 0 0 223 184Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Not Knitted or Crocheted 6216-0 0 88 0 88Made-Up Clothing Accessories NES 6217-

3,500 35 0 88 0Blankets and Traveling Rugs 6301-138,783 1,388 1,274 7,168 7,923Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-

6,742 67 156 148 188Furnishing Articles of Textile Materials NES 6304-5,673 57 47 1,076 285Tarpaulins, Sails, Awnings and Tents etc. 6306-2,834 28 0 221 39Made-Up Articles of Textile Materials NES 6307-

0 0 0 61 0Needlecraft Sets of Woven Fabrics and Yarn, Retail 6308-4,999 50 0 529 0Used or New Rags, Scrap Twine etc of Text Material 6310-

0 0 0 30 2Footwear, Outer Sole and Upper Rubber or Plastic 6402-0 0 0 0 66Footwear, Outer Sole Rubber, Plastic or Leather 6403-0 0 32 31 56Footwear, Outer Sole Rubber, Plastic or Textile 6404-0 0 0 192 0Footwear NES 6405-0 0 0 22 28Worked Monumental or Building Stone and Articles 6802-0 0 0 75 73Articles of Stone or Other Mineral Substance NES 6815-0 0 0 408 210Glassware for Table, Kitchen, Toilet etc. NES 7013-0 0 0 26 0Glass Fibers and Articles Thereof (Yarn Etc.) 7019-0 0 0 6 0Imitation Jewelry 7117-0 0 0 0 10Sheet Piling of Iron or Steel, Welded Angles etc. 7301-0 0 0 552 0Copper Waste and Scrap 7404-0 0 0 105 0Aluminum Bars, Rods and Profiles 7604-0 0 0 14 0Files, Rasps, Pliers, Metal cutting Shears etc. 8203-0 0 0 10 0Hand tools NES Like Blow, Torches, Anvils etc. 8205-

2,860 29 0 34 0Knives and Blades for Machines and Appliances 8208-0 0 1 1 1Knives With Blades and Blades for Knives NES 8211-

14,292 143 0 590 263Razors and Razor Blades 8212-0 0 0 96 56Scissors, Tailors' Shears and Similar Shears and 8213-

17,733 177 100 2,016 1,697Articles of Cutlery NES and Manicure Sets etc. 8214-0 0 0 0 1Padlocks, Locks and Keys and Parts 8301-0 0 0 241 169Hydraulic Turbines, Water Wheels and Regulators 8410-0 0 0 592 0Machinery etc for Temperature Change 8419-0 0 0 4 90Auxiliary Machinery for use With Textile Machines 8448-0 0 3 61 3Tools for Working in the Hand, Pneumatic etc. 8467-0 0 0 0 ..Transmission Shafts, Bearings, Gears etc. and Parts 8483-0 0 0 20 0Electrical Apparatus for Switching etc. Not Over 8536-

Page 44: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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Export of Goods and Services March 2014 70

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 0 9Parts of Railway or Tramway Locomotives 8607-10,373 104 0 339 6Parts and Accessories for Motor Vehicles 8708-

113,209 1,132 567 7,146 5,827Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-0 0 32 39 34X-Ray etc Apparatus, Tubes, Panels, Screen and 9022-0 0 59 0 511Automatic Regulating or Control Instruments and 9032-0 0 40 140 142Mattress Supports, Articles of Bedding etc 9404-

32,280 323 587 7,185 6,699Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-8,477 85 0 364 514Pens, Ball Points, Soft Tip and Mechanical Pencils 9608-7,668 77 0 413 387Pencils, Crayons, Leads and Chalks etc. 9609-

Brunei 337 3,147141 1,91833,6520 0 0 0 114Meat of Bovine Animals, Fresh or Chilled 2010 -0 0 0 0 20Meat of Bovine Animals, Frozen 2020 -0 0 0 58 93Fish Frozen (Not Fish Fillets & other Fish Meat) 3030 -0 0 10 0 10Potatoes, Fresh or Chilled 7010 -0 0 0 32 49Onions, Shallots, Garlic, Leeks etc, Fresh or Chilled 7030 -0 0 0 0 5Vegetables, Dried, Whole, Cut etc. not further 7120 -0 0 0 3 14Dates, Figs, Pineapples, Avocados etc, Fr or Dried 8040 -0 0 0 54 0Citrus Fruit, Fresh or Dried 8050 -

3,259 33 0 38 0Ginger, Saffron, Turmeric, Thyme, Bay Leaves, 9100 -0 0 0 113 374Rice 1006-0 0 0 0 11Cereal Straw and Husks 1213-0 0 0 0 6Sugar Confectionery including White Chocolate not 1704-0 0 0 44 0Bread, Pastry, Cakes etc 1905-0 0 0 5 16Vegetable, Fruit, Nuts Etc, Prep Or Pres By Vinegar 2001-

998 10 5 69 57Fruit Juices including Grape Must and Vegtable 2009-0 0 0 0 137Ethyl Alcohol, Strength: more than 80% Alcohol 2207-0 0 0 0 6Salt, Pure Sodium Chloride, Sea Water 2501-0 0 0 235 0Portland Cement, Aluminous Cement and Slag 2523-0 0 0 10 0Natural Steatite Roughly Trimmed etc. 2526-0 0 0 .. 0Medicaments Mixtures for Therapeutic Use 3003-0 0 0 .. 0Medicaments NES 3004-0 0 0 0 1Wading, Gauze, Bandages etc. 3005-

1,484 15 0 25 0Beauty and Make-Up Preparations 3304-0 0 0 0 86Preparations for Oral or Dental Hygiene 3306-0 0 0 0 29Articles of Plastics Including Polymers and Resins 3926-0 0 0 3 0Leather further prepared after tanning (other animal) 4113-0 0 0 0 3Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-0 0 31 16 31Paper, Paperboard, Wading etc. Coated etc NES 4811-0 0 0 0 13Printed Books, Brochures and Similar Printed Matter 4901-0 0 0 59 0Woven Fabrics of Silk or Silk Waste 5007-0 0 81 728 87Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-0 0 0 0 7Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt < 5210-0 0 0 4 13Synthetic Filament Tow 5501-0 0 0 5 190Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5513-0 0 0 0 7Textile Wadding and Articles; Text Fiber Not Over 5 5601-0 0 0 2 8Labels, Badges and Similar Type of Textiles 5807-0 0 0 265 0Gum Covered Fabric; Tracing Cloth; Paint Canvas 5901-

3,879 39 0 94 0Warp Knit fabrics Not of Rubber and Pile Fabrics 6005-10,213 102 0 191 0Other knitted or crocheted fabrics 6006-

0 0 0 0 1Gents Shirts, Knitted or Crocheted 6105-0 0 0 1 0Garments, Made-ups Kn/Cr etc. of Rubber or Plastic 6113-0 0 0 22 0Garments NES Knitted or Crocheted 6114-

991 10 6 144 54Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-0 0 0 8 0Women's or Girls' Suits, Ensembles etc. Not Kn/Cr. 6204-0 0 0 28 0Men's or Boys' Undershirts etc Not Kn/Cr 6207-

Page 45: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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71 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 0 6Babies' Garments and Accessories Not Kn/Cr 6209-0 0 0 455 144Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-0 0 0 0 41Furnishing Articles of Textile Materials NES 6304-0 0 0 158 0Worn Clothing and other Worn Textile Articles 6309-

1,496 15 0 15 17Footwear, Outer Sole Rubber, Plastic or Leather 6403-0 0 0 10 0Headgear NES 6506-0 0 0 0 26Glass Containers for Packing etc and Glass Closures 7010-0 0 8 0 8Articles of Jewelry and Parts thereof or Precious 7113-0 0 0 52 0Stainless Steel in Ingots etc. and Semi-finished 7218-

600 6 0 33 0Articles o Aluminum NES 7616-405 4 0 4 0Air or Vacuum Pump, Compressors and Fans 8414-

0 0 0 1 35Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-0 0 0 0 118Bombs, Grenades, Cartridges and Parts 9306-

10,328 103 0 159 15Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-0 0 0 0 64Pens, Ball Points, Soft Tip and Mechanical Pencils 9608-

Bulgaria 1,723 10,164969 10,079172,2280 0 0 11 0Live Horses, Asses, Mules and Hinnies 1010 -0 0 0 6 0Meat of Bovine Animals, Fresh or Chilled 2010 -0 0 0 13 0Meat of Sheep or Goats, Fresh, Chilled or Frozen 2040 -0 0 89 134 236Guts, Bladders, Stomachs of Animals (Not Fish) 5040 -0 0 0 1 0Other Nuts NES Fresh or Dried Whether Shelled or 8020 -0 0 0 0 4Dates, Figs, Pineapples, Avocados etc, Fr or Dried 8040 -0 0 0 0 18Fruit Dried NES Mixtures of Nuts or Dried Fruit 8130 -0 0 1 0 25Pepper, Genus Piper; Genus Capsicum or Pimento 9040 -0 0 0 171 103Rice 1006-0 0 0 0 48Other Oil Seeds and Oleaginous Fruits NES 1207-0 0 0 4 0Other Fixed Vegetable Fats and Oils NES, Not 1515-0 0 0 0 46Ethyl Alcohol, Strength: more than 80% Alcohol 2207-

1,124 11 4 84 38Salt, Pure Sodium Chloride, Sea Water 2501-0 0 0 0 26Natural Steatite Roughly Trimmed etc. 2526-0 0 0 33 56Feldspar; Lucite; Nepheline and Syenite 2529-

670 7 19 78 86Matches and Except Pyrotechnic Articles 3605-0 0 0 86 0Artificial Graphite, Colloidal Graphite and 3801-

11,527 115 39 298 316Polymers of Styrene in Primary Forms 3903-1,297 13 0 13 0Waste, Parings and Scrap, of Plastics 3915-

0 0 55 0 109Plates, Sheets, Film etc. 3920-0 0 0 1 0Waste of Rubber and Powder Obtain thereof 4004-0 0 4 3 7Articles of Apparel and Clothing Acc. of Rubber 4015-0 0 0 0 2Bovine or Equine Leather, No Hair NES 4104-0 0 0 4 0Leather of Animals NES, No Hair NES 4107-0 0 0 22 9Leather further prepared after tanning (other animal) 4113-

2,438 24 15 161 218Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-220 2 3 28 12Articles of Leather NES 4205-

0 0 0 1 0Printed Books, Brochures and Similar Printed Matter 4901-0 0 13 0 62Woven Fabrics of Silk or Silk Waste 5007-

15,123 151 10 631 222Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton more than 85% 5205-3,340 33 1 33 1Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton less than 85% 5206-

0 0 0 41 0Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Retail Packed 5207-67,814 678 459 2,664 2,401Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt < 5208-

9,304 93 0 683 1,157Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-26,509 265 47 1,577 1,013Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt < 5210-

0 0 0 0 65Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt > 5211-0 0 26 280 858Woven Cotton Fabrics NES 5212-

7,222 72 0 551 588Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5513-0 0 0 3 0Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Knotted 5701-

Page 46: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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Export of Goods and Services March 2014 72

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

804 8 0 40 25Woven Terry Fabrics and Tufted Textile Fabric NES 5802-0 0 0 2 2Labels, Badges and Similar Type of Textiles 5807-

1,497 15 0 28 36Gum Covered Fabric; Tracing Cloth; Paint Canvas 5901-0 0 13 0 14Gents Shirts, Knitted or Crocheted 6105-

504 5 0 11 58Track Suits, Ski Suits and Swimwear Kn/Cr 6112-243 2 0 2 22Garments, Made-ups Kn/Cr etc. of Rubber or Plastic 6113-

0 0 98 426 215Panty hose, Socks and other Hosiery Kn/Cr 6115-0 0 2 112 36Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Knitted or Crocheted 6116-0 0 0 67 0Women's or Girls' Overcoats etc, Not Knitted or 6202-0 0 .. 33 2Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-0 0 0 0 5Men's or Boys' Undershirts etc Not Kn/Cr 6207-0 0 0 22 0Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Not Knitted or Crocheted 6216-

3,996 40 0 84 47Made-Up Clothing Accessories NES 6217-8,102 81 49 650 948Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-

0 0 0 0 4Curtains and Interior Blinds, Curtain or Bed 6303-2,791 28 0 36 0Furnishing Articles of Textile Materials NES 6304-

0 0 0 19 0Made-Up Articles of Textile Materials NES 6307-0 0 0 1 0Footwear, Outer Sole Rubber, Plastic or Textile 6404-0 0 0 12 0Worked Monumental or Building Stone and Articles 6802-0 0 0 17 37Articles of Stone or Other Mineral Substance NES 6815-

954 10 0 17 0Ceramic Sinks, Washbasins, Water Closet Bowls etc. 6910-0 0 0 40 0Ferrous Waste and Scrap 7204-0 0 0 60 0Copper Waste and Scrap 7404-0 0 3 18 24Articles of Cutlery NES and Manicure Sets etc. 8214-0 0 0 0 1Machinery etc for Temperature Change 8419-

91 1 0 1 0Machinery not for Laundry for Cleaning, Drying etc 8451-5,214 52 14 555 601Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-

0 0 0 0 88X-Ray etc Apparatus, Tubes, Panels, Screen and 9022-0 0 0 121 0Mattress Supports, Articles of Bedding etc 9404-

1,443 14 5 176 187Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-0 0 0 0 3Pens, Ball Points, Soft Tip and Mechanical Pencils 9608-

Burkina Faso ( Upper Volta) 0 37258 84800 0 0 .. 0Medicaments NES 3004-0 0 0 83 0Propellant Powders 3601-0 0 58 289 449Matches and Except Pyrotechnic Articles 3605-0 0 0 0 12Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-0 0 0 0 116Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5513-0 0 0 0 150Motor Cars and Vehicles for Transporting Persons 8703-0 0 0 0 113Motorcycles and Cycles With Auxiliary Motor 8711-0 0 0 0 9Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-

Burundi 15 23918 4061,4550 0 0 0 272Rice 1006-

1,455 15 9 136 71Natural Sands Of All Kinds, Except Metal-Bearing 2505-0 0 0 0 6Medicaments Mixtures for Therapeutic Use 3003-0 0 9 48 22Medicaments NES 3004-0 0 0 19 0Wading, Gauze, Bandages etc. 3005-0 0 0 11 0Preparations for Oral or Dental Hygiene 3306-0 0 0 22 0Finishing Agents etc. for Textiles, Paper etc NES 3809-0 0 0 0 8Paper and Paperboard Labels of all Kinds 4821-0 0 0 0 1Labels, Badges and Similar Type of Textiles 5807-0 0 0 3 0Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Knitted or Crocheted 6116-0 0 0 0 5Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-0 0 0 0 3Made-Up Clothing Accessories NES 6217-0 0 0 0 19Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-0 0 0 0 ..Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-

Page 47: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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73 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

Cambodia Kampuchea 1,132 24,5342,631 23,393113,1760 0 0 0 ..Vegetables Frozen 7100 -

5,439 54 0 149 0Citrus Fruit, Fresh or Dried 8050 -0 0 0 238 0Cane or Beet Sugar and Sucrose in Solid Form 1701-0 0 0 0 40Vegetable, Fruit, Nuts Etc, Prep Or Pres By Vinegar 2001-0 0 0 9 0Salt, Pure Sodium Chloride, Sea Water 2501-0 0 0 354 0Oil from Petrol and Bituminous Mineral etc. 2710-0 0 0 4 0Acyclic Hydrocarbons 2901-0 0 1 2 1Oxygen-Function Amino-Compounds 2922-0 0 0 2 6Heterocyclic Compounds with Nitrogen 2933-0 0 0 44 10Medicaments Mixtures for Therapeutic Use 3003-

981 10 32 952 1,096Medicaments NES 3004-0 0 0 0 4Wading, Gauze, Bandages etc. 3005-

2,190 22 4 44 19Pharmaceutical Goods 3006-0 0 0 2 0Preparations for Oral or Dental Hygiene 3306-0 0 0 5 0Prepared binders for foundry moulds or cores 3824-0 0 0 1 0Containers: Boxes, Bags, Closures etc, Plastic 3923-0 0 0 0 15Articles of Apparel and Clothing Acc. of Rubber 4015-0 0 0 0 8Raw Hides and Skins of Bovine or Equine Animals 4101-0 0 0 0 30Bovine or Equine Leather, No Hair NES 4104-0 0 0 0 33Goat or Kidskin Leather, No Hair NES 4106-

5,122 51 22 377 681Leather of Animals NES, No Hair NES 4107-0 0 20 8 20Leather further prepared after tanning (sheep, lamb) 4112-

4,004 40 27 492 493Leather further prepared after tanning (other animal) 4113-0 0 0 0 24Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-0 0 0 52 0Woven Fabrics of Silk or Silk Waste 5007-0 0 0 0 91Cotton Sewing Thread, Retail Packed or Not 5204-0 0 0 1,007 355Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton more than 85% 5205-0 0 118 1,005 831Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt < 5208-

86,120 861 2,248 17,570 17,449Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-0 0 19 91 311Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt < 5210-0 0 0 0 671Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt > 5211-0 0 0 1,555 514Woven Cotton Fabrics NES 5212-

9,319 93 0 105 12Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5513-0 0 0 0 269Woven Fabric, Synthetic < 85% of Fibre Mix 5514-0 0 0 103 0Twine, Cordage, Rope and Cables 5607-0 0 51 0 51Garments, Made-ups Kn/Cr etc. of Rubber or Plastic 6113-0 0 59 158 59Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-0 0 0 22 0Women's or Girls' Suits, Ensembles etc. Not Kn/Cr. 6204-0 0 0 69 199Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-0 0 0 0 19Tarpaulins, Sails, Awnings and Tents etc. 6306-0 0 28 80 60Worn Clothing and other Worn Textile Articles 6309-0 0 0 2 0Copper Waste and Scrap 7404-0 0 0 0 ..Files, Rasps, Pliers, Metal cutting Shears etc. 8203-0 0 0 9 18Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-0 0 0 5 0Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-0 0 0 19 0Vegetable Molded Resin etc Carving Material NES 9602-

Cameroon 787 12,7161,327 7,72678,6870 0 0 0 49Natural Honey 4090 -0 0 546 6,123 2,033Rice 1006-0 0 0 10 0Pig and Poultry Fat, Rendered 1501-0 0 100 60 153Sugar Confectionery including White Chocolate not 1704-0 0 0 21 0Fruit Juices including Grape Must and Vegtable 2009-0 0 1 0 1Food Preparations NES 2106-0 0 0 27 0Salt, Pure Sodium Chloride, Sea Water 2501-

Page 48: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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Export of Goods and Services March 2014 74

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

8,239 82 0 82 0Coal, Briquettes and Ovoid etc. Manufactures of 2701-0 0 0 54 0Esters of Inorganic Acids and their Salts 2920-0 0 0 0 4Medicaments NES 3004-0 0 0 63 0Beauty and Make-Up Preparations 3304-0 0 0 0 13Prepared Glues and Adhesives NES 3506-0 0 0 116 0Polymers of Propylene or other Olefins, Primary 3902-

1,684 17 87 718 534Plates, Sheets, Film etc. 3920-0 0 0 12 18Tableware and other Household Articles etc, Plastics 3924-0 0 0 114 0Leather further prepared after tanning (other animal) 4113-0 0 0 59 56Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton more than 85% 5205-

5,117 51 0 258 294Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt < 5208-0 0 0 0 193Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-

1,029 10 0 803 494Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt < 5210-0 0 0 48 0Woven Fabric of Synthetic Filament Yarn 5407-

14,517 145 248 742 248Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5512-28,785 288 100 1,766 1,677Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5513-10,949 110 65 647 1,247Warp Knit fabrics Not of Rubber and Pile Fabrics 6005-

0 0 0 2 0Panty hose, Socks and other Hosiery Kn/Cr 6115-0 0 0 0 20Made-Up Clothing Accessories NES 6217-0 0 79 398 297Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-0 0 0 151 23Tarpaulins, Sails, Awnings and Tents etc. 6306-0 0 0 .. 0Made-Up Articles of Textile Materials NES 6307-0 0 0 41 0Worn Clothing and other Worn Textile Articles 6309-0 0 0 0 23Glass Containers for Packing etc and Glass Closures 7010-

2,429 24 25 99 144Glassware for Table, Kitchen, Toilet etc. NES 7013-0 0 34 65 70Stoves, Ranges, Grates, Cookers and Parts 7321-0 0 0 46 0Aluminum Structures NES 7610-

4,989 50 42 162 110Air or Vacuum Pump, Compressors and Fans 8414-0 0 0 0 1Tools for Working in the Hand, Pneumatic etc. 8467-

950 10 0 15 17Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-0 0 0 14 0Lamps and Lighting Fittings and Parts etc NES 9405-0 0 0 0 6Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-

Canada 19,941 192,41418,987 177,0481,993,6321,170 12 0 12 0Live Horses, Asses, Mules and Hinnies 1010 -

0 0 0 .. 0Live Bovine Animals 1020 -0 0 100 0 100Meat of Bovine Animals, Frozen 2020 -0 0 0 0 24Meat of Sheep or Goats, Fresh, Chilled or Frozen 2040 -

1,000 10 7 78 34Fish, Fresh or Chilled (Not Fish Fillets & other Fish 3020 -2,503 25 0 313 53Fish Frozen (Not Fish Fillets & other Fish Meat) 3030 -

0 0 1 8 32Fish Fillets and other Fish Meat, Fresh, Chilled or 3040 -0 0 0 1 0Fish Dried, Salted or in Brine; Smoked etc; Ed 3050 -

3,682 37 0 40 56Crustaceans; Live, Fresh etc, and Cooked etc. 3060 -0 0 6 0 44Molluscs & Aquatic Invertebrates NES Live etc. 3070 -0 0 0 0 15Milk and Cream, Not Concentrated or Sweetened 4010 -

200 2 0 2 0Butter and other Fats and Oils Derived from Milk, 4050 -1,473 15 49 1,034 162Natural Honey 4090 -

0 0 0 0 29Guts, Bladders, Stomachs of Animals (Not Fish) 5040 -0 0 0 9 0Animal Products NES, Inedible Dead Animals 5110 -

4,696 47 0 95 144Onions, Shallots, Garlic, Leeks etc, Fresh or Chilled 7030 -1,028 10 16 67 96Cabbages, Cauliflower, Kohlrabi, Kale etc. Fresh or 7040 -

0 0 7 7 123Leguminous Vegetables, Shelled or not, Fresh or 7080 -184 2 32 109 283Other Vegetables NES Fresh or Chilled 7090 -

1,884 19 0 83 31Vegetables Frozen 7100 -0 0 9 3 19Vegetables, Temporarily Preserved, not now Edible 7110 -0 0 0 4 0Vegetables, Dried, Whole, Cut etc. not further 7120 -

Page 49: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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75 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 1 0Other Nuts NES Fresh or Dried Whether Shelled or 8020 -4,749 47 18 1,320 574Dates, Figs, Pineapples, Avocados etc, Fr or Dried 8040 -

10,382 104 78 317 204Citrus Fruit, Fresh or Dried 8050 -0 0 0 20 55Grapes, Fresh or Dried 8060 -0 0 37 16 37Apricots, Cherries, Peaches, Plums and Sloes, Fresh 8090 -

2,530 25 101 423 781Fruit NES Fresh 8100 -0 0 11 63 38Fruit Dried NES Mixtures of Nuts or Dried Fruit 8130 -0 0 0 196 180Tea Whether or not Flavored 9020 -0 0 10 209 98Pepper, Genus Piper; Genus Capsicum or Pimento 9040 -0 0 0 0 209Seeds of Anise, Badian, Fennel, Coriander, Cumin 9090 -

27,786 278 122 2,421 373Ginger, Saffron, Turmeric, Thyme, Bay Leaves, 9100 -0 0 0 0 15Wheat and Meslin 1001-0 0 0 31 0Barley 1003-

91,564 916 616 8,432 7,522Rice 1006-0 0 0 0 43Cereal Flours, Except of Wheat or of Meslin 1102-

6,928 69 14 318 234Cereal Groats, Meal and Pellets 1103-0 0 0 64 0Other Oil Seeds and Oleaginous Fruits NES 1207-0 0 0 6 1Seeds, Fruit and Spores, for Sowing 1209-0 0 0 21 0Plants etc. for Pharmacy, Perfume, Insecticides etc. 1211-

27,294 273 1,950 1,738 5,517Lac; Natural Gums, Resins, Gum-Resins and 1301-0 0 0 46 138Vegetable Products NES 1404-0 0 0 3 0Wool Grease Fatty Substances Derived there from 1505-0 0 0 3 0Rape, Colza or Mustard Oil and Fractions thereof 1514-0 0 22 0 153Sausages and Similar Products of Meat and Blood 1601-

76 1 0 24 86Prepared or Preserved Fish, Caviar and Caviar 1604-0 0 10 61 23Cane or Beet Sugar and Sucrose in Solid Form 1701-

2,351 24 100 327 297Other Sugar NES 1702-61 1 16 66 92Sugar Confectionery including White Chocolate not 1704-

0 0 88 288 297Malt Extracts; Food Prep. of Flour etc. Under 50% 1901-3,143 31 0 135 382Pasta and Couscous, Prepared or Not 1902-

14,373 144 78 895 602Bread, Pastry, Cakes etc 1905-0 0 109 604 1,459Vegetable, Fruit, Nuts Etc, Prep Or Pres By Vinegar 2001-0 0 0 0 58Vegetables Prepared or Preserved NES Frozen 2004-

1,868 19 16 345 96Fruit, Nuts, Fruit-Peel etc, Preserved by Sugar 2006-0 0 19 91 107Jams, Fruit Jellies, Marmalades etc. Cooked 2007-0 0 0 23 61Fruit, Nuts etc. Prepared or Preserved NES 2008-

2,915 29 44 320 328Fruit Juices including Grape Must and Vegtable 2009-0 0 0 21 167Sauces and Preparations thereof 2103-0 0 33 51 130Soups, Broths and Preparations thereof 2104-0 0 0 0 1Ice Cream and other Edible Ice 2105-

5,525 55 14 216 323Food Preparations NES 2106-1,050 11 0 38 0Waters, Sweetened etc and other Nonalcoholic 2202-

10,786 108 105 768 738Salt, Pure Sodium Chloride, Sea Water 2501-0 0 0 26 0Kaolin And Other Kaolinic Clays 2507-0 0 0 45 7Marble, Travertine etc. and Alabaster, Crude etc. 2515-0 0 0 4 0Limestone Flux, Limestone and Other Calcareous 2521-0 0 0 0 2Portland Cement, Aluminous Cement and Slag 2523-0 0 0 4 0Natural Steatite Roughly Trimmed etc. 2526-0 0 10 2 10Fluorine, Chlorine, Bromine and Iodine 2801-0 0 0 2,040 2,705Silicates; Commercial Alkali Metal Silicates 2839-

1,000 10 0 75 0Medicaments Mixtures for Therapeutic Use 3003-0 0 0 1 0Medicaments NES 3004-0 0 0 0 16Pharmaceutical Goods 3006-

712 7 0 7 0Synthetic Organic Coloring Matter 3204-86 1 0 1 0Paints and Varnishes NES 3210-

0 0 0 .. 2Prepared Driers 3211-

Page 50: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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US $Rs.

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Export of Goods and Services March 2014 76

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 4 132Essential Oils, Resinoids and Terpene 3301-0 0 0 10 28Odoriferous Mixtures as Raw Materials for Industry 3302-

3,611 36 4 176 60Beauty and Make-Up Preparations 3304-0 0 0 58 0Preparations for Oral or Dental Hygiene 3306-0 0 0 133 0Soap, Organic Surf-Act Products used for Soap 3401-0 0 0 0 3Prepared Glues and Adhesives NES 3506-

29,191 292 69 1,410 675Artificial Graphite, Colloidal Graphite and 3801-0 0 0 0 42Activated Carbon etc. Animal Black 3802-0 0 0 0 7Insecticides, Rodenticides and Fungicides etc. Retail 3808-0 0 0 76 185Polymers of Styrene in Primary Forms 3903-0 0 0 10 0Polymers of Vinyl Chloride etc. in Primary Forms 3904-

1,514 15 0 687 888Polyesters, Epoxides and Polyesters, Primary Forms 3907-0 0 0 0 ..Self-Adhesive Plates, Sheets, Film etc. of Plastics 3919-0 0 0 8 3Plates, Sheets, Film etc. 3920-0 0 0 1 57Containers: Boxes, Bags, Closures etc, Plastic 3923-0 0 0 97 50Tableware and other Household Articles etc, Plastics 3924-0 0 0 60 181Articles of Plastics Including Polymers and Resins 3926-0 0 0 11 0Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 4001-

38,863 389 393 1,901 1,535Waste of Rubber and Powder Obtain thereof 4004-0 0 0 3 1Tubes, Pipes and Hoses of Unhard Vulcanized 4009-

1,690 17 20 129 252Articles of Apparel and Clothing Acc. of Rubber 4015-0 0 0 12 10Raw Skins of Sheep or Lambs NES 4102-0 0 0 20 0Raw Hides and Skins NES 4103-0 0 0 6 17Bovine or Equine Leather, No Hair NES 4104-0 0 0 0 5Sheep or Lamb Skin Leather, No Wool NES 4105-

10,986 110 0 111 0Goat or Kidskin Leather, No Hair NES 4106-0 0 0 295 21Leather of Animals NES, No Hair NES 4107-0 0 57 176 116Leather further prepared after tanning (sheep, lamb) 4112-

27,543 275 212 2,574 2,891Leather further prepared after tanning (other animal) 4113-0 0 0 0 51Chamois 4114-0 0 1 97 178Saddlery, Harness, Traces and Leads etc. 4201-

25 .. 0 343 54Travel Goods, Handbags, Wallets, Jewelry Cases etc. 4202-187,469 1,875 1,662 20,078 13,308Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-

194 2 210 171 2,731Articles of Leather Used in Machinery and 4204-1,843 18 55 106 1,009Articles of Leather NES 4205-

0 0 0 0 23Tanned or Dressed Furskins including Heads, Tails 4302-0 0 0 0 16Artificial Fur and Articles thereof 4304-0 0 0 0 6Fuel Wood, In Logs etc. Wood in Chips etc. 4401-0 0 0 0 1Particle Board and Similar Board of Wood etc. 4410-

57 1 0 1 0Articles of Wood NES 4421-0 0 0 0 18Agglomerated Cork and Articles Thereof 4504-0 0 0 0 13Plaits etc and Products of Plaiting Materials 4601-0 0 0 30 0Toilet or Facial Tissues Stock, Towel or Napkin 4803-0 0 0 61 148Kraft Paper and Paperboard Uncoated NES 4804-0 0 0 2 0Paper and Paperboard Uncoated NES, Rolls or 4805-0 0 0 0 1Envelopes, Letter Cards, Postcards of Paper or 4817-

150 2 0 58 0Toilet Paper, Paper Tissues, Towels, Napkins etc. 4818-0 0 0 1 0Cartons, Boxes, Cases, Bags and other Packing 4819-0 0 3 0 19Registers, Notebooks, Order Book, Receipt Book 4820-

50 .. 4 2 4Paper and Paperboard Labels of all Kinds 4821-0 0 0 9 18Bobbins, Spools etc. of Paper Pulp, Paper and 4822-0 0 0 0 ..Other Paper and Paperboard and Articles NES 4823-

250 3 13 803 28Printed Books, Brochures and Similar Printed Matter 4901-0 0 0 7 0Newspapers, Journals and Periodicals 4902-0 0 0 2 26Printed Matter including Pictures and Photographs 4911-0 0 0 0 191Woven Fabrics of Silk or Silk Waste 5007-

Page 51: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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77 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 0 149Wool and Fine or Coarse Animal Hair, Carded or 5105-0 0 0 .. 0Yarn of Wool or Fine Animal Hair, For Retail Sale 5109-

4,546 45 112 174 231Cotton Waste Including Yarn Waste etc. 5202-357 4 0 4 5Cotton, Carded or Combed 5203-

0 0 3 108 84Cotton Sewing Thread, Retail Packed or Not 5204-10,050 101 61 487 552Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton more than 85% 5205-

0 0 0 95 104Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton less than 85% 5206-0 0 0 12 57Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Retail Packed 5207-

14,020 140 83 1,028 2,090Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt < 5208-11,796 118 86 1,002 1,745Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-

7,421 74 256 3,325 3,172Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt < 5210-0 0 18 120 39Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt > 5211-

8,181 82 75 476 743Woven Cotton Fabrics NES 5212-0 0 0 33 0Flax, Raw or Processed but Not Spun, Flax Tow and 5301-0 0 0 0 87True Hemp, not Spun, Tow and Waste of Hemp 5302-

1,516 15 0 15 0Jute and other Textile Bast Fibers NES 5303-0 0 0 10 0Coconut, Abaca, Ramie etc NES not Spun 5305-0 0 0 0 65Yarn of Vegetable Textile Fibers NES, Paper Yarn 5308-0 0 0 872 0Synthetic Filament Yarn Not Sewing Thread, Not 5402-0 0 0 42 0Synthetic Monofilament of 67 Decitex or More 5404-0 0 5 90 194Woven Fabric of Synthetic Filament Yarn 5407-0 0 0 15 26Yarn Not for Sewing Thread, Synthetic Staple 5509-0 0 0 42 0Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5512-

16,616 166 0 1,246 1,381Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5513-18,480 185 6 380 256Woven Fabric, Synthetic < 85% of Fibre Mix 5514-

0 0 0 0 1Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibers NES 5515-0 0 0 34 0Woven Fabrics of Artificial Staple Fibers 5516-0 0 6 21 63Textile Wadding and Articles; Text Fiber Not Over 5 5601-0 0 0 0 252Nonwovens Impregnated, Coated, Covered or 5603-0 0 0 0 4Rubber Thread and Cord, Text Covered, Textile 5604-0 0 0 0 2Knotted Netting of Twine, Cordage or rope of 5608-

24,947 250 194 1,553 1,901Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Knotted 5701-0 0 2 79 17Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Woven 5702-

1,322 13 229 420 1,580Woven Terry Fabrics and Tufted Textile Fabric NES 5802-4,717 47 0 162 22Narrow Woven Fabrics Except Labels 5806-2,870 29 53 331 328Labels, Badges and Similar Type of Textiles 5807-4,199 42 0 42 5Embroidery in the Piece, In Strips or in Motifs 5810-

538 5 0 5 0Quilt Textile Products 5811-2,160 22 208 826 1,106Gum Covered Fabric; Tracing Cloth; Paint Canvas 5901-1,183 12 0 74 1Textile Fabrics Coated, Covered or Lamented with 5903-

0 0 0 10 0Textile Fabrics, Theatrical Scenery, Back-Cloths 5907-0 0 11 16 11Textile Products and Articles for Technical uses 5911-0 0 0 9 0Pile Fabrics and Terry Fabrics Knitted or Crocheted 6001-

4,578 46 0 51 0Knitted or Crocheted Fabrics of Rubber of Width 6002-0 0 5 0 38Kn/CR Fabrics Not of Rubber/Pile Width <30 cm 6003-0 0 0 61 0Warp Knit fabrics Not of Rubber and Pile Fabrics 6005-0 0 0 10 104Other knitted or crocheted fabrics 6006-0 0 0 178 49Gents Overcoats, Car-Coats, Caps, Cloaks and 6101-

701 7 0 140 34Ladies Overcoats, Car-Coats, Caps, Cloaks and 6102-20,995 210 221 3,936 4,016Gents Suits, Ensembles, Jackets etc. Kn/Cr 6103-11,267 113 1 385 802Ladies Suits, Ensembles etc. Kn/Cr 6104-55,313 553 686 6,797 6,050Gents Shirts, Knitted or Crocheted 6105-

230 2 7 66 154Gents Blouses and Shirts Kn/Cr 6106-709 7 0 395 179Gents Underpants, Briefs, Nightshirts etc. Kn/Cr 6107-

4,263 43 6 264 794Ladies Slips, Petticoats, Briefs, Paints etc. Kn/Cr 6108-13,324 133 34 956 947T-Shirts, Singlets and other Vests Kn/Cr 6109-

Page 52: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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US $Rs.

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Export of Goods and Services March 2014 78

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

17,057 171 59 1,562 424Sweaters, Pullovers, Vests etc. Kn/Cr 6110-2,200 22 9 195 140Babies' Garments and Accessories Kn/Cr 6111-5,282 53 108 474 670Track Suits, Ski Suits and Swimwear Kn/Cr 6112-

14,317 143 350 3,274 3,021Garments, Made-ups Kn/Cr etc. of Rubber or Plastic 6113-2,319 23 0 247 356Garments NES Knitted or Crocheted 6114-

89,805 898 875 14,551 13,103Panty hose, Socks and other Hosiery Kn/Cr 6115-46,449 465 103 2,220 1,044Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Knitted or Crocheted 6116-

223 2 0 92 19Made-up Clothing Accessories NES Kn/Cr 6117-1,027 10 72 683 2,175Men's or Boys' Overcoats, Cloaks etc. Not Knitted 6201-3,537 35 0 35 3Women's or Girls' Overcoats etc, Not Knitted or 6202-

183,274 1,833 1,683 20,510 19,791Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-29,644 297 312 1,185 1,605Women's or Girls' Suits, Ensembles etc. Not Kn/Cr. 6204-

4,215 42 142 721 464Men's or Boys' Shirts, Not Kn/Cr 6205-0 0 0 54 0Women's or Girls' Blouses, Shirts etc. Not Knitted 6206-

13,251 133 12 730 709Men's or Boys' Undershirts etc Not Kn/Cr 6207-569 6 0 170 700Women's or Girls' Slips etc Not Kn/Cr 6208-

1,103 11 18 113 175Babies' Garments and Accessories Not Kn/Cr 6209-0 0 0 11 249Garments, of Felt etc, or Fabric Impregnated etc 6210-

9,818 98 16 248 178Track Suits, Ski-Suits and Swimwear, Not Knitted 6211-0 0 0 0 7Brassieres, Girdles, Garters and Braces etc. 6212-

108 1 9 206 201Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Not Knitted or Crocheted 6216-737 7 6 214 143Made-Up Clothing Accessories NES 6217-

0 0 145 276 1,195Blankets and Traveling Rugs 6301-489,845 4,900 4,226 42,527 34,711Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-

9,020 90 92 548 878Curtains and Interior Blinds, Curtain or Bed 6303-27,940 279 2 568 480Furnishing Articles of Textile Materials NES 6304-

7,509 75 1 160 3Sacks and Bags of Textile Material for Packing 6305-3,936 39 0 77 11Tarpaulins, Sails, Awnings and Tents etc. 6306-

48,251 483 371 4,507 3,538Made-Up Articles of Textile Materials NES 6307-0 0 0 0 14Needlecraft Sets of Woven Fabrics and Yarn, Retail 6308-0 0 .. 6 5Worn Clothing and other Worn Textile Articles 6309-

8,995 90 0 688 659Used or New Rags, Scrap Twine etc of Text Material 6310-0 0 23 0 68Footwear, Outer Sole and Upper Rubber or Plastic 6402-

475 5 23 96 64Footwear, Outer Sole Rubber, Plastic or Leather 6403-120 1 0 25 11Footwear, Outer Sole Rubber, Plastic or Textile 6404-

0 0 0 15 0Footwear NES 6405-0 0 0 0 1Worked Monumental or Building Stone and Articles 6802-0 0 0 27 19Abrasive Powder etc. on a Base of Textile Material 6805-

2,053 21 0 21 0Articles of Asphalt or of Similar Material 6807-0 0 0 0 6Fabricated Asbestos Fibers, Items of Mixtures etc 6812-

802 8 14 145 60Articles of Stone or Other Mineral Substance NES 6815-0 0 0 0 8Refractory Bricks, Blocks, Tiles and Similar Ceramic 6902-0 0 0 20 0Glazed Ceramic Flags and Paving, Hearth Tiles etc. 6908-0 0 0 8 2Ceramic Sinks, Washbasins, Water Closet Bowls etc. 6910-0 0 0 7 1Ceramics Tableware, Kitchenware etc. 6912-0 0 0 .. 7Glassware for Table, Kitchen, Toilet etc. NES 7013-0 0 0 7 0Glass Paving Blocks, Bricks, Squares, Tiles and 7016-0 0 2 5 16Precious and Semi Precious Stones NES 7103-

24,460 245 64 835 681Articles of Jewelry and Parts thereof or Precious 7113-0 0 0 0 4Articles of Natural or Cultured Pearls, Precious 7116-0 0 0 1 0Imitation Jewelry 7117-0 0 0 0 5Pig Iron and Spiegeleisen in Pigs, Blocks or Primary 7201-

23,879 239 0 2,753 224Tubes, Pipes and Hollow Profiles NES of Iron and 7306-0 0 0 0 24Tube or Pipe Fittings of Iron or Steel Like 7307-0 0 0 0 2Structures NES and Parts Thereof of Iron or Steel 7308-0 0 0 0 21Tanks etc Less than 300 Liter Capacity of Iron or 7310-

Page 53: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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79 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 0 1Chain and Parts of Iron or Steel 7315-0 0 0 12 0Table, Kitchen or Household Articles & Parts of Iron 7323-0 0 0 0 8Articles of Iron or Steel, NES 7326-0 0 0 0 19Refined Copper and Copper Alloys, Unwrought 7403-0 0 0 .. 0Aluminum Waste and Scrap 7602-0 0 0 0 15Aluminum Bars, Rods and Profiles 7604-0 0 0 .. 0Aluminum Structures NES 7610-0 0 22 67 37Table, Kitchen or other Household Articles and Parts 7615-0 0 0 13 0Manganese and Article Thereof Including Waste and 8111-0 0 0 0 8Hand tools and Tools Used in Agriculture etc. 8201-0 0 0 5 22Files, Rasps, Pliers, Metal cutting Shears etc. 8203-0 0 0 9 6Hand tools NES Like Blow, Torches, Anvils etc. 8205-0 0 1 12 1Knives and Blades for Machines and Appliances 8208-0 0 0 0 1Hand Operated Mechanical Appliances 8210-

609 6 0 32 53Knives With Blades and Blades for Knives NES 8211-232 2 5 25 93Articles of Cutlery NES and Manicure Sets etc. 8214-

0 0 0 30 ..Tableware etc. of Base Metal and Parts of Base 8215-0 0 3 0 3Hardware, Fixtures, Castors etc. and Part 8302-0 0 0 .. 0Pumps for Liquids; Liquid Elevators; Parts Thereof 8413-0 0 0 0 5Refrigerators, Freezers, Heat Pumps NES and Parts 8418-0 0 5 9 5Machinery etc for Temperature Change 8419-

437 4 0 44 26Machines, Dishwashing Machines for Cleaning etc. 8422-0 0 3 0 10Machinery NES used for Food and Drink and Parts 8438-0 0 0 0 80Auxiliary Machinery for use With Textile Machines 8448-0 0 0 23 0Sewing Machines other than Book Sewing Machine 8452-0 0 0 5 0Machine Tools for Forging, Bending, Stamping etc. 8462-

1,376 14 30 179 295Tools for Working in the Hand, Pneumatic etc. 8467-0 0 0 69 0Automatic Data Process Machines and Units thereof 8471-0 0 0 0 128Electrical Transformers, Static Converters and 8504-0 0 0 0 4Prepared Unrecorded Media for Sound etc. 8523-0 0 0 0 4Semiconductor Devices, Light-Emit Diodes etc and 8541-0 0 0 26 29Parts of Railway or Tramway Locomotives 8607-

1,467 15 0 15 0Compound Optical Microscopes, Parts and 9011-14,992 150 213 1,825 1,503Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-

1,117 11 5 11 14X-Ray etc Apparatus, Tubes, Panels, Screen and 9022-0 0 0 4 0String Musical Instruments NES 9202-

284 3 0 4 1Wind Musical Instruments NES 9205-0 0 0 0 2Percussion Musical Instruments Drums etc. 9206-0 0 1 0 4Musical Instruments With Sound Electrically 9207-0 0 0 0 2Musical Boxes, Fairground Organs etc. 9208-0 0 5 12 37Parts etc. of Musical Instruments, Metronomes 9209-0 0 0 0 1Swords, Cutlasses, Bayonets and Similar Arms & 9307-0 0 0 0 2Medical, Surgical, Dental or Veterinary Furniture 9402-0 0 5 30 83Furniture NES and Parts Thereof 9403-

13,618 136 193 2,257 2,221Mattress Supports, Articles of Bedding etc 9404-0 0 0 0 6Lamps and Lighting Fittings and Parts etc NES 9405-0 0 .. 15 1Dolls, Representing only Human Beings and Parts 9502-0 0 0 0 2Articles for Arcade, Table or Parlor Games 9504-

104,026 1,040 832 6,721 4,551Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-0 0 0 3 4Fishing Rods and Tackle Nets, Decoys etc. 9507-0 0 0 0 1Travel Sets for Personal Toilet etc. 9605-

526 5 6 10 11Buttons, Press Studs, Button Mold and Blanks etc. 9606-0 0 0 2 0Pens, Ball Points, Soft Tip and Mechanical Pencils 9608-0 0 0 0 12Special Transaction NES 9992-

Cape Verde 479 2,002530 2,19247,863

Page 54: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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US $Rs.

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Export of Goods and Services March 2014 80

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 16 0Vegetables Frozen 7100 -5,579 56 0 56 14Dates, Figs, Pineapples, Avocados etc, Fr or Dried 8040 -

883 9 14 32 36Rice 1006-0 0 0 0 15Pasta and Couscous, Prepared or Not 1902-0 0 0 15 0Bread, Pastry, Cakes etc 1905-0 0 0 2 0Fruit, Nuts, Fruit-Peel etc, Preserved by Sugar 2006-0 0 0 166 0Portland Cement, Aluminous Cement and Slag 2523-0 0 0 0 11Soap, Organic Surf-Act Products used for Soap 3401-0 0 0 0 15Bovine or Equine Leather, No Hair NES 4104-0 0 0 27 2Leather further prepared after tanning (other animal) 4113-0 0 0 13 0Travel Goods, Handbags, Wallets, Jewelry Cases etc. 4202-0 0 0 8 53Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-0 0 0 24 0Articles of Leather NES 4205-0 0 56 15 56Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt < 5208-0 0 0 31 0Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-

12,716 127 0 375 0Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt < 5210-7,075 71 0 141 0Woven Cotton Fabrics NES 5212-

0 0 0 0 1Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5512-0 0 0 0 225Nonwovens Impregnated, Coated, Covered or 5603-0 0 0 0 9Woven Terry Fabrics and Tufted Textile Fabric NES 5802-0 0 0 2 0Labels, Badges and Similar Type of Textiles 5807-0 0 0 77 0Ladies Suits, Ensembles etc. Kn/Cr 6104-0 0 0 0 7Gents Shirts, Knitted or Crocheted 6105-0 0 0 42 3T-Shirts, Singlets and other Vests Kn/Cr 6109-0 0 0 27 4Sweaters, Pullovers, Vests etc. Kn/Cr 6110-0 0 43 0 43Track Suits, Ski Suits and Swimwear Kn/Cr 6112-0 0 0 0 48Panty hose, Socks and other Hosiery Kn/Cr 6115-0 0 0 9 6Men's or Boys' Overcoats, Cloaks etc. Not Knitted 6201-0 0 0 31 35Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-0 0 6 100 26Women's or Girls' Suits, Ensembles etc. Not Kn/Cr. 6204-0 0 0 71 0Blankets and Traveling Rugs 6301-

16,648 167 412 577 1,487Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-0 0 0 0 6Curtains and Interior Blinds, Curtain or Bed 6303-

4,963 50 0 94 0Made-Up Articles of Textile Materials NES 6307-0 0 0 0 48Footwear, Outer Sole and Upper Rubber or Plastic 6402-0 0 0 22 0Abrasive Powder etc. on a Base of Textile Material 6805-0 0 0 0 43Articles of Jewelry and Parts thereof or Precious 7113-0 0 0 10 0Mattress Supports, Articles of Bedding etc 9404-0 0 0 18 0Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-

Cayman Islands 10 34148 3889630 0 0 60 0Vegetable Saps and Extracts: Pectates, Agar-Agar 1302-0 0 47 0 47Cane or Beet Sugar and Sucrose in Solid Form 1701-0 0 0 0 37Leather further prepared after tanning (other animal) 4113-

129 1 1 29 4Woven Fabric of Synthetic Filament Yarn 5407-834 8 0 138 68Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Knotted 5701-

0 0 0 11 76Gents Suits, Ensembles, Jackets etc. Kn/Cr 6103-0 0 0 2 0Ladies Suits, Ensembles etc. Kn/Cr 6104-0 0 0 0 69Gents Shirts, Knitted or Crocheted 6105-0 0 0 0 79Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-0 0 0 89 0Tubes, Pipes and Hollow Profiles NES of Iron and 7306-0 0 0 2 0Scissors, Tailors' Shears and Similar Shears and 8213-0 0 0 11 8Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-

Central African Republic 411 2,45318 1,32341,0914,993 50 0 50 0Fish Frozen (Not Fish Fillets & other Fish Meat) 3030 -

0 0 0 2 0Dates, Figs, Pineapples, Avocados etc, Fr or Dried 8040 -

Page 55: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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81 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 330 31Rice 1006-0 0 0 0 535Vegetable Saps and Extracts: Pectates, Agar-Agar 1302-0 0 0 10 0Fruit Juices including Grape Must and Vegtable 2009-0 0 2 3 18Quartz (Other Than Natural Sands); Quartzite 2506-0 0 0 21 9Pebbles, Gravel etc. Macadam of Slag, Dross etc. 2517-0 0 0 5 0Coal, Briquettes and Ovoid etc. Manufactures of 2701-0 0 0 2 0Preparations for Oral or Dental Hygiene 3306-

487 5 0 5 0Waste of Rubber and Powder Obtain thereof 4004-0 0 0 12 0Leather of Animals NES, No Hair NES 4107-0 0 0 29 0Leather further prepared after tanning (other animal) 4113-0 0 0 27 0Printed Matter including Pictures and Photographs 4911-0 0 0 0 33Cotton Sewing Thread, Retail Packed or Not 5204-0 0 0 28 439Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton more than 85% 5205-

6,180 62 0 62 0Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Retail Packed 5207-0 0 0 1 0Labels, Badges and Similar Type of Textiles 5807-0 0 0 0 24Gents Suits, Ensembles, Jackets etc. Kn/Cr 6103-0 0 0 0 ..Garments, Made-ups Kn/Cr etc. of Rubber or Plastic 6113-0 0 0 52 43Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-0 0 0 0 9Men's or Boys' Undershirts etc Not Kn/Cr 6207-

19,364 194 0 1,712 76Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-0 0 0 0 21Curtains and Interior Blinds, Curtain or Bed 6303-

5,341 53 0 53 0Tarpaulins, Sails, Awnings and Tents etc. 6306-0 0 16 0 16Articles of Cement, Concrete or Artificial Stone 6810-0 0 0 0 1Precious and Semi Precious Stones NES 7103-0 0 0 0 14Tubes, Pipes and Hollow Profiles NES of Iron and 7306-0 0 0 2 0Electrical Filament or Discharge Lamps and Parts 8539-0 0 0 0 53Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-

4,725 47 0 47 0Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-Chad 1,270 3,2700 232126,951

33,782 338 0 338 0Rice 1006-0 0 0 4 9Medicaments NES 3004-

79,609 796 0 1,055 0Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton more than 85% 5205-0 0 0 112 0Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt < 5208-0 0 0 58 0Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-0 0 0 281 0Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt < 5210-0 0 0 164 104Woven Cotton Fabrics NES 5212-

8,955 90 0 244 0Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5513-1,650 17 0 38 0Gents Shirts, Knitted or Crocheted 6105-

0 0 0 0 50Track Suits, Ski Suits and Swimwear Kn/Cr 6112-2,954 30 0 94 0Panty hose, Socks and other Hosiery Kn/Cr 6115-

0 0 0 0 24Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Knitted or Crocheted 6116-0 0 0 0 27Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-0 0 0 8 0Made-Up Clothing Accessories NES 6217-0 0 0 52 0Blankets and Traveling Rugs 6301-0 0 0 642 0Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-0 0 0 90 0Tarpaulins, Sails, Awnings and Tents etc. 6306-0 0 0 38 0Tractors Other Than Work Trucks used for Short 8701-0 0 0 51 20Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-

Chile 8,632 64,7648,115 64,888863,046750 8 0 8 0Ginger, Saffron, Turmeric, Thyme, Bay Leaves, 9100 -

40,172 402 0 1,713 541Rice 1006-0 0 147 50 161Lac; Natural Gums, Resins, Gum-Resins and 1301-0 0 0 160 287Vegetable Saps and Extracts: Pectates, Agar-Agar 1302-

3,807 38 0 189 7Sugar Confectionery including White Chocolate not 1704-335 3 0 29 2Salt, Pure Sodium Chloride, Sea Water 2501-

Page 56: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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Export of Goods and Services March 2014 82

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 1 ..Marble, Travertine etc. and Alabaster, Crude etc. 2515-0 0 0 24 46Portland Cement, Aluminous Cement and Slag 2523-0 0 0 0 13Saturated Acyclic Monocarboxylic Acid etc. 2915-0 0 0 0 2Pharmaceutical Goods 3006-0 0 0 1 0Synthetic Organic Coloring Matter 3204-0 0 4 9 24Organic Surf-Act Agents and Products other than 3402-0 0 0 0 29Matches and Except Pyrotechnic Articles 3605-0 0 0 0 16Waste, Parings and Scrap, of Plastics 3915-0 0 0 25 0Plates, Sheets, Film etc. 3920-0 0 0 0 20Articles of Plastics Including Polymers and Resins 3926-0 0 0 66 29Articles of Apparel and Clothing Acc. of Rubber 4015-0 0 0 0 28Bovine or Equine Leather, No Hair NES 4104-0 0 0 3 0Leather of Animals NES, No Hair NES 4107-

2,533 25 0 31 101Leather further prepared after tanning (other animal) 4113-0 0 0 10 44Saddlery, Harness, Traces and Leads etc. 4201-

11,540 115 214 793 905Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-0 0 0 46 0Articles of Leather Used in Machinery and 4204-0 0 2 38 3Articles of Leather NES 4205-0 0 0 5 0Newsprint, in Rolls or Sheets 4801-0 0 0 6 0Printed Books, Brochures and Similar Printed Matter 4901-0 0 0 87 0Woven Fabrics of Silk or Silk Waste 5007-0 0 0 94 0Cotton, Not Carded Or Combed 5201-0 0 12 184 106Cotton Waste Including Yarn Waste etc. 5202-0 0 0 1,086 118Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton more than 85% 5205-0 0 0 99 0Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton less than 85% 5206-

19,779 198 7 1,991 1,817Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt < 5208-0 0 99 3,396 4,252Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-

66,764 668 890 7,262 5,579Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt < 5210-21,591 216 48 1,361 1,188Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt > 5211-13,329 133 0 441 232Woven Cotton Fabrics NES 5212-13,571 136 0 136 27True Hemp, not Spun, Tow and Waste of Hemp 5302-

0 0 0 0 30Yarn of Vegetable Textile Fibers NES, Paper Yarn 5308-0 0 0 0 58Woven Fabric of Synthetic Filament Yarn 5407-

172,873 1,729 677 8,547 12,045Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5513-1,916 19 57 742 961Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Knotted 5701-1,766 18 178 330 516Woven Terry Fabrics and Tufted Textile Fabric NES 5802-

0 0 .. 3 1Labels, Badges and Similar Type of Textiles 5807-44 .. 0 .. 0Embroidery in the Piece, In Strips or in Motifs 5810-

0 0 0 0 61Gum Covered Fabric; Tracing Cloth; Paint Canvas 5901-0 0 26 11 37Textile Fabrics, Theatrical Scenery, Back-Cloths 5907-0 0 0 0 89Pile Fabrics and Terry Fabrics Knitted or Crocheted 6001-0 0 .. 1 ..Gents Overcoats, Car-Coats, Caps, Cloaks and 6101-0 0 0 89 90Ladies Overcoats, Car-Coats, Caps, Cloaks and 6102-0 0 45 94 233Gents Suits, Ensembles, Jackets etc. Kn/Cr 6103-

734 7 0 19 16Ladies Suits, Ensembles etc. Kn/Cr 6104-0 0 26 513 469Gents Shirts, Knitted or Crocheted 6105-

1,251 13 0 83 0Gents Underpants, Briefs, Nightshirts etc. Kn/Cr 6107-0 0 0 138 0Ladies Slips, Petticoats, Briefs, Paints etc. Kn/Cr 6108-

148 1 0 7 32T-Shirts, Singlets and other Vests Kn/Cr 6109-158 2 5 118 28Sweaters, Pullovers, Vests etc. Kn/Cr 6110-

0 0 0 0 21Babies' Garments and Accessories Kn/Cr 6111-319 3 14 30 107Track Suits, Ski Suits and Swimwear Kn/Cr 6112-

0 0 0 37 9Garments, Made-ups Kn/Cr etc. of Rubber or Plastic 6113-9,435 94 113 452 617Panty hose, Socks and other Hosiery Kn/Cr 6115-1,550 16 51 210 336Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Knitted or Crocheted 6116-

0 0 1 0 75Made-up Clothing Accessories NES Kn/Cr 6117-

Page 57: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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83 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

5,374 54 2 509 137Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-374 4 26 136 57Women's or Girls' Suits, Ensembles etc. Not Kn/Cr. 6204-

0 0 0 0 100Men's or Boys' Shirts, Not Kn/Cr 6205-0 0 0 16 0Men's or Boys' Undershirts etc Not Kn/Cr 6207-0 0 0 62 0Track Suits, Ski-Suits and Swimwear, Not Knitted 6211-0 0 69 58 77Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Not Knitted or Crocheted 6216-

3,926 39 0 244 112Made-Up Clothing Accessories NES 6217-0 0 21 52 44Blankets and Traveling Rugs 6301-

392,754 3,928 4,728 28,021 28,630Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-0 0 50 54 138Curtains and Interior Blinds, Curtain or Bed 6303-0 0 0 332 103Furnishing Articles of Textile Materials NES 6304-0 0 0 .. 0Sacks and Bags of Textile Material for Packing 6305-

1,603 16 33 110 73Tarpaulins, Sails, Awnings and Tents etc. 6306-3,780 38 87 186 586Made-Up Articles of Textile Materials NES 6307-

0 0 0 0 15Worn Clothing and other Worn Textile Articles 6309-0 0 0 0 8Used or New Rags, Scrap Twine etc of Text Material 6310-0 0 0 0 38Footwear, Outer Sole Rubber, Plastic or Leather 6403-0 0 0 0 ..Worked Monumental or Building Stone and Articles 6802-0 0 0 0 ..Articles of Stone or Other Mineral Substance NES 6815-0 0 0 26 0Glassware for Table, Kitchen, Toilet etc. NES 7013-0 0 0 0 ..Imitation Jewelry 7117-0 0 0 0 2Chain and Parts of Iron or Steel 7315-0 0 0 0 36Articles of Iron or Steel, NES 7326-0 0 0 0 50Aluminum, Unwrought 7601-0 0 0 0 2Files, Rasps, Pliers, Metal cutting Shears etc. 8203-0 0 0 2 0Hand tools NES Like Blow, Torches, Anvils etc. 8205-0 0 0 1 0Interchange Tools for Hand or Machine Tools 8207-0 0 0 6 0Hand Operated Mechanical Appliances 8210-0 0 0 57 15Articles of Cutlery NES and Manicure Sets etc. 8214-0 0 0 6 0Industrial or Lab Furnaces, Ovens and Parts 8417-0 0 0 0 5Self-Propelled Bulldozers, Graders, Scrapers etc. 8429-0 0 6 0 6Machinery NES used for Food and Drink and Parts 8438-0 0 0 3 0Tools for Working in the Hand, Pneumatic etc. 8467-0 0 61 0 142Tractors Other Than Work Trucks used for Short 8701-0 0 0 0 6Parts and Accessories for Motor Vehicles 8708-

18,125 181 60 1,223 964Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-0 0 0 0 1Parts etc. of Musical Instruments, Metronomes 9209-0 0 0 0 1Furniture NES and Parts Thereof 9403-

12,923 129 70 620 345Mattress Supports, Articles of Bedding etc 9404-39,821 398 287 2,273 1,788Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-

China 186,173 2,024,004233,429 2,023,53818,613,1250 0 206 58 281Live Horses, Asses, Mules and Hinnies 1010 -0 0 0 25 18Live Bovine Animals 1020 -

1,176 12 28 318 851Live Animals NES 1060 -0 0 507 70 507Meat of Bovine Animals, Fresh or Chilled 2010 -

58,434 584 0 3,167 380Meat of Bovine Animals, Frozen 2020 -0 0 0 114 22Meat of Swine, Fresh, Chilled or Frozen 2030 -0 0 18 364 132Meat of Sheep or Goats, Fresh, Chilled or Frozen 2040 -0 0 0 409 0Meat of Horses, Asses, Mules, Hinnies; Fresh, 2050 -0 0 0 499 332Edible Offal of Bovine Animals; Swine, Sheep, 2060 -0 0 0 28 90Meat and Edible Offal of Poultry, Fresh, Chilled or 2070 -0 0 0 1 0Other Meat & Edible Offal ; Fresh, Chilled or Frozen 2080 -

1,992 20 0 476 60Fish, Live 3010 -0 0 6 200 42Fish, Fresh or Chilled (Not Fish Fillets & other Fish 3020 -

164,781 1,648 1,459 19,347 14,702Fish Frozen (Not Fish Fillets & other Fish Meat) 3030 -

Page 58: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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Export of Goods and Services March 2014 84

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

39,091 391 587 3,880 5,479Fish Fillets and other Fish Meat, Fresh, Chilled or 3040 -23,908 239 360 1,167 3,107Fish Dried, Salted or in Brine; Smoked etc; Ed 3050 -43,807 438 318 6,735 5,790Crustaceans; Live, Fresh etc, and Cooked etc. 3060 -

0 0 23 0 23Natural Honey 4090 -0 0 0 96 0Human Hair, Unworked and Waste of Human Hair 5010 -

408 4 12 53 121Guts, Bladders, Stomachs of Animals (Not Fish) 5040 -6,486 65 0 65 5Bones & Horn - Cores, Unworked, Defatted, Simply 5060 -

0 0 23 12 23Ivory, Tortoise-Shell, Whalebone etc. 5070 -1,619 16 0 123 0Coral, Shell of Molluscs etc. unworked or Simply 5080 -

0 0 0 30 47Animal Products NES, Inedible Dead Animals 5110 -0 0 0 22 13Bulbs, Tubers, Tuberous Roots, Corms, Chicory 6010 -0 0 48 0 270Potatoes, Fresh or Chilled 7010 -0 0 167 0 167Leguminous Vegetables, Shelled or not, Fresh or 7080 -0 0 0 66 0Other Vegetables NES Fresh or Chilled 7090 -

557 6 0 847 408Vegetables, Dried, Whole, Cut etc. not further 7120 -6,459 65 0 704 14Leguminous Vegetables, Dried Shelled 7130 -

0 0 0 0 1Coconuts, Brazil Nuts & Cashew Nuts, Fresh or Dry 8010 -0 0 0 672 71Other Nuts NES Fresh or Dried Whether Shelled or 8020 -0 0 0 389 25Dates, Figs, Pineapples, Avocados etc, Fr or Dried 8040 -0 0 0 0 30Citrus Fruit, Fresh or Dried 8050 -0 0 0 6 0Fruit NES Fresh 8100 -

3,999 40 0 12,484 10,248Fruit Dried NES Mixtures of Nuts or Dried Fruit 8130 -0 0 0 117 30Pepper, Genus Piper; Genus Capsicum or Pimento 9040 -0 0 0 494 503Seeds of Anise, Badian, Fennel, Coriander, Cumin 9090 -0 0 0 0 100Ginger, Saffron, Turmeric, Thyme, Bay Leaves, 9100 -0 0 0 0 516Wheat and Meslin 1001-0 0 0 179 0Oats 1004-0 0 0 565 3,995Maize (Corn) 1005-

1,670,969 16,713 24,514 98,615 218,927Rice 1006-7,656 77 0 77 0Buckwheat, Millet and Canary Seed; other Cereals 1008-

969 10 0 10 0Wheat or Meslin Flour 1101-0 0 0 211 0Cereal Groats, Meal and Pellets 1103-0 0 0 31 0Flour, Meal and Flakes of Potatoes 1105-

5,198 52 110 247 126Starches; Inulin 1108-0 0 0 4,891 0Rape or Colza Seeds, Whether or Not Broken 1205-

76,046 761 0 6,413 2,868Other Oil Seeds and Oleaginous Fruits NES 1207-1,788 18 7 129 2,989Flour and Meals of Oil Seeds or Oleaginous Fruits 1208-

255 3 0 43 19Seeds, Fruit and Spores, for Sowing 1209-0 0 25 0 274Hop Cones, Fresh or Dried; Lupulin 1210-

779 8 24 580 265Plants etc. for Pharmacy, Perfume, Insecticides etc. 1211-0 0 0 27 0Locust Beans, Seaweeds and other Algae, Sugar Beet 1212-

9,501 95 29 1,104 574Cereal Straw and Husks 1213-1,927 19 27 240 1,431Lac; Natural Gums, Resins, Gum-Resins and 1301-

129,660 1,297 2,720 13,389 10,489Vegetable Saps and Extracts: Pectates, Agar-Agar 1302-296 3 0 24 0Vegetable Plaiting Materials Like Bamboos, Reeds 1401-

1,731 17 258 1,053 1,007Vegetable Products NES 1404-0 0 0 25 0Fats and Oils and their Fractions of Fish and Marine 1504-0 0 0 100 0Soybean Oil and Its Fractions 1507-0 0 0 44 0Other Fixed Vegetable Fats and Oils NES, Not 1515-0 0 0 0 687Sausages and Similar Products of Meat and Blood 1601-0 0 0 0 18Prepared or Preserved Meat, Meat Offal and Blood 1602-

1,957 20 0 384 2,494Prepared or Preserved Fish, Caviar and Caviar 1604-1,974 20 161 940 1,775Crustaceans Molluscs etc Prepared or Preserved 1605-5,886 59 295 839 295Cane or Beet Sugar and Sucrose in Solid Form 1701-

0 0 0 15 0Other Sugar NES 1702-0 0 0 0 1,133Molasses Extracted from Sugar 1703-

Page 59: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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85 State Bank of Pakistan

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5,258 53 79 204 485Sugar Confectionery including White Chocolate not 1704-0 0 0 0 118Cocoa Beans 1801-0 0 75 0 139Malt Extracts; Food Prep. of Flour etc. Under 50% 1901-0 0 0 0 16Pasta and Couscous, Prepared or Not 1902-0 0 3 0 3Foods Prep. by Swelling Cereal; Cereal NES, Grain 1904-0 0 0 0 9Vegetable, Fruit, Nuts Etc, Prep Or Pres By Vinegar 2001-0 0 0 0 22Vegetables Prepared or Preserved NES not Frozen 2005-0 0 0 22 0Jams, Fruit Jellies, Marmalades etc. Cooked 2007-0 0 0 614 0Fruit, Nuts etc. Prepared or Preserved NES 2008-0 0 16 0 16Fruit Juices including Grape Must and Vegtable 2009-

9,998 100 0 100 0Food Preparations NES 2106-0 0 0 0 11Waters, Natural etc. Not Sweetened, Ice and Snow 2201-0 0 1 36 1Waters, Sweetened etc and other Nonalcoholic 2202-

1,745 17 47 1,578 2,134Ethyl Alcohol, Strength: more than 80% Alcohol 2207-98,201 982 1,886 5,003 4,915Flour, Meal etc. of Meat etc, Not For Human 2301-19,642 196 0 196 730Bran, Sharps and other Residue 2302-

488,374 4,885 0 43,266 10,091Other Oilcakes NES From Vegetable Fats and Oils 2306-0 0 0 0 4Tobacco and Tobacco Refuse 2401-0 0 0 11 0Tobacco and Tobacco Substitutes Manufactured 2403-

11,590 116 92 1,169 601Salt, Pure Sodium Chloride, Sea Water 2501-24,972 250 353 3,668 2,227Natural Sands Of All Kinds, Except Metal-Bearing 2505-

253 3 0 3 10Quartz (Other Than Natural Sands); Quartzite 2506-0 0 0 73 522Natural Calcium, Phosphates and Its Chalk 2510-0 0 0 5 0Natural Barium Sulfate; Nat Barium Carbonate NES 2511-0 0 0 0 5Pumice, Emery, Natural Corundum and Garnet etc 2513-

332,183 3,323 4,697 33,319 25,898Marble, Travertine etc. and Alabaster, Crude etc. 2515-0 0 48 167 48Granite, Porphyry, Basalt etc., Crude or Cut etc. 2516-

5,148 51 63 572 554Pebbles, Gravel etc. Macadam of Slag, Dross etc. 2517-496 5 2 5 263Gypsum; Anhydrite; Plasters etc. 2520-

0 0 0 16 0Limestone Flux, Limestone and Other Calcareous 2521-0 0 0 209 493Portland Cement, Aluminous Cement and Slag 2523-0 0 41 54 124Mica, Including Splitting and Mica Waste 2525-

3,407 34 93 664 618Natural Steatite Roughly Trimmed etc. 2526-0 0 5 0 59Feldspar; Lucite; Nepheline and Syenite 2529-0 0 0 0 18Mineral Substances NES 2530-

86,135 862 117 5,132 2,350Iron Ores and Concentrates 2601-10,995 110 350 2,514 2,346Manganese Ores and Concentrates 2602-

6,388 64 102 631 375Copper Ores and Concentrates 2603-0 0 0 56 24Lead Ores and Concentrates 2607-

559,117 5,592 10,265 57,966 67,156Chromium Ores and Concentrates 2610-0 0 0 416 0Tungsten Ores and Concentrates 2611-0 0 0 0 343Titanium Ores and Concentrates 2614-0 0 73 464 405Ores And Concentrates NES 2617-0 0 92 1,324 1,179Slag, Dross, Scaling and Other Waste of Iron / Steel 2619-

10,886 109 0 20,108 0Oil from Petrol and Bituminous Mineral etc. 2710-0 0 15 0 15Petroleum Jelly; Mineral Waxes and Similar 2712-0 0 0 48 0Electrical Energy 2716-0 0 32 0 32Sodium Hydroxide and Potassium Hydroxide etc. 2815-

2,272 23 0 23 29Iron Oxides and Hydroxides 2821-0 0 0 0 48Silicates; Commercial Alkali Metal Silicates 2839-0 0 0 39 0Hydrogen Peroxide 2847-0 0 0 4 0Halogenated Derivatives of Hydrocarbons 2903-0 0 0 73 67Saturated Acyclic Monocarboxylic Acid etc. 2915-0 0 0 17 44Polycarboxylic Acids and Anhydrides etc. 2917-0 0 0 4 0Phosphoric Esters and Salts, Lacto phosphates etc. 2919-0 0 0 12 0Heterocyclic Compounds with Oxygen 2932-

Page 60: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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Export of Goods and Services March 2014 86

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 1 0Heterocyclic Compounds with Nitrogen 2933-0 0 0 2 0Provitamins and Vitamins and Derivatives 2936-0 0 0 54 0Sugars, Chemically Pure 2940-0 0 0 1 6Antibiotics 2941-

5,886 59 0 59 0Glands and other Organs for Organo-Therapeutic 3001-0 0 0 20 0Human Blood or Animal Blood Prepared for 3002-0 0 242 0 242Medicaments Mixtures for Therapeutic Use 3003-0 0 15 98 15Medicaments NES 3004-0 0 0 593 35Wading, Gauze, Bandages etc. 3005-0 0 0 9 11Pharmaceutical Goods 3006-0 0 0 85 37Synthetic Organic Coloring Matter 3204-

2,083 21 0 558 2,269Other Color Matters 3206-0 0 0 90 0Paints and Varnish of Synthetic Polymers Dissolved 3209-

6,332 63 0 82 93Prepared Driers 3211-0 0 0 10 0Pigments Dispersed in Non-aqueous Liquid 3212-0 0 0 0 98Artists’ Colors etc in Tablets, Tubes, Jars etc. 3213-

2,223 22 9 22 166Odoriferous Mixtures as Raw Materials for Industry 3302-0 0 0 10 0Preparations for Use on Hair 3305-0 0 0 1,020 217Soap, Organic Surf-Act Products used for Soap 3401-

499 5 21 34 44Organic Surf-Act Agents and Products other than 3402-0 0 0 0 21Lubricating Preparations, Antirust and Treating 3403-0 0 0 310 0Polishes and Creams for Leather, Wood etc. 3405-

5,886 59 0 59 0Casein, Caseinates and other Casein Derivatives 3501-0 0 0 0 ..Photo Plates and Film Flat, Sensitized, Unexposed 3701-0 0 232 1,025 649Artificial Graphite, Colloidal Graphite and 3801-0 0 0 67 21Insecticides, Rodenticides and Fungicides etc. Retail 3808-0 0 18 37 69Finishing Agents etc. for Textiles, Paper etc NES 3809-0 0 0 18 0Reaction Initiator, Reaction Accelerator etc. NES 3815-0 0 0 0 37Industrial Monocarboxylic Fatty Acid and Alcohols 3823-0 0 0 71 18Prepared binders for foundry moulds or cores 3824-

8,367 84 254 3,222 1,282Polymers of Ethylene, in Primary Forms 3901-2,691 27 0 27 1Polymers of Propylene or other Olefins, Primary 3902-2,349 24 0 136 0Polymers of Styrene in Primary Forms 3903-

0 0 2 3 2,090Polymers of Vinyl Chloride etc. in Primary Forms 3904-0 0 0 45 0Polymers of Vinyl Acetate and other Vinyl 3905-0 0 0 7 0Acrylic Polymers in Primary Forms 3906-

61,944 620 740 4,140 5,011Polyesters, Epoxides and Polyesters, Primary Forms 3907-0 0 0 33 0Polyamides in Primary Forms 3908-0 0 0 144 0Amino-Resins, Phenolic and Polyurethane, Primary 3909-0 0 0 0 31Silicones in Primary Forms 3910-0 0 0 0 27Natural Polymers Modified NES Primary Form 3913-

229,935 2,300 2,441 20,344 17,924Waste, Parings and Scrap, of Plastics 3915-0 0 63 66 144Monofilament of Cross-Sectional Dimension 3916-

3,725 37 0 161 0Self-Adhesive Plates, Sheets, Film etc. of Plastics 3919-0 0 0 160 554Plates, Sheets, Film etc. 3920-0 0 0 0 27Plates, Sheets, Film, Foil and Strip NES Plastics 3921-0 0 0 10 0Baths, Washbasins, Lavatory Seats etc. of Plastics 3922-

17,915 179 169 1,166 646Containers: Boxes, Bags, Closures etc, Plastic 3923-0 0 0 166 0Tableware and other Household Articles etc, Plastics 3924-

887 9 0 9 0Builders' Ware of Plastics, NES 3925-0 0 90 117 206Articles of Plastics Including Polymers and Resins 3926-0 0 0 0 21Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 4001-0 0 0 56 34Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 4002-0 0 0 20 606Waste of Rubber and Powder Obtain thereof 4004-0 0 0 0 11New Pneumatic Tires of Rubber 4011-0 0 0 14 21Articles of Apparel and Clothing Acc. of Rubber 4015-

Page 61: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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87 State Bank of Pakistan

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0 0 0 172 329Raw Hides and Skins of Bovine or Equine Animals 4101-0 0 149 136 1,263Raw Skins of Sheep or Lambs NES 4102-0 0 0 19 399Raw Hides and Skins NES 4103-

68,636 687 75 2,657 406Bovine or Equine Leather, No Hair NES 4104-0 0 197 106 342Sheep or Lamb Skin Leather, No Wool NES 4105-0 0 0 69 203Goat or Kidskin Leather, No Hair NES 4106-

101,384 1,014 836 8,846 6,677Leather of Animals NES, No Hair NES 4107-87,127 871 579 6,051 4,424Leather further prepared after tanning (sheep, lamb) 4112-

155,220 1,553 2,967 22,602 22,627Leather further prepared after tanning (other animal) 4113-335 3 2 127 479Saddlery, Harness, Traces and Leads etc. 4201-

3,907 39 0 185 42Travel Goods, Handbags, Wallets, Jewelry Cases etc. 4202-35,737 357 110 2,820 2,508Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-

1,573 16 0 615 1,199Articles of Leather Used in Machinery and 4204-37,757 378 630 836 7,595Articles of Leather NES 4205-

0 0 0 26 310Tanned or Dressed Furskins including Heads, Tails 4302-0 0 0 0 3Packing Cases etc. of Wood; Pallets etc. 4415-0 0 0 10 24Articles of Wood NES 4421-0 0 0 311 0Plaits etc and Products of Plaiting Materials 4601-0 0 0 0 62Pulps of Fibrous Cellulosic Material NES 4706-0 0 0 50 1Kraft Paper and Paperboard Uncoated NES 4804-0 0 0 370 13Paper and Paperboard Uncoated NES, Rolls or 4805-

1,990 20 0 40 0Paper, Paperboard, Wading etc. Coated etc NES 4811-0 0 14 0 14Wallpaper and Similar Wall Coverings 4814-0 0 0 5 0Toilet Paper, Paper Tissues, Towels, Napkins etc. 4818-0 0 0 .. 0Cartons, Boxes, Cases, Bags and other Packing 4819-0 0 0 19 0Registers, Notebooks, Order Book, Receipt Book 4820-0 0 0 20 9Paper and Paperboard Labels of all Kinds 4821-0 0 0 0 204Bobbins, Spools etc. of Paper Pulp, Paper and 4822-0 0 0 2 21Other Paper and Paperboard and Articles NES 4823-0 0 0 110 0Silk Yarn, Not Spun From Waste Not Retail 5004-

2,689 27 67 690 742Woven Fabrics of Silk or Silk Waste 5007-0 0 0 0 100Wool, Not Carded or Combed 5101-

3,371 34 11 170 31Fine or Coarse Animal Hair, Not Carded or Combed 5102-9,050 91 114 115 114Waste of Wool, Fine or Coarse Animal Hair 5103-

0 0 0 59 287Wool and Fine or Coarse Animal Hair, Carded or 5105-0 0 0 269 0Yarn of Carded Wool, Not for Retail Sale 5106-

200,422 2,005 6,638 36,582 29,557Cotton, Not Carded Or Combed 5201-178,818 1,789 1,915 12,932 14,046Cotton Waste Including Yarn Waste etc. 5202-

88,830 889 1,421 6,241 12,341Cotton, Carded or Combed 5203-80,831 808 2,982 15,588 31,720Cotton Sewing Thread, Retail Packed or Not 5204-

9,542,047 95,442 114,947 1,059,293 989,686Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton more than 85% 5205-0 0 1,193 3,250 3,213Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton less than 85% 5206-

68,127 681 2,258 21,112 22,041Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Retail Packed 5207-875,337 8,755 7,504 76,691 77,045Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt < 5208-

1,186,828 11,871 12,845 127,534 115,922Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-57,068 571 903 3,075 4,318Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt < 5210-12,193 122 103 982 1,323Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt > 5211-

296,962 2,970 3,121 25,968 32,680Woven Cotton Fabrics NES 5212-0 0 0 0 52True Hemp, not Spun, Tow and Waste of Hemp 5302-0 0 0 107 14Jute and other Textile Bast Fibers NES 5303-0 0 111 59 828Yarn of Vegetable Textile Fibers NES, Paper Yarn 5308-0 0 0 0 46Woven Fabrics of Jute or Other Textile Bast Fibres 5310-0 0 0 147 3Synthetic Filament Yarn Not Sewing Thread, Not 5402-

10,738 107 0 107 0Artificial Filament Yarn Not Sewing Thread, Not 5403-0 0 306 217 577Synthetic Monofilament of 67 Decitex or More 5404-

27,142 271 103 2,528 103Artificial Monofilament >67 Decitex Width <5mm 5405-

Page 62: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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Export of Goods and Services March 2014 88

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 108 0Manmade Filament Yarn Not Sewing Thread, Retail 5406-3,546 35 57 1,194 1,155Woven Fabric of Synthetic Filament Yarn 5407-

0 0 0 127 0Synthetic Staple Fibers, Not Carded, Combed etc. 5503-0 0 0 0 57Artificial Staple Fibers, Not Carded, Combed etc. 5504-

10,681 107 0 264 107Waste of Manmade Fibers Including Noils etc. 5505-0 0 0 63 0Synthetic Staple Fibres, Carded, Combed etc. 5506-

13,789 138 50 953 1,938Yarn Not for Sewing Thread, Synthetic Staple 5509-0 0 0 198 135Yarn (Not Sew Thread), Art Staple Fib, Not Retail 5510-0 0 0 0 34Yarn (No SewingThread), Manmade Staple Fiber, 5511-0 0 122 323 122Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5512-

28,920 289 409 1,405 2,109Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5513-0 0 104 1 371Woven Fabric, Synthetic < 85% of Fibre Mix 5514-0 0 0 0 195Woven Fabrics of Artificial Staple Fibers 5516-0 0 0 43 59Textile Wadding and Articles; Text Fiber Not Over 5 5601-0 0 0 16 0Rubber Thread and Cord, Text Covered, Textile 5604-

687 7 0 7 43Metallised Yarn and Textile Yarn 5605-2,494 25 22 275 799Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Knotted 5701-

0 0 0 0 44Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Woven 5702-0 0 0 0 5Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Tufted 5703-0 0 0 1 0Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Felt 5704-0 0 0 100 150Other Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings 5705-

12,936 129 185 3,759 4,146Woven Terry Fabrics and Tufted Textile Fabric NES 5802-111,013 1,110 903 6,779 3,666Narrow Woven Fabrics Except Labels 5806-

1,424 14 24 125 155Labels, Badges and Similar Type of Textiles 5807-770 8 0 8 80Braids, Ornamental Trim in Pieces Not Knitted, or 5808-

0 0 0 52 0Woven Fabrics of Metal Thread and Metallized Yarn 5809-0 0 0 73 80Embroidery in the Piece, In Strips or in Motifs 5810-0 0 0 2,186 345Gum Covered Fabric; Tracing Cloth; Paint Canvas 5901-0 0 0 64 89Tire Cord Fabric of High Tenacity Yarn of Nylon 5902-0 0 0 94 0Textile Fabrics Coated, Covered or Lamented with 5903-0 0 0 80 0Textile Hose piping and Similar Textile Tubing 5909-0 0 0 0 5Textile Products and Articles for Technical uses 5911-0 0 0 57 36Pile Fabrics and Terry Fabrics Knitted or Crocheted 6001-0 0 0 .. 0Warp Knit fabrics Not of Rubber and Pile Fabrics 6005-0 0 1 39 169Other knitted or crocheted fabrics 6006-0 0 0 26 89Gents Overcoats, Car-Coats, Caps, Cloaks and 6101-0 0 0 0 243Ladies Overcoats, Car-Coats, Caps, Cloaks and 6102-

4,962 50 80 846 1,252Gents Suits, Ensembles, Jackets etc. Kn/Cr 6103-32,685 327 85 1,191 796Ladies Suits, Ensembles etc. Kn/Cr 6104-30,243 302 314 2,697 786Gents Shirts, Knitted or Crocheted 6105-

0 0 65 97 67Gents Blouses and Shirts Kn/Cr 6106-0 0 0 1 39Gents Underpants, Briefs, Nightshirts etc. Kn/Cr 6107-

4,857 49 0 91 75T-Shirts, Singlets and other Vests Kn/Cr 6109-8,812 88 196 749 311Sweaters, Pullovers, Vests etc. Kn/Cr 6110-

0 0 0 0 15Babies' Garments and Accessories Kn/Cr 6111-0 0 77 7 96Track Suits, Ski Suits and Swimwear Kn/Cr 6112-

6,644 66 24 856 387Garments, Made-ups Kn/Cr etc. of Rubber or Plastic 6113-69 1 30 20 543Garments NES Knitted or Crocheted 6114-

17,881 179 139 653 1,155Panty hose, Socks and other Hosiery Kn/Cr 6115-0 0 5 517 48Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Knitted or Crocheted 6116-0 0 0 12 89Made-up Clothing Accessories NES Kn/Cr 6117-0 0 121 987 707Men's or Boys' Overcoats, Cloaks etc. Not Knitted 6201-0 0 0 10 0Women's or Girls' Overcoats etc, Not Knitted or 6202-

114,730 1,148 1,767 8,316 4,856Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-18,095 181 111 1,376 288Women's or Girls' Suits, Ensembles etc. Not Kn/Cr. 6204-

0 0 114 58 481Men's or Boys' Shirts, Not Kn/Cr 6205-

Page 63: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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89 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

596 6 0 6 0Women's or Girls' Blouses, Shirts etc. Not Knitted 6206-0 0 0 161 66Men's or Boys' Undershirts etc Not Kn/Cr 6207-0 0 0 184 117Women's or Girls' Slips etc Not Kn/Cr 6208-0 0 0 25 15Babies' Garments and Accessories Not Kn/Cr 6209-

391 4 18 163 32Track Suits, Ski-Suits and Swimwear, Not Knitted 6211-0 0 33 39 103Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Not Knitted or Crocheted 6216-0 0 0 376 246Made-Up Clothing Accessories NES 6217-0 0 0 18 490Blankets and Traveling Rugs 6301-

283,374 2,834 2,434 23,857 17,913Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-4,642 46 114 897 488Curtains and Interior Blinds, Curtain or Bed 6303-

997 10 0 10 39Furnishing Articles of Textile Materials NES 6304-15,076 151 141 5,648 4,322Sacks and Bags of Textile Material for Packing 6305-12,727 127 156 719 225Tarpaulins, Sails, Awnings and Tents etc. 6306-

0 0 17 390 1,067Made-Up Articles of Textile Materials NES 6307-0 0 0 44 37Worn Clothing and other Worn Textile Articles 6309-0 0 90 52 723Used or New Rags, Scrap Twine etc of Text Material 6310-

2,583 26 0 29 19Footwear, Outer Sole and Upper Rubber or Plastic 6402-1,660 17 65 54 115Footwear, Outer Sole Rubber, Plastic or Leather 6403-

518 5 0 9 0Footwear, Outer Sole Rubber, Plastic or Textile 6404-0 0 0 84 0Hats and Headgear, Knitted etc. Lace etc. 6505-0 0 0 0 72Walking-Sticks, Seat-Sticks, Whips and 6602-0 0 0 0 3Wigs, False Beards of Hair etc. Human Hair Articles 6704-0 0 0 11 8Setts, Curbstone and Flagstones, of Natural Stone 6801-

13,239 132 244 2,763 2,841Worked Monumental or Building Stone and Articles 6802-0 0 0 8 25Millstones etc. For Grinding etc of Various Materials 6804-0 0 0 10 0Abrasive Powder etc. on a Base of Textile Material 6805-

3,116 31 0 111 0Articles of Plaster or Items Based on Plaster 6809-0 0 0 171 0Fabricated Asbestos Fibers, Items of Mixtures etc 6812-

26,567 266 655 4,448 2,845Articles of Stone or Other Mineral Substance NES 6815-49,121 491 646 3,337 6,269Bricks, Blocks, Tiles and Ceramic Goods of 6901-

0 0 0 7 0Refractory Bricks, Blocks, Tiles and Similar Ceramic 6902-0 0 0 0 74Refractory Ceramic Goods, Retorts, Tubes etc. NES 6903-0 0 0 0 3Ceramic Building Bricks, Flooring Blocks, Tile etc. 6904-0 0 0 0 15Cullet and other Waste and Scrap of Glass 7001-0 0 0 56 151Glass Containers for Packing etc and Glass Closures 7010-

5,719 57 8 305 22Precious and Semi Precious Stones NES 7103-0 0 0 54 0Synthetic Precious or Semi precious Stones, Not 7104-0 0 0 0 64Waste and Scrap of Precious Metal or of Metal Clad 7112-0 0 0 0 ..Articles of Jewelry and Parts thereof or Precious 7113-0 0 0 193 0Other Articles of Precious Metal or of Metal Clad 7115-0 0 0 10,668 88,486Spongy Ferrous Products and Iron 99.94% Pure 7203-

5,145 51 0 407 0Ferrous Waste and Scrap 7204-168,456 1,685 1,538 10,464 9,779Pig Iron, Spiegel, Iron or Steel Granules and Powder 7205-

1,887 19 13 33 16Flat-Roll Iron and Non-Alloy >600mm, Clad, Plated 7210-0 0 0 0 ..Flat-rolled Stainless Steel Products more than 7219-0 0 0 12 0Other Alloy Steel in Ingots or Primary Form 7224-0 0 0 3 0Tubes, Pipes and Hollow Profiles of Cast Iron 7303-0 0 0 0 15Table, Kitchen or Household Articles & Parts of Iron 7323-0 0 4 4 8Articles of Iron or Steel, NES 7326-

8,011 80 0 304 54Copper Mattes; Cement Copper, Precipitated Copper 7401-0 0 0 82 72Unrefined Copper; Anodes of Copper for 7402-

19,520 195 0 804 4,481Refined Copper and Copper Alloys, Unwrought 7403-10,875 109 80 55,648 779Copper Waste and Scrap 7404-

0 0 0 0 19Copper Powders and Flakes 7406-0 0 0 0 249Copper Bars, Rods and Profiles 7407-0 0 0 0 5Nickel Powders and Flakes 7504-

Page 64: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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Export of Goods and Services March 2014 90

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 0 351Aluminum, Unwrought 7601-0 0 0 0 246Aluminum Waste and Scrap 7602-0 0 0 69 0Aluminum Powders and Flakes 7603-0 0 0 10,832 0Aluminum Bars, Rods and Profiles 7604-0 0 0 0 4Table, Kitchen or other Household Articles and Parts 7615-0 0 0 180 9Lead, Unwrought 7801-0 0 0 34 0Tin Foil of Thickness Not Exceeding 0.2mm 8005-0 0 4,007 435 6,699Beryllium, Chromium, Germanium, Vanadium, 8112-0 0 0 0 4Hand tools and Tools Used in Agriculture etc. 8201-0 0 4 15 8Files, Rasps, Pliers, Metal cutting Shears etc. 8203-0 0 0 7 7Hand tools NES Like Blow, Torches, Anvils etc. 8205-0 0 0 6 0Hand Operated Mechanical Appliances 8210-

486 5 0 5 0Knives With Blades and Blades for Knives NES 8211-28,914 289 210 1,773 1,161Razors and Razor Blades 8212-

811 8 0 168 76Articles of Cutlery NES and Manicure Sets etc. 8214-0 0 0 10 5Tableware etc. of Base Metal and Parts of Base 8215-

2,898 29 53 74 221Bells, Gongs and the Like, Picture and Frames 8306-0 0 0 5 0Hydraulic Turbines, Water Wheels and Regulators 8410-

311 3 0 4 141Pumps for Liquids; Liquid Elevators; Parts Thereof 8413-0 0 0 20 9Air or Vacuum Pump, Compressors and Fans 8414-0 0 21 17 136Machinery etc for Temperature Change 8419-0 0 95 801 95Weighing Machinery and Weights of all Kinds 8423-0 0 0 7 3Mechenical Appliances etc 8424-0 0 0 30 0Self-Propelled Bulldozers, Graders, Scrapers etc. 8429-0 0 0 0 6Milking and Dairy Machinery and Parts thereof 8434-0 0 0 109 56Machinery NES used for Food and Drink and Parts 8438-0 0 0 0 1Machinery etc NES for Typeset, Making Printing 8442-0 0 0 11 0Printing Machinery, Machines including Ink-Jet 8443-

5,987 60 27 92 27Auxiliary Machinery for use With Textile Machines 8448-0 0 9 0 9Machinery for Work Leather etc and Footwear etc. 8453-0 0 0 0 4Lathes for Removing Metal 8458-0 0 0 0 ..Machine Tools for Drilling, Boring, Milling etc. 8459-0 0 0 13 145Tools for Working in the Hand, Pneumatic etc. 8467-0 0 0 0 235Machinery for Sorting Screening etc. 8474-0 0 81 343 81Molding Boxes for Metal Foundry, Mold Bases etc. 8480-0 0 0 6 0Electrical Transformers, Static Converters and 8504-

10,687 107 0 268 0Electromechanical Domestic Appliances and Parts 8509-0 0 0 443 ..Electric Apparatus for Line Telephony, Telephone 8517-0 0 0 0 49Transmission Apparatus for Radio-telephony etc. 8525-0 0 0 0 112Electrical Apparatus for Switching etc. Not Over 8536-0 0 0 159 0Boards, Panels etc With Electrical Switch Apparatus 8537-0 0 0 11 0Electrical Filament or Discharge Lamps and Parts 8539-0 0 0 .. 0Thermionic, Cold Cathode or Photo cathode Tubes 8540-0 0 0 28 0Parts of Railway or Tramway Locomotives 8607-0 0 0 0 319Tractors Other Than Work Trucks used for Short 8701-0 0 0 30 31Special Purpose Motor Vehicles NES 8705-0 0 0 2 0Chassis Fitted with Engine for Vehicles 8706-0 0 0 0 55Parts and Accessories for Motor Vehicles 8708-0 0 10 0 10Motorcycles and Cycles With Auxiliary Motor 8711-0 0 0 0 1Parts and Accessories of Cycles and Invalid 8714-0 0 0 0 27Yachts and other Vessels for Pleasure etc or Sports 8903-0 0 0 37 0Optical Fibers and Bundles etc. 9001-0 0 0 1,532 0Balances of a Sensitivity more than 5 Cg 9016-

38,454 385 651 7,375 3,507Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-0 0 0 31 0String Musical Instruments NES 9202-0 0 0 0 4Percussion Musical Instruments Drums etc. 9206-

Page 65: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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91 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 7 3Parts etc. of Musical Instruments, Metronomes 9209-0 0 2 13 2Seats and Parts Except Barber, Dental etc. 9401-0 0 0 1 0Medical, Surgical, Dental or Veterinary Furniture 9402-

616 6 0 31 45Furniture NES and Parts Thereof 9403-0 0 0 642 115Mattress Supports, Articles of Bedding etc 9404-

33,289 333 119 1,321 1,751Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-0 0 0 17 0Fishing Rods and Tackle Nets, Decoys etc. 9507-0 0 0 122 14Buttons, Press Studs, Button Mold and Blanks etc. 9606-0 0 0 0 5Pens, Ball Points, Soft Tip and Mechanical Pencils 9608-0 0 0 4 2Paintings, Drawing etc By Hand 9701-0 0 0 .. 0Cardiology / Cardiac Surgery Disposables 9938-0 0 0 3 6Special Transaction NES 9992-

Colombia 4,890 37,6282,732 30,928488,9400 0 0 0 2Fish Frozen (Not Fish Fillets & other Fish Meat) 3030 -0 0 0 7 0Other Vegetables NES Fresh or Chilled 7090 -0 0 0 7 0Vegetables, Dried, Whole, Cut etc. not further 7120 -0 0 0 14 19Lac; Natural Gums, Resins, Gum-Resins and 1301-0 0 67 0 67Cane or Beet Sugar and Sucrose in Solid Form 1701-

1,029 10 43 151 109Sugar Confectionery including White Chocolate not 1704-0 0 0 0 4Vegetables Prepared or Preserved NES not Frozen 2005-0 0 0 0 4Salt, Pure Sodium Chloride, Sea Water 2501-0 0 0 197 0Portland Cement, Aluminous Cement and Slag 2523-

11,539 115 0 188 7Natural Steatite Roughly Trimmed etc. 2526-0 0 0 6 0Antibiotics 2941-0 0 0 18 8Medicaments NES 3004-0 0 0 1 0Pharmaceutical Goods 3006-0 0 0 0 1Synthetic Organic Coloring Matter 3204-0 0 0 9 0Prepared Driers 3211-0 0 0 0 20Prepared binders for foundry moulds or cores 3824-0 0 0 33 0Containers: Boxes, Bags, Closures etc, Plastic 3923-0 0 0 0 14Articles of Plastics Including Polymers and Resins 3926-0 0 0 0 53Articles of Apparel and Clothing Acc. of Rubber 4015-0 0 0 0 6Bovine or Equine Leather, No Hair NES 4104-0 0 3 0 3Leather of Animals NES, No Hair NES 4107-

4,409 44 0 195 182Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-0 0 0 79 0Articles of Leather Used in Machinery and 4204-0 0 6 34 6Articles of Leather NES 4205-0 0 0 0 12Bobbins, Spools etc. of Paper Pulp, Paper and 4822-

5,314 53 0 503 96Woven Fabrics of Silk or Silk Waste 5007-0 0 0 123 0Wool and Fine or Coarse Animal Hair, Carded or 5105-

850 9 38 9 333Cotton Waste Including Yarn Waste etc. 5202-0 0 0 71 0Cotton Sewing Thread, Retail Packed or Not 5204-0 0 0 529 558Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton more than 85% 5205-0 0 0 0 142Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Retail Packed 5207-

34,180 342 5 1,498 2,326Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt < 5208-78,280 783 391 5,432 4,274Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-

113,336 1,134 245 8,131 5,988Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt < 5210-27,944 280 243 1,843 1,351Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt > 5211-

143 1 144 336 257Woven Cotton Fabrics NES 5212-0 0 0 0 15Woven Fabric of Synthetic Filament Yarn 5407-0 0 0 .. 0Yarn Not for Sewing Thread, Synthetic Staple 5509-

113,028 1,131 524 11,476 7,692Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5513-40 .. 0 .. 0Woven Fabric, Synthetic < 85% of Fibre Mix 5514-

0 0 0 0 8Metallised Yarn and Textile Yarn 5605-0 0 0 14 8Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Knotted 5701-

Page 66: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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Export of Goods and Services March 2014 92

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 61 60 232Woven Terry Fabrics and Tufted Textile Fabric NES 5802-0 0 0 15 0Gum Covered Fabric; Tracing Cloth; Paint Canvas 5901-0 0 0 4 0Rubberized Textile Fabrics other Than Tire Cord 5906-0 0 0 17 72Gents Suits, Ensembles, Jackets etc. Kn/Cr 6103-0 0 0 34 34Gents Shirts, Knitted or Crocheted 6105-0 0 0 43 0Sweaters, Pullovers, Vests etc. Kn/Cr 6110-0 0 5 17 5Garments, Made-ups Kn/Cr etc. of Rubber or Plastic 6113-0 0 0 0 5Garments NES Knitted or Crocheted 6114-

3,669 37 0 37 0Panty hose, Socks and other Hosiery Kn/Cr 6115-0 0 0 7 108Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Knitted or Crocheted 6116-

32,706 327 4 1,166 72Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-0 0 0 11 63Women's or Girls' Suits, Ensembles etc. Not Kn/Cr. 6204-0 0 0 0 26Men's or Boys' Shirts, Not Kn/Cr 6205-0 0 0 0 116Track Suits, Ski-Suits and Swimwear, Not Knitted 6211-0 0 0 83 0Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Not Knitted or Crocheted 6216-0 0 0 34 0Made-Up Clothing Accessories NES 6217-

18,266 183 506 2,337 4,043Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-0 0 39 180 211Curtains and Interior Blinds, Curtain or Bed 6303-0 0 0 1 66Made-Up Articles of Textile Materials NES 6307-

928 9 0 9 0Footwear, Outer Sole Rubber, Plastic or Leather 6403-0 0 0 0 11Footwear NES 6405-0 0 29 35 63Articles of Stone or Other Mineral Substance NES 6815-0 0 0 0 25Glassware for Table, Kitchen, Toilet etc. NES 7013-0 0 0 3 2Files, Rasps, Pliers, Metal cutting Shears etc. 8203-0 0 0 0 4Hand tools NES Like Blow, Torches, Anvils etc. 8205-

2,691 27 12 74 76Articles of Cutlery NES and Manicure Sets etc. 8214-0 0 143 568 143Machinery NES used for Food and Drink and Parts 8438-0 0 0 0 68Machines, Knitting and Stitch-Bonding Machines etc 8447-0 0 7 6 7Parts for Machine Like Ultrasonic, Stones Machines 8466-0 0 0 1 0Tools for Working in the Hand, Pneumatic etc. 8467-

11,484 115 54 704 623Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-0 0 0 0 3X-Ray etc Apparatus, Tubes, Panels, Screen and 9022-

15,214 152 99 706 1,096Mattress Supports, Articles of Bedding etc 9404-13,888 139 62 576 189Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-

0 0 1 0 1Fishing Rods and Tackle Nets, Decoys etc. 9507-Comoros 2,774 15,5402,080 16,861277,375

0 0 0 101 0Wheat and Meslin 1001-231,637 2,317 1,297 10,875 12,696Rice 1006-

645 6 0 77 0Wheat or Meslin Flour 1101-0 0 0 61 0Sugar Confectionery including White Chocolate not 1704-0 0 16 0 16Bread, Pastry, Cakes etc 1905-0 0 0 0 3Fruit Juices including Grape Must and Vegtable 2009-

41,400 414 678 3,951 3,419Portland Cement, Aluminous Cement and Slag 2523-3,694 37 0 199 6Medicaments NES 3004-

0 0 0 79 283Soap, Organic Surf-Act Products used for Soap 3401-0 0 0 .. 0Articles of Leather NES 4205-0 0 0 53 0Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton more than 85% 5205-0 0 0 67 0Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt < 5208-0 0 89 0 89Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-0 0 0 0 115Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt < 5210-0 0 0 34 0Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt > 5211-0 0 0 0 71Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5513-0 0 0 0 16Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-0 0 0 0 121Beryllium, Chromium, Germanium, Vanadium, 8112-0 0 0 0 24Machinery NES used for Food and Drink and Parts 8438-

Page 67: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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93 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 44 0Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-0 0 0 0 2Orthopedic Appliances Artificial Body and Parts 9021-

Congo 275 8,874693 7,94427,5390 0 0 0 3Dates, Figs, Pineapples, Avocados etc, Fr or Dried 8040 -0 0 15 297 217Rice 1006-0 0 0 0 11Wheat or Meslin Flour 1101-0 0 0 0 130Prepared or Preserved Fish, Caviar and Caviar 1604-0 0 0 19 130Sugar Confectionery including White Chocolate not 1704-0 0 79 0 79Marble, Travertine etc. and Alabaster, Crude etc. 2515-0 0 0 0 6Antibiotics 2941-0 0 0 45 0Medicaments Mixtures for Therapeutic Use 3003-

8,127 81 10 236 37Medicaments NES 3004-6,091 61 195 408 1,679Matches and Except Pyrotechnic Articles 3605-

0 0 0 0 67Insecticides, Rodenticides and Fungicides etc. Retail 3808-0 0 0 11 0Articles of Plastics Including Polymers and Resins 3926-0 0 120 0 120Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton more than 85% 5205-0 0 0 25 7Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt < 5208-0 0 0 87 0Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-0 0 0 0 40Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt > 5211-0 0 0 0 181Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5513-0 0 0 0 34Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Knotted 5701-0 0 0 36 0Warp Knit fabrics Not of Rubber and Pile Fabrics 6005-0 0 0 0 152Ladies Overcoats, Car-Coats, Caps, Cloaks and 6102-0 0 0 4 0Sweaters, Pullovers, Vests etc. Kn/Cr 6110-0 0 12 0 43Garments, Made-ups Kn/Cr etc. of Rubber or Plastic 6113-0 0 0 53 0Garments NES Knitted or Crocheted 6114-0 0 0 0 148Men's or Boys' Overcoats, Cloaks etc. Not Knitted 6201-0 0 0 0 30Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-

7,478 75 204 739 1,241Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-0 0 0 .. 0Made-Up Articles of Textile Materials NES 6307-0 0 57 50 383Worn Clothing and other Worn Textile Articles 6309-0 0 0 1,261 0Glass Containers for Packing etc and Glass Closures 7010-

5,842 58 0 5,274 2,975Railway / Tramway Track Construction Material of 7302-0 0 0 0 22Aluminum, Unwrought 7601-0 0 0 0 16Aluminum Casks, Cans, Boxes, and Similar 7612-0 0 0 200 0Industrial or Lab Furnaces, Ovens and Parts 8417-0 0 0 0 31Machinery NES used for Food and Drink and Parts 8438-0 0 0 0 18Machinery for Working Rubber or Plastic etc. NES 8477-0 0 0 60 0Tractors Other Than Work Trucks used for Short 8701-0 0 0 0 1Surveying, Hydrographic and Meteorological 9015-0 0 0 70 101Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-0 0 0 0 43Furniture NES and Parts Thereof 9403-

Costa Rica 164 1,812140 1,33316,3780 0 0 6 0Lac; Natural Gums, Resins, Gum-Resins and 1301-0 0 0 21 0Portland Cement, Aluminous Cement and Slag 2523-0 0 0 0 17Prepared Driers 3211-0 0 13 75 94Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-0 0 0 45 9Articles of Leather Used in Machinery and 4204-0 0 0 0 ..Articles of Leather NES 4205-0 0 0 8 0Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt < 5208-0 0 0 108 9Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt < 5210-0 0 0 190 0Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5512-0 0 0 0 26Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5513-0 0 0 31 0Textile Wadding and Articles; Text Fiber Not Over 5 5601-0 0 0 0 8Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Knotted 5701-

Page 68: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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US $Rs.

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Export of Goods and Services March 2014 94

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 103 1Gents Suits, Ensembles, Jackets etc. Kn/Cr 6103-0 0 0 0 4Gents Shirts, Knitted or Crocheted 6105-

7,563 76 0 234 84T-Shirts, Singlets and other Vests Kn/Cr 6109-0 0 19 8 60Track Suits, Ski Suits and Swimwear Kn/Cr 6112-

4,193 42 0 42 4Garments, Made-ups Kn/Cr etc. of Rubber or Plastic 6113-0 0 0 49 42Panty hose, Socks and other Hosiery Kn/Cr 6115-0 0 4 3 27Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-

4,491 45 21 240 239Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-0 0 0 0 17Made-Up Articles of Textile Materials NES 6307-

133 1 0 165 82Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-0 0 0 43 22Mattress Supports, Articles of Bedding etc 9404-0 0 83 440 588Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-

Croatia 927 8,610878 5,90092,6980 0 0 0 ..Guts, Bladders, Stomachs of Animals (Not Fish) 5040 -0 0 0 0 6Animal Products NES, Inedible Dead Animals 5110 -0 0 326 1,199 1,383Rice 1006-0 0 0 17 0Sugar Confectionery including White Chocolate not 1704-0 0 8 0 8Ethyl Alcohol, Strength: more than 80% Alcohol 2207-

756 8 5 18 32Salt, Pure Sodium Chloride, Sea Water 2501-0 0 0 0 8Marble, Travertine etc. and Alabaster, Crude etc. 2515-0 0 0 0 7Natural Steatite Roughly Trimmed etc. 2526-

648 6 0 6 0Medicaments NES 3004-0 0 0 0 1Artists’ Colors etc in Tablets, Tubes, Jars etc. 3213-0 0 0 28 0Organic Surf-Act Agents and Products other than 3402-0 0 0 236 0Polymers of Styrene in Primary Forms 3903-0 0 0 0 16Raw Hides and Skins NES 4103-

581 6 113 237 405Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-0 0 0 0 10Articles of Leather NES 4205-0 0 0 0 2Other Paper and Paperboard and Articles NES 4823-0 0 0 15 0Cotton Waste Including Yarn Waste etc. 5202-0 0 0 0 4Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton more than 85% 5205-

16,321 163 41 592 630Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt < 5208-0 0 1 11 21Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-0 0 100 92 166Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt < 5210-0 0 0 122 199Woven Cotton Fabrics NES 5212-0 0 0 0 3Woven Fabric of Synthetic Filament Yarn 5407-

2,832 28 61 209 230Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5513-0 0 0 1,218 0Twine, Cordage, Rope and Cables 5607-0 0 13 26 13Woven Terry Fabrics and Tufted Textile Fabric NES 5802-0 0 0 0 ..Labels, Badges and Similar Type of Textiles 5807-0 0 0 0 3Ladies Overcoats, Car-Coats, Caps, Cloaks and 6102-0 0 0 15 0Gents Suits, Ensembles, Jackets etc. Kn/Cr 6103-0 0 4 84 4Gents Shirts, Knitted or Crocheted 6105-0 0 1 1 3Gents Blouses and Shirts Kn/Cr 6106-0 0 0 0 22Gents Underpants, Briefs, Nightshirts etc. Kn/Cr 6107-0 0 0 0 3Babies' Garments and Accessories Kn/Cr 6111-0 0 0 0 10Track Suits, Ski Suits and Swimwear Kn/Cr 6112-0 0 0 0 6Garments, Made-ups Kn/Cr etc. of Rubber or Plastic 6113-

231 2 4 13 15Panty hose, Socks and other Hosiery Kn/Cr 6115-444 4 0 93 68Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Knitted or Crocheted 6116-

0 0 3 0 6Men's or Boys' Overcoats, Cloaks etc. Not Knitted 6201-2,523 25 1 67 22Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-

0 0 0 .. 1Women's or Girls' Suits, Ensembles etc. Not Kn/Cr. 6204-0 0 0 29 0Men's or Boys' Undershirts etc Not Kn/Cr 6207-0 0 0 16 11Track Suits, Ski-Suits and Swimwear, Not Knitted 6211-

Page 69: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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95 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 2 0 2Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Not Knitted or Crocheted 6216-0 0 0 53 0Made-Up Clothing Accessories NES 6217-0 0 0 77 40Blankets and Traveling Rugs 6301-

28,921 289 158 2,927 1,906Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-5,615 56 2 247 94Made-Up Articles of Textile Materials NES 6307-

0 0 0 0 35Worn Clothing and other Worn Textile Articles 6309-12,712 127 0 279 166Footwear, Outer Sole Rubber, Plastic or Leather 6403-19,632 196 0 196 85Parts of Footwear: Insoles, Gaiters etc. Parts 6406-

0 0 0 18 0Worked Monumental or Building Stone and Articles 6802-0 0 17 0 34Glassware for Table, Kitchen, Toilet etc. NES 7013-0 0 0 6 0Tools for Working in the Hand, Pneumatic etc. 8467-0 0 0 0 57Tractors Other Than Work Trucks used for Short 8701-

261 3 5 125 21Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-0 0 0 3 0Mattress Supports, Articles of Bedding etc 9404-

1,220 12 13 336 143Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-Cuba 242 1,011301 2,80224,222

0 0 0 0 22Live Horses, Asses, Mules and Hinnies 1010 -0 0 0 0 10Fish, Fresh or Chilled (Not Fish Fillets & other Fish 3020 -0 0 0 11 0Rice 1006-0 0 0 1 0Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-0 0 0 0 243Woven Fabrics of Silk or Silk Waste 5007-0 0 0 122 0Woven Fabrics of Carded Wool or Fine Animal Hair 5111-

15,821 158 23 158 102Cotton Waste Including Yarn Waste etc. 5202-0 0 58 116 393Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton more than 85% 5205-0 0 0 66 101Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt < 5208-0 0 0 274 0Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt < 5210-0 0 62 0 62Woven Cotton Fabrics NES 5212-0 0 65 0 402Yarn of Vegetable Textile Fibers NES, Paper Yarn 5308-0 0 93 0 93Yarn Not for Sewing Thread, Synthetic Staple 5509-

7,988 80 0 158 155Woven Fabric, Synthetic < 85% of Fibre Mix 5514-0 0 0 0 222Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibers NES 5515-0 0 0 0 1Warp Knit fabrics Not of Rubber and Pile Fabrics 6005-0 0 0 100 240Other knitted or crocheted fabrics 6006-0 0 0 0 8Gents Overcoats, Car-Coats, Caps, Cloaks and 6101-0 0 0 0 19Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Knitted or Crocheted 6116-0 0 0 0 115Women's or Girls' Suits, Ensembles etc. Not Kn/Cr. 6204-0 0 0 0 87Blankets and Traveling Rugs 6301-

413 4 0 4 473Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-0 0 0 0 10Bricks, Blocks, Tiles and Ceramic Goods of 6901-0 0 0 0 2Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-0 0 0 0 43Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-

Cyprus 560 9,341978 5,08256,0050 0 0 0 25Fish Fillets and other Fish Meat, Fresh, Chilled or 3040 -0 0 0 25 17Citrus Fruit, Fresh or Dried 8050 -0 0 18 275 153Rice 1006-0 0 15 0 15Wheat or Meslin Flour 1101-

8,075 81 0 81 0Cane or Beet Sugar and Sucrose in Solid Form 1701-0 0 13 0 13Sugar Confectionery including White Chocolate not 1704-0 0 0 69 0Fruit Juices including Grape Must and Vegtable 2009-

126 1 0 2 0Food Preparations NES 2106-0 0 0 9 0Salt, Pure Sodium Chloride, Sea Water 2501-0 0 0 6 0Marble, Travertine etc. and Alabaster, Crude etc. 2515-0 0 0 15 0Saturated Acyclic Monocarboxylic Acid etc. 2915-

1,356 14 496 5,888 496Medicaments Mixtures for Therapeutic Use 3003-0 0 0 0 494Medicaments NES 3004-

Page 70: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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Export of Goods and Services March 2014 96

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 0 29Raw Hides and Skins NES 4103-0 0 0 15 21Leather further prepared after tanning (other animal) 4113-0 0 0 63 74Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-0 0 3 0 3Articles of Leather Used in Machinery and 4204-0 0 0 54 0Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton more than 85% 5205-

1,365 14 .. 113 230Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt < 5208-0 0 0 26 32Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-

3,956 40 0 147 202Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt < 5210-19,814 198 70 572 336Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt > 5211-

0 0 0 0 76Woven Cotton Fabrics NES 5212-0 0 0 0 2Woven Fabric of Synthetic Filament Yarn 5407-

3,254 33 7 190 208Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5513-791 8 0 66 6Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Knotted 5701-

0 0 26 20 85Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Woven 5702-0 0 0 12 0Woven Terry Fabrics and Tufted Textile Fabric NES 5802-

151 2 0 9 1Labels, Badges and Similar Type of Textiles 5807-0 0 0 0 1Textile Products and Articles for Technical uses 5911-0 0 0 17 0Gents Suits, Ensembles, Jackets etc. Kn/Cr 6103-0 0 0 25 0Ladies Suits, Ensembles etc. Kn/Cr 6104-0 0 76 4 97Gents Shirts, Knitted or Crocheted 6105-0 0 0 0 51Gents Blouses and Shirts Kn/Cr 6106-0 0 0 0 1T-Shirts, Singlets and other Vests Kn/Cr 6109-0 0 0 .. 0Sweaters, Pullovers, Vests etc. Kn/Cr 6110-0 0 8 0 8Track Suits, Ski Suits and Swimwear Kn/Cr 6112-0 0 0 98 8Garments, Made-ups Kn/Cr etc. of Rubber or Plastic 6113-0 0 0 8 0Garments NES Knitted or Crocheted 6114-0 0 11 0 45Panty hose, Socks and other Hosiery Kn/Cr 6115-0 0 0 0 39Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Knitted or Crocheted 6116-0 0 15 10 119Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-

1,035 10 0 10 16Women's or Girls' Suits, Ensembles etc. Not Kn/Cr. 6204-640 6 9 6 9Men's or Boys' Undershirts etc Not Kn/Cr 6207-

0 0 0 2 13Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Not Knitted or Crocheted 6216-0 0 16 4 22Made-Up Clothing Accessories NES 6217-

10,862 109 182 1,127 1,778Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-0 0 0 2 0Curtains and Interior Blinds, Curtain or Bed 6303-0 0 0 69 24Sacks and Bags of Textile Material for Packing 6305-0 0 0 0 21Tarpaulins, Sails, Awnings and Tents etc. 6306-

743 7 3 39 118Made-Up Articles of Textile Materials NES 6307-0 0 0 0 10Footwear, Outer Sole and Upper Rubber or Plastic 6402-0 0 0 97 50Footwear, Outer Sole Rubber, Plastic or Leather 6403-0 0 0 36 0Worked Monumental or Building Stone and Articles 6802-0 0 0 0 6Articles of Stone or Other Mineral Substance NES 6815-0 0 0 1 0Tubes, Pipes and Hollow Profiles of Cast Iron 7303-0 0 0 1 0Knives With Blades and Blades for Knives NES 8211-0 0 0 0 9Articles of Cutlery NES and Manicure Sets etc. 8214-0 0 0 0 5Tableware etc. of Base Metal and Parts of Base 8215-0 0 3 0 3Clasps, Frames, Buckles, Hooks etc. Beads and 8308-0 0 0 0 1Machinery NES used for Food and Drink and Parts 8438-0 0 0 0 1Tools for Working in the Hand, Pneumatic etc. 8467-0 0 0 0 7Transmission Apparatus for Radio-telephony etc. 8525-0 0 0 0 5Parts and Accessories for Motor Vehicles 8708-

2,236 22 2 30 30Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-0 0 0 5 0Percussion Musical Instruments Drums etc. 9206-0 0 1 0 1Musical Boxes, Fairground Organs etc. 9208-

1,552 16 0 52 0Mattress Supports, Articles of Bedding etc 9404-50 1 5 41 62Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-

Page 71: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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97 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 0 4Pens, Ball Points, Soft Tip and Mechanical Pencils 9608-Czech Republic 3,409 26,0122,698 24,208340,842

0 0 0 0 18Live Sheep and Goats 1040 -5,574 56 62 306 147Guts, Bladders, Stomachs of Animals (Not Fish) 5040 -

0 0 0 0 49Animal Products NES, Inedible Dead Animals 5110 -0 0 0 16 0Other Vegetables NES Fresh or Chilled 7090 -

4,609 46 3 114 86Rice 1006-0 0 0 2 4Lac; Natural Gums, Resins, Gum-Resins and 1301-0 0 0 0 138Vegetable Saps and Extracts: Pectates, Agar-Agar 1302-

3,741 37 0 88 128Prepared or Preserved Fish, Caviar and Caviar 1604-0 0 0 5 0Cane or Beet Sugar and Sucrose in Solid Form 1701-0 0 0 14 0Sugar Confectionery including White Chocolate not 1704-0 0 3 60 30Salt, Pure Sodium Chloride, Sea Water 2501-0 0 0 7 0Marble, Travertine etc. and Alabaster, Crude etc. 2515-0 0 0 6 0Gelatin and Derivatives 3503-0 0 0 0 28Polymers of Styrene in Primary Forms 3903-0 0 0 42 0Articles of Plastics Including Polymers and Resins 3926-

531 5 0 64 151Waste of Rubber and Powder Obtain thereof 4004-4,876 49 175 794 803Articles of Apparel and Clothing Acc. of Rubber 4015-

0 0 0 0 53Raw Skins of Sheep or Lambs NES 4102-0 0 0 0 38Leather further prepared after tanning (sheep, lamb) 4112-

961 10 208 221 280Leather further prepared after tanning (other animal) 4113-0 0 4 3 34Saddlery, Harness, Traces and Leads etc. 4201-0 0 14 0 77Travel Goods, Handbags, Wallets, Jewelry Cases etc. 4202-

106,024 1,060 435 5,692 4,371Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-0 0 13 42 92Articles of Leather Used in Machinery and 4204-

417 4 1 11 67Articles of Leather NES 4205-0 0 0 10 0Printed Books, Brochures and Similar Printed Matter 4901-0 0 0 0 14Woven Fabrics of Silk or Silk Waste 5007-

7,980 80 0 322 89Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton more than 85% 5205-0 0 0 0 70Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Retail Packed 5207-

27,609 276 13 2,674 1,661Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt < 5208-3,007 30 237 466 889Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-3,921 39 191 406 401Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt < 5210-

0 0 0 13 0Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt > 5211-0 0 144 1,345 1,678Woven Cotton Fabrics NES 5212-0 0 0 0 9Woven Fabric of Synthetic Filament Yarn 5407-

5,494 55 0 225 24Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5512-106 1 0 187 124Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5513-

3,254 33 0 329 649Woven Fabric, Synthetic < 85% of Fibre Mix 5514-0 0 0 0 16Nonwovens Impregnated, Coated, Covered or 5603-0 0 0 35 4Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Knotted 5701-0 0 0 95 0Woven Pile and Chenille Fabrics NES 5801-0 0 0 192 276Woven Terry Fabrics and Tufted Textile Fabric NES 5802-0 0 0 82 13Labels, Badges and Similar Type of Textiles 5807-0 0 0 32 5Gum Covered Fabric; Tracing Cloth; Paint Canvas 5901-0 0 0 3 0Textile Fabrics Coated, Covered or Lamented with 5903-0 0 0 9 0Gents Overcoats, Car-Coats, Caps, Cloaks and 6101-0 0 2 46 27Gents Suits, Ensembles, Jackets etc. Kn/Cr 6103-0 0 141 0 145Ladies Suits, Ensembles etc. Kn/Cr 6104-

11,122 111 48 749 530Gents Shirts, Knitted or Crocheted 6105-0 0 0 14 21Gents Blouses and Shirts Kn/Cr 6106-0 0 0 0 1T-Shirts, Singlets and other Vests Kn/Cr 6109-0 0 39 3 39Sweaters, Pullovers, Vests etc. Kn/Cr 6110-0 0 2 71 74Track Suits, Ski Suits and Swimwear Kn/Cr 6112-

Page 72: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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US $Rs.

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Export of Goods and Services March 2014 98

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

2,358 24 38 169 307Garments, Made-ups Kn/Cr etc. of Rubber or Plastic 6113-0 0 4 59 73Garments NES Knitted or Crocheted 6114-0 0 10 29 10Panty hose, Socks and other Hosiery Kn/Cr 6115-

26,944 269 176 1,175 917Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Knitted or Crocheted 6116-1,050 11 0 11 0Made-up Clothing Accessories NES Kn/Cr 6117-

0 0 0 5 1Men's or Boys' Overcoats, Cloaks etc. Not Knitted 6201-5,844 58 198 1,201 2,549Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-

0 0 3 63 281Women's or Girls' Suits, Ensembles etc. Not Kn/Cr. 6204-970 10 5 44 27Men's or Boys' Shirts, Not Kn/Cr 6205-

0 0 0 0 42Men's or Boys' Undershirts etc Not Kn/Cr 6207-555 6 9 13 9Babies' Garments and Accessories Not Kn/Cr 6209-

0 0 23 6 32Track Suits, Ski-Suits and Swimwear, Not Knitted 6211-1,079 11 16 69 95Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Not Knitted or Crocheted 6216-

0 0 5 48 73Made-Up Clothing Accessories NES 6217-0 0 15 0 43Blankets and Traveling Rugs 6301-

52,537 525 302 4,041 2,436Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-3,589 36 0 36 0Curtains and Interior Blinds, Curtain or Bed 6303-

85 1 0 1 1Sacks and Bags of Textile Material for Packing 6305-0 0 0 14 0Tarpaulins, Sails, Awnings and Tents etc. 6306-0 0 0 10 10Made-Up Articles of Textile Materials NES 6307-0 0 0 0 2Footwear, Outer Sole and Upper Rubber or Plastic 6402-0 0 13 0 13Footwear, Outer Sole Rubber, Plastic or Leather 6403-0 0 0 0 5Footwear, Outer Sole Rubber, Plastic or Textile 6404-0 0 0 52 8Footwear NES 6405-

1,718 17 0 17 7Articles of Stone or Other Mineral Substance NES 6815-0 0 0 0 9Precious and Semi Precious Stones NES 7103-0 0 0 14 0Tanks etc Less than 300 Liter Capacity of Iron or 7310-0 0 0 0 18Other Cast Articles of Iron or Steel 7325-0 0 0 99 386Aluminum Bars, Rods and Profiles 7604-0 0 0 7 0Aluminum Structures NES 7610-0 0 0 17 0Aluminum Casks, Cans, Boxes, and Similar 7612-0 0 0 8 0Files, Rasps, Pliers, Metal cutting Shears etc. 8203-0 0 0 2 0Knives With Blades and Blades for Knives NES 8211-0 0 0 0 2Scissors, Tailors' Shears and Similar Shears and 8213-

1,728 17 0 71 85Articles of Cutlery NES and Manicure Sets etc. 8214-0 0 0 64 531Machinery NES used for Food and Drink and Parts 8438-0 0 2 18 94Tools for Working in the Hand, Pneumatic etc. 8467-0 0 0 0 47Electrical Transformers, Static Converters and 8504-0 0 0 0 5Electrical Apparatus for Switching etc Over 1000V 8535-0 0 0 10 13Parts and Accessories for Motor Vehicles 8708-0 0 0 1 0Vessels and Floating Structures for Scrapping 8908-

42,151 422 86 2,806 1,786Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-0 0 0 7 0X-Ray etc Apparatus, Tubes, Panels, Screen and 9022-0 0 0 0 1Parts etc. of Musical Instruments, Metronomes 9209-

3,453 35 0 75 218Furniture NES and Parts Thereof 9403-0 0 0 173 52Mattress Supports, Articles of Bedding etc 9404-0 0 0 1 0Dolls, Representing only Human Beings and Parts 9502-

7,555 76 58 782 663Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-0 0 0 3 3Special Transaction NES 9992-

Denmark 11,639 96,1609,731 77,1661,163,6590 0 0 6 0Meat of Bovine Animals, Fresh or Chilled 2010 -0 0 0 12 0Animal Products NES, Inedible Dead Animals 5110 -0 0 0 14 0Cabbages, Cauliflower, Kohlrabi, Kale etc. Fresh or 7040 -

408 4 0 15 0Other Vegetables NES Fresh or Chilled 7090 -0 0 0 15 0Other Nuts NES Fresh or Dried Whether Shelled or 8020 -

Page 73: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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99 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

16,733 167 104 575 230Dates, Figs, Pineapples, Avocados etc, Fr or Dried 8040 -945 9 0 9 1Citrus Fruit, Fresh or Dried 8050 -

0 0 1 0 3Fruit NES Fresh 8100 -0 0 0 0 130Fruit Dried NES Mixtures of Nuts or Dried Fruit 8130 -0 0 0 0 29Tea Whether or not Flavored 9020 -0 0 0 0 55Ginger, Saffron, Turmeric, Thyme, Bay Leaves, 9100 -

30,964 310 215 1,621 1,125Rice 1006-0 0 0 13 0Wheat or Meslin Flour 1101-0 0 0 .. 0Cereal Groats, Meal and Pellets 1103-0 0 0 2 0Flour and Meals of Oil Seeds or Oleaginous Fruits 1208-0 0 0 .. 9Seeds, Fruit and Spores, for Sowing 1209-

22,765 228 732 2,894 7,462Vegetable Saps and Extracts: Pectates, Agar-Agar 1302-0 0 0 0 29Vegetable Products NES 1404-0 0 0 0 7Other Sugar NES 1702-0 0 0 38 10Malt Extracts; Food Prep. of Flour etc. Under 50% 1901-0 0 0 0 28Pasta and Couscous, Prepared or Not 1902-0 0 0 0 34Bread, Pastry, Cakes etc 1905-0 0 0 27 0Vegetable, Fruit, Nuts Etc, Prep Or Pres By Vinegar 2001-0 0 14 14 14Vegetables Prepared or Preserved NES Frozen 2004-

2,611 26 0 50 0Food Preparations NES 2106-0 0 0 0 2Preparations Used In Animal Feeding 2309-0 0 6 16 39Salt, Pure Sodium Chloride, Sea Water 2501-0 0 0 0 7Human Blood or Animal Blood Prepared for 3002-0 0 0 0 24Pharmaceutical Goods 3006-0 0 0 11 0Beauty and Make-Up Preparations 3304-0 0 242 676 1,474Artificial Graphite, Colloidal Graphite and 3801-0 0 0 1 4Tubes, Pipes and Hoses and their Fittings, of Plastics 3917-

87 1 0 4 0Baths, Washbasins, Lavatory Seats etc. of Plastics 3922-0 0 0 58 22Articles of Plastics Including Polymers and Resins 3926-

2,293 23 0 23 0Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 4001-4,255 43 18 1,875 191Waste of Rubber and Powder Obtain thereof 4004-

0 0 0 20 10Tubes, Pipes and Hoses of Unhard Vulcanized 4009-2,073 21 5 237 236Articles of Apparel and Clothing Acc. of Rubber 4015-

0 0 0 0 25Raw Skins of Sheep or Lambs NES 4102-157 2 2 3 7Bovine or Equine Leather, No Hair NES 4104-

1,648 16 1 16 38Goat or Kidskin Leather, No Hair NES 4106-0 0 0 38 48Leather of Animals NES, No Hair NES 4107-

21,416 214 70 2,471 168Leather further prepared after tanning (sheep, lamb) 4112-3,691 37 66 870 663Leather further prepared after tanning (other animal) 4113-

0 0 0 61 0Composition Leather with a Basis of Leather or 4115-2,544 25 48 202 482Saddlery, Harness, Traces and Leads etc. 4201-

0 0 4 0 4Travel Goods, Handbags, Wallets, Jewelry Cases etc. 4202-130,051 1,301 788 9,043 8,368Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-

7,604 76 32 311 663Articles of Leather Used in Machinery and 4204-6,295 63 43 582 382Articles of Leather NES 4205-

0 0 0 0 5Toilet or Facial Tissues Stock, Towel or Napkin 4803-0 0 0 0 16Toilet Paper, Paper Tissues, Towels, Napkins etc. 4818-0 0 0 3 0Cartons, Boxes, Cases, Bags and other Packing 4819-

20 .. 0 .. 0Paper and Paperboard Labels of all Kinds 4821-0 0 0 91 0Bobbins, Spools etc. of Paper Pulp, Paper and 4822-0 0 0 0 41Other Paper and Paperboard and Articles NES 4823-0 0 14 3 33Woven Fabrics of Silk or Silk Waste 5007-0 0 0 0 4Fine or Coarse Animal Hair, Not Carded or Combed 5102-0 0 0 0 76Cotton, Carded or Combed 5203-0 0 0 19 37Cotton Sewing Thread, Retail Packed or Not 5204-0 0 0 0 59Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton more than 85% 5205-

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14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 13 0Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton less than 85% 5206-25,786 258 8 1,042 691Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt < 5208-23,457 235 443 1,100 1,198Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-44,656 447 149 1,664 568Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt < 5210-

0 0 0 465 459Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt > 5211-13,255 133 77 369 186Woven Cotton Fabrics NES 5212-

0 0 0 74 46True Hemp, not Spun, Tow and Waste of Hemp 5302-0 0 0 4 25Woven Fabric of Synthetic Filament Yarn 5407-0 0 0 6 0Yarn (No SewingThread), Manmade Staple Fiber, 5511-0 0 0 69 0Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5512-

784 8 0 346 94Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5513-33,811 338 0 453 76Woven Fabric, Synthetic < 85% of Fibre Mix 5514-

0 0 .. 0 ..Articles of Yarn Stripe or the like NES 5609-4,638 46 3 580 420Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Knotted 5701-

0 0 0 4 86Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Woven 5702-0 0 0 47 133Woven Terry Fabrics and Tufted Textile Fabric NES 5802-

1,345 13 13 71 89Labels, Badges and Similar Type of Textiles 5807-0 0 23 1 23Embroidery in the Piece, In Strips or in Motifs 5810-0 0 0 5 0Gum Covered Fabric; Tracing Cloth; Paint Canvas 5901-

5,401 54 0 352 306Textile Fabrics Coated, Covered or Lamented with 5903-0 0 0 4 0Textile Fabrics, Theatrical Scenery, Back-Cloths 5907-0 0 .. 107 1Warp Knit fabrics Not of Rubber and Pile Fabrics 6005-0 0 0 0 15Other knitted or crocheted fabrics 6006-0 0 0 12 15Gents Overcoats, Car-Coats, Caps, Cloaks and 6101-0 0 13 118 41Ladies Overcoats, Car-Coats, Caps, Cloaks and 6102-

12,501 125 42 728 415Gents Suits, Ensembles, Jackets etc. Kn/Cr 6103-4,339 43 0 81 54Ladies Suits, Ensembles etc. Kn/Cr 6104-

34,677 347 55 819 379Gents Shirts, Knitted or Crocheted 6105-0 0 87 192 251Gents Blouses and Shirts Kn/Cr 6106-0 0 0 110 30Gents Underpants, Briefs, Nightshirts etc. Kn/Cr 6107-0 0 2 16 8Ladies Slips, Petticoats, Briefs, Paints etc. Kn/Cr 6108-

40,423 404 294 1,408 1,467T-Shirts, Singlets and other Vests Kn/Cr 6109-0 0 233 697 351Sweaters, Pullovers, Vests etc. Kn/Cr 6110-0 0 0 2 137Babies' Garments and Accessories Kn/Cr 6111-

5,321 53 19 737 338Track Suits, Ski Suits and Swimwear Kn/Cr 6112-7,053 71 189 1,032 893Garments, Made-ups Kn/Cr etc. of Rubber or Plastic 6113-

12,911 129 30 481 149Garments NES Knitted or Crocheted 6114-1,251 13 21 234 195Panty hose, Socks and other Hosiery Kn/Cr 6115-

10,488 105 72 964 823Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Knitted or Crocheted 6116-1,000 10 2 10 2Men's or Boys' Overcoats, Cloaks etc. Not Knitted 6201-

832 8 0 8 7Women's or Girls' Overcoats etc, Not Knitted or 6202-156,971 1,570 737 10,850 5,658Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-

4,490 45 136 470 324Women's or Girls' Suits, Ensembles etc. Not Kn/Cr. 6204-0 0 0 35 20Men's or Boys' Shirts, Not Kn/Cr 6205-0 0 0 182 153Men's or Boys' Undershirts etc Not Kn/Cr 6207-0 0 0 7 0Women's or Girls' Slips etc Not Kn/Cr 6208-0 0 0 42 0Babies' Garments and Accessories Not Kn/Cr 6209-

35 .. 0 .. 0Garments, of Felt etc, or Fabric Impregnated etc 6210-0 0 43 102 96Track Suits, Ski-Suits and Swimwear, Not Knitted 6211-0 0 21 33 28Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Not Knitted or Crocheted 6216-

1,028 10 0 17 31Made-Up Clothing Accessories NES 6217-9,290 93 37 458 84Blankets and Traveling Rugs 6301-

234,831 2,349 2,098 31,286 22,609Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-7,507 75 43 230 392Curtains and Interior Blinds, Curtain or Bed 6303-

0 0 0 17 0Furnishing Articles of Textile Materials NES 6304-7,039 70 30 484 544Sacks and Bags of Textile Material for Packing 6305-

Page 75: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 161 85 161Tarpaulins, Sails, Awnings and Tents etc. 6306-19,011 190 372 1,814 2,252Made-Up Articles of Textile Materials NES 6307-

0 0 0 0 ..Needlecraft Sets of Woven Fabrics and Yarn, Retail 6308-389 4 0 763 33Footwear, Outer Sole Rubber, Plastic or Leather 6403-

0 0 70 332 235Footwear, Outer Sole Rubber, Plastic or Textile 6404-0 0 0 6 0Footwear NES 6405-0 0 0 74 69Parts of Footwear: Insoles, Gaiters etc. Parts 6406-0 0 0 0 1Headgear NES 6506-0 0 2 0 2Worked Monumental or Building Stone and Articles 6802-

264 3 0 3 0Articles of Cement, Concrete or Artificial Stone 6810-0 0 0 42 0Fabricated Asbestos Fibers, Items of Mixtures etc 6812-0 0 0 0 12Articles of Stone or Other Mineral Substance NES 6815-

919 9 5 19 9Glass Containers for Packing etc and Glass Closures 7010-0 0 0 0 1Glass Fibers and Articles Thereof (Yarn Etc.) 7019-0 0 0 2 2Hand tools and Tools Used in Agriculture etc. 8201-

31 .. 0 8 11Files, Rasps, Pliers, Metal cutting Shears etc. 8203-817 8 4 61 9Hand tools NES Like Blow, Torches, Anvils etc. 8205-

0 0 0 5 0Knives and Blades for Machines and Appliances 8208-52 1 0 1 0Hand Operated Mechanical Appliances 8210-

0 0 .. 83 54Knives With Blades and Blades for Knives NES 8211-0 0 0 8 9Articles of Cutlery NES and Manicure Sets etc. 8214-0 0 0 0 1Tableware etc. of Base Metal and Parts of Base 8215-

4,452 45 0 113 46Air or Vacuum Pump, Compressors and Fans 8414-0 0 0 6 0Centrifuges, Including Dryers, Filter etc. 8421-0 0 72 .. 72Machinery NES used for Food and Drink and Parts 8438-0 0 0 0 10Auxiliary Machinery for use With Textile Machines 8448-0 0 4 2 37Tools for Working in the Hand, Pneumatic etc. 8467-0 0 0 82 47Electromechanical Domestic Appliances and Parts 8509-

4,583 46 11 139 172Records, Tapes and other Recorded Sound Media etc 8524-0 0 19 10 44Parts and Accessories for Motor Vehicles 8708-

18,534 185 136 2,074 1,288Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-0 0 0 0 5Orthopedic Appliances Artificial Body and Parts 9021-0 0 0 0 5X-Ray etc Apparatus, Tubes, Panels, Screen and 9022-0 0 0 1 0String Musical Instruments NES 9202-0 0 0 0 9Musical Boxes, Fairground Organs etc. 9208-0 0 0 0 5Parts etc. of Musical Instruments, Metronomes 9209-0 0 0 0 3Seats and Parts Except Barber, Dental etc. 9401-0 0 1 0 3Medical, Surgical, Dental or Veterinary Furniture 9402-

9,322 93 0 101 146Mattress Supports, Articles of Bedding etc 9404-0 0 0 3 0Dolls, Representing only Human Beings and Parts 9502-0 0 0 0 73Toys NES, Reduced Size, Puzzles of all Kinds 9503-

143,603 1,436 1,545 9,729 10,089Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-0 0 0 4 6Fishing Rods and Tackle Nets, Decoys etc. 9507-0 0 0 0 18Vacuum Flask and Vessel With Cases 9617-0 0 0 4 0Collectors Item of Botanic and Historical Interest 9705-0 0 0 4 17Special Transaction NES 9992-

Djibouti 3,114 18,4503,646 18,183311,3460 0 0 24 0Meat of Sheep or Goats, Fresh, Chilled or Frozen 2040 -

41,079 411 880 8,297 4,779Rice 1006-0 0 0 0 51Wheat or Meslin Flour 1101-0 0 0 8 0Cereal Groats, Meal and Pellets 1103-0 0 0 0 81Vegetable Products NES 1404-

184,716 1,848 1,920 3,932 9,104Cane or Beet Sugar and Sucrose in Solid Form 1701-0 0 0 0 20Bread, Pastry, Cakes etc 1905-0 0 0 20 0Jams, Fruit Jellies, Marmalades etc. Cooked 2007-

Page 76: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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765 8 0 22 0Fruit Juices including Grape Must and Vegtable 2009-0 0 49 0 49Ethyl Alcohol, Strength: more than 80% Alcohol 2207-0 0 0 7 5Salt, Pure Sodium Chloride, Sea Water 2501-

14,119 141 365 2,645 1,690Portland Cement, Aluminous Cement and Slag 2523-0 0 0 0 23Hydrogen Chloride; Chlorosulphuric Acid 2806-0 0 0 0 14Glands and other Organs for Organo-Therapeutic 3001-0 0 0 20 0Human Blood or Animal Blood Prepared for 3002-

11,949 120 102 551 538Medicaments NES 3004-0 0 0 0 12Synthetic Organic Coloring Matter 3204-0 0 0 9 0Odoriferous Mixtures as Raw Materials for Industry 3302-0 0 0 0 43Perfumes and Toilet Waters 3303-

10,268 103 0 257 104Prepared binders for foundry moulds or cores 3824-0 0 0 127 0Polyesters, Epoxides and Polyesters, Primary Forms 3907-0 0 0 77 0Containers: Boxes, Bags, Closures etc, Plastic 3923-0 0 0 0 1Articles of Plastics Including Polymers and Resins 3926-0 0 0 0 19Articles of Apparel and Clothing Acc. of Rubber 4015-0 0 0 0 10Leather further prepared after tanning (other animal) 4113-

8,594 86 0 315 259Articles of Wood NES 4421-0 0 0 10 0Paper and Paperboard Labels of all Kinds 4821-0 0 0 0 66Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton more than 85% 5205-0 0 0 0 60Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Retail Packed 5207-0 0 0 210 109Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-

11,663 117 0 407 42Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt < 5210-0 0 0 0 18Woven Fabric of Synthetic Filament Yarn 5407-0 0 65 0 143Woven Fabric, Synthetic < 85% of Fibre Mix 5514-

2,535 25 83 347 277Other knitted or crocheted fabrics 6006-0 0 0 0 2Gents Overcoats, Car-Coats, Caps, Cloaks and 6101-0 0 0 0 10Ladies Overcoats, Car-Coats, Caps, Cloaks and 6102-0 0 15 43 63Gents Shirts, Knitted or Crocheted 6105-0 0 0 45 0Gents Underpants, Briefs, Nightshirts etc. Kn/Cr 6107-0 0 46 276 46T-Shirts, Singlets and other Vests Kn/Cr 6109-0 0 0 0 30Garments, Made-ups Kn/Cr etc. of Rubber or Plastic 6113-0 0 0 8 0Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-

13,043 130 0 130 0Women's or Girls' Suits, Ensembles etc. Not Kn/Cr. 6204-0 0 0 1 0Garments, of Felt etc, or Fabric Impregnated etc 6210-0 0 45 46 140Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-

4,999 50 11 359 62Sacks and Bags of Textile Material for Packing 6305-0 0 0 93 0Tarpaulins, Sails, Awnings and Tents etc. 6306-0 0 0 0 27Worked Monumental or Building Stone and Articles 6802-

3,617 36 0 36 0Razors and Razor Blades 8212-0 0 64 0 64Air or Vacuum Pump, Compressors and Fans 8414-0 0 0 0 177Machinery etc for Temperature Change 8419-

3,999 40 0 84 24Tractors Other Than Work Trucks used for Short 8701-0 0 0 6 0Furniture NES and Parts Thereof 9403-0 0 0 0 20Mattress Supports, Articles of Bedding etc 9404-0 0 0 37 0Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-

Dominica 134 466156 97013,3480 0 0 0 16Fruit Dried NES Mixtures of Nuts or Dried Fruit 8130 -

898 9 18 9 18Sugar Confectionery including White Chocolate not 1704-0 0 0 0 2Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-0 0 0 0 2Articles of Leather NES 4205-0 0 0 0 118Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt < 5208-0 0 66 134 376Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-0 0 0 0 5Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt < 5210-0 0 0 0 25Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt > 5211-

Page 77: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 61 0 61Woven Cotton Fabrics NES 5212-5,361 54 0 54 96Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5513-

0 0 0 0 ..Made-up Clothing Accessories NES Kn/Cr 6117-0 0 0 24 0Made-Up Clothing Accessories NES 6217-

7,089 71 0 246 203Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-0 0 0 0 12Articles of Cutlery NES and Manicure Sets etc. 8214-0 0 9 0 28Machinery NES used for Food and Drink and Parts 8438-0 0 0 0 4Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-0 0 2 0 2Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-

Dominican Republic 467 3,728215 5,28146,698829 8 0 8 0Citrus Fruit, Fresh or Dried 8050 -

0 0 0 0 134Rice 1006-0 0 0 22 0Sugar Confectionery including White Chocolate not 1704-0 0 0 0 5Organic Surf-Act Agents and Products other than 3402-0 0 0 0 2Polishes and Creams for Leather, Wood etc. 3405-0 0 0 0 ..Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-0 0 0 2 0Articles of Leather NES 4205-0 0 0 0 103Cotton Sewing Thread, Retail Packed or Not 5204-0 0 57 107 612Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton more than 85% 5205-0 0 0 0 587Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton less than 85% 5206-0 0 0 14 97Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt < 5208-0 0 118 1,239 1,696Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-0 0 0 307 424Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt < 5210-0 0 0 0 10Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt > 5211-0 0 0 199 0Woven Fabric of Synthetic Filament Yarn 5407-

11,976 120 0 673 182Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5513-0 0 32 0 216Woven Fabric, Synthetic < 85% of Fibre Mix 5514-0 0 0 0 1Woven Terry Fabrics and Tufted Textile Fabric NES 5802-0 0 0 0 162Other knitted or crocheted fabrics 6006-

5,955 60 0 133 84Gents Shirts, Knitted or Crocheted 6105-0 0 0 25 0T-Shirts, Singlets and other Vests Kn/Cr 6109-0 0 0 0 188Garments NES Knitted or Crocheted 6114-0 0 0 23 31Panty hose, Socks and other Hosiery Kn/Cr 6115-0 0 8 0 8Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Knitted or Crocheted 6116-

3,044 30 0 30 0Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-0 0 0 34 0Women's or Girls' Slips etc Not Kn/Cr 6208-0 0 0 0 4Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Not Knitted or Crocheted 6216-

10,710 107 0 468 596Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-0 0 0 0 4Tarpaulins, Sails, Awnings and Tents etc. 6306-0 0 0 0 34Articles of Iron or Steel, NES 7326-

8,246 82 0 180 0Machinery NES used for Food and Drink and Parts 8438-0 0 0 9 0Electromechanical Domestic Appliances and Parts 8509-0 0 0 0 40Electrical Insulators of Any Material 8546-

407 4 0 83 40Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-0 0 0 45 0Mattress Supports, Articles of Bedding etc 9404-

5,532 55 0 127 20Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-Ecuador 591 6,086576 5,95259,129

0 0 0 0 23Rice 1006-0 0 0 1 0Sugar Confectionery including White Chocolate not 1704-0 0 0 0 ..Antibiotics 2941-0 0 0 .. 0Medicaments NES 3004-0 0 0 3 0Articles of Apparel and Clothing Acc. of Rubber 4015-0 0 0 76 3Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-0 0 0 .. 0Articles of Leather NES 4205-0 0 0 5 0Wood Marquetry & inlaid Wood Jewel Case etc. 4420-

Page 78: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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Export of Goods and Services March 2014 104

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 0 153Woven Fabrics of Silk or Silk Waste 5007-0 0 0 0 29Cotton Waste Including Yarn Waste etc. 5202-0 0 0 47 31Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton more than 85% 5205-0 0 15 142 195Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt < 5208-

9,742 97 0 264 159Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-0 0 254 1,362 1,488Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt < 5210-0 0 0 12 0Woven Cotton Fabrics NES 5212-0 0 101 0 101Sewing Thread, Manmade Staple Fibre 5508-0 0 0 51 0Yarn Not for Sewing Thread, Synthetic Staple 5509-

23,572 236 123 2,556 2,826Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5513-0 0 0 106 0Twine, Cordage, Rope and Cables 5607-0 0 0 0 8Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Knotted 5701-0 0 0 127 0Woven Terry Fabrics and Tufted Textile Fabric NES 5802-0 0 0 24 0Labels, Badges and Similar Type of Textiles 5807-0 0 0 130 17Gum Covered Fabric; Tracing Cloth; Paint Canvas 5901-0 0 15 64 217Other knitted or crocheted fabrics 6006-0 0 0 0 16T-Shirts, Singlets and other Vests Kn/Cr 6109-0 0 0 0 1Track Suits, Ski Suits and Swimwear Kn/Cr 6112-0 0 0 1 0Garments NES Knitted or Crocheted 6114-0 0 0 0 5Panty hose, Socks and other Hosiery Kn/Cr 6115-0 0 0 19 58Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Knitted or Crocheted 6116-0 0 0 16 0Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-0 0 0 3 2Women's or Girls' Suits, Ensembles etc. Not Kn/Cr. 6204-0 0 0 7 0Women's or Girls' Slips etc Not Kn/Cr 6208-0 0 0 0 1Made-Up Clothing Accessories NES 6217-

20,533 205 0 433 102Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-0 0 19 0 19Made-Up Articles of Textile Materials NES 6307-0 0 2 0 2Footwear, Outer Sole Rubber, Plastic or Leather 6403-0 0 0 1 44Parts of Footwear: Insoles, Gaiters etc. Parts 6406-0 0 0 0 ..Imitation Jewelry 7117-0 0 0 24 0Razors and Razor Blades 8212-

937 9 0 9 0Articles of Cutlery NES and Manicure Sets etc. 8214-459 5 7 20 8Machines, Dishwashing Machines for Cleaning etc. 8422-

0 0 0 2 0Prepared Unrecorded Media for Sound etc. 8523-933 9 39 430 392Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-

0 0 0 41 30Orthopedic Appliances Artificial Body and Parts 9021-2,951 30 0 30 0Mattress Supports, Articles of Bedding etc 9404-

0 0 0 80 19Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-Egypt 12,958 110,64113,477 134,1011,295,481

0 0 0 0 17Live Horses, Asses, Mules and Hinnies 1010 -375 4 0 35 0Meat of Bovine Animals, Fresh or Chilled 2010 -

0 0 0 0 15Fish, Live 3010 -21,673 217 5 2,068 693Fish Frozen (Not Fish Fillets & other Fish Meat) 3030 -

7,540 75 35 517 371Fish Fillets and other Fish Meat, Fresh, Chilled or 3040 -0 0 47 164 180Fish Dried, Salted or in Brine; Smoked etc; Ed 3050 -

91,700 917 539 8,274 6,931Crustaceans; Live, Fresh etc, and Cooked etc. 3060 -0 0 31 127 84Guts, Bladders, Stomachs of Animals (Not Fish) 5040 -0 0 27 25 32Ivory, Tortoise-Shell, Whalebone etc. 5070 -0 0 0 7 0Animal Products NES, Inedible Dead Animals 5110 -0 0 0 59 0Bulbs, Tubers, Tuberous Roots, Corms, Chicory 6010 -0 0 0 4 18Other Live Plants and their Roots NES, Cuttings and 6020 -0 0 0 48 0Foliage, Branches and other Parts of Plants for 6040 -

20,945 209 0 469 0Vegetables, Dried, Whole, Cut etc. not further 7120 -0 0 0 0 15Dates, Figs, Pineapples, Avocados etc, Fr or Dried 8040 -

2,889 29 0 29 0Fruit Dried NES Mixtures of Nuts or Dried Fruit 8130 -

Page 79: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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0 0 49 0 102Pepper, Genus Piper; Genus Capsicum or Pimento 9040 -0 0 0 85 54Ginger, Saffron, Turmeric, Thyme, Bay Leaves, 9100 -

87,739 878 0 878 0Maize (Corn) 1005-17,968 180 129 786 840Rice 1006-

0 0 0 88 0Wheat or Meslin Flour 1101-0 0 0 170 2Seeds, Fruit and Spores, for Sowing 1209-0 0 15 0 15Hop Cones, Fresh or Dried; Lupulin 1210-

8,998 90 311 658 824Plants etc. for Pharmacy, Perfume, Insecticides etc. 1211-0 0 0 0 16Lac; Natural Gums, Resins, Gum-Resins and 1301-

3,355 34 0 112 67Vegetable Materials used in Brooms Like Piassava 1403-8,177 82 26 237 469Prepared or Preserved Fish, Caviar and Caviar 1604-

0 0 0 908 1,748Crustaceans Molluscs etc Prepared or Preserved 1605-0 0 0 10 0Other Sugar NES 1702-0 0 0 0 2Malt Extracts; Food Prep. of Flour etc. Under 50% 1901-0 0 0 0 79Jams, Fruit Jellies, Marmalades etc. Cooked 2007-0 0 13 0 13Fruit Juices including Grape Must and Vegtable 2009-0 0 0 0 41Food Preparations NES 2106-

3,267 33 0 184 247Ethyl Alcohol, Strength: more than 80% Alcohol 2207-0 0 0 820 537Flour, Meal etc. of Meat etc, Not For Human 2301-0 0 0 0 36Salt, Pure Sodium Chloride, Sea Water 2501-0 0 0 0 8Pumice, Emery, Natural Corundum and Garnet etc 2513-0 0 0 0 16Marble, Travertine etc. and Alabaster, Crude etc. 2515-0 0 0 60 0Portland Cement, Aluminous Cement and Slag 2523-0 0 0 0 13Natural Steatite Roughly Trimmed etc. 2526-0 0 0 0 32Feldspar; Lucite; Nepheline and Syenite 2529-0 0 0 .. 0Sodium Hydroxide and Potassium Hydroxide etc. 2815-0 0 100 100 208Medicaments NES 3004-0 0 27 7 100Synthetic Organic Coloring Matter 3204-0 0 0 47 0Ink, Printing, Writing, Drawing etc. 3215-0 0 0 0 2Odoriferous Mixtures as Raw Materials for Industry 3302-0 0 0 64 13Beauty and Make-Up Preparations 3304-0 0 0 21 11Preparations for Oral or Dental Hygiene 3306-0 0 0 195 0Personal Toilet etc Prep NES 3307-0 0 0 25 0Propellant Powders 3601-

27,999 280 290 1,408 2,491Matches and Except Pyrotechnic Articles 3605-3,424 34 0 34 10Artificial Graphite, Colloidal Graphite and 3801-

0 0 0 66 14Insecticides, Rodenticides and Fungicides etc. Retail 3808-0 0 0 24 8Prepared binders for foundry moulds or cores 3824-0 0 0 0 150Polymers of Ethylene, in Primary Forms 3901-

29,319 293 316 1,987 6,662Polymers of Styrene in Primary Forms 3903-82,214 822 132 7,784 18,907Polyesters, Epoxides and Polyesters, Primary Forms 3907-

0 0 0 5 0Waste, Parings and Scrap, of Plastics 3915-0 0 0 0 70Plates, Sheets, Film etc. 3920-0 0 0 64 242Containers: Boxes, Bags, Closures etc, Plastic 3923-0 0 0 0 106Tableware and other Household Articles etc, Plastics 3924-0 0 0 0 1Builders' Ware of Plastics, NES 3925-0 0 0 18 2Articles of Plastics Including Polymers and Resins 3926-0 0 7 36 53Tubes, Pipes and Hoses of Unhard Vulcanized 4009-0 0 0 67 34New Pneumatic Tires of Rubber 4011-0 0 10 0 54Inner Rubber Tubes for Tires 4013-0 0 11 0 65Articles of Apparel and Clothing Acc. of Rubber 4015-0 0 25 0 25Raw Skins of Sheep or Lambs NES 4102-0 0 0 0 27Raw Hides and Skins NES 4103-0 0 0 0 18Goat or Kidskin Leather, No Hair NES 4106-0 0 45 1 144Leather further prepared after tanning (other animal) 4113-0 0 0 0 2Saddlery, Harness, Traces and Leads etc. 4201-

Page 80: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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Export of Goods and Services March 2014 106

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

7,626 76 4 421 265Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-0 0 0 0 28Articles of Leather Used in Machinery and 4204-0 0 0 6 9Articles of Leather NES 4205-0 0 0 0 10Wood in Rough, Stripped or Not of Sapwood etc. 4403-0 0 0 0 16Packing Cases etc. of Wood; Pallets etc. 4415-

147,118 1,472 910 10,153 8,322Paper, Paperboard, Wading etc. Coated etc NES 4811-464 5 11 182 50Paper and Paperboard Labels of all Kinds 4821-

0 0 0 63 60Printed Books, Brochures and Similar Printed Matter 4901-0 0 175 182 1,716Woven Fabrics of Silk or Silk Waste 5007-0 0 0 34 0Yarn of Carded Wool, Not for Retail Sale 5106-0 0 0 231 0Cotton Waste Including Yarn Waste etc. 5202-

995 10 64 110 186Cotton Sewing Thread, Retail Packed or Not 5204-105,319 1,053 876 7,084 7,455Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton more than 85% 5205-

21,087 211 0 1,227 621Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton less than 85% 5206-0 0 0 22 0Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Retail Packed 5207-

18,624 186 1,490 3,492 8,564Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt < 5208-294,290 2,944 3,645 36,357 31,268Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-

8,733 87 525 2,040 5,223Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt < 5210-77,571 776 585 3,623 3,681Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt > 5211-30,182 302 2,167 3,779 9,731Woven Cotton Fabrics NES 5212-

0 0 0 65 1,267Woven Fabrics of Jute or Other Textile Bast Fibres 5310-0 0 0 0 64Synthetic Filament Yarn Not Sewing Thread, Not 5402-0 0 30 20 132Woven Fabric of Synthetic Filament Yarn 5407-0 0 0 0 58Waste of Manmade Fibers Including Noils etc. 5505-0 0 0 0 79Sewing Thread, Manmade Staple Fibre 5508-

2,570 26 0 349 59Yarn Not for Sewing Thread, Synthetic Staple 5509-0 0 0 106 327Yarn (No SewingThread), Manmade Staple Fiber, 5511-

25,162 252 91 752 91Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5512-40,156 402 55 1,975 1,460Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5513-28,594 286 0 489 1,698Woven Fabric, Synthetic < 85% of Fibre Mix 5514-

6,144 61 6 149 81Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Knotted 5701-0 0 0 357 52Woven Terry Fabrics and Tufted Textile Fabric NES 5802-

10,816 108 90 787 516Gum Covered Fabric; Tracing Cloth; Paint Canvas 5901-0 0 0 0 111Textile Fabrics, Theatrical Scenery, Back-Cloths 5907-

993 10 6 51 6Textile Products and Articles for Technical uses 5911-0 0 0 2 0Pile Fabrics and Terry Fabrics Knitted or Crocheted 6001-0 0 0 23 0Warp Knit fabrics Not of Rubber and Pile Fabrics 6005-0 0 0 6 0Other knitted or crocheted fabrics 6006-0 0 0 0 281Gents Overcoats, Car-Coats, Caps, Cloaks and 6101-

908 9 0 18 6Gents Suits, Ensembles, Jackets etc. Kn/Cr 6103-0 0 0 7 2Ladies Suits, Ensembles etc. Kn/Cr 6104-

17,804 178 0 215 673Gents Shirts, Knitted or Crocheted 6105-0 0 0 0 49T-Shirts, Singlets and other Vests Kn/Cr 6109-0 0 0 9 12Sweaters, Pullovers, Vests etc. Kn/Cr 6110-0 0 0 2 ..Track Suits, Ski Suits and Swimwear Kn/Cr 6112-

499 5 14 180 425Garments, Made-ups Kn/Cr etc. of Rubber or Plastic 6113-0 0 0 0 26Garments NES Knitted or Crocheted 6114-

313 3 8 60 11Panty hose, Socks and other Hosiery Kn/Cr 6115-224 2 13 550 460Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Knitted or Crocheted 6116-

0 0 0 10 0Made-up Clothing Accessories NES Kn/Cr 6117-0 0 0 0 99Men's or Boys' Overcoats, Cloaks etc. Not Knitted 6201-

1,311 13 0 595 151Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-0 0 0 0 4Women's or Girls' Suits, Ensembles etc. Not Kn/Cr. 6204-0 0 0 61 0Women's or Girls' Blouses, Shirts etc. Not Knitted 6206-0 0 9 0 40Women's or Girls' Slips etc Not Kn/Cr 6208-0 0 0 48 9Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Not Knitted or Crocheted 6216-

Page 81: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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107 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 0 3Made-Up Clothing Accessories NES 6217-0 0 229 1,862 1,513Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-0 0 0 180 72Sacks and Bags of Textile Material for Packing 6305-0 0 6 4 61Tarpaulins, Sails, Awnings and Tents etc. 6306-0 0 0 .. 351Made-Up Articles of Textile Materials NES 6307-0 0 0 656 373Used or New Rags, Scrap Twine etc of Text Material 6310-0 0 0 44 0Footwear, Outer Sole Rubber, Plastic or Leather 6403-0 0 0 0 10Footwear, Outer Sole Rubber, Plastic or Textile 6404-0 0 0 31 71Articles of Stone or Other Mineral Substance NES 6815-0 0 3 0 3Bricks, Blocks, Tiles and Ceramic Goods of 6901-0 0 2 0 2Glazed Ceramic Flags and Paving, Hearth Tiles etc. 6908-0 0 0 0 1Articles of Jewelry and Parts thereof or Precious 7113-0 0 0 0 3Tubes, Pipes and Hollow Profiles NES of Iron and 7306-0 0 0 10 0Springs and Leaves for Springs of Iron or Steel 7320-

3,071 31 0 231 209Aluminum Bars, Rods and Profiles 7604-0 0 0 230 262Razors and Razor Blades 8212-0 0 0 22 0Scissors, Tailors' Shears and Similar Shears and 8213-0 0 0 141 46Articles of Cutlery NES and Manicure Sets etc. 8214-0 0 20 17 38Tableware etc. of Base Metal and Parts of Base 8215-0 0 0 0 8Hardware, Fixtures, Castors etc. and Part 8302-

4,594 46 0 46 0Sign and Name Plates and Symbols etc. 8310-0 0 0 0 38Parts For Combustion Engines etc. 8409-0 0 0 37 0Pumps for Liquids; Liquid Elevators; Parts Thereof 8413-0 0 0 0 3Air Conditioning Machines and Parts 8415-0 0 10 0 28Machinery etc for Temperature Change 8419-0 0 0 0 10Centrifuges, Including Dryers, Filter etc. 8421-0 0 0 317 18Machines, Dishwashing Machines for Cleaning etc. 8422-0 0 0 0 22Machinery NES used for Food and Drink and Parts 8438-0 0 0 0 6Machines for Making Pulp and Paper and Parts 8441-0 0 0 0 9Auxiliary Machinery for use With Textile Machines 8448-

1,152 12 0 44 15Machinery not for Laundry for Cleaning, Drying etc 8451-0 0 0 0 4Tools for Working in the Hand, Pneumatic etc. 8467-0 0 17 0 37Taps, Cocks, Valves and Similar Appliances for 8481-0 0 0 .. 0Ball or Roller Bearings and Parts 8482-

4,909 49 0 49 0Electrical Transformers, Static Converters and 8504-1,900 19 0 19 0Primary Cells and Batteries Parts thereof 8506-

0 0 0 0 ..Prepared Unrecorded Media for Sound etc. 8523-0 0 0 5 0Records, Tapes and other Recorded Sound Media etc 8524-

1,131 11 0 11 0Parts of Railway or Tramway Locomotives 8607-0 0 0 0 65Motor Cars and Vehicles for Transporting Persons 8703-

1,796 18 10 194 149Parts and Accessories for Motor Vehicles 8708-0 0 0 0 21Parts and Accessories of Cycles and Invalid 8714-0 0 2 0 2Aircraft Launch Gear, Deck-Arrestor or Similar Gear 8805-

8,142 81 115 985 1,637Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-0 0 1 0 1Hydrometers, Thermometers, Pyrometers etc. and 9025-0 0 1 0 1Automatic Regulating or Control Instruments and 9032-0 0 0 28 0Parts etc. of Musical Instruments, Metronomes 9209-0 0 24 534 233Furniture NES and Parts Thereof 9403-

3,702 37 47 224 269Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-0 0 0 5 10Pens, Ball Points, Soft Tip and Mechanical Pencils 9608-0 0 30 54 106Pencils, Crayons, Leads and Chalks etc. 9609-

El Salvador 168 90769 2,04016,8250 0 0 3 0Gypsum; Anhydrite; Plasters etc. 2520-0 0 0 0 23Wading, Gauze, Bandages etc. 3005-0 0 0 0 6Preparations for Oral or Dental Hygiene 3306-

Page 82: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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Export of Goods and Services March 2014 108

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 242 0Paper, Paperboard, Wading etc. Coated etc NES 4811-1,973 20 0 60 0Cotton Waste Including Yarn Waste etc. 5202-4,790 48 16 48 16Cotton, Carded or Combed 5203-

0 0 0 64 5Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt < 5208-1,198 12 0 12 277Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-5,438 54 0 182 165Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt < 5210-

0 0 0 30 0Jute and other Textile Bast Fibers NES 5303-0 0 13 79 318Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5513-0 0 0 1 2Labels, Badges and Similar Type of Textiles 5807-0 0 0 3 0Ladies Slips, Petticoats, Briefs, Paints etc. Kn/Cr 6108-0 0 0 5 0Garments NES Knitted or Crocheted 6114-

3,426 34 0 103 885Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-0 0 0 20 0Made-Up Articles of Textile Materials NES 6307-0 0 0 0 157Copper Waste and Scrap 7404-0 0 0 16 16Machinery NES used for Food and Drink and Parts 8438-0 0 20 0 37Machinery not for Laundry for Cleaning, Drying etc 8451-0 0 0 0 3Tools for Working in the Hand, Pneumatic etc. 8467-0 0 20 8 78Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-0 0 0 16 0Bombs, Grenades, Cartridges and Parts 9306-0 0 0 13 52Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-

Equatorial Guinea 0 1,94220 1,75600 0 0 46 0Meat of Sheep or Goats, Fresh, Chilled or Frozen 2040 -0 0 0 1,781 1,725Rice 1006-0 0 0 65 6Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt < 5208-0 0 0 0 5Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5513-0 0 20 0 20Men's or Boys' Shirts, Not Kn/Cr 6205-0 0 0 50 0Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-

Eritrea 25 350 1122,4592,459 25 0 25 34Matches and Except Pyrotechnic Articles 3605-

0 0 0 .. 0Articles of Leather NES 4205-0 0 0 10 0Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5512-0 0 0 0 78Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-

Estonia 1,603 14,0971,004 15,995160,2870 0 0 0 60Citrus Fruit, Fresh or Dried 8050 -

12,038 120 17 178 71Rice 1006-0 0 0 2 3Vegetable Products NES 1404-0 0 0 0 115Fruit Juices including Grape Must and Vegtable 2009-

705 7 0 19 3Salt, Pure Sodium Chloride, Sea Water 2501-0 0 40 55 40Matches and Except Pyrotechnic Articles 3605-0 0 0 0 34Polymers of Styrene in Primary Forms 3903-0 0 0 29 0Containers: Boxes, Bags, Closures etc, Plastic 3923-0 0 0 .. 0Articles of Plastics Including Polymers and Resins 3926-0 0 0 126 0Leather further prepared after tanning (other animal) 4113-

4,298 43 0 902 1,823Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-158 2 0 7 0Articles of Leather NES 4205-376 4 0 4 0Toilet Paper, Paper Tissues, Towels, Napkins etc. 4818-

4,392 44 0 45 21Woven Fabrics of Silk or Silk Waste 5007-0 0 0 0 44Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton more than 85% 5205-0 0 0 0 127Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton less than 85% 5206-

44,063 441 145 4,118 3,308Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt < 5208-5,475 55 265 720 635Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-6,762 68 335 1,603 1,741Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt < 5210-

0 0 0 48 0Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt > 5211-0 0 0 737 1,670Woven Cotton Fabrics NES 5212-

Page 83: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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109 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 22 20Woven Fabric of Synthetic Filament Yarn 5407-3,557 36 29 656 1,939Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5513-

53 1 0 1 0Textile Wadding and Articles; Text Fiber Not Over 5 5601-0 0 0 0 1Woven Pile and Chenille Fabrics NES 5801-0 0 0 25 338Woven Terry Fabrics and Tufted Textile Fabric NES 5802-0 0 0 7 0Gum Covered Fabric; Tracing Cloth; Paint Canvas 5901-0 0 0 0 ..Textile Products and Articles for Technical uses 5911-0 0 0 0 64Kn/CR Fabrics Not of Rubber/Pile Width <30 cm 6003-0 0 0 0 53Warp Knit fabrics Not of Rubber and Pile Fabrics 6005-0 0 0 0 24Other knitted or crocheted fabrics 6006-0 0 0 2 4Gents Suits, Ensembles, Jackets etc. Kn/Cr 6103-0 0 0 23 0Ladies Suits, Ensembles etc. Kn/Cr 6104-

7,782 78 59 156 136Gents Shirts, Knitted or Crocheted 6105-1,939 19 0 19 29Gents Underpants, Briefs, Nightshirts etc. Kn/Cr 6107-

0 0 0 12 2T-Shirts, Singlets and other Vests Kn/Cr 6109-0 0 0 0 1Track Suits, Ski Suits and Swimwear Kn/Cr 6112-0 0 0 1 0Garments, Made-ups Kn/Cr etc. of Rubber or Plastic 6113-

21,880 219 0 319 220Panty hose, Socks and other Hosiery Kn/Cr 6115-0 0 0 6 0Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Knitted or Crocheted 6116-0 0 0 0 156Made-up Clothing Accessories NES Kn/Cr 6117-0 0 0 0 2Men's or Boys' Overcoats, Cloaks etc. Not Knitted 6201-0 0 0 0 20Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-0 0 0 22 0Men's or Boys' Undershirts etc Not Kn/Cr 6207-

1,001 10 0 10 0Track Suits, Ski-Suits and Swimwear, Not Knitted 6211-0 0 0 89 34Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Not Knitted or Crocheted 6216-0 0 0 122 0Made-Up Clothing Accessories NES 6217-

22,192 222 115 3,228 2,950Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-0 0 0 0 59Curtains and Interior Blinds, Curtain or Bed 6303-0 0 0 24 7Furnishing Articles of Textile Materials NES 6304-0 0 0 27 41Sacks and Bags of Textile Material for Packing 6305-0 0 0 0 44Footwear, Outer Sole Rubber, Plastic or Leather 6403-0 0 0 2 3Articles of Stone or Other Mineral Substance NES 6815-0 0 0 .. 0Knives With Blades and Blades for Knives NES 8211-

182 2 0 22 14Articles of Cutlery NES and Manicure Sets etc. 8214-0 0 0 0 2Tools for Working in the Hand, Pneumatic etc. 8467-

685 7 0 24 31Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-0 0 0 342 0Mattress Supports, Articles of Bedding etc 9404-

22,749 228 0 342 104Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-Ethiopia 919 5,775175 10,11191,849

43,025 430 40 1,152 222Rice 1006-0 0 0 9 0Other Oil Seeds and Oleaginous Fruits NES 1207-0 0 0 553 0Cane or Beet Sugar and Sucrose in Solid Form 1701-0 0 0 30 0Food Preparations NES 2106-0 0 0 10 0Kaolin And Other Kaolinic Clays 2507-0 0 0 0 7,013Portland Cement, Aluminous Cement and Slag 2523-0 0 0 15 0Natural Steatite Roughly Trimmed etc. 2526-0 0 0 0 14Fluorine, Chlorine, Bromine and Iodine 2801-0 0 0 62 39Hydrogen Chloride; Chlorosulphuric Acid 2806-0 0 0 47 0Acyclic Alcohols and Halogenated Derivatives 2905-0 0 0 41 66Medicaments NES 3004-0 0 0 .. 16Synthetic Organic Coloring Matter 3204-0 0 0 0 9Odoriferous Mixtures as Raw Materials for Industry 3302-0 0 0 1 4Organic Surf-Act Agents and Products other than 3402-0 0 20 22 200Prepared Glues and Adhesives NES 3506-

8,598 86 13 332 71Matches and Except Pyrotechnic Articles 3605-

Page 84: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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Export of Goods and Services March 2014 110

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 84 44Finishing Agents etc. for Textiles, Paper etc NES 3809-0 0 10 66 251Prepared binders for foundry moulds or cores 3824-0 0 0 75 63Polymers of Styrene in Primary Forms 3903-0 0 0 24 14Polymers of Vinyl Acetate and other Vinyl 3905-0 0 0 0 50Plates, Sheets, Film etc. 3920-0 0 0 .. 0Articles of Plastics Including Polymers and Resins 3926-

8,873 89 0 255 13Leather further prepared after tanning (other animal) 4113-617 6 0 140 41Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-

0 0 0 130 120Articles of Wood NES 4421-0 0 0 0 52Pulps of Fibrous Cellulosic Material NES 4706-

760 8 0 8 0Cartons, Boxes, Cases, Bags and other Packing 4819-112 1 0 1 0Registers, Notebooks, Order Book, Receipt Book 4820-

0 0 0 15 21Paper and Paperboard Labels of all Kinds 4821-0 0 0 26 26Bobbins, Spools etc. of Paper Pulp, Paper and 4822-0 0 0 14 0Printed Matter including Pictures and Photographs 4911-0 0 0 18 0Waste of Wool, Fine or Coarse Animal Hair 5103-0 0 0 18 0Cotton Waste Including Yarn Waste etc. 5202-0 0 0 387 131Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-0 0 0 44 231Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt < 5210-0 0 0 0 92Synthetic Filament Yarn Not Sewing Thread, Not 5402-0 0 0 0 3Labels, Badges and Similar Type of Textiles 5807-0 0 2 101 2Gum Covered Fabric; Tracing Cloth; Paint Canvas 5901-0 0 0 0 19Rubberized Textile Fabrics other Than Tire Cord 5906-0 0 0 108 10Gents Shirts, Knitted or Crocheted 6105-0 0 0 100 0Track Suits, Ski Suits and Swimwear Kn/Cr 6112-0 0 0 0 1Garments NES Knitted or Crocheted 6114-0 0 0 16 0Panty hose, Socks and other Hosiery Kn/Cr 6115-

2,591 26 0 100 0Made-up Clothing Accessories NES Kn/Cr 6117-0 0 0 37 36Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-0 0 0 12 0Made-Up Clothing Accessories NES 6217-0 0 0 28 0Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-0 0 0 20 ..Sacks and Bags of Textile Material for Packing 6305-

19,991 200 43 581 171Tarpaulins, Sails, Awnings and Tents etc. 6306-0 0 0 35 15Made-Up Articles of Textile Materials NES 6307-0 0 0 6 0Worn Clothing and other Worn Textile Articles 6309-0 0 0 9 0Ceramic Building Bricks, Flooring Blocks, Tile etc. 6904-0 0 0 0 11Glassware for Table, Kitchen, Toilet etc. NES 7013-0 0 0 0 9Screws, Bolts, Nuts, Washers etc. Iron or Steel 7318-0 0 0 4 15Needles Sewing, Knitted, etc. 7319-0 0 0 0 29Springs and Leaves for Springs of Iron or Steel 7320-0 0 0 0 1Articles of Iron or Steel, NES 7326-0 0 0 0 6Copper Tube or Pipe Fittings 7412-0 0 0 0 66Scissors, Tailors' Shears and Similar Shears and 8213-0 0 9 0 9Central Heat Boilers NES and Its Parts 8403-0 0 0 0 5Self-Propelled Bulldozers, Graders, Scrapers etc. 8429-0 0 0 0 1Machinery etc NES for Typeset, Making Printing 8442-0 0 0 9 0Printing Machinery, Machines including Ink-Jet 8443-0 0 0 17 0Machines For Preparing Textile Fibers and Yarn 8445-0 0 0 14 0Weaving Machines Like Looms 8446-0 0 0 0 20Auxiliary Machinery for use With Textile Machines 8448-0 0 0 4 4Machinery not for Laundry for Cleaning, Drying etc 8451-0 0 0 1 0Sewing Machines other than Book Sewing Machine 8452-0 0 0 4 0Lathes for Removing Metal 8458-0 0 0 5 22Machine Tools for Drilling, Boring, Milling etc. 8459-0 0 0 0 40Parts for Machine Like Ultrasonic, Stones Machines 8466-0 0 0 12 0Ball or Roller Bearings and Parts 8482-

Page 85: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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111 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

3,399 34 0 34 0Industrial or Laboratory Electric Furnaces etc and 8514-0 0 0 61 0Tractors Other Than Work Trucks used for Short 8701-0 0 0 154 159Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-0 0 0 0 385Prefabricated Buildings 9406-

3,883 39 38 596 208Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-0 0 0 68 3Buttons, Press Studs, Button Mold and Blanks etc. 9606-0 0 0 62 57Pens, Ball Points, Soft Tip and Mechanical Pencils 9608-

Faeroe Islands 0 30 200 0 0 3 0Other Vegetables NES Fresh or Chilled 7090 -0 0 0 0 2Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-

Falkland Islands 0 1201 6900 0 0 90 0Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt < 5210-0 0 0 26 0Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt > 5211-0 0 0 0 68Pile Fabrics and Terry Fabrics Knitted or Crocheted 6001-0 0 1 0 1Panty hose, Socks and other Hosiery Kn/Cr 6115-0 0 0 4 0Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-

Fiji 109 1,952186 1,68910,9040 0 0 0 5Dates, Figs, Pineapples, Avocados etc, Fr or Dried 8040 -0 0 0 10 0Ginger, Saffron, Turmeric, Thyme, Bay Leaves, 9100 -0 0 0 72 0Rice 1006-

266 3 5 9 13Pasta and Couscous, Prepared or Not 1902-0 0 0 17 22Vegetable, Fruit, Nuts Etc, Prep Or Pres By Vinegar 2001-0 0 0 0 3Soups, Broths and Preparations thereof 2104-

3,004 30 4 221 239Medicaments NES 3004-0 0 0 0 2Coloring Matter of Vegetable or Animal Origin 3203-0 0 0 0 2Odoriferous Mixtures as Raw Materials for Industry 3302-0 0 0 17 23Leather further prepared after tanning (other animal) 4113-0 0 0 25 0Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-0 0 0 6 0Registers, Notebooks, Order Book, Receipt Book 4820-0 0 0 305 0Cotton Sewing Thread, Retail Packed or Not 5204-0 0 0 0 56Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton more than 85% 5205-0 0 0 14 0Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt < 5208-

3,426 34 0 36 0Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-0 0 0 48 ..Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt > 5211-0 0 159 869 1,030Woven Cotton Fabrics NES 5212-0 0 0 20 0Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5512-

1,709 17 0 17 40Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5513-1,900 19 0 19 0Woven Terry Fabrics and Tufted Textile Fabric NES 5802-

0 0 0 0 1Labels, Badges and Similar Type of Textiles 5807-0 0 0 0 2Tire Cord Fabric of High Tenacity Yarn of Nylon 5902-0 0 0 0 52Gents Shirts, Knitted or Crocheted 6105-0 0 0 2 0Track Suits, Ski Suits and Swimwear Kn/Cr 6112-0 0 0 2 3Garments, Made-ups Kn/Cr etc. of Rubber or Plastic 6113-0 0 0 51 0Panty hose, Socks and other Hosiery Kn/Cr 6115-0 0 0 0 5Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Knitted or Crocheted 6116-0 0 0 0 1Men's or Boys' Overcoats, Cloaks etc. Not Knitted 6201-0 0 0 27 0Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-0 0 0 62 0Women's or Girls' Suits, Ensembles etc. Not Kn/Cr. 6204-0 0 18 15 72Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-0 0 0 48 101Sacks and Bags of Textile Material for Packing 6305-0 0 0 8 0Worn Clothing and other Worn Textile Articles 6309-0 0 0 0 5Used or New Rags, Scrap Twine etc of Text Material 6310-

599 6 0 6 1Tube or Pipe Fittings of Iron or Steel Like 7307-0 0 0 8 0Articles of Cutlery NES and Manicure Sets etc. 8214-

Page 86: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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Export of Goods and Services March 2014 112

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 0 4Self-Propelled Bulldozers, Graders, Scrapers etc. 8429-0 0 0 19 1Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-0 0 0 0 2Orthopedic Appliances Artificial Body and Parts 9021-0 0 0 0 5Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-

Finland 3,711 38,6856,514 45,840371,0170 0 0 0 56Human Hair, Unworked and Waste of Human Hair 5010 -0 0 58 131 62Guts, Bladders, Stomachs of Animals (Not Fish) 5040 -0 0 0 34 0Dates, Figs, Pineapples, Avocados etc, Fr or Dried 8040 -0 0 0 14 29Rice 1006-

6,216 62 0 245 118Seeds, Fruit and Spores, for Sowing 1209-0 0 0 71 0Plants etc. for Pharmacy, Perfume, Insecticides etc. 1211-0 0 0 31 0Lac; Natural Gums, Resins, Gum-Resins and 1301-0 0 0 68 0Bread, Pastry, Cakes etc 1905-

1,441 14 9 58 107Salt, Pure Sodium Chloride, Sea Water 2501-0 0 0 0 32Prepared Driers 3211-0 0 0 1 2Beauty and Make-Up Preparations 3304-

2,445 24 0 24 0Articles of Plastics Including Polymers and Resins 3926-0 0 0 0 129Waste of Rubber and Powder Obtain thereof 4004-0 0 110 436 868Articles of Apparel and Clothing Acc. of Rubber 4015-0 0 0 0 2Raw Hides and Skins of Bovine or Equine Animals 4101-0 0 0 8 0Leather of Animals NES, No Hair NES 4107-

4,961 50 86 163 193Leather further prepared after tanning (other animal) 4113-0 0 88 35 144Saddlery, Harness, Traces and Leads etc. 4201-

44,068 441 295 5,635 5,680Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-215 2 0 161 14Articles of Leather Used in Machinery and 4204-

1,791 18 4 101 35Articles of Leather NES 4205-0 0 0 0 ..Toilet Paper, Paper Tissues, Towels, Napkins etc. 4818-0 0 0 12 0Registers, Notebooks, Order Book, Receipt Book 4820-0 0 0 0 38Woven Fabrics of Silk or Silk Waste 5007-0 0 25 32 25Cotton Waste Including Yarn Waste etc. 5202-0 0 0 53 224Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton more than 85% 5205-

87,743 878 1,023 7,431 6,780Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt < 5208-6,263 63 158 751 719Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-

16,607 166 0 768 1,269Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt < 5210-0 0 124 0 170Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt > 5211-0 0 162 757 1,971Woven Cotton Fabrics NES 5212-0 0 0 16 0Flax, Raw or Processed but Not Spun, Flax Tow and 5301-0 0 0 10 4Woven Fabric of Synthetic Filament Yarn 5407-0 0 0 0 20Synthetic Filament Tow 5501-0 0 0 0 78Yarn (No SewingThread), Manmade Staple Fiber, 5511-

68,399 684 960 6,260 6,418Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5513-0 0 0 0 24Nonwovens Impregnated, Coated, Covered or 5603-0 0 0 6 6Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Knotted 5701-

2,887 29 0 145 60Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Woven 5702-0 0 0 97 63Woven Terry Fabrics and Tufted Textile Fabric NES 5802-

2,935 29 0 106 0Narrow Woven Fabrics Except Labels 5806-628 6 0 55 7Labels, Badges and Similar Type of Textiles 5807-

0 0 0 36 76Gum Covered Fabric; Tracing Cloth; Paint Canvas 5901-0 0 0 0 10Textile Fabrics Coated, Covered or Lamented with 5903-0 0 0 0 1Textile Products and Articles for Technical uses 5911-0 0 4 1 14Kn/CR Fabrics Not of Rubber/Pile Width <30 cm 6003-0 0 0 0 11Gents Overcoats, Car-Coats, Caps, Cloaks and 6101-

539 5 252 2,005 1,213Gents Suits, Ensembles, Jackets etc. Kn/Cr 6103-26,922 269 120 1,775 1,449Ladies Suits, Ensembles etc. Kn/Cr 6104-

1,147 11 83 483 1,020Gents Shirts, Knitted or Crocheted 6105-

Page 87: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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113 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 96 114Gents Blouses and Shirts Kn/Cr 6106-0 0 13 22 72Gents Underpants, Briefs, Nightshirts etc. Kn/Cr 6107-

4,541 45 23 272 29Ladies Slips, Petticoats, Briefs, Paints etc. Kn/Cr 6108-0 0 80 46 216T-Shirts, Singlets and other Vests Kn/Cr 6109-0 0 0 0 82Sweaters, Pullovers, Vests etc. Kn/Cr 6110-0 0 0 74 21Babies' Garments and Accessories Kn/Cr 6111-

327 3 .. 131 286Track Suits, Ski Suits and Swimwear Kn/Cr 6112-12,676 127 13 517 681Garments, Made-ups Kn/Cr etc. of Rubber or Plastic 6113-

0 0 0 80 43Garments NES Knitted or Crocheted 6114-0 0 1,524 57 5,122Panty hose, Socks and other Hosiery Kn/Cr 6115-

5,707 57 72 269 400Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Knitted or Crocheted 6116-0 0 0 0 80Made-up Clothing Accessories NES Kn/Cr 6117-0 0 0 108 2Men's or Boys' Overcoats, Cloaks etc. Not Knitted 6201-0 0 0 10 0Women's or Girls' Overcoats etc, Not Knitted or 6202-

6,815 68 170 851 943Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-0 0 0 221 6Women's or Girls' Suits, Ensembles etc. Not Kn/Cr. 6204-0 0 0 251 231Men's or Boys' Shirts, Not Kn/Cr 6205-0 0 0 301 8Men's or Boys' Undershirts etc Not Kn/Cr 6207-0 0 0 106 0Women's or Girls' Slips etc Not Kn/Cr 6208-0 0 0 0 47Garments, of Felt etc, or Fabric Impregnated etc 6210-

4,854 49 0 334 55Track Suits, Ski-Suits and Swimwear, Not Knitted 6211-0 0 0 28 5Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Not Knitted or Crocheted 6216-0 0 0 13 24Made-Up Clothing Accessories NES 6217-

40,549 406 845 4,938 5,335Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-0 0 0 19 73Curtains and Interior Blinds, Curtain or Bed 6303-0 0 0 0 51Furnishing Articles of Textile Materials NES 6304-

509 5 0 7 3Sacks and Bags of Textile Material for Packing 6305-0 0 0 14 0Tarpaulins, Sails, Awnings and Tents etc. 6306-

4,587 46 10 282 100Made-Up Articles of Textile Materials NES 6307-0 0 46 0 46Used or New Rags, Scrap Twine etc of Text Material 6310-0 0 0 2 0Waterproof Footwear, Rubber or Plastics, Bond Sole 6401-0 0 0 31 17Footwear, Outer Sole Rubber, Plastic or Leather 6403-0 0 0 1 0Footwear, Outer Sole Rubber, Plastic or Textile 6404-0 0 0 6 11Footwear NES 6405-0 0 0 7 58Articles of Stone or Other Mineral Substance NES 6815-0 0 5 0 5Ceramic Sinks, Washbasins, Water Closet Bowls etc. 6910-0 0 0 2 0Articles of Goldsmiths' or Silversmiths' Wares and 7114-0 0 0 0 4Files, Rasps, Pliers, Metal cutting Shears etc. 8203-0 0 0 4 0Hand tools NES Like Blow, Torches, Anvils etc. 8205-0 0 0 6 0Hand Operated Mechanical Appliances 8210-0 0 9 92 115Knives With Blades and Blades for Knives NES 8211-0 0 0 0 25Scissors, Tailors' Shears and Similar Shears and 8213-

143 1 4 43 17Articles of Cutlery NES and Manicure Sets etc. 8214-0 0 0 22 0Engines and Motors NES and Parts Thereof 8412-0 0 0 1 0Parts for Machine Like Ultrasonic, Stones Machines 8466-

2,618 26 0 38 39Tools for Working in the Hand, Pneumatic etc. 8467-0 0 0 3 0Surveying, Hydrographic and Meteorological 9015-

1,441 14 21 172 202Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-0 0 0 0 1String Musical Instruments NES 9202-

543 5 0 5 0Parts etc. of Musical Instruments, Metronomes 9209-0 0 0 54 94Mattress Supports, Articles of Bedding etc 9404-0 0 0 17 0Dolls, Representing only Human Beings and Parts 9502-

10,500 105 118 1,121 2,010Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-0 0 0 1 0Paintings, Drawing etc By Hand 9701-0 0 0 0 22Special Transaction NES 9992-

Page 88: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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Export of Goods and Services March 2014 114

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

France 46,920 389,83435,428 341,6424,690,9430 0 0 0 4Live Horses, Asses, Mules and Hinnies 1010 -

10,498 105 0 105 0Live Animals NES 1060 -0 0 0 0 136Meat of Swine, Fresh, Chilled or Frozen 2030 -0 0 0 36 0Fish, Fresh or Chilled (Not Fish Fillets & other Fish 3020 -0 0 59 0 59Fish Frozen (Not Fish Fillets & other Fish Meat) 3030 -0 0 0 0 59Whey and Milk Products NES, Flavored etc. or Not 4040 -

13,907 139 0 1,780 429Guts, Bladders, Stomachs of Animals (Not Fish) 5040 -0 0 0 0 25Ivory, Tortoise-Shell, Whalebone etc. 5070 -0 0 0 0 ..Other Live Plants and their Roots NES, Cuttings and 6020 -0 0 0 0 2Onions, Shallots, Garlic, Leeks etc, Fresh or Chilled 7030 -0 0 41 41 70Other Vegetables NES Fresh or Chilled 7090 -0 0 335 262 1,163Vegetables, Temporarily Preserved, not now Edible 7110 -

116,178 1,162 171 6,154 8,112Vegetables, Dried, Whole, Cut etc. not further 7120 -0 0 0 273 93Dates, Figs, Pineapples, Avocados etc, Fr or Dried 8040 -0 0 0 6 125Citrus Fruit, Fresh or Dried 8050 -0 0 0 7 4Fruit NES Fresh 8100 -

2,801 28 103 206 103Fruit Dried NES Mixtures of Nuts or Dried Fruit 8130 -0 0 0 32 31Tea Whether or not Flavored 9020 -0 0 0 53 77Ginger, Saffron, Turmeric, Thyme, Bay Leaves, 9100 -

216,649 2,167 192 11,463 2,767Rice 1006-0 0 0 16 0Wheat or Meslin Flour 1101-0 0 19 108 58Cereal Groats, Meal and Pellets 1103-0 0 147 0 147Hop Cones, Fresh or Dried; Lupulin 1210-

45,665 457 30 545 289Plants etc. for Pharmacy, Perfume, Insecticides etc. 1211-0 0 12 0 12Vegetable Saps and Extracts: Pectates, Agar-Agar 1302-0 0 0 0 44Vegetable Products NES 1404-0 0 0 0 1,749Molasses Extracted from Sugar 1703-

5,437 54 0 54 35Sugar Confectionery including White Chocolate not 1704-3,647 36 0 110 181Malt Extracts; Food Prep. of Flour etc. Under 50% 1901-

0 0 0 18 17Pasta and Couscous, Prepared or Not 1902-1,264 13 0 50 0Bread, Pastry, Cakes etc 1905-

0 0 0 0 77Vegetable, Fruit, Nuts Etc, Prep Or Pres By Vinegar 2001-0 0 0 0 461Mushrooms and Truffles Prepared or Preserved NES 2003-0 0 0 18 26Jams, Fruit Jellies, Marmalades etc. Cooked 2007-0 0 0 61 0Fruit Juices including Grape Must and Vegtable 2009-0 0 0 10 0Sauces and Preparations thereof 2103-0 0 0 72 10Food Preparations NES 2106-0 0 0 22 0Waters, Sweetened etc and other Nonalcoholic 2202-0 0 1,796 1,178 8,437Ethyl Alcohol, Strength: more than 80% Alcohol 2207-0 0 30 139 131Tobacco and Tobacco Refuse 2401-

1,240 12 19 110 143Salt, Pure Sodium Chloride, Sea Water 2501-0 0 0 106 0Pebbles, Gravel etc. Macadam of Slag, Dross etc. 2517-0 0 0 0 4Gypsum; Anhydrite; Plasters etc. 2520-

7,695 77 0 390 454Portland Cement, Aluminous Cement and Slag 2523-0 0 0 0 85Natural Steatite Roughly Trimmed etc. 2526-0 0 0 34 0Mineral Substances NES 2530-0 0 0 141 0Mineral Tars, Including Reconstituted Tars 2706-0 0 0 3 0Rare-Earth Metal Compounds of Yttrium or 2846-0 0 48 0 48Acyclic Alcohols and Halogenated Derivatives 2905-

9,583 96 77 323 151Antibiotics 2941-3,725 37 0 37 0Medicaments Mixtures for Therapeutic Use 3003-1,506 15 35 694 453Medicaments NES 3004-

0 0 50 112 220Pharmaceutical Goods 3006-10,343 103 22 277 121Synthetic Organic Coloring Matter 3204-

0 0 5 3 5Prepared Driers 3211-

Page 89: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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115 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 0 68Essential Oils, Resinoids and Terpene 3301-0 0 0 0 18Odoriferous Mixtures as Raw Materials for Industry 3302-0 0 0 0 29Perfumes and Toilet Waters 3303-0 0 0 2 16Beauty and Make-Up Preparations 3304-0 0 0 5 4Preparations for Oral or Dental Hygiene 3306-0 0 0 0 1Lubricating Preparations, Antirust and Treating 3403-

2,524 25 42 206 482Artificial and Prepared Waxes 3404-20,488 205 39 3,548 2,616Artificial Graphite, Colloidal Graphite and 3801-

0 0 0 70 0Insecticides, Rodenticides and Fungicides etc. Retail 3808-0 0 0 20 0Finishing Agents etc. for Textiles, Paper etc NES 3809-0 0 43 0 43Polymers of Styrene in Primary Forms 3903-0 0 67 9 67Polyesters, Epoxides and Polyesters, Primary Forms 3907-0 0 0 11 0Amino-Resins, Phenolic and Polyurethane, Primary 3909-0 0 43 43 79Petroleum Resins, Polysulfides etc. NES Primary 3911-0 0 0 19 0Tubes, Pipes and Hoses and their Fittings, of Plastics 3917-

497 5 0 5 0Plates, Sheets, Film etc. 3920-0 0 0 34 ..Containers: Boxes, Bags, Closures etc, Plastic 3923-

312 3 0 303 85Articles of Plastics Including Polymers and Resins 3926-0 0 0 0 30Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 4001-

15,813 158 445 3,635 3,023Waste of Rubber and Powder Obtain thereof 4004-0 0 0 3 0Tubes, Pipes and Hoses of Unhard Vulcanized 4009-

3,866 39 12 389 446Articles of Apparel and Clothing Acc. of Rubber 4015-0 0 0 9 186Raw Hides and Skins of Bovine or Equine Animals 4101-0 0 0 43 26Raw Skins of Sheep or Lambs NES 4102-0 0 0 0 68Raw Hides and Skins NES 4103-0 0 0 0 11Bovine or Equine Leather, No Hair NES 4104-0 0 0 0 14Sheep or Lamb Skin Leather, No Wool NES 4105-

1,525 15 0 19 18Goat or Kidskin Leather, No Hair NES 4106-27,261 273 179 2,379 1,778Leather of Animals NES, No Hair NES 4107-

159 2 15 109 201Leather further prepared after tanning (sheep, lamb) 4112-52,029 520 1,290 7,885 9,477Leather further prepared after tanning (other animal) 4113-

2,653 27 13 1,181 323Saddlery, Harness, Traces and Leads etc. 4201-0 0 0 233 88Travel Goods, Handbags, Wallets, Jewelry Cases etc. 4202-

345,540 3,456 3,039 33,480 29,021Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-1,474 15 198 319 3,272Articles of Leather Used in Machinery and 4204-

29,912 299 271 2,249 2,491Articles of Leather NES 4205-0 0 0 5 0Articles of Gut NES of Gold Beater's Skin etc. 4206-0 0 20 54 70Artificial Fur and Articles thereof 4304-0 0 0 10 0Wood in Rough, Stripped or Not of Sapwood etc. 4403-0 0 0 15 0Wooden Frames Paintings and Photographs etc. 4414-0 0 0 4 1Articles of Wood NES 4421-0 0 0 0 393Paper Uncoated For Writing etc, Rolls; Handmade 4802-0 0 0 0 32Toilet or Facial Tissues Stock, Towel or Napkin 4803-0 0 0 237 173Kraft Paper and Paperboard Uncoated NES 4804-

1,872 19 0 62 44Paper and Paperboard Uncoated NES, Rolls or 4805-0 0 0 136 19Toilet Paper, Paper Tissues, Towels, Napkins etc. 4818-0 0 0 15 0Cartons, Boxes, Cases, Bags and other Packing 4819-0 0 0 0 1Registers, Notebooks, Order Book, Receipt Book 4820-0 0 0 41 4Paper and Paperboard Labels of all Kinds 4821-0 0 0 29 0Bobbins, Spools etc. of Paper Pulp, Paper and 4822-0 0 0 0 158Other Paper and Paperboard and Articles NES 4823-0 0 0 .. 0Printed Books, Brochures and Similar Printed Matter 4901-

2,665 27 0 50 923Printed or Illustrated Postcards, Greeting Cards etc. 4909-0 0 0 0 11Silkworm Cocoons Suitable for Reeling 5001-

3,081 31 0 42 46Woven Fabrics of Silk or Silk Waste 5007-0 0 0 32 114Waste of Wool, Fine or Coarse Animal Hair 5103-

Page 90: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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Export of Goods and Services March 2014 116

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 6 0 6Wool and Fine or Coarse Animal Hair, Carded or 5105-0 0 0 12 0Yarn of Wool or Fine Animal Hair, For Retail Sale 5109-0 0 0 2 0Yarn of Coarse Animal Hair or Horsehair 5110-

2,917 29 0 191 112Cotton, Not Carded Or Combed 5201-135,328 1,354 1,110 12,310 7,250Cotton Waste Including Yarn Waste etc. 5202-

0 0 0 29 0Cotton, Carded or Combed 5203-0 0 0 0 187Cotton Sewing Thread, Retail Packed or Not 5204-

34,544 346 313 2,281 2,004Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton more than 85% 5205-6,353 64 0 153 102Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton less than 85% 5206-

0 0 0 219 51Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Retail Packed 5207-4,744 47 373 3,658 4,202Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt < 5208-

11,301 113 217 2,922 3,195Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-60,562 606 24 4,651 1,346Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt < 5210-

0 0 0 267 110Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt > 5211-0 0 0 711 810Woven Cotton Fabrics NES 5212-0 0 0 0 20Yarn of Jute or other Textile Bast Fibers NES 5307-0 0 0 0 34Synthetic Filament Yarn Not Sewing Thread, Not 5402-

6,114 61 0 348 340Woven Fabric of Synthetic Filament Yarn 5407-0 0 0 0 8Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5512-

8,954 90 66 890 825Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5513-0 0 3 4 3Woven Fabrics of Artificial Staple Fibers 5516-0 0 0 37 87Textile Wadding and Articles; Text Fiber Not Over 5 5601-0 0 0 0 33Felt, Impregnated, Coated, Covered or Lamented 5602-0 0 0 8 0Nonwovens Impregnated, Coated, Covered or 5603-

34,162 342 673 3,363 5,109Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Knotted 5701-0 0 0 58 155Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Woven 5702-

4,576 46 250 295 742Woven Terry Fabrics and Tufted Textile Fabric NES 5802-0 0 0 0 225Tulles and other Net Fabrics 5804-

4,064 41 0 162 81Narrow Woven Fabrics Except Labels 5806-17,967 180 102 1,257 829Labels, Badges and Similar Type of Textiles 5807-

0 0 0 5 9Braids, Ornamental Trim in Pieces Not Knitted, or 5808-2,270 23 0 81 17Embroidery in the Piece, In Strips or in Motifs 5810-

0 0 0 0 40Quilt Textile Products 5811-0 0 0 13 ..Gum Covered Fabric; Tracing Cloth; Paint Canvas 5901-0 0 0 17 40Textile Fabrics Coated, Covered or Lamented with 5903-0 0 7 4 130Textile Fabrics, Theatrical Scenery, Back-Cloths 5907-0 0 0 0 31Kn/CR Fabrics Not of Rubber/Pile Width <30 cm 6003-0 0 0 0 26Warp Knit fabrics Not of Rubber and Pile Fabrics 6005-0 0 22 274 162Other knitted or crocheted fabrics 6006-

15,457 155 31 678 345Gents Overcoats, Car-Coats, Caps, Cloaks and 6101-9,190 92 127 1,828 1,950Ladies Overcoats, Car-Coats, Caps, Cloaks and 6102-

68,089 681 184 4,953 2,325Gents Suits, Ensembles, Jackets etc. Kn/Cr 6103-21,034 210 75 3,162 1,212Ladies Suits, Ensembles etc. Kn/Cr 6104-

135,999 1,360 710 6,731 4,371Gents Shirts, Knitted or Crocheted 6105-0 0 15 219 297Gents Blouses and Shirts Kn/Cr 6106-

104 1 85 540 921Gents Underpants, Briefs, Nightshirts etc. Kn/Cr 6107-1,055 11 19 284 212Ladies Slips, Petticoats, Briefs, Paints etc. Kn/Cr 6108-

0 0 301 943 978T-Shirts, Singlets and other Vests Kn/Cr 6109-47,784 478 409 2,032 1,149Sweaters, Pullovers, Vests etc. Kn/Cr 6110-10,567 106 20 531 262Babies' Garments and Accessories Kn/Cr 6111-15,308 153 29 896 2,018Track Suits, Ski Suits and Swimwear Kn/Cr 6112-68,319 683 885 9,093 6,334Garments, Made-ups Kn/Cr etc. of Rubber or Plastic 6113-

3,804 38 19 363 346Garments NES Knitted or Crocheted 6114-49,798 498 542 5,303 5,254Panty hose, Socks and other Hosiery Kn/Cr 6115-57,868 579 313 4,537 2,895Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Knitted or Crocheted 6116-

0 0 0 62 0Made-up Clothing Accessories NES Kn/Cr 6117-

Page 91: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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117 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

1,082 11 12 1,145 1,196Men's or Boys' Overcoats, Cloaks etc. Not Knitted 6201-10,895 109 0 879 477Women's or Girls' Overcoats etc, Not Knitted or 6202-

732,401 7,326 4,959 48,758 47,368Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-172,583 1,726 636 9,178 5,583Women's or Girls' Suits, Ensembles etc. Not Kn/Cr. 6204-

0 0 115 134 401Men's or Boys' Shirts, Not Kn/Cr 6205-0 0 0 46 55Women's or Girls' Blouses, Shirts etc. Not Knitted 6206-

35,938 359 86 2,025 580Men's or Boys' Undershirts etc Not Kn/Cr 6207-0 0 36 878 422Women's or Girls' Slips etc Not Kn/Cr 6208-0 0 0 51 68Babies' Garments and Accessories Not Kn/Cr 6209-0 0 0 157 50Garments, of Felt etc, or Fabric Impregnated etc 6210-

60,037 601 258 2,060 1,185Track Suits, Ski-Suits and Swimwear, Not Knitted 6211-254 3 0 3 0Brassieres, Girdles, Garters and Braces etc. 6212-

0 0 0 21 163Handkerchiefs 6213-0 0 0 0 2Shawls, Scarves, Mufflers, Mantillas, Veils etc. 6214-

12,980 130 0 1,082 419Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Not Knitted or Crocheted 6216-51,975 520 36 1,293 349Made-Up Clothing Accessories NES 6217-

0 0 4 0 19Blankets and Traveling Rugs 6301-1,330,908 13,312 8,499 118,228 86,850Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-

19,777 198 142 1,262 1,121Curtains and Interior Blinds, Curtain or Bed 6303-1,085 11 2 503 405Furnishing Articles of Textile Materials NES 6304-

124 1 .. 491 35Sacks and Bags of Textile Material for Packing 6305-2,699 27 11 50 90Tarpaulins, Sails, Awnings and Tents etc. 6306-

28,751 288 454 3,913 4,363Made-Up Articles of Textile Materials NES 6307-0 0 0 0 18Worn Clothing and other Worn Textile Articles 6309-

394 4 0 40 0Used or New Rags, Scrap Twine etc of Text Material 6310-0 0 0 0 8Waterproof Footwear, Rubber or Plastics, Bond Sole 6401-

620 6 10 78 20Footwear, Outer Sole and Upper Rubber or Plastic 6402-12,879 129 764 3,753 3,131Footwear, Outer Sole Rubber, Plastic or Leather 6403-

114 1 16 56 70Footwear, Outer Sole Rubber, Plastic or Textile 6404-426 4 38 18 52Footwear NES 6405-

7,225 72 219 947 1,740Parts of Footwear: Insoles, Gaiters etc. Parts 6406-0 0 0 34 0Hat-Forms, Bodies and Hoods and Manchons of Felt 6501-0 0 0 1 1Hats and other Headgear made of Strips of any 6504-0 0 0 42 0Headgear NES 6506-0 0 9 16 84Walking-Sticks, Seat-Sticks, Whips and 6602-0 0 0 0 69Skins and other Parts of Birds 6701-0 0 0 6 0Worked Monumental or Building Stone and Articles 6802-0 0 0 7 0Abrasive Powder etc. on a Base of Textile Material 6805-0 0 0 5 0Fabricated Asbestos Fibers, Items of Mixtures etc 6812-

138 1 0 200 64Articles of Stone or Other Mineral Substance NES 6815-0 0 0 0 3Bricks, Blocks, Tiles and Ceramic Goods of 6901-0 0 0 0 43Refractory Ceramic Goods, Retorts, Tubes etc. NES 6903-0 0 0 215 5Tableware, Kitchenware and other Articles of Toilet 6911-0 0 0 0 ..Ceramics Tableware, Kitchenware etc. 6912-0 0 0 66 0Glass Containers for Packing etc and Glass Closures 7010-0 0 0 1 3Precious and Semi Precious Stones NES 7103-0 0 0 0 2Articles of Jewelry and Parts thereof or Precious 7113-0 0 0 0 9,366Spongy Ferrous Products and Iron 99.94% Pure 7203-0 0 0 13 4Ferrous Waste and Scrap 7204-0 0 0 18 0Wire of Iron and Non-Alloy Steel 7217-0 0 0 6 10Other Bars and Rods of Stainless Steel etc. 7222-0 0 0 0 4Wire of Stainless Steel 7223-0 0 1 0 85Railway / Tramway Track Construction Material of 7302-0 0 0 7 0Table, Kitchen or Household Articles & Parts of Iron 7323-

778 8 0 11 0Articles of Iron or Steel, NES 7326-0 0 0 17 12Table, Kitchen or other Household Articles and Parts 7615-

Page 92: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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Export of Goods and Services March 2014 118

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 32 0Zirconium and Articles Thereof Include. Waste and 8109-0 0 0 0 8Hand tools and Tools Used in Agriculture etc. 8201-

249 2 5 10 9Handsaws and Parts, Saw Blades 8202-0 0 0 10 15Files, Rasps, Pliers, Metal cutting Shears etc. 8203-

9,053 91 0 91 0Hand Operated Spanners and Wrenches etc. 8204-3,369 34 0 41 3Hand tools NES Like Blow, Torches, Anvils etc. 8205-

0 0 0 2 6Interchange Tools for Hand or Machine Tools 8207-1,626 16 0 30 59Knives and Blades for Machines and Appliances 8208-

0 0 1 3 3Hand Operated Mechanical Appliances 8210-6,168 62 50 700 1,213Knives With Blades and Blades for Knives NES 8211-2,976 30 60 291 105Scissors, Tailors' Shears and Similar Shears and 8213-6,544 65 91 912 665Articles of Cutlery NES and Manicure Sets etc. 8214-

0 0 0 5 123Tableware etc. of Base Metal and Parts of Base 8215-0 0 0 0 117Hardware, Fixtures, Castors etc. and Part 8302-0 0 0 0 54Safes, Cash or Deed Boxes etc and Parts 8303-0 0 0 4 0Pumps for Liquids; Liquid Elevators; Parts Thereof 8413-0 0 0 6 0Air or Vacuum Pump, Compressors and Fans 8414-0 0 0 0 2Machinery etc for Temperature Change 8419-0 0 6 2 29Machines, Dishwashing Machines for Cleaning etc. 8422-0 0 0 0 16Pulley Tackle and Hoists other than Skip Hoist, 8425-0 0 0 23 69Parts for Pulley Tackle, Hoists etc and Leveling 8431-

592 6 0 98 403Machinery NES used for Food and Drink and Parts 8438-0 0 0 34 0Auxiliary Machinery for use With Textile Machines 8448-0 0 0 0 ..Machine Tools for Honing or Finishing Metal etc. 8460-0 0 0 1 1Parts for Machine Like Ultrasonic, Stones Machines 8466-

3,699 37 44 145 603Tools for Working in the Hand, Pneumatic etc. 8467-409 4 0 4 0Machines and Apparatus for Soldering, Brazing or 8468-

0 0 0 0 30Machinery Parts Not Electrical Connectors etc. NES 8485-0 0 0 0 343Prepared Unrecorded Media for Sound etc. 8523-0 0 0 0 75Electrical Apparatus for Switching etc. Not Over 8536-0 0 0 0 27Electrical Filament or Discharge Lamps and Parts 8539-

398 4 0 4 0Electronic Integrated Circuits and Micro assemblies 8542-0 0 0 0 52Tractors Other Than Work Trucks used for Short 8701-

367 4 79 110 164Parts and Accessories for Motor Vehicles 8708-0 0 8 0 8Trailers and Semi-Trailers etc and Parts 8716-0 0 0 0 103Light-Vessels and Fire-Floats etc. 8905-0 0 0 6 0Optical Telescopes and Mounting for 9005-0 0 0 7 0Compound Optical Microscopes, Parts and 9011-

160,935 1,610 1,497 12,367 16,439Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-0 0 0 0 27Orthopedic Appliances Artificial Body and Parts 9021-

635 6 0 114 100X-Ray etc Apparatus, Tubes, Panels, Screen and 9022-0 0 0 17 0String Musical Instruments NES 9202-

148 1 2 19 13Wind Musical Instruments NES 9205-0 0 43 87 220Percussion Musical Instruments Drums etc. 9206-0 0 0 23 2Musical Boxes, Fairground Organs etc. 9208-

770 8 3 206 74Parts etc. of Musical Instruments, Metronomes 9209-5,683 57 255 1,869 3,281Bombs, Grenades, Cartridges and Parts 9306-

0 0 0 16 0Seats and Parts Except Barber, Dental etc. 9401-0 0 1 0 1Medical, Surgical, Dental or Veterinary Furniture 9402-

691 7 2 64 66Furniture NES and Parts Thereof 9403-14,898 149 290 776 568Mattress Supports, Articles of Bedding etc 9404-

0 0 0 0 7Lamps and Lighting Fittings and Parts etc NES 9405-0 0 0 7 1Dolls, Representing only Human Beings and Parts 9502-0 0 0 0 19Articles for Arcade, Table or Parlor Games 9504-0 0 0 2 0Festive, Carnival or other Entertainment Articles 9505-

187,411 1,875 845 15,272 8,382Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-

Page 93: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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119 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

218 2 1 2 3Fishing Rods and Tackle Nets, Decoys etc. 9507-0 0 0 144 53Buttons, Press Studs, Button Mold and Blanks etc. 9606-0 0 0 174 269Pens, Ball Points, Soft Tip and Mechanical Pencils 9608-0 0 0 0 1Pencils, Crayons, Leads and Chalks etc. 9609-0 0 0 1 0Collectors Item of Botanic and Historical Interest 9705-0 0 0 23 44Special Transaction NES 9992-

French Guinea 26 31132 3922,6390 0 0 0 104Vegetables, Temporarily Preserved, not now Edible 7110 -0 0 3 0 3Dates, Figs, Pineapples, Avocados etc, Fr or Dried 8040 -0 0 0 11 0Heterocyclic Compounds with Nitrogen 2933-0 0 0 4 0Provitamins and Vitamins and Derivatives 2936-

1,000 10 0 17 0Antibiotics 2941-0 0 0 34 0Medicaments NES 3004-0 0 0 4 0Containers: Boxes, Bags, Closures etc, Plastic 3923-0 0 0 136 0Leather further prepared after tanning (other animal) 4113-0 0 0 4 46Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-0 0 0 0 68Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton more than 85% 5205-0 0 0 44 0Gents Overcoats, Car-Coats, Caps, Cloaks and 6101-0 0 29 0 29Ladies Suits, Ensembles etc. Kn/Cr 6104-

1,639 16 0 16 0Track Suits, Ski Suits and Swimwear Kn/Cr 6112-0 0 0 20 0Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-0 0 0 0 141Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-0 0 0 21 0Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-

Gabon 31 1,561166 8983,0850 0 0 327 0Fruit Dried NES Mixtures of Nuts or Dried Fruit 8130 -0 0 0 13 28Bread, Pastry, Cakes etc 1905-0 0 0 0 243Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt < 5208-0 0 0 0 20Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5513-0 0 0 82 0Twine, Cordage, Rope and Cables 5607-0 0 0 15 0Labels, Badges and Similar Type of Textiles 5807-0 0 0 0 9Pile Fabrics and Terry Fabrics Knitted or Crocheted 6001-0 0 0 0 1Men's or Boys' Overcoats, Cloaks etc. Not Knitted 6201-0 0 0 0 59Made-Up Clothing Accessories NES 6217-

3,085 31 166 1,108 466Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-0 0 0 12 0Table, Kitchen or other Household Articles and Parts 7615-0 0 0 3 68Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-0 0 0 0 5Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-

Gambia 650 8,656903 7,40565,0200 0 11 0 11Meat of Bovine Animals, Fresh or Chilled 2010 -0 0 0 0 9Edible Offal of Bovine Animals; Swine, Sheep, 2060 -

30,256 303 622 6,529 4,867Rice 1006-0 0 0 0 11Wheat or Meslin Flour 1101-

3,519 35 0 217 129Sugar Confectionery including White Chocolate not 1704-1,217 12 0 12 13Bread, Pastry, Cakes etc 1905-

0 0 0 0 13Vegetable, Fruit, Nuts Etc, Prep Or Pres By Vinegar 2001-1,182 12 0 12 18Fruit Juices including Grape Must and Vegtable 2009-

0 0 0 0 12Food Preparations NES 2106-0 0 0 4 5Medicaments NES 3004-0 0 96 0 96Leather of Animals NES, No Hair NES 4107-0 0 0 0 19Leather further prepared after tanning (other animal) 4113-0 0 17 0 17Saddlery, Harness, Traces and Leads etc. 4201-0 0 0 0 54Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-0 0 0 0 93Articles of Leather NES 4205-0 0 0 12 11Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt < 5208-

Page 94: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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Export of Goods and Services March 2014 120

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 0 235Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-500 5 0 5 25Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt < 5210-

8,281 83 91 712 615Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5513-6,569 66 0 66 0Woven Terry Fabrics and Tufted Textile Fabric NES 5802-

0 0 0 25 21Ladies Overcoats, Car-Coats, Caps, Cloaks and 6102-0 0 0 0 36Gents Suits, Ensembles, Jackets etc. Kn/Cr 6103-0 0 18 40 102Ladies Suits, Ensembles etc. Kn/Cr 6104-

5,960 60 8 152 43Gents Shirts, Knitted or Crocheted 6105-2,407 24 0 24 0Gents Blouses and Shirts Kn/Cr 6106-

0 0 0 0 14Gents Underpants, Briefs, Nightshirts etc. Kn/Cr 6107-0 0 8 236 239T-Shirts, Singlets and other Vests Kn/Cr 6109-0 0 0 94 61Garments, Made-ups Kn/Cr etc. of Rubber or Plastic 6113-0 0 5 0 12Garments NES Knitted or Crocheted 6114-0 0 0 70 21Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-

5,130 51 27 422 597Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-0 0 0 18 0Imitation Jewelry 7117-0 0 0 3 0Articles of Cutlery NES and Manicure Sets etc. 8214-0 0 0 5 0Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-0 0 0 0 7Toys NES, Reduced Size, Puzzles of all Kinds 9503-

Georgia 389 4,649525 10,63638,8730 0 0 124 52Meat of Sheep or Goats, Fresh, Chilled or Frozen 2040 -0 0 0 0 28Edible Offal of Bovine Animals; Swine, Sheep, 2060 -

1,591 16 0 16 0Citrus Fruit, Fresh or Dried 8050 -32,523 325 390 2,900 3,120Rice 1006-

0 0 0 40 52Seeds, Fruit and Spores, for Sowing 1209-0 0 10 0 10Cane or Beet Sugar and Sucrose in Solid Form 1701-0 0 0 0 5,532Ethyl Alcohol, Strength: more than 80% Alcohol 2207-0 0 0 3 2Salt, Pure Sodium Chloride, Sea Water 2501-0 0 0 35 8Medicaments NES 3004-

1,841 18 19 76 98Matches and Except Pyrotechnic Articles 3605-0 0 0 0 3Insecticides, Rodenticides and Fungicides etc. Retail 3808-0 0 0 0 29Refractory Cements, Mortars, Concretes etc. NES 3816-0 0 0 37 0Polymers of Styrene in Primary Forms 3903-0 0 0 14 18Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-0 0 2 0 2Tableware and Kitchenware of Wood 4419-0 0 0 0 15Bobbins, Spools etc. of Paper Pulp, Paper and 4822-0 0 0 0 24Cotton, Carded or Combed 5203-0 0 0 50 73Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt < 5208-0 0 0 0 49Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-0 0 0 186 0Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt < 5210-0 0 0 52 0Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5512-0 0 40 88 371Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5513-0 0 0 539 857Woven Fabric, Synthetic < 85% of Fibre Mix 5514-0 0 0 38 36Woven Terry Fabrics and Tufted Textile Fabric NES 5802-0 0 0 15 0Gents Overcoats, Car-Coats, Caps, Cloaks and 6101-0 0 8 18 48Gents Shirts, Knitted or Crocheted 6105-0 0 20 14 20Garments, Made-ups Kn/Cr etc. of Rubber or Plastic 6113-0 0 7 35 63Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-0 0 0 15 0Men's or Boys' Shirts, Not Kn/Cr 6205-0 0 0 4 0Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Not Knitted or Crocheted 6216-0 0 0 4 1Made-Up Clothing Accessories NES 6217-

1,563 16 0 234 0Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-0 0 17 9 20Table, Kitchen or other Household Articles and Parts 7615-0 0 0 0 5Articles of Cutlery NES and Manicure Sets etc. 8214-

111 1 0 1 0Tools for Working in the Hand, Pneumatic etc. 8467-

Page 95: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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121 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

1,244 12 12 101 78Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-0 0 0 1 22Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-

Germany 110,029 857,12993,433 753,66511,000,4181,705 17 0 18 24Live Horses, Asses, Mules and Hinnies 1010 -6,598 66 109 102 123Meat of Bovine Animals, Fresh or Chilled 2010 -

0 0 0 19 0Meat of Sheep or Goats, Fresh, Chilled or Frozen 2040 -13,149 132 80 1,472 1,857Edible Offal of Bovine Animals; Swine, Sheep, 2060 -

0 0 0 0 50Meat and Edible Offal of Poultry, Fresh, Chilled or 2070 -0 0 0 0 28Other Meat & Edible Offal ; Fresh, Chilled or Frozen 2080 -0 0 0 0 10Fish, Fresh or Chilled (Not Fish Fillets & other Fish 3020 -0 0 0 74 0Fish Frozen (Not Fish Fillets & other Fish Meat) 3030 -0 0 0 0 25Milk and Cream, Not Concentrated or Sweetened 4010 -0 0 0 21 0Natural Honey 4090 -0 0 0 0 29Human Hair, Unworked and Waste of Human Hair 5010 -

91,631 917 318 5,280 5,051Guts, Bladders, Stomachs of Animals (Not Fish) 5040 -3,740 37 0 37 0Bones & Horn - Cores, Unworked, Defatted, Simply 5060 -6,444 64 0 827 713Ivory, Tortoise-Shell, Whalebone etc. 5070 -3,604 36 269 816 2,820Animal Products NES, Inedible Dead Animals 5110 -

0 0 0 0 15Bulbs, Tubers, Tuberous Roots, Corms, Chicory 6010 -0 0 0 1 0Other Live Plants and their Roots NES, Cuttings and 6020 -

670 7 29 340 298Cut Flowers and Flower Buds for Bouquet or for 6030 -0 0 0 0 8Onions, Shallots, Garlic, Leeks etc, Fresh or Chilled 7030 -

1,223 12 18 96 242Cabbages, Cauliflower, Kohlrabi, Kale etc. Fresh or 7040 -1,575 16 0 16 0Lettuce and Chicory, Fresh or Chilled 7050 -

0 0 12 124 363Leguminous Vegetables, Shelled or not, Fresh or 7080 -3,828 38 81 521 345Other Vegetables NES Fresh or Chilled 7090 -

0 0 6 17 6Vegetables Frozen 7100 -0 0 0 2 5Vegetables, Temporarily Preserved, not now Edible 7110 -

23,678 237 0 478 365Vegetables, Dried, Whole, Cut etc. not further 7120 -5,517 55 0 795 73Other Nuts NES Fresh or Dried Whether Shelled or 8020 -6,641 66 110 2,197 2,069Dates, Figs, Pineapples, Avocados etc, Fr or Dried 8040 -

138 1 3 1 5Citrus Fruit, Fresh or Dried 8050 -16,006 160 51 250 169Apricots, Cherries, Peaches, Plums and Sloes, Fresh 8090 -

1,846 18 15 309 125Fruit NES Fresh 8100 -0 0 62 0 166Fruit and Nuts Temporarily Preserved, Not Now 8120 -0 0 341 2,308 1,807Fruit Dried NES Mixtures of Nuts or Dried Fruit 8130 -0 0 0 17 0Tea Whether or not Flavored 9020 -0 0 14 0 24Pepper, Genus Piper; Genus Capsicum or Pimento 9040 -0 0 0 48 0Seeds of Anise, Badian, Fennel, Coriander, Cumin 9090 -

5,591 56 0 385 157Ginger, Saffron, Turmeric, Thyme, Bay Leaves, 9100 -0 0 0 .. 0Wheat and Meslin 1001-0 0 0 0 3Maize (Corn) 1005-

91,879 919 367 5,209 3,955Rice 1006-0 0 0 29 11Cereal Flours, Except of Wheat or of Meslin 1102-0 0 29 108 335Cereal Groats, Meal and Pellets 1103-0 0 0 3 0Soya beans, Whether or Not Broken 1201-

22,925 229 83 1,009 189Other Oil Seeds and Oleaginous Fruits NES 1207-0 0 0 58 0Flour and Meals of Oil Seeds or Oleaginous Fruits 1208-0 0 21 18 21Seeds, Fruit and Spores, for Sowing 1209-

4,875 49 126 316 374Plants etc. for Pharmacy, Perfume, Insecticides etc. 1211-0 0 0 0 17Cereal Straw and Husks 1213-

9,944 99 858 933 1,615Lac; Natural Gums, Resins, Gum-Resins and 1301-4,999 50 372 1,335 3,275Vegetable Saps and Extracts: Pectates, Agar-Agar 1302-

0 0 0 0 3Vegetable Materials used in Brooms Like Piassava 1403-240 2 0 2 0Wool Grease Fatty Substances Derived there from 1505-

Page 96: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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Export of Goods and Services March 2014 122

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 8 0Rape, Colza or Mustard Oil and Fractions thereof 1514-0 0 0 10 9Animal or Vegetable Fats and Oils 1516-0 0 0 0 11Prepared or Preserved Meat, Meat Offal and Blood 1602-

4,065 41 143 89 634Prepared or Preserved Fish, Caviar and Caviar 1604-0 0 0 0 78Crustaceans Molluscs etc Prepared or Preserved 1605-

497 5 0 5 46Cane or Beet Sugar and Sucrose in Solid Form 1701-6,550 66 12 377 82Other Sugar NES 1702-

0 0 120 0 440Molasses Extracted from Sugar 1703-0 0 0 22 11Sugar Confectionery including White Chocolate not 1704-0 0 0 77 110Malt Extracts; Food Prep. of Flour etc. Under 50% 1901-

2,200 22 0 83 24Pasta and Couscous, Prepared or Not 1902-600 6 39 12 61Bread, Pastry, Cakes etc 1905-

0 0 25 26 48Vegetable, Fruit, Nuts Etc, Prep Or Pres By Vinegar 2001-0 0 0 0 52Mushrooms and Truffles Prepared or Preserved NES 2003-

805 8 0 8 0Fruit, Nuts, Fruit-Peel etc, Preserved by Sugar 2006-0 0 0 51 190Fruit, Nuts etc. Prepared or Preserved NES 2008-

14,073 141 21 466 413Fruit Juices including Grape Must and Vegtable 2009-0 0 0 0 10Yeast, Prepared Baking Powder 2102-0 0 0 0 19Sauces and Preparations thereof 2103-

1,947 19 0 136 57Food Preparations NES 2106-0 0 0 308 5,119Ethyl Alcohol, Strength: more than 80% Alcohol 2207-0 0 0 0 33Residues of Starch Manufacture like Beet-Pulp and 2303-0 0 0 1 0Vegetable Material, Waste etc For Feeding Animals 2308-0 0 0 51 66Tobacco and Tobacco Refuse 2401-0 0 1 128 2Tobacco and Tobacco Substitutes Manufactured 2403-

46,287 463 316 2,702 2,396Salt, Pure Sodium Chloride, Sea Water 2501-0 0 0 36 12Marble, Travertine etc. and Alabaster, Crude etc. 2515-

487 5 2 114 7Natural Steatite Roughly Trimmed etc. 2526-0 0 0 7 0Chromium Ores and Concentrates 2610-0 0 0 64 0Hydrogen Chloride; Chlorosulphuric Acid 2806-0 0 0 11 0Fluorides, Fluorosilicates and Fluoroaluminates etc 2826-0 0 0 0 1,053Ethers, Ether-Alcohols and Alcohol Peroxides etc. 2909-0 0 0 12 0Saturated Acyclic Monocarboxylic Acid etc. 2915-0 0 16 0 151Medicaments Mixtures for Therapeutic Use 3003-

2,605 26 0 102 60Medicaments NES 3004-0 0 0 4 0Wading, Gauze, Bandages etc. 3005-0 0 0 27 15Pharmaceutical Goods 3006-0 0 0 26 0Synthetic Organic tanning Substances 3202-

14,225 142 91 626 527Synthetic Organic Coloring Matter 3204-0 0 3 210 4Other Color Matters 3206-0 0 100 0 100Paints and Varnishes of Synthetic Polymers 3208-0 0 0 143 0Paints and Varnishes NES 3210-

3,307 33 0 34 47Prepared Driers 3211-0 0 0 13 0Essential Oils, Resinoids and Terpene 3301-0 0 0 0 5Odoriferous Mixtures as Raw Materials for Industry 3302-0 0 0 24 0Perfumes and Toilet Waters 3303-

1,738 17 0 109 2Beauty and Make-Up Preparations 3304-0 0 0 0 13Personal Toilet etc Prep NES 3307-0 0 0 41 31Organic Surf-Act Agents and Products other than 3402-0 0 5 31 34Lubricating Preparations, Antirust and Treating 3403-0 0 47 0 94Artificial and Prepared Waxes 3404-

370 4 0 21 19Polishes and Creams for Leather, Wood etc. 3405-1,072 11 0 290 391Gelatin and Derivatives 3503-

0 0 0 2 0Prepared Glues and Adhesives NES 3506-0 0 0 0 154Ferrocerium and other Pyrophoric Alloys etc. 3606-0 0 0 0 120Photographic Chemicals, Unmixed Products Retail 3707-

Page 97: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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123 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

27,516 275 0 2,102 898Artificial Graphite, Colloidal Graphite and 3801-0 0 0 26 4Insecticides, Rodenticides and Fungicides etc. Retail 3808-0 0 0 182 150Finishing Agents etc. for Textiles, Paper etc NES 3809-0 0 0 1 0Prepared binders for foundry moulds or cores 3824-

3,394 34 0 34 0Polymers of Ethylene, in Primary Forms 3901-30 .. 22 143 212Polymers of Styrene in Primary Forms 3903-

0 0 0 0 7Acrylic Polymers in Primary Forms 3906-62,566 626 472 5,277 4,022Polyesters, Epoxides and Polyesters, Primary Forms 3907-

0 0 0 74 134Silicones in Primary Forms 3910-0 0 0 63 0Waste, Parings and Scrap, of Plastics 3915-0 0 0 9 0Tubes, Pipes and Hoses and their Fittings, of Plastics 3917-

4,264 43 0 88 0Plates, Sheets, Film etc. 3920-0 0 4 40 6Containers: Boxes, Bags, Closures etc, Plastic 3923-0 0 0 30 2Tableware and other Household Articles etc, Plastics 3924-

5,556 56 0 669 1,343Articles of Plastics Including Polymers and Resins 3926-38,995 390 269 4,428 3,033Waste of Rubber and Powder Obtain thereof 4004-

0 0 7 25 20Tubes, Pipes and Hoses of Unhard Vulcanized 4009-0 0 0 3 0Conveyor or Transmission Belts of Vulcanized 4010-0 0 0 30 0New Pneumatic Tires of Rubber 4011-

3,677 37 93 796 1,106Articles of Apparel and Clothing Acc. of Rubber 4015-0 0 0 18 0Articles NES of Unhard Vulcanized Rubber 4016-0 0 0 0 12Raw Hides and Skins of Bovine or Equine Animals 4101-

2,348 23 21 127 435Raw Skins of Sheep or Lambs NES 4102-0 0 0 0 149Raw Hides and Skins NES 4103-

7,634 76 0 106 45Bovine or Equine Leather, No Hair NES 4104-7,063 71 0 1,823 105Goat or Kidskin Leather, No Hair NES 4106-

47,385 474 0 1,710 155Leather of Animals NES, No Hair NES 4107-0 0 25 236 187Leather further prepared after tanning (sheep, lamb) 4112-

206,547 2,066 3,036 28,063 22,971Leather further prepared after tanning (other animal) 4113-17,216 172 344 2,455 2,742Saddlery, Harness, Traces and Leads etc. 4201-

87 1 5 205 501Travel Goods, Handbags, Wallets, Jewelry Cases etc. 4202-1,006,557 10,068 8,527 88,219 64,420Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-

16,871 169 527 5,083 6,282Articles of Leather Used in Machinery and 4204-67,247 673 689 8,273 9,346Articles of Leather NES 4205-

0 0 0 0 34Articles of Gut NES of Gold Beater's Skin etc. 4206-0 0 125 0 164Tanned or Dressed Furskins including Heads, Tails 4302-0 0 0 2 0Articles of Apparel etc, of Furskins 4303-0 0 0 3 0Packing Cases etc. of Wood; Pallets etc. 4415-0 0 21 44 48Tools, Tool Bodies, Tool Handles of Wood 4417-0 0 0 0 4Wood Marquetry & inlaid Wood Jewel Case etc. 4420-0 0 0 0 1Chemical Wood pulp, Soda or Sulfate, Not 4703-0 0 0 12 0Paper Uncoated For Writing etc, Rolls; Handmade 4802-0 0 0 0 49Toilet or Facial Tissues Stock, Towel or Napkin 4803-

7,344 73 0 118 0Kraft Paper and Paperboard Uncoated NES 4804-87 1 6 4 6Toilet Paper, Paper Tissues, Towels, Napkins etc. 4818-

225 2 12 28 46Cartons, Boxes, Cases, Bags and other Packing 4819-0 0 0 3 5Paper and Paperboard Labels of all Kinds 4821-0 0 0 5 444Other Paper and Paperboard and Articles NES 4823-0 0 0 0 ..Printed Books, Brochures and Similar Printed Matter 4901-0 0 0 0 1Printed Matter including Pictures and Photographs 4911-0 0 0 0 10Silkworm Cocoons Suitable for Reeling 5001-0 0 0 0 2Silk Yarn and Yarn Spun from Silk Waste or Retail 5006-

5,066 51 0 492 399Woven Fabrics of Silk or Silk Waste 5007-0 0 0 28 0Fine or Coarse Animal Hair, Not Carded or Combed 5102-

2,314 23 9 75 215Waste of Wool, Fine or Coarse Animal Hair 5103-0 0 0 14 163Wool and Fine or Coarse Animal Hair, Carded or 5105-

Page 98: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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Export of Goods and Services March 2014 124

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 0 51Yarn of Wool or Fine Animal Hair, For Retail Sale 5109-0 0 101 120 482Cotton, Not Carded Or Combed 5201-

50,378 504 459 3,716 4,795Cotton Waste Including Yarn Waste etc. 5202-15,566 156 0 196 253Cotton, Carded or Combed 5203-14,784 148 153 1,786 888Cotton Sewing Thread, Retail Packed or Not 5204-69,878 699 1,069 8,009 6,495Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton more than 85% 5205-

5,996 60 19 519 115Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton less than 85% 5206-0 0 29 72 95Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Retail Packed 5207-

332,982 3,331 4,945 33,271 34,413Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt < 5208-279,931 2,800 2,114 24,441 23,800Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-

91,328 913 1,524 7,768 8,807Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt < 5210-34,584 346 230 2,227 1,558Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt > 5211-29,455 295 742 4,673 6,571Woven Cotton Fabrics NES 5212-

0 0 0 0 14True Hemp, not Spun, Tow and Waste of Hemp 5302-0 0 0 65 0Sewing Thread of Manmade Filaments 5401-0 0 0 47 11Synthetic Filament Yarn Not Sewing Thread, Not 5402-

16,417 164 93 751 1,289Woven Fabric of Synthetic Filament Yarn 5407-0 0 0 4 6Synthetic Filament Tow 5501-0 0 0 20 0Artificial Staple Fibers, Not Carded, Combed etc. 5504-0 0 0 24 0Synthetic Staple Fibres, Carded, Combed etc. 5506-0 0 0 45 0Sewing Thread, Manmade Staple Fibre 5508-0 0 0 0 133Yarn Not for Sewing Thread, Synthetic Staple 5509-0 0 0 0 1Yarn (Not Sew Thread), Art Staple Fib, Not Retail 5510-

2,590 26 0 30 6Yarn (No SewingThread), Manmade Staple Fiber, 5511-0 0 100 546 191Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5512-

27,572 276 213 3,305 2,412Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5513-71,457 715 274 1,388 1,772Woven Fabric, Synthetic < 85% of Fibre Mix 5514-

0 0 0 4 166Woven Fabrics of Artificial Staple Fibers 5516-0 0 0 2 40Textile Wadding and Articles; Text Fiber Not Over 5 5601-0 0 0 0 11Felt, Impregnated, Coated, Covered or Lamented 5602-0 0 0 .. 0Knotted Netting of Twine, Cordage or rope of 5608-0 0 0 0 10Articles of Yarn Stripe or the like NES 5609-

80,600 806 531 5,327 6,393Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Knotted 5701-0 0 0 8 20Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Woven 5702-

38,994 390 0 393 15Woven Pile and Chenille Fabrics NES 5801-60,531 605 1,190 5,342 4,482Woven Terry Fabrics and Tufted Textile Fabric NES 5802-

0 0 0 0 163Gauze other than Narrow Fabrics Not Over 30 cm 5803-0 0 0 0 7Tulles and other Net Fabrics 5804-

23,116 231 139 1,363 337Narrow Woven Fabrics Except Labels 5806-7,270 73 37 733 786Labels, Badges and Similar Type of Textiles 5807-

0 0 0 0 10Braids, Ornamental Trim in Pieces Not Knitted, or 5808-1,020 10 0 12 1Embroidery in the Piece, In Strips or in Motifs 5810-

0 0 0 0 151Quilt Textile Products 5811-799 8 39 713 512Gum Covered Fabric; Tracing Cloth; Paint Canvas 5901-

0 0 0 0 46Tire Cord Fabric of High Tenacity Yarn of Nylon 5902-5,169 52 0 434 372Textile Fabrics Coated, Covered or Lamented with 5903-

0 0 0 1 2Rubberized Textile Fabrics other Than Tire Cord 5906-0 0 0 71 120Textile Fabrics, Theatrical Scenery, Back-Cloths 5907-0 0 0 23 49Textile Products and Articles for Technical uses 5911-0 0 0 .. 17Knitted or Crocheted Fabrics of Rubber of Width 6002-0 0 9 52 287Kn/CR Fabrics Not of Rubber/Pile Width <30 cm 6003-0 0 0 0 96Warp Knit fabrics Not of Rubber and Pile Fabrics 6005-0 0 0 137 59Other knitted or crocheted fabrics 6006-

276 3 38 1,997 657Gents Overcoats, Car-Coats, Caps, Cloaks and 6101-34,729 347 619 3,708 5,741Ladies Overcoats, Car-Coats, Caps, Cloaks and 6102-

206,165 2,062 1,107 11,182 6,004Gents Suits, Ensembles, Jackets etc. Kn/Cr 6103-

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125 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

99,219 992 489 4,870 4,623Ladies Suits, Ensembles etc. Kn/Cr 6104-216,190 2,162 819 15,551 7,404Gents Shirts, Knitted or Crocheted 6105-

7,569 76 110 1,612 824Gents Blouses and Shirts Kn/Cr 6106-50,027 500 171 3,939 3,744Gents Underpants, Briefs, Nightshirts etc. Kn/Cr 6107-27,662 277 441 5,490 2,639Ladies Slips, Petticoats, Briefs, Paints etc. Kn/Cr 6108-37,930 379 449 3,175 2,750T-Shirts, Singlets and other Vests Kn/Cr 6109-60,311 603 266 4,241 2,466Sweaters, Pullovers, Vests etc. Kn/Cr 6110-

5,729 57 4 610 424Babies' Garments and Accessories Kn/Cr 6111-34,818 348 460 3,035 3,920Track Suits, Ski Suits and Swimwear Kn/Cr 6112-

723,107 7,233 7,240 32,421 28,689Garments, Made-ups Kn/Cr etc. of Rubber or Plastic 6113-31,531 315 300 4,391 1,627Garments NES Knitted or Crocheted 6114-68,829 688 947 6,095 7,745Panty hose, Socks and other Hosiery Kn/Cr 6115-

252,702 2,528 1,642 14,951 13,810Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Knitted or Crocheted 6116-1,727 17 1 223 75Made-up Clothing Accessories NES Kn/Cr 6117-

16,603 166 141 1,880 1,413Men's or Boys' Overcoats, Cloaks etc. Not Knitted 6201-248 2 98 203 128Women's or Girls' Overcoats etc, Not Knitted or 6202-

1,676,909 16,773 14,551 116,117 115,557Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-220,361 2,204 2,275 14,099 18,743Women's or Girls' Suits, Ensembles etc. Not Kn/Cr. 6204-

6,506 65 41 511 513Men's or Boys' Shirts, Not Kn/Cr 6205-0 0 0 174 135Women's or Girls' Blouses, Shirts etc. Not Knitted 6206-

7,145 71 47 1,472 1,076Men's or Boys' Undershirts etc Not Kn/Cr 6207-28,727 287 15 948 492Women's or Girls' Slips etc Not Kn/Cr 6208-

5,754 58 119 430 698Babies' Garments and Accessories Not Kn/Cr 6209-2,284 23 115 145 421Garments, of Felt etc, or Fabric Impregnated etc 6210-8,694 87 409 1,997 2,007Track Suits, Ski-Suits and Swimwear, Not Knitted 6211-

0 0 0 0 1Brassieres, Girdles, Garters and Braces etc. 6212-0 0 0 0 18Shawls, Scarves, Mufflers, Mantillas, Veils etc. 6214-

2,699 27 164 1,053 1,430Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Not Knitted or Crocheted 6216-5,602 56 103 1,896 1,011Made-Up Clothing Accessories NES 6217-2,776 28 59 180 196Blankets and Traveling Rugs 6301-

2,397,364 23,979 14,013 177,754 135,688Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-41,794 418 530 2,841 4,324Curtains and Interior Blinds, Curtain or Bed 6303-

6,783 68 123 1,301 1,517Furnishing Articles of Textile Materials NES 6304-10,481 105 282 1,813 3,470Sacks and Bags of Textile Material for Packing 6305-34,622 346 662 4,105 1,963Tarpaulins, Sails, Awnings and Tents etc. 6306-

151,858 1,519 608 9,540 5,058Made-Up Articles of Textile Materials NES 6307-0 0 0 1,043 33Worn Clothing and other Worn Textile Articles 6309-0 0 0 18 0Used or New Rags, Scrap Twine etc of Text Material 6310-0 0 0 9 0Waterproof Footwear, Rubber or Plastics, Bond Sole 6401-0 0 7 6 95Footwear, Outer Sole and Upper Rubber or Plastic 6402-

259,037 2,591 2,329 20,599 17,656Footwear, Outer Sole Rubber, Plastic or Leather 6403-21,365 214 161 1,304 685Footwear, Outer Sole Rubber, Plastic or Textile 6404-10,243 102 24 910 461Footwear NES 6405-

77 1 403 409 494Parts of Footwear: Insoles, Gaiters etc. Parts 6406-0 0 0 16 0Hats and other Headgear made of Strips of any 6504-0 0 0 0 2Headgear NES 6506-0 0 0 15 13Umbrellas, Sun Umbrellas and Other Umbrellas 6601-0 0 1 11 1Walking-Sticks, Seat-Sticks, Whips and 6602-0 0 0 0 16Skins and other Parts of Birds 6701-0 0 0 14 56Worked Monumental or Building Stone and Articles 6802-0 0 0 37 70Abrasive Powder etc. on a Base of Textile Material 6805-0 0 0 0 ..Articles of Cement, Concrete or Artificial Stone 6810-0 0 21 311 377Articles of Stone or Other Mineral Substance NES 6815-0 0 0 18 114Refractory Ceramic Goods, Retorts, Tubes etc. NES 6903-

301 3 0 3 6Ceramic Building Bricks, Flooring Blocks, Tile etc. 6904-0 0 0 6 4Roofing Tiles, Chimney-Pots, Cowls, Chimney 6905-

Page 100: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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Export of Goods and Services March 2014 126

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 0 2Ceramic Sinks, Washbasins, Water Closet Bowls etc. 6910-0 0 11 32 86Ceramics Tableware, Kitchenware etc. 6912-

1,844 18 0 50 3Ceramic Articles NES 6914-0 0 0 15 0Glass Containers for Packing etc and Glass Closures 7010-0 0 0 1 0Glass Paving Blocks, Bricks, Squares, Tiles and 7016-0 0 0 7 0Laboratory, Hygienic or Pharmaceutical Glassware 7017-0 0 0 100 0Glass Fibers and Articles Thereof (Yarn Etc.) 7019-

1,070 11 483 422 861Precious and Semi Precious Stones NES 7103-0 0 0 1 58Articles of Jewelry and Parts thereof or Precious 7113-0 0 0 1 0Other Articles of Precious Metal or of Metal Clad 7115-0 0 0 2 3Articles of Natural or Cultured Pearls, Precious 7116-0 0 0 .. 1Imitation Jewelry 7117-0 0 0 146 0Pig Iron and Spiegeleisen in Pigs, Blocks or Primary 7201-0 0 0 138 1,400Ferrous Waste and Scrap 7204-0 0 0 90 0Flat-Roll Iron and Non-Alloy >600mm, Clad, Plated 7210-0 0 0 1 0Bars and Rods, Iron and Non-Alloy Steel NES 7214-0 0 6 439 676Other Bars and Rods of Stainless Steel etc. 7222-0 0 0 3 0Wire of Stainless Steel 7223-0 0 0 4 0Other Alloy Steel in Ingots or Primary Form 7224-0 0 0 21 0Other Bars and Rods of Alloy Steel 7228-0 0 0 0 30Tubes, Pipes and Hollow Profiles NES of Iron and 7306-0 0 0 10 0Structures NES and Parts Thereof of Iron or Steel 7308-0 0 0 2 0Stranded Wire, Rope etc, Not Electrically Insulated 7312-0 0 0 1 2Chain and Parts of Iron or Steel 7315-0 0 0 .. 0Screws, Bolts, Nuts, Washers etc. Iron or Steel 7318-0 0 0 0 33Table, Kitchen or Household Articles & Parts of Iron 7323-0 0 0 0 1Other Cast Articles of Iron or Steel 7325-0 0 6 25 41Articles of Iron or Steel, NES 7326-0 0 0 15 0Refined Copper and Copper Alloys, Unwrought 7403-

5,621 56 104 2,253 1,873Copper Waste and Scrap 7404-0 0 0 0 2Copper Wire 7408-0 0 0 0 26Nickel Mattes, Nickel Oxide Sinters and other 7501-0 0 0 0 75Aluminum, Unwrought 7601-0 0 0 0 98Aluminum Waste and Scrap 7602-0 0 0 99 78Aluminum Bars, Rods and Profiles 7604-

4,736 47 0 121 36Aluminum Casks, Cans, Boxes, and Similar 7612-0 0 0 2 71Table, Kitchen or other Household Articles and Parts 7615-0 0 0 0 5Cobalt Mattes etc. Cobalt & Articles Including 8105-0 0 0 70 11Zirconium and Articles Thereof Include. Waste and 8109-

1,230 12 0 27 80Hand tools and Tools Used in Agriculture etc. 8201-654 7 20 127 56Files, Rasps, Pliers, Metal cutting Shears etc. 8203-

0 0 0 4 0Hand Operated Spanners and Wrenches etc. 8204-77 1 1 58 83Hand tools NES Like Blow, Torches, Anvils etc. 8205-

5,157 52 1 475 60Knives and Blades for Machines and Appliances 8208-1,143 11 0 77 0Hand Operated Mechanical Appliances 8210-3,504 35 20 277 304Knives With Blades and Blades for Knives NES 8211-

0 0 0 0 14Razors and Razor Blades 8212-645 6 0 31 12Scissors, Tailors' Shears and Similar Shears and 8213-

21,192 212 219 1,935 1,677Articles of Cutlery NES and Manicure Sets etc. 8214-0 0 0 2 28Tableware etc. of Base Metal and Parts of Base 8215-

197 2 0 2 2Hardware, Fixtures, Castors etc. and Part 8302-0 0 0 164 19Flexible Tubing of Base Metal 8307-0 0 0 0 10Compression-Ignition Internal Combustion Piston 8408-

680 7 0 12 0Parts For Combustion Engines etc. 8409-0 0 0 0 99Hydraulic Turbines, Water Wheels and Regulators 8410-0 0 0 0 6Engines and Motors NES and Parts Thereof 8412-

Page 101: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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127 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

1,762 18 57 268 680Pumps for Liquids; Liquid Elevators; Parts Thereof 8413-0 0 0 6 0Air or Vacuum Pump, Compressors and Fans 8414-0 0 0 1 0Refrigerators, Freezers, Heat Pumps NES and Parts 8418-0 0 0 0 16Machinery etc for Temperature Change 8419-0 0 0 16 0Machines, Dishwashing Machines for Cleaning etc. 8422-0 0 0 0 27Mechenical Appliances etc 8424-

110 1 0 1 0Pulley Tackle and Hoists other than Skip Hoist, 8425-0 0 8 40 57Self-Propelled Bulldozers, Graders, Scrapers etc. 8429-0 0 0 0 36Parts for Pulley Tackle, Hoists etc and Leveling 8431-0 0 0 34 0Agriculture Machinery for Soil, Lawn Preparations 8432-0 0 9 63 21Milking and Dairy Machinery and Parts thereof 8434-0 0 0 0 64Machinery NES used for Food and Drink and Parts 8438-0 0 0 8 0Printing Machinery, Machines including Ink-Jet 8443-0 0 0 1 0Machinery not for Laundry for Cleaning, Drying etc 8451-

694 7 10 12 30Lathes for Removing Metal 8458-0 0 0 0 4Machine Tools for Forging, Bending, Stamping etc. 8462-0 0 0 0 1Machine Tools for Working Wood, Cork, Bone etc. 8465-0 0 0 0 5Parts for Machine Like Ultrasonic, Stones Machines 8466-

20,352 204 121 774 992Tools for Working in the Hand, Pneumatic etc. 8467-15,520 155 0 160 0Machines and Apparatus for Soldering, Brazing or 8468-

0 0 0 12 0Automatic Data Process Machines and Units thereof 8471-2,795 28 45 172 65Machinery for Sorting Screening etc. 8474-

0 0 0 0 6Machinery for Tobacco Preparation NES and Parts 8478-274 3 0 3 0Machines and Mechanical Appliances NES 8479-398 4 0 193 0Taps, Cocks, Valves and Similar Appliances for 8481-

0 0 0 5 0Transmission Shafts, Bearings, Gears etc. and Parts 8483-0 0 3 10 237Electrical Transformers, Static Converters and 8504-0 0 0 0 10Electric Apparatus for Line Telephony, Telephone 8517-0 0 0 0 57TV Receivers 8528-0 0 0 0 5Electrical Apparatus for Switching etc Over 1000V 8535-

195 2 0 13 0Electrical Apparatus for Switching etc. Not Over 8536-0 0 0 0 152Boards, Panels etc With Electrical Switch Apparatus 8537-0 0 0 5 0Electrical Filament or Discharge Lamps and Parts 8539-

135 1 0 3 0Electronic Integrated Circuits and Micro assemblies 8542-0 0 0 2 0Electrical Insulators of Any Material 8546-0 0 0 0 86Tractors Other Than Work Trucks used for Short 8701-0 0 0 2 0Motor Vehicle for Transport of Ten or more Persons 8702-0 0 0 0 8Motor Cars and Vehicles for Transporting Persons 8703-0 0 0 0 31Bodies for Specific Motor Vehicles 8707-

7,712 77 102 996 875Parts and Accessories for Motor Vehicles 8708-0 0 0 10 0Motorcycles and Cycles With Auxiliary Motor 8711-0 0 0 30 13Parts and Accessories of Cycles and Invalid 8714-0 0 0 31 0Vessels and Floating Structures for Scrapping 8908-

46 .. 0 .. 0Optical Fibers and Bundles etc. 9001-943 9 0 24 0Optical Telescopes and Mounting for 9005-

0 0 0 1 0Drawing, Mathematical Measuring Institution etc. 9017-445,562 4,457 3,849 36,781 33,153Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-

1,765 18 55 168 269X-Ray etc Apparatus, Tubes, Panels, Screen and 9022-0 0 0 0 21Hydrometers, Thermometers, Pyrometers etc. and 9025-0 0 9 0 14Instruments etc for Measuring or Checking Flow, 9026-0 0 0 9 0Gas, Liquid or Electricity Supply or Production 9028-0 0 0 0 2Parts and Accessories NES 9033-0 0 0 65 0Complete Watch or Clock Movement unassembled 9110-0 0 0 0 12Clock or Watch Parts NES 9114-

1,716 17 0 68 1String Musical Instruments NES 9202-1,217 12 7 64 51Wind Musical Instruments NES 9205-

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Export of Goods and Services March 2014 128

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 25 22Percussion Musical Instruments Drums etc. 9206-0 0 0 5 6Musical Instruments With Sound Electrically 9207-0 0 0 0 21Musical Boxes, Fairground Organs etc. 9208-0 0 10 39 97Parts etc. of Musical Instruments, Metronomes 9209-0 0 0 0 13Revolvers and Pistols Designed to Fire Live Ammo 9302-0 0 0 4 0Parts and Accessories of Arms 9305-0 0 0 3 0Swords, Cutlasses, Bayonets and Similar Arms & 9307-0 0 0 58 0Seats and Parts Except Barber, Dental etc. 9401-

963 10 0 10 72Furniture NES and Parts Thereof 9403-16,309 163 215 1,104 1,352Mattress Supports, Articles of Bedding etc 9404-

0 0 0 9 6Lamps and Lighting Fittings and Parts etc NES 9405-0 0 0 35 0Wheel Toys for Children Like Tricycle, Scooters etc. 9501-

1,689 17 7 83 125Dolls, Representing only Human Beings and Parts 9502-0 0 80 0 80Toys NES, Reduced Size, Puzzles of all Kinds 9503-0 0 0 0 27Articles for Arcade, Table or Parlor Games 9504-

417,427 4,175 3,034 36,604 30,019Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-0 0 0 4 6Fishing Rods and Tackle Nets, Decoys etc. 9507-0 0 0 1 0Merry-Go-Rounds, Other Fairground Amusement 9508-0 0 0 0 28Brooms, Brushes, Mops and Feather Dusters etc. 9603-

8,202 82 0 113 30Buttons, Press Studs, Button Mold and Blanks etc. 9606-0 0 0 27 0Pens, Ball Points, Soft Tip and Mechanical Pencils 9608-0 0 0 67 0Pencils, Crayons, Leads and Chalks etc. 9609-

304 3 0 3 0Paintings, Drawing etc By Hand 9701-0 0 0 0 10Collectors Item of Botanic and Historical Interest 9705-0 0 0 0 1Antiques of an Age Exceeding One Hundred Years 9706-

144 1 0 38 30Special Transaction NES 9992-Ghana 1,063 6,313597 5,423106,316

0 0 0 4 0Live Horses, Asses, Mules and Hinnies 1010 -0 0 0 .. 0Other Nuts NES Fresh or Dried Whether Shelled or 8020 -

32,352 324 100 2,258 1,966Rice 1006-0 0 0 0 29Lac; Natural Gums, Resins, Gum-Resins and 1301-

5,859 59 141 744 507Sugar Confectionery including White Chocolate not 1704-700 7 0 88 17Fruit Juices including Grape Must and Vegtable 2009-

4,799 48 0 103 0Food Preparations NES 2106-0 0 0 6 23Hydrogen Chloride; Chlorosulphuric Acid 2806-

4,995 50 0 83 110Medicaments Mixtures for Therapeutic Use 3003-0 0 30 563 153Medicaments NES 3004-0 0 0 14 0Pharmaceutical Goods 3006-0 0 0 1 0Beauty and Make-Up Preparations 3304-0 0 0 0 71Preparations for Use on Hair 3305-0 0 5 39 52Matches and Except Pyrotechnic Articles 3605-0 0 0 5 0Artificial Graphite, Colloidal Graphite and 3801-0 0 0 0 32Turpentine, Crude Dipentene and Pine Oil etc. 3805-0 0 0 0 129Insecticides, Rodenticides and Fungicides etc. Retail 3808-0 0 0 0 77Articles of Apparel and Clothing Acc. of Rubber 4015-0 0 0 78 19Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-0 0 0 11 0Articles of Leather NES 4205-0 0 208 82 380Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt < 5208-0 0 0 27 55Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-

18,412 184 0 184 283Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt < 5210-0 0 0 0 40Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5513-0 0 0 55 0Twine, Cordage, Rope and Cables 5607-

2,394 24 0 24 35Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Knotted 5701-0 0 0 0 1Labels, Badges and Similar Type of Textiles 5807-0 0 0 0 86Gum Covered Fabric; Tracing Cloth; Paint Canvas 5901-

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129 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 0 38Textile Fabrics Coated, Covered or Lamented with 5903-0 0 0 0 7Textile Products and Articles for Technical uses 5911-0 0 7 0 7Gents Overcoats, Car-Coats, Caps, Cloaks and 6101-0 0 0 0 2Gents Suits, Ensembles, Jackets etc. Kn/Cr 6103-0 0 16 0 16Ladies Suits, Ensembles etc. Kn/Cr 6104-0 0 0 0 37Gents Blouses and Shirts Kn/Cr 6106-0 0 0 1 0Babies' Garments and Accessories Kn/Cr 6111-0 0 0 0 2Men's or Boys' Overcoats, Cloaks etc. Not Knitted 6201-0 0 0 0 7Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-0 0 7 0 7Garments, of Felt etc, or Fabric Impregnated etc 6210-0 0 0 2 0Track Suits, Ski-Suits and Swimwear, Not Knitted 6211-0 0 0 0 2Brassieres, Girdles, Garters and Braces etc. 6212-0 0 0 15 7Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Not Knitted or Crocheted 6216-

35,242 353 0 358 366Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-0 0 27 188 122Tarpaulins, Sails, Awnings and Tents etc. 6306-0 0 5 106 21Worn Clothing and other Worn Textile Articles 6309-0 0 0 74 11Glass Containers for Packing etc and Glass Closures 7010-0 0 0 15 25Glassware for Table, Kitchen, Toilet etc. NES 7013-0 0 0 0 76Screws, Bolts, Nuts, Washers etc. Iron or Steel 7318-0 0 32 0 32Stoves, Ranges, Grates, Cookers and Parts 7321-0 0 0 27 25Table, Kitchen or other Household Articles and Parts 7615-0 0 0 0 1Articles of Cutlery NES and Manicure Sets etc. 8214-0 0 0 12 0Air Conditioning Machines and Parts 8415-0 0 0 50 151Machinery etc for Temperature Change 8419-0 0 0 0 31Machines, Dishwashing Machines for Cleaning etc. 8422-0 0 0 0 10Machinery NES used for Food and Drink and Parts 8438-0 0 0 2 0Tools for Working in the Hand, Pneumatic etc. 8467-0 0 0 82 0Electrical Transformers, Static Converters and 8504-

900 9 0 469 0Tractors Other Than Work Trucks used for Short 8701-0 0 0 43 0Motor Cars and Vehicles for Transporting Persons 8703-

662 7 19 359 100Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-0 0 0 0 7Furniture NES and Parts Thereof 9403-0 0 0 82 153Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-0 0 0 61 96Pens, Ball Points, Soft Tip and Mechanical Pencils 9608-

Gibraltar 0 600 27300 0 0 0 49Plates, Sheets, Film etc. 3920-0 0 0 0 147Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-0 0 0 0 13Articles of Leather Used in Machinery and 4204-0 0 0 0 26Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton more than 85% 5205-0 0 0 1 0Sweaters, Pullovers, Vests etc. Kn/Cr 6110-0 0 0 0 ..Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-0 0 0 51 0Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-0 0 0 0 8Abrasive Powder etc. on a Base of Textile Material 6805-0 0 0 0 30Electrical Parts of Machinery NES 8548-0 0 0 8 0Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-

Greece 5,844 44,0993,992 32,646584,3050 0 0 0 15Live Horses, Asses, Mules and Hinnies 1010 -0 0 0 0 13Animal Products NES, Inedible Dead Animals 5110 -0 0 0 0 5Leguminous Vegetables, Shelled or not, Fresh or 7080 -0 0 0 52 6Dates, Figs, Pineapples, Avocados etc, Fr or Dried 8040 -

5,396 54 0 170 0Grapes, Fresh or Dried 8060 -0 0 0 56 0Apricots, Cherries, Peaches, Plums and Sloes, Fresh 8090 -0 0 40 137 175Fruit Dried NES Mixtures of Nuts or Dried Fruit 8130 -0 0 0 74 83Tea Whether or not Flavored 9020 -

650 7 0 75 33Ginger, Saffron, Turmeric, Thyme, Bay Leaves, 9100 -

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Export of Goods and Services March 2014 130

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

13,674 137 105 1,363 1,344Rice 1006-0 0 0 290 962Other Oil Seeds and Oleaginous Fruits NES 1207-

3,527 35 35 35 35Plants etc. for Pharmacy, Perfume, Insecticides etc. 1211-0 0 0 0 47Malt Extracts; Food Prep. of Flour etc. Under 50% 1901-0 0 0 16 26Pasta and Couscous, Prepared or Not 1902-0 0 0 15 33Vegetable, Fruit, Nuts Etc, Prep Or Pres By Vinegar 2001-0 0 0 0 30Jams, Fruit Jellies, Marmalades etc. Cooked 2007-0 0 0 31 30Fruit Juices including Grape Must and Vegtable 2009-

3,531 35 0 54 23Food Preparations NES 2106-0 0 0 136 0Tobacco and Tobacco Refuse 2401-

1,561 16 0 51 4Salt, Pure Sodium Chloride, Sea Water 2501-6,163 62 74 478 203Natural Steatite Roughly Trimmed etc. 2526-1,182 12 37 138 131Feldspar; Lucite; Nepheline and Syenite 2529-

0 0 0 .. 0Medicaments Mixtures for Therapeutic Use 3003-0 0 0 5 0Pharmaceutical Goods 3006-0 0 15 0 15Organic Surf-Act Agents and Products other than 3402-0 0 8 0 12Matches and Except Pyrotechnic Articles 3605-0 0 0 0 34Polymers of Ethylene, in Primary Forms 3901-

70,050 701 113 4,417 2,840Polymers of Styrene in Primary Forms 3903-6,481 65 0 65 582Polyesters, Epoxides and Polyesters, Primary Forms 3907-

0 0 0 1 0Self-Adhesive Plates, Sheets, Film etc. of Plastics 3919-6,239 62 0 488 235Plates, Sheets, Film etc. 3920-

0 0 0 2 1Containers: Boxes, Bags, Closures etc, Plastic 3923-0 0 0 28 10Articles of Plastics Including Polymers and Resins 3926-0 0 0 6 0Articles of Apparel and Clothing Acc. of Rubber 4015-

196 2 0 2 4Articles NES of Unhard Vulcanized Rubber 4016-0 0 0 3 0Raw Hides and Skins of Bovine or Equine Animals 4101-

68 1 0 24 1Leather of Animals NES, No Hair NES 4107-562 6 0 12 29Leather further prepared after tanning (sheep, lamb) 4112-

3,509 35 5 204 137Leather further prepared after tanning (other animal) 4113-0 0 0 0 8Saddlery, Harness, Traces and Leads etc. 4201-0 0 0 17 5Travel Goods, Handbags, Wallets, Jewelry Cases etc. 4202-

21,359 214 216 1,989 1,750Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-0 0 6 182 153Articles of Leather NES 4205-0 0 0 0 29Tanned or Dressed Furskins including Heads, Tails 4302-0 0 0 0 7Articles of Apparel etc, of Furskins 4303-0 0 0 0 6Articles of Wood NES 4421-0 0 0 30 0Toilet Paper, Paper Tissues, Towels, Napkins etc. 4818-0 0 0 0 10Bobbins, Spools etc. of Paper Pulp, Paper and 4822-0 0 307 0 544Woven Fabrics of Silk or Silk Waste 5007-

4,016 40 53 190 208Cotton Waste Including Yarn Waste etc. 5202-0 0 0 0 2Cotton, Carded or Combed 5203-

15,290 153 39 411 336Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton more than 85% 5205-47,798 478 263 4,501 2,355Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt < 5208-17,070 171 86 2,005 1,620Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-50,832 508 331 2,708 1,736Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt < 5210-

0 0 0 440 372Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt > 5211-3,505 35 156 1,013 841Woven Cotton Fabrics NES 5212-

0 0 0 79 9Woven Fabric of Synthetic Filament Yarn 5407-30,550 306 441 2,522 1,728Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5513-

0 0 0 60 0Woven Fabric, Synthetic < 85% of Fibre Mix 5514-0 0 0 28 0Nonwovens Impregnated, Coated, Covered or 5603-

11,425 114 0 516 303Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Knotted 5701-0 0 0 28 168Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Woven 5702-

2,960 30 39 81 169Woven Terry Fabrics and Tufted Textile Fabric NES 5802-0 0 0 21 57Labels, Badges and Similar Type of Textiles 5807-

Page 105: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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US $Rs.

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131 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 101 2Gum Covered Fabric; Tracing Cloth; Paint Canvas 5901-0 0 0 1 0Textile Fabrics Coated, Covered or Lamented with 5903-0 0 0 0 1Rubberized Textile Fabrics other Than Tire Cord 5906-0 0 0 2 0Textile Fabrics, Theatrical Scenery, Back-Cloths 5907-0 0 4 13 4Gents Overcoats, Car-Coats, Caps, Cloaks and 6101-0 0 3 107 21Ladies Overcoats, Car-Coats, Caps, Cloaks and 6102-

15,089 151 100 493 415Gents Suits, Ensembles, Jackets etc. Kn/Cr 6103-12,173 122 0 229 79Ladies Suits, Ensembles etc. Kn/Cr 6104-

1,841 18 78 231 306Gents Shirts, Knitted or Crocheted 6105-0 0 0 0 48Gents Blouses and Shirts Kn/Cr 6106-

995 10 3 202 33Gents Underpants, Briefs, Nightshirts etc. Kn/Cr 6107-0 0 0 85 0Ladies Slips, Petticoats, Briefs, Paints etc. Kn/Cr 6108-

12,695 127 0 129 7T-Shirts, Singlets and other Vests Kn/Cr 6109-87 1 13 192 134Sweaters, Pullovers, Vests etc. Kn/Cr 6110-

0 0 6 4 134Track Suits, Ski Suits and Swimwear Kn/Cr 6112-0 0 0 167 134Garments, Made-ups Kn/Cr etc. of Rubber or Plastic 6113-

8,341 83 0 129 145Garments NES Knitted or Crocheted 6114-0 0 5 15 41Panty hose, Socks and other Hosiery Kn/Cr 6115-

2,849 29 7 100 192Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Knitted or Crocheted 6116-0 0 0 0 78Made-up Clothing Accessories NES Kn/Cr 6117-0 0 0 20 0Men's or Boys' Overcoats, Cloaks etc. Not Knitted 6201-

6,020 60 66 785 739Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-10,224 102 15 383 312Women's or Girls' Suits, Ensembles etc. Not Kn/Cr. 6204-

0 0 0 0 2Men's or Boys' Shirts, Not Kn/Cr 6205-8,647 86 24 530 136Men's or Boys' Undershirts etc Not Kn/Cr 6207-

0 0 0 130 102Women's or Girls' Slips etc Not Kn/Cr 6208-10,800 108 0 119 3Garments, of Felt etc, or Fabric Impregnated etc 6210-

0 0 0 5 8Track Suits, Ski-Suits and Swimwear, Not Knitted 6211-0 0 38 0 71Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Not Knitted or Crocheted 6216-

2,022 20 0 122 140Made-Up Clothing Accessories NES 6217-0 0 0 133 111Blankets and Traveling Rugs 6301-

123,192 1,232 576 10,037 5,609Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-0 0 0 50 30Curtains and Interior Blinds, Curtain or Bed 6303-0 0 0 49 0Sacks and Bags of Textile Material for Packing 6305-

1,677 17 0 198 35Tarpaulins, Sails, Awnings and Tents etc. 6306-0 0 185 84 248Made-Up Articles of Textile Materials NES 6307-

991 10 0 31 0Used or New Rags, Scrap Twine etc of Text Material 6310-0 0 0 0 14Footwear, Outer Sole and Upper Rubber or Plastic 6402-

11,236 112 177 1,098 974Footwear, Outer Sole Rubber, Plastic or Leather 6403-0 0 13 23 19Footwear, Outer Sole Rubber, Plastic or Textile 6404-0 0 0 23 7Footwear NES 6405-

2,230 22 0 22 0Parts of Footwear: Insoles, Gaiters etc. Parts 6406-0 0 0 0 23Skins and other Parts of Birds 6701-

381 4 0 7 0Worked Monumental or Building Stone and Articles 6802-934 9 0 85 15Articles of Stone or Other Mineral Substance NES 6815-

0 0 0 2 4Precious and Semi Precious Stones NES 7103-216 2 0 19 0Needles Sewing, Knitted, etc. 7319-

0 0 0 38 0Radiators for Central Heating Not Electrically 7322-0 0 0 4 0Table, Kitchen or Household Articles & Parts of Iron 7323-0 0 0 3 0Refined Copper and Copper Alloys, Unwrought 7403-0 0 0 248 0Copper Waste and Scrap 7404-0 0 0 5 4Household Articles and Parts 7418-0 0 0 18 0Table, Kitchen or other Household Articles and Parts 7615-0 0 4 0 4Zirconium and Articles Thereof Include. Waste and 8109-0 0 0 0 17Hand tools and Tools Used in Agriculture etc. 8201-0 0 0 0 4Files, Rasps, Pliers, Metal cutting Shears etc. 8203-

Page 106: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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US $Rs.

(Amount in Thousand)MARCH JULY - MARCH

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Export of Goods and Services March 2014 132

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 0 1Hand tools NES Like Blow, Torches, Anvils etc. 8205-0 0 0 12 0Hand Operated Mechanical Appliances 8210-

334 3 0 80 78Articles of Cutlery NES and Manicure Sets etc. 8214-0 0 0 0 6Engines and Motors NES and Parts Thereof 8412-

707 7 17 7 17Air or Vacuum Pump, Compressors and Fans 8414-445 4 10 38 26Self-Propelled Bulldozers, Graders, Scrapers etc. 8429-

0 0 0 0 67Tools for Working in the Hand, Pneumatic etc. 8467-292 3 36 55 109Vessels and Floating Structures for Scrapping 8908-491 5 0 5 0Drawing, Mathematical Measuring Institution etc. 9017-

6,004 60 1 268 276Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-0 0 0 0 1Parts and Accessories NES 9033-0 0 0 7 0String Musical Instruments NES 9202-0 0 8 0 8Musical Boxes, Fairground Organs etc. 9208-0 0 0 0 6Parts etc. of Musical Instruments, Metronomes 9209-

4,399 44 34 418 303Mattress Supports, Articles of Bedding etc 9404-0 0 0 8 0Lamps and Lighting Fittings and Parts etc NES 9405-

11,399 114 200 1,446 1,697Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-0 0 0 0 115Pencils, Crayons, Leads and Chalks etc. 9609-0 0 0 35 12Special Transaction NES 9992-

Greenland 8 8229 2877560 0 0 10 0Other Vegetables NES Fresh or Chilled 7090 -0 0 0 2 0Medicaments NES 3004-

756 8 0 8 108Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-0 0 0 0 52Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt < 5210-0 0 0 0 16Gents Suits, Ensembles, Jackets etc. Kn/Cr 6103-0 0 14 5 14Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-0 0 0 18 0Made-Up Clothing Accessories NES 6217-0 0 0 0 44Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-0 0 0 10 0Tarpaulins, Sails, Awnings and Tents etc. 6306-0 0 0 0 35Copper Waste and Scrap 7404-0 0 0 7 0Articles of Cutlery NES and Manicure Sets etc. 8214-0 0 0 0 3Tools for Working in the Hand, Pneumatic etc. 8467-0 0 15 0 15Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-0 0 0 23 0Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-

Grenada 9 920 2329370 0 0 29 13Medicaments NES 3004-0 0 0 0 120Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-0 0 0 0 66Cotton Waste Including Yarn Waste etc. 5202-0 0 0 11 30Other knitted or crocheted fabrics 6006-0 0 0 17 0Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-

937 9 0 9 0Tableware, Kitchenware and other Articles of Toilet 6911-0 0 0 6 3Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-0 0 0 20 0Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-

Guadeloupe 0 3327 14600 0 0 2 0Lac; Natural Gums, Resins, Gum-Resins and 1301-0 0 0 126 0Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton more than 85% 5205-0 0 0 123 0Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-0 0 0 0 36Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5513-0 0 0 0 4Articles of Cutlery NES and Manicure Sets etc. 8214-0 0 0 81 99Machinery NES used for Food and Drink and Parts 8438-0 0 7 0 7Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-

Guam 2 3346 561960 0 0 0 9Leguminous Vegetables, Shelled or not, Fresh or 7080 -

Page 107: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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US $Rs.

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133 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 169 0Gypsum; Anhydrite; Plasters etc. 2520-138 1 0 1 0Medicaments NES 3004-

0 0 0 9 0Leather further prepared after tanning (other animal) 4113-0 0 0 58 0Cotton Sewing Thread, Retail Packed or Not 5204-0 0 0 31 0Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-0 0 6 .. 26Gents Shirts, Knitted or Crocheted 6105-0 0 0 0 21Track Suits, Ski Suits and Swimwear Kn/Cr 6112-0 0 0 .. 0Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Knitted or Crocheted 6116-0 0 0 8 0Made-Up Clothing Accessories NES 6217-0 0 0 58 0Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-

58 1 0 1 0Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-Guatemala 414 5,4561,300 6,85941,409

0 0 0 0 16Pepper, Genus Piper; Genus Capsicum or Pimento 9040 -0 0 0 0 213Rice 1006-0 0 0 0 28Lac; Natural Gums, Resins, Gum-Resins and 1301-

2,002 20 21 111 134Sugar Confectionery including White Chocolate not 1704-1,060 11 0 11 0Provitamins and Vitamins and Derivatives 2936-

0 0 5 0 24Antibiotics 2941-0 0 0 41 0Medicaments Mixtures for Therapeutic Use 3003-0 0 0 43 30Medicaments NES 3004-0 0 0 0 1Leather further prepared after tanning (other animal) 4113-0 0 0 35 32Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-0 0 0 79 45Cotton Sewing Thread, Retail Packed or Not 5204-

32,625 326 715 3,034 2,331Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton more than 85% 5205-0 0 354 189 1,451Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton less than 85% 5206-0 0 0 0 34Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt < 5208-0 0 0 147 191Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt < 5210-0 0 19 872 939Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5513-0 0 19 0 24Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Knotted 5701-0 0 0 8 0Woven Terry Fabrics and Tufted Textile Fabric NES 5802-0 0 0 0 36Warp Knit fabrics Not of Rubber and Pile Fabrics 6005-0 0 0 21 0Gents Shirts, Knitted or Crocheted 6105-0 0 0 2 0Sweaters, Pullovers, Vests etc. Kn/Cr 6110-0 0 4 2 4Garments, Made-ups Kn/Cr etc. of Rubber or Plastic 6113-0 0 0 .. 0Women's or Girls' Slips etc Not Kn/Cr 6208-0 0 0 2 0Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Not Knitted or Crocheted 6216-0 0 0 0 45Blankets and Traveling Rugs 6301-0 0 0 115 199Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-0 0 0 0 31Machinery etc for Temperature Change 8419-0 0 134 452 688Machinery NES used for Food and Drink and Parts 8438-

1,701 17 19 145 205Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-4,021 40 10 146 157Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-

Guinea 1,731 15,92236 6,024173,0760 0 0 3 0Live Horses, Asses, Mules and Hinnies 1010 -

159,682 1,597 11 14,919 5,776Rice 1006-0 0 0 65 0Cane or Beet Sugar and Sucrose in Solid Form 1701-0 0 0 13 0Sugar Confectionery including White Chocolate not 1704-0 0 0 5 0Chocolate and other Food Products Containing 1806-0 0 0 0 13Bread, Pastry, Cakes etc 1905-0 0 0 0 8Fruit Juices including Grape Must and Vegtable 2009-0 0 0 0 19Cigars, Cigarettes Etc. of Tobacco or Substitutes 2402-0 0 0 0 4Antibiotics 2941-0 0 0 55 5Medicaments NES 3004-0 0 0 0 7Odoriferous Mixtures as Raw Materials for Industry 3302-0 0 0 20 0Beauty and Make-Up Preparations 3304-

Page 108: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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US $Rs.

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Export of Goods and Services March 2014 134

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 0 22Bovine or Equine Leather, No Hair NES 4104-0 0 0 24 0Leather further prepared after tanning (other animal) 4113-

3,499 35 0 216 30Cartons, Boxes, Cases, Bags and other Packing 4819-0 0 0 22 0Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Knotted 5701-

9,894 99 0 246 0Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-0 0 25 0 25Men's or Boys' Shirts, Not Kn/Cr 6205-0 0 0 116 56Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-0 0 0 8 0Sacks and Bags of Textile Material for Packing 6305-0 0 0 24 44Tubes, Pipes and Hollow Profiles NES of Iron and 7306-0 0 0 14 0Stranded Wire, Rope etc, Not Electrically Insulated 7312-0 0 0 12 0Electrical Apparatus for Switching etc Over 1000V 8535-0 0 0 161 0Boards, Panels etc With Electrical Switch Apparatus 8537-0 0 0 1 15Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-

Guinea-Bissau 19 8,1745,446 9,1241,909989 10 0 10 0Live Horses, Asses, Mules and Hinnies 1010 -

0 0 0 32 0Meat of Sheep or Goats, Fresh, Chilled or Frozen 2040 -0 0 5,446 7,993 8,923Rice 1006-0 0 0 0 14Plants etc. for Pharmacy, Perfume, Insecticides etc. 1211-0 0 0 35 0Sugar Confectionery including White Chocolate not 1704-

495 5 0 10 0Fruit Juices including Grape Must and Vegtable 2009-0 0 0 0 8Medicaments NES 3004-0 0 0 0 27Matches and Except Pyrotechnic Articles 3605-0 0 0 2 89Leather further prepared after tanning (other animal) 4113-0 0 0 .. 0Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-0 0 0 0 12Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt < 5210-0 0 0 0 52Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5513-0 0 0 84 0Made-Up Clothing Accessories NES 6217-

426 4 0 5 0Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-0 0 0 3 0Mattress Supports, Articles of Bedding etc 9404-0 0 0 1 0Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-

Guyana 50 1,439124 7264,9670 0 26 744 26Rice 1006-0 0 0 2 0Sugar Confectionery including White Chocolate not 1704-0 0 0 176 0Chromium Ores and Concentrates 2610-0 0 0 0 40Antibiotics 2941-0 0 0 0 17Human Blood or Animal Blood Prepared for 3002-

1,726 17 23 259 182Medicaments NES 3004-0 0 0 0 14Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt < 5208-0 0 0 15 0Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-0 0 0 36 0Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5513-0 0 0 10 0Woven Pile and Chenille Fabrics NES 5801-0 0 0 0 6Labels, Badges and Similar Type of Textiles 5807-0 0 62 0 62Textile Fabrics Coated, Covered or Lamented with 5903-0 0 0 4 0Track Suits, Ski Suits and Swimwear Kn/Cr 6112-0 0 0 51 79Panty hose, Socks and other Hosiery Kn/Cr 6115-0 0 0 40 12Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-0 0 8 0 146Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-0 0 0 11 0Worn Clothing and other Worn Textile Articles 6309-0 0 0 27 19Footwear, Outer Sole Rubber, Plastic or Leather 6403-0 0 0 0 25Machines For Preparing Textile Fibers and Yarn 8445-

3,241 32 0 40 0Tractors Other Than Work Trucks used for Short 8701-0 0 0 20 84Parts and Accessories for Motor Vehicles 8708-0 0 3 0 3Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-0 0 2 5 12Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-

Page 109: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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US $Rs.

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135 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

Haiti 14 1,382149 1,4921,4410 0 0 886 198Rice 1006-0 0 0 3 0Gypsum; Anhydrite; Plasters etc. 2520-0 0 0 70 0Paper and Paperboard Labels of all Kinds 4821-0 0 0 0 64Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton more than 85% 5205-

298 3 0 134 14Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt < 5208-0 0 53 23 53Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-0 0 0 0 45Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt < 5210-0 0 0 3 0Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5513-0 0 0 6 0Knotted Netting of Twine, Cordage or rope of 5608-0 0 82 173 419Other knitted or crocheted fabrics 6006-0 0 0 0 20Gents Suits, Ensembles, Jackets etc. Kn/Cr 6103-0 0 0 0 154Gents Shirts, Knitted or Crocheted 6105-

43 .. 0 .. 0Track Suits, Ski Suits and Swimwear Kn/Cr 6112-0 0 0 0 11Garments, Made-ups Kn/Cr etc. of Rubber or Plastic 6113-0 0 0 35 0Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-0 0 0 11 0Furnishing Articles of Textile Materials NES 6304-0 0 0 0 82Tarpaulins, Sails, Awnings and Tents etc. 6306-

1,100 11 0 22 42Made-Up Articles of Textile Materials NES 6307-0 0 14 0 14Footwear NES 6405-0 0 0 0 229Bricks, Blocks, Tiles and Ceramic Goods of 6901-0 0 0 16 1Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-0 0 0 1 147Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-

Honduras 223 2,190379 3,56022,2910 0 0 100 3Crustaceans; Live, Fresh etc, and Cooked etc. 3060 -0 0 30 0 30Plants etc. for Pharmacy, Perfume, Insecticides etc. 1211-0 0 0 11 0Sugar Confectionery including White Chocolate not 1704-0 0 0 0 18Bread, Pastry, Cakes etc 1905-0 0 0 25 27Matches and Except Pyrotechnic Articles 3605-0 0 0 0 27Silicones in Primary Forms 3910-0 0 20 0 25Leather further prepared after tanning (other animal) 4113-0 0 0 46 0Bobbins, Spools etc. of Paper Pulp, Paper and 4822-0 0 93 395 471Cotton Waste Including Yarn Waste etc. 5202-0 0 0 0 12Cotton, Carded or Combed 5203-0 0 57 6 676Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton more than 85% 5205-0 0 124 126 303Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton less than 85% 5206-0 0 0 101 1,300Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-0 0 0 17 221Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt < 5210-0 0 0 0 35Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt > 5211-0 0 0 0 89Woven Cotton Fabrics NES 5212-

15,761 158 0 704 89Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5513-0 0 31 0 31Woven Fabric, Synthetic < 85% of Fibre Mix 5514-0 0 0 0 2Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Knotted 5701-0 0 0 0 41Other knitted or crocheted fabrics 6006-0 0 0 0 50Ladies Overcoats, Car-Coats, Caps, Cloaks and 6102-0 0 0 12 31Gents Shirts, Knitted or Crocheted 6105-

6,530 65 0 184 5Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-0 0 0 31 0Machinery NES used for Food and Drink and Parts 8438-0 0 0 22 0Boards, Panels etc With Electrical Switch Apparatus 8537-0 0 25 409 73Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-

Hong Kong 35,678 367,56146,302 375,0213,567,0140 0 0 0 31Live Horses, Asses, Mules and Hinnies 1010 -0 0 40 48 221Live Animals NES 1060 -0 0 0 746 0Meat of Bovine Animals, Fresh or Chilled 2010 -

Page 110: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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US $Rs.

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Export of Goods and Services March 2014 136

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 57 30Meat of Bovine Animals, Frozen 2020 -6,560 66 0 66 44Meat of Swine, Fresh, Chilled or Frozen 2030 -

25,190 252 0 459 150Meat of Sheep or Goats, Fresh, Chilled or Frozen 2040 -51,022 510 140 2,493 1,620Edible Offal of Bovine Animals; Swine, Sheep, 2060 -

3,497 35 0 52 103Meat and Edible Offal of Poultry, Fresh, Chilled or 2070 -0 0 0 .. 0Meat and Edible Offal Salted, Dried etc. and Flour & 2100 -

6,714 67 10 313 267Fish, Live 3010 -0 0 71 .. 78Fish, Fresh or Chilled (Not Fish Fillets & other Fish 3020 -

11,739 117 266 3,849 2,885Fish Frozen (Not Fish Fillets & other Fish Meat) 3030 -1,027 10 71 1,110 662Fish Fillets and other Fish Meat, Fresh, Chilled or 3040 -

0 0 59 131 102Fish Dried, Salted or in Brine; Smoked etc; Ed 3050 -32,095 321 216 2,448 2,143Crustaceans; Live, Fresh etc, and Cooked etc. 3060 -

0 0 0 10 2Molluscs & Aquatic Invertebrates NES Live etc. 3070 -0 0 111 0 111Whey and Milk Products NES, Flavored etc. or Not 4040 -

298 3 0 96 212Guts, Bladders, Stomachs of Animals (Not Fish) 5040 -0 0 0 22 0Ivory, Tortoise-Shell, Whalebone etc. 5070 -

159 2 0 81 31Animal Products NES, Inedible Dead Animals 5110 -0 0 0 449 0Bulbs, Tubers, Tuberous Roots, Corms, Chicory 6010 -

16,543 165 0 169 0Other Live Plants and their Roots NES, Cuttings and 6020 -0 0 0 2 0Cut Flowers and Flower Buds for Bouquet or for 6030 -0 0 0 5 2Onions, Shallots, Garlic, Leeks etc, Fresh or Chilled 7030 -0 0 0 0 125Leguminous Vegetables, Shelled or not, Fresh or 7080 -0 0 0 8 4Other Vegetables NES Fresh or Chilled 7090 -

415 4 0 5 0Vegetables Frozen 7100 -0 0 0 0 90Vegetables, Temporarily Preserved, not now Edible 7110 -

32,371 324 20 2,038 2,262Vegetables, Dried, Whole, Cut etc. not further 7120 -0 0 0 0 14Leguminous Vegetables, Dried Shelled 7130 -

718 7 0 130 151Dates, Figs, Pineapples, Avocados etc, Fr or Dried 8040 -0 0 18 0 18Citrus Fruit, Fresh or Dried 8050 -0 0 0 26 1Fruit NES Fresh 8100 -0 0 500 0 539Fruit Dried NES Mixtures of Nuts or Dried Fruit 8130 -

3,393 34 0 313 174Ginger, Saffron, Turmeric, Thyme, Bay Leaves, 9100 -0 0 186 539 1,424Maize (Corn) 1005-

31,049 311 196 2,459 3,519Rice 1006-0 0 0 48 98Wheat or Meslin Flour 1101-0 0 0 0 1Cereal Groats, Meal and Pellets 1103-0 0 0 43 164Cereal Grains, Worked Like Hulled, Rolled, Flaked 1104-0 0 0 0 9Seeds, Fruit and Spores, for Sowing 1209-

6,219 62 0 66 4Plants etc. for Pharmacy, Perfume, Insecticides etc. 1211-0 0 0 0 12Cereal Straw and Husks 1213-0 0 0 0 13Lac; Natural Gums, Resins, Gum-Resins and 1301-0 0 134 0 285Vegetable Saps and Extracts: Pectates, Agar-Agar 1302-0 0 0 4 0Vegetable Products NES 1404-0 0 0 4 0Other Fixed Vegetable Fats and Oils NES, Not 1515-0 0 26 308 80Sausages and Similar Products of Meat and Blood 1601-

15,193 152 0 152 27Prepared or Preserved Meat, Meat Offal and Blood 1602-0 0 141 734 881Prepared or Preserved Fish, Caviar and Caviar 1604-0 0 0 0 117Other Sugar NES 1702-0 0 27 15 155Sugar Confectionery including White Chocolate not 1704-0 0 0 19 11Malt Extracts; Food Prep. of Flour etc. Under 50% 1901-0 0 0 0 8Pasta and Couscous, Prepared or Not 1902-0 0 0 97 24Bread, Pastry, Cakes etc 1905-0 0 0 88 38Vegetable, Fruit, Nuts Etc, Prep Or Pres By Vinegar 2001-

4,494 45 8 129 159Jams, Fruit Jellies, Marmalades etc. Cooked 2007-0 0 0 48 0Fruit, Nuts etc. Prepared or Preserved NES 2008-

787 8 70 81 146Fruit Juices including Grape Must and Vegtable 2009-

Page 111: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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137 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 47 29Food Preparations NES 2106-0 0 0 0 9Waters, Sweetened etc and other Nonalcoholic 2202-

13,735 137 1,557 660 7,001Ethyl Alcohol, Strength: more than 80% Alcohol 2207-728 7 16 26 33Salt, Pure Sodium Chloride, Sea Water 2501-

0 0 0 0 193Natural Sands Of All Kinds, Except Metal-Bearing 2505-0 0 0 5 0Quartz (Other Than Natural Sands); Quartzite 2506-0 0 0 3 0Clays NES 2508-0 0 0 11 4Natural Barium Sulfate; Nat Barium Carbonate NES 2511-

5,148 51 42 905 506Marble, Travertine etc. and Alabaster, Crude etc. 2515-0 0 0 0 41Gypsum; Anhydrite; Plasters etc. 2520-

11,297 113 57 1,587 177Natural Steatite Roughly Trimmed etc. 2526-0 0 0 0 66Copper Ores and Concentrates 2603-

33,990 340 406 1,506 1,242Chromium Ores and Concentrates 2610-0 0 0 0 25Sodium Hydroxide and Potassium Hydroxide etc. 2815-0 0 0 6 0Saturated Acyclic Monocarboxylic Acid etc. 2915-0 0 0 0 22Carboxylic Acid, Added Oxygen & Anhy Etc, Hal 2918-0 0 0 3 0Oxygen-Function Amino-Compounds 2922-0 0 0 8 0Heterocyclic Compounds with Nitrogen 2933-0 0 0 0 13Human Blood or Animal Blood Prepared for 3002-

696 7 13 70 223Medicaments Mixtures for Therapeutic Use 3003-975 10 34 261 373Medicaments NES 3004-

0 0 12 25 35Wading, Gauze, Bandages etc. 3005-0 0 0 0 10Pharmaceutical Goods 3006-0 0 0 23 26Synthetic Organic Coloring Matter 3204-0 0 0 0 497Other Color Matters 3206-

6,139 61 76 2,732 929Prepared Driers 3211-0 0 0 0 8Artists’ Colors etc in Tablets, Tubes, Jars etc. 3213-0 0 100 0 100Essential Oils, Resinoids and Terpene 3301-0 0 0 1 0Preparations for Use on Hair 3305-0 0 0 59 0Personal Toilet etc Prep NES 3307-0 0 0 10 28Organic Surf-Act Agents and Products other than 3402-0 0 13 21 123Lubricating Preparations, Antirust and Treating 3403-

1,380 14 0 1,381 0Polishes and Creams for Leather, Wood etc. 3405-0 0 0 0 6Matches and Except Pyrotechnic Articles 3605-0 0 45 481 1,199Artificial Graphite, Colloidal Graphite and 3801-0 0 0 48 0Insecticides, Rodenticides and Fungicides etc. Retail 3808-0 0 0 36 137Finishing Agents etc. for Textiles, Paper etc NES 3809-0 0 0 5 16Polymers of Ethylene, in Primary Forms 3901-0 0 0 0 5Polymers of Propylene or other Olefins, Primary 3902-0 0 0 5 0Polymers of Vinyl Chloride etc. in Primary Forms 3904-0 0 0 0 50Polymers of Vinyl Acetate and other Vinyl 3905-

193 2 44 265 307Polyesters, Epoxides and Polyesters, Primary Forms 3907-0 0 0 3 0Amino-Resins, Phenolic and Polyurethane, Primary 3909-

2,372 24 37 341 881Waste, Parings and Scrap, of Plastics 3915-0 0 0 44 0Plates, Sheets, Film etc. 3920-0 0 0 0 11Containers: Boxes, Bags, Closures etc, Plastic 3923-0 0 0 0 11Tableware and other Household Articles etc, Plastics 3924-0 0 3 51 236Articles of Plastics Including Polymers and Resins 3926-0 0 0 79 19Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 4001-

317 3 41 214 354Waste of Rubber and Powder Obtain thereof 4004-0 0 0 0 41Inner Rubber Tubes for Tires 4013-

130 1 14 58 70Articles of Apparel and Clothing Acc. of Rubber 4015-0 0 0 0 2Articles NES of Unhard Vulcanized Rubber 4016-0 0 0 63 901Raw Hides and Skins of Bovine or Equine Animals 4101-0 0 22 174 87Raw Skins of Sheep or Lambs NES 4102-0 0 0 40 282Raw Hides and Skins NES 4103-

Page 112: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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Export of Goods and Services March 2014 138

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

27,734 277 586 3,833 3,280Bovine or Equine Leather, No Hair NES 4104-1,770 18 323 1,531 2,902Sheep or Lamb Skin Leather, No Wool NES 4105-

99,234 993 831 7,039 7,662Goat or Kidskin Leather, No Hair NES 4106-284,938 2,850 1,793 18,279 14,558Leather of Animals NES, No Hair NES 4107-

50,394 504 499 4,300 2,462Leather further prepared after tanning (sheep, lamb) 4112-387,977 3,881 6,465 48,120 45,445Leather further prepared after tanning (other animal) 4113-

0 0 0 0 4Chamois 4114-91,404 914 782 6,791 6,450Saddlery, Harness, Traces and Leads etc. 4201-

0 0 0 70 13Travel Goods, Handbags, Wallets, Jewelry Cases etc. 4202-89,376 894 606 5,901 4,439Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-21,244 212 178 509 3,863Articles of Leather Used in Machinery and 4204-

600 6 6 762 1,839Articles of Leather NES 4205-0 0 0 26 0Raw Furskins NES 4301-

1,088 11 0 181 71Tanned or Dressed Furskins including Heads, Tails 4302-0 0 0 42 14Plaits etc and Products of Plaiting Materials 4601-

12,765 128 0 310 89Paper and Paperboard Uncoated NES, Rolls or 4805-0 0 0 0 6Vegetable Parchment, Greaseproof, Tracing Papers 4806-0 0 0 19 0Paper, Paperboard, Wading etc. Coated etc NES 4811-

2,380 24 25 90 57Paper and Paperboard Labels of all Kinds 4821-0 0 0 58 5Bobbins, Spools etc. of Paper Pulp, Paper and 4822-0 0 0 0 84Other Paper and Paperboard and Articles NES 4823-0 0 0 46 47Printed Books, Brochures and Similar Printed Matter 4901-

5,593 56 70 2,826 475Woven Fabrics of Silk or Silk Waste 5007-3,027 30 138 960 933Cotton, Not Carded Or Combed 5201-6,368 64 713 2,349 3,589Cotton Waste Including Yarn Waste etc. 5202-

70,109 701 426 2,470 1,997Cotton, Carded or Combed 5203-34,707 347 1,066 980 3,008Cotton Sewing Thread, Retail Packed or Not 5204-

1,022,391 10,226 14,112 124,454 143,001Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton more than 85% 5205-17,276 173 55 546 1,603Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton less than 85% 5206-71,762 718 793 5,268 2,659Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Retail Packed 5207-36,847 369 1,193 5,954 6,332Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt < 5208-

180,307 1,803 2,475 22,767 16,385Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-28,109 281 199 2,843 2,396Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt < 5210-

0 0 29 512 805Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt > 5211-2,883 29 375 2,990 2,354Woven Cotton Fabrics NES 5212-

0 0 0 21 88Synthetic Filament Yarn Not Sewing Thread, Not 5402-0 0 0 103 0Artificial Monofilament >67 Decitex Width <5mm 5405-

4,440 44 0 44 113Woven Fabric of Synthetic Filament Yarn 5407-4,806 48 0 211 0Woven Fabrics of Artificial Filament Yarn 5408-

0 0 0 54 126Waste of Manmade Fibers Including Noils etc. 5505-0 0 0 0 34Synthetic Staple Fibres, Carded, Combed etc. 5506-

10,729 107 111 835 756Yarn Not for Sewing Thread, Synthetic Staple 5509-0 0 0 0 1Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5512-

23,003 230 92 1,397 1,392Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5513-0 0 72 9 93Woven Fabric, Synthetic < 85% of Fibre Mix 5514-

2,318 23 0 37 0Woven Fabrics of Artificial Staple Fibers 5516-0 0 0 17 0Rubber Thread and Cord, Text Covered, Textile 5604-

487 5 44 215 269Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Knotted 5701-0 0 0 0 4Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Woven 5702-

2,823 28 0 303 444Woven Terry Fabrics and Tufted Textile Fabric NES 5802-0 0 0 102 0Narrow Woven Fabrics Except Labels 5806-0 0 0 12 71Labels, Badges and Similar Type of Textiles 5807-0 0 0 2 0Embroidery in the Piece, In Strips or in Motifs 5810-

10,885 109 0 255 0Gum Covered Fabric; Tracing Cloth; Paint Canvas 5901-0 0 0 4 0Textile Fabrics, Theatrical Scenery, Back-Cloths 5907-0 0 0 0 20Textile Wicks for Lamps etc. and Gas Mantles etc. 5908-

Page 113: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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139 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 0 4Knitted or Crocheted Fabrics of Rubber of Width 6002-0 0 0 164 0Other knitted or crocheted fabrics 6006-0 0 2 6 215Gents Overcoats, Car-Coats, Caps, Cloaks and 6101-

12,985 130 36 453 6,978Ladies Overcoats, Car-Coats, Caps, Cloaks and 6102-26,096 261 130 1,323 887Gents Suits, Ensembles, Jackets etc. Kn/Cr 6103-

115 1 0 158 19Ladies Suits, Ensembles etc. Kn/Cr 6104-108,062 1,081 284 2,227 1,256Gents Shirts, Knitted or Crocheted 6105-

0 0 0 114 15Gents Blouses and Shirts Kn/Cr 6106-808 8 0 19 214Gents Underpants, Briefs, Nightshirts etc. Kn/Cr 6107-

0 0 0 0 18Ladies Slips, Petticoats, Briefs, Paints etc. Kn/Cr 6108-1,640 16 17 270 775T-Shirts, Singlets and other Vests Kn/Cr 6109-1,451 15 1 691 183Sweaters, Pullovers, Vests etc. Kn/Cr 6110-

0 0 14 20 123Babies' Garments and Accessories Kn/Cr 6111-96 1 1 6 460Track Suits, Ski Suits and Swimwear Kn/Cr 6112-

9,024 90 303 1,021 757Garments, Made-ups Kn/Cr etc. of Rubber or Plastic 6113-10,029 100 0 182 105Garments NES Knitted or Crocheted 6114-

3,258 33 149 2,263 1,847Panty hose, Socks and other Hosiery Kn/Cr 6115-0 0 0 93 173Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Knitted or Crocheted 6116-0 0 0 10 0Made-up Clothing Accessories NES Kn/Cr 6117-

8,651 87 617 2,640 5,061Men's or Boys' Overcoats, Cloaks etc. Not Knitted 6201-126,441 1,265 1,445 9,965 8,401Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-

11,158 112 533 737 1,725Women's or Girls' Suits, Ensembles etc. Not Kn/Cr. 6204-6,453 65 0 310 115Men's or Boys' Shirts, Not Kn/Cr 6205-

0 0 0 36 2Men's or Boys' Undershirts etc Not Kn/Cr 6207-0 0 21 47 152Babies' Garments and Accessories Not Kn/Cr 6209-0 0 0 0 ..Garments, of Felt etc, or Fabric Impregnated etc 6210-0 0 13 41 56Track Suits, Ski-Suits and Swimwear, Not Knitted 6211-0 0 7 22 30Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Not Knitted or Crocheted 6216-0 0 0 12 13Made-Up Clothing Accessories NES 6217-0 0 0 61 602Blankets and Traveling Rugs 6301-

58,555 586 1,685 8,779 8,652Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-0 0 104 1,069 396Curtains and Interior Blinds, Curtain or Bed 6303-0 0 0 2 133Furnishing Articles of Textile Materials NES 6304-0 0 0 12 133Sacks and Bags of Textile Material for Packing 6305-

17,953 180 4 1,607 3,258Tarpaulins, Sails, Awnings and Tents etc. 6306-31,767 318 356 2,802 2,137Made-Up Articles of Textile Materials NES 6307-

0 0 0 181 25Worn Clothing and other Worn Textile Articles 6309-0 0 0 28 110Used or New Rags, Scrap Twine etc of Text Material 6310-

3,687 37 166 887 1,391Footwear, Outer Sole Rubber, Plastic or Leather 6403-0 0 0 4 0Footwear NES 6405-

15,904 159 536 1,147 1,431Parts of Footwear: Insoles, Gaiters etc. Parts 6406-0 0 0 0 5Hats and Headgear, Knitted etc. Lace etc. 6505-0 0 0 0 37Walking-Sticks, Seat-Sticks, Whips and 6602-0 0 0 0 1Wigs, False Beards of Hair etc. Human Hair Articles 6704-

1,438 14 23 31 71Worked Monumental or Building Stone and Articles 6802-0 0 0 24 0Articles of Plaster or Items Based on Plaster 6809-

5,551 56 77 404 822Articles of Stone or Other Mineral Substance NES 6815-0 0 0 0 7Refractory Ceramic Goods, Retorts, Tubes etc. NES 6903-0 0 0 10 0Ceramic Articles NES 6914-

2,216 22 25 526 219Precious and Semi Precious Stones NES 7103-0 0 0 47 0Dust / Powder of Natural or Synthetic Precious / 7105-0 0 0 0 26Articles of Jewelry and Parts thereof or Precious 7113-0 0 5 145 59Articles of Natural or Cultured Pearls, Precious 7116-0 0 0 0 808Ferrous Waste and Scrap 7204-0 0 0 0 75Flat-Roll Iron and Non-Alloy >600mm, Clad, Plated 7210-0 0 0 50 0Railway / Tramway Track Construction Material of 7302-

Page 114: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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Export of Goods and Services March 2014 140

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 13 0Table, Kitchen or Household Articles & Parts of Iron 7323-0 0 0 0 49Refined Copper and Copper Alloys, Unwrought 7403-0 0 128 832 1,971Copper Waste and Scrap 7404-0 0 0 0 286Copper Wire 7408-0 0 0 96 0Nickel Mattes, Nickel Oxide Sinters and other 7501-0 0 0 30 0Aluminum, Unwrought 7601-0 0 0 2 0Aluminum Bars, Rods and Profiles 7604-0 0 0 0 3Files, Rasps, Pliers, Metal cutting Shears etc. 8203-0 0 0 9 6Hand tools NES Like Blow, Torches, Anvils etc. 8205-0 0 0 18 0Hand Operated Mechanical Appliances 8210-0 0 0 53 480Razors and Razor Blades 8212-0 0 0 31 51Scissors, Tailors' Shears and Similar Shears and 8213-

3,221 32 2 135 271Articles of Cutlery NES and Manicure Sets etc. 8214-0 0 0 8 10Tableware etc. of Base Metal and Parts of Base 8215-0 0 0 0 1Wire, Rods etc. ror Soldering etc. 8311-0 0 0 0 41Machinery etc for Temperature Change 8419-0 0 0 17 0Other Lifting, Handling, Loading and Unloading 8428-0 0 0 47 0Printing Machinery, Machines including Ink-Jet 8443-

2,497 25 0 120 54Auxiliary Machinery for use With Textile Machines 8448-594 6 0 6 0Lathes for Removing Metal 8458-

0 0 0 61 42Tools for Working in the Hand, Pneumatic etc. 8467-0 0 0 20 70Automatic Data Process Machines and Units thereof 8471-

76 1 0 1 0Machinery for Tobacco Preparation NES and Parts 8478-0 0 0 0 1Molding Boxes for Metal Foundry, Mold Bases etc. 8480-0 0 0 5 0Taps, Cocks, Valves and Similar Appliances for 8481-

32,363 324 0 642 0Electrical Transformers, Static Converters and 8504-20,592 206 0 1,071 0Electric Apparatus for Line Telephony, Telephone 8517-

0 0 0 0 1Turntables, Record and Cassette Players etc. 8519-0 0 0 1 0Semiconductor Devices, Light-Emit Diodes etc and 8541-0 0 0 4 9Carbon Electrodes and Brushes, Lamp Carbons etc 8545-0 0 0 0 15Electrical Parts of Machinery NES 8548-0 0 0 0 154Motorcycles and Cycles With Auxiliary Motor 8711-0 0 5 0 5Vessels and Floating Structures for Scrapping 8908-0 0 0 0 1Optical Telescopes and Mounting for 9005-0 0 0 1 0Photocopy Apparatus and Thermo copy Apparatus & 9009-

5,929 59 137 652 500Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-0 0 0 342 0Watch, Wrist, Pocket etc. Precious Metal or Clad 9101-0 0 0 5,902 0Watch Movements, Complete and Assembled 9108-0 0 0 118 0Watch Straps, Watch Bands and Watch Bracelets and 9113-

155 2 0 2 0Keyboard Pipe Organs Harmoniums & other 9203-0 0 0 1 0Parts etc. of Musical Instruments, Metronomes 9209-0 0 0 5 0Seats and Parts Except Barber, Dental etc. 9401-0 0 0 0 15Furniture NES and Parts Thereof 9403-

836 8 .. 249 1,121Mattress Supports, Articles of Bedding etc 9404-0 0 0 0 2Lamps and Lighting Fittings and Parts etc NES 9405-0 0 0 1 0Festive, Carnival or other Entertainment Articles 9505-

87,344 874 259 7,781 1,589Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-0 0 0 0 1Fishing Rods and Tackle Nets, Decoys etc. 9507-0 0 21 0 21Vegetable Molded Resin etc Carving Material NES 9602-

13,712 137 297 982 454Buttons, Press Studs, Button Mold and Blanks etc. 9606-Hungary 1,416 20,2631,578 11,226141,522

0 0 0 0 6Guts, Bladders, Stomachs of Animals (Not Fish) 5040 -0 0 0 77 0Potatoes, Fresh or Chilled 7010 -0 0 0 0 2Dates, Figs, Pineapples, Avocados etc, Fr or Dried 8040 -0 0 0 0 5Wheat or Meslin Flour 1101-

Page 115: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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141 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

2,035 20 20 345 290Salt, Pure Sodium Chloride, Sea Water 2501-0 0 0 0 4Natural Steatite Roughly Trimmed etc. 2526-0 0 0 0 16Hydrogen Peroxide 2847-0 0 0 3 7Pharmaceutical Goods 3006-0 0 0 5 0Beauty and Make-Up Preparations 3304-0 0 0 17 0Matches and Except Pyrotechnic Articles 3605-0 0 0 0 8Waste, Parings and Scrap, of Plastics 3915-

5,706 57 27 139 104Articles of Apparel and Clothing Acc. of Rubber 4015-1,549 15 13 15 13Raw Hides and Skins of Bovine or Equine Animals 4101-

640 6 0 74 4Leather of Animals NES, No Hair NES 4107-1,104 11 0 72 0Leather further prepared after tanning (sheep, lamb) 4112-1,436 14 318 817 1,510Leather further prepared after tanning (other animal) 4113-

0 0 0 22 45Saddlery, Harness, Traces and Leads etc. 4201-6,755 68 26 537 419Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-

0 0 0 17 0Articles of Leather Used in Machinery and 4204-0 0 0 0 1Articles of Leather NES 4205-0 0 0 0 2Wood in Rough, Stripped or Not of Sapwood etc. 4403-0 0 0 24 0Woven Fabrics of Silk or Silk Waste 5007-0 0 0 220 0Cotton, Not Carded Or Combed 5201-

5,243 52 54 52 431Cotton Waste Including Yarn Waste etc. 5202-0 0 0 14 0Cotton Sewing Thread, Retail Packed or Not 5204-

9,342 93 0 306 47Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton more than 85% 5205-0 0 0 0 61Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton less than 85% 5206-

25,271 253 349 2,377 1,535Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt < 5208-0 0 15 735 431Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-

280 3 0 586 234Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt < 5210-0 0 0 167 0Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt > 5211-

700 7 0 237 214Woven Cotton Fabrics NES 5212-6,980 70 147 1,079 802Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5513-

0 0 0 201 210Woven Fabric, Synthetic < 85% of Fibre Mix 5514-679 7 0 107 138Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Knotted 5701-

0 0 0 0 7Woven Terry Fabrics and Tufted Textile Fabric NES 5802-0 0 0 20 0Gum Covered Fabric; Tracing Cloth; Paint Canvas 5901-0 0 0 89 0Gents Suits, Ensembles, Jackets etc. Kn/Cr 6103-0 0 4 0 4T-Shirts, Singlets and other Vests Kn/Cr 6109-0 0 1 17 1Babies' Garments and Accessories Kn/Cr 6111-0 0 0 2 15Track Suits, Ski Suits and Swimwear Kn/Cr 6112-

238 2 1 9 18Garments, Made-ups Kn/Cr etc. of Rubber or Plastic 6113-0 0 68 0 131Garments NES Knitted or Crocheted 6114-0 0 0 1 0Panty hose, Socks and other Hosiery Kn/Cr 6115-

4,192 42 23 108 69Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Knitted or Crocheted 6116-2,433 24 0 24 4Men's or Boys' Overcoats, Cloaks etc. Not Knitted 6201-

0 0 39 241 290Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-0 0 0 0 67Women's or Girls' Suits, Ensembles etc. Not Kn/Cr. 6204-0 0 42 0 43Babies' Garments and Accessories Not Kn/Cr 6209-0 0 0 6 0Track Suits, Ski-Suits and Swimwear, Not Knitted 6211-0 0 0 17 11Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Not Knitted or Crocheted 6216-

1,709 17 17 164 82Made-Up Clothing Accessories NES 6217-0 0 0 3,692 0Blankets and Traveling Rugs 6301-

26,280 263 0 494 166Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-77 1 0 1 0Sacks and Bags of Textile Material for Packing 6305-

0 0 0 4,254 1,548Tarpaulins, Sails, Awnings and Tents etc. 6306-1,157 12 12 193 55Made-Up Articles of Textile Materials NES 6307-5,392 54 106 479 213Used or New Rags, Scrap Twine etc of Text Material 6310-

0 0 7 0 7Waterproof Footwear, Rubber or Plastics, Bond Sole 6401-0 0 0 32 11Footwear, Outer Sole Rubber, Plastic or Leather 6403-

Page 116: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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Export of Goods and Services March 2014 142

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 5 0Footwear, Outer Sole Rubber, Plastic or Textile 6404-0 0 0 51 0Footwear NES 6405-0 0 0 0 20Articles of Stone or Other Mineral Substance NES 6815-0 0 0 0 ..Chain and Parts of Iron or Steel 7315-

1,861 19 29 214 101Springs and Leaves for Springs of Iron or Steel 7320-0 0 0 .. 0Files, Rasps, Pliers, Metal cutting Shears etc. 8203-0 0 0 0 1Knives and Blades for Machines and Appliances 8208-0 0 0 1 0Hand Operated Mechanical Appliances 8210-0 0 0 0 30Knives With Blades and Blades for Knives NES 8211-

691 7 0 13 17Articles of Cutlery NES and Manicure Sets etc. 8214-0 0 0 0 6Machines, Dishwashing Machines for Cleaning etc. 8422-0 0 0 0 11Tools for Working in the Hand, Pneumatic etc. 8467-0 0 0 0 7Parts and Accessories for Motor Vehicles 8708-

9,317 93 144 1,024 770Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-429 4 0 4 0Furniture NES and Parts Thereof 9403-

0 0 0 18 0Lamps and Lighting Fittings and Parts etc NES 9405-20,027 200 118 844 975Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-

0 0 0 0 7Special Transaction NES 9992-Iceland 128 605277 80512,793

0 0 0 0 25Fish Fillets and other Fish Meat, Fresh, Chilled or 3040 -0 0 0 12 0Fruit NES Fresh 8100 -0 0 0 4 0Rice 1006-0 0 0 49 0Marble, Travertine etc. and Alabaster, Crude etc. 2515-0 0 0 0 15Gypsum; Anhydrite; Plasters etc. 2520-0 0 220 169 268Artificial Graphite, Colloidal Graphite and 3801-0 0 15 27 25Saddlery, Harness, Traces and Leads etc. 4201-0 0 0 32 8Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-0 0 0 0 12Articles of Leather Used in Machinery and 4204-0 0 0 .. 0Articles of Leather NES 4205-0 0 3 0 3Kraft Paper and Paperboard Uncoated NES 4804-

9,048 91 0 91 81Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt < 5208-0 0 0 12 0Woven Cotton Fabrics NES 5212-0 0 0 0 28Woven Fabric of Synthetic Filament Yarn 5407-0 0 0 0 16Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Knotted 5701-0 0 0 12 0T-Shirts, Singlets and other Vests Kn/Cr 6109-0 0 0 4 0Babies' Garments and Accessories Kn/Cr 6111-

22 .. 0 .. 8Garments, Made-ups Kn/Cr etc. of Rubber or Plastic 6113-0 0 0 8 0Garments NES Knitted or Crocheted 6114-0 0 0 0 51Made-up Clothing Accessories NES Kn/Cr 6117-

655 7 0 16 5Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-0 0 0 0 5Made-Up Clothing Accessories NES 6217-

1,874 19 0 127 28Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-0 0 0 0 7Made-Up Articles of Textile Materials NES 6307-0 0 1 0 1Precious and Semi Precious Stones NES 7103-0 0 37 0 197Vessels for Transport of Persons or Goods 8901-0 0 1 5 12Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-

1,193 12 0 37 13Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-India 33,155 306,11927,360 230,6453,314,732

0 0 0 0 97Live Horses, Asses, Mules and Hinnies 1010 -0 0 0 1 0Live Bovine Animals 1020 -0 0 8 0 8Meat of Bovine Animals, Fresh or Chilled 2010 -0 0 0 0 4Meat of Sheep or Goats, Fresh, Chilled or Frozen 2040 -0 0 0 0 40Other Meat & Edible Offal ; Fresh, Chilled or Frozen 2080 -0 0 0 186 129Fish Frozen (Not Fish Fillets & other Fish Meat) 3030 -0 0 0 41 0Fish Fillets and other Fish Meat, Fresh, Chilled or 3040 -

Page 117: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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143 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 68 958Crustaceans; Live, Fresh etc, and Cooked etc. 3060 -0 0 0 26 0Guts, Bladders, Stomachs of Animals (Not Fish) 5040 -0 0 0 0 1Ivory, Tortoise-Shell, Whalebone etc. 5070 -0 0 0 1 3Ambergris, Castoreum, Civet and Musk 5100 -0 0 0 0 10Bulbs, Tubers, Tuberous Roots, Corms, Chicory 6010 -

2,596 26 0 105 162Onions, Shallots, Garlic, Leeks etc, Fresh or Chilled 7030 -0 0 0 0 21Other Vegetables NES Fresh or Chilled 7090 -0 0 0 41 21Vegetables, Dried, Whole, Cut etc. not further 7120 -0 0 0 15 0Manioc Arrowroot, Salep etc Fresh, Dry, Frozen or 7140 -

7,578 76 0 1,170 15Other Nuts NES Fresh or Dried Whether Shelled or 8020 -413,560 4,137 3,728 50,723 52,633Dates, Figs, Pineapples, Avocados etc, Fr or Dried 8040 -

0 0 0 .. 0Citrus Fruit, Fresh or Dried 8050 -0 0 0 0 208Grapes, Fresh or Dried 8060 -0 0 0 0 8Melons and Papayas, Fresh 8070 -

14,291 143 0 762 34Fruit NES Fresh 8100 -0 0 0 0 25Fruit Dried NES Mixtures of Nuts or Dried Fruit 8130 -0 0 0 134 10Pepper, Genus Piper; Genus Capsicum or Pimento 9040 -0 0 0 0 8Cinnamon and Cinnamon-Tree Flowers 9060 -

29,574 296 0 2,529 57Seeds of Anise, Badian, Fennel, Coriander, Cumin 9090 -11,685 117 28 395 34Ginger, Saffron, Turmeric, Thyme, Bay Leaves, 9100 -

0 0 0 17 0Wheat and Meslin 1001-0 0 0 2,175 12Maize (Corn) 1005-0 0 0 1,536 71Rice 1006-0 0 0 0 6Soya beans, Whether or Not Broken 1201-0 0 0 73 0Sunflower Seeds, Whether or Not Broken 1206-

84,321 843 413 15,969 3,438Other Oil Seeds and Oleaginous Fruits NES 1207-3,774 38 10 132 49Seeds, Fruit and Spores, for Sowing 1209-9,046 90 151 1,293 1,357Plants etc. for Pharmacy, Perfume, Insecticides etc. 1211-

0 0 59 0 138Locust Beans, Seaweeds and other Algae, Sugar Beet 1212-0 0 0 0 13Cereal Straw and Husks 1213-0 0 65 58 552Lac; Natural Gums, Resins, Gum-Resins and 1301-

14,757 148 117 592 930Vegetable Saps and Extracts: Pectates, Agar-Agar 1302-0 0 0 10 0Vegetable Plaiting Materials Like Bamboos, Reeds 1401-0 0 0 25 0Soybean Oil and Its Fractions 1507-0 0 0 32 0Sunflower-Seed, Cottonseed oil, Not Chem. 1512-0 0 0 495 ..Other Fixed Vegetable Fats and Oils NES, Not 1515-0 0 0 0 4Prepared or Preserved Fish, Caviar and Caviar 1604-0 0 2,959 2,495 10,809Cane or Beet Sugar and Sucrose in Solid Form 1701-0 0 0 53 0Molasses Extracted from Sugar 1703-0 0 0 24 22Malt Extracts; Food Prep. of Flour etc. Under 50% 1901-0 0 0 0 3Pasta and Couscous, Prepared or Not 1902-0 0 117 9 117Bread, Pastry, Cakes etc 1905-0 0 69 136 376Vegetable, Fruit, Nuts Etc, Prep Or Pres By Vinegar 2001-0 0 0 5 0Fruit, Nuts, Fruit-Peel etc, Preserved by Sugar 2006-0 0 0 0 13Jams, Fruit Jellies, Marmalades etc. Cooked 2007-0 0 263 1,074 1,045Fruit Juices including Grape Must and Vegtable 2009-0 0 0 0 5Sauces and Preparations thereof 2103-0 0 1 15 3Food Preparations NES 2106-0 0 1,755 0 1,755Waters, Natural etc. Not Sweetened, Ice and Snow 2201-

3,447 34 48 392 476Ethyl Alcohol, Strength: more than 80% Alcohol 2207-0 0 0 0 30Flour, Meal etc. of Meat etc, Not For Human 2301-

14,411 144 159 1,174 1,159Salt, Pure Sodium Chloride, Sea Water 2501-0 0 0 5 0Unroasted Iron Pyrites 2502-0 0 0 11 9Natural Graphite 2504-0 0 0 24 1Natural Sands Of All Kinds, Except Metal-Bearing 2505-0 0 0 32 43Natural Calcium, Phosphates and Its Chalk 2510-

Page 118: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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Export of Goods and Services March 2014 144

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 1 0 17Natural Barium Sulfate; Nat Barium Carbonate NES 2511-0 0 0 1 2Pumice, Emery, Natural Corundum and Garnet etc 2513-0 0 0 62 112Marble, Travertine etc. and Alabaster, Crude etc. 2515-0 0 0 0 2Pebbles, Gravel etc. Macadam of Slag, Dross etc. 2517-

4,716 47 28 459 278Magnesite, Fused Magnesia and Sintered Magnesia 2519-214,064 2,141 724 10,413 10,035Gypsum; Anhydrite; Plasters etc. 2520-

1,035 10 8 126 34Limestone Flux, Limestone and Other Calcareous 2521-568,075 5,682 3,703 22,650 20,449Portland Cement, Aluminous Cement and Slag 2523-

562 6 0 16 24Natural Steatite Roughly Trimmed etc. 2526-1,250 13 36 122 209Feldspar; Lucite; Nepheline and Syenite 2529-8,367 84 0 169 0Aluminum Ores and Concentrates 2606-

0 0 5 13 10Lead Ores and Concentrates 2607-0 0 0 20 0Zinc Ores and Concentrates 2608-0 0 0 267 0Chromium Ores and Concentrates 2610-0 0 0 0 117Ash & Residues (Not From Iron Mfr) With Metal 2620-0 0 35 0 235Coal, Briquettes and Ovoid etc. Manufactures of 2701-0 0 0 3 0Coal, Water Gas, Producer Gas etc. 2705-0 0 0 6,449 0Oils etc from High Temperature Coal Tar 2707-

192,825 1,929 850 25,087 15,986Oil from Petrol and Bituminous Mineral etc. 2710-0 0 10 0 10Carbon NES 2803-0 0 0 2 0Hydrogen Chloride; Chlorosulphuric Acid 2806-0 0 0 1 0Nitric Acid, Sulphonitric Acids 2808-0 0 0 486 5,852Sodium Hydroxide and Potassium Hydroxide etc. 2815-0 0 0 1 0Manganese Oxides 2820-0 0 0 0 510Hypochlorites etc, Chlorites and Hypobromites 2828-0 0 0 6 372Phosphinates, Phosphinates, Phosphates and 2835-

93,236 933 127 3,115 2,370Carbonates; Peroxocarbonates etc. 2836-12,320 123 190 2,257 1,365Hydrogen Peroxide 2847-

3,863 39 2,628 8,051 4,489Halogenated Derivatives of Hydrocarbons 2903-0 0 0 112 0Phenol or Phenol-Alcohol Derivatives 2908-0 0 0 0 16Epoxides, Epoxy alcohols and Epoxy ethers etc 2910-0 0 0 12 0Saturated Acyclic Monocarboxylic Acid etc. 2915-0 0 0 9 46Unsaturated Acyclic and Cyclic Monocarboxylic 2916-

16,412 164 0 15,600 740Polycarboxylic Acids and Anhydrides etc. 2917-0 0 0 224 0Amine-Function Compounds 2921-0 0 0 0 8Oxygen-Function Amino-Compounds 2922-0 0 0 0 16Quaternary Ammonium Salts etc. 2923-0 0 0 0 3Carboxyamide-Function Compounds and 2925-0 0 0 1 0Heterocyclic Compounds with Oxygen 2932-0 0 0 9 66Heterocyclic Compounds with Nitrogen 2933-0 0 0 0 2Heterocyclic Compounds NES 2934-0 0 0 .. 0Medicaments Mixtures for Therapeutic Use 3003-0 0 0 6 25Medicaments NES 3004-0 0 0 0 5Wading, Gauze, Bandages etc. 3005-0 0 828 1,273 3,851Pharmaceutical Goods 3006-0 0 0 13 0Mineral or Chemical Fertilizers, Phosphatic 3103-0 0 0 0 26Tanning Extracts of Vegetable Origin 3201-

1,520 15 0 15 0Synthetic Organic tanning Substances 3202-9,106 91 0 121 338Synthetic Organic Coloring Matter 3204-

0 0 0 2 0Pigments Dispersed in Non-aqueous Liquid 3212-0 0 0 0 1Glaziers Putty, Resin Cements, Caulking Comps etc 3214-0 0 0 2 2Ink, Printing, Writing, Drawing etc. 3215-0 0 0 6 0Essential Oils, Resinoids and Terpene 3301-0 0 0 8 ..Odoriferous Mixtures as Raw Materials for Industry 3302-0 0 0 6 9Beauty and Make-Up Preparations 3304-0 0 101 0 171Soap, Organic Surf-Act Products used for Soap 3401-

Page 119: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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145 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 6 0Organic Surf-Act Agents and Products other than 3402-0 0 0 30 0Lubricating Preparations, Antirust and Treating 3403-

2,200 22 0 24 0Artificial and Prepared Waxes 3404-0 0 0 0 4Gelatin and Derivatives 3503-0 0 11 11 357Matches and Except Pyrotechnic Articles 3605-0 0 0 179 74Artificial Graphite, Colloidal Graphite and 3801-0 0 9 37 62Insecticides, Rodenticides and Fungicides etc. Retail 3808-

1,018 10 0 201 17Finishing Agents etc. for Textiles, Paper etc NES 3809-0 0 0 0 117Prepared binders for foundry moulds or cores 3824-0 0 0 0 14Polymers of Ethylene, in Primary Forms 3901-0 0 0 34 166Polymers of Styrene in Primary Forms 3903-

203,768 2,038 0 3,982 4,449Polymers of Vinyl Chloride etc. in Primary Forms 3904-0 0 0 3 0Polymers of Vinyl Acetate and other Vinyl 3905-0 0 0 240 0Acrylic Polymers in Primary Forms 3906-

4,113 41 0 147 356Polyesters, Epoxides and Polyesters, Primary Forms 3907-0 0 0 10 9Amino-Resins, Phenolic and Polyurethane, Primary 3909-

1,500 15 0 15 2Silicones in Primary Forms 3910-3,103 31 0 197 0Waste, Parings and Scrap, of Plastics 3915-

207 2 0 3 0Tubes, Pipes and Hoses and their Fittings, of Plastics 3917-0 0 0 149 1,881Plates, Sheets, Film etc. 3920-0 0 0 0 94Plates, Sheets, Film, Foil and Strip NES Plastics 3921-

3,337 33 0 220 178Containers: Boxes, Bags, Closures etc, Plastic 3923-0 0 0 24 0Tableware and other Household Articles etc, Plastics 3924-0 0 0 0 3Articles of Plastics Including Polymers and Resins 3926-0 0 0 1 0Reclaim Rubber in Primary Form Oil 4003-

2,473 25 10 438 143Waste of Rubber and Powder Obtain thereof 4004-0 0 0 5 0Unvulcanised Rubber Forms NES 4006-0 0 0 .. 0New Pneumatic Tires of Rubber 4011-0 0 6 0 14Retread or Used Pneumatic Tires of Rubber 4012-

3,440 34 0 343 0Inner Rubber Tubes for Tires 4013-0 0 .. 18 33Articles of Apparel and Clothing Acc. of Rubber 4015-

2,219 22 0 43 0Hard Rubber and Articles thereof 4017-0 0 5 290 13Raw Hides and Skins of Bovine or Equine Animals 4101-0 0 26 134 197Raw Skins of Sheep or Lambs NES 4102-0 0 0 8 0Raw Hides and Skins NES 4103-0 0 0 199 19Bovine or Equine Leather, No Hair NES 4104-0 0 1 7 1Sheep or Lamb Skin Leather, No Wool NES 4105-

12,634 126 0 433 121Goat or Kidskin Leather, No Hair NES 4106-124,637 1,247 314 10,768 4,257Leather of Animals NES, No Hair NES 4107-

25,327 253 3 704 50Leather further prepared after tanning (sheep, lamb) 4112-23,305 233 517 2,936 2,883Leather further prepared after tanning (other animal) 4113-

0 0 0 0 3Saddlery, Harness, Traces and Leads etc. 4201-0 0 0 204 125Travel Goods, Handbags, Wallets, Jewelry Cases etc. 4202-

6,466 65 37 618 263Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-0 0 4 366 50Articles of Leather Used in Machinery and 4204-0 0 0 8 74Articles of Leather NES 4205-0 0 0 11 36Wood Sawn or Chip Length, Sliced etc. 4407-0 0 0 26 38Builders' Joinery and Carpentry of Wood 4418-0 0 0 0 4Articles of Wood NES 4421-0 0 0 3 0Plaits etc and Products of Plaiting Materials 4601-0 0 0 0 6Paper Uncoated For Writing etc, Rolls; Handmade 4802-0 0 0 8 0Kraft Paper and Paperboard Uncoated NES 4804-

1,201 12 0 24 5Registers, Notebooks, Order Book, Receipt Book 4820-110 1 2 12 34Paper and Paperboard Labels of all Kinds 4821-316 3 11 58 74Printed Books, Brochures and Similar Printed Matter 4901-

1,842 18 11 40 44Newspapers, Journals and Periodicals 4902-

Page 120: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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Export of Goods and Services March 2014 146

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 8 0Transfers (Decalcomanias) 4908-0 0 0 37 186Woven Fabrics of Silk or Silk Waste 5007-

4,176 42 181 793 591Wool, Not Carded or Combed 5101-2,560 26 79 352 329Fine or Coarse Animal Hair, Not Carded or Combed 5102-

100,240 1,003 798 8,690 5,727Waste of Wool, Fine or Coarse Animal Hair 5103-4,923 49 0 49 0Yarn of Fine Animal Hair, Not For Retail Sale 5108-

0 0 0 7 0Woven Fabrics of Combed Wool or Fine Animal 5112-193,470 1,935 1,222 17,705 11,528Cotton, Not Carded Or Combed 5201-

0 0 0 85 63Cotton Waste Including Yarn Waste etc. 5202-196 2 0 6 107Cotton, Carded or Combed 5203-

0 0 0 284 77Cotton Sewing Thread, Retail Packed or Not 5204-18,020 180 391 1,938 2,713Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton more than 85% 5205-

0 0 7 0 22Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Retail Packed 5207-27,515 275 404 1,744 1,284Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt < 5208-

111,186 1,112 1,234 9,811 8,871Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-11,775 118 67 562 492Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt < 5210-12,437 124 36 357 48Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt > 5211-

1,367 14 290 150 966Woven Cotton Fabrics NES 5212-0 0 0 0 27Jute and other Textile Bast Fibers NES 5303-0 0 0 1,154 0Yarn of Vegetable Textile Fibers NES, Paper Yarn 5308-0 0 86 344 120Woven Fabrics of Jute or Other Textile Bast Fibres 5310-0 0 0 0 3Woven Fabric of Synthetic Filament Yarn 5407-0 0 0 7 0Woven Fabrics of Artificial Filament Yarn 5408-0 0 8 0 8Synthetic Filament Tow 5501-0 0 0 150 45Yarn Not for Sewing Thread, Synthetic Staple 5509-

79 1 0 13 0Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5512-1,847 18 0 18 111Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5513-

0 0 0 155 16Woven Fabric, Synthetic < 85% of Fibre Mix 5514-0 0 0 0 262Textile Wadding and Articles; Text Fiber Not Over 5 5601-

297 3 0 10 0Nonwovens Impregnated, Coated, Covered or 5603-0 0 0 196 0Twine, Cordage, Rope and Cables 5607-

13,707 137 0 360 149Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Knotted 5701-0 0 43 93 273Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Woven 5702-0 0 0 79 110Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Tufted 5703-0 0 15 276 20Woven Terry Fabrics and Tufted Textile Fabric NES 5802-0 0 0 25 0Narrow Woven Fabrics Except Labels 5806-

237 2 0 12 12Labels, Badges and Similar Type of Textiles 5807-0 0 0 3 10Braids, Ornamental Trim in Pieces Not Knitted, or 5808-0 0 0 138 66Embroidery in the Piece, In Strips or in Motifs 5810-

296 3 0 3 8Gum Covered Fabric; Tracing Cloth; Paint Canvas 5901-0 0 0 17 0Textile Fabrics Coated, Covered or Lamented with 5903-

7,680 77 55 130 55Textile Fabrics, Theatrical Scenery, Back-Cloths 5907-0 0 0 0 4Warp Knit fabrics Not of Rubber and Pile Fabrics 6005-

8,171 82 57 220 356Other knitted or crocheted fabrics 6006-0 0 0 28 0Gents Overcoats, Car-Coats, Caps, Cloaks and 6101-0 0 0 24 196Ladies Overcoats, Car-Coats, Caps, Cloaks and 6102-

12,245 122 2 583 264Gents Suits, Ensembles, Jackets etc. Kn/Cr 6103-0 0 0 132 221Ladies Suits, Ensembles etc. Kn/Cr 6104-

15,212 152 0 1,277 673Gents Shirts, Knitted or Crocheted 6105-0 0 0 0 125Gents Underpants, Briefs, Nightshirts etc. Kn/Cr 6107-0 0 0 0 1Ladies Slips, Petticoats, Briefs, Paints etc. Kn/Cr 6108-0 0 0 0 25T-Shirts, Singlets and other Vests Kn/Cr 6109-0 0 .. 21 ..Sweaters, Pullovers, Vests etc. Kn/Cr 6110-

28,145 282 0 2,138 30Babies' Garments and Accessories Kn/Cr 6111-0 0 0 1 5Track Suits, Ski Suits and Swimwear Kn/Cr 6112-

928 9 0 30 267Garments, Made-ups Kn/Cr etc. of Rubber or Plastic 6113-

Page 121: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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147 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 67 1Garments NES Knitted or Crocheted 6114-0 0 0 125 0Panty hose, Socks and other Hosiery Kn/Cr 6115-

224 2 24 161 186Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Knitted or Crocheted 6116-285 3 0 30 7Made-up Clothing Accessories NES Kn/Cr 6117-551 6 14 491 138Men's or Boys' Overcoats, Cloaks etc. Not Knitted 6201-

0 0 0 28 0Women's or Girls' Overcoats etc, Not Knitted or 6202-194,706 1,947 3 24,646 553Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-

825 8 1 126 1,148Women's or Girls' Suits, Ensembles etc. Not Kn/Cr. 6204-193 2 0 50 0Men's or Boys' Shirts, Not Kn/Cr 6205-

0 0 0 2 0Women's or Girls' Blouses, Shirts etc. Not Knitted 6206-0 0 0 0 9Women's or Girls' Slips etc Not Kn/Cr 6208-0 0 0 0 13Babies' Garments and Accessories Not Kn/Cr 6209-

19,983 200 0 264 629Track Suits, Ski-Suits and Swimwear, Not Knitted 6211-42 .. 2 19 6Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Not Knitted or Crocheted 6216-

0 0 0 29 64Made-Up Clothing Accessories NES 6217-271 3 92 308 393Blankets and Traveling Rugs 6301-

67,093 671 336 2,527 3,571Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-0 0 0 24 0Curtains and Interior Blinds, Curtain or Bed 6303-

9,103 91 522 1,654 5,295Sacks and Bags of Textile Material for Packing 6305-0 0 0 76 6Tarpaulins, Sails, Awnings and Tents etc. 6306-

2,649 26 0 90 166Made-Up Articles of Textile Materials NES 6307-0 0 0 0 1Needlecraft Sets of Woven Fabrics and Yarn, Retail 6308-

10,972 110 21 405 1,143Worn Clothing and other Worn Textile Articles 6309-4,049 40 51 363 295Used or New Rags, Scrap Twine etc of Text Material 6310-

0 0 0 0 36Footwear, Outer Sole and Upper Rubber or Plastic 6402-2,696 27 8 188 45Footwear, Outer Sole Rubber, Plastic or Leather 6403-

0 0 0 12 43Footwear, Outer Sole Rubber, Plastic or Textile 6404-0 0 21 3 77Footwear NES 6405-

1,116 11 0 43 48Worked Monumental or Building Stone and Articles 6802-0 0 0 0 14Millstones etc. For Grinding etc of Various Materials 6804-

5,017 50 69 261 410Articles of Plaster or Items Based on Plaster 6809-0 0 26 184 107Articles of Stone or Other Mineral Substance NES 6815-0 0 7 0 28Tableware, Kitchenware and other Articles of Toilet 6911-0 0 1 0 1Ceramics Tableware, Kitchenware etc. 6912-0 0 0 11 0Drawn and Blown Glass in Sheets etc. 7004-

150,096 1,501 183 6,796 3,012Float Glass and Surface Ground or Polished Sheets 7005-3,808 38 17 350 451Glass Containers for Packing etc and Glass Closures 7010-

0 0 61 354 352Precious and Semi Precious Stones NES 7103-0 0 0 1 0Synthetic Precious or Semi precious Stones, Not 7104-

379 4 0 4 0Articles of Jewelry and Parts thereof or Precious 7113-0 0 0 10 0Articles of Natural or Cultured Pearls, Precious 7116-0 0 0 0 271Spongy Ferrous Products and Iron 99.94% Pure 7203-

8,094 81 36 1,470 1,923Ferrous Waste and Scrap 7204-0 0 0 0 127Flat-Roll Iron and Non-Alloy Steel Non Clad 7209-0 0 0 0 14Flat-Roll Iron and Non-Alloy >600mm, Clad, Plated 7210-0 0 0 7 0Tubes, Pipes and Hollow Profiles of Cast Iron 7303-0 0 0 0 14Tubes, Pipes and Hollow Profiles NES of Iron and 7306-0 0 0 0 1Table, Kitchen or Household Articles & Parts of Iron 7323-0 0 0 480 1,275Refined Copper and Copper Alloys, Unwrought 7403-

22,684 227 99 2,883 2,141Copper Waste and Scrap 7404-0 0 0 105 0Copper Wire 7408-0 0 0 0 59Aluminum Waste and Scrap 7602-0 0 0 9 0Aluminum Powders and Flakes 7603-

4,189 42 0 124 0Aluminum Bars, Rods and Profiles 7604-0 0 97 478 2,449Lead, Unwrought 7801-0 0 0 149 0Zinc Waste and Scrap 7902-

Page 122: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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Export of Goods and Services March 2014 148

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 0 3Tungsten and Articles Including Waste and Scrap 8101-0 0 0 0 513Beryllium, Chromium, Germanium, Vanadium, 8112-0 0 0 0 2Hand tools NES Like Blow, Torches, Anvils etc. 8205-0 0 0 13 0Interchange Tools for Hand or Machine Tools 8207-0 0 0 3 0Razors and Razor Blades 8212-

90 1 0 1 28Scissors, Tailors' Shears and Similar Shears and 8213-853 9 1 46 18Articles of Cutlery NES and Manicure Sets etc. 8214-

0 0 0 0 4Steam Turbines and other Vapor Turbines and Parts 8406-215 2 0 2 0Parts For Combustion Engines etc. 8409-

0 0 2 11 23Pumps for Liquids; Liquid Elevators; Parts Thereof 8413-320 3 0 4 176Machinery etc for Temperature Change 8419-

0 0 0 16 0Mechenical Appliances etc 8424-0 0 0 62 0Agriculture Machinery for Soil, Lawn Preparations 8432-0 0 0 0 3Machinery NES used for Food and Drink and Parts 8438-0 0 0 10 125Weaving Machines Like Looms 8446-0 0 0 0 42Machines, Knitting and Stitch-Bonding Machines etc 8447-0 0 0 10 45Auxiliary Machinery for use With Textile Machines 8448-0 0 0 7 11Sewing Machines other than Book Sewing Machine 8452-0 0 20 0 20Machine Tools for Working Metal NES 8463-0 0 0 23 0Parts for Machine Like Ultrasonic, Stones Machines 8466-0 0 4 0 14Tools for Working in the Hand, Pneumatic etc. 8467-0 0 0 0 60Machines and Mechanical Appliances NES 8479-0 0 0 0 1Parts of Electrical Motors, Generators and Sets 8503-0 0 0 11 0Electrical Transformers, Static Converters and 8504-0 0 0 2 0Portable Electrical Lamps Function By Own Energy 8513-0 0 0 25 0Electrical Laser or Other Light or Photon Beam etc 8515-0 0 0 16 0Video Recording or Reproducing Apparatus 8521-0 0 0 2 3Electrical Apparatus for Switching etc. Not Over 8536-0 0 0 186 48Tractors Other Than Work Trucks used for Short 8701-0 0 0 9 0Special Purpose Motor Vehicles NES 8705-0 0 0 154 198Parts and Accessories for Motor Vehicles 8708-

570 6 0 6 0Apparatus for Photo Laboratories etc NES and Parts 9010-57,821 578 411 4,276 4,307Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-

0 0 0 6 0X-Ray etc Apparatus, Tubes, Panels, Screen and 9022-0 0 0 1 0Percussion Musical Instruments Drums etc. 9206-0 0 0 2 5Parts etc. of Musical Instruments, Metronomes 9209-

815 8 0 8 24Furniture NES and Parts Thereof 9403-0 0 0 1 114Mattress Supports, Articles of Bedding etc 9404-

8,707 87 53 676 798Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-0 0 12 445 47Buttons, Press Studs, Button Mold and Blanks etc. 9606-0 0 0 0 7Phosphatic Rock 9935-0 0 0 0 23Special Transaction NES 9992-

Indonesia 12,806 99,15914,038 165,6031,280,2710 0 0 0 69Live Horses, Asses, Mules and Hinnies 1010 -

1,593 16 108 161 243Live Animals NES 1060 -0 0 18 0 18Meat of Bovine Animals, Fresh or Chilled 2010 -0 0 80 0 80Meat of Bovine Animals, Frozen 2020 -0 0 0 0 19Meat of Swine, Fresh, Chilled or Frozen 2030 -0 0 0 18 0Edible Offal of Bovine Animals; Swine, Sheep, 2060 -

3,913 39 19 201 19Fish, Fresh or Chilled (Not Fish Fillets & other Fish 3020 -40,470 405 237 4,308 3,882Fish Frozen (Not Fish Fillets & other Fish Meat) 3030 -

8,977 90 113 715 894Fish Fillets and other Fish Meat, Fresh, Chilled or 3040 -0 0 0 86 1Fish Dried, Salted or in Brine; Smoked etc; Ed 3050 -0 0 0 114 0Crustaceans; Live, Fresh etc, and Cooked etc. 3060 -0 0 0 0 19Molluscs & Aquatic Invertebrates NES Live etc. 3070 -

Page 123: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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149 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 0 7Onions, Shallots, Garlic, Leeks etc, Fresh or Chilled 7030 -0 0 32 1 47Other Vegetables NES Fresh or Chilled 7090 -

1,121 11 0 11 0Vegetables Frozen 7100 -0 0 0 51 0Vegetables, Dried, Whole, Cut etc. not further 7120 -0 0 0 0 33Dates, Figs, Pineapples, Avocados etc, Fr or Dried 8040 -

179,022 1,791 171 3,805 1,161Citrus Fruit, Fresh or Dried 8050 -1,170 12 0 112 0Fruit NES Fresh 8100 -

0 0 0 9 0Tea Whether or not Flavored 9020 -0 0 0 19 0Pepper, Genus Piper; Genus Capsicum or Pimento 9040 -0 0 0 0 44Ginger, Saffron, Turmeric, Thyme, Bay Leaves, 9100 -0 0 24 0 9,502Wheat and Meslin 1001-0 0 0 0 31,494Maize (Corn) 1005-

169,962 1,700 4,026 20,494 33,897Rice 1006-0 0 0 0 1,376Wheat or Meslin Flour 1101-0 0 0 0 5,762Cereal Flours, Except of Wheat or of Meslin 1102-0 0 0 0 75Cereal Grains, Worked Like Hulled, Rolled, Flaked 1104-0 0 63 128 240Other Oil Seeds and Oleaginous Fruits NES 1207-0 0 0 0 67Flour and Meals of Oil Seeds or Oleaginous Fruits 1208-0 0 0 0 24Hop Cones, Fresh or Dried; Lupulin 1210-

2,346 23 34 178 158Plants etc. for Pharmacy, Perfume, Insecticides etc. 1211-0 0 8 24 8Lac; Natural Gums, Resins, Gum-Resins and 1301-0 0 0 0 6Vegetable Products NES 1404-0 0 0 235 78Other Fixed Vegetable Fats and Oils NES, Not 1515-

3,413 34 22 312 793Prepared or Preserved Fish, Caviar and Caviar 1604-3,451 35 0 153 0Crustaceans Molluscs etc Prepared or Preserved 1605-

0 0 0 0 100Cane or Beet Sugar and Sucrose in Solid Form 1701-0 0 0 0 20Other Sugar NES 1702-0 0 0 0 286Sugar Confectionery including White Chocolate not 1704-0 0 0 0 5Bread, Pastry, Cakes etc 1905-0 0 0 70 112Fruit Juices including Grape Must and Vegtable 2009-0 0 0 3,443 0Flour, Meal etc. of Meat etc, Not For Human 2301-

74,863 749 0 1,759 66Tobacco and Tobacco Refuse 2401-0 0 0 150 56Tobacco and Tobacco Substitutes Manufactured 2403-

587 6 0 23 0Salt, Pure Sodium Chloride, Sea Water 2501-0 0 0 13 0Natural Barium Sulfate; Nat Barium Carbonate NES 2511-0 0 0 0 4Gypsum; Anhydrite; Plasters etc. 2520-0 0 0 0 84Portland Cement, Aluminous Cement and Slag 2523-0 0 187 0 344Natural Steatite Roughly Trimmed etc. 2526-

12,704 127 0 845 166Feldspar; Lucite; Nepheline and Syenite 2529-0 0 0 15 0Oil from Petrol and Bituminous Mineral etc. 2710-

4,016 40 68 675 598Hydrogen Chloride; Chlorosulphuric Acid 2806-0 0 0 0 4Carboxyamide-Function Compounds etc. 2924-0 0 0 0 ..Antibiotics 2941-0 0 0 44 378Medicaments Mixtures for Therapeutic Use 3003-0 0 0 96 8Medicaments NES 3004-

1,252 13 19 138 409Synthetic Organic Coloring Matter 3204-0 0 0 0 1Prepared Driers 3211-0 0 0 0 19Essential Oils, Resinoids and Terpene 3301-0 0 0 0 51Odoriferous Mixtures as Raw Materials for Industry 3302-0 0 0 130 0Preparations for Use on Hair 3305-0 0 0 0 6Organic Surf-Act Agents and Products other than 3402-0 0 0 12 0Polishes and Creams for Leather, Wood etc. 3405-0 0 0 0 ..Gelatin and Derivatives 3503-

7,488 75 0 255 12Artificial Graphite, Colloidal Graphite and 3801-0 0 0 0 15Insecticides, Rodenticides and Fungicides etc. Retail 3808-0 0 0 33 2Finishing Agents etc. for Textiles, Paper etc NES 3809-

Page 124: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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Export of Goods and Services March 2014 150

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

403 4 19 4 41Prepared binders for foundry moulds or cores 3824-0 0 0 0 10Polymers of Ethylene, in Primary Forms 3901-0 0 0 0 412Acrylic Polymers in Primary Forms 3906-0 0 0 0 75Polyamides in Primary Forms 3908-0 0 0 0 159Waste, Parings and Scrap, of Plastics 3915-0 0 0 3 44Containers: Boxes, Bags, Closures etc, Plastic 3923-0 0 0 .. 3Articles of Plastics Including Polymers and Resins 3926-0 0 0 0 ..Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 4002-0 0 0 66 133Waste of Rubber and Powder Obtain thereof 4004-0 0 0 0 2Articles of Apparel and Clothing Acc. of Rubber 4015-0 0 0 6 8Raw Hides and Skins of Bovine or Equine Animals 4101-0 0 0 0 86Bovine or Equine Leather, No Hair NES 4104-

3,583 36 0 828 96Goat or Kidskin Leather, No Hair NES 4106-19,836 198 209 811 611Leather of Animals NES, No Hair NES 4107-

0 0 33 237 42Leather further prepared after tanning (sheep, lamb) 4112-7,456 75 380 2,281 3,047Leather further prepared after tanning (other animal) 4113-

0 0 0 0 ..Saddlery, Harness, Traces and Leads etc. 4201-260 3 74 319 140Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-

0 0 12 0 252Articles of Leather Used in Machinery and 4204-0 0 0 41 0Paper and Paperboard Uncoated NES, Rolls or 4805-

252 3 0 3 0Paper and Paperboard Labels of all Kinds 4821-0 0 0 0 11Printed Matter including Pictures and Photographs 4911-0 0 0 11 178Woven Fabrics of Silk or Silk Waste 5007-0 0 0 51 0Wool, Not Carded or Combed 5101-

527,970 5,281 2,769 34,007 19,886Cotton, Not Carded Or Combed 5201-0 0 0 68 60Cotton Sewing Thread, Retail Packed or Not 5204-

15,719 157 323 594 1,123Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton more than 85% 5205-0 0 0 0 63Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton less than 85% 5206-0 0 0 0 35Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Retail Packed 5207-

122 1 241 1,585 1,525Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt < 5208-100,660 1,007 1,867 10,114 9,626Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-

728 7 10 114 1,871Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt < 5210-0 0 0 0 128Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt > 5211-0 0 42 571 278Woven Cotton Fabrics NES 5212-0 0 0 0 76Woven Fabrics of Jute or Other Textile Bast Fibres 5310-

8,186 82 0 82 50Woven Fabric of Synthetic Filament Yarn 5407-0 0 104 6 104Yarn Not for Sewing Thread, Synthetic Staple 5509-0 0 0 0 22Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5512-

9,431 94 204 874 5,286Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5513-0 0 0 1 19Woven Fabric, Synthetic < 85% of Fibre Mix 5514-0 0 8 8 91Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Knotted 5701-0 0 0 0 108Woven Pile and Chenille Fabrics NES 5801-0 0 0 59 117Woven Terry Fabrics and Tufted Textile Fabric NES 5802-0 0 0 0 9Narrow Woven Fabrics Except Labels 5806-0 0 27 0 27Gum Covered Fabric; Tracing Cloth; Paint Canvas 5901-0 0 0 3 0Textile Fabrics Coated, Covered or Lamented with 5903-

626 6 4 134 14Other knitted or crocheted fabrics 6006-0 0 0 .. 0Gents Overcoats, Car-Coats, Caps, Cloaks and 6101-0 0 0 517 1Ladies Overcoats, Car-Coats, Caps, Cloaks and 6102-0 0 0 1 0Gents Suits, Ensembles, Jackets etc. Kn/Cr 6103-0 0 0 1 0Ladies Suits, Ensembles etc. Kn/Cr 6104-

299 3 18 374 87Gents Shirts, Knitted or Crocheted 6105-0 0 13 16 21Gents Blouses and Shirts Kn/Cr 6106-0 0 0 6 24Gents Underpants, Briefs, Nightshirts etc. Kn/Cr 6107-

2,037 20 0 23 0T-Shirts, Singlets and other Vests Kn/Cr 6109-0 0 0 1 50Track Suits, Ski Suits and Swimwear Kn/Cr 6112-

Page 125: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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151 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 20 16 67Garments, Made-ups Kn/Cr etc. of Rubber or Plastic 6113-0 0 0 0 10Garments NES Knitted or Crocheted 6114-

1,412 14 11 53 126Panty hose, Socks and other Hosiery Kn/Cr 6115-0 0 0 0 14Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Knitted or Crocheted 6116-0 0 0 22 0Made-up Clothing Accessories NES Kn/Cr 6117-

241 2 0 5 5Men's or Boys' Overcoats, Cloaks etc. Not Knitted 6201-8,886 89 269 872 790Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-

70 1 40 99 111Women's or Girls' Suits, Ensembles etc. Not Kn/Cr. 6204-0 0 0 0 3Babies' Garments and Accessories Not Kn/Cr 6209-0 0 0 0 102Garments, of Felt etc, or Fabric Impregnated etc 6210-0 0 0 17 40Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Not Knitted or Crocheted 6216-

823 8 0 8 0Made-Up Clothing Accessories NES 6217-0 0 0 0 10Blankets and Traveling Rugs 6301-0 0 0 169 38Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-0 0 0 43 19Sacks and Bags of Textile Material for Packing 6305-

511 5 32 76 60Tarpaulins, Sails, Awnings and Tents etc. 6306-0 0 0 0 2Made-Up Articles of Textile Materials NES 6307-0 0 0 0 1Worn Clothing and other Worn Textile Articles 6309-0 0 0 0 5Articles of Asphalt or of Similar Material 6807-0 0 0 22 0Glass Containers for Packing etc and Glass Closures 7010-

53 1 0 1 6Precious and Semi Precious Stones NES 7103-0 0 0 0 1,403Synthetic Precious or Semi precious Stones, Not 7104-0 0 .. 0 ..Articles of Natural or Cultured Pearls, Precious 7116-0 0 0 16 0Refined Copper and Copper Alloys, Unwrought 7403-

8,386 84 1,780 170 17,666Copper Waste and Scrap 7404-0 0 0 24 25Aluminum Bars, Rods and Profiles 7604-

20,342 203 0 1,537 3,283Lead, Unwrought 7801-0 0 0 7 3Articles of Cutlery NES and Manicure Sets etc. 8214-0 0 0 0 7Tableware etc. of Base Metal and Parts of Base 8215-

5,268 53 0 86 411Pumps for Liquids; Liquid Elevators; Parts Thereof 8413-0 0 160 0 185Machines For Preparing Textile Fibers and Yarn 8445-0 0 0 58 0Auxiliary Machinery for use With Textile Machines 8448-

647 6 0 6 0Machinery not for Laundry for Cleaning, Drying etc 8451-0 0 2 0 4Tools for Working in the Hand, Pneumatic etc. 8467-0 0 0 16 0Electrical Transformers, Static Converters and 8504-0 0 0 0 15Electrical Water Heater and Soil Heaters, 8516-0 0 0 29 10Carbon Electrodes and Brushes, Lamp Carbons etc 8545-

240 2 0 11 54Parts and Accessories for Motor Vehicles 8708-0 0 4 0 45Vessels and Floating Structures for Scrapping 8908-

11,545 115 110 1,961 1,545Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-996 10 17 161 219Orthopedic Appliances Artificial Body and Parts 9021-

0 0 0 8 0Pianos, Harpsichords and other Keyboard String 9201-0 0 0 0 4Musical Boxes, Fairground Organs etc. 9208-0 0 0 0 18Parts etc. of Musical Instruments, Metronomes 9209-

6,935 69 5 513 445Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-0 0 0 0 4Vegetable Molded Resin etc Carving Material NES 9602-0 0 0 502 33Buttons, Press Studs, Button Mold and Blanks etc. 9606-

Iran 2,873 41,4345,251 82,341287,2140 0 0 0 301Live Bovine Animals 1020 -0 0 0 582 6,314Meat of Bovine Animals, Fresh or Chilled 2010 -0 0 0 56 5,550Meat of Bovine Animals, Frozen 2020 -0 0 0 0 1,085Meat of Swine, Fresh, Chilled or Frozen 2030 -0 0 0 620 8,039Meat of Sheep or Goats, Fresh, Chilled or Frozen 2040 -

88,965 890 0 2,805 49Meat of Horses, Asses, Mules, Hinnies; Fresh, 2050 -0 0 68 0 136Ivory, Tortoise-Shell, Whalebone etc. 5070 -

Page 126: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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Export of Goods and Services March 2014 152

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 0 1,127Leguminous Vegetables, Dried Shelled 7130 -0 0 0 4 0Other Nuts NES Fresh or Dried Whether Shelled or 8020 -0 0 0 0 441Dates, Figs, Pineapples, Avocados etc, Fr or Dried 8040 -0 0 0 29 362Citrus Fruit, Fresh or Dried 8050 -0 0 0 0 3Fruit Dried NES Mixtures of Nuts or Dried Fruit 8130 -0 0 0 7 30Ginger, Saffron, Turmeric, Thyme, Bay Leaves, 9100 -

41,972 420 744 11,763 35,425Rice 1006-0 0 0 684 1,457Other Oil Seeds and Oleaginous Fruits NES 1207-0 0 0 16 10Plants etc. for Pharmacy, Perfume, Insecticides etc. 1211-0 0 0 0 21Animal or Vegetable Fats and Oils 1516-0 0 0 0 130Sausages and Similar Products of Meat and Blood 1601-0 0 118 0 236Cane or Beet Sugar and Sucrose in Solid Form 1701-0 0 0 30 0Sugar Confectionery including White Chocolate not 1704-0 0 0 0 1,658Malt Extracts; Food Prep. of Flour etc. Under 50% 1901-0 0 0 549 76Vegetable, Fruit, Nuts Etc, Prep Or Pres By Vinegar 2001-0 0 0 0 429Fruit Juices including Grape Must and Vegtable 2009-0 0 0 76 59Sauces and Preparations thereof 2103-0 0 0 0 15Food Preparations NES 2106-

587 6 0 6 7Aluminum Ores and Concentrates 2606-0 0 0 28 0Medicaments NES 3004-0 0 0 0 3,533Gelatin and Derivatives 3503-0 0 0 0 20Matches and Except Pyrotechnic Articles 3605-0 0 32 268 916Polymers of Styrene in Primary Forms 3903-0 0 0 0 156Tableware and other Household Articles etc, Plastics 3924-0 0 0 8 0Saddlery, Harness, Traces and Leads etc. 4201-0 0 0 0 33Articles of Leather Used in Machinery and 4204-

148,492 1,485 3,254 16,955 10,705Paper, Paperboard, Wading etc. Coated etc NES 4811-0 0 794 6,126 1,552Cartons, Boxes, Cases, Bags and other Packing 4819-0 0 0 0 8Other Paper and Paperboard and Articles NES 4823-0 0 0 226 78Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton more than 85% 5205-0 0 0 56 0Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt < 5208-0 0 0 87 825Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-0 0 0 0 11Woven Fabric of Synthetic Filament Yarn 5407-0 0 0 0 137Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5513-0 0 0 1 0Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Knotted 5701-0 0 29 0 29Woven Terry Fabrics and Tufted Textile Fabric NES 5802-0 0 0 0 3Garments, Made-ups Kn/Cr etc. of Rubber or Plastic 6113-0 0 0 0 7Garments NES Knitted or Crocheted 6114-0 0 4 174 45Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-0 0 209 0 417Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-0 0 0 63 50Sacks and Bags of Textile Material for Packing 6305-

7,198 72 0 72 88Tarpaulins, Sails, Awnings and Tents etc. 6306-0 0 0 58 0Millstones etc. For Grinding etc of Various Materials 6804-0 0 0 0 4Ferrous Waste and Scrap 7204-0 0 0 0 48Other Bars and Rods of Iron or Non-Alloy Steel 7215-0 0 0 24 41Machinery NES used for Food and Drink and Parts 8438-0 0 0 .. 0Tools for Working in the Hand, Pneumatic etc. 8467-0 0 0 0 6Taps, Cocks, Valves and Similar Appliances for 8481-0 0 0 27 0Parts and Accessories for Motor Vehicles 8708-0 0 0 0 13Parts and Accessories of Cycles and Invalid 8714-0 0 0 34 657Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-

Iraq 3,049 23,4131,639 16,882304,8540 0 180 0 410Live Sheep and Goats 1040 -0 0 0 0 5Fish Dried, Salted or in Brine; Smoked etc; Ed 3050 -0 0 11 0 11Ivory, Tortoise-Shell, Whalebone etc. 5070 -

Page 127: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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153 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 12 0Cut Flowers and Flower Buds for Bouquet or for 6030 -0 0 74 256 92Potatoes, Fresh or Chilled 7010 -0 0 0 0 6Tomatoes, Fresh or Chilled 7020 -0 0 3 458 217Dates, Figs, Pineapples, Avocados etc, Fr or Dried 8040 -

20,347 204 61 954 678Citrus Fruit, Fresh or Dried 8050 -0 0 0 0 18Fruit Dried NES Mixtures of Nuts or Dried Fruit 8130 -

54,669 547 433 7,598 4,807Rice 1006-0 0 0 100 0Starches; Inulin 1108-0 0 0 166 503Other Oil Seeds and Oleaginous Fruits NES 1207-0 0 0 0 28Plants etc. for Pharmacy, Perfume, Insecticides etc. 1211-

950 10 19 32 77Vegetable Materials used in Brooms Like Piassava 1403-0 0 0 0 78Vegetable Products NES 1404-

18,196 182 0 539 5Sugar Confectionery including White Chocolate not 1704-994 10 0 80 0Bread, Pastry, Cakes etc 1905-

0 0 0 0 20Food Preparations NES 2106-0 0 0 0 11Flour, Meal etc. of Meat etc, Not For Human 2301-0 0 0 17 0Preparations Used In Animal Feeding 2309-0 0 0 0 10Marble, Travertine etc. and Alabaster, Crude etc. 2515-0 0 285 0 285Limestone Flux, Limestone and Other Calcareous 2521-

84,966 850 244 6,175 6,022Portland Cement, Aluminous Cement and Slag 2523-0 0 0 0 16Bit Mixture from Natural Asphalt etc. 2715-

4,364 44 0 260 0Hydrogen Chloride; Chlorosulphuric Acid 2806-0 0 0 8 0Salts Of Inorganic Acids Or Peroxoacids NES 2842-0 0 0 160 0Odoriferous Mixtures as Raw Materials for Industry 3302-0 0 24 147 383Matches and Except Pyrotechnic Articles 3605-

7,032 70 0 1,477 0Polyesters, Epoxides and Polyesters, Primary Forms 3907-0 0 0 0 34Tubes, Pipes and Hoses and their Fittings, of Plastics 3917-

5,667 57 0 154 48Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-0 0 0 3 0Articles of Leather NES 4205-0 0 0 8 0Wood Marquetry & inlaid Wood Jewel Case etc. 4420-0 0 0 0 26Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton more than 85% 5205-0 0 0 91 10Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt < 5208-

2,799 28 0 52 482Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-0 0 0 33 206Woven Fabrics of Jute or Other Textile Bast Fibres 5310-0 0 0 0 10Gum Covered Fabric; Tracing Cloth; Paint Canvas 5901-0 0 0 0 62Textile Fabrics Coated, Covered or Lamented with 5903-0 0 0 46 0Garments NES Knitted or Crocheted 6114-0 0 5 7 5Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Knitted or Crocheted 6116-0 0 0 6 0Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-0 0 0 0 10Blankets and Traveling Rugs 6301-

2,998 30 0 41 29Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-0 0 0 0 25Sacks and Bags of Textile Material for Packing 6305-0 0 0 261 125Tarpaulins, Sails, Awnings and Tents etc. 6306-0 0 21 12 77Worn Clothing and other Worn Textile Articles 6309-0 0 0 7 0Waterproof Footwear, Rubber or Plastics, Bond Sole 6401-

4,822 48 21 209 234Worked Monumental or Building Stone and Articles 6802-3,751 38 0 264 63Articles of Stone or Other Mineral Substance NES 6815-

0 0 0 0 24Ceramic Sinks, Washbasins, Water Closet Bowls etc. 6910-0 0 0 12 0Flat-Roll Products Iron or Non-Alloy Steel 7208-

10,501 105 0 231 0Tubes, Pipes and Hollow Profiles NES of Iron and 7306-0 0 0 8 0Table, Kitchen or Household Articles & Parts of Iron 7323-

73,551 736 125 2,595 626Air or Vacuum Pump, Compressors and Fans 8414-0 0 0 64 0Machinery etc for Temperature Change 8419-0 0 0 93 0Centrifuges, Including Dryers, Filter etc. 8421-0 0 20 0 30Machinery NES used for Food and Drink and Parts 8438-0 0 0 21 0Machines for Making Pulp and Paper and Parts 8441-

Page 128: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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Export of Goods and Services March 2014 154

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 20 0Machine Tools for Drilling, Boring, Milling etc. 8459-0 0 0 48 0Machine Tools for Working Metal NES 8463-0 0 0 9 0Machines and Apparatus for Soldering, Brazing or 8468-0 0 0 8 0Electrical Storage Batteries, Including Separators 8507-0 0 8 59 525Boards, Panels etc With Electrical Switch Apparatus 8537-0 0 57 0 57Parts for Electrical Apparatus etc of Switching, 8538-

1,084 11 49 112 285Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-550 6 0 6 0Wind Musical Instruments NES 9205-

6,706 67 0 488 205Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-909 9 0 9 0Pens, Ball Points, Soft Tip and Mechanical Pencils 9608-

Ireland 5,584 54,3146,228 50,105558,3140 0 0 0 63Fish Frozen (Not Fish Fillets & other Fish Meat) 3030 -0 0 0 0 6Other Vegetables NES Fresh or Chilled 7090 -0 0 0 0 2Dates, Figs, Pineapples, Avocados etc, Fr or Dried 8040 -

2,385 24 0 50 0Ginger, Saffron, Turmeric, Thyme, Bay Leaves, 9100 -5,998 60 35 847 714Rice 1006-

656 7 14 36 42Cereal Groats, Meal and Pellets 1103-0 0 170 0 768Molasses Extracted from Sugar 1703-0 0 0 97 27Malt Extracts; Food Prep. of Flour etc. Under 50% 1901-0 0 0 14 0Pasta and Couscous, Prepared or Not 1902-0 0 24 0 75Vegetable, Fruit, Nuts Etc, Prep Or Pres By Vinegar 2001-

881 9 9 19 17Fruit Juices including Grape Must and Vegtable 2009-0 0 0 15 0Sauces and Preparations thereof 2103-0 0 0 0 12Food Preparations NES 2106-0 0 0 18 0Waters, Sweetened etc and other Nonalcoholic 2202-0 0 0 12 12Preparations Used In Animal Feeding 2309-0 0 164 839 896Tobacco and Tobacco Refuse 2401-

1,817 18 0 31 9Salt, Pure Sodium Chloride, Sea Water 2501-0 0 5 44 34Marble, Travertine etc. and Alabaster, Crude etc. 2515-0 0 0 0 1Sulfates, Alums and Peroxosulfates 2833-0 0 0 4 0Carboxyamide-Function Compounds etc. 2924-0 0 0 0 19Pharmaceutical Goods 3006-0 0 0 6 0Beauty and Make-Up Preparations 3304-0 0 0 0 1Organic Surf-Act Agents and Products other than 3402-0 0 0 139 0Artificial Graphite, Colloidal Graphite and 3801-0 0 0 0 1Polymers of Ethylene, in Primary Forms 3901-0 0 0 0 ..Plates, Sheets, Film etc. 3920-0 0 0 0 3Containers: Boxes, Bags, Closures etc, Plastic 3923-0 0 0 13 0Tableware and other Household Articles etc, Plastics 3924-0 0 0 0 12Articles of Plastics Including Polymers and Resins 3926-0 0 0 5 0Plates, Sheet, Profile Shape etc. 4008-0 0 0 0 2Tubes, Pipes and Hoses of Unhard Vulcanized 4009-0 0 58 22 129Articles of Apparel and Clothing Acc. of Rubber 4015-0 0 0 0 6Raw Hides and Skins NES 4103-0 0 0 1 0Goat or Kidskin Leather, No Hair NES 4106-0 0 0 .. 0Leather further prepared after tanning (sheep, lamb) 4112-0 0 0 29 11Leather further prepared after tanning (other animal) 4113-0 0 0 19 13Saddlery, Harness, Traces and Leads etc. 4201-0 0 0 .. 0Travel Goods, Handbags, Wallets, Jewelry Cases etc. 4202-

1,241 12 15 719 243Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-0 0 0 5 31Articles of Leather Used in Machinery and 4204-

4,551 46 112 284 340Articles of Leather NES 4205-389 4 0 4 0Toilet Paper, Paper Tissues, Towels, Napkins etc. 4818-

0 0 0 1 3Cartons, Boxes, Cases, Bags and other Packing 4819-0 0 0 1 0Woven Fabrics of Silk or Silk Waste 5007-

Page 129: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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155 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 0 5Wool and Fine or Coarse Animal Hair, Carded or 5105-4,555 46 6 402 229Cotton Waste Including Yarn Waste etc. 5202-

0 0 0 0 11Cotton, Carded or Combed 5203-5,519 55 0 108 134Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton more than 85% 5205-5,519 55 0 82 27Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton less than 85% 5206-

13,106 131 150 893 853Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt < 5208-0 0 0 278 228Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-

14,770 148 149 734 517Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt < 5210-0 0 0 0 84Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt > 5211-0 0 0 43 61Woven Cotton Fabrics NES 5212-0 0 0 9 0Flax, Raw or Processed but Not Spun, Flax Tow and 5301-

676 7 8 29 45Woven Fabric of Synthetic Filament Yarn 5407-0 0 0 0 66Yarn Not for Sewing Thread, Synthetic Staple 5509-0 0 0 12 0Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5512-

5,609 56 15 99 436Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5513-0 0 0 12 0Textile Wadding and Articles; Text Fiber Not Over 5 5601-0 0 29 0 110Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Knotted 5701-0 0 0 6 0Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Woven 5702-

5,792 58 38 606 557Woven Terry Fabrics and Tufted Textile Fabric NES 5802-0 0 0 0 38Gauze other than Narrow Fabrics Not Over 30 cm 5803-

87 1 1 46 55Labels, Badges and Similar Type of Textiles 5807-0 0 0 0 4Braids, Ornamental Trim in Pieces Not Knitted, or 5808-0 0 0 6 19Embroidery in the Piece, In Strips or in Motifs 5810-0 0 0 76 0Gum Covered Fabric; Tracing Cloth; Paint Canvas 5901-0 0 0 0 4Pile Fabrics and Terry Fabrics Knitted or Crocheted 6001-0 0 0 14 0Other knitted or crocheted fabrics 6006-0 0 0 33 0Gents Overcoats, Car-Coats, Caps, Cloaks and 6101-0 0 0 0 4Ladies Overcoats, Car-Coats, Caps, Cloaks and 6102-

10,322 103 1 698 1,199Gents Suits, Ensembles, Jackets etc. Kn/Cr 6103-9,699 97 17 590 328Ladies Suits, Ensembles etc. Kn/Cr 6104-5,361 54 69 874 655Gents Shirts, Knitted or Crocheted 6105-

0 0 15 0 100Gents Blouses and Shirts Kn/Cr 6106-0 0 6 0 29Gents Underpants, Briefs, Nightshirts etc. Kn/Cr 6107-0 0 0 14 32Ladies Slips, Petticoats, Briefs, Paints etc. Kn/Cr 6108-

9,405 94 15 315 214T-Shirts, Singlets and other Vests Kn/Cr 6109-2,539 25 0 162 63Sweaters, Pullovers, Vests etc. Kn/Cr 6110-

0 0 65 28 931Babies' Garments and Accessories Kn/Cr 6111-2,045 20 10 181 174Track Suits, Ski Suits and Swimwear Kn/Cr 6112-3,173 32 303 321 1,504Garments, Made-ups Kn/Cr etc. of Rubber or Plastic 6113-

198 2 0 5 136Garments NES Knitted or Crocheted 6114-54,616 546 560 3,707 3,952Panty hose, Socks and other Hosiery Kn/Cr 6115-

4,851 49 37 275 278Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Knitted or Crocheted 6116-0 0 0 0 18Made-up Clothing Accessories NES Kn/Cr 6117-

401 4 156 1,742 1,885Men's or Boys' Overcoats, Cloaks etc. Not Knitted 6201-57 1 0 1 0Women's or Girls' Overcoats etc, Not Knitted or 6202-

128,074 1,281 1,470 12,342 9,426Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-1,688 17 50 173 2,745Women's or Girls' Suits, Ensembles etc. Not Kn/Cr. 6204-

0 0 0 5 5Men's or Boys' Shirts, Not Kn/Cr 6205-0 0 0 50 3Women's or Girls' Blouses, Shirts etc. Not Knitted 6206-0 0 0 38 0Men's or Boys' Undershirts etc Not Kn/Cr 6207-0 0 0 0 14Garments, of Felt etc, or Fabric Impregnated etc 6210-0 0 0 224 92Track Suits, Ski-Suits and Swimwear, Not Knitted 6211-

721 7 0 36 13Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Not Knitted or Crocheted 6216-227 2 2 36 86Made-Up Clothing Accessories NES 6217-

0 0 0 0 32Blankets and Traveling Rugs 6301-182,720 1,828 1,521 18,533 12,734Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-

Page 130: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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US $Rs.

(Amount in Thousand)MARCH JULY - MARCH

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Export of Goods and Services March 2014 156

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

4,573 46 80 670 751Curtains and Interior Blinds, Curtain or Bed 6303-0 0 57 161 57Furnishing Articles of Textile Materials NES 6304-0 0 0 5 4Sacks and Bags of Textile Material for Packing 6305-0 0 0 0 1Tarpaulins, Sails, Awnings and Tents etc. 6306-

3,759 38 48 711 404Made-Up Articles of Textile Materials NES 6307-4,512 45 0 45 0Used or New Rags, Scrap Twine etc of Text Material 6310-

0 0 7 0 59Footwear, Outer Sole and Upper Rubber or Plastic 6402-0 0 0 104 126Footwear, Outer Sole Rubber, Plastic or Leather 6403-0 0 1 0 3Footwear, Outer Sole Rubber, Plastic or Textile 6404-

7,764 78 0 176 55Parts of Footwear: Insoles, Gaiters etc. Parts 6406-787 8 0 8 33Worked Monumental or Building Stone and Articles 6802-964 10 0 83 0Abrasive Powder etc. on a Base of Textile Material 6805-422 4 0 19 0Sheet Piling of Iron or Steel, Welded Angles etc. 7301-

0 0 0 0 6Interchange Tools for Hand or Machine Tools 8207-0 0 0 0 ..Knives and Blades for Machines and Appliances 8208-0 0 .. 0 5Hand Operated Mechanical Appliances 8210-0 0 0 0 1Knives With Blades and Blades for Knives NES 8211-

2,680 27 0 59 10Articles of Cutlery NES and Manicure Sets etc. 8214-12 .. 60 186 64Compression-Ignition Internal Combustion Piston 8408-

0 0 0 0 4Refrigerators, Freezers, Heat Pumps NES and Parts 8418-345 3 0 22 22Machinery etc for Temperature Change 8419-

0 0 0 0 28Mechenical Appliances etc 8424-0 0 3 0 3Parts for Machine Like Ultrasonic, Stones Machines 8466-0 0 0 0 1Tools for Working in the Hand, Pneumatic etc. 8467-0 0 0 2 0Portable Electrical Lamps Function By Own Energy 8513-0 0 0 58 0Electrical Apparatus for Switching etc. Not Over 8536-0 0 0 0 3Electrical Filament or Discharge Lamps and Parts 8539-0 0 0 88 32Tractors Other Than Work Trucks used for Short 8701-0 0 6 85 115Parts and Accessories for Motor Vehicles 8708-0 0 0 0 1,091Vessels for Transport of Persons or Goods 8901-0 0 0 .. 0Spectacles, Goggles etc. Correct, Protect etc. 9004-

6,487 65 55 817 559Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-0 0 0 18 6X-Ray etc Apparatus, Tubes, Panels, Screen and 9022-0 0 0 16 0Other Clocks NES 9105-

192 2 0 11 0String Musical Instruments NES 9202-0 0 0 0 4Percussion Musical Instruments Drums etc. 9206-0 0 0 0 1Musical Instruments With Sound Electrically 9207-0 0 0 2 9Musical Boxes, Fairground Organs etc. 9208-

145 1 0 4 49Parts etc. of Musical Instruments, Metronomes 9209-0 0 0 29 0Military Weapons other than Revolvers, Pistols etc 9301-

12,251 123 409 1,303 1,324Mattress Supports, Articles of Bedding etc 9404-0 0 0 1 0Wheel Toys for Children Like Tricycle, Scooters etc. 9501-

23,771 238 199 1,929 1,641Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-0 0 0 591 0Buttons, Press Studs, Button Mold and Blanks etc. 9606-0 0 0 0 8Pens, Ball Points, Soft Tip and Mechanical Pencils 9608-

Italy 57,182 484,54146,602 395,2625,716,8870 0 0 0 14Live Horses, Asses, Mules and Hinnies 1010 -0 0 0 0 47Live Bovine Animals 1020 -0 0 0 0 1Live Chickens, Ducks, Geese, Turkeys, and Quinoa 1050 -0 0 0 27 0Meat of Bovine Animals, Fresh or Chilled 2010 -0 0 0 104 0Meat of Sheep or Goats, Fresh, Chilled or Frozen 2040 -0 0 0 18 0Other Meat & Edible Offal ; Fresh, Chilled or Frozen 2080 -

2,154 22 0 22 ..Fish Frozen (Not Fish Fillets & other Fish Meat) 3030 -1,580 16 0 16 0Fish Fillets and other Fish Meat, Fresh, Chilled or 3040 -

0 0 0 0 85Human Hair, Unworked and Waste of Human Hair 5010 -

Page 131: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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US $Rs.

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157 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

49,180 492 466 3,163 4,315Guts, Bladders, Stomachs of Animals (Not Fish) 5040 -4,798 48 0 147 0Bones & Horn - Cores, Unworked, Defatted, Simply 5060 -

0 0 19 0 19Ambergris, Castoreum, Civet and Musk 5100 -0 0 0 0 63Animal Products NES, Inedible Dead Animals 5110 -0 0 0 0 9Cut Flowers and Flower Buds for Bouquet or for 6030 -0 0 0 5 3Onions, Shallots, Garlic, Leeks etc, Fresh or Chilled 7030 -0 0 0 .. 14Leguminous Vegetables, Shelled or not, Fresh or 7080 -

78 1 0 47 33Other Vegetables NES Fresh or Chilled 7090 -3,437 34 44 155 320Vegetables Frozen 7100 -

0 0 0 0 7Vegetables, Temporarily Preserved, not now Edible 7110 -0 0 0 3 0Vegetables, Dried, Whole, Cut etc. not further 7120 -

1,568 16 0 122 40Other Nuts NES Fresh or Dried Whether Shelled or 8020 -0 0 32 335 242Dates, Figs, Pineapples, Avocados etc, Fr or Dried 8040 -

359 4 0 4 1Citrus Fruit, Fresh or Dried 8050 -0 0 18 0 18Apricots, Cherries, Peaches, Plums and Sloes, Fresh 8090 -

1,872 19 26 244 54Fruit NES Fresh 8100 -0 0 160 468 167Fruit Dried NES Mixtures of Nuts or Dried Fruit 8130 -0 0 29 136 115Tea Whether or not Flavored 9020 -0 0 0 0 11Seeds of Anise, Badian, Fennel, Coriander, Cumin 9090 -0 0 22 120 100Ginger, Saffron, Turmeric, Thyme, Bay Leaves, 9100 -

105,355 1,054 2,171 9,218 5,436Rice 1006-0 0 0 6 0Wheat or Meslin Flour 1101-0 0 0 17 0Cereal Flours, Except of Wheat or of Meslin 1102-0 0 14 241 60Cereal Groats, Meal and Pellets 1103-0 0 0 186 188Other Oil Seeds and Oleaginous Fruits NES 1207-

14,883 149 68 1,356 141Seeds, Fruit and Spores, for Sowing 1209-2,404 24 0 32 22Plants etc. for Pharmacy, Perfume, Insecticides etc. 1211-

0 0 0 80 295Lac; Natural Gums, Resins, Gum-Resins and 1301-12,568 126 568 2,799 10,177Vegetable Saps and Extracts: Pectates, Agar-Agar 1302-

0 0 0 2 0Vegetable Products NES 1404-0 0 0 570 0Wool Grease Fatty Substances Derived there from 1505-0 0 0 19 0Rape, Colza or Mustard Oil and Fractions thereof 1514-0 0 0 54 0Vegetable Waxes NES 1521-0 0 0 25 0Sausages and Similar Products of Meat and Blood 1601-0 0 0 0 52Prepared or Preserved Meat, Meat Offal and Blood 1602-0 0 0 40 0Prepared or Preserved Fish, Caviar and Caviar 1604-

3,401 34 31 271 304Other Sugar NES 1702-0 0 0 0 515Molasses Extracted from Sugar 1703-

997 10 32 53 125Sugar Confectionery including White Chocolate not 1704-17,937 179 74 488 323Malt Extracts; Food Prep. of Flour etc. Under 50% 1901-

1,295 13 .. 105 37Pasta and Couscous, Prepared or Not 1902-0 0 0 19 0Bread, Pastry, Cakes etc 1905-0 0 0 14 0Jams, Fruit Jellies, Marmalades etc. Cooked 2007-

35,027 350 0 350 139Fruit Juices including Grape Must and Vegtable 2009-0 0 0 0 16Sauces and Preparations thereof 2103-0 0 39 0 39Food Preparations NES 2106-0 0 13 7,307 1,534Ethyl Alcohol, Strength: more than 80% Alcohol 2207-

7,105 71 0 1,815 248Tobacco and Tobacco Refuse 2401-0 0 0 0 84Cigars, Cigarettes Etc. of Tobacco or Substitutes 2402-0 0 0 1 0Tobacco and Tobacco Substitutes Manufactured 2403-

6,349 64 8 357 241Salt, Pure Sodium Chloride, Sea Water 2501-5,179 52 0 52 0Sulfur Of All Kinds NES 2503-

0 0 0 0 1Pumice, Emery, Natural Corundum and Garnet etc 2513-5,918 59 0 358 228Marble, Travertine etc. and Alabaster, Crude etc. 2515-

0 0 0 28 2Granite, Porphyry, Basalt etc., Crude or Cut etc. 2516-0 0 0 285 0Pebbles, Gravel etc. Macadam of Slag, Dross etc. 2517-

Page 132: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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US $Rs.

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Export of Goods and Services March 2014 158

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

141,307 1,413 0 6,508 8,431Natural Steatite Roughly Trimmed etc. 2526-0 0 0 6 0Chromium Ores and Concentrates 2610-0 0 0 4 0Carboxyamide-Function Compounds etc. 2924-0 0 0 0 283Antibiotics 2941-0 0 0 42 23Medicaments NES 3004-0 0 53 639 592Wading, Gauze, Bandages etc. 3005-0 0 0 0 10Pharmaceutical Goods 3006-

54 1 0 6 0Beauty and Make-Up Preparations 3304-0 0 0 3 0Organic Surf-Act Agents and Products other than 3402-0 0 0 1 17Lubricating Preparations, Antirust and Treating 3403-0 0 52 0 52Polishes and Creams for Leather, Wood etc. 3405-0 0 0 0 52Matches and Except Pyrotechnic Articles 3605-0 0 199 979 1,291Artificial Graphite, Colloidal Graphite and 3801-0 0 0 77 0Insecticides, Rodenticides and Fungicides etc. Retail 3808-0 0 0 73 30Finishing Agents etc. for Textiles, Paper etc NES 3809-0 0 0 17 0Composite Diagnostic Laboratory Reagents 3822-0 0 0 0 224Polymers of Ethylene, in Primary Forms 3901-

159,914 1,599 675 10,676 4,715Polymers of Styrene in Primary Forms 3903-27,081 271 0 2,549 1,138Polyesters, Epoxides and Polyesters, Primary Forms 3907-

0 0 0 0 10Monofilament of Cross-Sectional Dimension 3916-0 0 0 654 0Plates, Sheets, Film etc. 3920-

726 7 0 187 68Articles of Plastics Including Polymers and Resins 3926-7,859 79 21 407 253Waste of Rubber and Powder Obtain thereof 4004-5,168 52 0 147 0Tubes, Pipes and Hoses of Unhard Vulcanized 4009-

0 0 0 31 0Inner Rubber Tubes for Tires 4013-2,797 28 48 234 463Articles of Apparel and Clothing Acc. of Rubber 4015-

0 0 0 172 53Raw Hides and Skins of Bovine or Equine Animals 4101-0 0 0 22 0Raw Skins of Sheep or Lambs NES 4102-0 0 191 32 2,091Raw Hides and Skins NES 4103-

71,274 713 0 3,036 34Bovine or Equine Leather, No Hair NES 4104-9,229 92 4 199 50Sheep or Lamb Skin Leather, No Wool NES 4105-1,550 16 10 586 1,354Goat or Kidskin Leather, No Hair NES 4106-

240,403 2,405 1,932 20,492 13,138Leather of Animals NES, No Hair NES 4107-2,578 26 20 635 403Leather further prepared after tanning (sheep, lamb) 4112-

295,729 2,958 3,458 25,728 23,919Leather further prepared after tanning (other animal) 4113-0 0 0 0 28Chamois 4114-

1,586 16 184 596 991Saddlery, Harness, Traces and Leads etc. 4201-1,545 15 19 145 68Travel Goods, Handbags, Wallets, Jewelry Cases etc. 4202-

97,595 976 1,308 11,374 8,575Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-652 7 266 550 2,552Articles of Leather Used in Machinery and 4204-

1,601 16 111 301 490Articles of Leather NES 4205-0 0 0 2 29Tanned or Dressed Furskins including Heads, Tails 4302-0 0 0 0 2Fuel Wood, In Logs etc. Wood in Chips etc. 4401-0 0 0 24 0Tableware and Kitchenware of Wood 4419-0 0 0 26 0Wood Marquetry & inlaid Wood Jewel Case etc. 4420-0 0 0 0 33Articles of Wood NES 4421-0 0 0 3 0Mechanical Wood Pulp 4701-0 0 0 0 1Paper Uncoated For Writing etc, Rolls; Handmade 4802-0 0 0 72 0Kraft Paper and Paperboard Uncoated NES 4804-

10,214 102 21 442 268Toilet Paper, Paper Tissues, Towels, Napkins etc. 4818-0 0 0 0 4Bobbins, Spools etc. of Paper Pulp, Paper and 4822-0 0 0 0 8Printed Books, Brochures and Similar Printed Matter 4901-0 0 0 7 11Silkworm Cocoons Suitable for Reeling 5001-

2,863 29 0 398 29Woven Fabrics of Silk or Silk Waste 5007-1,615 16 0 42 168Waste of Wool, Fine or Coarse Animal Hair 5103-

0 0 0 53 104Wool and Fine or Coarse Animal Hair, Carded or 5105-

Page 133: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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159 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 86 232Cotton, Not Carded Or Combed 5201-92,668 927 879 8,166 5,530Cotton Waste Including Yarn Waste etc. 5202-

0 0 69 271 806Cotton, Carded or Combed 5203-12,200 122 171 1,183 491Cotton Sewing Thread, Retail Packed or Not 5204-

307,264 3,073 1,749 19,194 12,906Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton more than 85% 5205-14,915 149 392 665 1,075Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton less than 85% 5206-

0 0 152 176 289Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Retail Packed 5207-498,946 4,991 3,388 48,669 34,741Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt < 5208-436,513 4,366 2,820 45,050 28,882Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-129,215 1,292 1,599 10,070 10,903Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt < 5210-

14,380 144 90 1,957 1,371Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt > 5211-78,981 790 1,070 11,133 15,103Woven Cotton Fabrics NES 5212-

0 0 9 0 9Flax, Raw or Processed but Not Spun, Flax Tow and 5301-0 0 0 26 4True Hemp, not Spun, Tow and Waste of Hemp 5302-0 0 0 0 8Jute and other Textile Bast Fibers NES 5303-0 0 0 10 0Coconut, Abaca, Ramie etc NES not Spun 5305-0 0 0 52 11Woven Fabrics of Flax 5309-0 0 76 0 441Woven Fabrics of Jute or Other Textile Bast Fibres 5310-0 0 0 68 0Woven Fabrics of other Vegetable Textile Fibers 5311-

34,904 349 462 5,157 3,426Woven Fabric of Synthetic Filament Yarn 5407-0 0 0 0 5Woven Fabrics of Artificial Filament Yarn 5408-0 0 0 0 5Synthetic Filament Tow 5501-0 0 0 0 1Synthetic Staple Fibres, Carded, Combed etc. 5506-0 0 0 0 32Sewing Thread, Manmade Staple Fibre 5508-0 0 61 22 166Yarn Not for Sewing Thread, Synthetic Staple 5509-0 0 0 69 119Yarn (Not Sew Thread), Art Staple Fib, Not Retail 5510-0 0 0 0 104Yarn (No SewingThread), Manmade Staple Fiber, 5511-0 0 0 53 124Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5512-

54,679 547 633 7,680 7,577Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5513-0 0 62 418 213Woven Fabric, Synthetic < 85% of Fibre Mix 5514-0 0 0 114 0Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibers NES 5515-

6,214 62 61 193 113Woven Fabrics of Artificial Staple Fibers 5516-0 0 33 15 33Textile Wadding and Articles; Text Fiber Not Over 5 5601-

4,139 41 0 41 0Felt, Impregnated, Coated, Covered or Lamented 5602-44,829 448 443 3,564 3,258Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Knotted 5701-

0 0 87 66 153Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Woven 5702-0 0 0 35 8Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Tufted 5703-

1,137 11 0 1,761 940Woven Pile and Chenille Fabrics NES 5801-14,881 149 128 2,165 1,862Woven Terry Fabrics and Tufted Textile Fabric NES 5802-

0 0 64 1,019 64Narrow Woven Fabrics Except Labels 5806-5,566 56 63 452 431Labels, Badges and Similar Type of Textiles 5807-

0 0 0 65 0Braids, Ornamental Trim in Pieces Not Knitted, or 5808-0 0 0 26 11Embroidery in the Piece, In Strips or in Motifs 5810-

4,709 47 22 192 239Gum Covered Fabric; Tracing Cloth; Paint Canvas 5901-2,830 28 3 172 3Textile Fabrics Coated, Covered or Lamented with 5903-

0 0 0 0 105Textile Fabrics, Theatrical Scenery, Back-Cloths 5907-0 0 0 1 0Textile Wicks for Lamps etc. and Gas Mantles etc. 5908-0 0 .. 0 ..Textile Products and Articles for Technical uses 5911-0 0 26 0 26Pile Fabrics and Terry Fabrics Knitted or Crocheted 6001-0 0 0 0 72Knitted or Crocheted Fabrics of Rubber of Width 6002-0 0 0 54 0Knitted or Crocheted fabrics of Rubber width >30 6004-

8,514 85 477 1,353 1,789Other knitted or crocheted fabrics 6006-166 2 0 91 56Gents Overcoats, Car-Coats, Caps, Cloaks and 6101-

64,965 650 131 745 375Ladies Overcoats, Car-Coats, Caps, Cloaks and 6102-37,495 375 484 4,278 3,011Gents Suits, Ensembles, Jackets etc. Kn/Cr 6103-21,206 212 75 1,678 825Ladies Suits, Ensembles etc. Kn/Cr 6104-

Page 134: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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US $Rs.

(Amount in Thousand)MARCH JULY - MARCH

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Export of Goods and Services March 2014 160

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

101,912 1,019 539 5,754 3,243Gents Shirts, Knitted or Crocheted 6105-8,095 81 0 289 311Gents Blouses and Shirts Kn/Cr 6106-7,296 73 320 2,300 2,087Gents Underpants, Briefs, Nightshirts etc. Kn/Cr 6107-3,791 38 0 807 291Ladies Slips, Petticoats, Briefs, Paints etc. Kn/Cr 6108-

81,267 813 247 4,938 3,007T-Shirts, Singlets and other Vests Kn/Cr 6109-5,878 59 13 939 228Sweaters, Pullovers, Vests etc. Kn/Cr 6110-1,492 15 239 667 1,155Babies' Garments and Accessories Kn/Cr 6111-7,504 75 32 1,073 571Track Suits, Ski Suits and Swimwear Kn/Cr 6112-

78,294 783 222 4,799 1,873Garments, Made-ups Kn/Cr etc. of Rubber or Plastic 6113-32,136 321 379 2,083 2,620Garments NES Knitted or Crocheted 6114-33,250 333 237 861 1,308Panty hose, Socks and other Hosiery Kn/Cr 6115-29,310 293 70 1,235 1,262Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Knitted or Crocheted 6116-

0 0 12 27 38Made-up Clothing Accessories NES Kn/Cr 6117-7,127 71 27 325 1,802Men's or Boys' Overcoats, Cloaks etc. Not Knitted 6201-

877 9 0 108 40Women's or Girls' Overcoats etc, Not Knitted or 6202-348,006 3,481 3,420 31,016 26,033Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-108,449 1,085 584 3,566 2,869Women's or Girls' Suits, Ensembles etc. Not Kn/Cr. 6204-

6,239 62 87 623 480Men's or Boys' Shirts, Not Kn/Cr 6205-0 0 0 85 36Women's or Girls' Blouses, Shirts etc. Not Knitted 6206-

50,532 505 154 3,720 2,300Men's or Boys' Undershirts etc Not Kn/Cr 6207-15,079 151 128 485 209Women's or Girls' Slips etc Not Kn/Cr 6208-

0 0 62 10 658Babies' Garments and Accessories Not Kn/Cr 6209-926 9 11 101 70Garments, of Felt etc, or Fabric Impregnated etc 6210-

79,127 791 96 3,257 822Track Suits, Ski-Suits and Swimwear, Not Knitted 6211-0 0 0 102 0Brassieres, Girdles, Garters and Braces etc. 6212-0 0 0 0 2Handkerchiefs 6213-

897 9 0 9 4Shawls, Scarves, Mufflers, Mantillas, Veils etc. 6214-2,575 26 53 273 153Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Not Knitted or Crocheted 6216-2,232 22 35 419 526Made-Up Clothing Accessories NES 6217-

0 0 0 10 25Blankets and Traveling Rugs 6301-862,081 8,623 6,960 67,918 62,654Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-

6,370 64 12 698 414Curtains and Interior Blinds, Curtain or Bed 6303-2,068 21 31 325 851Furnishing Articles of Textile Materials NES 6304-7,867 79 94 2,339 1,384Sacks and Bags of Textile Material for Packing 6305-3,229 32 36 150 79Tarpaulins, Sails, Awnings and Tents etc. 6306-

20,592 206 261 3,348 2,862Made-Up Articles of Textile Materials NES 6307-5,628 56 54 251 85Worn Clothing and other Worn Textile Articles 6309-

0 0 0 122 271Used or New Rags, Scrap Twine etc of Text Material 6310-0 0 0 2 23Footwear, Outer Sole and Upper Rubber or Plastic 6402-

167,710 1,677 1,076 10,402 7,766Footwear, Outer Sole Rubber, Plastic or Leather 6403-0 0 1 49 71Footwear, Outer Sole Rubber, Plastic or Textile 6404-0 0 0 28 9Footwear NES 6405-

25,515 255 281 998 1,085Parts of Footwear: Insoles, Gaiters etc. Parts 6406-0 0 0 82 0Hats and Headgear, Knitted etc. Lace etc. 6505-0 0 0 0 12Skins and other Parts of Birds 6701-0 0 30 59 123Worked Monumental or Building Stone and Articles 6802-0 0 0 127 0Millstones etc. For Grinding etc of Various Materials 6804-0 0 0 115 0Abrasive Powder etc. on a Base of Textile Material 6805-0 0 0 57 13Fabricated Asbestos Fibers, Items of Mixtures etc 6812-

1,305 13 34 649 168Articles of Stone or Other Mineral Substance NES 6815-2,000 20 0 30 0Tableware, Kitchenware and other Articles of Toilet 6911-

0 0 0 24 0Ceramics Tableware, Kitchenware etc. 6912-0 0 0 0 9Glass Containers for Packing etc and Glass Closures 7010-0 0 0 35 14Glassware for Table, Kitchen, Toilet etc. NES 7013-0 0 0 0 3Glass Fibers and Articles Thereof (Yarn Etc.) 7019-0 0 0 9 0Articles of Glass NES 7020-

Page 135: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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161 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

578 6 0 37 20Precious and Semi Precious Stones NES 7103-1,073 11 0 11 0Silver including Gold and Platinum Plated Silver 7106-

276 3 0 3 0Base Metals Clad With Silver, Semi-manufactured 7107-0 0 0 67 9Articles of Jewelry and Parts thereof or Precious 7113-0 0 0 6 1Articles of Goldsmiths' or Silversmiths' Wares and 7114-0 0 0 0 2Articles of Natural or Cultured Pearls, Precious 7116-0 0 0 4 2Imitation Jewelry 7117-0 0 24 80 24Ferrous Waste and Scrap 7204-0 0 9 9 15Other Bars and Rods of Stainless Steel etc. 7222-0 0 0 8 0Screws, Bolts, Nuts, Washers etc. Iron or Steel 7318-

41 .. 0 8 0Needles Sewing, Knitted, etc. 7319-0 0 0 74 0Copper Mattes; Cement Copper, Precipitated Copper 7401-0 0 0 0 301Refined Copper and Copper Alloys, Unwrought 7403-

7,308 73 147 1,967 2,169Copper Waste and Scrap 7404-0 0 0 3 0Articles of Copper NES 7419-0 0 0 0 6Aluminum Bars, Rods and Profiles 7604-0 0 0 8 0Aluminum Structures NES 7610-0 0 0 19 0Aluminum Casks, Cans, Boxes, and Similar 7612-0 0 0 36 0Articles o Aluminum NES 7616-0 0 0 17 0Magnesium and Articles Thereof Including Waste 8104-0 0 48 0 48Zirconium and Articles Thereof Include. Waste and 8109-0 0 16 10 35Files, Rasps, Pliers, Metal cutting Shears etc. 8203-0 0 0 0 9Hand Operated Spanners and Wrenches etc. 8204-

170 2 0 14 16Hand tools NES Like Blow, Torches, Anvils etc. 8205-0 0 0 8 8Knives and Blades for Machines and Appliances 8208-0 0 0 7 2Hand Operated Mechanical Appliances 8210-

661 7 5 56 185Knives With Blades and Blades for Knives NES 8211-0 0 0 42 29Razors and Razor Blades 8212-0 0 0 4 10Scissors, Tailors' Shears and Similar Shears and 8213-

16,058 161 261 1,798 2,000Articles of Cutlery NES and Manicure Sets etc. 8214-0 0 0 0 3Tableware etc. of Base Metal and Parts of Base 8215-0 0 0 0 560Steam etc Generating Boilers NES 8402-

9,478 95 0 95 0Pumps for Liquids; Liquid Elevators; Parts Thereof 8413-0 0 0 12 15Machinery etc for Temperature Change 8419-0 0 0 0 25Mechenical Appliances etc 8424-0 0 0 0 5Machinery for Cleaning, Sorting or Grading Seed 8437-0 0 0 0 1Machinery NES used for Food and Drink and Parts 8438-0 0 0 0 ..Machinery not for Laundry for Cleaning, Drying etc 8451-0 0 0 69 0Machinery for Work Leather etc and Footwear etc. 8453-0 0 0 0 8Parts for Machine Like Ultrasonic, Stones Machines 8466-0 0 37 81 119Tools for Working in the Hand, Pneumatic etc. 8467-0 0 0 0 5Machines and Apparatus for Soldering, Brazing or 8468-0 0 0 41 0Machinery for Sorting Screening etc. 8474-0 0 0 75 0Machines and Mechanical Appliances NES 8479-0 0 0 5 0Molding Boxes for Metal Foundry, Mold Bases etc. 8480-0 0 0 36 0Taps, Cocks, Valves and Similar Appliances for 8481-

1,173 12 0 12 500Electrical Transformers, Static Converters and 8504-0 0 0 3 0Electromagnets, Permanent Magnets etc and Parts 8505-

785 8 0 8 0Portable Electrical Lamps Function By Own Energy 8513-0 0 0 0 1,592Electrical Apparatus for Switching etc. Not Over 8536-0 0 0 0 21Motor Cars and Vehicles for Transporting Persons 8703-

69,091 691 295 4,371 4,045Parts and Accessories for Motor Vehicles 8708-0 0 0 2 0Parts and Accessories of Cycles and Invalid 8714-0 0 0 0 ..Vessels and Floating Structures for Scrapping 8908-0 0 0 2 0Optical Fibers and Bundles etc. 9001-

75,327 753 583 6,569 5,711Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-

Page 136: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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US $Rs.

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Export of Goods and Services March 2014 162

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

395 4 0 4 0Orthopedic Appliances Artificial Body and Parts 9021-0 0 6 19 52X-Ray etc Apparatus, Tubes, Panels, Screen and 9022-0 0 0 2 0Clocks With Watch Movement 9103-0 0 0 18 ..String Musical Instruments NES 9202-

216 2 0 25 27Wind Musical Instruments NES 9205-0 0 0 0 3Musical Boxes, Fairground Organs etc. 9208-0 0 1 4 7Parts etc. of Musical Instruments, Metronomes 9209-0 0 0 16 0Seats and Parts Except Barber, Dental etc. 9401-0 0 4 0 4Medical, Surgical, Dental or Veterinary Furniture 9402-

877 9 8 95 49Furniture NES and Parts Thereof 9403-574 6 51 456 543Mattress Supports, Articles of Bedding etc 9404-

0 0 9 0 71Lamps and Lighting Fittings and Parts etc NES 9405-0 0 0 94 0Dolls, Representing only Human Beings and Parts 9502-0 0 0 .. 0Toys NES, Reduced Size, Puzzles of all Kinds 9503-

139,004 1,390 1,073 12,510 9,185Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-0 0 0 0 2Merry-Go-Rounds, Other Fairground Amusement 9508-

2,416 24 0 24 0Brooms, Brushes, Mops and Feather Dusters etc. 9603-14,191 142 0 143 0Buttons, Press Studs, Button Mold and Blanks etc. 9606-

0 0 0 3 0Paintings, Drawing etc By Hand 9701-2,441 24 0 40 12Special Transaction NES 9992-

Ivory Coast 326 13,6631,159 2,16132,5880 0 1,101 12,699 1,821Rice 1006-0 0 58 10 58Sugar Confectionery including White Chocolate not 1704-

27,025 270 0 270 0Bread, Pastry, Cakes etc 1905-0 0 0 68 0Oil from Petrol and Bituminous Mineral etc. 2710-0 0 0 0 ..Articles of Leather NES 4205-0 0 0 0 16Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton less than 85% 5206-0 0 0 87 76Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-0 0 0 54 0Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt > 5211-0 0 0 0 68Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Knotted 5701-0 0 0 59 0Woven Terry Fabrics and Tufted Textile Fabric NES 5802-0 0 0 0 13Ladies Suits, Ensembles etc. Kn/Cr 6104-0 0 0 7 0Track Suits, Ski Suits and Swimwear Kn/Cr 6112-0 0 0 0 55Blankets and Traveling Rugs 6301-

4,823 48 0 319 48Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-740 7 0 7 5Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-

0 0 0 76 0Mattress Supports, Articles of Bedding etc 9404-0 0 0 8 0Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-

Jamaica 164 1,014101 87416,3650 0 0 0 38Bread, Pastry, Cakes etc 1905-0 0 0 3 6Medicaments NES 3004-0 0 0 0 ..Wading, Gauze, Bandages etc. 3005-0 0 0 0 7Prepared Driers 3211-0 0 0 0 2Beauty and Make-Up Preparations 3304-0 0 0 0 7Tubes, Pipes and Hoses of Unhard Vulcanized 4009-0 0 0 1 0Leather further prepared after tanning (other animal) 4113-0 0 0 76 0Saddlery, Harness, Traces and Leads etc. 4201-0 0 0 0 5Travel Goods, Handbags, Wallets, Jewelry Cases etc. 4202-

113 1 0 56 0Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-0 0 0 0 53Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt < 5208-0 0 0 2 28Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt < 5210-0 0 0 0 54Synthetic Filament Yarn Not Sewing Thread, Not 5402-

13,120 131 54 190 139Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5513-0 0 0 26 14Braids, Ornamental Trim in Pieces Not Knitted, or 5808-0 0 17 0 115Other knitted or crocheted fabrics 6006-

Page 137: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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163 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 4 0Gents Suits, Ensembles, Jackets etc. Kn/Cr 6103-0 0 0 13 0Ladies Suits, Ensembles etc. Kn/Cr 6104-0 0 0 0 29T-Shirts, Singlets and other Vests Kn/Cr 6109-0 0 0 0 34Track Suits, Ski Suits and Swimwear Kn/Cr 6112-0 0 0 0 2Garments, Made-ups Kn/Cr etc. of Rubber or Plastic 6113-0 0 0 0 5Garments NES Knitted or Crocheted 6114-0 0 0 0 9Panty hose, Socks and other Hosiery Kn/Cr 6115-0 0 0 0 63Men's or Boys' Overcoats, Cloaks etc. Not Knitted 6201-0 0 0 20 0Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-0 0 0 42 0Men's or Boys' Shirts, Not Kn/Cr 6205-0 0 0 0 15Made-Up Clothing Accessories NES 6217-

3,006 30 29 303 140Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-0 0 0 210 0Tarpaulins, Sails, Awnings and Tents etc. 6306-0 0 0 0 56Made-Up Articles of Textile Materials NES 6307-0 0 0 16 6Articles of Stone or Other Mineral Substance NES 6815-0 0 0 40 0Machinery NES used for Food and Drink and Parts 8438-0 0 1 3 7Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-0 0 0 2 0Parts etc. of Musical Instruments, Metronomes 9209-

125 1 0 1 7Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-0 0 0 0 27Brooms, Brushes, Mops and Feather Dusters etc. 9603-0 0 0 6 7Pens, Ball Points, Soft Tip and Mechanical Pencils 9608-

Japan 19,799 144,83613,648 141,8521,979,4880 0 32 0 100Live Horses, Asses, Mules and Hinnies 1010 -0 0 0 0 11Live Bovine Animals 1020 -0 0 0 0 9Meat of Sheep or Goats, Fresh, Chilled or Frozen 2040 -0 0 0 11 0Meat and Edible Offal of Poultry, Fresh, Chilled or 2070 -0 0 38 3 91Fish, Live 3010 -

13,088 131 287 1,068 1,260Fish Frozen (Not Fish Fillets & other Fish Meat) 3030 -26,423 264 0 1,563 215Fish Fillets and other Fish Meat, Fresh, Chilled or 3040 -

0 0 0 27 8Fish Dried, Salted or in Brine; Smoked etc; Ed 3050 -0 0 0 1,140 231Crustaceans; Live, Fresh etc, and Cooked etc. 3060 -0 0 8 0 17Natural Honey 4090 -0 0 40 136 471Guts, Bladders, Stomachs of Animals (Not Fish) 5040 -0 0 18 127 113Bones & Horn - Cores, Unworked, Defatted, Simply 5060 -

5,055 51 18 405 264Ivory, Tortoise-Shell, Whalebone etc. 5070 -0 0 0 0 13Leguminous Vegetables, Shelled or not, Fresh or 7080 -0 0 0 66 0Other Vegetables NES Fresh or Chilled 7090 -0 0 0 0 6Vegetables Frozen 7100 -0 0 0 0 282Vegetables, Dried, Whole, Cut etc. not further 7120 -

124 1 0 1 2Other Nuts NES Fresh or Dried Whether Shelled or 8020 -2,939 29 0 206 102Dates, Figs, Pineapples, Avocados etc, Fr or Dried 8040 -

0 0 0 0 14Apples, Pears and Quinces, Fresh 8080 -0 0 12 0 12Fruit Dried NES Mixtures of Nuts or Dried Fruit 8130 -0 0 0 14 34Tea Whether or not Flavored 9020 -0 0 0 17 0Pepper, Genus Piper; Genus Capsicum or Pimento 9040 -0 0 0 17 0Seeds of Anise, Badian, Fennel, Coriander, Cumin 9090 -0 0 0 37 0Ginger, Saffron, Turmeric, Thyme, Bay Leaves, 9100 -0 0 0 0 37Maize (Corn) 1005-0 0 89 741 657Rice 1006-0 0 0 9 0Wheat or Meslin Flour 1101-0 0 0 6 0Cereal Flours, Except of Wheat or of Meslin 1102-

3,771 38 82 388 528Rape or Colza Seeds, Whether or Not Broken 1205-3,089 31 0 1,791 446Other Oil Seeds and Oleaginous Fruits NES 1207-

0 0 0 11 0Flour and Meals of Oil Seeds or Oleaginous Fruits 1208-0 0 0 163 115Plants etc. for Pharmacy, Perfume, Insecticides etc. 1211-

Page 138: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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Export of Goods and Services March 2014 164

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

5,063 51 0 90 0Cereal Straw and Husks 1213-4,405 44 0 285 313Lac; Natural Gums, Resins, Gum-Resins and 1301-

41,499 415 539 4,581 9,003Vegetable Saps and Extracts: Pectates, Agar-Agar 1302-669 7 0 43 1Vegetable Products NES 1404-

9,994 100 38 1,193 463Prepared or Preserved Fish, Caviar and Caviar 1604-0 0 0 112 135Crustaceans Molluscs etc Prepared or Preserved 1605-0 0 0 268 130Cane or Beet Sugar and Sucrose in Solid Form 1701-0 0 0 44 0Malt Extracts; Food Prep. of Flour etc. Under 50% 1901-0 0 0 20 52Pasta and Couscous, Prepared or Not 1902-

4,925 49 0 86 43Bread, Pastry, Cakes etc 1905-0 0 0 68 87Vegetable, Fruit, Nuts Etc, Prep Or Pres By Vinegar 2001-0 0 0 13 0Fruit, Nuts etc. Prepared or Preserved NES 2008-0 0 0 89 66Fruit Juices including Grape Must and Vegtable 2009-0 0 0 4 8Food Preparations NES 2106-

595,976 5,961 780 21,557 2,477Ethyl Alcohol, Strength: more than 80% Alcohol 2207-0 0 0 11 116Flour, Meal etc. of Meat etc, Not For Human 2301-0 0 0 7 0Vegetable Material, Waste etc For Feeding Animals 2308-0 0 20 338 419Salt, Pure Sodium Chloride, Sea Water 2501-

977 10 0 65 15Clays NES 2508-0 0 0 7 0Natural Barium Sulfate; Nat Barium Carbonate NES 2511-0 0 0 7 5Marble, Travertine etc. and Alabaster, Crude etc. 2515-

17,986 180 102 1,542 839Natural Steatite Roughly Trimmed etc. 2526-0 0 45 49 154Iron Ores and Concentrates 2601-

4,499 45 107 1,727 1,460Chromium Ores and Concentrates 2610-0 0 0 0 1Slag, Dross, Scaling and Other Waste of Iron / Steel 2619-0 0 0 5 0Sulfates, Alums and Peroxosulfates 2833-0 0 0 14 0Carboxylic Acid, Added Oxygen & Anhy Etc, Hal 2918-0 0 0 0 4Phosphoric Esters and Salts, Lacto phosphates etc. 2919-0 0 0 0 15Medicaments NES 3004-0 0 0 0 2Pharmaceutical Goods 3006-0 0 0 30 3Synthetic Organic Coloring Matter 3204-0 0 0 1 1Preparations for Use on Hair 3305-0 0 0 0 21Personal Toilet etc Prep NES 3307-0 0 0 5 0Soap, Organic Surf-Act Products used for Soap 3401-0 0 0 1 2Lubricating Preparations, Antirust and Treating 3403-0 0 0 0 1Polishes and Creams for Leather, Wood etc. 3405-

4,131 41 18 41 47Gelatin and Derivatives 3503-0 0 0 0 107Prepared Explosives other than Propellant Powders 3602-

15,467 155 0 439 248Artificial Graphite, Colloidal Graphite and 3801-0 0 0 64 117Insecticides, Rodenticides and Fungicides etc. Retail 3808-0 0 0 2 1Finishing Agents etc. for Textiles, Paper etc NES 3809-0 0 0 0 92Polymers of Styrene in Primary Forms 3903-0 0 0 7 0Amino-Resins, Phenolic and Polyurethane, Primary 3909-0 0 0 14 45Waste, Parings and Scrap, of Plastics 3915-0 0 0 2 41Tubes, Pipes and Hoses and their Fittings, of Plastics 3917-0 0 0 0 27Containers: Boxes, Bags, Closures etc, Plastic 3923-

6,759 68 10 336 46Articles of Plastics Including Polymers and Resins 3926-5,780 58 105 502 480Waste of Rubber and Powder Obtain thereof 4004-

0 0 0 0 1Tubes, Pipes and Hoses of Unhard Vulcanized 4009-2,974 30 40 291 323Inner Rubber Tubes for Tires 4013-1,499 15 12 338 192Articles of Apparel and Clothing Acc. of Rubber 4015-

0 0 0 0 2Articles NES of Unhard Vulcanized Rubber 4016-0 0 0 0 19Hard Rubber and Articles thereof 4017-0 0 0 15 0Raw Hides and Skins of Bovine or Equine Animals 4101-0 0 0 6 111Raw Skins of Sheep or Lambs NES 4102-0 0 0 0 195Raw Hides and Skins NES 4103-

Page 139: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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165 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

5,440 54 0 267 92Bovine or Equine Leather, No Hair NES 4104-0 0 54 4 55Sheep or Lamb Skin Leather, No Wool NES 4105-

3,623 36 20 268 292Goat or Kidskin Leather, No Hair NES 4106-7,044 70 112 475 276Leather of Animals NES, No Hair NES 4107-9,499 95 62 471 221Leather further prepared after tanning (sheep, lamb) 4112-

105,713 1,057 650 7,669 7,163Leather further prepared after tanning (other animal) 4113-560 6 0 6 0Composition Leather with a Basis of Leather or 4115-

0 0 33 42 113Saddlery, Harness, Traces and Leads etc. 4201-4,416 44 0 277 109Travel Goods, Handbags, Wallets, Jewelry Cases etc. 4202-

38,899 389 339 4,550 3,937Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-0 0 42 78 428Articles of Leather Used in Machinery and 4204-

11,280 113 340 385 1,695Articles of Leather NES 4205-0 0 37 25 188Tanned or Dressed Furskins including Heads, Tails 4302-0 0 0 0 99Articles of Apparel etc, of Furskins 4303-0 0 0 20 0Artificial Fur and Articles thereof 4304-

8,788 88 0 88 0Packing Cases etc. of Wood; Pallets etc. 4415-0 0 0 7 0Plaits etc and Products of Plaiting Materials 4601-0 0 0 7 0Mechanical Wood Pulp 4701-0 0 0 11 0Waste and Scrap of Paper or Paperboard 4707-0 0 0 50 0Kraft Paper and Paperboard Uncoated NES 4804-0 0 0 0 ..Envelopes, Letter Cards, Postcards of Paper or 4817-0 0 0 0 158Toilet Paper, Paper Tissues, Towels, Napkins etc. 4818-0 0 0 0 24Other Paper and Paperboard and Articles NES 4823-0 0 0 3 0Newspapers, Journals and Periodicals 4902-0 0 0 0 3Calendars, Calendar Blocks of Any Kind, Printed 4910-

932 9 6 47 40Fine or Coarse Animal Hair, Not Carded or Combed 5102-0 0 0 3 0Yarn of Carded Wool, Not for Retail Sale 5106-0 0 0 52 0Cotton, Not Carded Or Combed 5201-0 0 0 3 245Cotton Waste Including Yarn Waste etc. 5202-

18,652 187 653 765 3,683Cotton, Carded or Combed 5203-0 0 238 468 2,767Cotton Sewing Thread, Retail Packed or Not 5204-

236,247 2,363 1,639 24,169 32,409Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton more than 85% 5205-0 0 110 356 559Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton less than 85% 5206-

11,045 110 0 951 397Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Retail Packed 5207-36,945 370 832 4,400 7,197Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt < 5208-

107,783 1,078 1,107 10,694 8,063Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-0 0 0 0 122Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt < 5210-0 0 0 0 89Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt > 5211-

14,676 147 128 1,442 2,157Woven Cotton Fabrics NES 5212-0 0 0 332 117Synthetic Filament Yarn Not Sewing Thread, Not 5402-0 0 0 0 211Woven Fabric of Synthetic Filament Yarn 5407-

5,770 58 0 721 1,141Yarn Not for Sewing Thread, Synthetic Staple 5509-0 0 0 0 3Yarn (Not Sew Thread), Art Staple Fib, Not Retail 5510-0 0 0 14 ..Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5513-

37,648 377 443 4,101 5,107Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Knotted 5701-685 7 17 74 51Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Woven 5702-

0 0 0 1 0Other Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings 5705-20,292 203 116 1,221 1,548Woven Terry Fabrics and Tufted Textile Fabric NES 5802-

0 0 59 266 940Narrow Woven Fabrics Except Labels 5806-2,289 23 36 421 513Labels, Badges and Similar Type of Textiles 5807-

0 0 0 16 0Embroidery in the Piece, In Strips or in Motifs 5810-5,408 54 28 152 28Gum Covered Fabric; Tracing Cloth; Paint Canvas 5901-

0 0 0 0 1Textile Products and Articles for Technical uses 5911-0 0 0 0 14Pile Fabrics and Terry Fabrics Knitted or Crocheted 6001-0 0 0 0 8Knitted or Crocheted Fabrics of Rubber of Width 6002-0 0 0 26 39Other knitted or crocheted fabrics 6006-

Page 140: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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Export of Goods and Services March 2014 166

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 100 216Gents Overcoats, Car-Coats, Caps, Cloaks and 6101-0 0 0 0 19Ladies Overcoats, Car-Coats, Caps, Cloaks and 6102-

5,602 56 0 635 1,036Gents Suits, Ensembles, Jackets etc. Kn/Cr 6103-502 5 0 21 110Ladies Suits, Ensembles etc. Kn/Cr 6104-

12,179 122 322 1,495 899Gents Shirts, Knitted or Crocheted 6105-0 0 0 60 8Gents Blouses and Shirts Kn/Cr 6106-

3,283 33 0 101 1Gents Underpants, Briefs, Nightshirts etc. Kn/Cr 6107-0 0 0 2 0Ladies Slips, Petticoats, Briefs, Paints etc. Kn/Cr 6108-

3,667 37 5 47 153T-Shirts, Singlets and other Vests Kn/Cr 6109-218 2 0 33 286Sweaters, Pullovers, Vests etc. Kn/Cr 6110-

0 0 0 0 2Babies' Garments and Accessories Kn/Cr 6111-1,537 15 49 139 165Track Suits, Ski Suits and Swimwear Kn/Cr 6112-

343 3 7 275 642Garments, Made-ups Kn/Cr etc. of Rubber or Plastic 6113-0 0 26 54 41Garments NES Knitted or Crocheted 6114-

27,394 274 441 981 1,143Panty hose, Socks and other Hosiery Kn/Cr 6115-9,876 99 48 214 169Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Knitted or Crocheted 6116-

0 0 1 41 2Made-up Clothing Accessories NES Kn/Cr 6117-0 0 17 40 20Men's or Boys' Overcoats, Cloaks etc. Not Knitted 6201-0 0 0 0 10Women's or Girls' Overcoats etc, Not Knitted or 6202-

86,481 865 545 6,481 3,276Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-12,394 124 20 512 362Women's or Girls' Suits, Ensembles etc. Not Kn/Cr. 6204-

0 0 0 0 124Men's or Boys' Shirts, Not Kn/Cr 6205-0 0 0 0 5Women's or Girls' Blouses, Shirts etc. Not Knitted 6206-0 0 0 0 22Men's or Boys' Undershirts etc Not Kn/Cr 6207-0 0 0 5 0Garments, of Felt etc, or Fabric Impregnated etc 6210-

136 1 .. 15 67Track Suits, Ski-Suits and Swimwear, Not Knitted 6211-362 4 0 58 0Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Not Knitted or Crocheted 6216-

2,823 28 24 367 197Made-Up Clothing Accessories NES 6217-58 1 0 11 0Blankets and Traveling Rugs 6301-

39,512 395 400 4,328 4,755Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-0 0 0 45 10Curtains and Interior Blinds, Curtain or Bed 6303-0 0 0 1 0Furnishing Articles of Textile Materials NES 6304-

22 .. 32 4 140Sacks and Bags of Textile Material for Packing 6305-13,556 136 45 548 157Tarpaulins, Sails, Awnings and Tents etc. 6306-26,430 264 187 2,071 1,691Made-Up Articles of Textile Materials NES 6307-

9,528 95 51 462 389Worn Clothing and other Worn Textile Articles 6309-7,283 73 105 360 346Used or New Rags, Scrap Twine etc of Text Material 6310-

0 0 0 16 12Footwear, Outer Sole and Upper Rubber or Plastic 6402-0 0 118 37 118Footwear, Outer Sole Rubber, Plastic or Leather 6403-0 0 0 6 231Parts of Footwear: Insoles, Gaiters etc. Parts 6406-

2,196 22 49 317 268Articles of Stone or Other Mineral Substance NES 6815-0 0 0 0 135Refractory Bricks, Blocks, Tiles and Similar Ceramic 6902-0 0 0 0 37Refractory Ceramic Goods, Retorts, Tubes etc. NES 6903-0 0 0 3 0Roofing Tiles, Chimney-Pots, Cowls, Chimney 6905-0 0 0 3 0Ceramic Articles NES 6914-0 0 0 3 0Glass Bead etc. and Articles NES 7018-0 0 1 19 37Precious and Semi Precious Stones NES 7103-0 0 0 5 0Articles of Natural or Cultured Pearls, Precious 7116-0 0 0 104 0Ferrous Waste and Scrap 7204-0 0 0 0 4Railway / Tramway Track Construction Material of 7302-0 0 0 .. 0Tubes, Pipes and Hollow Profiles of Cast Iron 7303-

113 1 0 3 0Chain and Parts of Iron or Steel 7315-0 0 0 7 0Articles of Iron or Steel, NES 7326-0 0 151 1,082 7,100Copper Waste and Scrap 7404-

10,162 102 0 356 855Lead, Unwrought 7801-0 0 0 44 0Beryllium, Chromium, Germanium, Vanadium, 8112-

Page 141: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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167 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 14 0Hand tools and Tools Used in Agriculture etc. 8201-0 0 0 91 76Files, Rasps, Pliers, Metal cutting Shears etc. 8203-0 0 108 146 264Hand tools NES Like Blow, Torches, Anvils etc. 8205-0 0 0 0 4Knives With Blades and Blades for Knives NES 8211-0 0 0 0 78Razors and Razor Blades 8212-

693 7 26 233 189Articles of Cutlery NES and Manicure Sets etc. 8214-0 0 0 25 0Tableware etc. of Base Metal and Parts of Base 8215-0 0 0 527 0Pumps for Liquids; Liquid Elevators; Parts Thereof 8413-0 0 0 37 93Air or Vacuum Pump, Compressors and Fans 8414-0 0 0 0 10Air Conditioning Machines and Parts 8415-0 0 0 1 0Centrifuges, Including Dryers, Filter etc. 8421-0 0 21 37 21Agriculture Machinery for Soil, Lawn Preparations 8432-0 0 0 0 156Weaving Machines Like Looms 8446-0 0 0 4 0Machinery for Work Leather etc and Footwear etc. 8453-0 0 0 20 58Tools for Working in the Hand, Pneumatic etc. 8467-0 0 14 0 14Electrical Capacitors, Fixed, Variable or Adjustable 8532-0 0 0 10 0Thermionic, Cold Cathode or Photo cathode Tubes 8540-

26 .. 0 1 0Electronic Integrated Circuits and Micro assemblies 8542-506 5 0 11 4Motor Cars and Vehicles for Transporting Persons 8703-

0 0 155 0 163Motor Vehicles for Transport of Goods 8704-0 0 0 0 7Parts and Accessories for Motor Vehicles 8708-0 0 0 4 4Motorcycles and Cycles With Auxiliary Motor 8711-0 0 0 2 1Parts and Accessories of Cycles and Invalid 8714-

87,287 873 474 5,628 4,770Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-0 0 0 30 15Gas, Liquid or Electricity Supply or Production 9028-0 0 0 1 0Wind Musical Instruments NES 9205-0 0 0 1 0Percussion Musical Instruments Drums etc. 9206-0 0 0 0 5Musical Boxes, Fairground Organs etc. 9208-0 0 0 4 6Parts etc. of Musical Instruments, Metronomes 9209-

906 9 8 39 36Furniture NES and Parts Thereof 9403-0 0 0 0 45Mattress Supports, Articles of Bedding etc 9404-0 0 0 .. 0Lamps and Lighting Fittings and Parts etc NES 9405-0 0 0 21 0Dolls, Representing only Human Beings and Parts 9502-

143,689 1,437 656 7,797 5,270Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-0 0 3 8 3Fishing Rods and Tackle Nets, Decoys etc. 9507-0 0 0 960 32Buttons, Press Studs, Button Mold and Blanks etc. 9606-0 0 0 15 ..Special Transaction NES 9992-

Jordan 3,896 36,7225,138 40,534389,5480 0 0 10 0Live Bovine Animals 1020 -0 0 0 11 9Live Animals NES 1060 -0 0 25 0 25Meat of Bovine Animals, Fresh or Chilled 2010 -0 0 0 0 51Fish, Live 3010 -0 0 3 0 5Fish, Fresh or Chilled (Not Fish Fillets & other Fish 3020 -0 0 48 203 139Fish Frozen (Not Fish Fillets & other Fish Meat) 3030 -0 0 0 2 5Fish Fillets and other Fish Meat, Fresh, Chilled or 3040 -0 0 3 11 32Fish Dried, Salted or in Brine; Smoked etc; Ed 3050 -0 0 1 2 38Crustaceans; Live, Fresh etc, and Cooked etc. 3060 -

8,796 88 0 198 0Birds' Eggs in Shell, Fresh, Preserved or Cooked 4070 -0 0 0 56 0Human Hair, Unworked and Waste of Human Hair 5010 -0 0 0 28 0Ambergris, Castoreum, Civet and Musk 5100 -0 0 0 6 0Vegetables, Dried, Whole, Cut etc. not further 7120 -0 0 0 28 0Leguminous Vegetables, Dried Shelled 7130 -0 0 42 0 307Other Nuts NES Fresh or Dried Whether Shelled or 8020 -0 0 0 73 0Dates, Figs, Pineapples, Avocados etc, Fr or Dried 8040 -

3,097 31 153 38 329Fruit Dried NES Mixtures of Nuts or Dried Fruit 8130 -

Page 142: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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Export of Goods and Services March 2014 168

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 15 46Pepper, Genus Piper; Genus Capsicum or Pimento 9040 -0 0 0 10 0Ginger, Saffron, Turmeric, Thyme, Bay Leaves, 9100 -0 0 0 9 10Maize (Corn) 1005-

22,948 230 52 1,193 1,136Rice 1006-0 0 0 553 0Other Oil Seeds and Oleaginous Fruits NES 1207-

549 5 0 145 494Seeds, Fruit and Spores, for Sowing 1209-0 0 8 0 8Plants etc. for Pharmacy, Perfume, Insecticides etc. 1211-

16,384 164 111 1,692 1,685Cereal Straw and Husks 1213-0 0 0 8 0Lac; Natural Gums, Resins, Gum-Resins and 1301-0 0 0 0 2Vegetable Materials used in Brooms Like Piassava 1403-0 0 0 43 44Vegetable Products NES 1404-0 0 0 3 0Soybean Oil and Its Fractions 1507-0 0 0 0 13Prepared or Preserved Fish, Caviar and Caviar 1604-0 0 0 0 2Crustaceans Molluscs etc Prepared or Preserved 1605-

7,787 78 59 690 116Sugar Confectionery including White Chocolate not 1704-0 0 0 44 0Pasta and Couscous, Prepared or Not 1902-0 0 0 0 545Bread, Pastry, Cakes etc 1905-0 0 0 12 0Vegetables Prepared or Preserved NES not Frozen 2005-0 0 0 0 25Fruit Juices including Grape Must and Vegtable 2009-0 0 0 16 1,906Ethyl Alcohol, Strength: more than 80% Alcohol 2207-0 0 0 36 0Flour, Meal etc. of Meat etc, Not For Human 2301-0 0 0 0 165Bran, Sharps and other Residue 2302-0 0 199 77 312Preparations Used In Animal Feeding 2309-

21,280 213 0 350 0Tobacco and Tobacco Refuse 2401-0 0 6 0 21Salt, Pure Sodium Chloride, Sea Water 2501-0 0 0 0 21Marble, Travertine etc. and Alabaster, Crude etc. 2515-0 0 0 0 274Feldspar; Lucite; Nepheline and Syenite 2529-0 0 0 0 5Hydrogen Chloride; Chlorosulphuric Acid 2806-

2,526 25 0 454 105Medicaments NES 3004-2,040 20 0 76 0Wading, Gauze, Bandages etc. 3005-

0 0 0 0 1Pharmaceutical Goods 3006-14,088 141 105 1,304 1,021Essential Oils, Resinoids and Terpene 3301-

0 0 0 1 0Beauty and Make-Up Preparations 3304-2,396 24 16 340 230Matches and Except Pyrotechnic Articles 3605-

0 0 2 2 22Artificial Graphite, Colloidal Graphite and 3801-0 0 0 0 15Insecticides, Rodenticides and Fungicides etc. Retail 3808-0 0 0 4 4Finishing Agents etc. for Textiles, Paper etc NES 3809-

37,867 379 192 2,173 985Polymers of Styrene in Primary Forms 3903-1,952 20 0 24 21Containers: Boxes, Bags, Closures etc, Plastic 3923-

0 0 0 0 14Builders' Ware of Plastics, NES 3925-0 0 0 0 9Articles of Plastics Including Polymers and Resins 3926-0 0 0 18 0Articles of Apparel and Clothing Acc. of Rubber 4015-

2,346 23 0 41 0Leather of Animals NES, No Hair NES 4107-1,395 14 0 66 30Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-

0 0 6 3 6Articles of Leather Used in Machinery and 4204-500 5 0 5 16Articles of Leather NES 4205-

0 0 0 0 4Builders' Joinery and Carpentry of Wood 4418-0 0 0 0 193Paper, Paperboard, Wading etc. Coated etc NES 4811-0 0 0 0 ..Registers, Notebooks, Order Book, Receipt Book 4820-

2,900 29 0 53 4Paper and Paperboard Labels of all Kinds 4821-0 0 0 9 0Unused Postage, Check Forms, Banknotes, Stock etc 4907-0 0 0 3 0Transfers (Decalcomanias) 4908-0 0 0 .. 0Printed Matter including Pictures and Photographs 4911-0 0 146 0 637Woven Fabrics of Silk or Silk Waste 5007-0 0 0 0 33Yarn of Carded Wool, Not for Retail Sale 5106-0 0 0 0 70Woven Fabrics of Carded Wool or Fine Animal Hair 5111-

Page 143: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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169 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

1,139 11 15 11 82Cotton Waste Including Yarn Waste etc. 5202-0 0 27 141 203Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton more than 85% 5205-0 0 0 0 97Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton less than 85% 5206-

12,380 124 108 1,484 1,285Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt < 5208-45,329 453 716 6,302 8,453Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-19,020 190 0 892 669Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt < 5210-

0 0 43 346 1,098Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt > 5211-12,978 130 487 1,874 3,459Woven Cotton Fabrics NES 5212-

0 0 0 0 831Yarn of Vegetable Textile Fibers NES, Paper Yarn 5308-0 0 0 79 275Woven Fabrics of Jute or Other Textile Bast Fibres 5310-

16,268 163 0 163 0Artificial Filament Yarn Not Sewing Thread, Not 5403-0 0 0 0 74Woven Fabric of Synthetic Filament Yarn 5407-

17,561 176 13 1,382 1,189Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5513-0 0 0 0 310Woven Fabrics of Artificial Staple Fibers 5516-0 0 0 111 133Textile Wadding and Articles; Text Fiber Not Over 5 5601-0 0 0 54 0Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Knotted 5701-0 0 0 0 7Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Woven 5702-

1,146 11 5 47 92Woven Terry Fabrics and Tufted Textile Fabric NES 5802-0 0 0 9 15Labels, Badges and Similar Type of Textiles 5807-0 0 0 2 0Embroidery in the Piece, In Strips or in Motifs 5810-

727 7 0 24 0Gum Covered Fabric; Tracing Cloth; Paint Canvas 5901-0 0 0 10 0Pile Fabrics and Terry Fabrics Knitted or Crocheted 6001-

2,369 24 0 250 123Other knitted or crocheted fabrics 6006-0 0 0 0 94Ladies Overcoats, Car-Coats, Caps, Cloaks and 6102-0 0 0 59 25Gents Suits, Ensembles, Jackets etc. Kn/Cr 6103-0 0 0 0 35Ladies Suits, Ensembles etc. Kn/Cr 6104-0 0 0 27 12Gents Shirts, Knitted or Crocheted 6105-0 0 0 26 0Gents Underpants, Briefs, Nightshirts etc. Kn/Cr 6107-0 0 0 23 2T-Shirts, Singlets and other Vests Kn/Cr 6109-0 0 0 1 0Track Suits, Ski Suits and Swimwear Kn/Cr 6112-0 0 0 28 214Garments, Made-ups Kn/Cr etc. of Rubber or Plastic 6113-

452 5 0 6 0Garments NES Knitted or Crocheted 6114-0 0 0 0 161Panty hose, Socks and other Hosiery Kn/Cr 6115-0 0 0 0 2Made-up Clothing Accessories NES Kn/Cr 6117-

2,576 26 5 264 111Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-0 0 0 0 71Women's or Girls' Suits, Ensembles etc. Not Kn/Cr. 6204-0 0 0 0 34Babies' Garments and Accessories Not Kn/Cr 6209-0 0 0 31 0Track Suits, Ski-Suits and Swimwear, Not Knitted 6211-0 0 0 0 10Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Not Knitted or Crocheted 6216-0 0 0 5 0Made-Up Clothing Accessories NES 6217-

32,848 329 65 1,335 857Blankets and Traveling Rugs 6301-20,796 208 57 2,262 2,307Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-

0 0 0 17 0Furnishing Articles of Textile Materials NES 6304-0 0 7 26 7Sacks and Bags of Textile Material for Packing 6305-

18,598 186 2,078 6,287 3,840Tarpaulins, Sails, Awnings and Tents etc. 6306-10,206 102 46 468 291Made-Up Articles of Textile Materials NES 6307-

0 0 21 8 231Worn Clothing and other Worn Textile Articles 6309-0 0 0 23 0Used or New Rags, Scrap Twine etc of Text Material 6310-

2,994 30 0 39 24Articles of Stone or Other Mineral Substance NES 6815-0 0 0 13 10Bricks, Blocks, Tiles and Ceramic Goods of 6901-0 0 0 0 26Ceramic Sinks, Washbasins, Water Closet Bowls etc. 6910-0 0 0 28 0Glassware for Table, Kitchen, Toilet etc. NES 7013-0 0 1 0 1Articles of Jewelry and Parts thereof or Precious 7113-0 0 0 2 0Imitation Jewelry 7117-0 0 0 73 0Semi-finished Products of Iron or Non Alloy Steel 7207-0 0 0 0 186Tubes, Pipes and Hollow Profiles NES of Iron and 7306-

Page 144: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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Export of Goods and Services March 2014 170

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 1 0Stoves, Ranges, Grates, Cookers and Parts 7321-518 5 0 5 0Table, Kitchen or Household Articles & Parts of Iron 7323-

0 0 0 0 12Household Articles and Parts 7418-0 0 40 185 272Aluminum Bars, Rods and Profiles 7604-

2,494 25 0 901 775Razors and Razor Blades 8212-0 0 0 0 2Scissors, Tailors' Shears and Similar Shears and 8213-0 0 0 4 0Articles of Cutlery NES and Manicure Sets etc. 8214-0 0 0 82 147Bells, Gongs and the Like, Picture and Frames 8306-

398 4 148 107 191Air or Vacuum Pump, Compressors and Fans 8414-0 0 4 13 61Air Conditioning Machines and Parts 8415-0 0 0 0 5Machinery etc for Temperature Change 8419-0 0 0 0 14Machinery NES used for Food and Drink and Parts 8438-

5,400 54 0 135 0Weaving Machines Like Looms 8446-0 0 4 42 48Machinery not for Laundry for Cleaning, Drying etc 8451-0 0 0 1 0Sewing Machines other than Book Sewing Machine 8452-0 0 3 0 3Tools for Working in the Hand, Pneumatic etc. 8467-0 0 0 .. 0Prepared Unrecorded Media for Sound etc. 8523-

5,416 54 0 54 0Electrical Sound or Visual Signaling Apparatus and 8531-0 0 2 14 14Electrical Capacitors, Fixed, Variable or Adjustable 8532-

3,599 36 46 189 293Tractors Other Than Work Trucks used for Short 8701-0 0 0 0 6Parts and Accessories for Motor Vehicles 8708-

3,156 32 15 264 221Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-0 0 0 1 0Musical Boxes, Fairground Organs etc. 9208-0 0 6 0 7Parts etc. of Musical Instruments, Metronomes 9209-0 0 0 100 0Furniture NES and Parts Thereof 9403-0 0 0 50 0Mattress Supports, Articles of Bedding etc 9404-

919 9 0 11 66Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-0 0 0 7 0Brooms, Brushes, Mops and Feather Dusters etc. 9603-0 0 0 151 113Buttons, Press Studs, Button Mold and Blanks etc. 9606-

1,408 14 0 30 149Pens, Ball Points, Soft Tip and Mechanical Pencils 9608-0 0 0 7 0Postage or Revenue Stamps etc. 9704-

Kazakhstan 1,572 4,7703,109 7,121157,1930 0 0 40 0Meat of Sheep or Goats, Fresh, Chilled or Frozen 2040 -

32,961 330 0 910 147Potatoes, Fresh or Chilled 7010 -0 0 0 47 0Vegetables Frozen 7100 -0 0 0 3 0Dates, Figs, Pineapples, Avocados etc, Fr or Dried 8040 -

46,330 463 2,128 1,196 4,196Citrus Fruit, Fresh or Dried 8050 -0 0 0 0 257Tea Whether or not Flavored 9020 -

69,818 698 790 1,080 951Rice 1006-0 0 0 3 0Plants etc. for Pharmacy, Perfume, Insecticides etc. 1211-0 0 0 8 23Salt, Pure Sodium Chloride, Sea Water 2501-0 0 0 71 0Limestone Flux, Limestone and Other Calcareous 2521-0 0 35 66 35Medicaments Mixtures for Therapeutic Use 3003-

5,313 53 78 464 725Medicaments NES 3004-0 0 0 0 60Pharmaceutical Goods 3006-

525 5 0 5 0Matches and Except Pyrotechnic Articles 3605-0 0 0 2 0Containers: Boxes, Bags, Closures etc, Plastic 3923-0 0 0 0 5Articles of Apparel and Clothing Acc. of Rubber 4015-0 0 40 40 68Sheep or Lamb Skin Leather, No Wool NES 4105-0 0 0 70 0Leather further prepared after tanning (sheep, lamb) 4112-0 0 4 0 17Leather further prepared after tanning (other animal) 4113-0 0 10 4 26Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-0 0 0 0 18Articles of Leather NES 4205-0 0 0 23 0Wood Marquetry & inlaid Wood Jewel Case etc. 4420-0 0 0 13 0Articles of Wood NES 4421-

Page 145: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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171 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 0 42Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt < 5208-0 0 0 0 20Rubber Thread and Cord, Text Covered, Textile 5604-0 0 24 0 82Embroidery in the Piece, In Strips or in Motifs 5810-0 0 0 .. 0Gents Overcoats, Car-Coats, Caps, Cloaks and 6101-0 0 0 3 0Gents Suits, Ensembles, Jackets etc. Kn/Cr 6103-0 0 0 3 8Garments, Made-ups Kn/Cr etc. of Rubber or Plastic 6113-0 0 0 10 22Men's or Boys' Overcoats, Cloaks etc. Not Knitted 6201-0 0 0 4 0Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-0 0 0 95 3Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Not Knitted or Crocheted 6216-0 0 0 93 44Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-0 0 0 3 0Curtains and Interior Blinds, Curtain or Bed 6303-0 0 0 156 0Tarpaulins, Sails, Awnings and Tents etc. 6306-0 0 0 51 111Made-Up Articles of Textile Materials NES 6307-0 0 0 24 0Worn Clothing and other Worn Textile Articles 6309-0 0 0 0 1Footwear, Outer Sole and Upper Rubber or Plastic 6402-0 0 0 0 39Footwear, Outer Sole Rubber, Plastic or Leather 6403-0 0 0 20 0Cast and Rolled Glass in Sheets or Profiles etc. 7003-0 0 0 18 0Glass Containers for Packing etc and Glass Closures 7010-0 0 1 0 1Precious and Semi Precious Stones NES 7103-0 0 0 10 0Pig Iron, Spiegel, Iron or Steel Granules and Powder 7205-

307 3 0 3 0Copper Wire 7408-997 10 0 46 0Razors and Razor Blades 8212-

0 0 0 18 0Agriculture Machinery for Soil, Lawn Preparations 8432-0 0 0 6 0Taps, Cocks, Valves and Similar Appliances for 8481-

307 3 0 115 171Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-332 3 0 3 0X-Ray etc Apparatus, Tubes, Panels, Screen and 9022-

0 0 0 22 0Furniture NES and Parts Thereof 9403-301 3 0 21 50Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-

Kenya 21,096 176,39321,504 149,0812,109,0930 0 0 5 0Live Horses, Asses, Mules and Hinnies 1010 -0 0 0 0 241Live Bovine Animals 1020 -0 0 0 13 0Meat of Bovine Animals, Frozen 2020 -0 0 0 20 0Meat of Sheep or Goats, Fresh, Chilled or Frozen 2040 -0 0 0 0 36Fish Frozen (Not Fish Fillets & other Fish Meat) 3030 -0 0 0 0 73Fish Fillets and other Fish Meat, Fresh, Chilled or 3040 -0 0 0 0 12Vegetables Frozen 7100 -0 0 0 0 93Other Nuts NES Fresh or Dried Whether Shelled or 8020 -0 0 0 0 22Citrus Fruit, Fresh or Dried 8050 -0 0 56 0 56Apricots, Cherries, Peaches, Plums and Sloes, Fresh 8090 -

2,137 21 0 21 0Ginger, Saffron, Turmeric, Thyme, Bay Leaves, 9100 -0 0 0 0 121Wheat and Meslin 1001-

1,706,197 17,066 17,066 137,907 110,242Rice 1006-0 0 0 0 39Wheat or Meslin Flour 1101-0 0 0 2,543 2,812Starches; Inulin 1108-0 0 0 0 99Soya beans, Whether or Not Broken 1201-0 0 49 0 49Lac; Natural Gums, Resins, Gum-Resins and 1301-0 0 0 5 3Prepared or Preserved Fish, Caviar and Caviar 1604-

25,642 256 142 274 958Cane or Beet Sugar and Sucrose in Solid Form 1701-2,932 29 0 173 19Sugar Confectionery including White Chocolate not 1704-

0 0 0 0 10Malt Extracts; Food Prep. of Flour etc. Under 50% 1901-0 0 0 0 8Vegetable, Fruit, Nuts Etc, Prep Or Pres By Vinegar 2001-0 0 0 0 15Waters, Natural etc. Not Sweetened, Ice and Snow 2201-0 0 1,224 0 1,224Ethyl Alcohol, Strength: more than 80% Alcohol 2207-0 0 48 0 514Bran, Sharps and other Residue 2302-0 0 0 114 0Other Oilcakes NES From Vegetable Fats and Oils 2306-

Page 146: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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Export of Goods and Services March 2014 172

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

384 4 17 47 42Salt, Pure Sodium Chloride, Sea Water 2501-0 0 0 0 13Natural Sands Of All Kinds, Except Metal-Bearing 2505-0 0 0 0 8Quartz (Other Than Natural Sands); Quartzite 2506-0 0 36 0 867Natural Calcium, Phosphates and Its Chalk 2510-

26,412 264 246 3,662 2,982Portland Cement, Aluminous Cement and Slag 2523-0 0 64 0 64Natural Steatite Roughly Trimmed etc. 2526-

4,192 42 0 42 0Granulated Slag From Iron or Steel Manufactured 2618-0 0 0 76 34Hydrogen Chloride; Chlorosulphuric Acid 2806-0 0 0 0 11Diphosphorus Pentaoxide and Phosphoric Acid etc. 2809-0 0 0 0 ..Sodium Hydroxide and Potassium Hydroxide etc. 2815-0 0 0 0 14Saturated Acyclic Monocarboxylic Acid etc. 2915-0 0 0 38 0Carboxylic Acid, Added Oxygen & Anhy Etc, Hal 2918-0 0 0 3 4Antibiotics 2941-0 0 0 22 0Human Blood or Animal Blood Prepared for 3002-0 0 13 616 565Medicaments Mixtures for Therapeutic Use 3003-

31,159 312 119 1,364 2,121Medicaments NES 3004-4,591 46 0 164 0Wading, Gauze, Bandages etc. 3005-

0 0 180 732 1,122Pharmaceutical Goods 3006-0 0 0 8 0Ink, Printing, Writing, Drawing etc. 3215-0 0 0 0 107Essential Oils, Resinoids and Terpene 3301-0 0 0 0 39Odoriferous Mixtures as Raw Materials for Industry 3302-0 0 0 171 0Beauty and Make-Up Preparations 3304-

370 4 0 4 14Preparations for Use on Hair 3305-0 0 0 22 0Personal Toilet etc Prep NES 3307-

1,694 17 0 17 0Soap, Organic Surf-Act Products used for Soap 3401-0 0 0 20 0Polishes and Creams for Leather, Wood etc. 3405-0 0 0 2 0Dextrin and Glues Based on Starches etc. 3505-

2,690 27 0 350 51Matches and Except Pyrotechnic Articles 3605-0 0 0 8 0Photo Film in Rolls Sensitized, Unexposed 3702-0 0 0 219 0Artificial Graphite, Colloidal Graphite and 3801-0 0 30 13 56Finishing Agents etc. for Textiles, Paper etc NES 3809-

16,116 161 0 1,491 960Prepared binders for foundry moulds or cores 3824-0 0 0 364 0Polymers of Styrene in Primary Forms 3903-

19,523 195 0 788 646Polyesters, Epoxides and Polyesters, Primary Forms 3907-0 0 0 31 53Containers: Boxes, Bags, Closures etc, Plastic 3923-0 0 0 72 57Tableware and other Household Articles etc, Plastics 3924-0 0 0 17 7Articles of Plastics Including Polymers and Resins 3926-0 0 0 18 0Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 4001-0 0 0 0 33Articles NES of Unhard Vulcanized Rubber 4016-0 0 0 0 9Raw Hides and Skins of Bovine or Equine Animals 4101-0 0 0 0 13Goat or Kidskin Leather, No Hair NES 4106-0 0 0 0 118Leather of Animals NES, No Hair NES 4107-0 0 0 6 0Leather further prepared after tanning (sheep, lamb) 4112-0 0 0 73 18Leather further prepared after tanning (other animal) 4113-0 0 0 43 413Travel Goods, Handbags, Wallets, Jewelry Cases etc. 4202-

1,609 16 0 119 99Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-0 0 0 3 103Articles of Leather Used in Machinery and 4204-0 0 0 0 2Articles of Leather NES 4205-0 0 0 6 0Wood Marquetry & inlaid Wood Jewel Case etc. 4420-0 0 7 0 7Kraft Paper and Paperboard Uncoated NES 4804-0 0 0 0 18Paper and Paperboard Labels of all Kinds 4821-0 0 0 8 0Bobbins, Spools etc. of Paper Pulp, Paper and 4822-0 0 0 0 5Printed Books, Brochures and Similar Printed Matter 4901-0 0 0 5 0Printed or Illustrated Postcards, Greeting Cards etc. 4909-0 0 0 0 30Silkworm Cocoons Suitable for Reeling 5001-0 0 0 8 17Woven Fabrics of Silk or Silk Waste 5007-

Page 147: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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173 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 0 4Woven Fabrics of Carded Wool or Fine Animal Hair 5111-0 0 30 29 298Cotton Waste Including Yarn Waste etc. 5202-0 0 0 125 78Cotton Sewing Thread, Retail Packed or Not 5204-0 0 64 119 132Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton more than 85% 5205-

17,040 170 202 1,019 1,381Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt < 5208-42,043 421 345 4,377 2,798Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-

4,854 49 0 350 835Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt < 5210-0 0 0 263 166Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt > 5211-0 0 146 12 194Woven Cotton Fabrics NES 5212-0 0 0 17 0Synthetic Filament Yarn Not Sewing Thread, Not 5402-0 0 10 50 109Woven Fabric of Synthetic Filament Yarn 5407-0 0 0 .. 0Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5512-0 0 138 133 612Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5513-0 0 0 0 120Woven Fabric, Synthetic < 85% of Fibre Mix 5514-0 0 0 1,374 0Knotted Netting of Twine, Cordage or rope of 5608-0 0 1 40 56Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Knotted 5701-0 0 0 9 0Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Woven 5702-

6,942 69 4 184 852Woven Terry Fabrics and Tufted Textile Fabric NES 5802-0 0 0 211 0Narrow Woven Fabrics Except Labels 5806-0 0 0 18 28Labels, Badges and Similar Type of Textiles 5807-0 0 0 30 9Braids, Ornamental Trim in Pieces Not Knitted, or 5808-

4,802 48 0 61 0Embroidery in the Piece, In Strips or in Motifs 5810-0 0 0 0 84Gum Covered Fabric; Tracing Cloth; Paint Canvas 5901-0 0 0 2 222Textile Fabrics, Theatrical Scenery, Back-Cloths 5907-0 0 0 0 40Textile Hose piping and Similar Textile Tubing 5909-0 0 0 3 0Textile Products and Articles for Technical uses 5911-

6,195 62 19 209 704Other knitted or crocheted fabrics 6006-0 0 0 0 140Ladies Overcoats, Car-Coats, Caps, Cloaks and 6102-0 0 0 22 5Gents Suits, Ensembles, Jackets etc. Kn/Cr 6103-0 0 0 23 0Ladies Suits, Ensembles etc. Kn/Cr 6104-

37 .. 0 10 205Gents Shirts, Knitted or Crocheted 6105-0 0 0 0 30T-Shirts, Singlets and other Vests Kn/Cr 6109-0 0 0 16 40Garments, Made-ups Kn/Cr etc. of Rubber or Plastic 6113-0 0 0 0 111Garments NES Knitted or Crocheted 6114-0 0 0 0 9Panty hose, Socks and other Hosiery Kn/Cr 6115-0 0 0 0 16Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Knitted or Crocheted 6116-0 0 0 0 16Made-up Clothing Accessories NES Kn/Cr 6117-

2,295 23 71 1,432 747Men's or Boys' Overcoats, Cloaks etc. Not Knitted 6201-581 6 53 6 60Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-

0 0 0 33 0Men's or Boys' Undershirts etc Not Kn/Cr 6207-0 0 9 0 9Garments, of Felt etc, or Fabric Impregnated etc 6210-

300 3 0 3 0Made-Up Clothing Accessories NES 6217-0 0 50 240 50Blankets and Traveling Rugs 6301-

86,458 865 225 4,834 3,024Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-9,329 93 0 168 1,258Sacks and Bags of Textile Material for Packing 6305-

0 0 250 577 976Tarpaulins, Sails, Awnings and Tents etc. 6306-0 0 0 123 70Made-Up Articles of Textile Materials NES 6307-

9,798 98 57 1,363 1,299Worn Clothing and other Worn Textile Articles 6309-0 0 0 9 0Used or New Rags, Scrap Twine etc of Text Material 6310-0 0 0 108 61Footwear, Outer Sole Rubber, Plastic or Leather 6403-0 0 13 0 13Footwear, Outer Sole Rubber, Plastic or Textile 6404-0 0 0 29 22Footwear NES 6405-

57 1 0 1 0Headgear NES 6506-0 0 0 0 7Abrasive Powder etc. on a Base of Textile Material 6805-0 0 0 17 0Cullet and other Waste and Scrap of Glass 7001-

751 8 0 8 84Float Glass and Surface Ground or Polished Sheets 7005-

Page 148: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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US $Rs.

(Amount in Thousand)MARCH JULY - MARCH

20 20


Export of Goods and Services March 2014 174

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

1,673 17 9 262 520Glass Containers for Packing etc and Glass Closures 7010-0 0 0 0 13Precious and Semi Precious Stones NES 7103-0 0 0 0 7Ferrous Waste and Scrap 7204-0 0 0 0 20Tubes, Pipes and Hollow Profiles NES of Iron and 7306-0 0 0 47 0Tanks etc Less than 300 Liter Capacity of Iron or 7310-0 0 0 0 45Table, Kitchen or Household Articles & Parts of Iron 7323-0 0 0 0 69Refined Copper and Copper Alloys, Unwrought 7403-

8,838 88 0 224 224Household Articles and Parts 7418-0 0 0 0 32Aluminum, Unwrought 7601-0 0 0 0 23Aluminum Bars, Rods and Profiles 7604-

3,856 39 21 78 38Aluminum Casks, Cans, Boxes, and Similar 7612-0 0 0 20 40Table, Kitchen or other Household Articles and Parts 7615-

12,095 121 0 703 6Knives and Blades for Machines and Appliances 8208-0 0 0 0 4Hand Operated Mechanical Appliances 8210-

5,853 59 0 59 0Razors and Razor Blades 8212-0 0 0 0 4Scissors, Tailors' Shears and Similar Shears and 8213-0 0 0 4 0Stoppers, Caps and Lids, Seals etc. 8309-0 0 0 7 4Spark-Ignition Reciprocating or Rotary Internal 8407-

4,615 46 0 244 264Compression-Ignition Internal Combustion Piston 8408-0 0 0 0 6Pumps for Liquids; Liquid Elevators; Parts Thereof 8413-0 0 0 9 17Air or Vacuum Pump, Compressors and Fans 8414-0 0 0 0 58Industrial or Lab Furnaces, Ovens and Parts 8417-

517 5 0 33 21Machines, Dishwashing Machines for Cleaning etc. 8422-0 0 0 30 0Self-Propelled Bulldozers, Graders, Scrapers etc. 8429-0 0 110 85 113Agriculture Machinery for Soil, Lawn Preparations 8432-0 0 0 2 0Machinery NES used for Food and Drink and Parts 8438-0 0 0 0 3Auxiliary Machinery for use With Textile Machines 8448-0 0 0 0 36Machinery not for Laundry for Cleaning, Drying etc 8451-0 0 0 26 0Machinery for Work Leather etc and Footwear etc. 8453-0 0 0 43 0Machine Tools for Working Wood, Cork, Bone etc. 8465-0 0 0 6 9Tools for Working in the Hand, Pneumatic etc. 8467-0 0 0 2 0Machinery for Sorting Screening etc. 8474-0 0 0 14 0Machines and Mechanical Appliances NES 8479-0 0 50 0 50Prepared Unrecorded Media for Sound etc. 8523-0 0 5 0 5Electrical Apparatus for Switching etc. Not Over 8536-0 0 17 0 17Carbon Electrodes and Brushes, Lamp Carbons etc 8545-

22,677 227 212 1,645 1,210Tractors Other Than Work Trucks used for Short 8701-0 0 0 0 50Motor Cars and Vehicles for Transporting Persons 8703-0 0 5 74 49Motor Vehicles for Transport of Goods 8704-0 0 0 11 0Bodies for Specific Motor Vehicles 8707-

2,563 26 0 120 107Parts and Accessories for Motor Vehicles 8708-0 0 0 0 10Optical Telescopes and Mounting for 9005-

7,346 73 40 701 529Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-0 0 0 2,211 618Revolvers and Pistols Designed to Fire Live Ammo 9302-0 0 34 19 191Furniture NES and Parts Thereof 9403-

1,927 19 21 299 308Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-0 0 0 7 3Worked Ivory, Bone etc and Articles Thereof 9601-0 0 0 26 16Pens, Ball Points, Soft Tip and Mechanical Pencils 9608-0 0 0 0 ..Ship Spares, Stores and Equipment for use in Ships 9922-

Kiribati 75 1147 1197,5300 0 0 0 7Cereal Straw and Husks 1213-0 0 7 0 7Vegetable, Fruit, Nuts Etc, Prep Or Pres By Vinegar 2001-0 0 0 10 0Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-0 0 0 0 36Cartons, Boxes, Cases, Bags and other Packing 4819-0 0 0 18 43Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-

Page 149: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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US $Rs.

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175 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

7,340 73 0 73 0Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5513-0 0 0 0 1Ceramic Sinks, Washbasins, Water Closet Bowls etc. 6910-0 0 0 0 15Aluminum Foil 7607-

190 2 0 12 0Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-0 0 0 0 10Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-

Kuwait 8,330 74,3426,992 63,906832,7720 0 0 76 2Live Horses, Asses, Mules and Hinnies 1010 -0 0 0 8 0Live Bovine Animals 1020 -0 0 0 0 1Live Chickens, Ducks, Geese, Turkeys, and Quinoa 1050 -

3,875 39 0 59 14Live Animals NES 1060 -64,566 646 824 7,368 8,581Meat of Bovine Animals, Fresh or Chilled 2010 -17,318 173 41 2,465 146Meat of Bovine Animals, Frozen 2020 -

0 0 18 0 30Meat of Swine, Fresh, Chilled or Frozen 2030 -53,601 536 82 3,457 1,317Meat of Sheep or Goats, Fresh, Chilled or Frozen 2040 -

3,186 32 393 1,097 2,805Other Meat & Edible Offal ; Fresh, Chilled or Frozen 2080 -0 0 0 0 10Pig or Poultry Fat; Fresh, Chilled, Frozen ,Salted or 2090 -0 0 0 64 0Fish, Live 3010 -0 0 4 17 20Fish, Fresh or Chilled (Not Fish Fillets & other Fish 3020 -

32,679 327 205 1,990 1,135Fish Frozen (Not Fish Fillets & other Fish Meat) 3030 -88,403 884 1,040 12,212 7,931Fish Fillets and other Fish Meat, Fresh, Chilled or 3040 -

3,555 36 0 144 0Fish Dried, Salted or in Brine; Smoked etc; Ed 3050 -0 0 0 21 86Crustaceans; Live, Fresh etc, and Cooked etc. 3060 -

2,662 27 0 156 74Natural Honey 4090 -0 0 0 2 0Ambergris, Castoreum, Civet and Musk 5100 -0 0 0 10 1Bulbs, Tubers, Tuberous Roots, Corms, Chicory 6010 -0 0 0 8 0Cut Flowers and Flower Buds for Bouquet or for 6030 -

17,856 179 0 449 9Potatoes, Fresh or Chilled 7010 -1,160 12 15 163 115Onions, Shallots, Garlic, Leeks etc, Fresh or Chilled 7030 -

0 0 21 148 38Cabbages, Cauliflower, Kohlrabi, Kale etc. Fresh or 7040 -0 0 0 22 0Carrots, Turnips & other Edible Roots, Fresh or 7060 -0 0 13 21 105Leguminous Vegetables, Shelled or not, Fresh or 7080 -

3,632 36 39 168 119Other Vegetables NES Fresh or Chilled 7090 -4,566 46 6 132 43Vegetables Frozen 7100 -

0 0 56 105 271Vegetables, Dried, Whole, Cut etc. not further 7120 -0 0 0 0 3Leguminous Vegetables, Dried Shelled 7130 -0 0 7 24 17Other Nuts NES Fresh or Dried Whether Shelled or 8020 -

495 5 0 290 191Dates, Figs, Pineapples, Avocados etc, Fr or Dried 8040 -86,859 869 534 2,561 993Citrus Fruit, Fresh or Dried 8050 -

0 0 47 0 47Grapes, Fresh or Dried 8060 -3,982 40 9 275 316Fruit NES Fresh 8100 -

14,801 148 73 428 306Fruit Dried NES Mixtures of Nuts or Dried Fruit 8130 -0 0 0 0 ..Tea Whether or not Flavored 9020 -0 0 0 28 58Pepper, Genus Piper; Genus Capsicum or Pimento 9040 -

4,044 40 80 235 431Ginger, Saffron, Turmeric, Thyme, Bay Leaves, 9100 -0 0 0 33 0Wheat and Meslin 1001-

126,766 1,268 516 8,801 6,209Rice 1006-0 0 0 21 4Wheat or Meslin Flour 1101-0 0 0 5 14Cereal Flours, Except of Wheat or of Meslin 1102-0 0 0 3 1Starches; Inulin 1108-0 0 0 11 15Seeds, Fruit and Spores, for Sowing 1209-

4,155 42 8 65 33Plants etc. for Pharmacy, Perfume, Insecticides etc. 1211-0 0 0 4 0Locust Beans, Seaweeds and other Algae, Sugar Beet 1212-

3,614 36 139 1,888 1,354Cereal Straw and Husks 1213-0 0 0 15 50Vegetable Products NES 1404-0 0 0 0 20Wool Grease Fatty Substances Derived there from 1505-

Page 150: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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US $Rs.

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Export of Goods and Services March 2014 176

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 138 165Sausages and Similar Products of Meat and Blood 1601-511 5 8 240 549Prepared or Preserved Fish, Caviar and Caviar 1604-

2,006 20 0 99 0Crustaceans Molluscs etc Prepared or Preserved 1605-0 0 0 25 0Cane or Beet Sugar and Sucrose in Solid Form 1701-0 0 0 21 16Sugar Confectionery including White Chocolate not 1704-

3,588 36 20 192 201Pasta and Couscous, Prepared or Not 1902-0 0 8 16 27Bread, Pastry, Cakes etc 1905-0 0 0 30 0Vegetable, Fruit, Nuts Etc, Prep Or Pres By Vinegar 2001-0 0 0 7 0Mushrooms and Truffles Prepared or Preserved NES 2003-

2,007 20 0 176 0Vegetables Prepared or Preserved NES not Frozen 2005-0 0 0 15 0Fruit, Nuts, Fruit-Peel etc, Preserved by Sugar 2006-0 0 0 26 2Jams, Fruit Jellies, Marmalades etc. Cooked 2007-

796 8 0 84 0Sauces and Preparations thereof 2103-6,208 62 0 97 33Food Preparations NES 2106-

0 0 0 7 1,764Ethyl Alcohol, Strength: more than 80% Alcohol 2207-1,590 16 1 450 7Bran, Sharps and other Residue 2302-

600 6 0 6 0Vegetable Material, Waste etc For Feeding Animals 2308-0 0 0 485 57Preparations Used In Animal Feeding 2309-0 0 0 57 11Salt, Pure Sodium Chloride, Sea Water 2501-

2,495 25 0 187 85Marble, Travertine etc. and Alabaster, Crude etc. 2515-0 0 0 0 84Natural Steatite Roughly Trimmed etc. 2526-

1,844 18 0 18 0Human Blood or Animal Blood Prepared for 3002-2,047 20 12 251 293Medicaments NES 3004-

0 0 0 54 0Pharmaceutical Goods 3006-0 0 0 4 0Paints and Varnishes NES 3210-0 0 0 0 5Prepared Driers 3211-0 0 0 13 0Personal Toilet etc Prep NES 3307-0 0 0 23 0Artificial and Prepared Waxes 3404-

5,749 57 0 226 0Artificial Graphite, Colloidal Graphite and 3801-0 0 116 55 345Polymers of Ethylene, in Primary Forms 3901-0 0 0 71 62Polymers of Styrene in Primary Forms 3903-0 0 0 0 88Polymers of Vinyl Chloride etc. in Primary Forms 3904-0 0 0 0 5Polyesters, Epoxides and Polyesters, Primary Forms 3907-0 0 0 26 5Waste, Parings and Scrap, of Plastics 3915-

1,220 12 4 100 67Containers: Boxes, Bags, Closures etc, Plastic 3923-0 0 0 0 15Articles of Apparel and Clothing Acc. of Rubber 4015-

170 2 19 44 32Leather further prepared after tanning (other animal) 4113-0 0 0 0 13Saddlery, Harness, Traces and Leads etc. 4201-0 0 0 18 5Travel Goods, Handbags, Wallets, Jewelry Cases etc. 4202-

4,129 41 59 683 983Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-92 1 0 46 0Articles of Leather NES 4205-

0 0 0 14 0Railway or Tramway Sleepers of Wood 4406-0 0 0 29 0Fiberboard of Wood or Other Ligneous Materials 4411-0 0 15 32 37Wood Marquetry & inlaid Wood Jewel Case etc. 4420-

1,588 16 57 102 240Articles of Wood NES 4421-0 0 0 0 23Plaits etc and Products of Plaiting Materials 4601-0 0 0 6 0Mechanical Wood Pulp 4701-0 0 0 .. 17Paper, Paperboard, Wading etc. Coated etc NES 4811-0 0 0 19 31Registers, Notebooks, Order Book, Receipt Book 4820-

6,123 61 0 87 34Printed Books, Brochures and Similar Printed Matter 4901-0 0 0 0 9Newspapers, Journals and Periodicals 4902-0 0 0 0 102Woven Fabrics of Silk or Silk Waste 5007-0 0 87 0 138Cotton, Not Carded Or Combed 5201-

1,183 12 31 103 171Cotton Waste Including Yarn Waste etc. 5202-0 0 0 7 0Cotton Sewing Thread, Retail Packed or Not 5204-0 0 9 23 182Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton more than 85% 5205-

Page 151: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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US $Rs.

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177 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

14,853 149 7 615 488Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt < 5208-22,366 224 166 1,449 1,062Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-

2,467 25 149 902 1,091Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt < 5210-0 0 0 171 54Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt > 5211-0 0 0 0 67Woven Cotton Fabrics NES 5212-

1,137 11 0 11 0Synthetic Filament Yarn Not Sewing Thread, Not 5402-0 0 0 9 0Woven Fabric of Synthetic Filament Yarn 5407-0 0 0 0 4Woven Fabrics of Artificial Filament Yarn 5408-0 0 0 0 ..Synthetic Filament Tow 5501-0 0 0 .. 0Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5512-

15,360 154 8 1,687 2,234Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5513-0 0 0 4 52Woven Fabric, Synthetic < 85% of Fibre Mix 5514-0 0 0 0 3Woven Fabrics of Artificial Staple Fibers 5516-0 0 0 .. 0Twine, Cordage, Rope and Cables 5607-

5,437 54 0 54 0Knotted Netting of Twine, Cordage or rope of 5608-2,533 25 56 182 113Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Knotted 5701-

0 0 15 4 15Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Woven 5702-898 9 0 114 3Woven Terry Fabrics and Tufted Textile Fabric NES 5802-

0 0 63 88 140Labels, Badges and Similar Type of Textiles 5807-0 0 20 0 47Braids, Ornamental Trim in Pieces Not Knitted, or 5808-0 0 0 0 77Embroidery in the Piece, In Strips or in Motifs 5810-0 0 0 18 5Gum Covered Fabric; Tracing Cloth; Paint Canvas 5901-

8,422 84 76 495 1,615Textile Fabrics, Theatrical Scenery, Back-Cloths 5907-0 0 0 67 40Textile Products and Articles for Technical uses 5911-0 0 0 0 27Knitted or Crocheted Fabrics of Rubber of Width 6002-0 0 14 0 14Gents Overcoats, Car-Coats, Caps, Cloaks and 6101-0 0 0 80 39Gents Suits, Ensembles, Jackets etc. Kn/Cr 6103-

6,636 66 0 66 34Ladies Suits, Ensembles etc. Kn/Cr 6104-0 0 12 25 41Gents Shirts, Knitted or Crocheted 6105-0 0 0 26 40Gents Blouses and Shirts Kn/Cr 6106-

706 7 0 26 59Gents Underpants, Briefs, Nightshirts etc. Kn/Cr 6107-2,329 23 0 51 0Ladies Slips, Petticoats, Briefs, Paints etc. Kn/Cr 6108-

0 0 0 3 50T-Shirts, Singlets and other Vests Kn/Cr 6109-0 0 0 0 2Sweaters, Pullovers, Vests etc. Kn/Cr 6110-

300 3 0 3 42Babies' Garments and Accessories Kn/Cr 6111-0 0 0 6 20Track Suits, Ski Suits and Swimwear Kn/Cr 6112-

299 3 37 216 491Garments, Made-ups Kn/Cr etc. of Rubber or Plastic 6113-1,696 17 98 38 114Garments NES Knitted or Crocheted 6114-1,543 15 0 119 131Panty hose, Socks and other Hosiery Kn/Cr 6115-

806 8 0 105 125Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Knitted or Crocheted 6116-0 0 0 0 3Made-up Clothing Accessories NES Kn/Cr 6117-0 0 7 0 7Men's or Boys' Overcoats, Cloaks etc. Not Knitted 6201-0 0 0 20 0Women's or Girls' Overcoats etc, Not Knitted or 6202-

5,368 54 3 267 35Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-1,752 18 0 81 16Women's or Girls' Suits, Ensembles etc. Not Kn/Cr. 6204-

0 0 0 0 2Men's or Boys' Shirts, Not Kn/Cr 6205-0 0 53 0 53Men's or Boys' Undershirts etc Not Kn/Cr 6207-0 0 0 12 ..Women's or Girls' Slips etc Not Kn/Cr 6208-0 0 0 34 18Garments, of Felt etc, or Fabric Impregnated etc 6210-0 0 0 18 19Track Suits, Ski-Suits and Swimwear, Not Knitted 6211-0 0 0 43 242Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Not Knitted or Crocheted 6216-0 0 5 162 24Made-Up Clothing Accessories NES 6217-0 0 0 108 0Blankets and Traveling Rugs 6301-

55,704 557 347 3,424 3,662Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-0 0 66 69 87Curtains and Interior Blinds, Curtain or Bed 6303-0 0 0 0 104Furnishing Articles of Textile Materials NES 6304-

Page 152: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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US $Rs.

(Amount in Thousand)MARCH JULY - MARCH

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Export of Goods and Services March 2014 178

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 16 19 60Sacks and Bags of Textile Material for Packing 6305-45,013 450 472 8,348 7,442Tarpaulins, Sails, Awnings and Tents etc. 6306-

5,501 55 58 263 304Made-Up Articles of Textile Materials NES 6307-3,096 31 0 68 103Worn Clothing and other Worn Textile Articles 6309-1,562 16 30 161 106Used or New Rags, Scrap Twine etc of Text Material 6310-

16 .. 0 7 0Footwear, Outer Sole and Upper Rubber or Plastic 6402-2,268 23 7 224 98Footwear, Outer Sole Rubber, Plastic or Leather 6403-

0 0 12 33 14Footwear, Outer Sole Rubber, Plastic or Textile 6404-0 0 0 7 4Footwear NES 6405-0 0 0 51 84Parts etc For Umbrellas, Walking Sticks, Whips etc. 6603-0 0 0 20 29Worked Monumental or Building Stone and Articles 6802-0 0 0 142 17Articles of Stone or Other Mineral Substance NES 6815-0 0 0 0 32Glazed Ceramic Flags and Paving, Hearth Tiles etc. 6908-

2,499 25 20 208 102Ceramic Sinks, Washbasins, Water Closet Bowls etc. 6910-0 0 61 0 288Glassware for Table, Kitchen, Toilet etc. NES 7013-0 0 0 0 20Glass Fibers and Articles Thereof (Yarn Etc.) 7019-0 0 0 0 1Precious and Semi Precious Stones NES 7103-

1,345 13 20 29 24Articles of Jewelry and Parts thereof or Precious 7113-0 0 1 3 1Ferrous Waste and Scrap 7204-0 0 0 200 0Flat-rolled Stainless Steel Products more than 7219-0 0 0 0 3Other Bars and Rods of Stainless Steel etc. 7222-0 0 0 60 0Flat-Rolled Products of other Alloy Steel, more than 7225-0 0 0 23 0Tubes, Pipes and Hollow Profiles NES of Iron and 7306-

2,886 29 0 29 0Tube or Pipe Fittings of Iron or Steel Like 7307-0 0 0 0 8Screws, Bolts, Nuts, Washers etc. Iron or Steel 7318-

1,252 13 0 13 0Stoves, Ranges, Grates, Cookers and Parts 7321-0 0 0 42 0Table, Kitchen or Household Articles & Parts of Iron 7323-0 0 20 0 20Sanitary Ware and Parts of Iron or Steel 7324-0 0 0 0 17Articles of Iron or Steel, NES 7326-0 0 140 0 140Copper Waste and Scrap 7404-0 0 0 22 0Copper Wire 7408-0 0 0 1 0Household Articles and Parts 7418-

690 7 0 40 57Aluminum Bars, Rods and Profiles 7604-0 0 0 21 3Aluminum Structures NES 7610-0 0 0 21 7Table, Kitchen or other Household Articles and Parts 7615-0 0 0 11 0Articles o Aluminum NES 7616-0 0 0 0 5Files, Rasps, Pliers, Metal cutting Shears etc. 8203-0 0 0 0 7Hand tools NES Like Blow, Torches, Anvils etc. 8205-

257 3 0 11 0Razors and Razor Blades 8212-0 0 0 0 26Scissors, Tailors' Shears and Similar Shears and 8213-0 0 0 7 11Articles of Cutlery NES and Manicure Sets etc. 8214-0 0 7 0 7Padlocks, Locks and Keys and Parts 8301-0 0 0 4 0Loose-leaf Binder etc. Fittings, Paper Cups etc. 8305-

3,366 34 0 66 53Pumps for Liquids; Liquid Elevators; Parts Thereof 8413-5,398 54 0 79 53Air or Vacuum Pump, Compressors and Fans 8414-

0 0 0 0 20Air Conditioning Machines and Parts 8415-0 0 0 1,016 1,191Refrigerators, Freezers, Heat Pumps NES and Parts 8418-0 0 0 150 0Calendaring or other Rolling Machines Not for Glass 8420-0 0 0 4 0Centrifuges, Including Dryers, Filter etc. 8421-0 0 0 0 31Agriculture Machinery for Soil, Lawn Preparations 8432-

467 5 20 49 57Milking and Dairy Machinery and Parts thereof 8434-0 0 0 0 7Presses, Crushers and Similar Machinery 8435-0 0 0 15 14Agriculture and Poultry etc Equipment Including 8436-0 0 0 0 35Machinery NES used for Food and Drink and Parts 8438-0 0 0 0 1Machines For Preparing Textile Fibers and Yarn 8445-0 0 68 147 246Auxiliary Machinery for use With Textile Machines 8448-

Page 153: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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US $Rs.

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179 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 8 38 39Lathes for Removing Metal 8458-0 0 0 12 0Machine Tools for Honing or Finishing Metal etc. 8460-

512 5 0 5 38Tools for Working in the Hand, Pneumatic etc. 8467-0 0 0 4 0Machines and Apparatus for Soldering, Brazing or 8468-0 0 0 33 0Automatic Data Process Machines and Units thereof 8471-0 0 0 39 1Machines and Mechanical Appliances NES 8479-

553 6 0 87 29Transmission Shafts, Bearings, Gears etc. and Parts 8483-2,812 28 0 98 0Electrical Transformers, Static Converters and 8504-

0 0 0 0 22Electromechanical Domestic Appliances and Parts 8509-1,061 11 100 242 409Electrical Capacitors, Fixed, Variable or Adjustable 8532-

0 0 6 0 13Electrical Apparatus for Switching etc. Not Over 8536-0 0 44 65 174Tractors Other Than Work Trucks used for Short 8701-0 0 0 2 0Bodies for Specific Motor Vehicles 8707-

209 2 0 2 42Parts and Accessories for Motor Vehicles 8708-0 0 0 25 0Parachutes, Rotochutes and Parts thereof 8804-

1,292 13 2 158 122Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-800 8 0 8 0Other Clocks NES 9105-535 5 0 5 5Wind Musical Instruments NES 9205-

0 0 0 0 3Parts etc. of Musical Instruments, Metronomes 9209-840 8 0 394 59Furniture NES and Parts Thereof 9403-

7,083 71 0 384 50Mattress Supports, Articles of Bedding etc 9404-4,537 45 49 326 448Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-

0 0 0 0 9Worked Ivory, Bone etc and Articles Thereof 9601-0 0 15 0 15Brooms, Brushes, Mops and Feather Dusters etc. 9603-0 0 0 286 158Buttons, Press Studs, Button Mold and Blanks etc. 9606-0 0 0 104 86Pens, Ball Points, Soft Tip and Mechanical Pencils 9608-

596 6 0 78 0Paintings, Drawing etc By Hand 9701-0 0 0 0 4Collectors Item of Botanic and Historical Interest 9705-

Kyrgyzstan 16 16111 2951,5970 0 0 0 20Citrus Fruit, Fresh or Dried 8050 -0 0 0 32 0Rice 1006-

498 5 0 20 0Plants etc. for Pharmacy, Perfume, Insecticides etc. 1211-0 0 0 0 1Salt, Pure Sodium Chloride, Sea Water 2501-0 0 0 9 20Medicaments NES 3004-0 0 0 25 8Pharmaceutical Goods 3006-0 0 2 15 9Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-0 0 0 0 146Articles of Leather Used in Machinery and 4204-0 0 0 4 0Registers, Notebooks, Order Book, Receipt Book 4820-0 0 0 2 0Printed Books, Brochures and Similar Printed Matter 4901-0 0 1 0 1Garments, Made-ups Kn/Cr etc. of Rubber or Plastic 6113-0 0 0 0 6Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-0 0 0 0 5Women's or Girls' Suits, Ensembles etc. Not Kn/Cr. 6204-0 0 5 0 5Track Suits, Ski-Suits and Swimwear, Not Knitted 6211-0 0 0 1 70Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-

1,099 11 0 15 0Made-Up Articles of Textile Materials NES 6307-0 0 0 38 0Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-0 0 0 0 ..Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-0 0 3 0 3Brooms, Brushes, Mops and Feather Dusters etc. 9603-

Laos 144 1,10574 44814,4100 0 0 3 0Fish Frozen (Not Fish Fillets & other Fish Meat) 3030 -0 0 0 1 0Cabbages, Cauliflower, Kohlrabi, Kale etc. Fresh or 7040 -0 0 0 31 0Clays NES 2508-0 0 0 2 0Medicaments Mixtures for Therapeutic Use 3003-

13,765 138 74 581 356Medicaments NES 3004-0 0 0 165 0Articles of Apparel and Clothing Acc. of Rubber 4015-

Page 154: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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US $Rs.

(Amount in Thousand)MARCH JULY - MARCH

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Export of Goods and Services March 2014 180

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 111 0Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-0 0 0 147 0Woven Cotton Fabrics NES 5212-0 0 0 2 0Embroidery in the Piece, In Strips or in Motifs 5810-0 0 0 1 43Gents Shirts, Knitted or Crocheted 6105-0 0 0 1 0Garments NES Knitted or Crocheted 6114-0 0 0 8 0Made-up Clothing Accessories NES Kn/Cr 6117-

645 6 0 6 0Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-0 0 0 22 26Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-0 0 0 12 0Hand tools NES Like Blow, Torches, Anvils etc. 8205-0 0 0 0 3Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-0 0 0 0 20Mattress Supports, Articles of Bedding etc 9404-0 0 0 12 0Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-

Latvia 1,084 6,8061,006 4,670108,3640 0 0 0 3Crustaceans; Live, Fresh etc, and Cooked etc. 3060 -0 0 0 15 0Other Vegetables NES Fresh or Chilled 7090 -

2,652 27 8 145 16Dates, Figs, Pineapples, Avocados etc, Fr or Dried 8040 -0 0 26 0 26Fruit Dried NES Mixtures of Nuts or Dried Fruit 8130 -0 0 29 136 29Rice 1006-0 0 0 0 ..Vegetable Products NES 1404-0 0 0 58 0Sugar Confectionery including White Chocolate not 1704-0 0 0 0 20Fruit, Nuts etc. Prepared or Preserved NES 2008-0 0 0 7 0Salt, Pure Sodium Chloride, Sea Water 2501-0 0 0 19 0Marble, Travertine etc. and Alabaster, Crude etc. 2515-0 0 0 0 19Gypsum; Anhydrite; Plasters etc. 2520-0 0 0 1 0Beauty and Make-Up Preparations 3304-0 0 0 11 0Artificial Graphite, Colloidal Graphite and 3801-0 0 0 72 0Polymers of Styrene in Primary Forms 3903-0 0 3 0 4Articles of Apparel and Clothing Acc. of Rubber 4015-0 0 2 0 2Leather of Animals NES, No Hair NES 4107-0 0 0 0 80Leather further prepared after tanning (other animal) 4113-0 0 0 0 1Saddlery, Harness, Traces and Leads etc. 4201-

1,909 19 2 112 25Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-0 0 0 37 0Articles of Leather Used in Machinery and 4204-0 0 14 64 90Articles of Leather NES 4205-0 0 0 0 32Bobbins, Spools etc. of Paper Pulp, Paper and 4822-

15,327 153 10 683 139Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt < 5208-29,240 292 56 1,152 568Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-

0 0 0 426 46Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt < 5210-0 0 0 0 84Woven Cotton Fabrics NES 5212-0 0 0 0 3Woven Fabric of Synthetic Filament Yarn 5407-0 0 156 53 236Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5513-0 0 0 80 9Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Knotted 5701-0 0 0 1 88Labels, Badges and Similar Type of Textiles 5807-0 0 0 44 0Gum Covered Fabric; Tracing Cloth; Paint Canvas 5901-0 0 0 0 38Gents Overcoats, Car-Coats, Caps, Cloaks and 6101-0 0 0 2 1Gents Suits, Ensembles, Jackets etc. Kn/Cr 6103-0 0 42 132 529Gents Shirts, Knitted or Crocheted 6105-0 0 0 0 60Gents Underpants, Briefs, Nightshirts etc. Kn/Cr 6107-0 0 0 6 18Track Suits, Ski Suits and Swimwear Kn/Cr 6112-0 0 18 57 118Garments, Made-ups Kn/Cr etc. of Rubber or Plastic 6113-0 0 0 1 0Garments NES Knitted or Crocheted 6114-0 0 32 139 114Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Knitted or Crocheted 6116-0 0 0 27 10Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-0 0 0 14 0Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Not Knitted or Crocheted 6216-

2,214 22 0 22 0Made-Up Clothing Accessories NES 6217-

Page 155: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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US $Rs.

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181 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

53,618 536 517 2,802 1,273Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-459 5 0 5 7Curtains and Interior Blinds, Curtain or Bed 6303-

0 0 0 0 15Furnishing Articles of Textile Materials NES 6304-0 0 0 0 1Made-Up Articles of Textile Materials NES 6307-0 0 0 24 0Footwear, Outer Sole Rubber, Plastic or Leather 6403-0 0 0 2 0Worked Monumental or Building Stone and Articles 6802-0 0 0 1 0Imitation Jewelry 7117-0 0 0 .. 0Articles of Iron or Steel, NES 7326-0 0 3 0 3Hand tools and Tools Used in Agriculture etc. 8201-0 0 0 0 50Razors and Razor Blades 8212-0 0 0 76 77Articles of Cutlery NES and Manicure Sets etc. 8214-

2,047 20 0 20 0Air Conditioning Machines and Parts 8415-0 0 0 121 0Electrical Transformers, Static Converters and 8504-0 0 0 3 0Portable Electrical Lamps Function By Own Energy 8513-0 0 0 0 22Parts of Balloons etc. Aircraft, Spacecraft etc. 8803-

598 6 87 144 521Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-0 0 0 19 0Mattress Supports, Articles of Bedding etc 9404-

300 3 0 71 293Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-0 0 0 2 0Special Transaction NES 9992-

Lebanon 1,795 21,4662,079 19,061179,4350 0 0 0 47Live Horses, Asses, Mules and Hinnies 1010 -0 0 0 286 11Fish Frozen (Not Fish Fillets & other Fish Meat) 3030 -0 0 0 180 166Fish Fillets and other Fish Meat, Fresh, Chilled or 3040 -0 0 0 30 20Fish Dried, Salted or in Brine; Smoked etc; Ed 3050 -0 0 0 1,315 506Crustaceans; Live, Fresh etc, and Cooked etc. 3060 -0 0 24 0 32Guts, Bladders, Stomachs of Animals (Not Fish) 5040 -0 0 0 0 3Animal Products NES, Inedible Dead Animals 5110 -0 0 0 12 0Bulbs, Tubers, Tuberous Roots, Corms, Chicory 6010 -

1,021 10 0 23 0Cut Flowers and Flower Buds for Bouquet or for 6030 -0 0 0 15 0Vegetables, Dried, Whole, Cut etc. not further 7120 -0 0 0 7 0Dates, Figs, Pineapples, Avocados etc, Fr or Dried 8040 -

37,546 376 143 1,442 1,689Rice 1006-0 0 55 21 101Wheat or Meslin Flour 1101-0 0 0 10 0Cereal Flours, Except of Wheat or of Meslin 1102-0 0 0 75 16Cereal Straw and Husks 1213-0 0 6 7 6Lac; Natural Gums, Resins, Gum-Resins and 1301-0 0 0 0 1Prepared or Preserved Fish, Caviar and Caviar 1604-

2,622 26 41 293 224Sugar Confectionery including White Chocolate not 1704-0 0 38 160 114Bread, Pastry, Cakes etc 1905-

1,650 17 .. 35 ..Ethyl Alcohol, Strength: more than 80% Alcohol 2207-741 7 0 22 20Salt, Pure Sodium Chloride, Sea Water 2501-

9,024 90 33 661 234Marble, Travertine etc. and Alabaster, Crude etc. 2515-0 0 0 15 0Pebbles, Gravel etc. Macadam of Slag, Dross etc. 2517-0 0 0 81 0Oil from Petrol and Bituminous Mineral etc. 2710-0 0 11 75 116Antibiotics 2941-0 0 0 40 0Human Blood or Animal Blood Prepared for 3002-0 0 0 95 0Medicaments NES 3004-0 0 0 20 10Wading, Gauze, Bandages etc. 3005-

233 2 0 2 0Animal and Vegetable Fertilizer Not Chem. Treated 3101-1,054 11 0 11 0Preparations for Use on Hair 3305-

0 0 0 5 0Organic Surf-Act Agents and Products other than 3402-0 0 23 20 178Matches and Except Pyrotechnic Articles 3605-0 0 0 0 76Polymers of Ethylene, in Primary Forms 3901-

11,960 120 73 2,301 1,681Polymers of Styrene in Primary Forms 3903-0 0 0 949 0Polyesters, Epoxides and Polyesters, Primary Forms 3907-

Page 156: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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US $Rs.

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20 20


Export of Goods and Services March 2014 182

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 0 4Plates, Sheets, Film etc. 3920-0 0 0 0 35Waste of Rubber and Powder Obtain thereof 4004-

190 2 0 12 3Tubes, Pipes and Hoses of Unhard Vulcanized 4009-0 0 0 0 1Articles of Apparel and Clothing Acc. of Rubber 4015-0 0 0 0 12Articles NES of Unhard Vulcanized Rubber 4016-

4,169 42 16 233 228Leather further prepared after tanning (other animal) 4113-0 0 0 29 54Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-0 0 12 0 12Articles of Leather NES 4205-0 0 0 36 18Wood Marquetry & inlaid Wood Jewel Case etc. 4420-0 0 0 31 2Paper and Paperboard Uncoated NES, Rolls or 4805-

4,191 42 0 1,082 2Paper, Paperboard, Wading etc. Coated etc NES 4811-0 0 0 0 105Bobbins, Spools etc. of Paper Pulp, Paper and 4822-0 0 0 0 3Printed Books, Brochures and Similar Printed Matter 4901-0 0 0 105 0Woven Fabrics of Silk or Silk Waste 5007-0 0 0 83 5Cotton, Not Carded Or Combed 5201-0 0 0 0 17Cotton Sewing Thread, Retail Packed or Not 5204-0 0 60 64 113Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton more than 85% 5205-0 0 0 29 20Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton less than 85% 5206-0 0 76 629 341Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt < 5208-

5,351 54 155 819 1,723Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-14,270 143 71 774 1,184Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt < 5210-

2,609 26 140 190 530Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt > 5211-0 0 0 64 75Woven Cotton Fabrics NES 5212-0 0 84 0 266Yarn Not for Sewing Thread, Synthetic Staple 5509-

49,443 495 196 3,462 3,777Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5513-0 0 0 20 27Woven Fabric, Synthetic < 85% of Fibre Mix 5514-0 0 34 31 62Textile Wadding and Articles; Text Fiber Not Over 5 5601-

1,552 16 17 529 200Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Knotted 5701-6,512 65 0 111 89Woven Terry Fabrics and Tufted Textile Fabric NES 5802-

452 5 0 5 14Labels, Badges and Similar Type of Textiles 5807-0 0 7 34 7Gum Covered Fabric; Tracing Cloth; Paint Canvas 5901-0 0 0 39 0Pile Fabrics and Terry Fabrics Knitted or Crocheted 6001-0 0 0 80 51Other knitted or crocheted fabrics 6006-0 0 0 31 0Gents Suits, Ensembles, Jackets etc. Kn/Cr 6103-0 0 7 22 25Gents Shirts, Knitted or Crocheted 6105-0 0 0 2 4Gents Underpants, Briefs, Nightshirts etc. Kn/Cr 6107-0 0 0 6 13Track Suits, Ski Suits and Swimwear Kn/Cr 6112-

638 6 1 11 66Garments, Made-ups Kn/Cr etc. of Rubber or Plastic 6113-0 0 0 12 6Panty hose, Socks and other Hosiery Kn/Cr 6115-

66 1 17 14 24Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Knitted or Crocheted 6116-0 0 0 0 6Made-up Clothing Accessories NES Kn/Cr 6117-0 0 0 60 0Men's or Boys' Overcoats, Cloaks etc. Not Knitted 6201-

5,484 55 0 113 232Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-0 0 19 26 53Women's or Girls' Suits, Ensembles etc. Not Kn/Cr. 6204-0 0 0 0 6Men's or Boys' Undershirts etc Not Kn/Cr 6207-

479 5 0 13 0Track Suits, Ski-Suits and Swimwear, Not Knitted 6211-0 0 0 47 0Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Not Knitted or Crocheted 6216-

408 4 0 9 10Made-Up Clothing Accessories NES 6217-0 0 198 30 397Blankets and Traveling Rugs 6301-

3,739 37 62 620 698Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-0 0 0 10 10Curtains and Interior Blinds, Curtain or Bed 6303-0 0 0 6 0Furnishing Articles of Textile Materials NES 6304-0 0 0 58 ..Sacks and Bags of Textile Material for Packing 6305-0 0 393 104 1,409Tarpaulins, Sails, Awnings and Tents etc. 6306-0 0 0 0 17Made-Up Articles of Textile Materials NES 6307-0 0 0 24 2Used or New Rags, Scrap Twine etc of Text Material 6310-

Page 157: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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US $Rs.

(Amount in Thousand)MARCH JULY - MARCH

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183 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 54 0Footwear, Outer Sole Rubber, Plastic or Leather 6403-0 0 0 0 12Footwear NES 6405-

1,406 14 0 65 35Worked Monumental or Building Stone and Articles 6802-2,482 25 0 203 33Articles of Stone or Other Mineral Substance NES 6815-3,263 33 5 123 31Bricks, Blocks, Tiles and Ceramic Goods of 6901-

0 0 0 0 20Ceramic Sinks, Washbasins, Water Closet Bowls etc. 6910-0 0 0 22 0Glassware for Table, Kitchen, Toilet etc. NES 7013-0 0 0 18 ..Stoves, Ranges, Grates, Cookers and Parts 7321-0 0 0 607 0Table, Kitchen or Household Articles & Parts of Iron 7323-

3,359 34 0 34 0Sanitary Ware and Parts of Iron or Steel 7324-0 0 0 24 32Household Articles and Parts 7418-0 0 0 0 14Aluminum, Unwrought 7601-0 0 0 18 10Aluminum Bars, Rods and Profiles 7604-0 0 0 347 0Knives and Blades for Machines and Appliances 8208-0 0 0 19 24Articles of Cutlery NES and Manicure Sets etc. 8214-0 0 20 23 20Bells, Gongs and the Like, Picture and Frames 8306-0 0 0 1 0Auxiliary Plant Used With Boilers; Condensers and 8404-0 0 0 0 58Compression-Ignition Internal Combustion Piston 8408-0 0 0 0 1Machinery NES used for Food and Drink and Parts 8438-0 0 21 .. 21Auxiliary Machinery for use With Textile Machines 8448-0 0 0 154 0Sewing Machines other than Book Sewing Machine 8452-0 0 0 0 12Gaskets and Similar Joints of Metal Sheeting 8484-0 0 0 32 0Tractors Other Than Work Trucks used for Short 8701-

498 5 0 5 0Parts and Accessories for Motor Vehicles 8708-3,025 30 18 343 229Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-

0 0 0 0 24Orthopedic Appliances Artificial Body and Parts 9021-0 0 0 3 0String Musical Instruments NES 9202-0 0 0 1,110 1,254Revolvers and Pistols Designed to Fire Live Ammo 9302-0 0 0 217 0Mattress Supports, Articles of Bedding etc 9404-0 0 0 124 18Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-

Leeward Islands 0 3270 4700 0 0 0 14Prepared or Preserved Fish, Caviar and Caviar 1604-0 0 0 0 7Carboxylic Acid, Added Oxygen & Anhy Etc, Hal 2918-0 0 0 6 0Beauty and Make-Up Preparations 3304-0 0 0 2 0Leather of Animals NES, No Hair NES 4107-0 0 0 0 13Wood Marquetry & inlaid Wood Jewel Case etc. 4420-0 0 0 115 13Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt < 5208-0 0 0 1 0Gents Suits, Ensembles, Jackets etc. Kn/Cr 6103-0 0 0 89 0Sweaters, Pullovers, Vests etc. Kn/Cr 6110-0 0 0 68 0Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-0 0 0 3 0Electromechanical Domestic Appliances and Parts 8509-0 0 0 4 0Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-0 0 0 40 0Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-

Lesotho 74 1,100503 4,1237,4200 0 0 0 8Potatoes, Fresh or Chilled 7010 -0 0 0 5 0Vegetables, Dried, Whole, Cut etc. not further 7120 -0 0 0 7 0Vegetables Prepared or Preserved NES not Frozen 2005-

7,376 74 0 74 386Portland Cement, Aluminous Cement and Slag 2523-0 0 1 .. 1Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-0 0 277 362 1,468Woven Fabrics of Silk or Silk Waste 5007-0 0 0 0 162Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton more than 85% 5205-0 0 0 0 40Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt < 5208-0 0 225 311 2,028Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-0 0 0 161 0Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5513-0 0 0 20 0Garments NES Knitted or Crocheted 6114-

Page 158: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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US $Rs.

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Export of Goods and Services March 2014 184

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 135 14Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-0 0 0 24 0Articles of Stone or Other Mineral Substance NES 6815-0 0 0 0 2Ceramic Sinks, Washbasins, Water Closet Bowls etc. 6910-0 0 0 0 3Household Articles and Parts 7418-0 0 0 0 10Electrical Laser or Other Light or Photon Beam etc 8515-

44 .. 0 .. 0Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-Liberia 40 960188 3,3784,033

0 0 169 242 2,709Rice 1006-0 0 0 0 5Starches; Inulin 1108-

1,355 14 0 14 0Fruit Juices including Grape Must and Vegtable 2009-0 0 10 0 10Matches and Except Pyrotechnic Articles 3605-0 0 0 39 0Articles of Apparel and Clothing Acc. of Rubber 4015-0 0 0 0 30Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-0 0 0 1 0Woven Terry Fabrics and Tufted Textile Fabric NES 5802-0 0 0 0 4Garments, Made-ups Kn/Cr etc. of Rubber or Plastic 6113-

1,779 18 0 34 0Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Knitted or Crocheted 6116-0 0 0 0 10Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-0 0 0 0 496Sacks and Bags of Textile Material for Packing 6305-0 0 0 378 40Tarpaulins, Sails, Awnings and Tents etc. 6306-

899 9 9 214 66Worn Clothing and other Worn Textile Articles 6309-0 0 0 0 2Footwear, Outer Sole Rubber, Plastic or Textile 6404-0 0 0 3 0Umbrellas, Sun Umbrellas and Other Umbrellas 6601-0 0 0 14 0Presses, Crushers and Similar Machinery 8435-0 0 0 9 0Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-0 0 0 0 5Watch, Wrist, Pocket etc. Precious Metal or Clad 9101-0 0 0 13 0Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-

Libya 658 8,2501,216 10,77865,746776 8 0 8 0Milk and Cream, Concentrated or Sweetened 4020 -

0 0 0 39 0Butter and other Fats and Oils Derived from Milk, 4050 -0 0 0 0 37Natural Honey 4090 -0 0 0 41 0Guts, Bladders, Stomachs of Animals (Not Fish) 5040 -0 0 0 0 11Cut Flowers and Flower Buds for Bouquet or for 6030 -0 0 0 56 0Dates, Figs, Pineapples, Avocados etc, Fr or Dried 8040 -0 0 0 32 0Ginger, Saffron, Turmeric, Thyme, Bay Leaves, 9100 -

2,217 22 0 304 92Rice 1006-0 0 0 0 160Seeds, Fruit and Spores, for Sowing 1209-0 0 0 0 17Plants etc. for Pharmacy, Perfume, Insecticides etc. 1211-0 0 0 10 30Vegetable Products NES 1404-0 0 0 27 0Rape, Colza or Mustard Oil and Fractions thereof 1514-0 0 0 354 724Fruit, Nuts etc. Prepared or Preserved NES 2008-0 0 195 379 205Fruit Juices including Grape Must and Vegtable 2009-0 0 0 40 0Sauces and Preparations thereof 2103-0 0 0 0 877Waters, Sweetened etc and other Nonalcoholic 2202-0 0 0 238 503Marble, Travertine etc. and Alabaster, Crude etc. 2515-0 0 0 46 37Medicaments NES 3004-0 0 0 17 10Wading, Gauze, Bandages etc. 3005-0 0 0 0 19Essential Oils, Resinoids and Terpene 3301-0 0 0 0 3Odoriferous Mixtures as Raw Materials for Industry 3302-0 0 14 65 78Beauty and Make-Up Preparations 3304-0 0 0 0 19Fireworks, Signaling Flares and Rain Rockets etc. 3604-0 0 0 0 4Rosin and Resin Acids etc. Rosin Spirit etc. 3806-0 0 0 0 8Insecticides, Rodenticides and Fungicides etc. Retail 3808-0 0 56 727 437Polymers of Styrene in Primary Forms 3903-0 0 0 338 0Polyesters, Epoxides and Polyesters, Primary Forms 3907-0 0 0 0 12Tableware and other Household Articles etc, Plastics 3924-

Page 159: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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185 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 0 5Builders' Ware of Plastics, NES 3925-0 0 0 44 0Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-0 0 0 14 0Wood Marquetry & inlaid Wood Jewel Case etc. 4420-0 0 0 0 70Plaits etc and Products of Plaiting Materials 4601-0 0 0 0 13Cotton, Not Carded Or Combed 5201-0 0 47 0 47Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton more than 85% 5205-

1,172 12 0 12 0Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt < 5208-2,645 26 44 284 385Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-

0 0 62 0 143Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt > 5211-0 0 0 0 76Woven Cotton Fabrics NES 5212-0 0 0 0 104Woven Fabric of Synthetic Filament Yarn 5407-0 0 0 63 399Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5513-0 0 0 0 180Textile Wadding and Articles; Text Fiber Not Over 5 5601-0 0 0 0 14Woven Terry Fabrics and Tufted Textile Fabric NES 5802-0 0 0 14 0Gents Suits, Ensembles, Jackets etc. Kn/Cr 6103-0 0 0 7 0Ladies Suits, Ensembles etc. Kn/Cr 6104-0 0 0 0 12Gents Shirts, Knitted or Crocheted 6105-

2,641 26 0 56 34Gents Underpants, Briefs, Nightshirts etc. Kn/Cr 6107-0 0 19 0 19Garments NES Knitted or Crocheted 6114-0 0 0 50 21Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Knitted or Crocheted 6116-0 0 0 0 11Men's or Boys' Overcoats, Cloaks etc. Not Knitted 6201-0 0 0 10 6Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-

1,508 15 0 94 0Men's or Boys' Undershirts etc Not Kn/Cr 6207-0 0 0 0 156Track Suits, Ski-Suits and Swimwear, Not Knitted 6211-0 0 0 7 0Blankets and Traveling Rugs 6301-

7,702 77 0 102 598Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-0 0 0 71 0Curtains and Interior Blinds, Curtain or Bed 6303-0 0 0 0 103Sacks and Bags of Textile Material for Packing 6305-

29,831 298 264 2,702 2,334Tarpaulins, Sails, Awnings and Tents etc. 6306-0 0 0 48 0Made-Up Articles of Textile Materials NES 6307-0 0 0 30 0Footwear, Outer Sole and Upper Rubber or Plastic 6402-0 0 0 0 2Footwear, Outer Sole Rubber, Plastic or Leather 6403-0 0 0 18 0Worked Monumental or Building Stone and Articles 6802-0 0 7 54 78Articles of Stone or Other Mineral Substance NES 6815-

1,177 12 0 102 0Ceramic Sinks, Washbasins, Water Closet Bowls etc. 6910-0 0 0 1 0Household Articles and Parts 7418-0 0 38 0 38Aluminum Foil 7607-0 0 0 15 0Hand tools NES Like Blow, Torches, Anvils etc. 8205-

1,100 11 10 11 10Articles of Cutlery NES and Manicure Sets etc. 8214-0 0 0 0 14Agriculture Machinery for Soil, Lawn Preparations 8432-0 0 0 0 23Agriculture and Poultry etc Equipment Including 8436-0 0 0 34 0Auxiliary Machinery for use With Textile Machines 8448-0 0 0 25 0Machine Tools for Forging, Bending, Stamping etc. 8462-0 0 0 0 9Tools for Working in the Hand, Pneumatic etc. 8467-

6,747 67 373 829 1,765Tractors Other Than Work Trucks used for Short 8701-0 0 77 153 585Parts and Accessories for Motor Vehicles 8708-0 0 0 0 37Parts and Accessories of Cycles and Invalid 8714-

159 2 11 219 161Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-8,072 81 0 463 44Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-

Lithuania 3,172 28,4193,077 27,854317,122129 1 0 25 72Guts, Bladders, Stomachs of Animals (Not Fish) 5040 -

1,962 20 0 61 0Dates, Figs, Pineapples, Avocados etc, Fr or Dried 8040 -0 0 36 0 114Citrus Fruit, Fresh or Dried 8050 -

5,761 58 33 260 331Fruit Dried NES Mixtures of Nuts or Dried Fruit 8130 -0 0 0 0 132Maize (Corn) 1005-

Page 160: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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14 14 13 12 13 13 14

76,945 770 684 3,035 4,379Rice 1006-0 0 0 81 108Other Oil Seeds and Oleaginous Fruits NES 1207-0 0 0 0 2Vegetable Products NES 1404-

591 6 0 67 50Salt, Pure Sodium Chloride, Sea Water 2501-0 0 0 7 0Medicaments NES 3004-0 0 0 0 1Preparations for Oral or Dental Hygiene 3306-0 0 208 848 1,556Polymers of Styrene in Primary Forms 3903-

687 7 0 13 13Articles of Plastics Including Polymers and Resins 3926-0 0 2 2 21Articles of Apparel and Clothing Acc. of Rubber 4015-0 0 0 0 24Raw Skins of Sheep or Lambs NES 4102-0 0 0 9 0Leather of Animals NES, No Hair NES 4107-

2,567 26 6 119 47Leather further prepared after tanning (other animal) 4113-9,221 92 38 541 216Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-

0 0 0 2 29Articles of Leather Used in Machinery and 4204-0 0 0 3 0Fiberboard of Wood or Other Ligneous Materials 4411-0 0 0 710 49Cotton, Not Carded Or Combed 5201-0 0 0 0 5Cotton Sewing Thread, Retail Packed or Not 5204-0 0 10 35 317Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton more than 85% 5205-

41,538 415 215 4,144 2,938Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt < 5208-17,098 171 295 2,353 4,749Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-36,297 363 202 3,575 3,547Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt < 5210-

0 0 107 251 506Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt > 5211-0 0 297 1,353 1,505Woven Cotton Fabrics NES 5212-0 0 0 1 0True Hemp, not Spun, Tow and Waste of Hemp 5302-

6,841 68 0 646 536Woven Fabric of Synthetic Filament Yarn 5407-0 0 0 0 84Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5512-

96,818 968 243 5,487 1,455Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5513-0 0 0 0 65Woven Fabric, Synthetic < 85% of Fibre Mix 5514-0 0 0 67 0Textile Wadding and Articles; Text Fiber Not Over 5 5601-

684 7 0 28 1Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Knotted 5701-0 0 17 140 137Woven Terry Fabrics and Tufted Textile Fabric NES 5802-0 0 0 0 88Narrow Woven Fabrics Except Labels 5806-0 0 0 1 25Labels, Badges and Similar Type of Textiles 5807-0 0 0 175 346Gents Shirts, Knitted or Crocheted 6105-0 0 0 6 0Ladies Slips, Petticoats, Briefs, Paints etc. Kn/Cr 6108-0 0 0 34 0Track Suits, Ski Suits and Swimwear Kn/Cr 6112-0 0 0 5 3Garments, Made-ups Kn/Cr etc. of Rubber or Plastic 6113-0 0 0 14 23Garments NES Knitted or Crocheted 6114-0 0 0 12 0Panty hose, Socks and other Hosiery Kn/Cr 6115-0 0 2 63 31Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Knitted or Crocheted 6116-0 0 0 0 4Men's or Boys' Overcoats, Cloaks etc. Not Knitted 6201-

6,333 63 0 63 146Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-0 0 0 .. 0Women's or Girls' Suits, Ensembles etc. Not Kn/Cr. 6204-0 0 0 6 5Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Not Knitted or Crocheted 6216-

12,071 121 575 3,199 3,521Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-0 0 0 505 0Furnishing Articles of Textile Materials NES 6304-0 0 102 117 444Made-Up Articles of Textile Materials NES 6307-0 0 0 0 77Footwear, Outer Sole and Upper Rubber or Plastic 6402-0 0 0 0 10Worked Monumental or Building Stone and Articles 6802-

312 3 0 21 0Articles of Stone or Other Mineral Substance NES 6815-0 0 0 11 27Articles of Cutlery NES and Manicure Sets etc. 8214-0 0 0 0 7Tools for Working in the Hand, Pneumatic etc. 8467-

1,268 13 1 117 65Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-0 0 0 1 0Mattress Supports, Articles of Bedding etc 9404-0 0 1 205 40Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-

Page 161: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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187 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

Luxembourg 3 674192 1,2272740 0 0 0 19Vegetables, Dried, Whole, Cut etc. not further 7120 -0 0 0 20 0Rice 1006-0 0 0 3 3Salt, Pure Sodium Chloride, Sea Water 2501-0 0 0 25 0Silicones in Primary Forms 3910-

65 1 0 126 0Waste of Rubber and Powder Obtain thereof 4004-0 0 0 15 0Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-0 0 0 2 0Articles of Leather NES 4205-0 0 0 0 68Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton more than 85% 5205-0 0 0 20 0Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-0 0 0 0 13Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt > 5211-0 0 0 0 4Woven Fabric of Synthetic Filament Yarn 5407-0 0 0 58 1Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5513-0 0 0 17 0Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Knotted 5701-0 0 0 0 14Gents Shirts, Knitted or Crocheted 6105-0 0 0 4 2Track Suits, Ski Suits and Swimwear Kn/Cr 6112-0 0 0 25 0Garments, Made-ups Kn/Cr etc. of Rubber or Plastic 6113-0 0 0 3 0Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Knitted or Crocheted 6116-0 0 0 5 4Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-0 0 0 300 0Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-0 0 0 .. 0Precious and Semi Precious Stones NES 7103-0 0 0 47 132Copper Waste and Scrap 7404-0 0 0 0 142Parts and Accessories for Motor Vehicles 8708-0 0 0 1 2Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-0 0 1 0 1Sport Shotguns and Rifles etc. 9303-0 0 188 0 809Bombs, Grenades, Cartridges and Parts 9306-

209 2 3 2 13Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-Macao 11 1,191246 2,9781,074

0 0 11 13 39Medicaments NES 3004-0 0 0 0 8Pharmaceutical Goods 3006-0 0 0 0 19Articles of Plastics Including Polymers and Resins 3926-

1,074 11 0 11 0Leather of Animals NES, No Hair NES 4107-0 0 22 110 47Leather further prepared after tanning (other animal) 4113-0 0 0 251 0Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-0 0 0 0 126Cotton, Carded or Combed 5203-0 0 128 505 2,245Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton more than 85% 5205-0 0 66 155 66Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt < 5208-0 0 0 73 34Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-0 0 0 33 0Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt < 5210-0 0 0 17 25Woven Cotton Fabrics NES 5212-0 0 0 1 0Garments, Made-ups Kn/Cr etc. of Rubber or Plastic 6113-0 0 0 6 0Panty hose, Socks and other Hosiery Kn/Cr 6115-0 0 0 0 198Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-0 0 0 0 33Women's or Girls' Suits, Ensembles etc. Not Kn/Cr. 6204-0 0 19 7 19Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-0 0 0 0 57Sacks and Bags of Textile Material for Packing 6305-0 0 0 0 9Articles of Cutlery NES and Manicure Sets etc. 8214-0 0 0 0 2Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-0 0 0 10 50Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-

Macedonia (FormerlyYugoslavia) 2 25022 2382310 0 0 34 0Rice 1006-0 0 0 0 27Other Color Matters 3206-0 0 0 0 9Travel Goods, Handbags, Wallets, Jewelry Cases etc. 4202-0 0 0 57 23Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt < 5210-

Page 162: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 0 58Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5513-0 0 0 4 0Ladies Suits, Ensembles etc. Kn/Cr 6104-0 0 0 12 3Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Knitted or Crocheted 6116-0 0 0 18 0Men's or Boys' Undershirts etc Not Kn/Cr 6207-0 0 22 36 75Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-0 0 0 0 25Agriculture Machinery for Soil, Lawn Preparations 8432-

231 2 0 15 11Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-0 0 0 23 0Mattress Supports, Articles of Bedding etc 9404-0 0 0 52 7Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-

Madagascar 11,835 93,0215,910 52,7871,183,2770 0 0 0 20Fish Frozen (Not Fish Fillets & other Fish Meat) 3030 -0 0 30 0 71Fish Dried, Salted or in Brine; Smoked etc; Ed 3050 -

948,108 9,483 2,758 72,007 32,662Rice 1006-0 0 0 2 218Wheat or Meslin Flour 1101-0 0 0 0 20Cereal Grains, Worked Like Hulled, Rolled, Flaked 1104-0 0 5 12 11Lac; Natural Gums, Resins, Gum-Resins and 1301-0 0 16 0 16Wool Grease Fatty Substances Derived there from 1505-0 0 450 45 657Cane or Beet Sugar and Sucrose in Solid Form 1701-0 0 0 13 0Sugar Confectionery including White Chocolate not 1704-0 0 0 39 10Chocolate and other Food Products Containing 1806-

1,369 14 8 112 48Malt Extracts; Food Prep. of Flour etc. Under 50% 1901-0 0 18 6 37Pasta and Couscous, Prepared or Not 1902-

2,346 23 0 129 171Bread, Pastry, Cakes etc 1905-0 0 12 12 12Waters, Natural etc. Not Sweetened, Ice and Snow 2201-0 0 0 15 0Vegetable Material, Waste etc For Feeding Animals 2308-0 0 0 13 0Salt, Pure Sodium Chloride, Sea Water 2501-

142,332 1,424 1,198 11,522 10,004Portland Cement, Aluminous Cement and Slag 2523-0 0 0 72 0Mineral Substances NES 2530-0 0 0 4 0Hydrogen Chloride; Chlorosulphuric Acid 2806-0 0 0 0 8Inorganic Acids and Inorganic Oxygen Compounds 2811-0 0 0 13 0Human Blood or Animal Blood Prepared for 3002-0 0 0 9 71Medicaments NES 3004-0 0 0 111 172Soap, Organic Surf-Act Products used for Soap 3401-

747 7 6 80 52Casein, Caseinates and other Casein Derivatives 3501-0 0 73 233 151Prepared binders for foundry moulds or cores 3824-0 0 0 0 103Polymers of Styrene in Primary Forms 3903-0 0 0 0 20Polymers of Vinyl Acetate and other Vinyl 3905-

647 6 0 6 0Silicones in Primary Forms 3910-0 0 0 14 0Waste, Parings and Scrap, of Plastics 3915-0 0 0 9 0Containers: Boxes, Bags, Closures etc, Plastic 3923-0 0 0 0 34Tableware and other Household Articles etc, Plastics 3924-0 0 11 16 57Articles of Plastics Including Polymers and Resins 3926-0 0 68 0 68Vulcanized Rubber Thread and Cord 4007-0 0 0 94 0Leather further prepared after tanning (sheep, lamb) 4112-0 0 0 0 5Paper, Paperboard, Wading etc. Coated etc NES 4811-0 0 0 0 8Toilet Paper, Paper Tissues, Towels, Napkins etc. 4818-0 0 0 10 0Newspapers, Journals and Periodicals 4902-0 0 0 1 0Woven Fabrics of Silk or Silk Waste 5007-0 0 0 0 20Cotton Waste Including Yarn Waste etc. 5202-

400 4 0 11 75Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton more than 85% 5205-0 0 0 51 0Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Retail Packed 5207-

49,320 493 565 2,734 2,710Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt < 5208-15,168 152 364 2,266 1,337Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-

7,574 76 143 749 1,173Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt < 5210-1,996 20 57 398 225Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt > 5211-

Page 163: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 22 222 334Woven Cotton Fabrics NES 5212-4,914 49 0 49 0Artificial Filament Yarn Not Sewing Thread, Not 5403-

0 0 0 0 15Yarn Not for Sewing Thread, Synthetic Staple 5509-0 0 0 53 156Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5513-0 0 0 0 122Woven Fabrics of Artificial Staple Fibers 5516-0 0 0 545 277Textile Wadding and Articles; Text Fiber Not Over 5 5601-

6,272 63 61 652 61Woven Terry Fabrics and Tufted Textile Fabric NES 5802-0 0 0 0 1Labels, Badges and Similar Type of Textiles 5807-0 0 0 0 36Other knitted or crocheted fabrics 6006-0 0 0 0 8Garments, Made-ups Kn/Cr etc. of Rubber or Plastic 6113-0 0 0 0 60Garments NES Knitted or Crocheted 6114-0 0 15 0 15Made-up Clothing Accessories NES Kn/Cr 6117-0 0 0 0 345Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-0 0 0 0 15Women's or Girls' Suits, Ensembles etc. Not Kn/Cr. 6204-0 0 0 3 0Track Suits, Ski-Suits and Swimwear, Not Knitted 6211-0 0 0 0 52Made-Up Clothing Accessories NES 6217-

1,329 13 0 242 372Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-0 0 0 63 211Sacks and Bags of Textile Material for Packing 6305-0 0 0 26 0Tarpaulins, Sails, Awnings and Tents etc. 6306-0 0 0 36 0Made-Up Articles of Textile Materials NES 6307-

756 8 30 89 200Worn Clothing and other Worn Textile Articles 6309-0 0 0 0 22Footwear, Outer Sole Rubber, Plastic or Leather 6403-0 0 0 20 0Fabricated Asbestos Fibers, Items of Mixtures etc 6812-0 0 0 20 0Tableware, Kitchenware and other Articles of Toilet 6911-0 0 0 0 7Glass Containers for Packing etc and Glass Closures 7010-0 0 0 15 33Glassware for Table, Kitchen, Toilet etc. NES 7013-0 0 0 52 68Table, Kitchen or other Household Articles and Parts 7615-0 0 0 0 20Interchange Tools for Hand or Machine Tools 8207-0 0 0 0 5Motorcycles and Cycles With Auxiliary Motor 8711-0 0 0 21 6Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-0 0 0 0 20Furniture NES and Parts Thereof 9403-0 0 0 33 12Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-0 0 0 61 71Pens, Ball Points, Soft Tip and Mechanical Pencils 9608-0 0 0 12 0Vacuum Flask and Vessel With Cases 9617-

Malawi 411 5,420206 2,51141,1330 0 0 31 0Other Vegetables NES Fresh or Chilled 7090 -0 0 0 0 4Dates, Figs, Pineapples, Avocados etc, Fr or Dried 8040 -

5,134 51 44 151 196Rice 1006-0 0 0 0 144Other Oil Seeds and Oleaginous Fruits NES 1207-0 0 0 0 15Bread, Pastry, Cakes etc 1905-0 0 0 0 13Vegetable, Fruit, Nuts Etc, Prep Or Pres By Vinegar 2001-0 0 0 0 12Jams, Fruit Jellies, Marmalades etc. Cooked 2007-0 0 0 0 38Fruit Juices including Grape Must and Vegtable 2009-0 0 0 0 12Sauces and Preparations thereof 2103-0 0 0 4 0Salt, Pure Sodium Chloride, Sea Water 2501-0 0 0 25 0Portland Cement, Aluminous Cement and Slag 2523-0 0 0 5 0Plates, Sheets, Film etc. 3920-0 0 0 0 8Tableware and other Household Articles etc, Plastics 3924-0 0 0 0 41Waste of Rubber and Powder Obtain thereof 4004-0 0 0 0 24Articles of Apparel and Clothing Acc. of Rubber 4015-0 0 0 0 11Leather further prepared after tanning (other animal) 4113-0 0 0 15 ..Articles of Leather NES 4205-0 0 0 33 0Paper Uncoated For Writing etc, Rolls; Handmade 4802-0 0 0 25 0Kraft Paper and Paperboard Uncoated NES 4804-0 0 0 0 35Cotton Sewing Thread, Retail Packed or Not 5204-

Page 164: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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Export of Goods and Services March 2014 190

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

5,961 60 0 60 0Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton more than 85% 5205-0 0 0 93 0Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-0 0 0 0 10Synthetic Filament Tow 5501-0 0 0 74 0Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5513-0 0 0 45 0Twine, Cordage, Rope and Cables 5607-0 0 0 .. 0Gents Overcoats, Car-Coats, Caps, Cloaks and 6101-0 0 0 0 19Ladies Overcoats, Car-Coats, Caps, Cloaks and 6102-0 0 0 80 0Gents Shirts, Knitted or Crocheted 6105-0 0 0 0 9Babies' Garments and Accessories Kn/Cr 6111-0 0 0 31 0Made-up Clothing Accessories NES Kn/Cr 6117-0 0 0 199 0Men's or Boys' Overcoats, Cloaks etc. Not Knitted 6201-0 0 0 20 0Women's or Girls' Suits, Ensembles etc. Not Kn/Cr. 6204-0 0 0 0 10Garments, of Felt etc, or Fabric Impregnated etc 6210-

22,370 224 73 4,037 1,129Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-6,872 69 83 301 468Worn Clothing and other Worn Textile Articles 6309-

0 0 0 1 0Waterproof Footwear, Rubber or Plastics, Bond Sole 6401-0 0 0 48 0Footwear, Outer Sole Rubber, Plastic or Leather 6403-0 0 0 0 15Fabricated Asbestos Fibers, Items of Mixtures etc 6812-0 0 0 0 13Glass Containers for Packing etc and Glass Closures 7010-0 0 0 0 4Articles of Jewelry and Parts thereof or Precious 7113-0 0 0 0 96Iron and Non-alloy Steel in Ingots etc. NES 7206-0 0 0 0 15Semi-finished Products of Iron or Non Alloy Steel 7207-0 0 0 17 0Centrifuges, Including Dryers, Filter etc. 8421-0 0 0 0 20Machines, Dishwashing Machines for Cleaning etc. 8422-0 0 0 0 4Machines for Making Pulp and Paper and Parts 8441-0 0 6 0 6Tools for Working in the Hand, Pneumatic etc. 8467-0 0 0 48 113Machinery for Working Rubber or Plastic etc. NES 8477-

52 1 0 1 5Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-745 7 0 49 21Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-

0 0 0 28 0Pens, Ball Points, Soft Tip and Mechanical Pencils 9608-Malaysia 24,088 150,18520,452 154,0032,408,276

0 0 0 5 366Live Horses, Asses, Mules and Hinnies 1010 -0 0 2 0 20Live Animals NES 1060 -0 0 0 256 0Meat of Bovine Animals, Fresh or Chilled 2010 -0 0 0 29 20Meat and Edible Offal of Poultry, Fresh, Chilled or 2070 -0 0 0 0 1Other Meat & Edible Offal ; Fresh, Chilled or Frozen 2080 -0 0 0 0 18Fish, Live 3010 -0 0 0 0 21Fish, Fresh or Chilled (Not Fish Fillets & other Fish 3020 -

138,030 1,381 1,020 10,074 8,470Fish Frozen (Not Fish Fillets & other Fish Meat) 3030 -15,152 152 291 1,262 2,180Fish Fillets and other Fish Meat, Fresh, Chilled or 3040 -

0 0 155 154 661Fish Dried, Salted or in Brine; Smoked etc; Ed 3050 -2,616 26 4 1,459 243Crustaceans; Live, Fresh etc, and Cooked etc. 3060 -

0 0 0 0 2Birds' Eggs, Not in Shell, Yolks, Fresh, Dried, 4080 -0 0 0 52 25Natural Honey 4090 -

17,511 175 982 1,986 2,541Potatoes, Fresh or Chilled 7010 -12,172 122 694 3,681 2,552Onions, Shallots, Garlic, Leeks etc, Fresh or Chilled 7030 -

0 0 0 4 0Lettuce and Chicory, Fresh or Chilled 7050 -0 0 3 1 9Leguminous Vegetables, Shelled or not, Fresh or 7080 -

1,293 13 82 115 423Other Vegetables NES Fresh or Chilled 7090 -1,505 15 84 134 124Vegetables Frozen 7100 -

0 0 0 0 3Vegetables, Temporarily Preserved, not now Edible 7110 -0 0 73 2,936 1,519Vegetables, Dried, Whole, Cut etc. not further 7120 -

650 7 0 40 21Other Nuts NES Fresh or Dried Whether Shelled or 8020 -0 0 0 784 582Dates, Figs, Pineapples, Avocados etc, Fr or Dried 8040 -

8,089 81 17 343 61Citrus Fruit, Fresh or Dried 8050 -

Page 165: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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191 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 16 2 16Apricots, Cherries, Peaches, Plums and Sloes, Fresh 8090 -4,147 41 9 562 377Fruit NES Fresh 8100 -

821 8 0 145 16Fruit Dried NES Mixtures of Nuts or Dried Fruit 8130 -0 0 0 0 3Nutmeg, Mace and Cardamoms 9080 -

2,522 25 0 356 290Seeds of Anise, Badian, Fennel, Coriander, Cumin 9090 -0 0 1 210 105Ginger, Saffron, Turmeric, Thyme, Bay Leaves, 9100 -0 0 22 0 2,146Wheat and Meslin 1001-0 0 0 16,649 28,381Maize (Corn) 1005-

1,479,026 14,794 10,331 49,480 29,268Rice 1006-0 0 63 0 1,194Grain Sorghum 1007-0 0 0 0 2Buckwheat, Millet and Canary Seed; other Cereals 1008-0 0 0 3 2,392Wheat or Meslin Flour 1101-0 0 0 231 2,438Cereal Flours, Except of Wheat or of Meslin 1102-0 0 0 0 220Cereal Groats, Meal and Pellets 1103-0 0 0 0 244Cereal Grains, Worked Like Hulled, Rolled, Flaked 1104-0 0 0 27 2Starches; Inulin 1108-0 0 0 0 381Wheat Gluten, Whether or Not Dried 1109-0 0 0 5 0Soya beans, Whether or Not Broken 1201-

26,955 270 0 1,327 6,323Other Oil Seeds and Oleaginous Fruits NES 1207-0 0 0 368 0Flour and Meals of Oil Seeds or Oleaginous Fruits 1208-0 0 0 16 19Seeds, Fruit and Spores, for Sowing 1209-0 0 14 124 14Plants etc. for Pharmacy, Perfume, Insecticides etc. 1211-

2,200 22 0 88 119Lac; Natural Gums, Resins, Gum-Resins and 1301-0 0 268 2,033 1,075Vegetable Saps and Extracts: Pectates, Agar-Agar 1302-0 0 3 0 8Vegetable Materials used in Brooms Like Piassava 1403-0 0 0 43 48Vegetable Products NES 1404-0 0 0 5 0Rape, Colza or Mustard Oil and Fractions thereof 1514-0 0 0 .. 0Prepared or Preserved Meat, Meat Offal and Blood 1602-

7,817 78 157 430 1,314Prepared or Preserved Fish, Caviar and Caviar 1604-0 0 0 245 106Crustaceans Molluscs etc Prepared or Preserved 1605-

34,455 345 577 2,496 9,285Cane or Beet Sugar and Sucrose in Solid Form 1701-580 6 0 6 0Molasses Extracted from Sugar 1703-

0 0 0 33 572Sugar Confectionery including White Chocolate not 1704-0 0 0 0 21Malt Extracts; Food Prep. of Flour etc. Under 50% 1901-0 0 0 61 0Foods Prep. by Swelling Cereal; Cereal NES, Grain 1904-0 0 0 0 30Bread, Pastry, Cakes etc 1905-0 0 0 43 48Vegetable, Fruit, Nuts Etc, Prep Or Pres By Vinegar 2001-0 0 0 0 22Tomatoes Prepared or Preserved NES 2002-0 0 0 1 13Vegetables Prepared or Preserved NES Frozen 2004-

17,493 175 549 504 832Vegetables Prepared or Preserved NES not Frozen 2005-0 0 33 0 53Fruit, Nuts, Fruit-Peel etc, Preserved by Sugar 2006-0 0 0 .. 0Jams, Fruit Jellies, Marmalades etc. Cooked 2007-0 0 0 51 17Fruit Juices including Grape Must and Vegtable 2009-

185 2 0 2 0Food Preparations NES 2106-1,685 17 113 444 993Ethyl Alcohol, Strength: more than 80% Alcohol 2207-

0 0 0 225 0Flour, Meal etc. of Meat etc, Not For Human 2301-0 0 28 265 3,967Bran, Sharps and other Residue 2302-0 0 0 636 0Other Oilcakes NES From Vegetable Fats and Oils 2306-0 0 0 178 192Tobacco and Tobacco Refuse 2401-0 0 2 18 7Tobacco and Tobacco Substitutes Manufactured 2403-

8,267 83 26 533 426Salt, Pure Sodium Chloride, Sea Water 2501-0 0 0 0 15Natural Sands Of All Kinds, Except Metal-Bearing 2505-0 0 0 0 5Clays NES 2508-

2,997 30 32 351 553Natural Calcium, Phosphates and Its Chalk 2510-0 0 0 0 140Natural Barium Sulfate; Nat Barium Carbonate NES 2511-

6,930 69 0 114 0Marble, Travertine etc. and Alabaster, Crude etc. 2515-

Page 166: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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Export of Goods and Services March 2014 192

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0 0 0 0 4Pebbles, Gravel etc. Macadam of Slag, Dross etc. 2517-0 0 0 34 0Natural Steatite Roughly Trimmed etc. 2526-0 0 15 0 15Coal, Briquettes and Ovoid etc. Manufactures of 2701-0 0 0 0 4Mineral Tars, Including Reconstituted Tars 2706-

382 4 54 401 119Hydrogen Chloride; Chlorosulphuric Acid 2806-0 0 0 0 5Nitric Acid, Sulphonitric Acids 2808-0 0 0 0 584Sodium Hydroxide and Potassium Hydroxide etc. 2815-

9,143 91 190 1,715 1,129Phosphinates, Phosphinates, Phosphates and 2835-0 0 0 26 5Silicates; Commercial Alkali Metal Silicates 2839-0 0 0 0 62Hydrogen Peroxide 2847-0 0 0 0 1,866Halogenated Derivatives of Hydrocarbons 2903-0 0 0 0 1Phenols; Phenol-Alcohols 2907-0 0 0 1 0Polycarboxylic Acids and Anhydrides etc. 2917-0 0 0 0 49Carboxylic Acid, Added Oxygen & Anhy Etc, Hal 2918-0 0 0 36 27Antibiotics 2941-0 0 0 3 0Glands and other Organs for Organo-Therapeutic 3001-

122 1 0 5 ..Medicaments Mixtures for Therapeutic Use 3003-7,632 76 23 450 465Medicaments NES 3004-

325 3 0 40 65Wading, Gauze, Bandages etc. 3005-0 0 0 0 19Pharmaceutical Goods 3006-0 0 0 0 13Mineral or Chemical Fertilizers, Phosphatic 3103-0 0 5 10 10Prepared Driers 3211-0 0 0 7 10Artists’ Colors etc in Tablets, Tubes, Jars etc. 3213-0 0 0 0 33Odoriferous Mixtures as Raw Materials for Industry 3302-0 0 373 351 759Beauty and Make-Up Preparations 3304-0 0 0 15 0Preparations for Use on Hair 3305-0 0 0 33 0Personal Toilet etc Prep NES 3307-

14,988 150 0 2,592 352Soap, Organic Surf-Act Products used for Soap 3401-0 0 0 81 9Lubricating Preparations, Antirust and Treating 3403-0 0 0 0 19Artificial and Prepared Waxes 3404-

24,509 245 288 1,758 1,346Gelatin and Derivatives 3503-0 0 0 0 10Matches and Except Pyrotechnic Articles 3605-0 0 0 17 0Artificial Graphite, Colloidal Graphite and 3801-

11,430 114 0 617 2Insecticides, Rodenticides and Fungicides etc. Retail 3808-0 0 0 0 7Finishing Agents etc. for Textiles, Paper etc NES 3809-0 0 0 2 4Prepared binders for foundry moulds or cores 3824-0 0 0 275 0Polymers of Styrene in Primary Forms 3903-0 0 0 0 17Waste, Parings and Scrap, of Plastics 3915-0 0 0 1 0Self-Adhesive Plates, Sheets, Film etc. of Plastics 3919-0 0 5 0 52Containers: Boxes, Bags, Closures etc, Plastic 3923-0 0 0 0 322Tableware and other Household Articles etc, Plastics 3924-0 0 0 50 ..Articles of Plastics Including Polymers and Resins 3926-

400 4 4 22 9Waste of Rubber and Powder Obtain thereof 4004-0 0 0 12 0Tubes, Pipes and Hoses of Unhard Vulcanized 4009-

10 .. 0 5 2Articles of Apparel and Clothing Acc. of Rubber 4015-0 0 0 14 0Raw Skins of Sheep or Lambs NES 4102-0 0 0 0 1Raw Hides and Skins NES 4103-

1,226 12 0 12 0Bovine or Equine Leather, No Hair NES 4104-0 0 38 276 117Leather of Animals NES, No Hair NES 4107-0 0 0 22 27Leather further prepared after tanning (sheep, lamb) 4112-

15,852 159 26 1,330 376Leather further prepared after tanning (other animal) 4113-0 0 9 0 9Composition Leather with a Basis of Leather or 4115-

2,157 22 18 138 98Saddlery, Harness, Traces and Leads etc. 4201-0 0 3 13 8Travel Goods, Handbags, Wallets, Jewelry Cases etc. 4202-

3,904 39 46 619 801Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-0 0 .. 120 ..Articles of Leather Used in Machinery and 4204-

Page 167: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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US $Rs.

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193 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

1,467 15 0 47 64Articles of Leather NES 4205-0 0 0 0 6Raw Furskins NES 4301-0 0 0 0 2Hopwood; Split Poles; Pickets and Stakes etc. 4404-0 0 0 0 60Wood Sawn or Chip Length, Sliced etc. 4407-0 0 0 12 0Packing Cases etc. of Wood; Pallets etc. 4415-0 0 14 74 80Wood Marquetry & inlaid Wood Jewel Case etc. 4420-0 0 0 4 0Basketwork, Wickerwork of Plait and other Articles 4602-0 0 0 42 0Paper and Paperboard Uncoated NES, Rolls or 4805-0 0 0 0 1Envelopes, Letter Cards, Postcards of Paper or 4817-0 0 0 48 13Cartons, Boxes, Cases, Bags and other Packing 4819-0 0 0 0 ..Registers, Notebooks, Order Book, Receipt Book 4820-0 0 0 35 41Paper and Paperboard Labels of all Kinds 4821-0 0 0 4 16Other Paper and Paperboard and Articles NES 4823-0 0 0 5 0Printed Books, Brochures and Similar Printed Matter 4901-0 0 0 1 0Printed Matter including Pictures and Photographs 4911-0 0 0 145 2Woven Fabrics of Silk or Silk Waste 5007-0 0 0 0 92Yarn of Combed Wool, Not for Retail Sale 5107-0 0 0 0 9Cotton, Not Carded Or Combed 5201-

3,312 33 36 379 400Cotton Waste Including Yarn Waste etc. 5202-0 0 33 99 195Cotton, Carded or Combed 5203-0 0 117 410 1,021Cotton Sewing Thread, Retail Packed or Not 5204-

145,369 1,454 1,027 8,742 7,768Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton more than 85% 5205-0 0 0 161 74Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton less than 85% 5206-0 0 66 117 451Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Retail Packed 5207-

10,929 109 88 1,007 1,254Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt < 5208-5,455 55 3 725 264Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-

19,818 198 139 1,009 1,812Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt < 5210-0 0 0 148 53Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt > 5211-

33,735 337 84 1,304 500Woven Cotton Fabrics NES 5212-0 0 0 70 0True Hemp, not Spun, Tow and Waste of Hemp 5302-0 0 0 0 21Woven Fabrics of Jute or Other Textile Bast Fibres 5310-0 0 0 0 1Synthetic Monofilament of 67 Decitex or More 5404-0 0 54 0 54Artificial Monofilament >67 Decitex Width <5mm 5405-0 0 0 6 5Woven Fabric of Synthetic Filament Yarn 5407-0 0 0 0 27Waste of Manmade Fibers Including Noils etc. 5505-0 0 0 0 2Yarn (Not Sew Thread), Art Staple Fib, Not Retail 5510-0 0 0 50 0Yarn (No SewingThread), Manmade Staple Fiber, 5511-

340 3 0 365 153Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5512-3,466 35 225 609 1,701Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5513-

0 0 0 0 83Woven Fabric, Synthetic < 85% of Fibre Mix 5514-0 0 3 17 96Textile Wadding and Articles; Text Fiber Not Over 5 5601-0 0 0 1 0Rubber Thread and Cord, Text Covered, Textile 5604-0 0 0 0 1Gimped Yarn and Strip and the Like, Loop 5606-

1,518 15 16 313 147Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Knotted 5701-0 0 0 3 10Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Woven 5702-0 0 0 21 48Other Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings 5705-0 0 14 94 372Woven Terry Fabrics and Tufted Textile Fabric NES 5802-0 0 0 0 2Narrow Woven Fabrics Except Labels 5806-

3,329 33 80 489 642Labels, Badges and Similar Type of Textiles 5807-0 0 0 14 0Braids, Ornamental Trim in Pieces Not Knitted, or 5808-0 0 0 15 194Embroidery in the Piece, In Strips or in Motifs 5810-0 0 0 49 5Gum Covered Fabric; Tracing Cloth; Paint Canvas 5901-0 0 0 0 93Textile Fabrics Coated, Covered or Lamented with 5903-0 0 2 0 2Textile Fabrics, Theatrical Scenery, Back-Cloths 5907-

3,154 32 7 146 112Gents Overcoats, Car-Coats, Caps, Cloaks and 6101-31 .. 3 .. 18Ladies Overcoats, Car-Coats, Caps, Cloaks and 6102-

Page 168: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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US $Rs.

(Amount in Thousand)MARCH JULY - MARCH

20 20


Export of Goods and Services March 2014 194

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

144 1 4 296 26Gents Suits, Ensembles, Jackets etc. Kn/Cr 6103-0 0 0 57 69Ladies Suits, Ensembles etc. Kn/Cr 6104-

3,473 35 34 399 300Gents Shirts, Knitted or Crocheted 6105-0 0 76 55 390Gents Blouses and Shirts Kn/Cr 6106-

3,089 31 2 58 109Gents Underpants, Briefs, Nightshirts etc. Kn/Cr 6107-0 0 0 0 6Ladies Slips, Petticoats, Briefs, Paints etc. Kn/Cr 6108-

29 .. 0 71 81T-Shirts, Singlets and other Vests Kn/Cr 6109-1,579 16 0 68 27Sweaters, Pullovers, Vests etc. Kn/Cr 6110-1,519 15 0 17 0Babies' Garments and Accessories Kn/Cr 6111-

69 1 0 94 15Track Suits, Ski Suits and Swimwear Kn/Cr 6112-3,720 37 12 160 223Garments, Made-ups Kn/Cr etc. of Rubber or Plastic 6113-

0 0 8 2 39Garments NES Knitted or Crocheted 6114-5,541 55 17 529 242Panty hose, Socks and other Hosiery Kn/Cr 6115-6,909 69 79 355 405Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Knitted or Crocheted 6116-

210 2 0 5 52Made-up Clothing Accessories NES Kn/Cr 6117-0 0 5 0 52Men's or Boys' Overcoats, Cloaks etc. Not Knitted 6201-0 0 0 26 0Women's or Girls' Overcoats etc, Not Knitted or 6202-

22,023 220 220 2,434 1,021Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-4,543 45 10 288 255Women's or Girls' Suits, Ensembles etc. Not Kn/Cr. 6204-

0 0 73 4 76Men's or Boys' Shirts, Not Kn/Cr 6205-0 0 3 0 11Women's or Girls' Blouses, Shirts etc. Not Knitted 6206-0 0 0 27 0Men's or Boys' Undershirts etc Not Kn/Cr 6207-0 0 0 37 34Women's or Girls' Slips etc Not Kn/Cr 6208-0 0 0 2 5Babies' Garments and Accessories Not Kn/Cr 6209-0 0 4 0 10Garments, of Felt etc, or Fabric Impregnated etc 6210-0 0 0 0 56Track Suits, Ski-Suits and Swimwear, Not Knitted 6211-

1,997 20 40 30 101Shawls, Scarves, Mufflers, Mantillas, Veils etc. 6214-797 8 35 80 156Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Not Knitted or Crocheted 6216-

0 0 0 75 35Made-Up Clothing Accessories NES 6217-2,826 28 13 121 48Blankets and Traveling Rugs 6301-

125,247 1,253 741 10,061 5,653Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-9,785 98 0 218 51Curtains and Interior Blinds, Curtain or Bed 6303-

0 0 0 50 107Furnishing Articles of Textile Materials NES 6304-0 0 4 74 4Sacks and Bags of Textile Material for Packing 6305-

1,305 13 0 913 377Tarpaulins, Sails, Awnings and Tents etc. 6306-46,338 463 43 850 474Made-Up Articles of Textile Materials NES 6307-

3,700 37 .. 130 95Worn Clothing and other Worn Textile Articles 6309-0 0 0 83 21Used or New Rags, Scrap Twine etc of Text Material 6310-0 0 0 0 7Footwear, Outer Sole and Upper Rubber or Plastic 6402-

2,394 24 1 66 82Footwear, Outer Sole Rubber, Plastic or Leather 6403-0 0 0 10 3Footwear, Outer Sole Rubber, Plastic or Textile 6404-0 0 1 0 16Footwear NES 6405-0 0 0 0 11Parts of Footwear: Insoles, Gaiters etc. Parts 6406-

99 1 0 21 13Worked Monumental or Building Stone and Articles 6802-0 0 0 15 0Articles of Asphalt or of Similar Material 6807-0 0 0 12 7Articles of Stone or Other Mineral Substance NES 6815-0 0 0 0 4Glass Containers for Packing etc and Glass Closures 7010-0 0 0 0 7Imitation Jewelry 7117-0 0 0 20 0Ferrous Waste and Scrap 7204-0 0 0 20 0Stranded Wire, Rope etc, Not Electrically Insulated 7312-

100 1 0 1 0Needles Sewing, Knitted, etc. 7319-0 0 0 0 1Table, Kitchen or Household Articles & Parts of Iron 7323-0 0 0 0 134Copper Waste and Scrap 7404-0 0 0 1 1Articles of Copper NES 7419-0 0 0 0 7Aluminum, Unwrought 7601-0 0 0 27 10Aluminum Bars, Rods and Profiles 7604-

Page 169: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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US $Rs.

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195 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 0 19Table, Kitchen or other Household Articles and Parts 7615-0 0 0 16 6Articles o Aluminum NES 7616-0 0 0 2 0Cobalt Mattes etc. Cobalt & Articles Including 8105-0 0 0 2 0Hand tools and Tools Used in Agriculture etc. 8201-

4,126 41 0 41 0Hand Operated Spanners and Wrenches etc. 8204-0 0 0 0 1Knives and Blades for Machines and Appliances 8208-

6,354 64 0 223 0Hand Operated Mechanical Appliances 8210-0 0 0 11 11Razors and Razor Blades 8212-

304 3 2 12 17Scissors, Tailors' Shears and Similar Shears and 8213-0 0 0 4 3Articles of Cutlery NES and Manicure Sets etc. 8214-0 0 0 0 ..Tableware etc. of Base Metal and Parts of Base 8215-

611 6 0 11 0Clasps, Frames, Buckles, Hooks etc. Beads and 8308-0 0 0 1 0Compression-Ignition Internal Combustion Piston 8408-0 0 14 0 109Hydraulic Turbines, Water Wheels and Regulators 8410-0 0 0 0 8Engines and Motors NES and Parts Thereof 8412-0 0 0 18 0Pumps for Liquids; Liquid Elevators; Parts Thereof 8413-0 0 7 14 35Centrifuges, Including Dryers, Filter etc. 8421-0 0 0 7 16Machines, Dishwashing Machines for Cleaning etc. 8422-

1,279 13 0 13 0Mechenical Appliances etc 8424-0 0 0 0 1Self-Propelled Bulldozers, Graders, Scrapers etc. 8429-0 0 30 22 115Parts for Pulley Tackle, Hoists etc and Leveling 8431-0 0 0 7 48Agriculture Machinery for Soil, Lawn Preparations 8432-0 0 0 0 51Machinery NES used for Food and Drink and Parts 8438-0 0 0 0 4Machines For Preparing Textile Fibers and Yarn 8445-0 0 0 0 26Machinery for Work Leather etc and Footwear etc. 8453-0 0 0 0 ..Machine Tools for Drilling, Boring, Milling etc. 8459-0 0 0 0 56Machine Tools for Working Stone and Glass etc. 8464-0 0 0 0 2Tools for Working in the Hand, Pneumatic etc. 8467-0 0 0 15 0Machines and Mechanical Appliances NES 8479-0 0 0 57 0Motor Vehicle for Transport of Ten or more Persons 8702-

995 10 44 251 128Parts and Accessories for Motor Vehicles 8708-0 0 0 23 0Vessels and Floating Structures for Scrapping 8908-

10,706 107 30 511 461Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-0 0 0 1 0String Musical Instruments NES 9202-0 0 0 0 ..Musical Boxes, Fairground Organs etc. 9208-0 0 4 1 7Parts etc. of Musical Instruments, Metronomes 9209-

1,415 14 9 65 28Furniture NES and Parts Thereof 9403-5,509 55 0 143 63Mattress Supports, Articles of Bedding etc 9404-

0 0 0 .. 0Lamps and Lighting Fittings and Parts etc NES 9405-12,440 124 125 1,196 1,492Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-

0 0 0 84 0Worked Ivory, Bone etc and Articles Thereof 9601-0 0 0 62 13Buttons, Press Studs, Button Mold and Blanks etc. 9606-

Maldives 592 7,012855 6,70659,1630 0 0 0 ..Live Horses, Asses, Mules and Hinnies 1010 -0 0 0 3 0Potatoes, Fresh or Chilled 7010 -0 0 5 0 47Onions, Shallots, Garlic, Leeks etc, Fresh or Chilled 7030 -0 0 82 0 93Leguminous Vegetables, Shelled or not, Fresh or 7080 -

900 9 2 48 21Other Vegetables NES Fresh or Chilled 7090 -0 0 0 0 7Vegetables Frozen 7100 -

7,783 78 51 612 515Other Nuts NES Fresh or Dried Whether Shelled or 8020 -0 0 0 208 215Dates, Figs, Pineapples, Avocados etc, Fr or Dried 8040 -

495 5 0 8 16Citrus Fruit, Fresh or Dried 8050 -0 0 0 0 6Fruit NES Fresh 8100 -

113 1 1 1 1Fruit Dried NES Mixtures of Nuts or Dried Fruit 8130 -1,566 16 0 16 0Ginger, Saffron, Turmeric, Thyme, Bay Leaves, 9100 -

Page 170: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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US $Rs.

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Export of Goods and Services March 2014 196

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 11 0 11Wheat and Meslin 1001-33,759 338 238 3,208 3,667Rice 1006-

0 0 0 0 239Buckwheat, Millet and Canary Seed; other Cereals 1008-0 0 0 0 20Wheat or Meslin Flour 1101-

4,103 41 31 264 221Sugar Confectionery including White Chocolate not 1704-0 0 0 22 0Bread, Pastry, Cakes etc 1905-0 0 0 0 11Fruit Juices including Grape Must and Vegtable 2009-0 0 0 9 0Salt, Pure Sodium Chloride, Sea Water 2501-0 0 0 118 63Natural Sands Of All Kinds, Except Metal-Bearing 2505-0 0 238 1,191 238Portland Cement, Aluminous Cement and Slag 2523-0 0 0 5 0Halogenated Derivatives of Hydrocarbons 2903-

998 10 0 10 0Provitamins and Vitamins and Derivatives 2936-0 0 0 77 57Antibiotics 2941-0 0 0 8 0Medicaments Mixtures for Therapeutic Use 3003-

3,064 31 4 225 258Medicaments NES 3004-0 0 3 0 8Paints and Varnish of Synthetic Polymers Dissolved 3209-0 0 0 0 13Odoriferous Mixtures as Raw Materials for Industry 3302-0 0 0 0 28Perfumes and Toilet Waters 3303-0 0 0 0 15Preparations for Use on Hair 3305-

559 6 0 7 0Personal Toilet etc Prep NES 3307-0 0 0 0 20Organic Surf-Act Agents and Products other than 3402-0 0 0 0 1Reaction Initiator, Reaction Accelerator etc. NES 3815-0 0 114 358 436Polyesters, Epoxides and Polyesters, Primary Forms 3907-

556 6 0 10 0Amino-Resins, Phenolic and Polyurethane, Primary 3909-0 0 0 11 0Containers: Boxes, Bags, Closures etc, Plastic 3923-0 0 33 29 92Hygienic of Pharmaceutical Articles of Rubber 4014-0 0 0 0 1Articles of Leather NES 4205-0 0 0 2 0Tableware and Kitchenware of Wood 4419-0 0 2 0 5Registers, Notebooks, Order Book, Receipt Book 4820-0 0 0 165 0Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-

108 1 0 1 73Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt < 5210-0 0 0 10 0Jute and other Textile Bast Fibers NES 5303-

234 2 0 2 0Sewing Thread of Manmade Filaments 5401-0 0 0 7 0Woven Fabric of Synthetic Filament Yarn 5407-0 0 0 5 20Embroidery in the Piece, In Strips or in Motifs 5810-0 0 0 1 0Other knitted or crocheted fabrics 6006-0 0 0 0 4Gents Shirts, Knitted or Crocheted 6105-0 0 0 0 3T-Shirts, Singlets and other Vests Kn/Cr 6109-0 0 0 0 6Garments, Made-ups Kn/Cr etc. of Rubber or Plastic 6113-0 0 0 0 1Garments NES Knitted or Crocheted 6114-0 0 0 27 0Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Knitted or Crocheted 6116-0 0 0 0 2Men's or Boys' Overcoats, Cloaks etc. Not Knitted 6201-0 0 0 10 0Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-0 0 0 18 0Women's or Girls' Suits, Ensembles etc. Not Kn/Cr. 6204-0 0 0 2 0Women's or Girls' Slips etc Not Kn/Cr 6208-0 0 0 31 0Made-Up Clothing Accessories NES 6217-0 0 4 60 121Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-

4,924 49 0 148 102Sacks and Bags of Textile Material for Packing 6305-0 0 22 0 22Precious and Semi Precious Stones NES 7103-0 0 0 0 5Taps, Cocks, Valves and Similar Appliances for 8481-0 0 0 70 0Motor Vehicles for Transport of Goods 8704-0 0 0 1 5Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-0 0 0 5 3Parts etc. of Musical Instruments, Metronomes 9209-0 0 13 0 13Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-

Mali 53 1,231123 1,0215,303

Page 171: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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US $Rs.

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197 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 0 5Meat of Bovine Animals, Fresh or Chilled 2010 -0 0 0 0 7Meat of Sheep or Goats, Fresh, Chilled or Frozen 2040 -0 0 0 8 0Other Nuts NES Fresh or Dried Whether Shelled or 8020 -0 0 4 0 4Dates, Figs, Pineapples, Avocados etc, Fr or Dried 8040 -0 0 0 0 3Fruit NES Fresh 8100 -0 0 0 632 8Rice 1006-0 0 0 13 0Sugar Confectionery including White Chocolate not 1704-0 0 0 4 5Medicaments NES 3004-0 0 0 52 0Propellant Powders 3601-

5,165 52 0 477 584Matches and Except Pyrotechnic Articles 3605-0 0 89 0 176Woven Fabrics of Artificial Staple Fibers 5516-0 0 0 17 0Twine, Cordage, Rope and Cables 5607-

139 1 0 1 0Gents Shirts, Knitted or Crocheted 6105-0 0 0 8 0Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-0 0 0 11 0Made-Up Articles of Textile Materials NES 6307-0 0 0 0 52Worn Clothing and other Worn Textile Articles 6309-0 0 0 0 8Articles of Stone or Other Mineral Substance NES 6815-0 0 0 0 10Wire, Rods etc. ror Soldering etc. 8311-0 0 15 0 15Calendaring or other Rolling Machines Not for Glass 8420-0 0 15 0 139Machinery for Sorting Screening etc. 8474-0 0 0 8 6Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-

Malta 377 2,985345 3,60137,6880 0 0 17 0Meat of Bovine Animals, Fresh or Chilled 2010 -0 0 0 0 3Fruit NES Fresh 8100 -

2,892 29 30 124 205Rice 1006-0 0 0 50 0Vegetable Saps and Extracts: Pectates, Agar-Agar 1302-0 0 0 0 1,074Cane or Beet Sugar and Sucrose in Solid Form 1701-0 0 0 0 285Ethyl Alcohol, Strength: more than 80% Alcohol 2207-0 0 0 0 74Bran, Sharps and other Residue 2302-0 0 0 0 6Portland Cement, Aluminous Cement and Slag 2523-0 0 0 21 0Hydrogen Chloride; Chlorosulphuric Acid 2806-0 0 0 .. 0Residual Lyes From Wood Pulp Manufactured 3804-0 0 0 1 0Acrylic Polymers in Primary Forms 3906-0 0 0 0 16Containers: Boxes, Bags, Closures etc, Plastic 3923-0 0 0 0 2Tubes, Pipes and Hoses of Unhard Vulcanized 4009-0 0 0 16 0Leather further prepared after tanning (other animal) 4113-0 0 0 7 1Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-0 0 1 0 1Articles of Leather NES 4205-0 0 45 0 133Yarn of Wool or Fine Animal Hair, For Retail Sale 5109-0 0 0 1 0Woven Fabrics of Carded Wool or Fine Animal Hair 5111-

29,092 291 0 597 0Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt < 5208-0 0 0 0 10Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-0 0 27 120 27Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt < 5210-

470 5 0 25 0Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt > 5211-0 0 0 0 1Woven Fabric of Synthetic Filament Yarn 5407-

882 9 14 26 14Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5513-0 0 0 16 0Woven Terry Fabrics and Tufted Textile Fabric NES 5802-

45 .. 0 6 1Labels, Badges and Similar Type of Textiles 5807-0 0 0 0 15Embroidery in the Piece, In Strips or in Motifs 5810-0 0 0 .. 0Textile Fabrics Coated, Covered or Lamented with 5903-0 0 0 27 28Gents Suits, Ensembles, Jackets etc. Kn/Cr 6103-0 0 0 27 39Ladies Suits, Ensembles etc. Kn/Cr 6104-0 0 0 20 20Gents Shirts, Knitted or Crocheted 6105-0 0 0 34 0Gents Blouses and Shirts Kn/Cr 6106-

2,070 21 0 135 ..T-Shirts, Singlets and other Vests Kn/Cr 6109-

Page 172: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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US $Rs.

(Amount in Thousand)MARCH JULY - MARCH

20 20


Export of Goods and Services March 2014 198

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 0 23Track Suits, Ski Suits and Swimwear Kn/Cr 6112-119 1 0 7 2Garments, Made-ups Kn/Cr etc. of Rubber or Plastic 6113-

0 0 0 10 0Garments NES Knitted or Crocheted 6114-0 0 13 23 13Panty hose, Socks and other Hosiery Kn/Cr 6115-0 0 0 3 0Men's or Boys' Overcoats, Cloaks etc. Not Knitted 6201-0 0 0 10 11Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-0 0 0 21 0Shawls, Scarves, Mufflers, Mantillas, Veils etc. 6214-0 0 0 0 2Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Not Knitted or Crocheted 6216-0 0 0 0 13Made-Up Clothing Accessories NES 6217-0 0 212 1,483 1,447Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-0 0 0 13 0Curtains and Interior Blinds, Curtain or Bed 6303-0 0 0 10 0Furnishing Articles of Textile Materials NES 6304-0 0 0 11 0Tarpaulins, Sails, Awnings and Tents etc. 6306-0 0 0 57 27Made-Up Articles of Textile Materials NES 6307-0 0 0 15 0Used or New Rags, Scrap Twine etc of Text Material 6310-

1,721 17 0 17 0Footwear, Outer Sole Rubber, Plastic or Leather 6403-0 0 0 0 1Articles of Cutlery NES and Manicure Sets etc. 8214-0 0 0 0 50Machinery for Cleaning, Sorting or Grading Seed 8437-0 0 0 1 0Tools for Working in the Hand, Pneumatic etc. 8467-0 0 0 12 10Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-0 0 0 2 1Parts etc. of Musical Instruments, Metronomes 9209-0 0 0 0 3Mattress Supports, Articles of Bedding etc 9404-0 0 0 0 ..Toys NES, Reduced Size, Puzzles of all Kinds 9503-

398 4 3 20 37Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-0 0 0 0 6Pens, Ball Points, Soft Tip and Mechanical Pencils 9608-

Martinique 0 700 2,90500 0 0 37 2,843Rice 1006-0 0 0 33 61Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-

Mauritania 4,186 24,2932,517 15,806418,5170 0 0 0 5Fish Frozen (Not Fish Fillets & other Fish Meat) 3030 -0 0 0 25 0Natural Honey 4090 -

912 9 0 9 6Citrus Fruit, Fresh or Dried 8050 -0 0 0 0 10Pepper, Genus Piper; Genus Capsicum or Pimento 9040 -0 0 0 29 0Ginger, Saffron, Turmeric, Thyme, Bay Leaves, 9100 -

380,631 3,807 2,248 20,101 12,535Rice 1006-0 0 0 76 0Crustaceans Molluscs etc Prepared or Preserved 1605-0 0 0 0 19Cane or Beet Sugar and Sucrose in Solid Form 1701-

4,394 44 0 367 132Sugar Confectionery including White Chocolate not 1704-0 0 0 0 4Malt Extracts; Food Prep. of Flour etc. Under 50% 1901-0 0 0 25 11Fruit Juices including Grape Must and Vegtable 2009-

2,487 25 9 74 54Medicaments NES 3004-0 0 0 24 21Wading, Gauze, Bandages etc. 3005-0 0 0 126 0Cotton Sewing Thread, Retail Packed or Not 5204-0 0 0 112 0Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt < 5208-

22,482 225 261 2,994 2,455Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-1,618 16 0 16 22Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt < 5210-

0 0 0 72 274Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt > 5211-0 0 0 0 31Yarn Not for Sewing Thread, Synthetic Staple 5509-0 0 0 17 37Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5513-0 0 0 0 15Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Knotted 5701-0 0 0 0 7Gum Covered Fabric; Tracing Cloth; Paint Canvas 5901-0 0 0 0 81Warp Knit fabrics Not of Rubber and Pile Fabrics 6005-0 0 0 100 0Garments NES Knitted or Crocheted 6114-0 0 0 8 0Made-up Clothing Accessories NES Kn/Cr 6117-0 0 0 0 5Men's or Boys' Shirts, Not Kn/Cr 6205-

Page 173: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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199 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

5,992 60 0 60 0Blankets and Traveling Rugs 6301-0 0 0 22 0Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-0 0 0 3 0Tarpaulins, Sails, Awnings and Tents etc. 6306-0 0 0 12 0Air or Vacuum Pump, Compressors and Fans 8414-0 0 0 0 80Machinery NES used for Food and Drink and Parts 8438-0 0 0 18 2Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-0 0 0 3 0Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-

Mauritius 2,963 30,0002,665 24,421296,2080 0 0 0 18Fish, Live 3010 -0 0 0 28 0Fish Frozen (Not Fish Fillets & other Fish Meat) 3030 -

1,185 12 20 175 179Fish Fillets and other Fish Meat, Fresh, Chilled or 3040 -0 0 0 87 0Crustaceans; Live, Fresh etc, and Cooked etc. 3060 -

3,020 30 0 93 127Onions, Shallots, Garlic, Leeks etc, Fresh or Chilled 7030 -0 0 0 4 0Other Vegetables NES Fresh or Chilled 7090 -

1,351 14 0 14 3Vegetables, Dried, Whole, Cut etc. not further 7120 -0 0 0 6 0Other Nuts NES Fresh or Dried Whether Shelled or 8020 -0 0 13 0 13Dates, Figs, Pineapples, Avocados etc, Fr or Dried 8040 -

3,097 31 94 401 326Citrus Fruit, Fresh or Dried 8050 -2,456 25 0 125 9Ginger, Saffron, Turmeric, Thyme, Bay Leaves, 9100 -

117,973 1,180 885 12,640 7,128Rice 1006-1,340 13 0 18 30Seeds, Fruit and Spores, for Sowing 1209-

0 0 26 13 112Vegetable Products NES 1404-0 0 0 1 ..Other Fixed Vegetable Fats and Oils NES, Not 1515-0 0 0 53 ..Prepared or Preserved Fish, Caviar and Caviar 1604-0 0 106 0 106Cane or Beet Sugar and Sucrose in Solid Form 1701-0 0 26 206 56Sugar Confectionery including White Chocolate not 1704-0 0 0 0 2Chocolate and other Food Products Containing 1806-0 0 0 37 6Malt Extracts; Food Prep. of Flour etc. Under 50% 1901-0 0 7 125 100Pasta and Couscous, Prepared or Not 1902-

10,525 105 58 800 853Bread, Pastry, Cakes etc 1905-0 0 0 0 90Vegetable, Fruit, Nuts Etc, Prep Or Pres By Vinegar 2001-0 0 0 5 18Jams, Fruit Jellies, Marmalades etc. Cooked 2007-0 0 11 85 99Fruit Juices including Grape Must and Vegtable 2009-0 0 16 23 24Sauces and Preparations thereof 2103-0 0 0 0 26Food Preparations NES 2106-0 0 0 13 0Waters, Sweetened etc and other Nonalcoholic 2202-0 0 0 0 974Ethyl Alcohol, Strength: more than 80% Alcohol 2207-

3,850 39 0 60 1Salt, Pure Sodium Chloride, Sea Water 2501-48,068 481 445 3,043 3,202Portland Cement, Aluminous Cement and Slag 2523-

0 0 0 9 6Hydrogen Chloride; Chlorosulphuric Acid 2806-0 0 0 1 6Antibiotics 2941-0 0 0 3 0Human Blood or Animal Blood Prepared for 3002-0 0 0 10 4Medicaments Mixtures for Therapeutic Use 3003-

3,066 31 38 346 339Medicaments NES 3004-0 0 0 0 25Wading, Gauze, Bandages etc. 3005-

751 8 0 24 5Pharmaceutical Goods 3006-112 1 0 7 33Odoriferous Mixtures as Raw Materials for Industry 3302-

0 0 1 7 1Beauty and Make-Up Preparations 3304-0 0 0 0 4Preparations for Use on Hair 3305-0 0 0 18 1Personal Toilet etc Prep NES 3307-

1,925 19 0 27 0Soap, Organic Surf-Act Products used for Soap 3401-0 0 0 0 3Lubricating Preparations, Antirust and Treating 3403-0 0 0 0 21Matches and Except Pyrotechnic Articles 3605-0 0 0 0 67Insecticides, Rodenticides and Fungicides etc. Retail 3808-0 0 0 2 0Tubes, Pipes and Hoses and their Fittings, of Plastics 3917-

Page 174: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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Export of Goods and Services March 2014 200

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 1 0Containers: Boxes, Bags, Closures etc, Plastic 3923-0 0 0 29 0Articles of Plastics Including Polymers and Resins 3926-0 0 0 0 46Raw Skins of Sheep or Lambs NES 4102-0 0 0 0 46Bovine or Equine Leather, No Hair NES 4104-0 0 0 28 104Goat or Kidskin Leather, No Hair NES 4106-0 0 0 4 4Leather of Animals NES, No Hair NES 4107-0 0 19 0 238Leather further prepared after tanning (sheep, lamb) 4112-0 0 100 138 615Leather further prepared after tanning (other animal) 4113-0 0 0 0 25Saddlery, Harness, Traces and Leads etc. 4201-0 0 0 0 5Travel Goods, Handbags, Wallets, Jewelry Cases etc. 4202-

10,831 108 87 585 108Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-0 0 0 99 0Articles of Leather Used in Machinery and 4204-0 0 0 0 2Articles of Leather NES 4205-0 0 0 0 1Articles of Wood NES 4421-0 0 0 0 19Toilet Paper, Paper Tissues, Towels, Napkins etc. 4818-0 0 0 22 0Registers, Notebooks, Order Book, Receipt Book 4820-0 0 0 7 31Bobbins, Spools etc. of Paper Pulp, Paper and 4822-0 0 0 0 38Maps and Hydrographic or Similar Charts of all 4905-0 0 0 66 2Woven Fabrics of Silk or Silk Waste 5007-0 0 0 4 0Cotton, Not Carded Or Combed 5201-0 0 0 29 0Cotton Waste Including Yarn Waste etc. 5202-

2,080 21 0 28 112Cotton, Carded or Combed 5203-0 0 0 0 83Cotton Sewing Thread, Retail Packed or Not 5204-

48,541 486 213 4,290 3,846Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton more than 85% 5205-0 0 0 280 613Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton less than 85% 5206-0 0 0 0 24Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Retail Packed 5207-

13,092 131 42 1,625 336Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt < 5208-5,696 57 9 819 348Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-

0 0 14 210 332Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt < 5210-.. .. .. 725 198Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt > 5211-0 0 6 117 31Woven Cotton Fabrics NES 5212-

179 2 0 13 1Yarn Not for Sewing Thread, Synthetic Staple 5509-0 0 0 0 92Yarn (Not Sew Thread), Art Staple Fib, Not Retail 5510-0 0 0 65 684Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5513-0 0 0 33 0Woven Fabrics of Artificial Staple Fibers 5516-

1,419 14 0 14 0Textile Wadding and Articles; Text Fiber Not Over 5 5601-0 0 0 1 4Twine, Cordage, Rope and Cables 5607-

1,769 18 103 54 123Woven Terry Fabrics and Tufted Textile Fabric NES 5802-0 0 0 92 0Narrow Woven Fabrics Except Labels 5806-0 0 0 0 2Labels, Badges and Similar Type of Textiles 5807-0 0 0 1 2Embroidery in the Piece, In Strips or in Motifs 5810-0 0 0 .. 11Gum Covered Fabric; Tracing Cloth; Paint Canvas 5901-0 0 0 0 21Other knitted or crocheted fabrics 6006-0 0 29 15 30Gents Suits, Ensembles, Jackets etc. Kn/Cr 6103-0 0 0 0 116Ladies Suits, Ensembles etc. Kn/Cr 6104-

701 7 2 159 8Gents Shirts, Knitted or Crocheted 6105-0 0 0 0 9Gents Blouses and Shirts Kn/Cr 6106-0 0 0 0 2Gents Underpants, Briefs, Nightshirts etc. Kn/Cr 6107-0 0 0 0 31T-Shirts, Singlets and other Vests Kn/Cr 6109-0 0 0 0 6Sweaters, Pullovers, Vests etc. Kn/Cr 6110-0 0 2 91 85Garments, Made-ups Kn/Cr etc. of Rubber or Plastic 6113-0 0 0 5 55Garments NES Knitted or Crocheted 6114-0 0 0 0 43Panty hose, Socks and other Hosiery Kn/Cr 6115-0 0 0 3 0Made-up Clothing Accessories NES Kn/Cr 6117-0 0 0 0 2Men's or Boys' Overcoats, Cloaks etc. Not Knitted 6201-0 0 0 0 13Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-

Page 175: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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201 State Bank of Pakistan

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497 5 0 8 3Women's or Girls' Suits, Ensembles etc. Not Kn/Cr. 6204-0 0 0 2 0Men's or Boys' Shirts, Not Kn/Cr 6205-0 0 0 9 0Women's or Girls' Slips etc Not Kn/Cr 6208-0 0 0 1 2Garments, of Felt etc, or Fabric Impregnated etc 6210-0 0 0 0 5Track Suits, Ski-Suits and Swimwear, Not Knitted 6211-0 0 0 2 0Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Not Knitted or Crocheted 6216-

3,925 39 89 1,021 942Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-0 0 163 45 293Sacks and Bags of Textile Material for Packing 6305-

2,717 27 0 68 1Made-Up Articles of Textile Materials NES 6307-0 0 0 0 15Worn Clothing and other Worn Textile Articles 6309-

898 9 0 26 0Footwear, Outer Sole and Upper Rubber or Plastic 6402-3,336 33 0 64 83Footwear, Outer Sole Rubber, Plastic or Leather 6403-

0 0 0 15 16Footwear, Outer Sole Rubber, Plastic or Textile 6404-0 0 0 0 4Footwear NES 6405-

80 1 0 3 0Headgear NES 6506-0 0 0 1 0Worked Monumental or Building Stone and Articles 6802-

237 2 0 2 0Tableware, Kitchenware and other Articles of Toilet 6911-0 0 0 0 32Float Glass and Surface Ground or Polished Sheets 7005-0 0 0 8 10Glass Containers for Packing etc and Glass Closures 7010-0 0 10 101 13Tubes, Pipes and Hollow Profiles NES of Iron and 7306-0 0 0 35 16Tanks etc Less than 300 Liter Capacity of Iron or 7310-0 0 0 0 ..Table, Kitchen or Household Articles & Parts of Iron 7323-0 0 0 33 11Household Articles and Parts 7418-0 0 0 1 0Table, Kitchen or other Household Articles and Parts 7615-0 0 0 0 20Tableware etc. of Base Metal and Parts of Base 8215-0 0 0 2 0Centrifuges, Including Dryers, Filter etc. 8421-0 0 0 0 29Machinery NES used for Food and Drink and Parts 8438-0 0 21 5 21Machines and Mechanical Appliances NES 8479-0 0 0 11 0Electromechanical Domestic Appliances and Parts 8509-0 0 0 72 29Video Recording or Reproducing Apparatus 8521-0 0 0 .. 0Tractors Other Than Work Trucks used for Short 8701-0 0 0 144 156Motor Vehicle for Transport of Ten or more Persons 8702-0 0 0 14 9Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-0 0 4 6 11Orthopedic Appliances Artificial Body and Parts 9021-

1,490 15 5 133 121Furniture NES and Parts Thereof 9403-0 0 0 0 5Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-0 0 0 10 2Pens, Ball Points, Soft Tip and Mechanical Pencils 9608-0 0 0 0 1Paintings, Drawing etc By Hand 9701-

Mexico 7,347 79,16410,126 80,883734,5140 0 0 12 0Meat of Bovine Animals, Fresh or Chilled 2010 -0 0 0 0 71Fish Fillets and other Fish Meat, Fresh, Chilled or 3040 -0 0 0 20 0Other Nuts NES Fresh or Dried Whether Shelled or 8020 -0 0 188 215 1,411Pepper, Genus Piper; Genus Capsicum or Pimento 9040 -0 0 721 242 1,818Ginger, Saffron, Turmeric, Thyme, Bay Leaves, 9100 -0 0 2,322 496 4,658Rice 1006-0 0 0 0 85Other Oil Seeds and Oleaginous Fruits NES 1207-0 0 0 0 9Seeds, Fruit and Spores, for Sowing 1209-

7,582 76 0 142 92Lac; Natural Gums, Resins, Gum-Resins and 1301-0 0 0 0 504Vegetable Saps and Extracts: Pectates, Agar-Agar 1302-0 0 0 110 0Prepared or Preserved Fish, Caviar and Caviar 1604-0 0 0 0 153Crustaceans Molluscs etc Prepared or Preserved 1605-0 0 0 0 18Sugar Confectionery including White Chocolate not 1704-0 0 0 0 2Ethyl Alcohol, Strength: more than 80% Alcohol 2207-

405 4 0 16 6Salt, Pure Sodium Chloride, Sea Water 2501-0 0 0 29 0Natural Steatite Roughly Trimmed etc. 2526-

Page 176: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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Export of Goods and Services March 2014 202

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 30 0Chromium Oxides And Hydroxides 2819-0 0 0 0 8Human Blood or Animal Blood Prepared for 3002-0 0 0 24 0Medicaments NES 3004-0 0 0 65 0Pharmaceutical Goods 3006-

129 1 0 108 50Synthetic Organic Coloring Matter 3204-3,330 33 0 87 0Color Lakes, Preparations Based on Color Lakes 3205-

0 0 0 0 22Essential Oils, Resinoids and Terpene 3301-0 0 0 68 1Beauty and Make-Up Preparations 3304-0 0 0 .. 0Lubricating Preparations, Antirust and Treating 3403-0 0 0 7 11Finishing Agents etc. for Textiles, Paper etc NES 3809-

690 7 0 113 0Articles of Plastics Including Polymers and Resins 3926-36,836 368 156 1,552 945Waste of Rubber and Powder Obtain thereof 4004-

0 0 0 0 2New Pneumatic Tires of Rubber 4011-0 0 0 105 212Articles of Apparel and Clothing Acc. of Rubber 4015-0 0 14 0 14Bovine or Equine Leather, No Hair NES 4104-0 0 0 1 0Leather of Animals NES, No Hair NES 4107-

27 .. 21 48 150Leather further prepared after tanning (other animal) 4113-0 0 0 0 61Saddlery, Harness, Traces and Leads etc. 4201-

7,815 78 0 817 517Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-0 0 0 193 33Articles of Leather Used in Machinery and 4204-0 0 3 0 14Articles of Leather NES 4205-0 0 0 0 82Paper and Paperboard Uncoated NES, Rolls or 4805-0 0 0 14 0Toilet Paper, Paper Tissues, Towels, Napkins etc. 4818-0 0 0 62 198Woven Fabrics of Silk or Silk Waste 5007-0 0 0 150 0Fine or Coarse Animal Hair, Not Carded or Combed 5102-0 0 0 27 0Cotton, Not Carded Or Combed 5201-

4,502 45 0 75 77Cotton Waste Including Yarn Waste etc. 5202-0 0 0 0 93Cotton Sewing Thread, Retail Packed or Not 5204-

14,308 143 .. 315 181Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton more than 85% 5205-0 0 19 51 19Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton less than 85% 5206-

24,841 248 392 7,168 4,079Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt < 5208-45,682 457 578 10,393 6,789Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-

130,868 1,309 1,379 12,800 15,280Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt < 5210-58,797 588 8 1,280 671Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt > 5211-16,123 161 259 1,887 2,589Woven Cotton Fabrics NES 5212-

6,448 64 0 571 255Woven Fabric of Synthetic Filament Yarn 5407-0 0 0 65 0Synthetic Staple Fibers, Not Carded, Combed etc. 5503-0 0 0 27 154Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5512-

158,362 1,584 1,067 13,228 11,848Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5513-19,779 198 215 2,715 2,169Woven Fabric, Synthetic < 85% of Fibre Mix 5514-

0 0 0 68 0Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibers NES 5515-0 0 0 249 0Woven Fabrics of Artificial Staple Fibers 5516-

2,645 26 80 508 414Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Knotted 5701-0 0 0 47 34Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Woven 5702-0 0 0 58 455Woven Terry Fabrics and Tufted Textile Fabric NES 5802-0 0 0 2 63Labels, Badges and Similar Type of Textiles 5807-0 0 0 0 9Embroidery in the Piece, In Strips or in Motifs 5810-

2,998 30 0 149 468Gum Covered Fabric; Tracing Cloth; Paint Canvas 5901-0 0 0 0 34Textile Fabrics, Theatrical Scenery, Back-Cloths 5907-0 0 0 7 0Pile Fabrics and Terry Fabrics Knitted or Crocheted 6001-0 0 0 0 3Kn/CR Fabrics Not of Rubber/Pile Width <30 cm 6003-0 0 0 0 110Warp Knit fabrics Not of Rubber and Pile Fabrics 6005-

9,796 98 0 98 0Other knitted or crocheted fabrics 6006-0 0 .. 1 41Gents Overcoats, Car-Coats, Caps, Cloaks and 6101-0 0 0 306 169Ladies Overcoats, Car-Coats, Caps, Cloaks and 6102-

11,592 116 23 462 124Gents Suits, Ensembles, Jackets etc. Kn/Cr 6103-

Page 177: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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203 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

2,726 27 0 237 146Ladies Suits, Ensembles etc. Kn/Cr 6104-7,879 79 296 1,384 1,203Gents Shirts, Knitted or Crocheted 6105-

0 0 2 250 26Gents Blouses and Shirts Kn/Cr 6106-1,160 12 54 339 140Gents Underpants, Briefs, Nightshirts etc. Kn/Cr 6107-8,892 89 41 322 264Ladies Slips, Petticoats, Briefs, Paints etc. Kn/Cr 6108-

50 1 0 138 4T-Shirts, Singlets and other Vests Kn/Cr 6109-0 0 0 226 17Sweaters, Pullovers, Vests etc. Kn/Cr 6110-0 0 0 98 0Track Suits, Ski Suits and Swimwear Kn/Cr 6112-0 0 65 190 187Garments, Made-ups Kn/Cr etc. of Rubber or Plastic 6113-0 0 0 3 0Garments NES Knitted or Crocheted 6114-

11,976 120 218 1,380 1,534Panty hose, Socks and other Hosiery Kn/Cr 6115-1,141 11 0 102 77Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Knitted or Crocheted 6116-

0 0 0 0 6Made-up Clothing Accessories NES Kn/Cr 6117-0 0 0 84 0Men's or Boys' Overcoats, Cloaks etc. Not Knitted 6201-

16,030 160 302 1,577 1,703Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-5,292 53 197 2,337 1,698Women's or Girls' Suits, Ensembles etc. Not Kn/Cr. 6204-

0 0 0 0 1Women's or Girls' Slips etc Not Kn/Cr 6208-0 0 0 0 2Babies' Garments and Accessories Not Kn/Cr 6209-0 0 0 12 ..Track Suits, Ski-Suits and Swimwear, Not Knitted 6211-0 0 0 0 16Brassieres, Girdles, Garters and Braces etc. 6212-0 0 33 128 180Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Not Knitted or Crocheted 6216-

7,162 72 0 207 14Made-Up Clothing Accessories NES 6217-20,902 209 548 4,289 4,819Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-

0 0 0 34 51Furnishing Articles of Textile Materials NES 6304-3,945 39 41 235 55Tarpaulins, Sails, Awnings and Tents etc. 6306-

0 0 0 24 0Made-Up Articles of Textile Materials NES 6307-0 0 0 0 17Footwear, Outer Sole Rubber, Plastic or Leather 6403-0 0 0 31 0Skins and other Parts of Birds 6701-

20,495 205 22 504 536Articles of Iron or Steel, NES 7326-0 0 0 3 0Hand tools and Tools Used in Agriculture etc. 8201-0 0 .. 55 87Scissors, Tailors' Shears and Similar Shears and 8213-

5,302 53 21 598 616Articles of Cutlery NES and Manicure Sets etc. 8214-0 0 0 0 11Compression-Ignition Internal Combustion Piston 8408-0 0 0 0 24Engines and Motors NES and Parts Thereof 8412-0 0 0 0 ..Industrial or Lab Furnaces, Ovens and Parts 8417-0 0 0 0 277Machinery etc for Temperature Change 8419-0 0 0 0 24Machines For Preparing Textile Fibers and Yarn 8445-0 0 0 0 7Weaving Machines Like Looms 8446-0 0 0 .. 18Auxiliary Machinery for use With Textile Machines 8448-0 0 0 0 135Machinery not for Laundry for Cleaning, Drying etc 8451-0 0 0 0 ..Machine Tools for Forging, Bending, Stamping etc. 8462-

1,154 12 0 30 44Tools for Working in the Hand, Pneumatic etc. 8467-0 0 0 0 77Electrical Generating Sets and Rotary Converters 8502-0 0 0 30 0Electromechanical Domestic Appliances and Parts 8509-0 0 0 0 16Carbon Electrodes and Brushes, Lamp Carbons etc 8545-0 0 0 61 0Parts and Accessories for Motor Vehicles 8708-0 0 0 0 53Motorcycles and Cycles With Auxiliary Motor 8711-

23,921 239 237 4,100 2,994Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-0 0 .. 0 ..Parts etc. of Musical Instruments, Metronomes 9209-0 0 0 18 1,768Mattress Supports, Articles of Bedding etc 9404-

32,929 329 605 2,852 4,765Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-0 0 0 1 0Collectors Item of Botanic and Historical Interest 9705-

Moldova 107 69537 8610,6950 0 0 0 1Crustaceans; Live, Fresh etc, and Cooked etc. 3060 -

8,139 81 0 188 0Citrus Fruit, Fresh or Dried 8050 -

Page 178: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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Export of Goods and Services March 2014 204

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 21 30 52Rice 1006-844 8 0 8 0Medicaments Mixtures for Therapeutic Use 3003-

47 .. 0 .. 0Medicaments NES 3004-1,227 12 15 82 21Matches and Except Pyrotechnic Articles 3605-

0 0 0 72 0Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5513-0 0 0 132 0Woven Fabric, Synthetic < 85% of Fibre Mix 5514-0 0 0 10 0Woven Terry Fabrics and Tufted Textile Fabric NES 5802-0 0 0 1 0Gents Suits, Ensembles, Jackets etc. Kn/Cr 6103-0 0 0 0 6Garments, Made-ups Kn/Cr etc. of Rubber or Plastic 6113-0 0 0 94 0Made-Up Clothing Accessories NES 6217-

439 4 0 4 0Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-0 0 1 14 6Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-0 0 0 56 0Mattress Supports, Articles of Bedding etc 9404-

Mongolia 1 740 271160 0 0 9 0Meat of Sheep or Goats, Fresh, Chilled or Frozen 2040 -0 0 0 4 0Fish Fillets and other Fish Meat, Fresh, Chilled or 3040 -0 0 0 0 3Natural Honey 4090 -0 0 0 0 23Sauces and Preparations thereof 2103-0 0 0 39 0Portland Cement, Aluminous Cement and Slag 2523-0 0 0 3 0Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-0 0 0 1 0Garments, of Felt etc, or Fabric Impregnated etc 6210-0 0 0 .. 0Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-0 0 0 0 ..Sacks and Bags of Textile Material for Packing 6305-

116 1 0 15 1Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-0 0 0 3 0Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-

Montserrat 25 16618 6422,4970 0 0 97 0Rice 1006-

2,497 25 0 25 0Medicaments NES 3004-0 0 0 15 0Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-0 0 0 0 85Cotton, Carded or Combed 5203-0 0 0 0 126Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt < 5208-0 0 0 0 332Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt < 5210-0 0 0 0 51Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5513-0 0 0 0 1Garments, Made-ups Kn/Cr etc. of Rubber or Plastic 6113-0 0 0 24 23Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-0 0 0 0 4Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-0 0 2 0 2Parts etc. of Musical Instruments, Metronomes 9209-0 0 17 0 18Mattress Supports, Articles of Bedding etc 9404-0 0 0 6 0Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-

Morocco 1,104 10,7451,555 11,939110,3260 0 0 0 4Meat of Bovine Animals, Fresh or Chilled 2010 -0 0 0 4 0Meat of Sheep or Goats, Fresh, Chilled or Frozen 2040 -0 0 41 0 207Fruit Dried NES Mixtures of Nuts or Dried Fruit 8130 -0 0 3 0 71Rice 1006-0 0 0 11 0Seeds, Fruit and Spores, for Sowing 1209-0 0 0 0 18Vegetable Products NES 1404-0 0 0 65 0Cane or Beet Sugar and Sucrose in Solid Form 1701-0 0 0 39 43Sugar Confectionery including White Chocolate not 1704-0 0 1 103 51Fruit Juices including Grape Must and Vegtable 2009-0 0 18 17 25Marble, Travertine etc. and Alabaster, Crude etc. 2515-0 0 0 67 81Portland Cement, Aluminous Cement and Slag 2523-0 0 0 3 0Human Blood or Animal Blood Prepared for 3002-

10,873 109 65 989 609Medicaments NES 3004-0 0 0 133 256Beauty and Make-Up Preparations 3304-

Page 179: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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205 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 40 0Preparations for Oral or Dental Hygiene 3306-0 0 0 123 0Personal Toilet etc Prep NES 3307-0 0 0 34 0Insecticides, Rodenticides and Fungicides etc. Retail 3808-0 0 11 0 14Finishing Agents etc. for Textiles, Paper etc NES 3809-0 0 0 0 ..Articles of Plastics Including Polymers and Resins 3926-0 0 0 0 40Articles of Apparel and Clothing Acc. of Rubber 4015-0 0 0 3 0Goat or Kidskin Leather, No Hair NES 4106-0 0 0 17 0Leather of Animals NES, No Hair NES 4107-0 0 0 15 0Leather further prepared after tanning (sheep, lamb) 4112-

1,732 17 32 107 82Leather further prepared after tanning (other animal) 4113-0 0 0 58 21Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-0 0 0 12 0Silkworm Cocoons Suitable for Reeling 5001-0 0 20 0 20Woven Fabrics of Silk or Silk Waste 5007-0 0 0 79 0Cotton Waste Including Yarn Waste etc. 5202-0 0 0 4 30Cotton Sewing Thread, Retail Packed or Not 5204-

7,900 79 101 948 1,218Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton more than 85% 5205-5,211 52 264 924 1,012Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt < 5208-

14,903 149 334 2,197 2,021Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-18,748 188 169 1,274 1,631Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt < 5210-

0 0 113 291 557Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt > 5211-9,127 91 0 785 839Woven Cotton Fabrics NES 5212-

0 0 0 51 0Yarn Not for Sewing Thread, Synthetic Staple 5509-2,263 23 167 662 987Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5513-

0 0 0 222 68Woven Fabric, Synthetic < 85% of Fibre Mix 5514-0 0 .. 7 ..Woven Terry Fabrics and Tufted Textile Fabric NES 5802-

291 3 0 11 0Tulles and other Net Fabrics 5804-6,274 63 0 63 0Narrow Woven Fabrics Except Labels 5806-

0 0 0 27 0Gum Covered Fabric; Tracing Cloth; Paint Canvas 5901-0 0 0 0 8Warp Knit fabrics Not of Rubber and Pile Fabrics 6005-0 0 4 0 10Gents Shirts, Knitted or Crocheted 6105-0 0 0 0 2Garments, Made-ups Kn/Cr etc. of Rubber or Plastic 6113-0 0 0 5 0Garments NES Knitted or Crocheted 6114-0 0 0 8 0Panty hose, Socks and other Hosiery Kn/Cr 6115-0 0 0 .. 0Men's or Boys' Overcoats, Cloaks etc. Not Knitted 6201-0 0 61 0 61Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-0 0 0 3 0Women's or Girls' Suits, Ensembles etc. Not Kn/Cr. 6204-0 0 0 0 61Men's or Boys' Undershirts etc Not Kn/Cr 6207-0 0 0 24 0Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Not Knitted or Crocheted 6216-

497 5 0 53 580Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-0 0 7 12 7Tarpaulins, Sails, Awnings and Tents etc. 6306-0 0 0 0 73Made-Up Articles of Textile Materials NES 6307-0 0 0 0 5Worn Clothing and other Worn Textile Articles 6309-0 0 28 0 28Footwear, Outer Sole Rubber, Plastic or Leather 6403-0 0 0 0 11Footwear, Outer Sole Rubber, Plastic or Textile 6404-0 0 0 0 1Walking-Sticks, Seat-Sticks, Whips and 6602-0 0 0 0 4Abrasive Powder etc. on a Base of Textile Material 6805-0 0 0 6 0Articles of Stone or Other Mineral Substance NES 6815-

447 4 0 4 0Glassware for Table, Kitchen, Toilet etc. NES 7013-0 0 0 0 10Table, Kitchen or Household Articles & Parts of Iron 7323-

11,194 112 0 215 118Razors and Razor Blades 8212-0 0 0 7 6Articles of Cutlery NES and Manicure Sets etc. 8214-0 0 0 3 0Tableware etc. of Base Metal and Parts of Base 8215-0 0 0 0 30Hydraulic Turbines, Water Wheels and Regulators 8410-

13,794 138 0 291 308Pumps for Liquids; Liquid Elevators; Parts Thereof 8413-0 0 0 0 ..Machinery etc for Temperature Change 8419-0 0 0 39 0Electromechanical Domestic Appliances and Parts 8509-

Page 180: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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Export of Goods and Services March 2014 206

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 0 19Printed Circuits 8534-0 0 35 90 35Tractors Other Than Work Trucks used for Short 8701-0 0 0 80 134Parts and Accessories for Motor Vehicles 8708-

3,868 39 79 475 363Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-3,204 32 0 47 138Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-

0 0 0 0 21Pens, Ball Points, Soft Tip and Mechanical Pencils 9608-Mozambique 11,951 79,05011,334 41,2391,194,878

0 0 0 0 195Live Horses, Asses, Mules and Hinnies 1010 -3,081 31 0 89 9Milk and Cream, Concentrated or Sweetened 4020 -

709 7 0 7 0Natural Honey 4090 -0 0 0 10 0Citrus Fruit, Fresh or Dried 8050 -

812 8 0 8 0Tea Whether or not Flavored 9020 -0 0 0 64 113Ginger, Saffron, Turmeric, Thyme, Bay Leaves, 9100 -

747,972 7,481 9,032 48,872 26,949Rice 1006-0 0 0 0 82Wheat or Meslin Flour 1101-0 0 0 0 5Lac; Natural Gums, Resins, Gum-Resins and 1301-0 0 0 362 0Prepared or Preserved Fish, Caviar and Caviar 1604-

1,588 16 15 406 86Sugar Confectionery including White Chocolate not 1704-28,657 287 222 1,413 500Pasta and Couscous, Prepared or Not 1902-

0 0 35 6 92Bread, Pastry, Cakes etc 1905-713 7 0 32 0Vegetable, Fruit, Nuts Etc, Prep Or Pres By Vinegar 2001-

1,109 11 0 20 22Vegetables Prepared or Preserved NES not Frozen 2005-0 0 8 0 21Fruit Juices including Grape Must and Vegtable 2009-0 0 0 20 10Sauces and Preparations thereof 2103-

1,651 17 7 355 145Natural Sands Of All Kinds, Except Metal-Bearing 2505-0 0 0 0 7Limestone Flux, Limestone and Other Calcareous 2521-

381,094 3,812 1,478 21,815 10,175Portland Cement, Aluminous Cement and Slag 2523-0 0 0 80 0Mineral Substances NES 2530-0 0 0 0 6Hydrogen Chloride; Chlorosulphuric Acid 2806-0 0 0 44 34Antibiotics 2941-0 0 0 46 0Human Blood or Animal Blood Prepared for 3002-0 0 16 90 138Medicaments NES 3004-0 0 0 28 0Wading, Gauze, Bandages etc. 3005-0 0 8 0 8Essential Oils, Resinoids and Terpene 3301-0 0 0 7 45Matches and Except Pyrotechnic Articles 3605-0 0 0 0 23Photographic Chemicals, Unmixed Products Retail 3707-0 0 0 0 ..Artificial Graphite, Colloidal Graphite and 3801-

1,467 15 40 55 40Prepared binders for foundry moulds or cores 3824-0 0 19 0 64Polyesters, Epoxides and Polyesters, Primary Forms 3907-0 0 0 0 5Plates, Sheets, Film etc. 3920-0 0 0 11 0Containers: Boxes, Bags, Closures etc, Plastic 3923-0 0 0 0 9Articles of Plastics Including Polymers and Resins 3926-0 0 0 0 27Waste of Rubber and Powder Obtain thereof 4004-0 0 0 5 0New Pneumatic Tires of Rubber 4011-0 0 0 0 72Articles of Apparel and Clothing Acc. of Rubber 4015-0 0 0 28 0Leather further prepared after tanning (other animal) 4113-0 0 0 31 0Kraft Paper and Paperboard Uncoated NES 4804-0 0 0 247 0Paper and Paperboard Uncoated NES, Rolls or 4805-0 0 0 0 40Printed Matter including Pictures and Photographs 4911-0 0 0 13 13Woven Fabrics of Silk or Silk Waste 5007-0 0 0 0 20Cotton Waste Including Yarn Waste etc. 5202-0 0 0 0 47Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-0 0 0 0 35Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt < 5210-0 0 0 61 0Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt > 5211-

9,156 92 54 291 115Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5513-

Page 181: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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US $Rs.

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207 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 0 83Textile Wadding and Articles; Text Fiber Not Over 5 5601-0 0 1 0 1Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Knotted 5701-0 0 31 125 31Ladies Overcoats, Car-Coats, Caps, Cloaks and 6102-0 0 0 0 42Gents Shirts, Knitted or Crocheted 6105-0 0 0 88 0Garments, Made-ups Kn/Cr etc. of Rubber or Plastic 6113-0 0 0 46 0Garments NES Knitted or Crocheted 6114-0 0 0 4 0Made-up Clothing Accessories NES Kn/Cr 6117-0 0 0 21 3Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-0 0 0 38 0Garments, of Felt etc, or Fabric Impregnated etc 6210-0 0 0 0 ..Track Suits, Ski-Suits and Swimwear, Not Knitted 6211-

6,196 62 75 2,079 224Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-0 0 187 461 519Sacks and Bags of Textile Material for Packing 6305-0 0 0 57 35Made-Up Articles of Textile Materials NES 6307-

6,202 62 94 720 540Worn Clothing and other Worn Textile Articles 6309-0 0 0 19 0Used or New Rags, Scrap Twine etc of Text Material 6310-0 0 0 41 37Articles of Stone or Other Mineral Substance NES 6815-

1,080 11 0 11 0Glazed Ceramic Flags and Paving, Hearth Tiles etc. 6908-0 0 0 22 26Tableware, Kitchenware and other Articles of Toilet 6911-0 0 0 0 165Float Glass and Surface Ground or Polished Sheets 7005-0 0 0 244 0Glass Containers for Packing etc and Glass Closures 7010-

1,403 14 0 68 50Glassware for Table, Kitchen, Toilet etc. NES 7013-1,987 20 0 20 0Ferrous Waste and Scrap 7204-

0 0 0 0 63Articles of Iron or Steel, NES 7326-0 0 0 0 60Aluminum Wire 7605-0 0 0 40 0Table, Kitchen or other Household Articles and Parts 7615-0 0 0 0 21Articles o Aluminum NES 7616-0 0 0 0 5Beryllium, Chromium, Germanium, Vanadium, 8112-0 0 0 20 20Engines and Motors NES and Parts Thereof 8412-0 0 0 39 4Air or Vacuum Pump, Compressors and Fans 8414-0 0 0 10 0Industrial or Lab Furnaces, Ovens and Parts 8417-0 0 0 44 0Refrigerators, Freezers, Heat Pumps NES and Parts 8418-0 0 0 102 0Agriculture Machinery for Soil, Lawn Preparations 8432-0 0 0 0 10Machinery NES used for Food and Drink and Parts 8438-0 0 0 0 47Auxiliary Machinery for use With Textile Machines 8448-0 0 0 17 0Ball or Roller Bearings and Parts 8482-0 0 0 50 0Transmission Shafts, Bearings, Gears etc. and Parts 8483-0 0 0 10 0Electrical Transformers, Static Converters and 8504-0 0 0 0 1Microphones, Loudspeakers, Sound Amplifier etc. 8518-0 0 0 91 45Tractors Other Than Work Trucks used for Short 8701-0 0 0 43 24Motorcycles and Cycles With Auxiliary Motor 8711-0 0 0 0 8Parts and Accessories of Cycles and Invalid 8714-0 0 11 6 12Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-0 0 0 0 5Furniture NES and Parts Thereof 9403-0 0 0 0 4Vacuum Flask and Vessel With Cases 9617-

Myanmar 545 6,130601 6,52854,4420 0 0 0 42Live Horses, Asses, Mules and Hinnies 1010 -0 0 0 6 0Ambergris, Castoreum, Civet and Musk 5100 -0 0 0 1 0Cut Flowers and Flower Buds for Bouquet or for 6030 -0 0 0 73 0Vegetables, Dried, Whole, Cut etc. not further 7120 -0 0 9 0 9Citrus Fruit, Fresh or Dried 8050 -0 0 0 0 2,056Wheat and Meslin 1001-0 0 0 0 192Rice 1006-0 0 0 0 325Wheat or Meslin Flour 1101-0 0 0 0 110Hop Cones, Fresh or Dried; Lupulin 1210-0 0 0 0 93Plants etc. for Pharmacy, Perfume, Insecticides etc. 1211-

Page 182: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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US $Rs.

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Export of Goods and Services March 2014 208

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 6 5 6Vegetable, Fruit, Nuts Etc, Prep Or Pres By Vinegar 2001-0 0 0 19 0Fruit, Nuts etc. Prepared or Preserved NES 2008-0 0 0 1 0Food Preparations NES 2106-

613 6 0 31 18Salt, Pure Sodium Chloride, Sea Water 2501-0 0 0 16 0Portland Cement, Aluminous Cement and Slag 2523-0 0 0 0 71Sodium Hydroxide and Potassium Hydroxide etc. 2815-

101 1 0 3 15Heterocyclic Compounds with Nitrogen 2933-0 0 0 0 1Antibiotics 2941-0 0 0 55 3Human Blood or Animal Blood Prepared for 3002-0 0 26 531 937Medicaments Mixtures for Therapeutic Use 3003-

41,765 418 350 3,392 1,928Medicaments NES 3004-0 0 0 3 23Pharmaceutical Goods 3006-0 0 0 20 0Other Color Matters 3206-0 0 0 50 41Odoriferous Mixtures as Raw Materials for Industry 3302-0 0 0 0 1Beauty and Make-Up Preparations 3304-

945 9 0 101 0Cellulose and Chemical Derivatives NES Primary 3912-0 0 2 79 2Leather of Animals NES, No Hair NES 4107-

3,077 31 0 138 295Leather further prepared after tanning (other animal) 4113-0 0 0 0 4Articles of Leather NES 4205-0 0 0 59 0Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton more than 85% 5205-0 0 0 170 0Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt < 5208-

3,612 36 0 498 57Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-783 8 0 552 50Woven Cotton Fabrics NES 5212-

0 0 0 91 0Warp Knit fabrics Not of Rubber and Pile Fabrics 6005-0 0 0 86 0Other knitted or crocheted fabrics 6006-

14 .. 0 .. 0Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-0 0 0 2 0Women's or Girls' Suits, Ensembles etc. Not Kn/Cr. 6204-0 0 0 4 0Garments, of Felt etc, or Fabric Impregnated etc 6210-0 0 207 0 207Tarpaulins, Sails, Awnings and Tents etc. 6306-0 0 0 6 6Laboratory, Hygienic or Pharmaceutical Glassware 7017-0 0 0 20 0Steam etc Generating Boilers NES 8402-0 0 0 4 0Machinery etc for Temperature Change 8419-0 0 0 3 0Centrifuges, Including Dryers, Filter etc. 8421-

2,993 30 0 62 0Electromechanical Domestic Appliances and Parts 8509-0 0 0 30 0Parts and Accessories for Motor Vehicles 8708-

540 5 0 19 7Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-0 0 0 0 28Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-

Namibia 22 931219 6292,2450 0 0 0 7Meat of Bovine Animals, Fresh or Chilled 2010 -0 0 0 6 0Meat of Sheep or Goats, Fresh, Chilled or Frozen 2040 -0 0 0 0 24Rice 1006-0 0 0 0 99Prepared or Preserved Fish, Caviar and Caviar 1604-0 0 0 143 0Sugar Confectionery including White Chocolate not 1704-0 0 0 2 0Medicaments NES 3004-0 0 0 73 0Polymers of Styrene in Primary Forms 3903-0 0 0 .. 0Leather further prepared after tanning (other animal) 4113-0 0 6 0 12Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-0 0 0 2 0Cotton, Carded or Combed 5203-0 0 0 255 0Cotton Sewing Thread, Retail Packed or Not 5204-0 0 0 40 0Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton more than 85% 5205-0 0 0 39 0Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt < 5208-0 0 203 8 226Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-0 0 0 0 182Woven Fabrics of Jute or Other Textile Bast Fibres 5310-0 0 0 12 0Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Knotted 5701-0 0 0 2 2Labels, Badges and Similar Type of Textiles 5807-

Page 183: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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US $Rs.

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209 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 4 0Gents Suits, Ensembles, Jackets etc. Kn/Cr 6103-0 0 0 2 0Gents Underpants, Briefs, Nightshirts etc. Kn/Cr 6107-

122 1 0 1 0Garments, Made-ups Kn/Cr etc. of Rubber or Plastic 6113-0 0 0 0 14Blankets and Traveling Rugs 6301-0 0 8 254 8Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-

453 5 0 25 11Used or New Rags, Scrap Twine etc of Text Material 6310-0 0 0 5 0Hand tools and Tools Used in Agriculture etc. 8201-0 0 1 0 2Knives and Blades for Machines and Appliances 8208-0 0 0 0 1Articles of Cutlery NES and Manicure Sets etc. 8214-0 0 0 23 29Parts for Electrical Apparatus etc of Switching, 8538-

422 4 0 20 6Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-1,249 12 0 16 7Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-

Nauru 0 00 27300 0 0 0 130Rice 1006-0 0 0 0 143Portland Cement, Aluminous Cement and Slag 2523-

Nepal 158 1,937125 2,06415,8140 0 0 0 6Live Animals NES 1060 -

80 1 0 1 0Bird Skins and other Feathered Parts and Down 5050 -0 0 0 12 0Carrots, Turnips & other Edible Roots, Fresh or 7060 -0 0 0 3 0Manioc Arrowroot, Salep etc Fresh, Dry, Frozen or 7140 -0 0 82 756 468Dates, Figs, Pineapples, Avocados etc, Fr or Dried 8040 -0 0 0 0 120Grapes, Fresh or Dried 8060 -

7,996 80 0 278 355Fruit NES Fresh 8100 -0 0 0 0 19Fruit Dried NES Mixtures of Nuts or Dried Fruit 8130 -0 0 0 0 60Seeds of Anise, Badian, Fennel, Coriander, Cumin 9090 -0 0 0 0 180Ginger, Saffron, Turmeric, Thyme, Bay Leaves, 9100 -0 0 0 0 6Rice 1006-0 0 0 205 31Plants etc. for Pharmacy, Perfume, Insecticides etc. 1211-0 0 0 10 0Wool Grease Fatty Substances Derived there from 1505-0 0 0 201 0Cane or Beet Sugar and Sucrose in Solid Form 1701-0 0 0 0 43Sugar Confectionery including White Chocolate not 1704-0 0 0 8 8Preparations Used In Animal Feeding 2309-0 0 0 0 12Carbonates; Peroxocarbonates etc. 2836-0 0 0 0 34Medicaments Mixtures for Therapeutic Use 3003-

1,887 19 12 50 36Medicaments NES 3004-0 0 0 0 1Beauty and Make-Up Preparations 3304-0 0 0 0 12Prepared binders for foundry moulds or cores 3824-0 0 0 0 45Plates, Sheets, Film etc. 3920-0 0 0 60 ..Containers: Boxes, Bags, Closures etc, Plastic 3923-0 0 0 6 18Leather further prepared after tanning (other animal) 4113-0 0 0 2 2Saddlery, Harness, Traces and Leads etc. 4201-0 0 0 7 0Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-0 0 0 9 6Printed Books, Brochures and Similar Printed Matter 4901-0 0 0 32 0Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-0 0 0 32 0Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt < 5210-0 0 0 0 ..Labels, Badges and Similar Type of Textiles 5807-0 0 0 0 ..Gents Suits, Ensembles, Jackets etc. Kn/Cr 6103-0 0 0 0 3Ladies Suits, Ensembles etc. Kn/Cr 6104-0 0 0 1 0Ladies Slips, Petticoats, Briefs, Paints etc. Kn/Cr 6108-0 0 0 11 4Garments NES Knitted or Crocheted 6114-0 0 0 1 52Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-0 0 0 0 3Women's or Girls' Suits, Ensembles etc. Not Kn/Cr. 6204-

3,991 40 20 105 35Articles of Plaster or Items Based on Plaster 6809-0 0 0 3 0Articles of Stone or Other Mineral Substance NES 6815-0 0 0 0 255Glass Containers for Packing etc and Glass Closures 7010-

Page 184: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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US $Rs.

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Export of Goods and Services March 2014 210

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

256 3 1 7 3Precious and Semi Precious Stones NES 7103-0 0 0 13 0Razors and Razor Blades 8212-0 0 0 0 7Agriculture and Poultry etc Equipment Including 8436-

1,604 16 10 95 222Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-0 0 0 0 16Furniture NES and Parts Thereof 9403-0 0 0 27 0Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-

Netherlands (Holland) 42,747 381,56144,324 331,1864,273,7760 0 0 7 0Live Horses, Asses, Mules and Hinnies 1010 -0 0 0 0 22Meat of Bovine Animals, Fresh or Chilled 2010 -0 0 0 175 0Fish Frozen (Not Fish Fillets & other Fish Meat) 3030 -0 0 0 7 0Milk and Cream, Concentrated or Sweetened 4020 -0 0 0 0 56Butter and other Fats and Oils Derived from Milk, 4050 -0 0 37 23 54Guts, Bladders, Stomachs of Animals (Not Fish) 5040 -0 0 0 172 280Ivory, Tortoise-Shell, Whalebone etc. 5070 -0 0 0 0 ..Other Live Plants and their Roots NES, Cuttings and 6020 -0 0 0 0 2Cut Flowers and Flower Buds for Bouquet or for 6030 -

306 3 0 3 0Potatoes, Fresh or Chilled 7010 -0 0 0 0 7Onions, Shallots, Garlic, Leeks etc, Fresh or Chilled 7030 -0 0 0 2 0Cabbages, Cauliflower, Kohlrabi, Kale etc. Fresh or 7040 -0 0 0 0 3Carrots, Turnips & other Edible Roots, Fresh or 7060 -0 0 0 32 77Leguminous Vegetables, Shelled or not, Fresh or 7080 -

216 2 0 37 66Other Vegetables NES Fresh or Chilled 7090 -0 0 0 2 0Vegetables Frozen 7100 -

331 3 0 3 0Vegetables, Temporarily Preserved, not now Edible 7110 -0 0 0 0 66Vegetables, Dried, Whole, Cut etc. not further 7120 -0 0 0 240 112Other Nuts NES Fresh or Dried Whether Shelled or 8020 -0 0 0 480 262Dates, Figs, Pineapples, Avocados etc, Fr or Dried 8040 -0 0 0 1 30Citrus Fruit, Fresh or Dried 8050 -

2,270 23 0 25 16Fruit NES Fresh 8100 -0 0 28 26 28Fruit Dried NES Mixtures of Nuts or Dried Fruit 8130 -0 0 0 9 9Pepper, Genus Piper; Genus Capsicum or Pimento 9040 -0 0 0 3 0Seeds of Anise, Badian, Fennel, Coriander, Cumin 9090 -0 0 0 14 45Ginger, Saffron, Turmeric, Thyme, Bay Leaves, 9100 -

91,016 910 346 8,106 2,975Rice 1006-0 0 0 0 59Cereal Flours, Except of Wheat or of Meslin 1102-0 0 0 47 186Cereal Groats, Meal and Pellets 1103-

3,464 35 0 158 311Other Oil Seeds and Oleaginous Fruits NES 1207-0 0 0 96 0Seeds, Fruit and Spores, for Sowing 1209-0 0 0 49 0Plants etc. for Pharmacy, Perfume, Insecticides etc. 1211-0 0 0 0 3Cereal Straw and Husks 1213-

4,049 41 0 41 146Lac; Natural Gums, Resins, Gum-Resins and 1301-27,062 271 124 3,067 2,324Vegetable Saps and Extracts: Pectates, Agar-Agar 1302-

0 0 0 1 0Vegetable Products NES 1404-0 0 0 118 0Prepared or Preserved Fish, Caviar and Caviar 1604-0 0 0 0 3,076Crustaceans Molluscs etc Prepared or Preserved 1605-0 0 0 245 16Cane or Beet Sugar and Sucrose in Solid Form 1701-0 0 0 0 56Other Sugar NES 1702-0 0 1,384 3,774 15,378Molasses Extracted from Sugar 1703-0 0 0 157 65Sugar Confectionery including White Chocolate not 1704-

1,000 10 0 88 10Malt Extracts; Food Prep. of Flour etc. Under 50% 1901-0 0 5 3 13Bread, Pastry, Cakes etc 1905-0 0 0 0 26Vegetable, Fruit, Nuts Etc, Prep Or Pres By Vinegar 2001-0 0 0 0 9Vegetables Prepared or Preserved NES not Frozen 2005-0 0 6 4 9Fruit, Nuts, Fruit-Peel etc, Preserved by Sugar 2006-0 0 0 3 0Jams, Fruit Jellies, Marmalades etc. Cooked 2007-

Page 185: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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211 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

93,151 932 0 3,511 440Fruit Juices including Grape Must and Vegtable 2009-0 0 0 0 6Sauces and Preparations thereof 2103-

1,379 14 0 14 0Food Preparations NES 2106-95,720 957 3,840 15,298 25,983Ethyl Alcohol, Strength: more than 80% Alcohol 2207-

0 0 4 0 4Preparations Used In Animal Feeding 2309-0 0 0 29 0Tobacco and Tobacco Refuse 2401-0 0 0 86 27Salt, Pure Sodium Chloride, Sea Water 2501-

69 1 0 1 0Natural Graphite 2504-0 0 0 0 21Marble, Travertine etc. and Alabaster, Crude etc. 2515-0 0 0 0 7Gypsum; Anhydrite; Plasters etc. 2520-

283 3 0 3 0Portland Cement, Aluminous Cement and Slag 2523-120,278 1,203 684 7,943 6,400Natural Steatite Roughly Trimmed etc. 2526-

682 7 0 7 0Nickel Ores and Concentrates 2604-0 0 0 0 3Lead Ores and Concentrates 2607-0 0 7 0 7Ash & Residues (Not From Iron Mfr) With Metal 2620-0 0 0 143 0Oil from Petrol and Bituminous Mineral etc. 2710-0 0 0 0 76Chlorides, Bromides and Iodides etc. 2827-0 0 0 0 2Cyclic Hydrocarbons 2902-0 0 0 0 1Wading, Gauze, Bandages etc. 3005-0 0 0 0 1Pharmaceutical Goods 3006-0 0 0 4 19Prepared Driers 3211-0 0 0 0 13Odoriferous Mixtures as Raw Materials for Industry 3302-0 0 0 219 1Beauty and Make-Up Preparations 3304-

1,646 16 0 16 0Personal Toilet etc Prep NES 3307-0 0 0 0 2Organic Surf-Act Agents and Products other than 3402-0 0 0 0 1Lubricating Preparations, Antirust and Treating 3403-0 0 0 0 57Prepared Glues and Adhesives NES 3506-0 0 0 0 102Matches and Except Pyrotechnic Articles 3605-

17,706 177 127 937 1,141Artificial Graphite, Colloidal Graphite and 3801-0 0 0 9 0Prepared binders for foundry moulds or cores 3824-0 0 0 10 1Polyesters, Epoxides and Polyesters, Primary Forms 3907-0 0 0 0 27Amino-Resins, Phenolic and Polyurethane, Primary 3909-0 0 0 0 1Tubes, Pipes and Hoses and their Fittings, of Plastics 3917-0 0 0 0 11Plates, Sheets, Film etc. 3920-0 0 0 .. 21Containers: Boxes, Bags, Closures etc, Plastic 3923-

10,220 102 33 431 162Articles of Plastics Including Polymers and Resins 3926-263 3 31 170 621Waste of Rubber and Powder Obtain thereof 4004-

0 0 0 0 4Unvulcanised Rubber Forms NES 4006-414 4 9 70 21Tubes, Pipes and Hoses of Unhard Vulcanized 4009-

0 0 0 18 0Conveyor or Transmission Belts of Vulcanized 4010-0 0 53 198 453Articles of Apparel and Clothing Acc. of Rubber 4015-0 0 0 13 11Articles NES of Unhard Vulcanized Rubber 4016-0 0 0 34 0Raw Skins of Sheep or Lambs NES 4102-

170 2 0 2 16Bovine or Equine Leather, No Hair NES 4104-0 0 0 3 0Goat or Kidskin Leather, No Hair NES 4106-

1,975 20 0 29 211Leather of Animals NES, No Hair NES 4107-0 0 0 18 0Leather further prepared after tanning (sheep, lamb) 4112-

10,929 109 521 2,780 3,975Leather further prepared after tanning (other animal) 4113-2,428 24 76 382 633Saddlery, Harness, Traces and Leads etc. 4201-

0 0 0 174 37Travel Goods, Handbags, Wallets, Jewelry Cases etc. 4202-330,706 3,308 1,818 26,646 17,776Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-

14,161 142 102 1,356 1,306Articles of Leather Used in Machinery and 4204-1,137 11 309 177 1,020Articles of Leather NES 4205-

0 0 0 0 18Tanned or Dressed Furskins including Heads, Tails 4302-0 0 0 1 0Wood in Rough, Stripped or Not of Sapwood etc. 4403-0 0 12 4 20Tools, Tool Bodies, Tool Handles of Wood 4417-

Page 186: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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Export of Goods and Services March 2014 212

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

168 2 0 2 31Articles of Wood NES 4421-0 0 0 0 5Plaits etc and Products of Plaiting Materials 4601-0 0 0 0 3Waste and Scrap of Paper or Paperboard 4707-0 0 0 32 0Kraft Paper and Paperboard Uncoated NES 4804-0 0 0 1 0Paper and Paperboard Uncoated NES, Rolls or 4805-0 0 0 0 20Cigarette Paper 4813-0 0 10 0 65Toilet Paper, Paper Tissues, Towels, Napkins etc. 4818-0 0 0 0 1Registers, Notebooks, Order Book, Receipt Book 4820-

24 .. 0 6 1Paper and Paperboard Labels of all Kinds 4821-0 0 0 0 605Other Paper and Paperboard and Articles NES 4823-

2,266 23 30 30 184Woven Fabrics of Silk or Silk Waste 5007-725 7 0 7 0Woven Fabrics of Combed Wool or Fine Animal 5112-

0 0 0 334 15Cotton, Not Carded Or Combed 5201-19,478 195 365 2,557 2,654Cotton Waste Including Yarn Waste etc. 5202-

0 0 0 11 85Cotton, Carded or Combed 5203-0 0 9 628 274Cotton Sewing Thread, Retail Packed or Not 5204-

39,186 392 958 1,905 3,800Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton more than 85% 5205-2,245 22 0 69 76Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton less than 85% 5206-

0 0 60 0 60Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Retail Packed 5207-180,974 1,810 1,686 17,709 14,676Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt < 5208-

69,859 699 2,100 12,768 12,256Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-65,149 652 805 7,587 8,321Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt < 5210-10,392 104 0 339 406Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt > 5211-72,943 730 1,146 6,965 7,010Woven Cotton Fabrics NES 5212-

0 0 0 0 94True Hemp, not Spun, Tow and Waste of Hemp 5302-0 0 65 0 65Sewing Thread of Manmade Filaments 5401-

8,277 83 5 1,055 576Woven Fabric of Synthetic Filament Yarn 5407-0 0 0 54 0Yarn Not for Sewing Thread, Synthetic Staple 5509-0 0 0 162 0Yarn (No SewingThread), Manmade Staple Fiber, 5511-0 0 0 37 398Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5512-

8,632 86 18 1,331 1,805Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5513-38,769 388 300 3,397 2,572Woven Fabric, Synthetic < 85% of Fibre Mix 5514-

0 0 0 26 0Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibers NES 5515-0 0 0 2 9Textile Wadding and Articles; Text Fiber Not Over 5 5601-

2,875 29 55 312 370Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Knotted 5701-0 0 0 33 20Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Woven 5702-0 0 0 3 0Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Felt 5704-

6,034 60 76 1,101 593Woven Pile and Chenille Fabrics NES 5801-15,313 153 183 968 1,558Woven Terry Fabrics and Tufted Textile Fabric NES 5802-23,416 234 0 1,407 57Narrow Woven Fabrics Except Labels 5806-

934 9 8 170 85Labels, Badges and Similar Type of Textiles 5807-378 4 0 4 2Braids, Ornamental Trim in Pieces Not Knitted, or 5808-

0 0 0 0 27Embroidery in the Piece, In Strips or in Motifs 5810-0 0 0 89 16Gum Covered Fabric; Tracing Cloth; Paint Canvas 5901-0 0 0 87 0Textile Fabrics Coated, Covered or Lamented with 5903-0 0 0 0 27Textile Fabrics, Theatrical Scenery, Back-Cloths 5907-0 0 0 0 24Textile Wicks for Lamps etc. and Gas Mantles etc. 5908-0 0 3 0 3Textile Products and Articles for Technical uses 5911-0 0 36 0 116Kn/CR Fabrics Not of Rubber/Pile Width <30 cm 6003-0 0 0 0 ..Warp Knit fabrics Not of Rubber and Pile Fabrics 6005-0 0 0 0 49Other knitted or crocheted fabrics 6006-

2,003 20 39 170 744Gents Overcoats, Car-Coats, Caps, Cloaks and 6101-0 0 26 68 56Ladies Overcoats, Car-Coats, Caps, Cloaks and 6102-

133,430 1,335 1,301 11,548 4,156Gents Suits, Ensembles, Jackets etc. Kn/Cr 6103-15,580 156 256 1,768 1,581Ladies Suits, Ensembles etc. Kn/Cr 6104-84,943 850 676 6,920 7,573Gents Shirts, Knitted or Crocheted 6105-

Page 187: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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213 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 79 158 643Gents Blouses and Shirts Kn/Cr 6106-99,792 998 2,040 10,856 9,746Gents Underpants, Briefs, Nightshirts etc. Kn/Cr 6107-

3,826 38 0 562 911Ladies Slips, Petticoats, Briefs, Paints etc. Kn/Cr 6108-26,368 264 313 1,763 1,699T-Shirts, Singlets and other Vests Kn/Cr 6109-17,791 178 1,018 3,704 2,537Sweaters, Pullovers, Vests etc. Kn/Cr 6110-15,171 152 336 2,409 1,277Babies' Garments and Accessories Kn/Cr 6111-

1,396 14 149 409 484Track Suits, Ski Suits and Swimwear Kn/Cr 6112-157,101 1,571 725 15,159 11,329Garments, Made-ups Kn/Cr etc. of Rubber or Plastic 6113-

16,170 162 1 518 292Garments NES Knitted or Crocheted 6114-267,491 2,676 3,552 29,298 25,069Panty hose, Socks and other Hosiery Kn/Cr 6115-

31,620 316 308 3,728 3,524Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Knitted or Crocheted 6116-0 0 0 5 255Made-up Clothing Accessories NES Kn/Cr 6117-

17,456 175 43 325 202Men's or Boys' Overcoats, Cloaks etc. Not Knitted 6201-143 1 22 3 362Women's or Girls' Overcoats etc, Not Knitted or 6202-

517,650 5,178 4,833 36,622 22,340Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-29,062 291 111 1,796 5,993Women's or Girls' Suits, Ensembles etc. Not Kn/Cr. 6204-

5,860 59 0 143 334Men's or Boys' Shirts, Not Kn/Cr 6205-0 0 0 0 62Women's or Girls' Blouses, Shirts etc. Not Knitted 6206-

3,376 34 63 261 283Men's or Boys' Undershirts etc Not Kn/Cr 6207-0 0 0 175 45Women's or Girls' Slips etc Not Kn/Cr 6208-

4,893 49 49 332 329Babies' Garments and Accessories Not Kn/Cr 6209-21,034 210 26 1,044 666Track Suits, Ski-Suits and Swimwear, Not Knitted 6211-

0 0 0 0 9Brassieres, Girdles, Garters and Braces etc. 6212-0 0 0 0 48Handkerchiefs 6213-

1,178 12 63 452 488Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Not Knitted or Crocheted 6216-18,499 185 36 671 602Made-Up Clothing Accessories NES 6217-

0 0 20 16 45Blankets and Traveling Rugs 6301-888,547 8,887 7,816 76,276 58,359Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-

3,807 38 160 2,054 2,292Curtains and Interior Blinds, Curtain or Bed 6303-0 0 21 258 21Furnishing Articles of Textile Materials NES 6304-

5,330 53 7 387 146Sacks and Bags of Textile Material for Packing 6305-20,427 204 132 831 588Tarpaulins, Sails, Awnings and Tents etc. 6306-93,921 939 591 5,765 4,078Made-Up Articles of Textile Materials NES 6307-

0 0 0 67 0Worn Clothing and other Worn Textile Articles 6309-2,401 24 0 66 0Used or New Rags, Scrap Twine etc of Text Material 6310-

0 0 0 5 19Footwear, Outer Sole and Upper Rubber or Plastic 6402-31,989 320 335 4,227 1,692Footwear, Outer Sole Rubber, Plastic or Leather 6403-

240 2 0 156 44Footwear, Outer Sole Rubber, Plastic or Textile 6404-1,044 10 31 33 72Footwear NES 6405-

0 0 0 25 0Hat-Shapes, Plaited or Assembling Strips of any 6502-0 0 0 0 8Headgear NES 6506-0 0 0 13 0Walking-Sticks, Seat-Sticks, Whips and 6602-0 0 0 26 0Worked Monumental or Building Stone and Articles 6802-

422 4 0 4 5Abrasive Powder etc. on a Base of Textile Material 6805-0 0 0 0 5Articles of Cement, Concrete or Artificial Stone 6810-0 0 13 5 99Articles of Stone or Other Mineral Substance NES 6815-0 0 0 0 5Refractory Bricks, Blocks, Tiles and Similar Ceramic 6902-0 0 0 42 0Roofing Tiles, Chimney-Pots, Cowls, Chimney 6905-0 0 0 5 0Ceramic Wares for Laboratory etc. 6909-

1,981 20 5 43 9Glass Containers for Packing etc and Glass Closures 7010-0 0 0 11 0Articles of Glass NES 7020-0 0 0 9 16Precious and Semi Precious Stones NES 7103-0 0 0 1 0Imitation Jewelry 7117-0 0 0 604 628Ferrous Waste and Scrap 7204-0 0 0 0 3Wire of Iron and Non-Alloy Steel 7217-

1,337 13 0 43 118Other Bars and Rods of Stainless Steel etc. 7222-

Page 188: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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Export of Goods and Services March 2014 214

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 0 16Wire of Stainless Steel 7223-0 0 0 0 1Structures NES and Parts Thereof of Iron or Steel 7308-0 0 0 0 9Containers for Compressed or Liquefied Gas 7311-0 0 0 0 1Other Cast Articles of Iron or Steel 7325-0 0 0 2 15Articles of Iron or Steel, NES 7326-

19,585 196 0 1,589 315Refined Copper and Copper Alloys, Unwrought 7403-28,671 287 0 4,064 1,113Copper Waste and Scrap 7404-

0 0 0 0 369Copper Wire 7408-214 2 0 103 0Zirconium and Articles Thereof Include. Waste and 8109-

0 0 2 0 12Hand tools and Tools Used in Agriculture etc. 8201-0 0 5 11 9Files, Rasps, Pliers, Metal cutting Shears etc. 8203-0 0 0 0 4Hand tools NES Like Blow, Torches, Anvils etc. 8205-0 0 0 16 22Knives and Blades for Machines and Appliances 8208-0 0 0 1 11Hand Operated Mechanical Appliances 8210-

1,106 11 5 12 16Knives With Blades and Blades for Knives NES 8211-0 0 0 0 2Scissors, Tailors' Shears and Similar Shears and 8213-

2,759 28 72 295 323Articles of Cutlery NES and Manicure Sets etc. 8214-0 0 1 0 1Hardware, Fixtures, Castors etc. and Part 8302-0 0 0 0 100Compression-Ignition Internal Combustion Piston 8408-0 0 0 43 0Parts For Combustion Engines etc. 8409-0 0 0 3 0Industrial or Lab Furnaces, Ovens and Parts 8417-0 0 0 0 13Machinery etc for Temperature Change 8419-0 0 0 5 0Centrifuges, Including Dryers, Filter etc. 8421-0 0 0 13 0Machinery NES used for Food and Drink and Parts 8438-

1,257 13 0 185 0Machine Tools for Working Stone and Glass etc. 8464-0 0 0 5 0Machine Tools for Working Wood, Cork, Bone etc. 8465-

1,919 19 2 85 155Tools for Working in the Hand, Pneumatic etc. 8467-0 0 0 0 4Machines and Apparatus for Soldering, Brazing or 8468-0 0 0 0 12Automatic Data Process Machines and Units thereof 8471-0 0 0 156 69Parts for Typewriters and other Office Machines 8473-0 0 0 29 0Machinery for Sorting Screening etc. 8474-0 0 68 0 167Machinery for Tobacco Preparation NES and Parts 8478-0 0 0 1 0Machines and Mechanical Appliances NES 8479-0 0 0 48 0Electric Motors and Generators 8501-0 0 0 0 21Electrical Filament or Discharge Lamps and Parts 8539-

15,095 151 64 434 147Tractors Other Than Work Trucks used for Short 8701-3,543 35 0 254 132Parts and Accessories for Motor Vehicles 8708-

0 0 0 0 5Motorcycles and Cycles With Auxiliary Motor 8711-0 0 185 0 185Invalid Carriages, Mechanically Propelled or Not 8713-0 0 0 3 0Parts and Accessories of Cycles and Invalid 8714-0 0 0 1 0Parachutes, Rotochutes and Parts thereof 8804-0 0 0 0 600Vessels for Transport of Persons or Goods 8901-0 0 0 26 93Vessels and Floating Structures for Scrapping 8908-0 0 0 42 0Direction Finding Compasses and Navigational 9014-

58,603 586 443 3,861 3,203Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-0 0 10 0 10Mechano-Therapy, Massage etc Apparatus 9019-0 0 0 3 16X-Ray etc Apparatus, Tubes, Panels, Screen and 9022-0 0 0 10 0String Musical Instruments NES 9202-0 0 0 2 0Wind Musical Instruments NES 9205-0 0 0 1 60Musical Boxes, Fairground Organs etc. 9208-0 0 0 8 8Parts etc. of Musical Instruments, Metronomes 9209-0 0 0 6 0Seats and Parts Except Barber, Dental etc. 9401-0 0 0 1 0Furniture NES and Parts Thereof 9403-

472 5 0 357 165Mattress Supports, Articles of Bedding etc 9404-0 0 0 2 1Dolls, Representing only Human Beings and Parts 9502-

192,006 1,920 793 8,748 6,324Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-

Page 189: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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215 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 13 9Worked Ivory, Bone etc and Articles Thereof 9601-4,198 42 0 92 27Buttons, Press Studs, Button Mold and Blanks etc. 9606-

0 0 0 3 9Pens, Ball Points, Soft Tip and Mechanical Pencils 9608-0 0 0 0 5Pencils, Crayons, Leads and Chalks etc. 9609-0 0 0 0 2Combs, Hair-Slides etc. Hairpins, Curling Pins etc. 9615-0 0 0 4 25Collectors Item of Botanic and Historical Interest 9705-0 0 0 43 23Special Transaction NES 9992-

Netherlands Antilles 379 1,930834 3,04537,8520 0 0 0 26Fish Fillets and other Fish Meat, Fresh, Chilled or 3040 -0 0 3 0 3Other Vegetables NES Fresh or Chilled 7090 -0 0 0 29 0Rice 1006-0 0 0 0 174Molasses Extracted from Sugar 1703-0 0 0 0 124Chromium Ores and Concentrates 2610-

546 5 0 11 0Articles of Plastics Including Polymers and Resins 3926-0 0 2 0 2Articles of Apparel and Clothing Acc. of Rubber 4015-0 0 0 0 22Bovine or Equine Leather, No Hair NES 4104-0 0 0 0 12Goat or Kidskin Leather, No Hair NES 4106-0 0 63 451 63Leather further prepared after tanning (other animal) 4113-

2,641 26 0 26 0Saddlery, Harness, Traces and Leads etc. 4201-3,381 34 157 265 282Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-

0 0 0 1 0Articles of Leather NES 4205-0 0 0 19 0Toilet Paper, Paper Tissues, Towels, Napkins etc. 4818-0 0 0 0 18Bobbins, Spools etc. of Paper Pulp, Paper and 4822-0 0 0 0 118Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton more than 85% 5205-0 0 0 111 63Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt < 5208-0 0 54 0 245Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-0 0 0 0 30Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt > 5211-0 0 274 0 863Woven Cotton Fabrics NES 5212-0 0 0 26 0Yarn Not for Sewing Thread, Synthetic Staple 5509-0 0 0 13 0Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Knotted 5701-0 0 0 0 69Woven Terry Fabrics and Tufted Textile Fabric NES 5802-

2,775 28 0 124 0Gents Suits, Ensembles, Jackets etc. Kn/Cr 6103-12,179 122 0 137 50Gents Shirts, Knitted or Crocheted 6105-

0 0 9 0 9Sweaters, Pullovers, Vests etc. Kn/Cr 6110-0 0 20 10 20Track Suits, Ski Suits and Swimwear Kn/Cr 6112-0 0 0 0 75Garments, Made-ups Kn/Cr etc. of Rubber or Plastic 6113-0 0 0 0 19Panty hose, Socks and other Hosiery Kn/Cr 6115-0 0 0 0 28Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Knitted or Crocheted 6116-0 0 199 0 228Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-0 0 0 128 16Women's or Girls' Suits, Ensembles etc. Not Kn/Cr. 6204-0 0 43 23 457Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-0 0 0 9 6Curtains and Interior Blinds, Curtain or Bed 6303-0 0 0 20 10Sacks and Bags of Textile Material for Packing 6305-

1,835 18 0 18 0Made-Up Articles of Textile Materials NES 6307-0 0 0 1 0Setts, Curbstone and Flagstones, of Natural Stone 6801-0 0 0 3 0Precious and Semi Precious Stones NES 7103-

6,007 60 9 60 9Other Bars and Rods of Stainless Steel etc. 7222-0 0 0 4 0Articles of Cutlery NES and Manicure Sets etc. 8214-

8,456 85 0 437 5Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-31 .. 0 4 0Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-

New Caledonia 1 2568 283940 0 0 0 55Rice 1006-0 0 0 1 0Tobacco and Tobacco Substitutes Manufactured 2403-0 0 0 4 5Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-0 0 0 80 0Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt < 5208-

Page 190: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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Export of Goods and Services March 2014 216

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 0 76Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-0 0 0 0 11Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5513-

94 1 0 1 0Men's or Boys' Overcoats, Cloaks etc. Not Knitted 6201-0 0 0 .. 0Women's or Girls' Suits, Ensembles etc. Not Kn/Cr. 6204-0 0 0 55 0Men's or Boys' Shirts, Not Kn/Cr 6205-0 0 0 0 12Made-Up Clothing Accessories NES 6217-0 0 0 0 8Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-0 0 0 0 16Curtains and Interior Blinds, Curtain or Bed 6303-0 0 8 8 40Made-Up Articles of Textile Materials NES 6307-0 0 0 16 0Used or New Rags, Scrap Twine etc of Text Material 6310-0 0 0 84 0Copper Waste and Scrap 7404-0 0 0 0 30Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-0 0 0 8 0Mattress Supports, Articles of Bedding etc 9404-0 0 0 0 31Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-

New Zealand 3,511 30,3904,450 31,336351,0150 0 0 0 10Fish Frozen (Not Fish Fillets & other Fish Meat) 3030 -0 0 15 16 15Crustaceans; Live, Fresh etc, and Cooked etc. 3060 -0 0 6 0 6Onions, Shallots, Garlic, Leeks etc, Fresh or Chilled 7030 -0 0 0 0 9Vegetables, Dried, Whole, Cut etc. not further 7120 -0 0 0 13 0Dates, Figs, Pineapples, Avocados etc, Fr or Dried 8040 -

2,035 20 0 100 86Ginger, Saffron, Turmeric, Thyme, Bay Leaves, 9100 -21,137 211 272 4,531 5,212Rice 1006-

3,805 38 7 38 9Wheat or Meslin Flour 1101-918 9 0 178 73Cereal Flours, Except of Wheat or of Meslin 1102-

0 0 0 0 18Vegetable Products NES 1404-0 0 0 0 241Cane or Beet Sugar and Sucrose in Solid Form 1701-

1,009 10 21 85 53Other Sugar NES 1702-3,917 39 19 274 309Sugar Confectionery including White Chocolate not 1704-

0 0 0 14 0Pasta and Couscous, Prepared or Not 1902-0 0 0 33 33Bread, Pastry, Cakes etc 1905-0 0 0 40 116Vegetable, Fruit, Nuts Etc, Prep Or Pres By Vinegar 2001-0 0 0 7 0Vegetables Prepared or Preserved NES not Frozen 2005-0 0 0 3 1Fruit Juices including Grape Must and Vegtable 2009-0 0 0 4 0Extracts etc of Coffee, Tea or Mate 2101-0 0 0 0 3Sauces and Preparations thereof 2103-0 0 0 30 0Food Preparations NES 2106-0 0 0 112 0Ethyl Alcohol, Strength: more than 80% Alcohol 2207-0 0 0 5 24Tobacco and Tobacco Refuse 2401-

2,573 26 21 295 306Salt, Pure Sodium Chloride, Sea Water 2501-0 0 0 0 ..Natural Steatite Roughly Trimmed etc. 2526-0 0 0 0 3Chlorates etc. Bromates etc and Iodates etc. 2829-0 0 0 0 1Human Blood or Animal Blood Prepared for 3002-0 0 5 3 12Medicaments NES 3004-0 0 0 2 0Prepared Driers 3211-0 0 0 2 0Essential Oils, Resinoids and Terpene 3301-0 0 0 0 24Odoriferous Mixtures as Raw Materials for Industry 3302-0 0 0 43 0Beauty and Make-Up Preparations 3304-0 0 24 0 24Artificial and Prepared Waxes 3404-0 0 0 12 0Prepared binders for foundry moulds or cores 3824-0 0 0 .. 0Polyesters, Epoxides and Polyesters, Primary Forms 3907-0 0 0 18 12Self-Adhesive Plates, Sheets, Film etc. of Plastics 3919-0 0 10 0 10Containers: Boxes, Bags, Closures etc, Plastic 3923-0 0 0 4 0Articles of Plastics Including Polymers and Resins 3926-0 0 20 355 118Waste of Rubber and Powder Obtain thereof 4004-

84 1 0 1 0Conveyor or Transmission Belts of Vulcanized 4010-

Page 191: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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217 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 0 44Articles of Apparel and Clothing Acc. of Rubber 4015-0 0 0 0 24Goat or Kidskin Leather, No Hair NES 4106-0 0 12 3 14Leather of Animals NES, No Hair NES 4107-0 0 0 .. 15Leather further prepared after tanning (sheep, lamb) 4112-

390 4 14 53 119Leather further prepared after tanning (other animal) 4113-9,503 95 0 105 38Saddlery, Harness, Traces and Leads etc. 4201-

0 0 0 39 1Travel Goods, Handbags, Wallets, Jewelry Cases etc. 4202-4,253 43 102 434 525Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-

0 0 0 117 46Articles of Leather Used in Machinery and 4204-1,068 11 0 34 15Articles of Leather NES 4205-

0 0 0 0 11Cartons, Boxes, Cases, Bags and other Packing 4819-0 0 0 2 0Printed Books, Brochures and Similar Printed Matter 4901-0 0 0 .. 0Woven Fabrics of Silk or Silk Waste 5007-0 0 0 43 0Yarn of Fine Animal Hair, Not For Retail Sale 5108-0 0 0 0 2Cotton, Not Carded Or Combed 5201-0 0 0 26 0Cotton Waste Including Yarn Waste etc. 5202-0 0 0 10 12Cotton, Carded or Combed 5203-0 0 0 31 35Cotton Sewing Thread, Retail Packed or Not 5204-0 0 28 193 278Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton more than 85% 5205-0 0 0 27 0Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton less than 85% 5206-

7,997 80 91 886 930Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt < 5208-0 0 44 230 162Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-

19,258 193 163 1,206 1,260Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt < 5210-269 3 89 5 156Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt > 5211-

1,057 11 184 556 1,308Woven Cotton Fabrics NES 5212-5,051 51 0 107 13Woven Fabric of Synthetic Filament Yarn 5407-

0 0 0 0 13Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5512-1,038 10 46 153 441Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5513-4,288 43 23 49 151Woven Fabric, Synthetic < 85% of Fibre Mix 5514-

11,737 117 4 410 178Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Knotted 5701-0 0 19 104 358Woven Terry Fabrics and Tufted Textile Fabric NES 5802-

1,587 16 3 111 44Labels, Badges and Similar Type of Textiles 5807-374 4 0 7 3Braids, Ornamental Trim in Pieces Not Knitted, or 5808-

0 0 2 0 3Gum Covered Fabric; Tracing Cloth; Paint Canvas 5901-0 0 40 0 55Textile Fabrics Coated, Covered or Lamented with 5903-0 0 0 0 2Textile Fabrics, Theatrical Scenery, Back-Cloths 5907-0 0 0 0 31Knitted or Crocheted Fabrics of Rubber of Width 6002-0 0 0 40 0Gents Overcoats, Car-Coats, Caps, Cloaks and 6101-

5,366 54 2 107 145Gents Suits, Ensembles, Jackets etc. Kn/Cr 6103-15,197 152 0 263 30Ladies Suits, Ensembles etc. Kn/Cr 6104-

0 0 36 35 63Gents Shirts, Knitted or Crocheted 6105-0 0 0 1 0Gents Blouses and Shirts Kn/Cr 6106-

888 9 4 9 4Gents Underpants, Briefs, Nightshirts etc. Kn/Cr 6107-0 0 0 0 10Ladies Slips, Petticoats, Briefs, Paints etc. Kn/Cr 6108-0 0 0 39 7T-Shirts, Singlets and other Vests Kn/Cr 6109-

765 8 14 31 22Sweaters, Pullovers, Vests etc. Kn/Cr 6110-0 0 0 1 0Babies' Garments and Accessories Kn/Cr 6111-

2,141 21 2 59 12Track Suits, Ski Suits and Swimwear Kn/Cr 6112-394 4 71 258 184Garments, Made-ups Kn/Cr etc. of Rubber or Plastic 6113-341 3 0 101 0Garments NES Knitted or Crocheted 6114-

2,713 27 8 195 175Panty hose, Socks and other Hosiery Kn/Cr 6115-2,678 27 0 110 25Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Knitted or Crocheted 6116-

0 0 5 0 14Made-up Clothing Accessories NES Kn/Cr 6117-5,226 52 0 52 0Men's or Boys' Overcoats, Cloaks etc. Not Knitted 6201-

115 1 0 1 0Women's or Girls' Overcoats etc, Not Knitted or 6202-529 5 13 260 267Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-

Page 192: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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US $Rs.

(Amount in Thousand)MARCH JULY - MARCH

20 20


Export of Goods and Services March 2014 218

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 18 1Women's or Girls' Suits, Ensembles etc. Not Kn/Cr. 6204-0 0 0 0 21Men's or Boys' Shirts, Not Kn/Cr 6205-0 0 0 0 127Men's or Boys' Undershirts etc Not Kn/Cr 6207-0 0 0 0 11Women's or Girls' Slips etc Not Kn/Cr 6208-

554 6 13 69 37Babies' Garments and Accessories Not Kn/Cr 6209-0 0 4 0 9Track Suits, Ski-Suits and Swimwear, Not Knitted 6211-0 0 4 50 25Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Not Knitted or Crocheted 6216-0 0 12 825 299Made-Up Clothing Accessories NES 6217-0 0 34 0 109Blankets and Traveling Rugs 6301-

166,768 1,668 2,553 13,171 13,211Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-11,744 117 0 386 637Curtains and Interior Blinds, Curtain or Bed 6303-

0 0 0 54 17Furnishing Articles of Textile Materials NES 6304-0 0 10 11 17Sacks and Bags of Textile Material for Packing 6305-

655 7 7 26 41Tarpaulins, Sails, Awnings and Tents etc. 6306-5,612 56 174 920 1,184Made-Up Articles of Textile Materials NES 6307-

0 0 0 1 1Worn Clothing and other Worn Textile Articles 6309-0 0 0 3 7Used or New Rags, Scrap Twine etc of Text Material 6310-0 0 0 0 1Footwear, Outer Sole and Upper Rubber or Plastic 6402-0 0 .. 7 10Footwear, Outer Sole Rubber, Plastic or Leather 6403-0 0 0 20 10Footwear, Outer Sole Rubber, Plastic or Textile 6404-0 0 0 5 22Footwear NES 6405-0 0 0 7 7Articles of Stone or Other Mineral Substance NES 6815-0 0 0 1 0Ceramic Building Bricks, Flooring Blocks, Tile etc. 6904-0 0 0 0 1Chain and Parts of Iron or Steel 7315-0 0 0 0 3Screws, Bolts, Nuts, Washers etc. Iron or Steel 7318-

1,064 11 0 11 0Articles of Iron or Steel, NES 7326-0 0 0 27 0Table, Kitchen or other Household Articles and Parts 7615-0 0 0 0 1Hand tools and Tools Used in Agriculture etc. 8201-

83 1 0 1 0Knives With Blades and Blades for Knives NES 8211-0 0 0 0 1Scissors, Tailors' Shears and Similar Shears and 8213-

245 2 0 64 20Articles of Cutlery NES and Manicure Sets etc. 8214-0 0 0 3 0Compression-Ignition Internal Combustion Piston 8408-0 0 0 1 0Air Conditioning Machines and Parts 8415-0 0 0 4 0Industrial or Lab Furnaces, Ovens and Parts 8417-0 0 0 0 18Machinery NES used for Food and Drink and Parts 8438-0 0 4 26 11Tools for Working in the Hand, Pneumatic etc. 8467-0 0 0 12 0Automatic Data Process Machines and Units thereof 8471-0 0 0 0 1Carbon Electrodes and Brushes, Lamp Carbons etc 8545-0 0 0 24 0Tractors Other Than Work Trucks used for Short 8701-0 0 0 5 1Parts and Accessories for Motor Vehicles 8708-

13,124 131 68 794 427Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-15 .. 0 .. 0Musical Instruments With Sound Electrically 9207-

0 0 0 14 0Parts etc. of Musical Instruments, Metronomes 9209-0 0 0 0 1Revolvers and Pistols Designed to Fire Live Ammo 9302-0 0 0 0 5Furniture NES and Parts Thereof 9403-

198 2 57 330 266Mattress Supports, Articles of Bedding etc 9404-11,253 113 71 773 799Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-

0 0 0 1 0Fishing Rods and Tackle Nets, Decoys etc. 9507-0 0 0 5 0Special Transaction NES 9992-

Nicaragua 1,270 9,342728 9,101127,0010 0 18 0 18Leather further prepared after tanning (other animal) 4113-0 0 0 7 18Articles of Leather NES 4205-0 0 0 0 3Fuel Wood, In Logs etc. Wood in Chips etc. 4401-0 0 0 0 2Paper and Paperboard Labels of all Kinds 4821-0 0 0 361 0Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton more than 85% 5205-

Page 193: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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US $Rs.

(Amount in Thousand)MARCH JULY - MARCH

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219 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 466 2,878 5,180Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt < 5208-124,462 1,245 157 5,685 3,197Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-

0 0 0 191 524Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt < 5210-0 0 0 73 0Woven Terry Fabrics and Tufted Textile Fabric NES 5802-0 0 3 0 3Gents Shirts, Knitted or Crocheted 6105-0 0 0 5 4Men's or Boys' Overcoats, Cloaks etc. Not Knitted 6201-0 0 76 26 76Machinery NES used for Food and Drink and Parts 8438-0 0 0 9 0Transmission Shafts, Bearings, Gears etc. and Parts 8483-

2,538 25 7 106 68Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-0 0 1 0 7Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-

Niger 1,127 18,5603,267 16,976112,6290 0 0 0 58Fish Fillets and other Fish Meat, Fresh, Chilled or 3040 -0 0 0 0 8Other Vegetables NES Fresh or Chilled 7090 -0 0 0 0 7Fruit NES Fresh 8100 -

85,184 852 2,702 14,810 12,797Rice 1006-0 0 0 9 0Human Blood or Animal Blood Prepared for 3002-0 0 0 0 1Medicaments Mixtures for Therapeutic Use 3003-

8,295 83 48 728 358Medicaments NES 3004-0 0 0 0 7Wading, Gauze, Bandages etc. 3005-0 0 0 0 120Beauty and Make-Up Preparations 3304-0 0 0 0 140Prepared Glues and Adhesives NES 3506-0 0 77 163 77Matches and Except Pyrotechnic Articles 3605-0 0 0 95 0Articles of Plastics Including Polymers and Resins 3926-0 0 0 12 0New Pneumatic Tires of Rubber 4011-0 0 0 7 65Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-0 0 0 0 1Articles of Leather NES 4205-

6,169 62 0 62 0Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton more than 85% 5205-0 0 0 2 0Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt < 5208-0 0 37 828 1,791Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-0 0 0 91 100Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt < 5210-0 0 0 0 145Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5512-

4,019 40 0 435 160Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5513-0 0 0 0 169Woven Fabric, Synthetic < 85% of Fibre Mix 5514-0 0 0 139 0Twine, Cordage, Rope and Cables 5607-

2,705 27 0 27 0Woven Terry Fabrics and Tufted Textile Fabric NES 5802-0 0 0 82 0Gum Covered Fabric; Tracing Cloth; Paint Canvas 5901-0 0 0 104 0Warp Knit fabrics Not of Rubber and Pile Fabrics 6005-0 0 0 41 0Gents Suits, Ensembles, Jackets etc. Kn/Cr 6103-

1,843 18 0 18 1Gents Shirts, Knitted or Crocheted 6105-0 0 0 0 70Women's or Girls' Suits, Ensembles etc. Not Kn/Cr. 6204-

163 2 0 168 358Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-0 0 0 679 0Tarpaulins, Sails, Awnings and Tents etc. 6306-0 0 0 0 50Worked Monumental or Building Stone and Articles 6802-

3,992 40 0 40 0Articles of Iron or Steel, NES 7326-0 0 0 0 70Cooking or Heating Apparatus for Domestic Purpose 7417-0 0 0 0 11Motor Cars and Vehicles for Transporting Persons 8703-

259 3 0 3 0Parts and Accessories for Motor Vehicles 8708-0 0 403 5 412Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-0 0 0 0 ..Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-0 0 0 12 0Vacuum Flask and Vessel With Cases 9617-

Nigeria 4,575 39,7852,732 31,983457,4350 0 0 31 0Live Horses, Asses, Mules and Hinnies 1010 -0 0 0 20 17Meat of Bovine Animals, Fresh or Chilled 2010 -

787 8 0 20 0Fish Frozen (Not Fish Fillets & other Fish Meat) 3030 -0 0 0 0 10Milk and Cream, Concentrated or Sweetened 4020 -

Page 194: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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US $Rs.

(Amount in Thousand)MARCH JULY - MARCH

20 20


Export of Goods and Services March 2014 220

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 0 10Onions, Shallots, Garlic, Leeks etc, Fresh or Chilled 7030 -0 0 0 .. 1Dates, Figs, Pineapples, Avocados etc, Fr or Dried 8040 -

2,493 25 0 332 509Fruit NES Fresh 8100 -0 0 0 15 0Wheat and Meslin 1001-

37,224 372 17 1,083 464Rice 1006-0 0 0 0 9Wheat or Meslin Flour 1101-0 0 0 4 15Seeds, Fruit and Spores, for Sowing 1209-0 0 0 0 70Plants etc. for Pharmacy, Perfume, Insecticides etc. 1211-0 0 0 0 63Lac; Natural Gums, Resins, Gum-Resins and 1301-0 0 0 7 0Vegetable Saps and Extracts: Pectates, Agar-Agar 1302-0 0 0 40 0Vegetable Products NES 1404-0 0 0 0 40Olive Oil and Its Fractions Not Chem. Modified 1509-

996 10 0 147 0Sugar Confectionery including White Chocolate not 1704-0 0 0 17 0Jams, Fruit Jellies, Marmalades etc. Cooked 2007-0 0 5 0 5Fruit Juices including Grape Must and Vegtable 2009-0 0 0 9 26Sauces and Preparations thereof 2103-0 0 0 0 797Bran, Sharps and other Residue 2302-

195 2 25 8 38Preparations Used In Animal Feeding 2309-440 4 0 4 0Salt, Pure Sodium Chloride, Sea Water 2501-

0 0 0 5 0Marble, Travertine etc. and Alabaster, Crude etc. 2515-0 0 0 48 44Portland Cement, Aluminous Cement and Slag 2523-0 0 0 25 0Oil from Petrol and Bituminous Mineral etc. 2710-0 0 25 433 581Hydrogen Chloride; Chlorosulphuric Acid 2806-

63,319 633 0 633 0Provitamins and Vitamins and Derivatives 2936-6,177 62 301 1,955 1,916Antibiotics 2941-

0 0 0 10 37Human Blood or Animal Blood Prepared for 3002-21,063 211 176 1,833 2,361Medicaments Mixtures for Therapeutic Use 3003-33,017 330 377 2,831 2,058Medicaments NES 3004-

0 0 11 8 61Wading, Gauze, Bandages etc. 3005-0 0 25 0 122Pharmaceutical Goods 3006-0 0 0 5 0Fertilizer of Nitrogen, Phosphorus or Potassium 3105-0 0 0 0 9Synthetic Organic Coloring Matter 3204-0 0 0 0 3Paints and Varnishes of Synthetic Polymers 3208-0 0 0 12 38Odoriferous Mixtures as Raw Materials for Industry 3302-0 0 0 0 120Beauty and Make-Up Preparations 3304-0 0 0 0 22Personal Toilet etc Prep NES 3307-0 0 0 0 39Organic Surf-Act Agents and Products other than 3402-0 0 24 156 568Matches and Except Pyrotechnic Articles 3605-0 0 0 408 0Prepared binders for foundry moulds or cores 3824-0 0 0 1 0Polymers of Ethylene, in Primary Forms 3901-

100 1 0 1 0Polymers of Propylene or other Olefins, Primary 3902-0 0 0 0 25Polymers of Vinyl Chloride etc. in Primary Forms 3904-0 0 0 34 0Polyesters, Epoxides and Polyesters, Primary Forms 3907-0 0 0 0 9Amino-Resins, Phenolic and Polyurethane, Primary 3909-0 0 0 88 0Waste, Parings and Scrap, of Plastics 3915-0 0 0 138 0Tubes, Pipes and Hoses and their Fittings, of Plastics 3917-

847 8 10 79 10Self-Adhesive Plates, Sheets, Film etc. of Plastics 3919-46,823 468 122 1,303 307Plates, Sheets, Film etc. 3920-

0 0 0 77 0Containers: Boxes, Bags, Closures etc, Plastic 3923-410 4 40 74 110Tableware and other Household Articles etc, Plastics 3924-

0 0 0 13 0Waste of Rubber and Powder Obtain thereof 4004-0 0 0 50 0New Pneumatic Tires of Rubber 4011-0 0 0 50 0Hygienic of Pharmaceutical Articles of Rubber 4014-0 0 0 5 3Articles of Apparel and Clothing Acc. of Rubber 4015-0 0 0 .. 0Leather further prepared after tanning (other animal) 4113-0 0 0 0 1Saddlery, Harness, Traces and Leads etc. 4201-

Page 195: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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US $Rs.

(Amount in Thousand)MARCH JULY - MARCH

20 20


221 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 .. 30 6Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-0 0 0 .. 0Articles of Leather Used in Machinery and 4204-

200 2 0 249 43Articles of Leather NES 4205-0 0 0 6 3Registers, Notebooks, Order Book, Receipt Book 4820-0 0 0 0 8Paper and Paperboard Labels of all Kinds 4821-0 0 0 0 4Cotton Waste Including Yarn Waste etc. 5202-0 0 0 102 0Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt < 5208-0 0 10 189 1,246Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-

23,530 235 95 1,672 984Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt < 5210-0 0 0 204 50Woven Cotton Fabrics NES 5212-0 0 0 0 72Woven Fabrics of Jute or Other Textile Bast Fibres 5310-0 0 0 220 1,010Woven Fabric of Synthetic Filament Yarn 5407-0 0 0 0 313Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5512-

39,791 398 703 2,609 4,374Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5513-0 0 0 80 0Woven Fabric, Synthetic < 85% of Fibre Mix 5514-0 0 0 80 0Rubber Thread and Cord, Text Covered, Textile 5604-0 0 0 6,306 0Twine, Cordage, Rope and Cables 5607-

67,280 673 0 2,336 0Knotted Netting of Twine, Cordage or rope of 5608-404 4 0 38 0Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Knotted 5701-

0 0 0 0 19Woven Terry Fabrics and Tufted Textile Fabric NES 5802-1,900 19 5 79 103Labels, Badges and Similar Type of Textiles 5807-

0 0 66 317 232Embroidery in the Piece, In Strips or in Motifs 5810-2,997 30 0 146 0Gum Covered Fabric; Tracing Cloth; Paint Canvas 5901-

0 0 0 175 310Textile Fabrics Coated, Covered or Lamented with 5903-297 3 0 3 0Rubberized Textile Fabrics other Than Tire Cord 5906-

0 0 0 10 0Textile Fabrics, Theatrical Scenery, Back-Cloths 5907-0 0 0 59 0Other knitted or crocheted fabrics 6006-0 0 0 3 34Gents Overcoats, Car-Coats, Caps, Cloaks and 6101-0 0 0 204 0Ladies Overcoats, Car-Coats, Caps, Cloaks and 6102-0 0 0 2 12Gents Suits, Ensembles, Jackets etc. Kn/Cr 6103-0 0 0 43 25Ladies Suits, Ensembles etc. Kn/Cr 6104-

600 6 23 125 308Gents Shirts, Knitted or Crocheted 6105-0 0 0 .. 1Gents Blouses and Shirts Kn/Cr 6106-

2,499 25 0 275 50T-Shirts, Singlets and other Vests Kn/Cr 6109-798 8 0 78 0Sweaters, Pullovers, Vests etc. Kn/Cr 6110-

0 0 0 7 0Babies' Garments and Accessories Kn/Cr 6111-0 0 0 306 6Track Suits, Ski Suits and Swimwear Kn/Cr 6112-0 0 10 76 51Garments, Made-ups Kn/Cr etc. of Rubber or Plastic 6113-

3,194 32 30 412 524Garments NES Knitted or Crocheted 6114-0 0 0 20 10Panty hose, Socks and other Hosiery Kn/Cr 6115-0 0 100 50 601Made-up Clothing Accessories NES Kn/Cr 6117-0 0 0 0 50Men's or Boys' Overcoats, Cloaks etc. Not Knitted 6201-0 0 0 0 5Women's or Girls' Overcoats etc, Not Knitted or 6202-

3,625 36 86 348 147Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-0 0 0 .. 0Women's or Girls' Suits, Ensembles etc. Not Kn/Cr. 6204-0 0 .. 0 ..Garments, of Felt etc, or Fabric Impregnated etc 6210-0 0 0 0 33Track Suits, Ski-Suits and Swimwear, Not Knitted 6211-0 0 .. 0 ..Made-Up Clothing Accessories NES 6217-

22,887 229 215 2,139 901Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-0 0 0 19 0Furnishing Articles of Textile Materials NES 6304-0 0 0 0 12Sacks and Bags of Textile Material for Packing 6305-0 0 0 0 3Tarpaulins, Sails, Awnings and Tents etc. 6306-0 0 0 15 10Made-Up Articles of Textile Materials NES 6307-0 0 0 0 28Worn Clothing and other Worn Textile Articles 6309-0 0 0 0 3Used or New Rags, Scrap Twine etc of Text Material 6310-0 0 0 536 567Footwear, Outer Sole Rubber, Plastic or Leather 6403-

Page 196: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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US $Rs.

(Amount in Thousand)MARCH JULY - MARCH

20 20


Export of Goods and Services March 2014 222

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 4 0Headgear NES 6506-0 0 0 30 0Abrasive Powder etc. on a Base of Textile Material 6805-0 0 0 12 0Articles of Stone or Other Mineral Substance NES 6815-0 0 0 5 0Ceramic Building Bricks, Flooring Blocks, Tile etc. 6904-0 0 0 53 0Tableware, Kitchenware and other Articles of Toilet 6911-0 0 0 82 0Glass Containers for Packing etc and Glass Closures 7010-0 0 0 2 0Glass Fibers and Articles Thereof (Yarn Etc.) 7019-0 0 0 15 0Containers for Compressed or Liquefied Gas 7311-0 0 0 22 0Articles of Copper NES 7419-0 0 90 0 90Aluminum Structures NES 7610-0 0 0 63 0Table, Kitchen or other Household Articles and Parts 7615-0 0 0 11 8Razors and Razor Blades 8212-0 0 0 7 11Scissors, Tailors' Shears and Similar Shears and 8213-0 0 0 22 0Bells, Gongs and the Like, Picture and Frames 8306-0 0 0 0 7Compression-Ignition Internal Combustion Piston 8408-0 0 0 1 0Hydraulic Turbines, Water Wheels and Regulators 8410-

1,247 12 0 12 0Air or Vacuum Pump, Compressors and Fans 8414-0 0 0 22 0Refrigerators, Freezers, Heat Pumps NES and Parts 8418-

207 2 8 30 87Machinery etc for Temperature Change 8419-0 0 0 0 29Machines, Dishwashing Machines for Cleaning etc. 8422-0 0 0 152 0Agriculture Machinery for Soil, Lawn Preparations 8432-0 0 0 0 948Agriculture and Poultry etc Equipment Including 8436-

395 4 0 198 0Auxiliary Machinery for use With Textile Machines 8448-0 0 0 13 45Machines and Mechanical Appliances NES 8479-0 0 0 22 0Taps, Cocks, Valves and Similar Appliances for 8481-0 0 30 80 34Transmission Shafts, Bearings, Gears etc. and Parts 8483-0 0 0 6 0Electric Motors and Generators 8501-

3,997 40 0 40 0Electrical Water Heater and Soil Heaters, 8516-0 0 0 575 804Electric Apparatus for Line Telephony, Telephone 8517-

1,989 20 0 20 0Carbon Electrodes and Brushes, Lamp Carbons etc 8545-11,068 111 0 4,625 4,735Tractors Other Than Work Trucks used for Short 8701-

8,948 89 0 203 102Motor Cars and Vehicles for Transporting Persons 8703-0 0 0 0 669Bodies for Specific Motor Vehicles 8707-0 0 0 15 25Parts and Accessories for Motor Vehicles 8708-0 0 0 0 105Parts and Accessories of Cycles and Invalid 8714-

34,297 343 99 1,325 1,056Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-0 0 0 7 0Orthopedic Appliances Artificial Body and Parts 9021-0 0 0 0 15Parts etc. of Musical Instruments, Metronomes 9209-0 0 0 52 0Seats and Parts Except Barber, Dental etc. 9401-

1,049 10 0 10 0Furniture NES and Parts Thereof 9403-0 0 3 0 50Lamps and Lighting Fittings and Parts etc NES 9405-0 0 0 6 0Toys NES, Reduced Size, Puzzles of all Kinds 9503-

8,056 81 1 297 169Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-2,289 23 0 162 318Vacuum Flask and Vessel With Cases 9617-

0 0 .. 0 ..Special Transaction NES 9992-North Korea 564 5,152493 3,34456,367

0 0 0 0 6Meat of Bovine Animals, Fresh or Chilled 2010 -0 0 0 0 142Fish Fillets and other Fish Meat, Fresh, Chilled or 3040 -0 0 0 2 0Other Vegetables NES Fresh or Chilled 7090 -5 .. 0 .. 0Citrus Fruit, Fresh or Dried 8050 -0 0 231 0 231Rice 1006-0 0 0 0 10Sausages and Similar Products of Meat and Blood 1601-0 0 0 0 50Prepared or Preserved Fish, Caviar and Caviar 1604-0 0 9 0 83Crustaceans Molluscs etc Prepared or Preserved 1605-0 0 0 50 0Fruit, Nuts etc. Prepared or Preserved NES 2008-

Page 197: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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US $Rs.

(Amount in Thousand)MARCH JULY - MARCH

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223 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 0 1,116Ethyl Alcohol, Strength: more than 80% Alcohol 2207-0 0 0 165 0Natural Steatite Roughly Trimmed etc. 2526-0 0 0 0 1Medicaments Mixtures for Therapeutic Use 3003-0 0 0 8 0Beauty and Make-Up Preparations 3304-0 0 0 8 0Lubricating Preparations, Antirust and Treating 3403-0 0 0 0 13Waste, Parings and Scrap, of Plastics 3915-0 0 0 8 0Articles of Apparel and Clothing Acc. of Rubber 4015-0 0 0 0 9Bovine or Equine Leather, No Hair NES 4104-

13,588 136 127 199 616Leather of Animals NES, No Hair NES 4107-31,152 312 0 2,425 14Leather further prepared after tanning (other animal) 4113-

0 0 0 15 0Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-0 0 0 14 0Cotton Waste Including Yarn Waste etc. 5202-

5,224 52 0 821 500Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton more than 85% 5205-0 0 0 431 0Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt < 5208-0 0 0 136 0Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-0 0 0 171 97Woven Cotton Fabrics NES 5212-0 0 54 0 54Yarn of Vegetable Textile Fibers NES, Paper Yarn 5308-0 0 0 238 0Yarn Not for Sewing Thread, Synthetic Staple 5509-0 0 0 57 0Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5512-0 0 30 0 30Gents Suits, Ensembles, Jackets etc. Kn/Cr 6103-

291 3 0 3 0T-Shirts, Singlets and other Vests Kn/Cr 6109-0 0 0 58 0Track Suits, Ski Suits and Swimwear Kn/Cr 6112-0 0 0 0 192Garments NES Knitted or Crocheted 6114-0 0 0 0 2Panty hose, Socks and other Hosiery Kn/Cr 6115-0 0 0 0 9Women's or Girls' Suits, Ensembles etc. Not Kn/Cr. 6204-0 0 42 88 42Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-0 0 0 0 4Used or New Rags, Scrap Twine etc of Text Material 6310-0 0 0 39 0Footwear, Outer Sole Rubber, Plastic or Leather 6403-0 0 0 9 14Articles of Stone or Other Mineral Substance NES 6815-0 0 0 0 4Ceramic Sinks, Washbasins, Water Closet Bowls etc. 6910-0 0 0 3 0Other Lifting, Handling, Loading and Unloading 8428-0 0 0 0 43Machinery NES used for Food and Drink and Parts 8438-0 0 0 3 0Tools for Working in the Hand, Pneumatic etc. 8467-0 0 0 3 0Electrical Machinery and Apparatus 8543-

2,717 27 0 136 57Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-0 0 0 1 0Parts etc. of Musical Instruments, Metronomes 9209-

3,391 34 0 60 5Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-Norway 3,713 40,9113,957 35,733371,232

0 0 0 249 70Meat of Bovine Animals, Fresh or Chilled 2010 -0 0 0 8 14Meat of Swine, Fresh, Chilled or Frozen 2030 -0 0 0 128 163Meat of Sheep or Goats, Fresh, Chilled or Frozen 2040 -0 0 0 39 0Other Meat & Edible Offal ; Fresh, Chilled or Frozen 2080 -0 0 2 8 2Natural Honey 4090 -0 0 0 0 2Guts, Bladders, Stomachs of Animals (Not Fish) 5040 -0 0 0 0 1Potatoes, Fresh or Chilled 7010 -

251 3 7 86 135Onions, Shallots, Garlic, Leeks etc, Fresh or Chilled 7030 -175 2 0 33 4Cabbages, Cauliflower, Kohlrabi, Kale etc. Fresh or 7040 -

0 0 0 0 53Leguminous Vegetables, Shelled or not, Fresh or 7080 -3,933 39 34 220 144Other Vegetables NES Fresh or Chilled 7090 -

124 1 0 7 0Vegetables Frozen 7100 -0 0 0 9 0Vegetables, Temporarily Preserved, not now Edible 7110 -0 0 1 0 1Vegetables, Dried, Whole, Cut etc. not further 7120 -

319 3 5 1,200 999Dates, Figs, Pineapples, Avocados etc, Fr or Dried 8040 -539 5 17 66 159Citrus Fruit, Fresh or Dried 8050 -

4,191 42 0 239 439Fruit NES Fresh 8100 -

Page 198: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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US $Rs.

(Amount in Thousand)MARCH JULY - MARCH

20 20


Export of Goods and Services March 2014 224

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 136 0Ginger, Saffron, Turmeric, Thyme, Bay Leaves, 9100 -12,612 126 84 1,655 1,236Rice 1006-

0 0 0 0 25Wheat or Meslin Flour 1101-1,299 13 0 39 0Cereal Groats, Meal and Pellets 1103-

0 0 0 0 3Cereal Straw and Husks 1213-5,333 53 0 226 241Malt Extracts; Food Prep. of Flour etc. Under 50% 1901-3,575 36 0 144 167Bread, Pastry, Cakes etc 1905-

0 0 6 0 15Vegetables Prepared or Preserved NES Frozen 2004-0 0 0 5 46Fruit, Nuts, Fruit-Peel etc, Preserved by Sugar 2006-0 0 0 10 4Fruit Juices including Grape Must and Vegtable 2009-0 0 0 9 29Salt, Pure Sodium Chloride, Sea Water 2501-0 0 0 0 38Portland Cement, Aluminous Cement and Slag 2523-0 0 2 0 3Pharmaceutical Goods 3006-0 0 0 1 0Beauty and Make-Up Preparations 3304-0 0 17 309 416Artificial Graphite, Colloidal Graphite and 3801-0 0 0 8 0Polymers of Propylene or other Olefins, Primary 3902-0 0 0 11 0Plates, Sheets, Film etc. 3920-0 0 0 1 0Containers: Boxes, Bags, Closures etc, Plastic 3923-0 0 0 228 264Waste of Rubber and Powder Obtain thereof 4004-0 0 0 0 16New Pneumatic Tires of Rubber 4011-0 0 0 281 138Articles of Apparel and Clothing Acc. of Rubber 4015-0 0 0 3 0Leather further prepared after tanning (sheep, lamb) 4112-

3,211 32 0 106 51Leather further prepared after tanning (other animal) 4113-0 0 0 0 1Saddlery, Harness, Traces and Leads etc. 4201-0 0 0 6 0Travel Goods, Handbags, Wallets, Jewelry Cases etc. 4202-

26,636 266 441 3,487 4,595Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-0 0 9 22 49Articles of Leather Used in Machinery and 4204-

326 3 11 105 116Articles of Leather NES 4205-0 0 0 0 15Waste and Scrap of Paper or Paperboard 4707-0 0 0 0 4Paper Uncoated For Writing etc, Rolls; Handmade 4802-0 0 0 4 0Paper and Paperboard, Coated With Kaolin etc 4810-0 0 0 0 4Toilet Paper, Paper Tissues, Towels, Napkins etc. 4818-0 0 0 7 6Printed Books, Brochures and Similar Printed Matter 4901-

121 1 2 29 20Newspapers, Journals and Periodicals 4902-0 0 0 0 28Woven Fabrics of Silk or Silk Waste 5007-0 0 0 6 0Cotton, Carded or Combed 5203-0 0 0 0 76Cotton Sewing Thread, Retail Packed or Not 5204-0 0 0 6 9Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton more than 85% 5205-

307 3 13 352 251Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt < 5208-6,984 70 69 386 153Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-

0 0 0 124 78Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt < 5210-0 0 70 0 70Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt > 5211-0 0 0 187 98Woven Cotton Fabrics NES 5212-0 0 0 68 42Woven Fabric of Synthetic Filament Yarn 5407-

2,599 26 0 26 136Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5512-421 4 0 5 378Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5513-

0 0 0 43 0Textile Wadding and Articles; Text Fiber Not Over 5 5601-1,005 10 6 121 125Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Knotted 5701-

0 0 30 38 220Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Woven 5702-0 0 0 0 9Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Tufted 5703-0 0 20 57 235Woven Terry Fabrics and Tufted Textile Fabric NES 5802-

1,528 15 12 71 108Labels, Badges and Similar Type of Textiles 5807-0 0 7 16 7Gum Covered Fabric; Tracing Cloth; Paint Canvas 5901-0 0 0 6 0Textile Fabrics, Theatrical Scenery, Back-Cloths 5907-0 0 0 28 10Textile Products and Articles for Technical uses 5911-0 0 0 4 11Gents Overcoats, Car-Coats, Caps, Cloaks and 6101-

Page 199: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

20 20 -20 20 -20 COUNTRY / HS CODE - COMMODITY

US $Rs.

(Amount in Thousand)MARCH JULY - MARCH

20 20


225 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 0 3Ladies Overcoats, Car-Coats, Caps, Cloaks and 6102-24 .. 5 255 38Gents Suits, Ensembles, Jackets etc. Kn/Cr 6103-

7,891 79 65 94 144Ladies Suits, Ensembles etc. Kn/Cr 6104-11,661 117 59 730 280Gents Shirts, Knitted or Crocheted 6105-

0 0 0 1 9Gents Blouses and Shirts Kn/Cr 6106-0 0 0 106 0Gents Underpants, Briefs, Nightshirts etc. Kn/Cr 6107-0 0 0 0 68Ladies Slips, Petticoats, Briefs, Paints etc. Kn/Cr 6108-0 0 0 19 ..T-Shirts, Singlets and other Vests Kn/Cr 6109-0 0 0 1 0Sweaters, Pullovers, Vests etc. Kn/Cr 6110-0 0 0 2 5Babies' Garments and Accessories Kn/Cr 6111-

1,138 11 0 17 41Track Suits, Ski Suits and Swimwear Kn/Cr 6112-12,422 124 118 459 496Garments, Made-ups Kn/Cr etc. of Rubber or Plastic 6113-

3,590 36 0 65 3Garments NES Knitted or Crocheted 6114-6,235 62 40 322 234Panty hose, Socks and other Hosiery Kn/Cr 6115-

0 0 91 488 525Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Knitted or Crocheted 6116-0 0 0 21 0Made-up Clothing Accessories NES Kn/Cr 6117-0 0 0 85 7Men's or Boys' Overcoats, Cloaks etc. Not Knitted 6201-

53,446 535 1,194 10,412 6,616Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-11 .. 41 129 100Women's or Girls' Suits, Ensembles etc. Not Kn/Cr. 6204-

4,442 44 0 44 0Men's or Boys' Shirts, Not Kn/Cr 6205-0 0 16 83 91Men's or Boys' Undershirts etc Not Kn/Cr 6207-

2,509 25 0 25 103Women's or Girls' Slips etc Not Kn/Cr 6208-0 0 0 0 14Babies' Garments and Accessories Not Kn/Cr 6209-0 0 0 1 23Garments, of Felt etc, or Fabric Impregnated etc 6210-0 0 0 0 28Track Suits, Ski-Suits and Swimwear, Not Knitted 6211-0 0 14 97 41Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Not Knitted or Crocheted 6216-

1,711 17 0 130 35Made-Up Clothing Accessories NES 6217-0 0 0 41 0Blankets and Traveling Rugs 6301-

179,026 1,791 1,212 14,768 13,355Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-0 0 0 8 146Curtains and Interior Blinds, Curtain or Bed 6303-0 0 50 60 231Furnishing Articles of Textile Materials NES 6304-0 0 0 100 37Sacks and Bags of Textile Material for Packing 6305-

1,400 14 0 14 1Tarpaulins, Sails, Awnings and Tents etc. 6306-0 0 0 300 180Made-Up Articles of Textile Materials NES 6307-0 0 0 12 0Used or New Rags, Scrap Twine etc of Text Material 6310-0 0 2 0 5Footwear, Outer Sole and Upper Rubber or Plastic 6402-0 0 0 13 16Footwear, Outer Sole Rubber, Plastic or Leather 6403-0 0 0 0 14Articles of Stone or Other Mineral Substance NES 6815-0 0 0 0 2Ceramic Sinks, Washbasins, Water Closet Bowls etc. 6910-0 0 3 0 3Articles of Jewelry and Parts thereof or Precious 7113-0 0 0 0 12Railway / Tramway Track Construction Material of 7302-0 0 0 0 3Stranded Wire, Rope etc, Not Electrically Insulated 7312-0 0 0 0 1Chain and Parts of Iron or Steel 7315-0 0 0 49 0Articles of Iron or Steel, NES 7326-0 0 0 0 11Table, Kitchen or other Household Articles and Parts 7615-

184 2 0 2 0Files, Rasps, Pliers, Metal cutting Shears etc. 8203-0 0 0 0 ..Hand Operated Mechanical Appliances 8210-0 0 0 .. 0Knives With Blades and Blades for Knives NES 8211-0 0 0 0 4Razors and Razor Blades 8212-

119 1 0 18 4Articles of Cutlery NES and Manicure Sets etc. 8214-31 .. 0 .. 0Machinery not for Laundry for Cleaning, Drying etc 8451-

0 0 0 .. 2Tools for Working in the Hand, Pneumatic etc. 8467-0 0 0 73 3Electromechanical Domestic Appliances and Parts 8509-

1,509 15 24 49 141Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-0 0 0 1 0Percussion Musical Instruments Drums etc. 9206-0 0 0 3 4Musical Boxes, Fairground Organs etc. 9208-

Page 200: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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US $Rs.

(Amount in Thousand)MARCH JULY - MARCH

20 20


Export of Goods and Services March 2014 226

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 14 0Arms NES other Than Side Arms and Similar Arms 9304-8,397 84 159 1,133 899Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-

0 0 0 0 18Special Transaction NES 9992-Oman 11,520 194,39611,629 118,3371,151,707

0 0 0 81 9Live Horses, Asses, Mules and Hinnies 1010 -0 0 358 1,087 2,713Live Bovine Animals 1020 -0 0 0 252 0Live Sheep and Goats 1040 -0 0 0 3 18Live Chickens, Ducks, Geese, Turkeys, and Quinoa 1050 -0 0 34 67 139Live Animals NES 1060 -

37,094 371 184 3,861 4,271Meat of Bovine Animals, Fresh or Chilled 2010 -1,725 17 6 714 45Meat of Bovine Animals, Frozen 2020 -

0 0 12 19 109Meat of Swine, Fresh, Chilled or Frozen 2030 -54,712 547 590 5,184 5,143Meat of Sheep or Goats, Fresh, Chilled or Frozen 2040 -

0 0 0 12 0Meat of Horses, Asses, Mules, Hinnies; Fresh, 2050 -0 0 0 3 6Meat and Edible Offal of Poultry, Fresh, Chilled or 2070 -0 0 30 307 201Other Meat & Edible Offal ; Fresh, Chilled or Frozen 2080 -

17,986 180 0 270 0Meat and Edible Offal Salted, Dried etc. and Flour & 2100 -0 0 0 0 45Fish Frozen (Not Fish Fillets & other Fish Meat) 3030 -

806 8 70 255 220Crustaceans; Live, Fresh etc, and Cooked etc. 3060 -0 0 0 0 167Butter and other Fats and Oils Derived from Milk, 4050 -

7,241 72 0 1,247 0Birds' Eggs in Shell, Fresh, Preserved or Cooked 4070 -0 0 0 9 0Birds' Eggs, Not in Shell, Yolks, Fresh, Dried, 4080 -0 0 0 0 2Natural Honey 4090 -0 0 0 0 1Cut Flowers and Flower Buds for Bouquet or for 6030 -0 0 1 0 1Foliage, Branches and other Parts of Plants for 6040 -

22,737 227 84 2,631 156Potatoes, Fresh or Chilled 7010 -1,610 16 8 367 253Onions, Shallots, Garlic, Leeks etc, Fresh or Chilled 7030 -

0 0 0 15 0Leguminous Vegetables, Shelled or not, Fresh or 7080 -0 0 55 153 245Other Vegetables NES Fresh or Chilled 7090 -

3,804 38 4 152 136Vegetables Frozen 7100 -0 0 0 10 0Vegetables, Temporarily Preserved, not now Edible 7110 -

3,499 35 65 410 112Vegetables, Dried, Whole, Cut etc. not further 7120 -0 0 0 156 0Coconuts, Brazil Nuts & Cashew Nuts, Fresh or Dry 8010 -0 0 0 .. 0Other Nuts NES Fresh or Dried Whether Shelled or 8020 -

5,352 54 34 3,613 3,169Dates, Figs, Pineapples, Avocados etc, Fr or Dried 8040 -39,402 394 296 1,389 1,155Citrus Fruit, Fresh or Dried 8050 -

0 0 0 58 63Apples, Pears and Quinces, Fresh 8080 -902 9 3 109 37Fruit NES Fresh 8100 -

0 0 0 7 45Pepper, Genus Piper; Genus Capsicum or Pimento 9040 -0 0 26 189 223Ginger, Saffron, Turmeric, Thyme, Bay Leaves, 9100 -0 0 0 8 278Wheat and Meslin 1001-0 0 0 10 0Oats 1004-0 0 0 1,493 1,013Maize (Corn) 1005-

800,428 8,006 7,545 77,757 76,538Rice 1006-0 0 449 0 449Buckwheat, Millet and Canary Seed; other Cereals 1008-0 0 0 9 9Wheat or Meslin Flour 1101-0 0 0 10 0Cereal Groats, Meal and Pellets 1103-

1,164 12 0 53 72Starches; Inulin 1108-0 0 0 0 15Sunflower Seeds, Whether or Not Broken 1206-

2,903 29 191 362 925Cereal Straw and Husks 1213-0 0 0 0 26Vegetable Products NES 1404-0 0 0 0 164Crustaceans Molluscs etc Prepared or Preserved 1605-0 0 0 70 1,146Cane or Beet Sugar and Sucrose in Solid Form 1701-

198 2 0 4 11Molasses Extracted from Sugar 1703-4,743 47 41 283 244Sugar Confectionery including White Chocolate not 1704-

Page 201: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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US $Rs.

(Amount in Thousand)MARCH JULY - MARCH

20 20


227 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

4,267 43 30 356 563Pasta and Couscous, Prepared or Not 1902-0 0 0 7 0Foods Prep. by Swelling Cereal; Cereal NES, Grain 1904-

461 5 12 111 63Bread, Pastry, Cakes etc 1905-506 5 69 158 275Vegetable, Fruit, Nuts Etc, Prep Or Pres By Vinegar 2001-

1,373 14 4 59 7Vegetables Prepared or Preserved NES not Frozen 2005-0 0 0 2 0Jams, Fruit Jellies, Marmalades etc. Cooked 2007-0 0 9 0 9Fruit Juices including Grape Must and Vegtable 2009-0 0 0 67 17Sauces and Preparations thereof 2103-0 0 0 121 150Food Preparations NES 2106-0 0 0 0 18Ethyl Alcohol, Strength: more than 80% Alcohol 2207-0 0 0 0 4Vinegar and Substitutes For Vinegar From Acetic 2209-0 0 0 0 10Flour, Meal etc. of Meat etc, Not For Human 2301-0 0 32 1,831 514Bran, Sharps and other Residue 2302-

899 9 0 364 15Preparations Used In Animal Feeding 2309-0 0 0 7 144Salt, Pure Sodium Chloride, Sea Water 2501-0 0 0 84 0Clays NES 2508-0 0 0 33 17Natural Barium Sulfate; Nat Barium Carbonate NES 2511-0 0 1 54 44Marble, Travertine etc. and Alabaster, Crude etc. 2515-0 0 0 10 0Pebbles, Gravel etc. Macadam of Slag, Dross etc. 2517-

4,042 40 39 625 191Portland Cement, Aluminous Cement and Slag 2523-0 0 0 281 0Chromium Ores and Concentrates 2610-0 0 0 62,893 0Oil from Petrol and Bituminous Mineral etc. 2710-

1,137 11 0 29 49Hydrogen Chloride; Chlorosulphuric Acid 2806-0 0 0 46 42Iron Oxides and Hydroxides 2821-

3,761 38 0 1,122 349Chlorides, Bromides and Iodides etc. 2827-0 0 0 2,206 2,380Polycarboxylic Acids and Anhydrides etc. 2917-0 0 0 0 94Medicaments Mixtures for Therapeutic Use 3003-0 0 26 0 39Pharmaceutical Goods 3006-0 0 0 463 199Other Color Matters 3206-0 0 213 0 213Paints and Varnishes of Synthetic Polymers 3208-0 0 0 10 0Ink, Printing, Writing, Drawing etc. 3215-0 0 0 6 13Odoriferous Mixtures as Raw Materials for Industry 3302-0 0 0 60 4Beauty and Make-Up Preparations 3304-0 0 8 0 8Preparations for Use on Hair 3305-0 0 0 29 25Artificial and Prepared Waxes 3404-0 0 0 0 5Polishes and Creams for Leather, Wood etc. 3405-0 0 0 20 0Matches and Except Pyrotechnic Articles 3605-0 0 0 0 98Artificial Graphite, Colloidal Graphite and 3801-0 0 0 13 0Prepared binders for foundry moulds or cores 3824-0 0 0 0 ..Polymers of Ethylene, in Primary Forms 3901-

21,001 210 78 1,149 1,640Polymers of Styrene in Primary Forms 3903-0 0 0 0 35Polymers of Vinyl Chloride etc. in Primary Forms 3904-0 0 0 25 0Polyesters, Epoxides and Polyesters, Primary Forms 3907-0 0 0 0 11Amino-Resins, Phenolic and Polyurethane, Primary 3909-0 0 0 0 619Waste, Parings and Scrap, of Plastics 3915-0 0 0 3,113 2Plates, Sheets, Film etc. 3920-0 0 0 11 24Baths, Washbasins, Lavatory Seats etc. of Plastics 3922-

7,645 76 162 918 977Containers: Boxes, Bags, Closures etc, Plastic 3923-0 0 0 4 1Tableware and other Household Articles etc, Plastics 3924-0 0 0 53 28Articles of Plastics Including Polymers and Resins 3926-

81 1 0 1 0Articles of Apparel and Clothing Acc. of Rubber 4015-0 0 0 5 0Leather further prepared after tanning (sheep, lamb) 4112-

5,221 52 23 6,930 102Leather further prepared after tanning (other animal) 4113-0 0 0 12 18Saddlery, Harness, Traces and Leads etc. 4201-0 0 0 29 6Travel Goods, Handbags, Wallets, Jewelry Cases etc. 4202-

5,458 55 49 366 524Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-

Page 202: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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US $Rs.

(Amount in Thousand)MARCH JULY - MARCH

20 20


Export of Goods and Services March 2014 228

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 16 3 21Articles of Leather Used in Machinery and 4204-1,919 19 2 72 32Articles of Leather NES 4205-

0 0 0 0 6Hopwood; Split Poles; Pickets and Stakes etc. 4404-0 0 0 0 6Railway or Tramway Sleepers of Wood 4406-0 0 0 97 0Fiberboard of Wood or Other Ligneous Materials 4411-0 0 0 0 5Packing Cases etc. of Wood; Pallets etc. 4415-0 0 0 0 ..Tools, Tool Bodies, Tool Handles of Wood 4417-0 0 5 0 72Tableware and Kitchenware of Wood 4419-0 0 0 10 14Articles of Wood NES 4421-

647 6 0 6 0Agglomerated Cork and Articles Thereof 4504-0 0 0 0 2Mechanical Wood Pulp 4701-0 0 0 5 0Paper and Paperboard Uncoated NES, Rolls or 4805-0 0 0 5 9Paper, Paperboard, Wading etc. Coated etc NES 4811-

1,194 12 0 22 0Cartons, Boxes, Cases, Bags and other Packing 4819-0 0 7 29 62Printed Books, Brochures and Similar Printed Matter 4901-0 0 3 4 20Newspapers, Journals and Periodicals 4902-0 0 0 0 2Children's Picture, Drawing or Coloring Books 4903-

1,465 15 0 15 0Maps and Hydrographic or Similar Charts of all 4905-0 0 0 6 5Printed Matter including Pictures and Photographs 4911-

2,745 27 0 57 0Woven Fabrics of Silk or Silk Waste 5007-0 0 0 9 40Cotton, Not Carded Or Combed 5201-0 0 5 5 33Cotton Waste Including Yarn Waste etc. 5202-0 0 0 0 4Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton more than 85% 5205-

805 8 31 282 336Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt < 5208-0 0 91 102 143Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-0 0 0 259 99Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt < 5210-0 0 0 96 0Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt > 5211-0 0 0 205 28Woven Cotton Fabrics NES 5212-

5,891 59 10 69 30Woven Fabric of Synthetic Filament Yarn 5407-0 0 0 26 0Synthetic Staple Fibers, Not Carded, Combed etc. 5503-0 0 0 0 15Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5512-

405 4 42 159 146Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5513-0 0 0 .. 0Twine, Cordage, Rope and Cables 5607-0 0 0 120 305Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Knotted 5701-0 0 0 0 ..Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Woven 5702-0 0 0 117 348Woven Terry Fabrics and Tufted Textile Fabric NES 5802-0 0 0 118 164Labels, Badges and Similar Type of Textiles 5807-

1,718 17 0 17 0Braids, Ornamental Trim in Pieces Not Knitted, or 5808-811 8 0 55 0Gum Covered Fabric; Tracing Cloth; Paint Canvas 5901-

0 0 0 9 0Kn/CR Fabrics Not of Rubber/Pile Width <30 cm 6003-3,593 36 0 234 114Other knitted or crocheted fabrics 6006-

0 0 0 0 1Gents Overcoats, Car-Coats, Caps, Cloaks and 6101-2,506 25 0 111 272Gents Suits, Ensembles, Jackets etc. Kn/Cr 6103-

0 0 0 9 0Ladies Suits, Ensembles etc. Kn/Cr 6104-0 0 0 20 113Gents Shirts, Knitted or Crocheted 6105-0 0 0 0 30Gents Underpants, Briefs, Nightshirts etc. Kn/Cr 6107-0 0 0 70 0Ladies Slips, Petticoats, Briefs, Paints etc. Kn/Cr 6108-0 0 0 0 3Sweaters, Pullovers, Vests etc. Kn/Cr 6110-0 0 0 1 44Babies' Garments and Accessories Kn/Cr 6111-

573 6 0 8 21Track Suits, Ski Suits and Swimwear Kn/Cr 6112-0 0 0 27 109Garments, Made-ups Kn/Cr etc. of Rubber or Plastic 6113-0 0 0 0 11Garments NES Knitted or Crocheted 6114-

777 8 0 8 5Panty hose, Socks and other Hosiery Kn/Cr 6115-188 2 0 62 115Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Knitted or Crocheted 6116-

0 0 0 15 3Made-up Clothing Accessories NES Kn/Cr 6117-0 0 0 38 31Men's or Boys' Overcoats, Cloaks etc. Not Knitted 6201-

Page 203: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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US $Rs.

(Amount in Thousand)MARCH JULY - MARCH

20 20


229 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 28 87Women's or Girls' Overcoats etc, Not Knitted or 6202-1,224 12 0 133 12Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-

0 0 16 0 23Women's or Girls' Suits, Ensembles etc. Not Kn/Cr. 6204-0 0 0 2 0Men's or Boys' Shirts, Not Kn/Cr 6205-0 0 0 3 12Garments, of Felt etc, or Fabric Impregnated etc 6210-0 0 0 3 0Shawls, Scarves, Mufflers, Mantillas, Veils etc. 6214-0 0 2 0 2Ties, Bow Ties and Cravats, Not Knitted or 6215-0 0 7 75 63Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Not Knitted or Crocheted 6216-0 0 0 0 5Made-Up Clothing Accessories NES 6217-0 0 0 26 0Blankets and Traveling Rugs 6301-

8,388 84 120 991 1,697Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-0 0 0 3 0Curtains and Interior Blinds, Curtain or Bed 6303-0 0 0 66 0Furnishing Articles of Textile Materials NES 6304-0 0 12 89 111Sacks and Bags of Textile Material for Packing 6305-

12,136 121 93 579 582Tarpaulins, Sails, Awnings and Tents etc. 6306-2,031 20 0 131 36Made-Up Articles of Textile Materials NES 6307-

0 0 0 14 0Worn Clothing and other Worn Textile Articles 6309-1,356 14 9 112 138Used or New Rags, Scrap Twine etc of Text Material 6310-

0 0 0 0 15Waterproof Footwear, Rubber or Plastics, Bond Sole 6401-0 0 23 50 60Footwear, Outer Sole and Upper Rubber or Plastic 6402-0 0 0 23 36Footwear, Outer Sole Rubber, Plastic or Leather 6403-0 0 0 6 10Footwear, Outer Sole Rubber, Plastic or Textile 6404-

6,720 67 13 436 272Footwear NES 6405-0 0 0 15 9Parts of Footwear: Insoles, Gaiters etc. Parts 6406-0 0 0 6 6Headgear NES 6506-0 0 0 0 3Human Hair, Dressed, Wool of Animal Hair or 6703-0 0 0 12 0Worked Monumental or Building Stone and Articles 6802-0 0 0 18 0Millstones etc. For Grinding etc of Various Materials 6804-0 0 0 2 0Articles of Cement, Concrete or Artificial Stone 6810-0 0 0 17 11Articles of Stone or Other Mineral Substance NES 6815-0 0 0 19 0Bricks, Blocks, Tiles and Ceramic Goods of 6901-0 0 0 46 0Refractory Ceramic Goods, Retorts, Tubes etc. NES 6903-0 0 0 0 55Unglazed Ceramic Flags and Paving, Hearth Wall 6907-

7,389 74 91 515 668Ceramic Sinks, Washbasins, Water Closet Bowls etc. 6910-3,276 33 0 40 5Tableware, Kitchenware and other Articles of Toilet 6911-

0 0 0 0 3Ceramics Tableware, Kitchenware etc. 6912-0 0 0 16 8Glassware for Table, Kitchen, Toilet etc. NES 7013-

1,000 10 0 10 0Signaling Glassware and Glass Optical Elementary 7014-445 4 0 4 0Glass Fibers and Articles Thereof (Yarn Etc.) 7019-

0 0 0 7 0Base Metal or Silver, Clad with Gold 7109-0 0 0 0 6Imitation Jewelry 7117-0 0 0 0 4Ferrous Waste and Scrap 7204-0 0 0 0 35Iron and Non-alloy Steel in Ingots etc. NES 7206-0 0 17 0 136Semi-finished Products of Iron or Non Alloy Steel 7207-0 0 0 14 0Flat-Roll Products Iron or Non-Alloy Steel 7208-0 0 0 15 0Tubes, Pipes and Hollow Profiles Seamless of Iron 7304-

1,994 20 16 240 16Tubes, Pipes and Hollow Profiles NES of Iron and 7306-0 0 0 0 80Stranded Wire, Rope etc, Not Electrically Insulated 7312-0 0 0 0 31Cloth, Grill, Netting and Fencing of Iron or Steel 7314-0 0 0 23 25Stoves, Ranges, Grates, Cookers and Parts 7321-0 0 0 0 38Sanitary Ware and Parts of Iron or Steel 7324-

1,896 19 0 90 23Articles of Iron or Steel, NES 7326-0 0 0 2 0Copper Powders and Flakes 7406-

3,225 32 0 92 141Household Articles and Parts 7418-5,165 52 0 131 101Table, Kitchen or other Household Articles and Parts 7615-

0 0 0 18 9Articles o Aluminum NES 7616-

Page 204: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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US $Rs.

(Amount in Thousand)MARCH JULY - MARCH

20 20


Export of Goods and Services March 2014 230

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 0 53Beryllium, Chromium, Germanium, Vanadium, 8112-0 0 0 17 0Hand tools and Tools Used in Agriculture etc. 8201-0 0 .. 0 ..Knives and Blades for Machines and Appliances 8208-0 0 0 26 70Articles of Cutlery NES and Manicure Sets etc. 8214-0 0 0 2 0Flexible Tubing of Base Metal 8307-0 0 0 30 0Auxiliary Plant Used With Boilers; Condensers and 8404-0 0 0 7 0Steam Turbines and other Vapor Turbines and Parts 8406-

1,075 11 0 11 0Hydraulic Turbines, Water Wheels and Regulators 8410-2,574 26 50 174 277Air or Vacuum Pump, Compressors and Fans 8414-

0 0 0 0 13Furnace Burners, Mechanical Stokers etc and Parts 8416-0 0 0 .. 12Machinery etc for Temperature Change 8419-0 0 0 75 0Calendaring or other Rolling Machines Not for Glass 8420-0 0 0 7 0Machines, Dishwashing Machines for Cleaning etc. 8422-0 0 0 2 0Weighing Machinery and Weights of all Kinds 8423-0 0 0 0 20Ships Derricks, Cranes including Cable 8426-0 0 0 0 2Other Lifting, Handling, Loading and Unloading 8428-0 0 2 38 45Agriculture Machinery for Soil, Lawn Preparations 8432-0 0 0 27 12Harvesting or Threshing machinery 8433-0 0 0 0 13Agriculture and Poultry etc Equipment Including 8436-0 0 0 0 27Machinery NES used for Food and Drink and Parts 8438-0 0 0 0 ..Bookbinding Machinery Including Book-Sewing 8440-

118 1 0 5 1Printing Machinery, Machines including Ink-Jet 8443-0 0 0 0 3Machines for Extruding, Drawing, Texturing Textile 8444-0 0 0 20 0Machines For Preparing Textile Fibers and Yarn 8445-0 0 0 5 0Machines, Knitting and Stitch-Bonding Machines etc 8447-0 0 0 12 0Auxiliary Machinery for use With Textile Machines 8448-0 0 0 8 0Machinery for Manufacture or Finishing of Felt etc 8449-0 0 0 5 0Sewing Machines other than Book Sewing Machine 8452-

1,000 10 52 276 219Lathes for Removing Metal 8458-0 0 0 9 0Machine Tools for Drilling, Boring, Milling etc. 8459-0 0 0 9 0Machine Tools for Honing or Finishing Metal etc. 8460-0 0 0 29 0Tools for Working in the Hand, Pneumatic etc. 8467-0 0 0 20 0Machinery for Sorting Screening etc. 8474-0 0 0 25 0Machinery for Working Rubber or Plastic etc. NES 8477-

1,678 17 0 17 22Machines and Mechanical Appliances NES 8479-0 0 0 0 2Electrical Transformers, Static Converters and 8504-0 0 0 0 3Electromechanical Domestic Appliances and Parts 8509-0 0 0 6 0Electrical Water Heater and Soil Heaters, 8516-0 0 0 3 0Prepared Unrecorded Media for Sound etc. 8523-0 0 0 31 33Electrical Apparatus for Switching etc Over 1000V 8535-

251 3 0 4 0Electrical Apparatus for Switching etc. Not Over 8536-0 0 0 13 653Boards, Panels etc With Electrical Switch Apparatus 8537-0 0 0 30 0Insulated Wire, Cable etc. Optical Sheath Fibres 8544-0 0 0 0 1Carbon Electrodes and Brushes, Lamp Carbons etc 8545-0 0 16 91 92Tractors Other Than Work Trucks used for Short 8701-0 0 5 10 5Parts and Accessories for Motor Vehicles 8708-0 0 0 10 0Apparatus for Photo Laboratories etc NES and Parts 9010-

642 6 9 60 101Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-0 0 0 7 0Hydrometers, Thermometers, Pyrometers etc. and 9025-0 0 0 4 0String Musical Instruments NES 9202-0 0 0 3 0Wind Musical Instruments NES 9205-

200 2 0 15 1Parts etc. of Musical Instruments, Metronomes 9209-0 0 0 0 4Parts and Accessories of Arms 9305-0 0 0 0 10Medical, Surgical, Dental or Veterinary Furniture 9402-0 0 0 13 1Furniture NES and Parts Thereof 9403-0 0 0 82 0Mattress Supports, Articles of Bedding etc 9404-

Page 205: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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231 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

528 5 23 80 124Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-0 0 2 3 7Buttons, Press Studs, Button Mold and Blanks etc. 9606-

Other Countries 8,272 94,56710,125 80,905827,0600 0 0 0 7Live Animals NES 1060 -0 0 0 19 0Meat of Bovine Animals, Fresh or Chilled 2010 -0 0 0 18 0Meat and Edible Offal of Poultry, Fresh, Chilled or 2070 -

502 5 0 21 25Fish, Live 3010 -11,644 116 4 942 302Fish Frozen (Not Fish Fillets & other Fish Meat) 3030 -

0 0 2 15 121Fish Fillets and other Fish Meat, Fresh, Chilled or 3040 -0 0 12 14 121Crustaceans; Live, Fresh etc, and Cooked etc. 3060 -0 0 0 18 0Milk and Cream, Concentrated or Sweetened 4020 -0 0 0 16 0Foliage, Branches and other Parts of Plants for 6040 -0 0 0 0 ..Tomatoes, Fresh or Chilled 7020 -

555 6 0 16 0Vegetables, Dried, Whole, Cut etc. not further 7120 -0 0 0 57 0Dates, Figs, Pineapples, Avocados etc, Fr or Dried 8040 -

5,537 55 88 109 150Citrus Fruit, Fresh or Dried 8050 -0 0 0 11 89Pepper, Genus Piper; Genus Capsicum or Pimento 9040 -0 0 0 0 5Cloves, Whole Fruit, Cloves and Stems 9070 -0 0 0 15 0Ginger, Saffron, Turmeric, Thyme, Bay Leaves, 9100 -0 0 0 555 634Maize (Corn) 1005-

32,518 325 0 3,646 2,138Rice 1006-0 0 0 45 0Wheat or Meslin Flour 1101-0 0 0 117 99Starches; Inulin 1108-0 0 0 687 4Other Oil Seeds and Oleaginous Fruits NES 1207-0 0 0 0 24Flour and Meals of Oil Seeds or Oleaginous Fruits 1208-

1,308 13 0 56 207Seeds, Fruit and Spores, for Sowing 1209-11,495 115 97 791 619Plants etc. for Pharmacy, Perfume, Insecticides etc. 1211-

0 0 66 60 114Lac; Natural Gums, Resins, Gum-Resins and 1301-4,799 48 140 222 270Vegetable Saps and Extracts: Pectates, Agar-Agar 1302-

0 0 0 4 3Vegetable Products NES 1404-0 0 0 1 0Sunflower-Seed, Cottonseed oil, Not Chem. 1512-0 0 0 25 71Sausages and Similar Products of Meat and Blood 1601-

808 8 8 225 192Prepared or Preserved Fish, Caviar and Caviar 1604-0 0 50 158 160Crustaceans Molluscs etc Prepared or Preserved 1605-

5,330 53 0 140 0Cane or Beet Sugar and Sucrose in Solid Form 1701-0 0 0 19 0Other Sugar NES 1702-

2,426 24 0 57 8Sugar Confectionery including White Chocolate not 1704-0 0 0 21 0Bread, Pastry, Cakes etc 1905-0 0 0 2 0Waters, Sweetened etc and other Nonalcoholic 2202-

74,263 743 0 1,387 125Ethyl Alcohol, Strength: more than 80% Alcohol 2207-0 0 0 0 415Bran, Sharps and other Residue 2302-

875 9 0 94 0Other Oilcakes NES From Vegetable Fats and Oils 2306-0 0 0 2 0Tobacco and Tobacco Substitutes Manufactured 2403-

2,782 28 124 719 487Salt, Pure Sodium Chloride, Sea Water 2501-0 0 0 28 40Marble, Travertine etc. and Alabaster, Crude etc. 2515-0 0 0 23 0Granite, Porphyry, Basalt etc., Crude or Cut etc. 2516-0 0 0 25 485Portland Cement, Aluminous Cement and Slag 2523-

2,785 28 268 498 1,149Natural Steatite Roughly Trimmed etc. 2526-0 0 0 0 373Chromium Ores and Concentrates 2610-0 0 0 8,981 16,760Oil from Petrol and Bituminous Mineral etc. 2710-0 0 0 28 0Hydrogen, Rare Gases And Other Nonmetals 2804-0 0 0 10 0Carbonates; Peroxocarbonates etc. 2836-0 0 0 0 4Cyclic Hydrocarbons 2902-0 0 0 0 15Carboxylic Acid, Added Oxygen & Anhy Etc, Hal 2918-0 0 0 28 0Antibiotics 2941-

Page 206: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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Export of Goods and Services March 2014 232

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 50 0Human Blood or Animal Blood Prepared for 3002-0 0 0 35 68Medicaments NES 3004-0 0 0 55 34Pharmaceutical Goods 3006-0 0 0 0 ..Synthetic Organic Coloring Matter 3204-0 0 0 2 0Prepared Driers 3211-0 0 0 28 0Pigments Dispersed in Non-aqueous Liquid 3212-0 0 0 3 12Preparations for Use on Hair 3305-0 0 0 90 138Lubricating Preparations, Antirust and Treating 3403-0 0 20 0 21Polishes and Creams for Leather, Wood etc. 3405-0 0 46 315 118Prepared Explosives other than Propellant Powders 3602-0 0 104 74 639Safety Fuses, Detonating Fuse and Percussion etc. 3603-0 0 0 15 17Matches and Except Pyrotechnic Articles 3605-0 0 144 809 227Artificial Graphite, Colloidal Graphite and 3801-

1,050 11 0 21 0Insecticides, Rodenticides and Fungicides etc. Retail 3808-0 0 0 0 ..Prepared binders for foundry moulds or cores 3824-0 0 0 1 0Polymers of Ethylene, in Primary Forms 3901-0 0 0 4 0Polymers of Propylene or other Olefins, Primary 3902-0 0 0 0 20Polyesters, Epoxides and Polyesters, Primary Forms 3907-0 0 0 24 81Waste, Parings and Scrap, of Plastics 3915-0 0 0 3 0Containers: Boxes, Bags, Closures etc, Plastic 3923-0 0 0 12 0Tableware and other Household Articles etc, Plastics 3924-0 0 0 0 9Articles of Plastics Including Polymers and Resins 3926-0 0 0 0 1Tubes, Pipes and Hoses of Unhard Vulcanized 4009-0 0 0 7 0Hygienic of Pharmaceutical Articles of Rubber 4014-0 0 0 75 20Articles of Apparel and Clothing Acc. of Rubber 4015-0 0 0 0 16Raw Hides and Skins of Bovine or Equine Animals 4101-0 0 0 0 1Raw Hides and Skins NES 4103-

1,810 18 0 231 41Bovine or Equine Leather, No Hair NES 4104-0 0 1 28 136Sheep or Lamb Skin Leather, No Wool NES 4105-

40,687 407 1,278 5,335 4,531Goat or Kidskin Leather, No Hair NES 4106-38,054 381 229 2,420 921Leather of Animals NES, No Hair NES 4107-

0 0 44 606 296Leather further prepared after tanning (sheep, lamb) 4112-28,449 285 344 5,045 4,207Leather further prepared after tanning (other animal) 4113-

150 1 0 159 99Saddlery, Harness, Traces and Leads etc. 4201-0 0 2 16 2Travel Goods, Handbags, Wallets, Jewelry Cases etc. 4202-

1,016 10 110 566 425Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-0 0 0 2 64Articles of Leather NES 4205-0 0 0 0 83Raw Furskins NES 4301-0 0 0 43 0Tanned or Dressed Furskins including Heads, Tails 4302-0 0 0 104 0Pulps of Fibrous Cellulosic Material NES 4706-0 0 0 0 20Cigarette Paper 4813-0 0 0 0 ..Toilet Paper, Paper Tissues, Towels, Napkins etc. 4818-0 0 0 0 9Cartons, Boxes, Cases, Bags and other Packing 4819-0 0 0 1 0Paper and Paperboard Labels of all Kinds 4821-0 0 0 0 2Other Paper and Paperboard and Articles NES 4823-0 0 0 35 0Printed Books, Brochures and Similar Printed Matter 4901-0 0 0 0 15Children's Picture, Drawing or Coloring Books 4903-0 0 0 0 118Woven Fabrics of Silk or Silk Waste 5007-0 0 0 267 265Waste of Wool, Fine or Coarse Animal Hair 5103-0 0 0 0 401Wool and Fine or Coarse Animal Hair, Carded or 5105-

218,592 2,186 797 13,593 1,498Cotton, Not Carded Or Combed 5201-65,204 652 985 4,193 5,628Cotton Waste Including Yarn Waste etc. 5202-

0 0 237 0 492Cotton, Carded or Combed 5203-79,155 792 1,052 9,674 8,556Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton more than 85% 5205-

0 0 0 0 20Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton less than 85% 5206-5,719 57 0 112 0Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Retail Packed 5207-

Page 207: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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233 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

15,505 155 92 3,401 1,762Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt < 5208-52,396 524 142 7,378 2,210Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-

233 2 133 412 916Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt < 5210-0 0 0 1,036 450Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt > 5211-0 0 0 13 578Woven Cotton Fabrics NES 5212-0 0 0 0 470Yarn of Vegetable Textile Fibers NES, Paper Yarn 5308-0 0 0 46 0Woven Fabrics of Jute or Other Textile Bast Fibres 5310-0 0 0 0 33Synthetic Staple Fibers, Not Carded, Combed etc. 5503-0 0 0 0 129Waste of Manmade Fibers Including Noils etc. 5505-0 0 0 149 0Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5512-

1,059 11 0 251 352Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5513-0 0 0 0 17Woven Fabric, Synthetic < 85% of Fibre Mix 5514-0 0 0 86 151Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Knotted 5701-0 0 0 0 79Woven Pile and Chenille Fabrics NES 5801-0 0 0 0 98Woven Terry Fabrics and Tufted Textile Fabric NES 5802-0 0 0 0 31Gauze other than Narrow Fabrics Not Over 30 cm 5803-0 0 0 15 1Labels, Badges and Similar Type of Textiles 5807-0 0 0 0 6Gum Covered Fabric; Tracing Cloth; Paint Canvas 5901-0 0 0 7 0Textile Fabrics Coated, Covered or Lamented with 5903-

133 1 0 1 0Textile Fabrics, Theatrical Scenery, Back-Cloths 5907-5,497 55 0 69 0Other knitted or crocheted fabrics 6006-

717 7 0 145 20Gents Suits, Ensembles, Jackets etc. Kn/Cr 6103-1,596 16 0 142 70Ladies Suits, Ensembles etc. Kn/Cr 6104-

861 9 23 64 94Gents Shirts, Knitted or Crocheted 6105-0 0 0 .. 2Gents Blouses and Shirts Kn/Cr 6106-0 0 0 7 2Gents Underpants, Briefs, Nightshirts etc. Kn/Cr 6107-

1,046 10 1 16 1T-Shirts, Singlets and other Vests Kn/Cr 6109-553 6 206 443 271Sweaters, Pullovers, Vests etc. Kn/Cr 6110-

0 0 0 3 0Babies' Garments and Accessories Kn/Cr 6111-0 0 0 18 6Track Suits, Ski Suits and Swimwear Kn/Cr 6112-

533 5 0 90 61Garments, Made-ups Kn/Cr etc. of Rubber or Plastic 6113-0 0 0 5 6Garments NES Knitted or Crocheted 6114-

12,326 123 187 426 531Panty hose, Socks and other Hosiery Kn/Cr 6115-13,968 140 0 1,550 59Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Knitted or Crocheted 6116-

0 0 0 69 0Made-up Clothing Accessories NES Kn/Cr 6117-0 0 55 578 94Men's or Boys' Overcoats, Cloaks etc. Not Knitted 6201-

487 5 162 152 694Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-0 0 0 90 4Women's or Girls' Suits, Ensembles etc. Not Kn/Cr. 6204-0 0 0 0 12Men's or Boys' Undershirts etc Not Kn/Cr 6207-0 0 0 6 0Garments, of Felt etc, or Fabric Impregnated etc 6210-0 0 0 0 1Track Suits, Ski-Suits and Swimwear, Not Knitted 6211-0 0 0 13 6Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Not Knitted or Crocheted 6216-0 0 0 0 22Made-Up Clothing Accessories NES 6217-0 0 0 1,111 333Blankets and Traveling Rugs 6301-

14,093 141 300 1,383 1,591Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-0 0 0 8 27Curtains and Interior Blinds, Curtain or Bed 6303-0 0 0 0 33Sacks and Bags of Textile Material for Packing 6305-

2,876 29 17 984 505Tarpaulins, Sails, Awnings and Tents etc. 6306-0 0 0 31 2Made-Up Articles of Textile Materials NES 6307-

600 6 0 25 31Worn Clothing and other Worn Textile Articles 6309-0 0 0 0 19Footwear, Outer Sole and Upper Rubber or Plastic 6402-0 0 0 0 116Footwear, Outer Sole Rubber, Plastic or Leather 6403-0 0 0 0 9Worked Monumental or Building Stone and Articles 6802-0 0 16 41 28Articles of Stone or Other Mineral Substance NES 6815-0 0 0 0 6Refractory Ceramic Goods, Retorts, Tubes etc. NES 6903-0 0 0 14 0Ceramic Building Bricks, Flooring Blocks, Tile etc. 6904-

Page 208: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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Export of Goods and Services March 2014 234

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 223 0Glass Containers for Packing etc and Glass Closures 7010-0 0 0 17 0Glassware for Table, Kitchen, Toilet etc. NES 7013-

204 2 1 4 1Articles of Glass NES 7020-0 0 0 0 1Precious and Semi Precious Stones NES 7103-0 0 0 0 273Waste and Scrap of Precious Metal or of Metal Clad 7112-0 0 0 0 37Ferrous Waste and Scrap 7204-

13,445 134 0 134 0Angles, Shapes and Sections of Iron and Non-Alloy 7216-0 0 0 .. 0Other Bars and Rods of Stainless Steel etc. 7222-0 0 0 0 ..Sheet Piling of Iron or Steel, Welded Angles etc. 7301-

32,213 322 0 322 0Railway / Tramway Track Construction Material of 7302-0 0 1,787 7,565 7,141Structures NES and Parts Thereof of Iron or Steel 7308-0 0 621 105 4,740Copper Waste and Scrap 7404-0 0 0 83 0Aluminum, Unwrought 7601-

1,047 10 0 29 0Aluminum Plates, Sheets and Strip Over 2mm 7606-0 0 0 0 16Hand tools and Tools Used in Agriculture etc. 8201-0 0 0 2 0Files, Rasps, Pliers, Metal cutting Shears etc. 8203-0 0 0 0 2Hand tools NES Like Blow, Torches, Anvils etc. 8205-0 0 0 2 0Knives and Blades for Machines and Appliances 8208-0 0 0 0 2Hand Operated Mechanical Appliances 8210-0 0 3 20 28Articles of Cutlery NES and Manicure Sets etc. 8214-

22 .. 0 .. 0Spark-Ignition Reciprocating or Rotary Internal 8407-5,214 52 0 52 0Air or Vacuum Pump, Compressors and Fans 8414-

0 0 0 0 17Air Conditioning Machines and Parts 8415-0 0 0 95 0Calendaring or other Rolling Machines Not for Glass 8420-0 0 5 6 28Self-Propelled Bulldozers, Graders, Scrapers etc. 8429-0 0 0 30 0Agriculture Machinery for Soil, Lawn Preparations 8432-0 0 0 3 0Machines for Making Pulp and Paper and Parts 8441-0 0 1 0 1Printing Machinery, Machines including Ink-Jet 8443-0 0 0 0 270Machines For Preparing Textile Fibers and Yarn 8445-0 0 0 59 0Washing Machines and Parts 8450-0 0 0 5 0Machinery not for Laundry for Cleaning, Drying etc 8451-0 0 0 13 0Sewing Machines other than Book Sewing Machine 8452-0 0 0 4 0Parts for Machine Like Ultrasonic, Stones Machines 8466-0 0 1 1 27Tools for Working in the Hand, Pneumatic etc. 8467-0 0 0 64 0Taps, Cocks, Valves and Similar Appliances for 8481-0 0 0 0 18Electrical Generating Sets and Rotary Converters 8502-0 0 0 0 5Portable Electrical Lamps Function By Own Energy 8513-0 0 0 0 7Boards, Panels etc With Electrical Switch Apparatus 8537-

1,117 11 0 19 4Electrical Filament or Discharge Lamps and Parts 8539-0 0 0 2 0Insulated Wire, Cable etc. Optical Sheath Fibres 8544-0 0 0 19 49Tractors Other Than Work Trucks used for Short 8701-0 0 0 0 1Parts and Accessories for Motor Vehicles 8708-0 0 0 2 0Motorcycles and Cycles With Auxiliary Motor 8711-

8,943 89 59 876 927Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-0 0 0 16 1Orthopedic Appliances Artificial Body and Parts 9021-0 0 0 0 25X-Ray etc Apparatus, Tubes, Panels, Screen and 9022-0 0 0 4 0String Musical Instruments NES 9202-0 0 0 0 2Parts etc. of Musical Instruments, Metronomes 9209-0 0 38 0 38Bombs, Grenades, Cartridges and Parts 9306-0 0 11 48 100Furniture NES and Parts Thereof 9403-0 0 0 67 466Mattress Supports, Articles of Bedding etc 9404-0 0 0 0 7Lamps and Lighting Fittings and Parts etc NES 9405-

2,861 29 13 244 242Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-0 0 0 5 0Fishing Rods and Tackle Nets, Decoys etc. 9507-0 0 0 142 22Buttons, Press Studs, Button Mold and Blanks etc. 9606-0 0 0 29 0Paintings, Drawing etc By Hand 9701-

Page 209: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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235 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

Panama Inc. Panama Canal Zone 1,018 8,9981,458 13,066101,824951 10 0 50 45Citrus Fruit, Fresh or Dried 8050 -

0 0 0 0 11Fruit NES Fresh 8100 -0 0 0 8 0Ginger, Saffron, Turmeric, Thyme, Bay Leaves, 9100 -0 0 225 0 265Rice 1006-0 0 0 0 28Sugar Confectionery including White Chocolate not 1704-0 0 13 33 13Pasta and Couscous, Prepared or Not 1902-

873 9 0 9 7Salt, Pure Sodium Chloride, Sea Water 2501-0 0 0 0 1Hydrogen Chloride; Chlorosulphuric Acid 2806-0 0 0 0 2Leather further prepared after tanning (other animal) 4113-0 0 18 95 85Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-0 0 0 27 49Woven Fabrics of Silk or Silk Waste 5007-0 0 40 0 40Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton more than 85% 5205-0 0 24 669 479Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt < 5208-

9,333 93 0 484 872Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-0 0 7 825 802Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt < 5210-0 0 53 88 198Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt > 5211-0 0 0 0 232Woven Cotton Fabrics NES 5212-0 0 269 716 1,870Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5513-0 0 0 272 161Woven Fabric, Synthetic < 85% of Fibre Mix 5514-0 0 0 0 10Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Knotted 5701-

242 2 0 224 132Woven Terry Fabrics and Tufted Textile Fabric NES 5802-0 0 0 0 12Embroidery in the Piece, In Strips or in Motifs 5810-0 0 0 19 80Gum Covered Fabric; Tracing Cloth; Paint Canvas 5901-0 0 0 103 0Pile Fabrics and Terry Fabrics Knitted or Crocheted 6001-0 0 0 0 14Other knitted or crocheted fabrics 6006-0 0 0 158 352Ladies Overcoats, Car-Coats, Caps, Cloaks and 6102-

147 1 0 10 29Gents Suits, Ensembles, Jackets etc. Kn/Cr 6103-0 0 0 23 9Ladies Suits, Ensembles etc. Kn/Cr 6104-

275 3 15 62 181Gents Shirts, Knitted or Crocheted 6105-0 0 0 19 78Gents Underpants, Briefs, Nightshirts etc. Kn/Cr 6107-0 0 0 0 39T-Shirts, Singlets and other Vests Kn/Cr 6109-0 0 11 83 15Sweaters, Pullovers, Vests etc. Kn/Cr 6110-0 0 0 5 27Track Suits, Ski Suits and Swimwear Kn/Cr 6112-0 0 0 8 12Garments, Made-ups Kn/Cr etc. of Rubber or Plastic 6113-

18,311 183 103 843 546Panty hose, Socks and other Hosiery Kn/Cr 6115-820 8 0 8 13Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Knitted or Crocheted 6116-

0 0 11 109 238Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-0 0 15 113 49Women's or Girls' Suits, Ensembles etc. Not Kn/Cr. 6204-0 0 0 0 40Track Suits, Ski-Suits and Swimwear, Not Knitted 6211-0 0 0 0 15Handkerchiefs 6213-0 0 0 28 2Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Not Knitted or Crocheted 6216-0 0 0 13 0Made-Up Clothing Accessories NES 6217-0 0 0 21 0Blankets and Traveling Rugs 6301-

32,629 326 335 1,945 4,428Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-0 0 0 0 ..Sacks and Bags of Textile Material for Packing 6305-

8,550 86 145 313 197Tarpaulins, Sails, Awnings and Tents etc. 6306-4,777 48 0 205 45Made-Up Articles of Textile Materials NES 6307-

0 0 0 13 35Articles of Stone or Other Mineral Substance NES 6815-0 0 0 62 0Knives and Blades for Machines and Appliances 8208-0 0 0 0 65Razors and Razor Blades 8212-0 0 0 0 29Articles of Cutlery NES and Manicure Sets etc. 8214-0 0 0 0 53Machinery NES used for Food and Drink and Parts 8438-0 0 0 2 2Tools for Working in the Hand, Pneumatic etc. 8467-0 0 0 0 35Radar Apparatus, Radio Navigational Aid and 8526-0 0 45 0 45Tractors Other Than Work Trucks used for Short 8701-

Page 210: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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Export of Goods and Services March 2014 236

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

5,062 51 9 146 103Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-0 0 0 2 0X-Ray etc Apparatus, Tubes, Panels, Screen and 9022-0 0 0 0 5Furniture NES and Parts Thereof 9403-0 0 0 121 0Mattress Supports, Articles of Bedding etc 9404-

19,854 199 116 1,061 969Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-Papua New Guinea 16 47682 5321,571

0 0 0 49 0Guts, Bladders, Stomachs of Animals (Not Fish) 5040 -0 0 0 0 4Leguminous Vegetables, Shelled or not, Fresh or 7080 -0 0 0 164 0Rice 1006-

902 9 8 41 21Medicaments NES 3004-0 0 0 26 0Articles of Apparel and Clothing Acc. of Rubber 4015-0 0 0 10 144Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-0 0 0 2 0Articles of Leather Used in Machinery and 4204-0 0 0 14 0Articles of Leather NES 4205-0 0 50 0 50Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt < 5210-

669 7 0 7 0Ladies Suits, Ensembles etc. Kn/Cr 6104-0 0 0 38 6Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-0 0 0 3 0Women's or Girls' Suits, Ensembles etc. Not Kn/Cr. 6204-0 0 0 18 0Men's or Boys' Undershirts etc Not Kn/Cr 6207-0 0 0 0 7Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Not Knitted or Crocheted 6216-0 0 24 26 264Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-0 0 0 34 0Made-Up Articles of Textile Materials NES 6307-0 0 0 0 3Footwear, Outer Sole Rubber, Plastic or Textile 6404-0 0 0 23 26Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-0 0 0 23 8Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-

Paraguay 494 3,792566 4,32749,4270 0 0 16 0Rice 1006-0 0 0 0 13Other Oil Seeds and Oleaginous Fruits NES 1207-0 0 0 0 347Tobacco and Tobacco Refuse 2401-0 0 0 0 12Salt, Pure Sodium Chloride, Sea Water 2501-0 0 0 6 0Medicaments NES 3004-0 0 0 8 0Articles of Apparel and Clothing Acc. of Rubber 4015-0 0 0 0 9Saddlery, Harness, Traces and Leads etc. 4201-

2,651 27 0 27 46Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-0 0 0 0 3Articles of Leather Used in Machinery and 4204-0 0 0 0 10Woven Fabrics of Silk or Silk Waste 5007-0 0 0 91 152Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton more than 85% 5205-

14,526 145 302 821 608Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt < 5208-20,532 205 18 667 646Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-

0 0 66 291 443Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt < 5210-0 0 138 231 168Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt > 5211-0 0 0 43 0Woven Cotton Fabrics NES 5212-0 0 0 57 44Woven Fabric of Synthetic Filament Yarn 5407-

7,988 80 0 567 384Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5513-0 0 0 0 33Woven Terry Fabrics and Tufted Textile Fabric NES 5802-

101 1 0 1 0Labels, Badges and Similar Type of Textiles 5807-0 0 0 0 5Woven Fabrics of Metal Thread and Metallized Yarn 5809-0 0 0 8 0Other knitted or crocheted fabrics 6006-0 0 0 0 752Ladies Suits, Ensembles etc. Kn/Cr 6104-

749 7 0 33 0Gents Shirts, Knitted or Crocheted 6105-0 0 2 9 2Gents Underpants, Briefs, Nightshirts etc. Kn/Cr 6107-0 0 0 8 0Track Suits, Ski Suits and Swimwear Kn/Cr 6112-0 0 .. 120 9Garments, Made-ups Kn/Cr etc. of Rubber or Plastic 6113-0 0 0 0 20Garments NES Knitted or Crocheted 6114-1 .. .. 11 13Panty hose, Socks and other Hosiery Kn/Cr 6115-

Page 211: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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237 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 5 4Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Knitted or Crocheted 6116-842 8 0 193 42Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-

0 0 0 94 51Women's or Girls' Suits, Ensembles etc. Not Kn/Cr. 6204-0 0 0 31 21Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Not Knitted or Crocheted 6216-

1,458 15 0 95 117Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-0 0 0 16 0Tarpaulins, Sails, Awnings and Tents etc. 6306-0 0 0 13 0Made-Up Articles of Textile Materials NES 6307-0 0 0 14 86Glassware for Table, Kitchen, Toilet etc. NES 7013-0 0 0 0 31Articles of Iron or Steel, NES 7326-0 0 0 0 3Aluminum Bars, Rods and Profiles 7604-0 0 0 27 0Machinery NES used for Food and Drink and Parts 8438-

579 6 6 193 117Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-0 0 33 98 135Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-

Peru 3,046 21,5662,428 22,301304,5530 0 30 0 34Meat of Bovine Animals, Fresh or Chilled 2010 -

9,985 100 0 100 0Ambergris, Castoreum, Civet and Musk 5100 -0 0 0 5 0Other Vegetables NES Fresh or Chilled 7090 -0 0 0 0 1Dates, Figs, Pineapples, Avocados etc, Fr or Dried 8040 -0 0 28 0 28Rice 1006-0 0 0 14 2Salt, Pure Sodium Chloride, Sea Water 2501-0 0 0 46 65Hydrogen Chloride; Chlorosulphuric Acid 2806-

8,486 85 0 85 0Medicaments Mixtures for Therapeutic Use 3003-0 0 0 100 12Medicaments NES 3004-0 0 0 83 7Synthetic Organic Coloring Matter 3204-0 0 100 75 164Other Color Matters 3206-0 0 10 187 272Odoriferous Mixtures as Raw Materials for Industry 3302-0 0 0 0 49Matches and Except Pyrotechnic Articles 3605-0 0 0 257 353Artificial Graphite, Colloidal Graphite and 3801-0 0 0 0 16Finishing Agents etc. for Textiles, Paper etc NES 3809-0 0 33 8 56Silicones in Primary Forms 3910-0 0 0 19 0Articles of Plastics Including Polymers and Resins 3926-

8,107 81 0 81 0Waste of Rubber and Powder Obtain thereof 4004-0 0 0 21 0Goat or Kidskin Leather, No Hair NES 4106-

325 3 0 24 42Leather further prepared after tanning (other animal) 4113-0 0 29 66 34Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-0 0 0 16 0Articles of Leather Used in Machinery and 4204-0 0 0 10 0Bobbins, Spools etc. of Paper Pulp, Paper and 4822-0 0 0 82 0Cotton Waste Including Yarn Waste etc. 5202-0 0 0 22 67Cotton Sewing Thread, Retail Packed or Not 5204-

10,203 102 106 580 284Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton more than 85% 5205-3,991 40 103 119 103Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton less than 85% 5206-

10,294 103 73 495 644Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt < 5208-18,129 181 455 2,302 3,972Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-28,844 289 68 1,441 1,335Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt < 5210-21,300 213 543 4,096 6,601Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt > 5211-

851 9 0 9 163Woven Cotton Fabrics NES 5212-0 0 41 0 82Yarn Not for Sewing Thread, Synthetic Staple 5509-

30,394 304 348 2,691 3,431Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5513-0 0 0 0 38Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Knotted 5701-0 0 63 103 186Woven Terry Fabrics and Tufted Textile Fabric NES 5802-0 0 0 14 0Tulles and other Net Fabrics 5804-0 0 0 0 138Kn/CR Fabrics Not of Rubber/Pile Width <30 cm 6003-0 0 0 0 79Other knitted or crocheted fabrics 6006-

37 .. 11 3 12Gents Suits, Ensembles, Jackets etc. Kn/Cr 6103-0 0 1 243 18Ladies Suits, Ensembles etc. Kn/Cr 6104-

Page 212: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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US $Rs.

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Export of Goods and Services March 2014 238

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 20 103 96Gents Shirts, Knitted or Crocheted 6105-131 1 0 56 99Gents Underpants, Briefs, Nightshirts etc. Kn/Cr 6107-

0 0 0 29 0T-Shirts, Singlets and other Vests Kn/Cr 6109-160 2 5 16 5Sweaters, Pullovers, Vests etc. Kn/Cr 6110-

0 0 0 0 13Babies' Garments and Accessories Kn/Cr 6111-1,493 15 0 98 0Garments, Made-ups Kn/Cr etc. of Rubber or Plastic 6113-

0 0 0 2 0Garments NES Knitted or Crocheted 6114-2,715 27 28 76 94Panty hose, Socks and other Hosiery Kn/Cr 6115-

0 0 0 82 100Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Knitted or Crocheted 6116-0 0 0 242 24Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-0 0 0 0 3Women's or Girls' Suits, Ensembles etc. Not Kn/Cr. 6204-0 0 0 18 19Garments, of Felt etc, or Fabric Impregnated etc 6210-0 0 0 2 0Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Not Knitted or Crocheted 6216-

120,143 1,202 178 3,817 1,618Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-0 0 0 0 43Furnishing Articles of Textile Materials NES 6304-

484 5 4 29 4Tarpaulins, Sails, Awnings and Tents etc. 6306-0 0 0 0 30Footwear, Outer Sole and Upper Rubber or Plastic 6402-0 0 0 14 0Footwear, Outer Sole Rubber, Plastic or Leather 6403-

869 9 0 9 0Worked Monumental or Building Stone and Articles 6802-0 0 0 1 0Glass Mirrors, Framed or Not, Including Rearview 7009-0 0 0 12 24Glassware for Table, Kitchen, Toilet etc. NES 7013-0 0 0 0 2Articles of Iron or Steel, NES 7326-

1,197 12 0 83 36Razors and Razor Blades 8212-0 0 31 13 31Articles of Cutlery NES and Manicure Sets etc. 8214-

2,498 25 0 427 73Machinery NES used for Food and Drink and Parts 8438-0 0 0 0 343Auxiliary Machinery for use With Textile Machines 8448-0 0 0 16 50Tractors Other Than Work Trucks used for Short 8701-0 0 0 2 0Parts and Accessories for Motor Vehicles 8708-0 0 0 975 0Parts of Balloons etc. Aircraft, Spacecraft etc. 8803-

14,156 142 100 798 649Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-7,936 79 20 774 20Mattress Supports, Articles of Bedding etc 9404-1,824 18 2 478 636Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-

Philippines 7,499 61,41710,602 56,750749,6920 0 0 0 6Meat of Bovine Animals, Fresh or Chilled 2010 -0 0 0 353 52Fish Frozen (Not Fish Fillets & other Fish Meat) 3030 -0 0 0 0 92Fish Fillets and other Fish Meat, Fresh, Chilled or 3040 -

1,499 15 0 22 0Guts, Bladders, Stomachs of Animals (Not Fish) 5040 -0 0 0 0 41Onions, Shallots, Garlic, Leeks etc, Fresh or Chilled 7030 -0 0 0 0 26Leguminous Vegetables, Shelled or not, Fresh or 7080 -0 0 0 0 28Vegetables, Dried, Whole, Cut etc. not further 7120 -

75,161 752 1,014 2,136 2,649Citrus Fruit, Fresh or Dried 8050 -0 0 0 39 14Fruit NES Fresh 8100 -0 0 0 0 7Tea Whether or not Flavored 9020 -0 0 0 21 0Ginger, Saffron, Turmeric, Thyme, Bay Leaves, 9100 -0 0 749 574 2,935Rice 1006-0 0 0 45 0Cereal Groats, Meal and Pellets 1103-

15,472 155 0 371 0Starches; Inulin 1108-0 0 0 0 225Other Oil Seeds and Oleaginous Fruits NES 1207-

8,398 84 174 326 591Lac; Natural Gums, Resins, Gum-Resins and 1301-0 0 95 147 498Vegetable Saps and Extracts: Pectates, Agar-Agar 1302-0 0 0 9 0Wool Grease Fatty Substances Derived there from 1505-0 0 0 0 33Prepared or Preserved Fish, Caviar and Caviar 1604-0 0 0 20 13Pasta and Couscous, Prepared or Not 1902-0 0 0 0 25Vegetable, Fruit, Nuts Etc, Prep Or Pres By Vinegar 2001-0 0 0 35 10Extracts etc of Coffee, Tea or Mate 2101-

Page 213: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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239 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 0 12Sauces and Preparations thereof 2103-252,204 2,523 3,826 21,056 14,547Ethyl Alcohol, Strength: more than 80% Alcohol 2207-

0 0 0 0 46Preparations Used In Animal Feeding 2309-25,338 253 956 4,618 6,575Tobacco and Tobacco Refuse 2401-

0 0 0 0 5Gypsum; Anhydrite; Plasters etc. 2520-0 0 0 20 0Oil from Petrol and Bituminous Mineral etc. 2710-

1,697 17 0 17 0Bitumen and Asphalt, Natural; Shale etc. 2714-0 0 0 14 0Fluorine, Chlorine, Bromine and Iodine 2801-0 0 21 35 49Hydrogen Chloride; Chlorosulphuric Acid 2806-0 0 0 0 ..Sodium Hydroxide and Potassium Hydroxide etc. 2815-0 0 0 0 2Sulfates, Alums and Peroxosulfates 2833-

104 1 12 18 32Heterocyclic Compounds with Nitrogen 2933-0 0 0 0 10Hormones; Derivatives & Steroids Used As 2937-0 0 6 41 15Antibiotics 2941-0 0 0 50 0Glands and other Organs for Organo-Therapeutic 3001-0 0 0 0 58Human Blood or Animal Blood Prepared for 3002-

1,815 18 31 808 1,032Medicaments Mixtures for Therapeutic Use 3003-63,227 632 1,993 6,970 9,201Medicaments NES 3004-18,516 185 0 489 5Wading, Gauze, Bandages etc. 3005-

0 0 0 31 83Pharmaceutical Goods 3006-0 0 0 24 0Other Color Matters 3206-0 0 0 11 82Odoriferous Mixtures as Raw Materials for Industry 3302-0 0 0 1 0Beauty and Make-Up Preparations 3304-0 0 0 0 8Personal Toilet etc Prep NES 3307-0 0 0 216 0Soap, Organic Surf-Act Products used for Soap 3401-0 0 4 85 7Organic Surf-Act Agents and Products other than 3402-0 0 0 0 1Polishes and Creams for Leather, Wood etc. 3405-0 0 0 3 0Albumins and Albumin Derivatives 3502-0 0 13 11 23Artificial Graphite, Colloidal Graphite and 3801-0 0 0 0 6Polyesters, Epoxides and Polyesters, Primary Forms 3907-0 0 0 0 7Tableware and other Household Articles etc, Plastics 3924-0 0 0 40 0Waste of Rubber and Powder Obtain thereof 4004-

190 2 0 2 0Tubes, Pipes and Hoses of Unhard Vulcanized 4009-0 0 0 0 23Articles of Apparel and Clothing Acc. of Rubber 4015-0 0 33 25 76Raw Skins of Sheep or Lambs NES 4102-0 0 0 4 0Raw Hides and Skins NES 4103-

6,001 60 39 354 533Leather of Animals NES, No Hair NES 4107-298 3 0 17 98Leather further prepared after tanning (sheep, lamb) 4112-

3,150 32 126 757 1,450Leather further prepared after tanning (other animal) 4113-0 0 0 3 21Saddlery, Harness, Traces and Leads etc. 4201-

248 2 7 80 110Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-2,197 22 0 67 0Toilet or Facial Tissues Stock, Towel or Napkin 4803-

0 0 21 47 150Paper and Paperboard Uncoated NES, Rolls or 4805-2,256 23 0 346 0Toilet Paper, Paper Tissues, Towels, Napkins etc. 4818-

0 0 0 8 0Printed Books, Brochures and Similar Printed Matter 4901-0 0 0 0 1Printed Matter including Pictures and Photographs 4911-0 0 0 112 0Silk Yarn, Not Spun From Waste Not Retail 5004-0 0 0 0 49Woven Fabrics of Silk or Silk Waste 5007-0 0 0 175 152Cotton, Not Carded Or Combed 5201-

3,540 35 4 91 221Cotton Waste Including Yarn Waste etc. 5202-0 0 56 457 631Cotton Sewing Thread, Retail Packed or Not 5204-

38,566 386 167 1,810 2,930Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton more than 85% 5205-5,102 51 0 292 65Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton less than 85% 5206-8,561 86 38 311 477Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt < 5208-

21,121 211 224 1,155 752Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-14,897 149 0 761 448Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt < 5210-

Page 214: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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Export of Goods and Services March 2014 240

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 0 49Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt > 5211-151 2 0 276 247Woven Cotton Fabrics NES 5212-

0 0 0 24 0True Hemp, not Spun, Tow and Waste of Hemp 5302-0 0 0 0 61Yarn Not for Sewing Thread, Synthetic Staple 5509-

3,261 33 1 460 380Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5513-0 0 49 127 163Textile Wadding and Articles; Text Fiber Not Over 5 5601-0 0 0 3,506 0Twine, Cordage, Rope and Cables 5607-0 0 0 224 0Knotted Netting of Twine, Cordage or rope of 5608-0 0 0 0 20Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Knotted 5701-0 0 16 114 194Woven Terry Fabrics and Tufted Textile Fabric NES 5802-0 0 0 93 87Narrow Woven Fabrics Except Labels 5806-0 0 0 13 0Other knitted or crocheted fabrics 6006-0 0 18 0 18Ladies Overcoats, Car-Coats, Caps, Cloaks and 6102-0 0 2 2 6Gents Suits, Ensembles, Jackets etc. Kn/Cr 6103-0 0 0 6 0Ladies Suits, Ensembles etc. Kn/Cr 6104-

5,623 56 87 478 367Gents Shirts, Knitted or Crocheted 6105-0 0 0 0 6Gents Blouses and Shirts Kn/Cr 6106-0 0 0 0 15Gents Underpants, Briefs, Nightshirts etc. Kn/Cr 6107-0 0 0 18 0Ladies Slips, Petticoats, Briefs, Paints etc. Kn/Cr 6108-

905 9 0 56 6T-Shirts, Singlets and other Vests Kn/Cr 6109-0 0 22 21 22Sweaters, Pullovers, Vests etc. Kn/Cr 6110-

10,706 107 0 443 124Babies' Garments and Accessories Kn/Cr 6111-0 0 0 5 22Track Suits, Ski Suits and Swimwear Kn/Cr 6112-

398 4 0 65 186Garments, Made-ups Kn/Cr etc. of Rubber or Plastic 6113-2,031 20 9 42 46Panty hose, Socks and other Hosiery Kn/Cr 6115-

0 0 0 78 0Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Knitted or Crocheted 6116-0 0 0 0 10Made-up Clothing Accessories NES Kn/Cr 6117-

8,993 90 70 442 156Men's or Boys' Overcoats, Cloaks etc. Not Knitted 6201-1,782 18 112 565 420Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-2,014 20 64 103 118Women's or Girls' Suits, Ensembles etc. Not Kn/Cr. 6204-

0 0 8 0 8Men's or Boys' Undershirts etc Not Kn/Cr 6207-0 0 0 0 16Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Not Knitted or Crocheted 6216-

455 5 58 77 61Made-Up Clothing Accessories NES 6217-61,786 618 0 706 0Blankets and Traveling Rugs 6301-52,208 522 304 3,692 3,821Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-

0 0 0 23 0Curtains and Interior Blinds, Curtain or Bed 6303-5,850 59 1 1,608 22Tarpaulins, Sails, Awnings and Tents etc. 6306-

0 0 0 48 0Made-Up Articles of Textile Materials NES 6307-0 0 0 30 0Worn Clothing and other Worn Textile Articles 6309-0 0 0 0 40Used or New Rags, Scrap Twine etc of Text Material 6310-

1,476 15 0 32 0Articles of Asphalt or of Similar Material 6807-80 1 0 1 0Articles of Stone or Other Mineral Substance NES 6815-

2,997 30 0 40 0Cullet and other Waste and Scrap of Glass 7001-0 0 0 0 72Float Glass and Surface Ground or Polished Sheets 7005-0 0 0 35 302Glass Containers for Packing etc and Glass Closures 7010-0 0 0 67 80Glassware for Table, Kitchen, Toilet etc. NES 7013-0 0 0 7 0Laboratory, Hygienic or Pharmaceutical Glassware 7017-0 0 0 0 35Aluminum, Unwrought 7601-

1,072 11 0 205 229Aluminum Bars, Rods and Profiles 7604-0 0 8 66 38Aluminum Casks, Cans, Boxes, and Similar 7612-0 0 0 0 1Knives With Blades and Blades for Knives NES 8211-0 0 0 0 2Scissors, Tailors' Shears and Similar Shears and 8213-0 0 10 1 17Articles of Cutlery NES and Manicure Sets etc. 8214-0 0 20 266 100Machinery NES used for Food and Drink and Parts 8438-0 0 0 23 0Printing Machinery, Machines including Ink-Jet 8443-0 0 0 0 9Tools for Working in the Hand, Pneumatic etc. 8467-

Page 215: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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241 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 11 0Electric Motors and Generators 8501-0 0 0 0 146Electrical Transformers, Static Converters and 8504-0 0 0 13 0Motor Cars and Vehicles for Transporting Persons 8703-

13,618 136 130 1,162 1,341Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-0 0 0 7 0Orthopedic Appliances Artificial Body and Parts 9021-0 0 0 343 196Mattress Supports, Articles of Bedding etc 9404-

4,727 47 4 264 256Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-Poland 10,682 82,8787,246 63,2711,067,981

1,905 19 0 19 0Edible Offal of Bovine Animals; Swine, Sheep, 2060 -0 0 0 69 0Fish Frozen (Not Fish Fillets & other Fish Meat) 3030 -

25,364 254 137 1,965 2,271Guts, Bladders, Stomachs of Animals (Not Fish) 5040 -0 0 11 18 265Animal Products NES, Inedible Dead Animals 5110 -0 0 0 12 34Cut Flowers and Flower Buds for Bouquet or for 6030 -0 0 0 10 0Citrus Fruit, Fresh or Dried 8050 -

8,672 87 0 87 0Grapes, Fresh or Dried 8060 -0 0 0 0 86Fruit and Nuts; Raw or Cooked By Steam etc. 8110 -

5,224 52 61 202 67Fruit Dried NES Mixtures of Nuts or Dried Fruit 8130 -0 0 0 0 2Pepper, Genus Piper; Genus Capsicum or Pimento 9040 -

53,386 534 230 1,722 376Rice 1006-0 0 0 0 21Grain Sorghum 1007-

26,936 269 71 1,586 648Other Oil Seeds and Oleaginous Fruits NES 1207-0 0 0 17 0Flour and Meals of Oil Seeds or Oleaginous Fruits 1208-0 0 0 .. 0Plants etc. for Pharmacy, Perfume, Insecticides etc. 1211-

672 7 0 87 0Vegetable Saps and Extracts: Pectates, Agar-Agar 1302-0 0 0 17 12Vegetable Products NES 1404-0 0 0 68 66Other Sugar NES 1702-

2,874 29 0 152 66Sugar Confectionery including White Chocolate not 1704-0 0 0 192 0Tobacco and Tobacco Refuse 2401-

6,394 64 0 64 0Cigars, Cigarettes Etc. of Tobacco or Substitutes 2402-1,584 16 14 147 143Salt, Pure Sodium Chloride, Sea Water 2501-

0 0 0 5 0Granite, Porphyry, Basalt etc., Crude or Cut etc. 2516-0 0 0 4 0Pebbles, Gravel etc. Macadam of Slag, Dross etc. 2517-0 0 0 92 167Natural Steatite Roughly Trimmed etc. 2526-

2,767 28 0 148 9Feldspar; Lucite; Nepheline and Syenite 2529-0 0 0 0 117Chromium Ores and Concentrates 2610-0 0 0 0 4Sulfates, Alums and Peroxosulfates 2833-0 0 5 0 5Carboxylic Acid, Added Oxygen & Anhy Etc, Hal 2918-0 0 0 4 0Prepared Driers 3211-0 0 0 0 8Beauty and Make-Up Preparations 3304-0 0 0 10 17Organic Surf-Act Agents and Products other than 3402-0 0 0 98 23Artificial Graphite, Colloidal Graphite and 3801-

800 8 0 8 0Rosin and Resin Acids etc. Rosin Spirit etc. 3806-7,459 75 72 234 140Polymers of Styrene in Primary Forms 3903-

219,895 2,199 736 10,748 9,984Polyesters, Epoxides and Polyesters, Primary Forms 3907-0 0 0 50 0Tubes, Pipes and Hoses and their Fittings, of Plastics 3917-0 0 0 2 0Plates, Sheets, Film etc. 3920-0 0 0 1 0Articles of Plastics Including Polymers and Resins 3926-0 0 0 451 151Waste of Rubber and Powder Obtain thereof 4004-

1,749 17 5 146 113Tubes, Pipes and Hoses of Unhard Vulcanized 4009-838 8 22 158 103Articles of Apparel and Clothing Acc. of Rubber 4015-

4,345 43 0 43 0Raw Hides and Skins of Bovine or Equine Animals 4101-0 0 0 21 0Raw Skins of Sheep or Lambs NES 4102-

3,519 35 26 238 173Goat or Kidskin Leather, No Hair NES 4106-29,048 291 0 900 12Leather of Animals NES, No Hair NES 4107-

0 0 38 5 38Leather further prepared after tanning (sheep, lamb) 4112-

Page 216: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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Export of Goods and Services March 2014 242

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

10,916 109 43 1,496 808Leather further prepared after tanning (other animal) 4113-783 8 2 62 147Saddlery, Harness, Traces and Leads etc. 4201-

0 0 0 0 141Travel Goods, Handbags, Wallets, Jewelry Cases etc. 4202-53,184 532 706 4,722 4,103Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-

3,287 33 4 64 106Articles of Leather Used in Machinery and 4204-831 8 13 107 310Articles of Leather NES 4205-

0 0 0 8 0Paper, Paperboard, Wading etc. Coated etc NES 4811-0 0 0 0 ..Toilet Paper, Paper Tissues, Towels, Napkins etc. 4818-0 0 0 8 0Bobbins, Spools etc. of Paper Pulp, Paper and 4822-0 0 17 254 473Woven Fabrics of Silk or Silk Waste 5007-

550 6 0 6 0Woven Fabrics of Carded Wool or Fine Animal Hair 5111-7,243 72 71 574 924Cotton Waste Including Yarn Waste etc. 5202-

0 0 0 0 86Cotton Sewing Thread, Retail Packed or Not 5204-10,487 105 31 314 236Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton more than 85% 5205-

0 0 0 614 577Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton less than 85% 5206-634 6 0 6 0Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Retail Packed 5207-

61,682 617 632 7,679 4,960Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt < 5208-37,421 374 72 3,063 1,598Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-20,509 205 317 1,791 2,085Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt < 5210-

0 0 0 206 392Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt > 5211-17,480 175 112 1,132 1,361Woven Cotton Fabrics NES 5212-

0 0 0 65 34Woven Fabric of Synthetic Filament Yarn 5407-1,743 17 0 26 30Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5512-

40,431 404 540 3,341 2,078Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5513-0 0 0 0 64Woven Fabric, Synthetic < 85% of Fibre Mix 5514-0 0 0 12 0Textile Wadding and Articles; Text Fiber Not Over 5 5601-0 0 22 0 22Nonwovens Impregnated, Coated, Covered or 5603-0 0 0 2 2Metallised Yarn and Textile Yarn 5605-0 0 0 37 0Articles of Yarn Stripe or the like NES 5609-0 0 10 52 17Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Knotted 5701-0 0 17 16 40Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Woven 5702-0 0 0 132 483Woven Terry Fabrics and Tufted Textile Fabric NES 5802-0 0 0 51 0Tulles and other Net Fabrics 5804-

1,626 16 5 134 116Labels, Badges and Similar Type of Textiles 5807-0 0 0 0 16Braids, Ornamental Trim in Pieces Not Knitted, or 5808-0 0 0 200 13Gum Covered Fabric; Tracing Cloth; Paint Canvas 5901-0 0 0 0 90Tire Cord Fabric of High Tenacity Yarn of Nylon 5902-

158 2 0 2 73Textile Fabrics Coated, Covered or Lamented with 5903-0 0 0 9 10Textile Fabrics, Theatrical Scenery, Back-Cloths 5907-0 0 0 0 252Kn/CR Fabrics Not of Rubber/Pile Width <30 cm 6003-0 0 0 58 17Warp Knit fabrics Not of Rubber and Pile Fabrics 6005-0 0 0 0 47Other knitted or crocheted fabrics 6006-0 0 0 39 23Gents Overcoats, Car-Coats, Caps, Cloaks and 6101-0 0 3 .. 12Ladies Overcoats, Car-Coats, Caps, Cloaks and 6102-

15,777 158 36 574 505Gents Suits, Ensembles, Jackets etc. Kn/Cr 6103-2,712 27 70 377 294Ladies Suits, Ensembles etc. Kn/Cr 6104-1,872 19 189 158 442Gents Shirts, Knitted or Crocheted 6105-

0 0 16 247 90Gents Blouses and Shirts Kn/Cr 6106-0 0 11 16 65T-Shirts, Singlets and other Vests Kn/Cr 6109-

1,940 19 0 78 10Sweaters, Pullovers, Vests etc. Kn/Cr 6110-6,390 64 30 121 62Babies' Garments and Accessories Kn/Cr 6111-

933 9 11 59 154Track Suits, Ski Suits and Swimwear Kn/Cr 6112-366 4 535 266 1,796Garments, Made-ups Kn/Cr etc. of Rubber or Plastic 6113-673 7 23 36 72Garments NES Knitted or Crocheted 6114-

10,834 108 43 477 268Panty hose, Socks and other Hosiery Kn/Cr 6115-11,503 115 110 747 448Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Knitted or Crocheted 6116-

Page 217: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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US $Rs.

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243 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 .. 20Made-up Clothing Accessories NES Kn/Cr 6117-0 0 5 49 29Men's or Boys' Overcoats, Cloaks etc. Not Knitted 6201-

146,461 1,465 723 11,243 6,025Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-5,404 54 98 1,636 716Women's or Girls' Suits, Ensembles etc. Not Kn/Cr. 6204-

0 0 0 0 76Men's or Boys' Undershirts etc Not Kn/Cr 6207-0 0 0 11 0Babies' Garments and Accessories Not Kn/Cr 6209-

250 3 12 62 315Garments, of Felt etc, or Fabric Impregnated etc 6210-3,509 35 0 100 25Track Suits, Ski-Suits and Swimwear, Not Knitted 6211-

0 0 3 108 71Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Not Knitted or Crocheted 6216-1,961 20 37 128 219Made-Up Clothing Accessories NES 6217-

0 0 0 44 0Blankets and Traveling Rugs 6301-123,963 1,240 602 14,401 9,541Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-

1,495 15 0 322 167Curtains and Interior Blinds, Curtain or Bed 6303-0 0 0 55 16Furnishing Articles of Textile Materials NES 6304-0 0 0 1 48Sacks and Bags of Textile Material for Packing 6305-

3,741 37 11 550 492Made-Up Articles of Textile Materials NES 6307-0 0 0 0 15Used or New Rags, Scrap Twine etc of Text Material 6310-0 0 20 22 52Footwear, Outer Sole and Upper Rubber or Plastic 6402-

1,500 15 25 290 149Footwear, Outer Sole Rubber, Plastic or Leather 6403-0 0 0 30 50Footwear, Outer Sole Rubber, Plastic or Textile 6404-0 0 0 67 0Footwear NES 6405-

15,374 154 0 413 176Parts of Footwear: Insoles, Gaiters etc. Parts 6406-0 0 0 2 0Walking-Sticks, Seat-Sticks, Whips and 6602-0 0 5 5 11Worked Monumental or Building Stone and Articles 6802-0 0 25 183 112Articles of Stone or Other Mineral Substance NES 6815-

582 6 0 6 0Bricks, Blocks, Tiles and Ceramic Goods of 6901-0 0 0 2 0Ceramic Sinks, Washbasins, Water Closet Bowls etc. 6910-0 0 0 0 1Precious and Semi Precious Stones NES 7103-

122 1 0 1 0Chain and Parts of Iron or Steel 7315-0 0 0 0 32Articles of Iron or Steel, NES 7326-0 0 0 0 3Aluminum Casks, Cans, Boxes, and Similar 7612-0 0 0 0 16Files, Rasps, Pliers, Metal cutting Shears etc. 8203-0 0 0 5 2Hand Operated Mechanical Appliances 8210-0 0 0 8 5Knives With Blades and Blades for Knives NES 8211-0 0 312 0 338Razors and Razor Blades 8212-0 0 3 132 265Articles of Cutlery NES and Manicure Sets etc. 8214-0 0 0 19 0Pumps for Liquids; Liquid Elevators; Parts Thereof 8413-0 0 0 0 1Machinery NES used for Food and Drink and Parts 8438-

2,342 23 7 28 28Tools for Working in the Hand, Pneumatic etc. 8467-0 0 36 151 228Tractors Other Than Work Trucks used for Short 8701-0 0 34 0 40Parts and Accessories for Motor Vehicles 8708-0 0 3 0 3Vessels and Floating Structures for Scrapping 8908-

19,710 197 91 1,763 1,132Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-0 0 2 0 2Musical Boxes, Fairground Organs etc. 9208-0 0 0 0 1Parts etc. of Musical Instruments, Metronomes 9209-0 0 0 4 0Seats and Parts Except Barber, Dental etc. 9401-0 0 0 107 46Mattress Supports, Articles of Bedding etc 9404-0 0 0 0 6Dolls, Representing only Human Beings and Parts 9502-

16,174 162 74 1,692 1,714Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-0 0 0 0 5Special Transaction NES 9992-

Polynesia 0 1501 12000 0 0 2 0Other Nuts NES Fresh or Dried Whether Shelled or 8020 -0 0 0 43 0Dates, Figs, Pineapples, Avocados etc, Fr or Dried 8040 -0 0 0 96 0Vegetable Saps and Extracts: Pectates, Agar-Agar 1302-0 0 0 4 0Leather further prepared after tanning (other animal) 4113-

Page 218: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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US $Rs.

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Export of Goods and Services March 2014 244

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 .. 0Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-0 0 0 0 55Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt < 5208-0 0 0 5 1Garments, Made-ups Kn/Cr etc. of Rubber or Plastic 6113-0 0 0 0 25Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-0 0 0 0 25Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-0 0 0 0 14Refrigerators, Freezers, Heat Pumps NES and Parts 8418-0 0 1 0 1Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-

Portugal 14,084 115,9869,022 83,1711,408,0540 0 0 0 10Meat of Bovine Animals, Fresh or Chilled 2010 -

11,044 110 0 1,148 902Edible Offal of Bovine Animals; Swine, Sheep, 2060 -0 0 0 0 8Fish Frozen (Not Fish Fillets & other Fish Meat) 3030 -0 0 141 578 273Guts, Bladders, Stomachs of Animals (Not Fish) 5040 -

44,915 449 0 989 139Rice 1006-3,575 36 0 104 0Bread, Pastry, Cakes etc 1905-

0 0 0 19 0Jams, Fruit Jellies, Marmalades etc. Cooked 2007-0 0 0 0 33Fruit Juices including Grape Must and Vegtable 2009-

493 5 46 271 297Salt, Pure Sodium Chloride, Sea Water 2501-0 0 3 14 3Marble, Travertine etc. and Alabaster, Crude etc. 2515-0 0 0 247 164Natural Steatite Roughly Trimmed etc. 2526-0 0 0 0 1Medicaments NES 3004-0 0 0 0 38Matches and Except Pyrotechnic Articles 3605-

78 1 0 235 110Polymers of Styrene in Primary Forms 3903-0 0 0 0 32Plates, Sheets, Film etc. 3920-0 0 0 60 0Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 4001-0 0 0 0 24Retread or Used Pneumatic Tires of Rubber 4012-0 0 0 0 4Articles of Apparel and Clothing Acc. of Rubber 4015-0 0 0 74 2Bovine or Equine Leather, No Hair NES 4104-0 0 0 51 0Goat or Kidskin Leather, No Hair NES 4106-

7,087 71 15 1,167 476Leather of Animals NES, No Hair NES 4107-0 0 5 0 88Leather further prepared after tanning (sheep, lamb) 4112-

24,753 248 188 2,401 1,923Leather further prepared after tanning (other animal) 4113-2,185 22 0 22 89Saddlery, Harness, Traces and Leads etc. 4201-

0 0 0 6 1Travel Goods, Handbags, Wallets, Jewelry Cases etc. 4202-2,342 23 225 767 1,047Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-

0 0 0 67 227Articles of Leather Used in Machinery and 4204-0 0 0 6 24Articles of Leather NES 4205-

827 8 0 8 2Articles of Wood NES 4421-0 0 0 15 0Bobbins, Spools etc. of Paper Pulp, Paper and 4822-0 0 0 0 3Other Paper and Paperboard and Articles NES 4823-0 0 0 116 0Silkworm Cocoons Suitable for Reeling 5001-0 0 9 0 17Woven Fabrics of Silk or Silk Waste 5007-0 0 0 0 34Cotton, Not Carded Or Combed 5201-0 0 0 663 582Cotton Waste Including Yarn Waste etc. 5202-

17,390 174 54 655 236Cotton, Carded or Combed 5203-46,389 464 0 3,128 1,241Cotton Sewing Thread, Retail Packed or Not 5204-

378,922 3,790 2,502 32,126 23,759Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton more than 85% 5205-13,945 139 509 2,289 3,506Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton less than 85% 5206-13,440 134 61 1,324 738Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Retail Packed 5207-

268,263 2,683 912 20,556 10,122Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt < 5208-75,715 757 1,093 7,688 5,368Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-

101,724 1,017 654 8,647 5,849Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt < 5210-0 0 18 621 115Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt > 5211-

58,222 582 305 3,240 3,862Woven Cotton Fabrics NES 5212-4,499 45 170 828 1,163Synthetic Filament Yarn Not Sewing Thread, Not 5402-

0 0 240 895 951Woven Fabric of Synthetic Filament Yarn 5407-

Page 219: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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US $Rs.

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245 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 0 69Waste of Manmade Fibers Including Noils etc. 5505-0 0 0 32 0Sewing Thread, Manmade Staple Fibre 5508-

66,405 664 215 5,839 5,368Yarn Not for Sewing Thread, Synthetic Staple 5509-0 0 3 0 200Yarn (Not Sew Thread), Art Staple Fib, Not Retail 5510-0 0 47 267 273Yarn (No SewingThread), Manmade Staple Fiber, 5511-

16,871 169 62 2,809 2,504Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5513-0 0 0 438 525Woven Fabric, Synthetic < 85% of Fibre Mix 5514-0 0 0 8 0Textile Wadding and Articles; Text Fiber Not Over 5 5601-

2,124 21 0 38 7Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Knotted 5701-0 0 0 391 353Woven Terry Fabrics and Tufted Textile Fabric NES 5802-0 0 0 0 119Gauze other than Narrow Fabrics Not Over 30 cm 5803-0 0 0 11 0Tulles and other Net Fabrics 5804-0 0 0 126 189Narrow Woven Fabrics Except Labels 5806-0 0 0 31 8Labels, Badges and Similar Type of Textiles 5807-

616 6 0 13 0Embroidery in the Piece, In Strips or in Motifs 5810-241 2 0 3 0Textile Fabrics Coated, Covered or Lamented with 5903-

0 0 0 .. 25Textile Fabrics, Theatrical Scenery, Back-Cloths 5907-0 0 0 2 0Knitted or Crocheted Fabrics of Rubber of Width 6002-0 0 0 0 41Kn/CR Fabrics Not of Rubber/Pile Width <30 cm 6003-0 0 0 0 30Other knitted or crocheted fabrics 6006-0 0 0 0 90Ladies Overcoats, Car-Coats, Caps, Cloaks and 6102-0 0 0 74 0Gents Suits, Ensembles, Jackets etc. Kn/Cr 6103-

8,300 83 0 177 71Ladies Suits, Ensembles etc. Kn/Cr 6104-0 0 5 306 481Gents Shirts, Knitted or Crocheted 6105-0 0 0 1 0Gents Blouses and Shirts Kn/Cr 6106-0 0 0 0 25Gents Underpants, Briefs, Nightshirts etc. Kn/Cr 6107-0 0 0 20 0Sweaters, Pullovers, Vests etc. Kn/Cr 6110-0 0 1 32 104Track Suits, Ski Suits and Swimwear Kn/Cr 6112-

448 4 2 29 42Garments, Made-ups Kn/Cr etc. of Rubber or Plastic 6113-0 0 0 24 31Garments NES Knitted or Crocheted 6114-

282 3 0 10 35Panty hose, Socks and other Hosiery Kn/Cr 6115-10,730 107 82 345 327Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Knitted or Crocheted 6116-

0 0 26 12 26Men's or Boys' Overcoats, Cloaks etc. Not Knitted 6201-62,877 629 321 3,756 1,662Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-14,814 148 32 377 204Women's or Girls' Suits, Ensembles etc. Not Kn/Cr. 6204-

0 0 0 23 0Men's or Boys' Undershirts etc Not Kn/Cr 6207-0 0 0 1 0Babies' Garments and Accessories Not Kn/Cr 6209-0 0 0 29 0Brassieres, Girdles, Garters and Braces etc. 6212-0 0 0 0 60Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Not Knitted or Crocheted 6216-0 0 0 43 5Made-Up Clothing Accessories NES 6217-

127,163 1,272 507 6,136 3,382Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-2,671 27 46 87 138Curtains and Interior Blinds, Curtain or Bed 6303-

0 0 0 22 39Furnishing Articles of Textile Materials NES 6304-0 0 62 78 139Sacks and Bags of Textile Material for Packing 6305-0 0 0 830 13Tarpaulins, Sails, Awnings and Tents etc. 6306-

3,259 33 73 197 185Made-Up Articles of Textile Materials NES 6307-4,790 48 23 80 89Footwear, Outer Sole Rubber, Plastic or Leather 6403-

0 0 0 3 0Footwear, Outer Sole Rubber, Plastic or Textile 6404-0 0 0 44 0Footwear NES 6405-0 0 0 123 33Parts of Footwear: Insoles, Gaiters etc. Parts 6406-0 0 0 0 3Ceramic Sinks, Washbasins, Water Closet Bowls etc. 6910-0 0 2 0 2Files, Rasps, Pliers, Metal cutting Shears etc. 8203-0 0 0 20 0Hand tools NES Like Blow, Torches, Anvils etc. 8205-

481 5 0 27 28Articles of Cutlery NES and Manicure Sets etc. 8214-0 0 0 0 89Machinery for Cleaning, Sorting or Grading Seed 8437-0 0 0 0 153Weaving Machines Like Looms 8446-

Page 220: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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US $Rs.

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Export of Goods and Services March 2014 246

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 .. 2Tools for Working in the Hand, Pneumatic etc. 8467-201 2 0 2 0Machines and Mechanical Appliances NES 8479-

0 0 0 23 0Tractors Other Than Work Trucks used for Short 8701-3,567 36 201 848 934Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-

0 0 0 4 0Wind Musical Instruments NES 9205-0 0 0 21 0Musical Boxes, Fairground Organs etc. 9208-0 0 0 4 4Parts etc. of Musical Instruments, Metronomes 9209-0 0 0 151 0Seats and Parts Except Barber, Dental etc. 9401-0 0 73 302 823Mattress Supports, Articles of Bedding etc 9404-

6,405 64 90 694 779Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-Qatar 6,614 60,5086,153 55,801661,212

300 3 0 5 15Live Horses, Asses, Mules and Hinnies 1010 -0 0 0 3 0Live Animals NES 1060 -

15,117 151 248 2,198 2,164Meat of Bovine Animals, Fresh or Chilled 2010 -0 0 11 80 65Meat of Bovine Animals, Frozen 2020 -

34,277 343 225 2,706 2,060Meat of Sheep or Goats, Fresh, Chilled or Frozen 2040 -0 0 0 0 24Meat and Edible Offal of Poultry, Fresh, Chilled or 2070 -0 0 17 19 979Other Meat & Edible Offal ; Fresh, Chilled or Frozen 2080 -0 0 0 0 23Meat and Edible Offal Salted, Dried etc. and Flour & 2100 -0 0 0 0 5Fish, Fresh or Chilled (Not Fish Fillets & other Fish 3020 -

18,767 188 70 1,158 616Fish Frozen (Not Fish Fillets & other Fish Meat) 3030 -0 0 0 88 95Fish Fillets and other Fish Meat, Fresh, Chilled or 3040 -0 0 0 0 112Crustaceans; Live, Fresh etc, and Cooked etc. 3060 -0 0 0 0 2Butter and other Fats and Oils Derived from Milk, 4050 -

1,074 11 0 11 2Natural Honey 4090 -0 0 0 8 0Other Live Plants and their Roots NES, Cuttings and 6020 -0 0 0 331 13Potatoes, Fresh or Chilled 7010 -

1,094 11 14 62 39Tomatoes, Fresh or Chilled 7020 -5,086 51 0 733 105Onions, Shallots, Garlic, Leeks etc, Fresh or Chilled 7030 -

0 0 0 44 601Leguminous Vegetables, Shelled or not, Fresh or 7080 -792 8 31 931 151Other Vegetables NES Fresh or Chilled 7090 -

0 0 100 52 200Vegetables Frozen 7100 -0 0 41 277 461Vegetables, Dried, Whole, Cut etc. not further 7120 -0 0 0 24 ..Other Nuts NES Fresh or Dried Whether Shelled or 8020 -

6,081 61 30 915 620Dates, Figs, Pineapples, Avocados etc, Fr or Dried 8040 -10,560 106 89 422 261Citrus Fruit, Fresh or Dried 8050 -

0 0 0 2 0Apricots, Cherries, Peaches, Plums and Sloes, Fresh 8090 -4,729 47 46 1,009 862Fruit NES Fresh 8100 -

0 0 0 0 39Fruit Dried NES Mixtures of Nuts or Dried Fruit 8130 -0 0 48 21 48Pepper, Genus Piper; Genus Capsicum or Pimento 9040 -

2,447 24 93 186 225Ginger, Saffron, Turmeric, Thyme, Bay Leaves, 9100 -0 0 12 0 408Wheat and Meslin 1001-0 0 0 73 29Maize (Corn) 1005-

384,590 3,847 3,208 32,974 28,215Rice 1006-0 0 23 0 23Cereal Grains, Worked Like Hulled, Rolled, Flaked 1104-0 0 0 0 45Starches; Inulin 1108-0 0 0 67 12Seeds, Fruit and Spores, for Sowing 1209-

1,109 11 0 263 0Plants etc. for Pharmacy, Perfume, Insecticides etc. 1211-15,300 153 126 747 1,117Cereal Straw and Husks 1213-

0 0 0 4 12Swedes, mangolds, Fodder Roots Hay, Clover etc. 1214-0 0 9 353 381Vegetable Products NES 1404-0 0 73 0 122Extracts Etc. of Meat, Fish, Crustaceans etc. 1603-0 0 0 36 0Prepared or Preserved Fish, Caviar and Caviar 1604-

5,774 58 453 683 453Cane or Beet Sugar and Sucrose in Solid Form 1701-13,273 133 73 541 473Pasta and Couscous, Prepared or Not 1902-

Page 221: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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247 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

1,671 17 0 17 0Foods Prep. by Swelling Cereal; Cereal NES, Grain 1904-0 0 0 48 36Bread, Pastry, Cakes etc 1905-0 0 0 0 50Vegetable, Fruit, Nuts Etc, Prep Or Pres By Vinegar 2001-0 0 0 0 7Vegetables Prepared or Preserved NES Frozen 2004-0 0 10 17 10Vegetables Prepared or Preserved NES not Frozen 2005-0 0 0 0 7Jams, Fruit Jellies, Marmalades etc. Cooked 2007-0 0 0 0 19Yeast, Prepared Baking Powder 2102-0 0 0 15 10Sauces and Preparations thereof 2103-0 0 0 48 51Food Preparations NES 2106-0 0 0 1,858 2,892Bran, Sharps and other Residue 2302-0 0 0 0 113Residues of Starch Manufacture like Beet-Pulp and 2303-

1,533 15 0 92 0Preparations Used In Animal Feeding 2309-0 0 0 44 0Cigars, Cigarettes Etc. of Tobacco or Substitutes 2402-0 0 0 42 3Salt, Pure Sodium Chloride, Sea Water 2501-0 0 0 80 0Clays NES 2508-0 0 5 34 5Marble, Travertine etc. and Alabaster, Crude etc. 2515-0 0 0 0 ..Pebbles, Gravel etc. Macadam of Slag, Dross etc. 2517-0 0 19 47 127Portland Cement, Aluminous Cement and Slag 2523-0 0 0 17 67Hydrogen Chloride; Chlorosulphuric Acid 2806-0 0 0 55 0Medicaments Mixtures for Therapeutic Use 3003-0 0 4 1 16Medicaments NES 3004-0 0 0 4 2Wading, Gauze, Bandages etc. 3005-0 0 0 16 37Other Color Matters 3206-

30 .. 0 10 0Ink, Printing, Writing, Drawing etc. 3215-0 0 0 25 0Odoriferous Mixtures as Raw Materials for Industry 3302-0 0 0 0 2Lubricating Preparations, Antirust and Treating 3403-

13,906 139 302 1,123 1,831Polymers of Styrene in Primary Forms 3903-0 0 0 0 88Polymers of Vinyl Chloride etc. in Primary Forms 3904-0 0 0 3 0Amino-Resins, Phenolic and Polyurethane, Primary 3909-0 0 0 0 33Silicones in Primary Forms 3910-0 0 0 1 10Waste, Parings and Scrap, of Plastics 3915-0 0 4 5 8Containers: Boxes, Bags, Closures etc, Plastic 3923-0 0 0 0 6Articles of Plastics Including Polymers and Resins 3926-0 0 0 0 5Tubes, Pipes and Hoses of Unhard Vulcanized 4009-0 0 0 0 28Inner Rubber Tubes for Tires 4013-0 0 0 25 0Articles of Apparel and Clothing Acc. of Rubber 4015-

214 2 0 2 2Articles NES of Unhard Vulcanized Rubber 4016-0 0 0 7 0Leather of Animals NES, No Hair NES 4107-0 0 0 22 35Leather further prepared after tanning (other animal) 4113-0 0 0 0 7Composition Leather with a Basis of Leather or 4115-0 0 0 20 10Travel Goods, Handbags, Wallets, Jewelry Cases etc. 4202-

15,157 152 92 1,277 1,093Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-4,031 40 15 115 88Articles of Leather NES 4205-

0 0 0 1 0Fuel Wood, In Logs etc. Wood in Chips etc. 4401-0 0 0 0 10Plywood, Veneered Panels and Laminated Wood 4412-0 0 0 3 0Packing Cases etc. of Wood; Pallets etc. 4415-

223 2 2 9 4Tableware and Kitchenware of Wood 4419-0 0 0 12 5Articles of Wood NES 4421-

2,091 21 10 70 73Basketwork, Wickerwork of Plait and other Articles 4602-0 0 0 5 19Pulps of Fibrous Cellulosic Material NES 4706-0 0 0 29 0Paper and Paperboard, Corrugated, Creped Crinkled 4808-0 0 0 0 61Cartons, Boxes, Cases, Bags and other Packing 4819-

98 1 0 1 38Registers, Notebooks, Order Book, Receipt Book 4820-0 0 0 8 0Other Paper and Paperboard and Articles NES 4823-0 0 48 60 66Printed Books, Brochures and Similar Printed Matter 4901-

78 1 1 7 10Newspapers, Journals and Periodicals 4902-

Page 222: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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US $Rs.

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Export of Goods and Services March 2014 248

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 0 2Unused Postage, Check Forms, Banknotes, Stock etc 4907-82 1 0 1 0Printed Matter including Pictures and Photographs 4911-

115 1 2 3 92Woven Fabrics of Silk or Silk Waste 5007-0 0 0 0 10Cotton, Not Carded Or Combed 5201-

1,618 16 11 115 94Cotton Waste Including Yarn Waste etc. 5202-0 0 0 0 3Cotton, Carded or Combed 5203-0 0 0 77 0Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton more than 85% 5205-

3,443 34 26 206 158Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt < 5208-5,328 53 0 400 134Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-

0 0 0 76 119Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt < 5210-0 0 0 0 44Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt > 5211-

4,689 47 0 121 173Woven Cotton Fabrics NES 5212-0 0 0 0 28Synthetic Filament Yarn Not Sewing Thread, Not 5402-0 0 0 11 0Synthetic Filament Tow 5501-0 0 2 26 11Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5513-0 0 0 16 0Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibers NES 5515-0 0 0 59 0Textile Wadding and Articles; Text Fiber Not Over 5 5601-

4,207 42 2 339 406Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Knotted 5701-0 0 0 0 134Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Woven 5702-

7,975 80 0 80 23Woven Terry Fabrics and Tufted Textile Fabric NES 5802-0 0 4 27 15Labels, Badges and Similar Type of Textiles 5807-0 0 1 0 1Tire Cord Fabric of High Tenacity Yarn of Nylon 5902-0 0 0 70 0Textile Products and Articles for Technical uses 5911-0 0 0 0 5Warp Knit fabrics Not of Rubber and Pile Fabrics 6005-0 0 0 74 161Gents Suits, Ensembles, Jackets etc. Kn/Cr 6103-

998 10 0 10 8Ladies Suits, Ensembles etc. Kn/Cr 6104-5,689 57 7 172 77Gents Shirts, Knitted or Crocheted 6105-

0 0 0 0 ..Gents Blouses and Shirts Kn/Cr 6106-0 0 0 103 0Gents Underpants, Briefs, Nightshirts etc. Kn/Cr 6107-0 0 0 47 8T-Shirts, Singlets and other Vests Kn/Cr 6109-0 0 0 11 45Sweaters, Pullovers, Vests etc. Kn/Cr 6110-

471 5 0 8 5Track Suits, Ski Suits and Swimwear Kn/Cr 6112-0 0 0 115 102Garments, Made-ups Kn/Cr etc. of Rubber or Plastic 6113-

3,130 31 2 151 112Garments NES Knitted or Crocheted 6114-0 0 0 9 0Panty hose, Socks and other Hosiery Kn/Cr 6115-

25,292 253 43 1,369 1,188Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Knitted or Crocheted 6116-0 0 8 49 94Made-up Clothing Accessories NES Kn/Cr 6117-0 0 0 24 0Women's or Girls' Overcoats etc, Not Knitted or 6202-0 0 0 90 200Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-

795 8 3 36 49Women's or Girls' Suits, Ensembles etc. Not Kn/Cr. 6204-1,629 16 0 38 11Men's or Boys' Shirts, Not Kn/Cr 6205-1,587 16 0 43 0Women's or Girls' Blouses, Shirts etc. Not Knitted 6206-

0 0 0 21 0Garments, of Felt etc, or Fabric Impregnated etc 6210-0 0 1 33 1Track Suits, Ski-Suits and Swimwear, Not Knitted 6211-

8,513 85 0 319 377Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Not Knitted or Crocheted 6216-0 0 0 25 0Made-Up Clothing Accessories NES 6217-0 0 0 77 81Blankets and Traveling Rugs 6301-

8,523 85 206 998 928Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-0 0 0 6 3Furnishing Articles of Textile Materials NES 6304-

3,357 34 127 978 1,048Tarpaulins, Sails, Awnings and Tents etc. 6306-634 6 39 275 173Made-Up Articles of Textile Materials NES 6307-

0 0 0 0 17Worn Clothing and other Worn Textile Articles 6309-1,724 17 26 215 182Used or New Rags, Scrap Twine etc of Text Material 6310-

0 0 0 1 0Footwear, Outer Sole and Upper Rubber or Plastic 6402-250 3 0 58 35Footwear, Outer Sole Rubber, Plastic or Leather 6403-

0 0 0 0 12Wigs, False Beards of Hair etc. Human Hair Articles 6704-

Page 223: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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US $Rs.

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249 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 62 20Worked Monumental or Building Stone and Articles 6802-197 2 0 2 0Abrasive Powder etc. on a Base of Textile Material 6805-

3,795 38 34 129 273Articles of Stone or Other Mineral Substance NES 6815-0 0 0 21 0Bricks, Blocks, Tiles and Ceramic Goods of 6901-0 0 0 0 14Unglazed Ceramic Flags and Paving, Hearth Wall 6907-0 0 7 0 7Ceramic Sinks, Washbasins, Water Closet Bowls etc. 6910-0 0 13 0 51Glass Paving Blocks, Bricks, Squares, Tiles and 7016-0 0 0 54 0Articles of Jewelry and Parts thereof or Precious 7113-0 0 0 0 3Wire of Iron and Non-Alloy Steel 7217-0 0 1 0 1Other Bars and Rods of Alloy Steel 7228-0 0 0 2 0Tubes, Pipes and Hollow Profiles of Cast Iron 7303-0 0 .. 0 ..Containers for Compressed or Liquefied Gas 7311-0 0 0 0 1Screws, Bolts, Nuts, Washers etc. Iron or Steel 7318-0 0 0 0 ..Stoves, Ranges, Grates, Cookers and Parts 7321-0 0 0 1 0Articles of Iron or Steel, NES 7326-0 0 0 2 0Copper Bars, Rods and Profiles 7407-0 0 0 11 6Household Articles and Parts 7418-0 0 0 83 59Table, Kitchen or other Household Articles and Parts 7615-0 0 0 131 0Titanium and Articles Thereof Include. Waste and 8108-0 0 0 0 8Zirconium and Articles Thereof Include. Waste and 8109-0 0 0 4 6Articles of Cutlery NES and Manicure Sets etc. 8214-0 0 0 19 12Pumps for Liquids; Liquid Elevators; Parts Thereof 8413-0 0 0 116 52Air or Vacuum Pump, Compressors and Fans 8414-0 0 0 0 2Calendaring or other Rolling Machines Not for Glass 8420-0 0 0 0 25Ships Derricks, Cranes including Cable 8426-0 0 0 0 17Agriculture Machinery for Soil, Lawn Preparations 8432-0 0 0 0 5Machinery NES used for Food and Drink and Parts 8438-0 0 2 8 21Lathes for Removing Metal 8458-0 0 8 60 14Tools for Working in the Hand, Pneumatic etc. 8467-0 0 0 7 0Machinery for Working Rubber or Plastic etc. NES 8477-

212 2 0 4 0Taps, Cocks, Valves and Similar Appliances for 8481-0 0 0 68 0Electrical Transformers, Static Converters and 8504-0 0 0 7 0Electrical Storage Batteries, Including Separators 8507-0 0 0 .. 0Electrical Laser or Other Light or Photon Beam etc 8515-0 0 0 0 12Prepared Unrecorded Media for Sound etc. 8523-0 0 0 0 13Carbon Electrodes and Brushes, Lamp Carbons etc 8545-

2,630 26 0 113 125Tractors Other Than Work Trucks used for Short 8701-500 5 0 5 5Parts and Accessories for Motor Vehicles 8708-804 8 0 28 13Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-582 6 0 62 24Furniture NES and Parts Thereof 9403-

0 0 0 31 132Mattress Supports, Articles of Bedding etc 9404-3,043 30 25 170 365Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-

0 0 0 26 81Brooms, Brushes, Mops and Feather Dusters etc. 9603-0 0 0 0 1Collectors Item of Botanic and Historical Interest 9705-

Reunion Island 265 2,838214 1,38726,4950 0 0 0 27Onions, Shallots, Garlic, Leeks etc, Fresh or Chilled 7030 -0 0 8 0 15Vegetables, Dried, Whole, Cut etc. not further 7120 -0 0 0 0 4Dates, Figs, Pineapples, Avocados etc, Fr or Dried 8040 -

14,381 144 102 2,213 591Rice 1006-0 0 0 8 15Fruit Juices including Grape Must and Vegtable 2009-0 0 0 0 24Medicaments NES 3004-0 0 0 2 0Articles of Apparel and Clothing Acc. of Rubber 4015-0 0 0 2 0Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-0 0 0 81 0Cotton Sewing Thread, Retail Packed or Not 5204-0 0 0 65 0Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-

Page 224: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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US $Rs.

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Export of Goods and Services March 2014 250

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 58 0 106Woven Terry Fabrics and Tufted Textile Fabric NES 5802-0 0 0 0 18Panty hose, Socks and other Hosiery Kn/Cr 6115-0 0 0 71 0Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Knitted or Crocheted 6116-0 0 0 0 31Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-

294 3 0 3 0Women's or Girls' Suits, Ensembles etc. Not Kn/Cr. 6204-10,902 109 38 377 490Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-

0 0 0 0 42Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-917 9 8 15 24Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-

Romania 1,707 19,8461,134 19,124170,685494 5 0 34 0Meat of Bovine Animals, Fresh or Chilled 2010 -

0 0 0 61 21Meat of Sheep or Goats, Fresh, Chilled or Frozen 2040 -0 0 0 46 0Edible Offal of Bovine Animals; Swine, Sheep, 2060 -0 0 0 0 16Other Meat & Edible Offal ; Fresh, Chilled or Frozen 2080 -

63,328 633 440 4,960 5,527Guts, Bladders, Stomachs of Animals (Not Fish) 5040 -0 0 0 154 519Animal Products NES, Inedible Dead Animals 5110 -0 0 0 14 0Citrus Fruit, Fresh or Dried 8050 -0 0 0 0 14Ginger, Saffron, Turmeric, Thyme, Bay Leaves, 9100 -

2,991 30 0 579 168Rice 1006-0 0 0 8 8Cereal Flours, Except of Wheat or of Meslin 1102-0 0 0 577 0Other Oil Seeds and Oleaginous Fruits NES 1207-0 0 0 333 185Prepared or Preserved Fish, Caviar and Caviar 1604-0 0 0 3 0Other Sugar NES 1702-0 0 0 34 34Salt, Pure Sodium Chloride, Sea Water 2501-0 0 31 0 42Natural Steatite Roughly Trimmed etc. 2526-0 0 0 0 6Medicaments NES 3004-

7,116 71 30 627 462Matches and Except Pyrotechnic Articles 3605-0 0 0 0 ..Prepared binders for foundry moulds or cores 3824-

5,140 51 0 300 140Polymers of Styrene in Primary Forms 3903-0 0 0 0 455Polyesters, Epoxides and Polyesters, Primary Forms 3907-

688 7 0 16 0Waste of Rubber and Powder Obtain thereof 4004-0 0 0 9 4Articles of Apparel and Clothing Acc. of Rubber 4015-0 0 0 149 480Raw Skins of Sheep or Lambs NES 4102-0 0 0 72 0Raw Hides and Skins NES 4103-0 0 0 6 0Sheep or Lamb Skin Leather, No Wool NES 4105-0 0 0 106 76Leather of Animals NES, No Hair NES 4107-

3,216 32 0 305 76Leather further prepared after tanning (other animal) 4113-0 0 0 0 19Saddlery, Harness, Traces and Leads etc. 4201-0 0 0 0 52Travel Goods, Handbags, Wallets, Jewelry Cases etc. 4202-

808 8 22 126 153Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-0 0 0 34 15Articles of Leather NES 4205-0 0 0 0 3Paper and Paperboard, Coated With Kaolin etc 4810-0 0 0 0 7Toilet Paper, Paper Tissues, Towels, Napkins etc. 4818-0 0 2 0 2Silk Yarn, Not Spun From Waste Not Retail 5004-

4,993 50 0 50 0Woven Fabrics of Silk or Silk Waste 5007-0 0 0 4 0Wool, Not Carded or Combed 5101-0 0 0 0 31Fine or Coarse Animal Hair, Not Carded or Combed 5102-0 0 0 33 0Cotton Sewing Thread, Retail Packed or Not 5204-0 0 77 523 468Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton more than 85% 5205-

4,500 45 137 1,087 1,136Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt < 5208-7,790 78 0 348 548Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-6,031 60 230 267 1,536Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt < 5210-

0 0 0 141 0Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt > 5211-5,199 52 0 469 129Woven Cotton Fabrics NES 5212-

0 0 0 0 18Woven Fabrics of Jute or Other Textile Bast Fibres 5310-0 0 0 63 114Woven Fabric of Synthetic Filament Yarn 5407-

Page 225: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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251 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

28,704 287 18 4,847 3,562Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5513-0 0 0 0 174Woven Fabric, Synthetic < 85% of Fibre Mix 5514-

335 3 0 8 0Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Knotted 5701-0 0 0 209 127Woven Terry Fabrics and Tufted Textile Fabric NES 5802-

1,764 18 10 34 33Labels, Badges and Similar Type of Textiles 5807-0 0 0 15 80Gum Covered Fabric; Tracing Cloth; Paint Canvas 5901-0 0 0 8 122Gents Suits, Ensembles, Jackets etc. Kn/Cr 6103-0 0 0 0 14Gents Underpants, Briefs, Nightshirts etc. Kn/Cr 6107-0 0 0 85 0Ladies Slips, Petticoats, Briefs, Paints etc. Kn/Cr 6108-0 0 0 1 0Sweaters, Pullovers, Vests etc. Kn/Cr 6110-

162 2 0 5 0Track Suits, Ski Suits and Swimwear Kn/Cr 6112-0 0 4 36 15Garments, Made-ups Kn/Cr etc. of Rubber or Plastic 6113-0 0 0 6 17Panty hose, Socks and other Hosiery Kn/Cr 6115-0 0 1 17 90Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Knitted or Crocheted 6116-

3,348 33 15 81 157Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-0 0 0 4 0Shawls, Scarves, Mufflers, Mantillas, Veils etc. 6214-0 0 5 23 17Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Not Knitted or Crocheted 6216-0 0 0 12 0Made-Up Clothing Accessories NES 6217-

15,664 157 13 1,034 1,212Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-0 0 0 0 78Made-Up Articles of Textile Materials NES 6307-0 0 0 19 0Used or New Rags, Scrap Twine etc of Text Material 6310-0 0 41 184 105Footwear, Outer Sole Rubber, Plastic or Leather 6403-0 0 5 6 9Hats and Headgear, Knitted etc. Lace etc. 6505-0 0 0 6 0Worked Monumental or Building Stone and Articles 6802-0 0 0 140 41Articles of Stone or Other Mineral Substance NES 6815-0 0 0 0 2Chain and Parts of Iron or Steel 7315-0 0 0 11 0Files, Rasps, Pliers, Metal cutting Shears etc. 8203-0 0 6 0 20Scissors, Tailors' Shears and Similar Shears and 8213-0 0 0 119 37Articles of Cutlery NES and Manicure Sets etc. 8214-0 0 0 0 98Parts For Combustion Engines etc. 8409-0 0 0 2 0Auxiliary Machinery for use With Textile Machines 8448-0 0 0 1 0Tools for Working in the Hand, Pneumatic etc. 8467-0 0 5 52 76Tractors Other Than Work Trucks used for Short 8701-0 0 0 54 0Parts and Accessories for Motor Vehicles 8708-

2,249 22 16 530 336Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-5,116 51 0 572 0Mattress Supports, Articles of Bedding etc 9404-1,048 10 27 184 240Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-

Russian Federation 23,880 158,10826,455 168,8062,387,4400 0 0 6 0Meat of Bovine Animals, Fresh or Chilled 2010 -0 0 0 5 0Fish Dried, Salted or in Brine; Smoked etc; Ed 3050 -0 0 403 2,108 1,584Potatoes, Fresh or Chilled 7010 -0 0 0 0 4Onions, Shallots, Garlic, Leeks etc, Fresh or Chilled 7030 -0 0 0 0 12Leguminous Vegetables, Shelled or not, Fresh or 7080 -0 0 53 12 66Other Vegetables NES Fresh or Chilled 7090 -0 0 133 693 133Vegetables Frozen 7100 -0 0 0 115 0Vegetables, Dried, Whole, Cut etc. not further 7120 -0 0 0 15 81Dates, Figs, Pineapples, Avocados etc, Fr or Dried 8040 -

853,679 8,539 8,271 27,002 31,232Citrus Fruit, Fresh or Dried 8050 -0 0 0 121 0Apples, Pears and Quinces, Fresh 8080 -

5,425 54 153 196 455Fruit NES Fresh 8100 -0 0 0 0 85Fruit Dried NES Mixtures of Nuts or Dried Fruit 8130 -

25,124 251 1,383 3,358 6,887Rice 1006-0 0 0 0 13Seeds, Fruit and Spores, for Sowing 1209-0 0 0 180 407Vegetable Saps and Extracts: Pectates, Agar-Agar 1302-0 0 0 214 0Vegetable Plaiting Materials Like Bamboos, Reeds 1401-

Page 226: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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Export of Goods and Services March 2014 252

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 5 5 5Vegetable Materials used in Brooms Like Piassava 1403-0 0 0 30 0Wool Grease Fatty Substances Derived there from 1505-0 0 0 6 0Rape, Colza or Mustard Oil and Fractions thereof 1514-0 0 0 0 79Cane or Beet Sugar and Sucrose in Solid Form 1701-

2,000 20 10 418 162Sugar Confectionery including White Chocolate not 1704-0 0 0 8 0Pasta and Couscous, Prepared or Not 1902-0 0 0 0 36Bread, Pastry, Cakes etc 1905-0 0 181 0 181Vegetables Prepared or Preserved NES Frozen 2004-0 0 0 306 0Vegetables Prepared or Preserved NES not Frozen 2005-0 0 0 0 18Fruit, Nuts, Fruit-Peel etc, Preserved by Sugar 2006-0 0 1,044 631 3,234Fruit, Nuts etc. Prepared or Preserved NES 2008-

8,445 84 0 347 79Tobacco and Tobacco Refuse 2401-7,054 71 57 342 307Salt, Pure Sodium Chloride, Sea Water 2501-

0 0 0 10 0Marble, Travertine etc. and Alabaster, Crude etc. 2515-1,012 10 0 314 136Natural Steatite Roughly Trimmed etc. 2526-

0 0 0 0 55Antibiotics 2941-0 0 0 22 0Medicaments Mixtures for Therapeutic Use 3003-0 0 0 103 18Medicaments NES 3004-0 0 0 0 3Pharmaceutical Goods 3006-0 0 0 25 40Odoriferous Mixtures as Raw Materials for Industry 3302-0 0 0 20 41Beauty and Make-Up Preparations 3304-0 0 0 0 16Prepared Glues and Adhesives NES 3506-0 0 0 0 2Rosin and Resin Acids etc. Rosin Spirit etc. 3806-0 0 40 97 351Polymers of Styrene in Primary Forms 3903-0 0 0 29 0Polyesters, Epoxides and Polyesters, Primary Forms 3907-0 0 0 10 0Waste, Parings and Scrap, of Plastics 3915-0 0 0 5 0Containers: Boxes, Bags, Closures etc, Plastic 3923-0 0 0 113 0Tableware and other Household Articles etc, Plastics 3924-0 0 0 5 122Articles of Apparel and Clothing Acc. of Rubber 4015-0 0 0 51 47Raw Hides and Skins of Bovine or Equine Animals 4101-0 0 0 2 0Raw Hides and Skins NES 4103-0 0 96 88 121Bovine or Equine Leather, No Hair NES 4104-0 0 0 0 34Goat or Kidskin Leather, No Hair NES 4106-

22,524 225 174 1,294 1,761Leather of Animals NES, No Hair NES 4107-0 0 0 62 18Leather further prepared after tanning (sheep, lamb) 4112-

1,259 13 780 988 2,571Leather further prepared after tanning (other animal) 4113-0 0 0 1 12Saddlery, Harness, Traces and Leads etc. 4201-0 0 0 26 2Travel Goods, Handbags, Wallets, Jewelry Cases etc. 4202-

65,783 658 306 6,198 4,382Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-0 0 3 4 64Articles of Leather Used in Machinery and 4204-0 0 413 62 791Articles of Leather NES 4205-0 0 0 110 40Woven Fabrics of Silk or Silk Waste 5007-0 0 280 0 1,490Cotton Waste Including Yarn Waste etc. 5202-0 0 47 0 93Cotton, Carded or Combed 5203-0 0 25 41 99Cotton Sewing Thread, Retail Packed or Not 5204-0 0 5 384 799Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton more than 85% 5205-0 0 0 0 167Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton less than 85% 5206-

375,379 3,755 1,971 25,448 25,256Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt < 5208-21,746 218 441 1,753 4,894Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-

104,419 1,044 1,998 9,458 12,513Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt < 5210-28,354 284 50 3,035 501Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt > 5211-40,808 408 847 3,300 5,034Woven Cotton Fabrics NES 5212-34,273 343 44 1,675 861Woven Fabric of Synthetic Filament Yarn 5407-13,857 139 0 262 26Woven Fabrics of Artificial Filament Yarn 5408-

0 0 0 19 0Yarn (No SewingThread), Manmade Staple Fiber, 5511-163 2 0 184 44Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5512-

Page 227: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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253 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

176,548 1,766 2,575 20,782 23,184Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5513-0 0 188 243 350Woven Fabric, Synthetic < 85% of Fibre Mix 5514-0 0 0 30 153Woven Fabrics of Artificial Staple Fibers 5516-0 0 0 0 50Textile Wadding and Articles; Text Fiber Not Over 5 5601-0 0 19 16 230Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Knotted 5701-0 0 0 10 0Woven Pile and Chenille Fabrics NES 5801-

4,980 50 95 196 268Woven Terry Fabrics and Tufted Textile Fabric NES 5802-0 0 0 38 8Labels, Badges and Similar Type of Textiles 5807-0 0 0 58 19Gum Covered Fabric; Tracing Cloth; Paint Canvas 5901-0 0 0 0 ..Textile Fabrics, Theatrical Scenery, Back-Cloths 5907-

1,617 16 0 16 0Textile Wicks for Lamps etc. and Gas Mantles etc. 5908-0 0 0 0 24Pile Fabrics and Terry Fabrics Knitted or Crocheted 6001-0 0 0 0 79Other knitted or crocheted fabrics 6006-0 0 0 38 15Gents Overcoats, Car-Coats, Caps, Cloaks and 6101-

36 .. 0 .. 1Ladies Overcoats, Car-Coats, Caps, Cloaks and 6102-43,167 432 107 2,232 447Gents Suits, Ensembles, Jackets etc. Kn/Cr 6103-45,924 459 0 988 ..Ladies Suits, Ensembles etc. Kn/Cr 6104-

0 0 6 91 264Gents Shirts, Knitted or Crocheted 6105-56 1 6 1 13Gents Blouses and Shirts Kn/Cr 6106-

56,803 568 204 1,071 374Gents Underpants, Briefs, Nightshirts etc. Kn/Cr 6107-0 0 0 0 38Ladies Slips, Petticoats, Briefs, Paints etc. Kn/Cr 6108-

4,140 41 0 124 0T-Shirts, Singlets and other Vests Kn/Cr 6109-36,206 362 211 1,008 218Sweaters, Pullovers, Vests etc. Kn/Cr 6110-

0 0 0 125 7Babies' Garments and Accessories Kn/Cr 6111-0 0 0 7 387Track Suits, Ski Suits and Swimwear Kn/Cr 6112-

494 5 .. 121 41Garments, Made-ups Kn/Cr etc. of Rubber or Plastic 6113-0 0 0 1 243Garments NES Knitted or Crocheted 6114-

93,654 937 857 8,550 3,468Panty hose, Socks and other Hosiery Kn/Cr 6115-5,770 58 17 267 308Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Knitted or Crocheted 6116-

0 0 0 0 96Made-up Clothing Accessories NES Kn/Cr 6117-0 0 3 0 10Men's or Boys' Overcoats, Cloaks etc. Not Knitted 6201-

6,106 61 118 1,304 1,143Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-606 6 22 74 42Women's or Girls' Suits, Ensembles etc. Not Kn/Cr. 6204-

0 0 0 6 0Men's or Boys' Undershirts etc Not Kn/Cr 6207-0 0 0 0 8Women's or Girls' Slips etc Not Kn/Cr 6208-0 0 0 125 0Garments, of Felt etc, or Fabric Impregnated etc 6210-0 0 0 247 158Track Suits, Ski-Suits and Swimwear, Not Knitted 6211-0 0 139 344 795Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Not Knitted or Crocheted 6216-

2,464 25 8 102 159Made-Up Clothing Accessories NES 6217-118,321 1,183 773 10,056 10,328Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-

1,255 13 28 340 718Curtains and Interior Blinds, Curtain or Bed 6303-0 0 0 14 19Furnishing Articles of Textile Materials NES 6304-0 0 0 40 2Sacks and Bags of Textile Material for Packing 6305-

15,455 155 22 850 38Tarpaulins, Sails, Awnings and Tents etc. 6306-250 3 82 103 298Made-Up Articles of Textile Materials NES 6307-

0 0 0 19 0Needlecraft Sets of Woven Fabrics and Yarn, Retail 6308-0 0 0 0 9Worn Clothing and other Worn Textile Articles 6309-0 0 0 21 138Used or New Rags, Scrap Twine etc of Text Material 6310-0 0 179 0 179Waterproof Footwear, Rubber or Plastics, Bond Sole 6401-0 0 0 100 872Footwear, Outer Sole Rubber, Plastic or Leather 6403-0 0 0 1 0Footwear, Outer Sole Rubber, Plastic or Textile 6404-0 0 0 67 194Parts of Footwear: Insoles, Gaiters etc. Parts 6406-0 0 0 7 0Articles of Cement, Concrete or Artificial Stone 6810-0 0 151 0 151Fabricated Asbestos Fibers, Items of Mixtures etc 6812-

494 5 10 64 129Articles of Stone or Other Mineral Substance NES 6815-0 0 0 37 0Glass Containers for Packing etc and Glass Closures 7010-

Page 228: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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Export of Goods and Services March 2014 254

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 36 0Aluminum Bars, Rods and Profiles 7604-0 0 0 3 0Table, Kitchen or other Household Articles and Parts 7615-0 0 0 17 0Hand tools NES Like Blow, Torches, Anvils etc. 8205-0 0 0 12 0Knives and Blades for Machines and Appliances 8208-0 0 0 1 0Hand Operated Mechanical Appliances 8210-0 0 0 1 0Knives With Blades and Blades for Knives NES 8211-0 0 0 457 227Razors and Razor Blades 8212-

45,400 454 452 3,928 3,286Articles of Cutlery NES and Manicure Sets etc. 8214-0 0 0 0 14Hardware, Fixtures, Castors etc. and Part 8302-0 0 7 0 7Air or Vacuum Pump, Compressors and Fans 8414-0 0 10 0 10Machinery NES used for Food and Drink and Parts 8438-0 0 4 74 29Tools for Working in the Hand, Pneumatic etc. 8467-0 0 0 63 0Machines and Mechanical Appliances NES 8479-0 0 0 0 14Electromagnets, Permanent Magnets etc and Parts 8505-0 0 9 18 45Portable Electrical Lamps Function By Own Energy 8513-0 0 0 0 2Electrical Filament or Discharge Lamps and Parts 8539-0 0 0 0 3Tractors Other Than Work Trucks used for Short 8701-0 0 0 14 0Parts and Accessories for Motor Vehicles 8708-

52,828 528 415 5,404 5,623Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-1,044 10 0 17 14Orthopedic Appliances Artificial Body and Parts 9021-

0 0 0 2 0X-Ray etc Apparatus, Tubes, Panels, Screen and 9022-0 0 0 1 0Wind Musical Instruments NES 9205-0 0 0 5 0Seats and Parts Except Barber, Dental etc. 9401-

6,993 70 0 159 92Furniture NES and Parts Thereof 9403-15,256 153 12 719 121Mattress Supports, Articles of Bedding etc 9404-

0 0 0 5 0Lamps and Lighting Fittings and Parts etc NES 9405-39,967 400 512 5,902 6,170Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-

301 3 2 20 11Special Transaction NES 9992-Rwanda 325 4,766778 4,28732,510

29,210 292 613 3,951 3,241Rice 1006-0 0 0 17 13Medicaments Mixtures for Therapeutic Use 3003-0 0 79 110 253Medicaments NES 3004-0 0 0 51 0Wading, Gauze, Bandages etc. 3005-0 0 0 0 65Insecticides, Rodenticides and Fungicides etc. Retail 3808-0 0 0 11 0Tableware and other Household Articles etc, Plastics 3924-0 0 0 0 11Leather further prepared after tanning (other animal) 4113-0 0 0 0 5Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-0 0 20 0 20Articles of Leather NES 4205-0 0 26 41 26Cartons, Boxes, Cases, Bags and other Packing 4819-0 0 0 6 0Paper and Paperboard Labels of all Kinds 4821-0 0 0 9 0Calendars, Calendar Blocks of Any Kind, Printed 4910-0 0 0 0 4Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-0 0 0 70 0Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5513-0 0 0 12 0Ladies Suits, Ensembles etc. Kn/Cr 6104-0 0 0 0 408Gents Shirts, Knitted or Crocheted 6105-0 0 0 3 0T-Shirts, Singlets and other Vests Kn/Cr 6109-0 0 0 37 0Sweaters, Pullovers, Vests etc. Kn/Cr 6110-0 0 8 5 16Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-0 0 0 0 6Women's or Girls' Suits, Ensembles etc. Not Kn/Cr. 6204-

2,153 22 0 299 143Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-0 0 0 10 0Curtains and Interior Blinds, Curtain or Bed 6303-0 0 0 67 0Tarpaulins, Sails, Awnings and Tents etc. 6306-0 0 0 20 0Made-Up Articles of Textile Materials NES 6307-0 0 0 13 0Worn Clothing and other Worn Textile Articles 6309-0 0 0 8 0Machine Tools for Honing or Finishing Metal etc. 8460-

Page 229: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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US $Rs.

(Amount in Thousand)MARCH JULY - MARCH

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255 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

1,147 11 3 14 41Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-0 0 29 10 36Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-

Sao Tome & Principe 0 21225 62700 0 0 0 36Meat of Bovine Animals, Fresh or Chilled 2010 -0 0 0 31 0Meat of Sheep or Goats, Fresh, Chilled or Frozen 2040 -0 0 0 0 16Fish Frozen (Not Fish Fillets & other Fish Meat) 3030 -0 0 0 0 5Butter and other Fats and Oils Derived from Milk, 4050 -0 0 0 6 0Onions, Shallots, Garlic, Leeks etc, Fresh or Chilled 7030 -0 0 0 0 47Dates, Figs, Pineapples, Avocados etc, Fr or Dried 8040 -0 0 0 0 100Rice 1006-0 0 0 4 0Flour and Meals of Oil Seeds or Oleaginous Fruits 1208-0 0 0 0 1Medicaments NES 3004-0 0 0 2 0Prepared binders for foundry moulds or cores 3824-0 0 0 0 132Leather of Animals NES, No Hair NES 4107-0 0 0 8 0Leather further prepared after tanning (other animal) 4113-0 0 0 0 85Articles of Leather NES 4205-0 0 0 87 0Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton more than 85% 5205-0 0 0 54 0Textile Wadding and Articles; Text Fiber Not Over 5 5601-0 0 0 0 70Gum Covered Fabric; Tracing Cloth; Paint Canvas 5901-0 0 0 4 0Gents Shirts, Knitted or Crocheted 6105-0 0 0 0 22T-Shirts, Singlets and other Vests Kn/Cr 6109-0 0 25 .. 25Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-0 0 0 4 0Women's or Girls' Suits, Ensembles etc. Not Kn/Cr. 6204-0 0 0 0 19Track Suits, Ski-Suits and Swimwear, Not Knitted 6211-0 0 0 .. 0Made-Up Clothing Accessories NES 6217-0 0 0 0 49Flat-Roll Iron and Non-Alloy >600mm, Clad, Plated 7210-0 0 0 7 0Air or Vacuum Pump, Compressors and Fans 8414-0 0 0 1 4Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-0 0 0 0 10Hydrometers, Thermometers, Pyrometers etc. and 9025-0 0 0 3 6Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-

Saudi Arabia 50,555 363,73644,855 367,3265,054,4130 0 0 43 33Live Horses, Asses, Mules and Hinnies 1010 -0 0 0 9 0Live Bovine Animals 1020 -0 0 0 56 204Live Animals NES 1060 -

133,791 1,338 1,532 14,324 16,919Meat of Bovine Animals, Fresh or Chilled 2010 -65,897 659 258 5,916 1,935Meat of Bovine Animals, Frozen 2020 -

994 10 0 18 41Meat of Swine, Fresh, Chilled or Frozen 2030 -540,409 5,405 3,725 35,746 31,334Meat of Sheep or Goats, Fresh, Chilled or Frozen 2040 -

0 0 0 366 0Edible Offal of Bovine Animals; Swine, Sheep, 2060 -370 4 470 1,060 2,947Other Meat & Edible Offal ; Fresh, Chilled or Frozen 2080 -

0 0 0 7 11Meat and Edible Offal Salted, Dried etc. and Flour & 2100 -0 0 0 0 37Fish, Live 3010 -0 0 0 17 0Fish, Fresh or Chilled (Not Fish Fillets & other Fish 3020 -

27,730 277 277 4,384 4,621Fish Frozen (Not Fish Fillets & other Fish Meat) 3030 -5,078 51 71 966 827Fish Fillets and other Fish Meat, Fresh, Chilled or 3040 -

0 0 0 20 34Fish Dried, Salted or in Brine; Smoked etc; Ed 3050 -33,332 333 764 5,591 8,030Crustaceans; Live, Fresh etc, and Cooked etc. 3060 -

0 0 16 0 51Butter and other Fats and Oils Derived from Milk, 4050 -32,462 325 152 5,514 3,483Natural Honey 4090 -

0 0 50 0 50Guts, Bladders, Stomachs of Animals (Not Fish) 5040 -0 0 0 0 25Ivory, Tortoise-Shell, Whalebone etc. 5070 -0 0 1 19 1Bulbs, Tubers, Tuberous Roots, Corms, Chicory 6010 -0 0 0 0 6Other Live Plants and their Roots NES, Cuttings and 6020 -

2,657 27 0 151 0Foliage, Branches and other Parts of Plants for 6040 -0 0 31 20 145Potatoes, Fresh or Chilled 7010 -

Page 230: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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Export of Goods and Services March 2014 256

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

187 2 12 17 46Tomatoes, Fresh or Chilled 7020 -0 0 0 35 115Onions, Shallots, Garlic, Leeks etc, Fresh or Chilled 7030 -0 0 0 15 0Cabbages, Cauliflower, Kohlrabi, Kale etc. Fresh or 7040 -0 0 14 15 976Leguminous Vegetables, Shelled or not, Fresh or 7080 -

10,080 101 146 2,034 1,151Other Vegetables NES Fresh or Chilled 7090 -4,147 41 0 143 100Vegetables Frozen 7100 -

0 0 0 12 0Vegetables, Temporarily Preserved, not now Edible 7110 -550 6 0 217 207Vegetables, Dried, Whole, Cut etc. not further 7120 -

0 0 0 0 1Coconuts, Brazil Nuts & Cashew Nuts, Fresh or Dry 8010 -5,893 59 0 206 128Other Nuts NES Fresh or Dried Whether Shelled or 8020 -1,782 18 9 4,495 4,343Dates, Figs, Pineapples, Avocados etc, Fr or Dried 8040 -

94,574 946 968 2,924 5,046Citrus Fruit, Fresh or Dried 8050 -0 0 0 43 0Grapes, Fresh or Dried 8060 -0 0 9 0 19Apples, Pears and Quinces, Fresh 8080 -

12,167 122 29 1,044 420Fruit NES Fresh 8100 -0 0 0 0 164Fruit and Nuts; Raw or Cooked By Steam etc. 8110 -0 0 0 0 286Fruit and Nuts Temporarily Preserved, Not Now 8120 -

29,979 300 183 2,261 1,111Fruit Dried NES Mixtures of Nuts or Dried Fruit 8130 -0 0 0 0 8Peel of Citrus Fruit or Melon, Fresh, Frozen or Dried 8140 -0 0 72 380 323Tea Whether or not Flavored 9020 -

6,532 65 296 915 1,324Pepper, Genus Piper; Genus Capsicum or Pimento 9040 -0 0 0 180 211Seeds of Anise, Badian, Fennel, Coriander, Cumin 9090 -

56,803 568 614 7,171 12,626Ginger, Saffron, Turmeric, Thyme, Bay Leaves, 9100 -0 0 0 1 0Wheat and Meslin 1001-

1,458,012 14,583 11,667 96,263 78,690Rice 1006-8,829 88 0 88 0Buckwheat, Millet and Canary Seed; other Cereals 1008-

0 0 13 0 13Starches; Inulin 1108-0 0 0 0 4Copra 1203-0 0 10 656 533Other Oil Seeds and Oleaginous Fruits NES 1207-0 0 0 1,206 1,269Flour and Meals of Oil Seeds or Oleaginous Fruits 1208-

2,877 29 47 80 219Seeds, Fruit and Spores, for Sowing 1209-0 0 0 0 24Hop Cones, Fresh or Dried; Lupulin 1210-

1,894 19 20 85 162Plants etc. for Pharmacy, Perfume, Insecticides etc. 1211-0 0 0 0 529Locust Beans, Seaweeds and other Algae, Sugar Beet 1212-

3,267 33 0 33 18Cereal Straw and Husks 1213-0 0 7 24 33Vegetable Saps and Extracts: Pectates, Agar-Agar 1302-0 0 0 5 8Vegetable Materials used in Brooms Like Piassava 1403-0 0 13 36 198Vegetable Products NES 1404-0 0 9 0 46Coconut, Palm Kernel or Babassu Oil etc. Not Chem. 1513-0 0 0 0 6Rape, Colza or Mustard Oil and Fractions thereof 1514-

14,173 142 69 261 109Other Fixed Vegetable Fats and Oils NES, Not 1515-0 0 0 53 34Animal or Vegetable Fats and Oils 1516-0 0 0 0 122Sausages and Similar Products of Meat and Blood 1601-0 0 0 78 413Extracts Etc. of Meat, Fish, Crustaceans etc. 1603-

4,987 50 863 1,237 4,845Prepared or Preserved Fish, Caviar and Caviar 1604-0 0 0 167 76Crustaceans Molluscs etc Prepared or Preserved 1605-

147,794 1,478 2,216 11,315 18,159Cane or Beet Sugar and Sucrose in Solid Form 1701-0 0 9 83 9Other Sugar NES 1702-0 0 0 937 1,457Molasses Extracted from Sugar 1703-

12,823 128 126 681 946Sugar Confectionery including White Chocolate not 1704-0 0 0 0 165Chocolate and other Food Products Containing 1806-0 0 0 268 23Malt Extracts; Food Prep. of Flour etc. Under 50% 1901-

23,556 236 80 1,658 762Pasta and Couscous, Prepared or Not 1902-3,559 36 0 36 15Foods Prep. by Swelling Cereal; Cereal NES, Grain 1904-6,474 65 95 875 680Bread, Pastry, Cakes etc 1905-

705 7 140 329 1,553Vegetable, Fruit, Nuts Etc, Prep Or Pres By Vinegar 2001-

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257 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 40 0Tomatoes Prepared or Preserved NES 2002-0 0 0 31 54Vegetables Prepared or Preserved NES not Frozen 2005-

2,111 21 0 58 123Fruit, Nuts, Fruit-Peel etc, Preserved by Sugar 2006-0 0 0 0 453Jams, Fruit Jellies, Marmalades etc. Cooked 2007-0 0 0 25 0Fruit, Nuts etc. Prepared or Preserved NES 2008-0 0 158 0 247Fruit Juices including Grape Must and Vegtable 2009-0 0 0 0 30Yeast, Prepared Baking Powder 2102-

1,157 12 63 89 153Sauces and Preparations thereof 2103-37,492 375 34 1,507 2,050Food Preparations NES 2106-

0 0 0 142 12Waters, Sweetened etc and other Nonalcoholic 2202-429,491 4,296 1,165 7,076 7,144Ethyl Alcohol, Strength: more than 80% Alcohol 2207-

0 0 0 0 39Bran, Sharps and other Residue 2302-0 0 0 0 39Vegetable Material, Waste etc For Feeding Animals 2308-0 0 0 0 19Preparations Used In Animal Feeding 2309-

264 3 29 40 37Tobacco and Tobacco Refuse 2401-10,837 108 0 281 0Cigars, Cigarettes Etc. of Tobacco or Substitutes 2402-

0 0 0 75 17Tobacco and Tobacco Substitutes Manufactured 2403-500 5 0 53 205Salt, Pure Sodium Chloride, Sea Water 2501-

0 0 0 0 71Quartz (Other Than Natural Sands); Quartzite 2506-0 0 0 75 0Kaolin And Other Kaolinic Clays 2507-

5,601 56 54 77 86Clays NES 2508-0 0 16 0 16Natural Barium Sulfate; Nat Barium Carbonate NES 2511-

15,655 157 264 1,679 1,330Marble, Travertine etc. and Alabaster, Crude etc. 2515-0 0 0 16 2Pebbles, Gravel etc. Macadam of Slag, Dross etc. 2517-0 0 0 1,011 0Portland Cement, Aluminous Cement and Slag 2523-

8,129 81 245 486 887Natural Steatite Roughly Trimmed etc. 2526-0 0 112 5 140Feldspar; Lucite; Nepheline and Syenite 2529-0 0 .. 0 1Coal, Briquettes and Ovoid etc. Manufactures of 2701-0 0 0 10 0Alkali Metals etc. Rare-Earth Metals etc. Mercury 2805-0 0 0 21 0Sodium Hydroxide and Potassium Hydroxide etc. 2815-0 0 0 2 0Hydroxides etc of Magnesium etc. 2816-

883 9 0 25 10Hydrogen Peroxide 2847-0 0 0 23 0Cyclic Hydrocarbons 2902-0 0 0 0 687Polycarboxylic Acids and Anhydrides etc. 2917-0 0 0 0 93Carboxylic Acid, Added Oxygen & Anhy Etc, Hal 2918-0 0 20 99 20Antibiotics 2941-0 0 0 0 34Organic Compounds NES 2942-0 0 160 0 160Human Blood or Animal Blood Prepared for 3002-0 0 0 180 279Medicaments Mixtures for Therapeutic Use 3003-

21,019 210 219 642 586Medicaments NES 3004-12,371 124 86 273 128Wading, Gauze, Bandages etc. 3005-

0 0 8 10 127Pharmaceutical Goods 3006-0 0 0 0 36Synthetic Organic tanning Substances 3202-0 0 0 60 3Synthetic Organic Coloring Matter 3204-0 0 192 209 620Other Color Matters 3206-0 0 112 0 112Paints and Varnishes of Synthetic Polymers 3208-0 0 0 47 0Pigments Dispersed in Non-aqueous Liquid 3212-

1,949 19 0 40 31Odoriferous Mixtures as Raw Materials for Industry 3302-1,500 15 0 30 46Perfumes and Toilet Waters 3303-8,872 89 37 297 403Beauty and Make-Up Preparations 3304-

12,111 121 104 606 611Preparations for Use on Hair 3305-0 0 0 134 162Preparations for Oral or Dental Hygiene 3306-0 0 0 251 101Personal Toilet etc Prep NES 3307-0 0 0 0 7Soap, Organic Surf-Act Products used for Soap 3401-0 0 0 0 72Organic Surf-Act Agents and Products other than 3402-

200 2 0 8 0Lubricating Preparations, Antirust and Treating 3403-

Page 232: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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US $Rs.

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Export of Goods and Services March 2014 258

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 2 0 2Artificial and Prepared Waxes 3404-0 0 0 29 13Polishes and Creams for Leather, Wood etc. 3405-0 0 0 0 19Dextrin and Glues Based on Starches etc. 3505-0 0 0 0 31Prepared Glues and Adhesives NES 3506-0 0 10 0 10Prepared Explosives other than Propellant Powders 3602-

4,679 47 131 115 947Matches and Except Pyrotechnic Articles 3605-2,726 27 187 490 849Artificial Graphite, Colloidal Graphite and 3801-

0 0 41 740 269Activated Carbon etc. Animal Black 3802-0 0 0 1 0Turpentine, Crude Dipentene and Pine Oil etc. 3805-0 0 0 4 48Finishing Agents etc. for Textiles, Paper etc NES 3809-0 0 0 66 54Polymers of Ethylene, in Primary Forms 3901-

2,729 27 0 92 0Polymers of Styrene in Primary Forms 3903-0 0 0 32 98Polyesters, Epoxides and Polyesters, Primary Forms 3907-0 0 0 2 1Amino-Resins, Phenolic and Polyurethane, Primary 3909-0 0 0 21 16Waste, Parings and Scrap, of Plastics 3915-0 0 0 15 19Tubes, Pipes and Hoses and their Fittings, of Plastics 3917-0 0 0 1 26Plates, Sheets, Film, Foil and Strip NES Plastics 3921-0 0 0 179 31Baths, Washbasins, Lavatory Seats etc. of Plastics 3922-0 0 28 402 157Containers: Boxes, Bags, Closures etc, Plastic 3923-0 0 0 26 91Tableware and other Household Articles etc, Plastics 3924-0 0 76 152 240Articles of Plastics Including Polymers and Resins 3926-0 0 0 7 0Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 4001-0 0 0 0 34Retread or Used Pneumatic Tires of Rubber 4012-0 0 0 0 39Inner Rubber Tubes for Tires 4013-0 0 0 10 0Hygienic of Pharmaceutical Articles of Rubber 4014-

7,311 73 71 691 831Articles of Apparel and Clothing Acc. of Rubber 4015-3,858 39 4 67 158Articles NES of Unhard Vulcanized Rubber 4016-

0 0 6 0 6Raw Hides and Skins NES 4103-0 0 0 0 5Bovine or Equine Leather, No Hair NES 4104-0 0 0 108 0Goat or Kidskin Leather, No Hair NES 4106-

4,473 45 0 45 0Leather of Animals NES, No Hair NES 4107-0 0 0 0 99Leather further prepared after tanning (sheep, lamb) 4112-

3,824 38 71 280 215Leather further prepared after tanning (other animal) 4113-0 0 0 10 6Composition Leather with a Basis of Leather or 4115-0 0 0 5 56Saddlery, Harness, Traces and Leads etc. 4201-0 0 0 88 851Travel Goods, Handbags, Wallets, Jewelry Cases etc. 4202-

109,912 1,099 893 8,690 9,409Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-1,853 19 1 300 61Articles of Leather Used in Machinery and 4204-

0 0 18 34 83Articles of Leather NES 4205-0 0 0 5 0Tanned or Dressed Furskins including Heads, Tails 4302-0 0 0 0 2Fuel Wood, In Logs etc. Wood in Chips etc. 4401-0 0 0 0 6Wood in Rough, Stripped or Not of Sapwood etc. 4403-

1,873 19 0 59 0Fiberboard of Wood or Other Ligneous Materials 4411-0 0 0 4 0Plywood, Veneered Panels and Laminated Wood 4412-0 0 0 29 48Wooden Frames Paintings and Photographs etc. 4414-0 0 0 3 0Packing Cases etc. of Wood; Pallets etc. 4415-0 0 0 43 107Tools, Tool Bodies, Tool Handles of Wood 4417-0 0 0 0 9Builders' Joinery and Carpentry of Wood 4418-0 0 55 180 154Tableware and Kitchenware of Wood 4419-

2,701 27 21 276 207Wood Marquetry & inlaid Wood Jewel Case etc. 4420-6,596 66 53 682 399Articles of Wood NES 4421-4,986 50 24 147 99Basketwork, Wickerwork of Plait and other Articles 4602-

250 3 15 29 55Paper Uncoated For Writing etc, Rolls; Handmade 4802-0 0 0 12 48Kraft Paper and Paperboard Uncoated NES 4804-0 0 0 0 1Vegetable Parchment, Greaseproof, Tracing Papers 4806-0 0 0 162 0Paper, Paperboard, Wading etc. Coated etc NES 4811-

Page 233: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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259 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

642 6 0 7 21Toilet Paper, Paper Tissues, Towels, Napkins etc. 4818-913 9 0 41 2Cartons, Boxes, Cases, Bags and other Packing 4819-

0 0 0 132 103Registers, Notebooks, Order Book, Receipt Book 4820-0 0 0 5 0Paper and Paperboard Labels of all Kinds 4821-0 0 0 40 454Bobbins, Spools etc. of Paper Pulp, Paper and 4822-0 0 0 32 0Other Paper and Paperboard and Articles NES 4823-

8,170 82 70 255 293Printed Books, Brochures and Similar Printed Matter 4901-293 3 4 33 43Newspapers, Journals and Periodicals 4902-

0 0 0 38 13Maps and Hydrographic or Similar Charts of all 4905-0 0 0 0 6Printed or Illustrated Postcards, Greeting Cards etc. 4909-0 0 0 2 0Silk Waste, Including Silk Yarn Waste etc. 5003-

43,872 439 349 3,636 3,412Woven Fabrics of Silk or Silk Waste 5007-0 0 0 0 92Wool, Not Carded or Combed 5101-0 0 0 56 0Fine or Coarse Animal Hair, Not Carded or Combed 5102-0 0 0 0 252Wool and Fine or Coarse Animal Hair, Carded or 5105-0 0 0 0 33Yarn of Carded Wool, Not for Retail Sale 5106-0 0 0 25 0Woven Fabrics of Coarse Animal Hair or Horsehair 5113-0 0 0 8 229Cotton, Not Carded Or Combed 5201-

2,301 23 27 189 262Cotton Waste Including Yarn Waste etc. 5202-0 0 25 32 25Cotton, Carded or Combed 5203-0 0 0 22 281Cotton Sewing Thread, Retail Packed or Not 5204-

221,903 2,220 0 2,740 461Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton more than 85% 5205-4,805 48 120 612 589Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt < 5208-

16,821 168 41 1,437 2,257Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-43,222 432 634 3,426 4,703Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt < 5210-20,995 210 43 770 196Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt > 5211-

0 0 26 341 566Woven Cotton Fabrics NES 5212-0 0 0 0 11Jute and other Textile Bast Fibers NES 5303-0 0 0 148 53Synthetic Filament Yarn Not Sewing Thread, Not 5402-

16,806 168 0 168 0Artificial Filament Yarn Not Sewing Thread, Not 5403-0 0 4 299 736Woven Fabric of Synthetic Filament Yarn 5407-0 0 42 12 148Yarn Not for Sewing Thread, Synthetic Staple 5509-

30,429 304 656 3,039 3,303Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5512-17,723 177 459 3,742 2,819Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5513-

0 0 14 215 355Woven Fabric, Synthetic < 85% of Fibre Mix 5514-0 0 0 0 60Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibers NES 5515-0 0 37 0 314Woven Fabrics of Artificial Staple Fibers 5516-0 0 0 169 37Textile Wadding and Articles; Text Fiber Not Over 5 5601-

146 1 3 27 3Felt, Impregnated, Coated, Covered or Lamented 5602-0 0 0 0 44Nonwovens Impregnated, Coated, Covered or 5603-0 0 0 0 46Twine, Cordage, Rope and Cables 5607-

3,792 38 0 71 51Knotted Netting of Twine, Cordage or rope of 5608-15,310 153 57 416 310Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Knotted 5701-

799 8 6 83 137Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Woven 5702-0 0 0 30 14Woven Pile and Chenille Fabrics NES 5801-

3,799 38 64 366 1,417Woven Terry Fabrics and Tufted Textile Fabric NES 5802-3,811 38 0 62 0Tulles and other Net Fabrics 5804-1,190 12 0 12 7Narrow Woven Fabrics Except Labels 5806-7,965 80 1 488 23Labels, Badges and Similar Type of Textiles 5807-

0 0 0 5 23Braids, Ornamental Trim in Pieces Not Knitted, or 5808-394 4 0 58 47Embroidery in the Piece, In Strips or in Motifs 5810-

18,457 185 116 2,232 1,769Gum Covered Fabric; Tracing Cloth; Paint Canvas 5901-0 0 0 0 10Tire Cord Fabric of High Tenacity Yarn of Nylon 5902-0 0 0 0 51Textile Fabrics Coated, Covered or Lamented with 5903-0 0 0 63 4Textile Fabrics, Theatrical Scenery, Back-Cloths 5907-

5,131 51 77 190 241Textile Products and Articles for Technical uses 5911-

Page 234: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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Export of Goods and Services March 2014 260

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 2 0Pile Fabrics and Terry Fabrics Knitted or Crocheted 6001-0 0 214 141 839Warp Knit fabrics Not of Rubber and Pile Fabrics 6005-0 0 76 142 469Other knitted or crocheted fabrics 6006-0 0 0 12 5Gents Overcoats, Car-Coats, Caps, Cloaks and 6101-0 0 107 36 112Ladies Overcoats, Car-Coats, Caps, Cloaks and 6102-

26,887 269 3 1,960 464Gents Suits, Ensembles, Jackets etc. Kn/Cr 6103-3,844 38 190 1,306 915Ladies Suits, Ensembles etc. Kn/Cr 6104-5,575 56 266 915 1,357Gents Shirts, Knitted or Crocheted 6105-

0 0 18 1 18Gents Blouses and Shirts Kn/Cr 6106-1,302 13 15 130 185Gents Underpants, Briefs, Nightshirts etc. Kn/Cr 6107-

0 0 170 263 170Ladies Slips, Petticoats, Briefs, Paints etc. Kn/Cr 6108-5,192 52 7 315 137T-Shirts, Singlets and other Vests Kn/Cr 6109-

0 0 0 112 39Sweaters, Pullovers, Vests etc. Kn/Cr 6110-1,600 16 0 465 29Babies' Garments and Accessories Kn/Cr 6111-1,285 13 8 292 222Track Suits, Ski Suits and Swimwear Kn/Cr 6112-

15,211 152 479 1,419 2,243Garments, Made-ups Kn/Cr etc. of Rubber or Plastic 6113-4,575 46 114 722 1,005Garments NES Knitted or Crocheted 6114-7,605 76 77 196 276Panty hose, Socks and other Hosiery Kn/Cr 6115-

10,687 107 159 1,115 988Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Knitted or Crocheted 6116-64,496 645 258 1,028 1,172Made-up Clothing Accessories NES Kn/Cr 6117-

0 0 34 72 297Men's or Boys' Overcoats, Cloaks etc. Not Knitted 6201-0 0 120 85 227Women's or Girls' Overcoats etc, Not Knitted or 6202-

31,907 319 114 2,617 1,266Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-22,671 227 1 620 328Women's or Girls' Suits, Ensembles etc. Not Kn/Cr. 6204-10,843 108 1 130 28Men's or Boys' Shirts, Not Kn/Cr 6205-

1,320 13 0 596 446Men's or Boys' Undershirts etc Not Kn/Cr 6207-0 0 8 47 32Women's or Girls' Slips etc Not Kn/Cr 6208-0 0 0 4 0Babies' Garments and Accessories Not Kn/Cr 6209-0 0 0 393 99Garments, of Felt etc, or Fabric Impregnated etc 6210-

11,286 113 0 349 188Track Suits, Ski-Suits and Swimwear, Not Knitted 6211-0 0 0 148 0Brassieres, Girdles, Garters and Braces etc. 6212-0 0 0 13 579Shawls, Scarves, Mufflers, Mantillas, Veils etc. 6214-

1,880 19 106 643 423Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Not Knitted or Crocheted 6216-0 0 0 60 83Made-Up Clothing Accessories NES 6217-

3,318 33 15 137 363Blankets and Traveling Rugs 6301-166,969 1,670 2,654 14,965 15,863Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-

0 0 0 49 4Curtains and Interior Blinds, Curtain or Bed 6303-0 0 57 513 1,491Furnishing Articles of Textile Materials NES 6304-

3,906 39 3 253 1,156Sacks and Bags of Textile Material for Packing 6305-177,665 1,777 2,330 17,910 19,021Tarpaulins, Sails, Awnings and Tents etc. 6306-

12,087 121 104 1,041 1,180Made-Up Articles of Textile Materials NES 6307-0 0 6 179 93Worn Clothing and other Worn Textile Articles 6309-

9,342 93 92 698 650Used or New Rags, Scrap Twine etc of Text Material 6310-0 0 0 14 84Waterproof Footwear, Rubber or Plastics, Bond Sole 6401-

4,382 44 38 370 460Footwear, Outer Sole and Upper Rubber or Plastic 6402-2,305 23 37 288 1,399Footwear, Outer Sole Rubber, Plastic or Leather 6403-

0 0 13 57 82Footwear, Outer Sole Rubber, Plastic or Textile 6404-46,954 470 445 4,618 2,393Footwear NES 6405-

0 0 0 0 93Hats and other Headgear made of Strips of any 6504-0 0 51 26 51Setts, Curbstone and Flagstones, of Natural Stone 6801-

4,492 45 32 440 196Worked Monumental or Building Stone and Articles 6802-0 0 0 1 5Millstones etc. For Grinding etc of Various Materials 6804-

17,079 171 15 577 30Abrasive Powder etc. on a Base of Textile Material 6805-3,581 36 3 65 101Articles of Cement, Concrete or Artificial Stone 6810-

27,001 270 202 1,591 1,694Articles of Stone or Other Mineral Substance NES 6815-4,124 41 123 398 1,270Bricks, Blocks, Tiles and Ceramic Goods of 6901-

Page 235: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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US $Rs.

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261 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 0 15Refractory Bricks, Blocks, Tiles and Similar Ceramic 6902-0 0 0 7 18Glazed Ceramic Flags and Paving, Hearth Tiles etc. 6908-

39,689 397 490 2,696 4,466Ceramic Sinks, Washbasins, Water Closet Bowls etc. 6910-0 0 0 3 26Tableware, Kitchenware and other Articles of Toilet 6911-0 0 0 0 12Ceramics Tableware, Kitchenware etc. 6912-0 0 0 0 19Glass Containers for Packing etc and Glass Closures 7010-0 0 0 9 0Glassware for Table, Kitchen, Toilet etc. NES 7013-0 0 0 0 9Glass Paving Blocks, Bricks, Squares, Tiles and 7016-0 0 0 0 5Laboratory, Hygienic or Pharmaceutical Glassware 7017-0 0 0 40 26Precious and Semi Precious Stones NES 7103-

6,121 61 0 221 29Synthetic Precious or Semi precious Stones, Not 7104-0 0 3 0 5Articles of Jewelry and Parts thereof or Precious 7113-

494 5 13 40 18Articles of Goldsmiths' or Silversmiths' Wares and 7114-0 0 5 4 11Other Articles of Precious Metal or of Metal Clad 7115-0 0 0 1 0Articles of Natural or Cultured Pearls, Precious 7116-

398 4 0 7 2Imitation Jewelry 7117-0 0 0 0 9Spongy Ferrous Products and Iron 99.94% Pure 7203-0 0 0 0 34Ferrous Waste and Scrap 7204-0 0 38 53 175Pig Iron, Spiegel, Iron or Steel Granules and Powder 7205-

2,387 24 59 325 446Iron and Non-alloy Steel in Ingots etc. NES 7206-0 0 0 1 0Flat-Roll Products Iron or Non-Alloy Steel 7208-

3,193 32 0 437 0Flat-Roll Iron and Non-Alloy Steel Non Clad 7209-614 6 0 76 0Flat-Roll Iron and Non-Alloy >600mm, Clad, Plated 7210-

0 0 0 0 155Bars and Rods, Iron and Non-Alloy Steel NES 7214-0 0 0 0 1Other Bars and Rods of Iron or Non-Alloy Steel 7215-0 0 0 2 0Wire of Iron and Non-Alloy Steel 7217-0 0 0 127 48Stainless Steel in Ingots etc. and Semi-finished 7218-0 0 0 0 71Other Bars and Rods of Stainless Steel etc. 7222-0 0 0 108 0Railway / Tramway Track Construction Material of 7302-0 0 0 3 13Tubes, Pipes and Hollow Profiles Seamless of Iron 7304-0 0 0 1,235 16Tubes, Pipes and Hollow Profiles NES of Iron and 7306-0 0 0 56 46Tube or Pipe Fittings of Iron or Steel Like 7307-0 0 0 132 39Structures NES and Parts Thereof of Iron or Steel 7308-0 0 6 0 93Tanks etc Over 300 Liter Capacity of Iron or Steel 7309-0 0 0 0 5Tanks etc Less than 300 Liter Capacity of Iron or 7310-0 0 51 130 118Containers for Compressed or Liquefied Gas 7311-

1,237 12 0 368 0Stranded Wire, Rope etc, Not Electrically Insulated 7312-0 0 0 25 85Cloth, Grill, Netting and Fencing of Iron or Steel 7314-0 0 0 10 10Chain and Parts of Iron or Steel 7315-0 0 0 14 20Screws, Bolts, Nuts, Washers etc. Iron or Steel 7318-0 0 3 1 3Needles Sewing, Knitted, etc. 7319-

14,564 146 0 180 0Stoves, Ranges, Grates, Cookers and Parts 7321-1,219 12 0 57 34Table, Kitchen or Household Articles & Parts of Iron 7323-

198 2 2 75 133Sanitary Ware and Parts of Iron or Steel 7324-0 0 0 0 40Other Cast Articles of Iron or Steel 7325-

3,821 38 87 461 523Articles of Iron or Steel, NES 7326-0 0 0 0 97Copper Mattes; Cement Copper, Precipitated Copper 7401-0 0 0 349 0Refined Copper and Copper Alloys, Unwrought 7403-0 0 50 0 588Copper Waste and Scrap 7404-0 0 0 0 13Copper Bars, Rods and Profiles 7407-0 0 2 74 104Copper Wire 7408-0 0 0 159 5Copper Tube or Pipe Fittings 7412-0 0 0 2 58Nails, Tacks etc. of Copper 7415-

6,617 66 102 832 1,385Household Articles and Parts 7418-5,248 52 2 197 169Articles of Copper NES 7419-

0 0 0 35 132Aluminum, Unwrought 7601-

Page 236: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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US $Rs.

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Export of Goods and Services March 2014 262

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 67 5Aluminum Bars, Rods and Profiles 7604-0 0 0 0 11Aluminum Plates, Sheets and Strip Over 2mm 7606-0 0 0 0 24Aluminum Structures NES 7610-

3,762 38 30 358 181Aluminum Casks, Cans, Boxes, and Similar 7612-42,923 429 513 3,450 4,015Table, Kitchen or other Household Articles and Parts 7615-

6,996 70 69 324 282Articles o Aluminum NES 7616-0 0 0 15 0Articles of Lead NES 7806-0 0 0 10 0Zirconium and Articles Thereof Include. Waste and 8109-0 0 0 2 0Handsaws and Parts, Saw Blades 8202-0 0 0 1 0Files, Rasps, Pliers, Metal cutting Shears etc. 8203-0 0 3 3 3Hand tools NES Like Blow, Torches, Anvils etc. 8205-0 0 16 1 23Interchange Tools for Hand or Machine Tools 8207-0 0 13 69 13Hand Operated Mechanical Appliances 8210-0 0 8 0 20Knives With Blades and Blades for Knives NES 8211-

36,275 363 79 2,335 1,614Razors and Razor Blades 8212-0 0 0 5 18Scissors, Tailors' Shears and Similar Shears and 8213-

1,500 15 41 225 147Articles of Cutlery NES and Manicure Sets etc. 8214-4,009 40 0 134 43Tableware etc. of Base Metal and Parts of Base 8215-2,000 20 0 214 0Hardware, Fixtures, Castors etc. and Part 8302-

0 0 0 11 0Loose-leaf Binder etc. Fittings, Paper Cups etc. 8305-691 7 50 136 84Bells, Gongs and the Like, Picture and Frames 8306-

0 0 0 0 115Steam etc Generating Boilers NES 8402-0 0 0 0 62Central Heat Boilers NES and Its Parts 8403-

45 .. 0 .. 0Auxiliary Plant Used With Boilers; Condensers and 8404-557 6 0 6 0Producer Gas or Water Gas Generators 8405-

0 0 0 0 252Compression-Ignition Internal Combustion Piston 8408-0 0 0 0 15Hydraulic Turbines, Water Wheels and Regulators 8410-

1,558 16 2 107 4Pumps for Liquids; Liquid Elevators; Parts Thereof 8413-8,022 80 343 2,344 3,840Air or Vacuum Pump, Compressors and Fans 8414-4,687 47 28 54 120Air Conditioning Machines and Parts 8415-

0 0 0 39 16Furnace Burners, Mechanical Stokers etc and Parts 8416-0 0 0 25 2Industrial or Lab Furnaces, Ovens and Parts 8417-0 0 50 2 405Refrigerators, Freezers, Heat Pumps NES and Parts 8418-0 0 0 44 132Machinery etc for Temperature Change 8419-0 0 0 0 3Centrifuges, Including Dryers, Filter etc. 8421-

600 6 0 122 60Machines, Dishwashing Machines for Cleaning etc. 8422-0 0 0 0 7Mechenical Appliances etc 8424-0 0 0 7 0Pulley Tackle and Hoists other than Skip Hoist, 8425-0 0 10 46 65Other Lifting, Handling, Loading and Unloading 8428-0 0 0 111 0Self-Propelled Bulldozers, Graders, Scrapers etc. 8429-0 0 2 0 13Parts for Pulley Tackle, Hoists etc and Leveling 8431-0 0 0 77 0Agriculture Machinery for Soil, Lawn Preparations 8432-0 0 0 8 4Harvesting or Threshing machinery 8433-0 0 0 2 0Milking and Dairy Machinery and Parts thereof 8434-0 0 0 20 21Presses, Crushers and Similar Machinery 8435-0 0 0 0 14Agriculture and Poultry etc Equipment Including 8436-0 0 0 17 ..Machinery for Cleaning, Sorting or Grading Seed 8437-0 0 0 0 98Machinery NES used for Food and Drink and Parts 8438-0 0 0 15 2Bookbinding Machinery Including Book-Sewing 8440-0 0 34 1 84Machines for Making Pulp and Paper and Parts 8441-

1,567 16 0 48 79Printing Machinery, Machines including Ink-Jet 8443-0 0 0 0 6Machines For Preparing Textile Fibers and Yarn 8445-0 0 0 0 113Weaving Machines Like Looms 8446-0 0 0 0 1Machines, Knitting and Stitch-Bonding Machines etc 8447-

812 8 31 37 78Auxiliary Machinery for use With Textile Machines 8448-155 2 0 54 0Machinery not for Laundry for Cleaning, Drying etc 8451-

Page 237: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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263 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 0 142Metal-Rolling Mills and Rolls Therefor and parts 8455-4,286 43 159 751 1,682Lathes for Removing Metal 8458-

0 0 0 15 2Machine Tools for Drilling, Boring, Milling etc. 8459-0 0 0 15 0Machine Tools for Shaping Slotting and Sawing etc. 8461-0 0 0 9 10Machine Tools for Forging, Bending, Stamping etc. 8462-0 0 0 20 0Machine Tools for Working Metal NES 8463-0 0 0 0 30Machine Tools for Working Wood, Cork, Bone etc. 8465-0 0 0 46 0Parts for Machine Like Ultrasonic, Stones Machines 8466-

5,263 53 111 439 608Tools for Working in the Hand, Pneumatic etc. 8467-2,693 27 16 143 181Machines and Apparatus for Soldering, Brazing or 8468-

0 0 0 26 0Calculating and Account Machines, Data Recording 8470-0 0 0 17 0Parts for Typewriters and other Office Machines 8473-0 0 0 114 0Machinery for Sorting Screening etc. 8474-0 0 0 39 82Machinery for Working Rubber or Plastic etc. NES 8477-0 0 0 0 4Machinery for Tobacco Preparation NES and Parts 8478-

9,993 100 0 223 84Machines and Mechanical Appliances NES 8479-0 0 0 0 ..Molding Boxes for Metal Foundry, Mold Bases etc. 8480-0 0 2 35 27Taps, Cocks, Valves and Similar Appliances for 8481-0 0 0 0 13Gaskets and Similar Joints of Metal Sheeting 8484-0 0 0 2 13Machinery Parts Not Electrical Connectors etc. NES 8485-0 0 0 0 47Electrical Generating Sets and Rotary Converters 8502-0 0 50 686 916Electrical Transformers, Static Converters and 8504-

1,798 18 0 18 0Electromagnets, Permanent Magnets etc and Parts 8505-3,642 36 0 36 0Electromechanical Domestic Appliances and Parts 8509-

0 0 0 29 0Electrical Light Equipment Windshield Wipers etc 8512-0 0 0 0 78Industrial or Laboratory Electric Furnaces etc and 8514-0 0 0 106 111Electrical Water Heater and Soil Heaters, 8516-0 0 0 3,142 764Electric Apparatus for Line Telephony, Telephone 8517-

1,496 15 25 120 108Electrical Sound or Visual Signaling Apparatus and 8531-0 0 0 3 50Electrical Apparatus for Switching etc Over 1000V 8535-0 0 18 145 120Electrical Apparatus for Switching etc. Not Over 8536-

5,274 53 0 335 45Boards, Panels etc With Electrical Switch Apparatus 8537-0 0 0 0 8Parts for Electrical Apparatus etc of Switching, 8538-0 0 0 0 ..Electrical Machinery and Apparatus 8543-

7,108 71 0 137 79Insulated Wire, Cable etc. Optical Sheath Fibres 8544-0 0 0 30 41Electrical Insulators of Any Material 8546-0 0 0 1 0Parts of Railway or Tramway Locomotives 8607-0 0 7 76 371Tractors Other Than Work Trucks used for Short 8701-0 0 0 0 1Motor Vehicles for Transport of Goods 8704-0 0 0 0 3Special Purpose Motor Vehicles NES 8705-

2,001 20 67 188 284Parts and Accessories for Motor Vehicles 8708-0 0 5 0 5Motorcycles and Cycles With Auxiliary Motor 8711-0 0 0 0 3Parts and Accessories of Cycles and Invalid 8714-0 0 0 8 11Trailers and Semi-Trailers etc and Parts 8716-0 0 0 0 1,188Parts of Balloons etc. Aircraft, Spacecraft etc. 8803-0 0 0 27 0Vessels for Transport of Persons or Goods 8901-0 0 0 0 5Optical Fibers and Bundles etc. 9001-0 0 0 0 56Optical Elements, Mounted and Parts and 9002-0 0 0 .. 0Microscopes other than Optical Diffract Apparatus 9012-0 0 2 0 2Balances of a Sensitivity more than 5 Cg 9016-

27,002 270 317 2,923 3,259Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-0 0 0 3 5Orthopedic Appliances Artificial Body and Parts 9021-0 0 0 0 2X-Ray etc Apparatus, Tubes, Panels, Screen and 9022-0 0 0 0 3Hydrometers, Thermometers, Pyrometers etc. and 9025-0 0 0 0 29Instruments etc for Measuring or Checking Flow, 9026-0 0 0 32 0Gas, Liquid or Electricity Supply or Production 9028-

Page 238: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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Export of Goods and Services March 2014 264

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 0 7Oscilloscopes, Spectrum Analyzers etc and Parts 9030-0 0 0 2 0Machines NES 9031-0 0 9 9 9Clock Movements, Complete and Assembled 9109-

1,109 11 8 86 135Wind Musical Instruments NES 9205-0 0 0 6 0Percussion Musical Instruments Drums etc. 9206-0 0 0 0 12Musical Boxes, Fairground Organs etc. 9208-

758 8 6 70 24Parts etc. of Musical Instruments, Metronomes 9209-0 0 0 1 0Medical, Surgical, Dental or Veterinary Furniture 9402-

2,899 29 59 178 122Furniture NES and Parts Thereof 9403-59,521 595 0 2,908 353Mattress Supports, Articles of Bedding etc 9404-

1,673 17 0 17 9Lamps and Lighting Fittings and Parts etc NES 9405-0 0 0 0 ..Festive, Carnival or other Entertainment Articles 9505-

32,598 326 202 1,777 1,841Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-0 0 40 199 40Fishing Rods and Tackle Nets, Decoys etc. 9507-0 0 0 48 19Brooms, Brushes, Mops and Feather Dusters etc. 9603-0 0 0 91 181Buttons, Press Studs, Button Mold and Blanks etc. 9606-0 0 6 20 61Pens, Ball Points, Soft Tip and Mechanical Pencils 9608-0 0 0 120 77Pencils, Crayons, Leads and Chalks etc. 9609-0 0 0 0 15Paintings, Drawing etc By Hand 9701-0 0 0 0 12Collectors Item of Botanic and Historical Interest 9705-0 0 0 0 10Ship Spares, Stores and Equipment for use in Ships 9922-0 0 0 0 12Special Transaction NES 9992-

Senegal 343 2,8906,220 24,19334,2780 0 0 0 153Fish, Fresh or Chilled (Not Fish Fillets & other Fish 3020 -0 0 0 6 0Other Vegetables NES Fresh or Chilled 7090 -0 0 0 4 ..Dates, Figs, Pineapples, Avocados etc, Fr or Dried 8040 -0 0 0 2 0Coffee; Coffee Husks and Skins etc. Substitutes of 9010 -0 0 0 33 0Pepper, Genus Piper; Genus Capsicum or Pimento 9040 -0 0 6,128 585 20,996Rice 1006-0 0 0 0 11Seeds, Fruit and Spores, for Sowing 1209-

5,999 60 18 591 1,245Sugar Confectionery including White Chocolate not 1704-0 0 0 9 0Preparations Used In Animal Feeding 2309-

118 1 0 12 10Medicaments NES 3004-0 0 0 0 2Beauty and Make-Up Preparations 3304-

580 6 0 6 0Tubes, Pipes and Hoses of Unhard Vulcanized 4009-0 0 0 0 60Articles of Apparel and Clothing Acc. of Rubber 4015-

3,692 37 0 43 12Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-0 0 0 0 173Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton more than 85% 5205-0 0 0 0 21Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt < 5208-0 0 0 25 20Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-

3,433 34 0 80 24Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt < 5210-5,875 59 0 59 0Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5512-5,693 57 5 171 81Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5513-

0 0 0 129 0Woven Fabrics of Artificial Staple Fibers 5516-0 0 0 75 0Twine, Cordage, Rope and Cables 5607-0 0 0 26 0Gents Overcoats, Car-Coats, Caps, Cloaks and 6101-0 0 0 26 0Ladies Overcoats, Car-Coats, Caps, Cloaks and 6102-0 0 0 0 ..Gents Suits, Ensembles, Jackets etc. Kn/Cr 6103-

2,719 27 0 115 136Gents Shirts, Knitted or Crocheted 6105-0 0 0 23 0Track Suits, Ski Suits and Swimwear Kn/Cr 6112-0 0 0 .. 0Panty hose, Socks and other Hosiery Kn/Cr 6115-0 0 0 0 2Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-0 0 0 0 14Men's or Boys' Shirts, Not Kn/Cr 6205-0 0 0 0 192Men's or Boys' Undershirts etc Not Kn/Cr 6207-

1,078 11 44 517 344Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-

Page 239: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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265 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 0 26Curtains and Interior Blinds, Curtain or Bed 6303-0 0 0 0 270Tarpaulins, Sails, Awnings and Tents etc. 6306-0 0 0 154 160Made-Up Articles of Textile Materials NES 6307-

1,874 19 0 57 77Worn Clothing and other Worn Textile Articles 6309-0 0 0 16 0Footwear, Outer Sole Rubber, Plastic or Leather 6403-0 0 0 0 57Table, Kitchen or other Household Articles and Parts 7615-0 0 0 26 0Articles of Cutlery NES and Manicure Sets etc. 8214-0 0 0 10 0Machinery for Sorting Screening etc. 8474-0 0 0 0 53Tractors Other Than Work Trucks used for Short 8701-

215 2 25 43 34Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-0 0 0 16 13Orthopedic Appliances Artificial Body and Parts 9021-

3,002 30 0 32 7Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-Serbia 540 5,362376 4,55853,951

0 0 0 61 7Rice 1006-1,564 16 0 42 0Sugar Confectionery including White Chocolate not 1704-

0 0 18 0 20Salt, Pure Sodium Chloride, Sea Water 2501-0 0 0 0 6Antibiotics 2941-

1,614 16 4 53 40Artists’ Colors etc in Tablets, Tubes, Jars etc. 3213-3,296 33 0 77 0Essential Oils, Resinoids and Terpene 3301-2,789 28 0 28 0Organic Surf-Act Agents and Products other than 3402-

0 0 0 0 5Articles of Apparel and Clothing Acc. of Rubber 4015-0 0 0 21 34Leather further prepared after tanning (other animal) 4113-0 0 8 79 50Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-0 0 0 10 0Woven Fabrics of Silk or Silk Waste 5007-0 0 4 0 4Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton less than 85% 5206-0 0 0 154 77Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt < 5208-

31,276 313 272 2,358 1,891Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-0 0 0 96 89Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt < 5210-0 0 22 1,242 1,688Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt > 5211-0 0 0 0 5Synthetic Staple Fibers, Not Carded, Combed etc. 5503-0 0 0 15 87Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5513-0 0 0 0 4Textile Wadding and Articles; Text Fiber Not Over 5 5601-0 0 0 0 13Nonwovens Impregnated, Coated, Covered or 5603-0 0 0 9 0Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Knotted 5701-0 0 0 0 10Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Woven 5702-0 0 0 16 0Tulles and other Net Fabrics 5804-0 0 0 0 5Embroidery in the Piece, In Strips or in Motifs 5810-0 0 0 0 48Other knitted or crocheted fabrics 6006-0 0 0 .. 0Gents Overcoats, Car-Coats, Caps, Cloaks and 6101-0 0 0 9 2Gents Suits, Ensembles, Jackets etc. Kn/Cr 6103-0 0 0 2 0Sweaters, Pullovers, Vests etc. Kn/Cr 6110-0 0 0 2 0Garments, Made-ups Kn/Cr etc. of Rubber or Plastic 6113-0 0 0 15 0Garments NES Knitted or Crocheted 6114-0 0 0 2 0Panty hose, Socks and other Hosiery Kn/Cr 6115-

621 6 6 154 88Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Knitted or Crocheted 6116-309 3 .. 39 2Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-

24 .. 0 4 0Women's or Girls' Suits, Ensembles etc. Not Kn/Cr. 6204-9,516 95 0 101 0Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Not Knitted or Crocheted 6216-

0 0 0 616 0Blankets and Traveling Rugs 6301-244 2 0 43 215Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-

0 0 0 0 22Made-Up Articles of Textile Materials NES 6307-0 0 12 0 12Used or New Rags, Scrap Twine etc of Text Material 6310-0 0 0 5 19Aluminum Bars, Rods and Profiles 7604-0 0 0 2 0Articles of Cutlery NES and Manicure Sets etc. 8214-

75 1 3 14 6Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-

Page 240: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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Export of Goods and Services March 2014 266

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 0 3Musical Boxes, Fairground Organs etc. 9208-2,623 26 25 94 107Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-

Seychelles 337 2,088342 2,86533,7410 0 51 30 175Fish Frozen (Not Fish Fillets & other Fish Meat) 3030 -0 0 0 63 0Fish Dried, Salted or in Brine; Smoked etc; Ed 3050 -

840 8 0 21 0Other Vegetables NES Fresh or Chilled 7090 -0 0 0 0 4Vegetables Frozen 7100 -0 0 0 25 0Vegetables, Dried, Whole, Cut etc. not further 7120 -

1,863 19 12 31 89Citrus Fruit, Fresh or Dried 8050 -193 2 0 2 0Fruit NES Fresh 8100 -

10,242 102 0 426 869Rice 1006-0 0 0 0 140Cane or Beet Sugar and Sucrose in Solid Form 1701-0 0 0 8 5Sugar Confectionery including White Chocolate not 1704-0 0 31 20 31Vegetables Prepared or Preserved NES not Frozen 2005-0 0 0 0 8Fruit Juices including Grape Must and Vegtable 2009-

2,878 29 0 50 0Ethyl Alcohol, Strength: more than 80% Alcohol 2207-0 0 0 265 470Portland Cement, Aluminous Cement and Slag 2523-0 0 0 0 6Plates, Sheets, Film etc. 3920-0 0 1 0 1Tableware and other Household Articles etc, Plastics 3924-0 0 60 0 67Bovine or Equine Leather, No Hair NES 4104-0 0 0 4 0Saddlery, Harness, Traces and Leads etc. 4201-

1,000 10 0 71 0Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-0 0 0 23 0Paper and Paperboard Uncoated NES, Rolls or 4805-0 0 69 59 207Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton more than 85% 5205-0 0 0 165 0Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt < 5208-0 0 6 85 6Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-0 0 0 55 4Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt < 5210-0 0 0 36 40Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5513-0 0 0 0 1Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Knotted 5701-0 0 0 0 19Woven Terry Fabrics and Tufted Textile Fabric NES 5802-0 0 0 13 0Textile Products and Articles for Technical uses 5911-0 0 0 9 0Gents Suits, Ensembles, Jackets etc. Kn/Cr 6103-0 0 2 0 2Gents Shirts, Knitted or Crocheted 6105-

1,513 15 25 116 57Garments, Made-ups Kn/Cr etc. of Rubber or Plastic 6113-0 0 0 0 26Panty hose, Socks and other Hosiery Kn/Cr 6115-0 0 64 0 71Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-

7,521 75 10 326 232Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-0 0 0 100 0Tarpaulins, Sails, Awnings and Tents etc. 6306-0 0 0 0 24Made-Up Articles of Textile Materials NES 6307-0 0 0 0 6Copper Foil Thickness above 0.15mm 7410-0 0 0 0 138Machines and Mechanical Appliances NES 8479-

2,955 30 0 31 22Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-0 0 9 0 9Furniture NES and Parts Thereof 9403-

4,736 47 0 54 135Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-Sierra Leone 3,154 12,2291,074 19,484315,300

0 0 0 3 0Meat of Bovine Animals, Fresh or Chilled 2010 -0 0 0 6 2Fish Frozen (Not Fish Fillets & other Fish Meat) 3030 -0 0 0 0 448Crustaceans; Live, Fresh etc, and Cooked etc. 3060 -0 0 0 55 0Guts, Bladders, Stomachs of Animals (Not Fish) 5040 -

305,595 3,057 1,050 11,465 18,105Rice 1006-0 0 0 0 71Prepared or Preserved Fish, Caviar and Caviar 1604-0 0 0 0 20Bran, Sharps and other Residue 2302-0 0 0 0 51Cigars, Cigarettes Etc. of Tobacco or Substitutes 2402-0 0 0 8 0Antibiotics 2941-

6,419 64 0 276 127Medicaments NES 3004-

Page 241: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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US $Rs.

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267 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

397 4 0 4 6Containers: Boxes, Bags, Closures etc, Plastic 3923-2,889 29 0 29 0Fine or Coarse Animal Hair, Not Carded or Combed 5102-

0 0 0 0 5Woven Fabric of Synthetic Filament Yarn 5407-0 0 0 0 6Track Suits, Ski Suits and Swimwear Kn/Cr 6112-0 0 24 159 316Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-0 0 0 218 245Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-0 0 0 0 55Tractors Other Than Work Trucks used for Short 8701-0 0 0 6 27Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-

Singapore 21,852 288,45230,034 132,4392,184,7510 0 0 0 11Live Horses, Asses, Mules and Hinnies 1010 -0 0 0 60 0Meat of Sheep or Goats, Fresh, Chilled or Frozen 2040 -0 0 8 0 8Fish, Fresh or Chilled (Not Fish Fillets & other Fish 3020 -0 0 42 779 188Fish Frozen (Not Fish Fillets & other Fish Meat) 3030 -0 0 0 352 40Fish Fillets and other Fish Meat, Fresh, Chilled or 3040 -

175 2 109 16 167Crustaceans; Live, Fresh etc, and Cooked etc. 3060 -0 0 0 10 0Milk and Cream, Not Concentrated or Sweetened 4010 -0 0 0 0 7Butter and other Fats and Oils Derived from Milk, 4050 -0 0 3 0 3Natural Honey 4090 -0 0 0 33 3Edible Products of Animal Origin, NES 4100 -0 0 0 67 8Bulbs, Tubers, Tuberous Roots, Corms, Chicory 6010 -0 0 0 0 12Other Live Plants and their Roots NES, Cuttings and 6020 -

2,474 25 115 77 511Potatoes, Fresh or Chilled 7010 -0 0 4 50 50Onions, Shallots, Garlic, Leeks etc, Fresh or Chilled 7030 -0 0 0 0 35Leguminous Vegetables, Shelled or not, Fresh or 7080 -0 0 0 58 12Other Vegetables NES Fresh or Chilled 7090 -0 0 0 25 17Vegetables Frozen 7100 -0 0 0 60 24Vegetables, Dried, Whole, Cut etc. not further 7120 -0 0 0 436 528Dates, Figs, Pineapples, Avocados etc, Fr or Dried 8040 -

26,505 265 207 739 477Citrus Fruit, Fresh or Dried 8050 -0 0 13 0 13Apricots, Cherries, Peaches, Plums and Sloes, Fresh 8090 -0 0 0 50 6Fruit NES Fresh 8100 -0 0 0 29 17Fruit Dried NES Mixtures of Nuts or Dried Fruit 8130 -0 0 0 9 0Tea Whether or not Flavored 9020 -0 0 29 4 29Pepper, Genus Piper; Genus Capsicum or Pimento 9040 -0 0 0 0 5Nutmeg, Mace and Cardamoms 9080 -0 0 0 28 17Seeds of Anise, Badian, Fennel, Coriander, Cumin 9090 -0 0 0 154 131Ginger, Saffron, Turmeric, Thyme, Bay Leaves, 9100 -0 0 0 0 586Wheat and Meslin 1001-0 0 0 696 5,446Maize (Corn) 1005-

49,388 494 3,382 18,029 11,613Rice 1006-11,003 110 0 340 52Buckwheat, Millet and Canary Seed; other Cereals 1008-

736 7 0 117 868Wheat or Meslin Flour 1101-0 0 0 22 254Cereal Flours, Except of Wheat or of Meslin 1102-

1,549 15 0 69 0Cereal Groats, Meal and Pellets 1103-0 0 0 26 11Starches; Inulin 1108-0 0 0 4,280 1,483Other Oil Seeds and Oleaginous Fruits NES 1207-0 0 0 0 141Hop Cones, Fresh or Dried; Lupulin 1210-0 0 92 783 979Plants etc. for Pharmacy, Perfume, Insecticides etc. 1211-0 0 0 249 31Locust Beans, Seaweeds and other Algae, Sugar Beet 1212-0 0 0 10 838Lac; Natural Gums, Resins, Gum-Resins and 1301-

838 8 0 8 0Vegetable Saps and Extracts: Pectates, Agar-Agar 1302-0 0 0 6 0Vegetable Materials used in Brooms Like Piassava 1403-0 0 0 12 0Sausages and Similar Products of Meat and Blood 1601-0 0 4 74 122Prepared or Preserved Fish, Caviar and Caviar 1604-0 0 0 0 11Crustaceans Molluscs etc Prepared or Preserved 1605-

Page 242: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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US $Rs.

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Export of Goods and Services March 2014 268

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

57,383 574 1,781 9,595 13,026Cane or Beet Sugar and Sucrose in Solid Form 1701-0 0 0 0 40Other Sugar NES 1702-0 0 13 77 51Sugar Confectionery including White Chocolate not 1704-

16,871 169 259 1,303 472Malt Extracts; Food Prep. of Flour etc. Under 50% 1901-0 0 14 0 22Pasta and Couscous, Prepared or Not 1902-

2,597 26 16 109 108Bread, Pastry, Cakes etc 1905-0 0 32 129 205Vegetable, Fruit, Nuts Etc, Prep Or Pres By Vinegar 2001-0 0 4 0 8Vegetables Prepared or Preserved NES not Frozen 2005-

801 8 0 101 0Fruit Juices including Grape Must and Vegtable 2009-762 8 0 8 0Sauces and Preparations thereof 2103-

0 0 0 17 0Food Preparations NES 2106-352 4 0 4 0Waters, Sweetened etc and other Nonalcoholic 2202-

272,345 2,724 2,925 9,001 4,040Ethyl Alcohol, Strength: more than 80% Alcohol 2207-0 0 0 0 244Bran, Sharps and other Residue 2302-0 0 0 300 27Other Oilcakes NES From Vegetable Fats and Oils 2306-0 0 0 0 210Cigars, Cigarettes Etc. of Tobacco or Substitutes 2402-

499 5 22 182 61Salt, Pure Sodium Chloride, Sea Water 2501-0 0 .. 37 29Marble, Travertine etc. and Alabaster, Crude etc. 2515-0 0 0 0 4Pebbles, Gravel etc. Macadam of Slag, Dross etc. 2517-0 0 0 316 0Portland Cement, Aluminous Cement and Slag 2523-0 0 0 146 3Natural Steatite Roughly Trimmed etc. 2526-

6,344 63 0 94 0Feldspar; Lucite; Nepheline and Syenite 2529-0 0 0 25 0Mineral Substances NES 2530-

57,905 579 0 1,035 0Chromium Ores and Concentrates 2610-0 0 0 45,221 0Oils etc from High Temperature Coal Tar 2707-

1,329,680 13,300 15,799 124,578 31,799Oil from Petrol and Bituminous Mineral etc. 2710-0 0 0 6 0Fluorine, Chlorine, Bromine and Iodine 2801-0 0 0 13 38Hydrogen Chloride; Chlorosulphuric Acid 2806-0 0 9 0 66Sodium Hydroxide and Potassium Hydroxide etc. 2815-0 0 0 23 0Chromium Oxides And Hydroxides 2819-0 0 0 .. 0Chlorides, Bromides and Iodides etc. 2827-0 0 0 19 0Sulfates, Alums and Peroxosulfates 2833-0 0 0 0 102Acyclic Alcohols and Halogenated Derivatives 2905-0 0 0 31 0Saturated Acyclic Monocarboxylic Acid etc. 2915-0 0 0 0 14Carboxyamide-Function Compounds etc. 2924-0 0 30 18 71Heterocyclic Compounds with Nitrogen 2933-0 0 0 81 50Antibiotics 2941-0 0 0 107 126Human Blood or Animal Blood Prepared for 3002-

995 10 0 262 214Medicaments Mixtures for Therapeutic Use 3003-9,242 92 143 1,539 1,108Medicaments NES 3004-4,651 47 0 118 0Wading, Gauze, Bandages etc. 3005-

0 0 0 0 52Pharmaceutical Goods 3006-0 0 108 1,722 1,437Synthetic Organic Coloring Matter 3204-0 0 0 47 0Pigments Dispersed in Non-aqueous Liquid 3212-0 0 76 0 695Ink, Printing, Writing, Drawing etc. 3215-0 0 0 0 42Beauty and Make-Up Preparations 3304-

679 7 0 7 13Personal Toilet etc Prep NES 3307-0 0 0 225 159Organic Surf-Act Agents and Products other than 3402-0 0 0 7 0Lubricating Preparations, Antirust and Treating 3403-0 0 0 0 95Artificial and Prepared Waxes 3404-0 0 0 0 5Prepared Glues and Adhesives NES 3506-0 0 0 32 63Matches and Except Pyrotechnic Articles 3605-

1,748 17 333 1,421 695Artificial Graphite, Colloidal Graphite and 3801-2,004 20 7 718 15Insecticides, Rodenticides and Fungicides etc. Retail 3808-

0 0 0 32 247Finishing Agents etc. for Textiles, Paper etc NES 3809-0 0 1 15 48Prepared binders for foundry moulds or cores 3824-

Page 243: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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269 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 15 4Polymers of Ethylene, in Primary Forms 3901-0 0 0 2 0Polymers of Propylene or other Olefins, Primary 3902-0 0 83 0 83Polymers of Styrene in Primary Forms 3903-0 0 0 0 515Polymers of Vinyl Chloride etc. in Primary Forms 3904-0 0 0 .. 60Acrylic Polymers in Primary Forms 3906-0 0 0 0 709Silicones in Primary Forms 3910-0 0 0 0 8Tableware and other Household Articles etc, Plastics 3924-0 0 0 33 3Articles of Plastics Including Polymers and Resins 3926-0 0 0 2 0Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 4001-

1,946 19 0 19 0Waste of Rubber and Powder Obtain thereof 4004-0 0 0 0 22Tubes, Pipes and Hoses of Unhard Vulcanized 4009-0 0 44 0 98Hygienic of Pharmaceutical Articles of Rubber 4014-

11,430 114 153 143 201Articles of Apparel and Clothing Acc. of Rubber 4015-0 0 0 3 1Articles NES of Unhard Vulcanized Rubber 4016-0 0 0 11 144Raw Hides and Skins of Bovine or Equine Animals 4101-0 0 0 0 9Raw Hides and Skins NES 4103-0 0 0 41 0Bovine or Equine Leather, No Hair NES 4104-

8,113 81 3 233 245Leather of Animals NES, No Hair NES 4107-96 1 0 79 38Leather further prepared after tanning (sheep, lamb) 4112-

14,401 144 204 1,821 1,056Leather further prepared after tanning (other animal) 4113-0 0 0 0 31Saddlery, Harness, Traces and Leads etc. 4201-0 0 0 6 0Travel Goods, Handbags, Wallets, Jewelry Cases etc. 4202-

19,051 191 157 1,114 1,329Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-0 0 0 11 0Articles of Leather Used in Machinery and 4204-0 0 9 13 40Articles of Leather NES 4205-0 0 0 0 20Packing Cases etc. of Wood; Pallets etc. 4415-

152 2 0 2 0Articles of Wood NES 4421-0 0 0 0 38Kraft Paper and Paperboard Uncoated NES 4804-0 0 13 30 27Paper and Paperboard Uncoated NES, Rolls or 4805-0 0 0 41 9Paper, Paperboard, Wading etc. Coated etc NES 4811-0 0 0 4 4Calendars, Calendar Blocks of Any Kind, Printed 4910-0 0 0 2 0Woven Fabrics of Silk or Silk Waste 5007-0 0 0 27 0Wool, Not Carded or Combed 5101-0 0 0 699 0Cotton, Not Carded Or Combed 5201-

999 10 0 79 57Cotton Waste Including Yarn Waste etc. 5202-0 0 0 3 0Cotton, Carded or Combed 5203-0 0 0 0 ..Cotton Sewing Thread, Retail Packed or Not 5204-

2,297 23 56 670 538Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton more than 85% 5205-0 0 9 0 95Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton less than 85% 5206-0 0 0 549 129Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt < 5208-

6,554 66 170 1,032 1,386Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-5,572 56 0 241 141Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt < 5210-3,835 38 104 112 167Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt > 5211-

0 0 105 4 196Woven Cotton Fabrics NES 5212-0 0 0 25 0True Hemp, not Spun, Tow and Waste of Hemp 5302-0 0 0 40 0Synthetic Filament Yarn Not Sewing Thread, Not 5402-0 0 0 9 0Woven Fabric of Synthetic Filament Yarn 5407-0 0 0 0 1Yarn Not for Sewing Thread, Synthetic Staple 5509-0 0 0 107 0Yarn (No SewingThread), Manmade Staple Fiber, 5511-0 0 0 139 2,254Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5512-

9,284 93 8 415 1,409Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5513-0 0 0 0 25Textile Wadding and Articles; Text Fiber Not Over 5 5601-

3,630 36 34 501 710Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Knotted 5701-0 0 0 0 25Other Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings 5705-

2,722 27 0 85 349Woven Terry Fabrics and Tufted Textile Fabric NES 5802-0 0 0 0 27Tulles and other Net Fabrics 5804-

Page 244: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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US $Rs.

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Export of Goods and Services March 2014 270

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

2,343 23 13 143 119Labels, Badges and Similar Type of Textiles 5807-0 0 0 18 0Braids, Ornamental Trim in Pieces Not Knitted, or 5808-0 0 0 0 15Other knitted or crocheted fabrics 6006-0 0 .. 5 19Gents Overcoats, Car-Coats, Caps, Cloaks and 6101-0 0 0 1 13Ladies Overcoats, Car-Coats, Caps, Cloaks and 6102-

2,101 21 405 150 2,807Gents Suits, Ensembles, Jackets etc. Kn/Cr 6103-2,075 21 0 53 292Ladies Suits, Ensembles etc. Kn/Cr 6104-

11,485 115 151 940 931Gents Shirts, Knitted or Crocheted 6105-0 0 0 17 14Gents Blouses and Shirts Kn/Cr 6106-0 0 0 0 97Gents Underpants, Briefs, Nightshirts etc. Kn/Cr 6107-0 0 0 2 0Ladies Slips, Petticoats, Briefs, Paints etc. Kn/Cr 6108-0 0 8 321 589T-Shirts, Singlets and other Vests Kn/Cr 6109-

1,044 10 0 134 1,892Sweaters, Pullovers, Vests etc. Kn/Cr 6110-0 0 0 1 9Babies' Garments and Accessories Kn/Cr 6111-

892 9 9 32 108Track Suits, Ski Suits and Swimwear Kn/Cr 6112-1,685 17 0 143 90Garments, Made-ups Kn/Cr etc. of Rubber or Plastic 6113-

498 5 203 95 2,273Garments NES Knitted or Crocheted 6114-7,622 76 100 8,348 1,135Panty hose, Socks and other Hosiery Kn/Cr 6115-1,417 14 6 121 70Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Knitted or Crocheted 6116-

0 0 0 8 0Made-up Clothing Accessories NES Kn/Cr 6117-0 0 0 153 463Men's or Boys' Overcoats, Cloaks etc. Not Knitted 6201-

63,566 636 587 4,837 2,935Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-3,032 30 29 371 346Women's or Girls' Suits, Ensembles etc. Not Kn/Cr. 6204-

0 0 6 102 9Men's or Boys' Shirts, Not Kn/Cr 6205-0 0 0 0 3Women's or Girls' Blouses, Shirts etc. Not Knitted 6206-0 0 0 39 1,546Men's or Boys' Undershirts etc Not Kn/Cr 6207-

349 3 0 69 0Women's or Girls' Slips etc Not Kn/Cr 6208-0 0 0 16 ..Babies' Garments and Accessories Not Kn/Cr 6209-0 0 2 42 16Track Suits, Ski-Suits and Swimwear, Not Knitted 6211-0 0 0 1 0Brassieres, Girdles, Garters and Braces etc. 6212-0 0 0 170 8Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Not Knitted or Crocheted 6216-

5,760 58 6 208 98Made-Up Clothing Accessories NES 6217-0 0 0 0 51Blankets and Traveling Rugs 6301-

63,926 639 782 6,344 9,354Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-0 0 0 3 0Furnishing Articles of Textile Materials NES 6304-0 0 0 15 0Sacks and Bags of Textile Material for Packing 6305-

506 5 21 179 122Tarpaulins, Sails, Awnings and Tents etc. 6306-4,271 43 36 240 201Made-Up Articles of Textile Materials NES 6307-

0 0 0 40 0Worn Clothing and other Worn Textile Articles 6309-2,751 28 29 263 196Used or New Rags, Scrap Twine etc of Text Material 6310-

0 0 10 0 17Waterproof Footwear, Rubber or Plastics, Bond Sole 6401-0 0 0 0 2Footwear, Outer Sole and Upper Rubber or Plastic 6402-

2,545 25 0 47 0Footwear, Outer Sole Rubber, Plastic or Leather 6403-0 0 0 13 18Footwear, Outer Sole Rubber, Plastic or Textile 6404-0 0 0 0 14Footwear NES 6405-0 0 0 22 0Artificial Flowers, Foliage and Fruit Parts thereof 6702-0 0 0 0 25Worked Monumental or Building Stone and Articles 6802-

175 2 0 10 2Articles of Stone or Other Mineral Substance NES 6815-0 0 0 25 0Articles of Glass NES 7020-0 0 0 1 3Precious and Semi Precious Stones NES 7103-0 0 0 25 177Articles of Jewelry and Parts thereof or Precious 7113-0 0 0 45 0Pig Iron and Spiegeleisen in Pigs, Blocks or Primary 7201-0 0 0 6,604 0Spongy Ferrous Products and Iron 99.94% Pure 7203-0 0 0 156 944Ferrous Waste and Scrap 7204-

9,213 92 45 767 638Structures NES and Parts Thereof of Iron or Steel 7308-0 0 0 0 1Anchors, Grapnels and Parts Thereof of Iron of Steel 7316-

Page 245: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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271 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 23 0Screws, Bolts, Nuts, Washers etc. Iron or Steel 7318-0 0 0 2 6Articles of Iron or Steel, NES 7326-0 0 248 12,472 4,333Copper Waste and Scrap 7404-0 0 0 27 0Copper Tube or Pipe Fittings 7412-0 0 0 5,458 0Aluminum Bars, Rods and Profiles 7604-0 0 0 0 71Table, Kitchen or other Household Articles and Parts 7615-0 0 0 17 966Lead, Unwrought 7801-0 0 0 60 0Cobalt Mattes etc. Cobalt & Articles Including 8105-0 0 0 2 1Hand tools and Tools Used in Agriculture etc. 8201-0 0 0 4 0Files, Rasps, Pliers, Metal cutting Shears etc. 8203-0 0 0 0 2Hand tools NES Like Blow, Torches, Anvils etc. 8205-0 0 0 2 0Knives and Blades for Machines and Appliances 8208-0 0 0 1 0Knives With Blades and Blades for Knives NES 8211-

11,665 117 89 488 674Razors and Razor Blades 8212-319 3 0 9 7Scissors, Tailors' Shears and Similar Shears and 8213-512 5 10 58 89Articles of Cutlery NES and Manicure Sets etc. 8214-

0 0 0 0 34Tableware etc. of Base Metal and Parts of Base 8215-2,000 20 108 169 108Steam etc Generating Boilers NES 8402-

0 0 0 76 46Pumps for Liquids; Liquid Elevators; Parts Thereof 8413-0 0 0 0 137Machines, Dishwashing Machines for Cleaning etc. 8422-0 0 0 0 30Ships Derricks, Cranes including Cable 8426-

1,297 13 1 51 127Self-Propelled Bulldozers, Graders, Scrapers etc. 8429-0 0 0 6 0Agriculture Machinery for Soil, Lawn Preparations 8432-0 0 0 3 0Agriculture and Poultry etc Equipment Including 8436-0 0 228 .. 232Machinery NES used for Food and Drink and Parts 8438-

996 10 0 10 0Machines For Preparing Textile Fibers and Yarn 8445-0 0 0 14 0Weaving Machines Like Looms 8446-0 0 0 1 5Auxiliary Machinery for use With Textile Machines 8448-0 0 0 0 12Sewing Machines other than Book Sewing Machine 8452-0 0 0 4 4Tools for Working in the Hand, Pneumatic etc. 8467-0 0 0 10 0Molding Boxes for Metal Foundry, Mold Bases etc. 8480-0 0 0 0 2Taps, Cocks, Valves and Similar Appliances for 8481-0 0 0 3 0Transmission Shafts, Bearings, Gears etc. and Parts 8483-0 0 0 0 35Parts of Electrical Motors, Generators and Sets 8503-0 0 9 0 1,758Electrical Transformers, Static Converters and 8504-0 0 0 0 1Electrical Storage Batteries, Including Separators 8507-0 0 0 0 8Electric Apparatus for Line Telephony, Telephone 8517-0 0 0 53 0Electrical Apparatus for Switching etc. Not Over 8536-0 0 0 52 0Parts for Electrical Apparatus etc of Switching, 8538-0 0 0 5 0Insulated Wire, Cable etc. Optical Sheath Fibres 8544-0 0 0 0 10Carbon Electrodes and Brushes, Lamp Carbons etc 8545-

1,992 20 0 36 231Parts and Accessories for Motor Vehicles 8708-2,164 22 0 22 0Parts and Accessories of Cycles and Invalid 8714-

147 1 0 4 ..Vessels and Floating Structures for Scrapping 8908-0 0 0 30 0Balances of a Sensitivity more than 5 Cg 9016-

20,228 202 97 2,097 1,402Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-0 0 0 0 11Orthopedic Appliances Artificial Body and Parts 9021-0 0 0 16 12X-Ray etc Apparatus, Tubes, Panels, Screen and 9022-0 0 0 0 6Musical Instruments With Sound Electrically 9207-0 0 0 0 3Musical Boxes, Fairground Organs etc. 9208-0 0 0 7 3Parts etc. of Musical Instruments, Metronomes 9209-0 0 0 0 19Bombs, Grenades, Cartridges and Parts 9306-0 0 0 0 13Medical, Surgical, Dental or Veterinary Furniture 9402-

2,310 23 0 46 66Furniture NES and Parts Thereof 9403-0 0 11 29 299Mattress Supports, Articles of Bedding etc 9404-

6,254 63 44 758 1,328Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-

Page 246: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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US $Rs.

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Export of Goods and Services March 2014 272

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 8 7Brooms, Brushes, Mops and Feather Dusters etc. 9603-0 0 9 136 18Buttons, Press Studs, Button Mold and Blanks etc. 9606-0 0 0 6 0Special Transaction NES 9992-

Slovak Republic 851 4,367582 5,10085,0520 0 0 3 8Salt, Pure Sodium Chloride, Sea Water 2501-0 0 0 15 0Marble, Travertine etc. and Alabaster, Crude etc. 2515-0 0 0 3 0Portland Cement, Aluminous Cement and Slag 2523-0 0 0 0 59Natural Steatite Roughly Trimmed etc. 2526-0 0 0 321 566Chromium Ores and Concentrates 2610-0 0 0 29 0Prepared Driers 3211-0 0 0 160 44Articles of Apparel and Clothing Acc. of Rubber 4015-0 0 0 0 23Bovine or Equine Leather, No Hair NES 4104-0 0 0 3 0Leather of Animals NES, No Hair NES 4107-

1,530 15 0 38 14Leather further prepared after tanning (sheep, lamb) 4112-25,177 252 0 316 12Leather further prepared after tanning (other animal) 4113-

9,344 93 51 165 85Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-0 0 0 39 44Articles of Leather NES 4205-0 0 0 290 7Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt < 5208-0 0 0 0 12Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-0 0 0 0 121Woven Cotton Fabrics NES 5212-0 0 0 3 0Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5513-0 0 0 2 1Labels, Badges and Similar Type of Textiles 5807-0 0 0 1 1Textile Products and Articles for Technical uses 5911-0 0 0 20 9Gents Suits, Ensembles, Jackets etc. Kn/Cr 6103-0 0 0 0 92Gents Shirts, Knitted or Crocheted 6105-0 0 0 7 44T-Shirts, Singlets and other Vests Kn/Cr 6109-

30,893 309 0 309 0Sweaters, Pullovers, Vests etc. Kn/Cr 6110-0 0 6 9 25Track Suits, Ski Suits and Swimwear Kn/Cr 6112-0 0 0 1 8Garments, Made-ups Kn/Cr etc. of Rubber or Plastic 6113-0 0 20 0 20Garments NES Knitted or Crocheted 6114-0 0 0 186 215Panty hose, Socks and other Hosiery Kn/Cr 6115-

1,886 19 0 112 92Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Knitted or Crocheted 6116-0 0 0 0 1Men's or Boys' Overcoats, Cloaks etc. Not Knitted 6201-

4,316 43 96 315 630Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-2,652 27 0 177 191Women's or Girls' Suits, Ensembles etc. Not Kn/Cr. 6204-

0 0 0 2 0Track Suits, Ski-Suits and Swimwear, Not Knitted 6211-0 0 0 31 38Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Not Knitted or Crocheted 6216-

400 4 0 13 33Made-Up Clothing Accessories NES 6217-5,374 54 356 1,525 2,366Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-

0 0 0 0 13Tarpaulins, Sails, Awnings and Tents etc. 6306-0 0 0 60 0Made-Up Articles of Textile Materials NES 6307-0 0 0 0 15Footwear NES 6405-0 0 4 10 13Articles of Stone or Other Mineral Substance NES 6815-

218 2 0 2 5Articles of Cutlery NES and Manicure Sets etc. 8214-1,084 11 6 48 34Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-

0 0 0 1 0Furniture NES and Parts Thereof 9403-0 0 38 74 129Mattress Supports, Articles of Bedding etc 9404-

2,179 22 4 76 130Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-Slovenia 1,533 20,3542,131 11,179153,224

0 0 0 0 10Guts, Bladders, Stomachs of Animals (Not Fish) 5040 -0 0 0 0 2Other Fixed Vegetable Fats and Oils NES, Not 1515-

342 3 3 5 48Salt, Pure Sodium Chloride, Sea Water 2501-0 0 1,311 1,402 2,699Natural Steatite Roughly Trimmed etc. 2526-0 0 78 0 87Chromium Ores and Concentrates 2610-0 0 0 0 4Wading, Gauze, Bandages etc. 3005-

Page 247: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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273 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 7 29Artists’ Colors etc in Tablets, Tubes, Jars etc. 3213-0 0 0 0 1Essential Oils, Resinoids and Terpene 3301-0 0 0 0 ..Odoriferous Mixtures as Raw Materials for Industry 3302-0 0 0 5 0Artificial Graphite, Colloidal Graphite and 3801-0 0 0 5,460 1,665Polymers of Styrene in Primary Forms 3903-0 0 0 1 0Monofilament of Cross-Sectional Dimension 3916-0 0 0 2 1Articles of Plastics Including Polymers and Resins 3926-

948 9 0 37 25Waste of Rubber and Powder Obtain thereof 4004-475 5 0 31 0Articles of Apparel and Clothing Acc. of Rubber 4015-

0 0 0 71 0Bovine or Equine Leather, No Hair NES 4104-1,438 14 0 22 37Goat or Kidskin Leather, No Hair NES 4106-

23,301 233 206 1,542 896Leather of Animals NES, No Hair NES 4107-0 0 10 280 69Leather further prepared after tanning (other animal) 4113-0 0 0 3 0Travel Goods, Handbags, Wallets, Jewelry Cases etc. 4202-0 0 17 89 223Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-0 0 0 0 2Articles of Leather Used in Machinery and 4204-0 0 76 0 178Articles of Leather NES 4205-0 0 0 19 0Toilet Paper, Paper Tissues, Towels, Napkins etc. 4818-

556 6 44 55 178Cotton Waste Including Yarn Waste etc. 5202-25,095 251 100 1,474 972Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton more than 85% 5205-

0 0 0 52 0Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Retail Packed 5207-16,168 162 0 2,249 210Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt < 5208-35,332 353 0 1,435 75Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-

507 5 0 141 91Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt < 5210-0 0 0 102 232Woven Cotton Fabrics NES 5212-0 0 0 0 82Woven Fabric of Synthetic Filament Yarn 5407-

1,105 11 0 32 5Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5513-0 0 53 210 105Woven Fabric, Synthetic < 85% of Fibre Mix 5514-0 0 0 3 0Woven Fabrics of Artificial Staple Fibers 5516-0 0 0 1 0Textile Wadding and Articles; Text Fiber Not Over 5 5601-

1,673 17 0 83 0Woven Terry Fabrics and Tufted Textile Fabric NES 5802-0 0 0 14 0Pile Fabrics and Terry Fabrics Knitted or Crocheted 6001-0 0 0 12 0Knitted or Crocheted Fabrics of Rubber of Width 6002-0 0 0 0 42Other knitted or crocheted fabrics 6006-

18 .. 0 .. 0Ladies Overcoats, Car-Coats, Caps, Cloaks and 6102-8,080 81 0 185 0Gents Suits, Ensembles, Jackets etc. Kn/Cr 6103-

0 0 0 126 5Gents Shirts, Knitted or Crocheted 6105-1,290 13 0 13 0T-Shirts, Singlets and other Vests Kn/Cr 6109-

0 0 0 0 18Sweaters, Pullovers, Vests etc. Kn/Cr 6110-152 2 10 13 45Track Suits, Ski Suits and Swimwear Kn/Cr 6112-

1,438 14 0 34 167Garments, Made-ups Kn/Cr etc. of Rubber or Plastic 6113-0 0 8 0 77Garments NES Knitted or Crocheted 6114-

2,077 21 0 719 6Panty hose, Socks and other Hosiery Kn/Cr 6115-0 0 0 10 48Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Knitted or Crocheted 6116-

161 2 0 3 14Men's or Boys' Overcoats, Cloaks etc. Not Knitted 6201-5,989 60 107 835 486Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-1,417 14 0 179 361Women's or Girls' Suits, Ensembles etc. Not Kn/Cr. 6204-

0 0 0 0 42Women's or Girls' Slips etc Not Kn/Cr 6208-0 0 0 78 0Track Suits, Ski-Suits and Swimwear, Not Knitted 6211-0 0 0 13 0Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Not Knitted or Crocheted 6216-0 0 0 16 4Made-Up Clothing Accessories NES 6217-

20,931 209 62 2,904 1,670Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-4,286 43 38 63 38Made-Up Articles of Textile Materials NES 6307-

0 0 0 13 0Footwear NES 6405-0 0 0 91 40Aluminum Bars, Rods and Profiles 7604-0 0 0 4 0Articles of Cutlery NES and Manicure Sets etc. 8214-

Page 248: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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Export of Goods and Services March 2014 274

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 3 0 3Engines and Motors NES and Parts Thereof 8412-0 0 0 4 4Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-0 0 0 3 0Furniture NES and Parts Thereof 9403-

445 4 6 208 183Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-Solomon Islands 15 3370 1,4201,458

0 0 0 0 21Meat of Bovine Animals, Fresh or Chilled 2010 -0 0 0 4 36Meat of Sheep or Goats, Fresh, Chilled or Frozen 2040 -0 0 0 0 50Fish Frozen (Not Fish Fillets & other Fish Meat) 3030 -0 0 0 0 451Rice 1006-0 0 0 0 2Fruit, Nuts, Fruit-Peel etc, Preserved by Sugar 2006-0 0 0 3 0Salt, Pure Sodium Chloride, Sea Water 2501-0 0 0 165 0Portland Cement, Aluminous Cement and Slag 2523-0 0 0 5 0Medicaments NES 3004-0 0 0 0 176Synthetic Organic Coloring Matter 3204-0 0 0 0 436Polymers of Styrene in Primary Forms 3903-0 0 0 0 22Plates, Sheets, Film etc. 3920-0 0 0 8 0Leather further prepared after tanning (other animal) 4113-0 0 0 54 1Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-0 0 0 15 0Waste of Wool, Fine or Coarse Animal Hair 5103-0 0 0 48 0Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton more than 85% 5205-0 0 0 0 119Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt < 5208-0 0 0 1 0Other knitted or crocheted fabrics 6006-0 0 0 6 6Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-

1,436 14 0 25 20Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-22 .. 0 4 80Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-

Somalia 1,247 11,2654,126 30,259124,6740 0 0 406 0Onions, Shallots, Garlic, Leeks etc, Fresh or Chilled 7030 -0 0 0 11 0Citrus Fruit, Fresh or Dried 8050 -

54,856 549 1,356 5,414 4,186Rice 1006-0 0 93 0 93Grain Sorghum 1007-0 0 0 177 8Wheat or Meslin Flour 1101-0 0 0 0 296Cereal Flours, Except of Wheat or of Meslin 1102-0 0 0 13 0Vegetable Products NES 1404-

53,126 531 2,493 2,832 21,271Cane or Beet Sugar and Sucrose in Solid Form 1701-4,845 48 25 293 545Sugar Confectionery including White Chocolate not 1704-2,697 27 0 173 174Bread, Pastry, Cakes etc 1905-

0 0 0 0 207Vegetable, Fruit, Nuts Etc, Prep Or Pres By Vinegar 2001-0 0 0 0 13Mushrooms and Truffles Prepared or Preserved NES 2003-0 0 0 67 0Vegetables Prepared or Preserved NES not Frozen 2005-0 0 0 15 0Fruit Juices including Grape Must and Vegtable 2009-0 0 0 0 738Ethyl Alcohol, Strength: more than 80% Alcohol 2207-0 0 0 4 0Marble, Travertine etc. and Alabaster, Crude etc. 2515-0 0 0 0 3Portland Cement, Aluminous Cement and Slag 2523-0 0 50 194 74Human Blood or Animal Blood Prepared for 3002-0 0 0 31 0Medicaments Mixtures for Therapeutic Use 3003-

6,804 68 8 615 441Medicaments NES 3004-0 0 0 0 134Wading, Gauze, Bandages etc. 3005-

1,349 13 0 184 1,284Pharmaceutical Goods 3006-0 0 0 11 0Synthetic Organic Coloring Matter 3204-

997 10 0 20 0Perfumes and Toilet Waters 3303-0 0 0 10 0Preparations for Oral or Dental Hygiene 3306-0 0 0 11 0Tableware and other Household Articles etc, Plastics 3924-0 0 0 11 0Articles of Plastics Including Polymers and Resins 3926-0 0 68 0 68Inner Rubber Tubes for Tires 4013-0 0 0 13 0Articles of Apparel and Clothing Acc. of Rubber 4015-

Page 249: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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275 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 4 0Bovine or Equine Leather, No Hair NES 4104-0 0 0 16 0Leather further prepared after tanning (other animal) 4113-0 0 0 0 15Articles of Leather NES 4205-0 0 0 0 2Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton less than 85% 5206-0 0 0 44 69Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt < 5208-0 0 0 0 84Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt < 5210-0 0 0 28 60Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5513-0 0 0 0 18Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Knotted 5701-0 0 0 20 24Woven Terry Fabrics and Tufted Textile Fabric NES 5802-0 0 11 0 11Gum Covered Fabric; Tracing Cloth; Paint Canvas 5901-0 0 0 0 42Other knitted or crocheted fabrics 6006-0 0 0 9 0Gents Shirts, Knitted or Crocheted 6105-0 0 0 63 0T-Shirts, Singlets and other Vests Kn/Cr 6109-0 0 0 0 136Garments, Made-ups Kn/Cr etc. of Rubber or Plastic 6113-0 0 12 0 12Made-up Clothing Accessories NES Kn/Cr 6117-0 0 0 15 0Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-0 0 0 7 0Garments, of Felt etc, or Fabric Impregnated etc 6210-0 0 0 32 0Shawls, Scarves, Mufflers, Mantillas, Veils etc. 6214-0 0 10 78 94Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-0 0 0 5 0Worked Monumental or Building Stone and Articles 6802-0 0 0 2 15Ceramic Sinks, Washbasins, Water Closet Bowls etc. 6910-0 0 0 .. 0Articles of Iron or Steel, NES 7326-0 0 0 13 0Articles o Aluminum NES 7616-0 0 0 11 0Machines, Dishwashing Machines for Cleaning etc. 8422-0 0 0 90 0Harvesting or Threshing machinery 8433-0 0 0 268 93Tractors Other Than Work Trucks used for Short 8701-0 0 0 3 24Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-0 0 0 8 0X-Ray etc Apparatus, Tubes, Panels, Screen and 9022-0 0 0 35 0Lamps and Lighting Fittings and Parts etc NES 9405-0 0 0 13 22Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-

South Africa 24,721 227,14922,016 205,0212,471,5340 0 0 0 3Live Horses, Asses, Mules and Hinnies 1010 -0 0 0 211 0Fish, Fresh or Chilled (Not Fish Fillets & other Fish 3020 -0 0 0 58 0Fish Frozen (Not Fish Fillets & other Fish Meat) 3030 -0 0 0 1 0Fish Fillets and other Fish Meat, Fresh, Chilled or 3040 -0 0 0 9 0Butter and other Fats and Oils Derived from Milk, 4050 -0 0 35 26 45Natural Honey 4090 -0 0 0 64 0Bones & Horn - Cores, Unworked, Defatted, Simply 5060 -0 0 0 15 77Ivory, Tortoise-Shell, Whalebone etc. 5070 -0 0 0 0 16Bulbs, Tubers, Tuberous Roots, Corms, Chicory 6010 -0 0 0 0 20Foliage, Branches and other Parts of Plants for 6040 -0 0 176 0 249Potatoes, Fresh or Chilled 7010 -

2,962 30 0 30 21Onions, Shallots, Garlic, Leeks etc, Fresh or Chilled 7030 -0 0 0 35 36Vegetables Frozen 7100 -0 0 0 0 18Vegetables, Dried, Whole, Cut etc. not further 7120 -0 0 0 22 8Other Nuts NES Fresh or Dried Whether Shelled or 8020 -

6,349 64 20 371 188Dates, Figs, Pineapples, Avocados etc, Fr or Dried 8040 -0 0 0 0 216Citrus Fruit, Fresh or Dried 8050 -0 0 0 35 0Fruit NES Fresh 8100 -0 0 0 16 16Fruit Dried NES Mixtures of Nuts or Dried Fruit 8130 -0 0 0 18 0Pepper, Genus Piper; Genus Capsicum or Pimento 9040 -

4,750 48 0 324 54Ginger, Saffron, Turmeric, Thyme, Bay Leaves, 9100 -0 0 0 63 66Wheat and Meslin 1001-0 0 0 12 0Rye in the Grain 1002-

69,661 697 446 7,060 4,962Rice 1006-

Page 250: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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Export of Goods and Services March 2014 276

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 54 55Buckwheat, Millet and Canary Seed; other Cereals 1008-0 0 0 63 123Wheat or Meslin Flour 1101-0 0 0 10 334Flour, Meal and Flakes of Potatoes 1105-

1,710 17 0 58 52Seeds, Fruit and Spores, for Sowing 1209-0 0 0 11 0Plants etc. for Pharmacy, Perfume, Insecticides etc. 1211-0 0 0 0 645Locust Beans, Seaweeds and other Algae, Sugar Beet 1212-

28,669 287 0 693 264Lac; Natural Gums, Resins, Gum-Resins and 1301-0 0 0 0 22Vegetable Saps and Extracts: Pectates, Agar-Agar 1302-0 0 0 23 0Vegetable Products NES 1404-0 0 0 390 0Prepared or Preserved Fish, Caviar and Caviar 1604-0 0 38 543 88Cane or Beet Sugar and Sucrose in Solid Form 1701-0 0 0 0 3Molasses Extracted from Sugar 1703-

6,719 67 226 1,616 1,483Sugar Confectionery including White Chocolate not 1704-0 0 0 33 75Chocolate and other Food Products Containing 1806-0 0 0 0 10Malt Extracts; Food Prep. of Flour etc. Under 50% 1901-

810 8 30 210 116Pasta and Couscous, Prepared or Not 1902-0 0 0 32 0Foods Prep. by Swelling Cereal; Cereal NES, Grain 1904-0 0 10 93 114Bread, Pastry, Cakes etc 1905-0 0 0 83 224Vegetable, Fruit, Nuts Etc, Prep Or Pres By Vinegar 2001-0 0 0 0 25Tomatoes Prepared or Preserved NES 2002-0 0 35 0 35Vegetables Prepared or Preserved NES not Frozen 2005-0 0 0 24 55Jams, Fruit Jellies, Marmalades etc. Cooked 2007-0 0 0 40 0Fruit, Nuts etc. Prepared or Preserved NES 2008-

714 7 25 85 457Fruit Juices including Grape Must and Vegtable 2009-0 0 2 78 147Food Preparations NES 2106-0 0 0 200 0Waters, Sweetened etc and other Nonalcoholic 2202-0 0 0 1,620 0Ethyl Alcohol, Strength: more than 80% Alcohol 2207-0 0 74 0 289Tobacco and Tobacco Refuse 2401-

1,120 11 9 101 121Salt, Pure Sodium Chloride, Sea Water 2501-0 0 6 0 6Natural Barium Sulfate; Nat Barium Carbonate NES 2511-

1,168 12 0 45 29Gypsum; Anhydrite; Plasters etc. 2520-664,582 6,647 6,288 53,987 41,390Portland Cement, Aluminous Cement and Slag 2523-

7,378 74 47 816 167Natural Steatite Roughly Trimmed etc. 2526-0 0 0 12 0Feldspar; Lucite; Nepheline and Syenite 2529-0 0 0 0 2Bitumen and Asphalt, Natural; Shale etc. 2714-0 0 0 9 0Carbonates; Peroxocarbonates etc. 2836-0 0 0 0 37Polycarboxylic Acids and Anhydrides etc. 2917-0 0 0 36 86Medicaments Mixtures for Therapeutic Use 3003-0 0 14 37 55Medicaments NES 3004-

4,615 46 0 46 14Wading, Gauze, Bandages etc. 3005-0 0 10 2 25Pharmaceutical Goods 3006-

798 8 16 8 16Synthetic Organic Coloring Matter 3204-0 0 0 6 0Other Color Matters 3206-0 0 0 219 0Pigments Dispersed in Non-aqueous Liquid 3212-0 0 0 26 12Odoriferous Mixtures as Raw Materials for Industry 3302-

537 5 0 59 21Beauty and Make-Up Preparations 3304-0 0 0 2 10Preparations for Use on Hair 3305-

452 5 0 17 24Soap, Organic Surf-Act Products used for Soap 3401-0 0 0 1 0Organic Surf-Act Agents and Products other than 3402-

5,546 55 0 55 20Lubricating Preparations, Antirust and Treating 3403-0 0 0 1 5Artificial and Prepared Waxes 3404-

8,704 87 0 174 165Gelatin and Derivatives 3503-0 0 0 0 9Matches and Except Pyrotechnic Articles 3605-0 0 0 5 0Photo Film in Rolls Sensitized, Unexposed 3702-0 0 0 0 6Photographic Chemicals, Unmixed Products Retail 3707-

1,974 20 0 171 100Artificial Graphite, Colloidal Graphite and 3801-

Page 251: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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277 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

7,033 70 0 405 0Insecticides, Rodenticides and Fungicides etc. Retail 3808-0 0 0 0 10Finishing Agents etc. for Textiles, Paper etc NES 3809-0 0 0 177 65Prepared binders for foundry moulds or cores 3824-0 0 0 37 0Polymers of Ethylene, in Primary Forms 3901-

3,669 37 73 1,785 1,865Polymers of Styrene in Primary Forms 3903-0 0 0 308 0Polyesters, Epoxides and Polyesters, Primary Forms 3907-0 0 0 .. 0Amino-Resins, Phenolic and Polyurethane, Primary 3909-0 0 0 0 5Tubes, Pipes and Hoses and their Fittings, of Plastics 3917-0 0 0 0 30Self-Adhesive Plates, Sheets, Film etc. of Plastics 3919-

5,656 57 0 740 986Plates, Sheets, Film etc. 3920-825 8 62 191 352Containers: Boxes, Bags, Closures etc, Plastic 3923-

0 0 0 20 211Tableware and other Household Articles etc, Plastics 3924-0 0 0 8 11Articles of Plastics Including Polymers and Resins 3926-

4,164 42 0 347 141Waste of Rubber and Powder Obtain thereof 4004-0 0 0 23 23Plates, Sheet, Profile Shape etc. 4008-0 0 0 0 1New Pneumatic Tires of Rubber 4011-0 0 37 4 70Articles of Apparel and Clothing Acc. of Rubber 4015-0 0 0 0 170Raw Hides and Skins of Bovine or Equine Animals 4101-

23,979 240 0 895 33Bovine or Equine Leather, No Hair NES 4104-0 0 .. 0 ..Sheep or Lamb Skin Leather, No Wool NES 4105-0 0 0 208 0Goat or Kidskin Leather, No Hair NES 4106-

51,108 511 268 3,763 2,423Leather of Animals NES, No Hair NES 4107-0 0 0 0 187Leather further prepared after tanning (sheep, lamb) 4112-

39,434 394 577 4,521 4,592Leather further prepared after tanning (other animal) 4113-0 0 6 102 84Saddlery, Harness, Traces and Leads etc. 4201-0 0 0 379 12Travel Goods, Handbags, Wallets, Jewelry Cases etc. 4202-

72,010 720 627 6,199 7,700Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-2,620 26 11 173 211Articles of Leather Used in Machinery and 4204-

0 0 99 116 195Articles of Leather NES 4205-0 0 0 22 0Fiberboard of Wood or Other Ligneous Materials 4411-0 0 0 0 11Agglomerated Cork and Articles Thereof 4504-0 0 0 70 0Mechanical Wood Pulp 4701-0 0 0 5 0Pulps of Fibrous Cellulosic Material NES 4706-0 0 0 0 10Newsprint, in Rolls or Sheets 4801-0 0 0 0 ..Paper Uncoated For Writing etc, Rolls; Handmade 4802-0 0 0 31 0Kraft Paper and Paperboard Uncoated NES 4804-0 0 0 26 0Paper and Paperboard Uncoated NES, Rolls or 4805-0 0 0 6 0Vegetable Parchment, Greaseproof, Tracing Papers 4806-

28,174 282 0 1,986 0Paper, Paperboard, Wading etc. Coated etc NES 4811-0 0 0 0 8Toilet Paper, Paper Tissues, Towels, Napkins etc. 4818-0 0 0 20 27Registers, Notebooks, Order Book, Receipt Book 4820-0 0 3 0 3Paper and Paperboard Labels of all Kinds 4821-0 0 0 51 45Bobbins, Spools etc. of Paper Pulp, Paper and 4822-0 0 0 0 9Other Paper and Paperboard and Articles NES 4823-

4,370 44 0 68 0Printed Books, Brochures and Similar Printed Matter 4901-0 0 0 14 0Silkworm Cocoons Suitable for Reeling 5001-0 0 23 103 178Woven Fabrics of Silk or Silk Waste 5007-0 0 0 0 10Waste of Wool, Fine or Coarse Animal Hair 5103-0 0 0 51 0Woven Fabrics of Coarse Animal Hair or Horsehair 5113-

1,597 16 0 38 6Cotton, Not Carded Or Combed 5201-9,733 97 0 693 590Cotton Waste Including Yarn Waste etc. 5202-

0 0 0 2 115Cotton, Carded or Combed 5203-3,724 37 20 442 61Cotton Sewing Thread, Retail Packed or Not 5204-

0 0 37 508 355Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton more than 85% 5205-0 0 0 124 88Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton less than 85% 5206-0 0 0 0 362Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Retail Packed 5207-

Page 252: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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Export of Goods and Services March 2014 278

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

125,977 1,260 1,295 10,182 11,523Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt < 5208-36,937 369 663 5,853 9,435Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-

157,535 1,576 1,764 15,060 14,732Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt < 5210-0 0 32 481 368Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt > 5211-

91,928 919 825 9,452 7,054Woven Cotton Fabrics NES 5212-0 0 0 0 41True Hemp, not Spun, Tow and Waste of Hemp 5302-0 0 0 2 0Sewing Thread of Manmade Filaments 5401-0 0 0 6 96Synthetic Filament Yarn Not Sewing Thread, Not 5402-

8,448 85 0 475 195Woven Fabric of Synthetic Filament Yarn 5407-0 0 0 0 95Woven Fabrics of Artificial Filament Yarn 5408-0 0 0 0 44Synthetic Filament Tow 5501-0 0 0 0 45Yarn Not for Sewing Thread, Synthetic Staple 5509-

6,016 60 55 574 365Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5512-322,914 3,230 2,088 26,199 23,198Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5513-

3,854 39 160 472 799Woven Fabric, Synthetic < 85% of Fibre Mix 5514-0 0 0 6 0Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibers NES 5515-0 0 0 0 85Woven Fabrics of Artificial Staple Fibers 5516-0 0 65 0 464Textile Wadding and Articles; Text Fiber Not Over 5 5601-0 0 44 0 44Nonwovens Impregnated, Coated, Covered or 5603-

50,329 503 277 2,617 2,453Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Knotted 5701-0 0 0 30 61Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Woven 5702-

2,566 26 242 180 1,671Woven Terry Fabrics and Tufted Textile Fabric NES 5802-0 0 0 9 0Tulles and other Net Fabrics 5804-0 0 0 32 0Narrow Woven Fabrics Except Labels 5806-0 0 0 38 8Labels, Badges and Similar Type of Textiles 5807-0 0 0 0 34Braids, Ornamental Trim in Pieces Not Knitted, or 5808-0 0 0 15 164Embroidery in the Piece, In Strips or in Motifs 5810-0 0 0 196 8Gum Covered Fabric; Tracing Cloth; Paint Canvas 5901-0 0 0 0 27Tire Cord Fabric of High Tenacity Yarn of Nylon 5902-0 0 0 20 65Textile Fabrics Coated, Covered or Lamented with 5903-

15,205 152 0 986 1,648Textile Fabrics, Theatrical Scenery, Back-Cloths 5907-0 0 0 18 0Pile Fabrics and Terry Fabrics Knitted or Crocheted 6001-0 0 0 22 60Warp Knit fabrics Not of Rubber and Pile Fabrics 6005-0 0 0 229 91Other knitted or crocheted fabrics 6006-0 0 0 34 5Gents Overcoats, Car-Coats, Caps, Cloaks and 6101-0 0 0 37 86Ladies Overcoats, Car-Coats, Caps, Cloaks and 6102-

5,995 60 19 235 586Gents Suits, Ensembles, Jackets etc. Kn/Cr 6103-21,934 219 0 352 9Ladies Suits, Ensembles etc. Kn/Cr 6104-

1,390 14 72 741 1,199Gents Shirts, Knitted or Crocheted 6105-0 0 1 37 1Gents Blouses and Shirts Kn/Cr 6106-

506 5 0 5 0Gents Underpants, Briefs, Nightshirts etc. Kn/Cr 6107-0 0 0 29 0Ladies Slips, Petticoats, Briefs, Paints etc. Kn/Cr 6108-

435 4 0 46 185T-Shirts, Singlets and other Vests Kn/Cr 6109-0 0 45 624 155Sweaters, Pullovers, Vests etc. Kn/Cr 6110-

170 2 0 2 38Babies' Garments and Accessories Kn/Cr 6111-320 3 0 55 184Track Suits, Ski Suits and Swimwear Kn/Cr 6112-

4,494 45 21 249 539Garments, Made-ups Kn/Cr etc. of Rubber or Plastic 6113-0 0 50 123 112Garments NES Knitted or Crocheted 6114-

3,511 35 6 221 90Panty hose, Socks and other Hosiery Kn/Cr 6115-8,225 82 81 1,038 790Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Knitted or Crocheted 6116-1,815 18 0 47 0Made-up Clothing Accessories NES Kn/Cr 6117-

0 0 0 31 18Men's or Boys' Overcoats, Cloaks etc. Not Knitted 6201-15,038 150 260 2,138 2,326Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-

2,393 24 16 305 51Women's or Girls' Suits, Ensembles etc. Not Kn/Cr. 6204-0 0 0 8 209Men's or Boys' Shirts, Not Kn/Cr 6205-0 0 192 0 192Women's or Girls' Slips etc Not Kn/Cr 6208-

Page 253: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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279 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 0 61Garments, of Felt etc, or Fabric Impregnated etc 6210-2,522 25 12 68 84Track Suits, Ski-Suits and Swimwear, Not Knitted 6211-

0 0 53 0 53Brassieres, Girdles, Garters and Braces etc. 6212-0 0 0 67 82Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Not Knitted or Crocheted 6216-

210 2 0 41 38Made-Up Clothing Accessories NES 6217-7,029 70 0 197 76Blankets and Traveling Rugs 6301-

219,390 2,194 1,944 23,448 24,179Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-879 9 159 997 1,421Curtains and Interior Blinds, Curtain or Bed 6303-

0 0 0 142 31Furnishing Articles of Textile Materials NES 6304-2,525 25 0 25 40Sacks and Bags of Textile Material for Packing 6305-3,454 35 242 939 333Tarpaulins, Sails, Awnings and Tents etc. 6306-

14,683 147 204 1,924 1,284Made-Up Articles of Textile Materials NES 6307-2,911 29 17 134 159Worn Clothing and other Worn Textile Articles 6309-

888 9 10 42 276Used or New Rags, Scrap Twine etc of Text Material 6310-0 0 0 11 25Footwear, Outer Sole and Upper Rubber or Plastic 6402-

29,248 293 324 2,353 2,352Footwear, Outer Sole Rubber, Plastic or Leather 6403-0 0 34 17 47Footwear, Outer Sole Rubber, Plastic or Textile 6404-0 0 0 10 18Footwear NES 6405-0 0 41 0 41Parts of Footwear: Insoles, Gaiters etc. Parts 6406-0 0 0 0 31Hat-Shapes, Plaited or Assembling Strips of any 6502-

1,995 20 0 42 0Walking-Sticks, Seat-Sticks, Whips and 6602-0 0 0 0 22Refractory Bricks, Blocks, Tiles and Similar Ceramic 6902-0 0 0 0 6Ceramic Building Bricks, Flooring Blocks, Tile etc. 6904-

951 10 0 121 0Ceramic Sinks, Washbasins, Water Closet Bowls etc. 6910-0 0 0 21 5Tableware, Kitchenware and other Articles of Toilet 6911-0 0 0 0 1Ceramics Tableware, Kitchenware etc. 6912-0 0 0 2 2Ceramic Articles NES 6914-

235 2 0 49 0Float Glass and Surface Ground or Polished Sheets 7005-0 0 0 16 0Glass Containers for Packing etc and Glass Closures 7010-

1,306 13 10 126 38Glassware for Table, Kitchen, Toilet etc. NES 7013-0 0 0 1 ..Precious and Semi Precious Stones NES 7103-0 0 0 5 0Articles of Jewelry and Parts thereof or Precious 7113-0 0 0 1 0Imitation Jewelry 7117-0 0 0 4 0Ferrous Waste and Scrap 7204-0 0 0 0 747Iron and Non-alloy Steel in Ingots etc. NES 7206-0 0 0 3,817 1,987Flat-Roll Iron and Non-Alloy >600mm, Clad, Plated 7210-0 0 0 481 0Wire of Iron and Non-Alloy Steel 7217-0 0 0 153 0Tube or Pipe Fittings of Iron or Steel Like 7307-0 0 0 .. 0Tanks etc Less than 300 Liter Capacity of Iron or 7310-

30,001 300 0 1,480 0Stranded Wire, Rope etc, Not Electrically Insulated 7312-0 0 0 0 11Sanitary Ware and Parts of Iron or Steel 7324-0 0 0 0 1Articles of Iron or Steel, NES 7326-0 0 0 0 2Copper Powders and Flakes 7406-

4,482 45 127 1,015 1,055Aluminum Bars, Rods and Profiles 7604-0 0 0 0 1Aluminum Casks, Cans, Boxes, and Similar 7612-

2,178 22 82 572 676Table, Kitchen or other Household Articles and Parts 7615-0 0 20 206 145Articles o Aluminum NES 7616-0 0 0 0 151Beryllium, Chromium, Germanium, Vanadium, 8112-0 0 0 0 1Files, Rasps, Pliers, Metal cutting Shears etc. 8203-0 0 0 79 86Knives and Blades for Machines and Appliances 8208-0 0 77 54 182Knives With Blades and Blades for Knives NES 8211-0 0 0 0 2Razors and Razor Blades 8212-0 0 39 2 53Scissors, Tailors' Shears and Similar Shears and 8213-

130 1 0 53 67Articles of Cutlery NES and Manicure Sets etc. 8214-0 0 0 23 34Tableware etc. of Base Metal and Parts of Base 8215-0 0 0 10 0Hardware, Fixtures, Castors etc. and Part 8302-

Page 254: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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US $Rs.

(Amount in Thousand)MARCH JULY - MARCH

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Export of Goods and Services March 2014 280

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

244 2 0 12 1Bells, Gongs and the Like, Picture and Frames 8306-0 0 0 0 25Spark-Ignition Reciprocating or Rotary Internal 8407-0 0 0 0 30Compression-Ignition Internal Combustion Piston 8408-

817 8 0 65 323Pumps for Liquids; Liquid Elevators; Parts Thereof 8413-8,047 80 12 256 135Air or Vacuum Pump, Compressors and Fans 8414-

0 0 0 6 0Industrial or Lab Furnaces, Ovens and Parts 8417-0 0 0 3 151Machinery etc for Temperature Change 8419-0 0 0 2 0Centrifuges, Including Dryers, Filter etc. 8421-0 0 0 0 18Machines, Dishwashing Machines for Cleaning etc. 8422-0 0 0 0 19Other Moving, Grading, leveling, Scraping & 8430-

7,961 80 65 145 206Agriculture Machinery for Soil, Lawn Preparations 8432-0 0 14 0 68Machinery NES used for Food and Drink and Parts 8438-0 0 0 0 2Bookbinding Machinery Including Book-Sewing 8440-0 0 0 10 25Machines for Making Pulp and Paper and Parts 8441-

449 4 0 12 0Printing Machinery, Machines including Ink-Jet 8443-0 0 0 0 208Machines For Preparing Textile Fibers and Yarn 8445-0 0 0 0 4Weaving Machines Like Looms 8446-0 0 0 0 12Auxiliary Machinery for use With Textile Machines 8448-0 0 2 4 4Machinery not for Laundry for Cleaning, Drying etc 8451-0 0 0 2 5Sewing Machines other than Book Sewing Machine 8452-0 0 0 12 0Machinery for Work Leather etc and Footwear etc. 8453-0 0 0 0 24Machine Tools for Drilling, Boring, Milling etc. 8459-0 0 0 0 12Machine Tools for Honing or Finishing Metal etc. 8460-0 0 5 18 68Tools for Working in the Hand, Pneumatic etc. 8467-0 0 0 0 15Machines and Apparatus for Soldering, Brazing or 8468-0 0 24 20 29Machinery for Working Rubber or Plastic etc. NES 8477-0 0 0 26 0Machines and Mechanical Appliances NES 8479-0 0 0 20 19Molding Boxes for Metal Foundry, Mold Bases etc. 8480-0 0 0 0 24Electrical Shavers and Hair Clippers and Parts 8510-0 0 0 0 2Electric Apparatus for Line Telephony, Telephone 8517-

7,692 77 94 289 393Tractors Other Than Work Trucks used for Short 8701-0 0 0 0 4Motor Cars and Vehicles for Transporting Persons 8703-

1,831 18 31 155 129Parts and Accessories for Motor Vehicles 8708-0 0 85 0 85Works Trucks Self-Propelled Not for Lifting 8709-

83,924 839 139 5,858 3,979Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-0 0 0 13 6Orthopedic Appliances Artificial Body and Parts 9021-0 0 0 2 2X-Ray etc Apparatus, Tubes, Panels, Screen and 9022-0 0 0 0 20Machines NES 9031-0 0 0 1 0String Musical Instruments NES 9202-0 0 0 0 3Keyboard Pipe Organs Harmoniums & other 9203-0 0 0 .. ..Wind Musical Instruments NES 9205-0 0 0 7 5Percussion Musical Instruments Drums etc. 9206-0 0 0 8 13Musical Boxes, Fairground Organs etc. 9208-0 0 0 4 21Parts etc. of Musical Instruments, Metronomes 9209-0 0 0 4 0Bombs, Grenades, Cartridges and Parts 9306-0 0 0 6 0Medical, Surgical, Dental or Veterinary Furniture 9402-0 0 7 34 12Furniture NES and Parts Thereof 9403-

36,106 361 72 3,220 3,055Mattress Supports, Articles of Bedding etc 9404-34,049 341 449 3,792 4,077Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-

0 0 0 0 2Fishing Rods and Tackle Nets, Decoys etc. 9507-0 0 0 0 31Worked Ivory, Bone etc and Articles Thereof 9601-0 0 0 21 3Brooms, Brushes, Mops and Feather Dusters etc. 9603-0 0 0 40 0Buttons, Press Studs, Button Mold and Blanks etc. 9606-0 0 0 0 11Pens, Ball Points, Soft Tip and Mechanical Pencils 9608-

155 2 0 2 0Scent and Similar Sprayers, Powder Puffs and Pads 9616-

Page 255: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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US $Rs.

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281 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

South Korea 28,700 271,83139,084 317,6842,869,3561,197 12 0 12 0Live Bovine Animals 1020 -7,657 77 0 215 146Fish, Live 3010 -

20,542 205 1,225 2,358 9,015Fish Frozen (Not Fish Fillets & other Fish Meat) 3030 -73,463 735 129 4,366 2,222Fish Fillets and other Fish Meat, Fresh, Chilled or 3040 -

140,429 1,405 897 3,369 2,060Crustaceans; Live, Fresh etc, and Cooked etc. 3060 -0 0 45 0 45Molluscs & Aquatic Invertebrates NES Live etc. 3070 -0 0 0 0 10Butter and other Fats and Oils Derived from Milk, 4050 -0 0 0 17 0Foliage, Branches and other Parts of Plants for 6040 -

4,370 44 0 108 0Vegetables, Dried, Whole, Cut etc. not further 7120 -1,149 11 0 11 5Other Nuts NES Fresh or Dried Whether Shelled or 8020 -

0 0 0 29 7Dates, Figs, Pineapples, Avocados etc, Fr or Dried 8040 -6,038 60 0 136 0Fruit Dried NES Mixtures of Nuts or Dried Fruit 8130 -

0 0 5 2 11Tea Whether or not Flavored 9020 -0 0 0 45 0Ginger, Saffron, Turmeric, Thyme, Bay Leaves, 9100 -0 0 0 0 314Maize (Corn) 1005-

9,943 99 0 672 133Rice 1006-0 0 0 13 0Wheat or Meslin Flour 1101-

75,973 760 0 4,023 6,200Other Oil Seeds and Oleaginous Fruits NES 1207-0 0 0 0 111Seeds, Fruit and Spores, for Sowing 1209-0 0 51 229 273Plants etc. for Pharmacy, Perfume, Insecticides etc. 1211-0 0 2 409 183Cereal Straw and Husks 1213-

2,249 23 98 90 184Lac; Natural Gums, Resins, Gum-Resins and 1301-0 0 43 215 417Vegetable Saps and Extracts: Pectates, Agar-Agar 1302-0 0 0 1 0Vegetable Plaiting Materials Like Bamboos, Reeds 1401-

2,998 30 43 122 206Vegetable Products NES 1404-0 0 0 23 0Sausages and Similar Products of Meat and Blood 1601-

22,909 229 174 1,372 1,721Prepared or Preserved Fish, Caviar and Caviar 1604-0 0 67 101 326Crustaceans Molluscs etc Prepared or Preserved 1605-0 0 0 137 18Cane or Beet Sugar and Sucrose in Solid Form 1701-0 0 11 199 122Other Sugar NES 1702-0 0 0 32 108Malt Extracts; Food Prep. of Flour etc. Under 50% 1901-0 0 32 9 32Pasta and Couscous, Prepared or Not 1902-0 0 0 10 11Bread, Pastry, Cakes etc 1905-0 0 0 0 26Vegetable, Fruit, Nuts Etc, Prep Or Pres By Vinegar 2001-0 0 0 56 0Fruit, Nuts etc. Prepared or Preserved NES 2008-0 0 11 0 11Fruit Juices including Grape Must and Vegtable 2009-0 0 0 155 70Food Preparations NES 2106-

833,118 8,333 18,138 41,990 104,098Ethyl Alcohol, Strength: more than 80% Alcohol 2207-0 0 0 3 0Flour, Meal etc. of Meat etc, Not For Human 2301-0 0 0 0 8Bran, Sharps and other Residue 2302-0 0 0 21 0Residues of Starch Manufacture like Beet-Pulp and 2303-

3,544 35 0 111 0Other Oilcakes NES From Vegetable Fats and Oils 2306-0 0 0 158 0Vegetable Material, Waste etc For Feeding Animals 2308-0 0 0 121 14Preparations Used In Animal Feeding 2309-

6,709 67 71 2,299 1,494Salt, Pure Sodium Chloride, Sea Water 2501-0 0 0 54 10Clays NES 2508-0 0 0 32 0Natural Calcium, Phosphates and Its Chalk 2510-

2,931 29 0 29 0Natural Barium Sulfate; Nat Barium Carbonate NES 2511-0 0 0 0 18Pumice, Emery, Natural Corundum and Garnet etc 2513-

5,311 53 62 498 520Marble, Travertine etc. and Alabaster, Crude etc. 2515-0 0 0 4 0Granite, Porphyry, Basalt etc., Crude or Cut etc. 2516-0 0 0 10 9Pebbles, Gravel etc. Macadam of Slag, Dross etc. 2517-0 0 0 113 0Gypsum; Anhydrite; Plasters etc. 2520-0 0 0 272 227Portland Cement, Aluminous Cement and Slag 2523-

60,982 610 524 6,102 3,693Natural Steatite Roughly Trimmed etc. 2526-

Page 256: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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US $Rs.

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Export of Goods and Services March 2014 282

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 0 85Natural Borates and Concentrates thereof 2528-0 0 21 30 53Feldspar; Lucite; Nepheline and Syenite 2529-0 0 0 0 200Copper Ores and Concentrates 2603-0 0 0 51 26Zinc Ores and Concentrates 2608-0 0 147 916 246Chromium Ores and Concentrates 2610-

291 3 0 3 0Slag, Dross, Scaling and Other Waste of Iron / Steel 2619-0 0 0 0 ..Ash & Residues (Not From Iron Mfr) With Metal 2620-0 0 0 48,552 29,940Oil from Petrol and Bituminous Mineral etc. 2710-0 0 57 636 397Zinc Oxide And Zinc Peroxide 2817-0 0 0 16 0Phosphinates, Phosphinates, Phosphates and 2835-0 0 0 0 14Polycarboxylic Acids and Anhydrides etc. 2917-0 0 0 4 0Sugars, Chemically Pure 2940-0 0 0 37 35Medicaments Mixtures for Therapeutic Use 3003-0 0 8 100 16Medicaments NES 3004-0 0 0 0 9Pharmaceutical Goods 3006-0 0 0 0 9Coloring Matter of Vegetable or Animal Origin 3203-0 0 0 0 43Synthetic Organic Coloring Matter 3204-0 0 0 60 0Pigments Dispersed in Non-aqueous Liquid 3212-0 0 0 0 58Odoriferous Mixtures as Raw Materials for Industry 3302-0 0 0 6 0Beauty and Make-Up Preparations 3304-0 0 0 25 0Organic Surf-Act Agents and Products other than 3402-0 0 0 11 0Polishes and Creams for Leather, Wood etc. 3405-0 0 0 62 60Artificial Graphite, Colloidal Graphite and 3801-0 0 0 52 0Insecticides, Rodenticides and Fungicides etc. Retail 3808-0 0 0 2 0Prepared binders for foundry moulds or cores 3824-0 0 0 0 2Polymers of Ethylene, in Primary Forms 3901-0 0 0 8 19Polymers of Propylene or other Olefins, Primary 3902-0 0 0 2 0Polymers of Styrene in Primary Forms 3903-0 0 0 28 0Polyesters, Epoxides and Polyesters, Primary Forms 3907-0 0 31 157 331Waste, Parings and Scrap, of Plastics 3915-0 0 0 0 8Monofilament of Cross-Sectional Dimension 3916-0 0 13 134 13Plates, Sheets, Film etc. 3920-0 0 5 22 65Articles of Plastics Including Polymers and Resins 3926-

14,981 150 143 169 1,897Waste of Rubber and Powder Obtain thereof 4004-0 0 0 6 6Tubes, Pipes and Hoses of Unhard Vulcanized 4009-0 0 0 0 11New Pneumatic Tires of Rubber 4011-0 0 0 2 131Articles of Apparel and Clothing Acc. of Rubber 4015-0 0 0 46 675Raw Hides and Skins of Bovine or Equine Animals 4101-0 0 0 50 0Raw Skins of Sheep or Lambs NES 4102-0 0 102 15 280Raw Hides and Skins NES 4103-

11,523 115 13 966 363Bovine or Equine Leather, No Hair NES 4104-0 0 6 39 75Sheep or Lamb Skin Leather, No Wool NES 4105-

21,647 217 570 1,831 3,288Goat or Kidskin Leather, No Hair NES 4106-63,974 640 736 6,057 4,527Leather of Animals NES, No Hair NES 4107-46,870 469 25 2,698 763Leather further prepared after tanning (sheep, lamb) 4112-

137,977 1,380 1,417 18,154 14,357Leather further prepared after tanning (other animal) 4113-798 8 0 419 312Saddlery, Harness, Traces and Leads etc. 4201-

0 0 0 4 0Travel Goods, Handbags, Wallets, Jewelry Cases etc. 4202-68,725 687 239 2,741 2,402Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-

0 0 140 370 1,409Articles of Leather Used in Machinery and 4204-115 1 249 306 1,823Articles of Leather NES 4205-

11 .. 0 .. 0Paper and Paperboard Labels of all Kinds 4821-0 0 0 0 15Other Paper and Paperboard and Articles NES 4823-0 0 0 0 49Woven Fabrics of Silk or Silk Waste 5007-0 0 0 0 10Fine or Coarse Animal Hair, Not Carded or Combed 5102-0 0 0 11 0Waste of Wool, Fine or Coarse Animal Hair 5103-

Page 257: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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US $Rs.

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283 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 63 0Wool and Fine or Coarse Animal Hair, Carded or 5105-0 0 3 500 278Cotton, Not Carded Or Combed 5201-

6,237 62 9 556 506Cotton Waste Including Yarn Waste etc. 5202-0 0 32 848 587Cotton, Carded or Combed 5203-

134,480 1,345 2,388 14,517 17,575Cotton Sewing Thread, Retail Packed or Not 5204-339,578 3,397 3,398 28,392 31,285Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton more than 85% 5205-

0 0 53 104 598Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton less than 85% 5206-4,637 46 0 298 169Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Retail Packed 5207-

237,598 2,377 1,920 28,520 25,752Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt < 5208-158,147 1,582 946 16,050 13,056Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-

1,036 10 11 53 554Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt < 5210-0 0 69 495 1,150Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt > 5211-

15,367 154 576 3,600 3,764Woven Cotton Fabrics NES 5212-0 0 53 0 53Yarn of Vegetable Textile Fibers NES, Paper Yarn 5308-0 0 33 182 237Synthetic Filament Yarn Not Sewing Thread, Not 5402-

10,608 106 163 914 824Woven Fabric of Synthetic Filament Yarn 5407-0 0 0 0 2Waste of Manmade Fibers Including Noils etc. 5505-

4,818 48 111 98 561Yarn Not for Sewing Thread, Synthetic Staple 5509-0 0 0 39 0Yarn (No SewingThread), Manmade Staple Fiber, 5511-0 0 0 0 56Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5512-0 0 0 56 149Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5513-0 0 108 209 212Woven Fabric, Synthetic < 85% of Fibre Mix 5514-0 0 0 6 7Nonwovens Impregnated, Coated, Covered or 5603-0 0 0 8 20Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Knotted 5701-0 0 54 459 551Woven Terry Fabrics and Tufted Textile Fabric NES 5802-

4,679 47 49 392 763Narrow Woven Fabrics Except Labels 5806-359 4 8 103 127Labels, Badges and Similar Type of Textiles 5807-

0 0 0 5 7Embroidery in the Piece, In Strips or in Motifs 5810-0 0 0 0 47Gum Covered Fabric; Tracing Cloth; Paint Canvas 5901-0 0 0 0 54Tire Cord Fabric of High Tenacity Yarn of Nylon 5902-0 0 0 .. 0Other knitted or crocheted fabrics 6006-0 0 1 0 19Gents Overcoats, Car-Coats, Caps, Cloaks and 6101-0 0 0 0 4Ladies Overcoats, Car-Coats, Caps, Cloaks and 6102-

88 1 20 187 175Gents Suits, Ensembles, Jackets etc. Kn/Cr 6103-502 5 0 101 57Ladies Suits, Ensembles etc. Kn/Cr 6104-

19,413 194 62 614 509Gents Shirts, Knitted or Crocheted 6105-0 0 7 140 7Gents Blouses and Shirts Kn/Cr 6106-

520 5 0 159 0T-Shirts, Singlets and other Vests Kn/Cr 6109-18,761 188 79 628 123Sweaters, Pullovers, Vests etc. Kn/Cr 6110-

0 0 0 0 1Babies' Garments and Accessories Kn/Cr 6111-204 2 22 16 64Track Suits, Ski Suits and Swimwear Kn/Cr 6112-

0 0 30 19 240Garments, Made-ups Kn/Cr etc. of Rubber or Plastic 6113-134 1 0 32 19Garments NES Knitted or Crocheted 6114-

3,048 30 1 87 79Panty hose, Socks and other Hosiery Kn/Cr 6115-4,056 41 13 184 260Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Knitted or Crocheted 6116-

0 0 0 4 59Men's or Boys' Overcoats, Cloaks etc. Not Knitted 6201-16,199 162 218 1,186 1,174Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-

1,163 12 20 389 166Women's or Girls' Suits, Ensembles etc. Not Kn/Cr. 6204-0 0 0 0 51Women's or Girls' Slips etc Not Kn/Cr 6208-0 0 0 24 6Track Suits, Ski-Suits and Swimwear, Not Knitted 6211-0 0 17 113 48Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Not Knitted or Crocheted 6216-

3,345 33 16 284 29Made-Up Clothing Accessories NES 6217-17,966 180 2 1,762 1,700Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-

0 0 0 19 0Curtains and Interior Blinds, Curtain or Bed 6303-0 0 52 0 61Sacks and Bags of Textile Material for Packing 6305-

27,225 272 134 347 332Tarpaulins, Sails, Awnings and Tents etc. 6306-

Page 258: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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US $Rs.

(Amount in Thousand)MARCH JULY - MARCH

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Export of Goods and Services March 2014 284

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

810 8 0 8 8Made-Up Articles of Textile Materials NES 6307-335 3 6 248 14Worn Clothing and other Worn Textile Articles 6309-

0 0 0 0 4Used or New Rags, Scrap Twine etc of Text Material 6310-0 0 0 3 0Footwear, Outer Sole and Upper Rubber or Plastic 6402-

997 10 21 40 233Footwear, Outer Sole Rubber, Plastic or Leather 6403-3,541 35 42 542 373Worked Monumental or Building Stone and Articles 6802-

0 0 0 20 0Articles of Plaster or Items Based on Plaster 6809-0 0 32 163 156Articles of Stone or Other Mineral Substance NES 6815-0 0 0 0 2Refractory Bricks, Blocks, Tiles and Similar Ceramic 6902-0 0 2 0 2Ceramic Building Bricks, Flooring Blocks, Tile etc. 6904-0 0 0 0 ..Ceramics Tableware, Kitchenware etc. 6912-0 0 0 0 451Float Glass and Surface Ground or Polished Sheets 7005-0 0 0 0 9Glass Containers for Packing etc and Glass Closures 7010-0 0 0 53 0Glass Fibers and Articles Thereof (Yarn Etc.) 7019-0 0 2 3 6Precious and Semi Precious Stones NES 7103-0 0 0 .. 0Articles of Natural or Cultured Pearls, Precious 7116-0 0 0 0 69Spongy Ferrous Products and Iron 99.94% Pure 7203-0 0 0 3 95Ferrous Waste and Scrap 7204-0 0 0 298 1,971Refined Copper and Copper Alloys, Unwrought 7403-0 0 1,623 3,262 3,365Copper Waste and Scrap 7404-0 0 0 1 0Copper Powders and Flakes 7406-0 0 0 0 198Copper Bars, Rods and Profiles 7407-0 0 0 0 5Aluminum Bars, Rods and Profiles 7604-

60,128 601 0 905 3Lead, Unwrought 7801-17,872 179 0 409 0Zinc Dust, Powders and Flakes 7903-

0 0 0 12 0Molybdenum and Articles Thereof Including Waste 8102-0 0 0 0 2Hand tools and Tools Used in Agriculture etc. 8201-0 0 0 10 9Files, Rasps, Pliers, Metal cutting Shears etc. 8203-0 0 0 16 1Hand tools NES Like Blow, Torches, Anvils etc. 8205-0 0 0 0 ..Hand Operated Mechanical Appliances 8210-

7,324 73 0 135 62Razors and Razor Blades 8212-0 0 16 0 80Scissors, Tailors' Shears and Similar Shears and 8213-

5,747 57 63 336 517Articles of Cutlery NES and Manicure Sets etc. 8214-0 0 0 17 0Steam etc Generating Boilers NES 8402-0 0 0 0 37Air or Vacuum Pump, Compressors and Fans 8414-0 0 0 0 20Furnace Burners, Mechanical Stokers etc and Parts 8416-0 0 0 3 3Machinery etc for Temperature Change 8419-

1,345 13 0 13 0Other Lifting, Handling, Loading and Unloading 8428-0 0 0 0 6Parts for Pulley Tackle, Hoists etc and Leveling 8431-0 0 22 0 51Machinery NES used for Food and Drink and Parts 8438-

3,199 32 0 32 0Sewing Machines other than Book Sewing Machine 8452-0 0 0 366 0Machine Tools for Shaping Slotting and Sawing etc. 8461-

161 2 13 5 17Tools for Working in the Hand, Pneumatic etc. 8467-0 0 0 17 0Machinery for Sorting Screening etc. 8474-

3,539 35 0 35 0Electromechanical Domestic Appliances and Parts 8509-0 0 0 0 5Magnetic Tape and Other Sound Recorders 8520-0 0 0 5 0Parts and Accessories for Motor Vehicles 8708-0 0 0 0 3Vessels and Floating Structures for Scrapping 8908-0 0 0 0 2Surveying, Hydrographic and Meteorological 9015-

36,136 361 234 3,418 2,756Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-0 0 0 3 7Orthopedic Appliances Artificial Body and Parts 9021-0 0 0 0 6X-Ray etc Apparatus, Tubes, Panels, Screen and 9022-

53 1 0 1 1Wind Musical Instruments NES 9205-0 0 0 0 1Musical Instruments With Sound Electrically 9207-0 0 5 25 5Parts etc. of Musical Instruments, Metronomes 9209-0 0 0 109 16Mattress Supports, Articles of Bedding etc 9404-

Page 259: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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US $Rs.

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285 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

49,580 496 775 3,343 4,862Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-0 0 0 23 2Fishing Rods and Tackle Nets, Decoys etc. 9507-0 0 0 22 18Worked Ivory, Bone etc and Articles Thereof 9601-0 0 0 13 0Brooms, Brushes, Mops and Feather Dusters etc. 9603-

Spain 58,476 461,28539,997 399,3155,846,2580 0 0 33 0Live Horses, Asses, Mules and Hinnies 1010 -0 0 6 0 6Meat of Sheep or Goats, Fresh, Chilled or Frozen 2040 -0 0 0 0 13Edible Offal of Bovine Animals; Swine, Sheep, 2060 -0 0 0 125 7Fish Frozen (Not Fish Fillets & other Fish Meat) 3030 -0 0 0 4 0Crustaceans; Live, Fresh etc, and Cooked etc. 3060 -0 0 0 60 0Human Hair, Unworked and Waste of Human Hair 5010 -

41,316 413 379 3,340 4,392Guts, Bladders, Stomachs of Animals (Not Fish) 5040 -0 0 0 4 0Ivory, Tortoise-Shell, Whalebone etc. 5070 -0 0 4 105 463Animal Products NES, Inedible Dead Animals 5110 -0 0 0 11 11Cut Flowers and Flower Buds for Bouquet or for 6030 -

186 2 0 2 0Potatoes, Fresh or Chilled 7010 -0 0 0 0 4Leguminous Vegetables, Shelled or not, Fresh or 7080 -0 0 0 3 0Other Vegetables NES Fresh or Chilled 7090 -0 0 5 0 5Vegetables Frozen 7100 -0 0 0 0 37Vegetables, Temporarily Preserved, not now Edible 7110 -0 0 0 66 73Dates, Figs, Pineapples, Avocados etc, Fr or Dried 8040 -0 0 0 7 0Fruit NES Fresh 8100 -0 0 107 264 107Fruit Dried NES Mixtures of Nuts or Dried Fruit 8130 -0 0 0 0 33Tea Whether or not Flavored 9020 -0 0 0 37 30Ginger, Saffron, Turmeric, Thyme, Bay Leaves, 9100 -

398,352 3,984 1,829 24,442 3,492Rice 1006-9,298 93 0 347 163Cereal Groats, Meal and Pellets 1103-

0 0 0 18 0Flour, Meal and Flakes of Potatoes 1105-0 0 0 189 154Other Oil Seeds and Oleaginous Fruits NES 1207-

15,996 160 370 1,481 2,708Vegetable Saps and Extracts: Pectates, Agar-Agar 1302-0 0 0 0 1,200Vegetable Materials used in Brooms Like Piassava 1403-0 0 0 0 25Vegetable Products NES 1404-0 0 0 0 45Fats of Bovine Animals 1502-

5,440 54 0 283 220Prepared or Preserved Fish, Caviar and Caviar 1604-0 0 0 0 1,337Crustaceans Molluscs etc Prepared or Preserved 1605-0 0 117 0 117Cane or Beet Sugar and Sucrose in Solid Form 1701-0 0 0 0 7,021Molasses Extracted from Sugar 1703-0 0 19 19 44Sugar Confectionery including White Chocolate not 1704-0 0 32 36 136Malt Extracts; Food Prep. of Flour etc. Under 50% 1901-0 0 0 9 24Pasta and Couscous, Prepared or Not 1902-

135 1 0 4 0Fruit, Nuts, Fruit-Peel etc, Preserved by Sugar 2006-0 0 12 0 12Jams, Fruit Jellies, Marmalades etc. Cooked 2007-

30,993 310 0 310 0Fruit Juices including Grape Must and Vegtable 2009-0 0 0 18 0Sauces and Preparations thereof 2103-0 0 37 0 37Food Preparations NES 2106-0 0 1,179 14,143 9,972Ethyl Alcohol, Strength: more than 80% Alcohol 2207-

1,175 12 10 151 95Salt, Pure Sodium Chloride, Sea Water 2501-0 0 0 18 0Clays NES 2508-0 0 0 0 17Natural Barium Sulfate; Nat Barium Carbonate NES 2511-

3,280 33 0 33 0Marble, Travertine etc. and Alabaster, Crude etc. 2515-0 0 0 6 0Mica, Including Splitting and Mica Waste 2525-

12,798 128 166 1,925 1,247Natural Steatite Roughly Trimmed etc. 2526-1,814 18 0 18 0Iron Ores and Concentrates 2601-

0 0 0 272 202Chromium Ores and Concentrates 2610-0 0 0 425 0Oil from Petrol and Bituminous Mineral etc. 2710-

Page 260: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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Export of Goods and Services March 2014 286

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 0 110Sodium Hydroxide and Potassium Hydroxide etc. 2815-0 0 0 22 0Phenols; Phenol-Alcohols 2907-0 0 782 0 782Ethers, Ether-Alcohols and Alcohol Peroxides etc. 2909-

5,475 55 0 55 9Medicaments Mixtures for Therapeutic Use 3003-0 0 0 0 15Medicaments NES 3004-

2,466 25 18 81 24Synthetic Organic Coloring Matter 3204-0 0 0 33 0Beauty and Make-Up Preparations 3304-0 0 0 37 ..Organic Surf-Act Agents and Products other than 3402-

12,745 127 44 548 876Artificial Graphite, Colloidal Graphite and 3801-0 0 0 56 0Insecticides, Rodenticides and Fungicides etc. Retail 3808-

21,057 211 43 506 169Polymers of Styrene in Primary Forms 3903-0 0 0 762 719Polyesters, Epoxides and Polyesters, Primary Forms 3907-

3,372 34 0 67 33Silicones in Primary Forms 3910-6,218 62 7 124 131Plates, Sheets, Film etc. 3920-

0 0 0 0 334Tableware and other Household Articles etc, Plastics 3924-0 0 0 43 19Articles of Plastics Including Polymers and Resins 3926-0 0 0 17 0Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 4001-

7,120 71 65 1,986 801Waste of Rubber and Powder Obtain thereof 4004-115 1 0 55 50Tubes, Pipes and Hoses of Unhard Vulcanized 4009-

57 1 0 1 0New Pneumatic Tires of Rubber 4011-3,965 40 32 169 365Articles of Apparel and Clothing Acc. of Rubber 4015-

0 0 0 0 22Raw Hides and Skins of Bovine or Equine Animals 4101-1,918 19 0 276 41Raw Skins of Sheep or Lambs NES 4102-

0 0 21 194 246Raw Hides and Skins NES 4103-0 0 8 1 33Bovine or Equine Leather, No Hair NES 4104-

7,109 71 26 223 182Goat or Kidskin Leather, No Hair NES 4106-84,579 846 0 3,801 660Leather of Animals NES, No Hair NES 4107-

2,728 27 52 236 1,749Leather further prepared after tanning (sheep, lamb) 4112-80,385 804 754 6,902 6,532Leather further prepared after tanning (other animal) 4113-

326 3 205 553 565Saddlery, Harness, Traces and Leads etc. 4201-0 0 0 110 3Travel Goods, Handbags, Wallets, Jewelry Cases etc. 4202-

215,638 2,157 2,297 23,868 22,428Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-1,943 19 29 113 1,620Articles of Leather Used in Machinery and 4204-6,558 66 488 4,591 4,688Articles of Leather NES 4205-

0 0 0 21 0Tanned or Dressed Furskins including Heads, Tails 4302-411 4 0 4 0Wood Marquetry & inlaid Wood Jewel Case etc. 4420-

0 0 0 1 0Articles of Wood NES 4421-0 0 0 9 0Mechanical Wood Pulp 4701-0 0 0 7 0Toilet or Facial Tissues Stock, Towel or Napkin 4803-0 0 .. 0 ..Paper and Paperboard, Corrugated, Creped Crinkled 4808-

15,004 150 0 239 157Toilet Paper, Paper Tissues, Towels, Napkins etc. 4818-0 0 0 0 8Cartons, Boxes, Cases, Bags and other Packing 4819-0 0 0 24 262Other Paper and Paperboard and Articles NES 4823-0 0 0 8 0Printed Matter including Pictures and Photographs 4911-

78 1 0 1 0Silkworm Cocoons Suitable for Reeling 5001-5,842 58 0 58 109Woven Fabrics of Silk or Silk Waste 5007-

0 0 0 0 82Waste of Wool, Fine or Coarse Animal Hair 5103-0 0 0 0 2Wool and Fine or Coarse Animal Hair, Carded or 5105-0 0 0 0 65Yarn of Carded Wool, Not for Retail Sale 5106-0 0 0 0 1Yarn of Wool or Fine Animal Hair, For Retail Sale 5109-0 0 0 1 0Woven Fabrics of Carded Wool or Fine Animal Hair 5111-

553 6 0 36 23Cotton, Not Carded Or Combed 5201-33,677 337 12 1,131 1,457Cotton Waste Including Yarn Waste etc. 5202-

0 0 251 3 315Cotton, Carded or Combed 5203-19,599 196 198 1,405 1,383Cotton Sewing Thread, Retail Packed or Not 5204-62,528 625 93 3,267 2,540Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton more than 85% 5205-

Page 261: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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287 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

9,124 91 0 592 302Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton less than 85% 5206-0 0 0 54 0Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Retail Packed 5207-

204,555 2,046 1,683 17,279 17,495Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt < 5208-210,972 2,110 1,699 19,606 13,458Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-176,616 1,767 2,294 19,862 16,598Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt < 5210-

16,507 165 299 843 651Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt > 5211-72,559 726 677 4,134 7,721Woven Cotton Fabrics NES 5212-

2,246 22 0 22 0Synthetic Filament Yarn Not Sewing Thread, Not 5402-10,664 107 107 2,411 1,486Woven Fabric of Synthetic Filament Yarn 5407-

0 0 0 1 0Woven Fabrics of Artificial Filament Yarn 5408-0 0 55 0 87Sewing Thread, Manmade Staple Fibre 5508-0 0 62 61 151Yarn Not for Sewing Thread, Synthetic Staple 5509-

6,091 61 0 61 0Yarn (Not Sew Thread), Art Staple Fib, Not Retail 5510-0 0 0 121 11Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5512-

100,610 1,006 469 5,813 5,719Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5513-0 0 0 55 355Woven Fabric, Synthetic < 85% of Fibre Mix 5514-0 0 0 9 0Textile Wadding and Articles; Text Fiber Not Over 5 5601-

8,944 89 160 1,162 1,466Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Knotted 5701-5,947 59 0 59 16Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Woven 5702-

0 0 0 0 4Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Tufted 5703-0 0 0 0 2Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Felt 5704-

17,494 175 2 906 507Woven Terry Fabrics and Tufted Textile Fabric NES 5802-0 0 0 198 36Narrow Woven Fabrics Except Labels 5806-

2,312 23 32 308 310Labels, Badges and Similar Type of Textiles 5807-0 0 0 1 1Braids, Ornamental Trim in Pieces Not Knitted, or 5808-0 0 0 .. 0Embroidery in the Piece, In Strips or in Motifs 5810-0 0 0 0 14Quilt Textile Products 5811-0 0 2 51 8Gum Covered Fabric; Tracing Cloth; Paint Canvas 5901-

405 4 0 75 0Textile Fabrics Coated, Covered or Lamented with 5903-0 0 0 14 0Textile Products and Articles for Technical uses 5911-

2,422 24 0 24 0Pile Fabrics and Terry Fabrics Knitted or Crocheted 6001-0 0 0 0 62Kn/CR Fabrics Not of Rubber/Pile Width <30 cm 6003-0 0 6 0 6Warp Knit fabrics Not of Rubber and Pile Fabrics 6005-0 0 0 0 280Other knitted or crocheted fabrics 6006-

8,019 80 43 2,226 261Gents Overcoats, Car-Coats, Caps, Cloaks and 6101-3,782 38 8 280 462Ladies Overcoats, Car-Coats, Caps, Cloaks and 6102-

112,151 1,122 932 10,564 10,701Gents Suits, Ensembles, Jackets etc. Kn/Cr 6103-42,077 421 140 4,282 2,948Ladies Suits, Ensembles etc. Kn/Cr 6104-

203,482 2,035 1,269 13,983 14,452Gents Shirts, Knitted or Crocheted 6105-0 0 191 1,756 2,018Gents Blouses and Shirts Kn/Cr 6106-

5,363 54 182 297 1,684Gents Underpants, Briefs, Nightshirts etc. Kn/Cr 6107-0 0 6 1,331 188Ladies Slips, Petticoats, Briefs, Paints etc. Kn/Cr 6108-

25,409 254 58 2,347 1,761T-Shirts, Singlets and other Vests Kn/Cr 6109-34,099 341 146 6,562 1,779Sweaters, Pullovers, Vests etc. Kn/Cr 6110-

0 0 22 279 616Babies' Garments and Accessories Kn/Cr 6111-24,882 249 38 1,508 647Track Suits, Ski Suits and Swimwear Kn/Cr 6112-

121,143 1,212 2,558 12,430 9,293Garments, Made-ups Kn/Cr etc. of Rubber or Plastic 6113-5,883 59 244 418 1,216Garments NES Knitted or Crocheted 6114-

75,992 760 383 4,906 3,391Panty hose, Socks and other Hosiery Kn/Cr 6115-24,806 248 180 2,083 1,613Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Knitted or Crocheted 6116-

0 0 0 0 339Made-up Clothing Accessories NES Kn/Cr 6117-2,976 30 0 188 220Men's or Boys' Overcoats, Cloaks etc. Not Knitted 6201-

0 0 0 0 162Women's or Girls' Overcoats etc, Not Knitted or 6202-1,640,780 16,411 9,102 110,721 106,263Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-

159,076 1,591 604 13,640 7,957Women's or Girls' Suits, Ensembles etc. Not Kn/Cr. 6204-0 0 21 151 2,100Men's or Boys' Shirts, Not Kn/Cr 6205-

Page 262: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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Export of Goods and Services March 2014 288

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 42 40Women's or Girls' Blouses, Shirts etc. Not Knitted 6206-36,405 364 22 1,612 1,322Men's or Boys' Undershirts etc Not Kn/Cr 6207-16,765 168 58 708 163Women's or Girls' Slips etc Not Kn/Cr 6208-

0 0 6 202 229Babies' Garments and Accessories Not Kn/Cr 6209-0 0 0 2 10Garments, of Felt etc, or Fabric Impregnated etc 6210-

267,592 2,677 1,039 7,983 6,840Track Suits, Ski-Suits and Swimwear, Not Knitted 6211-3,581 36 0 36 4Shawls, Scarves, Mufflers, Mantillas, Veils etc. 6214-

432 4 28 795 524Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Not Knitted or Crocheted 6216-2,012 20 23 313 526Made-Up Clothing Accessories NES 6217-1,642 16 52 80 60Blankets and Traveling Rugs 6301-

812,976 8,132 3,599 64,425 50,494Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-1,373 14 12 495 176Curtains and Interior Blinds, Curtain or Bed 6303-

64 1 227 50 427Furnishing Articles of Textile Materials NES 6304-0 0 0 30 19Sacks and Bags of Textile Material for Packing 6305-

6,695 67 85 405 426Tarpaulins, Sails, Awnings and Tents etc. 6306-1,122 11 0 1,028 830Made-Up Articles of Textile Materials NES 6307-8,680 87 62 678 237Used or New Rags, Scrap Twine etc of Text Material 6310-

0 0 0 0 9Footwear, Outer Sole and Upper Rubber or Plastic 6402-42,596 426 1 1,934 1,069Footwear, Outer Sole Rubber, Plastic or Leather 6403-

791 8 5 30 12Footwear, Outer Sole Rubber, Plastic or Textile 6404-0 0 0 0 52Footwear NES 6405-

356 4 149 401 734Parts of Footwear: Insoles, Gaiters etc. Parts 6406-1,226 12 0 12 0Worked Monumental or Building Stone and Articles 6802-

0 0 0 28 0Abrasive Powder etc. on a Base of Textile Material 6805-3,681 37 0 55 4Articles of Stone or Other Mineral Substance NES 6815-

0 0 0 19 0Glazed Ceramic Flags and Paving, Hearth Tiles etc. 6908-0 0 8 0 8Ceramics Tableware, Kitchenware etc. 6912-0 0 0 0 10Glass Containers for Packing etc and Glass Closures 7010-0 0 0 18 9Glassware for Table, Kitchen, Toilet etc. NES 7013-0 0 1 0 1Natural or Cultured Pearls Not Strung or Set 7101-

135 1 .. 1 4Precious and Semi Precious Stones NES 7103-0 0 0 0 29Ferrous Waste and Scrap 7204-

1,561 16 0 16 0Flat-Roll Iron and Non-Alloy >600mm, Clad, Plated 7210-5,050 51 30 241 93Other Bars and Rods of Stainless Steel etc. 7222-4,756 48 0 140 0Tubes, Pipes and Hollow Profiles NES of Iron and 7306-

0 0 0 0 99Stranded Wire, Rope etc, Not Electrically Insulated 7312-0 0 0 5 0Articles of Iron or Steel, NES 7326-

29,566 296 147 1,694 1,334Table, Kitchen or other Household Articles and Parts 7615-13,746 137 60 858 748Articles o Aluminum NES 7616-

0 0 0 6 5Files, Rasps, Pliers, Metal cutting Shears etc. 8203-0 0 0 14 3Hand tools NES Like Blow, Torches, Anvils etc. 8205-0 0 0 0 2Knives and Blades for Machines and Appliances 8208-0 0 0 0 4Hand Operated Mechanical Appliances 8210-

88 1 0 44 17Knives With Blades and Blades for Knives NES 8211-0 0 0 1 60Razors and Razor Blades 8212-

260 3 0 18 0Scissors, Tailors' Shears and Similar Shears and 8213-8,027 80 43 516 376Articles of Cutlery NES and Manicure Sets etc. 8214-

0 0 0 0 6Machinery etc for Temperature Change 8419-0 0 0 19 0Machines, Dishwashing Machines for Cleaning etc. 8422-0 0 11 0 11Mechenical Appliances etc 8424-0 0 12 0 25Pulley Tackle and Hoists other than Skip Hoist, 8425-

306 3 0 3 0Agriculture Machinery for Soil, Lawn Preparations 8432-0 0 0 0 172Machinery NES used for Food and Drink and Parts 8438-0 0 0 .. 0Machines for Making Pulp and Paper and Parts 8441-0 0 6 0 6Weaving Machines Like Looms 8446-0 0 0 1 7Machinery not for Laundry for Cleaning, Drying etc 8451-

Page 263: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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289 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

1,791 18 0 99 0Sewing Machines other than Book Sewing Machine 8452-1,008 10 2 51 128Tools for Working in the Hand, Pneumatic etc. 8467-

0 0 0 54 17Automatic Data Process Machines and Units thereof 8471-0 0 0 51 26Parts for Typewriters and other Office Machines 8473-0 0 0 0 1Molding Boxes for Metal Foundry, Mold Bases etc. 8480-0 0 0 3 0Ball or Roller Bearings and Parts 8482-0 0 0 0 10Machinery Parts Not Electrical Connectors etc. NES 8485-0 0 0 0 7Primary Cells and Batteries Parts thereof 8506-

3,519 35 0 35 0Electromechanical Domestic Appliances and Parts 8509-0 0 0 0 5Electric Apparatus for Line Telephony, Telephone 8517-0 0 0 50 63Bodies for Specific Motor Vehicles 8707-

5,738 57 15 182 106Parts and Accessories for Motor Vehicles 8708-687 7 0 39 0Parts and Accessories of Cycles and Invalid 8714-

14,632 146 171 2,059 1,650Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-0 0 0 10 0Orthopedic Appliances Artificial Body and Parts 9021-0 0 15 56 109X-Ray etc Apparatus, Tubes, Panels, Screen and 9022-0 0 0 9 0String Musical Instruments NES 9202-0 0 0 .. 4Wind Musical Instruments NES 9205-

11 .. 0 5 32Parts etc. of Musical Instruments, Metronomes 9209-0 0 3 0 3Bombs, Grenades, Cartridges and Parts 9306-0 0 0 0 ..Swords, Cutlasses, Bayonets and Similar Arms & 9307-0 0 0 6 0Seats and Parts Except Barber, Dental etc. 9401-0 0 12 10 12Furniture NES and Parts Thereof 9403-

6,593 66 36 650 1,012Mattress Supports, Articles of Bedding etc 9404-0 0 21 0 65Lamps and Lighting Fittings and Parts etc NES 9405-0 0 0 22 24Dolls, Representing only Human Beings and Parts 9502-0 0 0 .. 0Festive, Carnival or other Entertainment Articles 9505-

80,979 810 663 9,371 8,930Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-0 0 0 4 0Brooms, Brushes, Mops and Feather Dusters etc. 9603-

178 2 0 2 0Paintings, Drawing etc By Hand 9701-0 0 0 32 0Special Transaction NES 9992-

Sri Lanka 20,218 185,40633,014 232,4272,021,3950 0 0 0 601Live Horses, Asses, Mules and Hinnies 1010 -0 0 0 4 0Live Bovine Animals 1020 -0 0 0 0 24Live Chickens, Ducks, Geese, Turkeys, and Quinoa 1050 -0 0 0 9 0Live Animals NES 1060 -0 0 0 1 0Edible Offal of Bovine Animals; Swine, Sheep, 2060 -

2,502 25 87 2,629 1,868Fish Frozen (Not Fish Fillets & other Fish Meat) 3030 -0 0 0 65 30Fish Fillets and other Fish Meat, Fresh, Chilled or 3040 -0 0 189 122 943Fish Dried, Salted or in Brine; Smoked etc; Ed 3050 -0 0 0 21 0Crustaceans; Live, Fresh etc, and Cooked etc. 3060 -0 0 0 15 0Milk and Cream, Not Concentrated or Sweetened 4010 -

88 1 0 1 0Butter and other Fats and Oils Derived from Milk, 4050 -0 0 0 3 2Other Live Plants and their Roots NES, Cuttings and 6020 -

186 2 0 8 0Cut Flowers and Flower Buds for Bouquet or for 6030 -30,602 306 1,387 4,774 6,962Potatoes, Fresh or Chilled 7010 -

2,921 29 312 1,298 1,545Onions, Shallots, Garlic, Leeks etc, Fresh or Chilled 7030 -0 0 0 13 0Cabbages, Cauliflower, Kohlrabi, Kale etc. Fresh or 7040 -0 0 0 0 3Lettuce and Chicory, Fresh or Chilled 7050 -0 0 .. 0 313Leguminous Vegetables, Shelled or not, Fresh or 7080 -

225 2 51 53 115Other Vegetables NES Fresh or Chilled 7090 -14,542 145 203 1,077 572Vegetables Frozen 7100 -

0 0 0 0 8Vegetables, Temporarily Preserved, not now Edible 7110 -0 0 137 1,779 1,025Vegetables, Dried, Whole, Cut etc. not further 7120 -0 0 0 0 6Leguminous Vegetables, Dried Shelled 7130 -

Page 264: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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US $Rs.

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Export of Goods and Services March 2014 290

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 13 0Manioc Arrowroot, Salep etc Fresh, Dry, Frozen or 7140 -0 0 43 27 186Dates, Figs, Pineapples, Avocados etc, Fr or Dried 8040 -

17,475 175 363 919 1,366Citrus Fruit, Fresh or Dried 8050 -0 0 0 20 40Apples, Pears and Quinces, Fresh 8080 -0 0 29 57 85Fruit NES Fresh 8100 -0 0 0 0 24Pepper, Genus Piper; Genus Capsicum or Pimento 9040 -

11,866 119 243 1,325 1,686Seeds of Anise, Badian, Fennel, Coriander, Cumin 9090 -0 0 60 54 290Ginger, Saffron, Turmeric, Thyme, Bay Leaves, 9100 -

290,373 2,904 2,445 6,468 21,286Wheat and Meslin 1001-0 0 0 2 4,695Maize (Corn) 1005-

109,145 1,092 2,591 7,661 11,233Rice 1006-5,049 50 1,447 2,700 11,850Wheat or Meslin Flour 1101-

528 5 0 5 0Cereal Flours, Except of Wheat or of Meslin 1102-0 0 0 315 165Cereal Groats, Meal and Pellets 1103-0 0 0 0 11Flour, Meal and Flakes of Potatoes 1105-0 0 0 26 93Starches; Inulin 1108-0 0 0 0 17Soya beans, Whether or Not Broken 1201-

328 3 0 3 14Other Oil Seeds and Oleaginous Fruits NES 1207-9,632 96 80 625 655Plants etc. for Pharmacy, Perfume, Insecticides etc. 1211-

0 0 0 0 142Locust Beans, Seaweeds and other Algae, Sugar Beet 1212-0 0 0 .. 22Lac; Natural Gums, Resins, Gum-Resins and 1301-0 0 0 56 57Vegetable Saps and Extracts: Pectates, Agar-Agar 1302-0 0 4 7 10Vegetable Products NES 1404-0 0 0 0 11Other Fixed Vegetable Fats and Oils NES, Not 1515-0 0 0 0 53Prepared or Preserved Fish, Caviar and Caviar 1604-

997 10 0 70 10Crustaceans Molluscs etc Prepared or Preserved 1605-0 0 2,044 1,477 4,384Cane or Beet Sugar and Sucrose in Solid Form 1701-

2,398 24 0 38 3Other Sugar NES 1702-0 0 0 4 0Molasses Extracted from Sugar 1703-

446 4 20 119 307Sugar Confectionery including White Chocolate not 1704-0 0 0 0 11Malt Extracts; Food Prep. of Flour etc. Under 50% 1901-0 0 0 0 13Pasta and Couscous, Prepared or Not 1902-0 0 0 46 0Bread, Pastry, Cakes etc 1905-0 0 2 6 32Vegetable, Fruit, Nuts Etc, Prep Or Pres By Vinegar 2001-0 0 0 4 0Tomatoes Prepared or Preserved NES 2002-0 0 0 0 14Mushrooms and Truffles Prepared or Preserved NES 2003-0 0 17 0 25Vegetables Prepared or Preserved NES Frozen 2004-

18,908 189 432 1,647 1,571Vegetables Prepared or Preserved NES not Frozen 2005-0 0 0 9 0Fruit, Nuts, Fruit-Peel etc, Preserved by Sugar 2006-0 0 0 237 251Fruit Juices including Grape Must and Vegtable 2009-0 0 5 14 19Sauces and Preparations thereof 2103-

968 10 0 39 84Soups, Broths and Preparations thereof 2104-734 7 0 64 0Food Preparations NES 2106-

36,466 365 166 2,322 934Ethyl Alcohol, Strength: more than 80% Alcohol 2207-0 0 0 34 122Flour, Meal etc. of Meat etc, Not For Human 2301-0 0 0 6 0Bran, Sharps and other Residue 2302-0 0 0 30 125Preparations Used In Animal Feeding 2309-0 0 3 36 18Salt, Pure Sodium Chloride, Sea Water 2501-0 0 0 3 0Clays NES 2508-

577 6 8 65 87Gypsum; Anhydrite; Plasters etc. 2520-307,007 3,071 5,156 28,805 34,190Portland Cement, Aluminous Cement and Slag 2523-

0 0 15 40 50Natural Steatite Roughly Trimmed etc. 2526-0 0 0 0 13Carbon NES 2803-

749 7 33 124 210Hydrogen Chloride; Chlorosulphuric Acid 2806-0 0 0 68 776Sodium Hydroxide and Potassium Hydroxide etc. 2815-0 0 0 0 26Zinc Oxide And Zinc Peroxide 2817-

Page 265: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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291 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 .. ..Hydrazine etc and Other Inorganic Bases etc. 2825-0 0 0 9 0Chlorides, Bromides and Iodides etc. 2827-

2,765 28 0 157 158Hydrogen Peroxide 2847-0 0 0 2 0Epoxides, Epoxy alcohols and Epoxy ethers etc 2910-0 0 0 14 64Heterocyclic Compounds with Nitrogen 2933-0 0 73 14 378Antibiotics 2941-0 0 0 38 0Glands and other Organs for Organo-Therapeutic 3001-0 0 37 312 325Human Blood or Animal Blood Prepared for 3002-

14,440 144 224 911 1,447Medicaments Mixtures for Therapeutic Use 3003-142,889 1,429 963 12,155 8,454Medicaments NES 3004-

3,179 32 57 334 242Wading, Gauze, Bandages etc. 3005-0 0 47 9 115Pharmaceutical Goods 3006-0 0 0 0 26Tanning Extracts of Vegetable Origin 3201-0 0 0 0 19Synthetic Organic Coloring Matter 3204-0 0 0 6 5Other Color Matters 3206-0 0 0 0 7Prepared Pigments, Prepared Opacifiers and Colors 3207-0 0 0 2 0Paints and Varnishes of Synthetic Polymers 3208-0 0 0 38 0Paints and Varnish of Synthetic Polymers Dissolved 3209-0 0 0 1 0Artists’ Colors etc in Tablets, Tubes, Jars etc. 3213-0 0 0 23 23Glaziers Putty, Resin Cements, Caulking Comps etc 3214-0 0 0 16 0Odoriferous Mixtures as Raw Materials for Industry 3302-0 0 0 15 1Beauty and Make-Up Preparations 3304-0 0 0 0 11Preparations for Oral or Dental Hygiene 3306-0 0 0 0 9Organic Surf-Act Agents and Products other than 3402-0 0 0 .. 8Polishes and Creams for Leather, Wood etc. 3405-0 0 0 0 3Modeling Paste for Children etc. 3407-0 0 0 0 36Albumins and Albumin Derivatives 3502-

490 5 3 664 627Artificial Graphite, Colloidal Graphite and 3801-0 0 0 0 7Activated Carbon etc. Animal Black 3802-

5,508 55 35 304 148Insecticides, Rodenticides and Fungicides etc. Retail 3808-0 0 0 4 4Finishing Agents etc. for Textiles, Paper etc NES 3809-0 0 0 0 2Prepared Rubber Accelerators etc. 3812-

2,566 26 30 147 64Prepared binders for foundry moulds or cores 3824-0 0 93 0 106Polymers of Ethylene, in Primary Forms 3901-0 0 0 1 3Polymers of Propylene or other Olefins, Primary 3902-0 0 0 57 117Polymers of Styrene in Primary Forms 3903-0 0 0 .. 0Polymers of Vinyl Acetate and other Vinyl 3905-

6,381 64 33 1,328 1,857Polyesters, Epoxides and Polyesters, Primary Forms 3907-5,341 53 1 108 130Amino-Resins, Phenolic and Polyurethane, Primary 3909-

938 9 3 89 87Waste, Parings and Scrap, of Plastics 3915-0 0 0 1 1Tubes, Pipes and Hoses and their Fittings, of Plastics 3917-

26,007 260 264 1,127 1,054Plates, Sheets, Film etc. 3920-363 4 0 4 0Plates, Sheets, Film, Foil and Strip NES Plastics 3921-428 4 2 180 2Containers: Boxes, Bags, Closures etc, Plastic 3923-

0 0 0 0 1Articles of Plastics Including Polymers and Resins 3926-0 0 0 4 0Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 4001-0 0 0 190 0Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 4002-0 0 0 0 195Waste of Rubber and Powder Obtain thereof 4004-0 0 0 13 ..Vulcanized Rubber Thread and Cord 4007-0 0 0 0 203Conveyor or Transmission Belts of Vulcanized 4010-0 0 0 118 160Hygienic of Pharmaceutical Articles of Rubber 4014-0 0 0 0 42Articles of Apparel and Clothing Acc. of Rubber 4015-0 0 0 27 118Raw Skins of Sheep or Lambs NES 4102-0 0 0 0 85Bovine or Equine Leather, No Hair NES 4104-0 0 0 9 0Goat or Kidskin Leather, No Hair NES 4106-0 0 2 162 306Leather of Animals NES, No Hair NES 4107-

Page 266: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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US $Rs.

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Export of Goods and Services March 2014 292

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

567 6 189 900 1,453Leather further prepared after tanning (sheep, lamb) 4112-4,381 44 30 1,471 140Leather further prepared after tanning (other animal) 4113-

0 0 0 0 56Travel Goods, Handbags, Wallets, Jewelry Cases etc. 4202-992 10 29 144 288Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-

1,825 18 0 19 70Articles of Leather Used in Machinery and 4204-450 5 0 67 101Articles of Leather NES 4205-

0 0 0 0 1Hopwood; Split Poles; Pickets and Stakes etc. 4404-0 0 0 8 0Particle Board and Similar Board of Wood etc. 4410-0 0 51 24 155Fiberboard of Wood or Other Ligneous Materials 4411-0 0 0 5 0Plaits etc and Products of Plaiting Materials 4601-0 0 0 3 39Paper, Paperboard, Wading etc. Coated etc NES 4811-0 0 0 .. 0Envelopes, Letter Cards, Postcards of Paper or 4817-0 0 8 43 25Cartons, Boxes, Cases, Bags and other Packing 4819-0 0 0 15 3Registers, Notebooks, Order Book, Receipt Book 4820-

1,461 15 23 273 227Paper and Paperboard Labels of all Kinds 4821-0 0 0 0 9Bobbins, Spools etc. of Paper Pulp, Paper and 4822-

223 2 0 30 10Printed Books, Brochures and Similar Printed Matter 4901-1,712 17 0 261 208Transfers (Decalcomanias) 4908-

0 0 92 60 850Woven Fabrics of Silk or Silk Waste 5007-0 0 0 10 0Yarn of Carded Wool, Not for Retail Sale 5106-0 0 0 0 3Yarn of Wool or Fine Animal Hair, For Retail Sale 5109-0 0 0 0 11Woven Fabrics of Carded Wool or Fine Animal Hair 5111-0 0 0 8 0Cotton, Not Carded Or Combed 5201-0 0 0 117 163Cotton Waste Including Yarn Waste etc. 5202-0 0 25 0 142Cotton, Carded or Combed 5203-

3,170 32 163 1,016 935Cotton Sewing Thread, Retail Packed or Not 5204-29,537 295 393 4,244 5,154Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton more than 85% 5205-

2,299 23 1 246 406Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton less than 85% 5206-0 0 0 120 552Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Retail Packed 5207-

37,999 380 2,255 7,018 10,090Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt < 5208-510,122 5,102 5,382 50,597 43,622Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-

23,922 239 503 3,607 3,447Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt < 5210-323 3 0 993 605Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt > 5211-

38,163 382 669 4,236 9,210Woven Cotton Fabrics NES 5212-0 0 0 0 22Yarn of Vegetable Textile Fibers NES, Paper Yarn 5308-

2,837 28 0 220 54Synthetic Filament Yarn Not Sewing Thread, Not 5402-5,694 57 66 270 216Woven Fabric of Synthetic Filament Yarn 5407-

0 0 0 1 0Synthetic Filament Tow 5501-0 0 0 38 297Yarn Not for Sewing Thread, Synthetic Staple 5509-0 0 0 78 0Yarn (Not Sew Thread), Art Staple Fib, Not Retail 5510-0 0 0 6 12Yarn (No SewingThread), Manmade Staple Fiber, 5511-0 0 0 1 4Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5512-

30,018 300 12 864 561Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5513-1,815 18 0 413 341Woven Fabric, Synthetic < 85% of Fibre Mix 5514-

0 0 0 0 47Woven Fabrics of Artificial Staple Fibers 5516-0 0 0 0 5Textile Wadding and Articles; Text Fiber Not Over 5 5601-0 0 0 0 17Nonwovens Impregnated, Coated, Covered or 5603-0 0 0 39 22Rubber Thread and Cord, Text Covered, Textile 5604-0 0 0 14 8Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Knotted 5701-0 0 0 11 14Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Woven 5702-0 0 0 .. 0Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Tufted 5703-0 0 0 0 10Woven Pile and Chenille Fabrics NES 5801-

5,331 53 54 1,338 446Woven Terry Fabrics and Tufted Textile Fabric NES 5802-0 0 0 12 0Gauze other than Narrow Fabrics Not Over 30 cm 5803-0 0 1 2 7Tulles and other Net Fabrics 5804-0 0 0 199 53Narrow Woven Fabrics Except Labels 5806-

Page 267: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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US $Rs.

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293 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

65 1 .. 84 64Labels, Badges and Similar Type of Textiles 5807-0 0 0 0 19Embroidery in the Piece, In Strips or in Motifs 5810-

455 5 31 51 246Gum Covered Fabric; Tracing Cloth; Paint Canvas 5901-0 0 0 0 74Tire Cord Fabric of High Tenacity Yarn of Nylon 5902-0 0 0 .. 0Textile Fabrics Coated, Covered or Lamented with 5903-0 0 0 12 39Pile Fabrics and Terry Fabrics Knitted or Crocheted 6001-

4,106 41 0 179 0Knitted or Crocheted Fabrics of Rubber of Width 6002-0 0 0 56 70Kn/CR Fabrics Not of Rubber/Pile Width <30 cm 6003-0 0 5 11 38Knitted or Crocheted fabrics of Rubber width >30 6004-

4,373 44 15 44 397Warp Knit fabrics Not of Rubber and Pile Fabrics 6005-35,707 357 285 2,839 3,577Other knitted or crocheted fabrics 6006-

0 0 0 .. 80Ladies Overcoats, Car-Coats, Caps, Cloaks and 6102-0 0 10 0 20Gents Suits, Ensembles, Jackets etc. Kn/Cr 6103-0 0 0 31 95Ladies Suits, Ensembles etc. Kn/Cr 6104-

7,114 71 19 101 57Gents Shirts, Knitted or Crocheted 6105-0 0 0 0 12Gents Blouses and Shirts Kn/Cr 6106-0 0 0 9 21Gents Underpants, Briefs, Nightshirts etc. Kn/Cr 6107-0 0 0 11 2T-Shirts, Singlets and other Vests Kn/Cr 6109-0 0 1 0 1Sweaters, Pullovers, Vests etc. Kn/Cr 6110-0 0 0 0 1Babies' Garments and Accessories Kn/Cr 6111-0 0 0 .. 24Track Suits, Ski Suits and Swimwear Kn/Cr 6112-0 0 6 214 663Garments, Made-ups Kn/Cr etc. of Rubber or Plastic 6113-0 0 15 0 59Garments NES Knitted or Crocheted 6114-

18 .. 0 .. 16Panty hose, Socks and other Hosiery Kn/Cr 6115-15,883 159 153 1,265 1,357Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Knitted or Crocheted 6116-

0 0 0 0 22Made-up Clothing Accessories NES Kn/Cr 6117-0 0 0 90 107Men's or Boys' Overcoats, Cloaks etc. Not Knitted 6201-0 0 35 23 192Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-0 0 0 96 144Women's or Girls' Suits, Ensembles etc. Not Kn/Cr. 6204-0 0 15 0 15Women's or Girls' Blouses, Shirts etc. Not Knitted 6206-0 0 0 67 0Men's or Boys' Undershirts etc Not Kn/Cr 6207-0 0 0 0 41Women's or Girls' Slips etc Not Kn/Cr 6208-0 0 0 0 10Babies' Garments and Accessories Not Kn/Cr 6209-0 0 20 41 20Garments, of Felt etc, or Fabric Impregnated etc 6210-0 0 0 53 151Track Suits, Ski-Suits and Swimwear, Not Knitted 6211-0 0 77 0 77Brassieres, Girdles, Garters and Braces etc. 6212-

801 8 0 8 0Handkerchiefs 6213-0 0 12 0 12Shawls, Scarves, Mufflers, Mantillas, Veils etc. 6214-

1,527 15 27 28 214Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Not Knitted or Crocheted 6216-0 0 9 8 16Made-Up Clothing Accessories NES 6217-0 0 0 0 28Blankets and Traveling Rugs 6301-

32,575 326 215 783 880Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-4,309 43 0 43 0Curtains and Interior Blinds, Curtain or Bed 6303-1,529 15 6 104 7Tarpaulins, Sails, Awnings and Tents etc. 6306-

0 0 0 42 107Made-Up Articles of Textile Materials NES 6307-0 0 0 11 0Worn Clothing and other Worn Textile Articles 6309-0 0 0 0 4Used or New Rags, Scrap Twine etc of Text Material 6310-0 0 0 6 0Footwear, Outer Sole and Upper Rubber or Plastic 6402-0 0 0 55 13Footwear, Outer Sole Rubber, Plastic or Leather 6403-0 0 0 7 0Footwear, Outer Sole Rubber, Plastic or Textile 6404-0 0 0 0 23Footwear NES 6405-0 0 0 23 38Parts of Footwear: Insoles, Gaiters etc. Parts 6406-0 0 9 0 15Headgear NES 6506-0 0 0 .. 0Umbrellas, Sun Umbrellas and Other Umbrellas 6601-0 0 0 0 3Worked Monumental or Building Stone and Articles 6802-

5,212 52 14 362 209Articles of Plaster or Items Based on Plaster 6809-

Page 268: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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US $Rs.

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Export of Goods and Services March 2014 294

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 1 22Articles of Stone or Other Mineral Substance NES 6815-0 0 0 4 0Tableware, Kitchenware and other Articles of Toilet 6911-0 0 0 6 6Drawn and Blown Glass in Sheets etc. 7004-

2,137 21 15 146 93Float Glass and Surface Ground or Polished Sheets 7005-0 0 0 31 4Glass Containers for Packing etc and Glass Closures 7010-0 0 3 3 9Glasses of Clock, watch, Spectacle etc Not Worked 7015-0 0 0 0 1Glass Fibers and Articles Thereof (Yarn Etc.) 7019-0 0 0 1 0Precious and Semi Precious Stones NES 7103-0 0 0 59 0Articles of Jewelry and Parts thereof or Precious 7113-0 0 0 0 15Pig Iron, Spiegel, Iron or Steel Granules and Powder 7205-0 0 0 71 15Flat-Roll Iron and Non-Alloy Steel Non Clad 7209-0 0 0 154 180Flat-Roll Iron and Non-Alloy >600mm, Clad, Plated 7210-0 0 39 0 39Flat-Roll Iron and Non-Alloy Steel <600mm, Not 7211-0 0 0 0 54Flat-Roll Iron and Non-Alloy Steel <600mm, Clad, 7212-0 0 0 0 85Other Bars and Rods of Alloy Steel 7228-0 0 6 0 6Tubes, Pipes and Hollow Profiles of Cast Iron 7303-

103,053 1,031 2,472 9,132 11,472Tubes, Pipes and Hollow Profiles NES of Iron and 7306-0 0 0 94 53Tube or Pipe Fittings of Iron or Steel Like 7307-0 0 0 24 0Tanks etc Over 300 Liter Capacity of Iron or Steel 7309-0 0 0 1 98Stranded Wire, Rope etc, Not Electrically Insulated 7312-0 0 0 8 0Nails, Tacks, Drawing Pins etc. of Iron or Steel 7317-0 0 0 0 7Screws, Bolts, Nuts, Washers etc. Iron or Steel 7318-0 0 0 2 1Copper Tube or Pipe Fittings 7412-0 0 0 2 0Household Articles and Parts 7418-0 0 0 0 ..Articles of Copper NES 7419-0 0 0 11 0Aluminum Structures NES 7610-0 0 0 1 0Articles o Aluminum NES 7616-0 0 0 335 430Zinc, Unwrought 7901-0 0 0 4 0Tungsten and Articles Including Waste and Scrap 8101-0 0 0 0 110Beryllium, Chromium, Germanium, Vanadium, 8112-0 0 0 0 10Interchange Tools for Hand or Machine Tools 8207-0 0 0 0 7Scissors, Tailors' Shears and Similar Shears and 8213-0 0 0 0 28Articles of Cutlery NES and Manicure Sets etc. 8214-0 0 0 4 0Tableware etc. of Base Metal and Parts of Base 8215-0 0 1 0 9Clasps, Frames, Buckles, Hooks etc. Beads and 8308-

290 3 0 83 7Pumps for Liquids; Liquid Elevators; Parts Thereof 8413-0 0 0 45 143Air or Vacuum Pump, Compressors and Fans 8414-0 0 0 4 132Refrigerators, Freezers, Heat Pumps NES and Parts 8418-0 0 0 0 4Calendaring or other Rolling Machines Not for Glass 8420-0 0 0 10 0Centrifuges, Including Dryers, Filter etc. 8421-0 0 0 17 28Machines, Dishwashing Machines for Cleaning etc. 8422-0 0 0 0 33Mechenical Appliances etc 8424-0 0 0 60 240Ships Derricks, Cranes including Cable 8426-0 0 0 13 0Self-Propelled Bulldozers, Graders, Scrapers etc. 8429-0 0 0 2 0Other Moving, Grading, leveling, Scraping & 8430-0 0 0 5 0Parts for Pulley Tackle, Hoists etc and Leveling 8431-0 0 0 11 0Agriculture Machinery for Soil, Lawn Preparations 8432-0 0 0 143 0Machinery NES used for Food and Drink and Parts 8438-0 0 3 2 35Machines for Making Pulp and Paper and Parts 8441-0 0 0 0 17Machines For Preparing Textile Fibers and Yarn 8445-0 0 0 105 0Weaving Machines Like Looms 8446-

655 7 0 7 0Machines, Knitting and Stitch-Bonding Machines etc 8447-2,226 22 3 60 42Auxiliary Machinery for use With Textile Machines 8448-

0 0 0 1 11Machinery not for Laundry for Cleaning, Drying etc 8451-0 0 0 5 0Sewing Machines other than Book Sewing Machine 8452-0 0 0 .. 0Tools for Working in the Hand, Pneumatic etc. 8467-

Page 269: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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US $Rs.

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295 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 2 0Automatic Data Process Machines and Units thereof 8471-0 0 0 0 57Parts for Typewriters and other Office Machines 8473-0 0 0 0 2Machinery for Sorting Screening etc. 8474-0 0 0 1 2Machinery for Tobacco Preparation NES and Parts 8478-0 0 0 6 0Machines and Mechanical Appliances NES 8479-0 0 0 3 0Molding Boxes for Metal Foundry, Mold Bases etc. 8480-

232 2 4 9 18Taps, Cocks, Valves and Similar Appliances for 8481-0 0 0 4 0Electrical Transformers, Static Converters and 8504-0 0 0 0 5Electric Ignition etc Equipment and Generators and 8511-0 0 0 0 3Electrical Water Heater and Soil Heaters, 8516-0 0 0 .. 0Electrical Capacitors, Fixed, Variable or Adjustable 8532-0 0 0 6 0Electrical Filament or Discharge Lamps and Parts 8539-0 0 0 2 0Electrical Insulators of Any Material 8546-

10,717 107 43 762 432Tractors Other Than Work Trucks used for Short 8701-0 0 0 1,431 0Motor Cars and Vehicles for Transporting Persons 8703-

110 1 22 81 183Parts and Accessories for Motor Vehicles 8708-0 0 0 2 0Works Trucks Self-Propelled Not for Lifting 8709-0 0 0 3 320Motorcycles and Cycles With Auxiliary Motor 8711-0 0 0 9 4Parts and Accessories of Cycles and Invalid 8714-0 0 0 0 1Optical Elements, Mounted and Parts and 9002-0 0 1 0 11Optical Telescopes and Mounting for 9005-

2,914 29 25 140 134Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-0 0 0 7 7Orthopedic Appliances Artificial Body and Parts 9021-0 0 0 0 3Instrument, Apparatus and Models for 9023-0 0 0 0 2Wind Musical Instruments NES 9205-0 0 0 20 59Bombs, Grenades, Cartridges and Parts 9306-0 0 0 0 1Medical, Surgical, Dental or Veterinary Furniture 9402-0 0 0 0 2Furniture NES and Parts Thereof 9403-

6,087 61 13 372 334Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-0 0 2 25 27Buttons, Press Studs, Button Mold and Blanks etc. 9606-

460 5 0 5 0Date Sealing or Numbering Stamp etc for Hand 9611-0 0 2 0 2Computers Parts 9940-0 0 0 0 54Special Transaction NES 9992-

St. Helena 0 1000 7800 0 0 0 34Rice 1006-0 0 0 0 26Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt < 5208-0 0 0 0 8Woven Cotton Fabrics NES 5212-0 0 0 0 10Yarn Not for Sewing Thread, Synthetic Staple 5509-0 0 0 100 0Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-

St. Kitts-Nevis 17 34033 1811,6650 0 0 20 0Medicaments NES 3004-0 0 0 2 0Saddlery, Harness, Traces and Leads etc. 4201-

1,249 12 0 30 0Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-0 0 0 18 0Articles of Leather NES 4205-0 0 0 62 0Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-0 0 0 41 0Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt < 5210-0 0 0 0 29Garments, Made-ups Kn/Cr etc. of Rubber or Plastic 6113-

69 1 23 64 94Men's or Boys' Overcoats, Cloaks etc. Not Knitted 6201-0 0 10 66 46Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-0 0 0 0 4Walking-Sticks, Seat-Sticks, Whips and 6602-

224 2 0 32 7Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-122 1 0 5 0Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-

St. Lucia 40 77126 1073,9970 0 0 305 0Rice 1006-

Page 270: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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US $Rs.

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Export of Goods and Services March 2014 296

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 0 4Medicaments Mixtures for Therapeutic Use 3003-0 0 0 0 5Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-0 0 0 3 0Articles of Leather NES 4205-0 0 0 50 0Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt < 5208-0 0 0 7 0Labels, Badges and Similar Type of Textiles 5807-

2,498 25 26 52 99Other knitted or crocheted fabrics 6006-0 0 0 102 0Gents Overcoats, Car-Coats, Caps, Cloaks and 6101-0 0 0 185 0Sweaters, Pullovers, Vests etc. Kn/Cr 6110-0 0 0 7 0Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-0 0 0 1 0Babies' Garments and Accessories Not Kn/Cr 6209-0 0 0 13 0Track Suits, Ski-Suits and Swimwear, Not Knitted 6211-0 0 0 31 0Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-

1,500 15 0 15 0Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-St. Pierre & Miquelon 0 710 2820

0 0 0 29 230Rice 1006-0 0 0 0 2Salt, Pure Sodium Chloride, Sea Water 2501-0 0 0 0 31Matches and Except Pyrotechnic Articles 3605-0 0 0 42 0Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-0 0 0 0 19Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-

St. Vincent 324 56176 20532,3760 0 0 49 0Portland Cement, Aluminous Cement and Slag 2523-0 0 0 9 0Medicaments NES 3004-0 0 0 0 39Plates, Sheets, Film etc. 3920-0 0 0 0 1Articles of Leather NES 4205-0 0 0 71 0Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton more than 85% 5205-

32,152 322 0 322 0Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-0 0 0 0 82Woven Cotton Fabrics NES 5212-0 0 76 0 76Yarn Not for Sewing Thread, Synthetic Staple 5509-0 0 0 62 0Gents Shirts, Knitted or Crocheted 6105-0 0 0 1 0Panty hose, Socks and other Hosiery Kn/Cr 6115-0 0 0 44 0Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-

224 2 0 2 0Tableware, Kitchenware and other Articles of Toilet 6911-0 0 0 0 1Radar Apparatus, Radio Navigational Aid and 8526-0 0 0 0 5Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-0 0 0 0 1Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-

Sudan 4,721 32,5564,743 34,987472,0140 0 0 0 10Crustaceans; Live, Fresh etc, and Cooked etc. 3060 -0 0 0 5 0Vegetables, Dried, Whole, Cut etc. not further 7120 -0 0 0 0 22Dates, Figs, Pineapples, Avocados etc, Fr or Dried 8040 -

49,175 492 590 2,346 4,402Rice 1006-573 6 0 8 0Plants etc. for Pharmacy, Perfume, Insecticides etc. 1211-

50,646 507 1,348 4,436 6,314Cane or Beet Sugar and Sucrose in Solid Form 1701-0 0 0 0 30Molasses Extracted from Sugar 1703-0 0 0 29 0Bread, Pastry, Cakes etc 1905-0 0 0 12 0Fruit, Nuts, Fruit-Peel etc, Preserved by Sugar 2006-0 0 0 0 11Fruit Juices including Grape Must and Vegtable 2009-0 0 505 0 1,477Ethyl Alcohol, Strength: more than 80% Alcohol 2207-0 0 0 18 0Clays NES 2508-

19,996 200 0 936 1,593Portland Cement, Aluminous Cement and Slag 2523-0 0 0 75 28Hydrogen Chloride; Chlorosulphuric Acid 2806-0 0 46 0 80Antibiotics 2941-0 0 0 0 108Human Blood or Animal Blood Prepared for 3002-

6,005 60 0 1,962 1,329Medicaments Mixtures for Therapeutic Use 3003-71,625 716 266 4,174 3,898Medicaments NES 3004-

Page 271: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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297 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

2,035 20 0 109 58Wading, Gauze, Bandages etc. 3005-0 0 0 21 663Pharmaceutical Goods 3006-0 0 0 67 140Other Color Matters 3206-0 0 149 566 711Odoriferous Mixtures as Raw Materials for Industry 3302-0 0 0 0 3Beauty and Make-Up Preparations 3304-0 0 0 0 199Preparations for Oral or Dental Hygiene 3306-0 0 0 0 6Soap, Organic Surf-Act Products used for Soap 3401-

13,805 138 282 1,775 2,236Matches and Except Pyrotechnic Articles 3605-0 0 0 0 63Polymers of Styrene in Primary Forms 3903-0 0 0 12 0Waste, Parings and Scrap, of Plastics 3915-0 0 0 16 0Self-Adhesive Plates, Sheets, Film etc. of Plastics 3919-0 0 0 25 0Baths, Washbasins, Lavatory Seats etc. of Plastics 3922-0 0 0 24 0Tableware and other Household Articles etc, Plastics 3924-0 0 0 71 5Articles of Plastics Including Polymers and Resins 3926-0 0 0 27 0New Pneumatic Tires of Rubber 4011-0 0 0 32 0Inner Rubber Tubes for Tires 4013-0 0 0 0 3Leather further prepared after tanning (other animal) 4113-0 0 0 60 0Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-0 0 0 322 0Plywood, Veneered Panels and Laminated Wood 4412-0 0 0 0 30Articles of Wood NES 4421-0 0 217 27 427Paper, Paperboard, Wading etc. Coated etc NES 4811-0 0 0 10 0Cartons, Boxes, Cases, Bags and other Packing 4819-0 0 0 80 0Cotton, Not Carded Or Combed 5201-0 0 0 134 311Cotton Waste Including Yarn Waste etc. 5202-

3,437 34 0 34 0Cotton, Carded or Combed 5203-0 0 0 0 101Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton more than 85% 5205-

6,834 68 0 103 100Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt < 5208-0 0 0 63 38Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-0 0 0 20 17Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt < 5210-0 0 0 44 0Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt > 5211-0 0 0 104 0Woven Cotton Fabrics NES 5212-0 0 0 36 1,176Woven Fabrics of Jute or Other Textile Bast Fibres 5310-

4,931 49 0 176 171Woven Fabric of Synthetic Filament Yarn 5407-0 0 9 0 20Synthetic Filament Tow 5501-0 0 14 162 92Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5512-0 0 0 0 3Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5513-0 0 0 9 0Woven Fabric, Synthetic < 85% of Fibre Mix 5514-

4,135 41 0 41 0Gum Covered Fabric; Tracing Cloth; Paint Canvas 5901-0 0 0 2 2Textile Fabrics Coated, Covered or Lamented with 5903-0 0 0 0 27Warp Knit fabrics Not of Rubber and Pile Fabrics 6005-0 0 0 0 20Gents Suits, Ensembles, Jackets etc. Kn/Cr 6103-0 0 0 86 44Gents Shirts, Knitted or Crocheted 6105-0 0 0 0 4Gents Blouses and Shirts Kn/Cr 6106-0 0 0 0 4Track Suits, Ski Suits and Swimwear Kn/Cr 6112-0 0 0 0 28Garments, Made-ups Kn/Cr etc. of Rubber or Plastic 6113-0 0 0 0 10Garments NES Knitted or Crocheted 6114-0 0 0 0 27Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Knitted or Crocheted 6116-0 0 4 55 14Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-0 0 0 0 20Track Suits, Ski-Suits and Swimwear, Not Knitted 6211-0 0 0 149 0Blankets and Traveling Rugs 6301-0 0 46 252 190Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-

40,099 401 363 4,799 1,447Sacks and Bags of Textile Material for Packing 6305-28,618 286 178 1,400 1,698Tarpaulins, Sails, Awnings and Tents etc. 6306-

0 0 0 0 62Used or New Rags, Scrap Twine etc of Text Material 6310-0 0 0 0 23Footwear, Outer Sole and Upper Rubber or Plastic 6402-0 0 0 2 33Footwear, Outer Sole Rubber, Plastic or Leather 6403-

Page 272: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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Export of Goods and Services March 2014 298

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 0 129Skins and other Parts of Birds 6701-447 4 6 35 69Articles of Stone or Other Mineral Substance NES 6815-

0 0 0 21 0Refractory Bricks, Blocks, Tiles and Similar Ceramic 6902-0 0 0 0 4Ceramics Tableware, Kitchenware etc. 6912-0 0 0 844 0Glass Containers for Packing etc and Glass Closures 7010-

63,670 637 0 1,152 0Railway / Tramway Track Construction Material of 7302-0 0 0 0 38Stoves, Ranges, Grates, Cookers and Parts 7321-0 0 0 30 0Other Cast Articles of Iron or Steel 7325-

41,289 413 0 413 0Nails, Tacks etc. of Copper 7415-0 0 0 74 41Household Articles and Parts 7418-0 0 0 0 34Razors and Razor Blades 8212-0 0 0 25 0Hydraulic Turbines, Water Wheels and Regulators 8410-

63,444 635 198 3,803 3,533Air or Vacuum Pump, Compressors and Fans 8414-0 0 0 127 3Industrial or Lab Furnaces, Ovens and Parts 8417-0 0 8 0 8Centrifuges, Including Dryers, Filter etc. 8421-0 0 0 0 17Agriculture Machinery for Soil, Lawn Preparations 8432-0 0 0 22 106Machinery NES used for Food and Drink and Parts 8438-0 0 0 0 15Bookbinding Machinery Including Book-Sewing 8440-0 0 10 9 66Lathes for Removing Metal 8458-0 0 0 58 1Machines and Apparatus for Soldering, Brazing or 8468-0 0 0 0 35Machines and Mechanical Appliances NES 8479-0 0 0 0 11Electromechanical Domestic Appliances and Parts 8509-0 0 0 0 25Insulated Wire, Cable etc. Optical Sheath Fibres 8544-

1,250 13 485 753 769Tractors Other Than Work Trucks used for Short 8701-0 0 0 0 50Motor Cars and Vehicles for Transporting Persons 8703-0 0 0 162 333Parts and Accessories for Motor Vehicles 8708-0 0 0 15 0Works Trucks Self-Propelled Not for Lifting 8709-0 0 6 46 106Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-0 0 13 0 27Parts etc. of Musical Instruments, Metronomes 9209-0 0 0 28 23Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-0 0 0 19 15Pens, Ball Points, Soft Tip and Mechanical Pencils 9608-

Suriname 77 4993 2717,6570 0 0 12 0Medicaments NES 3004-0 0 0 0 53Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-0 0 0 0 80Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt < 5210-

7,657 77 0 237 0Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt > 5211-0 0 0 0 87Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5512-0 0 0 217 0Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5513-0 0 0 0 ..Garments, Made-ups Kn/Cr etc. of Rubber or Plastic 6113-0 0 0 0 4Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-0 0 0 26 34Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-0 0 0 1 0Worked Monumental or Building Stone and Articles 6802-0 0 3 6 3Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-0 0 0 0 10Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-

Swaziland 200 4,35165 1,19020,0030 0 0 56 0Meat of Sheep or Goats, Fresh, Chilled or Frozen 2040 -0 0 0 0 13Other Vegetables NES Fresh or Chilled 7090 -0 0 0 7 6Dates, Figs, Pineapples, Avocados etc, Fr or Dried 8040 -0 0 0 222 0Rice 1006-0 0 0 0 10Coconut, Palm Kernel or Babassu Oil etc. Not Chem. 1513-0 0 0 41 0Cigars, Cigarettes Etc. of Tobacco or Substitutes 2402-0 0 0 2,824 0Coke and Semi-coke of Coal, of Lignite or Peat 2704-0 0 0 7 0Medicaments NES 3004-0 0 6 0 6Leather further prepared after tanning (other animal) 4113-

1,925 19 0 19 0Saddlery, Harness, Traces and Leads etc. 4201-

Page 273: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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299 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 148 5Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-0 0 0 2 0Articles of Leather NES 4205-0 0 0 13 0Cotton, Carded or Combed 5203-0 0 0 25 0Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton more than 85% 5205-0 0 0 323 0Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt < 5208-

7,596 76 0 76 0Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-0 0 0 2 45Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt < 5210-0 0 0 0 113Woven Cotton Fabrics NES 5212-

4,994 50 0 95 59Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5513-0 0 0 0 58Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Knotted 5701-0 0 0 0 26Narrow Woven Fabrics Except Labels 5806-0 0 0 112 20Gents Shirts, Knitted or Crocheted 6105-

545 5 0 5 0T-Shirts, Singlets and other Vests Kn/Cr 6109-175 2 0 5 0Garments, Made-ups Kn/Cr etc. of Rubber or Plastic 6113-

0 0 0 25 10Garments NES Knitted or Crocheted 6114-0 0 14 52 20Panty hose, Socks and other Hosiery Kn/Cr 6115-0 0 0 0 27Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Knitted or Crocheted 6116-0 0 0 25 430Women's or Girls' Suits, Ensembles etc. Not Kn/Cr. 6204-

4,284 43 8 136 190Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-0 0 0 0 2Sacks and Bags of Textile Material for Packing 6305-0 0 15 0 54Made-Up Articles of Textile Materials NES 6307-0 0 0 0 3Files, Rasps, Pliers, Metal cutting Shears etc. 8203-0 0 0 17 0Hand Operated Mechanical Appliances 8210-0 0 0 2 0Knives With Blades and Blades for Knives NES 8211-

484 5 0 6 0Articles of Cutlery NES and Manicure Sets etc. 8214-0 0 0 3 0Tools for Working in the Hand, Pneumatic etc. 8467-0 0 0 0 20Machinery for Working Rubber or Plastic etc. NES 8477-0 0 0 38 0Parts of Railway or Tramway Locomotives 8607-0 0 .. 37 8Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-0 0 13 0 13Mattress Supports, Articles of Bedding etc 9404-0 0 10 27 52Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-

Sweden 12,871 102,58312,802 94,8871,286,8390 0 0 0 21Live Horses, Asses, Mules and Hinnies 1010 -

3,160 32 0 32 0Fish Frozen (Not Fish Fillets & other Fish Meat) 3030 -0 0 4 16 179Leguminous Vegetables, Shelled or not, Fresh or 7080 -

1,453 15 8 88 20Other Vegetables NES Fresh or Chilled 7090 -0 0 0 6 0Vegetables Frozen 7100 -0 0 0 9 2Vegetables, Temporarily Preserved, not now Edible 7110 -0 0 0 584 605Dates, Figs, Pineapples, Avocados etc, Fr or Dried 8040 -

319 3 0 21 0Citrus Fruit, Fresh or Dried 8050 -0 0 0 44 7Fruit NES Fresh 8100 -

199 2 0 2 57Fruit Dried NES Mixtures of Nuts or Dried Fruit 8130 -6,117 61 0 142 0Ginger, Saffron, Turmeric, Thyme, Bay Leaves, 9100 -

24,480 245 195 2,446 2,891Rice 1006-0 0 0 6 0Wheat or Meslin Flour 1101-

4,101 41 101 310 776Vegetable Saps and Extracts: Pectates, Agar-Agar 1302-0 0 0 2 0Vegetable Materials used in Brooms Like Piassava 1403-0 0 0 2 2Vegetable Products NES 1404-

1,826 18 0 18 0Prepared or Preserved Fish, Caviar and Caviar 1604-0 0 0 0 23Other Sugar NES 1702-0 0 0 48 37Sugar Confectionery including White Chocolate not 1704-0 0 18 18 18Malt Extracts; Food Prep. of Flour etc. Under 50% 1901-0 0 0 53 63Vegetable, Fruit, Nuts Etc, Prep Or Pres By Vinegar 2001-0 0 11 22 64Fruit Juices including Grape Must and Vegtable 2009-0 0 0 33 0Food Preparations NES 2106-

Page 274: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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Export of Goods and Services March 2014 300

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

1,384 14 12 44 51Salt, Pure Sodium Chloride, Sea Water 2501-0 0 0 1 0Natural Steatite Roughly Trimmed etc. 2526-0 0 0 26 8Ash & Residues (Not From Iron Mfr) With Metal 2620-0 0 55 0 55Medicaments NES 3004-0 0 0 0 3Odoriferous Mixtures as Raw Materials for Industry 3302-0 0 65 15 293Artificial Graphite, Colloidal Graphite and 3801-0 0 0 58 0Polymers of Ethylene, in Primary Forms 3901-0 0 0 55 0Polymers of Vinyl Acetate and other Vinyl 3905-0 0 0 3 0Tubes, Pipes and Hoses and their Fittings, of Plastics 3917-0 0 0 .. 0Containers: Boxes, Bags, Closures etc, Plastic 3923-0 0 0 28 38Articles of Plastics Including Polymers and Resins 3926-

45,844 459 455 2,426 1,783Waste of Rubber and Powder Obtain thereof 4004-0 0 0 7 5Tubes, Pipes and Hoses of Unhard Vulcanized 4009-

5,020 50 96 1,160 1,046Articles of Apparel and Clothing Acc. of Rubber 4015-0 0 0 0 3Articles NES of Unhard Vulcanized Rubber 4016-0 0 0 0 14Bovine or Equine Leather, No Hair NES 4104-0 0 0 59 0Leather further prepared after tanning (sheep, lamb) 4112-

5,562 56 935 1,181 3,864Leather further prepared after tanning (other animal) 4113-963 10 9 118 392Saddlery, Harness, Traces and Leads etc. 4201-

0 0 0 30 1Travel Goods, Handbags, Wallets, Jewelry Cases etc. 4202-189,616 1,897 1,890 16,406 11,994Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-

314 3 31 301 431Articles of Leather Used in Machinery and 4204-1,185 12 46 305 336Articles of Leather NES 4205-

0 0 0 0 57Articles of Apparel etc, of Furskins 4303-0 0 0 52 498Articles of Wood NES 4421-0 0 9 32 28Kraft Paper and Paperboard Uncoated NES 4804-0 0 0 34 0Toilet Paper, Paper Tissues, Towels, Napkins etc. 4818-

656 7 0 7 0Paper and Paperboard Labels of all Kinds 4821-0 0 0 0 12Other Paper and Paperboard and Articles NES 4823-0 0 2 2 5Printed Books, Brochures and Similar Printed Matter 4901-0 0 0 0 4Newspapers, Journals and Periodicals 4902-0 0 0 .. 1Woven Fabrics of Silk or Silk Waste 5007-0 0 0 0 15Cotton Sewing Thread, Retail Packed or Not 5204-0 0 0 82 269Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton more than 85% 5205-0 0 50 503 502Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt < 5208-

9,379 94 267 843 1,043Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-0 0 7 72 264Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt < 5210-0 0 60 0 88Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt > 5211-

6,226 62 27 90 286Woven Cotton Fabrics NES 5212-0 0 0 0 34Jute and other Textile Bast Fibers NES 5303-0 0 0 0 13Woven Fabric of Synthetic Filament Yarn 5407-0 0 0 0 4Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5512-0 0 6 288 411Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5513-0 0 0 56 0Textile Wadding and Articles; Text Fiber Not Over 5 5601-0 0 27 0 56Nonwovens Impregnated, Coated, Covered or 5603-

169 2 0 2 0Twine, Cordage, Rope and Cables 5607-7,703 77 207 1,479 1,402Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Knotted 5701-4,853 49 55 268 137Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Woven 5702-

0 0 26 50 26Woven Terry Fabrics and Tufted Textile Fabric NES 5802-0 0 0 60 98Tulles and other Net Fabrics 5804-

3,288 33 0 515 82Narrow Woven Fabrics Except Labels 5806-118 1 8 56 57Labels, Badges and Similar Type of Textiles 5807-

0 0 0 2 0Gum Covered Fabric; Tracing Cloth; Paint Canvas 5901-6,109 61 0 489 98Textile Fabrics Coated, Covered or Lamented with 5903-

0 0 0 5 0Textile Fabrics, Theatrical Scenery, Back-Cloths 5907-0 0 0 0 10Kn/CR Fabrics Not of Rubber/Pile Width <30 cm 6003-

Page 275: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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US $Rs.

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301 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 0 21Other knitted or crocheted fabrics 6006-0 0 0 15 23Gents Overcoats, Car-Coats, Caps, Cloaks and 6101-

23,432 234 390 2,376 1,566Ladies Overcoats, Car-Coats, Caps, Cloaks and 6102-10,373 104 0 1,968 638Gents Suits, Ensembles, Jackets etc. Kn/Cr 6103-21,451 215 314 988 1,602Ladies Suits, Ensembles etc. Kn/Cr 6104-24,288 243 1,439 6,214 10,255Gents Shirts, Knitted or Crocheted 6105-

0 0 27 20 53Gents Blouses and Shirts Kn/Cr 6106-3,927 39 0 496 160Gents Underpants, Briefs, Nightshirts etc. Kn/Cr 6107-1,408 14 0 215 81Ladies Slips, Petticoats, Briefs, Paints etc. Kn/Cr 6108-5,968 60 32 573 682T-Shirts, Singlets and other Vests Kn/Cr 6109-

0 0 6 49 28Sweaters, Pullovers, Vests etc. Kn/Cr 6110-34,815 348 0 363 3Babies' Garments and Accessories Kn/Cr 6111-

1,303 13 16 153 335Track Suits, Ski Suits and Swimwear Kn/Cr 6112-46,667 467 33 1,605 883Garments, Made-ups Kn/Cr etc. of Rubber or Plastic 6113-

2,487 25 37 537 631Garments NES Knitted or Crocheted 6114-33,432 334 145 1,310 1,284Panty hose, Socks and other Hosiery Kn/Cr 6115-

3,862 39 20 477 471Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Knitted or Crocheted 6116-0 0 0 0 44Made-up Clothing Accessories NES Kn/Cr 6117-0 0 2 33 668Men's or Boys' Overcoats, Cloaks etc. Not Knitted 6201-0 0 2 3 26Women's or Girls' Overcoats etc, Not Knitted or 6202-

323,039 3,231 2,399 27,142 20,155Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-71,271 713 546 4,358 3,244Women's or Girls' Suits, Ensembles etc. Not Kn/Cr. 6204-

0 0 0 71 12Men's or Boys' Shirts, Not Kn/Cr 6205-4,368 44 0 704 258Men's or Boys' Undershirts etc Not Kn/Cr 6207-

0 0 42 0 42Women's or Girls' Slips etc Not Kn/Cr 6208-0 0 0 0 21Babies' Garments and Accessories Not Kn/Cr 6209-0 0 0 .. 0Garments, of Felt etc, or Fabric Impregnated etc 6210-

7,990 80 134 1,376 308Track Suits, Ski-Suits and Swimwear, Not Knitted 6211-0 0 0 9 0Brassieres, Girdles, Garters and Braces etc. 6212-0 0 0 4 0Shawls, Scarves, Mufflers, Mantillas, Veils etc. 6214-0 0 0 19 16Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Not Knitted or Crocheted 6216-

2,282 23 40 112 122Made-Up Clothing Accessories NES 6217-0 0 0 0 1Blankets and Traveling Rugs 6301-

246,419 2,465 1,557 13,328 13,273Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-18,698 187 95 2,134 2,744Curtains and Interior Blinds, Curtain or Bed 6303-

0 0 0 112 340Furnishing Articles of Textile Materials NES 6304-0 0 133 63 201Sacks and Bags of Textile Material for Packing 6305-

617 6 63 375 274Made-Up Articles of Textile Materials NES 6307-0 0 0 30 35Used or New Rags, Scrap Twine etc of Text Material 6310-0 0 3 202 110Footwear, Outer Sole Rubber, Plastic or Leather 6403-0 0 0 14 0Footwear, Outer Sole Rubber, Plastic or Textile 6404-0 0 4 0 6Footwear NES 6405-0 0 0 13 11Walking-Sticks, Seat-Sticks, Whips and 6602-0 0 0 2 0Abrasive Powder etc. on a Base of Textile Material 6805-0 0 0 13 0Articles of Stone or Other Mineral Substance NES 6815-0 0 0 0 57Bricks, Blocks, Tiles and Ceramic Goods of 6901-

148 1 0 1 0Ceramics Tableware, Kitchenware etc. 6912-0 0 0 2 0Ceramic Articles NES 6914-

56 1 0 1 0Glasses of Clock, watch, Spectacle etc Not Worked 7015-50 1 4 1 7Precious and Semi Precious Stones NES 7103-

0 0 0 3 1Screws, Bolts, Nuts, Washers etc. Iron or Steel 7318-0 0 0 0 ..Aluminum Bars, Rods and Profiles 7604-0 0 0 0 20Table, Kitchen or other Household Articles and Parts 7615-0 0 0 7 3Files, Rasps, Pliers, Metal cutting Shears etc. 8203-

116 1 0 1 0Hand tools NES Like Blow, Torches, Anvils etc. 8205-125 1 0 1 0Knives and Blades for Machines and Appliances 8208-

Page 276: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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US $Rs.

(Amount in Thousand)MARCH JULY - MARCH

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Export of Goods and Services March 2014 302

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 3 5 14Knives With Blades and Blades for Knives NES 8211-0 0 0 2 1Articles of Cutlery NES and Manicure Sets etc. 8214-0 0 0 0 2Tableware etc. of Base Metal and Parts of Base 8215-0 0 0 0 25Auxiliary Plant Used With Boilers; Condensers and 8404-0 0 0 0 14Pumps for Liquids; Liquid Elevators; Parts Thereof 8413-0 0 0 0 31Air or Vacuum Pump, Compressors and Fans 8414-0 0 0 0 13Machinery etc for Temperature Change 8419-0 0 0 0 23Parts for Pulley Tackle, Hoists etc and Leveling 8431-0 0 0 5 0Machinery for Cleaning, Sorting or Grading Seed 8437-0 0 0 0 13Machines for Making Pulp and Paper and Parts 8441-

1,871 19 0 40 11Tools for Working in the Hand, Pneumatic etc. 8467-0 0 0 38 0Electrical Water Heater and Soil Heaters, 8516-0 0 118 190 118Tractors Other Than Work Trucks used for Short 8701-

110 1 0 2 0Motorcycles and Cycles With Auxiliary Motor 8711-4,709 47 10 435 321Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-

0 0 0 .. 0Musical Instruments With Sound Electrically 9207-0 0 0 0 12Musical Boxes, Fairground Organs etc. 9208-0 0 0 18 0Seats and Parts Except Barber, Dental etc. 9401-0 0 1 0 1Medical, Surgical, Dental or Veterinary Furniture 9402-0 0 3 1 3Furniture NES and Parts Thereof 9403-

13,168 132 0 411 130Mattress Supports, Articles of Bedding etc 9404-0 0 0 15 0Dolls, Representing only Human Beings and Parts 9502-0 0 0 4 0Articles for Arcade, Table or Parlor Games 9504-

48,344 484 507 2,806 2,770Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-0 0 0 0 85Computers Parts 9940-0 0 0 6 11Special Transaction NES 9992-

Switzerland 3,251 38,2617,717 65,714325,0760 0 0 0 16Live Horses, Asses, Mules and Hinnies 1010 -0 0 0 0 15Guts, Bladders, Stomachs of Animals (Not Fish) 5040 -0 0 0 0 2Cut Flowers and Flower Buds for Bouquet or for 6030 -0 0 0 0 69Leguminous Vegetables, Shelled or not, Fresh or 7080 -0 0 1 1 57Other Vegetables NES Fresh or Chilled 7090 -0 0 116 15 861Vegetables, Temporarily Preserved, not now Edible 7110 -0 0 75 291 2,446Vegetables, Dried, Whole, Cut etc. not further 7120 -0 0 2 512 475Dates, Figs, Pineapples, Avocados etc, Fr or Dried 8040 -0 0 0 0 62Citrus Fruit, Fresh or Dried 8050 -

2,847 28 0 52 25Ginger, Saffron, Turmeric, Thyme, Bay Leaves, 9100 -0 0 0 0 210Wheat and Meslin 1001-

99,681 997 670 9,156 12,437Rice 1006-1,801 18 0 60 24Cereal Groats, Meal and Pellets 1103-

0 0 0 39 0Other Oil Seeds and Oleaginous Fruits NES 1207-0 0 0 75 0Lac; Natural Gums, Resins, Gum-Resins and 1301-

4,799 48 139 48 633Vegetable Saps and Extracts: Pectates, Agar-Agar 1302-10,971 110 0 110 0Cane or Beet Sugar and Sucrose in Solid Form 1701-

0 0 0 10 0Other Sugar NES 1702-0 0 0 77 0Sugar Confectionery including White Chocolate not 1704-0 0 0 27 0Pasta and Couscous, Prepared or Not 1902-0 0 0 2 0Bread, Pastry, Cakes etc 1905-0 0 0 28 24Vegetable, Fruit, Nuts Etc, Prep Or Pres By Vinegar 2001-

4,419 44 0 121 137Fruit Juices including Grape Must and Vegtable 2009-0 0 0 .. 0Food Preparations NES 2106-0 0 3,571 5,007 13,368Ethyl Alcohol, Strength: more than 80% Alcohol 2207-0 0 0 0 691Tobacco and Tobacco Refuse 2401-0 0 0 28 0Cigars, Cigarettes Etc. of Tobacco or Substitutes 2402-0 0 0 30 14Salt, Pure Sodium Chloride, Sea Water 2501-

Page 277: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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303 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 11 0Pumice, Emery, Natural Corundum and Garnet etc 2513-0 0 0 708 0Portland Cement, Aluminous Cement and Slag 2523-0 0 43 0 133Natural Steatite Roughly Trimmed etc. 2526-0 0 0 235 0Mineral Substances NES 2530-0 0 0 391 186Ethers, Ether-Alcohols and Alcohol Peroxides etc. 2909-0 0 0 79 67Medicaments NES 3004-0 0 0 25 20Paints and Varnishes of Synthetic Polymers 3208-0 0 0 51 0Essential Oils, Resinoids and Terpene 3301-0 0 0 58 0Matches and Except Pyrotechnic Articles 3605-0 0 0 475 239Artificial Graphite, Colloidal Graphite and 3801-0 0 0 0 352Insecticides, Rodenticides and Fungicides etc. Retail 3808-0 0 261 0 976Prepared binders for foundry moulds or cores 3824-0 0 0 8 675Polyesters, Epoxides and Polyesters, Primary Forms 3907-0 0 0 0 14Waste, Parings and Scrap, of Plastics 3915-0 0 0 0 13Containers: Boxes, Bags, Closures etc, Plastic 3923-0 0 67 713 337Waste of Rubber and Powder Obtain thereof 4004-0 0 6 132 66Articles of Apparel and Clothing Acc. of Rubber 4015-0 0 0 0 27Raw Skins of Sheep or Lambs NES 4102-0 0 0 0 19Raw Hides and Skins NES 4103-0 0 67 27 67Leather of Animals NES, No Hair NES 4107-0 0 0 0 24Leather further prepared after tanning (sheep, lamb) 4112-

1,391 14 2 363 442Leather further prepared after tanning (other animal) 4113-1,997 20 0 74 54Saddlery, Harness, Traces and Leads etc. 4201-

0 0 0 0 34Travel Goods, Handbags, Wallets, Jewelry Cases etc. 4202-39,194 392 277 2,901 2,288Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-

0 0 0 61 22Articles of Leather Used in Machinery and 4204-413 4 173 99 2,770Articles of Leather NES 4205-

0 0 0 .. 0Wood Marquetry & inlaid Wood Jewel Case etc. 4420-0 0 0 101 22Woven Fabrics of Silk or Silk Waste 5007-

2,298 23 0 63 57Waste of Wool, Fine or Coarse Animal Hair 5103-13,398 134 67 1,244 406Cotton Waste Including Yarn Waste etc. 5202-

0 0 0 2 0Cotton, Carded or Combed 5203-0 0 0 0 58Cotton Sewing Thread, Retail Packed or Not 5204-

38,108 381 8 2,166 1,104Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton more than 85% 5205-0 0 0 0 141Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton less than 85% 5206-0 0 0 52 0Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Retail Packed 5207-0 0 26 474 817Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt < 5208-

8,616 86 64 276 1,084Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-0 0 0 170 456Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt < 5210-0 0 0 120 0Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt > 5211-0 0 0 23 3,115Woven Cotton Fabrics NES 5212-0 0 0 0 6Yarn of Vegetable Textile Fibers NES, Paper Yarn 5308-0 0 1 28 20Woven Fabric of Synthetic Filament Yarn 5407-0 0 0 35 0Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5512-0 0 0 0 424Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5513-0 0 8 386 365Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Knotted 5701-

215 2 37 215 53Woven Terry Fabrics and Tufted Textile Fabric NES 5802-15 .. 0 18 15Labels, Badges and Similar Type of Textiles 5807-

0 0 0 0 10Embroidery in the Piece, In Strips or in Motifs 5810-554 6 0 39 22Gum Covered Fabric; Tracing Cloth; Paint Canvas 5901-

0 0 0 0 ..Kn/CR Fabrics Not of Rubber/Pile Width <30 cm 6003-0 0 0 10 8Gents Overcoats, Car-Coats, Caps, Cloaks and 6101-0 0 4 175 12Ladies Overcoats, Car-Coats, Caps, Cloaks and 6102-

2,265 23 50 129 275Gents Suits, Ensembles, Jackets etc. Kn/Cr 6103-8,103 81 52 380 327Ladies Suits, Ensembles etc. Kn/Cr 6104-

555 6 27 345 303Gents Shirts, Knitted or Crocheted 6105-

Page 278: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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US $Rs.

(Amount in Thousand)MARCH JULY - MARCH

20 20


Export of Goods and Services March 2014 304

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

4,489 45 0 67 12Gents Blouses and Shirts Kn/Cr 6106-0 0 0 53 6Gents Underpants, Briefs, Nightshirts etc. Kn/Cr 6107-0 0 5 0 8Ladies Slips, Petticoats, Briefs, Paints etc. Kn/Cr 6108-

1,145 11 31 20 83T-Shirts, Singlets and other Vests Kn/Cr 6109-576 6 0 22 91Sweaters, Pullovers, Vests etc. Kn/Cr 6110-

0 0 0 0 29Babies' Garments and Accessories Kn/Cr 6111-2,978 30 16 417 286Track Suits, Ski Suits and Swimwear Kn/Cr 6112-

900 9 340 496 938Garments, Made-ups Kn/Cr etc. of Rubber or Plastic 6113-0 0 0 58 36Garments NES Knitted or Crocheted 6114-

2,441 24 22 83 224Panty hose, Socks and other Hosiery Kn/Cr 6115-2,922 29 4 78 74Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Knitted or Crocheted 6116-

0 0 0 .. 9Made-up Clothing Accessories NES Kn/Cr 6117-1,173 12 0 325 36Men's or Boys' Overcoats, Cloaks etc. Not Knitted 6201-

0 0 0 26 0Women's or Girls' Overcoats etc, Not Knitted or 6202-14,378 144 125 1,854 911Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-

5,173 52 142 571 703Women's or Girls' Suits, Ensembles etc. Not Kn/Cr. 6204-0 0 7 112 157Men's or Boys' Shirts, Not Kn/Cr 6205-0 0 3 0 7Men's or Boys' Undershirts etc Not Kn/Cr 6207-

274 3 0 3 0Babies' Garments and Accessories Not Kn/Cr 6209-0 0 0 10 8Garments, of Felt etc, or Fabric Impregnated etc 6210-0 0 0 305 11Track Suits, Ski-Suits and Swimwear, Not Knitted 6211-0 0 0 20 0Handkerchiefs 6213-0 0 0 34 4Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Not Knitted or Crocheted 6216-

3,974 40 0 117 21Made-Up Clothing Accessories NES 6217-45 .. 0 9 7Blankets and Traveling Rugs 6301-

10,533 105 843 1,713 3,358Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-0 0 0 18 15Curtains and Interior Blinds, Curtain or Bed 6303-0 0 0 1 0Sacks and Bags of Textile Material for Packing 6305-0 0 0 1 2Tarpaulins, Sails, Awnings and Tents etc. 6306-0 0 43 55 48Made-Up Articles of Textile Materials NES 6307-0 0 0 6 0Used or New Rags, Scrap Twine etc of Text Material 6310-0 0 0 89 42Footwear, Outer Sole Rubber, Plastic or Leather 6403-0 0 0 126 261Parts of Footwear: Insoles, Gaiters etc. Parts 6406-0 0 0 5 0Worked Monumental or Building Stone and Articles 6802-0 0 0 .. ..Articles of Stone or Other Mineral Substance NES 6815-0 0 1 31 168Precious and Semi Precious Stones NES 7103-

300 3 0 4 0Articles of Natural or Cultured Pearls, Precious 7116-0 0 0 0 6,007Spongy Ferrous Products and Iron 99.94% Pure 7203-0 0 0 0 2Screws, Bolts, Nuts, Washers etc. Iron or Steel 7318-0 0 0 0 140Copper Waste and Scrap 7404-0 0 0 0 1Hand tools and Tools Used in Agriculture etc. 8201-0 0 0 0 1Files, Rasps, Pliers, Metal cutting Shears etc. 8203-0 0 0 0 8Hand tools NES Like Blow, Torches, Anvils etc. 8205-

292 3 0 14 0Hand Operated Mechanical Appliances 8210-0 0 0 1 0Knives With Blades and Blades for Knives NES 8211-

216 2 4 8 46Articles of Cutlery NES and Manicure Sets etc. 8214-0 0 0 0 4Refrigerators, Freezers, Heat Pumps NES and Parts 8418-0 0 0 0 2Machinery etc for Temperature Change 8419-0 0 0 0 1Machines, Dishwashing Machines for Cleaning etc. 8422-0 0 0 0 ..Self-Propelled Bulldozers, Graders, Scrapers etc. 8429-0 0 0 5 0Sewing Machines other than Book Sewing Machine 8452-

254 3 14 34 84Tools for Working in the Hand, Pneumatic etc. 8467-0 0 0 0 2Machinery for Tobacco Preparation NES and Parts 8478-0 0 0 0 10Electromechanical Domestic Appliances and Parts 8509-0 0 0 81 0Magnetic Tape and Other Sound Recorders 8520-0 0 0 55 0Parts for Electrical Apparatus etc of Switching, 8538-

Page 279: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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US $Rs.

(Amount in Thousand)MARCH JULY - MARCH

20 20


305 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 0 2Electrical Filament or Discharge Lamps and Parts 8539-0 0 0 1 0Motor Cars and Vehicles for Transporting Persons 8703-0 0 0 0 1Motorcycles and Cycles With Auxiliary Motor 8711-

16,526 165 91 1,269 1,032Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-0 0 0 10 0Watches, Wrist and Pocket etc. 9102-0 0 0 4 0Wind Musical Instruments NES 9205-0 0 0 1 0Percussion Musical Instruments Drums etc. 9206-0 0 .. 5 8Parts etc. of Musical Instruments, Metronomes 9209-0 0 0 6 7Furniture NES and Parts Thereof 9403-0 0 0 3 13Mattress Supports, Articles of Bedding etc 9404-0 0 0 1 0Wheel Toys for Children Like Tricycle, Scooters etc. 9501-

14,851 149 213 1,483 1,297Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-0 0 0 0 2Special Transaction NES 9992-

Syrian Arab Republic 1,651 12,242639 4,697165,1030 0 0 0 11Cut Flowers and Flower Buds for Bouquet or for 6030 -

21,400 214 56 1,168 689Rice 1006-8,077 81 409 1,142 1,073Other Oil Seeds and Oleaginous Fruits NES 1207-

0 0 0 0 231Ethyl Alcohol, Strength: more than 80% Alcohol 2207-0 0 0 21 0Preparations Used In Animal Feeding 2309-0 0 0 63 61Feldspar; Lucite; Nepheline and Syenite 2529-0 0 0 0 24Hydrogen Chloride; Chlorosulphuric Acid 2806-0 0 0 0 4Medicaments Mixtures for Therapeutic Use 3003-0 0 0 0 6Matches and Except Pyrotechnic Articles 3605-

3,491 35 0 738 1,005Polymers of Styrene in Primary Forms 3903-0 0 0 0 22Containers: Boxes, Bags, Closures etc, Plastic 3923-0 0 0 69 0Tableware and other Household Articles etc, Plastics 3924-

1,000 10 38 10 63New Pneumatic Tires of Rubber 4011-0 0 0 8 0Inner Rubber Tubes for Tires 4013-0 0 0 0 2Leather of Animals NES, No Hair NES 4107-0 0 0 0 52Woven Fabrics of Silk or Silk Waste 5007-

2,993 30 0 255 0Fine or Coarse Animal Hair, Not Carded or Combed 5102-0 0 0 0 91Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt < 5208-

2,880 29 82 808 324Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-0 0 0 85 0Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt > 5211-0 0 0 66 0Synthetic Filament Yarn Not Sewing Thread, Not 5402-0 0 0 190 103Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5513-

5,583 56 0 56 0Woven Fabric, Synthetic < 85% of Fibre Mix 5514-0 0 0 49 0Rubber Thread and Cord, Text Covered, Textile 5604-

843 8 0 8 0Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Knotted 5701-0 0 0 0 25Garments NES Knitted or Crocheted 6114-

77,646 777 0 4,921 185Blankets and Traveling Rugs 6301-0 0 0 0 25Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-

38,691 387 0 2,313 290Tarpaulins, Sails, Awnings and Tents etc. 6306-0 0 0 113 0Articles of Tin NES 8007-0 0 0 0 85Beryllium, Chromium, Germanium, Vanadium, 8112-0 0 0 0 7Articles of Cutlery NES and Manicure Sets etc. 8214-0 0 0 0 74Machinery NES used for Food and Drink and Parts 8438-0 0 0 2 0Weaving Machines Like Looms 8446-0 0 54 130 244Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-

2,499 25 0 25 0Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-Tajikistan 322 9,8231,026 8,60232,170

0 0 0 9 0Live Horses, Asses, Mules and Hinnies 1010 -0 0 0 0 1,030Milk and Cream, Not Concentrated or Sweetened 4010 -0 0 0 0 29Milk and Cream, Concentrated or Sweetened 4020 -

2,136 21 0 423 0Butter milk, Yogurt, Kephir etc, Flavored Not 4030 -

Page 280: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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US $Rs.

(Amount in Thousand)MARCH JULY - MARCH

20 20


Export of Goods and Services March 2014 306

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

3,046 30 0 56 35Rice 1006-0 0 0 0 519Locust Beans, Seaweeds and other Algae, Sugar Beet 1212-0 0 0 20 4Other Fixed Vegetable Fats and Oils NES, Not 1515-

11,308 113 635 6,267 4,601Cane or Beet Sugar and Sucrose in Solid Form 1701-4,499 45 80 2,136 605Sugar Confectionery including White Chocolate not 1704-

795 8 0 174 22Fruit Juices including Grape Must and Vegtable 2009-0 0 0 0 3Quartz (Other Than Natural Sands); Quartzite 2506-0 0 0 30 0Unsaturated Acyclic and Cyclic Monocarboxylic 2916-0 0 0 1 9Oxygen-Function Amino-Compounds 2922-0 0 0 28 7Heterocyclic Compounds with Nitrogen 2933-0 0 0 30 20Human Blood or Animal Blood Prepared for 3002-0 0 0 23 0Medicaments Mixtures for Therapeutic Use 3003-0 0 45 156 283Medicaments NES 3004-0 0 27 25 224Pharmaceutical Goods 3006-0 0 0 25 0Odoriferous Mixtures as Raw Materials for Industry 3302-

3,590 36 0 70 100Soap, Organic Surf-Act Products used for Soap 3401-0 0 0 130 632Matches and Except Pyrotechnic Articles 3605-0 0 34 0 34Paper and Paperboard Uncoated NES, Rolls or 4805-0 0 141 0 141Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-

800 8 0 8 0Woven Fabrics of Artificial Staple Fibers 5516-0 0 0 0 79Garments NES Knitted or Crocheted 6114-0 0 0 10 0Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-0 0 43 89 188Tarpaulins, Sails, Awnings and Tents etc. 6306-0 0 0 0 6Refractory Bricks, Blocks, Tiles and Similar Ceramic 6902-0 0 3 0 3Tableware, Kitchenware and other Articles of Toilet 6911-0 0 0 0 5Hand tools NES Like Blow, Torches, Anvils etc. 8205-

999 10 3 64 8Razors and Razor Blades 8212-4,999 50 0 50 0Machinery NES used for Food and Drink and Parts 8438-

0 0 15 0 15Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-Tanzania 8,185 82,78413,982 99,902818,328

0 0 0 0 2Meat of Sheep or Goats, Fresh, Chilled or Frozen 2040 -0 0 0 31 0Edible Offal of Bovine Animals; Swine, Sheep, 2060 -0 0 62 0 82Fish, Fresh or Chilled (Not Fish Fillets & other Fish 3020 -

1,375 14 29 59 29Fish Frozen (Not Fish Fillets & other Fish Meat) 3030 -0 0 0 0 50Fish Fillets and other Fish Meat, Fresh, Chilled or 3040 -

5,254 53 0 53 0Ivory, Tortoise-Shell, Whalebone etc. 5070 -0 0 0 4 0Potatoes, Fresh or Chilled 7010 -0 0 76 0 101Leguminous Vegetables, Shelled or not, Fresh or 7080 -0 0 0 0 39Vegetables Frozen 7100 -0 0 0 10 0Dates, Figs, Pineapples, Avocados etc, Fr or Dried 8040 -0 0 0 2 0Pepper, Genus Piper; Genus Capsicum or Pimento 9040 -0 0 0 0 125Maize (Corn) 1005-

586,037 5,862 9,883 41,643 52,395Rice 1006-0 0 0 0 60Buckwheat, Millet and Canary Seed; other Cereals 1008-0 0 0 20 0Flour and Meals of Oil Seeds or Oleaginous Fruits 1208-0 0 0 114 0Prepared or Preserved Fish, Caviar and Caviar 1604-

8,247 82 0 878 1,236Cane or Beet Sugar and Sucrose in Solid Form 1701-0 0 4 0 4Molasses Extracted from Sugar 1703-

17,579 176 37 1,022 407Sugar Confectionery including White Chocolate not 1704-0 0 25 90 38Chocolate and other Food Products Containing 1806-

5,595 56 0 108 0Pasta and Couscous, Prepared or Not 1902-0 0 0 24 10Bread, Pastry, Cakes etc 1905-0 0 0 17 0Vegetable, Fruit, Nuts Etc, Prep Or Pres By Vinegar 2001-0 0 0 0 20Jams, Fruit Jellies, Marmalades etc. Cooked 2007-0 0 0 0 45Fruit Juices including Grape Must and Vegtable 2009-

Page 281: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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US $Rs.

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307 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 0 12Waters, Sweetened etc and other Nonalcoholic 2202-0 0 94 18 398Bran, Sharps and other Residue 2302-

9,366 94 140 539 722Natural Sands Of All Kinds, Except Metal-Bearing 2505-0 0 0 8 173Quartz (Other Than Natural Sands); Quartzite 2506-0 0 0 0 23Clays NES 2508-0 0 11 0 21Marble, Travertine etc. and Alabaster, Crude etc. 2515-

6,498 65 0 65 0Gypsum; Anhydrite; Plasters etc. 2520-77,518 775 2,129 25,654 30,440Portland Cement, Aluminous Cement and Slag 2523-

0 0 0 0 61Petroleum Coke, Petroleum Bitumen and Other 2713-0 0 0 0 130Bit Mixture from Natural Asphalt etc. 2715-0 0 0 5 77Hydrogen Chloride; Chlorosulphuric Acid 2806-

937 9 0 110 110Medicaments Mixtures for Therapeutic Use 3003-6,555 66 4 437 224Medicaments NES 3004-3,381 34 0 103 38Wading, Gauze, Bandages etc. 3005-

0 0 0 0 1,283Pharmaceutical Goods 3006-0 0 0 36 0Other Color Matters 3206-0 0 7 6 163Essential Oils, Resinoids and Terpene 3301-

7,432 74 0 110 0Organic Surf-Act Agents and Products other than 3402-0 0 0 101 17Artificial and Prepared Waxes 3404-0 0 0 0 1Prepared Explosives other than Propellant Powders 3602-0 0 108 52 954Matches and Except Pyrotechnic Articles 3605-

4,029 40 0 118 100Prepared binders for foundry moulds or cores 3824-0 0 38 0 118Polymers of Vinyl Acetate and other Vinyl 3905-0 0 334 431 1,825Polyesters, Epoxides and Polyesters, Primary Forms 3907-0 0 0 0 34Silicones in Primary Forms 3910-0 0 0 35 0Natural Polymers Modified NES Primary Form 3913-0 0 0 3 12Waste, Parings and Scrap, of Plastics 3915-

1,525 15 0 68 20Containers: Boxes, Bags, Closures etc, Plastic 3923-1,080 11 0 70 30Tableware and other Household Articles etc, Plastics 3924-

0 0 0 23 5Articles of Plastics Including Polymers and Resins 3926-0 0 0 0 389Waste of Rubber and Powder Obtain thereof 4004-0 0 0 0 3Conveyor or Transmission Belts of Vulcanized 4010-0 0 0 0 44New Pneumatic Tires of Rubber 4011-

190 2 0 2 0Articles NES of Unhard Vulcanized Rubber 4016-0 0 0 0 1Raw Hides and Skins of Bovine or Equine Animals 4101-0 0 0 43 25Leather of Animals NES, No Hair NES 4107-0 0 0 0 18Travel Goods, Handbags, Wallets, Jewelry Cases etc. 4202-

27 .. 0 8 3Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-0 0 0 13 0Wood Sawn or Chip Length, Sliced etc. 4407-0 0 0 56 83Pulps of Fibrous Cellulosic Material NES 4706-0 0 18 0 18Toilet or Facial Tissues Stock, Towel or Napkin 4803-0 0 0 14 14Paper, Paperboard, Wading etc. Coated etc NES 4811-

241 2 0 6 0Toilet Paper, Paper Tissues, Towels, Napkins etc. 4818-0 0 0 23 0Printed Books, Brochures and Similar Printed Matter 4901-0 0 0 1 0Printed or Illustrated Postcards, Greeting Cards etc. 4909-0 0 0 8 0Woven Fabrics of Silk or Silk Waste 5007-0 0 0 0 38Wool and Fine or Coarse Animal Hair, Carded or 5105-0 0 0 53 0Cotton Waste Including Yarn Waste etc. 5202-0 0 0 0 30Cotton Sewing Thread, Retail Packed or Not 5204-0 0 0 139 112Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton more than 85% 5205-0 0 0 56 262Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt < 5208-

15,447 155 0 449 0Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-17,476 175 0 714 94Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt < 5210-

0 0 0 0 73Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt > 5211-0 0 0 58 0Woven Cotton Fabrics NES 5212-0 0 0 21 0Woven Fabric of Synthetic Filament Yarn 5407-

Page 282: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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US $Rs.

(Amount in Thousand)MARCH JULY - MARCH

20 20


Export of Goods and Services March 2014 308

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

5,563 56 0 389 136Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5513-0 0 0 2 0Twine, Cordage, Rope and Cables 5607-0 0 0 1,425 0Knotted Netting of Twine, Cordage or rope of 5608-0 0 0 0 74Gum Covered Fabric; Tracing Cloth; Paint Canvas 5901-0 0 0 0 4Knitted or Crocheted fabrics of Rubber width >30 6004-0 0 44 0 99Ladies Overcoats, Car-Coats, Caps, Cloaks and 6102-0 0 0 10 0Ladies Suits, Ensembles etc. Kn/Cr 6104-0 0 0 0 20Gents Shirts, Knitted or Crocheted 6105-0 0 0 22 46T-Shirts, Singlets and other Vests Kn/Cr 6109-

1,182 12 0 17 22Garments, Made-ups Kn/Cr etc. of Rubber or Plastic 6113-3,570 36 0 36 11Garments NES Knitted or Crocheted 6114-

171 2 0 2 0Panty hose, Socks and other Hosiery Kn/Cr 6115-1,269 13 0 63 151Men's or Boys' Overcoats, Cloaks etc. Not Knitted 6201-

60 1 0 12 17Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-0 0 0 3 0Women's or Girls' Suits, Ensembles etc. Not Kn/Cr. 6204-0 0 0 2 0Women's or Girls' Blouses, Shirts etc. Not Knitted 6206-0 0 0 0 12Men's or Boys' Undershirts etc Not Kn/Cr 6207-0 0 0 0 1Babies' Garments and Accessories Not Kn/Cr 6209-0 0 0 3 0Garments, of Felt etc, or Fabric Impregnated etc 6210-0 0 0 9 20Made-Up Clothing Accessories NES 6217-0 0 0 123 0Blankets and Traveling Rugs 6301-

4,520 45 422 1,764 2,204Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-0 0 0 12 42Furnishing Articles of Textile Materials NES 6304-0 0 0 442 39Sacks and Bags of Textile Material for Packing 6305-

4,998 50 0 256 0Tarpaulins, Sails, Awnings and Tents etc. 6306-0 0 0 24 ..Made-Up Articles of Textile Materials NES 6307-

7,018 70 25 220 380Worn Clothing and other Worn Textile Articles 6309-0 0 0 64 0Used or New Rags, Scrap Twine etc of Text Material 6310-0 0 0 0 10Footwear, Outer Sole and Upper Rubber or Plastic 6402-0 0 0 0 13Footwear, Outer Sole Rubber, Plastic or Leather 6403-0 0 0 0 4Headgear NES 6506-0 0 0 15 0Mineral Wools, Expanded Mineral Material and 6806-0 0 0 0 10Articles of Cement, Concrete or Artificial Stone 6810-0 0 0 0 34Fabricated Asbestos Fibers, Items of Mixtures etc 6812-0 0 6 58 43Refractory Bricks, Blocks, Tiles and Similar Ceramic 6902-0 0 0 0 1Refractory Ceramic Goods, Retorts, Tubes etc. NES 6903-0 0 0 13 0Glazed Ceramic Flags and Paving, Hearth Tiles etc. 6908-0 0 0 0 5Ceramic Sinks, Washbasins, Water Closet Bowls etc. 6910-0 0 28 98 168Tableware, Kitchenware and other Articles of Toilet 6911-0 0 0 341 23Float Glass and Surface Ground or Polished Sheets 7005-0 0 25 525 426Glass Containers for Packing etc and Glass Closures 7010-

1,293 13 12 62 214Glassware for Table, Kitchen, Toilet etc. NES 7013-0 0 0 0 2Glass Paving Blocks, Bricks, Squares, Tiles and 7016-0 0 0 23 0Tubes, Pipes and Hollow Profiles of Cast Iron 7303-0 0 0 31 0Tube or Pipe Fittings of Iron or Steel Like 7307-0 0 0 0 1Stranded Wire, Rope etc, Not Electrically Insulated 7312-0 0 0 25 0Screws, Bolts, Nuts, Washers etc. Iron or Steel 7318-0 0 0 11 0Stoves, Ranges, Grates, Cookers and Parts 7321-0 0 0 21 5Table, Kitchen or Household Articles & Parts of Iron 7323-

341 3 0 3 0Articles of Iron or Steel, NES 7326-3,494 35 0 35 62Household Articles and Parts 7418-

0 0 0 12 0Nickel Mattes, Nickel Oxide Sinters and other 7501-0 0 0 43 0Aluminum Structures NES 7610-

1,206 12 61 311 279Table, Kitchen or other Household Articles and Parts 7615-0 0 0 0 252Beryllium, Chromium, Germanium, Vanadium, 8112-0 0 0 13 0Articles of Cutlery NES and Manicure Sets etc. 8214-

Page 283: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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US $Rs.

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309 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 0 ..Tableware etc. of Base Metal and Parts of Base 8215-0 0 0 0 51Compression-Ignition Internal Combustion Piston 8408-0 0 0 0 5Parts For Combustion Engines etc. 8409-0 0 0 0 1Hydraulic Turbines, Water Wheels and Regulators 8410-0 0 0 21 10Air or Vacuum Pump, Compressors and Fans 8414-0 0 0 0 11Furnace Burners, Mechanical Stokers etc and Parts 8416-0 0 0 15 19Industrial or Lab Furnaces, Ovens and Parts 8417-0 0 0 34 0Refrigerators, Freezers, Heat Pumps NES and Parts 8418-0 0 0 0 4Calendaring or other Rolling Machines Not for Glass 8420-0 0 0 0 15Machines, Dishwashing Machines for Cleaning etc. 8422-0 0 26 222 251Agriculture Machinery for Soil, Lawn Preparations 8432-0 0 0 46 55Machinery NES used for Food and Drink and Parts 8438-0 0 0 9 0Machines for Making Pulp and Paper and Parts 8441-0 0 22 22 22Printing Machinery, Machines including Ink-Jet 8443-0 0 152 11 564Machines For Preparing Textile Fibers and Yarn 8445-

2,299 23 0 101 0Auxiliary Machinery for use With Textile Machines 8448-3,010 30 0 56 0Metal-Rolling Mills and Rolls Therefor and parts 8455-

0 0 0 9 0Tools for Working in the Hand, Pneumatic etc. 8467-2,325 23 21 404 21Machinery for Sorting Screening etc. 8474-

0 0 0 0 81Machinery for Working Rubber or Plastic etc. NES 8477-0 0 0 0 51Electrical Transformers, Static Converters and 8504-0 0 0 14 0Electric Apparatus for Line Telephony, Telephone 8517-0 0 134 1,247 838Tractors Other Than Work Trucks used for Short 8701-0 0 0 0 22Bodies for Specific Motor Vehicles 8707-0 0 0 37 0Parts and Accessories for Motor Vehicles 8708-0 0 0 13 0Motorcycles and Cycles With Auxiliary Motor 8711-0 0 0 21 0Optical Telescopes and Mounting for 9005-0 0 0 0 9Apparatus for Photo Laboratories etc NES and Parts 9010-

219 2 0 193 143Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-0 0 6 10 16Furniture NES and Parts Thereof 9403-0 0 0 5 0Mattress Supports, Articles of Bedding etc 9404-0 0 0 7 3Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-0 0 0 13 37Vacuum Flask and Vessel With Cases 9617-0 0 0 7 0Ship Spares, Stores and Equipment for use in Ships 9922-

Thailand 9,691 74,56911,202 76,046968,8660 0 0 0 5Live Horses, Asses, Mules and Hinnies 1010 -0 0 0 0 16Live Animals NES 1060 -0 0 0 23 23Meat of Bovine Animals, Frozen 2020 -

2,759 28 0 86 0Meat of Sheep or Goats, Fresh, Chilled or Frozen 2040 -16,372 164 0 1,098 335Edible Offal of Bovine Animals; Swine, Sheep, 2060 -

0 0 27 159 27Meat and Edible Offal of Poultry, Fresh, Chilled or 2070 -0 0 0 3 0Fish, Live 3010 -0 0 535 1 582Fish, Fresh or Chilled (Not Fish Fillets & other Fish 3020 -

448,683 4,488 3,016 20,906 14,158Fish Frozen (Not Fish Fillets & other Fish Meat) 3030 -70,507 705 426 3,301 3,076Fish Fillets and other Fish Meat, Fresh, Chilled or 3040 -

3,999 40 17 497 444Fish Dried, Salted or in Brine; Smoked etc; Ed 3050 -8,937 89 209 3,806 3,326Crustaceans; Live, Fresh etc, and Cooked etc. 3060 -7,444 74 17 391 759Molluscs & Aquatic Invertebrates NES Live etc. 3070 -

0 0 0 0 4Whey and Milk Products NES, Flavored etc. or Not 4040 -0 0 0 22 0Guts, Bladders, Stomachs of Animals (Not Fish) 5040 -

12,373 124 98 768 648Bones & Horn - Cores, Unworked, Defatted, Simply 5060 -0 0 38 149 73Ivory, Tortoise-Shell, Whalebone etc. 5070 -0 0 12 0 50Animal Products NES, Inedible Dead Animals 5110 -0 0 0 0 19Onions, Shallots, Garlic, Leeks etc, Fresh or Chilled 7030 -0 0 0 0 18Carrots, Turnips & other Edible Roots, Fresh or 7060 -

Page 284: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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US $Rs.

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Export of Goods and Services March 2014 310

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 0 9Leguminous Vegetables, Shelled or not, Fresh or 7080 -0 0 0 154 0Other Nuts NES Fresh or Dried Whether Shelled or 8020 -0 0 0 0 32Pepper, Genus Piper; Genus Capsicum or Pimento 9040 -0 0 0 0 2,300Wheat and Meslin 1001-0 0 0 1 0Maize (Corn) 1005-0 0 1,119 1,465 2,324Rice 1006-0 0 0 0 20Wheat or Meslin Flour 1101-0 0 35 93 93Starches; Inulin 1108-0 0 240 754 645Other Oil Seeds and Oleaginous Fruits NES 1207-

13,499 135 8 171 13Plants etc. for Pharmacy, Perfume, Insecticides etc. 1211-0 0 0 14 0Locust Beans, Seaweeds and other Algae, Sugar Beet 1212-0 0 13 0 79Lac; Natural Gums, Resins, Gum-Resins and 1301-

140 1 36 57 302Vegetable Saps and Extracts: Pectates, Agar-Agar 1302-0 0 0 0 54Vegetable Products NES 1404-0 0 0 11 0Wool Grease Fatty Substances Derived there from 1505-0 0 18 0 100Sausages and Similar Products of Meat and Blood 1601-

9,387 94 403 2,807 6,450Prepared or Preserved Fish, Caviar and Caviar 1604-3,646 36 0 308 12Crustaceans Molluscs etc Prepared or Preserved 1605-

53,613 536 0 1,237 1,654Cane or Beet Sugar and Sucrose in Solid Form 1701-0 0 0 0 29Other Sugar NES 1702-0 0 0 0 14Malt Extracts; Food Prep. of Flour etc. Under 50% 1901-0 0 0 0 17Vegetable, Fruit, Nuts Etc, Prep Or Pres By Vinegar 2001-

8,125 81 47 841 651Fruit Juices including Grape Must and Vegtable 2009-0 0 134 1,081 1,109Ethyl Alcohol, Strength: more than 80% Alcohol 2207-0 0 0 5 0Flour, Meal etc. of Meat etc, Not For Human 2301-0 0 0 1 0Tobacco and Tobacco Substitutes Manufactured 2403-0 0 0 12 11Salt, Pure Sodium Chloride, Sea Water 2501-0 0 0 28 7Quartz (Other Than Natural Sands); Quartzite 2506-0 0 0 0 1Clays NES 2508-0 0 0 0 4Natural Barium Sulfate; Nat Barium Carbonate NES 2511-0 0 0 39 0Marble, Travertine etc. and Alabaster, Crude etc. 2515-

6,005 60 0 60 0Dolomite, Calcined Or Not, Roughly Trimmed etc. 2518-0 0 0 100 174Natural Steatite Roughly Trimmed etc. 2526-0 0 0 12 0Feldspar; Lucite; Nepheline and Syenite 2529-0 0 0 42 26Zinc Ores and Concentrates 2608-0 0 0 128 0Slag, Dross, Scaling and Other Waste of Iron / Steel 2619-0 0 0 0 107Ash & Residues (Not From Iron Mfr) With Metal 2620-

2,208 22 0 22 0Zinc Oxide And Zinc Peroxide 2817-0 0 0 0 24Cyclic Hydrocarbons 2902-0 0 116 0 116Human Blood or Animal Blood Prepared for 3002-0 0 0 96 0Medicaments Mixtures for Therapeutic Use 3003-0 0 52 314 493Medicaments NES 3004-0 0 0 97 0Wading, Gauze, Bandages etc. 3005-0 0 0 0 8Pharmaceutical Goods 3006-

116 1 0 59 1Synthetic Organic Coloring Matter 3204-0 0 23 16 34Color Lakes, Preparations Based on Color Lakes 3205-0 0 0 0 350Prepared Driers 3211-

875 9 31 86 137Beauty and Make-Up Preparations 3304-0 0 0 1 0Preparations for Use on Hair 3305-

3,939 39 0 235 0Personal Toilet etc Prep NES 3307-0 0 0 104 44Organic Surf-Act Agents and Products other than 3402-0 0 0 440 0Lubricating Preparations, Antirust and Treating 3403-0 0 0 0 6Polishes and Creams for Leather, Wood etc. 3405-

12,099 121 0 580 64Gelatin and Derivatives 3503-0 0 0 0 87Matches and Except Pyrotechnic Articles 3605-0 0 0 23 0Insecticides, Rodenticides and Fungicides etc. Retail 3808-

Page 285: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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311 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 12 62 24Finishing Agents etc. for Textiles, Paper etc NES 3809-0 0 0 0 ..Acrylic Polymers in Primary Forms 3906-0 0 0 1 0Amino-Resins, Phenolic and Polyurethane, Primary 3909-0 0 0 20 0Silicones in Primary Forms 3910-

1,367 14 15 77 68Waste, Parings and Scrap, of Plastics 3915-0 0 0 0 32Monofilament of Cross-Sectional Dimension 3916-0 0 0 0 17Tubes, Pipes and Hoses and their Fittings, of Plastics 3917-0 0 0 3 0Plates, Sheets, Film, Foil and Strip NES Plastics 3921-0 0 0 1 29Containers: Boxes, Bags, Closures etc, Plastic 3923-0 0 0 5 42Tableware and other Household Articles etc, Plastics 3924-0 0 0 17 0Builders' Ware of Plastics, NES 3925-0 0 0 21 23Articles of Plastics Including Polymers and Resins 3926-0 0 4 30 14Articles of Apparel and Clothing Acc. of Rubber 4015-0 0 0 0 25Bovine or Equine Leather, No Hair NES 4104-0 0 0 19 11Goat or Kidskin Leather, No Hair NES 4106-

4,821 48 0 367 51Leather of Animals NES, No Hair NES 4107-0 0 0 31 32Leather further prepared after tanning (sheep, lamb) 4112-

11,576 116 100 687 1,112Leather further prepared after tanning (other animal) 4113-0 0 1 225 40Saddlery, Harness, Traces and Leads etc. 4201-0 0 0 0 1Travel Goods, Handbags, Wallets, Jewelry Cases etc. 4202-

5,633 56 104 704 923Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-0 0 0 0 28Articles of Leather Used in Machinery and 4204-0 0 0 0 6Articles of Leather NES 4205-0 0 0 0 4Wood Marquetry & inlaid Wood Jewel Case etc. 4420-0 0 0 11 0Cartons, Boxes, Cases, Bags and other Packing 4819-0 0 5 0 5Registers, Notebooks, Order Book, Receipt Book 4820-

992 10 4 32 18Paper and Paperboard Labels of all Kinds 4821-0 0 55 0 55Silkworm Cocoons Suitable for Reeling 5001-0 0 0 0 9Silk Waste, Including Silk Yarn Waste etc. 5003-0 0 0 20 0Yarn Spun From Silk Waste Not for Retail Sale 5005-0 0 0 9 0Woven Fabrics of Silk or Silk Waste 5007-

5,682 57 35 57 35Waste of Wool, Fine or Coarse Animal Hair 5103-0 0 0 221 0Wool and Fine or Coarse Animal Hair, Carded or 5105-

53,409 534 908 5,151 4,806Cotton, Not Carded Or Combed 5201-29,396 294 458 1,713 1,332Cotton Waste Including Yarn Waste etc. 5202-

392 4 58 4 117Cotton, Carded or Combed 5203-3,392 34 0 102 54Cotton Sewing Thread, Retail Packed or Not 5204-

53,497 535 225 2,667 4,911Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton more than 85% 5205-0 0 0 173 119Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton less than 85% 5206-0 0 0 0 103Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Retail Packed 5207-0 0 271 323 897Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt < 5208-

43,946 440 668 3,818 3,369Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-13,765 138 59 1,629 1,188Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt < 5210-

420 4 3 300 300Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt > 5211-0 0 33 353 286Woven Cotton Fabrics NES 5212-0 0 0 15 0Jute and other Textile Bast Fibers NES 5303-0 0 118 0 1,967Woven Fabrics of Jute or Other Textile Bast Fibres 5310-

500 5 0 5 0Synthetic Filament Yarn Not Sewing Thread, Not 5402-0 0 0 0 30Woven Fabric of Synthetic Filament Yarn 5407-0 0 0 0 71Waste of Manmade Fibers Including Noils etc. 5505-0 0 0 0 329Yarn Not for Sewing Thread, Synthetic Staple 5509-0 0 0 71 0Yarn (No SewingThread), Manmade Staple Fiber, 5511-0 0 0 19 13Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5513-0 0 0 0 307Woven Fabric, Synthetic < 85% of Fibre Mix 5514-

495 5 0 24 14Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Knotted 5701-0 0 0 15 45Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Woven 5702-

Page 286: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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Export of Goods and Services March 2014 312

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 0 11Woven Terry Fabrics and Tufted Textile Fabric NES 5802-0 0 0 0 19Narrow Woven Fabrics Except Labels 5806-0 0 0 32 19Labels, Badges and Similar Type of Textiles 5807-0 0 0 6 11Gum Covered Fabric; Tracing Cloth; Paint Canvas 5901-0 0 12 38 47Textile Fabrics Coated, Covered or Lamented with 5903-0 0 0 2 0Other knitted or crocheted fabrics 6006-0 0 3 4 6Gents Overcoats, Car-Coats, Caps, Cloaks and 6101-0 0 0 0 3Ladies Overcoats, Car-Coats, Caps, Cloaks and 6102-0 0 0 5 3Gents Suits, Ensembles, Jackets etc. Kn/Cr 6103-

487 5 0 19 1Ladies Suits, Ensembles etc. Kn/Cr 6104-1,884 19 43 121 152Gents Shirts, Knitted or Crocheted 6105-

0 0 1 0 1Gents Blouses and Shirts Kn/Cr 6106-0 0 0 1 0T-Shirts, Singlets and other Vests Kn/Cr 6109-

3,843 38 0 38 0Babies' Garments and Accessories Kn/Cr 6111-0 0 3 26 7Track Suits, Ski Suits and Swimwear Kn/Cr 6112-0 0 25 12 128Garments, Made-ups Kn/Cr etc. of Rubber or Plastic 6113-

87 1 0 8 0Garments NES Knitted or Crocheted 6114-1,675 17 13 107 114Panty hose, Socks and other Hosiery Kn/Cr 6115-

0 0 0 122 64Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Knitted or Crocheted 6116-0 0 0 2 14Men's or Boys' Overcoats, Cloaks etc. Not Knitted 6201-

2,065 21 13 105 113Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-44 .. 0 9 33Women's or Girls' Suits, Ensembles etc. Not Kn/Cr. 6204-

0 0 .. 0 1Babies' Garments and Accessories Not Kn/Cr 6209-0 0 1 1 3Track Suits, Ski-Suits and Swimwear, Not Knitted 6211-0 0 6 40 35Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Not Knitted or Crocheted 6216-0 0 9 91 196Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-0 0 469 930 3,549Sacks and Bags of Textile Material for Packing 6305-

2,210 22 0 75 64Tarpaulins, Sails, Awnings and Tents etc. 6306-12,976 130 133 919 670Worn Clothing and other Worn Textile Articles 6309-

0 0 0 0 28Used or New Rags, Scrap Twine etc of Text Material 6310-0 0 2 93 41Footwear, Outer Sole Rubber, Plastic or Leather 6403-0 0 0 4 4Worked Monumental or Building Stone and Articles 6802-0 0 0 0 6Refractory Bricks, Blocks, Tiles and Similar Ceramic 6902-0 0 4 0 4Ceramic Sinks, Washbasins, Water Closet Bowls etc. 6910-

139 1 18 120 121Precious and Semi Precious Stones NES 7103-0 0 12 0 15Articles of Jewelry and Parts thereof or Precious 7113-0 0 0 0 1Other Articles of Precious Metal or of Metal Clad 7115-0 0 0 2 23Imitation Jewelry 7117-0 0 0 101 0Ferrous Waste and Scrap 7204-0 0 0 0 10Flat-Roll Iron and Non-Alloy Steel <600mm, Not 7211-0 0 0 .. 0Tubes, Pipes and Hollow Profiles Seamless of Iron 7304-0 0 31 54 48Articles of Iron or Steel, NES 7326-0 0 0 0 2Refined Copper and Copper Alloys, Unwrought 7403-0 0 0 0 161Copper Waste and Scrap 7404-0 0 0 63 0Aluminum Bars, Rods and Profiles 7604-0 0 177 6,053 1,517Lead, Unwrought 7801-0 0 0 0 5Hand tools and Tools Used in Agriculture etc. 8201-0 0 0 7 ..Files, Rasps, Pliers, Metal cutting Shears etc. 8203-

258 3 8 29 18Hand tools NES Like Blow, Torches, Anvils etc. 8205-680 7 0 33 0Hand Operated Mechanical Appliances 8210-

0 0 0 58 0Knives With Blades and Blades for Knives NES 8211-0 0 0 48 24Razors and Razor Blades 8212-0 0 0 22 68Articles of Cutlery NES and Manicure Sets etc. 8214-0 0 0 0 ..Hydraulic Turbines, Water Wheels and Regulators 8410-0 0 0 77 34Pumps for Liquids; Liquid Elevators; Parts Thereof 8413-0 0 0 7 0Other Lifting, Handling, Loading and Unloading 8428-

Page 287: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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US $Rs.

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313 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

1,742 17 0 27 8Agriculture Machinery for Soil, Lawn Preparations 8432-0 0 140 292 766Machinery NES used for Food and Drink and Parts 8438-0 0 0 0 ..Machinery etc NES for Typeset, Making Printing 8442-0 0 0 0 4Auxiliary Machinery for use With Textile Machines 8448-0 0 0 0 ..Machinery not for Laundry for Cleaning, Drying etc 8451-0 0 0 4 0Sewing Machines other than Book Sewing Machine 8452-0 0 1 3 8Tools for Working in the Hand, Pneumatic etc. 8467-0 0 0 4 0Molding Boxes for Metal Foundry, Mold Bases etc. 8480-0 0 0 0 1Electrical Transformers, Static Converters and 8504-0 0 0 0 2Electrical Apparatus for Switching etc. Not Over 8536-0 0 0 14 0Tractors Other Than Work Trucks used for Short 8701-0 0 0 16 24Parts and Accessories for Motor Vehicles 8708-0 0 0 0 2Motorcycles and Cycles With Auxiliary Motor 8711-0 0 0 0 1Parts and Accessories of Cycles and Invalid 8714-0 0 0 0 50Yachts and other Vessels for Pleasure etc or Sports 8903-0 0 0 0 23Optical Fibers and Bundles etc. 9001-

18,019 180 149 1,639 1,880Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-0 0 2 35 28Orthopedic Appliances Artificial Body and Parts 9021-0 0 0 3 0X-Ray etc Apparatus, Tubes, Panels, Screen and 9022-0 0 0 24 15Wind Musical Instruments NES 9205-

2,170 22 0 30 0Percussion Musical Instruments Drums etc. 9206-0 0 2 0 8Musical Boxes, Fairground Organs etc. 9208-0 0 0 0 8Parts etc. of Musical Instruments, Metronomes 9209-0 0 0 0 13Furniture NES and Parts Thereof 9403-0 0 0 0 61Mattress Supports, Articles of Bedding etc 9404-0 0 0 1 2Festive, Carnival or other Entertainment Articles 9505-

6,575 66 116 912 1,698Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-0 0 0 0 6Fishing Rods and Tackle Nets, Decoys etc. 9507-0 0 0 29 0Buttons, Press Studs, Button Mold and Blanks etc. 9606-0 0 0 11 0Pencils, Crayons, Leads and Chalks etc. 9609-0 0 0 7 0Vacuum Flask and Vessel With Cases 9617-0 0 0 1 12Collectors Item of Botanic and Historical Interest 9705-0 0 0 329 0Special Transaction NES 9992-

Timor 0 1220 200 0 0 67 0Live Chickens, Ducks, Geese, Turkeys, and Quinoa 1050 -0 0 0 55 0Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-0 0 0 0 2Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-

Togo 582 9,98526 3,06158,17239,911 399 0 8,954 506Rice 1006-

0 0 0 112 0Sugar Confectionery including White Chocolate not 1704-0 0 25 364 440Matches and Except Pyrotechnic Articles 3605-0 0 0 0 9Containers: Boxes, Bags, Closures etc, Plastic 3923-0 0 0 0 4Leather further prepared after tanning (other animal) 4113-0 0 0 0 62Saddlery, Harness, Traces and Leads etc. 4201-0 0 0 0 56Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-0 0 0 0 17Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton more than 85% 5205-0 0 0 0 7Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt < 5208-0 0 1 0 118Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-

10,789 108 0 108 0Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt < 5210-6,472 65 0 65 43Woven Cotton Fabrics NES 5212-

0 0 0 0 167Woven Fabric of Synthetic Filament Yarn 5407-0 0 0 0 847Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5512-0 0 0 72 115Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5513-0 0 0 182 0Gum Covered Fabric; Tracing Cloth; Paint Canvas 5901-0 0 0 0 36Warp Knit fabrics Not of Rubber and Pile Fabrics 6005-

Page 288: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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US $Rs.

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Export of Goods and Services March 2014 314

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 0 428Gents Shirts, Knitted or Crocheted 6105-0 0 0 58 0Garments NES Knitted or Crocheted 6114-

1,000 10 0 10 29Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-0 0 0 0 122Men's or Boys' Undershirts etc Not Kn/Cr 6207-0 0 0 5 0Made-Up Clothing Accessories NES 6217-0 0 0 0 28Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-0 0 0 5 0Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-0 0 0 0 5Worked Ivory, Bone etc and Articles Thereof 9601-0 0 0 48 22Pens, Ball Points, Soft Tip and Mechanical Pencils 9608-

Tonga 4 1273 584310 0 0 40 0Bovine or Equine Leather, No Hair NES 4104-0 0 0 0 2Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-0 0 0 55 53Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton more than 85% 5205-

131 1 0 3 0Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-0 0 0 25 0Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-0 0 0 1 0Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-

300 3 3 3 3Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-Trinidad and Tobago 204 2,752145 2,74520,428

0 0 0 0 90Live Bovine Animals 1020 -0 0 0 0 16Fish Fillets and other Fish Meat, Fresh, Chilled or 3040 -0 0 0 173 116Rice 1006-0 0 0 0 12Wheat or Meslin Flour 1101-0 0 0 6 0Seeds, Fruit and Spores, for Sowing 1209-0 0 0 0 14Bread, Pastry, Cakes etc 1905-

480 5 17 74 75Medicaments NES 3004-664 7 0 51 0Organic Surf-Act Agents and Products other than 3402-

0 0 0 0 4Polishes and Creams for Leather, Wood etc. 3405-0 0 0 0 28Artificial Graphite, Colloidal Graphite and 3801-0 0 34 0 120Polymers of Ethylene, in Primary Forms 3901-0 0 0 14 0Tubes, Pipes and Hoses of Unhard Vulcanized 4009-0 0 0 9 37Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-0 0 0 17 23Printed Books, Brochures and Similar Printed Matter 4901-0 0 0 0 52Cotton Waste Including Yarn Waste etc. 5202-0 0 0 59 9Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt < 5208-0 0 0 0 6Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-0 0 0 160 51Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt < 5210-0 0 0 89 0Woven Cotton Fabrics NES 5212-

4,999 50 0 624 357Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5513-0 0 0 0 10Woven Terry Fabrics and Tufted Textile Fabric NES 5802-0 0 87 0 733Warp Knit fabrics Not of Rubber and Pile Fabrics 6005-0 0 0 81 0Other knitted or crocheted fabrics 6006-0 0 0 11 0Gents Shirts, Knitted or Crocheted 6105-0 0 0 3 0Garments NES Knitted or Crocheted 6114-0 0 0 0 2Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-0 0 0 0 44Women's or Girls' Slips etc Not Kn/Cr 6208-0 0 0 44 47Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-0 0 0 0 1Sacks and Bags of Textile Material for Packing 6305-

721 7 0 7 0Tableware, Kitchenware and other Articles of Toilet 6911-0 0 0 265 0Flat-Roll Products Iron or Non-Alloy Steel 7208-0 0 0 206 0Flat-Roll Iron and Non-Alloy >600mm, Clad, Plated 7210-0 0 0 0 130Flat-rolled Stainless Steel Products, Under 600mm 7220-

10,770 108 0 538 660Tubes, Pipes and Hollow Profiles NES of Iron and 7306-0 0 0 87 0Tube or Pipe Fittings of Iron or Steel Like 7307-0 0 0 14 0Aluminum Tubes and Pipes 7608-0 0 2 0 5Tools for Working in the Hand, Pneumatic etc. 8467-

Page 289: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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315 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 1 8Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-297 3 5 58 23Furniture NES and Parts Thereof 9403-

0 0 0 6 0Mattress Supports, Articles of Bedding etc 9404-2,496 25 0 60 74Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-

0 0 0 91 0Buttons, Press Studs, Button Mold and Blanks etc. 9606-Tunisia 2,281 17,9101,408 12,860228,034

0 0 7 0 48Natural Honey 4090 -0 0 0 4 4Guts, Bladders, Stomachs of Animals (Not Fish) 5040 -0 0 0 0 44Cut Flowers and Flower Buds for Bouquet or for 6030 -0 0 0 5 0Fruit Dried NES Mixtures of Nuts or Dried Fruit 8130 -

18,781 188 0 875 29Rice 1006-0 0 0 0 1Seeds, Fruit and Spores, for Sowing 1209-0 0 0 8 8Plants etc. for Pharmacy, Perfume, Insecticides etc. 1211-0 0 0 28 0Sugar Confectionery including White Chocolate not 1704-0 0 0 0 8Salt, Pure Sodium Chloride, Sea Water 2501-0 0 0 0 32Medicaments NES 3004-

2,371 24 0 64 7Other Color Matters 3206-0 0 0 53 0Personal Toilet etc Prep NES 3307-0 0 0 0 5Photo Plates and Film Flat, Sensitized, Unexposed 3701-0 0 0 27 0Finishing Agents etc. for Textiles, Paper etc NES 3809-0 0 0 0 1Floor Cover: Rolls and Tiles, Wall Cover, Plastics 3918-0 0 0 0 8Containers: Boxes, Bags, Closures etc, Plastic 3923-0 0 0 0 5Bovine or Equine Leather, No Hair NES 4104-0 0 0 52 0Leather of Animals NES, No Hair NES 4107-0 0 0 29 0Leather further prepared after tanning (other animal) 4113-0 0 0 0 87Saddlery, Harness, Traces and Leads etc. 4201-0 0 24 1 24Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-0 0 0 2 ..Articles of Leather NES 4205-0 0 0 38 9Bobbins, Spools etc. of Paper Pulp, Paper and 4822-0 0 0 0 130Woven Fabrics of Silk or Silk Waste 5007-0 0 0 33 0Waste of Wool, Fine or Coarse Animal Hair 5103-0 0 47 350 310Cotton Waste Including Yarn Waste etc. 5202-0 0 30 484 30Cotton Sewing Thread, Retail Packed or Not 5204-

29,120 291 0 909 997Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton more than 85% 5205-0 0 0 5 64Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton less than 85% 5206-

10,934 109 497 1,708 1,444Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt < 5208-62,710 627 153 3,822 2,911Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-16,257 163 143 2,903 1,249Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt < 5210-14,971 150 58 761 389Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt > 5211-

0 0 0 384 671Woven Cotton Fabrics NES 5212-2,954 30 0 30 31Yarn Not for Sewing Thread, Synthetic Staple 5509-

52,679 527 334 3,259 3,215Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5513-10,043 100 0 149 47Woven Fabric, Synthetic < 85% of Fibre Mix 5514-

0 0 0 0 8Woven Terry Fabrics and Tufted Textile Fabric NES 5802-0 0 13 0 40Labels, Badges and Similar Type of Textiles 5807-0 0 0 16 44Embroidery in the Piece, In Strips or in Motifs 5810-0 0 0 15 0Textile Products and Articles for Technical uses 5911-0 0 0 .. 0Sweaters, Pullovers, Vests etc. Kn/Cr 6110-0 0 0 0 11Track Suits, Ski Suits and Swimwear Kn/Cr 6112-0 0 21 0 21Garments, Made-ups Kn/Cr etc. of Rubber or Plastic 6113-0 0 0 3 0Garments NES Knitted or Crocheted 6114-0 0 0 0 7Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Knitted or Crocheted 6116-0 0 0 6 0Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-0 0 21 0 21Made-Up Clothing Accessories NES 6217-0 0 0 517 154Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-

Page 290: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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Export of Goods and Services March 2014 316

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 0 102Tarpaulins, Sails, Awnings and Tents etc. 6306-0 0 0 90 0Made-Up Articles of Textile Materials NES 6307-0 0 0 0 16Worn Clothing and other Worn Textile Articles 6309-0 0 0 117 0Used or New Rags, Scrap Twine etc of Text Material 6310-0 0 0 20 0Aluminum Bars, Rods and Profiles 7604-0 0 21 237 79Razors and Razor Blades 8212-0 0 0 4 3Articles of Cutlery NES and Manicure Sets etc. 8214-

3,123 31 0 31 31Agriculture Machinery for Soil, Lawn Preparations 8432-0 0 0 2 0Transmission Shafts, Bearings, Gears etc. and Parts 8483-0 0 0 68 0Carbon Electrodes and Brushes, Lamp Carbons etc 8545-0 0 0 118 103Tractors Other Than Work Trucks used for Short 8701-0 0 0 0 2Parts and Accessories for Motor Vehicles 8708-

2,684 27 14 444 218Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-0 0 0 4 0X-Ray etc Apparatus, Tubes, Panels, Screen and 9022-

1,406 14 0 14 0Mattress Supports, Articles of Bedding etc 9404-0 0 25 205 135Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-0 0 0 0 47Buttons, Press Studs, Button Mold and Blanks etc. 9606-0 0 0 14 8Pens, Ball Points, Soft Tip and Mechanical Pencils 9608-

Turkey 29,308 281,49137,935 302,8202,930,1610 0 0 0 14Live Chickens, Ducks, Geese, Turkeys, and Quinoa 1050 -

5,647 56 47 440 366Live Animals NES 1060 -10,702 107 0 157 0Meat of Bovine Animals, Frozen 2020 -

1,964 20 0 20 2Meat of Sheep or Goats, Fresh, Chilled or Frozen 2040 -0 0 0 12 48Edible Offal of Bovine Animals; Swine, Sheep, 2060 -0 0 0 29 21Fish Frozen (Not Fish Fillets & other Fish Meat) 3030 -0 0 0 2 2Fish Fillets and other Fish Meat, Fresh, Chilled or 3040 -0 0 18 366 67Crustaceans; Live, Fresh etc, and Cooked etc. 3060 -

6,948 69 0 141 133Guts, Bladders, Stomachs of Animals (Not Fish) 5040 -0 0 0 0 87Bones & Horn - Cores, Unworked, Defatted, Simply 5060 -0 0 13 24 13Ivory, Tortoise-Shell, Whalebone etc. 5070 -0 0 0 0 22Animal Products NES, Inedible Dead Animals 5110 -0 0 23 22 65Other Live Plants and their Roots NES, Cuttings and 6020 -

636 6 0 6 0Cut Flowers and Flower Buds for Bouquet or for 6030 -1,438 14 3 71 36Onions, Shallots, Garlic, Leeks etc, Fresh or Chilled 7030 -

0 0 0 286 531Vegetables, Dried, Whole, Cut etc. not further 7120 -0 0 9 0 169Other Nuts NES Fresh or Dried Whether Shelled or 8020 -0 0 0 62 254Dates, Figs, Pineapples, Avocados etc, Fr or Dried 8040 -0 0 0 12 34Fruit NES Fresh 8100 -0 0 105 266 529Fruit Dried NES Mixtures of Nuts or Dried Fruit 8130 -0 0 0 0 23Ginger, Saffron, Turmeric, Thyme, Bay Leaves, 9100 -0 0 0 30 0Maize (Corn) 1005-

2,861 29 0 526 1,090Rice 1006-0 0 0 10 0Starches; Inulin 1108-0 0 0 3 0Sunflower Seeds, Whether or Not Broken 1206-

25,113 251 70 2,726 872Other Oil Seeds and Oleaginous Fruits NES 1207-311 3 0 10 47Seeds, Fruit and Spores, for Sowing 1209-676 7 8 34 13Plants etc. for Pharmacy, Perfume, Insecticides etc. 1211-

0 0 0 0 1Cereal Straw and Husks 1213-0 0 0 0 2Vegetable Materials used in Brooms Like Piassava 1403-0 0 0 20 5Vegetable Products NES 1404-0 0 0 1 0Other Fixed Vegetable Fats and Oils NES, Not 1515-0 0 0 93 0Sausages and Similar Products of Meat and Blood 1601-0 0 7 0 11Prepared or Preserved Fish, Caviar and Caviar 1604-

3,980 40 0 2,587 57Cane or Beet Sugar and Sucrose in Solid Form 1701-0 0 0 0 547Molasses Extracted from Sugar 1703-

Page 291: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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US $Rs.

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317 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

8,342 83 20 821 125Sugar Confectionery including White Chocolate not 1704-0 0 0 16 0Bread, Pastry, Cakes etc 1905-0 0 0 7 2Vegetable, Fruit, Nuts Etc, Prep Or Pres By Vinegar 2001-

6,045 60 30 167 211Fruit, Nuts etc. Prepared or Preserved NES 2008-4,862 49 0 626 565Fruit Juices including Grape Must and Vegtable 2009-

436,239 4,363 4,809 22,675 17,518Ethyl Alcohol, Strength: more than 80% Alcohol 2207-0 0 258 691 1,419Flour, Meal etc. of Meat etc, Not For Human 2301-

2,861 29 12 228 130Salt, Pure Sodium Chloride, Sea Water 2501-0 0 0 0 4Gypsum; Anhydrite; Plasters etc. 2520-

22,981 230 33 1,661 719Natural Steatite Roughly Trimmed etc. 2526-1,850 19 0 64 15Feldspar; Lucite; Nepheline and Syenite 2529-

0 0 186 0 1,894Oil from Petrol and Bituminous Mineral etc. 2710-0 0 0 0 ..Sodium Hydroxide and Potassium Hydroxide etc. 2815-0 0 0 254 308Silicates; Commercial Alkali Metal Silicates 2839-0 0 56 16 56Polycarboxylic Acids and Anhydrides etc. 2917-0 0 0 8 0Human Blood or Animal Blood Prepared for 3002-0 0 0 .. 0Medicaments NES 3004-

4,396 44 0 62 90Wading, Gauze, Bandages etc. 3005-394 4 0 12 19Pharmaceutical Goods 3006-

3,573 36 29 310 429Synthetic Organic Coloring Matter 3204-0 0 0 8 0Perfumes and Toilet Waters 3303-0 0 0 5 4Beauty and Make-Up Preparations 3304-0 0 0 52 384Organic Surf-Act Agents and Products other than 3402-0 0 0 0 13Artificial and Prepared Waxes 3404-0 0 30 84 266Matches and Except Pyrotechnic Articles 3605-0 0 0 0 372Photo Plates and Film Flat, Sensitized, Unexposed 3701-

13,722 137 76 634 243Artificial Graphite, Colloidal Graphite and 3801-0 0 0 0 10Rosin and Resin Acids etc. Rosin Spirit etc. 3806-0 0 0 76 0Insecticides, Rodenticides and Fungicides etc. Retail 3808-

3,592 36 7 199 67Finishing Agents etc. for Textiles, Paper etc NES 3809-0 0 0 7 456Polymers of Ethylene, in Primary Forms 3901-

2,957 30 18 117 134Polymers of Propylene or other Olefins, Primary 3902-65,685 657 1,878 3,476 13,217Polymers of Styrene in Primary Forms 3903-

0 0 0 41 0Polymers of Vinyl Chloride etc. in Primary Forms 3904-0 0 0 2 0Polymers of Vinyl Acetate and other Vinyl 3905-0 0 0 0 59Acrylic Polymers in Primary Forms 3906-

459,576 4,597 7,477 55,703 46,599Polyesters, Epoxides and Polyesters, Primary Forms 3907-0 0 25 59 25Silicones in Primary Forms 3910-0 0 0 0 106Waste, Parings and Scrap, of Plastics 3915-

20,559 206 0 609 0Plates, Sheets, Film etc. 3920-0 0 0 15 0Tableware and other Household Articles etc, Plastics 3924-

1,854 19 0 29 42Articles of Plastics Including Polymers and Resins 3926-0 0 0 29 0Waste of Rubber and Powder Obtain thereof 4004-0 0 0 0 11Tubes, Pipes and Hoses of Unhard Vulcanized 4009-0 0 0 369 289New Pneumatic Tires of Rubber 4011-0 0 77 48 210Inner Rubber Tubes for Tires 4013-0 0 0 13 96Articles of Apparel and Clothing Acc. of Rubber 4015-0 0 0 0 252Raw Hides and Skins of Bovine or Equine Animals 4101-0 0 11 9 11Raw Skins of Sheep or Lambs NES 4102-0 0 130 54 524Raw Hides and Skins NES 4103-0 0 0 50 0Bovine or Equine Leather, No Hair NES 4104-0 0 0 76 93Goat or Kidskin Leather, No Hair NES 4106-

60,668 607 468 4,443 2,601Leather of Animals NES, No Hair NES 4107-1,417 14 1 239 117Leather further prepared after tanning (sheep, lamb) 4112-

87,811 878 954 7,112 7,812Leather further prepared after tanning (other animal) 4113-200 2 0 7 70Saddlery, Harness, Traces and Leads etc. 4201-

Page 292: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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US $Rs.

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Export of Goods and Services March 2014 318

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 0 44Travel Goods, Handbags, Wallets, Jewelry Cases etc. 4202-27,248 273 172 4,719 4,734Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-

0 0 112 39 605Articles of Leather Used in Machinery and 4204-0 0 21 55 289Articles of Leather NES 4205-0 0 0 0 33Tanned or Dressed Furskins including Heads, Tails 4302-0 0 0 82 25Wood Marquetry & inlaid Wood Jewel Case etc. 4420-0 0 0 0 20Articles of Wood NES 4421-0 0 0 15 0Pulps of Fibrous Cellulosic Material NES 4706-0 0 0 0 13Waste and Scrap of Paper or Paperboard 4707-

600 6 0 6 0Toilet or Facial Tissues Stock, Towel or Napkin 4803-0 0 0 26 15Registers, Notebooks, Order Book, Receipt Book 4820-0 0 .. 15 8Paper and Paperboard Labels of all Kinds 4821-0 0 0 0 2Bobbins, Spools etc. of Paper Pulp, Paper and 4822-0 0 0 0 106Other Paper and Paperboard and Articles NES 4823-

5,790 58 0 93 90Woven Fabrics of Silk or Silk Waste 5007-0 0 0 0 35Fine or Coarse Animal Hair, Not Carded or Combed 5102-0 0 0 54 0Wool and Fine or Coarse Animal Hair, Carded or 5105-0 0 0 .. 76Woven Fabrics of Carded Wool or Fine Animal Hair 5111-0 0 0 469 0Cotton, Not Carded Or Combed 5201-

13,304 133 15 521 260Cotton Waste Including Yarn Waste etc. 5202-6,131 61 191 1,084 741Cotton, Carded or Combed 5203-

0 0 0 675 740Cotton Sewing Thread, Retail Packed or Not 5204-175,720 1,758 2,665 25,238 17,031Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton more than 85% 5205-

36,179 362 91 1,238 1,773Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton less than 85% 5206-0 0 133 1,020 570Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Retail Packed 5207-

126,873 1,269 2,519 15,442 25,679Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt < 5208-639,198 6,393 6,871 64,709 69,021Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-

0 0 357 2,116 3,282Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt < 5210-0 0 791 3,643 6,754Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt > 5211-

345 3 238 2,409 8,906Woven Cotton Fabrics NES 5212-30,166 302 0 749 672Synthetic Filament Yarn Not Sewing Thread, Not 5402-

0 0 330 1,754 1,192Woven Fabric of Synthetic Filament Yarn 5407-9,623 96 0 96 74Woven Fabrics of Artificial Filament Yarn 5408-

0 0 0 0 11Synthetic Staple Fibers, Not Carded, Combed etc. 5503-0 0 0 111 0Synthetic Staple Fibres, Carded, Combed etc. 5506-

44,121 441 359 3,568 5,110Yarn Not for Sewing Thread, Synthetic Staple 5509-15,088 151 0 453 586Yarn (Not Sew Thread), Art Staple Fib, Not Retail 5510-50,514 505 137 4,545 3,397Yarn (No SewingThread), Manmade Staple Fiber, 5511-

9,988 100 0 100 23Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5512-1,015 10 55 781 1,311Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5513-4,632 46 0 376 308Woven Fabric, Synthetic < 85% of Fibre Mix 5514-3,014 30 0 58 0Textile Wadding and Articles; Text Fiber Not Over 5 5601-

0 0 0 462 0Twine, Cordage, Rope and Cables 5607-0 0 0 0 126Articles of Yarn Stripe or the like NES 5609-

90,670 907 2,126 7,664 9,388Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Knotted 5701-0 0 0 0 152Woven Pile and Chenille Fabrics NES 5801-0 0 0 95 631Woven Terry Fabrics and Tufted Textile Fabric NES 5802-0 0 0 135 108Narrow Woven Fabrics Except Labels 5806-0 0 0 8 34Labels, Badges and Similar Type of Textiles 5807-0 0 0 60 7Gum Covered Fabric; Tracing Cloth; Paint Canvas 5901-0 0 0 0 138Textile Fabrics, Theatrical Scenery, Back-Cloths 5907-

296 3 0 11 0Textile Wicks for Lamps etc. and Gas Mantles etc. 5908-0 0 0 0 131Textile Hose piping and Similar Textile Tubing 5909-0 0 0 16 12Textile Products and Articles for Technical uses 5911-

4,616 46 0 46 10Pile Fabrics and Terry Fabrics Knitted or Crocheted 6001-0 0 0 1 0Knitted or Crocheted Fabrics of Rubber of Width 6002-

Page 293: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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319 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

292 3 0 3 0Warp Knit fabrics Not of Rubber and Pile Fabrics 6005-1,140 11 0 11 0Other knitted or crocheted fabrics 6006-

0 0 0 5 ..Gents Overcoats, Car-Coats, Caps, Cloaks and 6101-4,356 44 221 1,150 1,710Ladies Overcoats, Car-Coats, Caps, Cloaks and 6102-

182 2 14 82 126Gents Suits, Ensembles, Jackets etc. Kn/Cr 6103-0 0 30 30 425Ladies Suits, Ensembles etc. Kn/Cr 6104-

1,317 13 204 330 920Gents Shirts, Knitted or Crocheted 6105-0 0 3 20 40Gents Blouses and Shirts Kn/Cr 6106-

1,641 16 10 61 105Gents Underpants, Briefs, Nightshirts etc. Kn/Cr 6107-0 0 0 10 0T-Shirts, Singlets and other Vests Kn/Cr 6109-0 0 0 52 0Sweaters, Pullovers, Vests etc. Kn/Cr 6110-0 0 0 5 30Babies' Garments and Accessories Kn/Cr 6111-

136 1 0 2 214Track Suits, Ski Suits and Swimwear Kn/Cr 6112-6,892 69 77 393 688Garments, Made-ups Kn/Cr etc. of Rubber or Plastic 6113-

0 0 0 0 90Garments NES Knitted or Crocheted 6114-627 6 1 67 6Panty hose, Socks and other Hosiery Kn/Cr 6115-

13,400 134 16 1,178 488Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Knitted or Crocheted 6116-5,592 56 0 56 0Made-up Clothing Accessories NES Kn/Cr 6117-

0 0 53 660 83Men's or Boys' Overcoats, Cloaks etc. Not Knitted 6201-66,127 661 885 2,780 8,231Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-

0 0 1 62 1,472Women's or Girls' Suits, Ensembles etc. Not Kn/Cr. 6204-0 0 0 85 0Men's or Boys' Shirts, Not Kn/Cr 6205-0 0 0 106 0Women's or Girls' Slips etc Not Kn/Cr 6208-0 0 0 20 0Babies' Garments and Accessories Not Kn/Cr 6209-0 0 0 49 33Track Suits, Ski-Suits and Swimwear, Not Knitted 6211-

2,053 21 93 169 172Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Not Knitted or Crocheted 6216-7,012 70 102 93 102Made-Up Clothing Accessories NES 6217-5,279 53 0 2,122 0Blankets and Traveling Rugs 6301-

13,387 134 307 1,999 2,366Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-2,827 28 0 58 0Curtains and Interior Blinds, Curtain or Bed 6303-

35,349 354 0 1,577 3,735Tarpaulins, Sails, Awnings and Tents etc. 6306-0 0 0 50 268Made-Up Articles of Textile Materials NES 6307-

591 6 45 207 123Worn Clothing and other Worn Textile Articles 6309-2,524 25 0 87 166Used or New Rags, Scrap Twine etc of Text Material 6310-

0 0 26 0 26Waterproof Footwear, Rubber or Plastics, Bond Sole 6401-101 1 0 1 0Footwear, Outer Sole and Upper Rubber or Plastic 6402-

30,413 304 294 334 357Footwear, Outer Sole Rubber, Plastic or Leather 6403-0 0 0 19 ..Footwear, Outer Sole Rubber, Plastic or Textile 6404-0 0 0 0 50Parts of Footwear: Insoles, Gaiters etc. Parts 6406-

2,794 28 0 28 66Worked Monumental or Building Stone and Articles 6802-0 0 0 0 46Articles of Asbestos-Cement, Cellulose 6811-0 0 0 10 0Fabricated Asbestos Fibers, Items of Mixtures etc 6812-

5,111 51 22 214 132Articles of Stone or Other Mineral Substance NES 6815-0 0 0 0 21Ceramic Sinks, Washbasins, Water Closet Bowls etc. 6910-0 0 0 0 23Ceramics Tableware, Kitchenware etc. 6912-

4,790 48 0 103 0Glass Containers for Packing etc and Glass Closures 7010-0 0 7 0 7Glassware for Table, Kitchen, Toilet etc. NES 7013-0 0 0 2 0Glass Bead etc. and Articles NES 7018-0 0 0 15 0Glass Fibers and Articles Thereof (Yarn Etc.) 7019-0 0 0 1 14Precious and Semi Precious Stones NES 7103-0 0 0 0 1Articles of Jewelry and Parts thereof or Precious 7113-

517 5 5 5 19Imitation Jewelry 7117-0 0 0 0 2Flat-Roll Products Iron or Non-Alloy Steel 7208-0 0 0 0 20Wire of Iron and Non-Alloy Steel 7217-0 0 0 4 0Railway / Tramway Track Construction Material of 7302-

2,272 23 0 23 0Tubes, Pipes and Hollow Profiles NES of Iron and 7306-

Page 294: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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US $Rs.

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Export of Goods and Services March 2014 320

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 0 53Tanks etc Less than 300 Liter Capacity of Iron or 7310-0 0 0 3 0Articles of Iron or Steel, NES 7326-0 0 0 0 41Copper Mattes; Cement Copper, Precipitated Copper 7401-0 0 16 0 217Aluminum Bars, Rods and Profiles 7604-0 0 0 0 11Table, Kitchen or other Household Articles and Parts 7615-0 0 0 33 0Articles o Aluminum NES 7616-0 0 0 0 4Zirconium and Articles Thereof Include. Waste and 8109-0 0 0 34 9Hand tools and Tools Used in Agriculture etc. 8201-0 0 7 0 7Files, Rasps, Pliers, Metal cutting Shears etc. 8203-0 0 0 6 5Hand tools NES Like Blow, Torches, Anvils etc. 8205-

1,167 12 0 19 0Hand Operated Mechanical Appliances 8210-0 0 86 570 515Razors and Razor Blades 8212-0 0 0 0 12Scissors, Tailors' Shears and Similar Shears and 8213-

200 2 19 58 128Articles of Cutlery NES and Manicure Sets etc. 8214-997 10 10 10 67Tableware etc. of Base Metal and Parts of Base 8215-

0 0 0 0 2Auxiliary Plant Used With Boilers; Condensers and 8404-4,420 44 0 101 8Parts For Combustion Engines etc. 8409-

0 0 0 0 10Hydraulic Turbines, Water Wheels and Regulators 8410-0 0 20 111 148Pumps for Liquids; Liquid Elevators; Parts Thereof 8413-0 0 0 0 30Air or Vacuum Pump, Compressors and Fans 8414-0 0 120 17 170Machinery etc for Temperature Change 8419-0 0 0 0 49Machines, Dishwashing Machines for Cleaning etc. 8422-0 0 0 0 6Weighing Machinery and Weights of all Kinds 8423-0 0 0 12 12Agriculture Machinery for Soil, Lawn Preparations 8432-0 0 0 0 113Machines For Preparing Textile Fibers and Yarn 8445-

1,381 14 0 14 24Weaving Machines Like Looms 8446-0 0 9 0 9Machines, Knitting and Stitch-Bonding Machines etc 8447-

325 3 78 19 126Auxiliary Machinery for use With Textile Machines 8448-0 0 0 7 0Sewing Machines other than Book Sewing Machine 8452-0 0 0 21 0Machinery for Work Leather etc and Footwear etc. 8453-

428 4 4 19 26Tools for Working in the Hand, Pneumatic etc. 8467-0 0 0 0 180Automatic Data Process Machines and Units thereof 8471-0 0 0 7 0Molding Boxes for Metal Foundry, Mold Bases etc. 8480-0 0 0 23 68Transmission Shafts, Bearings, Gears etc. and Parts 8483-0 0 0 0 11Portable Electrical Lamps Function By Own Energy 8513-0 0 0 1,200 300Electric Apparatus for Line Telephony, Telephone 8517-0 0 0 0 7Electrical Apparatus for Switching etc Over 1000V 8535-0 0 0 0 5Electrical Apparatus for Switching etc. Not Over 8536-0 0 13 0 39Electrical Filament or Discharge Lamps and Parts 8539-0 0 0 2 0Thermionic, Cold Cathode or Photo cathode Tubes 8540-0 0 0 0 4Carbon Electrodes and Brushes, Lamp Carbons etc 8545-0 0 0 150 117Electrical Insulators of Any Material 8546-0 0 0 60 25Electrical Parts of Machinery NES 8548-0 0 0 157 0Parts of Railway or Tramway Locomotives 8607-

30 .. 0 97 43Tractors Other Than Work Trucks used for Short 8701-18,562 186 28 648 519Parts and Accessories for Motor Vehicles 8708-

0 0 0 0 11Parts of Balloons etc. Aircraft, Spacecraft etc. 8803-47,240 473 329 2,987 2,924Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-

0 0 8 6 35Orthopedic Appliances Artificial Body and Parts 9021-0 0 6 32 37X-Ray etc Apparatus, Tubes, Panels, Screen and 9022-0 0 71 102 101Instruments etc for Measuring or Checking Flow, 9026-

4,049 41 0 144 182Gas, Liquid or Electricity Supply or Production 9028-0 0 0 49 0Oscilloscopes, Spectrum Analyzers etc and Parts 9030-0 0 0 0 1,991Bombs, Grenades, Cartridges and Parts 9306-

2,200 22 0 196 279Furniture NES and Parts Thereof 9403-0 0 0 678 45Mattress Supports, Articles of Bedding etc 9404-

Page 295: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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321 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

2,525 25 0 29 0Lamps and Lighting Fittings and Parts etc NES 9405-0 0 0 2 0Toys NES, Reduced Size, Puzzles of all Kinds 9503-

54,137 541 314 4,436 4,071Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-0 0 0 69 0Vegetable Molded Resin etc Carving Material NES 9602-0 0 0 0 2Brooms, Brushes, Mops and Feather Dusters etc. 9603-

5,593 56 60 80 234Buttons, Press Studs, Button Mold and Blanks etc. 9606-5,196 52 0 137 103Pens, Ball Points, Soft Tip and Mechanical Pencils 9608-

0 0 251 912 393Pencils, Crayons, Leads and Chalks etc. 9609-0 0 0 6 0Special Transaction NES 9992-

Turkmenistan 23 1,171809 1,4912,3441,305 13 0 13 0Potatoes, Fresh or Chilled 7010 -

0 0 0 688 0Rice 1006-0 0 510 0 510Cane or Beet Sugar and Sucrose in Solid Form 1701-0 0 0 0 1Fruit Juices including Grape Must and Vegtable 2009-0 0 0 11 0Medicaments Mixtures for Therapeutic Use 3003-0 0 14 40 132Medicaments NES 3004-0 0 37 0 45Pharmaceutical Goods 3006-0 0 0 13 0Synthetic Organic Coloring Matter 3204-0 0 147 222 660Matches and Except Pyrotechnic Articles 3605-0 0 0 0 9Cellulose and Chemical Derivatives NES Primary 3912-0 0 0 .. 0Articles of Plastics Including Polymers and Resins 3926-0 0 37 0 37Leather further prepared after tanning (other animal) 4113-0 0 8 0 8Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-0 0 55 136 88Woven Fabrics of Jute or Other Textile Bast Fibres 5310-0 0 0 0 1T-Shirts, Singlets and other Vests Kn/Cr 6109-

1,039 10 .. 10 ..Sacks and Bags of Textile Material for Packing 6305-0 0 0 37 0Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-

Tuvalu 0 4190 16400 0 0 50 0Live Horses, Asses, Mules and Hinnies 1010 -0 0 0 0 6Meat of Sheep or Goats, Fresh, Chilled or Frozen 2040 -0 0 0 0 11Onions, Shallots, Garlic, Leeks etc, Fresh or Chilled 7030 -0 0 0 0 22Vegetables Frozen 7100 -0 0 0 0 9Citrus Fruit, Fresh or Dried 8050 -0 0 0 16 0Rice 1006-0 0 0 0 6Other Oil Seeds and Oleaginous Fruits NES 1207-0 0 0 25 0Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-0 0 0 0 2Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton more than 85% 5205-0 0 0 0 83Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt < 5208-0 0 0 126 0Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-0 0 0 10 0Twine, Cordage, Rope and Cables 5607-0 0 0 52 0Gents Suits, Ensembles, Jackets etc. Kn/Cr 6103-0 0 0 1 0Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-0 0 0 0 1Women's or Girls' Suits, Ensembles etc. Not Kn/Cr. 6204-0 0 0 31 9Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-0 0 0 4 0Precious and Semi Precious Stones NES 7103-0 0 0 52 0Copper Waste and Scrap 7404-0 0 0 52 16Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-

U. A. E. Abudhabi 3,323 43,3093,566 37,386332,2000 0 0 135 1Live Horses, Asses, Mules and Hinnies 1010 -

2,979 30 0 30 0Live Animals NES 1060 -0 0 261 1,143 3,751Meat of Bovine Animals, Fresh or Chilled 2010 -

59,509 595 0 773 0Meat of Bovine Animals, Frozen 2020 -5,952 60 26 608 719Meat of Sheep or Goats, Fresh, Chilled or Frozen 2040 -

0 0 0 179 79Fish Frozen (Not Fish Fillets & other Fish Meat) 3030 -

Page 296: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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Export of Goods and Services March 2014 322

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 2 0Fish Fillets and other Fish Meat, Fresh, Chilled or 3040 -0 0 0 18 101Crustaceans; Live, Fresh etc, and Cooked etc. 3060 -0 0 0 9 2Natural Honey 4090 -0 0 0 12 0Animal Products NES, Inedible Dead Animals 5110 -

23,986 240 3 506 32Potatoes, Fresh or Chilled 7010 -0 0 0 59 9Onions, Shallots, Garlic, Leeks etc, Fresh or Chilled 7030 -

683 7 0 7 9Cabbages, Cauliflower, Kohlrabi, Kale etc. Fresh or 7040 -0 0 0 100 0Carrots, Turnips & other Edible Roots, Fresh or 7060 -0 0 .. 0 18Leguminous Vegetables, Shelled or not, Fresh or 7080 -

3,407 34 19 420 765Other Vegetables NES Fresh or Chilled 7090 -0 0 0 25 49Vegetables Frozen 7100 -0 0 10 20 16Vegetables, Temporarily Preserved, not now Edible 7110 -0 0 24 21 33Vegetables, Dried, Whole, Cut etc. not further 7120 -0 0 0 73 25Other Nuts NES Fresh or Dried Whether Shelled or 8020 -0 0 30 437 165Dates, Figs, Pineapples, Avocados etc, Fr or Dried 8040 -

6,036 60 21 227 9,841Citrus Fruit, Fresh or Dried 8050 -0 0 0 0 8Fruit NES Fresh 8100 -0 0 0 8 0Fruit and Nuts Temporarily Preserved, Not Now 8120 -0 0 0 0 30Peel of Citrus Fruit or Melon, Fresh, Frozen or Dried 8140 -0 0 0 8 37Pepper, Genus Piper; Genus Capsicum or Pimento 9040 -

91,167 912 1,580 12,961 8,358Rice 1006-0 0 0 350 387Buckwheat, Millet and Canary Seed; other Cereals 1008-0 0 20 0 217Wheat or Meslin Flour 1101-

21,400 214 633 4,222 3,082Seeds, Fruit and Spores, for Sowing 1209-0 0 0 15 0Plants etc. for Pharmacy, Perfume, Insecticides etc. 1211-0 0 36 383 126Cereal Straw and Husks 1213-0 0 0 942 0Swedes, mangolds, Fodder Roots Hay, Clover etc. 1214-

7,494 75 5 202 36Vegetable Products NES 1404-0 0 0 3 0Prepared or Preserved Fish, Caviar and Caviar 1604-0 0 0 677 0Cane or Beet Sugar and Sucrose in Solid Form 1701-0 0 0 6 11Sugar Confectionery including White Chocolate not 1704-0 0 0 14 26Pasta and Couscous, Prepared or Not 1902-0 0 0 2 0Bread, Pastry, Cakes etc 1905-

405 4 0 15 0Vegetables Prepared or Preserved NES not Frozen 2005-0 0 9 .. 12Fruit Juices including Grape Must and Vegtable 2009-0 0 0 38 0Food Preparations NES 2106-0 0 0 1,238 0Bran, Sharps and other Residue 2302-0 0 0 50 0Preparations Used In Animal Feeding 2309-0 0 0 0 60Natural Sands Of All Kinds, Except Metal-Bearing 2505-0 0 0 29 5Clays NES 2508-0 0 0 0 20Marble, Travertine etc. and Alabaster, Crude etc. 2515-0 0 0 314 0Portland Cement, Aluminous Cement and Slag 2523-0 0 0 10,769 0Oil from Petrol and Bituminous Mineral etc. 2710-

29,965 300 0 300 0Provitamins and Vitamins and Derivatives 2936-0 0 0 0 25Medicaments Mixtures for Therapeutic Use 3003-0 0 62 0 62Medicaments NES 3004-0 0 71 0 71Pharmaceutical Goods 3006-0 0 0 223 0Essential Oils, Resinoids and Terpene 3301-0 0 0 0 40Beauty and Make-Up Preparations 3304-

4,669 47 0 47 0Preparations for Use on Hair 3305-0 0 0 125 0Personal Toilet etc Prep NES 3307-0 0 0 32 0Polishes and Creams for Leather, Wood etc. 3405-0 0 0 0 437Gelatin and Derivatives 3503-0 0 0 0 8Prepared Glues and Adhesives NES 3506-0 0 0 0 14Finishing Agents etc. for Textiles, Paper etc NES 3809-0 0 0 1 0Polymers of Ethylene, in Primary Forms 3901-

Page 297: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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US $Rs.

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323 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

30,008 300 0 300 193Polyesters, Epoxides and Polyesters, Primary Forms 3907-0 0 0 0 65Self-Adhesive Plates, Sheets, Film etc. of Plastics 3919-0 0 0 4 0Plates, Sheets, Film etc. 3920-0 0 0 16 101Containers: Boxes, Bags, Closures etc, Plastic 3923-0 0 0 22 13Articles of Plastics Including Polymers and Resins 3926-0 0 0 0 12Waste of Rubber and Powder Obtain thereof 4004-0 0 0 24 5Tubes, Pipes and Hoses of Unhard Vulcanized 4009-0 0 0 0 10Inner Rubber Tubes for Tires 4013-0 0 0 38 0Goat or Kidskin Leather, No Hair NES 4106-0 0 0 0 30Leather further prepared after tanning (other animal) 4113-0 0 0 .. 1Saddlery, Harness, Traces and Leads etc. 4201-

5,891 59 0 59 0Travel Goods, Handbags, Wallets, Jewelry Cases etc. 4202-0 0 103 130 454Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-0 0 0 0 55Articles of Leather Used in Machinery and 4204-0 0 0 117 0Articles of Leather NES 4205-0 0 0 0 96Paper and Paperboard Uncoated NES, Rolls or 4805-

1,268 13 0 13 0Paper, Paperboard, Wading etc. Coated etc NES 4811-1,433 14 0 14 0Cartons, Boxes, Cases, Bags and other Packing 4819-

0 0 0 0 265Registers, Notebooks, Order Book, Receipt Book 4820-0 0 5 3 29Printed Books, Brochures and Similar Printed Matter 4901-0 0 0 .. 0Newspapers, Journals and Periodicals 4902-0 0 0 39 0Printed or Illustrated Postcards, Greeting Cards etc. 4909-0 0 0 0 100Woven Fabrics of Silk or Silk Waste 5007-0 0 7 55 7Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton more than 85% 5205-

3,776 38 57 44 144Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt < 5208-0 0 0 0 5Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-0 0 0 0 527Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt < 5210-

12,991 130 0 130 89Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt > 5211-0 0 0 18 0Woven Cotton Fabrics NES 5212-0 0 0 51 0Sewing Thread of Manmade Filaments 5401-0 0 0 0 210Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5512-0 0 165 .. 190Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5513-0 0 0 0 20Woven Fabrics of Artificial Staple Fibers 5516-0 0 25 0 34Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Knotted 5701-0 0 0 36 37Woven Terry Fabrics and Tufted Textile Fabric NES 5802-0 0 0 119 27Labels, Badges and Similar Type of Textiles 5807-0 0 0 0 8Braids, Ornamental Trim in Pieces Not Knitted, or 5808-0 0 0 26 0Textile Fabrics, Theatrical Scenery, Back-Cloths 5907-0 0 0 1 3Other knitted or crocheted fabrics 6006-0 0 0 0 88Gents Overcoats, Car-Coats, Caps, Cloaks and 6101-0 0 0 838 144Ladies Overcoats, Car-Coats, Caps, Cloaks and 6102-0 0 3 175 49Gents Suits, Ensembles, Jackets etc. Kn/Cr 6103-0 0 0 3 0Ladies Suits, Ensembles etc. Kn/Cr 6104-0 0 0 190 129Gents Shirts, Knitted or Crocheted 6105-0 0 0 58 0T-Shirts, Singlets and other Vests Kn/Cr 6109-0 0 5 2 5Sweaters, Pullovers, Vests etc. Kn/Cr 6110-0 0 142 18 398Garments, Made-ups Kn/Cr etc. of Rubber or Plastic 6113-0 0 0 0 137Garments NES Knitted or Crocheted 6114-0 0 0 0 22Panty hose, Socks and other Hosiery Kn/Cr 6115-0 0 15 22 32Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Knitted or Crocheted 6116-0 0 0 133 0Made-up Clothing Accessories NES Kn/Cr 6117-0 0 19 0 44Men's or Boys' Overcoats, Cloaks etc. Not Knitted 6201-0 0 0 0 6Women's or Girls' Overcoats etc, Not Knitted or 6202-0 0 4 98 151Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-0 0 0 12 72Women's or Girls' Suits, Ensembles etc. Not Kn/Cr. 6204-

233 2 0 2 0Men's or Boys' Shirts, Not Kn/Cr 6205-

Page 298: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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US $Rs.

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Export of Goods and Services March 2014 324

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 0 13Women's or Girls' Slips etc Not Kn/Cr 6208-0 0 0 13 5Track Suits, Ski-Suits and Swimwear, Not Knitted 6211-0 0 0 .. 0Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Not Knitted or Crocheted 6216-0 0 0 6 2Made-Up Clothing Accessories NES 6217-0 0 0 20 0Blankets and Traveling Rugs 6301-0 0 0 1,084 639Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-0 0 1 0 1Curtains and Interior Blinds, Curtain or Bed 6303-0 0 0 0 44Furnishing Articles of Textile Materials NES 6304-0 0 0 0 16Sacks and Bags of Textile Material for Packing 6305-0 0 0 54 140Tarpaulins, Sails, Awnings and Tents etc. 6306-0 0 21 4 124Made-Up Articles of Textile Materials NES 6307-0 0 32 59 68Worn Clothing and other Worn Textile Articles 6309-0 0 0 10 21Used or New Rags, Scrap Twine etc of Text Material 6310-0 0 0 59 128Footwear, Outer Sole Rubber, Plastic or Leather 6403-0 0 0 13 0Footwear NES 6405-0 0 0 6 0Human Hair, Dressed, Wool of Animal Hair or 6703-0 0 3 40 36Worked Monumental or Building Stone and Articles 6802-0 0 0 4 5Articles of Stone or Other Mineral Substance NES 6815-0 0 40 0 40Bricks, Blocks, Tiles and Ceramic Goods of 6901-

5,429 54 0 54 0Tableware, Kitchenware and other Articles of Toilet 6911-0 0 0 19 0Safety Glass of Toughened, Tempered or Laminated 7007-0 0 0 18 0Glass Fibers and Articles Thereof (Yarn Etc.) 7019-0 0 0 1 0Articles of Glass NES 7020-0 0 0 0 4Articles of Natural or Cultured Pearls, Precious 7116-0 0 0 29 34Ferrous Waste and Scrap 7204-0 0 0 0 200Sheet Piling of Iron or Steel, Welded Angles etc. 7301-

7,758 78 0 78 0Tanks etc Less than 300 Liter Capacity of Iron or 7310-0 0 0 7 0Articles of Iron or Steel, NES 7326-0 0 0 47 0Copper Waste and Scrap 7404-0 0 0 9 0Copper Tube or Pipe Fittings 7412-0 0 0 26 0Aluminum Waste and Scrap 7602-0 0 0 42 0Table, Kitchen or other Household Articles and Parts 7615-0 0 0 1 0Knives and Blades for Machines and Appliances 8208-

133 1 0 1 0Knives With Blades and Blades for Knives NES 8211-80 1 19 1 23Articles of Cutlery NES and Manicure Sets etc. 8214-

0 0 0 9 0Loose-leaf Binder etc. Fittings, Paper Cups etc. 8305-0 0 0 9 32Bells, Gongs and the Like, Picture and Frames 8306-0 0 0 0 5Steam Turbines and other Vapor Turbines and Parts 8406-0 0 0 0 95Parts For Combustion Engines etc. 8409-0 0 0 3 0Air or Vacuum Pump, Compressors and Fans 8414-0 0 0 4 0Centrifuges, Including Dryers, Filter etc. 8421-0 0 0 0 5Mechenical Appliances etc 8424-0 0 0 25 0Other Lifting, Handling, Loading and Unloading 8428-0 0 0 0 10Presses, Crushers and Similar Machinery 8435-0 0 0 3 0Machinery for Cleaning, Sorting or Grading Seed 8437-0 0 0 0 91Machinery NES used for Food and Drink and Parts 8438-0 0 0 0 19Auxiliary Machinery for use With Textile Machines 8448-

141 1 0 15 0Converters, Ladles, Ingot Molds and Casting 8454-0 0 0 0 12Machine Tools for Working Stone and Glass etc. 8464-0 0 0 0 12Tools for Working in the Hand, Pneumatic etc. 8467-0 0 20 0 20Machinery for Working Rubber or Plastic etc. NES 8477-

817 8 0 8 0Machinery Parts Not Electrical Connectors etc. NES 8485-240 2 0 2 0Electric Motors and Generators 8501-

0 0 0 41 0Electrical Transformers, Static Converters and 8504-0 0 0 100 0Electrical Storage Batteries, Including Separators 8507-0 0 0 10 0Electromechanical Domestic Appliances and Parts 8509-

Page 299: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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325 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 6 0Parts & Accessories of Record-Player, Magnetic 8522-0 0 0 153 130Tractors Other Than Work Trucks used for Short 8701-0 0 0 8 17Parts and Accessories for Motor Vehicles 8708-0 0 0 10 0Parts and Accessories of Cycles and Invalid 8714-0 0 0 7 0Floating Structures NES Rafts, Tanks, Buoys etc. 8907-

1,248 12 14 60 475Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-0 0 0 50 0Machines etc for Testing Mechanical Properties of 9024-0 0 0 3 0Parts etc. of Musical Instruments, Metronomes 9209-0 0 0 0 1,724Bombs, Grenades, Cartridges and Parts 9306-

946 9 0 19 15Furniture NES and Parts Thereof 9403-0 0 0 9 36Mattress Supports, Articles of Bedding etc 9404-

129 1 0 1 0Toys NES, Reduced Size, Puzzles of all Kinds 9503-0 0 58 47 409Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-

2,030 20 0 45 41Fishing Rods and Tackle Nets, Decoys etc. 9507-0 0 0 0 3Worked Ivory, Bone etc and Articles Thereof 9601-0 0 0 371 0Special Transaction NES 9992-

U. A. E. Ajman 2,530 22,8492,253 16,215252,9910 0 339 289 1,482Meat of Bovine Animals, Fresh or Chilled 2010 -0 0 0 121 0Meat of Bovine Animals, Frozen 2020 -

51,075 511 0 1,939 36Meat of Sheep or Goats, Fresh, Chilled or Frozen 2040 -0 0 0 8 0Meat of Horses, Asses, Mules, Hinnies; Fresh, 2050 -0 0 0 8 20Other Meat & Edible Offal ; Fresh, Chilled or Frozen 2080 -0 0 0 0 6Meat and Edible Offal Salted, Dried etc. and Flour & 2100 -0 0 26 126 369Fish Frozen (Not Fish Fillets & other Fish Meat) 3030 -0 0 0 0 10Guts, Bladders, Stomachs of Animals (Not Fish) 5040 -0 0 337 1,346 1,619Animal Products NES, Inedible Dead Animals 5110 -0 0 0 0 11Tomatoes, Fresh or Chilled 7020 -0 0 0 0 6Onions, Shallots, Garlic, Leeks etc, Fresh or Chilled 7030 -0 0 0 3 0Other Vegetables NES Fresh or Chilled 7090 -0 0 0 0 20Vegetables Frozen 7100 -0 0 0 76 0Other Nuts NES Fresh or Dried Whether Shelled or 8020 -0 0 0 15 8Dates, Figs, Pineapples, Avocados etc, Fr or Dried 8040 -0 0 0 9 0Pepper, Genus Piper; Genus Capsicum or Pimento 9040 -0 0 0 0 27Ginger, Saffron, Turmeric, Thyme, Bay Leaves, 9100 -

22,414 224 292 3,220 2,172Rice 1006-0 0 0 0 51Wheat or Meslin Flour 1101-0 0 0 14 0Starches; Inulin 1108-

7,155 72 290 1,004 1,534Cereal Straw and Husks 1213-0 0 0 0 15Vegetable Products NES 1404-0 0 5 17 57Prepared or Preserved Fish, Caviar and Caviar 1604-0 0 80 163 80Cane or Beet Sugar and Sucrose in Solid Form 1701-0 0 0 171 0Sugar Confectionery including White Chocolate not 1704-

1,513 15 0 32 0Malt Extracts; Food Prep. of Flour etc. Under 50% 1901-0 0 0 20 0Bread, Pastry, Cakes etc 1905-0 0 0 17 25Sauces and Preparations thereof 2103-0 0 0 32 0Food Preparations NES 2106-0 0 0 0 95Flour, Meal etc. of Meat etc, Not For Human 2301-

4,995 50 0 169 0Bran, Sharps and other Residue 2302-0 0 0 5 0Salt, Pure Sodium Chloride, Sea Water 2501-0 0 0 6 7Marble, Travertine etc. and Alabaster, Crude etc. 2515-0 0 0 0 38Portland Cement, Aluminous Cement and Slag 2523-0 0 30 107 163Hydrogen Chloride; Chlorosulphuric Acid 2806-0 0 0 0 185Aldehydes and Its Cyclic Polymers 2912-0 0 0 12 0Human Blood or Animal Blood Prepared for 3002-

3,991 40 0 40 66Medicaments NES 3004-

Page 300: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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US $Rs.

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Export of Goods and Services March 2014 326

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 7 8Synthetic Organic Coloring Matter 3204-0 0 0 0 21Other Color Matters 3206-0 0 9 66 14Perfumes and Toilet Waters 3303-0 0 0 0 10Polishes and Creams for Leather, Wood etc. 3405-

1,704 17 0 17 0Matches and Except Pyrotechnic Articles 3605-0 0 0 46 0Polyesters, Epoxides and Polyesters, Primary Forms 3907-0 0 0 10 0Silicones in Primary Forms 3910-0 0 0 23 0Waste, Parings and Scrap, of Plastics 3915-0 0 44 27 68Tubes, Pipes and Hoses and their Fittings, of Plastics 3917-0 0 0 0 5Plates, Sheets, Film etc. 3920-0 0 10 48 18Containers: Boxes, Bags, Closures etc, Plastic 3923-0 0 0 0 4Builders' Ware of Plastics, NES 3925-0 0 0 0 26Articles of Plastics Including Polymers and Resins 3926-0 0 0 0 5Tubes, Pipes and Hoses of Unhard Vulcanized 4009-0 0 0 82 0Inner Rubber Tubes for Tires 4013-0 0 0 4 0Tableware and Kitchenware of Wood 4419-0 0 0 0 10Plaits etc and Products of Plaiting Materials 4601-0 0 0 0 132Woven Fabrics of Silk or Silk Waste 5007-0 0 20 35 61Cotton Waste Including Yarn Waste etc. 5202-0 0 0 58 0Cotton, Carded or Combed 5203-

8,485 85 0 109 146Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt < 5208-0 0 0 14 10Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-

4,002 40 0 1,228 130Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt < 5210-0 0 0 4 0Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt > 5211-0 0 0 0 56Woven Cotton Fabrics NES 5212-0 0 0 0 14Woven Fabrics of Jute or Other Textile Bast Fibres 5310-

1,721 17 0 18 0Synthetic Filament Yarn Not Sewing Thread, Not 5402-0 0 0 300 0Artificial Filament Yarn Not Sewing Thread, Not 5403-0 0 6 0 6Waste of Manmade Fibers Including Noils etc. 5505-0 0 0 9 172Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5512-0 0 0 0 12Woven Fabric, Synthetic < 85% of Fibre Mix 5514-0 0 0 58 0Woven Terry Fabrics and Tufted Textile Fabric NES 5802-0 0 0 0 13Embroidery in the Piece, In Strips or in Motifs 5810-0 0 0 0 100Warp Knit fabrics Not of Rubber and Pile Fabrics 6005-0 0 0 14 0Other knitted or crocheted fabrics 6006-0 0 0 21 0Gents Suits, Ensembles, Jackets etc. Kn/Cr 6103-0 0 0 0 50Ladies Suits, Ensembles etc. Kn/Cr 6104-0 0 0 281 74Gents Shirts, Knitted or Crocheted 6105-0 0 0 25 44Gents Underpants, Briefs, Nightshirts etc. Kn/Cr 6107-0 0 0 7 0Ladies Slips, Petticoats, Briefs, Paints etc. Kn/Cr 6108-0 0 0 0 90T-Shirts, Singlets and other Vests Kn/Cr 6109-

5,007 50 0 324 47Garments, Made-ups Kn/Cr etc. of Rubber or Plastic 6113-0 0 0 0 26Garments NES Knitted or Crocheted 6114-0 0 0 2 0Panty hose, Socks and other Hosiery Kn/Cr 6115-0 0 0 5 0Made-up Clothing Accessories NES Kn/Cr 6117-0 0 0 0 9Men's or Boys' Overcoats, Cloaks etc. Not Knitted 6201-0 0 3 749 33Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-

29,693 297 0 1,660 0Women's or Girls' Suits, Ensembles etc. Not Kn/Cr. 6204-0 0 0 0 3Women's or Girls' Slips etc Not Kn/Cr 6208-0 0 0 2 0Garments, of Felt etc, or Fabric Impregnated etc 6210-0 0 0 1 8Blankets and Traveling Rugs 6301-

44,812 448 282 2,152 2,257Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-0 0 0 179 0Sacks and Bags of Textile Material for Packing 6305-0 0 0 146 167Tarpaulins, Sails, Awnings and Tents etc. 6306-0 0 36 40 74Made-Up Articles of Textile Materials NES 6307-0 0 0 2 0Needlecraft Sets of Woven Fabrics and Yarn, Retail 6308-

Page 301: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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327 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

1,400 14 0 145 0Worn Clothing and other Worn Textile Articles 6309-999 10 8 94 165Used or New Rags, Scrap Twine etc of Text Material 6310-

0 0 0 0 14Footwear, Outer Sole Rubber, Plastic or Leather 6403-0 0 0 25 11Footwear NES 6405-

2,390 24 0 24 0Abrasive Powder etc. on a Base of Textile Material 6805-0 0 0 63 0Articles of Cement, Concrete or Artificial Stone 6810-0 0 7 12 10Articles of Stone or Other Mineral Substance NES 6815-0 0 0 0 11Unglazed Ceramic Flags and Paving, Hearth Wall 6907-

26,492 265 45 423 522Ceramic Sinks, Washbasins, Water Closet Bowls etc. 6910-0 0 0 340 0Ferrous Waste and Scrap 7204-0 0 0 0 18Tubes, Pipes and Hollow Profiles of Cast Iron 7303-0 0 0 5 0Stoves, Ranges, Grates, Cookers and Parts 7321-0 0 0 0 12Sanitary Ware and Parts of Iron or Steel 7324-0 0 0 946 462Refined Copper and Copper Alloys, Unwrought 7403-0 0 126 855 1,463Copper Waste and Scrap 7404-0 0 0 248 59Copper Wire 7408-0 0 100 0 100Aluminum Bars, Rods and Profiles 7604-

2,220 22 0 128 0Aluminum Casks, Cans, Boxes, and Similar 7612-20,005 200 95 1,897 974Table, Kitchen or other Household Articles and Parts 7615-

0 0 48 0 302Lead, Unwrought 7801-0 0 0 5 0Handsaws and Parts, Saw Blades 8202-0 0 0 7 1Pumps for Liquids; Liquid Elevators; Parts Thereof 8413-0 0 0 0 8Air or Vacuum Pump, Compressors and Fans 8414-0 0 0 9 0Machines, Dishwashing Machines for Cleaning etc. 8422-0 0 0 31 0Self-Propelled Bulldozers, Graders, Scrapers etc. 8429-0 0 0 0 3Agriculture Machinery for Soil, Lawn Preparations 8432-0 0 0 0 2Presses, Crushers and Similar Machinery 8435-0 0 0 0 5Machines For Preparing Textile Fibers and Yarn 8445-0 0 0 0 22Machines, Knitting and Stitch-Bonding Machines etc 8447-0 0 0 0 10Machine Tools for Forging, Bending, Stamping etc. 8462-0 0 0 10 0Machines and Mechanical Appliances NES 8479-0 0 0 .. 0Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-

12,920 129 0 842 0Mattress Supports, Articles of Bedding etc 9404-0 0 16 0 16Vacuum Flask and Vessel With Cases 9617-

U. A. E. Dubai 99,359 1,000,146113,377 993,9259,933,734475 5 399 44 451Live Horses, Asses, Mules and Hinnies 1010 -

0 0 0 537 3,157Live Bovine Animals 1020 -0 0 200 364 1,015Live Sheep and Goats 1040 -

4,982 50 0 50 286Live Chickens, Ducks, Geese, Turkeys, and Quinoa 1050 -0 0 45 505 290Live Animals NES 1060 -

87,247 873 3,949 15,912 31,638Meat of Bovine Animals, Fresh or Chilled 2010 -28,291 283 150 9,252 1,196Meat of Bovine Animals, Frozen 2020 -

6,462 65 0 359 0Meat of Swine, Fresh, Chilled or Frozen 2030 -130,741 1,308 772 8,964 7,154Meat of Sheep or Goats, Fresh, Chilled or Frozen 2040 -

23,600 236 15 1,187 272Edible Offal of Bovine Animals; Swine, Sheep, 2060 -0 0 0 39 80Meat and Edible Offal of Poultry, Fresh, Chilled or 2070 -0 0 101 522 2,497Other Meat & Edible Offal ; Fresh, Chilled or Frozen 2080 -0 0 15 0 15Pig or Poultry Fat; Fresh, Chilled, Frozen ,Salted or 2090 -0 0 0 423 0Meat and Edible Offal Salted, Dried etc. and Flour & 2100 -

5,176 52 12 193 124Fish, Fresh or Chilled (Not Fish Fillets & other Fish 3020 -111,144 1,112 241 6,399 2,576Fish Frozen (Not Fish Fillets & other Fish Meat) 3030 -

27,424 274 33 1,330 654Fish Fillets and other Fish Meat, Fresh, Chilled or 3040 -0 0 0 32 1Fish Dried, Salted or in Brine; Smoked etc; Ed 3050 -

23,038 230 571 6,401 4,279Crustaceans; Live, Fresh etc, and Cooked etc. 3060 -0 0 101 0 101Molluscs & Aquatic Invertebrates NES Live etc. 3070 -

Page 302: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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Export of Goods and Services March 2014 328

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 29 143Milk and Cream, Concentrated or Sweetened 4020 -0 0 0 0 52Butter milk, Yogurt, Kephir etc, Flavored Not 4030 -

2,671 27 0 27 666Whey and Milk Products NES, Flavored etc. or Not 4040 -5,908 59 0 69 0Butter and other Fats and Oils Derived from Milk, 4050 -

0 0 10 0 10Birds' Eggs in Shell, Fresh, Preserved or Cooked 4070 -0 0 0 45 0Birds' Eggs, Not in Shell, Yolks, Fresh, Dried, 4080 -

10,933 109 16 363 309Natural Honey 4090 -4,995 50 0 50 0Human Hair, Unworked and Waste of Human Hair 5010 -

0 0 0 1 212Guts, Bladders, Stomachs of Animals (Not Fish) 5040 -1,991 20 12 309 263Bones & Horn - Cores, Unworked, Defatted, Simply 5060 -

0 0 0 269 45Ivory, Tortoise-Shell, Whalebone etc. 5070 -0 0 0 70 0Coral, Shell of Molluscs etc. unworked or Simply 5080 -0 0 0 0 14Animal Products NES, Inedible Dead Animals 5110 -0 0 0 0 14Bulbs, Tubers, Tuberous Roots, Corms, Chicory 6010 -

842 8 6 15 15Other Live Plants and their Roots NES, Cuttings and 6020 -400 4 0 25 102Cut Flowers and Flower Buds for Bouquet or for 6030 -

0 0 0 0 2Foliage, Branches and other Parts of Plants for 6040 -28,159 282 102 5,049 686Potatoes, Fresh or Chilled 7010 -

0 0 4 9 100Tomatoes, Fresh or Chilled 7020 -20,436 204 415 3,442 1,949Onions, Shallots, Garlic, Leeks etc, Fresh or Chilled 7030 -

3,241 32 0 50 0Cabbages, Cauliflower, Kohlrabi, Kale etc. Fresh or 7040 -0 0 0 5 2Carrots, Turnips & other Edible Roots, Fresh or 7060 -0 0 144 26 493Leguminous Vegetables, Shelled or not, Fresh or 7080 -

9,148 92 130 1,722 2,294Other Vegetables NES Fresh or Chilled 7090 -52,164 522 63 1,689 587Vegetables Frozen 7100 -

0 0 0 12 0Vegetables, Temporarily Preserved, not now Edible 7110 -10,854 109 320 3,229 2,013Vegetables, Dried, Whole, Cut etc. not further 7120 -

0 0 0 23 35Leguminous Vegetables, Dried Shelled 7130 -0 0 0 19 0Coconuts, Brazil Nuts & Cashew Nuts, Fresh or Dry 8010 -

6,265 63 32 353 308Other Nuts NES Fresh or Dried Whether Shelled or 8020 -22,643 226 146 13,548 11,107Dates, Figs, Pineapples, Avocados etc, Fr or Dried 8040 -

303,008 3,031 2,492 12,657 9,633Citrus Fruit, Fresh or Dried 8050 -0 0 0 38 72Apples, Pears and Quinces, Fresh 8080 -0 0 0 23 0Apricots, Cherries, Peaches, Plums and Sloes, Fresh 8090 -

4,984 50 366 917 1,752Fruit NES Fresh 8100 -345 3 262 1,782 1,262Fruit Dried NES Mixtures of Nuts or Dried Fruit 8130 -

0 0 0 0 45Peel of Citrus Fruit or Melon, Fresh, Frozen or Dried 8140 -0 0 0 0 18Tea Whether or not Flavored 9020 -

2,254 23 104 413 603Pepper, Genus Piper; Genus Capsicum or Pimento 9040 -1,265 13 0 42 58Seeds of Anise, Badian, Fennel, Coriander, Cumin 9090 -

57,489 575 868 5,058 3,036Ginger, Saffron, Turmeric, Thyme, Bay Leaves, 9100 -4,462 45 75 574 6,099Wheat and Meslin 1001-

0 0 0 15 41Barley 1003-0 0 0 8 842Maize (Corn) 1005-

1,835,754 18,362 22,587 186,620 128,928Rice 1006-0 0 31 0 331Grain Sorghum 1007-

23,531 235 0 801 342Buckwheat, Millet and Canary Seed; other Cereals 1008-1,097 11 269 2,316 5,465Wheat or Meslin Flour 1101-

0 0 0 0 504Cereal Flours, Except of Wheat or of Meslin 1102-408 4 98 4 227Cereal Groats, Meal and Pellets 1103-

0 0 0 13 291Flour, Meal and Flakes of Potatoes 1105-0 0 0 32 0Flour and Meal of Dry etc. 1106-

3,457 35 55 363 613Starches; Inulin 1108-0 0 0 0 23Soya beans, Whether or Not Broken 1201-0 0 0 0 13Copra 1203-

92,258 923 166 8,724 2,592Other Oil Seeds and Oleaginous Fruits NES 1207-

Page 303: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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US $Rs.

(Amount in Thousand)MARCH JULY - MARCH

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329 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 4 9Flour and Meals of Oil Seeds or Oleaginous Fruits 1208-95 1 0 51 0Seeds, Fruit and Spores, for Sowing 1209-

0 0 0 32 0Hop Cones, Fresh or Dried; Lupulin 1210-1,017 10 30 517 321Plants etc. for Pharmacy, Perfume, Insecticides etc. 1211-

0 0 2,029 0 3,032Locust Beans, Seaweeds and other Algae, Sugar Beet 1212-5,715 57 277 928 674Cereal Straw and Husks 1213-

400 4 0 408 3Swedes, mangolds, Fodder Roots Hay, Clover etc. 1214-308 3 0 3 9Lac; Natural Gums, Resins, Gum-Resins and 1301-

4,409 44 0 163 723Vegetable Saps and Extracts: Pectates, Agar-Agar 1302-2,331 23 0 27 2Vegetable Plaiting Materials Like Bamboos, Reeds 1401-

0 0 0 0 45Vegetable Materials used for Stuffing Like Kapok 1402-0 0 0 23 43Vegetable Materials used in Brooms Like Piassava 1403-

3,838 38 90 375 357Vegetable Products NES 1404-0 0 0 8 43Soybean Oil and Its Fractions 1507-0 0 0 0 88Palm Oil and Its Fractions, Not Chem. Modified 1511-0 0 0 0 35Sunflower-Seed, Cottonseed oil, Not Chem. 1512-0 0 0 40 0Other Fixed Vegetable Fats and Oils NES, Not 1515-

4,492 45 250 200 943Animal or Vegetable Fats and Oils 1516-10,713 107 0 107 43Sausages and Similar Products of Meat and Blood 1601-

0 0 5 633 67Prepared or Preserved Meat, Meat Offal and Blood 1602-0 0 74 791 1,638Prepared or Preserved Fish, Caviar and Caviar 1604-

3,307 33 27 460 976Crustaceans Molluscs etc Prepared or Preserved 1605-1,028,249 10,285 19,550 64,372 68,494Cane or Beet Sugar and Sucrose in Solid Form 1701-

0 0 15 35 1,997Other Sugar NES 1702-111,898 1,119 402 1,394 402Molasses Extracted from Sugar 1703-130,484 1,305 351 7,635 4,743Sugar Confectionery including White Chocolate not 1704-

0 0 20 141 65Chocolate and other Food Products Containing 1806-10,173 102 10 424 158Malt Extracts; Food Prep. of Flour etc. Under 50% 1901-

5,610 56 25 435 505Pasta and Couscous, Prepared or Not 1902-0 0 0 345 203Foods Prep. by Swelling Cereal; Cereal NES, Grain 1904-

15,647 157 156 933 954Bread, Pastry, Cakes etc 1905-0 0 331 395 1,304Vegetable, Fruit, Nuts Etc, Prep Or Pres By Vinegar 2001-0 0 0 0 17Mushrooms and Truffles Prepared or Preserved NES 2003-0 0 0 6 0Vegetables Prepared or Preserved NES Frozen 2004-

18,484 185 23 2,155 182Vegetables Prepared or Preserved NES not Frozen 2005-0 0 0 21 0Fruit, Nuts, Fruit-Peel etc, Preserved by Sugar 2006-0 0 0 10 81Jams, Fruit Jellies, Marmalades etc. Cooked 2007-0 0 0 85 0Fruit, Nuts etc. Prepared or Preserved NES 2008-

33,222 332 94 1,583 721Fruit Juices including Grape Must and Vegtable 2009-0 0 37 37 55Extracts etc of Coffee, Tea or Mate 2101-0 0 0 86 33Sauces and Preparations thereof 2103-

39,746 398 198 1,124 1,739Food Preparations NES 2106-0 0 0 6 0Waters, Natural etc. Not Sweetened, Ice and Snow 2201-0 0 0 132 64Waters, Sweetened etc and other Nonalcoholic 2202-0 0 0 0 32Vermouth and other Wine of Fresh Grape Flavored 2205-

138,211 1,382 1,316 14,238 17,921Ethyl Alcohol, Strength: more than 80% Alcohol 2207-0 0 0 0 99Ethyl Alcohol, Strength, Under 80% Alcohol 2208-0 0 0 0 397Flour, Meal etc. of Meat etc, Not For Human 2301-

1,690 17 105 441 488Bran, Sharps and other Residue 2302-0 0 7 0 7Other Oilcakes NES From Vegetable Fats and Oils 2306-0 0 10 20 31Vegetable Material, Waste etc For Feeding Animals 2308-

993 10 0 249 675Preparations Used In Animal Feeding 2309-69,334 693 688 2,944 3,572Tobacco and Tobacco Refuse 2401-

0 0 0 114 0Cigars, Cigarettes Etc. of Tobacco or Substitutes 2402-993 10 0 548 27Tobacco and Tobacco Substitutes Manufactured 2403-

1,480 15 0 73 96Salt, Pure Sodium Chloride, Sea Water 2501-

Page 304: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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US $Rs.

(Amount in Thousand)MARCH JULY - MARCH

20 20


Export of Goods and Services March 2014 330

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 15 14 383Quartz (Other Than Natural Sands); Quartzite 2506-3,141 31 198 282 380Clays NES 2508-

0 0 0 29 0Natural Calcium, Phosphates and Its Chalk 2510-137,149 1,372 0 2,586 449Natural Barium Sulfate; Nat Barium Carbonate NES 2511-

0 0 0 2 12Pumice, Emery, Natural Corundum and Garnet etc 2513-12,610 126 104 997 875Marble, Travertine etc. and Alabaster, Crude etc. 2515-

0 0 0 12 0Granite, Porphyry, Basalt etc., Crude or Cut etc. 2516-5,398 54 0 241 33Pebbles, Gravel etc. Macadam of Slag, Dross etc. 2517-

0 0 0 25 50Gypsum; Anhydrite; Plasters etc. 2520-90,442 905 52 4,643 6,103Portland Cement, Aluminous Cement and Slag 2523-

1,738 17 0 182 79Natural Steatite Roughly Trimmed etc. 2526-0 0 0 7 0Feldspar; Lucite; Nepheline and Syenite 2529-0 0 0 25 0Mineral Substances NES 2530-0 0 0 0 164Chromium Ores and Concentrates 2610-0 0 18 0 18Uranium or Thorium Ores and Concentrates 2612-0 0 0 500 94Precious Metal Ores and Concentrates 2616-0 0 60 0 65Ash & Residues (Not From Iron Mfr) With Metal 2620-0 0 0 18 0Coal, Briquettes and Ovoid etc. Manufactures of 2701-

738,034 7,382 1,525 92,605 118,953Oil from Petrol and Bituminous Mineral etc. 2710-0 0 0 0 65Bit Mixture from Natural Asphalt etc. 2715-0 0 0 33 1Fluorine, Chlorine, Bromine and Iodine 2801-

3,620 36 25 557 673Hydrogen Chloride; Chlorosulphuric Acid 2806-0 0 0 60 0Inorganic Acids and Inorganic Oxygen Compounds 2811-0 0 0 0 10Halides and Halide Oxides of Nonmetals 2812-

479 5 48 130 135Sodium Hydroxide and Potassium Hydroxide etc. 2815-0 0 0 6 0Aluminum Oxide and Aluminum Hydroxide 2818-0 0 0 0 21Fluorides, Fluorosilicates and Fluoroaluminates etc 2826-

27,879 279 227 1,194 2,302Chlorides, Bromides and Iodides etc. 2827-0 0 0 15 0Chlorates etc. Bromates etc and Iodates etc. 2829-0 0 4 10 33Carbonates; Peroxocarbonates etc. 2836-0 0 31 29 97Hydrogen Peroxide 2847-0 0 0 4 0Carbides 2849-0 0 0 38 0Halogenated Derivatives of Hydrocarbons 2903-0 0 0 19 204Acyclic Alcohols and Halogenated Derivatives 2905-0 0 0 3 0Saturated Acyclic Monocarboxylic Acid etc. 2915-0 0 8 2,226 5,661Polycarboxylic Acids and Anhydrides etc. 2917-0 0 0 0 35Carboxylic Acid, Added Oxygen & Anhy Etc, Hal 2918-0 0 100 530 675Antibiotics 2941-0 0 0 36 19Glands and other Organs for Organo-Therapeutic 3001-0 0 0 12 44Human Blood or Animal Blood Prepared for 3002-

6,345 63 0 63 1Medicaments Mixtures for Therapeutic Use 3003-2,591 26 80 972 944Medicaments NES 3004-

0 0 0 91 126Wading, Gauze, Bandages etc. 3005-3,108 31 44 732 1,361Pharmaceutical Goods 3006-

0 0 0 36 23Synthetic Organic Coloring Matter 3204-0 0 0 24 0Color Lakes, Preparations Based on Color Lakes 3205-

6,631 66 59 336 345Other Color Matters 3206-0 0 0 58 6Paints and Varnishes of Synthetic Polymers 3208-

497 5 0 25 0Paints and Varnish of Synthetic Polymers Dissolved 3209-0 0 0 8 0Paints and Varnishes NES 3210-0 0 0 41 0Prepared Driers 3211-0 0 0 60 0Pigments Dispersed in Non-aqueous Liquid 3212-

2,733 27 0 70 0Glaziers Putty, Resin Cements, Caulking Comps etc 3214-62,010 620 266 2,695 1,215Essential Oils, Resinoids and Terpene 3301-

0 0 31 122 164Odoriferous Mixtures as Raw Materials for Industry 3302-177 2 10 1,025 5,869Perfumes and Toilet Waters 3303-

Page 305: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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US $Rs.

(Amount in Thousand)MARCH JULY - MARCH

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331 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

3,054 31 360 387 1,251Beauty and Make-Up Preparations 3304-9,836 98 0 158 107Preparations for Use on Hair 3305-

0 0 0 18 97Preparations for Oral or Dental Hygiene 3306-30,426 304 10 2,333 186Personal Toilet etc Prep NES 3307-

7,444 74 6 758 815Soap, Organic Surf-Act Products used for Soap 3401-0 0 0 29 81Organic Surf-Act Agents and Products other than 3402-0 0 56 0 57Lubricating Preparations, Antirust and Treating 3403-0 0 53 7 77Artificial and Prepared Waxes 3404-0 0 0 68 0Polishes and Creams for Leather, Wood etc. 3405-0 0 0 0 18Casein, Caseinates and other Casein Derivatives 3501-0 0 0 5 0Albumins and Albumin Derivatives 3502-0 0 0 1,476 57Gelatin and Derivatives 3503-

1,433 14 4 34 26Dextrin and Glues Based on Starches etc. 3505-0 0 0 51 126Prepared Glues and Adhesives NES 3506-0 0 0 0 15Enzymes; Prepared Enzymes NES 3507-

20,858 209 244 947 1,093Matches and Except Pyrotechnic Articles 3605-0 0 0 0 1Photographic Plates and Film etc. 3704-0 0 0 0 1Photographic Chemicals, Unmixed Products Retail 3707-

34,592 346 113 1,707 649Artificial Graphite, Colloidal Graphite and 3801-0 0 0 55 56Activated Carbon etc. Animal Black 3802-0 0 0 13 0Rosin and Resin Acids etc. Rosin Spirit etc. 3806-0 0 0 10 0Wood Tar, Vegetable Pitch etc and Similar 3807-0 0 26 1,058 74Insecticides, Rodenticides and Fungicides etc. Retail 3808-

1,491 15 0 21 96Finishing Agents etc. for Textiles, Paper etc NES 3809-0 0 0 112 0Prepared Rubber Accelerators etc. 3812-

4,992 50 0 94 14Prepared binders for foundry moulds or cores 3824-3,319 33 0 182 338Polymers of Ethylene, in Primary Forms 3901-

0 0 0 24 43Polymers of Propylene or other Olefins, Primary 3902-0 0 0 1,360 304Polymers of Styrene in Primary Forms 3903-

2,359 24 0 155 277Polymers of Vinyl Chloride etc. in Primary Forms 3904-1,664 17 0 51 35Polymers of Vinyl Acetate and other Vinyl 3905-5,165 52 1,548 7,637 8,964Polyesters, Epoxides and Polyesters, Primary Forms 3907-

0 0 2 5 104Amino-Resins, Phenolic and Polyurethane, Primary 3909-512 5 0 13 0Silicones in Primary Forms 3910-

0 0 0 0 27Cellulose and Chemical Derivatives NES Primary 3912-13,447 135 0 450 276Waste, Parings and Scrap, of Plastics 3915-

3,834 38 145 586 669Tubes, Pipes and Hoses and their Fittings, of Plastics 3917-2,168 22 0 22 135Self-Adhesive Plates, Sheets, Film etc. of Plastics 3919-

17,225 172 19 2,702 314Plates, Sheets, Film etc. 3920-0 0 0 1 20Plates, Sheets, Film, Foil and Strip NES Plastics 3921-0 0 6 35 36Baths, Washbasins, Lavatory Seats etc. of Plastics 3922-

10,460 105 95 1,928 988Containers: Boxes, Bags, Closures etc, Plastic 3923-66,285 663 120 2,882 2,757Tableware and other Household Articles etc, Plastics 3924-

0 0 0 8 12Builders' Ware of Plastics, NES 3925-14,262 143 119 1,694 782Articles of Plastics Including Polymers and Resins 3926-

0 0 10 7 18Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 4001-0 0 4 0 4Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 4002-0 0 60 1,783 1,282Waste of Rubber and Powder Obtain thereof 4004-

1,122 11 9 51 29Tubes, Pipes and Hoses of Unhard Vulcanized 4009-198 2 0 2 24Conveyor or Transmission Belts of Vulcanized 4010-

5,049 51 84 379 602New Pneumatic Tires of Rubber 4011-0 0 0 0 10Retread or Used Pneumatic Tires of Rubber 4012-

3,705 37 559 154 859Inner Rubber Tubes for Tires 4013-0 0 0 271 242Hygienic of Pharmaceutical Articles of Rubber 4014-

1,213 12 12 79 173Articles of Apparel and Clothing Acc. of Rubber 4015-1,844 18 0 51 27Articles NES of Unhard Vulcanized Rubber 4016-

Page 306: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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US $Rs.

(Amount in Thousand)MARCH JULY - MARCH

20 20


Export of Goods and Services March 2014 332

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 177 0Bovine or Equine Leather, No Hair NES 4104-0 0 0 0 20Sheep or Lamb Skin Leather, No Wool NES 4105-

6,149 62 0 121 10Goat or Kidskin Leather, No Hair NES 4106-2,754 28 0 95 30Leather of Animals NES, No Hair NES 4107-

0 0 0 52 43Leather further prepared after tanning (sheep, lamb) 4112-18,992 190 16 863 1,084Leather further prepared after tanning (other animal) 4113-

2,362 24 11 150 216Saddlery, Harness, Traces and Leads etc. 4201-0 0 5 745 251Travel Goods, Handbags, Wallets, Jewelry Cases etc. 4202-

113,952 1,140 830 9,004 4,979Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-325 3 7 133 441Articles of Leather Used in Machinery and 4204-

4,218 42 65 165 492Articles of Leather NES 4205-0 0 0 0 2Articles of Apparel etc, of Furskins 4303-0 0 0 0 52Fuel Wood, In Logs etc. Wood in Chips etc. 4401-0 0 0 3 3Wood Charcoal, Whether or Not Agglomerated 4402-0 0 0 28 0Wood in Rough, Stripped or Not of Sapwood etc. 4403-0 0 3 0 3Wood Sawn or Chip Length, Sliced etc. 4407-

280 3 0 5 0Wood, Continuously Shaped, grooved and rebated 4409-0 0 0 0 4Particle Board and Similar Board of Wood etc. 4410-0 0 0 26 13Fiberboard of Wood or Other Ligneous Materials 4411-0 0 0 10 3Wooden Frames Paintings and Photographs etc. 4414-0 0 0 0 13Tools, Tool Bodies, Tool Handles of Wood 4417-0 0 0 0 66Builders' Joinery and Carpentry of Wood 4418-0 0 11 0 45Tableware and Kitchenware of Wood 4419-0 0 25 54 44Wood Marquetry & inlaid Wood Jewel Case etc. 4420-

295 3 2 21 43Articles of Wood NES 4421-602 6 0 23 0Agglomerated Cork and Articles Thereof 4504-

9,712 97 9 221 51Plaits etc and Products of Plaiting Materials 4601-0 0 0 22 0Chemical Wood pulp, Soda or Sulfate, Not 4703-0 0 0 41 4Paper Uncoated For Writing etc, Rolls; Handmade 4802-0 0 0 0 49Toilet or Facial Tissues Stock, Towel or Napkin 4803-

1,795 18 0 322 209Kraft Paper and Paperboard Uncoated NES 4804-0 0 117 716 1,211Paper and Paperboard Uncoated NES, Rolls or 4805-0 0 0 0 1Paper and Paperboard, Corrugated, Creped Crinkled 4808-0 0 0 198 3Paper and Paperboard, Coated With Kaolin etc 4810-

3,894 39 18 310 237Paper, Paperboard, Wading etc. Coated etc NES 4811-3,249 33 0 65 82Paper, Carbon, Self-Copy etc NES 4816-

0 0 0 0 14Envelopes, Letter Cards, Postcards of Paper or 4817-0 0 124 345 568Toilet Paper, Paper Tissues, Towels, Napkins etc. 4818-

4,526 45 0 85 21Cartons, Boxes, Cases, Bags and other Packing 4819-92 1 1 24 19Registers, Notebooks, Order Book, Receipt Book 4820-

21,091 211 0 340 73Paper and Paperboard Labels of all Kinds 4821-0 0 61 2,391 3,196Bobbins, Spools etc. of Paper Pulp, Paper and 4822-

906 9 0 9 31Other Paper and Paperboard and Articles NES 4823-40 .. 57 74 157Printed Books, Brochures and Similar Printed Matter 4901-

650 7 6 76 79Newspapers, Journals and Periodicals 4902-0 0 0 5 0Maps and Hydrographic or Similar Charts of all 4905-0 0 0 59 29Printed or Illustrated Postcards, Greeting Cards etc. 4909-0 0 86 0 105Printed Matter including Pictures and Photographs 4911-0 0 0 20 0Silkworm Cocoons Suitable for Reeling 5001-

41,779 418 229 10,505 9,907Woven Fabrics of Silk or Silk Waste 5007-0 0 0 43 22Waste of Wool, Fine or Coarse Animal Hair 5103-

1,493 15 0 24 0Yarn of Carded Wool, Not for Retail Sale 5106-0 0 0 7 0Woven Fabrics of Carded Wool or Fine Animal Hair 5111-

4,281 43 0 543 34Cotton, Not Carded Or Combed 5201-6,131 61 415 692 808Cotton Waste Including Yarn Waste etc. 5202-

0 0 109 570 648Cotton, Carded or Combed 5203-

Page 307: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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US $Rs.

(Amount in Thousand)MARCH JULY - MARCH

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333 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 28 112 393Cotton Sewing Thread, Retail Packed or Not 5204-40,311 403 308 2,621 2,404Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton more than 85% 5205-

0 0 32 58 115Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton less than 85% 5206-0 0 0 14 41Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Retail Packed 5207-

100,106 1,001 926 8,053 7,398Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt < 5208-135,430 1,355 621 10,004 6,667Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-

75,510 755 713 4,919 4,865Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt < 5210-17,606 176 0 1,071 998Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt > 5211-14,481 145 205 2,519 4,278Woven Cotton Fabrics NES 5212-

0 0 0 0 780Jute and other Textile Bast Fibers NES 5303-0 0 0 0 11Yarn of Jute or other Textile Bast Fibers NES 5307-

1,425 14 0 136 250Woven Fabrics of Jute or Other Textile Bast Fibres 5310-1,995 20 2 830 37Sewing Thread of Manmade Filaments 5401-

0 0 0 549 3Synthetic Filament Yarn Not Sewing Thread, Not 5402-59,635 596 0 596 0Artificial Filament Yarn Not Sewing Thread, Not 5403-

0 0 0 10 0Synthetic Monofilament of 67 Decitex or More 5404-41,156 412 306 1,747 1,545Woven Fabric of Synthetic Filament Yarn 5407-

0 0 0 24 42Synthetic Staple Fibers, Not Carded, Combed etc. 5503-0 0 0 0 8Waste of Manmade Fibers Including Noils etc. 5505-

2,126 21 0 21 0Synthetic Staple Fibres, Carded, Combed etc. 5506-0 0 37 294 299Sewing Thread, Manmade Staple Fibre 5508-0 0 429 74 936Yarn Not for Sewing Thread, Synthetic Staple 5509-0 0 0 7 0Yarn (Not Sew Thread), Art Staple Fib, Not Retail 5510-

32,854 329 883 10,805 12,513Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5512-66,591 666 983 9,879 9,239Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5513-

0 0 52 315 388Woven Fabric, Synthetic < 85% of Fibre Mix 5514-0 0 0 34 191Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibers NES 5515-0 0 302 0 397Woven Fabrics of Artificial Staple Fibers 5516-0 0 86 64 449Textile Wadding and Articles; Text Fiber Not Over 5 5601-0 0 0 10 50Nonwovens Impregnated, Coated, Covered or 5603-0 0 0 83 41Rubber Thread and Cord, Text Covered, Textile 5604-0 0 0 0 30Gimped Yarn and Strip and the Like, Loop 5606-

468 5 0 1,112 16Twine, Cordage, Rope and Cables 5607-0 0 0 1,489 1Knotted Netting of Twine, Cordage or rope of 5608-

6,421 64 35 2,612 1,178Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Knotted 5701-0 0 8 33 85Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Woven 5702-

1,578 16 0 27 0Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Felt 5704-0 0 0 11 71Woven Pile and Chenille Fabrics NES 5801-

121,919 1,219 459 3,153 3,204Woven Terry Fabrics and Tufted Textile Fabric NES 5802-804 8 12 21 121Tulles and other Net Fabrics 5804-

0 0 0 67 27Narrow Woven Fabrics Except Labels 5806-1,565 16 16 263 128Labels, Badges and Similar Type of Textiles 5807-1,474 15 25 172 181Braids, Ornamental Trim in Pieces Not Knitted, or 5808-

0 0 0 0 3Woven Fabrics of Metal Thread and Metallized Yarn 5809-0 0 64 98 2,332Embroidery in the Piece, In Strips or in Motifs 5810-

134,360 1,344 961 8,731 4,126Gum Covered Fabric; Tracing Cloth; Paint Canvas 5901-0 0 0 20 10Tire Cord Fabric of High Tenacity Yarn of Nylon 5902-0 0 0 0 94Textile Fabrics Coated, Covered or Lamented with 5903-

61,424 614 0 672 76Textile Fabrics, Theatrical Scenery, Back-Cloths 5907-2,677 27 0 290 489Textile Products and Articles for Technical uses 5911-

0 0 0 33 15Pile Fabrics and Terry Fabrics Knitted or Crocheted 6001-0 0 0 74 85Knitted or Crocheted Fabrics of Rubber of Width 6002-0 0 61 .. 61Kn/CR Fabrics Not of Rubber/Pile Width <30 cm 6003-

36,675 367 446 1,291 2,633Warp Knit fabrics Not of Rubber and Pile Fabrics 6005-43,379 434 285 7,220 3,111Other knitted or crocheted fabrics 6006-

0 0 9 329 243Gents Overcoats, Car-Coats, Caps, Cloaks and 6101-

Page 308: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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US $Rs.

(Amount in Thousand)MARCH JULY - MARCH

20 20


Export of Goods and Services March 2014 334

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

44,573 446 354 4,226 2,015Ladies Overcoats, Car-Coats, Caps, Cloaks and 6102-66,160 662 142 4,259 2,793Gents Suits, Ensembles, Jackets etc. Kn/Cr 6103-12,552 126 5 808 434Ladies Suits, Ensembles etc. Kn/Cr 6104-39,183 392 526 3,967 4,954Gents Shirts, Knitted or Crocheted 6105-

0 0 125 701 431Gents Blouses and Shirts Kn/Cr 6106-13,779 138 12 333 273Gents Underpants, Briefs, Nightshirts etc. Kn/Cr 6107-

0 0 102 1,637 1,186Ladies Slips, Petticoats, Briefs, Paints etc. Kn/Cr 6108-2,042 20 395 1,124 1,568T-Shirts, Singlets and other Vests Kn/Cr 6109-1,069 11 146 306 361Sweaters, Pullovers, Vests etc. Kn/Cr 6110-7,993 80 0 111 207Babies' Garments and Accessories Kn/Cr 6111-2,790 28 0 523 85Track Suits, Ski Suits and Swimwear Kn/Cr 6112-

25,496 255 1,369 3,162 4,313Garments, Made-ups Kn/Cr etc. of Rubber or Plastic 6113-38,888 389 337 2,731 6,742Garments NES Knitted or Crocheted 6114-16,182 162 127 961 829Panty hose, Socks and other Hosiery Kn/Cr 6115-74,827 748 699 5,603 5,678Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Knitted or Crocheted 6116-

113,519 1,135 303 1,937 2,384Made-up Clothing Accessories NES Kn/Cr 6117-9,401 94 646 2,122 3,110Men's or Boys' Overcoats, Cloaks etc. Not Knitted 6201-

0 0 120 143 233Women's or Girls' Overcoats etc, Not Knitted or 6202-116,966 1,170 1,327 9,976 8,995Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-

67,539 676 427 2,559 3,563Women's or Girls' Suits, Ensembles etc. Not Kn/Cr. 6204-22,166 222 9 394 211Men's or Boys' Shirts, Not Kn/Cr 6205-

5,054 51 6 487 52Women's or Girls' Blouses, Shirts etc. Not Knitted 6206-2,852 29 15 538 1,044Men's or Boys' Undershirts etc Not Kn/Cr 6207-

200 2 31 127 116Women's or Girls' Slips etc Not Kn/Cr 6208-822 8 0 1,808 29Babies' Garments and Accessories Not Kn/Cr 6209-

0 0 20 39 78Garments, of Felt etc, or Fabric Impregnated etc 6210-0 0 4 247 476Track Suits, Ski-Suits and Swimwear, Not Knitted 6211-0 0 0 0 60Brassieres, Girdles, Garters and Braces etc. 6212-0 0 0 1 0Handkerchiefs 6213-0 0 0 175 397Shawls, Scarves, Mufflers, Mantillas, Veils etc. 6214-0 0 0 0 7Ties, Bow Ties and Cravats, Not Knitted or 6215-0 0 262 1,282 2,083Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Not Knitted or Crocheted 6216-

796 8 57 70 496Made-Up Clothing Accessories NES 6217-217,677 2,177 479 5,150 1,398Blankets and Traveling Rugs 6301-398,712 3,988 3,820 37,416 37,176Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-

6,781 68 58 473 288Curtains and Interior Blinds, Curtain or Bed 6303-3,870 39 0 364 416Furnishing Articles of Textile Materials NES 6304-

18,159 182 0 1,926 398Sacks and Bags of Textile Material for Packing 6305-71,336 714 3,610 9,328 23,162Tarpaulins, Sails, Awnings and Tents etc. 6306-29,336 293 409 1,522 2,547Made-Up Articles of Textile Materials NES 6307-

3,936 39 0 100 0Needlecraft Sets of Woven Fabrics and Yarn, Retail 6308-12,925 129 174 1,623 1,122Worn Clothing and other Worn Textile Articles 6309-11,271 113 101 514 1,097Used or New Rags, Scrap Twine etc of Text Material 6310-16,929 169 150 1,259 1,323Waterproof Footwear, Rubber or Plastics, Bond Sole 6401-

2,339 23 52 111 339Footwear, Outer Sole and Upper Rubber or Plastic 6402-8,609 86 266 656 2,117Footwear, Outer Sole Rubber, Plastic or Leather 6403-1,500 15 30 293 271Footwear, Outer Sole Rubber, Plastic or Textile 6404-6,514 65 18 238 452Footwear NES 6405-

0 0 0 85 0Parts of Footwear: Insoles, Gaiters etc. Parts 6406-0 0 0 0 1Hats and Headgear, Knitted etc. Lace etc. 6505-0 0 0 3 25Headgear NES 6506-

492 5 0 5 0Head-bands, Linings, Covers, Hat Frames etc. 6507-0 0 0 0 15Artificial Flowers, Foliage and Fruit Parts thereof 6702-0 0 0 0 1Wigs, False Beards of Hair etc. Human Hair Articles 6704-

14,597 146 42 446 554Worked Monumental or Building Stone and Articles 6802-0 0 3 2 3Millstones etc. For Grinding etc of Various Materials 6804-

Page 309: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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335 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

16,063 161 0 674 10Abrasive Powder etc. on a Base of Textile Material 6805-0 0 0 30 0Articles of Plaster or Items Based on Plaster 6809-0 0 0 5 1Articles of Cement, Concrete or Artificial Stone 6810-0 0 0 0 5Articles of Asbestos-Cement, Cellulose 6811-

71 1 0 1 167Fabricated Asbestos Fibers, Items of Mixtures etc 6812-5,075 51 137 995 1,040Articles of Stone or Other Mineral Substance NES 6815-1,621 16 15 89 52Bricks, Blocks, Tiles and Ceramic Goods of 6901-

0 0 0 .. 0Refractory Bricks, Blocks, Tiles and Similar Ceramic 6902-0 0 0 15 0Ceramic Building Bricks, Flooring Blocks, Tile etc. 6904-

646 6 0 6 6Glazed Ceramic Flags and Paving, Hearth Tiles etc. 6908-0 0 0 91 325Ceramic Wares for Laboratory etc. 6909-

3,955 40 15 166 464Ceramic Sinks, Washbasins, Water Closet Bowls etc. 6910-13,732 137 .. 152 104Tableware, Kitchenware and other Articles of Toilet 6911-

0 0 0 0 77Ceramics Tableware, Kitchenware etc. 6912-300 3 0 3 3Ceramic Articles NES 6914-

1,633 16 41 56 41Cullet and other Waste and Scrap of Glass 7001-0 0 0 10 3Float Glass and Surface Ground or Polished Sheets 7005-0 0 0 2 0Safety Glass of Toughened, Tempered or Laminated 7007-0 0 0 11 59Glass Mirrors, Framed or Not, Including Rearview 7009-

3,615 36 8 69 92Glass Containers for Packing etc and Glass Closures 7010-0 0 0 28 65Glass Envelopes, Bulbs and Tubes, Open and Parts 7011-0 0 20 40 60Glassware for Table, Kitchen, Toilet etc. NES 7013-0 0 0 63 0Glass Paving Blocks, Bricks, Squares, Tiles and 7016-0 0 0 35 0Glass Bead etc. and Articles NES 7018-0 0 18 60 55Glass Fibers and Articles Thereof (Yarn Etc.) 7019-

84 1 18 15 44Precious and Semi Precious Stones NES 7103-4,700 47 54 1,031 431Base Metal or Silver, Clad with Gold 7109-

0 0 0 0 18Waste and Scrap of Precious Metal or of Metal Clad 7112-14,991 150 376 49,701 91,738Articles of Jewelry and Parts thereof or Precious 7113-

0 0 121 203 3,808Articles of Goldsmiths' or Silversmiths' Wares and 7114-233 2 0 29 16Articles of Natural or Cultured Pearls, Precious 7116-

0 0 1 2 1Imitation Jewelry 7117-3,992 40 0 40 0Pig Iron and Spiegeleisen in Pigs, Blocks or Primary 7201-

0 0 0 33 0Spongy Ferrous Products and Iron 99.94% Pure 7203-27,327 273 1,571 5,764 3,308Ferrous Waste and Scrap 7204-

0 0 0 49 2Pig Iron, Spiegel, Iron or Steel Granules and Powder 7205-0 0 152 14 389Iron and Non-alloy Steel in Ingots etc. NES 7206-0 0 0 73 33Flat-Roll Products Iron or Non-Alloy Steel 7208-0 0 17 54 32Flat-Roll Iron and Non-Alloy Steel Non Clad 7209-0 0 60 511 102Flat-Roll Iron and Non-Alloy >600mm, Clad, Plated 7210-0 0 0 33 0Flat-Roll Iron and Non-Alloy Steel <600mm, Not 7211-0 0 0 0 346Angles, Shapes and Sections of Iron and Non-Alloy 7216-0 0 0 190 0Wire of Iron and Non-Alloy Steel 7217-0 0 0 111 10Flat-rolled Stainless Steel Products, Under 600mm 7220-0 0 0 0 30Wire of Stainless Steel 7223-0 0 0 0 6Other Alloy Steel in Ingots or Primary Form 7224-0 0 0 2,015 0Flat-Rolled Products of other Alloy Steel, more than 7225-0 0 0 0 22Flat-Rolled Alloy Steel NES, Under 600mm Wide 7226-0 0 0 719 1,275Sheet Piling of Iron or Steel, Welded Angles etc. 7301-0 0 0 161 0Railway / Tramway Track Construction Material of 7302-0 0 13 24 13Tubes, Pipes and Hollow Profiles Seamless of Iron 7304-

3,968 40 19 641 386Tubes, Pipes and Hollow Profiles NES of Iron and 7306-673 7 0 7 3Tube or Pipe Fittings of Iron or Steel Like 7307-

0 0 0 34 394Structures NES and Parts Thereof of Iron or Steel 7308-0 0 0 0 12Tanks etc Over 300 Liter Capacity of Iron or Steel 7309-

1,631 16 59 370 287Tanks etc Less than 300 Liter Capacity of Iron or 7310-

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US $Rs.

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Export of Goods and Services March 2014 336

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 0 1Containers for Compressed or Liquefied Gas 7311-19,170 192 0 2,827 138Stranded Wire, Rope etc, Not Electrically Insulated 7312-

0 0 0 26 4Chain and Parts of Iron or Steel 7315-0 0 0 0 50Nails, Tacks, Drawing Pins etc. of Iron or Steel 7317-0 0 0 0 66Screws, Bolts, Nuts, Washers etc. Iron or Steel 7318-0 0 0 35 0Springs and Leaves for Springs of Iron or Steel 7320-0 0 0 131 35Stoves, Ranges, Grates, Cookers and Parts 7321-0 0 45 409 309Radiators for Central Heating Not Electrically 7322-0 0 0 232 85Table, Kitchen or Household Articles & Parts of Iron 7323-0 0 0 108 64Sanitary Ware and Parts of Iron or Steel 7324-0 0 0 80 9Articles of Iron or Steel, NES 7326-

48,980 490 0 12,482 6,290Copper Mattes; Cement Copper, Precipitated Copper 7401-0 0 0 0 145Unrefined Copper; Anodes of Copper for 7402-

98,668 987 130 16,911 3,826Refined Copper and Copper Alloys, Unwrought 7403-140,491 1,405 3,407 33,029 22,107Copper Waste and Scrap 7404-

0 0 0 100 0Master Alloys of Copper 7405-0 0 0 0 53Copper Powders and Flakes 7406-0 0 0 874 0Copper Wire 7408-0 0 0 11 5Copper Plates, Sheets and Strip, of Thickness above 7409-0 0 0 0 515Copper Foil Thickness above 0.15mm 7410-0 0 0 39 117Copper Tubes and Pipes 7411-0 0 0 30 0Nails, Tacks etc. of Copper 7415-0 0 0 0 60Cooking or Heating Apparatus for Domestic Purpose 7417-0 0 50 353 724Household Articles and Parts 7418-0 0 .. 4 2Articles of Copper NES 7419-0 0 0 0 20Nickel Mattes, Nickel Oxide Sinters and other 7501-

4,067 41 32 56 32Aluminum, Unwrought 7601-0 0 580 1,375 12,151Aluminum Waste and Scrap 7602-

32,995 330 161 2,418 1,654Aluminum Bars, Rods and Profiles 7604-0 0 9 6 75Aluminum Foil 7607-0 0 0 43 135Aluminum Structures NES 7610-0 0 0 19 0Aluminum Casks, Cans, Boxes, and Similar 7612-

46,034 460 632 5,190 4,007Table, Kitchen or other Household Articles and Parts 7615-0 0 78 490 190Articles o Aluminum NES 7616-0 0 51 84 71Lead, Unwrought 7801-0 0 0 24 8Tin, Unwrought 8001-0 0 0 0 322Tin Foil of Thickness Not Exceeding 0.2mm 8005-0 0 0 7 0Zirconium and Articles Thereof Include. Waste and 8109-0 0 0 75 29Beryllium, Chromium, Germanium, Vanadium, 8112-

2,206 22 0 107 2Hand tools and Tools Used in Agriculture etc. 8201-0 0 1 3 10Handsaws and Parts, Saw Blades 8202-0 0 0 0 9Files, Rasps, Pliers, Metal cutting Shears etc. 8203-0 0 0 16 57Hand tools NES Like Blow, Torches, Anvils etc. 8205-

800 8 3 11 47Interchange Tools for Hand or Machine Tools 8207-0 0 0 21 18Knives and Blades for Machines and Appliances 8208-0 0 0 5 0Hand Operated Mechanical Appliances 8210-0 0 56 27 215Knives With Blades and Blades for Knives NES 8211-

37,879 379 0 1,886 1,071Razors and Razor Blades 8212-0 0 0 48 0Scissors, Tailors' Shears and Similar Shears and 8213-

1,918 19 30 244 257Articles of Cutlery NES and Manicure Sets etc. 8214-0 0 0 14 10Tableware etc. of Base Metal and Parts of Base 8215-0 0 0 3 13Hardware, Fixtures, Castors etc. and Part 8302-

1,177 12 10 157 205Bells, Gongs and the Like, Picture and Frames 8306-2,026 20 0 98 0Flexible Tubing of Base Metal 8307-

0 0 0 18 0Stoppers, Caps and Lids, Seals etc. 8309-3,660 37 0 37 0Wire, Rods etc. ror Soldering etc. 8311-

Page 311: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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US $Rs.

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337 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 35 0Steam etc Generating Boilers NES 8402-0 0 0 61 0Producer Gas or Water Gas Generators 8405-

51,345 514 170 4,146 1,842Spark-Ignition Reciprocating or Rotary Internal 8407-0 0 0 58 70Compression-Ignition Internal Combustion Piston 8408-0 0 0 0 382Parts For Combustion Engines etc. 8409-0 0 0 16 0Hydraulic Turbines, Water Wheels and Regulators 8410-0 0 0 0 16Engines and Motors NES and Parts Thereof 8412-

1,000 10 108 153 681Pumps for Liquids; Liquid Elevators; Parts Thereof 8413-62,969 630 746 3,527 4,493Air or Vacuum Pump, Compressors and Fans 8414-

0 0 0 139 249Air Conditioning Machines and Parts 8415-0 0 0 0 5Industrial or Lab Furnaces, Ovens and Parts 8417-

11,608 116 15 116 86Refrigerators, Freezers, Heat Pumps NES and Parts 8418-220 2 0 50 61Machinery etc for Temperature Change 8419-

0 0 0 0 18Calendaring or other Rolling Machines Not for Glass 8420-10,776 108 161 1,011 692Centrifuges, Including Dryers, Filter etc. 8421-

1,344 13 10 94 139Machines, Dishwashing Machines for Cleaning etc. 8422-0 0 0 52 0Weighing Machinery and Weights of all Kinds 8423-0 0 0 0 95Mechenical Appliances etc 8424-

1,994 20 0 20 37Pulley Tackle and Hoists other than Skip Hoist, 8425-0 0 0 230 777Ships Derricks, Cranes including Cable 8426-0 0 0 27 0Other Lifting, Handling, Loading and Unloading 8428-

5,800 58 50 264 239Self-Propelled Bulldozers, Graders, Scrapers etc. 8429-0 0 0 0 3Other Moving, Grading, leveling, Scraping & 8430-

5,000 50 0 122 0Parts for Pulley Tackle, Hoists etc and Leveling 8431-0 0 30 607 128Agriculture Machinery for Soil, Lawn Preparations 8432-0 0 0 21 5Harvesting or Threshing machinery 8433-0 0 0 64 23Milking and Dairy Machinery and Parts thereof 8434-0 0 0 24 0Presses, Crushers and Similar Machinery 8435-0 0 0 21 35Agriculture and Poultry etc Equipment Including 8436-

544 5 0 38 78Machinery NES used for Food and Drink and Parts 8438-100 1 0 25 38Machines for Making Pulp and Paper and Parts 8441-

0 0 5 8 5Printing Machinery, Machines including Ink-Jet 8443-0 0 0 1 0Machines for Extruding, Drawing, Texturing Textile 8444-0 0 247 241 445Machines For Preparing Textile Fibers and Yarn 8445-0 0 24 211 222Weaving Machines Like Looms 8446-0 0 0 15 353Machines, Knitting and Stitch-Bonding Machines etc 8447-

3,989 40 138 1,138 1,276Auxiliary Machinery for use With Textile Machines 8448-145 1 0 1 0Washing Machines and Parts 8450-

0 0 5 0 15Machinery not for Laundry for Cleaning, Drying etc 8451-0 0 4 65 4Sewing Machines other than Book Sewing Machine 8452-0 0 0 2 0Converters, Ladles, Ingot Molds and Casting 8454-

1,247 12 38 159 211Lathes for Removing Metal 8458-0 0 12 20 148Machine Tools for Drilling, Boring, Milling etc. 8459-0 0 1 0 1Machine Tools for Working Metal NES 8463-0 0 0 9 0Machine Tools for Working Wood, Cork, Bone etc. 8465-0 0 26 21 43Parts for Machine Like Ultrasonic, Stones Machines 8466-

300 3 22 203 126Tools for Working in the Hand, Pneumatic etc. 8467-0 0 4 41 57Machines and Apparatus for Soldering, Brazing or 8468-0 0 0 15 20Calculating and Account Machines, Data Recording 8470-0 0 271 30 278Automatic Data Process Machines and Units thereof 8471-0 0 0 59 0Parts for Typewriters and other Office Machines 8473-

30,258 303 0 1,636 2Machinery for Sorting Screening etc. 8474-0 0 0 36 48Machinery for Working Rubber or Plastic etc. NES 8477-0 0 0 70 29Machinery for Tobacco Preparation NES and Parts 8478-0 0 6 421 6Machines and Mechanical Appliances NES 8479-0 0 0 0 53Molding Boxes for Metal Foundry, Mold Bases etc. 8480-

Page 312: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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US $Rs.

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Export of Goods and Services March 2014 338

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 37 28 73Taps, Cocks, Valves and Similar Appliances for 8481-0 0 15 0 29Ball or Roller Bearings and Parts 8482-0 0 0 2 14Transmission Shafts, Bearings, Gears etc. and Parts 8483-0 0 0 0 31Machinery Parts Not Electrical Connectors etc. NES 8485-

622 6 0 8 0Electric Motors and Generators 8501-0 0 302 1,286 538Electrical Generating Sets and Rotary Converters 8502-0 0 0 5 0Parts of Electrical Motors, Generators and Sets 8503-

243 2 251 367 738Electrical Transformers, Static Converters and 8504-0 0 0 200 0Primary Cells and Batteries Parts thereof 8506-0 0 0 14 253Electrical Storage Batteries, Including Separators 8507-0 0 0 33 15Electromechanical Domestic Appliances and Parts 8509-0 0 0 0 3Electrical Light Equipment Windshield Wipers etc 8512-0 0 0 1 0Portable Electrical Lamps Function By Own Energy 8513-0 0 0 1 71Industrial or Laboratory Electric Furnaces etc and 8514-

6,337 63 0 63 0Electrical Laser or Other Light or Photon Beam etc 8515-2,617 26 0 46 35Electrical Water Heater and Soil Heaters, 8516-

84,639 847 1,874 29,990 7,098Electric Apparatus for Line Telephony, Telephone 8517-0 0 0 2 0Video Recording or Reproducing Apparatus 8521-0 0 0 26 19Records, Tapes and other Recorded Sound Media etc 8524-0 0 299 1,930 12,829Transmission Apparatus for Radio-telephony etc. 8525-0 0 0 0 7Radar Apparatus, Radio Navigational Aid and 8526-0 0 0 0 5Electrical Signaling, Safety or Traffic Control 8530-

4,221 42 6 48 37Electrical Sound or Visual Signaling Apparatus and 8531-0 0 0 0 4Electrical Capacitors, Fixed, Variable or Adjustable 8532-0 0 0 0 24Electrical Apparatus for Switching etc Over 1000V 8535-

997 10 0 28 0Electrical Apparatus for Switching etc. Not Over 8536-0 0 0 34 190Electrical Filament or Discharge Lamps and Parts 8539-0 0 0 15 6Electronic Integrated Circuits and Micro assemblies 8542-

2,733 27 32 153 38Insulated Wire, Cable etc. Optical Sheath Fibres 8544-0 0 0 0 25Carbon Electrodes and Brushes, Lamp Carbons etc 8545-

1,431 14 43 227 182Electrical Insulators of Any Material 8546-0 0 1,094 144 20,234Electrical Parts of Machinery NES 8548-0 0 0 1 0Parts of Railway or Tramway Locomotives 8607-

200 2 0 2 0Containers for One or More Modes of Transport 8609-16,209 162 1,453 2,345 3,863Tractors Other Than Work Trucks used for Short 8701-

0 0 0 0 21Motor Vehicle for Transport of Ten or more Persons 8702-0 0 0 67 7Motor Cars and Vehicles for Transporting Persons 8703-0 0 0 5 32Motor Vehicles for Transport of Goods 8704-

17,256 173 20 853 906Parts and Accessories for Motor Vehicles 8708-0 0 0 67 0Works Trucks Self-Propelled Not for Lifting 8709-0 0 15 25 47Motorcycles and Cycles With Auxiliary Motor 8711-

1,847 18 1 74 119Parts and Accessories of Cycles and Invalid 8714-0 0 0 24 13Trailers and Semi-Trailers etc and Parts 8716-0 0 0 3,334 2,026Vessels for Transport of Persons or Goods 8901-0 0 0 18 0Fishing Vessels, Factory Ships and other Vessels 8902-0 0 727 1,608 3,001Yachts and other Vessels for Pleasure etc or Sports 8903-

2,000 20 34 24 34Floating Structures NES Rafts, Tanks, Buoys etc. 8907-0 0 7 31 105Vessels and Floating Structures for Scrapping 8908-0 0 0 0 15Optical Fibers and Bundles etc. 9001-0 0 0 0 4Spectacles, Goggles etc. Correct, Protect etc. 9004-

998 10 0 10 0Optical Telescopes and Mounting for 9005-0 0 6 0 6Photocopy Apparatus and Thermo copy Apparatus & 9009-

477 5 0 85 9Balances of a Sensitivity more than 5 Cg 9016-36,639 366 276 3,867 3,365Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-

0 0 0 0 9X-Ray etc Apparatus, Tubes, Panels, Screen and 9022-0 0 0 0 13Instruments and Apparatus for Physical and Chem. 9027-

Page 313: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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US $Rs.

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339 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 20 605 140Oscilloscopes, Spectrum Analyzers etc and Parts 9030-0 0 0 0 31Clocks With Watch Movement 9103-0 0 0 13 0Other Clocks NES 9105-0 0 0 24 9Clock Movements, Complete and Assembled 9109-0 0 0 20 25Parts etc. of Musical Instruments, Metronomes 9209-0 0 37 0 37Bombs, Grenades, Cartridges and Parts 9306-

2,619 26 0 53 4Seats and Parts Except Barber, Dental etc. 9401-0 0 0 0 12Medical, Surgical, Dental or Veterinary Furniture 9402-

4,553 46 28 1,104 901Furniture NES and Parts Thereof 9403-100,392 1,004 263 2,893 1,346Mattress Supports, Articles of Bedding etc 9404-

0 0 0 102 0Lamps and Lighting Fittings and Parts etc NES 9405-710 7 0 18 1Toys NES, Reduced Size, Puzzles of all Kinds 9503-

157,092 1,571 961 7,745 6,922Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-0 0 7 0 26Merry-Go-Rounds, Other Fairground Amusement 9508-0 0 36 50 53Worked Ivory, Bone etc and Articles Thereof 9601-0 0 6 8 143Brooms, Brushes, Mops and Feather Dusters etc. 9603-

2,827 28 18 210 822Buttons, Press Studs, Button Mold and Blanks etc. 9606-16,764 168 14 711 561Pens, Ball Points, Soft Tip and Mechanical Pencils 9608-

0 0 0 134 278Pencils, Crayons, Leads and Chalks etc. 9609-0 0 0 10 0Smoking Pipes and Bowls, Cigar etc Holders and 9614-0 0 15 170 134Vacuum Flask and Vessel With Cases 9617-0 0 0 0 15Paintings, Drawing etc By Hand 9701-0 0 40 .. 234Original Sculptures and Statuary 9703-0 0 0 10 17Collectors Item of Botanic and Historical Interest 9705-0 0 0 6 0Good Imported Under United Nations Privileges 9901-0 0 11 0 11Goods Imported Temporarily for Exportation 9920-0 0 0 21 0Heing, Zeera & Other Medical Herbs Imported from 9932-0 0 0 25 0Fertilizers Excluding Animal or Vegetable Fertilizer 9936-0 0 0 0 9Special Transaction NES 9992-

U. A. E. Fujairah 45,930 160,62329,518 243,7084,591,9920 0 0 60 0Fish Frozen (Not Fish Fillets & other Fish Meat) 3030 -0 0 0 0 1Other Vegetables NES Fresh or Chilled 7090 -

80 1 0 2 0Other Nuts NES Fresh or Dried Whether Shelled or 8020 -0 0 37 0 132Citrus Fruit, Fresh or Dried 8050 -0 0 0 0 157Wheat and Meslin 1001-0 0 0 0 71Rice 1006-0 0 0 185 0Cane or Beet Sugar and Sucrose in Solid Form 1701-0 0 0 0 14Sugar Confectionery including White Chocolate not 1704-0 0 0 0 405Ethyl Alcohol, Strength: more than 80% Alcohol 2207-0 0 0 726 66Feldspar; Lucite; Nepheline and Syenite 2529-0 0 0 15,686 40,427Oils etc from High Temperature Coal Tar 2707-

4,591,912 45,929 29,481 142,600 202,065Oil from Petrol and Bituminous Mineral etc. 2710-0 0 0 141 0Medicaments NES 3004-0 0 0 3 3Waste, Parings and Scrap, of Plastics 3915-0 0 0 106 0Plates, Sheets, Film etc. 3920-0 0 0 0 47Containers: Boxes, Bags, Closures etc, Plastic 3923-0 0 0 73 0Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-0 0 0 104 0Cotton Waste Including Yarn Waste etc. 5202-0 0 0 0 124Cotton, Carded or Combed 5203-0 0 0 199 0Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt < 5208-0 0 0 112 64Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-0 0 0 65 0Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt < 5210-0 0 0 0 6Woven Fabric of Synthetic Filament Yarn 5407-0 0 0 37 0Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5512-0 0 0 80 0Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5513-

Page 314: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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Export of Goods and Services March 2014 340

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 4 0Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Knotted 5701-0 0 0 1 0Labels, Badges and Similar Type of Textiles 5807-0 0 0 26 0Gents Suits, Ensembles, Jackets etc. Kn/Cr 6103-0 0 0 1 11Ladies Suits, Ensembles etc. Kn/Cr 6104-0 0 0 3 24Gents Shirts, Knitted or Crocheted 6105-0 0 0 21 0Gents Blouses and Shirts Kn/Cr 6106-0 0 0 0 14Garments, Made-ups Kn/Cr etc. of Rubber or Plastic 6113-0 0 0 0 1Panty hose, Socks and other Hosiery Kn/Cr 6115-0 0 0 48 0Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-0 0 0 26 0Women's or Girls' Suits, Ensembles etc. Not Kn/Cr. 6204-0 0 0 20 0Men's or Boys' Shirts, Not Kn/Cr 6205-0 0 0 16 0Track Suits, Ski-Suits and Swimwear, Not Knitted 6211-0 0 0 138 29Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-0 0 0 14 0Made-Up Articles of Textile Materials NES 6307-0 0 0 72 0Footwear, Outer Sole Rubber, Plastic or Leather 6403-0 0 0 5 0Worked Monumental or Building Stone and Articles 6802-0 0 0 4 0Articles of Cement, Concrete or Artificial Stone 6810-0 0 0 1 0Precious and Semi Precious Stones NES 7103-0 0 0 .. 0Articles of Jewelry and Parts thereof or Precious 7113-0 0 0 40 42Copper Waste and Scrap 7404-0 0 0 0 3Spark-Ignition Reciprocating or Rotary Internal 8407-0 0 0 2 0Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-0 0 0 0 5Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-

U. A. E. Ras Al Khaimah 353 1,337175 1,58235,253447 4 0 4 0Live Animals NES 1060 -

0 0 0 20 0Fruit Dried NES Mixtures of Nuts or Dried Fruit 8130 -0 0 0 111 0Rice 1006-0 0 0 34 0Flour, Meal and Flakes of Potatoes 1105-0 0 0 0 10Vegetable Plaiting Materials Like Bamboos, Reeds 1401-

34,071 341 57 690 106Cane or Beet Sugar and Sucrose in Solid Form 1701-0 0 3 0 3Bran, Sharps and other Residue 2302-0 0 0 3 0Natural Barium Sulfate; Nat Barium Carbonate NES 2511-0 0 0 0 50Marble, Travertine etc. and Alabaster, Crude etc. 2515-0 0 0 0 711Feldspar; Lucite; Nepheline and Syenite 2529-0 0 0 0 29Carbonates; Peroxocarbonates etc. 2836-0 0 0 105 0Medicaments NES 3004-0 0 0 0 6Prepared Glues and Adhesives NES 3506-0 0 27 0 44Cellulose and Chemical Derivatives NES Primary 3912-0 0 0 5 0Plates, Sheets, Film etc. 3920-0 0 0 80 0Containers: Boxes, Bags, Closures etc, Plastic 3923-

735 7 19 47 19Tableware and other Household Articles etc, Plastics 3924-0 0 0 0 19Articles of Plastics Including Polymers and Resins 3926-0 0 0 0 1Tubes, Pipes and Hoses of Unhard Vulcanized 4009-0 0 0 0 ..Articles of Apparel and Clothing Acc. of Rubber 4015-0 0 0 23 109Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-0 0 0 149 0Cotton Waste Including Yarn Waste etc. 5202-0 0 69 0 69Cotton, Carded or Combed 5203-0 0 0 0 15Gents Suits, Ensembles, Jackets etc. Kn/Cr 6103-0 0 0 6 0Men's or Boys' Overcoats, Cloaks etc. Not Knitted 6201-0 0 0 1 131Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-0 0 0 0 100Worked Monumental or Building Stone and Articles 6802-0 0 0 0 44Bricks, Blocks, Tiles and Ceramic Goods of 6901-0 0 0 2 0Articles of Natural or Cultured Pearls, Precious 7116-0 0 0 0 3Aluminum Foil 7607-0 0 0 0 30Weaving Machines Like Looms 8446-

Page 315: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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US $Rs.

(Amount in Thousand)MARCH JULY - MARCH

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341 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 50 0Machines and Mechanical Appliances NES 8479-0 0 0 5 0Electrical Filament or Discharge Lamps and Parts 8539-0 0 0 0 15Liquid Crystal Devices NES, Lasers etc. 9013-0 0 0 0 23Instruments and Apparatus for Physical and Chem. 9027-0 0 0 0 46Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-

U. A. E. Sharjah 8,413 87,0483,897 47,306841,1250 0 0 23 0Live Horses, Asses, Mules and Hinnies 1010 -0 0 0 0 5Live Bovine Animals 1020 -

870 9 0 9 0Live Animals NES 1060 -16,479 165 20 433 41Meat of Bovine Animals, Fresh or Chilled 2010 -

0 0 0 0 9Meat of Swine, Fresh, Chilled or Frozen 2030 -5,485 55 6 297 332Meat of Sheep or Goats, Fresh, Chilled or Frozen 2040 -

0 0 0 22 0Meat and Edible Offal of Poultry, Fresh, Chilled or 2070 -0 0 0 0 5Other Meat & Edible Offal ; Fresh, Chilled or Frozen 2080 -0 0 0 0 44Fish, Live 3010 -0 0 0 5 0Fish, Fresh or Chilled (Not Fish Fillets & other Fish 3020 -

28,162 282 324 3,812 1,345Fish Frozen (Not Fish Fillets & other Fish Meat) 3030 -1,772 18 0 648 550Fish Fillets and other Fish Meat, Fresh, Chilled or 3040 -

96,487 965 343 7,916 3,097Crustaceans; Live, Fresh etc, and Cooked etc. 3060 -0 0 0 4 0Butter and other Fats and Oils Derived from Milk, 4050 -0 0 0 81 6Natural Honey 4090 -0 0 0 12 0Guts, Bladders, Stomachs of Animals (Not Fish) 5040 -0 0 0 36 0Potatoes, Fresh or Chilled 7010 -0 0 0 30 6Onions, Shallots, Garlic, Leeks etc, Fresh or Chilled 7030 -

603 6 0 21 101Other Vegetables NES Fresh or Chilled 7090 -0 0 0 25 7Vegetables Frozen 7100 -0 0 0 21 0Vegetables, Dried, Whole, Cut etc. not further 7120 -0 0 0 10 0Other Nuts NES Fresh or Dried Whether Shelled or 8020 -0 0 0 4 18Dates, Figs, Pineapples, Avocados etc, Fr or Dried 8040 -0 0 0 24 1Citrus Fruit, Fresh or Dried 8050 -0 0 0 284 0Fruit Dried NES Mixtures of Nuts or Dried Fruit 8130 -0 0 0 0 2Tea Whether or not Flavored 9020 -0 0 0 0 11Maize (Corn) 1005-

13,841 138 510 2,759 2,536Rice 1006-0 0 0 79 123Buckwheat, Millet and Canary Seed; other Cereals 1008-0 0 38 0 201Wheat or Meslin Flour 1101-0 0 0 14 0Flour, Meal and Flakes of Potatoes 1105-0 0 0 2 0Starches; Inulin 1108-

452 5 0 267 0Other Oil Seeds and Oleaginous Fruits NES 1207-0 0 0 0 15Plants etc. for Pharmacy, Perfume, Insecticides etc. 1211-0 0 57 6 686Cereal Straw and Husks 1213-

698 7 0 25 0Vegetable Plaiting Materials Like Bamboos, Reeds 1401-0 0 0 49 0Vegetable Products NES 1404-0 0 100 0 606Animal or Vegetable Fats and Oils 1516-0 0 33 801 1,452Prepared or Preserved Fish, Caviar and Caviar 1604-

5,213 52 414 2,082 3,720Crustaceans Molluscs etc Prepared or Preserved 1605-8,422 84 149 226 1,645Cane or Beet Sugar and Sucrose in Solid Form 1701-

0 0 0 56 0Other Sugar NES 1702-2,676 27 8 43 19Sugar Confectionery including White Chocolate not 1704-

0 0 0 6 157Pasta and Couscous, Prepared or Not 1902-0 0 0 78 0Foods Prep. by Swelling Cereal; Cereal NES, Grain 1904-0 0 0 0 66Bread, Pastry, Cakes etc 1905-0 0 0 121 0Vegetable, Fruit, Nuts Etc, Prep Or Pres By Vinegar 2001-0 0 0 4 4Fruit Juices including Grape Must and Vegtable 2009-0 0 0 13 15Sauces and Preparations thereof 2103-

Page 316: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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US $Rs.

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Export of Goods and Services March 2014 342

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 13 77 25Waters, Sweetened etc and other Nonalcoholic 2202-5,274 53 108 255 971Ethyl Alcohol, Strength: more than 80% Alcohol 2207-

0 0 0 439 22Flour, Meal etc. of Meat etc, Not For Human 2301-0 0 0 4 13Bran, Sharps and other Residue 2302-0 0 0 0 3Vegetable Material, Waste etc For Feeding Animals 2308-0 0 5 3,080 918Tobacco and Tobacco Refuse 2401-0 0 0 0 124Cigars, Cigarettes Etc. of Tobacco or Substitutes 2402-0 0 13 95 58Clays NES 2508-0 0 5 0 5Natural Barium Sulfate; Nat Barium Carbonate NES 2511-0 0 0 39 18Marble, Travertine etc. and Alabaster, Crude etc. 2515-0 0 26 0 54Gypsum; Anhydrite; Plasters etc. 2520-0 0 0 0 5Quicklime, Slaked Lime and Hydraulic Lime 2522-0 0 0 141 0Portland Cement, Aluminous Cement and Slag 2523-

367 4 0 17 0Feldspar; Lucite; Nepheline and Syenite 2529-0 0 0 0 16Mineral Substances NES 2530-

232,837 2,329 0 17,388 1,989Oil from Petrol and Bituminous Mineral etc. 2710-0 0 0 125 110Hydrogen Chloride; Chlorosulphuric Acid 2806-0 0 0 0 19Carbonates; Peroxocarbonates etc. 2836-0 0 27 0 27Hydrogen Peroxide 2847-0 0 0 0 19Amine-Function Compounds 2921-0 0 0 5 2Antibiotics 2941-0 0 0 23 0Medicaments Mixtures for Therapeutic Use 3003-

5,491 55 0 55 24Medicaments NES 3004-0 0 6 29 27Wading, Gauze, Bandages etc. 3005-0 0 0 0 2Pharmaceutical Goods 3006-0 0 0 14 0Fertilizer of Nitrogen, Phosphorus or Potassium 3105-0 0 0 0 37Synthetic Organic Coloring Matter 3204-0 0 0 0 11Odoriferous Mixtures as Raw Materials for Industry 3302-

5,954 60 46 491 376Beauty and Make-Up Preparations 3304-0 0 0 48 0Personal Toilet etc Prep NES 3307-0 0 0 6 0Soap, Organic Surf-Act Products used for Soap 3401-0 0 0 11 0Polishes and Creams for Leather, Wood etc. 3405-0 0 0 0 302Prepared Explosives other than Propellant Powders 3602-0 0 0 38 0Matches and Except Pyrotechnic Articles 3605-0 0 0 0 3Insecticides, Rodenticides and Fungicides etc. Retail 3808-0 0 0 0 286Polymers of Ethylene, in Primary Forms 3901-0 0 0 581 0Polymers of Styrene in Primary Forms 3903-0 0 0 0 434Polymers of Vinyl Chloride etc. in Primary Forms 3904-0 0 0 3,514 471Polyesters, Epoxides and Polyesters, Primary Forms 3907-0 0 0 0 6Silicones in Primary Forms 3910-0 0 0 0 32Cellulose and Chemical Derivatives NES Primary 3912-

5,604 56 0 56 28Waste, Parings and Scrap, of Plastics 3915-0 0 0 12 0Self-Adhesive Plates, Sheets, Film etc. of Plastics 3919-

4,633 46 0 681 0Plates, Sheets, Film etc. 3920-0 0 0 114 ..Containers: Boxes, Bags, Closures etc, Plastic 3923-0 0 0 129 7Tableware and other Household Articles etc, Plastics 3924-0 0 12 207 54Articles of Plastics Including Polymers and Resins 3926-0 0 0 10 0Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 4001-0 0 0 15 7Tubes, Pipes and Hoses of Unhard Vulcanized 4009-0 0 0 10 20New Pneumatic Tires of Rubber 4011-0 0 61 31 61Inner Rubber Tubes for Tires 4013-0 0 0 0 10Hygienic of Pharmaceutical Articles of Rubber 4014-0 0 0 0 2Articles NES of Unhard Vulcanized Rubber 4016-0 0 0 0 773Leather further prepared after tanning (sheep, lamb) 4112-

2,412 24 0 54 138Leather further prepared after tanning (other animal) 4113-0 0 2 0 9Saddlery, Harness, Traces and Leads etc. 4201-

Page 317: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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US $Rs.

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343 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 3 0Travel Goods, Handbags, Wallets, Jewelry Cases etc. 4202-1,697 17 0 58 46Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-

0 0 0 14 0Railway or Tramway Sleepers of Wood 4406-0 0 0 0 16Veneer Sheets etc. Not Over 6 Mm Thick 4408-0 0 0 5 0Articles of Wood NES 4421-0 0 2 0 2Agglomerated Cork and Articles Thereof 4504-0 0 24 100 52Basketwork, Wickerwork of Plait and other Articles 4602-0 0 0 2 0Pulps of Fibrous Cellulosic Material NES 4706-0 0 0 5 10Paper and Paperboard Uncoated NES, Rolls or 4805-

1,836 18 0 18 0Paper, Paperboard, Wading etc. Coated etc NES 4811-0 0 0 35 0Toilet Paper, Paper Tissues, Towels, Napkins etc. 4818-

899 9 0 36 0Paper and Paperboard Labels of all Kinds 4821-0 0 0 5 0Bobbins, Spools etc. of Paper Pulp, Paper and 4822-0 0 11 22 19Printed Books, Brochures and Similar Printed Matter 4901-0 0 0 1 0Maps and Hydrographic or Similar Charts of all 4905-0 0 0 0 ..Printed Matter including Pictures and Photographs 4911-

1,016 10 0 11 40Woven Fabrics of Silk or Silk Waste 5007-0 0 21 0 21Cotton, Not Carded Or Combed 5201-

800 8 10 103 89Cotton Waste Including Yarn Waste etc. 5202-0 0 0 0 61Cotton, Carded or Combed 5203-0 0 0 79 32Cotton Sewing Thread, Retail Packed or Not 5204-0 0 0 144 147Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton more than 85% 5205-

11,794 118 51 860 431Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt < 5208-0 0 0 156 2Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-

4,479 45 0 611 240Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt < 5210-0 0 87 200 176Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt > 5211-0 0 63 1 143Woven Cotton Fabrics NES 5212-0 0 0 44 0Sewing Thread of Manmade Filaments 5401-

43,748 438 0 438 0Artificial Filament Yarn Not Sewing Thread, Not 5403-0 0 0 35 0Synthetic Filament Tow 5501-0 0 0 0 283Sewing Thread, Manmade Staple Fibre 5508-0 0 0 22 1Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5512-

2,393 24 0 446 698Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5513-0 0 0 40 30Woven Fabric, Synthetic < 85% of Fibre Mix 5514-0 0 0 5 0Woven Fabrics of Artificial Staple Fibers 5516-

1,417 14 0 194 76Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Knotted 5701-0 0 15 4 29Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Woven 5702-0 0 27 3 69Woven Terry Fabrics and Tufted Textile Fabric NES 5802-

346 3 0 3 4Labels, Badges and Similar Type of Textiles 5807-0 0 0 0 62Gum Covered Fabric; Tracing Cloth; Paint Canvas 5901-0 0 0 10 0Pile Fabrics and Terry Fabrics Knitted or Crocheted 6001-0 0 0 64 45Warp Knit fabrics Not of Rubber and Pile Fabrics 6005-0 0 0 1 88Other knitted or crocheted fabrics 6006-0 0 0 408 10Gents Suits, Ensembles, Jackets etc. Kn/Cr 6103-0 0 0 0 160Ladies Suits, Ensembles etc. Kn/Cr 6104-

1,596 16 51 182 187Gents Shirts, Knitted or Crocheted 6105-0 0 0 178 9T-Shirts, Singlets and other Vests Kn/Cr 6109-0 0 21 81 128Garments, Made-ups Kn/Cr etc. of Rubber or Plastic 6113-0 0 0 0 108Garments NES Knitted or Crocheted 6114-

831 8 0 22 24Panty hose, Socks and other Hosiery Kn/Cr 6115-0 0 0 0 9Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Knitted or Crocheted 6116-0 0 0 0 66Men's or Boys' Overcoats, Cloaks etc. Not Knitted 6201-

6,124 61 0 83 88Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-0 0 0 0 2Men's or Boys' Shirts, Not Kn/Cr 6205-0 0 0 .. 0Men's or Boys' Undershirts etc Not Kn/Cr 6207-0 0 0 0 9Babies' Garments and Accessories Not Kn/Cr 6209-

Page 318: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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US $Rs.

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Export of Goods and Services March 2014 344

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 23 24Track Suits, Ski-Suits and Swimwear, Not Knitted 6211-0 0 0 0 22Ties, Bow Ties and Cravats, Not Knitted or 6215-0 0 0 0 9Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Not Knitted or Crocheted 6216-0 0 0 30 0Blankets and Traveling Rugs 6301-

1,093 11 101 303 3,082Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-0 0 0 21 1Curtains and Interior Blinds, Curtain or Bed 6303-0 0 0 3 0Furnishing Articles of Textile Materials NES 6304-0 0 0 0 84Sacks and Bags of Textile Material for Packing 6305-

8,159 82 0 510 431Tarpaulins, Sails, Awnings and Tents etc. 6306-0 0 0 43 86Made-Up Articles of Textile Materials NES 6307-0 0 0 2 0Needlecraft Sets of Woven Fabrics and Yarn, Retail 6308-0 0 1 10 22Worn Clothing and other Worn Textile Articles 6309-0 0 0 7 13Used or New Rags, Scrap Twine etc of Text Material 6310-0 0 9 0 25Waterproof Footwear, Rubber or Plastics, Bond Sole 6401-0 0 0 0 9Footwear, Outer Sole and Upper Rubber or Plastic 6402-0 0 0 18 49Footwear, Outer Sole Rubber, Plastic or Leather 6403-0 0 0 23 35Footwear NES 6405-

996 10 0 64 6Worked Monumental or Building Stone and Articles 6802-0 0 0 .. 0Articles of Asphalt or of Similar Material 6807-

3,122 31 12 509 105Articles of Stone or Other Mineral Substance NES 6815-0 0 0 8 13Ceramic Wares for Laboratory etc. 6909-0 0 0 77 171Ceramic Sinks, Washbasins, Water Closet Bowls etc. 6910-0 0 0 2 0Ceramic Articles NES 6914-0 0 0 2 0Drawn and Blown Glass in Sheets etc. 7004-0 0 4 0 11Precious and Semi Precious Stones NES 7103-0 0 0 0 49Synthetic Precious or Semi precious Stones, Not 7104-

5,999 60 0 90 0Waste and Scrap of Precious Metal or of Metal Clad 7112-8,013 80 65 537 809Articles of Jewelry and Parts thereof or Precious 7113-

181 2 0 7 46Imitation Jewelry 7117-42,011 420 133 8,852 5,356Ferrous Waste and Scrap 7204-

0 0 0 16 0Flat-Roll Iron and Non-Alloy Steel Non Clad 7209-0 0 0 18 37Other Bars and Rods of Alloy Steel 7228-0 0 0 18 0Tubes, Pipes and Hollow Profiles NES of Iron and 7306-0 0 0 302 178Tanks etc Less than 300 Liter Capacity of Iron or 7310-0 0 53 29 172Stoves, Ranges, Grates, Cookers and Parts 7321-0 0 0 0 8Sanitary Ware and Parts of Iron or Steel 7324-0 0 0 32 0Articles of Iron or Steel, NES 7326-

34,159 342 0 721 0Refined Copper and Copper Alloys, Unwrought 7403-194,223 1,943 523 19,161 4,818Copper Waste and Scrap 7404-

0 0 0 0 22Copper Wire 7408-0 0 41 0 41Articles of Copper NES 7419-0 0 0 446 0Aluminum Waste and Scrap 7602-0 0 23 37 68Aluminum Bars, Rods and Profiles 7604-0 0 0 261 0Table, Kitchen or other Household Articles and Parts 7615-0 0 0 0 95Lead, Unwrought 7801-0 0 0 247 1,042Tin Foil of Thickness Not Exceeding 0.2mm 8005-0 0 0 0 5Handsaws and Parts, Saw Blades 8202-

2,428 24 34 82 34Razors and Razor Blades 8212-0 0 0 100 0Tableware etc. of Base Metal and Parts of Base 8215-0 0 0 4 0Hardware, Fixtures, Castors etc. and Part 8302-0 0 0 19 0Sign and Name Plates and Symbols etc. 8310-0 0 0 0 10Wire, Rods etc. ror Soldering etc. 8311-

300 3 0 3 0Auxiliary Plant Used With Boilers; Condensers and 8404-0 0 0 141 0Spark-Ignition Reciprocating or Rotary Internal 8407-0 0 7 26 7Parts For Combustion Engines etc. 8409-0 0 0 48 190Pumps for Liquids; Liquid Elevators; Parts Thereof 8413-

Page 319: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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US $Rs.

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345 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

3,037 30 45 116 122Air or Vacuum Pump, Compressors and Fans 8414-0 0 0 26 5Air Conditioning Machines and Parts 8415-0 0 0 9 0Industrial or Lab Furnaces, Ovens and Parts 8417-0 0 0 34 0Refrigerators, Freezers, Heat Pumps NES and Parts 8418-0 0 0 9 0Machinery etc for Temperature Change 8419-0 0 0 0 13Calendaring or other Rolling Machines Not for Glass 8420-0 0 0 0 4Centrifuges, Including Dryers, Filter etc. 8421-0 0 0 .. 54Machines, Dishwashing Machines for Cleaning etc. 8422-0 0 0 55 20Self-Propelled Bulldozers, Graders, Scrapers etc. 8429-0 0 0 0 4Machines for Making Pulp and Paper and Parts 8441-0 0 0 27 80Machines For Preparing Textile Fibers and Yarn 8445-0 0 0 36 0Weaving Machines Like Looms 8446-0 0 11 30 11Machines, Knitting and Stitch-Bonding Machines etc 8447-0 0 5 69 18Lathes for Removing Metal 8458-0 0 0 12 0Machine Tools for Honing or Finishing Metal etc. 8460-0 0 0 3 0Machines and Apparatus for Soldering, Brazing or 8468-0 0 0 15 0Machinery for Sorting Screening etc. 8474-0 0 10 0 85Machinery for Working Rubber or Plastic etc. NES 8477-

9,769 98 0 98 0Machines and Mechanical Appliances NES 8479-0 0 0 0 21Taps, Cocks, Valves and Similar Appliances for 8481-0 0 0 0 3Ball or Roller Bearings and Parts 8482-0 0 0 82 0Transmission Shafts, Bearings, Gears etc. and Parts 8483-0 0 0 0 88Machinery Parts Not Electrical Connectors etc. NES 8485-0 0 0 27 0Electrical Transformers, Static Converters and 8504-0 0 0 1 0Industrial or Laboratory Electric Furnaces etc and 8514-0 0 0 9 0Electrical Water Heater and Soil Heaters, 8516-0 0 72 180 302Electrical Signaling, Safety or Traffic Control 8530-0 0 0 9 0Electrical Sound or Visual Signaling Apparatus and 8531-0 0 0 0 11Electrical Filament or Discharge Lamps and Parts 8539-0 0 0 0 11Tractors Other Than Work Trucks used for Short 8701-

2,420 24 7 158 58Parts and Accessories for Motor Vehicles 8708-1,421 14 0 47 0Parts and Accessories of Cycles and Invalid 8714-

256 3 0 28 30Vessels and Floating Structures for Scrapping 8908-0 0 0 7 524Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-0 0 0 0 71Instruments and Apparatus for Physical and Chem. 9027-0 0 1 1 13Furniture NES and Parts Thereof 9403-0 0 0 67 38Mattress Supports, Articles of Bedding etc 9404-0 0 0 0 10Lamps and Lighting Fittings and Parts etc NES 9405-0 0 3 71 213Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-

828 8 23 8 23Fishing Rods and Tackle Nets, Decoys etc. 9507-0 0 0 78 58Worked Ivory, Bone etc and Articles Thereof 9601-0 0 0 5 162Pens, Ball Points, Soft Tip and Mechanical Pencils 9608-0 0 0 0 3Collectors Item of Botanic and Historical Interest 9705-0 0 2 0 2Antiques of an Age Exceeding One Hundred Years 9706-

U. A. E. Ummal Quwain 84 48380 6848,4420 0 0 15 0Citrus Fruit, Fresh or Dried 8050 -

7,586 76 30 165 39Rice 1006-0 0 0 4 0Cereal Straw and Husks 1213-0 0 0 42 0Vegetable Waxes NES 1521-0 0 0 0 26Food Preparations NES 2106-0 0 0 26 0Salt, Pure Sodium Chloride, Sea Water 2501-0 0 0 40 12Finishing Agents etc. for Textiles, Paper etc NES 3809-0 0 49 0 91Polymers of Styrene in Primary Forms 3903-0 0 0 15 0Goat or Kidskin Leather, No Hair NES 4106-0 0 0 0 14Leather further prepared after tanning (other animal) 4113-

Page 320: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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US $Rs.

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Export of Goods and Services March 2014 346

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 21 6Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-0 0 0 0 12Woven Cotton Fabrics NES 5212-0 0 0 51 0Panty hose, Socks and other Hosiery Kn/Cr 6115-0 0 0 0 18Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Knitted or Crocheted 6116-0 0 0 0 38Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-

856 9 0 9 0Women's or Girls' Suits, Ensembles etc. Not Kn/Cr. 6204-0 0 0 5 0Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Not Knitted or Crocheted 6216-0 0 0 20 413Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-0 0 0 7 0Float Glass and Surface Ground or Polished Sheets 7005-0 0 0 42 0Other Lifting, Handling, Loading and Unloading 8428-0 0 0 0 16Parts for Pulley Tackle, Hoists etc and Leveling 8431-0 0 0 8 0Electrical Water Heater and Soil Heaters, 8516-0 0 0 3 0Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-0 0 0 11 0Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-

U. K. 145,452 1,156,587125,133 1,012,49914,541,934332 3 4 5,082 50Live Horses, Asses, Mules and Hinnies 1010 -

0 0 8 26 16Live Bovine Animals 1020 -0 0 0 81 0Live Sheep and Goats 1040 -0 0 0 5 0Live Chickens, Ducks, Geese, Turkeys, and Quinoa 1050 -

24,693 247 0 249 6Live Animals NES 1060 -30 .. 0 149 6Edible Offal of Bovine Animals; Swine, Sheep, 2060 -

0 0 0 0 109Other Meat & Edible Offal ; Fresh, Chilled or Frozen 2080 -0 0 0 5 0Fish, Live 3010 -0 0 0 28 12Fish, Fresh or Chilled (Not Fish Fillets & other Fish 3020 -

22,090 221 0 351 230Fish Frozen (Not Fish Fillets & other Fish Meat) 3030 -0 0 0 31 63Fish Fillets and other Fish Meat, Fresh, Chilled or 3040 -0 0 0 2 0Fish Dried, Salted or in Brine; Smoked etc; Ed 3050 -0 0 0 0 12Crustaceans; Live, Fresh etc, and Cooked etc. 3060 -0 0 0 0 4Molluscs & Aquatic Invertebrates NES Live etc. 3070 -

1,381 14 0 14 0Milk and Cream, Concentrated or Sweetened 4020 -0 0 0 18 0Whey and Milk Products NES, Flavored etc. or Not 4040 -0 0 0 5 0Natural Honey 4090 -0 0 0 0 54Edible Products of Animal Origin, NES 4100 -0 0 2 0 2Guts, Bladders, Stomachs of Animals (Not Fish) 5040 -0 0 20 151 307Bones & Horn - Cores, Unworked, Defatted, Simply 5060 -0 0 7 0 122Ivory, Tortoise-Shell, Whalebone etc. 5070 -0 0 0 8 0Bulbs, Tubers, Tuberous Roots, Corms, Chicory 6010 -0 0 0 0 13Other Live Plants and their Roots NES, Cuttings and 6020 -0 0 0 16 43Cut Flowers and Flower Buds for Bouquet or for 6030 -0 0 10 273 269Potatoes, Fresh or Chilled 7010 -0 0 0 83 14Tomatoes, Fresh or Chilled 7020 -

10,793 108 85 789 629Onions, Shallots, Garlic, Leeks etc, Fresh or Chilled 7030 -2,361 24 0 136 18Cabbages, Cauliflower, Kohlrabi, Kale etc. Fresh or 7040 -

0 0 261 801 1,248Leguminous Vegetables, Shelled or not, Fresh or 7080 -17,754 178 622 4,107 3,794Other Vegetables NES Fresh or Chilled 7090 -18,991 190 23 539 157Vegetables Frozen 7100 -

0 0 0 2 0Vegetables, Temporarily Preserved, not now Edible 7110 -997 10 19 393 237Vegetables, Dried, Whole, Cut etc. not further 7120 -

0 0 0 2 0Coconuts, Brazil Nuts & Cashew Nuts, Fresh or Dry 8010 -12,011 120 82 913 478Other Nuts NES Fresh or Dried Whether Shelled or 8020 -91,110 911 345 17,948 14,315Dates, Figs, Pineapples, Avocados etc, Fr or Dried 8040 -22,889 229 145 1,030 1,589Citrus Fruit, Fresh or Dried 8050 -

0 0 0 0 111Grapes, Fresh or Dried 8060 -0 0 0 9 0Apples, Pears and Quinces, Fresh 8080 -0 0 0 42 15Apricots, Cherries, Peaches, Plums and Sloes, Fresh 8090 -

Page 321: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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347 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

1,100 11 45 284 220Fruit NES Fresh 8100 -13,943 139 794 1,668 2,303Fruit Dried NES Mixtures of Nuts or Dried Fruit 8130 -

0 0 0 70 63Tea Whether or not Flavored 9020 -0 0 0 36 0Pepper, Genus Piper; Genus Capsicum or Pimento 9040 -0 0 0 146 61Seeds of Anise, Badian, Fennel, Coriander, Cumin 9090 -

49,613 496 86 2,452 487Ginger, Saffron, Turmeric, Thyme, Bay Leaves, 9100 -0 0 0 53 0Wheat and Meslin 1001-0 0 0 0 10Rye in the Grain 1002-0 0 0 0 27Oats 1004-

1,109,925 11,102 11,358 61,584 36,997Rice 1006-0 0 1 18 12Wheat or Meslin Flour 1101-0 0 0 0 33Cereal Flours, Except of Wheat or of Meslin 1102-0 0 0 85 46Cereal Groats, Meal and Pellets 1103-0 0 0 27 47Flour, Meal and Flakes of Potatoes 1105-0 0 0 19 0Starches; Inulin 1108-

10,104 101 44 415 121Other Oil Seeds and Oleaginous Fruits NES 1207-0 0 8 38 28Seeds, Fruit and Spores, for Sowing 1209-0 0 0 180 102Plants etc. for Pharmacy, Perfume, Insecticides etc. 1211-0 0 0 61 0Cereal Straw and Husks 1213-0 0 0 559 2,040Lac; Natural Gums, Resins, Gum-Resins and 1301-

17,211 172 378 1,963 2,114Vegetable Saps and Extracts: Pectates, Agar-Agar 1302-0 0 0 0 12Vegetable Materials used for Stuffing Like Kapok 1402-0 0 36 0 36Vegetable Materials used in Brooms Like Piassava 1403-

307 3 22 101 234Vegetable Products NES 1404-8,234 82 0 82 0Wool Grease Fatty Substances Derived there from 1505-

498 5 0 17 0Other Oils and their Fractions 1510-0 0 0 2 0Rape, Colza or Mustard Oil and Fractions thereof 1514-

332 3 9 25 9Sausages and Similar Products of Meat and Blood 1601-0 0 0 24 0Prepared or Preserved Meat, Meat Offal and Blood 1602-0 0 0 247 4Prepared or Preserved Fish, Caviar and Caviar 1604-0 0 760 903 760Crustaceans Molluscs etc Prepared or Preserved 1605-0 0 517 1,084 2,854Cane or Beet Sugar and Sucrose in Solid Form 1701-0 0 0 101 6Other Sugar NES 1702-0 0 3,407 4,302 6,647Molasses Extracted from Sugar 1703-

6,522 65 328 472 938Sugar Confectionery including White Chocolate not 1704-0 0 0 9 0Chocolate and other Food Products Containing 1806-

45,007 450 310 2,089 3,302Malt Extracts; Food Prep. of Flour etc. Under 50% 1901-7,202 72 137 1,312 1,824Pasta and Couscous, Prepared or Not 1902-3,112 31 0 32 95Foods Prep. by Swelling Cereal; Cereal NES, Grain 1904-

16,887 169 118 1,428 2,578Bread, Pastry, Cakes etc 1905-8,262 83 259 1,111 1,544Vegetable, Fruit, Nuts Etc, Prep Or Pres By Vinegar 2001-

0 0 0 85 0Tomatoes Prepared or Preserved NES 2002-0 0 0 112 64Vegetables Prepared or Preserved NES Frozen 2004-0 0 3 1 292Vegetables Prepared or Preserved NES not Frozen 2005-

1,710 17 17 213 195Fruit, Nuts, Fruit-Peel etc, Preserved by Sugar 2006-1,524 15 0 134 323Jams, Fruit Jellies, Marmalades etc. Cooked 2007-

0 0 0 277 14Fruit, Nuts etc. Prepared or Preserved NES 2008-31,266 313 153 1,284 1,223Fruit Juices including Grape Must and Vegtable 2009-

0 0 24 37 56Extracts etc of Coffee, Tea or Mate 2101-0 0 0 79 109Sauces and Preparations thereof 2103-

11,726 117 17 553 295Food Preparations NES 2106-0 0 0 0 6Waters, Natural etc. Not Sweetened, Ice and Snow 2201-0 0 0 52 46Waters, Sweetened etc and other Nonalcoholic 2202-

22,771 228 632 2,781 4,441Ethyl Alcohol, Strength: more than 80% Alcohol 2207-0 0 0 0 2Flour, Meal etc. of Meat etc, Not For Human 2301-0 0 5 0 11Other Oilcakes NES From Vegetable Fats and Oils 2306-

Page 322: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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US $Rs.

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Export of Goods and Services March 2014 348

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 20 0Preparations Used In Animal Feeding 2309-0 0 0 0 2Tobacco and Tobacco Refuse 2401-

50 1 15 37 28Tobacco and Tobacco Substitutes Manufactured 2403-15,371 154 72 991 992Salt, Pure Sodium Chloride, Sea Water 2501-

0 0 0 8 21Natural Graphite 2504-5,448 54 0 160 1Clays NES 2508-

0 0 0 5 47Marble, Travertine etc. and Alabaster, Crude etc. 2515-0 0 0 12 15Granite, Porphyry, Basalt etc., Crude or Cut etc. 2516-0 0 0 0 29Pebbles, Gravel etc. Macadam of Slag, Dross etc. 2517-0 0 0 0 97Gypsum; Anhydrite; Plasters etc. 2520-0 0 0 513 47Portland Cement, Aluminous Cement and Slag 2523-

324 3 0 3 0Mica, Including Splitting and Mica Waste 2525-0 0 0 135 49Natural Steatite Roughly Trimmed etc. 2526-0 0 0 0 1Precious Metal Ores and Concentrates 2616-0 0 0 7 0Slag, Dross, Scaling and Other Waste of Iron / Steel 2619-0 0 0 4 0Hydrogen Chloride; Chlorosulphuric Acid 2806-0 0 0 0 67Chlorates etc. Bromates etc and Iodates etc. 2829-0 0 0 0 64Colloidal Precious Metals and Precious Metal 2843-

415 4 0 14 12Halogenated Derivatives of Hydrocarbons 2903-0 0 0 0 ..Cyclic Alcohols and Halogenated & Sulphonated 2906-0 0 0 9 0Ketones, Quinones and Halogenated Sulphonated 2914-0 0 0 0 4Heterocyclic Compounds with Nitrogen 2933-

357 4 0 4 0Antibiotics 2941-0 0 0 156 36Medicaments Mixtures for Therapeutic Use 3003-0 0 80 271 207Medicaments NES 3004-0 0 0 12 88Wading, Gauze, Bandages etc. 3005-0 0 0 0 220Pharmaceutical Goods 3006-0 0 0 1 0Other Color Matters 3206-0 0 61 0 127Paints and Varnishes of Synthetic Polymers 3208-0 0 0 18 0Paints and Varnishes NES 3210-0 0 0 19 20Prepared Driers 3211-0 0 65 27 157Essential Oils, Resinoids and Terpene 3301-0 0 0 0 4Odoriferous Mixtures as Raw Materials for Industry 3302-

269 3 0 3 0Perfumes and Toilet Waters 3303-207 2 0 80 6Beauty and Make-Up Preparations 3304-

1,288 13 0 46 25Preparations for Use on Hair 3305-0 0 0 0 32Soap, Organic Surf-Act Products used for Soap 3401-0 0 0 51 9Lubricating Preparations, Antirust and Treating 3403-

4,252 43 14 211 254Artificial and Prepared Waxes 3404-0 0 1 73 11Polishes and Creams for Leather, Wood etc. 3405-0 0 78 30 145Gelatin and Derivatives 3503-0 0 0 0 2Prepared Glues and Adhesives NES 3506-

78,287 783 262 5,412 3,443Artificial Graphite, Colloidal Graphite and 3801-0 0 0 6 6Rosin and Resin Acids etc. Rosin Spirit etc. 3806-

1,295 13 0 72 41Polymers of Ethylene, in Primary Forms 3901-0 0 0 0 18Polymers of Propylene or other Olefins, Primary 3902-0 0 0 25 0Polymers of Styrene in Primary Forms 3903-0 0 0 2 188Polyesters, Epoxides and Polyesters, Primary Forms 3907-0 0 0 0 22Amino-Resins, Phenolic and Polyurethane, Primary 3909-

1,970 20 96 409 2,024Waste, Parings and Scrap, of Plastics 3915-0 0 0 1 104Tubes, Pipes and Hoses and their Fittings, of Plastics 3917-

10 .. 0 .. 0Self-Adhesive Plates, Sheets, Film etc. of Plastics 3919-0 0 0 1,145 262Plates, Sheets, Film etc. 3920-0 0 0 0 10Plates, Sheets, Film, Foil and Strip NES Plastics 3921-0 0 0 5 5Baths, Washbasins, Lavatory Seats etc. of Plastics 3922-0 0 8 64 28Containers: Boxes, Bags, Closures etc, Plastic 3923-

Page 323: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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349 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

985 10 0 53 58Tableware and other Household Articles etc, Plastics 3924-3,645 36 0 36 0Builders' Ware of Plastics, NES 3925-

14,869 149 16 1,135 513Articles of Plastics Including Polymers and Resins 3926-0 0 0 15 0Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 4001-

69,039 691 1,312 3,674 4,171Waste of Rubber and Powder Obtain thereof 4004-0 0 0 0 ..Compounded Rubber and Unvulcanised, Primary 4005-

1,413 14 24 346 133Tubes, Pipes and Hoses of Unhard Vulcanized 4009-0 0 0 0 13New Pneumatic Tires of Rubber 4011-0 0 0 0 25Inner Rubber Tubes for Tires 4013-0 0 0 132 0Hygienic of Pharmaceutical Articles of Rubber 4014-

8,818 88 150 1,594 872Articles of Apparel and Clothing Acc. of Rubber 4015-241 2 0 34 12Articles NES of Unhard Vulcanized Rubber 4016-

0 0 0 0 18Raw Hides and Skins of Bovine or Equine Animals 4101-0 0 0 40 96Raw Skins of Sheep or Lambs NES 4102-0 0 0 40 39Raw Hides and Skins NES 4103-

6,943 69 17 356 157Bovine or Equine Leather, No Hair NES 4104-8,351 84 149 1,122 913Goat or Kidskin Leather, No Hair NES 4106-4,790 48 211 671 301Leather of Animals NES, No Hair NES 4107-

0 0 73 84 377Leather further prepared after tanning (sheep, lamb) 4112-82,582 826 604 7,143 8,086Leather further prepared after tanning (other animal) 4113-

0 0 0 50 0Chamois 4114-22,553 226 63 438 407Saddlery, Harness, Traces and Leads etc. 4201-

430 4 1 303 331Travel Goods, Handbags, Wallets, Jewelry Cases etc. 4202-359,641 3,597 2,219 31,166 26,158Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-

8,655 87 45 672 952Articles of Leather Used in Machinery and 4204-27,025 270 342 2,276 2,487Articles of Leather NES 4205-

0 0 0 57 0Tanned or Dressed Furskins including Heads, Tails 4302-0 0 0 0 13Articles of Apparel etc, of Furskins 4303-0 0 0 0 9Fuel Wood, In Logs etc. Wood in Chips etc. 4401-

3,130 31 0 31 0Wood in Rough, Stripped or Not of Sapwood etc. 4403-0 0 0 20 16Wooden Frames Paintings and Photographs etc. 4414-0 0 0 17 11Packing Cases etc. of Wood; Pallets etc. 4415-0 0 0 22 0Wood Marquetry & inlaid Wood Jewel Case etc. 4420-

92 1 0 60 172Articles of Wood NES 4421-12,390 124 0 305 0Plaits etc and Products of Plaiting Materials 4601-

0 0 0 0 4Mechanical Wood Pulp 4701-0 0 0 38 0Waste and Scrap of Paper or Paperboard 4707-0 0 0 7 18Paper Uncoated For Writing etc, Rolls; Handmade 4802-0 0 0 307 39Kraft Paper and Paperboard Uncoated NES 4804-0 0 6 58 84Paper and Paperboard Uncoated NES, Rolls or 4805-0 0 0 64 63Paper Carbon, Self-Copy Paper and other transfer 4809-0 0 9 0 611Paper and Paperboard, Coated With Kaolin etc 4810-0 0 0 3 0Wallpaper and Similar Wall Coverings 4814-0 0 0 .. 0Envelopes, Letter Cards, Postcards of Paper or 4817-0 0 12 0 16Toilet Paper, Paper Tissues, Towels, Napkins etc. 4818-0 0 58 94 137Cartons, Boxes, Cases, Bags and other Packing 4819-0 0 5 55 50Registers, Notebooks, Order Book, Receipt Book 4820-

8,336 83 23 166 76Paper and Paperboard Labels of all Kinds 4821-0 0 0 59 18Bobbins, Spools etc. of Paper Pulp, Paper and 4822-

195 2 0 15 0Other Paper and Paperboard and Articles NES 4823-1,695 17 56 430 473Printed Books, Brochures and Similar Printed Matter 4901-

0 0 33 39 70Newspapers, Journals and Periodicals 4902-0 0 0 7 6Children's Picture, Drawing or Coloring Books 4903-

4,854 49 0 49 9Printed or Illustrated Postcards, Greeting Cards etc. 4909-0 0 0 15 9Calendars, Calendar Blocks of Any Kind, Printed 4910-0 0 0 2 0Printed Matter including Pictures and Photographs 4911-

Page 324: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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Export of Goods and Services March 2014 350

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 25 0Silkworm Cocoons Suitable for Reeling 5001-0 0 0 0 4Silk Waste, Including Silk Yarn Waste etc. 5003-

4,578 46 9 184 161Woven Fabrics of Silk or Silk Waste 5007-10,620 106 81 395 296Wool, Not Carded or Combed 5101-

0 0 0 0 163Fine or Coarse Animal Hair, Not Carded or Combed 5102-5,421 54 0 539 156Waste of Wool, Fine or Coarse Animal Hair 5103-3,720 37 0 37 145Wool and Fine or Coarse Animal Hair, Carded or 5105-

0 0 0 4 0Yarn of Carded Wool, Not for Retail Sale 5106-0 0 0 0 1Yarn of Wool or Fine Animal Hair, For Retail Sale 5109-0 0 0 99 0Yarn of Coarse Animal Hair or Horsehair 5110-0 0 0 10 33Woven Fabrics of Carded Wool or Fine Animal Hair 5111-0 0 0 11 0Woven Fabrics of Combed Wool or Fine Animal 5112-

53 1 0 125 299Cotton, Not Carded Or Combed 5201-42,361 424 164 2,152 1,956Cotton Waste Including Yarn Waste etc. 5202-

810 8 0 153 29Cotton, Carded or Combed 5203-0 0 0 135 522Cotton Sewing Thread, Retail Packed or Not 5204-

8,493 85 10 1,449 2,220Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton more than 85% 5205-0 0 0 344 95Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton less than 85% 5206-0 0 0 47 155Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Retail Packed 5207-

178,819 1,789 2,016 14,891 18,081Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt < 5208-226,018 2,261 1,765 24,624 14,718Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-208,011 2,081 2,725 21,041 19,930Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt < 5210-180,566 1,806 229 11,349 2,127Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt > 5211-

33,331 333 340 2,952 4,966Woven Cotton Fabrics NES 5212-0 0 0 5 0Flax, Raw or Processed but Not Spun, Flax Tow and 5301-0 0 0 72 97True Hemp, not Spun, Tow and Waste of Hemp 5302-0 0 0 0 6Sisal and other Textile Fibers not Spun 5304-0 0 0 60 14Yarn of Jute or other Textile Bast Fibers NES 5307-

3,243 32 0 150 111Woven Fabrics of Jute or Other Textile Bast Fibres 5310-0 0 0 3 0Sewing Thread of Manmade Filaments 5401-0 0 0 0 50Synthetic Filament Yarn Not Sewing Thread, Not 5402-0 0 0 27 0Synthetic Monofilament of 67 Decitex or More 5404-

40,827 408 26 2,506 1,177Woven Fabric of Synthetic Filament Yarn 5407-0 0 0 49 0Woven Fabrics of Artificial Filament Yarn 5408-0 0 0 0 74Waste of Manmade Fibers Including Noils etc. 5505-0 0 0 16 20Yarn Not for Sewing Thread, Synthetic Staple 5509-

5,572 56 0 150 0Yarn (Not Sew Thread), Art Staple Fib, Not Retail 5510-3,701 37 0 274 6Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5512-

63,737 638 410 7,477 6,638Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5513-31,062 311 764 2,700 5,202Woven Fabric, Synthetic < 85% of Fibre Mix 5514-

0 0 0 27 0Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibers NES 5515-0 0 0 93 29Textile Wadding and Articles; Text Fiber Not Over 5 5601-0 0 0 0 2Nonwovens Impregnated, Coated, Covered or 5603-0 0 0 49 0Twine, Cordage, Rope and Cables 5607-

38,737 387 500 3,045 2,980Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Knotted 5701-154 2 0 16 31Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Woven 5702-

0 0 0 7 22Woven Pile and Chenille Fabrics NES 5801-36,193 362 217 1,571 2,493Woven Terry Fabrics and Tufted Textile Fabric NES 5802-

0 0 0 8 0Gauze other than Narrow Fabrics Not Over 30 cm 5803-664 7 0 166 16Tulles and other Net Fabrics 5804-

13,258 133 0 512 112Narrow Woven Fabrics Except Labels 5806-15,980 160 285 1,818 1,771Labels, Badges and Similar Type of Textiles 5807-

0 0 0 2 31Braids, Ornamental Trim in Pieces Not Knitted, or 5808-0 0 0 44 27Embroidery in the Piece, In Strips or in Motifs 5810-

105,625 1,056 63 6,692 4,980Gum Covered Fabric; Tracing Cloth; Paint Canvas 5901-0 0 6 4 6Tire Cord Fabric of High Tenacity Yarn of Nylon 5902-

Page 325: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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351 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 204 15 321Textile Fabrics Coated, Covered or Lamented with 5903-0 0 0 0 1Rubberized Textile Fabrics other Than Tire Cord 5906-

2,641 26 68 146 400Textile Fabrics, Theatrical Scenery, Back-Cloths 5907-985 10 0 10 0Textile Wicks for Lamps etc. and Gas Mantles etc. 5908-

5,438 54 1 565 243Textile Products and Articles for Technical uses 5911-0 0 0 8 28Pile Fabrics and Terry Fabrics Knitted or Crocheted 6001-0 0 0 96 0Knitted or Crocheted Fabrics of Rubber of Width 6002-0 0 0 112 312Kn/CR Fabrics Not of Rubber/Pile Width <30 cm 6003-0 0 0 .. 470Warp Knit fabrics Not of Rubber and Pile Fabrics 6005-

15,726 157 724 1,504 2,558Other knitted or crocheted fabrics 6006-12,662 127 270 2,197 2,130Gents Overcoats, Car-Coats, Caps, Cloaks and 6101-

131,357 1,314 705 8,177 9,347Ladies Overcoats, Car-Coats, Caps, Cloaks and 6102-383,841 3,839 3,613 30,632 30,604Gents Suits, Ensembles, Jackets etc. Kn/Cr 6103-172,939 1,730 1,680 10,508 10,779Ladies Suits, Ensembles etc. Kn/Cr 6104-

1,350,929 13,512 9,432 100,347 83,850Gents Shirts, Knitted or Crocheted 6105-26,929 269 467 3,900 3,795Gents Blouses and Shirts Kn/Cr 6106-32,422 324 394 2,656 4,247Gents Underpants, Briefs, Nightshirts etc. Kn/Cr 6107-21,215 212 83 2,595 1,164Ladies Slips, Petticoats, Briefs, Paints etc. Kn/Cr 6108-

179,447 1,795 2,513 17,630 17,003T-Shirts, Singlets and other Vests Kn/Cr 6109-61,573 616 611 6,224 6,747Sweaters, Pullovers, Vests etc. Kn/Cr 6110-15,569 156 7 1,434 1,979Babies' Garments and Accessories Kn/Cr 6111-90,053 901 461 5,639 4,896Track Suits, Ski Suits and Swimwear Kn/Cr 6112-

156,264 1,563 1,197 12,066 13,725Garments, Made-ups Kn/Cr etc. of Rubber or Plastic 6113-28,582 286 998 7,486 8,584Garments NES Knitted or Crocheted 6114-

299,799 2,999 1,167 17,507 15,234Panty hose, Socks and other Hosiery Kn/Cr 6115-53,137 531 737 5,521 4,342Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Knitted or Crocheted 6116-

4,220 42 0 123 1,052Made-up Clothing Accessories NES Kn/Cr 6117-260,622 2,607 460 10,154 2,751Men's or Boys' Overcoats, Cloaks etc. Not Knitted 6201-

1,221 12 77 97 104Women's or Girls' Overcoats etc, Not Knitted or 6202-1,549,746 15,501 13,959 115,833 103,726Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-

336,222 3,363 1,629 28,472 23,070Women's or Girls' Suits, Ensembles etc. Not Kn/Cr. 6204-8,538 85 227 1,586 3,027Men's or Boys' Shirts, Not Kn/Cr 6205-

66 1 3 36 38Women's or Girls' Blouses, Shirts etc. Not Knitted 6206-18,395 184 210 1,974 1,776Men's or Boys' Undershirts etc Not Kn/Cr 6207-23,058 231 0 670 252Women's or Girls' Slips etc Not Kn/Cr 6208-

3,201 32 0 121 3Babies' Garments and Accessories Not Kn/Cr 6209-831 8 0 447 141Garments, of Felt etc, or Fabric Impregnated etc 6210-

23,969 240 100 3,206 984Track Suits, Ski-Suits and Swimwear, Not Knitted 6211-5,172 52 0 52 1Brassieres, Girdles, Garters and Braces etc. 6212-

0 0 0 13 0Handkerchiefs 6213-0 0 0 65 32Shawls, Scarves, Mufflers, Mantillas, Veils etc. 6214-

7,964 80 100 1,077 1,273Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Not Knitted or Crocheted 6216-30,228 302 94 2,301 1,382Made-Up Clothing Accessories NES 6217-

1,000 10 34 1,023 168Blankets and Traveling Rugs 6301-3,671,860 36,727 31,612 297,863 280,611Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-

211,133 2,112 1,979 18,008 15,230Curtains and Interior Blinds, Curtain or Bed 6303-10,934 109 94 3,543 939Furnishing Articles of Textile Materials NES 6304-14,233 142 197 1,446 1,347Sacks and Bags of Textile Material for Packing 6305-

7,126 71 36 1,907 717Tarpaulins, Sails, Awnings and Tents etc. 6306-395,934 3,960 2,516 31,192 19,824Made-Up Articles of Textile Materials NES 6307-

0 0 3 181 89Worn Clothing and other Worn Textile Articles 6309-1,517 15 53 462 339Used or New Rags, Scrap Twine etc of Text Material 6310-

0 0 17 26 25Waterproof Footwear, Rubber or Plastics, Bond Sole 6401-7,040 70 27 554 862Footwear, Outer Sole and Upper Rubber or Plastic 6402-

106,105 1,061 568 5,087 3,967Footwear, Outer Sole Rubber, Plastic or Leather 6403-12,405 124 36 981 250Footwear, Outer Sole Rubber, Plastic or Textile 6404-

Page 326: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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Export of Goods and Services March 2014 352

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

2,922 29 0 741 353Footwear NES 6405-5,910 59 0 187 17Parts of Footwear: Insoles, Gaiters etc. Parts 6406-

0 0 1 0 9Hats and Headgear, Knitted etc. Lace etc. 6505-0 0 4 97 6Headgear NES 6506-0 0 0 15 0Umbrellas, Sun Umbrellas and Other Umbrellas 6601-0 0 0 0 26Walking-Sticks, Seat-Sticks, Whips and 6602-

165 2 0 2 0Human Hair, Dressed, Wool of Animal Hair or 6703-545 5 6 95 11Worked Monumental or Building Stone and Articles 6802-

6,264 63 61 334 423Abrasive Powder etc. on a Base of Textile Material 6805-230 2 0 2 13Articles of Cement, Concrete or Artificial Stone 6810-

2,907 29 3 254 194Articles of Stone or Other Mineral Substance NES 6815-0 0 0 0 24Bricks, Blocks, Tiles and Ceramic Goods of 6901-0 0 5 0 5Refractory Bricks, Blocks, Tiles and Similar Ceramic 6902-0 0 6 0 20Refractory Ceramic Goods, Retorts, Tubes etc. NES 6903-

256 3 68 666 582Ceramic Building Bricks, Flooring Blocks, Tile etc. 6904-0 0 0 167 10Roofing Tiles, Chimney-Pots, Cowls, Chimney 6905-0 0 0 0 7Ceramic Wares for Laboratory etc. 6909-0 0 8 31 9Ceramic Sinks, Washbasins, Water Closet Bowls etc. 6910-

11,697 117 100 1,011 578Tableware, Kitchenware and other Articles of Toilet 6911-0 0 49 242 220Ceramics Tableware, Kitchenware etc. 6912-

926 9 0 21 0Ceramic Articles NES 6914-0 0 0 8 0Float Glass and Surface Ground or Polished Sheets 7005-

982 10 0 25 11Glass Containers for Packing etc and Glass Closures 7010-0 0 19 295 130Glassware for Table, Kitchen, Toilet etc. NES 7013-

1,112 11 6 39 56Precious and Semi Precious Stones NES 7103-4,976 50 115 1,262 115Waste and Scrap of Precious Metal or of Metal Clad 7112-8,943 89 132 791 893Articles of Jewelry and Parts thereof or Precious 7113-

0 0 0 13 90Articles of Goldsmiths' or Silversmiths' Wares and 7114-0 0 0 44 0Other Articles of Precious Metal or of Metal Clad 7115-0 0 0 91 10Imitation Jewelry 7117-

10,059 101 301 604 973Ferrous Waste and Scrap 7204-0 0 0 62 0Stainless Steel in Ingots etc. and Semi-finished 7218-0 0 0 543 0Tubes, Pipes and Hollow Profiles NES of Iron and 7306-

496 5 0 94 6Structures NES and Parts Thereof of Iron or Steel 7308-365 4 0 4 0Tanks etc Less than 300 Liter Capacity of Iron or 7310-914 9 0 9 0Cloth, Grill, Netting and Fencing of Iron or Steel 7314-

0 0 0 142 3Chain and Parts of Iron or Steel 7315-0 0 0 0 3Nails, Tacks, Drawing Pins etc. of Iron or Steel 7317-0 0 0 16 0Springs and Leaves for Springs of Iron or Steel 7320-0 0 0 2 17Stoves, Ranges, Grates, Cookers and Parts 7321-

3,156 32 7 175 51Table, Kitchen or Household Articles & Parts of Iron 7323-0 0 0 11 3Sanitary Ware and Parts of Iron or Steel 7324-

319 3 0 31 26Articles of Iron or Steel, NES 7326-0 0 0 0 20Copper Mattes; Cement Copper, Precipitated Copper 7401-0 0 0 77 0Refined Copper and Copper Alloys, Unwrought 7403-

525 5 0 97 232Copper Waste and Scrap 7404-13,793 138 81 1,111 475Copper Wire 7408-

0 0 0 52 159Cooking or Heating Apparatus for Domestic Purpose 7417-0 0 0 3 0Household Articles and Parts 7418-0 0 79 42 427Articles of Copper NES 7419-0 0 0 0 5Nickel Tubes, Pipes and Tube or Pipe Fittings 7507-0 0 0 0 19Aluminum, Unwrought 7601-0 0 9 1 9Aluminum Bars, Rods and Profiles 7604-0 0 0 0 10Aluminum Foil 7607-0 0 0 16 1Aluminum Structures NES 7610-

969 10 9 10 33Aluminum Casks, Cans, Boxes, and Similar 7612-

Page 327: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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US $Rs.

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353 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

12,338 123 379 1,625 1,551Table, Kitchen or other Household Articles and Parts 7615-8,303 83 0 235 236Articles o Aluminum NES 7616-

0 0 0 23 0Tin Plates, Sheet and Strip Over 0.2mm Thickness 8004-0 0 0 36 0Tungsten and Articles Including Waste and Scrap 8101-0 0 0 0 4Magnesium and Articles Thereof Including Waste 8104-0 0 0 0 52Bismuth and Articles Including Waste and Scrap 8106-0 0 0 0 2Titanium and Articles Thereof Include. Waste and 8108-0 0 11 124 86Zirconium and Articles Thereof Include. Waste and 8109-0 0 0 0 38Cermets and Articles Thereof Including Waste and 8113-

313 3 0 8 4Hand tools and Tools Used in Agriculture etc. 8201-1,670 17 10 94 43Files, Rasps, Pliers, Metal cutting Shears etc. 8203-

703 7 2 41 29Hand tools NES Like Blow, Torches, Anvils etc. 8205-0 0 0 13 0Interchange Tools for Hand or Machine Tools 8207-

2,900 29 10 77 36Knives and Blades for Machines and Appliances 8208-0 0 3 42 20Hand Operated Mechanical Appliances 8210-

3,218 32 19 325 242Knives With Blades and Blades for Knives NES 8211-305 3 0 32 0Razors and Razor Blades 8212-400 4 8 17 74Scissors, Tailors' Shears and Similar Shears and 8213-

14,714 147 41 1,205 664Articles of Cutlery NES and Manicure Sets etc. 8214-0 0 0 0 41Tableware etc. of Base Metal and Parts of Base 8215-0 0 0 83 9Hardware, Fixtures, Castors etc. and Part 8302-0 0 0 0 2Bells, Gongs and the Like, Picture and Frames 8306-0 0 0 0 31Flexible Tubing of Base Metal 8307-0 0 0 0 50Auxiliary Plant Used With Boilers; Condensers and 8404-

1,121 11 16 11 28Spark-Ignition Reciprocating or Rotary Internal 8407-0 0 0 3 0Compression-Ignition Internal Combustion Piston 8408-0 0 0 0 7Parts For Combustion Engines etc. 8409-0 0 0 11 4Engines and Motors NES and Parts Thereof 8412-

610 6 0 26 24Pumps for Liquids; Liquid Elevators; Parts Thereof 8413-0 0 24 0 52Air or Vacuum Pump, Compressors and Fans 8414-0 0 0 12 0Industrial or Lab Furnaces, Ovens and Parts 8417-0 0 0 0 59Machinery etc for Temperature Change 8419-0 0 9 0 35Calendaring or other Rolling Machines Not for Glass 8420-0 0 0 0 24Centrifuges, Including Dryers, Filter etc. 8421-0 0 0 13 0Machines, Dishwashing Machines for Cleaning etc. 8422-0 0 0 0 24Mechenical Appliances etc 8424-0 0 0 58 0Ships Derricks, Cranes including Cable 8426-0 0 0 0 3Other Moving, Grading, leveling, Scraping & 8430-0 0 0 55 7Presses, Crushers and Similar Machinery 8435-

3,946 39 0 149 82Machinery NES used for Food and Drink and Parts 8438-0 0 0 12 27Printing Machinery, Machines including Ink-Jet 8443-0 0 0 0 37Machines For Preparing Textile Fibers and Yarn 8445-0 0 0 36 17Machines, Knitting and Stitch-Bonding Machines etc 8447-0 0 0 12 35Auxiliary Machinery for use With Textile Machines 8448-

349 3 0 105 0Machinery not for Laundry for Cleaning, Drying etc 8451-0 0 0 0 1Machinery for Work Leather etc and Footwear etc. 8453-

596 6 0 7 0Metal-Rolling Mills and Rolls Therefor and parts 8455-0 0 0 6 0Machine Tools for Material Removal By Laser etc. 8456-

995 10 15 27 39Lathes for Removing Metal 8458-0 0 0 3 0Machine Tools for Drilling, Boring, Milling etc. 8459-0 0 0 40 0Machine Tools for Honing or Finishing Metal etc. 8460-0 0 0 3 0Machine Tools for Working Stone and Glass etc. 8464-

5,812 58 58 784 933Tools for Working in the Hand, Pneumatic etc. 8467-0 0 0 276 571Automatic Data Process Machines and Units thereof 8471-

4,983 50 0 111 150Parts for Typewriters and other Office Machines 8473-0 0 0 0 6Machines for Assembling Electronic, Tubes etc. 8475-

Page 328: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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US $Rs.

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Export of Goods and Services March 2014 354

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 0 15Machines and Mechanical Appliances NES 8479-0 0 0 0 68Taps, Cocks, Valves and Similar Appliances for 8481-0 0 0 0 70Machinery Parts Not Electrical Connectors etc. NES 8485-

888 9 0 9 0Electric Motors and Generators 8501-0 0 0 0 39Electrical Generating Sets and Rotary Converters 8502-0 0 0 0 ..Parts of Electrical Motors, Generators and Sets 8503-0 0 0 0 133Electric Ignition etc Equipment and Generators and 8511-0 0 0 5 1Electrical Light Equipment Windshield Wipers etc 8512-0 0 0 11 0Portable Electrical Lamps Function By Own Energy 8513-

65,357 654 576 4,903 3,833Electrical Water Heater and Soil Heaters, 8516-48 .. 3 15 31Video Recording or Reproducing Apparatus 8521-

474 5 0 5 18Prepared Unrecorded Media for Sound etc. 8523-0 0 0 2 0Printed Circuits 8534-

731 7 0 8 0Electronic Integrated Circuits and Micro assemblies 8542-0 0 0 287 0Electrical Parts of Machinery NES 8548-0 0 0 180 54Tractors Other Than Work Trucks used for Short 8701-0 0 0 10 0Motor Vehicle for Transport of Ten or more Persons 8702-0 0 0 0 15Motor Cars and Vehicles for Transporting Persons 8703-

1,117 11 65 408 722Parts and Accessories for Motor Vehicles 8708-0 0 0 7 3Motorcycles and Cycles With Auxiliary Motor 8711-

991 10 0 32 13Parts and Accessories of Cycles and Invalid 8714-0 0 0 0 7Parts of Balloons etc. Aircraft, Spacecraft etc. 8803-

4,907 49 0 306 0Vessels and Floating Structures for Scrapping 8908-0 0 0 55 0Optical Fibers and Bundles etc. 9001-0 0 0 35 0Photocopy Apparatus and Thermo copy Apparatus & 9009-

389,180 3,893 2,712 28,094 26,812Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-0 0 0 1 51X-Ray etc Apparatus, Tubes, Panels, Screen and 9022-0 0 0 12 0Instrument Panel Clocks and Similar Type for 9104-0 0 11 23 11Other Clocks NES 9105-0 0 0 32 0Complete Watch or Clock Movement unassembled 9110-

242 2 0 47 9String Musical Instruments NES 9202-323 3 1 47 152Wind Musical Instruments NES 9205-

0 0 0 24 3Percussion Musical Instruments Drums etc. 9206-0 0 0 1 7Musical Instruments With Sound Electrically 9207-0 0 5 2 44Musical Boxes, Fairground Organs etc. 9208-

3,194 32 29 581 482Parts etc. of Musical Instruments, Metronomes 9209-0 0 0 30 0Revolvers and Pistols Designed to Fire Live Ammo 9302-0 0 0 0 1Arms NES other Than Side Arms and Similar Arms 9304-0 0 0 565 43Bombs, Grenades, Cartridges and Parts 9306-0 0 16 0 36Swords, Cutlasses, Bayonets and Similar Arms & 9307-0 0 3 0 3Medical, Surgical, Dental or Veterinary Furniture 9402-

4,497 45 58 303 351Furniture NES and Parts Thereof 9403-202,170 2,022 1,343 18,904 12,995Mattress Supports, Articles of Bedding etc 9404-

1,852 19 13 247 225Lamps and Lighting Fittings and Parts etc NES 9405-0 0 0 255 29Dolls, Representing only Human Beings and Parts 9502-0 0 0 40 0Articles for Arcade, Table or Parlor Games 9504-0 0 9 0 11Festive, Carnival or other Entertainment Articles 9505-

343,059 3,431 2,288 25,173 21,739Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-890 9 0 27 14Fishing Rods and Tackle Nets, Decoys etc. 9507-

0 0 0 6 0Merry-Go-Rounds, Other Fairground Amusement 9508-0 0 13 15 47Brooms, Brushes, Mops and Feather Dusters etc. 9603-

8,872 89 0 1,535 71Buttons, Press Studs, Button Mold and Blanks etc. 9606-0 0 35 86 61Pens, Ball Points, Soft Tip and Mechanical Pencils 9608-0 0 0 0 ..Pencils, Crayons, Leads and Chalks etc. 9609-0 0 0 0 13Combs, Hair-Slides etc. Hairpins, Curling Pins etc. 9615-0 0 0 0 1Paintings, Drawing etc By Hand 9701-

Page 329: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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US $Rs.

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355 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 8 7Collectors Item of Botanic and Historical Interest 9705-0 0 2 4 6Antiques of an Age Exceeding One Hundred Years 9706-0 0 0 45 3Cardiology / Cardiac Surgery Disposables 9938-0 0 22 20 331Computers Parts 9940-

2,723 27 0 65 23Special Transaction NES 9992-U. S. A. 326,822 2,933,139344,031 2,912,60732,674,959

229 2 0 277 507Live Horses, Asses, Mules and Hinnies 1010 -3,894 39 4 81 48Live Bovine Animals 1020 -

0 0 0 243 0Live Sheep and Goats 1040 -4,076 41 0 41 20Live Animals NES 1060 -

0 0 21 0 27Meat of Bovine Animals, Fresh or Chilled 2010 -2,596 26 0 87 0Meat of Bovine Animals, Frozen 2020 -

0 0 0 0 3Meat of Swine, Fresh, Chilled or Frozen 2030 -0 0 0 83 39Meat of Sheep or Goats, Fresh, Chilled or Frozen 2040 -0 0 0 0 85Meat of Horses, Asses, Mules, Hinnies; Fresh, 2050 -0 0 0 69 30Edible Offal of Bovine Animals; Swine, Sheep, 2060 -0 0 0 0 25Meat and Edible Offal of Poultry, Fresh, Chilled or 2070 -0 0 0 0 22Other Meat & Edible Offal ; Fresh, Chilled or Frozen 2080 -

7,527 75 0 190 266Fish, Fresh or Chilled (Not Fish Fillets & other Fish 3020 -840 8 187 585 1,165Fish Frozen (Not Fish Fillets & other Fish Meat) 3030 -

0 0 24 32 24Fish Fillets and other Fish Meat, Fresh, Chilled or 3040 -0 0 0 0 27Fish Dried, Salted or in Brine; Smoked etc; Ed 3050 -0 0 10 695 292Crustaceans; Live, Fresh etc, and Cooked etc. 3060 -0 0 0 0 65Molluscs & Aquatic Invertebrates NES Live etc. 3070 -0 0 0 0 50Milk and Cream, Not Concentrated or Sweetened 4010 -0 0 0 104 0Milk and Cream, Concentrated or Sweetened 4020 -0 0 0 0 33Whey and Milk Products NES, Flavored etc. or Not 4040 -0 0 0 15 1,106Butter and other Fats and Oils Derived from Milk, 4050 -0 0 0 10 224Natural Honey 4090 -0 0 0 58 5Guts, Bladders, Stomachs of Animals (Not Fish) 5040 -0 0 0 0 1Bird Skins and other Feathered Parts and Down 5050 -0 0 0 0 10Ivory, Tortoise-Shell, Whalebone etc. 5070 -0 0 0 5 2Other Live Plants and their Roots NES, Cuttings and 6020 -0 0 0 52 101Cut Flowers and Flower Buds for Bouquet or for 6030 -0 0 0 31 3Potatoes, Fresh or Chilled 7010 -0 0 32 32 167Onions, Shallots, Garlic, Leeks etc, Fresh or Chilled 7030 -0 0 43 89 81Leguminous Vegetables, Shelled or not, Fresh or 7080 -0 0 0 730 41Other Vegetables NES Fresh or Chilled 7090 -

1,197 12 0 110 152Vegetables Frozen 7100 -0 0 0 0 96Vegetables, Temporarily Preserved, not now Edible 7110 -0 0 53 25 517Vegetables, Dried, Whole, Cut etc. not further 7120 -

646 6 0 23 0Coconuts, Brazil Nuts & Cashew Nuts, Fresh or Dry 8010 -0 0 0 22 42Other Nuts NES Fresh or Dried Whether Shelled or 8020 -

78,933 790 208 3,357 1,753Dates, Figs, Pineapples, Avocados etc, Fr or Dried 8040 -0 0 10 2 142Citrus Fruit, Fresh or Dried 8050 -0 0 0 37 0Grapes, Fresh or Dried 8060 -0 0 0 0 49Apples, Pears and Quinces, Fresh 8080 -0 0 0 31 0Apricots, Cherries, Peaches, Plums and Sloes, Fresh 8090 -

6,422 64 35 301 154Fruit NES Fresh 8100 -1,450 15 66 186 331Fruit Dried NES Mixtures of Nuts or Dried Fruit 8130 -1,536 15 0 15 0Coffee; Coffee Husks and Skins etc. Substitutes of 9010 -9,317 93 208 1,221 1,376Tea Whether or not Flavored 9020 -

0 0 7 251 22Pepper, Genus Piper; Genus Capsicum or Pimento 9040 -619 6 0 6 0Seeds of Anise, Badian, Fennel, Coriander, Cumin 9090 -

39,109 391 101 3,993 703Ginger, Saffron, Turmeric, Thyme, Bay Leaves, 9100 -

Page 330: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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US $Rs.

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Export of Goods and Services March 2014 356

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 0 663Wheat and Meslin 1001-0 0 0 2 0Barley 1003-

287,843 2,879 3,727 33,797 21,578Rice 1006-3,001 30 0 58 11Wheat or Meslin Flour 1101-

0 0 0 .. 0Cereal Flours, Except of Wheat or of Meslin 1102-2,433 24 50 408 410Cereal Groats, Meal and Pellets 1103-

0 0 0 0 1Flour, Meal and Flakes of Potatoes 1105-0 0 0 3,534 47Starches; Inulin 1108-

169 2 0 2 0Rape or Colza Seeds, Whether or Not Broken 1205-0 0 0 468 58Other Oil Seeds and Oleaginous Fruits NES 1207-

149 1 37 27 49Seeds, Fruit and Spores, for Sowing 1209-0 0 32 0 617Hop Cones, Fresh or Dried; Lupulin 1210-

150 2 29 91 715Plants etc. for Pharmacy, Perfume, Insecticides etc. 1211-0 0 0 0 8Locust Beans, Seaweeds and other Algae, Sugar Beet 1212-0 0 0 0 38Cereal Straw and Husks 1213-

19,192 192 177 2,283 2,769Lac; Natural Gums, Resins, Gum-Resins and 1301-83,030 830 3,420 11,929 28,422Vegetable Saps and Extracts: Pectates, Agar-Agar 1302-

352 4 0 138 289Vegetable Products NES 1404-0 0 8 183 81Wool Grease Fatty Substances Derived there from 1505-0 0 0 15 0Soybean Oil and Its Fractions 1507-0 0 0 0 3Olive Oil and Its Fractions Not Chem. Modified 1509-

882 9 0 9 0Rape, Colza or Mustard Oil and Fractions thereof 1514-0 0 0 0 67Other Fixed Vegetable Fats and Oils NES, Not 1515-0 0 15 707 15Animal or Vegetable Fats and Oils 1516-

7,793 78 10 412 553Prepared or Preserved Fish, Caviar and Caviar 1604-0 0 25 65 25Crustaceans Molluscs etc Prepared or Preserved 1605-

3,495 35 0 1,367 916Cane or Beet Sugar and Sucrose in Solid Form 1701-161,087 1,611 2,053 17,274 15,680Other Sugar NES 1702-

0 0 0 107 1,596Molasses Extracted from Sugar 1703-12,040 120 159 1,357 1,299Sugar Confectionery including White Chocolate not 1704-

0 0 0 0 16Cocoa Powder, Not Sweetened 1805-0 0 0 35 12Chocolate and other Food Products Containing 1806-

9,741 97 138 571 837Malt Extracts; Food Prep. of Flour etc. Under 50% 1901-5,962 60 27 512 464Pasta and Couscous, Prepared or Not 1902-

0 0 115 28 181Foods Prep. by Swelling Cereal; Cereal NES, Grain 1904-17,851 179 179 2,102 2,112Bread, Pastry, Cakes etc 1905-

0 0 580 2,064 4,039Vegetable, Fruit, Nuts Etc, Prep Or Pres By Vinegar 2001-0 0 0 91 66Vegetables Prepared or Preserved NES Frozen 2004-0 0 0 8 9Vegetables Prepared or Preserved NES not Frozen 2005-0 0 0 1 0Fruit, Nuts, Fruit-Peel etc, Preserved by Sugar 2006-

154 2 0 80 156Jams, Fruit Jellies, Marmalades etc. Cooked 2007-0 0 122 364 217Fruit, Nuts etc. Prepared or Preserved NES 2008-

5,521 55 34 765 473Fruit Juices including Grape Must and Vegtable 2009-0 0 0 19 0Extracts etc of Coffee, Tea or Mate 2101-0 0 17 90 179Sauces and Preparations thereof 2103-0 0 14 24 193Soups, Broths and Preparations thereof 2104-

6,987 70 46 847 566Food Preparations NES 2106-0 0 914 18 1,019Waters, Natural etc. Not Sweetened, Ice and Snow 2201-0 0 0 199 126Waters, Sweetened etc and other Nonalcoholic 2202-

6,018 60 24 1,217 186Ethyl Alcohol, Strength: more than 80% Alcohol 2207-0 0 0 16 0Ethyl Alcohol, Strength, Under 80% Alcohol 2208-0 0 0 235 0Flour, Meal etc. of Meat etc, Not For Human 2301-0 0 0 0 764Bran, Sharps and other Residue 2302-

3,522 35 0 72 0Soybean Oilcake and other Solid Residues 2304-0 0 49 30 86Tobacco and Tobacco Refuse 2401-0 0 0 1 0Tobacco and Tobacco Substitutes Manufactured 2403-

Page 331: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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US $Rs.

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357 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

47,855 479 499 3,942 3,417Salt, Pure Sodium Chloride, Sea Water 2501-0 0 0 6 7Natural Graphite 2504-0 0 0 0 5Natural Sands Of All Kinds, Except Metal-Bearing 2505-0 0 0 7 0Kaolin And Other Kaolinic Clays 2507-0 0 0 0 83Pumice, Emery, Natural Corundum and Garnet etc 2513-

10,961 110 58 4,540 635Marble, Travertine etc. and Alabaster, Crude etc. 2515-0 0 5 0 5Granite, Porphyry, Basalt etc., Crude or Cut etc. 2516-0 0 0 2 ..Pebbles, Gravel etc. Macadam of Slag, Dross etc. 2517-0 0 0 0 37Gypsum; Anhydrite; Plasters etc. 2520-0 0 0 276 392Portland Cement, Aluminous Cement and Slag 2523-0 0 0 0 6Mica, Including Splitting and Mica Waste 2525-

65,501 655 3,684 21,200 13,134Natural Steatite Roughly Trimmed etc. 2526-0 0 0 22 0Feldspar; Lucite; Nepheline and Syenite 2529-0 0 0 15 15Iron Ores and Concentrates 2601-0 0 0 133 42Copper Ores and Concentrates 2603-0 0 0 0 115Chromium Ores and Concentrates 2610-0 0 0 19 0Slag, Dross, Scaling and Other Waste of Iron / Steel 2619-0 0 0 0 17Coal, Briquettes and Ovoid etc. Manufactures of 2701-0 0 0 44 0Oil from Petrol and Bituminous Mineral etc. 2710-0 0 0 12 0Hydrogen, Rare Gases And Other Nonmetals 2804-0 0 58 0 58Hydrogen Chloride; Chlorosulphuric Acid 2806-0 0 0 8 4Iron Oxides and Hydroxides 2821-0 0 0 0 5Sulfates, Alums and Peroxosulfates 2833-0 0 0 0 60Phosphinates, Phosphinates, Phosphates and 2835-0 0 0 0 3Cyclic Hydrocarbons 2902-0 0 0 19 0Cyclic Alcohols and Halogenated & Sulphonated 2906-0 0 0 0 4Ketones, Quinones and Halogenated Sulphonated 2914-0 0 0 62 45Polycarboxylic Acids and Anhydrides etc. 2917-

251 3 35 3 35Carboxylic Acid, Added Oxygen & Anhy Etc, Hal 2918-0 0 0 2 2Oxygen-Function Amino-Compounds 2922-0 0 0 0 7Nitrile-Function Compounds 2926-0 0 0 0 5Heterocyclic Compounds NES 2934-0 0 100 0 100Antibiotics 2941-0 0 0 0 12Organic Compounds NES 2942-0 0 0 0 54Glands and other Organs for Organo-Therapeutic 3001-

900 9 0 9 45Human Blood or Animal Blood Prepared for 3002-84,238 843 0 5,001 4,421Medicaments Mixtures for Therapeutic Use 3003-

2,078 21 4 146 1,010Medicaments NES 3004-0 0 29 55 108Wading, Gauze, Bandages etc. 3005-0 0 0 15 169Pharmaceutical Goods 3006-0 0 0 16 0Fertilizer of Nitrogen, Phosphorus or Potassium 3105-0 0 0 0 20Tanning Extracts of Vegetable Origin 3201-0 0 0 8 9Synthetic Organic Coloring Matter 3204-0 0 0 10 0Color Lakes, Preparations Based on Color Lakes 3205-0 0 0 1 50Other Color Matters 3206-0 0 5 0 16Paints and Varnishes of Synthetic Polymers 3208-

9,999 100 84 451 573Prepared Driers 3211-0 0 0 0 1Artists’ Colors etc in Tablets, Tubes, Jars etc. 3213-0 0 0 104 0Ink, Printing, Writing, Drawing etc. 3215-0 0 0 263 938Essential Oils, Resinoids and Terpene 3301-0 0 0 .. 0Perfumes and Toilet Waters 3303-

4,269 43 1 244 16Beauty and Make-Up Preparations 3304-480 5 32 53 92Preparations for Use on Hair 3305-

0 0 0 0 1Preparations for Oral or Dental Hygiene 3306-1,092 11 127 352 1,247Soap, Organic Surf-Act Products used for Soap 3401-1,009 10 0 12 0Organic Surf-Act Agents and Products other than 3402-

Page 332: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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US $Rs.

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Export of Goods and Services March 2014 358

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 2 31 19Lubricating Preparations, Antirust and Treating 3403-0 0 5 80 5Artificial and Prepared Waxes 3404-

700 7 13 177 164Polishes and Creams for Leather, Wood etc. 3405-0 0 52 0 52Albumins and Albumin Derivatives 3502-0 0 0 2 138Prepared Glues and Adhesives NES 3506-0 0 0 31 4Matches and Except Pyrotechnic Articles 3605-

21,888 219 0 219 0Photo Plates and Film Flat, Sensitized, Unexposed 3701-55,046 551 759 4,469 5,546Artificial Graphite, Colloidal Graphite and 3801-

0 0 0 86 2Insecticides, Rodenticides and Fungicides etc. Retail 3808-0 0 0 0 1Prepared binders for foundry moulds or cores 3824-

2,351 24 0 38 73Polymers of Ethylene, in Primary Forms 3901-8,278 83 58 83 936Polymers of Styrene in Primary Forms 3903-

203,223 2,033 3,067 24,853 32,404Polyesters, Epoxides and Polyesters, Primary Forms 3907-2,752 28 72 86 267Waste, Parings and Scrap, of Plastics 3915-

98 1 0 2 58Tubes, Pipes and Hoses and their Fittings, of Plastics 3917-0 0 0 0 1Self-Adhesive Plates, Sheets, Film etc. of Plastics 3919-

17,232 172 17 819 1,377Plates, Sheets, Film etc. 3920-0 0 0 0 15Plates, Sheets, Film, Foil and Strip NES Plastics 3921-0 0 60 742 503Containers: Boxes, Bags, Closures etc, Plastic 3923-

40 .. 1 5 17Tableware and other Household Articles etc, Plastics 3924-41,677 417 134 2,694 1,369Articles of Plastics Including Polymers and Resins 3926-

0 0 15 30 85Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 4001-31,814 318 345 6,909 5,802Waste of Rubber and Powder Obtain thereof 4004-

5,239 52 43 541 377Tubes, Pipes and Hoses of Unhard Vulcanized 4009-0 0 281 119 286Conveyor or Transmission Belts of Vulcanized 4010-0 0 0 64 0New Pneumatic Tires of Rubber 4011-0 0 17 0 17Retread or Used Pneumatic Tires of Rubber 4012-

27,378 274 596 2,460 6,493Articles of Apparel and Clothing Acc. of Rubber 4015-0 0 17 83 44Articles NES of Unhard Vulcanized Rubber 4016-0 0 0 0 152Raw Hides and Skins of Bovine or Equine Animals 4101-0 0 0 0 170Raw Hides and Skins NES 4103-

3,117 31 1 351 146Bovine or Equine Leather, No Hair NES 4104-0 0 6 21 323Sheep or Lamb Skin Leather, No Wool NES 4105-

3,363 34 11 67 40Goat or Kidskin Leather, No Hair NES 4106-11,542 115 38 690 380Leather of Animals NES, No Hair NES 4107-

6,757 68 159 879 533Leather further prepared after tanning (sheep, lamb) 4112-103,276 1,033 1,777 16,636 19,133Leather further prepared after tanning (other animal) 4113-

0 0 0 40 0Chamois 4114-0 0 0 4 0Composition Leather with a Basis of Leather or 4115-

30,219 302 245 1,774 1,968Saddlery, Harness, Traces and Leads etc. 4201-61,058 611 698 4,208 2,695Travel Goods, Handbags, Wallets, Jewelry Cases etc. 4202-

866,506 8,667 6,762 77,379 67,936Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-7,552 76 142 1,370 1,949Articles of Leather Used in Machinery and 4204-

46,640 467 515 3,094 3,711Articles of Leather NES 4205-0 0 0 27 0Tanned or Dressed Furskins including Heads, Tails 4302-0 0 0 0 31Artificial Fur and Articles thereof 4304-0 0 0 7 24Fuel Wood, In Logs etc. Wood in Chips etc. 4401-0 0 0 3 3Wood in Rough, Stripped or Not of Sapwood etc. 4403-0 0 0 5 0Railway or Tramway Sleepers of Wood 4406-0 0 0 0 1Veneer Sheets etc. Not Over 6 Mm Thick 4408-0 0 0 21 0Fiberboard of Wood or Other Ligneous Materials 4411-0 0 0 0 2Densified Wood Blocks, Strips or Profile Shapes 4413-0 0 35 9 129Packing Cases etc. of Wood; Pallets etc. 4415-0 0 5 33 73Tools, Tool Bodies, Tool Handles of Wood 4417-0 0 31 0 34Builders' Joinery and Carpentry of Wood 4418-

716 7 0 27 1Tableware and Kitchenware of Wood 4419-

Page 333: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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359 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 12 390Wood Marquetry & inlaid Wood Jewel Case etc. 4420-0 0 0 8 48Articles of Wood NES 4421-

1,051 11 125 575 1,051Plaits etc and Products of Plaiting Materials 4601-0 0 0 34 114Basketwork, Wickerwork of Plait and other Articles 4602-0 0 7 52 8Paper Uncoated For Writing etc, Rolls; Handmade 4802-

3,953 40 0 74 0Toilet or Facial Tissues Stock, Towel or Napkin 4803-0 0 50 51 200Kraft Paper and Paperboard Uncoated NES 4804-0 0 0 0 4Paper and Paperboard Uncoated NES, Rolls or 4805-0 0 21 0 63Paper and Paperboard, Coated With Kaolin etc 4810-0 0 0 15 5Paper, Paperboard, Wading etc. Coated etc NES 4811-0 0 0 .. 0Envelopes, Letter Cards, Postcards of Paper or 4817-

1,668 17 32 338 426Toilet Paper, Paper Tissues, Towels, Napkins etc. 4818-251 3 9 12 92Cartons, Boxes, Cases, Bags and other Packing 4819-

0 0 0 23 41Registers, Notebooks, Order Book, Receipt Book 4820-7,367 74 17 391 215Paper and Paperboard Labels of all Kinds 4821-

484 5 0 369 1,548Bobbins, Spools etc. of Paper Pulp, Paper and 4822-0 0 0 20 129Other Paper and Paperboard and Articles NES 4823-

1,353 14 10 201 352Printed Books, Brochures and Similar Printed Matter 4901-140 1 2 22 51Newspapers, Journals and Periodicals 4902-

0 0 0 0 2Children's Picture, Drawing or Coloring Books 4903-182 2 0 18 23Maps and Hydrographic or Similar Charts of all 4905-

0 0 0 29 83Printed Matter including Pictures and Photographs 4911-0 0 0 .. 44Silkworm Cocoons Suitable for Reeling 5001-

10,953 110 137 678 869Woven Fabrics of Silk or Silk Waste 5007-0 0 0 43 0Wool, Not Carded or Combed 5101-0 0 0 0 10Waste of Wool, Fine or Coarse Animal Hair 5103-0 0 6 29 144Wool and Fine or Coarse Animal Hair, Carded or 5105-0 0 26 0 28Yarn of Carded Wool, Not for Retail Sale 5106-0 0 0 0 11Yarn of Fine Animal Hair, Not For Retail Sale 5108-0 0 9 21 57Yarn of Wool or Fine Animal Hair, For Retail Sale 5109-0 0 0 161 0Woven Fabrics of Carded Wool or Fine Animal Hair 5111-0 0 0 0 34Woven Fabrics of Combed Wool or Fine Animal 5112-0 0 0 49 0Woven Fabrics of Coarse Animal Hair or Horsehair 5113-

2,999 30 171 87 1,203Cotton, Not Carded Or Combed 5201-71,001 710 329 3,231 2,070Cotton Waste Including Yarn Waste etc. 5202-

6,928 69 0 702 1,016Cotton, Carded or Combed 5203-2,750 28 395 1,178 1,473Cotton Sewing Thread, Retail Packed or Not 5204-

180,255 1,803 1,470 15,080 19,683Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton more than 85% 5205-2,947 29 52 170 189Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton less than 85% 5206-

0 0 178 973 1,649Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Retail Packed 5207-470,842 4,709 3,283 37,077 35,306Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt < 5208-371,578 3,717 2,141 26,181 22,023Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-258,433 2,585 2,507 22,061 22,525Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt < 5210-

10,048 101 414 2,734 2,570Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt > 5211-58,710 587 6,872 7,746 14,253Woven Cotton Fabrics NES 5212-

0 0 0 0 133True Hemp, not Spun, Tow and Waste of Hemp 5302-0 0 0 0 112Jute and other Textile Bast Fibers NES 5303-0 0 0 30 118Yarn of Jute or other Textile Bast Fibers NES 5307-0 0 0 2 8Yarn of Vegetable Textile Fibers NES, Paper Yarn 5308-0 0 0 1 15Sewing Thread of Manmade Filaments 5401-

500 5 0 5 83Synthetic Filament Yarn Not Sewing Thread, Not 5402-0 0 0 18 0Artificial Filament Yarn Not Sewing Thread, Not 5403-

21,880 219 235 1,622 2,524Woven Fabric of Synthetic Filament Yarn 5407-0 0 0 34 0Woven Fabrics of Artificial Filament Yarn 5408-

6,189 62 0 139 201Yarn Not for Sewing Thread, Synthetic Staple 5509-0 0 0 400 507Yarn (Not Sew Thread), Art Staple Fib, Not Retail 5510-

Page 334: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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Export of Goods and Services March 2014 360

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 0 119Yarn (No SewingThread), Manmade Staple Fiber, 5511-1,795 18 96 906 297Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5512-

73,017 730 1,162 10,464 11,981Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5513-32,886 329 555 3,725 6,536Woven Fabric, Synthetic < 85% of Fibre Mix 5514-

0 0 0 36 0Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibers NES 5515-0 0 0 2 34Woven Fabrics of Artificial Staple Fibers 5516-0 0 55 1,680 765Textile Wadding and Articles; Text Fiber Not Over 5 5601-0 0 0 0 78Nonwovens Impregnated, Coated, Covered or 5603-0 0 9 8 9Rubber Thread and Cord, Text Covered, Textile 5604-0 0 0 161 11Knotted Netting of Twine, Cordage or rope of 5608-0 0 5 0 5Articles of Yarn Stripe or the like NES 5609-

455,904 4,560 4,868 41,250 40,854Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Knotted 5701-415 4 205 80 321Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Woven 5702-

0 0 0 0 39Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Tufted 5703-0 0 0 24 15Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Felt 5704-0 0 0 10 0Other Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings 5705-0 0 0 109 187Woven Pile and Chenille Fabrics NES 5801-

209,595 2,096 7,872 21,977 42,156Woven Terry Fabrics and Tufted Textile Fabric NES 5802-0 0 0 542 122Tulles and other Net Fabrics 5804-

94 1 114 783 184Narrow Woven Fabrics Except Labels 5806-4,087 41 115 633 1,146Labels, Badges and Similar Type of Textiles 5807-

0 0 0 5 182Braids, Ornamental Trim in Pieces Not Knitted, or 5808-5,600 56 2 175 418Embroidery in the Piece, In Strips or in Motifs 5810-

0 0 0 147 79Quilt Textile Products 5811-49,190 492 182 6,522 3,072Gum Covered Fabric; Tracing Cloth; Paint Canvas 5901-

0 0 0 14 51Tire Cord Fabric of High Tenacity Yarn of Nylon 5902-142 1 0 84 19Textile Fabrics Coated, Covered or Lamented with 5903-

4,639 46 58 416 500Textile Fabrics, Theatrical Scenery, Back-Cloths 5907-885 9 0 12 0Textile Wicks for Lamps etc. and Gas Mantles etc. 5908-

1,900 19 11 145 182Textile Products and Articles for Technical uses 5911-0 0 0 252 28Pile Fabrics and Terry Fabrics Knitted or Crocheted 6001-

2,930 29 0 231 140Knitted or Crocheted Fabrics of Rubber of Width 6002-752 8 161 35 2,096Kn/CR Fabrics Not of Rubber/Pile Width <30 cm 6003-

0 0 42 98 174Warp Knit fabrics Not of Rubber and Pile Fabrics 6005-65,246 653 1,140 7,423 5,431Other knitted or crocheted fabrics 6006-70,001 700 117 9,243 10,340Gents Overcoats, Car-Coats, Caps, Cloaks and 6101-41,327 413 934 6,028 5,198Ladies Overcoats, Car-Coats, Caps, Cloaks and 6102-

490,128 4,902 6,444 81,722 87,894Gents Suits, Ensembles, Jackets etc. Kn/Cr 6103-371,873 3,720 4,229 32,917 39,525Ladies Suits, Ensembles etc. Kn/Cr 6104-

3,148,451 31,492 33,603 248,316 241,852Gents Shirts, Knitted or Crocheted 6105-365,355 3,654 3,436 27,796 22,843Gents Blouses and Shirts Kn/Cr 6106-133,848 1,339 2,301 16,024 18,402Gents Underpants, Briefs, Nightshirts etc. Kn/Cr 6107-202,050 2,021 1,384 16,414 10,728Ladies Slips, Petticoats, Briefs, Paints etc. Kn/Cr 6108-

1,054,066 10,543 16,821 118,587 108,736T-Shirts, Singlets and other Vests Kn/Cr 6109-409,231 4,093 2,708 43,775 46,211Sweaters, Pullovers, Vests etc. Kn/Cr 6110-

90,948 910 697 5,858 4,955Babies' Garments and Accessories Kn/Cr 6111-72,199 722 834 4,681 5,335Track Suits, Ski Suits and Swimwear Kn/Cr 6112-

344,158 3,442 5,250 38,457 55,403Garments, Made-ups Kn/Cr etc. of Rubber or Plastic 6113-172,624 1,727 1,300 15,107 12,915Garments NES Knitted or Crocheted 6114-

1,463,589 14,639 10,096 103,433 90,881Panty hose, Socks and other Hosiery Kn/Cr 6115-180,570 1,806 1,429 16,289 13,762Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Knitted or Crocheted 6116-

0 0 164 904 1,023Made-up Clothing Accessories NES Kn/Cr 6117-43,860 439 2,858 17,701 19,909Men's or Boys' Overcoats, Cloaks etc. Not Knitted 6201-

4,715 47 40 333 642Women's or Girls' Overcoats etc, Not Knitted or 6202-2,757,419 27,580 27,538 285,733 248,034Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-

331,352 3,314 7,790 46,410 77,129Women's or Girls' Suits, Ensembles etc. Not Kn/Cr. 6204-

Page 335: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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361 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

162,442 1,625 1,029 12,114 14,098Men's or Boys' Shirts, Not Kn/Cr 6205-6,100 61 172 2,024 2,911Women's or Girls' Blouses, Shirts etc. Not Knitted 6206-

204,093 2,041 1,641 19,122 15,568Men's or Boys' Undershirts etc Not Kn/Cr 6207-23,021 230 352 3,399 2,739Women's or Girls' Slips etc Not Kn/Cr 6208-60,664 607 143 3,137 3,631Babies' Garments and Accessories Not Kn/Cr 6209-

4,822 48 58 447 799Garments, of Felt etc, or Fabric Impregnated etc 6210-120,971 1,210 1,490 15,145 16,200Track Suits, Ski-Suits and Swimwear, Not Knitted 6211-

0 0 0 .. 85Brassieres, Girdles, Garters and Braces etc. 6212-0 0 0 216 25Handkerchiefs 6213-

3,980 40 0 179 62Shawls, Scarves, Mufflers, Mantillas, Veils etc. 6214-31,236 312 299 4,010 4,416Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Not Knitted or Crocheted 6216-

121,601 1,216 1,027 7,432 5,690Made-Up Clothing Accessories NES 6217-38,099 381 927 8,063 13,017Blankets and Traveling Rugs 6301-

9,185,103 91,871 86,172 754,089 744,848Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-258,329 2,584 3,372 21,117 24,170Curtains and Interior Blinds, Curtain or Bed 6303-444,327 4,444 1,729 32,083 27,998Furnishing Articles of Textile Materials NES 6304-

18,828 188 371 2,595 2,936Sacks and Bags of Textile Material for Packing 6305-25,546 256 92 2,242 2,241Tarpaulins, Sails, Awnings and Tents etc. 6306-

2,108,687 21,092 17,780 165,624 153,109Made-Up Articles of Textile Materials NES 6307-0 0 0 0 37Needlecraft Sets of Woven Fabrics and Yarn, Retail 6308-0 0 0 425 514Worn Clothing and other Worn Textile Articles 6309-

54,456 545 1,128 7,816 8,625Used or New Rags, Scrap Twine etc of Text Material 6310-0 0 0 0 11Waterproof Footwear, Rubber or Plastics, Bond Sole 6401-0 0 20 271 309Footwear, Outer Sole and Upper Rubber or Plastic 6402-

2,688 27 48 442 539Footwear, Outer Sole Rubber, Plastic or Leather 6403-4,011 40 30 364 182Footwear, Outer Sole Rubber, Plastic or Textile 6404-

0 0 60 473 1,230Footwear NES 6405-0 0 0 0 37Parts of Footwear: Insoles, Gaiters etc. Parts 6406-0 0 0 77 10Hat-Forms, Bodies and Hoods and Manchons of Felt 6501-

159 2 0 3 ..Hats and other Headgear made of Strips of any 6504-0 0 12 1 12Hats and Headgear, Knitted etc. Lace etc. 6505-0 0 5 73 95Headgear NES 6506-

1,525 15 0 23 14Head-bands, Linings, Covers, Hat Frames etc. 6507-0 0 0 0 4Walking-Sticks, Seat-Sticks, Whips and 6602-0 0 0 0 7Wigs, False Beards of Hair etc. Human Hair Articles 6704-0 0 0 0 3Setts, Curbstone and Flagstones, of Natural Stone 6801-

7,488 75 371 625 922Worked Monumental or Building Stone and Articles 6802-0 0 0 0 75Worked Slate and Articles of Slate or Agglomerated 6803-

105,575 1,056 533 7,703 7,863Abrasive Powder etc. on a Base of Textile Material 6805-0 0 0 86 0Mineral Wools, Expanded Mineral Material and 6806-

5,354 54 0 54 0Articles of Asphalt or of Similar Material 6807-0 0 0 0 41Panel, Boards, Tiles & Similar Articles of Vegetable 6808-0 0 0 30 0Articles of Plaster or Items Based on Plaster 6809-0 0 0 0 119Fabricated Asbestos Fibers, Items of Mixtures etc 6812-

32,308 323 580 2,642 3,772Articles of Stone or Other Mineral Substance NES 6815-9,024 90 5 90 5Bricks, Blocks, Tiles and Ceramic Goods of 6901-

0 0 0 2 0Roofing Tiles, Chimney-Pots, Cowls, Chimney 6905-0 0 0 50 104Ceramic Sinks, Washbasins, Water Closet Bowls etc. 6910-0 0 0 0 1Tableware, Kitchenware and other Articles of Toilet 6911-0 0 0 78 59Ceramics Tableware, Kitchenware etc. 6912-0 0 0 20 0Cullet and other Waste and Scrap of Glass 7001-0 0 0 0 18Drawn and Blown Glass in Sheets etc. 7004-0 0 258 40 258Float Glass and Surface Ground or Polished Sheets 7005-0 0 0 9 0Safety Glass of Toughened, Tempered or Laminated 7007-

1,541 15 39 175 243Glassware for Table, Kitchen, Toilet etc. NES 7013-0 0 0 2 22Glass Paving Blocks, Bricks, Squares, Tiles and 7016-

Page 336: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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Export of Goods and Services March 2014 362

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 2 0Glass Fibers and Articles Thereof (Yarn Etc.) 7019-0 0 0 2 0Natural or Cultured Pearls Not Strung or Set 7101-

53,278 533 9 2,690 619Precious and Semi Precious Stones NES 7103-50,739 508 575 3,151 1,720Articles of Jewelry and Parts thereof or Precious 7113-

0 0 0 3 62Articles of Goldsmiths' or Silversmiths' Wares and 7114-970 10 6 53 39Other Articles of Precious Metal or of Metal Clad 7115-

0 0 3 2 20Articles of Natural or Cultured Pearls, Precious 7116-39 .. 1 51 63Imitation Jewelry 7117-

716 7 0 7 0Spongy Ferrous Products and Iron 99.94% Pure 7203-2,755 28 15 144 4,162Ferrous Waste and Scrap 7204-6,185 62 92 183 438Pig Iron, Spiegel, Iron or Steel Granules and Powder 7205-

0 0 0 0 7Iron and Non-alloy Steel in Ingots etc. NES 7206-0 0 0 0 15Flat-Roll Iron and Non-Alloy >600mm, Clad, Plated 7210-0 0 0 0 ..Flat-Roll Iron and Non-Alloy Steel <600mm, Clad, 7212-0 0 0 3 0Bars & Rods, Iron and Non-Alloy Steel, irregular 7213-0 0 0 45 0Angles, Shapes and Sections of Iron and Non-Alloy 7216-0 0 0 7 0Other Bars and Rods of Stainless Steel etc. 7222-0 0 0 11 40Sheet Piling of Iron or Steel, Welded Angles etc. 7301-

4,548 45 0 60 150Railway / Tramway Track Construction Material of 7302-0 0 0 0 122Tubes, Pipes and Hollow Profiles Seamless of Iron 7304-

169,987 1,700 3,464 8,442 15,972Tubes, Pipes and Hollow Profiles NES of Iron and 7306-0 0 0 0 16Stranded Wire, Rope etc, Not Electrically Insulated 7312-0 0 1 7 6Chain and Parts of Iron or Steel 7315-0 0 0 0 ..Anchors, Grapnels and Parts Thereof of Iron of Steel 7316-

296 3 0 6 0Screws, Bolts, Nuts, Washers etc. Iron or Steel 7318-0 0 0 3 0Needles Sewing, Knitted, etc. 7319-

3,722 37 46 329 361Springs and Leaves for Springs of Iron or Steel 7320-0 0 0 0 9Stoves, Ranges, Grates, Cookers and Parts 7321-0 0 0 16 0Radiators for Central Heating Not Electrically 7322-

1,198 12 0 26 54Table, Kitchen or Household Articles & Parts of Iron 7323-0 0 32 92 149Articles of Iron or Steel, NES 7326-0 0 0 0 117Copper Mattes; Cement Copper, Precipitated Copper 7401-

9,280 93 0 179 704Refined Copper and Copper Alloys, Unwrought 7403-0 0 0 467 3,430Copper Waste and Scrap 7404-

25,723 257 126 1,682 1,149Copper Wire 7408-0 0 0 0 21Cloth, Grill and Netting of Copper Wire 7414-

82 1 1 5 5Articles of Copper NES 7419-0 0 0 6 32Aluminum, Unwrought 7601-0 0 10 44 138Aluminum Bars, Rods and Profiles 7604-0 0 0 2 0Aluminum Wire 7605-0 0 0 5 0Aluminum Plates, Sheets and Strip Over 2mm 7606-0 0 0 9 0Aluminum Foil 7607-0 0 0 16 26Aluminum Casks, Cans, Boxes, and Similar 7612-

4,664 47 24 249 38Table, Kitchen or other Household Articles and Parts 7615-697 7 0 23 0Articles o Aluminum NES 7616-

0 0 0 13 0Tantalum and Articles Thereof Including Waste and 8103-0 0 0 0 50Cobalt Mattes etc. Cobalt & Articles Including 8105-0 0 0 2 218Zirconium and Articles Thereof Include. Waste and 8109-

4,428 44 18 231 235Hand tools and Tools Used in Agriculture etc. 8201-1,061 11 14 258 222Files, Rasps, Pliers, Metal cutting Shears etc. 8203-1,010 10 0 10 0Hand Operated Spanners and Wrenches etc. 8204-8,173 82 94 294 342Hand tools NES Like Blow, Torches, Anvils etc. 8205-

297 3 12 65 22Interchange Tools for Hand or Machine Tools 8207-5,882 59 28 286 464Knives and Blades for Machines and Appliances 8208-

0 0 0 10 0Plates Sticks, Tips etc. 8209-5,052 51 50 576 174Hand Operated Mechanical Appliances 8210-

Page 337: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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363 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

53,152 532 310 3,859 3,131Knives With Blades and Blades for Knives NES 8211-0 0 150 30 514Razors and Razor Blades 8212-

4,064 41 87 204 354Scissors, Tailors' Shears and Similar Shears and 8213-80,106 801 871 6,081 6,475Articles of Cutlery NES and Manicure Sets etc. 8214-

0 0 8 45 283Tableware etc. of Base Metal and Parts of Base 8215-0 0 0 41 6Padlocks, Locks and Keys and Parts 8301-0 0 0 11 160Hardware, Fixtures, Castors etc. and Part 8302-0 0 0 0 1Clasps, Frames, Buckles, Hooks etc. Beads and 8308-0 0 0 1 0Wire, Rods etc. ror Soldering etc. 8311-0 0 0 19 29Auxiliary Plant Used With Boilers; Condensers and 8404-0 0 0 0 1Spark-Ignition Reciprocating or Rotary Internal 8407-0 0 0 10 20Compression-Ignition Internal Combustion Piston 8408-0 0 143 801 1,050Parts For Combustion Engines etc. 8409-0 0 0 18 30Engines and Motors NES and Parts Thereof 8412-

246 2 0 2 28Pumps for Liquids; Liquid Elevators; Parts Thereof 8413-570 6 0 16 14Air or Vacuum Pump, Compressors and Fans 8414-

0 0 0 51 27Air Conditioning Machines and Parts 8415-0 0 0 180 216Machinery etc for Temperature Change 8419-

839 8 0 28 0Machines, Dishwashing Machines for Cleaning etc. 8422-0 0 0 7 5Mechenical Appliances etc 8424-

894 9 0 9 0Pulley Tackle and Hoists other than Skip Hoist, 8425-0 0 43 0 43Fork-Lift Truck, Other Work Trucks With Lifts 8427-0 0 0 32 2Other Lifting, Handling, Loading and Unloading 8428-

3,839 38 24 70 73Self-Propelled Bulldozers, Graders, Scrapers etc. 8429-0 0 0 102 291Parts for Pulley Tackle, Hoists etc and Leveling 8431-0 0 0 23 0Agriculture Machinery for Soil, Lawn Preparations 8432-0 0 0 16 0Harvesting or Threshing machinery 8433-0 0 0 8 15Presses, Crushers and Similar Machinery 8435-0 0 0 0 55Agriculture and Poultry etc Equipment Including 8436-

7,855 79 93 400 1,456Machinery NES used for Food and Drink and Parts 8438-0 0 0 41 0Machines for Making Pulp and Paper and Parts 8441-0 0 0 4 93Machines For Preparing Textile Fibers and Yarn 8445-0 0 0 0 168Weaving Machines Like Looms 8446-0 0 0 0 5Machines, Knitting and Stitch-Bonding Machines etc 8447-0 0 88 120 468Auxiliary Machinery for use With Textile Machines 8448-0 0 0 0 9Machinery not for Laundry for Cleaning, Drying etc 8451-0 0 0 39 10Sewing Machines other than Book Sewing Machine 8452-0 0 0 5 0Machinery for Work Leather etc and Footwear etc. 8453-0 0 0 6 390Lathes for Removing Metal 8458-0 0 0 0 1Machine Tools for Drilling, Boring, Milling etc. 8459-0 0 0 0 5Machine Tools for Shaping Slotting and Sawing etc. 8461-

496 5 0 45 0Machine Tools for Working Metal NES 8463-0 0 0 1 0Machine Tools for Working Stone and Glass etc. 8464-

7,680 77 215 1,364 2,140Tools for Working in the Hand, Pneumatic etc. 8467-0 0 0 0 28Machines and Apparatus for Soldering, Brazing or 8468-

450 5 0 5 0Automatic Data Process Machines and Units thereof 8471-0 0 0 5 118Machinery for Sorting Screening etc. 8474-0 0 0 0 ..Machines for Assembling Electronic, Tubes etc. 8475-0 0 0 0 9Machines and Mechanical Appliances NES 8479-0 0 0 4 0Molding Boxes for Metal Foundry, Mold Bases etc. 8480-0 0 0 7 4Taps, Cocks, Valves and Similar Appliances for 8481-0 0 0 119 124Ball or Roller Bearings and Parts 8482-0 0 0 0 94Transmission Shafts, Bearings, Gears etc. and Parts 8483-0 0 37 330 696Electrical Transformers, Static Converters and 8504-0 0 0 20 0Primary Cells and Batteries Parts thereof 8506-0 0 0 0 1Electrical Storage Batteries, Including Separators 8507-

Page 338: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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Export of Goods and Services March 2014 364

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

2,097 21 0 27 39Electromechanical Domestic Appliances and Parts 8509-0 0 0 0 1Portable Electrical Lamps Function By Own Energy 8513-0 0 0 0 4Electric Apparatus for Line Telephony, Telephone 8517-0 0 0 5 0Microphones, Loudspeakers, Sound Amplifier etc. 8518-0 0 0 0 3Magnetic Tape and Other Sound Recorders 8520-

1,173 12 0 26 6Video Recording or Reproducing Apparatus 8521-1,800 18 0 18 15Prepared Unrecorded Media for Sound etc. 8523-4,488 45 0 45 53Transmission Apparatus for Radio-telephony etc. 8525-

0 0 0 .. 0Parts for Television, Radio and Radar Apparatus 8529-9,994 100 0 675 350Electrical Capacitors, Fixed, Variable or Adjustable 8532-

0 0 0 38 25Electrical Apparatus for Switching etc Over 1000V 8535-0 0 0 0 1Electrical Apparatus for Switching etc. Not Over 8536-0 0 0 183 0Boards, Panels etc With Electrical Switch Apparatus 8537-0 0 0 14 229Electrical Filament or Discharge Lamps and Parts 8539-

284 3 0 18 8Electronic Integrated Circuits and Micro assemblies 8542-545 5 8 37 32Insulated Wire, Cable etc. Optical Sheath Fibres 8544-

0 0 0 0 2Carbon Electrodes and Brushes, Lamp Carbons etc 8545-0 0 0 0 225Electrical Parts of Machinery NES 8548-0 0 0 9 22Parts of Railway or Tramway Locomotives 8607-0 0 0 24 32Tractors Other Than Work Trucks used for Short 8701-

1,985 20 20 92 41Motor Vehicle for Transport of Ten or more Persons 8702-0 0 0 63 287Motor Vehicles for Transport of Goods 8704-0 0 0 20 0Special Purpose Motor Vehicles NES 8705-0 0 0 0 2Chassis Fitted with Engine for Vehicles 8706-

29,290 293 482 2,193 2,541Parts and Accessories for Motor Vehicles 8708-0 0 11 0 14Motorcycles and Cycles With Auxiliary Motor 8711-0 0 0 31 0Bicycles and other Cycle Not Motorized 8712-

3,387 34 11 44 104Parts and Accessories of Cycles and Invalid 8714-276,960 2,770 0 5,731 2,920Parts of Balloons etc. Aircraft, Spacecraft etc. 8803-

0 0 0 0 1Aircraft Launch Gear, Deck-Arrestor or Similar Gear 8805-0 0 0 15 0Vessels for Transport of Persons or Goods 8901-0 0 0 4 0Fishing Vessels, Factory Ships and other Vessels 8902-0 0 0 17 0Floating Structures NES Rafts, Tanks, Buoys etc. 8907-0 0 21 98 101Vessels and Floating Structures for Scrapping 8908-0 0 0 30 0Optical Fibers and Bundles etc. 9001-0 0 0 0 1Optical Elements, Mounted and Parts and 9002-

14,057 141 0 141 0Frames and Mountings for Spectacles, Goggles etc. 9003-0 0 0 0 40Spectacles, Goggles etc. Correct, Protect etc. 9004-

4,119 41 0 58 0Optical Telescopes and Mounting for 9005-0 0 0 2 0Compound Optical Microscopes, Parts and 9011-0 0 0 0 9Surveying, Hydrographic and Meteorological 9015-

714 7 0 7 0Drawing, Mathematical Measuring Institution etc. 9017-881,118 8,813 6,245 71,417 62,339Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-

0 0 0 8 7Mechano-Therapy, Massage etc Apparatus 9019-0 0 0 0 25Breathing Appliances and Gas Masks NES and Parts 9020-0 0 83 333 611X-Ray etc Apparatus, Tubes, Panels, Screen and 9022-0 0 0 35 0Instrument, Apparatus and Models for 9023-0 0 0 2 0Instruments etc for Measuring or Checking Flow, 9026-0 0 0 24 0Gas, Liquid or Electricity Supply or Production 9028-

49 .. 17 395 50Automatic Regulating or Control Instruments and 9032-0 0 0 30 0Other Clocks NES 9105-0 0 0 0 15Time of Day Recording Apparatus etc. 9106-0 0 0 0 2Watch Movements, Complete and Assembled 9108-0 0 0 0 61Watch Straps, Watch Bands and Watch Bracelets and 9113-

2,546 25 0 43 1Pianos, Harpsichords and other Keyboard String 9201-0 0 0 121 1String Musical Instruments NES 9202-

Page 339: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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US $Rs.

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365 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 0 9Accordions and Similar Instruments 9204-177 2 8 87 131Wind Musical Instruments NES 9205-

0 0 0 11 61Percussion Musical Instruments Drums etc. 9206-0 0 0 99 12Musical Instruments With Sound Electrically 9207-0 0 5 20 114Musical Boxes, Fairground Organs etc. 9208-

1,926 19 50 354 479Parts etc. of Musical Instruments, Metronomes 9209-0 0 0 54 0Military Weapons other than Revolvers, Pistols etc 9301-0 0 0 34 1Sport Shotguns and Rifles etc. 9303-0 0 0 9 0Parts and Accessories of Arms 9305-0 0 0 130 297Bombs, Grenades, Cartridges and Parts 9306-0 0 2 39 11Swords, Cutlasses, Bayonets and Similar Arms & 9307-0 0 1 7 39Seats and Parts Except Barber, Dental etc. 9401-0 0 0 0 6Medical, Surgical, Dental or Veterinary Furniture 9402-

14,141 141 128 773 771Furniture NES and Parts Thereof 9403-399,345 3,994 4,613 46,040 26,585Mattress Supports, Articles of Bedding etc 9404-

350 4 9 184 66Lamps and Lighting Fittings and Parts etc NES 9405-0 0 0 155 0Prefabricated Buildings 9406-0 0 10 1 56Wheel Toys for Children Like Tricycle, Scooters etc. 9501-

55 1 0 121 88Dolls, Representing only Human Beings and Parts 9502-0 0 0 45 0Toys NES, Reduced Size, Puzzles of all Kinds 9503-0 0 0 23 0Articles for Arcade, Table or Parlor Games 9504-0 0 0 1 ..Festive, Carnival or other Entertainment Articles 9505-

700,553 7,007 6,857 48,765 49,449Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-9,708 97 73 327 188Fishing Rods and Tackle Nets, Decoys etc. 9507-

0 0 0 16 0Merry-Go-Rounds, Other Fairground Amusement 9508-0 0 0 0 7Worked Ivory, Bone etc and Articles Thereof 9601-

30 .. 0 23 0Brooms, Brushes, Mops and Feather Dusters etc. 9603-0 0 0 4 0Hand Sieves and Hand Riddles 9604-

14,129 141 2 3,100 1,238Buttons, Press Studs, Button Mold and Blanks etc. 9606-353 4 0 97 38Pens, Ball Points, Soft Tip and Mechanical Pencils 9608-

2,988 30 0 281 0Pencils, Crayons, Leads and Chalks etc. 9609-0 0 0 42 0Date Sealing or Numbering Stamp etc for Hand 9611-0 0 3 5 6Scent and Similar Sprayers, Powder Puffs and Pads 9616-0 0 0 10 0Vacuum Flask and Vessel With Cases 9617-0 0 0 2 0Tailors' Dummies and Other Mannequins for Display 9618-0 0 0 3 30Paintings, Drawing etc By Hand 9701-

1,197 12 85 150 309Original Engravings, Prints and Lithographs 9702-0 0 0 0 3Original Sculptures and Statuary 9703-0 0 9 .. 21Collectors Item of Botanic and Historical Interest 9705-0 0 0 4 6Antiques of an Age Exceeding One Hundred Years 9706-0 0 0 27 0Vehicles Imported for Supply to Diplomat 9904-0 0 0 9 0Pharmaceutical Raw Materials for Conceptives 9927-0 0 0 13 0Computers Parts 9940-

287 3 8 38 61Special Transaction NES 9992-Uganda 2,273 25,0482,051 22,699227,249

0 0 0 20 0Live Horses, Asses, Mules and Hinnies 1010 -0 0 0 24 0Meat of Sheep or Goats, Fresh, Chilled or Frozen 2040 -0 0 0 0 96Edible Offal of Bovine Animals; Swine, Sheep, 2060 -0 0 0 0 60Fish Fillets and other Fish Meat, Fresh, Chilled or 3040 -0 0 0 0 20Fish Dried, Salted or in Brine; Smoked etc; Ed 3050 -0 0 0 1 0Butter and other Fats and Oils Derived from Milk, 4050 -

96 1 0 1 0Natural Honey 4090 -0 0 0 0 27Citrus Fruit, Fresh or Dried 8050 -

2,373 24 0 24 0Fruit NES Fresh 8100 -0 0 4 21 4Ginger, Saffron, Turmeric, Thyme, Bay Leaves, 9100 -

Page 340: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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US $Rs.

(Amount in Thousand)MARCH JULY - MARCH

20 20


Export of Goods and Services March 2014 366

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

143,227 1,433 1,126 17,091 16,661Rice 1006-0 0 0 24 0Plants etc. for Pharmacy, Perfume, Insecticides etc. 1211-

1,531 15 0 52 0Lac; Natural Gums, Resins, Gum-Resins and 1301-0 0 130 0 130Cane or Beet Sugar and Sucrose in Solid Form 1701-0 0 0 43 25Sugar Confectionery including White Chocolate not 1704-0 0 0 17 36Pasta and Couscous, Prepared or Not 1902-0 0 0 0 28Vegetable, Fruit, Nuts Etc, Prep Or Pres By Vinegar 2001-0 0 0 11 0Fruit, Nuts etc. Prepared or Preserved NES 2008-0 0 0 3 0Sauces and Preparations thereof 2103-0 0 0 2 0Food Preparations NES 2106-0 0 0 78 0Salt, Pure Sodium Chloride, Sea Water 2501-0 0 0 2 0Marble, Travertine etc. and Alabaster, Crude etc. 2515-0 0 0 21 0Hydrogen Chloride; Chlorosulphuric Acid 2806-0 0 0 0 29Heterocyclic Compounds with Nitrogen 2933-0 0 5 167 266Medicaments Mixtures for Therapeutic Use 3003-

3,784 38 72 755 312Medicaments NES 3004-0 0 24 30 60Wading, Gauze, Bandages etc. 3005-

372 4 0 20 39Pharmaceutical Goods 3006-0 0 0 19 7Odoriferous Mixtures as Raw Materials for Industry 3302-0 0 0 1 4Preparations for Oral or Dental Hygiene 3306-0 0 0 2 0Soap, Organic Surf-Act Products used for Soap 3401-0 0 0 132 3Insecticides, Rodenticides and Fungicides etc. Retail 3808-

75 1 0 1 10Prepared binders for foundry moulds or cores 3824-0 0 0 4 1Plates, Sheets, Film etc. 3920-0 0 0 2 0Containers: Boxes, Bags, Closures etc, Plastic 3923-0 0 0 0 28Tableware and other Household Articles etc, Plastics 3924-0 0 0 0 149Hygienic of Pharmaceutical Articles of Rubber 4014-0 0 0 17 0Articles NES of Unhard Vulcanized Rubber 4016-0 0 0 5 0Leather further prepared after tanning (other animal) 4113-

2,806 28 0 71 16Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-0 0 2 0 2Articles of Leather NES 4205-0 0 0 50 40Woven Fabrics of Silk or Silk Waste 5007-0 0 0 105 0Cotton Waste Including Yarn Waste etc. 5202-0 0 0 44 186Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt < 5208-0 0 0 67 0Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-0 0 89 10 216Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt < 5210-

10,132 101 0 101 50Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt > 5211-0 0 0 308 188Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5513-0 0 0 98 0Woven Fabric, Synthetic < 85% of Fibre Mix 5514-0 0 0 20 30Rubber Thread and Cord, Text Covered, Textile 5604-0 0 0 79 50Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Knotted 5701-0 0 0 13 0Woven Terry Fabrics and Tufted Textile Fabric NES 5802-0 0 0 0 149Labels, Badges and Similar Type of Textiles 5807-0 0 0 0 62Embroidery in the Piece, In Strips or in Motifs 5810-0 0 0 25 0Quilt Textile Products 5811-0 0 0 7 0Gents Overcoats, Car-Coats, Caps, Cloaks and 6101-0 0 0 257 15Ladies Overcoats, Car-Coats, Caps, Cloaks and 6102-0 0 0 0 69Ladies Suits, Ensembles etc. Kn/Cr 6104-0 0 0 5 0Gents Shirts, Knitted or Crocheted 6105-

3,995 40 0 40 0Gents Underpants, Briefs, Nightshirts etc. Kn/Cr 6107-0 0 0 32 4Track Suits, Ski Suits and Swimwear Kn/Cr 6112-0 0 35 109 46Garments, Made-ups Kn/Cr etc. of Rubber or Plastic 6113-0 0 0 32 50Garments NES Knitted or Crocheted 6114-

7,362 74 38 415 147Men's or Boys' Overcoats, Cloaks etc. Not Knitted 6201-0 0 0 2 0Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-0 0 0 0 8Women's or Girls' Suits, Ensembles etc. Not Kn/Cr. 6204-

Page 341: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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US $Rs.

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367 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 0 11Garments, of Felt etc, or Fabric Impregnated etc 6210-28,798 288 184 2,446 962Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-

0 0 0 0 46Made-Up Articles of Textile Materials NES 6307-11,620 116 151 1,078 1,107Worn Clothing and other Worn Textile Articles 6309-

0 0 0 116 0Used or New Rags, Scrap Twine etc of Text Material 6310-0 0 10 31 123Footwear, Outer Sole and Upper Rubber or Plastic 6402-0 0 0 2 0Articles of Stone or Other Mineral Substance NES 6815-0 0 0 3 30Ceramic Sinks, Washbasins, Water Closet Bowls etc. 6910-

228 2 0 2 0Float Glass and Surface Ground or Polished Sheets 7005-0 0 0 13 0Glassware for Table, Kitchen, Toilet etc. NES 7013-0 0 0 19 0Containers for Compressed or Liquefied Gas 7311-0 0 0 1 0Aluminum Tube or Pipe Fittings 7609-0 0 0 5 0Table, Kitchen or other Household Articles and Parts 7615-0 0 0 .. 0Knives With Blades and Blades for Knives NES 8211-0 0 0 9 0Air or Vacuum Pump, Compressors and Fans 8414-

2,496 25 0 25 0Machinery etc for Temperature Change 8419-0 0 0 0 50Mechenical Appliances etc 8424-0 0 0 0 5Self-Propelled Bulldozers, Graders, Scrapers etc. 8429-0 0 0 90 88Agriculture Machinery for Soil, Lawn Preparations 8432-0 0 0 0 64Machinery NES used for Food and Drink and Parts 8438-0 0 0 5 0Lathes for Removing Metal 8458-

154 2 0 2 0Parts for Machine Like Ultrasonic, Stones Machines 8466-0 0 0 25 37Machinery for Working Rubber or Plastic etc. NES 8477-0 0 0 0 25Electrical Generating Sets and Rotary Converters 8502-0 0 0 0 10Electrical Water Heater and Soil Heaters, 8516-0 0 20 0 38Electrical Apparatus for Switching etc. Not Over 8536-0 0 80 264 400Tractors Other Than Work Trucks used for Short 8701-0 0 0 13 0Parts and Accessories for Motor Vehicles 8708-0 0 0 20 0Motorcycles and Cycles With Auxiliary Motor 8711-

2,396 24 51 197 240Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-0 0 0 39 0Automatic Regulating or Control Instruments and 9032-

5,803 58 28 165 135Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-0 0 2 1 5Brooms, Brushes, Mops and Feather Dusters etc. 9603-0 0 0 2 0Buttons, Press Studs, Button Mold and Blanks etc. 9606-

Ukraine 6,434 55,3437,976 54,136643,2872,443 24 0 24 0Potatoes, Fresh or Chilled 7010 -

0 0 0 25 0Other Vegetables NES Fresh or Chilled 7090 -0 0 0 5 0Dates, Figs, Pineapples, Avocados etc, Fr or Dried 8040 -

160,104 1,601 1,596 7,598 5,241Citrus Fruit, Fresh or Dried 8050 -0 0 0 16 0Apples, Pears and Quinces, Fresh 8080 -

140,212 1,402 1,746 10,466 8,411Rice 1006-0 0 0 54 399Tobacco and Tobacco Refuse 2401-0 0 0 0 23Cigars, Cigarettes Etc. of Tobacco or Substitutes 2402-0 0 0 53 0Tobacco and Tobacco Substitutes Manufactured 2403-

499 5 7 21 41Salt, Pure Sodium Chloride, Sea Water 2501-372 4 0 38 0Marble, Travertine etc. and Alabaster, Crude etc. 2515-

0 0 0 0 7Tanning Extracts of Vegetable Origin 3201-0 0 0 23 0Preparations for Use on Hair 3305-

3,190 32 0 46 0Matches and Except Pyrotechnic Articles 3605-0 0 0 0 35Polymers of Styrene in Primary Forms 3903-

69,823 698 0 3,798 8,903Polyesters, Epoxides and Polyesters, Primary Forms 3907-0 0 0 18 0Containers: Boxes, Bags, Closures etc, Plastic 3923-0 0 0 4 0Articles of Plastics Including Polymers and Resins 3926-0 0 0 0 11Tubes, Pipes and Hoses of Unhard Vulcanized 4009-0 0 0 1 72Leather further prepared after tanning (other animal) 4113-

Page 342: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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US $Rs.

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20 20


Export of Goods and Services March 2014 368

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 2 508 471Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-0 0 0 0 63Articles of Leather NES 4205-0 0 0 0 4Tools, Tool Bodies, Tool Handles of Wood 4417-0 0 0 3 0Printed Books, Brochures and Similar Printed Matter 4901-0 0 0 0 14Woven Fabrics of Silk or Silk Waste 5007-0 0 76 150 187Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton more than 85% 5205-0 0 0 15 0Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton less than 85% 5206-

7,043 70 1,242 3,085 3,985Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt < 5208-0 0 0 221 493Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-0 0 889 7,729 11,029Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt < 5210-0 0 0 5 0Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt > 5211-

21,857 219 0 1,329 673Woven Cotton Fabrics NES 5212-0 0 0 92 317Woven Fabric of Synthetic Filament Yarn 5407-0 0 0 130 0Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5512-

150,153 1,502 1,115 13,101 8,318Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5513-0 0 0 480 166Woven Fabric, Synthetic < 85% of Fibre Mix 5514-

145 1 0 8 4Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Knotted 5701-0 0 37 12 49Woven Terry Fabrics and Tufted Textile Fabric NES 5802-

122 1 9 2 129Labels, Badges and Similar Type of Textiles 5807-0 0 0 28 19Gum Covered Fabric; Tracing Cloth; Paint Canvas 5901-0 0 0 26 0Textile Fabrics Coated, Covered or Lamented with 5903-0 0 0 0 57Other knitted or crocheted fabrics 6006-0 0 143 149 146Gents Suits, Ensembles, Jackets etc. Kn/Cr 6103-

2,555 26 11 40 11Ladies Suits, Ensembles etc. Kn/Cr 6104-0 0 6 20 6Gents Shirts, Knitted or Crocheted 6105-

5,042 50 0 113 15Gents Underpants, Briefs, Nightshirts etc. Kn/Cr 6107-0 0 0 0 10T-Shirts, Singlets and other Vests Kn/Cr 6109-

137 1 0 33 0Sweaters, Pullovers, Vests etc. Kn/Cr 6110-0 0 0 110 0Track Suits, Ski Suits and Swimwear Kn/Cr 6112-

8,981 90 123 1,501 588Garments, Made-ups Kn/Cr etc. of Rubber or Plastic 6113-20 .. 0 .. 0Garments NES Knitted or Crocheted 6114-

3,378 34 60 323 268Panty hose, Socks and other Hosiery Kn/Cr 6115-0 0 0 0 36Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Knitted or Crocheted 6116-0 0 0 0 70Made-up Clothing Accessories NES Kn/Cr 6117-

439 4 0 4 0Men's or Boys' Overcoats, Cloaks etc. Not Knitted 6201-0 0 0 111 16Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-0 0 0 31 7Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Not Knitted or Crocheted 6216-

1,680 17 15 17 15Made-Up Clothing Accessories NES 6217-0 0 0 36 6Blankets and Traveling Rugs 6301-

27,381 274 469 1,622 1,568Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-0 0 0 88 0Furnishing Articles of Textile Materials NES 6304-

3,414 34 0 84 4Tarpaulins, Sails, Awnings and Tents etc. 6306-518 5 0 5 11Made-Up Articles of Textile Materials NES 6307-

0 0 0 0 2Footwear, Outer Sole Rubber, Plastic or Textile 6404-0 0 0 4 25Worked Monumental or Building Stone and Articles 6802-0 0 0 0 5Articles of Iron or Steel, NES 7326-0 0 0 15 69Razors and Razor Blades 8212-0 0 6 0 6Scissors, Tailors' Shears and Similar Shears and 8213-

534 5 0 123 65Articles of Cutlery NES and Manicure Sets etc. 8214-0 0 0 2 9Tools for Working in the Hand, Pneumatic etc. 8467-

8,168 82 41 756 610Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-0 0 0 2 0X-Ray etc Apparatus, Tubes, Panels, Screen and 9022-0 0 0 81 150Mattress Supports, Articles of Bedding etc 9404-

25,076 251 383 950 1,289Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-0 0 0 7 0Pens, Ball Points, Soft Tip and Mechanical Pencils 9608-0 0 0 0 7Special Transaction NES 9992-

Page 343: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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US $Rs.

(Amount in Thousand)MARCH JULY - MARCH

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369 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

Uruguay 1,030 12,8421,404 12,027102,9950 0 0 0 13Meat of Bovine Animals, Fresh or Chilled 2010 -0 0 0 0 5Lac; Natural Gums, Resins, Gum-Resins and 1301-0 0 0 27 62Vegetable Saps and Extracts: Pectates, Agar-Agar 1302-0 0 0 544 550Cane or Beet Sugar and Sucrose in Solid Form 1701-0 0 0 4 0Sauces and Preparations thereof 2103-0 0 0 14 0Salt, Pure Sodium Chloride, Sea Water 2501-0 0 0 55 0Leather further prepared after tanning (sheep, lamb) 4112-0 0 0 18 83Leather further prepared after tanning (other animal) 4113-

5,606 56 0 162 188Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-0 0 0 0 10Articles of Leather Used in Machinery and 4204-0 0 48 44 138Cotton Waste Including Yarn Waste etc. 5202-

31,222 312 0 1,349 287Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton more than 85% 5205-11,598 116 830 4,988 6,175Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt < 5208-

0 0 0 451 622Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-2,873 29 190 1,116 831Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt < 5210-

0 0 0 299 43Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt > 5211-0 0 0 497 200Woven Cotton Fabrics NES 5212-0 0 0 35 0True Hemp, not Spun, Tow and Waste of Hemp 5302-

2,419 24 165 205 372Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5513-0 0 0 4 2Labels, Badges and Similar Type of Textiles 5807-0 0 0 0 14Gum Covered Fabric; Tracing Cloth; Paint Canvas 5901-0 0 0 42 0Ladies Overcoats, Car-Coats, Caps, Cloaks and 6102-

3,019 30 0 39 21Gents Suits, Ensembles, Jackets etc. Kn/Cr 6103-0 0 0 46 29Ladies Suits, Ensembles etc. Kn/Cr 6104-0 0 11 162 61Gents Shirts, Knitted or Crocheted 6105-0 0 0 25 0Gents Underpants, Briefs, Nightshirts etc. Kn/Cr 6107-0 0 0 0 11T-Shirts, Singlets and other Vests Kn/Cr 6109-0 0 0 12 0Sweaters, Pullovers, Vests etc. Kn/Cr 6110-0 0 0 38 18Garments, Made-ups Kn/Cr etc. of Rubber or Plastic 6113-0 0 0 19 0Garments NES Knitted or Crocheted 6114-

3,346 33 .. 139 129Panty hose, Socks and other Hosiery Kn/Cr 6115-0 0 0 17 7Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Knitted or Crocheted 6116-0 0 0 0 36Made-up Clothing Accessories NES Kn/Cr 6117-0 0 0 37 27Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-0 0 0 94 36Women's or Girls' Suits, Ensembles etc. Not Kn/Cr. 6204-0 0 0 0 168Women's or Girls' Blouses, Shirts etc. Not Knitted 6206-0 0 0 18 0Men's or Boys' Undershirts etc Not Kn/Cr 6207-0 0 0 20 0Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Not Knitted or Crocheted 6216-

27,913 279 69 1,120 800Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-0 0 0 41 0Furnishing Articles of Textile Materials NES 6304-0 0 0 35 50Made-Up Articles of Textile Materials NES 6307-0 0 13 55 35Glassware for Table, Kitchen, Toilet etc. NES 7013-0 0 0 7 0Articles of Cutlery NES and Manicure Sets etc. 8214-0 0 0 60 43Tractors Other Than Work Trucks used for Short 8701-

201 2 13 72 234Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-365 4 0 268 50Mattress Supports, Articles of Bedding etc 9404-

14,432 144 65 662 676Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-Uzbekistan 868 4,110492 2,31186,798

0 0 2 0 2Live Animals NES 1060 -43,024 430 0 430 0Potatoes, Fresh or Chilled 7010 -

0 0 0 23 0Onions, Shallots, Garlic, Leeks etc, Fresh or Chilled 7030 -0 0 0 75 49Citrus Fruit, Fresh or Dried 8050 -0 0 0 50 0Fruit NES Fresh 8100 -0 0 0 115 99Rice 1006-

Page 344: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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US $Rs.

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Export of Goods and Services March 2014 370

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 10 0Food Preparations NES 2106-0 0 0 3 20Kaolin And Other Kaolinic Clays 2507-0 0 0 53 0Clays NES 2508-0 0 8 124 8Antibiotics 2941-

8,639 86 157 207 186Medicaments Mixtures for Therapeutic Use 3003-7,052 71 0 459 994Medicaments NES 3004-

0 0 0 35 0Wading, Gauze, Bandages etc. 3005-0 0 0 0 20Synthetic Organic tanning Substances 3202-0 0 0 0 86Lubricating Preparations, Antirust and Treating 3403-

4,170 42 38 640 253Matches and Except Pyrotechnic Articles 3605-0 0 0 12 13Finishing Agents etc. for Textiles, Paper etc NES 3809-

4,234 42 0 71 0Prepared binders for foundry moulds or cores 3824-0 0 0 0 13Articles of Leather NES 4205-0 0 0 0 2Wood Charcoal, Whether or Not Agglomerated 4402-0 0 0 0 ..Wood Marquetry & inlaid Wood Jewel Case etc. 4420-0 0 0 0 44Kraft Paper and Paperboard Uncoated NES 4804-0 0 88 13 88Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5513-0 0 0 15 0Gents Underpants, Briefs, Nightshirts etc. Kn/Cr 6107-0 0 0 0 25Tubes, Pipes and Hollow Profiles Seamless of Iron 7304-0 0 0 0 70Agriculture Machinery for Soil, Lawn Preparations 8432-0 0 0 17 0Machinery not for Laundry for Cleaning, Drying etc 8451-0 0 0 174 0Machinery for Work Leather etc and Footwear etc. 8453-0 0 199 918 340Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-

9,878 99 0 168 0Mechano-Therapy, Massage etc Apparatus 9019-9,800 98 0 497 0Orthopedic Appliances Artificial Body and Parts 9021-

Vanuatu 0 40 000 0 0 4 0Women's or Girls' Slips etc Not Kn/Cr 6208-

Venezuela 291 6,6262,294 12,73729,0840 0 0 0 41Plants etc. for Pharmacy, Perfume, Insecticides etc. 1211-0 0 0 0 32Crustaceans Molluscs etc Prepared or Preserved 1605-

1,000 10 0 166 374Sugar Confectionery including White Chocolate not 1704-0 0 0 248 0Medicaments NES 3004-0 0 0 43 119Articles of Apparel and Clothing Acc. of Rubber 4015-0 0 0 0 103Leather further prepared after tanning (other animal) 4113-0 0 0 0 33Travel Goods, Handbags, Wallets, Jewelry Cases etc. 4202-0 0 106 86 200Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-0 0 39 0 39Fine or Coarse Animal Hair, Not Carded or Combed 5102-0 0 62 0 118Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton less than 85% 5206-0 0 120 152 665Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt < 5208-0 0 40 172 234Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-

11,003 110 1,013 1,066 3,774Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt < 5210-0 0 0 41 0Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt > 5211-0 0 0 0 102Woven Cotton Fabrics NES 5212-0 0 0 132 0Yarn Not for Sewing Thread, Synthetic Staple 5509-0 0 228 1,966 2,615Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5513-0 0 0 74 132Woven Terry Fabrics and Tufted Textile Fabric NES 5802-0 0 4 8 5Labels, Badges and Similar Type of Textiles 5807-0 0 0 0 79Gum Covered Fabric; Tracing Cloth; Paint Canvas 5901-0 0 0 0 181Other knitted or crocheted fabrics 6006-0 0 26 0 26Gents Shirts, Knitted or Crocheted 6105-0 0 0 28 0Track Suits, Ski Suits and Swimwear Kn/Cr 6112-0 0 5 1 6Garments, Made-ups Kn/Cr etc. of Rubber or Plastic 6113-0 0 0 10 0Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Knitted or Crocheted 6116-0 0 0 0 3Made-up Clothing Accessories NES Kn/Cr 6117-0 0 17 0 17Men's or Boys' Overcoats, Cloaks etc. Not Knitted 6201-

Page 345: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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371 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 0 198Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-0 0 0 0 57Women's or Girls' Suits, Ensembles etc. Not Kn/Cr. 6204-0 0 47 0 47Made-Up Clothing Accessories NES 6217-0 0 544 1,693 2,733Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-0 0 0 23 2Tarpaulins, Sails, Awnings and Tents etc. 6306-0 0 0 .. 0Made-Up Articles of Textile Materials NES 6307-

417 4 0 4 0Worked Monumental or Building Stone and Articles 6802-0 0 0 51 0Razors and Razor Blades 8212-

10,998 110 22 145 149Articles of Cutlery NES and Manicure Sets etc. 8214-0 0 0 3 8Tools for Working in the Hand, Pneumatic etc. 8467-

5,666 57 4 380 512Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-0 0 0 26 59Mattress Supports, Articles of Bedding etc 9404-0 0 17 108 71Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-

Viet Nam 14,996 156,79719,298 182,4471,499,2788,398 84 0 274 30Meat of Bovine Animals, Fresh or Chilled 2010 -

29,508 295 0 546 0Meat of Bovine Animals, Frozen 2020 -0 0 0 64 0Meat of Swine, Fresh, Chilled or Frozen 2030 -

14,392 144 0 1,478 30Meat of Sheep or Goats, Fresh, Chilled or Frozen 2040 -15,373 154 491 977 1,451Edible Offal of Bovine Animals; Swine, Sheep, 2060 -16,970 170 138 991 1,009Meat and Edible Offal of Poultry, Fresh, Chilled or 2070 -

0 0 0 0 10Other Meat & Edible Offal ; Fresh, Chilled or Frozen 2080 -0 0 0 49 0Meat and Edible Offal Salted, Dried etc. and Flour & 2100 -

12,818 128 0 698 138Fish, Live 3010 -0 0 0 0 180Fish, Fresh or Chilled (Not Fish Fillets & other Fish 3020 -

267,936 2,680 2,613 34,818 22,700Fish Frozen (Not Fish Fillets & other Fish Meat) 3030 -108,204 1,082 992 8,804 8,896Fish Fillets and other Fish Meat, Fresh, Chilled or 3040 -

0 0 59 331 769Fish Dried, Salted or in Brine; Smoked etc; Ed 3050 -14,068 141 170 4,829 1,731Crustaceans; Live, Fresh etc, and Cooked etc. 3060 -

0 0 0 56 270Molluscs & Aquatic Invertebrates NES Live etc. 3070 -0 0 0 50 0Human Hair, Unworked and Waste of Human Hair 5010 -0 0 0 5 10Guts, Bladders, Stomachs of Animals (Not Fish) 5040 -0 0 16 2 24Bird Skins and other Feathered Parts and Down 5050 -0 0 0 0 141Bones & Horn - Cores, Unworked, Defatted, Simply 5060 -0 0 0 4 0Ambergris, Castoreum, Civet and Musk 5100 -0 0 6 30 6Onions, Shallots, Garlic, Leeks etc, Fresh or Chilled 7030 -

308 3 0 76 0Vegetables, Dried, Whole, Cut etc. not further 7120 -0 0 0 0 37Leguminous Vegetables, Dried Shelled 7130 -

2,608 26 0 48 0Citrus Fruit, Fresh or Dried 8050 -0 0 2 0 2Fruit NES Fresh 8100 -0 0 2,131 1,043 2,630Fruit Dried NES Mixtures of Nuts or Dried Fruit 8130 -0 0 130 0 130Tea Whether or not Flavored 9020 -0 0 0 8 0Pepper, Genus Piper; Genus Capsicum or Pimento 9040 -0 0 0 0 682Wheat and Meslin 1001-0 0 0 2,414 7,702Maize (Corn) 1005-0 0 0 280 1,000Rice 1006-0 0 0 0 594Wheat or Meslin Flour 1101-0 0 0 0 285Cereal Flours, Except of Wheat or of Meslin 1102-

4,225 42 0 115 0Starches; Inulin 1108-0 0 0 418 7,102Other Oil Seeds and Oleaginous Fruits NES 1207-0 0 0 0 128Flour and Meals of Oil Seeds or Oleaginous Fruits 1208-0 0 0 53 47Plants etc. for Pharmacy, Perfume, Insecticides etc. 1211-0 0 0 20 0Lac; Natural Gums, Resins, Gum-Resins and 1301-0 0 3 0 3Vegetable Products NES 1404-0 0 0 61 0Fats and Oils and their Fractions of Fish and Marine 1504-0 0 0 0 83Rape, Colza or Mustard Oil and Fractions thereof 1514-

Page 346: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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Export of Goods and Services March 2014 372

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

26,109 261 10 729 55Sausages and Similar Products of Meat and Blood 1601-0 0 0 0 19Prepared or Preserved Meat, Meat Offal and Blood 1602-

20,308 203 935 4,030 9,452Prepared or Preserved Fish, Caviar and Caviar 1604-0 0 0 1,042 939Crustaceans Molluscs etc Prepared or Preserved 1605-0 0 0 0 2,771Cane or Beet Sugar and Sucrose in Solid Form 1701-0 0 0 0 1,309Sugar Confectionery including White Chocolate not 1704-0 0 0 14 0Fruit, Nuts etc. Prepared or Preserved NES 2008-0 0 0 0 253Food Preparations NES 2106-0 0 0 0 83Other Fermented Beverages NES 2206-0 0 0 150 0Ethyl Alcohol, Strength: more than 80% Alcohol 2207-0 0 0 105 0Flour, Meal etc. of Meat etc, Not For Human 2301-0 0 482 538 1,353Bran, Sharps and other Residue 2302-0 0 337 961 978Other Oilcakes NES From Vegetable Fats and Oils 2306-0 0 0 83 26Preparations Used In Animal Feeding 2309-0 0 0 25 47Salt, Pure Sodium Chloride, Sea Water 2501-

1,145 11 0 50 97Marble, Travertine etc. and Alabaster, Crude etc. 2515-0 0 0 2 37Pebbles, Gravel etc. Macadam of Slag, Dross etc. 2517-0 0 0 1 0Natural Steatite Roughly Trimmed etc. 2526-0 0 0 0 86Phosphinates, Phosphinates, Phosphates and 2835-0 0 0 22 0Hydrogen Peroxide 2847-0 0 0 0 1,848Halogenated Derivatives of Hydrocarbons 2903-0 0 6 0 20Carboxylic Acid, Added Oxygen & Anhy Etc, Hal 2918-0 0 0 41 76Heterocyclic Compounds with Nitrogen 2933-

2,692 27 0 32 0Provitamins and Vitamins and Derivatives 2936-1,359 14 5 54 33Antibiotics 2941-

0 0 6 0 196Human Blood or Animal Blood Prepared for 3002-28,774 288 58 658 830Medicaments Mixtures for Therapeutic Use 3003-

127,977 1,280 1,339 9,537 10,394Medicaments NES 3004-893 9 8 53 8Wading, Gauze, Bandages etc. 3005-

0 0 0 18 11Pharmaceutical Goods 3006-0 0 0 3 10Other Color Matters 3206-0 0 0 10 10Prepared Driers 3211-0 0 8 28 42Odoriferous Mixtures as Raw Materials for Industry 3302-0 0 0 0 9Beauty and Make-Up Preparations 3304-0 0 0 2 4Organic Surf-Act Agents and Products other than 3402-0 0 0 7 0Gelatin and Derivatives 3503-0 0 0 0 92Polyesters, Epoxides and Polyesters, Primary Forms 3907-0 0 0 0 6Silicones in Primary Forms 3910-0 0 0 0 44Waste, Parings and Scrap, of Plastics 3915-0 0 0 0 1,565Monofilament of Cross-Sectional Dimension 3916-0 0 0 0 2Containers: Boxes, Bags, Closures etc, Plastic 3923-0 0 0 19 0Builders' Ware of Plastics, NES 3925-0 0 0 0 2Articles of Plastics Including Polymers and Resins 3926-0 0 0 11 0Waste of Rubber and Powder Obtain thereof 4004-0 0 0 0 19Hygienic of Pharmaceutical Articles of Rubber 4014-

397 4 51 4 273Articles of Apparel and Clothing Acc. of Rubber 4015-0 0 0 0 288Raw Hides and Skins of Bovine or Equine Animals 4101-0 0 0 0 8Raw Hides and Skins NES 4103-0 0 0 186 78Bovine or Equine Leather, No Hair NES 4104-0 0 0 0 579Sheep or Lamb Skin Leather, No Wool NES 4105-

9,517 95 0 269 21Goat or Kidskin Leather, No Hair NES 4106-113,002 1,130 947 6,648 5,723Leather of Animals NES, No Hair NES 4107-

799 8 34 380 684Leather further prepared after tanning (sheep, lamb) 4112-51,065 511 634 5,131 4,645Leather further prepared after tanning (other animal) 4113-

0 0 30 312 94Saddlery, Harness, Traces and Leads etc. 4201-75 1 2 110 432Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-

Page 347: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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373 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 19 33 514Articles of Leather Used in Machinery and 4204-0 0 0 0 82Articles of Leather NES 4205-0 0 6 28 28Raw Furskins NES 4301-0 0 0 .. 0Tanned or Dressed Furskins including Heads, Tails 4302-0 0 0 3 0Articles of Wood NES 4421-

19,214 192 0 485 0Paper, Paperboard, Wading etc. Coated etc NES 4811-0 0 12 37 21Paper and Paperboard Labels of all Kinds 4821-0 0 0 17 0Transfers (Decalcomanias) 4908-0 0 0 0 100Woven Fabrics of Silk or Silk Waste 5007-

11,501 115 0 176 119Waste of Wool, Fine or Coarse Animal Hair 5103-0 0 0 0 30Wool and Fine or Coarse Animal Hair, Carded or 5105-

97,048 971 1,074 24,011 28,860Cotton, Not Carded Or Combed 5201-18,456 185 64 1,215 1,508Cotton Waste Including Yarn Waste etc. 5202-38,205 382 97 2,696 1,336Cotton, Carded or Combed 5203-

0 0 95 328 3,226Cotton Sewing Thread, Retail Packed or Not 5204-113,762 1,138 2,602 9,701 14,407Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton more than 85% 5205-

5,680 57 53 57 521Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton less than 85% 5206-0 0 107 165 159Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Retail Packed 5207-

45,869 459 137 3,291 2,399Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt < 5208-220,426 2,205 2,674 16,767 16,824Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-

5,137 51 282 1,345 3,570Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt < 5210-0 0 0 186 164Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt > 5211-0 0 26 797 182Woven Cotton Fabrics NES 5212-0 0 16 21 493Woven Fabrics of Jute or Other Textile Bast Fibres 5310-0 0 19 56 243Synthetic Filament Yarn Not Sewing Thread, Not 5402-0 0 0 0 33Artificial Monofilament >67 Decitex Width <5mm 5405-0 0 0 10 182Woven Fabric of Synthetic Filament Yarn 5407-

5,545 55 0 225 255Yarn Not for Sewing Thread, Synthetic Staple 5509-0 0 0 0 23Yarn (No SewingThread), Manmade Staple Fiber, 5511-0 0 0 0 1Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5512-

3,072 31 0 393 0Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5513-3,351 34 130 1,316 1,162Woven Fabric, Synthetic < 85% of Fibre Mix 5514-

0 0 0 0 22Woven Fabrics of Artificial Staple Fibers 5516-0 0 0 6 9Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Knotted 5701-0 0 0 15 0Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Woven 5702-0 0 80 0 92Warp Knit fabrics Not of Rubber and Pile Fabrics 6005-0 0 0 2 0Ladies Suits, Ensembles etc. Kn/Cr 6104-0 0 14 118 29Gents Shirts, Knitted or Crocheted 6105-0 0 0 15 46Sweaters, Pullovers, Vests etc. Kn/Cr 6110-0 0 0 1 ..Track Suits, Ski Suits and Swimwear Kn/Cr 6112-0 0 0 3 136Garments, Made-ups Kn/Cr etc. of Rubber or Plastic 6113-0 0 0 63 0Panty hose, Socks and other Hosiery Kn/Cr 6115-0 0 10 3 16Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Knitted or Crocheted 6116-0 0 0 104 35Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-0 0 0 0 1Women's or Girls' Suits, Ensembles etc. Not Kn/Cr. 6204-0 0 0 0 63Babies' Garments and Accessories Not Kn/Cr 6209-0 0 0 109 0Track Suits, Ski-Suits and Swimwear, Not Knitted 6211-0 0 0 2 161Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Not Knitted or Crocheted 6216-

6,754 68 0 171 85Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-0 0 0 103 0Curtains and Interior Blinds, Curtain or Bed 6303-

8,756 88 0 530 448Sacks and Bags of Textile Material for Packing 6305-0 0 0 9 3Tarpaulins, Sails, Awnings and Tents etc. 6306-0 0 4 0 8Made-Up Articles of Textile Materials NES 6307-

1,220 12 9 54 44Worn Clothing and other Worn Textile Articles 6309-0 0 0 0 39Used or New Rags, Scrap Twine etc of Text Material 6310-0 0 25 0 25Footwear, Outer Sole Rubber, Plastic or Leather 6403-

Page 348: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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Export of Goods and Services March 2014 374

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 0 9Worked Monumental or Building Stone and Articles 6802-371 4 15 322 340Articles of Stone or Other Mineral Substance NES 6815-

3,992 40 0 40 0Laboratory, Hygienic or Pharmaceutical Glassware 7017-0 0 0 3 25Articles of Natural or Cultured Pearls, Precious 7116-0 0 0 73 0Ferrous Waste and Scrap 7204-0 0 0 177 0Railway / Tramway Track Construction Material of 7302-0 0 0 2 0Articles of Cutlery NES and Manicure Sets etc. 8214-0 0 0 0 1Spark-Ignition Reciprocating or Rotary Internal 8407-0 0 5 0 53Machinery etc for Temperature Change 8419-

1,550 16 0 16 16Self-Propelled Bulldozers, Graders, Scrapers etc. 8429-0 0 0 141 0Machinery NES used for Food and Drink and Parts 8438-0 0 0 0 ..Machine Tools for Drilling, Boring, Milling etc. 8459-0 0 0 0 1Parts and Accessories of Cycles and Invalid 8714-0 0 0 0 61Yachts and other Vessels for Pleasure etc or Sports 8903-

10,247 102 63 1,487 753Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-0 0 0 29 33Orthopedic Appliances Artificial Body and Parts 9021-0 0 0 0 3Festive, Carnival or other Entertainment Articles 9505-

201 2 14 36 74Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-Virgin Islands 39 5588 6743,932

0 0 0 295 0Rice 1006-0 0 0 4 0Vegetables Prepared or Preserved NES not Frozen 2005-0 0 8 0 8Salt, Pure Sodium Chloride, Sea Water 2501-0 0 0 0 51Antibiotics 2941-

3,612 36 0 116 0Bovine or Equine Leather, No Hair NES 4104-0 0 0 6 0Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-0 0 0 0 157Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton more than 85% 5205-0 0 0 62 383Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt < 5208-0 0 0 0 71Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5513-

320 3 0 53 0Woven Terry Fabrics and Tufted Textile Fabric NES 5802-0 0 0 22 0Gum Covered Fabric; Tracing Cloth; Paint Canvas 5901-0 0 0 0 4Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-0 0 0 0 1Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-

Western Samoa 56 34749 2065,6290 0 0 0 25Fish Fillets and other Fish Meat, Fresh, Chilled or 3040 -0 0 0 0 13Onions, Shallots, Garlic, Leeks etc, Fresh or Chilled 7030 -0 0 0 0 13Ginger, Saffron, Turmeric, Thyme, Bay Leaves, 9100 -0 0 0 0 19Preparations Used In Animal Feeding 2309-0 0 0 27 0Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-0 0 0 0 69Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt < 5210-0 0 0 14 0Panty hose, Socks and other Hosiery Kn/Cr 6115-

1,581 16 0 16 0Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-0 0 0 2 0Women's or Girls' Slips etc Not Kn/Cr 6208-

4,048 40 49 102 63Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-0 0 0 13 0Tarpaulins, Sails, Awnings and Tents etc. 6306-0 0 0 36 0Articles of Jewelry and Parts thereof or Precious 7113-0 0 0 1 0Cooking or Heating Apparatus for Domestic Purpose 7417-0 0 0 7 4Pumps for Liquids; Liquid Elevators; Parts Thereof 8413-0 0 0 121 0Machinery for Sorting Screening etc. 8474-0 0 0 10 0Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-

Windward Islands 3 1,5760 2852760 0 0 0 94Live Horses, Asses, Mules and Hinnies 1010 -0 0 0 10 0Fish Frozen (Not Fish Fillets & other Fish Meat) 3030 -0 0 0 0 6Rice 1006-0 0 0 23 0Personal Toilet etc Prep NES 3307-

Page 349: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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375 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 0 2Articles of Apparel and Clothing Acc. of Rubber 4015-0 0 0 1,295 0Paper, Paperboard, Wading etc. Coated etc NES 4811-0 0 0 60 0Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton more than 85% 5205-0 0 0 0 63Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Retail Packed 5207-0 0 0 0 13Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt < 5208-0 0 0 20 0Gents Suits, Ensembles, Jackets etc. Kn/Cr 6103-0 0 0 81 97Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-0 0 0 2 0Articles of Asphalt or of Similar Material 6807-0 0 0 4 0Machinery etc for Temperature Change 8419-0 0 0 6 0Taps, Cocks, Valves and Similar Appliances for 8481-0 0 0 0 4Ball or Roller Bearings and Parts 8482-

276 3 0 75 6Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-Yemen Arab Republic 15,954 88,28010,486 69,9951,595,003

5,309 53 16 431 73Meat and Edible Offal of Poultry, Fresh, Chilled or 2070 -0 0 0 0 2Fish Frozen (Not Fish Fillets & other Fish Meat) 3030 -0 0 0 7 20Cut Flowers and Flower Buds for Bouquet or for 6030 -0 0 0 1 0Potatoes, Fresh or Chilled 7010 -

588 6 0 6 0Carrots, Turnips & other Edible Roots, Fresh or 7060 -0 0 0 16 0Vegetables, Dried, Whole, Cut etc. not further 7120 -0 0 2 0 119Pepper, Genus Piper; Genus Capsicum or Pimento 9040 -0 0 8 7 10Seeds of Anise, Badian, Fennel, Coriander, Cumin 9090 -0 0 4 0 13Ginger, Saffron, Turmeric, Thyme, Bay Leaves, 9100 -

3,786 38 0 203 390Maize (Corn) 1005-923,122 9,233 5,879 57,099 46,312Rice 1006-

0 0 0 300 0Buckwheat, Millet and Canary Seed; other Cereals 1008-0 0 0 0 182Wheat or Meslin Flour 1101-0 0 0 0 275Cereal Flours, Except of Wheat or of Meslin 1102-0 0 69 191 218Starches; Inulin 1108-0 0 0 9 34Seeds, Fruit and Spores, for Sowing 1209-0 0 0 5 7Plants etc. for Pharmacy, Perfume, Insecticides etc. 1211-0 0 0 0 14Lac; Natural Gums, Resins, Gum-Resins and 1301-0 0 2 0 2Vegetable Saps and Extracts: Pectates, Agar-Agar 1302-0 0 0 0 29Other Fixed Vegetable Fats and Oils NES, Not 1515-0 0 15 0 21Prepared or Preserved Meat, Meat Offal and Blood 1602-

363,959 3,640 2,127 10,605 4,547Cane or Beet Sugar and Sucrose in Solid Form 1701-22,289 223 54 2,111 355Sugar Confectionery including White Chocolate not 1704-

0 0 0 17 17Pasta and Couscous, Prepared or Not 1902-1,892 19 78 376 362Bread, Pastry, Cakes etc 1905-

0 0 0 0 55Tomatoes Prepared or Preserved NES 2002-0 0 7 0 7Waters, Natural etc. Not Sweetened, Ice and Snow 2201-0 0 0 0 18Ethyl Alcohol, Strength: more than 80% Alcohol 2207-0 0 4 0 4Tobacco and Tobacco Refuse 2401-0 0 0 8 0Tobacco and Tobacco Substitutes Manufactured 2403-0 0 1 0 1Limestone Flux, Limestone and Other Calcareous 2521-0 0 26 0 230Portland Cement, Aluminous Cement and Slag 2523-0 0 0 46 38Hydrogen Chloride; Chlorosulphuric Acid 2806-0 0 0 2 0Oxygen-Function Amino-Compounds 2922-

386 4 0 21 0Heterocyclic Compounds with Oxygen 2932-0 0 0 2 0Antibiotics 2941-0 0 0 62 0Human Blood or Animal Blood Prepared for 3002-

121 1 0 44 220Medicaments Mixtures for Therapeutic Use 3003-0 0 0 438 442Medicaments NES 3004-

24 .. 0 9 0Pharmaceutical Goods 3006-0 0 0 25 0Other Color Matters 3206-0 0 0 38 0Ink, Printing, Writing, Drawing etc. 3215-

Page 350: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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Export of Goods and Services March 2014 376

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 0 5Essential Oils, Resinoids and Terpene 3301-0 0 50 48 70Odoriferous Mixtures as Raw Materials for Industry 3302-0 0 0 0 6Beauty and Make-Up Preparations 3304-0 0 19 0 34Preparations for Oral or Dental Hygiene 3306-

996 10 0 10 0Soap, Organic Surf-Act Products used for Soap 3401-0 0 17 0 17Organic Surf-Act Agents and Products other than 3402-

2,038 20 0 30 41Matches and Except Pyrotechnic Articles 3605-0 0 0 5 7Artificial Graphite, Colloidal Graphite and 3801-0 0 22 0 22Prepared binders for foundry moulds or cores 3824-0 0 0 0 44Polymers of Vinyl Chloride etc. in Primary Forms 3904-0 0 0 0 17Articles of Plastics Including Polymers and Resins 3926-

2,559 26 0 30 0New Pneumatic Tires of Rubber 4011-0 0 0 20 1Saddlery, Harness, Traces and Leads etc. 4201-0 0 0 93 13Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-0 0 0 0 30Articles of Leather NES 4205-

117,370 1,174 420 3,951 3,642Paper, Paperboard, Wading etc. Coated etc NES 4811-0 0 0 24 0Bobbins, Spools etc. of Paper Pulp, Paper and 4822-0 0 0 32 25Printed Books, Brochures and Similar Printed Matter 4901-0 0 0 28 0Wool, Not Carded or Combed 5101-0 0 0 10 0Cotton Waste Including Yarn Waste etc. 5202-

243 2 0 5 0Cotton Sewing Thread, Retail Packed or Not 5204-0 0 0 32 0Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt < 5208-0 0 0 0 48Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-0 0 0 5 0Synthetic Filament Yarn Not Sewing Thread, Not 5402-0 0 0 0 18Yarn Not for Sewing Thread, Synthetic Staple 5509-0 0 0 52 0Yarn (Not Sew Thread), Art Staple Fib, Not Retail 5510-0 0 0 0 1Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5513-0 0 4 0 4Gum Covered Fabric; Tracing Cloth; Paint Canvas 5901-0 0 0 0 15Textile Wicks for Lamps etc. and Gas Mantles etc. 5908-

5,767 58 0 434 847T-Shirts, Singlets and other Vests Kn/Cr 6109-0 0 0 0 15Garments, Made-ups Kn/Cr etc. of Rubber or Plastic 6113-0 0 20 0 20Gloves, Mittens and Mitts, Knitted or Crocheted 6116-0 0 0 90 0Made-up Clothing Accessories NES Kn/Cr 6117-0 0 0 2 38Men's or Boys' Suits, Ensembles etc, Not Knitted etc. 6203-0 0 0 9 0Women's or Girls' Suits, Ensembles etc. Not Kn/Cr. 6204-0 0 0 .. 0Made-Up Clothing Accessories NES 6217-0 0 0 72 0Blankets and Traveling Rugs 6301-

3,751 38 110 135 189Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-8,159 82 42 391 619Sacks and Bags of Textile Material for Packing 6305-4,324 43 237 215 2,155Tarpaulins, Sails, Awnings and Tents etc. 6306-

0 0 0 0 5Made-Up Articles of Textile Materials NES 6307-0 0 0 41 0Worn Clothing and other Worn Textile Articles 6309-

627 6 19 6 19Used or New Rags, Scrap Twine etc of Text Material 6310-1,367 14 30 28 50Footwear, Outer Sole and Upper Rubber or Plastic 6402-3,180 32 0 863 423Footwear, Outer Sole Rubber, Plastic or Leather 6403-5,988 60 40 586 470Footwear, Outer Sole Rubber, Plastic or Textile 6404-

990 10 36 25 178Footwear NES 6405-0 0 0 0 55Articles of Stone or Other Mineral Substance NES 6815-0 0 0 15 0Float Glass and Surface Ground or Polished Sheets 7005-0 0 0 15 4Glass Containers for Packing etc and Glass Closures 7010-0 0 0 1,100 498Tubes, Pipes and Hollow Profiles NES of Iron and 7306-0 0 0 42 0Stoves, Ranges, Grates, Cookers and Parts 7321-0 0 0 0 81Household Articles and Parts 7418-0 0 0 172 0Aluminum, Unwrought 7601-0 0 77 58 253Table, Kitchen or other Household Articles and Parts 7615-0 0 0 0 59Hand tools NES Like Blow, Torches, Anvils etc. 8205-

Page 351: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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377 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 3 0 3Knives With Blades and Blades for Knives NES 8211-0 0 0 548 383Razors and Razor Blades 8212-0 0 0 20 0Scissors, Tailors' Shears and Similar Shears and 8213-0 0 0 0 1Loose-leaf Binder etc. Fittings, Paper Cups etc. 8305-0 0 0 396 262Bells, Gongs and the Like, Picture and Frames 8306-0 0 0 16 3Wire, Rods etc. ror Soldering etc. 8311-0 0 0 0 20Parts For Combustion Engines etc. 8409-0 0 0 45 52Hydraulic Turbines, Water Wheels and Regulators 8410-

82,415 824 850 4,970 4,519Air or Vacuum Pump, Compressors and Fans 8414-0 0 0 235 0Refrigerators, Freezers, Heat Pumps NES and Parts 8418-0 0 0 0 7Machinery NES used for Food and Drink and Parts 8438-0 0 0 6 0Machines For Preparing Textile Fibers and Yarn 8445-0 0 0 0 11Weaving Machines Like Looms 8446-0 0 0 0 2Auxiliary Machinery for use With Textile Machines 8448-0 0 0 59 0Machinery not for Laundry for Cleaning, Drying etc 8451-0 0 0 11 0Molding Boxes for Metal Foundry, Mold Bases etc. 8480-0 0 0 45 0Electrical Transformers, Static Converters and 8504-0 0 0 0 33Electromechanical Domestic Appliances and Parts 8509-0 0 10 61 145Electrical Water Heater and Soil Heaters, 8516-0 0 0 23 0Electrical Sound or Visual Signaling Apparatus and 8531-

5,897 59 0 123 0Electrical Apparatus for Switching etc. Not Over 8536-0 0 0 108 0Tractors Other Than Work Trucks used for Short 8701-

996 10 0 20 0Parts and Accessories for Motor Vehicles 8708-4,914 49 155 435 408Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-

0 0 0 0 31Lamps and Lighting Fittings and Parts etc NES 9405-0 0 0 14 3Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-0 0 0 0 21Merry-Go-Rounds, Other Fairground Amusement 9508-

18,655 187 0 352 0Buttons, Press Studs, Button Mold and Blanks etc. 9606-3,291 33 36 33 36Pencils, Crayons, Leads and Chalks etc. 9609-

0 0 0 8 0Pharmaceutical Raw Materials for Conceptives 9927-Zaire 0 3260 6660

0 0 0 283 538Rice 1006-0 0 0 0 3Saddlery, Harness, Traces and Leads etc. 4201-0 0 0 0 27Cotton Waste Including Yarn Waste etc. 5202-0 0 0 0 97Gents Suits, Ensembles, Jackets etc. Kn/Cr 6103-0 0 0 2 0Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-0 0 0 41 0Special Transaction NES 9992-

Zambia 361 3,315394 4,02536,1171,141 11 45 187 171Rice 1006-

0 0 0 10 0Cereal Straw and Husks 1213-5,659 57 158 865 782Sugar Confectionery including White Chocolate not 1704-

407 4 0 15 4Human Blood or Animal Blood Prepared for 3002-0 0 0 21 29Medicaments NES 3004-0 0 0 0 4Wading, Gauze, Bandages etc. 3005-

438 4 0 4 0Odoriferous Mixtures as Raw Materials for Industry 3302-0 0 0 0 13Gelatin and Derivatives 3503-0 0 17 0 114Matches and Except Pyrotechnic Articles 3605-

5,589 56 0 189 188Prepared binders for foundry moulds or cores 3824-0 0 0 0 20Plates, Sheets, Film etc. 3920-0 0 0 1 283Waste of Rubber and Powder Obtain thereof 4004-0 0 0 34 0Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-0 0 0 0 63Paper, Paperboard, Wading etc. Coated etc NES 4811-0 0 0 1 0Envelopes, Letter Cards, Postcards of Paper or 4817-0 0 0 0 9Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Retail Packed 5207-0 0 0 0 48Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt < 5208-

Page 352: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

20 20 -20 20 -20 COUNTRY / HS CODE - COMMODITY

US $Rs.

(Amount in Thousand)MARCH JULY - MARCH

20 20


Export of Goods and Services March 2014 378

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 80 15Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt < 5210-0 0 20 49 70Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5513-0 0 0 0 3Carpets and other Textile Floor Coverings, Knotted 5701-0 0 0 2 0Labels, Badges and Similar Type of Textiles 5807-0 0 0 48 0T-Shirts, Singlets and other Vests Kn/Cr 6109-0 0 0 27 0Track Suits, Ski Suits and Swimwear Kn/Cr 6112-0 0 0 19 0Garments NES Knitted or Crocheted 6114-0 0 0 0 35Men's or Boys' Overcoats, Cloaks etc. Not Knitted 6201-

1,993 20 0 93 0Women's or Girls' Suits, Ensembles etc. Not Kn/Cr. 6204-1,900 19 89 440 759Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-

0 0 0 0 5Tarpaulins, Sails, Awnings and Tents etc. 6306-0 0 0 23 0Made-Up Articles of Textile Materials NES 6307-

5,755 58 40 124 164Worn Clothing and other Worn Textile Articles 6309-0 0 0 0 24Tubes, Pipes and Hollow Profiles NES of Iron and 7306-

13,162 132 0 132 0Compression-Ignition Internal Combustion Piston 8408-0 0 24 292 575Agriculture Machinery for Soil, Lawn Preparations 8432-0 0 0 1 0Agriculture and Poultry etc Equipment Including 8436-0 0 0 25 0Machines For Preparing Textile Fibers and Yarn 8445-0 0 0 0 5Auxiliary Machinery for use With Textile Machines 8448-0 0 0 484 480Tractors Other Than Work Trucks used for Short 8701-0 0 0 25 0Parts and Accessories for Motor Vehicles 8708-

74 1 0 25 93Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-0 0 0 48 0Furniture NES and Parts Thereof 9403-0 0 0 52 0Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-0 0 0 0 69Pens, Ball Points, Soft Tip and Mechanical Pencils 9608-

Zimbabwe 517 8,0991,537 20,81251,6910 0 0 25 0Live Horses, Asses, Mules and Hinnies 1010 -0 0 0 0 25Fish, Fresh or Chilled (Not Fish Fillets & other Fish 3020 -

24,806 248 1,288 2,499 16,455Rice 1006-2,894 29 0 29 0Prepared or Preserved Fish, Caviar and Caviar 1604-

0 0 0 0 23Chocolate and other Food Products Containing 1806-0 0 74 59 121Pasta and Couscous, Prepared or Not 1902-0 0 0 0 14Vegetable, Fruit, Nuts Etc, Prep Or Pres By Vinegar 2001-0 0 0 0 8Salt, Pure Sodium Chloride, Sea Water 2501-0 0 0 0 47Matches and Except Pyrotechnic Articles 3605-0 0 0 0 11Artificial Graphite, Colloidal Graphite and 3801-

624 6 0 14 10Amino-Resins, Phenolic and Polyurethane, Primary 3909-0 0 0 8 0Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 4001-0 0 0 0 30Waste of Rubber and Powder Obtain thereof 4004-0 0 0 2 0Travel Goods, Handbags, Wallets, Jewelry Cases etc. 4202-0 0 0 1 0Articles of Apparel and Accessories of Leather 4203-0 0 4 0 4Registers, Notebooks, Order Book, Receipt Book 4820-0 0 0 29 0Printed Books, Brochures and Similar Printed Matter 4901-0 0 .. 0 ..Newspapers, Journals and Periodicals 4902-0 0 0 67 0Woven Fabrics of Carded Wool or Fine Animal Hair 5111-0 0 0 13 0Cotton Waste Including Yarn Waste etc. 5202-0 0 0 23 0Cotton Yarn not for Sewing Cotton more than 85% 5205-0 0 25 55 497Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt < 5208-0 0 0 215 144Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton more than 85% Wt > 5209-

11,884 119 0 620 162Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt < 5210-0 0 0 0 41Woven Cotton Fabrics, Cotton less than 85% Wt > 5211-

1,473 15 0 37 91Woven Cotton Fabrics NES 5212-0 0 0 14 0Woven Fabric of Synthetic Filament Yarn 5407-

7,633 76 77 524 1,039Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Staple Fibres Containing 5513-0 0 0 0 53Woven Fabric, Synthetic < 85% of Fibre Mix 5514-

Page 353: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

20 20 -20 20 -20 COUNTRY / HS CODE - COMMODITY

US $Rs.

(Amount in Thousand)MARCH JULY - MARCH

20 20


379 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 12 13 13 14

0 0 0 0 28Textile Wadding and Articles; Text Fiber Not Over 5 5601-0 0 0 2,716 0Twine, Cordage, Rope and Cables 5607-0 0 0 0 20Woven Terry Fabrics and Tufted Textile Fabric NES 5802-0 0 0 7 35Gents Shirts, Knitted or Crocheted 6105-0 0 0 .. 1Track Suits, Ski Suits and Swimwear Kn/Cr 6112-0 0 0 18 4Garments, Made-ups Kn/Cr etc. of Rubber or Plastic 6113-0 0 0 0 165Men's or Boys' Overcoats, Cloaks etc. Not Knitted 6201-

688 7 0 7 0Blankets and Traveling Rugs 6301-0 0 55 129 788Bed and Table Linen, Toilet and Kitchen Linen 6302-0 0 0 0 44Made-Up Articles of Textile Materials NES 6307-0 0 0 0 10Worn Clothing and other Worn Textile Articles 6309-0 0 0 277 0Glass Containers for Packing etc and Glass Closures 7010-0 0 0 0 8Industrial or Lab Furnaces, Ovens and Parts 8417-0 0 9 16 44Machines, Dishwashing Machines for Cleaning etc. 8422-0 0 0 0 50Other Lifting, Handling, Loading and Unloading 8428-0 0 0 289 226Agriculture Machinery for Soil, Lawn Preparations 8432-0 0 0 0 31Machines For Preparing Textile Fibers and Yarn 8445-0 0 0 0 25Lathes for Removing Metal 8458-0 0 0 140 292Tractors Other Than Work Trucks used for Short 8701-0 0 0 0 15Parts and Accessories for Motor Vehicles 8708-

149 1 4 120 87Medical, Surgical and Dental Instruments etc. 9018-0 0 0 12 0Parts etc. of Musical Instruments, Metronomes 9209-

1,539 15 0 100 163Articles and Equipments for Sports etc NES 9506-0 0 0 35 0Special Transaction NES 9992-

(B) Freight

(C) Other Exports unaccounted for by Scheduled Banks

(D) Total Exports of General Merchandise (A-B+C)

(E) Other Exports under BPM5

(F) Export of Goods (D+E)

45,100 51,780 424,870 434,679

107,090 127,734 896,557 1,196,730

17,890 18,840 145,434 183,840

2,133,976 2,159,682 18,775,257 18,156,929

2,151,866 2,178,522 18,920,691 18,340,769






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US $Rs.

(Amount in Thousand)MARCH JULY - MARCH

20 20

(G) Total Export of Services


35,487,664 349,815 3,724,406 455,085 5,437,688

Export of Goods and Services March 2014 380

14 14 13 13 14 12 13

Afghanistan 2,235 17,7802,944 21,259224,624Transportation 3,634 36 37 138 1719Travel 244 2 0 26 137Communication Services 14,170 142 0 807 1715Construction Services 0 0 1 76 45Insurance Services 49,581 496 539 832 915Financial Services 2 .. 0 .. 26Computer & Information Services 13,042 130 404 1,264 1961Other Business Services 90,231 903 1,893 13,019 12980Personal, cultural & recreational Services 0 0 0 2 0Government Services 53,721 526 71 1,614 1762Albania 0 30 30Travel 0 0 0 1 0Communication Services 0 0 0 .. 0Financial Services 0 0 0 .. 0Computer & Information Services 0 0 0 .. 1Other Business Services 0 0 0 1 2Algeria 19 43014 1441,950Communication Services 6 .. 0 .. 0Computer & Information Services 0 0 0 0 3Other Business Services 90 1 13 8 14Government Services 1,854 18 1 422 128American Samoa 0 10 1450Transportation 0 0 0 0 145Computer & Information Services 0 0 0 1 0Andorra 0 00 20Computer & Information Services 0 0 0 .. 2Angola 25 620 02,494Computer & Information Services 0 0 0 .. 0Other Business Services 2,494 25 0 62 0Antigua & Barbuda 23 330 632,273Travel 0 0 0 0 1Insurance Services 0 0 0 0 35Financial Services 0 0 0 0 ..Computer & Information Services 0 0 0 0 ..Other Business Services 2,273 23 0 31 27Personal, cultural & recreational Services 0 0 0 3 0Argentina 7 11942 1,192734Travel 0 0 0 .. 0Financial Services .. .. 1 .. 1Computer & Information Services 0 0 0 0 1Other Business Services 514 5 38 110 150Government Services 220 2 4 8 1041Armenia 0 320 00Financial Services 0 0 0 0 ..Other Business Services 0 0 0 32 ..Australia 1,782 14,624941 8,967178,120Transportation 0 0 1 1,713 37Travel 4,477 45 5 152 73Communication Services 207 2 0 40 42Construction Services 0 0 0 93 0Insurance Services 3,257 33 4 86 52

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US $Rs.

(Amount in Thousand)MARCH JULY - MARCH

20 20


381 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 13 14 12 13

Financial Services 85 1 1 31 12Computer & Information Services 55,769 558 137 3,382 1794Royalties & License fees 13 .. 0 1 32Other Business Services 65,390 654 210 4,009 2561Personal, cultural & recreational Services 208 2 .. 497 ..Government Services 48,714 487 583 4,622 4365Austria 1,027 5,487227 4,017102,644Transportation 0 0 0 1 0Travel 0 0 20 3 226Communication Services 367 4 .. 4 2Construction Services 0 0 8 0 8Financial Services 1 .. .. .. 2Computer & Information Services 0 0 6 22 34Royalties & License fees 0 0 0 1,002 0Other Business Services 57,156 572 28 3,456 2636Personal, cultural & recreational Services 4,999 50 0 87 0Government Services 40,122 401 165 911 1110Azarbaijan 5 95105 645496Communication Services 0 0 0 0 2Computer & Information Services 296 3 0 6 23Other Business Services 0 0 0 14 24Government Services 200 2 105 75 596Bahamas 0 00 1460Transportation 0 0 0 0 145Financial Services 0 0 0 0 ..Other Business Services 0 0 0 .. ..Bahrain 4,267 40,4541,981 61,813447,641Transportation 435,322 4,144 1,657 35,952 53080Travel 36 .. 9 81 14Communication Services 0 0 0 0 3Construction Services 0 0 3 34 314Insurance Services -1,100 -11 10 380 398Financial Services 1,766 18 0 647 500Computer & Information Services 0 0 23 221 128Other Business Services 11,240 112 169 2,312 6012Personal, cultural & recreational Services 46 .. 0 1 0Government Services 330 3 111 827 1364Bangladesh 45 4,482439 4,0684,741Transportation 0 0 226 1,031 2333Travel 0 0 0 36 0Communication Services 5 .. 1 60 158Construction Services 0 0 0 1,649 0Insurance Services 0 0 0 0 ..Financial Services 24 .. .. 5 7Computer & Information Services 0 0 4 102 41Other Business Services 693 7 141 708 485Personal, cultural & recreational Services 0 0 0 0 60Government Services 4,018 38 67 891 984Barbados 0 170 50Financial Services 0 0 0 .. 0Other Business Services 0 0 0 17 5Belgium 526 3,700466 9,43153,258Transportation 1,523 14 279 15 4803Travel 14 .. 11 37 118

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US $Rs.

(Amount in Thousand)MARCH JULY - MARCH

20 20


Export of Goods and Services March 2014 382

14 14 13 13 14 12 13

Communication Services 1,664 17 1 69 160Insurance Services 33 .. 0 6 2Financial Services 140 1 3 91 3Computer & Information Services 5,051 51 33 228 365Royalties & License fees 0 0 3 2 3Other Business Services 33,442 334 138 3,064 3939Personal, cultural & recreational Services 0 0 0 6 37Government Services 11,392 108 0 184 0Belarus 0 10 07Communication Services 7 .. 0 1 ..Belize 1 882 2575Computer & Information Services 75 1 2 20 23Other Business Services 0 0 0 68 2Benin(dahomey) 0 00 01Financial Services 1 .. 0 .. ..Other Business Services 0 0 0 .. 0Bermuda 349 1,64923 6234,885Insurance Services 34,264 343 0 1,640 ..Computer & Information Services 0 0 0 0 25Other Business Services 621 6 23 10 37Bhutan 0 20 00Travel 0 0 0 1 0Other Business Services 0 0 .. 1 ..Bolivia 0 1494 90Other Business Services 0 0 4 149 9Bosnia Herzegovina 1 870 21983Computer & Information Services 0 0 0 .. 0Other Business Services 0 0 0 .. 0Government Services 83 1 0 87 219Botswana 6 807 382560Financial Services 0 0 0 5 3Computer & Information Services 0 0 0 3 370Other Business Services 0 0 7 67 9Government Services 560 6 0 6 ..Brazil 60 77766 6546,003Travel 0 0 0 1 0Insurance Services 0 0 0 1 ..Financial Services 0 0 0 .. ..Computer & Information Services 0 0 0 29 32Royalties & License fees 0 0 0 .. 1Other Business Services 1,712 17 25 354 257Personal, cultural & recreational Services 0 0 0 .. 0Government Services 4,291 43 41 391 363Brunei 105 2580 43410,557Transportation 0 0 0 1 0Travel 0 0 0 0 2Communication Services 0 0 .. .. ..Insurance Services 0 0 0 .. 0Financial Services 0 0 0 .. 0Other Business Services 0 0 0 24 81Government Services 10,557 105 0 231 350Bulgaria 32 28734 6583,367Transportation 0 0 0 2 ..

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US $Rs.

(Amount in Thousand)MARCH JULY - MARCH

20 20


383 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 13 14 12 13

Insurance Services 0 0 0 0 2Computer & Information Services 15 .. 0 17 10Other Business Services 0 0 0 21 ..Government Services 3,353 32 34 247 646Burundi 0 00 00Other Business Services 0 0 0 .. 0Cameroon 0 00 00Financial Services 0 0 0 0 ..Canada 1,027 16,6292,264 14,483102,921Transportation 197 2 2 133 -35Travel 235 2 13 166 149Communication Services 7,787 78 45 573 342Construction Services 1,751 18 5 88 64Insurance Services 52 1 1 19 13Financial Services 97 1 3 118 381Computer & Information Services 56,084 561 597 5,796 4786Royalties & License fees 0 0 .. 39 22Other Business Services 31,375 314 427 6,638 4173Personal, cultural & recreational Services 898 9 12 118 51Government Services 4,446 42 1,159 2,942 4537Cape Verde 0 10 170Travel 0 0 0 1 0Other Business Services 0 0 0 0 17Cayman Islands 8 373 24779Financial Services 35 .. 3 1 3Computer & Information Services 43 .. 0 1 11Other Business Services 700 7 0 35 9Chile 44 43048 4014,673Transportation 4,673 44 22 291 214Insurance Services 0 0 0 4 0Financial Services 0 0 0 .. 0Other Business Services 0 0 27 51 50Government Services 0 0 0 83 138China-peoples Republic Of 8,634 57,11812,208 79,086867,943Transportation 94,414 899 1,231 9,311 10766Travel 1,671 17 0 142 64Communication Services 0 0 16 62 590Construction Services 0 0 0 120 246Insurance Services 0 0 8,024 24 8092Financial Services 164,478 1,645 97 4,713 1004Computer & Information Services 18,624 186 1,446 7,461 6409Royalties & License fees 25 .. 3 11 15Other Business Services 330,269 3,303 1,296 25,817 45408Personal, cultural & recreational Services 0 0 2 1 5Government Services 258,462 2,583 94 9,453 6486Colombia 0 170 110Financial Services 0 0 0 .. 0Computer & Information Services 0 0 0 2 1Other Business Services 0 0 0 15 11Comoros 0 00 00Financial Services 0 0 0 .. 0Congo(democratic Republic) 0 00 30Financial Services 0 0 0 .. 0

Page 358: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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US $Rs.

(Amount in Thousand)MARCH JULY - MARCH

20 20


Export of Goods and Services March 2014 384

14 14 13 13 14 12 13

Computer & Information Services 0 0 0 .. 3Costa Rica 0 50 60Insurance Services 0 0 0 0 6Other Business Services 0 0 0 5 0Croatia 0 30 101Communication Services 0 0 0 0 6Financial Services 1 .. 0 2 4Computer & Information Services 0 0 0 .. 0Other Business Services 0 0 0 1 0Cuba 2 1173 119189Other Business Services 0 0 0 4 0Government Services 189 2 3 113 119Cyprus 47 67737 4,0274,710Transportation 0 0 0 4 55Travel 0 0 0 1 4Communication Services 145 1 1 8 6Financial Services 0 0 .. .. ..Computer & Information Services 840 8 0 46 231Royalties & License fees 0 0 0 .. 0Other Business Services 3,724 37 36 619 3731Czech Republic 122 45822 35312,166Transportation 66 1 10 71 106Communication Services 0 0 0 0 1Insurance Services 0 0 0 6 ..Computer & Information Services 0 0 0 12 0Other Business Services 10,028 100 5 297 191Government Services 2,072 21 6 71 55Denmark 5,832 51,7975,955 52,626611,099Transportation 574,193 5,465 4,934 45,087 47605Travel 0 0 0 31 2Communication Services 2 .. .. 30 26Insurance Services 0 0 0 2 17Financial Services 72 1 .. 4 44Computer & Information Services 19,254 193 189 1,810 1697Royalties & License fees 211 2 .. 45 4Other Business Services 11,392 114 336 2,005 1571Government Services 5,975 57 494 2,784 1660Djibouti 0 10 00Travel 0 0 0 1 0Dominican Republic 0 00 00Financial Services 0 0 0 .. ..Ecuador 0 00 220Financial Services 0 0 0 .. 0Other Business Services 0 0 0 0 22Egypt 216 3,183111 2,92322,075Transportation 9,684 92 39 377 646Travel 208 2 10 28 48Communication Services 0 0 0 1 2Financial Services 2 .. 0 .. -3Computer & Information Services 263 3 22 135 185Other Business Services 11,619 116 36 574 329Personal, cultural & recreational Services 0 0 0 0 ..Government Services 300 3 3 2,068 1715

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US $Rs.

(Amount in Thousand)MARCH JULY - MARCH

20 20


385 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 13 14 12 13

El Salvador 1 20 0116Other Business Services 116 1 0 2 0Estonia 2 2820 65240Communication Services 43 .. .. 5 5Financial Services 2 .. .. .. ..Computer & Information Services 195 2 6 3 35Other Business Services 0 0 14 20 25Ethiopia 0 20 10Other Business Services 0 0 0 2 1European Economic Community 0 430 270Financial Services 0 0 0 23 24Other Business Services 0 0 0 20 4Faeroe Islands 0 00 00Financial Services 0 0 0 0 ..Finland 17 68893 2,2571,707Transportation 0 0 0 1 0Communication Services 0 0 0 0 40Insurance Services 0 0 0 3 0Financial Services 0 0 0 0 18Computer & Information Services 514 5 0 115 368Royalties & License fees 0 0 1 0 1Other Business Services 1,193 12 93 563 1767Government Services 0 0 0 4 64France 5,784 55,4076,766 65,486605,186Transportation 556,010 5,292 5,847 45,938 55822Travel 642 6 16 93 300Communication Services 0 0 .. 41 64Construction Services 0 0 0 40 0Insurance Services 282 3 13 7 42Financial Services 5 .. 14 16 85Computer & Information Services 2,258 23 18 306 685Royalties & License fees 2,484 25 36 124 67Other Business Services 28,812 288 529 5,953 5994Government Services 14,693 147 291 2,890 2426Gabon 0 490 10Computer & Information Services 0 0 0 49 0Other Business Services 0 0 0 0 1Gambia 0 200 -10Financial Services 0 0 0 .. -1Other Business Services 0 0 0 20 0Georgia 0 118 90Insurance Services 0 0 6 0 6Computer & Information Services 0 0 .. 1 ..Other Business Services 0 0 2 10 3Germany 10,012 88,3758,074 82,9441,018,879Transportation 369,773 3,520 4,964 28,880 36547Travel 13,387 134 40 2,300 949Communication Services 2,100 21 63 553 1009Construction Services 0 0 0 274 1Insurance Services 5,330 53 7 1,087 957Financial Services 10,004 100 118 1,432 3292Computer & Information Services 72,021 720 393 3,590 3737Royalties & License fees 6,952 70 22 488 332

Page 360: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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US $Rs.

(Amount in Thousand)MARCH JULY - MARCH

20 20


Export of Goods and Services March 2014 386

14 14 13 13 14 12 13

Other Business Services 459,384 4,595 2,009 40,329 30986Personal, cultural & recreational Services 699 7 1 55 267Government Services 79,229 792 457 9,387 4867Ghana 0 14760 3980Computer & Information Services 0 0 60 119 389Other Business Services 0 0 1 26 9Government Services 0 0 0 2 0Gibraltar 0 00 02Financial Services 2 .. .. .. ..Greece 85 52419 1,1638,618Transportation 2,021 19 19 319 838Travel 0 0 0 0 1Insurance Services 0 0 0 2 10Financial Services .. .. .. 1 ..Computer & Information Services 0 0 .. 5 118Other Business Services 6,596 66 .. 195 191Personal, cultural & recreational Services 0 0 0 0 5Government Services 0 0 0 2 0Guam 0 260 00Other Business Services 0 0 0 26 0Guatemala 14 384 221,383Travel 0 0 0 0 3Other Business Services 1,383 14 4 38 20Haiti 0 00 200Other Business Services 0 0 0 0 20Honduras 0 00 00Other Business Services 0 0 0 0 ..Hongkong 4,676 44,9884,024 39,618480,931Transportation 270,812 2,578 1,783 14,563 12417Travel 0 0 1 8 27Communication Services 1,262 13 20 302 369Construction Services 22,417 224 616 1,272 1292Insurance Services 0 0 1 131 94Financial Services 4,969 50 50 733 229Computer & Information Services 45,020 450 462 3,764 5392Royalties & License fees 0 0 .. 40 1Other Business Services 128,208 1,282 1,091 23,695 19263Personal, cultural & recreational Services 587 6 0 28 35Government Services 7,655 73 0 453 500Hungary 51 2,74011 5,7085,162Travel 0 0 0 0 10Communication Services 0 0 .. .. 11Insurance Services 815 8 .. 9 ..Computer & Information Services 0 0 0 .. 2Royalties & License fees 0 0 0 1 0Other Business Services 3,940 39 8 2,673 5652Government Services 407 4 2 57 33Iceland 2 1970 58171Communication Services 0 0 0 0 ..Financial Services 111 1 0 15 5Computer & Information Services 60 1 0 1 0Other Business Services 0 0 0 181 52

Page 361: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

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US $Rs.

(Amount in Thousand)MARCH JULY - MARCH

20 20


387 State Bank of Pakistan

14 14 13 13 14 12 13

India 1,111 8,0481,582 10,895111,408Transportation 6,788 65 25 365 289Travel 478 5 2 28 45Communication Services 39 .. 1 5 17Insurance Services 0 0 0 5 0Financial Services 5,681 57 16 209 142Computer & Information Services 1,677 17 20 188 1659Royalties & License fees 198 2 14 45 23Other Business Services 77,232 772 520 4,332 4370Personal, cultural & recreational Services 4,318 43 0 44 2Government Services 14,997 150 986 2,827 4347Indonesia 406 3,055318 2,68740,613Transportation 33 .. 52 99 374Travel 234 2 0 7 7Communication Services 0 0 1 1 1Financial Services 0 0 0 1 ..Computer & Information Services 0 0 3 741 20Royalties & License fees 0 0 0 .. 0Other Business Services 34,869 349 207 1,508 1768Personal, cultural & recreational Services 0 0 0 12 0Government Services 5,477 54 55 685 517A.d.b.(asian Development 0 044,419 391,9270Government Services 0 0 44,419 0 391927B.i.s.(bank For International 0 03 30Other Business Services 0 0 3 0 3I.a.e.a.(international 0 00 2190Government Services 0 0 .. 0 219I.d.a.(international 0 00 9,6320Government Services 0 0 0 0 9632I.b.r.d.(int.bank For 0 24,597 43,1860Other Business Services 0 0 0 2 0Government Services 0 0 4,597 0 43186I.c.a.o.(international Civil 0 10 980Financial Services 0 0 0 .. 0Other Business Services 0 0 0 1 98I.c.r.c.(international 0 00 260Other Business Services 0 0 0 0 26W.h.o.(world Health 0 00 2,0660Other Business Services 0 0 0 0 1Government Services 0 0 0 0 2065U.n. (united Nations) 0 468,62756,951 188,5050Government Services 0 0 56,951 468,627 188505Other International Agencies, 0 10 170Construction Services 0 0 0 1 0Other Business Services 0 0 0 0 10Government Services 0 0 0 0 7Iran 25 7665 9622,655Other Business Services 0 0 0 100 0Government Services 2,655 25 5 667 962Iraq 50 93459 1,5595,009Transportation 0 0 0 150 818Travel 0 0 0 0 ..

Page 362: 27 State Bank of Pakistan · 4001-Natural Rubber, Balata, Chicle etc, Primary Form 0 0 0 81 178 4002-Synthetic Rubber and Factice Derived from Oil 00 0 0 66 4004-Waste of Rubber and

20 20 -20 20 -20 COUNTRY / TYPE OF SERVICE

US $Rs.

(Amount in Thousand)MARCH JULY - MARCH

20 20


Export of Goods and Services March 2014 388

14 14 13 13 14 12 13

Computer & Information Services 0 0 9 28 92Other Business Services 10 .. 0 155 129Government Services 4,999 50 50 601 520Ireland 732 6,023567 6,29573,580Transportation 0 0 2 49 85Travel 0 0 0 5 16Communication Services 48,059 481 451 3,699 3864Insurance Services 28 .. .. .. ..Financial Services 2 .. 0 2 ..Computer & Information Services 9,494 95 44 454 1152Other Business Services 8,231 82 28 1,293 610Personal, cultural & recreational Services 0 0 0 3 0Government Services 7,765 74 40 519 566Italy(including Vatican City) 2,603 38,3985,380 39,364263,628Transportation 2,559 24 15 195 588Travel 631 6 3 88 9Communication Services 71 1 7 7 18Insurance Services 1,014 10 0 88 2Financial Services 153 2 2 -623 13Computer & Information Services 1,780 18 32 109 696Royalties & License fees 995 10 1 42 14Other Business Services 42,206 422 458 5,483 5148Personal, cultural & recreational Services 0 0 0 0 60Government Services 214,218 2,110 4,862 33,010 32817Ivory Coast 0 00 00Computer & Information Services 0 0 0 0 ..Jamaica 0 00 10Other Business Services 0 0 0 0 1Japan 2,288 18,2102,153 24,593232,542Transportation 76,362 727 916 7,667 7492Travel 2,187 22 .. 99 110Communication Services 5,999 60 22 124 38Construction Services 0 0 0 2 0Insurance Services 1,389 14 2 34 578Financial Services 206 2 21 771 185Computer & Information Services 9,474 95 118 1,593 3638Royalties & License fees 14 .. 7 154 36Other Business Services 135,301 1,353 944 7,139 7841Personal, cultural & recreational Services 0 0 0 1 0Government Services 1,610 16 121 626 4675Jordan 1,435 2,272133 1,108143,510Transportation 1,119 11 12 111 128Travel 0 0 2 5 4Communication Services 27 .. 0 1 3Financial Services 0 0 0 0 ..Computer & Information Services 1,587 16 10 80 83Other Business Services 812 8 21 210 33Government Services 139,965 1,400 89 1,864 858Kampuchea(cambodia) 0 80 00Travel 0 0 0 .. 0Computer & Information Services 0 0 0 3 0Other Business Services 0 0 0 5 0Kazakhstan 0 60 3180Transportation 0 0 0 1 0

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Travel 0 0 0 0 3Construction Services 0 0 0 0 308Insurance Services 0 0 0 0 6Financial Services 0 0 0 0 ..Computer & Information Services 0 0 0 4 0Other Business Services 0 0 0 1 1Kenya 81 2,285225 2,1568,345Transportation 4,829 46 129 1,288 909Travel 0 0 0 12 0Insurance Services 0 0 0 0 ..Financial Services .. .. 0 1 ..Computer & Information Services 574 6 0 32 23Other Business Services 2,943 29 12 436 566Personal, cultural & recreational Services 0 0 0 9 0Government Services 0 0 84 507 657Korea South-(republic Of) 1,561 13,0011,704 18,727162,096Transportation 120,454 1,147 996 7,338 10737Travel 152 2 0 37 104Communication Services 0 0 0 10 4Construction Services 8,105 81 0 106 0Insurance Services 1,916 19 10 742 73Financial Services 0 0 1 26 43Computer & Information Services 2,031 20 1 185 555Royalties & License fees 0 0 .. 18 28Other Business Services 23,661 237 615 3,976 5903Personal, cultural & recreational Services 347 3 0 13 0Government Services 5,431 53 80 549 1281Korea - Dprk 78 1480 87,788Computer & Information Services 0 0 0 61 0Other Business Services 7,788 78 0 88 8Kuwait 2,251 18,7421,515 24,098231,629Transportation 128,185 1,221 780 10,156 8690Travel 174 2 3 76 58Communication Services 2,248 22 0 23 127Construction Services 41,453 415 33 2,571 9620Insurance Services 0 0 .. .. 6Financial Services 93 1 .. 9 7Computer & Information Services 2,840 28 0 94 25Other Business Services 22,074 221 28 862 1686Government Services 34,563 341 671 4,951 3879Laos 0 430 00Other Business Services 0 0 0 43 0Latvia 19 35118 2011,897Travel 791 8 0 8 0Computer & Information Services 500 5 10 44 181Other Business Services 607 6 8 299 20Lebanon 99 765130 1,3459,905Transportation 476 5 11 73 237Travel 0 0 0 0 2Insurance Services 0 0 0 11 -21Financial Services 0 0 0 .. ..Computer & Information Services 1,297 13 25 124 224Other Business Services 8,132 81 95 537 903Government Services 0 0 0 20 0

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Leeward Islands 0 40 00Travel 0 0 0 4 0Lesotho 0 90 00Computer & Information Services 0 0 0 9 0Liberia 0 570 00Transportation 0 0 0 56 0Financial Services .. .. .. .. ..Computer & Information Services 0 0 0 1 0Libya 998 3,893118 3,08199,765Transportation 0 0 0 -387 0Travel 72 1 0 343 404Communication Services 0 0 0 0 17Financial Services 0 0 0 .. 1Government Services 99,693 997 118 3,936 2660Lithuania 0 60 120Computer & Information Services 20 .. 0 6 0Other Business Services 0 0 0 1 1Luxembourg 148 1,45029 2,40015,301Transportation 10,898 104 0 1,163 1050Communication Services 0 0 .. 0 6Insurance Services 0 0 0 0 1117Financial Services 1,088 11 1 143 121Computer & Information Services 78 1 1 4 2Royalties & License fees 0 0 0 0 20Other Business Services 3,237 32 27 139 83Macao 0 00 840Transportation 0 0 0 0 55Communication Services 0 0 0 0 ..Other Business Services 0 0 0 .. 29Madagascar 0 13 380Transportation 0 0 0 0 2Communication Services 0 0 0 0 32Computer & Information Services 0 0 0 .. 0Other Business Services 0 0 3 1 4Malawi 0 80 00Travel 0 0 0 2 0Other Business Services 0 0 0 6 0Malaysia 1,112 10,8991,188 11,919112,377Transportation 22,729 220 325 1,962 720Travel 189 2 0 15 8Communication Services 3,235 32 0 288 2780Construction Services 0 0 0 0 161Insurance Services 392 4 29 2,494 319Financial Services 405 4 2 35 16Computer & Information Services 12,246 122 89 1,122 2451Royalties & License fees 0 0 0 0 1Other Business Services 62,305 623 666 3,918 4146Personal, cultural & recreational Services 55 1 0 3 1Government Services 10,821 103 77 1,062 1315Maldives 10 2180 431,007Travel 0 0 0 7 4Computer & Information Services 69 1 0 44 31Other Business Services 0 0 0 0 2

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Government Services 938 9 .. 166 6Mali 0 00 00Financial Services 0 0 0 0 ..Malta 55 628136 9125,807Transportation 5,708 54 135 607 795Communication Services 0 0 0 0 ..Financial Services 0 0 0 0 ..Computer & Information Services 49 .. 1 6 17Other Business Services 51 1 .. 15 100Mauritania 0 416 170Travel 0 0 0 0 1Communication Services 0 0 16 0 16Computer & Information Services 0 0 0 4 0Mauritius 229 2,814206 2,97223,729Transportation 17,177 163 140 2,035 1930Travel 0 0 0 3 0Communication Services 1,370 14 0 81 163Financial Services .. .. 3 .. 14Computer & Information Services 1,664 17 0 146 182Royalties & License fees 0 0 0 2 ..Other Business Services 3,517 35 23 444 457Personal, cultural & recreational Services 0 0 0 10 47Government Services 0 0 39 95 180Myanmar 63 2470 06,613Financial Services 0 0 0 .. 0Government Services 6,613 63 0 247 0Mexico 63 195138 3006,303Communication Services 0 0 0 0 ..Insurance Services 0 0 0 0 6Financial Services 0 0 0 .. ..Computer & Information Services 0 0 0 4 8Other Business Services 6,303 63 3 86 15Government Services 0 0 136 105 271Mongolia-people's Republic Of 0 37 70Communication Services 0 0 0 0 ..Financial Services 0 0 0 .. ..Other Business Services 0 0 7 3 7Morocco 5 10743 541465Computer & Information Services 0 0 0 3 0Other Business Services 387 4 .. 9 ..Government Services 78 1 43 96 540Mozambique 0 620 00Other Business Services 0 0 0 62 0Namibia 0 1060 140Computer & Information Services 0 0 0 85 0Other Business Services 0 0 0 21 14Nepal 24 3293 2952,358Travel 0 0 0 12 0Insurance Services 0 0 0 .. 0Computer & Information Services 0 0 0 .. 65Other Business Services 650 7 0 20 10Government Services 1,708 17 3 296 220

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Netherlands(holland) 3,927 30,8363,818 41,979406,612Transportation 285,628 2,717 2,816 21,268 26467Travel 2,203 22 16 154 125Communication Services 411 4 .. 413 146Construction Services 0 0 0 55 100Insurance Services 581 6 21 57 75Financial Services 27 .. 4 7 9Computer & Information Services 17,754 178 319 2,337 6965Royalties & License fees 0 0 0 2 38Other Business Services 100,009 1,000 587 5,611 4543Personal, cultural & recreational Services 0 0 0 2 1Government Services 0 0 54 928 3508Netherlands Antilles 0 340 30Computer & Information Services 0 0 0 0 ..Other Business Services 0 0 0 34 2New Zealand 23 557168 1,2462,384Transportation 0 0 0 1 0Travel 738 7 0 7 0Communication Services 0 0 0 0 111Insurance Services 635 6 0 57 225Financial Services 2 .. 30 .. 30Computer & Information Services 0 0 0 74 264Royalties & License fees 0 0 0 1 0Other Business Services 98 1 4 34 142Government Services 912 9 134 383 474Niger 0 00 00Financial Services 0 0 0 .. 0Nigeria 200 1,360259 1,13620,045Transportation 0 0 0 3 0Travel 0 0 0 4 4Communication Services 0 0 0 0 80Insurance Services 0 0 0 0 2Financial Services 0 0 0 .. 0Computer & Information Services 2,556 26 11 104 276Other Business Services 7,791 78 128 647 319Government Services 9,698 97 120 603 455Norway 499 6,847221 6,66250,028Transportation 3,794 36 115 359 789Travel 3,547 35 0 72 108Communication Services 1,037 10 0 23 0Construction Services 0 0 0 7 0Insurance Services 0 0 0 0 138Financial Services 4 .. .. 2 1Computer & Information Services 27,032 270 56 4,535 3883Royalties & License fees 0 0 0 2 0Other Business Services 14,614 146 50 1,040 686Personal, cultural & recreational Services 0 0 0 0 44Government Services 0 0 0 807 1015Oman 347 3,780424 2,65535,745Transportation 0 0 0 1,998 873Travel 40 .. 1 6 11Communication Services 0 0 0 17 71Financial Services 588 6 1 42 8Computer & Information Services 8,268 83 39 374 93

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Other Business Services 3,035 30 75 742 421Personal, cultural & recreational Services 0 0 0 0 107Government Services 23,814 228 309 600 1073Pakistan-export Processing Zon 43 30682 2964,467Transportation 4,467 43 46 306 260Travel 0 0 36 0 36Panama Inc.panama Canal Zone 12 2334 2,6731,197Transportation 0 0 0 91 8Insurance Services 0 0 3 0 19Computer & Information Services 1,197 12 0 113 ..Other Business Services 0 0 2 30 2635Government Services 0 0 0 0 10Paraguay 0 340 10Computer & Information Services 0 0 0 .. 1Other Business Services 0 0 0 33 0Peru 0 1421 530Computer & Information Services 0 0 0 .. 0Other Business Services 0 0 1 142 53Philippines 10 7,94894 2,7131,016Transportation 0 0 0 0 ..Travel 495 5 0 10 2Construction Services 0 0 0 375 0Insurance Services 0 0 0 2 0Financial Services 0 0 6 23 920Computer & Information Services 0 0 64 178 154Royalties & License fees 0 0 0 3 ..Other Business Services 521 5 24 6,913 1636Government Services 0 0 0 445 0Poland 38 51042 4413,909Travel 0 0 0 1 4Communication Services 12 .. .. 3 2Financial Services 0 0 0 19 ..Computer & Information Services 23 .. .. 10 11Other Business Services 1,002 10 41 133 245Government Services 2,872 27 0 344 179Polynesia 0 40 00Other Business Services 0 0 0 4 0Portugal 23 2149 1432,378Travel 188 2 0 67 1Insurance Services 0 0 0 .. 0Financial Services 0 0 0 .. 25Computer & Information Services 11 .. 0 1 ..Other Business Services 1,192 12 2 65 33Government Services 987 9 7 80 83Qatar 3,017 23,0932,193 15,808315,095Transportation 262,758 2,506 1,752 13,982 13607Travel 609 6 .. 271 210Communication Services 0 0 0 0 235Construction Services 0 0 0 31 12Insurance Services 0 0 .. 102 18Financial Services 29 .. .. 3 2Computer & Information Services 2,888 29 32 716 148Other Business Services 9,994 100 59 5,166 477Personal, cultural & recreational Services 0 0 0 0 11

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Government Services 38,817 376 350 2,821 1088Reunion Island 0 10 20Other Business Services 0 0 0 1 2Romania 3 25646 216250Travel 0 0 0 19 0Communication Services 49 .. .. 2 ..Insurance Services 31 .. 0 .. 0Financial Services 0 0 0 0 2Computer & Information Services 0 0 0 .. 1Royalties & License fees 0 0 0 0 1Other Business Services 170 2 34 14 86Government Services 0 0 12 220 124Russian Federation 195 3,17457 1,33620,139Travel 0 0 0 2 12Communication Services 228 2 1 7 9Financial Services .. .. 0 .. 5Computer & Information Services 0 0 0 173 1Royalties & License fees 0 0 0 0 1Other Business Services 6,316 63 16 120 309Government Services 13,595 130 40 2,872 999Rwanda 0 00 1160Other Business Services 0 0 0 0 116Saudi Arabia 14,082 150,12116,396 169,5451,474,997Transportation 1,391,345 13,246 13,169 114,288 132882Travel 21,600 215 300 2,392 2906Communication Services 631 6 93 534 96Construction Services 0 0 133 150 417Insurance Services 45 .. .. 100 48Financial Services 2,826 28 19 85 90Computer & Information Services 29,154 292 911 3,943 2975Other Business Services 17,599 176 371 8,941 11547Personal, cultural & recreational Services 0 0 0 20 22Government Services 11,797 118 1,398 19,668 18561Senegal 1 1,48541 206122Other Business Services 0 0 20 1,292 30Government Services 122 1 21 193 176Serbia 0 80 30Computer & Information Services 0 0 0 8 ..Other Business Services 0 0 0 1 3Seychelles 1 411 12677Transportation 0 0 0 6 0Communication Services 77 1 0 1 2Computer & Information Services 0 0 0 31 97Other Business Services 0 0 1 4 27Sierra Leone 0 60 10Travel 0 0 0 0 1Financial Services 0 0 0 .. ..Other Business Services 0 0 0 6 0Singapore 11,648 87,7477,229 77,2021,203,526Transportation 787,957 7,500 4,186 44,050 37229Travel 1,196 12 15 114 417Communication Services 43,483 435 352 2,986 3926Construction Services 0 0 0 18 0

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Insurance Services -8,645 -86 259 11,363 6729Financial Services 285 3 2 149 30Computer & Information Services 35,693 357 284 3,759 5516Royalties & License fees 0 0 1 21 13Other Business Services 304,318 3,044 2,026 24,784 23115Personal, cultural & recreational Services 0 0 4 11 26Government Services 39,238 385 100 492 201Slovak Republic 78 14513 627,835Communication Services 13 .. .. 1 1Insurance Services 1,163 12 0 12 0Computer & Information Services 0 0 0 .. 0Other Business Services 6,659 67 13 132 61Slovenia 5 100 10457Computer & Information Services 457 5 0 5 0Other Business Services 0 0 0 6 10Solomon Islands 0 500 200Other Business Services 0 0 0 50 20South Africa 440 2,254354 2,73943,961Transportation 0 0 1 46 15Travel 0 0 0 2 26Insurance Services 0 0 0 4 0Financial Services 10 .. .. 2 12Computer & Information Services 20 .. 0 136 90Royalties & License fees 0 0 0 .. ..Other Business Services 13,937 139 75 815 696Personal, cultural & recreational Services 0 0 0 2 0Government Services 29,993 300 279 1,247 1900Spain 404 6,105295 3,75841,116Transportation 0 0 2 86 14Travel 0 0 0 2 0Communication Services 0 0 0 20 52Insurance Services 24 .. 0 66 169Financial Services 1 .. 3 1 5Computer & Information Services 520 5 16 120 508Royalties & License fees 0 0 .. 4 1Other Business Services 24,225 242 21 3,827 1399Personal, cultural & recreational Services 0 0 0 41 0Government Services 16,347 156 253 1,941 1610Sri Lanka 99 1,35741 2,0739,865Transportation 0 0 -3 375 1256Travel 0 0 0 .. 8Communication Services 0 0 3 1 16Insurance Services 0 0 1 0 3Financial Services 63 1 .. 5 4Computer & Information Services 5,526 55 4 116 283Royalties & License fees 0 0 0 1 0Other Business Services 4,276 43 36 834 406Personal, cultural & recreational Services 0 0 0 0 75Government Services 0 0 0 25 20St.kitts-nevis 0 00 170Construction Services 0 0 0 0 16Other Business Services 0 0 0 0 1St.lucia 0 30 280Financial Services 0 0 0 3 0

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Government Services 0 0 0 0 28Sudan 198 1,25080 1,49019,843Computer & Information Services 871 9 2 235 444Other Business Services 0 0 6 48 6Government Services 18,971 190 72 967 1040Suriname 0 00 00Financial Services .. .. 0 .. 0Swaziland 24 2900 6712,403Transportation 0 0 0 61 0Travel 38 .. 0 .. 0Construction Services 0 0 0 28 0Financial Services 0 0 0 112 0Computer & Information Services 110 1 0 1 0Other Business Services 2,255 23 0 87 6Government Services 0 0 0 0 666Sweden 533 6,5481,692 5,94953,335Transportation 0 0 0 0 2Travel 0 0 .. 10 30Insurance Services 0 0 0 0 5Financial Services 0 0 6 27 16Computer & Information Services 2,107 21 54 848 1273Royalties & License fees 27 .. 1 5 3Other Business Services 50,616 506 1,630 5,600 4620Government Services 585 6 0 60 0Switzerland 9,092 66,5976,920 74,862916,910Transportation 156,615 1,491 2,673 19,105 16490Travel 1,056 11 35 224 615Communication Services 187 2 4 225 496Construction Services 0 0 62 110 251Insurance Services 304 3 47 451 1823Financial Services 240 2 2 110 237Computer & Information Services 36,285 363 63 1,105 2197Royalties & License fees 8,860 89 22 444 207Other Business Services 95,358 954 1,139 9,201 12451Personal, cultural & recreational Services 0 0 0 2 29Government Services 618,005 6,178 2,871 35,620 40068Syrian Arab Republic 30 1570 2643,128Transportation 0 0 0 5 0Government Services 3,128 30 .. 152 264Tajikistan 3 1,3321 274293Travel 293 3 1 9 2Insurance Services 0 0 0 10 0Computer & Information Services 0 0 0 0 ..Other Business Services 0 0 0 73 34Personal, cultural & recreational Services 0 0 0 1 0Government Services 0 0 0 1,239 238Tanzania 10 1348 1,306961Transportation 0 0 0 0 14Travel 961 10 0 27 18Computer & Information Services 0 0 2 23 8Other Business Services 0 0 0 76 16Personal, cultural & recreational Services 0 0 0 0 4Government Services 0 0 6 7 1246

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Thailand 7,818 74,07313,100 76,566781,893Transportation 0 0 0 9,984 165Travel 0 0 3 28 20Communication Services 0 0 0 2 0Insurance Services 32 .. 2 131 28Financial Services 67 1 .. 5 1Computer & Information Services 249 2 578 1,499 1586Royalties & License fees 47 .. 0 4 2Other Business Services 16,668 167 468 3,666 3737Personal, cultural & recreational Services 0 0 0 0 1Government Services 764,830 7,648 12,048 58,754 71027Timor-leste 1 10 11111Other Business Services 111 1 0 1 11Tonga 0 00 00Computer & Information Services 0 0 0 0 ..Trinidad And Tobago 0 00 100Insurance Services 0 0 0 0 ..Other Business Services 0 0 0 0 10Tunisia 8 410 196776Transportation 0 0 0 0 21Travel 76 1 0 1 0Communication Services 0 0 0 0 ..Computer & Information Services 0 0 0 0 14Other Business Services 0 0 0 3 1Government Services 700 7 0 37 160Turkey 1,379 9,918491 11,289143,645Transportation 100,978 961 113 6,640 838Travel 77 1 0 20 8Communication Services 0 0 .. 0 150Construction Services 0 0 24 74 7383Insurance Services 0 0 4 238 29Financial Services 3 .. 0 66 18Computer & Information Services 0 0 4 39 100Royalties & License fees 0 0 0 0 11Other Business Services 23,513 235 272 2,182 2054Personal, cultural & recreational Services 0 0 0 10 9Government Services 19,074 182 75 649 689Turkmanistan 4,682 5,1252 77468,330Travel 0 0 0 1 0Communication Services 0 0 0 .. 0Construction Services 464,386 4,645 0 4,645 0Computer & Information Services 0 0 0 2 11Government Services 3,945 38 2 478 66Tuvalu 0 1450 00Transportation 0 0 0 -18 0Financial Services 0 0 0 1 0Other Business Services 0 0 0 162 0U. A. E. Abudhabi 3,761 100,12815,043 69,750376,354Transportation 7,560 72 6 263 750Travel 639 6 2 166 300Communication Services 4,818 48 6 95 76Construction Services 1,677 17 4 55 99Insurance Services 0 0 0 511 13Financial Services 189 2 1 53 13

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Computer & Information Services 1,202 12 9 808 895Other Business Services 300,938 3,010 3,240 15,870 18998Personal, cultural & recreational Services 0 0 0 1,178 15Government Services 59,330 593 11,776 81,130 48592U. A. E. Dubai 24,695 270,14529,019 249,1182,551,158Transportation 1,628,217 15,498 17,717 181,524 139398Travel 5,343 53 117 180 825Communication Services 10,261 103 1,499 819 25078Construction Services 6,548 65 5 1,729 318Insurance Services 193 2 79 642 1170Financial Services 17,229 172 100 578 303Computer & Information Services 392,917 3,930 3,233 29,561 26247Royalties & License fees 0 0 0 10 0Other Business Services 381,186 3,813 5,343 42,997 47682Personal, cultural & recreational Services 9,995 100 29 2,232 856Government Services 99,270 958 898 9,873 7243U. A. E. Sharjah 2,264 8,090512 3,921227,431Transportation 22,968 219 0 461 55Travel 0 0 33 16 38Communication Services 0 0 0 33 534Construction Services 6,788 68 0 85 0Insurance Services 1 .. 0 .. 18Financial Services 18 .. 0 .. ..Computer & Information Services 1,024 10 89 537 181Royalties & License fees 0 0 0 13 716Other Business Services 196,496 1,965 390 6,936 2310Personal, cultural & recreational Services 57 1 0 8 0Government Services 79 1 0 1 70U. A. E. Ras Al Khaimah 43 62215 4764,291Transportation 0 0 0 0 109Communication Services 0 0 0 0 249Computer & Information Services 3,999 40 15 470 110Royalties & License fees 0 0 0 0 1Other Business Services 292 3 .. 152 7U. A. E. Ajman 92 2,7770 529,229Travel 0 0 0 9 0Computer & Information Services 0 0 0 2,349 23Other Business Services 9,229 92 0 419 29U. A. E. Fujairah 36 74978 4903,645Travel 10 .. 0 .. 2Financial Services 395 4 2 8 8Computer & Information Services 0 0 0 81 11Other Business Services 3,240 32 75 660 366Personal, cultural & recreational Services 0 0 1 0 1Government Services 0 0 0 0 100U. A. E. Ummal Quwain 0 2000 150Financial Services 0 0 .. 0 ..Other Business Services 0 0 0 3 15Government Services 0 0 0 197 0U. K. 26,742 237,65124,807 222,5832,723,198Transportation 838,407 7,980 9,514 92,513 114467Travel 10,812 108 32 -2,091 1132Communication Services 158,689 1,587 680 4,199 5149Construction Services 4,330 43 39 896 88

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Insurance Services 320,241 3,203 457 15,789 5465Financial Services 210,157 2,102 80 15,641 7890Computer & Information Services 169,769 1,698 1,544 20,720 15747Royalties & License fees 270 3 3 209 496Other Business Services 608,107 6,082 5,743 51,474 40663Personal, cultural & recreational Services 11,992 120 566 725 1016Government Services 390,424 3,815 6,149 37,577 30469U. S. A. 150,535 1,445,866138,015 2,926,82115,107,943Transportation 1,175,657 11,198 12,196 117,377 137909Travel 1,881,017 18,808 20,809 177,404 200990Communication Services 3,448,542 34,493 62,726 355,500 330226Construction Services 10,127 101 7 2,079 146Insurance Services 71,180 712 537 9,736 3267Financial Services 457,261 4,574 5,808 22,853 22544Computer & Information Services 1,481,789 14,821 12,279 126,066 103835Royalties & License fees 40,386 404 0 2,989 2086Other Business Services 1,614,140 16,145 13,057 143,880 142188Personal, cultural & recreational Services 5,581 56 0 2,107 554Government Services 4,922,262 49,222 10,596 485,876 1983076Uganda 12 1050 1411,181Transportation 0 0 0 .. 0Travel 0 0 0 0 8Financial Services 0 0 .. .. 2Computer & Information Services 1,181 12 0 93 82Other Business Services 0 0 .. 11 49Ukraine 9 19211 177916Transportation 416 4 0 66 11Travel 0 0 2 0 2Financial Services .. .. 0 .. ..Computer & Information Services 0 0 0 2 1Other Business Services 0 0 4 2 6Government Services 500 5 5 122 158Uruguay 91 70936 3059,092Computer & Information Services 0 0 0 .. 0Other Business Services 9,092 91 36 709 305Uzbekistan 1 1260 359156Communication Services 0 0 0 .. ..Other Business Services 0 0 0 0 178Government Services 156 1 0 126 180Vanuatu 0 00 40Insurance Services 0 0 0 0 4Venezuela 0 1110 280Computer & Information Services 0 0 0 1 0Other Business Services 0 0 10 10 28Viet Nam 120 845134 1,09412,153Transportation 0 0 14 153 78Travel 0 0 0 0 14Financial Services 0 0 0 0 ..Computer & Information Services 0 0 0 1 0Royalties & License fees 0 0 0 .. 0Other Business Services 9,147 91 119 606 504Government Services 3,006 29 1 85 499Virgin Islands 0 171 360Communication Services 0 0 0 13 0

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Other Business Services 0 0 1 3 36Windward Islands 0 30 10Financial Services 0 0 0 .. 0Other Business Services 0 0 0 3 1Yemen Arab Republic 3 6510 200304Transportation 0 0 0 3 0Financial Services .. .. 0 .. 0Computer & Information Services 0 0 0 0 84Other Business Services 0 0 0 2 24Government Services 304 3 10 59 91Yugoslavia 0 229 5940Communication Services .. .. 0 .. ..Government Services 40 .. 29 2 59Zambia 210 4640 14721,025Transportation 0 0 0 0 1Financial Services 0 0 .. 0 ..Computer & Information Services 21,025 210 0 448 6Other Business Services 0 0 0 16 139Zimbabwe 6 839 334618Financial Services 0 0 0 .. 0Computer & Information Services 24 .. .. 9 244Other Business Services 27 .. .. 2 16Government Services 567 5 8 72 74Others, N. E. S. 19,785 144,10024,599 196,4912,010,264Transportation 669,126 6,371 16,190 58,700 99479Travel 318,015 3,181 1,823 29,779 21608Communication Services 0 0 20 1,031 626Construction Services 152,424 1,525 0 2,466 2Insurance Services 0 0 1 17,688 1089Financial Services 540,439 5,406 487 7,104 2258Computer & Information Services 61,849 619 239 4,058 2334Other Business Services 24,824 248 5,367 18,310 58459Personal, cultural & recreational Services 0 0 0 77 501Government Services 243,587 2,436 473 4,887 10134

(H) Total Export of Goods and Services (F+G) 2,501,681 2,633,607 22,645,097 23,778,457250,626,315