July 16, 2017 St. Josaphat, Warren, Michigan Шлях до офіційного проголошення блаженного Йосафата Кунцевича святим. З нагоди 150-ліття канонізації ‒ 1867-2017 Святий Йосафат зізнався своєму другові отцю Геннадію Хмельницькому, що одного разу, будучи ще малим хлопцем, зайшов з мамою до церкви святої Параскевії у рідному місті Володимирі на Волині. І коли мама пояснювала йому, що на хресті Ісус Христос, Син Божий, який спасіння нашого ради дав себе розіп’ясти, він відчув, як божественна іскра Божої благодаті глибоко запала в його серце. Відтоді розпочався його шлях до святості ‒ він постійно бажав бути близько Ісуса. Згодом Іван ‒ таке було його хресне ім’я ‒ переїхав, виконуючи волю батька, до Вільна (тепер Вільнюса) вчитися на купця. По кількох роках він вступив там до зовсім занепалого на той час монастиря Пресвятої Тройці (1604 р.) і при постригу в ченці отримав ім’я Йосафат. Своїм побожним життям він притягнув до монастиря нові покликання, між якими був римський богослов Іван Велямин Рутський, який, ставши ченцем, отримав ім’я Йосиф і невдовзі був рукоположений на священика. Від 1607 року вони разом (Кунцевич і Рутський) взялися за виховання нового покоління монахів. У 1617 році, коли було вже п’ять відновлених монастирів і майже 80 ченців, Йосиф Рутський, вже як Київський митрополит ‒ від 1613 року, ‒ скликав до своєї резиденції у селі Новгородовичі Генеральну капітулу цих монастирів. Присутні на ній єпископи і ченці заснували Чин, який існує донині і 26401 ST. JOSAPHAT DRIVE WARREN, MI 48091 Rectory & Office: 586-755-1740 Fax: 586-755-1399 www.stjoschurch.com Email: [email protected] Parish Centre: 586-758-7711 www.stjosaphatbanquets.com Email: [email protected] Pastor: Fr. Mario Dacechen, OSBM Cell: 917-842-2819 Email: [email protected] Assistant: Fr. Walter Rybicky, OSBM Cell: 586-457-3314 Email: [email protected] Br. Joao Kalevski, OSBM Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday Friday 10:00 a.m.4:00 p.m. Sundays 9:30 a.m.12:00 p.m. (Office is closed for lunch 12:00 1:00 p.m.) IC Schools: 586-574-2480 www.icschools.org / www.icschools.net REGULAR SCHEDULE OF DIVINE LITURGIES Sunday: (Ukrainian) 8:30, 10:00 a.m.; (English) 12:00 noon. Saturday: (Ukrainian) 8:30 a.m.; (English) 4:00 p.m. Weekdays: (Ukrainian) 8:30 a.m. Holy Days & Obligatory Feasts: (Ukr.) 9:00 and (Eng.) 7:00 p.m. Confessions - During Liturgies Saturday 4:00pm, Sunday 8:30, 10:00 & 12:00 and all Holy Days To arrange for Baptism, Confirmation, Holy Communion & Funerals - call the Office first. For Weddings make an appointment with the Pastor, at least 6 months ahead. Fathers of the First Six Ecumenical Councils The Holy Fathers of the Church were witnesses of the Apostolic Tradition. They defended its purity and aligned their own theological teaching with it. The fullness of God's Revelation is found in Christ Jesus. However, in the course of history, the Church has progressively uncovered the depths of this Revelation. In their sermons and explanations the Fathers further deepened the understanding of Apostolic Tradition and professed it in a conciliar fashion. Their heritage is an integral part of Holy Tradition. In the course of each liturgical year, the Church commemorates the Holy Fathers, who clearly defined at Ecumenical Councils that which in the Church has always believed always, everywhere, and by all. The unified conciliar thought of the Fathers defined the content of faith. Thanks to this, the faith endured for centuries without error and was professed in the fullness of truth. The definitions of faith provided by the Ecumenical Councils acquired the status of dogmas, and they became the unchangeable teachings of the Church. Through these dogmas, the Fathers delineated the true profession of the Mysteries of God, defending the Tradition from erroneous interpretations. The transmission of faith continues to this day through the ministry of bishops, the successors of the apostles. We refer to this ministry as the 'Teaching Office of the Church', when bishops transmit with one mind, always and everywhere, that which they have received from the Apostles. Christ entrusts the ministry of serving the catholicity -sobornist of the Church to the Apostle Peter; 26401 ST. JOSAPHAT DRIVE WARREN, MI 48091 Rectory & Office: 586-755-1740 Fax: 586-755-1399 www.stjoschurch.com Email: [email protected] Parish Centre: 586-758-7711 www.stjosaphatbanquets.com Email: [email protected] Pastor: Fr. Mario Dacechen, OSBM Cell: 917-842-2819 Email: [email protected] Assistant: Fr. Walter Rybicky, OSBM Cell: 586-457-3314 Email: [email protected] Br. Joao Kalevski, OSBM Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday Friday 10:00 a.m.4:00 p.m. Sundays 9:30 a.m.12:00 p.m. (Office is closed for lunch 12:00 1:00 p.m.) IC Schools: 586-574-2480 www.icschools.org / www.icschools.net REGULAR SCHEDULE OF DIVINE LITURGIES Sunday: (Ukrainian) 8:30, 10:00 a.m.; (English) 12:00 noon. Saturday: (Ukrainian) 8:30 a.m.; (English) 4:00 p.m. Weekdays: (Ukrainian) 8:30 a.m. Holy Days & Obligatory Feasts: (Ukr.) 9:00 and (Eng.) 7:00 p.m. Confessions - During Liturgies Saturday 4:00pm, Sunday 8:30, 10:00 & 12:00 and all Holy Days To arrange for Baptism, Confirmation, Holy Communion & Funerals - call the Office first. For Weddings make an appointment with the Pastor, at least 6 months ahead. 26401 ST. JOSAPHAT DRIVE WARREN, MI 48091 Rectory & Office: 586-755-1740 Fax: 586-755-1399 www.stjoschurch.com Email: [email protected] Parish Centre: 586-758-7711 www.stjosaphatbanquets.com Email: [email protected] Pastor: Fr. Mario Dacechen, OSBM Cell: 917-842-2819 Email: [email protected] Assistant: Fr. Walter Rybicky, OSBM Cell: 586-457-3314 Email: [email protected] Br. Joao Kalevski, OSBM Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday Friday 10:00 a.m.4:00 p.m. Sundays 9:30 a.m.12:00 p.m. (Office is closed for lunch 12:00 1:00 p.m.) IC Schools: 586-574-2480 www.icschools.org / www.icschools.net REGULAR SCHEDULE OF DIVINE LITURGIES Sunday: (Ukrainian) 8:30, 10:00 a.m.; (English) 12:00 noon. Saturday: (Ukrainian) 8:30 a.m.; (English) 4:00 p.m. Weekdays: (Ukrainian) 8:30 a.m. Holy Days & Obligatory Feasts: (Ukr.) 9:00 and (Eng.) 7:00 p.m. Confessions - During Liturgies Saturday 4:00pm, Sunday 8:30, 10:00 & 12:00 and all Holy Days To arrange for Baptism, Confirmation, Holy Communion & Funerals - call the Office first. For Weddings make an appointment with the Pastor, at least 6 months ahead. 26401 ST. JOSAPHAT DRIVE WARREN, MI 48091 Rectory & Office: 586-755-1740 Fax: 586-755-1399 www.stjoschurch.com Email: [email protected] Parish Centre: 586-758-7711 www.stjosaphatbanquets.com Email: [email protected] Pastor: Fr. Mario Dacechen, OSBM Cell: 917-842-2819 Email: [email protected] Assistant: Fr. Walter Rybicky, OSBM Cell: 586-457-3314 Email: [email protected] Br. Joao Kalevski, OSBM Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday Friday 10:00 a.m.4:00 p.m. Sundays 9:30 a.m.12:00 p.m. (Office is closed for lunch 12:00 1:00 p.m.) IC Schools: 586-574-2480 www.icschools.org / www.icschools.net REGULAR SCHEDULE OF DIVINE LITURGIES Sunday: (Ukrainian) 8:30, 10:00 a.m.; (English) 12:00 noon. Saturday: (Ukrainian) 8:30 a.m.; (English) 4:00 p.m. Weekdays: (Ukrainian) 8:30 a.m. Holy Days & Obligatory Feasts: (Ukr.) 9:00 and (Eng.) 7:00 p.m. Confessions - During Liturgies Saturday 4:00pm, Sunday 8:30, 10:00 & 12:00 and all Holy Days To arrange for Baptism, Confirmation, Holy Communion & Funerals - call the Office first. For Weddings make an appointment with the Pastor, at least 6 months ahead. 26401 ST. JOSAPHAT DRIVE WARREN, MI 48091 Rectory & Office: 586-755-1740 Fax: 586-755-1399 www.stjoschurch.com Email: [email protected] Parish Centre: 586-758-7711 www.stjosaphatbanquets.com Email: [email protected] Pastor: Fr. Mario Dacechen, OSBM Cell: 917-842-2819 Email: [email protected] Assistant: Fr. Walter Rybicky, OSBM Cell: 586-457-3314 Email: [email protected] Br. Joao Kalevski, OSBM Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday Friday 10:00 a.m.4:00 p.m. Sundays 9:30 a.m.12:00 p.m. (Office is closed for lunch 12:00 1:00 p.m.) IC Schools: 586-574-2480 www.icschools.org / www.icschools.net REGULAR SCHEDULE OF DIVINE LITURGIES Sunday: (Ukrainian) 8:30, 10:00 a.m.; (English) 12:00 noon. Saturday: (Ukrainian) 8:30 a.m.; (English) 4:00 p.m. Weekdays: (Ukrainian) 8:30 a.m. Holy Days & Obligatory Feasts: (Ukr.) 9:00 and (Eng.) 7:00 p.m. Confessions - During Liturgies Saturday 4:00pm, Sunday 8:30, 10:00 & 12:00 and all Holy Days To arrange for Baptism, Confirmation, Holy Communion & Funerals - call the Office first. For Weddings make an appointment with the Pastor, at least 6 months ahead. 26401 ST. JOSAPHAT DRIVE WARREN, MI 48091 Rectory & Office: 586-755-1740 Fax: 586-755-1399 www.stjoschurch.com Email: [email protected] Parish Centre: 586-758-7711 www.stjosaphatbanquets.com Email: [email protected] Pastor: Fr. Mario Dacechen, OSBM Cell: 917-842-2819 Email: [email protected] Assistant: Fr. Walter Rybicky, OSBM Cell: 586-457-3314 Email: [email protected] Br. Joao Kalevski, OSBM Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday Friday 10:00 a.m.4:00 p.m. Sundays 9:30 a.m.12:00 p.m. (Office is closed for lunch 12:00 1:00 p.m.) IC Schools: 586-574-2480 www.icschools.org / www.icschools.net REGULAR SCHEDULE OF DIVINE LITURGIES Sunday: (Ukrainian) 8:30, 10:00 a.m.; (English) 12:00 noon. Saturday: (Ukrainian) 8:30 a.m.; (English) 4:00 p.m. Weekdays: (Ukrainian) 8:30 a.m. Holy Days & Obligatory Feasts: (Ukr.) 9:00 and (Eng.) 7:00 p.m. Confessions - During Liturgies Saturday 4:00pm, Sunday 8:30, 10:00 & 12:00 and all Holy Days To arrange for Baptism, Confirmation, Holy Communion & Funerals - call the Office first. For Weddings make an appointment with the Pastor, at least 6 months ahead. 26401 ST. JOSAPHAT DRIVE WARREN, MI 48091 Rectory & Office: 586-755-1740 Fax: 586-755-1399 www.stjoschurch.com Email: [email protected] Parish Centre: 586-758-7711 www.stjosaphatbanquets.com Email: [email protected] Pastor: Fr. Mario Dacechen, OSBM Cell: 917-842-2819 Email: [email protected] Assistant: Fr. Walter Rybicky, OSBM Cell: 586-457-3314 Email: [email protected] Br. Joao Kalevski, OSBM Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday Friday 10:00 a.m.4:00 p.m. Sundays 9:30 a.m.12:00 p.m. (Office is closed for lunch 12:00 1:00 p.m.) IC Schools: 586-574-2480 www.icschools.org / www.icschools.net REGULAR SCHEDULE OF DIVINE LITURGIES Sunday: (Ukrainian) 8:30, 10:00 a.m.; (English) 12:00 noon. Saturday: (Ukrainian) 8:30 a.m.; (English) 4:00 p.m. Weekdays: (Ukrainian) 8:30 a.m. Holy Days & Obligatory Feasts: (Ukr.) 9:00 and (Eng.) 7:00 p.m. Confessions - During Liturgies Saturday 4:00pm, Sunday 8:30, 10:00 & 12:00 and all Holy Days To arrange for Baptism, Confirmation, Holy Communion & Funerals - call the Office first. For Weddings make an appointment with the Pastor, at least 6 months ahead. 26401 ST. JOSAPHAT DRIVE WARREN, MI 48091 Rectory & Office: 586-755-1740 Fax: 586-755-1399 www.stjoschurch.com Email: [email protected] Parish Centre: 586-758-7711 www.stjosaphatbanquets.com Email: [email protected] Pastor: Fr. Mario Dacechen, OSBM Cell: 917-842-2819 Email: [email protected] Assistant: Fr. Walter Rybicky, OSBM Cell: 586-457-3314 Email: [email protected] Br. Joao Kalevski, OSBM Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday Friday 10:00 a.m.4:00 p.m. Sundays 9:30 a.m.12:00 p.m. (Office is closed for lunch 12:00 1:00 p.m.) IC Schools: 586-574-2480 www.icschools.org / www.icschools.net REGULAR SCHEDULE OF DIVINE LITURGIES Sunday: (Ukrainian) 8:30, 10:00 a.m.; (English) 12:00 noon. Saturday: (Ukrainian) 8:30 a.m.; (English) 4:00 p.m. Weekdays: (Ukrainian) 8:30 a.m. Holy Days & Obligatory Feasts: (Ukr.) 9:00 and (Eng.) 7:00 p.m. Confessions - During Liturgies Saturday 4:00pm, Sunday 8:30, 10:00 & 12:00 and all Holy Days To arrange for Baptism, Confirmation, Holy Communion & Funerals - call the Office first. For Weddings make an appointment with the Pastor, at least 6 months ahead. 26401 ST. JOSAPHAT DRIVE WARREN, MI 48091 Rectory & Office: 586-755-1740 Fax: 586-755-1399 www.stjoschurch.com Email: [email protected] Parish Centre: 586-758-7711 www.stjosaphatbanquets.com Email: [email protected] Pastor: Fr. Mario Dacechen, OSBM Cell: 917-842-2819 Email: [email protected] Assistant: Fr. Walter Rybicky, OSBM Cell: 586-457-3314 Email: [email protected] Br. Joao Kalevski, OSBM Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday Friday 10:00 a.m.4:00 p.m. Sundays 9:30 a.m.12:00 p.m. (Office is closed for lunch 12:00 1:00 p.m.) IC Schools: 586-574-2480 www.icschools.org / www.icschools.net REGULAR SCHEDULE OF DIVINE LITURGIES Sunday: (Ukrainian) 8:30, 10:00 a.m.; (English) 12:00 noon. Saturday: (Ukrainian) 8:30 a.m.; (English) 4:00 p.m. Weekdays: (Ukrainian) 8:30 a.m. Holy Days & Obligatory Feasts: (Ukr.) 9:00 and (Eng.) 7:00 p.m. Confessions - During Liturgies Saturday 4:00pm, Sunday 8:30, 10:00 & 12:00 and all Holy Days To arrange for Baptism, Confirmation, Holy Communion & Funerals - call the Office first. For Weddings make an appointment with the Pastor, at least 6 months ahead. 26401 ST. JOSAPHAT DRIVE WARREN, MI 48091 Rectory & Office: 586-755-1740 Fax: 586-755-1399 www.stjoschurch.com Email: [email protected] Parish Centre: 586-758-7711 www.stjosaphatbanquets.com Email: [email protected] Pastor: Fr. Mario Dacechen, OSBM Cell: 917-842-2819 Email: [email protected] Assistant: Fr. Walter Rybicky, OSBM Cell: 586-457-3314 Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday Friday 10:00 a.m.4:00 p.m. (Office is closed for lunch 12:00 1:00 p.m.) IC Schools: 586-574-2480 www.icschools.org / www.icschools.net SUMMER SCHEDULE OF DIVINE LITURGIES Sunday: 9:00 a.m. (Ukrainian); 11:00 a.m. (English) Saturday: 8:30 a.m. (Ukrainian); 4:00 p.m. (English) Weekdays: 8:30 a.m. (Ukrainian) Holy Days & Obligatory Feasts: 9:00 a.m.(Ukr.) and 7:00 p.m.(Eng.) Confessions - during Liturgies Saturday 4:00p.m., Sunday 9:00am & 11:00am and all Holy Days To arrange for Baptism, Confirmation, Holy Communion & Funerals - call the Office first. For Weddings make an appointment with the Pastor, at least 6 months ahead. VOL. 54 / NO. 29 SIXTH SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST TONE 5 JULY 16, 2017 (prod. na stor. 3) SAINT 400 1617 JOSAPHAT 2017 Basilian Fathers Otciv Vasyli]n (cont. on pg. 3)

26401 ST. JOSAPHAT DRIVE WARREN, MI 48091 · 7/16/2017  · себе розіп’ясти, він відчув, як божественна іскра Божої благодаті

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Page 1: 26401 ST. JOSAPHAT DRIVE WARREN, MI 48091 · 7/16/2017  · себе розіп’ясти, він відчув, як божественна іскра Божої благодаті

July 16, 2017 St. Josaphat, Warren, Michigan Page 1

Шлях до офіційного проголошення блаженного

Йосафата Кунцевича святим. З нагоди 150-ліття

канонізації ‒ 1867-2017

Святий Йосафат зізнався своєму другові отцю

Геннадію Хмельницькому, що одного разу, будучи ще

малим хлопцем, зайшов з мамою до церкви святої

Параскевії у рідному місті Володимирі на Волині.

І коли мама пояснювала йому, що на хресті Ісус

Христос, Син Божий, який спасіння нашого ради дав

себе розіп’ясти, він відчув, як божественна іскра Божої

благодаті глибоко запала в його серце. Відтоді

розпочався його шлях до святості ‒ він постійно бажав

бути близько Ісуса.

Згодом Іван ‒ таке було його хресне ім’я ‒ переїхав,

виконуючи волю батька, до Вільна (тепер Вільнюса)

вчитися на купця. По кількох роках він вступив там до

зовсім занепалого на той час монастиря Пресвятої

Тройці (1604 р.) і при постригу в ченці отримав ім’я

Йосафат. Своїм побожним життям він притягнув до

монастиря нові покликання, між якими був римський

богослов Іван Велямин Рутський, який, ставши ченцем,

отримав ім’я Йосиф і невдовзі був рукоположений на

священика. Від 1607 року вони разом (Кунцевич і

Рутський) взялися за виховання нового покоління

монахів. У 1617 році, коли було вже п’ять відновлених

монастирів і майже 80 ченців, Йосиф Рутський, вже як

Київський митрополит ‒ від 1613 року, ‒ скликав до

своєї резиденції у селі Новгородовичі Генеральну

капітулу цих монастирів. Присутні на ній єпископи і

ченці заснували Чин, який існує донині і

26401 ST. JOSAPHAT DRIVE • WARREN, MI 48091 Rectory & Office: 586-755-1740 • Fax: 586-755-1399

www.stjoschurch.com • Email: [email protected] Parish Centre: 586-758-7711 • www.stjosaphatbanquets.com

Email: [email protected]

Pastor: Fr. Mario Dacechen, OSBM Cell: 917-842-2819 • Email: [email protected]

Assistant: Fr. Walter Rybicky, OSBM Cell: 586-457-3314 • Email: [email protected]

Br. Joao Kalevski, OSBM • Email: [email protected]

Office Hours: Monday – Friday 10:00 a.m.– 4:00 p.m. Sundays 9:30 a.m.– 12:00 p.m.

(Office is closed for lunch 12:00 –1:00 p.m.)

IC Schools: 586-574-2480 • www.icschools.org / www.icschools.net

REGULAR SCHEDULE OF DIVINE LITURGIES Sunday: (Ukrainian) 8:30, 10:00 a.m.; (English) 12:00 noon.

Saturday: (Ukrainian) 8:30 a.m.; (English) 4:00 p.m. Weekdays: (Ukrainian) 8:30 a.m.

Holy Days & Obligatory Feasts: (Ukr.) 9:00 and (Eng.) 7:00 p.m. Confessions - During Liturgies

Saturday 4:00pm, Sunday 8:30, 10:00 & 12:00 and all Holy Days

To arrange for Baptism, Confirmation, Holy Communion & Funerals - call the Office first. For Weddings make an appointment with the Pastor, at least 6 months ahead.

Fathers of the First Six Ecumenical Councils

The Holy Fathers of the Church were witnesses of the

Apostolic Tradition. They defended its purity and aligned

their own theological teaching with it. The fullness of

God's Revelation is found in Christ Jesus. However, in the

course of history, the Church has progressively uncovered

the depths of this Revelation. In their sermons and

explanations the Fathers further deepened the understanding

of Apostolic Tradition and professed it in a conciliar

fashion. Their heritage is an integral part of Holy Tradition.

In the course of each liturgical year, the Church

commemorates the Holy Fathers, who clearly defined at

Ecumenical Councils that which in the Church has

always believed always, everywhere, and by all.

The unified conciliar thought of the Fathers defined the

content of faith. Thanks to this, the faith endured for

centuries without error and was professed in the fullness of

truth. The definitions of faith provided by the Ecumenical

Councils acquired the status of dogmas, and they became

the unchangeable teachings of the Church. Through these

dogmas, the Fathers delineated the true profession of the

Mysteries of God, defending the Tradition from erroneous

interpretations. The transmission of faith continues to this

day through the ministry of bishops, the successors of the

apostles. We refer to this ministry as the 'Teaching Office

of the Church', when bishops transmit with one mind,

always and everywhere, that which they have received from

the Apostles.

Christ entrusts the ministry of serving the catholicity

-sobornist of the Church to the Apostle Peter;

26401 ST. JOSAPHAT DRIVE • WARREN, MI 48091 Rectory & Office: 586-755-1740 • Fax: 586-755-1399

www.stjoschurch.com • Email: [email protected] Parish Centre: 586-758-7711 • www.stjosaphatbanquets.com

Email: [email protected]

Pastor: Fr. Mario Dacechen, OSBM Cell: 917-842-2819 • Email: [email protected]

Assistant: Fr. Walter Rybicky, OSBM Cell: 586-457-3314 • Email: [email protected]

Br. Joao Kalevski, OSBM • Email: [email protected]

Office Hours: Monday – Friday 10:00 a.m.– 4:00 p.m. Sundays 9:30 a.m.– 12:00 p.m.

(Office is closed for lunch 12:00 –1:00 p.m.)

IC Schools: 586-574-2480 • www.icschools.org / www.icschools.net

REGULAR SCHEDULE OF DIVINE LITURGIES Sunday: (Ukrainian) 8:30, 10:00 a.m.; (English) 12:00 noon.

Saturday: (Ukrainian) 8:30 a.m.; (English) 4:00 p.m. Weekdays: (Ukrainian) 8:30 a.m.

Holy Days & Obligatory Feasts: (Ukr.) 9:00 and (Eng.) 7:00 p.m. Confessions - During Liturgies

Saturday 4:00pm, Sunday 8:30, 10:00 & 12:00 and all Holy Days

To arrange for Baptism, Confirmation, Holy Communion & Funerals - call the Office first. For Weddings make an appointment with the Pastor, at least 6 months ahead.

26401 ST. JOSAPHAT DRIVE • WARREN, MI 48091 Rectory & Office: 586-755-1740 • Fax: 586-755-1399

www.stjoschurch.com • Email: [email protected] Parish Centre: 586-758-7711 • www.stjosaphatbanquets.com

Email: [email protected]

Pastor: Fr. Mario Dacechen, OSBM Cell: 917-842-2819 • Email: [email protected]

Assistant: Fr. Walter Rybicky, OSBM Cell: 586-457-3314 • Email: [email protected]

Br. Joao Kalevski, OSBM • Email: [email protected]

Office Hours: Monday – Friday 10:00 a.m.– 4:00 p.m. Sundays 9:30 a.m.– 12:00 p.m.

(Office is closed for lunch 12:00 –1:00 p.m.)

IC Schools: 586-574-2480 • www.icschools.org / www.icschools.net

REGULAR SCHEDULE OF DIVINE LITURGIES Sunday: (Ukrainian) 8:30, 10:00 a.m.; (English) 12:00 noon.

Saturday: (Ukrainian) 8:30 a.m.; (English) 4:00 p.m. Weekdays: (Ukrainian) 8:30 a.m.

Holy Days & Obligatory Feasts: (Ukr.) 9:00 and (Eng.) 7:00 p.m. Confessions - During Liturgies

Saturday 4:00pm, Sunday 8:30, 10:00 & 12:00 and all Holy Days

To arrange for Baptism, Confirmation, Holy Communion & Funerals - call the Office first. For Weddings make an appointment with the Pastor, at least 6 months ahead.

26401 ST. JOSAPHAT DRIVE • WARREN, MI 48091 Rectory & Office: 586-755-1740 • Fax: 586-755-1399

www.stjoschurch.com • Email: [email protected] Parish Centre: 586-758-7711 • www.stjosaphatbanquets.com

Email: [email protected]

Pastor: Fr. Mario Dacechen, OSBM Cell: 917-842-2819 • Email: [email protected]

Assistant: Fr. Walter Rybicky, OSBM Cell: 586-457-3314 • Email: [email protected]

Br. Joao Kalevski, OSBM • Email: [email protected]

Office Hours: Monday – Friday 10:00 a.m.– 4:00 p.m. Sundays 9:30 a.m.– 12:00 p.m.

(Office is closed for lunch 12:00 –1:00 p.m.)

IC Schools: 586-574-2480 • www.icschools.org / www.icschools.net

REGULAR SCHEDULE OF DIVINE LITURGIES Sunday: (Ukrainian) 8:30, 10:00 a.m.; (English) 12:00 noon.

Saturday: (Ukrainian) 8:30 a.m.; (English) 4:00 p.m. Weekdays: (Ukrainian) 8:30 a.m.

Holy Days & Obligatory Feasts: (Ukr.) 9:00 and (Eng.) 7:00 p.m. Confessions - During Liturgies

Saturday 4:00pm, Sunday 8:30, 10:00 & 12:00 and all Holy Days

To arrange for Baptism, Confirmation, Holy Communion & Funerals - call the Office first. For Weddings make an appointment with the Pastor, at least 6 months ahead.

26401 ST. JOSAPHAT DRIVE • WARREN, MI 48091 Rectory & Office: 586-755-1740 • Fax: 586-755-1399

www.stjoschurch.com • Email: [email protected] Parish Centre: 586-758-7711 • www.stjosaphatbanquets.com

Email: [email protected]

Pastor: Fr. Mario Dacechen, OSBM Cell: 917-842-2819 • Email: [email protected]

Assistant: Fr. Walter Rybicky, OSBM Cell: 586-457-3314 • Email: [email protected]

Br. Joao Kalevski, OSBM • Email: [email protected]

Office Hours: Monday – Friday 10:00 a.m.– 4:00 p.m. Sundays 9:30 a.m.– 12:00 p.m.

(Office is closed for lunch 12:00 –1:00 p.m.)

IC Schools: 586-574-2480 • www.icschools.org / www.icschools.net

REGULAR SCHEDULE OF DIVINE LITURGIES Sunday: (Ukrainian) 8:30, 10:00 a.m.; (English) 12:00 noon.

Saturday: (Ukrainian) 8:30 a.m.; (English) 4:00 p.m. Weekdays: (Ukrainian) 8:30 a.m.

Holy Days & Obligatory Feasts: (Ukr.) 9:00 and (Eng.) 7:00 p.m. Confessions - During Liturgies

Saturday 4:00pm, Sunday 8:30, 10:00 & 12:00 and all Holy Days

To arrange for Baptism, Confirmation, Holy Communion & Funerals - call the Office first. For Weddings make an appointment with the Pastor, at least 6 months ahead.

26401 ST. JOSAPHAT DRIVE • WARREN, MI 48091 Rectory & Office: 586-755-1740 • Fax: 586-755-1399

www.stjoschurch.com • Email: [email protected] Parish Centre: 586-758-7711 • www.stjosaphatbanquets.com

Email: [email protected]

Pastor: Fr. Mario Dacechen, OSBM Cell: 917-842-2819 • Email: [email protected]

Assistant: Fr. Walter Rybicky, OSBM Cell: 586-457-3314 • Email: [email protected]

Br. Joao Kalevski, OSBM • Email: [email protected]

Office Hours: Monday – Friday 10:00 a.m.– 4:00 p.m. Sundays 9:30 a.m.– 12:00 p.m.

(Office is closed for lunch 12:00 –1:00 p.m.)

IC Schools: 586-574-2480 • www.icschools.org / www.icschools.net

REGULAR SCHEDULE OF DIVINE LITURGIES Sunday: (Ukrainian) 8:30, 10:00 a.m.; (English) 12:00 noon.

Saturday: (Ukrainian) 8:30 a.m.; (English) 4:00 p.m. Weekdays: (Ukrainian) 8:30 a.m.

Holy Days & Obligatory Feasts: (Ukr.) 9:00 and (Eng.) 7:00 p.m. Confessions - During Liturgies

Saturday 4:00pm, Sunday 8:30, 10:00 & 12:00 and all Holy Days

To arrange for Baptism, Confirmation, Holy Communion & Funerals - call the Office first. For Weddings make an appointment with the Pastor, at least 6 months ahead.

26401 ST. JOSAPHAT DRIVE • WARREN, MI 48091 Rectory & Office: 586-755-1740 • Fax: 586-755-1399

www.stjoschurch.com • Email: [email protected] Parish Centre: 586-758-7711 • www.stjosaphatbanquets.com

Email: [email protected]

Pastor: Fr. Mario Dacechen, OSBM Cell: 917-842-2819 • Email: [email protected]

Assistant: Fr. Walter Rybicky, OSBM Cell: 586-457-3314 • Email: [email protected]

Br. Joao Kalevski, OSBM • Email: [email protected]

Office Hours: Monday – Friday 10:00 a.m.– 4:00 p.m. Sundays 9:30 a.m.– 12:00 p.m.

(Office is closed for lunch 12:00 –1:00 p.m.)

IC Schools: 586-574-2480 • www.icschools.org / www.icschools.net

REGULAR SCHEDULE OF DIVINE LITURGIES Sunday: (Ukrainian) 8:30, 10:00 a.m.; (English) 12:00 noon.

Saturday: (Ukrainian) 8:30 a.m.; (English) 4:00 p.m. Weekdays: (Ukrainian) 8:30 a.m.

Holy Days & Obligatory Feasts: (Ukr.) 9:00 and (Eng.) 7:00 p.m. Confessions - During Liturgies

Saturday 4:00pm, Sunday 8:30, 10:00 & 12:00 and all Holy Days

To arrange for Baptism, Confirmation, Holy Communion & Funerals - call the Office first. For Weddings make an appointment with the Pastor, at least 6 months ahead.

26401 ST. JOSAPHAT DRIVE • WARREN, MI 48091 Rectory & Office: 586-755-1740 • Fax: 586-755-1399

www.stjoschurch.com • Email: [email protected] Parish Centre: 586-758-7711 • www.stjosaphatbanquets.com

Email: [email protected]

Pastor: Fr. Mario Dacechen, OSBM Cell: 917-842-2819 • Email: [email protected]

Assistant: Fr. Walter Rybicky, OSBM Cell: 586-457-3314 • Email: [email protected]

Br. Joao Kalevski, OSBM • Email: [email protected]

Office Hours: Monday – Friday 10:00 a.m.– 4:00 p.m. Sundays 9:30 a.m.– 12:00 p.m.

(Office is closed for lunch 12:00 –1:00 p.m.)

IC Schools: 586-574-2480 • www.icschools.org / www.icschools.net

REGULAR SCHEDULE OF DIVINE LITURGIES Sunday: (Ukrainian) 8:30, 10:00 a.m.; (English) 12:00 noon.

Saturday: (Ukrainian) 8:30 a.m.; (English) 4:00 p.m. Weekdays: (Ukrainian) 8:30 a.m.

Holy Days & Obligatory Feasts: (Ukr.) 9:00 and (Eng.) 7:00 p.m. Confessions - During Liturgies

Saturday 4:00pm, Sunday 8:30, 10:00 & 12:00 and all Holy Days

To arrange for Baptism, Confirmation, Holy Communion & Funerals - call the Office first. For Weddings make an appointment with the Pastor, at least 6 months ahead.

26401 ST. JOSAPHAT DRIVE • WARREN, MI 48091 Rectory & Office: 586-755-1740 • Fax: 586-755-1399

www.stjoschurch.com • Email: [email protected] Parish Centre: 586-758-7711 • www.stjosaphatbanquets.com

Email: [email protected]

Pastor: Fr. Mario Dacechen, OSBM Cell: 917-842-2819 • Email: [email protected]

Assistant: Fr. Walter Rybicky, OSBM Cell: 586-457-3314 • Email: [email protected]

Br. Joao Kalevski, OSBM • Email: [email protected]

Office Hours: Monday – Friday 10:00 a.m.– 4:00 p.m. Sundays 9:30 a.m.– 12:00 p.m.

(Office is closed for lunch 12:00 –1:00 p.m.)

IC Schools: 586-574-2480 • www.icschools.org / www.icschools.net

REGULAR SCHEDULE OF DIVINE LITURGIES Sunday: (Ukrainian) 8:30, 10:00 a.m.; (English) 12:00 noon.

Saturday: (Ukrainian) 8:30 a.m.; (English) 4:00 p.m. Weekdays: (Ukrainian) 8:30 a.m.

Holy Days & Obligatory Feasts: (Ukr.) 9:00 and (Eng.) 7:00 p.m. Confessions - During Liturgies

Saturday 4:00pm, Sunday 8:30, 10:00 & 12:00 and all Holy Days

To arrange for Baptism, Confirmation, Holy Communion & Funerals - call the Office first. For Weddings make an appointment with the Pastor, at least 6 months ahead.

26401 ST. JOSAPHAT DRIVE • WARREN, MI 48091 Rectory & Office: 586-755-1740 • Fax: 586-755-1399

www.stjoschurch.com • Email: [email protected] Parish Centre: 586-758-7711 • www.stjosaphatbanquets.com

Email: [email protected]

Pastor: Fr. Mario Dacechen, OSBM Cell: 917-842-2819 • Email: [email protected]

Assistant: Fr. Walter Rybicky, OSBM Cell: 586-457-3314 • Email: [email protected]

Office Hours: Monday – Friday 10:00 a.m.– 4:00 p.m. (Office is closed for lunch 12:00 –1:00 p.m.)

IC Schools: 586-574-2480 • www.icschools.org / www.icschools.net


Sunday: 9:00 a.m. (Ukrainian); 11:00 a.m. (English) Saturday: 8:30 a.m. (Ukrainian); 4:00 p.m. (English)

Weekdays: 8:30 a.m. (Ukrainian) Holy Days & Obligatory Feasts: 9:00 a.m.(Ukr.) and 7:00 p.m.(Eng.)

Confessions - during Liturgies Saturday 4:00p.m., Sunday 9:00am & 11:00am and all Holy Days

To arrange for Baptism, Confirmation, Holy Communion & Funerals - call the Office first. For Weddings make an appointment with the Pastor, at least 6 months ahead.


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Basilian Fathers

Otciv Vasyli]n SAINT

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Basilian Fathers

Otciv Vasyli]n

(cont. on pg. 3)

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July 16, 2017 St. Josaphat, Warren, Michigan Page 2


Sunday, July 16, 2017 Rm. 12: 6-14; Mt. 9: 1-8 (Prayer Book pg. 223, 383)

9:00 — For The Parish (Molytovnyk. st. 217, 371)

11:00 #1442 ++ Maria & Mykola Kostiuk

— Dr. Ulrich & V. Busch

Monday, July 17, 2017 (St. Marina)

1 Cor. 5:9 - 6:11; Mt. 13: 54-58

7:00 #1900 + Iwan Weliczko — M. Kalba

8:30 #1711 ++ Wolodymyr & Emilia Holynsky

— Kapitanec Family Prayer Families: K. Breen / H. Derkacz-Turner

Tuesday, July 18, 2017 (Sts. Hyancinth & Emilian)

1 Cor. 6:20 - 7:12; Mt. 14: 1-13

7:00 #2054 Health & God's Blessings for Petro Holubovsky

8:30 #2028 + Chrystyna Nebesh-Jatsyshyn

— M. & D. Sawicky & Family Prayer Families: T. Bregin / J. Turak

Wednesday, July 19, 2017 (St. Macrina)

1 Cor. 7: 12-24; Mt. 14:35 - 15:11

8:30 #1538 Special Intention Jachnycky Family

— L. Jachnycky Prayer Families: M. Brezden / I. Tsisyk

Thursday, July 20, 2017 (St. Elias)

James. 5: 10-20; Lk. 4: 22-30

8:30 #1703 + Paul Onachuk — Wife & Family

#1840 + Luba Fedorko — O. Zanke Prayer Families: M. Brunec / T. Tryshnivskyy

Friday, July 21, 2017 (St. Simeon)

1 Cor. 7:35 - 8:7; Mt. 15: 29-31

8:30 #1357 + Bohdan Serediuk — J. Butry Prayer Families: C. Budzol / O. Trush

Saturday, July 22, 2017 (St. Mary Magdalene)

Rm. 12: 1-3; Mt. 10:37 - 11:1

8:30 #1605 ++ Anna, Wasyl, Teresa & Iwan Kulczycki

— O. Kulczycki-Papiz

4:00p.m. #1558 + Michael A. Kostiuk (2 year) — Family Prayer Families: S. Buksa / B. Trush

Sunday, July 23, 2017 (Prayer Book pg. 224, 385) Rm. 15: 1-7; Mt. 9: 27-35 (Molytovnyk. st. 218, 373)

9:00 — For The Parish Health & God's Blessings for Happy Birthday

Fr. Walter Rybicky, OSBM

11:00 #1663 Health & God's Blessings

for Anya, Ryan & Melania — D. Koniuch

Altar Cleaning

Anna Kravetz and Maria Lewandivsky

Fr. Bernard Panczuk, OSBM, Fr. Christopher

Woytyna, OSBM, Fr. Leo Goldade, OSBM,

Fr. Lorence Lawryniuk, OSBM, Fr. Demetrius

Wysochansky, OSBM

Emily Berezowsky, Eugene Berezowsky, Carol Berry,

Thomas Binkley, Renee Bosbous, Amanda Cliffton, John

DeHate, Alexandra Eillis, Christine Lash-Farion, Thomas

Gula, Vasyl Halayda, Rebecca Holowaty, Nathan

Hicks, Dorothy Kail, Suzanne Kotas, Marcella Kovalcik,

Anna Kowal, Irene Krasicky, Allyson Logan, Virginia

Michaluk, Brian Miller, Irene Nehaniv, Sophia Nigrans,

Tamara Olszewski, Lily Ondusky, John Paluch, Sharon

Peper, Marty Peters, Douglas Podgorski, Christopher

Portalski, Walter Roback, Catherine Rozmanek, Stephanie

Salata, Pearl Sawchuk, Roman Seniuk, Kornel

Senyk, Stephan Shenduk, Pauline Shenduk, Angela

Shrubowich, Peggy Slowinski, Rosemary Smith, Theresa

Soloman, Maria Kuchar-Soroka, Olha Soroka, Mary Spear,

Michael Tereck Jr., Lisa Thompson, Teri Turak,

Helen Derkacz-Turner, David Tyro, Irene Winek, Olga

Wojtyshyn, Adya Lash-Wynarczyk **Also, please pray for all our elderly that are ill, in nursing homes

and home bound.** Pray For All The Men & Women in Military Service - In Active Duty

- From our parish & families -

Lina Calice, Vlady Calice, John Darga, Nicole Iwanuisz,

Stanislav Zibrivskyy (Please inform the office of any updates

+ May They Rest in Peace +

Natalie Holowchak passed away on June 22, 2017 at

the age of 88 and was buried from St. Josaphat on

June 27, 2017 at Mt. Olivet Cemetery.

John Denysenko passed away on June 26, 2017 at

the age of 79 and was buried from St. Josaphat on

July 01, 2017 at Mt. Olivet Cemetery.

Eugenia Kostiuk passed away on July 01, 2017 at

the age of 94 and was buried from St. Josaphat on

July 08, 2017 at Resurection Cemetery.

Please Remember Them In Your Prayers

Prokimen — Ty, Hospody, zberewe' nas i zaxysty' nas

vid rodu c/oho i povik!

Prokimenon — You, O Lord, will guard us and will keep us from this generation, and for ever.

The light of God surrounds me; The love of God enfolds me;

The power of God protects me; The presence of God watches over me.

Wherever I am, God is.

James D. Freeman "Prayer of Protection"

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July 16, 2017 St. Josaphat, Warren, Michigan Page 3

офіційно називається «Василіянський Чин Святого

Йосафата», тому цього року він святкує 400-річчя свого


Під час василіянської капітули (1617 р.) митрополит

Йосиф вручив Йосафатові, тоді вже Віленському

архимандритові, грамоту призначення на єпископа

‒помічника для розлогої Полоцької єпархії, а

наступного року, після смерті архієпископа Гедеона, він

став Полоцьким архієпископом. Йосафат розгорнув

жваву душпастирську та екуменічну діяльність до тієї

міри, що противники з’єднання з Римом, яке було

проголошене в Бересті 1596 року, вирішили його вбити.

Ця кривава трагедія довершилась у м. Вітебську 12

листопада 1623 року, коли архієпископ Йосафат

приготовлявся до служіння Божественної Літургії.

Після закінчення Утрені йому бойовою сокирою

розсікли голову, а потім мертвого витягнули на

подвір’я, де ще довго над його тілом юрба знущалася.

Убивці, щоб уникнути покарання від цивільної влади за

цей злочин, затопили тіло владики в дуже глибокому

місці ріки Двіни. Але все одно тіло було віднайдене.

Урочистий похорон архієпископа-мученика відбувся

щойно 28 січня 1625 р. в м. Полоцьку.

Відтоді почали діятися чудесні оздоровлення і

переміни у свідомості тих, які кричали «Убий

душехвата!». Між іншим, дивним було навернення тих,

які не прийняли унії з Римом, між ними Йосафатового

суперника, полоцького архієпископа, Мелетія

Смотрицького. Невдовзі після цих подій, у 1627 році,

він склав католицьку ісповідь віри. Про нього

митрополит Рутський писав до Риму 10 липня 1627

року: «Я нікому іншому не приписую цього

навернення, як тільки крові слуги Божого Йосафата, i,

разом із голосом народу, приписую його смерть

єпископові Мелетієві, як головній причині».

Doing Some Spring Cleaning? Great!! Donate all your unwanted, but usable items for the

O.L.P.H. White Elephant Sale which will be held during the

Sunflower Festival — Sat. August 5th & Sun. August 6th in

the St. Josaphat Banquet Hall.

Please Do Not drop off items at the church — we do not have

storage space. All items need to be dropped off at the school.

All the money raised will be divided among both churches and

the school.

Collection Dates are:

Tuesdays, July 18th & 25th ………. 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.

Thursdays, July 20th & 27th ……… 2 p.m. - 6 p.m.

Saturdays, July 22nd & 29th … 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.

We Will Only Accept These Items:

Books (no magazines or encyclopedias), Music (Albums, CD's,

no 8 track or cassettes), Shoes, Purses, Jewelry, Housewares,

Household Goods, Sporting Equipment, Seasonal Decorations,

Office Supplies, Furniture (only small pieces, no large or heavy

furniture) Toys, Electronics, Useful Tools, Lamps, Fans,

Toiletries, Perfume, Craft Supplies and Linens.

Absolutely NO CLOTHING

"I have prayed for you that your faith may not fail; and you,

when you have once turned back, strengthen your

brethren." (Luke 22; 32) The Bishop of Rome, the bearer of

the Petrine ministry, convenes Ecumenical Councils,

approves their decisions, stands behind and expresses the

infallible faith-teaching of the Church, and resolves

difficulties that arise in the life of various self-governing

Churches. The ministry of the Roman Pontiff is a

testimony to the 'deepest apostolic past'. His ministry is to

'strengthen the brethren' in common faith (Luke 22; 31-42),

to be 'rock' (Matthew 16; 8), and 'shepherd' (John 21;

15-18). "To the Roman Pontiff was committed in the

person of Blessed Peter the full power of feeding, ruling,

and governing the whole Church, as was established at

ecumenical councils and in the sacred canons".

(Christ our Pascha-Catechism of the Ukrainian Catholic

Church #57-58, 293).

St. Josaphat Church,

Immaculate Conception Church and Immaculate Conception School

is having their

Annual Sunflower Festival

August 5th & 6th, 2017 on the grounds of St. Josaphat Church

We are looking for volunteers (to work before, during

and after the festival). Please call the church office at

586-755-1740 for more information.

We will be making Varenyky / Varenyky:

Tues. July 25th at 9:00am…. (peeling potatoes, onions) Wed. July 26th at 9:00am….. (making varenyky)

Laskavo prosymo sponsoriv

na "Son]'nykovyj Festyval/." Za

informaci]my, pro'u zdvonyty

do Romana Zubara 313-719-0048.

If you would like to be a sponsor or give a greeting for the "Sunflower Festival" - please call Roman Zubar at 313-719-0048.

Prosymo oxotnykiv zholosytys] na pomi; u

vidpovidnyj dl] vas ;as. Za informaci]my, pro'u

zdvonyty do cerkovno\ kancel]ri\ - 586-755-1740.

We are asking for volunteers to help out at the "Sunflower Festival." For more information, please call St. Josaphat's church office at 586-755-1740.

St. Josaphat Church Donation

$750.00 Christopher & Ann Buhay

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July 16, 2017 St. Josaphat, Warren, Michigan Page 4

Mnoha] Lita!

Babette Rostkowycz, Lillian Ondusky, Dan Haidukewych,

Lydia Taraschuk, Irene Kinal, Lubomyr Jachnycky,

Alex Tarnavsky, Jaropolk Serediuk, Wolodymyr Czubatyj,

Mary Previti, Frank Wolicki, Diana Mordowanec,

Cheryl Kapitanec, Oleg Dubrovski, Gregory Sobol,

Michelle Pierce, Anthony Stadnyk, Nadiya Vasylyshyn,

Dana Karpinski, Dana Paduchowski, Erica Sharon,

Daniel Bolde, Alexandra Fedorak, Luka Krynytsky

Names printed are for birthdays for this week — from Sunday thru Saturday

Best Wishes, Health, Happiness and God's Blessings.

Happy Birthday

"So you could not keep watch with me for one hour?" Matt. 26:40 A request for an hour of prayer for pregnant women and their babies - we ask that Jesus will protect them. For more information, please contact Bohdan Melnyk or call Dan Goodnow at Helpers of God's Precious Infants — 313-530-4539.

Help Needed Looking for live in care for an elderly woman (English speaking) in Sterling Hts area. We are in need for assistance with some cooking, some cleaning, laundry and to stay with her day and night. Driving is not necessary. For more information or questions, please call Darlene at 586-295-4123.

Cleaning Person Needed

Looking for a cleaning person to work 1 or 2 days a week in my house located in Lake Orion. For more information, please call Susan at 248-245-4675.

Condo For Sale — 3882 Sunflower in Warren

A condo located in the Sunflower Condo Complex located on Ryan just north of Frazho is for sale. It has 2 bedrooms, 2 baths, kitchen (with all appliances), living room, first floor laundry room, basement, 2 car attached garage and a patio in back. For more information, please call 586-979-8831.

Organizations that plan picnics / events requesting a priest

for Divine Liturgy for 12:00noon, please contact the

church office at least three weeks in advance.

Orhanizaci\, ]ki planu[t/ maty Sv. Liturhi\ pid;as

lita, prosymo povidomyty cerkovne b[ro try tywni


Calender of Events

Aug 5th & 6th —– Sunflower Festival at St Josaphat

Aug 13th ——–— Ukr. Selfreliance C.U. Picnic on Dibrova

Aug 20th ——— Celebrating Ukraine's Independence Day at I. C. Church — 10am liturgy & luncheon

Sept 4th ———— Labor Day

Attention: If you are interested in helping our Church, the St. Josaphat

Ushers are looking for new volunteers. If you are interested

or have questions, please contact Michael Holowaty at

586-634-1913 any day after 6:00p.m.

Now that summer is here, our Banquet Center will be

holding weddings, showers and other private functions so

please , do not go thru or enter the hall while a function is

going on. Your cooperation will be greatly appreciated.

Koly vyxodymo z cerkvy, prosyt/s] ne jty do

cerkovno\ ploqi ;erez cerkovno\ zali.

Summer Dress Code

With Summer days upon us, the tendency to cool and casual attire is understandable but, attire at Sunday Divine Liturgy should always reflect our dignity as Christian people. Courtesy to the Lord and our fellow worshipers that adult attire, particularly should reflect good taste and modesty. We the clergy and staff would like to wish everyone a peaceful, restful happy and safe summer. Remember there is no vacation from God.

Have a Happy and Safe Summer!

Z pryxodom teplyx litnyx dniv, bawann] od]hnutys] lehko i zru;no = zrozumilym. Prote na'e vbrann] v nedil/nu Sv]tu Liturhi[ povynno zavwdy vidobrawaty na'u Xrysty]ns/ku hidnist/.

Na'a cerkva ma= uxolodwen], tow v ;asi lita prosymo vd]hatys] vidpovidno.

Bawa=mo Pry=mnoho i Bezpe;noho Lita!

When making a donation and you are not using your contribution envelopes, envelopes are available in back of the church. There are different kinds, so please take the appropriate one so your contribution can be accredited as you wish. Please do not use contribution envelopes for candle donations.

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July 16, 2017 St. Josaphat, Warren, Michigan Page 5

You’re invited to the


Sunflower Festival

St. Josaphat Ukrainian Catholic Church 26400 Ryan Rd, Warren, MI 48091 586-755-1740 (1 block south of 11 Mile/I-696)

Live Entertainment Vendors Children’s



Artwork by Roma Remeniuk 2017

Saturday, August 5, 2017 12:00 noon —————————— Opening / DJ by Misty Blues

1:00p.m - 5:00p.m. ———— Misty Blues Band

2:00p.m. ———————————— "Echoes of Ukraine" Children's Dance Group

5:00p.m. ———————————— "Echoes of Ukraine" Adult Dance Group

6:00p.m - 10:00p.m. ——— Zapovid from Toronto

10:00p.m. ——————————— Closing

Sunday, August 6, 2017 12:00noon - 8:00p.m. —-— Music provided by Taras Tryshnivskyy

and the “Chill Factor Band” accompanied by

Tanya Bedrus & Misha Hrokh

2:00p.m. ———————————— "Echoes of Ukraine" Children's Dance Group

4:00p.m. ———————————— "Kolomeyka" Dance Ensemble

5:00p.m. ———————————— Raffle Drawing

6:30p.m. ———————————— "Echoes of Ukraine" Adult Dance Group 8:00p.m. ———————————— Closing

subota, 5-ho serpn], 2017 12:00p.p. ———————————— Vidkrytt] / DJ by Misty Blues

1:00p.p do 5:00p.p. ———— Misty Blues Band

2:00p.p. —————————— "Echoes of Ukraine" Dyt];a Tanc[val/na Hrupa

5:00p.p. ———————"Echoes of Ukraine" Molodiwna Tanc[val/na Hrupa

6:00ve;. do 10:00ve;. —— Zapovid" - muzy;na orkestra z Toronta

10:00ve;. ——————————— Zakrytt]

nedil], 6-ho serpn], 2017 12:00p.p. do 8:00ve;. ———— Ukrains/ka muzyka: Taras Try'nivs/kyj

z hrupo[ "Chill Factor Band" , Tan] Bedrus i Mi'a Hrox

2:00p.p. —————————— "Echoes of Ukraine" Dyt];a Tanc[val/na Hrupa

4:00p.p.. ———————————— "Kolomyjka" Tanc[val/nyj Ansambel/

5:00p.p. ———————————— Lotere]

6:30ve;. ———————"Echoes of Ukraine" Molodiwna Tanc[val/na Hrupa

8:00ve;. ———————————— Zakrytt]


Ukrainian & American

