FREE & ADVERTISER island news THE FREE MONTHLY NEWSPAPER OF THE HEBRIDES Edition 19 October 2013 IS ONLINE in&a Use it or lose it is the strongest message from campaigners and businesses, fearing that a trial at the quietest time of year might yield the wrong statistics for CalMac datacrunchers in future. The Missing Link group campaigned vigorously for the service, and their chairman Stephen Macaulay said he was “very, very happy” at the news. He said: “It’s a step in the right direction. Ideally we would have like to see more runs created through to the summer, but we have got our foot in the door. People now need to use the service and prove the need.” The proposal is for the service to run from November to April minus a three week refit period in February. MV Lord of the Isles is the allocated vessel. The service would be twice weekly, with one run mid-week and another at the weekend. Mr Macaulay said: “While some people might be concerned by the idea of just a midweek and a weekend sailing, it is important that they take into account that fact that they can use Lochboisdale-Mallaig along with other existing services to create an itinerary that suits their needs.” USE IT OR LOSE IT CalMac’s surprise announcement of a three year Lochboisdale-Mallaig winter service trial has been welcomed in Uist by campaigners, although with a few reservations. Because people want a megawatt smile with their lightbulbs We are passionate about equal opportunities and welcome a broad diversity of talent to apply. Customer Team Members £Competitive + fantastic benefits | Creagorry As the UK’s leading community retailer, we’re all about people. That means it’s not just our customers who find everything they’re looking for in our stores. Our colleagues do too. From plenty of development opportunities and quality training, to huge variety and great benefits. In return, you’ll need to have a natural way with people and customer service skills that shine. Playing a big part in our close-knit friendly store team, you’ll have your talents recognised. And, by making a difference at the heart of your community, our customers will soon start to recognise you too. For more information and to pick up an application form please visit your local Co-operative Food store at Creagorry, Isle of Benbecula, South Uist, Western Isles, HS7 5PG. Continued on page 3 MV Lord of the Isles. Donald Ewen LIBRARY CHAMPION is UK mobile See Page 16 Uist Film is launched See Special Supplement inside

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The free monthly newspaper for the Hebrides of Scotland and beyond

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FREE & ADVERTISERisland news


Edition 19 October 2013


Use it or lose it is the strongest messagefrom campaigners and businesses,fearing that a trial at the quietest timeof year might yield the wrong statisticsfor CalMac datacrunchers in future.

The Missing Link group campaignedvigorously for the service, and theirchairman Stephen Macaulay said he was“very, very happy” at the news.

He said: “It’s a step in the rightdirection. Ideally we would have like tosee more runs created through to thesummer, but we have got our foot in thedoor. People now need to use the serviceand prove the need.”

The proposal is for the service to runfrom November to April minus a threeweek refit period in February. MV Lordof the Isles is the allocated vessel. Theservice would be twice weekly, with onerun mid-week and another at the weekend.

Mr Macaulay said: “While some peoplemight be concerned by the idea of just amidweek and a weekend sailing, it isimportant that they take into account thatfact that they can use Lochboisdale-Mallaigalong with other existing services to createan itinerary that suits their needs.”

USE IT OR LOSE IT CalMac’s surprise

announcement of a three

year Lochboisdale-Mallaig

winter service trial has

been welcomed in Uist

by campaigners, although

with a few reservations.

Because people want a megawatt smile with their lightbulbs

We are passionate about equal opportunities and welcome a broad diversity of talent to apply.

Customer Team Members£Competitive + fantastic benefits | Creagorry

As the UK’s leading community retailer, we’re all about people. That means it’s not just our customers

who find everything they’re looking for in our stores. Our colleagues do too.

From plenty of development opportunities and quality training, to huge variety and great benefits.

In return, you’ll need to have a natural way with people and customer service skills that shine.

Playing a big part in our close-knit friendly store team, you’ll have

your talents recognised. And, by making a difference at the heart of

your community, our customers will soon start to recognise you too.

For more information and to pick up an application form please

visit your local Co-operative Food store at Creagorry, Isle of Benbecula,

South Uist, Western Isles, HS7 5PG.

Continued on page 3

MV Lord of the Isles.

Donald Ewen



See Page 16

UistFilmis launched

See Special Supplement inside


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2 islandnews & ADVERTISER - October 2013 Issue 19

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Tim Mason

Managing Editor

Susy Macaulay

LETTERS TO THE EDITORExpress your view in 400 words: [email protected] IN&A does not take responsibility for the views expressed or facts mentioned in readers’ letters

On our recent visit to Coll we read with much

dismay the article on the front page of your edition

18 (September 2013) concerning Anne MacLellan’s

idea of progress. I believe she hit the nail on the head

when she wrote of “companies who might want to

exploit them (the islands) . . .”

Such exploitation will surely destroy the uniqueness

of, and totally ruin what is so special about the

islands. She would drag them screaming into a world

of modern commercialism, big business, pollution,

and the loss of a life style one can only find on these

islands. Like the American agenda, she would make

everything and everywhere the same for the sake of

creating more markets and “improved” economy, and

call it development. Once the individuality of the

islands is gone, it is gone forever. Isn’t it strange how

an outsider comes in and wants to change everything.

All for the sake of making more money, for the sake

increasing business. Ms. MacLennan’s philosophy

appears to be quantity rather than quality. Perhaps, if

Thank you from NUAS

Yours sincerely,

Yours sincerely,

Anne MacLellan, NUAS President Druim Torrach, Hougharry, North Uist

All types of work undertaken

for opening hours



New outlet for bespoke ironworkand Harris Tweed products

Gates, railings, handles, candlesticks etcby the only artisan blacksmith on the islands.

Contact 01870 603816

� Harris Tweed cushions� Cards� Keyrings

Culla Croft, Aird, Benbecula

Parking at Culla Bay

Dismay at Uist-Skye tunnel aspiration

Hessel H. Pape556 Catering RoadSutton West, OntarioCanada L0E 1R0

I write on behalf of the North Uist AgriculturalSociety to thank all those that helped at thisyear’s North Uist Agricultural Show whichwas held on 8th August. We are indebted to thejudges, stewards and helpers who give of theirtime on the day and the competitors forentering the various classes. We had some newclasses in the Home Baking section this yearand it was encouraging to see that these werepopular with a high number of entries. Thank you also to the public for coming alongto support our local show and the businesses andorganisations that bring stalls and donate raffleprizes, all of which help make it such asuccessful day.

she is not happy with the way of life on the island,

she should return to where she came from and allow

the islanders to determine their own future.

By the way, a great part of our visit to this beautiful

country was to discover our origins, and explore the

places where our Campbell ancestors came from

before they emigrated to Canada in the early 19th

century. They came from Coll, Tiree, Mull, and Iona.

At the latter Archibald Campbell, one of our

ancestors,was listed as a boatman on the 1841

census. We would be pleased to hear from anyone to

exchange further information.





2008 -10 now availableWith 184 pages and 8 pages of colour

plates the latest Outer Hebrides Bird

Report report (pub Curracag) is packed

with information of the bird life of the


New species to be recorded were Stilt

Sandpiper (after departing here was seen on

the Isle of Man and in Cumbria), Yellow-

billed Cuckoo, Bee-eater, Brown Shrike,

Iberian Chiffchaff, Pallas’s Grasshopper

Warbler, two Hermit Thrushes, Pechora

Pipit, Trumpeter Finch and Blackburnian

Warbler. Also there were first records for

Hudsonian Whimbrel and Siberian

Stonechat (both only recently accorded full

species status by the relevant committee) and

a Black Tern of the North American race

(over a month later than any of the handful

of other British and Irish records).

Some other interesting sightings included

the first record for

Britain of three

Blue- winged

Teal together, a


Black Stork

(also seen in


Skye and Shetland and

was ringed in Hungary in 2007), the first

Nightjar since the early 1970s while we

continued to be the most reliable place in

Britain for birders hoping to connect with a

Snowy Owl.

The report will is available from Taigh

Chearsabhagh Museum and Arts

Centre, the Claddach Kirkibost Centre

or MacGillivrays (£8) or by post from

the editor Brian Rabbitts, 6 Carinish,

Isle of North Uist HS6 5HL (£10).

New seasonhas startedTuesdaysPaible School7.30-9.30pm

New members welcome-just turn upon the night.All bowls supplied - and a cuppa.

North Uist Bowling Club

Asphalt quarrying tocontinue in North UistBreedon Aggregates Scotland Ltd haveapplied to continue using Gairbh Eileanasphalt quarry at Claddach Carinish inNorth Uist for a further year. After thisperiod the company proposes torestore the quarry area.

MacMillan Cancer Support North Uist Branch

Coffee Morning at Carinish Hall

Saturday 5th October, 11am – 1pm

All welcome

Macmillan Coffee Morning andappeal for favourite recipes

As part of this year’s fundraising for

MacMillan Cancer Support we intend to

produce a baking recipe book. 

If you have any favourite recipes that

you would like to share with others

through this recipe book I would be

most grateful if you could send or email

them to me at the addresses below. 

If you like please include any story or

information about your recipes as this

will help to make the book of greater


Thank you,

Mairead MacNab 18 Locheport

North Uist HS6 5EU

[email protected]

Matt Topsfield of Curracagwrites: We’ve had a good crop ofphotographs submitted to theCurracag Photographic Competition2013. Thanks to all who sent inimages of their Hebrides Little Five. You will be able to see them foryourselves at the opening event ofthe exhibition, 6-8pm on Friday 4thOctober 2013 at Museum nan Eileanin Sgoil Lionacleit. The exhibitionwill remain at the Museum untilDecember and then travel to othervenues around the Western Isles(further details to follow). 

Curracag PhotoExhibition

Page 3: 24 full set layout 1

3October 2013 Issue 19 - islandnews & ADVERTISER

Seaweed Required We require a supply of freshly cut knotted wrack

(ascophyllum nodosum) for our new seaweed processing factory based on North Uist.

If you wish to be involved in cutting seaweed

please register your interest with us whether you wish to start immediately or in the future.

Training will be offered. We hold some tools

and equipment in stock.

Phone 01876 500267 Email [email protected]

Visit the factory at Crogaire Quarry

Looking for a property to buy, sell or rent.....

Looking to buy or sell land.....

Look no further than your local estate agency

Visit our new websitefor latest property listingswww.uistproperty.co.uk

College House, Balivanich, Isle of Benbecula, HS7 5LATel: 01870 602228 Fax: 01870 602865

Continued from page 1

South Uist haulier Norman MacAskillwelcomed the news with reservations.

He said: “A winter trial is probably not avery fair thing to do, the majority of thetraffic and the need is in summer time sothe statistics created in winter might be thewrong information.”

Calmac said winter had been chosen asthe time for the trial because of vesselavailability.

A CalMac spokesman said: “The lack ofa suitable vessel to provide this service hasbeen a major obstacle to the introduction ofthis service before now.

“Due to timetable changes as a result ofthe Ferries Plan, a vessel is now available,but only in the winter.”

He added: “One of the most compellingcases for using the shorter, more protectedroute is to improve bad weather reliability,so the winter trial will be a good test of that,in addition to gauging general usage.”

But community landlord Storas Uibhistdescribed the move as ‘an overdue andhalf-hearted response from the ScottishGovernment to the long-standing demandsfor a fit for purpose ferry service for thepeople of the Uist.”

Storas chief executive Huw Francis said

We have recently opened a new shop selling quality work wear

clothing, footwear, educational toys plus much more.

Meet representatives of Polaris, Valtra, Kioti, McHale, Zetor, Pottinger and Foster.

Information stands will also be present from the NFU Mutual Dingwall Branch,Bank of Scotland, Scottish Tenant Farmers Association, Scottish Agricultural College,Scottish Young Farmers Association, HALS – local Machinery Ring and Conan Vets.

Refreshments will be available from the Storehouse of Foulis from 10am – 6pm.

There will be working machinery demonstrations of agricultural machinery and

a range of power tools, such as log splitters and plasma cutters.

McLaren Tractors Thursday October 24,10am to 6pm


to celebrateour

and our move to our new premises on the Strathpeffer Road in Dingwall.


You can enter a free prize draw with a top prize a trip for two people to Finland in 2014.

It’s thought theitems were marine locatormarkers, otherwise knownas smoke markers(pictured). These containan electric squib and twopyrotechnic candlescapable of causing seriousinjury to the unwary.

As the ordnance is likelyto have come fromHebrides Range exercises,Island News asked QinetiQwhere their responsibilitylies in clearing the beachesof dangerous flotsam.

A QinetiQ spokesmansaid: “QinetiQ makes everyeffort to control andmonitor ordnance depositsand carry out very regularsweeps and ordnancechecks within the range

boundary area,Ardivachar point to

Grogarry. “On a monthly basis

QinetiQ also carry outfurther extended beachsweeps as far south asHowmore River and northto Liniclate. QinetiQworks hard to understandand minimise its impacton the environment and toensure all appropriateprocedures and actions arein place to safeguard thelocal area.”

When asked about liveordnance found recentlyon Baleshare beach, NorthUist, he said: “Anythingoutside of that is theresponsibility of the MoDin terms of doing sweepsto check.

“Of course anything thatis found by the MoD willin the majority of times bedealt with by us on their

behalfas it makes

more sense as we areon site and saves them

having to send someonespecifically.”

The public are asked not to touch anythingsuspicious on the beach but instead to call 999 and askfor the coastguard.

Benbecula coastguard attended four reports of live ordnancewashing up on Uist beaches last month.

Danger on our beachesThe coastguards cordoned off the area andcontacted the military’s ExplosiveOrdnance Disposal teams toensure the items weredisposed of safely.

the service would go some way towardsimproving the transport options for thecommunity.

He said: “However it must beacknowledged that the winter season seeslower demand for ferries and the local

economy will continue to be restrictedduring the peak summer months until a yearround service is introduced.”

South Uist & Barra councillor DavidBlaney said: “People have cried out for thisferry service and now we’ve got it, but if

we don’t use it we will lose it.”

At the time of going to print, CalMacrepresentatives were due to meet LochboisdaleCommunity Council and Barra TransportForum to discuss the detail of the trial.

Mallaig Harbour.

© hfipyrotechnics.com

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4 islandnews & ADVERTISER - October 2013 Issue 19

UDAP secretary Deborah MacVicaradds: “There are many people in thecommunity who do not have a blue badge,but who would benefit from being left aspace nearer the door at the Co-op. Maybeit would be kind of us all to think of theolder people in our community and othersless able-bodied than ourselves before wepark so near to the door.”

UDAP is looking for new volunteers.Their next meeting is the AGM onWednesday November 13 at 11am in TheBunker, East Camp, Balivanich, allwelcome.

UDAP c/o Tagsa offices orc/o 23 Winfield Way,Balivanich Isle of Benbecula, HS7 5LHTel: 01870 603233

Uist DisabilityAccess Panel

NEEDS YOUWe try to help anyone with any access issues in the UistsIf you are interested in joining us contact:

Access Panel asks shoppers to respect Creagorry disabled parkingUist Disability Access Panel

(UDAP) is tackling thoughtless

parking at Creagorry Co-op

this month.

Two disabled spaces are marked out in frontof Creagorry Co-op, but as UDAP memberJackie Warner reports, they’re often taken upby cars without blue badges.

October, the weather is wet and

windy and Judith is going to the Co-op

to do her shopping.  She only goes once

a fortnight.

She arrives at the Creagorry Branch of

Co-op, finds an empty space and parks her


She prepares herself to battle the

‘elements.’  She carefully opens the car

door and eases herself out.  Gathers her

things and proceeds to the shop.  It’s a

good 90 paces to the main shop door and

this takes her three minutes and all the

energy she can muster.  

To most people, there is nothing

outstanding about this

scenario.  Shopping has to be done and we

just get on with it.

You might be forgiven for thinking that

maybe Judith is elderly, a bit slow on her

feet, a frail diminutive woman who only

comes out every two weeks because she

likes to keep herself to herself.

You would be wrong.  Judith is 28, a

bright, vivacious, independent

woman.  Judith has multiple sclerosis.  She

uses crutches to walk and at times, a


When Judith arrived at the shop, rather

than being able to park in one of the two

allocated disabled places she was forced to

park in the main car park.  This is because

a total of nine cars were parked in those

designated disabled parking places. None

of these vehicles displayed a blue disabled

parking badge.  

The reason she had to ease herself out of

her car was because she could only open

her car door partway as somebody had

parked next to her whilst she was

preparing herself for

battle. She could not

open the door wide in

order to swing her legs

out and use her door to

help raise her to her feet.

She was forced to walk

those 90 paces to the

shop because,

unfortunately she was

unable to get her

wheelchair out of the car

due to lack of space.

The reason Judith only

comes out once a

fortnight is because the physical strength

needed to complete this mundane,

everyday task is overwhelming.  It takes

her two weeks to re-gather her strength to

face the ordeal once more.

The ‘elements’ that Judithbattles with are:

Thoughtlessness by able-bodied

people who are not prepared to park

in the main car park, take an extra 37

seconds to walk to and from their car

to the shop. Yes 37 seconds! 

For a disabled person it might take

them five minutes to walk those extra

90 steps.  The prospect of extra

walking might be so overwhelming

that they don’t even bother and

instead go to a different shop who caters

better for the disabled.  

It is up to all of us, as drivers, to make a

conscious decision as to where we park

when we arrive at the store.  Please be

mindful that the places at the front of the

store are for blue badge holders. 

Living it Up is an excitingnew opportunity for thepeople of the WesternIsles to shape how theirhealth & wellbeing can bebetter supported.

Living it Up aims to:� Encourage people to be healthy and happy� Support people with long term conditions and those that care for them

� Connect people with their local community� Provide local links to useful information, products and service

The Living it Up community engagement team recentlytravelled to Uist with the Western Isles Project Manager,Mary Sinclair, to meet with local people from the communityand talk about Living it Up and the development of one ofthe LiU tools called Experienced Guides.

Living it Up visits to the Uists early September

Over the course of our three days in Uist, the teamengaged with a number of enthusiastic locals who weremore than happy to sign up as Living it Up members andcontribute their thoughts on the initial designs ideas forthe Experienced Guides and tell us what other sessionsthey would like us to provide. Following on from this the team are returning the

first week in October with the following sessions:

What keeps you well… in South Uist1pm on Wed 2nd October at Cothrom Centre

Experienced Guide on COPD10am on Thur 3rd October at Claddach Kirkibost

Experienced Guide on Dementia1.30pm on Thur 3rd October at Claddach Kirkibost

How to get involved:� Join Living it Up and let us know your views

� Join Living it Up and test out some of our features

� Let us know something great about your community

� Come along to one of our pop up events or workshops

To find out more [email protected] or call Mary Sinclair on07824 321211 or go to www.livingitup.org.uk

@Livingitup_Scot livingitupscotlandExperience guide workshop kindlyhosted by Tagsa Uibhist

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5October 2013 Issue 19 - islandnews & ADVERTISER

HHP described the findings as‘shocking.’

The report was based on 30% of HHPstock and carried out by surveyors DavidAdamson Partners Ltd of Edinburgh.

David Blaney, HHP chairman said: “Thisreport makes sobering reading and showsthe extent of the challenge in trying toreduce fuel poverty in the islands. HHP

housing stocks performs significantly betterthan much of the private sector stock so thisis not an issue limited to HHP tenants.

“We will be doing all we can to lobby onbehalf of our tenants for assistance to dealwith the scandal of fuel poverty on ourislands and amongst our tenants inparticular.”

HHP investment spokesman KevinPaterson said fuel poverty in the islands isdriven by factors outwith HHP’s control.

He said: “Low incomes, the longerheating season, the price of fuel and highertariffs in the islands are huge issues.”

HHP has written to Ofgem concerningthe higher tariffs and sent them a copy ofthe report.

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The council says afterextensive investigation of aninitial 11 sites, whittled downto three, Paible emerged asthe best option.

It would cost an extra£400,000 to build at Clachan, thecouncil said, and a site nearCarinish Hall was ruled out astoo deep in peat.

The council owns the currentPaible school site (pictured).

The education department isproposing that all three NorthUist schools, Carinish,Lochmaddy and Paible should beclosed from June 2015, withprovision at the new school

starting in August 2015.The new school will be built to

accommodate 100.

CnES Director of EducationPeter Carpenter said: “This is afantastic opportunity to developthe best educational facilities foryoung people from 0 – P7,providing real opportunities forparents and the community. Theproposals build on and enhanceexisting facilities and provide thebest outdoors and environmentalexperiences for young people.”

However, CnES might have afight on their hands to persuadeparents of their choice.Lochmaddy parents say they

didn’t fight to save their schoolfrom closure with pupilsexpected to transfer to Paible afew years ago only to have itclosed in favour of a new schoolbuilt in Paible.

Carinish parents say theymight fight to save their schoolfrom closure.

The directors of UrachdhUibhist which runs Saoghal Beagnursery say they fear for thefuture of the nursery as CnESintends to transfer all pre-schoolprovision to the new school.

Saoghal Beag offers a range ofpre-school and childcareservices, and is open all year

round from 8.30am to 5.30pm.Costing the council £28,000 perannum, this is the best value formoney invested, the directorsmaintain.

Public consultation meetingsare at Lochmaddy school onTuesday October 29 at 7.30pm,Paible school on WednesdayOctober 30 at 5.30pm andCarinish school on WednesdayOctober 30 at 7.30pm.

The consultation period runs to5pm on Friday November 22with submissions invited inwriting to the Comhairle inStornoway or by email to [email protected]

Two lengths of carriagewayin South Uist and Harriscurrently being dualled arenearing completion.

On the A867 at Kildonan,South Uist a stretch of almost1km (pictured) is currentlybeing surfaced withcompletion expected nextmonth. The works cost in the

Complaints about the service provided

by Westford Inn, North Uist have been

lodged with CnES Licensing Board.

North Uist Community Council has

written to the licensing board

expressing their concern about the


The complaints centre around the pub’s

failure to comply with opening hours,

shutting at will and other issues like

tourists being refused food.

Local councillor Neil Beaton led a

community campaign three years ago

to try and persuade the licensee

Elizabeth Jarvis and her partner

Alasdair MacKay to improve their

service and comply with regular

opening hours.

The couple responded by placing a

notice in the local shop asking

residents to supply cash and unpaid

labour to help redecorate the place.

Mr Beaton said: “Westford is the only

pub in North Uist, and it used to be a

thriving hub for residents and tourists.

Now it is spoiling the tourist trade and

giving the place a bad name.  I’ve had

numerous complaints from B&B

owners about Westford’s appalling

service. It offends the ethic of Highland


“Now I hear Westford is closed until

next season, the excuse given to a

customer was that they ran out of beer

and it wasn’t worth ordering any more


There was no answer from the Inn

when IN&A telephoned for a response.

Concerns about WestfordInn sent to licensing board

Neil Beaton in front of the Westford Inn.

Road improvements in South Uist and Harris

region of £869,000 and arebeing carried out by localcontractors MacInnes Bros.

On the A859 just outsideLeverburgh Harris, BreedonHebrides is carrying out thework on an 800m stretch ofroad in a project costing£918,000. The work is expectedto be complete next month.

Shocking extent of fuel poverty among Outer Hebrides tenants

Paible is council’s choice ofsite for new North Uist school

A report commissioned by

Hebridean Housing Partnership

(HHP) shows that 61% of their

tenants are in fuel poverty, and

22% in extreme fuel poverty.

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6 islandnews & ADVERTISER - Octoberber 2013 Issue 19

Iain MacPhee, 14, of Kilpheder blew awayjudges of the Tenner Challenge, anationwide competition where studentsare given £10 on May 1 as start-up capitalto get a profitable business off theground in the space of a month.

He was so narrowlypipped at the post by thewinners of thecompetition that theorganisers decided toaward him a HighlyCommended certificate

in the 12 - 19 years

Most Inspiring Individual category. Theaward not only recognised Iain’s product,BukPal, a flat-pack book rest, but hisoutstanding presentation skills and evidentbusiness acumen.

Students from Sgoil Lionacleit were the firstever in the Western Isles to enter thecompetition, and had to present their idea to aDragon’s Den style panel of local businesspeople for appraisal.

The challenge enabled Iain to scratch in itchhe’d had for some time- he’d always wantedto start his own business, and combine hisentrepreneurial drive with an interest in designengineering.

The breakthrough came when his S3 guidanceteacher Mrs Campbell asked him what hewanted to achieve by the end of third year.

When she heard Iain’s ambition of wantingto start a business, and his ideas fordesigning a book stand, particularly foruse in the kitchen, “she sat forward in her

seat,” Iain said.“She came in the next week with a rustic,

home-made painted piece of plywood book

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A South Uist student has been singled out for special

praise in a national competition for young entrepreneurs.

rest, and told me she wanted me to dosomething with it. She said a friend had givenit to her years ago, she wanted to give thedesign to me because she thought I could dosomething with it and develop it into a business.”

At that point Iain met Gordon MacDonaldand Lynne MacMillan of Include-Us who hadbeen running entrepreneur sessions in schoolsto bring out the ideas and initiative in islandyoungsters, and who now wanted teams totake part in the Tenner Challenge.

Working on his own, Iain quickly forgedahead with his book rest, now redesignedby Paul MacInnes of Eriskay and rebrandedas BukPal. He named his business Io

Designs after Io, a tiny moon whichorbits the giant planet Jupiter, “tosymbolise that the big manufacturerswill have to be wary of the young andinnovative companies which orbitthem,” Iain said.

He went on to make a flyer with helpfrom local photographer Ian Smith, andthe Include-Us team sent it round theschool and Comhairle, netting Iain some40 BukPal orders.

“This was all within a week of sendingout the flyer,” Iain said. “For the TennerProject I was able to jot down how muchmoney I made in turnover,the profit, and pricing, andwent into the Dragon’s Dento face local business people.

“I was so nervous, but Iwas one of three projects putforward for selection to theTenner Challenge nationalfinals which were to happenin London.

“In case that wouldhappen, Gordon and Lynnehelped me file for atrademark and patent assoon as we could.”

A couple of weeks laterIain heard that although hehadn’t made it to London,the judges wanted to offerhim the specialcommendation.

He said: “I was in the top ten for mostinspiring individual out of 25,000 teenagersfrom the UK, so when I got that I was just sohappy. To know that someone noticed yourhard work and thought you had something, itjust makes you feel really good.”

Iain has now developed BukPal in acrylic,pine and plywood and in a range of colours.His intellectual property has been protectedwith a trademark and patent.

He has plans to carry on developing his BukPalrange with a series of branded kitchen accessories.

A more immediate goal is to raise enoughmoney to visit his much-missed older brotherAllan, currently working in Australia.

Gordon MacDonald of Include-Us saidIain’s enterprise skills stood out from the start.

He said: “Iain was fantastic to mentor, he istotally dedicated, so switched on, with such aclear vision of what he wants to achieve, andhe’s achieved it.”

Iain MacPhee with his BukPal book rest.

Lynne MacMillan and Gordon MacDonald of Include-Us present Iain with his special commendation certificate.

An ideal Christmaspresent,BukPal will be featuredin next month’s IslandNews & Advertiser asa special reader offer

Iain’s current range of BukPals.

for young Uist entrepreneur


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7October 2013 Issue 19 - islandnews & ADVERTISER

This year’s Harris MountainFestival was the best yet,despite some unsettledweather, writes North HarrisTrust ranger Matt Watts.

We had plenty of guided

walks including a couple ofsuperb hill walks and a goldeneagle walk. The walksculminated in an 11mile hikethrough the heart of NorthHarris with great company

and spirits that weren’tdampened by the rain comingin through the afternoon.

Cameron McNeish gave aninspiring evening talk on JohnMuir, with a rousing call for a“champion” of wild land inScotland. Laurie Campbellgave a fascinating presentationof some of his recent work,and Chris Townsend retoldthe story of his trek along theScottish Watershed.The powerboat tours of Loch

Seaforth, provided by theScaladale Centre, were apersonal highlight. We weretreated to sightings of SeaEagles, Golden Eagles, sealsand dolphins, and a newperspective of the Harris hills. At least 25 people came to

Harris specifically for thefestival, demonstrating thatwe’re meeting our aim ofboosting tourism at the end ofthe season. We had around570 people attend all events,well up from last year’s figureof 450.

If you’ve got any ideas fornext year’s festival pleaseget in touch by [email protected].


House PlotsA unique opportunityto purchase houseplots with stunningviews across VallayStrand and to the hillsof Harris.

There are currently two 1/3 acre plots and an

acre plot available off the main road

overlooking Vallay Strand.

They all have outline planning permission and

are not subject to crofting restrictions.

Both services (power and water) are close to

hand and easy to access. There is also land

available to buy/rent for any purchaser interested

in creating a small holding or larger garden.

The sites have uninterrupted panoramic views

over the Vallay Strand towards the Harris hills.

For a One Stop Shop contact: Angus MacDonaldTel: 01876510293 / 07970218904 Project e: [email protected]

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View from the plots

Western Isles Energyand Property Services

Ruaraidh Ferguson

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� Air Tightness Testing

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Uist RAF at Battle of Britain paradeRAF personnel from Remote Radar Head, Benbeculatook part in the Battle of Britain Parade and Service ofRemembrance in Stornoway last month.It was the first time since RAFStornoway closed in 1998 thatthere had been an RAF presence inthe parade.

In 30 knot winds and driving rainthe Parade Commander, Sgt RobStevens formed up the parade, whichincluded members of the Royal AirForces Association (RAFA), theMerchant Navy Association and localAir Training Corps (ATC) cadets.

Bearing the standards of RAFA, the

Royal British Legion, MerchantNavy Association and ATC, theparade marched through the town toMartin’s Memorial church where thestandard bearers provided an HonourGuard at the entrance to the church.

The service was delivered by RevTommy MacNeil. Also in attendancewere the Lord Lieutenant of the WesternIsles, Sandy Matheson, Alasdair AllanMSP and Wing Commander Munroand Sqn Ldr Armistead from the

Highland Wing ATC HQ.Afterwards the parade reformed

outside the church and marched backto the Royal British Legion club whererefreshments were provided.

The Benbecula personnel also joinedRAFA members, and cadets from1731 Isle of Lewis Squadron to collectfor the RAFA Wings Appeal on thestreets of Stornoway. Despite theweather and a quiet town they wereable to collect no less than £1100. Honour Guard at the entrance to Martin’s Memorial Church.

The site ready and waiting for the plaque.

A stainless steel plaque inscribed to the memoryof North Uist doctors Alexander, Julia andJohn Macleod will be unveiled on SaturdayOctober 12 at Banca Mòr, Claddach Illeray.

A site next to the Air Ambulance memorial hasbeen prepared for the plaque, which is formed likea wave and inscribed in both Gaelic and English.It will stand more than 5ft tall on a plinth of blackgranite.

Margaret MacQuarrie, who nursedalongside all three doctors, has been adriving force behind the project to honourtheir tireless service.

She said she has been overwhelmed by thegenerosity and practical support of the localcommunity in bringing the project to fruition.

She said: “The plinth will be erected by localjoiner Arthur Morrison, landscaping was done byIain MacPhail, Angus MacQuarrie and RoddyMacleod did the fencing, John Allan MacLellanprovided the top soil, John MacDonald of Uist

Parcels brought the plinth and plaque over andwill be helping Iain MacDonald Baleshare put uploudspeakers, MacInnes Bros supplied all thematerials for the site improvements - I can’t praiseor thank everyone enough.”

The unveiling is open to the public. SaturdayOctober 12, Banca Mòr, Claddach Illeray at 2pm.

Please note parking is at Clachan Church withbuses supplied to take visitors to the site.

The Macleod family has great pleasure ininviting everyone to refreshments at the churchafterwards.

Drs. Macleod Memorial

Harris Mountain Festival success

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8 islandnews & ADVERTISER - October 2013 Issue 19



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● AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS – Full range of Ritchie gates, hurdles, feed and stock handling equipment.

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Phone: 01870 610205 Fax: 01870610216Email: [email protected]

Opening hours: Mon – Fri: 9 am to 5 pm Saturdays: 9.30 am to 12.30 pm


This is just a small selection of whatwe have in stock. Everyone welcome

to call in and look around.

Sollas applianceswrecked astransformerburns out

A faulty transformer leftseveral houses in theSollas district of North Uistwithout power for a day,and blew thousands ofpounds worth of electricalequipment in residents’homes.

Scottish and SouthernElectricity (SSE) replaced thetransformer and described theincident as ‘an unusual set ofcircumstances’ where thetransformer had burned outand caused a high voltagespike, affecting anything witha printed circuit board.

They sent an engineer fromtheir mobile workshop Hasteto investigate the damage andrepair what appliances he could.

One of the worst affectedresidents was MargaretBrowning (pictured) who losther heating and hot water forseveral days, and sufferedmore than £1,000 of damageto her electrical appliances.

She also cancelled ascheduled break on themainland shortly after theincident while the damagewas being repaired.

Miss Browning said: “Ittook days to find out the fullextent of all the damage to myappliances but it fried mycombi/microwave oven, TV,Freeview box, breadmaker,internet connection, thetemperature control on ashower, and the timer on thewashing machine.

“For a time I had to boilthree kettles to get enough hotwater.”

Five other properties wereaffected, with the heatinggoing off in Taigh Sgirecommunity centre, a brandnew printer blown inCroileagan Dhunsgalair, andother individuals losingequipment like Sky boxes, Wiis,shower pumps and freezers.

A spokeswoman from SSEsaid: “We are working closelywith individual residents whohave asked for applianceinspections. We are in theprocess of agreeing satisfactorysolutions. We apologise tocustomers inconvenienced bythe fault, and thank them fortheir patience.”

Margaret Browning relied on

kettles for hot water.

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9October 2013 Issue 19 - islandnews & ADVERTISER

The Monach Isles off thewest coast of North Uist,the Eye Peninsula to the

Butt of Lewis and theShiant East Bank in TheMinch may after

consultation form part of anetwork of MPAs requiredby the Scottish Governmentto meet its contribution toUK statutory internationalrequirements.

A team from SNH andMarine Scotland Science iscurrently surveying theseabed of the Shiant EastBank to find out more aboutthe wildlife it sustains.

Researchers aboard theMarine Scotland researchvessel Alba na Mara areusing underwater camerasand taking samples fromthe seabed. They will be focusing onthe large banks and moundsin the Minch which areformed by the strongcurrents providing a habitatfor a wide variety ofwildlife including theNorthern Sea Fan (pictured)and Sponge communities.

Laura Steel, projectmanager for SNH said: “Weknow that large banks andmounds like the Shiant East

Bank are often importantspawning and nursery areasfor fish, vital for theproductivity of our seas.The information gatheredduring the survey will helpus decide whether this areawill be proposed as aMarine Protected Area(MPA) in 2014.”

The Black Guillemot hasbeen chosen to support theproposal to extend theMonach Island’s existingSpecial Protection Areastatus into an MPA. Theislands support anestimated 820 BlackGuillemots, approximately2.2% of the UK breedingpopulation.

The Eye Peninsula to theButt of Lewis MPA isproposed for the protectionof Risso’s Dolphin and alarge population of sandeels, creatures vital for thesurvival of a number ofseabirds including puffins.

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Invitation for Expressions of Interest

Footpath WorksHebrideanWayThe Hebridean Way Projectfunded by Comhairle NanEilean Siar, The EuropeanRegional Development Fundand Scottish Natural Heritageaims to establish a long-distance walking route fromVatersay to the Butt of Lewis.

The project partners welcomeexpressions of interest fromsuitably skilled contractors forthe construction of footpathsand associated infrastructurewhich will form part of theHebridean Way in North Uistfor the following packages;

Locheport to Carinish (New Route Length = approx. 2.7km)

Locheport to Langass (New Route Length = approx. 3.3km)

Expressions of interest should be submitted by post to;

Scottish Natural Heritage


Isle of South Uist


Or by email -

[email protected]

All expressions of interest must be

received by 4pm on 18th October 2013.


Funding inplace forLochmaddypontoons

The pontoons are phase one of theflagship marina project of Uist’sSociety of the Sea, Comann Na Mara(CNM).

CNM piloted and was the first inBritain to sign a Local ManagementAgreement (LMA) with The CrownEstate earlier this year.

LMAs give not-for-profitorganisations access to areas of theforeshore and seabed, with specialisedsupport from The Crown Estate todevelop proposals for projects that willdeliver direct benefits to the localcommunity.

The pontoon development will openup Lochmaddy Bay not only to yachtsbut cruise liners, offering theopportunity of a significant boost tothe island economy.

The funding package was announcedby Lord Wallace of Tankerness in theOur Islands Our Future conference inKirkwall, and by Crown EstateScottish commissioner Gareth Baird atthe organisation’s annual reception inEdinburgh a few days later.

Lord Wallace said: “Comann NaMara have been trailblazers in terms ofthe LMA which has led to this very

significant investment, which I’m surewill be benefit to the wholecommunity.”

Mr Baird said: “LMAs givecommunities the opportunity tomanage and develop areas of coastline,opening up opportunities to expandmarine tourism, already worth £300ma year to Scotland economy.”

CNM chairman Gus Macaulay said:“This financial commitment from TheCrown Estate allows the project tocommence, and builds on the closeworking relationship between our twoorganisations.”

A two week intensive course

in Inverness this summer

saw Sgoil Lionacleit student

Seonaidh MacLeod

experiencing all the thrills

and spills of radio


Seonaidh, 15, from South

Uist was one of two Uist

students to take part in Radio GoNORTH, based in

the Ironworks, part of the Inverness GoNORTH


The opportunity came to him through Include Us,

the Comhairle’s programme to encourage young

people into work or enterprise on the islands.

Seonaidh, who plays piano, guitar and accordion

had already done some sound engineering at

home with a band of fellow musicians, and was

able to develop these skills by recording live

sessions with Radio GoNorth.

He said: “There was quite a lot of pressure but the

people on Radio GoNORTH were brilliant.”

Seonaidh followed up his hectic fortnight in

Inverness with a further week’s work experience

(again organised by Gordon MacDonald of Include

Us) with Radio Nan Gael in Stornoway.

He said: “Things went wrong with equipment

failure in the middle of an interview, so I saw how

they had to put on music to give themselves three

minutes in which to sort the problem out.”

Seonaidh is hoping to do an engineering

apprenticeship, but also has in mind the thought of

going to college to do sound engineering.

The radio experience also fired him with an

enthusiasm for live presenting.

He said: “I built on my skills and learned a lot. I

hope to do Radio GoNORTH again next year.”

The other successful graduate of Radio GoNORTH

was Chloe Hogg, 20, from Benbecula. Chloe has

gone on to Reid Kerr College in Paisley to do radio


Seonaidh’sradio days

Seonaidh MacLeod.

Possible protection for threeHebridean marine sites Three sites in Outer Hebridean seas are being consideredfor Marine Protected Area (MPA) designation.

Northern Seafans. © SNH

Construction of 26 pontoons in Lochmaddy Bay is set tobegin in the spring after a funding package of £380,000was agreed last month by The Crown Estate.

CNM chairman Gus Macaulay and Lord Wallace in Orkney.

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10 islandnews & ADVERTISER - October 2013 Issue 19


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It was hailed as ‘a major milestone’ on the road to delivering more power toScotland’s three island authorities. The time is right, everyone seemed to agree.

The event brought together councillors from Comhairle Nan Eilean Siar, OrkneyIslands Council, Shetland Islands Council, MPs, MSPs, academics andrepresentatives from education, the private and third sectors to talk about howmore power could be devolved to the islands, referendum or no referendum.

The time is right, everyone seemed to agree from which ever side of theindependence fence they were on, to make a historic, once in a generation move tostake a claim on the riches of the territorial waters surrounding the islands, toassume closer control of their own affairs.

One size doesn’t fit all, the conference also agreed and a new buzzword wasborn: ‘asymmetry’, that is to say what suits Shetland or Orkney or the WesternIsles may not suit the other authorities, and each authority should be free to usetheir additional powers in the ways they deem best.

However there may be things which the islands have in common and wherejoint policy might be beneficial. How this might work will be the result of futurediscussions.

Local Government minister Derek Mackay said a ‘proposition’ would emergeafter the series of six meetings of the Island Areas Ministerial Working Group in ayear’s time (after the Referendum).

Constitutionally, there is nothing to stop the islands assuming those powersnow, asserted Lord Wallace of Tankerness.

The Scottish archipelagos could- and should- have a special place in Europe,with direct involvement in Brussels policy-making, the conference heard fromseveral speakers, including Jean-Didier Hache of the Islands Commission of theConference of Peripheral Maritime Regions. He argued this passionately, andfrom the standpoint of one who has a home in Benbecula.

He said: “You are not breaking into new ground. The majority of island regionsin Europe already have some kind of special status or autonomy- the Scottishislands are something of an exception.”

A presentation by Jörgen Pettersson a member of parliament from the Ålandislands, a self-governed part of Finland since 1922, revealed an inspiring model ofautonomy and provided a talking point that was referred to again and again in theconference.

Now or never for moreisland power,conference agrees


The first conference in the Our Islandsour Future campaign was held inKirkwall last month.

Steven Heddle, ORKNEYI am even more convinced now that weare doing the right thing and at the righttime.

The merit of more local decision makingin a manner that suits and respects thedistinct circumstances was endorsed byeveryone who spoke, academics andpoliticians of various hues.

For us this means we must have greatercontrol of the factors that affect

our economies, so we can improve life foreverybody that lives in our islands. Key tothis are powers over marinedevelopments, and influence with regardour position and opportunities withinEurope.

The question arises as to how far shouldwe aspire to take this, after theinspirational contributions of our friendsfrom Faroe and Åland. I believe thereasonable and justified stance we

currently take to additional powers isstill valid, but now to paraphraseJorgen Petterson, we cannot afford tonot consider greater autonomy goingforward.

Angus Campbell, CnESWe are putting a challenge togovernment at all levels: get on withimplementing what you can now toachieve the aims of Our Islands OurFuture. We fully accept that withincreased powers comes increasedresponsibility, but we are accountable, weare responsible, we are answerable. Wewill empower our communities, and that l to right Gary Robinson, Angus Campbell, Steven Heddle take a break at the conference.

process will begin with an extensiveconsultation at grass roots level.

Gary Robinson,SHETLANDThis debate must move on, and the

conference has given us the mandate toraise the bar even higher for ourcommunities. A theme throughout theconference has been ‘now is the time’ - weall agree. This is a once-in-a-lifetimeopportunity for our islands, and wewill not shirk from the challenge.

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UistFilm is funded by Creative Scotland, Highlands & Islands Enterprise and Comhairle nan Eilean Siar

How to connect with UistFilmHow to connect with UistFilmHow to connect with UistFilmHow to connect with UistFilmHow to connect with UistFilmHow to connect with UistFilmHow to connect with UistFilmHow to connect with UistFilmHow to connect with UistFilmHow to connect with UistFilmHow to connect with UistFilmHow to connect with UistFilmHow to connect with UistFilmHow to connect with UistFilmHow to connect with UistFilm

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11October 2013 Issue 19 - islandnews & ADVERTISER

OUR FUTURE?West Coast islandsout in the cold

No way in for islands like Iona.

The effect is to leave the 25 west coast islands with their 16,000 population out in thecold, as they are under either Highland or Argyll & Bute councils.

Argyll & Bute councillors Roddy McCuish and Robin Currie raised the situation forcefullyduring the conference, but were only offered consultation on an ‘issue by issue basis.’

Mr McCuish told IN&A: “We are 100% behind the initiative, but it should be All Our

Islands, All Our Futures. Every issue that applies to the Western Isles applies to us. “We’re not going around with a begging bowl, our islands make a massive

contribution in terms of whisky, renewables and tourism. Our voice would make thecampaign stronger. We’re not even invited to the Island Ministerial Working Group,but we’re going to continue to lobby and knock at the door.”

The ‘Our Islands Our Future’ campaignhas been conceived to apply only toScotland’s three island authorities.

l to right Gary Robinson, Angus Campbell, Steven Heddle take a break at the conference.

Reflections from others whoattended the conference

John Angus MackayCHIEF EXECUTIVE BÒRD NAGAIDHLIGI found it heartening to how well the island authoritiesworked together at the conference.But I wondered what my neighbours and crofters wouldmake of it, and I thought rather than local authorities beingtold to make a strong and robust case to Government,Westminster and Europe should at least come half way tomeet them, and should be represented on the IslandsMinisterial Working Group. After all, the islands arespeaking from the standpoint of having 80% of UKterritorial waters, 50% of the fish, 80% of the oil and gas.They should be supported, not asked to produce somethingthat civil servants can go through with a fine-tooth comb.

Uisdean RobertsonNORTH UIST & BENBECULACOUNCILLORIt’s a great initiative and I congratulate the three leaders.But as promised, there must be further dialogue with thecommunities. We must make sure that what ever proceedsfrom this doesn’t all come from the centre, and that it’sunderstood that in the Uists for example we have issuesspecific to our islands. Proper dialogue must be establishedwith the communities outside Stornoway.

Archie CampbellNORTH UIST & BENBECULACOUNCILLORIt was an enjoyable and interesting conference, but it’s onething to feel buoyed up by it and another to reflect back onwhat it might mean. The most important thing now is to getinformation back into the community about what theComhairle might be planning, what it means to worktogether and assume more power. The idea is a work inprogress at the moment, but as with any change, the peopleneed to have an understanding of what’s proposed, and Isee the community councils as the best way of feeding backinto the community.

Eoin MacNeilVOLUNTARY ACTION BARRA& VATERSAYIt was interesting to see the island authorities happy andwilling to work together. They all feel they have a lot ofpositives to work with in terms of natural resources inparticular. But I think it will be a long time before we seeanything definite come from this. It’s not clear what thenext stages are. It was almost like a conference to confirmthe idea.

If the Northern andWestern Isles are todraw together moreclosely in future, weneed to know moreabout each other, ourcommon issues and howwe deal with them.From next month Island News& Advertiser will bring OuterHebrides readers a digest ofnews from Orkney andShetland, courtesy of their localpress, to give a flavour of thelives of our northerlyneighbours.

NEWFEATUREThe Monthin the North


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Tha ar duilleag cunbhalach dà-chànanach Gàidhling ’s Beurla air a thoirt thugaibh le taic bho Bhòrd na GàidhligOur regular Gaelic-English page is brought to you with the assistance of Bòrd na Gàidhlig.

Ceum ùrann am Foillseachadh

Thàinig deichnear còmhla adeifir cheàrnaidhean - àUibhist, Steòrnabhagh, InbhirNis, Dùn Èideann agusGlaschu fhèin – gusmeòrachadh air cuspaireangràmair agus cànain, lecuideam sònraichte airleabhraichean Gàidhlig aguscuid dhe na ceistean-deasachaidh a tha nan cois.

Fhuaireadh stiùireadh sgileil bhon eòlaiche RuairidhMacIlleathain a tha stèidhichte ann an Inbhir Nis, agus adh’ullaich an cùrsa an co-bhonn le Comhairle nanLeabhraichean.

Mar phàirt dhen chùrsa ùr, thathar a’ comhradh le ùghdarstèidhichte. An triop seo, b’ e Maoilios Caimbeul às anEilean Sgitheanach a bh’ ann.

Tha Maoilios air cliù a chosnadh dha fhèin tro iomadachleabhar; eadar bàrdachd, ficsean, neo-fhicsean, stuthan -teagaisg agus leabhraichean - cloinne. Mhìnich e mar a bhafoillsichearan a’ deiligeadh ris a’ chuid sgrìobhaidh thairis airnam bliadhnachan - GAIRM, Coiscéim, Poylgon, NewNative Press, Diehard,Acair, Stòrlann agus CLÀR mareisimpleir – agus mar a bha iad uile an sàs ann le nadòighean aca fhèin. B’ e sealladh feumail dha-rireabh a bh’ann. Dhearbh Maoilios gu soilleir – an dà chuid trophuingean sònraichte agus le bhith ag innse naidheachdanbeaga eibhinn mu na leabhraichean aige - nach eileachdraidh deasachaidh na Gàidhlig, bho linn gu linn, idircho sìmplidh ’s a chanadh cuid.

Fhuaireadh beachdan làidir bhon fheadhainn a bh’ air a’chùrsa. Bha deasbad beòthail ann. Chòrd an cùrsa riutha.Tha Comhairle nan Leabhraichean an dòchas cùrsaicheanmar seo a chumail a h-uile bliadhna. Aig an dearbh àm, thasinn mothachail gu bheil grunn fheumalachdan eile aigluchd-deasachaidh. Chan e a-mhàin cùrsaichean goirid a thadhìth orra.

Ged a tha ar cànan a’ crìonadh, tha beagan dòchais annfhathast: tha sgrìobhadairean sgaiteach de gach seòrsa againnsan 21mh Linn. Neo, mar a chanadh Maoilios Caimbeulfhèin,“chan eil sinn buileach marbh fhathast”. Cho fad ’s atha feum air sgilean-deasachaidh, nì Comhairle nanLeabhraichean an dìcheall cothroman ùra mar seo a chur airdòigh.

John StoreyComhairle nan Leabhraichean

Ten budding and experienced Gaelic editors -from Uist, Stornoway, Inverness, Edinburgh andGlasgow itself – came together to examinelanguage and grammar, with a particular focuson Gaelic books and some of their associatededitorial issues.

Participants received a refresher in current (andprevious) orthographic practices from RoddyMacLean, based in Inverness, who developedthe course in conjunction with the Gaelic BooksCouncil.

A key component of the new course is asession with an established Gaelic author. Onthis occasion, Myles Campbell from Skye did thehonours. Myles has a reputation as a highlyrespected, published Gaelic author of poetry,non-fiction, fiction, language learning materialsand books for children. He explained howvarious Gaelic publishers - GAIRM, Coiscéim,Poylgon, New Native Press, Diehard, Acair,Stòrlann and CLÀR, for example – dealt with hismaterial over the years, and how they each hadtheir own particular editorial approach.

This was an invaluable perspective. Myles’testimony – by way of specific examples andamusing short anecdotes – demonstrated thatthe history of Gaelic editorial practice is acomplex one. Despite hearsay, no particularGaelic editorial ‘era’ outshines any other.

Participants provided strong opinions duringand after the course. There was plenty ofdebate. They enjoyed the three days. The GaelicBooks Council aims to offer this and othercourses on an annual basis. It is also recognisedthat Gaelic editors have differing needs. Shortcourses are just one way of developing skills.

Gaelic might be in a fragile state, but there isstill some hope: we have a range of vibrantGaelic authors in the 21st Century. Or, asMyles Campbell says in his poem ‘Buileach’,“We’re not quite dead yet.” As long as there isa demand for editorial skills, the Gaelic BooksCouncil will continue to encourage newdevelopment within the sector.

John Storey

GAELICPUBLISHINGADVANCEGaelic publishing took a step forwardrecently with the launch in Glasgow ofa new three day Gaelic editorial skillscourse.

Maoilios Caimbeul -Bàrd ‘s Sgrìobhadair.Myles Campbell -Poet and Writer

Deasaiche/Editor: Eairdsidh Caimbeul/Archie Campbell

Rinneadh adhartas beag a thaobhfoillseachadh na Gàidhlig o chionnghoirid ann an Glaschu, nuair achaidh cùrsa sgilean-deasachaidhtrì latha ùr a chumail.

Hello everyone!

My name is Rachel Rennie. I wasborn and brought up in Glasgowand after teacher training collegewent out to Italy to teach Englishfor a year. That was the plan anywaybut I’m still there 40 years on!

Rome is a hot place in summerand as temperatures start to risearound the end of May mythoughts turn to my great love –Scotland’s west coast – and I can’twait to escape to it.

As a child I spent many summerson Iona and the Inner Isles but itwasn’t until 1995 that I made myfirst trip to the Outer Isles - andthat’s when my love affair withNorth Uist began. The light, themeeting of clear or cloudy skywith calm or roaring sea is animage to hold in my mind’s eye tosustain me on the hottest ofRoman days.

But this year, on an August dayworthy of the hottest, clearest andsunniest the Mediterranean has tooffer, I fulfilled a lifetime ambitionand came ashore on St.Kilda: anunforgettable experience to sharewith my fellow travellers, myNorth Uist friends Anne & JamieQuarm and veteran Uist visitorDavid Hood. My thanks to thefriendly and truly professionalSeumas and John from Sea Harriswho ferried us safely there andback on their well-named vessel‘The Enchanted Isle’.

Anyway, I hope to be able towrite a piece in Gaelic withoutany help next year. I had a fewlessons with Archie Campbell andwho deserves a medal for sittingthrough my tortuous efforts toproduce the sounds of thisbeautiful language.

See you all next year I hope andmeantime, keep the peat firesburning!

A TRIPTO UISTby Rachel Rennie

‘S mise Raonaid Rennie.

Rugadh ‘s thogadh mi ann anGlaschu agus an dèidh dhomhtreanadh nam thidsear chaidh midhan Ròimh a theagasg Beurla airsonbliadhna mas fhìor.Ach bha sin bhochionn dà fhichead bliadhna air ais ‘stha mi ann fhathast?

‘S e àite teth a th’ anns an Ròimh as t-samhradh agus mar as blàithe a tha i a’ fàsaig deireadh a’ Cheitein ‘s ann a tha mosmuaintean a’ tionndadh gu àite air a bheilmeas mòr agam – taobh an iar Alba – ‘s thami a’ gabhail fadachd gus am faigh mi ann.

Nuair a bha mi beag chuir mi seachadiomadach samhradh air Eilean Ì ‘s na h-eileanan a-staigh ach bha e 1995 mus d’fhuair mi dhan na h-eileanan a-muigh –agus ‘s ann an uair sin a thuit mi ann angaol le Uibhist a Tuath. ‘S e na dathan ‘smar a tha an t-adhar ged a bhiodh e soilleirno sgòthach a’ tighinn ris a’ mhuir, ged abhiodh i socair no fiadhaich. Seo ìomhaigha shàsaicheas mi air an latha as teotha sanRòimh.

Ach am-bliadhna, air latha san Lùnastail,cho teth ‘s cho soilleir ri gin sa MhuirMheadhan-thìreach, rinn mi rudeigin achuir mi romham bho chionn fhada ‘schuir mi mo chasan air Hiort: rudeiginnach diochuimhnich mi, còmhla ri mocharaidean à Uibhist a Tuath Anna ‘s JamieQuarm ‘s Daibhidh Hood a th’air a bhith a’tighinn a dh’Uibhist iomadach bliadhna.Mo thaing do Seumas ‘s Seonaidh bho SeaHarris a bha an dà chuid càirdeil ‘sproifeiseanta ‘s a thug sinn ann ‘s air aisdhachaigh gu sàbhailte, ann am bàta le ainmgu math freagarrach ‘The Enchanted Isle’.

Co-dhiù, tha mi ‘n dòchas gun sgrìobh mipìos gun chuideachadh sam bith an ath-bhliadhna. Bha dhà no trì leasain Gàidhligagam le Eairdsidh Caimbeul a tha airidh airbonn airson a bhith foighidneach leam,‘smi a’ feuchainn ris a’ chànan eireachdail seoa bhruidhinn.

Chi mi sibh an ath-bhliadna,‘s cumaibhmòine air an teine.

Hello a h-uile duine!

Hiort mu Dheireadh Thall /St Kilda at Last

Air Turas aDh’Uibhist

12 islandnews & ADVERTISER - October 2013 Issue 19

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CroftingCrofting13October 2013 Issue 19 - islandnews & ADVERTISER

Chairman of the Judging Panel, RosMcInnes, Principal Solicitor at theBBC, considered Inksters to be thesingle most outstanding entrantacross all award fields, and awardedthe firm the Chairman’s Award.

The award comes in a year of majordevelopments and growth forInksters. The company has opened newoffices in Wick and Portree and theacquired a new much larger GlasgowHQ (currently undergoing a completerefurbishment and anticipated to beopen for business in November).

The award also recognises Inksters’ongoing commitment to CorporateSocial Responsibility such as the recentsponsorship of the Scottish Ensemble’smini residency to Shetland.

Inksters win top awardCrofting lawexperts InkstersSolicitors have wona top award at theLaw Awards ofScotland 2013.

Blackland research turnsreceived knowledge onits head

The Blackland Research Group,consisting of Barbra Harvie(Edinburgh University/Scotland’sRural College SRUC), KenDavies(SAC) and Oliver Knox(SRUC) was formed this summer tobegin research into the sustainableuse of seaweed as fertiliser, and tolook at and quantify variousaspects of blackland soil healthand how to make it moreproductive.

They are working with the BlacklandProject based at Kenary. The projectwas established by Mary Norton toseek ways to bring the wet, acidic soilof the east side of Uist back into thekind of productivity it yielded up to themiddle of the last century.

Researchers attending

the 4th Blacklands

Conference in

Grimsay, North Uist

last month said they

need to throw the

text books out of the

window after

surprising results from

informal crop trials on

a Grimsay croft.

Uist Wool Mill open dayUist Wool’s new building at Scotvein opened up to the

public and drew visitors from across the islands during

the Blacklands Conference.

Visitors were able to see close-up the array of

machinery installed over the past few months and

currently being commissioned for the production of

local yarns for weavers and crafters.

Dana MacPhee, project manager, gave guided tours of

the Mill and Wool Centre.

She said: “We were able to run The Scribbler for a few

minutes for the first time. It does the first stage in

carding the fleece, combing it in one direction.

“It was amazing to see it jump into life, and hearing

the gentle, soft rhythmic noise it makes. It was quite a


The machinery, from the evocatively named Fear

Naught which breaks down the fleece, to the Condenser

which cuts the fine web of wool into thin strips for

twisting into yarn is still being commissioned and is

expected to be up and running by the end of the year.

Uist Wool is in the process of appointing the

equivalent of four Mill Craft Engineers on placements.

Dana said: “These will be our pioneers, people going

to be there from the start of production. We want to

create a core team to pass on knowledge to more

people in future. More training opportunities will be

available next year.”

Dana MacPhee shows visitors round Uist Wool Mill.

Members of the Blackland Research Group talk at the Blacklands Conference.

Law Awards of Scotland 2013 - Chairman’s

Award Presentation.

A series of lazy beds which had beenout of production for 100 years weretreated with either nothing at all, rottedseaweed, fresh seaweed or a liquor

made from seaweed rotting in rainwaterin bathtubs, and planted with potatoes.

The beds were opened up during theconference, and it was found that rottedseaweed bed had the highest yield at

8kg of good-sized, disease-freepotatoes.

The control and liquor-treated bedsyielded next to nothing, and the bed

treated with freshseaweed yielded 1.5kg.

Oliver Knox said: “Wefound it exciting becausethe soil in the fresh androtted seaweed beds wasnutritionally much thesame in terms ofnitrogen and phosphorus,so the next step is tothrow the text books outof the window and findout what it is about therotted seaweed that is somuch more effective.

“A number of‘citizen scientists’ withblackland crofts in Uisthave emerged to help

and will be doing some more trials forus.

“In the mean time we will becarrying out soil samples to analyseand work out what the differences are.”

Opening up the lazybeds to look at the results of the potato trial.

The beds were opened up during

the conference and it was found that rotted

seaweed bed had the highest yield at 8kg of

good-sized, disease-free potatoes.



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14 islandnews & ADVERTISER - October 2013 Issue 19

I find that greylag goose has a

tendency to be rather dry – long,

slow cooking is my simple recipe

for success. Fresh dulse is my

umami – Uist’s secret ingredient.

Serves 3-4

What to find:� 2 greylag goose breasts 550g� 2 tbsps rapeseed oil � Medium onion, peeled and diced� Stick celery, washed and

roughly chopped� Large carrot peeled and

chopped� 20g dulse, washed and

chopped (large handful)� 200ml white wine� Approx 300ml water (to cover)

What to do:

Heat the oil in a heavy basedsaucepan and sauté the goosebreasts to seal the juices. Add the onion, celery, carrot anddulse. Sauté briefly and then addthe wine and water to cover thegoose breasts.Bring to the boil, cover and simmerfor 2.5 hours until the goose istender. (If necessary replenish withextra water during cooking, to ensurethat the liquid covers the goose.)Remove the cooked goose breastsand blend the cooking liquid in afood processor. Return the liquidto the pan and boil rapidly, toreduce and thicken.Slice the warm goose breasts andserve with the gravy.

Cook the goose breasts as aboveand serve with a warm plum andbramble sauce. This is a thick sauce,which can be thinned with thegoose cooking liquid, if desired.

Serves 4

What to find:� 20g butter� 550g peeled and sliced potatoes� Medium onion thinly sliced� 50g dulse washed and

finely chopped� Approx 300ml blitzed

goose stock (from recipe one but not reduced)

� 2 greylag goose breasts thinly sliced and chopped into bite sized pieces(see recipe one)

� Approx 300ml double cream

READY, STEADY, GOOSECookery writer

Fiona Bird

Greylag Goose BreastsSouth Uist Style

GreylagGoose withBrambleandPlumSauce

GreylagGooseand DulseHotpot

Freshly ground black pepper25g finely grated cheese

What to do:

Liberally grease a casserole dish(serves 4) with butter.Put half of the sliced potatoes intothe greased dish and then layer withthe sliced onions and chopped dulse.Pour in the goose stock and thenlayer with chopped goose. Add thedouble cream.Season with freshly ground pepperand cover with the remaining slicesof potato.Scatter the grated cheese over thepotatoes and bake in a low oven 160ºCGas3 for 1.5 hours until the potato istender. Increase the temperature to180ºC Gas4 for the final ten minutes ofcooking time to brown the potatoes(or do this under a grill).Do check that the oven isn’t too hot(if the cream splits, turn the heatdown) and occasionally use awooden spoon to push the potatodown as it cooks. If the casserolelooks too dry add some extra creamor milk and cream mix.

©Fiona Bird #seaweedFiona is the author of Kid’s Kitchen and TheForager’s Kitchen. She is currently writing abook on cooking with marine algae.

Meat from greylag geese shot as part of a

controlled programme to reduce their numbers

in Uist, could be on sale soon

Island News & Advertiser asked South Uist cookery writer Fiona Bird to devise some easy and delicious goose recipes for our readers.

The Uist Goose Group has applied

for permission to sell local greylag

goose as part of the SNH Adaptive

Management Pilot.

If successful, they hope to have the

permission in place by late October.

Marksmen and local retailers would be

able to apply for a licence to sell local

greylag geese shot as part of the Pilot.

Those who are interested in the sale ofgeese should contact Johanne Ferguson atSNH, tel. 01870 620238.

‘dulse is Uist’ssecret ingredient.’

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MusicMusic15October 2013 Issue 19 - islandnews & ADVERTISER

At the heart of the Community

Open Monday to Saturday, 8am to 6pm

Telephone: 01876 510257Bayhead, North Uist

● Wide selection ● Friendly service

● Local meat, fish, eggs and seasonal veg

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Songs, spice and students

Ceòl agus Curry is set to be a regularterm-time feature at Creagorry Music Hubin the Isle of Benbecula Hotel.

Music students on the HNC and BA coursesavailable through UHI Lews Castle College havenow taken up residence in the hotel, and will beperforming in public sessions each Wednesdaynight in term time.

A chef from the Isles Hotel Group will preparea meat and a vegetarian curry available at £8 perperson from 6.30 to 7.30pm.

At around 8pm, let the music begin - local andimported guest performers and students will playa two hour session in the lounge bar.

The sessions are free, but a bucket will be onhand for donations. The money will be used tohelp the students go to major events like CelticConnections, and “get away to do excitingthings,” said HNC lecturer Simon Bradley.

Mr Bradley said: “We want the students tohave as much experience as possible ofperforming. I’d love to see Creagorry Music Hubbecoming a regular place for the public to see thestudents playing with local and visiting talent.”

He added: “An added attraction for the publicis that Ulpàn Gaelic classes are available in thecollege between 5 and 6.30, then people can godown the road for curry and music.”

The function room in the hotel will be thelocation for bigger shows, starting with a concerton October 9 to celebrate the DiamondAnniversary of Lews Castle College. B.A.students will travel to Stornoway to take part in a60th anniversary concert in the Woodlands Centre.

A fusion of east and west promises to makeWednesday nights special in Benbecula.

Some of this year’s HNC students

Back row l-r: Paul Burgess, Roy Campbell, Gilbert Ferrol, JamesMacVicar, Angus MacInnes, course leader Simon BradleyFront row l-r: Mairi Buxton, Rachel Currie, Darcy Howat, FionaMcAndrew.

Diamond Anniversary Concert,Creagorry Music Hub

Wednesday October 9Curry: 6.30-7.30pm (£8 per person)

Concert in function hall: 8pm – 9:30pmSession in Lounge bar: 9:30pm onward

Local and imported guest

performers and students will play a two

hour session in the lounge bar.



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16 islandnews & ADVERTISER - October 2013 Issue 19

His bright yellowlibrary van is a familiarand reassuring sighton Uist roads.There goes Donald Ewen Morrison out onhis rounds visiting almost 200 avidreaders from Berneray to Eriskay, anddropping in on every local school.

Last month he became Mobile LibraryChampion of the Year 2013, an accoladefrom the Chartered Institute of Library andInformation Professionals (Cilip). It’s thefirst time the award has been made inScotland.

When Island News joined him on hisrounds, it was clear his customersthoroughly approved of the award.

Mary Campbell, 84, of Uskevagh,Benbecula summed it up when she said:

“His visits mean a lot. I like the way hedeals with me, he’s helpful and kind andhas a good personality. He’s a happy man.”

Born and brought up in Hougharry, NorthUist, Donald Ewen (56) spent some yearson the mainland before returning to work inJohnson’s Quarry, and as a delivery driverfor Carnan Stores and Locheport Stores.

He became Uist’s mobile librarian someten years ago, and in his quiet way admitsit’s the best job in the world.

Often rumbling up difficult tracks toisolated spots, Donald Ewen knows that a

huge part of his job is social. Gaelic is hismother tongue, as it is for so many of hiscustomers. They range in age from over 90to tiny tots, and it’s clear he has a strongbond with them all.

He knows who needs a hand up into thevan, and who needs help to choose a book.He knows who might need cheering up

Uist’s Donald Ewen is mobile librarian of the year

Donald Ewen with his award.

Donald Ewen with Mary Campbell.

Helping customers chose books is an enjoyable part

of Donald Ewen’s job.

with a bit of banter. He loves it whengrandchildren home on holiday rush to thevan to choose from the children’s section.

He knows which bump in the road willsend the books flying if he takes it too fast.

He’s learned expert reversing into awkwarddrives with no turning room.

He’s even done a First Aid course toensure that if ever he finds any of hiscustomers in difficulty, he can do his best.

The training came in handy when hefound one of his customers in South Uistprone at the back door having fallen andhurt her head.

Edna Walton said: “He phoned for anambulance, fetched blankets for me, andkept me talking until it arrived, after whichhe helped carry the stretcher, he rootedaround in the freezer for a bag of frozenpeas for me to hold to my head on the longjourney to the hospital. A few days later hevisited me in the hospital in his own time,to see how I was.

“I am sure he would do, and probably hasdone, as much and more for anybody.Where would we be without him?”Congratulations Donald Ewen!

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Isle of Lewis, HS1 2DU

Lachie was born in YellowPoint, Grimsay. The familywent to Heisgeir in 1945 andreturned to Grimsay in 1949.

Lachie says: “Be contentwith what you have, I wasalways quite happy with thehand I had been dealt with inlife. I grew up with music inthe house, my father wasmusical and we wereaccustomed to singing songs

North Uist’s roaring nineties

Sir E



sh M






Sir E



c Med






First Daysat School

17October 2013 Issue 19 - islandnews & ADVERTISER

P h e m i eMacdonaldlives in thesame house

into which she was born inCnoc an Torrain.

She says hard work andcontentment are the secretsof her long life.

Three North Uist residents turned 90 this year. IN&A congratulates Iain, Phemie and Lachie, and wishes them many more happy and healthy years to come.

Iain MacDonald, Cnoc An Torrain

Lachlan Morrison, Grimsay

Phemie Macdonald, Cnoc an Torrain

Iain was brought up in the same house in which he now lives with his wife Catriona.

He spent his working years busy on the croft and employed in public works.

His recipe for a long life is ‘plenty of outdoorwork and a healthy diet.’

Iain and Catriona are looking forward to

another important milestone next year - onDecember 24, 2014, they will have been marriedfor 60 years.

from an earlyage which Ithink addedto a sense ofhappiness. I didn’t suddenlyretire, I gradually worked lessand until eventually I stopped.

“I am in the fortunatesituation of being old andhaving a younger wife and sondoing their best for me in allsorts of ways.”

She has always kept busywith the croft, doinghousework and looking afterill people in the household.

"I recommend that peoplelook for the Lord's help inwhatever circumstances theyfind themselves," she adds.

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SportSport18 islandnews & ADVERTISER - October 2013 Issue 19

Help NUAAC athletes - votein the Community FundNorth Uist Amateur

Athletics Club (NUAAC)

has been shortlisted for

the chance to win £3,000

from the Bank of Scotland

Community Fund 2103.



Bank of Scotland award would make ahuge difference to the young athletes byhelping them attend and compete atnational events.

You can help by casting your vote onwww.bankofscotand.co.uk/communityfund between now and November 1, or bytext: VOTE LMTC to 82332.

Position Name Time

1 Neil MacPherson 43.31

2 Allan MacDonald 43.56

3 Gary Chu 44.22

4 John Jolly 44.57

5 Angus Campbell 46.10 (41.44)

6 Angus Ferguson 47.42

7 Iain MacKinnon 49.28

8 Craig Rose 49.42

9 Morag MacKinnon 50.06

10 Steven Scott 51.26

11 Kenna MacInnes 51.47

12 Duncan MacQuarrie 54.25

13 Christine MacQuarrie 54.25

14 Liz Dorrian 55.55

15 Archie Campbell 56.58

16 Helen Gibson 57.47

17 Lisa Gilmour 59.33

18 Ishbel Walker 1.01.38

19 Lo MacKinnon 1.02.49

20 Ella Railton 1.03.57

21 Helen Watson 1.04.02

22 Alec MacInnes 1.05.19

23 Mairead MacIntyre/Flora MacDonaldCatriona MacAulay 1.11.21

All it needs is for the public to vote for theclub, and NUAAC has a chance of beingone of 200 groups the fund will supportthis year.

NUAAC has been inspiring youngsters totake up all kinds of track and field eventsin Benbecula and North Uist over morethan two decades, and has always been verywell supported by the local community. The

Ceol Cholbhasa 2013: Local heroes,legends and ‘the next big thing.’Scott Weatherstone

From the tales and songs of Scottishlegend Jimmie MacGregor, now in hiseighth decade, to the beautiful Gaelicsongs of High School students, Mikaelaand Donald Carmichael, the five-dayevent offered the 150-strong audienceswholesome, cross-generational musicalnutrition to see them through the wintermonths.

There was significant local input to thefestival, with no fewer that twelve islanderstaking to the stage during variousperformances. The highlight, in this respect,was the concert given by the General Storeshopkeeper Keir Johnston, fronting “KJ AndThe Moonshine Band”; their performance wasin most visitors’ Top Three.

The whole affair was kicked off by theTannahill Weavers, with Tattie Jam, CorranRaa, the Glenfinnan Ceilidh Band and MaeveMacKinnon keeping up the pace until the stars

of the show, German/Irish/Scottish band Cara,provided the climax to the week. Lead singer,fiddler and accordionist Gudrun Walter, wasthe beating pulse of the band, with music,smiles and energy flowing from her. This wasthe band’s first-ever performance on Scottishsoil, indeed they interrupted their CentralEuropean Tour to visit Colonsay, for which allwho attended will be eternally grateful. Manywho saw them felt that they were bound forinternational success.

When the dust had settled, Donald MacNeillreflected: “Audience and performer feedbackwas very positive. It was particularly good tosee the growing confidence of localperformers”.

He revealed that next year’s Festival wouldlikely take place over four days, rather thanfive, and that next year’s performers may wellinclude Canadian singer/songwriter DavidFrancey and, it is hoped, Kathleen MacInnes.

Over five days in September, Colonsay men Keith Johnstonand Donald MacNeill, supported by up to thirty localvolunteers, delivered yet another excellent annual folkfestival, Ceol Cholbhasa.

Coll foragersprepare anisland feastGeorge MacConnachie

The locals on Coll certainly know howkeep themselves well fed, as shown bythe recent LoColl Cookery Course heldat Coll Bunkhouse.

From seaweed and sushi to lobster andlamb, the event showcased the best of localproduce, culminating in a food feast at AnCridhe for a gathering of hungry diners.

Chef and food writer ChristopherTrotter travelled from his home in Fife toprovide three days of cookery andforaging classes, making the most ofwhat could be sourced from the localcommunity. This included crab, lobster,lamb, goose and a selection of fruit andvegetables as well as foraged foods suchas bog myrtle, seaweed, meadowsweetand carrageen.

Sponsored by Grishipol Farm, the eventincluded master-classes on preparation andcooking techniques for seafood, game andlamb. Such was the success of this year’spilot that plans are already underway torun it again next year. SeonaidMacLean-Bristol of Grishipol Farm spokeenthusiastically about the experience:

“There’s such a great abundance of freshingredients right on our doorstep and it’sgreat to team up with a chef such asChristopher Trotter to help make the mostof our natural larder. It’s a real test for himtoo as you never know what you’ll findwhen you go and forage, or what might bein supply from local producers.”

Whether it’s partan bree, mackerelgravalax or wild goose confit that you’dlike to master, keep a place in your diaryfor the Isle of Coll in September 2014!

The Bank of Scotland awardwould make a huge difference to the young athletes by helping them attend andcompete at national events.‘‘ ‘‘

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19October 2013 Issue 19 - islandnews & ADVERTISER


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Criochan, Brevig, Skallary, Leanish,

Earsary, Bolnabodach, Bruernish, Northbay,

Ardveenish, Ardmhor, Airport, Eoligarry,

Northbay Inn, Grean, Cleat, Cuithir, Allasdale

Glen, Garrygall, Ledaig, Castlebay Shops, Hotels,

Hospital, Castlebay School, Horve, Kentangaval,

Nask, Vatersay, Heatherhill, Tangasdale, Borve,


Glen, Garrygall, Ledaig,

Castlebay Shops, Hotels, Hospital,

Castlebay School, Horve, Kentangaval, Nask


8 Oct, 22 Oct

Residual Collection


10 Oct, 24 Oct

Residual Collection


14 Oct, Paper/card

28 Oct, Blue Bin


15 Oct, Paper/card

1 Oct, 29 Oct,

Blue Bin


3 Oct, 17 Oct, 31 Oct

Residual Collection

Barra Refuse Collection - October 2013 UISTOCTOBER

Monday Oct 7 Blue Bin Oct 21 Paper/CardEast Gerinish, Rhughasinish, Lochcarnan, Iochdar, Ardnamonie,

Ardivacher, Ardmore, Creagorry, Liniclate & Liniclate School, Torlum,

Hacklet, Uiskevagh, Petersport,WestCamp, Balivanich, Locheport,

Berneray, ClachanSands, Vallique, Lochportain, Cheesebay, Lochmaddy,

Minish, Blashaval, Uachdar, Dunganichy.

Tuesdays Oct 8, 22 ResidualSmerclate, Garrynamonie, South Lochboisdale, South Boisdale, North

Boisdale, Daliburgh Commercials and Daliburgh West of, Kilphedar,

Strome, Eriskay, Glendale, Kilbride, Rangehead, Hacklet Eastwards,

Uiskevagh, Petersport,WestCamp, Balivanich/Aird, Creagorry

Commercials, Liniclate Commercials, Liniclate Muir, Uachdar, Dunganichy.

Wednesday Oct 9 Paper/Card Oct 23 Blue BinStoneybridge, Locheynort, Dalibrugh, Lochboisdale, Garryhellie,

Askernish, Milton, Kildonan, Bornish, Howmore, Howbeg, Drimsdale,

Stilligarry, Drimore, Gernish, Rangehead, Liniclate Commercials,

Balivanich Commercials.

Thursdays Oct 10, 24 ResidualClachan, Claddach District, Bayhead, Knockintorran, Balemore, Kyles Paible,

Paible, Sollas, Hosta, Tigharry, Grenitote, Ahmore, Balranald,

Langass Lodge, Hougharry, Middlequarter, Lochmaddy Commercials,

Clachan-na-luib, Carinish, Baleshare, Claddach Carinish, Grimsay, Island

Flodda, Gramsdale, Griminish, Nonton, Aird, Muir of Aird.

Mondays Oct 28 Blue Bin Oct 14 Paper/CardClachan, Claddach District, Bayhead, Knockintorran, Balemore, Kyles Paible,

Paible, Balranald, Tigharry, Lochmaddy Commercials, Hougharry,

Hosta, Sollas, Middlequarter, Grenitote, Langass Lodge, Clachan-na-luib,

Carinish, Baleshare, Claddach Carinish, Grimsay, Island Flodda, Nunton,

Aird, Muir of Aird, Gramsdale, Griminish.

Tuesdays Oct 1, 15, 29 ResidualStoneybridge, Locheynort, Daliburgh, Lochboisdale, Garryhellie, Askernish,

Milton, Kildonan, Bornish, Howmore, Drimsdale, Stilligarry, Howbeg,

Drimore, Gernish, Rangehead, East Gernish, Rhughasinish, Lochcarnan,

Iochdar, Ardnamonie, Ardivacher, Ardmor, Creagorry, Liniclate, Liniclate

School, Torlum.

Wednesdays Oct 2, 30 Blue Bin Oct 16 Paper/Card Eriskay, Glendale, Kilbride, Smerclate, Garrynamonie, South Lochboisdale,

Daliburgh Commercials, Daliburgh- West of Borrodale Hotel, South

Boisdale, North Boisdale, Kilphedar, Strome, Rangehead, DI, IOBHH.

Thursdays Oct 3,17, 31 ResidualLocheport, Berneray, ClachanSands, Vallique, Lochportain, Cheesebay,

Blashaval, Minish, Lochmaddy Commercials, Bayhead, Paible, Claddach,

Clachan, Carinish, Balivanich.

Business Services

The Western IslesOccupational Health,

Safety and Business SupportConsultancy.

Sandwick Management


Call Donald on 07788 963497


[email protected]

Cycle Shop

Cycle hire, sales, repairs.Rothan Cycles

Tel: 01870 620283

[email protected]


Building and RoofingContractors

New builds, Renovations,Roof specialists.Archie Beaton

Tel: 01871 890 374

Mob: 07788 263 080

All types of decorationundertaken.

Ally MacKenzie

Tel: 01870 602725

Mob: 07723013884


Prompt Reliable ServiceSketch’s Taxis

Tel: 01870 603427

Mob: 07909 637161


Opportunities for LearningCothrom Ltd

Tel: 01878 700910


TV, Satellite & Broadband

Satellite BroadbandTV Aerial and Satellite DishCall Charles: 01876 580372

or 07748 081871

Window cleaner

Window cleaner/odd jobsBerneray,North Uist,Benbecula

Call Colin 01876 540252


Skinners Decor

Painting & DecoratingDIY Shop

Howden’s KitchensTel: 01870 602423


Isle of Barra local taxiTel: 01871 810012

Mobile: 07974 071255

Graphic Designers

Hebridean Graphics

t: 01876 500469 / 07836 640524


Sign Makers

Signage - Vehicle livery - LabelsDesign - Manufacture - Install

Hebridean Graphics

t: 01876 500469 / 07836 640524


Insurance Services

Are you paying over the oddsfor your insurance?

Let us offer you a great dealon your personal

and business insurance.Call us now

for a no obligation quotationTel: 01870 60 22 22


[email protected]

Macleod Insurance Services

Pregnancy Crisis

Free confidential counsellingW.I.Pregnancy Crisis Support

Text or phone: 07901966101

Email: westernisles@


Painter and Decorator

Digger & Tractor Hire,Landscaping, Access Roads,Agricultural Sheds, Building

Sand, Gravel, ConcretingJohn Allan MacLellan

Tel: 01876 510304

Mob: 07786 430989

Agricultural Contractor& Plant Hire


Island GrasscuttingN. Uist - Berneray - Grimsay

Call Tom: 0794 7910562

Sewing Services

Dressmaking, AlterationsUpholstery, Digital Embroidery

The Sewing Studio

Tel: 07767 838823


Quick Cab Taxis

Country & Airport RunsTel: 01851 701234

Harris Taxis

Tel: 07500 450 387


2-bed s/c cottageLaxdale area, on bus route

Free wifi.Tel: 01851 705771


Sandra’s LaundryHours 1-5pm All Year Round

Uist Bunkhouse

Mobile: 07810 408493


Airport, ferry, school runsStaff runs & small contracts

24/7 serviceMenzies Private Hire

Tel: 07833 357241


Clothing, WorkwearCanvas, Photo Restoration

Balloons & BannersCustom Prints

01870 602515

Photographic Printing

& Graphic Design

Groceries, Gifts, SnacksSummer evening meals

Ardmaree Stores

The Lobster Pot, Berneray

Tel: 01876 540288

Licensed Tearoom

and Shop


An Taigh Fiodh, GrimsayLuxurious self-catering


Call Heather 01870 602943

Vegetables & Flowers


Anneke thanks all hercustomers for their support

this seasonTel: 07746 117762

MSP Western Isles

Alasdair Allan MSP SNP

31 Bayhead, Stornoway, Lewis.E: alasdair.allan.msp

@scottish.parliament.ukT:01870 602287

(Uist & Barra)

01851 702272

(Lewis & Harris)

Have 4 linesin the

directoryfor as little as


Available for Hire15 to 57 Seater Buses

6M Luton Vans.HEBCO

Howmore, Isle of South UistTel: 01870 620 345

Mob: 07900 806 638

Car CommercialsPlant & Marine Repairs

Grass cutting/smallplant repairs

David’s Garden MachineryGrass cutting, small plant

repairs, hirestel: 01870 603833

mob: 07880 [email protected]


Shear DesignUnisex salon

Bayhead, North Uist

Call Joanne 07825 741436

Western IslesCitizens Advice Service

Money Advice 01870 603807 and 01851 700088

Barra01871 810608Uist01870 602421Harris01859 502431Lewis01851 705727

Page 24: 24 full set layout 1

Island News & Advertiser is published by Island News & Advertiser Ltd, Room 7, East Camp, Balivanich, Isle of Benbecula, HS7 5LA Printed by Cumbrian Newsprint, Newspaper House, Dalston Road, Carlisle CA2 5UA












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