2215 Update Report

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  • 7/23/2019 2215 Update Report




    Anubandh Srivastava

    Ravi T!a Durbha

  • 7/23/2019 2215 Update Report



    ) ar d*&y indbtd t$ EchoVMe and T.A. Pai management Institute

    +$r *r$vidin' this 'rat $**$rtunity t$ %$r# $n th *r$!"t, )hatvr %hav &arnt durin' th "&ass r$$( sssi$ns in th institut hav bn

    a**&id, S$( $+ th %$r# % hav d$n had its r&van" t$ th (ar#tin'

    "$n"*ts -*&aind in th (ar#tin' "&asss. and %$u&d b us+u& in th

    +utur as %&&, Ths t%$ ($nths hav bn vry nri"hin' and % ar sur

    % %$u&d us th( t$ -*and $ur h$ri/$ns in th +utur,

    ) a&s$ %$u&d &i# t$ than# Ms. Amrutha Kuber. 'rat+u& S$"ia& Mdia

    Ta( &ad. Mr. Sorav Jain. Thin#r0in0Chi+. E"h$1ME +$r 'ivin' us th

    $**$rtunity t$ %$r# in this *r$!"t, Thir "$nstant intra"ti$n %ith us havbn n$thin' sh$rt $+ *hn$(na&, Thy hav ta#n ti( $ut +$r( hir busy

    s"hdu& t$ h&* us 2'ur $ut th nuan"s $+ di'ita& (ar#tin' and h&*in'

    us $ut i+ % n"$untrd a *r$b&(,

    ) ar a&s$ t$ $ur "$&&a'us Ms. Ruchika Jain. Ms. Payal at!ani. $ur

    "$0intrns Mr, Navn L. Mr, Shrira( N. Ms A*arna Rathi. Ms, Aish%arya 3ain

    +$r thir h&* and in*uts,

    ) ar a&s$ 'rat+u& t$ Pr$+, Ra'unath Rudran. Pr$+, Sridhar T&dvara and th

    MIP ta( +$r thir "$ntinu h&* and su**$rt in $rdr t$ (a# this intrnshi*

    a (($rab& and nri"hin' -*rin",

    Last but "rtain&y n$t th &ast. % ar trna&&y 'rat+u& t$ $ur *arnts.

    +rinds and +a(i&y +$r thir "$nstant n"$ura'(nt and su**$rt in $rdr t$

    *ursu $ur '$a&s,

    Than# y$u

    Anubandh Sriastava

    Ravi T!a Durbha

  • 7/23/2019 2215 Update Report



    Doctors were asked to fill the survey and answer the questions that enquire about their activeness

    on social media. It was a type of exploratory research that aimed at how doctors use social media

    and how they realize its presence in their day-to-day activities.


    With the advent of technology the world has come a long way for us. !ne of the ma"or

    precursors of this change has been the internet. #t the turn of the millennium when some people

    were thinking $that%s it& we cannot go further' world wide web is the coolest thing we can

    achieve$ the internet was undergoing a ma"or change. (he search engines were getting

    overhauled with the introduction of new ways of communication and names like !rkut and

    )y*pace were becoming common.

    +ut time tide and software coders wait for none. #nd soon the developers came up with ideas to

    further enrich our social media experience in the form of ,acebook outube inkedIn and

    (witter. /oogle0 Instagram and 1interest have further added spice to the potpourri and social

    media has become an essential part of our personal and professional life and our daily endeavors.

    When so much has changed around us and we are using social media for every and anything in

    our life we thought why not sneak in to the life of doctors 2with their permission of course3 and

    see how they use social media for their daily activities.

    #s a part of our research methodology we conducted a survey with a sample size of 456 doctors

    and studied about their awareness and usage of social media for their personal and professionalinteractions. We categorized these doctors on the basis of age gender years of experience type

    of work they are in blogging habits and their experience so far with the social networking


    # ma"or finding during the pro"ect was that out of the total responses 4667 of people were

    aware about social media websites. !ut of which 897 had their accounts on social media which

    is very encouraging.

    9:7 of survey takers were females. We found that 8;7 of females used social media to connect

    with family and friends while

  • 7/23/2019 2215 Update Report


    group to which she or he belongs the gender the number of years of experience the type of

    work they do and if they are aware about the social media or not.

    Figure 1: Age group of Doctors

    Figure 2: Gender distribution of Doctors

    Figure 3: Experience levels of Doctors

  • 7/23/2019 2215 Update Report


    Figure 4: The wor t!pe of Doctors

    !are"ess a#out so$ial %e&ia:(his is perhaps the most surprising data that we got. 4667 yes&

    4667 of people were aware about social media. ?ven though >7 did not have account but they

    had heard about ,acebook (witter inkedIn etc.

    Figure ": #oci$l %edi$ $w$reness levels

    Meeti"' the ri'ht ki"&

    During our survey we mainly tried to approach people who were online had email ids etc. #s a

    result we found almost everyone who was aware of the social media. (here were very few

    people who did not have an account on any of the social networking websites.

    *o as per the data 8:7 of people had accounts on at least one of the social media websites.(here were only =7 people who even though aware did not have an account.

  • 7/23/2019 2215 Update Report


    Figure &: The us$ge of soci$l %edi$ ch$nnels

    We divided the survey into two parts. (he ,irst part that dealt with doctors who are present on

    social media is as follows@

    (art I: Do$tors !ho use so$ial %e&ia

    Why should we use social mediaA What purpose does it solveA *ocial media has more often been

    perceived as a %"ust-for-fun% interface. +ut the smarty pants of the hyperspace found new and I

    would say the apt ways for using the virtual podium. (hey used it for personal branding they

    used it for promoting their brands and business ideas they used it to differentiate themselves or

    their products from the rest and they used it to generate thought leadership in their respective

    areas of interest. Bow the question arises how doctors use social mediaA !n the basis of oursurvey we found the following percentages.

  • 7/23/2019 2215 Update Report


    Figure ': (s$ge p$tterns of soci$l %edi$

    It is also always important to quantify the parameters. We thus attempted to find out how much

    time do doctors spend for the reasons mentioned above. We learnt that around 567 of doctors

    present on social media used it for a duration of half an hour to an hour. While the doctors in the

    second category i.e. 4 to 9 hours were 997 which is pretty decent. Cad the media been used

    more for professional purposes more number of doctors would have belonged to the 9 hours


    Figure ): Ti%e spent b! doctors on soci$l %edi$

  • 7/23/2019 2215 Update Report


    We further improvised on the last question to understand how much social media as an aid has

    helped them. It was encouraging to see that

  • 7/23/2019 2215 Update Report


    Figure 11: Twitter us$ge p$tterns of doctors

    Figure 12: ,ined-n us$ge p$tterns of doctors

    Figure 13: Google plus us$ge p$tterns of doctors

  • 7/23/2019 2215 Update Report


    Figure 14: .outube us$ge p$tterns of doctors

    Figure 1": #lidesh$re us$ge p$tterns of doctors

    #mongst all the platforms this tool has >:7 of day-to-day users. (he strongest one in social

    media which has redefined the way we communicated in our circle. It%s Whats #pp&

  • 7/23/2019 2215 Update Report


    Figure 1&: /h$ts$pp us$ge p$tterns of doctors

    !ne of the most important questions on this survey is how many doctors interact with their

    patients on social media. (his question is probably the epicenter of this research as it defines the

    scope of social media for the people in the medical profession. (he data shows how a ma"or

    chunk of doctors don%t interact with their patients online.

    Figure 1': 0o%%unic$tion with p$tients

    Co"te"t o" so$ial %e&ia:

    Internet has often been criticized for being an open platform where any amateur can upload

    misleading content about something and claim to be the pundit of that field. If a person is not

    aware about this dubious characteristic of the cyberspace he could very easily become a victim

    to it- we called it the cybernoise. Cowever there are ways with which we can improve the

  • 7/23/2019 2215 Update Report


    content quality make the data more authentic and guide people in the right direction towards the

    correct information.

    #s a part of our study we tried to count the number of doctors who came across patients that

    read some misguiding material about healthcare on the internet or who were misguided about

    their own health condition due to some flawed content present online. (he stats are interesting.

    Figure 1): resence of %isguiding posts

    Figure 1*: $tients co%ing $cross %isguiding content

    Co"te"t i%prove%e"t:

    *lo's:#t first it was called %weblog% but after it gained popularity some people rephrased it as

    %we blog%. +logging is one of the most important tools of the digital world. +logs don%t have an

  • 7/23/2019 2215 Update Report


    expiry date. (hey stay there on the search engine and educate people even if they were written a

    long time ago. We therefore included questions about blogging in our survey and we have the

    following results@-



    "octors !ho blog



    Figure 2+: logging p$tterns of doctors

    Figure 21: Freuenc! of blogging b! doctors

    O"li"e +oru%s:(his is another way to participate in the online activities' you become a member

    of the online forum related to your interest and take part in the discussions there or enlighten thenon-professionals on several issues. (hese forums increase the credibility of the internet as the

    information floated or issues discussed here are by experts. )ore active participation by doctors

    here means more quality content online.

  • 7/23/2019 2215 Update Report




    Member o# club$#orum



    Figure 22: e%bership in $ he$lth club

    (atie"ts i"tera$ti"' !ith the o"li"e $o"te"t a"& its i%pa$t: ooks like the patients have

    become smarter these days and more cautious about their health. 8:7 doctors had come across

    patients who did a background check about their health problem before coming to them. (his

    could also be an indicator of how fruitful a doctor%s presence on online forums could turn out to

    be for the lay persons present there.

    Figure 23: Aw$reness levels of p$tients

    When we asked doctors about what was the impact of this check there were mixed responses.

  • 7/23/2019 2215 Update Report


    Figure 24: 5utco%e of b$cground checs

    Use of ,hats pp for $o%%u"i$atio" !ith patie"ts @ #bove we have mentioned that >:7 of

    doctors used Whats #pp frequently on a day-to-day basis. !n reply to how many doctors use it to

    communicate with patients we only found 957 of them practicing so which infers that =57 use

    Whats #pp only for their personal purposes like connecting with family friends etc.

    Figure 2": /h$ts$pp co%%unic$tion p$tterns

    ,hat &o$tors uploa& o" so$ial %e&ia: With cyberspace we have 2or should have3 a symbiotic

    relationship. We consult the internet for %n% number of things and those things ultimately come

    from us. Doctors are undoubtedly one of the most important resource to enrich the content

    present here. (he enrichment could be in the form of tips home remedies current updates about

  • 7/23/2019 2215 Update Report


    drugs summary of important health conventions that happen across the world or it could be

    their research work that they have worked upon in the past. We therefore attempted to find out

    what are the things that doctors update most on the digital medium. We noted that nearly :67 of

    doctors use social media for their personal reasons only and don%t post any medical information

    as such.

    Figure 2&: T!pes of upd$tes b! doctors

    Figure 2': resence of rese$rch wor on soci$l %edi$

    The Cli%a)- !hat &o$tors thi"k a#out so$ial %e&ia.s role i" our life: #n overwhelming 8;7

    of doctors believe that social media is a great tool to communicate with friends and colleagues.

  • 7/23/2019 2215 Update Report


    Bow this is very uplifting. Cowever a large population also feel that their patients are getting

    addicted to it.

    Figure 2): Doctor6s perception of p$tient6s soci$l %edi$ $ctivites

    Figure 2*: Doctor6s perception of soci$l %edi$ $ddiction

    (art II: ,hy &o$tors &o".t use so$ial %e&ia/

    We wanted to know why some doctors stay away from social media. We found that around 867

    of them believe that social media is not at all a waste of time. (he question is why are they then

    not riding on the superhighwayA

  • 7/23/2019 2215 Update Report


    Figure 3+: Doctors who feel soci$l %edi$ $s $ w$ste of ti%e


    Not e&u$ate& to use so$ial %e&ia:(wo-third of the doctors who don%t use social media are

    actually not educated enough to use it.

    Figure 31: Aw$reness levels of p$tients to use soci$l %edi$

    1o$ial%e&ia "ot i%porta"t ri'ht "o!: *ome doctors feel that they don%t need social media

    at present. (here is however a 56-56 division amongst the two sides- those who consider it%s

    importance and those who don%t.

  • 7/23/2019 2215 Update Report


    Figure 32: erception of doctors on how i%port$nt $ tool is soci$l %edi$

    They e"$ou"tere& people !ho !ere %is'ui&e& #y so$ial %e&ia a#out their health

    $o"&itio": (his was another most striking feature of this survey.

    Figure 33: rev$lence of f$lse content

    (atie"ts ru""i"' #a$k'rou"& $he$ks of their pro#le%s o" the !e#2 #efore $o"sulti"':

    )a"ority of doctors met patients who did a background check of their problem on the internet

    before consulting them. *ome of the doctors felt that such a background check misguided the

    patients and increased the stress.

  • 7/23/2019 2215 Update Report


    Figure 34: re7consulting b$cground checs

    Figure 3": 5utco%es of the b$cground checs

    +uture prospe$ts of so$ial %e&ia

    >47 doctors said that they will use social media in future. #ll of them believed that it is

    changing the behavior of youths and its addictive. (his shows that all of them consider that social

    media is an influential tool and can make a strong impact on the people especially youngsters if

    used wisely.

  • 7/23/2019 2215 Update Report


    Figure 3&: Future prospects of soci$l %edi$

    Figure 3': eh$vior$l ch$nge due to soci$l %edi$ in the future

    Figure 3): 0h$nces of soci$l %edi$ beco%ing $n $ddiction

    Ma3or i"fere"$es:

    (hese are some of the ma"or inferences that we have drawn by analyzing the survey data-

  • 7/23/2019 2215 Update Report


    4. 1o$ial %e&ia helpe& a lot-prese"$e o" so$ial %e&ia: We observed that most of the

    people who said that social media has helped them a lot were a day-to-day user of

    ,acebook (witter outube and Whats #pp. #wareness about inkedIn was

    comparatively less as compared to the other four channels. #lso most of them were a

    part of some online forum or club. Baturally 4667 of them endorsed social media as a

    great tool to communicate and keep in touch with your friends and colleagues.

    Figure 3*: resence of doctors on soci$l %edi$

    ;. !ut of all the social media channels mentioned in the survey ,acebook is most popular

    among people with 87 of day-to-day users.

  • 7/23/2019 2215 Update Report


    #nd finally Whats #pp which is a mobile app and stands out of the league of all the

    other website has an enormous user base of >87 people who use it on a frequent basis.

    Figure 4+: Activit! of doctors $cross soci$l %edi$


    The 'e"&er $o%pariso": ,emale doctors used social media more for their personal purposes

    than their male counterparts. (hough on an average they spent less time on it- the difference inthe average time between males and females was more than 45 minutes. Cowever they were

    more active in updating academic content and "oining online forums.

    1o$ial Me&ia use: Ghannels which were most actively used by doctors were ,acebook and

    Whats #pp followed by outube (witter and inkedIn. (he usage of ,acebook and Whats #pp

    was almost double to that of (witter. We recommend that doctors should become more active on

    inkedIn. inkedIn one of the most professional channels on the cyberspace is highly used in

    other countries for sharing professional work talent acquisition H recruitment and building a

    strong professional network.

    (urpose of 1o$ial Me&ia: (he main purpose which social media serves for the doctors could be

    divided into two parts interaction with patients and interaction among doctors. +oth these

    parameters have global significance.

    Do$tor-patie"t i"tera$tio":When people across the globe look for a place to get medical

    treatment they research on the web to find out the medical facilities. best suitable for their needs.

    (hey will only be aware of medical facilities in India once there is sufficient and validated

    content on the internet. inkedIn can perform as an important tool in this regards. It is a very

  • 7/23/2019 2215 Update Report


    strong interface to develop thought leadership and have professional interactions and debates.

    When patients from abroad will surf the net inkedIn would become one of the strongest

    channels to illustrate the current medical scenario in India.

    $a&e%i$ i"tera$tio":Bot only connecting with patients but social media play an important

    role in developing thought leadership and becoming the host to medical debates and discussion

    amongst the doctors professors and people of high academics.

    1o$ial Me&ia 4 %islea&i"' $o"te"t: 8:7 of the doctors said that they found patients who did

    background check of their problems before consulting them. #nd nearly two-third of the total

    doctors met patients who were misguided by the information given on the net about healthcare

    and about their own health issues. *till =67 of doctors don%t share their research work or their

    successful cases online. (here are only ;87 doctors who use inkedIn frequently. (hings are

    even worse for *lideshare where only 57 of doctors use it on a daily basis. *lideshare is one of

    those websites that have the potential to change the way people are educated in India. It can be

    extremely helpful in sharing information in the form of videos 1owerpoint presentations and

    1dfs. It can make available the most innovate pedagogies used around the world to commonman%s desk.

    % E&E'(TIVES(MMAR)

    E"h$1ME. a di'ita& (ar#tin' srvi"s "$(*any s*"ia&i/s in th 2&d $+

    Di'ita& (ar#tin', It s*"ia&&y has un(at"hd -*rtis in th 2&d $+ s$"ia&

    (dia (ar#tin',

    Ra& stat has a&%ays bn an ni'(a, Th industry %hi"h r;uirs

    "$nstant intra"ti$n %ith "&ints is n$t a"tiv $n s$"ia& (dia, Th (ain

    $b!"tiv $+ this *r$!"t %as t$ ana&y/ th a"tivity and *rsn" $+ ra&

    stat "$(*anis in th s$"ia& (dia *&at+$r(s,

    In $rdr t$ a"hiv $ur tar'ts. th +$&&$%in' *r$"dur %as +$&&$%d,

    , Listin' $ut th Ra& stat *&ayrs $+ India and arran'in' th( $n th

    basis $+ thir (ar#t "a*ita&i/ati$n,

  • 7/23/2019 2215 Update Report




    >, Ana&y/in' thir s$"ia& (dia a"tivity basd $n vari$us *ara(tr su"h

    as rs*$nss. *$sts. t%ts. vi%s. +$&&$%rs t",5, A "$(*arativ ana&ysis %as d$n and ra& stat "$(*anis %r

    ran#d $n th basis $+ thir a"tivity,

    * MET+,",-,)

    Th ra& stat "$(*anis %r 2rst ana&y/d $n thir %bsit a"tivity,

    And thn thy %r ana&y/d $n th basis $+ thir s$"ia& (dia a"tivity,

    Th +$&&$%in' *&at+$r(s %r ana&y/d,








  • 7/23/2019 2215 Update Report


    =irst. &ts ana&yss th *rsn" $+ Ra& stat "$(*anis $n vari$us s$"ia&

    (dia nt%$r#s, AS disusd ab$v. @ *ara(trs %r d2nd and th

    "$(*anis a"tivitis %r (asurd,

    Figure 41: Activ$tes of re$l est$te co%p$nies in soci$l %edi$

    As th s$"ia& (dia "hann&s ar d2nd. a"h $+ th +$&&$%in' is $bsrvd

    /acebook=a"b$$# is $n $+ th ($st %ids*rad $+ th s$"ia& (dia *&at+$r(s,

    )ith ,49 bi&&i$n usrs. =a"b$$# is th *r+"t *&at+$r( t$ a**r$a"hany *r$s*"tiv "ust$(r, Thr+$r. it is -*"td that ($st $+ th

    "$(*anis %$u&d hav =a"b$$# a""$unts. and indd thy hav, )ith

    @56 $+ th "$(*anis havin' a =a"b$$# *rsn". it is "&ar that th

    "$(*anis a"#n$%&d' th i(*$rtan" $+ =a"b$$# in thir

    *r$($ti$na& "a(*ai'ns,

  • 7/23/2019 2215 Update Report



  • 7/23/2019 2215 Update Report


    S OB A Ta ta $ us in' Ra h !a D v &$ * r s Id a & G r$ u* i r a na nda n i




    71558 32465

    #acebook likes

    Figure 43: Top " co%p$nies r$ned $ccording to F$ceboo lies

    9umber o# 0osts 0er !eekNu(br $+ *$sts *r %# indi"at th a"tivnss $+ a"h

    "$(*any $n =a"b$$#, avin' an a"tiv *rsn" %$u&d rsu&t in

    ($r "$nvrsi$n $+ "ust$(rs, A&s$ a ;ui"# rs*$ns t$ any

    "$(*&aints %$u&d in"ras th '$$d%i&& $+ th "$(*any a($n'

    th *$*&, r t$$ % s a drasti" dirn" bt%n th

    "$(*anis %ith s$( *r+$r(in' -"*ti$na&&y and s$(

    *r+$r(in' bad&y, r Sobha rou0and S0a:e stand $ut %ith

    > *$sts *r %# %ith th avra' bin' 1.3 *$sts *r %#,

  • 7/23/2019 2215 Update Report


    Figure 44: Top " co%p$nies r$ned $ccording to F$ceboo posts per wee

    'am0aigns an; 'ontests

    C$ndu"tin' "a(*ai'ns and "$ntst %$u&d h&* rtain th intrst

    $+ th "$nsu(rs and a&s$ in"ras th brand *rsn" $+ th

    "$(*any, $%vr. $n&y a +% "$(*anis ar *rsnt&y

    "$ndu"tin' "$ntsts, In +a"t. $n&y 46 $+ th t$* 7 "$(*anis

    "$ndu"t "a(*ai'ns and "$ntsts,

    Figure 4": 0$%p$igns conducted b! co%p$nies

  • 7/23/2019 2215 Update Report


    Re0lies to 0osts an; comments

    R*&yin' t$ *$sts and "$((nts $n th %a&& is an i(*$rtant *art

    $+ intra"tin' %ith th "ust$(rs, $%vr. this as*"t s(d

    t$ b n'&"td by th "$(*anis as $n&y 5

  • 7/23/2019 2215 Update Report


    Figure 4': Top " co%p$nies r$ned $ccording to F$ceboo p$ge reviews

    Page visits

    Pa' visits $+ a *arti"u&ar "$(*anys =a"b$$# *a', It

    dtr(ins th *$*u&arity $+ th *a' and in turn. th *$*u&arity

    $+ th "$(*any its&+, r. Kolte=0atil "$nstru"t$rs &ad th

  • 7/23/2019 2215 Update Report


  • 7/23/2019 2215 Update Report


    ,0enness o# the /acebook !all

    avin' th =a"b$$# %a&& $*n %$u&d b a '$$d %ay t$ $btain

    +dba"# ab$ut th *r$du"ts and srvi"s $+ a *arti"u&ar

    "$(*any, Ab$ut 14< "$(*anis hav thir =a"b$$# "&$sd, It

    (ans "ust$(rs ar n$t ab& t$ *$st su''sti$ns $n a

    "$(*anys =a"b$$# %a&&,

    Figure "+: 5penness of F$ceboo w$ll

    Th ana&ysis sh$%s that thr is a &$t $+ r$$( +$r th ra& stat "$(*anis

    t$ i(*r$v thir *rsn" in th =a"b$$# s"n,

    T!itterTh *rsn" $+ th "$(*anis $n t%ittr %as a&s$ ana&y/d $n th

    *ara(trs $+ nu(br $+ t%ts. ty*s $+ t%ts. nu(br $+ +$&&$%rs.

    nu(br $+ +av$rits. avra' t%ts *r %# and %hthr thy usd

    hashta's F in thir t%ts,

  • 7/23/2019 2215 Update Report


    Figure "1: 0o%p$nies us$ge p$tterns of Twitter

    As % "an s. 53

  • 7/23/2019 2215 Update Report


    Th ty*s $+ t%ts that a "$(*any t%ts t$ its +$&&$%rs

    dtr(ins th &v& $+ a"tivity that a "$(*any 'nrats, Thr

    ar t%$ ty*s $+ t%ts, %. eneric t!eets and *. S0eci>c

    t!eets. Gnri" t%ts ar addrssd t$ th 'nra& *ub&i" but

    s*"i2" t%ts ar addrss t$ an individua&, S*"i2" t%ts h&*

    bui&d intrst and i(*r$v th tra", Un+$rtunat&y a&& th"$(*anis $n&y d$ 'nri" t%ts,

    Figure "3: T!pe of tweets

    9umber o# #ollo!ersThis is an i(*$rtant (tri" usd t$ (asur th *$*u&arity $+ a

    *arti"u&ar "$(*any $n T%ittr, Lar'r th nu(br th +$&&$%rs.

    th 'ratr its $utra"h $n t%ittr and hn" its *$*u&arity, r.

    TATA housing -imite; &ads th %ay %ith %1*44 +$&&$%rs, Th

    avra' $+ this *ara(tr bin' %14%.

  • 7/23/2019 2215 Update Report


    Figure "4: Top " co%p$nies r$ned $ccording to Twitter followers

    9umber o# #avorites

    P$*& +av$rin' a *a' 'nra&&y (ans that thyr intrstd

    in th *r$du"ts and srvi"s a "$(*any $rs, Th hi'hr th

    nu(br $+ +av$rits. th ($r &i#&y a "$(*any %i&& 't a

    "ust$(r, r TATA housing -imite;&ads th %ay %ith 2%*

    +av$rits, )ith th avra' bin' 15 +$&&$%rs +$r th *ara(tr,

    Figure "": Top " co%p$nies r$ned $ccording to Twitter f$vorites

    Average t!eets 0er !eek

  • 7/23/2019 2215 Update Report


    This is an i(*$rtant *ara(tr as this dtr(ins th a"tivnss

    $+ a "$(*any $n t%ittr, Many "$(*anis attribut thir su""ss

    t$ bin' a"tiv $n s$"ia& (dia, In this *ara(tr. A'E rou0

    hads th &ist %ith %3.27 t!eets 0er !eek.Th avra' $+ this

    *ara(tr is 1.3 t!eets 0er !eek.

    Figure "&: Top " co%p$nies r$ned $ccording to Twitter tweets per wee

    +ashtag ?@ t!eets

    ashta' t%ts ar th t%ts in %hi"h a hashta' is *&a"d in

    +r$nt $+ a %$rd, This is d$n t$ (a# th t%t asi&y sar"hab&,

    ashta's a"t as "$ntnt a''r'at$rs and this %$u&d (a# itasir +$r si(i&ar "$ntnt t$ b sar"hd and this in turn. %$u&d

    &ad t$ an in"ras in th visibi&ity and intra"ti$n, M$st $+ th

    "$(*anis ra&i/ th *$tntia& $+ hashta' and hav startd

    usin' th( $n thir *$sts,

  • 7/23/2019 2215 Update Report


    Figure "': (s$ge of h$sht$g


    Lin#dIn is $n $+ th *r(ir *r$+ssi$na& nt%$r#in' *&at+$r(s +$r

    businss *$*&, M$st "$(*anis ra&i/ this and hn" hav an a"tiv

    *rsn" $n Lin#dIn, 58< $+ th "$(*anis hav a Lin#dIn *r$2&,

    Figure "): 0o%p$nies h$ving ,ined-n pro9le

    Sin" Lin#dIn is und$ubtd&y a vry *$*u&ar s$"ia& (dia *&at+$r(

    a($n'st th (ain *ara(trs $+ Lin#dIn %r ana&y/d &i# th

    nu(br $+ +$&&$%rs. th *rsn" $+ "$(*any and "$vr *i"s,


  • 7/23/2019 2215 Update Report


    Nu(br $+ +$&&$%rs indi"at th *$*u&arity $+ a *arti"u&ar

    Lin#dIn *r$2& . th hi'hr th nu(br. th bttr "han"

    thr is t$ s"$r a da&, In th Lin#dIn nu(brs. -o;ha rou0

    stands ta&& %ith 1%738 +$&&$%rs. %ith th avra' bin' 3354.

    Figure "*: Top " co%p$nies r$ned $ccording to ,ined-n followers

    Presence o# a com0any 0age

    avin' a "$(*any *a' stab&ishs th "rdibi&ity $+ a *arti"u&ar

    *r$2& and this h&*s in "$nn"tin' %ith *$*&, This a&s$ (a#s

    Figure &+: resence of $ co%p$n! p$ge

    Presence o# a cover 0icture

  • 7/23/2019 2215 Update Report


    C$vr *i"tur t$$. h&*s in stab&ishin' th idntity $+ a brand

    a($n'st th usrs, n" th *rsn" $+ it is i(*$rtant t$$,

    Figure &1: resence of $ co%p$n! cover picture

    oogle B

    G$$'& *&us is $n $+ th undrusd s$"ia& (dia *&at+$r(s s*"ia&&y

    in th Indian "$nt-t, As % "an s. $vr 76< $+ th "$(*anis d$

    n$t us G$$'& *&us. %hi"h is an ara t$ %$r# $n,

    Figure &2: 0o%p$nies presence in Google plus

  • 7/23/2019 2215 Update Report


    In s*it $+ this. it sti&& r(ains an i(*$rtant *art $+ a "$(*anys di'ita&

    (dia *rsn", S$ $n ana&ysis $+ th i(*$rtant *ara(trs $+ G$$'&

    *&us. % hav th +$&&$%in', Th nu(br $+ vi%s. +$&&$%rs and th

    usa' $+ hashta's,

    Vie!s on oogle 0lusTh nu(br $+ vi%s is th ti(s th "$(*anys *a' %as

    visitd, In this r'ard. Sobha ;evelo0ers ta#s th t$* s*$t

    %ith 38%283 *a' vi%s, Th avra' *a' vi% is 626**.

    Figure &3: Top " co%p$nies r$ned $ccording to Google lus p$ge views


    =$&&$%rs ar th *$*& %h$ visit th *a' $+tn and subs"rib

    +$r u*dats $n th *a', avin' a hi'hr nu(br $+ +$&&$%rs

    i(*&y that th "$(*any is r&ativ&y *$*u&ar and assurd $+ ;ui"#

    rs*$nss, In this as*"t. TATA housing limite; stan;s >rst

    !ith 348 +$&&$%rs and th avra' $+ this *ara(tr is %2%.

  • 7/23/2019 2215 Update Report


    Figure &4: Top " co%p$nies r$ned $ccording to Google lus followers

    (sage o# +ashtags ?@Usa' $+ hashta's r(ains an int'ra& *art $+ th s$"ia& (dia

    s"n, As hashta's a"t as "$ntnt a''r'at$rs. havin' th in

    *&a" %$u&d nsur a bttr visibi&ity $+ th brand, $%vr. n$t

    (any s( t$ ra&i/ this and $n&y 13< $+ th "$(*anis

    a"tua&&y us hashta's in G$$'& P&us,

    Figure &": (s$ge of h$sht$gs on Google plus


    Pintrst is a r&ativ&y n% *&at+$r( %ith a uni;u t%ist, It "an b usd

    t$ ta' it(s and i(a's $+ intrst and thn b usd in th *rs$na&

  • 7/23/2019 2215 Update Report


    %a&&, This h&*s *$*& and businsss *&a" and dis*&ay thir

    intrsts, It is a 'rat %ay +$r businsss t$ "$nn"t %ith th

    "ust$(rs $+ thir "h$i", Th +$&&$%in' i(*$rtant *ara(trs %r

    ana&y/dH ma0sC #ollo!ers an; 0ins.

    Ma0sMa*s is a &$"ati$n +atur that t&&s th usr &$"ati$n $+ th

    *arti"u&ar *&a". Ra& stat "$(*anis "an us th( t$ dis*&ay

    th &$"ati$n $+ thir n% and u*"$(in' *r$!"ts +$r asir

    a""ss, $%vr. this s(s t$ b s&d$( usd as a sta''rin'

    %44< d$ n$t us (a*s,

    Figure &&: resence of interest %$ps

    9umber o# 0ins

    Nu(br $+ *ins dtr(in th a"tivity $+ a *arti"u&ar "$(*any $n

    Pintrst, C$(*anis 'nra&&y *in thir *r$*rtis t$ nsur

    ($r usr intra"ti$n, In this as*"t. o;reD Pro0erties %ith

    %858 *ins &ad th %ay, Th avra' nu(br $+ *ins ar %%6.7,

  • 7/23/2019 2215 Update Report


    Figure &': Top " co%p$nies r$ned $ccording to interest pins

    9umber o# #ollo!ers

    N$ $+ +$&&$%rs dtr(in th *$*u&arity $+ a *arti"u&ar *r$2&,

    M$r +$&&$%rs 'nra&&y (ans ($r *$*& ar intrstd in

    buyin' th *r$*rty and h&*s intra"t %ith th( bitr, r.

    MMR rou0 &ads th %ay %ith 517 +$&&$%rs,Th avra' is %%6.

    Figure &): Top " co%p$nies r$ned $ccording to interest followers

  • 7/23/2019 2215 Update Report


    This is an ana&ysis $+ th s$"ia& (dia s"n $+ th ra& stat "$(*anis, N$

    ana&y/in' th t$*0 "$(*anis in th ra& stat s"n. % hav th

    +$&&$%in' $bsrvati$ns, ) hav ana&y/d a"h "$(*any $n th basis $+

    thir $n&in a"tivity %hi"h is basd $n thir s$"ia& (dia a"tivity,

    %. S,+A"EVE-,PERSB&$% ar s$( $+ th hi'h&i'htin' +aturs $+ thir %bsit, Thir%bsit "$nsists $+ (any i(*$rtant +aturs that S$bha $rs

  • 7/23/2019 2215 Update Report


    =a"b$$#: On thir "$vr *i". S$bha Dv&$*rs

    has (ar#d thir !$urny $n s$"ia& (dia usin' in+$

    'ra*hi"s and ti(&in, Thy a&s$ *$st ;u$ts by

    inuntia& *rs$na&itis $n t$*i"s r&atd t$ &i+sty&

    and &ivin',

  • 7/23/2019 2215 Update Report


    An$thr intrstin' *art $+ thir "a(*ai'n is that

    thy idnti+y dirnt sas$ns thr$u'h thir *$sts.

    in $rdr t$ &ur "ust$(rs,

    Thy hav a&s$ bn vry ni(b& in undrstandin'

    th i(*$rtan" $+ hashta's and hav usd th(

    "int&y $n thir =a"b$$# *a',

    T%ittr: )ith a r(ar#ab& 2'ur $+ > t%ts *r

    %# $n an avra'. S$bha is at th t$*. sharin'

    th s*a" %ith MMR Gr$u*, On T%ittr t$$. thy ar

    vry '$$d %ith hashta's, Thir hashta's ar ithr

    basd $n th &$"ati$n $+ thir *r$!"t ',

    Ban'a&$rF $r th #ind $+ ats thy ar (a#in' ',

    vi&&asF $r thir "$(*any na(. S$bha, Thir

    hashta's ar $+tn a""$(*anid by intrstin'

    *i"turs. %hi"h ithr *$rtray thir u&tra($drn

    "$nstru"ti$n $r thir str$n' +$$t*rints in th ra&

    stat s"t$r,

  • 7/23/2019 2215 Update Report


    Lin#dIn: Thy hav a vry str$n' *rsn" $n

    Lin#dIn %ith J.9. 5.

  • 7/23/2019 2215 Update Report


    5> vi%s. a+tr anu Rddy Ra&ty. %h$ ar

    d$(inatin' th &ist %ith ($r than 5 &a#h vi%s,

    Pintrst: Thir start $n this *&at+$r( is vry

    ($dst, Th b$ards thy hav "ratd ar basd$n thir dirnt *r$!"ts a"r$ss th "$untry,


  • 7/23/2019 2215 Update Report


  • 7/23/2019 2215 Update Report


    =a"b$$#: Thir a**r$a"h $n =a"b$$# is ithr t$

    si(*&y u*dat *i"s $+ thir ubr sty&ish h$uss. $r

    "&ub th$s *i"s %ith s$( stunnin' &ands"a*,

    Thy hav a&s$ *ut a**s and tsti($nia&s in th+$r( $+ vid$s $n thir *a',

    T%ittr: )ith an ast$nishin' 4,

  • 7/23/2019 2215 Update Report


    G$$'&K: Thy hav a d"nt *a' %ith $vr 45 +$&&$%rs, Thy hav usd th

    sa( hashta's that thy hav usd $n T%ittr.

    a&$n' %ith th sa( *i"s that thy hav u*datd

    $n =a"b$$#,

    Pintrst: Thir b$ards ar tit&d basd $n thir

    dirnt *r$!"ts and aunts th &u-uri$us &ivin' $+

    thir a*art(nts,

    Rah!a Dv&$*rs: Thir %bsit has th +$&&$%in'


  • 7/23/2019 2215 Update Report


  • 7/23/2019 2215 Update Report


  • 7/23/2019 2215 Update Report


    =a"b$$#: Thir strat'y $n =B %as t$ u*dat thir

    subs"ribrs %ith th r"nt n%s r&atd t$ thir*r$!"ts, Thy a&s$ trid t$ t$u"h th ($ti$na&

    sid $+ *$*&. by *uttin' r&i'i$us "$ntnt $r

    ha**nin' *i"s +r$( day t$ day a"tivitis,

  • 7/23/2019 2215 Update Report


  • 7/23/2019 2215 Update Report


  • 7/23/2019 2215 Update Report


    T%ittr: r a&s$. thir ($st r"nt t%t %as a

    n%s it(. a vid$ sh$%in' thir +$undr Mr,

    Navn Rah!a tain' t$ !$urna&ists, Thy hav

    trid t$ dirntiat thir T%ittr a""$unt %ith that$+ =a"b$$# by (ain&y *$stin' vid$s $n thir

    *r$2&, Ths vid$s ar ithr ab$ut "urrnt n%s

    +ds r&atd t$ th( $r ab$ut thir vari$us


    Lin#dIn: Rah!a Dv&$*rs. sur*risin'&y. d$snt

    hav a "$(*any *a' hr,

    G$$'&K: Thy hav a %a# G$$'&K *rsn"

    %ith !ust +$&&$%rs and 9,5 vi%s, A&& th

    *$sts ar in th +$r( $+ vid$s, On an avra'.

    thr is $n *$st in a s*an $+ > t$ 5 days,

    Pintrst: A&th$u'h. thy d$ hav a Pintrst

    a""$unt. it d$snt ra&&y add t$ thir s$"ia& (dia

    *rsn". as thr ar $n&y > *ins. > +$&&$%rs and b$ards,

    A" Gr$u*:

  • 7/23/2019 2215 Update Report


  • 7/23/2019 2215 Update Report


    =a"b$$#: A" Gr$u* has a str$n' =a"b$$#

    *rsn" %ith >,5 &i#s and >,7 $ut $+ 5 stars

    basd $n

  • 7/23/2019 2215 Update Report


  • 7/23/2019 2215 Update Report


    Thy hav a&s$ usd hashta's. %hi"h ar (ain&y

    "$(($n %$rds &i# M$nday. a(a/in'bui&din'.

    'y(. a(nitis. %$r&d t",

    Thy hav a&s$ *ut ara (a* $n thir *a', This is

    an$thr sy(b$& $+ a str$n'. "ar+u&&y dsi'nd =B


  • 7/23/2019 2215 Update Report


    T%ittr: Thir *rsn" $n T%ittr is '$$d, Thyhav ($r than , t%ts and ar$und

  • 7/23/2019 2215 Update Report


    dai&y &i+, This is a vry "int %ay t$ us


    Pintrst: Thir *rsn" hr is vry str$n' %ith

    5K *ins a"r$ss 7 b$ardsH th b$ards ar na(d$n thir *r$!"t na(s, Thy "an. h$%vr.

    i(*r$v $n thir nu(br $+ +$&&$%rs, Thy

    "urrnt&y hav $n02+th $+ th nu(br $+ *$*&

    that thy ar +$&&$%in',

    A" Gr$u* has int&&i'nt&y *&a"d th *i"s $+D*i#a Padu#$n as thir brand a(bassad$r. du

    t$ %hi"h. thir s$"ia& (dia a""$unts d2nit&y

    &$$# distin"t +r$( $thr dv&$*rs a""$unts,


  • 7/23/2019 2215 Update Report


  • 7/23/2019 2215 Update Report


    =a"b$$#: Thy hav a vry str$n' =B *a' %ith

    44 &i#s. $vr%h&(in'

  • 7/23/2019 2215 Update Report


    Thy hav a&s$ usd th t$$& bit&y t$ sh$rtn thURL

  • 7/23/2019 2215 Update Report


    A +% $+ thir *$sts a&s$ hav hashta's. "hiy $n

    na(s $+ dirnt *&a"s. %hr thir *r$!"ts ar

    undr "$nstru"ti$n,

    T%ittr: Thir *rsn" hr is d"nt. th$u'h thy

    "an i(*r$v $n a&($st a&& th +r$nts. vi/, n$, $+

    t%ts. +$&&$%rs. avra' nu(br $+ t%ts t",

    Us $+ hashta's is ($r *r$(innt hr, S$( $+th +r;unt&y usd ta's ar 3ai*ur. Rai*ur. and

    3aba&*ur t", Thy hav a&s$ shard th &in# t$ thir

    =B *a' %ith vry *$st,

    Lin#dIn: Thir *r$2& *i" is vry "at"hy. %hi"h

    *$rtrays thir

  • 7/23/2019 2215 Update Report


    G$$'&K: G$$'& a""$unt is in a s$0s$ "$nditi$n,

    Thr is d2nit&y a &$t t$ i(*r$v, P$sts ar-a"t&y %hat thy hav *ut $n =B, ashta's ar a

    (i- $+ *&a"s na(s and 'nra& %$rds,

    5 Aa;har rou0

    Th ($(nt y$u visit th sit. y$u ar 'rtd

    %ith an ani(atd "$vr *a', Th "at'$ris ararran'd a""$rdin' t$ th sty& $+ th bui&din' y$u

    %$u&d %ant, Th %bsit a&s$ has butt$ns &in#in'

    t$ thir =a"b$$# *a'. "$nta"t nu(brs and a

    "$nta"t us butt$n. *r$vidin' an asy a""ss t$

    "$nta"t th(,

    Th butt$ns *rsnt $n th %b*a'

  • 7/23/2019 2215 Update Report


    C$nta"t butt$ns $n th %bsit

    En;uiry +$r( $n th %bsit

    Th *r$!"ts ar a&s$ &aid $ut in "at'$ris +$r asy


    F$ceboo: =a"b$$# *a' $+ Aadhar 'r$u* is $n $+

    its hi'h&i'hts, It has '$t a ha&thy +$&&$%in' in=a"b$$#, Aadhar Gr$u* *$sts r'u&ar&y $n

    =a"b$$#, 1ari$us u*dats ab$ut its u*"$(in'

    *r$!"ts and +un +a"ts ab$ut th "$nstru"ti$n sits

    in India (a# it a '$$d *a', M$st $+ th arti"&s

    ar &in#d t$ th $ri'ina& %bsit, Thy hav a&s$

    "ratd an a**&i"ati$n *$rta& +$r "ust$(rs t$

    "h$$s +r$(,

  • 7/23/2019 2215 Update Report


    A**&i"ati$ns $n =a"b$$#

    A&s$. th *$sts ab$ut thir *r$!"ts ar y0

    "at"hin' and asy t$ undrstand %ith a &$t $+

    in+$r(ati$n. hn" thy *r$($t "$nsu(r


  • 7/23/2019 2215 Update Report


    A *$st *r$vidin' in+$r(ati$n ab$ut th u*"$(in'


    Aadhar Gr$u* %ishin' thir "ust$(rs

    A sni**t $+ =a"b$$# ds"ribin' th vnts

  • 7/23/2019 2215 Update Report


    An$thr vnt *r$($ti$n

    This rsu&ts in a '$$d =a"b$$# a"tivity +r$( th

    "$(*any nttin' it 44. &i#s,

    Twitter: A si(i&ar strat'y %hi"h thy +$&&$%d +$r

    =a"b$$# is +$&&$%d hr as %&&, R'u&ar *$sts

    ab$ut u*"$(in' *r$!"ts ad$rn th t%ittr *r$2&,

  • 7/23/2019 2215 Update Report


    T%ts ab$ut u*"$(in' *r$!"ts

    An$thr t%t ab$ut thir *r$!"t

  • 7/23/2019 2215 Update Report


    A t%t %ishin' *$*&

    A n%s sni**t ab$ut "$nstru"ti$n s"t$r

    A&& ths (asurs h&* Aadhar 'r$u* 't JJ