21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 96

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M IS S IO N N O .9SF LO W N 2 4 A P R 1 9 4 5

C O P YNo .39

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APO 234

TACTICALMISSIONREPORTField Order No. 62 Mission No. 96

Turget I Hi_tachi Air()re.ft Company Engine Work II (90.17 .. 2009)

Ta.Ohikawa.. Japan24 April 1945

Table of Contents

Tactical Narrative • • • . . . . ,. . . . . . . . . • • • •

Annex A - Opera t ions • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •P a r t I Navigation TraCk Chart • • • • • • • • •Part II • Bombardier' B Repert ••• • •• • • •PQ2 t I I I _Flight Engineering Ch a r t a • • • •

Part IV - Radar R ep ort • • • .• • • • • • • •Part V • Gunnery Report • • • • • • • • • •

AnnexB • Weather •• '.... W II • • .. • • _. •••

Part I - Weather Sll!IIJl1Q.lI}' • • • • • • • • • • • •Part II - Chart .. _Forecast Weo.ther VB

Obse-rved Weather • • • • • • •Fll1't III .. Frogllostic M o .p •• •Pll1't IV .. Synopt:Lo Map •

Annex C - Communioations •••• ' ••Port I - Ro.dar Counter Melll!luresPart II - Radio •••

. . . . .. . . . . . . .., .. . .

Ann_ex D - Il1te lligene;e • • • • • • • • .' '. • • • • • •

Part I .. Enemy Air Opposition ••••Part I I .. Enemy Antiuircro1't • • • • • • • • • •Por t III - Do.mageAssasllment • • •

Section A -Target 2009 • • • • • • ,Section B .. Target 7!!l2

Annex E ¥ Consolido.ted Statistioal Swnmory • . . . . .A nn_ellt.F ~ X X I B om ber C om m and FieldOrder ..Annex G - Distribution •••••• " . . . .. . ....

Prep!:.red By:A .. 2 SectionXXI BombaI' COlllml1lnd

. . 1






. .24




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Ilnlllllllnl",,,".III.SEC RET t

By Au t h . o f t h eC.O. sm Bomber ColIIIIaDd

~ - I.).1J(,5 June 19j5

D o . t e In1 th . l .::::I:I:C:l':II:II:: 'I: ••'


APO 23'

15 June 1945

SUBJECTs Report of Operations. 24 April 1945.

TO, Commanding Genera.1. Twentieth Alr Poroe, Washington, 25, D.O.



0.. Field Order No. 62, He0.4qunrwra XII Bomber cgp.iidij~;C;~dated 23 April 1945. directed the 73rd. 313th,:.Md Sl4.tb lIorl11'..... diN1lltt~~"ings to attnck an industrinl target in the Tokyo orea. onXXI Bomber CommandMission No. 96.

b. Targets Specifiedl

(1) PrimarY Target: Target 2009. the Hitachi Airoraf'tCompany Engine Works at To.chiknwa. WaSboth the primary visua.l and

radar to.rget.

(2) Second.,,,ry Target: The city of Shhuoka WOoS thesecondary target •.

(3) No last resort tnrget was specified.


a. Reasons for Selectign of Tnuete This Commandwas com-

mi tted to strike Kyushu airfield insta.Uc.tions in support of the Oki-nawa invilsion. However, on 24 April the weather was unfavorable inthe Kyushu area and there wo.s a more favorable prediction for the TokyovicinitYI resulting in 0. decision to strike 0. ta.rget in the latter area.It was decided that the 3 Wings could each furnish 4 squadrons for theo.ttuck vnthout interfering with planned Kyushu nirfield strikes andmining operations of the Command. The Hitachi Aircraft Company ple.ntVIas selected bec ause it was a target of suitable size f')r the forceo.vo.ilable.

b. Importance of Target: The Hitachi Aircraft Company En-gine Works at Tachlkawa is a new plnnt whose buildings cover an areo.of o.pproxlmately 1,000,000 square feet. The production rate and typeof engine manui'a.ctured in the plant is not knovm; however, proximi tyof the factory to the large Tachikawc. Aircraft Assembly Plant suggestedt h c . t the flow of engines from the target might be to that outlet.

c . Details of Plunning - Operational:

(1) Bombing Pluns:


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Cn ) Pete rminat ion oC Bomb Lo a d !

1. Al} o . i r c rot t were to carry 500-pound gootn'd-p~rpose bombs , fuzed I / IOO-second de lay nose and non -de lay to . l1.

J . P ri nc ip al bu il di ng s o t t he t a rge t were 8 in -g le- s t ory , s t ee l . f rame, shor t -span st ruc tures not subjec t to spreadingcol l apse . Agains t th ese the SOO-pound genera l -purpose b omb~I se l ec t edbecQuse th e expec ted l n rge number of h i t s should Cauae ma x im umdamageto bui l dings and bu i l ding con ten t s .

~ . In cendiar i es were not c ons ide red in bombload de termin at ion s inc e t he produc t ive bui ldin&s were o f rol a t ive lyl ow combus t ibi lLty and 77 per cen t a t t he t oto . l roo t area wns non .com-bust ib le .

~ . The 1/100- second del ay nose fuzing was t o rbomb burs t 5 t o 10 feet ben eat h th e roo f in order t o dnmage mQchl nerya s w e l l as bu i ld ings . The non-del ~ tn i l fuz ing wa s t o g iv e g ro un dl evel bur s t t o n ear misses .

~ . The spec if ied in t ervQlomete r set t l n&8 werefor min imum t ra in rel ease in order t o obta in t he great es t bomb conoen -t ro . t l on s on the t a rget .

(b) B ombard ier ' s Pl nnp ing :

~ . One aiming po in t was sel ec t ed - th e oen te rof th e l~ rgest bui lding in th e p lan t . A probable c i r cul nr e rro r of1200 feet inc luded nll i n s tn . lh t ion s in t he plCl l ' l t .

1. Choice o f an axi s of at t ack depended on 3f ac tor s : wind dir ec t ion and ve loc i t y , a l t i t ude of at t ack . and f igh tere scor t . The predic t ed wind Was from 285 degrees at !5 mi l es pe r hour .Becuuse of f igh ter escor t , t h e sel ec t ed bombing al t i t ude was 10,000t o 14,000 feet . The des i rable down -wind rU.1\t o t he t arget waS notfe( l . s ib lebecause Mt. FUji ' and th e moun tains t he . t w ould have had to beused as i n i t ia l po in t s were t oo h igh to be u t i l ized on t he bosh ofth e se l ec t ed bombing al t i t ude . Th i s c on sidera t ion rasu l ted in th ese l ec t ion of a p r o je c t 1l ' l gl l o 1n t i n . Sut'!.Iga Wan (:~50130N .'"! 1364730E) o .s th ein i t ia l po in t . F rom th is poin t a SO-mi le run of 36 degrees t rue to thet a rge t was deSigna ted . Est imat ed t ime fo r the run was 12 minu tes .

A . I t wa s est ima ted thn t dr i f t would be 7 de-

grees r igh t and tha t ground speed woul d be 292 miles per hour .

(2) N av ig at io n P ln qn in ,:

Re p ,s ons f or eM i c e


t oI wo J im !) .t o

Wing Assembl y in Zone2, o . s per XX! BomberCo mma nd Ta ct ion l Do ct rin e.

3 43 53 0l i - l 38 51E Depar ture po in t was un e~si l y iden t if i ed pen-lnsulo . t o th e l ef t of Nagoyu Bay .

t o3 5013 0N - 13 84 73 0E ( IP ) I ni tia l p oin t was an eusi l y iden t i f ied Cape

th at could be used to make t urn to bomb run .to


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Reeson . tor Choic .

Targetto355lN - l3923E Th is l e f t t u rn away f rom the t a rge t wa.

used to avoid f l ak area l .to3528N .. 13835E T h i s eas1ly 1den t i f ied po in t nor t h or K t .

FUji waS se leo ted in even t t he sec on da ryta rge t had t o be bombed.

This e aa il y i de nt If ie d l an d- wa te r o on tr nJ tpoi~t on the OOD,st '\fIl.S loleoted na l~·. end.to3440N - 13800Eto34lSN - 138lSEtQIw a J imo . to Base


This wa. to bo L\Bod. d 0. raIl7 poin t to~t~to,r.a ~ a ..29' (I.

Some as en rou t e t o target.Fl igh t Engineering P lQnn ing :

(a ) F l igh t P l an l Al t i t ude s o.nd I peed • • e xc e p~ t o rbombing run. were planned for maximum fuel economy and sarto)'. lIlag~ssemblies were to be made.

1. Data. of comparable forma.tion missions at

the o.ltitude planned indica.ted that avera.ge o.ircrQft of the 73rd l'lingwould require full wing and center wing t anks for Q. toto.l fuel 100.d oro.pproximntely 5750 go.11on8. It was estimated thnt o.verage pla.nes of the313th nnd 314th Wings would require nn additional full bomb bay tnnkfor o . total fuel load of approximutely 7300 go.llons.

~. No maximumor minimum bomb lorA was specified.It \70.S estimated that nvarl'..ge nircraft of the 73rd and 313th lf1ngsvrould be able to carry bomb londs of approximately 10.000 to 12,000pounds, .while the 314 th WIng uver nge wOl.tld be opproxima.tely 9000 pounds.The runmunltlon load was estimated at 1500 poundS.

(n) The route ohosen WEt.S the best possible from a

rndar standpoint, with the land-wnter contrnst of the landfall a.ndinitial points being excellent.

(b) The axis of n ttack of 36 degrees true possessedmora rndnr oheck polnts than the other rOl~tes considered.

(0) The target "YIns a. difficlllt one from the radarstnrldp01nt bec au se it was in 0. complex of tnrgats on the outskirts 01'Tokyo.

(5) Radar Counter Mea.sures: Routine search was to beconducted by 1 Observer 0 . : 1 'the 73rd Wing.

(6) Com muni9atlonsl XXI Bomber CommandSOP on fighter-bomber communico.tions. tro.nsm1ssion of strike and contact reports. andpro-cedures to be used in IFF operation were the sam!,) a6 those outlinedin Taetlenl Mission Report for Missions No. 58-63.

(7) Fl,hter Esoortl The 73rd Wing wo.s to send 3 B-29'5to lwo Ji.ma to ac b as navigntionnl escort for the VII Fighter Commandfighters that wera to tnkepurt in the mission. The 3 navigationalorew'l! VQ'i'o t.o attend the £ightbI'S" gobe2',a.l briefing..

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(6) Air . Sea . Resc ue:

(Il.) .&:a: Th e NI l .VYwo. s furn ished with detd l a ott h e miss ioD and reques t ed to f ur n is h c v ni l ll . bl e t n cl l it l es t d r Air" • •r es cu e p ur po se s. Th e fo l l owing fac i l i t ies were Assigned,

1. Two submarines were to be s1o ' \ t10ned dlU' lnct he en t i re miss ion at 3400N - l3615E and 3200N - 13900E.

J . Twosurface vesse l s were to pat ro l AS fo l low. ,

1 a t aBQON - 1401SE f rom 231930Z un t i l t he endo r t h e miss ion and 1 At1BOON - l4430E dur ing the en t i re miss ion .

A . Thr ee I l wJ l boa . ir pl a ne s we_ r et o pat ro l asfo l l ows: 3000N - l3930E f rom 240130 un t i l n i rc l ' . : - . 1' t assed on re turnto bases ; 2530N - l4045E from 240245Z un t i l a . i r c raf t pa l . ed on re t urnto baBes; o .nd 2000N - l 4330E un t i l all n ir cr a. t' t po .e ae d e n r ou te tos t r ike .

j. CrAsh bOnt s were to be o n d 1. tt yi n _\'I;e1"8 ottTin ian . Sl lipa . n. an d Nor th Fhld. OuQlJl. dur ing th e Cl'l'tloal t imes oft tUce -o ff and l o . nd ing .

(b) XX IBomber C9!!!!pllndI This Comm an d a ss ig ne d 2Super-Dumbo airoro . f t t o orbi t t he submar ine posi t ions du r ing t imes of

re turn po. ssage of the mn in force .

d. Detai l s of P Iawing - In t e l l igenc el

(1) Enemy Air Oppos i t ion : I t was an tiCipat ed tha t en emyair oppos i t ion would be heavy because o f the 435 enemy o.1rc r af t t h a twere bel i eved to be 1n t h e t arget area . All of these would be abl e ton tt nc k dur in g a day l igh t mis s ion . An addi t ional oon sidera t i on waS thebol ief that t h e Japanese Air Force would wa. n t t o displ ay a good defensebefore heavi l y popu l a t ed Tokyo. For tha t reason the f igh t e rs were e x -pe c t cd t o be ag.gross l Vf'.

(2) En em y A nt ia ir or gf t;

(n) In the immedia t e vic ln i t y of the t arge t t herewere 18 hea .vy gun s . Eigh t mi l es west of t he t arget t he re were 48 ad-di t iona l he~ guns . The en t i re defenses for Tokyo proper inc luded42 0 add 1 t i ond heavy guns .

(b) To nvoid the conoen t ra t ions of guns . i t waSrecommended th at a i rc raf t a t t ack from the sout hwest or west , A wi th -drnwn l to the nor th and t hen west out of t h e hoavy f l ak a . reas WIlS pre-f er e- .bI e. I t wcs reoommended that en rout e f rom the t arget t o l6u~t send the defenses of Sh l zuoka and Sh imizu were to be avoided . The basen I t i t ud e o f a tt ll Ck J '{ lo omme n. de d-a s 1; ;. 000 f ee t.


0.. TElke-off I Take-off was ClcoOll \Pl i shed as fo l lows:

L as t A ir cr af t


F ir st A ir cr af t


Airore1 ' t




73rd3I3 th314th



....i&_13 1


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b. Route Outl The routes flown wen as br1efed, with air-cro.ft proGeed.1ng ind.iv1duo.lly to \~'ingassembly points. After usembly,the l'nngs flew to control pOints, with timlZlf: being excellent. Nan ..gntion methods were cilllestiCll. radar, nnd Loran. One squadron of the3l3th Wing encounteredaacurate flak at Numatu .

e , Ov e rTarg;etl

(1) Pr~mary Ta:r.e:et: Du.e to a light hilts in the targetarea, the target itself wo.s difficult to identify until o.ircr:U't WOl'Oneur It, Wind WEIB from 220 degrees o.t 40 knots and clouds were 0/10to 2VlO low cloud and 0. 6/10 high cloud. Visibility was 10 to 12 miles.A to to .1 of 101 aircraft d ro pp ed 47: 3. 5 tons of bombs on the. target v i s -ually from 232352Z to 240005Z at a l t i t udes from 10,000 to 14,500 feet.

(2) Secondary TWget: Eight B..29' S dropped 33.5 ton8of bo be on Shizuoka visually from 232141Z to 240022Z o. t altitudesfrom 11,400 bo 12,150 feet.

(3) Targets of Oppor tunity l (For details see Annex E.Consolidated St at is ti ca l Su mm ar y) . Thirteen B·29 'a bombed' differenttc.rgets o f o pp or -t ur d ty visually between 232335Z and 232355Z nt IIIti-t udes f rom 12,550 to 14,000 fee t with 55.2 ~ns of baaba.

( 4) Ni ne a ir crn 1' t V le re n on -ef fec ti w.

d. Route Back s Return to bases waS mo.deas briefed by in ..di viduo.l o.i rcruf't after a left turn breo.ka.wQ.Y from the target o.reo..One Vo.,riation rn cours e W€LS made·tb avoid fInk in the vicinity of Nnmbu,southwest of FUjiyama. Eleven B-29's landed at Iwo Jima, 4 due tofuel shortage .• 4 'dI.lO to battlo daIDaga. Wld :5 due to meGhanioo.l dUfl-



e. Fighter Escort; Due t'o o.dverse we:1.ther oonditionlt at IwoJ ima , there was no fighter escort.

fellows!r. Landi.ng; Aircr~.ft of t he main force landed at base S IlS

First tand~Dg Last LllndJng



Total 240605Z 2409152

g. Losses: (For dllt(\i Is see Annex'S, Con so li da te d St at is ti co .lSumrnory). Five n1rcro.ft were lost dUG to the following reQSOntH

(1 ) Enemy 0.1rcrnft: 1

(2) Enemyantlo.ircroItl 1

(:3) Ellemy nn ti o.i rCrr>l't nnd enemy o.!rcr·nft combi ned: 2

(4) Other o o.uses; 1

h. Op err; ti 0nS . SummP,ry:

( }) Nq,y !gut lon l (See Annex A, Part I, for tr(t.ck chnrt. )

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(2) Bombing; (See Annex A, Par t I I , t o r det a11s) Theaiming poin t was on ly vis ibl e for f i rs t un i t s ove r th e t args t . I twaS ln ter obscured becnus~ of smoke .

(3) Fl igh t EnglneQrin ,1 (See Annex A. Part I l l . t o rch ar t s , and Annex E, Co ns ol id at ed St o. t 1s ti co .l Summary, for details).

(a) N@rra t iye o f Mil s ion QS Flown '

.1. I ni t ia l c rui se and assembly. The cruise to

Sq uo .d ro J' l ss em bl y p oi nt n ea r Iw o J imCl was made a t 6000 t o BODO f ee t .Squadron assembl ies requi red an average of 30 minutes , as p lanned .

~. Cl imb to bombing a l t i t ude: Th e cl1mb wasmode in squadron format ion without d if f ic ul ty .

~ . Wing ! l ,ssembly gnd c ruise to t g ,rge t , 'Wlngnssembl ies nod the c ruise t o the t a r ge t w er e' m ad e w it h ou t attrlc~l~.

J . Return to bale l Return t o base was mndeby ind ividua l a i rero .£t . No diff ic ul ty wns encoun tered.

(b) Comment s on Mission 11' Flown I Due t o an tic i -pn ted bad weo. t her condi t ions on re turn to base , a l ODO- ga ll on r es er ve~.s planned, thereby reduc ing the bomb load t hn t cou ld be carr i ed.

(4) ~: (Se e An nex L.. P:u ' t IV, f or r ep or t. )

( 5 ) GRQnery : (See An nexA, Part V; f or r ep or t. )

(6) Air .Sea Rescue : One ai rc raf t d i t c l 1ed at 3434N ~13854E. Two crew mambers were be l ieved toh:lve ba. i l ed out and 6 menv~ re r epor t ed o igh ted ' on r af t s . A 2 M day searQh bro~gbtnega t i~ reeul t s .Ano the r B-29 wo.s miss ing en route to bo. se a Sh or t' d io ta nc e be ,Yun d t heJc .po .nese cons t o. t :5 325N - 1383QE. A 4·dny senr o h ended with nega t i VB

r e su l t s .

1. Weather : (See Annex B. for det a i l s ) . WOnther condi t ion soncO l ll l t e re d on this mission were a lmost as predic t ed.

j. Commun ic a . t io n ! :

(1) Rp.dAt Counter Mem.sures: ( Se e i .n ne x C, Part I. forde to .Us ) The gen er al surve y of J apan es e ra dEl r oh aro. ct er1at iQs If'IlS con-tinued.,

(2) B.a . sUs ! , 1 ( Se e A nn ex C. Po.r t II, f or d et ai ls ). Thir-t een s t r ike repor t s were toceived. No net disc ipl in e or secur i t y vio .l c . t i ons were repor t ed on th i s miSSion .

k. Xnte l l l genC! S umm a r y .

(1) loamy Air Oppoa1t loDI (See AnnexD, Par t It fordet a i l s ) . Enemy airc raf t made 379 at t acks . One B-29 was lost toenemy figh ters and 2 more were los t to enemy ai rc raf t and nn t l a i r -

c rd ' t combined . Cln ims were 14 dest royed , 24 probo.bly de ISt royed. and22 d o. rn o. ge.

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(2) Enemy l ypt 1g i rc r af t l (See Annex D, Part I I , to rd.Bta.ils). Of the niterrlft that bombed targets, 49.2 per cont weredrunagOdby flak; however , mos t of t he damllge Wo.lI minor.

de ta i l s )"(3) DMlg .geAgsuspl9ntl (S ee A nnex D ,Part III, for

(0.) A pp ro xi mat el y 5~. 5 p er oent of t h e pr imaryto.;.' get' a totnl roof area. 'WaS destroyed.

(b) Of the total roof aren of Target 792, t h eTv.chiko.WCl ..lroro.f't Company, 10.4 per cen t 'Wl\S destroyed.

(0) Five small buildings of Target 2024, Sumtt_Li.ght lfatnls Plant a t Sh1zuok c . , received direct hi t s . Sixty bombburs~ mre visible on the west edge of the phnt.


Maj or G an er nl , U . S .A .Commttnding

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---- 73rd. Wing*1--- --. _------ -- 313th. Wing

--- 3I4th. WingII~~l;~",uc991h. Bombed





M IS SION NO....l9g r,..DATE 24 APRIL 45X X I BOMCOM. __




n" 231956l 23202n


313-2320,71 .232105l- IWI


314~231952i! 23203ll




\ I\~--+---25.

\ I\ \ \ I\\ \ I\\ \ I

\ \ \ \ J

\ \

\ \ I\\ \\ t

,s~ NDFI A ~ ~st lst TAIiIGE~ost Is~,AND'SJ' E~~SI. .\\ \ :73- 2323.. 29~ 2323.31l!' 2323522· 240022Z 2400232 240030l \ .

313 0 23.2331i! 2323352 232352i!!· 232. 356l24002.6Z . 240031i! II \314· 2323341, 232341Z 232356Z· 4000Bi'! 2400282 240039i! \ ~~ \

15°-- -... -

- · - r- · -- - - 1 - - - - - tI TAKI rOFF

Lsi, I LostIn,· 2316302· 231650i!. 313" 231551 i! 2316452I 314 "231611 Z I231700Z

130· 135' I O '


._- 20·


.246~05~ 12 .4~i~oz2406132 24091622407012 240816Z


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1. The a1titu.de of o.ttllck varied from 10,000 to 14,500 feet,wi th the general nxts of atta.ck being 313 degrees true. The order0 .1 ' I:!.ttaok used wns ,as follows: the 73rd Wing was first into thetnrget, followed by the 313th and 314~h WIngs at 4-minute intervals.

2. The 73rd '1ing found 0. 01 BIlI' target. with CAVU Dondi tion, pre-vniling. Two of the 4 squadrons hit the target with bombs well cen-tered on the aiming point. In the lead Il.ircrrl't of the third squadron,a rack malfUnction caused its bombs to hang up over the target. as II .

result, it bombed the secondary target. The bombs of the fourth· a q u a -dron were off the tnrget due to fo.ul ty synohroni zatlon,

3. ¥.rt!,en the 313th '!.'ing attacked the primary target, it was part-l y obscured by ~l!loke. Three of t he squo.drons bombed into the smokeand the other squo..dron, as a result of faulty lde.ntification, hit tbewrong target, the TachikawC\. JdrcraftOempany,

4. The 314th Win.g W(\S hst into the target nnd found 1 t evenmore obscured by smoke, One squ.adron hit the .il.P, 2 dropped bombsbetwe an 2000 nod 3000 l' €let fr om the AF. and 1 hi t outs ida the are a.

5. No trouble was encountered by any of' the IYings in p1ckingup the 1nitio:l point, but thl!l P ;P wa.s viSible only to the first attack ..ing f'orcel;l of the 73rd Wing.


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I , EQy ipmen t Per formqn cel

8.. .hN_.APQ-13 waS 88.8 per c en t operat ive ove r the t argetnod 92.5 per c en t ope rat ive QPon landing. The re wer~ no mal fun c t ion srepor ted by any l ea d a ir cr ~t .

b. The E l .Ve r l l gea . x1.mwnr ange of .AN-_'l:PQ-13 Wll l l63.4 no .u t l ca . lmi l e s . with t h e ave rage maximum range being 50. 8 naut icn l mil e s at12,000 feet on landfall po in t .

c. AN-APN-4 WllII opera t iona l 1n 93.2 per cen t of th e a irc raf t .

d . SCR-695 nnd SCR-7l8 were 100 per cen t ope rat ion al .

2. Radar Navigation: There were 1050 Lor an fixes r ep or t ed. wi t h

t he average maximum range be ing 1300 nau t ic al mi l es .

3. Commen t s ; The re were noradar re leases . all bombi ng be in gdone vis unlly •


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PARt V -G 11 NNm ElfQRT

1. Ammunition Reportl Test firing and oOlllbat firing figuresn re p resen ted in Annex E. COnsolid~tGd S ta t is t ic ~l Summ ar y.

2. Gun Londing: The 313th ll'ing loadGd guns hot. the 314.th cold.

3. GupneryEguipmeDt perfgrmr;nce wgSIlS follgw; I Central firingcontrol systems. 99.715 per cent operative, Md .50 caliber machine guns.98.20 per cent operative.

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Part I .. WoatherSummt.Lry

Part II • Che.rt .. F0reCn.st \¥'eathar vi.Obsa~d Weather

Part III .. Prognostic ~P,

84 April 19415

Kllliop Bo. is

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6.7/10 l ow c l oud . , b ase 1400 f t , t ops 6 t o 14,000 fee t , w1t . ho cc rl .s io na lm od er ~t e s ho we rs d ur in g d ay be c. om ih g f re qu en t light-er sh ow ers d ur in g e ven in g nnel. n igh t ; 6/10 middl e c l oud , 10. 000t o 12.000 f t ; 10/10 h igh c l oud a t 28,000 f t . These cond i t ionsa re t o be assooia t ed wi th east er ly w~ve ahead of s t orm 300mi le s to SE of Guam. moving at 7 knot l l t o th e wes t .

Sa me c on di t io na as at bas es,7. a /10 l ow c l oud . base 2000 f t . t ops 5000 rt wi t hfew l ig ht s ho we rs .7. 8/10 l ow c l oud , base 1200 r t f tops 7. 9000 f t wi thsOnt t ered modera t e showers ; 6/10 midd le c l oud . 11,000t o 14,000 f t .5/10 l ow c l oud, base 2000 rt f t ops 5000 f t l 4/10mi dd le c lo ud . ba se 11,000 r tf t o p s 13,000 f t.3/10 l ow c l oud, base 2000 f t , t ops 5000 f t .

ROUTES : To leoNITo . a O ON I

Io coast :

TARGETS; ~ 3/10 low c loud . base 2000 f t . t ops 4000 f t ; 7/10 mid-d le c l oud. base 15. 000 f t , t ops 16,000 f t ; 8/10 h ighc loud . base 24.000 f t , t ops 30, 000 ft,

NagoYQ. Kobe l 6/10 l ow c loud. base 2000 ft , t aps 5000 ft ;7/ 10 m id dl s o Loud , base 12,000 f t . tope 14,000f t ; 6/10 high c l ou d. 2 7. 29 ,000 ft.

~; 8/10 l ow c l oud . base 1800 f t . t op s 7 -10, 000 r t w i t hSame upper c l oud as Kobe area ,

DEO I S ION ;Schedu le smn l l seal e at tn ekngn in s t t a rget n ea r Tokyo t o rbombIng l evel unde r base o f midd le c l oud, ea r ly morn ing of24 Apr! l wi t h re t urn pl anned fo r day l igh t .

O pe ra ti on al F or ec as t

Baae a tTQk!-otf t 4/10 low c loud , baee1400 tt, top 6.10,000 ttl 4/10middl e ol oud . baae 11,000 t t l10/10 h igb c l oud. base 2e ,OOO rtfl i gh t sh owers in a r l la r educ ingv181b1l1ty holi 15.·1:111011o 2 m il oa .

Route.Gal To 190Ji, 4/10 l ow c l oud ,baae 1400 r t f t o p 6-10,000 r t ;~lO midd le c loud a t 11,000 f t .10/10 high o lo ud ll a t 28,000 tt;

v is ib11i ty 15 mi le s . l ower in g to2 mi l es in showers .WON to 22oN, 8/10 l ow ol oud,ba .s e 600 r t, top 8.18,000 r t ;a /10 m1ddl e ol oud . in l ay e rsbe tw ee n 11,000 ft a nd 14,000 tt;6/10 high ol oud a t 28.000 ttjv 1s 1bI 11t ,y 10 m il es , l ow er in gto 1 mil e in .h ower s ,2&0 1to 31 0 N I 6/10 l ow c l ouds ,bBBe 1500 tt. t op . 5000 rtf 2110

middl e Gloud. a t 13.000 t t l 3/10h igb c louds a t 30,000 ft.

Weo.ther Eneounter4

4-6/10 l ow c loud, base 1600 ft . t op6000 t t j sc at t er ed l 1gh t ~howers inth e o.rea.

To 190 N I 4-6 /10 l ow c10ud8. base1500 ft, t op 6. .a OO Ort, 5/10 highc lo ud , ba .a ll2 6,000 t tl & Ol l. ~t er ed11gh t sh ow er s l owe rin g v is 1bI li ty

f rom 15 mi le s to .2 miles .250N to the coUtl a ..l O/10 l owc louds . ha s e1200 rt f t op 8-10,000ttl' becoming 3/10, bc . s s 2000 ft , t op6000 i 't o .t ter 27 oN; 10/10 m1dd1ec loud in l o. y er a be tw ee n 10. 000 rtand 22,000 r t c l ear ing a t Sl oN;5-6/10 high c l oud. baae n t 26,000 rtfl i gh t t o modern t e ra in and t urbul en cebetween 250N and 2e0 N. Ligh t t o mod-erat e r ime ic ing above 13,000 r t fv1s1biUty 12 mil e" . lowering to imill 1n rai n ,

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;UOij to Tnue1; Arell' 1/10 lowaloud,. bo.s" 1800 ft, top 5000 ftl4-1/10 middle oloud, between11,000 rt and 12,000 ftl 7/10 higbcloud at 28,000 ttl visibility 12milell, lowering to 6 milss in hD..ze.

~I 3/10 low cloud, base 2000-ft, top 4000 ftj 7/10 middle oloud,bo.se 10,000 ft, top 12,000 ft. 8/10high c loud ot 28,000; v1s1bi11ty 12m.Uos, lowering to 3 mllos in haze,

0-2/10 10Vi'cloud, balte 2000 ft, t op4000 ttl SilO high cloud: bose at26,000 ft; visibility 10-13 milesin 11ght haze.


S~e as route outgoing. Same Q ,S route outgoi ng,


Returnt 5/10 l ow cloud, base 1000ft, top 8-10,000 ft i 6/10 m1ddlecloud between 11,000 ft and 1.2.000tt; 10/10 high cloud at 25.000 ftl

vislbi 11 ty 15 mUss. dropping to 1milo 1n showers.

Winds Aloft - ForeCIl,st

B'c~;t 1 -£1agol 20 0 N to 290 N 2g0N t o 3 5 °N ' Target20,000 60/15 -a 250/33 . .11 260/60 - 1 8 14,OOO{260/S2 -10)15,000 60/15 2 240/25 -2 260/45 -a 12, OOO(260/46 ..1)

10,000 60/20 12 2. '30/18 8 250/33 0 260/40 .47.000 50/1a0 17 200/17 13 235/25 65,000 50/20 20 150/15 17 220/20 20a.000 40/25 2"1 115/18 23 175/14 14

Surfo.oe 40/18 3 2 - 85/13 28 150/8 21 230/10 15

WInds I.loft .. Obllerved

aUI tQ 215 ° 1 1 § 3 I:t'll ~ioll ~2~ :to 3§O~ ~

12.000 240/30 280/26 2'70/35a , o oo 40/187,000 70/18 240/20

Surface 160/15

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Vl _0 - N N t..I V> N N (1'1c:: l1\ lJl 0 U'\ _0 c:: (J _0 (J _0 _U l _0,. ,

0 a '0 0 -8 0::0 0 0 -0 0 0 0> .. ,

0 0 0 0 0 j!:; 0 0 0 0

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Part I - Rad.ar Oounter Mao.llurea

Part:tI .. ll.o.dio

l1uis)n Ie. 90

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2, Methgd; eo-sooaeeO-looOm.c

1 APR-4..,L 1 ~A.23

1 APR-li+ 1 ;;PA-5

P ; J ! ,TI - R ; ,p ; . RCOUNTER MEf_SURSS

I, Purpose: The purpc ae of RCMsenrch on this mission WQS to

continue 0. general survey of Jo.pa.nese rudarch(l.rr'.oteristics for frQ-quencies in the region 80-1000 mesa

3. Resultu

il. a The B ign~ls interoepted in the t'XI'get El.rea w@re 0.15

follows I

Location of Ori.gin Reli-Chr.rCl.cter!st!os lotng;;I1:t ~ !!l!H1t~ m 1n.g_00078 25 00 03 354 .0N13940B 21 12 1 S GL OTACl50 00 81 0 00 0 00 354 .oN13940B 21 12 4 S E I1 ! CHI00( . l l i . 00 0 00 3540N 13940E 21 124 S EW 0010100105 0000 00 3540N 13940B 21 124 S E'J! 0010100109 0000 00 3540N 13940E 21 124 S Eu ' , ! 0010100117 0000 00 3540N 13940E 2112 4 S EW 001010014 2 0000 00 3540N 13940E 2112 4 S E ' N 0010500155 0000 00 3540l r 139 40E 21 124 S ffiV 0010300181 0000 00 3540N 13940B 21 12 4 S EW 001020019 5 0000 00 3 5 40N 1 39 ' . 10E21 12 4 S E\'I' 0010.200190· 2500 05 5540N 1 3 9 4 0B 21 121 5 Gt 00 400200 2500 12 5540N 13940E 21 12 1 S Gt 00 4

b, Signals intercepted to and from thG ta.rgct aren wore o .sfollows:

Looation of Origin Reli~Cho.ra.etari s t ios InterceEt Method I.l:bnit~ Use !l1!!00076 1000 50 3130.N13945E 21 121 S Ellt CHIoooee0800 32 2730N 14045E 21 121 S Et'l 001010100092 osoo 32 2730N 14045E 21 121 5 EW 001010100094 0800 52 2730N 14045E 21 12 1 5 E' tV 001010100102 2000 12 3100N 14000B 21 121 5 00 000000000105 1000 5 0 S ISON 13 94 58 21 12 1 S EW 001010100156 0000 10 52S0N 13940E 2112 1 S EW 0010300193 0100 12 26!30N141008 21 12 4 5 E W 0010200500 0500 00 3315N 1~30E 21 12 1 s 00 00000


4. Remarkl! The .APA-23 functioned nt1sfa.ctorlly. An ac curubecount of the number ofsigp.als reoor4od 'W I l , S .nat .poedhla.: D\rt. tbo frequencyspreQd 18 wel l sbQwn. The signal s reported on hPa-2!3 are identifiedin the l i s t s of paragraph 3B. and 3b by the noto.tion .124 1

PAR T II - N .Pla,

1. Strike Reportu Thirt6en strike reports (bomba ll;Wo.y) mes-sAges were reoeived by the Ground St:J..tion from the :3 '.'ting aerialradio opern.tor ••

2. F9.I TrO,Dlmi181oDl: Time Signo.l.fI e.n.d \'/eather enooded inUOCIPAOere transmitted £romthe Ground StO,t.1on to the nirplo.ne us-ing tbB -Fox· method of trn.nsmiasion., Weather W!l.B sent ~m,mediately!11 ' t e1"the Time Tioks and during the late hOUFB .ot the mission,

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3. ! lo t h m vi nt er fe re no e a nd a tm .o iSp he ri oBwe Te o .d ju gd ed to bea l igh t to D lo de rl lt el y a tr on g d ur in g t hi s m is si on . O W i nt erfe ren ce on3145 kes by a st a t ion having t he cnU sign of ·XPW· vms encoun te r.d .bu t wna not e ffec t ive , Nava l s t a t ions opern t ing nea r 11080 kc s c au sedheavy aw i nt er fe re nc e, F ol lo wi ng WeB 0. percen tuge breakdown of t r aff icpar f r equency : 7 per cen t on 3 megaoyCles; 60 pe r oen t on 7 megacyc le s ;and 3!3 perc en t on 11 megl l. c yc l es . The Nava l au tho r i t ie s have st nr t edn t t empt s t o el el l .r D. f requen oy to replace 11080 kCB.

4. Naviga t ional Aids: Seven HF/IF be ar in gs we re r equ es ted byo. er io . lr ad io ope ra tor s. O nl y 5 of these bea r in gs were rel ayed to t hec i r c r~ f t , One air c ra f t c hanged benr ing before the f i rs t bear ing re-quas t l dcould be rel ayed , Ano the r bea r ing was t r~n smi t t ed. No VHF /DFr eques t s were mnde, )"11 n o. v1ga tio nc .l ho m. ers a nd ran ges wer e U led wi ths ut is fa ct or y r es ul t s.

5. l f e t D i s ci p l i ne and Seogr i t YI No vio lo . t i ons of n et d iS Ci pl in eor secur i ty were repor t ed dur ing th is miss ion .

6. Enemy Tran smiss ion s: The fol l owing inoiden ts of j o .mm in g a n din ter ferenc e were no ted :

B . , 3145 kCS I N eg li gi bl e.

b, 6055 kCB: Uniden t i f i ed C " N 700 m il os fr om J a. po .nw as ve rya ffec t ive .

c. lloaO kCB'

(1 ) Hi gh . !pe ed CW ove r t ar ge t wns i ne ff ec t ive .

(2) Stsudy tone over t arget wns pc . r t1a l l y ef fec tive .

(3 ) Jumbled OW and imit a t ions o f o. i r c ra f t c ul l s ign at

24020l o.nd 240815Z were p nr ti al 1y a ff ec t iv e.

d . 3990 kGBI Negl igible .

e. 7415 kc si Steady tone from 250056 to 250200Z was 1ne1'-

s, 10820 kC 41'

(1) Bc.gplp& 1Ul4 all .1sr\~s ovor t::l.rgot \7CTC e t foe~ ivo .

( 2 ) Un ld a at l t 'i e 4 e hAr ac t e: r s ~t 2S000~3 WOP. i n o t t Q e t 1 v o .

~ 30110. 7310. 11160 kc a I Nogl lg1 'b lO •

.,. platto": Tn OPASR(Opora t ion P r i o r i t y Air/Soli. 1\080118)manago. were r~oe1TGc\ trom 2 d i ffo l ' en t a1:ro.raf '1: at tho 314th Win@;Ground Sta t iOn . Mo•• a s e -woro g iven to mis. ion oon t ro1 t or neo-OO•• IU"Y ao~ lon .

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PD.%'tI - Enemy Air Oppos;l.tion

Part n- lnemyAntlalroraf't a.nd

.A1 r - r o -A i r ·Bobming

Part III - Damage AUSS8JDein't

S~Gt1on~ - Tar~t 2009

WIIlon Iq. i§

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1. Penenll

a, Enemy : : t i ropposi t ion wC\s hOIlVY, oonsisting of 37 9 attacks.Thore wore sovero.l Insta.ncas of enemy aircrnft flying through the for-mntion with guns open; a considerable number of coordinated attackswore m~de by 2 rund 3 p la ne c leme nt s; n Nick prossed his Iltt~ck so C10S6

toot 1 B-29 had to pull up and another drop d a w n to avoid a. collidon;there VIM Q.:. ooordinb.ted n t to .ok by 2 Rircrnft ident if ! ed as Dinahs I a.ndr~ ~G paa_ed 1~ feet under Il B-29 in what ml lY h ave been an at tempt I l trc . rnming.

b. There were many twin-engine f i g h~ r s in the n i r ,

c . The great major it y of the n t tncks were at the ta rget nodo . . t Inndls end, with e.ircrnt't assigned t o these secters apparent ly re-mo.ining there ,

d . O n e B -29 was lost t o en emy nircruf t nnd 2 t o enemy a i r -craft and o.nt io . i rcruf t ccmb t ned, Claims were l -i destroyed, 2.1,probablydestroyed, a n d 2 2 d amag ed .

2. Number of Attacks And Type Qf' Enemy Aircraft AttqCking:

Enemy Airoraf t No . Atto.eks Per Cent

Zek:e 76 20To j o 58 18I rv ing 54 14To n y 47 12S I S Unidentified 35 9Nick 27 7

Onident i f ied 2 1 6OOG~ , 15 4-l iE U n id o n t l f l e d 10 3J n O k 8 24Q. to 6 2.ulO 5 181nnh 4 1Ramp 2 )

1G e o r g e 1 )

'l'OUL 319 100

3. Enemy Aircraft Sighted But Ifpt AttQckinr' An estimated 584-e n ~ ai ro r~t were Sigh ted . Of t hese , 294 did not attack. These In-01uded 41 Zekas , 33 To jos , 22 Tonys, 20 OBc~ra. 17 I rv ings , 7 N1eks." Ja.cks, 4. Bcuaps, 2 D l n a b s . 2 ABCs, Qlld 1 Rufe. or thes&, 25 were

i d e n t i f i e d n a 8 i n g 1 e - e n g l n e . 1 9Q .B t w i n - e n g i n e . a n d 1Q .S f o u r - e n g t n e ,w i t h t h e r em ain de r bei ng ~nldentltied.

• this report 1& baaed o n fipres mado available a f t e r theOOD l o l 1 d a t e d S t a t l . ~ io a l R e p o r t h a dbeen i ssue4.

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4. Direc t ion gnd Level of ApproQcbl

Direc t ion an d Le~e l o r Approachof Enemy Alrc . ra i ' t

Total Numbero f A tt ac ks


2 0%





5. Clq.ima b.y Type Enemy A1rern . t t ADd Gun PQpitiont

Q e s t r o y e d Gup Position

1 Tony1 Z e k e1 Zeke1 Zeke1 Zeke sa1 Nl~k1 N l o k2lning1 I r v i n g1 Irving1 &lip1 S/E U/I

J .... S /E U/l


Tota.l 14

. .26-

J JQ .B l l

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7 'roja .. Sl1ver.a Toja .. Silver with red roundels.3'l'oje - 011.ve drn.b.3 Tojo -Cnmoui'laged drak gray'1 '1'ojo- Yellow nose, silver wings

1 '1'ojo .. Blo.ck o.nd white stripe Dl"ound f'luullIlge5 To~ - CQlItouf'lngad olivI) drnb with red roundels9 Tony .. Olive drab ., 'lo~ .. Silver, with red r.oundeb1 Tony .. Silver. black stri,pe on wing tip1 '1'oDY- Yellow spinner1 Tony .. Gray wIth red roun"t\els1 Tony .. Blaok with red roundels.2 Tony .. Red and white candy striped wings,, Zeke .. Dray1 Zelc Silver with red rqundels on wings.1 Uk Camouflaged olive drab with roeS round~ ••1 Tony .. Silver. red .tri.pe on Wing tip.

trobgbly.De 'tr oyed Domued

1 T o n y1 T o n y1 T o n y~ TO J p1 TOjo1 l'ojo2 Zeke2 Zake1 NIck1 NIck1 Niok1 l'lioli: _1 Irv ing1 LTving2 IrVing1 Jo..ok1 Jack1 .A l3G1 SlE 0/1

..i_S/E ViI24 1 To n y

1 To n y1 Tony1 '1'ojo1 Toja1 '1'ojo1 Zeke::: Zeke

1 N i o k3' Irving1 Irving1 Jaok or Z.eke1 &mp1 O s o n r~ Os o a r1 Olle~1 S/ii: VII1 SiBif/I


. 6. Enemy Aircraft kleincs I


Nose, a S G1mNoeeRllL BTo.11, LBL BR SGRSGR S G ,No,eNoseLB, To.llRSG , R B . T o . 1 1aB G •. U 1NooeREGas!fOliO

fnil: LB • .Noee~No{!eL B'Ia1lL Ba soRBNoseNoseNoaeLBRB GLBR S G , NoseRBL BRSG, Nose, U. To.lla BO .None. l!•. a 1 1


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6 N1ck - 011ve drab.2 Nick - B lack.

Nic k - Sh iny ' l ack.2 Nick - Gray wi t h red rouf idel s on " ings .1 Nick - 011ve d rab with bl ack c i rc l e on wings .

10 Oscar . .O l ive drab.2 O Sc ar . . Un d@ rsl de bl ue .1 Oscar - Green ,1 Oscar - Si lver wi t h red roundsl s on wings ,1 Oscar Owmoufl aged brown with red roundel s .1 Oscar - Yel low and bl l l . o~st r ipes on wings .4 I rv ing - O l ive drab.2 I rVing - B rown •1 I rv ir ig - G ra y- gr ee n.I I rv ing - Gray with red roundel s on wings .1 ABC - Bl ack;1 ABC - Tanwith red roundel s on wings and fusel age .1 Geor ge - Cam. out 'lge grey ish .I S/E - Red nese ,

5 S/E - S11 ver wi th bl ue n088.

Severa l other s igh t ed enemy air c raf t were pain t ed orange and black .a l l bl ack. s i l ver . and v ar io us c am ou fl ag e p at te rn s.


1. Enemy AlA Fire I

a . The pr imary t arget waS at t aoked by A!e of 3 Wings aBfol lows I

(I) Thir ty-four A!C of the 73rd Wing at t acked from

232352Z t o ~0022Z at a l t i t udes t rom 10. 000 to 12,300 feet on t rueheading_ vary ing f rom 33 t o 18 5 degrees . Cloud undercas t was 1/10.

(2) Th ir ty -seven Ale of the 3l 3th Wing at t aoked thepr imary t arget (6 of these Ale h i t t arget 792 adjacen t to the pr i -mary) f ro m 23235 2Z to 240004Z_ Al t i t ude var ied from 12,950 teet t o14,500 tee t and h eadin gs we re 29 t o 45 degrees t rue . The undercas tvar ied t rom eAVUt o ~ lO .

(3) Thir ty-e1ght yo of t he 314th Wing at t acked th epr imary t a rget and :3 A l es tr uo k t ar ge ts o t oppor tun i ty in the Taoh1-kawa are... Time over t • • get was t rom 232352Z to 2 4. 004 5Z a nd a lt it ud esvarhd from t:~.ooo t o 13,500 fee t . Axes ot a . t t a ck were 24 to 37 de-gre•• t rue . CAVU Co nd it io ns e xi st ed .

b. Average winds in the t arget area . w ere 50to

60 knot . a t260 t o 2 70 d eg re es .

o. Eight A l eof tho 7:3rd Wing a t t aaked the seoondary t arget .Sh1zuoka (90 .18 - 2011). One A!e ot t he 3l3th Wing at t acked Ike . h in -don (3438N - 13808E) and 1 Ala ot t he 3Uth Wing at t eoked Xa. t s l lDIaAlF.

d. F l ak WaS f i r s t enooun t ered in the vioin i t y ot t h e i n i t i a lp oi nt . o .e eSa ki . I t was heavy ca l iber , . . was al l f l ak encoun te redon th is miss ion . and consis t ed of meager and inacourat e con t lnouslypointed o.ad barrage f i re .



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e . In the vioinity or Numazu.~ndY1~hlmn.moder4to to in tQnao_ u-ourc.to tlll.k wa.s ·oq.oollntor-9.d ~l' P9.rl.od,.e from 1. 1 ? 0 . .m1nutoa dura-

tion. A number o t A! ewere hit by flak in this area and severalwere rocked. Continousry pointed tire predominated. but sOllie Ol'",ep-Ing barra~ and predicted Cloncentration· wel"ii reported. The flak nalow and trailing at first, but WaS quickly corrected to level andaccurate tor Buoceeding aircraft.

t. Comment1Previous photo ooverage of the Numalue;rea.re-vealed only 2 heavy A/A guns. Photo coverag'" since that time indi-cated that there were probably 18 additional heavy guns.

g. Flak was next encountered east of lit, Fuji betweenHakon.i-Yaand Oyama. This flak WaS contlnously pOinted. accurate.an d WaSvariously reported 08· b.e1ng moa.&ar to intenllo.

h. At Tachlkawa. primary target area flak was generallyintense and accurate for all formations, tho intenSity and aocuraCydropping off for sucoeeding formations over the target. All 3 typesof fire were enceuntered, with continously pointed predominating.Thera ware deviations of bursts in all directions, but most e.f theflak waS level in altitude. .4 .lthoughmanycrews could not determineoxactly when they were hit, most ef the planes Btmo'k .nc:etv04 ·thQ damageover th e primary target. O ne Ale wall lost to A l Aover the targeta.nd two, damagedby A /A and E/A. were subsequsll.t ly lost, Sememe-dium Al l . .was reported in the target area, Flak continued past thetarget until shortl y after the left brealcaway.

1, Inaccurate flak w~ .reported from the follOwing lecatiens:

(l) Yama.rlta - meager. predicted concentration.

(2) R"lIJIIbu. ery measel'.

(3) Sh1Juoka. moderate, continously pointed.

(4 ' Shimizu - meager.

j, Barst. were predom.lnantlyblack. Two inaccurate phosphorousbuet. were .een. Tw o formation' of the 313th \'11111 reported seeing2 lar~, black. aw1 r l 1 l ' l gbur.t. whioh seemed to throw off long s i l v e r y.trlngl ai wire"

k. Ot .. total of 122 A/e bombing targeta. 60 were daJllaged.by talk (49.2%). This was a larp IncreQ.8. in 1.'lak damageover reeentm1a.iona ud. was due primarily to the 10'l'er altitude tlown in praO oo

tioally CAW conditions. Most of the damage was minor; however. manyb om b 8 l " d 1 e 1 ' 1c1ted the 1nten•• A lA a8 be:!.ngdetrimental to bombing

acolU'aGJ'.:a . Teptio. VI. AlAI Most formatton. employed turns and change.

i n altitude a f t e r b omb s aw a y .

.. In the target area. a Tojo approaohe! be~on 10 and 11o'olock l e v e l . a n d dropped a paraoh~to bombtoward a n Ale from a dis-t a n c e o r1600 yards.

- 29 -

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b. At the t arget 2 probable Tojos dropped 3 bombs eacht hrough a for l ll8. tionh il e f l yin g 1000 fee t above the B -29 ' 8 Bombs

appeared to be t ied together . fe l l t h rough the format ion , but werenot observed to explode.

4. Rooket s : A t l and 's end one bombar ider repor t ed that 4 Bakalpassed over the format ion at 1400 feet , but did not a t t ack. I rv ings ,coming from the sarne direc t ion . a t t acked immediat e ly af t erward.

5. Miscel laneous I

a.. Two Tojo. were observed dropping mater ial resembl ing ropewi t h the s t r ips being about 12 in ch es lon g.

b. An I rv ing was repor t ed to have dropped blaCk metal s t r ips ,es t imated to be 2 i nches by 24 inches , wh ich fe l l spinn ing in the ai r ,

c. A To jo e je ct ed a. bl ac k c yl in de r, ap pr Ox im at el y 35 i ncheslong and 5 - inches in diameter . The c rew suggest ed this might hawbeen a con ta iner for rope. l ike s t r ipG . Al l s t rips wsre dropped over1 format ion af t er bombs away . No A l e were repor t ed to have made con-t ac t wi th the s t r ips .


90 .17-2009HITACHI AIRCRAii'T CO ,t



This repor t assessed damage to the abovo tar~et resul t ingfrom XX IB .C. Mission 96. New damage to Target 2009 addedup t oa pp rO xima te ly 608 ,3 10 sq. f t • • re pr es en ti ng a pp rO xi ma te ly 53 . 5 percen t of the tot al roof area . The engine assembly and engine part smanufac tur ing bui ld ings were heavi ly damaged. Pr ior to t hi s s tr ik e,bu il di ng s n um be r 6. 29, :51, 33, 35 and the \ ' / al f ' of 18 VI I ! I reemoved(See annota t ed prin t t hat fo l l ows) .

2. Statistical Sl1lQ!!Iarvof D8IlIa.a;

a . Damagef ro~ curren t s t r iker Square feetat roof

Per oen t atO riginal Roof


DeatroyedStructura l d am a goSuperf ic ia l I

Gut tedIl1nor roo1' damage

To1 :a l d am~



Tota l r o o t area o r plan t (exc luding build ings removed pr ior to s t r ike) ,1,140,000 sq. t t l (Ret . a)

• Based on X XI B . C . C . l . V .D/A Repor t No. 69



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Total drunage to date Square Feeto r Roof Area

Per Cent ofOriginal Root Area

DestroyedStructural damageSupe rfi oi0.11

Guttedilinor roof damage

Toto.l dDJDll,!;a





~I Old damage wa.s figured a.ccording to latest pre·strike photog-ra.phYI thus figures will not be same as those in C'IU Damage Assess-ment Report 14, in that repair!! have been made to the following build-

Ings I BIlUding No. 3 was being repaired i building No, "pa.rtiallyremoved and N qllarter rebuilt; building No.9 po.rtlally repaired;o.ndbuilding No. 16 partially repaired,

1!elslt Photo r e ccnneds aance reports (Damage Assessm.ent Report No. 76of the XXI B. C. G.I. U. ) indicated 5 small huildi nglil of Target 2024.The Sumito Light Mectah PI ant at Shizuoka. reoei wei direot hit,..Sixty bur5ts were visible on the west adge 0 · 1 ' the plant. The 5 build-ing. ht represen.tad about 5 per cent of the tota~ roof lIl'aa of' theplant. or 49,875 square feet.

2RJ t l ~ l l i . I . 1 ,A . . l t

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90.17·'192TA CHlKAWA A IlC RA FT C O.

(35/42« - 139/24E)

This report aSBessed dllll\e.geto Target 90.17-792 rellultlng fromI I I B .C. Mission 96, Dame.ge wus eoncentre.ted on four previouslydam~ed buildings, all located in the N section of the plant. Twosub-assembly G n d one metal fabrication buildings were almost t o t a l l ydestroyed, while a second metal fabrication building received minordamage to about 18 per ceut of its roof. Area of roof' dCllllngere suItedfrom tho current raid amounted to a.bout 300,000 sq. ft., or 10.' pereen t of the total roof area of "tho plant.

Total roof area d~ged to date is 807,000 sq. ft •• or 26.2 per

cent of the total roof area of the plant.

2. Statistical Summary of Dsma~: (See annotated picture that followsthis report).

Dgmo.gefrom current strikel Square Feetof Root

Por Cent ofOrlginial Roof Area

Do.lItroyedStruotural dnmageSuperfiCial :

GuttedMinor roof daJllD.ge

Total damageTotal root area.l

203 ,93998 ,000301 ,939

2.870,000 square reet.

To t a l dAma(e t o dA t a ; Square Feetof roof

Per c en t orOr1 , in i a l Roof Area.

De.t%"oyedStructural daJftageSuper.fieh.l &

GuttedIUnor root damage

~ota.l, damage

101,061 3 . 5


• B a a e d OD XXI B .O . C . l , U .QlA Report No. 49

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DATE 2 4 A p r i l 1 9 4 5F L IG HT D 1I ! l 'A F U EL C ON SU NP TI ON .

IAle C OMP L E TH T G I < 1I S SI O N. .».Will . I}1 J VING

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, Avg. T i m eOf C l i m b T o B om b - : 2 5 :<i'4 : 2 7 : 2 5,ing Al t i t u d e

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I Air M i l e s )


C on su me d T o T a rg et :

Av e r a g e 3 5 6 0 3 789 3 9 34 3 7 5 4M a x i m um 4 1 1 0 4 3 2 9 4 385 ! 4 3 8 5M i n i m um 3 111 I 3 2 70 3649 3111

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rn:>M: C CMG il:N '(X I B Ol£OM


§.J!! .Q .! lJ!!1

By Auth CG XX IB.C.


: J

- i: : - 'o o! - i .. .._ ~- - - - - '\. ~!'lnitia Is Date


1200 23 Apr i1 1945


1. Quitted.

2. The XXIBorn Comwill attack target indicl'ted on "D" Day; Catcall,Aiming point 09;?070 J refereree XXI Born Com Litho Mosaic No. 90.17 -2009.

:3. a. (1) 73d "ling leaves departure point at D Hour.

(2) The 7:3d "ring will disj'l'itch 3 B-29'8 to Iwo J: i . ! I la"to .ll.ct asnavigational esca-t for possible figlt.. er escort .•

b. 313th Wing will leave departllu. poim at D Hour plus 4 minutes.

c. 314th ~'fing will leave departure po.itrt at D Hour plus 8 "minutes.

x; (1) Primary visual aad radar target: 90.17 ... 2009 (Catcall).

Aiming Point Sffort


Reference: XXI Bom Com Litho /.{osaic No. 90.17 - 2009.

(2) Secondary target is Shizuoka.

(3) Route:BaseIwo JimaWing aaaenbly zo ne 234.3530N - 13S51E (DeISrture point)350130N - 13S4730E (IF)Ta r g e t3551N - 13923E352SN - l3S35E3440N - 13SOOE3415N -- 13S15E (Rally point)I owo JimaBase

(4) Axis of attack: .36 degrees true.

( 5 ) 0 Da ,y and DHour: 2 409 30K •

(6) Bomb Load: 500 Ib GPla fused 1/100 nose an~ non delay tail.

(7) A1tittrle of attack is 10,000 to 14,QCX)feet.

(S) Plan for 1,000 gallon fuel reserve on return J • aircraft willatten;t, to lam bafera dark.

N o change.

No. 96.


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o s .Communicationsa. (1) XXI B am ComSOl an:!. SCf'.for strike reports, eontact

reports and: IFF ~o oedUN.

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- 11

Conunanding Gene:ral, 'litentieth Air FereeConmandiU!; Oenar.hl. XXI Bomber OommandDeputy Commander. Tlrent ieth Ai r Fo roeOhi')'!' ot'Statf, Twentieth Air ForeeC h ie > f o fStafr. XXI Bomber COl!lQlnndDeputy CiS, Opns. XXI Bomber OommnndDepu.ty cl 'S, Sup & : l!a1nt. XXI· Bomber COllll! li lll li l.AOof S , A-2 , t x I B amb e >TCommandCommanding Gene.rnl • ..u-lllY Ai.r Forcsl!'ATtN, AO/AS. . Intell1ge.nce

Comlllander in Ohiei'. Pacific Ocean Areas 'Adv Hq)po~ander in Chiei'~ Pacific OCean Axe~8 (Rear Hq)Chief at Naval Opel'ation8. OP-16-VJoint Intelligence Center. Pacific OeeQft !rusCommander Air Force. Paoific F'!ee'tCOIIIIIIIl:nd.er.FU'th FleetC"CIMIIlMer. Fl.ut a~rierTask. PoreeOomm.a ild .e r . .MarianasCommand . i J1 ! ;Generd. rr .S . A rm y ForcH in Far B utGommo.ndil:\g G$neral. U. S, A rm y Foroes. P.a..c1t' ic Oceau ArenDGO!:Uiand.1ng GeQoral. Allied A.ir Foro".sol.l..thwe.t PacU'ic Areal

Commlllldi~ General, Soutm.IJst PacUla Al"o~a. ATTN: .(1_2(for ~eetion 22. RON)

Coeanaing GeJl&t'al, Far East Air ForcesCOll1llandinr; Generel. U. S. StratelIie Ai l' Forca& in Eu.ropeCCllDJlland1ngGeneral. l!I:l.ghth Ai r Fore 8

Command~ng I1eneral. Mediterranean Allied Air ForeesComme.nding General. Fifteenth Air FOl'"oeCOIDm$nl l1ngGeneral. Seventh Air ForceCommanding General. VII Bomber Comman.d-COIIUI1andi:a.gGeneral. VII Fighter OO!lllllandCOIII!D.andlngGeneral. Elaventh.j\1r FaroeO Clim &.sld.1~ G eneral. X XBomber CO! J l l l l lU i dCcmm"ln! ~neZ'aJ..r. 38th Flyl~ Tra.i.nlng f.'lng~1ft& Gepral. 5IJth Bombard'inent WlnaOC l l l l l l I ACUUSGeneral, ?3rdBolIII!ar4loant WlnsC0lDJlal14121!ieneral. 313th Bolllbatdment 'fll\&Comaand.1Jl~Oeneral, :S141::h.8om.bl.rdment WtntCommandi ! \ !Oen.nl. !15th Bombardment: WingCommud1a& orricor. 3rd Photo Recon S.. q , . .dro~Comman6.ing Ot':f'loet, 33rd St",t1stleal Oontt-ol UnltChemioal ' I ITa r l ' e . - r e()rrioar. XXI 8om.bar Oommatd.Tact1Gs IUld Tra1rd.~ SeOtiODa. A..3. Xl! 8om'!)ar Command.

Ordnanoo ot.t1oer. m BombClJ" OllllMJldOOlllll.amlJll; Officer, m Bomber COIII!lIlad, Qc.bat StagingCenter (Provi.lonal)

Hhtodolll Off'100l". m BQllber CoamanaCall1lutJ1!11ncOerwral, UIJY Air ForOe.ATTlh JfJ/A3 lntelllgonee. Con.otlon De11W"111ionColllllWlding (;eneral. J ,zmy Air Forca4S 1'QeU'io Ocean J..reo.8ATTN I J r.AFEvaluation ~oard

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100101102103104105105 - 115

Command1 ng Gene rill. h.rmy 1.1r Forcea Pac1f 10 Oce a n Ara!l.llATTNI Director of CommuniontlonsFo ra Counter MeClsuras J.ir Analysis Center

Commllnding Offioer, 5th Bomb Group (VB)Commnnd ing Officer, 9th Bomb Group (VIl)Comme.nding Officer, 15th Bomb Group (VH)Commanding Offioer, 19th Bomb Group (VB)CQl!l:mnnding Offioer. 29th Bomb Group (VH)Commnnd.ing Orficar. 39th Bomb Group (VH)Commanding Officer, 40th Bomb Group (VB)Commanding Officer, 330th Bomb Group (VB)Commanding Officer, 331st Bomb Group (VH)Commanding Offic$r, 444th Bo.mb Group (VE)Commo.n.ding Orfi .o01Jr. 46.2nd Bomb Group (VB)COIl1llUl.ndingOffioer, 458th Bomb Group (VB)Commnnd1ng Offi.cer. 497th Bomb Group (VB)Commanding Officer. 498th Bomb Group (VB)

Command.ing Officer, 499th Bomb Group (VB)Commanding Offit.ar, 500th Bomb Group (VR)Go.mmanding Officer. 50lst Bomb Group (VH)Commanding Officer. 502nd Bomb Group (V1I)Commanding Officer, 504th Bomb Group (W)Commanding Officer. 506th Bomb Group (VR)Oommundtng Officer, 555th Bomb Group (H) ("IR)Commanding Offioer. Twentieth l.ir Foroe Leo:d Crew SchoolCommanding Offioer. 15th Fighter GroupCommanding Officer, 21st Fightsr GroupCommandi.ng Off1eer, SOSth Fighter GroupReporting Unit, ;;'~2, XXI Bombe r Command (FUe Copy)Reportin& Unit.. 1..-2, XXI Bomber 130mmand