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  • 8/13/2019 203285836-Centering-and-Grounding.pdf


    Centering and Grounding

    Everyone who does anything with magick needs to know how to center and ground.. It's

    like stretching before a sports event. Centering will help you keep yourself balanced andfocused on what you are doing. Grounding keeps you from getting "spacy"or distracted.

    You should always ground before you do anything with any magick or ritual work. s

    well! if you do it before you sleep you'll not only sleep better! you might remember more

    from your dreams as well. Grounding and centering aren't ust for magickal uses! either.Grounding will help you to meditate better. Centering can help you with public speaking!

    taking e#ams! performing! and managing anger.

    $hen you're first learning this! get yourself somewhere where you're very comfortable!

    and if you're not %uite settled anywhere! make yourself as comfortable as possiblewherever you can. fter a while you can do it anywhere! because it becomes second



    Close your eyes! and place your feet firmly on the ground or floor. Gather all the energyin your body to a nice round glowing ball in what you feel is the center of your body.

    his is centering. (ind a center point in yourself and feel it there! steady and calm. If you

    are only centering and not moving on to grounding! maintain this as long as you need to

    until you feel you have centered yourself enough.


    Center yourself first. )reathe deeply. s you breathe in! feel the clean! fresh air filling

    your whole body! filling your *elf. s you breathe slowly out! feel the worries andproblems of your everyday life! your mundane e#istence dropping away! through yourfeet into the Earth. +ow imagine that ball slowly putting down roots! small at first!

    getting thicker! through your feet and your hands. (eel those roots get thicker as they go

    down through layers of soil and rock! pushing deep into the Earth ,other's body.

    Imagine the water table under all those layers of earth! and when your roots reach the

    water! draw the cool! fresh energy of the Earth flow up to your centered energy ball and

    blend with it - the Earth ower is a deep well! and you are drawing it up into yourself!

    through your chakras! up your spine and through the top of your head. (eel the Earthower fill you! rise through you like refreshing water! and feel it flow through your

    Center! constantly providing both new energy and a route for negative and unhealthyenergy to flow away! carried by the Earth ower back to the depths of the living well tobe cleansed and made useful again.

    s the energy flows through the top of your head! feel it branch out! spreading like the

    arms of a tree. (eel it grow to the sky! into the stars! and touch the bright *ky ower

    pulsing overhead. s it pulses! draw it down through your branches! down through thosearms and into your center! to connect with your Center! to oin there in union and balance

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    with the Earth ower. (eel the cool bree/es of the *ky ower invigorate and cleanse you!

    bringing inspiration and oy from the vast 0niverse into your Center.

    +ow you are connected to the Earth ower! and the *ky ower1 feel them oin together ina balance in your Center! and in your *elf. You are grounded now in all things! and may

    ourney deeper in to other realms1 this is the beginning of a meditative state! the state inwhich the mind is ready for both magickal work and ritual.


    *hielding is another basic skill! something done to help protect your *elf from negativityand attack from outside your *elf. It's very important to remember fle#ibility in this

    e#ercise - if your shields are rigid! you may find that it's hard to work with them later.

    Centering and grounding is the first step to making a good! functional shield. *hielding is

    also very heavy on visuali/ation - being able to "see"! or imagine! with your mind the

    energy you are moving and shaping. Yes - you will be using your imagination. hat'swhat visuali/ation is.

    ,irror shields are the most commonly-taught basic shielding techni%ue I've seen online. Idon't teach them.

    ,irror shields are shields built like a mirror on the outside - slick! shiny! and anything

    sent towards you will ust reflect off the surface of it. *hields like this! build brick-solid!

    $I22 take a pounding and not crumble - you will be very safe.

    he downside of that is that they don't let all the negative things we do to ourselves out!

    and you can end up trapped behind a wall with nothing but your own fears and an#ieties.+othing goes out away from you! and no-one can get in to help you.

    here's another problem with mirror shields. ny negativity cast at you from outside will

    bounce away! alright! but with no direction and may end up hitting someone else entirely!who may not appreciate that. hat's how "witch wars" start! and it's in your best interest

    to avoid those.

    *o I don't teach mirror shields! because they're too easy to create badly.

    his techni%ue is something I call an aura shield! or perhaps more accurately a colour


    Center yourself! and then ground. *tart by visuali/ing energy coming from your center to

    surround you. You are surrounding yourself in a field of energy that is both intense in

    colour! and light. It is as if you are creating a second aura around yourself. If you areaware of your aura! it should feel as if you are e#panding and strengthening its intensity.

    You should feel! when you are creating the shield! as if you are "glowing" - you are

    proecting a very bright field of energy. ,ake it whatever colour pleases you most1 I

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    usually make it the colour of my aura! but a colour appropriate to your purpose is also a

    good idea.

    $hile you are creating this field of energy! remember to visuali/e that negative energy isabsorbed by the shield and sent down to the Earth to be grounded and cleansed. lso

    visuali/e positive energy coming to you through the shield. ositive energy shouldalways be able to flow through your shields to you. )uilt the intensity as much as you

    desire in the shield! and then stop when you are comfortable with it. he shield will bethere! even if you don't think about it at all later.

    $hen you stop visuali/ing the shield creation and stop giving it energy from the Earth! it

    should maintain both colour and brightness. It will stay around you for as long as youwish it to - if you wish to get rid of it! ust do the visuali/ation in reverse and take it

    down. It's also a good idea to refresh the energy in it every couple of days! at least! if not

    every day. It won't need a lot of maintenance! but it's always good to keep it healthy.

    fter mastering this basic shielding techni%ue! you may want to visuali/e yourself somecustom shields. (or e#ample! some people like to visuali/e their shields as a constantly

    moving flow of water or fire - fire to burn away negative energy! or water to flow it down

    to the Earth ower again. If you don't like my techni%ues! play with them....you may end

    up making a shield that's completely uni%ue and perfect for you.

    If you'd like to go a step farther! and protect your private placesand sanctuaries against

    such things as negative energy! or scrying! or unauthori/ed entry! try creating a $ard.

    Get grounded in the room or place you are warding! and pick a point to start. If it's a

    room! I start in the ceiling corners. Imagine a brightly glowing! burning ball of energy

    growing there - again! it might be the color of your aura! a favorite color! a mi# of coloursor one chosen for a specific purpose. It may also not be a ball! but a protective symbol

    you like1 a pentacle! or other symbol! a rune or bindrune! or anything else you think isappropriate. hese corner energy balls are the anchor points of your warding.

    $hen you have anchored the corners! send energy out from one anchor point into the

    ne#t! in a line - I visuali/e my lines as a braided cord of power! but yours might be a

    burning line of fire! or levinbolts crackling between corners. *ome of my wards are donein 3gham1 I visuali/e the "line" as a string of 3gham characters! done in vines. $hatever

    is most appropriate to your purpose is the best. hese are the boundary lines - they define

    the boundary of your ward.

    $hen you have finished setting the frameworks of your wards! meaning each corner hasa strong anchoring point and each boundary line is strong! envision sheets of energy

    sliding down the wall. hese should be fle#ible and strong! like the walls of your aura

    shield! and may be of any construction you desire. s you visuali/e the walls of the wardgoing up! give them intent - proect your will for these walls as you would with your own

    personal shield. hat can be protection from negative entities and energies! allowing in

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    only positive energies! and keeping out uninvited visitors. $ards are as simple or as

    comple# as you want to make them.

    (inding Your otem nimal

    $itches have many tools at their disposal that people don't often consider important!because they are overlooked and ignored. Intuition is that gut feeling! that sense of

    something without knowing why you feel it. 2isten to that little voice! learn to follow

    your heart 4or stomach! as the case may be5! and you have learned to follow intuition.

    6isuali/ation is that day-dream type feeling where you close your eyes and see an eventunfold! where you see what you want to happen. $ith practice! a witch can use

    visuali/ation to make things happen! with use of grounding and energy. It is a very

    important skill in $icca! and one that you'll want to develop.

    ,editation is ust a state of mind where you have let go of conscious thought. I like to

    start by visuali/ing a calm! smooth pond. +o ripples - thoughts cause the pond to ripple.If I focus on keeping the pond smooth and calm long enough! I lose the pond entirely and

    find my mind free. It's sort of like having a blank slate. I find that once you ground andcenter! you are in the altered state 4the state ready for magick and ritual5 and from there

    you can easily move into a deeper state of meditation.

    his is a meditation7visuali/ation that I used to find my first totems! and I often share it

    with people seeking theirs. Even if you've already made contact with yours! it is awonderful way to rela#! feel connected to the Earth and her children! and find private

    space to speak with your spirit friends. his meditation works best if you have someone

    leading you - that is! speaking the meditation aloud while you follow their words with

    visuali/ation. If you can't find a meditation partner! that's ok. You can visuali/e this aloneust as well.

    gain! get yourself completely comfortable somewhere. Your favorite easy-chair! a pile

    of pillows in a corner of your room! maybe a spot under your favorite tree! wherever thatis. 8ave a cup of tea! read a good book! cuddle with a pet1 maybe even cast a simple

    circle and light a candle and some incense. $hatever will put you most at ease is what

    you should do. 3nce you are completely rela#ed! ground and center yourself! and closeyour eyes.

    You are standing in the middle of a lush! healthy forest. You can feel moist earth! bits of

    branch and bark! and small stones underneath your bare feet! and your hands rest on therough mossy surface of a tall oak tree. You can smell the water after the morning rain allaround you! leaving the forest misty and cool! glistening on the leaves and in tiny pools

    on the ground. he forest smells of pine and oak! birch and cedar! wet bark and damp

    earth! and fresh wind and rain. 2ook above you to the canopy of the trees1 the sky isbrilliant blue through the gaps in the leaves! wispy white clouds draping the heights. he

    *un shines full and bright upon the forest! turning the leaves above into dappled stained-

    glass of different shades of green. You reach down into a small pool and touch your lips

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    with clear! fresh rainwater! tasting its cool pureness. he wind comes through the leaves!

    whispering off of branch and bush! singing its own song. he birds are singing that song

    as well! cheerfully filling the forest with their calls! accented by the occasional frog'snote. 2ook at the forest around you. ouch it! smell it! taste it! and hear it. +ow feel the

    forest! inside and out. (eel all the elements! the wind and water! the earth and the sun! and

    the love of the Gods all around you. )ecome part of that forest.

    *ee yourself walking down a path - the path will look as you see it! and feel it. he pathis your walk with your spirituality! your learning....it is the path that we all walk in

    different ways. (ollow the path until it leads you to a grove of birch trees! tall and slender

    and glowing white in the sunshine. he outside of the circle is lined with beautifulwildflowers1 a pool of deep! clear water stands in the middle and nine stones enclose the

    circle round. he sun shines bright and full overhead! and the sky moves %uickly as the

    wind brushes its ever-moving veil of clouds along. *tand at the entrance for a moment!using all of your senses to feel the grove. $hen it feels right! move to wherever is calling

    you - the rocks! the water! the flowers..... whatever one you feel is the best for you! and is

    where you belong.

    Close your eyes in the meditation and feel the warm sun on your face! the cool bree/ethrough your hair! the dew on your feet and the rock beneath you. *it and listen to all the

    sounds the forest makes! especially the animals. hink about how much you would like

    for your animal guide to come and speak to you in such a beautiful and meaningful place.9on't speak! but ust listen to the forest and its creatures1 hear the trees speaking! and the

    wind! and the animals. If you wait long enough! you may hear footsteps through the brush

    into the grove. Your guide will stand before you from whichever direction it emerged.

    hank it for coming! and then talk to it for as long as it is willing to stay.

    $hen your meditation is done! don't forget to ground yourself well and give the energies

    back to the Earth. If it doesn't work the first time! don't worry about it. :ust try it again

    another day! and perhaps your guide will be ready to show themselves to you. If nothingelse! this is a great method of rela#ing and communing with +ature and 9eity! no matter

    where you are. You do not have to memori/e this meditation1 it is merely a guide to

    finding your totem and it is the spirit of the thing that counts.


    *piritual shapeshifting is a powerful tool for change in consciousness. It should be used

    with caution! and care. ,ost people! when they think of shapeshifting! think of people

    sprouting hair under a full moon and running rampant over some poor hapless town!devouring anything in its path. *hapeshifting in shamanic practices all over the world

    refers to assuming! or aspecting! elements of the animal involved - this may be a manner

    of movement! speaking or vocali/ing! mentality or any number of magickal abilities. In

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    true fashion! over time humanity has begun to define shapeshifting as a physical thing

    only! being unable to conceiv;;>.>? ofthe time doesn't. nyone who can meditate well or travel astrally can shapeshift! with a

    little practice.

    he theory behind much of magick is mind over matter! and this is true for shifting as

    well. he method that I describe here hinges on the ability to meditate deeply! andastrally proect. I don't recommend any form of astral shifting work to be undertaken by

    anyone who is not an e#perienced astral traveller or accompanied by one. 8owever! this

    isn't to say you can't learn. I simply recommend that you first learn the realms of the spiritbefore trying to alter yourself.

    o get ready to attempt a shift! I suggest you work in a circle! or someplace you feel

    comfortable or safe. If you want! light a few candles and some incense! play your favorite

    music softly! have something you really like with you. :ust be very rela#ed and

    comfortable in your workspace. If you're uncomfortable! it's not going to work. If youhave any spirit animals! or spirit helpers! talk to them.

    *pirit helpers! totems and familiars are great for helping first-time spirit or astral shifters!

    as they can help guide you into a form that's right for you. ,aybe they have a preferredother-form that you could use. 4s one of my totems is @aven! I fre%uently use that

    form.5 nyway! get yourself set up and comfortable.

    Get well grounded1 send that root of power down into the earth a good piece. If you're notwell grounded! sometimes you can get curious overlapping of what you see as a spirit!

    and what you see as a human! and it is very disorienting! not to mention disturbing.

    Center yourself well! keeping your power in a nice ball! and focus all of your power intoa fine point. he best e#ample I can give is that of a flashlight....the more focused thesource of light is! the sharper and more precise the larger circle of light it gives off is

    going to be. If you stay well focused! then getting out of your body is going to be that

    much easier. 0se whatever power is most familiar with you& Earth ower is the mostreadily available! but you can use a node of natural power! take some from a holy place!

    or use your own.

    (or those embarking on a spirit shift! once you have centered and grounded well! begin to

    deepen your meditational state. (eel yourself lose the rest of the world! and meditate onthe *pirit nimal you are trying to shift into. If it is a totem or other familiar *pirit

    nimal! meditate on the aspects of the animal you may admire! or desire. ,editate on

    being of the same species as your totem.

    If you wish to shift into a slightly more unfamilar form! I suggest you treat this the sameas working with an unfamiliar God or Goddess. 9o some research! get to know their

    habitat and physiology and their temperament! and then meditate a few times with the

    *pirit nimal in %uestion1 this will prevent the spirit from being angered at youborrowing its form or imitating its Children. sk your spirit guide or totem to help you

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    with power! and gradually unfocus the power's proection. You should return to your

    body! if that's what you're aiming for. o simply undo the shift ust remove the power and

    undo the image! then redo it to be whatever your ne#t form needs be if you're stillremaining a spirit-form. You will always be in the same form on the hysical plane! no

    matter what form you have taken on the stral. *ome people will find that their trueform

    on the stral isn't humanoid at all - life's full of surprises. 15

    @eading uras

    n aura is an energy field that surrounds living obects and obects that hold some kind of

    ower. Each color in an aura represents different traits and aspects of that person or thing

    - and how you see an aura depends on the individualA. hey can be used to determinesomeone's general state! someone's mood! and their current state of health. Every time

    you come in close pro#imity or contact with another person! your aura reacts with theirs.

    If your aura and theirs are in a like state! or tuned to the same fre%uency! you may find

    yourself liking them instantly. If their aura is not at all like yours! you may find yourself

    taking an instant dislike to them.

    $e've all been trained not to "see" things in our lives....that's why learning to see auras!

    unless you've the knack for it instictively! takes a bit of time. )eginners can usually see

    white! yellow! and light! bright colors first! with the darker colors taking a bit more timeto see. o practice! find a place with soft or dim light! and a nice large piece of white

    paper. lace your hand on the paper and rela# your eyes1 don't stare at your hand! but

    rather the spaces around it. You should! after a time! begin to see a soft ha/e around yourhand. 2ook at it long enough! and you'll start to see colors.

    9on't get discouraged if you're not successful at first. his is a psychic skill! and as with

    all of them it takes time and use to get better. 2ook at other people to keep up on it onceyou get the trick! and also plants! rocks and other "magical" things. lso bear in mindthat you are also looking through your own aura. *o it will take some time to learn to

    distinguish between the colours in your aura! and the colours of another's.