2021 YEAR 7 – 12 LANGUAGES Westminster School Alison Avenue, Marion SA 5043 T: +61 8 8276 0276, F: +61 8 8276 0277 [email protected] www.westminster.sa.edu.au

2021 YEAR 7 – 12 LANGUAGES

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Page 1: 2021 YEAR 7 – 12 LANGUAGES


YEAR 7 – 12


Westminster School Alison Avenue, Marion SA 5043 T: +61 8 8276 0276, F: +61 8 8276 0277 [email protected] www.westminster.sa.edu.au

Page 2: 2021 YEAR 7 – 12 LANGUAGES

YEAR 7 - 2021

CHINESE – Compulsory subject This is a full year subject.


Chinese is the study of both language and culture. No pre-requisites are required. The course is designed for students to gain a basic knowledge and confidence in using Chinese. Students who have prior Chinese knowledge will be extended and accelerated. Basic vocabulary and conversations frequently encountered in everyday life will be provided. The course aims to develop basic communication skills in the areas of listening, speaking, reading and writing as well as an understanding of Chinese culture of Chinese speaking communities.


Semester 1 Topics include commonly used daily expressions, introducing self and friends, numbers, dates and birthdays, countries and nationalities and cultural research tasks. Students will learn and develop communicational skills and cultural understandings through • reading and writing the commonly used characters as well as basic radicals, vocabulary and grammar • understanding and responding to basic classroom instructions in Chinese • personal introductions, such as name, age, birthdays, likes and dislikes in Chinese • researching and investigating different cultural aspects on China such as daily life, customs and traditions

of Chinese people • exploring and discovering culturally appropriate communication strategies and gestures

Semester 2 Topics include introducing friends, family members and their recreational activities and hobbies, and relevant cultural research tasks. Students will continue to develop their skills and knowledge in Chinese language and culture through • describing people, pets, and objects with the adjectives • expressing feelings and thoughts with the adverbs • working independently, collaboratively and creatively with their language skills • learning additional characters and grammar such as general sentence structure, particles, conjunctions and

measure words • cultural research tasks to examine and evaluate cultures between Chinese and Australia


By the end of the course, students will be able to:

• Exchange greetings with peers and familiar adults, choosing appropriate greetings to suit age or position or time of day

• Understand simple spoken and written statements and questions about themselves, friends, and family • Respond to simple narratives and create short texts or correspondence (such as emails, letters or

postcards) by answering questions

Year 8 -2013

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YEAR 7 - 2021

• Translate simple texts from Chinese to English and vice versa, identifying words and phrases in Chinese that do not readily translate into English, using contextual cues, action and gesture to assist translation

• Reflect on personal experiences and observations of using and learning Chinese language in familiar contexts, and use these reflections to improve communication

• Recognise the tone-syllable nature of the spoken language, discriminate use of tones, rhythm, and sound flow in interactions, and use Pinyin to support learning the spoken language

• Identify how character structure, position and component sequences relate the form of a character to its sound and meaning

• Identify and use the characteristics of Chinese word order and explain the use of Chinese-specific grammatical features


The assessment of progress in Years 7-10 is continuous and teachers will use a variety of assessment methods. During the year, the assessment tasks will measure each student's knowledge, skills and understanding based on the Australian Curriculum Achievement Standards.

Assessment may take the form of continuous formative assessment, summative class topic tests, online quizzes, written tests, aural and reading comprehensions, orals, presentations (oral and multimedia), creative writing and cultural projects.

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YEAR 7 - 2021

GERMAN – Compulsory subject This is a full year subject


This is a beginner’s course where no pre-requisites are required. A number of designated learning outcomes will be developed and assessed.

• Interaction, Text Analysis (listening and reading), Text Production and Intercultural tasks will be completed • The course brings into play all of the communicative modes – listening, speaking, reading and writing - in a

wide variety of activities • It aims to equip students with plenty of practical language and to provide them with numerous

opportunities for using it • Carefully thought-out structures are designed to bring learners to an understanding of how the language

works. Links are made between spelling and sounds and how learnt language can be combined with new concepts to speak or write a short sequence of sentences


Semester 1

• The Alphabet and Pronunciation • Making links between German and other languages • Greeting others • Introductions of self and others • Classroom items and instructions • Numbers 1-100 • Simple useful expressions • Questioning techniques

Semester 2

• Say where you come from and where you live • Days of the week • Months of the year • Introduction of verbs and pronouns • Using simple adjectives • Understanding the differences and similarities in German speaking countries • Gender of nouns, singular and plural, definite and indefinite articles


By the end of the course, students will be able to:

• Understand and respond to greetings and instructions, initiate simple conversations, give personal information in short phrases from memory, begin to apply correctly points of sound/spelling knowledge to unfamiliar words

• Understand simple spoken and written statements and questions about themselves, friends, and family • Combine learnt language with new concepts to speak or write short sequences of short sentences • Use largely memorized language but also begin to incorporate words found in their reading and listening

Year 8 -2013

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YEAR 7 - 2021


The assessment of progress in Years 7-10 is continuous and teachers will use a variety of assessment methods. During the course of the year, the assessment tasks will measure each student's knowledge, skills and understanding based on the Australian Curriculum Achievement Standards.

Assessment may take the form of continuous formative assessment, summative class topic tests, quizzes, written tests, aural and reading comprehensions, orals, presentations (oral and multimedia), creative writing, cultural projects.

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YEAR 7 - 2021

JAPANESE – Compulsory subject This is a full year subject


Japanese is the study of both language and culture, no pre-requisites are required. The course is designed for beginners and aims to develop basic communication skills in the areas of listening, speaking, reading and writing along with a basic understanding of Japanese Culture and Japanese society.


Semester 1 • Students will learn to communicate out themselves and other with basic introduction language • Students will be encouraged to respond basic classroom commands in Japanese • Both Simple and complex Hiragana will be introduced • A range of Kanji for Self Introduction and Personal information will be practices • A geographical Understanding of Japan and its influences on Japanese culture will be explored

Semester 2 • Students will extend their ability to discuss their personal lives to descriptive language about family, friends,

food and daily activities • Students will develop their understanding of Japanese culture through learning about set expressions,

researching festivals and traditional food. • Students will encouraged to work more independently and creatively with their language skills by

participating in cultural research and presentation of findings in Japanese • Additional Kanji characters related to cultural language will be introduced • Students will learn a minimum of 50 Kanji


By the end of the course, students will be able to:

• To develop basic written and oral communication skills to be able to talk about themselves and others • To develop an understanding of various aspects of Japanese culture and Japanese society • Be able to discuss differences in Japanese culture form their own personal cultural experiences • To read and write all 46 Hiragana plus combination sounds • Recognize and write approximately 50 Kanji • Read and write and translate simple texts from Japanese to English and English to Japanese • Be able to interact with others in simple Japanese • Identify essential features of Japanese grammar and explain their usage

Year 8 -2013

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YEAR 7 - 2021


The assessment of progress in Years 7-10 is continuous and teachers will use a variety of assessment methods. During the course of the year, the assessment tasks will measure each student's knowledge, skills and understanding based on the Australian Curriculum Achievement Standards.

Assessment may take the form of continuous formative assessment, quizzes, written tests, orals, presentations (oral and multimedia), creative writing and cultural projects.

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YEAR 8 - 2021

CHINESE – Compulsory subject This is a full year subject.


Chinese is the study of both language and culture. No pre-requisites are required. The course is designed for students to gain a basic knowledge and confidence in using Chinese. Commonly used vocabulary and conversations frequently encountered in everyday life will be provided. The course aims to develop communication skills in the areas of listening, speaking, reading and writing as well as an understanding of China and Chinese society. Students who have extensive Chinese knowledge will be extended and accelerated.


Semester 1 Students will work towards further developing their communicational skills and cultural understandings. Topics include introducing colors and clothing, commonly used Chinese measure words, weather and holiday activities and cultural research projects. • Read and write the characters as well as radicals, vocabulary and grammar • Understand and respond to classroom instructions in Chinese • Discuss and share about likes and dislikes of colors and clothes, weather conditions and holiday activities • Geographical information on China and daily life, culture, customs and traditions of Chinese people are

incorporated into all lessons • Culturally appropriate communication strategies and gestures will be introduced

Semester 2 Students will continue to work with a variety of learning materials to develop their skills in communication and cultural understanding. Students will extend their ability to discuss everyday topics including occupations and workplaces, recreational activities, time and modes of transport. • Describe people, pets, and objects with the adjectives • Express feelings and thoughts with the adverbs • Students are encouraged to work more independently and creatively with their language skills • Additional characters and grammar such as general sentence structure, particles, conjunctions and

measure words are introduced • Students will conduct research tasks to explore, discover, examine and evaluate cultures between

Chinese and Australia


By the end of the course, students will be able to:

• Exchange and share ideas choosing appropriate words and expressions • Understand simple spoken and written statements and questions about themselves, friends, and family • Respond to simple narratives and create short texts or correspondence (such as emails, letters or

postcards) by answering questions

Year 8 -2013

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YEAR 8 - 2021

• Translate simple texts from Chinese to English and vice versa, identifying words and phrases in Chinese that do not readily translate into English, using contextual cues, action and gesture to assist translation

• Reflect on personal experiences and observations of using and learning Chinese language in familiar contexts, and use these reflections to improve communication

• Recognise the tone-syllable nature of the spoken language, discriminate use of tones, rhythm, and sound flow in interactions, and use Pinyin to support learning the spoken language

• Identify how character structure, position and component sequences relate the form of a character to its particular sound and meaning

• Identify and use the characteristics of Chinese word order and explain the use of Chinese-specific grammatical features


The assessment of progress in Years 7-10 is continuous and teachers will use a variety of assessment methods. During the course of the year, the assessment tasks will measure each student's knowledge, skills and understanding based on the Australian Curriculum Achievement Standards.

Assessment may take the form of continuous formative assessment, summative class topic tests, online quizzes, written tests, aural and reading comprehensions, orals, presentations (oral and multimedia), creative writing and cultural projects.

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YEAR 8 - 2021

GERMAN – Compulsory subject This is a full year subject


This is a beginner’s course where no pre-requisites are required. A number of designated learning outcomes will be developed and assessed.

• Interaction, Text Analysis (listening and reading), Text Production and Intercultural tasks will be completed • The course brings into play all of the communicative modes – listening, speaking, reading and writing - in a

wide variety of activities • It aims to equip students with plenty of practical language and to provide them with numerous

opportunities for using it • Carefully thought-out structures are designed to bring learners to an understanding of how the language

works. Links are made between spelling and sounds and how learnt language can be combined with new concepts to speak or write a short sequence of sentences


Semester 1

• The Alphabet, greeting others, introductions, classroom instructions, numbers 1-100, ages, simple expressions

• Learning to ask for and give your name, talk about others, welcome people, say where you come from and where you live

• Talking about school timetables, subjects and days of the week • Introduction of verbs, pronouns, question words and word order, using simple adjectives • Understanding the differences and similarities in German speaking countries • Discussing what sports/instruments you play and when • Talking about different families and where people live • Gender of nouns, singular and plural, definite and indefinite articles

Semester 2

• Talking about what someone is wearing, describing clothing and giving opinions on clothing and appearance

• More verbs in Present tense, separable verbs, use of the Accusative • Traditions, Customs and Celebrations in German Speaking countries • Talking about what you eat and drink and how things taste • Talking to someone using the polite ‘Sie’ form • Adverbs and more on Word order • Asking prices and buying items • History of German in South Australia: may include a visit to Hahndorf in Term 4 • Telling the time, making arrangements • Further work on the cases: Nominative and Accusative and personal pronouns

Year 8 -2013

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YEAR 8 - 2021


By the end of the course, students will be able to:

• Understand and respond to greetings and instructions, initiate simple conversations, give personal information in short phrases from memory, begin to apply correctly points of sound/spelling knowledge to unfamiliar words

• Understand simple spoken and written statements and questions about themselves, friends, and family • Combine learnt language with new concepts to speak or write short sequences of short sentences • Use largely memorized language but also begin to incorporate words found in their reading and listening


The assessment of progress in Years 7-10 is continuous and teachers will use a variety of assessment methods. During the course of the year, the assessment tasks will measure each student's knowledge, skills and understanding based on the Australian Curriculum Achievement Standards.

Assessment may take the form of continuous formative assessment, summative class topic tests, quizzes, written tests, aural and reading comprehensions, orals, presentations (oral and multimedia), creative writing, cultural projects.

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YEAR 8 - 2021

JAPANESE – Compulsory subject This is a full year subject


Japanese is the study of both language and culture, no pre-requisites are required. The course aims to develop basic communication skills in the areas of listening, speaking, reading and writing along with a basic understanding of Japan and Japanese society.


Semester 1 • Students will learn to communicate in basic Japanese about themselves and their family • Students will be encouraged to respond to and use Japanese in the classroom • Hiragana will be introduced and Katakana will be introduced for extension • Kanji will be introduced • Culturally appropriate communication strategies and gestures will be introduced • Students will develop an understanding of casual and formal Japanese. • Geographical information on Japan and daily routines, customs and traditions of the Japanese people are

incorporated into all lessons

Semester 2 • Students will extend their ability to discuss their personal lives to include recreational activities, hobbies,

day-to-day life, food and school life • Students will further develop their understanding of Japanese culture through learning about set

expressions, researching festivals and traditional food. • Students are encouraged to work more independently and creatively with their language skills through

extended text production and text analysis • Additional Kanji characters are introduced. Students will learn a minimum of 50 Kanji


By the end of the course, students will be able to:

• To develop basic written and oral communication skills in a variety of practical situations • To develop an understanding of various aspects of Japan and Japanese society • To read and write the Japanese scripts and to develop general literacy levels

Year 8 -2013

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YEAR 8 - 2021


The assessment of progress in Years 7-10 is continuous and teachers will use a variety of assessment methods. During the course of the year, the assessment tasks will measure each student's knowledge, skills and understanding based on the Australian Curriculum Achievement Standards.

Assessment may take the form of continuous formative assessment, quizzes, written tests, orals, presentations (oral and multimedia), creative writing and cultural projects.

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YEAR 9 - 2021

CHINESE – Compulsory subject This is a full year subject.


This course builds on language and contexts covered in the Year 8 Chinese course or an equivalent level. The Year 9 Chinese course offers a smooth transition from the introductory level to a second level of Chinese course, with a stronger focus on important sentence structures as well as more complicated expressions and vocabulary. The course aims to develop stronger communication skills in the areas of listening, speaking, reading and writing and to have a greater understanding of contemporary China and Chinese speaking communities.


Semester 1 Students will work with a variety of learning materials to consolidate their language skills. Topics include hobbies and interests, leisure activities and holidays, asking and telling dates and times, explaining the positions and locations of objects. • A variety of communicative written genres will be introduced such as a letter or a magazine article • Students will have an advanced understanding of Chinese characters and grammar • Students will develop their oral skills by participating in role plays, pairs and group conversation tasks, and

oral presentations • Contemporary China such as festivals, celebrations and leisure life will be incorporated into all lessons • Students will be encouraged to respond to and use Chinese in the classroom

Semester 2 Students will continue to work towards further developing their communication skills and cultural understanding. Topics include travelling, shopping, visiting and inviting friends, making phone calls and eating out. • Students will learn to use ICT skills to enhance their Chinese study and research relevant information from

Chinese websites • Contemporary China such as youth culture, discussion on preservation versus modernisation in Chinese

society, and impact of globalisation will be incorporated into all lessons • Students will have numerous opportunities to have a connection with the local Chinese community & ethic

school through various activities aimed at developing their conversation skills OUTCOMES

By the end of the course, students will be able to:

• Understand the main points and descriptions on a number of topics covered describing daily routines and activities, asking and telling dates and times, explaining the positions and locations of objects, responding to questions and community, travelling, shopping, visiting and inviting friends, making phone calls and reservations, ordering the foods, describing the weather and seasons

• Interact and socialise with known and unknown participants in familiar contexts to plan and arrange events, and exchange feelings, opinions and preferences

Year 8 -2013

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YEAR 9 - 2021

• Locate and compare perspectives on people, places and lifestyles in different communities, from a range of spoken information texts, and convey this information to others

• Locate and organise information on topics of interest from a range of written sources to develop a position, and convey this position to a familiar audience in a range of texts

• Respond to imaginative texts by stating how themes such as relationships, image and acceptance are portrayed, and create own performances to express ideas on personal experiences of these themes

• Reflect on the reactions and experiences of participants including their own in interactions and observe how languages is adapted to communicate effectively in unfamiliar contexts

• Discern differences in patterns of sound and tone in extended Chinese speech when listening to speakers of different age, gender, and regional background

• Relate prior knowledge of character form and function to infer information about sound and meaning of unfamiliar characters.

• Analyse functions of grammatical rules and use language appropriate to different forms of oral and written communication. A focus will be on several grammar points including the complex sentence structures, past tense, stative verbs, optative verbs, and particles

• Compare the purposes, text structures and language features of traditional and contemporary Chinese texts

• Explore the development of Chinese as an international language and as a lingua franca in Chinese communities

• Reflect on how language and culture both shape and reflect each other


The assessment of progress in Years 7-10 is continuous and teachers will use a variety of assessment methods. During the course of the year, the assessment tasks will measure each student's knowledge, skills and understanding against the ACARA Achievement Standards.

Assessment may take the form of continuous formative assessment, summative class topic tests, quizzes, written tests, aural and reading comprehensions, orals, presentations (oral and multimedia), creative writing, cultural projects.

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YEAR 9 - 2021

GERMAN – Compulsory subject This is a full year subject.


This course builds on language and contexts covered in Year 8 or an equivalent level. A number of designated learning outcomes will be developed and assessed. • Interaction, Text Production, Text Analysis (listening and reading) and Intercultural tasks will be completed • The course brings into play all of the communicative modes – listening, speaking, reading and writing- in a

wide variety of activities • It aims to equip students with plenty of practical language and to provide them with numerous

opportunities for using it • Carefully thought-out structures are designed to bring learners to an understanding of how the language

works, the links between spelling and sounds and how learnt language can be combined with new concepts to speak or write a short sequence of sentences


Semester 1 • Talking about your holidays, asking for and giving dates, continuation of verbs • Saying what your plans are, what you can do and can’t do, introduction of modal verbs • Finding out about German, Swiss and Austrian products and companies in Australia and New Zealand • Learning more about some famous inventors from German-speaking countries, and the importance of the

German-speaking countries to the world’s economy • Express feelings, learn to apologise • Describe your pets and express likes and dislikes with regards to animals/pets • Wishing someone a Happy Birthday, giving and receiving presents, possessive pronouns • Talking about types of music you like and dislike Semester 2 • Talking about the weather in Europe • Saying what kinds of activities you enjoy, in the summer and in the winter, using separable and modal verbs • Planning to meet friends, arranging times • Talking about what you like and dislike to eat for lunch including an excursion to Central Market • Expressing your preferences with regards to food • Understanding and giving simple directions • Talking about seeing someone again and giving gifts to others

Year 8 -2013

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YEAR 9 - 2021


By the end of the course, students will be able to:

• Understand the main points, descriptions and opinions on a number of topics covered. A focus will be on several grammar points including an introduction to the past tense

• Show an ability to write about people and their choice of activities, acquire a basic understanding of weather and lifestyle in both Germany and Australia and express simple opinions

• Learn to give reasons, understand specific details of description, past and present, and produce corresponding oral and written work by applying appropriate grammar

ASSESSMENT The assessment of progress in Years 7-10 is continuous and teachers will use a variety of assessment methods. During the course of the year, the assessment tasks will measure each student's knowledge, skills and understanding against the ACARA Achievement Standards.

Assessment may take the form of continuous formative assessment, summative class topic tests, quizzes, written tests, orals, aural and reading comprehensions, presentations (oral and multimedia), creative writing and cultural projects.

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YEAR 9 - 2021

JAPANESE - Compulsory subject

This is a full year subject.


The course aims to build on the basic communication skills introduced in Year 8 Japanese or an equivalent level. The Year 9 Japanese course offers a smooth transition from the introductory level to the second level of Japanese course. There is a stronger focus on fundamental sentence structures, as well as more complicated expressions and vocabulary. The course aims to develop both stronger communication skills in the areas of listening, speaking, reading and writing and a greater understanding of contemporary Japan and Japanese society.

COURSE CONTENT Semester 1 • Students will work through the ‘Obento Supreme’ workbook. Topics include telling time, discussing daily

activities, responding to questions, their immediate environment, providing reasons and talking about things they want to do

• A variety of communicative written genres will be introduced • Students will continue to develop their understanding of the Hiragana and Katakana scripts, and they will

have a greater exposure to Kanji with a further 60 Kanji to be introduced throughout the year • Students will develop their oral skills by participating in role-plays and oral presentations • Students will be encouraged to respond to and use Japanese in the classroom Semester 2 • Students will work through the ‘Obento Supreme’ workbook. Topics include school life, housing and

cultural differences • Various written genres will continue to be explored • Students will develop their ability to provide their own opinions using by using a range of adjectives • Students will complete various activities including role plays & group work aimed at developing their

listening, oral and written skills • Knowledge of the Kanji script will continue to be developed • Students will be encouraged to respond to and use Japanese in the classroom


By the end of the course, students will be able to:

• To develop written and oral communication skills in a variety of practical situations • To develop an understanding of Japanese society and culture and make comparisons with one’s own

society and culture • To develop a range of communication skills and strategies for effective communication

Year 8 -2013

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YEAR 9 - 2021


The assessment of progress in Years 7-10 is continuous and teachers will use a variety of assessment methods. During the course of the year, the assessment tasks will measure each student's knowledge, skills and understanding against the ACARA Achievement Standards.

Assessment may take the form of continuous formative assessment, quizzes, written tests, orals, presentations (oral and multimedia), creative writing and cultural projects.

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YEAR 10 - 2021

CHINESE BACKGROUND SPEAKERS – Elective subject This is a full year subject ASSUMED PRIOR KNOWLEDGE

Year 10 Chinese Background Speakers course is designed for students whose first language is Chinese, learn about being Chinese in Australia and begin to develop their bilingual and bicultural identities as they learn to live and interact with the Australian community.


This course will provide a range of learning skills for Chinese first language learners to extend their learning abilities not only in Chinese but also in other subjects in Australia. It will also give students opportunities to maintain and improve their native language learning for both speaking and writing while exploring widely noticed social focuses in China. Students will use the language of contexts across a variety of topics to further develop their skills in communicating with a range of audiences and contexts. They also experiment with western genre conventions in their Chinese speech and writing effectively for diverse audiences. COURSE CONTENT

Semester 1 • Students will work on basic Chinese language using skills: listing, reading, speaking and writing in Chinese.

Topics include education system in China and in Australia, Overseas Chinese students and new technology use in youth.

• A variety of reading and listening materials will be introduced such as articles, letters, diary entries, blogs, reports, surveys, speeches and interviews.

• Students will have a deep understanding of how to select and analyse resources. • Students will explore a range of Chinese social issues by researching the current situation, identifying the

problems, analyzing the reasons and providing possible solutions. • Students will develop their oral communication skills by participating debating, oral presentations and

conversations with the teacher and the classmates. Semester 2 • Students will keep working on Chinese language skills by looking deeper on current Chinese social

situations. Topics include China and globalization, Chinese environmental issues and Chinese youth issues • A variety of reading and listening materials will be provided for language learning • Students will develop their oral communication skills by participating debating, oral presentation and

conversations with the teacher and the classmates • Students will express their own opinions and ideas in writing and speaking basic on their researches, own

values and believes

Year 8 -2013

Year 8 -2013

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YEAR 10 - 2021


By the end of the course, students will be able to:

• Interact with peers and exchange opinions and preferences about new social and cultural experiences, adjusting tone, vocabulary and phrasing to influence others

• Interpret the stated and implied meanings in authentic informative texts, and use evidence to support or challenge different perspectives

• Use and analyse a range of sources written in simplified and traditional script to identify relevant information, and use this information to create purposeful public information texts

• Use particular language features such as dialogue and imagery in short stories, literary essays and plays to create own imaginative representations of experience

• Reflect on adjustments they and others make in their everyday language use, and connect these adjustments to aspects of experience, culture and roles in Australian society

• Compare writing styles between Chinese authors to identify and explore the purposes and features of text structure and organisation of ideas

• Identify the features of persuasive language and analyse its use in advertising


The assessment of progress in Years 8-10 is continuous and teachers will use a variety of assessment methods. During the course of the year, the assessment tasks will measure each student's knowledge, skills and understanding against the ACARA Achievement Standards. Assessment may take the form of continuous formative assessment, summative class topic tests, D2L quizzes, written tests, aural and reading comprehensions, orals, presentations (oral and multimedia), creative writing, cultural projects.

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YEAR 10 - 2021

CHINESE CONTINUERS – Elective subject This is a full year subject


In this Chinese course, a number of designated learning outcomes will be developed and assessed. At the end of Year 10, students will be able to: • exchange information, opinions and experiences in Chinese • express ideas through the production of original texts in Chinese • analyse, process and respond to texts that are in Chinese • understand aspects of the language and culture of Chinese-speaking communities This course will consolidate and extend what was achieved in the first level and is designed to motivate students to continue their study of the Chinese language and culture in their senior years of secondary schooling. It will also give students an excellent knowledge of the language for both immediate and future use in a wide range of career paths. COURSE CONTENT

Semester 1 • Students will work with a variety of learning materials to develop their language skills. Topics include

understanding and discussing the differences between Australian education and Chinese education, discussing and responding to questions about the general school life such as school routines and subjects, school facilities, co-curricular, classroom rules and classes, and describing and designing living communities

• A variety of communicative written genres will be introduced such as writing and responding to emails, a diary entry and a magazine article

• Students will have an advanced understanding of Chinese characters and grammar with more complicated sentence structures.

• Students will develop their oral skills by participating in role plays, group discussions, oral presentations and conversations with the teacher

• Modern Chinese society such as festival customs, education system, community structures and activities will be incorporated into all lessons

Semester 2 • Students will continue to work with a variety of learning materials to consolidate their language

communication skills and cultural understanding. Topics include discussing and responding to questions about leisure activities, the future plan, part-time jobs, friendship, peer pressure, generational differences and cultural differences between Australia and China.

• Students will learn to use ICT skills to enhance their Chinese study such as making a brochure, writing a journal, creating a blog in Chinese and researching relevant information from Chinese websites

• Contemporary China such as social and health issues, youth issues, society issues in Chinese society, and working conditions and environment in China will be incorporated into all lessons

• Students will have numerous opportunities to have a connection with the local Chinese community & ethic school through various activities aimed at developing their conversation skills

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YEAR 10 - 2021


By the end of the course, students will be able to:

• Understand the main points and descriptions on a number of topics covered - Australian education and Chinese education, the general school life, communities, leisure activities, the future plan, part-time jobs, friendship, peer pressure, generational differences, and cultural differences between Australia and China.

• Interact and socialise with known and unknown participants in familiar contexts to plan and arrange events, and exchange feelings, opinions and preferences

• Locate and organise information on topics of interest from a range of written sources to develop a position, and convey this position to a familiar audience in a range of texts

• Translate simple modified Chinese texts and familiar interactions in different contexts, identifying alternative ways to interpret meaning

• Mediate descriptions of Chinese and Australian life, identifying what experiences and ideas are not readily translated between cultures

• Reflect on the reactions and experiences of participants (including their own) in interactions and observe how languages is adapted to communicate effectively in unfamiliar contexts

• Analyse functions of grammatical rules and use language appropriate to different forms of oral and written communication.


The assessment of progress in Years 7-10 is continuous and teachers will use a variety of assessment methods. During the course of the year, the assessment tasks will measure each student's knowledge, skills and understanding against the ACARA Achievement Standards. Assessment may take the form of continuous formative assessment, summative class topic tests, quizzes, written tests, aural and reading comprehensions, orals, presentations (oral and multimedia), creative writing and cultural projects.

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YEAR 10 - 2021

GERMAN – Elective subject This is a full year subject


This is a second level German course in which a number of designated learning outcomes will be developed and assessed: • exchange information, opinions and experiences in German • express ideas through the production of original texts in German • analyse, process and respond to texts that are in German • understand aspects of the language and culture of German-speaking communities This course will consolidate and extend what was achieved in the first level and should motivate students to continue their study of the German language and culture into their senior years of secondary schooling. COURSE CONTENT

Semester 1: • Asking for and giving permission, modal and separable verbs, coordinating conjunctions • Ordering and paying for meals, use of the accusative case • Using comparative and superlative adjectives • Talking about sport and player positions • Saying you are feeling ill, describing symptoms • Referring to things that have happened in the recent past • Using the imperative and subordinating conjunctions • Participation in the Goethe Institute German Film Fest for schools competition time permitting Semester 2: • Talking about households, rooms and chores, introduction of reflexive verbs • Expressing dismay • Talking about going shopping, trying things on and expressing preferences, dative pronouns and

prepositions • Talking about clothing and department stores • Expressing what you are allowed and not allowed to do, question words • Discussing holiday activities, destinations, tourism and travel in German-speaking countries • Excursion linked to viewing of the film entries for the German Film Fest OUTCOMES

By the end of the course, students will be able to:

• Understand, say and write simple narratives in the past and present relating to food, housing, clothing, activities and locations

• Learn how to cope in a clothing shop/department store • Recognize the main German-speaking countries, talk and write about where they are, describe simple

features, what there is to do in a town, be able to give directions, offer tourist advice • Combine new knowledge with previous learning, show some awareness of how language operates by

adapting and substituting words and phrases, and writing paragraphs

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YEAR 10 - 2021

ASSESSMENT The assessment of progress in Years 7-10 is continuous and teachers will use a variety of assessment methods. During the course of the year, the assessment tasks will measure each student's knowledge, skills and understanding against the ACARA Achievement Standards.

Assessment may take the form of continuous formative assessment, summative class topic tests, quizzes, written tests, orals, aural and reading comprehensions, presentations (oral and multimedia), creative writing and cultural projects.

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YEAR 10 - 2021

JAPANESE – Elective subject

This is a full year subject


In this Japanese course a number of designated learning outcomes will be developed and assessed. At the end of Year 10 students will be able to: • exchange information, opinions and experiences in Japanese • express ideas, personal experiences and opinions through the production of original texts in Japanese • analyse, process and respond to texts that are in Japanese • understand aspects of the language and culture of Japanese-speaking communities This course will consolidate and extend what was achieved in Year 8 and 9, and is designed to motivate students to continue their study of the Japanese language and culture in their senior years of secondary schooling. It will also give students an excellent knowledge of the language for both immediate and future use in a wide range of career paths.


Semester 1 • Consolidate previous learning • Develop ability to read and write Katakana • Continue building knowledge of Kanji • Build grammatical knowledge through the introduction of casual verb endings • Discuss personal skills, abilities, likes/dislikes with more accuracy and variety of language. Semester 2 • Continue building ability to read and write Kanji, a minimum of 100 Kanji will be introduced in Year 10,

including combination Kanji • Continue developing understanding of casual verb endings and how they can be used for a variety of

grammatical and communicative purposes • Develop ability to produce extended texts that use a variety of expressions, cohesive devices and

grammatical patterns in order to accurately express their own opinions and feelings • Use text analysis to discuss the way in which Japanese language is used to communicate OUTCOMES

By the end of the course, students will be able to:

• Students will be able to understand, say and write simple narratives in the past and present relating to food, future ambitions, daily life, exchanges, living and studying in Japan and jobs

• Understand the cultural differences between Australian and Japanese society, especially in working and school environments and provide their opinions about these differences.

• Combine new knowledge with previous learning, show some awareness of how language operates by adapting and substituting words and phrases, and writing paragraphs

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YEAR 10 - 2021


The assessment of progress in Years 7-10 is continuous and teachers will use a variety of assessment methods. During the course of the year, the assessment tasks will measure each student's knowledge, skills and understanding against the ACARA Achievement Standards.

Assessment may take the form of continuous formative assessment, quizzes, written tests, orals, presentations (oral and multimedia), creative writing and cultural projects.

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YEAR 11 - 2021

CHINESE (BACKGROUND SPEAKERS) This is a one semester or full year subject.


Stage 1 Chinese Background Speakers course is designed for students who have a background in Chinese, and who have had more than 1 year of full-time education in Chinese-speaking countries. STUDY DESCRIPTION

This is an extended level course in which four designated learning requirements will be assessed: • interact with others to exchange and explain information, ideas and opinions in Chinese • create texts in Chinese to express ideas, opinions, and perspectives on contemporary issues • analyse, evaluate, and respond to texts that are in Chinese • examine relationships between language, culture and identity, and reflect on the ways in which culture

influences communication.

There are four prescribed themes • China and the World – aspects of political and historical developments, the environment, population

issues and policies • Modernisation and Social Change – exploring topics from educational change and social/employment

opportunities, the impact of technology, the changing roles and expectations of women and men, youth issues

• The Overseas Chinese-speaking Communities – exploring Chinese contributions in Australia, cultural evolution and adaptation

• Language in Use in Contemporary China – exploring writers in the Chinese language, the internet and contemporary films


Semester 1 • Text Production: A piece of writing about the Education system in China and Australia • Interaction: Conversation with the teacher about the Chinese globalisation • Text Analysis: Responding to a Chinese article about Chinese environment and answer related questions

in Chinese and English • Investigation: (Part A – Reflective essay in English on a selected topic for investigation; Part B – Oral

presentation in Chinese about a selected topic for investigation)

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YEAR 11 - 2021

Semester 2 • Text Production: A piece of writing about the women social status in China • Interaction: Conversation in Chinese to discuss cultural differences between Chinese and Australia • Text Analysis: Responding to a Chinese article about the impact of technology and answer related

questions in Chinese and English • Investigation: (Part A – Reflective essay in English on a selected topic for investigation; Part B – Written

response in Chinese about a selected topic for investigation)


• The Chinese Background Speakers course benefits the overall education of Chinese background students, particularly in the areas of communication, cross-cultural understanding, literacy and general knowledge

• The course provides a clearer understanding and appreciation of the cultural contexts in which Chinese is used

• The ability to reflect on the students’ own and other cultures • Understanding of language as a system • The ability to use Chinese to communicate with others, in conjunction with other learning and social skills,

may increase students’ vocational opportunities ASSESSMENT

• Assessment Type 1: Interaction • Assessment Type 2: Text Production • Assessment Type 3: Text Analysis • Assessment Type 4: Investigation Ten summative tasks are designed to assess all four learning requirements: • 70% continuous assessment interaction, text production, text analysis, investigation • 30% exam (internal), conversation (interaction), text analysis tasks, written paper (including text

production) Note: The final grade submitted to the SACE Board of SA will only include assessment results achieved in the 10 summative tasks

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YEAR 11 - 2021

CHINESE (CONTINUERS) This is a full year subject.


Year 10 Chinese or an equivalent standard (Grade ‘B’ or higher). STUDY DESCRIPTION

This is an extended level course in which four designated learning requirements will be assessed: • interact with others to exchange information, ideas, opinions and experiences in Chinese • create texts in Chinese to express information, feelings, ideas and opinions • analyse texts that are in Chinese to interpret meaning • examine relationships between language, culture and identity, and reflect on the ways in which culture

influences communication

There are three prescribed themes • The Individual – aspects of one’s personal world such as sense of self, aspirations for the future, personal

values, opinions, ideas, relationships with others • The Chinese-speaking Communities – exploring topics from the perspective of groups within those

communities or the communities as a whole, reflecting also upon one’s own culture • The Changing World – exploring change as it affects the world of work, considering topics such as

technology, trade and tourism COURSE CONTENT

Semester 1 • Text Production: a piece of writing in Chinese about aspirations or travel plan • Interaction: Conversation with the teacher in Chinese about school life and personal future plan • Text Analysis: Responding to Chinese articles and answer related questions in Chinese and English • Investigation: (Part A – Reflective essay in English on a selected topic for investigation; Part B – Oral

presentation in Chinese about a selected topic for investigation)

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Semester 2 • Text Production: Magazine article or letter in Chinese regarding studying Chinese/foreign language,

studying abroad, future or a healthy lifestyle • Interaction: Conversation in Chinese to discuss cultural differences between Chinese and Australia • Text Analysis: Responding to Chinese articles and answer related questions in Chinese and English • Investigation: (Part A – Reflective essay in English on a selected topic for investigation; Part B – Oral

presentation in Chinese about a selected topic for investigation)


• Chinese contributes to the overall education of students, particularly in the areas of communication, cross-cultural understanding, literacy and general knowledge

• Provides clearer understanding of the culture, traditions, beliefs, attitudes and values of more than 1.4 billion Chinese speakers

• The ability to communicate in Chinese, in conjunction with other skills, may increase students’ vocational opportunities


• Assessment Type 1: Interaction • Assessment Type 2: Text Production • Assessment Type 3: Text Analysis • Assessment Type 4: Investigation N.B. An end-of-semester exam is assessed and recorded within student reports.

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YEAR 11 - 2021

GERMAN (CONTINUERS) This is a full year subject.


Year 10 German or an equivalent standard (Grade ‘B’ or higher) STUDY DESCRIPTION

This is an extended level course in which four designated learning requirements outcomes will be assessed: • interact with others to exchange information, ideas, opinions and experiences in German • create texts in German to express information, feelings, ideas and opinions • analyse texts in German to interpret meaning • examine relationships between language, culture and identity, and reflect on the ways in which culture

influences communication There are three prescribed themes: • The Individual – aspects of one’s personal world such as sense of self, aspirations for the future, personal

values, opinions, ideas, relationships with others • The German-speaking Communities – exploring topics from the perspective of groups within those

communities or the communities as a whole, reflecting also upon one’s own culture • The Changing World – exploring change as it affects the world of work, considering topics such as

technology, trade and tourism


Semester 1 • Oral presentation and discussion with teacher regarding the student themselves, others, likes, dislikes,

involvement in school activities • Students write a series of diary entries or a letter to a German friend giving details relating to a trip through

Germany or outlining information on a city they have chosen to research, respectively • Students view a current German film and answer related questions in German and English • Investigation – Part A: Students give an oral presentation in German on a German tradition of interest,

giving reasons for its significance • Investigation – Part B: Students produce a short magazine article in English explaining why their chosen

tradition should also be part of Australian culture. They are to reflect on their investigation and own learning, as to how the German culture, values and ideas encountered in their investigation compare with their own

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YEAR 11 - 2021

Semester 2 • Oral presentation and discussion with teacher regarding leisure activities (sports, hobbies, etc.) • Letter to a German pen-pal about an approaching exchange in Germany, focusing on differences between

the German and Australian school systems • Students read, discuss and analyse a series of texts in German relating to youth issues, responding in

German and English • Investigation – Part A: Students research and present an interpretation in German on “The Berlin Wall” and

its role during the Cold War • Investigation - Part B: Students write a short piece in English discussing the recovery of Germany after World

War II, up to and including reunification. They are to reflect on their investigation, the discovery of new and challenging details, the impact on their values, beliefs and ideas, and how this has changed their understanding of the German speaking community. Students will also reflect on how their learning has contributed to their understanding of themselves and their culture


• German contributes to the overall education of students, particularly in the areas of communication, cross-cultural understanding, literacy and general knowledge

• Provides clearer understanding of the culture, traditions, beliefs, attitudes and values of more than 140 million German speakers

• The ability to communicate in German, in conjunction with other skills, may increase students’ vocational opportunities


• Assessment Type 1: Interaction • Assessment Type 2: Text Production • Assessment Type 3: Text Analysis • Assessment Type 4: Investigation N.B. An end-of-semester exam is assessed and recorded within student reports.

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YEAR 11 - 2021


Year 10 Japanese or an equivalent standard (Grade ‘B’ or higher) STUDY DESCRIPTION

This is an extended level course in which four designated learning requirements will be assessed: • interact with others to exchange information, ideas, opinions and experiences in Japanese • create texts in Japanese to express information, feelings, ideas and opinions • analyse texts that are in Japanese to interpret meaning • examine relationships between language, culture and identity, and reflect on the ways in which culture

influences communication

There are three prescribed themes • The Individual – aspects of one’s personal world such as sense of self, aspirations for the future, personal

values, opinions, ideas, relationships with others • The Japanese-speaking Communities – exploring topics from the perspective of groups within those

communities or the communities as a whole, reflecting also upon one’s own culture • The Changing World – exploring change as it affects the world of work, considering topics such as

technology, trade and tourism as well COURSE CONTENT

Semester 1 • Text Production: Essay/Letter/Diary to exchange ideas and express opinions in Japanese on three

prescribed themes • Interaction: Oral presentation, conversation, or Video Letter expressing personal life, school life, future,

leisure and hobbies in Japan or Australia • Text Analysis: Responding to a Japanese journal, film, arts, or songs and answer related questions in

Japanese and English • Investigation: (Part A – Reflective essay in English on a selected topic for investigation; Part B – Oral

presentation in Japanese about a selected topic for investigation)

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YEAR 11 - 2021

Semester 2 • Text Production: Essay or letter in Japanese regarding studying Japanese/foreign language, studying

abroad, future plan, differences of lifestyle or contemporary Japanese society • Interaction: Oral presentation or Skit in Japanese to discuss cultural differences between Japan and

Australia or travel experiences • Text Analysis: Responding to a Japanese journal, film, arts, or songs and answer related questions in

Japanese and English • Investigation: (Part A – Reflective article in English on Japanese festival; Part B – Oral presentation

comparing and contrasting Japanese festival with an Australian one) OUTCOMES

• Japanese contributes to the overall education of students, particularly in the areas of communication, cross-cultural understanding, literacy and general knowledge

• Provides clearer understanding of the culture, traditions, beliefs, attitudes and values of more than 200 million Japanese speakers

• The ability to communicate in Japanese, in conjunction with other skills, may increase students’ vocational opportunities


• Assessment Type 1: Interaction • Assessment Type 2: Text Production • Assessment Type 3: Text Analysis • Assessment Type 4: Investigation N.B. An end-of-semester exam is assessed and recorded within student reports.

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YEAR 12 - 2021


The Stage 2 Chinese Background Speakers course is designed for students who have a background in Chinese and who have had more than 1 year of full-time education in Chinese-speaking countries. (Grade ‘B’ or higher). STUDY DESCRIPTION

This is an extended level course in which four designated learning requirements will be assessed: • interact with others to exchange and explain information, ideas and opinions in Chinese • create texts in Chinese to express ideas, opinions, and perspectives on contemporary issues • analyse, evaluate, and respond to texts that are in Chinese • examine relationships between language, culture and identity, and reflect on the ways in which culture

influences communication

There are four prescribed themes • China and the World – aspects of political and historical developments, the environment, population

issues and policies • Modernisation and Social Change – exploring topics from educational change and social/employment

opportunities, the impact of technology, the changing roles and expectations of women and men, the youth issues

• The Overseas Chinese-speaking Communities – exploring Chinese contributions in Australia, cultural evolution and adaptation

• Language in Use in Contemporary China – exploring writers in the Chinese language, the internet and the contemporary film


Semester 1

• Text Production: A piece of writing about one current issue in China • Interaction: Conversation with the teacher, talking about one current Chinese social problem • In-depth Study: (Part A – Oral presentation in Chinese about a selected topic for investigation) Semester 2

• Text Analysis: Responding to a Chinese article about one Chinese current issue and answer related questions in Chinese and English

• In-depth Study: (Part B – Reflective essay in English on a selected topic; Part C – Written response in Chinese about a selected topic)

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YEAR 12 - 2021


• Keep learning Chinese background course benefits to the overall education of students, particularly in the areas of communication, cross-cultural understanding, literacy and general knowledge

• Provides clearer understanding and appreciation of the cultural contexts in which Chinese is used • The ability to reflect on the students’ own and other cultures • Understanding of language as a system • The ability to use Chinese to communicate with others, in conjunction with other learning and social skills,

may increase students’ vocational opportunities ASSESSMENT

School-based Assessment 70% • Assessment Type 1: Folio (50%)

(Four to Five Summative Tasks) There are three assessments for the folio:

• interaction: discussion, interview, debate, or role play in Chinese • text analysis: reading and responding, or analysing a text in Chinese • text production: short essay (450 characters) and extended essay (500 characters)

• Assessment Type 2: In-Depth Study (20%)

There are three assessments for the in-depth study: • one oral presentation in Chinese • one written response to the topic in Chinese • one reflective response in English

External Assessment 30% • Assessment Type 3: Examination (30%)

• Oral Examination • Discussion about the subject of the In-Depth Study

• Written Examination

• Section 1: Listening and Responding • Section 2: Reading and Responding • Section 3: Writing in Chinese

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YEAR 12 - 2021


Year 11 Chinese or an equivalent standard (Grade ‘B’ or higher) STUDY DESCRIPTION

This is an extended level course in which four designated learning requirements will be assessed: • interact with others to exchange information, ideas, opinions and experiences in Chinese • create texts in Chinese to express information, feelings, ideas and opinions • analyse texts that are in Chinese to interpret meaning • examine relationships between language, culture and identity, and reflect on the ways in which culture

influences communication

There are three prescribed themes • The Individual – aspects of one’s personal world such as sense of self, aspirations for the future, personal

values, opinions, ideas, relationships with others • The Chinese-speaking Communities – exploring topics from the perspective of groups within those

communities or the communities as a whole, reflecting also upon one’s own culture • The Changing World – exploring change as it affects the world of work, considering topics such as

technology, trade and tourism COURSE CONTENT

Semester 1

The Individual - This theme enables students to express in Chinese about aspects of one’s personal world such as a sense of self, aspirations for the future, personal values, opinions, ideas, and relationships with others. The Chinese-speaking Communities - This theme enables students to explore topics related to the Chinese society, and to encourage students to reflect on their own society in comparative analysis. In-Depth Study (first section) - Students will be given the opportunity to choose their In-Depth Study topic from a range of areas related to China and Chinese speaking communities. This study enables students to investigate their topic, to broaden their knowledge, to analyze information. The first section will be completed in English. Semester 2

The Changing World – This theme enables students to explore change as it affects aspects of the world of work and other topics such as modern technology, social issues, environmental issues, and youth issues. In-Depth Study (second section) – Students will continue to investigate their topic, broadening their knowledge, analyzing information written in Chinese and English. This study also enables students to make comparisons between their learning and their personal experiences. The second section will be completed in Chinese, including oral presentation.

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YEAR 12 - 2021


• Chinese contributes to the overall education of students, particularly in the areas of communication, cross-cultural understanding, literacy and general knowledge

• Students gain access to the rich cultural tradition of China and an understanding of different attitudes and values within the wider Australian community and beyond

• The ability to communicate in Chinese, in conjunction with other skills, may increase students’ vocational opportunities in areas such as trade, tourism, banking, technology, and education


School-based Assessment 70% • Assessment Type 1: Folio (50%)

• interaction: discussion, interview, debate, or role play in Chinese • text analysis: reading and responding, or analyzing a text in Chinese • text production: short essay (200 characters) and extended essay (350 characters)

• Assessment Type 2: In-Depth Study (20%)

• one oral presentation in Chinese • one written response to the topic in Chinese • one reflective response in English

External Assessment 30% • Assessment Type 3: Examination (30%)

• Oral Examination • Written Examination

• Section 1: Listening and Responding • Section 2: Reading and Responding • Section 3: Writing in Chinese

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YEAR 12 - 2021


Stage 1 German or an equivalent standard (Grade ‘B’ or higher) STUDY DESCRIPTION

An Extended Level course in which four designated learning requirements will be assessed: • interact with others to exchange information, ideas, opinions and experiences in German • create texts in German to express information, feelings, ideas and opinions • analyse texts that are in German to interpret meaning • examine relationships between language, culture, and identity and reflect on the ways in which culture

influences communication There are three prescribed themes: • The Individual – aspects of one’s personal world such as a sense of self, aspirations for the future,

personal values, opinions, ideas, relationships with others • The German-speaking Communities – exploring topics from the perspective of groups within those

communities or the communities as a whole, reflecting also upon one’s own culture • The Changing World – exploring change as it affects aspects of the world of work, considering topics such

as technology, trade and tourism COURSE CONTENT

Semester 1

• Folio Task 1: Interaction: conversation with teacher discussing self, others, home, school and future plans • Folio Task 2: Text Analysis: Written responses in German and English relating to the topic “The World of

Work” • Folio Task 3: Text Production 1: Design and write about a new eco-town/satellite city based on

information researched about the environment • Students research for In-depth Study to be completed by the end of Term 2 • Trial exam to be conducted at the end of Term 2 (conversation, listening and written – 3 hours in length) Semester 2

• Folio Task 4: Text Production 2: Response to a German film text • In-depth Study: Oral Presentation and Written task in German, Reflection in English • Continued practice in oral, listening and written skills covering the students’ world and In-depth study • General preparation for final exams

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• German contributes to the overall education of students particularly in the areas of communication, cross-cultural understanding, literacy and general knowledge

• Provides clearer understanding of the culture, traditions, beliefs, attitudes and values of more than 140 million German speakers

• The ability to communicate in German, in conjunction with other skills, may increase students’ vocational opportunities


Seven summative tasks (School based assessment) are designed to assess all four learning requirements School based assessment 70% • Assessment Type 1: Folio (50%)

• Interaction: Students interact with others to exchange ideas, information, opinions and expressions in German

• Text Production: Students create a text in which they express ideas and/or information and/or opinions and/or feelings in written German

• Text Analysis: Students interpret and analyse texts that are in German with a response or responses in German with a response or responses in German and/or English

• Assessment Type 2: In Depth Study (20%)

• An oral presentation in German (3-5 minutes). • A written response in German (500 words). • A reflective response in English (600 words maximum).

External Assessment 30% • Oral Examination • Written examination

Examination – 3 hour written examination • Section 1: Listening and Responding • Section 2: Reading and Responding, Part A and B • Section 3: Writing in German.

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YEAR 12 - 2021


Stage 1 Japanese at an appropriate standard (Grade ‘B’ or higher) STUDY DESCRIPTION

An extended level course in which four designated learning requirements will be assessed: • interact with others to exchange information, ideas, opinions and experiences in Japanese • create texts in Japanese to express information, ideas, opinions, feelings and experiences • analyse texts that are in Japanese to interpret meanings • examine relationships between languages, culture, and identity of Japanese-speaking communities and

reflect on the ways in which culture influences communication COURSE CONTENT

There are three prescribed themes that allow the major leaning outcomes to be achieved. The three themes are The Individual, The Japanese-speaking Communities, and The Changing World. Semester 1 The Individual - This theme enables students to express in Japanese about aspects of one’s personal world such as a sense of self, aspirations for the future, personal values, opinions, ideas, and relationships with others. The Japanese-speaking Communities - This theme enables students to explore topics related to the Japanese society as a whole, and to encourage students to reflect on their own society in comparative analysis. In-Depth Study (first section) - Students will be given the opportunity to choose their In-Depth Study topic from a range of areas related to Japan. This study enables students to investigate their topic, to broaden their knowledge, to analyse information. The first section will be completed in English. Semester 2 The Changing World - this theme enables students to explore change as it affects aspects of the world of work and other topics such as modern technology, social issues, environmental issues, and youth issues. In-Depth Study (second section) - Students will continue to investigating their topic, broadening their knowledge, analysing information written in Japanese and English. This study also enables students to make comparisons between their learning and their personal experiences. The second section will be completed in Japanese, including oral presentation.

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• Japanese contributes to the overall education of students, particularly in the areas of communication, cross-culture cultural understanding, literacy, and general knowledge

• Students gain access to the rich cultural tradition of Japan and an understanding of different attitudes and values within the wider Australian community and beyond

• The ability to communicate in Japanese may, in conjunction with other skills, increase students’ vocational opportunities in areas such as trade, tourism, banking, technology, and education


School-based Assessment 70% • Assessment Type 1: Folio (50%)

(Five Summative Tasks) There are three assessments for the folio:

• interaction: discussion, interview, debate, or role play in Japanese • text analysis: reading and responding, or analysing a text in Japanese • text production: short essay (250 - 300 words) and extended essay (450 - 1200 words)

• Assessment Type 2: In-Depth Study (20%)

There are three assessments for the in-depth study: • one oral presentation in Japanese • one written response to the topic in Japanese • one reflective response in English

External Assessment 30% • Assessment Type 3: Examination (30%)

• Oral Examination • General conversation about the student’s personal world • Discussion about the subject of the In-Depth Study

• Written Examination

• Section 1: Listening and Responding • Section 2: Reading and Responding • Section 3: Writing in Japanese