You will be enriched in every way so that you can be generous. –2 Corinthians 9:11 2021 Annual Stewardship Operating Budget Campaign Consecration Sunday: Sunday, October 18, 2020

2021 Annual Stewardship Operating Budget Campaign€¦ · New Member Class Young Families Estate-planning Seminars Bible Study ... are holy gifts. They are symbols of love and signs

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Page 1: 2021 Annual Stewardship Operating Budget Campaign€¦ · New Member Class Young Families Estate-planning Seminars Bible Study ... are holy gifts. They are symbols of love and signs

You will be enriched in every wayso that you can be generous.

–2 Corinthians 9:11

2021Annual Stewardship

Operating BudgetCampaign

Consecration Sunday: Sunday, October 18, 2020

Page 2: 2021 Annual Stewardship Operating Budget Campaign€¦ · New Member Class Young Families Estate-planning Seminars Bible Study ... are holy gifts. They are symbols of love and signs

Dear GPC Friends –

When the pandemic closed our church building, we didn’t know anything about how to be an out-of-the-building church. In spite of that, GPC has been an

active church every single day for the last six months.

Thanks to you, we’ve donated food and money to people in need, kept up our regular support for our mission co-workers, and made masks, prayer squares and prayer shawls. We had a food drive in three locations. You have donated time, money and presence to GPC. Our prayers fill the week, as people worship with us seven days a week on YouTube, as their schedules allow. Classes and groups meet via Zoom. You keep the web of connection strong with phone calls, cards and prayers for each other.

Now, let’s do it again!

As we pray about and plan for next year, GPC invites you to make your financial commitment to God’s work through the church. Your commitment will help the church know what we can do in 2021. We hope to be together again in person. We know we’ll keep serving God throughout our area. We’ll keep forming bonds with each other. Your financial gifts, as you’re able, are an important part of everything that GPC does.

Please prayerfully consider your commitment to God’s work for 2021.

Praying for you,Pastor Mary Austin


Page 3: 2021 Annual Stewardship Operating Budget Campaign€¦ · New Member Class Young Families Estate-planning Seminars Bible Study ... are holy gifts. They are symbols of love and signs

EXALT GODWays We Worship

Together in the church sanctuary

Individually with daily devotions

Sometimes in small groups

Online via technology

With communion

Inspiring Music

Through Prayer

Using Scripture

Remembering Traditions

With Offerings

CWF Choir

Worship Lay Leaders

1 2 3 4

ENGAGE NEIGHBORSOur Tithe Serves Others

Interfaith Works

The Lord’s Table

American Red Cross

The Dwelling Place

So Others May Eat (S.O.M.E.)

Gaithersburg Presbyterian Preschool and Kindergarten

Boy Scouts of America

Girl Scouts of U.S.A.

National Capital Presbytery


Children’s Ministry

New Member Class

Young Families

Estate-planning Seminars

Bible Study

Vacation Bible School

Men’s Breakfast & Pancake Supper

VIPS(Very Important Presbyterian Seniors)

Annual Leadership Retreats

Fourth Night Supper and Programs

Pastoral Counseling

Page 4: 2021 Annual Stewardship Operating Budget Campaign€¦ · New Member Class Young Families Estate-planning Seminars Bible Study ... are holy gifts. They are symbols of love and signs

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WAYS WE SHAREGod’s Blessing


Growing In Faith

Making a commitment gives Gaithersburg Presbyterian Church a priority in your life. It encourages each of us to be regular and systematic in our giving.

In our lives as stewards, the gifts we offer (time, talent, and our financial resources) are holy gifts. They are symbols of love and signs of grace that are offered out of devotion. They are gifts of love! These gifts that we offer to God are symbols of our covenant of love with Jesus Christ, made in response to our understanding of Christ’s great love which was offered first for us.

Estimate of Giving [commitment] card



City: State: Zip:

For the GPC Operating Budget:

$ Weekly $ Monthly $ Quarterly $ Annually

My/our gift will be made electronically. I do not need envelopes.

Please return this card during worship on Consecration Sunday (October 18, 2020), to GPC’s Accounting Manager using the enclosed enveloped marked “CONFIDENTIAL.” Or you can submit your commitment by email, in confidence, to [email protected] with the amount and whether it’s weekly, monthly, quarterly, or annually.

Please contact me/us about ways to include GPC in my/our Will or Estate Planning.

Estimate of Giving for 2021Grateful to share God’s blessings, I/we want

to support God’s mission through our GPC family.

Please tear off alongthe dotted line and

keep for your records.


Reminder of my/our2021 Giving Estimate

GPC Operating Budget





Please complete and return your Estimate of Giving card in the enclosed

envelope prior to Consecration Sunday, October 18, 2020.

Making an Estimate of Giving is also available on the church website.


WAYS TO CONTRIBUTETraditional and Digital

• Our traditional and most popular way to donate is using an offering envelope for your cash or check which may be deposited in the offering box or mailed USPS.

• Another way is to have funds directly transferred from your bank to the church.

• We invite you to contribute online using your electronic device.

• Starting in fall 2020, you may also use text giving as an opportunity.

Contributions may be made directly to the annual Operating Budget or for the WTW (Within These Walls)

Capital Maintenance Reserve Fund (CMR)

2020 Operating Budget


Envelope Pledged ........................... $803,000

Envelope Unpledged..................... $150,000

Loose Offering ..................................... $46,000

GPP&K Rent ............................................. $19,510

Other Income ........................................... $2,500

Room Rent .................................................... $250

Interest & Dividends................................. $200

FourthNight .............................................. $6,700

Carryover ................................................. $40,581

Manse Rental.................................................... $0

TOTAL .......................................................... $1,068,741


NCP Membership ................................. $28,867

Human Resources ............................. $614,632

Buildings & Grounds ......................... $231,692

Office Operations .............................. $40,000

Communications .................................... $5,000

Stewardship.............................................. $5,650

Community Engagement ............. $100,600

Equipping Disciples ........................... $25,000

Vital Worship ............................................ $9,800

Congregational Life .............................. $7,500

Session ................................................................. $0

TOTAL .......................................................... $1,068,741

Note: These graphs illustrate the present {August 2020] Session approved operating budget.

The 2021 budget will be recommended by the Finance Ministry to the Session in December.


Gaithersburg Presbyterian Church610 S. Frederick Avenue

Gaithersburg, Maryland 20877(301) 948-9418
