1 | Page 2020 STUDENT RESOURCE SCHEME (SRS) INFORMATION SHEET Dear Parents/Guardians This information sheet includes important information about the fees and inclusions for the SRS. If you have previously opted in to the SRS your participation is assumed for the duration of your child's enrolment, unless you inform the school otherwise by completing a new participation agreement form. If you are a new parent to the school, this information will assist you in making a decision as to whether you wish to participate in the SRS. What is provided by the Queensland Government The Queensland Government supports children’s education by providing funding for instruction (teachers), facilities (school grounds and buildings, internet), and administration (staff to run the school). Funding for schools does not extend to individual student resources such as textbooks, equipment for personal use, and many items used by the student in the classroom. What do Parents Provide All resource costs for curriculum materials, text books, specialist equipment, excursions, activities, uniforms and stationery are the responsibility of Parents/Guardians. The SRS helps parents to source these resources. The school can purchase resources at lower rates due to its bulk buying power. Resources such as textbooks or musical instruments that will be used over a period of time are hired to students to further reduce costs for families. Participating in the SRS also offers a convenient way for parents to source the items that their child needs for school, and ensures that all students have access to the same standard of resources. The types of resources that will be included are: Owned by the student e.g. student diary/planner once provided, these items are retained by the student and used at their discretion. Hired to the student for a specific duration of time e.g. textbooks or musical instruments. These items will need to be returned to the school in reasonable condition at the end of the hire period or if the student leaves the school. Used in class e.g. stationery, timber, material, workbooks these items will be used in class. Finished products that are created from these resources will generally come home with the student.

2020 STUDENT RESOURCE SCHEME (SRS ......2020 STUDENT RESOURCE SCHEME (SRS) INFORMATION SHEET Dear Parents/Guardians This information sheet includes important information about the

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Page 1: 2020 STUDENT RESOURCE SCHEME (SRS ......2020 STUDENT RESOURCE SCHEME (SRS) INFORMATION SHEET Dear Parents/Guardians This information sheet includes important information about the

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Dear Parents/Guardians This information sheet includes important information about the fees and inclusions for the SRS. If you have previously opted in to the SRS your participation is assumed for the duration of your child's enrolment, unless you inform the school otherwise by completing a new participation agreement form. If you are a new parent to the school, this information will assist you in making a decision as to whether you wish to participate in the SRS. What is provided by the Queensland Government The Queensland Government supports children’s education by providing funding for instruction (teachers), facilities (school grounds and buildings, internet), and administration (staff to run the school). Funding for schools does not extend to individual student resources such as textbooks, equipment for personal use, and many items used by the student in the classroom. What do Parents Provide All resource costs for curriculum materials, text books, specialist equipment, excursions, activities, uniforms and stationery are the responsibility of Parents/Guardians. The SRS helps parents to source these resources. The school can purchase resources at lower rates due to its bulk buying power. Resources such as textbooks or musical instruments that will be used over a period of time are hired to students to further reduce costs for families. Participating in the SRS also offers a convenient way for parents to source the items that their child needs for school, and ensures that all students have access to the same standard of resources. The types of resources that will be included are:

Owned by the student – e.g. student diary/planner – once provided, these items are retained by the student and used at their discretion.

Hired to the student for a specific duration of time – e.g. textbooks or musical instruments. These items will need to be returned to the school in reasonable condition at the end of the hire period or if the student leaves the school.

Used in class – e.g. stationery, timber, material, workbooks – these items will be used in class. Finished products that are created from these resources will generally come home with the student.

Page 2: 2020 STUDENT RESOURCE SCHEME (SRS ......2020 STUDENT RESOURCE SCHEME (SRS) INFORMATION SHEET Dear Parents/Guardians This information sheet includes important information about the

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If you are not satisfied that the SRS fee represents good value for money based on the inclusions listed In the “Student Resource List for year…” document provided, parents may choose not to participate in the SRS. If that is the case, please complete a new Participation Agreement Form, indicating that you no longer wish to participate. If you choose not to participate, you will be provided with a detailed list of resources that you will need to provide for the student. Parents will find the collective cost of texts and contribution charges for use of resources, very much more expensive than being part of the scheme. The SRS is covered by two participation agreement forms. SRS Participation Agreement Form – For Secondary School Curriculum (Refer to Attachment A) Is made up of two components. General Items and resources for core subjects referred to as SRS A of our agreement and Elective Subject fees SRS B. SRS A fees are applicable to all students in each year level. SRS B fees are applicable only to students who have chosen this elective subject in each year level. These fees will be invoiced to students when timetables are finalised in February 2020. SRS participation agreement form - Additional Education Programs Only (Refer to Attachment B, has components for our Instrumental Music and Choir Programs SRS C and Excellence programs, Accelerated Music, Excellence in Visual Arts, STEM and Special Interest Volleyball SRS D. SRS C fees are applicable to students who have been accepted into the Instrumental Music/Choir program for 2020. These fees will be invoiced to students once timetables are finalised in February 2020. SRS D fees are applicable to students who have been accepted into the Accelerated Music, Excellence in Visual Arts or the Special Interest Volleyball programs for 2020. These fees will be invoiced to students once timetables are finalised in February 2020. Financial Difficulty If you would like to participate in the SRS but are experiencing financial difficulties, please contact the school to arrange an appointment to discuss payment options. Any information that you provide will be confidential.

Page 3: 2020 STUDENT RESOURCE SCHEME (SRS ......2020 STUDENT RESOURCE SCHEME (SRS) INFORMATION SHEET Dear Parents/Guardians This information sheet includes important information about the

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The Textbook and Resource Allowance (TRA) The Department of Education provides a Textbook and Resource Allowance (TRA) to assist parents with the cost of textbooks and other education resources for eligible Years 7 to 12 students. For those students who are eligible to receive the TRA, the TRA will be applied to reduce the cost of participation for Part A of the SRS as shown in the table below. Thus the SRS invoice you receive will be the full cost (SRS Part A) of participation in the SRS minus the TRA already held at the school. The Dept of Education Textbook and Resource Allowances for 2020 are: Years 7 to 10 $130 Years 11 and 12 $281 2020 SRS Fees Part A and payment dates 2020 SRS Part A Invoices for payment by parents for participation in the SRS will be Year 7 total cost for Part A SRS $520 minus TRA $130 = SRS Part A Invoice $390 Year 8 total cost for Part A SRS $520 minus TRA $130 = SRS Part A Invoice $390 Year 9 total cost for Part A SRS $520 minus TRA $130 = SRS Part A Invoice $390 Year 10 total cost for Part A SRS $530 minus TRA $130 = SRS Part A Invoice $400 Year 11 total cost for Part A SRS $681 minus TRA $281= SRS Part A Invoice $400 Year 12 total cost for Part A SRS $681 minus TRA $281 = SRS Part A Invoice $400 Please be aware that there may be two lines of charges on your invoice indicating the GST inclusive and GST exclusive fees depending on the resources supplied by the SRS. Invoices for the SRS are emailed home to Parents when raised by the school. Financial Statements are emailed to Parents/Guardians on a regular basis. The preferred payment method is BPoint or QParents – details are included on each invoice. If you wish to make a single payment for the full year’s Part A fee of either $390 for years 7 to 9 or $400 for years 10 to 12, payment is requested by 31 January 2020. If you have opted to pay the SRS by instalments, payments are requested as follows: Term 1 payment of 35% of SRS Part A due for payment by 31 January 2020 Term 2 payment of 35% of SRS Part A due for payment by 24 April 2020 Term 3 payment of 30% of SRS Part A due for payment by 17 July 2020 Those choosing not to participate in the scheme will have the option to either sign the TRA over to the school to offset any fees or surcharges due, or to receive their entitlements to the TRA. However all resources for student’s study across the curriculum must be provided by Parents/Guardians and all subject fees paid.

Page 4: 2020 STUDENT RESOURCE SCHEME (SRS ......2020 STUDENT RESOURCE SCHEME (SRS) INFORMATION SHEET Dear Parents/Guardians This information sheet includes important information about the

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2020 SRS Fees for Elective Subjects Part B Part B invoices for payment by parents for Elective Subjects based on students timetables will be issued in February 2020. 2020 SRS Fees for Additional Education Programs Part C and Part D Part C and Part D invoices for payment by parents for Excellence Program fees and Music Program fees will be issued in February 2020 Non-Curriculum Activities As advised previously on our website, in our school newsletter and in correspondence to families, students may not be invited to participate in any non-curriculum activities including the senior formal, the Year 10 boat cruise, mid-year ski trip, junior end of year activities or the purchase of the senior jersey, if they have outstanding school fees. We refer to clauses 20 (SRS Additional Educational Programs only) and 23 (SRS For Secondary School Curriculum) of the SRS Participation Agreement forms, which indicate that where participation fees are overdue, the Principal has the discretion to exclude a student from an optional school activity. Return of 2019 Resources All resources including textbooks and library books loaned to students in 2019 must be returned to the school prior to the end of the school year – Any costs incurred by the non-return of textbooks or the return of a damaged textbook and/or other resources may be charged to the student’s account and may mean that 2020 subject resources may not be provided until the outstanding items are returned or payment is received in full. Students will be advised of the timelines for the return of textbooks. Should you have any queries on current loans please contact staff at the school library for details. Release of resources Resources will not be distributed until the full or first payment has been paid to the school. Any unpaid invoices, will be managed according to the department’s Debt Management Procedure and may result in the student being excluded from the scheme and/or from participating in extra-curricular activities until payments are made. Return of hired resources A repair or replacement cost will be charged to the Parent/Guardian for any items that are damaged or not returned. Contact Us It you have any queries regarding the SRS and its inclusions, please contact the Business Manager on 3511 3888.

Page 5: 2020 STUDENT RESOURCE SCHEME (SRS ......2020 STUDENT RESOURCE SCHEME (SRS) INFORMATION SHEET Dear Parents/Guardians This information sheet includes important information about the

Attachment A

Student Resource SchemeParticipation Agreement Form

Version 1.1

For Secondary School Curriculum


Student Details

Student name:_______________________________ Year level:_________

Parent name :_______________________________

Parent signature:____________________________ Date:________________

o I am experiencing financial hardship and wish to meet with the

school to discuss my options (see clauses 10-14 overleaf)

I agree to the above made selection, until such point as I inform the school otherwise

Please contact the School Office to arrange payment plans.

I do not wish to participate in the above-named Student

Resource Scheme. I have read and understand the Terms and

Conditions (see reverse).

I understand I must provide my child with all items that would

otherwise be provided to my child by the SRS as detailed on

the information provided by the school.

I understand that if my child is eligible for the Textbook and

Resource Allowance (TRA) the school will contact me. For

more details regarding the TRA and eligibility criteria enter

"Textbook and Resource Allowance" into the search tool on the

Department's Policy and Procedure Register at


I understand that I can choose to join the SRS in future years

by completing a new Participation Agreement Form.

I wish to participate in the above-named Student Resource

Scheme for the duration of my child’s enrolment at the school. I

have read and understand the Terms and Conditions (see

reverse) and agree to abide by them and to pay the annual

participation fee. I understand that the school will publish

information about the SRS costs and inclusions each year.

I understand that I can opt out of SRS participation in any year by

completing a new Participation Agreement Form before the

invoice due date.

I wish to make payment each year by:

o A single payment for the full year’s fee

o Term instalments (paid over the first 3 terms)

o An instalment plan as negotiated with the school

(e.g. via direct debit, centrepay or other payment method)

o Yes o No

SRS Part A and Part B

The Student Resource Scheme (SRS) provides parents with a convenient and cost-effective way to access educational resources

their children need for school. These resources supplement the school’s resources and enhance students’ learning experience at


Please indicate your intention to participate or not by selecting "yes" or "no" and completing the information in the

relevant box below:

The School has developed a Student resource Scheme SRS for general items and resources for core subjects (Part A) for all students in each year level and resources

for elective subjects (Part B) for students in each year level, who have chosen this subject for 2020.

For more information regarding the SRS please see refer to the Student Resource List 2020 and the Schedule or Fees for Junior and Senior School - 2020 or on The

Gap State High School website www.thegapshs.eq.edu.au

• require the return of items provided by the SRS

School use only:

Negotiated instalments:______________________________________ Approved by:____________________

Uncontrolled copy. Refer to Department of Education Policy and Procedure Register at http://ppr.det.qld.gov.au to ensure you have the most current version of this document.

Page 6: 2020 STUDENT RESOURCE SCHEME (SRS ......2020 STUDENT RESOURCE SCHEME (SRS) INFORMATION SHEET Dear Parents/Guardians This information sheet includes important information about the

Terms and Conditions of the Student Resource Scheme

Privacy Statement

The Department of Education collects this information in accordance with

section 51 of the Education (General Provisions) Act 2006 ("the Act") in order

to administer the Student Resource Scheme (SRS). The information will only

be accessed by school employees administering the SRS. However, if

required, some of this information may be shared with departmental

employees for the purpose of debt recovery.


1. Reference to a “parent” is in accordance with the definition in the Act and refers equally to an independent student.

The Student Resource Scheme (SRS)

2. The cost of providing instruction, administration and facilities for the education of students enrolled at state schools is met by the State.

3. The school is not responsible for providing textbooks, in-class consumables and personal resources for students.

4. The SRS enables parents to access certain resources, as detailed by the school, for an annual fee.

5. Participation in the SRS is optional: parents are under no obligation to participate.

Textbook and Resource Allowance (TRA)

6. The State provides the TRA annually to parents of eligible secondary students to assist with the costs of education.

7. The TRA is paid to the school based on enrolment data and will reduce the cost of particpating in the SRS.

8. Parents who choose NOT to participate in the SRS and whose childrenare eligible for the TRA have the option to receive the TRA as a credit to their child’s school account or directly from the school.

Parents and Citizens’ (P&C) Association support of the SRS

9. All parents are invited to participate in the annual meeting of the P&CAssociation at which the income and expenditure report is presented and the proposed SRS inclusions and fees are tabled for approval.

Parents experiencing financial hardship

10. Principals may vary payment options and/or waive all or part of theparticipation fee for parents experiencing financial hardship.

11. Parents experiencing financial hardship who wish to participate in the SRS should contact the Principal to discuss options.

12. The onus of proof of financial hardship is on the parent.

13. The school may require annual proof of continuing financial hardship.

14. All discussions will be held in the strictest confidence.

Parents participating in the SRS

15. Parents indicate whether or not they wish to participate in the SRS by completing this Participation Agreement Form.

16. [An] invoice/s for the amount of the annual participation fee will be issued to the parent providing consent to participate in the SRS.

17. This agreement is for the duration of the student’s enrolment at the school, unless a new Participation Agreement Form is completed.

18. Parents must notify the school before the invoice due date if they intend to cease their participation in the SRS in any year.

19. Where a parent chooses to participate, they are agreeing to pay the annual participation fee, in accordance with the payment frequency option selected on the form. There is no provision for part- participation.

20. All SRS resources provided for the student’s temporary use remain the property of the school and must be returned when requested by the school or if the student leaves the school.

21. Parents are responsible for ensuring that any SRS resources provided for the student’s temporary use are kept in useable condition. Where an issued item is lost, not returned, or negligently damaged, parents will be responsible for payment to the school of the value of the item or its repair.

22. Parents must inform the school if items on the list of resources are not received.

23. Non-payment of the participation fee by designated payment date(s) may result in debt recovery action in accordance with the Department’s Debt Management procedure. In such cases, the Principal may:

• withdraw the student’s participation in the SRS

• require the return of items provided by the SRS

• withhold the provision of any further items under the SRS

• refuse participation in the SRS where participation fees are overdue from the previous year(s), and/or

• exclude the student from optional, non-curricular activities and/or

• initiate debt recovery action.

Parents NOT participating in the SRS

24. Parents indicate whether or not they wish to participate in the SRS by completing this Participation Agreement Form.

25. This agreement is for the duration of the student’s enrolment at the school, unless a new Participation Agreement Form is completed.

26. Where a parent has previously indicated that they will participate in the SRS, but wishes not to participate in any year(s), the parent must notify the school prior to the invoice due date of their intention to cease participation.

27. Parents who choose not to participate in the SRS are responsiblefor providing their child with all items that would otherwise beprovided by the SRS. School-produced resources (e.g. Student Diary) will be available for separate purchase from the school for non-participants.

Operating the SRS

28. Schools will provide all parents with a list of resources provided by the SRS to enable parents to assess the cost effectiveness of participation.

29. Schools will also provide non-participating parents with detailed lists of resources to supply for their child.

30. All items included in the SRS must be able to be independently sourced by parents who choose not to participate in the SRS, either from a third party supplier or by purchasing a school-specific resource (such as a diary or workbook) from the school.

31. Schools may distribute information and invoices to parents in the year preceding the SRS but invoices must not be due before the end of the first week of term 1 of the SRS year. All invoices must have a minimum

of 30 days for payment.

32. Parents must be given the option annually to choose not participate in the SRS.

33. In return for payment of the participation fee, the SRS will provide participating students with the resources and materials as outlined in the school SRS documents.

34. SRS moneys received are to be expended only on student resources outlined in the school’s SRS and must not be expended on other items or used to raise funds for other purposes.

35. As the SRS operates for the benefit of participating parents and is funded primarily from participation fees, the school retains control of the resources and determines the rules around their availability to non-participants.

36. A student entering the school during the school year is entitled to pay a pro-rata fee to participate.

37. Where participation fees have been paid and a student leaves the school during the year, schools must determine if parents will be eligible for a pro-rata refund. This calculation will also take into account any pro-rata allocation of the TRA (if eligible) and any outstanding SRS debts (including any debts from damaged or non-returned items). Where the cost of outstanding debts is higher than the calculated refund, parents will be liable to pay this balance of funds.

38. The replacement cost of any resource will be up to the maximum value (subject to depreciation where appropriate) of the acquisition cost to the school, as detailed on the annual SRS information provided to parents.

39. Schools may initiate debt recovery action in accordance with the debt management procedure where a parent has an outstanding debt

Uncontrolled copy. Refer to Department of Education Policy and Procedure Register at http://ppr.det.qld.gov.au to ensure you have the most current version of this document.

Page 7: 2020 STUDENT RESOURCE SCHEME (SRS ......2020 STUDENT RESOURCE SCHEME (SRS) INFORMATION SHEET Dear Parents/Guardians This information sheet includes important information about the

Attachment B

Student Resource SchemeParticipation Agreement Form

Version 1.1

Additional educational programs only


Student Details

Student name:_______________________________ Year level:_________

Parent name :_______________________________

Parent signature:____________________________ Date:________________

I agree to the above made selection, until such point as I inform the school otherwise

o Yes o NoI wish to participate in the above-named Student Resource

Scheme for the duration of my child’s enrolment at the school. I

have read and understand the Terms and Conditions (see

reverse) and agree to abide by them and to pay the annual

participation fee. I understand that the school will provide me

with information about the SRS costs and inclusions each year

when the invoice is issued.

I understand that I can opt out of SRS participation in any year

by completing a new Participation Agreement Form before the

invoice due date.

I wish to make payment each year by:

o A single payment for the full year’s fee

o Term instalments (paid over the first 3 terms)

o An instalment plan as negotiated with the school

(e.g. via direct debit, centrepay or other periodical payment method)

I do not wish to participate in the above-named Student

Resource Scheme. I have read and understand the

Terms and Conditions (see reverse) and acknowledge

my responsibility to supply the resources required by

my child. I understand the school will provide me with a

list of resources required each year.

I understand that I can choose to join the SRS in future

years by completing a new Participation Agreement


Please contact the School office to arrange payment plans.

o I am experiencing financial hardship and wish to meet with the

school to discuss my options (see clauses 7-11 overleaf)


The Student Resource Scheme (SRS) provides parents with a convenient and cost-effective way to obtain/access

educational resources that their child needs for school. These resources supplement the school’s resources and enhance

students’ learning experience at school.

The School has developed an Additional Educational Programs SRS for Students participating in the Instrumental Music

and Choir Program (Part C) and the Excellence Programs (Part D)

For more information regarding the SRS please see The Gap State High School website www.thegapshs.eq.edu.au

Please indicate your intention to participate or not by selecting "yes" or "no" and completing the information in the

relevant box below:

School use only:

Negotiated instalments:______________________________________ Approved by:___________________

Uncontrolled copy. Refer to Department of Education Policy and Procedure Register at http://ppr.det.qld.gov.au to ensure you have the most current version of this document.

Page 8: 2020 STUDENT RESOURCE SCHEME (SRS ......2020 STUDENT RESOURCE SCHEME (SRS) INFORMATION SHEET Dear Parents/Guardians This information sheet includes important information about the

Terms and Conditions of the Student Resource Scheme

Privacy Statement

The Department of Education collects this information in accordance with

section 51 of the Education (General Provisions) Act 2006 ("the Act") in

order to administer the Student Resource Scheme (SRS). The information

will only be accessed by school employees administering the SRS.

However, if required, some of this information may be shared with

departmental employees for the purpose of debt recovery.


1. Reference to a “parent” is in accordance with the definition in the Act and refers equally to an independent student.

The Student Resource Scheme (SRS)

2. The cost of providing instruction, administration and facilities for the education of students enrolled at state schools is met by the State.

3. The school is not responsible for providing textbooks, in-class consumables and personal resources for students.

4. The SRS enables parents to access certain resources, as detailed by the school, for an annual fee.

5. Participation in the SRS is optional: parents are under no obligation to participate.

Parents and Citizens’ (P&C) Association support of the SRS

6. All parents are invited to participate in the annual meeting of the P&CAssociation at which the income and expenditure report is presented and the proposed SRS inclusions and fees are tabled for approval.

Parents experiencing financial hardship

7. Principals may vary payment options and/or waive all or part of theparticipation fee for parents experiencing financial hardship.

8. Parents experiencing financial hardship who wish to participate in the SRS should contact the Principal to discuss options.

9. The onus of proof of financial hardship is on the parent.

10. The school may require annual proof of continuing financial hardship.

11. All discussions will be held in the strictest confidence.

Parents participating in the SRS

12. Parents indicate whether or not they wish to participate in the SRS by completing this Participation Agreement Form.

13. [An] invoice/s for the amount of the annual participation fee will be issued to the parent providing consent to participate in the SRS.

14. This agreement is for the duration of the student’s enrolment at the school, unless a new Participation Agreement Form is completed.

15. Parents must notify the school before the invoice due date if they intend to cease their participation in the SRS in any year.

16. Where a parent chooses to participate, they are agreeing to pay the annual participation fee, in accordance with the payment frequency option selected on the form. There is no provision for part-participation.

17. All SRS resources provided for the student’s temporary use remain the property of the school and must be returned when requested by the school or if the student leaves the school.

18. Parents are responsible for ensuring that any SRS resources provided for the student’s temporary use are kept in useable condition. Where an issued item is lost, not returned, or negligently damaged, parents will be responsible for payment to the school of the value of the item or its repair.

19. Parents must inform the school if items on the list of resources are not received.

20. Non-payment of the participation fee by designated payment date(s) may result in debt recovery action in accordance with the Department’s Debt Management procedure. In such cases, the Principal may:

• withdraw the student’s participation in the SRS

• require the return of items provided by the SRS

• withhold the provision of any further items under the SRS

• refuse participation in the SRS where participation fees are overdue from the previous year(s), and/or

• exclude the student from optional, non-curricular activities and/or

• initiate debt recovery action.

Parents NOT participating in the SRS

21. Parents indicate whether or not they wish to participate in the SRSby completing this Participation Agreement Form.

22. This agreement is for the duration of the student’s enrolment at the school, unless a new Participation Agreement Form is completed.

23. Where a parent has previously indicated that they will participate in the SRS, but wishes not to participate in any year(s), the parent must notify the school prior to the invoice due date of their intention to cease participation.

24. Parents who choose not to participate in the SRS are responsiblefor providing their child with all items that would otherwise beprovided by the SRS. School-produced resources (e.g. Student Diary) will be available for separate purchase from the school for non-participants.

Operating the SRS

25. Schools will provide all parents with a list of resources provided by the SRS to enable parents to assess the cost effectiveness of participation.

26. Schools will also provide non-participating parents with detailed lists of resources to supply for their child.

27. All items included in the SRS must be able to be independently sourced by parents who choose not to participate in the SRS, either from a third party supplier or by purchasing a school-specific resource (such as a diary or workbook) from the school.

28. Schools may distribute information and invoices to parents in the year preceding the SRS but invoices must not be due before the end of the first week of term 1 of the SRS year. All invoices must have a minimum of 30 days for payment.

29. Parents must be given the option annually to choose not participate in the SRS.

30. In return for payment of the participation fee, the SRS will provide participating students with the resources and materials as outlined in the school SRS documents.

31. SRS moneys received are to be expended only on student resources outlined in the school’s SRS and must not be expended on other items or used to raise funds for other purposes.

32. As the SRS operates for the benefit of participating parents and is funded primarily from participation fees, the school retains control of the resources and determines the rules around their availability to non-participants.

33. A student entering the school during the school year is entitled to pay a pro-rata fee to participate.

34. Where participation fees have been paid and a student leaves the school during the year, schools must determine if parents will be eligible for a pro-rata refund. This calculation will also take into account any pro-rata allocation of any outstanding SRS debts (including any debts from damaged or non-returned items). Where the cost of outstanding debts is higher than the calculated refund, parents will be liable to pay this balance of funds.

35. The replacement cost of any resource will be up to the maximum value (subject to depreciation where appropriate) of the acquisition cost to the school, as detailed on the annual SRS information provided to parents.

36. Schools may initiate debt recovery action in accordance with the debt management procedure where a parent has an outstanding debt

Uncontrolled copy. Refer to Department of Education Policy and Procedure Register at http://ppr.det.qld.gov.au to ensure you have the most current version of this document.

Page 9: 2020 STUDENT RESOURCE SCHEME (SRS ......2020 STUDENT RESOURCE SCHEME (SRS) INFORMATION SHEET Dear Parents/Guardians This information sheet includes important information about the

G:/Cordata/Office/BSM/Resource Scheme/2019/Repayment Schedule Junior.docx


Junior School – Student Resource Scheme Fees 2020

Student Name: ______________________________________________________ Year Level: ___________

Year 7 Year 8 Year 9

SRS Part A Core Program – All students

Student Resource Scheme Part A $390 Student Resource Scheme Part A $390 Student Resource Scheme Part A $390

Payment due 31 Jan 2020 $390 Payment due 31 Jan 2020 $390 Payment due 31 Jan 2020 $390

SRS Part B Electives – Student selected - Subject/Course fees will be invoiced in February 2020 when Student’s timetables are published (Payment due 27 March 2020)

Consumables Consumables Electives

Food Technologies $35 Food Technologies $35 Digital Technologies $35

Industrial Technologies $35 Industrial Technologies $35 Engineering Principles and Systems $65

*Visual Art Fee (Semester) $35 *Visual Art Fee (Semester) $35 Food and Fashion $25

Food Technologies $25

Graphical Design and Technologies $25

Materials and Technologies Specialisation $60

Visual Art and Visual Design $60

*Students only pay this in the year/rotation that they do Visual Art

SRS Part C Additional Educational Programs - - Instrumental Music & Choir (Y 7 – 9 students) - will be invoiced in February 2020 when Student’s timetables are published (Payment

due 27 March 2020)

Instrumental Music $175 Instrumental Music $175 Instrumental Music $175

Instrumental Music Hire of Equipment (if required)

$150 Instrumental Music Hire of Equipment $150 Instrumental Music Hire of Equipment $150

Choir - if not in Instrumental Music $75 Choir * if not in Instrumental Music $75 Choir - if not in Instrumental Music $75

Choir - if in Instrumental Music $25 Choir * if in Instrumental Music $25 Choir - if in Instrumental Music $25

SRS Part D Additional Educational Programs - Excellence Programs - Subject/Course fees will be invoiced in February 2020 when Student’s timetables are published (Payment due 27

March 2020)

Accelerated Music Program Fee $100 Excellence in Visual Art (after school) $60 Excellence in Visual Art (after school) $60

Excellence in Visual Art (after school) $60 Accelerated Music Program Fee $100 Accelerated Music Program Fee $100

Special Interest Volleyball (SIV) $60 Special Interest Volleyball (SIV) $60 Special Interest Volleyball (SIV) $60

STEM (Science) $100

Reprographics: User pays after students have exceeded their Private Printing $10 credit limit.


DETE Preferred Payment Method – BPoint/QParents Please use the CRN (Customer Reference Number) located on the bottom left hand side of your Invoice.

Payment can be made through the Payment Portal. This is a secure site and receipts are issued immediately. Our records are updated within 24 hours.

Copies of invoices and receipts are available in your QParents Portal. Payments can also be made in QParents.

DIRECT BANKING: Payment can be made to BSB 064-174 A/c 00090008 Ref Surname……. Activity……….

BY Phone with a Credit/Debit Card: Please phone 1300 BPoint – 1300631 073. When making a payment please have your invoice ready to provide your CRN and Invoice


In Person at The Gap State High School: Payment can be made by EFT at the school office. Office hours are Monday to Friday 8am to 3pm on school days.

Page 10: 2020 STUDENT RESOURCE SCHEME (SRS ......2020 STUDENT RESOURCE SCHEME (SRS) INFORMATION SHEET Dear Parents/Guardians This information sheet includes important information about the

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What is the Student Resource Scheme (SRS)? The Student Resource Scheme (SRS) is a non-profit scheme that provides participants with textbooks, resource materials, practical equipment and materials, for student’s use while attending school, which substantially reduces the financial burden to parents purchasing expensive resources. Our scheme is fully endorsed by The Gap State High School Parents and Citizens Association. Is the SRS Voluntary? Participation in the SRS is voluntary. Parents/Guardians are under no obligation to join – however, if they choose not to join the SRS, they will need to provide all resources for their child to complete their studies of the curriculum. This cost is higher than the cost of taking part in the scheme. What can be included in a Student Resource Scheme (SRS)? A student resource scheme can include the provision of:

Administration of the scheme

Equipment hire (musical instruments, computer) please note that instrumental music hire is charged as an additional SRS Fee at this school to participating students only

All prescribed textbooks or ebooks for each subject

Reproduced class materials which compliment and/or substitute for textbooks

Other student reference books

Audio and video recordings

Student diary/planner

Student ID card – for external use (student discounts, transport)

Computer disks/memory sticks

Additional computer software

Equipment e.g. calculators, electronic devices

Materials for subjects where the instruction is extended through providing practical learning experiences in excess of materials provided by school grants

Stationery, writing and drawing sets What do I receive by participating in the SRS? Textbooks and teacher prepared materials required for students in their subjects are provided if participating in the scheme as take home loans or class sets as appropriate. However textbooks are only a small part of what is provided when students participate. A wide range of equipment and materials, photocopied resources, software, digital resources, licences and databases are used in each subject.

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What if I do not wish to join the SRS? Participation in the SRS is voluntary, however if you choose not to participate you will be required to provide all resources for your child’s studies that would have been otherwise provided by participating in the scheme. You will need to complete the non-participation section on the Student Resource Scheme Participation Agreement Form and return it to the school by 31 January 2020. Your child will not be issued with textbooks or resources by the school. If you do not wish to participate in the scheme, you will have the option of crediting the Govt Textbook and Resource Allowance against the non-participation charges or have the allowance refunded to you. Please note: all resources for student’s study must be provided by parents if you do not join the school scheme and these costs are far in excess of the cost of participating in the scheme.

Participation Agreement Forms – Why 2?

The Dept of Education has developed two Participation forms for the SRS for 2020. “Student Resource Scheme For Secondary School Curriculum” covers the general items and resources for core subjects and resources required for elective subjects chosen by students in the year level.

“Student Resource Scheme for Additional Education Programs” covers the resources for our Excellence Programs and Instrumental Music Programs.

What if I have unpaid 2019 Fees? The school operates the Student Resource Scheme to benefit all eligible students. It is not viable for the school to provide this service if fees are outstanding. Students may be refused entry into the scheme if fees are outstanding from previous year/s. Parents/Guardians who have agreed to participate in the Student Resource Scheme at this school have entered into an agreement and there is an obligation to pay these fees in exchange for the use of school resources. As advised previously on our website, in our school newsletter and in correspondence to families, students may not be invited to participate in any non-curriculum activities including the senior formal, the Year 10 boat cruise, mid-year ski trip, junior end of year activities or the purchase of the senior jersey, if they have outstanding school fees. We refer to clause 20 (SRS Additional Educational Programs only) and 23 (SRS For Secondary School Curriculum) of the Student Resource Scheme Participation Agreement forms, which indicate that where participation fees are overdue, the Principal has the discretion to exclude a student from an optional school activity. What if our family is having financial difficulties? Any family experiencing financial difficulties is encouraged to contact the school’s Business Manager to make an alternative payment plan.

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Can you explain the Textbook allowance paid to schools? The Department of Education provides a Textbook and Resource Allowance (TRA) to assist parents with the cost of textbooks and other education resources for eligible Years 7 to 12 students. For those students who are eligible to receive the TRA, the TRA will be applied to reduce the cost of participation for Part A of the SRS as shown in the example below. Thus the SRS invoice you receive will be the full cost (of SRS Part A) of participation in the SRS minus the TRA already held at the school for Part A Fees. 2020 TRA Rates The Govt Textbook and Resource Allowances for 2020 are: Years 7 to 10 $130 Years 11 and 12 $281 2020 SRS Fees Part A 2020 SRS Part A Invoices for payment by parents for participation in the SRS will be: Year 7 total cost for Part A SRS $520 minus TRA $130 = SRS Part A Invoice $390 Year 8 total cost for Part A SRS $520 minus TRA $130 = SRS Part A Invoice $390 Year 9 total cost for Part A SRS $520 minus TRA $130 = SRS Part A Invoice $390 Year 10 total cost for Part A SRS $530 minus TRA $130 = SRS Part A Invoice $400 Year 11 total cost for Part A SRS $681 minus TRA $281= SRS Part A Invoice $400 Year 12 total cost for Part A SRS $681 minus TRA $281 = SRS Part A Invoice $400 Pro-Rata Refunds Students leaving this school or transferring to another school, will be entitled to a pro-rata refund of SRS fees paid to the school and the TRA. The pro-rata allowance is based on a 40 week school year (excluding costs for ID Card, Student Planner etc). Further Questions Further detailed information can be found on the back of the SRS Participation Agreement Form(s). For any further queries please contact the Business Manager on 3511 3888.

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26/11/2019 2020 Student Resource Scheme 1 | P a g e

2020 - YEAR 7

STUDENT RESOURCE SCHEME Student Resource List for Year 7

The Gap State High School operates a voluntary Student Resource Scheme (SRS) under the guidance of The Department of Education The aim of the scheme to provide students with necessary textbooks, classroom resources, associated learning materials and online learning resources at considerable financial savings to parents. Parents have the choice of participating or non-participation in the scheme. Parents who choose not to join the scheme will be required to privately purchase all various textbooks, classroom and online leaning resources and practical equipment and materials. This cost is higher than the cost of taking part in our scheme. For your information we have included an indicative cost for items* for non-participation in the SRS.

The SRS is broken up into four sections: SRS A – includes the core fees applicable to all students in the year level cohort; SRS B – elective subject fees that are determined by each student’s timetable; SRS C – includes the fees for students’ enrolled in the Instrumental Music Program; SRS D – lists the Excellence Program Fees NB: Personal stationery items are not provided as part of the SRS. NB: *This list is an indicative and non-exclusive guide only and is subject to change.

Subject Curriculum Resources included in Scheme Cost if Not Participating in Resource


SRS B,C,D Elective/


ALL YEAR 7 Student Services

STUDENTS - ID Card (external use) 10.00

- IDA (attendance monitoring and messaging) 5.00 - Student Planner: Replacement copies payable

by students 21.00 21.00

- Study Skills 5.00 - Administration of SRS 25.00 - School Magazine – Spectrum

Complimentary for all students with fully paid financial accounts

- -

- Printing for year level 30.00 - Sport Administration/Affiliation/carnivals

- Sport Interschool 30.00 60.00

Specialist Programs/Experience/Leadership/Parent Connect Activities

- High Resolve 13.50 - Productions 20.00 - Numeracy and Literacy Testing 35.00 - Positive Education/wellbeing 17.00 - Presentations 10.00 - Connect Resources 20.00 Online Learning/ Resources/Experiences - Databases included are: - Oliver 2.00 - Clickview 7.60 - J Stor 3.50 - Audio and ebooks Wheelers 5.00 - Stile 40.00 - eBooks – Box of Books for core subjects 110.00 - Platform /admin Fee Box of Books 35.00 - Referencing Guide 2.00 - Adobe Suite 2.00 - Write That Essay

- Stymie 50.00


Year 7 SRS

Part A Fee


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26/11/2019 2020 Student Resource Scheme 2 | P a g e

STUDENT RESOURCE SCHEME Subject Resource List by Subject Level for 2020

2020 - YEAR 7

Subject Curriculum Resources included in Scheme Cost if Not Participating in Resource


SRS B,C,D Elective/



Accelerated Music Program Fee (SRS D) Sheet Music and produced notes



Equipment – guitars, keyboards 25.00

60.00 100.00


LTC Equipment and Safety Inspection Motivational Media

15.00 1.00

Equipment maintenance and consumables 8.00 Photocopying and produced notes 6.00



Teacher prepared materials which compliments and/or substitutes for textbooks Photocopying, printing and consumables





Online resources, references, textbooks Teacher prepared materials which compliments and/or substitutes for textbooks

20.00 25.00


DRAMA Playscripts 10.00 Equipment – Costumes, props, stage accessories 15.00 Teacher prepared materials which compliments

and/or substitutes for textbooks 10.00


ELC/LEP Online resources, references, textbooks 20.00 (Enrichment Learning Centre/ Learning Enrichment Program)

Teacher prepared materials which compliments and/or substitutes for textbooks Photocopying, printing and consumables




ENGLISH Online resources, references, textbooks 20.00 Online resource: Write That Essay 25.00 Textbooks for classroom reference 27.00 Teacher prepared materials which compliments

and/or substitutes for textbooks 25.00

Enrichment Fiction resources 20.00



Excellence in Visual Arts Fee (this is an after school Programs) (SRS D)


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26/11/2019 2020 Student Resource Scheme 3 | P a g e

2020 - YEAR 7

Subject Curriculum Resources included in Scheme Cost if Not Participating in Resource


SRS B,C,D Elective/



Resources including booklets, class resources, food for demonstrations and consumables. Practical Equipment and materials associated with subject.


Textbook: Food by Design Wilson Print & Digital 65.95 Food Technologies Elective Fee (SRS B) 35.00

75.95 35.00

GEOGRAPHY Online resources, references, textbooks 20.00 Textbooks for classroom reference - Jacaranda Geography Alive 7 69.95 Teacher prepared materials which compliments

and/or substitutes for textbooks 25.00


HISTORY Online resources, references, textbooks 20.00 Textbooks for classroom reference - Jacaranda History Alive 7 69.95 Teacher prepared materials which compliments

and/or substitutes for textbooks 25.00


HPE Teacher prepared materials which compliments and/or substitutes for textbooks


Equipment repairs and maintenance 5.00



Practical Equipment and materials associated with subject. Resources including booklets, class resources, demonstration materials, ICT-Software


Textbook: Junior Workshop A Print & Digital Junior Workshop B Print & Digital Introducing Technology (Out of print)

40.00 40.00 23.95

Teacher prepared materials which compliments and/or substitutes for textbooks


Industrial Technologies/Graphics Elective Fee (SRS B) (equipment maintenance and repairs)


133.95 35.00


Instrumental Music Fee Instrumental Music Hire of Equipment (if required)

175.00 15.00

Choir- if not in Instrumental Music 75.00 Choir – if in Instrument Music 25.00 (SRS C)

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26/11/2019 2020 Student Resource Scheme 4 | P a g e

2020 - YEAR 7

Subject Curriculum Resources included in Scheme Cost if Not Participating in

Resource Scheme

SRS B,C,D Elective/


MATHEMATICS Online resources, references, textbooks 20.00 Textbooks for classroom reference - Jacaranda Maths Quest 7 Print & Digital 79.95 - Jacaranda Maths Quest 7 Digital ($44.95) Mental Maths Workbook 1 12.95 Mental Maths Workbook 2 12.95 Mathematics equipment and consumables 5.00 Teacher prepared materials which compliments

and/or substitutes for textbooks 25.00

NB : Mental Maths Workbook – replacement copies are to be provided by the student (SRS B)


155.85 12.95

MEDIA ARTS Teacher prepared materials which compliments and/or substitutes for textbooks


Equipment – modelling clay, green screen, diorama, tripods and stabilizers


Computer Software 10.00


MUSIC Sheet music and produced notes 10.00 Equipment – guitars, keyboards 15.00 Teacher prepared materials 10.00


SCIENCE Online resources, references, textbooks 20.00 for classroom reference - Science Quest 7 79.95 Teacher prepared materials which compliments

and/or substitutes for textbooks 25.00

Equipment maintenance, repairs, consumables including chemicals and glassware




SIV Excellence Program Fee (SRS D)


SPORT Practical equipment and materials, external provider (SRS B)



VISUAL ARTS Online textbook Visual Arts 7-10 74.95 Practical Equipment and materials associated with

subject. Equipment - brushes, tools, sponges, easels


Visual Art Elective Fee (SRS B) 15.00 35.00

89.95 35.00

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26/11/2019 2020 Student Resource Scheme 5 | P a g e


Student Resource List for Year 8

The Gap State High School operates a voluntary Student Resource Scheme (SRS) under the guidance of The Department of Education. The aim of the scheme to provide students with necessary textbooks, classroom resources, associated learning materials and online learning resources at considerable financial savings to parents. Parents have the choice of participating or non-participation in the scheme. Parents who choose not to join the scheme will be required to privately purchase all various textbooks, classroom and online leaning resources and practical equipment and materials. This cost is higher than the cost of taking part in our scheme. For your information we have included an indicative cost for items* for non-participation in the SRS.

The SRS is broken up into four sections: SRS A – includes the core fees applicable to all students in the year level cohort; SRS B – elective subject fees that are determined by each student’s timetable; SRS C – includes the fees for students’ enrolled in the Instrumental Music Program; SRS D – lists the Excellence Program Fees NB: Personal stationery items are not provided as part of the SRS. NB: *This list is an indicative and non-exclusive guide only and is subject to change.

Subject Curriculum Resources included in Scheme Cost if Not Participating in Resource


SRS B,C,D Elective/


ALL YEAR 8 Student Services

STUDENTS - ID Card (external use) 10.00

- IDA (attendance monitoring and messaging) 5.00

- Student Planner – Replacement copies payable by students

21.00 21.00

- Study Skills 1.00

- Administration of the SRS 25.00

- School Magazine – Spectrum Complimentary for all students with fully paid financial


- -

- Printing for year level 30.00

- Sport Administration/Affiliation/carnivals 30.00

- Sport Interschool 60.00

Specialist Programs/Experience Leadership/Parent Connect Activities

- High Resolve 13.50

- Productions 20.00

- Numeracy and Literacy Testing 15.00

- Positive Education/Wellbeing 17.00

- Presentations 10.00

- Connect Resources

Online Learning Resources/Experiences

Databases included are:

- Oliver 2.00

- Clickview 7.60

- J Stor 3.50

- Audio and ebooks Wheelers 5.00

- Stile 26.00

- Referencing Guide 2.00

- eBooks – Box of Books for core subjects 110.00

- Platform/admin Fee Box of Books 35.00

- Adobe Suite 2.00

- Online Testing,Write That Essay 50.00

- Stymie 1.50

- Printing 15.00

- Track Ed 2.00

- Library Books – printed Fiction/Non-fiction 5.00

Year 8 SRS

Part A Fee


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26/11/2019 2020 Student Resource Scheme 6 | P a g e

STUDENT RESOURCE SCHEME Subject Resource List by Subject Level for 2020

2020 - YEAR 8

Subject Curriculum Resources included in Scheme Cost if Not Participating in Resource


SRS B,C,D Elective/



LTC Equipment and Safety Inspection Motivational Media

15.00 1.00

Equipment maintenance and consumables 8.00 Photocopying and produced notes 6.00


CHINESE Teacher prepared materials which compliments and/or substitutes for textbooks


Photocopying/printing/consumables 5.00



Online resources, references, textbooks Teacher prepared materials which compliments and/or substitutes for textbooks

20.00 25.00


DRAMA Playscripts; Burnt 10.00 Equipment – Costumes, props, stage accessories 15.00 Teacher prepared materials which compliments

and/or substitutes for textbooks 10.00


ELC/LEP Online resources, references and textbooks 20.00 (Enrichment Learning Centre/ Learning Enrichment Program)

Teacher prepared materials which compliments and/or substitutes for textbooks Photocopying, printing and consumables




ENGLISH Online resources, references, textbooks 20.00 Textbooks for classroom reference 27.00 Online resource: Write That Essay 25.00 Teacher prepared materials which compliments

and/or substitutes for textbooks 25.00

Enrichment Fiction resources 15.00



Excellence in Visual Arts Fee (this is an after school Program) (SRS D)


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26/11/2019 2020 Student Resource Scheme 7 | P a g e

2020 - YEAR 8

Subject Curriculum Resources included in Scheme Cost if Not Participating in Resource


SRS B,C,D Elective/



Practise Equipment and materials associated with subjects. Resources including booklets, class resources, food for demonstrations and consumables Textbook: Food by Design Print & Digital Food by Design Digital $38.95 Food Technologies Elective Fee (SRS B)





GEOGRAPHY Online resources, references, textbooks 20.00 Textbooks for classroom reference - Jacaranda Geography Alive 69.95 Teacher prepared materials which compliments

and/or substitutes for textbooks 25.00


HISTORY Online resources, references, textbooks 20.00 Textbooks for classroom reference tba Teacher prepared materials which compliments

and/or substitutes for textbooks 25.00


HPE Produced notes 25.00 Equipment repairs and maintenance 5.00



Practical Equipment and materials associated with subject. Resources including booklets, class resources, demonstration materials, ICT-Software


Textbook: Junior Workshop A Junior Workshop B Introducing Technology

40.00 40.00 31.95

Teacher prepared materials which compliments and/or substitutes for textbooks


Industrial Technologies/Graphics Elective Fee (SRS B) (equipment maintenance and repairs)


141.95 35.00


Instrumental Music Instrumental Music Hire of Equipment

175.00 150.00

Choir- if not in Instrumental Music 75.00 Choir – if in Instrumental Music 25.00 (SRS C)

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26/11/2019 2020 Student Resource Scheme 8 | P a g e

2020 - YEAR 8

Subject Curriculum Resources included in Scheme Cost if Not Participating in Resource


SRS B,C,D Elective/


MATHEMATICS Online resources, references, textbooks 20.00 Textbooks for classroom reference - Jacaranda Maths Quest 8 for the Australian

Curriculum Print and Digital 79.95

Jacaranda Maths Quest 8 for the Australian Curriculum Digital $44.95

Mental Maths Workbook 2 12.95 Mental Maths Workbook 3 12.95

Mathematics equipment and consumables 5.00

Teacher prepared materials which compliments and/or substitutes for textbooks


NB : Mental Maths Workbook - replacement copies are to be provided by the student. (SRS B)


155.85 12.95

MEDIA ARTS Teacher prepared materials which compliments and/or substitutes for textbooks


Equipment – modelling clay, green screen, diorama, tripods and stabilizers


Software 10.00


MUSIC Sheet music 10.00 Equipment – guitars, keyboards, computer software 15.00 Teacher prepared materials which compliments

and/or substitutes for textbooks 10.00



Honours Music Program Fee (SRS D) Sheet music and notes



Music equipment 25.00

60.00 100.00

SCIENCE Online resources, references, textbooks 20.00 for classroom reference Jacaranda Science Quest 8 Print & digital 79.95 Jacaranda Science Quest 8 digital $44.95 Teacher prepared materials which compliments

and/or substitutes for textbooks 25.00

Equipment maintenance, repairs, replacement consumables including chemicals and glassware




SIV Excellence Program Fee (SRS D) 60.00

SPORT Practical equipment and materials, external provider 20.00

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26/11/2019 2020 Student Resource Scheme 9 | P a g e

2020 - YEAR 8

Subject Curriculum Resources included in Scheme Cost if Not Participating in Resource


SRS B,C,D Elective/


VISUAL ARTS Online textbook Visual Arts 7-10 74.95 Practical Equipment and materials associated with

subject. Equipment - brushes, tools, sponges, easels 15.00

Visual Arts Elective Fee (SRS B) 35.00

89.95 35.00

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26/11/2019 2020 Student Resource Scheme 10 | P a g e


Student Resource List for Year 9

The Gap State High School operates a voluntary Student Resource Scheme (SRS) under the guidance of The Department of Education. The aim of the scheme to provide students with necessary textbooks, classroom resources, associated learning materials and online learning resources at considerable financial savings to parents. Parents have the choice of participating or non-participation in the scheme. Parents who choose not to join the scheme will be required to privately purchase all various textbooks, classroom and online leaning resources and practical equipment and materials. This cost is higher than the cost of taking part in our scheme. For your information we have included an indicative cost for items* for non-participation in the SRS.

The SRS is broken up into four sections: SRS A – includes the core fees applicable to all students in the year level cohort; SRS B – elective subject fees that are determined by each student’s timetable; SRS C – includes the fees for students’ enrolled in the Instrumental Music Program; SRS D – lists the Excellence Program Fees NB: Personal stationery items are not provided as part of the SRS. NB: *This list is an indicative and non-exclusive guide only and is subject to change.

Subject Curriculum Resources included in Scheme Cost if Not Participating in Resource


SRS B,C,D Elective/


ALL YEAR 9 Student Services

STUDENTS - ID Card (external use) 10.00

- IDA (attendance monitoring and messaging) 5.00

- Student Planner: Replacement copies payable by student

21.00 21.00

- Study Skills - Administration of the SRS

5.00 25.00

- School Magazine – Spectrum Complimentary for all students with fully paid financial accounts

- Printing for year level

- -


- Sport Administration/Affiliation/carnivals 30.00

- Sport Interschool 60.00

Specialist Programs/Experience/Leadership Parent Connect Activities

- High Resolve 13.50

- Productions - Leadership Peer Power

20.00 13.00

- Numeracy and Literacy Testing 15.00

- Positive Education/Wellbeing 17.00

- Presentations 10.00

- Connect Resources 20.00

- Showcase/Subject Selection 17.00

Online Learning/ Resources/Experiences

- Databases included are:

- Oliver 2.00

- Clickview 7.60

- J Stor 3.50

- Referencing guide 2.00

- Audio and ebooks Wheelers 5.00

- Stile 40.00

- eBooks – Box of Books for core subjects 110.00

- Platform/Admin Fee Box of Books 35.00

- Online Testing Write That Essay 50.00

- Adobe Suite 2.00

- Stymie 1.50

- Track Ed 2.00

- Library Books – printed Fiction/Non-fiction 5.00

Year 9 SRS

Part A Fee


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26/11/2019 2020 Student Resource Scheme 11 | P a g e


Subject Resource List by Subject Level for 2020

2020 - YEAR 9

Subject Curriculum Resources included in Scheme Cost if Not Participating in Resource


SRS B,C,D Elective/



LTC Equipment and Safety Inspection Motivational Media Equipment maintenance and consumables Photocopying and produced notes

15.00 1.00 8.00 6.00


CHINESE Teacher prepared materials which compliments and/or substitutes for textbooks


Photocopying/printing/consumables 5.00



Online resources, textbooks Teacher prepared materials which compliments and/or substitutes for textbooks

20.00 25.00

Digital Technologies Elective Fee (SRS B) 35.00

45.00 35.00

DRAMA Playscripts; Artist in Residence Workshops 35.00 Equipment – Costumes, props, stage accessories,

iPod docks; lighting and sound 15.00

Photocopying, printing and consumables 20.00


ELC/LEP Online resources, references, textbook 20.00 (Enrichment Learning Centre/ Learning Enrichment Program)

Teacher prepared materials which compliments and/or substitutes for textbooks Photocopying, printing and consumables





Resources including booklets, class resources, demonstration materials, ICT-Software Textbook: Junior Workshop A Junior Workshop B Introducing Technology


40.00 40.00 31.95

Equipment maintenance and repairs Engineering Principles and Systems Elective Fee (SRS B)



141.95 65.00

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26/11/2019 2020 Student Resource Scheme 12 | P a g e

2020 - YEAR 9

Subject Curriculum Resources included in Scheme Cost if Not Participating in Resource


SRS B,C,D Elective/


ENGLISH Online resources, references, textbooks Textbooks for classroom reference Teacher prepared materials which compliments and/ or substitutes for textbooks Enrichment Fiction resources

20.00 27.00 25.00




Excellence in Visual Art Fee (this is an after school program) (SRS D)



Practical Equipment and materials associated with subject. Resources including booklets, class resources, food for demonstrations and consumables


Textbook: Food by Design Cengage 65.95 Equipment maintenance and repair 15.00 Food and Fashion Elective Fee (SRS B) 25.00

90.95 25.00


Practical Equipment and materials associated with subject. Resources including booklets, class resources, food for demonstrations and consumables


Textbook: Food by Design Cengage 65.95 Equipment maintenance and repair 15.00 Food Technologies Elective Fee (SRS B) 25.00

90.95 25.00

GEOGRAPHY Online resources, references, textbooks 20.00 Textbooks for classroom reference - Jacaranda Geography Alive 69.95 Teacher prepared materials which compliments

and/or substitutes for textbooks 25.00



Practical Equipment and materials associated with subject. Resources including booklets, class resources, demonstration materials, ICT-software


Textbook: Technical Drawing/Graphics 2000 60.00 Equipment maintenance and repairs 5.00 Graphical Design & Technologies Elective Fee (SRS B) 25.00

70.00 25.00

HISTORY Online resources, references, textbooks Textbooks for classroom reference Teacher prepared materials which compliments and/or substitutes for textbooks




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26/11/2019 2020 Student Resource Scheme 13 | P a g e

2020 - YEAR 9

Subject Curriculum Resources included in Scheme Cost if Not Participating in

Resource Scheme

SRS B,C,D Elective/


HONOURS MUSIC Sheet Music and produced notes 35.00 Equipment – Guitars, keyboards, computer software 25.00 Honours Music Program Fee (SRS D) 100.00

(SRS D) 60.00 100.00

HPE Teacher prepared materials which compliments and/or substitutes for textbooks


Equipment repairs and maintenance 5.00



Instrumental Music Instrumental Music Hire of Equipment

175.00 150.00

Choir- if not in Instrumental Music 75.00 Choir – if in Instrumental Music 25.00 (SRS C)

MATHEMATICS Online resources, references, textbooks 20.00 Textbooks for classroom reference - Jacaranda Maths Quest 9 for the Australian

Curriculum 79.95

Mathematics equipment and consumables 5.00 Teacher prepared materials which compliments

and/or substitutes for textbooks 25.00



Resources including booklets, class resources, demonstration materials, ICT-Software Textbook: Junior Workshop A Junior Workshop B Introducing Technology


40.00 40.00 31.95

Equipment maintenance and repairs Materials and Technologies Specialisation Elective Fee (SRS B)



141.95 60.00

MEDIA ARTS Teacher prepared materials which compliments and/or substitutes for textbooks Practical Equipment and materials associtated with subject. Equipment – Digital cameras, computer lab and Programs, green screen, tripods Computer Software NB: Students will need to purchase a 32GB USB





MUSIC Sheet music and produced notes Equipment – guitars, keyboards, drum kit Software Teacher Prepared Materials

30.00 20.00 20.00 20.00


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26/11/2019 2020 Student Resource Scheme 14 | P a g e

2020 - YEAR 9

Subject Curriculum Resources included in Scheme Cost if Not Participating in

Resource Scheme

SRS B,C,D Elective/


SCIENCE Online resources, references, textbooks 20.00 for classroom reference – Jacaranda Science Quest 9 79.95 Teacher prepared materials which compliments

and/or substitutes for textbooks 25.00

Equipment maintenance, repairs and replacement consumables including chemicals and glassware




SIV Excellence Program Fee (SRS D)



SPORT Practical equipment and materials, external provider 20.00


STEM STEM Excellence Program Fee (SRS D) 100.00 Teacher prepared materials, equipment

maintenance, repairs, replacements and consumables


(SRS D) 20.00 100.00


Online textbook Visual Arts 7-10 Practical Equipment and materials associated with subject. Equipment – brushes, tools, sponges, easels Teacher prepared materials which compliments and/or substitutes for textbooks Visual Art & Design Elective Fee (SRS B)

70.00 25.00



120.00 60.00

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26/11/2019 2020 Student Resource Scheme 15 | P a g e


Student Resource List for Year 10

The Gap State High School operates a voluntary Student Resource Scheme (SRS) under the guidance of The Department of Education. The aim of the scheme to provide students with necessary textbooks, classroom resources, associated learning materials and online learning resources at considerable financial savings to parents. Parents have the choice of participating or non-participation in the scheme. Parents who choose not to join the scheme will be required to privately purchase all various textbooks, classroom and online leaning resources and practical equipment and materials. This cost is higher than the cost of taking part in our scheme. For your information we have included an indicative cost for items* for non-participation in the SRS.

The SRS is broken up into four sections: SRS A – includes the core fees applicable to all students in the year level cohort; SRS B – elective subject fees that are determined by each student’s timetable; SRS C – includes the fees for students’ enrolled in the Instrumental Music Program; SRS D – lists the Excellence Program Fees NB: Personal stationery items are not provided as part of the SRS. NB: *This list is an indicative and non-exclusive guide only and is subject to change.

Subject Curriculum Resources included in Scheme Cost if Not

Participating in Resource


SRS B,C,D Elective/


ALL YEAR 10 Student Services

STUDENTS - ID Card (external use) 10.00

- IDA (attendance monitoring and messaging) 5.00

- Student Planner: Replacement copies payable by student

21.00 21.00

- Administration of the SRS 25.00

- Study Skills 5.00

- School Magazine – Spectrum Complimentary for all students with fully paid financial accounts

- -

- Printing for year level 50.00

- Sport Administration/Affiliation/Carnivals 30.00

Specialist Programs/Experience/Leadership Parent Connect Activities

- Productions - Leadership Peer Power

20.00 13.00

- High Resolve 13.50

- Positive Education/wellbeing 17.00

- Presentations 10.00

- Connect Resources 20.00

- Careers Day 10.00

Online Learning Resources/Experiences

- Databases included are:

- Oliver 2.00

- Clickview 7.60

- JStor 3.50

- Referencing guide 2.00

- Audio and ebooks Wheelers 5.00

- Stile 40.00

- eBooks – Box of Books for core subjects 110.00

- Platform/Admin Fee - Box of Books 35.00

- Adobe Suite 2.00

- Testing online – Write That Essay 40.00

- Stymie 1.50

- Track Ed 2.00

- Library Books – printed Fiction/Non-fiction 5.00

Year 10 SRS

Part A Fee


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26/11/2019 2020 Student Resource Scheme 16 | P a g e


Subject Resource List by Subject Level for 2020

2020 - YEAR 10

Subject Curriculum Resources included in Scheme Cost if Not Participating in Resource


SRS B,C,D Elective/



LTC Equipment and Safety Inspection Motivational Media

60.00 1.00

Equipment maintenance and consumables 10.00 Photocopying and produced notes 6.00


BIOLOGY AND Online resources, references, textbooks 20.00 ENVIRONMENT Teacher prepared materials which compliments

and/or substitutes for textbooks Equipment maintenance, repairs and replacement consumables including chemicals and glassware





Online resources, references, textbooks Teacher prepared materials which compliments and/or substitutes for textbooks

20.00 25.00

Equipment maintenance, repairs and replacement consumables including chemicals and glassware



CHINESE Teacher prepared materials which compliments and/or substitutes for textbooks


Photocopying, printing and consumables 5.00


DRAMA Playscripts; Artist in Residence Workshops 35.00 Equipment – Costumes, props, stage accessories,

iPod docks; lighting and sound; video cameras, iMac and editing software


Photocopying, printing and consumables 20.00


DIGITAL SOLUTIONS Online resources, references, textbooks 20.00 Teacher prepared materials which compliments

and/or substitutes for textbooks 25.00

Digital Technologies Elective Fee (SRS B) 35.00

45.00 35.00

ELC/LEP (Enrichment Learning Centre/ Learning Enrichment program)

Online resources, references and textbooks Teacher prepared materials which compliments and/or substitutes for textbooks Photocopying, printing and consumables

20.00 25.00



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26/11/2019 2020 Student Resource Scheme 17 | P a g e

2020 - YEAR 10

Subject Curriculum Resources included in Scheme Cost if Not Participating in

Resource Scheme

SRS B,C,D Elective/



Teacher prepared materials which compliments and/or substitutes for textbooks



ENGLISH Online resources, references, textbooks 20.00 Jacaranda Text TBA Teacher prepared materials which compliments

and/or substitutes for textbooks 25.00

Enrichment Fiction resources 15.00


ENGINEERING Resources including booklets, demonstration materials, ICT-Software


Textbook: Junior Workshop A & B / Introducing Technology


Equipment repairs, maintenance and replacement


Engineering Elective Fee (SRS B) 85.00

70.00 85.00


Resources including booklets, class resources, food for demonstrations and consumables


Textbook: Food by Design Nelson 65.95 Equipment maintenance, repairs and

replacement 15.00

Food Technologies Elective Fee (SRS B) 25.00

90.95 25.00


Online resources and references Textbooks for classroom reference

20.00 tba

Teacher prepared materials which compliments and/or substitutes for textbooks



HISTORY – ANCIENT Online resources, references, textbooks Textbooks for classroom reference


Teacher prepared materials which compliments and/or substitutes for textbooks



HISTORY MODERN Online resources, references, textbooks Textbooks for classroom reference Teacher prepared materials which compliments And/or substitutes for textbooks

20.00 50.00


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26/11/2019 2020 Student Resource Scheme 18 | P a g e

2020 - YEAR 10

MUSIC ACCELERATED Musical Elements and Concepts Aural Skills 89.95 (Year 11 Music) Teacher prepared materials which

compliments and/or substitutes for textbooks 35.00

Equipment instrument & software 25.00


HPE Teacher prepared materials which compliments and/or substitutes for textbooks


Jacaranda Text TBA Equipment repairs and maintenance 25.00



Resources including booklets, class resources, demonstrations materials, ICT-Software


Textbook: Technical Drawing / Graphics 2000 60.00 Equipment repairs, maintenance and

replacement 5.00

Graphical Design and Technologies Elective Fee (SRS B)


90.00 25.00


Resources including booklets, demonstration materials, ICT-Software


Textbook: Junior Workshop A Junior Workshop B Introducing Technology

40.00 40.00 31.95

Equipment repairs, maintenance, replacement 20.00 Materials and Technologies Specialisation

Elective Fee (SRS B) 80.00

141.95 80.00

INSTRUMENTAL AND Instrumental Music (SRS C) 175.00 VOCAL MUSIC (SRS C) Instrumental Music Hire of Equipment 150.00 Choir – if not in Instrumental Music 75.00 Choir – if in Instrumental Music 25.00

MATHEMATICS Online resources, references, textbooks Textbooks for classroom reference - Jacaranda Maths Quest 10+10A for the Australian Curriculum

20.00 79.95

Mathematics equipment and consumables Teacher prepared materials which compliments and/or substitutes for textbooks Work Booklets

5.00 25.00



Subject Curriculum Resources included in Scheme Cost if Not Participating in

Resource Scheme

SRS B,C,D Elective/


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26/11/2019 2020 Student Resource Scheme 19 | P a g e

2020 - YEAR 10

Subject Curriculum Resources included in Scheme Cost if Not Participating in

Resource Scheme

SRS B,C,D Elective/


MATHEMATICS A.1 Online resources, references, textbooks 20.00 SPECIALIST MATHEMATICS

Textbooks for classroom reference - Jacaranda Maths Quest 10+10A for the Australian Curriculum


Mathematics equipment and consumables Teacher prepared materials which compliments and/or substitutes for textbooks Work Booklets

5.00 25.00



MEDIA ARTS Teacher prepared materials which compliments and/or substitutes for textbooks


Equipment – Digital cameras, tripods, computer lab, green screen , computer software Programs


NB: Students will need to purchase a 32GB USB


MUSIC Sheet music and produced notes 35.00 Equipment – guitars, keyboards, computer

software, drum kit, amplifier 35.00



Musical Elements and Concepts Aural Skills Sheet Music and Teacher prepared materials which compliments and/or substitutes for textbooks Equipment instruments & software

89.95 35.00




SIV Excellence Program Fee (SRS D)


STEM STEM Excellence Program Fee (SRS D) Teacher prepared materials, equipment maintenance, repairs, replcaements and consumables



20.00 100.00

VISUAL ARTS Online textbook Visual Arts 7-10 Equipment - brushes, tools, sponges, easels

70.00 25.00

Teacher prepared materials which compliments and/or substitutes for textbooks Visual Arts Elective Fee (SRS B)



120.00 60.00

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26/11/2019 2020 Student Resource Scheme 20 | P a g e


Student Resource List for Year 11 The Gap State High School operates a voluntary Student Resource Scheme (SRS) under the guidance of The Department of Education. The aim of the scheme to provide students with necessary textbooks, classroom resources, associated learning materials and online learning resources at considerable financial savings to parents. Parents have the choice of participating or non-participation in the scheme. Parents who choose not to join the scheme will be required to privately purchase all various textbooks, classroom and online leaning resources and practical equipment and materials. This cost is higher than the cost of taking part in our scheme. For your information we have included an indicative cost for items* for non-participation in the SRS.

The SRS is broken up into four sections: SRS A – includes the core fees applicable to all students in the year level cohort; SRS B – elective subject fees that are determined by each student’s timetable; SRS C – includes the fees for students’ enrolled in the Instrumental Music Program; SRS D – lists the Excellence Program Fees NB: Personal stationery items are not provided as part of the SRS. NB: *This list is an indicative and non-exclusive guide only and is subject to change.

Subject Curriculum Resources included in Scheme Cost if Not

Participating in Resource


SRS B,C,D Elective/


ALL YEAR 11 Student Services

STUDENTS - ID Card (external use) 10.00

- IDA (attendance monitoring and messaging) 5.00

- Student Planner: Replacement copies payable by student

21.00 21.00

- Administration of the SRS 25.00

- Study Skills 5.00

- School Magazine – Spectrum Complimentary for all students with fully paid financial accounts

- -

- Printing for Year level 35.00

- Sport Administration/Affiliation/Carnival 30.00

Specialist Programs/Experience/Leadership Parent Connect Activities

- Productions - Leadership Peer Power

20.00 13.00

- High Resolve 13.50

- Positive Education/ Wellbeing 17.00

- Presentations 10.00

- Connect Resources 20.00

- Go for Gold 75.00

Online Learning / Resources/ Experiences - eBooks Digital (Box of Books) - Platform/Admin Fee Box of Books



- Databases included are:

- Oliver 2.00

- Clickview 7.60

- Referencing Guide 2.00

- J Stor 3.50

- Audio and ebooks Wheelers 5.00

- Stile 40.00

- Stymie 1.50

- Adobe Suite 2.00

- Testing online 35.00

- Track Ed 2.00

- On Line testing Write That Essay 40.00

- Library Books – printed Fiction /Non-fiction 5.00

Year 11 SRS

Part A Fee


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26/11/2019 2020 Student Resource Scheme 21 | P a g e

STUDENT RESOURCE SCHEME Subject Resource List by Subject Level for 2020

2020 - YEAR 11

Subject Curriculum Resources included in Scheme Cost if Not Participating in Resource


SRS B,C,D Elective/


ACCOUNTING Accounting An Introduction Framework Unit 1 & 2 Print with code Accounting an Introduction Framework Unit 3 & 4 Print with code




ANCIENT HISTORY Senior Ancient History Qld Cambridge print with code Senior Ancient History Qld Cambridge digital $63.95


Photocopying and produced notes 20.00


APPLIED POSITIVE LTC Equipment and Safety Inspection 25.00 PSYCHOLOGY Psychology for Qld Unit 1 & 2 Print & Digital 69.95 Psychology for Qld Unit 1 & 2 Digital $44.95 Psychology for Qld Unit 3 & 4 Print & Digital 69.95 Psychology for Qld Unit 3 & 4 Digital $44.95 Motivational Media 9.00 Equipment maintenance and consumables 15.00 Photocopying and produced notes 8.00


BIOLOGY Pearson Biology Units 1 & 2 Print & Digital 69.95 Pearson Biology Units 1 & 2 Digital $49.95 Pearson Biology Units 3 & 4 Print & Digital 69.95 Pearson Biology Units 3 & 4 Digital $49.95 Teacher prepared materials which compliments

and/or substitutes for textbooks Equipment repairs and replacement, consumables incl chemicals and glassware Biozone Workbook Units 1 & 2 Biozone Workbook Units 3 & 4 (SRS B)



39.95 39.95

169.90 79.90

BUSINESS Business QCE Units 1 and 2 Nelson Print & Digital Business QCE Units 1 and 2 Nelson Digital $46.95 Business QCE Units 3 and 4 Nelson Print & Digital Business QCE Units 3 and 4 Nelson Digital $46.95 Photocopy and produced notes






Resources including booklets, class resources, demonstration materials, ICT- software Equipment repairs, maintenance and replacement ++ Certificate Registration Fee to be advised by RTO


20.00 tba



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26/11/2019 2020 Student Resource Scheme 22 | P a g e

2020 - YEAR 11

Subject Curriculum Resources included in Scheme Cost if Not Participating in Resource


SRS B,C,D Elective/



Polo shirt for practical placements (SRS B) ++ Certificate Registration Fee to be advised by RTO


34.00 tba



Resources including booklets, class resources, food for demonstrations


Equipment repairs, maintenance and replacement 15.00 ++ Certificate Registration Fee to be advised by

RTO tba tba

Certificate II/III in Hospitality Consumables Fee (SRS B)


25.00 20.00

CHEMISTRY Chemistry for Qld Units 1 & 2 Print & Digital Chemistry for Qld Units 1 & 2 Digital $49.95 Chemistry for Qld Units 3 & 4 Print & Digital Chemistry for Qld Units 3 & 4 Digital $49.95 Teacher prepared materials which compliments and/or substitutes for textbooks Equipment repairs and replacement, consumables incl chemicals and glassware Chemistry Skills Workbook Pearson






174.90 27.50

CHINESE Resource books and classroom materials 25.00 Photocopying, printing and consumables 5.00


DIGITAL SOLUTIONS Digital Soutuions Print & Digital – Nelson OnLine Resources, Licenses Teacher prepared materials which compliments and/or substitutes for textbooks







Textbook Units 1 & 2 Print & Digital Textbook Units 1 & 2 Digital $49.95 Textbook Units 3 & 4 Print & Digital Textbook Units 3 & 4 Digital $49.95 Teacher prepared materials which compliments and/or substitutes for textbooks Equipment repairs and replacement, consumables incl chemicals and glassware






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26/11/2019 2020 Student Resource Scheme 23 | P a g e

2020 - YEAR 11

Subject Curriculum Resources included in Scheme Cost if Not Participating in

Resource Scheme

SRS B,C,D Elective/


ECONOMICS Economics for the Real World Units 1 &2 Print & Digital Economics for the Real World Units 1 & 2 Digital $46.95 Economics for the Real World Units 3 & 4 Print & Digital Economics for the Real World Units 3 & 4 Digital $46.95 Photocopying/printing/consumables





ELC/LEP (Enrichment Learning Centre/ Learning Enrichment Program)

Online resources, references and textbooks Resource books and classroom materials (specific Programs) Photocopying, printing and consumables

20.00 25.00



ENGINEERING Resources including booklets, demonstration materials, ICT- software Engineering Mechanics – Ivanhoff Print with codes. May be replaced TBA Equipment maintenance, repairs and replacement. Engineering Elective Fee (SRS B)





119.95 100.00

ENGLISH Essential English QCE Units 1& 2 Macmillan Essential English QCE Units 3 & 4 Macmillan Novels Print Literature print Online Resources, references and textbooks. Teacher prepared materials which compliment and/or substitutes for textbooks



29.95 35.98 20.00



Film, TV & New Media QCE Nelson Print & Digital Units 1 & 2 Film, TV & New Media QCE Nelson Digital

$47.95 Units 1 & 2 Film, TV & New Media QCE Nelson Print & Digital Units 3 & 4 Film, TV & New Media QCE Nelson Digital

$47.95 Units 3 & 4 Produced notes, printing, photocopying and consumables Equipment – digital cameras, tripods, green screen, computer lab and computer software – Black DVD, USB, Hard drive SD cards Film, Television and New Media Elective Fee (SRS B)






214.90 90.00

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26/11/2019 2020 Student Resource Scheme 24 | P a g e

2020 - YEAR 11

Subject Curriculum Resources included in Scheme Cost if Not Participating in

Resource Scheme

SRS B,C,D Elective/


GEOGRAPHY Senior Geography for Qld Units 1 & 2 Print & Digital Senior Geography for Qld Units 1 & 2 Digital $59.95 Senior Geography for Qld Units 3 & 4 Print & Digital Senior Geography for Qld Units 3 & 4 Digital Photocopy and produced workbooks





Robotics Equipment repairs and replacement Teacher prepared materials which compliments and substitutes for textbooks





Resources including booklets, class resources, demonstration materials, ICT–software Textbook: Senior Graphics for Queensland schools Print & Digital Industrial Graphics Elective Fee (SRS B)




110.95 25.00


Design QCE Nelson Print & digital Design QCE Nelson digital $47.95 Resources including booklets, class resources, demonstration materials, ICT-Software



Textbook: JuniorWorkshop A & B 40.00 Textbook: Senior Workshop A & B 40.00 Equipment repairs, maintenance and

replacement 20.00

Industrial Technology Skills Elective Fee (SRS B)


189.95 115.00


Instrumental Music Instrumental Music Hire of Equipment Choir – if not in Instrumental Music Choir – if in Instrumental Music (SRS C)

175.00 150.00

75.00 25.00

LEGAL STUDIES Investigating Legal Studies for Qld Print & digital Investigating Legal Studies for Qld digital $71.95 Teacher prepared materials which compliments and/or substitutes for textbooks




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26/11/2019 2020 Student Resource Scheme 25 | P a g e

2020 - YEAR 11

Subject Curriculum Resources included in Scheme Cost if Not Participating in

Resource Scheme

SRS B,C,D Elective/


MATHEMATICS Jacaranda Maths Quest 11 Essential Mathematics Units 1 & 2 Print & Digital


Jacaranda Maths Quest 11 Essential Mathematics Units 1 & 2 Digital $59.95

Jacaranda Maths Quest 11 Essential Mathematics Units 3 & 4 Print & Digital


Jacaranda Maths Quest 11 Essential Mathematics Units 3 & 4 Digital $59.95

Jacaranda Maths Quest 11 General Mathematics Units 1 & 2 Print & Digital


Jacaranda Maths Quest 11 General Mathematics Units 1 & 2 Digital $59.95

Jacaranda Maths Quest 11 General Mathematics Units 3 & 4 Print & Digital


Jacaranda Maths Quest 11 General Mathematics Units 3 & 4 Digital $59.95

Jacaranda Maths Quest 11 Mathematical Methods Print with code


Cambridge Specialist Mathematics Print & digital



MODERN HISTORY Photocopy and printed workbooks 50.00

MUSIC Musical Elements & Concepts Aural Skills Print & digital Musical Elements & Concepts Aural Skills digital $69.95 Sheet music and produced notes Equipment – guitars, keyboards, computer and software


35.00 35.00


MUSIC ACCELERATED Musical Elements & Concepts Aural Skills Print & digital Musical Elements & Concepts Aural Skills digital $69.95 Sheet music and produced notes Equipment – guitars, keyboards, computer and software


35.00 35.00


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26/11/2019 2020 Student Resource Scheme 26 | P a g e

2020 - YEAR 11

Subject Curriculum Resources included in Scheme Cost if Not Participating in Resource


SRS B,C,D Elective/



Oxford Physical Education for Qld 1 & 2 Print & Digital


Oxford Physical Education for Qld 1 & 2 Digital $49.95

Oxford Physical Education for Qld 3 & 4 Print & Digital


Oxford Physical Education for Qld 3 & 4 Digital $49.95

Photocopying, printing, workbooks 15.00 Equipment repairs and maintenance 5.00


PHYSICS Oxford Physics Units 1 & 2 Print & digital Oxford Physics Units 1 & 2 digital $49.95 Oxford Physics Units 3 & 4 Print & digital Oxford Physics Units 3 & 4 digital $49.95



Teacher prepared materials which compliments and/or substitutes for textbooks Equipment repairs and replacement, consumables incl chemicals and glassware




PSYCHOLOGY Psychology for Qld Oxford Units 1 & 2 Print & digital Psychology for Qld Oxford Units 1 & 2 digital $49.95 Psychology for Qld Oxford Units 3 & 4 Print & digital Psychology for Qld Oxford Units 3 & 4 digital $49.95



Psychology for Qld Workbook Unit 1 & 2 24.95 Psychology for Qld Workbook Unit 3 & 4 24.95

(SRS B) 139.90 49.90

VISUAL ARTS Creative Inquiry Visual Arts for Qld Print & digital Creative Inquiry Visual Arts for Qld $58.95 digital Equipment – brushes, tools, sponges, easels



Teacher prepared materials which compliments and/or substitutes for textbooks Visual Arts Elective Fee (SRS B)



122.95 70.00


Class set textbooks Equipment – brushes, tools, sponges, easels

70.00 30.00

Teacher prepared materials which compliments and/or substitutes for textbooks Visual Arts in Practice Elective Fee (SRS B)



120.00 70.00

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26/11/2019 2020 Student Resource Scheme 27 | P a g e


Student Resource List for Year 12

The Gap State High School operates a voluntary Student Resource Scheme (SRS) under the guidance of The Department of Education. The aim of the scheme to provide students with necessary textbooks, classroom resources, associated learning materials and online learning resources at considerable financial savings to parents. Parents have the choice of participating or non-participation in the scheme. Parents who choose not to join the scheme will be required to privately purchase all various textbooks, classroom and online leaning resources and practical equipment and materials. This cost is higher than the cost of taking part in our scheme. For your information we have included an indicative cost for items* for non-participation in the SRS.

The SRS is broken up into four sections: SRS A – includes the core fees applicable to all students in the year level cohort; SRS B – elective subject fees that are determined by each student’s timetable; SRS C – includes the fees for students’ enrolled in the Instrumental Music Program; SRS D – lists the Excellence Program Fees NB: Personal stationery items are not provided as part of the SRS. NB: *This list is an indicative and non-exclusive guide only and is subject to change.

Subject Curriculum Resources included in Scheme Cost if Not Participating in Resource


SRS B,C,D Elective/


ALL YEAR 12 Student Services

STUDENTS - ID Card (external use) 10.00

- IDA (attendance monitoring and messaging) 5.00 - Student Planner: Replacement payable by

Student 21.00 21.00

- Administration of the SRS 25.00 - Study Skills 5.00 - School Magazine – Spectrum

Complimentary for all students with fully paid financial accounts

- -

- Printing year level general 30.00 - Sport Administration/Affiliation fees 30.00

Specialist Programs/Experience/Leadership/Parent Connect Activities

- Yr 12 Exam practice programs 50.00 - High Resolve 13.50 - Positive Education/Wellbeing 17.00 - Go for Gold 75.00 - Productions 6.00 - Presentations 10.00 - Connect Resources 20.00 Online Learning Resources/Experiences - eBooks Box of Books 110.00 - Platform/Admin Fee - Box of Books 35.00 - Databases included are: - Oliver 2.00 - Clickview 7.60 - JStor 3.50 - Referencing Guide 2.00 - Audio and ebooks Wheelers 5.00 - Stile 40.00 - Adobe suite 2.00 - Testing online Write That essay 40.00 - Stymie 1.50 - Track Ed 2.00 - Library Books – printed Fiction/Non-fiction 5.00

Year 12 SRS

Part A Fee


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26/11/2019 2020 Student Resource Scheme 28 | P a g e

STUDENT RESOURCE SCHEME Subject Resource List by Subject Level for 2020

2020 - YEAR 12

Subject Curriculum Resources included in Scheme Cost if Not Participating in

Resource Scheme

SRS B,C,D Elective/


ACCOUNTING Textbook: Accounting Introduction Framework Units 1 & 2 Print & Digital Textbook: Accounting Introduction Framework Units 1 & 2 Digital $46.95 Textbook: Accounting Introduction Framework Units 3 & 4 Print & Digital Textbook: Accounting Introduction Framework Units 3 & 4 Digital $46.95 Teacher prepared materials which compliments and/or substitutes for textbooks





ANCIENT HISTORY Textbook: Cambridge Senior Ancient History Qld Print & Digital Teacher prepared materials which compliments and/or substitutes for textbooks





Psychology for Qld Oxford Units 1 & 2 Print & digital Psychology for Qld Oxford Units 1 & 2 digital $49.95 Psychology for Qld Oxford Units 3 & 4 Print & digital Psychology for Qld Oxford Units 3 & 4 digital $49.95



Psychology for Qld Workbook Unit 1 & 2 24.95 Psychology for Qld Workbook Unit 3 & 4 (SRS B) 24.95 LTC Equipment and Safety Inspection 25.00

164.90 49.90

BIOLOGY Pearson Biology Units 1 & 2 Print & Digital 69.95 Pearson Biology Units 1 & 2 Digital $49.95 Pearson Biology Units 3 & 4 Print & Digital 69.95 Pearson Biology Units 3 & 4 Digital $49.95 Teacher prepared materials which compliments

and/or substitutes for textbooks Equipment repairs and replacement, consumables incl chemicals and glassware Biozone Workbook Units 3 & 4 (SRS B)




174.90 39.95

BUSINESS Business QCE Units 1 and 2 Nelson Print & Digital Business QCE Units 1 and 2 Nelson Digital $46.95 Business QCE Units 3 and 4 Nelson Print & Digital Business QCE Units 1 and 2 Nelson Digital $46.95 Photocopy and produced notes





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26/11/2019 2020 Student Resource Scheme 29 | P a g e

2020 - YEAR 12

Subject Curriculum Resources included in Scheme Cost if Not Participating in

Resource Scheme

SRS B,C,D Elective/



Resources including booklets, class resources, demonstration materials, ICT-software Equipment repairs, maintenance and replacement ++ Certificate Registration Fee to be advised by RTO







Resources including booklets, class resources, demonstration materials, ICT-software Equipment repairs, maintenance and replacement ++ Certificate Registration Fee to be advised by RTO






CHEMISTRY Textbook: Pearson Chemistry Unit 1 & 2 Print & Digital Textbook: Pearson Chemistry Unit 1 & 2 Digital $49.95 Print Textbook: Pearson Chemistry Unit 3 & 4 Print & Digital Textbook: Pearson Chemistry Unit 3 & 4 Digital $49.95



Teacher prepared materials which compliments and/or substitutes for textbook. Equipment repairs and replacement, consumables incl chemicals and glassware Chemistry Skills Workbook Pearson




174.90 27.50

CHINESE Resource books and classroom materials Photocopying/printing/consumables

20.00 5.00


DRAMA Living Drama Student Book Nelson Print & digital Living Drama Student Book Nelson digital $43.95 Playscripts; Artist in Residence Workshops Equipment – Costumes, props, stage accessories, iPod docks; lighting and sound; video cameras, iMac and editing software Produced notes


35.00 25.00



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26/11/2019 2020 Student Resource Scheme 30 | P a g e

2020 - YEAR 12

Subject Curriculum Resources included in Scheme Cost if Not Participating in Resource


SRS B,C,D Elective/


ECONOMICS Textbook: Nelson Economics for the Real World Units 1 & 2 Print & Digital Textbook: Nelson Economics for the Real World Units 1 & 2 Digital $46.95 Textbook: Nelson Economics for the Real World Units 3 & 4 Print & Digital Textbook: Nelson Economics for the Real World Units 3 & 4 Digital $46.95



Photocopying, printing and consumables 5.00


ELC/LEP (Enrichment Learning Centre/

Online resources, references and textbooks Resource books and classroom materials (specific Programs)

20.00 25.00

Learning Enrichment Program)

Photocopying, printing and consumables 20.00


ENGINEERING Resources including booklets, demonstration materials, ICT-software Engineering Mechanics – Ivanhoff Print with codes. May be replaced TBA Equipment maintenance, repairs and replacement. Engineering Elective Fee (SRS B)





119.95 100.00

ENGLISH Novels Online resources, references, textbooks Teacher prepared materials which compliments and/or substitutes for textbooks

20.00 20.00 25.00



Film, TV & New Media QCE Nelson Print & Digital Units 1 & 2 Film, TV & New Media QCE Nelson Digital $47.95 Units 1 & 2 Film, TV & New Media QCE Nelson Print & Digital Units 3 & 4 Film, TV & New Media QCE Nelson Digital $47.95 Units 3 & 4 Produced notes, printing, photocopying and consumables Equipment – digital cameras, tripods, green screen, computer lab, computer software - Black DVD, USB, Hard drive SD cards Film, Television and New Media Elective Fee SRS B






214.90 90.00

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26/11/2019 2020 Student Resource Scheme 31 | P a g e

2020 - YEAR 12

Subject Curriculum Resources included in Scheme Cost if Not Participating in Resource


SRS B,C,D Elective/


GEOGRAPHY Textbook: Senior Geography for QLD Units 1 & 2 Print & Digital Textbook: Senior Geography for QLD Units 1 & 2 Digital $59.95 Textbook: Senior Geography for QLD Units 3 & 4 Print & Digital Textbook: Senior Geography for QLD Units 3 & 4 Digital $59.95 Photocopy and produced workbooks





HISTORY MODERN Teacher prepared materials which compliments and/or substitutes for textbooks


INDUSTRIAL GRAPHICS Resources including booklets, class resources, demonstration materials, ICT–software Textbook: Senior Graphics for Queensland schools Print & Digital Industrial Graphics Elective Fee (SRS B)




110.95 25.00


Design QCE Nelson Print & digital Design QCE Nelson digital $47.95 Resources including booklets, class resources, demonstration materials, ICT-Software



Textbook: JuniorWorkshop 40.00 Textbook: Senior Workshop 40.00 Equipment repairs, maintenance and

replacement 20.00

Industrial Technology Skills Elective Fee (SRS B)


189.95 115.00


Instrumental Music Instrumental Music Hire of Equipment

175.00 150.00

MUSIC Choir – if not in Instrumental Music 75.00 Choir – if in Instrumental Music 25.00 (SRS C)

LEGAL STUDIES Textbook: Investigating Legal Studies for Qld Digital Teacher prepared materials which compliments and/or substitutes for textbooks




Page 44: 2020 STUDENT RESOURCE SCHEME (SRS ......2020 STUDENT RESOURCE SCHEME (SRS) INFORMATION SHEET Dear Parents/Guardians This information sheet includes important information about the

26/11/2019 2020 Student Resource Scheme 32 | P a g e

2020 - YEAR 12

Subject Curriculum Resources included in Scheme Cost if Not Participating in Resource


SRS B,C,D Elective/


MATHEMATICS Jacaranda Maths Quest 11 Essential Mathematics Units 1 & 2 Print & Digital Jacaranda Maths Quest 11 Essential Mathematics Units 1 & 2 Digital $59.95 Jacaranda Maths Quest 11 Essential Mathematics Units 3 & 4 Print & Digital Jacaranda Maths Quest 11 Essential Mathematics Units 3 & 4 Digital $59.95 Jacaranda Maths Quest 11 General Mathematics Units 1 & 2 Print & Digital Jacaranda Maths Quest 11 General Mathematics Units 1 & 2 Digital $59.95 Jacaranda Maths Quest 11 General Mathematics Units 3 & 4 Print & Digital Jacaranda Maths Quest 11 General Mathematics Units 3 & 4 Digital $59.95 Jacaranda Maths Quest 11 Mathematical Methods Print with code Cambridge Specialist Mathematics Print & digital








MUSIC Musical Elements & Concepts Aural Skills Print & digital Musical Elements & Concepts Aural Skills digital $69.95 Sheet music and produced notes



Equipment – guitars, keyboards, computer and software



MUSIC EXTENSION Musical Elements & Concepts Aural Skills Print & digital Musical Elements & Concepts Aural Skills digital $69.95


Sheet Music and Produced notes 35.00 Equipment and guitars, keyboards, computer

software 35.00



Textbook Oxford Physical education for Qld Units 1 & 2 Print & digital Textbook Oxford Physical education for Qld Units 1 & 2 digital $49.95 Textbook Oxford Physical education for Qld Units 3 & 4 Print & digital Textbook Oxford Physical education for Qld Units 3 & 4 digital $49.95 Photocopying, printing, workbooks Equipment repairs and maintenance



15.00 5.00


Page 45: 2020 STUDENT RESOURCE SCHEME (SRS ......2020 STUDENT RESOURCE SCHEME (SRS) INFORMATION SHEET Dear Parents/Guardians This information sheet includes important information about the

26/11/2019 2020 Student Resource Scheme 33 | P a g e

2020 - YEAR 12

Subject Curriculum Resources included in Scheme Cost if Not Participating in Resource


SRS B,C,D Elective/


PHYSICS Textbook: Oxford Physics Units 1 & 2 Print & digital Textbook: Oxford Physics Units 1 & 2 digital $49.95 Textbook: Oxford Physics Units 3 & 4 Print & digital Textbook: Oxford Physics Units 3 & 4 digital $49.94 Teacher prepared materials which compliments and/or substitutes for textbooks Equipment repairs and replacement, consumables incl chemicals and glassware






VISUAL ARTS Creative Inquiry Visual Arts for Qld Print & digital Creative Inquiry Visual Arts for Qld digital $58.95 Equipment – brushes, tools, sponges, easels Teacher prepared materials which compliments and/or substitutes for textbooks Visual Arts Elective Fee (SRS B)





122.95 70.00

VISUAL ARTS IN PRACTICE Class set textbooks 70.00 Equipment – brushes, tools, sponges, easels 30.00 Teacher prepared materials which

compliments and/or substitutes for textbooks


Visual Arts in Practice Elective Fee (SRS B) 70.00

120.00 70.00