Revised 1/24/2020 Committee Preference Booklet The Raleigh School was founded in 1952 by parents who believed that being involved in their child’s education was important. Parent participation remains a core value of the school and is included in our mission statement and abiding values. We are glad you have chosen to become a part of our school community -- your meaningful involvement makes a significant statement to your child about the importance of education, reinforces the values of our school, and benefits all of the members of our community. Your school involvement is good for your child. Your child will be excited when you do things for the school. They will see that you are making their school a priority and that you value their education. Knowing your child’s friends, teachers and classmates’ parents strengthens the community. Your school involvement is good for you as a parent. You will have a better understanding of what is happening at school and, by seeing our wonderful teachers in action, may learn new techniques that you can apply at home. Your school involvement is good for the school. Many of the committees support activities that could not be done without parent involvement; they also allow us to keep tuition lower than other independent schools.

2020-2021 Committee Preference Booklet - Raleigh School€¦ · Committee Preference Booklet The Raleigh School was founded in 1952 by parents who believed that being involved in

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Page 1: 2020-2021 Committee Preference Booklet - Raleigh School€¦ · Committee Preference Booklet The Raleigh School was founded in 1952 by parents who believed that being involved in

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Committee Preference Booklet

The Raleigh School was founded in 1952 by parents who believed that being involved in their child’s

education was important. Parent participation remains a core value of the school and is included in our

mission statement and abiding values. We are glad you have chosen to become a part of our school

community ­­ your meaningful involvement makes a significant statement to your child about the

importance of education, reinforces the values of our school, and benefits all of the members of our


Your school involvement is good for your child.

Your child will be excited when you do things for the school. They will see that you are making their

school a priority and that you value their education. Knowing your child’s friends, teachers and

classmates’ parents strengthens the community.

Your school involvement is good for you as a parent.

You will have a better understanding of what is happening at school and, by seeing our wonderful

teachers in action, may learn new techniques that you can apply at home.

Your school involvement is good for the school.

Many of the committees support activities that could not be done without parent involvement; they

also allow us to keep tuition lower than other independent schools.

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Objective: Help with elementary recruitment event in the fall, the new parent meeting in the spring, and

other admission–related events as needed. Write reviews, provide quotes and join tours. Spread the good

news about TRS.

Committee meetings and communication: No meetings. Communication is by email.

Timing of committee work: Elementary recruitment event in late fall and new parent meeting in early

May, both of which are held on weekday evenings. Members should plan to attend one admissions tour if

possible, scheduled around weekday mornings.

Chair’s tasks: Organize committee members to provide assistance with above activities.

Member’s tasks: Attend at least one of these two annual events. Help to welcome the attendees.

Coordinate refreshments and room set­up and/or clean­up for at least one of these functions. Be willing to

speak to prospective parents about the school. Write reviews and provide quotes to admissions director as

needed. Join one tour as a parent representative.

Helpful experience/skills: Knowledge of school’s history and philosophy of teaching. Comfortable

speaking to prospective parents either individually or in group setting. Love of TRS!

Members needed: 12­14


Objective: To assist the preschool administration with visitations and events for prospective families.

Committee meetings and communication: A mandatory planning/training meeting is held at the beginning

of the school year (usually the last Tuesday or Friday in September at 8:45 a.m.). Other communication is

by telephone and email.

Timing of committee work: The work of this committee takes place throughout the school year, with the

majority of the work occurring in late fall and winter as families are visiting and applying to the preschool.

Members must be available to work 4-6 of the school visitations (Ts/Fs 9:00­9:40 a.m.). In addition, this

committee provides set­up/greeting/cleanup support for the Parent Orientation Night (September) and

the New Parent Meeting Night (May).

Chair’s tasks: Work with the preschool administration and admissions director in educating new families

about TRS. Coordinate committee members to help with admissions responsibilities.

Member’s tasks:

1) Attend committee planning/training meeting. This meeting is generally held on the last Tuesday or

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Friday in September at 8:45 a.m.

2) Serve as host for at least three preschool visitation days. As host, committee member must be

available to talk to and tour prospective parents at the preschool from 8:50­9:30 a.m. on the

visitation day. Visitation days are generally scheduled on Tuesdays and Fridays from October through


3) Assist with either Parent Orientation Night (September) or New Parent Meeting (May).

Helpful experience/skills: Outgoing, good oral communication skills, knowledge of the preschool, and

eagerness to speak with prospective parents about personal experiences at the school.

Members needed: 10-14


Objective: To support and enhance the school’s continuing relationship with Raleigh School graduates and

alumni parents. This includes planning, supporting, and staffing alumni events.

Committee meetings and communications: Communication between chair and committee members is done by email. There may be a couple of in person meetings per year.

Timing of committee work: Committee members support and staff alumni Homecoming events at TRS: 1)

Fall Carnival, our 2020 date is to be determined; 2) a Class of 2020 Parent lunch in October; 3) Class of

2014 Alumni Dinner in early December; and 4) a new Homecoming event to be held each spring.

Chair’s tasks: Meet with the staff liaison at the beginning of the school year to create a calendar of work.

Recruit class parent reps for grades 6, 7, and 8. Communicate tasks and recruit committee volunteers to

fulfill tasks. Help to plan and attend alumni events. Chair may work 10 – 20 hours per year.

Member’s tasks: Support alumni events. Committee members are asked to staff our alumni area at the

annual Carnival; help with parent lunch and other homecoming events. Tasks during the year may include

phone calls, planning activities, emails, writing articles and photographing alumni events. Members may

serve 4­8 hours per year.

Helpful experience/skills: Good communication skills, someone who is outgoing and able to engage with

our alumni during events. Have the ability to attend annual TRS Carnival and other homecoming events.

An interest in helping Raleigh School graduates stay connected to our school community.

Recommended but not required: Parent of a Raleigh School child in middle or high school, or an alumnus of TRS.

Members needed: 6

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Objective: To further the philanthropic spirit within our school community.

Committee meetings, events, and communication:

Communication is conducted primarily by email and telephone. There is an informational meeting prior to the fall phone-a-thon.

1. Fall (Kick Off)

2. November (phone­a­thon – participation is expected during one of two nights)

3. December & January (classroom liaison emails)

4. May (Grandparent’s Day – volunteers are needed for this day when Grandparents visit the campus and classrooms.)

Timing of committee work: Work is done throughout the school year, with Annual Fund efforts focused in the fall.

Chair’s task: The chair works closely with the development office and Head of School to monitor the Annual Fund’s effectiveness and formulate strategic plans.

Helpful experience/skills: Committee members should be enthusiastic about the school and want to

cultivate the giving spirit within our community. Members should become familiar with activities

coordinated through the development office and what those campaigns fund and benefit. Parents are asked

to contribute to the Annual Fund before they communicate with other families about doing the same.

Members may be asked to help the school in making connections to other potential corporate partners.

Members needed: 25


Objective: To provide a resource pool of parents to assist staff and other committees when extra help is

needed for various projects, events, and tasks. The assignments will include both pre­scheduled events

(e.g., supporting Carnival, Multi­Cultural Feast, or Cultural Arts events), work that can be done when

convenient (e.g., data entry or stuffing envelopes), and work to be done during the school day. This

committee is intended to provide additional resources when “many hands make light work” and generally

will not require specific expertise.

Committee meetings and communication: Communication is primarily through email.

Timing of committee work: The timing and type will vary and is dependent upon the needs of the school

and other committees. This is a good choice for parents who prefer to choose specific assignments as the

school year unfolds.

Chair’s tasks: To be in contact with staff and other committee chairs during the school year regarding their

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needs for help with upcoming projects and events, and then communicate those volunteer opportunities

to their committee members and match parent volunteers with specific tasks.

Member’s tasks: To be flexible and respond promptly to the chair’s communications, and to provide help with projects and events.

Requirements: Members must participate in at least one assignment. Since some of the needs will arise on

short notice, it is essential that the email address provided be checked regularly so that assignments can

be filled.

Members needed: 8-10


Objective: Handle Scholastic and other similar book club orders for classroom teachers.

Committee meetings and communication: One meeting (or email communication) at the beginning of the

school year. Most communication is handled by email, so an active email address is required in order to

serve on this committee.

Timing of committee work: Duties every month of school year.

Chair’s tasks: Give an orientation to committee members at start of school year; answer any questions as year progresses.

Member’s tasks: Contact teacher at beginning of school year to learn how he/she wants to handle book

orders. Monthly: collate packets of order forms and prepare cover letter, distribute monthly packet in

Monday folders, place order online, pick up books from school office, pack individual orders, deliver orders

to classroom/cubbies, and place orders for teachers bonus items. Members may work 2 – 3 hours per


Helpful experience/skills: Organized, detail­oriented, good basic math skills, problem­solver, able to follow

instructions, good written and oral communication skills, basic computer skills and internet access for

online ordering/payment, and the ability to stop by school several times a month.

Members needed: 2 parents per grade level.


Objective: Handle Scholastic and other similar book club orders for classroom teachers.

Committee meetings and communication: No formal meetings are required for this committee.

Everything is handled by email and telephone. Communication between the chair and the book person

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assigned to each class is frequent.

Timing of committee work: Book orders are usually placed four times during the school year. Follow­up

may be necessary to handle returns and backorders throughout the year.

Chair’s tasks: Initially the chair needs to educate the committee members about their duties through

email communication or a meeting. Order book catalogs from Scholastic, divide catalogs of flyers between

classes, and distribute to individual committee members and teachers. Set deadline for orders, collect

classroom orders and combine to make one order for entire preschool, and place the order. Sort books by

classroom and deliver to preschool office. Handle backorders and returns as necessary. Communicate with

committee members by email or telephone regarding arrival of flyers, books, deadlines, and any other

necessary information. Chair may work 5 – 6 hours per month.

Member’s tasks: Pick up flyers packet. Sort and distribute flyers with cover letter. Collect class’s orders,

total orders, and give tallied order to chair. When books arrive, pick up from preschool office and deliver

books to parents via student bags. Handle returns and backorders as necessary with chair. Members may

work 2 ­3 hours per month.

Helpful experience/skills: Organized, detail­oriented, good basic math skills, responsible for handling other

parents’ money, able to follow instructions and meet deadlines, good written and oral communication


Members needed: 1 parent per class.


Objective: Assist in researching, planning, and completing small building projects on campus either on the playground or in classrooms.

Committee meetings and communication: The committee typically does not meet as a whole. The chair

communicates to all members by email or phone and projects are delegated to sub­committees who work

on specific projects.

Timing of committee work: Typically work is performed when convenient for committee members’ schedules, whether during the day, evening or weekends.

Chair’s tasks: Meet with the Director of Finance and Operations, Elementary/Preschool Director and school

handyman to review tasks and compile a list of supplies needed for any elementary special projects. Assign

one committee member to lead each project and purchase all supplies needed prior to each project workday.

Expenses are reimbursable. Determine number of workers needed to assist the lead for each project and

assign committee members to each project.

Member’s tasks: Committee members are expected to either lead or support at least one project per year.

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These projects are generally small to medium building projects including tasks like building a small outdoor

stage or playground fort. Members work approximately 6­10 hours per year.

Helpful experience/skills: Requires semi­skilled comfort level with carpentry. Basic knowledge of the use of hand tools and power tools is helpful.

Members needed: 10­15


Objective: Support positive communications for the school through school newsletter. The newsletter is

produced, from ideation to printing, by parent volunteers, so we need writers, editors, artists, and

production whizzes.

Committee meetings and communication: There will be one planning meeting at the start of the year, and

one after Winter Break. Additional planning meetings are arranged as needed during the year. Most

communication will be via email.

Timing of committee work: There will be two newsletters, one in late November, one in early May.

Chair’s tasks: Work with Administration and committee to determine content of articles. Organize

meetings, develop agendas, assign tasks, hold members to deadlines, as well as maintain contact with the

school leadership. The chair should possess good verbal and written communication skills, be well

organized, and able to facilitate the group toward meeting deadlines.

Members needed: 12­15


Objective: To provide cultural arts residencies and performances to TRS students. For the purpose of this

committee “cultural arts” are defined as any and all creative disciplines which when applied, result in the

production of original works, including but not limited to such fields as music, dance, theatre,

literary/creative writing, visual arts, folk arts and crafts, storytelling, and multi­disciplinary art. In addition,

while maintaining regard for other committees whose mission may be similar, the cultural arts committee

shall recognize no limits as to geography, historical period, cultural specificity, or artistic interpretation in

the selection and presentation of its cultural arts programs.

Committee meetings and communication: Meetings are occasional and infrequent. Residency support

occurs mainly during the school day. Other support (committee communication, contact with artists,

contract promulgation) can be done anytime. Communication is by email, telephone, and face­to­face

meeting (arranged in order of frequency).

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Timing of committee work: Work is done all school year and throughout the summer, emphasis is placed

on work done from January through August of each school year, due to funding deadlines in August of each

year. Committee members can contribute as much time as their schedule allows; the minimum number of

hours required is part of a weekday during residencies or performances.

Chair’s tasks: The chair coordinates the members of the committee and leads them in the functions of:

research and selection of artist(s); negotiations and scheduling of artists; volunteer management;

communications with school administration, artists and school members; and the administrative work of

grants from research through contract management.

Member’s tasks: Provide on­site artist support, artist research and management. Willingness to work

strategically with long­term projects (participation on the committee over more than one year, if possible)

is particularly useful. Occasional availability during the school day is essential.

Helpful experience/skills: Experience as an artist or in arts management (important for managing the

artists during their residency and for attaining the best contacts in the Triangle arts community),

problem­solving, (residency management usually involves on­site challenges), excellent communication

skills (artists sometimes communicate more effectively with children than adults), enthusiasm for the arts,


Members needed: 4


Objective: To serve as vital support for the development office.

Committee meetings and communication: Members of this committee will be contacted via email. No training is required.

Timing of committee work: Committee members will be asked to help with development office support during the school day. Days to be determined.

Chair’s tasks: N/A

Member’s tasks: The committee members may be asked to staff events, help with graphic design work,

work with mailings, computer projects, sponsor outreach, and other development­related projects, based

on the member’s skill set. Work can happen throughout the year. Each member should expect about 2­3

hours per month depending on the number of volunteers.

Helpful experience/skills: No specific skills or experience required but being detail­oriented is helpful.

Members needed: 2

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Objective: To promote and support the school’s efforts in fostering a learning community that welcomes and values diversity.

Committee meetings and communication: Initial committee meeting at the beginning of the school year

and as needed thereafter for approximately 1 – 1.5 hours/meeting. Meetings are usually held on the

school campus in the evenings. Communication is via email and telephone.

Timing of committee work: Attendance at committee meetings in addition to volunteer time for various

diversity committee activities (outlined under member tasks).

Chair’s tasks: The chair’s responsibility is to lead and coordinate the committee’s activities/goals.

Member’s tasks: Committee members are expected to attend scheduled meetings and to volunteer for various committee tasks, which include the following:

Multi­Cultural Feast

Admission Outreach

Organization of MLK Day March / Day of Service

Parent Education

Helpful experience/skills: A commitment to TRS and its spirit of parent involvement and an interest in issues around diversity.

Members needed: 10­15


Objective: Provide support and upkeep for the interior and exterior of the facilities and grounds at the elementary school on a routine basis.

Committee meetings and communication: Communication is primarily by email.

Timing of committee work: One Saturday in August before the start of the new school year and one or two

workdays during the school year. Most work is done on these workdays.

Chair’s tasks: Coordinate workday project lists and assign to committee members, serve as liaison with the

school administration regarding tasks of the committee.

Member’s tasks: Typical responsibilities include but are not limited to: minor repairs, hanging shelves,

building bookcases, changing light bulbs, small maintenance projects, power washing sidewalks, hauling

away large unused items, picking up debris, raking mulch. Participation required for August workday plus

one other workday during the school year. Workdays are typically Saturday mornings.

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Requirements: Must attend scheduled August workday plus one other workday during the school year.

Helpful experience/skills: Basic knowledge of the use of hand tools and power tools.

Members needed: 20­30


Objective: Promote and support school­wide environmental stewardship and student knowledge on conservation and recycling at TRS.

Committee meetings and communication: Committee will have a planning meeting to determine projects

and initiatives for the coming year. Other communications are by email or phone.

Timing of committee work: Throughout the school year

Chair’s tasks: Coordinate green initiatives in order to promote conservation and recycling efforts at TRS.

Work with administration and teachers to promote efforts. Determine new ways to work with community

at large to promote school efforts.

Member’s tasks: Support recycling and conservation at TRS by identifying ways to educate our school

community about environmental stewardship. Enhance current recycling and conservation programs.

Research what other schools are doing and identify any “best practices” which would be appropriate for


Helpful experience/skills: An enthusiastic appreciation for recycling and conservation and a desire to

encourage others in experiencing and learning about our natural environment.

Members needed: 10-12


Objective: To plan, organize and coordinate parking during special events including Preschool Parent Orientation, Halloween, Grandparents Day and Graduation.

Committee meetings and communication: Email communication

Timing of committee work: September, October and May

Chair’s tasks: Work with the school administration to create and implement a parking plan of action for each event.

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Member’s tasks: Participate in events for 1­3 hours each. Note: Most of the events occur during school hours.

Helpful experience/skills: Desire to wear a yellow vest and carry a walkie­talkie.

Members needed: 7­10


Objective: Plan and implement the school’s annual Carnival – date for Fall 2020 event TBD.

Committee meetings and communication: A leadership team will be recruited to oversee Marketing,

Logistics, and Activities for the event. Committee members will be asked to choose a subcommittee.

Subcommittees meet throughout the school year as needed to fulfill their roles. As a committee member you

will be expected to attend and work at the event. (Local football schedules will be considered when selecting

the date).

Timing of committee work: Work will take place over the late summer and into September & October.

Chair’s tasks: The chair (or co­chairs) oversees the planning and implementation for all the Carnival

subcommittees. The chair(s) will help to develop the theme, timing, and logistics for the annual Carnival

with direction and support from school administration. The chair(s) will work closely with a leadership

team, as well as the development office. The chair(s) will determine corporate sponsorship levels, manage

contact and scheduling of vendors, prepare subcommittee checklists, and communicate job descriptions.

The chair will add to the committee notebook with current year documents at the close of the event.

Member’s tasks: To participate on one of the established subcommittees: marketing, logistics, or activities/food.

Helpful experience/skills: Organizational skills and enthusiasm.

Other subcommittees as needed (5 – 8 people): Based on the event chair’s plans and organization for this

event, other subcommittees may be added to handle raffle ticket sales, pie baking contest, photography

and other event activities. Duties and numbers of volunteers required will be determined each year.

Members needed: 25-40


Objective: To beautify the TRS campus through the upkeep, landscaping and planting of the common area gardens.

Committee meetings and communication: Meetings are held on an as­needed basis. Communication is

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through email and occasionally telephone.

Timing of committee work: Must attend the scheduled Saturday workday prior to the start of school in

addition to at least one of two workdays throughout the year. Some committee work can be done on a

flexible schedule (e.g. watering, pruning.) The fall and spring months are more active than the winter


Chair’s tasks: Work with the school staff liaison in evaluating the school’s gardening needs. Organize,

communicate and delegate gardening tasks throughout the year.

Member’s tasks: Respond promptly when the committee chair contacts you asking for volunteers for a

particular project or for a committee work day. Expect to spread mulch, pull weeds, prune bushes,

prepare, design and plant garden beds, plant flowers, replace expired bushes, and maintain the planters

in front of the administrative building. Actively share your knowledge and expertise in gardening and

landscaping with your committee chair.

Helpful experience/skills: The willingness to lend a hand and your time (the equivalent of about 2­3

Saturday mornings more or less). Also, it is helpful, but not required, to have an interest and knowledge of

gardening and landscaping. Access to a pickup truck is helpful but not required.

Requirements: Attend scheduled workdays, be available to work on campus on an as­needed basis.

Members needed: 15-20


Objective: To beautify the TRS campus through the upkeep, landscaping and planting of the preschool grounds.

Committee meetings and communication: Meetings are held on an as­needed basis. Communication is through email and occasionally telephone.

Timing of committee work: Must attend the scheduled Saturday workday prior to the start of school in

addition to at least one of two workdays throughout the year. Some committee work can be done on a

flexible schedule (e.g. watering, pruning). The fall and spring months are more active than the winter


Chair’s tasks: Work with the school staff liaison in evaluating the school’s gardening needs. Organize,

communicate, delegate gardening tasks throughout the year. Coordinate with the preschool workday

committee to organize tasks.

Member’s tasks: Respond promptly when the committee chair contacts you asking for volunteers for a

particular project or for a committee work day. Expect to spread mulch, pull weeds, prune bushes, prepare,

design and plant garden beds, plant flowers, replace expired bushes, and maintain and water the planters in

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front of the administration building. Actively share knowledge and expertise in gardening and landscaping

with committee chair.

Helpful experience/skills: The willingness to lend a hand and your time (the equivalent of about 4 Saturday

mornings more or less). Also, it is helpful, but not required, to have an interest and knowledge of

gardening and landscaping. Access to a pickup truck is helpful but not required.

Requirements: Attend a scheduled workday, be available to work on campus on an as needed basis.

Members needed: 10-12


Objective: To be at the preschool drop­off point so parents may drop off their children and to assist other

children out of the cars safely, supervising them until they get into their classrooms.

Committee meetings and communication: Most communication/coordination, for the purpose of

determining schedules and responsibilities and to make sure things are operating well, is done via email

and telephone.

Timing of committee work: Members work one day each week for a 10­minute shift on a fixed schedule

for the entire school year. Alternates fill in when regular shift worker is sick or otherwise unable to cover

the shift.

Chair’s tasks: Set up meetings and/or make calls to everyone in August before classes begin to obtain

availability and get permission to schedule members on certain days. Create a schedule and send it to all

members along with a cover letter detailing the member’s duties and the date their obligation begins. Be

available to work out problems. The chair will also work one shift or serve as an alternate.

Member’s tasks: Be at the preschool drop­off point on time, assist children out of their vehicles, supervise

children as they make their way to class, and call an alternate if they cannot be at the gate on their

scheduled date.

Helpful experience/skills: Personable, dependable and responsible.

Members needed: 11-12


Objective: To plan and execute a reception for the fifth grade graduates and their guest following the graduation ceremony.

Committee meetings and communication: Planning meeting is held in early spring to allocate and

coordinate responsibilities. Communication is by telephone and email.

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Timing of committee work: The work of this committee begins in January as planning begins and

culminates on the day of graduation in June. Members should plan to be at school the day of graduation

and should not have a graduating child.

Chair’s tasks: Coordinate the event and work with sub­committee members to distribute tasks (decorations, food, gifts, badges, etc.)

Member’s tasks: Members will be responsible for ordering and purchasing materials, food, flowers and

supplies as well as setting up the reception, serving at the reception and cleaning up after the reception.

Coordinate class photos, 4th grade banner and gift bags.

Helpful experience/skills: Party or event planning experience, strong organizational skills, attention to

detail. One person who loves arranging flowers would be helpful.

Members needed: 12­18


Objective: To support the Board’s finance committee in the areas of investment and 401k oversight. To

regularly review the performance of the school’s investment manager and retirement plan trustee as well

as to recommend changes to the school’s portfolio and 401k offerings. The committee is also responsible

for an annual investment policy review. The committee may also be asked to research and/or review other

financial related components such as debt management.

Committee meetings, timing, and communication: The full committee meets at least quarterly during the

school day to review portfolio and retirement plan performance. Subgroups, as needed, may meet several

additional times per year. All other communication is through email.

Chair’s tasks: To serve as a liaison between committee and Board finance committee. Coordinate

subgroups, delegate various tasks, and assist in reporting back to Finance Committee.

Member’s tasks: Committee members are expected to review investment and 401k performance prior to meeting with portfolio and plan managers.

Required experience/skills: Investment, 401k, and/or financial background. Committee members must be

willing to serve on this committee for multiple years. Prior to committee assignment, prospective

committee members will be asked to complete an experience and skills survey.

Members needed: Head of School and Director of Finance and Operations, 2 Board members, and 4­6 current parents.

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Objective: To serve as clerical assistant to the Learning Partner teacher.

Committee meetings and communication: Members of this committee will be contacted via email. No training is required.

Timing of committee work: Committee members need to be available on Fridays for about an hour any time during the school day.

Chair’s tasks: N/A

Member’s tasks: The committee members will be responsible for photocopying, laminating, prepping projects, and light organizing for the teacher and in the classroom. Each member should expect about an hour per month depending on the number of volunteers.

Helpful experience/skills: No specific skills or experience required, but being detail­oriented is helpful.

Members needed: 1


Objective: To serve as volunteer library staff under the direction of the librarian.

Committee meetings and communication: Members of this committee can expect a one­time training

session (two hours maximum) at the beginning of the school year. Most communication is by email.

Timing of committee work: Committee members need to be available during the day/library hours to

assist with scheduled class meeting times and assist children with book return and check­out when the

librarian is not present. Committee work is done during the school year.

Chair’s tasks: The chair orients the committee members to the jobs and responsibilities of the committee.

Coordinate the weekly volunteer schedule based on member availability.

Member’s tasks: The committee will be responsible for things such as library inventory, some book selection,

bulletin boards, shelving, assisting with class meeting times, and assisting children with book return and

check­out. Committee requirements are from 2 – 6 hours per month, depending on the number of


Helpful experience/skills: No specific skills or experiences are required, but being detail­oriented is helpful.

Members needed: 25

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Objective: To maintain the preschool library.

Committee meetings and communication: One orientation meeting at the beginning of the school year,

during preschool hours. Most communication is by email.

Timing of committee work: Work is done throughout the school year, during preschool hours at a time that

is convenient for the volunteer. Routine tasks take about 30 minutes once every six weeks.

Chair’s tasks: Schedule and train committee members to check in and shelve books. Assist in the

development of the preschool library collection by working with the preschool director and lead teachers.

Take inventory in June.

Member’s tasks: Check in and shelve books. Repair books from the collections that are in poor condition.

Special project: research value of older books that have been pulled from the collection.

Helpful experience/skills: Committee members will be successful without any special skills or experience.

Someone with knowledge or an interest in older titles would be helpful with research. The committee

chair would benefit from experience in early childhood education and an interest in children’s literature.

Members needed: 12


Objective: Promote and sell TRS logo items to members of our school community.

Committee meetings and communication: No formal meetings are required for this committee. Communication is handled by email.

Timing of committee work: Members should be available 1­2 times during the year primarily in the

evenings – the first day of school, parent orientation evening, carnival day and evening of new parent

meeting. Members also help deliver fulfilled orders, including class t­shirts for each student. Primarily,

committee work will take place early in the school year.

Chair’s tasks: The chair is responsible for creating the sales fliers, placing merchandise orders with vendors,

arranging for delivery of the merchandise, keeping inventory, and organizing storage. In addition, the chair

coordinates set­up of and staffing for merchandise sales throughout the school year. Most of the chair’s

work takes place before the start of school.

Member’s tasks: Help with sale of logo items and with organization of inventory. Members also help promote the sale of the merchandise throughout the year.

Helpful experience/skills: Members should be positive, outgoing, and organized.

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Requirements: Attend scheduled “sale days” and be available to help with other activities such as making signs or taking inventory.

Members needed: 6 ­ (3 parents from elementary and 3 parents from preschool)


Objective: Trail blazing the new Nature Education Trail, Maintenance of school­wide, wooded outdoor education areas

Committee meetings and Communication: Email

Timing of committee work: Three work days, 4­5 hours each

Chair’s tasks: Coordinate the work days

Member’s tasks: Clean­up including: trail blazing, trail clearing, trail maintenance, building projects, limb

clearing, construction projects, and maintenance of specific areas.

Helpful experience/skills: General outdoor construction and maintenance skills. Members needed: 15­20


Objective: To offer informative, thought and discussion provoking educational programs related to

children, parenting and family issues for TRS parents and other interested parties.

Committee meetings and communication: The committee meets approximately twice a year on a

weekday evening. The first meeting in September is to divide the tasks for the sessions to be presented

during the school year. Committee members must do publicity, set­up and refreshments for each session.

Specific assignments are made then. Parent education sessions occur at least four times throughout the

school year on weekday evenings. Session planning for the following school year is done at a meeting in

the spring. Communication is by email and telephone.

Timing of committee work: Work is sporadic throughout the year. There will be some advance planning

for the arrangement of speakers. Work will increase closer to the time of the event with publicity and


Chair’s tasks: Organize, facilitate and oversee the smooth functioning of the committee during the year.

Member’s tasks: Serve as meeting coordinator, publicity coordinator, or refreshments coordinator for one

or two of the parent education events during the year. Members must attend each event and stay for the

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duration of the event. Inform the membership of parent education events. Members are also responsible

for providing refreshments, set­up and clean up for the Head of School’s Coffee Chats as they occur during

the school year.

Helpful experience/skills: Interest in topics related to parenting, families and children. Event planning experience is a plus, but not required.

Members needed: 6


Objective: Committee consists of a chair plus four coordinators to oversee the parent volunteer activities

at The Raleigh School. Recruit and assign committee chairs, provide training for committee chairs, update

the committee descriptions, and survey committee chairs regarding time commitments and relevance of

committee tasks. Members will interact with TRS Administrators throughout the year.

Committee meetings and communication: The committee meets approximately 2­4 times per year, plus

the chair training session held in May. Communication is face­to­face, by email and by telephone.

Timing of committee work: Throughout the year with an emphasis from January through May.

Chair’s tasks: Oversees the functions of the Parent Engagement Committee and acts as a liaison between

TRS Administration, TRS Board and the parent community to assess feedback from surveys and make

recommendations for changes to committee structure and roles based on survey results and feedback.

Preschool Committee Chair Assignment Coordinator: Meet with the Preschool Director to determine the

skill sets needed for the coming school year for open chair positions. Actively recruit chairs for openings

based on parents’ skills and committee choices.

Elementary Committee Chair Assignment Coordinator: Meet with the appropriate administrative

Director(s) to determine the skill sets needed for the coming school year for open chair positions. Actively

recruit chairs for openings based on parents’ skills and committee choices.

Timing of work: January – April to recruit and assign chairs for the following school year.

Committee Chair Training and Support Coordinator: Provide training and support for committee chairs.

Work with TRS administrators to schedule and develop a chair training session to be attended by all

committee chairs.

Timing of work: Through the year to develop and refine training. The bulk of the work occurs from January – May leading up to committee chair training in May.

Survey and Booklet Coordinator: Develop the committee chair survey to be distributed during the school

year to assess committee workload, member participation and determine the relevance of the committee

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tasks. Update the committee descriptions to be made available to all TRS parents in February.

Timing of work: Throughout school year.

Helpful experience/skills: Knowledge of TRS and its committees and community members. Enthusiasm for

the parent involvement experience and a willingness to approach prospective committee chairs. Ability to

communicate regularly with committee chairs and administration to assess needs.

Members needed: 5


Objective: Photograph (and possibly videotape) our school community members at various times

throughout the school day (e.g. first day of school, Time Machine Day, assemblies, preschool sing­along,

cultural arts events, etc.) as well as at school events that occur in the evening and weekends (e.g.

Multicultural Feast, Carnival, Family Science Night, etc.). Share all photographs and videos with school

administration via timely upload to a designated school photo site. Play an increasing role in uploading,

organizing and tagging photos on vidigami. This committee will take more ownership of vidigami in the

2020-2021 year.

Committee meetings and communication: Communication is by email.

Timing of committee work: August through May at both elementary and preschool classrooms and

campuses. Time required is about 8­12 hours per school year with the work taking place during the school

day as well as some evenings and weekends.

Chair’s tasks: Work with admissions office to select upcoming school events to be photographed. Chair will

communicate event dates with committee members and assign photography jobs. Take an increased role

with vidigami. Coordinate uploads to school photo site.

Member’s tasks: Take photos and / or videos of school events and promptly upload to a designated school

photo site and tag students. Members may also be asked to use a school mobile device in addition to their

own camera to take photos for social media.

Helpful experience/skills: High resolution camera and photography experience is ideal. Experience using vidigami is also helpful.

Members needed: 12­14

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Objective: Help organize, direct and follow­up with 4 scheduled workdays throughout the year.

Committee meetings and communications: One committee meeting in August prior to All­Preschool

Workday. Communication is primarily email and telephone throughout year. Must attend all preschool

workdays (sign up completed at August meeting).

Timing of committee work: Organization of attendance and administrative tasks done at member’s

convenience. Purchase of materials and organizing supplies can be done any time prior to the scheduled

workday. First workday occurs prior to start of preschool (in August) and subsequent workdays take place

throughout the school year (typically in October, January and March).

Chair’s tasks: Oversees coordination of 4 workdays per year. The All­Preschool Workday in August is the

most important in order to prepare the campus for the start of school. (All preschool families are required

to have at least one parent attend this workday.) Chair is required to coordinate with Buildings & Grounds

and Gardening Committees to make sure all special projects are included and necessary supplies are

ordered. Chair will follow up with B&G about tasks that have and have not been completed after workdays.

Committee chair manages attendance records for workdays including keeping updated list of class rosters.

Committee chair also manages the check­in and special projects table at workdays. Time required

averages about 6 hours per workday.

Member’s tasks:

1. Manages special project activities; maintains contact with teachers on what they need/want for the

workday in their classrooms, meets with Building & Grounds Committee chair and preschool

director for walk­through prior to each workday to review tasks, compiles and prints list of special

projects for each workday, works with B&G to compile supplies list, sets up and manages Special

Projects table, directs people where they need help at workday – 4 hours per month of workday.

2. Oversees classroom activities; sets up classrooms for workday, assist in classroom cleaning, provides

lists for classroom­specific extra jobs, makes “rounds” in classroom throughout the workday and

provides what is needed in each room, maintains coffee/snack table; picks up purchased snacks for

workday– 2 hours per month of workday.

3. Organize supplies for workday; fill supply buckets for each classroom, gather supplies required to

complete special projects, put all cleaning supplies back in closet at end of workday, provide list of

materials and supplies required for purchasing, take home towel and rags for washing and bring back

to closet for future workday ­ 2 hours per month of workday.

4. Maintains administrative activities; updates attendance tracking for families that attend workdays,

prints reminder letters to individual families attending workdays, puts up signage reminders on

classroom/administration doors, sends email reminders to each family attending workday, sends

email to individual families requiring additional workdays to meet commitment, coordinates with

preschool director for voicemail and email for All­Preschool Workday – 5 hours per month of


5. Compiles make­up work list until everything is completed, follow­up with teachers on items not

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finished or done at workday, assign make­up work to those families not attending workday – 2 hours

per month of workday.

Helpful experience/skills: Good organization and communication skills.

Members needed: 12


Objective: To facilitate a smooth transition into the new school year from both teacher and parent

perspectives. The room parent acts as a class liaison, maintaining contact with the teachers and parents

and coordinating class activities. Help the teacher with the organization of the parents’ commitments to

the class.

Committee meetings and communication: An orientation meeting for the room parents takes place

before the start of the school year (usually last week of July or first week of August). As the year

progresses, communication by email is sufficient to cover most details and information that needs to be

related to room parents.

Timing of committee work: Prior to the start of school, approximately 10 hours. Depending upon the

needs of the teacher and time of year, usually not more than one hour per week is required.

Chair’s tasks: Meet with preschool room parent chair prior to room parent orientation to coordinate room

parent communication and efforts. Help assign room parents to each teacher. Serve as a resource for

room parents and teachers with any concerns that may come up during the year.

Member’s tasks: Each teacher has various needs and the room parent’s role will be dictated by these

needs. Some responsibilities may include: field trip/driver coordination, gathering volunteers for class

events, coordinating a community service project for the class, maintaining a monthly class calendar, and

coordinating class gifts to the teachers, etc. Prior to the start of school, room parents should meet with

their teacher to discuss the teacher’s needs and expectations. Also, summer play dates need to be

coordinated. Kindergarten should have at least two play dates over the summer and Grades 1 – 5 should

have at least one. The room parent will need to help with sign­up sheets for class activities at parent

orientation. During the school year, the room parent should contact the teacher once a week to see if

there is anything that needs to be done. (This does not exclude working parents from this role. Checking in

can be done by email or telephone.) As the school year progresses, remind parents of their responsibilities

regarding activities or events for which they are responsible via monthly calendars distributed one to two

weeks prior to each month.

Helpful experience/skills: Organization, availability to communicate with teacher regularly to assess

needs, good written and oral communication, and dependability.

Members needed: 1 parent per classroom

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Objective: To facilitate a smooth transition into the new school year and cohesion throughout the year from

both the teacher and parent perspectives. The room parent acts as a class liaison, maintaining contact with

the teachers and parents, and helping the teacher with the organization of the parents’ commitments to the


Committee meetings and communication: An orientation meeting is necessary prior to the start of school

(usually in July or August). As the year progresses, communication by email or telephone is sufficient for

most other communications.

Timing of committee work: Prior to the start of school and the first weeks: about two hours per week. During the school year: about one hour per month.

Chair’s tasks: Meet with elementary room parent chair prior to room parent orientation to coordinate

room parent communication and efforts. Help assign room parents to each teacher based on teacher

needs and volunteer availability. Plan, prepare materials for, and lead orientation meeting for room

parents prior to the start of school. Be a resource for the room parents and teachers with any concerns or

questions that may arise during the year.

Member’s tasks: Prior to the start of school, meet with the teacher to discuss the teachers’ needs and

expectations. Organize two to three play dates for the class. Be a helping parent during the first week of

school. Facilitate the sign up for “helping parent” days, and other class needs during parent orientation

evening. After school starts, contact the teacher once a quarter to see if there is anything that needs to

be done (e.g. organize drivers for field trips, etc.). Remind parents of their responsibilities regarding things

they signed up for at parent orientation. Organize class social and generally promote relationships among

parents and teachers in the class.

Helpful experience/skills: Organization, and good written and oral communication skills.

Members needed: 2 parents per class


Objective: To capture the children, parents and faculty in photos and display them in simple scrapbook

layouts that will allow our preschool memories to last forever. The preschool scrapbooks are now

formatted and produced electronically.

Committee meetings and communication: Anticipate meeting in late winter and early spring three to four

times for approximately two hours. Time of meetings to be arranged by committee chair based on the

availability of members. Conference calls could work as well.

Timing of committee work: Primarily late winter and early spring. Average two hours for four months.

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Chair’s tasks: Coordinate committee members to determine who will collect photos and who will design the scrapbook layouts.

Member’s tasks: Work with the faculty to collect photos from the various preschool classes. Crop the

photos and arrange them in an album. There are approximately 30+ pages per school year.

Helpful experience/skills: Scrapbooking experience is helpful. Relationship with faculty will be helpful in efforts to obtain photos.

Members needed: 6


Objective: To serve as clerical assistant to the Spanish teacher.

Committee meetings and communication: Members of this committee will be contacted via email. No training is required.

Timing of committee work: Committee members need to be available on Fridays for about an hour any time during the school day.

Chair’s tasks: N/A

Member’s tasks: The committee members will be responsible for photocopying, distributing students’ work

to teachers, prepping craft projects, distributing and processing Scholastic book orders, light organizing for

the teacher and light housekeeping in the classroom. Each member should expect about an hour per month

depending on the number of volunteers.

Helpful experience/skills: No specific skills or experience required, but being detail­oriented is helpful. Members needed: 5


Objective: To support TRS community members who need assistance during health or other challenges.

The support will be provided to faculty, staff, and families who request assistance.

Committee meetings and communication: One organizational meeting in September. Communication is primarily conducted by telephone and email.

Timing of committee work: Upon request of family needing assistance. We expect that most requests will

be for meal assistance. The meals can be made at home and delivered to school for pickup by the family.

Chair’s tasks: Develop process for receiving requests for assistance, for assigning volunteers and for

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utilizing other TRS families for extra assistance when needed.

Member’s tasks: Each member will assist with meals, carpooling, household chores or whatever assistance is requested by the family needing assistance.

Helpful experience/skills: Cooking, willingness to help with household needs upon request, respect for privacy of those requesting assistance.

Members needed: 10­15


Objective: To organize and provide food, favors, and decorations for the year­end luncheons honoring our

school’s faculty and staff and to provide breakfast and lunch for the teachers on conference days (two

times per year).

Committee meetings and communication: The main mode of communication is by email. Letters and

telephone calls are made to members who do not frequently check email. Communication increases as the

time for the luncheons approach. Meetings are not necessary if members are responsive to email.

Timing of committee work: The planning portion of the committee work is done in late August when each

committee member signs up for one of the following tasks: bringing lunch/breakfast on a certain

conference day; or helping with the year­end luncheon(s). Those members who sign up for the conference

day lunches are responsible for ordering the box lunches for the teachers and delivering them to the

school. Members who sign up for the breakfasts are responsible for making/buying breakfast foods and

delivering them to school. Members who sign up for the end of year luncheon are responsible for helping

during the luncheon by either preparing or bringing in food. Committee members help with the event they

select so timing of work is dependent upon the task the member chooses.

Chair’s tasks: The chair is responsible for contacting all committee members and organizing the luncheons.

The chair must meet with the directors and head of school regarding dates of luncheons and needs of

faculty. The chair reports to a particular board member and seeks his/her input. The luncheon

organization requires menu and space planning. The luncheon also requires organization of decorations

and invitations. The chair is responsible for ensuring all events are properly covered.

Member’s tasks: The member’s tasks include assisting with planning of the luncheons and ordering food.

Members may also decorate and make favors for the teachers. Members are responsible for set­up and

clean­up of the luncheon and the ordering and delivery of boxed lunches to teachers on scheduled

conference days.

Helpful experience/skills: It is helpful that some members like to bake or cook. However, this is not

required. Parents who have restaurants or work in the food­service industry are invaluable on this


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Members needed: 15


Objective: To provide the administration and faculty and with ongoing technological support. See tasks below.

Committee meetings and communication: A planning meeting is held at the beginning of the school year. Thereafter, most communication is by email.

Timing of committee work: Throughout the year

Chair’s tasks: Coordinate with administration regarding needs of school. Assign individual duties. Member’s tasks:

Chair 2 members

Smart Board experts 4 members

Server & Network Administration 3 members

Google Support (Apps, Sites, Picassa, Drive) 6 members

iPad Support 3 members

Windows PC Support (Patches, Antivirus, etc) 4 members

Library Software Support 2 member

The above would handle on­call for their respective areas and everyone generally pitches in for work­day activities.

Helpful experience/skills: Wide spectrum of IT expertise. Microsoft active directory administration, Cisco routers, switches and wireless. Members needed: 20­25


Objective: Coordinate an annual auction and amazing party to raise money for TRS Tuition Assistance Fund

Committee meetings and communications: Monthly committee meetings will begin in September and

continue through April. At the first meeting we will review event timeline and the process for

soliciting donations from the local community, parents, and teachers. Additional time will be needed around

the event. Other communication is conducted by email and telephone.

Timing of committee work: Monthly meetings throughout the school year. Set up the Thursday before the

event, working the event on Friday, April 24, 2020, and clean up following the event.

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Chair’s tasks: The chair(s) will assist with the overall concept and timeline for the auction. Chair(s) will also

help with coordinating acquisitions, site management, communicating with committee members and

soliciting sponsors. Time invested as chair might average 3­5 hours per week, plus any meetings. Meet with

Director of Development 2 times/month.

Member’s tasks: Committee Members will be expected to attend meetings, help with event set up, volunteer

during the event, and with clean up after the event. Members are also asked to assist with solicitation of

sponsorships as well as items for live and silent auction. All members are expected to participate in

acquiring items for the auction.

Helpful experience/skills: The chair(s) and committee members should be enthusiastic about the school,

be able to ask for donations, and have good communications skills.

Members needed: 15-20

THE RALEIGH COOL ART Objective: Work with each preschool and elementary class to create creative collaborative art pieces to be auctioned off at The Raleigh Cool. Committee meetings and communications: Committee will meet once in the beginning of the year to discuss what age appropriate pieces will be completed for each grade. Volunteers will be needed to work in the classroom to produce the art (Usually 1 hour per class). There will be a workday in March, early April timeframe to finalize pieces (framing, gluing, etc). Other communications by email. Timing of committee work: 1 full committee meeting in the fall, class work days (1-2 hours) spread out between September-March, final committee workday (1-2 hours). Students will be working on auction artwork at different times throughout the school year. All work will be completed by early April. Chair’s tasks: To work with auction chair(s) to determine art projects for elementary and preschool classes. Work with elementary director, preschool director, art teacher, and respective teachers to schedule artwork sessions. Determine supplies needed and order supplies. Help facilitate each session with supplies, instructions, and committee members to assist. Lead the presentation of each classroom’s artwork. Member’s tasks: Work with chair to support artwork sessions and presentation of artwork displays. Helpful experience/skills: No art experience necessary; craft experience helpful. Members should love spending time with the kids and be willing to give direction to the students to create artwork. Members needed: 6-8

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Objective: Provide assistance for the art teacher with the four community art exhibitions each year. Also

provide assistance with occasional laminating, copying and other tasks as designated by art teacher

(including producing portfolios for each student for art work and rotating the students’ art displays on


Committee meetings and communications: Committee will meet once in early September to plan for year.

Committee will communicate via email or telephone to coordinate the rest of the tasks for the year.

Timing of committee work: The committee work will take place around the time of the exhibitions:

October, November, March and May. Other tasks will take place throughout the year.

Chair’s tasks: Chair will coordinate and distribute tasks among volunteers. Tasks include preparation and

break down of displays for community exhibitions, making and distributing flyers for exhibitions, providing

refreshments for exhibitions (if necessary), rotation of campus artwork, occasional copying, laminating and

providing assistance with art newsletter.

Member’s tasks: Provide assistance for the following: laminating, copying and various tasks deemed

necessary by art teacher. All things related to community art exhibits including: art installation and break

down for exhibits, refreshments and paper goods for reception for art exhibit. Help with art newsletter

sent out to parents at regular intervals. Members are also responsible for the promotion of the art yearly

calendar to maximize calendar sales.

Helpful experience/skills: Love of art! PC skills are necessary for at least one committee member who assists with art newsletter and volunteer form updates.

Recommended but not required: Art or interior design background is great for helping to install art for exhibits.

Members needed: 8-10


Objective: To welcome families who are new to The Raleigh School at either the elementary or preschool


Committee meetings and communication: No meetings required: most communication is conducted by email. Members are asked to help staff welcome events.

Timing of committee work: Initial telephone/email contact with new families starts in late July/August and

continues through early fall. Welcome events will be held early in the school year. Additional contact may

be needed at some time during the year to answer follow-up questions and/or to welcome families that

join after the start of the school year.

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Chair’s tasks: To assign committee members to new families and ensure every new family has been

contacted. New to elementary families will be called, while a different approach may be taken for new

preschool families (as there are more).

Member’s tasks: Members should make initial telephone/email contact with their designated families in

late July/August as assigned by the chair. They should introduce themselves and tell the new family about

their children and their experience at TRS. The new family should be invited to call with any questions they

have about our school or the community. Subsequent contact should be made prior to the start of school

and again once school is in session and as needed throughout the school year. Assist with welcome events

and socials.

Helpful experience/skills: Outgoing, positive attitude, good oral communication skills. Should already be a member of TRS.

Members needed: 15­20