Enrichment Week Year 7 and 8 2019/2020 Tibshelf Community School

2019/2020 - Tibshelf School · Whitby and Filey . We will have chance to spend time on the beach and have a paddle in the sea, opportunities to explore the local shops and this year

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Page 1: 2019/2020 - Tibshelf School · Whitby and Filey . We will have chance to spend time on the beach and have a paddle in the sea, opportunities to explore the local shops and this year

Enrichment Week Year 7 and 8


Tibshelf Community School

Page 2: 2019/2020 - Tibshelf School · Whitby and Filey . We will have chance to spend time on the beach and have a paddle in the sea, opportunities to explore the local shops and this year

ENRICHMENT WEEK 13th to 17th July 2020

What is Enrichment Week? During Enrichment Week a variety of activities and trips will be organised

by members of staff. These activities will develop cross-curricular themes and give students the

opportunity to enjoy a wealth of experiences beyond the normal curriculum, and help to promote the

values of the Tibshelf Community School Learner and just as importantly have a great deal of fun!

Trips and Activities on offer:

There are a wide choice of trips and activities to choose from and you will find information about them

outlined in this booklet. Students and Parents/Carers should look through this booklet carefully and

make their choices together. Deposits are non refundable.

Booking conditions

All trips will go live on ParentPay on Thursday 3rd October. To secure your booking, your non

refundable deposit must be paid using ParentPay, our secure online payment system. All medical

details that are requested should be added at this time. By paying your non refundable deposit you

and your child are automatically agreeing to the terms of the Behaviour Agreement. Places will be

allocated on a first come, first served basis, as places on all trips are limited. When the trip is full, it

will no longer be available on ParentPay. Following the deadline date all students securing a trip place

will be sent a confirmation letter.


All places allocated on trips and activities are subject to continued good attitude to learning and

general behaviour around school throughout the remainder of the school year. If your child is

removed from a trip due to behavioural concerns, payments will NOT be refunded.


In order for students to fully benefit from their education, excellent attendance is crucial. Students

whose attendance causes concern may be removed from the trip. Enrichment Week falls in term time

and so attendance on a trip or in school is compulsory.

Commitment and Cancellations: Once deposit payments have been made parents/carers are

committing to that activity. Any cancellations must be made in writing to the Finance office, and any

deposits and instalments made in line with due dates will not be refunded as the school will have

already made financial commitments/deposits in order to secure the bookings of accommodation,

transport, insurance and activities. It is important that parents keep up to date with the payment

schedule as these coincide with the payments that school will be making to travel companies. Missed

payments will be considered as non-commitment to the trip and will result in loss of place and all

previous payments made will again be non refundable.


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France 2020– St. Omer

Date of Visit: Monday 13th July — Friday 17th July 2020

Number of Places Available: 50 Cost: £495

Deposit Amount: £165

Transport: Coach/Ferry

Accommodation: Chateau-St Omer

Food: Full Board (Breakfast, Lunch and Evening Meal)

Activities: Some of the trips planned include a visit to a chocolate factory, a

snail farm, an aquarium and a day out at the fantastic Bellewaerde Theme Park,

not forgetting a thrilling trip to the beachside Aqualud Water Park. The

boulangerie experience is also not one to forget as students get the opportunity

to make and sample French patisserie.

Students will need their own passports to travel.

The visit will enable students to practice and develop the French language,

whilst enjoying a fabulous holiday experience in the popular Opal Coastal

town of St Omer. This trip is extremely popular and often over subscribed.

Places are allocated on a first come first served basis.

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Scarborough 2020

Date of Visit: Monday 13th July — Thursday 16th July 2020

Number of places available: 28 Cost: £225

Deposit Amount: £75

Transport: Minibuses from Tibshelf to Scarborough

Accommodation: Cober Hill Hotel & Conference Centre, Cloughton,

Food: Breakfast and Evening Meal (a packed lunch for the return journey home will also

be provided)

Activities: A visit to the beach, Open Top Bus Ride, Crab Fishing, an awe inspiring coastal

walk, a trip on the North Yorkshire Railway, a visit to the local shops and a day at the Sky

Trail Adventure.

What could be better than a Seaside holiday, complete with fish and chips, ice

creams and a chance to relax on glorious beaches. With everything from rugged

coastline to the bright beach huts of Sandy North Bay, Scarborough has something for

everyone. We will be staying in Cober Hall just north of Scarborough, in a beautiful

countryside setting by the sea. There will be opportunities to enjoy Scarborough,

Whitby and Filey . We will have chance to spend time on the beach and have a

paddle in the sea, opportunities to explore the local shops and this year we have

been able to extend the length of our stay to pack in even more activities. A

fantastic opportunity to enjoy this fabulous part of the country!


Dates for


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Date of Visit: Monday 13th July — Wednesday 15th July 2020

Number of places available: 40 Cost: £275

Deposit Amount: £95

Transport: Coach from Tibshelf to Castleton

Accommodation: Hollowford Activity Centre, Castleton

Food: Full board (Breakfast, Lunch and Evening Meal) Please note on Day 1 students

will need to bring their own packed lunch

Activities: Rock Climbing, Archery, Raft Building, Caving, High Ropes, Hiking

(Subject to changes)

Students are invited to the picturesque Derbyshire village of Castleton for a

3 day/2 night activity based residential. Whilst at The Hollowford Centre, students

will take part in activities ranging from Caving to Raft Building and from Archery to

Rock Climbing. A bespoke adventure programme tailored to meet our needs with

fully qualified instructors, ensuring that each child is encouraged to take part and

‘have a go’ at all of the activities available. We will also be exploring the depths of

one of the famous Castleton Caverns!

Hollowford 2020 AVAILABLE TO YEAR 7 & 8 STUDENTS

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Date of Visit: Monday 13th July — Friday 17th July 2020

Number of Places Available: 70 Cost: £310

Deposit Amount: £100

Transport: Coach to Hereford

Accommodation: Dunfield House Activity Centre

Food: Full Board (Breakfast, Lunch and Evening Meal)

Activities: Cinema, two day visit to Oaker Wood Outdoor Activity Centre,

Swimming, Walking and Campfires.

Our visit to Hereford is an activity packed residential that is heavily

oversubscribed each year! During the week students will undertake a range of

activities from hill walks, a cinema visit to Hereford and two full days at Oaker

Wood activity centre where they will take part in paintballing, low ropes,

inflatable ’It’s a Knockout’ and raft building. There will be plenty of time to relax

with friends in the grounds of Dunfield House, with use of the on-site

swimming pool. A perfect way to end the school year!


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Proposed Date of Visit: Early Spring 2022

Number of Places Available: Approx. 40 Approximate Cost: £1050

Transport: Flights to and from chosen resort, coach transfers to and from

airport and travel when abroad.

Accommodation: Hotel (Full Board)

Also included in the Price: Ski Instruction, equipment hire, lift passes and

winter sport insurance, Evening après ski activities.


for information only

From tentative snowplough turns on the beginners slopes to the triumph of

their first descent, skiing is great fun and is an activity that is available for all

abilities. The satisfaction of learning and developing an exhilarating new skill

with friends opens up a whole new world of personal challenge and

achievement amongst breath taking scenery.


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Tibshelf Extravaganza Activities Programme 2020


When: Monday 13th July — Friday 17th July 2020

Non Residential Cost: Nil cost or Minimum Contribution

What’s that? No lessons?!

Instead enjoy a week of fun filled activities, with the chance to take part in an

action packed programme of new experiences.

More information about the selection of activities on offer will be given later

in the school year.

Enhanced Curriculum Enrichment

In addition to the trips and activities listed in this booklet there are many other enrichment

opportunities to enhance the learning experience that Tibshelf Community School offers.

There are a huge range of Lunchtime and After School Clubs available in various subject

areas, and your child should speak with their teachers and form tutors to find out more

detail about these.

We have a number of special visitors who come into school to speak with students about

their area of expertise, this includes Mock Interview Days with Year 11 (involving local

businesses), the RAF, Performers & Artists, Authors & Poets, motivational speakers from

sportsmen and women to entrepreneurs.

Each Christmas and Summer we also present our school Pantomime and Summer

Production, these provide an amazing occasion for students to get involved in a whole

school enrichment event in a number of ways - acting, singing, dancing, scenery, costumes,

sound and lighting, with the end result of live performances to audiences over a number of


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For your information during the course of the academic year there are other possible charges that may come up, including equipment for various subjects that

can be purchased directly from school. Many of these are available from ParentPay shop (see school website for details)

This list is not exhaustive and subject to change

Other Potential Charges


School Ties £5.95 •

English Dictionary £2.00 •

French Dictionary £5.00 •

German Dictionary £5.00 •

Oxford Maths Set £1.50 •

Casio Scientific Calculator £7.50 •

Pencil Case & Stationery (Exam standard) £2.00 •

Revision Guides FROM £3.25 •

KS3 Art Sketchbooks £0.70 •

Technology Materials FROM £2.00 •

Replacement Bus Pass £5.00 •

School Photographs FROM £13.00 •

Key Stage 3 School Clubs

PE lunch & after school clubs can be found on the school website. All clubs are

subject to change.

Lunch After School

Tuesday KS3 ‘History in the world/news today’

KS3 ‘Geography in the world/news today’

Wednesday Year 8 Making Dog Beds (Textiles) Year 7 & 8 Cooking Club

(starting after Half Term)


Year 7 STEM Club (Science)

Year 7 Laser Club (Technology)

10 students per half term learning to use Computer

Aided Drawing & laser cutter

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Thursday 3 October 2019 —Live on ParentPay for deposit payments


Friday 25 October 2019 —Deadline for deposit payments.

Week commencing 4 November—Trip confirmation letters sent out.

Monday 13th July to Friday 17th July 2020—ACTIVITY WEEK



We truly believe that Enrichment Activities play a pivotal role for EVERY STUDENT at

Tibshelf Community School and we aspire to offer a wide range of opportunities.

Whilst we endeavour to run all activities outlined in this brochure, all are subject to

having sufficient numbers.

Any donations towards the Tibshelf Enrichment Fund, would be greatly appreciated

and with it, we will be able to continually develop and enhance our programme of

activities available. To do so, please login to you ParentPay account where you should

see this as an available payment item. If you require more information on either the

Enrichment Fund or ParentPay, please contact the Finance Team.

If you have any queries relating to the trips/activities in this brochure OR if

you require assistance with logging into ParentPay please contact

Mrs Greenhalgh in the Finance Office in the first instance.

01773 872391 Ext. 241

[email protected]



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You will have read and agreed to the Code of Conduct when making your non

refundable deposit payment on ParentPay.

The school reserves the right to exclude from any trip/activity a student whose

behaviour has given cause for concern at any stage during the year. Students removed

from a trip/activity for behaviour or attendance issues will not be entitled to a refund.

If a student does not behave to a reasonable standard whilst on the trip, arrangements

will be made him/her to return before the rest of the group. The parent/carer will be

responsible for collecting their child or any expenses incurred as a result of this. The

cost for any property damaged due to carelessness or misconduct of a student will be

the responsibility of the parent/carer.

The school reserves the right to remove a student from any trip due to non-payment of

deposits or instalments. You will not be entitled to a full refund. If you wish to remove

your child from a trip you must notify the school in writing. You will not be entitled to a

refund. If you are having problems paying the instalment please notify the school in

writing at the earliest opportunity.


All trips are fully insured by the school’s travel insurance. If your child is unable to take

up their place due to a medical condition, we require confirmation from a Doctor.

Please contact the Finance Department at school before you obtain this information.

Items such as mobile phones are taken at the owner’s risk.

Cancellation and Refund Policy

Cancellation must be received by the school in writing. Please note that refunds are

only given where a legitimate claim can be made against our School Travel Insurance.

All claims are subject to the terms of our cover.

PLEASE NOTE: All prices shown are approximate and based on filling the number of

student places on offer. The final amount will be detailed in the letter confirming your

child’s place on a trip.

All Trips/Activities may be subject to change.

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Tibshelf Community School prides itself on the exemplary conduct of its students.

The school also expects students to attain an excellent level of attendance in line with the

school Attendance Policy.

Enrichment trips/activities are arranged in total confidence that this conduct will


Taking students away on trips places extra responsibility on the staff concerned and they

must be assured that the students will not present either a risk to themselves or to other


Please read and discuss with your child the importance of taking ownership of the

responsibility in this document.

Student conduct is monitored in lessons, in their general behaviour around school and as

part of the attendance monitoring system. This will be a vital factor in determining

whether they are allowed to attend their trip/activity.

We understand that behaviour and attendance will be monitored and will play a vital

part in the decision as to whether a student can attend a chosen trip

We understand that the school has the final decision as to whether a student is able

to attend a trip

We understand that any penalties imposed due to a cancellation or removal from a

trip are liable for payment by the parent/carer

We understand that the cost for any property damaged while on a trip/activity due

to carelessness, misconduct or deliberate intent will be the responsibility of the


We understand that any behaviour not to a reasonable standard whilst on the trip,

will result in arrangements being made for your child returning before the rest of the

group. Parents/carers will be responsible for collecting your child or any expenses

incurred as a result of this.

We understand that students are expected to have a great time whilst supporting

and encouraging fellow students in a safe and responsible manner

We understand that all students are expected to uphold the excellent reputation of

Tibshelf Community School.

By making the initial payment for a trip/activity you and your child are automatically

agreeing to abide by the terms and conditions of this Conduct Agreement