2019 UNSPONSORED FIRST GRADERS Emmanuel Soipanoi Sepeu is a 7-year old boy, the 5 th child in a family of six children living in Irerendeni village, Engaruka Ward. Anna Sepeu, Emanuel’s mother, is an ENCO women’s microenterprise group member and has started a small business and managed to send the rest of her children to primary school. She is very excited about the possibility of sending Emanuel to an English medium. Anna is the bread winner of the family and she is hoping that Emmanuel gets a quality education, so he can support his family when he completes his studies. 2019 1st grade boarding student attending Tumani Junior English Medium School until EEMPS Phase II classroom expansion is completed. His tuition and fees are $900 for 2019. Saruni Mussa Mollel is a seven-year-old boy from Engaruka juu village and second son of his young mother. Saruni and his elder brother are being raised by their grandmother Nunu. Their mother gave birth to Saruni and his brother before marriage and when she was formally married, her husband rejected the children. Nunu, a widow, is a farmer and lives in Engaruka juu village where there is sufficient water for a vegetable garden to sustain family needs. Nunu’s mother and several other grand children also live with and are supported by Nanu. She believes she can provide pocket money and uniform costs if Saruni attends the Engaruka English Medium Primary School. 2019 1st grade boarding student attending Tumaini Junior English Medium School until EEMPS Phase II classroom expansion is completed. His tuition and fees are $900 for 2019.


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Page 1: 2019 UNSPONSORED FIRST GRADERS - WordPress.com


Emmanuel Soipanoi Sepeu is a 7-year

old boy, the 5th child in a family of six

children living in Irerendeni village,

Engaruka Ward. Anna Sepeu,

Emanuel’s mother, is an ENCO

women’s microenterprise group

member and has started a small

business and managed to send the rest

of her children to primary school. She

is very excited about the possibility of

sending Emanuel to an English

medium. Anna is the bread winner of

the family and she is hoping that

Emmanuel gets a quality education, so

he can support his family when he

completes his studies.

2019 1st grade boarding student

attending Tumani Junior English

Medium School until EEMPS Phase II classroom expansion is completed. His tuition and fees are $900

for 2019.

Saruni Mussa Mollel is a seven-year-old boy

from Engaruka juu village and second son of his

young mother. Saruni and his elder brother are

being raised by their grandmother Nunu. Their

mother gave birth to Saruni and his brother

before marriage and when she was formally

married, her husband rejected the children.

Nunu, a widow, is a farmer and lives in

Engaruka juu village where there is sufficient

water for a vegetable garden to sustain family

needs. Nunu’s mother and several other grand

children also live with and are supported by

Nanu. She believes she can provide pocket

money and uniform costs if Saruni attends the

Engaruka English Medium Primary School.

2019 1st grade boarding student attending Tumaini Junior English Medium School until EEMPS Phase

II classroom expansion is completed. His tuition and fees are $900 for 2019.

Page 2: 2019 UNSPONSORED FIRST GRADERS - WordPress.com

Joseph Pasna Shinini is a seven-year-old boy

from Engaruka juu village and the first born of his

mother, Ndeye, who was denied a primary

education and married to a famous traditional

healer shortly after puberty. When Ndeye gave

birth to Joseph, she was too young and

experienced to care for a child and Joseph has

been raised by his grandmother Mary. Mary

supports her extended family by selling goods at a

local canteen. Mary is an active member of an

ENCO women’s microenterprise group and says

she will not miss the opportunity for her grandson

Joseph to be educated at the Engaruka English

Medium Primary School. She is committed to

paying Joseph’s uniform and other minor fees.

2019 Pre-School Day Student at EEMPS. His

tuition and fees are $640 for 2019.

Elia Samson Lemboroka is 6½-year old boy, the

youngest of his late mother’s four children. Elia’s

mother died when he was one and he has been

raised by his grandmother with strong support from

his father Samson. Elia’s family depends on small-

scale farming. Samson Lemboroka is the chairman

of Lepolosi subvillage, where EEMPS is located.

Sampson has been a very supportive of the school

and has assisted in securing water, land, and

building materials for the school. Samson is able to

pay a portion of Elia’s school tuition and fees.

2019 1st grade day student attending Nashipay

Maasai School until EEMPS Phase II classroom

expansion is completed. His tuition and fees are

$640 for 2019.

Page 3: 2019 UNSPONSORED FIRST GRADERS - WordPress.com

Elikana Wilfred Mollel is a 7-

year-old boy and the third of four

children of his young mother

Rahabu. Because of the extreme

poverty of his family, he is being

raised by his grandmother. His

family depends on small-scale

farming to feed the family and other

basic needs. The family and

grandmother live in Lepolosi sub

village where the EEMPS is

located. Elikina’s mother worked at

the school as a day laborer during

construction to help support her

family. Elikina’s family would like

him to attend EEMPS as they

believe that education is the only

thing that can improve their lives. They are committed to paying for some costs for their son’s


2019 1st Grade Day Student at Nashipay Maasai School until EEMPS Phase II classroom expansion

completed. His tuition and fees are $640 for 2019.

Elia Raphael Mollel is a 7-year old boy from

Engaruka chini village and has 6 sisters. His family

lives close to the new school. He is the son of our

school watchman and has voluntarily been watering

the trees and grasses and watching over the school

property when his father is not around. He refused

to be registered in government school and cried to

attend EEMPS. His father is married to two wives

and each wife has 6+ children and consequently the

family is poor. Elia’s father is very excited about his

job as the school watchman and believes he will be

able to pay some of Elia’s school expenses and

better support his families.

2019 1st Grade Day Student at Nashipay Maasai

School until EEMPS Phase II classroom expansion

completed. His tuition and fees are $640 for 2019.

Page 4: 2019 UNSPONSORED FIRST GRADERS - WordPress.com

Saruni Rafael Machungwa is a 6-year old boy

from Engaruka chini village and the youngest of

three children. His mother, Grace, was married

to a very old alcoholic man with three wives.

Saruni’s family lost all their cattle in a severe

drought, leaving them with no source of income

and barely enough money to pay for even the

most basic necessities. Due to their extreme

poverty, Grace left her husband and returned to

her parents’ home and she is now working hard

to take care of her children. She has a small

business and is committed to paying some of

Saruni’s school expenses.

2019 Day Student at EEMPS. His tuition and

fees are $640.

Mathayo Paulo Naisilal is a 7-year old boy from Oldonyo Lengai

village, Engaruka ward. Mathayo is the third of nine children in an

impoverished and struggling household. With only nine goats and

an unemployed father, the children must work to make ends meet.

Matahyo’s mother collects firewood daily and then carries it 3

miles to another village to sell. The little money she earns is used

to buy food and can provide little else. Her mother joined an

ENCO women’s microenterprise and is now earning extra money

to the great relief of her family. Her new microenterprises are

paying for the family’s food with less sweat compared to firewood

harvesting. Matahyo’s mother believes that it is not too late for her

son’s education and believes that he has great potential. Matahyo

would be a boarding student at EEMPS.

2019 1st grade boarding student attending Tumaini Junior English

Medium School until EEMPS Phase II classroom expansion is

completed. His tuition and fees are $900 for 2019.

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Tumbaa Lanyor Sikar is a 7-year old

boy from Oldonyo Lengai village. He

has 5 siblings through his mother,

Namurru, and 7 more through his

father’s second wife. Tumbaa has been

living with his grandmother because of

the family’s poverty. Tumbaa will be the

first of his six elder siblings to attend

school. Tumbaa’s parents are

uneducated and unemployed and

Tumbaa’s father thinks education is not

important. Tumbaa’s mother is an

ENCO women’s microenterprise group

member and strongly believes in the

importance of education and does not

what Tumbaa to miss his chance.

2019 1st grade day student attending Nashipay Maasai School until EEMPS Phase II classroom

expansion is completed. His tuition and fees are $640 for 2019.

Lepasim Lekitony Noongiyaa is a 7-year old boy from Oldonyo Lengai village. He is the fourth of five

children of Mr, and Mrs.

Lekitony Noongiyaa. Currently,

the boy lives with his

grandmother. This family is

very positive about education,

but the main challenge is the

distance to school. They live

more than 6 miles (10

kilometers) from the nearest

school. Children from Oldonyo

Lengai tend to drop out of

school due to the long walking

distance. Lepasim’s parents and

grandmother believe Lepasim

will be role model of his family

as he is a bright and determined

boy. The family plans to move

Lepasim to a relative close to the school so he can easily walk to and from EEMPS. They are also

committed to paying a small portion of his school expenses and uniform fee.

2019 Pre-School Day Student at EEMPS. His tuition and fees are $640 for 2019.

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Parrit Lodidio Toto is a 6-year old boy from

Oldonyo Lengai village. He is the 6th of 7 children

by his mother Seriti and he has 10 other siblings

through his father’s other wives. Only one of his

siblings, a brother, finished primary school. Parrit’s

parents are illiterate and unemployed and the family

relies entirely on the income his mother earns

selling firewood. Parrit’s family is dominated by

boys. His three sisters did not attend school and

were married off between the ages of thirteen and

fifteen. As the only breadwinner in the family,

Parrit’s mother has struggled to raise the children.

Sereti promised to work hard to get money to pay

for a portion of Parrit’s expenses if he receives a


2019 1st grade boarding student attending Tumaini

Junior English Medium School until EEMPS Phase II classroom expansion is completed. His tuition and

fees are $900 for 2019.

Taretoi Looseker Toto is a 7-year old boy

from Oldonyo Lengai. He is very excited about

the possibility of attending EEMPS and

convinced us that he will manage. His parents

are members of the ENCO Oldonyo Lengai

village microenterprise group. The father has

two wives and ten children. They have tried to

register the children for school but with the

long walking distance to the nearest school (6

miles), the children have dropped out. Taretoi’s

older sister was married at the age of 13 and

Taretoi said this was not good. Taretoi

promised to study hard so his family will have

a better future. His parents promised to give

full cooperation, so their son can have better


2019 1st grade boarding student attending

Tumaini Junior English Medium School until EEMPS Phase II classroom expansion is completed. His

tuition and fees are $900 for 2019.

Page 7: 2019 UNSPONSORED FIRST GRADERS - WordPress.com

Lairorie Nding`ori Lenariku is a 6-

year old boy from a young family who

are inspired to send their children to

school. Lairorie has one sibling and

being the first born, he wants to be a role

model for the family. The family are

residents of Oldonyo Lengai village in

Engaruka ward and are nomadic

pastoralists. Their livestock are their

only source of income. They believe in

education and that their lives will

improve if Lairorie is educated. They

hope to pay for a small portion of his

school fees if he obtains a scholarship.

2019 1st grade day student attending

Nashipay Maasai School until EEMPS

Phase II classroom expansion is completed. His tuition and fees are $640 for 2019.

Brian Elisha Laizer is a 7-year old boy

from Engaruka juu village. Brian lives with

his grandmother, Naserian, a single mother.

His grandfather divorced Naserian because

she only had two children. Brian’s

grandfather, Elisha, was accidentally

murdered when he tried to break up a fight

between some friends. Naserian was left

with deep sorrow since Elisha was a very

good friend and breadwinner of the family.

Now Naserian is responsible of Brian and

other grandchildren. Naserian is very active

in ENCO and the leader of one of the

women’s microenterprise groups. She

believes she will be able to support Brain’s

personal needs in school.

2019 1st grade boarding student attending Tumaini Junior English Medium School until EEMPS Phase

II classroom expansion is completed. His tuition and fees are $900 for 2019.

Page 8: 2019 UNSPONSORED FIRST GRADERS - WordPress.com

Elia Elikana Laizer is a 7-year old boy from Oldonyo Lengai village and the youngest of 6 in his

family. Elia’s two elder sisters were married

against their will. His brothers are in primary

school, but Elia is not sure his dad will be willing

to pay for their secondary school fees as this is

not his priority. Elia’s mother is a very active

member of the ENCO Enyora women’s group

and volunteered as a laborer during the

construction of the EEMPS. She is willing to

support some of Elia’s school costs like uniform

fees and other minor expenses. Elia’s father is not

supportive of education. Elias can’t wait to put on

the new uniform of EEMPS and start talking in

English he said.

2019 1st grade boarding student attending

Tumaini Junior English Medium School until

EEMPS Phase II classroom expansion is

completed. His tuition and fees are $900 for 2019.

Laanyu Aloyce is a 6-year-old boy in a family of five children from

Engaruka juu village. His mother is a house wife and his father is

disabled after the cutting off his right hand in an accident. This family

wishes their children could get education but due to their extreme poverty

they can’t afford the cost of education. Laanyu’s mother promised to start

a business so she can contribute to the cost of Laanyu’s education.

Laanyu’s family’s lives close to EEMPS. Laanyu has been keeping their

few goats close to school and he insists that he be registered and that he

will perform well.

2019 Pre-School Day Student at EEMPS. His tuition and fees are $640

for 2019.

Page 9: 2019 UNSPONSORED FIRST GRADERS - WordPress.com

Ikayo Ndung’ani Ndari is a 7-year old boy

from Engaruka chini village and has 5

siblings, none of whom has attended school.

Two of Ikayo’s elder sisters were married in

the age of thirteen. Ikayo’s mother is very

hard-working woman but was living in a

domestic violence situation. Her mother

recently decided to go back to her parent’s

home due to the violence. Ikayo’s mother is

now a member of an ENCO microenterprise

women’s group and has decided to register

Ikayo at EEMPS as she know understands the

value of educating children. Ikayo’s mother

has promised to start a small business if she

gets the capital from the group so she can

support her children.

2019 1st grade boarding student attending Tumaini Junior English Medium School until EEMPS Phase

II classroom expansion is completed. His tuition and fees are $900 for 2019.

Timothy Altalalai Israel is the fifth child of Tumaini and Altalalai from

Irerendeni village in Engaruka. Timothy is turning six in Feb 2019. Both of his

parents have health problems. His mother, Tumaini, was burned over a large part

of her body in a fire and his father is sick most of the time. As a consequence, the

family is very poor. Two of Timothy siblings are registered in the government

primary school but the family cannot afford to send their other children to school.

Tumaini believes that God has heard her prayers for Timothy and hopes her boy

will obtain a quality education from EEMPS, so he can help his family.

Timothy is a pre-school day student and needs a sponsor. His tuition and fees are

$640 for 2019.

Page 10: 2019 UNSPONSORED FIRST GRADERS - WordPress.com

Keleli Pello Koin is a six-year-old girl from

Oldonyo Lengai village in Engaruka. She is

the forth born of her mother, Naalamala, a

second wife. Keleli has four sisters and two

brothers, none of whom are registered in

school. None of her father’s 7 other children

from his first wife are registered in school

either. Last year Naalamala secretly tried to

register Keleli for school but the family

stopped her. Naalamala brought Keleli to

EEMPS and requested Martha’s help with her

husband. Martha met with the father and

convinced him to let Keleli attend school.

Naalamala is very positive about education

and believes Keleli’s education will be a big

support to her family.

Keleli is a pre-school boarding student and needs a sponsor. Her tuition and fees are $900 for 2019.

Emanuel Samwel Shambulo and his twin brother are

the third born of six children of Metendei whose

husband passed away some years back. Emanuel will

be six in December and has always wished to be in

school as they live near the school along the road

leading to EEMPS. We heard the story of Metendei

from the Engaruka juu village authority, which has

been helping the family since the death of the husband.

Metendei does labor work in peoples’ homes and

gardens to support her family. When Emanuel was

recommended for admission and a scholarship, she

shed tears and could not believe her eyes. She rushed

to school the next morning to register Emanuel. She

promised to register Emanuel’s twin in public primary

school and hopes Emanuel will teach him English. She

has a great hope for Emanuel and she said she now sees light ahead of her. She could not thank everyone

involved including EEMPS and village government enough for the great favor.

Emanuel is a pre-school day student and needs a sponsor. His tuition and fees are $640 for 2019.

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Kandai Kalai Soilol is a boy and the

third born of five children, four boys

and one girl. None of the children

attend school because they live

20km away from the nearest school.

When Kandai heard about EEMPS

School he told his father, Kalai, to

register him or he would run away.

The father tried to stop him but the

boy kept disturbing him and finally

the father wrote a letter to request

assistance because he could not

afford school fees due to extreme

poverty. Kandai was very happy

when he came to school to register

and did not want to go home. Kalai believes an educated son will be beneficial to his family and


Kandai is a pre-school day student and needs a sponsor. His tuition and fees are $640 for the 2019.

Mbayani Saruni Alaitetei is a

5 1/2-year-old boy and the first

born of three children. He

belongs to a very young family

but the family believes strongly

in education. Mbayani was

brought to school last year to

register but was too young. This

year his mother insisted he be

registered because he has no

future without school and they

reside many miles from the

nearest government school.

Because his mother was ready

to give birth, Mbayani was

registered for school by his mother in law. Mbayani’s family believes that despite their poverty they can

work hard to provide some basic needs for Mbayani and that Mbayani has opened a blessing door for his


Mbayani is a pre-school day student and needs a sponsor. His tuition and fees are $640 for 2019.

Page 12: 2019 UNSPONSORED FIRST GRADERS - WordPress.com

Kesene Jeremiah Sikar is a six-year-old girl and

the first of three children of Mr. & Mrs. Jeremiah.

Kesene’s father says he regrets not being able to

complete his primary school due to the long distance

from home to school. These young parents are

pastoralists with less than 20 goats and two cows.

To help support the family, Jeremiah walks from one

boma (homestead) to another from Monduli district

to Longido, Ngorongoro and to Kenya selling

insecticides. He is on the road for about four months,

home for a few weeks and then back out again.

Jeremiah’s friends tried to convince him to exchange

Kesene for cows to help the family, but he sees a

better future from education than dowry exchange. They hope they can pay Kesene’s basic needs for

education. They believe Kesene will bring huge economic benefit to her family and society and be a role

model of her siblings.

Kesene is a pre-school boarding student and needs a sponsor. Her tuition and fees are $900 for 2019.

Nasinyari Jacob Partukei. This beautiful

young girl is the fourth born of six children

but all of her elder siblings passed away due

to various factors. She is now the elder child

of her single mother, Furaha. Nasinyari’s

father passed away when she was a few

months old and the family was looked after

by the brother of her father but he also just

passed away. Nasinyari could not tolerate

the situation and fled to her grandmother

(her mother’s guardian since Furaha is also

an orphan) to look for a better life. Kristina

(her grandmother), who is an ENCO group

member, approached EEMPS to request

admission and support. Nasinyari’s mother

has had a very rough life, which has psychologically affected her and her three surviving children. With

this support Furaha believes God has finally wiped away some of her tears.

Nasinyari is a pre-school boarding student and needs a sponsor. Her tuition and fees are $900 for 2019.

Page 13: 2019 UNSPONSORED FIRST GRADERS - WordPress.com

Israel Peter Purwo, a

six-year-old boy from

Engaruka chini village, is

the son of a young

mother, Pendo. Israel was

not registered in school

though his siblings are.

He has been designated

the livestock keeper of his

family as he is the only

boy. Israel’s home is not

far from the school and he

has observed the goings

on at the school while

shepherding his livestock.

On two occasions he came to school to ask if he could attend but once he got home he get beaten for

asking. These beatings have not stopped his thirst for education. He recently came back a third time and

asked us to meet with his parents to talk about school. After a prolonged talk they agreed to allow Israel

to go to school and find another option for their livestock. Israel promised to study hard so he can buy

more livestock for his parents and pay someone to take care of them in the future.

Israel is a pre-school day student and needs a sponsor. His tuition and fees are $640 for 2019.

Kisurkata Joshua Mollel is a six-year-old boy from Lepolosi subvillage

where the school is located. This poor boy has a special story, from the

information we received, Kisurkata pleaded with his dad to to let him attend

EEMPS but the father refused because the boy was responsible for taking care

of the family’s goats. During construction of the school, Kisurkata would bring

his goats to a cattle trough close to the school and he would help collect rocks

for school construction with the hope that he would be allowed to attend

school. This year Kisurkata consulted a respected subvillage chairman and

asked him to convince his father that school was a great opportunity. The

subvillage chairman was partially successful. We also visited his parents in

support of his attending school and they agreed to not punish him for going

behind their backs and to let him attend school. Kisurkata promised his parents

that the way he has been keen with livestock keeping he will do double with


Kisurata is a pre-school day student and needs a sponsor. His tuition and fees are $640 for 2019.

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Mushari Natang’amwaki Ngidong’i. Mushari is a six-

year-old girl from Engaruka juu village. She is the first

born of her single mother, Norkine, who was the fifth wife

of an old man who died before Norkine had a child with

him. Because Norkine had no children with the old man

she was cast out by the family with no support. She had

to start her own life from zero and was not allowed to be

remarried formally since her dowry was already paid by

the old man. She has had three children informally with

another man. Norkine operates a small business to support

her family and volunteers at village health dispensary and

EEMPS where she does laundry and cleaning. When she

heard that the children were being registered, she

requested the opportunity for Mushari. She promised to

work hard to get funds to support her daughter’s school


Mushari is a pre-school day student and needs a sponsor. Her tuition and fees are $640 for 2019.

Loserian Sarimu Mollel will be six

years old in March 2019. He is a very

smart and lovely boy. He begged to be

registered last year but due to his young

age he was not accepted. He belongs to

a family of seven children and his two

elder sisters were married when they

were twelve. His elder brother dropped

out of primary school and other sister was

given out to her so she can marry her off

to get cows by dowery. Only one brother

is in school. Loserian is the son of a very

active ENCO (local micro-enterprise

group) member Rebeka. Loserian could

not stop talking to me (Martha) over the

phone when his mom called to talk about school. His father does not believe in education. His uncle

brought him to school for registration and he attended classes to try them out. He said he preferred school

to goat keeping and did not want to go back home. He promised to work hard in school and to prove to

his father that education is a good thing.

Loserian is a pre-school day student and needs a sponsor. His tuition and fees are $640 for 2019.

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Naropil Naajai

Olenaipaya is a six-and-a-

half-year-old girl from

Irerendeni village. She is the

first born of three children

of a young mother,

Naserian, who dropped out

of primary school for

marriage. Naserian was a

very bright young girl but

her parents arranged her

marriage as the seventh wife

of an old man. Naserian is

very bright and values

education so she secretly came to Babu Matthew (Martha’s father-in-law and respected elder) to convince

her husband to allow her daughter to attend school. Babu Matthew paid Naajai a visit to apologize on

behalf of Naserian for going behind his back and to allow his daughter to attend school rather than being

traded for dowery. Due to Naajai’s respect for Babu Matthew he agreed but said all educational costs

would be none of his business and that Naropil’s mother would be responsible. Naserian was very happy

to know that her daughter is now free and safe from early/forced marriage.

Naropil is a pre-school boarding student and needs a sponsor. Her tuition and fees are $900 for 2019.

Ndaine Medukenya Oletirina is a five-year-old girl from Selela village,

which is about 40km from Engaruka. Ndaine’s enrollemnt is a result of a

number of education sensitization meetings conducted by Martha. Ndaine

mother participated in the sensitization meetings and when she heard that the

school was established in Engaruka, she began informing Martha of the plans

her husband had for her children. A trip was arranged to Selela to talk to the

village elders and the father of Ndaine. As young as Nadine was she had

already been promised in marriage and her father had received her dowry.

We arranged for repayment of the dowry and for Ndaine to attend EEMPS.

Her mother was very grateful and could not believe the miracle since her

other girls are married.

Ndaine is a pre-school boarding student and needs a sponsor. Her tuition and

fees are $900 for 2019.

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Ngaiseri Pakirouwa Laizer is a six-year-old girl from Selela village and the last

born of eight children none of whom went to school. All of her sisters were married

at a young age. She belongs to a huge family, which does not believe in education.

Her mother is the first wife of Mr. Pakirouwa and as first wife she is now out of

favor and receives less care from her husband because of the new younger wives.

She has been active in and benefiting from women groups entrepreneurship and

human rights training. She now understands the importance of education and the

need to rescue her last born from early marriage. Ngaiseri told us she would love

school and that she would have taken herself in the nearby government school but

she is now glad that she will be going far from her family.

Ngaiseri is a pre-school boarding student and needs a sponsor. Her tuition and fees

are $900 for 2019.

Nadamu Sapuro Mbacha is a girl and the last born of a

very poor widow from Ngoisuk sub-village where the

“Throat of God” (volcanic crater visited by tourists) is

located. Ngoisuk is located many miles away from all

the social services such as a school, clinic, water source,

etc. This year Nadamu attended a one room nursery

school built by Martha’s family for this remote village.

During our frequent monitoring of the nursery school

Nadamu stood out in class as an unusually intelligent

young girl. When we learned about her family situation,

we visited with her mother and village chairman and

managed to rescue her from an early marriage and she is

now registered for EEMPS school.

Nadamu is a pre-school boarding student and needs a

sponsor. Her tuition and fees are $900 for 2019.

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Einoth Daudi Mungenia is a six-and-a-half-year-old

girl from the remote Ngoisuk sub-village where

social services are not available. Einoth was adopted

by her grandmother when she was young to help her

grandmother with domestic activities and later

benefits from her dowry. Einoth attends the Ngpisuk

one room nursery school and is a very active member

of her class. During our monitoring visits we noticed

her performance in class and when we interviewed

her, we learned of her desire for more education so

she could help her grandmother and family.

Einoth is a pre-school boarding student and needs a

sponsor. Her tuition and fees are $900 for 2019.

Papa Saibulu Leyan is the first born

of his mother who died while giving

birth to a sibling in 2017. Papa has

been raised by one of his step mothers.

The death of his mother caused him

some psychological trauma. Papa does

not live far from EEMPS and his

father, Saibulu, helped us obtain land

for the school. Saibulu owns less than

twenty goats and he has no cows. We

asked his father if he would like his

son to go to school but he was

uncertain and when we requested he

bring Papa to school for an assessment

he declined as he preferred for him to

watch his goats as usual. Martha tried to call Saibulu on his mobile when Papa did not show up for

registration, but he switched off his mobile phone. Martha then used a motorbike to look for him and

drove from one grazing point to another and finally found him on the way from the cattle trough. After a

long discussion about the boy and the importance of education Saibulu agreed to let Papa attend school.

Papa is a pre-school day student and needs a sponsor. His tuition and fees are $640 for 2019.

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Tuma Sitta is a six-year-old girl from Gilai village in Longido

district. She is seventh child of her poor parents. Her father is a mason

and through that he supports his extended family. Due to the extreme

poverty of the family, Tuma ‘s brothers and sisters dropped out of

school despite passing their secondary school entrance exams. Tuma’s

father volunteers in minor construction activities at the school. Tuma

has been insisting that her father to pay her school fees so she can

attend a better school and be educated beyond primary school. Tuma

promised to study hard and be a community role model.

Tuma is a pre-school day student and needs a sponsor. Her tuition and

fees are $640 for 2019.

Witness Daudi Laizer is a seven-year-old girl from Mairouwa village in

Longido district. Witness is from the same village as our teacher Sara and

she has been begging Sara to take her where she teaches since her father

refused to send her to government school. Witness has four brothers and

two sisters and none have studied beyond primary school. Witness’s

mother asked Sara about EEMPS with the hope that her beautiful girl

would be safe from early forced marriage. Sara recognized the needs of

Witness and asked for scholarship support from EEMPS. Sara and

Witness’s mother will work jointly to meet other needed expenses for


Witness is a pre-school boarding student and needs a sponsor. Her tuition

and fees are $900 for 2019.

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Nashipay Solomon Laizer is a six-year-old girl from Pinyiny, a

village near Lake Natron, which has only one distant and poorly

equipped primary school. Nashipay was introduced to us by the village

chairman who informing us that her parents had arranged her a husband

refused to register her in primary school. Martha requested more details

of the parents because she could not drive up to Pinyiny due to its

remote location. Martha got the father’s mobile number and had a long

discussion about his daughter. He gave the same reasons of not

registering her to primary school: the long distance from home to

school and there is no boarding and it is safer for her to stay home

instead of walking the long distance to school every day. He did

register one of his son’s in school on Nashipay’s behalf. Martha offered

to let Nashipay attend EEMPS, which he initially rejected. After a long

discussion he finally agreed and now Nashipay is safe from early

marriage and likely FGM.

Nashipay is a pre-school boarding student and needs a sponsor. Her tuition and fees are $900 for 2019.

Taiko Kereto Moipei will be six in January 2019. He belongs to a

family of six children from Losirwa Maasai village between

Mtowambu and Selela. His father has multiple wives and his mother is

the second wife of Mr. Kereto. Taiko’s mom was not a favorite wife

and was severely neglected and abused, which eventually lead her to

separate with her husband. Taiko’s mother runs a small business to

support her family’s needs. Two of Taiko’s sisters were married off at

an early age and two of her brothers are in primary school. Taiko’s

mother traveled to Engaruka to see if Taiko could attend EEMPS. We

told her we had no dormitory facilities for boys but that could not stop

her. She became friends with a lady who lives near EEMPS and

requested that she provide accommodation for her boy and act as

guardian of Taiko. The neighbor agreed and Taiko’s mother promised

to provide some expense money of her boy.

Taiko is a pre-school day student and needs a sponsor. His tuition and fees are $640 for 2019.

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Naihoo Lazaro Mepukori is a six-year-old girl from Meirugoi village in

Longido district and the fifth of six children from her mother. Her father

has multiple wives. Her elder sisters were married off at a young age but

two of her brothers are in secondary schools. Her father exchanged the

girls for cows in order to send the boys to school with the hope that the

boys’ education would benefit the family. Last year Naihoo’s mother sent

Naihoo to live with a relative in Engaruka in hopes of registering at

EEMPS without her husband’s knowledge and with the plan to seek

approval after the deal is done. She was not admitted last year because of

her young age but was registered this year. Naihoo doesn’t want to go

back to her village as she knows the plans her father has for her. Her

mother is committed to pay for Naihoo’s school requirement (uniform,

etc.) but she cannot afford tuition and fees.

Naihoo is a pre-school boarding student and needs a sponsor. Her tuition

and fees are $900 for 2019.

Grace Joseph Laizer is the youngest child of Mr. & Mrs. Joseph from

Irerendeni village. Grace has four brothers who pursued their primary

studies but never managed to go to secondary school due to poverty

within the family. Grace’s mother is very worried about her only

daughter and she sees the possibility of her husband marrying her off in

the near future since he has no other daughters and does not see the

benefits of education even for the boys. Grace’s mother, Napir,

promised to work day and night to get money to pay Grace’s school

requirements and requested a scholarship for tuition and fees. She has

great hopes for Grace and believes her education will be a great resource

for the family in the future.

Grace is a pre-school boarding student and needs a sponsor. Her tuition

and fees are $900 for 2019.