Bondi Beach Public School Annual Report 2018 1292 Printed on: 11 June, 2019 Page 1 of 16 Bondi Beach Public School 1292 (2018)

2018 Bondi Beach Public School Annual Report€¦ · Bondi Beach Public School is located opposite Bondi Beach. Our school enrolment is 643 students, of which 327 are boys and 316

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Page 1: 2018 Bondi Beach Public School Annual Report€¦ · Bondi Beach Public School is located opposite Bondi Beach. Our school enrolment is 643 students, of which 327 are boys and 316

Bondi Beach Public SchoolAnnual Report



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Page 2: 2018 Bondi Beach Public School Annual Report€¦ · Bondi Beach Public School is located opposite Bondi Beach. Our school enrolment is 643 students, of which 327 are boys and 316


The Annual Report for 2018 is provided to the community of Bondi Beach Public School as an account of the school'soperations and achievements throughout the year.

It provides a detailed account of the progress the school has made to provide high quality educational opportunities forall students, as set out in the school plan. It outlines the findings from self–assessment that reflect the impact of keyschool strategies for improved learning and the benefit to all students from the expenditure of resources, including equityfunding.

Craig Davis

Relieving Principal

School contact details

Bondi Beach Public SchoolCampbell PdeBondi Beach, 2026www.bondibeach-p.schools.nsw.edu.aubondibeach-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au9130 2116

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Page 3: 2018 Bondi Beach Public School Annual Report€¦ · Bondi Beach Public School is located opposite Bondi Beach. Our school enrolment is 643 students, of which 327 are boys and 316

School background

School vision statement

Bondi Beach Public School is committed to being a school of excellence.

To achieve this goal our focus is on quality practice in each of the domains of Learning. Teaching and Leading, within avalues framework of respect, responsibility and achievement.

Our intention at Bondi Beach Public School is to develop:

* a school culture and set of practices that respects and responds to each student's aspirations and learning potential,within an inclusive child–centred learning environment

* increased social and emotional wellbeing of all students, where resilience and responsibility are encouraged andexplicitly supported

* quality teaching and leadership that focuses on learning, in order to cater for the diverse needs and abilities of studentsin the 21st century

* the skills of creativity, critical thinking, character development, citizenship, communication and collaboration in allstudents

* monitoring systems to track all student learning, and to assess English and mathematics against learning progressions.

School context

Bondi Beach Public School is located opposite Bondi Beach. Our school enrolment is 643 students, of which 327 areboys and 316 are girls. 11% of students are from an English as an Additional Language or Dialect (EAL/D) background.The school enrolment has shown considerable growth over the past few years. The school is augmented by outstandingcommunity support. Parents and carers have a strong partnership with the teaching staff and are involved in oureducational programs, cultural and sporting events. The school has an excellent reputation in the local community forhigh academic achievement, a focus on creative and performing arts, technology and excellent sporting programs,meeting students' needs and maximizing their potential.

The school planning process is described below and informs the 2018–2020 School Plan. Each year we assess ourschool's practices in Teaching, Learning and Leadership against the Public Schools NSW School ExcellenceFramework's three domains of Delivery, Sustaining and Growing, and Excelling.

Self-assessment and school achievement

Self-assessment using the School Excellence Framework

This section of the Annual Report outlines the findings from self–assessment using the School Excellence Framework,school achievements and the next steps to be pursued.

This year our school undertook self–assessment using the School Excellence Framework. The framework supportspublic schools throughout NSW in the pursuit of excellence by providing a clear description of high quality practiceacross the three domains of Learning, Teaching and Leading.

In the Learning domain the school focused on developing a strong learning culture, student wellbeing, curriculum andstudent assessment. The school's aim is to encourage students to be self–directed learners who are capable of settingpersonal learning goals. It has also been identified that a review of current practice be planned to support school wideexpectations for positive behaviour for learning.

In the Teaching domain staff undertook professional learning to better evaluate the effectiveness of their teachingpractices. All classrooms are well managed with class teachers collaboratively planning teaching and learning activities.Staff are engaging in effective feedback processes that support students to develop their personal learning goals.

In the Leadership domain the school demonstrated the commitment to building capacity for leadership across all levels ofthe school. The school has encouraged staff to take on various leadership roles in curriculum, learning adjustments andprofessional learning. School planning is supporting staff to develop effective leadership models to facilitate whole schoolimprovement.

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Our self–assessment process will assist the school to refine our school plan, leading to further improvements in thedelivery of education to our students.

For more information about the School Excellence Framework:


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Page 5: 2018 Bondi Beach Public School Annual Report€¦ · Bondi Beach Public School is located opposite Bondi Beach. Our school enrolment is 643 students, of which 327 are boys and 316

Strategic Direction 1

Students who are engaged, self–directed learners


Provide a student directed learning environment that nurtures and challenges all students to become leaders of their ownlearning, with a focus on developing confidence and capabilities in literacy and numeracy. With an emphasis onwellbeing, the school will nurture and guide students to build positive, respectful relationships and become moreeffective, creative and independently motivated learners.

Overall summary of progress

All staff continue to develop their knowledge to better support student directed learning. Students are being encouragedto become leaders of their own learning by establishing learning goals in literacy and numeracy. The school will nurtureand guide students to build positive, respectful relationships and become more effective, creative and independentlymotivated learners.

Progress towards achieving improvement measures

Improvement measures(to be achieved over 3 years)

Funds Expended(Resources)

Progress achieved this year

Increase the proportion ofstudents in the top two NAPLANbands for Reading andNumeracy.

Staff responsible for Year 3 and Year 5 havedeveloped a broad understanding of learningintentions.

Results have indicated a small increase in thenumber of students in the top two bands ofNAPLAN.

Increase the proportion ofstudents demonstrating expectedgrowth in literacy and numeracy.

Year 2 students participated in the MathematicalThinking project. Students indicated their enjoymentof Mathematics. Stage 2 students demonstrated adeep understanding of heat in science project.

The practice of studentsidentifying, setting, and assessingthe achievement of individuallearning goals, is establishedacross the school.

Students are developing skills in identifying learninggoals for future development.

Stage 3 students used Lane Clark's tools of inquiryto provide evidence of deeper understanding.Grades 1 through 6 were introduced to the FlippedClassroom and Flipped News approach tohomework.

Next Steps

Staff will undertake professional learning to better assist students to develop learning goals. The school will investigatewhole school wellbeing initiatives, such as Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL), with the assumption that students whoare more engaged and connected to school–wide values, will have improved capacity to be self–directed learners.

Students' progress in numeracy will be measured against NAPLAN results in 2019.

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Page 6: 2018 Bondi Beach Public School Annual Report€¦ · Bondi Beach Public School is located opposite Bondi Beach. Our school enrolment is 643 students, of which 327 are boys and 316

Strategic Direction 2

Quality teaching focusing on learning


Provide a student–directed, future–focused learning environment underpinned by high expectations and evidence–basedreflective teaching practices. The differentiated curriculum must be succinct, relevant and dynamic to prepare ourstudents with skills and capabilities to thrive in a rapidly changing world.

Overall summary of progress

Staff have undertaken professional learning around evidence based reflective teaching practices. Staff are developing adeeper understanding of how to differentiate learning to provide all students with access to the curriculum.

Progress towards achieving improvement measures

Improvement measures(to be achieved over 3 years)

Funds Expended(Resources)

Progress achieved this year

Teachers have an in–depthknowledge of current researchinto best practice in education.

Following a community of schools staffdevelopment day, teachers established actionlearning teams based on effective feedback.

Teachers design innovatelearning using a range offormative assessment strategies.

RFF and support teachers presented sessions withexplicit teaching through learning intentions andassessing the success of learning using rubrics.This informed students of 'where to next' .

The school's value added data inliteracy and numeracy continuallyimproves.

NAPLAN results indicated some improvementbased on the use of drama as a tool for writing.

An increased proportion ofstudents reporting a positivelearning climate with clearexpectations for success.

Student feedback indicated increased levels ofengagement / enjoyment and clearer expectationsfor success.

Next Steps

Additional work is planned around Quality Teaching Coding and the classroom observation schedule.

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Page 7: 2018 Bondi Beach Public School Annual Report€¦ · Bondi Beach Public School is located opposite Bondi Beach. Our school enrolment is 643 students, of which 327 are boys and 316

Strategic Direction 3

Leadership that focuses on learning


Ensure a culture of learning that inspires high expectations and focuses on strategic planning and effective managementpractices.  Drive school excellence by building leadership capacity with a shared responsibility to deliver school prioritiesand continued school improvement. 

Overall summary of progress

Staff are developing a culture of learning that inspires high expectations and focuses on strategic planning and effectivemanagement practices. All staff are viewed as leaders with a shared responsibility for delivering school priorities andcontinued school improvement.

Progress towards achieving improvement measures

Improvement measures(to be achieved over 3 years)

Funds Expended(Resources)

Progress achieved this year

Teachers observe and reflect oneach others' teaching practice,collecting data, sharing anddriving school improvement.

Staff have undertaken rotational classroomobservations in 2018.

Teachers monitor behaviour,plans, incident and attendancereports to measure improvementin Wellbeing practices.

Students at risk have been identified and supportprograms are in place.

School measures communityengagement in school lifeincluding communicationpractices.

More effective strategies to include parents andstudents to be reviewed and implemented overtime. Parent focus groups will be one area ofinvestigation.

Parent survey conducted on the success of theredeveloped school report template.

Next Steps

Staff have been reviewing strategic planning to identify areas to build capacity for leadership and school improvement.Teachers are endeavouring to construct a culture of learning that inspires high expectations and focuses on strategicplanning and effective management practices.

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Page 8: 2018 Bondi Beach Public School Annual Report€¦ · Bondi Beach Public School is located opposite Bondi Beach. Our school enrolment is 643 students, of which 327 are boys and 316

Key Initiatives Resources (annual) Impact achieved this year

Aboriginal background loading $ 2702 All ASTI students have Personalised LearningPlans (PLP's). PLP's include input fromstudents, parents and staff.

English language proficiency $45 356 EALD support was funded to work withidentified students and to implement targetedprograms.

Low level adjustment for disability $103 382 A member of staff was engaged to developprofessional support K–6 to all identifiedstudents. School Learning Support Officerswere engaged to support students in theirclassroom settings.

Quality Teaching, SuccessfulStudents (QTSS)

$8 219 Funding was used to support students inaccessing the curriculum through targetedsupport.

Support for beginning teachers $60 000 A teacher was engaged to facilitate EarlyCareer Teachers and their mentors workingtogether. This work involved planning, studentintervention and classroom observations.

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Page 9: 2018 Bondi Beach Public School Annual Report€¦ · Bondi Beach Public School is located opposite Bondi Beach. Our school enrolment is 643 students, of which 327 are boys and 316

Student information

Student enrolment profile


Students 2015 2016 2017 2018

Boys 282 308 320 350

Girls 261 296 310 299

Student attendance profile


Year 2015 2016 2017 2018

K 96 96.2 95.3 94

1 95.5 98 93.6 93.4

2 95.5 96.2 96.9 93.7

3 95.5 96.9 95.1 94.8

4 95.3 97.1 95.9 93

5 93 95.9 96.4 94.9

6 94.4 97.1 95.7 92.6

All Years 95.3 96.8 95.5 93.8

State DoE

Year 2015 2016 2017 2018

K 94.4 94.4 94.4 93.8

1 93.8 93.9 93.8 93.4

2 94 94.1 94 93.5

3 94.1 94.2 94.1 93.6

4 94 93.9 93.9 93.4

5 94 93.9 93.8 93.2

6 93.5 93.4 93.3 92.5

All Years 94 94 93.9 93.4

Management of non-attendance

The non–attendance rate at Bondi Beach Public Schoolclosely reflects the State average for the NSWDepartment of Education (6.1%). Student attendance ismonitored by class teachers and concerns areidentified with the Learning and Support Team.Generally, students that fall below an 80% attendancerate are flagged and parents contacted. The schoolencourages regular attendance as a core schoolexpectation. Following an absence from school parentsare asked to provide the school with a verbal or writtenexplanation for the absence. Frequent absences arereferred to the Home School Liaison Officer.

Workforce information

Workforce composition

Position FTE*

Principal(s) 1

Deputy Principal(s) 1

Assistant Principal(s) 4

Classroom Teacher(s) 25.36

Teacher of Reading Recovery 0.42

Learning and Support Teacher(s) 0.6

Teacher Librarian 1.2

School Counsellor 1

School Administration and SupportStaff


*Full Time Equivalent

In 2018 Bondi Beach Public School had two membersof staff that identified as being of Aboriginal or TorresStrait Islander background.

Teacher qualifications

All teaching staff meet the professional requirementsfor teaching in NSW public schools. 

Teacher qualifications

Qualifications % of staff

Undergraduate degree or diploma 100

Postgraduate degree 10

Professional learning and teacher accreditation

The staff at Bondi Beach Public School engaged withsignificant levels of professional learning activities. Allstaff completed the mandatory training modulesrequired by the Department of Education.

Financial information

Financial summary

The information provided in the financial summaryincludes reporting from 1 January 2018 to 31December 2018. 

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Page 10: 2018 Bondi Beach Public School Annual Report€¦ · Bondi Beach Public School is located opposite Bondi Beach. Our school enrolment is 643 students, of which 327 are boys and 316

2018 Actual ($)

Opening Balance 438,355

Revenue 6,029,978

Appropriation 5,257,323

Sale of Goods and Services 30,355

Grants and Contributions 736,268

Gain and Loss 0

Other Revenue 400

Investment Income 5,632

Expenses -5,853,398

Recurrent Expenses -5,853,398

Employee Related -4,897,044

Operating Expenses -956,354

Capital Expenses 0

Employee Related 0

Operating Expenses 0



Balance Carried Forward 614,935

The school has established budgets to addressplanned expenditure throughout the year. Decisionsconcerning expenditure are closely linked to the schoolplan and monitored by the principal, members of theexecutive and the school administration manager. Theschool's financial management processes andgovernance structures are designed to meet financialpolicy requirements.

The school has identified several areas for futureexpenditure. These include: • Indigenous Sports Uniforms– collaboration with

Eve White (School Parent and Wandana CulturalProgram)

• Intuitive Play Space to provide additional area ofinteraction for students

• Fence surrounding vegetable patch • School Digital Sign– DA approved awaiting a

construction certificate. • Playground Line Marking for student games • Commissioning the repainting of original artwork

after Hive construction • Portable goal nets (small) and ground markers to

establish play and game areas

Financial summary equity funding

The equity funding data is the main component of the'Appropriation' section of the financial summary above. 

2018 Actual ($)

Base Total 4,341,501

Base Per Capita 121,823

Base Location 0

Other Base 4,219,678

Equity Total 149,496

Equity Aboriginal 2,639

Equity Socio economic 7,695

Equity Language 37,342

Equity Disability 101,820

Targeted Total 60,805

Other Total 333,463

Grand Total 4,885,264

Figures presented in this report may be subject torounding so may not reconcile exactly with the bottomline totals, which are calculated without any rounding. 

A full copy of the school's financial statement is tabledat the annual general meetings of the parent and/orcommunity groups. Further details concerning thestatement can be obtained by contacting the school.

School performance

The ICAS assessment is a set of voluntaryexaminations designed to recognise and rewardacademic excellence. Every year over a millionstudents participate in ICAS around the world. TheICAS Assessments series is designed to assessstudents ability to apply classroom learning in newcontexts, using higher–order thinking andproblem–solving skills.



*14 Year 3 students participated. Of these, 1 achievedMerit, 5 achieved Credit, 2 achieved Distinction and 1High Distinction.

*20 Year 4 students participated. Of these, 3 achievedMerit, 6 achieved Credit, and 15 achieved Distinction.

*13 Year 5 students participated. Of these, 1 achievedMerit, 3 achieved Credit and 2 achieved Distinction.

*11 Year 6 students participated. Of these, 1 achievedMerit, 6 achieved Credit and 1 High Distinction.


*13 Year 3 students participated. Of these, 1 achievedMerit, 6 achieved Credit and 1 achieved Distinction.

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Page 11: 2018 Bondi Beach Public School Annual Report€¦ · Bondi Beach Public School is located opposite Bondi Beach. Our school enrolment is 643 students, of which 327 are boys and 316

*19 Year 4 students participated. Of these, 2 achievedMerit, 7 achieved Credit 2 achieved Distinction and 1High Distinction.

*12 Year 5 students participated. Of these, 4 achievedMerit and 2 achieved Credit.

*9 Year 6 students participated. Of these, 3 achievedCredit, 2 achieved Distinction and 1 High Distinction.


* 13 Year 3 students participated. Of these, 1 achievedMerit, 1 achieved Credit and 1 achieved Distinction.

* 15 Year 4 students participated. Of these, 2 achievedCredit.

* 15 Year 5 students participated. Of these, 3 achievedCredit.

* 9 Year 6 students participated. Of these, 4 achievedCredit and 2 achieved Distinction.


*11 Year 3 students participated. Of these, 2achievedMerit and 4 achieved Credit.

*17 Year 4 students participated. Of these, 5 achievedMerit and 3 achieved Credit

*14 Year 5 students participated. Of these, 1 achievedMerit, 1 achieved Credit and 1 Distinction.

* 8 Year 6 students participated. Of these, 2 achievedMerit and 2 achieved Credit.


* 10 Year 3 students participated. Of these, 1 achievedMerit, 2 achieved Credit and 3 achieved Distinction.

* 17 Year 4 students participated. Of these, 3 achievedMerit, 2 achieved Credit and 3 achieved Distinction.

* 15 Year 5 students participated. Of these, 1 achievedMerit, 4 achieved Credit and 1 achieved Distinction.

* 8 Year 6 students participated. Of these, 1 achievedMerit, 4 achieved Credit and 1 achieved Distinction.

Digital Technologies:

* 8 Year 3 students participated. Of these, 2 achievedMerit, 1 achieved Credit and 3 achieved Distinction.

* 11 Year 4 students participated. Of these, 1 achievedMerit, 2 achieved Credit and 3 achieved Distinction.

* 13 Year 5 students participated. Of these, 1 achievedMerit and 5 achieved Credit.

* 6 Year 6 students participated. Of these, 2 achievedMerit, 1 achieved Credit and 1 achieved HighDistinction.


In the National Assessment Program, the results acrossthe Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 literacy and numeracyassessments are reported on a scale from Band 1 toBand 10. The achievement scale represents increasinglevels of skills and understandings demonstrated inthese assessments.

From 2018 to 2020 NAPLAN is moving from a papertest to an online test. Individual schools are migrating tothe online test, with some schools attempting NAPLANon paper and others online.

Results for both online and paper formats are reportedon the same NAPLAN assessment scale. Anycomparison of NAPLAN results – such as comparisonsto previous NAPLAN results or to results for studentswho did the assessment in a different format – shouldtake into consideration the different test formats andare discouraged during these transition years.

Students at Bondi Beach Public School continue toexcel in the literacy components of the NationalAssessment program when compared against allAustralian schools.

A sustained focus on improving outcomes in reading,spelling, grammar and punctuation has seensignificantly improved results in Year 3. Reading resultsare strong with 75% of students in the top two bands,compared to the national average of 53%.

In 2018, Year 5 student performance in reading arealso well above average with 56% of students in the toptwo bands, compared to the national average 39%.

Significantly, in 2018 literacy results for Year 3 andYear 5 students at Bondi Beach Public School arehigher compared to schools in our high–achieving localgeographical area.

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Page 13: 2018 Bondi Beach Public School Annual Report€¦ · Bondi Beach Public School is located opposite Bondi Beach. Our school enrolment is 643 students, of which 327 are boys and 316

Students at Bondi Beach Public School continue toexcel in the numeracy components of the NationalAssessment program when compared against allAustralian schools.

A sustained focus on improving outcomes in numeracyhas seen significantly improved results in Year 3.Numeracy results are strong with 65% of students in

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the top two bands, compared to the national average of39%.

In 2018, Year 5 student performance in numeracy isalso above average with 38% of students in the top twobands, compared to the national average of 27%.

In 2018 numeracy results for Year 3 and Year 5students at Bondi Beach Public School improvedsignificantly compared to previous years againstschools in our high–achieving local geographical area.

In the new 2018–2020 School Plan, a sustained focuson working mathematically and problem solving willcontinue.

The MySchool website provides detailed informationand data for national literacy and numeracy testing. Goto http://www.myschool.edu.au to access the schooldata.

Bondi Beach Public School is committed to achievingthe NSW Department of Education's state priority ofincreasing the percentage of Aboriginal students in thetop 2 bands of NAPLAN. In 2018 the Bondi BeachAboriginal Education Committee met regularly toensure that all Aboriginal students had a personalisedlearning plan in consultation with their parents andcarers, and learning and support team and RAM(resource allocations model) funds were directed tosupport Aboriginal students to experience academicsuccess, as required.

Parent/caregiver, student, teachersatisfaction

In 2018 Bondi Beach Public School sought feedbackfrom parents regarding the system the school currentlyuses for student academic reports. These reportsunderwent redevelopment at the end of 2017 based onparent feedback.

Of those who responded:

Bondi Beach reports give clear feedback onprogress?

Strongly agree – 7.3%

Agree – 50%

Neutral – 24.4%

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Disagree – 14.6%

Strongly disagree – 3.7%

I understand the grading system on Bondi Beachreports?

Strongly agree – 15.9%

Agree – 54.9%

Neutral – 13.4%

Disagree – 14.6%

Strongly disagree – 1.2%

The language used in the grading section is easy tounderstand?

Strongly agree – 11%

Agree – 64.6%

Neutral – 14.6%

Disagree – 9.8%

Strongly disagree – 0%

When I read my child's report I am drawn more to:

The comments – 70.7%

The grades – 22%

Unsure – 7.3%

In 2018 Bondi Beach Public School sought feedbackfrom students regarding the new non–PSSA sportswhich were added at the beginning of the year.

Of those who responded:

Are you happy with the new non–PSSA sportsoffered this year?

Yes – 90.5%

No – 9.5%

How much did you enjoy your non–PSSA sport interm 1? (0–5 – where 5 is excellent)

5/5 – 26.2%

4/5 – 47.6%

3/5 – 16.7%

2/5 – 9.5%

In 2018 Bondi Beach Public School sought feedbackfrom teachers regarding the wellbeing initiatives beingoffered at break times.

Of those who responded:

How would you rate the success of the 'outdoorclassroom'? (0–5 – where 5 is excellent)

5/5 – 6.7%

4/5 – 20%

3/5 46.7%

2/5 – 13.3%

1/5 – 13.3%

How would you rate the success of the 'chill room'?

5/5 – 6.7%

4/5 – 13.3%

3/5 – 26.7%

2/5 – 33.3%

1/5 – 20%

How would you rate the success of studentrelaxation?

5/5 – 26.7%

4/5 – 66.7%

3/5 – 6.7%

2/5 – 0%

1/5 – 0%

How would you rate the success of the in–classclubs e.g. drawing, Lego?

5/5 – 20%

4/5 – 26.7%

3/5 – 33.3%

2/5 – 6.7%

1/5 – 13.3%

How many students approx. in your class accessthese activities?

None: 28.6%

1–5 – 50%

5 or more – 21.4%

Policy requirements

Aboriginal education

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Page 16: 2018 Bondi Beach Public School Annual Report€¦ · Bondi Beach Public School is located opposite Bondi Beach. Our school enrolment is 643 students, of which 327 are boys and 316

Bondi Beach Public School continued to furtheracknowledge and pay our respects to the traditionalcustodians of this land the Gadigal People of the EoraNation. There were many celebrations of the Aboriginaland Torres Strait Islander people, cultures andtraditions throughout the year. We are grateful for thecontinued support of our Aboriginal families at thisschool who continue to provide support and enrich theirchildren to proud and aware of their culture.

This year Bondi Beach created an uniqueAcknowledgement of Country that we can all be proudof and share with the Aboriginal, school and localcommunity. It was an extremely positive process andcreated through a collaboration with students, teachersand Wandana. Teachers have begun to introduce thisas a daily routine in the classroom where studentsreally feel empowered by the growing knowledge andrespect they have for Aboriginal culture.

Year 6 students provided us with a great initiative tocreate Aboriginal Jersey designs for sport. After lots ofresearch, time and effort they presented these toWandana where Eve White (parent) took these ideason board and created a beautiful design thatencapsulates the spirit animal of the local area – thewhale.

We are continuing to work in collaboration with Kate(gardener) to create and improve native gardensaround the school to provide a thriving habitat for localnative flora and fauna. It is extremely powerful to seeAboriginal students across all Stages representedthroughout the year and see the pride they have whenthe school acknowledges the oldest continuing cultureon Earth.

We have many wonderful ideas for the future and weare looking to strengthen our community ties withparents and family. Thank you to the teachers on theAboriginal Education Committee and all teachersthroughout the school who continue to foster and learnhow best to improve teachings and understandings ofAboriginal culture.

Multicultural and anti-racism education

Our school has continued its focus on multiculturaleducation, providing programs that develop theknowledge, skills, understanding and attitudes requiredto live in a culturally diverse society. Students studiedhistory and geography programs which advanced theircultural understandings, promoting appreciation andrespect for diversity. Our students represent 35language backgrounds (the highest being French – 25students, German 20, Spanish 17). Students whospeak little or no English are supported through theEnglish as an Additional Language/Dialect program andthe New Arrivals Program. In 2018, our EAL/D teacher,Ms Gill, worked with all teachers to provide support forour Language Background Other Than Englishstudents. NAPLAN data indicates that these studentsare performing at higher than the DoE State average inall areas. In addition, in 2018 we continued our beforeand after school languages program. Students alsocompeted in the Multicultural Public SpeakingCompetition. Winning speakers represented BondiBeach PS at the District competition. Anti–RacismEducation is integrated across all curriculum areas andis an integral part of the school's Values andRestorative Practices Program. The school celebratesHarmony Day, coinciding with the UN International Dayfor the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. OurAnti–Racism Contact Officer is Mr Gallan.

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