fg,4t 'press. ,„ marrp,&y.,pproßEß, ON PRE Finer Peas Editorials, Tha Span- ish Safa,,The„Baalting, System 7 its Senorita and its ; Eyiia;.Correspondence_ from, Virginia and.Ne,w,Yorki General Isfows,',etc.: Fouttzu , PArm-7,The, Courts, Parliamentary- Eloquence, A Flower growing from Tumefac- tion, etc. ARRIVAL OF THE BALTIC. The 80/4el iviidlt left \in'thO'nf- ternoon of the 14th inst., and reached New York sfisterday;, hasher £72,000:ik gold.' buriacchatery before her departure, the steamer 'Red,aacket had arrived from Australia; with 70,000 oundes r,if gold: ' The ,English markets ')vere ,ateady; with a downward tendency in the, pricey of 'bread- stuffs: The inonoi market was very atfingent, .7with; ductnatiens is the public ; securities. /Consols; which had , ranged as low as 881, elOteden the,i4th at 87;1, to 88. - The banks„of Eirgland, and Ireland hadraised their; rates; of. discount to 7 per Cent.; and the banks' of France'• had also put, on the screw. At Vi- enni,trieney was very tight. Some .; mercan-' tile failures, for large amounts, had occurred in England and Scotland. ; ; ; News from .india;bithe Overland Mail, had been telegraphed. It is late, from Calcutta to the 10th: grid front BOmbity 'to' the 17th of September., The intelligence le far more' fa- vorable than had been anticipated. The troops from England had begun to arrive , at Calcutta. Delhi still holdout, but troops and a strong siege train had beelisentnn from Cal- cutta, and a regular attack on the fortress-city would be made soon after they arrived. I#lclr7 now and Cavmpore still held, out. The Muti- neers had been luccessiyuly. beaten by Gen. erals HaV,Enoorc and. NuMoMme, and Major EYRE. General HavEnocg had been rein- forced; and his position' was 'considered safe: prioress had won the CassaritwiCh Cnp, at Newmarket;---the , stake $10,000: She ran a detailedfirst, with two crack English horses,: and aiterwaids won the,Tace`by a length and a half, amid shouts of applause from the by standers.—Lecompte is dead. , The death 'of Mr. CB.AWPORD, the American Sculptor, which has hien for some time ex- pected, took place, in London, on Saturday, October 10th. Since 1884. he has resided in Rome, where his genius was highly" appro. CHARITABLE MOVEMENTS. The eagerness of our generous citizens, those in business ,as. well as. those not in busi- ness, to assist all who are in distress, is mani- fested in various ways. Our own opinion is, that the best method of assisting labor is not by pauperising it, but by giving work to those wPfi are too proud to beg and too , honest to do wrong; butibere are many who are of neces- sity compelled to rely upon the benevolence of others:. - We trust yet to see movement in- augurated which will accomplish acceptable re- lief to both these classes. Meanwhile it is an ennobling dud heait-checring l sight to dee the numerous efforts made to make the burden ai light as possible to all conditions of our fellow We give the following evidences of the spirit of the times, which will not fail to be interestinito the bottimunity BENEFIT FOR THEPOOR AT THE ARCIFSTNEET Titswritz.—The present and Prospecilye suffer- ings of a large,, portion, of . the , people •of Philadelphia ,appeal .most eloquently to all who have -, means - to spare to 'contribute to their relief. Great as are the" emergencies of the occasion, we hope the , charita- ble efforts id, our citizens wil be"equal `to it, and that Philadelphia will,"this winter, make an exhibition 'of good feeling in the highest degreo'cieditable tuber. We trust speedily, to ; see: the _good ,work commence in every direction,. and meanwhile, are grati- ted.to learn thatlite kind proffer of alienefit for th,e'peor, at *the Arch , Street , Theatre,* Mr., WHEATLEY, -has been•aceepted; 'and , the, perfornionee yin be given on Priday,:biening next.. ;A A committee of „prominent citizens; has been appointed - in connectfoiryitly this Movenient, and licketi tiaity beshad'ef BAE- aaoFT, gr O e.I4.9PEPX.II? Plol44lPit: & CO.;i .;and BLOAPHREIN HOFEMAX,I & Watanii;, alto at-the Kind ipal =ohneOa:mut ilotibildeslie '.stiffiaient fill the hone honse ' to overflowing.; ;is oc t ay nbr Tre Mice „Li* litinutaix. rethiced his prices,4t,the' Academy-of Music, to, the rates charged 'at the other establiihmeuts; anotker'evideace ef l hiS'publie spirit; 40'his: anxiety tabe:eguat to the public: °Juergen. Miura., Hoax; Weeirxe '& Co.' have; leaned a circular to the various benevolent societies, offering the use-of their sewing rooms, Nei 820 Chestnut street, with a requisite ,nember , ofseiiing,inachipes until the filit,of February next, nee of charge, to such societies as may desirelo pee them, in making up Clothing for distribution 'ateong the boor. This offer is made.in order to induce the bestewal'ef goods and ineney to :be used it:tlie diseretien'of such ancieties, Inay join the enterprise. It, is a liberal offer, and we have no doubt will be ac- cepted by a number of 'ourbenevolent socie- ties. Ye 181' 1846 1447 i.. 1846' /843.... 1850,... 1851,... 185.,.... 1853.... Messrs. J. G. litaxurau. & Sorts, large mann. factirers of fancy dreaa and cloak trimmings, announce their intention of making a greatre. dnction in prices in order to offer induce's:tints to 'purchasers, and by uelling rapidly, afford their:nuMeions . operators, who ,aro, mostly women,-and dependent upon. steadyi•employ- ment for', the means of out the minter, We , learn that Gaotton , a.' , Rettitats; of No. 624. Walnitt atreet, distilb"uto'n?', the poor tive hundred loaves of bread every Wed- nesday and Saturday during the corning winter. Responsible persons, :can obtain tickets for bread by cal ling on Mr. HENICLEi. DiATII Or MRS. Wt. RUM' The death ,of Mrs. I',.II(EBE Aux RUSH, which we announced in Tue Pass,' of Satur- day,,wih be sad tidings to hundreds in this, as well as-in foreign countries. She was, in many respects, a highly-distinguished person- age. She has for years past sustained a 'rela- tion to society, in this community,, whieb; while it aroused against her some ridiculous jealousies, and probably awakened a spirit of envious and expensive rivalry in fashionable circles, enabled her to do homage,to many of the most- gifted intellects of the times; men,ln' all stations :of' life, who, 'unable, td penetrate the , charmed centres of wealth, found in ber saloons a ready and a cordial welcome. Living in a style of almost 'regal grandeur, haidnginherited the one-third ofher father'i "estates, her portion estiinated at,at least a million of dollars,' she seemed to be ambitlotta of taking by the band, and :intro- ducing to the fashionable world, every poor but gifted , individual, , whether an artist, a mechanic, or a statesman. Herself highly accomplished, a thoroughly -educated woman, a severe student, proficient in the modern languages, possessed of great colloquial powers, she became the head of the influence she helped to build up, and swayed the sceptre almost like a monarch. She was com- pelled, of course, to receive and return the - visits of many who were nothing to her ex- cept for their Station in society ;• but she de- serves remembrance, and always won respect from unprejudiced men, by her liberal cu- teuragement ofgenius and talent, and by her lofty scorn of the little cliques that so often disfigure the world of fashion.' The Sunday Thapafth; of yesterday, has a'aotice of Mrs. Rues, from Which we, make an extract: " 71111. Rush woA the daughterof Jacob Bidgway, :who amassed a very large fortune in this city by tmeeessful speculations in real estate, and whose property, at the time of his death, was estimated to be worth three million, of dollars. Mr.Ridgway was in 'business at,Antwerp, in Holland, fora num- ber of years. He was American Consul at that port fora long time. This, large estate was di- vided amongbis threeclilldren, to wit Mrs, Rush, John Ridgway, and Mrs. Roaoh, at that time a wIdoW: 'Ddi.lobil Ridgway ' hat 'resided at:Paris during:4 great portion Of the period whielf has elapsed- since his father's death, and he itt still in Praneei :1i0; Roach 'merited Dr.:Brirton,' of this city, and . she'and her husband nowreside in Chest- nut street below Broad. - , " Mra, - Rush made no .display ,of, her charities, but wet heard of many instaneei in whioh she used a - portiOn- of her great wealth; 'withoutosten- tation, to relieve the yenta of the deserving. The -decesited was awomint,of very relined tastes and a liberal pakten' of the' artai 'She was Very Reid of ainsie, , and her splendid bouts, rcontains many rare ` gents of painting„artchitatrusry. . " Mrs. ; Rash dted, childless, Her. husband, Dr. JaineefitishLsurvives'her. Dr. Rush Is a son of the late Dr. Denjaatin Bush of this eity, The elder, Dr. EU,* wee' la. emAbint physician, ”a,a signer .pt the Deelaratioit:Oftideptsadeneo" ' " APPEALS TO VIOLENCE. The following appears in yesterday's San ddy Dispatch : , l AN EXCITING APPEAL TO rib ,f1P.,,,, 0AN : ...F0PU -, rdertoN.—The depression of trilfiti!.!lly, caus r uLtt large number of our Germans:to; be titt7wu out o f employment in this oily, and ,,sbme mpripOpled, detnagogno has taken advaptsp r o Oirourn—- staneo to endeavor to excite - Ile uneinlitnyed i'v6& min to violence. A oall for a meeting, of which thil following is a free translation, was placarded in the beer houses in the upper part of the city, `yesterday: bananas I,llaoToana! It ja every day get. nag worse impossible to' tell whore the ,misery of the tionni end !It 'cannot be known. ,Shaltme, , die -nharnefully,, without. , oven -raising a babel to save ourselves and children? Tho sages say wo should , :endure , our pregent misfortunes as an earthquake or hurricane—that help is illllllol3i. hie. Such talk is the acme offolly, or else it 13 the venal phrase of bribed hirelings, who desire only to lull us into that deathlike repose which is en- gendered by idlenoss. Workmen ! not ! We aro no children we are men, not women—men who know the stern reality of life—men who have a soared duty to ful- fil to their wives and children; wo aro men who know bow to discharge onedaties 1 Workmen ! Brethren ! This misfortune is no no- Coldly ; ,it need not be borne ne a dispensation of Workmen ! Brethren ! The misfortune of the present timewas foreseen years age;, itis the re- sult of, the recklessness of speaulatore; who have 1044 4undre4s of t..honsanda innoeent people, careless ,ef even our lives, after their own selfish ends arS ettnined. Wehave worked—we have mitered—for what? now are miserable. .We have amassed wealth, and our very solf-dep!ivationsare literally gone to the devil. It is ordained that if wo help ourselves, Clod will help mt. Wo eon help ourselves. We are determined-to help ourselves. The workmen (brothers in a common causal are called to a meet- ing on Sunday, (to-slay,) at the /Wien Hall, at two o'clock P. M. Be not prepared far any false do lesion. Wo are determined to operate against auv mere' humbug. Como all! Let us remember that it wee oven the work of a Legislature of our own making that we endure the pangs of a bitter death. Let us' not—not speak. Let us strike while we can, or die tightieg manfully. MANY WORK/NEN. The extravagant language of this invocation tol arms recalls the hattlecries' of the French metropolis. Such' an invocation will, we knOw, prodoeit 'no approving response in Phil. adOphia;noteven from the Germans. There is no cause for,such wild declamation. What- evilr the sufferings ,of the working masses may become, there are none, as yet, not within the reach of ordinary individual remedies; and If ever their sufferings should demand wider action and more extended relief, no such organized violence as that hinted at in this Ger- man call will be effective. Our native popula- tion would at once epos° any such lawless- ness, and the great body of the Germans them- selves would co=operate with them. In- deed, we have good authority for declaring thdt this attempt to let loose the elements of anarchy among us is nowhere more strongly reraidlated than by the influential organ of the Germans themselves— the Daily Democrat. But even this movement, uncalled for as it is, may produce some good results. It may forewarn and forearm us. It may suggest pro- cautionary measures against the severity of the winter. It may gine direction and discipline to a great find; not for charity, but for work. It may call forth our good men in defence of the threatened order and imperilled good name of Philadelphia. HOW' LONG WILL THE HARD TIMES under this head we find in the Richmond Examiner; of the 28d, a long and able article, of ivhlch the following extract will be inter- esting : It follows, if we are right in those conjectures, that before the financial troubles of the country wilt have,consed, we shall have to procure from abroad specie as follows : for irithdrawal of paper now circulating—s(l4,ooo,ooo buds of new circulation.. 60,000,000 t . Total $161,000,00s This is the amount of specie we shall have to acquire, in addition to what will be necessary to be got,-to corepensate for the amounts which the pres- sure will cause to be withdrawn from circulation andhoarded. Eleven millions would be a small estimate for this item ; and thus it seems to Inthat' wellhell not be relieved of the present troubles that now overwhelm the business of the country, until wo augment our present t stock of specie by 8175.000,000 from souroes outside of the Atlantic Stn es., . I this supply , of specie shall fio procurable fro no other source than California, it is very plaiii that three or four years must lapse before thepisiness of the country will be reinstated. The per d. will ho shortened precisely in proportion as ,we ,shall obtain. supplies .of . specie from other &Mires than California. Thorn is, of course, a 08,5bility that it will bo thus shortened; but, on the bthor hand,ere is also , a probability of the i period being ,p onged, by the exportation of a - on of our C iforniasupplies abroad. I whole q nation, therefore, of the duration o t 110 o p u rr ei s r enn po t r p i rw o rr e , exporting nugponspeciethe e t o o not r i e f g r eo l ni ; tad,. and upon the amounts . thus exported or ;med. this connection thehistory of the specie move. it between the United , States and foreign noun- m i is full of interest., It is found in the, follow. g able, showing our exports and imports of en()- ) or, thirteen final yeare, ending, each, the 30th e .. r. , reiie Movement between the United Stales OM foreign Countries during Thirteen Years. .ata. Saporta. Imports 45 , ...+ $8,606,495 f 4,070,242 Id 3,902,264 3,777,732 , 1,907,624 24,121,289 15,841,610 6,300,224 0,404,648 8,651.210 7 .,622,994 4,628,792 29,472,752 5,453,592 42,674,135 5,605,014 .27,400,876 , 4,201,382 1855' 1856' 1857r 41,422,423 6,958,124 .56,241,343 3,659.812 45,745,485 4,207.632 .99,136,922 12,461,709 Grand total $305,373,980 192,0013,960 Spode imports same period.. 9;056,96d paste eiporte.... $253,311,020 N e repeat the opinion that until the larger par- fling of this enormous nett exportation of $253,317,- 106 i is• restored to the country; and it takes the ohm' of tbd $214,000,000 of bank rags' which we harp in circulation; and which hail banished this specie from our shores, we cannot expect a return of , a ,easy money tenrket and sound system of Mi- l' at; we- have not fallen' Within the amount •wheTlata stated that Our bank 'circalation'must be red end to at least V 00,00 6.400 •beford a restore- tion. of confidence In bank lamas can, he restored, "e ail appearfrom the following table showing the mint of bank notes. Ant, were, in eirculution :ilia t the first of January in each of the pant uanted. The Mascot iodation, it will be Been, oeuiMenced In the year 11145, long before Califor- nia ;specie began to cereals) or leave us. Since tha year it has grown a pace ; and the intelligent reatler will obaorve a remarkable correspondence bet % con the growth of this paper circulation in dud' ;country, and the increase tour exports of A 'ode abroad : , eirri . ukstion of the Banks of the 'United States in eaeh j , of fifteen years past 18121 55E1,R63,608 IMO 1811. 75,107,616 lAbl 1815' 89,108,711 1854 1046; 105,552,417 1855 1817' •.105,519,760 1856 18181 129,505,101 1857 18* 114,743,415 $121,366,526 155,165,251 204,669,207 186,952,223 195,747,950 214,778,822 FROM HARRISBURG. Thei Official Iteturits—Expenses of the Extra tiFfSioll of the. Legislature—Cost of Publish. top . Amendments to the ,Constitution—Securlog Seals - 1 UAiuUSBVBU, Oct. 24,1857 L'OTOR Or PRE9B : I send you the odcial returns of the late olectioci in Pennsylvania, filed in the State Department. They will bo in- terejsting to the future historian who may wish to asce`rtain how badly the opposition to the De- moclAcy were whipped aftor the people bad a trial of the Administration James Buchanan for one year. They show the official result in everycounty fur Dupreme Judges—every ono, except McKean, for Canal Commissioner, and in sixty-four out of aixty.five countios for Governor. In those Win. F. Packer (Democrat) has a majority of 41,823 over David Wilmot, (American Republican,)' and 13,846 majority over the combined opposition vote of ilasichurst (straight-out American) and Wil- mot„The county yet to hear from, for Governor, is Tioga, which will reduce Packer's majority about 2,000, leaving him ahead of IVilmot in the neighborhood of 30,823 votes. The amendments to the Constitution are all carried by more than two to one. [The returns alluded to will be found in another column.] From the Auditor-General I learn the cost of publishing those amendments in 1856, was $16,053, and this year about $30,000. making a total of $10,653. The length of the advertisement was the same this year as last. The difference is caused by certain publishers increasing their charge, hav- ing discovered that others received nearly double what they did In 1856; and its being inserted in an additional number of papers. The feet tethers aro scarcely any two papers, whether weekly or daily, that charge the same amount—hence, the Auditor-General has had muoh diffioulty in fixing the sum they are entitled to, This could easily be remedied if, with every order for publishing ad vor- tiretnents from the State Government, there should he the provision that it be done for so much per square, making (say) 300 ems a square. This would prevent the dishonest from getting too much, and allow the upright their just dues. I learn from Dr. John A. Small, the obliging and over-present Assistant Clerk of the Muse, that a large proportion of the members, have already secured their seats for the next session. The meet eligilhO (Mee AM already taken. There will pro- bably he no opposition to the re-election of Jacob Ziegler for Stork of theRouse, sett wodld notbe an easy thing toted a man St to take his place; but J.' Lawrence Gets not having been returned by Berks county, a new man Will necessarily have to be eleoted Speaker of the Rouse. THE BELHNDID HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, inola- ding China Vallee, Dinner and Toilet Sete, de., to be'sold at Thonute &Son'e Auction Store, by order of nesignee be openfor examination to-mor- row. WIDEN PUBLIC ANIUSEMENTs The twelve nights' season uS . the Italian Qpera at the Academy of Musiegolgised o 4 Saturday night, and had the previmiii4ttendarmelit any waytOopsi?led_tbat thiti, r dteeasion; tEnif.:iesnit Would"b4vabeen verrgratifit.ngto Mr. Mtirshall. The oomPaiy has boil all iitsd , could hive been addition-,to suettA , stablishbd and tut- ntiptblo.iingOrs Ofizinniga;AdUittide ,Phillips, Amodio, Rrignoli, Colletti, we had BOttardi and Tagliafico, with Signorina Ramos. It has been remarked that, from the evening that thli last- named singer appeared as Marie in "La Figlia del Roggimento," the luck turned. For, in sooth, the last four or five nights opened the very best audiences of, the season. Signorina Ramos hai neither the voice nor the dramatic power of Madame Giassaniga, but oho has pretty Nee, lively manner, good figure, complete , self-poses- sloe, and, above' alb charming expre,ttion. ,She has been taught to make a great deal of her voice, and eho adds expression to •skill. On Saturday evening " Luotoxia Borgia" and the last act f "La Sonnambula " were performed—nith O mzzaniga as Luerezia t and Signorina Ramos ns Amino It was a decided triumph for each. Boquets showered down abundantly on Luerezia, and then about an equal number of these floral of- felings descended at the fairy feet of Amina. Mere is no truth, we understand, that pretty iignoritia Ramos received four distinct matritoo Mal proposals, within a week after her Mut : the exact number way,three and a half, which the little Castilian destined, owing to the present doubts as to the solvency of the parties interested.l The troupe have proceeded to have a short Beason in New York, after which, still under the magic baton of Max Maretzek, they proceed to navana, where, already, the Cubans have actually engaged every box. They are scarcely to be expected here before April, by which time, no doubt, money matters will be easier than they have lately been. The times, and not the management, aro to blame for I he want of decided summon the present occasion. In New York, the failure has been complete,,be- cause the troupe was not so good, es ours. Charles Mathews, emphatically the very best of English light comedians, appears at the Academy thia evening in two drab:las—a now comedy called " Married for Money,'t and that surprising inter- ludo, "Pattei Clattei.", Nearly twenty years ago, Charles Mathews (and his wife, Madame Ves- tris) visited this country, but scarcely continued long enough to give ue " a touch of his quality." Owing to a mistake and a misrepresentation, be quitted Now York, almost ere his voice had been heard on the stage of the Park Theatre. lie has recently returned, with matured ability, and played for three weeks at the Broadway, New York, to full houses' every night. He has also been vo:y successful at Boston. His stay here will be brief, but we anticipate crowded houses to see and boar him. At tho Arch street thoatre, "Jack Cado" has had a very successful run for over a fortnight. Several causes have led to this success, among which we may name the popularity'of the play, from Mr. Forrest's noting, the desire to see how Mr. Davenport would play the leading character; the extra excitement caused by the proceedings in a court of equity (Forrest vs. Wheatley and Fredericks,) as to invasion of the copyright, and, it must bo added, the able and artistic perfor- mance of Mr. Davenport. As oven a great success gets wearisome, .Mr. Wheatley has put " Jack Cade" by, for the present. This evening be pro- duce "Macbeth" for the first time for two years. at this theatre. The cast includes himself as Mac- de, Mrs. Bowers as Lath/ Madvih, Mr. Daven- port as Macbeth, with Mr. James Dunn as Hecate, and Miss Cruise as the First Singing 'Mich. It 14 worth mentioning, as a fact, that, at most theatres, on a tom run, that is taking the average fsovoral seasons, "Macbeth" draws larger houses than any other play. But it is not so profitable as many dramas which do not draw so well—because such considerable expense is involved in tho getting it up, as, wo have no doubt, from his proverbial liberality in snob matters, it will be pat upon the stage by Mr. Wheatley. There can bo no doubt, indeed, for Mr. Wheatley appeitrs to make a point of having every thing—scenery, costume, accuse. ries---of the most suitablo description. Ito has his reward In the groat popularity of his theatre. It is but Justin to draw attention to n circumstance at once no creditable to the managernod so well appreciated by the public. Mr. Wheatley, with a liberal feeling which does him honor, but cannot surprise those who know him, has sot apart next Friday evening as a benefit eight for the poor of, this city, the proceeds to be placed at the disposal of a committee for distribu- tion. We have no doubt that tho public will warmly second this generosity. At the Walnut Street Theatre Mr. Marshall hoe fired off n double-barrelled gun. The success of Mr. and Mrs. Waller ia quite an event in our dra- made annals. Unpuffed, unheralded, they have unequivocally made a very &aided hit, and tho best proof of this in, that their popularity was culminating.. They opened in " Hamlet"—Mr. Waller, of course, playing the leading dui- mar, with his' wife as Ophrlia. Ills very intellectual rendition of the character stamped Wail at once, ac a first-clam actor. On the eon- traq, Ophrlicc (who at first is but nuere r 'walking lady and finally ern unnatural, b,dcarise a mad one.) appeared nobody,. , All, that the audience could note was that her voice was sweet, express- ive, natural, and, and even musical, and that her pavane! attractions were considerable. The next evening, in " The Hunchback," the versatility and the talent of both came out Mrs. Waller was nue of the least atagey and most natural Julia, wo ever saw. "The Patrician's Daughter" , wo were compelled to miss. The groat test, the great triumph, was " Muebeth." In this great sod diffloult drama (which was handsomely put upon, lh 0 stage) Mrs. Waller's Lady Itlarbeilt fairly eclipsed every previous performance Of, that cher acter—even Mrs. Warner's. which 'wo used, to consider.,unaPproaohable. All through the play, abc looms through,the gloom ; the ruling mind, coiubining over-powering'' intellect,' master-will, high, ambition, and, as an , undercurrent, deep and tender interest in, her husband. It is cover for herself that she seeks for dignity and power, but 'because it. will exalt and gratify him. Alt through, She seemed evade the' temptation of " neiv points." Terri we notieed—one; the man- ner in phich, she ,spoke But words "and we'll not echoing back, half in morn, not only the cow Ord Word; but the vetyntteiaboo with which he gave it.: Hee bye-Play' throughout the han- qtletcene, , enlenlatod, by its quiet 'gentleness, to dfaw off, the mats' attention .from her hus- band'a words and actions, Amok us as now best- ness;" somnambulist Beene 'was'' pathetic 119 *On 111.3' powerful. - sT . Waller, though fine I ItfacPeth, ; did , not. quite come up to the greet performance of his 'wife. , Still his is a noble. Macbeth, and 'Crowded with beautiful, because evidently ,thoughtful, points. The best scenes were those at the banquet, the reception of the news of his wife's death, and the combat with Macduff, after ho has already received his death-stroko from the intimation that Macduff was not woman-born. In each chareeter he played, Mr. Waller'S costume wee elegant and :appropri- ate—rich when needed. His figure is good—hie action graceful, because. natural and unstudied, or, if studied, he connate the art, and thereby shows the artist. His face reminds us of that of Bayard Taylor—keen, full of expression and finely out,;but ult 4 the fulness in which Taylor is defi- cient. Ito walks the stage well,' and his action is graceful. His voice is good, and he modulates its tones happily—somotimes,however, lotting it break into, a certain harshness. Ho rolls the It, at times, more than is agreeable or proper. But in compensa- tion, his lower tones aro very harmonious, and oven in thu lowest and most colloquial utterance they aro distinct and, clear. Mrs. Weller's potional ad- vantages are numerous. Stature, figure, feature, volae, and notion, aro all good. The great merit of hoc acting to its appearance of impulse and upon- taueity—appsarance only, for thin is the reault,no doubt, of much and thoughtful study and practice. These new people have (hue, at one bound, placed thernseires among the leading ,performers of the time. They have their brevet ofrank treated with the strong isoprene of genius. At the Walnut Street Theatre this evening, " to suit the times," the prices are reduced one half. Mr. Chanfrau and Mr. and Mrs. John Sloan are the trio of " stars" who will play here through the week. Dan Gardner, tbo comedian, brings out his bur Lupo on Emma Stanley's "Seven Ages of Wo- men," at Sanford's, this evening, playing ton dif fel ent characters. GROUND RENTS, RUM. EFITATE, ho. SBlO at, the Exchange tomorrow evening. , Bee advertise- ment and catalogues. The Ground Rents are safe small investments. No clue has yet been obtained to the mysto. rious murder of Adeline Bever, near Mohrsvillo, Herbs county. The Gazette informs us that the lady was again disinterred for the purpose of al- lowinga thorough re-examination to be made. Tho coroner concluded his duties on Wednesday last, From the testimony of the physicians, we learn thist the wound in the nook of the murdered girl was two inches broad and three quarters of an inch deep. No other marks of violence wore found upon her body. Only two•thirds of the throat, and a smell vole, were out through, so that, in the opinion of the physicians, it must have taken two hours to bleed to death from this wound. This feet bee led to the supposition that she might have died of suffocation The county commission• era. as en inducement to extraordlary efforts, have very properly offered a reward of $5OO for the ap• prehension of the murderer, or for such informa- tion as will lead to Ills detection. Miss Haver was a beautiful girl, and respectably connected. Her parents were David and Catha- rineBever, and she woe born in Darn township, on the dm of May,lB3B. She was, therefore, ntne- teet years, three months, and twenty-two days old at t e time of .her death. The verdict of the jury was: "That the said Adeline Saver came to her death by a stab or stabs Intlieted in her throat with a knife, or other sharp Instrument, in the hands of come person or persons, unknown to the jury, on Heffner'a .Island, Centre township, October- 7th, 1857. John Starr, an engineer, living in Philade'. pit', felt from the tender attaehed to the engine of the passenger train, last' Saturday week, near the Phcentiville tunnel, and was seriously Injured. He rtes brought up in the train to Pottetown, wtiere medical attendance WOO obtained foe him. no was 'muoh cut and brilleed about the head and face. SS.-PHILADELPHIA, BY MIDNIGHT MAIL. Fnowi ''ldfrAsl)lll4loTol9. Nlcaragua n aftairewdaenefalWatker—strispare Contest for Publiti Printing—Col Benton Subdtfleional Surrefaln Albanese's and Wis cousin—European Malls.' [Correspondence of The PretS.] WASIUNOTON, Oot. 25, 1852. For want of other material, the correspondents bore for northern papers have again taken up Ni- caraguan affairs, and aro exhibiting them in every and the most contradictory terms. Tho truth of the matter is simply this: There Is po permanent Cove'rnme - nt at this time in that Matti, or rather de: pendenoy of the Mora family and Costa plea. Mar• tinez and Jerez, the two puppet presidents created by General More, have no real power,' and what is done and undone. and done over again,ie done and' undone and done over again as this, that, or the other shrewd Yankee gots the ear and tills the pockets of the "powers that be." The rumor ar- rives that British subjects are gaining the position, and instantly agents and ,material aid, aro hurried to stiffen the backbone of the par- ties, temporary grantors of priviligos, &c , and to retain what has already boon bargained rind paid for twice over, though It may not have been in regular way. After all, there is a power in the Central Ame• Ocala States, behind the throne, !granger than the throne. itself; and I am led to believe, that, just now, notwithstanding what may bo said an can• traire, that this power is, not wielded by English- men, but by moneyed capitalists of Now York and Now Orloans. General Walker had a chance, some months ago, to throw himself into Nicaragua, and make head against the Costa Rican forces, but he very fool- ishly, I think, threw it away. Instead of making his in eparations quietly, ho visits newspaper offices and harangues the people at public meetings, and tells all he has done, and, like the good general that he is, all that he and his confrere, content. plain doing. Now, however, the financial criers which htan swept over the country, bringing disas- ter to every section, has not left him and his en- terprise untouched. They aro high and dry upon their beam ends, and it will not be this year, I hardly believe, that a tide of prosperity in Mil- busterdom will swell up to take them off, and float them toward the accomplishment of their "mani- fest destiny." It is not an intense conviction even in the South, that Walker stook will run up presently to more than one hundred per cent. aboVe par. Even if it wore so in the North and in the South, it is a pretty good guess to say that the. name of those who have money to invest in such , undertakings is not legion. Men of means,. auw.a.daya, It is Bald, and very truly it may be, invariably determine their proceedings by the lar-and-cont argument. This being admitted, and that argument being clearly against Walker, the moneyed stet tnship onnors of Now York and elsewhere will bo left to plot and intrigue, to got, it may be, Yriasari, or another amiable native " to the manor born," to represent, at Washington, the States having vain• able privileges to grant. Yrissari has boon testified to in every respect, in the strongest and amplest manner, yet, strange to say, he and his bankers and their shames have not had official recognition hero by any formal reception' on the part of rite President or Secretary of State. Nor is it probable that they will. When Wm. Carey Jones, I:sq., special agent of the State DoPartineht, returns, and something satisfactory is learned either from him or another sent out to look after hint and what ho went for, the deter- mination of the Administration in the matter may be made known. It is to be hoped for charity's sake, that this result is not far oft for, until it is reached, a large number of persons coneerned will bo kept in Washington, at groat expense to themselves and their friends, and this in those hard times is u vital consideration. The contest fur the public printing begins to grow warm. The ins are resolved ou not being owls, if active preparations and steady canvassing can save them. But it would be amusing if all the 'labor they have undergone for six months past was love's labor lust. Yet this is not impro- bable, if it he true, as stated, that Senator Bay- artps measure of a National Printing Bureau will meet with general favor. It is to he expected, at least, that there will be a spioy discussion on the subject. Tract Col. Menton riding out a few days since. lie has thinned very much. Ile sat firm in his saddle, and bolt: upright, as though ho were at a review. Ills health is not restored, and his phy- sicians say that it never will be. While it was thought that ho was dying, I learn that late and catty he was hard at work getting ready for the prow another volume of his digest of the debates of Congress. Even now, though suffering at times great pain from what seems to bo an internal eon- uero.us malady, ho applies himself to his task with unflagging industry and assiduity. In this is seen his indomitable will. On Saturday afternoon tho Postmaster General received tho following despatch : . I.lnvr Toni. Oat. :14.—1t is said that the At- lantic hits broken her machinery, and will nut OM to sail. Mr. Vanderbilt offers to tako the mails and deliver thew at Liverpool on the same tortes us aro allowed to the Collins line. The Vanderbilt has steam up, and is waiting. your answer. ISAAC V. FOWLER, P. M." To which the following answer Was returned from the Department: WASHINGTON, 1 cOeloolc P. M.—The fresponsi- bility of a failure is with Mr. Collins and the -Navy Department Die have no fund to pay out Qt." Bpturns of the subdivisions' surveys in Min- nesdta have been received at the General Land 016:io of township 121 north, range 36 west, town- ship 122 north, range 35 west, and township 124 north, ranges 35 and 36 west, of the principal me- ridian, embracing 88,000 acres of laid, situated on the west side of the Mississippi river. Also, the Subdivisional emus of townships 53 north, of ranges 11 and 12 west, and town- ships 53 north, of ranges 9 and 10 west of the fourth principal meridian, embracing 54.000 acre's, bordering on the northwest shoro of Latin Superior, and upon which the towns of Buchanan, Burlington, Afarmata, and Encamp- ment are located. Knife river, after traversing township 52 north, ranges 11 and 12 Wrest, and passing through the town of Buchanan, lliBOIGI• bogies itself into Lake Superior, in township 52 north, rango 11 west, Mao, the subdivisional .surveys of townships 4t and`•l2 north, of range 10 west, of the fourth prin- cipal meridian, containing 45,000 acres, and lying In the State of Wisconsin THE LATEST NEWS BY TELEGRAPH. Great Britain sod the Nicaragua Trausit—A False Iteport Corrected. WILMINGTON, Oct. 21.—The British thiverntuent will take no etepa with reference to the Nicaragua Transit, except in conjunction with the tioverinneut of the United States. None of tho alleged contracts with Cos- ta Rica, on thiq subject, have been made with the coun- tenance of England. Of all thin our Government is well informed. . 80 far from the British Cabinet haring under discus• eion the propriety of ordering a recall of troops from India. AS Was reported In an alleged totter irom Minis- ter Dallas, It was, at the latest accounts received this morning, snaking renewed exertions for the suppresalen of the mutiny. t The statetnent may hero be made on authority, that it is not the intention of the British Government tohave recourse to foreign enlistments In the present enter• gel, though it Is sensible or the good Intentions of Mali parties who hays offered their aerrices iu India., Thel Virginia New School Presbyterian Synod Withdrawal front the General Assembly. WaiiinnOrort, Oct. 21.—The New School Presbyterian Synod of Virginia have adopted the roport of , the Com- mittee on the Minutes of the tioneral Aasenikly recom- mending the withdrawal of the Synod from that body, In conaequeneo of Its action on the slavery question. The 'vote stood 30 yeas against 3 nays, tbu latter being given by Messrs. Sunderland and Makell, of Washing- ton.:and Dunning, of Baltimore. Synod then adopted resolutions approving, ao a whole, the resolutions adopted by a portion of the Chutch which lately Met in' Richmond, and pledging itself cordially to co-operate in the organisation of the United Synod of the Presbyterian Church, to Moat at norille, Tenn., ou the first Thursday In April neat. Proposed Issue of Smell Notes. Illnatenuao, Oct. 24.—A large meeting of citizens was held this evening at the court house, to request the Town Chanel' to moo small notes for the con- VeLlielleo of business-men In making change. Judea Leek presided, awl Mews George Bergner and John Wallower wore appointed secretaries. A committee was appointed to confer with the Town Council on the subject. and the workingmen generally are infavor of he project. Terrible ltgaignere. New Yoga, October 25 —Thu brig American Eagle. from Sisal, reports that the Indians had massacred nearly all the inhabitants of a village about slaty miles from Menda. Over flee hundred bodies had been round, and more were being discovered daily In the woods, shockingly mutilated. Interesting from the West SC. Loma, October 24.—Captain Van Visit, who started from Utah on the 14th ult., arrived in this city last night.. Ito furnishes name Interesting information in regard to the Utah expedition, and the &tato of affairs at gait Lake On September 221 ho met a body of United States troopv ; two linndrcd and thirty miles east of Fort Law- rence. lie also mot Governor Cummings, en October Bth, ninety miles beyond Fort Kearney. Some supply- trains were within a hundred and forty miles of the valley, %011ie others were far behind, and not likely to arrive this season. Mr. Van Visit travelled over2,400 miles sines August let, and was treated with much consideration by the leading men at Salt Lake City ; but he heard the ex- pression of only one opinion, that the troops under the command of the oftlcent of the United States (intern- ment should never gain a foothold In their dominions. A heavy snow fell at Fort Bridges on the 1616 ult lion John M liernhlsel, delegate to Congress front Utah, accompanied by Captain V4U Vleit ; 'darted for Washington city to-day. Messrs. Nichols and Reber, Engineers on Magraw's section of the Wagon Road Expedition, have aleo ar- rived in this city. They loft Pacific Springs on the 7th ult. They are of the opinion that the train will stop at Fort Laramie during the ensuing winter. The cattle belonging to the government train were dying fast, and the mules wore breaking down. Grass was very name. ColonelHoffman, commander at Fort Laramie, denies having caused a Mormon train to ho overhauled. A phlindelphla Vessel in Distress Nonvour, Oct. N.—The schooner Empire, from Phl. ladolphia, bound to this port, It Ashore near Cape Henry. ASSiIItRUCe has been sent to her. Weekly Statement of the Beaton Banks. BOSTON, Oct 24.—The following is the weekly state meat of the banks of this city : Amount of specie in the banks g 5,8138,00 Increase sinceauspeution ' 431,000 Departure of the North America. 44VRBUO, Qct.24.-Ik he Oszadtan Company's stoutish North America sidled at 10 (Mc,* thin morning, wi upwards of two hundred passedger, tot Liverpool. ONDAY, OCTOBER 26 FOUR DAYS LATia PROM EUROPE. ARRIVAL OP THE BALTIC LATER FROM INDIA. LUCKNOW HOLDING OUT DELHI NOT FALLEN OBSIERAL HAVF,LOCK STILL AT CAWNPORE THE MONEY CRISIS IN ENGLAIto. Discount Rates 311vaneed to 7 Per Vent CONSOLS 8711038 TRIUMPH OF PRIORRbb. DEJTII OP LBCO.llPrli New Yoria, Oct. 25.—The steamship Baltic has ar- rived, with Liverpool dates to Wednesday, the lath instant, four days later. ,The Baltic brings £72,090 Waling, and one hundred and Maly passenger!. In the race with Saunterer, the Babylon paid forfeit. The steamer Rod Jacket, from Australia, arrived at SOUtharnyton, brought 70,000 ounces of gold. The American ship Lexington has been totally lost near Venetia. Later advices from India have been received at Lon" dqn by telegraph from the ovarian', mail, The Calcutta dates are to the 10th, and from Bombay to the 11th of September the siege train wee expected to reach Delhi on the ad of September, when the assault would be commenced, General llevelock remained at Cawnpore, but would be reinforced In a few days by Gen outram, who had 'reached Aliahabad with a strong force. The garrison at Cawnpore was gallantly holding oat, and would be rellevod by the middle of September. Lord Elgin had left Calcutta for China The China trail failed to connect with tho Overland mail at Ceylon. Thirty•four horses ran for the Cenarowitch cup, and the first trial resulted ina dead beat between Prioress ; El Hakim and •Queen Dem. On the dulling. heat ; Prioress. the American mare, won by a length and half, amid great cheering. The value or the datum ex. max two thousand pounds. The American horse Lecompte is dead. An excessive money pressure prevails In London, and a further advance in the rate of discount by the Bank of England is anticipated. Consols have Sac- Mated greatly; they declined to BOX, but aubsequently rallied. The Dank of Dublin has advanced the rate of discount to 7,per rest , and the Bank of France to tlyi per cent. The money pressure in Vienna Is also severe. The firm of Messrs. Ross, Mitchell & Co., a Canadian arm In London, had failed. The liabilities were 1240,000, but the assets were larger. ' J. Monteith & Co. and other Glasgow houses, had also suspended wlth ' llabilities to a large amount. The city article or the London TOMS, or the 12th, says: " As respects the losses to be sustained on this Side, very heavy amounts are believed to have fallen on Lyons and Havre. Here it to feared that Manchester, Bradford, and tilasgew will cutler considerably." Tim race for the great Cesarewitch Handicap, at New- market, resulted in the triumph or Mr Ten Droeck's " Prioress." The success of the American horse WWI received with great cheering, and she immediately be- caulk the first favorite in the betting fur the Cambridge- shire stakes, to be run for at Newmarket un the 27th of October. Before the race 100 to 1 was laid against Prioress. The American horse Lecompte died from an attack of collo. Pryor hod been striken out of all his engage- ments for the present year. Mr. E. 01. Archibald, a native of Nova Scotia, and formerly Attorney fieneral of Newfoundland, has boon appointed British Consul at New York. The Earl of Fit:herding° died on the 10th Inst. The London 27tnes, In a leading article on the supply of cotton, says : u Itappears that, if one America is not sufficient, and wo want a second, we can hardly do be 4 ter than take the first for our model. We know of scores of spots where the soil and the climate are as good as inaeorgia, and though, perhaps, cotton of the very best qualify is not to be raised everywhere, or upon the Instant, we have great faith In the powers of cultivation. But soil and climate are not enough. Capital, energy, and organization will be called for still, or we shall get to cotton to speak of ; and it happens that, In none of the coun- tries otherwise fitted for the purposes in question are these requisitions to be found among our na- tive possessions. The qualities which enable the Americans to send out millions of bales every year, are not discoverable in 'Undoes or Demeans, and as they are not indigenous they most needs be imported. Eng- land, In abort, must find money, machinery and wits, and If these are carried to some well-selected territory, whore there is good land and abundant labor, we may Soollbe able to dismiss our alarms about the production of cotton. The Directors of the Dank of rrancelbail held a meet• lug to consider the necessity for an advance in their rate of discount, and such a movement was considered certain, although the Directors were tuitions that a slight delay 'Mould take placeafter their recently-adopt- ed increased facilities. Tun LATIZST.—The Dank on Tuesday rained Its rate to 6g per cent. The funds dolled at 60.70 for money and account. Tho military camp at Chalons had boon raised. A meeting between the Emperors of France and Aum till to BM talked about. SPAIN. The ministerial crisis at Madrid continued. Bravo Murillo refused to form one of the minority of the Cabi- net, nud anticipations of turtlinr disturbauees were en- tertained M is said that Senor Marthri, florernor or Madrid, was about to resign. Relents were current or apprehended disturbances in some parts of Italy, and the authorities were on the alert PRUSSIA fleneral do Royer, chief' of tho grand general staff of tho Prussian army, is dead. The King of Prussia was slightly better, but his con- dition is still very critical. The Indian despatches state that General Nicholson had defeated the rehabs at Nejefghar, with the loss of thebigune. General Havelock had also defeated the rebel. near itlinor on the 10th of August. The Governor et Locknow had made a gallant and successful sortie, capturing the guns of the mutineers and toma supply of provisions. Thu Dinaporo mutineers had been again defeated by Calor Eyre. The rebels Irmo threatening Allshabad and lienares. Large bodies ot troop' were marching from Calcutta towards Allebebail. 'Troop were alao arriving at Calcuttafrom England, their transport hiving boon effected with great rapidity. A despatch to the London Post eve that the Britieh Swims had attacked bucknow Castle, spiked the gone, mid inflicted 0. heavy loos upon the enmity. RUSSIA. A telegraphic despatch announce. that Prince Gott- chakoff had addressed a confidential circular relating to the Stuttgardt interview to the Russian llllniaters at Yoreign Courts. It la mild to be exceedingly pacific, and to nrcomtruned the maintenance of existing. treaties. Thu Emperor and, Empress , had made their solemn entry into Warsaw, and It Is said that the reception, on the put of the population, Vial more friendlythan any Russian monarch has over mot with In the Polish ca. pita', PI:11$1A. net at was evacuated by the Permiantroupe on the27ll of July. =MEM The Times' Vienna correspondent reports great pres- sure Jo the monetary and commercial world atthat place. Very high rates of discount were being paid Two largo homes had suspended. The great home of Poe- kowatz at Peath had failed ; many cotton and silk man- ufactordee were expected to follow. The Ariel wee reportedoff Southampton this morning, but It proved to IA false. No noire of the City of Balti- more. Commercial Weiligeace. Lirenroon, October 13.—Thesales of Cotton for the past three days have been 19,000 bale', Including 7,000 to speculatorr•and 1,000 to exporters. The market opened buoyantly. but closed dull. Quotationa are geuerally unchanged. ' taupe, October 130—The money market 6:sled de. chledly more stringent. The flank of England has ad- vaneed the rate of discount to 7 afr cent, Orinsols declined considerably, but subteguently rallied, and closed at 87K®B7K for money. THE LATEST. LoEDox, Wednewlay,Oet.l4-2 o'clock P , M —Console for nioney cloyed at 81Ace813 for moony, soli 88088 X for account. Lirsuroot, Oct. 14-3 o'clock P. 81.—The Cotton market closed quiet, and prices steady. Flour is steady. 'Wheat exhibits a declining tenden- cy. Corn is steady. close quiet. LIVERPOOL, Oct. 13 —Dreadstuffs—The market is quiet, and all descriptions have slightly declined. Flour has !leen dull at a decline of ild on interior qualities. Wheat quiet; Red Wheat Is deals lower, and white 2sra Sa lower, Corn steady at Bfis 0;1037s for mixed) 87s 84 for yellow; and 415042 s fur white Sugar—The market closed dull. Naval Stores—Rosin steadyat 4s 840487 d for common; Spirits Turpentine steady at 38s od m 394. Rice—The market closed quiet. LONDON. Oct. 13 —Flour closed with a declining tea. dungy. Wheat dull, and 2s lower. Sugar heavy eta decline of 2d wad. Tile Indian mail was expected to reach London on %kg 16(h 1 A despatch to the London Post says " The Drltisit forces, taking the offensive, attacked the batteries*. Lucknow castle, 'Capturing and spiking the guns, sail Inflicting a heavy loan upon the enemy. The rebels' on dispirited; cholera has broken out fiercely among them, end dissension and daily desertions from the city were taking place The Illndooe end -Maboramedans were quarreling everywhere. " The seventieth native infantry, at Harrackporo, hove volunteered for China." ENGLAND. Tun Losoom Moser filsoaas.—On Saturday—the day tho Europa sailed—an excessive demand prevailed for Money, caused by the unfavorable nature of the Ameri- can "deices by the Persia, and the apprehensions of a farther rise In the bank rates. On Monday morning the bank directors held a meeting, and before Moran o'clock announced a further rise of 1 percent. In their minimum rates of discount; that le, they railed the Mtn from 0 to 7 per cent , both for the discount of mer. candle bulls and loans on stocks. Consols rapidly fell under this movement to 87g, a decline during the day of no less than lys per cent. On Tuesday Consols went as low as 88X but subse- quently rallied, and closed firmly at 87K ®BIU for mousy and account Railway end other securities participated in Oda downward movement, but not to the Immo extent SI 0011,101 C . . The Bent of Ireland followed the example of the Bank of England, and advanced its rates of disconat to 7 per coot. At Hamburg the rates of discount had la. minced to 7M per cent , and similar movements were la propos another continental cities.. The extent of the applications to the Bank of lbw laud for accommodations continued extraordinary ea Tuesday, as a further advance in sales was entielpitsia The Tones, however, says ,ion the whole, the day may be conaidered to have passed satisfactorily " The gen withdrawals from the banks were light. as *pole remit- tances could not be made to the United Mates at say materialprofit. The failures at Glasgow include J. Mous+lth It 09., liege shippers of Glasgow goods to the IMated State', Macdonald & Co., and Wallace dr. Co. Two failures la London. in concoction with them, Scotch firma, are also reported. The estlinatee of the liabllltiom of the Oise- p.m firms ruu so high as £1.,600.000,4 but the Times. considers this au exaggeration. The Bank of Pennsylvania had advised their London correspondents that remittances would be made walk undisturbed regularity. RICHARDSON BROTHERS k CIRCULAR leer Baltic.) Livnovoot., 10th {toy ISth. The weather since our last has been mild and open, and a fair quantity of rain has fallen. The arrivals have been moderate, but there Is a considerable quan- tity in course of shipment frog America, both of Wheat, Corn, and Flour. The respective quantities now afloat from all ports in the United States for Liver- pool uro 42,780 gm. Wheat, 9,710 qrs Corn, and 19,988 bbis Flour. The demand for all articles has been limited, and where sales in quentity have been mule lower prices have, been accepted. Oar market to-day wan rather snore notnerouvly attended than of late, and although Wheat of all descriptione receded 1,102 d 4fr 70 The upder therates current on Friday, stilt we bad a more general demand, and a larger trade than for some time past; Flour, especially Irish sacks, wore in very Waited demand, and although offered at a further con, amain of Is ff sack, it failed to produce business, 488 er seek having been accepted for first-class 'Barrels were also the turn cheaper, but the stock being small, holders resisted reduction of moment. Indian Corn was in fair requedt for feeding purposes; and the rate* of our Nat elehltained• Oats receded about Id sp. 46 The; with only a limited sale. Oatmeal very dull, and 30ti eir load may be considered a top quotidian. •• (Per Battle.] ilipLnon, ATM/a & Co.'s CinOULAß.—Livanpoor., October 10.—Tnevd;y Evening —Yesterday, the Bank of Srglapd advanced the rate, of discount from 0 r per cent., (it which ft had filed on Ttniraday lait,) to 1 pe cent. The demand for money, at the increased rate, remains unabated. Breadstuffs—Since Friday we have had but small transactions, at rather easier rates. At to- day's market We had a good attendance, and there was more demand for Wheat, particularly red America, of which the supply was pretty well cleared off; prices of all sorts gave way Id 9P bushel from Friday's currency, via Red 7s ad to Ss Id, White Bs 54 to 9s 2d 1p70 lbs. Flour of prime quality, being In small supply, realized Friday's rate., while Inferior descriptions were 11.1 4' bbl. cheaper. We quote Western Canal 294 to 30s CAI; Philadelphia and Baltimore 30e to 3la ; Ohio 31e to 32e. Indian Corn, being sparingly offered, was saleable at fully previous prices, via: Mixed 37s to 37s 0d; Yellow 37s rid White die to 42e 4p qr. Provisions—ln Beef there was rather more doing, at previous prices. In Pork no transactions. Bacon is firm, and mince Friday a good business has been done, chiefly for Ireland. Cheese to steady, and in fair request. Lard has considerably: Improved, and several parcels have been taken since - Friday, at Tie 4y cwt. Tallow—The advance In the rate of discount, and advice of free shipments from St. Petersburg, have caused a decline of Is ty cwt,; 590 is paid for Y. C , and 69s 3d for fine North Ame- rican. Ades are dull for both aorta; Pots 42e, Pearls 41e. Naval Stores—Small sales of Spirits of Turpentine at 38s tkl to 393 w cwt. Afair demand exists for Urdu; Common 4a Od to 4s 'ld; Medium 5s id to lOsi Fine les to Itocwt: Oils—nothing doing, Sperm umninal at £95, Whale £39 per ton. Bark—there is no demand for Philadelphia, which is nominal at lls W. In Bal- timore small sales at 94 Od 4, owt Passengers per Baltic tier Dr .1 W Alexander, lady and eon ; 11 Adderly and sister, W F Allen, Thou Ansley, N Atkins, 8 Apple- ton, 0 W Andrews, H Austin, J Anderson and lady, J E Anderson, R T Brand, L A Emiduen, W Bodies° and lady, Jos 80011131111 lady and three servants, Mrs. (tooth, two children and Kinard ; C Boyce, J Bohan, A Clemson, N T Carryl, Jae Id Conner. 'l' Copeland. lady, child and servant, T C Cowdln, 00 Converse, O T M Davis and lady, Calvin Durand, It Eccles, Mies rg- bert, T D Elliott, MDi F Flanagan. Miss Fingerlee, A flarcla. A Gray. J B Oliddon, E II Outliers. kl Goldman, 9 Goodhue, II Unsnarl, Mies F EGraver, A M Gouges. helm, C F llanekel, J P& J N Hazard, Miss 111 P Hazard, E Hastings, W Henley, M Hedland, .1 II Hohner, llolachfel, A lt Hull, M D, and Lady 11 Jones, George .Tones, 9 Kohnitam. 0 Lee, lady, and servant. W W Leman, Mine L Leupp, Dtiss 7 Leupp, Mine M Leupp, Inns' Leverntt, V Leileo and slater. Mina Lockwood, It V tunny. Alexander MCottochie, 11 Mahler, Thomas V Maury, W Miller .1 Mobutu. W W Montgomery, at Alooshan, 0 Morrison, lady, infant, and nurse; A L Myers, P Mullen, 1.1 Nevins and lady, Mies Newell, 9 Oser, and lady, Mrs Parker. O L Perkins, lady. and servant; (I A Posen! and lady, Col W Preston, 0 Price and paly, W Probat, '0 M Porter, E T Potter s.d E Physick, lady, 2 children, and aervant, Mr. Punnet!, lady. 4 children, and 2 servants; J A Ray, Id Raymond, Geo 8 Robbins, If Rinieugarten, DI Blasts, (I Scheperhamer, T 8 ffitreve and daughter, E Taff', J T Tapreott, lady, child and servant; Miss Teele, T It Wee, Jaa Tuckerman and lady, B Tuckerinan, J Van Warta and son, Mr Wakefield and servant, M Ward and lady, C {Veber, I W Wheeler, lady and 3 daughters: V. Wright, W Wilkens and lady, A Winterhoff, Mien Wool- sey. Total 160. £72,629 sterling on freight. New Orleans Money Market NNWORLIANA, Oct U.—Financial affairs are generally unclaimed, although a little more quietness prevails. There is still nothing doing in sterling exchange or freights. Markets by Telegraph Moults, Oct. 24 —Cotton—sales of 2,600 bales at 10es 1030. ReCelpts 1,000, against 0,000 thesame period last year., Cuat.asooN, Oct. 24 —Cotton—Sales of 100 bales at 11 g or2c. stunners, October 24 —Cotton—sales of 400 bales. The market is unchanged Now Oaceasts, Octobel24.—Cotton—Market continues very dull, and Is generally unchanged. Bales to-day, 600 bales, and receipts, 500. Flour beide steady. Provisions are very doll. Whis- key quoted at Inc. ADDITIONAL NEWS. IFEDM LONDON AND LIVERPOOL PAPER& TO OCT. 14, RECEIVED AT THIS OPPICIII On Monday the Bank of England raised its rate of discount from six to seven por cent.; and it is thought not unlikely that a fresh advance may take place, and that wo may shortly see the rate once again at eight per cent: , the highest point it has over reached duringuiedern experience, and at which it stood in October, 1847. This high rate is not expected to he of long duration; but even its brief continuance will be productive of much in- convenience. COMMERCIAL NEWS. TB° Times city article says that onjfonday (Oct.' 12) in the stock exchange there was no ex- traofilinary pressure for money, loans from day to day being obtainable at about 8 par cent. Tho great decline in the funds at the opening was misled by the anticipation of a further speedy movement of the rate of discount to 8 per cent. Thepublic, however, did not seem to share the alarm of the dealers, and the course of business gradually assumed- comparative steadiness. The foot that, oven at present quotations, specie re- mittances cannot be made from England to the United States at ally material profit, supposing the returns to bo furnished in the highest class of bills allayed the fears as to the prospect of any continuous shipments to that country ; while, with regard to India, it transpired that some of the or- ders for sanding out silver on the 20th instant may possibly be countermanded, the advance in the rate of discount hero and other considera- tions rendering the speculation doubtful. The absence of gold withdrawals from the bank, the Improvement in the foreign exchanges, and the arrival of the Red Jacket from Melbourne, with 1:284,000, likewise contributed to the more favora- ble feeling. The movement adopted by the Bank of France ' so far from having in adverse influence, operated by lessening the probability of a panic, whieh could not fail to react on London, being brought about through mismanagement on that side. On the other hand, the announcement of a rather large commercial failuro—Ross, Mitchell, & Co.— and the apprehension of further similar events in the manufacturing towns, prevented any strong reliance that an increase of stringency in time mousy market can be avoided. The extent of the applications at the bank, which were again extrftordinary, also Operated to check the tendency to recovery, although a large portion of these may possibly have originated in the desire to provide against the anticipated further advance. On the whole, however tho day may be considered to have passed satisfactorily. On Wednesday probably IL better opportunity will exist for form- ing a judgment as to the future. The divi- dends then commence, and a large amount of advances will have to be repaid to the bank. Tho consol settlement will also take place, and four days later news from New York will per- haps bo received at Southampton by the Ariel. Ross, Mitchell, &Co wore engaged in the Ca- nadian trade, and have a bouee in Toronto. Their liabilities are estimated at about .£250,000, while their mulcts were recenßy valued at about 1350,- 000. The disaster is attributed to bills having boon returned upon them against which they hold securities not immediately available, and hopes are expressed of the practicability of a resumption. The solloitors state that the firm belleve;their sue- pension will be but temporary. Such demand for gold as existed on Friday was supplied by the arrival of about 180,000 from Russia. The Bank of France have raised their rate of discount to fil per cent. It had stood at 53 per cent. since the 25th of June, and in the interval there has boon a failing off of £2,400,000 In their sleek of bullion, although artificial purchases at a premium have been continued upon an extensive wale. The measure seems to have been anticipated en the Bourse. At Hamburg the rate of discount has risen to 8 per cent. A statement justcirculated, that the India-house are in want of more money, and that the bank have notided to the Government their inability to fur- nish it, is wholly erroneous. The India Company at this moment would be willing to lend money, the greater part or the recent credit opened at the bank being unemployed. For future wants they still hold a largo reserve of stook and ex- chequer-bills, and there is no reason to doubt that' the eipectution hold out of their finan- cial position being such as to enable them to provido for all wants until the meeting of Parliament will be fully realised, Of mule, if the local Government were to announce the ne- coesity of a large sum of specie being sent to Cal- matte, an emergency would then bo presented which would call for special 'action; but It is be- lieved that no such intimation has yet been re- ceived, and that, in the absence of exceptional oircumstaneea of this kind ,there will be nothing to disturb the calculations originally made. " The Tines city article says, with reference to 1857. OF Of the Election for Governor, C [Reported exprog'sly for Tho Prose.] =DM Gave nor lAL RETURNS nal Commissioner, and Supreme Judges, held in Pennsyl- mnia, October 13, 1857: Comm t'er fidget of 81, preme Colt, t 186,2!2,139,878, 8 1 889 1.590 1.3 9,356 945 3,107, 921 2 287 243 3,169 . 3,188 1 1,208 1, 1,772 1, 1,333 1,1 3,621 3,6 1,648 1,64 3,448 3,44. 972 971 1,776 1,7761 its report of failures at Glasgow: "Among the other houses mentioned was Patterson k Co. It appears there is no such firm. The mistake, how- ever, originated in Glasgow, the name of Patteson or Pattison having been telegraphed without re- serve by persons of great respectability in that city to their London correspondents." The Daily News thinks the general aspect of affairs in the London money market more satisfac- tory, than that of Monday. One of the most en- couraging features of the moment is, that although such high rates of interest prevail, there is no fool- ish indisposition to lend. The same paper says that; the report of the failures at Glasgow are is one Or two cases unfounded. In. Paris on Tuesday, funds closed 6G 70 money and account. Tim illness under which the King of Prussia h suffering is an apoplectic attack, produced by overexertion and mental anxiety and ending in violent congestion of the brain. lie Majesty was repesdedly bled without producing much abate- ment of the most alarming symptom, but, after a " copious bleeding" on Sunday, a marked im- provement is said to have taken place, and the royal physician began to entertain a hope that he should overcome the disease. DEATH OF Mn CRAWFORD, THE SCULPTOR.— Wu regret to learn of the death, on Saturday last, in the metropolis, of the eminent American ocutp- tor, Mr. Thomas Crawford. The deceased artist was horn at New York in 1814, but since 1834 re- sided at Rome. Ills "Orpheus," produced in 18.'19, after studying under Thorwaldsen, introduced him to general notice. One of his celebrated works is the "Babes iu the Wood." Two of his specimens, Gores of children, are in the Crystal Palace, "Flora," and the'• Dancers." In consequence of the attitude assumed by the Irish Government towards the Orange Society, the members of the Belfast Roman Catholic One Club held a meeting, and, thinking that they may now rely on the Executive for protection, they resolved to lay down their arms and dissolve their associa- tion. PENNSYLVANIA LEGISLATURE. We correct, from tables already published, the following list of members of the next Pennsylvania Le3islature : Senate. (New members marked with a itar.) PII1L111,61.1.111.• CITT. DIIIPIIIII AVD L 1615.35. *Bacot. J Randall, D. I John B. Rutherford, Op FHILLIMILPRIA Com?. Harlan Ingram, D. R L 'Wright, D. * I. N. Hussite, D. Crimea AND DRLAWARI * Thomas S. BeII,D. NOXTOODIOLT. Thomas P. Knox, D. Beats John 0. ETIMS, D. Bocce. Jonathan Ely, D. C SISSON, MONROX, &c. N Thomas Craig, D. NORTUZIIN AND 1,11111011. Joseph Laubach, D. ADAMS AND FRANKLIN. GeorgeW. Brewer, D. Noirrnin, MONTOUR, &c. *Charlee Buckalow. D. CONDiD. AND PAINT. Henry Better. D. Sousam, &O. *William P. Schell, D. WASHINGTON AND GRIMM *Gorge W. Miller, D. 'LIWRENCR, *William K. Francis, Op. SCHUYLKILL. O. AL Straub, D LINCASTRI. * Bertram A. Shaeffer, Op. * Robert Baldwin, Op. Oman, &e Andrew Gregg, Op BLAIR, ,Ae John Croswell, D. Lomas. Jre. George P. Steel*, 11 BakDro6ll, &C. E. Reed Myer, Op. it.e. 'Henry Souther, Op. DIRROZII, e Glenn' W. SeoSeld, On. Sate AND CRAWRORD. D. A. Pinney, Op. Bearea, to. John R. Barrie, Op ALLRORIINT. William Wllklne, D. Edward D. Oarram, Op. WRATMORIL'D AND BAUM *Jacob Turney, D. ARMSTRONG, Ac. Titian J. Coffey, Op. YORL. William H. Wert, D. Democrat!, Oppoeltion, Domotratie majority, 9 House of Rep PHILLDELPHII CITY. J. O. Kirkpatrick D. C. MI Donovan, D. John ,Ramsey, D. Cleorte IL Armstrong, D. PHIL&DIMPTIII4 COTIATT. John:Wharton, D. Oliver HMOS, D. 11. Asian. D. J. U Donnelly, D David K McOlane, D. Townsend Yearsley,l7. Joshua T. Owen, D. John U. Wolfs, D Unary Danisp, D. John Molloy, D. A. Arthur, D. John U. Dohnort, D. James Donnelly, D resentatives. BERM Edmund L Smith, D. Amon Weiler, D. Benj. Nunnemacher, D. LANCASTER. E. D Roth, Op. Jonathan U. Roland, Op Samuel U. Price, Op. Joe D Powuall, Op. William M. Wolf, D. A. Hiestand Glatm CUMBERLAND ♦9D PERRY llugh Btuart, D Charlea C. Brandt, D. AD/X3. C6arles Will, D. FRAXILIN AND 1/01.70N. James Kill, D. A. K. McClure, Op lIXDFORD AID 8011101911 Samuel I. Cashier, Op David Hay, D. I DELAWARE Ttio le Powell, D. Cuesrea. Mort u Durrett. D. Jam ialgeoo, D Ebur W. Sharp, D. HUNTINGDON Dasid Houtz, D. BLUR. MONTOOWNRY A D Lontraker,D Josiah Ilillegas,D Deorgo Darnel, D. MUCKS. John Mimeo, D. John II Lovott, D. Christy, D Cry Hall. G. Nelson Smith, D. t INDIA3I. John Bruce, Op ARMITBOIIO & WYSTIIIOU'D John K. Calhoun, D Matthew Shields, D. Robert Warden, D. ;NORTILUIPION. Max Doepp, D. Joseph Woodring, D LICHIOII AND CARBON Gnarl'," 11. Williams, D IJernian Rupp, D. John Diem. D. Onessil MONRON AND Flaw. Lafayette Westbrook, D William Kincaid, D WAIIHINOVA. 'Dunes' Donohoe, D. John N. McDonald, Op 11. L. StaTeus, D LUZERNE. P. C. Oritmen, D. Steuben Jenklos, D. Samuel G. Turner, D ,SCepoeaiaO•. ALLEGHENY. .John M. Irvin, D. jOsuiel Negley, Op. Backhoneo, Op. Nlcholu Voeghtley, Jr .Op 7. 'Heron Foster, Op. AND LAWRENCE. De Lonna Imbrie, Op. George P. Sheer, Op. Simeon B. C►see, Op BRAD/ORD. John 13. Cl. Babcock, Op. Collo!) F. Nichols, Op. Birovaso, SCLLIVIN, tke Peter Ent, 1) John V. Smith, D. Dot LTA. A. W. Crawford, Op. W. W. Dodds, Op. LTCOXINO AND CLINTON D K. Jackman, D. Thomas W. Lloyd, D 31/IRCIIIR AND VIIYANSIO. Willaam G. Rode, Op. O. P: Ramsdell', o_p, CLARIOR AND YORRST. William M. Abrams, D JRNTRRION, &O Joel Spyker, D. N. P. Wilcox, D. CRAWIPLORD AND WARREN Robert P. Millar, Op Thomas Struthers, Op. Wareham Warner, Op. [David ll itarod, Ind Op. PONTRR AND 'HOU& !saw Denson, Op. L P. Williston, Op. Democrats, 69 Opposition, 31 Samuel Gilleland, D Mirnam. Dr. Dower, Ueio'O, SNYDIIII dr, JUNIATA Daniel Witmer, Op. Thomas Myra, Op. EITME=I Joseph C. Übudes, D SCHUYLICILL R L Ebur, D. Charles nipple, D. Micheal Wearer, D. DAUPHIN. Eear3 Lauman, D Wm 0. A. Lawrence, Op LIBANOM Juhu George, Op I i Democratic majority, 3 RECAPITULATION Democrats Opposition 12 Senate 21 llouse of Representative...eV Dem LIAi uo Joint bmllot 4T PHILADELPHIA MARKETS 24th—Evening.—Dreadatuffs generally con. tinuo inactive, and withoutmuch alteration to note in either the price or demand of any of the leading articles. Flour Is nut wanted for export, shippers are out of the market, and common superfine usually taken for Europe, can be had at $5 25 te bbl ; some holders now ask more, but 'Antrasr of nothing doing beyond the local trade Axles, at prices ranging from $5 25 up to $7.25 r bbl for com- mon mixed super to extra and fancy family brands, the latter-for premium Hour. Corn meal and rye tour are very quiet; the former la dull at $3 OM for country new, although a small sale la reported at about that figure ; the latter is scarce at $4 23, most holders demanding more, Wheat is inquired for by the redden * and prices are tending upward OR prime lots, which are Mostly in request; about 1,800 boo good Sostbern red brought 12111125 c, 5,000 bus white do 132 c, to arrive, mat 800 bus choice Virginia 140 c, Afloat. Corn is with- out mach demand, and very dull at previous quotations; soo mat.e oa f ro ieferfor quality about 1,600 burr good old Southern yellow only having selling rather a to t il 7 notbuTa r ns ci at . 7 . s w c, ai t noci tuLi 2 o c g. more readily at quotations, the supply having lessened, and about 3,000 boa have been taken 5t,33a34e afloat Rye is in steady request at 73.0750 for Delaware and Pennsylvania, and not much offering. Harley melt—- about 3,050 bus new sold at 1106116 c, and yap brie old do at 155 c cash Bark Bki . sosoel ti touloa . twtffff abott r " t juy."-et ma te rial us-qllty Quercitron as it arrre. Amiga, but the tdineactlone are on a restricted woe, Groceries and provisions exhibit nothing new, and the sales of all kinds are unimportant. Whiskey is selling, as wanted by the trade, at 20afor drudge, Me for lards, and 21N622%u for kWh 138 9.458 944 3.140 921 2,271 914 1,896 887 3,725 1,976 1 4,324' 1,206 5,234 889 3,72' 1,918 4,319 1,206 5,224 THEiCITY. MinnMINTS THIS EVENING ACADEMY OP MOM, B,W. 00ENKS OT )31.01D /SD 1.0. oust ariteus.—“Mutled for Money"—"patter vs: Clatter"—•' Poor Pillicoddy.", NOT STRTXT TflioTai, N. E. CORSIIS OF NINTH ATI , WALNUT STRIIITS.—"The Stage-Struck Usrber"— " The To,ites, —., 3lesmeriam, or Irish Sympathy " ArtlgATt.ti a All , lll STRUT TIMITILII. ARCS! /Man, 418.1VE 91 —• Macbeth' •My Neighbor's Wife." IN/oRD'A OPRRI HOUSE, It LE7113111 Bfll.llT, /WTI Cil,itMOT—EthiopianLife Illustrated. eaorluding with a laughable afterpiece Triollmt I's Ver.leTIXS. PI/Ttl AID CIig9INCT9TILRIIT9 —Mi.c II o Corwerti, Thr Getman (Republican) Meeting OA Sun- day, at Arfteor or ITrrieery MP. Third street, heth.ern Pain and eallotehill.—The violent call translat. a into the Syod,t, Dilpotrh. of yester- d,y, and igi n•dly polo i.shed in the Free Press, a I;rrinfin licpublic ru prim and not the Democrat, stated in the Dieelteh. attracted a number of itorrons. over one thousand, to the above place, vebterday, at three o'clock, P SI Curiosity eemed to hive called the most of them to the spot. After trying to got some one to preside, several having declined, Mr. Fetter, cabinetmaker, ac- cepted the post of chairman. A long pause en- sued after he hod called for the authors of the meeting to come forwent and state its object. At lenodh Mr Mund; a Republican stamper, got ' up and made a high-tariff Know-Nothing speech, charging our troubles to the lark of a protective t triff, and saying that there were enough me- chanics and artisans. and, of course, shoemakers, (,o he was one,) and. therefore, emigration should cease. He then caned on them to organise, to combine with American laborers, aid to force the speculators to he did not say what. Louis C. Mahlke, twister shoemaker, whose es- tablishment is at 7G North Seventh. above Arch street, and who seemed to be the testier of the turn out, nest followed. He was a very active Republican in 1556, and always opposed to the Democratic party. He attacked the banks; said they must be turned to pay; assailed the building and swings institutions. and declared they were intended torob the poor ; complained of Govern- ' cent donation of public land. and demanded neve- , rtl millions to be given to the people, otherwise they should go to Washington. or Harrisburg, and take their rights, as there are in this country no bayonets to oppose them, and they had all the Uviver themselves. He said the Constitution of the nited States was a mere rag, of no value; they should rely for their constitution upon the truth in their hearts. Ile concluded by saying that he meant what he said. Another Republican German, a Mr. Myer, fol- lowed, and advised moderation ; he did not like to see party squabbles brought into this affair. At this moment hiablke, the freedom-of-speech Re- publican, broke in and said. " that any one who did not believe that our troubles were the fault of the Democrats. should not speak, and ought not to be here," and called him "a traitor;" upon which there was, of course, confusion worse confounded; any number of speakers ad- dressing themselves to small clusters of men. Finally Mahlke made a proposition to ap• point a committee of twenty-Eve, to report a aeries of resolutions on Friday at the same place, which was carried. Then a proposition was made to publish the proceedings in the German papers. Objections were raised against publishing them in the Democrat, which caused another breeze, voices crying out, "If you don't publish in the Democrat, don't publish anywhere, as nearly all the Germans read only the Democrat." Then they adjourned till Friday. Fires.—The alarm of fire about two o'clock yesterday afternoon was caused by the partial burn- ing of a rear building on Nineteenth street, below Vine, opposite Logan square. It belonged to Mr. Reynolds. The damage is estimated at about 3300. The station house of the first police district took fire yesterday from the heater in the mom used for Ac. This is the second time within a week th it this hell has been on fire. The damage was slight. A frame carpenter shop at Eleventh and Barley streets was set on fire about three o'clock yesterday morning, and entirely destroyed. The lumber yard of Montgomery A Neal, at Twelfth and Prime streets. was set on fir* about the same time. Considerable lumber was de- stroyed. An old barn, belonging to Mr. C. Keyser, en Main street, below Washington. was partially damaged by fire, about fire o'clock yesterday morn- ing. Loss $lOO. At an early hour. yesterday morning, the bedding of a dwelling, in Second street, aborts Jefferson, trns set on fire. A man hag been arrested on eas- !melon of firing the place. Young Men's Christian Association.—We take pleasure in calling the attention of the your' , men of our city to the monthly meeting of this praise- worthy organization, to be held this evening in the lecture room of the Central Presbyterian Church. southeast corner of Eighth and Cherry streets. In commending it to them a every way worthy of their countenance and support, we hope that the season of its labors, which opens with to-night, may Prove one of increased usefulness and prosperity. The ticketsior file anniversary to be held on the third proximo will be ready for distribution in a few (tip. The Visiting Committee of the Board of Delegates of the Fire Association will inspect the apparatus of the companies attached to the associ- ation, today and to-morrow—companies located north of Vine street to-day, and those south to- morrow. It is expected that a committee from eseh company will be in attendance to furnish all required information. Sudden Death.—On Saturday evening, a man named John Wisack. while walking with his wife in Marriott street, below Seventh, fell to the pavement and died instantly, from disease of the he int as is supposed The deceased resided in Catharine street. below Ninth. An inquest was held by Coroner Delavau, and a verdict rendered accordingly. Drowning Case.—Thebody of a German was found in the Schuylkill on Saturday morning, near the wire•bridge, and the coroner WAS sent for to hold an inquest. The unfortunate man fell from a canal-boat about 8 o'clock Friday evening, and met with a watery grave, notwithstanding every effort was made to save him. Clerical Conrention.—A convention ofPres- byterian and Congregational clergymen is to be held in the Lombard street Presbyterian church, commencing , on Wednesday evening next. The opening sermon iis to be preached by the Rev. E. P. Rodgers, of Newark. Suicide.—Coroner Delavau held an inquest yesterday on tile body of a man named 11. Honing-4- , sorth, who committed suicide by taking opium, at Nelson's Hotel, Broad and Callowhill streets. The deceased was about fifty years of age, and resided in Baltimore. Charged with alrson.—Benjamin Brown and John Mooney were arrested, yesterday, on Sll3- picloo of haring set firs to the carpenter shop of Mr. Samdet Markward, at Market and Mary streets, in the Twenty-fourthward, whieh was de- stroyed during Saturday night. Death from Intemperance.—An inquest was held yesterday by Coroner Delavan on the body of a woman named Hannah How, aged fifty-three years, who died at No. 1132 Passynnk Road, from intemperance and exposure. Trolling Mech.—The trotting horses, Black Jackson and Wissahickon, will contend in a trial of speed for a silver piteher, valued at SlOO, at the Chestnut Hill park, on Wednesday afternoon. Hospital Case.—Edwaid Mcßride, aged fifty-five years was admitted to the Pennsylvania Hospital yesterday, having cut himself in several places with a razor. Vessels in Port.—There were in port yester- day two steamships, seventeen ships, sixteen b Argues, twenty-one brigs, and twenty-four schoon- ers. ,Yerident.—During an alarm of tire on Satur- day night. a member of the Washington Engine Company was run over amd had his leg brolcen. NATIONAL CHESS CONGRBss.—This unparalleled feat of playing five blindfoldgames at chess simul- taneously, was brought to a conclusion at mid- night on Thursday. Four of Mr. Paulsen's oppo- nents resigned, being within a few moves of check- mate The fifth board, presided over by Robert J. Dodge, Req., resulted in a draw. Had it not been for an oversight on the part of S. Heilbnth, Esq . he would have had the honor of vanquishing Mr. Paulsen. As it was, ke fought with the de- termination of a Leonidas, but too much confidence brought about his7discomfiture. Mr. Oscanyan's genie. as also that of Mr Frere. were well con- ducted on their part, but their adversary was one too many for them. Mr. Paulsen was not in the slightest degree fa- tigued with his exertions, and states that he could just as well play six orseven games at a time as five. The members oC the Congress doubt whether there be ally limit to his powers, and with reason. —New York Tribune. Sugar awl Tobacco at Baltimore There has been avery active demand this week for sugars, both front the trade and the refiners. and the sales, incladigg those of Me!ado, amount to Nearly 1,500 bids, The market has throughout the week exhibited good deal of firmness, and all the sales hare been made at full rates. Messrs Lemmon llrogden sold at auction on Tuesday 12 hhds low grade Porto Rico at Sla 7 20, and 91thits and 40 tierces fair to prime Cnba at ST 250 S 50. The sales by private contract include 225 hhds tommon to good Portp Rico at prices ranging from $7 60 to fit 75; .115 hhds fair to prime Cuba at $7 5008 62tg r and SO hhds Porto Rico, 230 hhds Cala, and 275 hhds Demerara sugars, all of which were sold for refining iurposes, and the terms were kept private. We note sales this week of 30) hhds Masao for refi- ning, also on private terms. Sugars close to-day firm at the quotations, which are as follows. viz : $7 50.a5 50 for good common to fair Porto Rico; $9;49 50 for •rood to prime do ; 07 5019 for grocers' styles Cuba and English Island : sod $6 :5e$7.2Z. for refining grades do e quotes rinds at $3 50014 50. We note the itopert this reek of 105 hhds from Cuba, from Porto Rico, 452 VW,. frog Demerara amlloB tante. from Richmond- totel 767 hhds The sugar refiners on Monday last made a further re- daction of; to S a cent on hard, and f to 1 rent per to on eat and crushed sugars The demand for Marllsnd tobacco continues lierited, shippers showing tro disposition to operate except at lower rates than demanded, ant holders net being will- ing to press sales. The transactions are quite limited, and though we continue the quotations of Isst week they must be co,sidered quite nominal, inasmuch as these rates are above the views of pun-Ss-um Mary- land brown leaf. no in quality. Ft 50.659 : inferior short seconds vas? ; brown leafy $9/$lO, and extra $110544. Somemall parcels of Slarylalad ground leaf, tuen'hif4i the market this week- ilingness to accede to the of t th , e uinD e pe new crop. sho bwar:n w vi ews d bo ld, Some parcels hare been sold at sso 47.50, but there is no acti ty la the usarket..l4 the itif- lic'i fielite tYc'ri'el''s 'lr"' exchange tends to diminish the usualtrade There were no receipts of Ohio tobacco this week. Our quotations for Kentacky whichare [MIA nosjual. are as follows,Frosted e t 17 lOe'M f u rosted leaf .190110 tn. soutura $lOOlll common leaf .$ll 50.3$ Ls) medium lea $1... 50 ,,g13 2.5„ fur fl 3 filasl4, good to hue $l4 50.1411, se- lectoars at $146519 The invpections of the week are 170 blots Mary taut CINCINNATI AIARKET, October —ltomt —The market ,i very dot!, wet the pales to-dar were entailed to sm.ll parcels extra ',Odin> up at.orzt 903 II& at 24 25 all DO; :,0 bids double ear., C, Dec, sold at It .e The receipts during the last twenty-four brans were bbls WHISLIT —The market is unchanged, with sales of 900 barrels at 153ic and 198 do from wagons at 15k. On—Sales of S ibis Linseed at Sic, audit? do Lard at 21 93cash. tlitucaaies—The market 1.3 neetiarir,ed in every res- pect The elle, We heard of were GO bags Coffee at 11X *lllO, and 10 Mots Cobh Saw at St Molarses ranges irregulab from 44,150 c, according to cireazo- stances. Borax—The market 13 unchanged and dull for all but fresh, which coati es in demand at 1809.1e. 'moor—The receipts come in very slowly, and with fair home demard, and a moderate inquiry for export, prices are firm at 75d She for red, and 614.90 e for prime white Bales-250 bushels good white at B,k; 100 do_ fair white at 780; WO do. red at 75e, and ECO bushels prime white, in Covington, at 85e 200 bnabeLa hill whett,.delitered at 80c , . Cona--Therts Is an improved' demand for mixed aid yellow, sad pikes are firm at 4Dert9c. BklLZT—Tbera is a fair demand for swine Val) at. 90c, and for Spring at Stk. Bye—theeestkot i i ,hu. tit SOc. We hear of no transactions. IREI 496 2,538 1,639 2,204 5,44. 1,080 9,067 2,821 1,96. 495 5,980 999 1,741 494 2,419 889 3,752 1,992 4,381 1,228 5,314 987' 725 1,083 1,114 3,514 2,466 2,656 1,61 276 3,305 2,520 79 3,068 109. 5 1,386' 71 1,010 490 1,276 1,790 1,369 3,014 1,091 3,44: 260 2,965 2,566 6S 3,073 952 1,991 3,804 5,205 2,723 2,529 1,529 2,170 5,480 1,069 4,066 2,692 1,957 2,8:. 1,279 440 2,076 070 1,109 463 5,017 950 1,740 870 3,720 1,980 1 4,3171 1,191 1 5,310' 486 2,536 1,594 2,172 5,422 1,08,7 3,921 2,645 1,946 1,072 1,095 3,342 2,409 2.7'n I,lllw, 2,761 9,009' 1,072 1,095 3 339 2,47 2.731 1,62 475 2,773 2,800 74 3,03, 927 1 2,902 1,259 41S 2,452 I,IG, 3.5 177 194 272 1.349 40 093 493 105

panewsarchive.psu.edu · 2018. 6. 5. · fg,4t 'press.,„marrp,&y.,pproßEß, ONPREFiner Peas Editorials,ThaSpan-ishSafa,,The„Baalting, System7its•Senorita andits;Eyiia;.Correspondence_from,Virginia

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Page 1: panewsarchive.psu.edu · 2018. 6. 5. · fg,4t 'press.,„marrp,&y.,pproßEß, ONPREFiner Peas Editorials,ThaSpan-ishSafa,,The„Baalting, System7its•Senorita andits;Eyiia;.Correspondence_from,Virginia

fg,4t 'press.,„ marrp,&y.,pproßEß,

ON PRE Finer Peas Editorials, Tha Span-ish Safa,,The„Baalting, System7its • Senoritaand its; Eyiia;.Correspondence_ from, Virginiaand.Ne,w,Yorki General Isfows,',etc.:

Fouttzu,PArm-7,The, Courts, Parliamentary-Eloquence, A Flower growing from Tumefac-tion, etc.


The 80/4el iviidltleft \in'thO'nf-ternoon of the 14th inst., and reached NewYork sfisterday;,hasher £72,000:ik gold.'buriacchatery before her departure, the steamer'Red,aacket had arrived from Australia; with70,000 oundes r,if gold: "

' •The,English markets ')vere ,ateady; with a

downward tendency in the, pricey of 'bread-stuffs: The inonoi market was very atfingent,

.7with; ductnatiens is the public ; securities./Consols; which •had ,ranged as low as 881,elOteden the,i4th at 87;1, to 88. - The banks„ofEirgland, and Ireland hadraised their; rates; of.discount to 7 per Cent.; and the banks' ofFrance'• had also put, on the screw. At Vi-enni,trieney was very tight. Some.; mercan-'

tile failures, for large amounts, had occurredin England and Scotland. • ; ; ;

Newsfrom.india;bithe Overland Mail, hadbeen telegraphed. It is late, from Calcuttato the 10th:grid front BOmbity 'to' the 17th ofSeptember., The intelligence le far more' fa-vorable than had been anticipated. Thetroops from England had begun to arrive, at

Calcutta. Delhi still holdout, but troops anda strong siege train had beelisentnn from Cal-cutta, and a regular attack on the fortress-citywould be made soon after they arrived. I#lclr7now and Cavmpore still held,out. The Muti-neers had been luccessiyuly. beaten by Gen.erals HaV,Enoorc and. NuMoMme, and MajorEYRE. General HavEnocg had been rein-forced; and his position' was 'considered safe:

prioress had won the CassaritwiCh Cnp, atNewmarket;---the , stake $10,000: She ran adetailedfirst, with two crack English horses,:and aiterwaids wonthe,Tace`by a length anda half, amidshouts of applause from the bystanders.—Lecompte is dead. , •

The death 'of Mr. CB.AWPORD, the AmericanSculptor, which has hien for some time ex-pected, took place, in London, on Saturday,October 10th. Since 1884.he has resided inRome, where his genius was highly" appro.



The eagerness of our generous citizens,those in business ,as.well as. those not in busi-ness, to assist all who are in distress, is mani-fested in various ways. Our own opinion is,that the best method of assisting labor is notby pauperising it, but by giving work to those

wPfi are too proudtobeg and too, honest to dowrong; butibere are many who are of neces-sity compelled to rely uponthe benevolence of

others:.-We trust yet to see movement in-augurated whichwill accomplish acceptable re-liefto both these classes. Meanwhile it is anennobling dud heait-checringl sight to dee thenumerous efforts made to make the burden ailight as possible to all conditions ofour fellow

We give the following evidences of thespirit of the times, which will not fail to beinterestinito the bottimunity

BENEFIT FOR THEPOOR AT THE ARCIFSTNEETTitswritz.—Thepresent andProspecilye suffer-ings of a large,, portion, of . the ,people •ofPhiladelphia ,appeal .most eloquently to allwho have-, means-to spare to 'contribute totheir relief. Great as are the" emergenciesof the occasion, we hope the , charita-ble efforts id, our citizens wil be"equal `toit, and that Philadelphia will,"this winter,make an exhibition 'of good feeling inthe highest degreo'cieditable tuber. We trustspeedily, to; see: the _good ,work commence inevery direction,. and meanwhile, are grati-ted.to learn thatlite kind proffer of alienefitfor th,e'peor, at *the Arch , Street ,Theatre,*Mr., WHEATLEY, -has been•aceepted; 'and , the,perfornioneeyin be given on Priday,:bieningnext.. ;AA committee of „prominent citizens;has been appointed -in connectfoiryitly thisMovenient, and licketi—tiaity beshad'ef BAE-aaoFT, grOe.I4.9PEPX.II? Plol44lPit:& CO.;i .;and BLOAPHREIN HOFEMAX,I &

Watanii;, alto at-the Kind ipal=ohneOa:mut ilotibildeslie'.stiffiaientfill the hone honse '

to overflowing.; ;is

oc taynbr


Tre Mice„Li* litinutaix. rethicedhis prices,4t,the' Academy-of Music, to, therates charged 'at the other establiihmeuts;anotker'evideace eflhiS'publie spirit; 40'his:anxietytabe:eguat to the public: °Juergen.

Miura.,Hoax;Weeirxe '& Co.' have; leaneda circularto the various benevolent societies,offering the use-of their sewing rooms, Nei820 Chestnut street, with a requisite ,nember ,ofseiiing,inachipes until the filit,of Februarynext, nee of charge, to such societies as maydesirelo pee them, in making up Clothing fordistribution'ateong the boor. This offer ismade.in order to induce the bestewal'ef goodsand ineney to:be used it:tlie diseretien'of suchancieties, Inay join the enterprise. It, is aliberal offer, and we have no doubt will be ac-cepted by a number of 'ourbenevolent socie-ties.

Ye181'18461447i..1846' ../843....1850,...1851,...185.,....1853....

Messrs. J. G. litaxurau.& Sorts, large mann.factirers of fancy dreaa and cloak trimmings,announce their intention of making a greatre.dnction in prices in order to offer induce's:tintsto 'purchasers, and by uelling rapidly, affordtheir:nuMeions . operators, who ,aro, mostlywomen,-and dependent upon. steadyi•employ-ment for', the means ofout the minter,

We, learn that Gaotton, a.',Rettitats; ofNo. 624. Walnitt atreet, distilb"uto'n?', thepoor tive hundred loaves of bread every Wed-nesday and Saturday during the corningwinter. Responsible persons, :can obtaintickets for bread by cal ling on Mr.HENICLEi.

DiATII Or MRS. Wt. RUM'The death ,of Mrs. I',.II(EBE Aux RUSH,

which weannounced in Tue Pass,' of Satur-day,,wih be sad tidings to hundreds in this, aswell as-in foreign countries. She was, inmanyrespects, a highly-distinguished person-age. She has for years past sustained a 'rela-tion to society, in this community,, whieb;while it aroused against her some ridiculousjealousies, and probably awakened a spirit ofenvious and expensive rivalry in fashionablecircles, enabledherto do homage,to many ofthe most- gifted intellects of the times;men,ln' all stations :of' life, who, 'unable, tdpenetrate the, charmed centres of wealth,found in ber saloons a ready and a cordialwelcome. Living in a style of almost'regalgrandeur, haidnginheritedthe one-third ofherfather'i "estates, her portion estiinated at,atleast a million of dollars,' she seemed to be

ambitlotta of taking by the band, and :intro-ducing to the fashionable world, every poorbut gifted , individual,, whether an artist,a mechanic, or a statesman. Herself highlyaccomplished, a thoroughly -educated woman,a severe student, proficient in the modernlanguages, possessed of great colloquialpowers,she became the head of the influenceshe helped to build up, and swayed thesceptre almost like a monarch. She was com-pelled, of course, to receive and return the-visits of manywho were nothing to her ex-cept for their Station in society ;• but she de-serves remembrance, and always won respectfrom unprejudiced men, by her liberal cu-teuragement ofgenius and talent, and by herlofty scorn of the little cliques that so oftendisfigure the world of fashion.' The SundayThapafth; of yesterday, has a'aotice of Mrs.Rues, from Which we, make an extract:

" 71111. Rush woA the daughterof JacobBidgway,:who amassed a very large fortune in this city bytmeeessfulspeculations in real estate, and whoseproperty,at thetime of his death, was estimated tobe worth three million, of dollars. Mr.Ridgwaywas in 'business at,Antwerp, in Holland, fora num-ber of years. He was American Consul at thatport fora long time. This, large estate was di-vided amongbis threeclilldren, to wit Mrs,Rush,John Ridgway, and Mrs. Roaoh, at that time awIdoW: 'Ddi.lobil Ridgway ' hat 'resided at:Parisduring:4 great portion Of the period whielf haselapsed- since his father's death, and he ittstill inPraneei :1i0; Roach 'merited Dr.:Brirton,' of thiscity, and.she'andher husband nowreside in Chest-nut street below Broad. -- - ,

" Mra, -Rush made no .display ,of, her charities,but wet heard of many instaneeiin whioh sheused a-portiOn-of her great wealth; 'withoutosten-tation, to relieve the yenta of the deserving. The-decesited was awomint,ofvery relined tastes and a

• liberal pakten' of the' artai 'She wasVeryReid ofainsie,,andher splendid bouts, rcontains many rare


gents of painting„artchitatrusry. .• " Mrs.;Rash dted, childless, Her.husband, Dr.

JaineefitishLsurvives'her. Dr. Rush Is a son ofthe lateDr. Denjaatin Bush ofthiseity, The elder,Dr. EU,* wee' la. emAbint physician, ”a,a signer.pt theDeelaratioit:Oftideptsadeneo" ' "

APPEALS TO VIOLENCE.The following appears in yesterday's San -

ddy Dispatch : ,lAN EXCITING APPEAL TO rib ,f1P.,,,,0AN: ...F0PU-,

rdertoN.—The depression of trilfiti!.!lly, causr uLttlarge number of our Germans:to;be titt7wu out ofemployment in this oily, and,,sbme mpripOpled,detnagogno has taken advaptspr o Oirourn—-staneo to endeavor toexcite -Ile uneinlitnyed i'v6&min to violence. A oall for a meeting, of which

thil following is a free translation, was placardedin thebeer houses in the upper part of the city,`yesterday:

bananas I,llaoToana! It ja every day get.nag worse impossible to' tell whore the

,misery of the tionni end !It 'cannotbe known.,Shaltme,,die-nharnefully,,without.,oven -raising ababel tosave ourselves and children? Tho sagessay wo should, :endure, our pregent misfortunes asan earthquake or hurricane—that help is illllllol3i.hie. Such talk is the acme offolly, or else it 13 thevenal phrase of bribed hirelings, who desire onlyto lull us into that deathlike repose which is en-gendered by idlenoss.

Workmen !

not! We aro no children

we are men, not women—men who know the sternreality of life—men whohave a soared duty to ful-fil to their wives and children; wo aro men whoknow bow to discharge onedaties 1Workmen ! Brethren ! This misfortune is no no-Coldly ; ,it need not be borne ne a dispensation of

Workmen ! Brethren ! The misfortune of thepresent timewas foreseen years age;, itis the re-sult of, the recklessness of speaulatore; who have1044 4undre4s of t..honsanda innoeent people,careless ,ef even our lives, after their own selfishends arS ettnined.

Wehave worked—we have mitered—for what?now are miserable. .We have amassed wealth,

and our verysolf-dep!ivationsare literally gonetothe devil. It is ordained that if wo help ourselves,Clod will help mt. Wo eon help ourselves. Weare determined-to help ourselves. The workmen(brothers in a common causal are called to a meet-ingon Sunday, (to-slay,) at the /Wien Hall, at twoo'clock P. M. Be not prepared far any false dolesion. Wo are determined to operate against auvmere' humbug.

Como all! Let us remember that it wee oventhe work of a Legislature of our own making thatwe endure the pangsof a bitter death.

Let us' not—not speak. Let us strike while wecan, or die tightieg manfully.

MANY WORK/NEN.The extravagant language ofthis invocation

tol arms recalls the hattlecries' of the Frenchmetropolis. Such' an invocation will, weknOw, prodoeit 'no approving response in Phil.adOphia;noteven from the Germans. Thereis no cause for,such wild declamation. What-evilr the sufferings ,of the working massesmay become, there arenone, as yet, not withinthe reach of ordinary individual remedies;and If ever their sufferings should demandwider action andmore extended relief,no suchorganized violence as that hinted at in this Ger-

man call will be effective. Our native popula-tion would at once epos° any such lawless-ness, and the greatbody ofthe Germans them-selves would co=operate with them. In-deed, we have good authority for declaringthdt this attempt to let loose the elements ofanarchy among us is nowhere more stronglyreraidlated than by the influential organ of theGermans themselves— the Daily Democrat.

But even this movement, uncalled for as itis, may produce some good results. It mayforewarn and forearm us. It may suggest pro-cautionary measures against the severity ofthewinter. Itmay gine direction and discipline toa great find; not for charity, but for work. Itmay call forth our good men in defence of thethreatened order and imperilled good name ofPhiladelphia.HOW' LONG WILL THE HARD TIMES

under this head we find in the RichmondExaminer; of the 28d, a long and able article,of ivhlch the following extract will be inter-esting :It follows, if we are right in those conjectures,

that before the financial troubles of the countrywilt have,consed, we shall have to procure fromabroad specie as follows: for

irithdrawal of paper now circulating—s(l4,ooo,ooobuds ofnew circulation.. 60,000,000

t . Total $161,000,00sThis is the amount of specie we shall have to

acquire, in addition to what will be necessary to begot,-to corepensate for the amounts which the pres-sure will cause to be withdrawn from circulationandhoarded. Eleven millions would be a smallestimate for this item ; and thus it seems to Inthat'wellhell not be relieved of the present troublesthat now overwhelm the business of the country,until wo augment our present tstock of specie by8175.000,000 from souroes outside of the AtlanticStn es., .

I this supply, of specie shall fio procurablefro noother source than California, it is veryplaiii that three or four years must lapse before

thepisiness of the country will be reinstated. Theper d. will ho shortened precisely in proportion as,we ,shall obtain. supplies .of . specie from other&Mires than California. Thorn is, of course, a08,5bility that itwill bo thus shortened; but, onthe bthor hand,ere is also , aprobability of theiperiod being ,p onged, by the exportation of a

- onof our C iforniasupplies abroad.Iwhole q nation, therefore, of the durationo


110op urr ei sr ennpotr pirw orre ,exportingnugponspeciethee to onotr ief gr eo lni ;tad,. and upon the amounts . thus exported or;med.

this connection thehistory of the specie move.itbetween the United,States and foreign noun-

mi is full of interest., It is found in the, follow.g able, showing our exports and imports of en()-) or, thirteen final yeare, ending, each, the 30the ..r. .. ,reiie Movement between the United Stales OM

foreign Countries during Thirteen Years..ata. Saporta. Imports45, ...+ $8,606,495 f4,070,242Id•

3,902,264 3,777,732-

, 1,907,624 24,121,28915,841,610 6,300,2240,404,648 8,651.2107.,622,994 4,628,792

29,472,752 5,453,59242,674,135 5,605,014

.27,400,876 , 4,201,382. .......


41,422,423 6,958,124.56,241,343 3,659.81245,745,485 4,207.632.99,136,922 • 12,461,709

• Grand total $305,373,980 192,0013,960Spode imports same period.. 9;056,96d

paste eiporte.... $253,311,020N e repeat the opinion that until the larger par-

flingof this enormous nett exportation of $253,317,-106 i is• restored to the country; and it takes theohm' of tbd $214,000,000 of bank rags' which weharp in circulation; and which hail banished thisspecie from our shores, we cannot expect a returnof,a ,easymoney tenrket and sound system of Mi-

l' at; we- have not fallen' Within the amount

•wheTlata stated that Our bank 'circalation'must bered end to at least V00,006.400 •beford a restore-tion. of confidence In bank lamas can, he restored,

"e ailappearfrom the following table showing themint of bank notes. Ant, were, in eirculution:ilia t the first of January in each of the pantuanted. The Mascot iodation, it will be Been,oeuiMenced In the year 11145, long before Califor-nia ;specie began to cereals) or leave us. Sincetha year it has grown a pace ; and the intelligentreatler will obaorve a remarkable correspondencebet % con the growth of this paper circulation indud' ;country, and the increase tour exports ofA 'ode abroad : ,

eirri. ukstion of the Banks ofthe 'United States in eaehj , of fifteen years past

18121 55E1,R63,608 IMO1811. 75,107,616 lAbl1815' 89,108,711 18541046; 105,552,417 18551817' •• • •.105,519,760 185618181 129,505,101 185718* 114,743,415



Thei Official Iteturits—Expenses of the ExtratiFfSioll of the.Legislature—Cost of Publish.top.Amendments to the ,Constitution—SecurlogSeals

- 1 UAiuUSBVBU, Oct. 24,1857L'OTOR Or PRE9B : I send you the odcial

returns of the late olectioci in Pennsylvania,filed in the State Department. They will bo in-terejsting to the future historian who may wish to

asce`rtain how badly the opposition to the De-moclAcy were whipped aftor the people bad a trialof the Administration James Buchanan for oneyear. They show the official result in everycountyfur Dupreme Judges—every ono, except McKean,for Canal Commissioner, and in sixty-four out ofaixty.five countios for Governor. In those Win.F. Packer (Democrat) has a majority of 41,823over David Wilmot, (AmericanRepublican,)' and13,846 majority over the combined opposition voteof ilasichurst (straight-out American) and Wil-mot„The county yet to hear from, for Governor,

is Tioga, which will reduce Packer's majorityabout 2,000, leaving him ahead of IVilmot in theneighborhood of 30,823 votes. The amendmentsto the Constitution are all carried by more thantwo to one.

[The returns alluded to will be found in anothercolumn.]

From the Auditor-General I learn the cost ofpublishing those amendments in 1856, was $16,053,and this year about $30,000. making a total of$10,653. The length of theadvertisement was thesame this year as last. The difference is causedby certain publishers increasing their charge, hav-ing discovered that others received nearly doublewhat they did In 1856; and its being inserted inan additional number of papers. The feet tethersaro scarcely any two papers, whether weekly ordaily, that charge the same amount—hence, theAuditor-General has had muoh diffioulty in fixingthe sum they are entitled to, This could easily beremedied if, with everyorder for publishing ad vor-tiretnents from the State Government, there shouldhe the provision that it be done for so much persquare, making (say) 300 ems a square. Thiswould prevent the dishonest from getting too much,and allow the upright their just dues.I learn from Dr. JohnA. Small, the obliging and

over-present Assistant Clerk of the Muse, that alarge proportion of the members, have alreadysecured their seats for the next session. The meeteligilhO (Mee AM already taken. There will pro-bably he no opposition to the re-election of JacobZiegler for Stork of theRouse, settwodld notbe aneasy thing toted a man St to take his place; butJ.' Lawrence Gets not having been returned byBerks county, a new man Will necessarily have tobe eleoted Speaker of the Rouse.

THE BELHNDID HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, inola-ding China Vallee, Dinner and Toilet Sete, de., tobe'sold at Thonute &Son'eAuction Store, byorderof nesignee be openfor examination to-mor-row.


The twelve nights' season uS. the Italian Qperaat the Academy of Musiegolgised o 4 Saturdaynight, and had the previmiii4ttendarmelit anywaytOopsi?led_tbat thiti,r dteeasion;tEnif.:iesnitWould"b4vabeen verrgratifit.ngto Mr. Mtirshall.The oomPaiy has boil all iitsd, could hive been

addition-,to suettA,stablishbd and tut-ntiptblo.iingOrs Ofizinniga;AdUittide ,Phillips,Amodio, Rrignoli, Colletti, we had BOttardi andTagliafico, with Signorina Ramos. It has beenremarked that, from the evening that thli last-named singer appeared as Marie in "La Figliadel Roggimento," the luck turned. For, insooth, the last four or five nights opened the verybest audiences of, the season. Signorina Ramoshai neither the voice nor the dramatic power ofMadame Giassaniga, but oho has pretty Nee,lively manner, good figure, complete, self-poses-sloe, and, above' alb charming expre,ttion. ,Shehas been taught to make a great deal of her voice,and eho adds expression to •skill. • On Saturdayevening " Luotoxia Borgia" and the last actf "La Sonnambula " were performed—nith

O mzzaniga as Luerezia t and Signorina Ramosns Amino It was a decided triumph for each.Boquets showered down abundantly on Luerezia,and then about an equal number of these floral of-felings descended at the fairy feet of Amina.Mere is no truth, we understand, that prettyiignoritia Ramos received four distinct matritoo

Mal proposals, within a week after her Mut : theexact number way,three and a half, which the littleCastilian destined, owing to the present doubts asto the solvency of the parties interested.l Thetroupe have proceeded to have a short Beason inNew York, after which, still under the magic batonof Max Maretzek, they proceed to navana, where,already, the Cubans have actually engaged everybox. They are scarcely to be expected here beforeApril, by which time, no doubt, money matterswill be easier than they have lately been. Thetimes, and not the management, aro toblame forIhe want of decided summon thepresent occasion.In New York, the failure has been complete,,be-cause the troupe was not so good, es ours.

Charles Mathews, emphatically the very best ofEnglish light comedians, appears at the Academythia evening in two drab:las—a now comedy called" Married for Money,'t and that surprising inter-ludo, "Pattei Clattei.", Nearly twenty yearsago, Charles Mathews (and his wife, Madame Ves-tris) visited this country, but scarcely continuedlong enough to give ue " a touch of his quality."Owing to a mistake and a misrepresentation, bequitted Now York, almost ere his voice had beenheard on the stage of the Park Theatre. lie hasrecently returned, with matured ability, and playedfor three weeks at the Broadway, New York, tofull houses' every night. He has also been vo:ysuccessfulat Boston. His stay here will be brief,but we anticipate crowded houses to see and boarhim.

At tho Arch street thoatre, "Jack Cado" hashad a very successful run for over a fortnight.Several causes have led to this success, amongwhich we may name the popularity'of the play,from Mr. Forrest's noting, the desire to see howMr. Davenport would play the leading character;the extra excitement caused by the proceedingsin a court of equity (Forrest vs. Wheatley andFredericks,) as to invasion of the copyright, and,it must bo added, the able and artistic perfor-mance of Mr. Davenport. As oven a great successgets wearisome, .Mr. Wheatley has put " JackCade" by, for the present. This evening be pro-duce "Macbeth" for the first time for two years.at this theatre. Thecast includeshimself as Mac-de, Mrs. Bowers as Lath/ Madvih, Mr. Daven-port as Macbeth, with Mr. James Dunn as Hecate,and Miss Cruise as the First Singing 'Mich. It14 worth mentioning, as a fact, that, at mosttheatres, on a tom run, that is taking the averagefsovoral seasons, "Macbeth" draws larger houses

than any otherplay. But it is not so profitable asmany dramas which do not draw so well—becausesuch considerable expense isinvolved in thogettingit up, as, wo have no doubt, from his proverbialliberality in snob matters, it will be pat upon thestage by Mr. Wheatley. There can bo no doubt,indeed, for Mr. Wheatley appeitrs to make a pointof having every thing—scenery, costume, accuse.ries---of the most suitablo description. Ito has hisreward In the groat popularity of his theatre. Itis but Justin to draw attention to n circumstanceat once no creditable to the managernod so wellappreciated by the public.

Mr. Wheatley, with a liberal feeling which doeshim honor, but cannot surprise those who knowhim, has sot apart next Friday eveningas a benefiteight for the poor of, this city, the proceeds to beplaced at the disposal of a committee for distribu-tion. We have no doubt that tho public willwarmly second this generosity.

At the Walnut Street Theatre Mr. Marshall hoefired off n double-barrelled gun. The success ofMr. and Mrs. Waller ia quite an event in our dra-made annals. Unpuffed, unheralded, they haveunequivocally made a very &aided hit, and thobest proof of this in, that their popularity wasculminating.. They opened in " Hamlet"—Mr.Waller, of course, playing the leading dui-mar, with his' wife as Ophrlia. Ills veryintellectual rendition of the character stampedWail at once, ac a first-clam actor. On the eon-traq, Ophrlicc (who at first is but nuerer 'walkinglady and finally ern unnatural, b,dcarise a madone.) appeared nobody,. , All, that the audiencecould note was that her voice was sweet, express-ive, natural, and, and even musical, and that herpavane! attractions were considerable. The nextevening, in " The Hunchback," the versatilityand the talent of both came out Mrs. Waller wasnue of the least atagey and most natural Julia,wo ever saw. "The Patrician's Daughter", wowere compelled to miss. The groat test, the greattriumph, was " Muebeth." In this great soddiffloult drama (which was handsomely put upon,lh 0 stage) Mrs. Waller's Lady Itlarbeilt fairlyeclipsed every previous performance Of, that cheracter—even Mrs. Warner's. which 'wo used, toconsider.,unaPproaohable. All through the play,abc looms through,the gloom ; the ruling mind,coiubining over-powering'' intellect,' master-will,high, ambition, and, as an , undercurrent, deepand tender interest in, her husband. It is coverfor herself that she seeks for dignity and power,but 'because it. will exalt and gratify him. Altthrough, She seemed evade the' temptation of" neiv points." Terri we notieed—one; the man-ner in phich, she ,spoke But words "and we'll not

echoing back, half in morn, not only thecow Ord Word; but the vetyntteiaboo with whichhe gave it.: Hee bye-Play' throughout the han-qtletcene, , enlenlatod, by its quiet 'gentleness,to dfaw off, the mats' attention .from her hus-band'a words and actions, Amok us as now best-ness;" somnambulist Beene 'was'' pathetic119 *On 111.3' powerful. -sT. Waller, thoughfine I ItfacPeth,; did ,not. quite come up tothe greet performance of his 'wife. ,Stillhis is a noble. Macbeth, and 'Crowded withbeautiful, because evidently ,thoughtful, points.The best scenes were those at the banquet, thereception of the news of his wife's death, and thecombat with Macduff, after ho has already receivedhis death-stroko from the intimation that Macduffwas not woman-born. Ineach chareeterhe played,Mr. Waller'S costume wee elegant and :appropri-ate—rich when needed. His figure is good—hieaction graceful, because. natural and unstudied,or, if studied, he connate the art, and therebyshows the artist. His face reminds us of that ofBayard Taylor—keen, full of expression and finelyout,;but ult 4 the fulness in which Taylor is defi-cient. Ito walks the stage well,' and his action isgraceful. His voice is good, and he modulates itstones happily—somotimes,however, lotting it breakinto, a certain harshness. Ho rolls the It, at times,more than is agreeable or proper. But in compensa-tion, his lower tones aro very harmonious, and ovenin thu lowest and most colloquial utterance they arodistinct and, clear. Mrs. Weller's potional ad-vantages are numerous. Stature, figure, feature,volae, and notion, aro all good. The great meritofhoc acting to its appearance of impulse and upon-taueity—appsarance only, for thin is the reault,nodoubt, of much and thoughtful study and practice.These new people have (hue, at one bound, placedthernseires among the leading ,performers of thetime. They have their brevet ofrank treated withthe strong isoprene of genius.

At the Walnut Street Theatre this evening, " tosuit the times," the prices are reduced one half.Mr. Chanfrau and Mr. and Mrs. John Sloan arethe trio of " stars" who will play here through theweek.

Dan Gardner, tbo comedian, brings out his burLupo on Emma Stanley's "Seven Ages of Wo-men," at Sanford's, this evening, playing ton diffel ent characters.

GROUND RENTS, RUM. EFITATE, ho. SBlO at, theExchange tomorrow evening. , Bee advertise-ment and catalogues.

The Ground Rents are safe small investments.

No clue has yetbeen obtained to the mysto.rious murder of Adeline Bever, near Mohrsvillo,Herbs county. The Gazette informs us that thelady was again disinterred for the purpose of al-lowinga thorough re-examination tobe made. Thocoroner concluded his duties on Wednesday last,From the testimony of the physicians, we learnthist the wound in the nook of the murdered girlwas two inches broad and three quarters of aninch deep. No other marks ofviolence wore foundupon her body. Only two•thirds of the throat,and a smell vole, were out through, so that, in theopinion of the physicians, it must have takentwo hours to bleed to death from this wound.This feet bee led to the supposition that she mighthave died of suffocation The county commission•era. as en inducement to extraordlary efforts, havevery properly offered a reward of $5OO for the ap•prehension of the murderer, or for such informa-tion as will lead to Ills detection.Miss Haver was a beautiful girl, and respectablyconnected. Herparents were David and Catha-rineBever, and she woe born in Darn township, onthe dm of May,lB3B. She was, therefore, ntne-

teet years, three months, and twenty-two days oldat t e time of .her death.

The verdict of the jury was: "That the saidAdeline Saver came to her death bya stab or stabsIntlieted in her throat with a knife, or other sharpInstrument, in the hands ofcome person or persons,unknown to the jury, on Heffner'a .Island, Centretownship, October- 7th, 1857.

JohnStarr, an engineer, living in Philade'.pit', felt from the tender attaehedto the engineof thepassenger train, last' Saturday week, nearthe Phcentiville tunnel, and was seriously Injured.He rtes broughtup in the train to Pottetown, wtieremedical attendance WOO obtained foe him. nowas 'muoh cut and brilleed about the head andface.


BY MIDNIGHT MAIL.Fnowi ''ldfrAsl)lll4loTol9.

NlcaraguanaftairewdaenefalWatker—strispareContest for Publiti Printing—Col BentonSubdtfleional Surrefaln Albanese's and Wiscousin—European Malls.'

[Correspondence of The PretS.]WASIUNOTON, Oot. 25, 1852.

For want of other material, the correspondentsbore for northern papers have again taken up Ni-caraguan affairs, and aro exhibiting them in everyand the most contradictory terms. Tho truth ofthe matter is simply this: There Is po permanentCove'rnme-nt at this time in that Matti, orrather de:pendenoy of the Morafamily and Costaplea. Mar•tinez and Jerez, the two puppet presidents createdby General More, have no real power,' and what isdone and undone. and done over again,ie done and'undone and done over again as this, that, or theother shrewd Yankee gots the ear and tills thepockets of the "powers that be." The rumor ar-rives that British subjects are gaining theposition, and instantly agents and ,materialaid, aro hurried to stiffen the backbone of the par-ties, temporary grantors of priviligos, &c , and toretain what has already boon bargained rind paidfor twice over, though It may not have been inregular way.

After all, there is a power in the Central Ame•Ocala States, behind the throne, !granger than thethrone. itself; and I am led to believe, that, justnow, notwithstanding what may bo said an can•traire, that this power is, not wielded by English-men, but by moneyed capitalists of Now York andNow Orloans.

General Walker had a chance, some months ago,to throw himself into Nicaragua, and make headagainst the Costa Rican forces, but he very fool-ishly, I think, threw it away. Instead of making hisin eparations quietly, ho visits newspaper officesandharangues the people at public meetings, and tellsall he has done, and, like the good generalthat he is, all that he and his confrere, content.plain doing. Now, however, the financial crierswhich htan swept over the country, bringing disas-ter to every section, has not left him and his en-terprise untouched. They aro high and dry upontheir beam ends, and it will not be this year, Ihardly believe, that a tide of prosperity in Mil-busterdom will swell up to take them off, and floatthem toward the accomplishment of their "mani-fest destiny." It is not an intense convictioneven in the South, that Walker stook will run uppresently to more than one hundred per cent.aboVe par. Even if it wore so in the North andin the South, it is a pretty good guess to say thatthe. name of those who have money to invest insuch , undertakings is not legion. Men of means,.auw.a.daya, It is Bald, and very truly it may be,invariably determine their proceedings by thelar-and-cont argument.

This being admitted, and that argument beingclearly against Walker, the moneyed stet tnshiponnors of Now York and elsewhere will bo left toplot and intrigue, to got, it may be, Yriasari, oranother amiable native " to the manor born," torepresent, at Washington, the States having vain•able privileges to grant.

Yrissari has boon testified to in every respect,in the strongest and amplest manner, yet, strangeto say, he and his bankers and their shames havenot had official recognition hero by any formalreception' on the part ofrite President or Secretaryof State. Noris it probable that they will. WhenWm. Carey Jones, I:sq., special agent of the StateDoPartineht, returns, and something satisfactoryis learned either from him or another sent out tolook after hint and what ho went for, the deter-mination of the Administration in the mattermay be made known. It is to be hopedfor charity's sake, that this result is not far oftfor, until it is reached, a large number of personsconeerned will bo kept in Washington, at groatexpense to themselves and their friends, and thisin those hard times is u vital consideration.

The contest fur the public printing begins togrow warm. Theins are resolved ou not beingowls, if active preparations and steady canvassingcan save them. But it would be amusing if allthe 'labor they have undergone for six monthspast was love's labor lust. Yet this is not impro-bable, if it he true, as stated, that Senator Bay-artps measure of a National Printing Bureau willmeet with general favor. It is to he expected, atleast, that there will be a spioy discussion on thesubject.

Tract Col. Menton riding out a few days since.lie has thinned very much. Ile sat firm in hissaddle, and bolt: upright, as though ho were at areview. Ills health is not restored, and his phy-sicians say that it never will be. While it wasthought that ho was dying, I learn that late andcatty he was hard at work getting ready for theprow another volume of his digest of the debatesof Congress. Even now, though sufferingat timesgreat pain from what seems to bo an internal eon-uero.us malady, ho applies himself to his task withunflagging industry and assiduity. In this is seenhis indomitable will. • •

On Saturday afternoon tho Postmaster Generalreceived tho following despatch :

“.I.lnvr Toni. Oat. :14.—1t is said that the At-lantic hits broken her machinery, and will nutOM to sail. Mr. Vanderbilt offers to tako themails and deliver thew at Liverpool on the sametortes us aro allowed to the Collins line. TheVanderbilt has steam up, and is waiting. youranswer. ISAAC V. FOWLER, P. M."

To which the following answer Was returnedfrom the Department:

WASHINGTON, 1 cOeloolc P. M.—The fresponsi-bility ofa failure is with Mr. Collins and the-NavyDepartment Die have nofund to pay out Qt."

Bpturns of the subdivisions' surveys in Min-nesdta have been received at the General Land016:io of township 121 north, range 36 west, town-ship 122 north, range 35 west, and township 124north, ranges 35 and 36 west, of the principal me-ridian, embracing 88,000 acres of laid, situated onthe west side of the Mississippi river.

Also, the Subdivisional emus of townships 53north, of ranges 11 and 12 west, and town-ships 53 north, of ranges 9 and 10 west of thefourth principal meridian, embracing 54.000acre's, bordering on the northwest shoro ofLatin Superior, and upon which the towns ofBuchanan, Burlington, Afarmata, and Encamp-mentare located. Knife river, after traversingtownship 52 north, ranges 11 and 12 Wrest, andpassing through the town of Buchanan, lliBOIGI•bogies itself into Lake Superior, in township 52north, rango 11 west,

Mao, the subdivisional .surveys of townships 4tand`•l2 north, of range 10 west, of the fourth prin-cipal meridian, containing 45,000 acres, and lyingIn the State of Wisconsin


Great Britain sod the Nicaragua Trausit—AFalse Iteport Corrected.

WILMINGTON, Oct. 21.—The British thiverntuent willtake no etepa with reference to the Nicaragua Transit,except in conjunction with the tioverinneut of theUnited States. None of tho alleged contracts with Cos-ta Rica, on thiq subject, have been made with the coun-tenance of England. Ofall thin our Government is wellinformed.• .

80 far from the British Cabinet haring under discus•eion the propriety of ordering a recall of troops fromIndia. AS Was reported Inan alleged totter irom Minis-ter Dallas, It was, at the latest accounts received thismorning, snaking renewed exertions for the suppresalenof the mutiny. t

The statetnent may hero be made on authority, thatit is not the intentionof the British Government tohaverecourse to foreign enlistments In the present enter•

gel, though it Is sensible or the good Intentions ofMali parties whohays offered their aerrices iu India.,

Thel Virginia New School Presbyterian SynodWithdrawal front the General Assembly.

WaiiinnOrort, Oct. 21.—The New School PresbyterianSynod of Virginia have adopted the roport of , the Com-mittee on the Minutes of the tioneral Aasenikly recom-mending the withdrawal of the Synod from thatbody,In conaequeneo of Its action on the slavery question.The 'vote stood 30 yeas against 3 nays, tbu latter beinggiven by Messrs. Sunderland and Makell, of Washing-ton.:and Dunning, of Baltimore.

Synod then adopted resolutions approving, ao awhole, the resolutions adopted by a portion of theChutch which lately Met in' Richmond, and pledgingitself cordially to co-operate in the organisation of theUnited Synod of the Presbyterian Church, to Moat at

norille, Tenn., ou the first Thursday In April neat.Proposed Issue of Smell Notes.

Illnatenuao, Oct. 24.—A large meeting of citizenswas held this evening at the court house, to requestthe Town Chanel' to moo small notes for the con-VeLlielleo of business-men In making change. JudeaLeek presided, awl Mews George Bergner and JohnWallower wore appointed secretaries. A committeewas appointed to confer with the Town Councilon thesubject. and the workingmen generally are infavor ofhe project.

Terrible ltgaignere.New Yoga, October 25 —Thu brig American Eagle.

from Sisal, reports that the Indians had massacrednearly all the inhabitants of a village about slaty milesfrom Menda. Over flee hundred bodies had been round,and more were being discovered daily In the woods,shockingly mutilated.

Interesting from the WestSC. Loma, October 24.—Captain Van Visit, who

started from Utah on the 14th ult., arrived in this citylast night.. Ito furnishes name Interesting informationin regard to the Utah expedition,and the &tato of affairsat gait Lake

On September 221 ho met a body of United Statestroopv ; two linndrcd and thirty miles east of Fort Law-rence. liealso mot Governor Cummings,en OctoberBth, ninety miles beyond Fort Kearney. Some supply-trains were within a hundred and forty miles of thevalley, %011ie others were far behind, and not likely toarrive this season.

Mr. Van Visit travelled over2,400 miles sines Augustlet, and was treated with much consideration by theleading men at Salt Lake City; but he heard the ex-pression of only one opinion, that the troops under thecommand of the oftlcent of the United States (intern-ment should never gain a foothold Intheir dominions.

A heavy snow fell at Fort Bridges on the 1616 ultlion John M liernhlsel, delegate to Congress front

Utah, accompanied by Captain V4U Vleit; 'darted forWashington city to-day.

Messrs. Nichols and Reber, Engineers on Magraw'ssection of the Wagon Road Expedition, have aleo ar-rived inthis city. They loft Pacific Springs on the 7thult. They are of the opinion that the trainwill stop atFort Laramie during the ensuing winter. The cattlebelonging to the government train were dying fast, andthe mules wore breaking down. Grass was very name.

ColonelHoffman, commander at Fort Laramie, denieshaving caused a Mormon train toho overhauled.

A phlindelphla Vessel in DistressNonvour, Oct. N.—The schooner Empire, from Phl.

ladolphia, bound to this port, It Ashore near CapeHenry. ASSiIItRUCe has been sent to her.

Weekly Statement of the Beaton Banks.BOSTON, Oct 24.—The following is the weekly state

meat of the banks of this city :Amount of specie in the banks g 5,8138,00Increase sinceauspeution ' 431,000

Departure of the North America.44VRBUO, Qct.24.-Ik he Oszadtan Company's stoutish

North America sidled at 10 (Mc,* thin morning, wiupwards of two hundred passedger, tot Liverpool.






Discount Rates 311vaneed to 7 Per Vent

CONSOLS 8711038


New Yoria, Oct. 25.—The steamship Baltic has ar-rived, with Liverpool dates to Wednesday, the lathinstant, four days later.,The Baltic brings £72,090 Waling, and one hundredand Maly passenger!.In the race with Saunterer, the Babylon paid forfeit.The steamer Rod Jacket, from Australia, arrived atSOUtharnyton, brought 70,000 ounces of gold.The American ship Lexington has been totally lostnear Venetia.Later advices from India have been received at Lon"dqn by telegraph from the ovarian', mail, The Calcuttadates are to the 10th, and from Bombay to the 11th ofSeptemberthe siege train wee expected to reach Delhi on the adof September, when the assault would be commenced,General llevelock remained at Cawnpore, but wouldbe reinforced In a few days by Gen outram, who had

'reached Aliahabad with a strong force.Thegarrison at Cawnpore was gallantly holding oat,and would be rellevod by the middle of September.Lord Elgin had leftCalcutta for ChinaThe China trail failed to connect with tho Overlandmail at Ceylon.Thirty•fourhorses ran for the Cenarowitch cup, andthe first trial resulted ina dead beat between Prioress;El Hakim and •Queen Dem. On the dulling. heat;Prioress. the American mare, won by a length andhalf, amid great cheering. The value or the datum ex.max two thousand pounds.The American horse Lecompte is dead.An excessive money pressure prevails In London,and a further advance in the rate of discount by theBank of England is anticipated. Consols have Sac-

Mated greatly; they declined to BOX, but aubsequentlyrallied.The Dank ofDublin has advanced therate of discountto 7,per rest , and the Bank of France to tlyi per cent.The money pressure in Vienna Isalso severe.The firm of Messrs. Ross, Mitchell & Co.,a Canadianarm InLondon, had failed. The liabilitieswere 1240,000,but the assets were larger. 'J. Monteith & Co. and other Glasgow houses, had

also suspendedwlth'llabilitiestoa large amount.The city article or the London TOMS,or the 12th,

says: " As respects the losses to be sustained on thisSide, very heavy amounts arebelieved to have fallen onLyons and Havre. Here it to feared that Manchester,Bradford, and tilasgew will cutler considerably."

Tim race for the great Cesarewitch Handicap, at New-market, resulted in the triumph or Mr Ten Droeck's" Prioress." The success of the American horse WWIreceived with great cheering, and she immediately be-caulk the first favorite in the betting fur the Cambridge-shire stakes, to be run for at Newmarket un the 27th ofOctober. Before the race 100 to 1 was laid againstPrioress.

TheAmerican horse Lecompte died from an attack ofcollo. Pryor hod been striken out of all his engage-ments for the present year.

Mr. E. 01. Archibald, a native of Nova Scotia,andformerly Attorney fieneral of Newfoundland, has boonappointed British Consul at New York.

The Earl ofFit:herding° died on the 10th Inst.The London 27tnes, In a leading article on the supplyof cotton, says : u Itappears that, if one America is notsufficient, and wo want a second, we can hardly do be 4ter than take the first for our model. We know of

scores of spots where the soil and the climate are asgood as inaeorgia, and though,perhaps, cotton of thevery best qualify is not to be raised everywhere,or upon the Instant, we have great faith In thepowers of cultivation. But soil and climate arenot enough. Capital, energy, and organization willbe called for still, or we shall get to cotton tospeak of ; and it happens that, In none of the coun-tries otherwise fitted for the purposes in questionare these requisitions to be found among our na-tive possessions. The qualities which enable theAmericans to send out millions of bales every year, arenot discoverable in 'Undoes or Demeans, and as theyare not indigenous they most needs be imported. Eng-land, In abort, must find money, machinery and wits,and Ifthese are carried tosome well-selected territory,whore there is good landand abundant labor, we maySoollbe able to dismiss our alarms about the productionof cotton.

The Directors of the Dank of rrancelbail held a meet•lug toconsider the necessity for an advance in theirrate of discount, and such a movement was consideredcertain, although the Directors were tuitions that aslight delay 'Mould take placeafter their recently-adopt-ed increased facilities.

Tun LATIZST.—The Dank on Tuesday rained Its rateto 6g per cent. The funds dolled at 60.70 for moneyand account.

Tho military camp at Chalons had boon raised.A meeting between the Emperors of France and Aum

tillto BM talked about.SPAIN.

Theministerial crisis at Madrid continued. BravoMurillo refused to form one of the minorityof the Cabi-net, nud anticipations of turtlinr disturbauees were en-tertained

M is said that Senor Marthri, florernoror Madrid, wasabout to resign.

Relents were current or apprehended disturbances insome parts of Italy, and the authorities were on thealert

PRUSSIAfleneral do Royer, chief' of tho grand general staff of

tho Prussian army, is dead.The King of Prussia was slightly better, but his con-

dition is still very critical.

The Indian despatches state that General Nicholsonhad defeated the rehabs at Nejefghar, with the loss ofthebigune.General Havelock had also defeated the rebel. nearitlinor on the 10th of August.The Governor et Locknow had made a gallant and

successful sortie, capturing the guns of the mutineersand toma supply of provisions.

Thu Dinaporo mutineers had been again defeated byCalor Eyre.

The rebels Irmo threatening Allshabad and lienares.Large bodies ot troop' were marching from Calcuttatowards Allebebail.'Troop were alao arriving at Calcuttafrom England,their transport hiving boon effected with great rapidity.A despatch to the London Post evethat the Britieh

Swims had attacked bucknow Castle, spiked the gone,mid inflicted 0. heavy loos upon the enmity.

RUSSIA.A telegraphic despatch announce. that Prince Gott-

chakoff had addressed a confidential circular relating tothe Stuttgardt interview to the Russian llllniaters atYoreign Courts. It la mild to be exceedingly pacific,

and tonrcomtruned the maintenance of existing. treaties.Thu Emperor and, Empress , had made their solemn

entry into Warsaw, and It Is said that the reception, onthe put of the population, Vial more friendlythan anyRussian monarch has over mot with In the Polish ca.pita',

PI:11$1A.netat was evacuated by the Permiantroupe on the27ll

of July.=MEM

The Times' Vienna correspondent reports great pres-sure Jothe monetaryand commercial world atthat place.Very high rates of discount were being paid Twolargo homes had suspended. The great home of Poe-kowatz at Peath had failed ; many cotton and silk man-ufactordee were expected tofollow.

TheAriel wee reportedoff Southampton this morning,but It proved to IA false. No noire of the Cityof Balti-more.

Commercial Weiligeace.Lirenroon, October 13.—Thesales of Cotton for the

past three days have been 19,000 bale', Including 7,000to speculatorr•and 1,000 to exporters. The marketopened buoyantly. but closed dull. Quotationa aregeuerally unchanged. '

taupe, October 130—The money market 6:sled de.chledly more stringent. The flank of England has ad-vaneed the rate of discount to 7 afr cent,

Orinsols declined considerably, but subteguentlyrallied, and closed at 87K®B7K for money.

THE LATEST.LoEDox, Wednewlay,Oet.l4-2o'clock P, M —Console

for nioney cloyed at 81Ace813 for moony, soli 88088 Xfor account.

Lirsuroot, Oct. 14-3 o'clock P. 81.—The Cottonmarket closed quiet, and prices steady.

Flour is steady. 'Wheat exhibitsa declining tenden-cy. Corn is steady.

close quiet.LIVERPOOL, Oct. 13 —Dreadstuffs—The market is

quiet, and all descriptions have slightly declined. Flourhas !leen dull at a decline of ild on interior qualities.Wheat quiet; Red Wheat Is deals lower, and white 2sraSa lower, Corn steady at Bfis 0;1037sfor mixed) 87s 84for yellow; and 415042 s fur white

Sugar—The market closed dull.Naval Stores—Rosin steadyat 4s 840487 d for common;

Spirits Turpentine steady at 38s od m394.Rice—The market closed quiet.LONDON. Oct. 13 —Flour closed with a declining tea.

dungy. Wheat dull,and 2s lower.Sugar heavy eta decline of 2d wad.Tile Indian mail was expected to reach London on %kg

16(h1A despatch to the London Post says " TheDrltisit

forces, taking the offensive, attacked the batteries*.Lucknow castle, 'Capturing and spiking the guns, sailInflictinga heavy loan upon the enemy. The rebels' ondispirited; cholera has broken out fiercely among them,end dissension and daily desertions from thecity weretaking place • The Illndooe end -Maboramedans werequarrelingeverywhere.

" The seventieth native infantry, at Harrackporo,hove volunteered for China."

ENGLAND.Tun Losoom Moser filsoaas.—On Saturday—the day

tho Europa sailed—an excessive demand prevailed forMoney, caused by the unfavorable nature of the Ameri-can "deices by the Persia, and the apprehensions of afarther rise In the bank rates. On Monday morningthe bank directors held a meeting, and before Morano'clock announced a further rise of 1 percent. In theirminimum rates of discount; that le, they railed theMtn from 0 to7 per cent , both for the discount of mer.candle bullsand loans on stocks. Consols rapidly fellunder this movement to 87g, a decline during the dayof no less than lys per cent.

On Tuesday Consols went as low as 88X but subse-quently rallied,and closed firmly at 87K®BIU for mousyand account

Railway end other securities participated in Odadownward movement, but not to the Immo extent SI0011,101 C. .

The Bent of Ireland followed the example of theBank of England, and advanced its rates of disconat to7 per coot. At Hamburg the rates of discount had la.minced to7M per cent , and similar movements were lapropos another continental cities..

Theextent of the applications to the Bank of lbwlaud for accommodations continued extraordinary eaTuesday, as a further advance in sales was entielpitsiaThe Tones, however, says ,ion the whole, the day maybe conaidered to have passed satisfactorily " The genwithdrawalsfrom the banks were light. as *pole remit-tances could not be made to the United Mates at saymaterialprofit.

The failures at Glasgow include J. Mous+lth It 09.,liege shippers ofGlasgow goods to the IMated State',Macdonald & Co., and Wallace dr. Co. Two failures laLondon. inconcoction with them, Scotch firma, are alsoreported. The estlinatee of the liabllltiom of the Oise-p.m firms ruu so high as £1.,600.000,4 but the Times.considers this au exaggeration.

The Bank of Pennsylvania had advised their Londoncorrespondents that remittances would be made walkundisturbed regularity.

RICHARDSON BROTHERS k CIRCULARleer Baltic.) Livnovoot., 10th {toy ISth.

The weather since our last has been mild and open,and a fair quantity of rain has fallen. The arrivalshave been moderate, but there Is a considerable quan-tity in course of shipment frog America, both ofWheat, Corn, and Flour. The respective quantitiesnow afloat from all ports in the United States for Liver-pool uro 42,780 gm. Wheat, 9,710 qrs Corn, and 19,988bbis Flour. The demand forall articles has been limited,and where sales inquentity have been mule lower priceshave, been accepted. Oar market to-day wan rathersnore notnerouvly attended than of late, and althoughWheat of all descriptione receded 1,102 d 4fr 70 Theupder therates current on Friday, stilt we bad a moregeneral demand, and a larger trade than for some timepast; Flour, especially Irish sacks, wore in veryWaited demand, and although offered at a further con,amain of Isff sack, it failed to producebusiness, 488er seek having been accepted for first-class 'Barrelswere also the turn cheaper, but the stock being small,holdersresisted reduction of moment. Indian Corn wasin fair requedt for feeding purposes; and the rate* of ourNat elehltained• Oats receded about Id sp. 46 The; withonlya limited sale. Oatmeal very dull, and 30ti eir loadmay be considered a top quotidian. • • •(Per Battle.]

ilipLnon, ATM/a & Co.'s CinOULAß.—Livanpoor.,October 10.—Tnevd;y Evening —Yesterday, the Bankof Srglapd advanced the rate, of discount from 0 r

percent., (it which ft had filed on Ttniraday lait,) to 1 pe

cent. The demand for money, at the increased rate,remains unabated. Breadstuffs—Since Friday we havehad but small transactions, at rather easier rates. At to-day's market We hada good attendance, and there wasmore demand for Wheat, particularly red America, ofwhich the supply was pretty well cleared off; prices ofall sorts gave way Id 9P bushel from Friday's currency,via Red 7s ad to Ss Id, White Bs 54 to 9s 2d 1p70 lbs.Flour of prime quality, being In small supply, realizedFriday's rate., while Inferior descriptions were 11.1 4'bbl. cheaper. We quote Western Canal 294 to 30s CAI;Philadelphiaand Baltimore 30e to 3la ; Ohio 31e to32e.Indian Corn, being sparingly offered, was saleable atfully previous prices, via: Mixed 37s to 37s 0d; Yellow37s rid • White die to 42e 4p qr.Provisions—ln Beef there was rather more doing,atprevious prices. In Pork no transactions. Bacon isfirm, and mince Friday a good business has beendone, chiefly for Ireland. Cheese to steady, andin fair request. Lard has considerably: Improved,and several parcels have been taken since -Friday,at Tie 4y cwt. Tallow—The advance In the rateof discount, and advice of free shipments fromSt. Petersburg, have caused a decline of Is ty cwt,;590 is paid for Y. C , and 69s 3d for fine NorthAme-rican.

Ades are dull for both aorta; Pots 42e, Pearls41e.

Naval Stores—Small sales of Spirits of Turpentine at38s tkl to393 wcwt. Afair demand exists for Urdu;Common 4a Od to 4s 'ld; Medium 5s id to lOsi Fine les toItocwt: Oils—nothing doing, Sperm umninal at£95, Whale £39 per ton. Bark—there is no demandfor Philadelphia, which is nominal at lls W. In Bal-timore small sales at 94 Od 4, owt

Passengers per Baltictier Dr .1 W Alexander, lady and eon ; 11 Adderly and

sister, W F Allen, Thou Ansley, N Atkins, 8 Apple-ton, 0 W Andrews, H Austin, J Anderson and lady,J E Anderson, R T Brand, L A Emiduen, W Bodies°and lady, Jos 80011131111 lady and three servants, Mrs.(tooth, two children and Kinard ; C Boyce, J Bohan, AClemson, N T Carryl, Jae Id Conner. 'l' Copeland. lady,child and servant, T C Cowdln, 0 0 Converse, O T MDavis and lady, Calvin Durand, It Eccles, Mies rg-bert, T D Elliott, MDi F Flanagan. Miss Fingerlee, Aflarcla. A Gray. J B Oliddon, E II Outliers. kl Goldman,9 Goodhue, II Unsnarl, Mies F EGraver, A M Gouges.helm, C F llanekel, J P& J N Hazard, Miss 111 P Hazard,E Hastings, W Henley, M Hedland, .1 II Hohner,llolachfel,A lt Hull, M D, and Lady 11 Jones, George.Tones, 9 Kohnitam. 0 Lee, lady, and servant. W WLeman, Mine L Leupp, Dtiss 7 Leupp, Mine M Leupp,Inns' Leverntt, V Leileo and slater. Mina Lockwood,It V tunny. Alexander MCottochie, 11 Mahler, ThomasV Maury,W Miller.1 Mobutu. W W Montgomery, atAlooshan, 0 Morrison, lady, infant, and nurse; A LMyers, P Mullen, 1.1 Nevins and lady, Mies Newell, 9Oser, and lady, Mrs Parker. O L Perkins, lady. andservant; (I A Posen! and lady, Col W Preston, 0 Priceand paly, W Probat, '0 M Porter, E T Potter s.d

E Physick, lady, 2 children, and aervant, Mr.Punnet!, lady. 4 children, and 2 servants; J A Ray,Id Raymond, Geo8 Robbins, IfRinieugarten, DI Blasts, (IScheperhamer, T 8 ffitreve and daughter, E Taff', J TTapreott, lady, child and servant; Miss Teele, T ItWee,Jaa Tuckerman and lady, B Tuckerinan, J Van Wartaand son, Mr Wakefield and servant, M Ward and lady,C {Veber, I W Wheeler, lady and 3 daughters: V.Wright, W Wilkens and lady, A Winterhoff, Mien Wool-sey. Total 160.

£72,629 sterling on freight.

New Orleans Money MarketNNWORLIANA, Oct U.—Financialaffairs are generally

unclaimed, although a little more quietness prevails.There is still nothing doing in sterling exchange orfreights.

Markets by TelegraphMoults, Oct. 24 —Cotton—sales of 2,600 bales at 10es

1030. ReCelpts 1,000,against 0,000 thesame period lastyear.,Cuat.asooN, Oct. 24 —Cotton—Sales of 100 bales at11gor2c.

stunners, October 24 —Cotton—sales of 400 bales.The market is unchanged

Now Oaceasts, Octobel24.—Cotton—Market continuesvery dull, and Is generally unchanged. Bales to-day,600 bales, and receipts, 500.

Flour beide steady. Provisionsare very doll. Whis-key quoted at Inc.


14, RECEIVED AT THIS OPPICIIIOn Monday the Bank of England raised its rate

of discount from six to seven por cent.; and it isthought not unlikely that a fresh advance maytake place, and that wo may shortly see the rateonce again at eight per cent: , the highest point ithas over reached duringuiedern experience, and atwhich it stood in October, 1847. This high rate isnot expected to he of long duration; but even itsbrief continuance will be productive of much in-convenience.

COMMERCIAL NEWS.TB° Times city article says that onjfonday

(Oct.' 12) in the stock exchange there was no ex-traofilinary pressure for money, loans from day today being obtainable at about 8 par cent. Thogreat decline in the funds at the opening wasmisled by the anticipation of a further speedymovement of the rate of discount to 8 per cent.Thepublic, however, did not seem to share thealarm of the dealers, and the course of businessgradually assumed- comparative steadiness. Thefoot that, oven at present quotations, specie re-mittances cannot be made from England to theUnited States at ally material profit, supposingthe returns to bo furnished in the highest class ofbills allayed the fears as to the prospect of anycontinuous shipments to that country ; while, withregard to India, it transpired that some of the or-ders for sanding out silver on the 20th instantmay possibly be countermanded, the advance inthe rate of discount hero and other considera-tions rendering the speculation doubtful. Theabsence of gold withdrawals from the bank, theImprovement in the foreign exchanges, and thearrival of theRed Jacket from Melbourne, with1:284,000, likewise contributed to the more favora-ble feeling. The movement adopted by the Bankof France'sofar from having in adverse influence,operated by lessening the probability of a panic,whieh could not fail to react on London, beingbrought about through mismanagement on thatside. On the other hand, the announcement ofa rather large commercial failuro—Ross, Mitchell,& Co.— and the apprehension of further similarevents in the manufacturing towns, preventedany strong reliance that an increase of stringencyin time mousy marketcan be avoided. The extentof the applications at the bank, which were againextrftordinary, also Operated tocheck thetendencyto recovery, although a large portion of these maypossibly have originated in the desire to provideagainst the anticipated further advance. Onthe whole, however tho day may be consideredto have passed satisfactorily. On Wednesdayprobably IL better opportunity will exist for form-ing a judgment as to the future. The divi-dends then commence, and a large amount ofadvances will have to be repaid to the bank.Tho consol settlement will also take place, andfour days later news from New York will per-haps bo received at Southampton by the Ariel.Ross, Mitchell, &Co wore engaged in the Ca-nadian trade, and have a bouee in Toronto. Theirliabilities are estimated at about .£250,000, whiletheir mulcts were recenßy valued at about 1350,-000. The disaster is attributed to bills havingboon returned upon them against which they holdsecurities not immediately available, and hopesareexpressed of the practicability of a resumption.The solloitors state that thefirm belleve;their sue-pension will be but temporary.

Such demand for gold as existed on Friday wassupplied by the arrival of about 180,000 fromRussia.

The Bank of France have raised their rate ofdiscount to fil per cent. It had stood at 53 percent. since the 25th of June, and in the intervalthere has boon a failing off of £2,400,000 In theirsleek of bullion, although artificial purchases at apremium have been continued upon an extensivewale. The measure seems to have been anticipateden the Bourse.

At Hamburg the rate of discount has risen to 8per cent.

A statement justcirculated, that the India-houseare in want of more money, and that thebank havenotided to the Government their inability to fur-nish it, is wholly erroneous. The India Companyat this moment would be willing to lend money,the greater part or the recent credit opened atthe bank being unemployed. For future wantsthey still hold a largo reserve of stook and ex-chequer-bills, and there is no reason to doubtthat' the eipectution hold out of their finan-cial position being such as to enable themto provido for all wants until the meetingof Parliament will be fully realised, Of mule,if the local Government were to announce the ne-coesity of a large sum of specie being sent to Cal-matte, an emergency would then bo presentedwhich would call for special 'action; but It is be-lieved that no such intimation has yet been re-ceived, and that, in the absence of exceptionaloircumstaneea of this kind ,there will be nothingto disturb the calculations originally made." The Tinescity article says, with reference to


Of the Election for Governor, C

[Reported exprog'sly for Tho Prose.]


Gave nor

lAL RETURNSnal Commissioner, and Supreme Judges, held in Pennsyl-mnia, October 13, 1857:

Comm t'er fidget of 81, preme Colt, t


8 18891.590



9212 287

2433,169 .3,188 11,208 1,1,772 1,1,333 1,13,621 3,61,648 1,643,448 3,44.

972 9711,776 1,7761

its report offailures at Glasgow: "Among theother houses mentioned was Patterson k Co. Itappears there is no such firm. The mistake, how-ever, originated in Glasgow, the name of Pattesonor Pattison having been telegraphed without re-serve by persons of great respectability in thatcity to their London correspondents."

The Daily News thinks the general aspect ofaffairs in theLondon money market more satisfac-tory, than that of Monday. One of the most en-couraging features of the moment is, that althoughsuch high rates of interest prevail, there is nofool-ish indisposition to lend. The same paper saysthat; the report of the failures at Glasgow are isone Or two cases unfounded.

In.Paris on Tuesday, funds closed 6G 70 moneyand account.

Tim illness under which the King of Prussia hsuffering is an apoplectic attack, produced byoverexertion and mental anxiety and ending inviolent congestion of the brain. lie Majesty wasrepesdedly bled without producing much abate-ment of the most alarming symptom, but, after a" copious bleeding" on Sunday, a marked im-provement is said to have taken place, and theroyal physician began to entertain a hope that heshould overcome the disease.

DEATH OF Mn CRAWFORD, THE SCULPTOR.—Wu regret to learn of the death, on Saturday last,in the metropolis, of the eminent American ocutp-tor, Mr. Thomas Crawford. The deceased artistwas horn at New York in 1814, but since 1834 re-sided at Rome. Ills "Orpheus," produced in 18.'19,after studying under Thorwaldsen, introduced himto general notice. One of his celebrated works isthe "Babes iu the Wood." Two of his specimens,Gores of children, are in the Crystal Palace,"Flora," and the'• Dancers."

In consequence of the attitude assumed by theIrish Government towards the Orange Society, themembers of the Belfast Roman CatholicOne Clubheld a meeting, and, thinking that they may nowrely on the Executive for protection, they resolvedto lay down their arms and dissolve their associa-tion.

PENNSYLVANIA LEGISLATURE.We correct, from tables already published, the

following list of members of the next PennsylvaniaLe3islature :

Senate.(New members marked with a itar.)

PII1L111,61.1.111.• CITT. DIIIPIIIII AVD L1615.35.*Bacot. J Randall, D. I• John B. Rutherford, Op

FHILLIMILPRIACom?.Harlan Ingram, D.R L 'Wright, D.* I. N.Hussite, D.Crimea AND DRLAWARI* Thomas S. BeII,D.

NOXTOODIOLT.Thomas P. Knox, D.

BeatsJohn 0. ETIMS, D.

Bocce.Jonathan Ely, D.

C SISSON, MONROX,&c.N Thomas Craig, D.

NORTUZIIN AND 1,11111011.Joseph Laubach, D.


Noirrnin, MONTOUR,&c.*Charlee Buckalow. D.

CONDiD. AND PAINT.Henry Better. D.

Sousam, &O.*William P. Schell, D.WASHINGTON AND GRIMM*Gorge W. Miller, D.

'LIWRENCR,*William K. Francis, Op.


LINCASTRI.* Bertram A. Shaeffer, Op.*Robert Baldwin, Op.

Oman, &eAndrew Gregg, Op

BLAIR, ,AeJohn Croswell, D.

Lomas. Jre.George P. Steel*, 11

BakDro6ll, &C.E. Reed Myer, Op.


'Henry Souther, Op.DIRROZII, e

Glenn'W. SeoSeld, On.Sate AND CRAWRORD.

D. A. Pinney, Op.Bearea, to.

John R. Barrie, OpALLRORIINT.

William Wllklne, D.Edward D. Oarram, Op.WRATMORIL'D AND BAUM*Jacob Turney, D.

ARMSTRONG, Ac.Titian J. Coffey, Op.

YORL.William H. Wert, D.


Domotratie majority, 9House of Rep

PHILLDELPHII CITY.J. O. Kirkpatrick D.C. MI Donovan, D.John,Ramsey, D.Cleorte IL Armstrong, D.PHIL&DIMPTIII4 COTIATT.

John:Wharton, D.Oliver HMOS, D.

11. Asian. D.J. U Donnelly, DDavid K McOlane, D.Townsend Yearsley,l7.Joshua T. Owen, D.John U. Wolfs, DUnary Danisp, D.John Molloy, D.A. Arthur, D.John U.Dohnort, D.James Donnelly, D


Edmund L Smith,D.Amon Weiler, D.Benj. Nunnemacher, D.

LANCASTER.E. D Roth, Op.JonathanU. Roland, OpSamuel U. Price, Op.Joe D Powuall, Op.William M. Wolf, D.A. Hiestand GlatmCUMBERLAND ♦9D PERRY

llugh Btuart, DCharlea C. Brandt, D.

AD/X3.C6arles Will, D.FRAXILIN AND 1/01.70N.

JamesKill, D.A. K. McClure, OplIXDFORD AID 8011101911

Samuel I. Cashier, OpDavid Hay, D.

I DELAWARETtio le Powell, D.

Cuesrea.Mort u Durrett. D.Jam ialgeoo, DEbur W. Sharp, D.


BLUR.MONTOOWNRYA D Lontraker,DJosiah Ilillegas,DDeorgo Darnel, D.

MUCKS.John Mimeo, D.John II Lovott, D.

Christy, DCry Hall.

G. Nelson Smith, D.t INDIA3I.

John Bruce, OpARMITBOIIO & WYSTIIIOU'DJohn K. Calhoun, DMatthew Shields, D.Robert Warden, D.

;NORTILUIPION.MaxDoepp, D.Joseph Woodring, D

LICHIOII AND CARBONGnarl'," 11. Williams, DIJernian Rupp, D.

John Diem. D.Onessil

MONRON AND Flaw.Lafayette Westbrook, D

William Kincaid, DWAIIHINOVA.'Dunes' Donohoe, D.

John N. McDonald, Op11. L. StaTeus, DLUZERNE.

P. C. Oritmen, D.Steuben Jenklos, D.Samuel G. Turner, D


ALLEGHENY..John M. Irvin, D.jOsuielNegley, Op.

Backhoneo, Op.Nlcholu Voeghtley, Jr .Op7. 'Heron Foster, Op.

AND LAWRENCE.De Lonna Imbrie, Op.George P. Sheer, Op.

Simeon B. C►see, OpBRAD/ORD.

John 13. Cl. Babcock, Op.Collo!) F. Nichols, Op.Birovaso, SCLLIVIN, tkePeter Ent, 1)John V. Smith, D.

Dot LTA.A. W. Crawford, Op.W. W. Dodds, Op.

LTCOXINO AND CLINTOND K. Jackman, D.Thomas W. Lloyd, D

31/IRCIIIR AND VIIYANSIO.Willaam G. Rode, Op.O. P: Ramsdell', o_p,

CLARIOR AND YORRST.William M. Abrams, DJRNTRRION, &OJoel Spyker, D.N. P. Wilcox, D.CRAWIPLORD AND WARRENRobert P. Millar, OpThomas Struthers, Op.

Wareham Warner, Op.[David llitarod, Ind Op.

PONTRR AND 'HOU&!saw Denson, Op.

L P. Williston, Op.Democrats, 69Opposition, 31

Samuel Gilleland, DMirnam.

Dr. Dower,Ueio'O, SNYDIIII dr, JUNIATADaniel Witmer, Op.Thomas Myra, Op.

EITME=IJoseph C. Übudes, D


Charles nipple, D.Micheal Wearer, D.

DAUPHIN.Eear3 Lauman, DWm 0. A. Lawrence, Op

LIBANOMJuhu George, Op IiDemocratic majority, 3

RECAPITULATIONDemocrats Opposition

12Senate 21llouse of Representative...eV

Dem LIAi uo Joint bmllot 4T

PHILADELPHIA MARKETS24th—Evening.—Dreadatuffs generally con.

tinuo inactive, and withoutmuch alteration to note ineither the price or demand ofany of the leading articles.Flour Is nut wanted for export, shippers are out of themarket, and common superfine usually taken for Europe,can be had at $5 25 te bbl ; some holders now ask more,but 'Antrasr of nothing doing beyond the local trade Axles,at prices ranging from $5 25 up to$7.25 r bbl for com-mon mixed super to extra and fancy family brands, thelatter-forpremium Hour. Corn meal and rye tour arevery quiet; the former la dull at $3 OM for countrynew, although a small sale la reported at about thatfigure ; the latter is scarce at $4 23, most holdersdemanding more, Wheat is inquired for by the redden*and prices are tending upward OR prime lots, which areMostly in request; about 1,800 boo good Sostbern redbrought 12111125c, 5,000 bus white do 132c, to arrive,mat 800 bus choice Virginia 140c, Afloat. Corn is with-out mach demand, and very dull at previous quotations;

soo mat.e oafro ieferfor qualityabout 1,600 burr good old Southern yellow only havingselling ratherato til 7notbuTar nsciat.7.swc,aitnocituLi 2oc g.

more readily at quotations, the supply having lessened,and about 3,000 boa have been taken 5t,33a34e afloatRye is in steady request at 73.0750 for Delaware andPennsylvania, and not much offering. Harley melt—-about 3,050 bus new sold at 1106116c,and yapbrie olddo at 155 c cashBarkBki.sosoeltitouloa.twtffffabottr "t juy."-etmaterial us-qlltyQuercitron as itarrre.Amiga, but the tdineactlone are on a restricted woe,Groceries and provisionsexhibit nothing new, and thesales of all kinds are unimportant. Whiskey is selling,as wanted by the trade, at 20afor drudge, Mefor lards,and 21N622%u for kWh





8873,7251,976 14,324'1,2065,234



ACADEMY OP MOM, B,W. 00ENKS OT )31.01D /SD 1.0.oust ariteus.—“Mutled for Money"—"patter vs:Clatter"—•' Poor Pillicoddy.",

NOT STRTXT TflioTai, N. E. CORSIIS OF NINTHATI, WALNUT STRIIITS.—"The Stage-Struck Usrber"—" The To,ites,—., 3lesmeriam, or Irish Sympathy "

ArtlgATt.ti a All,lll STRUT TIMITILII.ARCS! /Man,418.1VE 91 —• • Macbeth' •My Neighbor's Wife."

IN/oRD'A OPRRI HOUSE, ItLE7113111 Bfll.llT, /WTICil,itMOT—EthiopianLife Illustrated. eaorluding witha laughable afterpiece

Triollmt I's Ver.leTIXS. PI/Ttl AID CIig9INCT9TILRIIT9—Mi.c II o Corwerti,

Thr Getman (Republican) Meeting OA Sun-day, at Arfteor or ITrrieery MP. Third street,heth.ern Pain and eallotehill.—The violent calltranslat. a into the Syod,t, Dilpotrh. of yester-d,y, and igi n•dly polo i.shed in the Free Press, aI;rrinfin licpublic ru prim and not the Democrat,

stated in the Dieelteh. attracted a number ofitorrons. over one thousand, to the above place,vebterday, at three o'clock, P SI Curiosityeemed tohive called the most of them to the spot.After trying to got some one to preside, severalhaving declined, Mr. Fetter, cabinetmaker, ac-cepted the post of chairman. A long pause en-sued after he hod called for the authors of themeeting to come forwent and state its object. Atlenodh Mr Mund; a Republican stamper, got 'up and made a high-tariffKnow-Nothing speech,charging our troubles to the lark of a protectivet triff, and saying that there were enough me-chanics and artisans. and, ofcourse, shoemakers,(,o he was one,) and. therefore, emigration shouldcease. He then caned on them to organise, tocombine with American laborers, aid to force thespeculators to he did not say what.Louis C. Mahlke, twister shoemaker, whose es-tablishment is at 7G North Seventh.above Archstreet, and who seemed to be the testier of theturn out, nest followed. He was a very activeRepublican in 1556, and always opposed to theDemocratic party. He attacked the banks; saidthey must be turned to pay; assailed the buildingand swings institutions. and declared they wereintended torob the poor ; complained of Govern-

' cent donation of public land. and demanded neve-, rtl millions to be given to the people, otherwisethey should go to Washington. or Harrisburg, andtake their rights, as there are in this country nobayonets to oppose them, and they had all theUviver themselves. He said the Constitution of the

nited States was a mere rag, of no value; theyshould rely for their constitution upon the truth intheir hearts. Ile concluded by saying that hemeant what he said.

Another Republican German, a Mr. Myer, fol-lowed, and advised moderation ; he did not like tosee party squabbles brought into this affair. Atthis moment hiablke, the freedom-of-speech Re-publican, broke in and said. " that anyone whodid notbelieve that our troubles were thefault ofthe Democrats. should not speak, and ought notto be here," and called him "a traitor;" uponwhich there was, of course, confusion worseconfounded; any number of speakers ad-dressing themselves to small clusters of men.Finally Mahlke made a proposition to ap•point a committee of twenty-Eve, to report aaeries of resolutions on Friday at the same place,which was carried. Then a proposition wasmade to publish the proceedings in the Germanpapers. Objections were raised against publishingthem in the Democrat, which caused anotherbreeze, voices crying out, "If you don't publish inthe Democrat, don't publish anywhere, as nearlyall the Germans read only the Democrat." Thenthey adjourned till Friday.

Fires.—The alarm of fire about two o'clockyesterday afternoon was caused by the partial burn-ing of a rear building on Nineteenth street, belowVine, opposite Logan square. It belonged to Mr.Reynolds. The damage is estimated at about 3300.

The station house of the first police district tookfire yesterday from the heater in the mom used for

Ac. This is thesecond time within a weekth it this hell has been on fire. The damage wasslight.

A frame carpenter shop at Eleventh and Barleystreets was set on fire about three o'clock yesterdaymorning, and entirely destroyed.

The lumber yard of Montgomery A Neal, atTwelfth and Prime streets. was set on fir* aboutthe same time. Considerable lumber was de-stroyed.

An old barn, belonging to Mr. C. Keyser, enMain street, below Washington. was partiallydamaged by fire, about fire o'clock yesterday morn-ing. Loss $lOO.

At an early hour. yesterdaymorning, thebeddingof a dwelling, in Second street, aborts Jefferson,trns set on fire. A man hag been arrested on eas-!melon of firing the place.

Young Men's Christian Association.—We takepleasure in calling the attention of the your', menof our city to the monthly meeting of this praise-worthy organization, to be held this evening in thelecture room of the Central Presbyterian Church.southeast corner of Eighth and Cherrystreets. Incommending it to them a every way worthy oftheir countenance and support, we hope that theseason of its labors, which opens with to-night, mayProve one of increased usefulness and prosperity.The ticketsior file anniversary to be held on thethird proximo will be ready for distribution in afew (tip.

The Visiting Committee of the Board ofDelegates of the Fire Association will inspect theapparatus of the companies attached to the associ-ation, today and to-morrow—companies locatednorth of Vine street to-day, and those south to-morrow. It is expected that a committee fromeseh company will be in attendance to furnish allrequired information.

Sudden Death.—On Saturday evening, aman named John Wisack. while walking with hiswife in Marriott street, below Seventh, fell to thepavement and died instantly, from disease of thehe int as is supposed The deceased resided inCatharine street. below Ninth. An inquest washeld by Coroner Delavau, and a verdict renderedaccordingly.

Drowning Case.—Thebody ofa German wasfound in the Schuylkillon Saturday morning, nearthe wire•bridge, and the coroner WAS sent for tohold an inquest. The unfortunate manfell from acanal-boat about 8 o'clock Friday evening, andmet with a watery grave, notwithstanding everyeffort was made to save him.

Clerical Conrention.—A convention ofPres-byterian and Congregational clergymen is to beheld in the Lombard street Presbyterian church,commencing , on Wednesday evening next. Theopening sermon iis to be preached by the Rev. E.P. Rodgers, of Newark.

Suicide.—Coroner Delavau held an inquestyesterday on tile body ofa man named 11. Honing-4-,sorth, who committed suicide by taking opium, atNelson's Hotel, Broad and Callowhillstreets. Thedeceased was about fifty years of age, and residedin Baltimore.

Charged with alrson.—Benjamin Brown andJohn Mooney were arrested, yesterday, on Sll3-picloo of haring set firs to the carpenter shop ofMr. Samdet Markward, at Market and Marystreets, in the Twenty-fourthward, whieh was de-stroyed during Saturday night.

Death from Intemperance.—An inquest washeld yesterday by Coroner Delavan on the body ofa woman named Hannah How, aged fifty-threeyears, who died at No. 1132 Passynnk Road, fromintemperance and exposure.

Trolling Mech.—The trotting horses, BlackJackson and Wissahickon, will contend in a trialof speed for a silver piteher, valued at SlOO, at theChestnut Hill park, on Wednesday afternoon.

Hospital Case.—Edwaid Mcßride, agedfifty-five years was admitted to the PennsylvaniaHospital yesterday, having cut himself in severalplaces with a razor.

Vessels in Port.—There were in port yester-day two steamships, seventeen ships, sixteenb Argues, twenty-one brigs, and twenty-four schoon-ers.

,Yerident.—During an alarm oftire on Satur-day night. a member of the Washington EngineCompany was run over amd had his leg brolcen.

NATIONAL CHESSCONGRBss.—This unparalleledfeat of playing five blindfoldgames at chess simul-taneously, was brought to a conclusion at mid-night on Thursday. Four of Mr. Paulsen's oppo-nents resigned, being within a few movesof check-mate The fifth board, presided over byRobertJ. Dodge, Req., resulted in a draw. Had it notbeen for an oversight on the part of S. Heilbnth,Esq . he would have had the honor of vanquishingMr. Paulsen. As it was, ke fought with the de-termination ofa Leonidas, but too much confidencebrought about his7discomfiture. Mr. Oscanyan'sgenie. as also that of Mr Frere. were well con-ducted on their part, but their adversary was onetoo many for them.

Mr. Paulsen was not in the slightest degree fa-tigued with his exertions, and states that he couldjust as well play six orseven games at a time asfive. The members oC the Congress doubt whetherthere be ally limit to his powers, and with reason.—New York Tribune.

Sugar awl Tobaccoat BaltimoreThere has been avery active demand this week for

sugars, both front the trade and the refiners. and thesales, incladigg those of Me!ado, amount to Nearly 1,500bids, The markethas throughout the week exhibited• good deal of firmness, and all the sales hare beenmade at full rates. Messrs Lemmon llrogden soldat auction on Tuesday 12 hhds low grade Porto Rico atSla7 20, and 91thits and 40 tierces fair to prime Cnbaat ST 250 S 50. The sales by private contract include225 hhds tommon to good Portp Rico at prices rangingfrom $7 60 tofit 75; .115 hhds fair to prime Cuba at$7 5008 62tg r and SO hhds PortoRico, 230 hhds Cala,and 275 hhds Demerara sugars, all of which were soldfor refining iurposes, and the terms were kept private.We note sales this week of 30) hhds Masao for refi-ning, also on private terms. Sugars close to-day firmat the quotations, which are as follows. viz : $7 50.a5 50for good common to fair PortoRico; $9;49 50 for •roodto prime do ; 07 5019 for grocers' styles Cuba andEnglish Island : sod $6 :5e$7.2Z. for refining grades do

e quotes rinds at $3 50014 50. We note the itopertthis reek of 105 hhds from Cuba, from Porto Rico,452 VW,.frog Demerara amlloB tante. from Richmond-totel 767 hhds

The sugar refiners on Monday last made a further re-daction of; to S a cent on hard, and f to 1 rent perto on eat and crushed sugars

The demand for Marllsnd tobacco continues lierited,shippers showing tro disposition to operate except atlower rates than demanded, ant holders net being will-ing to press sales. The transactions are quite limited,and though we continue the quotations of Isst weekthey must be co,sidered quite nominal, inasmuch asthese rates are above the views of pun-Ss-um Mary-land brown leaf. no inquality. Ft 50.659 : inferior shortseconds vas? ; brown leafy $9/$lO, and extra$110544. Somemall parcels of Slarylalad ground leaf,

tuen'hif4ithe market this week-ilingness to accede to the

of tth ,e uinD epe new crop.shobwar:n w

views d bold, Some parcels hare been sold at sso47.50, but there is noacti • ty la the usarket..l4 the itif-

lic'ifielitetYc'ri'el''s 'lr"'exchange tends to diminish theusualtrade There were no receipts ofOhio tobacco this week. Ourquotations for Kentackywhichare [MIA nosjual. are as follows,Frosted

e t 17 lOe'M furosted leaf .190110 tn. soutura$lOOlll common leaf .$ll 50.3$ Ls) medium lea $1...50,,g13 2.5„ fur fl 3 filasl4, good to hue$l4 50.1411, se-lectoars at $146519 The invpections of the week are170 blots Mary taut

CINCINNATI AIARKET, October —ltomt —Themarket ,i very dot!, wet the pales to-dar were entailedto sm.ll parcels extra ',Odin> up at.orzt 903 II& at 24 25all DO; :,0 bids double ear., C, Dec, sold at It .eThe receipts during the last twenty-four brans were

bblsWHISLIT —The market is unchanged, with sales of

900 barrels at 153ic and 198 do from wagons at 15k.On—Sales of Sibis Linseed at Sic, audit? do Lard at

21 93cash.tlitucaaies—The market 1.3 neetiarir,ed in every res-

pect The elle, We heard ofwere GO bags Coffee at 11X*lllO, and 10 Mots Cobh Saw at St Molarsesranges irregulab from 44,150c, according to cireazo-stances.

Borax—The market 13 unchanged and dull forall butfresh, which coati es indemand at 1809.1e.

'moor—The receipts come in very slowly, and with• fair home demard, and a moderate inquiry for export,prices are firm at 75d She for red, and 614.90 e for primewhite Bales-250 bushels good white at B,k; 100 do_fair white at 780; WO do. red at 75e, and ECO bushelsprime white, in Covington, at 85e 200 bnabeLa hillwhett,.delitered at 80c , .

Cona--Therts Is an improved' demand for mixed aidyellow, sad pikes are firm at 4Dert9c.

BklLZT—Tbera is a fair demand for swine Val) at.90c, and for Spring at Stk. Bye—theeestkot ii ,hu. titSOc. We hear of no transactions.
























8703,7201,980 14,31711,191 15,310'



1,0721,0953 3392,472.7311,62



927 12,9021,259




