j^oriJjigrt& .JUNE 29, ISM. PETERSBURG. .., Ar BBm*sVt*V Rt'RKRr p. Boil ino; \\ noRoarn nuuk IR the history or nkTKRSBlR«-*>rtTn,CI1 W-'WnN USA-Ill . PK*!!'" ,V N"l1,m*V AN0 «CRRY COIN- TS |stllASS TO KCROPK-MORTUART RE- ,ort> ISB JiM-«»r».MNO or me cam- raWN. ,(sorr*spon<l«'<,«<* Sm Rlchmsnd Dlipatch J 4 -liai: BB, MIL \ : IcgrasS received from Staunton an- aeaaot* inc death lhi« morning, at tho raam Zoos °* ¦*. .;)I,. Mr* Su'wa" Koilinir, in lUtOStS county, of OsIbBjsI Robert B. Holl¬ ins, sf tn'* etty, tn the s,v, nt\-s, vcnth year of BM apr. Catos*! Hollins was ono of our inosi prominent, wealthy, respected, and Mlnsjainaartod cit (gens, and w»> descended from an honored lino of ancoslors. BrssUes iP;|l-, uro connected IntimsKlv with tin' hilton and pronto9* and prospoilty of aaa eily. Ho wu born st West Hill. Petersburg, on IBS Mit ot , Barth, MBm Ten Mar* si hdjs lifo wore1 si>ont at Bolllni:broke, Fauquirr county, anil » pori lon at Sonly Point, (harli's (itv ,,,univ. Ho studied hw with JtUfgS Tuck- or, ofWinchester, (inti uss adSKBsBBd for tho bu al Prlnoi'on. N. .1. Ho nov, r prac- ticed Ibo profession, however. About tho beginning of tho present year he moved from resernhurg to AnsTBSts county, where he inronded to reside and retlic ft om bu*l- ness. Hi* rennin- will Ba brought BBSS for interment lo-morrow afternoon, mid the fun. iii Mill laka plana ai I o'clock r. m. f. ksS late re^ideue-, uti Centre Hill. Mr. rved s* mayor of Peteraburg In U md in 184J, ind ft several lueeasaJra s was chosen by the jieople to repre¬ sent in lms8tatS Lc-ishture. II. w M sir .ci ot noble ht ir', of |enatt>QS dmposl- Mon, wa* over torssnoM in every seh'-mofor lb' adTSsBCeaaenl of the welfare of tho city ami people, and his MSB] will bo sine.Ml -ly felt in tho eotnniiiiiiiy. Mrs. Unbeaei v. scott, wife of Mr. V. Scott, i prominent turi chant of ly, dried tis I Boorning after a long ill- ne--; aood snout sixty-one year-. Mr. li. A. Holloway, a areli known mid hsluenttal ellis n nf Slit ry count v, died \,s erda*. Two wicks mo hts father died .it tilt advancd nee of BMfbi*/*OB< J Mr. h. H. ll lukin-, s lorsser citizen of BOnd, but for some year* h resident nf Petet sbot ar, died sjoHs suddenly last n ght. He was ,.nt test,idiv endeavoring io si- tend ra bia bostness. But, nuder tba sdrtos of friends, went In Iii- room t<> ria down. Hs issn a eaBCBSBsfcer by trade, snd sad asea worhtoa Bera for some year*, lie Baa i ii,, i, it ix». ir* lng in tba etty, and neeupM ii ats by bimsi If, Tlie dentb is .-inn,.mi.-, d nf two brothers. K I- rt F. and William Ward.aged ii spec tirely seventy aad ettnt*MJirec year*, In way comly.i...t;i,,t wbom passe i to vc within a few days ..f i iota otber. \ liv, ,| fir i long aunber of years in una netejbborbood, and botb of them burs sud ollie is- of tbi Presbjterlnn church, Tbe train from ibe wist yesterday after* .lu down s citlsen nf Lnnenborg jndacit'z n ot Prtnee Edward, wno were taken t^ th- .'-v'tiiii for tba lueaas al v, ans'.ure. One div last wei k Usa r At it I carried down righi lunatics to v. i ms bur*. Ki v. Tbonsna Spencer, rector of St. J >bn's ebuieii, la ibis etty, win leave fur Europe on Wednesday ol next week. He is i bb- j England, and this i> his- |ir«! visit to tue boom of Bb paresis la fout teen years. !I >vill return m-xt Beplessber. ¦er. Louis fjfusabfuss, mtulater nt the Bebrew eoogiea itlea here, u native of (Jer- niany. will leave to-morrow on a two- mont hs" viMt to his relatives and friends In th.it eountrv. Tbs member* of tbe Tennessee Press A»- s ,eiitiiiu, who hive recently been on hu excursion to the Berth, pas.ed throu.li thc city yBBtsrdJBJ afternoon en route borne. On ssc fain were \i ral families ot tier- man immigrants on their way to homes in IBS U>sl. During Ibo month endinfc the Mtb in¬ stant there wire titty-six deaths in P( tem imrs.au laeranse of sBortaHty a* nnsnpared with the pist two or tbree months. Bu' the month of June always brines increased mortality. Of tlKme who died twenty-four were wtiit.s andlhirly I wo colored; thirty- one were mahn BBd twenty-five females; tweoly-eiiiht dn-d under the age one year. sud asm bad passed tba age of one nundi ed In addition, twelve Bosr»residents brought lure for interment. Tbe H mortality was; m the Fourtbnod Fifth v irds, w lu fl. f nt isl,, d eighteen anti fenrtceo deaths reapi lively. The Bsmpotgn will open, here wHblfl tbe mxt few ,li\s with meeting? and -p< chas by botb parties. Tbe Rettojusters . Mossie, Paul and Blair io ow n ibe r them. Mr. Clem. Oreen, of Char- iiul other gentleman Will address Un- 'i g Democracy* wno ara organlBing for I e mpalgn, Hobin Abaib. STATJN TON- anothki: BBBTanornra .-To;r.y.m.rtion or is esjunna onnann. nnara of a rorvLiB yoimi man. [i'>rre»poudfut«; of the l.'ulitiiiniil l>!?r>atrli.J Jori 88, 18B1. Aigusta Bounty bas bad dunnj; the Brat Snoot! Of Ibis SUUHner tune than her sbare ^¦f NoraS, One secnc.'i of tin; BOUBty has Mt Kcivt-tid from the severe hail- s:o'in of i mouth ago which destroyed thousands of ban beti of wheat so rffectu- ...I \ ttiat the fariLers are cutting the srbeal i.i some Held* fur forago and waiting to see what a second crop will do, which ha* sprouted out from the runts In other-, lu fore another devastating i,i bas swopl another rich portion of the county. Tins was BUB Baturdsy afternoon, and the fores of the sn.mi. wind, rim, and hail broke upon Tort Re¬ public and the country Bdjseent. Houses were unroofed, including Hie depotof the indoab Valley ronda; Port Bepnblle, some smaller hulldlnga wire overturned, SDd large fields of win at were luateti with the hail until ihe In Sdi sVOrS threslied Clean of -rsin. Mr. Beery Harneberfer, wbe li'-', nearlv all of | lim- er .p of wheat, says wini,- sacra was no ri*e In ibo river the de- stiuetkni bb hi* piitii-.ttion was equal to thai eui.ed by "'f «rt*-'' fl""'(,(,K"U- The wind blew in a tornado, and all agree tba! snobs storm had never visited tba! seetlon within tbe memory or tradition of the old- ahahftnata. The remains of Mr. john Pauli deputy treasui, r nf Augusta Bounty, vere brougbl to .slaumon rosterday afttroooa on the mail tram from the Wpm. Mi. Pani was the son of Captain Samuel Paul, tba county trea¬ surer. His tn alt h ha- bi en poor ever since an attack Of BBS Bates las' spring, and he had io the Wann Springs recently, and died tlnre luddoolj sunday evening from congestion ol the liver, lie wass promising man, of BOChsMlafSS capacity, and vciy poi uljr in this city und ejunty. Mnsttslon LodBOi A. F. and A. M., at its annual i left ion Friday night chose the fol- lowing Oates*: afsalar. sf, A. Cochran; vTardrn. U. J. Dettor; Junior War¬ den, W. stt-waii; senior Deacon, Joha w. Stout; Junior Deacon, K. I. Jones; tary, A. A. Kskridge; Treasurer, P. ll. Trout. Kev. J. M. Frost and Kev. K. ll. Phillips were unpointed chaplains, and Mr. Ko«er,bjuiu tiler. Valley Lodge, Knights of Pythias, on tbe Mme night, elected Joseph K. BolrtttS chan- oller; C. A. KlcbarJ>on, vice-chancellor; W. L. Olivier, keeper of records and seal. Chancellor W. H. H. i,vnu was advanced to paM chiinvllor. Allegbany Lodge, Knights of Honor, at; Williamson's, at their semi-annual elect ion last Thursday night, elected Hobcrt K. Kiee. dictator; H. ts. Wiley, past dictator; 31. Ham, vice-dictator; Stephen Koudcap, reporter; .. Lacy, financial ri porter; K. H. Davis, treasurer; Kdward Hamilton, eulde;-Hatcher, xuardiau . David Gab- bert, aentiutl; Kev. E. W. UcCoi kle, chap¬ lain, and Dr. lt. H. Wiley, medical exami¬ ner. South Uiver Lod**e, K. of II, Waynes¬ boro', last niifht elected C. B. Haine* dicta- lor; J. A. Patterson, vice dictator; Juba] BBBBMsssaB--san--M-Ssss_MWMa,MM^,M^ H. Schindle, as-utant dictator; J.H. Vant Horne, reporter; J. B. Roden, finsneial re- poi tor; R. ,T. VVritrht. treasurer; W. A. Jones, chaplain; T. J. dirk, uuidc; D. P. tlarnrr, sentinel; |>r. W. A. Junes.inedieil examiner; and advanced Dictator W. 51. thew to ihe rank of Past Dictator. Yesterday was court-day, and but i small crowd of people In from the country. The fat mers are in Ibe midst of their whent and hay hun cst. which is very Un** In some parts of the county. Rains have lum abundant <>f late. Oom and oatt are pro- imams, and were it not for the storm* so destructive in portions of Hie county tba outlook would be aeneraHy very fatorabte. Yesterday Pd Jones (a colored mun), the oldest emploisj on Ihe Chesaptike and Ohm rotd, and general favorite with officials and mea, was run over by an angina la the yard here and his foot and ankle cut off. He bl about sixty years of agc, and it is teated eannot recover from the shock. Penn. LEXINGTON. YIROINTA MILITARY INSTITITR.CLOSISH EX- BROSES OE THE FORTY-FIRST SESSION .A LARGE CONCOURSE OF VISITORS PRESENT. fCorir-*potio>nce<)f the Richmond 1)1*1*1- ti J Jobi _s. ubi. The elosinc exercises of tbe fortv-lirst session of the Virginia Military Institute were inaugurated nt half-pout fi nMnek yes. terdny evening by the Inspection of bar¬ racks followed by a review of the corps of cadtts by I he Hoard of Visions. After tlii' review the cadets, under the command of Colonel Scott Shipp, went throutrh the various intricate evolutions of the battalion drill with ¦ precaflon tbnt showed their perfect training, and which would blYI done credit to regulars of long service. A large concourse of stranaer! were in attendance. Of the Hoard of V'l-i- tors there were prcueut (iovernor John I.etcher, General Jubal Karly, (ieneral .launs McDonald, General J. H. Corse, Col- onel S. Turner, and C.lionel John ll. Pur¬ cell. The examinations ure all finished, bal the result will not be pu'dishtd before the Nib instant. In the evening; a dramatic performance . I revival rather of the ulympic garni. tinder the management of Mr. W, P. Moore, of Norfolk, was flvaa nt tba Hen Hall, which was wit nosed by over a thou- band inectatora, and which reSected mal credit both on the soho >l and tba perform. ers. An address before the Alumni AMO- elalion was the feature for this evening. THE UNIVERSITY. CBLBBBAYIOB OF IB8 wasiiimjton society. IMPROVEMENT IN POBUO BALL.PISTIN- BOIBOn VISITORS.TITLED BBABUATIs, AC . PERSONALS . I.IHIITMNG. [Ootraspoadaoct (.f thc Blchaioad Dlspateh.] Join 28, ISSI. Thc Board ot Visitors met yesterday, but adjourned without action, OWlag to the :i'i-t!iee ol s<'Yeral members. There were press nt Hun. A. II. ll. si uart, J. H. Miry.. W. C. N. Randolph, Holmes Conrad, Paul Whitehead, ami Jobn Gooda. Last night tbe celebration nf tbe Wash¬ ington Society took place. For two yean pist the " YVa-li." lia- boen iLi.tble to have a celebration on Mootra! o. i(- paucity of membership. Dniina tbta si--hm, bow* ever, i'h is revived wonderfully, and now st mds abreast with tbe " J< tl." ' Mr. Stone¬ wall J. Shepherd, ol Tenneteee, presided. After prayer by the chaplain. Boy. Dr. Vaughan, and music by Weber*! excellent Land, ihf preahieal, In a neat and grace- fui manner, presented tbe debater*! medal to Mt. William W. Wilkci-oti. of Al¬ abama. Mr. Wiiket-on responded i:i a manner tint tbowed ins appreciation of tba blgta booor conferred. Tba president then preaeated to Mr. F. M. 0 Penn, of Tezit, the tu.'dal ii tb.- best orator in thc Wa-h- iit_r»on Society. Mr. Penn, lo ¦ ten min* ii*' . ~ speech, ihly demomirated that "Ame- li.i wa- tin- Hope or the Curie 0/ tba World.'' The ipeeebca were all brief, the the music wai food (though stale, because of tbe pieces having been heard here so of- ttii before), the andicii-v was fair, and were dismls-cd lu fore they got wearied. The lawn was tiatitl-omely deeorati d, but there wu* a singular absence of '. dress" in the fair ones who attended. A noticeable feature in this commence¬ ment is Ihe improvement in thc Public Hall. It has been thoroughly repainted ind n Jimmied, and tho wretched side-lights at the Mind that natd to distract tbeeyeaol the auditor! bave been dbptaead* and aband* some chandelier placed Immediately over¬ head. Anion!; the distinguished r'llton present ari rx-Goveinor J, W. Stevenson, of Ken¬ tucky ; Jndgi J. W. Menslet, or Kentucky ; Eton. Tbomai Ellis, ol Chicago; w. w. Corcoran, of Washington J Judge C. I.. ({radley (joint oiator), of Providence, B. I.; Hon. Jame'" o. Broadband, of Missouri. i in li-t of titled graduate! balbeen in« noonced. Tt,i> are: nuleri of Ait: Tbomai it hinton, Baltimore, lld.; CL. Andrewa, Baltimore, Md.; .1. h. Pendle¬ ton, boulia, Va.; K. H. Debney, Middle- btiiy. Va.; J. P. Blair, Columbus, .Mis-. LL L's.: J. II. Woodrow, South Carolina; <;. M. Boin, Portsmouth, Va.: c. II. Fanatterov, Winchester, Va.: J. A. Lan* enter, Richmond, Va.; A. W. Patterson, Richmond, \ ¦« It is rumored that the Board of Vi-itors will ippolol a inecenaor lo Profeator Pan and al. IttlltlOtl in several Of the-chool-. The weather ha- tuen delightfully cool to far. Profetaoi P. n. smith left yesterday for Europe, where be will spend tba vacation in studying new developments in mechan¬ ic?, anii, it is -aid, in CMtlat an eye around foi i tunable person to till the Chair of Astronomv al the Univeiaity. This is mere rumor, however. lt i- reported that a severe storm deva tated tblngi generally nt VYishington last night. Thc dispinv .if electricity la the northeast, as willie.ed hue, indicated that it wis produced bf the storm-cloud ut Washington. The Datha were so vivid and continuous as to appear h if it were I {rand lantern bung out In tbe northern iky, with only thc momentary peanga of a cloud l.t tween it and the beholder over a hundted .way. Ko thunder whs heard. In-day the thermometer bal totten away up in the nineties. Qcij. NEW MARKET. mik wheat and gk ess emirs IB Tin. smith's- CBBBB VALLEY.NEW MAI1KKT ENI'LESS t'AVERN'S, ETC i( ttrrespondinceiC tba Hiilnntnid Dttpateb.] JCNK 17, 1881. Thc sturdy and substantial farmers of thl- part Ol the Tenth Legion are now busily occupied itt iccurlngtbelr wheat nud grata, tbe yield In botb eat ai being very hii;.quite beyond au average for thc last ten fenn* The reader! of the Dispatch have heard of the wonderful natural eurloaity In this region known a- thc New Market Endless ( iv, tn-, discovered October Hi, I87t>. on tbe farm of Beuben Zirklc K-q., about four miles loutbeait of this place, in Bocking- ham county. Since the discovery of tbCM subterranean wonders thousands of person! lt .ve vNiied the caverns, which are pro- nonneed irand and Imnrestive beyond de- ¦erlptlon. Thc cave is remarkable on ac¬ count not only of its BMgulfeent forma- lion-, but because of Its size aud length. Prom the entrance to the end of the cave. for more than a mile.there is a IBOOawloa Of startling wonder! breaking upon the visitor at every step. Il is, without question, grand and uiagoitleeiit throughout, tba opening rooms ut once itrfklof tooee who enter them willi awe and astonishment. The la-t dis¬ covered room and brilliant formations, how¬ ever, known as the Diamond L ike, cap- thc climax in this chain of underground won- deis. But it in not tbe wish of your corre¬ spondent to attempt a description of this newly-discovered wonder of the Virginia Shenandoah Valley. This has already been done in pamphlet and in other forms. Thc true Democracy here are rejoicing to see the ifauone-Rlddlebcrger-Republican coalition come to grief. Hs early fate was anticipated by tbe discerning. The burial of the offensive remains of the coalition will be bailed willi gratification by those who do not care to be disturbed by a very foul political stench, tbe fouhat thal but bern raised lu the Slats lor years, HALIFAX. fCormponik-acc of lb*. Blcbmond Wipat vb I Halifax Courtbocsb. Va., ) June 'ia. 1881. t 8000 aller arrival at this place yesterday lt was ascertained that lhere would be no politic*! speaking. As ReBdJiuterlsm is airongnnd active here, and Republlcanisrn qulte pronounced, people had ihougbtthat some of the nominees would be on ibe ground. The war will be commenced next court-day, I was told, and "then the toma¬ hawks alli fly." This 8108 eelebnted place has not now about lt thc appearance of life and thrift which lt once had. There ls not that old- time tidiness about Ihe public grounds iud buildings, except the churches and thc churcb-nrounds. There was once a charter of Incorporation granted the people, and lt was thought that Minister would quickly tie sporting Its mayor and council, bave Hs lit¬ tle dsily newspaper, and be issuing its bonds; but the people, ss is the c.«-e with «ome at South Boston, were afraid of the taxation generally following upon incorpo¬ ration, especially when the taxers are not Ibe tax-payers, and so thc charter became null and void. There is great ta«tc, how¬ ever, manifested about the grounds and residences of some of the citizen*, and upon these the eye of a native of thc place who bsd not seen those houses and gioaudc for many years would love to rest. I think I inav say that the growth ot Soc '1 Boston and Clover, railroad and tole wns, bave damaged Halifax Courthb r, at the least, left lt no better than lt This place I have c died thc'(.. oe cele¬ brated.'' Few towns in Virginia have been the theatre of -uch political battles as this bat baen. Beginning with the time when Calhoun en'ered the Senate from the nee* presidency, that bc might beat Webetei tor beating Hay ne, no people hu ve taken a keener interest In political matters. Hali¬ fax county thought that, she and Tom Ritchie had to do the thinking for the Slate, .lames C. Bruce, a graduate of Yale College, I believe, and a member ol the Legisla¬ ture, went off, a* the saying was, with Calhoun, and with him a party of young gentlemen of hinli talents and th. ir (oilowera. There and Ibentbewar commenced. On the rostrum at theciiirt- house, in the debating club, at tbe tillages, al barbecues in Ibe count ly, on the 8lh of January, on the .th of July.every where, except in the pulpit.nothmgcotild he bend but speedie* 00 ntillitii a' ion and the procla¬ mation, all agreeing, however, in this one thing, that Jtekton should never Birch acron Virgin! ininti Bomb Carolina, Af¬ ter this pi nod thc battle-ground* mumed other forms, and many gallant exploit! ire remembered of Wafter Coles, Vincent Wlteber, William Tredway, Thornie II. AVerett, Stanhope Flounioy, John B. Ed¬ mund!, (H onto il. (iilmer, (fcorgc Peikin«, Thomn s. 1'.ocock, John 8. Gastric, Wood Bouldln, William Smith. With William Leigh on thc bench and snell 1 liar a* i' became bim to hearken to, there were few inch .oints as Halifax bad. Judge Leigh'- portrait now hangi over lae Judge's seat in the court-room. Under Judge Leigh *at William G. li mk-, Thomas J. Oreen, Woodson Hoghes, Richard Logan, Stan nope Plournoy, and others of hardly lest ability. Old man were talking yester« div of the speech Of Thoron* J. Green when be prosecuted Bteigail ind had bim innig for mulder; of Wood Bouldln'i -pe. ch lo defence of Ben. Grainger, winn he procnted Grainger*! leqoittai ol tbe murder of a min named Hill whom he liatl killed when galloping about in hi* yard in 1 drunken frolic, anti of Plourooy'i defence of u man named Braden who had killed (or was scented ol killing) ¦ nt gro woman and burled her lu a gully on hi* lind. Thc pulpit, too. WM t quel lo Ibe barn* thc rostrum. Beginning with Jenkins, there came along Bobert Hurt, J >hn Kerr, A. M. Poindexter, John <;. Mill-, d. B. IfcQebee, and In later days Grammer, Iltfllm, W. A. Tyree, John A. Scott, Jacob Henrv Smith, and others worthy io rank second lo tin tn. Standing on the platform in front of Jodee I' ir ka- d.'tii¦'* offlee, I could not help thinking that 1 could iee upon Hie faces of th. older peo¬ ple some traces of tho cultivation through Which ; li> y had passed in spite of certain blemltbeS made by contact with men le-s pure, less Willing to follow thc dictates of logic and sound principles. Thc oat crop was reported better than anybody had expected. The yield of wheal not very largs, but ol excellent qual .>. The recent rain! bad given in air of hope- fulneM to people. The tobacco et op hui just then been planted over for thc second tune and W8S promising, lt was said, loo. Heit speculators were flying around, and that WM regal dod :.* an indication that pries of tobacco would be some ligure- blgber. Old Captain Betts, when advocating the building ol tbe Richmond mid Danville road, one-'slid that Halifax county could cover tile capital with wheat. Alpha. BOTETOURT. fCoiitepfStact al the. Btekaotv. Dtopateb.] FlXC-JTLB, Jillie 27, 1881. A very remarkable phenomenon In thc sbap-' ol a ii .il -tm on about one mile tquare at lbs has.-, and of a height supposed io bc about ten mile*, presented itself in Pincas- tie and vicinity mit Saturday afternoon .bonl '2 o'clock". Gardens much injured. The -'one* were a> large ss paltridge-aggi, though many were much Luger. 1 be corn- blsdes were ridtlled into -lued-, tomato- vines etd ott at the ground, Ac, are among the casualties. The wheat crop i- nearly harvested, and is good. The season up fo this time lias been very dry. Tin oats crop In many places is almost worthless. Your.-, X. Has the Like llapiit'iH el !Ielore? RlCBMOBD, June '27, 1881. Editors Dispatch: I returned home on Thursday last from a vi-it to Dr. T. J. Wooldridge, who live* -t French Hay, Han¬ over countv, Vi., and who rai-e- tine K--i x hog*, white turkey* and other fancy fowls, and 1 MW what i><aid to be something novel In tbe fowl-raising linc.viz., a white tur- k- y-gobbler letting. Be leleeted ¦ pktne at tbe fool of 8 email tine. He has been driven off several times, yet returned to bli nett willi a determination to ba a mother. He hui only three eggt la Ibe nest, but it wa* deieimined to furnish him a full supply. Is (hi* something strange or not* A fowl- ran* r may tell us. J. B. B. The case of Mr. .in .11 Uu«k, ol tba Penn- ¦ytvanli Ballroad Company, residing at Centres/ille, N. J., who WM tuted of severe rheumatism of many years'standing bj St. Jacobson, 1- cited bi 1 Pblhtdelpbla tx- change. Neither pbyilclani |nor remedy teemed In do lay good, but Hie great Her¬ man remedy cured him. s SUI.. IMMY. THAW GOODS DOWN. WK SAID LAST WT.MC LOWER FBI. BB! IT'S Aid. A MI TAKF. THIS WSFI THEY ARK STILL LOWBBI All ti.ju«e* advertise great bargaJat, which Istjulte easy to do; hut tno.t lintwirtant of all is toluvethem mli.11 tMMaaert t-k for them. Determined aol to earrv ariy-'m'U .ot to next HMM, we hnve already Mated our goods down lo ore half their re-1 value. 1.000 TBIMMBD HATS ai .1 rtoNNKTs, which we intut sell before this month ins* out. Very stylish I'ATTKBN BciN'VK'IS ami HATS HKmt elegantly trlmmei], sold in April at ?-_, 125, aud )S0. marked down to * 10 .net *12 I All laVJDtl H <llH'S sold at 11.25 and #1.50 marked now 75e.; All FINK AMKHH'AN CHIPS, sold at 75e., mai.ed uaw 41c; All FINE LACK TU* AN HoVNfTS and II \TS. .old at 12.50, #_.75, and *.l, ni irked now Sl.25 ard 11.50: Our new M.'MMKK HATS, for lu-untnln ami "'»- Matt, retlnreti in.w 11. ll .23, ami SI 50, to .Hoe.: riliLDItkN > I.M K 1 a I'.* mark eil way .'owi.; Fme FBKNCH FLOWEB8 ni-.. r-T.ATHF.ltS. aud other MILLINKBY HOODS, prororllouatily tow. W-clo?r promo) at 7 I*. M.: satur lay niall's at 1* o'clock. WOLFOB'.I a sHH.tn m.. 828 Broad street. Je'-a-evd'-'V bttwetu I'lfl-sud Slam. THE LATEST NEW8. MT Tri.EURAPH Td THE DISPATCH. Fees *r lulled Hi.,,, .Marshal* far Mlleace- A Safe Recovered nr*m Ihe Wrecked Steam* er Haran-The Albany Cantest; Na Belalie* Yes-PrefeaMr Kleiae the IM*« av rrr *r the ('.met-The Brlbei? I nv<-sii*atiou al Alba* "r Kr,alu la the Indlcineat of senator Nc«.iou. A Trio *r Manterer* Arreated- Attrmated tait ide l. Flew Volt Harbor- A Jrffersaa (Te*a*i Mard»r «on.plmior* Trial at Ceaatantlaoale-Aa Entire Village Destroyed by Fire-Billiard Match at I'aris- The llavaaa C'able-A Martling English Railway Tragedy, fcc, fcc. Tba I.alc Fatal Affray at Norfolk. ffnaaSsJ telnram to th* IMspaich J Norfolk, Va., June 28.-Mr. Jackson Eastman, of thc well-known Arm ot East¬ man. Powell & Co., who was stabbed in an affray at the Atlantic Hotel a few nights a»o by a young roan mined Donald, died to-night. Dr. Galt, Ihe coroner, ls holding an Incpiest. I).mild left the city carly this morning, being bailed for 11,000. Now Yark Nenator*. NO SOLUTION KKACHKD AT ALBANY. Albany, June 28.The vote in thc Joint convention to till thc short-term senatorial Vacancy wee as follows: Potter, 49; Conk- ling, 31 ; Wheeler, 42; Cornell, 3: Lapham, 17; Fenjar, 1; Crowley, 1; Roach, 1; Rogers, 1. No choice. The convention then proceeded to vote to fill the long-term vacancy with the following rosnll : Depew, 50; Kenan, 49; Platt, 27; Cornell, 9; Wheeler, 1; Crowley, C; Hoskins. 1; Lap¬ ham, 3; Tremaine, 1. The Chair an¬ nounced that no election bad been had In either case. A motion to adjourn wax curried.ayes, 78; noes, 70.and the convention adjourned. Senator Session* Indicted tor llrilxry. Albany, June 28..An indictment for bribery baa leen found agaiaai Senator Besslons. Ile is heh' in 13.000 ball. Slitted St.it' s Sin I sill, ls' I ees. WaSarnOTOB, D, C., June 28..In tba set* tlemeotof the accounts of George Turner, wno reeved aa Manual for thu Mbidie anti Southern districts of Ataluma from 1876 till 1880, the question srcee as to wbetbi r bs is entitled to n lleege on each of two or more wips ol atsOjaUSMJ issued m one case foi WnBeaees residing in one locality and served at tba WUM Mme: also, whether ba is entitled tn mllente on enchof two subjiO'iKts for witnesses requited lo appear and testify, generally under slmt* lar circumstances, The First Comptroller ot tin- rrensory tenby decided thal tba laws relit! Ive lo fees of marshals pro¬ hibit constructive mileage on writs served by deputies, and stso pro¬ hibit mileage for travel not necessarily performt d. The comptroller further main¬ tains tbst under tbe existing law titOpoMaa for witnesses who are required lo attend any term of the Circuit or District Courts on tbe perl of the Uofted 8talM should re¬ quire them to testify generally bffore the srand, petil lory, and court, as ihe ease mny bc. '__ ¦nrtme .Mullera. SAFKOFTIIK WUUCKBOITXITBBStATI BSTBAJtBB huron sVOoraBBO. Nonrout, Va., .June % ..Last wet*k Eu* gene Whitney, i submarine direr eonni cu d with the wrecking Iras of Junes- power & Co., this eily, found a'infill Ivvo-htlinli1 tl- pound aafe la ibe sfter-eabia of Um wreck of ike United States steamer Huron, which foundered ob ibe coast of Kitty ifawk, N. c.. in Nuveins.er, 1877, Tneeontentnof the safe, which was open* ii yesterday, were sis British »overe"-:'i» of rsTSSus coinages, two silver nu-.I il-, MaHtse cross shape, eaeb bearing on it- obverse, la s circle, .< Fideli¬ ty, Zeal, sad Ol" (In nee"; in the centre, "l\ S. N." (bi iii- bick of one was en¬ graved "Henry F. BmSBtrsoB/1 md os ike other .'Junes ('oticli''; one beery plain 18-karat gold lit)'-', no name, and a silver coin of an uncertain date. This safe bas been searched for with interest, as it was thought to contain a large amount ..f money, bul ms mine was found it is presumed ll belonged to ooo of tbe offioers and not the paymaster. A I ex-in \ t tem pm Suicide lu New York < Hy. Nr.w TOSS, June 28..Vi sti rd .y after- noon Alexander Brother, aged thirty-three year-, a native ol Pennine, Texas, attempt¬ ed to commit .-uiciiie by shooting blntei if with -i pistol on board the steamer Western Texas, then tying at her Wharf in Beet river. Losses and reverses in his business, vvhie'i Wal that ff I furner, are supposed to hive been the MUSS of his resorting to self-destruction. lie had already st eur, il I passage to Texas, but was this morning re¬ moved lo Bellevue Hospital, The extent of ins injuries era nat Bedoitety known. His mind is b. lieved to be affected. Mr : I- li' i't f'.XplOSiOII. (.Tscixv.yi, .June 18..Tao Hemmer Phae¬ ton, wini racing wttktbe steamer Handy, thi* sfternoon at t o'clock exploded ber boilers, and the boat Was toni to pieces. The chimneys of tbs ll indy were blown off. Tin- accident happened four milts Bp tbe river from here. Beth boats were Hied with passeogera. The steamer Wildwood bas gone to tbe rescue, Efo newi ins jct b ,i ree, ived as to th' extent of tin- lots Ol Ute, The Phaeton wis s small slde-wbeel steamer, valued al 15,000, la the local trade between Vaoeeburg and Ifsnenester. .: ii I. rn s A in sleil. QaI#TBSTOX, June 'IS..A special from Graham, Texas,aaya s " Sheriff Milton lu* arrived and I toked In j iii Pete McDonald, Dine McDonald, and Kick McDonald, who murdered Mr. Martin at Belknsp and rob¬ bed his st,ne. rney were caught while asleep al ike house of their father. Gooda they bad with them were recognised ss stolen gootN, und seven BOrsCS as til >--¦ stolen in Grayson county. A large number of people are here from Betkuapyaud it is feared an attempt will be mule io lynch the prisoners. Intense exciteasent pn-vaiis." Kweii pc-d i imo .Int. GaLTBaTOV, Jun-' -8..A special from Tyler nye; Dr. Ball, who was streated as an accomplice in the poisoning of Hancock, together with live i there, baa mads his es- cape from jail. This i> tbs third recaps within thirtv days.sixteen persons, in¬ cluding a murderer, hor*c-tbierce, etc., baring i ie >;» id within that ttase. Ihe < >niet. PBjOrBSBOB Kt.KINK SVIIi Tn BK ITS OIS- OOCBBCB. LOOISCIXU, Ky., June 28..Prof- asor Kliene, of Hirtford, in this State, elainM I bal be dtacovi red tko eomsl now attracting atti ntlon in BeptembCf last. He .says this is the comet of 1783. Railroad Himds io bc Issued. Mr'MPins, June 28..Tin re were lied to* day In ina county register's office papers providing for the i*«u:ince of first-niortuaije bonds to thc amount of 3600,000 by tbe owner* of the Memphis and Holly Springs railroad, the funds tobe used in completing thc road. _ A Man I>l*>onibo**«lled with a Razor. JajfamsVOB, Tkxasi, June 28..Dr. .1. ll. Avenger was oompktety dsnsmbowelk i by a BCgro with a drawn ruzor, whom the Hoc- tor had kn ti. ki d down. Hr. Avenger CBS* not recover. He was a member ot Ino Stats Legislature. _ Benth at Nea. N'k.w York, June 28..The steamship Weetara Texan, from Fernandina, Fl.i., arrived to-day. Charles Kelly, acoal-heavrr, died on her passage from exhaustion, and was buried at B unswick, (la. The Havana (able. Kky WfcST, Fla., June 28,-Thr steamer Daucia, Braw, arrived here yesterday, hav¬ ing cuinplited the work ou the Havana cable. Tbe company now ha*, two cables; in complete- order, as_m LsYTBBT 8rs>BtBU«lir ft awn. T«rkejr. THIAL OF COSdPIR ..'OBS. CossTAXTirmFLe, Jone 28..lo tbe trial of thc conspirators yesterday the public prose¬ cutor demanded that the penalty of deith should be prononneed against the actual assassins, jnd that Mldbat, Bacbdl, and Mahmoud Pashas be condemned to fifteen yesrV hard Isbor. Tbe a-«a«sln confessed that the assassination was ordered by Nouri Pasha. The replies of Kuehdi Pasha in hi* x'immation at Smyrna are systematic de nlais of the allegations. Mldbat Pasha, in his address, rebutted the twenty-sxven points of the Indictment, and declared tbat be would never have degraded the revolution which he bad glorified, and which bad been tccomplisbed without bloodshed. Mahmoud Pasha energetically denied participation In the crime. Tbe session lasted six bour«. rne members of the diplomatic body and a arge sumner ol spectators attended tbe rial. Loxnos, July 28..The Constantinople correspondent says.- «« A wnstier nnd hi- companions alane confessed lo the murder >f ex-Sultan Abdul Aziz. The others ac- .used stoutly dented any complicity in the iffiir." Sn Encllfttl Ilnilu nv Mild Tunnel Trna;. edy -A Mew-paper Minn Implicated- London, June 28..When the Brighten -ailway express train was stopped for the collection of tickets outside of Briabton, .e.-terday, a man named Arthur Lefroy BM found in one of the csrria.es wounded n the head, and bleeding. He reported hat his fellow travellers were countrymen ind au old irentletnan; that shortly "after aa«sinj? (.royden he heard a shot, and ¦va* sninned. The police found spy. 'ral billies embedded in tbe carriage, ind in Balcombe tunnel they tjunti with ils throat cut the corpse of F. J. (Jold, a etlred business-man, who had been to London to collect dividends. He was also gabbed In various places. Only a pocket¬ book containing cards was found on his perron. Lefroy, after having hi- WOUOds ire-sfii, started for Lunion. Notice has Men bined Mstlng thal he will be iccused »f the murder of Mr, Gold. Ile is a new-. asper reporter; iged tua sty-two. I'ltiliaiiicntaii .Mattera. Lovnon, June Sfj..In the Boose ol Com* aions to-day Mr. Gladstone, speaking on bbl motion of wblebbegnve notice yesterday, relative to thc progreMon toe lend bill. Mid :ie hope* to prorogue Psi llsmeni -taring the tir-t wuk In Angnat. Mr. Gladstone's motion that after Wed* SCSdsy MTerSl Stages Ol thc land hill -hall have precedence over olin i ord, rs i.( biisi- iifss whenever the bill Bpnesrs »n the BO- liee-P'M'Cr until the HoUM snail otherwise decide was adopted without divi-iou after I i|. bat! la-ling an hour and I half. Terrible ( uiilla.iaiinr. Loboob, June 28..A GeocYs ditpateb says a YllligC in Yalla!-, consisting ol it.out NO bootes, lia* been mtii.r. de* -">¦ by a eonfltgration. One of the bonn - wa* set on tire nv ligbtnlna, and tbe Hames, under a blgb wind, rapidly spread lo the whole viii ige. International Milliard Hatch. Pubs, June .8.. rbegrind international billiard Batch between PIgnsni ind Car¬ oler, tbe Prenefa ebampions, and Station and Plot, repretenllnB America, was played on Sunday ii cirque de (liver, the former winnini.' bf _f) point!. A urn rix u. KLklOUS l-lMNK Kilt CSE IN FAMILIES, HOTELS, CLUBS, PABTIE8, ETC : ti t;n i- f n rn. BM ion C. H. BBAVB8 A BUSTS. j TRI "ULT: PIM H'' : uss lately been iatiadaeed, ami ait tl Bllh-Mltsd popular favm. IT IS WARRANTED TO COBTAIB ONLY THK BIMI BI LIQUORS, carran with CHOICE Ki: ITT Jin B8 AM) GRANULATED BUB AR. It lc remly on opcnlnjr ami will be fband an sen e- sbleadthiloa to the choice tblnp win.ii undeniably enlarge the pleasures of life ami encourage kooJ fCllOsrsblp ami iiaxi nature il' rightly eiitnye.-J. (,| nil AT ALL TIMES. fUSTTBRTHINQ TO KEBF IN WlSE-ClL- LABS. HDEBOABDS NnT COMPLETE WITHOUT : BUB PUBCH. : IT CAN BE C8ED < l.l.Ai: OR WITH FBESH MILK. ICE, SUDA, OR IK»T M ATM!, Ll MtNAIiK. nt! Wl'l ll FINE [CE, TO BU1T TH1 TASTE. Sold hy leaillmr wliie-iiieriharits. grocer-, hotels, i. ¦! -ii iik/i«L!> even wbere, Tratle npptled al manufacturers' prlee.* Itv CHBI8TT.AN 8 WHITE, Grocers, KU M.nu street, Rlcbraoud, Ya. la 8-4$a.WBF8n I'LOK I lit WATCH. THK : IMPEBI9BABLB PEBFUMB. MTR1IAY X LAMMAS*! FLORIDA WATKH, TOILET, HATH, AND SICK BOOM. fmh ISiWABMHal niNFKAI. STATE.. OCtKEN'8 .MlM l: \I.-wah:it DEPOT. On tlrati.ht fruin the new aadskgaal Mammoth Areli'- Soda Foaatalai BOMS Waihi. Uk rm -io. giMnraan Wari s, -to Litm \. vu hy Warna, Pobi ¦ o_ i.to.v, Due BON k WM ku, si Mvtr, -nv) t: B ti bb, Biaean ale, BABA100A WATBB, OTTAWA Hk-R, Usyseh Water, Hun ii BUBB, COXOSE.sS WATBB, APOLLINARIS, EXCKLsiou Wa ri B. HavesUw Bade ariat: >. in-hm ssitb MesslS. Pur¬ cell 4 I.ail.l to .11 th. li Wi IT"" TH VI* Ll I III A. My IttiTI I.IN't. Ks I'Aiil.l-H.MKVr tmvliiKbs?*!! eniaraeti ami Itted sp wita lasprovcel appal*!**, I tm pruarfi IO 'un* Iv the tr-tle willi my un rn lUed GI NU CU ALE, vt DA, and wker ear ix aaSM Mea* raaealu not ties ami lu louniaim. _ GI OBOS si imkn. Fleveu'.h uiul Malu nratML ap _-.-SnAV.F3m_ I Ml. Ill Viii UM. TC. Diri'NKi:, e..i uer of Thirds . and Mar-hall streets. Fl ItM-tllM. ISDI.IilAKKK I bave al my new wareliou-t'a lal) sappi] of Metal lc sad Wooden! a»keu.-i: ttr. wiih Kearns, i -Bal Beerse.saa Hadwfn m un .. ra stable, raak as sse lo taral-i funeral* aube lowest rate. I har.' a telephone al my office, 3u<I attentl any call, day and __gbl,froai my ami tOBB- trv. i uiul*-'. nt bal.-- muI in eases win-re I cannot alt, mi niv-elf._fr 19-eo<16m T T. ( KRISTIAN, r_fBJ9 lj» FUBNIBB1KO t'NOKBTAKMt. .*».' (Utf With tll'l bi.ttfea».jr tn J. A. BKLVIN,) N.t. 1_13 KIST HbOAI) STKEKT, Bil HMOND, VA.. haantaree a«M*imeiiii.f Wooli anti MKT \I.LH ("sKM. CASKKTs. -HKtHTiS, CLOTH CAS- KET8, Ac-, AT W)W f'KH M. Country and teie.rupti order, promptly attenuta todivornlsht. an88_sasmil JOSEPH W. LAU BE, rUBMISHIKO-l BDBBTARBRV ColtVkK FlKSTAM) BMOAB lilREKTfl, Hit IIMi.sti, Va WOttO ANO MKIAI.I.1C BCWAI.-CAMtH, KOHKH. HEABBE, HAt --. sndallihlnirt.r.tiutsiieat lowest bates. Telegraphic and r..>u_irv or.lers MtUclu-d. tau o I P YOU WANT TO MAKE A OOOD, I'UBF. DB1NK, BUY YO CK IC F. PHOM TUE BtCHitO.ND ICU tgMl'ANY. FINANCIAL. RICHMOND STOCK EXCHANGE TCKSDAV. June SS. ISSI. Hs tai*..10 i hares il Ichmoi d aad A liefhs ur Railroad st 89, 10 do. at 68. 60 do., li. C.. al SS 80 da, B. C.. ai fl Ht,, sn rio. at SHH, 40 4o. al ODs; SO thates Norfolk and Western Railroad at Sis, .ld de. at Sit; 10 share* Atlsots and CharMtr B*'lroad Income* at 82%: 6.000 shara* Western Worth Carotins Railroad, 18S0, at 108 ; 60 shar»- Petersburg aad Weldon Railroad at 34!*. SS do. a 341*. IO do. at SSH. 25 do. al 34*. SrnasnSB *Al,*B.-40 shares Rlchraondsnd Al lf*haiiy Railroad at G7$. RTATB "BCtBITIBS. Bid. 4**"l. ."lrBlnlalO-46's.J. and J. 6*1 bo Vlrirtnl* consoU.-l. amU... #5 SS v'irmala peelers, J. and J. 42V 45 Vlritliiia deterred, J. and J. 1*. is, V rel ola Interest rertlflcates. 18 Vlrttnh* ta»-rec«;lr3ii!e capons. Bl 04 Vorte. CarollBB 4's,.|. and J. ki, tn city Statue. itlrhraoiKleliy 8'*, J. and J. 133 I'lrrtraondcliy H's.J.and J. lift"* nd richmond etty .V»,4. and J. 107 107;, Petersburg etty fi'*, f. aad M. HS i'eierst.iirir city 8'», siH-e'l tax. 113 Vter*l.ur« eilyer*. V. »ml M. 100 ..ynclibunr city BV. J. amt J. 108 KAI'.limn BOMBS. '.ando, lt. \\. S's, 10()B. J.4.1. 00 '.ando. lt. W. S's, 1918. J. 4.1 .... (14 . 111.IO. R. \\. pore. O'*. 1898..I. Jl J. 114 .'.ando. |{.\v. aara. ri'., 1HS7.J. AJ. lOvx .. k'a. and T. It. If. 2d mort. o'*. J. 4 J. lOiSJ i'a. and T. lt. l(. 3.1 m"rt. H's. J. 4 J. 121 loiiths. H.K. lsiraorWre. 8's. J. A J.. U3 'OUlh S. R. K. 2d lU-.-rt. i-t".ti'».<f. 4J. !<>.% . louth S. R.K.:titinnrt.|irer.e'«,,l. 4.1. iori N'.ir.iind 1. K. K. lt n,.jTt. 8'x..l. A.I. 103 ifor.aadP. ''. R. lstinurt. 1's,.l.4 J. 104 sor. and I'. H. R. 2d mort. H\,.l. 4 J. ... 118 'eur.'.urn K. ll. Sd tn«rt, 8's, J. A J.. 122!* ... {.and I'. K. R. mort. 7*i. M. 4 N. 114 t.. B. and P. lt. R.uiort. 8*s,J.A J. liri L.B and I\ R. R.eaiM o' , J. andj.. 1 Uri :.. B. BB I'. R. R. mon. 7's,.|. A.I. 115 {.. V. and I*. R. R. mort. S's, J. A J. 105 1. i.id V. R. R. 2d mort. ti's. J. A.I.. 125 {., V.lf.uilC. lt.lt.H-. J. 4 -1. 118 l-i:2 t. * I), lt. R. consol fl'j. lr.85. Bf. A N. 104 1.1 H. I", lt. consol S's. 18SO, M. ,t N. 107 t.4 D. R. R.solde**, J. A J. 105V 107 ;..'.¦ .i \. k. 1;. ist uw.ri.7'(. 1. .v 1.... iii [ia 'lidii..ni lt. It. lit mort. 8'*. A. A O. 112 112S MUnU rind 1 harloite 7S. .1. A .1. ll;!', 115 I..aawdC.laeoaw S's. 95. ..« .aad A R. 1:. 1 Mort. Vi l. Ad. 1 ll :,r.»nd.« :. R.2dmort. 7'., A.SU 10&B 105L Si..rtli 'an.ima Railroad (i's. 98s 99 rYestera \. t. R. R. 7's. M. a N. 107*, 108 BamoAo aiucna. Par. :..*;iil o. Railway common. 100 SO IBM A., M. and <». R. lt. 100 2h SO ftlchruoHd and IVle.rsliunr K. il.. 100 I02S lot IC.K. and I'. K. lt. tomuinu. 100 BU 101 it..r. and r. R.B. 8 per c. saar., loo H'5 it., r. and I*, it. r. 7 per c. gear.. 100 120 I?, sud li. R. K. 100 108 IOU feaboardand Boaaah* R. B. earn, loo loo MBbaird ami Roanoke R. R.saar, loo 100 B.,Y. M.and Ches. Railroad. lou hi loo Itu-liuioii.i and All" ir ha ny lt. lt... loo SBK BBB. [*.,C. sod A.Railroad. 100 a? fte *. and Char. Air-Line Hallway... 100 n-2 ki1, Worth CarollBB Railroad. lo.1 ne 100 Norfolk and Western preferred... IOU <H'» «l*j fetenburs Ballroad. loo 34 34', hank ivocna, Kir it National. loo 1:15 Natl..i.u Hink of Virginia. 100 98 IOU Planters TVaUonal. 100 ISO Mervluintl National. loo 115 'tate Hank of Virslala. loo K'S MM/.-.- Hint. SJ 22 21 Bank of tom mi ri-s\. 25 25 Union Rank of Richmond. ... 50 112 07 lltj Hank. a5 25"* ... I'eterstwrs itaYlaca 4 las. Co. 20 SI 25 ivsna knee cobwavii Virttli'l.-i Kl re ami Marine. 25 BB SI firainla Home. BS ^7-, City fire. BS ... v*4 BerchaiiU aaa tfecbauics. 100 US 94 Hr i'«iog;ri*pn. ssw roi Saar Tobk. Ism SS..Jfoea.Stoeka Sall hat Urn:. Mom>v on caji, cent. Kachana**-- Long, 4>-:lV; -li'.rt. 4801*. Stat* bonds uni-'. (jotertimi nts i|iii>-t. ¦.;..' niny..ii^uty. Stasis; par etat, B*xaamsa. ¦IM.. i...v. rum, nu." timi: nea S's, 10SSI ".w "S's. 114'-: new 4's, iii',. Mal- s null t.\eei>t Team - '. wail strkkt raaramDAT, Nt w roon,JaneaS..Th* p...<.'.* BnaaetalanleH (i:4o P. M. edin .1 ) tars: 11 >hi B k t sctai tuned Suites t.-oii'i, sr* !. hlghtr for the exten >-d S's and otherwise nncbanaed. vta'c bond* are r; er .mi', hlgner. Haitroad bonds ate 1 ', low,r. Tbertoek market darin* the early d ultim wa* .¦, 11 '.- "i (:¦ > Si, iH-r. .nt. 11, iii,- pabileat lon ..; y\r. Kmk'.- elrcniar, itlvlBa « aeconnl of last >:mir- d .\' nu hi- fri pre* nt.nive intuit saeau. Thu oeclln* i-i¦ nil," int m..ii- "loneM kl rauiaa tu- rel come on itu- aarkel lu the ssmettate. This decline w^ followed bf a reeoreryof ',r.i \ and sliM-e tin 11 the n .r,»>-t in. been steady, but very nil-. Aside n.m hil- troak-Maestocks, which reit '..I 2, i>» r <.< ni., the notably v»rak stress on saall tran*actlons bar* been Manhattan Besch, which tell from SI lo 4.6.C.CC.4 1. froa S7HIO0S, Ho.ton Alr-I.lne tro:u (JO i.c.i. and i.aki- r rle and MTatera from iii to (ju. Tb* ncsptlouaiij timi to s'ron? -.o' k-> hare titi a Western I'm n Idegraub a ii Wabash. Momy 1- 2 '.."<:' ¦; her cent, ou call, 2 to 4 pei riiii.on lime, mid ¦( t'.j per cent, oa prime. Tba rates for bills oa landon were 1 kn-, morolaa redneedbaifaeeBttotiM pound starltas. Tue reHoatae qaoiatious werr i-nnnit to-dny al 2*30 P. M.: Western Union. 18S; Weatera Union nea sioek. Uli,; New York Central. 145; Lake !*bore. 127',; Micnlaaa Central, lOSkj; N. w v..ik. Laka Erle aud Western, 45 j .vw rora, Lake Brie andWatern preferred, wo; Niw Vork. LakeKrte and xv,-u ru second>, nf: Delaware, l.arka- wanns ju-i Western, 122',: n«w i.rs, \ r-1 tral, 100**; Delaware and Hanson, 1 BMJ Readlnc. 3l>; Nortnwestern, 1241,; >t. Paul. 12T,: Wanasa sad PaclSe. B7 ; WaOaak and faaflc inefi-rrwi, '.u',; Union Pact Sc, H8%i vi.. K. and T.. BOh; H.uni!...! and Bl. 40., ll.'ii lanni! Bi ami >t. Jo, preferred*, ll"..,: ohio aad *B*. slsslnpi, 4i'i,; I'acitii- Mao. ."JU; c. c. ami l. ( .. 214; Kori bern Pacifle common, 44; Northern Part Se preferred, S4hS CeatraJ PaclSe, 'jh\; Rock Island, L42'j; Chesapeake and Ohio, iOi : Lonlsrlll* and Nabri le, ltn>; Ontario and Western, 8r*4t; Manhaiuu KteTated, 2C,\: inmuis C'entnur 1:'.'.»,: Canada, Soutnern. 05; Ch'caao, hBrllnsloa and (putney, IBS! D**a»ei .iiui Rio Grande. 109H; 8uP*bI sndomaba,42',: St. Paul and mi iii 1 preferred. 106; V, CC. and l.. 94: Erle aud Western, :,s',; ihlcaeo, St. I als aad Bea Orleans. M»; , .,1. (oil, 81; ohi,. Central, SI .; Texas PaclSe, .>'>; 'iv-xai l*aeta« I., ti..90. HAIAIMORE. BAXTtatOBB, Jun. 28^-Vlrxlnla S's, deCrrre**, IB 1 consols, SS; second serle*. 42f*;B**r 10-b0*b, 58; North Carolina S's, 89)4. BWionlay. COMMERCIALS. GRAIN AND COTTON EXCHANGE BtcBMoao, Jua* 28.1881. SALBS. , i.i{\..Wlilti-, 222 i'll bets vtrv rood Bl 'I-!'-. Mixed. 121 bushels prime and viv *o...| ,,t 68c ,*.2 Hi-til-- prime st Sic. Western miara, 400 bush, I- \-1> Bood Bl B7e. Flour. noar.W«qaot«: Kin.-, t.i <¦*'..-.<.: uti. IS.SO ra »iiperflne,S3.tB -1 non 1 ira is, or taten! family. l7.."IO<a*SI; ..-. Inspection, extra, tl.75; mperSae, *.V tty Teleginpa* BBW rOBJL M.w VOBE. .line 28 -Cotton anlet and strelly; 7il i.air-; npunds, Ile., Orleans, ll,.', -..nun rn il .ur quiet sod Bocbause I. « beal ti nv an.t ,r. lower, \»Hil moderate haslne**; BowS t'til- CMO.S1 24 ,. uii/r.iied red, U.liMkSl '*'.*'. Bo. t uiiK-miiid 1..'. SI.28®SI 2*H; No.a unrraded rt-d, il.27a(aS1.28t; cana*.SI 2-'i"."*l W*'- rill or plainer. No. 2 red,#1.2«; N .. 1 red, M.S1; mix¬ ed wini, r, *l 21 .''.ri-24';: oufraded white, SJ_1S 0S1.2O; N... l iin/i 1.1..1 whit*-, ll 2«'* tl.27',; No. 2 red. June, *1 27 -*l 20^: Juiy Sl.2rtV't. ¦ I.ii8<<; Ausost, S1.24'i Si 2.1\; 1.Lintier, 11.28V H2.'; No. 1 wlilti-. Jin... S1.2«\M ? 1.27,. oin Vi le. low. r an I au-:* -i. Inirwrak: umrraded, Blf4B7c; No. I Ba*jS8e»; itearaer 54 .¦¦*', .: No. 2. BS «*5f* Not, Jun,-. 5(1', t5ry ! Jn'V,6BV<BB*4C.;A uru*'.Se*»; M-piemtier, iii'.S'" *i77' ; Oember. 57ii<*>37Hc. Oats better snd more j<.!iv; n .. :t. 4l',e. Ilous qnl*t. CoSk* 'iui" iiei '. h 11 .-. >i. -u.-ir un- irinir d .01.1 M-i-. aa'et; tim quiet snd.al oat; Staudard /.. t)"*« &*,<-. M. !.--.> dui ann weak; ,,n test, redoing u\ e. Bira la fair demand aaa steady; Carolina and Lo ulan*, .»', i 7»,-. Koala nmi and quiet at |2.l .'. '»2.10. Turpentlhi qnli t 1 W.oi linn sud fi r ol Inquiry; domett's ri-i.-e :tl a 4*>-.; imlw I..''" I'".: unwasaeB.lS Sae -leia*, 14/irSOe, Pori Brm md qsact, wiih- out quotable ctuM'te MliaNs* i|ui*i aaoSrmi ion*- '../¦.; -ii"i'. '.< /-. Lard opened w»ak.afler- ¦\ ,>.) sdvanc d. snd .d wi ti itu- soi 111 lost; primestesin, .pot «11 4 : July,111 ee^SU.70; -1 lt, ); r»|jtraia r. *ll.|7',(d» iii 1.27 -: ..t*r. 411 iHtfeiLlSHsall (he >e*r, tin j:, (I IO j". Brati hts Braer. lAlflMORK. BALTOIOaB. .lune 28.-flour'.j. ot ami u*» changed. Waeat.^oathern eraser: eru loaer. s stead y; aiutbarn red. Si .2d tl Ba;aabar, St.aSatSl.aa; a saan ta'e of n- * ai lil 40; No.B P w|,itel |. Jl.lf. ?12'>S'1. Sl.2B\;Jul) 4121. \n«u t, «i 2VJV* S1.22*4i >eiiuiniH'r. Si 23V<*tl ' 1 .>m- - in le rn iiuiet. and -,.< a i\; western wer ami dull; sonthetu whit*, 60a,; tetlow. BSe. "'.- steady a..d iinoo ji- i\.- I ¦: miara, saifc.; i'< 11 "r"" with- ont quotaol* ebanae, CaSea 1 trt»¦*: Rio rew^«.^. ont 1 na rr lo tale, k uawr -tet.lv; *. A," loft. 10*10. Wnteker amst at St.lS. Kreisla, Brui- narh in.-.cJ. kVUUISTllaal I., risv.i.t.x. Jun- 2H.-)i,jr slsavSvj Ba, I, S5.V.5''' *.> j"- ebsdee lo fan. v. itiai-Sd Bv. Wneat oula ai ?i.m. Coroauletai >2-. 1'ut, lu fair du- maud al 42c. i'ork thin. Baw.BM*aU Mmuir and bi*aer; ibaalasn. So IB; rm.S8.70'.sl»l*«.SB10. rason :ii-.iu: and alfSari snoalaVra, »7; Tit'. 1 ?».*i0; ttdrs, till. H*u«-Suuir-ta«*U, Uv. Wbiskei ilead> a. $1.08 1 IMINNATI. CtN'riVHATi, June 2t*.."flour railer; family,] |S.a0asS& TS; laaei aacBaaat a, Bjk il "?:.'. sal md qtBMably lower. Corn .inlet ai 47 V\ **[¦ <|»'* varoi.- and firm at 4D'-.r. I' r* kVnur at S10.5U. I .rd (ir t. ai 411. Hmk-meal* In <o.id detaaad a 0 a >iia<te lilMlnr: so-uilder*, »«. 12>, ; rlt>. *>8.ft5. Ba- ev.n Brnier t>ut not oiiotaoly liistK-r. Wbi.aey acilve aud Urtu at Si.08. Misar c*.,ier; IihkIj.. Ill,** like; X»-wOrl«aiv*. 7*»('t8V- H<«* *t«iev; com- mo* mi u:it,|4.'jotiit«; luckin, sm ¥utmn\ HMMHM* ST. LOUIS. t«T. I.nrih.-<liiue28.S*tour quiet and un,-ri.ni;i d. Wheat uuselllti! a. d lower; No. %t led full. SI 17* lfaSl.l7\ ca », Sl.l4'.ftSl.l.HJulv. Com lower ; tS*.'-. .sh. 45',c. June. Oati Irregular; 10BM *»lt« h.gin- .'ti, ea h. SSc June. Wt iik, v Uulu r at tl «,8. P-nks'rona; )ol»dun, SIS. 75. l.atdbisiKr; * il ni W.d 111 20 hhl. !tu!k-ima.Uirm; car- 1 iola" of ehoaiders.il: nu. S8 SO; *l.le<, SK 75. I'.a.-.n blather: sbouider-. *«8VS; nS *915'^ '?9.50; »lOts. |9 7H*»'7». CBicAtsfeifeae 8tVglVis(f*MB. SFtMaf IL* I'C'aaSTVl'.lojilfl.fwTtair%{ifte isemand and tosser and sreak; Sage, essb. * 44*: July. Oats no«eifed sad lower, csne-toii 'omer oniions, at 3Wkc. ra*h ind Jose, STM, kl lu'v. Port r-tHv acivo and a shade blaber; |lfl..1i)c_-h,tl«S0«|18..t.)|iuiy. Lard active. Iron*.-nd hlvhev. especially for ctsh: 811.80 .ssh. tn «B july. Baik-m««ts Brm; shoulders lo.83; tin, #8.00: rlear. 18.86. MILWAUKEE. MtLWAi'KKi, June _8.-KK>t.r i|titet and la fair lenu.i.1. VI ii'at-nvitied and weak; N... 8 Mll- «».ik»- hard ll.IS.'; seo. 2 Mt'waatee soft, raab ail Juoe. ll.joli, ciiti) quiet and ¦ocBanced. mt luaclire: No. _, 86" y. Providion* armer. He>s port. S16.SO raab and July. Lard. Primo leans, til 33 caali a.4 Joly. Il vu dull and noa.. lal ai *.*.ni'_j,S.VHo. MEW YOBK COTTON FLTUBES. Saw YORK, Jane '-P..Cotton-Oroas rec«rtp«r, i-M tastes; future* ei.-e.i dull bat steady; tale*. 9 000 haiti; June. tl0.»9tf 111; Julr .fin 97tt U09S: Anrn.t. fll.Oltffll.riB: HetKetnD-r, 10.K2 i|ti' ttl 0-t.>t,cr, 110.18^110.30; No- ember, tloii7.-allo.on; December. 110.08 i-ii.nnrv. til..ls../tio.i»: Sebruary, |lo S0g» 10 .13 : sturt-ii. tio 44»rlld 45. -I S KI MK ¦ RFKU.IUKMt iv._ MINIATFBE ALMANAt.-Jt'StK 28, ISflf. ~ an rises. 4:40 Hir.ii"Tiob. un esta. 7'_0|Momtn#. «-.«¦ lonni-ts.... 9:i8 i FyttHne1.. 0:48 POBT OF RICHMOND. Jc<ik 28. ISSI. SAILED. Steamer Aries, rufford, Norfolk, Catted Slates tall, uiercuandise and oaaatuireri, I . K. Tania, sent. Steamship Old Dominion. Walker. New York, ieroh.Hi.llM' and j.i. i.-. t-, ii. \V. Allei. f Co., MMe. Schooner William Walton. Hecka'ew, Phlladel. hia. hay and lumo»r. Cart;- A Farter. MBMOMABM M. RBW York, dune 28..Arri vt d | Schooner* O. T. lubbani, Loveland. Harry Oor'mu*. Cornell; Hal¬ ie J., Snead; Cf.nie Ila Ncwkirk. Huntley; K. H. Irk, Curtis: Charl-s W. Alcott, rrench. from Vtr- Inla. Sailed, tu hoouer Willam* C. Wickham, todman, for lilcbinond. By Te (eera pb. BOSTOK. June Zr}..Arrl\etl, schooner Montara rom Hi. lon. ii i. Va. REPA RT I KM ill' Ml SM tit M. boil \VASlilX(iTOX~ BAL-A*a_ILf r rtMOBR, I'nii. \itt-:.i"Mi v jyt3___L KW YORE. ANO ALI. POINTS NOMH ABD :ASI'..The Potomac st;e*nitiont « -mpaiiy'i new alMt -uamcr f X<'KlXoB, twice dallv (e_.-*p4 iindiy) between Quantico ai..I Wai-hliiR'nn. lu '¦tin.ellan wih tl allis I Ho litroml. In i|. nck<- iir. and P.*i..mac railroad. L*ave Hichujnnd Klehaiond. Fredern:k»bargaad Potosssa railroad) ! s:l_ -\.M.. arrive ai washington (steamerEa* .Satori at _ P.M. Leave R'ctnit,.ii.i uti. iimoii'l. "rel. rick finnie and Poa -mac railroad) ai Btlvi P. t.: arrive ai Watliliuion (steamer kzeaJ iori at o-.:io P. M INTBBCBANOCABLB TICKET* -Arr-cRe- Mati kavt ba n p. rieeted hv wbn li ait-rail tickets rom au inil.lj siou.h toall txlnt* Nulli. K.i-t, ami \ift. readliitf ria R.. K. A F. lt. R. and A. A F. ailwav, will M rt Wived * r ..ii-1-..rini !tin on .lie -at between (Jimmie.. anti Wa-hlufrton, walmul xtra chant. Passeaaers sottta North eau. If iltey t-s'.re. prac-TS room- anti -iiendilie inuHt on board, ml mote nt r trip on early mernina- tr..ln«. 0COBOS M ATTI NO i.Y. Superintendent. C. A. Taylor, denerai Tit k.t Agent. Je ii POII OLD POINT fOM.ftJHg^. ORT, BOBPOULFORTSMO! Ul. AND KKi.C- LABLARPrBBSOBdAMEBRIYRRDnUMyli ALSO ¦ovnki-tim; at OLD POtMl IAMB AKTF.K- Mi'.N WITH ITESMI lt- FOB WAslllKO- itt.N. !).(.. BALTIMOBB ANO THK NORTH. SMITHFIELD, ANO ll A MP ION. VA. BRRATLY REDUCED RATE*. FARB rOOLDPOlRTOR BORPOLE, fl.SO. \:.i rOOLDPOIKTOfl POBFOLK, ARO BE- TittN. f_3y. TICKETS 00 D I nih. i -in. MS BPACXOUB ANO BLBOANT STKAMKB ARIKI,, (carrvliistulUsd statea mall.) Z. C. GIFFORD. ( ¦¦'i.iiiau.!. r. eaves Rh neod even Tl EsDAY, TMCBSDAT. iiiilMM'ITtliWa'n A.M. Cr alnive-nanie.! pteeat, url vina ai Old Pol ni at 4 H. ^t-, conneeilna *l'b ttamar for Wai-hintioi., D.C., and the Ha) Line. isiit.-ii srrlres la Baltimore neil stornlii la full tine let .-arly traias toPblladelphls. Bea York, and liostou. Keturiilnif. t|ie -teainer Arni h-a'.ei Nor¬ ri, .-it A.M. aud Old Point at 7:tl A. M. every MONDAY, WRDNESDAV.aud !. KIDAY, trrlvioK il lHi-liii.oiidalt P.M. Karu in ((altimore. 5 00 rue tu riitlailelithUl. 8 (IO Kare to New York. 10 80 Fare to H.»ton.14 oo Limited tiek.-t* to Wu-h'ni." >u. O ('. am] rellim .- /ti.! I'cliit, Potomac Steamboat ('.uiii.anv and i' .-linell.tl. Kn tit iii-It-i.tit -' anti Poiouuc railruad. Ki- FABSEN'OEBf BOIBG NOBTH HY THl!» LINK HAYK NKYEBAL HOC BS AT OLD POINT Foil A HALT-WATEB HATH. TlirougU ticket* on sale nu ileirtitr Artel and at Oarber'i Aseiicy, 1000 Main itreet Hai^-gre cheeked throush. SPECIALLY LOW BATES TO PH UBI II. MILI¬ TARY. ANOoTHKi: KXi I'HsiuN- in ULDPOINT, NoUKt.LK.aC. PRBieHT. Krelirht received dally far Nor.'o I, Pt rutmoulb Smithileld, and Hampfoii; WaablDftoa. D. C. N-wii rue, Washin/:-'., sae Tarnuro', N. ('..ami ai! points In Easter! Norw. Carolina; also, for East¬ ern Shore nf Virginia, old Hoi'it and all reft.lsr Lindi tors on Janies river, al LoWFBT HATES, ami il.r«u_b bills luu'.l. I.I. I v I M. Je IS_StipcrlnVndent. r>OH NEW YOUK.-TU. Old^^BR JP Doiiilnion ^itaiiiMilo < ..mi_n>' ¦___MBSBb steamers will nail a> fol'.»ws -i.auifr >I.D Int- MINION, Captain Walker, e . n I tr-DAY al .1 o'clock P. M : -teamer WY A BOES*, Camala con h.every FHIDaY ai - o'clock P. M ; -.teamer MANHATTAN.I iplala Kn ly. en ry SUHOAY tl s o'cloek A.M. Krel.lit reielvtd in. to 1 o'. Ink P.M. for the Tu.-'llC* ami F May's III BBS* T. and to fl «i'.i..ek Haturdayevenlna f»r "nodsf's ;idp. Through billi of lattin/ Dinned and Knods for- warded with dispatch to all points nortl;. aou" e,ea»t, and weat; eluo.to fort Un ,.>rts. Ti -ilk.', r see N.ino.Uilin* uitfurpis.sed. i strta uic to New York, flO.oO; sui r*ire, and *7. For fulght or ns -ieeaptily to ii. W. Al. .r.N t CO., A nv t).U_Company's Wharf. Ho. k.-IU. OLD DOMINION >TKAMSH!1* ,,MjRB (UMI'ANY. -__^rank- FOR NEW YORK. Tblseonpaat srllldtapatchone ol UsetrspasadU Mteamcrs.OLD DOMINION. WYABUKt. M s N- HATTAN. and KU HMOND-.-v-rv IIT'-OAY and FRIDAY at _ P. M.. and -I NDAY ai M A. M. Steamers leave Bea York tcesdaY"'. I BUBS- DAYS. aadSATCBDAYS al B P. M. from Pler.8 (a- * uiitiiiier), loot of Beaeb Street, North river. They base ej.lt ta*ts-11 oaas.sUto -ro .mi, anti tiath- ie lill. I he fare, KCoai-tcdltloM. Std dtteuliona are un- ¦urpa -ul. Cabin fare to New York. tlO.iO. RMMMi IS Ir.u'hls for iKiliita katoad N't w York foi w«i .lr .1 witt dispatch, mil uothar.e lu .ult ea. ept actual I a- peases Ineareed Keel eba received until fl o'cloek P. M. daily. I"or fu.tlo r intnrinailoii ai.J.ly t.> i.ihim,K W. ALLEN ,t to.. Aeen'i. my 1 offl..«. Coinp*uv's wharve*. Ki., a. '.it. nmbAl'KLi'HlA, KH.'H-^fiML I Mo%''D. ANO J.'OBKJiLK -t rtAM-__dhtiS SHH' LINE.-FOB I'lIILADELPHfA, FalL- LtfVEB ANI» THK BAST VIA FALL HI'/frR i,¦;.,.;' 'HMK-o A '.. .-ii.-t'tfl! fatb"i ,. the fUaxaersr.f ;.:. .',.,.. will mil # ulpe. l«avlna Pbl.vtl'tpo-. ame TUESDAY. rill'MSOAY, tad BATi RDAT, Mil Blchirocd ivery TUESDAY, F?;il>.>^'. -i d S"BDAT, coa- ,it uar at Piiiiadeipb ¦¦ iwEaaiaad ,. rall River. Qi :i K TIM;- .'UKyiKNT DXi .-tTU.'.EB- LOWESTBATFS. tr<-!-«(i» na ei»«l dully i: titi j o'clock P. M. JA ABS W. Mt CAKBiCK. Genera. So-', ern Aaenl,B1e_iiaoad,Vt. WI .1.1 .1 .'.' .> ¦'[.*' Om nr>9« V* tl Mat.airers, 1 _ r"-*!li W'1«rvv«. iTOla.Vlt.t.I. 1»VIOPE lg STKAMSIIIP li TICKETS. BUROPBAB BfBAMBMIP AOENcY. ion Majis mtrkkt, RepreavntlnK tin-1< l!.^*ius «'i.t-c'_»« ocean ateam- Mii|iiluei.i'roiH Boifoa,New Vt rk.P*Hi.lelohla. au-1 Kaltinsore, to Eun.p. < CN ARD. WHITE <.r.\R, NATIONAL, \ni v(..li...ri"N, inmin AMEB- HAN. UKO VI At'.. MIAN. NiiRTD -I.ERMAN- LLOVD. HAMI'.I in; vMl'Ku AN. aud NS.TH- KRLANDM, AMISH AN, ITALIAN, and BoB- MCAUX. rtnst cLAsa, s»< onoxla»s, »ud -taaRAt.l TICS «r> lo and fr.in all '.ne prii..-t|ial i«.|-ai.s lu Europe. Eacursloa tickeo. al n-d>iced nHe». htate-iowins s* carrai in advance. Pal let lii/tii* to Eurone ir .enduitf for th^tr fiiend^ wt aid do wuil ta .'¦'Uiiatn.'i at>- with tb« u mle lg ned ba- -we ittirchat.ie.irt ',-.-». lure. K nn.adiud .teaiu-hlp VK-kets to all iKii.t- in me fuii'd MAtvs aud can¬ ada. Itai.s same aa at datum and tterai offices. No iroutjit lo ..i.wer tiue*ll"i-t. Witu io oe call oa A W OAHHER, Gem eui Halln.vl aud <eannhlp A.ent. I> 00 Malu street, liuhu. .ud, Va. un 17-.t-.elui pUMBM V liol..adit _ WOOD AMP COAL._ JUST RECEIVED BEST ANTIIU.Vt ITK « 11 VI. ti ta__lle»-lUiG. STARVE, aixi , At> T- Ntl MJ5EM. ALSO, LEHIGH Ll M1MN>AL for found-tee. .at ... niarkvt rates. 8. P. LATtHHOP, j-_ Scvvnteeiiib Mrevt. at -TawWidyc. ...KLAM) COAL.-TUIS DAY .ladlitK. JOH lons freah-mlnal siKOBGE'S- (BKEK L'CMBKBLAND t.'OAU T..t«cci^il«ls furnished at northern trie... I ibcial <!edu«u.»_i I made io dealers. W IB1 BoBfcB f .*, Dealer in all kinds or AatbracUc oad P.ttUHitnonA ital. oMcc aud Yard, » vioiceaib and Cart j atreeu. say S OPPOSITION IO EXTOBTIOD AND MONOPOLY.-Now diKrhanrhts and on bfj_d« ftill supply of ril<i*'F-< LAM! ASTHBai 1TB Sl'oVK-i (LAL. fnih from uiii.ea,-.ItUverrd at ray dooeal Pilcw; _l»o,-PI I^i.iUMBaBLANlNaad 1 tail fciis-J* «r aoi icoaL.oaB -"d »'»**-*W*tf i-osilce*. liro*4 jirvti oui_».it< Ttwa;n »«'d laoi Uti iu*M lapB7j C. IL i.*AJJ*s

chroniclingamerica.loc.gov · 2017-12-18 · j^oriJjigrt&.JUNE 29, ISM. PETERSBURG. \\.., Ar BBm*sVt*V Rt'RKRr p. Boilino; noRoarn nuuk IR the history or nkTKRSBlR«-*>rtTn,CI1 W-'WnN

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Page 1: chroniclingamerica.loc.gov · 2017-12-18 · j^oriJjigrt&.JUNE 29, ISM. PETERSBURG. \\.., Ar BBm*sVt*V Rt'RKRr p. Boilino; noRoarn nuuk IR the history or nkTKRSBlR«-*>rtTn,CI1 W-'WnN

j^oriJjigrt&.JUNE 29, ISM.

PETERSBURG..., Ar BBm*sVt*V Rt'RKRr p. Boil ino;

\\ noRoarn nuuk IR the history ornkTKRSBlR«-*>rtTn,CI1 W-'WnN USA-Ill.

PK*!!'" ,V N"l1,m*V AN0 «CRRY COIN-

TS |stllASS TO KCROPK-MORTUART RE-,ort> ISB JiM-«»r».MNO or me cam-

raWN.,(sorr*spon<l«'<,«<* Sm Rlchmsnd Dlipatch J4 -liai: BB, MIL\ : IcgrasS received from Staunton an-

aeaaot* inc death lhi« morning, at tho raamZoos °* ¦*. .;)I,. Mr* Su'wa" Koilinir, inlUtOStS county, of OsIbBjsI Robert B. Holl¬ins, sf tn'* etty, tn the s,v, nt\-s, vcnth yearof BM apr. Catos*! Hollins was ono of our

inosi prominent, wealthy, respected, andMlnsjainaartod cit (gens, and w»> descendedfrom an honored lino of ancoslors. BrssUesiP;|l-, uro connected IntimsKlv with tin'hilton and pronto9* and prospoilty ofaaa eily. Ho wu born st WestHill. Petersburg, on IBS Mit ot

, Barth, MBm Ten Mar* si hdjs lifo wore1si>ont at Bolllni:broke, Fauquirr county,anil » pori lon at Sonly Point, (harli's (itv,,,univ. Ho studied hw with JtUfgS Tuck-or, ofWinchester, (inti uss adSKBsBBd fortho bu al Prlnoi'on. N. .1. Ho nov, r prac-ticed Ibo profession, however. About thobeginning of tho present year he movedfrom resernhurg to AnsTBSts county, wherehe inronded to reside and retlic ft om bu*l-ness. Hi* rennin- will Ba brought BBSS forinterment lo-morrow afternoon, mid thefun. iii Mill laka plana ai I o'clock r. m.f. ksS late re^ideue-, uti Centre Hill. Mr.

rved s* mayor of Peteraburg InU md in 184J, ind ft several lueeasaJra

s was chosen by the jieople to repre¬sent in lms8tatS Lc-ishture. II. w M

sir .ci ot noble ht ir', of |enatt>QS dmposl-Mon, wa* over torssnoM in every seh'-moforlb' adTSsBCeaaenl of the welfare of tho cityami people, and his MSB] will bo sine.Ml -lyfelt in tho eotnniiiiiiiy.Mrs. Unbeaei v. scott, wife of Mr.

V. Scott, i prominent turi chant ofly, dried tis I Boorning after a long ill-

ne--; aood snout sixty-one year-.Mr. li. A. Holloway, a areli known mid

hsluenttal ellis n nf Slit ry count v, died\,s erda*. Two wicks mo hts father died.it tilt advancd nee of BMfbi*/*OB< JMr. h. H. ll lukin-, s lorsser citizen of

BOnd, but for some year* h resident nfPetetsbot ar, died sjoHs suddenly last n ght.He was ,.nt test,idiv endeavoring io si-tend ra bia bostness. But, nuder tba sdrtosof friends, went In Iii- room t<> ria down.Hs issn a eaBCBSBsfcer by trade, snd sadasea worhtoa Bera for some year*, lie Baa

i ii,, i, it ix». ir* lng in tba etty, and neeupM iiats by bimsi If,

Tlie dentb is .-inn,.mi.-, d nf two brothers.K I- rt F. and William Ward.aged ii spectirely seventy aad ettnt*MJirec year*, In

way comly.i...t;i,,t wbom passe i tovc within a few days ..f i iota otber.

\ liv, ,| fir i long aunber of years inuna netejbborbood, and botb of themburs sud ollie is- of tbi Presbjterlnn

church,Tbe train from ibe wist yesterday after*

.lu down s citlsen nf Lnnenborgjndacit'z n ot Prtnee Edward, wno were

taken t^ th- .'-v'tiiii for tba lueaas alv, ans'.ure. One div last wei k Usa

r At it I carried down righi lunatics tov. i ms bur*.

Ki v. Tbonsna Spencer, rector of St. J >bn'sebuieii, la ibis etty, win leave fur Europeon Wednesday ol next week. He is i bb-

j England, and this i> his- |ir«! visit to

tue boom of Bb paresis la fout teen years.!I >vill return m-xt Beplessber.¦er. Louis fjfusabfuss, mtulater nt the

Bebrew eoogiea itlea here, u native of (Jer-niany. will leave to-morrow on a two-mont hs" viMt to his relatives and friends Inth.it eountrv.Tbs member* of tbe Tennessee Press A»-

s ,eiitiiiu, who hive recently been on hu

excursion to the Berth, pas.ed throu.li thccity yBBtsrdJBJ afternoon en route borne. On

ssc fain were -¦ \i ral families ot tier-man immigrants on their way to homes inIBS U>sl.During Ibo month endinfc the Mtb in¬

stant there wire titty-six deaths in P( temimrs.au laeranse of sBortaHty a* nnsnparedwith the pist two or tbree months. Bu'the month of June always brines increasedmortality. Of tlKme who died twenty-fourwere wtiit.s andlhirly I wo colored; thirty-one were mahn BBd twenty-five females;tweoly-eiiiht dn-d under the age one year.sud asm bad passed tba age of one nundi ed

In addition, twelve Bosr»residentsbrought lure for interment. TbeH mortality was; m the Fourtbnod

Fifth v irds, w lu fl. f nt isl,, d eighteen antifenrtceo deaths reapi lively.The Bsmpotgn will open, here wHblfl

tbe mxt few ,li\s with meeting? and-p< chas by botb parties. Tbe Rettojusters

. Mossie, Paul and Blair io ow n iber them. Mr. Clem. Oreen, of Char-iiul other gentleman Will address Un-

'i g Democracy* wno ara organlBing forI e mpalgn, Hobin Abaib.

STATJN TON-anothki: BBBTanornra .-To;r.y.m.rtion or

is esjunna onnann. nnara of a

rorvLiB yoimi man.[i'>rre»poudfut«; of the l.'ulitiiiniil l>!?r>atrli.J

Jori 88, 18B1.Aigusta Bounty bas bad dunnj; the Brat

Snoot! Of Ibis SUUHner tune than her sbare^¦f NoraS, One secnc.'i of tin; BOUBty has

Mt Kcivt-tid from the severe hail-s:o'in of i mouth ago which destroyedthousands of ban beti of wheat so rffectu-...I \ ttiat the fariLers are cutting the srbeali.i some Held* fur forago and waiting to seewhat a second crop will do, whichha* sprouted out from the runts Inother-, lu fore another devastating

i,i bas swopl another rich portion ofthe county. Tins was BUB Baturdsyafternoon, and the fores of the sn.mi.wind, rim, and hail broke upon Tort Re¬public and the country Bdjseent. Houseswere unroofed, including Hie depotof the

indoab Valley ronda; Port Bepnblle,some smaller hulldlnga wire overturned,SDd large fields of win at were luateti withthe hail until ihe In Sdi sVOrS threslied Cleanof -rsin. Mr. Beery Harneberfer, wbeli'-', nearlv all of | lim- er .p of wheat, sayswini,- sacra was no ri*e In ibo river the de-stiuetkni bb hi* piitii-.ttion was equal tothai eui.ed by "'f «rt*-'' fl""'(,(,K"U- Thewind blew in a tornado, and all agree tba!snobs storm had never visited tba! seetlonwithin tbe memory or tradition of the old-

ahahftnata.The remains of Mr. john Pauli deputy

treasui, r nf Augusta Bounty, vere brougblto .slaumon rosterday afttroooa on the mailtram from the Wpm. Mi. Pani was the son

of Captain Samuel Paul, tba county trea¬surer. His tn alt h ha- bi en poor ever sincean attack Of BBSBates las' spring, and he had

io the Wann Springs recently, anddied tlnre luddoolj sunday evening fromcongestion ol the liver, lie wass promisingman, of BOChsMlafSS capacity, and vciypoi uljr in this city und ejunty.

Mnsttslon LodBOi A. F. and A. M., at itsannual i left ion Friday night chose the fol-lowing Oates*: afsalar. sf, A. Cochran;

vTardrn. U. J. Dettor; Junior War¬den, W. stt-waii; senior Deacon, Joha w.Stout; Junior Deacon, K. I. Jones;tary, A. A. Kskridge; Treasurer, P. ll.Trout. Kev. J. M. Frost and Kev. K. ll.Phillips were unpointed chaplains, and Mr.Ko«er,bjuiu tiler.

Valley Lodge, Knights of Pythias, on tbeMme night, elected Joseph K. BolrtttS chan-oller; C. A. KlcbarJ>on, vice-chancellor;W. L. Olivier, keeper of records and seal.Chancellor W. H. H. i,vnu was advancedto paM chiinvllor.Allegbany Lodge, Knights of Honor, at;

Williamson's, at their semi-annual elect ionlast Thursday night, elected Hobcrt K.Kiee. dictator; H. ts. Wiley, past dictator;31. Ham, vice-dictator; Stephen Koudcap,reporter; .. Lacy, financial ri porter; K.H. Davis, treasurer; Kdward Hamilton,eulde;-Hatcher, xuardiau . David Gab-bert, aentiutl; Kev. E. W. UcCoi kle, chap¬lain, and Dr. lt. H. Wiley, medical exami¬ner.South Uiver Lod**e, K. of II, Waynes¬

boro', last niifht elected C. B. Haine* dicta-lor; J. A. Patterson, vice dictator; Juba]

BBBBMsssaB--san--M-Ssss_MWMa,MM^,M^H. Schindle, as-utant dictator; J.H. VantHorne, reporter; J. B. Roden, finsneial re-poi tor; R. ,T. VVritrht. treasurer; W. A.Jones, chaplain; T. J. dirk, uuidc; D. P.tlarnrr, sentinel; |>r. W. A. Junes.inedieilexaminer; and advanced Dictator W. 51.thew to ihe rank of Past Dictator.

Yesterday was court-day, and but i smallcrowd of people In from the country. Thefat mers are in Ibe midst of their whent andhay hun cst. which is very Un** In someparts of the county. Rains have lumabundant <>f late. Oom and oatt are pro-imams, and were it not for the storm* so

destructive in portions of Hie county tbaoutlook would be aeneraHy very fatorabte.

Yesterday Pd Jones (a colored mun), theoldest emploisj on Ihe Chesaptike and Ohmrotd, and general favorite with officials andmea, was run over by an angina la the yardhere and his foot and ankle cut off. He blabout sixty years of agc, and it is teatedeannot recover from the shock. Penn.


Jobi _s. ubi.The elosinc exercises of tbe fortv-lirst

session of the Virginia Military Institutewere inaugurated nt half-pout fi nMnek yes.terdny evening by the Inspection of bar¬racks followed by a review of the corps ofcadtts by I he Hoard of Visions.After tlii' review the cadets, under the

command of Colonel Scott Shipp, wentthroutrh the various intricate evolutions ofthe battalion drill with ¦ precaflon tbntshowed their perfect training, and whichwould blYI done credit to regulars of longservice. A large concourse of stranaer!were in attendance. Of the Hoard of V'l-i-tors there were prcueut (iovernor JohnI.etcher, General Jubal Karly, (ieneral.launs McDonald, General J. H. Corse, Col-onel S. Turner, and C.lionel John ll. Pur¬cell. The examinations ure all finished, balthe result will not be pu'dishtd before theNib instant.

In the evening; a dramatic performance.I revival rather of the ulympic garni.tinder the management of Mr. W, P.Moore, of Norfolk, was flvaa nt tba HenHall, which was wit nosed by over a thou-band inectatora, and which reSected malcredit both on the soho >l and tba perform.ers. An address before the Alumni AMO-elalion was the feature for this evening.



Join 28, ISSI.Thc Board ot Visitors met yesterday, but

adjourned without action, OWlag to the:i'i-t!iee ol s<'Yeral members. There were

press nt Hun. A. II. ll. si uart, J. H. Miry..W. C. N. Randolph, Holmes Conrad, PaulWhitehead, ami Jobn Gooda.

Last night tbe celebration nf tbe Wash¬ington Society took place. For two yeanpist the " YVa-li." lia- boen iLi.tble to havea celebration on Mootra! o. i(- paucity ofmembership. Dniina tbta si--hm, bow*ever, i'h is revived wonderfully, and nowst mds abreast with tbe " J< tl."


Mr. Stone¬wall J. Shepherd, ol Tenneteee, presided.After prayer by the chaplain. Boy. Dr.Vaughan, and music by Weber*! excellentLand, ihf preahieal, In a neat and grace-fui manner, presented tbe debater*!medal to Mt. William W. Wilkci-oti. of Al¬abama. Mr. Wiiket-on responded i:i amanner tint tbowed ins appreciation of tbablgta booor conferred. Tba president thenpreaeated to Mr. F. M. 0 Penn, of Tezit,the tu.'dal ii tb.- best orator in thc Wa-h-iit_r»on Society. Mr. Penn, lo ¦ ten min*ii*' .

~ speech, ihly demomirated that "Ame-li.i wa- tin- Hope or the Curie 0/ tbaWorld.'' The ipeeebca were all brief, thethe music wai food (though stale, becauseof tbe pieces having been heard here so of-ttii before), the andicii-v was fair, and weredismls-cd lu fore they got wearied. Thelawn was tiatitl-omely deeorati d, but therewu* a singular absence of '. dress" in thefair ones who attended.A noticeable feature in this commence¬

ment is Ihe improvement in thc PublicHall. It has been thoroughly repainted indn Jimmied, and tho wretched side-lights atthe Mind that natd to distract tbeeyeaolthe auditor! bavebeen dbptaead* and aband*some chandelier placed Immediately over¬head.

Anion!; the distinguished r'llton presentari rx-Goveinor J, W. Stevenson, of Ken¬tucky ; Jndgi J. W. Menslet, or Kentucky ;Eton. Tbomai Ellis, ol Chicago; w. w.Corcoran, of Washington J Judge C. I..({radley (joint oiator), of Providence, B. I.;Hon. Jame'" o. Broadband, of Missouri.

i in li-t of titled graduate! balbeen in«noonced. Tt,i> are: nuleri of Ait:Tbomai ithinton, Baltimore, lld.; CL.Andrewa, Baltimore, Md.; .1. h. Pendle¬ton, boulia, Va.; K. H. Debney, Middle-btiiy. Va.; J. P. Blair, Columbus, .Mis-.LL L's.: J. II. Woodrow, South Carolina;<;. M. Boin, Portsmouth, Va.: c. II.Fanatterov, Winchester, Va.: J. A. Lan*enter, Richmond, Va.; A. W. Patterson,Richmond, \ ¦«

It is rumored that the Board of Vi-itorswill ippolol a inecenaor lo Profeator Panand al. IttlltlOtl in several Of the-chool-.The weather ha- tuen delightfully cool to

far.Profetaoi P. n. smith left yesterday for

Europe, where be will spend tba vacationin studying new developments in mechan¬ic?, anii, it is -aid, in CMtlat an eye aroundfoi i tunable person to till the Chair ofAstronomv al the Univeiaity. This is mererumor, however.

lt i- reported that a severe storm devatated tblngi generally nt VYishington lastnight. Thc dispinv .if electricity la thenortheast, as willie.ed hue, indicated thatit wis produced bf the storm-cloud utWashington. The Datha were so vividand continuous as to appear h if it were I{rand lantern bung out In tbe northern iky,with only thc momentary peanga of a cloudl.t tween it and the beholder over a hundted

.way. Ko thunder whs heard.In-day the thermometer bal totten away

up in the nineties. Qcij.NEW MARKET.

mik wheat and gk ess emirs IB Tin. smith's-CBBBB VALLEY.NEW MAI1KKT ENI'LESS

t'AVERN'S, ETCi( ttrrespondinceiC tba Hiilnntnid Dttpateb.]

JCNK 17, 1881.Thc sturdy and substantial farmers of

thl- part Ol the Tenth Legion are now

busily occupied itt iccurlngtbelr wheat nudgrata, tbe yield In botb eatai being veryhii;.quite beyond au average for thc lastten fenn*The reader! of the Dispatch have heard

of the wonderful natural eurloaity In this

region known a- thc New Market Endless( iv, tn-, discovered October Hi, I87t>. on

tbe farm of Beuben Zirklc K-q., about fourmiles loutbeait of this place, in Bocking-ham county. Since the discovery of tbCMsubterranean wonders thousands of person!lt .ve vNiied the caverns, which are pro-nonneed irand and Imnrestive beyond de-¦erlptlon. Thc cave is remarkable on ac¬

count not only of its BMgulfeent forma-lion-, but because of Its size aud length.Prom the entrance to the end of the cave.for more than a mile.there is a IBOOawloa Ofstartling wonder! breaking upon the visitorat every step. Il is, without question, grandand uiagoitleeiit throughout, tba openingrooms ut onceitrfklof tooee who enter themwilli awe and astonishment. The la-t dis¬covered room and brilliant formations, how¬ever, known as the Diamond L ike, cap- thcclimax in this chain of underground won-

deis. But it in not tbe wish of your corre¬

spondent to attempt a description of thisnewly-discovered wonder of the VirginiaShenandoah Valley. This has already beendone in pamphlet and in other forms.Thc true Democracy here are rejoicing to

see the ifauone-Rlddlebcrger-Republicancoalition come to grief. Hs early fate was

anticipated by tbe discerning. The burialof the offensive remains of the coalitionwill be bailed willi gratification by thosewho do not care to be disturbed by a veryfoul political stench, tbe fouhat thal butbern raised lu the Slats lor years,

HALIFAX.fCormponik-acc of lb*. Blcbmond Wipatvb I

Halifax Courtbocsb. Va., )June 'ia. 1881. t

8000 aller arrival at this place yesterdaylt was ascertained that lhere would be nopolitic*! speaking. As ReBdJiuterlsm isairongnnd active here, and Republlcanisrnqulte pronounced, people had ihougbtthatsome of the nominees would be on ibeground. The war will be commenced nextcourt-day, I was told, and "then the toma¬hawks alli fly."This 8108 eelebnted place has not now

about lt thc appearance of life and thriftwhich lt once had. There ls not that old-time tidiness about Ihe public grounds iudbuildings, except the churches and thcchurcb-nrounds. There was once a charterof Incorporation granted the people, and ltwas thought that Minister would quickly tiesporting Its mayor and council, bave Hs lit¬tle dsily newspaper, and be issuing itsbonds; but the people, ss is the c.«-e with«ome at South Boston, were afraid of thetaxation generally following upon incorpo¬ration, especially when the taxers are notIbe tax-payers, and so thc charter becamenull and void. There is great ta«tc, how¬ever, manifested about the grounds andresidences of some of the citizen*, and uponthese the eye of a native of thc place whobsd not seen those houses and gioaudc formany years would love to rest. I think Iinav say that the growth ot Soc '1 Bostonand Clover, railroad and tole wns,bave damaged Halifax Courthb r, atthe least, left lt no better than ltThis place I have c died thc'(.. oe cele¬

brated.'' Few towns in Virginia havebeen the theatre of -uch political battles as

this bat baen. Beginning with the timewhen Calhoun en'ered the Senate from thenee*presidency, that bc might beat Webeteitor beating Hay ne, no people hu ve taken akeener interest In political matters. Hali¬fax county thought that, she and TomRitchie had to do the thinking for the Slate,.lames C. Bruce, a graduate of Yale College,I believe, and a member ol the Legisla¬ture, went off, a* the saying was,with Calhoun, and with him a partyof young gentlemen of hinli talents andth. ir (oilowera. There and Ibentbewarcommenced. On the rostrum at theciiirt-house, in the debating club, at tbe tillages,al barbecues in Ibe count ly, on the 8lh ofJanuary, on the .th of July.every where,except in the pulpit.nothmgcotild he bendbut speedie* 00 ntillitii a' ion and the procla¬mation, all agreeing, however, in this one

thing, that Jtekton should never Birchacron Virgin! ininti Bomb Carolina, Af¬ter this pi nod thc battle-ground* mumedother forms, and many gallant exploit! ireremembered of Wafter Coles, VincentWlteber, William Tredway, Thornie II.AVerett, Stanhope Flounioy, John B. Ed¬mund!, (H onto il. (iilmer, (fcorgc Peikin«,Thomn s. 1'.ocock, John 8. Gastric, WoodBouldln, William Smith.With William Leigh on thc bench and

snell 1 liar a* i' became bim to hearken to,there were few inch .oints as Halifax bad.Judge Leigh'- portrait now hangi over laeJudge's seat in the court-room. UnderJudge Leigh *at William G. li mk-, ThomasJ. Oreen, Woodson Hoghes, Richard Logan,Stannope Plournoy, and others of hardlylest ability. Old man were talking yester«div of the speech Of Thoron* J. Greenwhen be prosecuted Bteigail ind had biminnig for mulder; of Wood Bouldln'i-pe. ch lo defence of Ben. Grainger, winnhe procnted Grainger*! leqoittai ol tbemurder of a min named Hill whom he liatlkilled when galloping about in hi* yard in1 drunken frolic, anti of Plourooy'idefence of u man named Bradenwho had killed (or was scented olkilling) ¦ nt gro woman and burled her lu a

gully on hi* lind. Thc pulpit, too. WMt quel lo Ibe barn* thc rostrum. Beginningwith Jenkins, there came along BobertHurt, J >hn Kerr, A. M. Poindexter, John<;. Mill-, d. B. IfcQebee, and In later daysGrammer, Iltfllm, W. A. Tyree, John A.Scott, Jacob Henrv Smith, and othersworthy io rank second lo tin tn. Standingon the platform in front of Jodee I' ir ka-d.'tii¦'* offlee, I could not help thinking that1 could iee upon Hie faces of th. older peo¬ple some traces of tho cultivation throughWhich ; li> y had passed in spite of certainblemltbeS made by contact with men le-spure, less Willing to follow thc dictates oflogic and sound principles.Thc oat crop was reported better than

anybody had expected. The yield of whealnot very largs, but ol excellent qual .>.The recent rain! bad given in air of hope-fulneM to people. The tobacco etop huijust then been planted over for thc secondtune and W8S promising, lt was said, loo.Heit speculators were flying around, andthat WM regal dod :.* an indication thatpries of tobacco would be some ligure-blgber.Old Captain Betts, when advocating the

building ol tbe Richmond mid Danvilleroad, one-'slid that Halifax county couldcover tile capital with wheat. Alpha.

BOTETOURT.fCoiitepfStact al the. Btekaotv. Dtopateb.]

FlXC-JTLB, Jillie 27, 1881.A very remarkable phenomenon In thc

sbap-' ol a ii .il -tm on about one mile tquareat lbs has.-, and of a height supposed io bcabout ten mile*, presented itself in Pincas-tie and vicinity mit Saturday afternoon.bonl '2 o'clock". Gardens much injured.The -'one* were a> large ss paltridge-aggi,though many were much Luger. 1 be corn-blsdes were ridtlled into -lued-, tomato-vines etd ott at the ground, Ac, are amongthe casualties.The wheat crop i- nearly harvested, and

is good. The season up fo this time liasbeen very dry. Tin oats crop In manyplaces is almost worthless.

Your.-, X.

Has the Like llapiit'iH el !Ielore?

RlCBMOBD, June '27, 1881.Editors Dispatch: I returned home on

Thursday last from a vi-it to Dr. T. J.Wooldridge, who live* -t French Hay, Han¬over countv, Vi., and who rai-e- tine K--i xhog*, white turkey* and other fancy fowls,and 1 MW what i><aid to be something novelIn tbe fowl-raising linc.viz., a white tur-k- y-gobbler letting. Be leleeted ¦ pktne attbe fool of 8 email tine. He has been drivenoff several times, yet returned to bli nettwilli a determination to ba a mother. Hehui only three eggt la Ibe nest, but it wa*deieimined to furnish him a full supply. Is(hi* something strange or not* A fowl-ran* r may tell us. J. B. B.

The case of Mr. .in .11 Uu«k, ol tba Penn-¦ytvanli Ballroad Company, residing atCentres/ille, N. J., who WM tuted of severe

rheumatism of many years'standing bj St.Jacobson, 1- cited bi 1 Pblhtdelpbla tx-change. Neither pbyilclani |nor remedyteemed In do lay good, but Hie great Her¬man remedy cured him.






All ti.ju«e* advertise great bargaJat, which Istjulteeasy to do; hut tno.t lintwirtant of all is toluvethemmli.11 tMMaaert t-k for them.Determined aol to earrv ariy-'m'U .ot to next

HMM, we hnve already Mated our goods down lo

ore half their re-1 value.1.000 TBIMMBD HATS ai .1 rtoNNKTs, which

we intut sell before this month ins* out.

Very stylish I'ATTKBN BciN'VK'IS ami HATSHKmt elegantly trlmmei], sold in April at ?-_,125, aud )S0. marked down to * 10 .net *12 I

All laVJDtl H <llH'S sold at 11.25 and #1.50marked now 75e.;

All FINK AMKHH'AN CHIPS, sold at 75e.,mai.ed uaw 41c;

All FINE LACK TU* AN HoVNfTS and II \TS..old at 12.50, #_.75, and *.l, ni irked now Sl.25ard 11.50:

Our new M.'MMKK HATS, for lu-untnln ami "'»-

Matt, retlnreti in.w 11. ll .23, amiSI 50, to .Hoe.:riliLDItkN > I.M K 1 a I'.* mark eil way .'owi.;Fme FBKNCH FLOWEB8 ni-.. r-T.ATHF.ltS. aud

other MILLINKBY HOODS, prororllouatilytow.

W-clo?r promo) at 7 I*. M.: satur lay niall's at 1*o'clock. WOLFOB'.I a sHH.tn m..

828 Broad street.Je'-a-evd'-'V bttwetu I'lfl-sud Slam.



Fees *r lulled Hi.,,, .Marshal* far Mlleace-A Safe Recovered nr*m Ihe Wrecked Steam*er Haran-The Albany Cantest; Na Belalie*Yes-PrefeaMr Kleiae the IM*« av rrr *r the('.met-The Brlbei? I nv<-sii*atiou al Alba*"r Kr,alu la the Indlcineat of senatorNc«.iou. A Trio *r Manterer* Arreated-Attrmated tait ide l. Flew Volt Harbor-A Jrffersaa (Te*a*i Mard»r «on.plmior*Trial at Ceaatantlaoale-Aa Entire VillageDestroyed by Fire-Billiard Match at I'aris-The llavaaa C'able-A Martling EnglishRailway Tragedy, fcc, fcc.

Tba I.alc Fatal Affray at Norfolk.ffnaaSsJ telnram to th* IMspaich J

Norfolk, Va., June 28.-Mr. JacksonEastman, of thc well-known Arm ot East¬man. Powell & Co., who was stabbed in an

affray at the Atlantic Hotel a few nightsa»o by a young roan mined Donald, diedto-night. Dr. Galt, Ihe coroner, ls holdingan Incpiest. I).mild left the city carly thismorning, being bailed for 11,000.


Albany, June 28.The vote in thc Jointconvention to till thc short-term senatorialVacancy wee as follows: Potter, 49; Conk-ling, 31 ; Wheeler, 42; Cornell, 3: Lapham,17; Fenjar, 1; Crowley, 1; Roach, 1;Rogers, 1. No choice. The conventionthen proceeded to vote to fill the long-termvacancy with the following rosnll : Depew,50; Kenan, 49; Platt, 27; Cornell, 9;Wheeler, 1; Crowley, C; Hoskins. 1; Lap¬ham, 3; Tremaine, 1. The Chair an¬

nounced that no election bad been had Ineither case.A motion to adjourn wax curried.ayes,

78; noes, 70.and the convention adjourned.

Senator Session* Indicted tor llrilxry.Albany, June 28..An indictment for

bribery baa leen found agaiaai SenatorBesslons. Ile is heh' in 13.000 ball.

Slitted St.it' s Sin I sill, ls' I ees.

WaSarnOTOB, D, C., June 28..In tba set*tlemeotof the accounts of George Turner,wno reeved aa Manual for thu Mbidie antiSouthern districts of Ataluma from 1876 till1880, the question srcee as to wbetbi r bs is

entitled to n lleege on each of twoor more wips ol atsOjaUSMJ issued m

one case foi WnBeaees residing inone locality and served at tba WUM Mme:

also, whether ba is entitled tn mllente onenchof two subjiO'iKts for witnesses requitedlo appear and testify, generally under slmt*lar circumstances, The First Comptrollerot tin- rrensory tenby decided thal tbalaws relit! Ive lo fees of marshals pro¬hibit constructive mileage on writsserved by deputies, and stso pro¬hibit mileage for travel not necessarilyperformt d. The comptroller further main¬tains tbst under tbe existing law titOpoMaafor witnesses who are required lo attendany term of the Circuit or District Courtson tbe perl of the Uofted 8talM should re¬

quire them to testify generally bffore thesrand, petil lory, and court, as ihe ease mnybc. '__


huron sVOoraBBO.Nonrout, Va., .June % ..Last wet*k Eu*

gene Whitney, i submarine direr eonni cu dwith the wrecking Iras of Junes- power &Co., this eily, found a'infill Ivvo-htlinli1 tl-pound aafe la ibe sfter-eabia of Um wreckof ike United States steamer Huron, whichfoundered ob ibe coast of Kitty ifawk, N.c.. in Nuveins.er, 1877, Tneeontentnof thesafe, which was open* ii yesterday, were sisBritish »overe"-:'i» of rsTSSus coinages, twosilver nu-.I il-, MaHtse cross shape, eaebbearing on it- obverse, la s circle, .< Fideli¬ty, Zeal, sad Ol" (In nee"; in the centre,"l\ S. N." (bi iii- bick of one was en¬

graved "Henry F. BmSBtrsoB/1 md os ikeother .'Junes ('oticli''; one beery plain18-karat gold lit)'-', no name, and a silvercoin of an uncertain date. This safe basbeen searched for with interest, as it was

thought to contain a large amount ..f money,bul ms mine was found it is presumed llbelonged to ooo of tbe offioers and not thepaymaster.A I ex-in \ t tem pm Suicide lu New

York < Hy.Nr.w TOSS, June 28..Vi sti rd .y after-

noon Alexander Brother, aged thirty-threeyear-, a native ol Pennine, Texas, attempt¬ed to commit .-uiciiie by shooting blntei ifwith -i pistol on board the steamer WesternTexas, then tying at her Wharf in Beetriver. Losses and reverses in his business,vvhie'i Wal that ff I furner, are supposedto hive been the MUSS of his resorting toself-destruction. lie had already st eur, il I

passage to Texas, but was this morning re¬

moved lo Bellevue Hospital, The extentof ins injuries era nat Bedoitety known.His mind is b. lieved to be affected.

Mr : I- li' i't f'.XplOSiOII.(.Tscixv.yi, .June 18..Tao Hemmer Phae¬

ton, wini racing wttktbe steamer Handy,thi* sfternoon at t o'clock exploded berboilers, and the boat Was toni to pieces.The chimneys of tbs ll indy were blown off.Tin- accident happened four milts Bp tberiver from here. Beth boats were Hiedwith passeogera. The steamer Wildwoodbas gone to tbe rescue, Efo newi ins jctb ,i ree, ived as to th' extent of tin- lots OlUte, The Phaeton wis s small slde-wbeelsteamer, valued al 15,000, la the local tradebetween Vaoeeburg and Ifsnenester.

.: ii I. rn s A in sleil.

QaI#TBSTOX, June 'IS..A special fromGraham, Texas,aaya s " Sheriff Milton lu*arrived and I toked In j iii Pete McDonald,Dine McDonald, and Kick McDonald, who

murdered Mr. Martin at Belknsp and rob¬bed his st,ne. rney were caught while

asleep al ike house of their father. Goodathey bad with them were recognised ssstolen gootN, und seven BOrsCS as til >--¦

stolen in Grayson county. A largenumberof people are here from Betkuapyaud it isfeared an attempt will be mule io lynch the

prisoners. Intense exciteasent pn-vaiis."Kweii pc-d i imo .Int.

GaLTBaTOV, Jun-' -8..A special fromTyler nye; Dr. Ball, who was streated as

an accomplice in the poisoning of Hancock,together with live i there, baa mads his es-

cape from jail. This i> tbs third recapswithin thirtv days.sixteen persons, in¬cluding a murderer, hor*c-tbierce, etc.,baring i ie >;» id within that ttase.

Ihe < >niet.


LOOISCIXU, Ky., June 28..Prof- asorKliene, of Hirtford, in this State, elainMIbal be dtacovi red tko eomsl now attractingatti ntlon in BeptembCf last. He .says thisis the comet of 1783.

Railroad Himds io bc Issued.Mr'MPins, June 28..Tin re were lied to*

day In ina county register's office papersproviding for the i*«u:ince of first-niortuaijebonds to thc amount of 3600,000 by tbeowner* of the Memphis and Holly Springsrailroad, the funds tobe used in completingthc road.


A Man I>l*>onibo**«lled with a Razor.

JajfamsVOB, Tkxasi, June 28..Dr. .1. ll.Avenger was oompktety dsnsmbowelk i bya BCgro with a drawn ruzor, whom the Hoc-tor had kn ti. ki d down. Hr. Avenger CBS*not recover. He was a member ot Ino StatsLegislature. _

Benth at Nea.N'k.w York, June 28..The steamship

Weetara Texan, from Fernandina, Fl.i.,arrived to-day. Charles Kelly, acoal-heavrr,died on her passage from exhaustion, andwas buried at B unswick, (la.

The Havana (able.Kky WfcST, Fla., June 28,-Thr steamer

Daucia, Braw, arrived here yesterday, hav¬ing cuinplited the work ou the Havanacable. Tbe company now ha*, two cables;in complete- order,

as_mLsYTBBT 8rs>BtBU«lir ft awn.


CossTAXTirmFLe, Jone 28..lo tbe trial ofthc conspirators yesterday the public prose¬cutor demanded that the penalty of deithshould be prononneed against the actualassassins, jnd that Mldbat, Bacbdl, andMahmoud Pashas be condemned to fifteenyesrV hard Isbor. Tbe a-«a«sln confessedthat the assassination was ordered by NouriPasha. The replies of Kuehdi Pasha in hi*x'immation at Smyrna are systematic de

nlais of the allegations. Mldbat Pasha, inhis address, rebutted the twenty-sxvenpoints of the Indictment, and declared tbatbe would never have degraded the revolutionwhich he bad glorified, and which bad beentccomplisbed without bloodshed. MahmoudPasha energetically denied participation Inthe crime. Tbe session lasted six bour«.rne members of the diplomatic body and aarge sumner ol spectators attended tberial.Loxnos, July 28..The Constantinople

correspondent says.- «« A wnstier nnd hi-companions alane confessed lo the murder>f ex-Sultan Abdul Aziz. The others ac-.used stoutly dented any complicity in theiffiir."Sn Encllfttl Ilnilu nv Mild Tunnel Trna;.edy -A Mew-paper Minn Implicated-London, June 28..When the Brighten

-ailway express train was stopped for thecollection of tickets outside of Briabton,.e.-terday, a man named Arthur LefroyBM found in one of the csrria.es woundedn the head, and bleeding. He reportedhat his fellow travellers were countrymenind au old irentletnan; that shortly "afteraa«sinj? (.royden he heard a shot, and¦va* sninned. The police found spy.'ral billies embedded in tbe carriage,ind in Balcombe tunnel they tjunti withils throat cut the corpse of F. J. (Jold, aetlred business-man, who had been toLondon to collect dividends. He was alsogabbed In various places. Only a pocket¬book containing cards was found on hisperron. Lefroy, after having hi- WOUOdsire-sfii, started for Lunion. Notice hasMen bined Mstlng thal he will be iccused»f the murder of Mr, Gold. Ile is a new-.asper reporter; iged tua sty-two.

I'ltiliaiiicntaii .Mattera.Lovnon, June Sfj..In the Boose ol Com*

aions to-day Mr. Gladstone, speaking on bblmotion of wblebbegnve notice yesterday,relative to thc progreMon toe lend bill. Mid:ie hope* to prorogue Psi llsmeni -taring thetir-t wuk In Angnat.Mr. Gladstone's motion that after Wed*

SCSdsy MTerSl Stages Ol thc land hill -hallhave precedence over olin i ord, rs i.( biisi-iifss whenever the bill Bpnesrs »n the BO-liee-P'M'Cr until the HoUM snail otherwisedecide was adopted without divi-iou after Ii|. bat! la-ling an hour and I half.

Terrible ( uiilla.iaiinr.Loboob, June 28..A GeocYs ditpateb

says a YllligC in Yalla!-, consisting olit.out NO bootes, lia* been mtii.r. de*-">¦ by a eonfltgration. One of thebonn - wa* set on tire nv ligbtnlna, and tbeHames, under a blgb wind, rapidly spreadlo the whole viii ige.

International Milliard Hatch.Pubs, June .8.. rbegrind international

billiard Batch between PIgnsni ind Car¬oler, tbe Prenefa ebampions, and Stationand Plot, repretenllnB America, was playedon Sunday ii cirque de (liver, the formerwinnini.' bf _f) point!.

Aurn rix u.



: ti t;n i- f n rn.

BM ion


j TRI "ULT: PIM H'' :

uss lately been iatiadaeed, ami ait tl Bllh-Mltsdpopular favm.



BUBAR.It lc remly on opcnlnjr ami will be fband an sen e-

sbleadthiloa to the choice tblnp win.ii undeniablyenlarge the pleasures of life ami encourage kooJfCllOsrsblp ami iiaxi nature il' rightly eiitnye.-J.






Ll MtNAIiK. nt! Wl'l ll FINE[CE,TO BU1T TH1 TASTE.

Sold hy leaillmr wliie-iiieriharits. grocer-, hotels,i. ¦! -ii iik/i«L!> even wbere,Tratle npptled al manufacturers' prlee.* Itv

CHBI8TT.AN 8 WHITE, Grocers, KU M.nustreet, Rlcbraoud, Ya. la 8-4$a.WBF8n







fmh ISiWABMHal

niNFKAI. STATE..OCtKEN'8 .MlM l: \I.-wah:it DEPOT.

On tlrati.ht fruin the new aadskgaal MammothAreli'- Soda FoaatalaiBOMS Waihi. Uk rm -io.

giMnraan Wari s, -to Litm \.

vu hy Warna, Pobi ¦ o_ i.to.v,Due BON k WM ku, si Mvtr,

-nv) t: B ti bb, Biaean ale,BABA100A WATBB, OTTAWA Hk-R,Usyseh Water, Hun ii BUBB,COXOSE.sS WATBB, APOLLINARIS,EXCKLsiou Wa ri B.HavesUw Bade ariat: >. in-hm ssitb MesslS. Pur¬

cell 4 I.ail.l to .11 th. li Wi IT"" TH VI* Ll I III A.My IttiTI I.IN't. Ks I'Aiil.l-H.MKVr tmvliiKbs?*!!

eniaraeti ami Itted sp wita lasprovcel appal*!**, Itm pruarfi IO 'un* Iv the tr-tle willi my un rn lUedGINUCU ALE, vt DA, and wker ear ix aaSM Mea*raaealu not ties ami lu louniaim.

_GI OBOS si imkn.Fleveu'.h uiul Malu nratML

ap _-.-SnAV.F3m_I Ml. Ill Viii UM.

TC. Diri'NKi:, e..i uer of Thirds. and Mar-hall streets. Fl ItM-tllM.

ISDI.IilAKKK I bave al my new wareliou-t'alal) sappi] of Metal lc sad Wooden! a»keu.-i:ttr. wiih Kearns, i -Bal Beerse.saa Hadwfn mun .. ra stable, raak as sse lo taral-i funeral* aubelowest rate. I har.' a telephone al my office, 3u<Iattentl any call, day and __gbl,froai my ami tOBB-trv. i uiul*-'. nt bal.-- muI in eases win-re I cannotalt, mi niv-elf._fr 19-eo<16m

T T. ( KRISTIAN, r_fBJ9lj» FUBNIBB1KO t'NOKBTAKMt. .*».'(Utf With tll'l bi.ttfea».jr tn J. A. BKLVIN,)


haantaree a«M*imeiiii.f Wooli anti MKT \I.LH("sKM. CASKKTs. -HKtHTiS, CLOTH CAS-KET8, Ac-, AT W)W f'KH M.Country and teie.rupti order, promptly attenuta

todivornlsht. an88_sasmil


ColtVkK FlKSTAM) BMOAB lilREKTfl,Hit IIMi.sti, Va


sndallihlnirt.r.tiutsiieat lowest bates.Telegraphic and r..>u_irv or.lers MtUclu-d. tau o





TCKSDAV. June SS. ISSI.Hstai*..10 i hares il Ichmoi d aad A liefhs ur

Railroad st 89, 10 do. at 68. 60 do., li. C.. al SS80 da, B. C.. ai fl Ht,, sn rio. at SHH, 40 4o. al ODs;SO thates Norfolk and Western Railroad at Sis,.ld de. at Sit; 10 share* Atlsots and CharMtrB*'lroad Income* at 82%: 6.000 shara* WesternWorth Carotins Railroad, 18S0, at 108 ; 60 shar»-Petersburg aad Weldon Railroad at 34!*. SS do. a341*. IO do. at SSH. 25 do. al 34*.SrnasnSB *Al,*B.-40 shares Rlchraondsnd Al

lf*haiiy Railroad at G7$.RTATB "BCtBITIBS. Bid. 4**"l.

."lrBlnlalO-46's.J. and J. 6*1 boVlrirtnl* consoU.-l.amU... #5 SSv'irmala peelers, J. andJ. 42V 45Vlritliiia deterred, J. and J. 1*. is,V rel ola Interest rertlflcates. 18Vlrttnh* ta»-rec«;lr3ii!e capons. Bl 04Vorte. CarollBB 4's,.|. andJ. ki, tn

city Statue.itlrhraoiKleliy 8'*, J. and J. 133I'lrrtraondcliy H's.J.and J. lift"* ndrichmond etty .V»,4. andJ. 107 107;,Petersburg etty fi'*, f. aad M. HSi'eierst.iirir city 8'», siH-e'l tax. 113Vter*l.ur« eilyer*. V. »ml M. 100..ynclibunr city BV. J. amtJ. 108

KAI'.limn BOMBS.'.ando, lt. \\. S's, 10()B. J.4.1. 00'.ando. lt. W. S's, 1918. J. 4.1 .... (14. 111.IO. R. \\. pore. O'*. 1898..I. Jl J. 114.'.ando. |{.\v. aara. ri'., 1HS7.J. AJ. lOvx ..

k'a. and T. It. If. 2d mort. o'*. J. 4 J. lOiSJi'a. and T. lt. l(. 3.1 m"rt. H's. J. 4 J. 121loiiths. H.K. lsiraorWre. 8's. J. A J.. U3'OUlh S. R. K. 2d lU-.-rt. i-t".ti'».<f. 4J. !<>.% .

louth S. R.K.:titinnrt.|irer.e'«,,l. 4.1. ioriN'.ir.iind 1. K. K. lt n,.jTt. 8'x..l. A.I. 103ifor.aadP. ''. R. lstinurt. 1's,.l.4 J. 104sor. and I'. H. R. 2d mort. H\,.l. 4 J. ... 118'eur.'.urn K. ll. Sd tn«rt, 8's, J. A J.. 122!* ...

{.and I'. K. R. mort. 7*i. M. 4 N. 114t.. B. and P. lt. R.uiort. 8*s,J.AJ. liriL.B and I\ R. R.eaiM o' , J. andj.. 1 Uri:.. B. BB I'. R. R. mon. 7's,.|. A.I. 115{.. V. and I*. R. R. mort. S's, J. A J. 1051. i.id V. R. R. 2d mort. ti's. J. A.I.. 125{., V.lf.uilC. lt.lt.H-. J. 4 -1. 118 l-i:2t. * I), lt. R. consol fl'j. lr.85. Bf. A N. 1041.1 H. I", lt. consol S's. 18SO, M. ,t N. 107t.4 D. R. R.solde**, J. AJ. 105V 107;..'.¦ .i \. k. 1;. ist uw.ri.7'(. 1. .v 1.... iii [ia'lidii..ni lt. It. lit mort. 8'*. A. A O. 112 112SMUnU rind 1 harloite 7S. .1. A .1. ll;!', 115I..aawdC.laeoaw S's. 95...« .aad A R. 1:. 1 Mort. Vi l. Ad. 1 ll:,r.»nd.« :. R.2dmort. 7'., A.SU 10&B 105LSi..rtli 'an.ima Railroad (i's. 98s 99rYestera \. t. R. R. 7's. M. aN. 107*, 108BamoAo aiucna. Par.

:..*;iil o. Railway common. 100 SO IBMA., M. and <». R. lt. 100 2h SOftlchruoHd and IVle.rsliunr K. il.. 100 I02S lotIC.K. and I'. K. lt. tomuinu. 100 BU 101it..r. and r. R.B. 8 per c. saar., loo H'5it., r. and I*, it. r. 7 per c. gear.. 100 120I?, sud li. R.K. 100 108 IOUfeaboardand Boaaah* R. B. earn, loo looMBbaird ami Roanoke R. R.saar, loo 100B.,Y. M.and Ches. Railroad. lou hi looItu-liuioii.i and All" ir ha ny lt. lt... loo SBK BBB.[*.,C. sod A.Railroad. 100 a? fte*. and Char. Air-Line Hallway... 100 n-2 ki1,Worth CarollBB Railroad. lo.1 ne 100Norfolk and Western preferred... IOU <H'» «l*jfetenburs Ballroad. loo 34 34',

hank ivocna,Kir it National. loo 1:15Natl..i.u Hink of Virginia. 100 98 IOUPlanters TVaUonal. 100 ISOMervluintl National. loo 115'tate Hank of Virslala. loo K'SMM/.-.- Hint. SJ 22 21Bank of tom mi ri-s\. 25 25Union Rank of Richmond. ... 50 112 07lltj Hank. a5 25"* ...

I'eterstwrs itaYlaca 4 las.Co. 20 SI 25ivsna knee cobwavii

Virttli'l.-i Kl re ami Marine. 25 BBSIfirainla Home. BS ^7-,Cityfire. BS ... v*4BerchaiiU aaa tfecbauics. 100 US 94

Hr i'«iog;ri*pn.ssw roi

Saar Tobk. Ism SS..Jfoea.Stoeka Sall hatUrn:. Mom>v on caji, cent. Kachana**--Long, 4>-:lV; -li'.rt. 4801*. Stat* bonds uni-'.(jotertimi nts i|iii>-t.

¦.;..' niny..ii^uty. Stasis; par etat, B*xaamsa.¦IM.. i...v. rum, nu." timi: nea S's, 10SSI ".w"S's. 114'-: new 4's, iii',. Mal- s null t.\eei>tTeam - '.

wail strkkt raaramDAT,Nt w roon,JaneaS..Th* p...<.'.* BnaaetalanleH

(i:4o P. M. edin .1 ) tars: 11 >hi B k t sctai e«tuned Suites t.-oii'i, sr* !. hlghtr for the exten >-dS's and otherwise nncbanaed. vta'c bond* arer; er .mi', hlgner. Haitroad bonds ate 1 ',low,r. Tbertoek market darin* the early d ultimwa* .¦, 11 '.- "i (:¦ > Si, iH-r. .nt. 11, iii,- pabileat lon ..;

y\r. Kmk'.- elrcniar, itlvlBa « aeconnl of last >:mir-d .\' nu hi- fri pre* nt.nive intuit saeau. Thuoeclln* i-i¦ nil," int m..ii- "loneM kl rauiaa tu-rel come on itu- aarkel lu the ssmettate. Thisdecline w^ followed bf a reeoreryof ',r.i \ andsliM-e tin 11 the n .r,»>-t in. been steady, but verynil-. Aside n.m hil- troak-Maestocks, which reit'..I 2, i>» r <.< ni., the notably v»rak stresson saalltran*actlons bar* been Manhattan Besch, whichtell from SI lo 4.6.C.CC.4 1. froa S7HIO0S,Ho.ton Alr-I.lne tro:u (JO i.c.i. and i.aki- r rle andMTatera from iii to (ju. Tb* ncsptlouaiij timi tos'ron? -.o' k-> hare titi a Western I'm n Idegrauba ii Wabash. Momy 1- 2 '.."<:' ¦; her cent, ou call,2 to 4 pei riiii.on lime, mid ¦( t'.j per cent, oaprime. Tba rates for bills oa landon were 1 kn-,morolaa redneedbaifaeeBttotiM pound starltas.Tue reHoatae qaoiatious werr i-nnnit to-dny al

2*30 P. M.: Western Union. 18S; Weatera Unionnea sioek. Uli,; New York Central. 145; Lake!*bore. 127',; Micnlaaa Central, lOSkj; N. w v..ik.Laka Erle aud Western, 45 j .vw rora, Lake BrieandWatern preferred, wo; Niw Vork. LakeKrteand xv,-u ru second>, nf: Delaware, l.arka-wanns ju-i Western, 122',: n«w i.rs, \ r-1 tral,100**; Delaware and Hanson, 1 BMJ Readlnc. 3l>;Nortnwestern, 1241,; >t. Paul. 12T,: Wanasa sadPaclSe. B7 ; WaOaak and faaflc inefi-rrwi,'.u',; Union Pact Sc, H8%i vi.. K. and T..BOh; H.uni!...! and Bl. 40., ll.'ii lanni! Biami >t. Jo, preferred*, ll"..,: ohio aad *B*.slsslnpi, 4i'i,; I'acitii- Mao. ."JU; c. c. amil. ( .. 214; Koribern Pacifle common, 44;Northern PartSe preferred, S4hS CeatraJ PaclSe,'jh\; Rock Island, L42'j; Chesapeake and Ohio,iOi : Lonlsrlll* and Nabri le, ltn>; Ontario andWestern, 8r*4t; Manhaiuu KteTated, 2C,\: inmuisC'entnur 1:'.'.»,: Canada, Soutnern. 05; Ch'caao,hBrllnsloa and (putney, IBS! D**a»ei .iiui RioGrande. 109H; 8uP*bI sndomaba,42',: St. Pauland mi iii 1 preferred. 106; V, CC. and l.. 94:Erle aud Western, :,s',; ihlcaeo, St. I als aadBea Orleans. M»; , .,1. (oil, 81; ohi,. Central,SI .; Texas PaclSe, .>'>; 'iv-xai l*aeta« I., ti..90.

HAIAIMORE.BAXTtatOBB, Jun. 28^-Vlrxlnla S's, deCrrre**,

IB 1 consols, SS; second serle*. 42f*;B**r 10-b0*b,58; North Carolina S's, 89)4. BWionlay.


BtcBMoao, Jua* 28.1881.SALBS.

, i.i{\..Wlilti-, 222 i'll bets vtrv rood Bl 'I-!'-.Mixed. 121 bushels prime and viv *o...| ,,t 68c

,*.2 Hi-til-- prime st Sic. Western miara,400 bush, I- \-1> Bood Bl B7e.

Flour.noar.W«qaot«: Kin.-, t.i <¦*'..-.<.: uti. IS.SO

ra »iiperflne,S3.tB -1 non 1 ira is,or taten! family. l7.."IO<a*SI;

..-. Inspection, extra, tl.75; mperSae, *.V

tty Teleginpa*BBW rOBJL

M.w VOBE. .line 28 -Cotton anlet and strelly;7il i.air-; npunds, Ile., Orleans, ll,.',

-..nun rn il .ur quiet sod Bocbause I. « beal ti nv

an.t ,r. lower, \»Hil moderate haslne**; BowS t'til-CMO.S1 24 ,. uii/r.iied red, U.liMkSl '*'.*'. Bo. t

uiiK-miiid 1..'. SI.28®SI 2*H; No.a unrraded rt-d,il.27a(aS1.28t; cana*.SI 2-'i"."*l W*'- rill orplainer. No. 2 red,#1.2«; N .. 1 red, M.S1; mix¬ed wini, r, *l 21 .''.ri-24';: oufraded white, SJ_1S0S1.2O; N... l iin/i 1.1..1 whit*-, ll 2«'* tl.27',;No. 2 red. June, *1 27 -*l 20^: Juiy Sl.2rtV't.¦ I.ii8<<; Ausost, S1.24'i Si 2.1\; 1.Lintier,11.28V H2.'; No. 1 wlilti-. Jin... S1.2«\M? 1.27,. oin Vi le. low. r an I au-:* -i.

Inirwrak: umrraded, Blf4B7c; No. I Ba*jS8e»;itearaer 54 .¦¦*', .: No. 2. BS «*5f* Not,Jun,-. 5(1', t5ry ! Jn'V,6BV<BB*4C.;A uru*'.Se*»;M-piemtier, iii'.S'" *i77' ; Oember. 57ii<*>37Hc.Oats better snd more j<.!iv; n .. :t. 4l',e. Ilousqnl*t. CoSk* 'iui" iiei '. h 11 .-. >i. -u.-ir un-

irinir d .01.1 M-i-. aa'et; r» tim quiet snd.al oat;Staudard /.. t)"*« &*,<-. M. !.--.> dui ann weak;,,n test, redoing u\ e. Bira la fair demand aaasteady; Carolina and Lo ulan*, .»', i 7»,-. Koalanmi and quiet at |2.l .'. '»2.10. Turpentlhi qnli t1 W.oi linn sud fi r ol Inquiry; domett'sri-i.-e :tl a 4*>-.; imlw I..''" I'".: unwasaeB.lSSae -leia*, 14/irSOe, Pori Brm md qsact, wiih-out quotable ctuM'te MliaNs* i|ui*i aaoSrmi ion*-

'../¦.; -ii"i'. '.< /-. Lard opened w»ak.afler-¦\ ,>.) sdvanc d. snd .d wi ti itu- soi 111 lost;primestesin, .pot «11 4 : July,111 ee^SU.70;

-1 lt, ); r»|jtraia r. *ll.|7',(d»iii 1.27 -: ..t*r. 411 iHtfeiLlSHsall (he >e*r,tin j:, (I IO j". Brati hts Braer.

lAlflMORK.BALTOIOaB. .lune 28.-flour'.j. ot ami u*»

changed. Waeat.^oathern eraser: .¦ eru loaer.s stead y; aiutbarn red. Si .2d tl Ba;aabar,

St.aSatSl.aa; a saan ta'e of n- * ai lil 40; No.BP w|,itel |. Jl.lf. ?12'>S'1.

Sl.2B\;Jul) 4121. \n«u t, «i 2VJV*S1.22*4i >eiiuiniH'r. Si 23V<*tl ' 1 .>m-- in le rn iiuiet. and -,.< a i\; western .¦ wer ami dull;sonthetu whit*, 60a,; tetlow. BSe. "'.- steady a..diinoo ji- i\.- I ¦: miara,saifc.; i'< 11 "r"" with-ont quotaol* ebanae, CaSea 1 trt»¦*: Rio rew^«.^.

ont 1narr lo tale, k uawr -tet.lv; *. A,"loft. 10*10. Wnteker amst at St.lS. Kreisla, Brui-

narh in.-.cJ.kVUUISTllaal

I., risv.i.t.x. Jun- 2H.-)i,jr slsavSvj Ba, I,S5.V.5''' *.> j"- ebsdee lo fan. v. itiai-Sd Bv. Wneatoula ai ?i.m. Coroauletai >2-. 1'ut, lu fair du-maud al 42c. i'ork thin. Baw.BM*aU Mmuir andbi*aer; ibaalasn. So IB; rm.S8.70'.sl»l*«.SB10.rason :ii-.iu: and alfSari snoalaVra, »7; Tit'. 1

?».*i0; ttdrs, till. H*u«-Suuir-ta«*U, Uv.Wbiskei ilead> a. $1.08

1 IMINNATI.CtN'riVHATi, June 2t*.."flour railer; family,]

|S.a0asS& TS; laaei aacBaaat a, Bjk il "?:.'. salmd qtBMably lower. Corn .inlet ai 47 V\ **[¦ <|»'*varoi.- and firm at 4D'-.r. I' r* kVnur at S10.5U.I .rd (ir t. ai 411. Hmk-meal* In <o.id detaaad a 0a >iia<te lilMlnr: so-uilder*, »«. 12>, ; rlt>. *>8.ft5. Ba-ev.n Brnier t>ut not oiiotaoly liistK-r. Wbi.aey acilveaud Urtu at Si.08. Misar c*.,ier; IihkIj.. Ill,**like; X»-wOrl«aiv*. 7*»('t8V- H<«* *t«iev; com-

mo* mi u:it,|4.'jotiit«; luckin, sm ¥utmn\HMMHM*

ST. LOUIS.t«T. I.nrih.-<liiue28.S*tour quiet and un,-ri.ni;i d.

Wheat uuselllti! a. d lower; No. %t led full. SI 17*lfaSl.l7\ ca », Sl.l4'.ftSl.l.HJulv. Com lower ;

tS*.'-. <¦ .sh. 45',c. June. Oati Irregular; 10BM *»lt«h.gin- .'ti, ea h. SSc June. Wt iik, v Uulu r attl «,8. P-nks'rona; )ol»dun, SIS. 75. l.atdbisiKr;* il ni W.d 111 20 hhl. !tu!k-ima.Uirm; car-

1 iola" of ehoaiders.il: nu. S8 SO; *l.le<, SK 75.I'.a.-.n blather: sbouider-. *«8VS; nS *915'^

'?9.50; »lOts. |9 7H*»'7».

CBicAtsfeifeae 8tVglVis(f*MB. SFtMafIL* I'C'aaSTVl'.lojilfl.fwTtair%{ifteisemand and tosser and sreak; Sage, essb.*44*: July. Oats no«eifed sad lower, csne-toii'omer oniions, at 3Wkc. ra*h ind Jose, STM, kllu'v. Port r-tHv acivo and a shade blaber;|lfl..1i)c_-h,tl«S0«|18..t.)|iuiy. Lard active.Iron*.-nd hlvhev. especially for ctsh: 811.80.ssh. tn «B july. Baik-m««ts Brm; shoulderslo.83; tin, #8.00: rlear. 18.86.

MILWAUKEE.MtLWAi'KKi, June _8.-KK>t.r i|titet and la fair

lenu.i.1. VI ii'at-nvitied and weak; N... 8 Mll-«».ik»- hard ll.IS.'; seo. 2 Mt'waatee soft, raabail Juoe. ll.joli, ciiti) quiet and ¦ocBanced.mt luaclire: No. _, 86" y. Providion* armer.He>s port. S16.SO raab and July. Lard.Primoleans, til 33 caali a.4 Joly. Il vu dull and noa..lal ai *.*.ni'_j,S.VHo.

MEW YOBK COTTON FLTUBES.Saw YORK, Jane '-P..Cotton-Oroas rec«rtp«r,

i-M tastes; future* ei.-e.i dull bat steady; tale*.9 000 haiti; June. tl0.»9tf 111; Julr .fin 97ttU09S: Anrn.t. fll.Oltffll.riB: HetKetnD-r,10.K2 i|ti' ttl 0-t.>t,cr, 110.18^110.30; No-ember, tloii7.-allo.on; December. 110.08i-ii.nnrv. til..ls../tio.i»: Sebruary, |lo S0g»10 .13 : sturt-ii. tio 44»rlld 45.


an rises. 4:40 Hir.ii"Tiob.un esta. 7'_0|Momtn#. «-.«¦lonni-ts.... 9:i8 i FyttHne1.. 0:48


Steamer Aries, rufford, Norfolk, Catted Slatestall, uiercuandise and oaaatuireri, I . K. Tania,sent.Steamship Old Dominion. Walker. New York,ieroh.Hi.llM' and j.i. i.-. t-, ii. \V. Allei. f Co.,MMe.Schooner William Walton. Hecka'ew, Phlladel.hia. hay and lumo»r. Cart;- A Farter.

MBMOMABM M.RBW York, dune 28..Arri vt d | Schooner* O. T.lubbani, Loveland. Harry Oor'mu*. Cornell; Hal¬ie J., Snead; Cf.nie Ila Ncwkirk. Huntley; K. H.Irk, Curtis: Charl-s W. Alcott, rrench. from Vtr-Inla. Sailed, tu hoouer Willam* C. Wickham,todman, for lilcbinond.

By Te(eerapb.BOSTOK. June Zr}..Arrl\etl, schooner Montararom Hi. lon. ii i. Va.

REPA RT I KM ill' Ml SM tit M.

boil \VASlilX(iTOX~ BAL-A*a_ILfr rtMOBR, I'nii. \itt-:.i"Mi v jyt3___LKW YORE. ANO ALI. POINTS NOMH ABD:ASI'..The Potomac st;e*nitiont « -mpaiiy'i newalMt -uamcr f X<'KlXoB, twice dallv (e_.-*p4iindiy) between Quantico ai..I Wai-hliiR'nn. lu'¦tin.ellan wih tl allis I Ho litroml. In i|. nck<-iir. and P.*i..mac railroad. L*ave HichujnndKlehaiond. Fredern:k»bargaad Potosssa railroad)! s:l_ -\.M.. arrive ai washington (steamerEa*.Satori at _ P.M. Leave R'ctnit,.ii.i uti. iimoii'l."rel. rick finnie and Poa -mac railroad) ai Btlvi P.t.: arrive ai Watliliuion (steamer kzeaJ iori ato-.:io P. MINTBBCBANOCABLB TICKET* -Arr-cRe-

Mati kavt ba n p. rieeted hv wbn li ait-rail ticketsrom au inil.lj siou.h toall txlnt* Nulli. K.i-t, ami\ift. readliitf ria R.. K. A F. lt. R. and A. A F.ailwav, will M rtWived * r ..ii-1-..rini !tin on .lie-at between (Jimmie.. anti Wa-hlufrton, walmulxtra chant. Passeaaers sottta North eau. If ilteyt-s'.re. prac-TS room- anti -iiendilie inuHt on board,ml mote nt r trip on early mernina- tr..ln«.

0COBOS M ATTI NO i.Y. Superintendent.C. A. Taylor, denerai Tit k.t Agent. Je ii



¦ovnki-tim; at OLD POtMl IAMB AKTF.K-Mi'.N WITH ITESMI lt- FOB WAslllKO-


ll A MP ION. VA.




TICKETS00 D I nih. i -in.


(carrvliistulUsd statea mall.)Z. C. GIFFORD. ( ¦¦'i.iiiau.!. r.

eaves Rh neod even Tl EsDAY, TMCBSDAT.iiiilMM'ITtliWa'n A.M. Cr alnive-nanie.! pteeat,urlvina ai Old Polni at 4 H. ^t-, conneeilna *l'bttamar for Wai-hintioi., D.C., and the Ha) Line.isiit.-ii srrlres la Baltimore neil stornlii la fulltine let .-arly traias toPblladelphls. Bea York, andliostou. Keturiilnif. t|ie -teainer Arni h-a'.ei Nor¬ri, .-it A.M. aud Old Point at 7:tl A. M. everyMONDAY, WRDNESDAV.aud !. KIDAY, trrlvioKil lHi-liii.oiidalt P.M.Karu in ((altimore. 5 00rue tu riitlailelithUl. 8 (IOKare to New York. 10 80Fare to H.»ton.14 ooLimited tiek.-t* to Wu-h'ni." >u. O ('. am] rellim

.- /ti.! I'cliit, Potomac Steamboat ('.uiii.anv andi' .-linell.tl. Kn tit iii-It-i.tit -' anti Poiouuc railruad.Ki-FABSEN'OEBf BOIBG NOBTH HY THl!»


TlirougU ticket* on sale nu ileirtitr Artel and atOarber'i Aseiicy, 1000 Main itreet Hai^-grecheeked throush.SPECIALLY LOW BATES TO PHUBI II. MILI¬


PRBieHT.Krelirht received dally far Nor.'o I, Pt rutmoulb

Smithileld, and Hampfoii; WaablDftoa. D. C.N-wii rue, Washin/:-'., sae Tarnuro', N. ('..amiai! points In Easter! Norw. Carolina; also, for East¬ern Shore nf Virginia, old Hoi'it and all reft.lsrLindi tors on Janies river, al LoWFBT HATES,ami il.r«u_b bills luu'.l. I.I. I v I M.

Je IS_StipcrlnVndent.r>OH NEW YOUK.-TU. Old^^BRJP Doiiilnion ^itaiiiMilo < ..mi_n>' ¦___MBSBbsteamers will nail a> fol'.»ws -i.auifr >I.D Int-MINION, Captain Walker, e . n I tr-DAY al.1 o'clock P. M : -teamer WYA BOES*, Camalacon h.every FHIDaY ai - o'clock P. M ; -.teamerMANHATTAN.I iplala Kn ly. en ry SUHOAYtl s o'cloek A.M.

Krel.lit reielvtd in. to 1 o'. Ink P.M. for theTu.-'llC* ami F May's III BBS*T. and to fl «i'.i..ekHaturdayevenlna f»r "nodsf's ;idp.Through billi of lattin/ Dinned and Knods for-

warded with dispatch to all points nortl;. aou" e,ea»t,and weat; eluo.to fort Un ,.>rts.Ti -ilk.', r see N.ino.Uilin* uitfurpis.sed.i strta uic to New York, flO.oO; sui r*ire, t« and

*7.For fulght or ns -ieeaptily to

ii. W. Al. .r.N t CO., Anv t).U_Company's Wharf. Ho. k.-IU.



Tblseonpaat srllldtapatchone ol UsetrspasadUMteamcrs.OLD DOMINION. WYABUKt. M s N-HATTAN. and KU HMOND-.-v-rv IIT'-OAYand FRIDAY at _ P. M.. and -I NDAY ai M A. M.Steamers leave Bea York tcesdaY"'. I BUBS-

DAYS. aadSATCBDAYS al B P. M. from Pler.8(a- * uiitiiiier), loot of Beaeb Street, North river.They base ej.lt ta*ts-11 oaas.sUto -ro .mi, anti tiath-

ie lill.I he fare, KCoai-tcdltloM. Std dtteuliona are un-

¦urpa -ul.Cabin fare to New York. tlO.iO. RMMMi IS

Ir.u'hls for iKiliita katoad N't w York foi w«i .lr .1witt dispatch, mil uothar.e lu .ult ea. ept actual I a-peases IneareedKeeleba received until fl o'cloek P. M. daily.I"or fu.tlo r intnrinailoii ai.J.ly t.>

i.ihim,K W. ALLEN ,t to.. Aeen'i.my 1 offl..«. Coinp*uv's wharve*. Ki., a. '.it.

nmbAl'KLi'HlA, KH.'H-^fiMLI Mo%''D. ANO J.'OBKJiLK -t rtAM-__dhtiSSHH' LINE.-FOB I'lIILADELPHfA, FalL-LtfVEB ANI» THK BAST VIA FALL HI'/frRi,¦;.,.;' 'HMK-o A '.. .-ii.-t'tfl! fatb"i,. the fUaxaersr.f ;.:. .',.,.. will mil #

ulpe. l«avlna Pbl.vtl'tpo-. ame TUESDAY.rill'MSOAY, tad BATi RDAT, Mil Blchirocdivery TUESDAY, F?;il>.>^'. -i d S"BDAT, coa-,it uar at Piiiiadeipb ¦¦ iwEaaiaad

,. rall River.Qi :i K TIM;- .'UKyiKNT DXi .-tTU.'.EB-

LOWESTBATFS.tr<-!-«(i» na ei»«l dully i: titi j o'clock P. M.

JA ABS W. Mt CAKBiCK.Genera. So-', ern Aaenl,B1e_iiaoad,Vt.

WI .1.1 .1 .'.' .> ¦'[.*' Om

nr>9« V*tl Mat.airers,

1 _ r"-*!li W'1«rvv«. iTOla.Vlt.t.I.



RepreavntlnK tin-1< l!.^*ius «'i.t-c'_»« ocean ateam-

Mii|iiluei.i'roiH Boifoa,New Vt rk.P*Hi.lelohla. au-1Kaltinsore, to Eun.p. < CN ARD. WHITE <.r.\R,NATIONAL, \ni v(..li...ri"N, inmin AMEB-HAN. UKO VI At'.. MIAN. NiiRTD-I.ERMAN-LLOVD. HAMI'.I in; vMl'Ku AN. aud NS.TH-KRLANDM, AMISH AN, ITALIAN, and BoB-MCAUX. rtnst cLAsa, s»< onoxla»s, »ud-taaRAt.l TICS «r> lo and fr.in all '.ne prii..-t|iali«.|-ai.s lu Europe. Eacursloa tickeo. al n-d>icednHe». htate-iowins s* carrai in advance. Pal letlii/tii* to Eurone ir .enduitf for th^tr fiiend^ wt aiddo wuil ta .'¦'Uiiatn.'i at>- with tb« u mle r» lg ned ba--we ittirchat.ie.irt ',-.-». lure. K nn.adiud .teaiu-hlpVK-kets to all iKii.t- in me fuii'd MAtvs aud can¬ada. Itai.s same aa at datum and f« tterai offices.No iroutjit lo ..i.wer tiue*ll"i-t. Witu io oe call oa

A W OAHHER,Gem eui Halln.vl aud <eannhlp A.ent.

I> 00 Malu street, liuhu. .ud, Va.un 17-.t-.elui

pUMBMV liol..adit


JUST RECEIVED BEST ANTIIU.Vt ITK« 11 VI. ti ta__lle»-lUiG. STARVE, aixi , At> T-


LEHIGH Ll M1MN>AL for found-tee.;¦ .at ... niarkvt rates. 8. P. LATtHHOP,

:¦ j-_ Scvvnteeiiib Mrevt. at -TawWidyc....KLAM) COAL.-TUIS DAY

.ladlitK. JOH lons freah-mlnal siKOBGE'S-(BKEK L'CMBKBLAND t.'OAU T..t«cci^il«lsfurnished at northern trie... I ibcial <!edu«u.»_i

I made io dealers. W IB1 BoBfcB f .*,Dealer in all kinds or AatbracUc oad P.ttUHitnonAital. oMcc aud Yard, » vioiceaib and Cart

j atreeu. say S


ftill supply of ril<i*'F-< LAM! ASTHBai 1TBSl'oVK-i (LAL. fnih from uiii.ea,-.ItUverrd at raydooeal Pilcw; _l»o,-PI I^i.iUMBaBLANlNaad1 tail fciis-J* «r aoi icoaL.oaB -"d »'»**-*W*tf

i-osilce*. liro*4 jirvti oui_».it< Ttwa;n »«'d laoiUti iu*M lapB7j C. IL i.*AJJ*s