A MONTHLY JOURNAL DEVOTED TO ORIENTAL PHILOSOPHY, ART, LITERATURE AND OCCULTISM: EMBRACING MESMERISM, SPIRITUALISM, AND OTHER SECRET SCIENCES. Vol.. 1. BOMBAY, 11S80. No. }.) _ !t _. _ ::Z=ZU:2Ui. , c __ za BOMBAY, SEPTEMBER 1ST. IHI-)O. '1'hc Ellitors J isclai III 1'{'spollsibi I ity I; ,I' opiu iOlts ex JlI'I:ssed by cuntributors in their articles. Ureat latitl\de is alluwed tll curre,,;poll!lents, llIlll they aloll(' arc accoulJtable f;lr what tIll'Y write. Rcjectcd 1.1 SS. are 1I0t rctUl'Ill'd. DUll SECOXD YEAR. Likc all ollicr pleasallt thillgs, om lirst year's rclatiolls with thc 'l'UEOSOI'IIIST'S subscrihcrs arc about to termi- lIate. The prcscllt is the twelfth alld last 1I1111lher to i,.;sued 1I111lcr their clllltmct with \IS. Thlls e"l:r)' ellgage- IiICllt assumcll hy the proprictOl'll of the liIagazillc IlHs becn IlOlIollmhly alltl litcIally flllfill'·ll. The ca.',e of thc 'I'll EOSOl'lIlST /;)1' a word or two of particular CUlIIltlCIlL Evcll ill allY large city uf Europc 01' America, it i.'i a very rarc thillg' luI' it pl'riodic:d of tllis stomp to sUl'vive the Illltural 01' Jlostility uf thc public for II whole year, Out of scores of attempts lllade witlJin 0111' own rcculIl·ctiulI. the SUccesses are so few liS to be scal'ccly worth Illclltiolliug. As a rllic their tenll of existellcc III'S beell ill I'XlIl'I ratio with the IlIlllp SUIII thcil' pndcctors IIHve helHl 1'1':111)' to spelld u»OI1 thcm. j II ] udia the pl'ol'l'ect was IiII' wurs,'; for the pcople 31'C poOl'. tut lip illto illlluilleraille castl's, 1I0t lIl'ClIstolllCd tu take ill pcrioolil':t1s, lind certllilllYllIJ1 to l'atl'OlIize tllose put lill'lh 1Iy fOl'ciglwls. Besides, Hlld espccially, tile custom II1Is alway,.; bCl'll tu give two, till C') alld evcll IliOn: years' credit to suhsnihl'rs, anti cvery Illtlillll puuliCJltiulI adver- tises its rcspcctive casll alld ncdit tcnus of lollLscripl.ioli. All tllis we kllew, alld 1.01.11 AlIglo-llldiall alld Nnti\'c jOlll'llalist.'i of tltc largest cxperiCIlCl! warned liS to aIltici- I'ate lilillll'C ; IIlldcl' 110 circllliistallccs, tltey tllOllgllt, wOllld it he possiLle fur lis to Illake ,,"ccced alJ\lJllg "'I apatlletie a people So strallg') a lIlagazilll', t:I'CII tllOl1glt wc shollid givt: IIlIlilllitell cn-dit. But as ullr ohjcet was 1I0t protit, alltl a,.; tile Suciety hull)' Ill'cdcd slIch an organ, we decided to Jllake tile velll.lIl·C. A SIIIII large clloIIgh to pay tllo 1.·lItire cost of tlte I,wgazille 1;11 Olle ycar was set aside, IIlId tit,> first 1I11111ucr appcarcd prolllptly on tlo,: day 1l1l1l01l1l- ('('II-Octuber lst, IS7!'. Bclievillg that thc I'I'cditsystcltl Was alJsulutely 1"'rllici')lIs, alld havillg ";CCII thl: II II i·versal llduptioll ill AlIl<'rim uf tIlt' plall of cash paYlllellt ill lilivallce awl it,.; 1IIIIIIixed We Illlllollllced that the latter would hu the l'Itlu of tllis o/tice. TIIU results arc already kllUWII to 0111' readers: ill the fUllrth Illollth thc llIaO'azine alltl hdi,rc tllll half veal' wa,.; "'Olle, n 0 I·assetl that tickli.'ill puillt whem ille'H1le and \'Xpcllses 1)1\lanco cacll otlll'r, alit I its SIICC('SS Was an a,,;slIrcd lilet, Man)' ";lIbscribul's have bce.1l so anxiollS fill· 0111' prospcrity t hat they llavc sunt liS their IIlOIlI'y to }ill)' for I he llIag-a- zille two years ill advancc, Illlel others llav\: tol,l liS 11'0 lllay COUllt I1pon tIlcir l'atl'llllagc as long liS they Illay livc. It gocs withollt saying tllllt the projecturs of tile THEO- SOPHIST Ilavc h,tl)JI illexpressihly 11l'1ightcll with the att'ce- tiolluk respullsc to tlleir apJll·:t1 1.0 thc Asiatic peuple li)1' slIJlport in all attelllpt to slIah·l, 1'1'0111 the dust of obli- "ioll tllC trcasurcs of Aryall wisdolll. "·hat hcart. that Was 1I0t. made of StOllC could bc lIutollcllCci by so lllllch de\'uti,m as has shu\l'lI liS alltl uur cause' of 1III111all brutIINh')od J .Awl it is 0111' pride and juy tu rc- :olize that all fril'llIls Im"e dllstt'l'l'd arolllltl l1S. evell ':hell 11'13 were tllc Ileavy hllrd"11 of tlae sllspiciOll:-l (or tlte IlIlliau Govenlillcllt, bcc<lllse tltv)" !Ian, lu,lit'ved ItS 111 he ::lillccrc alld trlle , tllC friellds allll Lrutltcrs or tlte ;.nlpllt SOliS of Asia. If our first bcgall iu unccrtain- t y j I 11'.'''l·S all hright ilml full t,f promise. Whew our •.. w _= .2- Z AGf::,\'N: 1.011<1011 Ilonlllrd Q""ritch, I:, J'iccn,lillr, W. : Yurk, S. It \Vcll:t k. Co., 'id7, Hru;\tlwu)" ; Colhy II III 1 Hidl, 11, MUJit- gOfilC"y Place ; III. J. C. lIlI",lr. La Sallo St, AllIoricilll "III.- .cril>cro "H,y aloo ordcl' tl",it· 1'"\,01" thrullllh W. Q. J IId;;o, ii, JJroud. "'ay, Now Yurk. l'o)'lolI: IsilllC "·oore,,,,o,·i)'.), ))u1,"I)' ClIl'lII10", llo<lalld'I\"n: .Iohll flol.ort <10 ::iill'u : Xo. :!, KortuLo:lIl1 litreol, COIOllllou, !JOII 'l'illlUthy l{al'lIl1lll'atuo J{alldy. , SI'EeIAr, NO·l'WES. Ill, cI'i<1eht that. the 'I'1II:0S0I'UIST l.-ill offer to alherti.,o ..< IIl1u>lIal a<1· "aIlL'I("" ill circulntiou. W u hnve alrolo"ly 8I1h.cril>er. lu e\'cl")' l",rt of Jlulin ii, CcJ]UIJ, Burmah, ;:ulll on til.., Purdinl. liulf. Our paper abo 1;00.:'1 to ti:cat Brit'Olin, Fumeu, Germau)·, If'lIIH'nrr. Orcecc, 1t1lK.lIia, n0l'le, Allstralia, ... ,,1 Jliorth IIn<l Soulh America. Tho followllJl,; "cry IJlo<lerate rute; hm'e !>eou u<lol'lc<1 : AlJn:IlTISIl'li !t.1'·I:S. Fir;t in.erlilln nn<llu"lor 1 Itul'ee. }'or each a<l<litioulllliuo 1.\1111:1. Sp.'1ce j; for at the rat, of I:! to tho illclo. bl'ccia) lIluuh 4:UU ho IIUlhO lor Inr;.:c nth·clott.l.'lIIcul:'O(, nnd lor nlltl h:lul 1'0rio<1.. For (urthor illforlnatiou ilIl1l cOlltraots for n<l'·crli.illll', ill'l'ly to lIrJ:sslIs. k Co., AllI'cl'lbiug' Agcllls, Buokscllo... :1Il11 J'uhli.llCrs, l\ful<luw l:lti'eet, Fort, IJulllLuy. '1'u 'I'he SlIb.cl"il'liou I'l'ico ot which tho i. l'ul,Ii,I,e'\ harely cu\'crli cust--tho tlol'liiJ.{1I ill o:o,.taltli:dlill"; t.llu jClUl'luLi h"\'iIl 6 I'Cllll rather tu fl.'ne!! It \'01'.)' wid", circle uf I'endors, Ihull to IJInl.:o a I'ndit. \Vo cnnnut ntruftl, tbol'cfure, to ,willi HIH,*cilllCIl ClIP'Wi (ruo, lIur to :;11"1'1)' Iilll'lll'ios, \Jiutiuti, or illdivltltud.'l gl'ut-uituu,.,I,)'. F4J1' \hu hUlJlU rcnsoll We .,Llig-ell to adupt tho l,lall, II •• W 11Ilh'OI':'Iul ill A1Ilcl'ica, of I'Clplidllg' Hl1l'MTilturs tu P")" iii aU\'Hlll'e, nlltl of titolJl'iug' tho \IUPCI' at the cII11 lit' tho tel'll& paill fur. Muuy of pl'aclical cxpcdultco mVu l:ouVillt.:Clt pultlisllc,·" thnt tllis :o.)':tlcm- of PU)'lllcut i:i tho he"t. alul IlU':-it to both lJilrtiu.s; tHuJ itll rOhpuctilblu j,)unua1:;, nl"O litl\\' nJllllllctl"l1 oU lI.is Hubscribcf.i l,riuh.'tl receipt fur theil' rCluit laUCCd IUU:Jt sCIHl fHr return jlU:itllg'O. OtlJcr\\'i:tc, uckJlowlt,ul,e:uu.:ntti will he tlll'OlIl:h tho jOlll'lIal. The will 01'1'0llr eaela Illollth. '1'ho I'nte8, (",. (w.,),·o 1111'11- ber::! of not tlml) 40 cohllUUd Hu)'nl -hf) ench, of rca_lill;': walter, or COllllllUS iu I'll, &tre ns (ullt)\\"Ii:- -To HlIlhcribcr.'! ill all)' part uf IIHlia, l:s.6 pcr nuuulIl; ill Ccl'luu, 1:.:3. i i ill tlte Strnit'i Sutl)CHlClJh, t'lailla. Japan, alld AII.trolia, )(s. IS ; ill Afri",o, Eurol'''' all,l Iho 1IIlil".1 .I.lto,. J. I. Half )"car (JUt!ia) Us:. oj ; l:upics 1I1111n,," I:!_ J:cruiUlllICCi iu lto.",t.-al .-itawl' Ullh·t hI. tho rate uf l.\lllli\!i ) i lu 1110 I:upou to l."u\"cr .li,'i('01I11t. Tile ahoYo mles postllO'O. ..\"u tf'at IIf: , lIt, rift iii (N" /1(11"" "lelit t/'c -.,U.hu!J ;$ uud ;'Lfd,.ift/,I:, tltt /Hfl"Cr ,"dl I", dllcw.lutdlfl ut the '.A.ptrffttIJ/I olt!.,; tt"", 't'Wc"ibcd !o". Hl.·llliU,UhCCli tilwuld 1'0 IIl.\,le ill l\1olloy.or t lor:i, Bill clJC11IIO"", (IIr '1'l"l!w,III'Y l,ill1i, if ill I'o;.:i.stcrod 1011""'1, nut/ulndo ollly to tI,o J'IIUI·UIlTUIl. ur Till: '1'III;U:;UI'lII:1T, lV:!, l>irc'lUIUl )jack J:uod, UUlUbn)', 11I,lia. 'I'IIE (){'''l'uIH;n ANn 01" TillS lllLVilig bcell rcprilltl:d. IICW whu wish to IllLve thcir year begin with tile Ol'lober 1Il111lbcr, will 1I0W he eIlUrgcu lllllJ:1S l·igllt adtiitiOlllll tu COVCI' tllC cxtra cost of the repulllicatioll. wllIl order their 811b- Rcri ptio1l8 to tlate !i'0It1 the DC('CIIl bel', or lIlly la!t..'r issue, p,ly Rs. fj \lilly.


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•Vol.. 1. BOMBAY, ~EPTEMBER, 11S80. No. }.)

_ !t _. _ ::Z=ZU:2Ui. , c _ _ za


'1'hc Elli tors J isclai III 1'{'spollsibiIity I; ,I' opiu iOlts exJlI'I:ssedby cuntributors in their articles. Ureat latitl\de is alluwedtll curre,,;poll!lents, llIlll they aloll(' arc accoulJtable f;lr whattIll'Y write. Rcjectcd 1.1 SS. are 1I0t rctUl'Ill'd.


Likc all ollicr pleasallt thillgs, om lirst year's rclatiollswith thc 'l'UEOSOI'IIIST'S subscrihcrs arc about to termi­lIate. The prcscllt is the twelfth alld last 1I1111lher to ~i,.;sued 1I111lcr their clllltmct with \IS. Thlls e"l:r)' ellgage­IiICllt assumcll hy the proprictOl'll of the liIagazillc IlHsbecn IlOlIollmhly alltl litcIally flllfill'·ll.

The ca.',e of thc 'I'll EOSOl'lIlST call.~ /;)1' a word or twoof particular CUlIIltlCIlL Evcll ill allY large city uf Europc01' America, it i.'i a very rarc thillg' luI' it pl'riodic:d oftllis stomp to sUl'vive the Illltural inditl;~rence 01' Jlostilityuf thc public for II whole year, Out of scores of attemptslllade witlJin 0111' own rcculIl·ctiulI. the SUccesses are sofew liS to be scal'ccly worth Illclltiolliug. As a rllic theirtenll of existellcc III'S beell ill I'XlIl'I ratio with the IlIlllpSUIII thcil' pndcctors IIHve helHl 1'1':111)' to spelld u»OI1 thcm.j II ] udia the pl'ol'l'ect was IiII' wurs,'; for the pcople 31'C

poOl'. tut lip illto illlluilleraille castl's, 1I0t lIl'ClIstolllCd tutake ill pcrioolil':t1s, lind certllilllYllIJ1 to l'atl'OlIize tllose putlill'lh 1Iy fOl'ciglwls. Besides, Hlld espccially, tile customII1Is alway,.; bCl'll tu give two, till C') alld evcll IliOn: years'credit to suhsnihl'rs, anti cvery Illtlillll puuliCJltiulI adver­tises its rcspcctive casll alld ncdit tcnus of lollLscripl.ioli.All tllis we kllew, alld 1.01.11 AlIglo-llldiall alld Nnti\'cjOlll'llalist.'i of tltc largest cxperiCIlCl! warned liS to aIltici­I'ate lilillll'C ; IIlldcl' 110 circllliistallccs, tltey tllOllgllt, wOllldit he possiLle fur lis to Illake ,,"ccced alJ\lJllg "'I apatlletiea people So strallg') a lIlagazilll', t:I'CII tllOl1glt wc shollidgivt: IIlIlilllitell cn-dit. But as ullr ohjcet was 1I0t protit,alltl a,.; tile Suciety hull)' Ill'cdcd slIch an organ, we decidedto Jllake tile velll.lIl·C. A SIIIII large clloIIgh to pay tllo1.·lItire cost of tlte I,wgazille 1;11 Olle ycar was set aside,IIlId tit,> first 1I11111ucr appcarcd prolllptly on tlo,: day 1l1l1l01l1l­

('('II-Octuber lst, IS7!'. Bclievillg that thc I'I'cditsystcltlWas alJsulutely 1"'rllici')lIs, alld havillg ";CCII thl: II II i·versalllduptioll ill AlIl<'rim uf tIlt' plall of cash paYlllellt illlilivallce awl it,.; 1IIIIIIixed advltllta.~l'.'i, We Illlllollllced thatthe latter would hu the l'Itlu of tllis o/tice. TIIU resultsarc already kllUWII to 0111' readers: ill the fUllrth Illollththc llIaO'azine readll~d, alltl hdi,rc tllll half veal' wa,.; "'Olle,n • 0

I·assetl that tickli.'ill puillt whem ille'H1le and \'Xpcllses1)1\lanco cacll otlll'r, alit I its SIICC('SS Was an a,,;slIrcd lilet,Man)' ";lIbscribul's have bce.1l so anxiollS fill· 0111' prospcrityt hat they llavc sunt liS their IIlOIlI'y to }ill)' for I he llIag-a­zille two years ill advancc, Illlel others llav\: tol,l liS 11'0

lllay COUllt I1pon t Ilcir l'atl'llllagc as long liS they Illay livc.It gocs withollt saying tllllt the projecturs of tile THEO­

SOPHIST Ilavc h,tl)JI illexpressihly 11l'1ightcll with the att'ce­tiolluk respullsc to tlleir apJll·:t1 1.0 thc Asiatic peuple li)1'slIJlport in all attelllpt to slIah·l, 1'1'0111 the dust of obli­"ioll tllC trcasurcs of Aryall wisdolll. "·hat hcart. thatWas 1I0t. made of StOllC could bc lIutollcllCci by so lllllchde\'uti,m as has b'~en shu\l'lI liS alltl uur S<lcrc~1 cause' of1III111all brutIINh')od J .Awl it is 0111' pride and juy tu rc­:olize that all the~c fril'llIls Im"e dllstt'l'l'd arolllltl l1S. evell':hell 11'13 were 1\I111(~r tllc Ileavy hllrd"11 of tlae sllspiciOll:-l(or tlte IlIlliau Govenlillcllt, bcc<lllse tltv)" !Ian, lu,lit'ved ItS

111 he ::lillccrc alld trlle , tllC friellds allll Lrutltcrs or tlte;.nlpllt SOliS of Asia. If our first Y'~llr bcgall iu unccrtain­t y j I 11'.'''l·S all hright ilml full t,f promise. Whew our

•.. w _= ~.2-Z .~

AGf::,\'N: 1.011<1011 (EII~.), Ilonlllrd Q""ritch, I:, J'iccn,lillr, W. : ~OIV Yurk,S. It \Vcll:t k. Co., 'id7, Hru;\tlwu)" ; hu~toll, MIl"'~" Colhy II III1 Hidl, 11, MUJit­gOfilC"y Place ; Chil-lI~lI, III. J. C. lIlI",lr. l~!. La Sallo St, AllIoricilll "III.­.cril>cro "H,y aloo ordcl' tl",it· 1'"\,01" thrullllh W. Q. J IId;;o, I~"h ii, JJroud."'ay, Now Yurk.

l'o)'lolI: IsilllC "·oore,,,,o,·i)'.), ))u1,"I)' ClIl'lII10", llo<lalld'I\"n: .Iohll flol.ort<10 ::iill'u : Xo. :!, KortuLo:lIl1 litreol, COIOllllou, !JOII 'l'illlUthy l{al'lIl1lll'atuoJ{alldy. ,


Ill, cI'i<1eht that. the 'I'1II:0S0I'UIST l.-ill offer to alherti.,o ..< IIl1u>lIal a<1·"aIlL'I("" ill circulntiou. W u hnve alrolo"ly 8I1h.cril>er. lu e\'cl")' l",rt ofJlulin ii, CcJ]UIJ, Burmah, ;:ulll on til.., Purdinl. liulf. Our paper abo 1;00.:'1to ti:cat Brit'Olin, Fumeu, Germau)·, If'lIIH'nrr. Orcecc, 1t1lK.lIia, t'~u~tallt1.n0l'le, E~ypt, Allstralia, ...,,1 Jliorth IIn<l Soulh America. Tho followllJl,; "cryIJlo<lerate rute; hm'e !>eou u<lol'lc<1 :

AlJn:IlTISIl'li !t.1'·I:S.

Fir;t in.erlilln J6Iiue~ nn<llu"lor 1 Itul'ee.}'or each a<l<litioulllliuo 1.\1111:1.

Sp.'1ce j; charg'c~1 for at the rat, of I:! lillc~ to tho illclo. bl'ccia) llrrall~C'lIluuh 4:UU ho IIUlhO lor Inr;.:c nth·clott.l.'lIIcul:'O(, nnd lor ICJII~Cl' nlltl h:lul1'0rio<1.. For (urthor illforlnatiou ilIl1l cOlltraots for n<l'·crli.illll', ill'l'ly to

lIrJ:sslIs. COOI'~;H k Co.,

AllI'cl'lbiug' Agcllls, Buokscllo... :1Il11 J'uhli.llCrs, l\ful<luw l:lti'eet, Fort,IJulllLuy.

'1'u !)UJJS(,;ltIll~HS.

'I'he SlIb.cl"il'liou I'l'ico ot which tho 'I'1I1.()~UI'III~T i. l'ul,Ii,I,e'\ harelycu\'crli cust--tho tlol'liiJ.{1I ill o:o,.taltli:dlill"; t.llu jClUl'luLi h"\'iIl6 I'Cllll rathertu fl.'ne!! It \'01'.)' wid", circle uf I'endors, Ihull to IJInl.:o a I'ndit. \Vo cnnnutntruftl, tbol'cfure, to ,willi HIH,*cilllCIl ClIP'Wi (ruo, lIur to :;11"1'1)' Iilll'lll'ios, ~u.\Jiutiuti, or illdivltltud.'l gl'ut-uituu,.,I,)'. F4J1' \hu hUlJlU rcnsoll We Ul'l~ .,Llig-ellto adupt tho l,lall, II ••W 11Ilh'OI':'Iul ill A1Ilcl'ica, of I'Clplidllg' Hl1l'MTilturs tuP")" iii aU\'Hlll'e, nlltl of titolJl'iug' tho \IUPCI' at the cII11 lit' tho tel'll& paill fur.Muuy J~,r~ of pl'aclical cxpcdultco mVu l:ouVillt.:Clt \\'C~lt'l'lI pultlisllc,·" thnttllis :o.)':tlcm- of c.'a~h PU)'lllcut i:i tho he"t. alul IlU':-it tiati'ifn~tor)· to bothlJilrtiu.s; tHuJ itll rOhpuctilblu j,)unua1:;, nl"O litl\\' nJllllllctl"l1 oU lI.is 1,I~ul"

Hubscribcf.i wi~llilJ;;:, l,riuh.'tl receipt fur theil' rCluit laUCCd IUU:Jt sCIHl~tJlIUJ)~ fHr return jlU:itllg'O. OtlJcr\\'i:tc, uckJlowlt,ul,e:uu.:ntti will he IH~U.lCtlll'OlIl:h tho jOlll'lIal.

The TIIJ:OS"I'I"~T will 01'1'0llr eaela Illollth. '1'ho I'nte8, (",. (w.,),·o 1111'11­ber::! of not Ic~~ tlml) 40 cohllUUd Hu)'nl -hf) ench, of rca_lill;': walter, or4~ COllllllUS iu I'll, &tre ns (ullt)\\"Ii:- -To HlIlhcribcr.'! ill all)' part uf IIHlia,l:s.6 pcr nuuulIl; ill Ccl'luu, 1:.:3. i i ill tlte Strnit'i Sutl)CHlClJh, t'lailla. Japan,alld AII.trolia, )(s. IS ; ill Afri",o, Eurol'''' all,l Iho 1IIlil".1 .I.lto,. J. I. Half)"car (JUt!ia) Us:. oj ; ~ilJ;.:lo l:upics 1I1111n,," I:!_ J:cruiUlllICCi iu lto.",t.-al .-itawl'Ullh·t l~ hI. tho rate uf l.\lllli\!i ) i lu 1110 I:upou to l."u\"cr .li,'i('01I11t. Tile ahoYomles il.~hlth,; postllO'O. ..\"u kUJrl~ tf'at IIf: , lIt, rift iii (It~ 'H"'~J (N" /1(11"" ~{,tl"lelit t/'c -.,U.hu!J ;$ '"t'millc:d~· uud ;'Lfd,.ift/,I:, tltt /Hfl"Cr ,"dl I", dllcw.lutdlflut the '.A.ptrffttIJ/I olt!.,; tt"", 't'Wc"ibcd !o". Hl.·llliU,UhCCli tilwuld 1'0 IIl.\,le ill

l\1olloy.or t lor:i, IJlIlIlji~, Bill clJC11IIO"", (IIr '1'l"l!w,III'Y l,ill1i, if ill I'o;.:i.stcrod1011""'1, nut/ulndo I~l)'ahlo ollly to tI,o J'IIUI·UIlTUIl. ur Till: '1'III;U:;UI'lII:1T,lV:!, l>irc'lUIUl )jack J:uod, UUlUbn)', 11I,lia.

'I'IIE (){'''l'uIH;n ANn Xon:~III~;1l ISsl'J'~-; 01" TillS .lflUI~X.\L

lllLVilig bcell rcprilltl:d. IICW ~l\bscriLt.·I'lJ whu wish toIllLve thcir year begin with tile Ol'lober 1Il111lbcr, will 1I0W

he eIlUrgcu lllllJ:1S l·igllt adtiitiOlllll tu COVCI' tllC cxtracost of the repulllicatioll. Tllu~:l(: wllIl order their 811b­Rcriptio1l8 to tlate !i'0It1 the DC('CIIlbel', or lIlly la!t..'r issue,p,ly Rs. fj \lilly.


;1' H E T II E 0 S 0 i) i [ J H 'f . LSeptel\lher, 181'0.

magazine had une well-wishcr thcll, 1l0W it has t wcnty,:11111 by the uc~innilJg of the third yenr will have fifty. Ithas become a necessit.y tl) Jllllldrcds of yonllg ArYlln pa­t.riot!~, who Jove to know what their ancestors were sothat tbey mny at IC~lSt dream of emulating them. It liaswon a place in t,he regard of C\'en Allglo-llIllians, of whichclass many in inflncntial positions take it. Its merils !IS

an OrientlllullIgazine hare heen acknowledged by a 1111Ill­

ber of the first Orientalists of Europe, who have been hy itintroduced for the first, tillle to sollie of the 1Il0st l('arnp,1of Asiatic pricst.~, pouditlf and :Jlu1t'lr('I:'~. In anotlll'r plaee,in this lIumber will he fonllll II few of tile kind words "'lilthave been said to :\lIl1 ahout liS, at Illis and t.he otherside of the world. In short. Ihe Theosophical Societ)',:uIII its organ, Ihe THt:Oso"IIIST, ar(' now so firmly I'slab­lished that-entirely apart frolll t.he splendid rl'snlls ofIh~~ .mission 10 Ceylon-cvery lover of truth IlIlIy well}'\'.J01ce.

Were '1'(' inclined tl' hon.~ting we 1I1igllt IlOlci 0111 vcryattractive inducement.., t.o subscrihersfor the sccoud volnllle.\Vc prefer to let our pll,,'lt performance stawl IL'l gnaranlecof wlmt we will do in the futllfe. We have ellgngell sumany valunble article!! hy the best writers of Asia, EnropenlHI America that we have 110 Ill'sitancy ill promisingthat the TIIIWSOPIIIST of I HI'iO-81 will be stillmore illten'st­ing and instructive than it has been for JH7D-RO. Natu­rally, the Ce>'lon voynge, and the taking il1to the 1'llcu­lIophical Soclet.y of every Buddhist priest jn the Isla\l(lof Ilny repntlltion for ability ur lelll'1ling, will Ie'lld tol'Iuch a complde exposi tioll of B\IlhlhisllI in these colllllln:"hy the men best qualitied to speak, as must anest uni­versal attcntiou. No Oriental magazine in tIle world couldI'VeI' point 10 silch all IInl1Y of lellrlled cOI1t.ribulurs liS

the 1'lIEOSUI'IIIST mny lIlrcndy pride ilself IIpon.There will he no change in the tt'l'Ins of subscriplion, liS

we wish to make it possible for eVCll the \lomest clerk totake the \IIaga~ine. Om friel1ds llIust \lot lin'get thnt IheA\lIIJrican plan emhraces two fealurel-l, vi~ .. t.lle RlIhseripliulI\IIoney must be in thc IlIullllger's hands before any copyi:i sent; Illlli lIlt' jOllJ'l/al i,~ di.<cO"Ii" 11,.,/ 1/1 lite c"l,i"(,'ioll,!(tll/! term ,<"bIfCl'ibcdjo,'. These hr') rilles nrc invarillulc,nnd they have bccl1 annOllnccd 011 111l: lirst pn~e ill ('veryis~ml\ as I1my be seen 1I)l0n rcferrillg to the PlIhlisher'snoticcs. The Septcmber number is. Ihcrefore, the lustIhat will be sent to 0111' prescnt subscriber1'l, except to sHchLUI have paid fiJI' a furl ht'l' term. A\lt! as it takes tinl'~

both to remit mOIley 11ll" to 0rell II lIew set of book!', weullvise all who wish 10 receive the OctlJber numhL'r Ill,

Ihe \1s\1ul t.illle, to forwnrd their subscriptions at once. \\',~

1II11St ~onill 1'l"luest that all clle'lIIt'S, 1J1lndis, mOlley-onll'll',registered leltel'S ami otller relIl iUallccs on account of themagazine muy be made to the order of "the Proprietor8of t.he 'I'll EuS""" 1ST," anti t,) no one else.

IPF As 11I1 inducellll'nt to frientls to IJlake IIpeciulexertiolJs to inere:L';c the l'irculatioJI of our l1Iag-a~illl" WlJhl)rebyotici' the tWi> vohlllles of" lsi" Uuveile;I," of thelatest edition, as a prize for the )'f'I'SOU who shall ""rin~

tlw ucxt six ulouths PI'Ot:lll'lJ tIle largest lIumber of slIh­Reribers at OUI' H1lvert iSI,d ral·es, 'J'lw compet.itor \II listhilllsclf selld llS thc uallles find 1I\0ney, or if not tIle laUel',tlten n. certificate from eadl subscriber that he conscn!.'l tohave his IHllJlC credited on the competitor's list.

•A r.EXTLE~IA~ WHO IS CuXsIIH:IU;n BY HU~"'; 01-' Til r.

Loudon Tlleosl'phists to be better vCl'sell in the literatureof Occultislll than any fellow of LIII1' British branch,wisltes :-

1. To purcltase a co/,y of the Madras Mahatma OillU<l.Yogi's pampit let on Raja Yoga.

2. A copy of Dr. 13allant)'lIc'" translation of tho firsttwo cltapters of Pataujali's AphorislUs of the Yoga Philo­flophy.

:I. That ol\l' contributon! should give till ~on1(' \llore iu­terest.iug bct~ about th" J)/'!'('(/lcsln'w'i,

4. Trustworthy information about the "black AgrnMaflelt Inirl'Ors, whether they flrc of an)' real use in del'c­lori ng clu i rvoyant power l\IId inlluci ng 8",/1(//11/;:' If so,arc they pl'Ocmuble und at what cost f'

We hope om brother's wishes muy be realized, allll re­quest anyone ltavil1g the dcsired information to send it tothese Head-qllflrters.



According to t.he ('alllOlic R{'/';e1/', Bl\lldhi!'m is nHikill~

progress in America, not as a mere philological study asin Europc umollgst scholars of tIle presclIt Ilay, hut, weare assured us :l religion. BIlllllhi:o:m, according to tllisauthority, "is heeoming quite fashiollahle, allll in somecircles it is considered in' better form' than Hitllalism."Furtber proof is aflunled in the ,'cry large sa.le that. Mr.A1'Ilold's .. Light of Asia" (re"iewPll in 0\11' Octoher IIlImb!'r)hilS Imll, allli tbe almost ellthusiast,ic praise bestowell \1ponthe character anll teachings of tIle' Hindu Saviom,' byIhc American press. Tbere is not room 101' the slightestdOllbt thai, if some BlHltlhist. orator like" the silvcr-IolI­gm',1 Megittllwatte" as Colollel Olcot.t dubbed him, sholllllvisit the Ullited States with such a competent interpre­ter as 111 .. !)annabokke, of Kandy, or Mr. Karunaratne, of.I'anadure, allli preach tllC pure, unadlllterated doctrine ofBllddha, Ill' wOllld win thollsllnds of converts.

In our June issue appeared an appeal from a Londonphilanthropist for the sending of Buddhist mis..c;ionnricsto England, allll IIOW in II recent ('Ilitorial discussion of thesul~ject of Buddhism ill Europe, the Piol1c('/' says :-

" It is rc"kollcll that. out of the eirrht hllllliretl Illillioll~ 111111 o,Mwho form t\.IC \lOpulatioll of onr 1'1~lId, abont four hllllllre.,1 mil­lions I'rofcl'.'i t IC creed of Sak)'a M\l1Ii. OIlC of t.he doctnlll'K ofth!'t creed, /Ill ~nlilJarily 1'I'ofcf<Scll, iR J~·irmIHL : ill w)lich it i~. illl­plll',1 that 1.111' Ilf" we le/lclll1 the ,world 18 RO IICCCRt!l\!,I1y. /llId II'.re­IIIctlillhly hlld, th/lt tho ollly hapIIIlll'8R for mllll COll81RtS III 10llVIliItit. Not at onr OWII pleasllro ; there i", it secms, II ' CIIIIOII n~aillRt""If-Rlaughter;' bllt to hc l'l\lIcd away hy a gentlc 1l1ll1ll1l01lR, to ho• hlowlI Ollt like n lamp.' ThiR ,Ioctrille iR now extendin~ hl')'llIIdIhe COlllillc8 IIf ARia, AllIl it ill olle thnt mllst be difltill/,\lIillhellfrolll the l'aRsillg moods illlU outcries of poelll, alld liuch fl'l\'010l181'1'1'H01l8 ns rrivl' "l'IIt, fl"Olll ti1lle to tillie, to illll'atiellt 1II1Irllllll'll1II111 lougil;gR for rest whell tl'lllllOrarily wellry with the bllrtlell,.f life, Such occasional ,"oiccs ba,'e beeu hellrd, frum S0l'hoclC!!with hill

" ;'\ot t.1I I.., horn, 8l1\·pus...es all ,Ievic(',Hilt Illl\'illg beell, to go till' qllickcRt bnckThere whl'lIce we Cllllle, is far the /lecollu hesl,"

.10\\,11 to the ROImct in FCCl'lil J,cave~, objected to ill the hl.~t Cal·l:ulla J(ct'iClc, wh l're 1\1 \'. Keello RII~'R thllt

" ~olle eou1d henr thc happiest hllmall lotTIIlI for denth's cold light 011 the horizoll shiuiug:'

These spa~lllodic complnilllll nrc 1I0t 11110 HlIllllhislIl. It Willi ro­1"(!l'vcll for Sl'h0I'CllhllIlCI' II IIII his 811Cl'e880r, Von Jlurtlllllllll, tol'I'l'ro,llIcc N in'lIl1l1 liS a R)'stl'lIll1tic object of Il.qpiralioll ill IIJOI!,'r11EUl'lIpe: IIIllI to otlcr to thc ilile of re(.'Cnt pronresll the conllollllJlln~tlmt lio'\tisfy the ignoraut IUllltitudes of t:e)1011 nllli VhinR. Thoi,ll'I\ i8 pursued in Uerlllany with unrelentillg vigour."

The Pimlcc/' inveighs ngainst this telllh~llcy ill Emul'clIlleontemp01'llry thought., calling the Iloctrille of NiJ'l'lllllLpcssimistic to the In.<;t Ilegrce, and rt'gunlin~ it as II II1cntaldisellSe. It may not be known to our resp<.'Ctnhle cun­tcmporary that the ~\I(l(lhist pri~sts th?lIIs~h·es hy 1111

mcalls agree t.lllLt nttwlllllcnt of N lrVllnlt llllphcs the t.otall\Ilnihilation of consciouslless. More limn one very adiv'lalit1 leamed controversy ha.'i been carrictl 011 Upoll tllis,\ucstiolJ, find to-llay the opposing scllools are led respec­tively by the Right Rev. Hikkaduwe H\\1J1angala, for theIlllirmativll, nn,1 the Rev. l'otnwila 11Illajoti, for the ncgll­tive. Budlihilllic phiioS01JllY in its refined esoteric /lspect,litTers very little from t 10 creed 01' the Vedanta schlKII,anll still les,<i from the Mccret doct.rine that can be rcadhctween tlte lilies of the Veda by one whose perccptionshave been really awakened. In n. fnture numher we wiIIprl~sen~ the views of the two scllol)ls of Bu?dhi~t.~ re~p~ct­jng N lrVHlIlf, and try to lllake the subject mtelhglbleto 01\1' l'ea'.lel'(!.




Septembel', 1880.] THE THEOSOPHIST~

['l'rnuslntcd from tho ltnlum ol'ill'illnl.]




'l'm; t'ELLOWS.


DEAlt BnoTHlms: Of the many nUll tlifleront meetinn'sin which I have presided in my life, this one is for /lie tl~emost ng~'cel\ble of all, beca~l~e it has not for its o~icct llnyworldly II1tercst, or any politICal scheme, Nor is it for litcr­ary discussions that we have tbis tlay assolUbled t()lrethcr, tI ,

but to see ourselves cOlifirmclI III the ~aCl'ed allll sublimooffice of confessors of progress, I Jare not say uf Truth,because it being located in an elevated site, it is not easilyaccessible, more especially to myself, who am powerlessnnd voiJ of merits.

Nevertheless, I see, my deal' Brothers, that in spite ofthe baniers and thorns by which we are sUlToulldCtl inthese places, we have progressed a step further towardsour object, for we aro here ullited ill the hanw faith withthe same Iletermiuation of progressing, and, thl'refi)\'c, 1trust that our object may be prosperous,

To crown our wisllCs to satbfy our Jcsircs, the worthyCentral Society has sellt us the Chal'tel', which I presentto you that it may be deposited ill our lIrchives.

If until now 011I' Society hml been vllcillatin<r anll un­certain, let us trust that 1'1'0111 this mOlllent ,~c Illay llcfixed find sottled alltl our duties be more assiduous, 1IIorepositive find sincel'c.

It is tl'\le that the belief in Que First Cause, in theimlividuality and immortality of the llUman f>oul, iu itseternal progrcss, in the firm desire to filneliorate our ownmoral cOllllition, in loving OUl' neighbours as ourselves, inrendering ourselves useful to all humanity, in ondowingour intellect, our faith amI our belief, faith find beliefwhich we feel as if born in us or brought with us li'DlIl aprevious existence, all this is true, I seo it, I hellr it atevery 1I10ll1ont repeated by you, I rejoice and heartilyrejoice and feel happy for it ; but this is not enough, greatideas must not only be felt, not only be loved, but we mustexercise llnd develop them, we must make them evident,own thelllllnd teach them by word llnd in deed.

'Vhat are we, therefore, to do, in ol'ller to rcnuer our­selves worthy of the trust placed in us by our CelltralSociety 1 How are we to fict in order to be graduallyinitiated int.o the sublime knowlcdge of the ArYfin Philo­80phy 1 How shall we hope to be allowed to ponetratethe secrets of uature, which Ilre in the power of thosesupreme beings called Adepts? How shall we be ableto procure for olll'selves the heavenly pleasure, as also theHatisfaction of being useful to our fullow-creatures notonly with our moral, but also, with our natural m~allsavailing ourselves of that power iu Nature which IiI'S atour disposal.

Several of you, Brothers,have tasted anll will taste thedivine pleasure of healing or mitigating the infirmities ofyour suffering brothers by mesmerism. I, too withoutattributing it to my knowledge or to other merits (wllichI do ~lOt posse~s) hn~e been and an~ hapPl wLellever, bythe sllllple laymg of my hands, and lI11plonng the help ofthe Author of the power of creation have cured and docnre several, nay many cases of dangerous fevers, wounds,hemorrhages and even some of cholera, But this is notthe only power attainable by mall; more occult, greaterand deeper mysteries, are yet to be unveiled, amI theknowledge of these is likewise II favour which is not grant­ed to the first comer, To dispose more or less of theforce of nature, it is not given t.o all, because evCl'y onewould not make gOOiI nse of it. The heart of man is forthe greater part prolle to evil, clinging to the things of theearth, more than to the heavenly treasures, or iu better

words, to terrestrial Iif~ rather than to spiritual thing:;.\Vhll.t won]11 happen If the occult sciences were in theImntls of rogues? They woulll not Uf>e them to allvan­tage, honor, and Pl'og'l'l~S.';, but, as instrllllH'nts of vOllgeancf'l'orrllption, and inilplity. '

If we will with a llctermincd mind alh'IUlce, if we wishto render onrselves IIsehll to olll'selves and Olll' hrotherf>morall.y, intellect!udly and physically, we must propo~~to gUllle our actIOns, our tllOughts, onr will in all find fi)\'all, nu~1 follow the precepts which our honornblu Hocietyprescnbes to us, Tllis obedicnl~e, lloweve\', must not boblind nIH' mechanic, hut rational and dignilled.Wu must()~ey so till' as the orders, injunctions amI counsels ngreo~vlth our renson allll are proportionate to 0111' moral anllmtellectllal means, Aud no more is asked of liS.

That in order to approach thl) sllhlinw antI 1Il1vrnificentte~npl~ of Truth, it is uecesslll'y to conf>ent to s~crifices,pnvatlOns nnll etforts, everyone will admit. In or­der to embellish the soul with trnth, and emich it withknowledge, zeal, tliligenec lUlll Ilrm will arc necessary.

AIl~w me, ~ny tical' Brothers, to make to myself an ob­servatIOn wInch I Ill) not consider useless, which is,that .however trifling a thing may be, yet it cmmot beobtumetl here below without UII effort.

'l'his granted, is it ever possible for us to attain thenotion of wisdom and truth without tloin/l' all that liesin ollr power to ascend to tIle summit of that /llOllutniuwllCre th~y reside 't Can ever the sun of justice andprogress Impart Iti~ benignllnt rays to humallit.y if wedo not (Ie~troy vice, if we do not populnrize virtue, if we110 not. 1~lsperse the gloom of ignorance, prejudice andsuperstltlon·t Do we not see how many llifficult.ies nreco.njurelI '.IJ> ~~gainst liS in the official religio/l, in that,wwnce willch Illlmovable will stand still Oil its platlorm ofmatter, decked with rottenness, with doubt iu its so1l1 antiwith the hypocritical mask of bold certainty? Shall wo bedisheartened? SIIlLIl we be tel'l'ified or stopped by threatf>,hy mockery, by SCOI'n, or by sarcasm? No; it hunt/retl timesover I say, no. Though our number is 1101. now great,though our intellectual faculties be limited, though thepart of Ilction be restrained, we shall well make lip thisdeticieucy by being tlrm, immovable, compad, anll lInitellas the Romans wore; and thus we shall render ourselvesstrong.

Le~ us bind oursdves, together therefore,morally, and ifwe Wish to be something, let us Imve Jjtith in the flltllroof Humanity and in tht: necessary progrl'ss of it, aIHI thuswe shall render ourseh'es mom worthy of tl\l~ happy ideato which we have consecratell ourselves. Let us /lot beterrifiellat the sig-llt of the fittigue, ditticnlty, hanlshilJ,privation lind sacritice. Let us call to minel tho word::! ofDante in his chaptor xx.iv. 01 the Infel'llll :-

" Disse il Maestro, eho seggol1l1o in pinma" III {nllla 11011 si ViOIl, 110 sotto coltt'O :'l

Let ns mirror ourselves in tllo exampln of the lovon;of humanity. Let liS imitate them. Let ns follow theirfootsteps in their fi rIU ness, in their bravery, in their con­stancy in Ilespising pel'secllt,ioll, mockory, eall1l11ny, lindtorture,

It is true that we, llnd .specially myself, arc so insig-ni­ficant that we nre not wortlly of the chancn of being liketh,ose clever masters of ]11'Og-l'ef>S, bllt, if Wl; will, wo nmysllll do good. Let liS make OII1's(~lves lUll'flll by spreatlitwthat light which ill roJU\IIlInicatell to liS, Let liS n(;tlimit ou~selves to wllnls, . Let liS adll to them the pow«r­ful teaclllng o~.facts, nlld ,If we cannot bo exemplary, let usnot,. at least, gIve (~a,IISe JO!' se:t!ulaJ. Let us hegi 11 by COI'­

l'eetmg 0111' defects, hy extll'patlllg our evil tendencies fro1l1our hearts, Let liS adapt ourselves to a life of tcmperanceand nctivity.

offe IIdClI, let us forgive; offol1llers, let us ask pardon.Let liS love justice for ourselves as well as 1'01' others.

Let us hate alld combat evcry undeserved privill'O'e ill ourown favour 01' of olilers. ~


THE THEOSOPHIST. [S('ptcJI\bcr, 1880.

Let us promote popular ellucntioll HI1l11llake it obliga­tc)l'y, lind part,iculnrly so 1llll00lg women, tliat. we lIl11yemallcipate them frolll the thraldom of prieRtcraft.

Lot us }lrotect the orphulIR: let u8l1efcIllI t.he interestof the weak alHl of the widow.

IJet I1R :-;hake oft' Vridc. Let WI exclaim with:t g"l'JII:­

rO\ls cry agaillRt prostit\ltion, debauchery, ill-colltl\lct-tlll-'consequences of materialism aud superstitioJl.

Let UR tight agaiJlst tho death pcualty amI let \IS

dotest the iJll'alilY of W:1I", alHl wore so the right of thel'tronl,{cst. Let, \IS joiJl i\l dcfl'Jldillg those who }Jl'Oted \IS,

cO\ltrolling lIeverthcless the imml)tleratc exi.~eucics of thedemagogues allll the revolutionists who behave ill the wayin which they do with bad mutives.

l,et UR ackllowlcdge the expansive fllltl ulIivcrsal ]0\'1',1Iot ouly for hUIlHllIity, hut also 1'01' flll crr'ation, becauRl~

all I'itller by silent or expressell love (he what it may)tends to tllll nuity of dIe Suprcme Love, Let. nR pl/I('ethe hrot,herllOod of natious as the first. of oltr \l'ish!'fl(desires) aIHI let us hasten that holy (llll'ssed) 1J)(lIJ)C'lItwhell the whole of 1IIllllkind will he gathered ill 0110

fold nnd will have hut olle Rhepllcrtl.Let, us part with anll forsake "nllity, crime, nlld pn~­

siolls; nl:JY our views be serious, wise, Il1Illlhk modest nnddignified. Acting in this way we IlIny hope to live with nfree conscience, confideut (as we slmll be) of havillg npg'­lecletl 1I0thing in our powl'r to rellller oun,elv('s n~dul.

Coul'I1ge, hrothel's, Jet liS pllsh on. Let liS begin bytryillg to p1ll'ily our souls hy restraining om pnssions. Letus subject brute to man, sense to renson, a IIII interest todllty. Let \IS Iny aside all hatrell or rIlnCOllrS if tbcrc hpnny among us, 01' against allY olle uf' our othcr hrot bel'Sin humanity, alld if WI' have llolle wrong volnlltlll'ily III'

involuntarily, let liS com]>em:ate, Let us become the 1ll£>11

of d\lt)', and let us keep o1ll'sclves always on the rigId,side of our rights. Let the sncred fire of Love lie al­ways 111l1'Jlillg in our hearts. Let liS he worthy uf it, IIl1dtho Supreme Architect will recompense liS ncconling tothe elTorts we have made in tryillg to progrefls,

I cOllcludc, Illy dear Brothers, hy beggillg Y01\J' killflforgiveness for thc trouhle I may bave callsell you wil hthefle few and poor exprcssionR; supply my lleficiencil.'swi: h your intellect. Correct 1IIe freely on those pointR onwllich T may have gone ~stray, ancl ] shall feel thallk·1'111 tu you.

Bl'Others, I shall not fail to be yom illterpretcr hclil]'()the Mother Society to expre~" to her Olll' gratitude, alHl illyour lIallle also I slJl\ll th:\IIk her for the lligh favour beR­towed \lpon liS nnd make the silleere vows fill' the pro­sperity of Humanity find for all thc Bmnchcs of' 01l1' So­ciety,

l';on; BY THE EDI'rOIl.

The inaugllral addresses of' the respective presiding­officers of the Ionian allll Bombay Branches of the TheoRo­phical Societ.y, which appear side by side ill the present,nllmbcr, so well illustrate its policy of nmtual tolrl'nllcl'alit! confratel'llity, that we hespeak for each a careflllrcad­ing. Here we sec the Italian thillker movell hy the sallll'lofty nspirntionR for illllivid\k11 perfection ntHI the 113J1pi­ness allll enlightonment of mankilld, as the Parsi thinhrof Bombay. AIIlI thollgh the one conceives of the Firs!Cause, or Deity, qllite differently from the other, whose an­cestors from time immemorial have worshippell tIle Sun asa visible type of Honnazd, yet a common religious feelingmoves the hcart of eacll, and a common instinct lIlakeR hill1see tho way upward towards the truth brighter allli clear­er by the light of Theosophy. Oms is not· an at.heisti<'alsociety, though it doee contain atheists; nor iR it a ChriR­tian one, evon thuugh om brother Dr. 'Vylll, l'resident ofthe British Theosophical Society, would havc us accept.resus as the most divine personage that ovcr appearellamong men. Our FellowR are of the most varied opinionsalHI each has a right to claim respect for ]Iis ideas as heis bound to respect those of hiR bl'Others. "We Ilavepre'sidellt" who are sevl'rnll)' Christiall, Deist, BlHl-

dllist., Hindu IIllll Atheist; none dogmatizers, IlOne clailll­ing to be wiser 01' more infallihle thall the otllPl', yet elicittaking the ot.lll'r hy the hand, cI1lling him brothel', amihelping him :\1111 heing helped in the di\:inp quest aftl'rknowledge. Nor fire nil, 01' even a large minority, Rtutlent.sof occult SCil'IIl'PS, for rarely is tho t.nw mystic born. l<'P1I',alas t have tlwy ever been who so Jeamcd after t!w dis­covery of Natllre's secrds aR to be willing to pursue thathard 111111 \Iusl~Itish conrso of Stlltl)': IIIIlI our own cClltury('nn show fewer dUlIl any of it.s l'J'l'deeessoJ's, As to t.hllsCl'l'cfs of till' Theosophical Nocint.y, wh£'11 we meut-ion fIlemasouic-lik .. l'igus 01 reeogllitioll, Ilwl tIll' privl\c)' seeuJ'{·t!for the handful who 110 llI11ke their experilllclits in psy­chological seil~nce, nil has beell said. The Parent Socil~ty

is, ill one word, a Republic of Conscience, II hrotherl 1lI111 Iof lIIen ill Real'ch of' the Absolute Truth. AR Wl1S sulli­cipntly explained in om opellillg October nllll1bor, ever)'nne of liS prolesses to he rNuly to hl'lp the ot.IIl'I', whatcv!'rtho hrallelt of Rciellce 01' l'elig-ioll to which his pcnmllalpredilectioni') !lin)' lend hilll,

----- -~~-~



1'/'0 telll.

At the first meeting 1I11der 0111' new Charter when we('liter upon 0\11' dllties as members of the ,Bombay Theoso­phical ~ocicty, it. seems lIecessary that we should hegil1with fOl'lI1ing a clear idC'a, as far as possible, of what Wll

I1rc as Theosophists. All the lIIembers 1II11st have at somotillle or other sd this cJllcstion to themselves, alld answer­ed it more or lesR satisfactorily to themselves. III t.hefirst lIumber nf the TIIEOHOI'IUST two elaborate and higll­ly IlllIl'lled nrticles we devotell t.o the two (l'lCstions," Whnt is Theosophy," alHl " What are tho Theosophists,"But the vastllcss of the questions allll the great learningthat is necessarily employcli in answering them allli aho\'eall their pamllllt\lIIt importance tu us, make it very desir­able tlmt we shollld han', at the outRet of our cO\l1'se of Stll­

dies, Il free awl patient discussion aIHI criticism 011 the suh­jed, I now IllY before yOll what I uuderstand. My viewsI1Te of' comso uot authoritative. I Pllt them forward CIS Ihave them, tn he discussed and criticizell, so that. in tlwcnd, each one of liS may have n. sufliciently clear nnd de­finite \11lllerstuuding as to what, is TheosopllY find whatare the Theosophists.

From the subjects that. Theosop1l)' deals with alllleriticizes, as Ii\!' as we have had the opportllnity of observ­ing, we see that it covers the whole ground occupied byReligion, }}hilosophy aIHI Science. It has ROlllething tosay by way of confirmation or correction to each of theRc,rr it sllidllothing more thau what Ueligion, Philosophy /LIHIScience teach us, Theosophy woulrl be useles.q, But a.q

we will sec in the sequel, it says a good delll more thllllcach one of t.hese emhodiments of t.J'Ilths, 01' all of themcombinecl, tell Uf;. Covering thelll all under it.s wiugs.it corrects the faults alld enol's of each one aud leads t.hemon far beyond their present position. "~e will, therefore,understand very clearly Theosophy as a whole, if we eon­sider it separately in its relatioll with Heligion, with Philo­sophy and with Science,

The (Iuestion, therefore, t.hat we have to begin with is­What is Religion '? No word seems to be Illore familiarly\lsed than the word religioll, aIHl I should thillk no wo1'l1is more indeHnitely undcrstuod than this. If we look atthe llillerent systems which nre known under the nanll-'of religion, anti see what functions they are intended toperform we find that at the base of all the huge accumu­lation of rituals, ceremonials allli observances, there is olleavowed object common to all religions-whether they nrc'clnimed to be revealed or natural- religions-they have nilone ol~icct, viz.. to convey the will of God to lIIan. Theytell what man sllOuld believe and do j llllil the ollly reflEOIIadvanced 1(11' what he is required to belie,'e lUut do is


Scpttlmb~r, 1880.], '_U


that God so wills. Tho religions, thuretill'p, contllin n codcof lIlurality which hns thc lLuthority of tho cOllllllalul ofGod, IIlItl gh'o au authoritative «edamtioll as to what Godis and what is his relation to man 1ll1l1 to the universe. Iuthe iufimt 8tate of tllO hUIIHLlI mind such authoritativedeclll1'lltions IU'C not questioned. Rathel' they arc ueeded,aru rC\'el'entially accepted awl dcvoutly full owed. Hdig-ioll,therefore, at this stage of the humannlind, serves all impor<tant purpose. Bnt liS tho hUllllln lIIilld grows to lIlaturity,what was sulliciellt fur its childlike CIlpacity ceases to lX·80. It is disinclinell to receive things at secolld Illlwl. ifit ClIlI look at Illem directly Ilml get at It 1'Iltiolllll cOllvic­tioll of their tl'llth or otherwise. I ustl'HlI of beillg COII­tellt with receiving thillgs on autllority as it did iu itsfeeLle illfallt state, it hcg-ills tu speculate mill elllplo)' its1'eaSOIl fur disceming wlaethel' things IIrc liS they nl'l' said tobe lIwl why they are so, Here is the heginning of philoso­pllY. Hl'rein is the nrst germ of sceptieislll, If reli­gionslwss lIIenus duty to hold belicfs on alltllOritativouedal'l\tiun, to holll thl'm irrespective of facts whl'tlwrreasoll SUPPOI hi them or Ilot, in sJ.ort tn disallow to reasollthe right to juJge uf heliefs which religion illtulcates,thell we lIIay say tlmt with tile Legillllillg' of philosllpll)'irrdigiollslll'ss begills,. The idea oj'rl'ligioll ill the ortbo­Ilox sewle coinciJ(,s with the l'm of igllorauce. FlII' tlauthillkillg man religioll lIlust be I'hiloliOplliscd or for IlilllI>billlsopJ.y is rcligioll. 'I'llis IIccessity is recognised hy theheads 1I1ll! rl'llrescntatives of religious systems, as it IlIlsbeen felt Ly t Ie fi'ee-t Ilillkillg laymell. :;ulIle philosoplwl'slike SI. Augustillc, ellllstrllct a systelll of pltilOlWpJ.y tocOlltlnn allll establish t.IllJ tcacilillg8 uf tile I'cligiull theyprofess. OtllCrs lllUI'lJ irlliepelldcllt, see insu}lemble diffi­culties philosopllically to arrinl at allY knowledge aboutGod, tlac soul, its existellcc allll survival after death, tJ.euuiverse liS a whole allll its relation to Urn!. As IUllg asman believed what was taught to llim, 011 what he cOllsi­derell the diville Illlthority, these llucstions pre:,:clltl'llto hilllllO ditliculty. Nut beelluse his rellson solvell tlIllSI'Jifticulties, Lut because he cal'cd not to employ llis reason,He wus satisned to takc tur granted wlm\ was told tu Ililllallli there the matter clllied. III such n pllssive state wcmigllt happily remain if our 1IIimi III)Vel' cllll'l'ged fro1llthis chillllike state of contentlllent. IJut every day thatgoes, 1'lI1Ties us forward ill the course of adValH'Clllellt.. Itis the characteristic of mun to be in'lllisitive of all tJ.esu~iects tilat come withill the range of his tllOugilts. TheSuccesses that he has ucllieved in sOl1le departllwllts ofknowledge make Ilim bold 111111 confidellt of IIttaillillgsuccess by following tile sallie ratiolllli mctllOd of illvesti­gatioll ill 1111 dircctiolls. The 1IIIIn of seience joins witllthe frce-thillkillg pllilosupher to wage war Ilgninst theclaims of religioll. ACCllpt on fuitli, SIl)'S religion, thetruths whicll philosoplly cannot rellch Illld sciclIce call1lo!,pelletmte. Nay, say pllilosophy a IIII seiellce, to a(.-cepttruths upon filith is 1\11 unilltelligiLle plirase. We lire"otm-ies of truth, but tmtll is not trutll \wll's8 0111' Illlller­stnmlillg can accept it. 'Wllile religiou StlLllds lit oue ex­trclIW, sciCHce in tllC Iwat of tho cOlltroversy I'lIshes tothe uther extreme. In its investigations in tho umtcrialunivcl'llC, science Jay IIftcr day makes wOllderful discoveriesawl tl'llces the ulliform agellcy of COlistant la W8 in t lie III idstof elluless Iliversity. It views 1I0tllillg as providential.All the phenomella in the ulliverse it will trace to theirphysical clluses. It forllls lI11'ntal sciellce alill moml scielll'eon t he physical llasis. It views religiou liS Illere dOgUllltislll,philosophy in its tmll!lCellJelltal speculations, as vagueallli drea1lly ; science alollc mn I'U I'll ish mnll with positivekllowledge !lml more important still, useful knowlcdge.TIll' physical universe admits of beillg hrougllt underdirect ohservation, experillwnt mill vel'ineatioll, allli t.hcgreat triu1llph of all' this is tlmt it enaLks l1Ian to bringabout certaill events in the futun! !llllllll'edict thelll ullliergiven conditions with perfect precisioll. The' snbjects ofreligion Illld phiiosopllY illusmucll as tlley deal with tlJl}1I0n-nmterial uni\'erse, lIlld liS they, thNcfore, do not admitof these tests, lire lIot worth t110 wllilo of lllllll to wastotime 1\1111 trollble upon. TII('Y UI'C: lIIel'e :mpprlltit iOlls,

befl'll!l\thed to HR by tho old igllomllt Past. There i:inothillg tor ml\l1 to know beyontlmatter allli what Illuterialdntn will lead him to. TillIS, science elm:;s us forcibly intollIatorialism, Thus IIrbitl'lll'y alld dogllllLtic religiou, in­complcte lind illcOlllpelent philosophy, :tlld allliacio\lssciencl! all cllIJlLillC to Ih~8troy the most elwrished allli tllumost allcient uf ulll" heliefs, destroy all 11111' spiritual intui.tions, 'Vllllt I'all reSI~\I(' liS 1'1'0111 this sad state? I I\nSWel',Tlwosophy.

The worlll has been prepared fur TJ.cosophy in 0111'

t.imcs hy wi lilt are k IlIlWll ill tho 'Vcstem world liS spiri­tllal plWlllllIIOlllI, TllClil' }lIIllIWII\(~lIa st.aggl!r"d thecollfidcncoand positivenc8.'l of sciellcl'. Boob alit I joul'1Ials I1I'C 1'1111of wcll-antllCnticated e\'ellts which occulTel1 in \'iolatiollof all the physical laws kllUWII tu 111ll1llceepted Ly scicllcn,Heavy thillgs would b" secn SWillllllillg' about ill tho ail' illviolation of tile law of gl',l\'itatilln, can ied by sUllie un­SCCII 01' ullkllown Lcill~ or till'CC, Beillgs of 1Il0l"tl 01' lessintelligence would IJlllllifest thcmsdves at. spil'ihllli seanccsalltl ,h'clnl'e themselves the spirits or ghnsts of tJlllse wltolanll lived /llltl «ied ill tltis \VOrll!. Thu)' wuulll repl'eRentthemsel\'es sOllletimcs liS Ile:lll t'riellds, at utlJCl'll as deadrelatives or as 'Iuite strnngcrs, alld cOllv"rse with the }lcr­SOliS IIsselllbll!d, un din'l'se nHl.Hl'rs, All t Itose who citing­to tlae belief ill the existcllce alld illllllOl't:tlity (d' tile s01l1,but wlilise scil,ntitic edul'lIt.ioll showed tbt'lIl tlmt tllllrewas a wallt of Ilata on which tile IJ(!lief could be logically1'oulldell, all these 1I1ltllmlly ruslll'd to tlll'Sl' C\'ellts liS tltolIlost welcolllc c\'illcllCl'S tlll'Y so wudl Wlllltl'l!. All gllOststories were raked "l' lind loudly read lIlld ro-n'lul to SI'Chow till' tbey WCI'C IIl1thellticated, Bllt tlJlJl'e was ollewellk point. 'These spiritlllli intelligcllccs, liS we may ('Illlthelll, t.lmt helll eonVl'rse with men ill tlais fasllioll 11111)' IIlleither tlae spirits or glaosts Ill' tllC departo,l or IIlHy he'beings of a ditfercnt order 1'1'0111 ulll"sel\'cs. Beluw lIIan wesce myrilllis of llnilllatt!d uxistenl"·s. Innuillcrabll! liS t Iacseare, tlll'y do 1l0t cxllllust nil l'ussiLle cxistu/lCes !lor lill thewllOlo UII i\'Ol'su, Beillgs (If all ordel' IIl1d UlltUI'O d j tl'urell tfrom ours lI\ay people the vast uuiversu ahout us allli tlaespiritual phellOlllella we witue8.'l lIIay be due to till! agellcyof tllese heillgs. Thi~ view came to bll sUJlpOlted by thefact tlaat in luau)' casus tllC guests from t.lle ullseeu uui­verso exllibitetl iutelli)4ellce and capacity till' below tllOSCof llIl'U they persouat.ed. In Blau)' CIlSllS tlICY Wel'll bdllwe\'ou tlte IIvcrage iutell igollce Ill' mau kiud, oncu tlll'Ytalk.:-d 1II0st silly nud rilliculous allli e\'en false audcoutradictory tllingg. Often they bctm)'ell a mischi('\'Ousdelight iu Jelullillg tlteir 11111l1aU illtelTllgators. Nay,flll'thor, tlae sellsitive pel'sllus callcli tile lIwdiulllS, tlll"HlglaWIIOIII tlacy lllauifcstoll tlaelllselves, in a lIulI\ber uf cll.sm;,Icteriomted iu coustitutiou, c1aal'llct.cr, alii I morals, Tilleiutcrcolll'so witll tllCse deuiu:Ils of t.11l' uuseen worlllseenwII in great luau)' eases to be !lily thing' but iu­stJ'lu:ti\'e and e1emtillg, All these considerlltiolls leadto tllO conclusiun that it is very impr<JLaLle that tllORevisitors of ollrs aru tho spirits uf departed !IWII,hut thllt tlaey are SUIIIC intlcpelldl'lIt Imings. EVCll incases where tlae COlIlllIUlliclltiollS nro llcusible 111111 t.meit is IlS much possible that 0\\1' illterlocutors arc the ill­depclllient beings who are well llispllsl~11 allll better ill­fOl'llled, liS thnt they arc the spirit:; of tile departcd. Atany ratc it is !Iut certuin that the bcillgs wlto COllllllllUi­catc with us at the SClIllces are thu spirits of the dt~atl.

AmI thus these spiritulli pllCnomolla as they Ilre called donot fllJ'llislt us with data tllllt can provc to us with certain­ty tile existellce of soul amI it.'! iUUllOrtalit)'. Yet till'sl'spiritual phellolllcna Imve gaillcd Olle gnmt poillt lIgllillstthe mil tcrialism of science. Tho)' est.ahi ish bO)'01111 douhttlw exilltellce of torces or beings wllieh d,) not obeytlte laws of mutter, alld have lIothillg ill COlUlIlon withthe llllltcrial world. 'I'll dist.iuguislt tltesc, therefol'l!, 1'1'0111

thc mlllel'ial \\'e may designate them 118 the spiritualbongs or agencics. Tlais is, imleeJ, 1\11 illllllcuse gain IllldIleab n death-blow to materialism.

Tlwse spiritual phenomcna, howcver, are but sca.ttcrcliUlleoJllwcted facts, Ilml SII Illllg as t.!toy al'u such, our kilO\\,­lcdgp Ill' the spi ri lil/ll \Ill iV(lrse docs lIot all lOll lit to Il1Ud I


~oo THE 1'HEOROPHTFlT.-_. -_. ---------.------.- ~- -~~.~ -.:.;.~

[September, 1880.

just ns our knowlcdg'e of the phJsic:l1 1lI1ivl.'rse did notIlmoullt to llIuch till we mised the kllowledue of mcn~

fa~ts t.o. sciclltific kll?wledgc. W~~ me ~Iid to pOSSl'SR!iCIl'utlhc knowledge III lilly par!lC\lIIII' departmcnt ofNntuI'C wlwn we havc SuccI!cded in unitinu tlw scatter­ed fnets under the hi~hest possible gcneraJizl~tionR or CO:lI­mon laws. nnd h?ve ncquir~~ the )l0W('l' to predict futurel!Vcnts \lnder ~IH'II cOllthtJOIIS. alHI to hrin,r :lhout the

~ ~

I'Vl'lIts wllcn we clin lIl'1'lInge the 1H'(~cssnry conditions lindtontl'ol the Inws, Clin WI' raise to n sci!'lll:e thc plll'IIOIlICnaof modem spiritulllism ~ Call we cal'l your knowlcdn!,hpyontl the phenO/lll'l1lI to the laWN wh ich' thcse plll~nolll~'­nil ohey? AlHl, knowing tIle Inws. do we know IlOw tilcOlltrol them :lnd so prndnce th!' phellOTlH·111l. Ilt will? Ifwe mil, then We lan,'!! 1'lIised lllOdem !'piritunlism to thedigllit.'y of SCiellCf', And Themwl'hy does that. The ad­va nl'('d Theosophist I'nn prod UCI: at will nil the plllmo.1IH'1II\ t.hat OCC\ll' nt. ~piritual !'eances. \\'hile luollemspiritualism is a 1lI1'W eollection of pllcuomelJn. Theosll­phy is tIl(' sriencI' of these I'hCnolllenfl, or, ill RllOrt,tlw scielll'l' of spiritualislll, (loing he'yfJI;d tllesp plw­nOIlIl'III1. it has a close mill illtimate view of tiJl' llpir­itu:d ulli\'l~r!'(' that lil's hebind tlll·nl. all/I of its JIIWR.itR illflul'lICes, lind its }'pings, TlloRl' who me f.'lIllilinr withth£' phenolllena of dnirvovllllce me a",me tllnt !ly thl'will of the mesmerizer tile' patient is tllrown into ~uch adeep RI('ep, or trance IIR it is cnll('d. tllllt the botly is ineVl'ry respl'ct a COrpSI\ tile so1l1 of the patient is I't·!l'flsetlfro II 1 tlllJ Ilody. its visioll ill illlnlcnsely Pldurged, 111111 /IS iftillle /l1Il1 distunce are 110 impedinll'nts to it, in an inRtantit ran~I's over the 1Il0st distant 1)laces, till by the will ofthe operator tlte soul retums to t Ie hody which thlls he­COllies reanimated, '" e thus sec the duality of lIluUeranti spirit in man, Tile more our spiritual'llelf is frl'cdfmlll tile control a IIII weigl.t of tIle material H,lf, thegreutt,r is our fr('edolll fl'oll1'-physil'lll illll'cljimcllts alld tltl'greater becomes our capacity for knowledge aIHI fiJI' workin the univl'rse, The trul' theoso}lhical mystic flets uponthese fucts, His aim ill to subdue Ilis }lllysicnl nature andits Willits am! desireR to the \Itmost limit possilJll', lindIlevelo)l thc spiritual nl\ture to the highest. extent possihle.In proportion to his success in doing thiR, the lIIiglltierman he becomes, And you canen...ily illlugine the imlllensi­tyofknowledge amI power the higlwstTheosophist pOSSeRSI'Il,who has llucceeded ill gnining a complete lIIustery OVf'l' hiRmaterinl, or I\S it is more Rignificanlly expressed lInimlll.Jllltll1'e, who hilS developed his spiritual self 10 Ruch anextent that he is thol'Ollghly spirituali7.l·d. who iR whollyn Rpirit or Rpirit-man, He JIIlS by illtc1'Ilnl devclopmentgnilled nil the powers tlwt the freed ROllI mallirl'sts illcases of clairvoyance, and, starting from what we know ofthe powers or n. lIlcRmerizer. we lIlay !'ny he is to thelllCFtllerizer in his COIllIllIllHI over the olltllide world whatl\ full-grOWl!, perfectly-developed, aUlI healthy man iR to aninfant just h01'l1.

Many detnils of argulllent ftlill fnct CUll be supplied, dl.'­tnils which the I.~ill U/It'eilf(l so copiollsly fUrJliRllCs aUllwhich Colonel Olcott IlIIlI Madame B1n\'lItsky hnve oftellbWIIght to our notice, to throw lllore light on the conc!lI­sions we lmve arrived fit. The existence of S01l1 ill lIlan.its illllependence of our physical organization, hence itsslllviva! when denth nltogethcrscpamtl's it from tIlt! hody:the existence oftllC Rpiritllnl univcrse, that as hy 011I' ph:pi­cal powers alHl kuowledge we cun operate upon the ph'y~i­

cal univerRe, 80 by our sonl powers and knowlcdgl' we cnnoperate upon the spiritual and also upon the physicalllniverse, that the department of spiritllnl knO\I'!f'tfge isliS Illllch capahle of scientific treatment aIHI study aR thedepartment of phYRieal knowledge-theRe nrc for us wellestahlished amI proven fncts,

0111' }losition t!ten in reRpeet of science iR tllis. "'1.'accept all that it has eliscovered anel knows nhollt thematerial wOl'IlI, but when it !'ap that there is nothingbcsidell mattl'r, lIothin,[! besides whnt. it. already know!'.Wl' join isslle with it, '\'o elllllr~c :l\IeI I!xtelltl t.ltl' jnris­dictioll of science :1I1l1 brillg Witlllll its l'C ope thp spiritualllllin'r'!!:'. FrOIlJ the data which the !'piritllal !'('ielH'e fur-

lli8hes, philoFophy ill hcttf'r nhle to Rpeculate on tIle ('(111­

stitu,tion of the IIni,"Cflle, its relation, with God, IIpon 1I0ni?lId Its flltmc de~tIJlY. Bl'fo~'e, yllliosophy stood lIghaRtIII the presellce of the IlIJRterleRlt cllnuot latLom . helpedhy Theosophy it sOflrs he)'olld the mYRleries. '.

J~cfore, philo!'ophy stopped before ·t he veil of Isis IInahleto lift it IIp : Theosophy n:nds tllis "pil lIsulJder and ushenlphilosopliy forwlIrd, Su I~jects ",hid. being llO long mys­terious to philoRophy, religion clnimel! liS its oW11 ::ndd~lglll,ati7.ed upon,nowcolII('I,eg.itimntl'ly\~'ithin the provincoof plllloso}-lhy, Of wbat use IR It for rehglOu to be dogmaticwIlen the t.~u~~s it nsscrts cOllie ~vithin tlie.c~pacity of philo­sophy to CritICIze, accppt 01' reject. HehglOn then is thoname lor the higllCllt conclusions of philoso})liy. So lIIuchof its old IlogmlltislIl ns coincides with th('se conclusions isaccep!l'd, the n·!;t of ('{llll'se lejrcted. FOI,the ignornnttllesc condusious IIIl1y Rtllllli liS dognlllll; tl,e thoughtflllknow where to look for tlie basis of them nnd cfln knowhow they are arrived at. Such tnlth IIll lies ill them beinghetter ullderstood, the \'t1rious J'l·ligions again in t.heirtUI'tl cOlllmand the respect and ndherence of all honestthinkerR. We pl'rccive, therefore. llOW religion, pliiloslIphyalld science, have all and each of tlielll heen advanced andelevated hy Theosophy. 80 fnr liS we have proceeded, wefire in n pOllition to conclude t bill. Theosophy is t1)('Rpiritual Reience; Theosophy is tIle perfccted aud com­plctPll philosopliy; Theosophy is the religion for IlletllOuglllful ; TheosopllY flll'uishl'R the ouly reliable andtruc dogmaR thnt nlny ('onstitnte the religion f())' tbeigllorllut 01' t.he ll1asses,

FOIlllerly rl'Jigion, 1'IliloRopliy nllli scil'nce, :llthougbeach clnilllcd to be the I'0SSI'SllOr of truth, Jl'f, /'I:e­Bented tIle nnol1llllous sl'l'ctllcle of heing ,·cliemeut.ly 1011­tile to one nnothcr, Now Theosopb,Y hllR intrcH.l\lced har­mony lIlIlI conconl nmong them nil, Theosopliy lJringRpeace in the reahu of fhought,

Nay 1II0re-in proportiou ns wc riRe from particulars tohighl'r 1111I1 fewer gellernlizations from which to deduce nilthe facts that fill the world, our knowlcllge is perfectedlind complete, In scicnce we sec thiR process curriell outto a certain extent. The bighest gelll'lIIlizntions of scil'ncplknote t lie great ad \'ance that· has been made from I'urti­culal' filets, Hut theRe g('nernlizntions which nrc Ilccl'ptedliS the ultimate tl'lltlill by the scienceR to wbicl. tll('y he­long, url' agnin h\lt particulars in relation to one anotber,a\l(l with reference to the higher truths which may heI!isco\,erl·d to covcr tlielll nII. To ascend to these highertrutlifl wliiclt cOlllhine under tlieir swecp the truths whichtlte various Sl'ielll'ps finally stop at., and to mnke onegreat science of fill th('se Rciences, is the province of phi­losoph)" Rut so long aR philosophy WfiS not 8trengthenclihy the Rpiritllul data a IIII sciencc 'ilfin'owed itself intomatt'rinlisllI, philollophy waR incapable of pedonning this~rnllt! function 1II1(1 its pretensions to do this were nottolcl'lIted. Philosophy transformed into TI\('O!';ophy dol'Snil this. 'l'heosopllY thus if! the scicnce of sciences, it isthe highest science.

When we have mn.<;tered this highest Reience and philo­!'ophy, we will have become Theosophists of a lligh, if nott.l1C higheRt, order. At }lr('scnt, logically sntisfiell that therelics the most important field of knowledge before us, we nrowaiting at the thrcsholtl, till in good time we may he per­mitted to cross it 1I0w we are to qualify olll'selves forthis high honollJ', aIHI what the aims arc for which wewish to attain the highest theosophical knowle,lge allllpowerR, are themes of superlatiye importance and interest.I have already tnken l1Iuch space aIll! occupied IIlllch ofyour t.ime. TheRe topies, theref(lI'e, we l1Iay reserve forsome futme tin\('. I have, therefore, to couclude, thllnk­ing you for the patience nnd good-will with which youhave horne with me so long,


to receive, under Rimilar circumstallces, that same advicefrom another! W 0 are 110 prone to believe that whatwe accept is truth, and that those who cannot. scewith 0\11' eyes are all wrong.


Heptember, 1880.J: -==_H____ .. __.=..__ .

l' II E ~':i1 ~~ 0 S 0 1) H I ~ ir . :l01



W ASHlXG'I'OX, March 27.-To-tlay Messrs. 'WriohtD' I O'C ., ,

IC {ey, anneI', and Murch, of the select committee011 the causes .of. the prcs~nt depres!'liull of labour, pre­s?ntetl the lllaJonty special report UpOIl Chiucse immigra­tIOn..

These gentlemen are in great fear for the 'future of uurmost holy aud perfectly autllCllticated l'eli'Tion and havelike fllitlJful watchmcll' from the walls aJlll toW~I'S of Ziun'Imstcned to give the alarm. They have inforllled COIl~grcss tha~ .. Joss has his temple of worship in the Chillesequarters 11l Sail Frallcisco. \Vithin the walls of It dila­pidated structure is exposed to the view of the Jilithfulthe gOll of the Chinamnll, and here arc his altars uf WOI'­ship.. Here he tears "1' his pieces of paper; here he offet'\lup bls prayers; here lie receives his reli<Yious consolatious,and here is his mat! tu the celestial laud." That .. Joss islocatell ill a long, Ilanow room ill a buildiug ill It backalley, ullon II killd of altar ." that" he is a woodell im:JlYe• , 0 t

looklllg as much like an ullicrator as like a lllunall beilw ,"that the Chiuese .. thiuk th~'e is such It place as heave~ ;"dlUt all. classes of Chinamen worship iduls;" tllllt .. thetemple IS upen every day at all hours;" that" tile Chineseha~e no Sunday;" that th!s heutholl gOlI has" huge jaws,a ,bIg. rOll tongue, large willte teeth, a lllllf'llozcn arill s, amIbig, Iwry eycballs. Ahout him arc placet! oJl'crings ofIncat lind other eatables-a sacrilicial oftering."

No wouder that theso mcmbers of tllO cOll1mitlee worcshocked at such an illlage of (lod, knowing as they didthllt


was cUl'1'ectly described by tbe inspired lunatic of Pahllosin thc following worlls :-

" And there sat in the millst uf tile seven golden candle­sticks one like unto the SOil of man, e10thell with agarment duwn to the fuot, and girt abollt the paps withII golden girdle. His heMI Hlld his hairs were white likewool, as white as snow; and his eyes were as a Ihlllle offire; and llis feet like unto fine brass as if they hU1"llcll ina furnace; ami bis voice as the sound of lllallY waters.Ami he hall in llis right hand sevcn stars; ami uut of Ilismouth went a sharp two-edged swurd ; allll I. is COllllte­nance was as the sun sltineth ill Ilis strellgtlt."

Certainly a large muuth filled with white teeth is pre­ferable to OliO used as tho scabbard of a sharp, two­edged sword. Why should these gentlemen object to II

god with big fiery eyeballs, whon their UWIl Deity bas eyeslike a flame of fire?

h it not a littl~ late in the day to ubject tll pL'oplebecause tllCy sacrifice loeat ami uther eatables'tu tllcirgUll! We all kllOW tlntt ft.lI' thuusands uf years the" real" GOll was exceedingly fU11l1 of roastell meat; thathe loved the savour of burning flesh, a IIII deligllted inthe perfullle of fresh, warm blood.

The fullowing' aecoullt of the mUllller in wbich tile"living God" desired tlmt His chosen people shlluhl saeri­tice, tends to ~how the dl·gradatioll amI religious blindnessof the Chinese:

Co Aaron therefore WCllt t1uto the altar Hlld ~;}cw tlw calfof the ::lin oftcrillg wllich wus for himsclJ: A\JlI the SOliSof Aaron brollght the bluud \1nto llim. Alid he dippcd hisfingers in tlw blood IIIHI Pllt it upon the h~l'Ils uf thealtar, HUll }10med out the hlood at tlw bottom ut the altllr ;but the fat allli the kidneys and tIle cuul abllve tIle liver ofthe sin offering he bumt UpOll t.llll altai', as the Lonl COIll­

manded 1\1oses, IIllll the Ilt:sh a\JlI the hide he bUl'llt with firewithout the call1p. And he slew tho bumt otlcring, AwlAaron's sons I'resentcli unto hilll the 1110011 which liesprinkled rolllHI about the altai" ... Aud IlC brought tilemcat IIfterillg HIHI took a hamlful thereof allll bUl'llt uponthe altar... He slew also thc bullock amI the ram lor a sa­crificc of a }Jellce oft'crillg which was for the people. And,Aaron's son~ presenter! Ullto him the blood which he sprin-

kled upon the altar rouml about, and the fat of the bullockand of the ram. the rurllp, and that wbich covereth theinwards and the kidneys, awl the caul above the liver;and they put the fat upon ibe breasts allll he burnt theJilt upon the altar, Alld the hreast allli the riglltshoulderAmon waved luI' it wave oflering before tIle Lord, as MosescOlllmanded,"

II tIle Chinese ouly did 8(,n1l'thillg likc tllis, we woultlknow that tht,y worshipped tbc " livillg''' Uod. The illcllthat thc suprCll1e head of t.he "Amcricall system of reli­gioll" can he plaeated with a little meat amI .. ordinaryeatabll's" is simply prepostl'r01ls, He Jill:; alw~IYs askedfill' hlood, and has always assL'rlcd tllllt without the shed­ding of blood there is no remission of sin.

The world is abo informed by these gf'lltlelllen tllat" tIle idulatry of the Cllinesc pruduce~

A DE~IOnALISUW 1·:rFE("r l'Po~ urH A~IEllH.'AX VOl'TII,

by IJl'ingiug saerell tllillgs iuto disrespect, alHl makillgrei igioll a theme of disgust awi contI:l 11 pt."

In Han Francisco there arc sUllie thrc-c IlUlIllred thou­sand people. Is it possible that a few Chillese call hrillg.. 0111' holy religion" illto disgust and coutcmpt! In thatcity there are lifty times as mllllY chll1'dleS as ,JOSH homms.Scores of sermons are nttered every week; religiolls booksamI papers arc as plentifnl as Icaves ill antunlll, a III Isomewhat dril'r; thousands of Bibles me witlliu the reachof all. And t11Ol'C too is the eXllluple of a ChristialL city,

Why sllOuld we send llIissiollarie:; to Cilina if we cau­not convert tllC heatlwlI when they COllie llere! 'Whenmissionmies go to a JiJl'eign hUHI: tho poor benightedpeople have to take their wurd for the hlessings sllOwl'rcdupon a (;hristilln people: but when the Ileathen ('omehere they can see for thcllIse!n·:<. \Vllllt was simply astory becomes a dUllonstrated rilet. TIle,}' COllie ill cun­tact with people who lovc tlleir ('llemil's; they sec tlmtin a Chrbtiall laud Ulen tell tile truth: that they willnot take adnllltage of strallgers; that tltey are jllst lindpatient" kil1ll11lld tewler; tlmt tlICY 11e\'cr le80rt to force;that they ha\'e IIU prejudice on account of colour, mee,ur relig-ioll; tllllt they look UpOIl llIallkilHl as brethren;that tlleY speak of God as a 1I1liversal JiltllCr, and arcwilling tu work, :l1ld evell to sldli.'r, fm the gOl)(1 lIut ulllyof their own CuulltrylllCn, but of tlte Iwathell as well! Allthis the Cllinese see alld kIlOW, and wIlY they still clingto tIle religion of their country is tu llIe a, matter ofamazellleut.

\Vc all know tllllt the diseiples (,f .Jesus do lIuto othersas they would tllllt others should du uuto tltem. awl tlwtthose uf Cunfucius do not untu others anythiug thatt1l1~y woulllllOt that otlll!rS shonld do Ullto tltelll, Surelysuch people ought to live t('gethcr ill perfect peace.

HJSJ~(: WITII 1'111-: :-itrn,J1';1 "I',

grllwillg heated witli a killd of hulJ indignatiun, tllc~c

Cln'istian representatives uf a t ~llristilill people 1Il0stsolelllllJy !leclare tlmt :

"AllY one wlw is reallyelll]owe'! wilh a cuned know­ledge of om religious S)'stelll, wliicll m:kllowledges tIleexistence of a living God allli an acco\llllaoility to Hinl, awla futllre state of reward awl pllnisllllll'nt, whu feels that.lIe Illls an :1)1Ology for tllis nbolllinabl(> pagan worship, islJot a lit perliOlJ to he ranked as a good citizen of tIleAmeril:au llilioll, It is abs11nl 10 make lilly apology foriIs toll~rati()n, It III w:'!. be abolished, alld tllc soulier thellecree goes lorLIi by the power uf tIlis goverlllllent tlJebetter it will be for thc iIIterests uf this lalld,"

1 take tlJi:<, tile earliest 0Pl'0rtllllit.y, to inJiwlll thesegentklllell COlllposillg a Illajority of the C:Ollllllittee, tImtwe have ill the United Htates 110 ., religious :-ystelll;" thatIllis is a seclIllll' govel'llment, That it has 110 religio\l~

need; that it dot's 110t believe Illlr !lisbdieve in a Jiltlll'Ustate of reward awl punishment; that it l1l'ither affirlllsnor denies tlie l'xiste11cl~ of a "Ii\'illg' God;" allli that theollly gud, so Jill' as tbis gUVl'l11nlCIl t is conl'l'l'1lcd, is the le­gally c'xp)'(':"H'cl will (If a Illiljn)'ity of t1l(' \,('('\,}e. Ull<ll'r


:102 '1' H E '1' 1£ E 0 8 () .P Il 1 S 11' • t~ept.elll be\". 1880.

om H1Jf' the Chinese Illtve the ~anlC right to wOI'!>hip awoodel~ god tllnt )'011 IllIvc to woriillil' n1lY other. TheCOlistitntion protect$ e(prally the Chmell of .1ehovnh andthe housc of .Joss. Whatever their relat.ive positiOllii Imt)'he in hClIVCll, they stand 111J01l a perfect elI'mlity in theUnited States.


\Ve have n constitllti(lll wit I. Mnn put ill and C:ollleft (lut ~

lIud it is the glory of Illis eOllut.ry that we ll:lve s1lch acousti til tion.

It may be smpri~iug to yOl! that I ha\'e an :tpology fllr]J:lg'Hll worsllip, yet I have. And it is tile snlliC one tllnt1 h:n'e for the \\'riters of this H.'port. 1 account for bot}lby tho wonl -'''lwl'aliliou. \Vhy sllOlllll we ol\icp;t t~ tl~clrworshippillg God ns they please? If the worsillp IS. nll­proper, the l'mtcstatil'u sllollhl cOllie not from a COllllJlIUl:'eof eong'l'l'Sii, bllt frolll (:od himself: If Ill' is sntistied, tlUltis slltncil'llt. Om )'(,ligio1l cau only he brought into COll­klllpt hy the IIdiolH' of thosc who profess til bc gOH~~'uedhv its tellchinus. This repOl't will do Illore in tlmt du'cl'­tloll tll1111 millions of Chine~e could 110 hy hl1l'11illg piecesof pllper before a. wooden illlllgC. If yOIl wish to illiJlI'e~s

the Chinese with the vallie of JOur rcligiolJ, of what yOIlIlre plenscd to call "The Ameriean system," show thCllItlillt C:Ill'istillus me hetter than heathcns. 1'1'0\'0 to IIlemthat what JOII lire l'lea!'c;d to call tho" livillg <:11(1" teaches,higher 111111 llOli('J' things, a gralider lint! ]J11I'cr eode 01Jllol'I\ls thau ('lin be l;mnd upon 1'lIgnn pnges. Excel thesewretches in iudustry. in llOlH'Sty, in revcreuce for I~nrents.

in dcnnlinl'ss, iu rl'1lgality, amI abovc 1111 by advocatlllg tllCabsolute liberty of 1Illllllln thought.

Do 1101. tl'lllllple "POII tlH~se pcople IJl'cn11Se tllf'y Il1lve.adifll'rellt, conccpt.ion of tldners ubollt wllich c\'('u thIScOllllllittc:c knows nothiug. "

Clive tllC'1ll the snnw privilege YOII ('lIjoy, "f In:lkil)~ aUotl after their o\\'n fllSllioll. Aud let thl'llI descnbe IIIIlI1I~ thl,Y "ill. \Vollld YOIl Ill' williug to llave thelll \'l'lIlai)I,if "ue of tllCir race, t ltollSlIllds of yellrs flgO, lUlll pretend.ed to Ilavc secn <3od. ami h:ltl writtcn of him as follo\\'s:"Thcre wcnt IIpll sli){)ke Ollt of his uo~trils, flllll fi1'O out,of his 1lI011 th dC\'ol1l'cd; email' were kind led hy it, . . .amI he rode upou a rllcruh 1II1l1 did fly?" ,Vhy should YOIlobject to tllese Jleople 011 aef'ount of their religioll? Y,,11I'objection hns iu it the spirit of hate :11111 iutole.r:~n(':, Ofthat spi ri t the iIII) Ilisi lion wns bOlli. Tllllt ~1'1I'I t. 1Igh tedthC' fi1got, II1ndc tlw thulllb-scrcw, put ehallls "POll ~h.eIi IIIhs, :lI1l1 lashes UpOl1 the bllcks of lI1ell. TIll' l'nllle ~PJrlt

hOllg"ht /lud sold, captllrC'd :llId kidullppl'd hlllllall IWlllgs;sold ba be8, and jllstified 1111 tlte horrors (If slaY~1 y.

(~oJJgrrl's has nothing- to do with ~he n:.-lig}oll ~)f thepeople. Its lllt'llI bl'r~ arc not rrSpOIll"1 hie to (II111 for theopillions of their cOlIst.itm'lIts, lllJd it IIllly tend to tIll' Illlp­l'incss of the cOllsti.t.IIl'nts fill' me tl;' ~t(ltc tllnt tlll'y lirein 110 WilY rcsponslhle for tIle rellglOlI of the III Cllt hl'rs.Religiou is 1111 iudividllal, lIot a lJatiOlial lila Iter.. AmIwhere tl)(, untiull intNferes with tlte rigllt of eOllHCICllee,the liberties of the pcople nre devourcd hy the mOllsters1I1'crsti ti Oil.

If you wish til dri\'c 0111. the t'hille~l', 110 Ilot IlHlk: apl'rtc'xI of J'eligilill. ])0 not pret.clld tlilit j'Ol1 lire iJyllJgto do God n fln~olll'. Jlljustiee ill lliH llllille is dOlllll~' dc­tcstabll'. 'rhe IISS[lssilt l'llIl1llJt salll,tif~' his dagger by fidl­ing 011 Ilis k)J('I'~. nnd it, dOl'S 1101. Itt,]p a f'ulsPhooll if it benltC'l'cll liS a pra)'er. Religion, mCl) to iutl'lIsi(y tIleImtreu of 111(')) toward JIICIl IlIlllcl' tllC l)),l'tence of plcnsiugGod, has cHrsed the worltl.

A portio1l of this lIIoSt l'l'nwJ'kahlc 1'1:1'01'1. is iutellselyl'eli"iom,. There is iu it ahllost the '.It!our Ill' salletit)' ;aJllfwhell I'cadiu~ it 0111' is illl»ressed with the Iivillg piet~,of its alltllon" But all the twenty-fifth page tllere are It

few passages that

MUl-iT rAIN Tlll-: HEAHTH 0]0' 'rHLTJ~ llELu:n:nH.

LI·:t\'ing- their religiolls vie\\'s. tIl(' lIIembers immediatelybetakc th('msc)ye~_' tc' l'hilosnf,hY.:lIld f'l'l,d idioll, Listell:

.. TIle Cllilll'l'e race Hllli tile American citizell \\'hetll('),1Hlt.ive-hol'll or w1l0 is eligihle to our 1I11turnJi~'atjull lawl'llllli heenllws II eitizell, nrc ill a state of IIlltagollil'm. Tile)'l.'allllot nllli will 1I0t ever mcet upou cOlJlmon grol1llll. 111111occupy togetlicl' the same social level. This is impol'l'iLlc.The pagall and the Christiau travel rliffcrcnt patlls. Thisolle helieycsill a living God, Illat, 0110 iu the type of mon­sters awl worsltip of wood awl stone. Thus ill tllC reli­gioll of tlte Vi\'O rnces of mall, they arc as wide apart astill' poles of tIle two Ilemisplieres. They callnot. 1I0W nor •never [~ic] will npproach tile SlIIlle rcligious nltnr. TheChristiall will 1101. wCl'de to hnrharism,lIor will the Chi­ncse lHlvllllee til the I'lIlightl'uCU helt [whatever it is] ofeivilisatioll. . . . He {'aUDot be (,ollvertetl to t llOscmodern ideas of religious wcmhil' which llave been lIC­

{'cpted hy Europe nnd crowII the American system."Christilllls lIFell to helievc tlwt throllgh their religion

nil the Ilations of tIl!' carth were finnlly to be hlest. 111ncconl1l11('e wit II that helil'f lIIissionmies'lllIve bel·n seut toevrry lalld, lIlld 1Il1t,old wealth liaS beell expelHkll 1'01'

whnt Illls been calleu the spl'eml of thc gospel.1 am almost, sme that I havc rrad sOlllewllere tIlllt

.. ('hrist died for all 1l1l'1l," nllll tllnt "God is iJO reslweterof persolls." It. was ollce taught tJlat it Wns the dllt,y ofChl'istinns to tell to all peoplc the" tidillgs of great jo)'."I IJnye Ilever 1ll'lieYell thel'c tidiug"!! myilelf, bill. have al·ways cOlltelldell that nn llOuost l.llerclwllt ~r~s the hestmissionary. (JommCl'l'c IlHlkes fnends. relJglon lllllkesenemics ;' the one enriches. 1II1l1 the other impoverishes;the one thrives best wilerI' the truth ill told, thc otherwhl'l"e fnlsi'hoods nrc helie\'Cd. For J{lvself, I have butlittle cOIJli,Il-JH'I' in nil)' Lusille~~, or cntei'prise, or invest·lllellt, tlllll, prolllil'l's dividcnd!! only aH('r tile death of tll{)stock-holders.

nutI A~{ Ai'IL'~II-;n

t.hat rom Christ inn slate1"Jll(,Il, fimr mClnbcl's of' congl'c's~

iu tlte last. '1l1nrter of 1he niueteenth eelltlllY, who lIeriolls­Iy nl~icet to people 011 aCCOl\llt of th~i):reli.gioull.convict.iol's,

should still m;scrt. that tllC wry rellglOll III willcia tllcy he­lieve-aad tIle ollly religion established by tllc livingGOll-hearl of t.he Anwrienn system-is not adapted to theHpiritual \Iceds of (Jlle-third of the IlulI)alJ race. It isnma7.ing that these four gelltlcnwn have, ill the defl'nceof the Christiau religioll, HIJlJOUIlCel1 t.he discovPl'Y thnt itis 11'11(11)' inrulc']1lllte for the civilisation of IIlallkillll ; tbntthe Ij"ht of tbe cross mn never pelletrate tile darkucsil ofChilll~; "t.hat Itil t1w IllhoHl's of the missiollary, tIll) ex­llmple of tlae good, thc ('xnlt('d cllllracter of our civilislltioll,mnke 110 impression uplln the Pagall life of tIJc Chincse;"nud tltat I'\'ell tlte rC'JIlH·t of tltis committee will not tc:ndto e1evlitc, refille, a1111 christianise the yellow heatllclIof tile Paeitic coast. In t.lle IHlllle of religion these gen·tlemen lJn\'e denied ils power nml mocked at the cntllll­~iaslll of its fOHlH)er. WO)'l,e t.lmn tllis, tlaey lul\'C predict.I'd fill' the Chiuese It futme of' iguorance alltl idolatry illthis woIld, and if the" AlIlericllll s~'steDl" ofreligion is true,hell-fire ill the ncxt.

:I!'or tIll' henefit of tIJese fom pllilosophers nUll prophetsI wiII gi\'e

A n;w Jo;XTllAc"rs FnO~1 'flH: WRITnWS OF ('ON I'V('IU~J

tlmt will in lll~' jllllgillcut cOlllpnrc favollrub)y with thebest passl1gl's of theil' j'rlllJl't :

" My r10ctrillll is that lnan must he true to the J'rinei­}l1cH of/ds nature, amI the benevolcnt exercise of themtowal'll 0Ih(')'8.

" With conrse rice to eat, wit.h wllter to (lriuk, amI withwy hentIed nnll lill' a }Jillow, 1 still hllre joy.

" Riches allil honol1l' nC(l',ired by injustice arr to me blltfloating clollds.

" TIle llHlll wllO ill view of gllill tllinh of dgJ.teollS)~eSH;

11'110 ill llangel' f'orgefR life, lIud wllO rell1etllhcl'H an hIllagreemC'nt. II0\\'c\"('rfil I' back it. extl:nl!s, such U llH\lI mnybe r(,l,IH>)lf-"l a n1)lil"ctc mail, .


Hcptclllbcr, 11'180,] T rr E '1' 1r l{ ()' S () I' II :r 8 ir .

"RCCOIll}lellse illjury witll justice, alld kiut!uess witllk illJ lIeSs.

.. There is line WIll'll "'\licll IIllly scrve as a rille of prac­tice for all une's life: Heciprocity is that wllrd."

WllclI tlw ancesturs uf the fuur Christian cong'rl1SSIUellwcre barbarialls, when they lived ill caves, gllawed blllle8,unll worshippl.:d llI'iet! snakes, the iulilllWUS Chinesl' wereread ill" tllese sublinlc sentences of Cuufucius. Wlll'n ~hc

foretiltilCrs of tllese Christi:\Il stlltesllleu Wl~rc IluUtlllgtoads to get the jcwels out of their Ileads, to !)e lIse~ asc1wrllls, tile wretchet! Chillcse wem caleulatl\lg echpsesalld llleaslIl'illg the circumference uf the eartlt. W.llCuthe proCTcllitors of tllese roprescntatives of tile" AlIIcl'Icausystem ~,f religion" wore b.nl'lling wUI~\l'n. l'1uu:gell witllllurl>iJw devils, the people" lIlcapable 01 bl;\lIg' \lIf1ut.m~:ellby theOexalted character of 0111' civilizatiun," wen: ImihlJugasylums for tllc insane.

N ei ther sitoulci it be f~)l'guLten that, fur thuusallds tIl'ycars, the Cllincse Ilave IlOucstly practiscd the greatprillciples knuwlI ali

el\·II. :-;EH\'lCl~ llEflOml

II sU)lIuthill" that eVen thc mllllillistratillli of MI'. Hayeshas reaclwll only through the proxy uf prolllise.

If we wish to prevent the illl111igmtion uf tile Cllinesl~,

let IHI reforlll O\ll' treaties with the vast l'lIlpire fro II I

wlwllee t,hl'Y call1e, Fur tllOusalllls uf years tlte ChillescHcdllded th'lll1lse!ves fl'OlIl 1.1Ie rest of the world. Thl~Y dillnot deem the Christian natiolls tit to assOl:iatL- witli. \\'efiJrccll ullrselvos UpOIl them. \Ve called, J!"t wilh call­lion, The Englisll hatterell tlowll thc door III t1le hanll'Sof opillm alld Christ, TIIl~ infill.IIY was \'L'g'lIrdcd liS :I,II~,tlll'l'

triumph luI' tile guspeL At last, 1.11 self-llclt'lIc',', ~ he ~hllll:seallowed Chl'istialls to tUlleh thl'lI' sJlores. 'l'hl~lr WISl' I~I"II

thl'il' piliiosopJICr8 protested, alltl prophesi.!d tlilit ~.~lI~ewoulll sllow that Christialls cOllltl \lot hl~ trllsted. LIllSreport proves that tile wise III1:U werc not ollly philoso­phers bllt prop1lets.

Treat Chilla:\::; YOH would ElIgLalltl. . Keel' a .trcatywllilc it is in forcc. ClwlIge it if yUII Will, m:col'lhllg to,tllC laws of lIations, but Oil 110 accoullt excu~e a l.ll'l:ach otlllltiunal faith by pretendillg' that we are IlislllIllest furGod'::! sake. (Cltit'llfJu Daily Till/t·".)

1W')'W!l\U 1'111,: :-;.\11 FACT (IJ.' 'l'lIfo: DII'I':XIIl~t: 111:-;SIII.I·­

tioh of the" Sauskrit Text Scwiety," liHlflllt'd at LOlidoll ill] Iilj;i tIl rough the exertiuIIS of tht: late Professor (juld­stUckt~r. Professor Albert \Veher, tIle Il'al'lll!ll Sallskri tProfessor at the Univcrsity of Bellill 1l1oHI'Ilfully ask:< theEditor of the 'l'iuu''':

"Can it be possible tllat alllOng the IJ11\lllreds alldtllUlIsallds of English gentlemen wllO havc spent a larg'~

part ol'tlll'ir lives, ill lllt~ia, .ill wlmt OIiC ,/t'teu J.ae.al'scalled, the 1110St splclldlll sl'rvwc III the wodd, a :illihelcllt 1111111­

bel' callnot be intilleed to support a society foulldllli forthe pUl'/lOsn of Illaking' aVltilahle to Europl'all selwlal's tileIluthcntic doculllents fur Intliall literary re::;earclt ... , ('

A nlOlllCnt's I'elleetioll wOllld ltav!! ilitillced 1'1"lle88l1l'"Teber to spare billlscif tbe trouble of lIskillg' sllch alJue::;tiou. \Vlmt pl'oportiulJ of tltc Ellgli::;lt gelltlollll'llWIIO take up all llldian career care onc rap about JlHliall

, Ilistllry 01' lllltJwllt.ic dllCllll\l:nts! ] 11Iw lIIallY n'al sell~,I­

ar::; havc develuped ill tbe Tlldiall brallcltcs of SL'rV!('Csillce .Jultll COlllJllmy's tin;t slJip arrived i Ureat lJalll~'S,

(Ioubtlcss, there are to be l'l'callcd, but wlten the l'lltlreli::;t is writtell, what percentagc ,loes it ,mlbrace of tlll!cllucated, evell ltio'lalyeducated, IIII'll who Itave Ix'cn toIndia! It' tile pr~fl's::;ol' were 10 poll tbe I~ivil alii I l1Iili­tary brauclte8 of tlte public ~en'ice lo-day, lw would, nlldtlmt lIut UIIC PCI' cellI. CVCll 01 till: lusty yuulJg cbaps freslt1'1'01\; tbe scholastic 1i,rcillg-boul;es wUllll1 trouble thelJlsl'he:::,l\' hetllCr or llot tlte Sanskrit lunguage itsclr, to say IlU­

thillg of tlte Sallskl'it Text t:ociet.y, were L'xtiugtlisllcd

to-)UOITOw. Badmilitoll, lawlI-lenllis, tlirtalioll, racillg, pig­:-itil'killg, billiards, alHl the ],llbbJillg peg' illtl'rest thc1\),alld tllere is lIlways pleuty of 1Il0ucy to support cluhs alltltim! sort of tiling. But Asiatic literat.ure, Aryau rdigioll(I)' philllsllphy-these are not tlwir ' lilll ;' alltl out of allIllese tllOusl\\Ills lIpon thousalHls who bave passe,1 aeros:')tlte Illdiall st:l O '(', few Imve tumC',1 their backs IIpOU fasltilJlI­lIble plellsn),cs~llld filJug-ht their IHlppincss iu study. AtKalldy, Ceyloll, for illstallce, in the Ellglish library wllil~1t

:-ilallds just upposite the Daladn Maligawn temple, lllJlOII~

the collectioll of :-iOllle 7,000 volulIlCS therc iti, UI' was :I

few wcek~ ago, jllst IIIIn hook on the Buddhists or theirreli"ioll-~c1d;l"elltweit'sobservations ill Tibet. That tellso 0 _ • •

the story; and PI'ofes~ol' Weber lleed 1I0t wastc tlltW IIIwOllllering' that such societies as the one ill' lIallles cnjcl)'I5U pl'l'carioml a teIlUl'l~ uf life. Jt' European sC'holars wOllldshow a l\lorc respectful allli tratel'llal disposition tnw1IrdlitllCi)' native Asiatie cOlltelllpomrics tlw casc might I)cdiftercllt. And if the 'enlightenell Indian princes :l\ld"'clltlclllCII' W)IO[II Ilc l\lcllt,ioIlS ill the sallie lettcr to till:Till/t's coultl sec that their patronage of sllch Icarned htl(lil~swould seCllrc thcl\llis lHudl eOllsideratiol1 witll tlw rulillgrace as 110 their sllbscriptiolls to 1lJ01111111ellts allll givillg' ofulltertainlJlents, IIU duubt their aill wouhl be gcncruuslyalion It"l

Till' ulldel'siglled reg-I'd" til say that IIcitlwr ..I' tlll~ \'t!I'.Yfew ussays :-il'nl ill 1'01' (:Olllpctilillll furtlw .\Iedal of nOllOlll't; IUIIC bl hy till: Uenl'ral COIIIH~iI is of Sll tticiell t 1Ill'1 it til"lItitl., it tu tlll~ bestowal of :-;0 Iligll a dignity. To a\\'lll'lithis Illedal fill' allY papl'r bllt Illle till'idly CIlllIl'lyillg wit IItlw first uf tlte c"lIdit,ioll:-i allll""III'\'d ill tIll: H,'sulution "I'('''llncil "I' MOlY,>, viz., tllilt .. Tlw E"sily sllitlJ bl' of ahigh Illeril," w;'llid l'l'l'Illalll'Utly lower ~tti valu,~ in tlwj'St,illUJtillll lit the Illdiall p"blit' as a nati"lIal priw wllrlllc'ontelldiug for. It. Cllllll"t ht, 'lllillitted fill' a IIIOlJll:lltj IIHt tile f;lillll'l: III l,lil'it high-clil:-;s ('SSII)'S is dill: to any lackof ahility alJlOn'" olll' IlIdialJ thilJkl'r:i. TIIl~ tl'llC rea:-;oll isdouht.le~s a t';~, IllOdesl l'stinlatjolJ "I' pl'rsunal nhility,lJllllt~1' tilis l:ollvictillll, tllCl'efol'e, tile Gelll'ral Coullcil dl'­cides tu n'llelV tllc "IreI' of till: IIwdnl alld diplomas 1IIl'11­

tiolll'd ill till: Hl'solntiun "I' ~Iay. alld appeal 10 all wi I"I"ve IlJdia allli n'\'t'I'Cllce hel' alll'i'~lJt ;.:Iol'il's tu aid lilli':-Iociet.\' ill thi:-i aUelilpt 10 ilJfllse a nlm; lifl! i1lto tile IHI­tiullal literatul'l'. A 1111 as \Il1ckr tlw pn!\'iulI>l ulTmlgl~lIlellt

t IJC etiJilll'1It jurors :-i,dec!ed wen, dl'hurred Ii 1\' compelitio1l,it has 1I0W !leell deci,bl tlla1. tile 1I111lersiglll'd shall jlld,!.;uof tlte rl':-;JII~ctil'e lIIerit:-; of I'I}IIlJll'lillg' eSS:ly:-; : lIvaili1lg'Ilimscif as ol'easiu1I lllUy 1't~'llIirl! of t.ltl' 11l:lp of llOlI-colllpe­1illg IHltiv!' scholHr;; II'ho IIlay Cll1lSCllt to aid hilll i1ll'cllller­ing' a jnst awl ililpartial award.

Fill' tltO i1l1iJ1'lllation of the I'ldJlil', it is Ulillolilleed thatd.JIIatiulls 01 ulwiellt coills to bl~ IIII'llI'd illt., the ;\ledalof110110111' IIl1I'I~ alr,'ncly 1Iee1l Inudl~ by distill;..:'llislll'd pHIro)lSuf learlli1l,~' ill tlte Nurth- \Vestel'll alld Ea:-;tt'1'Il prol'illees"I' TlIdia. Tile fl.lliowillg is tile gtnll'rO\lS clliltribllti'lil uf HallHalmdul' l\Ialillibllai .hsblllli, Divali of (:lItch :-Tl'1tkories, old coills fil\lIld ill ('utelt awl :mppos,!d til be abuut.I :!()() Vellrs llld: tt~1I kori.~s, Ibll T:lInaclliji's l'l,igll,l:lllll­Itle1lc.,d SalnvlIt 17 J I.-A.D. I(i.-I.> : lifty :-illlalJ I'lIi1ls-u1t1('oills /(II)lId ill Clltdl, alld sUJlposed to Ill' abollt .'\00 )'l'an;old; Iii'll kuril's, Hau Raidhallji L's reiglJ, ClIIIIIIH'IICt"\Salillat 17~~.-A.n. J(j(ili: tive I",ri,'s, Hao LakJl\lntji':-lrl'igll, I'UIJllIlCIICed, :-Ialllvat.1 KOK.-A,J>. 17,>:!; li\"e koril'ti,I{,II) J)esn1ji L's reig'll, l;lllllllleIICt·d, Saillvat 177,-I.-A , D.171!1 ; Ihe koril's, Hao Pragji or Pragmalji L's n~igll. Clllll­1I1C1I('C'd S:lIllvnt 17:d.-A.D. ](;nK; SUI'I'II kOlies, I{aoI(ltUlI,~al:ii 1.':-; n:igll. 1'01l111l1'1I1'0:d SlIlllvat ] (iO.i-A.U.1,-I,HI: ten kuri('~, I{a., HllIlraji or Bltal'lllaiji I.':-i 1'l'lglI,1"lllllllllIJl~l'd SHlllvatl (j,f2.-A.I). {;-IKIi.

E:isay::; of tile I'baraclerd,'s('rilll'd in tit,.' 1I"li,'.· plll,lisIJl'dill till' TIII':OSOI'IIIS'I' /iJi' 1\lal','II, April alld .\Iay, will 1ml'cceiv,:d at tltese Head-quarters \Ilttil D,'celnhel' 1st, 1.'\1'11),awl jllolgllleJlt given hy Ill' hl'lilre Mardi J, l~IH, Tho


'[; II E ;1' H it (l SOP ii I S rj; • [September, lSRO.

lIll1lle of tIle anthor ll1llRt ill no caRe he attaehed to .111

essay, hilt plaet',l ill a closed l'IIVel(ll'l' accoml'allyillg thesallie a1111 beHrillg lI)1on tllC outside a mark or 11IHrks sillli·Jar to thuse written IIpon the cssay.

By order of tile COlIllCil,lh;I\HY S. OLCOTT,

l'rcsidcllt of the TllCosopllical Socid,r.

IIclUl'I!"artcrs, T, S.UirgaulIl, Bombay, JUlie I, 181m.

. ------~-lVANO.A HAllA OF aWALIVR.

IIY A HE'fJ Itlm CII.MlIIISS\(J~Jo:IJ :;)11 1.ITAll \' OFFIl: Ell.

III a comer uf the parade gW\lIIf] of llI.alllLn'ja Scind!a'sfurce thcre Ji\'ed all ascetic called (frulllins always kec]lllIghi1lls~lf stmk lIaked) .. Nallga 13:"bii." The MalHlraja tricdill lIIallY llireet HIIII illdirecl, ways to get his parade clcarelluf the cottllgc or the BiiM, but hll wuuld not ut\llge. J~e(Nallga Ribot) Imd a few f1,uwerillgylallts set out :,lbont 11IscutL'l"e. l't was a place 01 resort tor all classes 01 pcople,

JIIOthe year 1KO;'), om rcgilllellt, the 10th B, C., ulll]er theCOIllIIHtIIlI uf Colollcl .Jell kill, had to spelld the lIsnal tcrlllat the Mural' canton1llent- Every now awl thclI thc holyllIall was waited U]lOII by regilllclltal mell, (lIle ~ob!1lt:)illgh sowar (a Sikh allli a lIative or Hoshy:"rl'lIl" dIstrictiu the Pllllj:tb) beillg alllollg the number. I[e \~scd ,to go.1I11uotieed cvery night with a 111111(,</11..: (goat sklll) f~tll ofwater 1.<1 irriuatc tho IJlauts attachell to the hel'llut,'\ge.

° "('I . 1" I'The localit.y has a very scallt,y supply of w:~ter. ' Ie la iii

kllow well Soblm Sillgh's devotion, Ullt 11\ ~nler that noolle lIlicrht sllspeet that he possessc(l psycllle powers, heIIsell t~ a..c;k his waiten;·ou-" 1I'ltoil'l'ig(lfC,< 1II!f plal/fll

(TC/,Y n;!Jltt t" .(Ille lIio'ht ItS the suwlIr was as IIsnal watel'lllg the

plants, N~llga BaM, silllply to unveil the malter a 11.11to properly repa)' Soblll: Sillgh'~ Ro~'vices, callie out of 1~1.';"kuti" (eottao'e) nlHl s:ud- H

\\' ho IS H1l1oUg Ill)' plllllts diS­turbiug thelll ill the pel\CC of tho, uight?" Soblm Sillgll,a"1 if tlltlJlder·stl'lIek, sat dowH 'l'lIctly wherc he was. OnllI)llI"oa~hil'"near," N nuc'aBII,ba" mldl'cssClI hilll-" 0, Sobha

,., ° , " ']'1 I ttSingh, thou ha:'lt llolle a great S('I'\,lce to nil" 10 a erdid 1l0t say lmything, fr?11I awe aud ,reverel~~e. 'l'!le hcr­mit tlleH rctul'lled to IllS cuttlwe ; Sobha SlIlgh folluwedhim ami sat dowu in a COI'IICI', ,kcply fillell with a sinccrclove for tile 1101)' mall. That llight and tile folluwiug dayumluicrht passed, but Hobha Sillgh wOllld not" rather could1101., le~ve the place. The following mOl'llillg, Nallga RUJlidesire!l the sowal' tu 00 to his l'egilllCnt, The mau shl"llg­uell his sllll\dliers an(l saill (aftCl·'colllillg to II iIIlscl 1', as tillthen he was iu a peculiar state of llliml)-" Yeti, Bltha, Iwill oro to the n,.,illll'nt ouce fiw all, as yesterday I hadIlly ?' afl'jlalll';'" o(lut)' (i. e" 2.J. homs' l'cgular I~Uty ofhorse alill IIH\U) which I ueglecle,l. No Hooucr wdl .[ gothere than I shall hc scut to the custody of thc staud·guard, :lIitl the )Jl1nishlllellt I will get l'nnnot be hilt h:,1l'l1Huder the prcscut military law." After It little talk WIthtllO IlCrmit, he silently WCllt to t~1O dtl/l/(I/'; alill UII­uoticell clltl.'rl'lillis COlllptutlllent (,faa). As he cull'red heasked bis jori,fal" (f'ellow·horseuJan, wllo livell ill thesame compart.\llcnt) Dalel Hiugh, sowal', a.<; to what Iwp­pClled iu his absellce, alll] whether he was ou thnt aceoulltreported til the officer i~l cIlarge by the l~ead D<~let!ar.Dalcl 8illO'h was astolilshetl at the IllIestlOn, Calhugllilll a m:~liac, lie said that sC~lrcely an hour IUlll passcdsillce his (Hobha's) retlll'1l from his .. ulhJ)al/J'itt" dllty alllI)Juttillg off his uni~orJll, &c., .an~l then a~~ud hi~1I wlll~~ he1I0W meant by llIakmg SUell foolIsh ellCltllrlCs! Sobha 8111ghwas 11'11. a little sllrprisl'll at his fellow's rcmarks, anll ob·Hcrvell that it, was poor f\lIl fiJr him to joke in a matterof sllcll iml'''rlallcl'. Dalel Sillgh, bcillg frightened :\lIdtakin" llis coIIca~l1e fur a IUllatic, ran up to Ilis illllllcdiatesuperior al1(1 rep~ited the casco Fl'OlIllllI tIlis, Subha Singh

• About threo milos fl'llOi Gwaliol'.

fotlllli that sOlllethillg had happcned duriug' his absencc,lllHl attribuwll it to the hidllen powers of Nang:l B:lll:/,'Vllon the troop RislIhlar was iuforJl1l'd of this matter, hesellt for thc sowar am] mnny mcn gathering 1'0111111 hilll,they were anxious to hCllr what the matter was with tIll'poor 8ohha. 'Vho coulll say wllat was working in thisman's millll? After a loug while and repeate(l lJuestions,Sohlm Sillgh told the whole story to tile bystanders. Allwere surprised to know that Sobha Singh's (Ifl')Jnl'iawas lIot performed hy JlilllSelf, hnt. hy Home hody clsc.Soblill ~i IIgh tCIHjpring his l'l'Rigllation, lllC case was rc­ported to the C'01ll III fiI III ing Ofticcr, Bnt, deRpitc every eftlntuf military men, the sowar did not witJldraw his resignation.

After receiving Ilis discharge f1"Om the regiment, hewelit diredly to Nanga B:lhtl. amI presento(l him all theIlloncy lie hnd. The hermit nd,lresscd him in the follow­ing won]fl-" ThOll hast cOllie ((I [".,1" j and retlll'~ling hismOllcy, he gave him Rs. i'iOO more and ordered hun to godirect to Ilis h01lse, where after celebrating the n1lptials ofhis two daught.ers, he sllOnld give himselfnp to thecontomp­lation of the Deity in ,,;-, II/flit lOn!J, The holy man mlttellthat there was no nccesRity for his retul'lling to Gwalior, uwlthat hereafter he Was to be the most revered ascetic of hisnative cOlll1try.Wc hear that Sohha Singh from that time always live,}

only undel' the shelter of a hlanket stretchcII over n bamboostick. The people of IIm-ihyarpur, .) nla11(1 hal', nnd otllel'llistricu> of tho Pnnjah, not being prone t.o leave fnkirs 1I11e!

ot.hcl· holy men to themselves, thronged to his Darslwl/a.

Sobha Sillgh becamc It pcrfect ascetic by n single glanceof Nang-n D.1.bil. of Owalior-not less but rath('r 11101'0

revcred than even his " guru."

'Ve are inforllled that N Hng-a Bu.biL left Ids houso ofday Rome three or foul' years ago.

Will nny of )'0111' ]earnel] correspondents kindl,Y nllsWcl'a qucry fluggestecl hy the abo\'e nalTative, viz,-What WIlS

thl~ persOIl 01' I'oI'll 1 that appeared allli perfurlllcd the dntyfur Sohlm Singh I By what nume may we call thiswuntlerful phenulllclion !. Nall/((sk!

M, B, V.Moradnhad, Hth Jline 1880,

•A n:w Wf:EKR BEI-'oat.; nun J'AIlTY LEFT Fun Cr.\'L(l~,

we were houo1lrell with a visit from Mr. Uane\;h 'V. Joshi,the rCllUwnell pn.t.riot, whoso death is now JII0llflICd by nilIndia. His friendly talk aIHI expressions of hopo that 011I'

Hocicty might pro~pcr, arc among 0\11' happiest recollec­t.iOIlS, A short tillle hcforo thc ulltimely occurrencc ofhis death we receivcI] from him It very friendlv lettertogether 'witl, It vClJlllcnlar copy of his recent discourso011 "Sa]\'Hlion." IlcliYere,1 ill the temple of Vishnu atPoolln, The discourse began with the 11\lOtatioll of l~

Verse of 'l'ukaralll's wherein the company of.'((lda,< (adcpts)is givell II Iligher value thall wealth, happilless or evellsaivntiun. Various quotatiolls 1'1'011I Tukaram and otherswcre llllHle. It is 011 t,he whole, all earnest· al\(] able pam­phlet. UOlllillcr flO short n tiJne beliJre his (btth it will, WI)

hope, he t1'e:ts~,rcd as a mOllnlllent of his \'irtnes and makehis Ilame rnmemberell hy posterity. We respectfully of}el'Ollr sympathy to his fillnily, allf! wish his friends everyRIlCCCRS ill the patriotic work of reform he has left bellinllhim to be fillished hy them,

-----._--------• lly tho lIall'o I"""" /1"1''' 01' ,1/":1':'-; /1.,1'''' An Arynn oll~l.t lIot to

lI"c.l a.k that, Wc know of " CMO ill ~;\tI'0l'c, rolntod tu 118 l'~' the 1."CII'

t lemnn himself, whol'o 1\ mall wns in U tranco or .omi·tram·o .tate for thil'll"six hottl',-oIlO .lny awl tlI'O lIij.;'ht... !Jllrinj.;' thi. intol'ml ho nprOal'l'''-~I'set'mo.1 to hi. I'lIl'il, to upl'0a,' -lit Cllllej.;'o l\S IIslInl a\l>l contilllle,J II loctlll'oho ha,1 bequil the I'rol'in"s dll)' ; t:.killll' up tho thronu oxnctly whero it IUIIIhoolt drol'l'od TI.o ll.0lltlemall wOllldllotholie\·ohi.l."pils.n.SIII.lttlee. orthl. fnet 1111t.i1 thoy .howed him the nolo-I,ook. in which, as, ellstornal'y, thoyhnd I'l'o,cl'l'e.1 rncllloranrl" or the Cull,,!:,e loctllro. to willch th,,)' h.tolled,Who call tell \\'hetho.' the teacher who lectmed whilo tho ~elltlolllnn WMIttlcOnScioll. w,.. hi. I,h)'sicnl hody, ullitllate,1 l,y another intelligeneo, or11i~ J.l[/'!I(h~i ll"pa, or I. douhle," nctiug' itldl~pclldclltly of tho cOllsciollS.IIC-lI.'i of Ilis ph)'~icnl hl"niu 1 Awl thi" \"cry J.;cnLlcman, to whom thil\ llHtn.bor "ill be ,,'nl, will, we prolUiso, bo Dlig-hW)' intel'o>ted in tho !l'llard.mOlll1tllli{ .. tor)" of Sllbhll Ijiugh. -.t.:v.



Soptember, 1880.] THE THEOSOPHIST.


In the May THEOSOPHIST is an article in connection withthe 1ll0nogel{istic tllCol'y of prior residence of one cummonancestral Aryan family in Centml Asia, discussed lIllller ll.

similar heading iu the March uUlllher.The writer appealing to the science of language, lays

tho greatest stress on philology, !llltl presumes that themere existence of' a few Sanskrit words in some of the'Vestern (European) languages is a suflicient evidelJce towal'raut the cOlJclusion that all Aryan fiunily once livellat a time liS out of memory, in Centl'al Asia, allli thelJce itsIletaclllllelJts marclwli into Europe, Persia and Indill. ] It)tloes not, however, attempt to explain the other poiutswhich Hitch It cOllelusiolJ, if at all admitted, illvolves,but Icaves thom to be answerc,l bylsome abler writer thanlJimself, ",hom he invites to join him in the nehl of dis­cussiou.

As the above eonclusiou is shown to be the result (Jfphilology, let WI seo on what oviuences aUlI testimullics itis based.

So late as an hundred years ago. the students oflanguagnsthrOll"'llOut Enrope believed that the Hebrew was themost ~ncient tongue of all the world. This was t.110 lan­guage of tlte Jewish nation, tlte language in whiell was writ­ten t.lte old TcstanlOnt, or tltat purt of' the Bible wllicltHpcnks of the creation of til(' wOI'hl awl the gcuesis ofmankind. Tho Hebrew was. there/oro, looked III'0n asthe methotl of speech given directly by God to IIHllI at II isereation, alHI (;onsequently tlte earliest Hpokell lallguage.It was supposell that as munkiud increased in uumberslllHI separated into dilli.mmt triIJ,)s fllllillatiuns, tlw Hobrewwas split up, allll tmnsf'ul'llwd into various dialects, awlthus was tlte parent of all the languages of tho eartI.. TIICstory of the Towel' of' Babel anll the COil fusion of tong-11m;goes iu harmony witb tltis versiou.

Since the introduction of' the stmly of Sanskrit. intoEurope. tlte van beillg" led by the btll Sir \Yillialll Jones.uul' of tho judges of the High Comt uf Judicature atOalcutta, who lived at tbo cluse of tlte eighteeuth cen­tlll'Y. a cllano'e .rraJnally rrlided in. The European scholarso o!'> •reachinrr tlte crralllllllll' ami vocabulary of Sansknt ntHI fillll-

o 0 I I'ing IL resemblance between some comlllon-p aee won S 01Sanskrit llnd of S01l10 of tlte Europeau lallguages, began toform quecl' ideas, that tho EllI'opeaus, Persiaus alltl H in­dus belonged primarily to one Aryau family, whichonce lived in Central Asia. :LillI lilul Sanskrit ti)l' theirtongl1e; a theory diametrically opposed to the ol1tgivillgsof Ilistory, chronology, lllytbology :Lwl geography mnoug'every nation on the filCe of tIto cQrtiJ.

To strellgtlwn tIle above tlwory or to invest it with t.hocharactel' of fact and truth, strange cOlljectlll'cs, clotlll'din tile garb of History, are brought forward: to-wit, thatthe Aryan tribe, (Hindus) quitting their ancestral abodeill Centl'lll Asia, crossed tile Hindu Kush, ana tr:wersill~

the Himalayan snows southwllnb, settlcli tllUmselves 011

the hanks of the five rivers wilich water the great traet,which derives its nllme Pnnjauh therefmll1, and th,l!, eversince the Hindus have called that regioll their home; lllltlit is said t.ha.t before that time, they lived iu more northernregions witllin tile sallie precincts with the allcestors ofGreeks, Italians, Slavonialls, Germans alit I Oelts os IlIClll­

bel'S ot' oue great family.Neither the EllI'opcnns 1101' the Hind liS, nOlO l\ny other

nation under the sun ever possessed, nor so lIIuch liS hadp\'ell the !ilintust knowledge of this strange tradition, no ..du the nursery tales which lire said to have heL;ll carriedfl'Onl the East, wltisper such :1 l:'tory. It. is IIlJthing hiltIt varnished tale utterly U111.lcsel'viug of' the BallIC of tradi­tional history.

Tile wortls in the European languages which are sairl tilcOl'l'csl'0lld with those of Sanskrit, are us !(.Ilows :-.

--- --- ------------ 1 1 ----- -------ENGI.ISli. SANSI\IUT. LATIN. C:OTI1IC. SLAVONIC. 1msIT,

Ailluir.Mnlhnir.Bl'llthnit·.Si II1'.



... ".


Goyj:ul ......

Mnti ..BI'at .::;estru ..(Lith) Dllktc.Svck;·i ..Svckroj .

Ovjza ......••.

SVillill .........

801mka ...


It'ntln." ••.•••.•.

Svi~tUI' .DlLllhllll· .S\'l1illl'n ..Svuihro .

O. 11. ll. snul' Snocha ........i. s. tlLeOI·... Lith-Ilmvcrs.

O. BohclIISeh'll

Patm· .lIfalcl· .Jt'Jontcl" .~O..OI· ••••••••••

Patel· .I\IetCl· .Pllrllf ..in ..

Falhcl'... Pilm·........... Palnl· ..lI[othcl'............. ~Iiitnr.......... ]\[lItlll· .BI·otllel............. Bhllrutlll' BI'll tm· ..Sisler ·Sviisal·......... Gnnhill' .Dlluglltcr Dllhitlll· IJllgIHlhlll· Tlluglltcr .Father.in-Iaw.... SVllSUl'll........ IIeklll·os.... SOCCI' .:\!othcl·.in-lllw... SVllSI·U......... Ileklll'll............ Socrus .Sou-in-Illw........ J {lllllllal' GllIuuros. GOllCI· .Dllul-:htcr.in-ll1w 8nu5I1u........ Nuos Nurus .Brothcr-in-Illw. De'·Ill·.......... Duel' & J'lL~clfos. Ll~vil' ..Si~let·-in-1aw..... (Nnuullulll·)... 1'u108.. Glos ..Cntf.le.. ...•• .•••••. I)fisH. ....••• ••. Pa:::lI .••. .,...... }}uus ,.. ••.••• ••• Peel! ....•••.••.Ox & CO,""..... Go '1. (la() .•.••. "' "' J1o\vs. Bos .•.......•..Ox.. : Ukshnu........ Ulihsllllll...... Bus Vnccn ..Stecl·.... Sthllrn Stnol'a......... Xllllro~............ TlllII·US ..Heirel·............. Stnri Steil·lI. Slc..ilis ..IIo..sc Asu, Asvn Aspn lIippo~ ell'llIs .Do:.:.... S"uu Spn Kuoll. Cuuis .Sllcep.. .•. ....•.••. Avi ...••. Dis...... ()vis....••.••.Cult:......... 'rubla.......... Halos........ Vitulus .She-gout .•.. Agn A i_s............ Cupel' .•.......Sow Sn <.KlIl·~l) 1 Us Sus ..Pi:.; Ghl'lsh\'! Xoiros ..l\Io\1sc...........•. :\fllSll........... i\lus ...••..•...•.•. 1\[U8............ l\ly8Z .Fly ~[Uk8hikll :\fakhshi I\IiUl1 l\[usuu......... Mukllll ..Goolle lIulllsn......... Khen AIl~m' Klli< .

\Viltllluimals, some of' which were known to the Aryans hefore they separated nntl whiGh happen to live both illAsia lind Europe, thu Beal' aIHI the \"loll'.

Epul·... Rikshn Arkos LI'sus / ILi Ih, LOkY-S.!'Volt Vl'ikll Lukos Lupus... Do-willi"".Hc..rcllt............ Snl'pll Eklli,; SCl·peus........ .. ..

NOl'K-'l'he above awkward 01' cl'llde fortllS seem to have been adopted by the autllor for the purpose of' coillci­Ilence between the words uf the European luugunges allll those uf tJ.c Sllllskrit whidl ollght to lwve bcell, ill faimess,wri ttell fiR P il /'a, .Mill I'(~, lJhl'alm. l~·r~.------------- -------------- -------_.----

• Chips fro\lll\ GCl'IllR\l WorkShop, bl Pruf. MlIl' MUlier, \'1'1. 11, I'Il!!C' 2~, H ~ 52..


THE THEOSOPHIST. [September, 1880.

It i~ hardly npCe!;fl:u-J to point ont tltat almost all theahove WOl'e1~ (allel allY ol.llCl' wllich nrc eOlllparnti\'ely few),Hrp of little or IlO iIII portn lice, heing Ilwrely 1'0111111011­

plncp, or I\OII~ehold worels, nSllally in tlte IIIlJlltlt of C\'('1l

tllP comlllon PI'Oplt~ /lnel We'l'l! so, WIIl'1I Rallflkrit was theprl'\"ailill~ Ill' spokeu 111IIg'IIagl'. Tlll,ir illtl'odnction illiotIll' Ellroptmll lallgllag-(!s wns lI1el'{"'" Ilccidelltal at. a tillll'whpll Un'l'ce awl otht'l' lIatiolls of Ellrop/! were indi,~(,lloIIs

trihes, mom 01' le!'ls ill II state of ll/lrbari!'llli IHlvin~ indi­g1'1I0ll~ e1ial ..et~ of tlwil' OWII us llistory l'ollclllsiv~'ly de­1l101l!'ltrat('!'l,

Tile vI'ry corl'llpt flll'lns, a~ e1ivurSl! n~ llm tlw Ian­glla,~es in wllicll till'sll worels stand, Ill' f,hl~ ahove tahle shows,nnd Ihe nhsl' IICf' of a I.."ioll of other Sa IIsk rit words int11l\ 1':III'OI'0:ln lnllgll:lg'I'S, ~'I,il'h 1Il'l, 1'"'1111'.1 nlostl)' uf 1.1'1'111';;of l'emllial' E1I1'Opl':1II origin :lnd flll'lilation, 1Il,jtlter :11'­pronl')lillg' nOl' hearing' Idliility loll tIll' SllllSkril. words ('\'1m

jn roots anel deri\'at,il'os, :11'(' tallgil.ll' 1'\·idl·II1'('s going illperfed Itnl'lllony with what. I ~a""

\VOI'lls hoillg exchallg-o,l likt, ('II 1'1'1'1 If, l!oill!'l IllId nlritil's,tilllltlteil way illto till' langllagl's of vnriolls cOlllltril''',ha,'illg illtercourse al1l1 COllllllerce with ('(lch ot.hl'r, TheAryall alld Uw 1I01l-ArYltll gl'ollJls or tillllilil'~, as ttll~y lire..ailed, La\"~ ill thpir tall,~lIag-ps 1\ nllltllll'r of wortls lu~lon~­

ill.~ to pach ot.her, as will he IIho\\'n Ill'l'ennl'r.,\s parly as :1,;,00 yl'ars heton' the (:hristilln N[I, till'

ArYIl\Is or'ltlliia (Hill;llIs) wem ill direct COllllllllltic(ltiollwith Ihe Egyptialls; lIud :1",(;0 yelll's lIgo wlll'lI ,TusC'I'J.rC'aehed E~),I,t, the Ilidilllls WNC in fl'CI' eOllllllllllimtiollwith the Isml'1ih·s. This fad. l\lIhJs good ('\'('n witll tIlt!period of T:lllinas 111. 111111 of the Pharaohs.

The Pcriphi!'l, tllC book of (:el\l'sis, the writillgs ofhallams, cPlltllril~s 111.'1'01'1' thn hirtll of (,hri"t, and ('\'1'11 0111'

~I'eat ppics. 1{11III:l,\'11JI IInei ~llIllllhlll'il'1lt., tIll' datl'~ of wlliellItave heen ('alelllat.!'ll alld fixed at :1,:100 y(!ars by Enro­peans aecol'lling t.o thnil' OWII fililey, thollgh. ac('onling tothe Aryan chronolll~Y, thl',\' ~o far he,\'lIlId that Iwriod, awlllro rcpletc with l'vidcn('('s of the Ililldlls havillg' l1avi­gated the opell S('lIS awl ofthC'ir IlIlving held conllllllnil'ntillllwith Enrope, Persia and 01111'1' pal't.s of till! g-Iolll', incllld­illg" ClI'l'l'cC alld Itollw as w(dl ns till' rl'giolls of Ardil!OC('l1.lI. (Vide MaJllthhl~.)'iitll, Book H, whil'h 1II1rrat.es t.l11!,·xploits of tIll' lIIigllt)' J'andll I'rilwPs ilt I'Olllll'et.ioll withtho Aslllt·a. jlfpdJ,a-tho HOl'sn sacrificI'lll!I'f;)I'IIII!d h)' tllelllto ~igllali7.e the Univc!'snl POWCI' and ,fOl\lillioll aCt pti I'l',l1Iy them.)

. "'e I\rc told that t.JlI l Aryall lamity wllidl lived ill (l,'n_tral Asia, were 11 civili7.cd pCl)pl(,: al111 t.hat. t.heir rl'lig-iollwa~ that oft.he Vpda!'l. 'I'11l'y had cllariot!'l, h'll'lll'S, !'lhipi',ho..'\t~, towns IIml fortifiC'd placl's hefuro thl' sl'pnflltion tookplll('e, They werc, thel"l,fore, 1I0t.nollHlds, To thi~ Profcflsor.Max Mnlll'r adds that til(' YOlIlIger Iwalldl of the family lettfil"!'lt and emig-rnled illto Enrolll! while tllU plder allll til"oIlIest rcmailled 10gt'tllCr for SOIIl!! tillH', nlld tlll'lI t,lll! /;lrIm'!'separating, tlll'Y wellt into l'ersia. Thf! oldest. quittedits ancestral al>odl! la~t of all. lin' a 111'\\' l'OIIl(! in India.

The inferl'ncc to bl' d11\\\'11 , tlWII, is that nle old Illlllll~

\l'ns ahandonl'd hy t'very SOil I. 1II1l1leit to IlI~OIIlC a IlrPllry1I1H1 II desolate desert, Ill' WI' 1I0W lind iI.

Oil this cOllclwlillg portion of t.he theory, I IWI·d 1I0t,nt, present olfcr any rcnmrkfl but rl'scn'l' thl'lIl lor a fntnl'<'/tnll appropl'iat.e oeclisillll.

Thl' Rig-Veda is l'onsi,lerpd hy European ~holars IlS til('real Bible of the ancient filit.h of t.he Vcdic Rishi~, :111<1the ohle~t. book of the [/Iflo-R,,/,/ljll'llil l'amil.'I,

Now the hymns of the Hig-Vella teelll with such word~,

as Indm, Agui, "Vm'nnll, Nrwitri. Nury:l. Ra\'i, Vayn, .i\lit.l'll,Mal'll I., Ashwills, Itndrll, Prit.hd, Ohmtll, Noma-I'<ls, AI'­Nadi-soma (the king oH11I' wol'1d) l'rnjilpat,i-Adili. Swnr­"a, Visve-lJevll-VlIllus-Purohit Rushes and to whil'h 1lI1I\'k\ !\(ll!t·J the words above-mentioned, '"i::" chariuts, hor8e~,"hips, hoat.s. forts, fort.ified pllll'(,s allli fwv(!l'al otlwrs.

Thl! philologists do 1I0t show whct.lll'r Illly of the II.ho\'l!W0l11s exist ill allY of thc Europeall lall~lIl1ge~. Theymust. ccri.aillly hI! tl'lwl'ahle sOllll'wllCl'l' thcn', if, illn'ality, dl'taehnwnts afll'r dl'tncllllll'nts of the Al")'1111fnllliJ)' did, as allege, I, lIIardl fl'llm thc olci IIOIllC-Colllltry-

Ccntm.l Aflill-illto Europl', to conCJupr alld colonize t.hatregioll, The l'xi~t.('ncl! of tlWSt' wortls in tlH' EIII'0pl'nlll:lll~lIl1~e~ i~ the IIwm probahle sillce Prof.'Rc;or Max )Iiillel'llflil'lll!'l that, t,IIC ,'er\' word Vp"a I'xists ill tIle <1I'eek 1111"

the Ellglish Iallgllag'~s, 111111 i"('lItifh'R it with Oid" in tlwfornwr an,1 ·wi,.,·, lI'i~"o/ll (/1/1["';1 ill th(' IlIttpr. But till'IIlJn-('xistf'nel' 01' nb~('ncf' of ~II('h wonls liS nhO\'l', 1I1nStnhsolntplv go to shakc thl' ,'pry fOlll1dation of this fowl'"clll'rished thl'nl'y a \I( I II pSI'I, it. 'a Ito.ttdh1'1', .

'1'0 Iledll('(, I'olldllsions from comlllon-plaec words, till!yery signiliealll'e :1I1l1 the del.t.'l'Inillalivc powcr of whichh!ad to n ditli·rl'lIt. inli'n'IIe(! is 1I1l 'I'dy t.o jimn fa.lIci I'll Itheori(,g whid. ('1111 hl1l'd'" shi'H' Ilt'lill'C 'fi1l'L~ awl tl'llth.

Thl'l'e arp II 1I11111hcr oi' words bo1ollgillg" 10 Ylll iO\1s !an­~l1ng'I'S which havI' welded illio ElIglish nnll filially fonll~IO'\; pllrt, 111111 )1l1l'cel 01 t.hat lnllgllllge, silllply owillg'to t,h('intt'l'collrsl' alld C(lmllWrl'll wllil'lI t.hal. grellt lIatioll mai\l­tain!! with othPl' 1~(ll1\1tl'if!s of tile world, liS t.he lisl. givl'1Ihelow shows. (Adllm's I~telllcllts of the English Ll1l1g11ngf'.Pngl'fl 11 alld 12).

III'I,/,plf'.Ahhey. ahlt'lt, 1I11lell, hl'!I('lIloth, cahal, "'leI'l1h, ('phod,

g'c1lelllla, lmllelnjllh, hossalla, jllhilec, leviathan, manllll,flllbbaot1l. sabbath, llcrnph, shihbaleth. phal'isnie, rnhbi.

,ll'ubic,AIlllliml, alchemy, alcoltol, alcoyc, alemhic, nlg-chrn, 11.1­

kal i. a Imanllc, IlIllllPr, llllllwl'gris, ll1Tack, a r~l'lIlll. :lrtiehok 1',assn..",~in, atlar, n7.ill111lh, mdL caliph, camphOl'•. carat, cnm­Vlln, cnrnVIIII!'lI'r:ti, ('hemistl'y, ('iphel', civet, coffpp, <!oUon,Cril11SOII, ,)alllll'ik, d1ll1lS0ll, di,'all, drngollllln, ('Iixir, pmir,lilkir, firmall, gn7.I'U(" girnlJ'i.. harPllI, ha7.I11'1I, .inr, Inkl"1('111011. lilllt', lillI', IlIaga7.illl', lIIalllelllkf', mllt,tress, minard,IIwliair, lIlOllflonll. IIH)!'lh'm, 111 oSfJ \1 1', mllfti, 1I11IT11my, nn­hob, nllllir, 1111 ,,11 t,IIII., lInl'll. Opilllll, OUOIIWII. salfron, ~nlnnm.

scullion, shmh, sil'ono, sofa, ~ultall, syrllp, tnhor, Inlifll1lnll,tamarillll. ta'lIbo\ll'inc, tariff, ,'izir, 7.cnitll, zew,


Awl'p, hlllcollY, hnrhicnll, bll7n'\I', elll~ck, lIlllls, clll's~, dl'l'­vise, ('lIlerald, hookah. howdah, ilid igll, jackal, jasllI iII,kaHil', lilac, IlIlli'k, orallW', pni'JIlI, \,aWII, sarahanll, scimitar,sepoy, shawl, sllC'rhct., l'itlloOll, tnfTdn, tiflin, tnrhnn, {lnrn­disl'.

II; /If lll .•11111 i.Hnmall, hattn, b!!tn!, hllg~'y, hllll~alow. calico, cooli("

cowril', tli III ity. j IIIl~Jp, lae, loot, 1II11111lg'-atawlI,Y. \\l11sh i,pllg'oda, p:dallllllill. pariah, )llIlIch, Jll1lldit, rajah, I'll Jl!! I' ,

salldal (wootl), SII:-:al', slIt.tee, toddy, flIIlIlIlJlOO.Mal".,!,

Amllck, h:lll1hoo, 1Iallll1l1l, l'1l,ldy, (:aolltchol1c, chinl,r.,cockatoo, C\'l'f'se, CIiITY, ~lIl11hol-((', g'otlown, g'ong. gllttn­pl'ITha, .illlll" "llln~lI, Orllll-lIl1tllllg, mUll II.


Bohen. COIIg'0ll, hysol1, II all k(,1'1I , pekop. f;atill, soy, t.l'a.


Bcy, chihollk, cllollse, jallisary, kiosk, !'lash. tlilip, sl'rnglin.From 1\ pllilological poillt. of "iew let liS SIlJlpOSf', for

a momcnt.. allll for argllment's saki" that from SOllie \Ill­foreseen eil'<!I\Il)~tmlcf's, tho presellt. comlllllnicat.ioll he­tween the East. allll t.1l<' Wcst cea~CR (wllicll 11111)' GOllfill'bill hl1t cOIlt.inlle 1'01' I'\,(JI') and llist.ory hCCOllICS dpstroy­Pllalld for~ottell, nlld thcll aftl'r 11. tilll!! the eOlll\\lUllicat.i;mis rcncwell, as at present: wOllld thl' plaiiologisis Ihnt,may t,hOIl 1,111'11 III', 1)(' .illlltifil·d ill dpdlll'illg" allll their'admin'I's in llpholtlillg' t.)w cOllcl llsillll , that all the nbm'clIat.ions ollce Iiveil 11 Ildor one roof, as IIl1'mhors of one grcatAryan ramily, ill II celltl'al I'egioll nnd thencc after sl'parat­illg. the Mala,vlls alld the ChiliesI' ellligratcd, first of all,illto Mabeca allrl Chinn, IICXt. tlw PCl'sialls llIlll thc ]J illll11s,following in the wake of t,lwil' hroth(,I'~, proceede,lt.o Persia 1\.1111 Illllin, alltl t.he Ellglish, the eldest hl'l1ncll,'111itti II~ tho o)ll-roll II try Ill~t of all, el'os~cd tho water~

of the Red Hell. /llltl the Ellglish c11111Il1l'1 aml tlnallyspt.tlel l in Brit[\in 1


Scptembt:\·, 1880.] l' II E THE 0 SOP HIS T . 307

Such a conclusioll, though apllarcntIy warralltell, wuultlyd in origin be llhsuI'I1 llllli ltillierous.

IllllilL llll!! 1I1ways lIeclI tll(1 very repository of the V.·dns:tud tile Hindus Iwillillg tllC\1I denn.I' tlmll lifl', savI,d till.&:ripls fnllil 111o blHzi ng fin,s of tyra lilly Hild 0ppl'essiullwhiel. succeeded tlw /lbomin/lble Hnardlielll I't\ign IIf tllo~(lsklll lillwtil'H /lild slaves, wlto illvnded hillin, alld whoSI)u>lIstant enllellvours were stcildily directed towlll'ds thesupIll'cs!!ioll Illltl /lullihillltioll uf tlac Ililldll ruligioll. If,therefure, till: EUl'UpellllS had ever belong,'d to tltl' greatAryall iiunily allil kllOWIl tLe Vedas as tlleir hirtll-rigllt,if they hall cllrril,,1 the tcxts with tllelll at tile t illw 01 thC'ircmigmtion 1'1'011\ UUllt/ll1 Asia into Eurupe. it becolllcs a pro­11cm which dUlIIlHllls suliltioll at tlac Imlllls of tile I'llilulo­gists, how al1l11ll1llel' whHt cirClIlIH,tances, thl' EuroJll'HIlScoulll llave irrecoVl.rahly lost tile Vellas so as tu Il.a\'u 110tmces bdailld.

It is likewisc II IIIlu\'C'1 an,1 a mystery thai, till' Eurll­peaus sllOllld Itave IIf'VCr kllown allY thillg ot' the VUllas,or that the)' should, hal'tlly n centlll'Y ago, Ita\'e beell socompletely Ignol'lLllt as to wlto their nllcestol'S WI'I'I~, whattheir rdigioll was, IlIllI wllt'llce they caml'.

The Vetlas ltave IIl1ly Leen lately obt.ailllJll frlllll rndialIy Europeall selwlal's. Nllw Illdia is the H!I'Y cnlllle IIfcivili;wtioll, IlIlIglHlgl', I'l·ligillll alltl litt'ratul't! of tllU1I11cilmt Aryall raec 1'1'11111 which cllligmiiolls llIay havcrluwetl into Europe 1'1'0111 timo to timo. This incOlljullct,ion with the lilct of the 1-1 iIIti us havi IIg hadfree eOlllllltlllicatiull with Europe hy Sl'a Icd to SlIlI"­hit words, I~,w as they lin!. b(,illg intcrmixed witlt t,ltose Ill'Enropl'all dialeds whilst ill a harblll'olls slale, 1I till~t. whidlis estnhlislwtl beYlllld dllllb'., by thc sugg,'sti \'e u\'ideneesof folklore, most ot' the talt)s allli stot'ics, lilblui'l Hlltl Iradi­tions, ('U\TCllt ill Europe, Persia aIlll 01111'1' eOlllltrics, allof whiel. lUlll their lll'igill ill Intlia. Tlte em'l'ts of pllilolog'y,tllCl'et~Il'e, however stl'Clluons in tltat dil'cctioll, call hartllySlIccccd ill mctalilUrpltusillg a vagnl' tllt'ory into. realHimoll I'lIre, hilt must evel' rcmain as they lire-a Itollowfal'ce.

The imputation that the Al'yaus wel'e lallloniably dcli­cilHlt in philological knowlcJge, botrays II !!ad iglllllallecof the Aryall literature 011 the part of tho wl'ilcr. Verylittle lIIay have heml klluwn of tllO llilltlus, bill, tltis is 1111

}Jl'Oof that they tlWllIsclves kllcw liftll~. Besidus, it IlIlly lu1askcli what a IIH'lIgl'C klllHrll!dge of philology has 1(, 110with the silcfl(~c of tlte Vedas aoout othcr I'oulltril·s. Per­haps, IllY 0PPOIICllt cllnl~)\lJt(1s plJilology witll guogmphy ?

Last. but not Il'lIst, is tho story of tllll llt'lilge. Tlwilltent of it!! illtrlllillctioll ill a potcntial Illood is applll'Cnt­ly to expuse its absurdity, at this fitting opportunity.Hnwcver, let liS IlOpe that wit h the high progress,wllidl Philology, like otltCI' scicuces, is saitl to have nladl',arclluclogicalalld geological sllrveys of tlIC rcgions said tolll\vc bl'l~lI ollce the resitlellcll of thu grcat. ArYlln iil­mily, ill Central Asia. may be bl~gllll at llIlCI', Thefavullmble result.s of till' l'xl'avatio\ls will, IIll d,)uht" slllth!thi:;; gl'cat (I'll'stioll. interusting alld illlportunt us it. is, bothto EllI'OpCallS :ulll lIilldlls. If, pcrellllllcc, t.III'I'I' h.· a lili­111m, it ,'all he I'l~l~oneiled with the al'g'IIIIWlIt that t1I'~

current of the river OXIIS havillg tlll'llcd ill tho din~dioll

ill wlddl tlw Il\Iilding's and fortified placcs stood, tlw im­petuosityof the wllter!! IIprootell a 1111 washed away the:lIltil1ue relics.

The fulluwillg extrnct from lin int"resting' work- whil'hlias just appeared, slul\\'s tlte spirit ill which thc Plliloh,­gists illterpret slnril's which 1>01111' in their way :---

.. As tltc Jlositiun uf the (Ialltamas HUIlIlIg the Satllfln"e11001!! is ullccrtain, it will, of course, llc likl,wise ill­advisablc to ullIko lUly attempt at ..olllledillg thclll withthc historical pl.riud uf rlldia. Tho llneussiry of cautiollill this I'CSpl'ct is so obviolls, that I sllollld 1101. }luint itUllt, wl>re it lIot IIIII t tllC DII//J'<l1l!I/,./III••11'1t con taills 011(,word, t.l1lJ UCCUI'l'l'lWC or which is SOllidilllllS l!on!!idcrcdto illdicatc the I/'/·II/illl/,. 1/11'1/1 it))' tllO dat,~s of Illtliall

• Mcrc.1 honk. nr II... l,,\~t, •• lile" by l'.... r,·.so,· .\Inx lliillc.', \,,,1. II"IlItro<!"diolll"'!J" I. n.

wOI'ks. Thc word to wl.ich I refl'r is Yavana. GfllltalllllIl'\lItes IV., ii, 1111 upinioll of sonll', accurdillg tu wllieha I'llI'll/itt is the otlspring of a foludra Inalo und a. Kshnt­riya, telltale. Now it is wdl knowlI th:tl, tltiH nlln/l' is ac~rru!'t inll or thc Un'ek Jatiu\', 1111 IOllian, and that inllItlia it WliS applied ill IlIICit'lIt tilllt~S, to till' (In!cks, alllicspel:iall.v In Hlll'lriall a1111 lwlo-Daclriall UI'l'l'ks 11'110mlt!ll i II till: seetllld I~I'II I IIry, B.C., o\'cr a \,01'1 iUIi uf N01'­

tlw1'II Ilidia. .\s thl'l'lJ is no histol'ieal evidl~IICIl 10 sllo\l'that the IlIdillllS hl'l'alllC ae'[llaillkd wit It tile (:l'l'l'ks be­it're tllu illvasion 1'1' AIt~xalldl'l' ill tlw til\1rt.h celltul'y,B.C., il has bl'.~11 tlt'ld that works cOlllaillin;.: tile wII;'11J~I/'/I/III eallllot have bl~CII ('olllposcil b,·for~ :wo B,C.Bllt il'res\,cdinl of till' cI'lIsidl'ratioll that till' It'xt of0111' J)1'(//-I//II.~/IIlXII'tI is lIut t rll"t worthy 1'lIl1l1gh to allowits datI! to bo aseurillilll'cl lIya sillgle word, till! l'l'aSllll­illg' ihll'lf 011 wllieh I IIII deh'rlllillati\'ll 1"'wol' of the Will'll}~(/,(f/la iii basl'd is 1I0t heyollllllllllht. llS it is llpplil'd to

a persoll WJIlI tu jllllgu 1'1'0111 hi:'! lIallle was 1I0t. a (:n'l'k illth,! :\Ill'if'lIt illSCl'il'lioll of Hlldl'allallllill al 1;lIl1l1glldll,'··

~Ylllt! Ity I III! 1/ IIllu)/'.

,. The pel'sIm allllded 1.0 is AS'lka's Lil'lIt('lIallt, thl, Yn­1'/lIII/I'!/1I TIl,.IIIlS} II I wllo appear,; til han' h,'cil a I'l'rsillll, 1"11'

till' ill"niplioll SNl Illtl. Alit. \' ..1. II., page i;·.7,"TIll! Arylills (II illdlls) 1I0t ulily kll"w till! Wlll'd YiI\,lIl1:I,

l'l'lltllril's he1'01'1' till' illvasioll of AI.,xawll'r tlll~ I In'at, hiltalso tIll' very 1'1'01'11'. whu wC'nl so nllllll"l. TIll! word 1'1:'­

Jlealt',lIy oecul'l> ill tlIP gl'l'at l'pic }'f/llullJ"(;/'III, s...., aswill Ill~ SlJC'1I 1'1'0111 till' fllilowillg' (lXtl'll!'ts,

T lIlay add IIPI"~ tliat, till' PalldaVHi'l \\'1'1'(' ill 1:1'(01-('(' wlll'I"!aI',' stiil l'l'lailled tl'al'I'H lit' t.hl'ir fllllt.-pri'ds, l'll/,nt,!..',.11/'/il/ill (/1'1'/'/'/' 1/1/11 (/'111" ill J/,i/II,lllo!I!I, I'll,!.;"'." l:lt) IIIJfiD.

The Pililllillgists Ilia)' ngaill stal't1 .. liS liy "ayillg' :;;011\('­tillie hen,at'tl')', that tilt' Hilltills WI'I'e 111'\'1'1' aClJlIaillll·dwitlt tllC word .. Aryall." 1I1ilii aftur thl'.\' h:1I1 1';IsllallyIward of tlw (11'1'1'1\ Itist"riall Ill' that. 1I:tIIIC, wh" wroll' ahistory Ill' Ilitlia called l"di"11 ..-1"'/111/1', a work wltiell isstill extalll. '

Extrads... 111 t.he .1dijJIII,"t/ III' thl) Mallllloh:ll'Olt ("l'rses tHi;)O,)

Gal1llltnn'a at At,jlllla's n"llIl'st pru.·'·l'ds t" rdall' tlt(,anciellt, stOl''y of Vasislil,11il (I'(/"i.""'/lli/l .. 11..1,//01111111 II/II·/t­111/1/1) alill til dl's(>l'illl' t.lll! l'allSl! 1,1 1'II111ity Iwtll'l'l!1l t,hatHlISh('I~ alill Vislt\':llIlilm, It hnJlpl'lIed 'that tilt: laUI'1'Willi WIIS tlJ/~ SIIII lIr (:adhi, KilJg' Ill' Kally:d\lIl~i<l, (I\:ll­lIl1l1j> alld gral1llsol1 'If Kallsika, ",111'11 Ollt, 1llIlItillg.I'allll'to the Ilel'lllitllg'I' of \rll:-lhistha, where 111\ was nX'I·in·dwith all 1I0llUIII', "IIh'l'tlliIlI'II tog"tllPl' wit II his atl,t'lldalitswitlt tleliciolls lillld alltl tlrillk, a\lll pn·.,unl,·tI witlt 1'1'''­ciolls jewels alltl .IreSi'll'S obt;lilicil b.l· tit" S;IgI! I'ru\ll Iliswonder-work illg cow, the fllitillt~)' of all dcsin's, 'I'lw CII­pidityof Vii'lhvlllllit.1'Il ii'l arollsed UII seeing tltis Ll':Illtiflllallimal (all III' whoso nlll' p"illts :\1"1 PlllIlIlI'lated ill theIngl-llIl> :lI1d Itt! oll'l'l's Vnshislttlill a 111I11I11'l'd Illillioll l~lI\1'S,

or Itis killg-dolll, ill I~Xt:lt:lll"" lin' III~r. Hilt. Vashislltkl':;;r"pl)' is that. htl is IIl1ablc 1011111'1 willi hl'l' UVI'II I'llI' a killg­dlllll. Vishvllillitrn tlll'lI tells Ililll, t.hal, hll will elll;,)'I'otlw law til' tlll~ stl'ollg"r, fiGIj,-" LallI a I\slmtl'iya wlliletltou Iwillg' a Bmllillill, tilY I'nll('lioliS <In! allstl'rl' I't: 1'\'011 I'awl Sill'1'1'1I stud.\', How I'all therc 1)(' allY \'i,;ollr ill Brah­millS wllO arc I:allil llild sdf-rl!strailwd! Sillcn tholl dust,nut gi\'o lip to lilt', in cxchang,! for a hUlldl'ptl \lIilliOIlS ofcows, that wllich I t1.,sirll, J shall not llloalldllll IllY u\\'11e1ass dlaract.l'ristil': r will I'arn' :twa\, till. 1'''11' hy tin'p".Vashishtha cOlltidl'llt, 110 dUIILt, or Itis ;'\1'11 sUJl,·riul'" Jlower,tells Itilll to tlu as Ill: pruJloses withollt, Joss (If tillw, Vish­vllmitm acctll'diugly scizcs the wuuder-wol'killg I~OW ; Imtsill' lI'illllut IIIOVI' from tilt' IWl'lnitngu, thulIglJ IWIIIl'II withwhip III1lI stit'k, alld Jlushod hithcr alltl thithcl', \\'it.II"ss­iUg'this, \rasldsllt.lm :u;ks ltCI', what till, II Jlatillllt Bmlllllilleall dll I Sit.. d"lIl:lIlds of Itim why hu o\,prllloks!lwviolcncll sllll ill slll~j"ctcd 10. VlL';hishtlta 1"'l'lil's : 10'01'1'1' istIll! stl'l'llgtllllf Ksil/ltri.vas. pali'H1l'll that of BralllllillS. J\s


:lOR:---~ ---:

THE THEOSOPHIST.-~-------_._-- - ----_.

[September, 1880.

paticllce pO,'1RCSSCl'l III 1', go if tholl plca!'f.'st ((iGi'G H,.llIlt­Iri!llil/lIIll btl/'1II1 1/'[10 lImll/l/(illliJlIII A'ldlllll/a {'l/{alll / A-lill(l­"'lilll~11II (~//lljall' .'1f1I'?)lfi/ !11l1llyliflll !I"di rorlwlf'). TIIP. cowPllllllln'R If II(! IHemlR 10 lI.hlUllloll 1ll'1'; IIR, II II less III' li)!"­Rllkl's 1)('1', sill' ClllI IICVl'I' he {'I\l'l'ied oil' by till'ct'. Hhe i:-:nllsurcd bv Vashisht.ha tllat II(! lloc~ 1101. 'tim~llkc her, andthat Rhe shollld rf.'mnill, if she cOllld. Ikarill/.{ tllcs£, WOl'dsof her mnl'ltel', tllC 1'011' tosses hel' 111'1111 aloft, n8.'1I1I1H'!' aterrific nslx-ct, (lHiSO) IIt'I' PYe!l hecolll(\ red wilh mgp, sheIlttcrR a Jeep hl'1lowillg sOIl;ItI, alld pills to flight i,ilt' r~ll­tiro II 1'1 II,\' of VislH':llllitrll, Bl'illg (n~llill) hf'lIlpn with awhip all.l stick, atlll pushed hither anJ thither, she he­('omes 1II0l'e illeenscd, her I'Jes al'c red wil.h :l1lg-pl', herwlllll!! hody killdled hy 1101' illdigllation, glows likll thelll~oll-dn,\' Sllll. !lite d iSl'hnrgcs sltowel'l'l of fil'ebr:Ullls frolll hpl't:uI,Cl'l'ates Pahlavas' frolll the !lamc member DrnvidllR nllllRnklls, Yavanll.'1, Hallll,I'IlS, KlIlIChis, ~l\rabhIlR, Pallndl'lIS,Kirnlas, Rillllllills. Va!la>l awl otlt'el' trib"R of nl'lIled wnrriorsfrom hl'l' sweat" IIrilH.', excrement, &c" who n~'1ail Yi!lh­vamit1'll's :11'111.", and (lilt. it to It cOIl1J1Il'l.c I'Onl,,"

"It. npIW:l!'!l to hI' Ihe "pillion of '\\allll, the ~reat.nnthlll'it.v in 1111 lIIatters r('crardin fT thc Hindn rdifTion filllliIlRtitllti;m:-: ill I,heir fllli Ihl,'('lol~1lf'lll.. 1.llnt t11l'1'~ WII~ 110(wig-illal I':1C'-' Ill' 1I1('n "XCI·pt. thl~ fillll' £'m~t.('~--B\'llhillill~,

K~lllItriYIl", "ai"ll\'a~ alltl SIIIHlrns-1I11t1 that nil other 1I1l­

tions 11';'1"" d"rin'li fl'OllI these. IIiI' 011'11 w"rtls lilT' tIH'S'~ :1I"ldUI/(I/lt/II, ""'//1111/,;,'10, I ~';","I/,. II'a!/tll'al'lIt:!1 ,1n},'a,ll"h .'rl""'lrflttlli 1'~'I'.i(/Ii... III SII,I/'/I I/a ..,i III jlal/I,I'fIllI,d,.''' Th ... ·el'1l.stc!<, the BraI11l1:111, thl' K~lll1tl'iya. alltl till' VlIisllya, nrctll'ice 11lI1'1I ; the tillll't.1i, flit' Hhlllh:a, is Olll'e hili'll, 1I1IIi Ih('reis no Ii nh." 011 th(· la~t dllll;lC of 1.11 is verSl' K 111111 kaBhatta nnnol:ttl'~ tltlls-l't11I/'I//llllllh l"I11(/I'I'(lI'/lO IIII,,'i~(I/lkil'llfl'.ia';lIm/l III /fIlI'al"l'a /'(1,1 lIIalll-j,ill'a-.iali-I:'lfllil'il.·t",jl/f!l-fl'lIl(/j'ltf 'lJ/.lll?ln ":tII'/wlt:o/l / A!/flllI dttl jtlfY-(llIltl­?'Op((llfR,rll "'/11,1,." -'f{/lI/'!/-IIt'oIUl/'III/(ll'IllIrI" There is 110fift,h £'lIste, 1'111' cast.e ellllllOl, hu pn,tlieated of the Jllixl'dtl'ibeR, 1'111111 the litet tll:lt" like milIcI', t.hey IlI'lollg' 10 11110­ther ~pel'ies distinct. from that. of either of their pnrenls,onll this refen'lIc(', whil'h is llIade in tllll Hastms to I'lIlll('!lOt.!ICI" (hlln tho 1'0111', is merely lill' tIl(' sake of l'IlIl\'Pllielll:l:nnd in rOllformily to l'01l11l1oil 1I!l.'l<7e."

, "" In verses 4-:\ nUll ·H it is Hlat.ed, SlI/l 11/1 I/i,. ill /..·t'I~i"-

IO]Jat! ill/all /\'Slllflll't!11l jlltll/lldl I Vl'i.'/w{,,'n"l/I f/atO/1tl{)~:e brl/lmulI/lIdar "1I1/f'lIn cit" / Po /lltrl"III.'aJi dlllllrll­d/'/Iridll/, )lam{xJ,jllll. J'ol'llillT/l ,10,'/11..11/,': Pal'lldall l'n/,{a­1Jr1,~ Clti?/(/!t. KiNdall ])1l/'"tflTh llhasnh /" 1'hn lollowingtribes 01' Kslmtl'iYlls have gradulIlly SUlik iuto Iitc stall' 01'Vrishalns (Olltcastes) frolll the extindion of sacretl rift,s,01\(1 from IHl"ill~ no cOllllllllnicat.ion wit h Bmltlllills, vir."Pllllndmklls, Otlms, J>mvitlas, KUJIlhojas, Y:olVaUHll, Rokas.Pamda!l, Pahlnv:ols, Chillas. Kirntas, DaraJns alltl Kha!l:ts,

"The !lnllle Ihillg is atlil'llll'tI iu the Mnllahlll~mt, AIIII­Sllsallal'lll'van vI'rse" 2t O:IF. :...·11/.:011 l'/H'ana- Kambojll8ias illlt Klrlwtt,.I:llo jaw.'lall rl'i~/l/I{all'(/1II })(ll'i[/lIluh Imd,­lIlWW1Wm /Id(lI',~fl,W I DI'O./:i,{a.~ ell(( "'({ltw{as clift )'1/­

lil/dcr,. ('I/IIp!} lJl/illl/l'l/h / Iloliml'Jlldt .1/(/"",.1/(/1.:0,' filS fallRslwttl'iyu-jal"yalt ill/mit! These tribl's of Kshatriyas.viz., Snkl\.'l. Yamlllls, Kalllbojas, DmvidHR, Kaliutlll:-:, })lllill­tin.'!, Usinams, Kolisal'pas and l\lahishakns, have \1('1'01110VrisnI:\l~ I'rom Reeiug 110 Brahlllius, This is repeated invcrse!l 21:i8-tI wherc thl' following addiliollal tribcl-l arr~

named: Mekalas LatHR, KonvlIsiras HalludikaR, ])al'vlls,ChamAR, S:wl1.rns, Barbams awl Kimtns, allli tlte caU!le ofIlegmtialion is, as in \,erHe 210:1, l'cstricft'd to tltl' absCllepof Bmh 1Il ills:'

"The Ya"ana~ IIrc ~lIid in the Mallllhllllr:lta Adipnn'nn·Rection Mi" \'el~l' :ti:I:J, to be deSl'eudeti fmlll 'I'lIrvas11. thl'Vaiblll~ias I'Will Druh)'11 ami 1,111: Meledtlm Irihes fl'o II I

Anll (ITI/t!o•• III )'lIdavalt jld/l8 'I'II/'t'aso/' ral~a./Il/{/1I 811/1'i­tlll, / D/'/l!tyoh Rlli(!.'~ ill. VaiMllljah /UIIIIl tl/ ~l[(,{I''''dlll-j/lla­

1/11",) Is it Incallt by thi~ that t.he YaVllllas nrc 1101. t.o l)t~

r('ekolled 1l1ll01l/.{ the l\Io1echlllls? 'I'llI,ir deRl'l'lIt, 1'1'0111Tlln'asll is not, huwen'r, l\I.~ce8.<;''ll'ily ill conflicl with t hI!

• I'chh'i waK Uw l~lHll·t Inllt!tlnJ!fl or I'ortoin, thC' lInlll~ d(lI'i\'<,,1 frolH thoabo\"{. s("'rrc 1\11.1 f~rt.

n~!'.pl'tioll of tllP 1\11thoritics IIbove qlloterl that they lll'l'tl~'gradl't1 Kf<hnUriyas,"

" I 8111\1Inol, attempt to t1etpI"millo who the Yn,'nn:Jsalld 01.111'1' trihes nll'ltl.iolled ill t,he tl'xt WI'I'I:." Muir'sHl\nRkrit Texlll, Vol. I, pagc!' :mo, 4KO nlld 482.

Nol,wil.hstlllllling all the argnmellts and cirl'lIm!'Ulnt.illlI'l'itl('lIel'~ addllced above, I wOllld hal'p ~mhmi~Rively ho\\,­ed to Ihl' Rtnll'lllents of the philologi!lt!l, ha,l it not hel'l1for the kind wnrning!l thl'own in our way by t.hp TIII';oso­I'HlST in il:.; 1I11111bel's liw October awl l\larl'h 1n:.;t, pa~es HIIml l:lIi respectively; the fimnel' not only rhllllellge!lProfe~s(lr ~Inx !\Iiiller, bllt asks thnt distingllislw(l RcllIllar10 withdl'llw hi:.; stntolllPlIt that the Bible (t.he IlM Te~t.a­

1I11'nt) may hi! oltlcI' thllll the Vedn~. Let \l~ wnit 1'01' thol'l'slIlt of this l'len!l:\llt clint ron'I'll)'.

In cOllelll!lioll, I lllu!'t ('Xp1'(1RR 1\ h0l'(1 that. the Theoso­I'laists will 1I0t, misnlldel'staJHl mo lind think thnt I Illll

hiaRsed in nllY way ill raising (!'\Cstiolls lind Ilonbl'1. 1\1 VRole molive it! 10 elicit tl'\lth lin11 ollly the trllth, wIde!'lit'S lll\l'illd denl' in t.l1iJ tlt'/,/'i,~ 1)1' tinw, iikc n. brilliant l,r"lllill n hflap of I'll lbiHh.

u ----


In the rll't.icle clitiUpd 'f 'Vnl' in Ol'ympn~:' (TIIEOHOI'JIIRTfor NO"l'l1Ilx'r 1S7!» an nllnsion WM made to a gl'c.ltrow thpnwaging' in H.usllia, betwllen the defenders nnt! ndvcrRlll'iesof the nlOoI(,l'n 1III'dinllliRlic ph UI1 Ollle I Ill, On... of the 1lI0Htrabid 1I!l~ai\nnts of tho spil'itil'lt~ ha~ long' been ~1. EII~elJe

MarkoI', a well-known contel1lporary Russian critic. Noolle wa~ ever 1I1ll1'e bitingly sal'l~ast.ic or cO/llbalivo Ilgaill~t

what It .. mlle.l t.he "Illodem snJll'rstit.ioll." The RlIsilillnI're!l8 are now lll\ving n laugh at his eX\H:IISe. In an incan­tions IJlOl1lent, he sufTel'l,d hil1lself to hi! betmycll illto linndmiflsion of HOllie WOlldl!lflll pllCnOllll'lIlL tlillt IIl\(l COIllO

1II"ler hill perRonal knowledge Rome yl."nrR ago. Trentiug, int.lw (;o{o-', of tllC vnrion.'> supl'I'Rtitio1l!l of tlw RIIRsil\nppil.'1antry, he says thai, to them the "hollse-spook" (dll­11101'0;) ;,1' "\wllse-keeppr" (110; !J1!I'l1 l')-08 tltis f:unilinl'Rpirit. i~ al~o cllllell, " hll.~ ns perle'ct nn objective renlity.a!l t,he living pm'sons Ilhollt hilll, In;' the IHlIl!lnnt 1'111.'1his t,l'nlll, llnd tllke~ it illto con~idel'l\tioll ill evcr)' dOllle~tie

'ntll\ir." .' Then l'ome~ thill confpssion :-" I well remell\­hpl'that in my plJ.l'ly manhood tll£'re wlI.'1111clll'ne(1 old I1In II ,

Hl.epan A nlh:eypvi~~h, celebrated fill' llnd wide in all 0111'

lleighbourhood, IInti even t:lr beyond its oounuaricR, Befol"Cthe mn/-tieal achicvemellt8 and occult powers of this Son \Iflito villilgn llellcon, hl'fore hi:'! wcil'd kllowledge alld 1'1'0­

phecil's, 0111' people lit(~rally prostrated themsclvell. Hewas not l'egnl'lIClJ liS It pl'actitioncr of black IIrt, hut lI.'1 aLl'nevolPlll magician; h\) wa!l simply creditc,l with thoperforl1lllnce of t.he most astoulll\ing miracles. ] Ie won IIIsec aUll llesrrihe to others evcnls tmll~piring lnnllY miles011'; he prophesied thc day of hi~ own lh~lll,h, IIlld thnt, of,'ariolls well-known lallliowners in our ncighholll'hood; 01.a single wort! from him, n whole pnck of wild dogs, t.hatwpre\earillg nft,N II calTiage, fell dead ill their traeks ; Ill.

Ol'd, he l:v,)ked, at her prayer, the shade of a widow's de­ceased hllshaud, nllli discovel'E'll whcre lie hntlhidden somcimportallt finnily paper.'>, As fOl'ldluJll.llller of illllcsse!l, itwas 1I!l t,hollgh hl~ drove t.hem IIway wit.h :t wave of his\Il\nd. It Wll." po~itively s.'lid that one Intly had pnid hilll17,000 l'Ilbles fIll' clll'illg a case of IUllacy ; alltl it WIlS

alll'ged with like posit.ivullcss t.hat 1111 lmtl been tnhllmore t.hall ollce to Mo~cow and othpr tOWill', to cure wealthyiJl\'alids. H ystNicnl disenses yicltled to a sill~le tour·il01' evell glau'ee of hiR, In our 0\\'11 hOll8ll, he rclieved lUI

ohse8se<l WOlllnil , hy simply eaulling her to drink twelvebottles of somc illfusion o! herbs. The obscssed creaturewoultlfeelhdorehalld th(' Ilpproadlof Stepall AllIlreyevich;sill' would he thl'Owll into tCl'ribh~ convulsious RlIII scream101111 enough to be heard in the villagc-' he COlllC!', heCOIlIC!l ; .. .' ..

As if the abovl1 wcre lIot ,,"oudedlll cuolIgh, M, Markof!;itt's nn illfltnuce which has '1l1ite reccntly cOllie ullller llis


September, 1880.] THE 'fHEOSOPHISt'. :lOlJ

uW,n o~scrvation, un.(1 ill wllicb IIc I!l~ccs a faith tpliterdl'eshmg to behoM \II so 1I11comprollllsmg 1111 . opponelltof eyel'Y thing SlIlllCkilig of ,. lHlpcl'stitioll:' Tbis is whathe tells liS: .. In Illy cattle-yard, thcl'c is a supcl'b youllgbull, p\ll'c1msed hy Il\C Ihllll a yel'y wealthy. bl'cede)'. 'rhisbllll hnlillu }Jl'OgCIlY, stnul"c to say, llud 1, hclicyino' it ttlbe the keeper's tilldt, ratell lIim soundly for it. 'l1lC ill­tell.igcnt lIIollji/.; would only doll' his cap, llllli witllOlIt I'C­plylllg', shake lIis hcacl with lUI nil' of total dislwrecmclItwith my opillion, 0

., Eh ! Mastel', IJlastel' 1" Ilc ullce exclaimcd, with un ex­}lressio~L of decp conyictioll. "Vid you not plll'chasc tllchl'llte J1'0/11 (t ll'ealtlly pt'u/jallt? How then call you evcreXI~ct tlmt lie siloliid bl'ced ?"

The fact is that a poplllar slll'erstitioll in l1ullsia aSSlll'eSthat 110 rich breeder tmdillg' in lille cuulc will eycr sellabea.s~ unlcss it has been IJIlH)e pl'cviollsly bal'l'cn by tllcmagIC mcans of thc ., word" (n spcll, 01' lltt'/dru/II). Ami M.~Iark.of, thc gr~l~t 0PI~nelltof spiritualism evidently slllll'cs1II tins sllperstltloll slllce he tuilis the lullowin lt prufulIIlllJ'ctiection. 0

.. Thel'c 1~I'C snlliciclItly stl'Ong rCllsons to bl-lieye thatsuch eXul'CISlllS a Ill) spells nrc not IIlcl'cly lilllitell to IL. wurd' but too cviJelJtly ill mnny a case becomc . a dcclI: "

---------TllA' DECADb'lYC/'; OF P1W1'ESTANT

CUR lS'l'fANI1T.

Douhts Imve hcen eXJll'cssed hy Asiatic friellds as tothe truth of our assertioll tlaat ProtestalitislIl was lilst ap­proachillg tlte cri8is of itl'! liLte. Yet it IIceds ollly to vi~it

allY Pl'utestallt cOllntry to satis(y ollesclf of this filct. 'Vetlllli copil·d witla apI)I'oval illto lllie of the Illost raIJil1orgalls of t.he 110lllall Church-the ('ttill/lli(~ J/iNv/'-allellit~rial llrticle frolll thc J,Yew Y(lI·I.~ 'l'ill/e,', a lCl\.llillgAmeril'llll lIewsl'aper pcclIliarly devoted to the illterestsof an orthodox Prutestallt pllblic, contnillillCT the lullowill"

• ••• 0 0slglllticallt warumg :

Thc I'l'otcHtaut c1cl'gy 110 uot !;eCIlI to be I\\\',U'O of tlw foL'millahlewal'fal'c which ill uow wl\giu~ agllillllt re"caled rcligioll. ThedcfcuceH which Wel'll cfle..,th·o n<Yaiullt lhe uoillY /l1·tille,·y of Paiue m'cul;Cles.s agaiuilt tho uoil:ieles.~ /lua I:C;Uillll'l;,~ ";'I.piug aud lIIiuill" wilhwhich Hllliou/llilllll lltlackll theill. Ortholl"x l'rote:;tauti~lII°1>111118it..~ eyes to thc fact lI",t scieuCl' alllilitt'raturu are iu lhc IIi\lulsofiL~

ellemics Jt refl\.Sell to Ilt:rccivc that lho gl"OllIul 011 which it Ilt;.... I"ill slippiug from Huder it.~ fl.'Ct ; that Gcrlllall)', which, at the call ofLuthel', accepted lhe illfllllihie Hook ill place of the lielf'llly)c,1iufillliLle Church, hM HOW L'ejccte,1 the Hook, /11111 that the 'uewrefO\'lUlltioH, which "cformll Vhri"lilluity Ollt of cxilllelll:c, is slll'c,ul­iug l\1I o"er lhc Plvtl'lllilut worhl."

Tlte I'csult will, accol'dillg to tlto '!'ill/e,', llCCl'lle tutllC prolit of the ROlllislt Chlll'ch. It fi'l'esl:cs, ill fact,that the latter lIIay becOllle .. far st.l'Olwer tltall site hasLcen at lilly tillle llillCC the Hulill'lll1ltioll:'? CCl'taillly tIlesudllell outbreak of bigoted fe\,\'oul' oyer the pl'etelllied.. llIiraclcs" ill Fl'llllce alld, InOl'e recelltly, ll'elalfll, allli theg'rowillg pel'versiolls of Allglil:all pric:;ts all,llaity llllllW a de­cided driftin the dil'ectioll illdicated. Mcn in the IImSll (10 1I0tthillk hut feci, are emotional rather tll1ll1 ratiullal, alltl "0

by Hocks alHl swanns to that 'religion which \JIlIS\' appe:7Isto the elllOtiulIS al1l1 imagillatioll allli least to the rcasuw..That the whole urea of 1'l'Otest<llItdulll is IIUW ready to CIII'brace sOllie lIew lilith wllich seelllS morc cflllsolillg- than})rutestalltislll alld ilium l'l'ILSOllabln tllllll !tolllanislIl, is sopalpable alld llIuleniable that 110 wcll-inl;II'lllcd, di!iilltcr­este,1 ubscryer will gainsay the statclllcnt. Tllis cUllyic­tiulJ illlinced tllC fUllnders of ullr ~ucicty to oruallizc tor tileIplCst afte.' primitivc tl'lIth. An,1 it llI11k~ SOIllC uf liS

believe tltat the auspiciulls hUll I' has come till' the Blld­dhists tu bcgiu pl'cparillg lur II ncw pr"paltalHlll uf Bud-dhism. t>-----

A ~I·:.\'I' l'A~II'Ilr.I·:·l' l'tJ:-l'l'AI:-iDill '1'111'; JI\'~;-I,A\\'S U}' '1'111,;

Lauka Theusophical Souiety, 0111' ::)ciclltilic 'ul'llllcJl, att'ulOIUbo, CeylOllj Itas becll l'\.:ccitcd.

NOTb'S ON 'J'll}; lJb'HJ .M.LYl'llAS.

IIY 11.\J.\ HYA:\IA HA:-II{AH 110\" llAIIA1)OOn, C,i·U.,

\'i,'C-}"'1!5id,'/it Of ti,e 'l'!,tlMop!,ica{ So,'iely.

Does lilly une 01' y01l1' Ullnll'I'OIlS readcrs Imow that tileBec;i Mlllltras, (i.c" secret lIallH'S fJr thc gods uf the Hill­dll Aryan palltheulI,) have a very cluse I'clatiunsllip withthe llJlpcllatiollli, tile MllIIIllIIlJlIllIIS lise for the Deity illtheir pmym'? \Vltat a remarkablc cuilicidl'lIee! E\'cnthe Mahullll·dall tCl'ln" Allah," applicd to the SlIprcmeHeilig, is takell ill tllC sallie SCIISC by the Vcd ItS uf tboAryalls, I wOllld cite a slItra of the Athal'va Yeda,·compile() ill the" Sabt.lll-Klllpa-J)l'll\l1a." t

ai~: ~'l3P~ lff.)~1 ai~llrrf {~ fJl?rICf'iul'f ra-'~~~lif I {c;';~ 9~UJ1

U:iff~~: I ~6n'if fit~ H~i {~r£?lf(f mrm Cf~UJr f4?rl­

~:if Cfifllf : I frttl{ fii;if ~1(f1{ rll;~f ll&r~l~r : I ~r;:qg ~ q{1l qUT ~~ur Il~j ai~rnH Jfirfq~{cfi Cf{{q... .",

31rfr ai~j 3l~~rCf<t ~'* I,n~t <J'li H'l;.l(ftii I amr'"'" '-:I

~if~ [o~?r : ( !) ai~r ~t:q ~;~ 6C;~ ~~:;;rf: aim~ . '" . ........ .

~l:ffUJr 61~Q' Ffrll ~t{ Iffllf qCJq;(f 3Farnu: argr'll)-Tc;q 3FaR~ fcl"l'9~uT Rc;lIr~~-T~ {fffif(f Cf~UJr U:iff. ~~.

~~~~ : I ~~f <nCi{ {~ICfitt{ {~i>;r(f m-r;T : {~f {rm-f

~~rr~ {l~l:fr 3P.frt ~r~r &fr ;j'f"'lr~ q~~ rfi"tlr"'l' ~~-~ "'..... 0\. -,

~UIJf ai~tCll~Cfi~!JiG I 3lff{ ({&rftolr [ ai~f {ff{ 11-~ ~ ~ '" ~

&q~{cfi CJHlI 3nfr ai~T ~ <1 rfrfd' ~(1M : {~:p-rc;~UJ


llitllJot tile great prophet of Islalll, t1onl'ish IOII~ afterAtlmrva Yeda! Athlll'va prl'ccdcd C\'l'1I Zomastl'r alld~<lk)'a Sillglm Buddha; alld it is ccrtainly beyond alldunbt, tllllt the Vedhs alltedatc Koran ~hcl'itr. Theil itwonld 1I0t be "'l'OlIg to SHY, that the Mahollledllns arc1I0t so liweign tu liS, a~ we lllld t 11(')' illwgilll'd. They:;ccm to he an oll;;llOt OfOlll'S, like thc Zoroastrians awl thcHlllldhists. Why thclI should the\' call liS kaltil'S or non­believcrs, anti Itate \IS f 'rIte li.tll~will" illustrations will

o '1 hupe, repay pl'l'l\sal.

The Mallll\l1cdnns SU)', ., KarcclIl" Allah ((lOll thatncatl's), spelled l\-r-ce-lIl: alii I OUI' word" kreelll,"U bl'l:i I~H(/l11'/t is IIsed to siglli(y Atlya Mahakali, (the etel'­lIal BC\llg persollitilld as a fUll1alt~). Adya mealls ol'i'Tillal,lir:;t of ali. Agaill th.. wonl" l{alcl'III" IIsell by th~1I tilmean kind-IIC<ll'ted, allli applied to the f:)lIprl'lIIe- Heilig isspdlell K-I-l:C-III. Ollrs is " K1l'elll," tho bel·ja, till'Vllsudey 1\ rislnta (A Imigltty }It'r:;oniliedlls a l1Iale). 'Thcil'word .. Halwelll .Allalt" which IIIl!llll:i Uod, tlte relieverfrolll distress, is spelled r-h-ee-III, t llll's iii, ltltcelll" (i~',:ilt 1'1'0111 ])oo!'ga (t.he SlIpl'ellio Powcr pel'soni.

fied as a Icmale), IIlCltlllllg tIle powel' tllat I'Cllloves allgrit·f, These \\'01'1 Is, 1 ~)eli.evl~. art' lIs~d in tile daily pl'ayel'slIy It lal'ge 1I1111lbl'I' 01 1I1111111s wlJO lollow tile 11//llra,~ alldtlte iI1U·f(II.~, alllllll'u as well IIsl~d univel'sally hv all .Ma­Itolllciialls alike, the "Illy din....·I"!·lwo being' trwl tIle t;)I'­\IIel' Jll'ay ill Sall:;krit a\lll tlw 11Itt..1' ill ~\rabie. Tlte let­leI'S uf the IIlpltaIJl't. in tli,· prillciplll wOl'ds IIsed ill tileprayers, (I 11Il'11l1 those applil'd to Ilod), are the Sallie witlta slight dint·rcllet· in tlwir prunnllciatioll, I belicvc :L lIUIII­

bcr of thillgs will still be fi'1l11l1 oil a carl'l'lll eX;llIlillatiollof these \l\i~ttel'S" . Be:;idcs II lu\\' IlIil,lOl' points, idulatry isthe ~'y_~lllIg ul _~llIportallcc,_ tlllli IS 1.<11.1'11 ol~jecti()11 to,

• A learue,~ PaHtl!t to \filUIH, lids iutcrc~liul; c"!o.,ny \\n~ ,'Cultulittccl'lw"'i lIulI~ell aLle to li ...1 tlu. ,N'''..gc u. th" .\Ih:lna \· ...,Ia. Will our "olltrillllLor~.II1tlly.refer 1I~ to tho ~)ooL; HI!ll c1lapt-er frolll which t.1w '{Hotatiull i,. lilnliu fJ here IS ulI,lollllhxll}" ~IILCClllllt}· ,.. 111)\\'1I, !Jowu\'ur, ill trndu~ til ..· .·c.l;clubJilllco

!',Cl\\'CCII_ Lhu I'n.~s:~~Cli 111 tllu .lh:oj ~1.U1t ..n~ nlul tile Ar.aLJic wUl"d:f ill Illlc~tjl)lJ.J hu nltcllIl't-"11J llllcro~t ,,1111,,1"1;'1,1.... ~,u_

t SaLdl\·k"'I'l\·drllulil, wU11,i1u,I loy 1:lOj:\ Sir 1:,,,IlIf.kautb ()C\', d Cool..1I1Ia.


:\ 10 '.I.' H E. TIL EU ~ U Ji II i H '); . [S('l'l.elllbel', 18,''10,

\\'ell, wlHlt is idolatry after all? Is it not IlIcl'cly a ligllrcof spccdl, a l'ersulli/it:lltioJl, illtcllded only to hclp a rC:1I1ycOllcl~ptioll, ltllll a vivid l'cali~atioll of the Ulillg to be Illedi­t.\Ited IlJlOII? All this allcgudidolatry is nothing IIIOI'L'thall a Silliple and a lIatnral I'l'sllit of deep awl Pl'ot"olllldeal"llf'stllCSS of thc hcart nf a tme 1Cl\'cr "f nod, dClIlJllIi­Hated a Yogi. Wlwn thc vhje,'t is gaiaI'd, this fidsc ideaof pCl'sonificatioll is ilJllJlediately valll}uished alld tIle realtl'llth l'(~veakd, crell as the tiower. cUlicealilig hy its pctalsthe gC1"I1l vf fruit within witlll~I'S alld lillis oil". directly thl'real -slILst.ancl~ wit,hin is ,lendupl',1 aad gi'f)WII c\'cn liS

the dolls whicb an inf:lnt girl persolJities, pets, mill talkstil, hut whieh are cast away as tIle subcn',llnillll deals 1I1l1rCwith l'I'alit.ies,

Idola! ry is IIll'r('l." a 1.'"lp" II r;, Ul' an illwgillatioll. LrltIIIC ask ",lio \\':IS eH'1' without it : tu Pllt a lHlllIe is 110­

thillg IllllrC ('1' less tlllln a 7.alJloltli, su tu say that Gud islike lil'l', air" light" &c.. is a 1.·"lp/ll/l/' For instanct\ wll"told liS that. (:(llI'S 11:11111' is (;od ~ 'nis is simply a 1"i1­pOllri ill it~elr. TIII'II the dilll'I'CIICC i~ that till' idolntnrscreate a I/WII/"Ii, "I' {,ooll', or a h'ldy-lmlplLll(l, :11111 the so­(':tlled lIon-i.J ..lnfors lll:lkl' a wonl or lI:l1np 1.:(11]'(//1(;. lIolleean du withollt it. ('HllIIOt tllis little ,Iifferellce be tolem­tcd! Call1lot the so-called idolators be free,l from thetill ilIst ,:11:1 rl.!l' of hla~l'helllv! Let Oil r cd IIr:ntell hrcth 1'011

(01\1' }lallo;lledml 1",('thrc~1 especially) t.hillk abollt it,lllId let Ihem tenell theRe broad allli mtllOl ic I'rillciples totheir pnblic prcnchcr~, so that they mny :Ignin prcndlthese t.,,1t'mnt doctrines to 1II11S~eS t.elling thelll tlwt it i~

SilIf'1l1 t.o hate each other for dist,ilICtiollS wit.hont no diITl:r­encc'. What won"('r theil, 111:11, within a shorl, time tlll)lI11iVl'rs:d brotherhood lIlay he ('Htablishcll ;; Thus a highlydesirahle ul~ect will be aC'lllired. 1 beg tu prcss this)lllint. chid!y on t.he attclItioll of om :Mo~lelll brethren. Ibelie\'e t.lle grent, Moglll ElIljll'ror. Akbar Shah. ulldcrstolldtltis trlll,h, aud, tllerefure, l'L'speclc,,1 et1'l:IlIy the l\IoulYiesallC I thc Pallllit~.

It. is said of tlte sacl'efl boob:, t.hat tltc Inst bouk is thatrcve:lll'd to ~Iahollll>d, tIle earlic:',t of tlll~JII knowlI 10AdHln arc now exlillcl. That the Vedas were really thcl'llrliest of the seript.url's, is a I'ad, admitted hy t.he great­est tllillkers of the tillie. 'fhy SbOllhlllot, tlll'rl'fore, ther cdus be regarded as those lost hooks of Adnlll !

Tile gn:at pruphet of 181nlll cOIlr!cl11lJed tIle )lco)'le ofHilldustall for UH'ir idulntro1\s mode of worship, It II1lIyhe, tlmt we were partially to blame, n," we ('1111 cOllceivethat ill IIi::; tilll(! tIle lLi1ll11l~ "'NIl really ill H dcg-enernt{,llcondition, either witll regard to their mude of wurship, 01'

ill the principlc!' tllcreol; :Jlld their fmc Yogis or lcal'lled1lH'n were 1I0t m','e~;;ibll' to that. grcat prophct. ~u hiscunclllsion WllS II IIconsciously Imsed 011 a miscullccl'tioll.

The Hindus IIcver rcally CHillI', nor slllJuld they IHlveever eOl1le, lIndl,r the term uf idolnturs. The\' arc alldwere nlways tme bl'lievers in JllonotlreislIl, 1mt 'they wor­shipped tlw Ahllighty tllrouglr a Illode of 1.:,,//)1/1/((, wllich.is lJalilCd idolatry, the re~t of the men doillg the sOlliehy sulllC other IIHlde of 1.'(/I]'(II11~ wltil-b, tllOugh, was lIot(lelluilli Ilatcd idolaf ry,

Let the whole world joill in one nlliren:nl brutherllOod.alld in the samc asscmblage pi'll)' to tIle Lurd acconlilwto the prayers uf t.he MohinllHi ,~Mok(7 :_ 0

" li~Wfr ~r~~Tr.~91it~;H~rq~:P:T'~f;f!Tl rq<fit~ .......~ '0 (.

t'J'fli ~(PH~ ':p:rBr l{ur9~9 ",,() Lorell, Men reach tbee tb)'()ng'h v:lrio1l1-l :-traight a1ld

,:irclIitOll:-l ways l\l'el)rding to their varyillg choiccs, 1:111,:-;till 'fhou art in all casel'! till! oldv ~l)al of 11It'II, ('Veil :IS

thc sea is,,tllc goal of rivers (COIl;ir~g throllgh diffcrclltcllanllels),

•,n: lIA\'I~ 11I';CI·:J\'IW 1"HIl~1 (Hilt IHlli'l'JII':It, .\lIt. 1'1':Tlm

J)llyitlsOIl of 8cutl:tllll, a :MSS, of gTeat interest whicb willbc 1'1Ihlislll'd hy liS in three 01' ff)\~r lIlont.hly illstalml'nts.It is 1111 account hy thl' late ])1'. J'ril'<.', uf (:I;ildlonl, uf Ilis!'uccel-sf'lI! experilllents 011 t!Jl' lII'liticial IllHuufacturc of theplJre~t qllality of g'l)ld.


(lnll or tIle nlost tle\'nted 11111ong' our ElIgli:-;1t Theoso­phists alHI, at Un' snille tillie, one of thc best of" men allllof' fricnds, writ.eR t.hat he is de\'oting great attcntion tothe stlldy of Astrolog-y. "1 11111 trying," he says, " tucollect sl.atistk!' ill proof of l't.OIl'llIy\; rulcs which shall heahsolllt.ely illcolltro\'('rtiblc. , " \VI'. arc sfriving fur no­tIling le!o1s thall to show t,hat a great deal of wlIHt is hoast­('(I :t!o1 Illodel'll 'progress' is, in fact.. rctl'Ogressioll. ",Vhl'nthe liwl.s ot' Occnlt. Heil'nce an' ollce fairly recognized. t11l'rcll11J~t he such a. revolution in speculativc and ~eiellti/ic

opillioll as will h:l\,(~ illcalculnhle l'onse'1ucnl'l'S," 111 allo­ther 1'!Lt.I'\' he sap :-" 1 wil'!h you would get ROl\1e Nntivoastrologer to gi ve IIIC a judgnwnt on IllY horoscope. IwOllld 1m)' <lnythillg reasonahlc. I want 10 SCI~ whereint.heir jlldglllellt. nllll metllOr!s differ, if at all, from 01l1'S illthe ,rest. I \\,:1$ bol'll in Deeeinber 2:l. ll'i:JK, ahout ;; 1"~1.

ill 0'1 Ii West LOllgitude 1'1'0111 Orecllwieh (Lunt!oll) :tIlIl:Jl'1.7 Nort.h Latitude ,'11io :11')' of Canccr risillg ill thelatitude of birth:'

\\"c ask as a persoual favour that SOIllO olle of uur friendsill llldia or Ceyloll who are eOlllpctent astmlogers wOlllde:deulate tlIis lIativit.y, alii I send t.lle resnlt. to liS with It

melllcwlIdlllll '.If his charges. if auy. It is a great mis­take to SUPP08') t.hat. the e(lueated mcn of Europe awlAmerica take 110 interest in I,his ancient science of t.liestal'~, Only till! oUll'r day 11'0 received a similar el1rl'lil''yfi'om It Uel'Jllltll Baron. llIllI the last Americall mail broughta r(,'II\4'st for ilIliJl'llIa\'ion from a pCl'soil who has beencng-;Igetl ill thi,; study for lIIall)' years, \Ve have SOluelearned (lriental :\sl,r"logers in the lI\lmber ofour Fellows:let such Ill) their plain duty in thc premisl.'s,

~..., ...

In the .T\\ly nnmher we reprinted frulll the D"il!/Clu'o/tiaa lUI account, of recent stone-throwillO's at l)hll II "stead. Englal1rl. lly SOllie mysterious :I"ency, AIIIOIJff otllCl'

I · I I' I' I .0 . '"cases reportct III t Ie ,"g IS \ papers IS one at CookstowlI,ncar Belfast., Jrehulll. \'o\\chell fur by the Daily Tcier/I'(lP"­and tbe Bc{{tJ.'t N"II"~ ],,'11/'/'. The missiles, in this in­stlll.lce, fel! .\\nder the very eyes uf the police withoutt,hell' ubt.a Iliing the least d \Ie, The SpirituoUsl ci tes llno­ther similar incidcllt. as havillg happened at Peckhalll inbroa,l dayligh.t despite ~\'ery pl'ccaution of the police toelltra,p any tnckster. 1 he edltur says tliat Mr. WillianlHowitt once collect.etl a whoh' hOl/kful of iw;t~U1ce:;. Tilething is well known in India, alHl that our friends inE~lru(le may . ~mve the datlt. liJI' making comparisons,wcWill be glad It 0\\1' readers \\'111 report to \\s caseH that callbe authenticated by respectable witncsscs.

•,\ 1l1l(1'1'I1J-:1t l'HEOSol'llIST SlTGUI':S'I'S o:->E (H' 'fHI-; TEfC­

Sl'st alld 1II0st satis(ying detinitions 01 the wonlmirndc thatwe have secn. "Would it 1I0t he 11'01 th while" he asks" toexplaill that 'Iniraculous' only 1I11.'lll1S 0111' jlTnol'alicc of

I J• I . '.. '"causes. Hill t wt 111 (ellj'l11g IlIlraclrs We ollly intclHl to

deny I'helI')I\II'IIa iW:IIJlrlbll' ,,/ /III!! I'II/iOlllll (,.l'l'lw/(/l;olL(("//((~el'('r: 1I0t. l'helIOIIIl'lIa far trausccllIliug eXl'laliation ac­conblIg to COllllllollly kllUWlI and admittcd laws nnd a"clI­cin!'l of lIatlll'e !" 1·'01' I:Ick of 1llldcl'st.alldiIlO' tIle h~)Htldi.stillet.ion we draw hetween the 1II\)IoRsible ~1I1l1 the UII­fnillilial' ill physics, we have ortell been bit.tnly crit.icizetlhy ul'l~ollents.. '1'l1I'sc have I'vell ehnrgcll 1lR with incollsis­teney III ,lell'yJllg th,~ po:,--,ibility of Illiraclcs, while at thu~;lIne ,tilllC atTInllillg' the I'ealily of ocelllt pbel101l1Clla of mtIllclltlcal chrlmeter, Om f.tHlII'fel is with tIle H.~slllnpti(Jl'that wlmten>1' /,11011011Il'1I011 IS sfrnllo(J:tIHlllldililliliar 111 II stip,vo/nC:/o be :J,~erihed to ~upertlat~,rnl I\O'CII(')', hC;lCe b~miraelllous. The wurld is too old 1I0W tu he dl'ivCll orel~ioll'd intu th., L(,lil'fthat anythingwhatevel'clllI IIllPPClI urev('1' did bn.PPCll lllltF:irle nntllrnl Inw,


'1' II E 'r H I'~ 0 S 0 VH t l:) '1' ; :1l1--


Tho thollglttj'ull'ClutCI 1II11lSl ha\'e pundel'ed well uver themystcrious import tllllt the HUlllber ,'i,""'/I seelllS to havealways IUIlI 1lI11uug the anciellt:i, n", succinctly epitomizellin our Junu uUlllber, as well Wi the tileury oj' cycles, dis­l:ussed in tIlC July is.'HIl'. It was there stated that tlwCierman scientists arc nuw giviug atteutiuu to tllis l11aui­Ji.:statiull uf tlw uuulCl'iml IUlI'IIItJlI)" alill periudicity oj'tlleuplJll\tiulIs of Naturc. A series uf statistical ohsl'l'valiuns,elubracillg ~;OIlle ccutul'ics uf ItisLorical eveut..;, teml til:;huw tlmt tllC aucicllts Il1nst have hecll perfectly awan! Ill'this law wheu l:Ollstructiug tllcir systeills of pllilosophy,Ju Jilct, wllcu litatistical sciuucc slmll lllwc becn fully per­fccted, as it seems likely to be, there will be l'ullstautlyincreasiug Pl'oots tlmt the llvolutiull of hcroes, POl!ts, mili­tary c1lieftaius, pltilosopllCI'S, tllCologiaus, gl'cat lllel'cLauts,allll all other remarkable persounges is as l:apahlc uf 111:1­

thelllatical estimate upou the bnsis of the potentiality ofllulubcrs, as the I'etul'll uj' a ClJlllct hy the rilles uf astl'u­1I0011icai calculatiulls. The cOlllparatively modem :;ystellluf life illSIII'IlUCe l'!!sts IIpUU tIll: calculated expectallcy oflile 011 the average at certain ag-es; alltl while lIothing issu uncert<lin as tho probable l(Jug-evit)' of any sillgle ill­dividual ill a COllllllllllity, u(Jtllillg is 11101'0 Cl~l'tllill tlUIIItbat the prolmble lile-chance of allY olle pensoll iu tlll'lIIas:;of populatiou, call he kllllWII 011 the bru;is of tbl' geueralllvemge of IUllnan lifi', .Ill fact, ns M. de Ca;,:cllollve, iutbe JOI/I'IIal till ..MII[JIle/i';/lu', jllstl,v obscl'vcs, IIll' law ofll1l1uerical prupm·tiolls is "critie«l in evcry llepal'llnent oftllC physical scicnces. \\re sec it ill dll'lllistry as tile Jawof dl'lluite proportiolls alllllllltitipk' projlortiolls; ill Ilhysics,as the law lIf oplies, lIeollstics, e1cctrieity, &c. ; iu Illillem­logy, in tbe wuwlerful phCIIUIIIC1Ja of eryst<dli",atiull ; illastnlllUlllY, ill tllt~ cclt'stial IIwcllilnics. Well 11111)' tlluwriter above-qlloted reillal'k: I, Physic!d awl IlIuml lawsbavc so iutillitcly IIl1l11el"OlIS poillt.-; of ClIUt:l!'t that if WI!Illlvu 1I0t a:; yet readlcd the poillt wllerc we «~IU delJlOll­stmla! theil' idclltity, it is lIuIIC tile less eurtaill tllat tllCrnexi:,ls bl'twecll thclll a vCl'y grcat :lIlalogy,"

\"I~ Ililvc attempted to sllow huw, by a surt of l'II11ll1l011illlltillcl, a l'eeuliar sulelllllity awl lIIystical sigllilicanceIllls 1.k.~ell given tlte NllIuLer St:C/~1I allloug all pellple, litall times. It '1I0W rClIlaius fur liS to cite Imlll Ilw ux-

• pt~riellce of tllC Theosophical Hocict)' Sllllll: lilels wllichiudicllte llOw its powt'r Las 1I1lliliJested itself with liS,

CUlltillllally lilli' cxperil.'llccs have hl'I'Jl lI",soeiated willaS/'/'('/I or sOllie cOlllhiuatiull 01' lIlultil'le Ill' it. Alld itmllst 1)(~ nmlemLcn'l1 that in lIot a siug'le in;;tallcf' WaSthel'c any intelltioll that the Illullher l;llOlIhl playa part ill0111' atlilirs ; bllt, Oil Ibe l:untl'lll'y, what Ilill')I1:lled was illlIHlIlY clIses exnctly the 1'evcl':'c of wltat we desired. It wasollly the utileI' tIay tltat we beg':\u to t<d,e all)' lI"te of tIlt::-trikillg elwill uf circlllllstallcl:s, IIlld SOllie Itave 0111)' beclIrccall,:d 1I0W at tllc 1II011ICllt of writillg.

The two cltief 1'011 III leI's ul' our :-iocidy WCre tile Presi­l/clll, CulolH'1 Olcott, allli the Cuutlllclu1' uf tllis Magazille.\"ltell tltey IIIIHle cllelt utllCr'H acqllllilltllllce (ill ]1-174) thoollice 1ll1Iubcr III' tllC furlllcr was ,'('('1'", tile IluIIse IIllmberoftlle latter i<t'I·/?,tcell. The PrL'siJeut's lllalll,,'1lral.AdJres.-;lJcl'ure the :-;Ol;iety WilS delivered NOHlIllhl:r Ii, Itl7:,;till) IlcluJ-qulIl'ters WI!.'C established ill Lho ·~7t1, stred ; (Ibl!lip-town streds in New York am all llcsigllatcd by 1111111­

lx.'rs), amI (.~oll)\lel (Hcott':wttlt-L' waH relllClvL'd to /1 I :rual Iwa y.011 the II'IIi Decemher ]H7!l, 0111' dele'ga(,es til Illdia sail~dflll' Luudoll : the v",ragl" u\I'illg to stUI'IllS awl ti,.~s, Insto,l!?1'!.·"lIteell day:; ; 011 tllc 1711t Jail Ila1')', Hi/H), wo left LOII­dou for I,i""rpoul tll t~lkc tile steallwr £01' HOlJlbay, got oilboard tllc lIl'xt day, bill la)' all uight in thr: MCI':i!',Y, allliOil the UIlII-the 8t'~'e"tceuth <lay fmlll lilli' Illlldilig iuEIIgllllld, We gut to Sl'a. ()u ~llIl'ch 2-""CI'/lteell daysafter l'ClIcltiug BOlllhllY-wc rClliovcl1 to tllC hllugnlowsWileI'll we Illln' cVI:r siuce Ileen liviug'. «)11 tlll! 2:lr<l)Jandl, tl,irt:;-';I'1! (J' X 5) days afie I' lalldillg, CulollelOlcutt delivcrcd Itis first pllblic vl'atiun UII 'l'Ilcosophy, at.Fralllji Cowll.o;ji JIIstitutc, Bumbay. J lily 7, tbo tirst}lrollpcctus 1ll1llOUlll'iug tho illtcmk·J iUllutiativll of tll(;

1'IIEUSlJ!'IJIS'l' was writtcll; on the 27111 SeptA,mber, tllCtil'st .. I'UJ'I II " was ulade lip at the prinliug-oliieu, lLlld onUdobcl' J-0\11" '22711, in I IIllia-the magazine appell.l'cd.

Bnt we allticipate cvcnts. In the begillning of April,last year, Culollel Olcott allli tllC Concluelor of tltis Maga­;.:illu wcut to the N.- W. Provillcus to med Swanli Dayu­nand, Hlul were absellt from tllC Head-qnarters tlJirty-s(...t"1~days, 111111 visitet! ,'':l'r'It dilfel'cllt cities dllring tlJe trip. I ul>ecellliler of t,lmt yell I' we agaill wellt nllrtlJwanl, alH1 OiltIlt! 21,~t (iV X :1) of tlJllt 1IIuntIJ, a spccial llICctillg of tlJcHuciely uf Benares Pallllits was hehl to greet Cololll'lOlcott and dcct hilll all Honol'llry .Member in token oftho Iriendlillcss of t.lte ortlJodox Hindu pawlits lor ourHOl:iety-a Illost illlplll'tallt eVCnt.

COinillg down tn the C'eylun trip, we tiud 011 cuwmltillgthe lliary tlJat 0111' pOolrty sailed 1'1'0111 Bomhay May 7,the steamcr startillg her ellgiucs at ,'7 A,)I. \Ve reaclJedPoint lIe {lalle Oil tile 1nit. At tlJe tirst lIIeetillg' iu Cey­lOll of call1lidates luI' initiatiuI;, a gl'OlI)I of N'Vl'lt l'l'rslIlIsprcsented tllenlselves. At Pauadllrc ,'wn:n wen: alsu illi­tiated tirst, the evening proving so hoist(~l'oUS aut! StOl'lllytlJat tlte rest con Id uot leave thei I' IIOIISI~S. At (:oIOIIlLuJ;HlI'l(~("~ (7 X 2) were illitiatctI tIle first Iligllt, wlJile attllC prclimiuary mediug to organi;.:e th,~ loeal br,wcll klll­porarily, tlJel'l! wel'e I,w('llIy-8,"1'01l. At Kallll} Ilt;O(Ni.j,~en

cllnlprisctl tlJc tirst hody of call1iidate~, Hetlll"lliJlg' to('olombo We organizcli the" Lanka TllcosoplJical :-;ocidy,"a :seicntific hralleh, on tlJe 17fll of tho 111011/'/1, aud on tllcuvcllillg whell tllC l'auadnre hranl.'h was fonned, tlll'j''.IJ:/it'elIallles (~ X .;) '1'1'1'0 registered liS klln\\':!. SUCIt priestswere initIated Iwre dllrillg Illis Sl'('Olltl visit, and at Heutotawiline we tlllTieti 1.0 ol'galli;.:n a bl':l 1Ie1 I, 1111'1'(: wnrp agaill.'(','m priest.; llllulitted. 'J'1,irl!J-/itJc ('7 X :i) /lll!ll\kr~

org:lIli;.:ell the Malara branch: awl Ilerl' agaill dill pril.:,.,tstllken illto fdlowsltip unlJlhen!d ,"'1'1'11. :-;0, tuo, at. U~dlc

twonty-l>'el'l'lt persons wen' IH'CSI'II! on Ilw nigllt of theorgaui".ation-tbe rest being lIna\'"iJahly aLsent; ami at\Vclitara thc ulunl)('1' was /",(,,".'/-(11/(', ur three tiules "I'CI'II.

Upml ellllntiug lip till! l!1It.irc UII 1IIl>el' of lay HuJdhilits in­cllldod in 0111' ·,,'/'CII ( '('\'1011 hwuches that arc devot.ed to tlteinterests of that faith', we filld 0111' IlIysticlIl )1\\1111".,1' ,'Cl't',t

occupying tho place of IIIlitH, alill wltat adds t" tllo sin­gularity uf th(· filet is tlmt tl((' sallie is the case witlt tlteslIlII-tutal of priests '1'11(1 jui lied otll' Parellt Hociety,

1)111' septenary fatality 1'0110\\'1:.1 liS all throl1~ltuut til!.'I'ctn 1'1 I \'uyag«l to Bombay. (If tile 1h:le.~at i,m twu IIlfllll­h.'I'S IJavin~ IIrgeut hIlSilll'S:::, look all eudil'l' s(,eallwr from('"Ionlbo, t"u:; 1'I't1ncill,~' 0111' nlllnhel' 10 ""/"'11, Two 11101'0fnll\' intell!lcd to 1"11111' Itouw from Oalll' 1,,' th'l \"I'ssel oftlw'711, ./111)', IIl1t liS it tllJ'lIl'd Ollt. sllc did 1;lIt, tUIIl.:11 tlwl'Cllll!l RII, pel'llll'eu, UIII' hall!l Ill' ",'/','It eaUIl! tOg-elhl'!' 1111 the1'2lh-the fifty-.,er/ttfl, day after 11111' Jawling. Tile sca\'uyagc 1'1'0111 1'1')'1011 tu H'Jlllhuy lIlay he said t<l heg-iu IIpunkaviul-{ ColullIlJo, sinl:u Ihe rU11 fronl (:0111.., to t1ll1t 1'111'1. is illCl'ylouese watprs. fnllll friell! ls··-li \'U IHyUICIIlllHI t wu priest:i-agaill 1it'I'f'n-wllU l'mllC utJ<mrJ at C"IOlllbu tu bill ustilre\,'!'II, we learned tllat the .Jllly TllEIISlIl'IlIST Ilad readi­ed 111l:1'l!, and IIl:ill<; 1I1I11Il':llly lluxiulIS 10 Sl'l! a copy, lll'­gently n'll'lesll!d that one sllUllld he sent liS to look aL, ifpossihlc, bellm' ;j o'doek ", M" the 110111' at whidl it wasthollght WI! would It'aYu ]lurt. This was l'!'oll1isud liS, andaftur 11111' frieuds left, "''' \\'atelled en'r)' nan tltat caInefl'oUI shure, Jt'i"e u'I'loek callW, tltl'n six alld Imlf-llOlst six,hut uo Illcssellger or umgaziue for liS. At last, l'rel'isd)', at,','l.'/'II, UIIl\ liull; l'alllll: was Sel!1I tossillg" in tltl! III:a\,y scatlillt was I'uuuillg, slln i1l'pl'oaelled, WHS HlolIgsitle; 1111 hel'hows, I'"iuted 1111 a wltitc grolilltl W:IS tltc :'oIlII1I11CI' S'~(."'II,

a lIIan dilllht,tI uver I In: sllil"s rail anti ill Itis Iwud Wasthe pal'el' we Were waiting rill': \\'11"11 tile anchor ww;III' and tile I'ilut's Itell 1'1I11,~ iiiI' startiug till' ell~illes,

two lit' 0111' party ntll 10 look at. tllC lSltip's e1ock: it stuollat ·'Cl·"IL 1Ilillllte:s I'asl 'i' 1',)1••• , ,

At 'I'll tt.icori II , Mr, 1'",lsl&:l1l, OIlP 01'0111' I'llrty, "'elltllsllUreas Itis tle:;ire \l'IIS to rdlll'll hy mil III Bomhay, SII as tu SI~U

:-;.mtlwl'lllJlll ill: tllC Ii ttle hoat ill W Ilicll be Willi t asllOre We IIU­tiee,l,lIfter sllc Iuulgut e1l'ar 1'1'0111 tltelTI'w«\ 1'1' craft alollb'sille,bore tl1l' 1l1l1llbcl' fort,'y-~e('t'/(' (JoiJlg dllwll the COllst 011 oUl'


!t' 11 E THE u SUP /I I S 'i' .

0111\\'111'11 VO),IIg'I', ollr SIUlllIlI!1' t.lll1dll'd al./ulI/'II'/'1I ('I' X 2))'ort.o.;: ,'o\llill~ hOlnl~ flllr n'ssel. owi\l~ to Ihc 1Il01l~(H lit

wClllllt'1' IIml the hCll\'Y :lI1rf Idoll~ t,h,: Malabar I ;oa~I,

\isitcd olll\' ,'n'/~II, And, lillally, a." t.hol1~h to HllOw 1I~ Ihat011 r ~ppl(m;; te dl'stin)" WIIS not to h,! <'\<ule' I. iI, WIIH at exad Iy,'I'I'/'n o'c1ock-as the log IJf til(! H, f', (,'/',111'[11 ~llOw~,­

whell \"": l'ighteol the pilot, 011' J:oll1l1l:1Y harbo1\r, Ilt. ';"'2,'tho hell raul{ to i'llow dnwn the I'llgilleH, III, 7'·~i· tl ... pilotstepped 011 thc .. brid~ ..." Im,1 I.onk ClJllIlIHllloi Ill' tIl" !'lId)'.:11111 Ilt "':1;- ollr anchol' was oIn>I'I"'d '111'1hl' AI'0lloBlIlIoI"r.Itnel ollr \'oyage was t.hw; ('llIlcd 1111 th,~ 2·HII of .TIII.v, th,'scn~IIIY-,~'.·"l·lIll/ day lIftCI' Ih" 0111' Oil whi"h we 111\01 !'lllile,1(or Ceyloll, '1;0 nseribc to lIle.'re ..ojlt ... ideltcc this strallg",if Itot :dl,o~el.h('r 1111lll'Cecth!nlcd, l'oll<!ntt.'lInl.ion of '!\'''I,t"ill which the NllIllbcl' Sar.// was. liS tl".' lIstl'Ologers Illig'ht,ellil it" in tho IISCel101l1l1l.,'' wfluid h,' un ahslll:dil.\', Til'!lIlost sl'Iwrticilll eXalllillutioll III' tiJ" dodrill" ne dUllle,'will :<"tlic,~ t,. show that. And, if. illlleed, \\'" 11111:;1. mlmitt.l1llt. HIIIIlI~ lIlyi'lf,\'l'iOIlS 1,,'1' til' l11lll1l'ri"al I'lIt':Ilt.inlit,il's islI~~'il')'till).!, itl'dl'ill shaping the f,,)'IIIIII'S til' the TIII'w:o­I'IIie~al :-;'H'iety, wllitlll'), sllall w'" IIII'll 1',,1' lin explallati,.,"bllt. to tllllsl' llwicllt Asi:ttic I'hil,'sllplli,~s which were hllilt,upon the hcd-rock Ilf Occllit ~Ci"III'C !

•.1 'I'1U~.t1'.l,c..:ll ON 'J'llH rUUA PJIlLUSUPlJ r.

1\\' ~. c. \'.\L"I., O.II.:\I.C., ~U\h\t:SIST.\:O;'" SUllGEU:O;.

WIII:II ill .Alllcl'ica a 11.1 Ellrullc, W" 1l/fiI'lIlCd Ill'UlI ttl'"HIIlllI'l'ity of th,: te,,,tim'JII'y of uyl·-witllt.':-,ses the '1l1a",i.'llIiracul';IIS phyl'i':al':llelllr:tlll:c of "erl,;1 ill a"ccl il'S ill JlI\li:l,ollr Hlall'lllclIts were invariably I'f·\,l'in·d hy tllc gencralI'lIhlie with illcrc~dlllit.Y; :111\1 sOlIletillll'S loy ph)'sicians, :11111Illell of sci 1'1 IlX' wilh cOlllclllplllOtiH l'IICCI'S. ~OIlJC of til'}1110:4 hlllllonristic artides, e"cr prilltc,J in the .Ncw YorkIICWSpal'crl', were wri ltell at ull r •!XPCIISC II pon this lext.WhclI wo Incllt iOllel! that WI.: hnd persl!ludl,Y knowlI lIul,ollly }lrofes~ioJlIlI ;it/,i,.,.· alld ,~(//lI/!Jl/.<i,', but. privalc .Jaius"ho 11 Jld, 'r the iJlsl'i ra ti,)JI of I: lila I il' ism wtlllld ahsta ill 1'1'0111ureath illg lil) \)\er tWL'Jlty-t \\'0 III iJIll Ie,;, ti II tIle)' urullght 011

a .I, !ad I.I:allcc, wit iI,: OthCl'H \HJlllol lilsl, to ... O\'l'r forty daJ'~

111111 y,:1. survivc, 11111' evidl'llce W:lS r\'<-larded as little IwUerthall tlrat t.f a Ilopele'l" I IIl1al iI', Naturall),. therefore, Mteh

all pXl'el'icllce 1I1ade liS \'ery gllan!e.l. awl at last we ea'"" lo.J:;pcak willt ~rcat ,liltid"lice "1'1111 lite Sllld1)cl at all, e,v'c\,twith glll"1 awl tl'1lsted friellds, Kllllwilig what. gir:alltic:;lrie ,,"s hiologicn I sciclIf;e WWi Iliak iIlg, we liiollgh I.. It cIIIII<111"t. I"l Itlil" bcl',re StllllC SCiClltilie: cxpcrilllt'llt wOllld tlll'llIII', whid. ~\'OlIld pl't)\C tl,e I'os,.:ibility OJr slIeli I'ItCIIOII1CIIIl1111.1 wrest. frolll Hcel'ti':al 1iciellc\' the eOllfe!isioll uf il~ pm­violls iglloraJJ<:c. it II0W sel'lIlS tllat WI: "'ere 1101 tu UccI i:-mpJlo i III ed,

A Helltcr's telcgnllll frolll NI~W Y1)[1. daled AlIl-{lIHt ;,1I}lpri:-!e11 the wurld of \hu following :;tll}lt'lIdIlIlS f~\'ellt ;--

.. PI', Tallucr. wh.) HlIlIlIllIlI,,'d lci~ di~l.ll'Jie[ I'('gardillg lI,udindflcC\J1'jc,. al~lut st:crl'atioll, dcclll,.jllg I'e l'l)lJ!" Ii\,,, r.11' fOI",I' da.~"

withllut [",,01, :111\1 whu begau hcre Li" ~clf-illll'""eJ la"k 1111 th.::lr-th ,IUIII', cOlllpletcd it tu-day, I.ut i~ CIIIIll:i:itt'el allll cxhau~\.'''.·'

At ollce tIll' idea on:lIlTed to IIH tlwl tlte til1lC lwd :11.Inst, arl'i~'ell to Illake the world Hcqllailltl'd witlt c('I'l.ailllilct...; wllich. I)('lure Dr. Talllll'r's 1:')lIWg('OIlS eXlll'l'illll'nt,wO\lld ItIlHl !le"11 \I1ftst HssllH'dly (,lnsse,1 by the i~llol'HlIl.

liS tiditlllH alollg' with otltel' 1:1\;1.:; t1lal. Jmve ItNetllf"r.,lll'penred ill ollr jOlll'llal. bllt, althunglr slIpported uy tl'l1:"t­w,,,thy I'viden('\', bcell milked by lire sceplies as increelihle.T:ICsc~ fads :Irl' di"cllssed in a Hillall palllphiet. Jlllblishcllat, HellHl'cs tllirty yelll'li HgO by all AlIglo-lndiau ,Jnt'lllr,whieh, 011 aceollllt of its !'lllhject heillg so dista:st(!ful to till.!incredulolls, failed t4J attral'!. the altenti"11 .,flllen of :<..i"llecat. thnt t·illit'. It. is throll~h the ol,ligillg kindllcsli uf IhllYell~'rablc P:welit Lakslllili Nnniill VY(lsn, of AIIIlIIll1JW!,that we are ('nahlctl til I'l'pl'udllc" luI' tho instructioll allllgmt.itil~at.i(lll uf <llir I'cH.ler:o:, fro III the copy ill Ilis P01'SI~;;­

I'ion, thill, Dr. Paul's, ,'x('elk'llt lIIollugl'al'lt 011 the Yuga.Philosophy. Thollgh written so 10llg ago, and, of COlll;;'~

COli t~\inilJg U'JUC of the 1IJ0rc I't't'CIl t speculatious ufsdellC\',

yet t.his 1I',)rk IIIIS a distinel valu(' III" ItII 11I111I'sl attelllpt tucxpbin fro II II tIll' st'llldin~-point of a IlIl'e1jl'nIIlJHII, 1111'I'CaHon tor this, that, UJ' the other of tIle Yogi's stag!'s "I'c1iseiplin.:: which. a." WI"! have I"llOwn. hm'e 1)('1'11 rCl'wliat­c,1 as "I""if'utili('nlly" illlpossible. But. 1l:S \\'0 CllllllOt saytlmt ill every {'ase tIle nllth"I' Ims slIcc\,('e1e'! ill lllllkinghi IIIsel I' \'1' h'is facts d'mrlv Illilierstuocl. we \('lItllrc to 'at·­eOlIlI':lu." thl! t,~xt with en;'linIPnlllri\,s, ,,'lid 1.I,i1i with tlwJOllhle ol~ieet ill vicw of Hill'ncing at onee I Ill: lIIalid,IlISll('eusation trmt 'Jllr Societv ii'\ II\) bt·tter thall a sehoul ufH magie," Ihe wOJ'd1Jein~ ilHI!el to i'\ig'ui(y ridi,'lIlflus SUI'\'I'­

stitioil :11111 hdi .. f ill ,'1"]1/'/'//(/II"'oli,W' aJJ<! of 1"'I:\'l'lItillg Olll'),f'allers 1'1'1'111 receivillg Wl'OlIg illlp\'l~s...;iulls ill gClIeml.

'VI! an' gl:'d to say tlillt. Ilw eightce1J IIIOlllhs paR-'ll'" byliS ill this eOlllltrv, awl th\' twelve-lIIullth existl!lIee of UllrjOlll'lIal }1I1\'e 110t:heell rruitl,,!'ls ill ,'xperiellf'e. For 1!lIrillgthis period, we Im\'" leHrII!'d lit I,'ast olle 1lI0"t ill,,"ll'tlllltfentm/' p('rt<lillill~l' lA) the netllal state of Hindll 1'."H'iety.'V,: lill" thIll, 1 III laft"I' ~OIlIf'l'iHI!s 1.\\'0 distilld par­tie~. OlIO', tlnlt or t.he frec-t.llillkel's. "ll tlellyill~. sCl'l'tlC'al,a11\I wllully llIatl'rialislie, wltether of the Hradlangh pllrty.or tile" 1II00Ierll sdlOfll of tltoll~ht;" till' otltl'''. orthl)(lox,big-Iltl'd, 1'1111 oftllP Il\lreHsolling slIperstitiollS of th\: Bmh­lllinical1il'hools, and believing in nllythillg if it olllY,tallicswith olle or the other of 1.111) Pnl'(1I///~. Buth the 1/1'(' pl" .•11[t/'(/, 'Jf exaggemtioll HIIII. as the saying goes... eaf,ll lIloreCatholic thal1 the Popc," whethel' t.he latll'r is repl'IJSl'lIt­~J by Bracllangh or the ('aslc Almigltty, the lIlost int1pxibleflf gods, The few honollrable exceplions ~') l'llt enforcingthe glm l:r:r1 1'111,'. '

Tlw Theol;'.lphiclli Soeidy-wllllte\'er allY inilllical pllpl'!'may say-knew why it. wns wlIllted ill Jlldill, nl,d cnlll(' jn;<tin time to place itself bctween the aoo\,e-lIIl111ed parties.0\11' jonl'llal, it.R organ, hall frotH the begillllillg 11I\l:-ilwd tltecI isti lIet pol icy of lellding 1\ fl'i\'lld!y elll'to btlth dleso pnrtiel<,and bichling its tillle tollll\'e its fnll say. BJ' doing iiI) it haspllzzI,.!,) 111:111)'. ~iven otfellec to a fi:w-tltrollgh 110 IImlicufll' fllnlt of umH, tllOllgh-lJllt ~n;})'(!ed illstl'llC'tiflll. weItope. to slIch as have had the wit to 1I11llel1ltmid it:;}lllliey, Alld now that tllc elld of Ihe )'ellr is rCHclwd wumean to eOl1llllenC~' 0111' illtl'lHled series of CXpllllllltiollHlIy r('l'riltf,ill,!,~ Dr, I'an\'s treatise. fl'ulll 1110111.11 to IIlollth,witll a l'01JIIIIl'lIlnr)' \lpoll the tl'xt as hcfurc stHte<1. Atthe :-;allw lillK: tile criticililllS of nil pcrsolls lefll'l1cd ill theYoga npoll either Dr. Paul's views or om' OWlI arc illvitcu.-};,f. '1 ';'"U8.

COllllllCIII,-TJri~Trl'lIthc Illllilily rcilltes 't" fh., prnctiec~ oftire lin/1m 1I0t the /laja, Yogu,-thotJll;h tile 11111 hoI' hilS de"ole,[to Cllell II ,/istinct c1l11ptel'. We willllorice tlte grell! diflcl'clicebetwccn tlte tWfl III fer oll.-Rd, ThclIS,


The W'~!l(,\It 'I'rcltti~e c,olltnins tilt' tit1'''1',\' 1111.1 )lradi<:cnf.tlll) ) ogu., Ollc uf the :iIX lIystC/1II'1 of doctrillc Iteld bJ'tlleH III,tll~. '

The YIl,l.{lI trcat.'i "f \'al'iolll'l },rIJl:cl'll'lCS 11\' wllidl tll\;JI · I I' , , . I ' .. 11.1\ II '.(.:st:tI.I<:1 :le'jll,nc t I': P~Wl'I' uf lIbst.aillill~ 1'1'0\11

eatlllg and hrcntlJlng lor a IOllg tlllle. awl of UcC'JIIIIlI~ ill'!'lclIsible f,o all extemal illlJ,,'c~siulli'l. '.

. The Hilldu tIlJ:ltic'i (yogi:-) who pradiHP .rO~H. I'diruI1Itlllmhterranellll rdn>ats (gl1phii). theJ' a),st:lill fl'Ol1l ('.ml­Inon SIIIl. alld IlI'C extl'lJIIICIJ' fOlld of milk. "11 whieh fhe\'chieH,r li\'e; t.h"y :Irc lIoctllrnal ill theil' hahit.:;. k..el'ill;~retired ill the day; they nrc Hlow ill their 11I"tions, llll~torpid ill Iheir lIlaJlI1en~;IIII'Y pat awl walk dmill" theni~ht. They pmdise two p;)!'tmes, tel'lllcel I'mhll6HlLIIUa.lle1 S!ddluisllllll, ':i,th a view to rei'l(lil'\J wit). thf' lelli'\1. l'o:;~IHbie h·l"lu'.'m'y. 1hey 111811 dread the l'al'lll dl; lI;je~ UlIUinclclI1f'lIcies of tile Wl'Htllcr,

\\'hell tbn yog'li'l at~l' II hI,; to Imldis,.: tlle Ilbol'e ""iesel'lItposture!" ft,r t.he perwd .,1 tWI' hOllrs, tllc\, ('IIIIIIIICIII'I' t'Jpractisp l'nl.UuJlllllll, a stage of sl,II'-I\'IIl1('\' \~'Ilidl is dllll'lle.tcri:il'd hy protuHlJ l'crllpiratioll, trl'lIlhlill~s of Illc R,'Htf'1I\lIml a sellse of lightllcsi'\ of the alii 111111 mCOIlOIIlV. " Tbeynext }ll'llctise rmty,Uuhn, l\ stage of self-tnllll'c "iu wlJich


Septomber, 1880,] THE'I'HE080PHTRT.-- - ..,....---;:------

they ItflvC tlw flluctions of the SlillSOS slIspcIIllcti. Theytlwn pl'll.ctislJ Dhamult, u stage of self-trtllle'~ ill. which sen­sihility aud voluntnl'y Illotioll Ill'e suspended, and the b~dy

is capable of retuilliug :tny given posture, the lIlilltl bClIIgfmid to be quiescl·nt in this stnge of self-tI'll ncf',

Tho YOg'ls, nt'tel' attaining tho stnge of DhUmnlL (oata­leptio condition), aspire to what is termed Dhy.ina, /I stll~o

of solf-tr:Ulcl! in wlJich they prdclIll to bo sl1rrolllllloll hyflashes of dCl'llal ligllt 01' dectricity, tCl"Illet1 AlIlInta-jyotl,(from two :-3nllskrit words sigllifying' endless 01' all-,lcrvad­ing ligllt), wllich tlley say is tll(l lllliversal sou. ThllYogi,; ill II sl ate of DhY:lnH arc Haid to he e1airvoyullL Tilej)hY'lnll of the Yogis is tho Turyu llvnstllli of tlill Ved:tu­tists-tlw l'cstaCy of the Physiciaus, the sclf-collt.cmp1u­tiou of the Gerllll\1l meslllol'iscrs, allll tho clairvoyauce ofthc 'French p1tilosophers,

::iallllldhi is tho lust stage of self-trllllce. In this statetIl(! yogis, like tho bat, the hcdgellOg, tlw marlllot, thehalllster, allli the UOril1011Se, acquire the power of support­iug the abstraction of atmospllcric air, alld the privationof liJoll lllt" dl'iltk, Of samadhj or hUJl)an 11yLeruatiolltlwl'e have beml three cases within tlill last t.wclIty-liveyears. Tho tirst ease OCClIlTcd in Calcutta, the seconJ inJl'sse1mere awl the third in the Punjah. I was lUI oyn­witness of tlte first rase.

Of Sllllilldhi there are two varieties, termell Samprajlll~

/lnd Asaml'mjna, Colonel 'l'owllsellll, who could stop tllilJI1otion of his IlL'al't and al'tel'ies at pleasllre, and cOllld dill01' 'cxpire wilen he pleased, allli agalu l'evi\'l', was a case ofSampraj na saJl)ad h I.

Tlte J cssul morc, the PllIljabi, alld tho Culeu Ita yogis,who assulIlell a death-like cOlldition by swallowing- till)tllnl:flle, and \VItO COli hI not rerive of themselves at pleasll1'l',w,'ro C'llSOS of Asallll'rajna samadlti, as they WtH'O allrcslls­dtated by otllers who drew the hllried t(Jll~l1e uut of tlwtillll:"S al;d rl':itored it to its 1I01'llllli place. '

On acmllnt of tlw real obsCllrity of thc llatlll'l~ of thoYoga philosophy, and of Illy ntlm' igno1'llnce ot' the Sans'krit langllage, in which all the stlll\llard works till Indillltmysticism llre writtell, I IIll1st eran~ somu illi1ulgclIce if I1mve failcd tu do flllljllstiec to tllll sllbject of sell~tl':lncp liS

practi~ed hy the cuill-blooded and hybcl'Ilating philo!<o.phers of tllll East,

.-\ 'J'lIL\TISE ox '1'111': Yon.-\ l'HILOSul'H r.Ih:~'Oln: l'llterillg un till' considerat.ion of the elml1ellL~

of hllm:1ll Ilybenmtilln or Yoga, it may 1I0t bl) :dtogethl'l'unintercstill;.( to give it full account. of tIll' nature of tlrl!expired nil', which the Sanskrit alltllOl'itics term PI'zlna.

The expired air contains ll1111'e caloric aud more wateryvapollr, is nl.)re elastic, allll is of Il~:;S specific gravit.y thnnthe inspil'Cd ail'. The average temperature of' tIle cxpimdail' is fJ!)' ;j I",

The ave rag-I! quantity of water)' vapour expired in 2~

IIlJllrS by :11, llliult, in telllperat.o dimates, is 7,Hl!l,22~

gl'llius, Tire bulk of carbllni!: acid in the 100 pnrts of 1.111'expired air, varies, acco\'lling to differeut anthorities, asshown by the tahle tollowiug:-

.·!tlileVl'itie$. ~{t'I!1'(j!l(~ percenitl[le of l'ar-bOil i~ tlcitllJy volume.

Prout ,...... :.l· ·t:i.Couthllpe,... 4- O~,

Thornpsou, '" 40' 1G.Vicl"OrJt, ;..... ... 4' :1;H.Rnlll/ier al\ll Valen t.i nc, 40. 3S0.

The ll'lllntity of l'llrbonie acid evolve,l during the uayis g-rcater t.llllll wlillt is excreted dllring the uight.

For every 12 VOhllllt~S of cllrbollil' acid evolved duringthe day, 10 are exhaled during the night. '1'he quantityIll' (,llrbollic aeid evoln:!d in I'l!spirlltion is l!onsidel'llhly in­cn'U:ied aftcr a filII melt!. Hence, moderation in diet, terlll­ed Mit:Ulllr:L, is recollllllelllied 1.0 persons who prndise tlwsU'~ljeu.,;iou uf tIll' breath, SU'llliu 1011114 that. wheu he was

in a state of repose, allll fastillg, he vitiated only l,tIllcubic inclles of oxygeu, wllile, dUl'iug digm;tiOl.1, .this bulkwas iucrensc,1 to between 1,~00 and 1,000 ellb1(; llwhes.

\Vitli a view to expire less earbollic nei.I, mall)' fa~irsfast during tho day amI lake olle 1II0Jcmtu IIIC'a1 Ull1'l11g'the night. Those tiro ml1d NaktabllOjL

Exerciso jncrellsc~ tIll! lllllount of carbonic neid ill tho('xpil'(:J air in n. g-iv,J]l tinH'. Aware of thiH fad, tho t1l1eielltHilldll philosophers prescribed slow 1Il0Vell1Cllts to ::HIch as"..all ted to exhale Il!SS carhonic aeid.

Yogis are l'eCOIIIIIlI!llded til llllWlJ f:lowly in order hI !'t'1I­

e11J!' their r,~sl'iration less fl'l:qumd.


Ullman beiug's deteriorate It greater quantity of nil' in It

('n)d than ill :L warnl medium; that. is tu say, tltey exlmle111Ol'C carl)()lIie ·neill ill a cold atlllosp1wI'O tlmn ill a hnt.(111). Hell')u the Yllgis nrc I'ccomnlenJed to dwdl, likethu bnfl'owing allimals, in snhterranean I'etreats which amJ'cll1Mkablo fo,' pnssessill.~ a uniform temperature. ThoIIIJal'er tlte tempel'lltnrc of' t./w cxt.el'llal air is to t.he animalIteat, the less is the ,(nantit.y of carhonic aeill in the cx­pin!d air. Hence 1I1e apl'dite for food at. the ellll:~tor is1m;;; kcell tlmll ill til" polal' regions, Tho appet.ite lill' fi)odis ill proportilln to thL' tjllltlltityof carbonic acid l!xlrnlelldllring a ;.(i\'(·1) tillll'. J II :~ ('mltllll~d lItnlOs!'!lere le.,;s ('al'­hOllie lwid is eVlIlvllcl tlL:lll in 1110 free ventilal'(lLl ail'.Hf'Il('C a Yo"! deli"'hts to live in II gnplut (subterrm1l'allcel1) havjllg~lsllltrl(dtJor which is hlockcd lip with day byhis assistallt.

1.01)11 SI'I!:AK 11\{:.

'l'l.e nll10nlll llf"lIl'hollic :wid ex!l:dl!ll ill It g-i\'on t.illlC iH~rl'atel' in lout! ~pl'akil)u tllllll ill a ~tnte of silclwe. HellL'";\ Y"g'i is nll'lllllmOlldl'l('t" practisl' ;\rallllHvl'llta,-tacit.ur­lIit,.,·, 01' th,! 1"1I11' of Hilclll'll,

)11~\'TAI, I.AJlCWH,

~tentl11 labollr dilllillis11Ps the llll!llltity of cllrbonil) aei,lill till: eXpi"I)d ail'. 11c1II'O tltp Y"gis arc )'I'clllJ1mell,]r'11 to;1\ uid physical ('.\"ll.i"II';, lllltl t.o IJII,:jl1g'() in nll'ditntillll,

.'1 EXTA L A IIS'!'H AC'J'l0:\ •

\Vhen the mind i.i ahstnwtl'd f"1lI1I its t'1I11Ct.itlIlS tllf'alilOllllt of earhollic !lci,1 is Icsselll~'1. Hellen the Yogis amn'l'ollllllelldl~d tll fix their sight on tlte til' of tlln IIOH8 orUpOIl tIll! spaCll bet,lIl"'U tlll~ u)'l!.hl'oll's, 'I'lll~se Jloeulial'tlll'IIS of t,lw axes of ,isiull SlIspf'lId th(· l'esl'imtlll'}' 1II0\',~­

lIIell ts ami gellerally 11l'(1l1l1('1) ll)'pllot iSIIl. Th is proc..fi'; istcrlllOd 'l'rataka ill :-3allskril.


Tll(~ qnalltity of ('HI'bollil: acid f'xltaled in a givt:n t.imeis h~ss ill a state of l'l:st tllall in olle of ('xel'cise,Hencet.IJU Yogis are rcCOllIllll:lldl!d to sit ill the two tramJlli1 and'1uiIJseent postures terllled the SiddllilsHlla allli Kalllfdiisallltof wllieh It eirclllllst:\lltial account will be gin'l) while tl'(:at­ing of 11I1Il1l1l1 hyben':ltion,

Tlte lunger tlw st.ate of n's/' is Clllltillucd the leKS is tlllJ'pllllltity of carbollic flcill e,'olvell frolll the grauual decreaseof tile lIUrnbel' of respiratiulls. This is better illustratellby the following' parligrapIJ (!,lOtod from a :;tumlard workOil Naluml ] Iistor)',

,. In a specimen l.r l3111nhus tern~stri8, which remainedlit. mst for abollt Iialf <tn hOlll", the respirations had bo­COIIIlJ deep alld labollrnt!, nllt! were continne,1 reglllarly atalllll1t. fift.y-eight }I1~I' B1in1tt.,~. At the expiration or 0l1C

hlllldred I1I1lI tiH'ty Illilll1tes, "mill;:;' wlliclt t.ime t11C illseet,n!lllailWd in :l statl' 01 rCJlllse, tho I'l!sIJil'atois wcn) onlyICJrLy-six Jll!l' Illillllk. At tlle "xl'iral ion or a hUlllln!d andcighty minutes the r('spiratilllls \ll'nJ JI" IlIllger peJ'('ujl-til.J\t:," .


-o-~---~--_--~- ..

THE THEOROPHIST. [September, 1880.

A!oI thl' rCRl'irnt.iollR al'o fe\\'(\r in a ~ivclI tinH', in pC'l'llOlI:;of sC')Plltnry hahit... the Ill'sire for 1"00.1 ill proportion:! lIy)('1''1 kl'()II. Owin~ 10 this eirClIll\stl\lICe, illdividnnh~ lC'ad­ill~ a lwdclltnry life :HO slIbiC'I,t to lIll infillite varil'lyofdisea~I\I!. A stlldiolls llIall ,'Iiw~st>l hadl)" hl','allRe h,~ f'X­h:II,.~ :1 \'N)' RIlIUII 'iuautity of I~arboui,~ aci.l, owin~ to thedllll1ll1SIwd 1II1ml,,!!' of rPRpirntiow; dl'pcntlent. on IlIto!l1:<I'IIIf'ntnl applicat.ioll allll Oil a statc of rl'po:,(,.

l\lilk diet is \\'1,11 suited tll spdPl\tary hahits, and ~ellf'­

rally Rllpflrsedes t.11C f'ml'lo)'IlI"nt of pnrg-ativl'f', enlPtie;;nlld ('(Inlials, which m'p ill snch g'('IWI'III vO~lIe ill tllC tn'at·Il1Imt or disC'llseH :II'isillg fl'lllll sedclltary Ilahits.

IXFLUJ-:Nn: or nHYSE~S A~ll :.rOIS1Tln: ox 'Nn: EX PIH1·:n


HUlllan bcing-s ('xlmln morl' l·ltl'honie neid in a dl'y ai­mo"ph,'m t han ill a moist olle.

INlrl,tJENC1': M' 1I1~WllT 01,- "LACI':S,

Thl' f'xhalation of cllrhoni,: aeid is ~rc:ttcr al flw 1"\'t,1nf tIIl'sf'a tllnll 011 III1J11ntaim:. '

1:-a'I,nr.sl"F, m- H,\DrA'I'ION AND YAPOmZATlfll\ OX 'I'm:

EX 1'1 HEll AIll.

On l11~illg cxposCII to tlao 011(>11 nil' in II 1':ul'iag-e or 011tlIP dl:ck or n lIhip, h\1lll:lu hl'illg'fl f'xhall' 111111'0 e~lrholli{'

:IeiJ tlaan llfo;unl, from tIll- more :\Ctivl: m'.liatioll lint! ('va­pond,ioll 1'1'0111 thl' animal I'COIlOllly.

lNJo'I.UEXC.: O}-' COXmr(1'OHS AXil l\ox·cOSnUCTOHS OX

'1'1": 1':Xl'rn.:ll All!,

'VIH'II WC :'\I'C fo;UITnuudl'd hv IllIll-Colldnctnrl'l, we l~xhnlf'

lells l'lll'honic acid, if t III' II tlll;I~JlIal'I": hI' cold, thall W 111'11snrronnt!ctl by cont!uctor.:. Hl'ncl' dcalel'l'l in lIlelnllicutellllilH conll\;mo \\lore food t!nrill!! tlap willtl·I'. A tmcYogi iH directed 1I0t to tOlldl IIIl'bls of lIuy description.Tt llI:ty hI' obR"l'vl'd tlud. ItrlwrJlatillg' :lllilllnlH al'c covl'l'cdwith lHlII-colHlllelors d11l"in~ theil' 11l1I~ hyhf'l'IInl 1I11'1'1'.Hence the Inol'(, w:ll'llIly \I'('-l1m dnd, ti,e Ic!"s is the'luall­t,ityof carhouic n(:id cvolvcd, aud t.I1t' Ie;;;;, cunscl[uelltly, isthe d<.-l1IalllI fol' filod.

Hirr.UENCF. 01" 'f1lF. nT:11\1\ nw OF CO I.11 WATEIl O~ 'I'll f~

'EX l'IIU:n AlIt.

Those who m'e nccnstomed to drillk Inr,!!p 'j1l:llltiti('s ofcold wnter, cxhnl.~ 11\01'f' cnl'hollic Ilrill thnu thoso whodrillk It lI11\llll lJullllt.ity of thl' 1illllid. A. Yog-i is 1'1'1'1111\­11\clllled to tnke II !'mnll 'j1wntityof watcr to '1lIl'uch histhi\;ll. 1 hllve knowlI n nntin~ to nhslnin nltog'dhl'r fr.)111watol', "lid to Il1nintnin sound 1lI'a11.1 , Ill, tho HlIllle tilill',


'l'lie lIRC of 1I1coholil' lirfllOl' Cltll:<C!l n eOIlf;jdl'mhle dimi·nution in t.he :I1l101lllt of l':ll'bonic nrill givPII 01lt. Till'A~hom.'l, llRl'rt of Hilll1l1 fnkh'l'l. cnnSllll\C a large qllnntityor alcoliolir liql1ol' ill 1.1If' ('OlliSI' nf till' 2.J. hl)lII'~.

('011lmclll.-Tlw Aghol'nl', 0)' Aghom Pnnthn enn IUlI'lll)' hefaidy compnreJ wilh 01' ('\"I'll be I'lIid to follow lilly rO!/fl ~p.tem lit nil, 110t, evcn the Hntlm Yogn. Thcy IIn~ 1l0tol'iOWlfOI'thr~it· filthy hnbils : enL 1'1II1'ion of vllI·iollS kill,I~, 1II1ll, ill olnysor old, W61'C ovell IICCIl5C,1 of Ilcvol1ri,,~ Jlllmnn f1e~h! Tlwseperson!! ('cI'lni"ly nllHlo !'pil'it.lloll!l lilJlIOI'R their )lIIhitnnl oll'illk,IIndl1l1liko ,'cal Yogi!!, ('XIOl'/t·,llIlms nllollll'edtheit' !'plt'11l ns1\ lllCl'(' 11I'('tcxt 1'01' lllllkillg' 1II0nl'Y. Hl'tlllcctl to n fcw lIIil"l'l'­

IIhlc an,) di!'guslillg wretchl'F, tllry WOI'O fiDnlly flllppl'es:,ctl, lIudhnn' 1I0W disuppem'od,-Ed. 'j'''.

lXFI,t:I~N<:I': O~· Wf,WIIT O~ Tm: EXPIREIl AIR.

1)01'il1l1ls wlin MC heavy ex hole 11I01'0 cltl'hollic neid thnnth'l!;C who arc C(l1I\parat ively ligllt. lIence the Yogis ex­t.,·nlllLtc their I')'stcm!l, rm~tmiu their pnssioll!', amI SllbillietlH1ir vicioll~ lIatI1l'('S, by It I'1U'RilllOlliolls lise of foutl. Ah!lti­IWllce flwollr!l 101lg','\'ity. hy dill\illi!'thill~ the waflte of,matter. With frngal fare, St. Alltlwll)' liVid 10;,) yl'nrs ;

,lnmes till' H('flllit, 1()·~ ; Arselliul', tutor of tlae EIII(Il'I'OrArctHlill~, 1to: Himoll the HtJlite, 112: anti ROlllllllld,I :W. 'I'h('se perRons took hilt, vcry litt.le fOOl!. Clls~inJl

IlHSllWfl liS t lint, tlln ('Oll\ll\OIl mtn, 1'111' 240 hOlln:, \\'a" I:!0llll('es 'II' hrend nlld :\ f'ltllidf'llry of PIII'P wnt,.".

011 1Il1nlysi:<, 12 1I1111(,l'fl of brp:\,1 will hI' limlllI til 1'011-flist of-

Water, 2:W4- (:rnin",( 'arholl. l.i:I.J., 101 d".f)xygCll, I ;i~,~ cllI.Hydrogl'u, 2M.. 2 tlo,N itrogl'lI, 12 clo.:-InIts, - 120 clo,

From tllc aho\'c IInnlvsis of the food of the fore-nlf'n­tiOlH,,1 Illng-li\'('d illtliv'idlloIR, it. appears thnt they 1'01\­

f;11l11t~d :t liltl/' mow tlllill ];iOO grninR uf cal'holl ill 2~

h~U1'f', 111111 that, t.hf')" respin,tI IosH than l'ix times IlI'r111l1111t{', 111' l>]llJwn by the tllble following':-

Abstillence dimillish{'s t]le lll111111er of )'('!lpirntiol\!l; it,lilllillifo;llI's tlte wnstn of hody ; it ]lIllllloleg 101lfTevit".'" .

:\ceorclillg tu the Hilldll Hil'hil', whaten'r pr,)lolIgll Iheilltcnnf (KlIIlIhllllka) prolllOtl'S 101lg-evit)". Tile '. telll\Klllllhll:llw 1II1.'IlIIS tile inll'l'vnl bl'lw.~rll 1111 illspimt.illll(1'(lrnkn) 1\1111 nll I~xpimtioll (I'('chnkn,) Th~ tenns P(ll'llka,Kllmhllllka, alii I Hedl:lka are fr("llIelltly met with ill 111­1I10St nil tllp fo;lll'r,.(1 writings Ill' the Jlilllills. Tllp ohi,~d oftile p(ll'llb. (tll(~ iuspirt'd nil') is I'lIlIcd Aprt 1111 , allil i.hat, oftIle rechnka (thl) expiretlnir) i;; cnlletl Pntu:t. The (,{,HR.'l­tion of all ,'xpimtioll ('olll'titlltcs dealll, and tile retclltiollof the Slln~~, life'. 'J'IJ(~ slIpl'l'c!l!lioll of expimtioll 1'1I11!lti­tlltes ])111 U uyii III II , n prndicc hy which the Hilldll pwt/'llllstil ac'plin' aRhtn.... iddhi (eight ('oIlSlIml\lntiolls), :1111] to ov"rl'01i1e dl'aHI. It i~ tile doily I'radil'/' of the Brnhlll:lll1I\I'I\dil'lillts wllo n....pire to hlllllall hyhPl'liatillll 01' YOg-ll,

COllIl1lf'1I1,-I1l1ll1nn Ilyll{'l'lIl1t ion hdOllg!l to tlie Yoga !I}'!I"II'm(l11I111111y he tClllu~,l oue of its mUIlY rl'~IJ1L;;, huL it calluot hoellllell .. YOf!.I1,"-Hd. Th,

The lltoppnge of thc rC!lpiratory IIIOVell1ent~ (Pnl II11)'11­IlIll), or rnther thl' pl'olongntioll {If Ilu' illterval (Kulllblm­ka) IlnJol It rcmarkllhle efli~l't IIpon t.he 'Iuantit.y of cmhollicacid in t.he expiroll ail'. VieTonlt. IIlIH IlInde finlJ' seril's ofI'Xpel'illll'lIts, ill 01'11('1' to ascertain tiae extellt ofthiH ill­t111f'1l(,'~ 111'011 tho 1(lIantit.y of (~arh()nie acid evolved fromtbe hlllg:<. III t.he Ilrst ~Nies. lit! :<b1l1 bis mlllltll, nlllilieltlhis 1l0S') 1'1'011I ~o to liO socj)lld~. t.hf' longllst pel'iod beeOl1M eOlltinlle tbe I'xlwl'imollt, :lIId t,hell made the ,)l'ep­pst pos.qihlo illspirntioll. III t.lle 1'('(,01111 ~eries, he 11\:,,1('the dl!eJ!l';;t illspimtioll possible, nlld t11C'n suspended fileI'c!lpir:dlll'y moveml'lIts 1'01' It 10llgOl' III' sll1J1ter tilll(', litthe tcl'lllinntioll of which he mntlc t1w deepellt (·xpimtion.This cxpl'rimellt he wn~ ahle to prolong to 70, i/O, nJuleven Jon lIccol"I!'.

III tllf! third lIerie~, he made an onlinlll'y inspirationhcfore !l1l!lpcn,ling' the I'espimtory movcment.'I, and nfterthi!l HlISPO\lsioll hnd cOlllillUCl1 Ii 11' Ilitl'01'ellt, I'minds lip t,n:10 sel'ollelll, Iw mOllc nil ordinary cxpimtioll. Tho 1'0\l1't Itseries llf eXp'~l'imcnts which he IlI?rformCtI WM tf) n~CI'T-


September, 1880.] THE THEOSOPHIST..~------- -- . ~ ..___ _ -0- •. _, __ "

tnill the period of timc, after tllC stoppngo of the respim­tory movements, wIlen the percentage of em'bonie acidbecomes uniforlll in the ,liftcrent parts of the InnCTs audail'; IIwl this, 110 fOlllld, took plal:t: after 40 sncol1lli:i~

Htl h:L'l lIl'l'anged t hn I'csnlts of t Iw first thrce serips ofexperimcnts, in several tables, ,~xhibitiug tilt! tlifli-relH'ubetw(!oll t)te percentagt) aud absollltt' qUllntity of cl11'b"uit:neitl gas ill the expired ail', at difli-rpnt periods nftm' tllllImsptmsion of I,he rt!sl'il'lltory lIlovprnents, uuder tbn cir­elllllstl\nCes lI1('ntioned, aud when the respiratory UWVt'­mOllts jJf4Wt!t,d ill the nOl'lllal J11IlHlwr. ] n tilt! tirst seril~s

of cxpcrilOtnlts, the percentage of t:l~rb()nic lwid in tho ex­pired ail', after the respil'lltory 1ll0VCIllCIlts had been ~lIS·

}lClulutl 20 secouds, WIL'l higber hy f' 7:1 tlmu whon tIll'S!'movements wure 1l0rllla!. But tile ubsolulil qnuntity ofcarbonic ncid evolvetl 1'1'011I tIlC Inngs had dillliuisbed Ity2' (j.j.~ ell)Jic iuchns, alld at till) 01111 of ;)5 sl){'Ouds its per­contage had increasell ~, ;12; bllt its ahsolute '!,lUlltity haddilllinit<hed to the extcllt of12' :Jk2 cllbic illcllt's pel' millutt'.\Vlwn tlte respiratiolls are 3 in Illllllber pl!r millute, tIlt~pUl'eontagc of e:trbouic Hcitl may IJtJ ret'kom~d ;,. K:l, alldthe absolute 'Iuautity of tlte gas in the ()xpil'e,lnir, ;)':1:1,++:1{,lIhic inches in a minutt'.

WllUn tllCre is hilt. O!W rospimtioll pel' Jllinllle, tlte pl'l'­('nlltagc of carbonic Itl'id in tllO expil't·tluir lIlay he rf'c:koll­r:d at fi' 42, I,m I tlw ahsolute quanlity nf I'arhouill ill'id,I' !);,)8I cllbic inches pel' minute.

]11 tlwsccOIHl series of cxperimcnts, wlll::ru tllll deepest.l'~lssi!Jle inspil'l1.tiou ]lI'ceed..d, allll the lleepcst possibln t'X­llll'allon followcllihe suspension of the rcsl'imtur,Y 11I0\'("

lnents, the above lluautity Ilft'arbonic acid "volved fmmtlae lungs till' the tirst 15 seconds, was stllllowlwt n1Un~ tlJallwltat dwm wOllldllll\'O bl!{m, lInd tltese 1Il0VL'nlC'llts 1'1'1"1~f'du:1. Rut lifter tltiH it, hegan tn diminislt; alii I wlwu tltt'l'f'spll'atory movements had het;1l sllspendeil till' no) seconds,it. was diminished to t hc extenl of I.j.· 078 clIllic indlcs,

.\.t the end of 100 sceomls tlte I'crcentaU tl of the earho.ItiC licit! was :1' OR above the IInl'llIal qWl~til.y iu ordinlll'YwHpimtion. In tltn third series nfexperillllmls, thc curbo­nie aeid iu tile expired ail' at the eml ,)f:lO SI'(;Ollds, was1. ,),);) per emit above the nOl'lllal '[uallt-it)', \Vhcn literespiratious wcrt: 2 ill IlllJII!wr per Illillllte, till- 1"~)'t't'lIllig-I!II/' I'lIrbonie acid in the t~xpirod ail' was il' /i;l, '

Tlte 1l00'llIal 1'llllllbN of rnspil'lltiolls 1"')' Illillnte i" 12:!Iw lLverage hl\lk of eadl cxpiration is :\0' rl EIlg"lislt I~llhi,~

II IcI IUS ; lIllIl the IlIlt'utal I'l'l'l~elltagn of l'arhOlli" a{'id is .j.'I,hy volllllw.

Fl'Om the above l'xpcl'illlCllls it is evitll-Ilt that the ah­solute llllalltit.y of carhollic al'itl evnlvc.1 1'1'0111 t.he lun"s illa, given tiuw, is less in ret.al'dell tlll\ll ill Ilol'lual ex),ira­1.1011, ant! tltat tlte perf~l'lltageof earhollic Ht'itl is grclltor illwtal'lll'd thall iu lIol'llial l'xpimtinll.

The exhalatioll of carbollic aeid 1'1'0111 till> 11Ilws is lnlite­I'ially dilllinislll!d by the illlllldibio allli fre'lIl(~lltI'cpl'titiollof certain words, slIch as (hll, Balll, &c, &c. '1'111, illall,l ihll'pl'lllluuciatioll of Om, the sal'red triliteral 1IIOIlosyllabl",dilllillishes th" absoillte 'lllnntity of cHrhollit~ acitl in tIlt,IlXpil'eti nil' of II given tillle. This constitllios till} Japa ofPrallilva (or (1111). Next, to abstillt)uce, Jtlpa mnks ill illl­p,ortan!,t). A Dalldl who repents Om twd I'C tltonHa 1111tllll':S cvery day, ill all inlllldible voicc, gtHlerallv li\(,:,;1I pnll It smnll tl'llllltity of ti)otl. '.

CUII/lllcllt-Thus wo nud iul his til'S I. pOl'lioll oflll/lTl'oaliso II filIIviudiclltion of the hlluils 01' tho Iliudll ascetics-ully thoso OVOIIof tJIO ChristiRu saints 01' C\'f't'y pel'iotl, f!'OIll tile til'st centul'ytloWII to 0111' OWII day~, ns we will pmve. Allil ht'llce the Illugh01' the igUOl'lllll, the sceptic 1I11t1 tho lIIaL~l'illlist lit wllllt seCIII!!1.11 tllclIl tlto lIlost uhsul,tl 01' pl'llcticcs is tlll'lIeil ugaillst Ihojokcl's. For wc uow seo, tltllt it' llll IIscetic pt'efcl's Il subtol'.I'lIIICUU CU\'c to the opcu fl'csh uit' j take!! (upl'al't'lltly) thc vow of~ilt'/wc uud IIlcuilal.ioll j rul'lIsc:; to tOllch mOlley or 1Illythill~

melullie j alii!, ladly, pusscs his days ill whut UPPC/II'S the IIIU8t1I1dil~I'OU;; OCCIlPlltillll of 1111, that of COllccutl'util1" hi:; wholll

'"tltollghts 011 tho tip of his IIO,e, 110 docs tllisllcil.hel' fill' t!tll8uk,! of pluyillg llIl uillilt:ss comcdy IICII' .ret Ollt ot' mel''' 1I1l­

rI'IISoIII.'" EUI'~I'.tilioll ))IIt 118 II plty~ico\1 diflliplille Imse,1 ou

slriclly seiclltilic pl'ill(:iplcs, Most of the thollSllIllls of' fukit's,gos"eills, hU)'I'lIgllis 1I1111 othel';; of the mOllilicllllt onlel' whot!tI'Ollg the vilillges alltl religious tid.':; of lllllill ill OUl' pl'eselllage, IIllly 1m IIl1d Ulldollbllltlly ure WOl'lldoss 111111 i,llc vagallOllds,lIiudt'l'lI c10WIIS illlilulillg tho gl'(.'lIt stlldellts of the pllilu~opltic

":!cs uf 1111.' pllSt. Alld, thcre i:; uut liule doubt that, thoughthey apo thc postures allll sl'l'viloly copy the tl'l\Ilitiollnl CU"IIIIII>Iof I heil' Hoblel' hl'elhl'CII, tlwy IIl1del'stllllllllO 1Il00'O wll,lf thoy 110 itlltull Iho sccptic who IlIuglll; at thelli. Bllt if we look dOH'I'II1tit" ol'igill of theil' ~chOQllllld study I'lItulljllli's Yoga nd!lfl­we will be l,ellel' uulu to Ulltlel'stmlll alld hCllce uppl'uciute, theil':-OClllillgly ridicllious JlI'Uctice5. If 1110 IIIICil'lItl:l wore 1I0t. liSwl'll vCl'st'd ill tlac details of plly~iology as IIrc 0111' playsicillllS ortho Cm'pOlllt'riall 1110.11'1'11 SOIIOOI.-1I qllestioll st.ill Sl/lJ jutlicc­they lIlay pel'llllps ho pl'o\'cil 011 the OllaOl' lUlllU 10 hllvc Ihtlaol11ctltllis seicllce ill Ilnothel' ,lirccLion hy otllel' IIIctltotls till'dCt!por thllll tllo I'm'IIlOl'; ill slaOl't to 1111\'0 1I11111c tlwmsell'lsheltel' llC'lUllilltCtl with it.s ot't:nlt lllld oxcqlliollal Illws tllllll weIlI'C. Tlallt tile IIl1cieUls of all ('olllllt'ics worc inlillllltl.·ly IIC­'(llllinled with what is tel'lIled iu OUl' dllys "laY(llloti~1I1" 01' 8l'll'­IIWSIIlCl'islltioll, the pl'oduetioll, in II wOl'd, of vo[ulltm'y trnnC'e­ellllllot be .Iellied. 0110 01' 1111111)' proofs is loulld ill thoHid tlllll t.lae SlIlIle mdlaOlI tI{'sc!'ihc,1 hel'o is kllOWIi liS II

fl'llditioll HI III pl'lldisl',l hy t!to Cht'istiall mOllk3 at l\loullt1\ I IillS o\'ell to Jllis \'cl'y tlay. '1'hNI', 10 illtlllCI~ " dil'illo \'i,iolls "COIICl'lIlt'ato ,.Iwil' t!tou:!h." :,1111 tix Iheir eyes 011 tlac lIavcl fill'laolll'S togelhel', A 11111111,1'1' of I:1I,,:,iall 1I'II1'cllel'8 testify to ~lIch

III' OI~ellpatioll ill IIw (:rcek ~OIl\'Clits, Illld IITiters of otlael'lIatiotllditics who Iaave visited Ihis celebrated hCl'lllilllge, willileal' out our 1I.';sel,tion ..... ,

I1a\'illg made c1cm' t.lais lirst pOilll, IIl1d vindicatcll the fIindnYogi:; illtlae 1I11l1le alltl IIPOII tlac llilthority of model'lI scicllee, wo",illllolV lcalt: llao fllrthel' con"itllJl1ItiulI 011 tlall ,'Ihjol't tn Olll'

uuxt lIulllbCI'.-Rti. Tit.

('1'0 he cOlltil/llft/,)

"- -+----

lLOW 'l'HF), P.ts'!' IS INDI.\.

IIY A ~IA1L\'I'lIl ,\IEnlt'AI. )"'N,

.The RItI'IlYaks, II seet ot't]H) ,Jnills 1.1' lwlia, fire in the'hahit, til ti\stillg' lllllllllllly dllrillg Ih" holy wpek tit Padwsall.Tile ti~.,t of I,he week is tlhsen'etl hy diltiH'e!lt persllns illSl!VI)!'al diHi:'l'lnd, \\'!IJ'H, Itt:l'tll'llillg' 10 tlte pnwel' nnn ilia)'pussess of ulldll ..illg it. The lcs.., piolls li\'e 011 ulle meal aday li,r tho \\'Ct:k, Olhu..s titst !Il1d I:at alll'rlli1tdy. ThtllllUrl) pious ahstain f1'OllI t;lod 1'0.. Olle, tltree, til'C, or eigili.days sllccesHi V"Iy, A vel y til\\', llncle)' it l'c1ig'iulls \'0\1" llllU I,lbclill'e :L priest, give Ollt as t.hei .. c1dl.· ..llIillatiou to Cllr..y 1111

the fast for thi ..ty days, pl'll\'i,bl till! stato of tlwir IIL'nithslloll"l permit tltc stllrvatiun wilbull! lL1atl, ..ial illjl1ry tolife. They p ..oceed by illstahnclIls, HI) as to tel'lllilHlte tllOfaHI at rt:gnlllt'~tll'lJI'iodsof' ti\'e, eight., tell, linlwn, or tWf'lItyda),s acconlillg' to ci ..elllnstalll'cH. Thost: who ddCl'lIlilie 011

a lllOlItll eOllllll('nl'e tlw lil!;t on Hill'll a dalt' tltat tile tllirtv­!irst tlay lila)' fall OIL tlte ;;tlt of Bllildl'npwlll, a dllY sacl':ld10 Ilu! Risltis nt' llll<:imd sagl's of Jtulia. Ou tltis day tholilst i" hl'ukt'll amI g'l'lld of hoill~d MoolIg" (PIHLo;eo]lIl:,>~t lingo) is eltosell for tlte break-lilst. This is iollowtld hya soft I'l\(ldiug' of witelltull tlOIII', alliIn SllHlIl qllantity ofllOilc" rice., lllltil I,lto llsllal diet. is J'I~sllllH'd ill thn llolil'snof tiftl!t'll 01' t WtJllty clays.

DII ..ing the tilst, boiliJd wat",' cnolt'd dowll, is takell {/Iflifl/'fl/III, to wltieh ill certaill I'a,o;l':'> SOllie illfusiUll oi ('hin't"is adde,! whell lHUlsell. alltl VUlllit,illg' OCCll .., ,)laily ahlll­liolls al'e lwrfol'll1ed, and a visit tu t.llC lOlliI'll' lliade rugll­lady as Inng' as tlte stl'lmgth pCl'IlIit.o;, A ti.'IIlUlt: dCVOtl',',a~tJd fi.lI'ly-nvt! years lllllh~ra fast, tur tllirt)' days is saill tilIlI1,vo plH'lill'lned Iwr daily ablntiolls, earryillg' a pitclter oflVat.C1' Oll hpl' head to tllU lempl,} ill the vicillity of 1101'IIOUSI~ witllout IIluch ettillt un IIt'r paL't. SIll! diet! Ih'I'llIo1lths afteL' the oOSl'rV:lIH'e (If t,lw tilst, of an attaek ..ftiWt~r, As a ('11 In, deaths d'l 1101.. 0('1'111' t!lIriug tire tiLS!.; bllta SIII'a\':Ik, ugod tifty-tlrl'('t\ Itas wit.hin his l'el:uJII!etioll "Wll

instlLllI't'>;, hot I. t,f 1i.~llIall~s. wllo died after t.lw fasl. of 1lrirlydays, witllill liftl'I!1l or t.\\'t'llty dltYs L'esl'.~('tiv('I)', Ilwlollht­olUy frol\l till' "'l;'d~ of stan'atinn.


:1 III 'I' If E '1' H E 0 R 0 P II TR '1' .----- ------" --.------:.;--- ---0:-" _.~_. -.-- --==..:~--

A case of nh~tinfmce t'xtclHlillg mOl' tiftY°l'igllt cia)'!! i"l011 I'coonl; lIlltl ill vip\\, of what Ilia)' be S'~PII lI1110llg tile.Jain 8hmvnkH, DI', 'I'allllOl", of l\lillncsota, in ncllie\'ing hi~

1~llty ,lap' l'ltlirmtillll, only pl'O\"'c1 thnt. in th" 1l111t~I'I".ofhlllllnn 1'11111111\111'0 whif'h has hp,m kllown alll"l1~ Al'llllt\l~<;

1'1"0111 time inlllwlllorinl-thnugh th" hlillcl I1l1ll groping­c1oPlors of EIII'ol'l' Hnd Al111'1'il'tl 111'1'''111' tn hnvo o"erlook,·dillI' tllct.

1·lad IIf' ,lptpl'Inilll·d 10 l'alTy on tho experinlCntlIntil life ('PM,·d, tlll' l'l,·ielltili(' intl,rol'll. would h,~ cpr­tJlinly O'I'I·/1.t, iuasllIuch as it, wOllld c1ctl'l'llliIH' the liwf,at I,::\sr in II singll' instanl"', of IllIl possihl .. dllrntionof lif.. withont. f01ll1 :\1\11 WlIlt'l' in a IIHllIlIl1 bocl) lolllh­jl'P1",1 to Sl'lf-" ille<l starvlltion. Alld it is to be borne ill'lIlincl, thnt lol"lf-illlpos(~d starvation with ROlliI' ohje.... illvi,!w, scil'llf,ili,' or r"ligions, nl1lst. dilli:'r in its I!flects fmlllin\'olllnt:lr, stan'atioll ,'ans,',l by eit hl~r disclIsf'. ship-"T,~ ..kor otlter (:irclIllIst:U\l'I'S, III til<' ono casl' cOlllplete rpstof lIIind is sl'('ured, pl'l'\"'nting ulltille wasto of tissllOS,wlll'l"pas in 1111~ ot111'1", tllt~ trouhll'd Illind IInll cflill'lH tilohtain luod (':\lIsin ft rnpid waste of ti~Slll'S, wOllhlmatulial.I)' 11:4,,,It·.. thl' liltOt'tPflllill:\tioll,


Ii. The following tahle sh,)\\'~ the 1I1l1l\ber flf cnsps.In'Hted, clln~d, 1lI1l1 not Ill\l'lHl and thl~ approximate t.illwr'~<J II ired IIJI' t.1I f; ell re!l,

TABU; No, I.

._._--- .._. ---,,.---...----------:--~--




Tlwsc results callnot hut he consid'Jrcd very !latisf:lctory.The ('nses mClltione<! ahov!' were rl'portcil Hi,lo tlte end of.1 IIIH'. After this, some ('ases lllt\'u I)('CIl1'1'el I. Tltp\, nrl'tallllintell helow as an ntldelHlulll to tlte first tJlbk. •

This table RIIf.WR a wry large IWl'l'('lltnge of ca!'c~ C\I[C.I.(If the X04 ('lIsel' t.rcl1tt'd, only 11 eas('s Iniled to w't relil!f.",hill! 70:1 ClISI!s" hnvc obtained relil'f frolll !'uf1i!rillg. 'I'hiRIlhows a pcre'olltnge of !1H,1l of the total cases which wPrOcure'd, ngaillst only 1,4 per cent. "I' ('USCS tlmt lililed,


!m. J


WhitellllknownNot etll'c',1



Pc/,/'rllfagcs of CII rrtl;

B1lll'k !l0.2(ltllPr kiuds 100.

Totn I !IS-Ii

J Jallck /';rorl'ioll, 1 I .. ... I .. , I ...~ Wllit.e ~Ol'l'i"lI. 40 :10 }O ...

I... ,10 , ..

:1 Other killtls. I

",. ~~

... ... .. ,

·1 Kiml not. kllllWI1 .. [, 2 .. ·1 ... I '; .. ,




,I I

1Total ......... :In 12

1.. .. , 48 ...



Tit/! total uf t he two ~i ves in nil fti2 Cfises.7. There is one point which I bclipve should hn mention­

ed ill cnnnect.ion wit.h these cases, and that is tJli~: AlthoHghtho root rapidly causes the pain ill tho lilllb or part stnllA'to disnppear, !'till in a f(ow cases thl! pain is locatell to tllPsting for sOllle tillle and it obstillatdy sticks to it for a fl'\\'hOHrR more, The npplication of t.he rubbed root f'vellsOIllPtimes fails to remove this locali?!'11 pnill : Hut this WM

"bsern'd ollly in sl'\'enty-eight ca.<;es, ("ide stntell1cnt. No.1 J)thnt, is, in about lIille pel' ('Pllt. of t.h,~ cases t.reated. Thofailnl'o Tllll)' he owing to want of pel'severance either Oilth'J pllrt of t.ho pntient or thc operator.

R As the root prodn!:t's such n~IIIl\l'knhle rNllIlts, it. is1l1'(,l'liSlll'Y t.bal. t.IIC lIalllO uf tlte t!'I!fl he IlIntll' knowlI.From u Botani'.'1\1 F;xalllinal.iQI1. of the plnlll which wng

)IAllF. TO TJIIo: IIAIlOIU (:on:n:OII::O;'l' IIY TIn: elll EF 1II1ml­

(·AI. o~'rl('~:1t or 'I'm: STAn:,

OFF/rI.. l/. R};POR'l' FPnN A seORP[()N

]'O/,'''ON .IN'J'f110TH.

III the month of Fchl'11l1ry 1/o17f1, a eNtaill root, reputt'd tohe IIIl antidote li.1' scorpion stings, WIlS gin·n to me hy 1{1I0

Unlllllim JlIlIIlI'Ilon ~lIkllllJ'llm (lndgil and 111110 offil'illll,rIlllnt for trilll hy His Ex('(·llclIc.y thl' Dewlln ~ahib witllllillmomo:datl'd the 21st, Febmary IH7f1,1lIldmlllorsellwnlNo. 287 11I\ll'd t.he 2/o1th of' the RnlllO 1II0ntll, This l'Ilof.ha," reeeiv"d n very fnir Ilwl ex!lmdl'll tl'inl upto this daf ..,1lI1l1 ns it hns shown wry satislilf'tol'Y rl'sldts, it se""lSd(!sil'llblo to publish th,~ SlIlIIe,

2. There al'p n thousand llllil onl' alltitlotl's fill' the ('III'C'of s('orpion stillgs, but. SOlllO of them an' not n·atlily I'ro­I'umble, llIlll othpl';'; whil'll can be prol'llr(',1 f1I' ""'~ at IIlllld ,do 1I0t gonol'lllly prod lice Iho wOlldl'rflll p.t1;'ds wllich 111'1'

(1I'III'rll11y attl'ihllted to thl'lli. This root h:l.'! Ilililly wl\'lln­tn~t's over slIch replltf!d llntitlotl'R illasmllf'l. II": (1) it is('nsily procurabl(·, (2) tlw IIlnlllH'r of using' it. is \'l'I'Y silllp'"(:1) it elill 1m I'l'psern'l\ for 1I long tillie, Illltl H) Iho l'I'~III1"

l1e<'l'lIing- thl'!'c.fl'olll al'l~ g'I'IH'j'lIl1y (If:t YI'I')' ~atisfi1f't"l'."

nntlln'.:1. The loot. ill (Jllestioll was se\'l'ral tillit's tril',I hy Hao

RalllHlur Jallanlall Sakhnmlll Gad~il he/on' it. WIIS brollghtforward as 11I11l1lt.idot", IIlld t.llI1S lI!'f'd flllhlid.r. Mr. G:\llgilwas kiwi ('1I1'llgh to lelld IIIIl SOIllO pieces alld I had se\,(~1'Il1

opportullitie!' of testing its efficacy. ami I 1I111st, in .iu!'t i(·£,tH tho mnn who first g"ve it to Mr. nadgil, confes!' that Ihad ve!'y spl,I"1ll nllY l'Il:\folOIl to hI' dissati8fil~d with its1'1'1'11111.....

.J.. Beillg thus illlprC'sSI!t\ with it•.; real cflienc)', HnnBah:Lllnr Jnllardan Sakllllrnln GadgilnlHl 11I)'Sl'lf thoughtof givillg it 11 Illore ext,cIIII",1 tJ'ial, alld ill vi,·\\' th ....,~ofpicI'<'s of the \'1101, wem Sl'lIt to all tllP ho!'pitnls and dis­pensaries ill His IIiglllwss's terri tm ii'S, wi t h instmct iOIl!'j;,r its nse ill rases of s('orpioll sf.ill~l'. Reglliar n·gisll!I'lolwere kept at. all t.h('sp illSt.itlltio1l8 lind 1I10llt lily I'BtllrllSwon' rlleeivpd 1'1'0111 nil. .Mllllyeases IlaH' Ue,!n repnrhHIhy tilt! diflim!lIt modicnl ofliccrs alld suhonlillntps. Astntmllent of thl'sl' cnses is lltt:\chod hcretl).

5. )<'rolll the stlltellll'lIt it wiII he scell that ill nil H040rlUH'S were tn~at.l'd with tlais root at t1J(~ s()\,(:l'lIl institlltiolls,'1'111' kinlls of I\{·orpion am al:;o nl<'ntiolll'cl in it and t.he('IlSllS have l)('t'n tnbllJatcd n.cconlingly. The I'hid' varil~o

til'S WI!I'C (1) th" hJaek, (~), the white, (:{), thp utllf'r killds,awl (4) thl)s'~ Ilint' were Wit knQwn.


~e)JLcll1bcr, IbbO.] ~I' H E 'I' H E 0 ~ U }J H 1 ~ 'I' • :n 7

Frolll theuseful piau t::lof JIIlI ill byColoucl II.Drury.

f';Olla.f';iliea,SuipitII de add.Cal'UOll i,~ Ilcid.

shown to IllC as yicldillg t1le root, I believc it belongs tutbe llUtural onler-Legulllillos(c.--


J1 iIllO.-IL'.

Botallical IHUIW, Sesbanilc Egypti<cca, Martitlli naille

~Ff~P.qF;fr qt{U ~'f{t (wLite sllevri without thol'lls.)

Gllzrut1li ti~m (StUldt'sri).( Tamil ifiTt~.n( (Karallchelllb:li.)I Malayal:un ~~ (Kcdungll.)

~ Telegu ~~jW(f (Huiminta.)

l~Bengali 'ct~lf(f1 (Yayijayanti.)Himli ~ (Jait.)Urdu ~cmilFf (HavlLseen.)

fl. There are two i'pccics of this, ( 1) llearillg ,l'Ilitetiowers, :tllli (~) hearill,({ yellow Howel'::;. (I) TIIl~ wllitu is

, of:! killtls, (a) thc root of tile one hm; a red bark aud tileinlier :;tructure of it is wllite. It is also heavy, allll tileflowers are smaller. This is not so efficacious as the ot lIeryariety. (b) The other IIll:; large tlowers. Tile root iscovel'ed with yellowish wldte bark a.llIl tile iUller struc­tlll'e is yellow. The 1'00t is lig1ltcI' dian tile lirst kind.This is most efficacious, both when fresh and dricil. (~)

'rhe ycllow :;pecies yields roots which are equally efrcctivewhen frcsh ; when dricd they arc 1I0t so efficaciuus.

10. As t1le root:; wcre indiscrillliuatl'ly supplic,l h."MI'. Natt)knr who origillally gave tllc root it was lIot pl'll!':­ticable to a.'lcertain tllC relati,'e value of each uf thelll illthe experimcnts above nuted.

II, The tree is a largu percnllialono witlllJlIt tltOl'IIS,witlt oulung linear obtll5c a litI cOlllpoulld pinnal.' lean's.Tltc lcaflets are frulll ten to eightecII ill pain; ; Howerslarge (w!lite 01' ydlow) ill oxillariz EaCCIIICS ; calyx th'edcft, in appelu'allce sUlllewhat like the fl.l\\,crs of the aca­cia; leglllllcs lillear, :;Iclltl,:r, lIluclt contracted lJetweclIthe scc,b.

12, Tile ruul of tlli~ tl'CU is tllc part that is ll:>,:d as llllantidote fur scorpiuu stillg'''' '!'IIU otltel' parts of the tn!I'arc alsu IIseful, l:spccially tlll~ lcaves, which arc usell asaJlplications in rhcUlllati'HII.

1:1. If, lIlay lll~ ,lc::;irable 10 llIelltiulI that .Mr. Nfitt:!wrhclievL's that th'c degree of efficacy depL'Illls alsu 011

tllc tilllU whclI tlill rout is cut uff frolll the tret'. liusays that the ruot sllOlIld oc cut wllcn thc SI11I bcgills todecline, say after :3 I"~I. H.~also cIIlIsillcrs that it is betterto cut tl.CIl1 Ull SUlltlays tluUl ull otlwr wcek dnys, In allSallskrit works it is advised tu Cllt vegetallics ill this way.}>erha)ls toward:; cvening the l'il"l:ulatioll of tlte saptltl'oughollt a:ll parts of a tl'CC is more e1lualized.

H. The root is cu t 011 t from the true 01' tiL!HC root~

into small pieccs abuut three or fom indIes ill IClIgtlt. Itis waslwd c1ClllI alld t11l.:11 used. Thl) 1II0dc of usillg it,although ,'cry silnplc, lIIay appear unsciclltific. Passes an:1Il111le with thc I'uot frulIl thc cxtrcmc parts of I he budylip til wllich the )laill llIay have cxtcnded tu tl.c pmlwheJ'C t lit} scorpion ha.:; illtlicted the stillg. Tit,· rouL:;llOlild Iii: lIIoved sltl\\ 1y over the ,tlrected part. wi tit "liecnd directcd dOl'll: to tllo skin uf tla'l part, hut not 101\ell­illg it, lmy ahu1\t onc-t;,urth of 1111 inch dist:llit frutu till::mrfaee uf t.lll' illt.'_'gIlIllCIlt, Hevon;'J IKISS!'S silolliol Ilot Lenlllllc. After a fl,'w lIIillUtcs' pm,sus, tlte l'llill ueclHIJes 10­l'lIlizell to the spot WItI'I't~ tJw stillg is illtiided j tlte rout:;llould tllcll Le Ilcld liver it lilt tIle pain ,Iisnppcars.

I ii. If thc paill at or IHJar tlte sting' dOllS Ililt disappear01' lessell :;oun, till' root \lIay he rubbcli with water 011 II

lilli'll sub::tallcll lIud a slllalllJuallt.it.y of it appliutl overtbe Stillg', If tltis sllUllld tausu tlte paill to spread tllrou~'1t

tbc lilHO ur part stUIIg, instead of ellusing it to disappe~r,i ~ shollld hc got rid of by lIIenllS of the passes of tlae rootdescribed abovc.

I Ii. III very :;evere L'ase~, an hum i:; rC'l'lired to brillgdowu tlae paill to tbe part :>Lullg alld Ilcllcc perscverancciii l!eCessary, Luth Oil till' part uf the ]1,-'rso11 stlllig alltl the

pel'lSOIi making' tbe passcs. SonwtillJe:; wilen the rootgets dricd, it 1:lils tu prodnce till' Ile:;iretl resHlts. It :;ltoulll,t1wrufl/rc, be lIloi:>tened bet;JI'(; hcillg uMed.

17. Tlae 'litO/Ius opn'lIl11li, of tllis ruot cannot at tllisstnge of in<Jlliry IJe thoroughly cxplained. Physiologyallli 'l'hempeutics IImilltaili that tile actioll of Illedicilialagents al ways takes place on the 1I\III1an eCOllomy througllthe bluod wllctllcr tlaey arc uscil illtenmlly 01' upplied 10­I~alty, ill whatevL,r forlll tho mcdicine Illlly be usc,l; uutthe modc of actioll of a drug as describctl above is notyet reL'ugnizcd, atlll IlClice it lIIay llppear tu tlae pl'Ofes:;iolito be agllillst lite kllOWII facts of seieuce, But whateverllIay bc said uf thi::, it is '1uitl~ ccrtaill that it producessatistiwtury resliltS. Olle additiolllli fact llIay be lll'rclIuted. \VlwlI tlte root is Imlllgitt lIeal'el' the skill of tltcatlectetl part, tile paill is intensified allli a scusatiojl is feltas tllllll,({h SOIlIC dischargc is takillg placc tltl'lluglt tllUpart. Tltis sensatiou is Illssellctl as soon as tlte distauecbetwcL'n tlte rout allli the skill is iucrcasl:d.

] H. I havc cOlltclltctl myself with tllll statClllcllt IIffads :.s fOllud by cxperilucllt:". Tltu ratiuuale 1Illlst bedetcrllliuetl hy tlto pl'ufcssiulI, Dr. ~halllsuudill .J. ~ule­

Iliau Itas becll gUild l:lIough to anal,Yse thc l'lIut alld to COlli­llIunicntc to lite tltc resllit. Tltc follu",illg substallccsllaYC becn fOlllltl iu it :-


Fluul'ille lieCIIIS II) be Hli Ullllsllal dellll:llt ill a \'egulallledrug. Hc Itas also perto1"llll'd IiIlIllC I'XpCrilllellts witll theroot witll n "icw to ascL'rtaili whdllt'l'it }J0"scs...;c:; auy.dectl'ic ()]. UHtglldic prtlpcrlil':', alld ba:; CUIIW to tllC l'UJl­e1l1sioll that it mauifcsts neitlll''''

1fI. J Itave Ilad oeca:,ioll til treat about. a 111I11111'etl ca::;estHyself witll the 1'001, :tlltl iu Oldy two of t1llJ ('asos I 101lllliit tilileti to CUi'll.

20. Mr. Undgil's upiuioll abollt. its actioll is equallytil\'oll1'llble. I t is attaclted herdu.

:?I. Tltel'e arc SOIlW l'UIIIIIIUllil'lltiow; 1'1'IJ111 ditferclltplJl'SUUS abou tits etli,:acy. ('opiL's of tlJesc arc ,lUadwlltu this paper.

~2. SOIllO }leopl.· say tlmt tilL' )"odief trllnl I'aill Ilia) bcIllIe to tltc etfcd of ililagiuatioll. and thnt allY uther ruut',II' allY utlicl' .... 11 bstanl'c used ill a silililar way lIlay I'rlldll'~c

the salllc results, This is lIIet hy t IIC 1:ld tltat routs ortile :;lIl1llJ variety, but not of the s:u;w species, failed I,ll cUedallY CIII'C alHI tlmt othL'1' roots used sil'lilarly also I:lilec!.

~:l. Witlt t Itese filets allli u1lsCI'\'1I tiuns J place tltc I'ootuetiJl'c tbe professiou allli tllC 111l~Jlic.

24. I hopc tltat those who will usc tllis rllOL will r1lYOIII'

lIIC with allY oLsCI'\'utious that lIIay OCCIll' 1" thelll.

(~ig'ned) BtL\WIIA~J)ll.\ KIlISIIl\A.

BIII'IIrlll, JUt/l _oj U,/lH8t, JS::;().~ly eXpel'iellCC uf till: rout wllich elll'es tIle :'COl'piOII still'"

elltil:cly accords with tllo I'CSlllt.", lII'rivtld at hy Dr. Hhaleltall":"ra. Up to tllis tillll', 1110\'1} (,llall t;'1I1' IIUlldl'l'd eaSt~M IIll\cIIccn elll'Cllat IllY IllJus,', und allllllst 'l\'CI'j' day lIew patiellts'~llille ill. Tllo avcrage tillll: ,If cnre is Italf all 110111' frulHtile CtJ1lllllClwelllelit of tlH' pllsses. I rl'coJiud 110 (~asu otpositi,'c failurc, the t'II"': h.·illg' uIIly a C(ue:;lioll of tilllu.HOl1Je uhstillate cases taxe,lllly patiellce or Ilmt. of IllY IIWII

1;,1' aount all hOllr llllli a IudI.' uacla, hilt therc WIlS alwaysSlll'l'ess at tltc elll!. lllltllltallY a pat.i"lIt tllat CUIlIU adllaliynyillg wellt away Sillilillg. I Itad ol;casioll tu tcst tJllldticaey of tllc 1'001. ill Illy 01"11 pel'soll, for I Illlll a ,o;o;,jl'piOIlstillg laldy. Tltc paill :5oon diminislled 11I1111'1' tlte pa.o;sesalld was localized in tlte WOlllll1 ; ill ahuut Iml!' all 11IIUI' II:ollitl l'eSUllle 1I1y otfiec wOl'k. (llle tllillg' is wOl'th lIotillg­wllercas tltc s(~ul'pilln sting pl'oduced all illtl'lIsc hlll"llillg'lWllsation ill the part stI1l1g', tlto pmiSCS by tltc !'Oot Itad tllUetl'i.!ct of pl'odllciIIg a l'cl'eeptihly cuul sensatioll ruund aouuttltll :)tillg' II:'; a preliminary tu tlte cxtiudivll vi" tht: l'\\i11 ill


'J' Jl E '1' II g 0 f4 OP H J H 'I' • [Heptmllbel', '1880.

Di,'. 1'.A.N~rJ~·R .1XlJ TJ[H VE DZe DoUl'JUNH,llJl)f]J' FASTS.

the Wlllllldcd p:trl. It i~ fOl' t.lIC M"dieal Pl'Ol'psHioll to :11'­

';('rlllill tlll~ ·,,1.• ,,1/,:< "l'k.';'(!lI'(i. l.t· tile :Llltidutl'.I H'!lIlthe alltidotc to Ille Il'lHlill.~ uttieen; alld ulll(,l~ ill

this ci ty. alld IIl\\'e rcceivn.1 replil.:s hU11I JlIllst of thl!1llahullt t~h,~ir expcricllcc ill thn IlIlltter, wllicll ...;plies I hIm'Sl'lIt tu l)r. B11111ch:Llldra, Ollly two of tlll;m SIlY I.hal t.111')"

did 11111. tilld tile rOll! elli'~a,~iulls. wllnrcas all oth"r8 I"sli(\'to its gTPakl' nr lelis ctli'!:Ll:'y. I';\'ell these I wo CIIS"S. ofII.iI1lrl'- nrn Ilsnflll, lor tlwy dispf'l lhe idea 1.11111. thn clII'atlvl'virl.llI! is lIul ill t.hc rout. hilt ill tll'~ paticllt's illlllgillaliull..\ had or II "err 1,1.1 I'II"t filils tu died C1Ire, bllt a guod allolfresh 1'001 is fUlII1l1 tu rdil'\c paill ill a rcmarkably sllurttillll'.

( Sd.) J,\:\.\lllJ,\~ :-:,\KJI.\HJ\ 'I (:"IIUII ..


lin' lIut ablc tu rccoll.!d tile V('t!as., Follow )11\' llt!\,il;e 1I1111

,villi will ngaill kllow l'\'l'rythillg. 1'011 sllO;J1d 1l0W n"COIIIIIIl.'IIt'e to ..at." TIll! SOil did 1"0, IIl1d then IIgain IIp­prnael ...d Itis fatllt~r. The fatl ...r n:<kl.'tl IlillJ tu re\,<,al. 111101

'_'x\,lnill IIII! Hig\'f'dn. .\:1'., Iln,l Iw di.1 repeat and l'xplaillcn'rything tll:1t wm;' askl·d. Wht'reupon the fatlte'r l':liolto h:llI. "l lit 1"011, just as wh"l1 the gluw-wornl.lik,.~ eillberOllt. "f tile large tire WIII'1I fed hy (dry) gras;;. glows ngaillillt" n Inl).('.' tire llIHl is tlll!1I ahln tIt bnl"1l II gl'l'at d..td, illtIle SllIllelllallltel", one Oll~ of .rOil l' sixteen de.~rces was stilll'xistill", 1II1l1 wllell it was fi~d 1Iy liJull alld tltliS IliadI.' tilI-(ft>\\'. )~JlI th'.'n could n'('ol\ect tl ..~ Y('lbs. Thlls tltell. 011son. thl" milld cOllsists "I' /(lo,{, the pni1Ut or t.1t .. vihllbreatlt of ,,·of,'/·. and Ih'~I'(;I.~ 01' tltc organ of spl'l"l'h of,;,·,·...

.\H Dr. Tallner hilS 1I0W fillislll'd Ilis self.impost!d onlea],Ill' will probahly Id Hie world \()lOW wlletlter lin tf\llllCl his1Ilelll"I'y 01' "thl't' nll'ntal lilclllt.ie;; impaired 01' lllleet,!d,alld wl;dl"'r Illl li'"I1'! il. IIc('eSHnry to drillk watt'I', &1'.-

--+- ----.

IIr IIA" n.\IL\lll"lt .1.\:\.\1111.\:01 ~. U""(;(I., 1,1 .. 11 ..

~\IW IIlat J)r. Tallllel"s filrt." days' liist is excitillg' pllhlicallellt.ioll ill Alltel'ica allo! E1Ini1H" it may /lot be illll(l\,or­LIIIII' to Illltie.~ tlll.~ "I·die dodrillo on till; SlIld';ct or thocapahilit.y lit' till' lllllllall l)IIdy to belli' titst. alld tlte t.Iw())'."11/1 whi.·h it js lilllllded. III the t'hlllllldo~tY:l lJpalli~lmt ofthe Slllll\'l'da, sixth Praplll.haka, there is a dialoglll' 111:­twel'lI H\'l'lakt'tn alld Ilis fatlll'r 011 tlte slll~icct. Th.:li,lI',willg is a frel' rl'"derill.~ of it.. as l·xplailled hy Sltllll­karadlo'irya ill his BIlllsltya Oil tllc Upolllislllll.

TIll' fatlter says to the 1'011-" Till' food whidl a hllllllllllleillg' pats, beeollle:-l trall:-lliH'llled lifter \'Ilriolls pl'uecssl'sillto tlll'l~e snbst.a/lces, "i7.., tile IlOa\'il'sl. pllrt of it. Lpellllll:s,,,.,.,..•• thl~ Illiddlillg part of it 11l'mllles,/1'c,.h, :111.1 the lIicl'st'part of it hecomes the 111;1111. Tile water wlticlt is drllllklll'COIIlI'S trallsforlllcd illto t.hrpe subslallel's. "i7..• tlte III'a,:i­cst part of it hl'('IIlIII'S III·i,ll'. the midtllillg part. of it. be­COllies M,""I, alld the II il'Pst I'll rl of it be('ollll'S till' 11l'Iillll,that is, the "ital hrpat!t. TIll' s1lhstall('cs ill whil'h thel'll'lIlellt of fire pred'Jlllillat.ps, slldl IlS oil, gltel!, &"., Wltc'lItHkl'lI illto the 1III II H1I I S'ysl.l~lIl. hecollle trallsfi'l"Il1l'd illtotlm'l' slIhstnllCI'S, ,·i7. .. till' Ileavil·st. part of it ht'l'ollJes tilellllltl·.• the IIliddlill<r part 01' it lJeCOllIl'S the 1''''';11, alld tIll!lIicest: pal't of it ~UIl\l'S tile ",ik ur thc Ol'gllll of ='pl!l'C1J.'I'hc... .furl'. ()h I"UI1, the milld COllsists of fi,ud, till' }I)'(illl/,

or viLal breath. of water, alld t.11l: "Iik, or olgall ot slll'cch,of fin·... Thc 1'011 SII\,S :-"UII filt.hl'r,l·x(llaill tIll' Hallll~

Il'raill hy :111 illnstmt.io;I,'· 10 whi"h the lillher t.lllIs rl'plit·s...:" .Jw~i. IlS wlllm tile Clll'li is dlllJ'lI('d, the lIicelit. part rispsup all,1 hl'l'Ollll'S h1ltll'r, Sll till! lIieest part of tlte fi 1111 I",lli"h is l.'al'·11 rises lip (is HllhlilllHtucl '1) alld h('eflllll:s th'lJllill'!. Till' lIiel'st part uf tllll water whiell is drllllk. risl's111' alid IIl'l'III111'S the JIl'"lIa UI' vital hreatll. Tllc lIiCl'l"1uf those Illillg-s ill which tIll' ,,1('lIIelltuf tire pn·t!OIl1innte,.;rise;l "l' allli hel'ollles l'(;~. ur Ihro urgall 'Jf sl'('celt. Tllen'­fore. 011 SOil. tll(· 1IIi))(1 ,~ollsists (If liJ041. tIll' }H'tl"n ofwatt'r, lind t.lte ·l·.~k (If fire." '1'11(' SOli sa,)'s :-" Explaill,Olt fatltel', tlln $UJl(' slIl\ied still fllrther." '1'111: liJl.Jll!rtltl')'ellpoll proceeds :-" TI,is lllIlIlan beillg Itlls sixtel'lI'·Ilpa('iti,·g 1)1' dcg-rccs. wllidl WltX III' Wall(: Ill·c·ordill.g- aH till'milid n·n·in's strclIglll or i", dCl'ri\"l'd of ;ltrell~tll h~' tl)(~

aeeessiflll or thl' del'l'i"lItioll (If lite lIi(,t'sl 1':'111 of eatellli)(Jll. If yOIl wallt tu kilO\\' tllis h." IIrtlllll f;xpl'rit'II1·l·. take110 food Ii II' fil'teell Ilays. YUII Illay drillk watel' liS 111111'1,liS )'011 like: as till' ·JII'I/iHt or the yital hll'atlt "ollsi,;ts ofmlft'I', ,)'(111 will die if ,)'011 do 1101, drillk wIIII'r:' Tltn snllIw,;nnlilllT]y ate 110 j:lod lill fiftl"!11 dan;. IIlld ull till! six­tl'lllltli ,tty. he apprullclll'd his tilth c';·, ntlll said" Wltat;lltllll I say IIOW!" TIIP falher said-" Hcpent th,; Hik'fajll. ami SIIIII Vedas whidl yOIl Imv,! stlldied." '1'11(' SUIIsai:I-" 011 tiLtlter, I dn lIut r('t'fllleet t.hclII:' Tlte fiLtlt ..rthell sai,1 to Ililll-H .fllst nsagluw-wonn-likeelllher, wltich1'l'lImillS uut. uf a large tire t Itat Wail killdled. is 1I0t. aull! tohllm lIluch ill that state. HU ullly one out of the sixtecnLlegTues of yuur millt\ i8 1l0W rl'lIl1linillg, ltlld, thl'rdol'e, yuu

Till': 1IC1~()Uln:D llABU l'~:AHY ('''.\XU "ITTltA. r. T. l'l.,

of t'nlcuthl. has scnt 1\>1 a cop" of Ilis lall's! p1\b!imtiulJ,II trad. Learillg the title of"" 'Slray Thonghts on Hpiri•.tllaliRIIl:' in wllich ill his pecllliarly sllccillct 111111 lIe1"\'OIlS:;t.):I? hI' ltas c\,itomi7..I'.1 mlldl 1\sl'f1\~ illfo!'nH~tioll "llon tlt.~lipmtlllll part IIl1rl life of man. 1< "w lorcIglINs III\'C 80pcrfect It "ollllllllllli of idiollllltic English. a1111 few IlldiallsItlln~ Illbolll'l'd so 1{J1ll{ :IlId devotedly to fall tlte embcrs ufl'alrilJtic 1".'l'ling ill tile Ill'arts uf tlteir conntryllll'lI. WeInke it nl" n higll f'Olllplillll'lIt tltat Itt: sltolll.1 say, aH hedoci'l ill tlti;.: pnlHl'blct, tltat 0111' IIInga7.inc " shuliid he readhy ('v ..ry ltativc of I IHlin. liS the objcet' of tllll Theosol'lli.c;11 SocielY i;.: tu unfuld t.lIC ltidde;1 tt'ensl1l'l':' of 1ndialllitem 1me:" .

---+-- -'-

llA \'111 I':. T>lInJ.I~Y. Esq.• ~,. II., A:\ A~"mJ('AN l'IIYSIt'JAN1111;1 SlIrgl"lll of Hhilit~, Illll! Icarning, amI a Coullcillor ofthe Thcoil0l'hit'Hl Society, who has recently t-akl'lI "l' hisrt'si.II'IICe at Bombay, all,1 who clllltributed to our AllgustlIumber 1111 illt~rcstillg plll'er Ul'0ll Solar VOICIlIIOCS, lilts1\('''"11 a 1~"lII'l1e of illustnlll·d h·durcl" 1Iplln the 1IIIIIInllE,~., hefllm the Bowhny Brnllch of 0111' SCll'idy. Theil;t.rodlldory discourse was eXf;l'l'dillg-ly illt('I'('iltill~. Dr.)Judie)' iil II .~nllllll\tl' III' tile NI'w York Ulli,,('rslt.)' alllit.lle Npf\' YIII'\( College of I'h)'sieiaw~ lIlIll Surgl'oll::, two ufth'l Illost I'alllous HlllOlIg AIllerieall sclIHols of lIJ('dieine lIlHlsu r"cr\'. At tIll' laUI'I' III; was a fellow sluclellt with thehlll~'lIied Dr. J)ooliult·.

- --- ~-Wf: ,\ltt: INDt-:IITEll TO 'rill-: KJSDSFSS or nAI.\·ASTIIAu

Villa-yak Hhastrep. Esq., Ill' Shasl.n·,~ Hall, BOIIJ!tllJ, 1'01' thefllllowill" illten'sti",r ;:,,.fml'l (mill 1/". ('I"·lIlIlIloqi,·al.(1IIlIllt'rll) 'litlJit·.'1I!f fD RIII·!I,.l"JI():dit~ Met1'o},iJiifl/'/Ia, ()abi­lid Edilioll IIf 18:,7. I'Hg'l) ;;H!l.

"'HI.J..• - •• " " f "

All Arahillll pllilosol'her at Bn~l:iom Lmlli;llllltes. 11)' IIICllllSof a wllite powder, frolll mell.I',1 pistol hllllel!'l illto a piece of,~old. of the same weight. 111111 "allied nt. lIillct)' piastres,ill the I'rci'lcllce uf M. ColqulwIIlI, Aet.illg Residellt."

_ _ _ .- ~. ---- --~ .,---_.,--Pr. 'I'nllncl' ,Ii,l 11.'1) w:\tCI' thl'''''j{ho"l his IUlIg fnst ... ED. '1'11.

'l'AIJLI': 01" ('O!'\'('ENTS.rall~. I I·age.

I hll' :;"c('llCl Yenl' :W;, The ')eco"IlJ"lWc "r 1·1"t.e"t-Tiel' ~I't.·;ul of Bnol,lhislIl ill alit Chl'istinuily :lofl

W('"I.'rn C'lllllll'iel' ...... :!!I(i XolI'l' (Ill the );e"J Malllr:L". :11l!1"\']I1,.,.,,,,,,r the l'l"t'l'i,ll'lIt or Al'trology :110

t.l1O 10llinll 'l'heos"l'ldell) Slmw-lfll'o\\,illg l.y .lS\,il'it ·' :110J:mlll'h al Corfu 2117 1'111111J1'1' Se\":11 :\111 0111'

[llangllm) Adolress hefore ;';o('id,y :.l11tI.l' 1111111111,)' TheusoJ,hical A Tn'aliAe 011 the Y"ga:-!,.:idy 2:11l Phi IO~()l'hy :112

A \\'m.h'lI (/,.1 :l.Il How lhey flL'l1 ill Illuill; :lluThe ~h',]l1l of Jlollnlll' :\(1:1 Otlici..) r~"ort 111'011 II &"01'-

Xnll!:n Bal,aof(;walinl· :l04 "inu puison lllltil1ulc...... :H6PlI1.zlcR f"r till' J'hilulogistR. :llIi, Dr. Tauller 1I11l) the VedieHn""~~~l.~~Htioll~_.:.:::.:..:~~~. _ !lll{".!E~!!bou~~n~l....~~S

I'lintell nt tho I .."".1";" l 1','''' by 11. Cur"oljco & Co., AIllI 1',,1,lhiho,1 bythc'l'hcl'80l'hicnl Socicl~', III No. 11)1'1, Oirgnum Bnck non,I, Bombn)".



PAUJ:: 1'.\Ur.

A.lmircr. An (of the Mallras Yogi Sahhapatty Swami) 14;')Admircr. All Engli~h (of the late Brahmuc1lllri Dawn) 50Allgllliram Shastri. Sri 117Bal Shastri. Pandit...... IHBllllnclji, Nobill K. Babu.................................... 12:1B.lllilcr of Ligllt.........•.................•.............•... 222Barada Kl\nta Majumdar, 17:4, 2HBates n 27, 12f1Bhagwandas ManmollUlIlla:l .•...•.....•...•...•.......... 17MBi:lvas Aulfitlal 27HBla\'lltsty H. P. 1M, 40, ITl!}, 1(j2, ](33, 170, 224. 277, 27!1Bmiunacllllri Bawa, the late, 23(;, 24713nck E. • ... . .. . .. :!:l.iBUlldhi:lt. Au Indian...... 20llulwllnt Tritnbnk 4(;Chandan Gopal,............................................. 2;I(iChhatre Nilknllt K 70, 20;JUOlllluis8ionctl Military Olticer :UH1). K. ~l.................................................... !IO. IIHiDatloba Ill\llliurung, Rao Dalll.l.llur, l:H, IX:l. :21 1, 2.J.SDalvi. Dinallllth Atmanllll, 2.i] )a)'Rllallll Samswati, SWlIIIli, U, (jli, l;j I))e. Aluritalal, llabu, IM'~])e~llInllkh Gopalrao Hari, Rlo llaillulur, 212, 241iI)udley, D. E., M.]) 2M!1Editurial-], 2, .rj, 7, k, 2;), 2D, 30, :12, :1:3, :U. :4;), :m,

42, 54,57, 5l'l, (jO, (j2, li5, G(j. 77, 7f1, I'll,M:J, 84, MM, 9:1, !I."), 100, 101,10:1, 1000, 107,10X,IIl,I17, 110,125, 131, 132,13~137,BO, 142, IH, 147, 150, HII, 11;:1, 1li5. IGli,17M, IMO, UH, IM5, IH7, lX!J, InO, WI, l!W.109,202,207,212.214,2IX, 220,221,222,22:1, 22(j. 22M, 2211. 2:10, 2:12, 2:l:1, 234, 2-l0,2·~ I, 2-l2, 25"". 25H, 21iO, 2Ii., 2(j2, 271, 27:1,277, 279, 2M:l. 2~H, 2M!!. 2!J2, 2!1."), :Wll, 298,

. :301'1, :lOH, :n 0, :111:E-A-Cullllt I(j(j, 200Etl'cndi, A Turkish......................... 1;")2E.I·wllilttr. Uolumho (Ccylon) 2H8F. '1'. S.· 31, 4-l, X~

Fl.I.lleycf N. A. HCI' Excellency,..... :u;Flallllllariun Ualuille 174J.'OI·estcr :i2, (/;1tlllligil Jawmilln Sakimfillll, }tao Baillulur......... 6~, :111'1Oi1'lllmrlal. Babu 117Gordon Alice 100Oracias 111. 20.")oray. Ih·v J. 1"'1(hIlHlIIllIHlc. He\". Moltuttiwllti 4:4H. H. 1) 1114Holbrook ~l. L. ])1' 2;,.JIIgusllll, U,,1. It. U. :lIrJ,Iclih"t:~ky, V. P. • 2"'3, 271K. P. Boo 71i, 2;1(;K. VCllkatu !'\arasaya 23:1Kallitkar I :O\'illd, 'V. 14o.j.Kirby, \\T. F 2X.")Lawyer. A Hillllu 17(jLycskof, Nicohut 2-llJMalll~ry. Garrick, Colullel 1;")71tlurtin, I).~. . 21'1UMallsey, C. C (j:4, 1:37

~tedical Mall. A Maratld :1I:i)Iedical Officer of tile Baroda :-:ihl.te :llliMc1moth. Tllc 'Valltlcrer.................................... lIt1IIitra, A., 222Mitra, ASH '1'osh, Bahn 2K.j.Mitm, Peary Chand H;, '1.XO1Ilitrn, Pralll/llla Dasa 13. I'IHMoses, 'V. Hlailltoll ] !1MNaoroji, ])om~ii. K., Klul.n BalHllillr 19,,", 274-N lIrlll:ulashallkar LalslulIIkar .....................••..•...• 20!1(Hiicer. A RHssiall 7:1Olcott, H. H Illi, H:I. 21 :1, 221, 2(j4o , :10:1}l. ••••••..•...•••..••.•..•...•••••••.....••..•.••.•••••••••••.••• :!:;P. 1'. 'fCrllllllnSC, Rev. l!JlIPalish.all, Soral~i Jalllllspji .. I :l:iPillatllli AIHlt'ew, Dr. :11>Pllntlit. L\ Nativc 12Pall. lit Shallkar PaIHI Hrail';, Hao Bailluiur ")0, lillPalldits. Thc Society uf Benare~ 201, 2l'i!lPUlldurang Oopal, Dr. . 74, I B, I liH. 237, ~li7

]lal'avastu Vellkata Rallgacllaria, Arya Vara 1:111'11, :-:il'i. x7Pllnii. A yOllllg ;, IPasquale ~Iellclall 2117Patriot. An ] luI ian 11:JPatvanllllllla, V. It. LiXPaul, N. C :11 ~

j'iolll:er :H7, 2!12])nlrtltaua Hlllllaj. A lllCIUbc .. lIf 0 2.).)

]'·llrk............................................................ I (illItl~jlL A. 'l'ht:llSOphiHt of HCligal.. 2:1OUaja HyallllL Hallkar Roy llaluulour :1011Halllclml1llra Bapuji J:ullmv Pu\o llil :lO:iRam Das Sell, Habn (j;i, 2:1.j.Hllln ?llisra Shastri I IiI;Hattan ChilI Ill, Lalla Afi, 17.)HrNyio /'/,iloJ(o/,/,iwl .JlII/I·lIl1l ~............................. 1U4Hoy:d Gcographical Sucicty. A Felluw of 20 I.H. J.l) l]~. IH'lHu.lliurallll Bralllllo HallHlj, ~.");;

Hliklu\r.llIl Arj!l\I. Dr IKliHlllllartillulall. M~III1:ihi lIXHlIl1Ilyal Kl'i~IIIIlL I 1111 ra, BaLli l:WHllllkdhllr, B. P. 170Heervai Khal'licdji N. .. 1 17. I :140, IIi."), 17ll,W:I, :?!lHSlIlCnlis, lIilllll'iulI !I.)Socoli~, I). H. .. 220Strong, D. M., Ml~jor, 2:4\1, 21'1:iSlIlIlallgala, Itt. Hev. H. .. 4-:1. 122, 1440, 211SIIII. N c/O Y'u"k . 1!17Snrya N arayall. Paluli t. 201. 2'ri7HWllllli. A....................................................... lI2Hycll .MalalllllOll, Esq ·Iao'1'c1ang Km;}linath Tt'ililbak 71, 'rin, 211:1'l'elllpic 'Villialll I:lfi'l'1'lIth Sccker Mli, 270'!''''el'ctclcf A... Prillce 2:10Willicr Alexal1llcr lO!'l, 21M'\"illlbridge, E. 2liWyld George, M.I). (Edill.) 21:1Yat'kel' J olall . . 11"ZahcJ·Le\'y,Prufes:;or • . .. . . .. .. 171






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Opillions of Leadill!! JUUi'iWIIJ.

" Thill monumcnt.'1! wOI·k .. * .. about e"crythiug l'elatillg tu lJIagic, 1JI)'ster)', witchcraft, rcligioll, spiritnalislU, which "'ould Lo\'aluaLle in all cncyc!opcdia."-Xorll• .Amer/cait ReV/"II',

" It 1J11I8t Le IIcknowlt"lgt,,1 that she is Il I'elltarkable womall, who had rcad IIlUI''), IleCIl 1II01'e, IIUlI thonght morc thall 1II0:;t wise IIIcn.Uel' work ubuullll:; in qnotatiol1ll fro III a dozell <1illcl'Cllt languages, 1I0t for the pUI'Jlu:;o uf It vaiu display (If cl'lIllitiuu, Lut to 11lIbstllutiatc herpecllliar ViOWH, * * * hel' 11l1g\lH al'o gal'llished witll foot-uGted odtaIJIiHhillg llli hul' alltlwritieli sOllie of the I'rofuulldullt writeI'd of the lJallt.1'0 II la1'go c111lill of readcl's, t lill roullll'kaLle wUl'k will pl"Ove of ausorLiug intlll·cllt. * * ". * J)elUalllLs the ClU'ne:;t attention uf thiukcrli, antillleritli 111I anulytie rClltli\lg."-lIo~to'lNventll!/ 'l'nmlcl'ipt.

.. :rhc 1l1'~l\'llllC~of eru,!ition is lS~upendonll. H.t,fel·cnce to allli (Il~otations fl'~1lI the IUOllt uuknown llnd o~:lCure w.citer:; i1~,al1la\l~~aged

abullnd, mtel'llllCrliCd With al1l1slUlIs to writers of tho lughest repute, willch hllve el'ldcntly been UIOI'C thall I:lkIllIlU~-d throngh. -N. J" 1,1­dependent.

"An cxtrclUely rClLdable allll llxhllUlStivo cll.'>ay "POII tlllJ parlUUoullt illlJlortance of re-elitaLIi:<ltillg the Hermctic l'hilolluphy ill awurld which blilHlIy Lelievtos tlillt it ha:; olllgl'OW/l it."-N. r. Wol'ld.

"Must l'lmULrkaLlc book of tho lieason."-Colll, .lclvel'ttsel'," To rCl1<1t,I'li whu havo Ue\'Cl' lIIade thcllIlICh'eli aC'lnllinted with tho literatnre of mystieilllll aud IIlchcmy, the volume will furoi:sh thu

llIatcl'ialli fur all i/ltel'elitillg :;tu<1y-a mille of cllI'iou:; inful'llmtion."-Hwllill!/ 1'011."They givo evideuce of much aud lUultifill'iUlUi 1'C>!earch Oil tho I'<u·t of the lIuthOl', aud cout<Lill a va::lt uuool.ler of intcl'csting titoril:ti.

l'''I'SUU~ fuud uf the 1ll1l1'\'olloUll will tiud ill the\1l 1lI1 abuudallce of outcl'l.ailllueut."-.I'. r. SUI/..

" A nHu'I'cllUllli 1>ook both ill Illlltter 1lI1lllllannul' of tl'oil.tmcut. SOIIIO idea may Le fOl'med of the I'arity and extcnt uf its CU\ltcutswhe\l the illtlo:.: alolle cOIllJll'isc:; tifty pages, alill wo "cntut'c 1I0tlJin:: in I>ayinq tltat ::Ilwh all iudex of :snbjeet>l was \lOVCI' IJefore cOlllpilod 1,yIlny huntan Loing'. • • • Hut the Louk iii ft cnrions OIiC IIml will 110 lloulJt linll itl'! way illto IilJmries l.lcclln~o uf tuo UnilJlIO lilll,ject IIIlLttu I'

It oOlltainl>,' • • will certainly provo attmeth'e to .111 who are illtol'e:;tClI in the history, theolugy llnd the my,'itel'iell of the ancient world."­.Du it!J aI'llpla·c•

.. The pl'esent work ill the frnit of her rcmftl'kaLlo COlU'lIC of educatioll, aud amply COnlil'lllS hoI' clailll:i tu thlJ chal'acter of au adept iu~ocre~ science, allll C\'eu to tho I'ank of a hierophant in the cXl)Qsition of its mystic Iure."---.I'. Y. 7.'riblllw.

. , ". One who re:uId the hook cal't:fnlly through onght to kno\\' ol'ol'ylhi!lg?f the. IUlu'I'ell,;,us and 1~)'::Itical.except, pOI'haps, the pa;j:;wonk• Idlli Will nll\ll'lelllellt the Auacal)·!,sls. 'VhocI'el' loveli to read Gotlfroy If Iggms \\'111 Lo dellghte!1 With Mme. lllavatsky. There i:s a greatredelllhhmco Jctwoeu their WOl·kli. Both hlLve tried hard to ttJII Ilve\'ythillg apocryphal 111111 apocalyptic'. 1t i:s elL"y to fOl'ecast th e recop­tiuu of thi:; L{lok. With it"! striking l'oculiaritieli, itll lIullotdty, it", vel'liiltility, llUlI the )lrodioious variety of liubjoets whieh it \lotice" mill,haudles, it i:; ono of the I'emal'kahl" (ll'Oductiou:s of the eelltury."--.\". r. lIerald.

.. Iu \lothing dueli Madalllo H1llvat:,;ky shuw hOI' wondel'flll ability in a more llI:trkod ,Iogree t1lilll ill Jwr ulSe uf the };u"liHh !anglla"o.Her :;t}'ltl i,~ :;illgularly vig,?roll", Jlorsl'iCllOUS ami pi'lIl'lUt. Her scholar?hil' is ,'aric,l alit! cOllll'n:hcusil",·. 111 llI~tapltYdiullt keeuue:;s Iii'!J4lhOWSIl polI'er that few writers of our day havtl llttllluod to. W lJ douht If )1'·d. LJWd:i (G~orgc Elliot), C<ill L~ callod her c(llial iu thisl'e:,;pect.Hur critical in:;ight is also !l\~Jst reullLrkaiJle.. It llOUllli luoro IiklJ all intllitioll!hll!l the 1·<Jdll.lt uf :itlllly, atlll yet ~Ilat Hh" h:ld Leon a pru­fl\ul1u ~tlldel1t the allthorltills \'tJfcrrud to II! her WllI·1.. ablllllbuU.y !Sholl'. 1> rom thc lilll:ellu~ns w.: h'll'c liUt'U uf It.'i pa"es we cau vouch furiLl al.llioriJing intorc!<t, aud f~1' tl,lC :;t!'eIlJtlL and fallcillatioll of thtJ titylc."--EpJ& SlI.ryewtt. :>

.. We ,10 not he:;itat~ tu Olo:prOdli tho opinion tlmt site Imi llI:ulo l\ goL\lant 1l11,1 1lI3:L'l\lmhly slieucs.'lflil oll'urt at elpcidatiug the 1ll0llt,1l!J:;orpillg aU11 illl)lortallt Jl~oLI"l'll'l life ~all .rll~lIi",lt: {f tho veil of. lllill has /Iut imleod h~llil 8Wllpt :twa)', at ItJilst so III1111y uf thu foldli ha\'~puen fCl!}OVel\ t1.mt we ILl'e all'l\'lIc<1a partmllll'llgl1t lIlto the Il1Yli~erlCs ~ull. st,lellllUl:s of thc Goddetili. If O!ll' author ha.'l Ilot achien'(llluII1llluestlolll111 trIUmph, whore sl1ch IL result would havc Leen speclILlly grlltlfymg, llhe hiLlllLt loa,t tho cOllsolatiuu of knowill" that :;he ha;j

'8ul'pagged all her predc::essors in A task, cOlllplete fa:Iul'u to ae hillVC whicb would have involved no hUlUiliiltioll She h~ l'r~uce<la uniwork, and it will becoule a classic!'-,sacramcllto Record-Union. . que






t, .... IL will supply It IOllg.felL national want-lhatofsomeonql.ll through which nativo schola~'s coulel make thclIl­SerVe!! fclL inlhc ElII'0PCll1I1l\1I1 AmcnCl\1I worlcl~ ofthougllt.No Hindu need ~hrink from comparing the intellectualmOllumcnts left by his :mcestors with those left by the}1ro<Tcnitors of any 'Vestel'll pcople. The worlel has ueverproJuced but olle Vedie philosophy. and tl.le !irst t~ fathomthc lIatul'C of the humau soul WI!r!! the UlslllS. SlIIce the'I'll m!;()I'li 1ST carefully abstains fmlll politicll. and its planis one of It Universal Brotherhood, it shoultl he welcomeelby every sect awl people throu~I.lOut the world: . AIIII allit recofTui7.es the Aryans as the lathers of all rehgwlls 31ll}

sciellc~, 11 indlls owc it their clltlllisiastie :mpport."-l·f,eAI/ll'ifn Ba:lIl·l'afl·i~·I/, (Ualcuttll) Heptcmhcr II, IH7!l.

" ......Though it takes the reader otl awl far away fromt he beaten paths of Westeru c1a,·lsics. few ('.'111 affonl 101II1llerrate the indicatiolls of thol"llugh sclwlarshil' allel(deetie philosophy with which several articles of thislIulI1ber are replete:'-llomuuy Review ftnd Indian Ad­!wtiJlCl·. October 4, IS7!1.

" ......The prc!«'lIt number is well got up allli contains alIIt1nber of excellent articles 011 the subject.s of Theosophy,Hpiritualism. &c The jUlI\'I1al promi:4t's to achi.,vemuch success amI pro""pcr:'-lndl'-Pl't"~((/I1t, (Bomhay)October 6. 1~79.

........The new periOtlical will probably obtain an I'X­tensi ve circulation amongst tile Nati VCR."-Statesmall.(Calclltta) Octobcr 7. IX7!1.

" ...... \Ve hlwe 110 space to tIn just.ice to /III the arliclesin the prescnt IIIl1nb(~r of the TII.Et)SIlI'HI~T. That it is acrcelit to its l'flJlI\oters, no one Will be IltSposcu to tleny.The <Tet-llp is excellent for a Bomhay presti. The TII~:IlS0·

I'IIIS;' shollid tinel many reatler:l."-1'he Intliun Speel·.llm·.(Bombay) October 12. IH7!I.

" ...... rt is needles.'l to point out that a monthly mnga­7.ine lIutler her (~lll\e Blavatsky's) auspices call1lot hiltbecome a peri01IicaI (If strong illterest fur the large anuvaried public Iyiug between tIle two religious extrcmes­atheistic materialism em the one side alltl simple orthodoxyon thc other.-1'he l'i.oneCl', (Allahabad) October 11, IH7!1.

" ...... We call ollly say tllis IIlllch here th/lt the isslle tohallli fully meets the expeetatiolls that were tonnetl ofit as to the matter it woultl COlltain. \Ve wish cn·ry suc­ccss to the journlll it so richly tleserves:·-....\ttli,·c Upi/lioll,(Bolllhny) Octohel' 2li. Is7!1.

" .... :.'I'he 'I'HEosul'lI1ST IIII1t1e its npl't'ar:lIlce, ll.'l pro­mised un the 1st of this month. nllt! anyone whose cmio­sity h;ls b~en ar~lIsL'11 hy th~ Illission.of Madame BI:l\'IIt.'lky1\,lId her fnellels 11'011I Alllenca, may fincl IIll1ch to mterestthclll ill Il perllsal of the variell contellts of tlte lIeWlllllgazille........-T/'e TimeI' 0/ Jndia. Octuber !ii, IX7!1.

........There is 1\ toile of elt·gance allli sdlOlarship IIb.,IItthe wlllIle of tllis pcriudical, which almoi'lt Icads Euro/I('anreaders to l'II\'y it.. The trallf;latiolls of the IlICliall sHcred,1tx;lImcllL-1 <rivclI have the aclvalltage of heillg rcvisellhy Hilllius '~Ild there is. accnrclillgly, a (Iccidetlly Oritmtallisped to the whok work. ",hidl e~(Jlltmstswith the attemptseert.aill (ll'rulllll Spt'culators have macle to Mce the Vedasthrou<Th the spectaclcs of Vaterlallli if 1I0t of, Vater. Allstlltlc~ts of Oriental lore ",110 have tlerivetl their ideasfmm the current philological treatises, which are, in fact.cllictty Illere dilutions of Schleicher, must pernse this workfor thelwlelves. and. if they have patience, ,,~ill be ableto umlerslal1(l for themseh'es how some Hindus accept alltho sncretl writings of the Ellst. A p,·riotlical of this11lILIIl'e beil!" publishcd at the present moment lUust aUraetsome uttention on the part of the intelligent Hinuu~. who(at least some of them) have 1I0t been altogether groulHItluwlI under the MallOlUcdanreligion of,tllc East. Htilltherc is not a word in this paper which is otlcnsivc to allYclass of theologillll~. Tt) show that it ill a thoroughly


learueu )lrOt\ucti,)u. it is mercly; necc~'Iarj to indicatE' tlultthe narne ai)pearih~ on t.he rover liS conductur is that ofH. l~. Blavatsky. the erudite author of "Il!is Unveilc.\,"alltl olle of the greatest living Orientalists. We wish thatthe Tflt:oSOI'lIIST did riot come out ns far off l\.'l Bombay:'1'lIblir Opinion. (Lorulon,) ~ovelllber 1879. r

........ It is somewhat strange Ihat the Yogn. philosophywith its mysterious ril,('H. which IUlIl almost die.1 in Irulilf,and whi ...h every ellucatetl nativo was tmlght to ridicu(f',should receive help from this, unexpected 'jlunter, alllipromise to rise again to be a dil!)luted question .........Butwhaten·r SUCCCl'lS the journal might I\ttain in nrrestillg theprogress of materialilull, or in gaillillg over luh'ocates to itl'lC:Luse, it is 1I0lle the less ccrtaill, that it sllllll prove 011

other grolllltis emincntly useful to our countrymen. Thelarge humanity it breathes in eVl'ry column. the UniversalBrotherhood it ndnlCl\tes. and the sympathy it extenu!'l toall classes of pe0r.le call1lot but make it popular and at thesllme time uRefu ......"-Nat.it·e, Upinion, November :m.1~79. '

H...... It is a. large, well-printed journal, full ofintere3t·illg reluling, much. of it, contributed b,Y nali \'ell of India.alltl atlimlillg an ilisight into' the relIgIOUS thought of thefar gll.'lt "-Tlte Spirif//alill/, (London) October :)1, 11\711. I

" 'Ve greet our contemporary as a Illlble foe, alltlwish it all success in the domain of utility: ....:·- 'nePltilnllop/tir- hl'l'tir,r, (~t:ulras) .Jallunry 11. IxSO.

" The TH~:OSOI'H1HT ha.'3 now 11IIIJiveti tho necessity fora friendly notice from its older cOlllcmpornrieH. But wehave takell sllch illterest in it from the begillnincr of it9carcer, it 11lI~ so wcll justiliecl 0111' interest. that :e Ileed110 eXcuse for returnlllg to it for the fourtll time. '1'110

current (Jlul\lary) number is t~emillg with topicsofpecIIliarndlle to the ll\(lophile in sciehcl'. art,alHI philosoph)', ,while to him who' realls ll.'l he. fl!I\S.: its colunlus OptJll upfresh avenueR of thought winch, lIke so many new .lis- ,coveries, fill him with ~Il\el 8urprisell amI telld to expand ,.hill narrow visioll. }n this rellpect the estnblishment of tho.TIH:OSOPHIST marks a new era ill the history of modernAryavart; and every truc Aryall heart will lwat in unisollwith this expres.'lioll of our sincere hope that the 'I'll ~:o­

SOI'II\ST may ha'"e a 101lg. prosperous and u8cful career.. :'Bom.bny &'oUlt) and [Ilt/ialt Ad!·rdiscr. Jall111\ry 17, 18S0.

" The l<'ebrttary Humber of the 'f1H:OSOI'IIIST has jUlit '"heell puhlished, Imel it is perhaps the most. illtercsting forthe lovers of mystical lore of any of tlte lleries........ :'l'!te Bombay Gazcfle. Febnrary :1. 18S0.

HIts Iist of' acldi tiOll:LIllubscribeI'll' th rows a lllllQ of golllcnhealth over the colun1lls. of this luonth'R '1·IH:OSUPIWIT.'1'1" t' I' t 'I~I r f I I' • . II'liS IS .'Ill IS ac ory.' IC wast () gOOt t llllgs wILl"which this lusty caterer monthly pro\'iJes the public 11Il~" ,Ieceived acee..'lsion of l'Iltength :\IIel savour fmm a Parsi alltla Moslem contribnt{jr. .Thi~ too is satislilctorJ·........­1Jul/I[,(/!/ Ht'/'iclo ami lndiall Allvel'i iHel', Fehruary 7, J1'11'10. ,t

" ..... .'1'ho husy TlieosophistK IIlLVe alrcllAly created ~

wide interest ill their doings.....-1'lte H(Il'bi tI!Jer of Li!J/t~(~l[elboUl·lle). March 1, 1~~0. .

........As regards the ubject iu view ill coming to Ini/i'f(we Clmllot see thllt any other rcsult but gooo can coll1-:1\of hOliest elHleavollfs to bring about a hettel', ~ c1os('intimacy ill thought, word and nction between the variolraces to be found in the Ell!!t, especially betwccn' itgovcrning allel the governed. We btllieve most silJ(:erctliat by far the larger portion of the evil that is at w~in Ollf possessions in the East. may be attributed to tl\ .wiele gulf whioh separatcs the Eur;,pean ftorn theNlltiv~-'l'he ClWlolt 1'imca, Jlllle 5, lSHO. ,:".... "

":rhc Ttn:osormsT. for, ){ay is tapidly iiJcrc88ing i,mcnts as a hlgh-clas.'l lItemry orgal1 ......We b\arvel at to ebeaH~y Hnl! a.ccuracy with which tl.ill magazine is edit~d,. 'PI/bite artmQlI, (London), June 12, 1880. . '.) .

------------------------------- ~._-'-~---~